e rlll ..' £“v:;.";"‘", A“ .~ 5 . The Connfi 1i [MM 121$: Mahmud” morning, by Unru- J. S'rulmt. at S! 75 par annum if paid strictly 1x- mumfi 00 per unuum ‘if not‘pnid in advance. No subscription discontinued, unleu at the option of the publisher. until all Mrcnrgus are paid. Anvmmsmmw incorfmlnt (lmmunlraten. _ Jon~ Paxxnm done with néalnem unri dhmtch. V OFUPE in South Bullimnrp atrr-ot. directly opp/kite \\'mnplcrs’ Tinnin: Edtdhlifihmt‘nt ‘—“Co\u'n.an I’uwnw O: ru‘r‘on the dgn. “alfkgwmllmmffi. ‘ ‘ w? ‘ ._ “£3,“ I. '.:§;:‘::V ' A 7 ibfiv} Jr I, ”If ."r -'~’<,. ‘ A $7 ‘ ADDRESS - ’nvxnn DEMOCRATIC STATE NINTH“ [OHJHTTEL To 71”: Dmmcruw .\\‘n‘, mens or 'rm‘ C gvrné H Pfi\\~l'l,¥'.L\H. ' The lienmernliqule (lenirWl ('nmmi’llme mhl‘ress you lllmn “111-Jl‘t‘fh‘ nl’ (ho ind-oat muniunt. The life nf'nnr belnvr-Il country is in danger. Tim natiipn writhm under the, throes of '\vide/sprmhl civil war, All 0 r iatginl’lsm; nil ‘nuri wealth: all Our lln'c'cnl {mu-n; :ill, of‘ \\lmtevm- ‘vzrme 1 Nita in thi- ~< Ilennl ‘, ix in‘-Inked. nnrl fillmxhl ho pmmldly :lil' illml ln s-u'eithu- Nulxnnul litilix’iillilmh :In‘l 1111-ljlllnll of‘tlm Nl'llc-s lion) ullrr m-i-rtlnym’ lx-llu re 1! l‘vnlifl'lulllil lulu ml Amerimn gl' /i n memnrv hf the l])I'Yl nl' who value} r 1) ll :H’ul lT‘li'J fi‘l’uhm"anhl‘rhvfirlll-kpmi in pail-lime a li\.lnly. p'i’lrii lint [Hpmql in pledgei Hut-red hrmnr fur h3~ (‘.-nil hour of fll(‘:ll'l“l mu-d .[ mn \\'!l;lnr»ly one tvl};ll"t‘ H‘K‘Psfinn- 0" “'1" the ‘V'ith‘lr-"Vill 0" “it‘ll I ‘in tho Nnrtl'tfia'tlnd hné livrccrl‘tliw conviction we (‘1 llslmf‘h’l‘ hv ourE own race: romli'in: ', mound, non for its palliation. hut ‘,l‘l hit“! States from tho Ame-ribmr~lfninn as are I that our gallant armim‘in tlwfichl. and the from he conrnt‘riilal'slq‘ rcpuzl'iancc of the ~' hv its objects and it: cll‘ccts. it is i the nnw'hnnrlml undur’ tho. duwcnntion of Hit“ wholo‘natir-n. «no tollic thwartml in their whim'tnan to b» placed‘ nmn ‘nn equaliti' off hight‘st dozrcppriminnl and dislurftl By “ ‘ (fontmlcrntc SIM“? Uiitnining “‘l‘” ”“W-lnlrlmlc ’l’lll‘i‘nq‘. Ith rmmlutirm nhavm mlhtarvrankwith thr llvgro. l ‘ ‘, ' cratiicntinfiv Abolitioniun, i’vo rvmov noti‘ lnrmal nrgunizition of‘ a government, they: quotml. ml'eptml ln- t'pngppq in July. 15(31- i .‘l‘nit hm u". lcast Ollji't‘llonflhlt‘ convitlcril- l‘onlv srictionnlism from the North, 1) t the 5 “-1 at ll."fi.'lh(uB llll' Umwtitntmn and lan-stir imnu-thuttily an” mil Bull Run dimapr, it fir.“ itlmp fact that tiliatitil‘erior ”33,, lmvintz mml‘. or “fictional“,n in the Smith.- I i th". I'"!th Stall". "_ml undrrltupk to unfit] mm son/ght g» runfllrln in tln- in-a-svnt (_‘un- lln‘ir ninils and paski‘pm intllimerl by tht‘ l The fall of .\bnlitinnhm” mi \‘Ql‘l v hn~ l tho l'l‘Aéhll'lnll within tlin pl'l‘ll‘lltlluljll‘l‘ln-‘ grins-i. through n. l'twrll'lulinn nfihic-l by Mr. tale: f rcal hr imnglnglrv wt-(mga, which liew. \\ohlil inia lert tinm lrmittfilt'l ’l'l‘Yl ‘ jlj"“""‘ "l ”N ”W‘lllll‘m'll‘x WVHHU‘CIW llt‘lmv’m} 01' lH‘h-‘métl. in the following Aholi innisnihioocmfiihtlt'nimpnrtto theiii, lt‘hc fal! ofscr6<lllintnn i Mung wit I thmo mi had the pm? wnulrl mntlmim ujk nnrl pr‘nl‘mhly, in the j nlwa)‘. Leon nntionnl; it i»: tho «‘nl ' party The lf-‘Y‘L'WN‘ "l tllt‘ ['nllr'l'Stnth. “Tl 3: 5:01 of .\Fr...h lot" thom two Sputum-ii. it.is we'll tlc mm. Hi . 'l‘h'l“ ”1" EV”! “r ”I“ “Tia?“ "n‘l ('On” vitlml, mint that ,a. lnrgp port n. lil‘l‘ll3|‘\ll such rnrilnec of tixtvrminntinn Can we i that Mr. \\'iltnpt ha; nmprirtfethi-‘cxtrem-‘ grn“ was p‘mlgc‘gl In every luval mih in tho- “)rljllllttl. \\'l‘l‘t' mpprmwl tn wjmw-v: (Now lmhl tho Soutlu-rnlfmtm nrjpenpilo in nub‘ l rut .\liolitinn nie'nlucrs of th 11,0) nt 0013-1 North; that. the war war: to.hn mrriwl on (”Pi the- gruat _niaxz ol' Rlonthm-n [looph- :n't‘ nni- 'jugz‘ttiou witlwut nlgt‘l‘llllhwlh'l oui'CmtSlll“: lgrou, whilst llr. (lowan ha“ w n the adnll- 1, tho wiiwlitntinn n: it i: and t‘m- Union as ml.‘ ’l‘inlimnvm- why thny up an. \\o lllllslr tion rml tho l'nihn; withhnt, in tact, rs- nition and confitlmwcol'cro (“in_ion—lovmg‘ it “2N. Unr'or tlin inépirntmn nt'thii hich. glun cat Sinihmwi'mr-intv and notice the talylishlng a (lovcthment the mast «lospot- qintriot in the ilflht] by his h mm} nihtl fear ‘p.itrinlir‘. and holy purpth‘. Our gallant. (dank into nh‘ch iitlans linnii Iliviihxd. anll ic? ‘ y . ,lm“ nplkwitionllothat-Inca“: wr—montnres‘ mnnhvmcn havn inarclrml to tho llzlilll" ’\filt‘ l dill rlixtirlgnhh it. "I‘llth are In arms,; We nN‘rl not mfi'wnr'for ynnJhosc inqui- thnt [onnll‘ll totintkv lhi4tnnt rv-asnns. 'l‘hn lomlnrs‘, who com- inn. ‘ 'l' ’ j l , zalinns in entitled to his uni-"hr 2‘ 'l'he ”Ml“ fill'l th'\"‘t"lt”l‘l< fit our . nthm- clau- a~ liullling..< it ~upp<\~'(‘<. to; l‘t'm‘lllfi tn inqnir : What is tlib rvlicf for lguislmd ability and spotlws will: ation.—-«' ':n‘nn-vlnllzvtcrl hy tlu‘ mhlivrmlhlw Vuifin m‘aiiit-iin anti prriscrvu it< rightsnl property] us in thi¢‘l"\‘—\\ ho +ll:—nrwhm-'nim~x imiv ham-r. mm in fo‘m fnrhnu- rml intry. in‘ ”if“. hnr dpul 1n 1",]? Nnnn nr'tw nf n jn~t ("uh Inf pxr‘k‘nrvmu Hm (r'm ill~litlflinnux~ 1w In” rnnvivvinn Jt lvntlvnl (luv Iv'r't‘» \"itll thirnnuhfiw 7l“*!:il}': Hunt :1” Uufiurlgtln Fri-nib!“ tuition". mu! M Hm fmay) rnnflry nu all hqdh-(l ‘0 syo ““h' u lnppy frmtu of Marv. mum] m- Inyld in suhiugutirin, and that m\ (jovcrnu'wnt shall be ore-rthrown. ':m«l the link"! or .‘t‘hese Slates finally-31ml (braver broken up. sz ; urlz'nufuulr the white-z of the Somh, or govern thcm’m‘ n suhjngnted ’ do ‘ ‘rflr ‘ho G " ‘“‘"-‘tan‘l people, and overt/(row ti im‘crnnien» :L‘xlroy the Union, is their purpose! And We ask your candid consideration for n moment, until we present to you n few points. from Which you will see that: the inference is irresistible that this is the dO~ sign of this most disloyal band. The Constitution amhthe Union were early regarded by the Abolitionists as the barriersthat stand in the way 0f negro emancipation. Hence, such Constitution was by therg’ denounced as a. “covenantj with death and an agreement with hell.” So late as the 15Lh of June last a pOrtion 0f the members ofthi: band, at a. meeting in l Massachusetts, passed a formal resolution, ' Vl2 1 ' Imolml. That as Abolitionist<, devoted] to the great work of overthrowing slavery, l we renew and repeat our old pledge; “ No Union with Slaveholders.” .50 support to any Administration on Government‘that permits slavery or any portion of its soil— ond we value this war only as we believe it»! must lead to emancipation by nrder of the Federal authorities, or to a. dissolution of the Union, whicln must speedily produce the same result. ‘ ‘ It is unnecessary to even wpeoify the prominent. evidences. that, from time to time, have been afforded that the Aboli~ tionists had firmly resolvcd’upon fin: de struction of this Government. A few of them are found in the unconstitlitionnl,so ‘ called. “Personal Liberty Bills". of severe: Sales; the rep shed declarations of promi nent party loafers” ev‘on in the lasthresh duuliul campaign,‘(sce the Speech deliv'en-d ’, ,4), “wk gum}, 3‘. “all“! uni, h; uie‘, a iv .. ° L! , I, _, . ‘sv‘szwm4mmsmam '5 J « H 3‘ w :‘afl‘ "$2.31..“ M 11b; ”:2,“ 1 ”4".“ 'l‘ V ' r.» , »~.n.~=a~mm gl, , ‘f WWI“: as: “ . *‘ I A . @mw. .. gp_ ' -’ j ' {:2 I '1" X; ‘ ) / MI“. I ‘t' E? ‘y: «; li.) E‘L‘ /% ”.,4“... u A- .4- ,_.,,._..--.-~--,m_.. .V.... .A_,_,,._-,_ W fl, , __..m_,,_ V _‘ -_ -...v_,;-_l,_,, -..“.--Am “Emmi/3mm AND max/Tum S©QBRE§IAL GETTYSBURG, PA,“ MONDAY, AUG- 11, 15562-; . . : s' 4 , s othnr viii-(‘Uhan to digit-act: and 'divide 105'041 men. and axmppknte mg} drive still further from us mind theitduty‘ _wJpeople ofthe ré lmllinus States. 1’ Military nflicors, follnwiqg these bad ,(‘xumbh-s. hzivo ‘stopped hoynnxl “ ” " ' 'hority in “v the‘just limits ofthoir authority in the same direct-inn. until l in several. instances you have felt the necessity of interfering to arrest. them. And even the passage of the resolution to which you refer has been as tentationsly proclaimed us the triumph ofn principle which tlw people of the Southern Statva regard as, ruinous to them. The bf fect of these measures was foretold, and may now be seen in the indunued state ot'South am feeling. . To these causes, Mr. President, and not from our omi~sion to vote for the resolution recommended by you, we‘ solemnly believe we are tomtribute the teiqrihle earnestness ofthose in arms against. tho‘Government nnd the continuémce of the 'war. Nor Do we (permit us to say, Mr. President, with all rcy Alina-..,, .. sparing In ",5 "Wm, , for its policy iathe plausible fallacy thntinr combination that has sought.” to prosti “slavery is the cause of our tilregteni‘d tute such a war to tho mgie purpbsc of ne diannionu” To‘ithose ‘\'vho‘iook only to ‘gro emancipation, and to that pui‘icyin con immoilinte and maximum causes, this posi- ducting it that necessarily tends to make tion is captivating; but to thn’se who rev. disunion liehfl’ifltl, and to permanently member that the original Union. which destroy our republican form qt' govern wnged the war or the Revelation, was made ' mont. Mr. Barr. like Mr. Slenker, ’isn up of thirteen lhlavehniding Statei; that Pennsylvanihn hy birth, Born in_‘the coun the Union at the time 9f the adoption of ty of Westmbmiand—«is nipmctifinl printer the pix-«antConstitutionJconsiste-doftwelve‘ .41” mama himzelf to amm political slnveholding to (me free State. It. is very and bu§iness pokltion by'fhn intiuqtry and filnin. that instead of slavery producing diS- energetic chnmntur, and ii: a gnhtleman of union. W 119” 'iit hfid‘ been recognizml promptnma and integrity‘in all his private and the faith of the whole fieople jfiedgeil my] politicql relations. i for its protection, this Union woul halve While our candidates have gtent reason never FXiSth~ n toentt-rtain a just; pride that they have It would be as reasonable tn argue that been selected as the standard him-erg of n housm and mom-y should be exterminate-d. grant national party. wtruugling n maintain became so long u they‘exist there will be the Union and Cull-(”lutilll‘ sign. istdanger incontlmries and thieve‘l, us in argue that ions and imiduom annulus of th ir enemies. slavery should hedestfoyed, hecnusew long 1 51111 that party may well hnngm ulnte itself a: it exith there Will ,be AbOliQOHiSfl-‘ltbnt it ii so worthily represented in its Houscsnnd money are not more clearly nnJ standard-boaters. ‘ ‘ dt‘cidf‘diy chognized by the Gmstitutinnl Feiiomcnuntrymen. aggreat itsne is be and lawn ofthe Federal Goveqnment,m.suh- i fore ynu, It involvns the mvménmmcnn jnct to the laws and protectibn of lheb‘tutcs i sulemtion whether our Constitution and ‘ where they exist, as is the right of the m.l\- i Union glut] h. precurvcd: 0,. “than,” Abo ‘tcr t 0 the services Of his negro 511“”? in ‘lilidll foes Nnrth or Spccwhnliom South States where neg“? q“WOW ’5 N‘Ct’k'mzedt—‘ihhail deitrhy them! Every patriot in the lnuenilinries and thieves no more Violate ”and should know and feel thgt the only ‘ the recognized rights of others when they ,chance for me preservafinn of our preggm. hurn houim and commit robbery. than 110 Government, its’ Comiitution “’\d the u. i Abolitionists, tvhon. by “19 ""dm‘sl‘mllld nion hitsed thercan. i 6 in tlic’su‘ccms of the railroad or othdr devices. they deprive the Democratic party in theifi‘ei- Slimming the ! Sii‘Wimi‘i" of “if? S‘?"”‘ 0" ”7‘“ property [0 next. election 3 If we fail, thouLall is 105 t... ' which the Constitution and the law; at his andihf‘ hit‘twrlo glnrim? fabric of nnronce 515“. H“ W 9” B‘. IMso oi'thn linitetl' Stun-v. igl'cdh Gm‘ernnwnt wulLfaiil into the ahyin guzi’rdmet‘ llifiqtflliluu. ii in the Itit‘lllx-t of anarchy. 0;; 0]..“ “roiling ruinn nut-41.01,. cl 1 ‘ " 1 n Jul-in: .m ‘ _ ‘ , V ably advocated the prosecution o the war {or (he suppression of the rebellio .nnd the preservation of the Constitulio and the Uhin‘n. Al the snmc‘ time it h been an; “ing in in ixostiiityfo that disi yni party Abolitionism $.31?“ $3.5; n TWO mumps .x-Yma. i=m Mil be ream-d ‘ln silken-vent. our futnyerwill be mn k ‘- inrlmolmod homes.-rumml fnrtuneg— the d‘ px-‘ivalinyn of pcrsohnl 'lilmrty mm! wrsrxnial socurity, and vow prmi'nh mn milfiml our streams be redtienod with (he hlnod 6f our own people. In such circu’m mmt‘ci we appeal to every loyal I’vxnfiyl mninntto (19 his duty by giving his onerg rm" iii. in uom‘n. and hi~ vnl‘p to insure ho succm of the nnmimws of the Democratic party” By mdor nf ihn Onimnittr-P. ' i F. W.- HUUHFA‘. Chairman. CF arm “Mb/mu llm ' 1"n i ”1" no". ‘ ‘ ":11 “b n‘m bur Pos‘ [Mum -«- U; 11"!) 41:; (mimic ""9 "film" [I M} ITION " the (‘l’. . . $3011"! “Mm“!e mile‘or t?” miemu‘] uponhgn the OF TH‘2thr“ v ‘ t:wuu§fl¢eu:fin. Ain‘su-a“: “xtozefabbv } . ‘‘‘ V ' IH . A’ly » . l fif mh) trait Smr 4DE "1r: 'l‘- 1 "Ml,: I,“ I?! d “Ll“ H “mm or "limo“ ‘ 1 socn it Gof’l'pu‘. of th A .MOCQ ““0: “-lt‘wuxpll' my ’ Me J ‘uum Nor b 5: rm .‘m- : Part 3! (imgqrnmelifidqc “Von ‘ ACY H: My:(”n/aw;ls:,“liu-de‘sl‘l‘m (3" Whallxnd : i {m ”mm .m 0 . t .nml" “..‘ . 33m. ’er .'n u, ’15.," ' 3'le “Hu- an, r, 0 ‘nv film ,‘ T'lngv fl." histhronu‘ ”109 x? firm “In. |T~,\lll’e“C-.ulu"Mum fl“ '0 bl) ‘~, ”we“. i nu. ,
    r-—-..—-_—. f 253?“ is stated that, .Lhe Adminigtrntinn will adopt, a “new policy" in carrying on the war the. old one being "played out.”— If the “new p‘oficy" means din-« Ming the .‘.prinéipla cnunciatbd in the Chicago plat form «almve some hope that the Union fun“ but spec My r;;burp4.~ {Why Spirit. [Ms inghitc u. I tut-Ming; thl 0! er night "Rom/(d from lticnl life, I have devoted”— srlrw trio 3; if!" 35'“ :' ‘ 4., I'rocidtu 31 i 11.“.en'fifnrm‘y ruin}; (mm pnlilii-nl urn, h mun. Imve been like dis old l’:\l In tho fnhlc: “My [Mar rhildrrnfllni-l the 0M mu, m his young ones. “the i‘nfinnitiu 0! age Arc pressing no honvily upon tin-,Hmt [l‘lmvt- Mun-mined 30 mimic the s‘iorlnllnin throfmp dnys Io mom cation sad as in lihnrimy and loner hole whkhlliavi iniely Qua-over“; but let mo not km with your {-lijoymejm; )‘INIHI in 150 maca'hrrlonsme. . Bo happy, therefore, nnd-oniy obey my limin-‘ ‘ itnclion—ncvrr to em near mg‘lu my re- ‘ Item. Ciod bless you an." Derply Iflected, ; shivellinz uudibly, um] wiping his paternal { eye: with his pinthe old "RwilhdYE', ind I was seen no more for several days, when his ‘ youngest daughter, moved rather I); nfl‘eclion C; [than curiosity, stole to his cell of‘morlificnlion, ‘i which Lqrncd out to be a hole made _by In: ori- i (dc-111 in up ummam C'ludurr dime. v‘ G The r‘pliremcnt. from oliticnl lite of‘Jobn “ W. Formy—hnLhnl bar Olfice,‘ofgClerk of ‘ the Sengte—ngrcixt contract. broker-Land Ink. 1 bilge“. More is the Cheshitecheeae,and Um I ‘ cells'of.lmortification into which t‘he 61d nu ' hns rcti dln do penance for his many nins.-- ‘l‘ 11¢ sump asks {he p’ru) m oflhe faithful, Lot. ‘ 1 113 mm 1:" .——‘Vmurk Journal. ‘ ' " ‘ll . v ' L 1 Nc+ 4(3_ mmErch'r‘ or supmssma l TRUTH. _ ' _I-‘rpp lhl' Dayton Ohio Empire, July 29th." ! A r ‘purl‘hm'mm‘ current youtordny aftermath. that 11ml. ‘3. L. Vullnmliglmm'nm! ntller oforj‘r chin-$5! \\’vre Ln bqufiosled and taken Eml‘rizn thl midnight tmin [.lsL‘night. The rcpnrtnpunfl r rphll‘y, and while no mm plmrd mnrh reliant?» in imtru'h, the Dmnm-ml: lwlinvlng ,thnl'fln “numh- of preu-nli'm ii Worth It pound u'fmm'l" gnthn‘r‘vd in cnmidt-rnhlr numhcrs, ut vanqw‘i 'II.I"PR, wnifing for GM trniu‘ and Ilrumniu «I that if Mr. V. was [0 ho nrrz-Mcd, it slumlrl $2! «hufl' Islriu'tly h) lnwfinnd nut by kidnappihg. )lhlufight inc and wvnt wi'hmnt any myrr munt‘lcml‘inc m rm arrest, and the Ucmocmp rlctirdd :0 their homes. ‘ . z “Nip Army-~15: Wunmxn?’~fiurinz I|ng _l‘ll‘uf’ in \\"wirington, n_ {exfduys since, it {in rrlntfd ”mt—o ' ‘ i ! Mrt Porter, (.\l. 0.. Tram indium.) in Tris {web‘lu "rm-d rnlunluuring upon all mm‘lltu plurfct their t'punlry. [Applause-J 'l’d’tlmra mu‘ he wining to giw- up ‘Hu-ir phfldfln. [wing-rqnud Hum: wlfmn we 1010 mm! be painful the (M of mnmgq. [Applausm] The (Mr .crnan-M nm-xl‘ be suppmh-d. [luml npplmfi.“ ' and ,vuvry nflico-lmldur in \\'nnlljuumn ghoul. lt-né his dusk nnfi do his pm” [No npplm‘nr 'whxh-wr] “In; P. lnukml around him—NH l Inc-h no nppl,xu¢ue‘lo Hmlsenlipwut. [Laugh ”01]“ c ‘ ‘ “ An Impcrial Elam—on Monday hm! ‘Cnl lomor William B. Thomas; roturnwi'from ‘Wnshingtbn, and on 'Puosnlny mnrflingliM. Peacock. Superinwnds-nt. Hf U. S. Almo housos, was auxmnanly dismiauexL, Nr. l’encock's‘ofi'uncp mu, luvinu a smmm‘t ygoprietor of the El'flHx'nv/ B't/lt'hlfl. W'lxir‘h piper hurl uttered mma un )lewznnt Midas nbnpt SOCPB‘AR'V Stanton’s efl’ortu to sacrifice (ix-mu} McCleHsm. The work} mmflesu— .Wlmt next 7—C’mstilu’iorul Union. ‘ ‘ ‘ fit!” the three dislin’hlishfifl ltn‘fpfinfinn ni‘ onr country born in liW—Bmt‘om Van Baum and Una—the Int“: imminl. JOHN W. 20mm. ••(••----.-.---1.