The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 09, 1862, Image 3
‘ nomwx now: ‘ l ‘ Fame manner. 3 MW m -11mm 2m; Emmexm York mason frames CAN’T BE DONE AS ”Ifg;§;f};fi;§,~;§g;§;fl3- P 1; guys; not vimpwho for years. profpsaing, WELL AS (mm. CRIHT, of Sulona, ["3" to Miss MARY JANE Chfidgmiw;.l,wmdompd M their creed oue' Mn.SullLz—Sir:-—lt was a "dogma will: HOWARD, daughu-r ul Wilhelm Howard, of ' "' f‘ " ‘ ' Sam I’M 1 th t“ ' u Adams county. Military doggy—Aß.” 314’ El“ . T: M Weulfs‘ona figmthhm‘is could be done u“ “‘9 214th of Mn): M Rev. In» C. Weld. these mfll “1‘8“?“ ,3 übolmomsm; an ? : lens. ..OW make b 0” to lor, at the rcsidcnre ol the bride‘s father, Mr. abolitionism‘ 5“, passport to heaven, We" dxfl‘er With Mr. Patch m that matter, for l WM. (‘I'VLICIL nf Curlisle. to Visa CHAR dumghmmderfind allhorrible shameand‘ contend that the majority in our present EST“; (MM: Sigh, of Boiling Spring, Can criums. 1.5 the mxm 1m 41.3 mm“ itis enlightened Republican congrm {tu uu- ”' .°‘““‘:", “‘ - _H‘ __ enough, ”thrruglx'ho be mherwise a wretch I dorsmnd and well know tlmt if they send [gaff-Obituary unfitrs exceeding six lines “‘Ol'll’y 0f the gallows. ’5 he.“ {“150 sweu- } meong't '5 the". army 0f 'Liovernment‘T‘nx will hcrmficx lie changed a half our usual nd~ or! It 1” "f’thm‘év 9“ ‘l’“ if“ 1‘ “3““- “‘9‘ °W“ before “'0 oommg fall elertmhm‘ vortising rates for all over {ht number of nogmquestm. lube gtluefofthe mblw.lhnt llneu- dny of power to do mw‘lnuf‘.r (_ money, a klger, or a robber oftlw private would be numbered, and their political‘ “m” Rail citizen? It mauers not, :40 11.136 hegoes 'n , doom sealed? Hence their pronmxtinm for freeing the slave. is heat Infidel or Imm. (notwithstanding the pleating neces- Atheist, n. contemior ofthe Bible! ; It is sities of the government, in mMuring‘their xvi-no mount. 'Clcrgymen lny the score can 7 Tax Bill 21nd sending forth their legions nf be found who will give the right hand of, hungry‘tax gatherera, before the approach fellowship'. call him “my btother." andV ingmtumnalelcction, when they will again promise him a happy exit from time to‘come before the dear purple for reelection “0""le coke WLFJVOI’S man-stealing from: to Congress. ' Now I am confident that the Southerners, 9nd advocates equclity Ind ' wise, prudent and far-seeing inajority in fraternity with the negro race. iCongrecc, will beat me out in dissenting ' Letno one any that this is an exaggerated ‘ from Patch’u dogma: for knowing, as the statement of the effect of negroxlhilitm on i dominant-party in Congress well do, that if “'9 moral senses 0f some nominally Cb’b‘l they send their tax collectors among-t us than men. EVBI'y word that We thO Wl‘llrl before thg e]ectiqn_'they cannot humlmg ‘9l} can be eflwbllflllbd by indubitahle testi- thg people gg‘in in." they (lid befoye_ and many. Nny‘ more. Radical nbolitionism I thereby .prgving thu‘somc things cnn't be ulwnys blunts the moral susceptibilities of done ugzell‘fm others. ‘ 7 ‘ its devotee. The very foundstion of thel lami‘perfectly willing to be counted no creed is, that no postiible circumstainces can i prophet,ifCongreun s‘hall let slifi'from thvir justify slave holding, and the next iind ne.[ lemh. upon us, their horde of tax collectors cessary argument is that the freedom of theibefore the next election islnve‘ niny, and must be accomplished at! May 27, 1862.. any sacrifice of life and property. Hence follows the dogma that. the right to freedon'll fixing a :upcrior right, all that stands in it} i w”; is to be regarded as inferior, and must ’ «1008 mm Therefore; if to'free ‘sldves it is‘ necelsary to threaten the namqless horrors} of nervile insurrection to frighten slavehold-‘ on) the in“ must be used, and the anal of the th t implies nmoral willingness toi permit and encourage everything in thei "(fitment ofn whole population. including; women and children, which such an imurn root-inn would produce. . if we are wrong in our estimate of aboli (ldn morality. we will comm-t the error whenever the riulicnl Abolitionistsi will my (hat the life ofa mun. or the honor ofa wninun in a sufficient bar tothe freedom of». nlulr. “where is the Aholitinnist that will my fluid. It is “by to discu‘s the question ol'nlnve'ryl in generalities, aml to tullrul' “human ireeclom" as nlchnll other “rights of man," but true morality. true religion, and «have all. true Christianity. teach that the “freedom" hi every mun is and must he linnlt-d by the good ofhia follow llll'll, and the right of a slave or even nfs prisoner of mil- to liis‘ liberty. is a right that he may not Main) at too great it cost to othork. , “it in. therefore. with profound regret. that Mr- “mice n {null-my in siwme (lira-rims to haul the public mtoumiltl Vlt‘W ofthe char acter nml all? news of Joan llnnwx and 1 iii»: niilor- mid ulwltnrs. Tlmt they were Imlnli rers. the law ufulil, and the gnspr-l of low- and pram, :iliko teach, and to speak with approval of their acts. or attempt the whitening (if lhoir'hlnck crimes can only re' sult‘tu’hlot on our clmraictcr as a Christian. mt! civilizo-d nation. l ' a ‘ fl'Tlm llvpuhllvnm any that the Demo rratit". party i: ro~pmnilrle l'or Hm trmuon of Brwkinridgn, bi-mnu- he once belonged to our m-mmiudon. Well. lel 1H we how llle same line of: argument. will work on the mhor «'idn. John 'l‘vlnr. .\lox. 11. Stovum. Henry .\. \ViN‘. .lmiuh I’. lh-njnmin, and 4500:“ of other rxlwl lozltlléi. were It one (line “thigug .»,\r(- [qu llvpuhliynn: who once lmangml m the “"ln’ig pmty to he held rvnlwnwilfle fnr Illa conduct 0f Chev-e (mi tnrgf Jolm l’u-ll was-‘mppm'lerl in 1860 for i'rolhll-nt, by the Native American“. Felix K. ‘éfiliciofler. ,llumplney Marshall. and f§nm llnuslon we‘re all lemling men of lhe Fume party. ’ Are those mop, llu-h. in the Rr-pulflimm milks. who weré once Xzzt'wo Amorimm, to be called trfiitors, because yroniin'ont members ol‘ their} party; are 9—- Lef ‘snmc of thaw who luufe so much to my llbhul "Ilrt-«kinridge Dbmocrins” an sqer.—-En'e Ohm-mar. l ~ -—-——- «Cu. _—+ 7—. THAMING GOD FOR CIVIL WAR. A ,cnrreslmndeul. of the New York Tri , bunt "dim“. . V) ‘ “The firit not of record 6f tfiis Govern mgnt since the prohibition of the slave (nylon was yostenluymade (the District. BJI) distinctly in the_interest< of freedom." And. my writer continues: , ‘ “ While‘lonking at. the sconé on tho floor of the House. [Maul-rd GOlLevm fnr Ilu'x war with its pram! um! prospmtive misty-y agul affer {fiy-n ‘ . \ Thanking God for war—for this civil war! “'hy the ghbsts ot‘ the patriotic claim. from Bail Run to Pittsburg‘l’mnding, mustscowl. from their gory guru, and squeak and gib~ her at you. over such profanity M this 1— God, whose name’ is thus taken in vain. wis twenty-five and thirty ypars ago, peace. ably working out His ends, when there step ped in thtse devils incarnate of War agita tiony who hnva clad the land in crape, and fixed nndrt‘mtcnc-d upon generatiom, and upon the country, a heavy taxation, that is to [Him] down labor as the slave of capital ii-ts, it uh; ‘ be forever I Ami the impieui writer is thus thanking God for the eman cipation of 2,000 negroes in the District, while 30,000.01.“ of white men are losing the habemrpzu, the freedom 9f ,the press. the right to bail, to trial hy- Jurynhx. and to be ground in taxes therefor, roam-an !—. New: York Etprur. ”The New York Herald has been figur ing up the amount of our national debt. and Jays, if the war closes by” the lst of July next, find by the lime the bills are all set tled, that our debt will amount to two ”lONS and million: of Dollars—Aha interest of which will be $123,000,000. This is but. $1,000,000 less than it takes to pay the ifiberest on the debt ofGteac Brital‘fi, which it took them 300 years to contract. This goes to prove the til-dines; “Englishmen, and the pro gress of us Americans under the improve ments inau rated by the Doclors and teach ers of the ghlic'ago Platform. ‘ The Herald inquires, “who will have to pay the principal and interest of this debt”; and mgelycomes to the conclusion that the industrial classes must bear the “bun-then and heat of the day." II: will be equal to ten per cent. of all p. lsbor and prosperity of the hation, or gun-peg cent. more than all we were worth. lfwodbn’t have to pay for Abolition “whis flel” it will not-be the fault of the “irrepres. oible conflict” reformers that. are now run. ning our “mschino.”w6hzwury Democrat. Tuo "Hmhuutts 801111712”: Mmrdcraé—A a PO, ave despantec aracber, mu; ung 5&0“ POE-it, Va... on Friday, for the cold blooded murder of two Msssachusetts sol dlm- 33: caught them asleep, alone, and mqrdered them for their money. He was mghtlthe next day. —-‘.......____——o ————-l——-.o9——'—“ ’ ”A gqrrengndent of the London Talc-j 33-831mm} McDowel, of Mifflin countAy : PERSONS i“ w‘” “a cheap ““1 tablet». m "“11!!! In Washington, says: It ‘ claims to have caught a deer‘ in a creek by“ ‘l’” HAT °’ CAP “'3 b° """nmwww ' moi: yolpggeq‘lod um. any nation 011,;‘110 ears and held 1:. until it could be tiedl;b’ “mug “ R' F' M‘ILH‘ENYfi ILAsgglgs’ :2] ‘39 Id“; ‘g.t:he;pm 1:50: mm lo 31n artillery at this moment It was avery lazy deer or Samuel was av ‘ ”A. .__ ‘ -__ H ’ _F' roa" m 9.3;: mg, ww ' I “10ch Sum ' ‘ _ '_Ki . ”limit-31‘” "Sud”: “‘Y‘T'POW “1 are new open lad road lot ulc at ‘ .-. V of mm 3 glam-u man. Stella-95 ‘ . :1 Man: Wh’ml’“ 'FICWG'S-l 1 ””3 I|. l3' lAHNEBTOCKG. '., THE UNIONIAS IT WAS.‘ The soldiers of the War of 1812, residing“ in Philadelphia, ‘held a meetinghat the armory of thg Wmhington Grays, 5n Wednesday evening week, 001. Francis Cooper in the chair. A committee was ap pointed to prepare resolutions expredsive of the sqntimenufif the meeting, frbm ‘which we bxtmct the folfioxving : * , Emu-ml, That the soldiers and defenders of the. War 0t 1812, here assembled. ml omnly rem-w their _pledge tn stand by the Governmerru in the prosecution ’of the war. in the support. of the Conitiwfin‘of ‘2he_ United States, until the I'n‘ n as it was almll be restored in all lip vigog und—purjly. , -u _ ...,. . .. 1’ ‘tdi‘M'r. Lincoin has shown his most. em ‘phatic udhsrum-e up party proscrjhtion by lremoving Mr. Taylor, the Postmaster Tn 'Nx-w York City, Manse he wouldn’t u» imnve experienced and fait’hful clerks‘ to } muk» room fnr rm‘v _[mlzliqzms- Wak'gnmn. ‘f the incumbent, has been so pestered with :nppliczmts that he has po~tcd the l'ollovvving“ notice on hi~x offivo door: ‘ ' “Aa then-9 me nln-mjy fifty applications for (‘vvi‘y ufliw nilhm, my gift, up luOlé will be recuivcd.” " (loud Sum]?B(ion.-Tll€ Lnuisvi lle ' Democrat asks thequeflinn whether whilwpdiscussing the colonization of the nogm. in order to‘ secure the [mace ol'the chunky. lt‘ié well to mmider if the colonization: nf Abolitinnists hml fire-eaters would not answer the [Eur pnsc? We think the latter could be done at l~~« expense; and to more profit to the cnuntry. We shall urge the coqsl'nleration of this m-nter up-m the next Congress, It' will be a. much wisar. bolly than this, and, Will adopt lhé most. ecofiomicnl plan; Brown‘o lh-oyciaiul Trot/of; cannot be spoken of too highly. We have used them and rocoivod grent- benefit from them. They were retiommhnded tom by ofie "Roun best phy-icimm Try theni. reader. ifyou‘ 'nre su’flb'rir‘u from afiy ot'vthe complnintg f'nrwhich they are recommendpd.—Gmconl Slam/"rd. - ‘ .1 Lime Stan/for Lillie I".l»atir.¢.-‘—\Ve find the filllowin': capitnl little story going the rounds of the pres" nnd credited to the La Crmee [)6nmt‘l‘ll’. We commend ‘it to the attontinn of our readers both great and cmnll. for the wry excellent moral it.oon tums. The history run'sin this‘wise—“Once an 3 time there was a great and lmppy coun try lull of people. They had all they wan. toil. were rich and pmaperoui, and all the nations of the earth fem-ed their stars and stripes. There were thirty millions of Imp py peoplv in this happy country: and there worn in it. aim. four millions 01' happy‘ ne grm-s. And the white peoplewere ieulous of the happy nngr'oes. and they went. to war. .\ml thousmnh of lives were lost. And milliom of dollars were spent and stolen : and the happy people became divided nr‘nl ruined : nml {llql‘hm laughalht them, and heavy taxes nu to be levied, became thirty millions of fools wished to quarrel about four millions of contented negroes wlm woulgl not run ‘iwny trom their happy homes even to please thirty millions‘tof white trash. And the foolish white people lu-mme a lnughing stock, and it’d to labor all their: lives to pay taxes—all or the ne grocs.” _ ‘6',“ we predicted. the Proclamation bf! Gem. Ilbnter has had a. wide publication ' through the rebel‘ papers. and did mare damage than ten tlmumnd'dis'avowols could do good. The rebel lenders rqioioeuovor it. ' as the mast efl'ective instrumeht that couldl have been placed in their grasp. With l Genwflcxrn’s proclamation-in one hand, i and noopy ofLovuov‘s Abolition bill in the other. the lepmiting agents OfJEFP. I Dun oun enlist more men than they know how 40 take care of. And yet, a. measure 30, senseless and dangerous as 't-hi~, is-lmilecl “iith delight by thomands of Republican!»l and pronounced by their lending organ in‘ Philadelphia, FORNET'S Press. as “the right; mom." thing. at the right time. and in the right Wlient..v......WWW“ place 1” lmtend of denouncing its author [Tye ....... .. ~..“...2...‘ as a scoundrel and n mischief-maker, and’ Cinn.......... ............ domgmding his instantaneous recall, they ‘(MtsomL elevate him to the place of a hero, und one ‘ Clover 5eed...........:.. of their journals, we see. has the impudonce Timothy 5eed........r.. ‘0 mgntion him as ins candidate {Ollll9 next lleef Cflule, per hnn1i............. . Presidency! By what. name can such {HOE-WV D" hund............ "um“ lreuzied spirit as this be called? In is either, HIV-yu" madness or transom—Eric Obscrm'r. ' W hx5key.......:........................ _mfi, «..‘ $ _ __ Guano, l’eruVmu, per t0n........‘ @Tlie Rev. Dr. TIFFANY, Chicago. start-i. ‘ 7‘ . . aunDA' ed for Pittsburg Landing With contributed v Flour frgglizfntf ..... supplies for the sick and wounded soldiersf 00., from 5t0re5.....’..........--i in the Union army. Un the steamerha took i When ” so much whiskey \o vorrect river water that. Rte ........................m-mm-m -he became crazy drunk. When he got 50- Cox-u.... her he immediately returned to Chicago, Outs”..-....................... ......" resigned his phat/oral charge. and his resig- l Clover 5eed.................... m... nation was, of course, accepted. ‘ Timothy 5eed.........................i This is the same clerical demagogue Who? Pusan-........,."...................‘..i was prominent in the Dark Lantern party! mfi_, , in 185+5,and delivered aninflammamry bar-1 Angi..HAusP—A large :10: of prime nngue against fOFEiL—‘ners and Catholics in H Hammjust received and for sale cheap,“ Fulton Hall, in this city, during the hey— ‘ June 9,1862. conom aGIDLESPiE‘s day ofKnow Nothingism. We lmvcknown this man for about, fifteen or sixteen years, 1 and never believed that he had “ more reli gion than the law allowed him,” and the event recorded above only goes to confirm; us in that opinion—Lancaster Intelligenccr. l More Na-Parlyism.—-The Democratic post-3 matter at. Cussewago, Crawford county, has i been turned out of office and a Repubhcau put in his place. After the repeated evi deuces of intense partizan feeling shown by the Administration. let ugfiljuve no more talk by the opposition of a. Union of para ties." On Wednesday last. fir. WILL! “I HILLF. S P”). one ofour oldest and ninxt esteemed citi zcn'. aged 85 years And 3 months. On Faun-Guy luv, very sulldenly, ofdincnse of the heart. Mrs. TUOT. u ife of Mr. Wm. Toot, of (‘nmbcrland township. lu New Salem. Franklin town-Mp, on the 3X3: ML, Miss MAGGIE A. HABTMAN, aged 22 yt-nrq and 30 dayl. " On the lst huh, SARAH EMA-3N, daughter of John and Susannah Walker, of Butler township, aged 11 ye :rs 7 month: '26 days. On Sundny, the llth afiMay, in De Witt county. llliuoii. WILLIAIL ton of J. J. Bull]- win. F..q., formerly of this equuty, aged about 9 ware. 0n the 301.}: alt, fit the .\lmi “bust, CATHA RISE RAFP, aged Iboul 77 years. 01: Friday evening wet-ht in Emmiuhurg, \(d., JOHN CAmmLL, son tor James A. amH Frances Elder, aged 1. yum! and 6 months?‘ “Suffer litllg childhp to come unto me; for of Hui-h ia' th'e kingdom of New on." _ ‘ ,8 actual Notice-- , --_ --.-» - _- PI ' the Blood—Km a for of the worst dim dots that nfiliet mtnl’tind arise from the corrup ion ’hat ncrumulales in the blood. ()l allfihe iscoverios that lm't'e been made to purge it o t, none lune been lound 'whlth could equal in 6 act Arm’s Col 10 Humor or Sutunm M. It rleansL-s a d renovates the blood,4ins ii: the vigor of he llh into the sys tem “Pd urges om. the hu ore whirl: mnko dist-ma. t stimulates the Eenlthy functions of the bod ind expel: the di urderi thnt grow and rankl in the blood. In extraordinary virtue: ur not yet widely k own, but whgn they are i will nn longer be question wlmt remedy to employ in the great vuietyofnlllict ing’disean s ‘thntmquire an 'n lemtive remedy. Such a. r medy, that could -e relied on, bus lung been sought for. and w, fur the first time, the üblic h-we one on which they mm depend. ur space here do not admit cer. tificutes to slum; ital efl‘ects. ul the ma! of» single but e‘will show to th 9le that it has virtue: nu wesinglunythiug they have ever MEM Maren 7 from Scr -‘ . w nd’bores, try it an tnkrn‘. S Swrilings til it cum-s. Skin lunches, Eruption ty with w l'nslules, cleaned o [of the lystcm. St. An: ny's Fim, Rose or her or Sull Rheum, Swld Head whould 11‘ lM bunné while I hpeedily (-1 rcd by Anna‘s Sn Syphilis nVenoreal Dinease the systemllb‘y the prolonged [nu-inn, an pine pnfitntds left. hc.hud uexfien hxld tho diaeusu._ Female “senses :are cause the bluod'iznlxd are? genera“ this Egtr q of Snmumrilll. bottle, or (5 bOBlO3 for $5. For all theipurpotes of {a . Aycr's Callmtic Pills, “Elm-I. knnivn. to buj xhe bulls: purgati, to the American Pdople. Pri‘ flu“. or 5 Homes for sl. , ‘ wl'rqm‘re L by Dr. J. C. Lmvell, Muir. l’mcu 25 Cu l-‘x‘u li-uxss Hun. SI. - wfiuld by A. p. BUIHLI every where. l [J WSQEADS Jz Buxnnn's St' lhynvini jun at this time; W men in our largest, cities. in Stoves; can be found. ’l‘hei fun nfotmfeJ of en ry pnttvrn ricty-df Hollow Wu‘e, Shout Ware, lPlnni lied \' .u'e, Japan ing, indeodwverylhviuyz in the line. dt~soL slills=lgt Cum-rs. S Lnrd I’rvuei, Aux, :krh They ‘ sell wholeshl and qemil, Tin iron Warn-0‘? theirtm‘n Immnf n' snfiifien. n umber {of hands 1 mand. Thail assnmmenl. ofl urge; also L n) ofovt-ry kinvl.‘ DYSPEPSkA.—this is n v complaint, néd gin-n tlu patien than almost. “,3 other dinmue cnmffifmian of Ilmrt'y complni sympttjms arc mlmerogls, and a of ulmmt all other complain From this fact arise thl‘e very m‘: the (11-tense is mistaken for son impmpcrly t atcd. The first. digrstinn, “filllency, loss of burn. headache, elm, if neglu‘ ways awaken some dormant 115 the poor sufferer to n prcmntur you must first do is to clean! refiulnte t.he.howeln; do this w ‘tnln Herb Pills," and you L'flll dyept-p‘sin. Judson‘s \lpmnnin ‘wld by all Medicine Dealers. $25 l} EMPLOYMENT) '\ [5755 A! EYTS WANTED .'-—We \dill my from $2 to $72) per month, and all expinscs. to active Agents, 9r give n>cummissioth Particulnrs smut. ‘fiee. Addrcss Ems Sauna MACH”! Conny, R. JAMES, Genrml‘ Agent, )lilun, Ohio. {Sept}; ltflil. 1y TEE MAR GETTYSBURG—SATUM F10un......t.......:.................... Rye P1nur.‘.x..u...................... White \\'hent\......m ............. Red Wheat..."...................... Corn ...,. . .........'. Outs ...... ...........‘. 8uckwheatuuun.................... Cloverfieed -.J Timotny 5eed......................‘. Flax Seed... Plnser of Paris .................... Haste: ground, Qer_bag......... BA [Rhona—37;“ OLLOCK‘S LEVAINotba purest md be'st baking powd. in use—vat Dr. [L HURNER’S Drug Slure. 7 RS. WIXSLOW’S 500mm} SYRUP, for children, at Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug BEM URNETT‘S CUCOAINE, Wood's Hair Re- B atorative, Shilling Hair Tunic, and other preparanons, for sale at Dr. R. HURNER’S Drug Store. AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Starch, Rice-flour and Gelatin, for sale at Dr. HORNER’S Drug Store. x)xxsx: 'uln‘ Scrofulouu see the rupirli- lumen, Piulples, , &c., are sum: Erysipclas, Tet ltingwonn. kc, ‘llloy mm be so Innmuu. [is expellgd from 59 of lhil‘Snrsu [us heullbv as if by Scrofuln in soon cured by; Price $1 per Hy physic, take ‘ are ever) where ie that. is offered c, 25 cents per AYER & 00., I'd Pun Box.— .n. and dCJII‘I'I m: 9, '62.. 2111 re is we“ wor ‘ doubt whcthcr, no a display of i lnrge room is 1 also. every vu rbn Ware| Tin i Vnre—emb‘ruc ouae furni<hing Inusuge Slum-rs, re prepared to r'm'e and Sheet- Icturc—kecping supply any do umber is very -ry distressing l more sum-ring in fact, it is n iin one. The ‘ e of the nature 9 combined;— ny «use: where a other, and so upmplunu—in . ppetitr, heart tenl, Ilmottvul cane. and send k grave. What the blood and ith the “ Moun bid defiance to Ilerb Pills are rblny 26. lm m AV LAR‘I'. , ...4 75 to 5 no i... 3 00' ...1 WHO] ”V 95 w x 00", 4o ... 52 412 175:0200 140 700 ‘ 100 LAST. 63510fia7 .loswlsz ‘. 69m 72 I. 40» 55 . 37:0 40 Laomoszs 1200 mm” lam-. 0950 +4b0n526 .xsooxoleoo 24m 25 ! eooo Spectacles, Spectacles. 1 5W} OSEPH BEVAN, sign ofthe Watch and 5 75 J Spectacles. in the dinmond, has nowoil 1 0° to ! 'l5. hum? large assortment of Gold, Silter and 60 Steel pectacles, uud in prepared toisuit a“ WHO :2 y will favor him with a can. ‘3; X. B. Cash paid for old gold and silver‘ ' 1 75; June 2, 1862 6 )5 I= ___.______._ __ -,.”...w,“ “..‘..-“ TN. ~. .-,-..w WW.W W ’ ‘ , - swab-... 3‘ W..«..__.,,__, l Hardwm - . ' National Hotel, 1. Important to the Ladies. I New fiat-mule, m xl3 GIhO"ERJES.-¥ l ummsrowx, ,» , 1' ABUR sum; ‘ _ Ilx Euntunflya. ‘ ’ ‘ ~ A The suhnr‘mefl ha“ just mtued‘froml 4“,” Country: Pa } J WASHXGx)I A C ll I .\ Fir-«g MSW GOODS Mu! the cities with an immense supply of H RD-l ‘, _‘ ' iThe nndersigmd lsjow building and olfi-rttqz,| It)“ PRICES!— wmrmn (:IwL'HBIES, which they are l T“ "“9““ “"3“ PM" ‘3" ““9“ tor tale. a. w. T LHL‘HST s IMPROYBD: no new GM ofS‘ll’l‘ll t monnrcnpocuuny ol'u'ilg :L their old stand 111 Baltimore “”91, l cam-adieu Hon-1115 pvt-para! to Rte-Ive l WASHER, M Gtttyilturg‘ and intend: to lup- l inform their Hindi Ind Ih. public gelurllly, at. prices to suit thetimes. Our stock consists p ““1 entertain ”’9 tynwhngpuh'hc, "‘ “R "”51 ply them to thme liersons lhrouuhuut the ; that they hntejust returned fro- thl citlu in put of ‘lrprot‘od ”71°: a" “5’3“ “in l" modem: countv who de=ire n l‘pbor—sming machine. ’With I splendid namrtment of Goodl, conclu- BCILDIXG “.\TERIALS, {and h”. ".09”. humutung m all who "‘3'; This machine is gotten up on an vutin-Iy new i ing 0! Lmlica' CARPEXTER'S POOLS. , “hm," hm' "‘?‘,‘M‘rm!r°a“”‘ , . 'principle, and in cuns‘dered by Lhasa who have I) I! ES S GOO D S , BLACKSMITH'S 1'00”}, l ”’5 “m“,“h ”1 all “my; ‘he ““3““! “m" ‘ seen it. in use, the {llO4 that hus ever bcgn Inch 1n Prints, De ling-m (llulliu. Lflwnl. 0" comm leleus, “I!“ Mica“?! 0* ”‘9 ?°”°“:““" “13 ‘m be'bmugm before the pdhlic. gnndit-s. Rolms of ..n kindl, Alpaccas, silks, ‘ . furnished with tho rhmcrstl. liquoril l Amnn" the mnnr advantage! ol'lhi! mnrhine , SM“ .lxtconet, (‘ht-n k nml (Rubric ““3““. 9 The 3‘5“”! is ”1““5‘” ““1 Off!” 5"" overall Ethersmnéhe'mentionml tho lull.»wing:‘, and I good nsuortmeut of Lulln‘ Vchuflcw’, “‘1 F‘mpmen‘ "'“l “““M'“ "“3“! lst. Its simplicity ' conga-union, xuukingit {Collin-n, Calicou and Muslins, at.“ prim. ”'5 ”mil-V m :tteudnnce. , . [almost Impolsihle to it out of order. 01101115, AW" ‘2l, ‘1- " MH- CRO! 53- 3 2d. lta speed, whifh astonishéa Mike the’ . CASSXMKRER. _‘ operntnr and the locker on. _ vns‘nxog‘ ] 3d. The facility with which it adapt!- litself' - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - to the bulk or qnnntit?’ of clothe! desired to be washed. ' 4th. It washes oqn lightest fabric. or t such an bed-quilts. co sth. ('an be Huang 1? you: of Age. 6th. Consumes} le proceu of washing. 7th. Will but u lo ‘ Sum? CHIC. 811:. Save: hnlfthe 11 May 12, 1562. sum: nxmxcs, ‘ . CABINET MAKER‘S Toms, ‘ “ nocsaszws nxwmzs, ALI. KINDS or Imm, Ml, GBOCERIES‘ OF ALL KINDS. ‘ 0.1:, Pains, kc. kc. There is no unirla in- eluded 'm the several dcpanmems mentaned ulmrc but. what can be Ind at this 89.01%. Everydnss or thmii-s an be m mmmodttcd here with tools and findings, and Housekeep er» can find every article I their line. Give ‘ us a all. as we are [wanted to 52" as low for cash as any other house on: of the city. , mm. B. mxxm, DAVI‘D ZIEGLEK. June 9, 1862 Fresh Reinforcements. TRENGTHENIXG OUR POSITION. are constantly :dding nbw qupplies lo ‘ alrgndy large and fashionable flock of j - HATS“ ens, BUOTS ‘Axn suoEs.‘ We h-n-e every axle of spring Ind Sum Hm, which in quality and pFicexnnnol' fui piease. Boy'n and Men's Iflu and CaLp every description, and of the'htés: I!) lea. stock of BOOTS, SHOES. was never mere complete. Ladies, (:cntlcihen and Children an be meommudmed with n Iy thing in this line' as we are better prep ed now to give fits and greater bargains than \er heiore. if you want bargains, good- fits nd fashionable goods, on" at the Sign of the’ Hi BOOT, iu Chambcuburg street. . . Jun): CI'LP. _, ALEX. cousnfii .....-_ _ I» ' n .- 5 _ To Bridge Builders. 5 mum 14:01:05an '1“ he received at S the oifice of the Commidsionerl of Adding county, until Friday/.159 20% day If Junei 1., for building A “'OflIIEN BRIDGE across C n wng’o creek. at Jonru LlLtr‘s Mill, on :he road lending from Hanover to Oxford. he Bridgg‘is to be built ahcr the style of “ Bu r’s Patent," one span. 9?. feet long. ‘The stonefi‘or the masonry cun’ be had near the Bridge— he Bridge is to be constructed of|thc best Bi or White Pine. ’ - Finn: and specifications fer the Bridge n be sum by person: wishinfitq bid on the dn of letting or hyupplicxtiuu to It M. Walter. Cltrk to CommihionersJ ' ! l JAM-IS “IMARSHALL, . ‘ WM. 1:. GARDNER, ’ EPIIRMM MYERS, Commissioners ohAdums county Attest—J. M. WALT“, Clerk.‘ ‘2 June 2, 1863. td ‘ ‘ 4% June 9, 1862 Election. 4 "ER GREEN (lEMETERY.—-An election J for a. Prcndont‘qnd Sévcn )lnnugcrflof Exer Green Cemetery Aixociguion. m servefizr one your. will be held'on (Inn 161/: day 9/ J: r, 1862, between the hours of Hand 4 o'cluuk,!P; .\l., of mid day, at. )lcCounughy's 1m“, in e Borough at Gettysburg. .1 ‘ ' ‘ D. .\icCOSjAUGIIY, I'ru‘t ~ H. J. Sums, Scc'y. June 2, 1862. td ' i. g ___.h.‘ _‘_._ __.._._=.f._.__. , Nance to Contractors. - HE School Hukrd of (‘umberlnnd diilri t. T inn-mungrebuildnstcuum-uou 7-: at .\‘o. l, (or lurmcrly Buyd’a,) the Image to m of brick. 24 hy 28, will receive proposal: for n: mum Imm contracturs. and “fiill men: for H l puersc m. No. l, on Salurdgv, (he um of ‘ ,I/ (ML, at. 9 u'cluck. .\. Al. and which time u d place contractors are léqnveljed to amend. By order of thle Hmrd. ' . ..L A. HARPER, Sn'y.‘ . May 'l6, 1862. ‘ Notice to Tax-payers. OTICE ii hereby given lbs: the Con Comufissionerx M'ill‘mzrlzonn _ ABATEHENT Ul" FIVE: l’l-IR CENT. upon ull Slate and County ‘tne‘s assessed the year 1862 that shall be fluid to Collect on or hetore Tunday, the 1:! olTJnly. Collect will be required to call 01111 tux-payers on‘ before the_ above date, und muke sut'h ulmt mom. to n” persons ‘puyiug ‘un or" before 3 d:(_\,atlld [my the same to the County 'l'ro-nsur other“ ise nq Abatement will be made. order of the Commissioning; . J. n. WALTER, cm. April 28, 1862. td 1‘ ~_.Vv _ -,4 “AA-V__._, Asszgnee’s, NTotlce, . 1 r “E umlcrwigned, having been nppoint 1‘ Asslzneea. under A deal of gum for t benefit of creditors, of Dunn 600 mm: :1 “'1", of Franklin tbwnahipg Adnms count; notice is hereby gin-h to nleersonn knowi themaelves indebted to said fissignon to m'n immediate payment to thejunderslgned, t first unmet} residing in Franklin townshi Adams county, and the but flamed in Guilfot township. Franklin eonuty, and these hnvfi claims against the lame to preheat them prop 1y authenticated for settlement. ‘ ' 1 JOHN HARTMAN, . JOHN ‘DQWNEY; l Alfi’flfll.é May 19. 1882. 6a ‘ Removal.—.Tm~ Wag-e. I HE undersigned has removed his Tinnin ostumishment nearer the Dianmndni Clmmbersburg street, adjoining A. D. Bue lur's Drug Store—a Very cenlrnl location. continues to manufacthie, we keep; constun‘ 13' on hand, every variety of - ~ 3, TLV- WA RH, ‘ i PRISSRD AND 2 JAPAN-ID WARE, : and will “way: be r “I, to do REPAIR”? ° ROOFING a Momma. ‘ also done in the best nuncr. Price? moder ate, and no effort spat ed to render full unlik faction. The public’s continued patronage I: loTil'ited. A. P. BAUGHER. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862.4 " ; New Goods. SPRING GOODS i—CHOICE anonsq ‘ _ 1 i FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS ‘ have just received and are new openings lnr e and choice assortment of SPRING 60008, in ’which they invite the attention oMbo publi‘r. Having bqen purchased with care at reducéd { prices, we nre prepared to give our custOmers Ibargnins. Our stouk‘has been Izirgel} increiised ‘ by the addition ofa ch'oice variety of the latch istyles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, mnteritl for “353' WEAR, CARPETXNG, QUEENS !WARE, MILLINHRY GOUDS, 5:0, comprisx g i a compleie assortment of everything usnafiy - wanted. Call early and select. bargains fqr § yourselves. FAHNESTOCK BRO'S. 1 ; April 7, 1862. Gettysburg Marble Yard. . ' EALS 8; 880., [)3 EAST YORK STREET. 1 GETTYSBURG, PA.—-Where they- are prepared to furnish all kind: of work in their line, such as .\IONL'MENTS, TOMBS, HEAD -STONES, MANTLES, &c.. at the: shortest nO tics, and as cheap as the cheapest. Give us .I call. @Produce taken in exchange for Work. : Genyaburgfilune 2, 1882. it ‘ OMETHING NEW I—A now nyle of WHIS- S KEY—nu nrticle pronounced “hard to benL”—cun he had at. H. G. CARR’S. June 2, 1862. ARPETS, CARPETS.-—A splendid lot of Carpeting—good Ind cheap—just opened a: the New Store of M. SPANGLER. FRE BRANDY, WINE AND WHISKEY, for mediciuul purposea only, at the New Drug ‘Lore of Dr. R. BURNER. NEW FAMILY DRL‘G .un ' PRESCRIPTION STORE, Having retired from the active pchvjce of my profession, I take 1.19:”:an in unfiouncing to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicixisit'v, that I \mve openeyl a ' f ‘ .‘iliw mam STORE. E A in tha rohm formnly occupied 11y Dri.;R. & l". "on“. :3 in office, when l “in mmtnntlyj keep on hand A Large supply ofnll kinds of 1' FRESH DRUGS, , 5 We *our CHEMICALS, E PERFUKERY. ‘ ‘ TOOTH POWnERS. : DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS. and ; ‘ g PAINTS ground in Oil, ~ ’ ,5 - o|LS,lpr‘essevl and diltihed, [‘ ‘ STATIONERY o!qu kinds» lnkl, Pens, Peneih, Paper. Cémhs. Brushes, kc. I‘l' to of at «mrrpns, m 2, PEI-INT )IHDH‘INES. 'jl ' ‘ All flw popular Patent Modiriuos, gather with a selection of pure WINES, BR. NDIBS and WHISKEY', for medicinal purpos only, always on hand. In a word, my‘slock e ibmcu everything usually lound in l first-cl _s store of this description. ' A large supply of fresh. Drugs has h en rr ceivrd, Ind 01-liers are arriving, which ‘am of fering to the public on very? nu-ommpdxting terms. My Medicineahue all bpen pill-chum! under my personal inspection and "pa-vision [mm the must felinlnle houses. I can lift-elem: not only rgcommend them as pure an fresh, but. can m-ll (lion: chcnp. N. B.—PARTICC[:AB ATTENTION .iven to the m-atmeut of all chronic «lis‘pmea. gay-ADVICE GBA»'rlsgtvaa May )2; 1862.; if ' ; ‘ - ,L..._~A., .I____J.H.__ ' Dissolutiog‘r 1 1‘“ “3‘3““! “I"? “'3": F PARTNERSHIP.—The wanerahjp here- 1 ’,‘r'g fggg‘fgggugff :‘ tui‘nrc existing between [he umchsigncd, and at the sunie lim‘: in the pmclice of Medicine, has this (1 5 been Ins n“ the rem-rum? dissolved. The book! of the firm will He found (‘ider \‘iue Pm“ He is in the possession of Dr. Char]: .Ilompr. who; this Vine at: in; m u! \‘ill t-ontinne We prnczice. g , « f ‘g .1“ y q ‘ePtlflice Ono door above 2 efnfuggsmre of "I? or 30",“ 5' Dr. R. Homer. CHARLIE} HIURNER, - f _ ‘ ROBERT 'IIURNER. z 186?. ‘ April [’L ~ Bprough Accdunt. -,l AMER? R. RUSSELL, Treasurer, in ccount with he Town Council of the BorFugh of Gettysburg : ‘ x . Dn. . 1 To outs“ ding tax in hands ofH.Brin- ; kerb , for 1859, , x . tsl2 59 n m ding tax in hands of 5.3.1 ~ )luGrsary. fox-1860, ' ‘ ‘ 326 3‘l “ Amount oftaxes unarmed for léfil, 15514 2g “ Caeh feceilvod on claim against? . Snub} Lease, , 38 20 By cMhEpahl on orders‘ to sundry poisons Int. paid ‘ iundry persons, $2” 05 Note in htflkh . 330 an “inter NHL“, - 'l5 00 Taxes nudfi grdnnd rent, '5 3 365 Bulanm- fiid lute Trenxnrcr', _ a ‘lB ‘ . Fahneslnéf [from hfurchnlldilailfi 33‘ Alex. Fm er, enginekeeper,‘ V3O 00 I).:Wurred rupliring (lock, ‘ I 9 00 (I. H. Bucliier, for bpefilll police, 0 ()0 .\L Jacobs" Lattices IS engineer, ’25 00 Z Gas Company, gas, 213 02 § . Henry (,‘nlp. Lamp-lighter, to», 30 (m I, 111-licfnrddgrs ' ‘ 58 2‘.) ' ‘ I’c-ter Bcitlerz‘gmnile crdssing" (.0‘ 25 2 ~ lubor, haunting, to, :23? 3| a Printing , 333 , Burgess A town council, 5 my, 35. 00 Clerk and Treasurer, sulurg', 40 00 Election 0 "cerl’ pay, ‘ ‘ ‘s 5 00 L ‘Uumnndi g mm tor 1859, 5 sm" " ‘ " “ 1360‘ ,_4B 3| “ t “ 1861', .373 '69 0 .\lmteme'n of!) per term, 32 5? Exonerntwm allowed collector 1 ~ won, , ‘ 325‘91‘ , Calumet-11' nllywnnce, = ‘bl29 E Taxes refnude}! to Eliza. Smith; 7 001—,— . . \ , ,‘ s ,335 09; Balance if! hands of Treasurer-,2 L 3 632 ‘ ~ 1 . $18.21 as ‘ Much 2f, 1862. The «have nudnntexmin -1 ed and cor ificd to by Ihe Ton-n ('ouncfl. l JEREMIAH L'UM', See'y. Mn" 26.11802. . 1 ; A orward Movement. HE 8 GE Gum: ox.- ' 4 ' t ‘ * I’ICKIN’G LY COMMAND. Having removed the hquuurtm-s of my Clothing Emporium from my dld\ stand in Chambers urg‘street into Ilallimqro stregt. a 1 few doorainorth of Dunner 6: Ziegler's,.l take 'pleaaurc in announcing to my ricnds And the public generally, that I am £etter prepared thun ever to nc'commodnte than with every thing in my line. My room MI been painted and llnundsxmely pnpered, and the reoenLntrivnl or» aplen idnssortmnntor : ‘ SPRWG AND scum: momma 1862 a: nu: Lunar srnrzs’ run 1862 makes lt emphatically the “heap and Fash \ ianuble Clothing Store“ . ‘ of Gettysburg. r In the [en's Dcpartmeu‘. will be 13mm! 1 must romp an: assortment. of 5 : - Fm; cum! COATS. _; 1 Bvsmass COATS, ‘s_ 3 ‘ WESTS AND PANTS. or n ; spmm.nn SUMMER ’vmn. Our Boy'n‘ Depnrtment comprises or ry ra rlcty of "fies. Boysyan be trimmed r. from head co foot. with suits oomph-annd c up. FU‘IKISHINO_GOO S, such an i ', SHIRTS, ’1 ‘ ’ COhLARS, ‘ "HANDKERCHIEFS" g xrzcmrss, .r f GLovss; ‘ Hosmtw, kn, All solocud with the greatest cn're and sold at the lowest cash pricer. We deemlit unne‘respnry to make my ‘extm newspaper pout-15H, being confident thus call will suits ll” that our goods are just what we rt-comngnd them to be —well marle, of good material; and cheaper than the same quality of goods ican he bought in Adams county. This much will my, that I will guarantee to nil who may'fnvor me with their patronage, entire satisfaction. as to qual ity. lit. and‘price. F. 1!. PIGIGING. April 28, 1862. ~ ‘ I _i.. l ' V ..-Ak_._.-._~~_._~ Htghly Important ‘ 0 PURCHASERS 0F DRY GOODS. The but place to buy your Dry Gyods il opposite thrihgfle Hotel, Chambersburg street. ”One Irice, Fair Dealing, nfid fivetything ‘ We have just returned froni Philadelphia and Baltimore, and are new opening a large and Alex-cure assortment of - to which we invite the lpecinl attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen of town and country.— We will not particularize‘ but ixivile All to call, examine and judge for themselves. 7 We take this method of ramming our-thanks for the lxheral patronage thul tar extended lo‘ DI, and would~say it shall be out constant on denvor to merit a continuance of the same. by strict nttentiOH to business. with n ddsire to please, by selling the preniesz, beat, and man goods for the least money. 7 A. SCOTT a: SON. April 14, 1862 HE Attention of the Ladies is respéctfully T invited to a large and splendid gasortmen‘, of Lndiea' fine Kid and Morocco BOOTS and SLIPPERS—Lutin; Gaiters, £53., to” at April 31, . B. F. chLHBNY’S. 335' 35mm 0 D’ ‘ ned a; N Hay‘ _r_o of 90 ' 3356:, r .1 Dr. Robert Homer’s CEAIHERSBURG STREET, GFTT\ "17m MEDN‘ES, AT A. SCOTT k SON‘S, a! the LOWEST PRICE SPRING GOODS, ADAMS cmwn'.| signed, hereby cc and are using nnw, G. Washing Mnehint‘. and; is just the Tub Mr. H. he, and supersedes nv have ever seen 11.! yet great speed with little iumork in memos! a ’l3, therefore, reuom in he county with gre George Ueycr. Catharine .“enla, Upton T. Forrest, Chrisriun Musselmn John Clmlnberlin, April 12, 1563. , _,_-_ -4 _ __A 3 Vmogar { HE undt-rsigned 1m fncuire of Vianl a. at doors 'north of tysburg. He has been I» gur for newly one 3 ear, satisfaction. The sup over all other nmnul'nc . Cert ‘ ‘i 7 E, the undersig_ we have uxgil i ous purposes, the Vin Hold by~.\ou’l)mm.,a he represcnu ".10 be. i! and believe it. :0 he I to any other mmuhw ever used, und woul persons. " Wm. Boyer & ‘ Jncob Norbeul ‘ Codori a Gill‘ ‘ John Clmmhe Levi l’ilzcr, . A. F. Gm, Ux May 12, mm. ;,—* $1,891 38 New ! (‘1 EORGE ARNOLD I Has jnsl. receive. largn stuck of (1 L U T H S, 0 black, plain and fam ltlmbs, for Summer 1) nniele,) Twoeds, nun-m Hérino‘Cussimox-cs, Vel mar} Vealings, all very In stock of (:70de there at tiful M 3199. 41:0." lnrge stock 0 (’Atlll’ET BAGS, am“ Also q. largealoqk of ‘ ING, of our own mnmm ty. nl! sizes. mice: and . Mr. W, (I‘. King in i csublishmenl u usuu. Cloihing in short order April 28, 1862. 3m , Gloria ; News. l - , ‘HE undersigned ta on this mrihod to ink ' form .tlie citizens of Bonuug town and \‘ivlnity, HIM he lmsju ~t returned fri-m'thc cilj‘ will] a kplendid nsssort out of Sl’glNu AND SUMMER GUOUS, pf L‘ cry description ‘and of the latest Myles, such I 5 Ladies: brash Goods" ot'nll kinds; (‘,lulhs, ( animcrt-s, qovnnndcs, and all kinds of goods r .\h u's wool“; Hun of the" truest styles; "on 5, Shoes and (inAeH made to order; and 1 ending do‘np M. shurl notice. Also,Hardware,Qurcnswarc,‘ Crm-keryi mire, Drugs and Essences ot‘nll kinds, and in flu-t, everything tlmt'is genurxlllyjkem in I‘, country store. All kind! of L‘nunuly J’rodure‘ Inky-u in trade at. the [righest murky! pril'e.—g- He would inform his costumers that all lieu" Wear purchased from him will be cu gratis and gondiiuinsured. : .\. w. s‘i‘u'u, Square Corner, Adm): coring, l'a. ; May}, 1:162. L ‘ ‘5 g ‘ Cheap Gro‘ceneq.’ = FRESH larrivnl‘of Groceries gt. reduced prices—splrudd SL'GAILS M. H . 9 and 10 ten“ per pound—buy C(Jl"l-‘EE M. 22 cents" and other things in proportion. 43:1“ nnd sec and judge Im- yourself. i ~ , 1 .\lly 5, '62.. PAHNESTIMHQ [IR()'S. ' .1 “ The Cheese Box," 3 VB. THE MERRlMAC.—\'erdirl {n favor of the 5‘ Cheese Box." Gan. Mct,lelinu .pre-g siding‘junlge. The ”my of-the I’otbmac (:ome pmo the jury. Then next comesinfio. H 3. ' Thu ~whim-riher new leave to inform the cilial Imm of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that hc- has juut returned lrom thn city. nnd hm: purchul-d n well nlecbed stock of Goods in his hue, u” of which he is selling very cht‘np for cash. ; For inatnnce, n firm-nub {summnr Vest. for (If: cents, warranted fnfit culors; mockmgs, 'Gloyes, and Handkerclncfs—and, in lm uneq thing in the Notion “'tl), very cheap. Summer: um and Caps from 10 cents up to 2.3; Dunde lion Cofl'ee at 18 cents per Hi; All knuh: of Syrups nnd Sugars, very cheap; Tohucm :mu Svgars of the hes: brnmls that c m he got; all kinds of Perfumery, and all kind” of Chem-L35, wholesale fln'll’t’lall; und'h ver) supctior ani cle of Black Ink, at 2:: cents per quart. Knives, l-‘nrks and Spmms. of MI kinds; also a very fisuparior article of Pnlizlung Powdar, for knives and fork. tm nnd mans wnrc, Cum Haas, for 31 cents a piece; good Shovels M. 50 cents. ‘ IMMI In fact, all we ask is for folks to give as a £4“. So troubla to show goods. Don't forget. 'thc place, 310. 113, right opposne thu Bunk, ini York street, it being the only house in uh} town at which you will find n]mo=t' anything? undeveryyllling thatyou want. in the No rim: and: Grocery w‘dy. May 12,1862 New Restaurant“ , [TE undersigned has 011911811 :1 Reshurnut, at the corner of York and beerty “reels, Gettysburg, where he wxll keep cxcrylhmg in the eating line 1n season—also Ale. Inger, and Cider, Segusx Tolucco, kc. He is hkewise‘ fimng up u Saloon for Ice Cream .\t the “me, place. He hopea, hyum‘nlion to business and! a. desire to please, to receive .1 lihuml share of cu:Lom. HENRY W. CHRISHER, May 5, 1862. .\MUEL MACKLEY'S E3l'.:\'l'l';.---Lettenl S of administration on the e‘state of Samuel; Mackley, Into of Straban township, Adams ; County. deceased, having been granted to the; undersigned, residing in the same township, he“. hereby gives notice to all persons indebted tq said estate to make immediate payment, and: those havmg claims ngninat the same capresegt them properly authenticated for settlement. PETER MACKLEY, Adm’r. Aprn 28,1862. 6: L. SCHICK has just rewind a lo: ofl . cheap Looking Glasses. 1 ' um; GBOUXD swans, mama m E ground expréslcyfil‘br. R 0381?!“ 30 )3 W 37?" Drug u._ ‘ ' c I)" well the finest and muses! and hark-st, forts, blnukou, Inc. by a child ill-(MAO lo? a soap than my other u my uthdr tub with -8. SnErti4l !MI l’A.-—\Ve, the under tify that we have used, ' . Tollmrst's Impromd refully satisfied lhatit Sherry reprascnts it to 'thing of Lb: had we c‘on.bining, u it. does, labor, and plrfurming tlsl‘nrlory munm. 10nd it. In every fumily x pleasure. ‘ Maria 023”, Sarah Shurh, Humh 5. Format, (hulm‘e ('. Musselman, Martin Chémberliu. ,1 Vinegan‘. ‘ mmmenced‘lho manm ‘ on Wanhin [on street. 'O2". Middle inset. Gel. Inufiwturing this Vin ‘ nd it has giYengonL-rnh rimin of this Viucgur ured “neg”, coniislh 1y uf acid 'f :1 its cmnpqfition, uni) jurioils. It, is ltrong’, lcuaunt to thq‘ mate, and] quujities fnund in pur‘p lprcp‘nrod (o whwsnlk htity. Callrnud cmmr, l ' ADAMDXEHL. ; {i cafe. V 1 5 E d, hereby (terlify‘llmi i our fnnlil_;c+;, (or val-i; z-lr Inauufiwturcd and 11 find it to be all that We have 1' irly tea Led perior in {wiry respccq‘, red Vim-g l we havg recommenn it to a“ 'I on. Gcttyslw‘urg, ! a 00., w 1 "Pier “v I m, ankliq twp, foods. . from Phitpdclpmai 1 [ t S 3‘! lélfi'fl E.S,: : Silk Va p,‘ Franck D ens Coats, (i‘ benmifu’ ,iutln s. Jezlnt‘ Drillings, T: Cards, :nmbmonfi ndsame. l the above muny ne and beam? i CARPETS,[ Tm'xxs; I mcstira. . L txun'mmticwml, cluringuiu lire»: \‘uriq‘ lht-ap. CuUund see usL . connectlofl with the I to gut nu make up H. G. mm, Agt Notice. Jeans. Ma, km, for men'a wear; - READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, "ATS AND CAPS. all prices. A good flock of Cono- 10d. HARDWARE. ' ’ QUEENSWARE, DRUGS Ind I gnod nook o! prime ~ l ~ GROGERIES, to, , nnd nil kinda of goods, Inch It an gaunt-'l‘] found in n country More. Having bought fatl Cub, we (run nfl'otd to nail It the verr low” prices.; Um motto l 9——” Quick SM. Ind .\‘nmll thls.” WThesv goods are rmlly very bsauliful. am! we want; It distinctly nudnrstood that we wilt sell them wry cheap for Cnsll, or to punt tuzd cuntomcrsnt six umuths. Home cmllanq ‘exnminc chnrc purchasing elsewhere. WI ‘\wuH respccnulb return our tlmukl to our , friends forllm )ibem! patronage extended ’oul thus far, and :espccllully Mk n continuum”~ thci'eof. . SMITH ll SHUBIL , Hauluitshutg, Md., April 21, 1502. ly ‘ ; ,--..._..-_ . _vw_.r___-‘.____~.__.4 Ruby-made Clothing; ‘. EORGE ARNOLD ‘ G Hu now on Imml much tholuguhmk of (body-made Clothing ho luu erurhnd, cusp "sting of, J - COATS, ull Gian, ” , 3 ,msmhuoxs, do., ‘ - . VEST-S, do., "I DL‘S'I‘ERS? ,_ ; SHIRTS} . 1 ‘ ‘ DRAWERS. ' ‘ GLOVES, ‘ i '. ~ " HOSIERY, tel. , Our Conn. Puma and Vestal run from fincadlo to an anchor. both at to ,ize,price and quality, 11' W." cannula plensegou in a. garment fem}: made Mr. W. T._King, who Is in connection with an» efetnblishment. vi'rl! It; once lulu your nneauure um! make you n suit. in Hl6" noticn: (Phq'us 11 cu”. [April2B.lBo2. 3m , New Spring Millinery. 1892. MISS )h-CREARY xaet.‘ 'AS ju-it rctnrnPd from the chy and is no.‘ opening tn unulullly largo mid bu'uti fi'xl «sortmenl of : : JIUNNETS Ind ; BONNET Tnmmms, “ of the Intact stylus. Also, DRESS (300 W and :Dress Trimmings, Shawls. MnntillnlJ I“; Fancy Goods 0! every description. all ofwhich .hm hm been purchnned for cash, will be sold” mice; to suit me limes. ' ' x' Whit-s Al. is now prepared to bleach Ind do up BUNS ETS in the beat mnnncr, and It ronsunnble prices. A til 28 1802. 231 ‘ ' 1 I£3lm 01d 'gnéfifible. 1 T‘, w svmm GOODS. . , 1V SMALL. PROFITS v QUICK sump; ‘ I.I;.S'CHICK i would renpm‘tiully guy to up ,cltizenl of‘ 01% 13 FM“): nnd \‘ivinity, am he is now receiving in his store A .phmdid I * ' L smm w s'l»an Goons. /_ The stack consists in part. of Fancy 3114 Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. < i SILKS. . . . JMOZAMBIQUE, ‘ . j ‘ GHALMES, ‘ , ‘DELAINEH. - . BUMBAZINES, ; r ' ALI’APCAS, ' ‘ 7 ‘ ‘LAWNS, . ' CALICQES', of n“ qnnllties nnd'xfifoicnst styles, which wfll be sold at PRICES TO DEFY COKPETITKON, FURNISIIIRG GOODS ‘ of all kinds, including Silk, Linen Ind Candi? .I “awaken-hick, Gloves, Stockings, to. 2 il Also, a. spk-mfid nusortmeut of RIBBONS, ‘l Lnru‘and Eclgingn, Umbrellas and anmll.—- 2M,- stuck of mun: GOODS will be found full laud‘cumplcu'. and cusgomcrs may rely us}! ’ always getting good good: It. the lowan p 0 It _blc price-I. 1 Grnllemen will find I: In their adv-nun to call mud emnyine myatock of 'CLUTHS‘, _ CASSHIBRES And - ‘ VESTIXGS, of all qunhlk‘! anal choicest nylon. _ ‘ ‘ April 'll, 1862 K 7 J. L. SCHIOK. New Spring Goods ‘T [ARES DTSWLLB.—- I A The undersigned huvo just rammed [mm the cities with a splendid stock of New Spfisfir (:qoas, such as is rarely found in a comma now, embracing : - CLUTHB‘, UASSIMERES. UASSXSETS, LADmS' SILKS, » ' a 9 vuuuuus, . , ALPACCAS, ~ , ’ j t JIBLAISES, : E DEHAGES, ' ' ‘ 1 , ‘ PRINTS. '1 ; (:Ixcmus. _ ‘ 1 .. xusuxs, w ' FLANNBLS; ‘ nmntnmn momma, I ' HATS, (ups, 3001‘s and sums, { 3 u .mm'm ma,- QUEEXSWAIZB, G‘nocaums. ‘ t . outlast ~t* , , ‘ PAINTS, ‘ ' ‘ 4 OILS; *1 in short well A general variety u cannut fl“ tn “in_ amen] misfnctiun—nufi which ”the! “ill sell for CASH. or st sixty dlys to prom“! bun". Ch” .in and no fnr yuumlvué—po trouble to illou- Goods. Also, ronstnntly nn lumd POSTS Ind RAILS \ meK a svuau-zgc. , y . Aremltu‘ille, Adams cm, Pa. Apljl 2|. lfidl. 2m ._ M" New Talloring ’ STAB-2,15"! EN'l'.--Gl'lo. F. El ‘,KENRODi, E FASIIIUNAULH TAMOR. ' ‘ Adapts this melhud of mlorminglul friendomd the public generally, that. hp hu opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore urvet, liotvysburg, (late l'mt Office,) near the Din,- mon-l. “ht-re he is‘propnrcd to’do all work I; lns line in the be 't manner, and to the util l‘nctiou of customers. He emplnyl n‘one but fint (-lnsa hands, and receiving ' 'l‘llH msmm‘s Rl-lel'lAßL)’, he an warrant fichinnnhla fits and neat Ina snhqtnutml sewing. He asks B nlmre of tho pululiL-‘a pztlrnndge, promising to spare no of fort to dawn it. “in charge! will always be found ls modern! as the than will alloviu Cutting and Repairlng done It the leomn notice. [Guglbutm April 7, let”. Bastress a; Peter: ‘ -1 AY the highest cash price! for all kind”! GRAIN, ‘ , , FLOUR, ‘ , sums. a; * u the Brhk Warehouse in New oxford. I'l Connanuy on hand a largo unor'mant 0'! GINK'EIHES, at wholesale and rltnil—alld, LUMBER, COAL, G L'ANU, yummy». : Apri123,1862. ly‘t Notice. H. the undersigned. citizen. of Cube?- ‘S land tqwnship, Adsmscounty, Ft, MIL bid any person or persons burning or fishing, tuking 6r disturbing fruit ofnny kind, urn-u; eling across our fields on foot or otherwbeu-‘I- Any pemon disregarding this notice will to dealt. with according to law. 5. ; N. Lightnor, Gnnhnrlna'fiengen, " ‘ H.) Spunglor, William Pain-nan, I. n. Dmhl, Jncob Hummelbuub,“ ‘ Geo. Bushman, George Spangler, '[ John Slyder. Sarah Patterson, ‘ _ :Geo. Weiken. Fanny‘s-m. __ ‘ ,3. M 3326, 1862. in" ._ H- , ‘l' ID ”I'.ofa_nkilidl.u‘m.§.‘ . H ‘ggwfiifiwmmwzmg ",b'p‘un ; z ' ‘ :2 .. .. MEDICINES; vgsrmos;