The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 14, 1862, Image 4
~ 't: i— él ‘ 4:4” £5 5 ”__V 4.: 4 ‘ TILE, ' -;L ‘ I" ‘l3:“:er "“ ' m I?” r ‘. ‘l"-a“°-'" ‘°"m AS '~ . = z n N-"mg,f TH - G», , ”Om IS” k 5 Tom BY '_ i ' n: “W appaurlmtimvfknz i‘ ‘ § _\\_ I '1"? cndflsblelummohahyé {3‘ a ’ “'3“. "9 “‘0 “a ”'h ”If! (10“ _ ' '. . ‘ "___ :Jhiogrig' H Dem ”we “ntol’omnnty Po) > ‘ ' 5 > we; ~.“.‘mu 00., Mn 4:1. in“? ”0., _ t 3 , "m M ""7095" “Mic "‘ll- "waj ‘l:Ea » t ' 1‘38”. 43;“?! minds "IN?“HV ’ Inbl'o >’-__D§,D-" n 1? :2, “mo :«M‘w, f J-* 2m; J a Isa’licn'fimchimrrrnfifio“diluent «‘“mé‘kr‘ O‘74”C ‘ ‘ ' " 1"}! {:O3 Iti‘n" 9“":In; O‘;ttlt“li:?tnilpml’v,\3r"“:r" \r."‘nd"\T I. Ne' ..’—A?”“. 3 ,' “‘“tl'sh‘xrnr!2"llc){'{ll.:d :Pi‘mq'e 2 5:3”); :1: Warn"? Mn" 43“, 91y 1““34 ‘ ‘ Lark)". ”9%" 'anhr. I'lzb C'iqfln‘llgmli “hi ~ f“) "w; hiflf’mm 'er’ "in ' "f ;Y‘1)015v39 (5,91 "1. 11’11903':‘1’ ”“20!“ , ”"lrl‘H”lnu'lt;lu=tbuv|:“end . . - , < :1 “I . . >nllsuicrsnct3lhadn't?” c] (I Cali“ 141“" TW ' "91:13”; {for ”Ni?“ in ‘0 r .r! v. “\- B a “5 PM 11 a“. He Ate In, .0! "It: 1- 111. 11‘ j '“u e . 'fl. 0".- a "t' a, ‘3 I” (10V ”1 ’J‘r L H fie] "h g“ ‘ th 110 R“ . B 1.1 "y I" "5m 0- "Pr ’on "1 f) 3c, 41;,” notion” 5(OVr-Js‘tfo‘lnl'tl ‘l}; :1t- ef 0(94'11" 5; KY . If?» Oct“ "' 3| ’o‘}; 0‘11““, " .‘hl‘f’wifCou‘O dc‘iol ”19”,“. 3‘l4?'¥n‘§-‘hol'=‘°*t\'~"’us'°°t“'t 001;." “Hf-WW " I, -"l"furflll:i‘h:l'ry'°"2‘3-Ling‘wa‘lmzi‘nl 'r‘hnrg" ’ ”31;?“ u»__ )‘ ¢ ' ‘1 -. '.c 1 I ‘ _ . '- w ,‘Efß’cAazfi‘origlr‘éo'fi- ‘ny Erick dfii’l-ATT OW Nov. 1; 0., gfceani , r‘.,‘ - , ~i , __ ‘91:" he “Uh. 'Ffdhdlk)” Saved ‘4 1’1"“ ‘y r“ “_th m‘3 lg, 3‘ :‘Ye . : ‘s"ndmnxfii’eg' 'nxi'j’ chi? Du “Ln 0“” - “WE" «EA? 871 ‘ “awn I ~ "cc 0 r . —F . ’___. -. {frrovtq‘qc‘ TOM. 50cm“ "sortyinu‘H t _ Im'fi?""\v.»|ln _ n'" d .“r I [,m "e o‘, 0“. or Va" all u, __ Ce ._ ca . “with 0;? m gawk} “hut-"52'“ “1111 o:lVem'ly: Tl.“ A-m” 9m .... W I ' ,A' . 1.9% Sou‘M'y t'ha '3B“, ha, “15Lr trc‘l. tn.“ 14; ‘FN'F '' j“ [‘lqflr In “I " .- -. t“, , o _H, 1.0 co n )py be ou-"nd (3,1 01 IX . -U&: on, e:7 i .u ’ Ipr: :1 ch “Alf 111-0 “n ‘e ”n'. n )‘q "or '_'n_ “s 4 ‘ \\r e "- __ 5.3 “bu hTe" __ " - “15;” 1.733,!”5t ~ phiw‘lp-nttfir'.‘ ' -’.“:afpzic.:;«€:;;l an“ ““45“: $1,921.32 3?“, _ hfl- 31% 00' ‘3 ,1 'l‘ Ap. ;. “Ce ‘ 14-“ 19q E __s. a "I" "9 onlprom 4“ Uk'Elz,“_mfl _:E__.B,t ~_ h 5‘ rulllppt-e-f "Her “Tn! MY; .1711] 3“(‘1 1“n no dw‘~ sslo‘wt‘ orb ”‘y the E' 5 (“l-E'sm in 13' r—‘_—.-_l ‘l “11%:th llntvativ P 0.4 ‘lnnJPt‘r llaf' _l‘) D“V ‘Yd‘._ 'O. an Fl'Si" Mt? ’gr“‘dj(;\xx~n 'LFl""nfl“mmco u ' l'fifinigg’é gut InhLvel ;I{?11_;:!?!y,frgoc. 'l"t!;l2"n.r°"l}.:" .31 VB‘i-Bj '[sahimlnecé‘ts 91“ $108: vain"; P};§-\Tbl§lc:‘finvery l’rAioi‘ci A)“, ”fivplluht “ch‘n nr” ityi‘ 95. 3‘r. ba‘”e.“ a” ‘ f,\'- u ”IL 91".}??ka (- )ccih '35 s'. mu in)e ) ‘,rl‘d l: find 1' ‘9 sm!” ‘m be lnqu iro . “h h" “‘l, ‘51., “n. 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(afgmni'fi-f' n‘xu. “t..d"m ‘l. lETT Cll r‘C‘i—“K'M’ “51 l-o’v‘ fl 11l 1;, Ic "m l' lin 95. a, .es rr. IH; unqo.Sn- w a. by. I“ ge y]; In t. ' hf?“ ‘V aaggrne‘ym, 'infi‘v- wiglu‘ Part“ w-J‘hu‘ "rd“tsijm‘ho s‘l ‘6',» ";-'c.;‘nn:;u‘ ~fim“‘m ”Isn.§nge~ mime"; any .130: =li ,’ “trill! _‘ it‘ 0- "0‘ y n 5&0 W,- ’99“ c: "r'. o‘. a: 0" _' ‘55 \\' "h h, ~15 I’. ~ . l\ J ,f mar l~ lp Ta: {.9‘ \.l‘3t " 1 ’l‘. "t t a i,“ A.,s:|i' Pt n'd‘r‘ .u"o f(y “."v’o‘ ___, Ii {“geli’roffinal: n..::-° ,gmmgnqi ”wt:- ‘3“-7."n«“n"‘~33::linn-r."'m“? PM“? TVS-"Hi? 1‘1“} i -‘l 4'“ '\ "w “it, 0r 0f '0 *‘L L: 1": x I;.“h._, 0‘“ 1 '-‘ Ssé‘u‘. "n "..' 1': 'rg ‘:“2 )n . 1:12. ”fly? s-avllilem‘nl‘flfi :1“!qu Th 9“ the .\J. L. _ or. 6 D 151). izx,ll)i'~lg‘::l,zls“'nnq_ :hn‘flgore’ (:01 Pnl"‘r:°“uflt 7‘19": and 3’ In ‘ a}; In t] ‘K‘d. “L 9g N. .011 ‘S ‘ awré ‘1 ’- ‘l' s n 31' "d “a‘. “‘p'b, ”w' M P Wt“ a3' “"fl ."gn.§°fi§;3:3§eefi“ fi-g“'l.if°f qr}; ‘l'i'finr {:"Ir. dean's o“- n": ’3- ‘%J“L;ll*o 'f'rnl'f‘:u”l:-’ "raw-r; find?!“ A\' \lln’ni; ~ *4 n - ,‘-‘1 'O, r 3 '1 .r‘lfw'r r\, u. c‘ . ‘rs .‘ ..- ,‘t‘. mi né' I'-'l'“.- ' M-“bl- d.> 11W” ‘B‘. N " L~- b 12, 3 “In "n ‘N "0‘ -.BH 01 “Y '9‘ "I ‘“h "I: ”I "t ‘"n {in' “I "II n '51""lu us '1 ”l ”“1 ‘md-ahofi)‘ '0: be Cl ’lO he. fl“ I ‘l‘h ""g’r‘m'tu ll "'2“. "c is H I"? I" " urnzhi, "ng and be wan ’"e, c”. lor' t'O owl-3‘" '"n (”I 1 -,_ yto ,1] “n "'1“ “ha“? .“nr‘ ' 11"" "y and _l“ ‘a. ‘flton 80 Green (I A}, UN “(1, & in'hheriu- “0.1“: '1: .eq‘ ‘ 9Ma . _‘ *T tru ‘c ~firmlshu [.l fungflo n’. ’7l 12mm .\"ndr "“I- {n °v(._“ t 1 “armin' ‘9 °“« lam- I*m‘“ u “inf" ' D's—a ‘bmin"“"¢-'"°u'“ 'h'. “45‘ r° £.,31.. Wu » n." 1‘1”“ "5 atfi‘ho'mé" Into t 1 3,?er, rm":"rrv""rtf°.seff‘n “it * “rg “In: in ’ thw’reol'hn"m““u'Pe’r "h: p "“1 “‘Ol "V 1) ''l 11’1'1‘31 ”In! “if h 1""; "I"! “~' "‘1 "‘u "‘1 GL-‘eR "s "d ‘~\-"‘n ‘l‘“ ”filly” 3‘: Wiiwfiqfilffiefi: Alilc ' SSH'T‘H" 6&3]: ;.D4.\'ll.zi‘t:d Ailing :pl‘os ..'{4 . 11m, d r“hl.mvg?.”::fl'o',grfl:.xlll’l’i‘;.'ll'lf. wh'; ‘‘l .Se “(1 “b “s "f ‘~ 11.?- ”“a “e" kn"! re 0I it , ".‘.‘l ‘n-E‘ea '3‘ ll’& 55.3' .3' .11 Fe tl .l‘o 1: r 1 I 0 3 | “b 0b ‘. )r. s 'uyep. _ 2 tn "1 v ‘,lln.lg c ‘n_ “p In re :1 ml (I|;3t‘l- .'1 11, 1n “r Sl’n, r, .'Ow‘e. IQ _ _ ’lB~ I n .\v‘ a,“ v, I'. - B I 6:11:41: “2:16 {£ll {nylwé‘r‘zx é‘llllxt,:‘:u;’n?i 1‘ 1 “1 4’“;th ‘2. 313:,[13311y'33 In"?! 1‘ - ' AO2 5153‘“? fio‘."‘l‘|fl:’::?‘r\y ’“rt “s 5 ear"! "‘3 11,1»30 he "I” -‘ INT A 4 1' 1 ~g“"o ‘T‘ "it"“d 0 R... ”Cu "W "l“ '6 “8' ‘R "t w 8 ‘3' ”Ir ("1‘ ."J fi. k‘xl ‘.\ no ’ 539‘“) r '0“. “8 ,"o 0 - I‘D'E‘Tlnu “n s wifgslfggkeggifgftnlignigcgginayg.y,f bf lug-#353118 Cl mix-P- a}; {3l:l}!me 08:!de upgamexugn vQn.O.,. f. . ~ V ‘. ", .. :5: cmsut}l2¢p;‘o_:}gugflh;ea£ {1“, t' ‘:_':4~;"llr,,,_. r“l‘cfll'\\SUß. un‘g .. “EY. fi'rl‘SkcL‘Ving—Onél 3‘15" aria ”Jung. 1 . ‘ inhnfl ‘\‘bécél Tel.“ [no “KC-t”: the 103' - H." "17} GE - 021.1% '\Xp ty 7*; ‘1'"1l I]q briccl' I],:P‘o‘l‘l),_ELS Bt____ . x :’ I::“h3"*lim"*iqings°Or“?“(l'fofi‘bin'Wn' fld‘ ; ”1.1%": Pa; ~——a hfnt “m- 'w‘ u"‘m "e Vwiq‘hes- . Ki.“lci,}”r_“q"- it"n; 3-."*‘sl"l‘A ‘ ‘I'I'Iélhlill(il'l"‘l;llk-:"i«,llnt-fl:“'cyw I 'ifisgfigntbenwnzn'dlfi s‘SJ‘IJI'L‘m-se‘l “in?“ "‘1?Ml.”‘»'(l)"‘“i.1h“t|h"):' ' - k".__gr"“cg?f f,“ ‘T‘.:)\Cl'3!li"'ln‘\; 1:30 g‘erh‘kpfikr _‘ ~ :natgnsswevgds -; 3*»! 10111335. v 2“! nPO Of‘ _.’ I‘V‘JM ”Ir"; L" ..‘ cl ‘1 4‘ skin: 0. '1 PM - Fuse . - “finif.°¢3,‘r°;fzrm'g;«*eg‘ifg;Kn?“H“ 4309;150:332:- ” aim} “'0 Inf-'3‘: .‘.:ry‘i'gm'g c 9133??? , s ‘ri-so,]ll wl'-\i._~‘-' ‘,x ‘.\ \~2“n‘rhh rcAn-x‘l “f «Dem—3‘l"»??? 3., i its: 311115"? {Eii‘z‘vfirh‘e‘m Mm ‘ ‘~P‘lreé‘B3'“n“'::¢i°:;*f:;ls::n'legrc‘::Pi ‘. ~u! "v 0C '0” f?»’" <n "I 'n_ 1] Trc. ornh‘q" , [hegto‘hv l. A ’J. ‘h a‘~__‘_._tz_ ‘lu ’ (.\.non at “1 111, 2 0i era m 1 '.. to I, In t]l er; “‘3' c, 'l} ‘lul ('k L. 3-3 “to Y ~\xl_ ta _- ‘\K H,“ "r I’“:.."‘lf l—‘c Bra . nee/S,er J .u. 30 ,"x “‘ L". '3' 'l. 14. "113 w "n.“ol eh'Wi. \., F_ W ‘~- ER '6. “of”! ' *hi““s {1151“ "om ”g0—7:553:33} 3°???» "‘55: “5:42;“? é:~!§-‘°'¢Jn s“'el;.‘iT§v"'-331f“??sir—L- ””*‘r {“33 pD ' a“. ppr AbOOd ‘ 1 1 “cc?!” ‘ls C bu] "0.33. .‘Ahqfi‘fi‘.’ Tllo- :Unl "3/ ’l..\ hv ‘ ,‘h 8a "‘ _ Co I‘ I“): 1‘ 0a . Cl] . ‘L'Jnd 3he 0, 19' I". -h '0 If”; g. h “In ('., ._ LF _“Y3 b A ‘ -, ilndlnl‘c "ion y“r chinnhtioucof, tl‘ pen “‘53“ “cough“? ‘)' Jo'hs' INT 1‘54391, F: Cram-" 131 of in .15an y‘lrella," .‘ - v - - e ‘ .r »_ ' y _-.. , . , 01' Prnete ”1’“ ed 01':- T} Rep lona m":sv'r.'“‘lpe"ltey ‘5! '5 1' ‘ “Pi R‘ls "inlltt' hf"x{)°'—l-lc'ltd“'lnr°"u'7‘—lFßTl W-i’ W- on yn (I ‘3 I“). .V Pnl m I]]. Icr. Inn A 1",. . c)" 5e it 11* v"“i on um "I, a 1.. .[ ‘o‘, n r 51¢ 1y on 19 pg ’1 ra 0: ‘od ‘l‘ N In 'I ‘lu n ’ 11 “I (‘r ‘J“ Al) e yin ion 0““ -ho v5l- l"‘i np c“Dido? ‘ .0: “W; 1l for "“15: e 1; g, J‘o I’L‘ ‘W‘E’U' 'o‘ "at‘c‘l|‘l‘}ln n“ \ Ell ' with dis. are (:10 mp“ fo' niflggmqglefieca?‘§¢'"£3’ll J; "651:3 vague}; .31: it: . R {..‘zi‘fiu‘dno‘:¢‘:ld“_'r|»mv‘\-eI‘M"; "LnnJ'lDA‘l‘t . “egg“c #“mmf; Roam m aria“ .; h» w “:34” 3°: 3 in .ore o i c 051,, 3‘l ‘{"‘n,'-',_ T’ ..0.3i ('ni‘. .'“gfi‘l‘ P "B. "3 EM '.i ‘: v ‘ on ‘ll ‘hnpef ‘l nod ‘23. m “mink! $3O“ '\r‘oncoth.‘l9r2ol‘laffig‘hflrf’esxse“ In 511?}.'m,‘“Pp|t“.°n:"n<“"y F—E‘rt‘hlnc “.39 -_h I“ e le. ry. ’0 . 34:1 "'1 ‘u. - "r.°‘|l.“n r 3 I‘l *1 UN"): [‘B‘ “w. 53 "I "'l. "N “I is‘ow Wl.of c Rho” fl 1-n c. g. ‘1 a] \a d ll‘a ‘ml A) 'n u-ll "omm“ 11 k ”fie be “me 135 '“t tllsiinl‘c nhe “110,-?“ “I“. 'oqu 131; TWMHPXII iL'f-y". “:1“? In”?! lll‘Hih‘Mq ”1., "link; '5O ‘lmf’iy “swarm“ he“; Sue-pen Slnvle :zor‘f ”leh‘fezlforp'lvf‘n; “using? uni-“9| h“. s"}: “3%.“? ‘n 'nf’llhoin II: ‘c;“'r£.”r .-‘ kA' 1. ~ 1:11: A..|‘_-_~- . - W‘s iih'the'mhmf‘gad‘ve 1“»5 ms: ”E-2¥‘°nni:’m':ss‘="éthei2n3lFr~flxuvspitq I?u'-s'-‘n§;au.3- i‘s“:.m.‘.::loi.': «33".: “we“ Wm w c a 11‘ Dal} ’ 1 ”kn, theyd- “.0 'pojlti‘m‘ “in; or!) lame l 030 ‘8 . . -‘l."'el? lq‘rionnbu? MW “gilhndv gen“; 3 TL=lx:'"!';.‘“-_ [ “@3ny ”are u 'ler "‘ro’ “etc?" i-' 3‘5 rfiPMQfla ‘ . My“; °M“ “I‘. “fight“? 1;; P W"I rl -,w 0t ‘ei, ‘vn 9 “if 0,- “2'l: Clo“ "3 lg at J, ”J, tq, lg‘ws'vhm 1‘ 'nu.” '1“. b 0:5; ‘'“ q, “were; 'f‘em m ”er-Inmmel'nn OH3 Pu.“ ‘ WP—V ‘esq.l°:'T«."‘ir'“r ."w" 0.0!“ e 1 ' ‘ "nod‘ e N basalt“ id.“ “r "a, do 9e;"er\.cl7n,fl!'d ”:5”: .\‘h QrkM-vw ‘!y~}s:,gr‘le'n thof'y {therlliw‘ .‘- ay‘ __. ‘ ‘hs ll inn“ 9”” ‘h’vor ommH‘ (‘ cart? mash“; br'H I‘ihg “51:,” BL ! ‘ u'iooex‘b‘ifl'iri “In?” ?<..“.'Jl ‘0“ t 0 . V' <- -“'n¢""ha’ on: “19., “nursetfa‘a :ZWS ir‘ 3W3“: "rf‘ll~n’r‘“l"}i“:°“"c‘\cfr'\'s\ "9 é ,g-mrfif 4" "‘H:'“RT‘°‘3"“':""Hl ’ | " in': ‘13.! "c 50:, 11‘. did hay I"; f ”rel" m‘c bc‘Egrt'zE'" Ibis C‘lnqzl'nl “HJITH , ‘il‘lr‘, Def“,- ”S‘si'l‘qh" in‘f‘wn'c illnl'hi I“ he MD "0 ‘w e "an "06 a: "ee The" S‘m'sl °rd 1" fidlbs'lli "6' “..‘-"0‘ "“1”" ‘Ton' ' "' o¢""n‘."'°-I""t"W" 0,: ~ "’11“. Inn ur ' fi'SSI to en ‘1! ‘v “1(- “t-‘F‘u‘e'n'fls "shnfi “0 tor :1" "“r' 1". 57h ' “an”! ""6"? h“ 2 - d”M u “15% gm“ d :néssnzfin.::s|‘-~:b. ’ '' I -‘‘‘ ' . ' ' _-. ':. , .1 41m A»: ” Four'lofnsnfi: o‘ a4| wfifiiheiz'e2lwi'L‘ufiiyn;2s33s ‘3}s'3'i°“3w law's-Ihliir‘l :,;:.:';;.._ '5 0N "Lb. ‘ “If “‘ll “refine: ‘ Win-"IL. 1. ‘n' o'l '. 113 d 'm-‘ - ‘t. in-"ll ‘-\-x"-- ”.2 u “Of oflgtw. ‘ 10a 11, I) ‘s'!C§s:‘-m Iv”'=l(..°ad N“y ‘2O A xv; ‘ 3 c F- ’66} lan on 1w!!! “:1“; e'tho h P Xtho‘.» fl}')_e 11. olno‘f 50:1“! PC :lrkzovrflohonmllanllpelli k~9¥2§lls°fl4o .\3 CARI-n 6 __ f‘hfifim [Mu-”3‘ a, ~de ‘O, U ror "t »_ 6 Do“ be Im “an t ‘u 0t o Charla t. HIM; (1.. hr [1 L"-‘ “run, 'I, ifmf'the’ggrgou‘ks .», mm "Hurry?afl"«e.‘nk.:«s.:w:~-T;mi"i:'*1~?"In1'-‘:'.:‘"‘s3.;ns“Jar— °' °n "s "hf'it, ' e-3 '.q ‘fx —— 5 a i.’ 0; 53f; ' 1 “is" p 'hc. " 5 High, 'lt,~"fl‘ re. «1 For‘»_ ‘-; _2}“foguég‘mfifitflgafi":Sig-gig‘tinn l ‘ mm) l‘"°d'.";*:§3‘rnc n “ii-‘l‘ r°“'m‘:":|FF“-‘:’ ‘\'l'l‘T":3}"h:{’:'xt§” h?‘ 3* I $0" an ’lf 3;. "nan“ gain“ “tie re. 1! v “rg. J 'Jkr:("‘;lmitll-eso angé ‘3 ‘rll'ifl‘q , snhYgKThrnV-os ‘ “it! 51,": cf _A ~ cry “'ll a 1 -i"3'h~ t. 3e» “tn'e‘ w 'u: '|\' o “I" 'w I "'“r' a 9 [‘3 ‘0 h'” '3’ "WW ' m lbel' tso Sudke.‘m\l‘a,.| ‘C s ~_-2‘ In‘s ‘- 0,.k Pr CnS’lSv.‘=]."“\.-"&s P—‘fltf‘Hl h,- V'v,‘ 1h s.l—ient ans 0 bfinnlfi it“ Plim l Ih'ETT om- _4' 15‘. II Inc in‘ _a K} ‘ll_ )“E 114" mg n. '3:\(:"ri'r'lp ”'0 .n“ ‘1 8 U f”; re (luueati '3 if pl“ ~ "it; (*O, \'s e *-_ 9. OLT Igrt“ I ‘l}th “.i "9'l (hpnfi +5” “I. ""‘I Fnlei " an‘monggiimrgge3f»; °“ $1.2; aé‘gefidiff-signif-mirr tl;7T,,g:Ne ' my? ‘ Mug;3:3..ggnouauujg 2-2‘;k:‘3;;§;:;’s; {l' _St 0 ss' ’—* ue u ‘cm. \l'in H't l‘l' w M ' '’ll ' " :"l ‘H A “I' me ”11's“ th in' —. ’11) Mm. e. \a; Y‘e 130‘" ‘nq ‘,QF T 'llv 'nn' Id- “n. e: ‘1; "an Ad“ u '6i “h 95' ‘5 m: ‘ul”’t"- 1955 a ”0 .°rk .\fi‘ra. °rs- , <‘ k 21‘ OD' ' 1 'e- ,1" o‘ “h.“"q "n '‘ - ”at 1e "I g“ as mu .1421» "F 11 ”d 1 5&1» 1:“ I{in 9“ '1 q ‘Fv i‘ ”36 “I: (“h “I: '0 lvfi‘ J”; “.ilstelhw a); l‘“2["‘h°fio. 10k Bef‘G ‘00“ mi , “VAR d. ‘ gab -. 1_ "a: .{0 |..": beT - “I e" 1.9- l" °\.‘s 'l:“‘ ‘1 'l‘ ’u-"Lnfo "I E U ‘3' 1 ' c 5 rtl , ”mrfitdm 2‘3? )*E'—« {‘3 $5l: . m- ‘1 I'icn‘ ec e'. ‘l (“..,‘.:"'r}~ c'r"’p 9!"! v’ ”u" ’i: {.‘lx. . --A ‘ ‘Yhuh9m E” Jyvng'w—4 30"” °'l-‘,"":"A":”'v1“‘31“f‘l"-k“§vn.‘im“'ifi"a? “wig“ S9M?" (infill-‘1"!!3s. (1161' -r. h‘l W kg ‘3‘ D! “'nr t‘r Vs '1: ‘h-‘a ‘1! erl ‘5 ‘1” t ”v.“ '9 'lt-I T '»\ -‘t -\\' S ...33.~g5~«,,., di. "32%;; “"ovasextarwzrnr; ‘; “13:05:;va:**‘érf'€ilmm'§ vow?» k?v¢"hi“s~ MW: T 3 “1 ‘ "h Ilu “31" be t; doc: n‘ I?" ‘ i1"“‘01'1311‘ I“): “tron Ci" : ’Cq“‘li- q .Kliqh- 's‘ (“See dis?" fi""I-"d NARA" ‘\'"s .00“. d 1,, t u 5 ch L.ml9 k I n P ‘ ‘m'c‘ r 5.“ 3519“! "Abbey “W” m I “ ‘ 05L Sai eh ".93 [h y A {u- “St. .’L we?“ l'0" ‘o}. ‘nd 0; ‘1) I-S "-l {”0“}, "ll "‘3. '9’; lllc‘ns .\‘ “r ‘SF ] ‘1- ru (hr 01, mOO bo] ‘b‘oad “3' LID \\ ”I t‘c‘ “d’ll’ "“1“ o] .0 ."r 5. Ml. 9“ ”oh-0 g” (. .'k. way-x 77.3.1103" moi-fiswgnqum 1:» a. "d «man J; flg‘rgé: h": “1° “fl-u “rig '“ns; If ' ‘1” 181,. e isu;l;db“k?-b.'ril°o::| \ , o‘h;:ll;n‘:i(‘°:‘i'- "I"«lr‘intg'i'vzx'scl3:Sroii' \I w ”I“ F?_ '0 ulu ‘haha "a 0 A‘:" Y 9’o the. b1":"'| "‘ J W“ Pi" n‘.‘ fr; "i “re “.‘. ‘11:“? ”s 15"" . A “u._ “a iir 11-i '1 *F‘ , _ “LE p“re m I“? n"'—" N. C. . r 3. r°cu “‘1 J lab-"Ta "S." ‘K‘i 3‘3 "49 "-‘il9"nr°""|(“"- f"rr __::I"Ii‘°“i:t)t! Flt-35\“Nnma ’— NTIV (1:13)” an“! ‘ °“- i‘m ‘ ‘ r 6“ nl"‘e":" m“l‘l'-’,“.L°‘i: "15013114: ‘10: a“: d.,\“‘auf:m, ”no; ‘l‘33‘t33‘lo-Fl'rtmot' ”E 53 “1°“! “ '3‘ Mike “*5“? 515""? n'fi‘} ~A- a - \- y ._ .. __ « n' ~ ~ ' -'.,-.‘..‘~‘ _ “’h:'de {loh}! “hump ”I'l. WW,” ‘ "Ino‘hu IE); ‘\"(h'c 85 ,_ UPF ‘ F“9 Jl. nl, 03" L_ 11"....“10”. “110‘ M 1 Hr.‘ Ly ~51“ “1 s: 'l J‘ u. .\‘4. ‘lt ‘ huh". :rh‘mnd'n‘, 33‘ 86* ML, '0 Inlo’fioh _ e:,“‘.-|.i ”WED“ ‘\'iiel‘ L’ntiOnhl‘lo ALI.» ““150" “It“. (Fol-t ""lhl's'in‘ lwftNmid'rstre "AR m - : 1?“ th "A n W .Bb‘Hnm‘; lil'ny Of: ]; "m’alo .' .3 nl'ssn ~W» 130:”qu “x- 'f’l;.'_‘|g P 1633" h]? t, "t, 'Ep3 _. 1°41” “IrS 0r ‘ “1.3 it. n, D" 83.9.1110 )lgo]"u I_ {llO. b(5 I, u, 1:] 0m 1;“ -()b l. “t IH, .T__ 'C 1 :‘lO 5‘11," 1.43:. Luty :lFt-ql'ufiettg‘lllndlhll’Hl . 193””: "..':f'm Ilxl;:‘=tn:;“ch‘%a‘!l:mo “S \ sizing“!‘29‘ol°)Di.:‘l\n‘B lpfé— l' ' I bunflm louwp ”(“0911)" ~. :0 NI”); l "15°" “u “\- c‘li‘o ”"1” “I t" oro "'O. h.- ln‘ai '"e’ (‘. OEn n“. 3 an. .‘. ve .. up «x .v "1° :L d. 1.. tn Fm ~~ _‘gn ce “la-‘1 "-1 .'m y _' 1 I"iortjweimi’sn'l‘fo‘etixcifi'ni.““33‘ Tyri-r'mf“3s%;!" 113"“:’v‘igifiikfizfiqvgfifi - » 'WW“‘iince’°l:;‘.;;bizr‘."'°x2"3- '—‘ 8.1: the, :P’recohiinu refer-28$“; ('r‘i'l'n]l‘ll"l~|:i‘).:' I.:g.""l.h"‘"[. ‘gznul;slf{!n,;2:|,é' " Han' will 'cnllc {cat P,‘lme,“¢ r 1 ’ 'l-'‘lu _. ‘ - ' . '3“ nenéigwi‘hmfs"l'93“? =.:g...-’:~.;;.-n18705-5“?“gum. 3.”; ‘\'Tovef‘ «3:0 sum: ii:- W «'l9 w'efo“‘n (35' "l«h|'-‘ S-n'h'lh ‘ E 8:3" oe '- - ”a "mots” :zm‘lszhlsxtel?!" ;, ‘lqi’.l‘ail"‘(l};'l (.;'l-x:"n=.‘la‘r'-' J 'J:|e"‘u jinx: runßAVglch [Dgc‘lgn “ML“ Ia urn n a-ii r.'P'.~'l~,n-“.-5 “H .r :13 .' IQ" » ba‘- 8 r “Hr! giv'fiu?" Tme‘x‘N-k'. ha“ 12'3"»; “1." n'-"‘~fu"‘-¢’-I;'""tic' at" "NIH“? .Railr' 18“ ""‘ figullp os “b 40‘ rb.\. \LuO Au l]ol\ 0 mud!" 9! "'lrhd g l“? oki}. "a! "r ll‘l7fins- ‘11“ In" flu" I[l “I "13"0 ":1 TS O . w b." :d Ifi'fil Flylrof chGl‘nP“:‘{l“i,fi‘:‘éllsrmllbl'a (”‘1- l\fi.illll;3(:. I: ‘—l,asad ‘A“ _ “I can“. nn :‘hasiré' I:sB4m‘ufz' ! gullillnbiih 'l‘iontilfrlhm’w‘t' liar“! l, fenge '6 1 N “pliorwhmia” Pg'lxbide'fif” uf'm’ 'l..‘"‘crf‘lon“"«l svl"'nl"=3o ' 860 as A_ \‘Jnln Ork hath”. -_ -| rm “4" -\— rrLb "r rd ‘u. 'no‘: 01:4 r. -. - 25441;”! plank)“ 'lpq | "illloixnork \‘W: .33" ”mull. 1.0110 F )1. land “loh‘tlglli’l‘vh'.” _Ja war; a; "r:‘"\';“"d so. Th at 'lu. y '2- T 10. .Pis “-n ’~,". .. ‘-' 'u. 1‘" ”i- “' P"h “ “"0 ‘N t ’0" no ' Li.) ‘ tel-'9“ 'll, l,‘ 0| -;'.x 'Ga S‘Nn'r ‘ - 'Jac 9. "leg”«-.—‘l‘o.{"m:'r. 1‘“ “ti-é y _g, 19va “.‘.an ”him“. “t. m X 04“! (”inn ". 12,7. ' I'erx‘rilnfiz' V ‘ lokct ‘ Ice; ’7‘ Ana ~ " Ht. ‘ Aft—)7“— « 'GILDED rmn H .~ . V . RW and i. - .11198, 1 'l3\‘ejllstreceihbli!fT‘sQ§ BRDN‘ERS ‘ “hi X‘lulfllely; hennfifnl 5'3“” of. mm. on." to 113 W. [mm Pun-“klphiu Md 23mph; 'l T" In! ““1"“ “9 "i?”e" PM); “S‘mment or 1;- rum-5:; m" ""1““ find best. sniiuhé it” “Ten-Cd “I“: ’o‘“ 531? Ht prices 3- 'Ge'h'sburg r ”deg ”PM" "W “fought. no “'0“ Swimmer; 3.?“ BROTHERS. o 1”“ 3nd exitnil3‘73::s'?“'§"°“'Wm; “We . _Mlu'ch 10, 1862. e ‘Mk’ ““13””:me |"f‘"""- "011% sine! o sos'ice’iwr skylight .SC _ 7-; ,a“ ”gummy", IH, PV 's': ““Uk,‘(xet- J. gill: "71:5,,“ 3 slllk-ndid 1016 f Foulzlrd l—Q‘T—iy L """“"4L- E at: 111?; 1862' .\MJ. _ ~‘ r) chomp—3l; m 521 cents 9": BOT Carts dq Visiten'" “—~ ‘ ~l——.v~ __ > - ( APHS! ' . . ‘ .- —_ . “___ :P m... ewenm H. issfiiiii‘ut‘22l2'".°°w a m m; m .rarfizarmm-m’m 53:13:33? Fame and unrmine thcmfnn Lanna “0"" 23?“ d“ “Nile". ”33:3213 new Myle ‘ ar. } .~. , Ollr for g x _ OTTHXADF‘ —.— —--‘~-A.. E. . .:'l “005 umrru" Nggfci'cgnzaiongor we live, the new": N Cchenp’ at ‘3"an af’E'qu-‘H‘m" Slufl',’ \naitf‘l’lfillglgglg-hsht Gallery, Gettifik .a‘ {type-Jr 'ome \. t - oti ‘ —.-.” x 7 _ -.7,__ ‘ ~. OX'S .vnifla- ’% . __lv ‘ . We were boys, the Er. Hm). , V 06. . ' ' ~-—-_‘ ' ‘ {-4 ~- " ~ ‘. , .pcrmd bum: .\' aW3 desnro n : T‘ SON BRO rm; . ”.‘.“ ‘ ‘ ——~~—rfifi,~ zegfugfiayiflfemmther «pl-$23331" n 1 6“” andl.;lkie::?:'}:n.'7:xfl'fi°d.‘° “9 t" 3“” “WW" “3:32;: $3333” prom" S “190‘: h :ttllzlivaspo” ' ~-I s. cm '‘‘ M‘ ’>-‘ ‘A, let‘ -‘ ‘ ~ VI. _' ‘ ,1? Be 599 W 11552;,”f'fi‘ffiff)’ appear 003%: ”118%? manner Mdoiug’hnlsiingfnade! MBRELLAS- ,- ~. * ~ - Jiff‘ ‘, (:llnsostb keep {Mloxnd‘fiifv making [mt— lhefewer Venrs “- 1- sm. months, ,_V.» _ - mumsmcx mars " WWW"! «t 0." ”'5 Clothing ...“; v~ ' "P“ “'0 Mock ”‘0” H- e uve to 1111-, 1.1“, Shorten“ ' ‘ §,_ »—.--... '>* —A —~r, - P'CKIVG'Q MK"r‘-ll¢-'liBl(:6|’|l :fllrlt‘ty‘ s‘o", on ")0 leg 7 1': lppem to be. When we r‘l Queensware fiA—"S‘ HR nflomion “f “‘ ‘ ‘ iwheue 33, 19’ "fthe ijmoull. Gexlyabn 1N Wfiq‘m’m" “mammal!!! and al‘iezfi‘ IF FOP: want anrllxiua- '.‘ ‘ hinted to nnlnum Imm“ is Mpectmfi,‘ I prices, Bfi'lfil'9fmude ‘M. ”Whiswug.’ lg, . D Pwlile hnvc to ~5 t “I": 3111:; ‘l'l '- "I thegl‘BE-VB\Y.\RB ment of 'I m s'“! Pplendid as 'oflsh- .y" or “in’ he 9““ "I r .0 pm, u 'l’ l A 5901‘}: .. . . [Althea fin K Fort. loner | 'o' for ,jpareqt Shortncsx of the ”‘l’ \u . the “in run: ”W"l‘st:|s‘ “ 595"». wherein“ ms Gnm Owl-1. e u!‘ Boots, Lam" Gd riu at "I. s‘l an u'er am: no mistake C l bwwhke a special prayiaufiugm to ”‘Cm' ““"h N. 186". ”than“ 1‘" town. . i 0,“. ‘lB 2 a“, a; ’l2“ '“eivod u! - lonyou “51:33;an in“ ”WM-WW “'3‘“ vii: I "" ~ «... . ' i' ' T '‘ W ' '-' MHLIWNY’S ‘3‘“ Clolhin gr“ ”‘0" P'msure h ' . u ; v. u ."7 -»——____‘ ~ I a ' 'll ‘ Bow". £9391”? k" "”1 5* main" cnlnrn' ‘1)”“3.” -‘= T'ckinxs. em!“ "1%"- " "IMOLRMXG SOME—Tho fines ‘lm Pfice- t” 006' °“°“"“°-'°“'very king 15%,. ’MW 0‘ the dmf’ .m “PM M .E"u€'mv:H‘nnnmockr \\'}f "‘"m’" “m“ 0" “omin: Goods . ‘ "’“"I —E—————— WW2, 18m ? -~Llfip|lbf wuyds: “‘3” 'f OUm I! ILbLI-‘l brawn-d w h ‘ ‘ have $3O can now be 998" “[5ll hu I Y" 015-ch, Lt‘Olflfi'afZ h ’ - .“__l___'__ Ed“! "“540". the devil ”’ch “"‘."“b°ul “’“Vh “0 invite eshaci-JI; n fur-o" “.“mev m “’3“ “‘95 haw: mun-[.3513 :1 ’o‘" MC“, WOOl tan be in" 4”“ om"! “‘1 Shetland ”“- f’bm it. and mid mania; i‘roldifimde SAMMY ”V“ °m'Fe!i id‘siE’ffii’fifi" ‘10:; ”“1““??“5‘a onuo ncaupmnfmm' cm 3%; ALICOES as “Ed": ~ SCHICK'S' ”..‘ o‘3lde mu; 1 get, -931 - . .0! h - pr: 2!. FAHVEg-rdcx - 12‘ c 1 ’ 5 "9".“ from a 3 ”“99 ~ ‘ H_fi__,_,__m A.-_ - . 3 war an] -, .‘ to‘ Wbmwiagfiow 5.": ”‘79-'l5? “165”“, ‘ "~—~—~—<— ..‘-m} . LLki ~. B 98;' 101705 ‘y, 1““ bH'MFW‘JmC‘i’S.‘ M 1“ , m using" . ‘ T Rumpus nds «snug» 000 MA“ Eb rr I ‘ fa‘md‘h‘ “LEM“ gm: (mi ”i? il] 1 pwmr" a: L'f'uflf "I‘iurrtldemfflm Sm” "m“ Md llox'sjlfltu figs; emhmcin‘ be Indians, at i 9 ell Fungi m“ ‘ ' - ‘.‘«~u:' ‘ - 't‘ v.-7 ~ ' ' . » , “l 3 thr bLy-hght Bang-’3‘ "5' ”l “'1": a”: {Pfixhhaket floods; kc. g.- zzld Chm} YOUNG :Ncn's Full x Ityleg at '3!“ 8. ! ‘ , ‘:. _ ‘ , n , *"' ' ' H» F: uslwrssws. , ..u 0“” 3mm“ W: um ..u‘xpd?‘v ; 111. 5.., ”cvluaxrrs. *1 _u—r~4.........4m - Tlu Waste of ll'ur'A—The Sew York Ermhrg I’ve! says that the Maine Eleventh Regiment, which Wed Ihmugh Broadway last. Norembor, chanting the Hallelujah chm-nay eight. hundxed and lilty menstrong, nearly all young and sturdy lumbermen. Jill suffered so much that. wlmnihey wont mm the mutual Fair Uuks they numbered, fit for duty. only one hundred and eighty men. “Early one-hull’ol this number wen-o killed'fiiwoundt-d. . . war J- «M- *7 .-‘ Bastress E: Peters .\Y Elm highest. cash prices for all kifids of IP (nun, ‘ ‘ 3 ~ FLOUR, . fl 1 l ' SEEDS, a, A. l m the Hrii‘k Warehouse in New oxford. ‘ ! Commnxly on lmnn’l a huge assortment of iGlimlel-ES. at wholesale and ”mil—also, LUMBER, (MAL, (:mxu, MASTER, Axe. ‘ April 28, 1862. I)" , V K a ‘ " 3 l' 1 " ;' Lancaster Book Bindery. ’ Newt Firm. . l ' 'Tot‘v‘n IfroPerty .l l ‘1 EUIIG’: Vl‘x", d ‘ ‘ RUCERIES, PflthlSlUNß, FRI'ITS,CO.\'-‘ T I‘RH A'l:l'. SAl‘J‘. ~lhnnmlpr<lrtnml pr- l (l ‘ , -B00FI?IN 1) ER (I FHCTI “.\S. NU'I’IUSH. EU. for: at l'rmttv hult‘tllt: l'rnplzrl,‘ 'l" wlm 11. A“, tux): 300 K xmrru W"m The undersigned lmre gnm- inunparlnership 1.0 now n-snlof,‘ “male‘m hunt .\lndnllo? urn—ll] LANCASTER’PA. {in tho Grocery and l‘rmidon husuu-nl, at the bettyabum, “gaming 5.1 L [mum on the westa ”Hi. “,1 ”Immmml ”(mil/«y. of “I". de. old stand yut' \\'. (fill—lupin, in York street, on 3 Incl Mrs. Mchlrny on thc: efl<l.’\\‘ nn ~..“ é trription.exrcumd in [he must substuutiull “d dour on.“ of Willa Hotel, Gettysburg, Ihcn‘ullny m the rennv Tllh Hut bl'. 15 “Bill“ ‘ approved “319$ 'Lhoy wtll rnnamnlly fire-p on hand {gr-sale, s lira-story l'lrznne, \\ llJll“:I‘bUl|rtl(ltl: mu. , V ‘ urnnrxon. ,gonenl variety ofgooda m Chet? Inna, \‘u: i-Bdck-blllltllnrgl; :1 well or tgntor. I‘tthn rump ,4. KW. Brawn, BAIL, Funneri Hunk or I‘m-aster. - CUFFEF'S' ' l ‘ 't' at a" dm’" "“1 " ”ml-V of mu" _uch M W. L. Penn-r, Esq., Lancaster County Bank SUGARS' ' ' "wk" Para" lehT“ l'lmwu! “b"filfllv “'3 l Samurl Shack, £.q., Columbia Bank. q MOMSEES: 5:! _ . _ gamut: e um; giumi ulna MYERS l Snmucl annpr, Erq” York Hank, ’ r ’ S‘BLP ' N67‘ 1,, 1800 “- ' '‘ ‘ : , ' l \\'illitm Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. . IRAS, SALT kc _;_-.'_"' '‘ , A ~ " ' T. D.‘l‘fll’iofl, l-laq.l [hunk of (lettyshnrg; , ‘ I ‘ ’ ” - ' Peter \lnrtin, HM}, Prolh’yol‘lancaator 120., Pt. . KANE. .' ll l . , - ' something. Nabw' l Goa. C. Hawthorn. Esqu Reuitter N “ “UUE’LDE .s' ' ' 'l‘".E nndcrilgned m‘lw‘fl'n‘l' Geo. Wliitson, qu” litconltr “ SIDESw l > , 1’ :nfurp! ”I.” ”win" April 13 1861‘ » lg". ‘ ‘ . of(:ett_y;sbnrgnnd \‘lt~lnlty.thnt v ’ _ 'r‘ POTATOES. 111 In opt-tied n “'ATl’ll k 5" JEWELRY ’ 4‘ i J BEANS. *fi,‘ STORE, in thc‘room inmediutely in the rear of l" L 0.0 IL [A N D F l 5 E D,' In. J. L. Schirk'n Storé, but! truntiug‘the With any qunntitfi of , i 7 Square, where he Linn-ml: ket-plng an «sump CONFECTLUXS, t ‘I l ‘ ment of WAT?"ESLJFHVELRY.’ SILVER sma— mums, ; ~. SILVER PLATED WARE, stgscmcwsl; . l 1., ‘\'llTllQX-q‘, kC-yl‘. kt : CLOCKS, kct, kc. l ' I They expect nlsé .30 den! largflky in CUALI Having been connected with n filsuclm OIL null COAL 0114 L.i3ll’S~—prum slngnpood b Watch and Jewrlry' Store in Baltilttore, Mrl ”tit-la of the (oi-melt and a fine pssortmeut at, [even] years past; he is prqnnrml to furnish u [ht-latter. .' ‘j . . ”Very article in the line, nu thfl lowest citv' . llu‘ing enlugql the Star; mlenre Boomr. . pricn. ind all purchases willlb'e guartutied nh'l they Ire prepared to keep 1* large stock, all all represented» ,5 I l . Wllll'll Will be dlfiplflfll 'Of I! “W 10"“ ”‘95.; From A long experience in \\’ntrh-tepairing, They offer such‘ lymph: asgbueneyer hen-to- especially nt‘fim- \Vntl’ltes. hula prcpuned to 'dn‘ lure been bad in thl pluce.l ‘ ,~ all kinds of \\'mt-h-wurk progptly, intthe b‘elt (live us n trlnl. N 9 “Tout spam] to please. manner. and guaranty the perfummmi- om. i , ‘ (1.50. A; CUIMRI. ‘ He will he l nle‘ on hanilm lnrgé itssort-l V JUSEl'll S. QILIJESPIE. ment of; SPECII‘AI‘LESmndSIt'G‘C- ’ ‘ April 23, ”3‘2; - 1 . l - tut-lb Glausisz; and having mnqhm‘ . "f‘ -- ~ ‘,p -- ‘--" " exlwrlo ('8 n adapting them to thcgsi rht ii. ‘ nghly C Important ‘ prt-pnrtfll to fit‘ull \\ llO'Jlll‘l‘I! Lgmn. iL_' ‘ n pugcmsngs of 9m“ 00008.. “Ant JEWELRY "hull" m ntorlnizhe hm ;T*nm best place to buy your Dry Goods 3. ' style. and n‘gu-nt. vnrictv ofnnttt-rnskm hnml. I AT A; SUUTT a: SON'S, JEWELRY tepnit‘m] ill the "tallest glimmer; I , t ‘ ‘ . t‘ I ' 2 '. .'. opporite tlul Eagle Hotel, (‘llnmborslmrg street. Gelttysbrrg Dec. 23- $333K} ll Bl ’\ \\ Day'Une l’rive. Fair llonlinmumll} li\erythingk 1r , '.,’ ' : a "4;..-“ at the l.()_\\'EST‘EPl‘tlC .. l l ' - y ' ‘ l We have just; returned [from Philndt-lphinl > QanngnrBt .Qdall‘ ‘ and Haltinnormnhd nre nolv épt-uiug a large: NE“ ”1‘1“":F’ “film-“1 "0")”. l' Balli wd mtmctlve “.’."..fmpm or ‘ , ) l . mhrvnml [-.nst \llhlxllo §lrUt-l¢'tll only-op— } Sl’R] NE (E QOD S ,‘ Vlumtc (he {now (‘n'urt lloum‘. (:clt ‘sl)|ll’g.—.‘l‘ m whtch we invite the special ntténtion of thé, "vujinzz recently‘nrme-I from l‘hile ud-‘mmndl Ladies nnd (lcntletnlen ot' tdwn n'nd (~ohntry__..£ fi-qhtw tktllyyutnlwtcnt tn cantp 111 Work in ‘ We will not [ln‘l'tlt"tllxlri7.e, lvht int‘llc all to cull 'l 1|”: my?“ “file On!“ V”; “'0.“"’”?‘l r fl‘f‘dr‘ll'l eknmine andju-Jize h". thelneelvfl. . ‘ly mutt; the nylon-lion ul the Plllblfl‘ \ Islung to . “'l.- talu- thi-t method of r ‘mrning 0.". thanks prm-nromnflhnm 11l purlnn-. lml‘nvn us within. t‘for the liberal plurénttge tl us fur extended 'tl) (“ll ""‘l “WW“? “PF“"W'mf’r "Elf, Pk- “‘9 us. nnd would fly ilt shall )1: our flour-mot en,- ' ”Q l""'l‘"}'“‘l ‘3 “l"f'l‘J‘ I.\lll.\l~\ll‘..\-E. v TQM!“ ldl-nl‘nrto nn-rit h dhnlinnn u- of the snme, 'hy‘ AM) 111-..\1)b1:11,\r..\. MARHLB‘ j V“ Ll“s. lam-let attention} tl)‘ bus'inv-‘L. with a desire to SllAllS'lfnr *(‘rnlnm l-llldlft‘l“. and all her work ,plenan. by selling the prettlestflhcst, And most “l'lwrll‘W‘llg “’9‘”l"“""“"~,““ thol “‘“S‘WF' "guods for the lest“ utoncyn ' sable Dru-0:. ,\\ o If” nut ltcgtntevm ilnruntce . t .\.l SCOTT & so}: that "m “ler .‘llll he put up urn tnzltlncr sur l April 14 "3621 f‘ ’ I . ~ stuntinl and tnswtltl mum! to the lot: to m |w_;_. ’_ - ~, ~-..". _E A.._ t - _..__ seen in thy cities; Win-re evorv im )ro'x-e'mc-ht - ’_ ‘ ' ' which npériont-u I.” Sllflgl'ill‘ll‘l‘ . V‘fllll‘d of l Re‘aJdY anade A lothlng. nnd myrinllxdn {VO guarantee that: litl (‘em :. .(W Etlltlulu .\ll.\ |)IJ) 3 ‘‘ ' 3 u-ryzlml Gravy Ya at work :lmll be 3 mtrol’ull‘v ‘ I. "as nuw lfill‘plll‘fl'l mllvll “wh‘-7"“ “Mk set llzl not to be atl‘lt tell by frn<t.lmtl~lhnll main of ltpndy-ntndc Lknlnng ltg'hns ewr haul, cuu- ”3-” gm. 3.02““. tlmt “Pam.“ M. pnsiltiun fgiwn "i‘m‘lff‘rr . , J I z‘ , . ’ lnt the ('umplt-lhm hl'n job. l‘lltl Sn nv ves’sury-to (UNI H, "ll ”W’vj ’ ‘ continno’al mau-l-l‘ulnvss and 5\ mu cu- . ' PAS-'l'Al.t', ‘ l V“. ..‘; Hu, [1“ . I » . . ...t, “.., .1 ”2513, Ith.. - l‘ H ‘ ' MUsfi‘nzns, l : mural ’ : wt;\l\\'EnS~. ‘ , i " "GLOVES, g l l ' l lltlfill‘lßY, kn. ‘ 0m- (‘nntm Pain F nml V9sl]: run from :i numlle to :m :uu-lmr, IDQI I us to sigmprlrc mu} qnnlity. 'lf \\o ‘mmnnt plvgnse you; Jt n gnrnwnt randy Innlv .\lr. \\'. TnKing. \\ in_ is in runn‘crtiqn \\'ltll l’lu- ostnl:li§llmunt, .\\ til at huh-Luke grunr rnvnumfunul Intake 51m 1‘ nit in Ilmrt notice, (li\c us it onll. ‘ l [.\llril Lauri“: 3m Coal! Coalg! COal. ./ ‘ QHEADS k INTI-NILE“ 5h nnw, prnpn‘ell f 0 k "WM." (11“,, of qlpq‘riur till-ail)”, in any qu‘lntifi {lt‘kirl‘llii 'l'M'lu<,"(‘u\.fll. «meow! (’o‘:qu A‘H‘! ' MPThij-v n'hn'l‘uqurhq llxuu- huh-MEI] to Iln-m to cull :mglqm)‘ Inn'l'nu Hun-l: :n:- nwh mum. Who fli’ll be alumna“, mm “in, ngwn frnm 7ln 7;, ‘ ‘ a , Feb. 21. 1501.; ! i "f" -_ I __ - Tofirnsley LAhcad. “TI-3 Illlllt‘r‘iljhl‘ll rr-‘pit-clfnll.v inrortfi‘ the V] puhliv Hmfl‘hl‘ vmnhimw ”w 1' Hill] \(iH \ .\KINU \;\'lh_lll‘:P.-\‘l'lll\~l} lIII‘IIII‘\~ in H“ ili :lIITvI‘n-Ifl l'nrnl<.‘frln-:lprr Ilnu uuy vhup in ”Il‘ ruuuty. .\ll wart \\'nrrnn‘nwl In uiu‘ ‘\nliflrqlr tiun tuvfl~lnnl'}=. “-myulfi-v prmh‘n’r l-flxl'fl in. exchange for with M numb-t prim-e. . . ’ , V § \l. 'm\\'.\'.<Ll-:Y.- Gettysburg, um- 21, Ly]. ' n he Union,” . mm srn: m. Anny) THIRD.’ ¢ A ,1 I'lr.l.l\m:_l.l'm.\,. _PA. I'l’TllN 9. .\'E\\'(‘U_\|Hli. linuvmmnn.‘ ’é‘fi‘fl‘his “Jug! i- 'cmttrul. mnu-niout In- Pumnnm'r (In 10 all] p. ryi [if Hm l-ih'. :m-i "dill-It'll in v-ro )' [mrtitulhr 0» tin: tomfurt, :llnl w.\'m~ nf HI» I» mine“ pumic. ‘ \ flrr'l‘orind $31.31) per dél'v. ' . 8:014. 23', 18531. ”13' L .7 I . I. ~ ' fo‘eat Atéraction-I ‘ 'r SPIII(‘N'S.—I luivo jn<t nwim‘d n.» A mmt {-nymlfle'nurrtnwm of SII’RIXU (10009 m'or Rl'h’cd in mm le-v. In uflof quality and prirn lhm- vnhnut ho “unmet-u._. \\'ifilunt stnpflfng to padlirulurizé. l;€n\' unto all. come and FPO. 3 J. L. SUHK'K. ‘ .\er 14,9 mm. . ‘:‘ j I Come to the Fair! ‘ . ; ND DOV'I‘EIDRGEZTTUVISIT PLEASANT A mom: NUnsmznix—Poramm whining to Plant Trt-d will find Iho flock in tht- (zrnund rriunrknhly fifthhnnl‘ ulfi-ivd nl rmluvml prim-'l. The .\pple numhvrs Ind \‘urion‘os, embmcing all flu- hpprovfd sorta. ; . . .\'. 11.—See ‘flle ilrln lionrd near Flora Duh: PM! oflho. I ‘ T. [-1.3 COOK k SIRS. Sept. 2, IBGI; i ‘ I’rnlmrlon. ___ , “.‘.. .W: .‘- _._ Lost and :Found! "E “ goods limei qnnlplvn'y ‘of money" are T Jouml in; the plircflvming of Goods at SAHSUN'S, Mi Mi greatly roduvod prices? Pllrqhn§crs winnwnutd fluke udk‘nnlngc of this (:1 unce nfeuoimmy in sou-Illrin; ”arguing. ('U\IB AT UXL'E, AND SAVE .\[UNEYY As the son son 1m- :omvh‘lmt mlvunfced, wr will so,“ whu of Winter Clbthing w‘vc Inn-(- on hand at pliers to sufi'sgy the'mnntmznnowicnljmyru. THAT'S nu: Spar furiimes like thug, Thu-canny of moneyis>lb§|§ inmle mi, by buying: so much cheupcx. ‘ 5 ‘l'Gmysdburgd-‘cb. 17, 1862. L I ‘ I , . _ _ Piano Tumng. ' no}: mm’mt, of Limwuwn, a I‘mvfirad P Piano Tun-f, inforq'as his Irimrh and g}..- musicul puhf'm in generkl, ”LII. 1m glues his time, put. utherwibe ouchpiml,‘lo Tunihg and [in-pairing l'i.|no.~.. at ,tnddrrato prices:- flu pmmlr‘vr entirg gatislhcui n, or uh pa) . Onion rot-chm] MHm oflice. 4 [SepL 10, 13M. Fraiiies. J ['J‘SUX‘S ~ “Mountaln Herb P 1 | '\VB aiwn [writ-rt “kt-HP" ‘IIFE 4 l'JiiH'an trilu- nftlu- Amuse liun, tvln'lr Um o- rnhulWh-fit'o. \le lan:u-vuul‘nll-fhim:mdhL[warn-in‘] has my! Almdnh ~—tu he had gm! Agr‘llh For!!!“ <0 l'llh. ! l Tlu- inwulur um! umumfin‘mwr nf .\luunmin ”uh I'mcfh lm< fiu-ut t‘ part or hi- We in Iran-ling. Inn hpfl'l‘l) M‘M'y umlilry in xlw \\urld‘.‘ nw-r ~i\ _u- ur~' :uu'nng llu- l'uli ‘us 0" .\lnllm.«in~>umlur\lr\i..y.u|ulil “.IF lln- " .\lm Ln“ ”gun l'lLLfii" “VF",A .‘Lrt-ry inlvnv‘tinu :(unuu (If M~‘ thvnz pm will find in ‘luur .\li‘ I’umi-hld. ' i ' ‘ It h au'. orluhtht-Il rm. am a, “rise from ‘ _ , _ -‘ ‘ warm; an‘vm; ‘ i r . V The |quan i~ Ill" Hl}! and \\ llfi‘h nlnytfilrcfirn‘ lor un'ln-E-ll‘lu ulullvr yvh mi.“ 1] with it" it i? .‘l' I mm- :lidrihlgloil In l'l‘l‘P“ nrguu "I“ flu: haul-IL— I EH-n m-nuTq-ula Hm pui-mn nml all! Illu‘ mml ”mam quit-Hr mung-lain. TIII- hmlmlh'h \\'illl no! 111-gm)! Ilm f‘vuf. gu-rlm ll . Tlll‘fi\(‘:l'¢1l:l~t‘&l in :w-mll- .'I x‘lllhvivnv \ nl hint In“; ni Hm} nil 'll'l" hq- If! *4 “(fill vuwl. .IH'l.‘ m lho iirwulrn‘iuni i- fi-I-lvlv. ‘Thy lunui hm unit tldggt \l “ithhcl “>1»r)iRL)1::tlx-I“111.Ilu-r;ln-umxnl..ugh——;md{ullfrom ' g:lng'nlin§pul'il\ 2H llu- l‘mullJin-hvml pl'lil‘c ,thc Illngul! \\ nliym h.ul llnuwn spun- vurlh,‘ ll‘ur iuil llllilh'. in .x [nurn wring. fruml':uljirll run, in liny "Huh-x. in :I l'n-u minuh's the whhle “coupe nl'l In.- strung" hormm-s ljlrthliil'll :‘udl lal'r'wulun-«hr .\4 (wink!) .1 ”:3 impu ~ [um-ll My .9 in N 01“) )lnrl :unl lmn- ' s all": lanky]. ll ' the |hl<>l|gln~lwvnlnv uln‘ll‘ll‘dfilnl llllll“5 he "bdrm-thin is removed, the luinp u life .340“ div: 01”.! l ‘ I, ‘ - | 1 Those )1 ll: mu on‘y nurify tho 'hmel, hut lrrzouvrnu- .Lll llH' ~u wt: ”Iqu Lhc wh' ;‘ Hwy 1““. “Inn-lbw. ln'nrhullwl :I~ h _ ‘ ‘ ; ,k- crux-2,1111: mum‘s DISH. 111-ES, Liner (‘urlllql lim. Sirk ”unit’m‘lle. kc. ’This‘ ‘ Anti. valmut .\lm'fivlnv mpvl‘ [um U l‘ lllo'ml the ‘ hill-lt-u sot-J5 I 111; Iliamuz nndmvrfi l-rwi all file} fluids and wvrcliuni lu-ro “"9 fine! J llcnring‘ 'antl ru-Alscimfing llu-\il.ulnrg.ub. ‘ , ‘ . I'll-nan"! imlvzml. it is m us; that 'e nrqnble tn plate \\ilhiu )unr n-nch. acuddix umlike‘vlhc l“ .\lnun'min llve2h l'ill~." that \\ill p «lain-cu)" ‘zn llu‘ nuliclm‘l ,lnarh. lhmugh L’hu hllmd uml‘ fluid, of the lnéu’ly. nml mum: the ‘wll'ch-r lo ‘llrighlon vilh lhr Hn~h ul‘ hurnly nlhl ‘lll'dllll. ‘ J udaan': l'llln-urr llzr It'l'x’ [.'rmrdu/‘in trial/mp: for ‘ (hr [LI/"trill‘v, (”orp’flullk. i 1 . Buwvl f'mnphiq‘ls, lgmclurhc , ‘ . ‘ (‘mlgllqz lllvllgc'atl 11,; Cghls, ' , ' lullut‘nu . ‘ ‘ Cheat “monies, lllllumum imi. ' (lawn-nuns, . lmvnrll .\ioxilunss, ’ ll‘er-pnhy Liu‘r (‘0 plain”, ’ Diurrhrpa, Lowncsa ff Spirits, ‘ - D"‘?"“.“v,- _ lliles,’ ‘ Dohilib‘u ' - Slum: umi Gravel, 3 ‘ Fowr JIM] Agm‘, Secondary Sww- ‘ Fbmulé l'dnlulnint'. mix-Si. I 4 - GREAT I’I‘ZMALE MEDICLVE l Femnlnm who my"! health, sluqulnl non-r he without We.“ 1'” m They purity. the b‘luod.‘ remove .(flwtrnmiuus of All kinds, lmnse the skm or nlllpimplml mid Matches. 5 d firing the rich cnlnfpof‘h'c‘nllb’to the pale £h ek. . ’ _ ”‘qu l'l:ll.ll and Herbs of hich these Pills Mp pl .116, were din-grand inin \‘ery sur pri~ing n ly :unmng {he T('7.llC§l“§. a .lrlbe? of Allurigivlr‘fn in Muir-u. (iv! lhv Almanac? ul' sour Ant-n llml you will rcml wit fiel'ight. the wry inlerc-rlling urn-aunt ll roilLins of ‘llu: “Great “s‘llclnr" ul'lhe .\xll-cd. ‘ ‘ l,luxvm'l§.—Th¢ " .\luumuin Hui; Pills” ‘qre pm up in :g‘flenutitul \\'rumwr. l-Inh'h 1.1. x mnlnirm- 110 'pilli. um] Rcmil at 2‘ rum! ‘pv-r lun‘. .\ll :4 pulm- hAve lhl‘ ~lglmLTn- of B, |.. Jl'llSllXTk ML, nu mlrh box. ‘ _ B. L. JUDSON & ’OO., ‘ SOLE PROPRI, TURS, Pin. 60 Lrnxun Srnrrr, Elfin \‘onK. Alana? flamed Always—Adalrew'n qbovc. “mun ii. (Tum, .\gcm‘lbr Gall sburg. 9 July 29,1861. Eycow A ; J . "' 5 ‘ ._ nga- ~a an,» acute-sq, 7% J‘ ,Jflzafunas, 5" 3m dingin'AL ,Q'luaat, whichfmigm b. a,» {7‘ chzcked waha mpum '00“ edy. if Mgleded,eofim un minata :eriowly. Few are "am gr thebnpa-tamqf stopping afiauglz or quoh 'm an bum mm yicld to amildnmedy,éfmtattendeflto,mt attadcs the lungs. ? ‘ film’s grant/111d Hum/1a It has been proved that they ah 0w best article bqfore th'o public f 0" I 5014., 35011091113, filfi, filmy/1, the Hqcla‘ng Cough in flan “Hymn, and nunwmwufectiovu qf the Mt, giving inwnodiak nliaf. Public Speaker: and Men, will find them efi‘ecttml for 01W and Wing 0w voice. = sou by all @mgg-tszs andabealars in W, at 5’5 ants per 130.: : > A. I. n~ - . ¢ £3O, {salfztggm Agent, geljlbnrg I mmmnxa szx—A n‘w nll S KEY—~OI: fll’ticlfi ,pmzunéea. brut"‘—cnn lu- hn-l' ail {L'G June 2"}862. ; ‘ j ' . l“ PROPYLA' . ; Int. wn. n. nnnvs . i _ isfl‘x ‘. 7 Mmgj 5 grgtgfirgitgfsn'l ‘-\ r _ . i .'7.: .5)" ..' s%}‘l‘s WE fig?“ 7 1A Inn nttfln'ru. : . ‘ R Q ' SURE MOUTHH. - i" “S > ‘ GANKPA'I, 3 L ' ‘ IDISEASED BLEEDING GUM-S. IITH ' - . . ’ ‘ L NURSING BORE N 0 D 1 thG the pnst )enr he have introduced. And the best speelflenow in use for ""9““: to the notice of the medical prnfr-ssion emerie‘omliti’on ofthe mouth. Itispnticnlnr- ‘ of this country the Page (’rg/uullml 01.10,“, a I): beneficial to'persons wearing - i Prnpglaminr, as n REMEDY run} nuntnm.‘ “"T‘F‘C'AL ”BTW I ”53} . Ind having received {rain man our t‘nmpletcly destroying everytnlnt ofthe month, ' . N S“? nhwrhingnndrcmovingnll impuritiesfimdr’mg both from physicians or thoilfighgst BMIIJH'IR‘ _ A SWEET BREATH ‘ f and from patients, the MUST _l-‘IATTI-ZRIXG ‘to all who mnke lxse oflt. No Young Lady or TESTIMONIALS OF ”‘8 BEAM VALUE jn ‘ Young Guntlctncn who is nfliictcd with I ' * the treatment ofthis painful nndohatlnntciiif- l L . tub BREATH cue, we nrelndut-etl to [)rfiseplll‘llo thie puhlic ‘ 23:51: gill?! Mirth! lhi! 33m?!» for h “5 '3 ' ' ‘ . I‘l 3m 1.: n I urovc an recommuu - in . fora mnnt Fun ntnnnwrn nsn, ed hi: m... phyficmgfinmfl who“ notiéo n which we hope will commend I_ all to than ihe ecu brought. ‘ . who Ire sufl'ering with thhl tfllctl ‘eomplalut. \ A “A“ BREATH : “a win medical Wadi-Holt" a in," full: to tn Offence for which there is “'3 excuse while “posed to u“ m, wowm; a, m, ”mmlmnbii, wn: B. nuarrs 3100116, wnsn. ‘ ' - l med. _ . . remedy. . j l l‘uy peuona carry with them a I'lhrnith 11-ZLIXIR PROPYLAML‘FEJII the {Ben “but" greatly to the Annoynni‘o nntl-nlten to the (lie: upeken 0!, hu recently been ”Quit-sly ' K"! aha-cm with Whom they come in dintnet, perimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA ”gt 2 gym.:::fgr:;:hairnrzrrizz3h; "T'n ire ' - “v‘ _ ‘ ‘ ’ ' . \ "sly : "7‘"? “d "”h “a?“ {WAVES (."W‘" was um. an. n. nvnn‘s mourn wisn. apicnr from the pubhehedi Mco’ltl, 1. 11;. ('l . , ‘. Jd’ ' i ‘ ”Tum affine mouth in Of great impure, m‘ K'hUO'fl'nlll-l ' 4: . h , . tuna: t.) the gmmlgmlth, which in one: inf a]! is carefully‘pflt am ready _for imrm- fut-tell. and not uafieqnefttly se. ionsly llupilr flinte use, with full. tlireetionh, nndl cut be 05-. edkthtonzlt “w.“ WO9" wwuunim “‘8 him-ll {rpm all the druggista at 3 cénts “a” ’ 'P‘Ju‘i- \ ~ . bottle, and I! wholesale of i 'F : USPS DR. r§;:":mw;: Fm?“ ‘ ‘5”- ; . .- . js re retnt . ur‘g q 0“..' " in ni 'm fi'f‘fi *ftmjfw ‘ rounhwhr..t,nmuiiyi p. of“ '“i ‘7 irmri, m.: uncunnv emny' - 1‘1“] .11 1861 l . ”Pl ““1 4th,. ‘ ~ Pmec 37 Con“ ”I’M“ , i .... J”: _. .1.“): .~ 4.4-- 1.. t p in: _4: .\ liberal Ilixcmlut “infighting"; ' i . ‘ Address Principal odes Tri’b ' fl% % Buildings, No. 1 Spruce s“wa , , ' Suhl nlw by (“Isn‘t-11. Mark k 430., Pink «3’ " . lAh'lllH‘ llnlrl ; I. (.‘mlllingrun, 7|?) llrlnll ‘. Something New ! ~. -| Bra" ,2)“: Bttl’ut‘s, 202 llfioadwny, and In)? all BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED MAP i F“ -_ .. 4. . --. §. . 0N Tun vmexrmvrrmx .\er cum-rim nn..w.\l. B. "(Jim's } hit Hit It .nn «n:.\.\_.\n<..\T.\n TIN-Jab. I , .T‘QOTH POWDER. ‘, CUPIES nre horn: pnhlished. which cnntnin [This yum-ale? mug-mg g 1“. . '‘- . ’ mnm’ mngmhcclit laugrnvxngs, Flll‘ll: ns PAULINE") “ lTlllll'T TUE ”jun, "'8 Trees and various kinds 0' fin" Frl‘ilrl‘ll’l Fruit' i'ltt ll‘l-lel'lltn' til: y’l.‘ “COAL. -’ ‘ Trees, some oi the finest ~lltl't’llllttgls that hue and {g f“e {mm ..n _\(.;.1.. yr Alkali-a “'“i run evt-r heen put on.pnpl-r. The Fri it Trt-N hro in 1]". INN. injun- .1“. Tenth. '; “'1 “'i‘h nbunilant burden: of ”"l'w s““th “1. Its artinnhleing entirely Int-cinnnirhl—[iu irlto tlntt \\’lllt'll nntnre pt’e-‘ents iin Mont-r st-np'an.‘ ing \\ithnut'wenrinz .l", enamel. - l The tree: urt- rnpreu-nterl-nsihnvix‘ig tht-ir rnms ' DIR. \\'\l. n. ill‘ltlvs TOUT” l‘(l\\'lll-‘.ilt ”PM“! through ”'9 3“" "1 F‘ ""‘,. rnlpmitmn. , in rm-ntnmvmh-d ln- nil Eminent l'lenl'txtn’ and ”I 0 l'lugrnvinLN ”l Tron-i ”r" llmmiiul nnd' ' l'repnretl at llr.'llurtl's Ht-nlnl Ullit'e, SP. 77 ggnml. It All“) t-numim n finir- ling‘rnri‘ug wli‘itjh Fourth Sln'l‘l, l‘nm-hli n. E. U. I 1- presents 11c innnmemhi 1h ‘ .l- ihe mom . ‘ ’ ~ ofn \‘iu'nrona tru- rnnningithrtmh nnvl mar; . . PncP' 2'5 cent: 9“ ”0:“ . ”it! sail. The llont l'lmzrhtillz‘i can” ‘ten' A hhernl tltsconnt Inndrttg‘denloru. é lllt'llt'a in |ll-llllolol' 0.15.11“ ii, xunllnlm thrtfi.‘ it Address Principal 0 co, Tribune ‘ mngnifit'rnt engrnvinu, nhidh r.u*mt help :bnt' Byildings, NO. I. Spl‘ 06 SL, N. Y. prm’e gimlifyiug tn [hut-yes brililflYllllnlfl.\‘,llC-‘ sad nl<n hv ('nnru-11, \lnck & "‘1“ Huh. MM it» Such a" (*"L'NH'iMJ-RS "NW “9"" Avenue hon-13.1. .e I. (.'mldi‘lt’lun, 712. mum printed on pnper before. :The engraving of wnv:D. 5_ [ml-””13“: Lima ”“3 and“) all réots not nnly yrm‘ea nslnu'x-tuhh- tn the 53:31! of Drnggiwi. ‘ ' ' , the rive. hu‘t ii ilt-~'l;_meul tn Mannie!“ :4'rt'ntgim-| ' ' . ' . 1 ‘3- . ipprtngce tn nll who ltkt‘ nminlL-r Htiu lht-lful-i DR. “vhf. 11. ll ‘llll'h‘ . itinttlon oi lrults and how itu tr at fruit trees, TOOTHACHE OPS, ‘ ‘ ‘prnyerlv’. . fi ill 5 i For the cure nt ; ‘ i i“ LUl'l _eontnms Twerflr-l’rhedt urentfingt‘nv- ‘I'UOTIIACIIH . ‘i; . ‘ I'm:-a 0‘ Trul", [’T'li’l“. “t“- lmnl'Pde Itflierl'llb" extinct-d menu. 5 5 ‘ "’f‘ n"“"'—""""""-' F"l"“l~ ”Mile, l’eiu-h, It is pnftiuulzuly ndnnted lnhll mitt-s nizt‘hil . Dwnr' "NW-d "Wm“! ‘hvrryl‘wl‘s. «in-...msm-a \VIUI Tmi'rn.u'm:. - 3 - i kc. . Th". Fruit Eil’”“"i ”35 ""“PWL‘” Pun-uh; can rt‘lit't'c lllt'lllnl*l\§'s from! that). Raspberries (minnlu-rt-i ~‘. lilm-hlwrr ‘lihtTCSSing “mutiny"; mu...” hr .’ ' rim, f'nrrnnts. (lnnlwe. hmw.‘ .\pri- . LUSS m: 5].]:315‘11' ~ E . ""L‘N PW": “9491”“. .\x' ‘1“. en-nhntl' and their rhildren from great Sufi-ring, IIV ,_ are all t-olurml Mi lmxnh tn rtltft‘fl'll. Lot-[ting n hum.) of " .‘ ‘f ' ' i the nnturnl ftuit, :nnl lll'ttLll(’I'(tl|lf|llIla-I'd DH. “‘3. IL lll‘RD‘S TIMQLIAFITFI' lllltll‘fl ; ‘ \rithmrintt-Il number of 'zg'l‘l'dl. lmror- in the huncp. . 1 ~, . tmwr- and form éimtw’in tile 32, h)" ‘Propurgd a? Dr. llnnl'sDentnl umuo, 510. 1: ‘ :n Tflwri'r‘m) lllnnfllmhpuli, truth mun-tin ‘ fowl. smut “mom”. u._ D.“ l mu 'nn m-e \‘nrms (In . _ " , . ' i A COPY. nith it: nn’mermlz engim’ingffi, iwilll ,- Pfice' 9n], I'2 cents #81: nonle" I l". grittift‘ih': tn lhh- “Hui“ml rurmil an: - A lulu-ml tint-"lint run-lt- trim-flew. .’ ' , Mlmirnhle nrnnmelit im- the wnU ol tlm‘ Address Principal omco.‘ Tribhvp pnrlur, 11111 l will rirhlyhlwnirtrrylgmn'3 . Buildings, NO. 1 Spruce SL.N. Y. ' I i Y Apartment with htrtirnlturnl "Hillel" sum "y.“ by c“,\‘.,.u;:\l,".k & r 4," inf“ ‘ . i ofnnn-hiinpurmnr nmlfnni’)‘. “W" ',h‘t-nue ”Olt'l :J.k l. (‘mlulini'torh 71.3 lil‘n'ul- L . writ“ "H" I-nl-“rlv'lntifl “m MM.” Im} : n..~'. Hunt-t, 20:(crouaii.._\,i....11i, ...1: | «\pense. Two-utv-l ""h'l;lPrall:'\‘.i'.“.ll~3l”'l;."[l‘~l.~. ‘ Y , I ! ~ ' psxivl In nu it mihl: .'.rhéll fur lttflllll't.’ ‘ . ' 1L ti - i ' the ’[ulntc‘s uf ein’Fle. eiugrnnugl 1.! ' l‘ll. “ .‘l. 11. ll l’lllll'f ‘ , l— ’ trmw‘, I‘m-L. rlt'. illutfi‘n nulér film], ' _ NEURALGIA PLASTERSLJJ , . nun}- cU] nhlnin. sm'h‘ imp-us . ill n. PM ”W rn'rr "r .\‘Hl'ltALHlA ~ ‘l’ I: i. ' triliinu liguru, HM! I'm?” 1"" 1' ‘tupy tor Tun-[hm lw prmlurml In" colds. ‘. l n u ill he, nude 5n 1‘1“", tint! .fillt‘vn ‘pr-r- ' ' MHZ“. ““2"“ LUT.‘ j.” Imm: 0"" ‘nuw ”hi till. fpltlt'i for: the is lmlilt‘tlllllt‘ll' rurcd luy thcicmpplit-nliti . I sinn‘tlmt hue boom} lnwliler Singlmenf' Tin-v not like {l‘T'hunm 313.4%” IM, .‘.“! ' 'arnnnqa "r».”m.<‘ otr. w. ' .‘. ‘ hnrmlin‘s in their nntl re: Ill: not )nrugl “1' n .\ (‘Ol'l contain-l lirlntml hm“. nf mllelr nn- hliatl-r nn'tl l(‘7|\\t' no nu vlt'unnl H, m”: ‘ l'f'r“”“"’ M“ L’"Z"f."“"““ .“ 3“” “’” mtwii'. n. lii'lm'fi.\‘l-Ill‘ltAllF-IA thwittns hmv mt" 't' "n Limflf “f PA"! HM.” new? {bill to gfie 51:34.“ tiul. In n l nhh ll'r'! , 'll) H‘mlt-r llwm INF “I.7erth llnll‘trrit- tlu-ir Hum.- . f i 1> 5' 1 durtin». t-r-cn'in It‘lll'ttvhi’dlt'lt' >i‘.llol|f.‘ ‘I l'r-ip ”m 1 nl T 375 llur-l'< "fill“ “”100, xo_ 77 l ‘ “1 Fill tI-ll lmw‘jlln. leg'n" tlheitnml l’unrth Ftrl't'l,‘lirunl\l\n. 17. 11. i '4‘ . . w l mutnwumvm 'll"(‘ mMe I .ul luv: , " - ‘ 2'3 _‘ : ~ the tree! in: to. cit-unfilhen ll’t‘l(‘< thin 11 I P 1399! only 15 Cents 9491.: l in \islnr. :tn‘l tn mov’e Ihmrrmlnctiwn 2‘ liberal vii-mun! nwl“ l" Mil”? ' g , nt"~'s ut‘nlmtnlmt fimlicgu‘t'n in i'nl‘n- Addresfi' Principal Offlr‘e, Trihgme - vhmhle sms me nr "if liinnr'. kill) x Buildmgs, NO. 1 Sprupc St.,l{.‘ I! prnpt-rnntlmw'v :ilvt-rtrtatnlerit.l 4 I 'thl "‘l‘” ll\' ('nswt-H, “..,-k 1.- ‘u,‘,,‘.l-’it'lh/ ‘l‘ COPY “l" m“ how to ”rt-put“ Nit] [unfit "H .\\L‘Illl" lltlllll‘ J. .9 l. (‘tttlullll‘fJll-n. 7 .'- lh'oml.» , “1"!" nl' Fruit "I“ El'lirl-ZN'WI Tgrt'V-‘v \\‘lt‘ . I). S lilifltt‘h, In: ltrunnler. Numb nll ‘ ' 5" "M" 1m"? SlH'i'r'~=firh \\'i'lli'!r"" I).-ii«'-ni.x-. , . {he}. 23 1 mi * I) . 'ly ever [wrming- ii fnilnjrt" In} if! hf .”' ,_ . ’ L_, i runny. tree: whenjpt-upquy trenttfi nsf ' N“Tlt‘ H. li 3 ‘ ‘ tliiei-tul. it “ill tell how tr: train) \\‘l."n-i].il\ rot-i-iiing....lm-14.3.. I 1 11.”. ".3." . null pinnt l‘wnrf l‘mr Tin-rs. It :mn- Sunlt' unr nl' mare nl'_ Dr. lluni « lit-"Fug“..v. ‘ tnins the muct :tn't'rfi gl trentnient: in. «ma. n:- runnut fill. 'Nnm- um tnjilvhle ‘ f"? ”l" “"lmn' “: 1"“ 'lnm. “t: “L" (nut-pl illt' Nt-nrnlzizt Planter. \rhlrh tt’t",~q‘~nll Ill; ; tell hon tn, train nnnli rullivnld the an (-|]\'(|l*lw<(tl| receipt of I'riu- ‘l v t-qujil :nul , Gimme. ; " i 1 ‘ 'nni- stun,“ lint in Vllt'tlllllllllllillt‘ [lt'l Jill” in A COPY w’ll tell how tn‘rnllipate and treats plflr‘l; “4...". mp druggi‘vtuhml \llul‘thl‘HN-IN-li ' ' Strnnlu-rritw'. ('uirnmfii lhu’vlwrriesl 'nrt' Itchlll‘l lin- :i-_u-, w‘e huuh put up pitafhngfl lllm-l‘lnurriqa. (innit-herald. l'H‘. ; in whim t‘iiilitxa~t-i11..,x0z, seven-inches ll)! tour. 1’? n ill tell hmv in iron! Fem-h task. in with cauumrtmimu—eneh hnx committing a ‘ ”<er "v-ir mm lu-uithy trnfii "H" bottle at I»: Mums. .\lonth‘lt'uah. mid gm". m““4“"""‘ “li't'l‘im ‘\'"iflu'infl‘m‘h h .\s'ltt- Drnpi, .\ Mix ol'Tnoth l'mulvrh IlH's: Nell will tell .huw tn Ill'tkl’ us:- of mi arm-ii: r.|lgi:l I'thmu-r. nml n valnnhlp, liulc Trentin tn ration over the shil uni-rounding the Tooth mi their Dim-an. the hat Inmtnn if . two to protect the "with“ and I“th preserving tin-m, and the prng-cr "mun-int J”! tender f' “l“ Willi ”'lB ‘fn'l‘dttz offlreing Children} Teeth, worth pfitgwlf the en twee-mt ~ w‘intt‘r-Lillt-«l in the haul. 'l‘hc immi- to every young truth on: wmnnn,ur pim- tin with *l'l'llmfi‘m “‘o' l“"""~‘9 ”PM” 3"“ young children, willt'gnn-lry nun-r In“ wiry ‘ frmn Liking the '\t‘nllmrj.‘ The nppli. “rlhnhgg; price‘por pnclm'm- 751x0' “.3 p ”mil“ cation. h- s the hvn'efiuhll 0596’s 'Ol. fur 55. sent by ekpresu nit director]. I the prwt‘ut Ille'fuljngi‘ "(The treesheglthy Express charges are not met-Init'unzr, re un nnd the tree t-igbrom. and prmes to n nun-u tluln mime. it is hu- cheaper-t (inlet . the prmlnt‘tit‘eneqs of lnscium (guild. six are dozen purkuzfa at one time. large The npplit'ntimi lit) be 'nprdied 1; "M familywill wnnt «11, orthe surplus énn dit tqwncivt‘. All have snfllcicnt'i'nm- post-« 1 nfto nniahhors with pulilit-lmn it, for . i tt-ri tls 0" ”Mr lulnhlfllitml- : ." no one can estimnto how ninth pninl In -ring, [A COPY will tell hnw t.) l’re=cr§’c (11l lilnjfls 01' unlmppinexxa nncl‘disfignrement. expent , loss ‘ Fruit: with littlejpr nofugnrn .lt will _ of timt- mnl,nmne_t" woultl be titted. o the ' , tell hon=~tu keen Applies .nith nmrh country irewry {nminlo-dnyhnd tines) um. . 5 success. it will to” nth: mural ungi pneka‘grix‘, Whirh,’ in inc", is a canmwlr flo’ L mnnuar'l’mtrs lu llmllu'tf ltt‘llfl‘llflmml lh-ntnl titanic-dies. Address \\'l. B. H ID.& i . [u nltnin‘to the hfight-stiflxwor. . i ('O.. Tribune liniltlinga, 5..?“ ' Yark, nun wrllo (A Utll‘v pr}fl~nls‘its qunhryusjlidurm‘ “Lat mung, mad :ultlrc“ plainly. Thu! 'rt‘lntl ne'el i " ill-U" "v “lid “ml” S'K‘lfm' nrllniment mu" hr unule with voulidenm‘, \\ . HJI. tb'p. ' rm‘ the “In" an will llt' .tilmirl-il'fij nll u-i‘nr In the \lnynr nl' Brooklynto GnW‘ (lrtl: i lun~r~ nl'nrtfllrn'w‘n fruit} u'ntnrc'é pm: 11th. I‘fl-qidt‘lll ofxthc Farmers and Bi inn :1 l tin-Is. ‘ i 4 . f Thank. Brooklyn: \to flu- Editor of the merl-l. 1 Those corms urc puHHWi h.“ . , 3 i run‘ \tunugn mren' anetu- ;go JO].CV t 0., ‘ I 11. I. .\I.‘iPETERS‘. 'Pnhlinhers' Agents; New York: to Ft . llnr " . 3"“? Benderwvinr, 3'9"“ mu Pfl- ‘ nnm. Esq, who knows it “not! thing wl n ht i ' ‘Q‘The Man is finished with Rullt‘fll nnrll gee‘rh and who has alrendy‘ordL-red n {econd in-11l he forwarded by ISM-rue ttifiny nlndc br— u]ppl_v.¢lfl. , . ‘ 1 ' (fired, on receipt of nt-renanry nnnmnt. ‘ One! 1000 AGENTS WANTED ‘to Intro‘dub‘nfi 'or mare .\gt'nts will be xtppuintaed to i-nnynss Hurd’s Dental Remedial; jntol every taunt!»- this cmnnty uml receive sithsi-ri'ptlons, anti de-l Men or woman who went to mph; money'l‘mck— - liver the “ups htl' $3 per tony. , " l I", can do better with these Irtlc-les ”I? lay. ‘, Influential Agents nredwnnlted to tanvnss‘ thin]: in mnrket. They nre M": “3* fly “V every county in the United Stntefiii end to de- l priced, Ind we are lpeudlng “W“.“d‘ l“ ‘ ‘ ‘ln'er .\ln is to subscribers; An egency fur the rertisingtlzem farthe Lem-til 91‘3”“ in?” Mfip will surel) Insure profitable employment of samples eontmninfl 3 40.7““ 9 ,‘E' ‘3” 0" . tn such as can exerLaggod influe’nce in ranking lnr pack-fies nborc_ Elwclhfll, 11l Cll’tftilfVSV {suit-s minny. Liberal inducements nre Wilde: will be lent, 0n eecc‘pt ofs7,‘flboll‘ inn-Pm:- m A W“ “M 2“" ”mg: "l "'“i w ".i ""33. 7.l:“3‘3‘;‘s::.“sh°’£;‘£;l‘:.‘ . 2. .' v. , .. v in se in w . , . - fcfikfic:}ig’ 136...} £0 ~-~Lg- ' The)" cmlil he sold in a day. WWe‘wouM , _ Notice, ' ‘ hrnther pay sullmies‘thnn ntilorrnniitsgous to these - .4 ~ " - who rut‘t' t emsc veg e eient In ennui; . ITwm 1"?” ~.....i... . length of time, print-ipnlly mnde up of wall] For lddqress “Ed reteccnccs SCNlWW accounts, takes this method 3r noEitying «i 505? _flfij» ”if; ““4“ A . indvhted to him that he nee a money,” I . . ' -< . . . bin friends will't-nll and nettle their nemflntl,’ . Removals. . . ' -‘ ' r ' ato them: HEnnderu ed,hc|ngthc anthnnzcdnersom .be “in feel under many ohlngutlop ' ‘ . T H“ . , 0 me. i SCP’" 23' 1861. J. L. hClllth. l to mnke remm’nls mm Ever (.rcen c I . * _ _‘ ...... . . , tery,hopes that such a; eontemplnte the "I'M“ ’ YSONS' fifty cent picture-a are "CW“! 0! the gaming oi".deucnsedzrelntwm or Mouth T sealed. ‘ will avail themselves at thincnsnn oftheymi’o 'l‘vsons' tiny cent pictures are VII-1r" pmof. have it done. Removals tnnde wuh promptoeu 'l‘S‘soni' tiny rent pictures are eutlrt‘l)’ dflffibl —terma low, gm] no «Il'art s‘pnred to ply“. n‘ywng' fifty cent pictures are unwrpnnod. PbTEfl ”Ilium, Tysons' flny cent pictures are warranted. ‘ lurch”, ’6O. Keeper 0‘ thy Cemetery. u‘ygong’ fifty cent picture! hr! Put “P “I ["B9 '“'* - ’ “ ““'“ ‘ i or smnll cases. . [00" 21, ‘8“- In )IcILRBSY'S and see the immense thnztig‘ of RATS and GAPS thnt he hu nu received. Com nothing to look, ‘ man mot-cement; for $l,” .1.: an L celsior Sky-light Gnllery, IYou-l: street, arposltc tlte‘Bnnk ‘ ’Tc‘zm'n. n .\itvr Nu \ilj fiml'n ur'l’nml-h -l, f‘rum the Y‘ J’uknn’s n' :gro:;tcr n;_"\i.~ ml ”,0 went Ping [lucky lh'iLs that. Lemon-11. , #hit ntlin-s «.nf‘ac gun} I (t'liwasoa ill "'fl?‘ t of WHIS« “bud 'to ; Ana's. USLINS M 10W "“95. from- Mum 3m M can be had at Hue cheap ntore 6f * ' FAHNK§TUCK naps, ‘ RUXKS and Carpegsuhghur u, ' T ‘ ‘ PIOXING’S, -r RWLY. KETS—I-t superim- mcrt-cnt—d ' .1} ”CUNG’S