The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 01, 1862, Image 1
a The Comm in publiahed every Monday moining, by Hart“ 3». Snnu, at $1 75 per innum' ifxpaid strictly m Amman—s 2 00 pér annum if not paid in advance. No Jubwription discontinued, unless at the option of the publisher, until all arrearges are paid. Anvznnsunxrs inserted at the usual rates. Jon Eusnsa done with nescnm nod dispatch. . Cure: in South Baltimore street. directly oppmite Wamplers’ Tinning Establishment -—“Coupn.}:r{Pnn"nxc Orrlc: ” on the sign. Gettysburg ALE AND FEWALK , ' BI “ENGLISH A: CLASSIC “SYNTHE— -71“. next Session will open ’on the FIRST 0? M-IPTE-IMUI'IR. 18'12 and continue tilllhe Friday before the 25m of December. The accommodations have been calm-god. nnd the course of study arranged so u to em brace three yours, as follows: FIRST YEAR—English Grammar, Geogra phy, Arithmetic. Algébrn, History, Wltls on the .‘llnd. Familiar Science, Rhetoric, Latin hnd Greek. , SEPUND YEAR.—Al.gebm:(‘.cometry, Bhet» oric, lliatory, llodge'a way of Life, Tlench on the Study of Words, Alexander’s Evidence of (‘hriqtiunityy Natural Philosophy, Palcy’n Na— tuml Theology. Zonlon, thin and Grefik. THIRD YEAII.-—-Rhetoric,(Whuel_\-’l)Geom etry, [lntellectual Philosophy, Alexander'lMonl Scienop, Geolqu. Physical Geogmphy, Zoo lngy. Phynialngy. Botany, Natural Philosophy. .Ammnmny, Chemistry, Latin And Greek. CompoziliOn and Elocution taught during the whole course, Those who complete the mum: will rot-viva certifiratel equal to n dllllomfl. and will he mnsidered graduates of the lnetitution. l’rinteanr-ngements can be nmde for instructions in the Clnssics, by those who cnnnol, take the full course. Ladies fwm 1L dialing; will he tequired to board at the Institution. (lentlemcq' can board At priint) houses approved by thefrincipnl; and will be requimd to eonl‘nrm «trictly to the luvs and regnlntihnq oi the lnnimlinn. TERMS 01-"TUITJUh' FOR THE SESSION. Englislinnd ClnfiFlCfl, » Slo 00 English alone in the regular course, 8 00 Suhglnn nntJirepun-d for the first , _wnr 3 studies of the course, 6 00 No rednrtion for nlwcnr'e unless prevented hy sirkntu.‘ Hills RPM when pa) men: is u pectrd. , Stndcnu Sllnl'm! he in attendance at the mmmcm-e‘ment ot'lhc Sessinn.‘ - Pfirlinl armngrmexiti have been made In serurr- n Tun-Ivor ta give instructions in MI'SIC and DRAWLVG. which will be completed, eimuhi tho xgnnts n! the Scimnl require an ini‘lructnr in the Urnm’ue'nnl Branches. W‘Fur lmrLicumrs Address. “EVE. WM. McEL\\'HE. Principal, Aug. 4, [862. ml Gettysburg, Pa , DR. WM. B. lIURD'S DENTAL REMEDIES, ‘ 11}: THE BEST I\' THE WORLD, ’le'm‘m FINE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, Q > Asn 1 (‘I’RYN'G TymTHAFHE AND NEPRALGH. , Do you win}:- In ha hie-son! with and admired for J'xunm‘ Wm“ and Sound Teeth? ('5B Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Unrivalled Tooth Powder. \vnrrnnwd free (mm acid, ulkn‘i, or am Injurious substhnce. Prrce 25 cents per lm‘x. ' ‘ @newnre of xho grdinnry chenp Too'h I’nwdcrs.‘whirh whim-n but destroy. . Du you wist tn bororluin thnr ynurnREATH iajpure. nun-t. nnnl Iwrt'enlvle tn lmfihan‘d or ‘.‘i|'t-. lnvcr nr‘frivnll "‘ 139 Dr. Hurd’s Cel-_ fibrated Mouth Wash. Price 37 ct-nlslmr I-mfle. , ‘ Thiq luring-cm wnsh i 1 ah.» the host remedy in the uorh} fur (‘.-mkor. FLU! Breath. Bleeding Gum: Sore .\lnnlh. No. It lmnrurml Imntlrcv‘s'. 4 I)" um or iourcl'ihlrcn sufl'cr from'l‘UUTlL Arm?" t ez Dr. Hurd’s Magic Tooth~ [who Dropc, l’riro I 5 rout! [tor lumle. . Arl- vuu limit-(ed _“ith .VHURALCYA? CM 3am W. B. Hurd’s Neurnlgia Plaster-9. ‘ I won cfl‘n-L‘live and delightful remedy 4 krmu‘n. . . v Tm-v 7h nnt xdhr‘e nor Mint-r, hut loathe nnrl rhmm [min nwnr. Trv vhem. Price 18 Km! :17 m-nts. .\lnilcd on rem-3m of prior. I'm you whh ‘ll romploto $9! of DEVTAL I‘.E\H-‘.DH~IS‘ 11nd a Trp'lticv 0n Prc‘nvrvinz Tram" m 2 Dr. W.’ B. Hurd's Dental Treagu'y, thP neav‘sf. and moat, VallU‘\hlß~ yum-m. tlmt one erngllcnu make 16 nnntner. ‘ l'i-irc‘Sl. 3- nt hvj-li'fifiwa 0'! recyipt of pl'it'n. For sale u the chLA mores lhyoughout the cnumr‘y (‘Al'+l(\X.—-As there nm‘ dealers who take nui wyuagufiof onr ndvortiscFénu to impose ulmn flwir customer: inferior Fepnrfllioni, it is n!- vo-wu'}: to insist upon having whnt you onl! tor. and you will an ‘hu-z mast, 'thorimghly nun-:1. :tnd prcpnrod by an experienced and Himnifir‘lh-nlid. Treasurer Qf the New York Slntl- Dvnlin‘: .\um-imion'. 9nd Vice President of the New York Cigy Dental So'ciezy. ' _ Address“ ;. ' _W“. B. HERD & CO., Igew ank July 21-, H 162. Dél‘. 2. I] ’ WGET THE CHEAPEQT AXD BEST?“ . The “Wllllams 82 Orws” INEQI'SIJfi-ID $25.00 Dl)l'Bl.E THREAD I FAMILYPSEWIXG MACHINE Z—The ” \\'illinms k Orrin " Sewing \lacliiue has been ‘ in the market nonrly lonr years, duringkwluch time it has acquired a reputation éecnnd to chat nf no when in the amrlll. _For ekcellenve. rlm‘uhility and elegance of finish fie! unsur— passedfdfile fur chenpness. rim licity. elulSe )ml nnis'elesmessl of anion, it has ueVer' been equihlleul. We wurrnfl the “WilLillms & Orrin” . to be equal in every respect and {superior in ‘nmuy to {my $5O machine now in use. It make; _the double—loop stitch nnd will run, trem, gather. tuck, fell and embroider. and do . fill the work that can he done on any Family Sewing Machine ever mml‘e ! i , mklnchinel forwarded by Express with full dire'ctious for using,pnyable on delivery. , 'Wflvcryfhlachine warranted and kept in repair one your without clinrg'fl. ‘ @An Agent wanted in every mwn'nnd 'egunty in .tllis State 'enrt of the Allegheny mountains. ' fi-chlose sump for terms and circulars. Address, G. 8. JONES & 00., (Box 889) No. ‘5O North sth EL, below Arch, July 28, 1862. 4: Philadelphifs. Spectaclés, Spectacles. JOSEPH BEVAX, sign of the Watch and Specmcles, in Que diamond, hm! now on ‘hnnd n large nasortmeut“of Gold, Silver nnd “fieel Spectacles, and is prepared to suit all who ‘- 11 mm him will] a. call. N. 8. Cash paid fo’r old gold arid silver. Jung 2, 1862. _ new (Restaurant. * ~ HE undersigned has opened a Restaurant, :Qhe corner of York andhLiberty streets, etgysburg, where he will keep everything in the eating line in Season—Mso Ale, Lnger,»and Cider, Sega“, Tobacco, &c. He is likewise fitting up n‘ Saloon for Ice Cream at the same pla'ce. He bbpes, by attention to business and a desire to please, to receivts liberal share of custom. HENRY W. CHRISMER: __llny :5, 1862. ' - ‘ HE attention of the Ladies is reSpechuiiy T invited to a. large and splendid assortment 0! Ladies' fine Kid and Morocco BQOTS and SLIPPERS-fiLasting Gaiters, Am, ya, at April 21. R. F. McILIIENY’S. URE BRANDY, '\VINE AND WHISKEY, for m‘eflmrml purposes only, at the New Drug Store of Dr. R. HORSER. PURE , GROUND‘ SPICES, selected ‘ and giound expressly for Dr. ROBERT 150 R . Drug Stare. O-GOUNTRY MERCHANTS—The under- T ifgued bu Essences and Perfumeries of all than wholesale and retail, all which he is selling very cheap for cash. Call and ex amine them and make your selections. Julie 30, 1862. ‘ _V H. IL CARR, Agent. 1130513? Elly cunt pictures are securely gnled. - ‘yscus' fifty cent pictures are water proofg Tylods‘ fifty cent‘plctures are entirely dumb! Tysons’ fifty cent pictures are unsurpassed. Tysonc’ {my cent pictures In mmnted. Jyunfl‘. fin; can picture. am put. up in largo 1‘8! .A IW9; ‘ . _ L, {L‘fifiki‘lté‘ifl' ‘ ' 4 _gm nmmmmamm. ”I I ‘ , : ‘ g i ‘ ' . I i? i ‘ r*-:":'::~31-‘: ‘&}?W g v ‘fi‘/h :; If .2; Ml% ”3%.. 1;} k V\7U v u ~ a < I:‘§,4_‘ A 'a Br H. J. STAHLE; 4:41311 Year- flifizellanwufi. REGULATIONS FOR THE ENBOL KENT E DRAFT 01' THE flILITIA. ADJFTAN'I GlnlAL’s‘Onmz, Wm Damn-Inf, Washington. 3 P. Mu} , August 9, 1862. Gaunt. Olnnps No. 99.-—Regulntin for the enrollment and draft of three hu drc-d thousand ,militia. in pursuance of prder by the President of .the Unit Slates, bearing date Augutt £1862, wher by-it in proposed that a draft of three bu dred thousand militia. be immediately cal ed. into the service of the United States, ‘ serve for nine months. unless sooner di charged. and that the Secretory of WW Ihall misign the quotes to the States. an establisgnlexulation- for the draft". 1:1 that if y State chall not by the 15th ‘I Auguqt furnish its quota of the addition three hundred thouannd volunteers nutho izml by law, the deficiency of voiuntee in that Suite 511311 also be made up special draft from the ihilitin, and that tl Secretary of War shall establish reg lations for this purpose. It is ordered—x 'mz stun rn rrnxmn main Qi‘ons ' ronrnwmr. . ' Fir‘slfi—The Gavel-non of the respeijti Stnfés will proceed forthwith to furhi Umir‘ erective quntu of the three hu died llml’nand militia called for bv t nrtlpr Of ”10 Prosident, dated 4th day Auzm. 196‘), which quotas have ‘: furnixlml to the Gavel-no l rmpectivefy . cnmfimnicutinn Imm this department thin «late aqcnnlin‘g to the regulation: hen . furth sPt forth. ' R 25! 21““! TO BE DESIGNATED &mr_nl.’i’—Tha Governors of the sow Nam: aro horahy requmted forthwith 1 dphignau- rnnilézvouq fm- glue drafted mi tia ‘nf Rlid States. and to appoint onl mnndnnh then-tor. and tn notify the zl refary of War of the locatimis of such re drzvnus a u] Hm yinmns of the commnn' anti: and it is imimrl'ant that the rende vnm slmnlvl be few; in number, and locnt’. with a view to cpm'enience bf trons” union. ‘ - E KBOMAHLVT. T/zirtl.—Th(‘ Governnrs of tho regpeoti State: will came an "enrollment. to be ma‘ fnrthwith hy the. ssxesmrs of the save mumim, or by any other ofliN‘rF. to I mur‘nintnd‘iny such Gofirnnrs. of all ab, i-mlierl male citizons between the ages 15‘ and 4") within the rospective cnufi‘iu givilla the nnme. age and ocoulmtion I e minft'rfiznther with rpmnrks showman-hot n- he ii in the sol-vice of the United Statl ,e‘o, rind in what onpaéity. or any othl fur-ts which may determine his oxemptil fmm military duty. All remmnnhle a. pmpnr expnnues of such enrollment, and I the draft hereinafter provided, will I vroimhnrsell by the Unitvd States. n i vnuchersgxshmv‘ng tha detailed statorri nffinrvicr‘ pertnrmpd and expenses incurr approved liywuvh Govornofi. “ARV!!! 0F DRAFTLVG Fourth—“'ll”? no provision is mad?’ law in rmv State for car-.ryi [2 into eff! the draft ordered, br where éfich pmvisi 1‘ ’nre in any manner defective, such dr shall be conduoted‘as foilnws: ' . l FILING TEE LISTS I. Immodiately upon completion of :1 ~nrnllmont, the lists of \enrolled; pe » film" he filed in the offices of lilé shei bf Hm oonnfies in which such enro persons rmida. 1 . cnrsn’ SFPEIIYTESDEVT. ‘2. rl‘he Governor‘s of ihe sever-.l] Stu «hull appoint a mmmissionnr f 0: - county of. their ros'poofive 3mm, wh duty it shall he to supnrimend the draft and lmnr aim! determine excueeq 01' pers filniming tn he exempt. from military (111 Such commissinner shall 1‘ Five 11 c pflnentinn of four dolinri perégliem for 9' day he may be Actually employed in discharge of his duties as _sueb .l misfioner. . . l ' EXEVPTION. 3'. The enrolling officer shall immw‘i ly, upon the filing of the enronm notify said commissioner that said 1 have Men sf: filed. and the commissio slmll tliqreupon give: notice» by handb posted in each tnwnship of his _countl the time and place at which claims of pmptinn will be "waived and determi ' by him. and shall fix the time to be a ’ fled in the order aforesaid within ten di of the filinc‘of the epmliment at which 2 draft shal‘. be made‘. and all persons cla m in; to be exempt from military duty ah . 11, before the day fixed for ‘the draft. mtlkp proof of suEho exemption lhefore said coni missinner, and if found sufficient, his nubile shall be stricken from the list by a red line drawn through it. leaving it still legible. The commissioner shall in like manner strike from the roll the names of all per. son: now in the military service 'of the United States. ‘All telegraph operators and constructors actually engaged on Aug. 5. 1862; all enzineers of locomotiveimn railroads; the Vice-President of the Uni ted States; the officers—judicial and exec utive—of the Government of the United States; the members of both Houses of Congress and their respective officers": all custom-house officers and their clerks; all post officers and stage drivers who are em ployed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the post nflice of the United States : all ferrymen who are employed at any ferry or post road ; all marines actuslly employed in the sen service of any citizen or merchant within the United States: all engineers and pilots of registered or licens ed stenmbonts and steamships, and all persons exempted by the laws of the re spective States from military duty, on suffi cient evidenze or on personal knowledge that said persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether the exemption is claimed by them or not. Exemption will not be made for disability unless it be of such permanent character as to render the person unfit for servxce for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a sur get-n appointed by the Governor in each county for this purpose. nun-ma. 5. At the time fixed as before provided by the commissiener for making the draft, the sheriff of the county. or, in his absence, such person as the commissioner may 4p point, shell, in the presence of said oom missioner, publicly place in a whee! or box of like character to such were need for drawing jurors, separatelyafoidedflbal. lots, containing the names of all persons remaining on said enrollment list: not stricken ofl‘ as before provided, and a pro per icrson appointed bfi the commissioner, and lindfoided,shailt eréizpon draw m .epigl hex er wheel a number of Ballots 1131 to the number gfdraflied meu’fixed byfthe A DEM©©RATUQ AND FAMULV aD©U Governor of each State as the proper quota ofsuch county. NOTICES or n: m m m. sznvzn. 6. A piinted or writton notice of his en rollment and draft. and of the pine?» of rendezvous of the drafted military force, shall thereupcn be served. By a person to be appointed by the commissioner, umn omhrperson. army leaving it at his fast known place of residence. , _spnsnrcns. 7. Any person so drafted may offer a substitute nt the time of the rendezvous of the drafted militia force, and. such substi tute, if he shall be an able-bodied mm. between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Ind shall consent in viriting, with the éonnent of hi: parent or guardian. if a minor, to subject himself to all the duties and obli-I gations to which his principal would have been subject had he personally served“ 3133]] be acoeptmljn lieu of and; principal. 4ssunnmé AFTER nu mun, 8. Th: persons thus drafted shall assem ble at the countv seat of their respective enuntjes within five’ days after the time of dmfling. whence transportation will be furnished them by the vaernors of the several Slates to the place of rendezvous. OBG'AWIZATION 0P 1'“! DIAYTID 9. As soon as the draft. has been made and the names marked on the‘enmllment list, the commissioher will send a copy of the draft to the commandant of the ren dezvous. and another (lan of the same to the Adjutant Grnfl‘ill of the State. Who will immediately organize the drafted men into companies and regiments of infnnlry. bysssigning 10! mm to each company. and ten companies to each regiment. and send a copy of the organization to the command ont of the rendezvous. REGIYEXTAL OFFICERS 10. At the expiration of the time allowed for the drafted men to ram-h the ramifi vous. the commarlglant shall proceed to complete the orgnilization of the oompm nies and regimenti by proclaiming the name of the regimental éommissinned offi cers, which shall he designatml in arcord ance with the laws of the ri-spnctive States, the number and grade being the name as in thn’volunteer service. and in case the laws of anv State nhnll pmyidé for an el9O - of ofi-lr‘ers they shall be echted under the direction of the mmmnnrlant of the rendezvous, and re‘pnrted forthwith 10 the Gnvernors_ of such ’States. in order that: [hay mav be cnmmiheioned. and the non commisxloned may ‘be appointed either he~ fore. or Ant”? muqtr-r, an the colonel of. the regi‘nent shall decide. ‘ . , IL'S'I'I'R Roms. . 11. As soon as the officers of the-corn pnnies and regiments are desjgnnh-d, the muster‘roll shall be mmln out under the direction of the commandant of the ren dezvous, and thq troops inspectml and mus tered into the servk‘e of the Unith States by the mustering officer appointed for that purpose. , ’ nuusrnsxfs m‘ row“. 12. X 1: States wlmrp‘nniistments have been made by municipalities and towns.‘ instead of cnunfim, thin. Goverrinrs of hurh States are authorized to 'npp!y the ,fnrvgm ‘in}: rules of draft to such municipalities and towns, imtcad- of counties. ‘ v of. I]! , ft Pnomlfir “mun. Li/‘M.—Promat Mnnihnls will he appoint‘ ed by the War Ik-pnflment in the seven; States. on the nomination nf the Gown-nor: thereof, with such ilsfiistanls as may be ne cessary. to enforce the attendance of all drnfted persons who shall fail to attend at such places of renszvnus. FONSOLIDA‘HGN (I? SKELETOV RIGIVEVTS SLrlh.-—-In casa any State shall not: by the 15th day of Alluuwtffurniah its quota of the additional 300,000 volunteers Called for hy' the President on the Qd‘dny of July. 1362:, unless otherwise .Oldefed. all incomplete "gimonts shill then be oonsolidatml. under the direction of the Gnvérnom of the re spective Statesnayd an additional llrnft shall belmnde, as béfom provided: sufficient to fillupsuch qunta; the number tobedmfted froh: each county of the State to- be fixed by the Governor thereof. ‘ N 0 NIW VOle‘S'l'llß lEGIMENTS Seventh—From and aftpi- the 15th day of Au at, no new regiment: of volunteers wilfube organized; but the premium, boun ty, nna advance pay will continue to be paid to those volunteering to go into the old regiments. . "st/I er Us I of By oidnr of tho: Secretary of War. L. THOMAS. Adjutant General __._ - - on» k—« - APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNITED EN! STATES. 1 The following is the apportionment of tliie militia to be draftbd into the service of the United States governmentunder the recent requisition of the President, for 300,000 mili. tiamen from~the several Stat“, as followd: Pennsylvnn'a. 45,321; New York, 59,705; Ohio. 36.858 ; Illinois. 26,148 ; Mnssachuselti. 19.080; Indiana, 21.250; Wiscnmin, 11.904; Virginia. 4,650 ; Vermont, 4.898: Rhod‘e 1a1and.»2,712 ; Cnnnet‘ticut,'7.l4s; Delaware, 1.720 2 1nwn,10,570: Mnine.9,69o; Maryland, 9,532.- Michigan. 11,686; Minnesota, 2,681: New Hampsilifl’. 5, 053; New Jersey, 10.- 478; Missouri, 8,721; Tennessee, 4,890; Kan sas, 1,710. ‘ Tr-m'ble Indian Hostilitim in Minersola.—ST. PAUL, Mun, August 23.—1 t is estimated that five hundred whites have been murdered by the Sioux Indians in this State. Mr. Fre mer has returned from a visit. mnde in dis guise as an Indian. and reports that the in habitants have been murdered in their houses along the rond. He recognized the dead bodies of the Hon. J. R. Brown and family. eighteen 'in all. At Beaver Creek fifty families have been massacred entire.— He believes that all the missionaries among the Indians have been killed. He brought a note from the commander of Fort Ridgely, asking for reinforcements. He was then besieged by two thous Ind Indians. who were making attacks every hour. night and (lay. The gnrrison was exhausted and almost de cimated when Fremer left, and all the wooden buildings about the fort were burn~ ing. Ex-Governor Sibley is marching to the relief of the garrison with 1,200 men, Ind would reach there on Sunday, but it was feared too late to save the garrison.— The St. Paul Pioneer thinks the Sioux have been induced to commit these outrages by secessionists nndindmns from Missouri. Fugitives froni Currior and Sibley coun flies report that the towns of St. Peter, 1 Henderson and Glenco have been burned. New Q7unterfei!.—A new and dangerous altered one-dollar note on the Bank of Dela ware County, Chester. Pa.. has made its ap rance. Peterson's Detector sends the mixing description of it: 815 altered—l vig. an eagie poised on a shield, cars, etc; on right end a girl gleaning and fi 1; on left, emnlp sound near gain, holvfing In eagl'e and the Stars and Stripes. V,A.H.‘ . ‘ , . . i 'r‘." . ><'_,..., . . .. .. ~.-.—.... svmwmwuwkm 9.»; \vummm‘wmwn'w‘m ~~~mmmmm ~..—... mm, ~..”..Mn. ..fl—w- a.» awn...» rm. v. V, . w 5..“, . ~. ~,- ‘7.7‘__,,___ “.... A’ <0 ‘ .’..»gr -"‘- . ,‘,'-?M“lv“" ~12; ‘5; k... t Wain-z .: a; 9‘l "7 , j-zv'v‘ff‘" "7V»;".'“.""':‘”"” ”T ”.‘.. ',r-"V’T'Pr'; ~.. »-..1 .> ...... ”NT—“my :_., . V V 1‘ ..,...” r ""7: V A‘V f.‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ _f 1’12”“ " .9, one"; mg 74% ' * ~ ’ ‘ n k“ u‘ ' GETTYSBURG, PA.-, MONTJAY, SEPTEI, I'. W. Hughes, Esq., to Secretuy Sew- I The followingzimpbrtant correspondence Setween Francis W. Hughes, Esq" Chair man of the Dem‘bcratic Stale Central Com mittee, and Secletary Seward, will be rend with interest by Mao citizens of Pennsylve mu: , , LE'I'I'ER OF MR. HUGHEg. Hnnonnnuoi n: Duocu'ncSni-t Clx'rnLComm-ru or PIKN’A.. j PHILADE'LPFIA. Angus} 14. 1862, lion. ‘VILLIAI H. Szwum. Secretary of State: Dear Sin—With some hesitdtion. I take the libertyfof enbl‘osipg to you three documents. viz: The Address of the De moeratic State. Central Cummittee, of this State : an Addreé thia‘day issued by myself, as Chairman. and the form of a can for a great Mass Meetmg, about. {a be held in this city. '-, J Allow me to day that tho’addreus nfthe committee has been much mailed by lead ing and influentihl jourrinlsl. conducted by those who claim to beyour polltical frihnds. The denunciation haS‘been m decided as to pronounce it (rehanable. Whether or not. it is treasonnble, you can best delen'nine if you read it. Ibis lefigthy and may take up too much of: our Limerbut the address issued by myselffythiwlny. is compgntivgly short. and as it :atntei positions su cienfly to determine the‘ chnmcterpf ch? formfl‘. it. rill relieve you bf lab?!- if you will read the alter. ’ 1 . As the addrmfofthé Committee as well as that, by myself, as Chtirlgnan, are both from my own pen. I‘should; b‘e‘ar the greater part of whatever repmach ‘ houid attach to their publication. Still, alfow me tonSsure you that they contain the sentimen s of not less than three hung’lred lhomand of the men of I’onnsvlvnnid. and I heliev of over'one million of men in the;centrn‘l S rites of New York, Ohio, - lniliana‘ and. Illihois. I will. add. too. that l‘believe tllerei in no other million ofmen in the whole couhtry ofmore devoted patriotism and loynlty. I will add, ton; thatl believe this million of men will, amid political changes. remain patriotic and loyal. :Il'you will roml one or both of the enolbsml imldressos. and. if. in. connection with the‘fucts l‘ have stated in regard to their supporteh‘. it will stimulate you or serve yod in tiny degree m promote an policv on the part of thc‘ Admini~tration of President Lincoln tio put‘dmvn the demon of ’Abolitionism; my fsole object in addres sing you this (perhaps; yu-esumptuom) note, shall be more than hhunthhtly attained.— At all events. rest assured thht I address you with the profound respect due your high personal and official character: 3 ‘ F. \\'. Uncut-s‘. RFSPONSE OE‘SECRETA RY SEWABD To F. W. llL‘qnts. tE‘q" :Hentl-qufrrters of the Democritticfitntd Control Committee of Pennsylvania. Philntjelpliin—Dehr~Sir:—-I have had' the honor of receiving your letter of the 14th inktant.‘ together with three papers to whichtit refers. two of them being appeals written: by yourself. and. addressed by the Democratic State Central Cnmmittec “to the Democrats and all other friends of the Constitution in Fenmylvanin," and. the other being n roll for a mnss meeting ofthe citizens of Philadelpltig'theobiects ofwhich meeting will bet ”to exprém a firm purpose to stand by the main tenanoe of the Natinnnl Constitution with deyo’tion to the American Union,” and, fortl‘er. “to declare hostility to the policy anjd easuros‘of all who seek to prostitute 4hr: duntry to the pin-roses of Abolitionism‘, n'd formal ly to express the intention of th‘ Democratic parly~to do as it has always inflict-to done. namely to support the Federdl Government in the ex ercise of its Constitgutionnl power and to defend it, at whatever peril, against the in aidious and treo'sonnhlo teachings of Aboli tionints." i -, ‘ ~ ‘ ¥ _ You tell me thnt same influential journals, conducted by 3 litfical friends of mine. connure one of theme; papers as treuonable, and that. the others? are conceived in the same spirit with the one which in sq harshly judged. You desire me to read them and weigh them for mySelt‘. You further inti mates hope thnt thefpemsnl of the papers will have the efl'ect‘o producing ejxertions on my part to induco the President to favor o policy to put. down the demon of Abolition ism. « . ‘ ~ I have rénd Qhe documents thui submit— ted to me, with a; high respect (for the authority by which they are issued, and with a. full confideuo'e in the sincerity of the de votion to the Union which as their author, you have avowed. ‘ You will allow me‘to say that. this nation is now engaged, not in a. political canvass between opposing parties about qnmtions of civileadministtation. but in a civil war} carri on_by 0‘ 'mg armies on on iuue o ‘ national life armhu - I! the revolution prevail there will be no questiéns ofadministmtion left to settle.— If it fail there will be time enough to settle all such questions. Lam not to dictate a course for others to pursue in thin crisis. But I may say for my self, that neither as a public officer. nor as a citizen, can Iknow with favor or disfavor. parties among (he supporters ofjhe United States, any more than I can make I. distinc tion between factions which uniw in aiding the Rebellion. A nation. like an individual, can do only one thing effectually at one time. It can not wisely turn aside from the chase of the fearful demon of Disunion. to pun-me any inferior demon, whether imaginary or real. . I think that the wrangles which occurred among the Crusaders nhou: their respective creeds. when they sat down to the siege of Jerusalem, werejust as rational and just 34 wise as disputes about Abolition would now be in the Army of the Potomac in from. of Richmond. What is unwise in the camp at such a moment, cannot be wise in the Cabinet or in the assemblies ofthe people. lam occupied here either in mediating between differing parties and jealoun sects, or else in watching or counteracting [hein trigues of traitors in Europe. But 1 some times think that if, instead ofbeing charged with these duties, I were at liberty” you seem to be. towns the country in my own way. I could make an appeal to Democrats and Republicans. Abolitionists and slave holdera in behalf of our distracted country that would bring the whole people at once under arms, and send trenqon red ing back into the den of darkness from whence it sprung; I do not know how this Would be, nit I do know that if "nuts I: non-n an mu. PRIVAIL." IHPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE. ard. RESPONSE OF MR. SEWARD Dmunuasror S‘IJ'ATI. WuanP-TON.I , _ ~ 5 All’Nust 19th. 136%. I were in your place, I shoul try. I am. very res ctfuny. your obedie’ft servant, WILLM‘); H. stnn Prorrl the Patriot & Uni RETURN OF THE PUBL EDITORS.-EHTHUBIA TION. > , When Galileo was throw ‘ neon of the inquisition f the here-y that (he world ' pared in he em- of one of moves. nevertheless.” The editors of the Patriol and U god from their homes and b the 61h ofAugust, and un . cort mken to Washington a a military prison. It is_n9t to revert to the can”; it is that lfkor being incarceraled “ing of the find. they ohm; ‘at which no charge Was p . accuser appeared, and that h? in an immediate honorflz the pbrsons composing th knewledging the arrest to : upon frivolous groundi. , Returning to their homes;,hey eljose Sat,- urday evening as‘ the tim, {to maid any manifestations on the part 0 their riends, but their intentinn of return 2 tin s quiet ly waa'frustrated by one o the t flute tering receptions. The cat hnd czircely’ reached the depot, and the: nnnu cement been made that the. party It arrivfid. than they were surrounded by fri pds, w 0 made the welkin ring with enth tic cheers.— In u very few moments th crow . which wujmall [it first. swelled i hun reda: a procession was formed whi ese ted the exxles totheir homes, Both! itleso Market street were lined with ladiesi nd ge tlemen. and the men who wentoutéthe city under an escort of soldiers, retyfned amid the plaudits of the men, and the wgving of llamlkerehiefs by the lmlie '- > ‘ Arriving rrt the house of l. MnolDowell. the crowd, which mint now we ndmhered nearly a thousand men. led I nin for thatgentlemnn, when he m "ted esteps and addressed then] as fol ws, in}; fre— ‘qluently interrupted by the' tasty iferous Ac neerinz‘: , . Frirmlmmd Hlbww'ti':rns:,rlon th (ith day, of August, at an hour's notice. e were marched from this city linger an snort qf gleaming hnyonets to the hm] Iron} tlrénce taken to shin on éity, where we were imprisoned. ithou a. heat-- ing. for sixteen days. fgr_w bye-us p I will nét nnw state. as you all kn s u._ hrough the interce‘sion of Friends, :f d o‘m‘Sown ex- anions. we sdcured a Imari g lasttvening at 6 o’clock. when, strange I say. j :- mire mnfronted by nb acouseryno mm lhpre eveh acharge made against us. ‘ , hP pretext un. on which go ws-re arrested as ’ st. sum marily disposed of. nn-l‘nn hanggble dl5- chnrge zivon m. [Applau ..] Although martifyiqg as‘ was 0 lmve home Mvwe did, and' unju“ as t ewhob nrreflt was, gbisspontaheo v welcome mnre than cnmpehmgos for all we ntlnr. l. or the indignities we suffered. [ )plpu ] This is the proudefitdmur of mj ife. t proves tlm’t we have the endorse nt_n our l?- lnw-oitiznnn. [Cheers and sppla e.) Kt allows that they have a 3le g app ecmtinn of constitu‘tiorial liberty. an are n nosed to crushing out the freedom qpeeol or muz zling the prml De'stmy tose in liennh e riglm. and the‘ymrd libel-t beq‘qn 's a h - lpw'mockery—n sounding brim and! inklirlg cvmhal, a rope 9f sand, 3 (le usinn ~ (In file. [Prolonged applause and éleering ] ‘ We do not know how 0 ; arresttmigimi ted. because rum-accuser 11-d the emerity to face us. We claim to :‘_ loyal and law- übidingycitizens, and mare? ‘ nothing upon the record to prove to th'contmrx. We‘ have our own opinions} nn those,,not coh fiioting with lam; in exintm‘: ‘. we will main tain an all occasions“, raga - est of? the db: nuncintiond ofcbwax-dlv m:- cers “(ho «and behind the screen. We [ll' imainflhat we have done our duty as 1 cl citikns. and the evidence of this is in He qbs nce ofa charge or even In accu-er. , Fellow-citizens—a~ dhy o retrib ion will come—a dsy of‘final 29!.th ent— ‘ d after it will come a“pay-da.y. e! as ide odr time. Let us be true andlyal to ur coun try and our Government, 3 d we h we n0th £133.14) fear. Our imprisr‘m entlmi been an experiment. "$1 1 think, ' dm this enthu simatic demonstration and he gon ml feel ing throughout, the State. u_r enérnies. as well as our friends, must a , it that it wasa failure—that it has not onl not reitnlted in any pmcticnl‘henefit to th :e wh brought it about, but it [has awakehed a. fe ing that will be expressed at the be lot-ho. in Octo ber next. [Applause] i, Gentlemen, for myself. '_ d in_ phalf of my companions, Ireturn flu my Part-felt nnd sinpere thanks. and hitfiyou g night. mpplauw ondvprolongedi fiction-s 501- Mac wall, Barrett, Forster my Jone!) Messrs. Barrett and Planter, urtxious to see their families. hnd loft} re proéession at Loou=t street, and Mr. Jones, nctuhtetl by a similar desire. went homehit the ronclusion of Mr. MacDowell’s spoegjh. The crowd adjourned to the house offlr. Barret. when that gentleman came nutqlgnd returned his thanks to his fellow-citizetfi. After giving 3 three cheers for Mr. Barrett, and three 3 more with n will for each 'of the [sublishers and editors, and the I’utrldi' and (Liam, the people quietly dispersed. f ; There was it signifioancé ll’l thi! demon stration which cannot hei‘misunderstood.| The sturdy laboring man...the honest Ger man, the warm-hearted lfilshman, And, in fact, all classes of the community, turned i out, not only to show their devotion to‘ their party and their party friends, but to show to the world their utter condemnation of a. power Which 11.-Linings the right of dragging men from theiz’ homes on the mere information or instigation of irre sponsible parties, and denying them' the right ofa trial byjury, or;the inestimable benefits of the writ. 01‘ baby? corpus. which has never been suspended or four centu ries in mouarchical England. One thing has been made mlnif‘est by this reception, and that is that you may cast men into prisons. but you cannot stifle Democratic principles—you may fill your forts with editrn guilty of no other offence than advocating Democraticincmures—butwhile immuredithere, they can say of Democracy ms Galileo said of the world, "it moves, nevertheless.”- The Editors and Proprietors‘ of the Patriot and Union tg the Public. WE ARE“ 110 m. We thank our friends for their lympnthy which followed. an, to oui- prints. sad for their miatmce in paocm-ing usin- enriy AL. - hearing. It'is a pleasant Huh}; to meet our families. but we rnlher— egrot that. tyrants should hue been afraid of their work. ~ In ourselves we are nblhing. yet we are {he exponenlsofa piinciple which must endure while liberty lives. We. roprMent the fundamental ideas of American from dom. In our humble )ersons wefipenk for free writing, free speaking nnd personal libprty. We are law abiding men. We obey the Constitution of our pnuntry. and will defend the laws which we have received fm'm those who are wiser than we‘ and a .Union cemented by the blood ofour futhofs; and we cannot be cautionerlout of the per formance of our duller by Mr. Secretary Stantonnr any other disciple of the pundech ofJustininn. A ' i" of Mdnday. SEEKS AND TIC RECEP- ; into tte dun pmrpalgating nvod, ewhis,L is frifi ds, "it : üblisl ers and _m we dmg~ bus 955 on ‘ a mili nry eel r tllro‘ n into been? here fiicie. tosay ' ptil tlge even .fd :1 enring. need. and; no Airing suited : disc ame— , trih nal 30-! me be: u made We may suffer. while our enemies may enjoy tho emoluments of ollic‘e. and trading on the capital furnizhml by their ow’n infa my. receive rich rewards for theirdirty work, but liberty shall be triumphmit. We nrer thrust forward into a [waiting which we do not claim. and did not desire. But the crisis and the country call, and we shall not. be found wanting. whether from the old Capitol prison or Hprrisburg. . We defend frée speech and n free press‘; we de fend the habraa corpua act.‘ and the. sacred right of a trial by ujury of our peers. where n person charged with crimo shall be cori fronted with his arouser. an?! hn‘ve an ini partinl hearing. We will defend the Con stilution of our fathers, which hm; lmfin the admiration of all Christendom. smiths U nion under which we live; but we do not, and we will not, bow the knee, to me‘n who neither by experience, ability. nor sngacity. are fit to conduct a great people through that! most perilous times. We are and have ever been loyal to the Constitution of our country. and shall spare no efforts in our power for the restoration of the‘Union.~—Palriol if: Unipn of Thadqy. MIBBEPRESENTATIONS. .The arrest, imprisonment. hurling and discharge of the publishers and editors of 'this pnper‘on a ohnrgeof «limurnging on ; liétmente, hnve been attended by tress ruin ; re resentotiona'. in‘eome instances by willlul ‘ f seh‘omls. Not only have the Republi ! n editor! indulged in these willful and ‘ deliberate lies. but the (Agents of the A 450- ciate'd Press have telegraphed the most distorted and e: parle statements in regard , tq the whole “fair that vindictiveness nut! Mnolico could suggest. ‘ ~ ‘, ’We wish it distinctly understood. that ‘ when we appeared before the JudgeAclvo— ‘ c:tte and the military commandant of Wash l in‘gtnnl «city. there was no accuser In face, no charge produced—nor anything else, save and except a-cooy of n handhill. An imme ‘ diete and honorable discharge was given us without requiring the oath of nlleginncetor {any other acknowledgment thst the Gov ‘ egnment had any ground for arrest, but we I v lunterily gave it parole not to discourage A e listmente. as we alleged we never ’lfltl. ‘ F r proof of this. we have the documents. I [This statement we hope will settle the aplenetic 'lies started‘by those who are Hmlled at the demonstration of Saturday 1 night, and who are so industriously engog~ l ed in circulating reports that we took the oath of allegiance and were paroled. I {ln connection with this, it may not be inapcpropriate here to refer to the corres pon ent of the Philadelphia Inquirer—a i i r and a scoundrel of the first water, who 31: taken especial pains from the begin n m; to the end to lie willfully, deliberately a d maliciously; We might overlook what l 2: snid in the earlier proceedings of out A 59. hut since our return he has the brazen ? fq‘ced impudence to say that the publiwliers f wpre arrested for“‘treaaon.{' We would he ”1 sorely temptedto risk the luxury ‘of cow ] hiding a fellow who could mnke‘huch a Isthltt-inent in face of facts. providing the {game were worth the expenses attending 3 such an operation. We are really aston. ished'that tthe Hurdinus would permit { statements to go into their paper which on ! reflection they must know to be totally un ] founded. If they think they can gain .. much support. from Democrats by publish ( i g the Black Republican coinings of'wre. , agonsible correspondents, let them contin- I‘ue the experiment for I. short time—Pa triot and Union 9/ Tuesday. _ a l ' I: this Tl'eaaon f—The following is an PX tract from In oflicialfles’mtch from Wm, 11. Seward, Secretarv of Stair, to Mr. Aclamn. Minister to England, dated April 10, 1861. It would be denounced u tren wnnhle. if uttered by a Democrat: :“For these réusons he (the Presidium? uld not be disposed to reiect. a. midinm $31!“! of their'e (the weeding Stat”) nnmo l . that the seam] Government could not r'prluce the acceding States to obedience by cunquest, even nlthough he was disposed to estion the propmitrion. But in fact. the resident, willingly accepts it u tranly an imperial or despotic government could Have the right to subjugnto disaffected nnd ihsurrectiouary States. This Fexlcrnl tßo— nublican system of ours is, of all forms of vemment. the very one which is most. afifitted for such a labor," : Bin! in the New York Empire Brigadr.——Nzw You. Aug. 24.—Owing to some (lisafl‘eclion u'mong the Empire Brigade a riot occurred on Saturday afternoon. Their lmrmckq was torn down, a. hotel gutted and several officers beaten and many soldiers badly hun. A militia. company and 100 marines went to aid the police. One of the milita fired into the crowd, killing the sergeant major ofone of the regiments. Police Inspector Folk, from Brooklyn, was badly cut. in the head with stones, and many of the police were injured. The troops generally slampaded to Brook lyn and New York ciliea, and in the eve ning only about 100 of the 2,000 men were in their camps. Many have been arrested and returned by the poliee. The whole affair mu primarily caused by the non-re.» ception of the promised bounuefi , ___, v 40.» ~..“. —- , Mrs, Lintoln’: Blot/«er AXIAL—The rebel account of the battle of Baton Rouge, au fiounces the death of Col. Alex. 11. Todd. :1 Brother of Mrs. Lincoln. 119 mm on Brig. Gen. Ilelm’s staff, in the Rebel army, and WAS instantly killed. ‘- Wily Don’t he do it f—The “'estern journals continue to call upon the Congrersional Abolition agitatorJJwen Lovejoy, of Illinois, Ip enlist. in the‘umy and help to put down gm trouble he assisted in creating, but. he loesn’t. respond ——~~ AH.” ”—v—‘D ? fl‘An English Sister of Mercy stale! who curious fact that the last vrds of a great number of soldiers dymg midst he! Qbserntion. “fire of their mothers, tho’ mum of them must hue left wives Ind fillikiren. ‘\ . t x m; 6.1- z a. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR P7o. 49- —pri git-lid 'flpnbflapflflg: tho U. 1,. Itidinhisphu, "In mad who “ quotes the Constitution in thk grey}! crisis in a traitor.” Daniel Webs“! Blim— V ‘ "Zia animation If the United Slum in a writ n instrument, a recorded FUNDAMENo TAL LAW: it is the band, (In, ONL'Y BOND OFy‘THE UNION 12/ Mac State: ; in": all that giqml‘ no national character." - 'l‘ is definition Accords with our nppre hention of the Constitution, anal fidelity to its authority is the true touchstone of loy alt‘y‘> nnd patriotism. ’ ' “‘Se’cret oath-bound Abnlilion Lodgemulst in this and ‘other States, which contrui ‘tho Action oflbe Repuhiimn party; Ind :9 Wu! “to these, it is asserted that other secret meio ties of a noliticnl nature exist in Indiana}? So long at least as we have I. remnant of Reg government, secret tau-nut. soc! irlxi cannot be neccesgnry to the public gvpd, but are nosi tirél; dangerous. and “Er; loyal man? pliggl‘l shun them a: he would the den of‘Snjmm "They corrupt the country, cripple our liber ties‘, and undermine our Government its‘oll'r-f Secret conclu-cs have been used by mgr up} gionents {or many years, and are now;: re newed; but any man who join: them cnn‘no longer claim to ban Democrat. Let every frujmtm dctcslsecret political locietlél.—4\'licn tmy rule American liberty ‘ diam—Jafi‘gnm Inimi- _ ~ ’1 anmo.—A corruptindent of the '3" York Pdsl, writing frOm Bulliwofe, says»: 2 1 “Fl‘he fact in undemnble, that the legilLtgure of the Shut, sn largely Union, according Do the me ning of the wand wh‘en elected, nowao syn» pmlLizes with secession, M tq make it danger ousjfo the public safety to be convened." ‘ The legislation oflbe late Congress is n-spoa sibll‘p for this.-—-Nonwi:lt Aurm. y ‘ i _# ~-.... F‘p‘Lsz TIL-Pours i Poxqoxrua.—The Harris burg Telegraph of Saturday week, published I; cant frorfi Surgeon Wilson, of the liqtpi ‘Bml p‘epnnrnui', at Harrisburg, denying tllcijg‘e -1 pore? that were in cjrculnlion to the effect. thin lsevqrnl menhml been politned M Camp (Sm-link] infihg pigs, Containing nrychnine, and (int i thefl' died frqm 113‘ effects. Surgeon Wi‘lmn ’s‘!)st “Thereis no foundationln fact orl‘éir cuipstnnce for this tumor. There hns notbgon l si‘nglc death in camp, bunny, aicknnss hurt Q few Imin] cflseu'of cholera. ‘morbns, 'cnusmlfhy eating unripe fruit or vegetables, singcjihe gullering of the recruits now'in camp? _3; 3 “S 1 —‘-—~- ~<oo»—~-———- > i Gym: 1:! ’7l}: Sun Gone-must qr KE!‘ TUCléY.—:\n importsint change in thc’ex'e‘cuifive Ol'K‘bntllclzi)‘ has taken place. John Fri-"fake has \rcsigned the Sneakership of'thi Seville, aud‘Jnines 1“. Robinson, a well-known Ulnion mnuL hns‘been elected in his dead. Govern-nor Mugoflin hal kilo resigned his omen, nod [thy futon, therefore, hccomu Governor defmo‘for the temninfler of .\lagotfiu's tehn. M. Johnson of Lexington, also a Union man, has been flu:- ied Secramry_ of State. These reaign'fitfitnl‘ «nd- Hoctioni virtually restore Kentucky to. no Unifi‘n. l ‘l { Sécnsuo‘s HUSTEns.—- Thu-carom lnrgé ¢lims of patriots in the Northern States who: info constantly engagcdin hunting Seceuionig‘ti in the bar room of hotels and in the leora bf privntc residencu—where they are nof; but. , takclgond cure not, to e tor the tinny, lhoilder the Innskot, and lxuutVSlccssionms where ‘they will be sure to find them. This in «info pacific!- isml.‘ and bulls the creatures preaching lu—l ’ Cunfilituhonai Union. . _ ‘I , Burr: unron: Wm'rs.-—Theyglrelho nega’oes precedericc I! we Boston Custom Kong” in doin‘g businpu.‘ A cupmin on~Snturdny pre sented his pnpcrain regular I.llm, whohgup marches 5 "colored gentlemhn," place], My paper: on top of the vyhite man‘s, and ‘the Enslom H 0450 officer grnc'iéusly Miami;l I 0 bimillrst. and oblige; the" white man tolifi'sit until cull'ce il urred! Give us an uiuul’ chance with the blucks, do, gentlemen .mlfia. Pad. 3 ‘ ‘ . v‘. in’lhe um. clul ofnaupnpen undid}— lici+nn that used to cm Democrats “(101mm~ faces" and "Union-savers]? now (141 “gm; “C4nstiiutional Iticklera," and “Unitary?— Ih: there been nmajority ~of “douglmdc'pf an “Union-sni‘cra" in the nounlry in 1360,- on , neighbors find friends would not ndw he “'l3th in the hnhiljmenu ai‘ lmnemhjfiou anti wue, and Could cut iin'i drink their food without an ofionnoug tux upyn them tojiup pail ”," purintism and enrich Gov‘brl me‘pt contrnrtorsl—Ulraryirkl Rap. I ‘ mThe Providt-nl'e Po3}. snyl, Govemo‘rJAn dréw, by his speechas and military ordcrja, is doing more i 0 obstruct'tbe Prqcidom'a‘nfih and defeat ins p{anrtlnan all the Secesaimfisu wibe found in States chiming (0 be layup: . . _Cnsun .\I. CLAY, who like Jefl'. David," pddiutes the, Constitution of his counlrWAn-l isfopposed tozlhe rcstom‘joi of the Uniufl un deir i‘l, ha nm been arrested. Although: in! pfioclqimczhis Henson M. Washingtor}. "" rAn Opinion from (he Army.—Liout. C'ln nél Lull, of the Bth New Hampshire rogu ment. writes to the Amherst Mint-Him thpse of the regiment who Went out tn New Orlenm “with nnti-slnvorv proclivitiaa» nrw fast. giving them up.” lip says: “ l ’n‘mt ml: of you a single pemnul favor. Plemm to hang. with the dirtiest rope in yourlgar rel. allthose at the North who are Willlhu to sacrifice the mecvss oi the cause in \‘wrhi‘rh we are engaged, the Conqimtion 0‘ {mn ebumry and the Union of the States til-NlH it; provided only ills-y can abolish Amhari ean slaverv. I tell you the yrict i: m .9an .'. aid It! cuu’_t aflbrtl it.” - J Bligu'liL-r Gamma] Slone Relmwd.—lli ah nounceil‘ that Brigadier General Charlés I‘. Stone, Wlll) has hem) hang confined in Em t Lfilmvt‘lle, rm tlw lininmu clmrgn’oflredynon. hm lmr‘n rolmwtl, and it now will: his [MD ily in New York. As the Govern-mam bu liberated him without a trial. it‘ll! to hemp}- snmed that he is innocent. But 'u'io‘ whu rop‘lmlion will be made for his long imprin onnwnt. antl for the stain . which has Wu cast. upon his reputation by (he marshm pioion of Hatchery? lt. in a cruel thing'to deprive an innocent, man of liisliberty,Lgncl publicly memo him of an infamous crime. The miscreants, who, wiih slander's loq' ue, insinuate the hue charges which lent} to such nrrc‘slg mg thew, Should be neverely punished. No umn's liberty or good name should he at the mercy of the slander”.— li’cailzng Gluclle. : WYou may give'the people nmerqenn ry Senate; you may give them a Vennl House of Asnembiy; you may give them a lngzkling Congress and a tyrannical ’Piilfce pt gave me an unfettered Press, and I will defy you ‘to encroach a hair’s breadth upori their Liberiics.—Shcridan. A IWgro Propolitian to Guard Phi-synf— Gov. Ted. 0! Ohio. having refused the uni ces of colored volunteers, the colored hen of Cleaveiand and Cuyahoga count" hue made him an offer to raise some regiments to guard the Confederate risoneu unap- Chase and Sandusky, amiJ thus reliaro "(a regiments of well drilled soldiers for uhica’ in the field. The Governor lumen: decim ed the propouition. 4 A 362 A scllmlniaster in lmhnd «3'th :13: he will keep Hundny school twice ; 2, Tuesday: and Saturflu’i. ' ‘3‘! . .l “r . ' g .