W ”gt! $13115. 11110 m ”tenth Kentucky Regiment i P30?333202§3L 3513339 The-gage! the Seventeenth Kentuckyi -——~.———.——~_._ ‘ 'ljent. which was so gnllnntl carried 51%. field of Shiloh. mu the samye which] TrUfiggafglffingfifi-‘l‘i6shllV ”,1 "”6an ‘0 COL McHenry and M“: A promptlyattend to dilbusinenentrusted onl-Ind by the loyal indies of Owcmbom’, 1 M him. He speaks the Germ“) languages- M p7B ital a compensation to the ofi}. ‘ Office at the sumo iilnce, H) South Baltimore mdtho regiment for the vitnperntiqn 31"“; "‘6' “mg” ' drl‘l‘, "“"v ““1 ”a“! niinsnltthnt had been heaped upon them i ”may“fryfiflfg‘ifle' I “on" .Ihilgonumpcd in that place, by the “Se-i ..__._'._.'.Ht -.‘.'_.___._.__~ Id" women there. A correspondent ofl . D. McConaughy, “I. St. Louis Republican says that a ser- ATTORNEY AT LAW, (rflicepne door went gent o! the regiment, who was acting a. r ‘ of ilanliler'q drug and book‘storP‘Ch-im colorshearer.’wns «truck down by s cannon i :ifixur'f::geel§g‘f:fofi’:g"go‘u‘ntivboffiy'fi'f’: hut?” . Rebel ofiieer Found {he flag wl rants, Buck-par ‘snspended Cliiims, and iii] hm “of” ‘ "ol’l’Yr when a NW“2 "131", other clnimn'ngilinat the Government nthnh cdfrom the rnnh. drove his bayonet into . ington. D. 0.; ulsoAmericanGlnimiin England. ‘gbg ‘oficerneguincd the cherished glit, .ndl L'nnd Warrants Located nnd‘sold.orhnught.nnd wing; if: my”, but fell deed “”I“:iiiieétssrcfifniiviiio‘fieniiiiigiigfgdizii‘ii rose t. e ran a cd’m letel riddled bv‘ ‘ ' . HE. Thst flog. iio»denprly (iterished. willl Sigi’flffi" ”A”? to hm persona”, mar fall into an enemy's hands while nl (it"ttysburg, Nov. 21, ’53: gm: ofthe noble Seventeenth survives tox Mira—‘3l,?“ “had in L TTORNEY AT LAW, will a'ttend to collee . GENERAL REEBOK—Our brute, gruff} A tians and all othet—husineu intrnsted to Gum] Nelsonnproved himself “é herolof‘ hm care with ‘riromptnejs.’ Office in the S. B. the day It the T’ittshnrg battle, leading the‘ 3):? oath; RT??? )1 "maul“; occupied by regiment into the fight as he wished to eu-ll gétt§.‘b;,geixpénlii; 1259. ‘ Ego them. During the thickest of the ' " ' ,#4 ttlerit is aid that he use pacing thought fully up Ind down in rear of i regiment which m' charging, when suddenly he wheeled round to some one near him ‘nnd reworked :—-".\ly division‘ is fighting tit}; thonnnd of them and whipping them too. ' He passed immedintely in my rear once, toys 1 oonespondent. when the halls Were 123 thick no hail. and his voicefrose clear 6 the din of hattle n he sung out. ”Make it too hot for them, my lads.”— ’ Throughout the entire day he seemed to be übiquitous. At‘one moment on the right find the next on the left. H'A lute despntch from‘Generai Mc- Clelill gives thé'pnrticnlnrs of agailant as unit Ind capture of a. Rebel earthwork by five companies of th_e Munchnnettn First sud Eleventh Regiments, with ‘ll km of three killed and twelve woun’dml. They Ilnooaptured thirteen prisoners efid destroy ed the work, which was intended to harass our gunners in working one of the batteries. There ma considerable cannonndiug along thalines' on Fridey to check the pmgreiu of our wdrkn.'which Were. however, not res ponded to, it being the intention of Gener- Il McClellan to use none of his siege guns until ll! Ire in‘position. One of the gun bouts shelled the R: he! works at Yorktown, [which responded without dumago. , , ‘ BALTIMORE, April 23. I letrn the: the recent rains have caused i n nnuxusl rise and frenhot. in the. Potomac? river. The passengers Ind "gins thug leftl here yesterdey. after rcaehing Harper's Ferry, were obliged to return lin consequence ‘ of two or three spans of ‘the ,tempo .- - bridge recently constructed, there‘having keen uwipt away. ‘ - . It in said—seeing the water was about to rise to In unusual heiglrv—igseveral can: fill ed with coal had been piled hpon the bridge, in otderto press it more firmly against the lbutmenlaq so as to resiwt the pressure of the water. The bridge, however, with the curl upon it,,and three men, were nlliwep: ofil' together, and the men drowned. The , damagewill be repaired in a day or two, ~ end the trains will then run as usual. Oth- er gfamnge hzia been done by this freshet, doubtleaa,toa comidernble extent elsewhere. :fltreamu pverynhere in the country "a "much lwollcn. . ' A Comnsslox 034 NATIONAL Dnrcxcms: is than to be provided {hr by Congress.- f It is to consist ofsix members. two of whom ‘ dull be 011 mg: of the army, two of the na vynmd two civiliqus diitin‘zuiuhed for sci entific attainments: The duty of these com- I miuianern shall be :1 thorough examination—l of the suquct of national dgfenccs. and all ; upphpr‘latinns made for .that purpose by l Coupon must be expended under theirl direction. , ’ l Milhnery, Straw Goods, Bw. WE have the pleasure of infunfiing you that we fire now prepnrod tn offer. at our Old Stand, Nos. 102. 105 um] MT NOR'EH SECOND ST.. above Arrh. PHIL \DELI'HLL Q we“ aflerted Stack rIf‘MILL‘INERY AND STRfiW GOODS, in every yariety. oftho latest lmportntiona, and oftlge newest and most. fash lonnhle style‘s.-‘ ; OER STRAW DEPART‘IEN’T will éOmprise "ery’vnriety of Bonnets, Hats and Triiggm‘mgn ‘to be found in that linerof the latest .hnd mfipsp .Ipprovad shapes and Itylel. Soliciting an only on", Iremnin " Yours, Respectfully, 11. WARD. larch 24, 1862. 4: _ ' ' Lost and Found! "E “ good: times and plenty of money " are Ifound in the purchasing of Goods nt MSON'S, at his greatly reduced prices.— Pnrchuers who would take advantage of this chanéeoi economy in sot-nying Bargains, GONE AT ONCE, AND SAVE MONEY! As the sen..- lon has somewhat advanced, we ,yvill sell what of. Winter Nothing we have on hand at prices to uthfy the most ecnnnmicnl buyers. Tnn'a 11'- Srot for times like these. The scarcity or money in than made up, by buying so much chip“. , {(‘gttysburg, Feb. 17, 1862. , 3 New mlhneigy ~ 3 LITTLBSTOWN.—\HSS MARY M. BEIT LER'I-Eonld respectfully inform the Lndia o Littleséowu and surrounding country. that thcontinues the Hilliuery business, at Francis Efine'a, Emmitaburg street. Littlestown. Adams county, where (having junt returned from the city) like will keep on hand, for Sale. at the lowav‘r‘profits, BOXNETS. Fancy Ribbons, Flow. ~ Band-boxes. Straw-k Leghorn, and other Millinery Goods of the newest and best Ityles. Ready-trimmed Bonnetu are at all time: to be bad—among them the new style White Nupolitmn, in great Variety. . Bonnet-mixing mel’trimming attended to vlth dispatch and cheaply. Bonnets bleached 'nnd‘done up for 37} cents. Lfilefl. fashions received for Spring and Summer Bonnets. lurch 17, 1862. u - Piano Tuning. ‘A 01"- BOWER, of Unknown, 5 Pmcticsl . ‘ Piano Tuner, informs his friends And the M 1 pumio in general. (hat. hr gives his im not otherwise m-cupied. to Tuning and ,3 Bep‘llfing Pianos, at. moderate prices. He . promise: entire satisfaction. or no pay. Orders tog-aired at this oflice. [Sept. 16. 1861. Frames. ' YLDED FRAMES!—TYSO.\’ BROTHER}. blvonust received from Philidelphia and now of" to the public the largest Ind best men! of Gilded Frames ever brought. to Wham.“ astonishinglylow prices. Please “1:“ examine them. Excelsior Sky-fight 'O. 17, York street, opposite the Bank, Gel w‘bnrg, PI. [\lMch 10, 1862. “Carte de Visits” HOTOGRAPHS l—We bavejnst introduced 3 uplandid massive column in our Gnllerfi ”d are'now prepared to furnish the new style ,"M de Visits ' Photographs—four f 6- I 'dolhf- TYSON BROTHERS. ' lmhfor Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg. ‘ Ind: 19, 1352. . a ‘ Eagiéfi' o.llm can: ’ gig. m to be had r ‘ ADIKS' puss Tin“? , mm a u m-mmzuxsmét . Wrfi.‘"B. McClellan, ‘ ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oflire in West“!!- dlo uracil, one floor won 01 3h. new oun‘ House. * thlysburguNm’. H, 1859. V , - Wm. ~A“ Dunflfzin, TTORNEY AT L‘AW.—O cc in the .\‘orth we.” wrnor ofCentre Sq! re, Gettysburg, n. ' [U l. gs. 13.59. (1' ‘I r s ATTORNEY .\l‘ L.\W.wllljpromptly nm-nd 10(‘ollvctinns nnd all other budnrés en— trusted 16 him. Unil‘e lwiweén Fuhnestoqks' and Danny-r 5: Ziegler 3 Stores. Bnltimoro street, Gettysburg, Pa. [FL-pt. 5, “‘59. , *J. Lawrence 13111, M. D. .\S his office one .. . [ Edam wr' L ofthe? § hll‘fd - ‘ [-.u‘thc-mn ch rr-h in \ 4 l Chamberqhur street. and op‘ Mite Picking s "are, when-those wi'eh'mg to Lute any Dontnl. Operatio'n performed arorenpeétfnlly invitt'dlai call. Ruranufirn: Dru. Hoanrr‘ Rev. I'. l’.. Kmnth. 0.1) 1193:. H. Lnfizuxmtlwr. I). 1)., Revfl Prof. V. Jnco‘s. Prof. \l. Lfiujtver. l Gettysburg; April £1,723. ‘ ‘ S ‘ D, UTL'AL FIRE IXSURANCE (‘O‘IPANY. 5 I Inporpdruted Mnrch 18, 1851. I“ 1 } oymcms. a 1 . l’rm'dmt—Qeorge Swope. ‘ ‘ I'ire Fruitful—S. R. Russo”. 1 . Svrreiarg—D, A.Buohler‘.‘ ‘ A ; Trmsurrr—lpxwid M'Creary.,l . . Eurulire Cafnmillv—Rohort PlcCurdy, Jacob ‘Kinq, .\ndrewgfleintzelmnn‘. {'3 § .‘(unayén— eorge Swope, MIA. Bunhlepjn icob King, A. lleinuplmnn.'n. .\l’Cur-Iy. Than ,A. .‘larshdl, . Fahnpsmck, Wm. B. McClt-Hnn (Wm. n. Wilso .31. Eichelbe‘rgqr. Ahdiel Rain ‘Jnlm Woh'or . H. 21. PickinglAbt-IT. Wyight {John Homer, R. G. \lvr‘rmlrrflls. R. Russell, I) : .\l'Creuy, Arde-ew l’olley‘, JoTn Picking, I. R ' dcrsh. wThiq i ,tions to the c. inflecessf‘ul o I; ‘,nnfgfin “I“ p pnnscsanlhou lsurplns cnpi ipapy H’mlny I done In the ‘\ I‘m! by the St :_nn Inlnranca imum-1' \hnn ‘ ‘ WT]!!! I“; otfim— ofthe } m awry mon: St‘pt. '37, IS ,A. qom AND ‘ 25 find 27 Fayette M ,) e 1 fits—the large Union. Ahx-:\_ HQI'SEHOLD bracing-Bureau rnluea. Mam-e!“ Sprinz‘Bcds, S Rocking Chairs lees. Reception SORTEDCOLO Wood Chnira. Gz'ih! nnd‘Cradl Gilt and Walnuf boards. Extensio Persian! dispoz cullini give om for variety and c equalled by any onchAKLj —The nude his friends Ind t' the Conchumking‘ in every hrnnch‘ ~ brrsburg street: manutugturno o 'BUGGIES, SLEI the beat mammal men. WRIMI :1! kinds done 3'l and to the sntisf} Couxrnx Pnon work at rlmrket 5 QPeJ-sous d‘ Coachaaking or spent 1y inute‘ . ‘ Gettysgurg. Ju So .. ething New ‘ 5' GETTYSB I x Gz—Tbé undersignedinfomi the citizens o the toWn and county, that he Ins commencm hLBAKIYG hnciness. on a: large soak. in ank’ street, 'Genxsburq, nefiiy’ opposite Waules‘ Hate}, where he will try to 3 Reset", and hop - to receive. a liberal patron; 1 age. BREAD. I LLS, CAKES, CRACKERS.‘ PRETZELS. «£13., &c... baked every day, (Sun. 1 days excepted.) a I of the best quality, and sold I at the lowest livi-g profits. Cracker-baking: in " 111 m branches isargoiy carried on, and orders ‘ to any amount‘ f -m thin and nrljoinin conn ties, Inpplied‘gu he shortest notiqe. rHavingl erected Marge ém commodious bakg-house and secured £ll6 but orkmn and the most. 3p" proved mncti‘ne , he islkprepm-ed to do a . heavy husinesg. § ‘ ; 1 VALENTINE SAUPEE. , July 25,1859. '_‘ I 1 flat. - Boot. Shoe. | ORE NEW GOODS AT THE SIGN OF I THE BIG'BOUT.—T‘h‘o undersigned have just. received a fresh numb-$0! Hun, Cnpq, Boots, Shoes, Trunks. Carpet Bag, to. A 430. have a good supply of Saddle! Ind Harness, Bridles, Collars, kc. ‘ Shoes and Boots of I" kinds made to order by first-rate workmen, and on short notion— Home-made work Ilwayron hand. Prircalow for cash. COBEAN & CI'LP. A. I Notlce. _ a E desire all persons indebted to us tn W call And make settlement, having made a change in our mnnner ofdoiug hnsineu. Oct. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BRO'S. JUST retained from Philadelphia I fine 5.x -sortment of Photograph Albumu, suitable for Holiday presents, whirh we ofi'er at reduced prices. TYSON‘ BROTHERS. 1" you can aflahneltoeks‘you will find the I handsome“ DRESS GOODS in town. Dc. lsunec. Cnshmerel, Figured Merino", Coburgl, French Mrrinon, :11 Wool, :3 low M 75 cent. : yet-d» Gill loan. , . 1 FAHXESTOCK BROIIHERS. Oct. 2:. 1831‘ , fine-r -13's. M! n- K’s. gdvtttifitnitnfé. A. I. Cove: Adams County \ ompnny i: limitbd ein it: OpPrfl vnmy of Adams.‘ R. has been in ration for mnr' th'rm sixg‘enrs, riod hm; mm 13! losses and ex any aaneummlkhqvinz “so 1 I‘m-:9 nl in the Tr‘lansttry. The Com ‘ no .\zeme—mll hnsinoss being :mnzeru, whln Md nnnunHy‘ elect. -kholder~. {Anypermn desiring _cnn apply [a uuv of ,the above ‘ ii for further information. ecutive f‘m‘nmiythe n 9"! nt tho @mi‘nnv on them“. Wednesday 1. a 2, P. .\l.‘ 'I athiot '8; Eon’é 'URXITUREWVA‘:RERUOMS,N‘hs. N. Gay stream. nultunrm‘, (m-nr fiending from Uny to Frederick establishment pf'thé kind in (We a on hand a. [Mitre n=snrtment ‘of ND OFFICE Fl'RNlTl’REJln ,Bedstends,\V'MlllomWliu the Bank. '|_ just opened 93 A. 30011‘ I: SON's. LARGE assortment of Men's heavy Wa- A tar-proof Boots. Calf Bootc, heavy Bro ganl, &C., just received and for sale cheap, at 02;. 28. R. F.’McILHE.\'Y’S §_OUSG .\len‘l Full styles of Hats and CAP! 20 per cent. lower than usnnl prices R. P. McILHBN’Y'S. YSQX BRO I'HERS Ire linking their prem , iun pictures :1. prices to unit the :imen. Hardware k Grocery NlCE—Thesuhucrihrnsfilmnn:«plendfd k umrtmenl ofH.\ RDWARE kGROCER'ES. ll their old established and in Baltimore Itrcrt. ‘ ,They hue jun returned from the Chin with an immune stock of Goods—consisting, in part, of ' BULDIXG MATERIALS, Inch :1 Nails, Screws, Hing". Bolts, Lovks. Glass, etc.. etc. TOULS, including Edge Took ol etery de scription, Sun, Plum", Cbisrls,GnuzM, Bran-I and Biwugfls‘, Squures, Gunges, Hammers, etc. e 1 ~ BLACKSW’THS will find Anrih. Virol, Rnsps, FiIM, Horse-mow, Horne-shoe Null, etc. with them. very cheap. COACH FINDINGS. such as Cloth. Cnnvu, Duma‘k, hinges, Cotton, Mn“. Oil~c|oth. Springfi Axle-1, Hob:Y Spokes, Fallon, Bows Poieyffi‘hnfim Nan, etc. SHOE FINDINGS—Tnmpieo. Brnnh and French .\lqrocco,Limngs; Bindings, Pagans". Boot-trees, em, with a general 'auortm’ent of Shocmnkor‘a To'nls. (‘XBINET—VAKER‘R TOOLR—A “nu-:11 as aorlmnm ; also, Varnish. Knobs. Qua, etc. JIOL'SEKI‘TEPERS wlll nlsn find 11 large as snrtmem ofKnive: and York. Britannia, Album and Silver Plated Tnhle und ’l’en Spoons, (‘nn dlesticks, “'nll'ri. Slmvcls nml Tonga, Smi imns. Ennmcled and Brass Kcnles, Pans, Tubs, Buvkfli. Churne, Carpeting. etc" etc. ‘ Also, a gpneml a-‘sortmem. of Formal null! Rolled IRON, ofnll aim! and kindl, 0215:5110}. and Blim-r Strel, which they will sells: cheap 15 the rhcnput. ‘ GROCERIES—n full md gnnrrnl anmont, such all Gunther]. Pnlverized. Clarified, ‘ and gown Sngnrg New Orlennn, West Indies, Ind garohonse Nulnsnes Ind Syrups, Comm, Spica. Choc-Glam, fine. dour", and dairy Salt, Linseed, Fisli and ISparm oil,’_ Turpentine, Fist-mo. ‘. 5 ‘ A A fnlJ auortmenl of Lead and-Zing. dry and in oil, nlno F‘lreoproof Pain": in fact. nlmnlt evrry article in the llardwnrehco‘nrh Finding, Shoe Finding, 1"(l\l'l9-K9Pplllgl Blnrkamith. (‘sbinet-mnké‘rs,‘Paimerl, and (firm-Mr lino— nll of which they arr di‘lrrminml tn vat-ll as low (at cash In nub- hpusc out nftho City. 3 ‘ . 10m. R. mman, mm) zn-iumm. ~ 1560. n ' ' .Gottysburg,‘ Dér Townsley Ahead. , , ‘IIE undorsigned respectful” informs film '1 pnhlrr thnthe continnps £3O FAIIIIIA Hi \umm .\ND R’EPAIRIXG busing. in all its ditl‘trt-nt form“, cheaper than thylshnp in he County. All wank warranted lg giro unis pvt tinu tnt‘uslnmel'tl. Country prg‘ilnce tukeri in exvlmuge‘ for work at tnurhrt péim-n. #7 . A: .\I. "'UWSSIJQ. Gettysburg. Juno 2‘, 1861. , ‘ . “ The Union‘ ’ v i mgn srmzm, ABOVE Tmnh, 1 1‘ . Pllll..\lth‘l.l'lll.\.7 Pi. . I'I’TON S. NEWCUMER. I},’topnl\.l‘nn.. ; W‘Thiu Howl is C(‘nll’tll, fonl't'ltll‘nl. h I’ns‘N-nger Curs‘ to all parts oil tlrc rity. n. . .... -~~ Im‘lnptwl in every punii-ulnr to ti}: (mutant in something New I , 1 wants ofthc huninru public. 11. ‘ l } mqy‘Terms SLSO per any. i” BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED MAP . ML 23,1861. 1, c; , . ON Till-7 ansutuixrmx .\.Vp ('l'l,’l‘l‘RF}‘ »,»-—~ =— ‘fixg _‘.v__._.;~ 0F FRL‘IT .\.Vn un.\.\\ti;\'T.\l. 'l‘lllllih'. q Great Attractions: i ONES nre hung publi‘lunl. \\ llll’ll routuin‘ T Sf‘IIICK'H.—I have jufi .npenml jthe C mnnv nmgtufivent ‘anmvxnga, suuh 1191 A most. complete acsorl‘mel‘ bf SPRILVI‘. Tree; and raglan; kindfio't fine I‘Tllll nlld l-‘ruit mums over received In this platen In -t_\le,i Trims, some of thn tint-st spncinu-n: llml Imvr ‘ qu l||l\’ and 'pl‘iiro they cannot b._ surp:u.~eal.—- mer been put‘ on paper. i'l'ln- Fruit 'l‘l‘vei :ll‘t' "ll llhuut «upping to imrtirulasjzc. I =nr nnto set with. :iluliiilzlpt lnlmlfiint~ ut' truit. inlar g 3 inll. ('umv and see. .I. at. SCIIICK. .- thnt “'IIILII nntu‘ro‘ prpm nls in proper Henson. April 11,1862” v . The lrfl‘i are;rfl vreuxutofil us having tlmir rum; " ' “ ‘ ‘ ‘—‘"—*."' _. ' ‘ '4’“ running througll the knit in'a nntntjnl pmuinn.‘ ' Coal! Coal! £531! nnd the Engrtltings or Tl't't"( nru‘ghnvilnl and ' qlll: \IIS k BL'I'IIILER nmnoki prepare-ll In grand. Itnlsn nuntnim n tint: Engrnring whirl) ’ k supply FOAM 'nf superior Quality, in any ropresvnts thh iunnuni-mI-lo IIIN'IUILII‘hP routs quantity (If‘Fll‘t'!l. Terms: Cashfj oft: vigurnu: trM running through nn-I marl ('nnatlne! Come All! “' the’ 'snil. The Root I'lnqravum rovers tun; {9s‘th :t‘m N‘Qllt‘il thrift indebted to invites in «Imntt‘tvr on p-Iywr. nrnl ail-«q form: n tin-I.) to (null and pt!) up. a-r {#an! urn nnu-lt ma nificnnt opgr‘ninc. whirl: cunnnt help but .n- eill-il. Who will be the first If call? (iffirc 'prove gratifflng ta llll' l.\_(‘.- nf'nllhwhn m-i) lu-- open irum 7 tn T.‘l 5 hnld it. Sui-h +" enrrzu'ini: Inn nc'wr hmn' I-‘rh. ‘l4. 1302. ‘ ' g: . ’irintml nu phper-hr-tlnre. ’l‘he‘engrniing of V,l - i“ - _ lnnts nnt onl\iprnw-s'a'lnnrnhlo tn the sight pl" ' Farmens’ & Mechlanl'cs’ ‘ 11w ".“1‘- "I" n -l"'»=i:m~‘ In l‘l‘t‘l' uteri-N im-" .\\’l\‘(l\ ixstt'rt’rnix or .iluus can“. portnzco tn nll \thu t-ikol'nn IHH'rP-lln thernl- STy (:Hl‘Tl'Slll‘lltL p_\. 57 timtlon 0r “l“"lfi mid h?“ ”I ”‘5“ “ll“ “’l‘“ 7\\'.-§nlth comes in sitting. Dr's/3mm ynnrcnr- PI'OPPTI‘T I i | l ‘plum tun-ls in‘ tlli~ In’allitutionnnl tinl rnte ril‘ -\ tflll’ft' """lhl'l“T“‘l‘l‘-'l'fi"“'“m'rt‘lflllln'l'fi‘l” trum two tn flVl' pvr H-n‘t. 'l‘hhi’nstil'ntion nf ‘ humid Fwd" “Mi": ”"~~ “”“lm‘l‘d l't-n a s.lfe.innrvni--nt and pruli‘giblc ilopuutu. lof I‘lfi‘i-Pgn-eum it’drozl. .\pplo. I‘lju'h. ’l‘7 In H” ('lasth‘ iif people. 23‘ . ““7"” i'="'?i'l P'""7”l““"l“‘".‘T7""“- Fl'btmn ‘_'-t. IPO2. 2m 23 kmfll'l‘l'le Frinit I-In-gt-nr‘iny wittprho ~ . »—.'--—-' » - ’- »ft W .7 ~ Itan hob-rips, (hin‘vlmrrhw‘ Hlx-t‘li‘u'r-A s‘. rick; (‘llil‘fli’l't Urnpcm‘l’lums. .\prl-t |XIB PRDPYL‘AMIN cnts.;l’fnr=.El’cnrh‘t-s. ‘\pplex. I-H'.. and If ' SEL <5) G ..‘ "(‘5 E) ‘«Q. II chlu ml by ll mil to i-rprvm-nt' 7 ‘11?“ ‘v _ VS 2.. _ the lit mil an", nml rm- M‘t‘fiuipunil-rl: ; “\ES’XQN wk-I'T “Y . 7 withl printed mam-r git grant inipvrl ”HE , | '_ my much. xtnll fitI'IIH :I t‘npy in n‘llu 3.’ by ”MIA“ " 4” Ifjl'll‘l‘". mi map pnper. with mu-lin | .r‘ ._ i ’f ,hfl‘; "'l‘d "“79 .““'““'f°‘l' .' , ‘ I)I'RING the put )Cfll’ we harp introduced A COP}. mt l lii. unmet-uni qngmtlng» “11l . . '3 _ . ~. ibl‘ 3 "mil“? m the “fit. uml “mm m, to the notice of the mevlgm prnt‘i-sdton hdlltirfl! Ie ornament tor the it"lll lii tlll‘ ' ofth’jg country [he I‘ure (‘rv/tllli‘fi:rr! tvlllllrl(%’ of mrlérv’l'ml. “i" rii'lrly ‘Wtumx "Hr ”(opp/Inuit”, as a mutant Pill: Run: in— apnrtmhnmi-itli IlnrllHlllllrLlllll_\ltt‘r 'l‘“. mlh.. . . , lf .. _m W ofiniicllimpnitanccnmlfancy. Thu-u 77. ' “ “”f‘h "3‘9”" ”Em-ml- "Hf , copies hr! published M, II vuv “MP." ‘ Imtli lrnm physu‘mns of the highs-4t stnmling . expeénie Tw‘enty-fivollullurshnve her" and from patients. the “(DST ghA'I‘TEII‘IV: WW"! 3 scientific artist for rnningxruzsnnuxtsts‘ or rrs .thlp. V.\l.l'l-: in :rfeé?‘:rlgls,o:t:j“gllfitleilggm‘ EELS: : the treatment of thispninful ting nbutinute dis many can 01-tnin such Icopics lit a “We. wenremilui‘ed }° Venus: ‘0 ”1“ Film" ~triflinm figure. the pried for n ropi' in a form liEAIPY FUR 111. ‘ .DIATIjIoI'SI'I, , will Eb“. "““l” “0.1:“:7 “'2‘ _fiftog“ PI: which sue hope twill commendg'rjtself to thmen sons can mm 0 am. in or ev . i , . _ 1. . ' snmithnt has been tulidq‘tgr single en- ' who "c “'“eu'lgl'l'm' ““3 nlllrdgmz m“"""""‘~ zrnt‘rngs of trees. etc, land to the mediphl practitione uho may feel A COPY Cflnlflllls Milli“! "WNW" 9' ""101! lm- ‘ disposed” to test lthe powers 0 ‘ this \‘nlulnble portunce and glrleztvnlubJOFlt'wi;toll rometlr. ‘ . is - i how to treat ti ind! 0 rnit roe-1’ ', , r . , ' . to hinder thom V"! ”Wm" and [/rn-E ELIMR PROP\ L}.\Jl.\E.m l_ to >form nhme ducfire, oven in' uninvorahlo apisonu. . spoken of. has recently been firtenm’clyl ex: ‘ It will tell hoyi' 10’ prepare the s°“,porimontedwith in thePEXXSIZiVANH nos. * "”“0““'.‘°°""““‘€“" b‘ih'efli‘m'm! PITAL, and with MARKED Suit csss (asxvill ' the Irers in; to strength n true: much] i . I _ , . in v nor. and tn'p'rovu thi produrtiri- , “W"? from the WWW)“ “fi‘m'm 1“ lb? nouiof abundant crops, “or": in unfn- ' mevlichl journals.) r; ‘ ”"5”” ’S'L“’;"'n3' infirm-x “'"l'! [Grit is carefully put up rigid: {or iming ro an my err men. .. . . ~ . A COPprimell how to prepare hnd prantall ’ dinte lfle‘ With full d"""?"" E"! f‘u be, Ob' kimli of Fruit and Em‘gmn Trm. WWI “'o'" "I 4" dmsslstf {it h cents P,” so as to prove successfulqwith trsrce- bottle} and at whirls-sale of '3 ' ly’ejveg- pruripg n tkilur in :1 Int oil 14, BULILOCK 3 CRE IISIIAW. 7‘ ‘ 7 V l . 7 7 A ‘ o 7 s 7 n V L’ magma? It“ a?! p 31?" ) wtrtnte'rlafii pritzzists andllsnufnctarin , Themistsv and plant Dwarf Pear Tr as. It con-J, Jul! 1: 1861;}! ;' ‘hilfldfll'hifl tains the most. ‘mincessfl‘l trentmvntsi ’ ‘ ' _"”“‘“ r ‘ ‘ ‘ for the culture M the‘ Plum. It will Volume XVII. 1862- 'P." hint to train and ultimate the KTAIILISHED'BY A.J.DO ,‘NISGN IBIS. . Gra'pel I .. TIIE HQRTICULTVI'RIST‘ XCOPY willi thll how to cnltirste and lrrfl~ .lnd Journal of‘RuraltArl ang‘ Rural Taste. . Strairberries. Currants, 'Raspberrius,’ PETER B. MEAD & GEO. E.~f~ VOUDWARI), V Blaekherries. Goaseherries. elc. ’ Buttons asp PROPHICIORS, Q A COPY will‘tsll how to treat [Prat-h trees, to . XII-{W yogic. l} . -' restq're their roots healthy from thei A“Onlhlyllagnzmefievotidyo the; Orchsrd, diqggirmis effects of worm maecig_ n Vineyard, Garden and Nursery; m culture will tell how tomuke use of an nppli. ' under Glass; Landscape Gufilening. thal “ ration over the soil surrounding tho Arvhltectureunnd the iutprot'fgnent nnil pm ' tree 'to protectithe Peach and o'thE-r‘ hellishment of'Ctty, Suburhmq and Country tender fruits from the efi‘ectn of being} Houses, , a; g ’ wintbr-killed in the bud. The same] The new Fruits and Flowdgs, and sil_im~ - application also restnres Pear-h trees . prorements in rural art, will 3m liberal]! il fromftaking the yellows. The appli. lustrnted. . p 3 catidn has the beneficial effects to’ | TERMS. E: . pro-int the foliage ofthc trees ht‘nllhy Annual subscription. Two ,Dollsrs. Ennr sad the tree vigorous. and proves to ' Copies, Six Dollars. Bound Vgiumes for 1,860 . the productiveness of luscious fruits. 1 and 186', and subscription 186:2, Fire Dollhrs. The hppliution to be applied is not medium numbers gratis. . [j . expensive. All have sufficient ma-l Any one getting up a club {4' St! at. $1.50 « terisls on their plantations. leach, and sending us $9 annually in advance, A COPY will tell how to Preserve all kinds of; will receive o_Seremh copy j-ntis, up many Fruit- with little or no sugar. It will years as they keep the number §;thveluh good. tell how to keep Apples with muchl EDITION WITH COLON-IE PLATES; success. It. will tell how to treat and Annual shbscription Five ifDnllnrs: Four manage Penrsto mntnre perfectlymnri, Copies, Fifteen Dollars. Bout/I anumri for 7 to attain to the highest flnvor. 1860 Ind 1861, and subscription L 382, Ten A COPY presents its numerous pictures all at Dolls". Addréss— . a glance; and forms such an ornament? . AHEAD & WOflDWA R'D. for the wnILM will be admired hy_olll __ _ _ 37 Psrk‘lloit. New Mark lovers of ”mint": t'rom‘nature's pro- 7 77 7 7 ductn. The“ copra are published by H. F. M. PETERS, Spot! Nev York.imuking pnr-l ll (ind incl-mun thqflock qwsox main | . chute: to M;- of his: morning: .\‘nrthmat corner “horr- saflm airvl priCM. lluyinq‘ ' Nah—lower th ‘ ii: at the Start. on you with thr- Sill Clmhing,’nd nnd price. 1 Variety Storm on,lhe he Dmmond. (irttyshnrg. (lo M mmuis‘uinzly lmv nahj, he (-.m sell‘ low for "1' Ant! no muamk'n. (‘All nun {human will wait low of plonsurc; thawing Show, tr , nf nu-ry kind ‘ [Dr-v. '2, 1861. For I {1 9r Ind ‘ . 'rm’ mu, fl Town Proparty T PRIVATE BAgflu—Thegugdcuigned of fer! It Private MP the flexing in which 9 now rcnidea, muate in Emfi Jiddlc street, Gettysburg, ndJoimng S. R. Tifilon on the west. and Mrs. \lcElroy on the gut mlh an .... allay in the rent. THE “0:515 in n. two-story Frame, Weatherbonxgied. with Buck-building; I well of watet. With A pump in it, at the dobr; find a Variety :0! fruit. snrh M Apple» pears, Peach”, npricops, chcrrie:, and gripufiJl the must choice. 3 : uuunéuu mans. Nov. 12, 1360. t! , Cannon 8; Atkir’s TEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Haiti! h more and EustMiddle strbgtsflirectly 01,11 poaite the new Court Ilaust‘Gettycburm—o Having recently arrived from Ele'llmlelphm, and heling fully competent to exe‘iue all work in the finest style of the art, we éoulvl rc‘putfnl ly invite the attention of the pgbiic wishing in procyre anything in our line, is fyu or m “‘lill 1! call Ind examine spc‘cimcus of our wnrk. \\'q are prelulri'd tufuruivh .\iUXL’Hi-ZNTS. TOWNS AND HEADSTHNES, MARBLE-I MASTLESJ SLABS for Cabinet-make”, nnfl all other “er :pmrmimng to our huwineu, a; the 10“ m plu sible prices. We do not hcnt If; to gunmnteo that our work shall be put up ih'fl manner sub smminl and tasteful equal norm best to bl soon in the cities, where eve:r improvement~ whirl: experience has suggesteil'is amilevl of.” and especially do we gunrnnte that our Cemef teryund Gr'u‘e and work aim) in so carcfillly set as not to be nfi'ectétl by fros but shall nmind min for yesra that eroctueas position gis'erl at the, completion of: job, Indigo necessary Id continued grurefulnencnd synfinctry. \ ‘ ‘Nov. 'lB, 1859. :tf ._ v A _ :Come to the glair! = .‘ID DON'T FORGETTO VL, IT l'l.E.\S.\;\'T A RIDGE NURSERIES.——Pfirwons wishing to l’lnnl Troop will find the stnrzk in Hu- ground remarkably tiny. and ofl’rmd nlvkeduconl priren. The Apple numbers 100 \‘ariflvgiesj embracing all 'lhe approved sort'. ‘ Li ' S. B.—-Sce the h‘nlex houul rm'r Flor: {Yule ran office. ’l'. E. COOl2 & s:»xs.g SI-pl. " 7 ‘ . l'rnpn'rfnrQ. 121111 March 17, 1862 Notice. HE undersigned, residing‘gm ‘the Getty:- v_ ‘ 'anli «I “09hr Bender’ Something New. 7 llEumluaigm-drespectful ly informs the rc-idpnu 0 (leltysburgnnd‘lvlnitlenm W 7 he has opened a, WATl'll .\.\'D .11-Z\\'l-‘.l.ll\‘ STORE, in ”19 room immedintoly in NH! re." of Mr. J. L. Schivk'a Store, and fronting the Square. where he intends keeping An aim". men! of WATCHES,JEWI‘II‘I’f)’. SILVRR and SILVER PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES CLOCKS, kn, kc. ‘ ' Having been conneclcd with a grant]... “’nlch and Jewelry Sun-e in Baltimore, (6:- aeveml years past, he iq prepared to luninh every article in the line, at. the lowest city prices. and all purchases will his gum-untied u represenlrd. From a long: experience in ‘\'Ru‘h-rfipairingl eapevinlly offine “'nlches, he i: prepared to do all kinds of Watch-work promptly. in the hen mnuucr; and gunmuty the perlurumnce ul‘lt. He will keep always on hnn-l A large assuri mcnl or SPECT.\L‘I.I-28.nnd Spcc-a tuclc Gluuea; mvl having much” upcrienu- in adapting them to the aigllk, is prepared to fit all who need llu-m‘. ' [LVR JEWELRY mndc to order in the has! .style. nnd .1 great vanL-ty ot'pnlterm on'lmnd. . JEWELRY repaired in the noutost mnnnnra [ . JOSEPH BEYAN. 5 G‘sh'trg, Doc. 23. ”‘6l. If Another Victory! ~ .\RUERS, take nntice .thm H. n, (unn F has the ngoncrforthe inle :n‘SCIIRISER‘S IMPROVED PANPQNG MILLS, which lm've tally-n twenty-three Furst Premiums throughout the State of Pennsylvanin. and the First Prem ium at the Sum Fuji-of Illinnju. And also the ant-My for the sale ofA. B. le‘lGlJ‘lß'H CAST IRON nnd WROI'GHT SHEAR, PLUUGHS, which hme taken the First Premium M. all the Fairs that erer they were exhilnigetl at, which lsgunme filx or eight in number: ‘ P‘nrmerfi. the “ill: and l’lnughs» ed to glvc snlisfnctiou. If they 1 prlrilegcd to return them to the tysburg. [Oct 21. l} , , Fresh Stock“ v G. CARE hnsjudi receive; I I . ddphin n fresh slack o! (i tumhmh hejnrnes' the ntxenzion It embraces Cnfi‘rea, Sugnn. 111 “clause; of an kiuuh. including an ticle for baking; Splcr‘s,&'('. 1 He Inn nlm laid in I! new inppk‘ RY: fur Lmiici and (‘ucnllc-lnvn. ‘ ‘ Liqunrq dfn'll kinda nlw -y< on ALL CHE \lk FUR-CASH. Februhry 'l4, [BULL ‘ } 1 Revolvers. i xmvfim of RHYUH’ERS. A, styha, emhrm-ing the Inn-«t . .\\ISUN'S, northwest corncr 01 1 Having pun-haw] fur (":hll. M ll: he- i- proglrcxl tn so“ as low M ‘II nut. luwor yt-t. llrnp in mu] Mum yonrcelu-a. No Iruublc to show July 1, 1801. J‘I'DSOX'S Mountain Herb Pl '\ H give A pel'lt‘c'lHkl‘lwlfi" I ’ V rhict'ofn Iriht- nfllue ~tnm 'tinu, thyg! onrv ruled .\loxirn. Yo! Pfull (”751ml of him and hi= pom-lo! ‘lPts um! Ahmmm-s—tu Inc hm! gr“: Ir Afifut‘ fur (how I‘ilh. : i he imamm- nud manufacturer L \lnumain Hnrh l‘ille." has tin-ml ‘pmrl of hi:- Jitjc in lrmeling, lm nonrly H‘mywmmtr} in ”In \vnrld n\‘9r qix _VI‘A 4 mung the [NIH ma 1' Mountain: {Jul of \lexirn. and it W 4 the h \lmwtuv [hum Plus ‘ “on-g .\ wry imp «sting accountant” hi 4 there. you will find in uurr .\1 ‘l’amphlvt. 4 h i~' nn arimlmm stnhliahed I'm-t, that “H’I'RE “1.001)! ii ”ll“"ft‘ t‘nnd \\ lu-n ' Thu Mohd‘ nr unhenlth. in". e distrih ’ Every urn-r. ,orguna qniv ;nn( (”205! [II In Form,» A l 1}):- lnvurL'H I in I'm-Mo. 'l‘ V Poimvmm ml 'n dighlimp :"hc “11-ml! ‘ ‘fnr indunro, {in tiny , rivn ixourul of l» idi-L‘nlnrenl. } :Il: every pur h'llu- panama] zynimrm-tinn ' «1164 nul. I mum-r gm- ;niwd “it‘ lmHu every organ of In- Lindy,— k-«h the ; oi-on and all the Vlh') N rnmplniu‘ Tlm e mum-h will 9 fnod lwrforlh. Tlu-llirc-r rem-0d uflivirnvyut‘l-ilu. Tll- ngliun n! vonkl-nell. :Imlan lhv virrnlaliun u- lungs how-mt- vlugglrd “ill‘l the 1 nor: hum-c, n ‘ “ugh—4nd "H [mm lrity m the rim.” un-lu ul an [irr— .\-A Ngnn hml tin-mm }IIIII(QPIII‘1|I‘ in :I pun: slur-mm ln'um' whirll run M, in A few minntm](J‘g‘wlmhl 3. stream Inn-mun» Il'ramrm-d «ml lAmLuiv-Hy ulm-d iu'lmh lulnud Hy . and Imu- iis'slinz In hind. .\H hevnnu- O'HII urn-11. xm unit-N Nu m renmwd, the lump ”life‘suon Thou- pill rt-gcm-rnm .u are. llu-n-I‘nr , . H'RHI Lhor (‘mny $4 "Vi-1147M": I Ind-lon wall Huhli‘nnd il] and rtiurch ' l'lencumi 0 place wit! not Qflly pilrilv. ”to tho «mt-u...” ot the. ‘. Illll‘h'tllll'li tl~ a PM: mum s msml Izlint. Sick llt-mlfi:-lu-, “Pinyin? oxpyls lhim “til i M‘ ilincase. mnl rmuh l'Y'l‘llUll‘l I'll” and llllt‘tll Hing: Ill.» \it.tl Ui‘L'XHls. ‘ I‘ll'fil- it is in Ha. tlmt \l in your n-nrh. :I nit-divine um , lt‘rh Villa." thtrt will [llle din-ml,- . I _ ml [M’lla‘ thtuugh the Mom] :vmli { 5131' i(l H. lvmlv, and twin tho linifl-rl-r in: ‘We M't' ilnilv rut-«hint; llrllt‘l" tnarndlvr in uil h tlm “lisll nt'h_t-z\ut_i lll'lii hvnlth. lint". mn- nr more ut‘ hr. llurvl'- 111-Titnl llimm _a" Mr lint ”f 4,], '‘ - ‘ ‘it- . Whirl» \l" mmnnt hll. Nana nre mu‘ilut in I , fnllnir "g (’l'ls/I;:lr:‘:wal’”elA ’9' l Mitt-pt tho .\‘onrnlqiu l’lnxtrr, \i hirh wt- sil‘n‘tl in ancl CO Itplitillti, Heufim-he ~ . '"l etht'lupe 0n 7"""it"v""' Pri'i“ il " "“1““ ”n.“ Cough, , . ”infirm” ’ lot)! stump. lint to m-u-mmnmlutr ywrlnn- 11l Cnhls. lufltwtnnuil . ,-ll‘llé'”! whwre the «lrunzgiit: uml flare-Bruin" Chest Dy: “‘5”. lntlunmmt hn. info. ltt‘lllnfl‘iili‘ flgi', wr have pnt up Rankings: (intuit-rm. pi inward ‘ éuklmu, Hi \\ hite rmhoscuthnxes. an on inches ..'J.,"”r' l)yqpfp.i Liver Con Plfliuh‘. “31th compartments—nub htix {my m': w. Dinrrhrrn _ ‘ Lowiiéu {Spiriln .rhbttle of Dr. llnrrl's .\louth Mush, untril‘uuih Drnusj, l’iles. ’ ' Aivhr Drops. .s box of Tooth l'nwdrr. aid Scu- Dehilitr, ' 3,5,“, and vafl rfilfiin Plum-r. and I \‘nliinblt- littlv Trentisqon F"... [W All!" Second”; Synui- Tpetll and their Diu-nnnLthc host mean:- of Femnll‘ f‘ mi'laihtll. toms. l preserving them, and the brag-or treatment of '1 GR \T FF)! \liF' “"‘Dll'i [F l' {Children's Tretlt. worth ufitm-lt'the ontlrlcmst ‘ FNW‘ICS .hfl “til "11, (lib . I it. .. h )tq over) ymtn-z nmn or untnnn.or lmrvutu will. "without th n Pills” Ti" ‘ v “P" IN}? dcjyouna children, with aumlry other net't‘ssnry l _ , " "3 (”my '9 t"0 ' ; Myth-lea; price per packn've St, or six puckngi-i rename obs rncnous of nll klutlfi. jean-e the folr s3.lm"- b‘. ”We"! "as dirt-fled; dis the l 4“? "at: 'zl‘lrhm'l :l""",;e","" ”"98" “‘9 ; H'fprt‘fil tiling.“ are not. mu-h, Nani, mm:- on V‘C' c o,°"‘w ' ' pa 9 9"?” {l. dozen than on one, it Is l‘ur cht-uper to‘nrdot “Fatah-r32; Ihr“ "will?!" (it “s'?" these I nil; or a dozen packages at one timr. Atinrge l il’isinc m. 2:5: ulZci-lzfo‘nifl ‘2'? W“; family will want nll, or the surplus can hr, rli‘g li\horizim-n in “(1%“, (let u ,A "'° off posed of to neighbors with public hem-fit. for sm" A cut nl ’ “It! I 3* 1'9““ 0 n one can estirhnle how mnchpuin. sufl’ering', . ‘ F ' I 3"" 'I my mm‘iihgm‘ the 'll tlmppinefis rind disfigurement oxpenw laps Lz‘ti'etiilh‘i: :ficifzi‘wrl‘"!"2mm!” of ""lo‘ time and money would in: sari-ll ‘th the l Onssn‘vn. This " )lohniainwllorh l’iliu" are 10mm", if "fuming”. 'O'fl’“ Md one "f ”w" put up in Beautiful Whit or iii 'll b Weirdness-inch, 11l It-cll, Is it cnniplete‘M-t of contains 4 ills n(1 Retail 1:“ '95 r‘. 0‘ prntnl‘ Remedies. Address Wu. 8. "can 1: km All "ftm'hfve the ii “at. '3‘} “BPS - (‘19., Tribuntr Buildings, xt-w lork. nnd write ‘l“;de A: oon each box 1; L '' ‘ Mum and address plainly. Tlmt remittsnces ' " . ' . lliny be made with confith-nrc, W. IL". #OO. B. L. JUDSQN & 00., rqt‘er to-tlie Mayor of Brooklyn, to G. ‘\'.flv‘rii- SOLE PROPRIETORS, fith, President of the Partners 'nnlLCit n’l Nolfio Lsorutw S-rnn'r. wa Yong, “Jim“- “WWW“? if 3‘" 3‘1”” "f ‘5? Amf'i' Agrnts woutrd nlwnya—A-ld‘rrss IQ Above: 3:“)2s33‘}Lugggsfgzslivé‘rtfiffi'§?%féfs’ fig? fibi’ffln3;.ii3l {or (zen, Slturg. ' nnm. Esqiwho knows it good thing when he __ 4L__,.,' ' 4 til-es it and who has already ordered a second V ‘ lappply,etc. ‘ QQN‘VJ‘ 1000 AGENTS WANTED to_introdnce'D.r. ‘l7 ~ ‘ Hurd’s Dental Remedies into every County.— BRTI:"JHIA'. .\ien or women who want to make money quick -59 _ (:2 ly, can do better with these IfllCll‘S than any- , '0’)“ thing’ in market. They are new, nschlhlow priced. and we are spending tlmmnnds in ud vcrtisinz them far the bent-tit ot agt-ntn. Boxes of samples containing Q dozen of the one (lol lar paeknges ahnve specified, with circuhm Will be sent, on rece'pt of $7, about. bllf price, to any person wishing to test his or her skill in selling with the \iewnf becomin. an agent. They can be sold in a'dny. WWO would rather pay salaries than (‘ommissions to thou who prni'c themselves efficient salesmen. ”Now is the time to go into the basin"!- For address and references sec ahme. Jun. 27, 1862. ~ , ) ' .\luuntuin ‘n the nflliv fluitk of Lh Ibriyhu-u {vi Judson”: l‘il J Slight Cold, MI, Jam/ma, or gale ,glutmt, whzbk might be ahedwd with a dmplc rom edy, if Who‘d. tfim ter mimus ambwsly. Few enigma" Qf the WW qf stopping a, nus/z or guy/21,9011! in igsfirst mic,- that which in. th- boginnmg' unuld yield to _amildmnedy, éfnoeatundodto,soon intrude: the lungs. ‘ @m’a Elana/Lint gum/1a qua-e first Wuced eleven. years ago. ~lthasbompmzedthatthzymw2>est W W ”w W firm, . 5.114., glam/yin, . , gamma/1, theHackmgCough infan 2mm' , and numerous uf' 9f the Immt, m imnwdiate relief ‘mm Speaker: and SW9", \ wfllfind than efl‘ectual for clearing and W the voice. ‘ debyalLQDHngistsa/ndwm Wu,a¢£?somuperso¥- WA. D. Bunnmx, Agent, Gettysburg. Dec. 30, 1861. 6m COTTONADéé:an variety of Pants 8200’, cheap, at A. _sggr'g «gasorrjs:~ . J L. SCliif‘K has a splendid lot of Fonhrd 3 Silks, tery cheap—37} lo 62} cenu'per yar . ‘ ' DEV WM. B. HURD‘S ‘ MOUTH WASH, SURE mum)? run A 4 A BAD BREATH. ‘ sum: Mourns. CANEER, ACZ 4 DISEASED BLEEDING GUVS. NURSING SURE MOUTH, And the be". specific now in use {or any dis-- eased condition omm mou'h. It in panleuiu 1y beneficial 1o “#O.” wearing ‘ 3 < ART ICIM. TEETH, onmpletel .rdestroying eron taintorthnmonh, iblorbil‘nd removingnll impurities, ialurlng 1 A swam BREATH ' :0 all who mnke use of It. No Young Lady or Young Guntlemen who 1! Afflicted with I 1 BAD BREATH should delny applying thls remedy, for l: > “"“in “If". and i 1 Approved and neon) 1:. c" b! eV-ery phyiichn under whose noti a M has beef: brought. , ‘ A “.\D BRE‘T" ? is an olfence for which men H nn excuuyhil' ' DR. “1“. BNHURD'S MUUTH WASH can bu procured. ;‘ ‘ Many persona carry will: them A bmlbrcnth. krently to the Annoyance nnd oflrn in the dh film of tlnouewith whomthey mum in couurl, Without being conscious of the fact. 'Po r.- lieve yourseu‘fremnll lcnrq regarding Thin, ESE DR. WSL n. lll’llD’H .\lUl'Tll WASH. l Cleanliness of the month ls nf'gl'ull lmpnr than to the general health, which in often ur fbcud, and not. unfl-oquéntly‘sorionaly impair -6:11;“er 3!: want of prop" Attention 19 this slubjert.‘ . llSl-I DR. WM. B. lII'RD’S “OPT” WASH. " Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Oflice, No. 77 Rourth Skeet, Brook]; n, E. D. ‘ i Price. 87 Cent: per Bottle. 1 ‘A liberal yiscount made to dealt". iAgdxjggg P 11231133; Office: Tgbpne Are warrant- on‘l;ynn are ’gcnt at GM -861. 6111* fifiiiéinislfiéi‘lipffié 'étiifi ,Sold nlm by Cnswcll, Muck & 00., Pink Mcnucllolcl; J. .k l. (‘uddinulom 715 Brawl li'ny; D. S. Burnes, 202 Broadway, and by “H I‘i‘rnggism7 E from PIum 'RUCERH‘IS, Ifthe pnl-lic. mu, Syrup-I. pupexior ur— 1 DR. \VM.~B; mmn-s :,A TOOTH POWDER, - ' ,This Powder [)lN‘t‘jar‘l the cixmmxxrs wn‘num" Tm: [mama's pg- of Hosl];- ' ' I‘RUHERTIES mr CHARM) HI, 1141:! is fru- frmn an \i‘ida or .\llmlih tbtu can it] Iho Icnst injmt- ”w Term. .1111! M‘TIOS nvm: rx-rmrzu' Hwy-tutu.— murmur: “11-“ an nmnlm Tm: minim. I’D“. \\')l. 11. “[llle TIMIT" 3"UWDHP. i rI-cnmnwndcd bqull Eminent Domiwl. oi difi‘cn-nt rrrmwll M ac. Dmmund. h'rl‘p-un-d nl '1‘1‘.."lll'll"§h(‘li'tll (Illic‘enkn. 7T Fjwrlh Strncl, Brooklyn, R. D. 3 Price. 25 Centsjeg Box] ~ EA liharnlfdiamimt mudo in dealt-r 4. k) APddg‘eqs‘ Principal Office, Tri; un‘e IBulldings, N 9. 1 Spruce Bt.,N,‘ Y.. hr-‘t nue=, c Invest—if ul‘ them" [pr 'ods. “ iSnlll ulm by (‘nmscllr “suck J: l'n'..,Fihh Abe-11.1w Hon-l : J. k I. l'adnlinglnn, 717. rllromi. why: D. S. Harm-s, 202 Urumlwny, and by all ‘fDi‘uggiasu ‘ ‘ El f Tenn-n: n e .\mor Nu: I will fiml a ‘ our Pamph ii. frm'n the . 1: DR. “'M. T‘». "T‘RD'S T. ; TOOTHACHE DROPS, '. | anr the ('lll'c or . _ « ' l J , -Tool'n.\('ma 1 ‘ 1 p printed it" expnsml lu~r\ (-s. A i 5‘ {lt is lmrtimlnrly mluptrd In M] mat-I of chil :drv'nn nfliicrml “ill! TUU'I‘ILU‘HI'L. , I gl’nrl-nls run n-h‘c‘c {henm'lwi (mm! mm. :dii-trrssing wvnrim-ss ('Hlqu‘l‘ by ‘ ' 1 g Lax-é m‘ SLEEP. : an}! thir rhildren from grout'sufl'crin’x. by Loi‘pini: :I luml ~ of ‘ le. “‘\l. It. ”NUTS TUOTIIAPHE DRUI'N inllhe house. , ‘ l‘ 4 I‘m-pared :1! “r. ”turd" Drum] (Imm, ‘o'. 77 Fu’urth Siren. Brooklyn. 1'). l). ' K g ,1 Price, only 12 Cents per Bottly ‘(\ liht-rul di-‘vnhul mm]!- M (Ie -lc-r=. : A *ddrma Principal Ofllce, Tribune IBuildings, No. 1 Spruce St..N. Y. f“.l|lrlL§rm'i ,flw grmtr-r inn." \‘iaitod ‘ {l}: gpcnl “In; Rnrl‘y S “Ilh‘. ”ml Ediwn\"pl_'l‘-L :uh'rnturr-z "mum." "yd H diseases nv forriTn ME=l Sold Mm Hy ('MWMI. .\lu-k .Q Cm. .Fil'lll Afit‘ml!‘ “nll'l :11. k I. ('mlllinglun, 715 [Trund-5 iriv: D. N. Harm-s, 2|); Uloml\m_\,nud by :I|| Dr' ggielq. r THY. “'M. H: HURD'S ~ 4 NEURALGIA PL ASTERS, for n.» rurx- nr warn \l.(-H- ‘ ‘orfl‘lrhlhucho urn lm'rY‘n‘ (1,111.1. V ! l.m‘.\L .\‘l-2r1:.\).(:1\ , is*Lnnnmliuh-lr'rmcal luf'tlu-‘r [l'll-lirilinn. ‘lv \' m 1 “In" :1 I-lmrm. uni! nn- pcfiPrHy hn'rlnlb-n in thei'r dnnrv: :30 no! prnnpcr :1. Win". mu! Nun I‘ no Muplmizlnl Trim“: ‘ ”WWW. n. ill'nh.‘ .\‘l-‘I’IHUII‘A FLASH-EN m-li rr fnil tn gi‘c MHHm-lim.’ In uh Mm It 4 lhtir \il'llw. "' j ’ ‘rropzm-Il M Dr. Hnr-l'flnvnml ()flicc, XO. 77 Fqllrlll Firm-r, Hrunkhn. E. D. hlnml. but hm!) : Ihr“ { Price, only 15~Cents each. 1 y‘Jihoml lli‘ mum Imhlc M :lc “Pr",- . 1 Address Principal Oflice, Tribune 1 Buildings, No: 1 Spruce Bt.,N. Y. Fuchulm l»; (fugue-11. Mink k I'm. Huh A l(-nm- Hula]: 11k I ('mlllinginn. 7L": ”roul "'1’" li. .3. liururs, 202 Hromluiu'. "ml h; .1“ [)tugles. ‘ .5 [IR-c. ‘3, I Hin I} sw. Thlfl rhino-l the pra all! the L clourin‘z :r are able Ilnc likt- liw :00! directly Ja'nml :vml Hum-rim in I’d hmmh. W‘s/me} [pr HE undernigned,being thé Authorized potion to make remouls into Ever Green Come. tcry,lloputhnt such as contemplate the femon] fifthe remains a! deceased relatives or friendl will avail themselves of this stmson oflhcycu (a have “finite. Removals made will: promp'zn.” ——£erms low, and no effort span-d to plane: ‘ I’ETHR THOBN, latch 12, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. ST PREMIUM awarded to Tynan Brother: 1 by the Slcnnl‘len Agricultural Society. Sept. 18,60, and by the Adams County Agricultural 86cm], Sent., 1861, for but AIMMI' Ind Photographs, overall other: on exhiflfiun. 3 ARGE PHOTOGR‘WHS mac ‘friu fun-u : picmru It g‘rui y reduced 12'", aflu rumor Sky-"gin canary: ”' ‘ Removals.