The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 14, 1862, Image 3
_WAR 1N EWS A WEEK 01" BATTLES. THE RESULT Thouzh accomplished at an immense s»! rifiee oflil'e and property, it is plain um‘ (ionornl McClellen‘s movement has been n. grand success. ‘He hag changed hil frontl and source of supply. By the former hel has rendered entirely useless 1| series of rebel earthvmrks built at an immense-ex—i name and securing an impro'ntth'lbl‘> ”mom i lly the letter he has released thirty thong. and troopa from the duty 0! guarding his railrrmd connection with White House, a Lady of men never uzeful in the siege of Riahmond, but who now can be emplovedl with great effect in every operatinnl against the enemy. ‘llifi present position in; strongl one. White Oak swamp flanks it on the right; the James river. aided by the gun- x boots. on the left. The. distance,bctwecnl cannot be ’oro than eight miles. We is rapidly adv ucing upthe Peninsula, being 10-day beyond Turkey Station. and within 'twcntytivc miles ofthe relic-l capital. ‘ 'l‘he resultin our immediate operations against the enemy has also been mmt flat tering. No ono'can conceive of the im mense slaughter We have made in their ranks in the comtmfl. bottles from Friday. June 27. to Frill-Iv. thez4th of July. 01er course was Jofight the enemy nll day and ‘l retreat at night. 'l'houmnds ofthcm wemév' killed and captured. Every om: of our hat-3 firm was :1 Federal victory. The contest at } \\’hiicnuk Swamp was one of the bloodiest! mum on record. Four linen ofirehels were i drawn up in front; of our cannon. The. second urged the first upon the «en of flame. and smoke at the point of the lmyonet. but it won of no m‘hil. Scarcely a man survived i to tell the tale in either line, and thethird l “"‘l fourth. defying All .the curses of their' officer“. thinking onlv of the, misery thewi wiuhed to avoid, broke and flod. and left: us mnutr-rn of the field. Murkot shot, and ‘ cannon bail, and gunhoatshcll poured con ‘slantlv int‘o reheldnm for-a Week. It-nl mmt uickona me to write it, hut anoleon m-vnr cauir-d more Mood to flow thnn has streamed from the rebel army during this glennl rotn-nt. l l'-ut the parl-lmt storv iathe one which tells our own limo“. Milliom or property were <h-.~trov<-d:. Fortv pieces of artillery, . hroknn, of courzn. fell into the. enemy’s hoof. g'hme hmvuvor would’ have been finchficoez c:i.~il_v made could thcv have pre- f \‘r-‘tml xuiv low of life. i regret exceedin'J-g l)" “\t my duty enmpr-k me (Q tell the; truth with regard to fluid matter. 'l‘h'irty‘ t_hou<nnd mhhorn. and there is the highest! military authority thr istatinu it, were hil lml n'r woundml or captured by the cncmy . in that om- short week's retreat. Tho con-l rtnnt hnttlce brought their too rich harvest! hf'nlnm] hml‘dvinu. ”(Npilfl‘s mntuimng jllflu-‘umk of \\‘nuntlml worn gin-n up hmli-I ly to thr-ehnmy. Kirk and \\‘ourir-d mlrlinn inn tirml~ to prnoml a 9461') furtlmr. wouldi t-rnwl ‘mm nul-nf-flm-wnv‘ .plncps, he (wor-i ‘nuL-ml by our ronr-gnnrd. and only wukp “I! from Hmir sleep tn hé captured by ”10‘ onl-'my. "I'Fn tlmmnnd sick and wounded \w-rp mm to ho~pihfls down tlmJumM river. ? (‘NII' INS MN lmlln lbnrrul: but thnrk God! (iéwwrnl Shit-111.3 h-(mps, who are lmnrlv nr-g livinuzh ruinfmw-menh, go n grvht way in 1 filling up Hu- \‘Qid.- l‘or. I'M/Ir. I’nm. 1, 'l‘lgn l’h'! ulvlphin Inquirer hiL“ u leltOL, dutml Form-u “hump, July 5, from which . vw make ”:0 fullnwiugz nxtrnotd': ‘ ‘ (an. )I'rna. n' ulrnvusn. Tho Hit-Innmul .‘.-Wm announce the ar~ rival in Hull {-ityt’lf't‘u-mirnl 31.01,". [have .‘frnm'flm hm! uulhm‘ity tho foll'nwh‘u fur-h rolnfivp lnHm canmw of our hrnvnl Philadel ph‘fii Hpnoral. During thr- lmttln ha hm! ‘ ’mon wnumlml hliullflvmlv informant ”ninln 'in tlwfirmffiut (ho injury way-aunt unflicivni- Iv Emu-r - nrf painlul to {muse him to leave “I 4" lit-111. ‘. ‘ Sump hnnl'c nftofi Mmmpnniml hv nn niul. ho rmlu- inln n pin re 0! wg‘uuls for Hm pun-paw nf m‘ffior‘ng n hmlv nf our (map: lm _h-fiovml to IM‘!" [ht-r9 In Tn" hunk. \\'lmn n Jnnh' nf whole sunblonlv zlllvnnrml and or th-rwl him to halt. At Hm mm" in<hmt 10‘1“!)rdlf‘ v-m ||l< wizml his‘lmrw by the roin. :mll b'ofm"; (lu- general mum elm“: hi< pitta! nr umrd. he “'9‘ n panm-r. ‘l‘lm nid Minn-ml. but not \\'itlmnt having a valley «I st-lmrm-d after him: Furtunulul-y, nono' ofldm IuILL xh'm'k him. ' . 1m: Icizm:l.lns~' 'rmnTx‘ Tnurs \\'n. ‘ Th" Hiclunullll [my-9n nf \'«-.~t4*l‘tlzw. in dolfiilinu tho nm‘urro-nr'vs 0? Hm puit fl-w (My-v, :u-knnwlmluc n.’ 10:: of 30.000 menhal- Hum-1h Hun-v claim :\ Vicenrv. i‘ ' "FTnVLW \LI." J \vmw Xm- KILLED. The report of tho Ilouth of “Stnnown” " {lmam-3: Rnigl in he in rumml. ximl it is sta h-«l Hm! h‘r- i~ qmy npnpflm loft hunk nf'thn t'hjrkuhominy, IK-tucen that. river and the Jana“. - ‘ F’fum max VMH'L’ICLL.\*>.\"S ARMY. r—‘ "' - A BRILLIANT SKgM’ISH ON THE : LEFT ING! ; Ont T/mumml lhlu'l l’ri-nnrrs and Theo Ilullrrirx (rip/urn! .' ’ Fnrtrt‘“ Mnnmo. Jill): s—Fr9.§h fronpa m'rivml hvro frmm/W'nshiuutnn yesterday, and “tent. u_p the James river istm even mg. g x Four small «unmet-s. with four lmrgns in tow‘ arrived at. Fortress Monroe this mm-n -inn. Laden with artillerymen, horsefi. &c., and were finubilois hound'up the river. A skirmiih took.plnonyestordnvlnmrnin}: not“ our Ivft wine. wind-”resulted in the defeat of the lipids. We~tohk 1,000 who] prisoners nnd three 9: mil _lmtteries._ our cavalry fnllnw-ine them up till th‘ey passed beyond \Vhite 0 uk. ' For the 1133 two (‘l‘. ye thmbels have' 511 an _little diipnaition to fight. and yes t'erdny relinquished their ground anti bat teries almbst without; resistance. ADDRESS OF GENERAL ‘McCLELLAN . TO HIS ARMY ON THE 4th 0? JULY. )‘f Nunavut“: or? 'rur Auv or THE. Pa‘mnc. Cur .\‘mn um sox‘s , , Lnsmsa. Jilly 4th. 1 2. ~ 4 ~ ‘ Somniks or m: Amn‘ or rm: Po-rqnc: Your achievements oftho lastten day-z have illustrated the valor and endurance of the ’\meficnn s'oldier. Attacked by; superior forec'and without hope of reinforcements. you. have succeeded in changing your—base ot'opemtionsK by mflank movement; always regarded'as the moat hmrdouspf thilluu-y expedients. You haw saved All your ma tel-Bil, all your "aim, and all your guns ex cept a. few loaf." in battle-1' taking inlreturn guns and colors from the enemy. Upon younmm'ch you have been availed day after day with’ desperate fury by men of -the same race and nation, skilfully m'qs- Bed and led. “ A Under everf‘disndvantnge of numbers, and necessari y of position, hlso, you have in every conflict beaten back your foes with enormgls slaughter. A Your conduct, ranks you among the cele brated armies of history. H No one will now question that; each of you may always with pride say, “Ibelo'ngetf to the army of the Potomac.” i You have reached this new age complete ‘in organization and nnimpnir in spirit. The enemy may at any time attack you. We are prepared to meet them. l have personally established your‘ lines. Let. them come, - and we will convert their re pulse: into a final defeat. Your Government is strengthening you with the resources of Lgreat people. On this our nation’s birthday we declare to our foes, who are rebels against the best Interests of mankind,~ that this army shall enter the the capital of the so-called Confed erncyz that our National Consltitutjon shall prevail: an: 133‘ the Union, w ich fan alone insure m peace and ex ma securit to each Stew, must and shall preservel cost what It may in time, t ure, or blood. _ Genus: B. M 1.29.”. * ‘ HnJor-Generfilio nuundiug. LATIBT WAR NEWS. Lou in the Recent Battles Before Bich- mond Wullxofol, July Nth—The accounh brought. by the Pruidentiul party from the henthunmrn of the army of the Potomac give a chmring viow of thficondition of af fnira in that vicinity. His represented that ‘lhe entirp 1m: on our part In the re cent battle». does no! exam], m killml.wnun ded and mining, 11,000 men: Straggle" are constantly coming in. 'l‘he'enemy's Loss. there is no doubt, Mas Qxceedinglx Inge. fl‘he War in Kentucky. V Nunwnbl. July lO.—l"m}r companiea of thit- Ninth. Pennsylvania. Cavalry were sur prised and on; to pieces this 'morninp at Tompkimvifle. by Bmm! Cavalry, 1,500 strong. Col. Williams. Mnjon Jordan and. Brown are leported killed. and our wound ed‘were usaaminatml. Steam: is Imported to be en route for Bowling Green, with the intention of destroying the bridge. Some of e milrond track has been torn up. at}: accounts state that it is not: certain that ' I. William: is killed. . Imusvnmz, July 11th.~0nc thousand and two hundred rebel infantry lmd cavalry, with three'fiieccs of artillary,-under the command of the notorious John Morgan, are atGlMgow, Barren county“ Ky. They Rents remnnoili-ring party within three miles of Mumfordsvjlld yesterday. It. is supposed that they intend to‘buru bridges and commit other llqprmlntions. "l‘hh is (be some party which recently nt~ lacked a. detachment. of‘the ninth Penn sylvania .cnvnlry at Tonlpkilm'ille. Nut over twenty of the Pvnnsylvaninns were killed nnd the reports of great losses there are false. ' H Marian has issued rproclnmation calling upon Kentuckians to rise against. the gov ernnn-nt. ‘ ‘ No injuri' hm yet. been done to the Lnuih viHe and Nashville railroad, but. card will not be run till Monday next.‘ ‘ ‘ Generai Exchange of Prisoners. A Washington paper states that thé gnv ernywnt has agreed upn‘n «general ex. chango nfprimnem of war, and that M"- mngmm‘nh will spoeily Uh maflo for lhve pending: Sunth of the px'isnnm'ignnw hrhl 0h the‘seulmanl. All thr- primnbn confined nt—va ank were tuke’m on board a swam e:.ou Friday 1' ‘~ 0 PROCLA'MATION or: Gov; .chmm. THE CALL FOR TROOPS H mkmu‘nu. July 4,—1‘9 following proc lnmut'mn was if<ued by the Guve’rnor (o—day: I’. (nah/Mum), at: ‘ ' In thn nnm¢l nnll hv (he nut‘horita'vnf the (‘nmmnnwmlth of Pmunsylvuniz‘l.Andrew”. Curgm. (ipvurnor nfthe quid Cummmweallh, A I'ROI'IJ “.\TIUX .\l’nr'e mnn urn Emmi-ml for the snp‘prps-l sion nf tln‘ rr-lml‘linm. ‘ Hur rogimvnl.k in thel finlll are to Jun 'l-Pvatt-cl m their original“: rtrn-nuth. :mll in mhlition‘ncw regimentam’e' to he formml. ‘ A " E l’unnxylvnnia hne hitherto (lonelier dulyl; tn the mnntrv‘.‘ _llor frovmen are again‘ (‘nllml an to \‘nlmllm‘r in hordefoncv. that; the blood ‘of hor mm, \\‘lm have nlrmuly‘i fallen. may not. luvc lx‘mh filnml in vnln.nml, that we may hum] down to ourpostorily Llne'f hlo~2~inus of Union, and civil and polix‘l‘ml ? lilwrty. which we (lurived from our fathortl The uumln-r of men tinw Toquirell,‘ and 1 the regulatinnafiwr mnlirunenlfi.‘ will b 0 made l known forthwith in ghlemlnrders. A Mean while. the mm of l‘enmylvania will hold" lhem~elvns in rmulinogw for a prompt com-l plinm-nfwilh tho m-msrlry demand hpon . thnir gallant nn-l patrlntir spirit. ; Uur nnlnlo Gunmanixgeahh l‘um never yet fullored. and must stand 'firm nnw. \\'hi-IL ln-r honnr .lml everything that. isdlféu- to her "I'o :1! Mall-(P. Given under mv hunt] and the great seal of tlm State. at quri~lu rg, thia fi'mrlh flu)" anuly. iii the _vmr of (gur Lnrd mm thum :m(l_ night humh-ml and sixty-two, nnd.of tlw Cnmmnnwmllh thegighly-wve Ith. 4 By 1110 Gavel-nor. Eu Sm ‘m, Sevretury of the Commom alth‘. ' ‘ «cu ‘ [fi‘f‘Ouou It.” wk, of thirplnce. hug bpon appointed Auaiatant .\lnster .\loulmniu, in the Government Worry-hops, at Alexandria. Va WSunday and Hominy were searchers. the mrrvury |i~ing to ill in [ln- sluulc on 111:: first and 94 an lin- xecund mum-d day. l 393(‘onmerfuit Fi‘ve [)ollnr Nan-s rm the Umk ul (‘hzunlu-riburg urc in citculutiun.-—— Luuk out for lhclu. ‘ Special Notices. Purifyuthe Blood—Not n few of the w‘nrit dimrulers that nllln't mankind nrise'l'mln the corruption 'hat :u'yunmlntes in “Mil blood. (It all llm uliei'm'eriea flint lune lu'en nude [o‘ purge it ouL none ha\'«~_heen lonnd \\hi 11 could equal in‘ ell'ect A‘vnn's (‘ouvouxu l-Ixr .wr or .\‘msunuunLA. lt rll'flllM'S and reno atci the Moon], inatils the i‘igor of health3int the sys tem and purges out the humors \\'llitil make lil~(‘:|SC. it stimulates the healthy functions Mthe body nngl expels the disorders Lhat grow and rankle in the blood. Its ‘cxtraonlinury \‘irtncs are not yet widely known, but when they are it will no longqr‘xb'e a question \\'hhl‘ remedy to employ in the grent‘t nriety of nlfliut ing direases that require Afi'u‘llerntive remedy. hath n remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for. an 1‘ now, for the first time, the public have o‘nqfln which they can depend. Our Sltlcfilffc does not admit eer :llicales to sit 'ts effects. ; But the trial’ol'fi single bottle Mshow to‘the sink that it has virtues surpassing anything they hau'l- ever taken. ..Sufl'erers from ESL-rerun, Scrofulons Swelling; and Sores, try-it and see the rapidi ty with which it cures. Shin Diseases, Pimplqs, l’ustules‘, matches, Eruptions, kc” are soon cleaned out of the system. . ‘ St. Anthony’s Fix-e, Rnsie or lkysipelnp, Tet-v ter or Salt Ilheum, Scnld llond. ingwurm. km; shoulul not be borne while they- can be. so speedily cnl'éd—by Ann's Sus;mmm..«. ‘ Syphilis or Vencrenl Disease is expelled from the system by the prolonged use orthis Surat;- pnrilln. and the patient is left as healthy us it he had never lmd the disease.‘ , ‘ Feniale Diseases are unused by Scrol’ula. in the blood, nnd are generally soon cured by this Extract of Snrsnpnrilla. Brice $1 per bonle, or 6 bottles for $5. For all the purposes ofn family physio, ta‘ke Ayer's (‘athnrtic Pillshwhich are everywhere known to be the best purgntive that is bll'ered <lO the Ame-icnn People. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for Si. ' - ‘ fil’reparel by Dr. J. C. AY‘ER & 00., Lowell. )Inss.‘ Paw: 25133513 run Box": Fm: Buss: l-‘Ol. $l. ‘ ‘ W 80” by A. D. _annus, and denlen everywhere. " ,v, _ [Jun29,’62. 2m liiiIRECCEI HEALTH AND PURE BLOOD ARE IN. SEl’AltAßLE.—R.ecollect that. all ‘tsickness arises from impurity ol the blood, and that Judson's Mountain Herb Pills will so surely find out end cleanse these impurities from the system, that disease cannot exist. So simple and innocent are the herbs and plants that compose themkthnt it is not necessary to have them sugar coated in order‘ that the stomach can bear them. -In most cases. Pills are sugar canted because the materials of which they ere made nre so griping and malignant, that other wise a delicate stomach cculd not hear them. These Pills deal with disease as it is, and will not only core by removing the cause, but will build up and restore th_e broken constitution.— There are many who have so trifled with their constitutions that they think medicine cannot help them; let not even these despair; inure dulity and sceptitism is overthrown by a mass of testimony which is truly irresistible. At first the virtues ascribed. to the MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS were deemed fabulous; The public had been so often deceived that they could not believe the simple truths advanced by their discoverer. Yet facts undeniable, at. tested "by Witnesses of the highest character and reSpectnbility, have proved, and are prov ing each day, the virtues of this “mighty healer.” They mark by their miraculous elli cney and power a new era in medicine. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. [June 30. lm sndtbsxomsrs. :_ In these dnyl of [iolillrnlJlrofligncy nnd cor- : fruplioh, nll true Dcmocnu and conscrvnun gmen have to med-Inter the \‘ilul personal abuse, .und henFe the Abolitionieu hnve Idopleé the pl“ of calling every such man a. “Seceuion-l 151." If nu indiviclp-J prefer: an honorsble. peace to war and hlooddned, h: is called 3 Sad miionin. If he Figopposed to placing the ne-; Igm on ui cqufllll’l‘ilh the whim man, he ll 2cullt~d I Secessionisl. _ lfhe poinll to the rob-l l .; . . . . . be” of mlllnom upop’ millions from the publlc' luensury, he is ca’llln Smlidnlu. ll be ex-' l presse- himull‘ in “for of the war being pics. . I coated to restore zhlle Union I; it was and may 1 Constitution In it ‘ in, be in cullnd as Secession ‘iu. If he fnl'oi’aitho Conuimfionnl right of” . free speech. and :[lne press, he is called 1 Se ‘cmsionist. In slum, let. him do or any wlnn.’ Elle may, am)! nu mhl‘xer how lqynl he in to the! ,counlry, unless he sl":an fully to the Aboli-l ; tiohizcd Republicnhf puny, um! follows in the‘ i foomeps of‘l‘hnddeljs Slevens, Simon Cameron,l " Wendell Phillipa,“owen Lovejoy, 0N Ben.‘ i Wade, Joshu- R. Glddingfi, ate}, he is called 5’ ‘ Eléceaainnisl and lbrfintened with mob law and 3 . imprisonment—Lancaster Intelligent”. “ it) run.” The Albany Argfl: w'ell myq that when the ’ Republicans desirfi In recruifi their'ranks at: the pa": they'mihq the cry of “ no party"; But after: eleclia‘fi; the “nol‘party ” princi-, ple in forgouénlxpd the'orfler goes: fprth,' “Put nonelbut Rgpnblicans #" guard.” ~———l<:--.u -- ‘ w Eff-Gen. N’D'onig-ll is propélring fur publica tion a vindication p‘f himself, in which he will ; prove 2.11:“ it was a‘gpinst his romonstrnnce um Inc-mug" withheld {slin} co-opem‘uing with Gen.‘ M'Cuznux. and lb“ he desircddo advance from; Frederickshurg to Hill in me Imnck upon Rich-s mond, land that i: was not his fault. he did not. ‘ i I TEE MARKETS. GETTYSM'IIG—SA-ruuun' Luv. ~...4 {IO to 4 75 2 73 l 00 m l 10 9;» lo 1 L 0 40 F1011r...................................‘ Rye F10ur............:,............... While When: ..."...L. ............ Rvd Wh0m"......;..;............... Com ....................|... . "......“ Rye......................;............... guts .. .J.......... u:-kwhent~............;.........»...W ((‘loverScui .........J....... ‘ Tilinomy 5eed......_§....... Flax 5ced...................] lasérmf Paris "Jay..." lnstcx gruuml, phi: bag BA LTHIORE—FnIun‘ LAF‘I‘ ......L.. r. 1': m r. 2'. ...L..1 m -.u l 5:. Wm ‘75 ......... 4...... 4': lo 60 3': (o 39 ‘4. r. m) to 5 2?- ..‘... 2 mum 2 2:. d............‘. 65U20 9 on ......J... 4 on u. z. 50 ...1..........'..'L..H 00 to]? no .1 30 m 32 e‘y11un......:.}. .60 00 F10ufi.,................. Wheat. ......‘W.’ r;y0...J... .. ",‘0rn1.{....... Outs ...uu...“ ~...... (“kW—er: 5eeflz....... Timbtljy Seed......‘j Beef Cattle, per ha Hugs, per hund.... Huy...a‘,:.............‘.. Wlniikey ......... Gunpo, Pe’ruvium 1 J! " ‘ ~Tucnsuu mar 7 H.\.\'O\'F. Floun'from \\’:IL'OH Do. .from stores \\‘hcug1................. Hye...j......,.;.....’.._ (‘nrn..!..... ”A1i...‘T......-.......‘... ()luvor 5eed......... 'l‘_iuiol£:ySeed....... P1a5tr'r.............._.. . V ,‘ . l , .‘. . 1 1, MApnxfin. I \On “)0 ml: inst, at U. 1’; Huuse's "0(leI olnloi's'villo, by t L‘ Rev. .IL }K. “I"fl’, Mn “.sth H. SHIT”. nfCemn-iville. l‘:|.. lo .\lis’?l ILL!" .\l. FIJ‘J.\I.\HL\'G, of l’.|[be}'to\\'ll, Pu. AW ,VV,,_,_;,‘,V‘ [afg'oirit‘unrpnbticcs noé-c’ding .43 lines 'ill th-rcuflcrb‘e cl'f‘mged at hitlf our usual :11!- crlisifixg rjntcs fox? nll ovorhkmt numbpr of nos-aw :: 4‘l . ' ~ “$1131”. On Wedfiesdny nrning [Win] .\fr. ANDREW 'Hl'l‘l-I, :L’inui'h rzp‘ed cilfizon of Freedom . ‘- ' l y“ nslhp. IL-zod “Mn! 58 years. On Friday hug. Ilr. Imm? STOCK, Sr_.. of I :uniHuu 11m nshipvnged 70 905‘” um! ‘22 d:u a I)” Thursdny luq't, in ”lii film-e. (‘II.\RLRS J EXILY GATES. sc)“ M chrfiG. and Elizabeth dl'l', hgednbuul ID weeks. 1 ”1| the 19th ofJume. nour Patel-Hung, LIBER -IH' CA'nume,‘ daughter ‘mt norm Smith, algal 10 years am! 27 days. ‘ , 0n the fie‘ld of hnyla. .boféré Richmond. on [Le ‘36“) of June. .\lflUßllG Fquh‘U I'ZKI‘IY, gfthitplnce, aged I‘ll _vmrs 8 months and 23 uys. ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ On ihe l‘jlh of 6th 'mnmh‘a at the residence urf ('lmrles S. \\'rixfi‘l‘t, Butler go“ nship, Adams county, I‘m, RUB L‘IT [|..-sow of Aaron and Sara h ”I“ ck‘ney. of'l-I‘n-derick lmhmy, \'n., aged IBAyea‘rs ll‘uwnthfi‘ 1 In] 19 dun-s 2 ' 0n the 3011: at June, at lleidlerslmrg, .\MRY, «laughter of liczei‘ah- Snyddr,‘nged ll year: and 21 dnysfi I . i ‘ (in me" 11d,in!t..i Mrs. SI'SASNA SPANG LER, agcfl 6': yeilrs pad 1': (13"5. Un me 28th (if-Huh, ('lnnfins FRANKLIN, infant son of William. 11. Ami )Furtlm J. Ash bunghi, of this plmfe. s i 0n the 7m inst... SARAH ELLEN wnmm‘, dnngll‘ter of J. and M. Wright, aged I'.' years 10 youths and 2 dtys. ‘ ‘ _ _ g .'. 4 A" Fommunirmed. hit-(K on Sunday; the 29d; ulc., JUHN \V. GULDEN, Inn of ;l4~\'i and ._\dia Gulden,ot .\loglntfioj' township, zed 23$ years 9 month unfl ll days—of [V'sllls fever. Beloved by friends and-respei'u-d by acquaintances, his memory will be chefishnl In? hany who ad- Inircd‘his Ihort life of piny‘. nind unflinching pnnctljnlily in Chg disghurge‘ of his duty to himself, his‘ neighbor Ind his 260 d. May he restini pence. ‘Anlen. ‘ - . > ‘ ‘ 1 (tommunicn’ted. ma, June 22rd,; of dlptlu-riu. SAMUEL A. chl,l\l'Glil.lx,ar Butler tdwnship, aged )3 years 2 momhs and 24 days. ‘ 2 Son and brolh‘m-1 thou hast-left us, . £ Here thy loss we deeply feel; " ht 'lis God lhnt'lmst lucreffi na, 4 He c'nn all dur surrowg lsegl. : Peaceful he th'y silent slumber, Pencéfnl in thy gm“: :0 low ; : Thou no moreqill join bur‘nixmhor, ; _Thou no mire our song shall know. Deserters. HE following in A list bfthe do-erten from T ’thuin Jamaa'Adnlr‘vs Company, (F) 87111 Regimqm, Penn. Vol. Any person arresting In, time of lhnm'nnd delivering “In in the neupst Military Station or Post, will recelvo me reward uttered by the Governme’nt for de. carton. ‘ DESCRIPTION MEM An. h. 1- ‘ lon‘ . lym. Bdr. mm“ Knngle. 2! 5 1M; tart brpxm black Alum 1). Bmm, Is a 9 u .Mu “(II Jacob Durdorfl‘, 28 5 9% [air gray H Jucob Eckart, 31 5 9 - lurk bluo dark Jofi-ph Hndek, a: am; M! -- "(in Georg. Ford. 21 5 8 “ “ M lures Shaina“. 22 5 9 hr! " dirt Ni 350"”, 89 6 1 “it 3!" M. ' JAMES ADAIR. Captain, Commanding Cu. F, 8m: Reg’t, P. V. July 14, 1362. , msaxcu Excsnsxon' QOFI-‘EE—Good as Java and-chenpns rye, for an! ‘au comm a: GlLcéspms. VOLLOCK'S LEV’AlN—tbe pin“ and best. baking powder i; moo—at Dr. B. limiNER’S Drug Store. ‘ - ~ URE GRUL‘ND SPICEH. selected Mid _ ground expressly for 1):. ROBERT HOR- N ‘R'S New Drug Store. 7 _ ['RE BRANDY, WINE AND WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes only? A! the New Drug hum: of D}. B. BURNER. ADIES; call and 5.0.11: cheapest Im of J SILKS eve; oft-"d in (figfusbnrg, which gm n‘ow open lupJ‘rendy {or fink at April 21?. *_ 1 FMIXESTOCK'S. l Western Hotel, I! . , : ITFATED in Bendersrille, Adams county, ' I , v' 1.34;; 9;: .. is PL, on the rout] lending fro. (lettishurg ‘a-‘Q‘fi-w‘i‘b l'w-‘UU‘K “"I ”‘7‘.“ to Curlisle,sbout ll miles fiom the firmer, Ind , , ‘ UU l'i miles from the latter named plnee‘ (Jon! B. leroad at Plll3llO Sale. ' Hotel", Proprietor) is now open mr the rO-, .‘l’ pursuance of authority git-on hr rm Act of 4cept‘ton ot Visitors on business, Trnrellm, orjl the Legislature of the (.‘ommrimtcnlth of .nnyfhlt may desire I pleasant plzlt‘tt of resort ‘ l'onutglmnln, the suli‘fl‘rilmr, Truste‘ tor this .durtng the summer ”anon. 0”“ H"! other'ime.l Bonclnolders of the " Little=téwn ksilrond ; The nuural. us well as runny other mlvan- Comp-av." will offer at Public b‘u‘le, utt‘rouue 5 ages. that this place pOSCt’Sfl‘! 0"" muy, Railroad Hotel. in Littlestown. Ezlnm! muntv others, for an establishment of this kind, bus , UN THURSDAY THE 23'”: on up AUG U5l: long been spoken at by many, and mud! d!“ , NEXT, ‘ iuired 5 and it is located in a mule taller, and ‘nu Ltr'rtitts'rowx RAILROAD, fiom its 'tunned by the balmy mr of run] And nmuntain Junction with the “ Hnnorer Brntfch lldilrond," .sceuery, surrounded With tine farms, tndented . in “gnover’ York county, m its? terminus, in Will! shady grm'". lflgmnt flowers, and well Littleltown, Adam!" countr. including the 'lnneml by pun- nml newr failing 51W“!!!- "Hi“ Right of Way therefor. the Road; Bed ithmmt ' gush lreely forth at nearly Her): farm 110"". the Super-structure ofsll sorts thereon, is" th; ’nnd gently murmur bx the Wu) -s|fl¢‘~ Land and (hounds connected with and ‘,helong-l Another advantage is, that AgrmnltureJlor- in; to said Railroad Company L 0 mg, a LOT ; ticultnre, utd the raising ofl-‘ruit, Phtnts, Vines ()P GRQI'ND, in Littlestown' g,“ which thel and Shrubht-ry, together with the phylinl. i DEPOT is erected, with n he‘lck IzNGINB‘ ' mental. and mural culture of )‘Wihy 905M195 ' HOUSE 'th :1 well of water nu r the name ni ' the whole ultentioqofllwinhlll'ilfln"! "immi- , large an! mmuuruot’sr: a’ r‘mmé r \YS.‘ got thirtrfttrmers in the immediate \‘icinity.‘in , Sl-thll-IB DEPOT, In," TURN "I‘,€ll],E-&-th(; Imi IddithH to Agriculture, hl'l'c' doVol9d_ ”"3“" lronting 150 feet on the Turnpilw and i‘xteml‘ | i time and attention tmthe ratstng of fruit and ing )W-k goo ‘leet 2—n LUT UFJGRUI‘ND in: l {Pull'lfl-‘CI‘ 80m? 09' "'6"! f 0? *- l‘CYiOd 0" "‘0"? lluuover, fronting on Cu'liuto stieet chntuin- 1 thin twenty years ; their earnest devotion to the ing 41 aqm‘re perches :also a [.m' ut‘ woun buuinm, eudenwrinn to tie with mil with 'LANDJl'ormerlr Boblitz’x.)(ontsininmimcree ' “l in. the best varieties, nudlthe most prUPeri' more or less. in'West llsnheim township, York’ “of!” 0”""""'v “fifth" hi" ”’0 “0‘9“"? countj', situate on the public ra‘ul "of lien- Vhfl'h "193' in_” Plenum from the 3‘0"“ “1“ ‘ om‘ to Westminster. together ia'ilh null nndl ‘ Journals published by the best {run growers: singular, the rights, liberties tmtichise privi. throughout the United Stntes hnd foreign conn- , 1029* improvements ..,.] npyiurtupenoe? what "3lssl 1““ cobbled them ‘0 0”" ‘0 ”"9 Puuifit soccer beloiuzing to the iuud Company. All such a choice of fruits, fruit? and ornamental Switrhcs. Hand (Jars, Truck Corn-Microw- Trees, l’lnnts, Vines and 'Shruhht-ry of'dtll'er-t bars, and other tools and implflliculs “a i. H“ ”TW‘WS- '5 '5 lion'herelcqustllud W “"Y. the remir of suit! road Ind .beliiugiug to the other aec’iun 0f 00‘1”"!1 3" ‘l’“ Perm” “‘0" same nherever situate. ’i ‘ i iug fiiterestu-d in mm staple pwlurfion! 0'; .é-n‘nte menu-meme st'l helm-b the earth that are culculnted tn nuke life'.n"nmn of said dnv. Attendit’i e gin pleasant and desirnble,,unnnot be disappoinwd terms made known liy CF i in this section in striving to gain these impor-l j JOSEPH [jisnon tant en 3. ~ _ ‘ ‘ r . l ‘1 llis Bur will be furnished with the but Li-i Littlestown Juifégflggfhesf‘uwd quors of all kinds, ind his ',l‘nble pleutit‘ully ’ ’ decked with all th‘e‘Ltixuriea, with which the ‘ Country so exuhemnti: nl-outnls. ‘ ‘ As a true Gentleman, no pain: will be spared to render guests pleasant sud‘contl'onnhle, not! at the Burnt: time n‘v‘igilunt eye will perme every uportment, sonosinu‘t to hllow anything to intrude ilseit-thut may he ofl't-nsit'e to decency i and morality ‘ i A Forward Hovetlnent. tin smut; (town 03!. j 1 y r Plenum m qmmixofi. Having removed the hcnthttfirtm t' by Clothing Emporium frrlrn mr tbld uriiuliin ‘Chnmbt-rshimz strrct into Bultitiore xfioett, I 1 tow doors nhrth of Dunner & Ziizlor'a}. l tithe 1 ph-uure in Announcing to my ingemis nd the lpublic generally, that I. am Ntter plpni’ed than ever to: accommodate then'q with {every thing: in my‘linfi My room host, been pointed and handsomely paper-ed. and theirecentarrivnl of ll splendid amortmont. of .1 , ' SPRING AND SUMMER CMOT‘HISG t 1862 ‘ IN TIE_L.\THST sryu:s‘;son 186?. mnkes it empli'nticully the (‘hegp “I'l Fash ’ ioqhble Clothing Store , of Gettysburg: , in the Show Department wig] be ‘ ' most t-nmplete lssortment of i‘ - ' ' 1.1 ‘ g ‘ '.'.\':.rc,\ S, 1. *1 9ft Commercew vuszrs AND PANTS. it" a l-‘.\.\III.Y AND 3mm. swim; AM) SL‘ljlll-ZR -The thehpefl and but ‘o‘." Boys' Department eompglscs ma ‘Uonmills “‘s‘" “'o'“ "ll not" of styles. Boys an-otri Imrrlr he. baht rriml'li Of "It! ‘O3; to foot with suits oomph-timid rl anti (‘LtrrLt-z TRADE, .pt;Rxl s u i x G '3ng 011 KEY “A RKETS. ‘ i such’ a; i.‘ l ,IGANth-llls. l smm‘s' ‘ ' t} 2 - . _ mourn AND SOUTH. 1 CULLARS, fl 5 1 THE SI-TPI’ORTER us Tlll-Z tustox. ' . "l”. j “Axum-mo IEFS 3 ' 1 THE CUSSTIT‘IizIION AND THE LAWS. ' xficx'rfls, "i , .ruus r‘ unu'h’ul: , I ‘ GhUVESh } Twenty tori”: 5 ur‘ lfi‘thul‘thl, $1 each. Tili‘rn ’ H 0” mm"i teen copies, SIT». ‘lfiuhl \‘t-pi‘t'sr 31.0. F 01" .\ll selectodjriththo greatest c eum copies, $6. Three mph", 13!“ l'ndcr three theloweatcanliprlces.'We’deen‘r tunn‘ t'opitu, $2 each. Chili-3 of; thirteen or wor‘e m Imikc uh": Extra newspaper‘ ouru: Will he muilcd (0 0m Mdfl'fii . . confident thatt‘n call will snti :‘lell Ain‘t'xtrn copy to wiry ouelsending 3.01.1“) ol goods are juét u'hn't werrcomuagnd th 2". “'l‘h “'9 """fl’l': 1 ' ‘ —-W(‘ll mode. of good material and The daily Journal of vtr'flfllFl‘ff. .lmn'or', issued thou the sonic qualitv of goorlsacun h for the rountry. $5 in your, inhtoltiutcc: i in .\.ktms t‘ohrttt'. 11mg much 1 will Sllft'llll’k rujma 4mm". - l 1 ’ ‘ 1 I will gunpoint-eta all who niniiwfnvor l‘lillll‘l, STONE. HALF & ”.\lJaflCK, their patronage; entire satisfactlhn. -I* it - {Editors nml l‘roflriutors. itv, fit, and prior. 1:, {A PIE 9: wan Strut-t, .\‘utt- YurhECily. 1 . ' town 28, 1252. ‘; July 14,1592. f ‘g" 1 -l ' * Hd " W 73"? ” ‘ .’ 1“ "Ii"? 1' "” 81' ware K SEALED prnpnsqlli‘ “in‘ he receive at. ther A The suhsuritirrs tumjhufip‘mm,‘ olliue of the flouuuidlioht-rs ol Adams the (mm \\ith‘ nn‘mmenrr “1",” (,f l'uullly, ImhlJ'n'r/uu. [4» 21h] 4m] ql'.lul_y it”, for \\'.\lll‘} .\Xll‘ (ill )CHRIHS, am.“ ‘ building u,“'UUl'l"lfi lilllllllil‘l‘m-rosfi ““""‘ otl‘ertnx ul their ull Stand In it ltin.o \\'ugo met-k, nt Be; I‘s loruiing, on tile fl:|ll I.“ Pm” tusuit u", times. tiu flock loading from I’olcrslitlrg to Ahluottstoju'in. The in PM" “f 1‘ Bridge is to be huiltlnl‘ter “to style of L“|lurr's BI'ILDING MATERIALS. ‘ “ Y l’ntout," two spuns,"t'lxlch 10.1: let-t lllflfl,lwl‘tll 11L CARPENTER'S FOOL‘I ' plt‘l’. The stone tbr, the qu‘suury chn Ellt' hud' BLACKSHITI‘T‘S Ta tree ufchnrge nmr the Bridge. The Bridge is.] - - COA¢ll ”.\l to l)(‘ constructed ofdthc lll'slf [tin-r Whitt- l’ine.‘ SHOE FIXNVGS. ,‘ 1 [girl‘luns :tml specificationsfur thc;ltri;«lge 'CAIHNHT “man's 1' ‘LS. . mu he see“ by persons wishing! to lli¢no|l the l’lUL'Sl-ZKl'il'il’l-Ill‘t‘ijngTtl day at letting‘yrtll‘w itpplit‘:L:l|ull to J. .\l. “'an ‘ ALL KINDS fit}? ]m_ tcr,L‘JL-rk to t‘otnlnikaiont-ris ‘ V , GROCERIES up A”, xixns'i , 13“”"25 H; M‘ARfi‘IIALL, J Oils, Points, Mu, &c. There i 'no Ir ‘l'it‘ in » i ‘ “ 11." it (~\l.l')_‘\l‘.l‘i, ,Clllllt‘ll in the tort-ml tit-pnrtm “tile in it‘ionml El’lljlll.“ “U""b' ‘ ‘lnlmw but “'1“! run be had : this . tore.— Comintssldners ”i Adm“ county. ‘ v li\‘eryt‘lnss of lcclmnirs can how-com o-lntetl «‘ttestr-l- Ii \\Alfitnyfilerkt 1 Inm- with um‘n‘ um] timlingn, on llo'u clump _A-illflcmzll’.‘ [862. “i an—L 41_§_»__1 ion van-find awry article in_ tl‘ioir ii 1““! ‘ ‘ ‘ , f us a mill. us we hro prepnrrd tel sell as a" (or The 36 618. _Defea'ted , cash as uny other houso out oféhe city T_ RICHMOND. le'..\El‘n.Xll .\lct‘Ll-ILLAXI . JUHL ;_ n_\_\ 1:11 A Allr2.\i).~—Tllltltil-} Itorsixu chin-ms. Im. 9 1m- D.\\'| leintirtn.’ ——'l‘he undersigned e‘nlld tltc intention of the ._-_ ’ .- .--- .~_ ' _ ~_...- .sl. _ people of Gettysh rk not! {its vicinity 1.0 his National Hotel, :4; ‘ \\ell selected stock ot‘gond . consisting of the “ ~ ‘ ' "i . tollon‘ing named or ivllus in gnarl: l UNLENTUvVN, :5 811;“: To the Ladies: :ftm Iwil find that the un-, Adm" County, it”, _ :3 dersiyznrd h!” fillilqfit ort-ryéhing tlut you ('zln' HE rubsr‘rihi-r having tn. m the mm“, “3" for; "'9l" "ryIGUOQ-‘v 0'1"?“ ““1 Shoe" 1 T commodinus Hotel. is Wt‘gll‘t‘tl to‘rm'oiu lie but: Flt the fitn?“firingsl wlnt‘l; are mode it""i tortnin the trawlingpnhiimin the most use of gum- a‘duys n: the line‘ of _l crfntmeries, i nonfatal sink. “is charm-s “.3” hemodcmtt- Mi‘lk‘v ‘lnuntlt‘ts. (310"95' Stockings, Bend L 0.1-1 and his uttontion unremitting 0 till who may lznrs, Be‘ts. Combs, ml many other articles In. favor him with their pntroum; ““1" lute, tno‘num. ""1“” thcntlon, ""2 Hoop! llis tnhle will at all times I!“ snppliM with S’ktrts. [lt spr'ms's‘ uproredistylep tor 3" “"d the dt-licnrios ot the unison. ‘nd, his‘ .hnr he heed ”mm from 2in 3 “Hi?“ piece. the into furnished witll’thr choicest liq'hors. u . 3‘3"" ot’l’ulm I“! Vim: Chm“? “"‘k°' for I" The rtthlint: is ex’tvnsire rind of the lwst “‘"lsv Lndies' “"d in‘-“s' 6‘“ llluckSilk “mail rhurnt-ter uml competent nml uttentiy host llnrrison’s Household Sonpdtho groutvst wnsh- lers (‘onsthtitlv in attendance. it ing soup ever discovered in America. He has t April 31 ‘5,“ ti “.'fil. CRt USE. ‘ the genuine, bought direut irom the manuluc- __ , ' _. ‘ -‘- N l? turer, 10 cents per lb. Codie and got a piece NOW Spring Hiltinerg.‘ free of charge and try it. ‘ J 1' ‘ , 186" . "\ng \it-CRFAQY ‘létl‘ Gentlemen, the undemgnul has almost]. " . ,f ‘ ‘~ . l: " everything in your line whiolnlis kept in a first- HAS J“?t WWW?“ “'9'“ ”'9 “l." N“ h“ ""_“' class Variety Store, I 1 , , I ‘ lopelung an unusually large and lht-uutu For the Farmers, he has forks for "my and ‘ “11 £33""}||'|“"|“ltfz 1 1 .\lunure, Shovels und ‘lloest For): and Show” ”0531575 and . _ ' , - 1 lion es and a fire assortment of Groceries. , 303537 TSWNSGS. wi‘ out! "1 rs, of all kindl, andull which he will of the lntestntyles. Also, i lamb .‘IQUDb; u." low for cashlor country prmlure. Gh-e‘nnd Dress Trimmings, Sim-wh‘; Monti inn, ".'"l‘ him it call. Pinochet business, No. ”3 East lenry "00‘” 0“’"“'.th°5“"l”. l|._fl" ul'yhu-h' York street, right. opposite the Bank. hitting heenpurohused for call} \l'lll be? loltl at {t H. (1.! CARR, Agent. prices lb-Sllll the tlmqs. I; ‘ June 30: 1862. t 1 , first": .\l. is now prepay-96 to hle #h A, _, 1: . . .1-—m -a ._ ~ do up HONNI'ITS in the best ilmnlu'l' Notice; I reasonable prices‘. i ’ mum.“ minus ESTATE—Letters At-"l 28, 1862- m 5 Aof mlministriltion, del bonis non cum? ‘ '\ 7 l ._s.__ 4 testamento Mint-1o; on the estim- of Altru hum Biehl, late at Unionfiowuship, Adams county, (incensed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in thetamne township, he hereby gives notictt to all persons imlrhteul to said estnte to malts immedinto pnyment, nntl those having cluimh ngninst the saniotn present them‘ properly authenticated for settlement.‘ AMOS LICFEVER, Adni‘r July 7, 1862. 6t In the fnée of all these adufnnta'ges, in midi tie}: to the Agricullunil fuirmnd the Muuufuc: lure of pure Cnmw‘lmf and liubullu. Wine, by Burkholder nnd \\'ilsan. it unity reasonably be equcted that uur lhii-iyiug town will Immune more and more noted, xmd lelicit additional travel; and be hopus‘tlmt by strict attention to bluiness, and in his lnlvors to render pprwns comfortable and pleasant, in share no small put of the public p‘fit‘ronngeJ ‘ ' "JO“?! A. MILLER. ~1, ISGZI. , . .......,.... 4 1,2 i....J...1 75 to 2 on 31......1‘“ 1‘ 40 ............ 7 00 Bendergville, July . - ‘ Na“ Weekly J ourn (‘ussnnvnw . XI-ISS PAPER. Weekly in Alnvrit‘xl. I purl; of the World, ‘ mmm'm. mum DRY HUNDS and RH ' Till-2 FUE To ms ; 3“?" ‘ 4 73: .11... 5 m .44.. LOO lo I 15 423 175 635 ‘31:) REWARD.—‘-The subscriber, ro=iding in bi Mounlpleainut township, nth-rs the man: remand for th- racovo'ry of TWO EWES Ind TWO LAMBS,}u'hich either strayed away or were stolen on S (urdxry, [be 2m offline:— The above reward {till he paid for their return or information thnl may laid to their recovery. . JUHX GULDEN. July 'I, 1862. 3!." , Complex- ABATEMBNT.-LAn nbgcment of FIVE PER CENT. will be nllowcd on all School and Building Taxes assessed for Gettysburg ,School District for the current year. which my be niid to lhq Collector, hauls \\'A’Lnn. or to the Treuurer, Dr. E. G. FAusxx-rocx, on or before the first day of September next. By‘order of the Board, T. D. CARSON, Pres’t. Allen—D. A. Dunn, Sec’y. June 30, 1882. 3!. , 0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS.—The ‘unrler signed has Essences and Perfumeries of I 1 kinds, It nlmlesnle and retail, all “hich ha 'is selling very chesp for cash. Call and ex~ “mine them and make your selections. 1 June 30, 1862. H. H. CARR, Agent. HEPHERD Plaias, Spring Do Lnines, km, S juat apt-nod at. ‘ A. SCOTT k‘SUN'S. TATIONBRY, of all kinds, at Dr R. Thu:- S NEWS New Family Drug and Prescription ME! Lobt Sheep. School Tax. , . :2 ‘ Mercantlle Taxes. HE Retnilcrs of Eoreigh‘.“ rchnndl “ill lake no” 9, that all; their I must he lifted before lhl' list (thinly. , ‘ date the time for paying lhélnbovb pins. and the (‘ounty Treasurer is ob] law to enter suit immediately» 1 H. n- 6km Q . Treul J‘ " June 23, 1862.» 3!. T LB3l6>Cryimb W. FLKMML‘U‘I continfl-fiel the A. of SALE CRYING, nndiolicils tinned pun-name of the pnhlici It it slant endeavor to give satisfattion. 'L‘furgcl' moderate. Resigleuce in Brmfmridgé street, Gettysburg. . Lane ”5418!”. Gettysburg Harbfie Y EALS Jt‘BßD.y IN EAST fYORK REST. M GETTYSBURG, m...r;m~re ,on ure prepared to furnish all kix ds ’ f wurkfiin their line, such as MOX‘UIENTS, ('i‘UIIBS, HEM)- STONES, HANTLES, kc., My we shufst Im lice, and as cheap as the cheaycst. G\c 111 a call. ' ' Q'Pfoduce taken in exchange fortrqu. Gettysburg, June 2, 1862. ‘1 1 HE nttentipn of the Lndieg is resiwctfnlly T invited to'n. large Ind splendid mlonment 0! Ladies' fine Kid and Horoéco BOOTS and SLlPl’HßS—‘Lxuling Gaiters, Jew in. It April 21. 11. l". McII.HHNY’S. ERSUNB‘ in want. oft cheap Byrd sfnhion able HAT or CAP can be nccomlgoduted by calling M. R. F. ychu Y'S. mgr—mu: Highway, grimy-hour and Alarm Clocks, chelp M) ‘, PICKENG‘S. _ __.4__._._.V7 , -A ~‘t, . L- __ ADIES’ DRESS TBIMIINGS, in run \'l may. I". . ‘ SCHiCK'S. "7561.611 ' BXlfiTén mg}; XX-er'hnZl-L hula, mm to be Ind .u lg, u. mmrs. Dr. Robert Homers BW mum? DRUG 32m ‘ ' mmscmprmx 'smmz, HAIB'RIICIO lfltlf, clnrllnm. Having retired from the act!" practice of my wok-”ion, I take pleasure in announcing lo the eililena nf (.‘ellpburg and virinity, that I hau- oponod a SEW DRUG STORE, in the room formerly occupied h, Du. R. I C, “on“, u an omen, when: I will count-ally hop on hand 1 huge supply ofnll kind: of FRESH DRUGS. - MEDXCI .\' HB. _ CHEMICALS, ‘ PKRFUNERY, TOOTH POWDERS, - DYE STUFFS, DRY FAME. and PAINTS grould In Oil, OILS, greased and distilled, . _ ‘ Anoxuur alumnus, Inks, Fem, Pencils. Paper. (‘o-b. Bruins, he. i’A'l'BN‘l' lEDIUIEN. All um papal" Patent Ilrdidnco. together with I selection of pore WINES, llllAflllllllS and \\'th‘Kl-IY, for medicinal Jiurposn only, nlwnya on hand. In I word, my sunk emhrncu every thing usually lound in a first-clu- m of this delcriplion. ' A Inge supply of freth Drug: hnl bun m rgired, and other: are Irriving, which I In of fering to the public on in} ‘nccolnnudating terms. My Medicines lune nil been purchud uud‘cr my personal inspection and “pavilion from the most reliable houses. l min lherelou nut ‘nnly recommend them as pure Ind freak, but I'cnn sell them cheap. N. B.——I‘.\RTICL’LAR ATTENTION given to lb. treatment 01‘ all chronic diseases: fi-AUVICE GRATIS!“ my 12, 1862. If . is the a •ad Dissolution ‘ P.\RT.\’ERSIHP.—The panuenhip line tofure exiuing be!“ ten the undersigned, is I practice of Medicine, hm this day bern dis: Ire-l. The books 0! the firm will he found in the passessinn of Dr. Charles lloruur, who will :rnntinne the practice. ‘ ' Office one door above the Drug Store of Dn-gllorm. CHARLES HORNE“, 1 ROBERT BURNER. AF“ 1,1862. important to the Ladies. Mum SAvm: _ aIJ} WASJIING MACHINE.— 1 The ‘nndergigned is now building and offering in»: hale. a. w. mwvnsrs m'mrvsu WASHER, at Gettysburg, “In! iulcmfi to lup ply ghem to those persons througlmu} the county who delire n hiker-saving machi‘ . This machine is gulten up on an catirciSveew principle. and is considered by those who have spen‘. it in 135:, the best that 'Lhu‘a eyer boéu brought before the public. ' . \ Ainong lhe mnny ndmntnges‘of this machine oven nll others 'mny be mentioned thl inflating: hit. its simplicity ofconstruction, makingit I almost impossible to gctout of order.‘ . EMI 211. In (peed. which ustoniuhel ilikc the opemtur And the locker on. , ,3d. The facility with which,“ adapt! jut-If lo the bulk or quantity ofclotfles desired Lube washed. ; ' 41h. It wnsh eqnnll’y We“ the finest and lightest fahrifir lhcponneét and heaviest, such as hell-quilts. cnmfd’rtsnwunkets, bu. sth. Can he m‘unngcd by a Juild from 10 to I’.’ pans of age. A ‘ - E .\ R. ry '\'a z from Imp. . 6th. Consumes} lcsi soup than any other proves: of washing. . _ .7 71h. \\’ilk hut u long as any father t‘uh '“h same cnre. , ‘ ‘ _ In sold IM. .crvnn' ‘ huffing ml. our Lm to be } him or ‘ bought \yfitfiflt . e Milh 0 ql'ml , |.\G. Bth. Save! hnlf the labor May 12,1862. ‘ Certificate’. ‘mws cqvx'rv, l‘A.-——We, the «an. ' signed, hen-by certify thq‘t we hare used, and nre Ming now, G. W. Tolknrn’s hnpfoyud “Milling Machine. and arr fully satisfied that. it is just. the ’l'ng Mr. S. Sherryl repregentl it to he, and supc sedea anything of the kin-i we have ever sewn ns yet; combining, as it do", gr'ont spccfl wi‘lh little Inbor, nnd [n rl'unning its work in the most satisfactory manner. I frn'n ”ARD .'." :I (‘ filrrfi, ‘Ohbi s We, then-fore, rcqummcml it: to every flunily in the county‘with.grcm plmfilre. George (:cycr. , .\lnriulfleyer, (‘ullmfinv .\lmls, Sarnhfihorb, Upton T. FOl'l'fh't, s“an E. Fgrmn, ' (anistinn' .\le<selm.ln, (‘nlh-"e C. )lunselmnn, J ghu ('lmmlmrlin, .\lJnhg‘a Chamberliu. .\(pri! 12, 1863. ‘ ‘ A HS“. ”NYE ‘ Vinegar—Vinegar. 7 ill-1 undersigned lms cnmrnl-ncecl the manu facture ol'Vinegnr, 0n \\'nnllinglon street“ I: few doors north of: West Middle street, Gob ” slpurg. He has been} manufaguring‘ lllil Vine gurfor nemly one year. and ii has given general salikfacuon. The ulpcriorityi of (his Vinegar ovrl- all other manufactured Vinegar. cumin.- m it being rifle cntirély of grain. no acid of any kind hail: med in its rbmposillon, nnd free {mm everything injurious}. It is strung, And It (he same time plensnnmo the hue, and hm: all the wean-alive qualifies found in pure (‘idor Vlaegu. He in gm-pnr‘cd to wholesale this \"mi-gnr in any quantity. . Call and Mn.- iue for gouraelves. ADAM (NI-I‘ll!“ Ell Certificate. WE, lho undrrsigned, [tel-job]. certify that we hm'c used in‘ our families, for wri ous purposes, the Vinegar nunul‘ucturud Ind Sold by Ann: l)mm.,and findtlt to be all that he reprl-scnts it to bet. We hiya fuifly tested it and lu-licve it to he superlbr‘ln every respect, to nny other [manufactured Vlinegnl we have ever used, .nnfl would recollamcnul it. to all perions. 1' ' * ; Wm. Boyer & Son. thtylliurg, l Jacob Sorbet-k & Co», “ , , ‘ Codori & Gillespie, } “ ~ . John Chambl-tlm, l‘nnklln lwp., Lexi Pillar, ‘_ “ , " ‘,A. F. Gin, Oxford. 1 , § )lny 111, 1362. 1y“ ' ; . A RemovaL—Tlp ‘,Ware. ; HE uhdcrs‘lum-d has remm'éd his Tinniug‘ ‘ establishment nenrvr the Diamond, in‘ C mmberslnurg street”, udjdiniylu A. 'D. But-h-l lvr's Drug Store-n wry ceulml locnfioquk continues to manufacture, null kceps'couswu ly on hundgevery variety of ' , TINJVARE. ', , PRESSED AND _ , ‘ ' . ,lAPANED WARE, and will always be ready to do REPAIRING. ; ROOFING and SPOUTIXU nlsq don; in (be but manner.’ Price: mmlcr. nté‘ and no efl'ort spared lo'render full satin rll'ailnh ,The public‘s continued patronage ls‘ solicited. A. 17. BAUGHEE. ch nnd And at Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ‘ Howard Association, i. (2, km, ibense; )r. that e M exl god by: lllLADflJ’HlL—Fot 'th‘o Btlie'f ol the P Sick n Diumsed, minted with Viru leug and chronic Discuss, um! especjnlly for [he Cure ol Dileznoapf the Sexuul (lrgnnu. ’ HEDICAL APVICE given gratis, by the Act, lug Surgeon. 2 ‘ r . . ' VALUABLE EREPORTS oni Spemntonhm or Seminal W knest, and other Dtillbel of the Sexual Drama, and on the NEW [ll-INH- DlliS employed in the Dispensury. sfut to the nfllicted in sealed leuer elm/clown, I'm (If charge. Two or :lncc Stump! forponuge will be acceptable. j Address, Dr, J. SKILLIN HOUGII'I‘ON, Auu his: Surgeon, Howard Ansoci-iiou, So. 2 South Ninth 81ml, Philndelphiu, Pa. Juuc16,1362, 1y .» . a“, r' qrer. ‘ luinoss be con -13 con URNETT'S CUCOAINE. Woof! "nir‘Rza B iterative, Shilling flair Tonic:nml other preparations, for file at Dr. 11. HURNBB'S Drug Bmm. ' .\GO, Ana; 6:872:51: Binmh.'Rice-lonx and Gelanin, for sale nt‘Dr. EORNKB’H Drug Store. ‘ é‘ _ _. 1.. scmcx hzu jun m-aivetl [a or (I.ol9939,l‘o'lkjnfijnm'fli , _"_h_ RS. WISSLOW'S SUO’I'HING SYRUP. for M children, It Dr. R. HURSfiB‘R's Drug =1 FEW SPRING GOODS—jun opened at the New Store 0! )1. SPANGLER. ‘ mzss Tnmmxcs, in gun finely. n D scmcx's. ‘OAL OlL—ll ' ' C - DR. 1!. HORNER'S Dry; Store.“ LYCERINB Ind CAMPHUR SOAP, for G preventing Ind curing lh'h him of Mun quit?" and other insect... u ‘ _ , ‘ DR. 11. HORNER'S Dru; Store. EORGI ARNOLD flu jnu roe-ind from HUMelphh . largo stock of ‘ CLUTRB. CABSIJRRBSw black, plain and fury; Sill: Wtrp, l-‘mrl Cloths. for Summer Dreu Com, (I. bun“!!! nrticle.)'l‘woedi, Italian Clotlu, Jenni, Drillinn.‘ Ileflno Culimoru. Velvet Cal-db, Glnhroou Ind Yam”, :1] wry hudwm. )- um Ibo». flock of Good: there no many ne' Ind bonu ufu! 3!: In. Mu a {up flock of cmpm. TRON”. CARPET BAGS, and Dementia. ‘ All. tinge-Mick of READY-MADE CLOTH ISO. ofout on mun-curing. in an“ "new 33’. I“ “no. pie-Ind cheap. Cull cu Ice in. MI. W. I'. King is in cod-"fiat: with 3M est-bliohmentru can! w cut and make up Clothing in short order. , April 18, 166;. m r» . 1 The Old and Reliable. sw spmxa GOODS. U SMALL PROFIT & QUICK SAWS.— J . L . S(7l] I C K , wouid nlperlmny any to Iho cililem of (it: lysb’urg and vicinity. that by 5| now nteifln“ at his atom a splendid _ ‘ STUCK OF SPRING GOODS Tho not-I conlisxs in pan offnley 3!.“ Staple DRY 60008, of "my danfiyfiol. ‘ SILKS. 4' j .=‘ xuzumoux, ~ cm was. - mums, ‘ Boxmzmcs,‘ 11.930043, ' uwss, V ‘ CALIQOERH of I'] «cumin and choices! It lop, 1133::th nu bi told it PIECES T 0 DEFY éflfltrfi'n'nop ‘ FUIHIBHING GOODS ,‘ of pd! Hedi, in‘-India; Silk, Linen Ind Cotton, llnnfierchiefu, Gloves, Stockings, Ac. Also, a Iplemfid “miner-t of mnnoxs, bum Ind Edginm. Umbrella: nud Pnrnwll.-' My gun-L- of WHITE Goons til! be found ful' and compute, and «stunner! may rely npow “my: getting good good: u in pan poi-5‘ ble ptircs. ‘ " ‘ Grltlemen Ii“ find it (o flick-Iv.“ to! cull and oxnmine my stock of ~ « , ’CLUTHS, ‘ - 3 “ ' CASSIMEBES tld; » ' mama. ’ of all qnnhtiu Mil chokes! Itykl. ' . April 21, 154:2. * J. u. SCIHCK. I New Mercantile Ij'mn ‘: N EMMITSBURG. 3 1 . 1 NEW GOODS and 1 LOW PRICEBI The new firm of SMITH 1; SHOW} rnlwclfulm inform their friehda Inn] llu puhjlic gamer-Um tlmt'thq have jun returned [ram the citielé with a splendid assortment of Goodl, conliltp; in of Ladiu’ . , . ‘ \ “DRESS 60093, H ‘su\ch u Prints, De angel. Challieu, Lawns, or gxunifiu. Babe: of q“ kinda, Alfiacczu. SSH“, SwisifiJuonet, Check and Cndfic lulli'n 1 mum”. ud . pod numb: of mug? Calls“, o.lkm and Indus, nipld pflcu. ‘ ‘ ; emits, f 711811803, 1 Jeans, km. It), for men's went; a 1 mum—mm; worms“; 4 BOOTS, SHOES, j r ‘ HATS tID CAPS, 1 all prices. A good flock of ‘o‘wn’i’m HARDWARE. 4 5 . ~ ‘ QUEENSWABE, i - ‘ i mace and; ~ E “”3383: 1' 5 good Itoekiof ['f‘fl; 5 6MKJBIIE3.M-o§ \ . ‘ Ind 11l kinda of goo“, ads at} In ”my foundh I country Mon. Haul" bought RH Cub. In cln aflonl to all at II?!» rery love: Nice]. Our mono ls—“ Qulqk Saler at Small Profits." l ”The" good: on: really Very beautiful; lad in Want it distinctly underjtoogi that IQ will sell them very cheap for Cub, or to puma lual customers M. six mnutha. Plum cull and examine belore purclnninx elsewhere. We: miuld respectlully return our lhnnkl to our friends for this liberal patronage extended lo In llms tar, and rcspectlully Mk n'cnnlinnnncd thereof. BMW" h BUURB. ‘ S. SHEIG‘Y; ENE-Wm “é-v Milli-. 13- -11. Fresh Reinforcements. TRENGTIIENING (DUI! PoBllloN.—-W¢ are constantly adding new suppliei lo 01" already large and fashionnble neck of - i 1 ”ATS, CAPS. BOOTS A 59 SHOES. i : We have awry style of Spring and Slum-ti" "nu, which in quality and price‘ cunnol Tail ‘9 plane. Boy‘s and Men's Hutu“ Illd CH» of every deactiptiou, and of the late,“ u’lel. (_Juf stock or .- ‘ ' ‘ BOOTS, GAITERS. Am, in mm new; more coniplele. Ladlo’i, Gentlemq-II and Children du- ba accommodrhcd with nnyl thing in this "no,“ we no boner prep-Nd nut to give file lung! grater bnmnint than out henna I! you want bngninl,,good fill Ind fashionable [OO4l, call It. the Ifign of the [SEQ 8001', humus ureet. ' j was cut, ,3 June 9, 156:. » Ammonium ‘ New Goods. - ‘ PRING GOODS I—CIIUICE ($OOOBl S P‘Alle-la‘TOCK BllUTllER& hue just received and an new openingalirgv um! choiée unorluu-nt of SPRING GOODS, lb which they invite the unemionnf‘ the, public’. Having been.purchused with cue at. rrduced prices. we_ara prepned to give our cuslqml-rl bargains. Our stock luu bet-n largely Incl-cued by Ike Addition of: rhulce Variety of the latest styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, mnler‘ml fur mzxs' WEAR. (EARN-mm, QUEENS WARE. lILIJNERY GOUDS, kn. comprising i 'cumplete assortment of evrryllning usually I'flllt'd. Cull curly and srlu-t bargain: flit ynurselven. FAHNLSTUUK BBU'S. ‘ April 7, 1881» V _' Spectacles, Spectacle; _ 03E?“ MFA/AS. sign of an Wurh Ind J spec-Helen, in the dismond, bu now‘ou hunt! a huge “sonmenv. of Gold, Silva: nugi _Sml Spec-lulu, Indil prepared to wit nu Irhb will lnrur h'nu with a cull. N. H. (huh puid for «L! gold Ind silver June 2. IBGZ. ‘ _ ST.\BLISHII-2NT.--GEO.REPRESRODB, , wsumsmm len. ‘3 ‘ allows this method of informing lll! friends all! the public gruemlly, that ho- luu opovml n Tniloring emnldiahment in Baltimore urvet, Gettysburg, (law x'u-Uumcr.) near Ill! Bla mond, when he in prepared to do all work in his line in tho he". input-r. and lo the «My Indian ‘of cultouers. ,lh- empiofi noanivfl lint clau’ hllldl, and racking . rm: usmoxs “mum”, be en mtrmu fuhionablo m. and nut a“ substantial sewing. He uh A. llure oi up public] patronage, promising to Orr. no 9!. for! to deter“ it. "in chug“ wil Always In huud u mudcrnlc as the limo-s will allow. Cutting nd Repairing done at me uhortalt notice. ‘ [Oz-“33lmm, Aprfl 7, 1862. HE find-ruined bu owned a Rama-ac, u the comr of York nud Liberty slut-u, (mtg-thug, when he will keep every thing in the amt; lino h mun—Also My, Lager, and ('lder, flag-n, Tobi-ecu, kc. (He in liko‘win. fining up a _Buloun for Ice Cronin In. the nu. 91w. He hopes, by Intention Io aniuu and tdesire to plan, In rem-ire : liberal um» of axial». HENRY W. CHIHSIIBR: Map, 1062. ARPETS, CARPETB.—-A Ipiendid lord Canning—good And chap—jun orned u the Nut more of I. BPANGL L FRESH uni") of Grocerin “value“ A prices-lplendid SUGARS at. 8. 9 find ID cents per pound—heal. COFFEE u 2: me, find other thing: in proponion. Call “11 I” Ind judge for younelf. * May 5, ’62. FAHNEETOCK BRO'B. f YSOX BROTHEBShMe constantly on W I lug. summon: of plsin Ind Infiy easel, gilded frames. gold and plntodloekck, hugstpins, to" he., which they no selling n utoniqhingly lo- prim. j ‘ Alas—MlSl—A lug. mof "in. m Jun ‘nlnd brink- 'g am, 1!“. (100031 tGMISPII’R rev Goods. GASSIIERES SHOES, New Tailoring , New Restaurant. Cheap Groceries. -