The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 07, 1862, Image 4

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,thn the I’mddenl repliedi to the com
. mince of pmgrecsivc Quakers that perhaps
God'r may was not'theix- way. 1e said :5 who
Mg, but not incomprehens' le to them.
They were evidently stnggc d, but not
co'uvinced. It was nomelhing t!“ pmhnhly
had neV/er struck them before, nrid‘thpy‘l
bould not at once perceive but; it was pos
aible that there shouldhetnny itl'urenca of
opinion bohveepflhe Almight' and them
_lalvésin regnsll to the immc hto emanci-
MW offlonthern slaves. eitl rlzy procla
motion m" the bayonet, or by oth. Such
is the'bli'mlncss arid fully at; fa nticism—ot'
that {the philanthrophy fit ch, for the
.purpbse of'chg‘nging the (3qu ition of the
negro, would'trnmpleppon (he 'on'stitution.
ren‘d‘thé Uvnion upnder foretictaml deluge
‘ ~thc country in fraternal Head For years
put, instead 0t: following clos y and hym
hly in the footsteps of the Rm emer, they
Juwe‘bce‘n booking to give In“: to the very
Majesty of'Hnm‘cn by the pr£lmgatinn of
dogmas which they ncserthnl would be
imjust and Heaven no llc:u"~n shoulwl it
disapprove. Aset ot'int'nmogs fisphemori
from the firstfithey have gm n holder an
, they have grofin stronger, and wrapped in
tthqlr imagined sanctity ‘nntl inl’ullihllity,
they denounce Church and S 19an and
rctis‘g‘m. the Cunatitutiou an'l tljn Bible. the
‘hfizpincss and prosperity of ciy‘f
government—my, thonnn‘lufg
liarudise.‘ unless they can it
hosoms-nnd hug in their eth
‘hereut'ter. their Mon and thd
- negro! who hnspnly been curt
vain and senseless cmyrts.——l
Anommmsm m BLAI
'l‘hé “RPpuMimn'! munty r‘
Blair county callbd a I’m/Jr’s C
ndminhte a county tivkét on t
'J’fio dclognh‘s from Hzlyiport \
Killiginaion bc-c‘nu‘so Hume \\‘l‘m vrl
claimmL to belong to thé 1%-
but did not ole thémw-vas If."
H. Blpii', tho'pmmnt mc‘mhorl
nn Aboliliouixl, was declared t
"Blair county for re-eloctinn.
~11 (bod 1p :1
bad bk Jms‘ originatm (with-on
diffcrt-nl'brmwhoc nf'lhe ramifiy, but as it i:
nbne'of our funmal we flmfil lmvn the
happy family tiffight it out V
le]vcs.—Lcu‘i.vluwn I): murml.
‘ A grant (11-31 llflfi’llfl‘ll mill ulm_ v. lllt‘ “White
Unit-aw," in VirginiA, u huh 14h LN 5n nzunc to the
'place \\'llAer'c troop: :uul snpplir-s lire Llutlerl for
(lcn...‘['Clcllnn’s army. .\lm:y lIJUPIC‘ suppose
l lt to be a very spncious csthlilish+ޤm xx hen-n}.
it_really contzilns only nlmui. fin: rooms, all of
modemtoslzo. It! stands or. a sin: of a for
‘gnL-r residénco of the wife of Washington, and
ltsowners, (Como ofthoulmo liunily) ‘on le.u i 131:
H, n! the nxgprout-h ofzhc l'nirm (mm, pod-51
‘on‘ {lu- ‘dour a request that it mim‘hl. hilt, he be
cup’iedJ ln complimcc will] this’rt-quvc‘h mnl'
~ as n him]; of recpm't for the memory ofll':n.~l1-
lnglon and his family. Com-ml .\l‘l‘fillun lmd
V. n gnaw-«I plncg‘il over it. He might, i‘t‘he‘huil
Been sclfifih, or lull [hrmzht osp'pciall; (:Tlxis
own comfort, hnvo Lil-zen i; fur liis own quar
ters._ But. infitmhl of that, “l ilc the arm}
.'u'm! 3H3...“ pnimjie li\ ed in :1 1
Tha \\'hito ‘ llousc ‘lms conti
gnarl], and wogili'linie continue
' for a. violent clamof Ingulc by Hum
‘11" along befi’n trying to destroy G
and svlm would not. regret murlll
' army snerificgd, providcxl he hitns
' er put out of the way. Tin-y in
, White House was headed for Him
“and wounded of ‘hc‘Z-irmy Con
Cup, and in. last'Secrct xry élrinton
popdcnce with (ii-n. .\l‘Cl‘cllm, i
' (Humor): ordpr'l to have 1h: buil
ed into a h spitnl.‘ I!" “:15 uhil
Inn {was in w midst 0! his nglit_
' for thj: cup re of Rivlmmml, lha
. ry thought lit, to'hothur him uln‘
' ~mnner of accommmlminn l'm‘ nbol
pafiqnpgfor that is Holly xlll ll
, ‘ 'llnusc~wiil hold, HHis enemies f 4
. eluted nt ,tllc’lr sum-0395 in this‘
'~ will almost. rémue-ilc them to
V » _fl‘t‘lellnn‘ before Richmond.—
.“ firth} nuti-slu‘vory organi'm
_fo-nned in the On; of .\o-T York I
of [which {5 thg cditor-in-chief a
Post, WlLugm CI‘LLEX' lkn'ng, (I!
announces as are of“): fnndmnc ‘
thn dogma (Hat “‘lm Sin/r n j
. :10ng br uggin rficnynfzrd as a mcmb.
. ext-club]! mnulilioirqf :guunrljmh'ma.’
....gon is ythis-I ' The assnuifition 1
796Emnncipgion League," nud “4
Elie“ delivered befor'p it at {he C i
l by SuinlorJnans, Rnnms, nn
)oy, the fanatical 31.1fm,“ mil
'lendcd,‘if mssHJlc, ’to engrnfl. xh
. principle upon the plauorm of h
f party, and ‘conv‘ert the: war at i
. ' ”ti-slavery “Mada—Lane. [at
. Rséstpss Exmaucnch— ;
, . Cognmcxéinl, Ii chublican pa l
I Ilnrfned jtthc’mrious pruposui ‘
gress| for .1135: expenditure 0!
niouey—c'nlnrgiug ‘cuunls, bui
railroa'ds, &c:, &Q.,-j—uud says ch
xbf thq wax-“are 30 greM. Con
assume that afcw milllons-or hu
lions more are 'smnll'mattcrs. 1
the policy: \\’hiyh is its‘nutgruw
_ much of the rmkless pun-«mg
, lb‘e forerunner ot‘bnnkrnplcy, to
.‘ to the pimple, who lnu’e .1 vivid '
1 ‘the m 5; 111:". Llleyinust put their ‘
their pocket) loTom lhe Lilla.
. n . ”:‘ ”..' _ i ‘
WWéfli the facts of histo y com'e tq b 6
'mde ‘up, it. will uypenr beyond I’] djspute, than.
_ tlgezDembcx-uls of the quth lmveégi‘gcu a firmer
support to the qmsermthe pulh‘f} ixpon \\’hicll
the man: was commenced, mu! to all L‘uus'itu
'tioanf «feta of Mr. Ll‘NcoLN‘s \J
‘flmu his own pnrty,’nnd fir-nu
inaicalshvrhy ynness to .be bl
‘ Wffhd‘flngflfbftlm Land 51;.1
VThe‘ fiuoivhig 15 Crow that sp
5.10 pm gazelle-E _ l
’ qufill that] what the saga
aism.,9; . ‘i
_f'lApd the ang'el bfthe Lo
fungi thy mistress zund As
band-u" 1 ‘ .
:flfig-ahows the differcnc
modem‘ ifioliliopjat. «pd an
M. The Abolitionist (to a
fiesta!!! 91’ the [Woost‘er .
doufilés; am thé angel mule
gtoherf’; Wham would,Suc--
cclutid douglgfqoemf Ohio Ska:
AD. McConaughy,-.- » 3
TTORVEY ATLAW,(OIHce One door rest
A of Buehlcr's drug: Ind book sturefilm -
hershuvg stream .hrouxm' Axu’Son‘tm-on y Ix
_l’nxni Au l'umusa. nonnfy Imu'd Wu -
ranli, Huck-my suspf‘n'!"¢l Ciuims, and n 1
ozhcr clftims against umUovernmeMn! “'l‘: -
ing'onii). 0.; also \mcricanlnims in Englnnd.
erd \\'firmhtslocated and sold,or bonngnd
highest prlgcs given. Azrnlq Pnzngml in hi
eating wnr‘ranls in lowa, H'inois nnduuthti‘y
wutcrnSLuu-s WApply to him peiwuul?’
nr liy letter. _ h ‘ . .
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. ' }
TTURXEY ATI.A\V,;wi-I!r{xlemlto com-é-
A tions and all nlher‘bgsiums inlrusH-d Ln‘
hgi mm; with promphkq. (”fire in the 31E.
corner loc Diamond, (formerly occupied by
Wm. 3. 2m Clcllan,‘ls4q.) . L
Gettysburg. .\pri! 11, 18.39.- \!' -
.Wm. B. McClellan,
TTORNEY .\T I..\\\';—Ufficg in \k’estlfld-
Ille strcc:,,una duo'r West 91' the new
ler! House. .
Gctlyshux'glblor.’ 14, 1850
_Wm. A. Duncan, '":
TURN HY A’l‘ 1..\ “LT—(mice in the North
- ' Ewpuwruér at Centre Sgaarcfll‘ottyshurg,
.\. 1 A- [oa. 3,1839. 4f
TThRVIIY ‘\'l‘ LIUV. WI“ promptly attend
A m (‘uHL-Lliulw .iml :n‘ll‘othcr bII~HKSS en
[l”:th lo him. (m'uc hmm'cn l-‘Jhncblurki’
nuvl Damn-r 5L Zieglw‘: SLOFCSZ‘ILIHIHNH‘ ‘U‘L‘Ct,
Cultgwlmrg, Pu. . ; [Sc-pt. 5, 18.11).
“\\’v juva Of
ess to their
(‘O. now and
r idol, the
d by tht-jl'
, , . . . H . A
Edward B. Buehler, ’
TTURNEY AT L.\\V,‘lwill hillenlly and
A prqmplly attend to all husincsgxcnmmled
tn himfllie spe.lks the Gulmnn I:ln;_ru«ge.-
(Nine at tho 0 unl- plum, in South mm more
street, near Barney's drus' 510 w, and nfnrly
oppomc l).mner 5.: Zieglur's store. ‘
' UuLLy‘aburg, .\lArch L’Uu‘ ~ ‘ 1 '1
mmittcc of
nvvntir‘m to
0 17th inst.
r-ro' refused
ml for flwm
J. 7 Lawrencé Hill, M. 1?. ,
I I .\b‘ his oflicé one A
' door \\'»:l of the ,Q r “I“?ig-‘v V
Lutheran qhurclx in ‘ . 1' .
Clmmbcr‘shnrg straw. and oppocite Picking’s
store, where llmsu \\iehixh}: to have any ”on!“
Upcrzuion performed are rcspu tfullv invited u}
cull. liwmmxwzs: Drsr Iluruvr, Rut. (‘. l'.
Kranth, 9.1)., mm. u._L. “author, I). 1)., Rev.
Prof. .\l.Jm:obi.l’rnf.s=.\[. L. Sum er.
Gettysburg. Apni'“, ’bii.‘ '
)lc‘s party,
Illllit‘lllll. S.
f Congros'e,
n choice of
in .\ldm'uhlo
‘1 the
.~..'_l~_ . .. .._. *ng
. Adams County» 5
DI Inuoxlnuxqu-tlifilJnch ””1831. , ,
Prt.u'vlrlll—Ccor':§Swope. 'v, 1 Pure
VIN I'rui:lm!—h;_'ll. IllisSL-11. » ' x t \\'l'
Srrrr/my—l). A. Ihlt-hle‘r. 5, }.-I\/l-} ‘\‘v,
Trmm/rwr—DMM FI‘CWMT. : Y (‘Ul'YT‘x'
lz'trrum'r I}”:er'Hv'r—Vllogmrt Mchrdy, JnCOh 3 [IN :iiixlx
Kin'r. .\nllrvw HI-jntzr'llnlm. - ’ ‘ \ 1,.'.,,,,,,‘. nu-
JI/mn/rn—(i‘uurqe Swom‘m’. IJ. A. haolllfir;ll.},,,(_ (ii-we
cnb Kllll. .\.Jlnintm~lnn.}ahi. Rf .\l‘(‘nrn]\u, ,’|‘hni :,,,,\,,,H,,,,'
A. H Hall l”. S. I’llhnt‘stnmk. 'Wm. li.\lLCE¢>ll.lnrhh'niuz.
\\'m. B. \\'ilmn. \l. l‘liu‘.wlb"vr2cr. .\hdiol‘ l" mu Thi< ‘.\':m-
Juhn \\'(llturll. H. .\. Picking, A [H'l'l‘leliuht '11,,” J'lli'"
Jnhn 1101!"va G. ‘InCfiJT-ngus. R. BII=»I-II.’D 'mn n‘nß-l
-\:'(‘rr‘>.‘r_i", .\xhlzew Polka“, John I‘l’iclxing,‘ J. I! I 0“”.1,” il
l or: I. H 3:“ r,
.‘fi-‘J’Thiq (Inmpany imlin'u'iod in if: npprn- ‘\f,%f,}:,,1,~):
ions to Ihr (‘ml‘HV of Alfhum. Itlln=la(>t-Ir!ixx‘h,,,.,, an'
successful ownxtinn for‘mnrc than six ymrg,‘ J,,3} C
and in thnuu‘rlml lxnym‘id all Insws and on- }'
surplus cznpiml in L-I'nc 'l‘rcniury. The ("mn
pnmy emphyyi no Am-nlé—‘nll bII<iIIPFS l-oin:
Ilnnc by the .\l.||l.|:cr=, who are :lununlh' (‘lt‘l:tg
m 1 bv the Stuxlk‘mldo'rk I.\ny ,u-rmn desiring
9:) Insurance czml npplytu any of (In: Kbuve
n:lxnovl"‘!:m.lgc-rl< for tquE-r ht"r.l::m:ir.u_.
[afi‘l‘hv li\‘ocutivz l‘unnnmm- no“; .‘-t the
aflicc ul'tho (‘nmlmnv \‘nthc 1:131. Wednesday
in_c-wn munth. at 2, I‘. M ‘
Sch 27, lofn'i
mong them
ueq undonn
] longer. but
u-n who have
‘n. M'Clcllzm,
we his \v‘noh;
'wans fluor
istod that thr
sands of sick
ross took it
(. .\(‘mmmxu AXE) BLAL‘KS‘JHTXHXG
C“—-Thr- ll'lliCl‘:i,_'n('li ‘I‘CSPOLH‘nH‘V‘ inlonm‘
hi; i'x'icmh :witiu- public “I .1 he co'nlin_nrs
the Conchfikiufflml llquhxuilhinu Llisiucm‘
in every brunch at his mlnhiishmvut in (Ilium
bin-31mm :XI'L‘CL He has mi _lmnri xinul will
mnnni‘wluro to order :1“ kinds M (l.\ “HAG ES,
“C(HHES, SLEIGUS, Sufi“: Wagon:l kn, ol
the best mutt-viii]. [uni In.uiL-_h_v sulwrin: work
men. (gfllralnfmlxfi and “l..\(‘li=¥l'l‘(il.\'fi 0f
all kinds vlnnn at reason-.\Eyh runs, promptly
and to the satisfaction at ,i-ustomors. > A
(lUCNTHY Puunrvn leeh‘. in exchaygo for
work. at market brires. 4 . " i
{@Pcrmus desiringnriicics nrwoi'k in the
(‘6:lqhmnkinz or IHucknniLhing line, are ru-,
spyrtfully iuhtcd tn‘mil un ‘ .. '
Gettysburg. Jam 24, ’s9ri I '
, after vanes;
“(Owl-“£1 por
ting canyon-
Gcn. .\F'Cll‘l-
(be Sec'ircm
‘l“ this iwtt}:
'rt‘ twenty-fire
mt the \\'hm:
e 1 very much
\busincss. It
‘1: \"icmry fur
‘ lulu. Eveniny
Somethmg New J ;
X CETTYSlH'R(‘v.——Tho_umlcrsé‘unr:'l informs
[‘tho citizom of the tuwn :lan county, that 119
11:15 mmnncugl-d the ll:\KL\'(§‘huaim-s:,‘un :\
large scnlo. in York Stu-ct. (lonfihurg. nmrly
opposite \\‘:xttlx‘s’s Huh-l, “here he will my to
deserve, and how-{tn run-in‘, :\ lilwrnl Ingtmn:
l’lll-Z'I‘ZI‘ILS. Ma. Ma. linked men-v day. Sun'-
dny< cvvvptudJVull oftlus hustq‘lmlily.un sold
:1! the lmw-‘t living prnfits.‘ (Irm-kur-lmk in: in
all 11': Mul‘m‘lu-s i»; largcyfivnrrlod on. and rllt‘Ts
to any nnlnuut, ,fi'om this and aldjuining ‘onn
tics, suppliml M \tllo shortest uoti‘cc. Hn‘lnrz
erected a large :xmlcdm‘mndium huke-houap n‘nd
Sctlll'ml the hmt \ym‘lunnmalrd thc~most up
prm‘wl mm-lin‘ery‘, he is prepared to do (1
luau}- llusiucsslr \ ‘ ‘ '' {a
July 2.116% ‘ \ ' . ‘ ‘
ion has been
‘ht the ' hum!
thg I-n'emng
bpoet, which
til principles
I‘le rcbcllwn
- oft/:9 l'nimz
“’lmt tren
-5 called 41““
dresses Imm
t-per anhgulc
omm Lova
lois.‘ Itisin
is trensonnhlq
.c Republican
[once into an
, A. Math‘ 3t 8:, Son’s ' l
oP.\A.\'Di-‘I'RNI'I‘I Izmvannmtonsfiasfi
S 25 and 27 N. (‘nly _tréct. Baltimore, (nczlri
[:xlyette 3L.) mending (1m Guy to Zhedcrikk '1
st.——thc largest csmhlidh ‘enl ofthe kind in the!
Union. Ahmya on hand i-ll‘lff‘ assortmi‘nb Di.
Horseman?) AND QFI-‘lc I I’URNITUREhem-i
hrm-ing Buren :11, “Cliilt'fldk. Ymhstands,‘\Vnrd- ;
roln-s, )intlrmq-s of HllS'x‘,\'Co[toi_l and “Hair!
Spring Both, Sofas, 'l‘cte‘ti-TQOS, ‘\rni Chairs, 1
Rocking Chnirs, Emgcres, .\inflvie Tnlnlos, Sot-[
”Hos. [invention and L‘pbnhtoAgd Chnira. AS-'
Wood Chairs. Office Chain-3,. B\rher Chnim!‘
Cribs and Cradles,'H:it Rut-ks, llNFul-n‘jturc,
Gill unu \\'alnut Frame- Looking GI shun, Side
boards, Extension Tnhles.‘ oi‘cvcry I ngtllu
Persons disposed to purchase arexuvited to
call 811-1 gifo our stock an oxauiinntio . yiiich
fqr variety and qunlity of workmnmh'iKg is not.
equ-nllcd by any establishment in the cognli-y.
‘ A. 31+?!in & Sn. .\.
Nos. 25 and 27 N Gay strcét.
An . 6 181:“. ii? .1 \
re Cincinnati
r, _xs mun-b
5 bgfoce Con-
I Ihe public
ding air line
= expenditures
gress seems to ‘
I dreds ot‘mu-
I is idea,,nnd
h, Safari 200
um: yhig‘h is
be :tcefiuble
ppucidtion of
- uuds deep in
‘NEW an exquisitfly hmntif‘ul styh-s of
; Alhmj :, for “Cf-rte dc Visitc” Photo
‘graphs, just receive“ 91an for sale n:«prices to
suillhetimep. ”“1802! BROTHERS,
York 5L} #pposild thg Bunk, Gpuyaburgfn.
Bastress 8: Peter: \s i » Mm" W‘s—”3' ~ -‘ ‘
. .0 ‘ . . i ‘\ L. SCHWK has a splendid iot of Foplnrd
Pé‘ng‘lglJmfl “5h [llll.BB for all I‘m,“ Of ‘J. Silks! Swory cheafJ—B’l} to 62} cents per
‘ ’ FLOUR, . , "I'ls,____;ll%, ___” .L__- __L_.__
. , ' ‘ SEEDS» kc-y G. Ghlinllnu ju<t n‘cvived a very fine
a! lho‘flrick “'arohonsp in va Oxford. ‘ ' ‘ V . asanhmonl ot'flfieut's Conan~ Huge,—
(‘xun’smmly on lmn-l :I‘ large hssmhnc‘nt'nf’Come‘xnnd (aim-nine them.
GRM‘BRIES. at. “hummus; and retail—73l9o,. , ‘ § n "..,, ___~
LUMBER, CHAL, GUAM), PLASTER, kc. ‘ f‘ COTTON“ DES, and a variety ofPums Slnfi‘,
Aprims, 1362. 1,4» 1 1 cheap; g. ‘A. scuf’r a; sows.
——————————-——-~ '. -- \i— -- 7 ~~-~;——— -..".
1 ministration,
re 50 than the
S \\U-lln sup.
, Notlce, ‘ -
-E desire 3“ persons indebted to qs‘to
’ call and make sémement, having made
a change in our mnnr‘uvr Mdoing business. j !
Uct.28,'1861. l-‘AI‘INBSTOCK slurs; I
I w a Slave.—
qy sheet, the
MBREIJLA of every variety at
‘l . E\ ? PICKING‘S.
‘ ' “—‘ “' ‘ * “‘“- “—H" "E alteqltinn of ibKLadies is respectfully
Queenswalfe. 'T i'm'llcdfio n lamé Mill splendid assort-
F you want‘nnylhiug ill the QUEEXSWARE "WM uf [fi‘dii's' fine Ki" 23‘9“! Lasting Gui
-1 line mum. A, SUUTT & SON’i, when-yin :lers, Gum Ofershoes, &C.,Just eceived at
will find the beat assortment. in flown. ' ‘ ‘ Oct. 23. ; .’R. F. MWENY’S,
snid in Gen-
i said: Re:
{unit to her
March. 24, [862
_-_7 . _ ‘_~-;____.___ __ __. gMOURNTI
])o.\msncs, Tickings, Checks, Flannele . mm“
(Qt-”cheap at Fnhncstocksl. \\'e have also 0“" WW “6'
a MUSLIX branded wnh our own nnuie,lo -thdn H'Q’h’j
which we invite especial‘nnention, as it u'xrels'jo'ikc 31 thelsl
by far, any over offered gin‘this market fondle L AW“ 21- ‘
page... .-‘ H ~11~
~ . __.- ~- «.jWAH-» ___..__., _§ bl} km
1’ ARGEPHOTOGRAPHS made'frvmlfim 'l i Men's .
J pictures at greatly r'bdnced rates; I I] e (dren'p‘ Huts,l
Excelsidr Sky-lightfiulleqx ”‘ }“ AMHZI, “
between' a.
‘ngel ofjhe
opt. the aug-_
I, at) would;
I‘ .ord s "skve'
er say to $9
man. H
J. c. Neely,
A. I. Cover,
Still at Work !
‘cumter Book Bindery. *
am Am, < -
flux): BOOK qurr/lc'r'rnn,‘ ,‘
dgfimnmmlul Hauling, of awry de
‘ xfiutcd in the mon’iubslantial and
tiles. ‘
I 2 ! nunzxcu. -
‘ I’lm'n a
Sauna? ~
Snmu -I \
T. D. burs.
111E514” farmers Bank of Lpnmktcr.
ér; Esq, {Luuputer County Bank
okk, Esq.,l(‘ohxmhin Bunk. ‘
gm‘r, Esq" Ymk Imnk. I '
«finer, Esq" York County Bank. .
11', I'2qu Hunk of Gettysburg. .
FulchEXar n“ Bsq., Prudu'; ul'l.:\nc:«su-r col, I‘n
Geo. .H vthurn,Esq.,(jh~gi.-Lur “ “
(hm. Vim op. E=q., Re ordrr ” “
_Apl“ l- 1:361. 1 A -
é Great Discovéry
; 175.5 z
1Q “h:- f
51 ”gm.
Tl'k . Al
the ,1 jni
great [Hi
uons. has
speci c. i
I ACE—lnflammatory nnd (‘hro 'c
‘ {Mism can be cured by using 113;.
i fly prumiucnt cixizens of this,an
mg counties, lunc- toszified ti: its
y.§ Its success in IHu-umnzic Mic-c—
-béen hitherto unparalleled h)" liny
anduccd to the public. Priz-e 50
omle. Fur sale by all drugpids and
sl7 Prnpnrgfil nnly by H. L. MILLER,
nrndLßel-il DrugzistM-Inxt Berlin,
fly, Pm, dealt-r in Drugs, ()Hemimla,
h' Spirits, Painlc, “_vb-etnflsl hot
l-szncos um] Tim-mum, Window
ulhvry. l’ntl-nt 111-de moi, kn, kc.
.jnuehlvr is (he Agent in Gettys-
H L._.\liUcr‘s (‘vlchruHurltheunutic
Adzlm‘h~ cox
Oils, ‘g’nr'n
tied ( 11s.
Glnsw Per
bun: for ”
6 ' ,9 [June 1%, mm. tf
change of Time.
‘1 CW: RAILROAR—On and anor
(why. .\lnvl-S, 190], Mm Morning
94w: (irtlphur: M 7.15 .\. .\I.. with
hit :11] the cnmu“ lion's. Nnrth and
me NUMhI-rp (Ivnlrul Runway. and
Ht 1 P. Wu The nftmwon Train
[Genphurgg n! 3. P. BL; but
h"- thii Thur: can gr) no fvrlher ilmn
0‘ same filming. [lg-tuning \\ill
«inn-t: nhmxt 5.1.3 P. .\L. \\ ith passen-
I] xrrishnri’. fl’h'n‘li'd‘lp‘li-‘I, &c. By
elm-n: [n-nsmlstm the country,
(101‘ the fitnilrmu. In.” in}: husincfis'
i? (iv-Hpfiukg. I-nu take the noon
d lune nm-rly two hour: in Gettys
c‘uln in tlu- \m-rmmn Tralin.’
’ R. MLCCRUY, I’rcaiukm.
I ‘\'l-xll
Train \\ i
J) mnngors
South ' on
return]l n
;will leave
; passengers
. Hnnovlc'r t
reach lieu.
pors from
”lii nrmn
nourthe Ii
Train uqu
burg, and
May 12,
3 Ready Markét.
)O‘) Hun—w.- hzn‘e tum-n lhq
'gm-rup WU" Klim-fcflvflr. Jiullingcr
alll‘ll‘l'lllillJHOn 1" [My {lll- highest.
'95 fur a}! «kind: of “Min. ‘Ynu will
yr‘flitnl iflth ‘I'LASTICTE, ”FAX“ M
wartime“, \th'v-nlp una‘gmn
'4).\L. huh L-n-ry ntln-rinrtiHfl In nur
find,» snid Mt t‘hp loin-31' [H)S~‘iMl‘
~11. ('.lllnngloulnlinr ollruuck run]
r? pun-hash”: (~l~'o\\_b¢~‘|~.~, _ '
Apr‘irzz 18m; [2: g . ‘
10 .
hunw hm
‘& ('O. uit
lml‘luil '[uri
find us’ in
MI kmda
lino luu
mtcsq‘y‘r (‘:
price? hcf
fawba & Isabella Wine.
’+\’V—-\\'¢~‘:ul- hum-y to :mnuunfl- 19
’uf .\Ahm: rmlnh' HM! \\'oJmu»
hr m:mnl:n:lurx-ot‘l‘xm-\\ inn-Imm
§ i‘ln'l [hut ‘0 are mm' pn-p:\rml_lu
L'm kuplxh .w I.I:h!o—.-qu.lnifil~= of
him-.lll} [mind 11$ \\ my 11.10 ”10 market:
‘is' lunrv and |qu Muud ilu- lc.~t_ut‘ Iln
l'f‘r-‘nns uidxinvz H pure :U‘tirl".
‘ itnppiic-Int lmnw \\ixh'ml [hl- Eixk
ll“ cd||flul|‘h\' an immune :ntmlo.
‘ $1; l:_\' .\.)l’. “l'r‘lll.;}.l2 :xnII‘E. H.
‘l-El)<1»::1~,;,:lgx<1 E. 111Tg~m.w,l‘clcli
‘m-liug~, ."u. , ’ ‘
i L ‘ ‘1
{an gar m Delay. -
muiz'u‘d‘rr‘q'v-xta n“ ln =.‘\' that ho
[ lulll'h ‘rrh‘HeiL'ml (u (‘.u h .lll‘l all M
Hnnir t‘H-Ini‘x-lxn- In M iwlcf-tml 10
fln- \Umu INmL- \. unnur. ur lulu-r
-v,‘ 1 , ‘
w' “.11 try-man unmedm‘t- numvnt
nigug <4». \Hlllcmmiv-I III!" M I‘m 11k
ni-cnuil)‘ ul own-wring [hum-s‘. :1
«‘l'. ‘M HUT." :~‘ \\L\H\’
itillfi’induldvil cm I .H; {-irhl-r all the
‘. (.4;m.-.~;..r Hm “1”")th or (m .\
«I; I: .111 :L, (mu-:lnixfr.
.‘ ‘ ‘ K . Aw
Ilium. ‘ ‘ 1 f 1
, 1’ “.V‘“—"r—"‘“
gFme Liquors. ' :‘
3\]:[1,I‘l?:'ll“1l‘v! In hi:L (irm-nrv and
,mu .\‘hnlv. :1 vh-p ”'11::va fur Ihr mltw ‘ ‘v‘
ailml Invin: 1.11.1 3n .n liar,» le fine AR! H '\rl
‘IL' invitw ‘tlm :mvn' nu (ul' lulu-I”: r‘ . , . ‘
i‘omhrzux‘s.‘ I¥l:A\\'hlll'..\‘. “WM-25', “2,3,? it
IS‘KH‘IS. km. of duh-rpm kind: and 1"::}:"\l>pr‘('l
uiamunz‘the but to he Inn] in llac m‘hu!ml‘§n fl"?
iikmnttu ic, ‘- :fuu k Shh 4 uml sum“ “. IlnL ”f 11.19 P
- will so” vhf-up. u-n‘ l'lll‘flp. for 11:01 ‘i-‘uTr‘Tn‘r-‘ne'
lygcum‘im 01. it la 01111; .m‘cczmr) to 80‘“ 2‘." 1‘
\llrp.|tlon:\2(‘. ; ‘ », A '
I". July 1,1591. 1 ' .
. l . ,
Eisabled Soldiers. -.'
'lifi Im
- ‘\IH l
him. f-‘Xlw‘
“Liam th
Th 11% w d
nwrcCl’Hlh; 1
r . ‘
prnpqr hm
[I :fhi’t‘.‘
Stun, X.
J. 00er
Ir "
; , )6
hn‘ Lilrll )r<
mmqn.‘ .1.
(uxs. \\‘li
priu'i, sun
cilivzl .-\-'
1‘ plums." h
' ('nsh. To
. give him 3’“
1 Gan-gs!»
[S ”R 1
Inn “.\‘mwas. .\\m \\‘m‘mvs,
AIKK‘. Ti't‘lifil:. .\ltnrnl'} fur~ f‘him
.\.and ‘9an J’ulwinn .\«rmfl. “Md:—
In. (‘.—l'oQHionaprowl-"ollmisal
(Ln um] .\l.lrixw.~ «If [M luv-smut \\nr.
. Mml hy n-nmn nf‘ \\'nmnh rrt-en onl
' nlru-NHI \\"IIHI‘ in sorvivmaml‘l'vn
v “tune; :md .\rroars of Pay oh‘
' (MW: (5r nVIu-r hvirvuf thus» \\'bu
‘ Imm killml “Ith in st-rrigo.
i VICE? —(‘)
unta. “mu
inclnn (‘1!
(flux; 50: l
I_Whnllr(‘ 11
"_yr dim-Me .
finna; Ihm
tninw'l fur v
Imu- llh-d I
i Hunnlv A
the oghcr l
t J. C. Np: 1
: Nov“. IR, 1‘
5E , ‘
nor f"
[',(jlt‘n‘lu': I t
'rnu at :11] it
lbusinL-ss i ‘ h
zind prom urcd l‘ur B('T\'ix‘|'i in any of
firs. (Mus. (‘. 'g'nrmm,
. ' ‘ \\':xsl‘nixyzton, D. C
v, Agemrfleupburg.
ohn W. Tipton;
ABLE "ANNE“, North—mist car
“he DiNmun-l. {next dqor ‘tn “('-
ml.) (inuyfihum, P:\., when-p ‘hn
ws hl- mum! rvmh m :mt'nd In .\ll
is line. Helms also Medium :13-
' “ill cu=ure sntjslZH-tion. um
i \ ‘ [hem 3, 1.54:0. :
1' er Branéh Railroad.
,sismnce 21‘qu
him a 0311.} ‘
;_ ' Ham)"
S“V Tmi
- Leave Um.
1‘» .\Ill:ANHHHBNTS.~!’nswnger
I“ run as follmvs:
om- at 9:510 A._)l., and 12:30 p. u.
film at ll':.m A, m. mud km I'. u.
."I. train makes mnnt‘ctiun at tho
lhp Not-(hand South. The 12:30
conneclmé for the South only.
igkuts‘urufifisuml to Philadelphia,
arrislmrg.s\\'i!liamsport, Reading,
'nrk, \\‘x-iglxl§\"llt-, and all prim-i
-ts on Lhe [inc oftheNoi-therix Cen
Lea% e
Th‘cflzao A'
Junction t'br,
train makes
(‘.ulumbiu, I
,l):\l wny poi
'trnl Ruilwa;
D. E. TIT-ONE, Ticket Agent.
$2. a -
Jnn. 20, ]
YSUN il3O PHERS inn: making their prem
ium picpgres at prices to suit. the :imea'.
['G GOEDB.—The fine}: “sort-f -—7‘-—-——l——j~———‘—¢—-—.——~—W
.f )qur ing Goods over ofl'ered, . LL cows,“ Zcp‘ww Worsted mid Sheiknd
Isccn and bought nt lower riqcs,A_ WO6l cafl be h _~nl ‘ SCHICK'S:
vc ever been sold before. (*1 in .\LICOi-Zslfns good as ever, at from 6* to
n_of the‘ Bed Frfmt. ‘ n ‘C 12} cramfijartfflfun be hudu BCUIGK'S.
_ _ HHNEBTOCK‘ 3395. _ . (30T1‘0N apovnsum‘r Men ...-1 Boys. en}:
aor 91mm GOODS, cmbmring be had okm M s ‘ . .SCHICR'S
nIAI Boys’ Huts, “ism-3' and (Nail-‘1 YOUNG 1! -u‘9 FaH styles of Rats and
IShaker Honda, kO,, huh“ I 1 Cnps,2o Wyn-1.1.1 Inn-Pr than .uamu ‘pgicey.
;. :R. F. McILHEXY‘S. 11l- ‘ h , I 11. b“. McXLUENY'fl *
‘ ‘ , “x ) ' z
1 ' ‘ .
; Ready-made Clotlung. .‘
‘ Eomm AMULQ ‘ ' ,
G [ln now on hand mm‘h lholnrgpfl. stock
*0 llcady-mulr Clothing In: In: we: had, con.
sisting of, ‘ ‘ 1 ,
CUATS, all :size', 1 ‘
I’AXTA,L()U¥S, (16., ' . A
VESTSV 160-. l ' , »
5 DUSTER , ‘ '
~ ,’ 3381 TS,’ ' ‘
i" i RAWHRS.‘
. ' ;‘2 i § umwts, -
,- 1‘ 1‘ 1 ,110 ‘IERY, tr.
Our Fangs; fin" and Vcsts run I' a nasal:
.to an anchor. bplh as {to size,pr'rce and quality.
If m: mnuouphfue ydu ‘H’. a garment. remly‘
'mulc Mr. W.‘ T. Kin . iwlm is in sonnet-lion
jwith the etlullliafimen , will.“ once luke yuur
ilueusure and Pump! 50‘: fi Hui! inwlporl nulicE.
‘Gire us a. mu; ‘ [April 23. um. sm‘
._ »4 .44-.4&—_T—¢—£-—————~.-.»——._.
L Highly Ixhportant ‘
T The he” pluifejm‘ buy your Dry Goods in
I . A 11.“ SCU‘H‘T A: SONS, ‘
‘ opposite lho‘Enélie Hog-L (‘h-xmbcrs’hurgsxreet.
WOnc I’richFnir cuiingmnd Everything
attht’f!.u\dusrpulcn.-_ ‘ I
‘ We have :jjué' rgtu‘mcd from Philadelphia!
and Hammond ‘hul We now opcuipg _a large
- and summits-la. rlmknt. of k »
‘ SPHj'W GOODS". 1
to who): we ihvi ‘ thqs‘pccia! nugntinn ofilhe
'lmdio: and (icqilk-gwnérif tuu n and country.—
“'1: will nut. panii'ulnrszv. hut irivilc MI w cull,
‘ exnminc nndg’udfge fun lhtmavlw a.
We take this m‘ufihml of rv xuruiug ourthnpks'
far the liht-rul pdtfiona'ge nun ficr t-Mcuduj to
: us, and would say it Imm he our cunshmt en
: dmu’or to nwrit n‘ gbmimmncc of thp same, by
'stnc: nttL-nfion tfl‘hxjsineas. “ith :A drain: ‘o‘
please, by spliiixgs§jnrixuiug Last, and must.
goods for the lumfimdnty. ' ‘ ~
g , ~ 1 “AK-E'C‘OT'l‘. a; 30m.
: April 14. 1901!. l ‘ ~ . l
l . : NewlFix-m. , '1 ‘ Cannon &Ada‘ ,3 £1
G _ Fm‘flux. xu'rmfx's' fit, 1‘ 4 more nhd Eustéllidnllc streuflanurcrtln opr'
. The ,thp'z'siygnqd hali'p gm“. gum pslrtlH-I’flfip ‘ pushe the now’ (‘qurt house. Helprum—l
in the “ma,”- 1W" lumhiun 9.115;“..,§' My“, {hung rrccmly arrm‘ejljmm l'hil‘udelphmqu?
nhl stand of W. (”lll'fi'llil“ in Yurk‘erm-t, hue lt-cling fully mmpctfnt to exeglylc :1,“ work m
door cast of \\'lll'~3 11'0”], Hmudmrg; “ here (he fine-1! style oflhgs an, we wn 11d fospcctfulr;
MIPV will consrmiuy lél-p (m n ma t'm- <.|lc, a 1y invitfe 1h" nttelxliqn omit- [my p- yrxshing to
gen-em! vnrihy/ufiguq sin lboir‘liu'e, ‘1“ ' [mu-um anything iu‘ourhnc. to 11m;- lwwnhh
UUI’FERS, ‘ ‘ -' call um] examine spcrnnem r-f' ohlr work. \\'
SUGAR-é," ‘ ‘ ‘‘ . ‘ 'm‘e prqtflrcd to fumbh .\IUNC.“ ‘,FTS. TUMI!
szJLASfiI-TS. ‘ ' ~.-\.\'l) lll‘2_\D,.ST\).\'h:S, MARIN ll} M \.\'TLF.."
‘ SLAHS fur Cabinet-make”, zLjnd “I‘ll mhL-r \\‘ur
nppuflnining to Lulrlnl=ixxé<~yht IL'1I)\\'(‘.~I‘II(i;';
sihlo wins. “'0 dt') IIIILHU‘TJ *jtdugrunrantvp
that mu- \\'urk shnl‘l he put "1 ix :{m-xnncr'auu
stgunml my! tam-{u} c-qvml to Ile- “P?! to he
501'" in thn ('itiN, “here cvurfi':imprnvx-uu-ut
“|th MIN-ricnvn‘ha: snugm‘tw-Ifi :u'ailml of,
:llld,§"‘p(‘(‘i£l"_\ do we 1: mmutve 11‘3": bur (' my;
loryam] Gratu- Yard wnrk flit]! h‘ - 'm mro‘uliy.
5:»: us lint tn hr nth-110d by ”0.1.4 th <hnll lll:lil\_
I:l‘inlfin‘ ymrs th.|L l‘l‘('l‘_t!h;d<‘ufi.Maitmll gin-h
mt lht- cmupluinn m'n Jllh."lnd s‘i nu’l‘msuh’ 1p
cumin-Mn! firm-c-luluézs and symmetry. ’
Nu: m, 1:339, .th ‘ :4
‘ ‘ J'LYDS()NA'S: .
Mountain qub We Tea; I
Ham’s, mulch" .\\‘n npuh'b‘o
‘ , hwsuvs ‘1
"F L n I.”
“ \\'ilhnnvfcl
Th 3 efpflq'
Ullannll l‘l);:\
:Irlirh- of [luv
the latter. 1
”mint: ml‘
1h: _v xm- inrdpfu
“hi! I: will ln-f
Tlll')‘ lullvr (‘in
fnrc hen-n lunl
Give us :L‘J.
April 29, 1
. Cb
l WWII} (£1
qu Hmn (lufi
‘ flayf’Tluw‘:
$0!” 101“”
"3‘o hm]. \\’_h
ny-u rr-HHII
X'U'n. ‘J I. l:
i 'T
. “It“: "ml--
nn‘l-Iu I
chl'u-xvhl l'nr‘n
(nunl). .\H
(inn In (‘thnl
rvmnnfic fur
‘A vnrv:t' o n
(:UIHH Hm I‘
(1': Within! Jr?
\\'itlmut «and
:11]. (mml‘ .4le ~
.\‘lnril H, lm
-* ’ CO}. 1
x cm unwr
A mtumL.‘
to Plum Tum:-
rmnarknlnlv W"!
The .\mnlr my
all tlw approval
.\'. u._—Sue“
l‘nut office. “
Sept. 2.18.411
u an}: 'Found! 4-
ifimo: $ll3 pit-My nf‘m'nncy " are
tho film hazing of Good; ~‘t‘
Mich-ally tenured Brim-z.—
) \rnu‘h hko :idvnmnge oflhia
1m i'n ~1(~v-’urin'g B \‘fipfin: PUMP,
YRA’VE NUNHY! ‘.\s the non
hul niNnnql‘d, m- will‘sl-Tl what
ling wk hn'o‘rin hnnll at wires
0:? ornhumiva] lumvrs. ’Tuuz‘s
mé-a Hide these. ~ Thesrnn-ilv of
1 mmh- in". hv huvinz. in much
} Tthllysbm-g, Feb. 17, 1562.
,!l . . .
. -1 iano "Eunmg. -
“nor-t nnmm; or} Littlosmu‘n, a‘ Prunfir-nl
P Piano ’l‘firvr, inf rrils his friends and flu
mnsicul pll‘l]i( in £04.01?“ Hut he gives. his
time, not othei-wiso "can; ed, tolTunin: flnd
I‘m-pairing Pilinus. u? hu (Marnie prim-R. "c
prnmlsn: culird snti=fnptib hr nn pay. Orders
rcm-iredntthis‘uflico. 1 3 [Sam 16, IBM,
_i- A__‘,} f, m ' _. -_ _ ..L_.____
- ‘ ;' Pram s. ‘ -
mom) FJLUIRS!-jfl‘\"sfl.\' BROTHERS
G have jus lrcruinfid from l’hilzldL-Ivhinfl and
now offer to the ‘pnhlic. the [august and bug
assortment of Guam {Frames ever brought £0
Gettynhurg.nunstunisbinglylow prices. Please
call and examine theta, Excelsior Sky-fight.
Gallery. York Ftreel, ppposite the Bank. Get
tysburg, PL. 1 3‘ [Mn’rch 10, 186?.
L 0 *
THE “ Emmi
{nun-l h‘t
l‘urchnqu win
(‘hflnrl' nf'vrmfit
.\T “KPH, .\N
sun hat: com-«fl
of \\'inlt'r (‘lO
t 0 SIIHJy the
Tm: Spur fury?
mnnoy is Lhu‘s]
cheapel. ;-
.. “Cin‘tp 3e Visxte” ‘- '
HOTOGR PllS l—fWe haw-just introduced
a splendifi muslee mlumn in our Gallery
and are now H‘epfll’f‘lllto {urnish the how style
“(‘nm' de Ni inc" l‘hololgraphs—J'éur for a
dollar. Si Th'sox mm’rwum.
Excelsior , y-light Gallery, Gollfsburg.
Murrh 10, M 422. I. , ' ' l :
._ , . “mt... i ~.f.‘ « .—.—.;.—__._.§_—-_..
. ' M'he [Span
QAMSON is it“! in in! York, maiing pur
k’ chases“) eep fu uld incrennfilbe stock
of his Clothi‘t‘lg and] Variety Sm . on the
Norlheast corner of the Diamond, Géttyahnrg,
Where sales a e "mile at. Enstqnishirmly low
prices. Bm‘idr for wish. he can so l'low for
rash—lower; I} nan ever and no mismjke. Call
in at the Stare; and Aunt Ronmxosn‘will’wnit
on _mu withfme greatest of pieuure, showing
you Clothing, Boots, Status, to; oils-very kind
and price. i E ; . ‘[Dec. 2, 1861.
" “I'm
sunrr. FIR.
" :5” is,
; Fm
PnT§\TnE-:.<, ,_ 4
lu-:.\\'r-‘, km. '
NJ) r E E D,
n; A}
1 furl!
t4h=o 1|
‘3‘” [m
luTer '
rg-d thli
II I m
vlvul hugéh‘iin (MAI);
M |'s"—'l-mmismgu 2mm l
nu! 3x line asaulrlmenl uf‘
~H‘l‘nre I'md “'an flunnw,
“-11 :l Llruv an rk. :1” ul‘
IAM .'H [ln- lmuul run-l.
V": 14 h-u‘o nfvér hora-to-
I] n 0L *1 '
“mm snared tr: pleue
n' \.(‘I}IHH:
new: 5. unmfifivm.
\ , lhhl n lllt'rt' {71.11% flint :I“th t
E ‘ Hum»: qm urn-n. tlu- cnuu- of; Li:
‘3l! 003]. H :(u's unguidl [is “Hunts, uudfls’n‘
I! aim mm' ”Mp-hot! 10 I‘M/“‘1 W
Sculn'rnn 4111.1111‘3', in my
gm“. (‘.xslg. . i .
ll! ‘. ' ‘
'm-‘LL Hmfil- mama to
.uzv. 3'“ lun Is ”—1:- nun-h
him: HI»LI4M.IHZ’ (ltl'we
s“! C
\ x or;
II .1 TV!
m’l Mn
)4”! hr
.4; l
y Ahea'i
mrmm. :tnih inform: me
LIII'AkIJVLI-fi jnx'x‘ in ml it:
‘. h. nM-‘r ‘lh ll] .n \' Elm” in the
HR “31‘: I'lfml In :iu <.«li~lf.u'-
~, ("lnxvmx ‘prhd'urr ”Iqu in
uh “I lIIHIL‘I‘IEI Inn 0': _
r) .\ \L lUWXSLHY.
1m; 2 q 13"“.1 . V .
| ' , a
U 15“) :lmrp‘
Ihe tUnion.” ‘ -
111111;} MW“. THIN“. ,
1 ‘ 3mm\IH;I.I-In.x,p_\. ',:
|\'}l-I\\'(JU}!Fl|-t. l'n‘m-lmzrmr. '
fiu-l i< ‘.(l‘lHh|l., Hm“ uiE-u't 11v
% Innis [My-z.- nf Ihv Fin". :13)!
m- ,I’x‘l't‘it‘ll‘ u- to My: qumfurl hull
- «hu-stfipnhfiv. '
'.:'.‘l “(fr d‘xy. \ '
. Iy] - V
l . _‘V‘ _ ,
at . Attraction ; '
's' L—‘lleh-w jn-t pm‘nnd ”In
IH-hhl :ncmrltmn-n! (49' SPRING
ham-(i in tfii~ l.hrn,.' lu rt‘ 10,
7w- (In-\H-nnnm ho \HrfinueJ.—-
ii”; In Elunhrnlurizv‘. 'I 2m unlu
~ v. 1 J. L. .\T‘IHC‘K.
e td the Fair!.
UYHII-I'l‘Tl ) \'!\'l'r PLEA.“ -\f\"l‘
l'lh‘lihli‘n' gx-n‘rmfim mun-mg
rill fill?! 11?:- mu k in thv 2"
; .:|:nl (Efrain! nt rodlu-mf pr'rc I-z‘
:hnrs ‘mu I\.kr3l>li(‘<y mphmring
atlx-tcé '
o iwh'x lax-nu] may-{Flam Halo
9 T: H. C(mk’ k. HUXS.‘ I.
J ; ' I’mpnr/nra.
WA M4...._. 4 o—fn—H -
I Town Props ’ -
" T, PRIVATE SALE—Tho n lorzlzned My
for. at Private Sale lhcjl’ro t-Hy in u hicl f
be pow-res‘ldes, situate in but. idnllc plrteli:
Grflysburg, udjoming‘S. R. Tip“ %n the West,
will! Mrs. \lt mrny on the edit. ll: :m j”..- i
ylllfi' in the reur. THE HOUSZ ‘31.“: 3
' lib-« Lory F name, Wellherboamlé . filh '
' Back-building; a well of vmler, fifth a pump in‘
it, at the door; nnd 'a mriet or ruit, such as.
l ples,‘penn, penchas, apriaoqucherries, and
39.5 mm“ the mostfiboiée. » ‘t‘ ‘ g .
‘ gov. 12, 1360.- t! g j ‘‘ f
‘7 ‘5 ‘ -_ —v- ‘- ~—~~.——§l
ll Somethmq New, 1 : 3 I
' ‘ flEundei-sighedmpecfifulo A ‘ I
| ly‘ informs the residenufly
n u-llyahurgnnd vibinityfilmt '
he has opened a WATC AN ‘JI-‘JVI'ILR‘Yt
STDRE, in the room' imm nmly lntbe reér
LMr. J. L. Sch'u k's Sg‘oro uni]. fronting, lhé‘
Square; where ha inn-wh‘ keel hf." nn assert.-
nu-n’l or \\'.wr‘nEs‘,metun“ sulvmlnnl.
'Gl.o(‘l\'fi,&c., Ice. 3 1 . t l , ‘ '
i llauing been condor-ted ivit n. first-Y'lnsfi
Watch and .Jeweky Store in' gultimore, fol
;qevornl year: pashlm is prepn‘ 1 In turnip!“
. ‘evcry article in lhe line, a; lh “lowest. cit}
’ prides, ,anld all purchases will be. ‘ua'mntigd a?
, rtprcsa‘ntl-d. ‘ - v -
‘A From a long:I exrerience inan
,espcclnllyoffiuc \ 'ulches. heis}
all kinds bf \\'nlch-work prdmpt
mnnncr'. mu] guurun'ly (he {)Efflxil
Q He will 'lu-gap nllw' ys on hand x
men! n! Sl’l‘TUll'l'AClj'lSmmlSlim--
Lwlc (ilusics; and luving uiu'ch
experieme in' adnmin: them In
lwazll‘cd to 6! all who need theta
mm JEWELRY Immem oral
stylvqyndun‘ grant. n‘lrictflof pzilti
fi ~ JEWELRY rvlmirpd in the rim
1’ . ‘ e - £051":
j GL-tt3'=h":rg, Dec. 23; 18 _l. If
¢ .
‘ v
swrr, m f
' .J! I ‘7'” ”1453‘; TAN/fall
D") you \‘vlwn ohuh‘jin: {llll‘ I
m )uur (‘hil lrgn. unwillcr til.“ i
lumps _m: m.“ I“
g‘= . . H
j “q not PM your chith'cu 5111. -r
. svub _xloulin ‘_' ‘ ,l
‘ .n'ns'ox "mm M
’1 “fr. .\r'x'll I'LE \‘éfi‘T (‘l I : m humus. j
‘ U-m‘f mvirh>l'vl-It.l>r'-:sm! “fir ‘uuihl it ‘u« ,1,:
,-h ”'o‘” Ellwnyz in II": Imuy‘c, ‘1 \ _inlu 11. h I\'
‘i u hr-n :1 child it 1.11“)“ i“ mm pfia-u l L' Him-unki-
M i'é dumb. \\ luziv :'(‘l|ll_'l;\\ NIH}?! ’tl(~l.:_\‘. (UH
' 1n gi\l‘l'_’HlP‘AHHVVT‘!‘”[l2“ 11h..\ iw‘m'i ‘—
1h :mN. \fm “HI nmEnnlx ~ uc- Y‘l‘ u!Lilv‘|:lJn|2
nn-l twiiquk [Hm-“2‘ aim! ynnrq-H hurl; ovum";
|qu "Wok-I*] I--upn~tin knuwiniith. gym Enh
du m vu-H' duh". .lel I)?“ nmmv 'l‘. hr‘ hl'u.‘
'l"'|':7l ’lll":liv im- xu-umhlnn-ni 1"" "1‘0! ‘
.vI~ “ ‘ > V,
I lulu; I: B s .\thu (41. x, :
; 3 . xm- .\ bum'ricu; oi? ‘
. ‘ :(:.u;mn-:l.i or. .\IIXI3K.L ' ‘
‘ . Ll: ('94P!) I 3 I‘. ”L ‘ l ‘3
\'n' ilnun- filth} \'.;|lui!«.g_m'\\im +l}; Hi"! If}
[hnav- “.311; mu v Inu- l‘hh ’l‘v- l. Tum mph :H‘llrl
pv II [p3o nl .AH Mhtr Vt’l'lllifi‘kt‘sj-illll \\nrh)
Klilvrj is \Hiil(.'lfli\‘r. ‘ § ‘ ’
‘ , ‘ V (gift; ,xo ; :l < ; ‘
<\ , 'v , ‘
' 11’ 0 , I S OH IN -‘
. Q ~. E 1.6 .:' ‘ 3
‘ ‘ vm'n gm} Lmhgfi. 3 ' 5
I'smthi= Simrh‘. h‘mfie. Veganfiah
'l'lui'q \\'llll‘ll 'lh-zl \vm lliw‘n' urgl
nnl \\'.l} :unwlg Hm MILL at 5511‘!!!
~.—.l l‘up .u't quart n!‘ it _\’uu \\ in find;
mum: 's. .\<k fur Hil- "/c'v 'I'I" 'ffz'l‘u/(l;
of tho .\L'NIL Mnl when 31:" In: - r 1
‘hfln \‘nur'lmighbur;~ Hut th‘éy! \u}
lot :unl he ( "er! lnyl!11~(illkl.\'pfil'
\l'H . 1 '
! bums-Ox}; won
1 Jill. 14$? "‘ol:va ‘
, NHL“: "Nils—*3},l'll.}:‘AH.?'\ 'r
; mar .'x Luck.\Eiiézu’mcn; 5
('Nmmévn—thn .3: find thler‘
turn MIL L. JlihSU‘N & (‘O. n'
of,7'.:um, un (‘3lch p.l(~knge u .11:
B'. L‘. JUDSON :8;
S 0-1. E If um) I’ R I E‘
00 Lsosuu Sraxm, X 5
fiafifivmnxls Wan.“ TEA is so]
in ('\'l'jy Village, and’ by ull [My
HAGJ‘mm, .\gvnt for Gctlys
‘ July 22, 1861. lygcur . ‘
..‘.__l.‘ 41.....-
QWM a flight flow, PM”?
03% J‘ Jim; an. ow gm
BRQNGH'AL ,g/usmt, M WM 5:
)3, “(£9 _dwok'ed wiflljafiifiplcmz
0C , ‘edy, if mglebted, qflm ter
minates seriously. Feflm aware 9}"l
the importance qf ztopp' a‘flaug/L or
sll3.};th in itsfii‘ststag'e; thatl
which in ‘flw beg-immg would yield \to
a. mild v'vmedy, if not attended‘io, soon
atta‘dcs gm lungs. . . 1
‘ gamut}: a; Hint/lag
W W W W figm'
flalda, great/Elfin. . «. ‘ ,;
,fi’atzurh, the WWhm flap.
,the hunt, giving W "ltd-
Pubuc Spock»: and sage", ‘
WW: .‘voiou- .' 5,‘ ' '.
Bold by all @rmgg-ists @OlO3 iii
fledicinz, at 95 cam .
nay-A. D. Bum’m, Agcn , ’4
Dcc.30,1861. 6m 0 '
, 'Anothei: Vic of),
FARMERS. mke ilotiee l uh". G. CARR
. ban the agency forthe saIcIoI'LSCHRIN'Hfl'S
IMPROVED mummy .\IILLfi which Inn‘s
taken twenty-three First Prenfin 5 throughout
the State ofl’ennuylvhnin. and file First Prem
ium 4: gas Sm. Fuir’of Illinois." And alsofllq
agency-Jot the sale ofrAJi. ZIEGLEWS CAST:
whic have taken the First. Pieyqinm M. allth‘é
Fair Hinton-er lhg-y were ex ibi‘ted ushwhicll
is 30er six or eight in number..‘.j ’
Fuymers. the Mills and I’loix‘glii are wnrrant
ed kolgive'satiafnclion. If (by hun‘t. you arp
pririkged to return 1410 me um ’ngdnt nt Get:
tysblfirg. - ' I [oct.z‘l, 1861. 6m*j
IJEDLES, call_andfsee the cl‘enpost lot 0!
~ ' 81 KS ever offered in ,Geufiaburg, which:
are nmy open and ready lor‘ sale/2‘5 I
Aim; 21. ~ 3 flmw ‘smcx's. a
lOMESICS, Pfizfiu, Ginghu affirming}
D am" a: ‘ 'f A.SCOI¥IT&’SUN'S. f
~,~ L ~~t~R PRi
‘DURING the past yux‘
to the notice of. t;
of this country the l'urn
Propylamine, as :5 REM:
HS.“ ; um] having much
both from physicians of
and from pnticntu, the ‘
the Heating-m of'tliis pai
use, 5e are inddced 16' 1
in a form READY {O
which *we hope will ('o‘
n ho are suffering with ti.
and to the medical pm I
disposed to test the p-I
remedy. . i
mem rnnvaAm
spoken of. has recently‘
perimemed with in the I"
PITAL, and with .\IAR :
appear from the ‘publi
medical journals.) - l
W“. is can-fully pu
diute we, with an]: dire
calm-d fmm all the dru
bottle, and at. whnicsalo‘
guns-4 to d 6
Y, in the but
unfit-e "fit. 9
“huge aqfurt
‘tbc‘sigln, is
y!- in the ,‘thVl
‘rna nn lmnd.
leg?! mnnder.
l' 111-NAIL :
w - 4 ‘
Dtugzists untuhnuf'
July 1, 1861
* Somethi “
OPIES nre bring p"
\mnnv mzxgmfic‘cnl‘
T'ees and \‘m'imm kind
Trees, some of the fine
ever been put on paper
set with abundant hum
that which mmmx pre.
The lrcos nn- reprowm
running‘lhrnugh the s:
and the Engravings n‘!‘
grund. ’ “an cpunim
‘yrvprcscnti Hu- funnme
uf‘n \‘iguroua "902.91":
tho. so”. The-Rom
inches in nli.uuoter.on 1
mnunifim-nt vuzrnn'iuu,
prm‘e gram} iu;,r tn Hu-
hold it. Such nu on!
printed inn pain-r; byfu
fnnh not'nnly plow: m
the 030.1 ml ie dniignm
annn-gc m :1” \\'lm wk
tivxmufi of fruits and
prnperly. ‘ I If 1.
A CUPY mnminaTwon y—fi‘gllirYYort‘mJ-Tngmrn
\ . inLN 0F Trm-é. l’ruiti, ('l9.,('(3lpro.~._(:d}l
‘. ", of Hw-rqrr-«ue :l"!>r«-~i. filming Pun-lug
I: IMn-Hlfirami: ‘l’mrMuh'hvrg'WlX-eos.
' kc. The Frui I‘ln'igr'vings «y'lnp'riso'
Rzupii't-‘fi'il'e. (: insvlmrrles.,ng'klwr
. tic-u I‘urmms Grjupt-sv. i‘lumq, Ami-1;
cots, P.‘ .IN, P‘eu-hf-n. Applufi. Qua. Kfld)
nrb .ilf'rnlqro- lhy hum! u. ri-prl-io‘ut“
. ~ tlu- natural I'm t, nil-lalgeacnofimnnie‘rl:
‘wilh prinml mtd‘er or gnoutEimyor-i
lulu-la um] fm'ljns u rupyju, side 3.! my
4:: illvhiu. on mphmlxr, \x mi Inu=liuy
. luu'k an"! llu'o‘mrnishr". ". ’ 4
A COPY. \\ith 5N numgrn’xh cngrnvin' , will"
lu- gram) inu‘ ! > the 93.0. mu} {flim- nn'
ndmimen-n' mun forgtlw \\‘:gll 0! Nick
pnrlnr, and \x H firMy Lo'uxixrf uu)‘.
Amman-m \\'H , htsgiirniturnlg runner"
' ofmm~h innmr «melt-MW! fu'm‘nj Thom
«alum: .Irv' Im} I‘idéél-l M u 9cm hung
‘ (“.'|l(ll~'.' Tum. \'-!il\L-dqllurthsw-ln-vn
. pain] 10.1 n n nine mtisx fififorming
the plates at” Qiugle I)! gmx‘jaus of ‘
‘ hrs-us. nun“. r 12. {Hugh 0 Qo-r (mt;
manr c’xn ml: {in’z-u‘h «muff: :t 5
Riding lipnrv. the pri-e {aria ‘cnm
\\ill be; nmdv' 0 low, 1. 'at titlbeu pur
» sun: (‘zl‘n imw chin n J-upivigfur the
Hum 11an In}: I 01-11 puid,tcr slinglc L-n-_
, strunn': of Ir mapll‘, ' ‘
A (‘OI’Y mmmiug min ml m‘xtm‘r nf milrh im—
‘ pnrlnm‘v and "(Mt \‘Mu‘i‘. l! 3w: Hr I
lugw m t1.'.1[.. H Hulls hf Flléif 'l‘rm S'
"to x'vndur (lam \‘m y \ignrqnx 311-1 1 ru
‘ durtin}. vwn i.) llil’:l\lvr.llllt’ Lmsnn‘.
. h. uill u-H 113 m In fu-{o-pyughc sml
Iviflmm izvc-m wit": 9 M-I‘nreiul mung
“1L“ In 0: in. l slrt-ugxli'cn thin much ‘
in \"wnr. n'ml uprleL-ilhO [nu-ilul-vivg
. “(hint plnl-ul nhcmps. (‘\'vnjin‘unfuz-
{,n mums. .'
” . . .‘ v
Ipinlsy {H'nmh
"my hé- mow
cm? In mm
:- linlv union
"1% by m on“:
•" lien we pre
\‘umlllr'si-Jm s qr im-wtiunffililh
prnyu-r "mi 9—: A ”Ker il‘l‘wum-‘vt. k
A COPY “ill 101 l how u yii-o'liirtl [ln-1 in In!!!"
kinda of Fruit. and lirérgn-Ii: I‘ll'l*s.
:0 us to l'!‘”“‘ Signal-(awful. \\ ill. at «riv
l3“ (“Per prvni g n liuilure in it h)!» of
many tram \\'ltin inmg‘wrlv trialtmi up
, tlin-Zrtvcl. 11 ivil‘ u-ll huw I’o Irain
mul lliilni llwujrf lfrur 'l‘ru-u-s. 3 It i-un—
' Quins}: the mo t sm-qwu'fulvlr ’ iii-will;
for |th rlllturw-i'glhn Plum? lt “ill
h'll lmw to ‘ \ini mul‘ullti .m: "In:
_ Grnpo. { " E ‘
A COPY will tI-ll hmv lb I-nltimip‘nini trout
Sti~ii\\l.(«rri(-.~1, Turmnt‘,» ll.l~}£ierrics,
lllly-klwrrih. -,0u¢,1-l-rr:iul.o
A COPY will tell him} 4, (N'ltir l‘onrh recs. 10
restart. tlri-ir nntl~ healthy Inm the
» liiymatrgum ell 1i iill‘ warm in V-rti. It,
Will trii huw 11l.‘kl'lh~'flllffl§l hppli
oi\tlmi_o\'or tl {soil eiirronmiing Ihe
- true to pm!“ I th'e-‘Peiu-h ilngl ntlu-r
tenth-r irlllii 1‘ ma the o-tl'ccte 6f {wing
Winter-killed i»; tln‘e ImJ. 'T‘e slime
application :LL- : resetores Plinth tree-1
11mm {lilting th lyellnwi. Th Impli
. cation ha: tli bandit-in] 'cfl‘orts tn
« proennt Um fnl Ego pflho treeszimltliy
and the tree , igom'na null pmi‘es to
the pm-luctin‘ lC‘fis’klf inscinui fruits.
. Tho nppiimlirTi (o‘. ha upph'c ia nut.
evponfivo. .‘l l‘ hzt‘ve‘ ‘sulfigih‘, um
t. ri-il‘s on tlu-i «plnu'tzlfimig. ti '
A COPY will tell lmu' t. Primorvc nil finds of
Fruits with lit il.‘ ornn =um\r.§ it will
to“ how in killi' ‘\pplag will mm-h
. ‘ success. It \\ li teil In»; to nit-m and
manage i’énrn t) fllfllllrc pt-rfmjtly, um]
to attain to th highest flavor; ‘ ;
A COPY presents it: I 1 - Int-rims p‘h-turés nil at
n glam-o, nml rfit-Lsni-l.‘ 'nu olinnmrnt.
for the wall in will he admin-é by all
' lovers ut‘nrt,«l . wn‘frorn untuge’s pro-
H :In uplif
l'rn .\lmiru
”L our .I}-
l 1 .Hmunurf"!
9.1“] it. .501"!
“14.4 m
m ‘
ltllll Sigma
-10 purtrn I
hrm “ml;
1 1
“mik- 1
I _
« hfipne .\gedt
Hi‘F‘k- s ’
These copies are [rub
Ishcfl by ‘ §
1.5 F.‘ M. PfiTEFtS,
, A Non; Bender fille‘, Adams mi, Pu.
l ”The “up is finifhwl“ with RulLrs-and
will be forwarded by lawn-sag to any [line or
derml,oq receipt of n 0943“?! «man s. On‘e
or more Agents yill Ml Nnfiqinléq t'o canvass
this manly nml rccoiv Suhbcriptiung, hnd dc-
Zivvr the Maps for $2 p r copy; ‘
lnfluenlinl Agents “fault-d to tdnnu
every coun’ty ii} tho U i!cd§Btmoa, am! todé—
liver Maps (6 subscri . [Ali ngvncy‘for the
Map will surely insure preamble empbymenl
to such as can exer: n g tlihflumc injpnklng
sales readily. Libcraldudnjcomenu n e made
In ngenm. A sample ob; y can he seenént this
(mine. [1305.10, ISL: . [5O". 11, 'ngily]
___—..w.’_“ A - .r. ~-___.,i.l "1,-
. . No es. . 2
"E unde‘rsigned, ll ving a'lnrge Qmonnl
.T standing on his Btfivks for n configlcmblc
length of time, princip lly made up of smnll
accounts, takes this an hod‘ol' no'tilying thos'e'
indebted to him, mm In, noeds money,gand It
his friends will call an ‘sozfle their “Joana,
he will feel under many obligations to will.
Sept. gs. 1861.' L ‘J. L. 6015 mm ‘
YSONS' fifty cénl. met-5m an agency
I sealed. 1' ' ‘
ysona’ fifty cent pictur‘
Tysons' fifly cent pictm- ‘
Tysons’ fifty cent piclur
Typons’ fifty cent pictu‘r
Tysons' fifty cent. pictur
0: small cases.
TEP ,into Slcll.HE.\'Y
S quinity of HATS
justuuived. Costs no;
~ AIIGE mommy
3Lcclsior Sky-light
>(apposiu the Bank.
.. _i "-.-..A-‘ fir...»_.......‘.' ~ F .. , W
PYI. l = DR. WM. I}. HUI“)?! ,
\3 53m 1 A no nnmm. i‘ ,
. , ,g ‘ ‘ SURE MOUTHS, ‘
T‘s - ‘ ‘ cmxsn,
mmsm; Sum! you",
And the but specific now in use to! gay dis-
L-usod condition ofllw mouth. It. is particular
ly beneficial to persons wearing
completely destroying awry mint 09‘th monlh,
absorbing and removing all impurities, filo-«rim;
to all who make use ofit. ‘ No Young Ladfor
Young Gnutlemen who is afflicted with a
:r we have introduced
Le mmlitul pruqusion
Cry/«labial (.'ldnmle o
-d from ’mnny flources,
(he higbe/a; st‘hnding
mm ’mm qbsliném dis
rese‘m it to_ thef‘pnblic
ahnnl-l delay amnbinj Wu remedy, for it in 1|
certain cure. and as {mph-owed and recommend.
0" by Mary physician under when uoacu n
has been hruught. "' ‘
I rfiuhoiné 1'39);
amend ilgslf tip-those:
‘ icioner who may feel
T us} of “H 3 .vflunble‘
in an ofl‘cnre for \yhich thL-rc is no exmtu whilo
~ rm. WM. 11. “mars Muuq'u w‘as‘u
can be procurcd.l_ ‘ . 1 ’
“(any persons carry with them a‘-lmrlf)ronth,
greatly to the unnoynm-e and ntlon to thr- din,-
gust ot‘llmse \vithwhnni they came in mutual;
without lréiuz conscious of the hut; To My}
lievc yourwlt' frotn all lp-xra r/‘glx—rllingithh, ,
USE Lllll, WM. 11. lll':Rl)'S SllLl"l‘ll}\\T.\S_ll.
Cleanliness of thc\ mfiuth is of g‘rmt' impar
tance to the gvnuml he‘nlfla, which is rlftl-n MT;
fm-te'd, find not ufnfrohxtemly ne.i_t)usl_wim[nlir-,’
ell. through wuut (3f proper uttmtion’ to t'xisi
'suhjevt. ‘ . . ,
USE DR.‘\\'.\l. R. Ill'RD'S .\ItHTTIIjWASH—é
Prepared 4t rlll. 11-ml‘: Dvntnl Ollie", No. 77
Fourth Strtct; llrrml‘l) n, E. l). ‘ 1c ‘ o
_ Price. 37 Centnipcr Bottle. ‘
. r.‘ lihernl dial-(mm mmll- tn dealers. l
Addreqs Principal once, Tfibune
Buildings, *N‘o. I‘Spnuce SL, 'NéY,
Sold nlso b)‘ Cntswtsll, \l.lrk & Cl‘nfil-‘it‘th
.\\‘cnutl llntcl ; .J'. 5: l. f‘mhliugum, Tl? ”l‘ltilx'-
way; D. S. Bumps, 2W: limdduny, Im}! In) ull
Draggiars. ' , ' ‘
'E. h thé forni nhowe
bcefi extcmh‘elly ex.-
.XNSYHVgL‘n'IA “()3-
m) 31100333“: will
bed“ accounts :ifi the
np' rczldy‘for‘i immc
ium, and cnnébe ob.
L'i's‘ts {H.175 cdpts per
of 3~ l
Citmfs’mw. -
wring ‘ ( 'hcmisqs,
‘ \
is: New! 3 1
Huimvingfi, «ink-h ,lIB‘
o! fiuchruil mill Fragiul
t <w-oimL-n; llnful Inn:
4. Th" Fm?! Ta! us are‘
'-n~' of fruit. siinilzu‘ 19"
‘nls in ‘flr‘fllcrlsunsenj
II as hu‘ijug‘thdir Poole;
Lin< 1971:0111ij "'nfiililmg
ru-(‘h are boa-1th”! :md'
‘n finP Nngznn‘ixfi: \\‘hivlfl
ahii- thmu’l-lwc ruuts}
sm: Ihrmlgh : nl-m’or:
Eugrnvihg 'covtrs' ten"
'ljmrr, :|l|':l_-.ul}o {llmm n‘
‘hich (gnuot lit-[p hut‘;
lye! urn“! wlfi) ill!” he-E’
win}: HAS uc\§~r ht-g‘n
0. The ongmgfing on
mimhlb In thugsxghl nf
[0 [move of «,zL‘t-ut im-‘l
.jm huqrcd in *lhu I'ul-l.‘
yw to treat fnfail trees 1
Thin pnwdn'r pawn-ans tho. ‘
CARBON“) \\ ‘THHE'T THE l\'.n:nl()l'H
find is ]{ N: in"?! all Acids nr Alkalieaglhat mm
'in the oust injufc Llu- ’l'vvlll. 1 ‘
hyu-liun hoingonlil‘bl) uu-vhuuxg-all [Mash
ing without \\'vulinu 'hv rnnxm-l. TL
DR. \\'“. IL Hl'lil):>‘ ’I‘UU'I'H NH 'JJHII
is rm-mumomh-ILby nll I‘lrnim-m “NHL“.
l’rvln‘ln-Il m. l’fr.'lllll(]‘§ Drum} Uullc'l-,’.\'t). I‘]
Fourth Sum-l, “Innku‘n. E. I). ‘! . '
..’ Price, 25, Chats per Box}
A liheml nliscdnm n‘puh-‘tq dwh-rmi 3 ‘
Afldress' Principal Office, Tribune ‘
Buildings, Nd. JJ Spruce St, N. Y.
Sold “lan UV ‘l7:|~\r‘vl\l.__ \I wk R 4'4l} ixflh
Avenue “at"! : J. N L‘L‘UllllillgNNl;'ltrl Illumi—
w‘_n ; D, 5. Damn, wrummlamy, xu'rd b) all
Druggirls. - ‘ !
.DlLrM'leß. lIURD‘SI? '
Tobnmcma 930115;
For the «luv (3| , . .
‘fI‘HU'I‘fHAUIB ‘ ‘ .
[)l‘l‘flllvwlh' Munwvl [lt'l‘H-s. .;
I! is Lml'ticulql} :ulu‘ph 'l_l(i'}vill Pnjl‘fl M chil
dren u! lick-d \\ hill '1“ W'I'IIM'HH. ) ,
l‘nryLN vuu I'l‘lil'}£‘ llgl-mn-lu- Hum llmt
distressing \\ ownimu-l ‘g-nuu‘d M’ 1 g ‘ ’
U 35." HF SLEEP, ‘ j I ~
nnd 'tllc‘xr clnilllh't-u tinm prvnt, s lll‘fpring, by
keeping a lmlll-j uf ; ' ‘‘L . .
DH. \\'“. 13. IHHHYH-r 'I'(’)LYI'IL\“I>HCi IHUH'S
in the hump. ‘ _ - § § .
Prr‘pxlrr-vi n! Hr "HE": VIN-um] ”Fm!
Fourth Sin-cl. lirunqun If. I). - ‘
Price,, only 12 Cents per Bo
A Kiln-m 1: diu'ount liuulu to ‘h- 10':wa
Address Principal Office). .'I"
. Buildmgs,§No. l Spruce St, ‘
S}|lcl_~nls'o hyéCnun-H. “...-L _r .n‘
.\\;I‘U'XIC Hull‘! ; K. Sc K K‘IHKIKEHL‘IUII. 7!!
“213'. U >'. “drum, 29.‘ Unmnlmlgfm
“luggidu‘. ; - , . (I
1 I)“. “'M. ILJHHHYS
Fur the turn Hf .\‘l‘:(:J:.\l.‘ll.\ ‘
or .Tgmliliu'hv m‘n‘n )‘lt'l‘l‘3'n'l‘Uij,
LHK'HI .\llCl‘li \L'H.\' ‘
is; immmlingl-lg' rynrml My ”1":1‘ .mpHM
. ‘Thvy :ivi lihdl n rhurm. am] up.
lutrnllca in lhfiir [‘H'l .'v: Iltl nul ..
lu'.i~‘_fl r. .\n l lwn e- nn ii'mh- xmnl rum
l)l{.‘\\'.\l.‘ll. ill'llfilb'S \‘i‘ l'l: \l.lll\ l'l
iuwjfl l‘lil In gi‘i‘u 2 ui-l u [iun hi ml."
tlwir viltun. I 7 ; ' ‘
I'ron ”(ll nl ll". lluul’A lh-nlnl t-Vfiii
liuiirlh N‘r: a, .“i”"“.""- H. l). _
l Prict‘! lanly- .15 Cents ea
A lilit-ml liw i!u:.f ht". lc tn ilv- li'l".
Address P‘ilncip'n omm. 'l'
I BuildingagNo. 1 Spruce St.,
S‘lili nl-u l-y ll‘.\~\\i‘ll._l3lil'k & (.
Aw-nw diulrl ; 1,. .\‘ l. l'mllliuglun. 71'
u 'n : l). s.‘lsnrhl'§, 202 lira illu‘nf, .|
“I‘llflglalfl '\ I [llu .2, 1,l
.. - 1" HT 1 r‘ F.
Wm nl’l‘d'llh' rl-m-lvjn-z (Il'lll'l~ m :0" l
sumo unv ur inurle ”Hin— I‘lunl I. In ul
ill“. \fihit'll \\U A umntlrll.‘ .\.nm-lnrvl
'Z‘H‘W the Nonniluiw l'l:1~l‘i-r, \\‘hir‘n “i
‘ :II- i-nVI-lnpu m- rl-n-ipt nf l‘rn'l- (I l ““1
‘nm- stnnnn. llni in nu-mnmmlnto ll
film-er, w ”-ro I‘ie :lrngrhh n‘nol plant
are behind the min, wk. hnu- put up i
in white i-iulmssiul buxomgi-rqn inuhe
with co’unparhni-uts—mlh luH cnn
huule of'llr. lluirrl’s Month Wash..-
_A- hr Dray», n lusx of lam. you Jan it
rnlgin l’lmstt-r, mid to. \‘ulnnhlo lilllv/‘l‘nil
TI-cth and thuiri Dinning, the lit-H n
pram-Him." thcin‘, nud the {Roper treat)
Children‘s Trail]. ward} of My?” the «in
to evefy ) mung man or. woman' or In”?!
3lsiiiig.cliil(lrL-|l,‘ with gunllr) ulllt'l‘ lie
nniclcs; pritc pm pnckngc s|. or six in
fur $5. sent by humans us dirt-clam
l-hprcgs chnrgvs giro nut m..(~h_jt'muy,ll
n duzcn than oi: nae, it is l'nl'ylnéupe!‘
six 0} n dqzen Mckngqs "Lain: tim‘r. ‘
tnmilgl wlll wnntlnll, mi thd’surplus t‘ll
pout] of to nciglihors‘nlth public lnl.
'no on (nut eslim me how much pain. ‘i
unlnq lines: “mi disfigurement, expel
of til c and uiqficy would hi: 511 W
country il'crt'ry hmily 10-dn) lmd ("NI
'pnckngefl. which.’ in inn“, is n coniplc
Dental llnnicdint. 'Atlilress \\'n. [L-l
: Co.'. Tribune Buildings, New York, "l
mum: and nddrehs plainly. ‘Thnt n.-
muy he umdc with confidence, “7.1;;
refer to lhe .\la‘wr orllruuklvngq 6.
6th; President q? the Farmer! and l
i Bank. Brooklyn; tp the Editor of th
| Can )lunui‘acuxrers’ Gazelw; to Joy.€
l’nblkhers’ Agents, New York; my
I num. limp, who :Jumn'a a good thing
eel-s it'nnd who: has already ordm‘el‘lr
dllmnly,etc. ‘ . ‘ '
moo AGENTS WANTED to lnt'ntlnqa nr.
flurd'l Dénml Riemedies- into every 1 ountrw'
, Men or ivomen who militate mnkn‘monfy quit}:-
I ly, can do betterlwith' these til-[£oB tqul lg;-
thing in market; They nre n , nspful, lm‘v
priced. and we are spending ‘lhnumnil: ll! fid
vertlshfg tLem fab the benefit of agnfls; to“.
ofpagfiplea contsliuiuug‘ 001"" 0f “'9 .09" “91‘
In: packages übpvé spccmed, with thy-[tn
will be sent, on roce’pt of $l, nbou'. h lffr‘l ,
to any person wj‘ghing to test his or he still
in selling \\ithfldic View of becoming in Agent.
Tin-y can he sold in A tiny. Jig-Wk; mud
rather pay suhuics than Commissions to ladle
. who prow them ‘olves tfllcient salcsmku. ,
‘ ”New is th; timejo go into the lino new.
For address and references see übqifej ”
Jun. 21, 1862. . 1 -
. _ , . . ... ___—+2l?
‘ Removals. 5. .
BEanderlignéd,beingtlio nuthnrizyld - "
T,” min: removals into Et‘er Urge: 0 In}:
lery, hopes that such as contemplate the '.. on}
of the rcmzlina of Idecanscd relutiws or ill » i it
will nYnil thc‘micfl'cé “this season ofth 3; “i
hnvé itdoue. chwvnlx made wall: P;.,‘ “.9”
_ ‘ ~ 'ocmms are 0 .._
lenns lon, and’ n “Fm" TllO ,;. 1
Each 12, ’6O. . quwoi MIC - . ‘
-.,.»- ~... ~»-~»—-:~-. .. al
3 " ‘ H?»
:41: 1
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‘ 5m .
‘l3'l3' {.‘i‘:
l. l ' m 1; I
”C - rfin,
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-s ark water préof.
s nrg‘enfirely (that)!
'5 nré nnsurpuie'd. ’
t are finrmnted.
. an put 9p hi large' ___-,__ - ~. - ‘ _
. [oa. 21, 13331. I , mass at low rites, from ocg
'-‘ . r - can be had a; the clip“ more of
S and see the Inn-gm. ; PAHNFgTUCK .3;
nd QABS tint hg half , ‘ J ‘,, ‘
mum “flock. ‘ ‘Tnuxxs and Qnrpqtfiuckavchurgfi‘
‘ A .._,_,;_____ 3i 5 : ‘
{1.5107131 nub. 2L ~' ,4 Law»: .wa
an: : Fififi 344M110! Bunk
. I ~ ‘ . . PIC]
.41:ny York
1m; WM. 'l2. mum's ;
'l' o o '1- H 3? own E B
"'v Fifth
'3 fin-m1'..1
'..1 In an
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IN [O-1
No. iT
, litlh
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li\ mad
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~411 il•le
wml ‘n t
I.) run]
ark-um: '.
U 123
iping‘n .4
to NH.—
a nr pf
rut [lf
re 1:030
hknges .
I (he ‘
ore (m '
fihfpr J
1 lon
(I tho
e '5“ pf
HIL‘In ‘1:
bd wrilo
u innn
H. t 30..
\\'. (5:11.
! Ame i- ,
T. Bar
'hcn Img 3