The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 18, 1862, Image 2

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    ..ikaw .4-
Wail KEWSa
sum B'mwzn am BANKS mm
sronawnn :Acxson.‘
gun Lanes on Both Sides.
.t-wh'l of. Gm. JIA-Dmnz'l'a Rem/omen“
‘ 'K'vw Ynnk.‘August 10.7Th0 {Mini-inn
c 4 Am-h has boon tom-inn! luv thn ”Mum:
13. Q. fill HM.“ snow (‘l': PEI‘PII.
‘i August W. 1561'. }
A ball!» I'M f ghl your-May Lviwnn
- Banks antlgfwnewflurmksun.’ _
I} 'l. finynrtlmflirnoml McDoweh’s Ohms.
him ' 2‘ ramlry bligflie, bud b‘ocn ongxgnd
Minn ‘rn _llne ox‘lrnno ndvnncv, mom-the
RH} ~'-n rivér. inxskirmiehing and mhnrr-u
-wr'n‘m «king: .mme primnvrs, and ending
3-"). ' 'ifibt [O,“. Imming the “forum“.
lar- 0 v M surround him and on_; him nfl'.
'Y- * ‘ 'v‘mnrning In: mu engaged fol;
ton'r ' ht-fnreflb‘en. Bankn came up:
~.: ‘ nu? n‘giments 0f cavalry. the
T ' s 3vnnin. Fast _Maine and First
F ! zlu-luyud'uud embarrassed the
E" L ‘ 'mm. ‘ '
: unfit-{Jackson and Ewell.
, 'irn R-upidnn. in force, and
1; ~ .. guard. 15.000 strong. was at
fwh‘ 1‘ Hun. Banks, ymterdny nitenmnn.
n! .’ Imlcs south of Culpoppet\o6qn
Hr-nr. K ‘ .
ThrffivH WM aflmmt whhily wilhnrtxllory
it fi‘sl' E-ul “w iuim 15y Lecnnw onganfid
aht‘ul z-ixfl’vlwk, and a determined and
bland? 1 am“! foilowed._-
' (inn. Hunk! right-win: unflqr General
‘Wntium- «um-red severe-Iy.
'fho- 1:»qu [Wishiml was in the wondnyhilo
tho troop.) pylxich nuncketl than) wereobhg
'gd in 070-5 a'n open grnunrl. ‘- ‘
H Wm not till about G 01-lan ("at it Im
rnnw rvjolont that the Rebel" were “tuck
ing "24 in' fort-0. Previuua tn tlnayt'theré'hud
bf'r-n r-«er dmuhory mnnnnudmg. .-
.. -' Thu u l'rde Tit-1m! furrmr'fiddcnl)" atlarked
tut-. 1.. - n rwholming numhr-rs at all ynintr‘.
Nrnr': ~I': their regimpnh hall full rnnks.
.531 e n'rlnvk ()mwrul Pnpn arrived on
'Vfllv‘fil ‘ll dam (,‘uhwpm-r; nccmm-m‘xit-d ‘hy
'1‘“: M -' "vhm\'nll,9.nthupartoi McDowell’s
I.” r
:i-H‘H- xvi»: than nflmfnnfinuy OTH,
G. 'l. Pv‘ EN: Ln‘uhn': Ihr ulQun-J that ho hm)
pom: int -t tju- Luxvinning. :. .
‘ ATM .thg‘ nfik‘nl nl‘ 473mm} Pup? there
6:"; nu :vflilltfl"r‘nnhwt, cqminping 31 in-
Mx\..~ {in ”I'm";- tyelvo n'l-lork. f Th 9
ani...‘ [wan-nun u ully ("om‘n‘mllthomfmn fulL
Tlm llvlml~ {damn-J44 lnru-i’y again-Kt Me'-
QMu-oll’.‘ fon're. whore (it n. .rhlue land
Jinn!” \i'r-rn, bringing lmth of (Lynn under
fire. ll‘hr‘ Gem-ml; mul lln:ir stall; worv sn
near (lxc Rn-bl-l lint-k, lwimz actually m from?
ofthpir ru'n lanF, that n \ll'lvlo-ll rlmrgq of
the Ré'lm-l ('Wulry was made frmn tlu-wnmh,
' u quark-r of u mulc-I at}; nppuremly with a
‘yiuv '0 rupture them. ‘
"l‘he uttnmnt was ppelled by n vignmns
, fi'h from Mrllnwell's trnnps, nntl the Hono
ru' -. and tln-ir staffs lt-fl the fieltl mule}- n‘
('r ‘9 lire from the Rebels and their own
n- In!“ 0 _ ,
El“m,firt~ of the Rebel batterim was 'afler
v ,1 ’r'- n'oncod. , ‘
'n nurul Pnpe. on arriving. sent fro'sh
:1. ‘ .lnflw front to tuku the Nucu oflien»
‘1 ‘4 mkx’ ux‘.l:.u<!ml cufumns. A: 9
~ " I -~ Mummy (“lanchth. the attack, ox-‘
\.-- ' ‘ v m‘tillmzy. . » j .
Uur wmp: were under arrhs andji] pOsi-,
~ tum u‘hnght . ' I . g
‘ ' (Fvnvrh! Banks has on the field lhrnugh-'
mm (M "Minn, nml conxtanlly undm‘ Grew—i
“khan-Hing of his trnops.‘- and! pvrmnnl‘?
. gnlj'anhv, is highly praised by his o'fli-w-ra '
The lII'H'PPY and? good oonduvt of (km
(mom were co!l~p'mmus during a large pnrt‘
pf l 1)» fight! When nvrrpowored by “11th
V 1.9”; some. 'of the rogimphts retreated in;
diam—”lll'. . x
(1421. Kfiight. of fine F. lfy-sixth Pennsyl;. ii dangerously woFmded.
L-‘suiennnt-Colonel fiulfridgo was severe
}; wnunllod. I ‘
.‘vlnjnr .\hl-fiwrs had his arm nmpuhted.
Afigumnt Boyd was severely wounded.
(4!! nf l‘boi‘nrey-sixth Pennsylvania.)
.. Colnhol Donnélly, of the ’l‘\venly+ighth
Kow‘ankmnsialully Woundadi Lieut. ('nl.
Pruwn had his arm amputated ; Major Cobk
mm kHled—bofih are of the TWemy-eightxh
Sow ank. ,» »~ , '
‘ Col. (fll‘kpmn of {he Fim: anl’inecticut,
waawoundmi {sll taken priwmer.
Liontnnnm-f‘o‘onel Stone, of the lame
(pvimt‘n', up: kxllod. .
Sta-jar Nuke; of the same regiment, was
h‘mlmlml and taken primnor. , .
Major qumzo. ofthe'l‘u-ontioth .\[nsmchu
mm, i=‘ yrrnbnblv killed. He was left on
thq {ii-1.: lin a dying condition. Captain
"AM-n" 0H?!» :nme Rnnimont. waskillml.
Gc‘xmnsi Banks was ruther :ei'erol‘y hurt
lay‘ an accident. A cavalry‘ trnopor run
against him. and lie WM struck he'nvily in
the Fido. “Nm'orthr‘lew, he romainocl on.
the fipld, and is on duty this morning with
his r-nmmnnd: ~ ‘ V ‘
General ilpary was wounded 11ml had an
arm anmuunud. ‘ ‘
Gen. ‘Angur'is severely wounded. Main:
TGIOUh9. Gen, Banks’ Adjutant. took com
mand of n-hesitnting regiment and gallant
ly led it thrpugh‘n aniline fire. “He recflin
«I two shuts. nnllja snwrolv but not. dun:
gmusly wnundml in line side. -
Captain \Viliiams is'miusinp. Capt. qul
- is also m'i’wfng.‘ Oapmin Quincy was
“ken rismler. ysnrceon Leland was
«woundell’. Lieut.;oakey was woundpd se
iiously. 'Lieut. Anslin' and' Lieut. Buck
mnn, of the First New Jersey Cavalry, were
wqunded. No other officers ixHhaz. Regi
ment were hurt.’
Seuwnant ankins,of the Seventh Ohio,
17 woundqu ‘ ' ‘
‘ Oolnnel ‘Ruggles. chief of atnfl’ to, General
'Pdpe, had his horse shot under him. Two
of General Pope’s body guard we're killed:
. Col. Morgnnmf Gen. Pope’s staff, and Ma
jnr Perkins. of Gen Banks' staff, both re.
‘ oeived bullets through their hats. ‘
The Second Massachusetts Regime“ was
in the hardest of ihe fight, and suffered se
v~reiy. -
The Fifth Connecticut. Twentyaevenlh
Indiannnnd Forty-sixth Pennsylvania, were
hadly cut up. Lieutenant Ram'sey. of Gen.
Banks’ :tnfl‘. had his hbrse shot under him.
Gen Wilder. of the Rebel fumes. was
wounded. The loads are ‘very heavy on
both sidas. and it is supposed unit not. less
than 2000 or 3000 were killed and wound
pd or are misuing on each side. Some pris
pnnm wer‘e takenjijr both sides.
Jackson and Ewell were both present in
{be bnttle. ,
Reinforcefiwnh to the amount of 18,000
men reached the Rebels [an night,nt about
the same time that. ourgarrivgd- ,
Sk‘irmislxing in front is goiyng on this
morning, but the troops on bit}: sides are
so much pxhauned by fatigu. and timin
tense henbthat. no serious encounter is ex
ported to take place to-day. '
\VAEHKXG’I‘OH. Aug. 10.—R9pori§ were
brought. into Gulpeptrer on Fridav. of the
frossing of tho Bnpi am by the Rcbclain
one. ’ ~
It is uid by ‘1 passenger who came from
the vicinity of Waterloo to-daypllmt Gen.
Blnh' column. which was in advanca, was
30de by General Ewell in supefiornum
n. . _—
Tho struggh oontifiuod all daf’yeu'erday,
Ind may At. any time be renewed.
_ The loss is severe on both sidas. A num
ber of our wounded have been byought. to
Culpepper- '
m SKEW MARE—Linrrn
Wasnmo'mx. Auxzuu 12.—-Aemuntn frnm
Culpemaer, tinted yezlerdny. npenking of 5.3,.
mdny’s fiuht say that so many wu the fire
,to which our comparatively mull number
«if men mgr. 311109011. the oniy wonder is
4‘ mange entire command was not 0031*”,
‘gnmhllml 4! @6634.“th an , b
25%w«9».u.wg¢wwm-54%;. n ‘in » W try-4' a m
mad nr bringing ofuflngb I proportion n:
the expiration 0! in hour find I hdf. Pril'
onm lute that their own troop \n-re mow.
ed down by nur fin- Lko gran. 'i‘hrne Imm
“me they reiniurm-d by ire-h regimmla and
'Nigsdes. and ulmn our trcpm- relirorl liw‘y
[were 100 much rrippiml lq punu‘e in "pm;-
|groi’lmi. The pl-Nf‘h"!‘flllf¥¢l‘pofl lhntthc
heavy if no mm! by the enemy-«em of m.
‘ront Eilish mnnufnviurv. with Rupiah
Iflxe'l nrnniun'iiun. We hm bun-nu aun‘
‘which was 19!: {whine} yin udm‘h npikcd,
hevrrul o! the hon-um hnvitm boon‘ k'l'cJ. and
this mm nut wm lh (Hr changing our position
'for the night. urhh’i lLe Me 9? the vneniy's
lharyi-siiouzcrn. , 1 _
f (‘o!. Chapman. of ti.» sth LlfllSH‘bU'eHl,
'wneyhnt in ”no brt-nshzxn'l‘ir prrlmH‘v don];
.Ha-ut. Pu], Shine 11% Willi many wounds:
anjor Blake also fa". wnri‘.lifn‘.2\‘o. is 3 pr};-
. oner; AdJupmz Smith is wiyunded of dead;
Mujor Sm4g-x, n{ the F'ecoril'ixrnisgc'hméth.‘
i‘ lmliewd (o be killvd, a‘ we“ in! muny'uf
the captain; and lleuicnn‘intt 1):. LAM-mi
urns Ihnt in {ha «y». 'l‘he‘mher rpzimeiiis
.hnvo not been hmrd (mnii‘dcfimtelv. _ ‘
‘ i‘uPu-u Clil‘RT-HUL‘SE. Fun Aug 12‘. 7:13..
M.—"l‘he bmle of Suzunim [hf 9:1). inin'pe:
ni' me mr-sl important nfllxe \\‘ur. not mains-l
1y on nccnunl of the ilusperhio-vnlqr nmfi‘tin-i
rubberiliflrlil-cigviino dinpluypd by ohr Irfiis.‘
the obstinm‘y of (1.0 cunts-M, nnd fim In any
[hrs or. b M: id" Lu: Inn-Nua- nf'nu imprin
’uu'. efi'cctox; ti.e campniyf L 2 tiiiiéh ll magi-u
a part. ‘ . ‘ 3 ‘
'l‘ln‘ enmpvfign on (ha par! hf Jzokan‘nE iq
an attomg-t to penetrate kind flfrnverl tilm
Wiley 61' ti.eshena'ndmh.Milne the ri'cM-qt
supplim of the enemy are drnwm :sz hhg
Imssehsion nfwlxicl: wan of pnliticJ‘r'L im ,rti
ance in 2le ontlrnvor to h M Virginiam 'l
part of the bums Confedvnacy, lumlly (nlho
estimated. At 11.-o same} time the fivhe-l
lends-rs hmuzvl by this move-mum to :90
thres tvn Washington and Mnrvfmul “ft/r
rclielechmond and withdrnw agmn our
anm’m 011 w line of the ljwtrmno. 1 ‘
Jm-‘awn': plans work 60 IpiL-toly fni'ujdfluy
the Inpxd comebtrutinn offour fun'v- jul~
ym-{mr and {hair ndvnncidg to mm-t him at
lenr RM). .'l‘iw can} undlrln'termmed tom
pnr nf (tion. flunk. mrcptfld the} Mute aa
sum! as ofl'erk-d. nnd rhp t‘nttle «31‘ Saturday
nfzrrnrmn mu funght in'-liven) the mlvhnm;
under Hen. B:-nk.~,:.nrl th advance ét'Juft-lt;
am under Em'lhn-i hiimfelf. 1 .
After emu-norm): in (min ‘th rm't nn?!
drivo Bankx’ coryfi. Jar‘k rm I'mmtl Inixqu-lf
Mmtmned at nizhtrhv the rfip‘ld movements
in_fmnt annim. to fan bnc ' tn n strung” lit
fvxmive prmitiuq, m den Mountain. MM
finding his lines of fun-mt Lem/min: into.
cure. on the succeeding: might. Inks-vacated
alkvgetlmr. retiring beyond Whergtscm’a.
ril‘or. a'nd n’pain beyond the Rapu .m.
The new]: is that Jacka‘nn is again fiailed.
nnd {orcoi to abandon his 0]" ratinnc. a‘ml
his pre‘tizn hm b-‘on_~wv¢"‘>re-'y impfi‘rfiL—
-110 w.“ be rufdiy folkwgd Ly our minty.-
;\.4-~« - 7—' '1
General Banks Disqualiflqd far A¢Live
Service for the esdnt'by His iju-'
riesu-Interestin Pagticnlars bf‘ the
Late Battle. .0- i 3 ~
I'm n'rrlk. August iii-Owing to 1h» «-
vere injury In (h-m‘ml BnAks, thr- cnmman-l
oi the 39mm} carm‘«lnvnl\i‘é~ upwn Briggs/liar
(ienrrnl A. S. Vidimmm; 41hr -o-|.§rr rom.
mnnder 6f divz’smne. ring-nr‘ (town-«l
(‘ruwfurl tmnmun-h (inrit’rnl ‘vVvlLizum' ‘ll
- and Gan, (irenn ca .mmnrlu the Jim-z
-ion of Gen. Au‘zur. who 1%.".“11-‘1'7 hut nay
dangnruudy \Vwiinllr L Jrigmlmr General
Prince of the firs: Mus] .Ircnrif Minion.
i! n pnsqnc‘r, a- H 33:73 (3 Main W'lllmn I'.
\\':lkm. Ahmhn; \Jf 2:.»qu ('l': nay-n} u, fie-1.
William“. '.\n "my 1 "h: \nrr mw‘lhem
lmth at any?!” ('um ”1.2!:- h vhf-My. on
[hair way (6 llicl.m 1:31. 4 ~ -
L'mfer a flag M‘ngz‘an 22m Univ. ”.4-
ene'mkmm hnii rin- M‘lflv .'iel i, nanhnl
us untfi’jnm P M‘. (:1 Mary mu- «lpml and
Lringnfl‘ Hr manS‘Jy mwmlvd. Theyghx'e
as the rnmjn 11.55 '12:!) "2:1. I rum tfz-tlu {.'.-"y
'cculd do to lam-v wh‘.- ‘ 1:1. I
In an :ner .<"\ v. 21: mun-uh“: Ifimn’ers.
the! sink d that “up vnrmy hall trout-. 1 thihm
with kindneu. But omm iuuanco of gmu
outrage came. uuiex: ymr carrmpon¢entfls
native. ‘: ' 3
. O'n ticking (ho hum- fiHd many. if‘nntT
gronter part hf our drml ( uoern._w‘or7sf m; .
mmn partially and other entirelv'hrgqul
nf theirumrarm: .Un a] nftho den-I.lmm?
ins: of am‘ nhxe was I}»;an ’ ‘. a
Gnm. Sitwnrt and F.t'_v hold the, 11.-IR.
nnd convert-ed frwlv will? (Inr own amt-art
about the battle. The: tatml that. the full
briga‘dc‘ of Cans. N. P. Um. LongstrN-t njul
F 3911 were oppmed tofiur slim” bundlnf
hemmxand that‘they fiqfi-re terribly cut to
pieces hy on: firs—lomlifig tn xhe inference,
that may sum-rod fully as hmch as out-gi-H'M.
A: before stated, Jack-on commanlledlthe
field in [Tram
- -- •
r IQ'An nfiinial report tea-fiver] M “Fath
ingxun frnm Gen. Papa) states that (our
mu'nlry regiments. mth our [”0093 ofnrtil
ierv. pmm‘mded on lesrldly in tho (lirovtinn
of Uran'c Court House. and when three by
fnur miles frnm Inonlqnlprters. diurnvflrej
the Confederate pirken. bind 39cm after n 75:
large lgodios nf mvnlry MU the worn]: filled
with footmcn. Tin-w,“ re ermn (liipr-rsed
and pursum‘l across (‘rno rd rivm; to Rohin
son livvr., In the purmi manv of the ('on
!edorate wounded in Start-day" fight wcfio
discovered‘ among the MnjqundrewE:
chiefpf‘arlillery toGenJrfckmn.‘ ’l‘hefligm
of thé (‘onft‘deratos nincm Snturdny is raprn
sented as precipitnln. "Nu-$1- nid camp was
stre'w'n with dead mob arJd hornet. - ¥
. ”General Pope. in bin official re an'of
the hatth‘ nf Slauzhtor'sfifountain. sags hil
loss wun about 1.500 'killed. wounded and
missing. including 290 finkon p honor-I.—
He estimates Lhe~Cunfodere lei as muqh.
greater. ‘ , : , _
fink diapate'n frnm Manon] Pope, dated
Tuesday mowing. stutesg‘that on the previ
ous night the Cbnfederatgew reheated acrnss
the Rnpidan river. towards Oran Cmrf
House, pursued by the F déral cnvgry'nnd
"ax-filler): ‘ F E,
Circular from the Wsr‘Dephrtment Rel
ative to the Evasion lilitnry Duty.
‘VASHINGYUK. ‘ Aug. 1' .--'l‘ho following
is a copy ofthe circular issued this day from
the War Department: ‘l' ' ’
WAR Damn-“s'l. l
' Wuhinglnn. I). 0.. Afigust 11, 1862. f
To .WI/iinrv/ (‘nnlmantlanf Provost Allarahalr,
I’. S. Min-shall and Po #e (Mars:
You will receive here M: an order of the
War Department to pre ens the eyasion of
military duty and _l'or he suppression of
disloynlporties datedthe 11h of AugusleM. ‘
This order to be ofiidient is necepsnrily
yery’ comprehensive in‘ its lam“. and it:
propu- execution rnquirea the exercise of
soxgnd'judgment and di‘iscrqipn in the offi
cers to whom it: enforcement. is Fntfllstt‘d.
and to guard you in its_ lexoyculion the fol- 1
lowing inflmotion: are wbe ohserwrl: - ' i
NHL—Tho- ordrr ml‘rlfll‘es two classes
ofpcrmns, viz: Thme mm are about leav
ing the United States toiovmle miliuny rin
ty, and those who (or who lamp purpose
lea re their own Futn.‘ {mixing the l'nited
Slntosuntil tho militqry‘ draft i< porfoctwl
is absolutely prohihile hunit was no: the
intention of the owls-r t- inlrrl‘oro with the
transit from Stak- ln SE“! of any pardons
but those who dosiré in ads hliliury.rluty.
_Whenow-r you hive lrwon to believe
that. the purpoae ii to evade military duty
the order mll mulhorino tho detention of
any person leaving his Vg‘ownsSmte. county
or military (llrlrlch '1 ‘. ,
Seoond.——.\ny person lletninml may hom
lensed on giving hon-ls 19 the United Bmm:
with sufficient} 'secnrily. in the sum of one
thouwnd dollars. conditional fur the er
formnnoe of military duty, if in! slmulEbe
drafted, or tho providing of a proper sub
Thirdnalgnmediatd rnport is (6 be midi;
to the naive of I.” wrsans detained, Wilf‘l
the came of their doh‘nt'on. . A
I-‘ounh.-Yuu wm qxrrcke the» bower of
um: um! detention yin: continund‘foy
penance. so a: to qvmd giving apnnylwe
a: milieu any 19mm mpangflme
who Ire mung to nude lhe performanco
oftheir duly In their country. ‘
Putin—Tho Governors of the respective
State-:1 are authofiwd In give paswannd rv'r
mm to thrir nah cihzt m desxrmpm lune
llw Sula \\uhuult mum to evade nnl'uaz-y
u'mr. : ,
Ii; m-df‘r of the Sc-Eretnry of War.
IL. C. Tuna. Judge Advomte
(the (tempura:
'1'?!“- unfnn of lukN-dhmglnhn of InndS-f—
-ile "nion if S‘u'e‘ “6'qu “HUM nut-r;
Tléu; unimi.uf hiiurua-tluf- union of [unda—
%" r. l lmt‘mT m our .qumu xmmcrl
2L 1. frouq‘zxgnol: Agni I'nurkllmk.
; Iqu'rJrl'snlvli‘ull-n
a ~ 2a» w, »
MbNDg‘AY maxim: ,AI'G. 19. mp.
1 “‘,"W *
fun .\ 'mroa: brax‘mm., ' \
ol.x v v ‘
110). 1. AM} 2>l4l~..\lxlafl,
.‘ or“ nonficdgutr. {
nip. Sl‘Efi\'lZ;‘;l?LiGENE-RX!“ ‘
‘4: JJ .\H‘IS EP.‘ 4. BAHR,‘
; «h z-xnaufinzu.’ ‘ '
-: 1... ....3 - -:
05min: confirm menu
- DE
I l -—--- ‘ ’ .
f I {Nu-mm”. l
‘gw \thHlch. “:1" I.iu!c~tnwn.
{w the wilw'bm l nt‘duwinqu'cx (Junker
! . l ruin} ' -
1 I. Ahe‘mhl)‘. i E
‘RY J. *IYI‘IR‘S. law“ I‘3an Ip. ;
E I": rrirt LUMMn-in 'll
! A. 111 .\“.\.‘3. EH ,'l3(‘ll_\sburg.g
; inn“:
E 4 ‘t-m'niwimwfi. i
tum: ‘Pmfiun. Bum-r tp. ‘3
1251 mm. ni‘ho ”our ‘
an .\I. BULLIVtH-Ifi. ['uiontp.ll
i .\ndimr. ; , i
.PH upulumslAN. flamihnn ”1.!
i ('i m'rfimn‘n win, A z
" (‘.: mfm'rzumm 1%. .\‘trw‘mm 1p!
we cou‘iNTY TICKET!
e lull-Hie] by tho “mum-inn
THE nEmoc ;
Tim lit-10111115
of W" le-\ Bra!
h-émbH-d 'in 't '
lxzsfl. Em? 14.10911
pre'rr-Vntew nt ll.‘
Th? (‘oxremim
n_lr~r. art! tmv'
High-wh' of‘AJnm: (‘thfy
. v ('uuzt-lmiwc on Minn lay
in llfvrlxil\;€lioll {We Ticlket
head nf {l‘m-4i rfplnnmf.——
wa‘cuuufmwd of "good
"--mon who Imm- u’J-uyc' ;
ptry. who h‘nvé a’uaq‘v ”kw! , f‘ut ”‘8 .. «#llll
led Um (mistimm‘n (‘nkil‘t‘j mfg“: “.’“II I“
0H1]! ,flw .\llnM—Lmun 4mm “mmmnhnifi
Hi ‘i; vhe l'nilh nfflm (41thil'r),lnn l ll.» 1"“1'19
mu _< ii. “Itch-3m- {IN} 311-: [ln matter ”"3“
funnel—7mm n who lu;.§v\\‘n‘ “’l'“ “A" to g"? ‘
)rexnnfmht fuf Ic/tflr m? «~ Aha} .‘.”:‘ihmmv" (:00,
Imam-,1!“ tllxe sac-K :m-‘IMU . ”U “Ulric,“
(N! the f‘ll'li'h‘l‘ nf nu‘r “Y- I- hmnwnni ”VG.
izxz~tpkegjyin mu irnfnmmftllutgil:
1h“ m‘g’fl‘m‘. or any NWT, 1 ‘ I ‘A. " ‘
. M | | :1/‘l’~lu:~rllt.[ll]'
mun-“€11;“{4tho'.)ll:]~l":‘"h’" “m | _U: 0‘
~3l,ovurs;of thu l'lxinn EL“- ‘'~ A ‘ ‘f
1 1 ‘yvr-mrt tlm‘ u
' |L-~lh-r Lu unity I 1
1 th-r wh‘-Tori
1“ no party ' ,pr:
“ Emu ari- sll
luyinl Ll oir mu
1" flf‘d Hivfl‘vndl
i‘n-l thu‘l'nyufl
haw imi-n ”‘er
an‘i En’ [PI6 ul‘ur
uzixjmiuns \ténl
and: mu is n «,a;
Wilt) wilt [mt at
t‘lms'flmufrm ‘
Lné " mimic a
whfiah, r Jon—m
_ Th! 'l‘.“th n
amin'l _zimleria
M {(11111 zituzfn
‘in! s6llsz
‘ iz‘ N am:
rm, 'm F r
Fahruy‘td nf '
ink}. inn-yer
13',‘I'.‘q.. 1m“ :ir‘n {hp r. 11115
me Smfim 3y acclmnatiuu.
:o highc‘ul‘é ultainmomé -:5
IMMUAIHH ouhivateuld :I‘
Jun, 'l‘ w... . -7 ~_.»c_
lwlm'i’ 11in ami‘l. ~and aghittleman in ME ry‘ Bfl‘Thm‘ém‘li"3“ll-Ili!‘l"“‘ nu cxtmct from
’ll-! wok—Mr. 3 usill‘l‘l'y .Wj‘tllld. gram: “ithla‘luw met-clip? ion. 1%., COW-If). to firm."
imi‘m‘ lib“ or any ['o “.10" m Winch: lm,tlmt that 'gihitli-nun leinll“ lgv‘the l‘rnsiv
”13km ‘re W“ “-' x" "‘9 'm ‘s‘“ “9””, (101”. “Mi hi- 1;.“ Hilierm in Mm in
dome of lhk {'9 low citizctis to :1. more .un";t‘\e-r\' "WM-Ill"? i-ulrulhfnl' m “”13 spot-"y
liiqitmlr‘xtont h‘nn hv. “ind "G one \\'-tuhl Lonil tn thi~ ln- lllon. I Auntl \"I-t for (lain!
recielvefhcir 5" upnrt ntomf‘g'urtzly. “Mme 7%.). he has 1’30“ (lemunh'iid in iimncnsin‘ml‘
hath-(e lLim but! to Flt-11:8. Let. the Stunt- 1| 'tierma 1W thé “rpm,“ph“ .prv“, Ill! Slit/UV!
toijinl (k nferc ice second the cliott-c of this , manna {',mn -‘ ”a In: ohcw m m,‘ as tho
Cdlinl)-,iflllfl Jimmy is \fiithin :‘lllt' grimly.) fim‘timmi ”jg nuld A; it, 'rmul (mt, (It-.’lls
Add thit xtwillsecmid it‘witl the claims at ; ‘ I ' g's '. z .‘ t;
g i . 1 _ . l pvt), .mxl :5; he A. n um. nmnngvthlm ~
“'9 south}! “Pd the “(limited uni-“lung: of. The hue 111-[in .lir‘an lso called “ Pcoph‘s'
,onl not’n-nee ct‘insillcrml, we cannot‘ ‘Tl'ut n,Cnnventinu l, ‘n liar-fishing pn<sml n reim
cm fiilontly anticipate. r l ilution omlni'iiflii; t-h'cQAbdlhiuniétfivilmnt
for in") Alvin”): "H” J’ nfvifin‘hifl§fl"tl'llé‘ rinprésontatiye of‘thcloyal sén-‘
fart]. mt; nummmml nftvr the firdt lutllot : timent of lie-:l‘lsvll'fllliflli—Onllfl‘ly ignor
ltylnfg‘iztninti(-ii. 'l‘hnt IIQ-ll'ils ontitlcq tn ‘ in" and .. téitltihiz "poll u the conscrv‘ative.
mi“ 50.“ lnet'wxntor ”i not ddubte-(l h}: rtghti C'cfwz‘tn. Wily irwac this? :Bocmiso ML“
tliihhinb nipn. :lffmp and oiunh-d vm‘y ofi ('omm profit-rel] mllu‘trin'r to his oath. ml
the l‘ucti- (:llcllt‘ll ill the examination ohthev . .‘ . . . l i l v _‘
‘ ‘ , - F. i‘ Busbov could . support the :{mqstltutiqm ohc n“: t rnpoon
‘vot‘e ”m?“ him elf 9m . ' , 'ml into the dark wutm‘h o Almhtmmsm.~—
not but? hand to this COnCIIIEIOJ}, whilst. by ', The editor ¢r t e Ema"! mu" mend)” ot'
lthé. daciaion “-f tho fupreme Count, after-E that Cnnwnlio .‘nntl riot? tor the rawhi
{wag‘l given, “‘s.m“J°"‘y was ostabhsheltl to i tion. Did lie n tby tlhs not in:tnill-slnlure
:bol‘ lc‘i'f-el‘ [Mm—v7 “(I s.fn’y‘ B" boyi“sympnthy?' for Abllitiyunhm than for
loop admitted to :- seal to .nch he hit _notconservatisrfi— 'mre love for ”{U nngro
Inglht “l."l" ”‘9 lunuot‘the Stnte—occu led i than for tluiCkilstituthn? lt‘not, let him
“11“" ”' ”‘8 Leg‘s}"‘“r“ "I'm" 1‘“ “"6"?" ; explain his :on in thht Qantenunnqet
ifuliflfihnldi-avqlace which the people 0 thei hint wipe dill?) 1. foiul blot," if I”. mn‘__
i"’l‘"'y "“fl' Wit/"v bul:’ataf§elqnged M" These are tim wl't‘en‘icnlm reason should
”13’9“" ‘ add,- those Circumstances, a“digowrn. and w' luve'lno faith in‘ the pa
i‘fith it View to oingfl‘mtive to the p9O :3 of‘ triotism ot'g thit manl who‘ would irivoke
Hi.“ county. IL well. as- m. 1.“. Myerstthe the “atran mrrl'l of power” ‘to stills «lis
(JohrentioElpl. cedhim .agmn m nomination. cussion bocatuéei discuesion might. place him
‘Wlnlst a (‘J‘DLEI‘ during the prevmu 595- in an unple'echnttlilemma. ‘ ,
smin. he prov :1 himself an honest. and . 414””... ,_m_~fi__‘ '
lt’uithful public servant. Helms the capaci- $.11“ lhé‘ée >bei u no Wm“ hm‘nn
tygand the ll? ‘0 do right. ""‘l is allude shouts the Séutinel.’ “'hy does not your
1 w,i and m hrs, a majority of theapuf- ”my 38,, “I‘, einmple?
”“1595 of the nnty. ) I Your party County CGmmittée meets—
; (Wu: “- D" '5”! 1:50" for Di~trict¢ A”;yourpartyDjeleghteEleotionxnre held—your
:totney, i 9 9" 'thihg that could be wi'hetl’; party Convehtidn nominites a ticket—(incl
ifoilthe Inst. well read lawyer, o‘3o“] ‘ its succm ii exlpected to bring monny into
.l“ gmt-nt, “n pleasant mann‘ers, he ' K dB-l the pockett ofJ your 'parity men. Hermit
lsetvedly P 01311131 Surely the $90919; will~ the munl p‘afly‘ mnchiinery been osed in
Inqt fail to endorse the choice of tho ‘Con-i getting up you} ticketi, and wag theplever
vahtion in thisi particular, (as in all oth'frs.) ' 5 more digg‘méfm ”nimble to‘secnre otfice’
IMild thus seen an oficer in whose httnds I for lpnmng Wm!" "'i‘” the one witnessed
111-b State‘s int’restiwifl be safe, aml‘ the in thin town' on,llle 4m o‘nhis‘inomh?
‘dq‘mnnds ofjn tice lly satisfied. i i And whatj in it that. rompta Republicans
E For Commi fiioner, the whales fell ltpon to hurl .uQJfiaHJJMHmMMd Out,
'JAcoa Eryn): x. than whom there istnot i “spans denunciationéht Democrats, ,1,...
In hatter citiic or more honestand uphight i ing them as «gnwion'igu and traitors pa.
nign. That. hois in eficry respect qualified; ; The spirit got' ;pmy_irarly-gr.\nn’ !—-tlnt
nd one who]: on him will for a modixent. spirit, (thoukh iimlerthf name at: “no par,-
(lqubt. (jolt-re tin all his bu-iiness tmltsac‘. [y H, "magma?" PM”, nbovoguid beyond
“00!. a [ll3OB [lt and kind noighbor.u\nd ; PVPY’ otherimdgidemfl'}oh.. '
faithfully carr. ing out the duties of a gnudi if those who ‘pra‘te on “no party" are m
oitiwn. M'r. Emleman cunnot. t'ail ot'isuc- amt-stale” ”W" 5““,50396 holding PM"?
mazes. .lln “‘il be found one of the best ggi‘lfltgjjhwpt’hey'ligffl: gag-:3
Qommissionv the eoxmty has tier had, I mflghudszof 'lheir rupees. Th‘en their.
lpr‘ediction :- ich even his political op— actions will' correspond with that! 'ptofel
.pclnents arm dispute. ieions. but not: before. i- ‘ '
; LlAcon M. LLIB'GEB, the nominee for
Dim-tor of th Poor, is also one of the best
infimon. He as augerior qualifications for
this post, seal who know him ivill attest.
N mm mm y ought to his discredit—
’n thing but 1 his praise. Elect. lrim.’uuf
lhd tilUnlfil t§e highest. oxpeotations. We
Lwill notpeflm' our-elf to doubt. his gum.
' Josxr 11. thump“. the ogndidite for
Auditor-'33; nlsh the right man for the nighi
' pun». ALgßodi accoununt. correct in all his
jtuinsactions‘! arid acrnpillously honest; the
”pl. will do theimelva! medithy cutting
hipfi L 34 thin will do it.
F‘or (301 me Sn eyor, Jog: G. Biling
nurr was m-nomin ted—tromphmem well
deserved for his ml imlv'y dmdmrge M the
riutieg of Ulll‘péb thug far. Qualified in'
the highest «egg, and ever rrnfiy when
allied upon. he 5.: the ninn lb sizcceed.
Such. in bn’fl are 1h? nominees." View
”10 ticket. frprfi tap do hottmh. md nq
blemish can he ‘ and. 2' MI orcny In; pm
_aitious upon it e gentlemen or g:- high
‘c‘t chnruotcrfi‘g" \seshingg first chm qualifi
.cutiuns and of I] 'lnulnénl impurity. With
' Demoéwacy and: before
1 hopetm’ld mmlidermn
(as: v'rgthrs. t'oilh v-‘uprnrf...-
ur 1:93} intends will In.
your b‘pulc my bu. "Hu
{ ' “nation. fund I.lm Dana
l ich “is wedge-d to the suit-
; such a ticketiflt‘
Hhe people jig
31mm (hr-n, I“)
rE'ect it. and‘ ‘
subset-bed. LN“
{ Uninn .nd IN“: «5
gormic ticket? ' l
.‘p'ort of bokh 1g": !
2 -—H-'
O -+—- _ ,
bfflmt [finwr Mm (Bmer-‘f
’lhm‘o "kn Ni! fur, vprv {ow
part of the mun'rv who
foancN n" for Hn- (unali
nf thq WON'L hm. :IV-nvnfi
i h tho-fr: notinm.”-—.\'r~lin/l.
r IllylTomfl-fimld-n sent] from“
sm-h ‘: mpqlhv, but flufir
lerthmrlhoir u'nr‘k. “'Ly
m‘h a“ Himvo’ml "‘ 31" thin
11 ervatiyb
“Inu- mm; A
knm‘w we" (33f
‘r-Prmns in
have nnv #lle
sn} Abolition?“ ‘
all rymL-uthfl wi
.Truk. Rr
(In “dim"nui W
artwfispeak tat}
do tflpx mafia
and other '1
uI-M k
nov know ”FM inn: n‘
win-m 1w is 'nni lu‘ron‘
witlltwhile fin‘rt-‘nnrl I‘
and prosees Kl ! t Hlv-ir
much “.dium‘dwn
their I,
mos! deg-'in“ inf
mmitleredfi 115 t‘u-y
ray l ii•a
negrn Human-p If
a body in wlfic-l
high mum!” ‘
ml ark they not, rennmi.
x't vxlft-pt‘rm. tlm‘w
IL? Hume rwltlim] Inva
.h" ni‘lv uilh ”le,- xm‘
.hists. 1245} ’
hm]ng.' Mnléfit
mtlmlu‘ru \\'lfp Q
Min-q, ynting on
tori‘nua 'Alml‘ft‘n
"m 1 "“1; (hr-FM]
of r9~lmmin¢fin
m‘grn MUM; I'
I l
[Mm ,
g 1
i truth:
[mg ll:I
rum: in anéwzel
th-I’ln-x-«m gnu
I fier‘MEml—wfiie!
m Cir;
«1.101;; ‘
in‘ In: was {lll 1
ig‘l‘l'] Yr“ ”11%;“
“mph-. 110! )ir. .
I .I"urtlu-r.\l:h.!‘
1 Hum"!
,un'l mew-s g‘nli
Emmi“ (If glu-
wow '
fin tin-y I 17: [ll-l
59<¥jnni~§1§ " and "f n 'H‘d~ "
ho valid-“mu .Hnn’fij‘vun’dw
40 than fibnlitib'niklmfhnk fi-rr
’l undefmimng tlm't'rmdi
rr-hy inHicting inmh'ulalJe
co'untliv? ‘ ‘
[mum-o :1: “4kg:-
‘ :
:1” Dam-what ‘
1“” “hm Ina-HA
thin Ky years fun-F
Itut'mn. nnrl-hh 1
f injury upon Mu
E “ Trul]: i~ in:
uhy -" 7
new} 1+
l‘lmy h:
vi” 1m;
;11111 it
In tint
mm Imi
I'l-h [ml
u! mm
“ l'niu
That M 1
insula. tr
dwalling I
tween 10
from min.
coals than
being in“
in: follow
é ' 4"?_“é'(:l\fli IT, ' ,‘ytinumon an 1 nuhvs-rt. the ('nnqlnuflnn, and
- ' - -" flit” a " ‘m‘urevont the Pestnrutmn nf unity. peace
}' ‘ g' ' 4 ‘un' mnvnrtl nmqu States nnd'pmplo.
’ ‘ . I I ha! ”10 CHI}: ' d
’EI : NKEVTION. 8‘“ ”WK” .r , utumm an
DH ”RATIO COUNT}. CO ‘ . ‘ the 1m" are sufficient fol, an)“ elnrrgency. .
. Hm Delhgmv. el-K'Ln.€ by .m ' neur- Jam! that thesumvreuinn of “'3 frvednm nf
boroughs nml mwmhipapf Atl‘umn «minty hpeech and of the firois. and the [unlawful
:nn Satfirzlzuy. tho 95h. a-sthledfin Unnlvép- 3"?" nfcitizens M“! ""f “Mil““l‘it’” 0' the.
'(lan, in the Faun-house, in Get Viburg; on "T" 0.? “Pm": W! m nutshell-mt the (""3'
. . ' M "phtutmn m Stuffs whom the owl authon-
Mnmluy' the th mfit. apt. 0351““ 0.. [in ".3 unimpmred, it mm'ttlaligtamus to
(funny wafl chmun T’l‘Mid! nt, I AM? lit-Tu" ‘oivil lilmrtv. and should ha #Psihted It the,
‘ . - . ' I
': , -. J. K .1, ~ 1.1, ”3w“ 1) Hi- llmllut-lmx_.t:v eveuzv freehm}: m the hml. 1
T” "H "Ill?“ ,3 1“ ’ ‘Pa' Al 'o'; F ‘ 9th. Rayolvezl. ,1 but. ”ml 15,» Governmpntt
‘ pm“ at)» ”in", ‘I ‘ ”I r ' I ',of whitoman, and was eutnhliahéd exclud
FE‘TY- 341% Racy-amnee ;'l ‘ v mivviy for the whim max; thut {he negcot
. The droilmplinh of tl Delftznkes WPI'B :mcgfllP not entitled to and nught not. tot
than hnnilod‘in. M {Min '3: ‘ , z . 'i'h» Ifl(l?‘hu;l‘t“) pnhti‘ca‘l 8r :o'cgilfl ‘euyufility
' V ‘. ._ _ Iw‘tltmwnemcr. u m l Ismlrsuy,
‘ Gfigfww‘ {6“th nth“; Tm. R. [MC tn, treat them with'kindnmh'nd qnnsiderhll
lßutter. .iumh Rufil-nm»r§fl.h. I. Eh'hnltz. i‘i‘m- 3“ “T‘ ”(fr-‘0“ and ‘prQdQM-"W;
.Bnrwirk I-or llanrvl Mn' r As} . .Brmere. 9”)“ ”'9 “31m M the "“V"ml_ ”mi“ 10‘1““.
immack , Samba! 1370‘” 5’ .\.-3.1.351”; nermina u... pasitinn un-t dunes of tho rm
fiiitlor I” [i V u 1i”! snvnrl-izn right. aml the pledge: of the.
‘ ' ' ‘ " l“ ztnutinn roquirfiumus loyal. cuizous,
|Cu§§¥p¥r¥nmt “mac x’DeQrdo Corndius
, Dang] onv. . 1.. v 1
(‘nnnnagm Pe'or (anflo‘rfk Sim n Uwrnkh. ‘
Frpp(“lnm. Abnd/yam Kri ,of .. W. Ross
“'hiil‘u ’ , . i ‘
Franklin. Jan_W. Inn. Benjlbr-nrdnrfl‘.
(my-".,mv. Dr. $.19. Km r. J. tug. Mmrb. ‘
11.:ymmnn,‘H-‘m-v Wolf, " nrlrv‘ “Phone. ;
’ller’m/E, Mrinfire. A. _Sfl'risg pm. .
,Ilumiugtun. Jacob C. 811 ivcr, 2}):111'11‘1 IMP
Tntfinnrq. Irma] Fu‘hr. ‘ ‘ “ ‘
‘ MbnaHon, . map}: WDIHJWm.‘ er-rdm-r. ‘
~Muluxljnv,'JzL~. ”17011.1? -lU“7I.“P‘”"K. ‘
'llnvxlltly!r-Iwant. Jaw-p}: filly, .‘.; 11. <1!)f!|l. v 1
I*.lxt'nx'tl.§lle|lr\v J. Kuhn. gum. Fl. Mufihfrfl'.
: ch'hn'!" Tlmnms $317162”, Farms .\. Urn
. d! HY. - a 1 1, 1‘
Sim} an; K. F, l‘whv. Sanfiw! (Mhlnmi. g. I
.'Evrom‘. IMIIM s‘. [FI-111.31. M. ff‘dk'nh’rfl- ‘
VH‘JII}, Dnnirl Ht'irtx‘ll’llillh. AmM L'FCIA’VTP‘ ‘
‘ llagmihnhban. lxnur‘ Rnhifimn."}§m.-[. “Dell.i
.“c.~|‘fl. Mm. (h-nrdzl‘r, Suit, Kinzm‘.
Img .1_ [lg-ml; .wlx-uwawinxk nml I, I-L;
.\‘umh. “91"0 atmmin'o-l g‘l‘um ittee (0 Nu
purl Hebrfluljons exprro '\e of {hojénsp of‘
[hp I.‘pnv.9minn. ' I; IP ‘ ; 1
; I‘u-limlnnrynonfin-nfin" = worr‘thnn mzilln,
'wiu-n the Convention qfijnurqed“ unHfl I}.
‘O'clug‘k. I I: f 1" ‘ ‘
i The Conw‘ntinn'ro asg‘bml 19-“ at thg 31..
Ey-lgltgullgimn. and procéde‘l ‘ nmanue
1:1 (I mnty~'l‘u-ket. 'l‘.
.1 ‘Hv'firy J. Myer: \\':L<_ gummy
‘ Av-ouxbly Ivy nc‘cl'umutign u!"
Sunni? Bvcnuse
{ I
sh want the nmzrb
mu: uc. tqmmwto
wrrr'wr (hi-59 leader-x
:parwpuhcy tunmkg‘
k Mm! is xlwuplu-r
-0-H ';. ”wirJnt-tinnn
in”! FIIYII'YLHH M'vr“
. i '
'\v 1‘ p In“ gl“..|]‘._rrl).s"
. 1 I.
1 A! nhnol’n-m hold
QW‘j-I)’ any .\‘ww-ns? ‘
iujl} n: h. mllin Twin“
énunpnrtvis of flaw“
Its will M o nu diffi
‘9'“ I'lll-fitulflfi Mr.
ifur :1 MI uxhq Cun—
lE‘P~i4KPIIQ. nmiimted
“Tonga ~Lxfiurm. Mt
hr ",".,,, l~Ain~Nll
hallu't, nll. othEr 3am]. Lu
“ illnlz'ufilll. ‘ ‘
Fu r lilslriot Attprnnr' Wm.
l:~r;._'w 1». «'onv-n Ly math: untn}x.
J" :I' ('uxzxnlihinny-r.'.lu uh hppivmnn ro‘
n-ix ~11 flw nnn'fnnfiiun nit!» ~lnmrui buliut.
‘ 'l“-i1‘ D !'«'-K for (if. ”10‘ [‘l r Jul/‘O,» Bf” [; I]-
linger mm nummntml r: ihu'ul’ruh'll hal'lut.
. Ifur .fi:x-lit:yr.l‘.l-v~c-Ir§lif. Surrenmnéwny
’ch'wvn fun fl:- SN! Ivdla' nn-l \
s, Fmfiurveynr, J-Ulm . Xhinkerlmi‘ by
_ «m-Fxmqtinn: ‘ [‘ \ I
w z . .
‘muat urghnl In I's
Hupn‘vl {inn l‘ "Joy-v
31111.:lequ ““14; fifth.-
(I there 141 m wiping
wh'u‘h H.-|mhl.<’:_ln
)\\\':n.".\fu<iwrr§. E-rpml u'xnémimtml fur
Um Stet“ “unalt- L): »\<*I‘I§):\VE;)LI
K'..m.‘l~tn}:rrt .\.V.~:Jvzr.“'§.‘ Dr: I) K. P 9113!»
:Hul‘n .3.] \luh‘v \\mrn‘: pluh‘t‘V‘ (‘nllL'YP‘q
731““! (E'unf'rru-x; :m ! 1“; .\' (:i‘lK 111; .47
('. Nut-W "ml [l.l. Pagan-z. jib-,1, firmn
hr «1 (‘MI'V-v‘rm. ~ I, ‘g .
‘G.--.rlw“xm-;. Esq. g". ddpfi'iiwl R -
};rvn-‘thls-w‘ Dr’mynh' ‘ walu‘x'l l'uum-
Mu: nmnH‘vkhNi f'w
'\'o- “Juno" lhv rim-. 1."
If! len rmnnnhhin
{ln-so nh-Inng‘iflzhk
it” sil- ”re p; ru‘u.‘ m"
Imiivvo mm 1‘“
Inn “lll‘lJn‘ A main/J
I 'X‘}*.n}.m)]:'¢ umlv‘l,‘
Hump win- Inn-u uh
I'rmh- 25min ('unvo Imm muf hr. \'. (
Rxmn'gmmtnrial I’vlwgnl, to (In: «um: 'ol]
. . I
"..‘ fl'l '- qu‘y'dll)‘ "
wn'tzonL ‘ , ‘
'l‘he i‘ulmtg Stuéliv'. (‘ummilu-e pm»:
Uu'ln nfipnintml. Ik. (“XL-.'- :,
(iolt)'}=lnlrg,: Jacob lgfmk"
lnicmm “‘th mm“
”I"; m “wh'-I'}..-
Irv 7“”? .lm nun-7. nu
lnniur 1h» lump» of
t‘mnltnrlnn‘l. ('m-m-lm" Dan,
(‘n-l‘m’anv. llt-nry hx- gt.
‘ itHl‘a‘ml, ,lnmph 1“"; h.
"'lluntingmn. Lnnc 11. V
lmimnrr. Cunrml l),
llmnlll-‘a‘nhan. ltn'nw" ’,i-‘la 6t
IJI-ertv,‘ Edward M-‘l tirv. t
ll nniltnnull'cnry Wu . "
' l'u-m'iuk'hm‘" Frmlo‘r k \\'.(lf‘,
Kerniick tp.. Nzulmni Miller.
\ Cunowagu, Sinmn llilhfilxh. '
Vhion, Jug-pl: L. fill-"ugh... ‘ ,
I’, utter. Aardn \\'ialor. ~‘ 3
Strathnn. Stmucl .\.‘(i‘ ilaml.
‘ 11.-mum, .lmoplu Wr . l.
Frdnklin. (lcorge luv t. , ,I -
.Mnnhljny. Jane D. N 5“ nun.
Mnmltplenennt. Jn-‘mpr‘ luli‘v’, . '
Reading, Wm. S. Innfinmng. ~ 4
- 'l'vmno. John M. Pitt ‘\lurll". . ‘
Freedom. \\'..R. Whig. ? ‘ I
The Committee on Rn" )luthhu marl!- the
following report,‘ whiclfi was‘aduj»!ed hy
nechtmatln’n : A *‘v - l l '
Ranked, That the Dumnomd‘v of .\tlnmst
conntv adhering tn nml nplmhlina- the:
principles upon which ulhe an rnmn‘n .'lrid‘l
tho Democratic party 5 5 tom lml. h rebyj
mmnimnunly rn‘lify, ondlgxse a (l udop the!
following preamble muljlrrml tiom at] the:
Democratic State (‘.mvcntion, geld at t {or-n
“Jun-gun the 4th ofJnly 12153:} ' 'l
\\'uq‘nmx, The Amcri . n Con‘ktitutinn wail
m-rhu'nq'd and ectuhlkhtfilw on? fathom, in}!
order to form‘n more yxeufcct l; nifin. (“gall-i
lish justice, ensure _«h't n-nic‘ tranquility.
provide for» the'commglgclcflalwe. nrnmow 1
tho general welfaremml‘ ’ cure Hm blessings'
of liberty to~post--rity;tg;-roforc. . ‘ , ‘
kt. Emil-mi. That théjnnly hltioot of tho.
Democratic party l-t th'o gtslnrall'ou of KAT—J
nion us: it was, the prtsl't'av'ivngl thy natal‘
Julian (:41 it is. ‘ _ _ , I ‘
2:1. Rcsolml, That to the owl that? thc‘;
[“nion'he restored. and the L‘ohstitutiom‘
fnnd lmys enforced throughout its whole ex~’
} tent. We pledm’ our lmlirty nndlunquulificd l
Mupport to the l-‘ederal‘fiovprnhwnt in thol
‘enorgatio prosecution of the existing nr. ’
‘ 3d. Raolwrl, That the‘truo hd onl‘ ohm
joct nfthe war is to restore 1h; Union gamh
enforce the laws. ‘Suclf a pu me alone is'
worthy the awful sacrifice Willi);- it costs us!
of life andoftremzure ; mth 511 h n purrosol
alone can we hope' for success.l And t 3059'
who from sectional feeling or arty or pri- .
vote mbtitjes would give any‘bt net diréctioni
to'the efforts of our Armin or A unju‘tland‘
‘ ’ ‘ilh‘mwen’and
t 9 prouofutila
'111:1“:4 !"
My view__wilhl
m e which‘por-l
M} of the Fed”;
r turn to figidl
r in indilpénsaw
plunder of tha‘
phrtisans, llld‘
mlulg developll
lptions at "IQ
nrohghom the
change of MlO
'ely demanded
xrly fanaticisl I:
‘be called. that
Southern Sunni
‘nd enter into;
thoring masses, I
mg their man-3
_ _ u n equality withl
negroes in their occugmaon, is insultmg m;
our race. and muits our»th emphatic‘
and un unliflod condemnation. l
6th. Emit WI denounce‘b'orlhtfn Abolitionism
md Sunken Seemion‘na thelcoopemting‘
sources of our present «Harman—alike (MM
gamble to the Con-titution agld mimiml to
‘the Union. The only way tb a. reglored
‘Uuivm and a rumpled Constitution with.
lreturning peace and prosperlty is through:
the overthrow of both. 2 1 ‘1
. 7th. Resolved, That the Democracy" of
"Punns lnnia is cqunlly‘oppmed to all see
lt'xonallegislalioh and geogrnplncul pin-ties,
I whichlbau their balm fartontipued pali
su: success at: the “mama of emanci
:pntirm All"! hyr-“n-rit‘wni ‘.hilnn¢hr3wpy--
Lhnlition. lmc'uN) m-ithc-r u kntfivn I!) ”M
'(‘nnstilulinm and both Mn intondwl to :34]
,“nni. l‘ ,_
n'nt to imprfere therewith. ‘ _ , .
10H). R M/IWI. Tim! ('nnzrmx' h’ nqpnw-é
hr m (10-prive nnv-per‘son 'of his manly for
any crimxnzul nm‘uw, union-u thy pox-«(3n ‘
:IHI“ been firut duh; com irtwl nf‘the ufl'mmo 4'
‘ihy the w-r-ln-l nl'ujury‘: and than.” acts of,
1 (‘unm‘oss like than» I’m-1y guwoill by tl‘ne‘
‘ ”nu-9 n! Renewing”iw-d. which ”sunn- to;
Lurk-it or cnnfi-‘u‘nlo Um («Inn-s of nun for;
uotfivnwe of MAI-h ”my have 1m! been mn-‘
{ivu‘wnl npnn :Ile lrml Ivy jury: are funmlisli-l
I'l'utinnnl. and Inn! [nappy-@401) thJan-f
.i‘m'. It i‘ no iuzlificutiun “ur «whim-ls that,
t the (‘rimvs commiHu-ll in [Le [uronfruhnn of.
t the rah-Minn Arc- r-f unvxmnplgdlntr(n‘ity ;‘
mmr i~ there um ~m~h iuetij'mnini) an Slam"
flux-MN my knrm n to am [lnvnrnnwlh or hut-4.,
i‘ th. [Java/«WI. 'l'lmt tinel'«»lr~bitillit»lxandf
.1 Uninn'nml tlwlmn Inuv( be prpsnrved'al'ul‘
.nmintuiueal in u" thrir proponmd xlghfl'u‘. :
i rllprrul"u‘\'. um] that the rulm]!s:.p 1“) an
'\rnn Waihsl thanmnuv 1.» mppfi-«ml “th
jinn duwn.‘ and I]: ‘Liv w uur duly" [u Ike-15H!
. can-timnmml rwamreu necesgary and
,prnner In Him rn L _ < j I
" 1211!. Rafi-ml. Thai ”19 <l!“qu ram-A
‘ poking nur Ermin- nn-r'i! tho wm "’7'” thanks
701' the nMiun. lelr Ac‘n'mlrkvr ('KqILr-«i athlv
,rnnluly dbl Hwy re‘ymn l. ' Junk-(LI Loy almllr
‘knnw n nafi/w'e armxm‘lu:.nuvirvilnd. n rm-’
tiun'q mre, and dying, lhl y shan luv In nut-I
I mémdlim. mul mom. m-nu phi}: 1w ralwd
- 1n tr-m‘h pnut‘rijv tr; lmr‘lm tha‘pgtrinu yam]
:M—mm whu omen-d thmr In“ If! the}! Pour}-
hvrv‘s uhnr. ’l'lw‘v‘ mm W~ unit I’irllhflni
“ha” ha «_dqmc-Il U tlm uu‘ inan' L» mngf!»
[‘nd m vr. mul v-m-rl fur 1,:- u‘gju'h ”ny :
Or the
‘r the ‘tiret
"nu; H-n
I‘WPFHIY uvnulion'a gu mlinnflnp.’ ? V'
‘ Frll’thf'i‘.’ . . ‘ ‘‘ :
‘r -l."".t.«'l'f:{‘ That un hum-Wu rn‘fifi' 19301 ‘in!!-
"I‘u'kut and the ’l 9km. thy-A fluv ”in!” Imlml,
‘awl cnmmt-n-l H. 911. [u 1h» ”lupin-L of "vO
- \‘ner. mumwl lint Ihr» gm”? Vmm ru-‘n
yn~in£ Um'u are in xgwjaighrfi’rllc-grm- yi
lriutu‘, t-nlmhh‘mnl lmumL ‘, ;‘
Tho I upwmmn Hwn ml'vutfléd. ‘
‘hv ‘Fnr
A. Duncan
I'm" [hp ‘rnmpilpn
~31“. gTA’flx.lz~~\Vcl urv lllpp)’ m- In-iurvn
5 “n that Nu" Hrmnrfitiv' t vh'vtlgivm‘ um-
Verwl émhfm-tiun. .\"nc « n v inlnnr‘tmirn—
l‘iw an; WP 409:“le wilh it. hul I‘m-"ugh
nu! tho t-Mirr I..»:[nr'anvl‘ w ‘u' ns’wa Ila-Va
Levn nroumlhxt‘ J.- rnggrflmi nu mu unumnl'v_l
ummx. mw, .\I-i n «‘mz‘." pt-ern hm’v I
Inn-n “Inn h rm! pnrlivlflwrlx {if-Mend, anul‘
my [hut ll Ljufl HAP nm- F-n‘lll'hi iiimr‘. . ()p-t
~milimi mtn :vlm‘t H 9 «mm: on». a‘n'l
ournpmnh nf mvn among flu' \'v-_-‘_y hurl lri|
IL:- cmxnlv. Am! 1! in mvh Mill art-Mu:
;-'Mmrv*. ll.“ no spam the Turf. that 19,
Iva looml fiw- rqunm‘v'l- mtizmn m Ifawl
hw'duy may th'ul thvv mll Inm-nrt il in prr-I 1
{ct-mute In tlu-ir rm ".4141: t‘_mir partv'iin ‘t
humming t-m mnt-h Almhtv'unizithn hay-o. F
u...” A.‘|”.’u;r(: .\I'NhA-rr‘f. Mvt-ru. “Imam!
Elrflc-mnn. l'-u}lum-r. Sun-mnan my! l'mku- ,
krrhdl' an- hkwl Ly all \ihn know thmn. , "
mm! m- m“ on Imm; m” m‘ulurlhom gr-‘T‘
quail-lull mi): 31! 1'31» pmwh- ‘ ‘= If“
r _ , . I. m’l'll PRU. .‘ll
———’—————_——- 3 r“
”Further nrllvrq n'z'lh furor! h! “NJ.
.irnll arc- pubh-lml. Ry than. C(flln‘lfh:
and suhdivz-inns of m-nntiyw )ViH be allnwerl‘
umh-y the «lral'i nn nlmlumont in ‘prnWr—g
Mon to 11w Vulmm-c-rs ln-n-lnforo fumi-Iml. ‘
Bounty and ndvnnco P“. It not to be paid
to voluntc‘orfl aher‘tlw Ifnh mgnm for new
yeciment}. nml.«'n‘_v;.t»urq for rggj.
)m-nts now ig‘tho field, (fr now organizing.
'l‘nJhme ‘hlllt‘l’. Lonnfy ant] alli'uncn imy
“51:11 h" cominund untH 1110274] inst. Vulbn
tom-s for mid reginwnh WNW-waive the name
lill‘lhe lrl of Sorv:onli.ef.‘ They'dral’t y'vil
Ivogin on the 4th of’KopLl-rixlbagnnd 0011!an
up Gem day to flnyliil crumple‘ted. 3
[631! is wall n-armgred #118! the “Right-1
lflful'rr‘" rcv'eiw umro nncomngelzwnt frhm
the per~i~u m and hm]ignunt’nfi‘ropreserg‘ta
tion of Nurthem «Amimi-m by "Hrpuuingm"
pnpoys than any mim- murcot‘ju‘t as {he
erican: did/in Hm war mt]: 511‘s! country
from the same {-ln-Is of in urnalaL "l‘he infur
maliun which (My give mainland-{Rebels in;
to a belief that the A’Jh-imllimi hml‘ I 13m
number of sjympnlhxrsr-ra in glhe North.—,
'l‘hese'jougnnls fr ed flmt impression. encour
age 'lhem tq persistencajn their-wicked
ness. chi-er their hnpe‘, 3nd animate fl’wir
courage. ,h, is high time it?» 'h'ing flu
cllanged.—l.iwifinm? Tn". 1)(11Ib61:fl(. .7
Tltmnrmric- Sin/t I'Dmllfnffu—l‘h4’, Chairman
nflho Dnmm‘rntic .\‘mte Central Committee
has milvd a mpplmg'of the ~Cnmmittea at
the Buohlor 'Hnnse, inflnrrinburz. on the
23th. As the buujness to, bo’ulnmctfil'is
of n'ore than ordinary importance. it is to
he hoped that. the nttendanén will ha full.
These my time-4 thnt.“try men‘s'mulu," and
call'for dniu-d and vigorous ocgion. '
, --.- —«.- ----_.._ .
bWhé-n a RPpuH‘imn pt’mor declares
that. “n'm one Ah‘olitinnist except. John
Brown hm committed an an! of treason,"-
the inference is irre~istibie thut the editor
is in strong “ sympathy " wifh Abolition
iam. It is notorious that the Abolhionisu
have for yours reviled hnd gpht upon the
“nnstitution and the’ Union. pronouncing
them “a league mu: dim"! and a covenant
with hell." But according to the’ lonic' of
some Republicans. this is not (reasonable,
“‘\Vhon speaker“ at “'nr Mbtings for
the enlistment. of volunteers, Lake “in“.
tage of the amnion to denouncv Democrats
and their prinniples. and udvocate the
Repubiicnhpnrty and its principles, thowby
irritating and offending n lewd one—hat of
their hQIII'PhI. do they or not “ diéeoumo
enlistment: .’" What must be the inevita
ble effect of such a. pcrlizan course! The‘
answer is not an enigm'n. > .
anopuhlican papers are full of denun
ciation of those who “speak again". the
Govemmpnt.” Them papers now talk n
though tbq Adminhlration was the “Govern
ment,” an idea which never enter'od their
prejudiced heads during Mr“ Buohannn's
term. when no epithet. was too vile or
abufiive fox- tbem to hurl 53' hi: devoted
hea . -
The Penuylrania Menu—Gen. Seymour
has beén ”signed to the command of the
Pennsylvania Reserves. in place of Gen.
McCall. who was taken prisoner in the w
cent battlel beore Richmond. Gen. Sey
mour fiznduned at West Point, in LflcClol
lan’s 0 us. and served with great diumotion
u an ulillory officer in Mejxico. .
-o O o - - —-'—'
fißev. Thomas O'Niel wan “rested, .:
few dnyrsgo. Ind taken before Juuico,‘
Gamma. m. Westminiuer. for “lend gin-l
loyal sentiments. The Dwocml up the!
“me was deferred to Tuesday, for harthn
invmtigatinn. when lug W}:- duchupd (or‘
nmdhv Indian-diction." . . '
ADAIS COUNTY—The quota of Adam
county under the 6m an of the Pro-idem wu
find “>lth Companies. Already h." an.
Companies (on. from the county in. “nip :9.
Harri!burg~o:pl. Shipiey‘i‘, which in'} on
Saturday week, with about. 90 men, ‘fbr 9
munlln; Cnpt. J. F. Hrk‘renry's, which tell on
Wehnendny porgingmith over 100 men,i tor 3
pal" ; am} empty-mu Widter’t, which l'afl. on’
Saturday mornirgg, with übom ‘5O mén‘, nlm
fur'a years, These Comimhiu are mada pp °.‘
guo‘d materlnl-l-goung Amy her‘Y WW: P 0"
scs‘hed ut inrit and tonnage. We "pm to
help- u gnod Account of tth.
$4-sldei the above, Sérg’tt James huh!!! bu
migrated the fullqwink fur the Anfierlou Troop,
nlm first chss young um, ‘, ‘, q
#OO. Sim-Ms, Jame“ Wel‘y. Charles \Wo‘dnr,
Bojuinb Snyder, Wm. Picnic, Banter Helm"?
Sunbllel “_nmpler. Jnlm “mun. J. KIWI”-
mq‘n, Thoums W. Hint, Chq‘rlwl Bropgh,’ouepb.
519L119, (l. W. Kintcr, W; P. BowerA‘ Johh
”"PM’; Edward waegn‘ndl‘ 1. mum. wmmz.
We are likewinv infdrmdnl that a number or
."°j:"‘s3 men of this counliy have e‘nlilltfed in
('ukupnniu going from adjuining countipl.
hdfims h-u thul fur dun;- my“, and thop.
:ln‘u l-rfurc our nut is§ue§lxejb¢rlla 00:21pm!
~ . , ‘ j , 5 j s .
“1%) M ‘3l!th 851.07%.40 !‘L.._ ”l:
Mrmmn (‘9\H‘A.\'Y{-—-(‘hnrlen filmy
m". Eu)” lms- imlxudmoitq‘rs for nnotheir‘Com
pup}. All the ofifi'c-rg nr‘r mlu- 5:1!‘(101119 from
StNurpnr-nl up [u (‘.:pmih, gifing our}: man
31in m‘r L-r )Il;flilir):p. - Eniixlmemnnrr balk-ir
-4-«llwillwnl',drluy (h'nom‘ll rrnJr‘aroun‘pr 1!.
(.'niun—hmmu The (‘,uunlnfny wxll mu-Léip lvh'm
plive 0n Th'ursduy Inur, Ln rlev,l?nflicurfsi. wrl‘u
thJ' rilrn-rlnldm ofJenvingun l-ri-hy Iflqmilu
for (Amp at Harrisburg} Fail m!‘ .1; ,
n exeruisr‘nnt l'rnnulr " I Guilt-gm ‘lnok
x'e Lu! ww k Tln- numrt‘.nrm‘fiuu m
u, Mlmciril I-y Ihcu- ”an; a, mu yrnuh .
, . ‘9 ‘ ‘ '
Eh!- ‘lu vulnzlrcng Illu-nnrw was délivero‘l
. \ '
hr HM‘gior H', Mm In) I'\ v'H m 5. ‘ -
In \I-‘ndug u-\'~:'l[u-,:1 hr: l'hih- 750(3er ho”
Alum; rafiry. finlltrau‘w \\'rrr- nh-hvflrfud i-v‘
lard J >l!“th i’ “Lumen h, “Jig-mn
rlL W 2 Hrdo-riwn..l“ Hl'mv-h lu-‘y. simm
m “NH". |'. Hut/.‘m-‘nvv. 'l,
{Uni Temnday evnmf'ig H 1- A-Liu-u hq'ffire lh-o
Imm” uf Ibo bvtum-ny fian- sirlirervtifh‘lln‘.
Huwh, at ilns ‘PM- a 2'“ nnl on “'{(lpjpurl Iv
‘mnn; '3”- .7 mm; rihx‘lmnu I-m-r in“ IN
iu‘uv‘n- 1»! mg mum !} r 4” IngirnV-vwkj‘fnlirw s
"pp mm“ H:- -'l~l~\ ' ‘. _1“
EF.‘ L Ffilr.l".H\lLr:\:vllnt.-. “.rlmfli‘culn-r,
f 1.. “we; li. l-I. (minis. .4. umagég‘fls ht
'l“th ('. Innngrr. I'. Surimr, L: {'€.lnmglul
’1" in_vmyfi‘r.. H I. n» 0:. t: w. ”34mm.
l-erdm 1. 3mm. bu mnmnfknw.
‘. Sic} k. .\ i g -
[on T'h‘xrulav [numb-A Adrlruuu #6:! «it--
erel by tilt: Hrndnnliu J (hurl. [m - {Z‘i'uvdofl
'll'l'.) ad {UH-“ii 1‘ -- 1‘
IF I: lirh‘xhnnhr..l.T J. Hum...) \\':(Ymil,
‘ I. can", .4 HM-h‘ ”'9‘ A ‘K 51.4 mm”.
Jumn... n.’ IL Raf-13.41, n. Rpm-i? n. .\L
mirror, F. K!illll’n‘.h~l' X VI “:‘lrr Jj‘inrv",
ll Sella-mt, (' I}. Trr-irhlvr. N. R. M'FAY‘OP;
Weidmfiu " V SHAWL 51 I
Tho- fir?! h‘hm-r was nmlnydmi lg Vr‘iq' !R.
1"“. the not-mu! m “r “T L, Ndnny‘nd H «1
1H! In “rural-f H. H. lid-My. firmiv‘tm an!
11': Ihrtuhnnrot ll‘ I 1
‘Th- mmir Ihr vnz‘m-zt Nu- w I vu- (rue
4xoll h_\ llre BRIIM' [inn-l, 0! "Alumni“! up
I||lrFV2fiy evening-1h: Burl yaw- n (it‘fij’m! In;
Vi-n‘nmm! (‘um-NI in Nil-id. “burgh: Vw‘uirh
1 n Inrgvlynllu'u‘lr-i :Indja'nrnnirrrfih “has
nix-‘n. . I ‘
firmwws mt‘rrm'm: A I'm-g nniv.
1 hrro. duo-d Hinisun'w Imndinu. AI”. 6 h ,
1 Flu Inf nu" lmy- Mm. M “nmxf Yn-dnv
(mm Nu lunmyi ley Afr—Dun . KU’IXIHIFY.
Ttiwnry, Nut-II" mul Itm-nstn‘L leylunk
wry Lmuu lupl an! ”H mu :nf‘u! HMIU: -
Thor» n'u-‘yrl tin-v hnH nl quhn‘lmd—J.
llrnmlnn. h. S‘meTt-r .m‘l \I. J. Sllilillef.
Tln- Inn-try": rrquud mharé- gum- uph‘unh‘,
h‘hl hm ("rm-J up xu‘fiiifihmund. Tin-j knmv
nmhing n! (‘apl "alloy. : Al hm nlI hnpp his:
gym. _u-t we 5.1 M luuk {nrlhim or hope In hour
mum hdmn nf Imm,“ ' ‘ ~
if}! :I?er u! pie-lure In “atom": (mln'v
Rfrgt-Im H. \' \hxxlun 11ml hum prJ-mmrt
(T n szélxlnnwnr: in Unptiin BAIL” ~.t'3ompn-
ffi'fir. “urn- Mrs’lmn. :- mambo: of ('spl.
.\frt‘rv-arj‘n mmpnn3, had'h'nl hand man-rely
cruvhml [Mm rn {fu- . ”,1” they“ "mum-9156.,
.ing to Harrisburg
‘,‘fi'Yv-storduy wet-)5 ‘
fiape'l arm) were nrrc’nb
le‘ed in Ihr: jail horn, Ir
} fi‘The Bohdenviilg
the '11“, 24th. Zinfmgd 2
ln‘FKtL—Tuezdny, We-Ine
fixi-Jny._ _ ~.. _ ,__,- W .‘ - .‘.—4:“
‘ \fiy-w. Me infernnd‘tlml Rn} ‘w. L
Kilns; of Emmitshurg, . IL, bu act-g- ‘ted the:
vial] from :he congrnga ions, compag‘ng Ih.
Wayneshom’ Charge of! a (h-rmnn Returned
Churg‘h, and 111 n he' w'fli enter upon his new
we umber nbout me firstnf’Other. ' '
4 ____«______~_‘_‘_ H.
:‘fi'l‘he R". B. F. A ple.o&l‘1heolou
£an Seminary-Getty»! g. has necegfiql a call
{mm the cungregaziona o the Lutheran chum.
at Mny'ovyn, Lacks“: onmy. ‘ .
Jae-min Ladies" miner A.” my. ‘0!
Fairfield recently sent to the Fi-eden‘ck
“0W3!“ "'0 boxes containing Lll9 follow .
in}; myticles; ‘_' j ~3‘ -
,72 shifts. [3solmm drhwers. lpnirZOfiwooi
-9!) drawers. 1 pair of fin“, 5 linen 6mm. 12 -
drminn gown]. I 7 pairbfslockinfs,‘ 4 nock- ~
orchiefu, 42 pocket handkerchie 5.}23 km.
13 sheets, 18 piiiowa, 42 pillow-cum; I quilt. -'
‘39 lOWEIS. ‘22 pieces Mi 5621 p. 210 :‘yarda fif/
DFDdHKm. 133 bran brags. 4 bandi bags. 9 ~
bundle-x of old muslin} and 'vliuen,]§9oom
preseea-i ll). of tea, 2 bbmes ogwiubh 3 bot
tles of salve, 4 lbs. of dky beef, 2 para-tor
00"" starch, ‘Qjars of jélly. .1 can b nppla
sauce. '1 can of tomatoeb, 9 quarts of Black
berrigo. lot of ginger choker-t. .16 qua]? of
cinema. 5 of {Jo-chem; 2 of nspbiamen, 3
low of port undmnvallppes, I largo lot of
tmls In papers. I - f ‘ ,f
fiDuring the past. ten days, :09!in _
to secure volunteers yarn held It Fair:
field. Liulestown. Poml‘pbnrg. B'em‘firlvilh. ‘
Amendlflille. Galleon!» Middleton, (and,
probably other plum. I We have not heel! ' ‘
furnished with the pryediugs. but luri‘ ,
that g highly purio c with pmn'lod
throughout; ’ ‘ . Y
. ”:A lgw weeks :50; two young men to
tired ‘0 Bad M. the house of Mr. Jahg_
Chamberliu, in Frinklln wwnnhip. 113.1
bud not been in bed long until thud“,
end one comp-ht mote thin was contai
nble. Striking A light (boy found Mo b 0!
Ulck nuke over four foot in length, a.
procured a club and soon pm An M u“
makeship, and re-wok pone-lion of 111.
bed. _ ' '-
g ‘ ‘Thg‘is no new! from Gen.; ma»
Ma's army. All was quiet on 1.11:6 J..
"rfiver nt‘lut adviceuf ' "
4"” don-rid?! Penn:
M m I.iu|e:tm\-u‘ amt
fiat-re they mil are.
air in ndvcr‘tisml for
(h (My-s n! Siptgmber
day. Thunhhf and