The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 02, 1862, Image 2
:WAR NEWSO DEW? 01" COL. KENLY’BI COMMAND AT FRONT ROYAL. 3 Attack on Gen. Bank: at Winchester. A SEVERE BATTLE. ‘I'BI hddnl Arfny Retiies into Kurylsnd. m Benn"! "nil" Nani tn ' ‘ ultimo-d. Wumxcmx, May 2_l.—The ramming dis ;Wch was this mm-ning rot-rived from Geh. : Bank: at. the ‘Wnr Du-pflrtm'PYfl : ' Nlruvburg. May 24. 1862. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary offwnr: ~'Coi.-Kenly"s command bf infantry, (1‘! Maryland Rgaimen!) n‘nd cavnlry has been - drivenfi-om Front 'Roynl. with contidnra bio lose in‘ killn'l, wounded and prisnners. ’ The enemy’s force is oslimntml at. five or 'six thousand. IL ii reported as having hil len back on_Front Royal, and probably oc— lcupiu that plncn this mnming. , - N. P. was, Muir-r (:pnnml. W-Asmx‘nrox, Mny 24.—C01. Kunly‘e com mand. just defeatnd at Front. Royal, con fined of his own Maryland rngiment of in. [nutty and three or four companies of Col. .Thornton anrlhead‘s rog‘lxnent of Michi' ' gun cavalry. The ntlpcking rebel force gonnisted of a full lxripmle, amt] therefore outnumbered Colonel K.'B three or four to . ona. Most of the mvnlry are safe, though l “figured most of Rho infantry were cap ture‘ . ‘ Wmmsmofx, May. 21th. Mi-lnilzht.—Dis- MChPR wnrc‘roceiv'ml at tho, Wnr llnpnrb went at l" h’clot-k try-night from (h-n'. Bank-mat Winchester, llv “ml moved with his advance from Slmulmrg to \l’inclwster. for the purpose of securing his stores and 'trnins from the enmny. and m prr-vmnt hi; ' commllnimtiom lrmn Loin-J inlvrrupl(~¢l.— His dvnnoad gnarll entered \Vinrlwrh‘r at , ‘5 o'tfiock, with all In.» truins‘Vnnd sign-s in ‘ .ufrefy. ‘ ' 2. ’A strong snark Wn=:rnrulo upon the lr'hinu '> m Midtllelnu‘n by the xulml inlnnuy. ohm!- .“ly and artilléry; but if Iran rr-[quml and u Imv wuuom‘ abandoned by the taumatvfl, \\ ere s(‘(till'ol]. . A BATTLE AT vvnvcxmeynm~ ' ~Gen.~fi§.nilui Compelled to Retreat into , ' Maryland---The Enemy Advanqiqg on ‘Hayper’s Feri‘y. > , 7 Wnnmurn-s, Mny’ll—Tlmnnnmy. under Cons. Ewell and .lohnmn, with :I largeiy Hi 'im- lbroc. gave mac. to “In. Punk»- (his inmrnihgfit‘ ‘\'illhbfihll‘r, mmmom-ing ' std y-light. rGon. Banks follfllll [how for six 10113:“ and (hon rout-atoll in thp «hrvv tin! of Martinshurg, with what lu~s is un rkn n.. , , » -. ' ~ 9 one-Infant, it is umh‘rniomi. ntltnnc ing mm “'in‘chmtr-r upon Hui-[I6M 1' nrry. _- On 1:00;»; there are buigg rapidly. rein forced. .;" Rumot says that Jurkmn it mivnncing’to {he pugipo'rt of Jim-ll flung Jo mum. “and "there are 111:0 statvmonb that still nnotlu-r forceis behind him. Prong»!.iu-mnzcmonls .hnve been made to mam these emergencies if .gruly reportml. . ‘ ‘ A later dispatch ‘rocc-ivml try-night says .that Uénoml Bank» [uh mmio go'wl hi; ro lrcut acvss the Potomac, at Williamspprt. 1“ ;——'—;———'--~«.u »-- ——7— ‘—-‘ , l fROMfEN. BANKS’ ARMY. SAFE ARR VAL A'l‘ WILLIABISI‘URT Four IWILL‘onh-slnl“Banks Hing/1t V .Donfederates Not in Sight. “'1”:. -Drl-\mur\'r,} H'wlgingron, thy 26: (...,..m, may .'u. , ~ , ~ ." ‘ . ‘ ' The follOWing iii tltejatofi received at thel 1 he brunt 0’: ”If “bllflng “a“ do“ Department from Gen. Bank—a: ' {gool‘u lmde't (’m' .1"I‘"" Who ‘1 . 112/2.ams}2.n~:, nay 2:1 A. M. lU‘"‘e"‘?"“‘e“4."er‘“‘e “‘o'" M“ c EDDIE. M. Stanton. Secretary of Wain—l h!” 10“" “5 ‘4"! “If”. ”‘0 other 0“ Wé believe that. our wholc fol-cw. traim and i tllO‘AtlUdllGl‘. “m 1‘ “ftp”! forces i' all: will cross in mt'ety. The men are in o‘. 3‘"? "par the humle Imp.» 1“ fine spirits nml crossing in good ordain—lhel'er“_th:'}t’ a gamma] Pngugome 'l'le labor of lnkt night was tleart'ul, and the 1 tin“; 133?? t 'e "if“ morning. led enemy followed us lust night on our mart-11. IW" :dvmtes. C "t. TAP“ “he"? battles. notmado hi; appear-Miro this mnrn- l .1313?“ m.) “l 3111‘; “t?“ ““Ile ing. _ The news of your ninvmnems South 1 tlm y rotuinm'. 1‘? '0 lm nn kull ling unquestionably *cuuced them to look ;' '0 ”0'”le WWII mm t 1e “or ’ out for their sdfetvy. Your dispatch was : "I, l‘o““"“f“:) 0‘ tle l‘ledernls. A t rend to the troops this morning amid the J PMCh cnrw 01'“th t 3“? “it"?rm’ ,beirtiest cheers. 7‘ nounces that Lorinth itself “:13 bur '. \ [Signch] V. 1,. Bu‘xs, ievacuntrll‘latorjn theft-fly by the t A I ' Major General.(’mmnmitling. 3 rates and QCCUPI‘Pdf)" 1‘ riday by ”"4 “Wilsmxc'rox. May ‘26—)[itlni2hL—Jl‘he ' "9°!" 1 1“? °P'“‘°““L“‘? ”‘9.” :folt‘owing was received at the Wm. Depart-l flitlie. Confederates conflict, hem] pient it. 1] P. M. to-niuht; whoring them to by on his left tln = "'illiumsporl, Ma‘y 26—4 o'c'k,P. M. fiV‘.‘ "“1?“ from WW" 0" “‘0 M ’TO "'l6 President: : . § Oth railroad. )vhile other reports 5 ‘l.hnve the honor to report the safe arrival ' titre); h9r‘el.::ctr°“3fq to of“??? _ofmy command at this place laqt evéning. l L '9‘ “"3 l ‘l’ iii 9° 50m. o O at lqu’clodkm and the Immigr- of the fifth ' the same in '0 .' ' i ' ' all; mgfitmelgel May \Vltl}:éomP“i’§J’ [ghgereml skirmishes \have ta : The. lose of men killed. wounded and d“”".~“ the.week on the Upper‘lh) m’iqsing in the different. combats in which 0'? W 321"?“le Elm“! W the Fl. ’ my' comninnd has participated since the ' land finiahy gore ff“°;“°”°“l‘ “march from Strasburg. on Hm morning oflnnles 93m1“ arpci 5, erry, W 'th6324th inst., I hm unable nmv to rbbtflt. :wore Mt'wlfed and Mind or ”I‘6 inutil have great. gratificfition in being :ibletrfs' as “43th rims} been haunt fl? gushing that. nlthdugh severe, it i< mucli‘?mce'fi.. he ’ij‘t’ ‘ 31y there “I?“ so lqsq~£han might. have' been airticipntecl,l\(;3y ”“3 15mm"; It ‘5” rchr, “ed“ Wdcring the very grout (licparity of 1119‘ ."t’ofll' s‘?“ ‘l‘ shunnsh occur” ‘3 forces engaged, andthe long-mnturwl plans 2 “N“ "I’m”. t. e Inner, on the; pfxthecxiemy, which aimed at nothing léss {*‘de’ bu‘t no particu nrs have beeni than"the entire capture of our .t'orce‘.: AI mnnfedomte accounts 0f " detailed statement‘ will be forwarded as ' mnyemonts ot'Gpn. JMk‘T‘n" army soon #8 possible. ‘ . I sort <ot victories, capturmgsouiefot glfy'command encountered the enemy in ar§i§oners and largo qunntntqesl n 'consutnt succession of attacks and in We] ' contested ‘engagemcnts {lt Strusburg, Mid- { dletown,. Newton, uml at}; point. nlso be-' tween those places, and at.» Winchester.—J The force of the enemy was- osti‘hmted at' from 15,000 to 20,001) men, with very >ti-ong ‘ .urtillery and cavalry supports. My own iforces consisted of two brigmic<.,less tlm‘nl 1.4.000 strong, all told, including 1,500 mval ry, ten Parrott guns and six smooth bores. The‘ substantial prose! vution 'ot' the entire 4 supplies is a. source of gratification. It! numbered about .300 wagons. We hud‘a: forced march of 53 miles, 35 of whiqh wore ‘ performed in one day, subject to constant attackttn front and rear and flunk by the enemy in full force, Notwithstanding the ' panics of tenmsters and the mischnnces of '3 xii/Br passgtge of more than three hundred ydrds. with slender preparations for food and forage, the train lust .tiot inore than fifty wagons. , ‘h‘ ‘ ’ A'full statement of this loss will be for warded forthwith. V'eryv grant. ,uommeuda— ;Tion is due to Captrs. B; llolubird, A. Q. Myand Ca'pt. E. G. Beckw'ith, fobthe safety “the train. § Our troo are in good spirits, and occu py both ski; of the river: ' N. P. Buns, Major General. 1118' Federal lossjs reptesentoa as severe, ' but _we will not know its real extent until ,Gen. Banks prepares his official report, which cannotpe done until he feceives the 38130!“ of his subordinates in command. mmfAT HARTINSBURQ BALflIOBI, May 28.—-A telegrnFfihié dis ‘pltch received yesterday by the o cers of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, dated Hart' ‘burg, states that Man-tinsburg was Emir-3; unmolested by Confederate troops, and gut grunt and goodv order reigned _xhroughonc, ‘ On Monday evenings party ofabout eight ,drigbons of the Confederates rode into the mdid not remain many minutes.'- ‘ glopg the principal thorough :hru and than disagpearedh Atllvhab Lime there-r guard of en. Banks’s army was .nt'ery «lumped on rheroad leading to Wuhamport. An examination of chemil road showed ghat not the slightest damage had been' squuiyeq a; the hands of the pagfederages. ‘ H‘Duripg the pain en the cum 15 m 6 united Slates have {Edie-Med 95 cgqiscg’: Q?” a! {gemgqnleoeuy 39d ““8933 5 I l non GEN. HoCLELLAN’S ‘mr. I l Unofliviulndvicm from Gen. Mkt'lellan'ni army won) to igitlivate that wlm'tr‘var the l‘onlmloratm m gilt hue intvntlvltl Imin ai 'weuk $7109.“1e no} r 9911" (0 figllt l'qr tlie‘l lpo«esiion nl llu-Immm . ltvcnlllwt)l<sbl)cm' l-y balloon and otlwrgi-se had Alnbluhml] the (not that the line of the Chicltluhomin ‘9 WM nlmovt ‘entirnly desertgd. and that be’il Itween it «nil Richmond were but {compar ‘ lntively small body of Emu. Hull ince th 9 ,‘Conl'edorates lmiw r .‘upied tlul apnea in? llwnvv forte. and have Ignin nppr clued thei' Chiclmhr-miny in great numberiztwfirently‘, \‘Kith the ianlitll‘n of disputing tl‘fie wa to; lthr- oily. UPI). BPflltl‘OflilHl is rational; tn" ‘ha in lochmnnd‘ A diipntéli from the head-l quarters nfthP Fedpralhrmy. (11-ted 'l'hurs-l dqy. statvs that a bridge on the Birhmnnd’! land l“re(lerivkaburgrailroad. nmrlA~hldnll.'3 .wns burned w) 'Wmlmr‘day, thus (guttu) nil“ {all direct. mmmunicatinn betweew the (gnu-4‘ lteqlr‘rate capital Mill Gt-n.Jack-‘dn’»_ com-l Jfianrl. Ashlnnd in in Hanover cou ty, four-”- itccn miles north of Richmond. ' 3- i l . » ‘74---:~—— ——— * ? FROM ‘the MOUNTAIN DEPAEL’MENT. A Severe Fight—Trio Enem pohtéd with Consideyable Los ‘_ Wuummov, Mn’y ‘JAL-‘Tho fol] - -- iq‘g dis patch from tlmfilounta‘m Depart pr-nt has lmnn'recoivnd vinfi'lncimnati [0:11' v: ‘ (Mom Hath, with 3pm rcht-‘ls our-forces Imdor Colonel Crook morning, n; Lmvjsslmrg.‘y Hroonlprit Virginia, and after a severe fight I} wore driven buck nn(l‘_conlp]r-tr~l COl. Crook's fun-o numbered 1,30“ Our luv: is ten killed. forty won eiglx} missing.» The rgmmy'n' lo~s i prt-ntor. Wu captured four 'cz'm nf them rifivd—Lwo hm'adrml stun: and about one hundred! prirmnnr in}: one Lin-utonnm ‘,‘nlbnel, one 3 several Curtains and Lioulennqts 3 WA di=pntch fmm'qulningtin i‘z pub :lielnml onlrulutvdJo allay exciLment {in lnpprohmnéion ofdangon to c the ca vital. ilt ”sum-s that the Alarm concerning! u: snf _v 'ol‘ the: (~in has not l-e’on so grmt n infra: n 'r-«l, mnl [lnt the regiment» nftmny n mcrlnt 'ly mfiT‘enl lnr nro' to ho uwd in pl' 311' the m-mlns already in the fivl-l In 9 prrlporfitatc nfvfiicivncy, so that. contmnplatt l hiera inn; mll be ilNlrk-UF gnu-0935. 'l‘ 19 order .calling for vnluntoers for flnroe mnntln: ser fvlco hué ln‘t‘n éguM-‘rmnnflml in Pl‘nrwylva— ‘nin. and it is )vrt-qumorhin nll .tm mhur H'mtns \vlmrr- regiments fur'wch so rice haul Loon forum]. A - Wthntrhm from tho l'mner‘ rr‘prnwept ul} quiet at Willi:un~fmrt, l-Zvrry,‘anfl no ('onic‘k-muw in ~ig stated that the main bmly of Um .‘ army-did not. follow (ion. lhn ‘ further than Winchester, only nll ing nu far as .\lartinbburg, film] it ih‘ that (ivnr-rul J.mkson sz‘s silwo u Gvneml Hmry‘s-cmnmaml at, Whi 6n the Mnnnwu “up" Railroad] mlh-s émt. ul' l-‘rnnt Royal. ‘ l 5 n-fi"’l‘im (‘ombLh-rntm are again I flWoatm-n Te nne.~.~ee. a’nd the war fing out nfrmh. It, is rrpm-(ed lh _sinlcmble form of Cunfodr mtm :er ton. rvmly m mnrch nn I'ninn Git and Hivkmnn, Kugmvky. A Inn: stationed at (In) mouth pfthe NJ] prvp-arinfi: to oredt :1. lmth-ryjo prq 1).)».Igu of Fedora] trumpults. “(£75512 CORINTH EVACUATE ’On Wednesday a ~l'r‘rjmp tom ‘ force, in three colum‘m irnm th ‘ ofGon. Thomas. Gr-n. liuell an!“ nppronehod tle‘nnf'edmmc lines 3 and wc-ro‘ mm: gum-god 'in n shzu p‘ nition and conuuissury suite sng fiortipn of the James ri nude 1} reconnoissnnce wighin‘af of I‘otoyshurg on Wednesday In Confederate: on shore opened fir @0515; but “1520 songli speracd by I - w'l‘lmre is no news from Gent llnn. ? 1 ~ ' - _ 3111111 A TRMTOE. , A few days ‘ince the Secretary nf “rm-thy order of the Pfiosident, telegrapho ‘ [0 HM. Aumcw, of .[asmcluwetts. acki‘ng him :‘lmw soon ”urge or four additional regi ments of troops from Muskohuseup could be raised ’1" The Governor dill dot‘mply by telegrnph, but, wrote a lettéi' to Mxe “fini- Depai'tment, in’ which he intim'tes that Mzmsawhusetts fill furnish» no mé‘le troops ‘ unless the President puts ed a. 2 : ifi‘arent pplicy, and wages the war $1- the -xtarnfi dation of sluvely. We quote Bié'nwn‘lan ; gauge 1 - ' “ If,” says Goy. Andrew. "the 're’sidexit willfsudnin Gen. Hunter‘s lute mi May or dgr, {lnd recognige black men a: legally cajiable'of loyalty and lét them fikght. the roads will swarm, if needs be, with 'mulli tudvs whom New England would pour out at the call. In forty days Hag regiments needed could be raised, provided that they are clothed and equippediu Mnssaélm‘setts." Them is‘trgnsoxx for youfi‘tnembn worse than evgar Jefl'..l)nvis preached. Will not the President. at once prder the; finest 6f this traitor who attempts to put'the Gov crnment at defiance? We shall see. Car lisle I'olunlur. . . ' A A’cgro Selling His Own ’,hilrlren.——The Wheeling (Va?) Prw states that a. number qf years ago a 1‘: ea ~black man of Washing ton raised sufficient. money to Purchase a. black woman. By herlie has 811306 raised a familyo‘fsix 0]; seven childreh. A: by the lawol' the District. the child follow: the condition of the mother. of course these children are his slaves. 'He .has thérefm‘e filled a claim. and Inked payment, from the Government, valuing big pininnies at $3OO each. ‘ " i . .Ncw Us: for Coal oil.—Coil oil is aim to be a. sure destroyer of bed-bugs.i " Apply plentifuuy with a small brush ‘or f ther, to fine places where they most} do gregata, Tb; cure is most. effectual an?! figment. Gilt frames. bhandeliers;;j&c., rub '. slight ly over with coal oil, mil pot b 9 Min-he‘d by 3’“! ~ I l = ‘ Cy OUR *FLAC ! TM union of luke=+the union of land-L- The Union of 3:4th mm: would sever; The union; m hennaé—the union of hands- And :1”: Hug-of till” L'uion forever! L;"_ ‘r. ‘3 3'-“ ' 2,- 2.“ 5:45: -7 .t::. . -H. J. 51" " PROPRiEToB. MON DA Y DEMOCRA‘ In accord ocmlic Stat xttee, nu: Dmuw neat in STATE ‘RG, on ‘mev, 0 o'clock, A. 31., to nominntq . 4mm". Gnu“. Land Srnvn‘un GL4}: ' L, and to adopt such measures ah may"h:[dremed nL-u-lssnry for the welfare of the pa ' country. _ \\" |mmckml 'estprday }: co‘hmy, 19 enemy ’x rngzled. ‘mo ‘ $10.5] and ,3,“ {nuclx -on-—.lwo Lofnrms, n includ jormnd any 615 Pm CUNVENTI‘ the 4th day Cha irmari o DEMOCRAT ; 1.1). Stilgn, :1.» De Congress, in ’the-Buc I 'was, on Saturday wel ijority of 534 I Th? ‘bocn regnrqod as 3. cl gpublicnn inns-38, an' ‘I Hmr, in 1860, (hé 1a: :The liquibiixylfis de I if‘Breu-kinrid‘lge. secos iwith trouofi,” M 2,, 3 pow. ‘flmgniq; has \ l wmin’m .l. Hen, Ito (Iqugress‘: f‘rom tlwl llfl {he rocent special ity 01' 742 voilcs, to fill ‘MI |ny the rajsignatim crab, “rho l‘fifigned 11 mke the cdmmund .‘ Pntrnfinc Harper’s It. Itik l'nuthlcm x’ fort-es wpuziu l 1)?“me (WOll n “- l’lui§<, I HILL-pm ME 1 The chnrtpr 010(th on the 13111“:qu re» he entire IJr-mnemti {main-_- fi'td‘x .120 m I The New [York NI ovmg m 5 break t a' con— m Iron- ‘us reuc'tioniagaimt i a lately corstitufled re~< lhrougjoub the ntion of Hic- Kort] lbnmocrats we look if, Tenn, f'forae is Igm rivm‘. Vent {he .r-rmnn votésfwhero nc-fore, and t 1 Minn #"n‘ mil‘evc Ohit’i,l ‘5 mwnishing." nit‘cring “\r‘lbiolls n . POllO, Corinth cirrhidl. ‘ ' J THE FLU The apprehension . inned by (11:0 defeat ‘ lalley of the Shmmn .urlthnly as lit was. allinp out. the milili cfence of the Nut I lountermz‘inded. ‘ 'l‘l| jude of the rebel an :‘lggerafinnfi clausod LI t[ho rumor of“ (16%! ijngtnn and Buhimo it!) the Northern St , my ‘hns netheatcd uI Iley as‘mpidly‘! us it cI ils no evidence that II “I“.V time- more tha‘xl them has been npy e ‘ t?) his numbers sinc "resent mon‘th, whén rlsonburg, and ough art Wmhington, that filonnfsing Banks’kml 5 mike Patriot & I" The A'ulmml Inu‘l/l reserved its equaminl 19203 that there w I Wayshington. excell units, and .19 might I G oveznmeqt voflicialsl .1 by’ the} rove the! jmidex‘a-l uguns 01‘; I Rim-hack, (1 it Wil\\ wt “‘oth Why me; "all Pnpe' y,‘ which I tr, when i I :wing it ; *uter dis- 1 , and all-L med nml I tcmfode-i :1 Fedefiml ' ‘eubmtfil Hallie]: L 1:. about; bile mud ? tate'thut \ ne hunJ nth, on I I I 01mm;— it Mary- I a‘ 12m: I 11 they! 1 pfison-E . m them 1e artil- I! Falling. [- I ut two I 'itginin; leaned. I he ‘late, E claim a r thous- I lof arms, ' .-..~~- ? ~A’ umo ' l The ides; of a. “Un'l flosed 6f OL] decnye I orseitlmn‘midiculou ' ement—llmou'nox'l IlunElpr' elpnmnt earl . ortunx‘el‘y for the‘-‘ there always has in t on of our Governml nimtiomj the Dem-I nfmcracy‘ made our J oius and happyflynd itl so to this hour, but {- a} ‘ Abolition—Lanl‘asl Gr flPeL. .‘w miles .t. The ~ on the‘ bolls. J M'Clel‘m @Jgtgs W. Wu. ersey. who Wis mos ‘ being arrested for l-nrrant and without muud within the lafiett’e for weeks, ‘ ithout a trial, has -} rahsince, very phi -; on~of sonic of the :1: oh. For this the A; ’leading Riapublicn . retetlad to be for fre 'uqs (Bullfhim to ace “ Mrv‘Wall is tryi risoned again, and ' ‘07:." ‘ Thg motto 10f the egro; bits §dungeo ho does not talk an ‘ emu yen-e to T Mn papgrs‘, at. least oI 1n peop‘le aha disunl I elightful piéce of in [l -is to read frjom the . mandamus; Prm.‘ : the Nérth an; "traito : ibn sympathijzers,” Sac +ceives great eneou formation. We do u .: firs have no dust. in th \‘yhen‘Korthéyx-n pape : e ple of the lo fall: it rebéllion. ‘ ; [QjGom gprsgue, I'lecled Uni‘tfd State plant], in plalee of J. i: I. "M ‘ ; it“? “110' Rio .1“, W- i,® bin ‘ Hth Am . 0&1 "Ge " m ""'*__ 9,5 EmnMP-zucfi“ PmICA _~ .. film“ :b‘mi‘m Ppubli‘hed NT ’ “' ' g litionjoz; nmfl)’ :m‘n'natinh" inffilr'] , Enfim t‘ft kmw;n rnalsip an "'8 11".: it Was-Va In ”I I Anon - "r a PM} or did le No “ bl' uy H] lo“ 3“ ‘ , Te, d-‘ieut's . “I°er rth, clam-” 1019 ' bin 658' It was! “ gon Id: no View, v" fbto kn Ydid nn‘ -In' rat fmmci‘ s3"ng . w Shtdf t “I“ .. are 0n at}, .3" IS__ "anion 1 Pawn" -cln Mo 391 nm): BBQ": 01“ A th‘aubl- At‘ "E‘s ”folk, 'w” I’er the ”iv Il- Ré- e!(:o ' _fi's 1‘ an Jecc Asm' '—A]d- “'s= ‘1 t"‘i- ‘e” 0" ‘Pumim; «nmmfio with 'h“ be w' lg R'P rmb‘Re H Yb” 74 MPG as 3’ “ditou' "“des X° i“ten: “'1: pp'vflé3.B‘bbittp§A‘l4*a _ ’ PW‘nmg‘i‘hing ' "“5 . an“: No: '3‘"? at" Bléa‘khé fif-kirl'fimman M4h 'an, ' endorse “unni . ' film, "-1 Ch ‘ ep. fi‘7a. ' BpJß’ 'v dqinis “3”“ 1:31" “mast: ““3 é?” “‘ 3"“ K'- It“, 33:??‘3in'fmfifinyi‘zeu" 31;? thr‘mg so, I'll ‘ltiry dos anced fifth!“ llzp""‘3dgE"C“tle:mg pkg?” chfi'zc'mp: ”he! ‘ M “id‘l pct-is“) 'uh iov F km" an°nv In; “‘va 11”” 3A" 1169' “GP Afew‘d‘ 1"! 5 lemma ‘ IBM 3.1”“.3; waF. P" Edirvlsv a. "-COnk" ‘np ”math they! .. .n fi'y, Rep mmmlnmnyne frag, I“Plank“. to “blh‘hed “TI! ' P‘aced K 20”... .iieu‘whelfikep” (fifiTeSSengufij-lum' P rs' 05w andend "km“ ' i 'R ”"3 R p"'Hn ' Replhodwi“ R ’Repl $Ol3 _‘ co ‘ o"ed ”If-t 0 1 CP: L 0 ep_ K tqmn w, Hick‘ ep‘uG .a do'wnsnn‘flnn .mog “018 ‘r bYRer bud Rep.,y"mig,y “film“, 1} , .' JSPD‘ .Reur' uni] r 0n :{Hv'vrl which h A." ~ - “silica“ ‘ gp" Hzrfig’on, a; Loni)“ \Rhichqla?’ Reg? “8k 55% m“: SMM‘Z‘I?“ if?“ 3411' Szdv-‘l'a‘l‘-WWW; “5:12:38: lo’ ' Prono' ,‘Pndu ' " re ,_ °°t «115.. "can P 4 041'. W 11; ‘P-yuo “1 30:58:.” V‘nid “anew his? 01‘ his “law I?!“ gulp" {SP'évaghfr‘jfi 11$”; P 3332: rose“: Firesmzsturnwrhm 3%: hsr; war.3§:se“‘§’fazm° rm:- Wiih h thé the, 19 entigllzpd'" Fn‘ ‘nl. Bel: ‘gqpu ‘;n§ep_, Tr‘zlnL I‘lGPPqSed' if!) deé. .8 had} ‘ks 91.10,” ed to 01- "fig ‘t'! “1.3:".ch ‘Yfi‘kefib‘gmbge', §p3fildika “dad iu‘ feel! nhim) men ' '\t‘d win - "99., m burue" finlhce.“,§ H, {1.5 an, vgf’ $0" see, ‘lB Tab“ ‘ 8 m 0! . re 0 leash)" R.) “'ils’o elk, “7h _qu “,3” Vem . to?‘ Pl5O :‘fllata lita- , espe 50 “1y DNA‘LSCP- "1 Rep" “fiblcr’ mt°"~\Re;’ "Wit ofe4 thefiéiaemman ~. 43nd Dfmfi"?n':, 123:3“, Dem? ghntngg “king: ive 919 If“ . +65 lnb ppubnta ‘U.’ C 1'! Brow [them'j'Aln 115 D ’ o}- ”lien I;“?e3anug'“ p 53 "lei, fin: edi: "Anzbb, neg? Lid-3’ C" ru' ‘qu a.“ not“. ' “:t not b@l’ofle lamflfioh “3‘B. ”Bums"? Dem."cc.ornil’l' a dn'u'unhlwnyy 1‘ 59¢ hh ‘3‘“? “mm? 2' W "P In “’P-y-D' ”meldg’ '3‘ ’ "meme e’ ell n 1 :5 for.“ z' “5 Yet a uh)“ e (In: " D”nn ”fine R ’ IE". Cox “‘9, thetp tonal, m(1 its - "lat loan *0 "Hurdle 7 “ep- l,- ep” iv mum; on,” me'vftresm‘ém‘f $lOO ment defiant: hflve 'ls:?”inp’fG'id'el-m'fvthDE'; Rep bu" .V s -A c v 'n, "in, '_ ‘. :. . ‘3‘". u' _ it. 3}" ”w “05:091unm.-o,Timv :1": In Efrrigmnhg-v’Johfi'fr'soé 'th higher} 1w .- ‘ : , - - ‘ v S v., ' . - “the 3‘341e 1,; “f 1" endnrj‘ Wm. t "-‘h In; ”em-. 52" Kim'L'n‘Jem. Kflf'man.’n"‘": “he 14k; h‘imelplfinvgmed I: 0r Cd'nqcom' gilvfi‘éfilfiihryffirv \Deflinhlgp'w Kiigl, 11.10111?" and“ 'y“ u - L r. - "hurl “em" ("VI-.N' FP-yN‘IY‘JAFII.‘ “r-‘VU |“Dem" «My; M 2,”? r 5, (,2; 11:0 W njdun, fignamg‘oa nig‘n-Vuop?‘ :; 5., Amen-an; “or" 9311;“ (1.1 85 '_r, p' m "-u«.(.’,l"eD *5 U," Panda 118 g, g yto‘ . mm, to In. On. .'v I". *- nu ). lem .' . ‘.r ' ‘9. A d Is . ‘hq r, 1 r 1 _ Cm, ~\ y PUR+E [7“an “$150“; 1133‘ any "I‘. (Mum, ““0“ 8'33"". DPzep'nPri‘cyeD -‘v fihodc", D 29"; “enam‘li and inll’rphidontxtm “w”, Eta b&.{’§rp.l-s::ri ULS‘IREPM‘W’) “fife' R23sli[)e:" b‘T-l‘ y" ihb ( “Cd 5 Proc] . 0 say ’1?n';l"'ln '9 eV 1). \' “'ldfl' ,em‘ R., mlflg _, ‘ ‘5O p‘ “'3 00,? Ram” . ”(My ' ' "‘ln p”Th6n." 'V. q " hipl‘} 011 i s 5?! Slotq 0f émhc ‘lllll .. ’l‘cnn ‘on_ ‘ Van . ‘ no": T _s‘9'l‘» '* to ‘ ' lep' ~U‘ 1"IFa ' ”Hm E‘ ‘ . ”v- 'r: vl‘._\l K h". ,m vv ehd‘ks' hegA‘dmi {-1 tnpl‘oae‘l .11. “1.331%" P;‘.l’<t:‘:§yxlr)cm~:n\lce' “’an "hi 0"? J” 1:3, of u,‘ J" 0; byglnlt‘lir “Din; To Te}‘f:\n‘é ‘ ‘l']?le “all"! bed“: I", ‘ Ckl‘i'n-wméub' D: are: r "gaml‘n ’ C‘s-“11‘ “‘o‘. file A Curl 'e_ "05 . Ova Vot " e, U- ’Wem ' , , “I", A] '¥“lxiQ‘,e‘(uk ("We (lm;n_:onler'fod“¥. “'ldt e was LR} »~ ’ qo ' ”Words ‘4‘ “’l‘an m‘” "ha 1, ,‘l' «(unflctze‘ ”V 111", he bini= Comma Om“??? 'cDWtOt “9 “Rm“ "9 ”10m: 7‘] Itfsay'sz‘ “’d‘lwncx fill-meme r“ on ”Io Fre~f6’fi.q,,vr‘.n?rslson'., ' 00d f tnd;vn“‘ :Ffumught ‘ 4 A Washgbeci‘” Comnmnbrliem 130;”? Pn‘rim‘: {he Hwh" 6"le with“ ”will“ “0‘ t“. ”lan the 5' ‘ .m‘l Wm: ‘- Bl 40'? '"1 w‘ “'ill I. "le-c‘w 'ea .\M N I,D act? 23' ”(I dim“ 1 KEVIN I .“Fhf‘n {bordhm 3’9 1m: recon“; 'vF thencsday th ted ' 93V Br“ ' Moe” ,"t “In “nod V: 1"“O‘m Pot-t 1- Mine- «Id. ’l' e‘l thn.‘ e t‘ fin the Sn ns‘fiok “I?“ Dlll5 ihhd ”Ii; tih‘pm’fioflm G“ 10h 3I ‘0 ny‘knmfin: 9x1,“ :10 "£02?“ ”mfg:- Ic 'el, cop“ ‘. . ’~' ed 1 1 4m .in n“ ‘vregs‘ '. :15” ”r ha .me Ie ,b- ._ S: of" ‘«m . ‘ _fl'o w ‘O. Pd, I Vlm . “11v , _lev‘. let. “of ‘ y “I“J‘Wiue‘ muixltfl)"t.sinppr3:t:° “Mr?" C» 3::— Sfic‘ Eilgg."‘*ti.(.lx§'on‘ 121:; (@3233? pg: ’ an" I 511b,,t ‘ ".i‘nnll‘ 4),.” “0““ an!” I‘m-Imm ‘I7““rL3I ,in 'llten‘ at P'bllka . .Anq n. R“Dum-‘ m 0"! ‘beh' froor‘lel' is "19“ dig“ illopumfiomfi» .‘_, ' AJlll'Vfijv O‘xv who 10 "c r , :tullutd’ .n‘ the bOBl5O COI‘ ‘3l‘tw‘ re‘ldonv ' J! um] m n 11: Fr f‘ihgmho In "no nler‘pL-l‘; ‘ ,‘led'hg of "‘5 hum“ 0 o‘l- ' (‘H'pumut the ml'nnicm. ' State ‘by meme sh' h- . stlln "at , ‘InEL SKIS . ' “I 1“) be e Cu" “19 I'M-at; ' O Wit. un‘Or. Xt'rt‘infl ‘ [Hm-G f’lheju ' ”In: it .__;_lty the Scex'n“:::'ture of “-~ . ww'P-“éon nmpilrr. EEO EVE-I'2, IRG‘.’ ONVENTION. .ion ofthc Dem- nocratic party and the A”! 11. “'ELS”, Dun. Stale Ex. Com. VICTORIES I ‘. n’cmtic candidate for s and Lohigh‘di‘trict, k, elected by a ma district ‘lum always use one, electing n-Re n Demncmj, Drawn er Hy 1.43 fnnjority.— Unced Mry. Sxifei us a lavish”.-"sympathisvr ‘c., but all to do pl."- one better!” ' vmocrat, 9'35 olectcfl Ith district in Illinois, Llection, by a plurali tlm vu‘mncy ovmfion \oanL Logan, “(Tho— Q seal Win Congress to If u. _réFiment in the" 1‘ . 3 murajmrmv:Y ‘Prnelgmtjltiun, Ih-mm'r: plnmi, but Numb]icnjhjnurmlists arc and mm": Fl‘hoy'a‘r'p tiff-aid to my for t‘vo-thinjls of tlkm 11m! living Govefimfierfitl and “Sky eny néithvr nay. i'l‘lu-y hre ngfiinel Hm I'rn~i.i foolintz. :Nithmir (‘jldirrrs‘mnent of I prove I, th§ qlmy ha??? 11“! the can say «4. Tliyej" are in W‘mul {in poor 1 remmrks‘ th‘v ‘oanin i'l'nlunlnr. Aft exhflitinn :wa th’oir (filulLlho. they be lh| 1:151 M upbrfiiifl) 5‘11)?“er {‘m L say}: .u A h‘ommul-l i 0 Rc'puhlimn party. ‘ ‘ gsuems to be in pro f‘ntire Gmfmn’n popu- Iyés't.‘~ln‘ Imm the m; for Umuvmds of tll‘t-y‘ never had them ‘Qta. Mi~snuri, Midli- Aé change ofsculimcut' | ‘1 ——- I a .- my OVER. I i nnll oxritnmpnt com}- A thGnn. Bank: in the, 1.0:“). has subsided (I: x-g:lted. and . the onlxlr I nf' the Stntos for thit hr’ml (‘npitul officially le%torios of (I‘le magni- Iy‘ more evidently ex- I I qu’pnnic, as ‘wm also I td march upon Mash .oimd carry the war llt ‘. J nckmn's rebel I- t 1e Shenandoah val-l m down, and: there' lin form numbered at 1 .000 men, air that; I t ordinary ncdess'ion ! .l e beginning of the ild was known at Hiat ‘ . have been know?!“ 1e and Ewell were i) army in force. SI)-. ing «liliport' ho all ti'x‘f‘lacta hf the A tralio . «’q on“ Mill will. cmnlm ‘f ponfirgtlial l-ei” wl [Hi we have on Conrlcinm ;lmld we flu) :nhtl “I'l. v wltunlwé ni’vi‘lco an :i 1.1 \lnrtlw of {“11 man!" 'Fltisis moré ‘tlnln ‘ltr-puhlu-z tors dlnrc 494‘ LU» E ' ‘ GEN. McIeFiLLAN. Thi lilttér§ hnstilii~ W‘llll h ALI-ll! hero llnll ékbwhvroltllmnil'r-st tmv.irt eminjnt anlmflllllPl.lC:mnflt inn-FO4" the lmervftt‘iofi of {my one. and it the oktromp Llflnfltllxlp which tlmv q posed to cnfr‘y their kiiirtiznn maligi'iij is exhibited jupnn nl‘ljo'r-msinng that! any: sort oflnrotext 110 Mhailing him tion (11' critirising his}l gamma. nml 11. doubt the 91-I:qu or flit-Affirm tho nl._ As a ihcticign, a stratrghl. n have all fulfillioer inlnction li'e has no stipe any cpuntri'.‘ His win-lac of every m he linjs un(l:a:rtnkexif-Ivtl'ltétlior Hi‘qttor public enemy upoqé he held of ha] bringing olwlor out f tho ‘mn’i'asio route-fl nrm’rv,‘ or-plahiing opw-zttion as ex ten‘deil 113' ony tlmt' .vnr'vot ongai. (l ’the geniuis of ain‘tilitarf H:inftnin-—hna pen so perfetrtly pt‘rformetl lulu to'rvtitin hin‘ in the éonfidence bfi all his conntrymcn vi'h . titslr. ed 0. lproseéution of the war to the 5 00.055- ful attainment. ofa {wtfice' that would (More the Ilnion pfi the Sthtes and that an ity of feeling and, fizitenm} harmony. whi l pon stitut its chief vnldat. 'l‘lieltrue so ret~of their ohjecli‘id‘n to Mlflllellan liesin the fact that m is khown to l éa L'tinsti'tntiolillot;ing Democrat, iw‘homiAn ithor foam} fnvtr nor tho hlope ol“ ir‘ulivixln l advancement nn 'se. ducelrrom his fidelit Sidipilincibie; ‘V'nder hisl d thd nr‘mios ér‘gnnlzed fo the tannins of the Gov¢llnryent mil oi menlff tho laws willl b'e true to v 9 but. n neyeir be e hldyml to lbw Co’nsiitutiohi His minnow may sured that Ihe can nbter be used as" for tile furtherance éf Abolition so "or hil); chursxcter haul éri grigvously dentbod ngd‘his pat i tism‘over esti which we dd not b have. The rep Mccianm 11:11:: his Wmmmd ’wopl an effect it n the mi ntry more " to tit: publicinteres jtlum the nits ble reyerseithan mu” . befall our 0 \ the'fi'eld.—Hanovtr ttjzen. . l ' ifi-Nearly‘ 1,000 ntnabands tire Dufi' Ghee. ’a row, at \Vasl'ington, and pl 9 re 86H;r there tdhire dshtraband beige The blacks accept whate' or terms mhy ofl‘er éd them, aid this 131"“ reason why their lgbml is sought for. ' put. of the‘m, however. are fit [Or nothing , t out-door labor. and' good housefservnnm are rarely to he found. The free ne’groes an ther la ‘ers‘lof the ” flistrict are somewhifl disturbeyhy this ilk. flux of mnhcle, whi {an be hired for .1. 3"“ “tin" moot nothing; but th Governmenthgnving 'lnnd not fat I! E‘ u tho article thrown u ‘ its hands; 4 poses‘cipguon o, _ 7 which 0f“ (m the tendiest ",1 ne'r'pos‘pibletl ‘1 {will enable us to dispose oéfizthe rebellion as This is ti]? languj 3Of the iWMhlinzW? l Ipeedily "possible Ind rést the lawn of the find?! 057M546: on f “19 Fokney organs. ' land—c policy to enable ns‘ 0 pity the phblic he ’“X'Wefl will; lease bear in] mind i debt. ant! to harmonize nndEite the dim-ktdi thatlsixty thousand; :orthless ’contfabnnd po'rtionb ofthe Union'to t . requirements 1f new “ref now dmyins rationsJ—tlie Gov~ l the‘ Petr.“ Constitution. {go this ‘2l::i In“: eminent breeding than; and the people are ‘ °°n°°m“"° I"er-l mnzumj “Pomp def," lbg for it 1‘ i ‘ I laggzn‘tothils '3: ‘i‘mmzfilZatine; into n pay -: . i ' i . “Can be hired nlmlobt fonnothingl" Re- trte::co:::lll;tri('xl:3u3,33sl: 3.213235%? “‘1: $322” {fi’tfia‘t‘fi‘liliiififliifii‘iiimam-mg; s'“: ~° '2," " ‘ ‘2,2391?!” 2‘ . & 3VO a?“ 13 W I humility negroei arq leniploye'd in; Chester l ‘t‘ohghmn 3mg." withont an Antcrt‘cz-ence with and :Laneu'm cannula at the lowi rate of um“ritihultlfiifgtigefiovgiff is: 1:38:32: __ |“qv lcenta Tdsyl . hear it’staletl, too, 1:3: 0.3273; ggsectiondlismn ’ {unfilCiSm—thé nemocnt, has beenbthfilwhite men h“ hbeen dls°hnß°d “NW" of nnger. nnd malice-{4M war of. slaw ’gemmr frbm Rhode' this city 3nd their laces are supp] ed by : very and pntn-slnreryf—and (the w]?- thbl‘tnrf F‘lSimmmn Be 131' lch‘b 1198*) lam-fifth“: are ' rking,'n°"l any-ht to (gene orewrflrso t att e.peo -- , pa 1!- i . ple of this nation may be :- stored to web 3 ‘ “little Rhoay!" ; “a W 0 3h.“ noon ”che bitter I "in? conditlbn thot all the ends Qey aim At may be " ‘ u Hérrisburg Muppet-try. ~ their “god's. their Conntrfa, and Truth’sfl ‘ BM!“ PL, has I" l ...; ..‘ ‘ A Lad thtt tho fl(grin-tittntionll3%? rutored,and ! ‘ WON» .. u'op-itholulso _ medutore d'thegoodlnd l l ' downs up: mum ' punish)“ gnxlty.—lW yum. cer seems‘ to havb y throughout, and othing’likg a panic t mong idlcrs, quid aye added, gxcimble i.--“ . ‘ ARTYQ In ” party to ‘be com- R publican fossils. is ; FlllO predbminnting is disunionunnd the unly’ for the spoils. ! ntry, there is now, |.since {he or’nizh , u. true Union or 'tic party. The De- I try great, prosper uld have continued hc’ spirit of Section- Intrlligenctr. , 4,4 nme-lingtnn. New | dnandulously treated - H ofllence, without a (He ahthority of law, ngomy walls of Fort nd finally discharged leéflh, m: was very Im !sfiokcn in condemna | if!" of the Administra- I-w York Evening mt, ‘ ill-gun, tlmc used to l 4; 11 and freeapeech, In t. It says: i 0 get himself im i "“cly to succeed in tlie his, freedom for the 191- every white man Mink as it. does. 1 l-l‘lievmthe Republif I s4lst of the North ohists. It. must be A lligence {qr Jefi'. DQ ; aw York Mac or Lab the Democrat- d! I: in (ii-guise," "seced i gUnquestionably. his I- gang”: from this “T . mofider thu foreign.- : Igneous ofaur coma, I (geclare that one-half “‘1 Staten sympathise I 't e; amino-rue “i Alreghnonu. W!‘ v :Congress must Ceasei ' ‘Slavery, bJ'ore the C RLposb. I So rflrly ii any one fqum‘J he is oippusm'. m :Jlimini: im in 3mm: «1 by it, the 1‘ :‘prnhihir [Slznvirry‘ tll’ It ’ifi- .iri iiixiiiirgjl l 9 lwlxu'o Ilml ('\‘(li Lin.- prupmnion. _4/I.’ h’ul «- turn-. 1 tun umunefl. mullowi iright nehiw- it ronl'lini Ihu ifiun lqicnlitlj: ii In miniia-‘i.’ in Slum! \\'h_l' '.’ l~ llie in «ll' fright ofpkmlbli~l|in-_r)rulvw_£ 'nnnl rrpuiurihn (if tho-nwlv Imm .kn'ilifi unlil i|.lifn-Ilm lsihijlilipx shall in u‘ehiés‘iikil i\\¢‘:l“ ridim “fl“rlgill (0(1- ‘. uhr (min iilfllfi'ilhilib"l\\‘(lH’li333: (hing, urn!- ~lmnlil ‘3” uh! l) ‘ ufiiiinu We “won IHie .\nmo fight [night-'11? \jmt injury \vhuh ‘lhv proplr of \j:ir}'l:gmi .~u._:y§n, if (he petunia of (.‘u’lumiiln Tvrrilmy, tln M Lhuumnd mile dismmr <l|llHili i‘u limit \\‘i I'm. either mlop or rcjc‘ot ILL- immunimnol nt‘ery ‘.’ Our oirn knpwlii-lgr, mul (7b:oi’\flli| ifiosuihlhhes jhc t‘nci ’ that. Slavéry will only qminue mhewfthc v‘linmte. soil and prmlumim .fiwytlvr it phififi bl». 'i‘ulx frnm (Xingu-<9 g mwer [o,lFfiifl lnlc ufmn the whim-t, any uimcdiuleiy ,(he pcople;o(c.\'cry other sci-tin! qul our countryez up! ”madame in "‘lh'll (In, nu 4;: u upfur dis!“ mm, will 'losc :xll 'inleroet i it, and probnbl cauccrn‘ thémseli‘os as IiHI in“ it us if Hid Feegve Suvnced \i‘cre to "him' a whr or exterminmidn ngninst the ' a} of mnnl‘iudg-«g Cong'eg~ is Iln‘ \‘utmre of ‘ ié ~natinn, nnd‘n. long xiii the subju'fis then- (‘ni sodaud hgiim: ted, the cxritomoni mu-ndii ' “(will go out in‘ creryflircvlinn 151110 rom ics pints of our: icqunlr)‘. 111-pendmurQLrih he ,l‘nited Slutesi Twill {never he tri-mfl‘i from the iolchce of Aiboli: ‘ tionism oil the 9nd hand, ”T ‘le inlemperntc ‘,zonl of pro-slnvcxyitgs on li\; oiher, until the suhjecc is entirely remove 3from the Halls of Congress.d’comuiiucd Kat‘gthc lmm'is oflhose “ho my be lIITL-L'led by it. ‘rtrln-ick Union. ..'.i H «wji-__\ TH... SOLDIERS Wong Ncoxs'rrrlf- tq np— «Mon rh-nm. .fi'flno em or -nt in I'XTER Ige {0 OE ME mull! ruthe- “111“" n {He may!) ‘ vI-n‘le lung-- 11 odi- nni<h ..- this SEE lEEE ‘ e djt .\'. k. MEM gputa— -10 Km (‘f‘t ?—-' sknL‘ m- in (l lhnt’ ng the" lie, or .of a ' TIONA‘ ; l The Supreme (‘ourt of th Statehim‘s'elsion :nt Hurrinhurg, inst week‘ de tied the lnwigiv ‘iug the soldiers of Penn: «nia a right. to Hate wherever they mny be t- the day ofelec ll lion,unconstitutional. Th nestion came be ifore the Court on two difleré It contested elee-’ ‘tion cases, and the decision v; II have the effect fof removing several oflicerflnnd the giving of {their pinces to their opponelifi at the but fail '-e!eetion. Among others Roifrt Evying, Demo ,crut. Shot“? of Philadelphinixill be lapel-ced ted by: Thompson, liepnhlricaq‘f ‘ i - '- \\'hilc we regret but this ‘ 'eeision deprive: :‘of their votes'a lnrgt‘nnmbgof’ our pntriotié' citizenefwho are bravely ' i] ng their lives for the‘ Union. and who 511 ”hi: Mn 3 large ,voice it: the Government affine Fanntry—and . while we r‘u-e assured that it flu operate agninst Ithe Del-oceanic party, shr jority of the X soldier: being Democrats, if 1;? election were I.lmm! amongst them, we 35 eeifullyflyietd to l! the decisio’n of the Court “H”! egpoai‘tion of Jhehw in the use. The efiecti of the decil t ion: may be against both onrabelingl and ihterg .} est. Yet, as Democnts revéjen ing the Con ‘ltitntidni ‘ '~ -. theslaiw 7—11»): 0/ MGM [Worce dutS', I Hi the |-.t as la tool =I = 'natcd. i val of | have trous terri- =ln SPECIAL MESSAGE ’3O! m PRESIDENT. i Presldnnt Lincoln has sent A Ipecihl mPso' upo to the House of Representatives in» which he assume»; the reqmmihility‘of' thé: proceedings for which the; lloui-epqlsud d‘ vote of censure upon the late 'Secre ry of; War. Simon Cameron. We haw norm-co? for my extended fiwmnmniu on this rémuh-k-l able message. bu if it had been delivered before the 2d of May in mm. wheh (Semi Cameron made his Bped‘jPl at theiJOnell House. it might have sp+fll the: EnSecreJ tary of War the necessity hf making an ex-i phmation whirh do" not ntirol human-i ize with that of the Preaid 1:. Jr. Lino/(fin? tells us that he afpoint the New} York'i commute? and A exand iCummin'gs, and. that he a the responsi 16 person. LIL; Cameron said. in his re‘ nt spewh. that: Mr. Seward. in company with Mr.fohnae,; called upon him and ask him to nalfiei my individual whom he ‘nsidered immpag tent to insist the publi officérs in New: York in collecting and f Harding troops. , He gave the name of M‘ Cummings, and‘ associated with it that of Gov. Mongnn of,j New York. Mr. Chase 3 (1 Mr. Seutard in-v' formed him (Mr. Cnmor' ) that thy had appointed Mr. Cisco. GenN‘Dix. Mr. Opdyke; and Mr. Blmohford. M. Cameron, then} quntesllhe order issued ,1) him on (1 mi. 06-! éasion.‘whirh says—“r ereby authorize Edwin D. Morgan, Gover or of the State 06 Nevaork, and .\lexfindq Cummings. now} in the city of New York to make iall ne cessary arrangements nbo t the tranisporm tian of troops," 6:0. The ,residont’s mm is not even mentioned. \ edo not firetend, to account for this evidon discrepancy Ire-3;. tween thGl’rbsidont and he late Se’crelm-y of War. If the Presideit. howovfrww ‘ really the resnonsible paty it is but just. that his name should substituted f 0 : that of Simon Cameron i the [resolution ‘0 ’ the House.-—Patrial¢{r.l.'n n. i. ‘ ‘j l-~-WHAT QNEJH [SELF HAS TQ; hm NEGRO AT Honk WHO SAW FOR .31 BAY. Col. Gibfion, of the 4d wrote a letter f'xom Tennl tracting’some notion. 011 Republican sugccemr to Trensumr. He writes t] ditjon of the slaves, as 1 self: > ‘ - I “In this region every more slaves. Hero an e have been. the slave: n ' well prqvidw‘fnr. Tim and cgrtfiginly' we andfly nor »w it or'lfrofx HP Fm Ncwr{lk"l‘lxoy :11] 5| about to Wiber-m‘ ”11-n). trumpeto'cl in the (\‘nuth lmmwt: pimple, aside frn‘ it. But (be name he") i the Nfirth. They love v devoted to the}; mmtfi‘m. ‘.‘l lm‘ve \\ihu—s»ml son hptm-on ekilo mmten. homes, nnll tholr fnitl .strzmjze lmw fnw trv to p I dumb! if 1“ nnty‘ hm'n « with which I hilve been [fist Sl-ptnmlu‘r. ' .Tscussibn of »r tyytcan flpd lhnho will my that: . ‘e penple “hie n‘re ’ iglit to hilopt or ' “About tiw fum‘i hnn the “‘hiu- (-hzlnirnn and! like hmtherx‘ and «New. 4116 Olllnifln that. in tin ignorant‘e, Ile ~lzn'e r." innuotimcs nlmost .Imdy is in favor of «luinf sumo ivisef .t‘, u 'lirritur}; Hull 'wrr-a my po‘pu‘la fin!" (he l'mun :is $ll “‘ti «‘lcuicnl {Mg "'thc gnrrrnmun“ 91ml their house} s‘“. =miliug respon xérl'niun? Duu' sires emancipation. 'l‘lu appetite-3’ and cnmfurt. hnmed. well .(lnmed a nmnmr to wnm‘nn more. thnt shitu-smon hm] hm alone at print-m. Hull :Ile slllrpl't-i~ing t‘.i« great :1 "The I‘ernlontk ane 1 enue, as tn ziulin: om'mv hervuiuqurtlly.lni§ pn~ propmxtfnns‘ which, :15“ l but weak in (1:0 extrcm fact. the alfairs o {9:10 our u“n 1H TWENTY-FIVE C 3‘ thin‘ two “up “'0 v rolmbla Int-non, Hut “.1 pact a lwrnnn resirlingnll thin Flare. wan nfl'm-vfl m _fiz'r I‘fulh‘l Jay. 'l‘lmy wu'r bnml’s," :Iml Iqu pfrmn the-m in plan-o of white ohnploy'. This furl. \or‘ t P course the “irropres innvitalulf talk" if thr- an in their Almlil‘imvmuum It will he an "irrvprtws white labor, anclrtln‘ lat out or reqlucml t 9 :1 m prom; lmljeto‘bre kept (I a South; will be cmni “"1! be taking the placm‘ in: people. 'l‘hin imth tar. A: it hna hoen in out systenh- of labor; lm niflir‘ to curl] ml-mr,.bul they luu'q boon prntvoti The nogmvs oftlm .\‘nutlx ed mostly In that kinv emploxod then iti dim and hmng in large num produced at the South f ed products of the No , pmmotive of the intPr here. A: Bonn hnwcwr things is changed we 1: berg. Infload of rf-m: ' have been mlvnntaL-vnn nogroos come here. and, above. indicated. They wjtfi white lahor, and as nlmvejnktanco, there (I twrntmfivc cam a day. Of Abolitionfsm will [MS to people. of the country, ‘ can determine for himse istcr. Q'Andxew, the Repu Mmsncht’xsetts. in rgply : call for more trbdps. eon| But if the Pr‘esident wi Hunter and recognize a] men. as legally capable‘ blacks are waiting to um i fight wighflod and hum 1 side, the roada will swnr multitude‘s whom New E out to obey your call. Such a declaration, in that ,the dbject of the w to be foi- .the ratorition der the Constitution, p be much less concerns than for the negro. We readento keep his gye' o leaders, ahd he will we head over heels, into t Abolitionism. . Cnxcmo, May 25.—Fe here to aid in roorgmizin He was seremded last 1) speech. .He urged the el alive Congressmen Imdttl naticism. He said he fl‘ prosecution of the war. 1 undo qud is} g the Dwabrnoy‘ 13th sild' [#3419 n‘ tion of cagnserv-i ,__., a abolitionf of' fa—g S‘Whenever you hear a men ingnlgirig vorad ni‘goroua it! tirade: against slavery. and declaring 1 hrs Willingness to see the “ institution In 3 out." regardless 01f constitutionlil;l EH3? - ' : 3YO“ mayset im rown as an A i on_ k, “3° °ulmthuxxiczrxi train): who, with all his pfofeflfed’ "6d 3‘ F 0!" zeal to have the rebellion putjown. 535 own, and his mm! total stranger to every impulse'bfpntnqb ‘ ism. Such an one is emphatically pUm \I of that State—u: . _ _ , - . ' Shderp—Jqflerwman. a ‘that no my 9)”: -‘-.__W,~__ s 5011 mm, :Muldbc From Maxim—The Franc/z Aw Repuzmg lg ' Put. Marthe City of Mezic‘a.—-Wulnng§on. my , ___.-- ..-.-. » 26.—Semx.oflic1al (zlnrfiwclxesf 398:1: :19." ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . to-da state, under ate 0 n Fwd [W'4verPim hundred ‘ con-S 9th, tyhat the French trOOps had “Ithaca "M’md‘" mud in “"5 PM” 9“ 1“? to within three leagues of that city, where and Tuesdty last Ind ‘w’Tre sided ur they ezwunwgeéldathforce 1110,0(1) Mixi ‘ ‘ ‘ _' cans, w o attac emcwi success, i . colored pOpulntion‘dread 1 too numerous.' a ing 500 of the invaders. It doa a“ 501:. They have mostly taken‘ up _Quarters m from the he“ in the dispdbchu, t . Pili- Wolfstown um! ”um: reqt” ml) no doubit,‘ dent Juarez and his oabmet had m {mm be mgmnud by Chutnfinx o! teamm— - the at; of Hoxicoto Qua-ohm.“ may We!” ; _ --. {sated m the newspapeu. -.T.~_r., , ~.l , k , » 3A Union soldier at St. Louis of wounds Donehon. E 110 was Train era] was heEd: in the capitE llis dying flfiunqtion was‘ hit “We W! 9" A pcran'ked ta touch In‘e body—E LocAL DEPARTMENT. mmmc MEETING.-—A mum; of on! em." sins w” hnld in thy Court Home on Monday evening, in rupenle to the cull of the Governor for additional troops. R. G. McCronry, qu., wu Ippulmed Pro-idem; Col. John 1.. Tu?- nnd Liam. G. A. Coder-l, Vice Pruldenu; Ind R. G. Huper, Esq, Ind Syrgunc J. I'. Hell hcnny, Secretaries. U-pt. D. leConll‘hy Ind Ir. Span nddrnud the meeting. an.- which a mafia mu Idopled that an, oppohunlty be Ifl'orded to 111 who mny be diapoud tp jo!l tho present military brgnninli‘og In the Qanugh, code so me: the uflonrnmenl . ‘ ' smamufiwa—Pmfi Ha-nfippeq Ma Singing Clan in‘shudg. k Bnehltr'l glib“ on Saturdny evening. The CI.“ in alnfldy filt teringly‘lntge, Ind will doubzlau bl ilicmud. Thé Profuaor is An expedeficpd lad luncmlfnl teacher,an has dohe Igood sork in n‘dyuncint the standard ‘0! music :hroughout the noun”. CLASSIS..—7.iou'I Clnuil -of m’ than Reformed Chunch met a Shun-bury; on ch. 9“: nll. I: wnl orgxinized by eleclifig Rev. Daniel Gring, Prpsidenl ; Rev. E. H. lflfl’hoinl, mud Clerk ; and Wm. A. “m, onoik, it... surer. This Ecclecinslicclvbody comp H-u all thg clidrchel o‘f mildenomln-tion within chi counties of York, Adams, Gumbel-Had nu! Perry, and embr-Ices within it} communion more ‘ tlmn leight‘ thousunfi membgu. Tho Clussis will rdeet‘ngnin next Mny inCnligln. SUDDEN DEATH—An interestingllllllc boy aged about thße years, son 0! Mr. Alli-ed Ic- Kinney, 91' this plaice, died suddenly on Monday morning, {rosl "wallowing a luau, wh‘igh [oil‘- ing in tho wihdpipe produced death Heron the playslciun, Dr. Allemnn, will) was Ifimmened immediately, could reach Kin—llam Wilbert. gag-fie "Idec'nulxid {Hitlidn‘e 'or Capt. Hmucm’l men were 105! in Hue ripulae of Bnnks'acolumn. All snfe. *7 . h Ohio,.recently! ‘SSPG, whiqh is n 5 VI. Gihsqn Wasting ‘ Breslin my Stat. 11% nholit We com: bservcd lin 111m4 gas-Thu 37m ‘negimefit; qot. Haydn; enr ly iufine week, removed to Camp Slclfimm, nn the west side of Baltimore. We werqjmld uu I-‘ridny that severnl of the Companiefi‘hnd hem sent. uh to Mouocacy Junction, near ficdorirk. i «, i , [B-0. W. llnrrnu, fnrmerly of {his plm-p, one own‘: Ktwo 'm: was rcc‘ently cgptu'red near Linden, Nu, h,- I‘ewlnere. x here 1 Gen. Gum's conimnnd, mid sent to \anlmlg “'9“ 3'97“?“ 3T“! tun. . 11in said he hm) been connected y'v'lth tho h , ..-w "‘O6“ 90“ (£11k) "1‘ [Carrreslmm‘lcncc of tho Cmilpiii-in] 'Eill‘?‘&.l w werg‘ Mlhanrows; Dauphin rouulr 1"». 1 n: he h. 1! boo l, , ~: M ’ anliahuntlzrnrifi Oiir . 4 Mn) 17, N 0.3.) L i n“ “31"“. l] lit‘vml . E'ditar ('ampiltr:—l hnve been syn-nil"; In ,gl‘inpfivplyrdx-puaf oral dnyal here in lili“ rich pg'rit‘llilllr.” lliilrivt. he South nl} 3?‘ .\liddlelow‘n lms n population of ulm‘gnnls of t l l2,oooinlmhil.:int!il and distinguished: {libr tlu-ir ‘ . thrift npufinduury.- lien- :Ire simnle‘lli‘uunn-r. :uus Furnaces, .\lunufncmrics, llills,Jln--hiuu 'lb‘illnhS, Qua, cplnbiuing 19 limlmiho 10“,}. um-u! lpru:f»4~l_‘il_\',~ns il. hormilfly .is. This isin glrnt I Invnhur iiinrt, and i think none more 5* nu llw iSlisrllieliaiullh. The Ununl hm] ‘lhnlrulul {mils thluug'h this illncc—w-h [Ming 5 large busi n'cis. 'All i; life. {ind blinllélu-re. ‘ "l‘bere are sen-nil l'ublic‘ Schnnlfi herb, all of which gm: advancing, nuul'no cluuht will run i) prnspl‘r, nnd so it limit]: the iiyrrum, with the a‘uh‘ools, lune, tluse-lllur llaa (- . ton-(:‘himq‘ arc-net ntunmd t? ”10'! ml “law-«J It i (-npe m- nué away 'unv tn Uni arm" ennnectm smc¢ ZEI eq !tn.' in lanrl<'lglzlyt 101311;!" .It_i.~“vmy 3t'liln‘l‘l irr prefient hm- 0F Vwr fours. t mn «lo; y unly“ n-gn «l tlmit‘ 'l‘hév an? WU]? J unll Todd They I These rat’s Show 91‘ Int - tho "lg-19H] "re-w timmsélvcs “:1 lvaslliou. " 9 mulutinn "I’d [llo+ n {inn} i< r‘ gunk-4i ti m. ‘lt kontaiul a only untfuablefi, ‘Y ‘ | EMT CEIMI prene i I ha drum n ’of lhe The ~50" Mr =CM "7"” ‘ > ‘lrlvgJu‘L :NTS A D‘+Y. ‘: ;l.h;|nl4 {mp inform (113 w; Sac. 'l‘ iilhin a .\hn t time i“ lcnn nt ten ,mi! a frank w"; I].! hawkn t-brul‘lA-l . ‘ 1 nf‘bnurse "_‘bonh‘nl- '" “'5"? was urgml otnké “"an hands now 'in hi? . will c. (‘h-nr'ly inflicnto. ' iMo mnflxcl" wiL vrnplxili>taj§wcec¢l ipntinn 40h .mg-s. My: mnfiichf’ wit er will be rushm re song. he 11 I employ en! in 1 ngth. :1 (1 they of tho whit . Mimi truth of t r: mat ho pact. 1h differ ,llut burn ntngn on the nth r ham '0 nfeuch her. have hnen mplny _of labor. Beinv nt kind 0 luhnr pm. 3 mar ‘ e; wn >r the mam I'acmr _h that was hi‘Lrhl. ‘ts ofwhit lnbn thia 00nd tinn 0 v 9 another Ilang 'ning wlw HIE» ly emplny'ed, an we have milieu! cnméimo . qtacl} n’rosult. 3‘51 in' the" offers of lhmr at mw much. iimertwfi he white lsboring h khan-Mg mm f. -Norrleo:§vn 13:94. he on ”:ll‘l’is . tlmt w: :will :1 thrm l‘ l ' I'mi I , , ighc ghuyour renders, .\ll’. Editor; an m:- count pf diffivqlurs among the fi-lu‘riw—lhe (1‘: M an ugh] t'itilt-n, who lncnlml illthn-lf {whero‘llnrrkhurg now smjmls. which hm: Hm ism-"ml or third. _vmr nfler' the Imm I\\l_l> hid "out hy (hm. "arm, and Minor im'ilh‘lll+ of tho kind, hutthcy might not [Kg 91' ink-rut, ‘fn l \\ nll conclude for tho prescm, nhd mny‘whu- ,wuy , auuxfngnin. Yours, 3 o. i . « -—«~- «0» v»— j 38'“ Dininlnm Ipm: prawn! :ryuimrr," or “we labor forthe good of all." ia‘frhe a» scription on one of the chime of bells gin-n by Dr} J. C. Ayer a; Co. to u. 'ty of‘lnmlll. That favored place may anho lxilln. but they cannotdnonopoliae jthq _llocmli’n mill which‘ is made nvnilnble by his Charity Poc tnrul and Cathnrtic Pills" to'all nlild‘v—nfit i‘only in, this country but in all cphntrien \ whprq civilization and commrrma hi‘fip gone. While‘ we admire the lilwrality min! [ante oi those gentlemen in such a donaltinn to their native town, we‘ will roniihti our l readers of the hallowing influenced chime i of bells «pl-ends over the‘whnle gomhmn'ity that bears them. They are felt if) this country, and their influ'ence iglittle known. [but' ask the exile from his th 6 .in Ger , many; France, Englandgwhether thle chime :on Trinity Church does not make his heart. t loan into his mouth, and his eyes swim at ‘ thereonllection‘it brings ofthe solemn notes 7 his childhood, his boyhood, aye, ind hi: 'mnnhood loved to hgarat the sofuxiprouoh Lof evening in his native land.- '3 l‘ We winh'hur generous townsmaq whom i God has bland with means would con-idea" [whether we too cannot add ihis One mom lam-notion to "innko our children and our selveszlove Jester and stronger and longer ' th'e place we concur home. [Wm Idd. MWF-l ~i . . ‘l' ,licnn Gay ' nor 0: ‘ the Pi%dent's I hides“ f Hows: ll sustain deneml men. eveli black «f-thntlltéyn ty t=he ifal. an I ttham n natm o theix - ifnoed' . with glmndfiou d pour {fags of the fac ‘ was unnqunced ’of the Unisonlun lveg its “:1?" to‘ I for, th? nutry i I‘k thg intepligep ' m In» Him: them mpfigblingj as Jay]: Miran . 5 ‘ . To Sma.—-7Hoarm¢u.—A music teach!!! in the “ Southern Female College," Athens. Tenn. lay: of “ Brown's Bronchial Troches" or Cough Lozenges: “.lénfing tried ’dmmt every‘expeotonnt for cinema without benefit; I seemed on_red by the use of one bog. I‘lm highly pleased with them.” 'e norer seen the pio-pm-t for up nlmn up ofl‘ruit more (lulu-ring m. lhif 110::wa ’ . - . e.|r, th'uu :I' Ihe lyre-4cm muc. J ‘puuplu hert- bm‘é bud “thujrflhw‘pnrtifl‘l ‘ . ‘ ‘ nucidvnu: {ightm km, and uu 1‘!-nnrlxl.ny It week, \“nn ’Al'nhnrgh in to‘Anmkr his ltu [hi-I‘lo'wn, hmulgd by a bunc? in nu “golden chafing" folluwed :17; ole-- , \mgund containing: '11: xmhnuhi, birds, he train,“ is win, #4ll In: néuillyl a mule 'th. ‘ l j - hare consillcmlglc cxciteml-nt. hrTn- nnw ‘,rd lo Gog. Bunks’retreat—«nan;”lemma frantic, fcnring llhlt» Ull‘ secrih .muy Imm the Potomac a! \"illimn-Apdrl. tht-n‘ ‘lO Hagen-town, (‘hhmhcrab’iqrm‘ finrlfirlrfi bnr'g, nryd'finnlly on hrrr. I é‘ll'P‘JF“ ‘lheu the Meuugrric cbmu. flu: rxdfinnuvul 1":le be of dnmlu-r Vnnlurc, nud‘ permit. ‘0 lyrexuhé more free. 1— ' ow N