The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 09, 1862, Image 4

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    • oot
"‘mifmchen who lave bud I 0 much
M lohflnil‘gim about division and hatred
Worm the difl'erent sections of our coun
try, almindiug ‘in nur present troublos,
”6“!“ but] 3! work for the abolition of
Hammad m enrlenvoring to r‘Onvince the
11069:. that the Union cannot be prehervml
Vigil Slavery; And the Comtitution innin
utnod I! it . They began tlwir work of
.111. Imny your: 330, and the effect of their
mm clearly seen by our wiw‘n States
m add pplriots. It would >er-m that, be
Wu the sad results oftheir cuurse, they
Ihouldfineed the lcuons oil-ml experience
and confine themseivm to their sacred
m‘, ' ;ye& the m pit, in too m..m_v,iu
at“ it owupietl for far diff-ermt pur‘po
sea from )rmching “ Chriat. nndllim Cruci
fioJ.”— )lorl' Game. ¢
we mu- in Kansas. which is now
rigging between Gov. Robinson, Jim Lane’s
"Wind the J aylmwkem general ly, seems‘
likely tijwnllow up all thought; of the re
bellion, hd to resolve imlf into another
botder mfihn contest, with this single dif
ference, (hut. the present. trouble is entirely
between the free soil men themselves. The
Déhocmts Ind conservatives are quietly
looking on.
, Miami. of the Rbilndelphia Preu.
who :Inmxnlly supposed to be nopqdy Ere-t
-"or less than Col. Fornay himself. comes
but boldly in fnvor ochn. Hunter's Procla
mqtion. Thin ‘l5 hit another evidence of
the {nautical extreme to which men than
£lon when they des'ert their former prinv
ciplea. andjbin those whom they once oppo
sed. Who would have though; ut the
beginning of Mr. thlmnnn’s Administra
tion, that the then honored and Constitu
r‘ion loving;Foruey'woulcl in five «hart years
he found endoning Abolitionism as «trong
ly us he at that time despised ItZ—EM 06-
mar) '
. ~llr’fgqcrlun Pm? and [Sladulteratal—Joshua
BrGiddingl, one of the fathers of the Re
publican party, has writum a letter, which
app'eamin - recent number of the Ailltnbu
la Sadind. in which he ad¥bcates allowing
the names of South Carolina, congregated
about Port Royal, to organize a State Gov
ginmant and elect. members of Congress.—
‘NNigger State GovernmEnt and Nigger
members of Congress! There's negro free
dom for you. Old Gid is not fur irudvance
of fiber Abolitionlsu.—Lebanon (0.) Citizen.
'1: is well known that all Indies have
an intense Admiration for a umving machine.
and tlnt their delight, in the posnmsion of
one dill: out ehthusimltic term! of ‘prail-e.
A lady'mlled at n‘newinfl machine agency
(a purchase. and inquiring for some one
who had I mnchine of whom she could
lo‘nmnl‘. its merits. was, among other: re
ferred to I lady then present, a quiet. (le
mme-looking maiden ‘lndy. Upon being
questioned. this individual at first replied
with modest reserve: but. finally the lube
nothing delight every hewing machine pro»
mien-ens invariably feels got. the better of
Lel-diflidence. and she warmly eulngized
the object of the inquiry: and finally her
we: brightened. her cheeks grew rosy, and
she sprang to her foot. and with (m ener—
getic voice said: “ Like my sowing mn
ohinel Tobesurel do! Why.l Wouldn't.
begin to exchange it for a man 1"
__‘_ _ .... fi . ~.
One (3/ (In Hm?)ac/m.—“l say, Samba, were
you over intoxicated I" . ‘
"Nn, Julian, when was you I"
“ Well. I was. Samba.” c
- " Dill n't it make you feel good. Julius ?"
" Yul)! butgolly. next morninzl thought
my head was a wnml—shod. am) all do nig
{n—h 'in Christendom were splitting wood
n “P l l
”A young lady resides in Simone.
[hose throat has seriously troubled her for
the put. three {gm-s. and who at times has
for 'days toget 1- been unnbb to speak
above a whilper. Feefing her diflioulty to
be returning, a. few days since. she put her
finger in her throat, 11nd,; to her astonish
me'nt, withdrew u crooked pin, in an ad
\'mced State of decommsition.
-“Tlm publisher of in newspaper out.
West. h) the first issue of his journal, re
!urnn thanks'to those who loaned him the
pecuniary means, and to lléaven that. there
in :19 law in the State enforcing imprison
ment. Tor debt. ~ _
fl'A young man. on being asked bv his
sweetheart. what phonography Wm, took out
his—pencil and wrote the following. wllimz
her that mu phonography: “UR A B U
T. L N!” [You area beauty. Ellen !) This
knot no bad as a lazy fellow up North who
ppens Tennessee 10 a c. l'
fi'Whut {world this Would be if all its
inhabiunu'amld say with Shakespeare'u
shepherd: “Sir, I am a true laborer; 1
am what I war; I owe no man hale; envy
no man's happiness; glad of other men’s
good: content with my fum." ,
”Money and time are the heaviest
burdens oflife: and the unlmppiefl of all
month are théae who have more of either
thin they know how to use. ‘ '
” New Firm.
The undenigned have gune into partnership
In an Grocery and Prmision business, M. the
old-stand of W. Gillespie. in York street, one
door cut of Will's Hon-l, Gettysburg. where
they will constanlly keep on hand for sale, a
“Mill variety of goods in their line, \‘iz :
. 3mm .
' run.
'9'“ ’ ' 4 POTATOES,
, BEANS. am,
Wm: Any gnaw” of .
03.330?” 8: ~
nonox‘s, ta, km, to.
' They .013.“ fine to deal lug-sly in COAL
OIL 9nd AL OIL LAMPS—promising: good
gain]. of tho former and a fine assortment: of
“I. My.
Ruin; enlarged the Store and Ware Booms,
they in prepared to keep a large stock, all of
Vflcl will hmdixposcd of a; me lowest rates.
'fluy ofl'er Inch bargains as have meter hen-cu»
{on boon had in this plage.
Rho In § trisl. No'ofl'ort spam! to plugs.
Apt“ 28, 1862.
V—O. CARR I; just receggé‘K-ve—‘ry—fiw
. Assortment of Gent's Cotton Hose.—
a lad enmine them.
“HADES, and a variety of PM)“: Stufl',
chug, “ » ‘ A. SCOTT & SON'S.
I BRUI‘HERS no mnkiég their prem
. 1'“ [Maxim at price: to mil. the than.
'fi la a C .ien’. Till: style; of Hm 3nd
- "‘G'lp 19' ‘ but. our t. In maul rice.
”f R, F. “cleh
§é9?333{0iv52 cm»:
Change of‘ me.
i ‘ GTYSBUBG nuLn¢.sn.,_un and m"
_ ednodn , Slay 5,1862, me .\lornin
wm‘ 8‘ mum, ITnin will lch’Gettysbura_n£ 7.15 A. 31.. whg
TTORNEY AT LAW-4'5““! Wel‘lfid- [managers for 111 the connections. North nnd
A die "rent, one door you of lb! uW_Soulh, on the Northern Central nuilmny. and
‘oun Home. ‘relurn about 1 P. M. The afternoon Train
Gettysburg. N0v.H,3859. 3 Iwill [cue Getushurg at 3. P. M ; but
passengers by this Tram can go no further than
Humour the same evening. [lemming will
tench Gettysburg about 5.151% .\l., mm passen
(er: from Hurrisburg. I’hilndelphin. he. By
this arrangement persons from the L'uumry,
“our the hue of the qulrund, [mung husmrss
m lrflnsatt 'in Gettysburg, can take the noon
Tram up and have nearly two hours in Ge“; I
burg, Ind mum in the Afternoon Trmn.
IK. AchLRDY, I’résidcnl.
Wm. A. Duncan,
TTURSEY AT L.\W.-—:Uméo in the North.
A weslcorner ol‘Couu'e Square, Gettysburg,
{’7l. [oa. 3.1859. 2!
TTDRNEY AT LAW, mll prompt}! attend
A in Collection! and all other hu‘ineu en
trusted 40 him. Office licßWecn Fuhnesmcks’
and Dnnnerk Ziegler'l Smrcb, Baltimore street,
Gettysburg, l’n. ' [SepL in, H 39.
Elna}. B. Bue‘ller, ~
TTURNEY AT LAW, will {nilhfully and
A pro‘mmlynuend to I” hun‘nessentruated
to him. He Ipenks the Germanlnngnnge.——
(mite A! the lame place, in South Bnltimore
uruel, near Forney’; drug store, Ind nearly
opposite Dunner t Ziegler'l'nore.
Gettysburg, March 20. '
a D. McConaughy,
ATTORNEY AT LAW,'(alfice one door west
' of Buehler’l drug Ind book storo,Chnm
bersbn'g lerD‘J Anon!“ no Soucuon rol
PATII‘PI no Fusion. Bounty [and War
nnu, luck-pay luspcnded Chiml, and all
other dniml lKlinll the Government at Wash
inmon. D. 6.; alnoAmericanClniml in England.
Lnnd Wumntnlocntedlnd sold,or boughmmd
high": pricu given.’ Agents engaged in 10.
paling warrant: in lowa. Illinois and Esther
‘wedernfintel fi'flppl] to him petnonuny‘
or by letter. . :
Gettysburgfiov. 2!, ’53.
, TTORN’EY AT LAW, will attend to colkc
tionl Ind I“ other busineu inmmed to
hsi cu. with promptnesn. Office in the S. I'}.
corner of the Diamond, '(formerly occupied by
,Wm. B. McClellan, Esq.) I
"genysburgv April _ll, 1859. 1.! r
J. Lawrence 11111, M. D.
‘ AS Ill! ofi‘we one
H door wen ofthe ‘s‘ ‘N‘T.
Luther-n church in
Chamber-shun: street. and opposite Picking’a
store, where those wishing to hnve any Dental
Op'emtion performed are respectfully invited to
call. ernntxcn: Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P.
Knuth, D. 1)., Rev. H. L. Bnugller, D. 1)., Rev.
Prole. Jncubs, Prof. 11. L. Slower,
Gettysburgfgfr‘il 11, ’53
“35.31118 County ;
Incorporated Mun-ch 18, 1851. f:
‘ > ornpxns.
Fruitful—Georg: Swopa.
Vice Pr'uidau—S. R. Russell.
Sarrrrury—D. A. Bnehler.
Trmurrr—Dnvid M’Crenry
Erecttlive Commune—Robert McCurdyj, Jacob
King, Andrew Heintzelmnfl. ;
, ”clayey—George Swope, D. A. BuefilerJn.
eob‘Kinz, A. Hcium-lmnn, R. M’Cnrdy'. Tho:
A. antrslnll. S. Faihnestock. Wm. B. McClellgn
Wm. B. Wilson. M. Eichelherger. Abdiel [Gm
John- Wolford, H. A. Picking, Ahvl'l'. :Wright
John Homer, R. G. \lcCreiry.B. R. Rune". D
M’Crenry, Andrew Polleyglohu Pickilgg, J. R
fi-This Compnny is limited In its open
lions to tllacounly of Anlnms. It has been in
successful operation for more than ii; years,
Ind in that period has psld I" lossesxnd ex
penses, without any autumn", buying als a large
snrplus cupiml in the Trcaanry. Thb Com
pnn'y employ; no Agents—ail business being
done by this Humans, Who Are nnnuaily elect.-
ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring
an Inmmnce can apply to any 61' this above
11 mod Managers for further informatidn.
k’rhe Ewcnziva Confiniuee meet: at‘the
office of the Compnnv on the last Wednesduy
in every month. at 2, P. IL
Svpl. 27, 1853. . f
A. Mathiot 8E Son’s"
S 25 and 2'! N. Guy ntreet..Bultimpn, (dear
Fayetge 5L.) unending from Guy to Frederick
u._-tho largest establishment offibe kind in the
Union: Always on hand a large assortment of
brm'i ng Bureaus, Bellwtends, Wnshsmmls. Wu rd
robes. Mann-Hes of Hush. Cotton and llnir-
Spring Beds, Sofas, Tote-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Etngeres, Marble Tables, Set.-
lees, Reception and Uphnl‘nered Chairs. AS,
Wood Chairs. Office Chairs,- Barber C-lmira‘y
Cribs and Cradles; Hat Racks, Hull Furniture,
Gill. and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side
boards, Extension Tables, of every length. ‘
' Persona disposed to puruhusc are inyited to‘
cull uni give our stocknn examination, which
for variety and uqu‘nlity of workmanship in not
equalled by any establishment in the :ountry.
Nos. 25 and 27 N. Guy'qu‘cct.
Aug. 6 1860. l! a
Still at WO* !
—'l‘he undersigned respectfully informs
his friends and the public that he continues
the‘ Couchmnking Ind Blacksmilbing business
in every brunch at his establishment in 01mm.
bersbdrg street. He has on hand and will
mannlnctnretoordernll kinds ofCARRIAGES
BUGGIES, spawns. Spring Wagons, am, oi
the best mnterinl. Ind made by superior work
men. fi'Knrunlsu and Bucxsm-rnmo of
all kinds done 1n reasonable rates, promptly
hall to the Intisfnu-tion oi rustomers.
Cop!“ Panntc: taken in exchange for
tork at market prices. _
”Per-om desiring snide: or work in the
Coachmaking or Bluekamithing line, are re
spectfully hauled to call on :
mm L. Homzwom'n
Getty-burg. Inn. 24, '59.
Something New
l N GETTYSBURG.—The undersigned inform!
‘ the citizens OP—the town and county, that he
hns commenced the BAKING business, on a
‘ large scale, in York street. Gettysburg. nearly
apposite Wattles’s Hotel, where he will try to
‘ deserve, and hopes to receive‘ a liberal patron
'PRETZELS, M 2, M 2. baked every day, (Sun
days excepted.) nll of the best quality, and snldA
M the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in
all “.5 branches is largely carried on, and order;
to any amount, from this and ndjoining coun
ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having
erected a large and commodions bake-house and
secured the beat workman and the mast np
provcd machinery, he is prepared to do I
heavy business. ,
July 25, 1859
Hat. Boot. Shoe.
M THE BIG BOUT.—The undersigned have
just, received a fresh suppiy of Hats, Caps,
3cots. Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, kc. Also,
have a good supply of Saddles und Harness,-
Bridlps, Collars, kc.
SALT, to
Shbes and Boots of 511 kinds made to order
by first-mu- workmen, and on short unlit..—
Home-made work always on hand. Priceslow
for cash. COBEAN & CULP.
(m. 28, 1861
E desire all persons indcbfed 0011 i to
call nnd make settlement, having mud.
3 change in our unnner of doing business”
Oct. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BRO'S.
IF you grant anyminz in the QUEENSWARE
’lino can it. A. SCOTT & SON'S, where you
will find the best assortment in wwn.
March 24. 1862!.
OMESTICS, Tickings'.' Cheeky, Flannel:
2’ &c., cheap at Fahuesmckg'. We have also
I USLIN branded wuh our own name, to
which “e invite espcc‘ml attention, as it exreh
by far, any ever ofl'ered in this mtrket for the
price. _;
ARGE-I’HOTOGRAPHS made fram small
l) picmres at gmuy reduced m, u the
cclsior Sky-light Gallery.
J 3.. SCHICK in. I sple'rdid lo: of Fonlard)
. Sims, Very chap-o 3 Iwflfl nm'pct'
sud, )
A. J. Cover,
J. c. Neely.
May 12, 1862
A Ready Market.
. , 0 Ell—We limo taken the
house lately orcup’cd by Klmefeltvr, liolliuger
5.00., will) a determination to pay the higheJL
market price: for all kinds of Grain. You will
find us Supplied With PLASTER, GI'ANU 0!
till kinda, GROCHRIES, Wholesale and Remil.
LUMBER. COAL. and every othernnicle in our
line of business. sold at the lowest. possible
rules for Cnab. Call uml examine our Itock and
prices before y-urvhnaing alga-here. '
April 22, Hill. tf
The ‘Great Discovery
OF THE AGE—lnna.
Rheumaliam can be
TURE. “any proininenticibizena of thin, and
the adjtfiping _ooumiea, figwagified to in
great utility. In llll'fefll‘ill libezmllic lfl’ec-
Lions. has been bimerxo ‘unpnrnhiled by any
Ipccnfic, intrndut-ed to {IL puMir. Price 50
cenls pu- battle. For “I by all dru in: Ind
awn-keepers. 5 Pmpnred 0 )y by U. L. N LEE,
Wholesale guid Retml I) uggist, Ham lin,
Adnme conmy‘, PI., dealer in Urnfia, Chemic 11,
Uils, \'urninh,‘Spirita, PI nts. Dye—slum, b 0 _
tled Oils. flsencel npd Tinctures, Window
Ginsu. Perfumery, P-tent edicincl, Jun. 621:.
fiflfl. D. liuehler is! e Ant-m in Gettys
burg (or “ 11.31;. Miller’s debuted Rheumatic
Mixture." I [June 3, 1861. '1
Lancaster 3
Gr 3 n a
walnut 300 K I.
Plain and Onmnnual i
scripeion, exrkuted in the A
approved styliea. I
' ‘ nun: -
E. W. Bqu,}Enq., Funnel
W‘. L. Peiym-fifipqq Lance
Snm'nei ‘Shoek. Esq., Col
Samuel “s3ll".qu Yo
William .anher, Esq.. Y‘
T. D. Carson,'Esq., Bank -
Peter Martin, Esq” Proth’l
Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., '
Geo. Whitsoq, an., new?
April 15, [B6l.
Pure Catawba 8: sabella Wme.
OUNTY, PAL—We are-$11” to announce to
the citizens of Adams nuty tlnt we hue
commenced the manuflcl re of Pure Wine from
the Grape,—-and that we re now prepared to
rome extent, to supply th tmde—qn-ntities of
it hln'ing alrdady found it wny into the market.
This Wine is pure and hit stood the test ofthe
best Judge]. Persons w shing Tare article.
can now “supplied at 11 me wit out the risk
of being posed upon hf“: impure article. ‘
fiForJfle by A. D
memn, Gernburg, and
burg, York Springs, I‘n.‘
Jun. 6, 1862.
Danger 1H Delay.
HE nndeisigned requ slsyus to any that he
T will be lmnrh ohlig d ’0 each nnul all ol
lho~e who k 0w themscl 0310 he imlohled lo
him, either 3' Now. "00 Account, or other
wisn. if they will make immediate pannent.
To delay doing/fin, will c mpt-l him to the dis
agreeable nqocssity ol ollm-tinu through a
proper oflioer'. M (HIGHS SAMSON.
[Q‘l’enois indelnem 1m call either M the
Store, N. E. porno: of/th Dimnnml, or on A.
J. Corey, Esq” Bulk/fit", cllysburg.
Feb. :17, 1802., " ‘
{Pine Li ‘
G. CK RR hns add
; .' Notitin Store, a. d
of Liquors, nmi‘havinrz I:
assortment, be invites tlI
Hut-rota. I: embraces
6le, WHIiKlES,‘&r.,‘
prices, somn mong the
cities. As hisunotto is, “
pxofits," he. will sell ch: 1
mush. To ha convince], ‘
give him yonfir- patronage.
Gettysbur¢, July 1, ml
M] to his. Grocery and
:parlmanl for the sale
(I in a large n'nd line
I- attention of buyers
'fdifl'eront kinda nnd
lost. to be had in the
quick anles and “null
I, very cheap, for the
It is only necegsary Io
J ‘ c
A To Disavled Soldlers.
qmum ”0% (wins. AV!) wmnws.
‘ on OTHER HEHL or muss: wuu
VlCE.—Cuaa. C. Tucxxn Attorney. for Claim-
ants, Bounty Land nd Hrniion Agent, Wmh
ington City. D._C.'—?’ensions procured tor Bol
diers, Seamen and Marines of the present war,
who are disabled by remain of wounds received
or disease contracted whine in aorvicemnd Pen
sions. Bountv Money and Arrears of Pay ob
tainnd for widows or otn'er heirs‘ of those who
bme died or been killed
, Bounty Land procured for services in any of
the other warn. Cl] 8. C. TUCKER, ,
J. C. Nun, Agent, G
Nov. 18,1861.
John W. fl'ipton,
ASHIONABLE BAR ER, North-east cor-
E net of the Dinmon , (next door to Me
lellan's lieu-L) Gettysurg. Pm, where he
can at all times he found‘ ready to attend to nll
business in his line. He has nlso excellent as
sistance nnd will ensufie satisfaction. Give
him u call. ‘ [Dec. 3, 1860.
‘ Hanover B ah Railroad.
‘V Trains run my fol own: 9
Leave Hanover at 9:3 A. In, and 12:30 P. I.
Lame Junction M 11:30 A. 11., and 1:40 P. u.
The 9:30 A. I. train ma‘lkes connection at the
Junction for the North and South. The 12:30
Imin mukcs connection for the South odly.
Through Tickets are is‘aued to Philadelpbil,
Columbia, Harrisburg. Willinmsport, Reading.
Unhimorc, York, anhgsfillc, and all princi
pal way points on the line oftheNox-tfiiu-n Gen
trul liailwnj.
D. E. TKONE, Ticket Agent.
Jan. 20, 1862.
Assignee’s Notice.
HE undersigned having been appointed
Aaaiguee, under a deed of trust lor the
benefit of creditors,ofo. S. Jmnxs and Wm,
of Oxford township, Adams county, notice in
hereby wiven to all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said Assignon to make immedintg
payment to the undersigned, residing in Mount.
pleasant township, and those having clniml
against the snme to present them properly nu
tbenticntcd (or settlement. ‘
Apri128,1862. u: 7
EW and exquisitely beautiful style. of
Albania, for “Cute do Visits" Photo
gnphn, jun reéeired and for nle r. Erica; to
mild): times. TYSON 8110'“! RS,
York 3%., oppoalte the Bank, Ganylburg,Pn.
Hatch 10, 1862.
HE attention of theLndiel is respectfully
invued to A large and splendid “sort.-
ment of [Adies' flue Kid Bootsrlfisting Gai
ters, Gum Overshoel, am, just received A“
Oct. 28
OPENING GOODS—The finest assort-
M rut-m of Mournmg Goods over olfcred,
can now be seen and bought at lower prices
than theyhnve ever been sold before. Call at
once at the sign 0! the Red Front.
LL kinds of STBAW GOODS, embracing
A flen'l And Boys' Hats, Miases’ Ind Chil
dren’l am, Sinker Hoods, kc., tc., u ‘
April“. I. F. lclhflmY’S.
8883 mmvas In a! "net, n
D ;’ sre scmcfi's.
qua-Ans k BUBBLE}! Ire now prepared to
L supply COAL, 0f superior qulilyHi‘nJluy
qunnti'y desired. Terms, Cub. i
Conflhle! Come All! -
”They I‘m request thote indebtnd :0
them to calf Ind pay up. n funds are much
ne-eded. Who “ill be the fin! to all? .Ufice
opvn from 7 to 7.
Feb. 24, 1862.
Townsley Ahead.
‘HE undvrsiened relpet‘tfully informs the
q pnhhc that he cnntinues the CARRIAGE
MAKING ASK) REPAIRING busimws infill it:
difl'erent forms, cheaprr than any shop in the
county. All work warranted tn uhe satisfac
tion torustomzrs. Country pmduce taken in
exchange for work at, market prices.
Gettylburg, June 24, 1861.
___‘,V-_ .. . ____~..
“ The Union.” ‘
Q'fllis Howl is cenlml, com enient by
Pnssengvr Ctr: m nll put: of an city. :nd
Adapted in cveryparticulnr to the cumfofl and
Inn“ of um business public. '
”Terms 81.50 per day. ‘
Sept. 23, 1861. 1y .
Ar BCHICK’S.—[ have .jusc op¢Md,!ho
most complete assortment. of SFRIK‘G
GOODS ever received in this place. In strtlo,
q-ml’rfihnd price they unnm be aurpnfiech—
Without stopping to parliculnrize. I saw who
.u, come and we. 1. L. scuicx.
Apn-g 14,1862. ; 3 '
mnlory And Chr'nnic
nn-d by “zinc H L.
A RIDGE HURSERIES.——-Perfinns dishing
to Plum. Trees will find the stock in the 'gmund
remarkably fine. and olTerEdl at reduce-l prices.
The Apple numbers 100 Verletles, embracing
all the approved mm. pi’ ? ‘
N. B.—See the index‘ boa -l near Flne‘n Dale
303 cc. 'l'. E. C 01‘ I SONS,
2,186 L , Propfltlton.
fl -._.____. ._ _.__f__‘____
\ Lost and Fsundl g ~
TUE “\g‘ooda lime: and pl My of money "In
foundVKn' the -pu‘rch 'ng of Gobda‘. at
SAMSON'S, IRON: greedy lreduced prices:—
Purchasers vh xwoultl‘ tak ndvenmgelof this
chnnce ofecnnmri in aetnrl g BergeiziuCOME
AT ONCE; AND éfiVE' MO ‘ EY! AI tre sea
son has somewhat andnced‘; we will se_l whit.
of Winter Clothing wmlqu‘ on hand I‘ urlcee
to Intinfy the moat econpluicpl hplven. fl‘flu'l
nu- Seo'r for times Ilka that. The b‘cagclty of
money in films made up, bl} buying so much
cheapo]. [Gettysburgfii‘eylh 1862.
Fadingnof every do
u on :libstantiul and
l Bulk of Lam-liter.
. er County Bank
mbia Bank. ~
It Bank.
rk Cnnnty Bank.
uf Gettysburg.
of Lucnster 00., Pl.
Plano mung 3
110?. BOWER, of Littleslown, A‘Ptuctical
P Piano Tum-r, informs his fricndfiénd the
musical public in generul. thin. lie tubes his
time. riot otherwise occupied, to Tunf‘gvmul
Repairing Pimqs. at modmte prick. \He
promises entire mtinftcsibumr no pny. 10rde .
received I! thii oflice. [Sum I'6, iB6l.
. islet “
der “
Frames. _ r
ILDBD mums—lmm nnn'l-nms
have just waived freq: Phi‘lndelpllin nn‘d
now offer to the public ll)! largest mild but
assortment of Gilded F'rnmes ever bro all: to
Gettyshum. at. astonishingly low prices. ‘xrl'leane
cnll lad examine them. Exrelsior Slq‘y-light
Gallery, York street, pppaslte clue Ban . Get
tysburg, Pu. , [March 10, 6‘2~
. “Carte de Vinita” Q ~
3 HOTOGRAPHS l—We havejustintr‘pduced
1 P a splendid mush! column in our Gallery
and are now prepnrad to furnish the new Ilyle
u (:nrle de Visiw" Phulo-Jl’fllvhi—lnnt for a
dollar. 1 TYSON nmwmms.
Excelsior Sky-light} Gallery, Gettysburg.
Mun-h 10, 1:41:11 ; }
Town Property 3
T PRIVATE SALE—Tho unfit-rel ml 0"-
A far! at Private gull-the l’mpn-rlyi “hit-h
he now ”side-. 4. «“me in End. )li-ldln smet,
Gufltywlmm, mijuininp: S. R, Timon on tine, We“
and “rs. .\lquroy oh “fr 99:9. wi'h u
walls)“ in the rear. Tlm NURSE. l! 11:;-
lwn-slon' Frame. \\'eutlwrho£lrtlml. will
Buck-lmildinfi; ayqll of wnlfr, with a [lump in
it, at. the door’; and :\ vnrin-ly of fruit. inch nu
npples, pears, peaches, Npri6ot3,' glut-flier, Ind
grapes, all the most. choice. I
Nor. 12.1860. tf’ g , . l
E. ulna-numpewrs-
w iCannon.& Adam’s
‘ -EW {MARBLE WQRKS. corner 0 . Rnlti~
.N moqo and East .\likldlroL pun-tudiro ~ll_v ~op
posite the new (Yd-In l in». Getty. mm.—
aningrécculiy ntri‘gll from l'hiludell limnnd,
[eeliug fully competent to execute all nrk in
the finest‘ntylé ol' the art, we would re octl‘nl
ly invite the attention ofthe public wuhing to
procure anything in ontlina, to fuvor Ii! with a
call and exunfinespecumons of our work. We
are [lmpaired m furnish‘ .\NXUMHNTS. l'rmms
AND 112.4 nsn rxgas‘ .\mnnu; interim-:8.
SLABS for Cahinetlnnlkeni, mu] nll.otligr work
appertaining to our buk‘ymis. at the lonicst pos.
sible pricps. We do not hesitate to glinmntoo
thnt our work shall beflpnl up in nmanper sub.
stantinl and tasteful equal to the hegt to he
soen in the cities, where cvery imp I‘ement
which eiperienre hits suggested is mfgilodmf,
and espm‘inlly do wa ghnmnteo that on; Come.
tery Ind Grave and work shall he so dutifully
set as not to be MIN-ted hy frost, hut «hill main
min for fem that ergctuesa of position given
at the gompletionpifiujob, and so nm‘qasnry to
continued gmcofulness and symmetry.“ ,
Nov. 23, 1859. M" ‘ . ’ ,
Washington, D. C
fix“: Wl3s} gfii‘gg
DURING the past. year we have introduced
‘ to the notice of the medical p ofession
of this country the Pure Crush/12rd (Ilulora'rle p
Promlamim. as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMA
I‘iShi; and having received from many sources,
both from physioinns of the highest standing
and from pqtients, the MOST FLATTERING
nssnxoxmns OF ”S REAL VALUE in
the treatmemof this painful and obn'énate dis
iense, we Are induced to mount it to the public
Which we‘hope wiiicommend itself‘tothoae
! who are snfi‘gring with this Ifflicting dull-hint,
Ind to the medical practitioner who 'mny feel
diiposed to teal the powers of this [valuable
remedy. , , L
ELIXIR PEOPYLAMINE, in the form shove
Ipnken of. has 'recently been extensively ex
perimented within the PENNSYLVAXIA HCS
PITAL, end with MARKED SUCCESS (as will
appen- from the published accounts in the
medial journals)” , _
gem in carefhlli put up mdy (brimme
dilute use, with full directions, end can be ob~
mined from all the druggisu At 75 pent: per
bottle, end It. whtilesnle of '
Dragging Indlsnufzctaring Chemists,
July I, 1861. 1y Philadelphin.
11E nndersigned,‘having a Inga amount,
standing on his Books for a considerable
length of time, principally made up of small
accounts, takes this method of notifying thou
indebted to him, that. he needs money, And if
his friends will call and some their pcconntl,
he will fee] under many obligations to them.
Sept. 23. 1861. J. L. SCHICK.
YSONS" filly cent picture: no securely
T aea‘ed.
Tysons' fifty cent pictures are water proof.
Tysous‘ fifty cent pictures are entirely dumbl
Tysons’ (my cent picture! are nnlurpassed.
Tysonx’ tmy cent pictures in warranted.
Tysonl’ fifty cent picture. I" put up in largo
oi lmlllcuel. V [Oct. 21, 1851.
J title, 301 mg b 0 Ind u. H. G. CABB’S.
HRPBBRD Plaldn, Sprilz n. mm“. u.
jun opened an A. 30011 tVSON‘S.
Coat I Coal i ' 00-g
Great Attraction
Come to-the Fair! i
1' " .”_‘#"“2’AF“ N
Something New:
OPIES nre being published, which cont-in‘
C {nnnv magmlim-nt Engravings, such us
Trees rind Various Linda 0! fine Fruitnnd Fruit
Trees, some of the finest specimens that have‘
excr been put on paper. The Fruit. Trees are.
let wnh abundant burdens of fruit, similar to‘
that which nnturt- present! in proper season.
The trees are repreivntcd its having their roots
running through the soil in a natural position,
and the Bngravings of Trees are besutitul‘nnd
grand. It also contains a tine Engraving which
represents the innumerable thread-like roots
of: vigorous tree running through and over
the soil. The Root Enigrming an era ten
inches in diameter on paper, and also forms it
magnificent engraving, wlsjch Cannot help but
prove gratifying to the eye? of all who may be
hold it. Such an engrawhnfz has never been
printed on paper before. The engmiinz of
roots not only proves admirable to the sight of
the eye, but is designed to prov'c' of great im
portance to nil who take an interestin the cul
tivation of trims and how to treat fruit. trees
properly. I h
A COPY-connins Twenty-five differentEngrsv
inn 0! Trees, Fruits, eta, composed
‘ g of Evergreen. Forest, Apple, Peach,
Dvnrnyrnmid Pear and Gherry'l'rees.
kc. The Fruit Engraving: comprise
3 . Raspberries. Gooseberries, Blackher
i rice. Currants, Grapes, Plums, Apri
‘ eats, Pearn. Peaches, Apples, etc., and
, , Ire all colored by hand to represent
‘ the natural fruit, and are accoinplnied
, j with printed matter oi igrenf impor
, } (ance, and forms n‘cupy in size 32 by
i 40 inchefl, on map paper, with muslin
' . ' book mid fan-e varnished.
L‘COPY. with its numerous engravings, will
‘be gratifying to the e 3 el and forms an
t; . ndmjnble ornamenttm tho wallof the
1 parlor, and wilirichly. beaumy any
5 apartment with attic tun] matter
1 ofmuchimportnncennd any. These
, ‘ copies Ire published 'at a. very heavy
i expense. Twenty-five dobars havebeen
t ' . - - .
; fund to I klentlfic .11qu for fanning
> the pint" of singlet engravings of
trees. roots, etc‘, But. in order that
. many can obtain such? copies at A
‘ , trifling figure. the priéa {or a copy
? twill be nude so low, that fifteen pep
. , lOI‘II can' now obtain ooplel for the
‘ . lum flint has been paidfiior single en
- grating! of treen. etc. i '
A COPY contain! printed mime of much im
.l pnrtance and great valuie. it will tell
: how to treat all kinds of Fruit. Tree.
to render them verv vigdronsyud pro
': dnctive, even in unfavorable seasons.
' It will fill how .to prgpnre the uni]
yiihoul inconvenience lye-fore plnnting
‘ the trees in; toprengtl'tn trees much
» ‘ ln vivn‘r‘ null to rave t e productive
‘ nm of nhundan crops“ even in unfa
vorable seasons or locations. ‘with
j proper and easy fler treatment.
COPY will tell'hnw togarepnre and pmnt all
\ 1 kinds of Fruit mad Evergreen Trees,
\\ no as to prove snuficesnf‘ul, with scarce
\ I] ever prm‘ing'ja fnllnre in u lot of
’ \mnny trees when properly treat?! as
l dimloq. It will tell how to gtmin
I .In‘r plant Dwarf Pear Trees. "icon
: tnirkthe mast Ina-essful treatments
f for théx culture of the P‘nm. h'wm
E . tall MW to train undqcnltivnt'f thc
' Gram. \ 4 l .
A (3er will all i-h‘to whim. magma:
' g 'Stmwlu-rriea, (‘,urrnnts, Raspbtries,
i Rlflfkl‘l‘rrit‘fl. - osebrrryien, etc.
A CpPY will iell Innw(t:;‘\§nt Pmch tré-s, to
J rutorc thrir that healthy fro' the
i diznsvrun: efleclll 0N3!» inset-Ts. It
1‘ will roll how to make. 9or an nippli
-1 ration over tluq-isnll srlrxnund'm'g the
1 ’ tree in protect the reprimand ‘olhr-r
. l tender fruit: from thr cfl'ectbof being
i wintrr-kiflod in the hunt; Trig same
, A npplimlinn also resume; Penc \lreeu
' i frnm taking the yellow-2.. iTheptixgli
i ‘ caliou has: theihoneficinl elf ta to
: prc-wnt the ("lingo oflthd trees hfalth
‘ ’ ‘uul the luv \‘igoroll¢."nlid protes to
1 the prmlm-lirenesxs of luscious Iruits.
I 'l'lul appliimlinnam he pplied a uni.
urn-naive. All have Pufficient {um
} n-rial- o'n chain-inane." mu. 3 ,
A 001‘" will u-ll how mal‘rséer cinfl klhds of
{ ~ Fruih with littlé or no . nésr. It win
. : h-il how tn k9l2i) Applpsrwith much
nun-r 0", It wichil luiv lo trmt and
' manage Pear: to; mature pr‘rfwtly, and
1 In nlluin m the highest’flnvor.
A C‘pl‘Y presents it: unlixerou pictures all n
. i V n glam-9, and firings such an ornament.
‘ 4 for the wall me ill be @dnxirell by 111
, ; lnvers ofurt,d n from nature‘s pro
.' , duck. _ ‘ . _
" Thobe cowes are publi - ed 1)
. . . lIE‘F. M. PETERS, ,
. '_ Near Bemlprsrille, At! an 00., Pl:
‘ lfi'The Man is finished wit): ‘Rollers Ind
willf he‘ forwarded by Express to‘ any place or
derqdmr receipt of necessary amount. One
or rpm-p Anams will be appointed to mums:
this enunly and receive gubscriplihnt, but! de
liver the Maps for $2 per copy.) .
Inflnentiul Agents are wanted to canvass
even] County in the "maid States. and to «le
live‘r .\hps to mhavribers An agency for the
“up will sun-l) inx'urc p fitnble employment
to such at run exert a goo influence in making
gulch readily. Liberal i ucemcnta are made
to n'gents. 'A sample on, can be seen at this
ofiie’e. [Pg-b. IQ, nus-2. [Nam u, ’62. I}]
Hardware, Grocery
S mammal of H A RDWARE & (l ROCKERS,
u. lheir old established “and in Bufimcre
street: .
‘ They hue just returnéd'from the Cities with
an immense stock of o})odaj—cnnsiating, in
part, of ~ ; ~
. Bfl'ILDING HATERM S, such .5 Nun.
Scrgwx, HingvsJolu, Lo 8. Glass, etc., etc.
TOOLS, including Edy Tools at every de
scription, SM", Planes, C 'sels,Gongos, Bracep
nud.tha, Angers, Squat ' Ganges, Hammers,
etc, etc. 6% "
BLACKsmms uni nd Anvils, Vices,
RMps,”Files, Horse-silo s, liaise-shoe Nnil'l,
etc. with chi-m. very, (4163*. 1 ; ‘
COACH FINDINGS. such as Cloth, Canvas,
Dunnsk. Fringes. Cotton. loss. Oil-cloth,
Springs; Axles, Hobs, Spokes, Fences, Bows
Poles. Shafts etc" etc. ,
SHOE FlNDlNGS—T’mpico, Brush and
French Morocco, Linings, gindings, Pegs, Lasts,
Boot-trees. etc, with 3 general usonment of
Shoemnker’s Tools.
lorlme'nz; also. Varnish, Knobs, etc., etc.
HOUSEKERPERS wilé also find a large as
loflment ofKnives nad Fprks. Britannia, Alham
and Silver Plated Tiible and Ten Spoons, Can
dlesticks, Waiters, Fhovels and agngs, Sad
irona. Ennmeled and lesg Kettles, ans, Tubs,
Buckets, Chums, Cnipeting, em, etc.
Also, a general assortment of Forged and
Rolled IRON. of all size“: and kinds, CastY Shear,
and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap
as the chenpeu.
GROCERIES—a full and general assortment,
much u Crushed, Pulvegizej. Clarified, and
Brown Sugars, New Orleqns, West ladies. and
Sugar-house Molasses {pd Syrups, Coffee,
Spices, Chocolate, fine, coarse, and dairy Salt,
Linseed, Fish Ind Sperm Oil, Turpentine,
Fish. etc.
A I] assortment of Lend and Zinc, dry and
in oil, :lso Fire~proof Pants; in anytime“
every article in the Hardware. Coach inding,
Shoe Finding, House‘Keeping, Blsckamlth,
Cabinet-makers, Painters, and Grocery line—-
all of which they no determinad to sell A»: low
fur cash an In] Museum of the City.
Getty-burg, Dec. 24, 1860. it
The Spot!
AMSON is still in New‘ York, muking‘pur
s chases to keep lull agd increase the stock
0 his Clothing and V iety Store, on the
Northeast corner of the fiiamoud, Gettysburg,
where sales are made ‘4 astonishingly low
prices. Buying for cash, he can sell low for
cash—lower than ever and no mistake. Call
in .1. theeSwre, and Anna Bonanza will wait
on you with the greatest of plmnf’e, ah wing
yut Clothing, Boots, Shoel, te., of evergkmd
and price. ; [Dec. 2, 1381.
:AMER PHOTOGWB In: 31, uuu In
tumor Sky-light gallery, 102 k ‘ .
oppoaiu nu Duh. y
~DR. Wk. 13. HURD’S
IO U 'l' H WAB H .
sum; REMEDY rm; A
A BAD mum.»
And the but :pecific now m me for any dis
used condition ofthe mouth. 1!. is putiqulnr
ly beneficial to persons wearing
completely destroy ing awn mintonhe mouth,
abeorbingnnd removingal] impuriuclfinsntiug
to all who muke usl: or it. No Young Lady 1»
Young Gaullcmon who is nfil‘n-led With a
should delay applying min remrdy, for i! II I
cermm cure, and in nppruH-d and recommend
k-d by every phvsicinu under “hula notice it
has been brought.
is an ofl'ence for which there is no cunt-e‘whi/lo
on. WM. 11. HURD'S Moth! “188
can be prorurcd.
Many permns carry with them a had bra-Ih,
greatly to the annoyance and Qnen to the dis
gust of those with whom they come in couuct.
without being conscious of the fun. To rc
liovc yourself from 11l teai-a regnrding this,
Cleanliness of the mnnhh is of great. impor~
tance to the genera) health, which is often nf‘,
footed, and not unfrcquenuy sedously impair
ed, through want of proper attention 1» {MI
subject. = ,
Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, Nof"
Fourth Street,Brook)yn, E. D. .
Pricg. 37 Cents pgr Bottle.
A libel-II discount nude to'detlen.
Address Print-Ipm omm, Tribune
Buildings, No. 1 Spruce St, N; Y.
Sold .130 by Caswell. Hack t 00., Fifth
Avenue Hotel; J. k I. Coddinglon, 715 Broad
way; D. S. Ban-u es, 202 Broadway, undby All
Druggists. ‘
DR. WM. B. HURD'S : ‘
~ 1
This poyder possesses the j .
CARBON! wrrum' THE mvhxous
- PROPERTIES or ounce“;
and is Tye. from all Acids or Alkaliec that can
in the legal. injure the Teeth. 1 . ‘
In Action being entirely nechnnical—polish~
lug without wearing the enamel. ,
is recommended by all Eminent Dentilu
Prepared It. Dr. 'Uurdgl Dentll Ufiice, No. 7?
Fourth Street, Bronlgvfl. B. D.
Price. 25 Cent: per Box. ‘
A libel-II discount nude 10 dealers.
Address Principal Oflce, Tribune
Buildings, No. 1 Spmqe BL. N. Y.
Sold also-’by CI:W€11, Muck tico.l Fiflh
Avenue Hotel ; J. h l. Coddingto‘n, 715 Broad.
way : D. S. Burues, 202 Broadway, and by all
Druggisu. ‘ '
For the cure or _
produced by exposed nerves. ‘ .
It is pnrti'culnrly adupzrd to all cues of chil
drenafllicted with TUOTHACHE. ‘
Parents can relieve themselves from [but
distressing wenrineas caused by _. .
and their children from grdnt sufl‘erlng, by
keeping a bmth of. 1 3*
in the house. ' ' f
- frepnred «.1 Dr. flurd’s Danni Office} s'o. 77
Fourth Street, Brooklyn. E, DJ, ’ 3 '
Price, only 12 'Cents per Botfle.
A "th discoum mudeim healers. , 1
Address Principal Office, Tribuné
Buildings, No. 1 819 mm St..Nf. Y.
.Sold film by Cns‘kvll, .\lndk & (‘O5, Fjflh
Avenue Hon-l ; J. t l. ('mldinmon, 7ls;l}ru:ui
wnyfi D. S. Battle's, 2013xqudwuy,nnd by all
Druggisls. . .
L" V ___ ..A - .__ ‘-___._-
i’golhe cure of NEI‘RAIJHSA V"
or T (bathe producmlby colds.
is imam ' trty cured by their Ipplimlibn. _
Thvy a like a vharm.»rgnd nro fi-rfoctly
harmlean indheir mm m; .do.pnl‘ prwuce a
hlistvr. and I '9 no unploaamfrgsglm.
s NEURALGIA mmsmzs
K smisfnclior‘. to all who test
umwx. n. HUT
never fnil to giv
their virtue.
1': Don“! Oflcc, No. 17
kK. D.‘ . v
Pvt-pared at Dr. 11‘
Fourth Slrvet, Broukly
Price, only 1‘
A liberal discount made dealers. '
Address Principal Office, Tribune
Buildings, No. 1 Bpruc§Bt., N. Y.
Sold also by .(‘nsm-11, .\lnqk ' Co.. Fifth
Avenue Hotel ;1. It ‘l. Poddinfiton, 15 Brand
wny; D. S. Barnes, 20"] Broadway, A d by all
Druggiau. [Dec 2, 136 I,
We are daily receiving orders to send by
some one or more of Dr. Hurdle Dental Rem
‘ ies, which we cannot lill. None are mail-lilo
except the Neurnlgin Plant? ‘ich we send in
‘ an envelope on receipt of ric_ (15 cents) and
one stamp. lint tn ntcolnmodnte persons in
‘ places where the druguists and store‘keepers
1 are behind the age, we have put up payknges
, in white embossed boxes, seven inches by four,
, with COli‘IIllfIllS—(‘alf‘ll box containing A
bottle of Dr. llurd's Mouth Wash, and Tooth
Ache Drops, Dhor of Tooth l'owder, the Ken.
i rnlgia Planter, and .1 rnlnziblc little Treatise on
Teeth‘ and their DiS(‘l‘.\P§, the best means‘of
preserving them. and the proper treatment of
Children's Teeth, worth of itself the e‘ntirecost
to every young mnn or woman, or parents with
l young children, with sundry other necessary
‘ articles; price per package sl, or six packages
,for $5. sent by express as directed. As the
i Express charges me not much, if any, more on
In dozen than on one, it is far cheaper to orde.
six orn dozen pa‘cknges at one time. A large
family will want all, ortlw surplus can be dis
, posed of to noizhborsT‘with public benefit, for
no one can estimate how much pain, snffering,
unhappiness and disfigurement, expense, lo~s
, of time and money would be saved to the
country if every family to-dny hnd one of these
pncknges. which, in itself, is a complete set of
Dental Remedies. Address Wu. B. IIUnD &
Co., Tribune Buildings, New York, and write
nnme and address plainly. Thnt remittances
may be made with confidence, W. B.H. J: 00.
refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn, to G. W. Gril
lith, President of the Farmers and Citizen’s
Bunk. Brooklyn; to the Editor of the Ameri.
can Mnnnfactnrers’ Gazette ; to Joy, Coe &CO.,
Mhlishers’ Agents, New York; to P. T. Bar
num, Esq., who knows a good thing when he
sees it and who has already ordered a second
supply, etc. A
1000 AGENTS WANTED to introduce Dr.
Hurd’s Dental Remedies into every County._
Men or women who want to make money quick
ly, can do better with these articles than any
thing in market. ‘They are new, useful, low ‘
priced. and we are spending thousands in nd- i
vertising them for the benefit of agents. Boxes |
of samples containing 3 dozen of the one dol— ,
lnr packnges above specified, with circulars ‘
will be sent, on receipt of $7, about halfprice, ‘
to any person wishing to test his or her skill
in selling with the view of becomin° an agent.
They can be sold in 3 day. fi-We would
rather pay salaries than Commissions to those ,
who prove themdelves eficient salesmen. ‘ ‘
fiNow is the time to go into the busing}.
For address and references m above.
Jen. 27, 1862.
HE undersigned, being the authorized person
to nuke removals into Ever Green Ceme
tery, hopes that such as contemplme the remove]
ofthe remain: of deceased relatives or friends
will avnil themselves of this season oftheyeaflo
have it done. Remonls made with promptneu
—-lenns low, Ind no effort spared to please.
March 12, ’6O. Keeper pf the Cemetery.
MUSLYNS a: low utenom a cent. up,
can be had at the chap “are of
TRUNKS In}! Cnpet Such cheap M.
Flam-3AI: igy, rah-won ud
‘ : Alarm Clocks, chap It PICKING’S.
HR undersigned respectful
ly inform: the residents
0 Gotlylbnrgmd vicinity,thnt
hq has opened I WATCH; AND JEWELRY
MORE, in the room Immediately in the rear 0!
Hr. J. L. Schick's Store, Ind fromlng tbs
Square, where he intends keeping nu um:-
CLOCKS, to, kc.
Having been connected with I ant-ell"
Watch and Jewelry Store in Balumore, for
amoral years past. he is prepared to turnilh
awry nrticle in the line, at the lowest city
pricu, and all purchases will be guuanlied u
From a long experience in Watch~rcpnir|nm
cppecinllyorflnc Watches, hcis prepared to do
.n kind. of Watch-work promptly. in tho bu'u
manner. and gnamuty the perl‘ormnnce of“.
He will keep always on hand a large qurt- -
men! or SPECTM‘LI-Zs. and spac
uncle Glnasca; and I|."ng muvhm
experience in Adapting them In the night, 50
prepared ‘0 fit all who med them.
HAIR JEWELRY mndo to order in the boil
uyle, and a great variety of patterns on hand.
JEWELRY repaired in the “(-I“th manner.
Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 1861. 1f
()W/v- J Slight Cold, €0.13,
<§ \J‘ Mama“, or ya}.
Bp‘gmHlAL glam, whim might be
490‘“? Md with a aimplcm.
~ b edy, v“ neglected, qflm tar
mizmea sa'lbusly. Few are awan 1f
the importance Q)" stopping- a. fleas]; or
”fight/geld in itafirs'tstagu; that,
which in. tha beginning wuld yidd to
attacks the lungs. '
gamut}: grant/uh! Hindu;
um first introduced elem yearn ago.
mid. bqu the pubéio'for inns/u.
flaw, Mac, 1.1, -
flaunt/2., the HackingCaugh in flan.-
gztian, and nunmwufl‘ectima qf
the hmat, g'iumg' immadl'ata relief. '
Public Speaker: mm»?
will find than. efectual. for and
W the mica. ‘
Sold by all M and Qua-r: in
Mom, at 25 out: par box. ‘
fi-A. D. Bcuun, Agent,GeLLyuh§lrg.
Dec. 30, 1861. ‘Om ‘
JUDsO N 's ;
mountain Herb Worm T 93.
. “:an - * E \ .
' Do you when {observing the nnenly int-Mons
of your children. consider tlml it may $1: nmres
th In a more Cholic Hun afflicts them ‘.' jln nine .
cases oul,of ten, the cause of the littk‘ mum
er’s anguish is Woluul,aml mould Lei a) once
looktd Iv. ,
Do not log your children suffer, when in pro
lem. 3 on In ‘ ‘
JUDSONԤ won)? TEA . ~ ,
A an: up Igll‘AlAlf can: lon voila.
Ilqy maul: boner nnd anfcr would it luv mI
have it alwqys in the house. A liltlé dvlny
when A child id taken ill may onl-n be llqe cumua
nl'ila death, while IICIInE uillmul‘ulvlny, 11111 l
bv giving the .\llllfNTAlN lll‘lßlS THAT innnu
dintely, you wilkxiloluunly gave the nhihl a lung
and trdluu: illu s,mnl ybursoll‘ lullLlUxxpl'nw,
hm also feel llhppierin knowingllml _vnu Imm
dom- your duty. nnd‘pon-lmnce rum-ll lls Milk .
This medicine ls cumlnncd pnxjoly off 1 ‘
- No man: fillhy‘Vt-rmifuge will laud-ml by
thou- whoom-e me this TM. Tho «mlj’ m-liw
principle of all uth Vermifug'rs Ilml Worm
‘Killefl in NEKUURY. ‘.
Use this'fiimplg, Safe, Vrgt-tnhlc Medicine
This Wurm,Tm ml.- clierm'c-re'! in n'n unm
ual way among Gha- Wilda 9!. Northern .\luivu
—x| full account of it _ran Mill fiml m Imr Al
mnmu's. Ask for the “Ifrmjrlrnf Tu!!! A’nmnur "
of the Agent, and wht-n _vun have nmdfit, mud
it to yuur noighlmrs, “ml [ln-y mu)~ 111-m know
of and be cured '1); this GREAT REME‘UY I
Sents mush.
GET A PACKAGE—mica 25 cans
Onsl'lVl.—Alvnyq find the Name Am; Signs.-
hm‘ of B. L..JUI|HU.\' & (30., and .lhoupommk
0? Wm, on each puuknge of 513 i: Worm Test.
3. In. mDSON & CO".
sonn P‘Bqulfi’ru'fls,‘
60 Llornu Shit", sz Yonlk. ‘-
flflmmox'n Won Tu 'I cold by on Agent
in every Village, and by :1] Draggiuuu
11. G. Cut, Agent. for Gettysburg.
July 22, 1881. lyeow , ‘ ‘
’ l-‘UUXJJRY.—The lubsrriber, having luledtha
Steam Mill ofllr. C. W. llonnx, in this place,
’1 has had it thoroughly. repaired, hy Ptuing in
‘ It the necessiry machinery tor grinding Lune
tstnne. The mill is now in operation and I Am
,remly to supply any demand for this useful
‘Fertilizer. GRUI'ND Ll)lE-S'i‘i).\'l-3,is not!
lconceded hy those who haw tested it, to he I
'much better Fertilizer thnn Burnt Lime. or in-«
deed any of the other Fertilizers generally ap
j plied to kind. The following Certificate from
1 Mr. DIEHL, an L‘XtCllalVL‘ farmer, and highly re
ppm-tublo citizen of Adams county, will uttelf
'the truth of this assertion: ~
8-4 have been trying the Ground Limo- V
stone on my land for the lust {our yflflfild
find it to be a better fertilizer than the Bat“
.1 Lime, and autumn. It has given utlsfutton
in the first crop. PETER DIEHL."
Numerous other certificates of like character
could be produced, but this is sufficient. “
fil’armen are requested to and in that!
order: and to give it a trial.
Mar. 4, [B6l. t! JOHN HOOVER.
Another chtory!
ARXERS, take notice mm H. G. CARR
_ has the agency forthe saloof SCHRINKB’S
taken twenty-three First Premiums throlflh’“
the State of Pennsylvania. and Lhe‘FirstPreu
ium at Hm State “it of Illinois. And alto tho
agency for the sale ofA. B. ZIEGLER‘S CAST
which have taken the Fir» Premium at “like
Fairs that ere'r they were exhibited at, thick
is some an or eight in number.
Farmers, the Xilh‘lnd Plough! are wnmnb
ed to give ufisfaction. If they don’t, you no
privileged to relum them to the Agent 1: Get
tysburg. [Oct 21, 1861. on.
riety, n 80}! CK'S.
YSON BROTHERS have constantly on ham!
3 large nuortment 0! plain and fine,
cases, gilded frames, gold And placed lqckm' .
bmflpim, 16.. lc., which they In selling “
utonishinglylow price».
LL colors of Zephyr Worsted and Bhuhnd
A Woo! can be had at SCH‘CK‘B. 4,
ALICOES, as good as ever, 11.-rm. g} 'o‘
C 12} eta. per yard, can be had it SQHIOK‘B.
OTTON GLOVES for Men and .. cu
Ox be had cheap at I _ 80%
OMESTICS Prinu, (ii mm‘
D“a at 1 A. 3501-11.“;
[BRILLAS of "or; u ' «f; 1
FLY Mfrs—n WW 9
, P .
Setnithing New.
MOTHERS, 714 my Jinn!
xO7l run-mm: or
l 8 I'HRK) [.\"lf
P O I'S:-30
‘nvn mus—m nun" 10 Mt: