The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 02, 1862, Image 3
An 1190 mm CASE. . 77w Rigid: (3/111! Pub/fr on Sizle- “Hit-EA n Important cme has recently been decided bv Judge Butler, in the flunk-r county Courts, relative to the rights of person on side-walks. In the case damnge was claim” ed by Pluintifl‘ for the death of his non." caused by fairing into n c'ellnr. the open-V ing of which was on the premises of the de febdnnt and in front of the property along th‘o side walk. Junlzo Butlér nrhlro.~sod the .lury as follows, defining the rights of the ‘ üblic and the responsibility of pmperty' holders : _ . : Onoowningpmpcrty alongapubllc «tract 1 or highway munt so use it as not wénterw vfere with public travel, or endanger the “my of travellers. ,For the purpoaes of his buniness or tO'ingprOVß his proxierty. he may place obstructions on the street, or‘ may dig in pit therein: but if he do so. i" is his duty to guard it by fences. covering or' otherwise. :8 Will protect the public against the danger of accident in regard ther to ; ‘ and if he fail in thin, and an individugl be injured thereby. without rur‘elcssnrsa mp, his own part. such owner of property shsll be respomilde in damages to the extent of the injury suqtained. [fa man build his housej n few feet back from the line‘ of the street, i as in the case before us, pave the ground in I front of it, and throw it all out to the pub-I lir. he for the time, and until ‘he recalls, .giving the public ulicense to travel thereon l for the time being, makes it part of the street; and 'in regard to it he is re-y quired to olmerve the mme'cnre for the‘ public t'rnvoi. ll” rekpecta pellnr way or ripening" therein as if it were u~ part of the highway uluid nutyhy inw. Butmore-thnn this, it a man dig a pit on his own Lind,l pinse along‘side of a public. highway, own i without, throwing the ground, Winn-Fin it- WIS dug, out (in the public truvol,(as by pnv-' ing it in connection with the street) and leaving it, without pinpm‘ guards to prolel t trnvrllers from the risk of injury,he ii guil ty of ~~ut-h cnrcir-slnr-ss as will 'vmake him respdnnihlo to any one whh may be injured hvfliity: or drivmg therein withoutihultry oi. ilizt own. “'0 therefore chm-go ynu,rzrntln'nwr‘, that for the «lofemlnnt tn muke, ormninlm’n, un opgning from the hmemeut hr collar of the building nr-cnfiiml luy him, oxtpntling out into tlu- halvellml wnv, in f'ront'oftlm sumo, mum“: ,mq’wr gnux’lls or covering. to por mm f'ulllng then‘tin. nml luring ixuurml, would he (‘:\l‘Ple~‘\n(;s'P—‘—~ll('ll disregard of hi: ohligutiom to the public a:- wnuhl sub ject him to an union for damages, which might lu- «mlaunml thmchy. ‘ I=3 WED-. 0111 link-riliwclaimwlboinn one of n cunm‘xittee tn nth-mm to clupt' the im-uylo b‘y’ making -U(‘ll a bill {is the Sq-nmnr l'i'nm Mnmnohnwtq annual him of; He thought thin mthoq (liw-ourtonnn, nnil thin there had been a El‘l‘flt deal of dominion-ling horn. like thé emoli of a slave drivm’a‘whip. v—erurh in Milt/Van. ‘ MrrCnlhlmor hm hit. upon the right ox prmsion. irml npplie-(l it rightly: In spite of all that has ‘luu-n Enid on the Abolition “iile nlmiit “the ciat‘k nl'th Hlxive «lr‘ivyr’fi whip,” the lnfih now-r wns_u\od .mnrgi cruelly or a'itliorilntivuly than tlwse'snme‘ Ahnlition- NR in and out. ofCongi-cm have mod it. on nll tln-se—l)(-nmvr:il.~ and Cnnwi‘vntivvs -—-who dulmqt unll do not chobse to bow' (lung! to the negro idlul. H mm. and is. lui'turo to good nn(l_trun ‘mn-n—(‘mhcinmimh‘ patriots—to he, cullogl “ti~uito;~"—— but what mm lhn tlrivzei-s of the .Ahnlitinn juggernaut? Their chmpnwinn light for the whiu-inun. nui- fnr nu r lblt'l‘d in: rpltn'try: nor (”‘o‘ any aulli-rihgs but 'tfiow of the negro Win-thy of“ mitigating Jlifiught, in their opinimlß-«Putrz‘ot (t‘ Lv'ninn. IG‘”.\mr¥ng mar men who fought Tm- tho I’nla‘m at l'lthlnfrg' Lunnlinu, mu llr‘m-y Clay—urwnrlmp u} the illum-inu- .\‘(anmn .—.-. u-n nl' [ln-'nrv (‘ln‘ “lm full at lluona NLL‘I. lt i~' n. t ulwnys that. grmu, mun lmn‘ lln il' mhnt‘nr purintiqn,n-flnvlml in tlmir'ntllpx-inu. I'm! the gallant “may ‘nl' >llw “'(N! x'ill lived in tho lm’n‘ltv of soxm‘ of l|i~ «low'. Daniel \\'vh~to|".~z sun Flt-roller. la n|~o in film [iniqu >el'vico.—].'c- Jul/flint" I’d/Mr, H" the ut'kllll'll‘flll pnrtv lmd’liflrnml ln ”It‘r‘onnwk . ('lm.‘ :mtl \Vl‘hstn-r'\‘r'iu'mlgn. ”In onumly would now bu ,prmlwrm’lc and Tfulilw. and lhqre wuuld he no (wmuinn for tlw'mus nv'l‘luom grunt men. Ilnl' ofnyy lmxly elm-’9. pm ling their lives; and pnmfn: out ’tlwif Mnml nn—th'e battle fiyl‘l(l.4'“'(‘ are paying(ll-.urt-nnngh fur negro plnl-intllmplly muLwctionnl agitation.—Lhr‘l{s/c l'olunldn'. w'l‘ho \Vnehingtbn mr'rmpnndpnt of the New York firming Past, in a letter dated the 914 ML. says: i _ ‘L'Fhe n 4 w~ vimtle pnl-lic {O-dayrnl‘lheahnrp fight at .\l’lfmn-11. Virginia, mu] thp ml vnn o tho rolml: up the valley-toward: \.\Vih(-hr-.~ler, slam“ plainly why Geneml . Banksn‘lnvmlJlm-k thirlv mill" ul-nn Shaw; ‘hutfg. To have rmnuinud longer at. Hurri lmn-hurg would have. ensured his cnptlire.—— WKleveJhe old stnry—lho reheli nulnum‘ her our forms here as Well as at every other mint. There is some disenlhfuctiun, I hear; in nfliéinl quarters at the appurnnt lack of efl‘eclive' troops when such an r-nbr mom firmyis nn~lhe par-rolls. Sixliundrml tllfmsnnd men are writ/7w every'mnnth, and if less by one hundred thousand c.m he 'found it. follows that somebody pocket: the mnney. . It is said to he impOSsible to ascer- Inin the number nf troops actuallv in the, lorvice. This is the reply of the Wnr De :p'nrtment vto Congress when information ‘ upon the subject. is asked for. The size of the army an'papcr. accnrding to the pay rolk. is easily ascertained, hut the actual number in the field it. is very difficult to learn: ‘ ‘flf'l'he Emancipationiswall’spenk of thy Abolition of slavery as ifit were to be a. flunishmgnb of: the South. “'e firmly be ' lieve that in the end _it would prove to be a. greater “punishment,” to the North ‘ —-—‘—— “-o—A 7 .r_. - ~ fi’There was great excitement in Balti more on Monday last, and some vid'lence, but @ll6 police force was increased, and (_order 365 m happily restored. ' n“? Fraud Upon the Treasury is Treason Apia“ the Government." The above is printed in capitals at, the head of the speech of Mr. Van Wyck, Republican M. C., from 51:0 Sine of New York. If that is so, we line only to gay thaum‘wrs are quite gbum dint. . ‘ ‘ . m Slim Union Mommt.—D. S. Dickin non chumterizes the preténded Union Inévénrent, got up by the N. Y. Legislature, in I ‘hsppy phrase. He says he found the mdck UniQn men “were engaged in drawin g ind shading I doctrinal platform—seeing how In they could depart from the Repub lien creed without missing it, nnd how but the} oouid come to file Democratic pfimle without hitting it.” , ‘1'!" President, in virtue of :1: Act of Counts, hu t-keb‘ military posigssion of all the Railroads in the United States, ind notifies ‘ ‘hn'oficbrl of said roads to hold themselves in indium for the tampon-Latin of troops and munitions of war, to the exclusion of all other bacillus. - rv - - I‘D-nae Homestead Bill ha Med both flan-untangle” 3nd has been lignmj by: the Pruident. It in ‘thercfon s 13" of the Ind. ‘ ’ nut-01d unifoims made: of '"sfibddy" are; 21’:ch 2V be manufachred 311$ blow ”in, e doubt if‘th ‘W‘ ever bloc 9a the, remembmnoe‘ 0?":9 sins of mmmm ‘ ‘ }' Tan M _ , u._.-. . VJ.-.‘ GET‘I‘YSHURG—Snunnn Luv Flour R\ o Flour Whit: When Red Wheat.... 1 Cum ...... ...... Rye.............‘ 'Oau ............ Buckwheat... Clout-Seed .‘ ~ Timomy 5eed..........g..............11 H to .‘ Flu Seed :............................... ’ , Plant of Puri-...;................u... ; Plaster ground, per bag.......:..... BABTIMOKE—qu l-Alf. ‘ \ 5 37 to 15 E l 08 :o a; 63; to 'l4 (:0 lo 63 A 37 ‘op .40 .;‘;,...2 5 so tog: :5 ".,... 2 0010‘! '25 .... . 8 ‘OO ml!“ 50 “...... 4 :5 n p 25 ‘...‘........18 00 1013 to 24 to U 25 6 (NF F10ur.......... When: Rye ....... .i .‘ C0rn..§....3.. Oat: Clover Seed. Timmhy Sect; Beef Cattle. be? hand Hogs, per 111ind....L... H:1y........................, E3=ll= Wfiiskey ......... .....J... ...... Guano; Perurlnn, per ton HANOVER—Tn‘vnxa‘bg “if. Flour, from wagons...,. .:.. ....... Do. (mm more: When: ................. Rye ................. .. C0rn........{.......... 0mm“...........;..... (‘lomr 5eed......... Timothy 5eed....... P1:|M101"................ Special Nofloes. } WSHEADS 3; Burn“? Sim-e is we” vlmr thy a visitjust at this tin} We doubt 1\ he: wr, even in o_ur largest. cities, 30 fine 1: displa of News can b'é found.- Tlleir large mm is full of Slam: of every pattern; also. ck‘ery \'a-, rioly‘of Hollow Ware, Slight-iron Wnre, Tin “are, Pluuidnod Ware, Jiqmn Ware—club 'uc ing,.inde(~d, (-vppylbing in the house furniy ling line. dun, Suumgc Cutters, Sausage Slufl'ers, Lnrd I’rm‘; w‘, Aux. kc. They are prepare'l to so” “hull-31b];- u'ud retail, Tin “'an and .\‘l t ;- iron Wnrre 01‘ their own nmnufincturc-kw I Hg 3 nuflirien. uumln-r of hands tn supply an) c-‘ mnnd. Their nae-murmur. of Lumber is ery; urge; 3‘30 Cs‘ml ol'cvtry kind. , r Purify the Bloom—Nut n {(1}? “rim wont nlisortlcr- llmt ufilict nmukind :Iriae um the currupliunilhui m'vuumlmw ih the Maoit Ufa]! [he dju-m'z-rie‘s 11ml have heel; umde [oi purge it uni, nunn luncheon iuuud which mpuld A-q-ml in‘efi'mr .\vrzu‘s (.‘nnru'l'r‘n l‘lx‘nuc or FABHMMLLA. ll (-lcnnscjr and rcunvnteslthc lilujml, iu’dilu the vigor of health ihm {be P} in trul nud purges out line; humors which nhiko (llflnls‘fi ll >timulatvs the‘ healthy fuucl nns 0N1“: body uml urn-ls the disdr‘lt-rs that ruw and mnkli- in thz blood. In ‘elxlnmrdi :iry vii-tiles are: not yet witlc‘ly knmvn, hut whyu. (ha-x are it “ill no lnugér he a qm-stian what remedy to employ in the great. \xlriL-ty o.’ af li v'xiug dim-dam (hut require an algorulive rc-m -uly. h‘m-h n reur-dy; tlml could be ri-lied' ha} lung luen sought for, and. ncur, for first time. [he nuhlic' hM’e one mi whith‘l cm: IIIIH-ull: Uur ipnqe hen.- doés nut ac C(‘flifi(‘:|h~~ to shun" us en'crls. But thgl ofu ~inylc‘untllc “ill FIIDW la the siLk 1h: ‘hns \ir’lues surpassinganyhinglhey Inu'e‘ hrknn. Suflwrcrs from Surafulfi‘ Scrofu Swvlliugc nu’l Sun-s, try iv. nngl :feetiicrnpi with whit-h'it (-urqi. Skin Disénscs,'l’iu|l Puuuhw. Hlotrh—c. l'fruntihus, Jun, are ch-uncd mu ofihe s}'~t|'f|) 'SL .\mlmuy'a Fire, [tn-e or Eryflpelns, lex'nr Salt Rheum. Scull] Haul. Ringworm. :huuhl not be burnt: while: Hwy can 'b spr-rulil}‘\\« urn! h)’ .\\‘rzn'RSA 35.41"“:me N phil'l‘l 0r ch-ml lliwasc i‘ (‘vailetl II the 14min l._\- tln- prolongml me .0! [Ma Sal purilln. :In‘ul tht- lut'imgl it left us eulllhy . he hill ni'\'rr‘hn-l the disease. , ' § ~‘ I’emnlc lust-£1404 nre mun-(l by ScrE full tln- Mun-l. \‘zuid :trv gtm-nfly Fubn v: m thx: l-Ixtmql— of Suriuparillgt. l’iice , 1‘ hulllo, or C lmltlc» lnr $3. ‘ ‘ . Fur all the purpmcs of a f4mily‘physic, i Ay-r‘i (‘alhirtic l'illi, whit-.hfire (‘\'l‘l‘fV. kn nuvtn bv“ thi- bcst ptirg.itivc that is olli lo liH‘ .\lm-rit'au i’yople. ' I [a—gf‘Preparel by Dr. J. C. .\YER J: I lmuqll. Vlacs. I’ILICE 23 Cum PERI,“ i~'l\'t»:l§~.\xi.~ FUR Si. ‘ ,‘ l n-{a‘fiol-i by .\. D. BULHm-gs. and ti!" «in; “here. [Apia H, ’62. . l)Y'Sl‘!‘ll’Sl.-\:—Thi+ is 3; \er)‘ ciipuicj mmphint. :unl give-s the patient more 8 ll' than allnmt Qny other discus! : in main Cnv’hillflllul: of nmny complaints in’nn 1 agm‘ptoms arc nlunerozle. and are of thkln of "Imus! all other compldints- combin From this fact arise the very many cases) w thr tint-st: is mi-mkcn fur some eitherszni itnpruprrly trenN-ul. The first. sgfimplbmsl (Upsilon. fintulout-y. (ms of appetite, h burn. lieutlnt-he, etc. if tteglectcll,'a!mos ways amtkvn some dormant. disedse. {Hui I the lunar «Imm: m a premature grate. ‘\ you must first. do ism cleans: the blod I rrgn]:.- thr bowels; do this .\\;ith'thg “ 3! lain ll~~rh i-‘ill~." .\nd' yqu mm lvid deliani dyipcln'ia. Judmu's \lountain llu‘h I’lil sold by all Medic-hm Dealers. a [May 26. 523'- !] EmiIJH'MENT! [1 AGENTS \\'.\§;'m.;n !—\\'e “’illpny rm“ to $73 per mrmflx, and all expenses. gain \m-nts, or‘ give a commission. «Panic smut hee. Address Ems SIWIVG MA "o!!l'.\.\\', R. JAMES, General _Agent, h Ohio. 1 [Sept. ‘23 ”£6l. Ile 4 A \.X'A.IFLIMIZA. In tlle‘mmnth of May, 186 Lin Adam! col by Rev J. SAT” .\lr. \VILLIAH ”KEEN.“ Hmmrsmu‘n} to Miss .\HLLIE E. .\IUU York Springs. l [Q‘Ob'rmlnry noticvs exceeding {fix will hereafic‘r be cbmgcd at half our usu vértising mates for all over 1.1 m) numb ]ines.p r l DIED. 011 me 23d pr3y Im, in Prunmin town .\lr. HENRY |IIAKE,«ngad 72 mm 8 m and 9 drys. 1 - ‘ 0n the 301 k of April, at “ Bmddnck's Fi nenr PiIt~buEfUEURGE BELL, +25% So 1y ottpis coul tv. ‘ - A Dd ‘the 11:17 inst, in McVeytown, iffiin cnunty. Pm. ARY D.CLAP.KE'.eldest d. gh ter of Rev. Di] [7. Clarke, formerly pastor it? Marsh Cree Presbyterian Churchain th 5 county, aged ‘abou; 24 years. Shiva: a must estimable Indy, and died triuuiplmnt. i the faith of Jesus; _ 1n De Kalb coumy, Indiana, on the 13th “IL, Mr. GEURGE 10;“, formerly of this co my, aged 73 years 1 month and 10 days. . ‘ Communion d‘ ‘ Died, very suddenly, a his tesidence, no Pelensbnrg, (Y. 5.,) on the 11th um, Mr. A) - ['EL TRIMMER, aged 40 years 1 month a d 1 days. Helms ten n‘ifumily 3nd 3 large co - course of relatives 3nd. friends to amour: 11“ loss. But their loss is his etqrnul gain. Spectgcles, Spectacles.’ OSEPH BEVAN, lign of the Watch J Spetmcles, in the diamond has in hehd a large assortment of Gold, Silve- Sxeel Spectacles, and is prepared to suit 91 will ("or him with a. e-ll.‘ ~ - ~— N. B. Gui; paid for old gold nnd'ailv June 2, 1862. ~ : * :Gettysburg Marble Y: . EALS & 3110., IN EAST YORK ST '4 M GE’I‘TYSBUBG. PA.—thre the prepared to furnish all kind. oflwork in line, ‘snch u MONUMENTS, TOMBS, H i STONES, M‘ANTLES, kc-y It filo shonéb tice, and :1 cheap as film chupest. Give ch ‘ ' S‘Pmdupe taken in exchange for wo Gettysbni'g, June 2,‘ 1862. u OMETBING NEW l—A new style of ‘ S KEY—an article pronounced “ha haw—scan be had at ‘ H. G. CA 1 June 2, 1862. CARPETS, CARPETSé-fi‘ ablendid Cupcti ‘——goo an ¢__enp-—jnst o It the New Sign of ‘l. SPANGL your. BRANDY, WINE :Alxn YBISKEI medicinal nrposes on 1!. he New tore-o! ‘ p - mg; B. HORN & ‘ E To Bridge Builders. National Hotel, ‘ ‘ ALED PRUPOSALS ill be fetched at LITTLESTOWN‘P mg S be oflice oftha Con-mi sinuous-of Ad‘sum‘ Adam may, Pa. '9‘”! ‘3': ”m Pmm'" ”I‘. 20/ an” of J'"".""‘"‘ HP guhncriber havinu taken the above for‘huilding 5 “'000125 BRIIDQE ucfoss Cono~ i T cgmmoniou Hotel i;prépnred to receive 31"]? he“??? lftorlnostzihxjht‘ufl 02.3%!“ 13:: um! entertain the trnt'eling public,in the most Hm!l ois tugbe h ‘ilt shot the style of ”'Bnrr’a ‘Ppr°".d “3‘“ Hi.- “Vii“ “in be ”Mien“ Pug-gt ~ one "’3: a" feel ’o'" Thc‘stone for' and his attention unieuuu ng to all who may ~... . . . . the Ihu'onry can be had nehr the_Bridge—_the l 9:; 23:331931322‘1‘2‘a1i: supplied w‘ith 3""? " ‘° b°°?“'""°‘ed r ""5 b’" K‘miche delicacies otthe man and his har'be Whi e Pine. ‘ v . . . .. .' - ‘ ‘ - . {unmixed _mth the chances; hquorn. h hP] “find gfiziflii‘a‘h‘i’r t¥i51932251152w The ltnbling is extensive and of the but ", a -I" . g . .‘ 'chnrnctcr,‘ and competent and .ttuntivo host let: sor by nppljcnuon to J} )1. Walter. Lletkf l". const‘antly in atmndaéce ; o ‘ mmiuioners‘s . . , t ’ T *‘ Jugs n. stutleALL. __‘s'l’3‘2'.’ faith“; £33559?” ' F {R'fglfi‘ $.53 Dr. Robert Homer’s Comnll ssionerl ofi Adam's county. NEW s““th Dgllzvlggftalfi’TmW STOIiB "‘ .123 Cl rk 3 ‘ a n , A , id ’ e 1 cmnnsnnm snu'r, curvncnn. ; -..-._._.‘- Hhving retired from thh Ictire prmiticu of 1 ~ ‘ 4my profession, I take vlenfiure in anudunéing N The lubscri-i to the! cxtizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that. .. . . ‘ a (L L , . township. Adn'msi I hue ”69%;; DRUG; l‘ ORE, E :"i ”Anffie'fimf in thgroom forniexly occn find by Dru. R. MC. 9 en.. . “alumna! nn olfice, whe lwi" constantly nds htgh, with a _, hm a ltrge suppl 0' . _ 475‘05 l 05 :01 I 00 ml 700 100 't—J. H. WAA he 2, 1862. Ju' ‘OSER TOJ‘ My: residing ly, has in bi hernlly supp bright buy, streak flow a no! less if: She was bro ‘ r, (who kee itnrnpikeJ o 1 by a mull! n her a Spa halter and I .-. 00(1,3 x 33 1 2: L 7'. 25 e 2, 1862 I _ .Jlectio ER. GREEN CEME‘I‘H I hu- 3 I’rcsul M hnd St- Eureen Cem‘e -ry Adoci car, will he acid on Me" betwegnklhe murfi of! i said day, at .\lcCunuug ligh of Getty: nurg. "I \ E Pin-r! one) mag, 51., 0 Bow I‘ 1 ). .\IcCON; #l. Sun”: .oc'y. : ‘k 2, 1862'.) d 2 f. . Notxce.l E. the undr: signed, ch? 1 hndltd‘wus nip. Adam” 1 person oerersons hn g or dislurbi g fruit. of n :across our fiEluls on fun I mson dish: urdiug‘ mi with accordiglg to law.‘ I N. Lightner Cdtha ‘ H. Spnlgglrr} ‘ “111M;- I. .\L Diohl, Jacob}, Geo. Bushmlm, Georg) ‘ John Slydcr' , Snruly Geo. “'e'ikcFL quLl‘ .' ‘26, 1352. 1* | bid u {akin cling Any than IE3 Notice . “2‘ Scho‘ul B. ten‘dingtub k, (or form 'k, 2'4 by 28, from cuntru se «1 No: I. at 9 o‘clock wutmrlors fly on] ll‘ T: M. ftl or ril sun‘m pufip imf'x, i pln‘yci the ' hey" mit‘ [in] I, it -\'er El “1 Bb -26, l lNgtice 3 Nanci-z is hp' ‘(‘omm‘~‘sio‘nn AHMEHEN'I‘. upnn nll Slaw :mfi tII‘I‘ yin” 1862 Hm on m“ IMHO”? Tum] will igq required Puffin? [he ellmre m‘p-nt to ull person (1: \l, ml pay the s: n Il‘l‘ “‘iize nu uh! a db pf the Com! |&u.. I. ‘5O I- April 29, 1302 , A 331; 7 HR undenigl P LAssignees. u benefit of credit . Wit , of Frmlkfi howls i.~ hurt-bill: thcnl clvvs iudchr. iuuu¢dintq p33l]! firs Inumcd resi Ad #l5 county, :\ tm (ship, qukl via 5 against the 13' , ‘tlxgulicuudm 'slng rifig is‘ a. The ture .d._. l‘leru May 1?, 1862 . z lien): ‘. HE undynign d has rem 1 'J'eutnhlishmc t. nearer t Clufmbersburg at eet, mljoini lor's Drug Star a very ('cnll‘: comfnues to manufacture, and b' qn hand. cvcryivuricly of ; ‘l fl‘lN-WARI‘LI l- 1 l’ ESSED; RN JAI'Aj. 2 ready to G and SP I eat manner} spared :0 J 4 |ic‘s cunnmfi I and l n-» ”"3 ‘ "2'7 : and Will always . I . 1 Room _ .‘ . ‘almfione in the 15‘! ‘ 1. $2 late; and no effnn :tive l‘ncfion. The put ”Mgr golirfited. ulxxf Gettysburg, Ap Hun, 1y Nélaw Goor SPRING (100qu !—(‘H()l(‘ ‘ ~ mummy hum? just. receive‘i Ami nrg nm em! rhoice «user an} of Sllfl wluih they invit illie n‘tlcnlii llav‘lng been pur-lmsed with priq s, we are pr pared lo'pqi hu‘r sins. Our st cklmabcc-t: by t N: addition 0 ll clmire v styl s of LAD”) " DRESS} for EXS' WE. 11, CMH’E WA E. MILLINIVRY GOODS a q mplete annulment. of ‘g wan ed. Gall ea'rly and sfrl'u youlselves. _ ‘ “mm? _ April 'I, 1862. l i { _‘VI- . l ' i ,; flElectlo mm: is he ehy gavenh . ; ers in the Lellyshurgj ' M an Electionl for; Five 1" ijpnny Wlll bb'held at £ll4 lellan, in Geitphurg, op t: June nut, Pktween tllb k, P. M. B; ordrr-of if) ; i;‘ S. R. l Ly 19, 18621. 11d ' 31m 1 01A , of El I hip, nth: i ‘t the Stockhold nter'Uompany, nnagers 0t said oune of Geo. W. 1 Saturday, the 71]: ‘ hours of 2 and «1 A Board, . SSELL, Sec'y. New Tall ng - . iTABLISth;RNT.--GEO F. ECKBNRODE, FASHIONABLIE TAILOR. its this methda nf infonn‘itg his friends and \public genefnlly, ghgt‘ e has opened a tring eatnbl shment H 4 Faltimore mfreet, yaburg, (lau‘ Post Ofli ,) near tho‘ Dial .where he is preparedrfo an a]! work in in in the best Insanely, and o the satis on of custohe‘rs. He l playsp nodr but clan haqdafidnd receivi 3 THE mshwxs Rb: ULARLX, n warrant 'fnahionnbld u And MM and. tantial uewix’pg. He Ask a share of the lids patronake, promisih to spare no ef- Ito deserve m His ch: 3 will nlwnyr be Id as moderale as the tifijm will allow: ning and Mpniring d”: at the shortest ta. [[Gettyabum, April 7,1862. ds," n er- Gib Cami] ll CU! day: o’cl h l ‘ mid 1 5:1, Iw on . publ‘ i mud {on who foun } ‘C 1. ' cu! i, j Bumess 8: '1 I' ' Y the high at cash int-i}: 1534“ a “A”: 3 pics 1 ‘ their‘ X‘ f R': ‘ ‘AD‘ ‘. nae Brick Wnfihouse in f ”‘1 natantly on; hand A l u " GROCERLES, at.“ win-lean]? . LUXBER, cow, GU§NO, k- April”, 1862 I)" , fl I HiS- ‘E’ERSONS in hum: of: eitap and fashion |d to able HAT dr CAP cm e accommodated "s by mung u 5 , R. I»! MclLasNY's. . £01.”; ___..L____t,&t__ __VA _K - ADIES, calll and lee cheapest lot of ‘ f SILKS everi offered in lGettynburg, which In 0d are new open Inga ready toq‘ tale It ‘ if I .ler 21. i mflnssrocx’s. YER'S'CHE‘IRY PEC'II RAL. A "AYER’igSARSAPA ILLA, . AY R'S PH. ‘ for In]. I! Dr. R; BURN ERIN ,fgr ‘ HO‘ ;:I ‘BE STOL h II; Franklin I posscseio zed tp be . Ibout. H h‘ i heir face, - n SIX years I l ght name! ca 11911:] , ,J h, u._ 4 . . . m a? the right‘ 53351131515 (9 gm supplh? oflllkmd- of Id, and is ncrib- V "‘ I house of the uni». '4 NEPILIXES, ‘1 ‘ § 1: the Cpnmben-J .C“, 3:l?A‘Efic , . ning. the 2311' ofl SR“ 31,337, r _ ncnh Jones. who T T" PQWDERS, 'ith quilted ac¢l;.' [I D) l:- STU-IS, die, 1 ,A. CORWELL. 1: Friday e o named ; sh saddle. ufl‘ie bi! br [ GEO. Y.L—An eleclion l‘on Managers 3: liun, to serve f 'IUM day of Jam, mu! 4 o’clock, P. [l,“ Hull, in the UG HY,‘l’m’t ens of Cumber cuunty, Pan. for ling or fishing, liy kind, or trav or ollxerwiweu— I notice wm be be Hermon, ' Pnterson, rummelhaugh, Spungler, ’anerwn, u bwisher. actors. - herlnnd distrirt,l ,"HUUL-HUI'SE' April 1,1862. . , the house to be» —» ~ 7- ‘ ~«~--——~“ .._.~___._g_. ,rupuslltflir the; _ Borough Acaunt. '1 ‘ 1” """" ‘9" ‘l‘“ “mm R Rtrssvn Trlé‘nsurer inn. ’ l lIMHLII‘UI .llav/ S.~A 1‘ ' v :1 h- 1' ' “-01"! IM“h lime uni! . with Hie Town Loungilqpf the Borough; of 1m iItZCIId; ‘ {butysburg ' ‘DR 1 ‘ 1 ‘rldl’F'R s, , [To outstandingtagin handséflLßrin- 4‘ 1 « “(cy- kerhofi‘. fol-1859, in 312159 “ outstanding fix in lmnqiof SSS. [. " .\lc(‘rm§r‘v. for 1860, Q 3261 32 1 “ AmountfoftntesnssoseegllforlBol, I,5H' 28 H Cnsh roceivoil on claim against. ' Suruh Lenscfi‘ _ '1 . 385, 20 ' 1 a ' 11: - —-1 . 1 I ‘ll $1,89i138 i 1 PR. 1 . 1 By cash paid on or-len t isn‘ndry person : gut. pnigl Mauudtfy persons 1 $214 05 Nail:- in bmk, ‘ :5 330 00 Water rent,‘ I 1; If: 09 1? Taxes and 15111311113 rent" 1‘ 365 1: Balance f-njd lateflreasur‘efi,‘ 318 ' , jl‘nlinesmcli Hror Mv-l'tilnmllize. If: 13? 1, 1 Alex. l’rzlzpr‘ engine Mun-r}; 30 90' ’ D. ‘VI‘I'IFII; repairing t'lm'kfi ‘ )5! Do 1 . 10. 11. Bllelllrr, foerPcinl pullm, 6DO I {.\l. Jm-i)lns,;wr\ice« as enginfker. 25 00 ' ‘ Jins g'omp my. git, 1 213 02 . '1 llvnry g‘nlip. lnmfi-liglitcr, 1&2, 30 00 llelii‘l'orders, ‘ 1 53 E 9 _ ‘ ' Peter Driller. gra‘nite crussi'pg, b 0 25 ‘ 1; Libor. hauling, 4a, : 2H? 81 'l‘ ‘ Printing, 1 ' . 11 333 i Burgéss Jr town éoum‘il‘ an 1 13335 00 Clerk nml‘Trensu’rer. Sula”; 40 00 l-Ilcclion’ufiicorshpay; ‘1 :5 00 ‘ ()utstandingjaxds for 1859‘ 5 ()0 h , u ,1 lysm‘n' 46'31 i u 1 “1 1 use) 373 1:9 . ‘ 1 .\hntcmem of 5 "er 09:11.. :2‘.’ 57 1 ‘ anncrnti‘una filldwed colle tor ', - 1 1 we), 1 3» '1 25 91 ’ ’ confirms. anon-pace, 1 1 51 .20" 1 Taxes reflmded Lp Eliza S ill}, 7 09-4— 1 1 . 1 1 $1,843 06 Balance iin hand; of Treasurer, 1t: 32 r 1 - ___... 30 Cont '! Iv n] oft'ufi-1 lumxxwy :ly Hnyd's,‘ [ml rereivd ‘ tors, and n‘ l," Saturday A. M. m. 1 re requester ~r of the ”0 I J. A. u o Tax- ayers. hunt the Count" __Q 'ohy given fr: will um] '~ “I“ FIVE a ('oun!’ I Slull he [1 fly, Ilm Imml to call nu; mo. and q (a myng I 1 mg to tlxod ‘nn‘nn-ul “'i ib‘iionrrfi. [ ‘ J. .\l. \1 til ; ‘ Ell (VENT “-5 mat-550d for id to (‘onecturs lily. (‘ullerluri I.x~[\x‘ ‘ ml or ‘ kt .3 Mult -1 or "c said 'unty uuror. he liy in ee’s Na: ed, Inning i [HIL‘I' a Jam] 1 s. of “nil I townehiq‘, '\'en 10 "I!” \l to said A E f to the} ing in rm l the last I}: n County, :1 Fannie tu_ pry.“ = rsctflcmqn I Jam" ;3 tlce. been appointed of trim. for (he ‘ (hmm’mn and Adams mum), l'rSUnS' knowing ‘signprs to muke ‘ndcrsigned. the Min township. “chl in (Enilfurd '4] [hate having 1 unlu-mpruper- .-\ RT .\1 A N, U \\'.\' H Y, | A uigmn. g EME .--Tin Ware. 5 wed his Tinning ne Diamond, in. '11}; A. I). Buck-i :1] location. He: keeps constant- ED‘WARE, :40 REPAIRIXG: Imm: ‘ Price's moder ender full antis ed patronage is BACGIIEB m 7. m 2 GOODS! @(EK BRUTUERS w openingnlnrgo IN” GIIUDS. to n of the public‘. care at reduced e our customers largely increnaed hat; of the latent. ”ODS. malerial ING, QUEENS km, comprising erything usually he: bnrguinl for How 3110's; tars ' l f 0: all kinds of SEEDS, £12., '7 Oxford. We usortmegt of innd retail—Alla, ASTER, kc, KNow Drug Store. DRY PAINTS, nhd : £1 v PAINTS g’round in Q3], . Ulw‘expressgd Ind dimilled, l, ' , STATIQNEKY on" kinds, Inks, Pens, Pencils. Paper: (fpmb'sLßrnshes, tc. ' mmx'r mzm'cxxss. All the populai Patent. ’lediqiues, together with aselvclion 101 pure W INKS” BRANDH-IS and wmsxev, fin medicil‘nl fiurposel imiy, always on ha-nd._ .In a wordjmy lioc'k embraces everything dsmllyvfound " a first—clan More of this' descrfiptioh. ‘ ' q A large supplygof fresh mg: has been re ceived, and btberg are arrinhg, which I nm 91'- {cring to the public on sler nccornm'odatipgj terms. My liedioines have 2] been purrhn§ed l under my persongl lnipel‘llé; and supervisipn ‘ from the most reliable hpué ‘s. I can therefore l not. only recommend them Ins pure and fret)”; hut. cam sell them cheap. 1 t I N. 11.—PA RTIQI'LAR A'MENTIOX give-gm”! the tréMment of fill chroni lldiseases. WADNICE GRATISfid Muy 12, 1862. "I ,‘g‘: . —_ ”fl.” “—4’T'-_7-~__+. . _ DEssolution ; F I’ARTNHHSHIR—T lg partliership here -0 tofore exustirg bt-twe‘;n flu: undersign’rd, in the practice 0‘ Medicinedhm this day been dissolved. The books of thp‘firm will be found in the posseésiun f of Dr. Cfi‘urlcs Homer, who will Continufi thcprnctit‘e. { ‘', j 3 WOHicc‘ one 'door nlmv \ ‘the Qrug Store of Dr. R. Homer. 1 CHAR HS HORNEKH I RUB 1T HORNE“. fix *2 March 22,1862; egl and certified ' May 24, 1862‘ ‘, ‘ x . AzForw; Jnt,’ [IE QIEGE GOING 1.... ‘ T_ ! .Plcmxd; {x conuso. 5 Having removed,lhe htbadqnnrtera ct! my Clothing Emporium fromflmy .ofd Itsid in Clmnxlmtsburg street Tnto Baltimore ltr'ret, a few dour: north‘of Dunner a: Ziegler's, I take p'lmsnre,in :mno'nncing to Fny Iriends mtg the public‘ generally, that! ‘11: better prepared thnn‘gvfir to ncmmmodat {them twith qvcry thingjufmy l' i M' 00 hum been p‘inted and hangspmfi‘pap‘. n. d the recent atrial ofa up] ndid'asabrtmantofi; f SP ING ASD SLTMBIER CLOTHIKG . 1862 I 1x mi LATEST fin,“ ran 1862 makel i’t‘ emphatically the Cheap and EI-‘ush ; ionuble Clothing Store h ' of Gettysfibrg. . ‘ i In tlljwllen'pDepu-tme :2 will b. fofnd I must complete atsortment fl ‘ ; V FINE CLOTH opus, , 5; f ‘ ; BUSINESS COATS, i . i . : VESTS; AND Pm'i's, for § . 1‘ SPRING AN SUMMER “hum. Out Boys' Depnrtment 'ompriseu pve 'vn riety ofntylen. Boy: cad etrimmed on from head In foot with suits co‘rflpleje and clip 2 FU'RNISHIN‘G'OOD , , i such ah | . SHIRTS, ' . . {I r CULLARS, ;l ‘ Hubxsncmézrs, ' H NECKTIE. , A j c . GLOYEs. ’ 7' ' ~ I‘} HOSTERY, a _c., All selected with the smallest care And; id at. theloweat cub prices. Wellieem it unneceuary fio make any‘ exp-t nes'sppper fl'ournh‘ being confident. that 3 call willilnxtibly all th I. our goo‘dfi In just: whu w: rehommeud the to be _well made, of good mfiterinl, mg 0 up" than the name quality oféoods can 0 Hought in Adqmnpouny. Thin ‘uch I will say, that I will ghamntemto all whd: may fnvot In. with their patronsgeg entire ntifiifaction, np to‘qual ity, fit and p‘ricq. WP. BuPKGKING. Aprllfifl, 1862. l; .1 _‘ . g \ Highly Imgort'ant r 0 PURCHASEKS 1" DRY GOODS. TTho best p‘sce to buy your Dry Gopdl is nl. soon i; sou's, % opposite the Eagle Hotel, Gham'benb'nrg ptreet. 3'0.“ Pricg,iFei£"lle‘n‘l£ugJ“n'rLdfl Everglhing , u thje LOWEST PRICE. ‘ " ' WeL have just returned from Philad'nlphin and Bhltimore, and are now opening tag large and nutnctive assortment of I i SPRING GOODS, , .to which we invite the ape’cinl Attention‘bf the Ledieé and Gentlemen of town and country.— We will not particularizc, but invite all to call, examine and judge for themselves. ‘ 1 ‘ Wevuke tliie tnethod of returning our thanks ' for the liberal patronage thus far extended to i'us, and would q‘ny it shambe out con‘st‘ut en ! donor to merit: continuance of [the some; by lltrrctj attention to business. with a. desire to plane, by selling the prettiest, belt, and most ‘ good: for the least money. i 1 - 2 A. sco'rr e sox. ‘ Apgn 14, met. ‘ , ‘ ' El! Ittention of the Ladies is respectfully Invited to | large nnd‘splendid nsaoftmen‘. of ics’ fine Kid And ‘Moroeco BOOTS and SLIPPERS—Luhg Gain“, to" km, at April 2!. ’ 3.31“. McLLHENY'S. EW SPRING (iOOD%§-—jun opened lube N .511" sun at y! x. alumni}. i Important tothe Ladies. 1 ABOR savixa , ‘ I 1 WASHING MAL-11,113.4 The undersigned i. now buildiné Ind ofl'dcinz {or me. G. w. TOLHURST‘S irilrao'vzn WASHER, n Gouylburg, and ime sto lup ply them to those persons throng-3min the countywho-desire I. labor-saving milnne. This muchinc is goiten up on an e irely my principle, M is considered by t-hoselwho Invje seen it in use, the but. am has \ver been brought before the public. 3 Among tho many advantages of thii machine overt]! others mny be mentioned tho knowing: .1". It: nimplicity ofconstrutniorijnnking it ‘ limostimpgilnible to get out of ordeg'. J Id. In lpeed. which nstouixhei. hlike the 'opernlor and the locker on. - l ' ' ‘ 3d. The M'nlity with which i! tdnpts itself Ito the bulk‘ quantity of clothe'; dulred to be washed. ‘ ', . ’ 4th. lt washes equally well th finest and llightest fabrlc. or the coarsest“: Iheu‘ieaq such an bed-quilts, comforts, l’l‘fih‘r“! tc. A sth. CenJJe managed by a chllq, cm 110 to l 12 years Brine. l :l 1 ' ‘ 6th. Consumes} lean eoa‘p thafi hy othef process of washing. ‘2‘ " , I l 7th. Will lest as laugh my alt ‘ tub witll ‘ same care. ' l : ;‘ Bth. Saves half the lnbon ‘ May 12, 1862. t B’, . RFY. .- ‘ '—"" l 3‘ I . Certificate. ; l - prs covm’, u._—we, h I: .under ligned, hérehy certifyxthut y‘relihzn'e used.’ Ind Ire using now, G. W. Tolhulrt Improved Wuhing Machine. and are fully s fiegthat it is just the Tub'Mr. S. Sherl‘y rqpr se‘nts it to bah-ml supersede! anything of} up kind‘we have ever men as yet; comhiniqg, a it does, great speed with little labor, and fitrl‘oflulngl its work in the m‘ost sntisl‘nctory figment. We, therefore recommend it toi e e’rfi' family in the county with great pleasure. .3 . ”George Geyer. , Maria qucn, =I Catharine Meals, Sarah Short], 1 Upton T. Forrest, Sarnh EA I’m-rest, Gbristian Mualmzm, Cagm‘eg. Mnssehnnn,. Jolm Chamberlin, _ Elm-thus hamberhu. ‘ Apri! 12, 18623 i . g ‘ {'W- ». : H——.—T~~» “~— ; Vinegar-Vmegf.’ ‘ THE undo-reigned has commen ‘ed ghe mann fncture ol‘Vinegnr. on “’nllu‘ingfen sin-oi. ‘ a few doors north of Wes]. )liddlf 911196}, Get.- tyshnrg. Helms been manufacturing this Vine ‘ gnr for nmrly one year, and it haslgivqn‘goneral 1 sntisfm-tion. ,The- Inperioritv of; lhic-Yinexz‘nr i ova; all other manufacture?! Yinqgm: consists ;In it being mude enlirelyloflgmip, each! of ,any kind béxng ‘uced in it: com os ion, and ‘frec from everything injurious. [it {stung mindful the nuie time pleasant to, lid} niteaznd has all ihe priserx‘ntive qunlitiesffou‘ id in pure (‘ider Vinegar. He is prgpnred to holemle this Vinegar in any quantity. ‘(jxll nil exum ‘in for yourselves. - AD ‘5l IEULx Certificate. E. the undersigned, herebi’ _c" tify that » we have used in \our famihe or \‘uri— -01 s purposes, the_ Vinegar man fn ed and so d by An“ Dl:nL.and find it $0 ti nu um h reprrionts it to be. We have] fa} (eatod it ml believe it to be superior in pve respect, to‘ any other. mnnuftu‘tured Vinrgm; We have Wafer, used, nnd .would recommkndr‘lt to all persons. - 1 3f . Wm.’ Boyer & Sou. Gpttysh?g, Jacob Norbeck & Co., j “ . ('odori 61 Gillespie. I " . Jqlln L‘hmuberlm, FranHliu lwp., Levi finer, ‘ ‘1 ‘ ’ -A\. F. Gm, Oxford. a )lny 12,1862. Iy* ‘1 a ‘ , ew Goods. ; , ' EORGE A .\‘OLD ' 0 - 1 j G, Hus j:)sllÎ'cd from PMIn e‘s a large nmk of ' J ‘‘i CLOT’HS, ("ASSIM 'RES, I’m-k, plain_ :m] ‘l‘nm-y: Silk Ws} 3' Frum-l. Cloths.- fur ngmcr Dre<s Cbllfij, (u. :cnuxifu] 'nrtirhu) Twoeds, ltuli'm Cionlls, Jeuns, )rillings, \lerino (lnssimerea, Velvet. Cnnfi, H m’brnons and Vuslinigsmll very handsome. f in ‘leahm'e stack of Goods there arevmuny mm; I |ld beau tiful‘slyles. ‘ "I; , Alaohn larqé stock of CARPE CARPET BAGS. and Domestics Also a largeslock of READY—M ING, (if our own munumcturing, i 13'. 91‘. sizes..priccs and clump, .(‘ -.\lr.‘ W. Th King is in connect establishment} as main] to cut. Clothing in short ordefl. ‘ April 28, 1862. (in: . Gloribus New THE‘undersigued takes this [fiethbu] to in-j . form the cilimns of .Buna E'zhltuwu nud'. \‘icinity..thht he hasjust retuine- {n in the city' with n splendid usssortment of S 'l .\'u AN D SUMMER GOODS, of every descr‘j i n and of" the latest styleg, such as lm-llca' ',l s Goods, l ol‘nl’l kincN; Cloths, (Ynssimereil'flouonqdcs, ‘ a‘nd all kinds gr goods for Men's \t‘fm‘: Hm; ofl the latest-sly us; Boots, Shoeg find 09.1”: I: made to order; nnd mending du’ng at short: notice. Alsofllnrdwaerueenswmr‘g lf'ruckery-‘l ware, Drugs mull Essences of all k‘jpds, and in {net everything' that is generally “Ill; in l country Morer‘Ml kinds ul‘ (‘ounéryi lrodure: tnken in trade at the highe-st mqiket price. '1 He would int'urm his runomel‘s that all Men's“ wenrgurchnsed from him will be out gratis and l goodfitslimured‘. Ag W. fi’l‘Al'li, , ' Squurq Carney, Aduxps count), Pu. ‘Mnyfi. 1862. ‘ ' g; x l 31,8914 as ,eximin- Icil. { Se¢'y. " i \Chaap Groceries. FRESH hrrivnl of Graffiti?! n‘ A prices—splendid SUGARS 23““ adult: per pound—inst. CUFFE ll_ and other things in proportign. ‘ul Ind‘judge tur juurself. * ‘ May 5, ‘62. FAHNESTO ‘K j ' “The Cheeseß x’ ‘ VB. THE IIERRI)IAC.-—Verdi ti favor of tPe“Cheese Box." Gen. M (‘ linn pro. riding udge. The ("my of tlie- t we enm puse tIJe jury. Then out Conrail; . o. 113. ‘ Tho'rnbscnber begs leave to it: urm the citi zens 0 Gettysburg and its vicinity, Ilmt he has just returned Iro'm the citymnul l 1” purchaseq ... we” selected stock at Goods in. bit line, all; ofwbich he isJellinxg verygcheap or cash. I i For instanc‘e, I first-rate Sum Vent for 50 cents, warranted font color '; rockings, Claus, and Handkerchiefs—and, n . enemy-y -thing in the Notion way, vorycbe ‘p., , Summer Huts uud Cups {ram 10 cents lup‘ tu‘ '25:; Dondb ‘lion Colfee. It 18 ce‘nts per lb.-;’Iloll kinda of 'Syrups tnd Sugars, very cheap; ohncco aml Segnrs of the best brands that ca ' be’ got; aIV kinds of Perfumery, and all kind of Essence-g wholesale Ind retail; and u very @perier orti cle of Black Ink, at 25 cents per " nrt. Knives, 3 and Spoons. of n‘gkinde ; also’ 3 very “fir ortlcle of Polil ing Powder, for Lnivel n lorlls, tin nnd bran} wore; Corn Hoes, for al‘cents h piece; goodwspovela at so cents'. I ‘1 L ,‘ In fact, all we fill: it for folk: jo give u 5 call. No trouble to show goods.) Don't forget the place, No. 113, right opposite e Book, in York Itreet, it‘being the only ‘onse in the town at which you will find nlm st anythin And everything (but you want in lac Nation on?! Grocery way. H. G. CARR, Agt. ‘ May 12,1862: 5 , . New Restaurant. HE undersigned has oprned‘n'Re‘luurant, At the corner of York and Liberty strum, eltysbnrg, wh‘ern he will keep everything in the utingyliue in season—also Ala’, Lager, Ind Cider, Sagan, Tobacco, to. He is likewise fining up u Saloon for Ice Cream at the same place. He hopes, by attention 10 Engines: and I desire w plea“, to receive s'lib An! Ihnre of custom. HENRY W. CHRISMER. ‘gny 5, 1862. ' I NOtlce. Y j: , H AMUBI, JIACKLEY’S ESTAfi'E.—Lette S of ndminiflrnuon on the est eof Samuu Huckley, hum of Suabsn tomfihip, Adam: county, deceased, having been [famed to Hl. undersigned, residing in the same township, he herepy gins notice to all persons indebted ta said estate to make immediate payment” "Di those hnnog claims agfinsv. the Ime'to prelen than: properly tuthenticated for nefllement. ‘ PETER MACKLEYf Adm’r. ‘ 61 I ‘ April 23,1?fl L. SCH bu just receiyéd I 10% of . chap Looking Glam. ‘,y; punk. "Gmhm'éfiéas, melon m! . grouhd expressly for Dr. EST HO];- NER‘S Sew Drug swu- ‘ ~ f ' New‘ Mi 4 - ‘ GROCERIES, mumsums, rnvnsxmx. ‘ FECT' ~-..- M 'IONS. NOTIONS, BC. 7 'lie undersigned hue gone into partnership in the Gtocrry und Provision business, at Qhe old stud of W. Gillespie, in York ltreat, on. door east of Will's Hotel. Gett‘pburg, when they will constantly keep on hand for sale, I. general variety of good: in theirlllno, viz: CQFFEES, ‘ ‘ wants. 1 ; , lOLASSES, l _ SYRUPS, ‘ ‘ TEAb, ‘ RAMS, , SHOULDERS. ‘ - SIDES. \ ‘ FISH, ‘ - POTATO '4 - BE : F L 0 U R. A, N D ' ; vWith any quantity of COSFEQTIONS, ‘ ‘ ; FRUITS, - ‘ NOTION They expect also 'to don! lart. lon. ma COAL on. LAMPS—pro. nrtirle of the formzr and In line the latter. I Having enlimzed the Store Ind ' they tre prep-red to keep a In which wi|l_be disposed of at the They offer Inch bargains u have . fore. been had in this place; . Give 111 I trial. No effort lpn . GEO. A. 00! l ‘ JOSEPH S. G April 18, 1862. , . New Mercantfle : X EMMITSBURG. . I NEW,GOODS an ' LO The new firm of SHITH & SHOR' inform their friends and the pub that they lune just retnrned fr-i with n splendid unortmentgf GH in; of Lndies' . ' DRE S S G 0 0 D such in Prints, Dg Bagel? Ch’allies gnudies. Robes of all kinds, Alp ‘ S‘qifl Jacouet, Check and' Cam! Ribbons, and a good assortmen Pollnrn, (‘ulicoes and Muslims, at If ‘ CLOTHS; f ‘ CASSIMERES. i ' » ¢Ej Jeanntcn Inn. for men’s wanr; S QIE'ADY-MADE CLOTH! BOOT , SHOES, ‘3 ~ 1 3 ‘ HATS A; a!“ prices. A .2001] Ilock of C HARD'WARE. . . - QL’EENSWAJIE. ‘ DRUGSInnd ‘ ME a good “gel: of prime 5 ‘GROCERIES, km, and all kinds of goods, such I! ' found in I country store‘ anin Calif], we cnn afford to sell at the prices. Our mom) in_“ Quick Sntnll Profits." FThcae goods are really ve I '3l-: we' want“ distinctly‘ qndera ' will sell them very cheap for Cash‘ tual customers at six months. I’l - enmine before .purchnsing deal would respectfully return our th friends for tha‘ liberal'pntronnge e 1 thus for, ‘and relyecuully hsk n . thereof. SMITH ' Emmitsburg, Md.,Apl-il2l, 186 Ready-made Clot c EORGE ARNOLD Has ndw on_vhnnd _much the' 'uf eady-mu‘de Clothinf he has e sis ing of, ‘ : ' COATS. ull sizea, _ mm.u,ou.\'s,do., ' VnsTs,aa., ‘ DUSTERS, - . sum'rs, , , . DRAWERS, . ‘ GLOV 'i 1 H 0 pur Coats, Pants and Vesta run 1" to an anchor, both as to size,price| If we cannot. please you in a gn’ made, Mr. w. I‘. King, whq. is i I with the estublishmrnt, will.“ on| mdasurc and make you n suit in I Give us P cnll. [April 28. I s; T‘RI'NKS, DECLOTH ' great mrie ‘llymd see us. mf with the ml: make up New Spring Milli '1862; MISS McREARY I AS just returned from the. cit. Opening an udusually large ful assortment of BONNETS and BONNET mm' of‘ the'lntest styles. Also, DRE and ‘Dress Trimmings, Shawls, Ml ,andy Goods oi awry. description,| having been purchnskd for cub, -‘ prices to suit the4ignea. “gums: M. is néw prepared t ‘do upBONNETS in the be“ um rensdnablé 'pricci. .~ ' Apfilflfl, 1862. 2111 . The Old and Re = EW SPRING GOODS. ' N SMALL PROFITS .9 QUIC J . L . SCH L C weald respectfully say to thenciti tysburg am! vicinity. that. he is n at his store I qplendid STOCK or SPRING do: Tho stock consists (In spart of. Staple DRY GOODS, of every do SILKS. ' reduced, 9 and 10 'l’! coups, and lEI MOZAMMQUE, CHALLIES, . _ DELAWES," _ HUMBAZLVEE, JALPACC-l LAW ME ofl s'l qnnlifiea and chdicost style he loldrat. PRICES TO DEFY CU ' ; FURNISflING GOODS ‘ ‘1 at an, kin-ls, including Silk, Linen and c 9140.. Handkrrchiefs, Glovéa, Stockings, c. ‘ I .Also, a cpleu'did nssortment. 0 81,880. s,' '2Llces and Edgings Umbrellaumnd PaI'MUII —; My stock or want: GOODS Nil! 1». {mind 11 Ind compléte, and cuntomerl Inn rely algon always genihg good goods at the 1 west p 0 i- < by: prices. J fGentlemen will find it to their I vanuge to; cdll and examine my flock of ‘ ‘ CLOTHS, , ’ 4 I CASSIIERES and I - VES INGS, ‘: ‘ of all qualities and choicest styles ‘ I ‘ April 21, 1862. J. L. CHICK; j p 1 i l 1, New Sprmg Gal 1' ABENDTSVILLR— ; , The nndeuigntd hue jun re med frfim j. e cities with I Iplendid flock of ew Spriing Goods, lunh uin rad} found i a counyy store,‘ embracing , ; cLoms, ~ ' , g f x = mssmznns, 5“ r j ' CABSINETB, g VEéTINGB LADIES' SILKS, ’ f - names, 1 _~ ‘ ALPACCAS. ‘: 5 2 DELAINES, E ’ : i . union's. I a _ ‘ rams. i : . » GISGHQES, ; 5 > ’ NU (KS, I . - ‘ FETNXEUS; J nunmum: cnomm , 1 ‘ ATS, CAPS, BOOTSvénd SHOES,I . ‘ , § ' HARD ARE, QUEQNSWAIFE, 630033.138, ; . " ~ - DRUGS, ‘ ‘ ; .‘ PAINTS, 1 ‘ ‘ OILS; ‘ f lhort inch a genenl variety n: cannot fail 1 give genetnl udat’nctfonr-nnd which they i" soil for CASH, or It lixty day: to prompt. buyers. Ctll‘ in Ind led for yo'urSelvu—mo trouble to show Goods. Alla, constantly on hnnd POSTS aind RAILS. \ PLANE. & SPANGLEE, 1 Arenduvifle, Adam. co., Pa. 2 'April 21,1861' 2m 1 ‘ LARGE assortment 0 Men’s envy Wa~ A tar-prim: Boots, Calf Boon, envy Bro gnns, km, just received and for an cheap; M. Oct. 38. B. F. Mel HENY'S I G. CARR has just received“? very fine I . assortment of Gant'l Cot Al Eon.- on! 3nd cumin: thun‘. . ‘ S» GUN MTS choc} at List 0‘! Merchant: WITHIN the County of Adam, Mir-d ‘ and classified by tho undersigned, L'- ‘ pmiser of Mercantile Tani, in ”cardamom , I the seven! Acts of Aumny, for the you 1862—63, of Good-.IV-ru Ind )lerch-ndiu: ' Z - : I ‘ 9 Q/ G "Wk?“ mm. Fdhnesfock Brahm, 9 25! 00 J. L.lSchiok, 11 “‘OO v Dunner} Ziegler. 13 - 10:00 M, Spangler. 13 10} 00 A4l). Bnehler. _ 13 10900 FIB. Picking. 14 > 1:00 Joueph Bevan. ‘ 14 7:1!) George Arnold, ‘ -u “ 7:00 Bayer skSon. . ' H :00 Min McCrury. ~ 14 90 Mrs. Mnry Hurtin, _ 14‘ 100 Minn Mary McAlfind, 1 I‘3 .N Philip Winter, 1‘ . , 1:00 Cobean & I . - M 7WD Jacoha A: B tier. ‘1“ 71“) Dr. prart‘Horner. J 14 - ‘TIW' John (iruelt _ . 14 ‘3‘ Bcm & Son. .14 1] I Mr}. Sophi; Shaun, ‘ 14 ‘ T I‘M.;Snmso_n|. , l 4 7 . R. EMOHKeny, l 4 1 , ‘ Gabrge F. albfleinoh, _ , M _ 1 a - ESL! Minnigh, . - I 4 ‘7! ‘ G rze Myers. ’l4. 7 " SLE. Forney, Agt.. r“a ‘ 1400 N beck &Mnrtin, .‘ 14 7' E Rope & quthor, 14‘ ~ 1 .: H.G.Cai-r.¥ ‘ . : vl4 7': M cmhori & Gillespie. 14 4 Ino Diehl, Brinkerhofi’ & Co.. 9 35 ' ' l MCI E p ‘bc., am, he. .Iy in com. ilingn goéd monument of | ‘ "meoomil, flock, :11 of line“ “up. . ever hen-t?- d :4 please; om, g LLESPIE. t M J ol‘m Hokei Shfmdfluk Buehler, Wm. E. Bittle. A ; Maunlpleannl y; Joseph Shoaly, ‘ 14 Sax'nuel Fabek', , ’ 14 A. ,W. Stnub, , l 4 Georg. G. Koitel, f ‘ ,14 J. E. Smith. , ‘l4 J. E. Miller, .- T 13 Germany tp. Yopnt & Cdehouso. Mrg. Marv Reininger, Crnuse & Brother, L. H. Stark. St ‘1): &»Stonesifer, Nxmmniel Eames, (ms. W. Rowe,” , Hehry Dyaert, Saflihe‘ Guteliusr , Sn , uel Little. David Schwartz, j Dru; E. F. Shorb £OO., Snyder & Son, H. S; Klein, JolEn butters, A. ‘ leimen, «3121 mm. ‘ respectfulljx’y ic genernlly. c the citiqs d 5, comm ‘ ‘ E s; ‘ ’ ‘l’ i [fawnm (3!:- was. Si] 3, riu Mush? , j of Lndi 6' 1 d prices. V | , NGS, n ‘éAPsfl; Mon Yarfi, I ‘ len ' John P. Bnkelr, Mtp Charles Over-deer, John Sheely, » ‘ rs generally bou'ght fnjr rorvloweét Sales ’llan ‘1 r hsnutifu‘, l- d that J 1: I or £9 punc 'ase call In}: l'~~llcre. \\ ‘ ‘ Conowago tp Reily & Sneeringer. John Bu-bay, Sr., John Fowler, ()oer Fox. ' _ .. Barbara Outer; K ‘ Lewis J ordy, Wm. Davin, . , ' B. F. Kepner, 2 I). Q. Mart~ . 1 ~ i Oxford (1). A. ES. H" as & 00., i A, Shea y, , , 1 John Haney, ’ \ ; Edward \Vaigle, ‘1 Bash-es!» & i'eterl, , 5 Wink. Ilensh, V 1; Elizabeth 'l}. sugar, = ; Francis Sm’ich. ‘ 1 "Jo n Gintfl‘, 1 Dabid M. Myers; . 5 ”(Inkling Q). M ' tin L. Miller, Mg. Ann Rollmul, HAW. Witlnore, Pete? Boblilz, J uqab Mark, Plan'k & Spangler, J. g: Biesecker, C. 1 . Fulweiler, Wig. Ruff, mix: to ou'r ended to “'5 onlinunncze SHORB.‘ - 'ly ;, {I ’ / urgent do", Icy bud, co? I “ lERY. Sr! am a nend. nnd qualil ’ucnt res. R connectidn e‘take your hart noticF. 8'62. 3MI Liberty‘tr. ‘ Levis A. Overholtzer, , 1 Samuel Martin, 1 John Miller, I k ‘ [lzmilloann tp Danner 3r Shieldq. ; 'ery. i 1362.1- l andis nqw and beautfi- Sullivan & Rinehart, ! 3:: ton & MuCronry, l ol'm Q. Shartzdr. ‘ 1 1 Cumberland 1}). J. rawford Guinn, ' - ‘Zyrone I}: PK 1 ' I‘SGS, ‘ : GOODS, -mjllns. and all ofwhich .11 be 901(13th yr Young. 11 Delnp. n F. Houck, Lalimegtp. bleach airl'd mar, and gut. ,m Lerew. I. Brenaman. 1 ~ Freadom itp. album Waybrighc, 5‘ , A lftnallemlp. vrge' P. Minnigh; ‘ wles Eltlen. . 1' a] 'l‘., Wright, 1 ob Pitzer, [ H. s!) C. Hoopeg, ‘ Pam-me, ' \ 4; n. Overdeer, i Handheny. W. Spunglvr. 1 Lab Srmg‘er. i p. Hi debrand, . in J. Kline. ha c Krnll. ‘ ‘ Wl]. Wolf. H. . Minor, 3 G rgn Mundorfl’, Mi 3 Caroline Krauunr. Mg: Hannah anigh, ' I . MID] tfl. Solomon Chroniuer, J . '{"o“} I. . Shiploy. , Michael Myers, ' ' _ &rab&n ‘tp. who! Golden, Ph'lip Hann,’ I). k. Myi-ts, ~ ‘ll}. ‘icliglu. ' 1) ing, “TE" Kins. H . 0 Imm tp. n‘el Tußrown, E. iteehew. ' J bA. Gardner. , W .Megary, u Jo n. Gardner, I Homer, ' ioh‘n Peitzel, . . \ Auios Grim, ‘ ‘ . Union #l. Ah am Sell, Si: no! Crawford. ‘ Butler g. ‘- SALES , x .*7 en of (Let: w recejvipg Fancy arid ctipliou.l 1 G. Eli F. ‘ Jo] V l S, 4 ‘ALICO S. which I PETE” .N'. E?“ £3l" A e . Winniller. y Shupk an Era, lleéry.Wolf.llamlilmltp., . 1: Dqu Rhodes, Freedom £51., 41.} Ad. D' 111 Get???“ 9 ' 5 In no , I ‘ Jouln Hennig. “mg. 9 5 July: Ellower, _ “ 9 . § : A P P E A L. g" Natlcsi- hereby given to All pomp: Inmate ad in tho above return or elufifluflom chit I wil hold In Appeal, u the Comm'mldl’on' 0“? e, In Gettysburg, an Hahn-lay, £5O “(I (by of mu mt, between the hours of 9A. [s34 3 list, when and whore all potions th I buy co ider Ihemselvel sg‘grieved by mid Jam, cati‘pn may attend. *' J. M. WALTER; Appraiser of 313 mm". Tam for Adam, co. May 12, 1862. At . w OUNG Men! Fall styles of Hate land Cap: 30 per cent. lower thm "Miguel It ' R. F. HcILHEN .‘ TATIONERY, of all finds, a Dr. B. 1193- : NEWS} New Family Drug and Prelm‘guol tore. ‘ ‘ In W ”11.1 mm (In shes-n S? quntfly of R I‘3 ”SAPS am m 3 411* recoivod. 00m nothing In look: f" " ’ ' '1 _ivw‘xmws 9 25 12 , 12 H 7 • 1 7': I . mo ' 10100 254% 74 10 12 7 . .7 1’ ‘ V 7 1 10 10‘ '7 _ 7 .7‘ Berwick bor M 7 ‘77 7 300 39' 10;“ 10;,00 7'llo. 7!“ mo nOO ‘1 FlOO 14‘ 13 H H R- ’ m 3% .14 ‘l4 14 a 4 14‘ 14 , 14 ~ M l 4 _ ‘l‘ T‘ ‘j M 14 .100 7100 -°°. 3°. ~00 14 14 `l4 14 1:131!an :3 300 EOO too too oo mu oo 00