The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 14, 1862, Image 2

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Em - (Kamila. ~.i
3’). union of Lukas—the miion of lands—
' rh- Upion (“States mind would sever;
The mfion of hearts—the union uf lunds—
And the Flag 0! our_l'nian forever! '
fl. I'. "mu, 7401101: ‘axnh-myummx
~‘____‘ “" ITS:~‘,' __ 1"“: t' ' ‘ , '
aqrtwsnmm; PA:
MONlng MORNING, JULY 14. 1862
i minus-tune u'l'A'rß 11an1',
—_ l
V » ; o’v anon cousin
._ ' ‘ Eon svmm’un ufixnmn,
.’ 7 ' ov Inn-swan
I. , ‘ , ‘ "
. , “3%"? 1 f
, 911 ..‘ifiq : .
Democgatic County
The 'Dembx'rntia Standing
Adnm‘nounty uill meet u
Ulllllfli WILL, in Gettysburg,
wilt day of July mm, at l 0'
the purpole at" flung days fo
the Dulcgue Elm-Mons and the
Hon, nnd transacting such 01
"my I): deemed acct-931w“. E
urged tO‘he preym‘t. ‘ _
9T1": ‘Mlow i'itg person
sl‘omlniucez- , '
Gettysburg-4. Brinkorhofl’, .J. sé‘mc
'-Cdmberlund-—Francla Hm" . V
Sunbsu-I’hiiip Donahue. ‘
Thanh-Jacob C. ~l’iawnturfi
..ilqmiinge'flfomu N. Dicks,
~fllaulltm't—Johu Dellone.
nxrord—iuenry J. Kuhn. ‘
Hex-wink boa—Frederick Wu
lfcrwick tp,—FS»muel [3mm]
({auowuuo—Samuel (L. Succr
1 i’uiun—[ixniel Geiselmnn.
Hei'mnny-q Dr. E. F. Short),
sluumpieasnnt—J. E. Smith,
iloumioy—Benry Bemw.
r‘raednmé-Anagcw While.
Liberty—Abraham Krisc, or
‘Hn‘rfiiltfinban—Jno. W. Mch
Franklin—Dr. Win. C. Storm
slensllau—in'z Overdfcy,
Butler—Jesse Dull.
' lluntingloq—Cpr’son 0. Man;
A _Lutimorc—Miclgnel Stumbau
. . mus-ma.
On‘ Wednesiiuy a. bili was
«an! in the 812 mm; nuthorizi
light up call out the militia, s;
in fact, {or flashing in each S
numbers of inau for se'rvine ii
KL Grimes offered an mm
flier-1e should be no “exempti:
Jr «319.- or lineagar" Mr. man
this am fittempt to elevam ‘
negro. Mr. Carlial‘e conténd:
groeg were not held as militi
utitulion, Congress had no r
them, mililia. He thought
out rather to degrade the Rb
luv’el of thanegro thnn’qlevn
hit. Sherman, Mr. Wilgon nn
denwmly advocated the p]
'nfi'g‘roes in the army. Mix:
the meuune at some ‘length, 4
he considered it wdegmling t
the white 'men of this coun
able “flight their own [MI-file
coloperation ‘of thesnegrocs.
thing would quesisted to £1»
fly by lrjs people. ,
Now from whnuprjngs theinpathy in the
Nonthern States, that draffinlv must be re
sor'ted to? 'l'he nnsweris em: . A‘bolition
ism in Congress, among gem of our Gene
rals, and in the 171-098, has ndecwored to
divert. the War from thé sole nly declared
intention of Congress and he President
when it broke out. The pr.nt Congress
has done nothing to foster -r encotirage
the Union men of the South. Onybhe con
tiory. some of their prqceedi ‘33 have been
calculated, and in some not ole instances
intondod,.t_.o kill off all Uni n feeling in
the rebel glass, and at the so e time cause
discontent and division in on 'nrmy, and in
the ininds‘féf many of the No how people.
The six hlindred thousand n who rush
ed mm the service of their untry, went
then to restore the ‘Unio by pucgng‘
down rebellion. They did/ at enlist, for
three years to risk their livf and future
for the purpose of fighting ihe battles of
political Abolitionism. , 4 '
«The discussion of the bill was contin
ued on ’Thursdny,. and an? amendment
adapted authorizing the Pr+sidént to re
(eive persons of African descent into the
service. Debate continued on Friday.
fiWe ’will wager a big nflple that Mc-
Pherson gets the Republican .omination for
Cong-gas. and Dulfield, of Fultonffor the
Sonata—and that the latter. £7121e votes
for McClure for the United “tugs Senate.
HoCo‘na'ughy and FnhnatockTmight as well
me their breath ah'd ink. T 6 firm of Mo
Clare and McPherspn will a too much
for “rain. '_ ‘ *
p‘A majority of the Republican 2911)-
hem of Congress held}. meeting [an wk.
and resolved to issue an addre‘h. They still
I“ '0 1: party.“ I
33-1“ he notorious freehooting Abolition
lfl. Jamison. “Kansas,“ mustereq
out of the Isl-M If a numtfinm were
out'thoeuneol the Union "Would be ban
eflhfl. I
- .——f——-
wmwa. in Cong: '. the other
(By ! : “It took four hm contracts,
each for one thouuptl horses; to settle the
paneled fendi of theéßepnbliuns of Penn
” Thanh, and every 'one of ltho ooxntnwts_
wait the Government swam—s4oo,ooo in
“I." “ ‘ , )
”a. Burnside has ‘oined Gen. Mo
alum his m. f
fll’ruidont. Mfihiled Gen. Mo-
Gbllau’nmy buttock. ‘ _ .’
m sum domx'nox
he Democrpcy a! Pennaylynis in
We 1.; before our readers this ‘mornlng
tho proceedings of the Democratic State
(bmontion. hold at Banishing, on the 4th
of {ulyu The-Convention VII composed of
the most reliable nus] respmble material;
and its doings were characterized by har
‘mnny and gond feeling. Newgr before did
we witnes-z Mpublic afiembly controlled by
more unselfish patriotism. Tm: coop or
*m: wnou couxvuv‘ minted all, Tim
rivalry between the several candidntbs for
nomination was a gene-John rivalry, exempt
from the. slightest tinge of- personal bitter
ness. The sole 'sim of {he delegates, re‘
marks the Paln‘ol dud'm'oia, appeared to he
that of securing the very best candidates
nmlrrecting n. platform upon which the
whole conservative people of thé State can
acrdially stand. In both thew endeavors
they succeeded in coming. up to public
expectation. ‘_ 'l‘he ticket'xnnd the platform
give universal" satisfaction. -Rnry'ly in tho
histqry of any political organization have
the conclusidns o( a. Coniantion beanie.
ccived with so large n' degreg of enthusiasm;
is and the dclogatee drpartefi from Hni'righurg
with the highest hopes for the future of the
country and the unanimous determination
to spare no exertions to secure the triumph
0L wustitutional principlles at the October
nit-Minn as the Inst hope ofn distracted and
bleeding nation. ;, _
Fox-\Auditor General, hue SLENKBIE,‘ of
U njon county, Was unminntad on the. 6th
ballot. The nomination was rutifipd by the
unanimous voice‘of the Convention. and
the rival candidate; were'among the first to.
congratulate Mr. Slenker upon his succoss.
ISAAC SLINKER resides at New Berlin, Union,
county; lie is a lnwycryjiy pufassion, and
enjoys 'll large practice in his own and
neighboiing counties. He has 1; most en-
(‘ommiuee of
mu how: of
hm Halunluy, (l:
lovk, I’. 31., for
the holding of
‘ounly Conven-
er businuss us
or} member is
; viable repqtation’l'or llnx-ineswcapaeiaty and
lstrict integrity. He is a man. of mature
1 years, and would make :1 most capable, care
ful and etli’cicnt Auditor General. ‘ Ilie‘life
hm: been mainly devoted to +llO pursiiit. of
his profession, [having mingled little in
public life. In the year 12434 he was elect
ed to the State Senate for the term of four
years. nail occupied his seat until 1815!}.
during one of the most eventful period: Of
Diu- Stut'e history. Lest fall he vfas the
Democratic oandinlate for President Judge
in the stronghepublimn district cotnlmsed’
of thecountiee of- lfnion. Bhytler and Mifllin,
end such was the confidence hr the people
{who knew his worth in [his capacity nmrl‘
i integrity that he was only defeated by. a.
‘ scoro‘ol' votes,‘nml that through misunder
[stantlmg as to the p'laee of voting in one
townahip. \Vcare assured that the personal
' eateem 'm which lie is held at heme will
again be manifested at the October election.
)V’e eonératulate the conservative‘citizens
of Pennsylvania upon lhe~oppnrtunity nf-’
fouled them of electing a. man like Mr,
ISlcnkor, nqdfihe Democratiq party upon
their fortunate selection. i
P, Chairman
compose iiC
1, *
liger, Jr
JAS. P. B.'\Rn,of Allegheny, was nominated
for Surveyor Honors] upon the second bah
lot. the candidate bo'ing poncegled to the
Wpst. after tlfu nornimtibn of an Eaiterlf
man for Auditor General; Mr. Hum has
: brought for
ng the Presi-
’ .—-a. mens'ure
'been for many years the eilitor of the Pitts
burg Push the nemoc‘ratic organ, of western
Pennsylvania, und‘the only daily Demo
cratic newspaper in the State beside the
J’uh’inl'uml Vision. He is «shard-working,
reliable and consistent Democrat) who, in
his impow sphere. has rcntlcrcd most,
valuable 'ice to the Democratic party
and constitutional principles. Doing battle.
in one of the darkest sections of the State;
aurroundegl by-oyerwhel-ming hosts of the‘
enemy, in faith 111 m never Wavered and his
courage in ahnlf of the right never flagged.
We record '5 nomination with peculiar
pleasure, and 'e c to hear a goo(l~report,
from the West I)” ’e second Tuesday of
October next. -
tate sufl'lqielu
' the war.
ndment that
m on ancouni
!- bury plough;
lthe miserable
:- that «q no
m by the Con
! ght 06 make
the scheme
be man to the
It!) the negro.
E Mr. Fessen
an of piacing
ua’vis opposed
l eolnriug that
dmission that
The resolutions speak for themselves.—
“thn reported to the Convention by 1153‘
committee they‘ were received with the:
most unbounded‘enthusinsm. Cheer lifter:
cheer from members of the Convention and j
the crowded galleries mtified each reéolu“
tion as it was read. They fully meet public:
expectation and constitute a. platform 0K:
1 principles acceptable to the ccnservntir’e'.;
‘ Union-loving, masses without respect to I
3 party names. Tm: CONSTITUTION AS rr ”——
in all its vigor. :I‘nn Uxms AS n- nuts.—
1 Cordial supportldfmic Government in all
‘ constitutional inca rel {or the vigorous
* prgecution of the w r for the Constitution
1 an the Union. Opposition to unnecessary,
‘ illegal and unconstitutional nieasnres.,-—-
OppOsition to the tréason'ahle schemes of
l the Abolitionists, tending to the ultimate
‘ sepamtion'of the free and slave Statesa-i
Opposition to the corrupt praétices of, the]
l party in power, whereby thegpnblic money
by nlillions has been squandered upon partiij
zan rfavoritea ; and opposition to negro
equality and ‘expending the'hiloney pro-i
cured'by taxation. and so mucli needed for l
l the supportof the Gowernment, in liberating
«and pampering worthless negroos. 'These’
Eire some of’the main fe‘atures ol‘ the Demon
cratic platform, ppon which the muntry
must stand in order to maintain the Conl— ‘
stitution and prevent the nltimnte capers-i
tion of the blue fromthe free States. u i
Democrats 3‘ Conservatives! of Pennsyl-l
unia, the political compaign against the
Abolitionenem'les of the Government, no
less important than the military compsign»
'agaimt its secession enemies, has opened
most uuspiciously. The Convention hos
given us a gmd ticket and Enable plat
form. Lot us devote our energies from
this time until the day of election to the
Iregcnerntion of our noble old State. Let
us set Pennsylvania right before the ooun~
try. Let her pronounce in October next
for the Constitution 5; it is—4he Uhion as
it was, and peace and prosperity myonae
more down upon our unhappy country. ,
try- were nbt
. without the
1 He said this
last extrem-
fi-Dnvid'l‘qddmho was elected Gover’nor
of Ohio last falljh’y'l mlled “Union, pu
ty.” ngw finds himself without a party—hit
sufipértg-n lurking out .Lbolitionigu. _So
in Pennsylvania, so in this county. The
sell-styled "Union party” of last yes} is to~
day Abolition. The trick may be tried
8581-. but the cies of the people have been
opened. The nigger‘hu. been p‘ullql out
of the wood pile! ‘ ‘ '
' w‘fhe premium on gold in New York !
has sdeeed to 16 per «IL—pop silver to i
9 per cent. This is caused by m demandi
for eipofl. _ In UM city, fibre-keepers, rcs- !
(want-keepers, £43.,“ putting , tjheir 1
own notes, varying [god squ uptsmo. 1
Ceancil 1
~ 0113 Pmmmc , =
The p‘fl‘flymn Ind patriotic platform
of tha Panuaylvanin ‘Qelnoorncy, Adopted
at par last flute Convéntion. i; noticed In
yesterday's ritkburgh Harm, but that,
"per quotg but than-oft!" reqlulions
composing it, and upon that it remarks
u follam t ‘
They. "iii” :1: intohnnce of the 4‘3‘l'
Slant-y feeling >3O! their Norma-n (d w-‘
citizens. verging on the Satanic, Ulnle
they cannot hide their trgtitorous sympa
thies for those men—.flnmr former politim
cal Maoriatés—who are wsging the horri
ble rebgllimgsfwar which is deluging the soil
ofthe country with an be» blood of her
sons. g A .
'i‘his‘pnngmp)! is simp‘y one huge, un
hlushing falsehood. no‘mure nor has: and
the‘ knure +llO pormoh it. find merely for
the love offlying. Our phtform evince:
no “intolefifince” excel“ of Northern Abo
lition and Southern Sec-anion train)”.—
It denouncél‘bothnnd ‘plet'lgoa the Democ
ncy of_th E [State to the support of the
aovcx'nmenl until rpimllion .is entirelj
crushed an" the Union restored. The‘
object. of o ri Contention was'to save our
Goéemmen ‘from the open efi‘orb; of
Sputhern bels and the no less dangerous
machinatio s} ‘of 50-111 mm traitors. who
hav‘o for yer! been laboring for n discolu
tin!) of the l 1 niqn.~l‘£tlsburg Past.
.' :‘uomnon m 2. '
= qfinhin papers’ of Tuesday mom-
IE the. following tele‘gmm:
'. Meeting in West Chester.
J ;I
'1 he Phila’
ing krontuin
0 rm: my Axn THE W m nx.
nu. June $O.--'l‘he Democrats
n: hero Mdny to rim-t dele
ffitato (bqvvntinn. Speeches
{_v‘lnimt, the Adltlnini-dration. the
‘" ’ ‘\ at '
Wim- Cu:
held] xx Inert.
galés to flu
war ‘made
'nr and '
mcipntion, ,au
‘ , ---"-=v “ . I
’l‘iierelis l n'particlé of truth in tha n
‘bni' , excop itlrnt the'tie \ms_n Democratic
mmfting. 0r ‘pnventiniil lwre, on'Mfinduy,
nnd' that ls arches; wg‘re mmll“. met us
said as to the} charactt‘fi‘nf time speeches,
{will be rOl5O hirzed by all fzfii' milllod mo’n
whé hoard t “1’"! nslfillscf—ax ABULITIOV Luz,
ninnufnotlir (l in this place. by 801139 ofthe
mean nmlu scrupulous «links 19f the town
whose daily, Mention i is to misreprcsvnt
and belie DJnjtocmts {mil all others who «rel
Ol‘lmsml tn hboliti'onisriz. ‘ i 'IEB‘IVII
' Messrs. Uéniphillflflq nglmn and Brintnn I almuts um
'mmlo't'he féfioleches refo‘g-réd to, but the rc- i mean nnl;
rhmgks ofi héither gehtlerfinn,. (nlthmfgh l ized WHY-f {,3 5 ._
doubtless :sornowhnt milling to Abolition. A few W 095? §ince 9"" 0f “‘9 "10;“ Im
(lisunionists ‘ 4nd. wideua'twake stay-nt-homo : posing gather; gs or the ppople ever. had on
pairiolsu) iWfll'Emnt. to filming}. extent. the . this con'tinontl:“u§ withc-med in‘the city of
fulae and malicio'qp toleg m above quo- I New yh’onk—‘plimeetinlrg in. which its moist
ted, The‘yavére alike nigninstflnuthern Sapronfinent mi influknlinllcitizens, 9/ nlli
oession nml Sorthe'rn Mmlition; and in purl/vs, took? iipnrt—sluch inen n 5 I'otor
fnvqr of the Commit“: as" it is. and the ‘ (,‘qnper. Mmfi'flll. Grigrn~ll,i.\li»§nr \Voml, '
‘rostorntion‘ofi the Ull 1 as it was. Presi-' and scores ol‘plhors 0 like stmiding. ‘l‘hisl
dent. I.inaoln‘;lvas commended in all hisniwvting was éhlirely oénservfitivo—ontiroly?
acts obnlntming tothe Constitution. There (patriotic. llsit‘ do thé‘; Ropuhlicnn jnnrnnlsl
was no speech “‘againsg. the war," but the/i in q“(‘g(inn——-fil|ose ’\iilllo prute so‘ lnutlly o!‘
plundering oil certain Wllr patriots was de- ;H no party "li_‘pl;l|li<l|l the “(writ-dings ,0}:
'nouncml ; :Xeérpism in tall it's phflst‘AS {was ' rcgolufinh; (gt-mm 9:091!“ m“.n,l,|age? ‘\'QL‘
ropntlintml; tint] While the mammoth (10M.E they do nqt efqn ulluilix to it. Why? The
3"“ [19“"3'1 ““1“ l 0": “1'3"" “’0 WE‘TSIVMUW’ } reason simplflis—thut‘hhilat the resolutions 3
ing the country and hoopla. wei'quustly‘amouncexodmainn ill the Snulh, (Ll'ijulsul
noticed, nhthing was said‘ “against pnying ',lr- ‘ “ ' ' l
war taxcs,"r'—.- Elli-:1 C/tzsldr shy/Emoniim. ' '
. ” -—li‘i _ ~...: .. r“ * l
1 At the honimmromeint of the late sos‘alf
slon of, the Airsombly, the ly-mom-nts wore
in a minority fry six on eight" vntes. At the ‘
'lose 9f the solution. a mhjority ofthc entire»
Early, and, fourteen mnjtirity of all present, I
vott‘d for stifnight-ouNDonmm-ntic .rc-snlu- l
tinns, eonflomhing emfi'lmtiaully all future
anti-slavery agitatirm ut the North. \Wo are
lprnud at“ that y{\saemblyfi‘ and snare Hui peo
plex—Jlibcaul-qe Xmas. l i,
L fi_“:.‘l-:' ‘ O f‘“ ’
{war tum
' bOuriineighbor of§the iii-mine! would~
have hi< readers believe that the resolutions
of the Dernocratic Shite Cunvontinn. held
at Uarrisburg,§on the 4th Of July. “.nhouml‘
in the coarsest attack: at] fie Government.
and Isfperse the clmraet‘br of the Adminis
tration." The resolutinns appear in this
issue of the (i‘onvpilrr. We doubt whether
our neighbor iwill give them. If he does,
his readers"; wi [see how {Very unfair he can
bye—how ie‘r wide of; the truth he cnn
steer.‘ We ihqpe that in this matter he
will be more candid tluin he Ewas in regard
to the doings ‘,iot' the scc‘i'ct niecting of Re
publican edimln at Harrisburg, which he at
tended. 5 ! a 1 i
. ——§*—l~.——* - 1»- *-
Sir (‘olin Gaihpbell on Him. .VcF/cllan.—The
great. Indian dommandefir. now Lord Clvde,
is perhaps thoihighwt nillitary authority in
Europe: His ‘npinion ol' the conduct and
ahility of our Commanding General is enti
tled to weightinnnd we hre glad to have it
for the encbu gament‘of the country in
these times. i A personal friend. and a
gentleman well known ‘in this city. (New
York.) writes in a private letter from Paris
June 4th. as» follows: 3
¢ “ Mr. Mowutt dined with us. a few days
since. lleialzhere with Loni. Clyde. the
greatest Enéliah General living. In a
conversation: v'vhich I hall with Lord Clyde,
oh Saturday; He stated that Gen. McClellan
bled evincedrrdore true g'cncrnlghip then any
man in our ‘ai‘my. He said he considered
him a splendid strategist and Ible lender."
|, Gen. Scott'si‘opinion of Gen. McClellan is
equally flattering. But notwithstanding
the high estimation in Much he is known
to be held hthese audiother d therablest
generals in t ’9 world. there Li‘s n. party of
men in the North—pretende Union men
—‘-leaders of wise-called :“ Union party ’f—
who seek ever? occasion to stab McClellan.
and lower bins in the estimation of his
chuntrymen.‘ { Why do these hypocrita
thus net-2 Tliore is but one answer—Gene
rkl McClellan is a Democrat!
-‘fi*Read the spirited address of Gen‘;
ficblellnnjlssted to his heroic army on the
4th of J uly.: it is b'eautifiil in composition,
patriotic in? tone, and full 9f hape. Mc-
Qlellhn will lyet whip the insolent rebels
ho con'frdnq him. notwithstanding their
in boastingjs. rid the "fire in the rear"
lie is receiving f£m tho Abolition-secession
it“. He is _now mmded by all good
judges” m. greatest military man living.
and had he not been thwarted in his de
signs by ootuébmb civilians, Richmond
would have‘ been bagged by him in two
day’q fightiljfi.—-Carlhlzl Volunltcr. A
v 4 -—————o . >—-——~— ‘
1 fi'l‘ho Hurisburg Telegraph spesking
o‘hhe Democratic resolutions passed at. the
State Convt’ntion, says: ’ ‘
"These résolntiom; are the boldest outspo
ken words of (reason that have been utter
ed in Pennsylvania since the flag of our
country was assailed." ‘
. Our readers will find these reisolutiens
on our finb gage, and we ask them torgad
them over wefully, (Alec tht it in that.
glass blank hearted dajmagogues all If“!
tom—Sunbmy Qcmocral. .
Dating the disc'ussion in the Home of‘
Representmlws on Saturday. in reference
to the organizfntinn of negro regiments, Mr.
Thaddeus Stevens said that “he would.
plant in the; South 'militAry 9010 mm, gnd
sell the lsnld. to thesaldierp of freedom,’
holding the blarltnge'qf trait ‘ . Ind build
ing up instilnffions without in recognition!
of slavery.“ 'We are often surprised end}
disheartened at the limited-extent ofjhe
L’nion feeling in diatricts occupied by our
armim. and that the population remnins‘
obduralely wedded ‘to rebellion in spite of.
the fearful evils it has: inflicted upon them.
and in spite pt‘tlue conciliatory Idmian-f
tionof (he Union authorities. Conversions.
must. be neoe‘marilyfilow so long as such;
sentiment; u‘sgthme nne title-red in Copgrexs
by Abolition'ifigunion'lsts.‘ '(lovemor thn-'
‘son may magpie the [People of Tennessee‘-
Governor Sunléy theipeople of North Car--
nli‘lm. and Géli- Butliér the inhabitants of
New Orlma. iii-at tlm only purpose of the
Government is o lestksm the Union uniléi'
the Constituiim, but their" patriotit; efl'urts
are countera'p I, , i'f 11+}. entfrely destroyed,
by .\uch atrmiouslapebches in Congas.—
'l‘hcy are CRfltLlltlfltPll to work 'inciilqulahle
mischief to this Unidnimdse. Without the
hearty coofieration of the Union men at?
{he South Vie} cannot} hopeifor success. ' I
this war. inéondinrifa liké Stevens“ 0-
pose to (lostrirfi the hull: vestngé obeutyom
Unionism, and to cq‘nduot the, war nvilh
sole refcrcne‘c to mnq‘pest'nml suhjfidtion.
Planting military col uieal nienns _e de
strllotinn of the; Soutliiani‘Stntos in aboard
ance with Sufnh‘ncfs sécession thfnry—and
“selling tliaélzinil to the soldizi-s of free
dam," is another name for unr drained li
qonso and plhpder. The Illa/d. who is capa
ble of such a; pmpmitinn lugs no desire for
the, r9~tomtig§i of theiUnégfi. The Confli
tution. is to lx‘iiii n (Ipmi 19/ or. nml he would
make the neg”) the min/Zlof the white man,
by degrmling’ the luttérfi the level of’ the
Ireelumter. This warys waged not for (io
minion, nnt~ fpr plu i-h-r, nnt :lin sordid
Imin, not f®l4nofyfhtllialily,'_liut to pre
sm-ve a fi'ec Ctiiisli, nn‘m'nl Government un
impaired ' liplo; mid intact in ten-i,
wry—Pin ,
“(MUCH .‘uzvlt-Jx'ph 1.7. {ln}; .Ym‘l/n .' i
‘;‘ ;..-.;,- _. , I
[VLS‘Xn ”IL goon! l):l}‘l'll‘\‘ in‘front 0f Rid"!
Inml, (Eon. .\llt-l‘lcllnllyhl cu-rytlun-J llml :11
.nll‘zull null sci'pmific ufli‘ker unuhl du umlur [lu
ircumsl'lu-‘s‘f' II “in Wm n-cu‘llmh-fl lhul in
‘is diflinlrh ijln‘nwdiutv‘} nflcr (hr! czlp'nrc o!"
"orkum n. Imfismtml [HIM than-hell («rte was
nut-h Sll]h(‘l‘il+l‘,{ 1;“ Ilia (.\\-Ln. nwing, is he m-n'lly
nlinmmd, to qp‘imorfi-r’rncu \\'it'h 'hii nl'igillll
‘jun fur the chlnlmigm :Jgninfl lhrlnnun-I. A:
lye game time 3!“ emu-balm! u dug-nuinzuiun {o
51:51: f'oru'nrdj find d 6 “lu- best. he't-uuld with i
rlmt hiunps M’hnd uud'q'r hi's ('unlrolu" He his ,
pnc evr-rylhitxlnglz lhnt r‘pulul han- been done,
ud it now ré‘mnim lor‘[ the, (‘Euvnrmm‘nl to
fiI-engthen hifil tinny lu Lsuch nn cxinuu 951:0
+oolch tlu- pigsjsibill) uElflu fniluro infhis next
‘rxmnl nwvclfiqut. - z ‘
A J ‘ ‘ con-'5
w'l‘he “lflgml-lvtli'pg" Svhnlorfl Chmul-'
Kr mnda n var‘y ‘conrub attack 0!] Honey-a]
[cClanu ofi ‘i'l'hnrntllny, but, any: tfinully
)mpellwl to buck din. ‘ ‘ E
A remlution Ewan mkwptpvlkmlling {qr the.
mber of mén in (h-l‘l. .\lol‘lollnu's army
hon it left Fortrosx .\lnnrno’, tqaotélwr withi
he number of reinfm-vmnTnLn‘ pko’llml
'lmhernf trobyvz nntlt-L‘ Gon‘ I’l‘enmnt "ml
on. Banks at; llle‘tlate nffien. McClellan}
! paylure furithe [myhnulu ' . ‘
~ -;V7- «'3»
[Q‘The ChiéngoUll‘.) firm-3911‘)": - -
“In some- plhr‘os willow the fugitivg‘ n -
oes have qnlloctm‘ it; large numhv they
.vc rellucmHhe prjcfl of: a, dav's Infir to
n comb! :6 (My. In #wnrd, ”my have nlv
ndy, aided by thfiunhatuml Abolici II:-
:tors of tlie North. finkon' a step' t 'nrd
incing white lubom‘lo the conditi n of
. lie labor. 1 i‘ a
“We sc-o in "this (1191' inevitable res It 9f
6'; Abolition Pieroswatho degradatj of
‘e whites Without bfenefitingk eve the
ucks." 1‘ ‘ ‘
————~+—-——<¢l¢o—~ ’-—-—-—‘ 'i
A 57::th Dgrlcrrnm—fln anhingloq' the
luwers that bemrkc Um; churches of th‘peo-
Ie for ha‘gpims, and gleprivo the church~
ing people otn placegof public worship.—
I ! they rmhim‘lpayfo a bloék of fine brirk
uses to keep’bmanvi Mod 8131708 “.13
is what tho'A‘mliti [\iusmegm‘ by the
lectioneering trick” ,of “free hoinea 2”—
'cst (‘lmielqijfitsonimq . ’i—a—
The Point (y'IQL/fkrcl.cer—Olie of our Demo-
Mic exchanges thus’, points ouLtbe éifi
b-tlloe between an lAbolition'mt and n
‘9 1 i - . ' .
"The difl'eretfce befifieen an Aboligionist
F d a rebel in, ~that the whel wants 10‘ .set
‘. a new Cove mnentd'and the Abo‘lifiion
-1 wants to 1; tan 01,“ one."‘ ‘ ;
‘The Deuce: ts are :{or the old Govern
ent. ’ '
. --M¢{>———--c—- ‘
Bmwn': Broncl‘u'al Trod’ccs.-—\Ve know of no
a ticle which so richly deserves the entire
‘0 nfiiienee of tine couimuhity M “115., We
h ve noticed t e moat’ flatten-i ng «mimeti
d tions from tlre mo‘sl. celebrated Clergx~
en. Lawyers land Public Speakers; and
l can also speak from penonal experience,
Troy Whig. i '44 l
\ A ‘— o - -—‘\‘- ‘ .
Toledo. 0.. July 8,-rA riot has been go—
in; on here to—duy. between the Irish 4nd
negro stevedom. The high struck Ind
were discharged. Ind negro“ employed at
old prices. ' The riot‘ commenced at the
dock where the propellor New York. of the
Erie line. was loading; It soon spread to
ell the docks. -
‘ , lThe Irish tried to prevent the negroos
“om working. attacking them with stones,
oluhl. etc. The negroos drew knives and
pistok; and considerable shooting and put
ting was done. ..
‘ A bystander wns killed, and many of the
, rticiponu injured. Several houses be;
'mn‘ing to nearoes were demolished. Citi
vlens were called out to quell the rich and
'ere petroling the streets with Irma, mast
;ing riolerg—C‘inciamui Commercial. ,
3.5011!!!“ Comm in pitching into fire
Abolitioniatsin Congress most beautifully.
“Hit ‘em a'g’in !"—-they deserve it.
_- - .-‘-_ «000 -——-
‘l'he Hollie on Frltla passed 3 Con
fiscadon bill fit‘rongly ,Abolaion.t Ym 82,
my: 42. Hcl’laetson dated for it of com-so.
Ropixblicnn papers ho’r‘e
‘nc {gm " ho party,” Hwy
'fit their owp Abolition
.«_ a. '. ,_ ...H” .... l. ~
ADAMS COUNTY Sl)L§DlEIK$.+In thehnt—
fle ofll‘riduy before Richlpfind, .\I.,S. Sipiinger,
W. Metcnlfe, Joseph "33mm; H‘uum'Lady,
and G. C. Carson. were onndfd, and Craig
Pg We, hand his leN leg hm 06' M the
hip, expiring shurfly flier—3:l members of
Ci”. B-iley's Compqny‘. V’IA rivato letter,
_dupd on the 28m, sun-s “(n-c , Builoy wu
struck by a pied: of I Ell/‘0! shag], but not se—
riously hurt, bring in n/ f§w mi ules again at.
thefihead 0! hi- L‘umpnpyf" E
Lieutfflraham, of Girlife, WM) has re‘urned
hbme. wounded, any! thn , whe ho mu Abou‘
luring, he cllll‘ (12ft. Bailey’s ompnny with
twoiomqn return; 31mm win :351e chum.
igl which they ' k' about goo primners and
we're marching iheln lo thé r. The Com!-
pnny‘ up to»th ‘l. Limé appeared a fun as nny
other he sat . lie knew noth' gmore q! the
result. He «3's. furthermore, t n. nfler 'bqing
himself u’ken to, nip Howiu! he heard the
Surgeon cmnrk thgt Adj. "file an had been
brough in, waundw’ it, the“ gr n. This 1103.
[lllle as on the _lml le final“ ' "
Se ’z Thaddeus \L’ehy, 0! Ca t.Ch:ritzlnnn'-s
L's nany, writes home sinc‘g thé bnulr. from
M letter che Slur infers mu, thé 1013!. Mb nut
. the late huttles.; Ilis rteginient was badly
'atup at thexbnttlc bf Sci-mi Pines. "e state:
that in thnt cnnflic-ti 10 of Ellis Vcompany wen
nikru prisoners nut} that 8 of, that number
have since died. {tie gin-s rig names. hon
than that of John Th'pmpsnnL of his place, whb
wna nmongthe primncrs. 'lie h dseen [jailey'n
(Iqmpmty and reports them ‘iu 0d spirits. é .
Strait Hownrd L‘ongm-lir. of the “tin New
Yinrk Zonavos; writes honfr t, at :Ine is still
alive. “is réginient has heist: nearly~ntl the
battles om the Peninsula. The -went into the
late engagements with 400 goo fighting men,
and yhen thcj' came; out they 1' II Only-94 left.
It was thought that a number ould yet comb
in: He was strnrk-f in the 2ab when with In
spent lmll,'\\'hich dauhlvd him p for is \rhilé,
but‘he noun ru-m-vre‘d. Thie r'e inwnt made in
brilliant charge, in nhich t 93' took. the
culnrs of a rebel regiment. ‘ ‘
A lt-ttnr was rt-I'ciiiwl here on
Mr. le‘h‘crson. dim-’l] nt \\':Hhin
train which we are pkrmitled to‘
lowing extract
“\\'isntzkey was killed in 3
before. Richmond. Hailvy’ is
Stewart is wnundcui :mda pri
I can't hour ntlm‘r mm
i: safe
cm is here. Tl'e Rrgiuncm b
didly." I . q
.\rrordinz v‘t‘n. levers rr-‘t-c-iv
member} of the Cami-an)", \\'isut
ed on Friday—not .\lgmday.
. ”Lem-rs were 'rm‘c‘rml 0
member: of (‘ny‘fiullnilpv’a (‘nn
Pfiutz. Jr., wring: from Hm Ca
River, under date of ',luly 4th, [0
as fallow; 2'
“(in Thurulny “11rd: we wrn out to \le}
chanivsville, in put up sonn- rifl.- pits; and be;
fore \h- were then- nnr limP lh enemy mule
m: us in full fort-hum} it Win 11'! c-rvjunfl “n;
til we \H'rv in u ruin: lunlv. "Ni fightiné
till night‘fzull‘ we hi.) on unrurm’ all night ti"
morning:V “log“ we net-he“! nn'gnrnicr'tq full
Inn-k. H [lnn‘l \\'-v»; .\uu m tlli 1k llle ri-lncls
nude "sh-rm: fur (ht-y I'M n't ; .\V(' «tum! nur
groan-l and fimght ‘rnnnr-nllr‘) \l!nj’|9f\\ing
.\lf-(‘h Inidsyilvl‘c, w.- .cnm: 'l‘"‘.-‘.“’" Entrymlrkhidgor-
wlwrc \\e hzi-l 'nmnlu-r fiL’lll.'llhl I‘hiitu'uS' the:
[lurnleet nl tlu' [\\n. “tr? \\'e nwrd .. llu-m
:lumn like unnanlml m- lmd nly :nne‘mcln
\roumlml. nn-l lu- =liLrhlly. in th hrmst. ‘ Unr
hmimcnl “we llw o'er nnP the! mme all the
lirlll 541 good ornlur. . lh tln‘ie figll “‘6 lost our
willzlnl Gvnrml lh-vnnl-ls‘. llc , -11. final-ken
.luimnl-r; uml is in lln-lnnun-l. \l'lcrfliglnimz
lill nigh! “in“. w't- m-nt :u‘rau on llli‘ (other
aisle nf lllc ('llil-lunllpnfiny, \\lm (- we laytill
Sal'lrdny‘ nigll‘l. \\'llén \\'o min"; tyu‘phlé lllu}
.lgirm-s llivnr. ' ()n '.\lnnnl uy we ,llaxl ‘ lllel ll‘fl
fight. null thi: “-:.: xlu- lmr-11-fi'pf am of the"
111-l-cln.llllt-=. -ln this light \\ 1- ll :11 but Captain;
uml 7| grlial Inn'w of nur lun z. ll , L
"(‘n.:gfll'hnLkvy L Lilli ul. (ligpol’al fill
millor is'miulrg. Tlr-rn :lro lul-nl) lnnrllnen
.|.- . . .
11l our (‘ mpnn' wmlmln-nl. k-llml hr "mum! ——
Uur szlinlvnll lnzl‘ (‘\'vnlhllm" flu-v llml—
Inu'rruuy'n. kn:IIN-rl\= and all n r clnltlllng.—;‘
All “'l': hi”: now we have n l oughm'lfln."l
'llll‘hfll‘ .\l. .\lillt-r. in.“ one “ tio llis‘ \\‘:ifei
duh-d July (all. my“ ~ ' ‘ u , I
. I‘Un Tfiuredny fnrrnnnn c w r 3 mkéh outl
111-nut. me mill- {rum ('nm .10 glig (inlnenchJ
moms. nit! lonk nnlliing \\ I_ ll "5%)“! our‘guns;
and mm jdgv lnqx: s. Therm-m ' vamp on u.‘
in lurg? fork-('. \\‘v'flvnglut ”IPII donwmtl‘la
till darklwillmnl lmrlu‘uq mm in 'll. fl‘lla; day
'(‘mig “'i ‘nll‘u _\' In! killed
\\'o slept Qll tlw ground \\ln-r- \ 9 (might. nml-'
mp onl-m ' Hill the 512mm}. HI? say“ slcyr ?——ll
'\l’L- dill l'tllo. nl'lhnr, fol- ".1 ‘lllé cries 0 Hl6}
wnumlod in our frnut Mr W: tor th'lt night WON"
Mun-mailing. But it “-.u , ul of onr'pm‘er toll
help llw . '» . J
“In thh mnrninz m- ‘-ogdn to fall Molt furl
their forele was um gill" t. in fonghnhe tillg
we put :1 the river. \\‘lu-r gramme: another!
stand; u ”might nnntlu-r ' 0:! «sperm! bat-ll
llv. laéti' g 'lill 'durk.‘ 0 .Fri y we figmin’l
slow. _or lulu-r lly on the (Zhl. , lmt day our;
(‘nmlmn lost nnne. l Gem: ). F. cynnhl was"
taken pri uner‘ hv the on} '‘. boy Jon? ,fire,‘
m one, nq‘ the g‘ronn‘d was $llO3 covered withq
their dedd. 0n Sntnrdnyx‘mor ng we figainll‘
fL-ll bucki, (news! the I‘i‘kl‘fit) W] to W» listed:
all day, find received nigh; cm on. tl: firstJ
we had frlom the commencement “qu MAIL—T
0n Saturn.“- night we rpgumon ed ma‘rchjngg‘
‘ownrds liho left wing of lh arm. “'2 In rob-l
ed all night and all day on 'Ruml _v, and firth
ed 0n the extrqme le’l‘l on.snnd y awning.—
Thnt night ourJlegitm-nt'w'cnt o [xii-Reta On
Monday slim“: dinner Hm enemy x ere pggin on
us. T'h‘d ‘imo came the mqst'nlmldeher'ibnt-
He we in”. _il_‘he onjemy fought likb ide‘lonl,
whilg "'1 rfetumed it. n-lphough f: wprp! ént-
numhgreq five lo our. Un Hug. day an? I
RESHVEJVHI to yielJ; up his life. We clue to
our ha!“ y till they _woro almo on on. when
we had} give wuy. I have he d noming‘of
Capt. Riley hr John I‘upv an some ,othom
since. I apposiéheyure either filed Milken
prisonersi = ‘_ ‘
Him we had €o\fall chk,them. duh,
came up, and nn‘r men Again hed tha‘fleXd.—
0n Mondry night to crqssed . the James
River, «'5 h all McClv-Ilnn’s fq'rce. On that day
we lostG n; .\chnH, our Adjma t. Lieutelmnt
Colom-I, nd 2] out. of onr’Comany-v-Lhfit is
kill-d.‘wiund€d and missing. . ,;
“0n 1‘“ Mn)" they (ought not er‘héavy bal
fle. We 'wqre'on the field, Win: 0k ho art.
0n Wodnpsdnv wo mime downth River to in
" “*‘u co
Jn Wodnpsdnv mime down": nun. ._ ,
plus. I: Thuguhy morning 1h commekced
“gelling are, but then Mchh '3 and: en
accompl bed. and he fell (in II: and d on
them hm: .' Ou'r Division was here, w
were MM for dun, being too bu yem up;
“mm ‘m Arnol-l, (of must“: ,) was killed
on Homily; tunneling: with #OlO in his fund,
he mu shot. through the n'cck In bayonetyd."
Extrncf from n lettor from D. .. H. Reix'léncll
to his father, dated July 4th :
“Therein" thirty missing out -f nut-Compl
ny. Imonk,thcm Cnpmin Builcy,.’Gcorge Kit:-
miller and Tawney. These are I that are Inle
ling from' town. The first day came fightour
Company? was working on rifle pits, and the
rebels‘ came on u, lo we had told": our knsp
sucks and haven-irks. We only it)! one night’s
sleepin eight days, Ind fig ting three day-90p:
In" the other, and hard fillhunq at dink" ’
Exit-Ac: from n. loner hon: Rolien E. Sh'élds
to hi: brqthpr, Jab 51h : fl 1’
“I took four nflwl prison?" of the field.—
Our Cnpuin ind a squad 190. }«That. was the
Inc I saw of him. He is kEKed 6! else a pm
on". There are eight corpflmls kissing—Cor
pond Kiumiller. Tawney. [me Brundon, John
Brandon, and Caufunnn, dug.ni9m_ Colonel
had his leg shot. of, and Qur #djnunt 'Vu
wounded. There urn a géod many ofllcers
missing. They are puisonérs arming. Ser
geant Dney is mining. Wffilou} great m‘nny
officgrs, and n powerful lot qr med, but m; ra
in! loss in "rite of null." 7. w
Extract from a new froé J.
his fulher, July uh , ‘ E E
“.\‘n one need tell me Hip rebel: Imn'l fight-1
I am courinred now. 1 law ‘(Mpuiin Buil’3yl
come out. with two priwm-n, but an" that l'
henrd he lmd gone in spin, nnd aim-t lhen I
have heard nothing oflum. Some say he wfll
wounded and loft unihc iii-Id, but no one knows
anyihing definile. Une thing certain. in is
missing. Wu numbered“!!! when we weal. into
the bulls, and now wé lnue just 58—lass~30
men, killed, wuundedfinind 13:.ssing. \\'i: only
know of P. Bond: and C. Cnufumn “is! we
think will die."
' Extract from u lcuer from Henry N. Ninnigh
fzo his wife,Jnly 4th: ‘ ‘
I “Philip Houck was sh'bt j'nst under the breast
bone, and must be ‘Ulél‘l‘u Another govt-re
wound was in the thigh, l 7 think. H¢ .nald
he was pmpn‘rcd to die. {uni lrthink {no he
. was. He Inked for hiu bihlb, amt reqnumd '
v thosenmund to ‘2“ his frleiuls at hqm‘p thin?
1 he died willingly in defe‘nco of Ms ueunll"y.—-’.
Andy Blocht-r is missing: and was but séen on
1 the londuy's battle awn-Ii; ‘He may Held":
ad or taken primyner, orperhpps only in uhid i‘n
lomc swamp, and mu)‘ yet come up gun] rejoin
. us. * - ‘
“Craig Wisotzk'ey wns shnt hy n cimnon‘
through the thigh. taking his leg ofl' entirely.
He dléd in about 6 or S'-honr~i. nnd was buried
by some 0f our boys.l Dun regimental flag
which vans so [lite and clmn‘ has now 17‘ holeai'
made by hails." ‘ ' i |
Extract from a letter flow 8. S. fililer to '
his brother, July 4th: 3 : f~ :
“Qapt. Bailey is mia<in‘g. lie was with uni
in the battle on .\l’ondny‘, and the last “it: snw .
of him he was bringing in same prisonfgf‘sflw
One of Company [1 quid he saw him fall, and
was going to onl-r} him dll‘, hut. the rt-helsique
n desperate rhnrgc on u‘s. so they uunld in get 2
him away.‘ They snjilri “us shot thrnufih the
thigh. This is what :i eiuhcr ol‘Cmnpduy H
Mid. For my {mpl I di’}l not see him nliur we
went into the hnttle, {o tin-“re “'1”; very little
tinge to look-around. But if he is not. killed
clear, heis taken pr‘gsonfr. . ' ; L
“Our Resort-(Corps ‘5 pretty well used up.
Some of the lh-gimcntsllim‘c‘only n' (‘miipzmy
or two left. Our Compfny in about halt’ina big
as it used to he. . ‘ i l
“Craig \Visnttkpy ii ltiliell‘r Capt. Bniley is ’
missing. Wmmdcd—JnsfinhiHamilton; l'iiilip,
liouck, Hiram Lady, Wm. Dhlmpor,‘l\'. ;()nnl-'
mun, Charles Cnnt'mup, ’ uhn‘K Brandt“), liénry ‘
Montéér, and Newton [fnrhqmvn ’i‘huio are
all that are knnwn ot‘ nere.‘ There are none
of them durum-runs hllt‘Seriri-nnt lluucii.‘ He
is allot-‘thmugh the iti'lnzu-li and left nun:—
Thcrc. one severnl other} missing yet, but they
were seen in the meni 1g nnhurt, I suppose ‘
they are taken prilunleri.‘ Um lit-id oiling” nne‘
'nenrly all gone. “on. .\lcl‘nil is tutu-n "risunfi
er, and (it-n. Reynolds if lni~singz (it-". 1 Mend
lis, wounded, nnd our|;.(}nlbnrl, licnry
ondnzv's, fight' .\icintlre, has his in: eihut 7m, nnd-uun First
.itsgu'gll 4,1,1 4 Liontonnnt, or .\dJutuut, is: nuunded in the‘
nner. Spiller thigh-n ' i 1 ‘ .‘
.-. (Fol. 'Hob-I In a listgiven in the nqniiicr, we notice that
1‘1““ 51'1"" Levi Ennis, nl ('lilnpmuy K, Lit [lunerreillegi
. f ment, has arriwdjnt l'h‘ilndciphiw. wounded.
12:21:. 1:] t We are indlhttd to {Mn .i. .\._ Gardner, oi
' J ' ’ Petershnrg. Y. S..‘+irthqfo-logwing-informntiun.
dolgivod by him fru n i(‘lli(‘l~ rm't-itrd tln-r‘e {rum
Lieut. J. D. Sndleir unni Dxu'id Julius, sjun of
JonnsJohns, Esq." ‘ ‘‘\ ‘ ‘
; “Uni-t. J. l-‘. ":1
Stewart,“ reporto
in tln- leg: St-rg‘t
1y; L‘orpnml ll \\
hrrnst, slightly;
in the arm. slight”
shot oil' nhotu ll
)1 umpor, n uuudc-d
Licut. Said!” 3::
and nlthough tln
flit-tiny orders and
up to [l]? lino. run
—tnilinz bfll'k \\h
régimvnti nnd i-nn
onlnot holding iil‘
hnr‘ldny fgom
fmnke the ful-
Fridn)“ frnnlt
Inn}: Adxun
‘l‘b‘ an James
Trig-ml her¢
”Thy follow‘
We find their nnm
B. Lu“ ry. one u" I
Gov. Cumin .10 Im
Penny“) lrnnixms
Henry \\'«llr. n~~
72min, sth \\'iscn
well. ‘
_ . . I - Pltmtu \Fntn: I
notetlmgin'iont. (httyflmrzu lit. The npl-uind: Aware“. t-ntitltu‘i
rn sink sing-e Dm-emhflrl:::t. (‘nunxn-," 1.: J, Slit-li\: brig“ i
"mm?" tanked fur 1"? ‘1'"! 2d. Rnnrlinpthe Declaration nl'lmh-pel
i . . -. ‘ ‘ 1
on. l'lit rrrimont Refifrt'efl, .by Dr. P ("1" ‘ l I
Lint. doingfnull,-,enxiqnq tn‘ 3M- Iw-my. entitled ”The Freedom
”"'l~ lu‘ill "Tun." is ,‘ull'o' [’,N‘N‘" by Jim. 9. Plll’ltllli-tur, ;
r~trllcl.\-l:utnst-nuntrfi ‘ ' 0 .w. . . . ‘ 1. ;
[l'Lt regiment: Fair Oaks! r|_|‘n " ”mum" Mtl‘m'l 1
mslunl’L'. .\llnus wand“. has _"h' 'Tl'c ”"J’ "9 tulohmto, ".V I!"
in: harm. i. i I“‘ - BURCH. l . “
ti" Non! Off-Ird. 'A‘lljtmt from!” ' .'{tln “The l'ninn M it n"-m-" lu‘ Z43]
”““s’{'P">'g'rg*'""3 99“": cm. “The Cdtlnrcs ol Rebellion." hin
‘r .i -..; - ; ‘.n..\n~nr;.1.., ,; ~ ”,1
S'CK [\Xl) “v“ran" Stu-”llins-i—le TllL “The nl.l Ponctitnthnl‘ We trill-it nu
Ladies of the “llrlit-f As~nc§intinn of Giottys- new our-fjtn- Snqu-l Lifer. ‘ ‘ t 5 IL
burg" ha“? l“‘"“1l"-'.v mi" “'FT’T‘L‘ rczpt’mdtd ' Bth. “tlirr .\‘oble Loader, ' lry Chatri
to the appeal trmn the]! Ladies of anlé, nml Wider. ' .g’ 4" ti
forwarded 0" S“"'r‘l".‘"}“’lr Em “W SH'fil‘l—try, v 9th. “The ‘Equulily of Suites," by. ”li.
lli<s Drunk», a large Bin. eqntniniiig tlte r‘fl'tmllm 4 __ , ’7 ’’ L i
lowi‘ng'urticlos fun thetsiuk 'n’utl wouuch in; lmh. n 11“. n. 3,, of True .\morirrtrl'
the Hospitals there: i 1 .l g . IJuhn .\l. (inrduer._‘ r .‘. i
49 cotton shirts: 3 n'rtnlcntio; 32 :lrfssmz ~llth. Sin 4",, “The gin“. s”"th [3.]
gowns: 13 pair of :linpars: lflJmir at draw-rem ' _l M'.; ‘ . ‘ 1
2 pair ofpnntfl: 1! qui'ltsmi "air (If sin-eta: i 2 [mir “ml ” .\lnrq-lnn-z ““9353! ‘J' “' ('"rdiwi‘,
ofpillow-rnses; 5} Jim! tum; 47 hnudnéee; 8 Messrs. G. (‘. minor, WJ. \i\er-'. .\. [,..1
pnir yum Storkillgs: 9 pztlr i-ottnn do; 31 “wk” 111:!" mu“) J. W. .\lt-(‘mll.lnr- min-rs oftlni
ll:|mlkertliiet‘=;-l feutlwr’rilldv:tmlcnse; i hed- rintion delivered n flit" remark. At U;
tick: 3 yard: muslin: 9 mudlles old muslin; lo I .' tl ’. th 1‘ ‘ ~nmli‘
pieces 30“” 3 nocknrcliiufi: g "fin-rests; 2] (‘.ufnon, .1700 mm ‘ nee Int-re L .1 .
brfln Was; 2 horn snotiitu "mu-lg; llmnillc of I mun n.- It wns,_thc Lon-mutton us itl 1
compresses; lof lint; l lot "(JINIPEE and loan»: the Enfi-rcemont of the ISM“. ‘ ?
lopcl; I”f 5.001”, illJ-trtttcd periodicals. :3“? I Although the (ll't‘tlFil-l" n'ns unimJtt-a L
\\‘-e are desired to rctttrn tlyrethnnlttfi the clequence displz-ytid. yet} there “.3. "f i
.Ladies of the Asmcintitin, to the contributors; resting npon‘thu fnrcs )f ”u. member!
fol-their very kind, prompt and, “theft"! "Ton-Xe. thinking of "'mM 32“,; and "M, {"th
h h" 33“?" ""10““! 0““ ““3": bent-felt dc: rnpnnts who were in tlr'e finttles berm}
tire to .soothe the sni’l‘ufin‘gs 10f those mm: mond. ‘ “13
loldiers who have periled their! lives nnJltenjth‘ {V f. - “P "“‘l‘ t):l:d ‘l‘ '0!)
in the glarious cause ol'tihelr country. : ID ‘ [Jml'lutl‘b g E‘l)‘: .' ' tuft-(‘l‘
Tirere nren number “‘3O were unable tlhnve‘ "'k ' f-f‘ "..‘ Ln. ~t H Mull?! n [‘l
ttrtibles in readiness f r this box,~ fro the Coo ' 0 mrltale, "P” "d mt t to;
. ‘‘ . x. - 1 huge tumor'ol'n mall at character fr!
short tune allowed flint ill with cheerfulneu ‘ .
~ - ‘ . lower ere-ltd oer. Joel: n’ltossfiot llnli ‘mgton
Md In further otfort. 0 those, and to all ' 1 . - . , ,
1, ‘ ‘ton'nduii. The pnuent was kept an er the
other. whose hearts are “armed townnd the , .2 .
- ' . ‘ . profound Influence of [mire chloroform I during
snll‘ermg toldrer,we mention thnttlm is being. . , - . C‘ [Q a”.
commenced nuother bar}, for the Hqtpimls at th°°P¢m"°"v ““1 "mar“ “0 mm. 7“ p .
Frederick, where npwnnls at 1009 sick and, tirely littledet'orrnityhn resulted; continuing
"°‘"‘d°d “0' are, "“1 iii” if“ COT‘lfll‘lfiDfl ‘ the rite oftlie tnmar,an the extensire: diuec~
thereto from town and e nntr‘y wil Be thunk: - - . ’ v I. S lio‘ * .
full: received. They an; be left it the mm “°" ””9“" “if" 2? ’,' 1’;
dance ot‘Mrs. [l. G. llnrpn. ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘.
. (’qu .' 0. I'm 01‘”. ,
i this inflated Indtt‘rdgnl. who once an for
‘. President of the Unlted 'tntu, but whnirortn‘w
n’ntely for the country, trite lett out in the cold
i in thermal of speed. her taken h’lgb d‘ltdgeon
at the appointment of General For! to biCom-’
mandor—in-Chicfof the array ofthe Sheet, dofib,
Ingl refuse: to nerve under him. He bait net“
red to New York, and, it": supposed, lfil My“?!
‘ ry career, .2 1m: l 9 {n e;- um 6:l3th fir ”It
cerned, is at an end. A j j :
[ President Lincoln did perfectly right t'? dis.
piecing Illt’h nn errant hamburg, and “H hope
he will tokc another gt? forward end bell:-
his name from the nrmy‘rnll, especinlly on the
country eerfnot afl'qrtl to Va, 1 “IjOl‘ General?
”hr; to a men for doing lnotlring. . Let hm he
retired t: private lifefby 11l ineeus, without
daily. The sooner thelbetter for both the:
Uorernmentnnfi the country. , Then out!!!“
when p-per Geneulr‘ere‘? no longer in defile“.
—Laua. Intel. ---“_>_ ' 4.4 f - .
Eli H. cht'cr.
gonna! uh-hilhy, I.
no him", has 1r
churgv. ‘
George (‘. Cm;L
“'onndéd in left _I.
go home pn I’mlu
fight, I'. U. Hrndor
Jason“ I! Yum-4
right thigh. Mum?
papers, pr:~fl-rs g"
Daniel Dwker, (
t_\'. 87:11 regiment.
Hesircs to no hum
\\'}: huriml him
0F Pl'lTßllSlll'RG.—-The Lfldivl’ or Peter:-
burg, (Y. 8..) met in {he glgulbemn Church, on
londxly evening, 7th lush, nnjd organized the
“Ladies’ Union Relief Association of York
Swings," and elected thq following d‘glcérs to
nerve nix mnmhu 3. \ ' ’
\ Prc'sidenx—Mrs. E. B. Kenlo'nll.
\\Vire Presidents—lint! Rev; ‘P. Raby. Mrs.
RehJ. 0. Proctor. Mrs. Rev. J. P. Porter, Mrs.
J. A. Quaint-r. .\ln. 8. HIM-shew. ,
Recording Secretary—Misc Alice L. lyers.
Correquuding Seaman—llsa Emily 5.
Mom-had. ‘. ' ‘
Treasurer—Vin Kate R. Stewart. '
Execnlive Committee-LI". J. D. Becker,
.\lnrll. U. Peters. Mn. Jase Johns. Slrqu.
B. Blhndon, Hrs. Dr. W. 13. Slewnn, Maul. A.
Ziegler. . l
A Committee of twentidlve Ladies Will A)»
pointed to collect funds, clothing, hospital
stores, delic-oios, em, for the use of the nick
and wounded soldiers. The Cbmmigm‘: con
sists of the following Ladies: ‘
Mn. J: 1). Becker, Mra'. 11. 0. Peters, Mrs.
Jesse Johns, llra. Jacob Gardner, In, Hrg.
Charlex Wharton, Jr.. Mrs. Alex. Koeer;~.\lr¢.
J. G. Pfcfl'er, llrs. E. B. Kettlevrcll, In. I. A.
Ziegler, 3m. Ab’mhm Ziegler, Mammal
Mrs. Susan E. Neely, lliss Ellen Stewart, 5!?”
S. J. Gardner, Miss SI. C. Sharer, Miss M; E.
Hiroshew, Miss 51. Johns, Miss M. D. Myers,
Miss Clam Wolfurd, .\lisa Helen Dmrdorlleiu
Anna Meg-my, Miss Mnry Sadler, Min Burg!
Sudler, Bliss Mary Brandon, Mina Nquelcalfe,
Mm Rebeca Gardner.
Thu [Adieu having taken the matter in land,
will render the success of “no movement. cer
tdn. The muting was addrcued in a. brief
.nd peninom mnnner by Mr. J. A. Gardnat, to
encourage them to prompt action and naming
teal, in we fierfqrmnnge of lhgir duly. l.
aw Pierce to
; . l. X . 1
my 1.: masking; .\dj. :.\. w.
”tr“: 0.1.: “oundmlsxflghlly,
l ”o|ka is wounded. mortal-
i L'nuilmnn, \\unmlvd in the
uhu W. linuuluu, \\"l‘uudexl
.; ClJnrlesaE. Cunfirmn. lug
le :Inrle—hnlpumtcd ; \\'m.
“the nmJ—n/flc-h \u’mnd."
a: “flu.- hpys t'uughf nnhly,
wn inn (‘,mtfnsiun by con
lu- mu ul‘dfliwn, [Loy Aqud
“Mint; Her} inch ufgwund
u rum edit I It!» squqml {hen
v “at” si-lj: by side. mu). the
[rum-1&3“ mint-Y up though:
- um€sus tnfiljvlu-Is m. buy."
‘ ‘
i 1 '
km: sii-‘k MM “mm-led. from
v in the fluifimurv'“o§pituk.
L‘- initlw Rojmrl‘nf ”_lllll. .\L
In- Coirunziu'liiun nppohméd by
k aim-r the iick and wohndud
%a . ‘
iron Pcttphumafi’olfimyl
llsin ‘giuu-ul, run-r, :‘duing
For the Cox-finer
You Sum", Ps.,July sth, yes:
Ir. Edi/or :—it will no doubt prove intern-t.
in; to your ngmeroul mdcrl to learn that the
Fourth was duly observed in this place. and
eeiehrnled in n rery Ipproprinte Ind patriotic
manner. The Snbbnth Schonh, under the
gypct'filiofl of Mr. J._ A. Gardner, united in
celebrating the day. They met It 8. A. 1, In
:front of the Luther": Church; formed in pro
cession! and marched to the Yorh Spring“ «:4
'eomlmnied‘hy n band of mnrtini musie, had by
our muslrni friend, Hr. Koser, Ind under whose
directioh the} dlsconmd ontnntiqmlf-irs in
such spirited lld patriotic stains in t 9 enlist
the pain 6nd npprobadol of our! 0-40 PM
. eat. The celebration wns heldin the brilutilul
- grove immedintely thorn the Spflfls’i‘fi. 4‘1““.
mnsuirpnued in the county for its beautiful
scene and romantic appearance. Th! M 3?"
‘\'ices ten: opened with Lprayer hy Rev. J. o.’
! Procter, and followed. with the song, “no true
to mulling," lung'hy the Suhlmth School
Classes "in It spirited manner. nssistatl't by a
_pnrt of Profs. Alexander's and Harry‘s vnenl'
ehoristcrn Mr. Gardner prefneed the reading
I of the Declaration of inflependente byin very
; neat and appropriate Speech, after whivh‘the
1 “Star Spangled [lunner"wns sung with tnurke-i
1 effect and applause. Ber. I’. Ruby next delir
-5 and n plnin nmi fortihle undress, follor’rod hy
the song ”Thelma of our Union)“ ller.(‘..
. L. K Slimn'nit was, then culled to theistamf,
‘ and munit- a brief national speech, in hi!” usual
Mount-IL; style. Then the urmy song. é‘flnn-h—
-ling Aiuhg," was sung, limiting the woods re
sound with «tweet melody and the air: vent!
_with praise of our gnihmt young rhiehj Sev-
Lem] more patriotic songs were sung, When it
was thought prudent to replenish the inner
man. The Ladies‘composing the commitn-w
{having in the menhtime spread out p mm:
:‘anmptnnus repeat, a" were finviteti‘to pnrtake
3of the rich profluiou sprend before lhcin. (in
‘ ln-‘hulf of the zeniiemenlprfient. lwouhh tender
to the Ladies theirhjnfiesl regards for the-jimmy:
and affectionate manner in which the! rflsyumfl.
ed to the inritnlinns exlemied; sureij‘hurh n
enrdiui reépnnze deserves our wnrmegt it} mpn
,thfnndrespevhnéd i rm Wham ”mi a: mg
I meet with the niplii’phntion of every gerillemeu
present-L Fur; surf: labor. shi'l'ifieemniiinngu [-
' nimily nfmnkwhnl shall “err-min in‘r‘leturn 1'
,ley have done nuth—they hxu‘e nigiliiiueii
‘ themselves‘h‘ni like men, but like India-ix
.thn nll lrul pnrtakmn nt‘ tlw‘f'ich I{n-pm'l,
they .m-n‘t'ereul~ through tho L'ruvc ‘tbiumuq
themsvlrcs until 4 P. Mutwhrn Hwy m-rb nggm'u
.mlkid to the stand bythetmnnd of _lhq‘ bugle.
The'rxon-ism of the nt‘tr-rnmin m-n- icfiuwFfil
with prayer by Rm“. l‘,‘ Ratvy. Tlu- 3;,“an
_Srlmols 'lhcn sung, {‘Gu'tllt-r lem In. ' .N
-dra-ne‘ \n-éc now lleliWfid 10-tlye h'rluinh‘ hy
Revs. J. I’. Porter and J. 0. Prnctnr. with-h ru
flrclod grout «unlit "pun tlux elm-"kph “lul
prm‘ml Mil) in): tu Stheimmditnre. \hm‘ nmrn
\\‘le it'll-clad pnd'upprofrrintc pit-cos \\':sl‘ um:
and l-lu‘yml prior to leaving Llwnnund. Elm-:1!
credit i: dur- tn .\lr. J. .\. Gardner fur I‘m un
firc-miuin: ofl'nrti to fifeg't the civil-Wm in
singing many exn‘llunllmumi null (or tam uu—
lirim: zeal which he m IlqifL-stt-il gh’rn‘ufihémt the
' whole day. .\lr. “qu nl-mhnfourlw‘jtfu'hlwq
for Ma [tinny fnvurs arm! for llu- "<1- o'!‘ hi+ he |ll
liful grmc ‘tor the drfiuwihn. Mm'y-‘thnr h
\\'usn [fraud xlmlir, rtflu-rting rrmlitfimy-m: :vll
those copu-rne‘l. ' , It _ Sr‘wrtguu.
a I (‘mnlnuniré
m m of am,.;/,;°.-_nm Sir :_Tn.o;r'
Lilrrnrv .\‘stnrimuflon uf ‘PMWJIUTLV. VJ.“
(wk-bran"! thor-tlh‘fif Jlnly, in the («HI
mnuuyr: Tim mI-mhéM nucmMl-11. "If!
siding“! the volt-bullion nfthéthhuthiS
nfthis place, at 7 n'rlmk in lhtfou‘uinfl
*w-W ‘
Blua_S|¢un.—-Thefruidans bu gag“ tiq
following bllll: 7:5 é, " 1 i
\frh. Tax mu. ' i ..- g
Tye Pacific Railroad bill“ , ‘ .2;
may“ to prohibit polygamxtnd “13.1 m,
polygamiq lawn of the Territory of“ {ft-1:1 ' ~ _
, .\.—,..-"- .oooo‘—~~————- ‘
S‘Ano' er Treaiury note bill but '
sad in Conga. uuthorilihg the iuuo NW
additional ‘—ru portion, $35,005:.
000. to be under $5.
.. A --—§-O-—-~’—v :
$3112; Peder-snout» in Arm-u an
aid to be in nhmrdouu position. _f 2
rl‘linl |n
ps. .\
A i!"-
[v the
, enrli
L'!‘ 00-
‘ Rich—
hile u'
m the