The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 07, 1862, Image 1

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The Count.“ is publislggd gavery Monday
morning. by ”.EXRY J. SnuLz. “£5l 75 per
annun} if paid strictly I\' ADVANCE—S 2 00
p'er nnnnm if not paid in advance. No
subscription dis‘contin‘ued, unlmu at‘ the
option of the pgblisher, until all arrears?!
are paid. _ '. _
—:\ nvrgnsavzxrs imaged Mlthe usual ratr‘p.
Jon Plusrnxc done With nentness and
Omen in South Bultimntn etrfet..d‘irecfly
oppmite \Varfiplerfi'_ Tinning Establishment
—-“ PMVTISH ()rncz" nn‘theaign.
New Store 1
E‘w norms .\\‘D GREAT BARG U“!
N -—-Tlm umloriiznod would rt-=pcrtfully
annnnnrc In lhr‘ ritizo'nfi of flo-ttyuhurg and
surrounding cnnntrr that he ,hnfi "ppm-t] A
NEW ”TURF. ’xn Gotlrthnm‘h the room hm-lv
nv'cupivd by .I. ('t Huinn (z ”rm. nn Uw North
\vuil l'llrllf'f u! the Diamond, when- he “ill
I‘ova n‘lnrgc nm] We" ‘l9‘+(‘l(‘d filtwk n" ’
DRY GOODS. (:mwmzins. Qt'mxswmm,
(:Anmz'rlm, mu, . ~
nf_everv «It-qrrifytinn.-_nmong whir'h‘ will. be
found the Influx Mylo; of 9min: Honda. ’l‘lu
'LndiL-a partix-Jlxirlv are rlulnosled U. ml! and
oxnmine my stock. .'u I feel “ti-dim] it lmn
never lmn surpm-v-l in this [mu-(- for bounty
nml Hlvunm-ss. (h nlhzmén. also. nro request
wl Nun" us flu-rv is nn hrticlc in the libn o'f
(lE.\'l'l.F.\H§\"sWEAßHuntlieyc-nnntho M‘-
rnmnmdmrd—with: m. pric’cs [hm will usinuish
tin-In. , _ ‘ V ’
_1 «in Men ke‘cp rfn hand a large supplv n 1
,CROFEIIIHS. \vh‘rh “ill m- inMxvrv chm”)
My "(wk “of QI'EIIXSWVARE. km, will :11"; h"
found 'h'amlsnmtu ('1 tumble and rhr-np, whilst
my C.\ RI'I‘ITI'XC ”mum he curmluml.
It is my mh-minn tn L'vazl firzt vines Stare
--kN-pin': nu llnnt! nn'hing hut Lvnnd goodi—
nnd ta «'1! Hm!p—lmvinqmlnptmr lb! mnHo—J
lx‘uultl rl'-‘])l'l'lfilH\' anh‘rit n uhnrv of flu
pnMiv [K‘Mrnm‘gov m: Ilmv‘m bv Htrivt nnr-ntinn
to hinint‘u. kn“ by n'.4;nling hum-sth' will) my
cuntnmure, 1o give anti.Sf-.4;viv n In "1!.
April H. H 62. « - _
i-NGW Goad: L—L'u'za Stock !*
“lEIH'HASI ’l‘.\H,li"'\'"v
' .l \l'u'ts‘k IHHL
Inw- in-It I‘W'f‘h'l‘l‘ frhm 1:115:91qu n 1 ngu- dark
9! (zoom! fai- (hunk-moms we”, cmhmcing n
vwriclv of ,‘
(‘LU'I'IISV ' '
f, ,« . ; \‘EST!\'I:S,
Cn:a‘ilnrfa, .Trnrfik‘km. \\ ith m‘my mhm- grands
fur springund <nmnwr up ur.
Tlu-v mro prop-Hm] In Innko up unrnwm: nt
Hu- shmlv~l .nntirv. mu! in Lhr- \‘u-rx Hg! nun
nl-r "Tho FnJlinnx' uv-r L'll] Irlv rvcl‘i' ".1. unv!
fluth'mu mmh- in :lvn dr-firul 4”". Thu" “1.
wm - nynlu- Mat “1:. whilst their so“ ing i~ sum
in 'm filllui Ifn'ml. ‘ - '
Thm ' Ink :l t-umflinnnrh- of Hm pn‘dic'a p-v
-IrvTvl-I-sr. rmnhml Ly gmul \vulk unll ~lunoh-mh
( harm-k In ("H‘N H. . .‘
H'x-It'iahurg .\prfl 7. 1362.
. '“W \"l'. (Il‘l ('vlrl};.L‘;l kw "Huh-K )‘ill‘l1l".’.l
-rnh: phfilnlivu, Hl].ln>'-n~|:‘n|l"f itrw-t. is Iww
fowl-huh :! _ln-Jhu qu‘leigxm-L
» (DYS'I'E‘JN :Irr- ulnm- uprilrnn chflc-a: .
FILE! 17 ‘("Hr‘l\’ll\'. WWI" '|'(i\'¢:l'?,,
. wrunw, BULLED i-tm's :m-l
(an '\‘w-n‘nhn In»! I‘ “in. Tho legun In:
Inw-u rv- r lull-II :In 1 F 1111! Imin fin ' ~:\ H.
4 I L‘- (:FnHHI-I jACUHS.
'3Cotlydmrk. ‘\pri} 7‘ W".‘.'. ‘
V ‘3 H 132.
"Bargains !
"my mm" [',mITS \w smut“.
H~ninlviu~t xr-wiW-J mwrrl'r-vs'nuul.\ui'lh¢-
:vbmrmmd: a v u, xx-qnwfl :v|u-;llt‘|-»vllln\rl'r
“I Imm'vr «NJ in 0H: v.l;mn_ \l~- um“ 'g; :n‘ht
1-1‘1;l‘;~h- cinlrrwm; an r_‘: 2t 10 n[ Slum-5 xmd
“sz Ih:nl.~,g . t "
|“JLKTSEAX‘D (‘_\l'.=. “
rendidinv: of ..11 UN _l..t}:<t {HM fur Fprhlg
in? ”numb-nun. L-N‘Jm nnu "' “ My“.
Cih‘au “In ."ul '5 I-'(~r-i \\ ark turn 3': rpm:
up 'Tl3F.'\'l(\‘ M'v-rwu ulk- “-.t‘uvl uu] Kind.
» PENN” [lii "x Im'mr V' "'l‘ " '-II ‘» I!
Aprilill. 1541. '> H. I". \IrILIHIVY \\‘
>5 Great BlT“l=i*7s!
QM Lmr rwr w r'nfi'!‘ gm (mum: mu.
3 VF\"' ~~'I'h:- 'l'" ‘I-rli'rni-«i rI I‘ 1"“: 1%" rvnfn
(n! Much.» :hv’c ‘-u=in~-§~‘. t\ H 4. 'Tur‘hv-ir rulin-
Mnn-k of go IY<'\T {HUSTLYHH' ('.\\'H,
Tho “In-\U- I‘ll‘l]lir;~‘l‘~ ("\‘4 : \‘ \ I'i Ah‘ nf "nu-14
k"!!! WI :\ tint-'1 ~~‘.l--'l'ul:\ *lv.w»-l-un~~s!‘llv_r
3., m-m ... nm' (:nnlgx‘ nl'zle~'\'<‘.\‘r\l:'~‘.
lmn'rs .\~ .\zx¢xlr<.tl"fil.i:i:.\' I! \IuruCHHS.
11l m’uvhir‘anul! h PeuHH' ...:t win“: ."I'1(---’
fir'llw «uh. IH\l‘lll.‘\ll'FC\' .\TLLH' \X.
W‘Tfi “‘mllvl ll(-rv o'le m-Yil .. t" ”111‘!“ i'l
dHch-d (n nfi, liflx‘vr M ‘J 'v v ‘1 wk :10}: ""1.
m a!“ sin-I ~' "Y‘l- ’hc--s-usfi:l< l'.|l'l.‘.' :u Inn-=31”.-
‘Fnhfiol-l. .\prfl 11.9832. . L‘ kS.
Treea! T‘fim! Tr wes!
YE“ nndvrfigm-fl invi't‘ nth-" Won to “wit
.T hr?!“ and \H‘" L’mwu film‘k of
Ful'n‘ Ayn o::\‘.\\lll7NT,\l. TRY-IFS;
, Shrubs. kr:\‘lllhr.l"ill'z u NW» and {mum h-to
mam-mom— nf‘-.\l‘l'l.B\U ma UH. Pawn“.
V’TU'JSES. Standard ‘Ol- 1h" ”rr'mtld. and
“\\':lrf fur the G xrrh‘n. EXHLYSH \\’.\ LNY'T'S.
\S‘I’REHR‘H'N. S'}‘R\“’ll"}illl”§h‘. (‘X'Ha
«MUS mm (‘.Ul)h‘!-‘.|H-‘.l’.RlE.\“ in «rpm-.‘.»imv;
f gluing: q: chnh-cfi‘kinw‘fi. .-\n'l‘.\l‘.\Gl'S,
. ”HTBARH \R’c" sw. .\kn. .\ l‘nc slm‘knf \\'eu
' ffrmml, bushy sznuujm-zicxs, Euanble tor
.gje Calm-wh' and ann.
’. ~DECIDI'OI'S ’TllliESL'lfnr street planting,
‘\ and a general Assortment of ‘ .
*OhVAMfiSTA-L‘ Thane .\\‘o FL-nr.;:':l\~n Rnnvrs.
ROSES. of flunk-c \"ur'wti‘oa, CUIELHS,
‘ Our nm-k i< renurki‘Hv thrifiy mp] fine,
' and “'l‘ (HR-r it at prim“ in suit the times.
WCJtnlngnr": nmik’d to all IPPHrfllflS.‘ '
’ ' Address Enwmlu. I-‘.\' \\ls: & (11),.
~ ‘ ‘ * Ccntrnl Nursexics, Yorkl l’i.
March; 24, 1861
.7 -.,, ‘44 <. ..
. 4_ ‘ Natroua Goal 011. _
'- . oqun! 'to any KEROQENQ; - ‘
‘ WHY lnu/ an ex‘nlndvc Oil. \\'Hen n‘few cent:
_ m 0 per gallon \\'i‘.l flu-nigh ynn‘ with n. nvrfoct,
031:? .\hdo nnlv‘ hv‘l’A. SALT “.\NUFA(‘-
TURING COMPANY, No. 127 \\'awrr Srnnsr,
BIIILADELPHLL '[Feb.‘--24, 1862. 1y
3.; A Saponifier! Smpomfier!
'm RUIILY' 80.“? M \rKERL—AII Kitchen
T ‘Greaao cnn he mmie into good SOAP, by
nine 3 woxmmm . ‘
"30X! SOAP ’ia a; ensilv mate wish it 3.5
“ mékin'kfl clippl' Pofl'ce. A‘Manufa lured qnlv by
t'le Pnient "1.. PA)S.\LT_IL\N'U,FAUTURING_
. COMP-“ 3?: NIL-I 2? W—nxur ST, PUELAD'A.
:Feb. 24, H 362. 71y { ,
———— --——— «I» ——~——-
k gay-The Clévelnqd Herald (Rep) thus speaks
6f the Irish and other foreigners: ;
“We ufiesitntingly aver tlmt seven tenthn'if
R I V ’ the foreilgners that lnrfnl on our shores, hfive
3VO VBI‘S. ,- less inte ligence than all blooded Africans.
E NEW lot of REVDLVER , of different I 'l‘hnt sentiment prevails hugely nniong Re
; 9t 'Ol, emhrncinz the lute t. received at publiqflnl. md,their recent revival of Know
m&‘s,:ortl;“;est “Tea: :xcbggs’ggred' Nothingism finder u usumed and deceptive
' ‘ urc nse or ens = . , , ‘ - .
‘lule‘ggtgpired to sell as 10:1'u3 Ithe lowest —i; “a”: together. “uh the'H‘eP’fowi‘rd‘ emanat
hotlow‘r yet. Drop ”“an ine them fu- pntiou, render it prewar?“ auccess would
yourselyes. No trouble to slioxrgtmdl. . ensure all nogroes’ the Mitzi-Pent of superior
> ‘49:! 1 136“ , ,_ _ .-4 __- Lprivil ‘es to those white forei ners.—Frccman’a
181' PR,E\'[‘[U.\[ awanhll to 'l‘il'yhmn Broglefs hung. .° ‘
~ an“ .\gritultura ‘ociqty ‘ept. »—7 —r“ «I», » - __ - . ~ '
“blag: finalié'mms Countly Agridn’ltgmll ,‘ Resum- or ORxmxc A MAN ox .\. Run—The
s°°i‘-‘.Yr Sept." 1861, for best Amhrotfpes and clue of‘Miller N. Smith has just ,been tried in
PhotogYFPhs, over all others on, exhlbmen. I WM”, Massachusetts. The plzl'illltifl' sued fo r
‘ 'LL the best Patent". .\[edici 391:5“ bf? If“ in assault committed on him last August. He
1 nt the n w Famfl Drug ' rescnptmnr . . ,
re of e 3‘ _ Dr- HORNEB. lens: rfdden on 9, Full, and sub‘Jee‘ted to othr
-‘. ~_ .__. __;~.__‘ .; ,v ' ‘ uolence and Indlgnlty, for the utterance of wig:
.‘ LARGE“MMO3‘ 9‘ 3”.“ 5 heavy w“? ' were alleged to he disloynl sentiments. A v ’
. 1379'?“ 30°“: Calf B°R§lrh°aw Pro- ' fdict of§ss7s .was rendered for the pluintifi. ‘
W 54“: 1““ received and IMF“? chen’p. “t The Palmer JournnlJayl: "Those who wig:
‘ 9°“ 3? e- ~ 1.3- EEQFI‘F.NK§_‘ ! gedjn who they considered ivjust, but tqu -
. ' lliLObATSfienfa a; t '? _ 3 eunaw onthnnk ofin-l’tgmtioli, are prong
. ‘ n , r xpycxmgvs. . first people of mm." ~ a . g
mu. .1: STANLE. .
J ~.0 -....,- L____-_
$41.11 Year-
'I‘II'B‘BRI DB'H I’Afll‘l
Fur‘cucfl! it is n lime \\ OM.
311-1 fil'led \riih liiuerzht'ufis :1 min,
When forced from luring lips mt part,
Never, parchmwe, to Illcfi‘ 33
“I'm” thus-we parted—thou y.
\ _ .‘ 1
Where'cr our country -. haul
And lm‘liuger in u lxufue 'i
Whosqgunliglxl “iLh thy pr 1
I “'5?! lily com‘ng when once;
.bihnll \mh: the oiivc hmnuly
.\nd Twin 11}:- nus-i‘i‘c L‘lm‘inx
Uur lain] ulm“ rhim In full
.\m] then, oh, then, \vhntjuy‘l
Thu-t “e SIM” nun-t llllt‘h-Ul‘;
Nnmmctu\\cvlr in [out-Unvzs,
Thai. “e um»: lruml Life's p
Fth'ul-H! ".11, {lO, [MM nut gm
Tlmt Hnltfifin “(ml :xgnin‘to
(Jur [nrliug i~ no bridgllrz~ “u
r'l‘hnt haul, 'hruugh all menu
35:]. sliou-l'd llmfi fall, anm'
.\Ly Mun (um sum-:- and lms'
“Hit l'u‘r nw in the lunduhuvh‘
For u u shall n’nL be [named]:
-Z» ' link: ‘
‘ Thu mmnmsJun rm canlmrttr
.\\-rn-Inry Huh un-l Hum. [l 11v (
mim d to (‘unng-is :I <t ulcmout sh
(hit was at [mode litlnll m-mi
Imm the War IH-lulmlvnl Mr“ P
Hf {mull :‘rln~' 'Ju‘uug‘u [he iuflui‘
Siuununa of that S'Jlu. and—fur w
nmr was In ricvnu $30,014).
sn‘duitlml will: [Ni-4 étnlrmcx
SIIUNHI hno hvcn n-x-eih-AI H)"
Sim‘ymns mu (uliul an and g;
on the wimlu lr.m;.u~tinu. T
confluent." “ilh gnu s't-wrily
mun. Pu! (Int-"€111 length on t!
n! SH’H‘U‘H 'unul "I(‘th('[§ (IV-La ,
f\'l‘”lll%(”LiliHl-JIH, mpl dull I" r n‘ny enn
>ilh Fang“. I Thtwmmfiiixiun ~:_\ I}. It. how-w:
vr «lvphimhlc vwh «(Mm-.111“ llHlsllNELX‘lfille
‘ , .
ml us lrgnl ml i‘un'rc“; .\lmil by Luv m-k‘:
(hem utiwruhv. A "in ha ha?» nln-Jd'v‘in-
lrmth-tl m.lkin;:lhl‘m :1 miidvnfimnnr, rvmiovr:
irg'Km I; (nun-..‘ Is x will. :In-l diiqumiit'fln: uuy
nu m‘u r of Ct!||;,;l(>\‘ \\lm lms'u ,: m! izLthtn,
Lulu r iur [my ur .n} will! r («smith raziun
~ The mnanric xl u‘l <l2. 5! n m ms‘htc Hiflrin‘t 01
(‘uluuxhi‘ \\' u. m-!uhr.|tL-ul a! the NJkt'ilmul 3“ m,
in l“nhdclphi.t, on Thu ru'lngs last. by :1 mo 11';
|ui\(.m- ut' whit-w :uIJ l)l.l(‘l\S.‘ .\Vc lmrmnuly
room In twp-IV from Hut-'lmduvr o‘l l~'liol.L_\r the
fnllnu' ng nl-mar'm of 0M uflhc sp'hlwrs: ‘ - '
l ‘ ,
, ill-L. .l. liwlil,\ .\"itt‘rix, :u-uuug l-ulnn-il tniu-.
i'flt'il. l‘mlu livh’iuuv ~llt|l<Pillsdl§U l('!t‘_{l'll‘l lli‘
h mixinnl to t-lti'V in thVI-u-lu-hrition \\hivh \\'.H
to (minim-hint“ HL' tho lSnlJlinlt o't'iflnvvry in
(Fri-Ttt‘trict of Unlumhin. 'l‘hi: \\ 35 onto fill-‘1:
\ li-tl in the "tilt!” Itnkdtll justicv. it. might
In» tho ho mun light on \\hn'li- to lmpn tlmt
l|"l't':lf|l'l' prop-Ti)" in mun \\‘tll Ill": be fl‘\(l~1ulz~
(--l He hired that .\‘ton 'th ~(imernmt-nt
“with! l>(- «Me “in proclaim lim (1‘- throughout.
thn-“lmlc lnnd :m-I tn the inh thitmuts‘ thorn-UL".
Vii-ti ml in ll‘t‘ll', [he fllruratwumizt ‘e-v hnmh- ll
h mllncn tun)- nuu Ammu- tn liciillul h, but. it
may hé Hil“;'it’|ol.l~' of something more. puicnt.
It may lion in influence "1.14”” the mil‘limm‘
who an- slillAhoM iu htmltl 13,0; The: blinks,
cu-n if (hr-3' lw t‘rccxl, would not be subjects for
enligratitm. 77ml mud/1 I’m/"rm mm 1'" «I'frw [an I,
In minim in [/10 um»- lrrri'nn/ 111 film-l: I/m/ uriw
fLu—n. Tlu- \Hiitvs hm ? :Il\\':l_\sLonkud llpnll thv
hlai'ki \\'tlll tlmlnin, [l'll lIH‘ limrj m'l.’ mum" vii/.01
[he rolorr I r/‘H-r‘n ill nut (mfmirnwl uyun. \‘thtt
no longer lmlxl ln- tinqultism, throughout the
Shittllr‘i'n States, la-Fumu’l/imx lllllé tri’li Ht:- nv/ulfi‘
lIIfI/ unll (Maw/v]: u Jun-uh, ifnnl n tilt/ion 0] people
fur .wpfrr'nr In my» rwr {rm/um] (1;, «my ”norm in
t/w :mrld. They will cultivate’l‘ilL-rntme, tut,
svicnce, and nuntiu‘thres will flourish William.
doom-i; of sucvess licrciufoi-e Impamllelrd.’—
The fr”: lmn n the hluvks mu‘st. beébtuinod, no
in utter lmw—whnhrr Ilirnuyh (hr prrtrrz-Itlion nr
rlmnbllinn th/u Union. Below. the South will
give up and he l'Dlnlut'l‘t‘ll by the North, against
who!" 51.» will c'Vur hear the utmost enmity, aha
will free her slaw-s null bid them light the
Ninth. The Minn-ll people have lunch refused
\\'hrn they wanted to fight limit-r the “stub 51mm.
gl-tl hamlet." Thgy \\'cre‘to‘l‘l that'it. was in
the Anglo-Simon alone. 'liut thuir il'Pk‘llpll) iml
lllwrty qu<t hq Attained, and to fizvt it, no mull
nmlrr trim! Inlmlrr {hwy rally. The)" will eve
fight for Jnfl. Unis, if: by so‘ doing, lheyJ-or.
ceiie their‘frced‘om. . i
‘ \\'lmtfido you think at it, white men ‘.' its
this the feast to which the laboring'clnaspt‘ the
North are injitvd? These woolly hows-intend
‘ to amalgam to with the whites, and establish a
Eociety “fin- §txpcrinr to any “ever producid by
any nation in the world‘." And to accomplish
this they do not intend to leave the country,
' filth", hOP do they care whethei‘ their freedom
is obtained ‘l‘throuuh the preservation or dissa
[ luliou of‘tlic Union.” t
fi’M , fl/
\ <’ .. 4
:_ r. ‘
(Eh: @5ll
. ErunL the anvcrh- I
Cl Im],
fl’eucc, ‘
1' war" ‘
,1 in heart,
[ll n pan. \
anr, lnv'c,
mg; ‘
0,000 OFF
lumpnwd nf'vx
nun. has gub-
1'1! (*nxnldrzu‘ti
-r(uiu numlnlr
um- (L! Sun Itur
li'c-h than, Son"
Tim gchm'f
i shuws 11;.“
tim. Sou—HM
0 his mink-nym
ln. cmmni shm
1 ”xii! :pen-ial
“.11 prm l‘ire
inl: mrmrn} ls '
~~, ~1
.«q. » ..‘ _ .-
10M GEN. ...
Thur Khan}! Wm)”,
Pig'mx—A inn” I
Sr rim of ”rim/AM
THC :Ifl'ailjnr-nr
nfiduy aflwhzk in
twin with HEMP. 1i
”liq. Pummu-‘ln um
copy the M)”n\'.'il
Tunes’ gccgvbnt wl‘
ELL. ‘
; “in: ong
0n Weuhufslnq
and by m" n'in~
thq cnrlm hl'rlloinl
unflor mum”? ovér
at thr- mum-“imp
shduld llu‘ mnvnu
; ; ~ ,‘nn‘. m
Aft sown, o’clo
(liwiiinn warp «Ir-m
the It? orgtht- \\
RM" *0 lu-yund I
think the mih'u:
whimlfnl. linlnm'}!
:\~:lk§n'nu‘hvr~. Hm
(3(II.1M:|I~t-ul. ‘\u'y
lu!‘ nml nnu'. am
ayflnmin, (.'ul. “'1;-
in Etc-right sun] I'
I‘ll 42M8. {in}: \‘v'x
rc-H rvo.‘ (In 11w
r 0: d (ivn. Ndile
stu in'nox]. lllm w
'4“ Mon, (jun. P.l
- Iwin: IwII-l l
I’ulrllu-r In min-1M
[in (>1 hntllr- nn't
wlfilv at the rig}
Infill in I-lflrglrnt
"HE“! In“ Ivuuirm‘
(:ix' Ilul
framing lnrwah
fr H of their lir.
Hp 0h firt'hrn‘tl. (h
-th wlwl lxirkvi
P'l )n ug‘nnflu- m
H) ir I"Hv pits. 1
chm-inn. bm'mul t
l'nén‘jll finnu-iv {o'
sliffiv mninm‘iniw
ing Ihmnmlvm mi
mull in 41mm 1' of
Rom-WW“ trumw;
{Mir-:11 in who “a:
nI‘J‘IInnL-r-r'a \mvlfig
h'qm tho rifln vui‘t
thi‘il' I'mn’. ”l-I'
glwtunrl. and m if
M! w, ujnultl h-Iw‘
lmjl not ml ‘pynlvr,
diw-r‘tin: mom M!
”I? vnqnw Hum-ix,
thfi-m. ”huff-Wm: l
Sllfl‘llkl'fi‘ir ”ng ‘\'(‘lrg
. ‘yfmncnmv: t' In:
([ll7. :1 rlnkn'lm ' 1'
. \‘m’ hrrtwm n {l'9
‘l‘ 1| n’nlwfoh “1
Him“ {lll‘ m‘mmlt.
(Flr('t‘l;flrrl"‘” ”I ' "
n‘pfim r. \l‘ll‘H'Y’Vl
hni'] 1. Jun :u].‘n:u‘t
to Us!“ ~f xttlmr-n!
N+rulnlzt nanr
on lfl'l'l. iln‘li glii'
“1" Ci”‘{‘- :
Snnn ”rd-1' H l‘.(
haf’r-r‘vyin hum
till)”. on Hm mil
("11"va m‘m- tiny}
“'th': rm 1’ <w-1 In?»
THL \\:rlorl.:hnl.‘ll
Hf? firn of 'HH‘ “1
ollf-nt'vnlivmlx‘ MW
3: m lnnk-mi‘t. I 3:
sumvivnl‘v fifil'h‘t
\vm‘o ermviwkmgl
mfvnnr‘o 33'.»- 0M
ngtuin 11mm? ”Inilj‘
pqsitinn \\"lxfivh 1y:
Warning. '
‘\n‘nin' \L 5'
Mr‘nnw'uln (119‘
(‘nu't-Ig'x "iv‘~i4fll.
mam} «.,r (i! n. T’h
sugupurl m' P‘h-h. QI
gu‘m, (sf "1'!"- ll
touringgmwn {M
p mt, if 'uvéil‘Jrgj‘i
Hm". farhivn (mi
of'fhe :u-tiljnry. ‘
[_lnrivi-d (mm ”30!
inn-:9. firinv f‘rnn
haiku-30:. \Vlth
Rafwv sump-min
the swamp. nnfl
rim-bred (‘flifl'nnl
snult. r5l 1110 cm
lfprts \"roro madp
those cum. hum‘
‘ ternfmml dormibx
support Hn‘vfn. * l
'l SummrH-rl LAW
‘ null tlrnvo hm n
Tmuch' 19:" NEW“ .
.m-r UHF!!! hour Fl
‘ithe second lime; ‘
‘wcrn ncmmiml m
ndvntmml 4m! fl
1 woodx‘ hrand, wi
‘ inclmrk: ‘glt wn
Gm. Hooker h ‘l
and micro thm ‘ i
\adgnnce was a! e
' ; c 5134. Ktl
While “ankle Imm; that? occupied. ng.
Kearney hhd hr ‘1 hwy w th the rebels in
front oi hirn. E‘i’l‘ly in th‘? day hil, troops
were drawn up' 1} line ofjbattle to semi-e.
Gen. Ilonker’s ‘n Vance. find push forward ‘
our pickefk on is left. w‘lnere Kjanmcy’s
division held th ground near {ht-{Charles
City rnnd, lowm— mhe White Oak swamp.—
At first Go‘n. K 0 lin9y met lwith little oppo
s‘tjon, arid easil idmve the rebels beiore
him, so {is to en ble him no advance ahnut
almiig forward, if: the Clgu'lcs Ciiy road,
wihcro. he hold: I is groun . occupying the
rébol rifle bits l'r in which} the enemy had
been drivop. nfidlienderina effective service
to 6911. [lookbr by getting into a. position
to flank the relioli. Here he held his
ground wiclfnul'rrifiiculty until late in' the
afternoon: .whé f about. five o’ciock the
enemyendenvo ii to retake the rifle-pin.
which they had q‘on forced to vacate earlier
in the (lily. Th‘ lhrunt bf‘thoir assnullwns
borne by the iTn‘il-d Mnino Roximr‘ut, on
the «it, ‘mul tlilal'l‘wentiuch Indiana which
auto as its supjiiwt. ‘ ‘
. on: Primers (min WAY.
Git'inz way in ilheir tum before the one
my’s nssnulr. oulr troops were forced back
frorri tlie‘rifle pité to the edge ofn piece of
wq‘oclé, in their rthr, where they maintained
their ground in file of the fumt strenuous
éfi'orh to drive £l3m further back. Barney’s
Brigade, Which ‘as on the left of General
K .i-noy’w‘lposici-Z , bore the burden of the
ass'auit uni! sulfi‘ \l quite heavily.A
‘ ‘rnn‘ Ewan. “sum. - ‘
But 'tho‘ugh w‘
mmmug AND [mm/am J©URML
GETTYSBURG - 45:: IZ T: 2::4;::_—<—:—-;::~——~
7 , ‘ ' 1‘ 77
‘ ‘
,_._ ¢
I} on II“: I r
r/J of Ifu‘ Sl'rm
u} i’q/llll‘llj]-—.l
tfi ry.
7: :m 5.1/4»
1 0 Swan
it mpg. on \VNL
rnws m magni-E
ithe h |HLO< nn'
ir‘hn‘vmd. “'l‘
‘hc New "urk
| mvhu': - ‘.
‘ rfnrc- I}:
‘ from 14‘
I w align:
‘1 T 5 nnni
Ton-1L rl'
1. e mom
mnln mh'nnt-n,
)2 M that, :lnv
l .\‘umnnr wow
.Hmzm :r‘n'
5r “(gem-n
Iml prnvn
‘l2 M m‘r I
1n luring mmln
l ongngtmvnt,
'e hue. I
.3. ‘
H: Um m
‘1! up in {l'
-.\"n\u-n 2’
H: Hm I'
, 'm-und N
34mm: in_
hm "‘\Vv'y
E '1". Sum ull‘
41'. the E
:, Main-In},
gmloe of thifi
'ne of battle on
'2 MM, 9. «hm-t
l’ini‘s. nnil fl'nm
»r~'l M‘h’iill'hu-
'\\' ”:I—lnpxhhzv,
. fl little‘tn the
ly-iiAth [’n-nn-
L summrtiu: it
Ic-w'nth Minin—
{L (Aiming Hm
l nf thl‘e \Villiuuhhur!
HXW'LEQI‘ Ibizadv “:u
inin: l'prizmlu 09' NW
'<on'< Now Jersey l'pz‘i—
-L-l< :I myrrh”.—
Inwy infinwl hi 4
hun‘ul'nl Sit-klm.‘
111 mm lwhl hie
)y scrviqc that
[hut th
; (ii-n. SI
FR'~' .\m'
“("35 .
i‘lfiq mimic in.
+1» lhrnugh the
*vr'i mun «lx’nvu
Elvin. until I§lov
‘d tho vnvmv 21L
“('l' 3M» of Hw‘
Jillnm tho hnilln~
uw. Hm n-hpk
nml. until find
ml hv our men.
gm} bv (hm-ml
iuh'. Hwy wow I
‘ . ; v
In! hnrvn vlmrgu”
HI Ih-uvn th_-_uu
T) tlm womk :1!
ln [WM “Ir-fr ‘
nnr‘mvN INL-
Hu-ir pmitinn.
n lu-ulqunrtt-ls
'l‘hh va IHvl.
=iHnn U 1 fullrm
.thdrnxwto the.
Hum}. ;
nml an
I‘m' ”rink
‘lmi‘nrl- til
n Irmlv d‘d
Hm fur
I trons, ‘1
«mm til
11.-iv Izrm
lv l:l‘(‘~~'f
in: 114111;
n Hm 1i
th'an Hj
HH‘ will?
mud in!“
mu- m
n of (hr?
LHIO gnm'
nmo I'm
H h‘u‘k”
I‘m In H"
. luck oi
(,F'V. “'1
”MIN l'
‘1 3 111-7"
T 1! \\'
‘1 (”ml in mm,
Imp! m". hnw-.
'l‘" bath <3Jrhk‘
‘l. H m «mix-ml ,
w] Hm W'lmr-H i
nah \ Inmi'v‘nn‘
or" (in: 1':~I\'
l-t. 1n- livvnw“
11211;; gun-Dunn}
Xu “W ~\" ~IH‘ nil
{inn un'lil m-ur
nrnl Mt
L 1? (.1' \\'
um rhn
. ; , , .
Further Dgtasus crime Afi‘air, .; 1
I) )w‘) :l 1:”: l!"l£l:"’1t““lf,x‘. V‘ 1
, _ ___. . .
“'0 him “w rl;‘.]--\\":ll',’:i|{i lHi‘m-II 13 I's"-
“m m ‘-'\'. u‘mh‘ 01' Um km»; "unth- :1} Jumnx l 7 nul,
‘lwl-nI‘KA ””1 Ann nf'tho 11. hr (Ih::r'm~Hn. {mm tho Th flux-kink“
‘(‘n .4. v,Q ._ srm'm-w'r up I'H‘T- lu'\_r,\n. g ‘
[l3ll. 2'11: :‘rli‘n;3l)-:\mn:lp:‘l‘nin aaphhn Im“.‘”-'r“fimw"."v 1" Thin] .\jmv
“1]" M H u._ hwn. ‘in tho “mu-min}?rwlzmh‘nf.[llrreru‘-'~'lhr lf’lfoxymg
Mum" Miami thr-onnnw. d'ntjnh- 0.1 the l'l'lLfiflfiemt'Ht ht §m~e>~mnvxllplg
the r010]: ‘f'rnm kicht —(n‘n. .\lm-mw l}ri;::ni:“ofllonotl Human-sue-
Orv \\':w wit-Im] |>\' ”H: ‘njt-nt 011'.“than [um-mug" Jl'vhll‘ luth, M. 4
HfiM-rq. Hum-‘1 in l two of‘lnvl:._wnh'thmlhuluh .\[Ei‘hlznnfeu‘hlv-
L r “m, 0‘10“”, Inul Inn-1 'njnth New \ Qrk. Sm‘vnlh wul:l|f~::hvut. mug]
in!) hv m lulu-H4 \i'h‘icisl‘ {\\'(‘nfv-uvrlgfl'. M"“"”".'<mi' HlO lnltor
“I". in MIL! tlurkl'mothor Opr‘nnrl M u (hfm'hm- 0X hv. hu'mlrx-d ym-de,
m 1 t.“ <1 w“ “m vnmnv undvr :\ m'ut ‘uulel-frnru: “'0 Imm _tlm‘nno—
“"1““ int} «ovum.- the Imm 3” [ho fanw Lmo thuyl woxj.‘ htmgfht-L
kt? flakcn in ihe Int-«l Imm: {-nft Jphnmlg. 11. 1'! Lu: [m-hfivn
;iY -A ‘tmn: Sn“ tun-y htl‘vanmulistnzullly'tu with:
"LrtwéVTi. In 8 fur: fé‘l'“: M 1):» hxwrufr ‘lfrk. .. " ‘
igmlr‘uf'flnnr-ml 'A! rhnt. tmo g. [-nrnnp fill “an. SLOW-115':
in“. "w!” (‘mn- hmumlv won-1‘ vu‘vr‘uwlh-xl h fin“ I’m-k 3 nu m:
julvhnm '1 In {ho to UM.‘ 1m r.h - th-hun 1 go §«?l‘L,:nnvlffrnny
’l "l“ N‘prflm‘m Hw nth" Imin? qlu-‘mwm . him“ Stun-m
n "Hwy". \\’f‘h' PHILL'II _lnr rmntv‘uf¢‘(‘ll\n>x‘x.!~.».~'.|t|J\-'_"(hul~ 1110
an: rmd’m tnkn mm “mm" unuhh; (p "lan-MPH! t],'°‘rl"",“.h°"
hm Wl‘lir‘h hm] L unnh-r rhw ox'crfflw 31mm. (nfvn. .\\ fight
r thnnt tho hull! ”“hlrffl 1"" l'i'r‘j 5"“ ”“mle‘F “”"i
5h n-Q hml ‘hm‘n pl", lhlm] Itklhmln, I‘Lm‘l t) 1110' ran-,0: the]
_.. , . n ur . \\‘ mu m mm“ n Mm: upmj 1: film-[)-
‘ '1?“ 3:11:31222 shnntors and in!) finchi lx.\th~ricsjin‘l thfel
‘rfilnn Capt. Un‘ rm‘r. .. . .' "‘ .‘ v" I 4'.
15m.“ gmis thro’: ‘ l Uni tuno Ihr» 'lhlrd -.\oyw‘ Iramwlm-o
M. whore “I(‘\'.' hml :ukmnmul ang-Lhut th-y, \forufli9vqup
‘ UK“ “_de "4“ (WIN) for! {lm}. Ihr Hindu” 'lultl‘l'ux 'l‘fi'n
i inf], flr‘mt: of? Smith Cart-Ilmn :rommont wt-r} piatml In
nmnv mkwurn \thn mm- 01 (hp mmk‘vd h: tt_:-raes. a (‘illnm‘e
‘. before 1116 do- :0‘ nbnuL (1)310 hungred an hlty yardfifiping
‘ grape an: qunist .1‘ » ’
oops ['l3ch to ! Nntwitlhtnh'lihg thi~z critical plhuinn,
“"5“ of General I ”10:34. KIM ILaxmshir9 rl- imrynt maintain
prr‘xtml forward ml. If an hour any?! ten ml uh“. hm‘hm sus
(3 them with a 't‘wmodajoes “)f'hbqut Illa ut'off‘uk’itluen.—
. ban-Iv a mung; {he I‘Pgll‘mont sxlnnccd 1| :3 inrl. wnbh .lhcils'
h'ivo 11mm, fnr' [‘IHN. lho shm-mhnnh'm’ wore sq skilifill
’rifle pitszhich g 1111110 [no nfthmr wmpm s Hut Hm om‘my.
“S in force, who 5 were pmkml off gs fiwb 5w hvv I’ll-phrawl (n
lmwpvmw tn ”ml load them. The Rhmlo lid-mil l‘h _l-t‘. mmlc
Iwhl the cnomv - “hm“ 0“ “'9“ ‘3"? “‘33“ ““"W‘ PH ""43-
, 5 o'clock, nm'i i mental, gh'erehy giving the” 'l'h'! «1‘ _New
lnll the ground, I H'nmpshn-e regnmont an 4pyo‘rhmhmy tu 92(-
{Bd, no further' tru‘nte themkblvpfi fmm tll‘nn‘ ponlbui pm?-
tmn': this prevehted the 1 from Being éur
‘rounded. Q ‘
I“ this time n‘genoml
I retreat, wing (41 the hozr
the enemy had neceivod. y
the enemy npoupxi n munfl
rear. cauiing méut loss.
The Third New Hunfpsl
rm] and six kigled and
Michigan Eight, went in
five hundred: mm and
hundred out. Our tron
poniLion on James Islam
my’s position is; now well
hosts can soon shell the!
rm ”-2 F
l‘the :
been on?
' nrn‘rnm
i-cnnvl I'm-i
mrr. had
Ankur. :m
A: !.‘\l~s’\\"
‘ thn not
Hui-Mu! \lv
kflf‘lrt :“
‘ ‘lho gun‘-
muvhi m:
in with)
‘n-th‘? fr'
Snrwrr‘ i
my": spm}
by the
‘ my fnilod
10‘? our t}
m fro'ih t}
v on again
mnv lmfo
h-“m hero;-
Win-in}: to
[ rnm' thQi
Inur tron
rthm' rm,,
, I .
I 2'? they l
i Emw afte
i 2 gain I
lsVlus pmpo
Ned. I
l\ .\‘E\"S n
I mu; min with a trifling
' ;i) 7/}; ///:
“n'v'ru IS llcun' “9,14qu mzvgmu
'' ‘ . ‘ ‘ I . - ' " x ‘ l t,
I‘l-vnrm mi tho 19ft, tho ro‘ilult of thn day’s ’ nnri whon tnid that it was ui'y-hws i
fight Wm greatly, in our] farm. With a tate it. that ho or-uhl n‘nt sui‘ffivo [hi
ctirl3linr:lti\'ol)"-~ninll love, tin: had driven“ tion. he mism‘rnd l' ltiqvn 4, will”
tht‘V‘m'my n‘ fa,— lm-k m t’hr-v «hm-.- in on ohildunn. lpmmnt (lie pmd fiivn 'etii
the “Pt day of tilH‘go‘V-‘n Thurs tight: ‘llut, titutfl. My crimtitutinn ii titl'hnflili
not. him tlwmfalliug lim-klziunin, we main- j mu<t try it. lit-never rallin‘l timid
tuinod our ground—Urn. itt)‘)i\;l‘l"S pivknts ratimi. 'l‘hiahrfu‘f rnnn-hnl} 'cnni
hoinL' timtml‘tlhuqniuht uvi-r two miim hm mm of tho hattorfim hefm'il li’ulw
yrmd tho Sow-Iv I‘ium, nntho \\'illiruihl‘rurg .110 there didinzufiho‘l hii‘ux‘flt Ly!
stan rmd, nwl within 104 than five milé: no=< and skill. ‘ l t. " H
oi’ltichmnn'l. All that ha I hr-nn prm-(lex The ‘Stli Michigan tannin; to tuft; Men
at Ilw mmmonqemo-nt wv. m-r-ninph‘hml. ' tlin‘grnato~‘t lmerfii "l‘hia “Ail" third tight
and without htiuginu on :1 gum-ml ougngc- ‘ whom they hurt» 'i‘llniil'f‘tl t~ ‘\’t‘t'PEY; Union,
uu-nt, in mm qxnt-vtvd: “ l ' . 3 :‘d l‘a'n‘t ltrwwl ft-rry, :wuin i’lt \\'ifirninetnu
Till-I “ennui“; Tut: HKTTIAI'}. ' 3 Hand. and nmv on Innm’éhl‘n' . 'i‘iu‘y
Duringv th" night hiruu “’ni'k'iniinnrtim' Auti'vrr‘d mm‘h frgn) s(4an Winn thr-yl
Wcrt‘ kt‘pt hur~y throwinghxp‘ dr~luhém to fit-ht nrriyml hare, nnd t'rmfi n‘im‘t'hnumndj
secure tho now Rmxtinn e hmt ‘gninnd, :nen.tllev ‘nre now rudumfil {tojliess thn.'
_nnd the Work waa pmhm viunroudy t'nrw four hundred. l 3 1 H;
wurd, in «pitta (if (ill: n, p'nfitinn' nf‘tho' ‘ From what l'mn lca'rn. ”frnlml'
enomv. whn kopt tlp‘thr‘ir rut): at interval»:i than Gonnmi'Benlmm. wltb lm
thrnugh thu night. The hot rimt, lttfllck' nmnrl. hndnhthmtchtofth lm‘rr
ounw thrtly utmr one 0' lm ', \\'h}n.the till Sunday night, whon‘thm .wj'or
uni-my nponm] u‘hc-uvy ti o (I: lmukctry, acouncil nii’w-tr. The ntl‘-i- in
with what rrkult I did not h—n n‘. prott-itmi nun‘inszt it. aslmzui‘ln‘i:
(‘\Kltunn-x or T" 'nn‘. trnmo, involving :1 nr-dllluuii'hh
'l‘h" Mtiul‘hto of our" lh « git-“u in 'tho :limnet xurn- to and in filixnflflti
tvlvumphin rt'Full’l tn the . “at-jam] I't't‘le, infm-im-Il thnt ‘timu‘rnl limit“? A
will ho t'uuud unit-h lmlow ha murk. l'l'ho, yirnxitiz'e nnlors.‘ hnth Vol‘llilr m.)
li~t. Qf'mnr Silt, 11.11114“ 01' tilmtu- kill-ml :tlllti ‘ thut nn :ltl\'.tllt‘o rim". l h" {innit} ‘
\\mmdu-d. \\'ilit‘il: :It't‘lu‘tipllllii'i' this: will hi~ nidorfi )fit in tln‘ «‘0 “gull! i
~hm\' that tho P~thnutn Ofi:2iffihfl+ th}: Wt" nf tempt tn xtdrnt tlm w rka V'ia‘m‘d
tht‘ l 0“, i< with» (if the mn‘i'k. tUui' [04:4 Is. 'hMl' that. 0)) HM éor‘o ttl at i:u'k ,tl
imhr-d, <liglit, «twittering. tile‘ ummmt of it'ms hzul m-nwd tiring! tr might-min“
fighting drum dun-in: thud: s‘. find the result tivnvrnl Willi-Hm h .'l litmlx’i‘d thi
nr-rmnl-lhlu-rl. lint it ‘ 0:1 ‘nllt. .fnll litild'.\'.l'ifllit.niitl that in n liar 'iyéiulvs
SH”. and tiny hp found nutror n. tlinttsx’uiil. \\'nil\~',\wtrlll h '\'4- !w -n' infirm" 1w
inlmuld mtimntt-it :it <ix r, .uyvoh huntlll't'tl, when n" i'o-trvnt when -d- rmfi; dnri
.\' -n-nty llM‘ltliMh'thi‘”L" Phat M; L~.'u:liu~n-tlt~ wn “Mr-3 wmsq'sluught rod inuilt
I‘t’flilllt'nt haw; hq-x-n hr‘t-u; MU; thin lu‘ispi» Lel'uri"~ ‘ Si v
tzil~ fur_tlu'- “mutt h-d up I) mum, and, the “ csxmmcx r-muiv'r'r.‘
outiro Inc: of tltiq rouhurint miti‘qmm-t-ny .‘i d-I-ynr hm :iftm t ”wright-3mm
lull s‘mh‘it ltltt, m tlu-v \ t'l't‘ tl"flili ‘uudvr' ml IL-nlmm svnt :1 fl xi! 0f ’m'v in
hmvy tire- idlt‘l‘ Hi the day Th} l't‘gilniflmh the priviloge of removing» t n hudit
\\‘ib mug of thmcj‘nhich .~. :tIL-rgl mint sc- Ih-ud. 'l‘ht- roplv mus Tllhllliiilllflluhi
vqitly. ' i‘ ( l'.. . in uvcnrdnu‘m with the u i,!(‘\ at;
' " ' "i'i-‘lzmi. . ‘ I huvu Hunt iunnr‘diutvly ”fit 1 tiwijr
hit-«- ‘i“'—“i"‘i‘"i pf" the dead: tlint lmd hu- dwi -n ”It'i
rr‘tz‘sp'nlm’ uni-influu"? lu-hn :zitt‘n n“: that our hf
{herald tlil't‘g'tlp \\'ngro not tirvd tt]--'ul|~\\hil l'l‘lntl
L- Initl. tr ’lde‘udmulwnundud;lltnt'tln llt'l‘ll ]
l lllb'hilfi‘ ui-yvliéu, uh'muty huriml. :iu-l tlmt ill \' \mul
r itH<Llv.t“ul~n li~t (if [hp ltri‘dllh‘lh‘ and \\': Illlit‘ti)
liu li\t of illiuil-l‘ hnnda in all thew “mints thv‘y 1!
if «pm:- hi) hf his ,Bllvnntngr‘ nftlmthm~r:ll.,fl‘hovdi
I portmn ul' the cd mi um-mtunitv tn twnd ”the ll:
‘. '- ' airy mnnby. t'lnL‘H-s' orj lolt! 4., g
u-jlxl‘liuldiillix'n :i . ‘ ‘ ”“"‘ 1} ii
. :tiw-Fillii-ri-d :l OUR. REAL CONDITIO AND 'PROS‘
t-It- ~tlltium-dmh ' , , , PEéT. "
W", r”.“‘ "t.‘ ”w i \\'hon, mnwVthtvén ni- twont .mnntha
”I. i 12"“ m I'M" nemwhile rv|\(-‘linn wn}: yr't in aha-v 1:00. the
il‘iantduty: i .lh‘mocrnH' in (Emmi-K». in ‘l‘tdin film, hu.
_" . l ‘ rur‘utod Dun-flu» ndrqm’m “colugirnnriw’l
dJlHßL'thr‘ ”m“. and vmitmuu: 'l “unviirinn’t n~ :1 Imm 0;
" ',\""""“_'W “t l’a'xzniding tht‘ l'tlnttlll‘dJl \tw~n~n'm _ and (|
film "'0 l-nruth nwiutniningthdl’ninn.thn \\'}u-n 'idivulnd
:h‘hi Imm", ”(in l-v tlm lloti'thlhlnuc. l'l‘wt-lvu mm the nun~
“ 3‘”. ‘LMfld-v tho ll‘ vl “ii-”ltd ‘ ~4.' i l ~' t
‘ hint ‘l mu 3pm] mt 0 ”"K
"my?“ lmttlc.‘ f tint it \\'gxu‘gi l’wifnundE'W'rmih rto ul-juputx
ithr-v Imuuiu't‘d‘ ilm Ninth _\ Ir’frytifll'l fluvw’,
! w '.‘=':it “lit:~‘ j rrttnmmni-d n '7 r Muq'mp if
.thi/rr \\'itl] thi} uxlmlq. n :1 mil it troll
‘ thunk Mun”: i‘fl-umr'ififui in igu Linton;
' hwnrr-maitinn iii that I. I'll“ ttf‘. ‘ '
li\ Nuw hr‘lu-l-l t’lm Cil'ltllt‘. W‘P
'H‘t \\' 1"“? Igrzthlhlfinq rm I», flu ,1 M
‘Furnwv'q “ l'y'i'+<:”‘nt'i.luno ch, \‘y
thrmwh' thin. 'tn-rrihlo (whit? lizw'i'
cpvm Ii tmdlv .'lml’upnl-iu-h-y ”‘l' th“
Ltlltu ill-[xltlills'lh li\idufl. “'9 r'
sonttgwh or Mn, for‘tlm purpmu oft
tape-uni :itttjntinn tnlhvm :; ' Ll
“ lloth limit'rnm nil shin: are t} tzihli<h~
in:'nur'irnnimliutfi militm-v rut‘t‘l‘fig‘f‘i. "l‘lw
:imt nphrntfinm in tlw WM hnv'ng‘oqulted
in'n‘ur‘i‘am‘r: ilmnrnt’u-l in on thrt‘rotrr-nt;
and tho nrmrntinne in Virliu3n fu- iea the ,
nnssow'mn or ahandnnmnnt} at" it hmnn-l.
T‘mt nvw< minim. :ilsn. ni'sut‘i'r‘uuht ignfl'lllfl. 9‘
warfare an the part m‘ti-e réht‘k, hd evt-n ‘
in thmn Rf .rm- \v‘l rho ,nr-r‘ullntinnjhit main _
, pnitte. w‘n thou-dd wnul‘gt Ilrvr‘lnli'f‘t'ilt‘ prr» }
I 15n_'\tinnnf tlin war hy :mv "tlt'il pliztinam ..
i hm'lrtritv. I:m(ur,’.'l/ uni! 733 M: x'u'LJlrv‘ only
. mnnh~flh/ mn'v. l '* " i‘ * ' [l‘hevvnct'
' huli; of tlenuthorn pnnphi «'\mn? oi~mnnt-,
, ml and hnpt-lt‘sélv iiit'n=toihi\'itli tho black I
\‘irui of‘ trim—oh: and 1:0 .; (mun/ii] ut'mu-li‘
.'. [mutt/rm rawnuw-xm t/u‘i c. i/ iri’] In {\H'nwl- '
nut 10 Hutu—"urn: MIA xx \u: i -m.'~< (i .\\‘uiimn
S.\\'u\u l‘.\' izni'r \lll iT\R\ .u‘ruum '." ' “
g 'l'lmu, 'zd‘thr =9vrifiv'ii: tlm hyph‘ filltmO
’ nf' our a'lllnnt't'nnn": nmn, :lu'ilvogiientlinz
| il.‘3t‘tl.o|ltl.l'|tii 9f mum-y. Llio'png-tyfn pmvvr
' i< ('uuun‘lhnt t(l'nli‘\ll'|“l"'E‘_'o that thi-v tlfC‘ '
inn n(-nrnr a rostrmutiun of tho ‘Uli on~ thqn 1
lemn tim Wfll' 'hpg'm. Tim "T’i'NJ' now
'l~i'l\lvn~l‘: thr‘ intrmluvtiun of “i .'wrthr-rn I
i'lnhnr lo Slnlthmin Jiil " :14 ’lm nrilv rt‘lhihit" ‘
; monm tn “cmiqunrv-tlm l‘t ln-llimti” Mixing
tit»: new “16‘? upon 839 ml « (ht-m‘ylot' the .
"ii-xt‘pi‘t-~~il h: cuntlit-t." '.'o\v, ill‘tln< tho ‘
l “Prbesv” ix in our npinimi. Quito .15! Eur frail) .
.5 th'o true sulutinn of our :lifii'cultinfinn it n d .
2 ita Rnpublimn rotrrin war- who!) they ‘inqb-‘i
t ed out to cruqh the rebellion by, “merc‘mih I
1‘ iturs' hutlmrity.” "i l
l» What iq, wmtcyi tn rmtpre £th Tninn s ‘
not tlw intijndnr'tinn or {rub lnhor into tl n I
South. hut thb intrn‘lurtinn nt' 3 n w line f ‘
policy into the Hath (if Congress at. Wush— '
ington. The “niuznr” agitation”! hic’i wits .
tho fnundntiqn nl' {ill the ti-nuhloummt Be :
Hopped. '(im'lu-il‘rmnnvipntinii.i idicgrhp- ‘
inntn cnnfi=tintinn. 'nngl otlrm‘ mld mhr-masJ
‘ cnm-octmlh thojlhwlitinnht» toinl onmleh 1
iudirl'uwly \{hat théy jdzun- not tin dimctly, ‘
must iM‘ lnitl mide for wiwr :uuLi <tr‘rmm-l
Harm. , Thu ifxtrfi" MEV at" the Ninth ‘m‘lL't
bah/um In; Um [7llM]. and «nthfiet‘l: )y nmN,
Vnrtt by worth, that. ail the pacific of tlie
Néirth want, is “ thn—Cnui titutiou as it. is
the Union :1: it was." Let, nngro swimtomL
nt'iirging Igirw'ir'tl m‘Pn-‘ur \\lti 1 ‘ur‘e'mh
noxious‘tn .he Uni/m Ind: 0 then. uth, ant,
to the rehtalg.) give «hr 'thein via: and
warnings (If tuiéli men u-Lfitkml‘em and
Wadswortl . and Ma’ynnrté. um! ,Hbll. Eml
pass such ‘r‘nmuurps of to“ ciliatfipn’ M t :1/
propose. ahtl instead hf sg’in‘gthi‘ hren h
lwtweon tth Nnrtlj and South (11“? firmwt g
,widcr, ms wte do at wiresent.‘ e «hi 1 soon 5 e
in. mighty rgactioniin the Séhth .the Unién
men, feelin: that they hnv at}: e ptatfn n
to stand ion. would then‘i'ally ithia WI l,
their hurl-firm wou'ld rapidly am 1, atnd in
a very short time thnv wn ld cr ‘ 1 3;“: re
bcllioh themselves. But ion}: as. ‘ tire is
no harmony of sontimp t. nud' union of
action botwr‘en the nvjnfity in," Cd‘ngrvsq
and tho Unirvn Rppi-tseitsntiv,‘ from tho
Pumiét‘ Shit“. 80 long the hopeka building
up a strong Uuiuu hurt i\‘ tlw ~WuLh mu~t
be futile; and without Lilo owmkul aid ofa.
Union partymnmpoxed ot‘ intro n citiieus,
it will he. ”I the languuz Y tge “Tread,”
"tmpnqsihha to' subject 7,1503! It) nt"Amzlo-
Saxons by mere military unworthy—True
Democrat: _ i ‘v
'rur Hr \i\ l"~‘T “V V'
TIIO K-l'nn‘l Nn-w ll may!
Hm munvln-igulu [HMLHI'H
(uthuvy In“; (‘hiu‘ginz .l»
mum ”I" ll'lu‘L 1L! llu'il’ l‘
Sitfkl‘w'r brimvu‘ x“Ln Ilil
during 1110‘ cl.u',§:ur! thv'
ln-va. :\~ \VI” 1.» 50:5“ by l
'li»-~. in wim 1: mi» nnmvm
lnun :xHuul', :mdflhii Lul .
\\'lmhfi. l ' ”I
.'l‘hi- .\‘inrktoonflfiMnH‘n ‘n
of 1 4w”. .\‘wl 3n |l-k’~ Iln'ing
(" ln~i¢ln~lz|l~lu Inn-'1! T‘n'Y \\
Hm light of tho ‘\‘YiHin-n‘lr
oxtrmnn Iv'l OWE-=ll]. Hon
”0, \\hum- [hwy «I’M. “uni-Lt
» «‘l‘: I'lflum <
“'9 funk n ('wuil‘ri-{unt I'~
how m-my l ll]!lll1“{.‘l1l‘
Hmeu \\ 110‘ v Im.- 51* \‘M'P‘ f 1
Human rr‘tinum,‘ ‘Hm: I
ram-~- ”ml in ithd flu!-
Ilum-H (MM) lcuq'lilrjlwx' U
x ‘
. mmrn. sc avxas'. ‘
[From the Commercial Gonesmpddncej
Cun- or Nonimmdn Expmnzm.
Hilton New], S. g“ June 20. . }
Last night thé Ben Dc ‘ rd.brmight down
the wonnded frbm Jnmen Island. and. oh,
whata sight it his.‘ Eon‘r hundred brave
mon‘atrown about, fillihgldeck. cabin, hold.
and every part 6f the ship, some minus an
arm. othew :1 log; and others with fi-zu'ful
ghzwtlv wuun-N lof (“Thy duscriptirnn—
Though‘ everything pmiihlo was done {0“,
their c'nmfort. and every means tried or
ventilation, the smell wag horrid, and noth
ing but a persoml intermit. and ham: to ‘re‘-~
lievevaome'poor fellow‘s dystress, cpuld keep
you a} moment ombcmd‘nbe vessgl. , ‘ - *
.I am told of one man Who wupbsqlqtoly
cut in tivo‘by n' éhnin 3 ct. Angtbkr was
stmdk by the bduom hnif‘ofn poi-tex- soLtle,
and lthe whole piece out} out of his bib-1-
Cnpthin Ulchmck, ofthb. 7th Connecticut,
ispnic of the viéti‘msfi "To is minus: ’lO his
couxw‘try. “is 193 was swab-mtg; the hip;
'H‘ '
inf; ISLAM)
mller WM given to
f" IL-infnrcéthonh
pron our n‘btmut.
flcrous fire uh our
iro Inst nnq hund
wonmlbd.‘ : The
the baffle _with
I rought only two
:5 still lmlullthe-ir
, and M the ana
known; the gum
; out. ,
. . , ,V_, fi4—4
WA German writo‘r, Doemq compare:
the different stagPs in mi. live‘é of women
to milk‘. butter and dine e. 7‘ ‘gir],” he
says, "is‘likc mflk,.a wn :m ' (a butter”
and an chlnmid Ilikeohe and three may
be cxmllopt in the'uj kim " ’«f , f
,» . l
MEETING or confirm .‘
BERS'OF coml
‘ {mgr-nu
t ntj five
r 4
} hc‘ hmL
' mncl of
‘\'i, and
:is coul-
‘ RESOL 077033? A
_‘A matting of thé cog
613 Congress mm held in Q
of Representatives; n! :‘
urchy, at noon. \Vé 60:]
jmrt of ‘Le proceeding?
lun‘ (‘hrnnivloz [
Hun. Jnhn‘J. Crittr';
the chair, and Hon. 52$
At a previous ihooti
Lima, M'owr-I. Uriah-ml:
arxlémn. “Mill? and CO
nnmmittoe tn pl‘f‘px}l'9 1
Wigklifi‘e reported 9. a
firm. '
Mr. Menzies, anv.. ‘Fnh
«liw'pmml to assert that mm
tinu and (\mn'nvipnfinn bi]
Imw, he hull “filo hop» of“;
mm of tho War. Nu. his;
ponph; and he wduhl : inpq
0m Imv mnker‘q.
Mr.Jnhp¢nn,nH‘n.. t
nftlm wntlmnan mu ll
n-ppdintn the luw<. hut
pavm‘d tlrc Ivrp§mhptim
“Jpn-ml. ‘ .
Mr. )Innziocbxplainfi
'lmt hn apprliyl-d hv th
to {unmin «inf tlm s'mtut
nre. othor
‘ fin cnm~
231 nm un
‘ '\“(éd to
1 12113.31!
l 1110.0}-
2, jfv, inn!
111‘ film
' i given
5.1-an- Ly
iglhu IL!
[ll-ml, I
m hqtto
(rs. “ml
n nuflm
ior • f hi
‘_ Mr. Allmmnl'nhin. M
f’gmtzion nnrl t-mxfidmtinn}
.rrvnr‘o. In Me npmim
’9l: [-5 hml mum 10 1171-1;
1 M omnnvipalinn that“
SL 191;. , ‘
' fr. Stfiolmof‘ .\Yow YI“
Sm L mm‘fing Mul not ‘1
IL: nod. and u: the rmnl‘
im mrlant olmrswlor, h
(‘h :r; mnsidrmlinu ‘1
th llghmlmtlnn‘mhurm
Hm abject of Hm Int'g‘l
op"-nrtunily of pnrticil
t-rxttimrl. ~
'fUh-r mum vnnvnrczu
ml to po9§po|m the
fr. Richarvhnn VIM
ho government was
“waving to tho grmi
w (Inwn ynnr nrnw‘l
101 ml.” He mu; in,l
«:1 wl'uir-h.
my yinw
I! Gono
m ofmu‘
3‘ ought.
‘gwnr. tn
Illic- fur
i \\'é-ulni
inc the
:MI Inn-n
I will] u
n tin-ix
!ulal tlm
.th (NH-I‘-
x n
! “I
‘ in:
i<lvn]v. ’ 5
fr. Bitlnlinwnsnf‘nph
oxlnrcss any purlicu
'lr. Richnrdmn marl
ivh lu‘ uuixl ho \\':lS
I , hnltvr In tho 10min
fr. \\'hito. nf' “him.
I ho rerolutions 50‘ 131-
% lkr‘. '
fr. llhYnmn MEI‘I [FI
. 1m rouptry, 110 ohm
«Inn rmnlutinna h I
’ Homo—M to the
I he \\‘nr—hvtfm flufi‘
Im for nfl‘ering :m I
Iw. \\'lwn l'h‘qnntl
Int “"1: m‘nrvxv‘u-re I
fumo to adopt a ‘muLl
I ivy tnwnfih chow
‘lthc rolmllion.
IMr. .\llr‘n, ammo. I
I; ring about the mm
hen he flaw n. mnjnr
m his command he
I. as high {it po~ltinn
ll'ved. 1m bonfmw‘l 'h
{the cpnetly olneo of
Ifnr nfthn lmulorq of
P extrqme‘ponnltiez
Mg.- Pllolps. 01' 313%
[H o n-kolutions. dN‘I
!I“""‘ :1 0
Much}! in 11
MO)! :11l L
*:-n Hm p
[*nct—s of i 1
Huh» :1
fleeting .'h
isimontr «hould hp ii
ti ‘0 gn’xilly icmlmw M
in latice. etc" snzgcsm’
t ‘3“; (he povernnwut
‘ ise n'wnuiros ol‘r‘iFmt
h in: nimul nonrllinl
~ hrn ponco’ to the \\'h
iMr. “all. or Miwnn
n inlixinniuts summed
u ill (\mancipn Li'rm S't'h
f :09 a sorimw emhzu'r
0 “ion of the war. F
't comp tn slrugglo f
t. in cunsLitulion. nnrl
i :fluvm-o: and upon t
:1“. llnlmnn said I
l are m’it robukothv
1 mm fnr Hm munier .
.Mr. R illina .nl' Miuhuri
fthr and uiun tho rnsniuil
i gwns not :1 party méiil
t )9 fnnmhilinn of an
ns #0 exert a grunt ti}
nonnn upon thn (min?
'1“. Pouika, ni'lllin
ig M nof the maxi.
mind for the ransom girl
I ' .
who ha procmlml huil
; Tho :following re§
.'aninir ,‘
.‘ Feeling: the grant it
lliliiyflfi momlmrx of 6‘
in no party spirit nor
but far thb pm'pmo n
sulting tngnlhor; hnw
npr (‘nnm'ossim'ml '(lmiios ii
and perilous c'risirl nfour '
we have como to the {OllO
namely: ‘ . i
.' l. Rumba]. That. the Co
Hninm and the laws mm;
maintained ‘in all their ri
xind that lhe- rebellion no
libem mudhe suppressed
qhnt it is our duty go, vht
necosnnry and proper to t
' 2. Rwso’uNL That We}
(ipuntry, nswoll ns thorlic
lifquire that no more War 0
he prosecuted or dond lhn
firoper for the prompt .
firmion of‘the robellibn.
3' 3. Ram/val. That theSl.
rind «manual parka of the
ther inwpnmbly by the
United States ; that. none
to exist as such. sh long n
sairvivea and thpt it is lh
mnl (Lilly of the Slaloét
their own domestic affai
bollion. therefore. has n
slrnyml the mm'ilulinn :i
mrmllwi “wooded Sthth
government. neither has
Smiles of anyh’ghls or poi
otherwise. préporly ‘beln
bembemofthe Federal
Qgercise of those rights a
:6 time be in terrupteiipro
lion and some “legit/Imm
mmituted in_ its plaice.
rebellion is suppmséd, 1
entitled, as of right. ' “'l':-
of all (he rightsandHOWe
munitios which rl
States of this [7183139 .Y‘
P\ ‘
, \
l> \ ‘
‘ 4
f I \
? w \
‘\J z
IRS .'A-Ymk
Nb- 41-
mtivfic memhorc
nll oi“ the Hnuw‘
lingioh. ofi Sup
he sthgi‘nined re
-11 this “Wishing
wni bailed to
x~nc¥ed slam-em-
HM: canserm
iokxlitib, Riv):-
-rn filupninlml :1
Ilimfn. unit-Mr.
fur§ considera-
- (1(-
p 2
‘. u
E ”I:2th was riot.
i if tfi-o;cnr’zfi~cu
‘ chnbhl anc
upon”)! (erminng
mpepvas it) Hu
-11 Loithcm Imm
> l L“ '
‘lf H M; Hmhnpn
IO [N 'mile would
no link Laws \\'l-l'f‘.
E. Unfy would be
5 " r
E sum-Thurs wmfld
nlo -‘or sufl'm'ofl
0]“. i ; "
lun 333 k emanci
‘ [l)l*fi}\fiill:fl)hnr
m Sank-Vi: 111 m
nm hh sclwmm,
‘o bérdicr sluvc
if i
'1 f‘
11M tfhnflhe’ pro
s‘iflifiiphtly pub
-19 were-10f n gory
go-trfd “Loin fui‘-
Ilnxhldn‘l‘d. ‘HI'
y'lnlvléql Him-t] with
haunt]; him an
A 5 imtlmix‘ delib-
thr- marlin! ro
idcrz'sgion of the
[if Hiq‘ anumrity
rmhfihgwlflt must
you Mmll not bf‘
1* otgfiuying this
hntfiigv dmuld
a 1011‘
Hu- I‘
ll . '4
'oannntmn. m
\o[ int‘ applying
‘ . «
Hw rein-711ml.
I .
ml Hm innguage
hermt‘ould be no
,n nafionn‘l mm
’m jnn llw cm.-
-'m'e mloptxyl by
’b 411131 .I.u_ryn~u~~'
ny (TN-n. "l‘hn
Isty mu] n'nt yvt
l ' "(31m gun-ru
yliehéd. it would
mnu‘paiutl lilmml
lvclemot lenders
'rr-k find fired nf
inn ‘pfpropofly.
ml \H-Yhdmwjng
he (lid "at, oFfifi'i
thqunllt lm \lo
‘ very little liope
var,‘ “0' Wm in
Imlllon suffering
10 hm. ' . ~ '
‘nf t
‘ nri
[ Muir mlvm'ting
‘ Hut such pun
ul upon sur‘h- of
hL sMLfl'y puhljc
Inn’ inwndmc-nt,
uld garlnpt bll'Eh
‘sz would [fund tn
Eciliafinn. 'qxld‘ref
lievu'd‘ that if the
y néir ,cmfliscntinn
" ”103'! Would pru-
Ion! in the prod;-
qulf. hodhnuld
}- maintenance of
' to minee’rvntive
fthosb ‘ «hr-mm:
I uld‘be'fim. little
)r h
r U
I I 0 j
wnc readv to vnt‘n
novf.‘ Allhnugh
“my warp luvin‘:
anizutiml whigla
um} holitical in-
In, I“
iwbn l
pnrdypd the meat
)lll "lit evvr Lehl.
y‘tlm gI-nblemen
ons " works then
t of our limpohni—
(K’s, we have. met.
1y party purpnuo,
10m“!!! mu] non,
my best poi-form
the present great.
untEy’u fate, and
iug. conclusions,
0r :1
\\'e .
s‘titl'rfir'm and thé
' prmerval and
A htf'u‘l supremacy.
: in .m-ms against
- Id put. down, and
- for 2111 mensugbs
an end. ~
9 inhermts of due‘
latex nfhumu‘nity.
acts dfwnrshouhl
! are neevsn'xry and
. d aomuiete sup-
lvs are wmponenf
I nion. boundtoge
nstitutiaon‘of the
I-f them can cease
tbs} constitution
exdusit‘e sphgre
brdér and direct.
E; While the ro-
H. annulled 0:: de
'| relations of the
’ mum Federal
it diva/09d those
ammunicipial or
gins to them as
iam- The actual
d powers may for
struicted’by rebel
authority may be
dad/soon as "mt
one States will be
.limf; Lha exercise
, ,di ilieslnd kn
- 192 i; mthom u
'4.ll2rsolccd. Thu! the pmejhl. war, [s' unw-
N] l v tlumklenttnMLGMgrem anglin
dPrs by the p‘mplp; mu rnmm oed
and )rommm‘d l'tfi' the pur'pme of nupprqu
inn! Ie rvlu-llinn.antl presefiviuznml vindi
mllng tlm mmllluliuu, (liq Union and tll’
lawn, and fort/ml yttrium-only: XI. wan u grht
and noble purlmso, high above any "me
:qrtinlhll or puny nlgigcts. _nhtl M omn- it. in.
wired nncl united iii itun'iprm‘t ull lol‘nl
nn-n ofu't-Iy erred. pnrly (Juan-Olin“. fkt
the call of (lu- llovernmenqn mighty "mm
the mast patriotic. sprung M om‘vjq {lie
field, and is bleeding and conquering i’n fiha
(11-Tonal! of its Governmeh’L: ; ‘
\L’ndc-r those oircumntnltrm it woul:l,iin
aurtgjxinion. he must. unjuatJnml nngonor 'us'
to give any flew chttrrwtmn directionm tie
war fo‘r thenccomptishmontbt’nnyoth’ertt tin
itagrm‘tt first purpouc, mnl racially for I‘m
ncqompiishmcnt of any me p’u‘rty or W.
tional schemes. .ii. ' l 1
3. Ru-snlv'hgl. That the many nh'fi great. ic
tm‘iog achio‘vml by our nrn'ir-s and vnfivids.
whilst they my» to conviitce the world of
the vast military fmwor‘of ¢tar governmcfit't,
give us the qloang ns=urnilftrc that ottr Uh
plornhlc; civt war will monlhhe brought at“:
alone, should the ptope'r otdoptx ol‘ the Mir,
as herein berm-o defined, bq iwpt stomlity in
view. When that is vlonot'nmlwhonmdch
mnishmont is intlictoé on Such 0i thegniily
[«::uk’r‘: as wtli batisfy puiiiic justice. zintl
ulmn such others in hni'c mmlg tlmmnolyns
cpuepicunus for crimes chmittetl in the
prnnet-utinn oftho rolu-llion‘; it is our 0 iinmn
that our gnvernmontshould :uln’pt such \visa
mon<ures of clomnnvy it.» ill tuntl to bring
hawk cotdial reconciliation fund peace to ho
whole country. .» l i .
Gullw (ml, That the «iortfines ofthe sews
sinnists qnd of that nbotitinnists, us the lntfur
nre‘tmw represented in (kingnw. lll'l‘ nlliifo ‘
ful“ to the «institution nrhl‘,irremnciltthlo
\i-ith the unity {mil pear? (If the windmill
'l‘he firtt have aheadv involved un in'nrclttul
vivii war, and tho hthl-t‘e ( ‘ho :timlilinniflh’
'will Intro to the country hut. little hnpfi‘nt‘
the woody restoration nf thninn or pm 'gifl
the .ur‘h‘omos ot‘iconfiucatinh, otuum-ipatElln,
nml other unconstitutinnn ‘monsnrm which
they have lately cntried, n d attempt“! it!)
(~an ,\'. through the House oflßopn‘wntntiZi-m
.\imii ilt‘ (*tmc'tt‘ti info the flh'nl Of lain, ‘lld
romnin unrelitikiul by the i’onple: 1. 1 I
7. J?".w/wd, 'l‘lmt Congre's has m‘) pavin
tn‘dr‘prive any pen-mu 01' I i 4 plopurly My
any criminnl qlll-nuu, unlo- that [Em-son hum
lu't‘n {int duly convicted of Um ufl‘rnt‘e’by
tlur w-‘rllivt 01' il‘jury. Ant. Unit nll “(14‘ng
('ungn‘si like thmo‘lntelj' unwed by. hi)
Home 013 ltepf‘esenmtives Whmlmwnum ‘1!"
fol-11AM or mmfieonln the «lan inch Mar
nfl‘vmox ol'which ”my lnwh nut hnon ‘ -
6111 an upon rhu-‘trinl by itjfiv. :er unc ' ji
lutinnnl. nml lo’utl to nppr sxinn and ty nv
‘nv‘. It i~ unjuélifimtinn rsm‘h ucta' jam
(thr- m'imm commilt'ml in t 1 prmm‘utio' ‘M'
I.lm rn-hollinn-nrn of um-x: inplml ntrmgin.
numic llwrn any such jutt‘ mlinn :15."S1ilte
necwssity’“ known to ourilgovcrnmentl‘pr
‘ w; n I *
8. The forogning rmnlui
lnnutinn nml ronfliripauio
inn< pmsUg-l at the t-xtr!
prom-m Cmfgroea, known a.
rum-Inflow,” and which dot
‘\‘vnr is not waged. on our p‘
ol'nppn-wnn. ndr for mi'y
quvfi m- surgingflifin. nor fl
m-oztthruwing or interfvginl
or thnMMn-d inflitulfims
hill‘iQD duh-mlamd'nminmi
affine (mustitutinn, and l.
Him} with all the Ilignit
nights of tin}: wvvrnl States
\lmU an mdn'nz those 01-jqct'
Lu] tho wm- ought. to ceusofl
Agcnnmfillce was appoil
tend the pubiicntion of ml
sign'ntuves to the ram]
m'nofting then :ul‘juurnml.
There were about tbir
present, znnl ‘vuriuus romr)
the ,nbsencu of gentlemen.
. _ ~ 40.“
.- mm.-. TJPUBLICA 3‘-
lvdl‘ed lhrLinmln. Tlp‘lt’s-«O. [m iptl
n lulup ‘s‘ixléen nights, nhtl: wort" anvns ‘
many as two cams. You dvh lum ulm 't‘tn
«Info-'3 all and make 3. “mm brand“: I
valml for Lincoln. lm‘iuml I WM told cum
hiq 'oloction would put an Ph’d to lheSllaildny
amtptinn. and quiet the colmlry. 'l‘llJ l7'r‘i-'
[lnn/(1 mid so: a large committee of “law
,‘Yor'k lh-puhlirnns lvonche‘rl for it: an l h."
1 (ha llepublifim lemlmug of lthe country ‘n
llirlnml it. I don't pretorjjl tn know I 'dch
myiolf; but I ~uppnsed _oiJr lenders hhw
huh! I ln-llovml flu-m. A: ‘lj :
l limited for Lincoln to make {fines}... ‘ .
fl‘he lf‘fl'lt‘ri told us‘thatl timed w'ou'hllhe
‘ hotter than ever, if Lincoln was electedl—
. 'l‘lmt six dollars mu (inly‘h. Locol'oco plrlco
1 for park, anil that 1' mlglut hottnr have-tho
l Lint‘nln price, \\'lfich wnulll be fight. ; l l
l Ilnm notn rich man: Iwm notabl‘qto
4;:in land to mu sons; but} wantwl .elll of
:thcm to hrwe a farm. '1'!) . 1034 ch fold inc
that mv hays slmulll bach- huvc 160 mate's
; “11-1:" Linmln was elected: Pnnr lath! pm:
‘nf llwm sl'copqvin a {rt-nah at Fort Donelg
'lsnmnml the other in Lll‘é hlqspitnl at Mound
:cnv. , l {J ‘l l
l Alfmr vLincnln wan alpcloll and the Thu
lfifirly begun. I‘wnnleul thifi‘lflrmlcn adm
‘w‘qnfiw mlnptr‘nl ; but th lon‘dt-rs pufinlm
. 11ml me out of that. They mtkétl maffif l'
lwnnlevl to sacrifice my ljmamhood."l 55nd
l hrohk up the “ Grezit Ropdlvllcnn part! 23'—
‘, I didn’t kmw what to roylly. ‘ . l ' l
| 'l‘lmn‘the’lnltl mo. thht the .Qnu'th'irm
only “gaming.” and that we cnnlcl nntlt ck;
‘hr-r out nl'_tl)e Union, if me should fly:—
, That all Hm donnqgio'n (h re was onlygfipfi
l-pnr mr-wsinnfl and woultqcome to no‘ jaw.
iTlmI il the South should mcmle‘, we wphld
‘ bl- better without. her; an that 1f we mmh.
,ml hnr hack, it. would onl :brz the 50? ofhnlf
l“ I'lhy lnithmali her into mhmluiogn‘ That
the whole world, and onlppéizdly . Mil
land Fran”, would lmmr‘llizuely lakami‘fleg».
lwith the North.’ ill thi , and fungi: “are
of lhn name sort, our la. org told ma. 7
‘ Thus I Wm! «chnivml, ml led from him
. terrible mistake inm annt mt. Amlllfithis
time. and upnn each nmllnll of thew mm
'9”. the Democrat‘y tolrl“ me the ”MIM—
Things lave turned out jmtjw they said.—
It woul: have hem much’hé’ltsrl‘or m'n mid
‘ fnr‘the untrv if I, and :ll'l ofus, had Keen
‘ Deluncmt-g.—-Logan Candle.- » ' ’
> 1 ~—-—v——-——<opw~l-———— l, -,
3??” we would know} whether they‘d
ministration is conductin' affairs on a par
tizén basis we {must 100‘:; units my Mel:
refinance to those affine: Whirl”; ‘ irebnly
ordinary capacity. Fnr inqtancej‘xk abnhe
Postmastershi 9. Was there ever» find
minihtmtion tiiat made mbre dun/m MIL)»
rfli‘sh‘fl than hm this,dne‘! What is a
pmtmmters‘hip. worth having. now held, by
uDemocraN. Why evenromcn,wholhnp
relied to hold the oiiice o postinusferflmve
roén doposod to make iromn for hlingf'y
denhlicam! Again. wk inio tha joy-m,
mmla at Washington. >lt is a. lfitorious
fuqt that no udmihistratinjn, since the faun
(lgfiion of the government. evér mhde'any
thing new in many changes manné‘thn
clei-lilsbipt. The comnvbn caicuiatiop m.
Wit-A inggon has been t'xbt a now ulminut
tmtion would be followed by a ektnge of
one-halftime clerkships.j But what dp we
see now. Almost. a cmnplate new get of
lmhds—scarcely a mm M! in MM whalrmm
[Mm-{f a’Hm' a Wlu}, Jr Demo-d. ,L'i‘he
cafisrrvatiucs have hoén ital-nod ’ou,t,;pnd
vn‘rioumhuml anublimns put in. t ‘For
ethpln in us lorrk mm the Sixth Addignrjs
nflfim of tho ’l‘mmrv Begun-hum“. t of
1:19 Pif‘rk.‘ in «mice when ‘Jnnmin ’onm into
power, but ‘23 remain Y—Ltwislown Dd ‘oti‘al.
w’l‘he 160!) hpgim§,. compr’éng'thp
brigadeut Hihqn [lr-ad, hm descnhm ma
motley, jabber-ill 3. st'npikl. undineiplihnhlu
not-mi no use whatov'pr except. to mummo
U. S. tauonk-ujrichwhey d 9 an AIM!
rate- .1 l 7'- ‘ -. ~a m,l
gal-,1: is mm! m» évg 6 foot
ton sént North from uanrfi'lafigm
the United States SQ—‘mubh bus beam“.
pen-e of fancy‘ aboHtiquplpnfin‘ 3 2'35
-obnnuism '
1 , , _
inns nm in 16x
-0!‘ (hu re‘ In-
I sowinn 'of he
Um “(‘v-itton lt-n
nrml,“'l‘lnit: “i 4
‘rtin any n y't.
[‘purpnse of [n
‘r Hm purf ‘ 1(of
P with tho-mi nu
16f Hum-smm.
the fmprmhjfihy
‘ prowrvn m’g L}-
r equality flifil
‘ are umunnplfilr-
'tcxl to) suplc-Hn
id the prnoun’ihg
lion's, and idle
. ~ ~, ) 1! .
|y~five mom Mrs
: Wort,- givcuflor
' l