The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 14, 1862, Image 1
Torn i.-~. The annum i: puhlkhml every Mrpmlay morning. by Iszm‘ J. .\‘mmmw'nt $1 75 per annum if paidjgrictly m .u>v.\xor...«t‘2 00 per annum if not paid in advance"l No sulncription dismntijuied, unleuza‘; the option of the publisher, until all am are mid. ;, . . . . A qvnnnsnifi‘rs iqscrterl at flip usual Jon l’uxnxq ddno with n’cntnesi‘ difpatch‘ (hut: in South flaltimnro strN't. di nppocithamplcrs‘ Tinning s¢t4tblisl -—“_(‘oxrlu:n Pilxnsu Urmgl" on th 186‘2. Bargains ! ' ATS, NPR. BOOTS A.\'n Sli¢‘ms._ II THINKS AV!) TIMVEULING BAGS —— - "min: ju<t rw't‘ivctl a very lnrgv suppljof (h;- nhme goods, we nrc prop" rm! In so" tlu-nj lower Hum eve-r sold in this phu‘t'. .\Lv aim-k i," mnat rumplete. _embmring every style o‘fShors and “all made’. _ I . HA'r‘s ANU CAPS," fflhsisling of all the latest styli‘s for'brring nnd Summer. . ‘ I , _‘B‘OHTS AND $llO3Bl ‘ an flaunt-men, Lmlir: and Children. City-manic and Enuern‘ work from 2| ron': up. ’I‘RI'VK‘4 of r‘rc-rndrnc-riminn and kind. Win.” and cxnminl- the hit-(mine at April 2!, NH}. ‘ll. I". .\IrILHENY'S. Great Bargains! ELLYV: ”FF :\TB??ST TU PLUSH; BY'FY- S NESS‘ —Thn ud firm-dining 111-germin w] ‘lO No.o lhekjnainnu? will ntfer Illcii'emiro nun-k of “mam? ms‘r rm: ms”. ‘ ‘ The Ahtqumpriw-i ('\'orv vnriuty 0 k 0)”. in ’2l firH-rl'lu I'nnntrv Stnr'v—d'm in n-‘rt M DRY HUNDR. QT'HHVS PANTS k SHUES. HH'I‘LEIIY. HARD all uf whivh will Iw-flnH M l'iHL prim-a, for {he Cilah. RISEHART 4L SI"LLI IQWL- wnuM lwn- Lv‘n'n nnfiM tn 111 l dl'hlml (a m. v'nhunhv .\‘nle‘or Book "I lo '4'")! and with! the 5 nm‘ as early as p FanilfiA-M, .\pm H, ”..'. ’ IL: New Good: !--Larze Sto ‘ , ER('II\.\T T.\lL(‘||“l\"‘../ ‘ “I » “runs & "gu- in'-d. rc-mjtml from llle rilim :I Lur 'u' gunnh l‘ur (in-nllt-u’ulp‘a m‘l-nr, cguln a trio-h nf . '1 i (' ATHLQ 1 1 {(‘ASSNERES, ‘ vr-zs'nx ('ltcinvla. Jun-a. kc" \xilh mum) ulhc for sprint: and snmmvr “‘hnr. ‘ ‘ 'l‘lu-v :n-o prvpnrr-Ii _m mnkf‘ up 1"“? I‘lo sham-n unlit-(‘. um] iuufin- \‘rrv M Mr. Thlanhhiun.‘ Jr" rl'mlklrh' rm 1i ‘ Inmning mn-h- in :luv fiairml .~l\'l“. ‘ u n ~' In Ih- nm" the, \\ hinglhT-ir 54‘“ in ‘n ‘,m <3lh< ' ‘ , _ 'l‘ht-v mka rr‘m'umnnrfnf the pu‘ Imm 24-. ,rvzz-rnh’r-«l by good “01k mud ‘ (Winn-0: In turn il. ‘ . (_iuu'xslmrg, .ipri] 7'. 1982 ‘ - '. 1 "Restaurant. THE 1"” \\IIHC'RR‘IH‘HH STREET R K ' R \\'T. ’(rm-rulh' Hrimwr¢z+lc-‘<.) it t-nhd 'M‘flJin'L (“n.finhrflnrr-z <lm-‘M, cup-Inlrh-ul hr Vln- lllnlt~f~i'n-ul_ (I)S1-y;l:.\‘urn-1...“..minnn g“ FIHFH mm‘Kl-‘A'. “HI-1p 'l‘« THINK mnum Hans . ~.\ XII'E lil.\\'\' (ll «an “Lit“: ho’hml. (‘ .‘H in. Tim SJ lu-n-n rl'-1I:|1ll‘l'llilllt‘fll‘l“ up in Hug - , , “TOWN-I JA CMH'Julry. Aprilk'i. 131:2. _ V . § \‘N’cw Store ! NEW (‘.rmthx‘ )\'l\ (:maw ml: A —~Tln- I'll-{I'V‘IWIH'I \\ IHIM It": :ml‘minwv In I'hu uili/4-n= (II HMHJ: sn‘rlvyln 11'"; wunnin HIM lu- hl; u 5 53"" \TUL’E i‘n Huyllx Jun“: ’1'"! NW I‘m ... I lupin-J hr .f— (' fininu R “In . nu II “3.4 rul'rwr .101 mu hizunuud nhv-r: l-‘V‘lfn 'l"_'(‘ wh'-I .\\‘l-n M-‘h‘v'll-I'l ~lm‘k ul 'hliY (:mma mum‘h'ulJiS. IJHH‘ZV : ('.UH'H'HML 3"” ‘ 0T ‘mm‘v til-“(’ripflnn. :I"an with-h 11mm! 1!” _l.|lv~l, Jul“. “1' Sllriny‘cluu I,,uliu~ purl}: 41‘:er nrv l‘l-Ilulu‘hu] 1'! u nnim- >m\' qua-3‘. m I Mr! ~uli€tiv lll‘\|'l':l|l‘l n ~1‘Il‘.;|~“1-‘l in HIPS Ivhrr bl 15H] 0 ,Il'"lhnt‘~‘~. ‘:nll”l‘nl1‘lj.:|l~ll.:I‘l'!’ w? 1.. 1n” :>~ ( L n.” xn'jivlv' in (I ‘(2l~'\'l'l.l-I\ll’f\ .\' \\‘l’. U: rh ll Hm :- In! "(u.lnhm-‘hnyd ".\‘xng: Ht ['ll‘i/l-"llut will Jlmm. J ' l ~.\7‘.1 ..‘:u Lu 1. nn 1. nul 11 Pru i-lun I'CIHIZS u. I'. .un vi. ...;.1 \. \"\' flurkm' lgl'l‘lliV‘W‘C \IH". .\‘t'.. “V fnhnd h-‘me-uu. 'lurvhlc and n’rv luv ”A lU‘ETI.\U,A :mnm lu- ulrm'l—Z‘w It is m} inlt ulmn tn Lm-p .| “rd 1- ‘Lf'fi-vpin-f um I' Ind nu‘llh’l'j LII! gum n'm‘ In Fl H. (WIN .1. ih‘n in: ""1”“; H. «QI'H'K s \.m~:>' \\l’» su'uJ. 1‘ Linux” Toflm-lfulw qun-i! :\ dl. ’\llHir )Mh‘nnflgu. 2N llmm- M NW! 10 huduoswnnd In mull-1': hum-uh customrrs, lu gjrc 3 HM n vim tin-ll - . .\Hl‘“ \l“l. Kl'\ A'pril 1!, 1M”! >—.——*—. —~~ ' ‘ Trees! Tram! Tre r 1m: lindqmiylcl in\it,- "mum. '~ Lurgt- and To” thin." =l...‘\'..f 1 Flil T .\Vlll'llV.\\ll-‘.NT\L T Shun-4 .irn. o nhchEl'l': :\ largo lwlj n<=nr‘nwm 0; APPLE", I‘SAIIS. l' rams. «:mammas. mun-«yrs. J J'l'.\|_{l'\'|':.", ' Sum] er Mfr thv Urn} lhv‘xrl for 11w (‘..u-li-n. [:YH'JSH W‘ SPAVISJI “UESVI'TS, H \ZI'AH‘L 1; \\'I’IH‘IRIHI'B‘, S“I \‘WHIZI‘. {Hid n,\.\‘T~‘.=m.l GUUS'CIL‘IHKH‘IS. n :er mums m 1:110:4‘03‘. kinds. .\sv} ICUI'BAHQ, kc: Stalk“. :1 fimwln rurmodrnfiuhy I-t\‘€l~.<:m:a:_\'s, ’51”: the Ct‘m-n'ry and Law". [)Et‘tpl'ti ”s TREES, fur street and a ge‘nor: asanlmént of ‘ unulmnn TREES AND mevuxn‘ WES. chui'cc varieties, K 32 BEDDISG P ..kNTS, .Ly. ‘ Our stack) ix‘ rmuuk.|H_v thrifty and in otter it. n‘t price-s m suit. Ihr W'Catn’lngn“: mailed in all uppl‘ Address- EIHVAHDJ. EVANS, .‘ ' , ’ _ Central Nurseries, Y 7 March ‘2l: 1961. If ' " r ‘Natrona Coal 01 WARRAXTED, N 035 - EXPLU . equal to any KPII:(')SE.\'E. l 1, WHY buy an explmhp o}], when ‘ more per gallon “fl“ furnish you wi 0m Made only by H. mm \] TURIXG (‘,OVPANY, N 0.12? WALV' PHILADELPHIA. V (Feb. 24, ‘i Sapomfier !, Sapon i ‘53 FAMILY SOAP MARI-III.»- T Grange can b» made into goodj 'usin’p: SAPONIFIER! ‘ J 1 . DIRECTIONS socoxl‘um. BOX! SUkP is as easily [nudge 1 making: cup of col[ce. Malnufacpl the Patentees. :PA. SADT MAXI}? I CMPANYHNO. 127 Ways? Si. Felt. 24, 1863. 1y ‘ 1 1 ‘ Revolvers. i 1 , , NEWJot or REVOLVERS‘ it difl'ercnt A styles, emhmc‘mg the lntos‘, eccivcd at A SONS, northwest earner of #ll Diamond. Hafingjmrchnsefl‘for_ cmh, m. t host irates‘, he irptipawd to seli ns'low as ‘h lowest—if not‘lover yet. Drop in and emuiqe them for win-selves. Xo trouble to show 2’ ads. In! I 1861. '. . 181' PBEMIUI awarded to T 35 by the Menaljen Agricultural S ‘ 1860. nud'by‘ the Adams County J} chiety, Sept., XB6l, {O5- best Amt). Pho‘ognphs, over all others on e i " mmgggc'pmz mmm It the new Family Drug and (ore of , DVEL . LABGE-nssortemrof Men/’5? heavy w§-' ; uropfoot Boots, Calf qujs,lhenvy Bro- I gun, he”. just receives} and? fog hale cheap, {n Oct. 15. N ____ ‘_.__:3. . x 5! mews GUI COATS cheap at 123:1 !I petty ment Eli! 19cm ‘ Bargains ! I!" n. _J. sl2”!er 44m1). Year- cw ° - w (afigzfixfiganmm. i ERANDFRALLIQBEEEE UNION HEN“: IN NEW _YORK! - ANTI-RECESS“INrANTI-.UH'H.ITY(L\'—~fl'”H I'XIUX .\S 'T WAS—TUE CUNSTITL'TIHN AS IT gs. { We condemc fromtthd errwrl of (Mm: “11mm: :1. Y'Ppm'l of tho gram] I'nicm xnenlmg hr-hl‘ at tho Cmuu-r Inxtituln' Mi ’l‘immlnv m'vuingwr-ek. Tim! pulmrrmnurkimli‘mial- Vly that the "1001ng was wilhnul dnqnutu nun of tho grnn‘hwt "‘fhlnlhll'fllinlli r-\'(-r rhmhg in thr- cnuntrv. ~ 'l‘o weak hf it as a. 'urgc marlin: i 4 imléml nnlv stating what mu-rv mwkm-w H Would he. 11 was i'm mu-nup; :nul nn n'nr‘ mfi mtimate hnw nmny thinwmuh r-fitlm vitim-us of Nt-w York met in ‘mul nrnum] ('UI-pvr [nqyilutm It. was "at OnYy immA-nw. but it WM :1 unit in sen-l “Inf-M. :\ arr-u! .'mtl :flnrimwa n's‘somhlv of‘ lava] ulnfvmlm-s of the‘l'ninn and Hip (“Ml3 stimnnn. An t-qrnr in‘ nnnnunr‘inz tho huur. omm] tngl-thr-r IE Inn-g}: ~nnmlmr. in ht't ”dDllK‘nll'L‘“ n“ Pufly nx 53V o't‘lm-‘k. 'l‘lm mm-nl inm-mmtl‘ until. at t-iathhr-ro \\':u' no mum ful- :1 Anvil! hay in l:l‘f'~.'l§ in“) the immr-nw hnH‘. th- npprnnoh It irr‘ihn front, nn-l m'rn,“ fmm‘ lhn Murmntf‘le “‘4‘.er "llil'lill" to tho Third :m-nuo. and film?! (.'unlmr Ihdimtv tn thn Hilda Huuw, tho imnv-nwurrmnl "WIN dz-nwlv pagfikml, mul «\\'IVIIIQ tn anil “'0 3% t-anut'llt'Flrf'flkvr“ :uhlro_~~c«l lhum.‘ If wn slmuhl', mnku nu :utlnmpt tn mtimntn in numlmrv‘ thi< ugh-:3: mn-nin: tum-ting 01' the mnsm vufivn mm }miun. \\n :xrr- vau- in waving: Khat mu hm“ lhnn 12.000 In 13.000 worn prOwM. A' 1:0‘1-‘1‘ vomit-n] HIM-(in'! \\':h név‘nr I'M-M nn “-1‘ or lhn “HuII"Q'IIIIIiHOHL' “'ilhzn the hall Hm mulimu-u \\'nrn’fw-I long tinw fun (lontjv wuilinu tho njmning of Hip mowing, nnvl wh'-n Hm "N‘ilkl‘l‘i marl-ML liH‘N‘rla’ll . 1:) {ha \‘mu-ruh‘fi' “12“”! Him-.Hw blinding «hr-Mk .\vi'th .lnng-mul’léml» npplnqw, which pnnM nut 1m Kup'\!‘l‘~\'"~'7'tl fm‘ many n‘nmm-<. 'l'hn r'h:ll':4(“?"nr lhn mvnling hwy ho guth-' mml from ‘lhy 11% rul'ollix-vr<. lirr‘ry )nnny ‘ nntl )nufi-~~inn “Pro royrfiwnlt'd.nnlléilm' rmpm-mhnitv nf‘ the vast :undicncc wam not‘ tn 1w gn‘mm‘vml. ’ . L cnmh wining ' \RH. ;.\ HE. .r lc-ss AN. :0 in 'rmml. «ihlc. 6; S. r- <lnr-k ting :I IMIE MEM | man :l). an I u-\' n}- REM it": pn— mlorule S'T H'- Hu- Ju— I 4 "(NV 'll-I‘E, ml ”.\ LE. u’ur lms \\'lugn .\fr. \\'h-klifl‘u rmo {-3 cponk n mmt int-muting :uul imprmqvo hold”): 00- ’:~m'rwl. .\Hvr Inna: nntl 10ml vlwmxjuul cul'nhh'al. :L vnir‘o t-ztIII-nl nut "W'hn i< thi‘ qu-nl‘m 1" The \‘t-nnrnhh- din-vivnr orgy-mt :‘wl :Ihrimw (hm Ivanwl nn Hm th‘k. ninl in 14'1“” :le )aiwn'ili.’ \"uim' ‘\Ji‘li “.1" ”(’.I mun frnm If: whirl”, In] [/H' mllm,‘ bran.” [Jr/7?." fl‘hvvfl‘r-vl \v {~ In mfifiwnt. ('lu‘f-r 0n rhm'r I'm “vwklilk‘; fvl‘ ‘\'"IIIIH’LV. fur ”no l'hfllnn ul' Vn‘“ Yurk :m-l Kuxlmlngunnl all the .\.l I'v»~_ thhfl‘ln «I Hm mu‘- 0] ”iv :ilh'lii-Hl'l.‘. 'l'hl' fink-ch M Mr. \Vu-‘Mnb- \U:l\.()ll‘i\ nf h-unlmlum I'm-r 0 nnrl r-Inuylnnl‘u,’ ”an. \\'ilfliun Imor I‘uHmu-Il lmn \utll :2 spin-I‘ll Idli‘h'. il' qvvr. (nunlh-Il fur t-ii'urf. 'flw :lu‘liénm- Wyn (nu-rim! “\\‘JV i’n tumlmsts of I'\'l'hi“lll‘l”[‘\'lln‘r ‘ln- ‘IIULI‘. I nun" \IVQ! 1!!“le mannl I-nml' a u .'l‘l-h » \‘urth h - “ill \\‘.um. \‘iH_ 1m J. Tho an and it lms lu-mh’ 'l'lxe rn-whllmn: of Ibis yrnml moolingnre huh-r 5, nur yumlnw and hr-fnre Hu- l-uhho. 'l‘hu "mum-H nf ~olth Ahnhlinnish tn lu-r-nk it up. by )Iwrndinrv pmh-r< "huh the city. ~1“ M. haw" Ol’iL’inilh'd i-n ”up. I-fliu‘v bf 51 H- 11m! 11: \\‘\)-.Y]”‘!‘, unlv :I-HNI' lu‘llm Qw uu- u! Ilw -_r~.|lu~l'n'_v. Thi~ i~ Um {3IH \mim: n! l n':ljl"“\'- \\' Y 0! k‘ LR hmr‘: :ln- thun -11~-rw|~‘; ‘\‘h jun? lln‘|'¢~:llullll\ “rum- ran-li twin 1! ll'n rmam. . 'l‘lmvaqu-nf' \V-u' ank n c 1m elu- I'nn~titulwn a»: it in‘, and the l’lfiun .‘I~ it: ‘\‘.H. V =III r lim- or H hr ":4 _ :thui-h nmh'fti 1))! ."Il IL” In “41”“. :: F'prc ;_-n IL— The mild-wing rosnlminm xircry adopted ; ' I}:t-:<n.'.x"rmx.<, 1:. I’m! \\t. That in Hm pnnémfirixis, \\'h-(E’um- Tn-hm-vl ruumrv 'H im'nho-l in )q-'\ \\'.n‘. :lIM Hm funn'vhtfnn; nfuur l'nnfi ~{H’lHiull nr-- m flflll‘m‘l‘ul lu-inu oyr‘rthrmvnh‘ ‘5! '~ vha-«lnw of awry .\mprfviln chm-n. I.:\ ing midn all nrqiuuhom "ml ufluclnm-Im. “Until" nl‘ yurt)’ nr lomtlily, ll‘v-livvd'e his u-nvruir-~'. Ins ihrtunr. and. if IK‘H‘ 3w, lii“ .li'i-fln Hm Irr~x~r\'nfi’on. the‘ (‘r‘f‘um‘e imd the pvry-Mhity ot'tlm :‘mvriénn l'ninn.’ ‘ 2.). ,‘l'hutl in mmida-riflg Hm :lnngnrh '\vhi- h immNlizlh‘lv threaten the Union We; , finrl tvn f-rJIm-‘ww' :Mtvjnpling to m-ooml-Mh ‘ (‘lO ank of' (Emir-” Minn. 'l'lw um" lmilig : that FIT m-r‘r‘~~in|». culmixnt‘n-J‘in tho rnlwl— h'nn n‘i‘f‘ulflu-x'n vIr'W‘IN. \\'hn M" f'm-(‘n of ‘ ~ r‘ns havfilhu-kI-«l Hm glorifhl!‘ filbril‘which : nm- t'ntl'mrs crr-otml. the ntlmr'lminu 'tlmt ofi \lmlitjpn-AVMOIL In» induced Nortlwrnj ¢li~nninni~t§ to :luolm-u- lh'fiir .‘.nlggity to tho 5 ('nmtitutiun. that lmlnh- iustrumx-ut which. ‘ i~= the haly bond of brotherhood of Alum-in ‘ cans. . ‘ ‘ ‘—. u-‘l'rs-" e IHI Minn \illl my QM MIME MEM rmn] h-(o .I'l \I‘HI'IS. :hhl .\'l'l('- dull]. .unl \LVI'V'S. 'l‘h‘. kw . ‘, l‘l‘R tyn‘rinl}: \‘RAM'S, ck Orwell limble for phminp, Clxl. That while the Government is en } caged in the work of snm-rmsing the first n ”Ile ojnss o'f for-s tn the Union. it~i~2 our ilulv‘n“ citizens in “Main" mm gnvornmont' and doR-nil it from all ‘\aniM at homejndi ahmnd : and that in tlw National enii‘r, In~l cy, hnni‘hing nil feelings of mera pus-ainn or; rpsentment, we. Should recolli‘ct only rlfir’, duly ta_ the whole country: I’M" I/u'a nun. slam/41' not [s4' inn/Ni 0» our purf In (my spirit of impression. or far (II 7/ purpose 1}" qoiujut’n'l or sad/4 ; jut/”(Jinn or “I'm-rrl/u-mrfny or {wh‘/Bring we‘ll‘: (In: A rill/II; or rslullJ..e‘/m/ indifylium a) Sin/ax. [ml 41 l :14-/-('lllllllll{ mlu'ufufu f/L' .gulm'mm‘y (3",fu: lint-l mummy, «ml/a prixu‘vr (In: l'uiqu, will. all I)“: rigidly. Iliad/[ll] um] r 9143 of [Lt srrcrul ‘sl.:th ‘ mini/”lira! .- mu! as soon {as (Hm; objscts arc a 5; i ruluplis/w-l I/m mlr (my/a! Io trllxc.‘ » - , _ 4m. That in dealing wiilllbt‘ other class of foes to the Union. it bocomks: .very cili~ an to hear in mind the advice oftlle fathers. Obeymg the sage command:= 0f \Vnshing ton they should remember that the Union 1 is the main pillar of nui- real'indepenonco, i the support of our tr-mquility at homo. our J peat-oi abroad. our safety, our p parity, our liberty. Thatas this is the poll: in our ‘ political fortress against which the batteries 1 of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively {gotten covert, ly and insidunusly) directe , we should“ cherish a. cordial, habitual and immovable“ attachment to it, acoustoming ourselves to ‘ think and speak of it as the palladium‘wf our politica safety and prospérity, watch- { ing for its preservation with zealous anxiety. ‘ discountononce whatever may suggest even” a suspicion that it, can in any event be labandoned, and indignnnbly frowning upon ‘ the first dawning of every attempt to‘ahen ate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred tie; Which now link together the various arts. That towuds the preservation of oui’lgovernmen‘t [it is requisite not only that We discounte nanceirregulnr opposition to its acknowl 'edged authority, such as is now exhibted at 'theSouth, _and has been exhibited at the North in p‘érsonal liberty bills and other unconstitutional legislation, but also that m} resist with care the spirit ofinnovation upon its H‘fincipes, however specious the pretext. hut in the doctnine of leading radical politicims.~mwspapers uml crawl-s, that secession ordinances are operative to Sunwna. “ELIAS, Inm] finp, Innis. mills. Cu" MEM [VB and few cents h n pl'rfi'fl AN I'F.\(‘- fr S'miu, .62. 1y f2l ll Kitchen SQAI’, by ‘G ‘ “on with it ‘ns 6-] buly by C'NTRIXG HILAD‘A. 511 Brothers FCiclj',‘Sch ‘ griculluml I otypes and :5 ibitlon. [can' be bad . rescription XORNER. • • PlIC41)10'S. - Q ‘4’ ilk/Wig «”4fly . ,; A AAA©©AATu© AAAFAAULAAQAA tmlMtrny the "a union on (how mrrpctly clmr‘um (“chunk-t u», tnndix orn Con l'l-rlel'fltt-H LP Lmtiln'no 1:11“ of the» I'lmnnqipn certain (lhtintruil Republican party allfiidtes whiflt ‘ son an :utuc'k‘ u ‘Thnt in the ”'O4 glint-“w l‘n‘nqt nlmlkhin: «In. P le-r plan tn ‘tu 'l‘lugt in MIMI? p c.-ll~m we dun} <0 nu hfuwsty, lnlt I im'ulunulllemiL} ol 111-e Southern | thmflm‘htilutipn. hm+ guvk-rmng‘nt. owlr thnke who Vll“\"€ of right. I M“. That Inuit irtrntinn nu mav stililtinn, wo‘x'rnl HIM-“rt. Thy”- I [l‘m-Haunt I'4l ray cm-tztin :IINIUI-illl tlw nppruhntilhn { luvinvfcitizl-nf h} (trrivm ilx chit-'l‘f fin mnly an the “1 pruning nt‘ thl} n‘t tvhjinp nt‘fhn: {-q llltoinpts in (‘lm' nr‘r-t thc- :ilublEtin .ol‘thb m-my. $2 g'lllzmt hmtherc xlml tlzq (.‘on+lid mur'eo. t ‘ l titluy That Ythl armim‘ (it the Tn “litlllih :51"! will) upon tlwir \‘it‘tqyl thtvm “'it‘h P‘rjlfti; -tlu_y fall in the 0:11 tuvntx tn their man and‘c'lihlron Mlill. l Imtjnmlorly an cl't'l nnt'tdnK' gnnrtlliar‘h huntjty thnnkS to thr Jamil-a of tho 1 [2.4% >n| Pr'll (imrgv I}. HQ" =ability which plum} lnr that calm Nl‘lrtl‘ twhlihitwl mull-1' 1h iil’lll‘khflflMLL hot] pm‘im‘ mule-r maul «ml llullN-k, fur I unnl armies are H 4 1t 12min than that n jtl l‘njfm : and that. (All?! i\l~' that. tho soldidrla runnlry. are tiuhlitl mum) W]llfllll_\', Hull] xm-n "\- tlm snr. 'r-vl-t 71"]. ”mt this.“ l ,mvn, and Wm :piitf tho \\'hitu moo: ”6:1 .l-ntitlonl to and hug: political or ~f’h'i’Jl‘ 't rn‘e, hut that :1 ii! \\‘ th Icimlnos.‘ ah! r] r :téxl I‘lvpmvlnh the .\t‘\|'l‘.ll St lth t and ‘llliit's ufthq I: :thho inlmlgy» M m :u haul qttil‘mlf \\'}lh. l“ "‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Mh. 'l’.l|niih(‘:\\.ll{lif~:lif‘ nxi‘iruvngunco, H-n 'ahnnh-rin-i liy j (30 trnt-tnrv, ‘ Ihr: \\'nkto 'of Diff!!!“ whit-h iknl‘n imlirr-qlllvu wmlu ul‘ hinml nml lift-L wfm h hmfi‘w inquvnfly nppvnrml in thy-(1" nhxr-t nf UIU \\':ll‘.':l~'l;X -‘msc-tl by (‘niilnfillmu nft'nli“|‘n‘~‘~. "Hmltlit‘ tees on rl.iilii~,i:ulh 11l U”ll‘l“l\\':l\'\, t--n lin; I‘o mi'limml LnnLuhlitvy :lljdlihdiVillllnl im poverithvnl, do: run] nunivinfnnml con dgmp‘nliun, and that [hf- maul-la :i-lromly h‘uulonul 011011]!va )‘g-t \\'illmum hfiur all nocnmwnry hurdnmLit-u clu- lTiiinn s mkr, «In nowrlhohma «In-hm «I in Hui luuulmt, (mm-i that lhrir life high“ ~hul| not he «iminwl iii this umuner.‘ hi? th‘b ln-m-fit nifinl'aunuu: iohl hers of the nation vhn pl'flfeS“ co lnmlly in tube the Ilil‘it‘fidfith‘ oi 11-q muniry. but. “time mtucumenl. is m dvudiy as that ofihé‘ vampire. i ‘ . ‘ 5‘ ‘th. 'l‘hat iihcr {' ion 71: ii “In: i~ the'l'nidn‘ ni' \\':Nhinzlhn 55in i 01‘th "1”)1‘1'92 ”m If“ nin'n which Ehas h min- .\mvli‘ivn iihNl-‘mns nmnng nniibni; t e l'ninn ivhit-h was the mmt henvfiif-ni {in 'm min-m {known In mun. 'l‘hut, Hm anll‘iill inn :h iLfiF, i: thP-hnpe of the n-itin , :hih ring to mill protein-‘1 l-y which we 51L"; h- again flier. happy and glorious, (lépai'rlil 2 ham {pm} ill-straying which. we shun I aloft \\’idionly the iuinh nf‘n gram. nmfgm )nrmlml u‘ , our, of which no miin can‘ pimp my any new I'nion. or construct: :u'iy‘ be Mr Com itution. That, believing in; Jim»; pl'inciplfis, and praying for the guidance hind lnle.~.<in‘Lg oftiod on our efforts. wefi‘ the bin-Namath“ of, various political pnr‘tins; and ol'nll flames and em fflqymeizts and plfibfiwsiom, }ln sniomnly re nfih-m our Ifllpginr’m m {hem‘nnxtitntion as it in, and phulgo our livo‘i, our {outune‘g and our: honors, do the c:lu‘seoflhu Union as it w:L~'. \ L i - Thy l‘vmllflinnt bro frqumitly iniorrnp. (MI MN) npplmr‘o. i'l‘he lhirrl romlution .\\-nu ijer'eivml with a sun-(394ml ofrheera— 'l‘h'o mpntion ’l' “kn. McClellan'v namp was greeted with {he \iildcpt enthusizum, lasting serum] piin'uufs. [ y" i Ti'ly mac Tiny: Do n.’——\?Vhy '«Lm't the Ropfiblicnn filmy-s publipltp the letter of Col. Wright of something more from Dan. S. Dickifison, jor fibereport For "on. Joseph Holt; nnfihe shnfhlous rohkries andswin «Has $ll the weétcmdepartml‘cnt. Lastyear, in némly evor‘y isruc of they: journals. they were‘rcnlling fdr 'l‘eright'a, Pickinson's mul Holt’s great apce 110*.” Why don’t they publish Wright'é getter and Dickinson’s and ’Holh’s great sjpeeéhes now THS'uulmry Dem «my ' ‘ x i s ‘ ' ,‘ ——+——~f—m --—+———~-« 3-“ Sltgarp Lang‘u f—Senam‘jrr handler, of Micliibfin, was igught up all standing a few days sihbeitl illard‘é' Hotel,Wnshing. ton City. He Mrs engaged in his favorite business of bitterly denouncing Gen. Mc- Clelhn toaoré‘w‘d of by-stnnderp, when a, p'en‘lomnn steppk-d in and said to him_:- “Sir. I do not kmjfi yuu ; but. you are a liar. scoundrel and ‘wward. My name is S. b. Slurgifl, Brigadidr Gen‘éml in the United States army.” xThB “meeting” was adjourn ed, and up to the resent. nothing has been heard from Chuitfier. ‘ ‘ lye-The Harrisburg puma” says that a company in Bhgladélphin; has discharged threp hundreAfihfle bun-era. and given their work to the smut: number of tummy slaves. This iyki'lmtecting {American indus try wild; afiengé'nce! A f =I I 1 , ‘ 1, ' “w ' *1"-'-—---:7—fi—~,-———~P—i'~'*‘""‘*—*f‘“ ‘ E §.GETTYSI3URG PAL, MONDAY, JULY 'l4- 186%. , ? piqn, we rocngnizo rm inno prmciplm, which lub- been "feriud hy a member of the HE tt‘minl min] {nlwt the Snutli: £31131] which; iii dmignmi to man. That in the plan: Lion LWlgua. command of hnd rmlir-al leaders of the , tn‘ex'chl'lo from the Union 0 not almlixh slavery, we , ~——~ nl tvhb .\nwrimm Union. ‘ In mcnrdnnoe with tho. call issued by tho 'itliqn tnoroctnwnrpmver Democratic Nate Cdntrnl (_‘nmmittee. the 1 tutinn,‘ fur the pug-prise och delegates frnm the' sqvqrnl Senatorial nml‘ v .hy it~ n’eanuwe find mt- Ro-pm-centntive dista-ir-ts tnntj’in the hall of .ve-dt, this American syxtem. tha noun: of ‘if‘pl‘f‘fil’htativqti at. In n’clm-k ‘ an; and schpme‘s nt rudi- ; on the: 4th'of July. ginkweru pulled to order Imlnutriotialn. fit) luynltyl/W the Hon, \\'. HJWelsh. 'i , mttin-yaroch-miv. thong} On motinn nt‘ Mi. Svarigmt; (ion. “hm-Ln int-it («putty with Hm ppm/s i \V. ('zbf. of. Allogh ~ny «sanity. wxn ‘tititn-i -‘ldifiunionixtytn ovoyflirow I n)o“\l'\' nhmnn tom mmry Chairman. I ' . and (arm-t in its/plane n, Hn motion, the f llnwing temporary Soc {, mi lll‘inl‘illie}’6rt)’l':|llll\' ',rntnriés wart; eh-r" ~41: Jawpb Zn-gh‘r, of r dim-r trom’nnijnritios in ' Ruth-r: 'l‘rummni‘u « Noi-thun‘ih.~i~l:i|l:l: i i / . I). l-‘. mm, “tulip «in: A; .n (hp-ibmi. of id! T 550691»: Oftho .\Jmin- Susqnohmuu, and ‘. W.Sutt6n;, 01' Phila u‘- mnmnunt with tln-Cnn- ' dulphiu. ‘ I I it nil tinnu y‘n-hl a lmarty [ Un moiinn. the!“ iwflprnmpt timinn 0f the nvr-rnlphalu-timily I'lk‘li‘llfl ”)0 lu-m-hnnutinn of 1 ing was cuntpih-d' (it“nvrih shnnhl reunite igt‘hll rm wrvulin- l'ninn int)iwhnnihmrtinvnrnnn-n‘ {mpivirt in twin and nit-run: , I 13" :3 mill thutilht- continual ; if-grb qua-lion“ upon the nt- 1 Qtlllh‘)’. and th-- constant. in‘“? Mid elwtvliqrn tn mm in rl‘ ~ikn'. ry with tln- n-urk \n 1'14”! tn (nur lu‘th‘fi‘llll I in ithe tin-Id fur thq linion ; “kin, and [For In? otlwr I t vi nifidimq ()‘h'm "1 xi . (mun: the in: lmvo mprit *II n hntinnk ‘t‘cfivo a ng'iliim's mic, and n In rt-tnrn Lwo will muut , r 1: Inuiuw‘ null shnuhl 3‘o we \\‘il‘ lmiltl unmit tkfll'ifh, \\'hiih‘ thvir ‘\'ivvs ' | n- n prm-i‘pm’_h-gnry tn ‘ i-r, m tho inth-t ‘nt'mlr I ’p. 'l‘ligitis-t- tl-mlm'nnr lnmirN 01‘th tum grunt, {mi 9! ”In 1 Vnmt, tnth-n- I ‘h-lhin l'nrhhv \hill and ( hm) thvyt‘u‘inpn‘lgm. :unl ‘ tn-rmdqn inhin'h ho hns‘ I - haw attacks «.r .\lmli-l [ins hrutvly [might the nintll'lk‘k‘L :m'l iU‘(:t'H‘~‘ ~lbrilliant;mow»: thut. ; t-nlixh-«l iin any nlhor hip t'mMitiutii-n and the falinguuinh Ol'Alullitmn-i {i (1! New Yurh’. or china 9.9 t'ur nofll’n t'rriv'vdmn or { Innrnxns gum] and brave fshnno ufimn. I)“ G'vvm'rnhrnt or \\‘hih flHHu-tl (ixc‘lmivc-iy for it thu "V 153?” run-p :irn- not ht lml tn .3- :ulmittml tn Hlll‘llily #‘illl ”W \\h te our duty. to ‘trvglt tin-m rmnhh-tniinn m .'lll inf.» rnre: th't him right ni' r <l.-tc~i-ii‘iiitv tho I-Mitinn -1109. ix n' a: wen-inn right. ,hn- t‘uiutihniimi rvquiru not It; iiLIL-Ii 111 a tin n.» ' f! “1:51" [3 ulcurv AND WILL PREVAIL." 87—331.. : s;}; ‘ mu"! ”cf/"’0 3 _. A; ' .3H ‘ 4 ‘ A? I 9“ . “,.f \, “flpfii 9'. V" R. ‘ .. ; DEMOCRATIC‘ ST'ATE CONVENTION. {of uldoantos was called fi'uln \\Mch th‘u [allow ~ ‘ l 11»!!! \l.. 1'01:th VnnY. Ni K. .‘Mde and R 01) ’t' I’2. Phihul-‘Il-hffi ‘ glmmnukvr, J 61": Wright: ‘ (“hr-401' :Ile ”-1 Muntgmnr-nu-li ' 'lhu-kx—NJnuN-l lmhigh & North: H--rks~—l\'lnllp K SchuylLiH—H. | (Zn-hon, Mann», Smith. . U \\'h ro—_Jnhn 1i: Eybflgi 1;. '.\t~k¢*l‘l‘. l . !. Lit-rah. V ’ ' hiplrn—llfinb. M’D(+\VU” Mint-r. { - , 1:. mm. ‘ . 11:4: and jWay‘nny—John ’ l' . 1 ' , inhminla, iSquivan. and! up]. “ l‘ ‘ ‘ 3 IR}. Randi“. 2 ' 'Kmm. :nitl Wanna-54. ‘ ' ; I: ‘ l 4 (mm nnjt“! Uni’mi— . ‘ - 5 r g‘ t 1 . I‘wrinnlli Maintain. and r -n.:,‘. 1 ; , |‘, ’ '5 € .‘ . . ' lira. l’crfy m‘ul NINTH!"— umr‘nnnuwm. K. \\’i‘knn. . '4 ltrownYJ. H. Brunncw ‘l5 ‘ “ ‘ ; lirmlfn'rd. s'"qu Wrnminzl—‘i L. \ Llwpxmu—huvinl 1702:). PONUI‘, ) 'M. “cum". Hinton, Lyoomi 5.1“ Shugprl. ' 4 .\‘nydvr. .Vnrtlm ('nlumlnin—Jnlm l' l'umlmrlnml. Ju Samuel "s-lnhlll‘ll. llnwllin :lud Lr- Luncum-r—W. ‘ .mnu. I ank—“'.S;Pi Adnnw, 1’1"!th ' Snmorsot, Hod“) kfnc. : ‘, ~ I . ht! F‘llHpfl—Jnlllulllrr, dlmnl lllhnlingddnTW. [.ll7(‘lr-m-‘r'mi-I.l_,.luaPlan. hl‘lx‘fnng-‘r—J. Ah-xmuk r .7. “var. ‘ 13m.- (‘.nnlninn Q Indium: and. .\I Fu‘tun. ml I’nvefilto—Swmuol ‘A \\l;:tmnr«~l:uul (iilnmrn. ' HTwnn—WnnPVHr-rcnn. . “'. “a“; H. H. lé-rr.‘ MFR Long! Muldgumnn’. {er ulttd Numingn~WiL \\’:mhinginn mull AllMflH-nv— “on! l’n-qvornn‘l "ht“ L'lu'lr-m-P, .‘fon “um 31"{lli‘.lll(. Erin :llul ('l::l\\'ru Marion, Furo>l L. Blood. .I_P.---r<{m| ('huroh. JC-lll'rwlh and lilkwK. irVT um: , m-‘r ‘ .\«lnmsf—qlnpul. Alli-:lwny—~Jul I'l'. l‘umy, Sumu I'.u:|\‘l‘l-—“'ln. I I‘..ulfnrul— Inca I’lnrki~——\an.'l\ if‘l - E! moniront. ”Air—\\'thm I‘azuHm-d—Julh Hunk< luew \ ‘ liuf'lnr- »Jnnu-~ ("Ilnl-lin—Jnlm ('vnlrr—lrzfl'. (~‘lw.~tvr-—.hmn ty. Juwph T’. “In "Milan, Fol're anlwrtnn. übhnv‘. I M» F. lumnnu..r-.=.h“-in. '1 lid»; S:§l|l|lul llurpur. rat. ' ; ‘ i firm]. , ‘ r ' bright. A: Glircbn. Dan- "fuLm-u 3 ' , " xLHu‘w-H', .4 Rm kwofi. I'nigm Hillwur‘! TJIHg (‘. l'sl‘vllllL‘J'ACHb le‘g‘cl 531-1111,“. ‘ll ' m’hr'nm‘ ‘ \ I). Jumwl John T). Lava-- rm. u ’ \ 41nd J'L-Iforson-JT. L. ah nnrl Hgk; G. 1". wow, Ch m‘liwld. .\f‘K J. 'l‘. Immlzn'tl. (‘Hnlr-n—J, ”.Orvh _ ' (fnhnnhia. Mun ullr. ‘\Vvhming and Sulli van—l’vthFHl,‘ uo. JD. .):}ck~hn. ‘ ~ ' “mwl‘nnl— ’ l . “ ‘ ('umlmrlunJ—' lmm‘ls tT)Jl‘.v')':\n. . Imuphin—(it‘ns A. L: #toumlult, J. C. M'Ahujnc)‘. . , ; " linluwm-o—4\VII iam-‘Ynnhn. “ . ‘ Erie—\\'m. I‘nl M). W. A. Galbraith. Falyn‘Mn—Jl'. R “nrigh’t.{ - " i i Frunklin nntl I‘ufluuv—lflimm Koyker, 11. G. Smith. ‘ i (:rm-né—Jm. (1 Gvrrm‘flL ,‘ I H unlinpllnn—- . Simpsnp Africa. ; Imli:ll|:l—C_‘l'u§ (.'l‘ark. . ‘ Lnxmn*‘r~}<mimvl E. VIE-“0r. “M. L. I‘lx-korL . . “197‘ I's} Andrfim‘, (i. J. Brush. : Imwrt-rioo'~— ). s.‘Murrl‘si J. LNmnrm—S. 1'; M'qu‘éx. Lehigln am! Uarbon—llhrman Rnpp, S H. Hit“. 4' ‘ ‘ ' Luzerno—O. SI DndsonL §lulfley Wood« :ward.‘ml Honryl Wilbur. 3 ' . ' chnming—Jnhn Pintki { Mercer—J. MJArthur. ; ' g Mnlfiin—Uuorgo Balm. j . ! Monroe and I’me—Jxmu-s 11. Walfnn.‘ I Montgnmnry-gjm. Inw‘pr, er. \\'.M'jm lay. and L. H. Davis. ‘2 i Norllmnpum Dr. A. ‘Stout. Job? .A :Slotnr. ‘ ~7. I 1 ‘ ’ . :' Nortlmnflwrln -lc-'l‘ru‘n+nn H. Partly: * Perry—J. A. Jame. “ .| ‘ r . 3 Philmlvlphigt—fl.‘ Fostérfl JMMQthmn,‘ 'Andmw Miller. Jpn Deln‘ny. .11. R. Helm bokl. Samuel 'l‘hbmpson. G. Banner, \\'m. ‘ll. Sunder. John 11. Plan. Anflmnv J. ' Lechler, -A. D. J’mileau, Wm. 0. Snydor.’ John P. Sluttoul.gW.-J. Slmihle, 'l‘hns; J.- 5 Robe-Ms, Gm. F. ’ brie and Michael .\mnhl. Schuylkill—J m J. (fimncrfanatlmn Johnson, and J Illun Raver, ’ Somerset—~ll. mammal. 1 ' Susquehanna-{fL J. Genitson.. ‘ g Tinga and Father—H. Aj.‘Guernsey. : . Union. Jnnintkand Snb‘dcr—Jnma‘fl; Ynung. J. H. Shgenmker. 1' g Yenango—Anf’old Plumer.’ . ~ Warren-J. Y 1 James. : " . : Wnshingtnn- C}. ‘V. Millen'A, 11. Fcker. Wayne—Jnmob R. Dickson. . Westmomlnnd and Armstmng—Jncob 'Turney. James QE‘Ciarka-J. A. Fulton. ' York—Adam ‘ baugh; J. N. Bailey. ‘ Hon. 8. A. Giimore. of Fayette. nfl‘ered Ia resolution the“. a committee of thirty ;throe be appointerljo. répo’rt-‘permnnont l officers of the Cdnvemion. Mao, a reach -123-0" to appoint d commitme to draft ruolu mns. 3' l .1» " ‘ The first resolution Was read by gthe , Sécretary. ‘ ‘ . i. . Mr. Lambertdn. of ,Clhrion. offered to amend, "that We Convenltinn do now pro ’3éed melee: apérmment President." i After some debate, thekwolution of Mr. Lumber-ton was" adopted. The following nominations welge then made: ‘ . Mr. Lunbcilon nqminated “on. F. NV. HIISRIBE. Mr. Lechler ‘l, ‘_‘ Eon. Riqhard “an. Gen. J. Y. James: " 0:11:03. \\’. Cums. e In C. Mitchell 3‘ “ Jamel Y, Jan-am A. H. Coffroth ' 1; “. samm-l Bopbuu'a. ‘ Gen. James withdrew Wu name. . i ‘ ' ‘ Gen. Pa,“ withdrew his name ' IlnnSumuPl Ilepburnwithdr whismnmo. Mr. Mitchell mm‘gd 11m! Hu- mmination of Mr. Hughes he made unan? om.‘ ("fivctinns beifig made, Mr. Linens" Wiflldrrwlxis motion, when the Can‘t-Minn pron-Mal in vote fnr‘a pnrmanentwl’rosi "drnt, with tho following result 1 ”61h. FAY. 111:::11032........L.........fl3 \{nfcsu Hm.1t.‘\'n'ux,..............1.;......1..21 n S‘ H0phum..i...........V...'1.‘....... ..Il ( " ( ' ,Arnnld 1’1u'mpr...........‘...L...... _ l “ annl. Zicg1cflxph...........:....... . l g “ Mr. Hughes halving: a mnjm‘i of ill the yotps,‘wns deqlnred cit-Med. : (in mntinn ner. Rjnhnfih‘. 0' Allgfihonv. the nomination of Mr._-I[uglu,. wag mude unanimous. ‘~=, ; . , l 'Hn’a Pros-Mont. oldot wfui (‘dl‘flnd Ito the chair by Megan. Vahx and‘llvyélmrnz . «m taking the clmir. Mr. lluUhus unturn ml )lix‘ thnukx‘, in :\ f(~.\\"l\l.mnyrh39 ifemzu ks: AMH- snmo dnlmln, (m. nmtfiu‘n‘ nt’ My. \':lux.»the ('mn'i‘njihn {no}; :\ Him-Ki for hm minutm, to mmhlc- 'the délcgaé’cs k‘r soled. llwir mpmfilton man. 4g- . . During (luo‘JHjON. thh Presidnnt “gm nmmcml it n~ his Ilpoisinn'thtn tlum fr-thq-l tinn'mnt(«Mann-Q ,lhe nppuintmon’q nf hm mmmitlene—nnb tn-wlw-E officers, gm! (he Oflmr in draft ro>ohltidns.l'j ‘ 0n ‘1!!!» ro—aswmhling of UN! Conqemion. that “tming (‘mnmiktotsfiwcre :mnnmm-«l: m kvs-JLil‘rth‘u. . m ..‘.ntsuznms, lbixtrflmVnux. ‘ P. ‘1 lln-anmhl, Khm Simomu‘er,‘ L \\‘. ll fuynlar, ' Allmg limit-an, .‘ J. F I bu. ' Gm- ' lhmu. w. FZFvln-ih'lfi, ; ; (m 5f rict 9—4";qu I) Lalfertr, \\ m \ '\IHIQ; ' ‘ A ‘ ‘ 1290 Later, Dr (5 \\‘ \\‘mmley, ‘ ' Sumu-J Imm», }:.r...r.l 111,-», ‘ Dr A Mom, ! Ilrr'nau Run». | A (i. Urn-n, D. Eranw'l‘llnun, 2nd Din 3. d 41h ‘ M II C! h ‘ J mun lhun, ' T E. bull“. ' l (.‘. LL “-481, n n “mun, ._6.S mum, ' \\‘_!A..§l‘(o_r, I Aall {luau-Hwy, mm H Jl] m 3 ? J I! \u-unfi' " HUI _“ ' ‘l'ru-mn'MMu-dv' .Ihtar lull. ‘- ‘ 'l‘ u - .\.-mum llri.lurn,‘, ‘l‘h-uu'un‘ltryan, 1. .. A \\' K mm...“ i A L umnun, mu .. “‘zwnmu. . sl! .m 1v ‘ ' 1 JJI. lhvfim-m‘nn, . (hm .Fv nut. 17”) “ - A-hmFJ-nmgh I “45 "uh ' 1m- “ . ”.1: sauna," n u my“ .' I‘tlln " “IV-l Hn-nr. ‘ J Simrw-n . rira. 2n". ." . Jamel PM“. J T. |..-uni , / 2N -- JAM Fulh- , , J .\l I'LIrLTI '.".’nll A“ Til! Surfing: ,1 (f (3141', ' 211.»! H I: '\\‘ .\lulmr. ( \\‘ ram-n. 2m. u ‘('..»n ct “tum, ; I! ll Kai-r. . .\ugnuvlllnnmr, « J \l Lulu l-u, ‘lfilh. “ ll MunL’mu-n. , “1': ['4l. R 21m U ' Arm“ Hum» (l) .i ‘l mg, , . MIME 1" 1 4 h 1, I I°,ll [EMI \ .\Ttnr ‘tlhr-'Jnmdmnl-vmun! n? H": :uUm‘e l'ulnnmlu-s. nu lnnl’lmi, Um ("a 9mm.» nllinulnwl 1.) muLu't 3 (Helm-L m lh - ullgr-‘ nudn.‘ . i ' - ' A [‘llme ..\' 81-321ng . t 'l'hn ('nfivmnmn \\ :1: frdllwl‘ lu filorht Jilly-w n'rlnbk hv tln- l‘n-‘sixh-utg ;,3 t ‘ Jury" ”wk-non was ~uL~umt NI mg man the lvh-guh-s I'mm (.‘lmuh-r “hm fvilcd ‘m ‘m‘riw‘, owing to inllispnfitinn. .5 ‘~ ' 5 livimrul A. L. "o““)!quolmiymnlg of the («unmiltne 10,th Inn'jmJnmg, “Riders. "I'o - llnil'ly‘lhl'oq \'l("0 l‘rl'nflllrnh uvgldv {him-on Smi‘olnriMJ-Jnmb Bud“); ”41., 0| thii L'l‘ll‘l‘. ilmnng Hm‘wmnfl'é‘r.l ‘ of. nmtiun or Mr. (‘,‘ufi‘mlh. m.‘ ~'/.'w;:ler n-ml- tlm llw-In‘ulinn' u! h ‘L mm, :\L the. concluainu ofwh'u'h x HunLeWm hemlurml to him by l \‘c-minn. ‘ ' ’ . A! n qumtcr after 5 (S’clovk th'off tw‘ rm Hmnlutinni thruhgll Ul'l-iijh \rnnH‘ Humor, Fur, made the; f “rt-purl; I ‘ i i | \\'mnfi H. "Hm Amh'u-nn (‘un wn< umlmnwl‘ null Ml.ul.l§~lu-¢Hly nm in 01-41”: '1) {Eu-m R m'ur'v- pvrffl't I' ‘! LIM‘JI ju-‘lif‘rf {-nmrr (lomps‘hn h'a prnvidn fur the commun «li-forum, 1 Hm w-nvml m-lfdrv. nwl eur‘nu- >1 ' imb- uf‘Hln-rt)‘ (n whit-{lly : thorn“ | let. lI'FHIIL'QII, 'l'h'lt tho nnly “Lin r Ih‘mrmrmir party is thé "Mom/in 3 I'ninn m- it Was, [he pliacrvulum Ff shin/inn m .'l'a‘x.‘ A ~‘le. Remind, That to tho envl 1 mi Uml Union lie rmmrml. :nul l_h9 ('nn linnimi mnl lnwfi enforcnil ihrngiuhuut in int-loop; h-nl, we plo‘ilgo nnr hmrlv null nigpmliiie-il‘, s"”:qu [n the [‘rdvml. (invuvrfimv 1;! in 'llm Minrgplin.pmcomitinq (if tho .Xi‘llliL' \\'iir. l fill. l Ham/VAL That the lru ~‘m-I Tulyinli _im‘t orihn war is to restore h' Union unnlu i-nfori-nlhe lam-I. ‘Sunll. a )n 'ivmicxhlnnh- i>, firm-thy \ho awful sax-villa: \\'l oh i(' i‘mlk us of life nml oftronmre ”with rim-h :Ljnllrfiuwefl h/mir onn ’\vc hope l'llrl‘L‘lHn'“ . Alhi thorn Mm [mm soctimml l'ogiling ( [duty nrmriul ml? motivm would giwany int-r dirt-Minn, In tho otfnrtfi of our :irniieu unjust nlltl‘l Imwnrlhy to lm c‘n‘truflml m ll 'Ol >3“ r. Flntl : |\'m|‘.«l mute all mn- exci't'innx‘,,‘-\ir.thrilm:n'y I and unpurallul as they are, kl” l’l‘t‘ll'fl‘lulllt“ in_the om]. ‘ ;’ ,i :3 ~7 , 4lli. [frank-n]. That are juily \‘lrw withll nlarm (he reckless extravagmcn Is'i Selim-1n! "mm annals of the dophrunerjls of film F 913 orb] Government, anil‘lhnl h‘frr-mri LII-rig" 'oconnmy nml hccounliiluilily- is ‘iwillpm-w blot to arrest. the nys‘tqimitiox filuml r 91' tin; .ymbiic trensurv .by 1391»er [minimum ‘nhili ‘lhat l!) vimv 01:1,le r'oQont stariiin: "lt‘Yi'ln'll-l monk of frnuili :l'ml-rdi'rupti'nns aniline Pod»: nrzil'mvtrnpolis and throughout ihe‘ country i that we hale. an omim change. oi’gdmimag— fiction in lm imlwmtiwly (In-hizinilml. ' ‘ 51h. Iluruir,z'vl._;l'lint,liie party fziginticiifig l or crime, \\'hii'hevor it mnV‘llin milled. than . seoks‘ in mm lhn slaves offinnuwmn State: In nvernm the Nbrth and min-mm cam-l pvtitlnn wifli the white laboring mngej, lhus ilogrmling mul'imulting thyir m‘a - hood, Ly phioing them on all cquality with nogmrs in their Monimtion; ifi linsulfirig in our men. and merits nur most, emphatic and unq‘imimed ‘cqmlnmmiihn. . J ‘. 6th. Raoiwl. 'i‘hat‘iwe «hinting fi’onduni I Aboligioniim; and Soulflrm .S'kcsri I as ' the Icwpcratmg sources of bur 1:11:59??? :al’umifim 1 —alils9 'trcnxnnabir tb the Comtih lion..and ‘ inimical ‘tn ‘t‘hc l’m'an; The s?")ij tab: restbred 11m andvn‘rajzcde‘ ijutnution,’ with rétu-rning peaée and‘ groapcrily is through the overthrow of both. 7th. Result-ml. That. the Democracy {3f Penn'n is equally opposed (Fall seétlonnl legislation 11ml geographical parties. which base their hope for contixiueg-partizan sue cese on tho agrarinfiium o omnnci Mid}: and hypercritieal piiilanthré‘py—abolitiofi; becauwneither isknnwn to Hi: Constitutioh. and both intend. to aid disyu 11 am! guinea-a, the Constitution and to prevént this rector};- tfion. unity,pwde and concwil arming Siatfbs and pnnple. i , B”].‘Rr mined, That the» ('nndimlinn and the laws are mflicienl fnr n'iy fimergency. and that the suppressxon offithe freedom bf ~spgech and oftlie‘prus, and the unlawful arrest of citizens‘nnd she suspension of the writ of [ corpus in violation 0! the Con stitution in States where the civil authori ties are unimpeded. is moat dmigerom 10 civil liberty; and uhohld be resistal at, the ballot-box by every freeman in the land. 91h. Rcaolml, That this is a Government ofwllite men, and mu;eillnhiisiiedexclusiVe. ly for the fivhile ‘mmu that. the hogro rare 0.179 nm. (willed to and .ouglnt inul Lo gbe NI admitted to polifiml or social equality with the wliito mm, but that. it is our duty to [rt-M thom with kindness and consideration. ns‘nn inferior and dependnnq race: that tho right oftho never“! Shims tnldetormine (he pmihinn and duti‘es of [he'ruce kn‘sovereipn right. and the pledges of 111%: 'Cnmlitution rmmiye us, as loyal citizcnw, hot to interfere tilt-nowfih. £ ‘ lflth. Bach-rd, 'l‘hnt Con cross has no power to deprive nm' ponnn of 15 property for tmy ‘criminnizofl'om ', unle that person hr I been firat‘duly convicted fjtlm otl‘ence by I the vex-dict of Ajuryumtl th‘nt nll acts'of LCongxcsi like these lately rnssod by the lmrso’of Reprmentntivos, or lab assume to nrt’eit 9r confl-c to the ost 'tos 9f mén t‘nr (Ye-noon of which tho): have not been con ictéll upon clue trial lly jury nmsuncmnli tutiqnal and Imul toopprocs‘xo nnll-tvrmngy. lt islnolimtifiention for uuclnnbts, that the crimin mmmittod in the prn‘lr‘mtiofi of the rebellion are of unexnmplm ' atrocity: nor is there any such justilin tinn _M State {Loot-MW known to our G'OVcl‘lllnt‘llt or “'='. ' l ‘ . - l mu. 72mm], That unn'r'é dilution and Union And the law: must he‘ rosm-ved mid" maintained in all llwir promlr nml rightful Kuprg-mmy. nntl that. Um n-l ~llinn"nnw ln nrmsj :xgnilht tlwm filll<lJDC l- lmn-ossml :mll taut. tlown. nntl that iti-i our lnty to use all 'nnlstitullonul measures necl‘ssury to that! ('1)! .' « ~ , 12th. knoll-ml, That; llw lsnhnm cm‘h 71min}: om-nrmiM mom thmvfumqwt thank: nf tit? nation. 'l‘hoir onnntnv oallml“ my] nnlvly (licl tlwy rocpnml. Lit‘line, Chev shall know a nation’s ’gratlt—lulel wnumlod. n untihn‘s care, and (lying, thtly shall Inn) in nnr‘mnhlorios, and monnnfnts slmll lw mined tn' tom-h ptmtt-rity' ." honor the Patriots nlntl homes who off-16d llmir livps \l lhoir counter altar. 'l‘lfiiir whlmysaml' Drphans shall he mloptml lpy the-nation, to he Watchful ovvr. and enroll Tor 1:1: ohjt-qls truly, worlhy n nation's mnu‘llinnship. Tho rl-xnlutimw wore unanimously mlnpt «ML/amid lnn'xl nnul'ontlmalnwiu nlfillguses ()n motion of Mr. Lambert n. ‘ livztoltwl, That this (‘mwo itinn do now .’n-oowd to (ho nnminnthn . ml t-jlrgotiom oi" rmnlidntr-s forAuxlitprt h-nr-r lnnulflnrvgyor :rn‘oml, wlfich \\'m nglfml tl. ‘ ; Mfr. ('ufi‘mth nominuiml \‘ )2. xl‘fmul onuntv, fun .\lulltor ‘ 'Mi‘..\'hnpnml\er nmmuatgx pl. llnivn mainly g (I Ha ll Kmin, 1 John Smithn‘ ‘l Juliuilmucll, INZZI " m. Knight n§mninnml I' I. Mr: l‘u‘liiu‘.’ nr-nnnnlml l't IIJ. Ziegler: .IWV“ h ‘ “93‘3”.“ frnm “WI" ”Wk?“ “f“: . u’pm-ml lihulufur't noumm cu Richardson 3 "PW“ ~ “my, "mu? 1433 p“ ’o‘ an grim-« 2% 'I" \V .'.!l I. ~ . JII'H'C 1‘“ ("v"‘l' :1 ' 1‘ L' “‘y “Iy. [0 1| . l I g '_l ll ,_ . . ~ l\\lmn unllnr u mmll‘ran tnrlfi' this or “llh‘ 'l lu (unwnlmn llmn pron edul tnbnllnt, . . 3‘ with the l‘ullowinvv 1.0.3,”, , ‘ - luvmlnlde has gnnely forever. The poor ; ‘ a ° In 2'." :m. "h‘ m m”’nmn known that hey now myluwnsensiblo w, P.M..11: .. - - 24 25 su~ 32 29 17; {axon every pound ofcoll'cefimrlcvtery-plut 1:": “my" ' ‘ ': g '12:: f: E ”3' 3;“; of tnlmccn. he lunys. Let t’lm people l: ' $3333 7. '- . 2: I'7 1 .m' 00 ml (lmltnvith howdy” Let them know wha} fl: I.L\\rium. - - . so 42 lg E5O ‘4‘ 9-9; ”my 'will have to PM" and howi} must ha |’- ll “"““"”'P' , ' ' ‘ 9}, " 1 1 “= paid“ Am} wedo lmpafilml from this limit, 1, . “ ”‘9 ”UM lmllnt the; name of Gui-{illn-lllj nq Imm will Attompl..,ns Mr. McPlloll -3 l“jglq-ru'ns.\\‘|llulr:u\'n. . . v . jlgfin lmc'dmw. vocnvpr up and exam“, ”I‘ll. l Kln the slxlll' lmllrgt. llnnU‘fi-‘lf‘ flmké‘l’. “ onnrmnm l'rxmtls which were and completel ' 0‘ Union "WNW-11“"!!! PPOWVP'I ll'*’lf"‘f~"“t"- laid bare by a l‘nmmi’ltee nf Republican . {nun-Mm- ol' voh-s, \l‘ns «loclfirénl hOlnllllLLOdli fully as rPK’DPC'llllle,.nnll much more nblb ‘3'“?! ”"5 I‘m“ "““'r‘"'“'}“ “lil‘l”?‘ . .‘V xm-n tluln llle dapper Mlle fellow who mi - l ()n mnhnn of_lt: 11. hurr‘ ln: n [numhom , I't-]:N,-,~mnl3stlm gpnlimpnt of this District ill “Hfi mfl‘l“ mmnynnm. .; - !'_tho “mum. lln luw boon All the time in l. ’ ,l‘he ('oqvvmmn nvxt prqcvfdvd tn why} alns‘q mnfillom‘r- or old 'l‘hxm.‘ Stevens in l ' fr“ " “a"df'lat“ f 0" SWVPYOF ("‘F‘W‘lv WW“: ~tlm most. ultra and dishonest men in lb 5 the follgwmg rO-ull : ,i 0 i hmly. lle knows llé has no pershnfl : ‘ “WHY”! “1'7"?31" I! o f «(rt-Hg”), mul ~n Imm. rely; for ro-electiofn ‘ 1“ M?" I "“lv_l’"l'; ‘o‘] ll‘ :P‘lh'rnl ‘lt‘rl'hi‘l‘ll’r llw whnle polity 1431/1? f 0f 111~4 mph". lleum‘this e'fl'urt. to cover ulp ‘ ""‘"""" ' l}; l" all its Iniinmnueunult. and all the (liaho .. ..’: .......:\-.----~~ ! why of thy scmmdmlh wlm' plunderell- il 6 """I‘rommy of so many millinhs. But the poop!» mll not «Jon forget the teblilnonv {L— Mr. “.\Wfll; n lit-[mlplil‘an motillmr of Cbly growl. who npvnly declared qn (.119 floor «fl thellnuwtlmh~ ‘ ,_ g . . “ l.\' Tlll'} l’l-liSl‘ YE ‘\ll 0? A “E [’['l3l.l(‘,_.\.N~ Mumwrm’rmx, \\'Hn'u mm: lxrp _ vl'll“ Ell UI’UN l'lllll-‘liSSlllXS (ll? REFORM .AND l.’H'l‘llH.‘«'Ull\ll‘l.\"ll, THERE IS lNllplllr" ABLE HVHJEVQB ABROAD IN THE LAW" THAT Sunrzlgoln' Ills I’prllsltfiv Tm“. l'l'lllJl‘ 'l‘lll‘lA‘UKY WELL. NIH” IN TIL T SINGLE ') EA”. AS .\llg'llu AS THE EXT“ 9 ('l'lllll-INT YIFAIILY ‘EXI'BYSES OF THE {llll'lClLNHl-IXT lll'lllVG THE .\DMINIHTRL , . I] Tim" \\'un'u Tlll‘i Mum-4': “URLED rad“! l’U\_\ EH lll‘lCAl'SH 0F ITS CORRUPTION!" L, J :1 an] r ninlclm‘ll’ \ up“ 01' *0 ,(fém- *immit bin-mun, 4 l Mowing \_it\xtjnn ’ I'.lHmr~. nun .;l“-I-; .quil ltv. .r- -lm .le I'M lll(‘~\- J l? Barnum \\'.ET. 1", [fit-uh?!“ with“.n.15......._ *Jfl’. R114)a~1~‘.'........ .~— } *forl H vl.-Im-<...........~ 1’u1.1.. L. Ta1e..............._ ..: *\\:. U. 5n)d0r....,........... ... S l\. 11-u-kn-u....... 9;. ~. ('Ol. J. I“. 11.|r1r:\nft.......... 23...,...'; 2’\\’ilhdr.uvn nth-r the first lulllull, ' 4 ‘ n the sm-dml'lmllot Jail“. lizlrr, having; rvqeivod a majority ofall tho yoflcs u‘ml' wnR tlvolm-ngl nnu]illntod,§aluitl laud ““‘l enlluhimtlc;applause. l I s j ml" moriajn of w. K. w Im, the nomib 'nnlinn was'mmle ummimmls'. j Mr. err ‘mallml up Mr. (l'rim‘nlh': romlug “[le mul ()m'l'l‘ll :nnmliliudlinn 'maklnujhfi' (‘Mirmnn nf "ho I‘nm‘mnil n‘ r‘ll'lirmnn of Hm State Central Cofmnilleo, which war nglr-Nl to. ' A: h ‘ E On motion, the Convc lioniadjnurned until 8; o'clock. i " f x EVENING smfimw‘. ‘ ¢, ’l‘hoConvomion rP-assemhkul :1! 5‘5 ‘n'glot‘ ' ’in plgrumm-v of mljnm'mhf‘nl.i when [h following perm“: \vvro-nméninlml membexg of thr- StMp (_‘onlml Unmniiltnfm 2 l l-'. \\'. Hx aura, .\‘rlun ll.ill.‘.'Clmitrm:m. ‘ 1. 'l'lmmns I-z. (mun. l’hfilmlrlphia. , ‘ 1 Joseph ”mu-noun, -; “ , l Simon W. Arnold. ‘ “ . j ' liilnt's. Cnssin, ’“. ,1 ' g 2. Dr. Wm. Young, Clwsleg, "91:1th to ' 3. Jesse B. DmiSLliurr‘ll-sloun, MontgomflJy rmmh'. l ,_ a! 4. Dr. J. D..'.\len~lenhall, Doyleslownwliuclés w-t‘muly-f ' g g , , L l Huber! .\l‘anoli, Shm'nglon; Lclfigb (‘O. A. . Wm. I’. Alhrigllt, Reading. I’ll. ‘ ‘ l ,7. (100. "cull. Kc-hn‘ l’oluyille.‘..l’n. j 8. Ephr'm'm \\'. llumlm, "yummy, Wayne (‘9. 9. A. J.'L‘wrrii:on, Moulgyw, fihsquchmugn calmly: , ‘ \ L, ,‘ »_ 71 .... t 13me j of “no he '(on ‘ I “‘lO 'Stnnley Woedwnrdw Wilkeshnfl'e. LlS zqrnc county. ‘ . , ‘ f 11. J. YL James, Warren, Wu’rrcn roixmy. i 1.12. Phnnnanren, Look Havon.‘ (‘linmn cni ,I'l 'l'honina (‘lmifnnL Dnnvillojhfpumur .1? H 4. John H Orion-ell. Shjgypenaburg, Culi- Hrlnnd _counu. , 1 i 5. 11. A. Lamberlon, Harrisburg, Dauphin c9nmy.. ’3 j . ,- , . «16. James Patterson. Onld Rhido, Lancustl r. chnn‘ly ; Hugh M. North, Columbia, Lincaatfir wumr- . - 9 . , ~ 1 {ll‘}th (libann‘, York. Ybrk county. ’ ! i 413. Calvin Sl.Dnnenn,(Jhannbértburg,Prank~ hi copmy. , i . 1' 19. ‘ A“: 11. Coffrnth. Somerset. Somerset to. ‘2O. John Fenlon, Ehenchnrg. (fimbrin no.‘ 5 2L Silns M. Clark, lndinnfin, indiana connlj'. ' 22. James C. Clarke,Grcennbnrg, \Vcilmone ltnd county. ‘r K i A 2:2. ‘ WmJ'utcrspn, Pattcfligon't Hills, Wash ington county. ‘ , ’ " ,‘ 24. George W. Gnu, Pinghurz. ' ' John C. Dunn. 4‘ \ 4; 2.1. Charles Guru-r. Ben vet. flaw: 26. D. s. Norris. New Castle, Luv : 2'2. Benjamin Whitman, grit, Erir i 28. W. W. Burr; (Harinnfl‘lnricfi _ Mr. Fulton offered (h‘é followi was ndopte'd un.min¥vu~iy: ‘ anlml. That (he think»! ofl‘ vencion be and are hereby (endow President for the dignimfd. ifnpl efficient manner in whichhe has ,1 7 .7 the onerous and mpomi'ulo dntien of his delicate position. and also 96 the other officers for their prompt, courteous and valuable assistance. 1 / ’ E A motion was then sti‘o itted‘that the Convention adjourn ginq Xe, and resolve iuolfinto-mm meeting/ » ' ‘ 3 Before putting the quefltion the Presid¢nt . /: ¥ 1 , i =.’ 1 3 _ > - ’ ’ EMI MA \ \ ‘ \\ TWO mum‘s AA' BA 1:. X\T cN. 42_ P. Sums“, u" ‘u-méra}. Laud} .\lenLer, \ i l n rin t 2 17 , OM azure-1m! tha (‘nn‘ventlon in in few 3 irikd? and owning mu, which olfiilZd “a young twining. dlot which tlw’ (bum l hon adjourned finally. ' ~ ‘ ~— A--~o»~—«——-— . 1 1 From 1M Fallon Democrat. ‘ ‘ LITTLE MOPHERSON’S GRIAT I \‘ SPEECH. “ Little Noddy McPherson. film luv: Mn all “up finio rllock-by-jml with lel. Kiowa em n‘nd all the ultra Mmlilionistq in (‘nni' mm'lmn lnlcly Issumod a new part in the play nt Wuhiugton. Na in funrl of‘nificnv. and rnwcidly fond of the snlnry. lie hns. immn'nse (‘Ol'lfidC‘ncP in himsv-lr, and hm, Ly [mulling than upon llio pros. mining-d m :9! svvoml. of his spooclim pnhlinlml in Urdu Ropulilicnn papers of this Dim-ict. llis hut. effort in‘llml lino covors more than and whole side ofthc Fulton fi'rpubliran. but it if; tnnro distinguish-(Um ils length than for ilfi Nron'zdi. This little Abolition body in a oumlidnte for sa~elocLion and ii is vary. pO6, Sibl‘tllflt he may. by nmnmuvoring, kill 0!! all other Republican cnndidnlea. tafwhrml',~ there are one or mole in each of the Comm. ties, any moofwhom ls shawl-Ind ”magi" 9r man than; he is. So lotil. be. t Ilia hut spoorh is n wand" in ill Faye-é Ila evidently imagines hinw-lf who I gm! finhno‘wr. and makes his assertinnkwith as much confidence as iflie managed the fin'm-S cm ofthe Government for n quarter of a century. He shirts out with the dcclnmtidng that our nntiqnnl dpbl. today is, 0N L\',/fr{ [mm/ml millions: and vlnima that at the and“ bf the w-nr it will EXEY amount la om- Hump; (nulmilfinna. This "Muunmero lriflozi‘ in his own language “not am‘ guarlcrqf w'lml! 'tlnr prob]! are all: (0 W." N 0! while “ION: is muéh reason! to believe his estimate lo lml wry grcally below the truth. this debt 0! which he speak: so lightly; in now lurgor‘ {than that. M any European anioh., exccpfi 2 England, France. and Austria; in which Eommtries it is well knovm that every con-I V coimb‘le lllinpjs taxed, and industry gmumll “ lln the o'nrlh. In pay lhe inn-rest nlmw: tllq lprincilml ”my now-r export lo‘ymy. ln ohnl hear our debt. will‘ be second only to lluu all En ulmml. ‘ ’ l '6 Tim not? pninl wnrlliy nl' notion in the e'f—l‘ Jlfnrt ho makns lo nhr‘m that if this warm :vmund up within a year, we will ‘rgnly harm? it!) mist- tlm mmlnruln sum of (m Irundml milj. 1, [mm a your lnko'op llmgovmnwmul mnchiiml *' ‘L‘gning'. and la pay llm hum-vs: on tlm elem], ‘,va all those nklimnlns are beynutl ‘n quell-l Illinn put Flown «MINI lmvest'pmihle‘ figural; Mimi would resemble the truth ; and nllmr,}~ énn-l :11-lor. mI-n'in Congress {tlmn Mr. lie-i il'lmrmn my llm hur- Ilmnynt of £le (lq‘ht‘ {yin-x new is much llr-vn‘uvl his figures; lhat‘aljl ~llm jmr's nnd it will be double w-lmt hoi llmu’w: mill' llml l‘honnmm] oxpmulituro inl litlmy‘wn'y of ink-rm! will In; prop:irtiimmhlylL ligrmlnn ' llut (won by taking hi»; figures tlml lpmplo mnv have same filipl ifltjln of the debtl, linlrvmly pilml up mid»!- llnpubllean minmn—{j 7’d;:onwnt. linurmnuh as it. iw. lei. it be real limmnherml that lhi< wonderful finaiwig-r [mpg flimmohbwyphml-il out; llmlit is “My om? 'il'uurl/I Qf it I'll {/n‘ prop/t: «m: «We (7) 6mm" i I I! “0W i-il in he paid? High In tho [Wt-51' [lonl mm’ is. Mr. MvPhcraon only élnimq :ilhnl il will bring in fifty millimuol'rrnvenuiy'r Jll will not down Wig] ns ”Ft. 'l‘lmnllul small lmlzuwo nl cub hum rml and filly; millions. lllllxt lie [mid irrtlm bllape of excl-g 'uml alirm-l tax. If. as we lK!iil:V('.‘illo an? mull sum rmluirml bemurlt’ bt-ynml chad ism much the wnrse for ”H” tux-[mylln --‘ ’l‘lu-u- I- [m ,uw in lllu nllmnpt, mm] V to ahw-iw In" pant-10, b} 11-llmg than llmb this Pllhl‘lllrll:~ tux is m lnnl‘llm! I kill nm in‘, foil. The [maple um~t [Hil it, and it (luvs ‘nnt _mulh r In “qu hr lh‘ pm] when.” Hmv pay it in mam-V dawn. 0;" l ‘I . ~0-.—-——-—~ "I GEN. 1 “gr _ I '. i! my I‘ I A O p e N ' M k m {I A fI a 9 WW 1i r M ,r o a. v t er ' u' s: :e F .I r m v e I 21 THE- PRESIDENT AND HER. ‘ MONT. \\fhclhrr or nut to laugh Flt the l'mllc nus ['e movnl nl’ Fluzuuxr by the Preslllvny c hm!“ nut 313 fully decided. The whole, istnry :0! their inlermnrso has been singular y blunt“:- ing, stupid, and, in our judgment Inpntriotle nml injurious to the nation'h l fie In! 0- awnccfnzxun was bronglmbp e from Eureka, withoutficnunemnd nppointed, to Najurfleprlxlv 'ship, and placed in EXCIHIIWC huge don"t! use inosl impoert r‘nHiuryu lepmmenu Vikk out our lmvinp shown a [amid rm- Il’ll'll positiuu‘. Entering at o erupon e‘ conrudiof most magnifi‘eut ortr'vgpnnceh the krrlfia :anmut of his cxpt‘ndi rel; frightened tho - ministruiiun nml‘he In pr‘pmptly reinstati- But above all uthcr en Irqwna the {Maria of r the Al-olitionihts. and they compelled 'l‘tur [merry Pruitlent l'ppoint him to night-r command, wber the latter hoped he tabla hive little to . But theifiillr It oftln w Generals, hr 90!, mo- dicum finale-t spat, repulse Fun", and: once more their; ened wraicl pun Washingtdn. If there It. 1’“ ' Uningrubou which the Preiident ll purlell , B ls in bi: ten desire not up be himself inqu (ted L; a rehab. Fearful of the faking» haste? to Gen. Scot}, “my in the ulterior lof Re Yuri: lime, promptly return? to Wfih— tingt‘f/n. unite. the communds’ofhll defeflul Ge ctnll anox'r. Dun; and of the “Wu: I Sltsms, and plat-ea the command of thy‘rkple pon Gen. il’vrl .’ Smart in Luooufiur l'pn , his personal Mud, a "lnepwflcgcanf‘ _And with] hni given euidcnee “:5.“ Man Able commend". But, Faunmfbeen a Lien. Colonelin the regular nnnpthen l’orn n: only a l.iontcnunl,nnd had been first npfmintcd e H» jor (lmn:r.1l~llc promptly rcsig‘i com mand (nnt the office) and the l' alm ‘ denlly accept'cd ! And .40, Gen. Funmk'r'a l Sc-rnces sure, for UN! present at least, lost (9 the country, but Wllll other change slay may 1 produce In the President's mind, no menu tell. From the petty agnoyanceu to which Gen. Ll’Cuuml is _cpnstlntly subjected by Secreuu-ySunton. we‘sulgect the object! In to place Gen. For: ln his position u see: do ya Appareutgxcnle ohu:~—L‘linton Dancing n- «ngjg‘n and hat mm.