The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 21, 1862, Image 4
I===l irowww... (.4; • • AN HONEST CONFESSION. ‘ The [allowing lg from the 1 llmny Evening anrml, lhe great organ of M Sew‘anl, edit . 4 by his rm friend, 11.." an Weed. u is . plain ,unlcmcnt of a. fart Wh'i ‘ Deméntic jam-nulls luu e ol_lcn 3 doingwhich to have peel: A lie-u Jhaul-«mm nll nrer th in: that the Abolilinnists or lo kigdle ’lhe urossiou lira Wr. Wm! My: it it. 15 it 1m I will”! lull «lunch-misty; a barn" lily ’lllpfd (u t-rratc f—th ' in; into the hands nl the You"; that they gm Rating; 41th Um I (fiuhf—‘tltu Q‘mee nrc rentlcriv ‘ 5.11.11 my mama Mr. w _. Le! cunnrvalérc Republicans an:— E I “The Chief Archflocts nf l' 5 prnkg out, «mm-d that thoymv {nfem’nl lk'liL'nß by the ullm i he~horlh. This is muffin, { id (be Swill: mull] mun-Mme L ‘ he L'm'gr. Brr rm: run 131‘ ‘ Nuimuoss wmcu uksnznnn 1 turn. anx'm max A nun-nu {than mnlcl 'nul lmr' brmfurml m: "And chn nnw llu- "|er AIM: ‘ 'peoeh-umken are aggravui {wiped to flour, and mu“. 1)) mm].- of ll 0 haulers of “chvlli q'luuu lht- l'niuu .nvn oflha Hm in“ rc-nninn ‘lifllvull il'nml iml L A.F‘EW PLAIN QU ! 3‘ L'fi‘lm nkmnmu-ni liomnm'ulu ; ‘II'CIHIEI' Iluy mhm :m 11 Hu- 1; :. 'lqll‘} "nth"! Iln ('nn mmiun" n Tnnpnhh: ms. . \Hm pulmud n :lirqnluljol Wink"; "mu :1 ‘mmtinwu‘u-i of_ [mi-sell; nmla msluim-d pg-rsnzi l MM. cc nlrnu-ncd the Chllnlil ‘ ‘ Rrpnhlicnns. ‘ Who _apo‘nLv nullified tlm'n . dnqconnu-Hul unit/ml rcsiéflnmz ’ .a‘neni (if them._?.' ' - : Republic-fins. ’ i \ ',\Vlnc nullifil-J (ht- decisions 1 ¢outt of lhc‘lfuited Sums Md : ' nigh" lily 2 _ - ' l ‘ Republicans. : i Who‘wouli allow the legrol ‘ [Ln the gmrr’hmeut with lhc “h ‘ Repnbfiényg. ‘ . j " |,Wh9"lonl.h um! detest null or _w'ltbhold political rights f c 0105?" _ 1 Rnpu’licnns ' \\'ho Me ”proud In lira in' n w‘hé'rre every man, Mack 01' \\ dim; and mm, is reg-ugnized Adlng upon (I‘m Lox-ms o! perfet chunli'y?” , , ‘ '. nglml'flirnns.’ ‘ ' qu deflruyegl quoémtic brgsscs {vithin ' onrj'éarf a Republimns. \, . 7 ‘ ‘ Who tin-calmed {a hang meh bemuze (hey «(mid not rennunco itheir political ptinrig-les ? Repnliiicnls‘ V , . Who suspended flu- writ or-hnhenh tarp!" in dcfinnce «Inn; Con’stiluuou and law 'I c‘ ' Republicans. , ‘ '1 . Who fobbcd Mild filumkxed 1 In a aing’lg fear of a larger nn.‘ ‘Da‘vés: inngnngeha chuhlh-afi megnber of Congress,. than the» ‘ ,' isgrntiumhug required to con " governmnut for tour nears ? ‘ Republic-nits. A Who mourn-ram] hundreds { and primsfor mouthsvin dcfini ' ‘ Republicans. . \\'ho’ for seven ‘ymrs hnvfhntcd the Son“: . mud slave}? mute than the; loved the I‘nion '3. " ‘Repnblims 'Wbo six years ago advocated. n dissolution ‘ oflhe Union? 1 ' ’ Bepubfigul. ‘ r ‘— . -'l‘o ddehniné when“? the ‘ ' Mic Cgporior,who “propos‘ 4inle .shall dew-lope whether , nluiliqtbsorh the Black, or 11‘ lhewfiitc!" Repubficnn}. ' . Who stdvoentcd the int-press Republicans. ,ijo fins-yearn since issrn'bl nrrs,,"tl|e.Stntes must he m'n‘ule def it “_e’ll mnrrh on to \‘icto‘ (ohmic-ring and to conquer ?" L flmbficni, ‘ I " Who are in favor of an nufi-silm‘crymnstitu t‘iunx an anti-shrug bible mun“ nilj-s‘lmery God? " , . Algolifionists, and tom! Republicans. . ' Who declare the cmrstmxtion to he “a coyo ‘ mm! with death and an agreement with lnclljf” Suppoigeré pf Lincoln. _ ‘ . . ‘ Mums justifiedJnhn nee-tn'maund pm- Id‘aimfi' 1.15 m “us-"a her. true a) {lis conscience \ and tragic his God?"- ‘ 2l 7 fiemfiflicnns. - l P .. E‘V‘bo. lg Mkiom flu- ireedonl of the ”slum, ' vmuollll not hesitate go full up ulna bridge MM ' the chasm thatyawnsl-Hwoen the hell ofslm'e q and [lu- hmvcn oi freedomfg'llh lbecax‘lcnss . . cs arm‘smiuz" . .’i Repuhlicnas. ‘ -: _ ‘ Who denounced dawho‘tdm smorc m‘minn] than cohmou 'murdprers. -‘ 'l'zqaimicans'. - (See “Pipe-Li ~ _ Wlnjrsix year; ago, denou‘nced mn- “Gov-m -'men& as worse than that ofold King George 7‘ H lflqnflicans. ‘ 'mcnml Rosamumf Kéhtucky,'kt Led : in speech in Louiwillc. tle'ptlufr :‘y, 1': that ii; GOIQ‘TJI Halleck's inimense army 3' or twin hundred thoqsud, here was not. om: Abolitionist. " “’1: .- I _ fl Ugsa'upulnns men,.wh- at “mm for‘ grgument, readily vesort to v tupe:ation.— The enemies afthe Demoemti party, (ailing 1 to pidk n siégle flaw, or - refute a sin-1 gie‘prbposition contained in resolutims of the Domgcmtic ‘State- vention‘, are (diced ho seek relief in the‘ rgitemlion of .1350” cry of mimist find traitor.— flnflé the pourse 6f the Republican prpss, End obs'crve 119 w carefuily it avoids refer ence tau-e ‘ext of the esolul‘ions. and how Fradily it has rooourseLto al) I'siveepithets. This is 1 political noce €11.52, ill-owing out of 156 fact flut'zbe prop: :ition; contained in the whim " “49’“. almost. badenicd (11M... mastic M 3 the r'estm ion as it was. the meter i 1 in“ Those w‘ andkm Union Wow“!- an is asserted :oo'mn 8,9!"- Now posture United the expense of fiél ilPCi’l V fognd J” anilfilmul gr: , y::__ , 12le», '- pica-Input“ 'uurga fomnc to helm-ii Vin adubflshhrflg one-Ina g‘om“ thither to enjoy it." ,tlr.ert 4 eltliteuts. • fl ea.! - Something New! BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED HAP ON THE PRESERVATION AND CULTURE OF FRl'lT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Ol’lES are lit-in: puliliilleil. which contain C umnr Innzmfiyi-nt Hngrnrimzs, and: u Trees Ind \‘arimn kinds ol line Fruitnnd Fruit Trees, some of the finest Hu-eilnens tlmt. hive ever been put 0". pnpnr. The Fruit. Trees lire act with nbundxmt burdens of fruit. similar to that I‘lllt‘l‘l nnturc prescnls‘ in p'rppcr semen. The trot—s nre rcprkst'ntf-Il M hmiug their roots , running through thefuil‘in it natural position.’ and the Engrmings rlt'Trees nre henntilul and ' gmnll. ltlllso contain a line Engraving which! reprefl-nti the innunwrnhlu thread-like rants: Ola vigorom tree running through ‘nnrl uter the Hail. ‘The' “not Engmving ,Ctivers ten: invites in diam: in on paprr, am] also forms .1 'mngqit‘lccnt engraving, which cannot help but prove gratifying to the 9.,”‘13 ofnll who may be holrl it. Such an engraving has never been printed on paper before. The engraving of roots not only provrsmdmirqblc to the sight of ”I? cy‘e’ ',ut i: (It-signal] 1,0 prove lll‘ great. im portmzro to ull who («er4ll interestin the rulel tit‘nlllm or lrmts ”null how to treat fruit trees prlllll'rly. ‘ ‘.- I A W IPY contain: Twr-nlv-live Ilim'rnnl Engrav -7..i . , ‘ i mg: of Trl'l's' Fronts, elm, rompnsml ol' l'zt‘lll'fll'l‘l'lw. Finrt‘sl, .‘.]lplt“ l’t-m‘h,l llwglrl l'_\ ruuial l’ ulr nn-ll'iu-rryTrl-msd ‘ kl'. Thr- Fl‘llll liioqrninp‘: vulnpl‘iw; ‘ n-.<,.1....r;.-=, (lun‘lwlmrril-w, lHnerr-f _ riw. l‘nirnnN. (impw‘, l‘lulu:, Apri—i » - L-uh“ i'. "‘l' l'vm ”w“. .\ppll «MI-..nnil‘ V un- nil rulfurcll li\ hung! in rvl-rrlhnti i tlmn-itnr-lr(mil, inunl :ll'l‘ :H'l mnpanio-Il‘ \- 111 l Jniulrnl llllllll‘l‘ at ‘leMt i'"l"'l'l hum», ,mul [bill]? in mqn in Him It.’ My; 4" im~lu~<. lnnntup [ml rr, I lit. lllllillllll ~ - lulu-L :Innl'h: v t':|l'ni~hml. l A l'Ul'T. uilh II: unmnrou: enqrm’inza, will] ln- (_rthyin‘g In the me, ”till lurlniiltlll fllllllll’fllllq' m'n:utm:ul tor tlu" wallnl thlll ‘ ' ' pnrlur, :mul \\ill;rit~h|_\' .‘ugilllly ktnyl " apartment will: hurtit-ultnral matter; k ofmut'h imporlnnrr mm filur'yl' Them? . enpies nrf pnhllsfiylmdlnt u very hn'ivp; expen <9. Twontyflik‘htiollnrfilmrohot-n ' ' Ipaid to n seit-ntilie artist [or lhrnting ' tho plntofi of silig‘e .engrmhigs oh ‘ [rel-s. rank. No. 1; ‘ I A COPY rhutnius printod‘mntter of much imn portnnn nod ,rfrr tvnlué. it will tell: how to trvut. all‘lidnnls of Fruit Trees to render them vet-y vigoronj nnYl rt-o- | ' ductivo, even‘ in Itnfi-x'or:ilile sonsqnsJ lt‘ will tell hunt} to propue the soil; ~ withnul inconvenient-e lll'nlrelll-Illllllgl . the trees in: to strengl-hen trot-s much . .- in fi'liffil’. and to "'rbrc‘lhe pi‘odm-tive- i "CL: of :llmmlzmtieropr. own in unfit-1 ' \‘ornlale so-isous [or lm-utibng, with ' ‘ proper nml one)“ other tfl'flilnhlll.‘ l A COPY “ill li-ll how}. pr‘flpnrtl :Ind pmnl all; kimk "of ltruitJhnll EL‘N'fJPqt‘tt Tl't‘t‘§,‘ , so ut. to prom- l mixes-viii], with sum-rut ly over proving 1‘ failure in 1 int, ut" ' tnnny true! \vlwtti prom-[ly trratvd :15 l , diIN-tt-d. ll,‘ \\il‘ tell how in lmin " and plant Dwarf l'mr Trees. l,t won-I min: the lno=t alum-main! [regimental ’ Ihr the culture or thr- l‘lum.‘ it \\illi; ’tellvhow to trait: and cultivate the » Grape. i l ‘ ' l A COPY will tn-ll how WI cultivate and trenti Stmwlwrrim, (Whining, Raspberries“ " Blarklmrries. (inharhcrrioa, ou'l ' A ('OI‘Y will tell how to jifl‘llt Peach trim-u, tn! ' restore their roots h’r-nlthy from the: disustrnm streets of worm inse‘eti.’ it; will tell how tmhnkc me of Mi rippli ‘ lmtiim over the suit currfluinling the]; tree to protect thel’cnrh null ollmrt ti-ndi-r fruit: froth'the efforts of beingl . I. winter-killed in‘thc bud. The saln'e‘r ~ . npplirntiou :Ll-O irNtorcs Ilene]: treeal _ ‘i'rom taking llle}‘ello\vs. {Tile nibltll': cation lm: the iln‘nvfivhl greets tpl pram-ill thrufuliuio nt'the lrorsflu-nltliyi and the tree \ifioiotxs. and proves to‘ the pmfinotirnuefs nl‘ lllSl ions fruits. _The application to he nppliqd'is wit 1 CXlll'n:l\'C. -\ll .lmvc snllivicut mn ‘ ‘ tl-rifls on' lllOlE Institutions. ‘ ‘ l A (‘ttPY will tell ‘how to-fl'rosorrc‘ull kiml: of Fruits \\‘ilh littlei or no Cumin. ”(will tell how to kl-t-p Apples iiith llllh'll . suction. lt \\illltt-ll llgm'tn trmt :unl’ nuu‘mzl- l‘v'm toimuiurc portwtly,:lllJ [to :lll.|l.'h»l(l “to highest lizn'or. , . A (JOEY presents it; uuutl-rou; pic-turns all at « a glam-p, :lud lbtlms such uu ornamvi " fur the mu nmnlill he admired ii; A; -.) ldvrrs ql‘iirt,ilrxt§i\u from nature‘s-p o (lucts. J - l ' _ , ‘Thesc copies are pulyli.’hod hy‘ . , i A , Jill-1 .\l. PETERS. . . ‘Xrar liemlasrflle, Adams 00., Paé‘ 393'1e .\lam ié linisl‘iml with Rollers nmr will be fornnrlllid hy Exjjirrss to any place ort den-cl. nr. n-i-eipt ot’ noq‘rfisnry ul'nonnt. myrrh-e $2 per mply. Adrrpss 11. lf‘. .\l.‘ Pinks. Nursrjry. I'lnr_:nl:lle P. 0., near Bum ill‘l‘p‘flllt‘, .\dzuns em. PM ' ' 1 I, July 21, lsu‘l. [.‘im'. 11.‘62. if] ‘ wwe and’other t forth, and for filed by Repub country. - I: it (- North Inciped the South T’— thal Abolition aygflwliug the (they are Way'- of rcbcllion?—A 'uion mrn‘ nf the g l'e-uniou (Infi ed my: I’- is.— read Ind pon- cllinn, before it] ‘o Aided in th‘eirr * holidonists of'| 1' without mrh ' [ uni/w! ngmtv wum "Hemp: “rm: "Tumuwut i .\D, .Vn) I]: C'dr . (ff [hr ruian.——‘ hiun pro" mu) ‘, lmrrnn 'heyl urging into the m, nu- Ina-plug: Ib, and I'm-lo r urlihll- " .TIONS‘. I‘Fniulpu'u-fi. U 1 or u“ ”M: of tlu• I :u'nyy ? “'lm “but" hills DEM s of Congress, to the cllorcc- fthé’lSuprme ppcnléd’ to the an equal voice - mun ? 'ws which give n -account of om Mnnwenhh mo, of every a-n mmf slum, - {and übSolule he government. uni, to uac “I". h‘\‘liwsm-lmwm: res-ions admin ucl. the kink ’l' mm in farts cc dl'lxw? Mite m' bin-1‘ , to wail. until Lthe white race . black ahso-rb ble conflict? l'l on_flu‘ir hun nH free, and un- Hy after victory, cf, —-- 'ion as tu tie= .zaocrut md of 3nd will as been The. Old anci Rehable. - EW serum caning ' N SMALL l‘llOFlTngk QUICK SALES.— J. L. SlClllCK . wonlnlcecpeetinlly my 3’1”” citizens oftfiet tyrhurg and vicinity. th ‘ he is now receiving ill. his sfnre n cp‘lendid .‘1 . - ‘ sroex or shrine. comm. The SlOl'k . eon=i=ts iii} part of aney‘ and Shirl» DRY GOODS, 01‘ every description. SILRS. ‘ z». i i‘ ‘ ‘MHZAWUQT’E, 1 ~ _ ‘ cmmms, i 1 _ . Dflwxmfi c ' , ‘L'oim 212 mg, » w . . ‘srAt'ms, ‘ i _ ;_ _‘ ‘i LAWNS," ‘ i r, { CALH‘OES'h of '\‘l qualities and ehoireat slyle9. wliix-lt Will be sold nt‘PllK‘ES TU 111-IVY CUMR‘ETITXONP ~ FURNISH”? r GOODS \ ‘ of nll kinda. including 5 Hr, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, (‘.lm‘es, .‘fiwekingshke. 3 Also, :1 splendid assortment ofi RIBBONS, Laces anti l-lulLrlnqa. Umbrellns nnd ansoln— .\l)‘ stock of \\'lllTH (1900.3 .wili he found full and rnmpletr". :tni‘l Hummers mnyrely Ilpon always getting good going: at tlxc lowest possi ble prices. ‘ . . Gentlemen willifiml iej to their advantage to' cull and examine m} aloek of , ' CLUII‘IIS. 3 . . .. GAS/Sllll-ZRES and j ‘ . E VESTIKGS, ofanll qrmjniee anal ehoileest styles. April 21', 1362. '_l J. L. semen. __-__ i . _ “a- I, , - fl." “op—"..-; a.r . , V - , Vmegar-jfimegar. . “11-l nntlvraigned has o'm N‘m‘l'd the manu- T] fnetnre oH'im-Lmr. in: G‘mliingtnn street} a few doors north of “"3: Middle street, Get.- tyglhurg; He has been minufneturhig this Vine gar for nemly one your, Mn] it imn given general sntisfiwtlon. The snpqr’ioritv‘ or this anegnr over all other manufnetiired "int-gar, consists in it being made entirely of grain. no acid of any Lind being med ingits composition, nnd free from everything injurious. ' It is “rang. nnd at the mine time pleasant to the mm», aim has all tlie preservnlii‘e unliiics found ir‘r‘pur‘e Cider Vinogar. ‘He is [repn ed to wholesale lhh Vinegar iipnny qua tity.‘ Call nml exams in: for yourselves. ~ADAM DIEUL. } ‘ Certi cafe. . . R, the undersign d, hereby eertify that ' we hire “<l!an iour l'nmilles, for "ri purposes, th’e'Vineinz; manufactured and soldghy .\nu .DienL,tui find it to be all thin. he repreqents it to he. _ {Wehnfl fairly tested it and believe,“ to be An prior {never-y napeql. to any other melanin-ed Vinegnr we hire m‘er used, and Mould“ recommend. it “no all persons. A i , ' Wm. Sayer 8 Snfiettyibnrg, Jacohflorlerki 0.,‘ “ j ‘ Cohan-i & Gille pie‘ “ ‘ John ChnmheJin, Fnlldil, twp., Levi l'itzer‘ .“ i A. r. em, on‘m. l “A: ”,1862. 1)" TEP'imu .\MLImW'r-nd mus. snimn‘ul 7“ qnnntily of "AT. ind CAPE! um 41% hash Enameircd. Com M 5219 look. ~ .- -.I: kla from m mum up :‘pm of p . lam-:3 urk nuns , ‘USLINS‘ It low ' who laud It *3 PEDEEB'BEQWM, {5343933539 Wm. B. MéClellén, ATTORNEY AT mm—omce in Wanna dln sheet, one do r we" of the new Uuun House. ‘ T , ‘ ' Gettysburg. 3'o". H, 1859. ____.+r.-._r _._‘._.___ ‘ Wm. A. puncan, . nbnxm M mw 4mm in the North w¢u comdr ochuuie Squre, Gettysburg, u. s p , y[0cz.3.1359. a ‘1 i 1.3!. hver, _ ATTORNEY :AT LAW} I'lll promptly nuend to (Yollccllous and II other business an truswd \to him“ 9!! am Fuhnestovks' Aml‘Dnrlner-k Zleglel Baltimore street, Gellyablxrg, PM [Sept. 5, 1859. ..,T V ‘ l __ , .. ...- Edwina abler, \ 'l"l_'()ll.‘iE\‘l .\T‘ [l faithfully and A. Pmmmbmlten :aincsscmrnsu-d l 0 him. He th-nlis :rnnn language.— Olliuv a the spine place in Smith llnljimnre urn-t, near Fl);rnvy’s (”£3 store, nud nearly opposite Mann” A: Ziogl r’a store. . Gittly‘pburg,'}3lnrcln 20. _ -v-———l—-w1" ~~ -»v~~ , ‘; 1).; McCo aughy, " 'H‘ORNEYAT 1..-\\V (office one door west A of'Buelnlét’s drug nlnd book sto‘rc,Chnm bemhurg str’eni‘ti.) Armani" AND SnLlcn-on ron Pnnxra up 5 zxsloxn. Boumy Land W'ar fanta, llm-k-p‘hy suspen ed Claims, and all lulu-r claiyhs n ”:llll‘l. llm lm‘ornmontnthsh ing'on: l). 0.; : L~o.\mcrislunlll:lims in England. [mm] Warnml [owned :1 <1 inlJ-,nrlmuglp_&,aml high”!prit-hsjgiw-n. AEmnlz onungml in lb rnlinz \vnrrgxit‘x in lpwl. lllinnin :msl Olhf‘f wmn-rnSmh- ‘- yyy‘flpélly to him prrsunnlly nr l») IMII'I’I‘ l - lh~lly~.l:x|r;',{}"n\'. 21, 'i" ‘ ' I.{ JVJ. c. N " TTnn‘xE '.\'l‘ I. \\\' iA finnsamll} :11l ullll'l’ mi rari- ‘\l‘llll 'flvrmululm mrm-r ul‘llu- ).IHIIIH-l, 4 Wm. ll.‘ M"‘.”“llf‘“~ Es.” _f(:(-u_v.~1mrg.u\pr1| n, ‘ J.. La once I A$ his 0’! re one I dpor wary of”? Luxhorap 01:11 ch in thunhé‘rshurg street. n store, whore those wishi Operation per! rmedurc cull. Hanna: ‘2»: 'Dr Rmuth, 0,11,} le‘v. [l. L Pm. .\l. Juan". Prof. M 1 Gnltysbunfiprril ll,‘ 4! opposite I’irkifiz'si 1;: to Envy: any Dental respectfully invited to lawns ' ”RE [NSC hiked Mu H OFFIL ounty I:.\.\'CECO}[PAKY. ~h 13,1351. . UTUAL lucorp enmc‘fi'w ”3—5.9“. : ’.‘l\.Bm‘h' min! “’0 mini/Irr—Rf ‘ ‘lll-intu‘ln Ilpnrge Sn" {vinlzl‘hn i 3 Falhno'xt . ‘l2“. Ril‘lll ;,. 11. .\. Pi I'l. G. “4' ‘ drew- Pull ' I’rnia'm/T- Vic? l’rnitlrl Srrrrltu'lj— r, 7'l-4wmrrr—f I Emu-1144'” C'r Kine, .\ndrm pp; 115501] EMU )lyyrt .\lcCurdy, @001) mn. . Ewe, I). A. nnohlern -1L“, li’..\l’('rur_dy, Tho? 'rk, Wm‘. H. \erll-Hnn llwrgor, .Uulivl Rain Irking, AlwlT. \\'righ‘t roux-r, S. 11. muse". D '3'; IFohn Picking, J. R .l’rlmlq-‘rw—l :coh' King; .\. IA. .\hrsh Ll‘Ll illlnl.ll.\\'|lsu John \\'ull'url Jnhn Homer. N'Uroary, AI :xlcr<h. :1 its-firms rampany lions to the onmy ol Slicerssful ofmtinn ‘fx an"! in that] riod hn's Penscsucitlmut ‘un‘r/ "Nomi snrpl-us cnpi a] in, I|ch puny (Implofisr' no .\zvq dnuolny L‘lm lslnnqus,‘ ed hr the Sliék‘mhlcrl nn lnsnrmcc’ ran up]. ‘ nnmoullhizumft‘rs for fn i ”The lu‘uuliv: 4 , Ollie? ol' the lCumpanv .in-m’twfimnoxr‘llx. at J, l’ j j Sept. :7, 1:535; ; l ‘v Mann at i (LH‘HM‘WKIXG A ', C -'l‘he filillcrsigm "his frin-nxls ii"! the [m the Com-Inna“nl;r mu] Hn M'Pry bran?) nt-his Lbershurg sti- ct. lie grimnnlJclm q qo Orill'l‘ll - Mnuunlfib‘y SLI-2Ii:lls.: the host niylfierinl, nml " men' n3;3“'l_‘»l>.l‘Alquu nll {kid‘s doll? at rons Jm'dllo the shllisfuclion COUNTRY Ellnonn-n Work :11 mntkct privos 'L/firg‘f'l‘elraqlls desirin . ’Conchmnkinf; or Bhu spcctlully llll'nlhl tn (- :1 ,:2 ~10“ ' ‘ Gettysburg. Jan. 24 "w “41;“ .f, g ' .sometflng New ' NGETTITSBITRU. . hcunth-rsignml informs I the Htiz‘p’pi ()f'tlw in“ n and count)", that In gms conum‘filflml the BAKING hnsim-ss, on n urge scalmlin Yurk slrvct. (loltyplmrg. nearly bpposito \\':mlos‘s Ho ‘Ol, where lu- n ill try to ‘(loscrrm and hunt-s mien-OHO, n lihuml patron ‘nge. “HERD, RUM.- . (‘.IKRS, (‘ll.\CKß[lS, 'MmTZELS; 'kr.. kiimkml every day, (Sun days cxrcplqd.) all on u- lu-at quality. and sold ’nt ihe lows-St li\ in}: pr fits. (.'rnckcr-hnliinp in all Ité ‘hrnncflu‘t ii Lu: iy mrrird nn, and orders Ito any amount, from his and adjoining coun ‘tins, supplielrl nt'llu- .hnrtret nntix-n. llm'in: yorcrml a large and (mm nulinns lmkc-hnuso mu! f‘scrnm’l the: hmt Wm man land the most up- Eproved mnH‘im-ry‘ h is prepared to do n {heavy Pusinjess. ‘ l - _ I 1 _ leuaxuxr; sums. r, July 25,1859. , J I'-’—-'-~‘r’>r"3 "—"‘—-"“"—-—r‘ ‘ A’f. Mathjot'.& Son’s , 3 (WA AND FFllel‘l'llE \\’;\REROO.\IS,NO3. S 25 and 'l7 N. tiny sin-ct, Baltimore; (nmr Fayette 5L.) extending! from (la) tn I-‘rcdqrick ISL—the largest eslnhlilzhi'ncnt ol'thc kind in the {'ninn. Alwuy< nu lntbul at large assortment nl ‘llUl'SElthD AND (”WIPE Fl'llNl'l‘lTßE. em hrm-ing Burgnusfllmfl~ll-ads,\Vnghslnnds,Ward fnbes. Mattresses of lllns'x, Cullen and Hair- Spring Bonk, Sufils, Tclc-o-Totes,‘ Arm Chnirs, Rocking‘ghnirs,‘ Eltugcins, Murhln 'l‘nhles,‘ Sol loesx, [lvor-Minn and Ulplmhtered Chairs, AS SUIITI'IIICULURSUI’ (FUT'i'AHl‘I Fl'lislTUliE, ,anr Chairs. (Minn Chain, Barber Chairs, Cribs nnnl (inulh-s, llu lint-ks, llnll Furniture, Gill. and “Walnut Emu! Lookingulnsscs‘, Side ,bonrgls, Ext nsiun TM) «9, of’évery length. Persons diapnsml mHmn—hnso are invited 10 call uni giv our stm'ki :In ormninntion, which for vur‘ictylfnd quality of workm‘nnship is not eqnnllcd by n y esmhliihment "in the country, IIL A. i.\l.\'l‘HlUT k SUN, \ as. flfiluml '27 N. Guy strut-I. i - An.“ ISLGC. My A ~1 _ Bivstressyi Peters l AY the highest c prices for all kinds of P GRAIN; , > - 1 Flynn, ‘ . ‘ SEEDS, hm, atthc Brick M'nrchonmj in New Oxford. ‘ ()unnunux ‘ ou hand, a huge usoflmenl ol‘ GRUIIERIES. M. whnlwsnln nnnl retail—also, LUMBER, (HAL, (“Mtg“), I’LASTER, kc. April 28, ”62. ly“, ' : limilml in its opnm lezun=. It lm= been in lr nmn- than six ymrs, miul n“ losu-A‘ nud t-x -mjl, Inning I|l<o :| large ITrvnwry. ’l‘ht- (‘nni— ts—Ml hx'xtinm: twin: ‘ llu :lro muzlm'lh' alert- .Auy pl-rmn desiring Iv to nnv of 1119 above tln‘r informalinn. «ommnlqc moms M the n tlu; last Wednesday .‘.I. ' Work! - ‘D “LAUKSKHTHIVG II VI'OflHWIfiIHYq informs vlic tlnn ho continues ;I u-Limilhinz hlninoss Qtnlkliahmonl in (,‘lmm ma’ nn hand and will [kinds n! ().\ “IMAGES. 'g-rin': \\'.lgnm, kt, 0'! mudg- by suju-riur work and Hucxsmrlnxn of Inuhlv hlh‘fi, promptly nl customrrs. \ken in exchange for nrtivlos or work in the <n‘lilhing line, are re- Ilnn' : ' ‘ L. HULTZ’WORTH. '59. 1 b Nothce. E dcslge nll por§ons indohu-d to us (a call and mnkc- n-ulcmcnt, having made a change in put manner (_nfaloing lnlsineu. UcL 23,1301. l-‘AIIN’I-tsmcx BIKU'S. ‘ ; Queensware. F you ‘7an awn-mks" me ounnxswmn llnthnll‘nt A. SCOTT k SON'Q, whe'l'eyon‘ WI" find tbo‘host snowmen: in town. _ Mai-ch 24.11862. 1, , onnsvgcs, Tickqn. 61cc}. 13137.31; \ 'hc.. ramp M Fnhheatm-ks’. We hive also A MUSLIM branded With our own nnmc,lo‘ which we invite upocl-I attention, as it excel! ; by far, any ever ofl‘hrcp in um market. for the Pffig”-.._‘ i-~._ __w- Alum Pnoronn' mm made Train umnll‘ J 1 Apiflnrft 'nt grout y reduced nm, 9: the xco‘lsinr Sky-light G llcry. ‘ ' . r . 4 V , x , J p - ~—~—~~ ERUNK d Cnrpqt Sacks chat} at T ij 7’ ‘1 , .PICKING'B. ’ {AWN {5:4 sharia: mrrlmoub-It - F‘ Em A- ‘ 3 PICRING’S. ‘~ o '. ') E . fiargqaktcr dek Bm nghly Importamt a . l 16 EUR“! WANT. A . z 0 PURCHASERS pr ‘mn' 00009. “D "3‘ I; (I’o K7’éN I) f.‘ R The best plan-e m ’bu‘ youribry Good: is' . xx Boon nun new n ~ . . ~ y‘ ' i lmxcas :m’m ‘ MA‘ SW"; Subujfi. 2. 1 Plain and mumanlaflllinding, s} cy’er, (ic- aphasia thcfiagle {lon-l, _hnmbd burg air-wt.l strimion, (‘xl‘zlll‘l‘ in [He was! subhflnid tad ”One Pnfl' mm D" W}!- ”I‘va hing «ppm-ed "W" ‘ 1 . my»: Low T mm} .. ‘ i I , 1 Inn cu. ‘ _ ' 2.31:3" Just scum: errowgglladekhlaz Iw. Brow -‘ I,“ m Banko ' 'III ‘myte, an an ”w o I's n rye ;w. L. Pcipcfilf‘m Lnu at" Countrgfnk 1 “d“‘mme. "aor‘wenéofl -, 3 ‘ ssnmnel Sho- ,Esq.,o inmbig Baht. - 31’3”" ”9.0” v ' , 3 Samuel “—35%", 3"“ nrk Bank. to {buck we mute the "agent M. mum: of the \ I,.Willium Wagger, Esq.. ork‘County Rink. I.:de and Gent!cmen.o com! d country—k T. D. Cursongjfisq" Bun of Gettysburg; We ..’” notdpfrslcnl‘3ntfibut 1‘“. uA" tocnll, pm“. I," - j v - ‘ ‘ enmmem 1n ge or emse we . Geo. (g "I:2l7:3l:'ggfifiigfs’cgmfier 90., 5" Weak this method 0; relurni g our thank. (3w. Whitsord', E5ll. Rééordcr “ u for the liberal pnxrynasfizhua {45 amended nol April 15’ “6‘l. ' g'. ' ' us, and It ah (I be o'ur, constant em‘ ‘ ' debtor to men: 5 4:oan ance of. 'lhe urine, by: ‘3 strict attention to Indians, with I desire Io please, by selling the pr“ tiest, blest, nld most ‘ good: for the legs: mung: . ThéiGreati F THE L GE.—lnfl _ Rhfum; iamcan l' M LLBRS Cr LEBRAT’ TUNE. Mu ‘ promine the mljoinin cau'mival yrs-At utility.“ Its succ fiads,’hns bepn hithL-r‘ Fprcific, in duced to cums per b Ic. "for El Elurekeepcxu Prepare Wholesale n d [lentil Adams connt‘ ,I’n., deal| Oils, Varnish Spirits, fled Oih, alsences a. Glass, Pcrfn ery, Paw WA. 1). burg for “ ll Mixture." ETTYSI) G \Vt-Ihlt‘.‘ Truin \\ il] 10‘: pnksr-ngl-rq - :-;oittrt, on II i- rr-linrnl alumni] P. .\Lli'lel" nnn-r‘pnoan'r-Mn “ill L-me (ii-lushurg §nt'?l!, I"; .\l.§ 1m! pubsungorq lufll‘xis 'l‘mi flown gm nu farther than lhumu-r moi-Rama m lfiling: Holnrni‘ng \\‘..l ronvh (h-l!_\'-l'§xruuhun 4.1.31’. .\l.. \gilh pass-on gc-H l‘rmn Hxlfi'ridmrr, "hilmlu-lphixg, kr.’ By this nrmngprpvnt pram: {mm the country, nnnr the hut-31f lhn Ruthljrnnd. lm\'i_ng hnsim-gs \\ ill :1111-nd in runw lnu lIDI'\ iulln lm] In ~‘. “HI-“P in Hut-45'. R. mrmcrl) nm'nlp'xéd L)- tr Hill, M. D. to transact i ' Train up and burg, null rel! fl'g 3 May 12, 18 {Read} Market}. ' ntknms mum WAST -1 O Elm—We have taken the ‘cup'ml lby‘Klim-fl-ltor. BnHingL-r ,I.lerminiuion to [my the Highest. I fu- all ki «ls of Grain. qul \\'m { -l\\\ith FI'LAS'I‘BR. mummt r) )Ellll). , Wlmh-salv 11ml Hutu“. \ ..mul‘ \cryulllcrnrticle innur I .<, mm m "19 lowr-st possible ; y‘all m d owm’ineiuurstock and ) n-lmsiilg (lsvulu-{rezj ' a EHL. l lilNKl-lIHIIUFF & CO. gin-“i wt Pure Carin “Ink Isabella. Wine. .\Nl'FAff ‘l'REDl‘ BY BIZIHUHfLDER k BI \\‘lLS'H', lll‘anl-IR‘SVIILLE, ADAMS Cl) I.\"l‘Y.'l’.sH—\\'v air bum»; to announce“ to» the viliznns ht" .\dnml: county Hunt “'0 hm‘c rc‘nmu-nm-tl INC munuhE’t-mn- of Pure \\'im- frlom, flux (”nun—slM that m an' now prepay-ml tn mine I-Vlont. in supplyl’tln-Irndo—4umntitios of it hm ing: :Ilr’tfidy lnunfl itsxny into Um nmrkM. This Wim- i: lixm- find] lmslstuml lht‘aft‘x‘t oft!”- l.q<:.lmlgua. l‘l'orznns’ whining; n purv ni-l'irlo, can now lw slfiwliwl uh. hnmc within”. the risk nrlwing imp :ui upo' by an impure mlirlo. mgrl-‘ur “‘1'!“ I.) .\T. I}. lII'KHLHR mu] ,E. H. \lnxmn. (h- D—elpvnfg.l;‘n‘] E. llxnsnuufl’plors 'lmr'r. York 3,011 an . ' ' J.Ln. G, 15%. 'l . , ' _ . Hornet, .Rev. ()9 P Bauzhcr, D. 9., I'lev L. Stun-vet. 100.0 lfouvse )ul'vly & (30., with a, market prices find-us supplj ‘11“ Hull“, (“‘l‘ LL'MI: Ell, (:1 line of luhid mtes for Cash:r prices before” April 22, 1 D ”E undu- T \\ill lu llm-c’whn k him. either i \\i~o. if Llu‘y To tlt'IJV dui :xgrcmlrle n! inrupr‘r nllh «- ‘fl-jffl’cxm' >Slurl'. N. 1‘34 :1. (‘mmu F» Feb. 17, If I I C.(‘ » . xuli of |.n|llur<, : xl§snrvnwnL Ila-win. ‘h (USS, \\'Hl prim-a, sonu (‘ilith As 1‘ plufils," ho ‘ cnsh. To!) givo him yol ‘Geltysbu ‘, , To 1831)] qumx .\xn‘m k on n "511‘ U HAVE my: on m: VICE—(‘II s. (‘.. Tr units, Haunt" Ln’nll a ingmn Cityi D. (3.1 Ilit‘rfifSOH g-n and .\I —m undizome bun-acted sions, Bondy. Mane)! thine(' far h. \‘o died r ht-pn 'ki‘ 'l'bnunAty Land prom the other fins. J. C. NM: .x‘, Agon‘ Nov.lB,lf{B6l.\ , . -- . k t V _,, _ p‘ohn w. Tlpton,‘ J ‘ .\SHIQNAIILV. HARDER, North-ens! ‘eor- F nor m“ the Diamond, (“cit door lollie- Ulellnn's notch) (h-fitysburg. Pm, whére he run at all flaws be {upml ready to‘ullend fin all hllh‘illi‘ss inihin liuc. g He has. “ho excellcnrt n - sislmu-e "If“ will ensure §nlismclion£ Give him u ulllay, ? 1 ’ [Dec. 3, 1300. $ 7““""“——‘"“ 4 7-2 Hanéwor lßlganch Raflroad. ‘N 7 INTI-1R A BR.\iNul-l\lENTS.~Pnssehgl-r ‘ Tm‘ns mp as]fulluws: Lcnvo “Tower at 25:0 A; [.,.nnd 12:30 r. 11. 'meo Jy cljou :11. 1:30 A. 1.. find 1:40‘11. I. The ”:11: ‘. u. find nmkvs waneqtioufnt the Junction 9? the North mu! 140th Thu ”:30 Lmin mam" connccuhn‘for'lhe South only. Thrmlgl? |Tiékcls n (- ismml lu I'llilnalellvjnia, Columbiaff Ilnrxisbnr . \\'illinmslmrt', Raiding, ”idlilllotw 'York, \\'r ghlsv¢lle,.nnd nll prinéi: pal wny péé‘nls on lh liue ol'theNol-yhcrn Ccn trill Rnilwp’. I, K ~ : I D. E. {PROM-J, Ticket. Agent. _ Jam-emfgsna. J . ' ' . ' ' " m 3" ‘ -" 4‘ ““"*' “‘"t“‘ . . AI mpg; , 4 1 EW ind othisi My hen’utifnl ntylm of Alhgmn, for “ :nrte 'dr Yisitc’.’ Photo graphs. j| a; received and for sale at prices to .uhumuzm. .x‘sox momma, York st;,joppnsite—t‘le Bunk, fiettyaburgfl’s. , March to, him. A ‘ >f ~ _ : J L. SCHICK has ‘ pplendl‘d lot of Foulnrd ..Sillgsi very clee 9—3l} In 02} cent. per "PT"- ', ‘ g.._‘_4_'_‘.‘ "IV—..‘; afiémn hn_ ust recrived a very fine _. mgrtmeut of! Gent's Camilla".— Übum and cixmnino‘thélu. ‘ ‘ COT'I‘UM‘DES, an A variety 0! Pnnls Stud; on“? 4: ‘ A'. 8001'? .0; 503's: . -..___.. ~ ._-_,.W,:*.___;._.~_~ Yen (mermaid: are making mu prem ’ lum piipture- at. p‘rlcon ‘to wit the thrust, harm.-.» .. _ .. . .-.“-q.-_._ l IMBRELLAS 0!“ (Jury nriutf at ' T‘— ‘ 3; . , { I'ICKIXG'S'; . ...,. ~r‘fi....~..-—E«-—-——~~ “A _. ~.} _4 [IE nutSmion of £1 elm-dial in re- 001 mm; inn 0 to a. In 13 um! aplendicf tum-tn: ‘ man! of iadlm' fine xii}! 300”. [anglingflnii tars, omg; pvcuhonptc.‘ jun received at Oct. 2 L ; R. F. McILIIKNY'S. ‘ outtmm GOGDS.—Tho san mm. M mankor Maugglng Goods "or ofl'emd, mm novrho seen mythongm at lower ”price ‘. Ltmu um; have over l‘ Tu sold before. Cull u. once M the’aign pf the Red Front. April 21, . FAlngl-za'rogx n-nos. , ~..—.-‘ "r‘ -. ~-—- m, was mm .\W among, munch“; 3A llc‘ 'l'nnd Bay ’ [lnt-{liner ma cm]. Ken‘s I! b Shkcr loath; km. M 5, at '. April m x Jn. r. IchHENW¢ Discovery Ihmmntury and Chronlc is cured bfl’using H. In; ’ D nusu .nxc MIX~ m citizens. of this, and 1" have tcéxified to its 58 in Rheumatic affeg ‘o unparalleled by any r the ‘puhlic. Pricg 50‘ :l‘dc by all dragging and only by 11. L. MILLER; Drnggist, Rust Berlin, ‘ r in llruags,;Chemicnls, ainls, Dye-stufl's,*lwt d Tincturc'p, .Wihdow lit Medicines} &C., Etc.- ‘5 .llnr Agent: in Gettys- P Cclchrntcdfmfounintic LINE“ 3, 1891. 1.! {lf Tungl . l l Buchlcr 1‘ i L. Miller" ange ”no \n.,—‘lnn‘nnd an"; E 5, m 2, up Morning urg at. 7.15%. XL, will) 213nm-vtion'; Nnrth {lnd 'm; RM: Mg, Nay} -- (it-H.) d) . n]! the I u A.“ ntrul Ifftil‘rny. .Irlul MEE “viva!” ring-ml in)“: the nndn :n-n- m-n yltwn hours, in Gettys- In in 111 .Uh-rvgmm Train. 11. cCUIIDY, Pnaident. [in , Delay. ‘. 4pm“; us In say lhnt ho {Mum-l to I‘nrh and all of I:o]‘l'l‘lo'N‘ imh-hu-d lo :‘wk ‘.\r-c«lunt. nr nlhvr -4w innnmlmto' puvmt‘nt. I unnnwl‘him tn Ih'v dis ! (Imin H": lhrnugh :l ‘ .\LHH‘I‘TS sum»): ‘Fipnml r mm]: n in '_lhl‘ I [vg'nHu {will .m- g m. in l‘ ccsa‘i 1y m 1 cam gall l'i'llfl‘rdllt the ‘llu- lli.unnnd,‘or‘on A- L, Littlya‘hurg. £19401, km nor 0‘ .. 1131“. ‘l 1' qu 91's. I ma 1 Illljmu Mnfifnrr. ml hmil m invin ‘ .1.“..[m-luic Grocery and n Joyful-[mum fur thqsnle ,3 laixl‘in a lnrgr and fine fi ”lo :lltvmiun'ol' buyers 3 IR “HAMMER, WINES. (‘., nl'nlilß-rt-ntfkimh and n‘ host .10 he had in ”mi HJ“ quick szllos and «mull; I‘m-“ 1.. \‘t-ryl~||(-:lp."fur!hc' o I, it is only necessurj' ml 20; ‘ .. 1861. ‘ | ' arr—*— ed Soldlem, '. tn‘nhrnr 'xn-zs, . tummy: l' is mull” rill svll ("um-in r pntrnn r, July I RINES. AW)“ \\‘IDQWS. :ms‘ 0F TIIUSB Wlm X KILLED IS THE SER- Krn. Attorney fol-'(‘L'lim- II I’t-nsion ‘\L'onc, \\':wh- Tensjons procured. tn? Sol- Ariugs of the present wnr. +on¥¢tn of wounds rcceiyed' lwhiilv in Servvicmnnd l‘cn- I and} Arrears of Pay oh nmrr hoirw of those who ‘ll‘d ‘whilo in service. ‘ ‘ulnu a nr rm! for: herriv'v's inflnyfiof mu. 0.. TI'CKER, ‘ ‘ \ IL' 1'1“ “my” g... on ' v 71 D . C 1. scorn 1: son. x April 14, 18C2, , New “ ROGERIRSJPROVI ; FEC’lmxs. The undersignrd have. in the Gwen-y find Proq 011?:an or w..¢m mm door enn'of Will's liqt‘. they will constantly kno general variety (if good: ‘ CUFFERfi, . ‘ i ‘ SUGARS, 3 ' CH “NSF FITS,COX «mm: *O. . . .guna in partfienhip 13mm h im-ss, at thé r. in Yoék} street; onb fl, Getty‘hluhz, Whey-b ‘p on Infill for snlcflq‘ in their: |ine, xix: I‘ I | t‘ ' . .a ‘ T 831%.. 5i i . ! EA , ‘3} MULASSE. ,BYR HAuS, SHOULDERS, ;- z SIDES, l 4 n ‘ FISH,I 3‘ . ‘ mm“ 68. ; 1m: NS, km, .: FLGUR- A N "E ‘o') ~ Wflh any‘quqnlity 0" r . l ; “(INFECTM)NS, ‘ ' ,' ~ ' FRUITR. ‘ ‘ a is" may. , km... ~ m. Thy-y ‘OYPM‘I also It? foal lar Mir in COAL on. mlHm.up.l..§\,Ps‘_pn'misingn goo'I! nrlix-[K of tlie former gm 'a; line ssmtmiént of the lath-r. _ w r |‘ ‘ .S ; ‘ "twin“; cnlnrgml tho‘Slm-é nm “rm-o Rpomgl they 9rd prrpa rvd ' to lump 7:; largo sun-k, uU of which Will be disposed of m. Lhw‘lowofit ran-u. ’l'hny 0"” such bargains, as hur 'nevcr hurt-lu foro heed hull ip this phim‘. ;_ i i , Give us'u triJL Nu o‘br km ato pl'rasp.» GEO A. (70 ‘01:]. v“ ‘ " JOSéPII 5.16 LLESI’H‘}. { > 2 | I __ Ready-made) (Flo ng. EORGE ARNOLD , _‘ G ”as now 0.11 huml ynuc'h th lnrgost stm of Rmdy—mmk‘ Clothing-he, has ever Img, con slflingof, 4 .. 3" ‘ Alix-“ 23,1802.- COATS. n" size!h ‘ 1 l’AST.\I.m)XS,‘do.4 VESTS. «0., ’_ ; DUSTERS. . . - SHIR'I "Lu EF.‘ . ‘ (r; l- )b‘IHRY, «M. 05%? r“ {rum :1 pom!” " izflpri “and Imiflitg. iru n. #Tt-mvn rvmliv “'po is 'li‘ rum m-lim yilllrn. fuwt' tr. ‘\Ml; :I shit, i ‘FIH'N unlit-é. .\[iril 23. 11352.. 3m . Our Coats. Pants and to an anchor, I'mlh as to H' We ('nnum. ph-Me .\‘o made Mr. W. 1‘; Ring. with lho t-smhlislnm-nt, Inc-naum Imll mako 3m: Uivcuigi gall. l ~—"— 1— ——-—~ *f'f-f‘: - -,+ r 0031! Col! Opal. -’ I qnmns & N'EHIJ-ZI; m’ mm ‘propn‘rod ‘ L supplv (‘IL\L. M's: nvrinr llfilllilJ‘H in :1" quantity Ill‘iirt'll. Tums, ('ush,‘ (‘mnellnol '(fimw All! ‘ “[1 ‘ l i PE‘Tlu-y n‘ao rmlur-zt Jhoeof inrh-Mml t' Hu-m'tn call and my up. nJ: muss urn mun-I nvodml. Who will he tho [i 5: i 0 cnll? Uflic own from 7 m 7.. - . ‘ Feb. 2 z, ‘1502. . ~ .;- . _._, ,--.1.,._,+., , Townsle Alumna. ”I . ‘HE Uri-loniznml rt per-{Andy informz‘fln r - puhlil‘ Hme" mm imu‘Lllpjv(‘.\l:Hl\fi “.\KIXG .\XI) REP.‘.|“,H\“HJ)II 'm-ss in all i dim-rout fdrmz. oln-npm“: Iln‘n : up 410;: in rh, t-o'unty. All work war In!” I ‘gv'iu' autikfiu tiun IHP\NU\YH‘I“~'. (‘o3:!er lucr'ilM-n i oxelymgc fornork ut ny‘urh‘fl p cm. I ‘ y ' A: w. )\\'.\‘S§.EY. Goltyslmrg,’Junc2S, “HI" . I ¢ ~ “7--2—r “The anibng?” ; mm STREET, .mqvp. TMRD. ‘ i A mm. mamnu. PL: I'm-m: s. XEWCUHEL'Iftny-lurmuu I m‘PThis "owl is cmnrtlfl unu-uiont Ii PnsSl-ngvr '(‘urs [Q :\ll hmrl ‘ ‘o‘ Ihc- rity. a mlnptt-d in‘m‘rry parlivuhrfin tfcicumfurt n wants of the blluiku‘puhlifi. ! , < - I WTc-rms'SLSO per «by; .' .SL'pchf}, 1861. I": ‘I I , Great Attritc; T SCIJICK'fi—I lm-oj jnit int-«um me A m=t cnmploto nfmrlmmlt or Sl'lllNll (iUUllb‘ ”or ren-ivcd ijl this "lfll't‘. In ctvlr, quality an‘ricc they mnnm hr surpnzsml’: Without stopping to partifinlzfllfil-G. [my “nlO all, come “Till see. .' 1 J.‘ L. SCIIICK.: April 14,1862. i l ; , 4 L ,Come to the; {amt :- .\‘D DUN'T FORGE TOVLITPLEASA§IT A RIDGE XURSEI: l-IS.4—l'prsons wishilpf to Plant Trot“! will fixul ho Fimfk in thr- zrmlfid {remarkably fine, and nrl jrmll nth-danced prions. The Apple numbers I’o \fpl‘itfligs, cmbmciég Inll the apprm' d sorts. ' l 1‘ ‘ ’ l N. li—Sve {he illllt‘ Aho. rd RN" l-‘lnra Dn e P 9.“ oilice. T. ‘. (1)0 & SUNS. Sept.‘2, 1861. H 4: I’mprium-s. ‘——~~—— ~-r-——+——-v---5 . j -Lost an Found?! «‘ I ”E “panda films a d plpm ,nfmoncy " ni‘c T fdnnd in 1h!- pll‘t'llMin. .nf? (loads {it SAQISUN'S,M his grc: 1y rm 110qu prim-SA Pam-hurts who would Take- qu tantrum? of ”11's chance nl‘economj‘in sm- "'i g B rgains. COMB AT OXCE, AXD SAVE 510 EY! zAs hes;- - am: has somewhat mlvanrc , WP will sill wh t of Winter Clothing we huv on_ hund n plir s to sntiél3~klle mosumnomidul lmvdrs. ‘TnA‘ ‘3 my Smr for times like thea‘c. Eli'pM-qrcity T m'ouey'is thus made up, by n yihgs mu 1: cheapel. [Gellyahufim b 417, 1862. ~ ‘ » -~ '7 J . . + ~. . i . . Plano Tumnk. 2 ROF.,BUWER, ‘of Liillwthnwn Phll‘lli'l’il P lEmno Tuner, inioqnif his , lands and the musical liuhllc in r ‘n . ' “‘ “ time, ndt olhhrwim Repairing Pianos. promis'es Imin snli receivedu ‘this of“ l - Fr: ”.DI".D FRAMES IL—TYSON BROTHERS ‘llnw- just rec‘eired from Philadelphia mid now «Her lo the pnhlip the lngoft slut hob! nsnortfnenl o‘f Gilded Frames 9. crlhmnght to '(leltysburz,lst Mtonishinglj'lo prices. Plano call and examine _lhem. Excel in} Sky-light (Minty, York strum, oppome 2:.- Blank, Ge - gysbmlg, Pu. [.\ln , h no, 1862. 1 .v “Carts d: ‘lls e§” ‘ " flOTDGRAPIISI 'eh vc’ ushfinlrodu‘c‘eh m splendid mnssivq colhmn'in our Gnller‘y and u":- now pr‘epnrcd to {uinlsll this new style “Unto do Vislw" Phulo-‘rap'hs—Llour for: fiollflr. TYSO; BHUTJIEI‘S, Excelslor. Skydighl GMleryflGt-ltysdurz: ; . March [O, 1861. | l «...,-..w-.. L.. ..-_‘___.___:X_. I . Theipotl: A ‘1 Ausoxlx. .lm in New York, tanking pn chaos to keep full ‘und inch-use tho stool: 0 his Clothing and VnrietJllSLoro. 0n thp Northeast corner ol‘ tho Diamo d, Gottfisburg, wlmreisnles are made at as: nishlnglsv low prlcei, Buying for cash, by e u sell w for cash—Hover than ever And In: uhkol Call in at the Store, Ind Anni Bot. uoln will wall on yo: wlth'the greatest“ plmurc, showing you Clothing, Boots, Shoél, ha., of every ‘kmll And ptlcs. . o [DgcJ 2, 1801. ‘ LL colors 0! Zephi Worms! and Shetland A Wool un‘be had ,M 1“ SCHICK'S. AMOQES, II good his eve}; at from 6] lb C" 2) cu. [mum-d, c u bobs}! nSCHICK’S. n‘l‘TON GLOVES, :ur Mei and Boys. cat: obe had cheap u 1 l :1 smucx's.; OUNG Yen's Fnli style: _olflllau a Y Cups 20 percent. lower gnu gums) pri 11. R. F, cIUJENY’S. l , , . A - A, , g « . ‘ Town Property ‘ T I'THV \TE SAUL—Tho uxnnleniznrll 0"- A furs :11 Private Ntlll'lhl- l'rulu-fl" in which he now n-sim-s. a'uuuu- in East. Middle nn‘nl, ()c-tlyshurg, mZJuining 8.1!. Tipmu an the west and Mrs. McElruy on'tlw on". wuh an ,‘m, glitzy? in the rear. THE HUI'SE is nfljlj twoqtory Frame, Wenthcrhmrded. with llackL'buiMing; s we" of water, Willi a pump In it, fifth; door‘; and a variety of fruit, such an .pplgs, peat-u, puchm, npricoha, cherries, and graph, all {he most choice. . ‘ ( ~ - ZACHNRIAII “YERS. ANJV. 12.1860. if g _- . . I Somethmg New. I fill undersigned respectful- ‘ Tlly informs the resldeuu odettyshurgnnd vicinity,thal be I‘m. opened' a WATCH A 'u JEWELRY STORE, in thé room immediately in the rear of Mr. J. IL. Schick’s Smrc, nndjronting the Square, where he intends keeping an assort ment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sll‘YEll nnd SILVER .PLATED WAREP SPECTACLBS, CLOCKS, rite.y kc. ‘ Having been uonnectml with I. fink-class WMvh and Jewelry Store in lhlllimoro, i’nr arveml yours Imm, he is prrpnrcm m lurnish every article in the line. at the lowest. clty prices, and all purchyzes will ho guarantied as represented., : - From n long experience in Wntth~rrpnirinm especifilly affine Wan-hes. he is pr’cp‘arcd to 51‘.) all kinds bfWMch-w'ork prompth‘r, in the hen limnner, and gunmnuy the performgnce' ofit. , Hg: will kcr‘p always on hnnd anrge assurt mcnt of‘SPECTACLI‘ESJnd Sling tncle Glnisns; and lmving mu'uhw experienre in :ulnptin: them «0 the sight, is prvparml to fit all who need them, SALT, kéz HAIR JEWELRY mmle to {1:110} in the host htylv, and u grout variety of pxiltqms on hand: JEWELRY rcpxircd in the mm (M. manner. ‘ ’ 'JUSEI‘fiI BEVAN. Gettysburg, Dec. ‘L’!, 1861. M" " fi _ j.. A- , V ._,_________.__ ... Cannon & Adajr’s - 1 ;' lEW mun”: \“'“l“.K.\‘,'vqrm~r "r. Rflli-‘ N more and [inst .\lidulll- stnzeCiJHrm-lly mi pnsigt- the n'mv Unurt. Ilnuw, Gettysburg—‘- HM Eng rt-vcutlyrurri\‘ml from-l'bihulolphinJml fun-ling fully («mun-10M to cxN-me a“ wnrk in the I‘m-51: styh- hf Ihr- nrl. Wt' wuuhl roam-fini ly invite llu-mu-niinn "HIK- pl!l?lil' “I’4“ng to prm‘urc nuyghing in unrlinc. M fiwnr us with a call and pmmim- “To: uni-n: u!" him work. {We are [mogmn-d In l'urxiiih .\IHXI‘MENTS. TIMHXS AN” HI-IA DSTHNHS. .\IAIIHLE .\IJXTLfiS, SLADS for Cnhinpt—mukurs, mu! “11-011 w: \\'hrk appertaining In our Imam-Rf. at the inw'e'q figs sihlc [iricom We do nm hoeilnlc to m'mrunil-c that. unv- work slgnll he put "pin gnmnnor snh slzmtinl and hateful mum] to} the lJ‘Nt to be (gm in the cities, whvrt‘ every 'Viulpruvcmont whirl) experience lms SllgL’l‘3lt‘t' is nmilcd of, and cam-hilly do'wc guarantee that uur‘flomo tor'y and Grnw- Yard \\'urk slmll by so curl-fu‘ly set a: not to beam-(1m! by l‘rust,l»ul shnll gluin min Ru years that erg-(1x193 0f [insiuml gin-n M the cnmplL-liun uf'u jfihknnd so [l'W'yamu'y (a continued gnwof‘ulm-H and a; much-f, . Nov. 28, 1859. if § '- =I ‘ New Good-’B3. ~4' SURGE ARXULD , . G ”a: just rpcciv‘ul from Philndolphia a lurgv "(N‘k of _ f. ' -(-,Ln'rux, rASSHH—inns, hlzu‘k, plain and filmy: Fl'lk Warp, Frt‘nvl‘. (‘lnlhfi Tar Slrmvm-r Drv»: Cull”, (.1 beautiful n’rtu'h‘, ) 'l‘wc-mlt‘, [(uli‘m (film In. Jdmwflnilfinw, .\Tvrhm (husi'ncrn-c. Vein-l ('nnla, lhmhrtmns and Yrstinm. all vrr)‘ II xnd~nnunf In Hui-shun stnl‘k of Good? Ilu re are nulny q’vw ‘nml be‘au tif'ul 51511-5. ‘ ‘ OM Alsu :\ largo stock nf' (‘ABI‘EIS, TRVXKS, CARPET BAGS, and l)umt-~‘tios. .\ién n larct-slnck of READY-I IS”, ofnur o“ n Immmnrtnring U. :11' Rims. pvivt-s mud rhonp .\h. \V. I‘. King" i 1 in mum“ osmmisluncnt n 3 Imm] to cut Flaming in slmrtuhh'r. ‘ April 28, 1562. 3m ,1 -‘., Removal.--Tin ‘ HF. lluvlJ'l'Jiynt-II h n n-m'm- T (~51 Ihli‘hmt-ui 'nmrt-r th Clnlmlwmhurg' sum-I. mljniuiu 1111:.“ Drug Slum—q \‘t-‘ty rv-nlrnl continues to umnuhu‘llxrt‘, and I)’ on hand; mory Luicty nf TLV‘WAIH’.‘ . , 1 ‘ I’RESSSD AVD ‘ ' JAPAN}? and will (Llhmys hr ready {'o dpl .mian: and SPOT," also «ane in NW 1.4 3‘ m uuwr. :P’ruwn mflml'rxr- Me. and no t-ll'nrt spun ' (WI-finder 1H" ,;.<utis- I'.u-tin.). Thy pu‘nliv's cunfiuiwgpfl‘trugfi‘gf: is snnciw. " .\. I'. BAL'UHEH. (h-Hysbnrg, Apfil7,l-‘U:._. _ ' _‘ Howard Associamon, j ‘HLAlHiLPlll;\.—— For ma‘ lltenér of flu- Sit'k and [Hurt-«l'd. gxfllilfig‘ll.wil!l \"iru lent. nml Chronic D'vh‘mws. sill'limlurt-iauy fur the CurP of Disc-use: of 11m Sz-fig‘iu! ()rgula. .\IEDIU'AI. A DYICH given gmfis, by the Ar!- ing Slum-mi. i ‘ YA'LUARLE REPHRTS og ~‘Fpr‘rmnlorrhmu‘ ur Seminal ankm-sz, nnd LOHII'N' him-um of the Sexual ()rgn‘ns. and on th¢ NEW REWH IHES employed in Ulr‘ Dispcnsqu, sent 30"lho llfllirlod in senlm! idler cnvuinpr's, I'm-P of rlmnm. 'Two or three Stamps férlxostngc'will b 0 m-ceplnhle. , Addreis, Dr. J. SKILL“:Y HOIYGHTON, SMI!- ingSurgoon, H'mrnnl Assuciwtion, SQ. 2 South Ninth Slrovt’, l’hilmlolplllinY Pa. 1 ‘ June 10‘», 1561. 1y 3 M . ~, OW4" .1 Shah! Cold, Cough, 03‘ - J‘ Mamas, or you BRONOHIAL glmmt, which might be )I?‘ <5? chcclacd with a simple my -05“ edy. if mammal. qfimflwh minute; seriously. Few van awan cf the impomme 9f qtoppiw «flush or 5714'ng ,fiald in 3819'“ $1489; 4114‘ which in tho beginning would yield to amddranody,§fnotattbidcd.wvm attacks the lungs. , ‘ ‘- 35W" giant/1M gum/la Ithmbgayprwdfidflfiymflpbcst article I)ch the Pay“ ~ all-5’11: flalds, armchiflafi‘rélhnm; ,fiamnh, the meaty}; in flan.- sum? lan, and ’mfi‘ectiorw , 91" the Infant, giving ' im ‘ reluy‘ . mac Speaker: sincn,’ will find than efl'edual fiTplw-hg and Sold by all @ruggitts AndQeizlera in‘ flgdwm ' ' , at‘2s causpf‘boz.‘ WA. 13'. Bunny, .\genl? Gettysburg. “00.30, 1801“ 6m ' " , ‘ , . u Cheap Grocqries‘. FRESH arrival of Grooericg at reduced A prices—splendid SUGABS’M. 8. 9 and 10 cent; per pound—lns; COFFEE at. 22 cents, and other things in proportioé. , Call and see Indjudge tor yourself. _ , “ ‘ May 5, '62. mnxssrocx uno's. Removalsn ’ HEnndersigngdmeing the dnlhorizogl person T to make removal: into Ely-er Green Ceme tery, hope that such as contemplue the removal ofthe relnt‘ins of deconsod relgtives or friends will avail thémelvn‘ql thiasenson ofthayenr to hnve itdohe. Removals madeleth prumptness —lerms low, and no effort spared lo plepsc. PETER THURN,‘ lurch 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. :lwsox BROTHERS have cdngtanlly on hand 3 huge assortment 0? plain ”d fancy cues, gilded frames, gold and: plated lockcu, breastplns, kc, to" which thpy MO tolling st satcnilhinglylow prices. _ ‘ ' HAMBI—HAMSI—A hm kit of prime Hung“; receiwd andfbi- sale cheap,” " June 9, 1863. CODORI & GILLESPIB'S. SOMETHING NEW I-A “#1::on or-wms. KEY—an article prano'qnoed .“lmrd 4,0 bGAt"——c‘n be had 3‘ . [LG- CARR’S. June 2, 1862. '; » ‘ W ARGEHOTJHEAPHS for $l,“ the Eu. celsior 8k Jight Guns ‘,l York-om“, opposite the Bank. ;4, ‘ dun-:srxhs iiéifis, Gin bins Brilliant. D km,” ' A._ ,‘lfllisows. ’ ; J unson's 7" Mountain Herb Worm Ted: Hnnu‘s, mums mm noura‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ VIIIS‘UI Puxsokotzs mxmmLs AND mums _ MOTHERS, TAKE lIEED! Do yo When oblerving the near fiction: of your glildnn, consider that 11. may to more than I melre Cbollc that «am. them 'I In nine cages onl lo! ten, use may of me little salar er's “gum: ll Wong, Mahmud be a 0D" looked to. 1 r , - . a mans oz gummy, Do not lgl, your‘chlldred. suffer, when In pre lenv. you ll: ‘l' V, ' _ 1 JUDSON‘S ~WORM TEA L‘ - § ‘ A Mr} um rugs”? can 101 '0!” now much better And “fan would I! be to have it alwaya in the House. A liltlo delay when a child is taken ill may ohen be thocsuao l of its deny“), while acting without delay, 11111 I by giving the MOUNTAIN HERB TEA immu- , dinlcly‘, )‘O9 will not only anvurhe child u long and tedinfus illnqss, and yonrsr l‘imuvh :- :pemte, . hm. also _l'eel hnppiorin knowing um: yun have done your duty. and pennant-e 8:1de 31- life. L This medicine is cumh'iuml purely uf _ L HQRBSAND BOOKS, E :01- A PAR‘I'XCLR pr 1 . [CALOXIEL :sz "MIXER“. «I: . f n! rain )x- n‘. ~ ' . No‘mqfrc mug Vcnnil'ugc um he mm! by. those yvhp once use'tliisJ‘nA. The only nflim prinriplci of all other Yermifugca and Worm Killers ia' MERCURY; ‘ A ‘ Use this Simplé, Sm; Vow-tunic:.\lodiv‘mo. , This Vorm Ton W 45 «Viisrmrrl-d i 1) nn unm lml \v‘ny \mnnyz thfiwilh‘ls o! Nuan-m Mum, _n l‘ull luuount ul' ivy u will finulril‘ivmnr .\l murmurs. }. As‘k fur thd‘dgnmimgl’ 7'!!!" Almanac," of the A om, ling wlfirngun Inn‘s: rgml iI, H-ml it to )nur nvighlmrmtlyt Lin-y nmj' Mm know 0| und b Gun-d lly I|_|is ! 'IEEAT REMEDY l . : ~ F Jstnx's Worm TBA , ‘ KILLS” trams, 1 * uvh Imnl§-|§ rtmnsmr to n“. ‘ ‘. . T ‘ H‘ .' ' . GET A PACKAGE—{PRICflzf’ CENTS. 03mm: 'n.-—M\vw) S‘ finu the Name-um] Sign". tun- of L. LEJUILS'U'N & CU.,,nnul um porlruil of Tau: , 0n gnch pzhckdlgc of this Worm Tm. B. L. firImSON a: co; s 0 LIT 1'1“) r-‘nl BTUR 5 , $4 Lrimum Smear, wa Yours, . mJHfinx's Wnnx Tm is sum b, on. Ang in I“\l'l')'1VIII:IgP, mul luy‘iflll‘litugzkts. 5 IL (.‘.f‘um, Ago“! Fun (Mtg-aburg: 'July :12, Ib‘u‘l. ' 15w" _l— A +_-___-.- - ..._.__.__7..__V-7V . i m mow/um ggk‘\\ 33m $455 ”HEwmmsw DI'RINU llw pail. _\r.|r we hnvo Inlrmlm ml tojflu- notiu- '0! [he th-ul pron-Minn of U is Cbumry HIL- I'nr: {hum/1:”) L'ltlnrulr n I'rufnflumm. ns \ REMEDY FOR RHEUMA - I‘YSM : :Tml hm m 7: rum-inn! from many mun-H, both Imm 'plul Licinna 9r tho highul 11.-"411'“; and nm'n Imin“, tho \IUST H..\Th‘lclu_\u‘. THSTH‘IUNHLS OF ITS I§}§.\l.‘ VALI‘I'} in ll'u- If“ mm! 0! this? painful nml olhtinnlo “I‘ll;- ”so; “1..-re imhu'x-dilh I‘m-mm h to the mhlic in n'. fir"m mumfvm: [.\nmmnfihrmc, \\'hiuh +1: Imm- “if! émnlm-nd il<clf tn Hum \\ ho :m- sum-ring with this nfilicli'ngr’complnim, and to 11hr uH-Iliml fmv-lixinncr who may frl-l dbl-mm} to fix»! me; pawn"; of ‘h'ls—mllmblo rmnnh" ‘ _ I ‘ ELIY X‘- l'fi'lJ’YLfV spoken Inf. has raw-in. 'Anmmrrn- Ln mo .( furio -1 _llumlé'oeua. inn wilh'lhc \lunl make up are” ' hisl Tinnin': hinmuml. in .\. IL‘Hnr-h -lucalviun. “0 1'1»! culliluul- \ \\'.Yn'i. ~ .RHI’A'IHING ‘INU [)(-ril'll;lflt“!willl1ll'le I’lT.\L,}:uful “an. M,\ Alvin-.xf’rmn the mu mevlierournnla.‘)‘ 3 ‘ ',D'zb‘flk is rm‘vl‘nlly dint" "I+," \\ifl;!;ul|.lli‘rl~¢:limls, :ulll rm! Fm ul'r- _ mint-d (Ln: all put» «lfnfiglsls at 75 crnu'pc-T bulllc, ml at uhnlnnilv-nf .H u . Bl'l. .m-n I‘. mu-txsmw, \ J szfrifu :In-l lnm‘fitcturing ('bl-n‘ti‘ld. July i, mu. .ly 1 l'hiludu-lphin. , " ,_ ‘4 *§""‘—" '*'.‘ Fresh Beimofcements. n THl'lfK'fiTlll-IXI-Kfi‘, (WI! I'(lSlTlU.\'.—\\'e L :lhnl'ullrhllfll)’ arming m-w sul plin-s l 0 our—l ulrrmh llugquntl fil-hiuhnhh stuck of , ”.\p‘s, ('AI’S, lmm‘n‘ .\VH slim-IS. . We lfin- M'v-ry Mylo m Spring: and Summvr Hate. VEl‘u-h‘in qu IN” and pricv mnlml {Ail In 1:11-11:12 [in_fls nml Mum’s ”3‘s,an I‘npu'nf' norv d scriptiun, anduhhglulps: "yin-a. v,” stack 0 . ‘ - ' I ' ‘~ GAITERkam &r., mu new-r man- no logo. Indira. Gram-mm and Cthn-n can scdommodmed wil‘l any tlnng in‘ (Ilia line, as' \\'é «rt- ILNN'I“ we'mrmr now to give ms nnd groaiwr harm-ins “um fl fr. before. KIT ynu wnm Mrmuins, good! fits’ and fnshinmlihlo Honda, an" ,m. Ihemign 6!} the mu BOUT, in Chmn‘bcrsburghtivet. ' _' E" ‘ 3.10 m: PULP. 1 ALEX. CUBEAN'. Juno ‘9, 1862 SPRING GOUllh‘l—(TllhlflB GOODS! L ', FAIISEHTOCK lllmTlll-ZRS hare ju'st received and nre unw’opfningn Inn” and choice assorlnwm. 01‘ SPRING Goons, to which they i‘m‘ilc the “motion of {lie public. Having been? iulrrlmgml'wilh cnr'c at. reduced prices, im- up: prepared tr‘n‘vc our cinnamon hargnifls'. Our film-k hnsl‘ largely increnlml hy the addition nfa clmipe variety of the mm style! «it mes' mn‘ss GUUl)S;mnle‘rinl for )ll‘li‘XS’ WEAR. l7.\lll’l".Tl.\'G. iQUEENS— wmn MlLLlxmwmmns, Mn. énmprislng n comJlete assortment M even-{hip}: munlly wanted; Call early and m-la-cLhnmninl furl yourée}res._ , ‘ PAIINh'STQCK: 330's. Apriy7,lB62. 5 l “33 . \ , New Taflprmg 1; ' ‘ srhnmsnunxr.“ago.Mic muons, E . ‘FA‘Sllll).\'.-\lll4l-) 'l‘.“ I}. ’ mlupts this method of info-wining his riehdsunq‘ the pntilic generally. thut he hasj “boned n Tailoring establishment in Bultimpre street, Gettysburg, (hue Post ()ilice,) near-{the Din mond,‘ where he is prepared to do 4“ work in Ilia line in the best manner. and to the netis‘ faction of customers. He emplqu' goon [but first chm hands, nod receiving I i ' Tm: FASHIONS IIfiGULARWYr , he cnnlwarmnt fashionable bite “(15ml and aulrsmqtinl sewing. He asks a ”bin." o the public-'1 patronage, promiaihg to spare 1: cf fort to deserve it. His charge: will dlwnye be found as moderate u the times will allow camp; and Repairing dqne at the’ ll‘lOl notice. i ', [Gettysburg, APT“ 7, I“ EZ==l HE undersigned has opened a Box'umrnnt, at fine corner of York ma billet” amen. ectyshurg, where he will keep everything ill the eating line in season—also Ale, L 88". ”d Cider, Begun-s', Tobacco, be. He in lihwin fitting In) t Snloon for ice Cream M II"! 111. "place. He hopes, by attention to business sud sdesiraw plum, tavreceive A lib‘erflllhflfl 0‘ cnuom. HENRY w. CHRISHEB. Bpecpzcles, Spectacla's. J JOSEPH BEVAN, sign of the WM Ind ' Spectacles, in the diamond, 1).. Mon gain: :Plorge assortment offlgold, any“ ..‘I I. e S ctat-les,nndis pre 3 30 will luvot him winks “ILP 1 'fitlll'ho ,HCB.’ Cash pH for old I 7 June 2, 18:53..“ ”1? 2“?! ,qm' Afiifini'gmnmrspx 7 V a' C (yawning—Bood Ind ch» (3114‘ I“ d n the New Store of g Emma ! ' mugxo ’ P ‘ 0 ll“ §S O I m: A ‘ i YOUR CWLDREN lIXE, in "lo {mm above _v Jun-n cut-ushfi-ly u l‘['l\'.\'n'\'l.X'.\Nlj.\ innxu Ni'él) smut-25's (:I-Iwill [film] nccuunts in N":- I 0 nt up road; fn'r mm: 3001'5,. saons New Goods. New Réstaurant. re, 1869 nut 2. f