IIiTLR NEWS. i ~.Efi,...;_The, to be bauqed by a " fiJEWnRTLX-I'Efi} __ ‘ ' . crat," in Much artivity in war Affairs is reported ”put: 1““ in Saturday‘s papere. < are call youl The lntest ndvires from (‘orinth indicate 1 make fro that. the Federal nrmy had fully recovered rai hbor ‘ from the ot‘l‘octs of the hattleat Shiloh. and ' ' g , ‘ are now ready fur; an advance mm enmnt. 0n Thur ()n the othor hand it i 1 ntutod that the _(‘f'n- ’ Star said th. toderatos had strengthened their po'dt-lOH , “Eve-r ni ‘ inlevery way that military talent could sug- Pennsylvui nest, and were prepared to meet any _moyt“ t Cnpitol. an ,‘tf‘nt ot' the oppmmg fnrt‘l‘. (WBX‘HHL‘S the Reserve . " ‘.- lmon largely reinforced. and It is proha- ~ have been I Mpaiat over two hundrt'd .an-f fifty thnu- of Gave-mo mm; mcn Wt” take part in the coming genenllv. conflir‘t. 0n Thursdav a rnconnnitering arming ind t - force from Gon tlnllock‘a army had a skir-~ ‘ l . . , l On the 31 nmh thh a body at t’onfederatos near Pea Ridge. Tunnvswe, in which the latter were 580' the 31“} defc‘utcd, leuvmg all their camp equipuge “ The rm. and baggage-in the field. Another account. of the pm Mules that the fi ht lutod an hour and that l'mtfzht for. hath sides retire“ {mm the field with slight] martian Io ml loss. A dispntrh rnceive'l from Chicago‘ A! ENEIY states that heavy firing had been heard at! time. “'9 Savannah, in the direction of Shiloh, and , ty. Ha wh - that the/cannonading had hoenlbrink' and wnrw than gradually grew louder, lending to the. belief is immedint l tlmtngenoral engiluement'htgd been bréught' TllA'l‘ GU . on, utrengthened lay the fact of Gen. Hal. CEXSI'RE. leck‘s making some significant preparations thc-se public an Wednouhry. * 1 ' :the plunds'r l-‘rnm Yotktown mmlpondents write that men to oflic the‘ prepnrinnns {pr tlu- nmn-nicnt (“the Con- of all {mod frderatc workg argprogresring untisfmstorilyw horn of the It is now reported that Gen. Let: it! in commnnd' pmition aft; 1 ofthe Confederates: rimmtrous. ‘ .\Ys‘ it “as expel-ted that it would bouthe first rupt—io'n—fro V positive intelligence trom the operatiods of another vile t‘ummudore Porter‘s mortar fleet is received tin t 4) avoid through mutheru reports. A dispatch from ed themaelv New Urlmns, dated Wednesday, the 'l3d instant, ‘ . suites that a heavy bombardment, of Fort lurk-i Accordlng -‘ son had been carried on all the night prel’iour, this extract. and Wine still progreuing. Some otthe hitrhette - ’ _ ,- . l' guru but been disabled, but true again put‘ Brezhnmlfrer in position. I BUCkSkm The . l-‘edortl flotilla in the Rappalmnnm-k ' .- 5 Ire still engaged in seizing the crutt in the 250 (71>t‘i'nn rncr, having captured so far, in all, sixteen KY" April i echuunrra. .\ Inlflnbod! ofContederuto-s tired hundred an uporronc of the atrium-rs, ‘vut were Econ dis. Ftrur-k a ma; prrsed-hg rllt'lla tired hinting them: l Saturday nig .\uothQJmttle ta‘approm‘hiufl :m New .\lcxi-, ,____ (‘O. A). ‘lutusl ncc'nuum Cul. (‘uuhy nus tilty‘» .. 7 miles south ut'b‘nnta 1": with l,‘.’Ul) men, ('Kch-t . _1“ ling 10. ht: joinul hy Cid. Sluugh‘a (‘urnmund ‘on the. 24”) of utmut the tune numher. The Cont‘L-dnrutt-s.‘ firt‘ll‘yjl'jnt’. 2.000 strong, “m- untreuching lllullbkhe‘ at [ZR-IM‘HN I Snutn' Fe, preparing tur an int.“ k. ‘ 'M“ H‘- "““I _ ~,. “.., . _ ~A.‘ I Un thr- 24ml Tlxc‘lfiJchargc of Slut: I’rimntrs.—,A dii- M “WEI Yuft pgféh frbm Washington» states that; the it‘l’é{l"';:ttnlm{ltll llousoj‘udicixry cqmmittee have authorize-l ( 3;" u“. If‘nh Mr. Bingh'um to ropnu a hill to provitlp for 3!: (‘LF-LLAN‘ the di'u-hnrge of Stute‘prismwh. and Others. “10“ (Tu-hf"! my! to authorize the judge-s of the United ‘ .‘*"'etl'_'lt Slfitos onurts to take hail or rceo‘gnimncei 1;? 1 '- ‘l I”! . . , , _ u: arson. )lrt to hecute their tnul. {éomu-ry munn . —» - «so. - . v - , . '3 ”Fum- rumlwnyzm-grnm (slaves) [HIKSN] LL1.,13F.t.T.Tt)3: lhruugh this: [:l:H‘9J'fllly§undny hut“ "l‘ht-y ' ; ' : hm'l taken]. honeavhich “my Mt here and 4 0" the 10th which w“ mnt hack to-lhe mum-1:. AL aged ~7 ”Hum Attonna they wt-I-qovortuko’u. but. a; usual. (~"wd ‘mm n the (muster w'na (It-nir'd hm proporty. Mir]: town-drip. [Jet v-m-k is. no «lnuht. vt-rv t-lficlcnt in restoring wad tonowgd t (h:- Untamflt :(rbrll Case/(t. " In nplc and per ' f , «nu- - , v pi: up cnpv. _ 3??" Mn ”R\RY “C (‘HRHMFR it nboutf 0n the iihi n‘huning n ‘lh-~t:~nmnt nt’thtr c'ornbr ol nf Latimuro ti) '\'m'k and Lilmrty firm-ts. A I‘m; yt-.\r<. [le .H‘oxundrii m .“Crmt'.” (‘ompangu um! qmu- iIL unrl 11l “um-(n1 nt hii - u an “and 1}“ fol! ' GETT‘I'SBUn(:-—SATUIII;A\‘ mu. ' ”PW“ "1 PM“! Hour 4 75 to 5m luwmhip- 1' ft": “0ut...".........\............. .... ‘ 3Cm ”’1 "'9 61h Vhimwmut I :n to I‘m: XI-zmx. of mu Hm] u’m-mfl.......... ,1 05 to 1 town-1r of 1m ugh. ('nrn ... . .............. to Nearl'nion B l,:_n-..‘.......... . 7.1 l-‘rl. Mr. “’“L ‘ ”MK ..,‘.........J I'.” HT" eitlmahlbtl Huvkwhnfl ..‘ .‘. t 4|; “P- H"! ‘9‘, i I'PL-terh‘cnl ‘ 4 L‘.’ [N’FTEHER- W 'l'iumm} 5emi............J..............‘1 75 tn 2 4m “f ”Ill!” WW” rm PM. ' I m .....I:u.zn_\-.-. Maw at Pu"- .‘. 7:00 ”I! “'9‘“? 1 ,‘ Instr? grnufiu‘ V"" 1.‘\2_r_..........,. l :u JANE (‘ATILH lnth 4.50 “m Nil-Int!" ' _uw‘ lfllnvnth. 7 Un thv 16th “ I'3 ‘fl 5 ‘35 JUHN HLLV'KL L I'7 ‘0 1 “'1 _\\’t‘iu}r. "gt-ll 10 '57 ‘0 7-; Uu "‘tturdny 5" m 's‘! of “A.“ “TO“. 35 H) 5“ 111303” 3 mom. 5 on '0 5 ‘3’! _ Un [we l9lh 3 0" V" 'J 2" LHJEIZ‘ .\l., ‘iu ‘; 5" WI“ 5" ~l‘uwmm (Hut, .' {- no 14 o; 00 , 15 00 In” 00: ‘ DEM. an the 24 to 25 j l-‘E'l"l‘l-ZRIH)FI-‘, 60 00' yo Ir“ 6 nmnths ‘ ' - dud that die in ' “0' Hear whattghe ;’ ' For all to l " "Y 1 Sweet is the t ~.. I l'.‘ to l .2.) .\ud 90m“)! 58‘ . m .\ my“ to lnn wurk‘s Enig’ma—‘ THE MARKETS. BAl.’l'l\lullE—,L-Fthu' lun’ ‘Flnur. thut ‘flw 'Cnrn... (uh- .. OE Clover Seed 'l‘Emulhv .\‘l-1‘~1.............,... Bret Cnnlv, p"! hunfi. ..... Hogs, per bund...........“. . Hun........., Whiskey........ .........‘... Guano, l'eruvianqwr Hm A. f » H \.\'U\'HR—,—'l“pw;mnn' L’AST Flnllr. from \rngn.xs.{...s.... .... .. - » :l‘u. from 5t0rey"....‘............. Whi-M Rye .... LC... ‘C0rn......:............ ‘(an9....:..............; (“our 5red.......1. Timothy 5eed.....,‘-. ‘l'le-r................ Special ' Notibéd. ‘HEAL THE SlCK—Diseases of therowell and Stomach are ajwnys caused hy_ln qe dc posiu of lmrtfitl mnttzr,‘ left by bad or impure blood in those important organs, arid the poi lonoul mati‘rin'l in thil‘ivitinted bloodhnctinz on the system, makes it ton weak to throw off thil miter by the un‘tural chandeis, or ”my is carried off it. is I very small portion. So nrise diam-hm: i'ild dysgutery,‘ cholic. coxtivencss, hm bra-Ih, indigestionrnnunea, loss of appev tito, belching of wind oth'he stomach, ctr. - To cure nil these “the blood is the life." apd must b. perfutly pure and clean, then you ctnnot be riek. ’A abort‘use of JUDSON’S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS Will delight you.‘ You will feel with ailrpriu their mighty power, and be will ing to any with tha red men of the west, truly_ they are the “mighty lhealcr." Sakhby all Medicine Dealers, ‘ [April 23. in: ‘' u ' . the Blood.—-th A few of the we 1. dilorders that. mg: mankind ari-xe frum the corruption thnt aenumulates‘in the blood. 01:11 the discorerieaAllnt have been made. to gurge it. out, none have heel) lound which could Minn-linden Ann's (Foxromn Exnucr or ’Stiur‘AxxLLA. It clenmpes and renovate-s the blood, imtila the rigor of health intogl‘e‘ sys \ten and pnrges outfl‘hel humor: whi I) make disease. It stimulu'tos lhe/lmalthy functions ‘ogthé body and ‘expela the disorders that grow and nnkle in the blood. ILS extraordinary virtue- ere not yet widely knqwn, but when they me it will nilonger be pfiuestiou what remedy to‘employ in the great Variety of af flicting diseases that. require an ultermive rem ’edy. Such [remedyfihet could be relied on, hu long been sought for, and now, for the fit"- ““07““ public have one on which the esnfiepend. Our space here does not admt perhfiemes to show its effects. But the tr' 1 0"- .Bmgle bottle will show to the sicli that l h“ Yul-“3‘ impussing anything they hare ev “k"; ““56“?” from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellrnga and Sores, try it and see the rapidity :itht Wihh'fllmitt egres.E Skin Diseases, Pimples, ' Bastrl mues. oc es, ru uons '. ' ' ‘ cleaned out of the systcmp. Iso ’ are soon . P thelglghe. St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Ervsipelas Tet- ‘ . ’ ter oxi‘SnlL Rgeug Sculd Head, Ringworm), &C., l ' about not e me while they can be so ‘ ' ‘ SPM”! Outed by AYEB'fi SAESAPABILLA. 13:31:32,35 W 3: Syphflk or Venom! Disease is expelled from GRUGEmgg “ the mlmbybfihe prolongeldfuse of this Sum- Luuugg, CISAL, pu‘ a t paflient is e luheahh .5 ‘ ‘ ' - ' ~ he ind NV“ had the disease. y H, Apnl 28' 18b2. . . ,7 » j Femtle.Dismea are caused by Scrofulg in: Audl OP’S lotloe. 1 m“M ““1 "‘ ("many m.“ “"e by HE ndetsi 'd Auditq‘r appointed by the 0:15 Extract of SL'WWHE' PH“ 81 per T 00:" m finish-aha“ She balance in the! buffing}; fhboules for S?“ “In“! physic take hands of Pam? Bunor', Etiqum‘rfi‘of {5313: I’'- ' a ' r mzafiaxgzgm m newt-m 3:22;;ti°mgséd2uzabzzizgz M, known to be the best purgative that in afiered the 23d day of 1. ‘ '3 n ind ‘whm I“ ngfi::: 220%: J 0 AYER 8 00., , pan-tie: inmrestefinn;fléfi .'EELY 1m“ mgr; gym-'5 0-"- mw? aeuysburg, ”51241;? .a‘ '; w . - ~ ~ . > X; __,r_.._,__ n-som by A. o: 3mm,u¢ Mm ensues, Q‘Ya'ytllon. > ’ [Apia M, '62. 2:1: ' Ic.l II in efl'ort om: in i nttemion m hi: dw ‘ my, the}; "- 5 cc the fin u-oops fo the Hubs Uorpswth vim in t Curtin a ho Wei-e equipni‘en t of Mity. if! an! dLac whn nink le to \p hd ncllifav our col/Ikm no: :1 'WJ re not Xv defraudq ltmitgll'. l ‘ vto at 1. CU R 5111“ Either I: thieves, a; or he is \, who de v’itizens. is ilomma hire rend? ‘Jlave we one vile 1' Many vrwption. ‘s to rotte I!- min Ibis 0‘ per»! :- rut Horus I.—A ha ‘1 fifty ! betwee mam] nun E! :‘msL. m t] uy‘thr lie-1 I musmvx: )f Frunklip insh, Ly N: Ith ”MEI: nuflan tow 'l‘Zl<,of Fr influhy ‘h 0 “in (-H n], | inst... M t in .\dnuns 1 FLAVHL L, Md., to DIE urt Mr. . lo mmuhsu‘ esteemed} led niquit-L1 i the gran: Iolml friend EL. :1! an 'nship. {h llmd bet-u \‘iai' n :0 whil‘el .ml m rmvhi ialvr-i‘n-lai ring. “I ‘5 Meetiu-J int)";r .\h'. lingloq t idgqé 51¢. 51mm ‘u an. El ‘ 14., \I‘H. \ l'r ol‘J'uhn hip, aged «Inf—Ur 1v: LVH, dhug' of Freedol and 1') dz: ins!” in ,\'. «on nf’J year-e 1 In rel-k, Gl5 ugby. E~q Is and 25“ inst... in ml dnugh god about 6th"of Ap If .\lou'Hju ml 16 d the Lord.. ; voice frtu ipus demi‘ I‘n’or of H 1 ir slecpiu . On the Im. I FLORA \'., dn I’fnntz. sg‘ed 23' Wt: My thee‘ Swoel Mo. it‘ll-L. in phtér of nus and 2 4'25 175 635 in thy si] gom ofn We just be And lho‘u . u to see 1. wast calle I, , here we rom thy c with the 2 L ins ure w Dem-est 110 : .\lisn thee But then ll’l‘ And thy, ‘ Weep nn‘ m .‘ Rut Flora And heuniu Where lh e, sbé is ‘ 1 only sleep ed soul h e is no ey We miss-1111; Thur. 31: re But lhou art. Removed "tee! nn us joy wh now with I on: pftiu : Insp Lhee y gentle _ n'ch thy 3r Flora, hd Slur pl No more we (Em: qse t No on: we » For thou, dI @Selitim‘l a I. Notice rcby giv I rs will In OF—FH" :d Coum) ‘\TOTICE ié hq i (lemmissio'r‘ , AIS.ATE\IF..\"I upon all State n‘: the year 168‘) th; on or before Tm: will be required hefure the “hove ment to all persb day, and pay the 3 otherwise no an order of the Com It shall be my, the “I ‘ to) call of mm, and ‘ s paging ' me to the temem. iuioners J. M.‘ Aptilfifl, 1862 F. ROTECTION-' COMPANY eleotion for Dix-cc 1 this company dur held at the public Littleslowu,'on (In: 1 o’clock, P. .\I. April 28. 1862. IF LI m rs, to In“ ng the en lbouse of 1 -firal Stun j l 8. S. td“ ‘ J L 9.15 & it cub p FLOUR, ouse in Ind 3 1 holeenl DUANO, ly“ rims, Gi A. ‘ 1 ‘._ Tr.-- V 7. V-..“ _wfi_- - ”W... For mmompim. 3 | Public Sale wrnftiua Stan-«amt v vumau: REAL AND PERSONAL hreckinrid Demo‘r- PROPHRTYg £lom hef 0n radiating. Me it'll/n day of Jim: next, 3 mm 4 The subscriber: Aungnm of WILL“! 8 Ju- V"! WW- 145' Kin-_nd Wm. will Sella! rubnc sum: the otwo extract: which i ruiéence of mid Assignurs. m Oxford (own 4 ship Adum county. me tanwmg highly vul piper, filed by ‘ unbl’e Personal and Real Pmporly, \iz: ! 7 had of Suaveriar Draught. HORSES, 4 un der six warn}. an gndyColt: 2!; head of COWS a. of April.lB62,the . - - : mod order, 3 BELLS. lmll Durham, oneJnll organization 0; file v grown : a lot ul HHOATS, some 50 no number, the defence 9 he nbonl 6 monlln old, m thriving cuudiuon; 22 “"9"“ ("Fm“‘wn “r: hem of prime m HUGS. _Brtcbnm/gv papers‘ Also. nfull “3011 mm: of Fnrmlng Imp]!- F‘" slandveruui "hm” ments, consisting of Ploughs, Ilurrovu, Culti- Id the bratePfiiCSlvaw, 4 wwons, 1 Una-hone do., (an, nnected "1”] ‘ 9 Cnrriuge, Sleigh, an excellent MOWER AND ofthetréopsfi’ RBAPER. Threshing .\inchine. with double 861' lenthxn'nyear shaker and horse power, Grain Drill, Corn . ‘ Shelfi Harm-9w, ('hmm, Log Chains, kc. ' ' Wlll be ofl'ered at. the Hume.}inxc, A FULL the PM“!!! em?“ LOT OF mummy or A FIRST-CLASS er" the liberties DlSTll.Ll-IRY.lngond order. bullmle worn— l by OUf‘fflthefF. 67“ an Engine and Boiler, twenty lxorsg power, as and ("rid/l MIME“ 15 good In new—2 pajr French Burr Mill Stones, CLD u: mun" To 0 is the guilty par-J ur bruve‘snlders is l ‘ 'e do not: know who . but, this‘ we know, CANNOT ESCAPE? ia implicated with (1 receives part of lilty of appointing ve flue execution 6 may nuke wlnch - may pl nse. The pecnla‘lion doubly Iw, fled; from cor 'Admin'fiftmtion. to o-t.ed‘ fothov. Cari 'nud haw, ‘ tfiey link-L z ass?” 1 x : l-r's own howingfin‘ ‘r umns, :‘be Star-his n. F £ 3 . Q- KIE rowleJ—Pwvr‘md _re, mutahnhng two; 'ex'mpe It horsesj om anll Cairo. on} l with 3151 on boardJ Inlay 4% e Luth} [Pn'rnoqng‘eyu . J. K.‘ illillcr.'Mr.i IR to .\liss A.\.\' .\Hi 9“ InhiP. 51 Ru'. Jurob Kit-411M, 1 Mr. JUq‘El’H x‘fi'tAY—yl lahip, lb: .\liss HEN} ‘ lklm mwurhip. 1| ‘MHIIP, Mi. 1. LEWISI ROI-lAXNA WADE}: 1 ‘ a residence of the_ ouutyflfiy Rcv. .\lr. .MI'SHHR. m Mom‘- iss MARTHA ANN UNA - - t i «Wm LLU-‘RLEYJ dlB 8:1;1‘51. The do»! g-itizen; gt Strubum nuhmgeqi‘e life, and! by Mad: bqr of old‘ . [HubF‘eerpcrsi ‘ l g .\lr."\[sixw.\' cox: ‘ cuungnulped übouti 0 “’nfifingtnu 21ml; 4 ingcjnp». Imi|+3's}' hi‘: 'G'ay‘lhnnw Iquk; i York hp Tllarsd‘lyi "s—u'hqre he dial! renmixls “are iu-i Uouselin Lutimore; [ nuns HARVEY! winslnip,‘iil) the 524 i E n thug] th 01' F911,} .. aged“? ' ycars—ni ? ’ I .\RY 13in \mzrm Dultorqu deceascdfi 93 yang-q 7 months: lct fef'er, SAR'AHi 12+ or jdficorge andi x munflgip, aged Hg 5 cnnlldn: townshjpd u.u§lli«l“(3hristinnni nth’aud L’? dn} 5. :(n: .ynxuu). term: of [ls} place, aged! ‘3's- 3 , ‘ enullé‘n‘. fownship,‘l l'l' of William 3m]; 4 weeks: l ‘ l‘umu‘m'uicaled. é linst.‘ ‘ll-. JACOB; tuwhflhgipfagcd 74¢ :. [Slowed are thé Heave‘n‘proclaims,‘ -ir name’s, ' bed. 3 1 ’ : Commqnicnted. g rcedayn ‘ lownuhip,‘ 5.1 M: Md buphini darn. L , . , ttomb,‘ 1~ § “’9 1 ‘ 1 {y blooxu‘, _ ' 1 i may. } giu xhee. ' 3 uildisl, plu‘, 3 l ‘ ' r tngels, 1 [ shed 3w”. 3 '0: dead, ; .3 i th’ \ 1 I . a fled . g t thnt weepeth. ‘ i, gentle smile, I. ’— le here, ¢od in Heaven, { nd dehtfi nnd fear. In our mu, ad,. eagle sleep, In dead. w. uls. use copy. - 5- that the County kcan‘ _ PER CEXT. . taxes ngscssed for!‘ {paid to :(‘olleclorsu fJuly.i L'ollectors,l E tax-payers on or! make such abate-3? i on or léFfore ssidl ‘Cuuutyx renaurerx l'iH b 9 bade. By,‘ {' ALTHR,CIfrE. ectio I 1 [RE I) FRANCE ' LESII' WN.-——Alll nuke ma affair: of nirgg your, will be ‘ osiru Burn, in try of May next, I“ BISHOP, Sec’y. ‘ TU AL et‘ers E as for all kinda of; [ SEEDS, m, , ‘ cw Oxford. ‘ 'rge assortment of‘ : and retail—3l3o,: PLASTBR, Bc. 1 ghnnil, 1 Brill' con ai soul";hm nud YOUNG: ('ATTLE, improved bmcdi, in nearly new, .togelher wiLh their fixtures , a Double Distilling Apparatus, which in turning out first qunlity of whiskey. Persons wishing :0 buy the whole apparatus. could not fail to secure a bargain, in it will be sold in. hall in cost. Alsu, THE BUILDINGS containing {the Mn chincry, together with fitter Stable. Hog Pens, Malt flange, and a large Ware Hoube, {our Ilories high. put up lnlgly, and consumed in its structure a. lot 30! very uluable muerialn, pilll: and oak lumber. Thr purchalq‘r must remove nll‘thrne buildings from the piel‘lisES. “'ill flap be oflered u. lot. of ‘SUPERIUR IYIHSKEY, Home rummuu do.; Griainiby the bu 'iu-l and Grain in jl'n- ground. 3 Mia 50 1c HOUSEHOLD ANDKI’I'CIIEN FI'IINI'I‘L‘FCE, a uripty of articles, woiudiou: tom ntion; } ' l . m the 3’ me rimmwill be gfl'erqd, A RED LAN ) l-‘AEM, in le‘urd township, ‘All‘ams «3., adjoin g Funds of Juneph J. Sm‘llh,‘Joseph Lilly, Ind‘olhers. cu‘muiuing 225 Acreg, more or less. 'lJize lund iilnntursllx nfgdod quality. Sulfil‘ 4.009 or 5.000 l'fualicl: (ll Liulhhq‘ve been applied to It in 51110 uuurie ( f n few gains, and plenty can: her bad 'withixy _n milc. '{he’re is upon {he ‘Farm 3‘ large ‘l'wo-Mory ‘BRWK HUUSE,willi Backqbiiilding,nud out-bliildiuga. Also a [IQUSE l‘N'D LU'l‘. in lrishtq‘wn, the Lot containing llu‘lfmn Acre, and, beside the “dune, luring Stable, Oven, llog Phn, #O., Hit-roan. ’ "1 ‘ ”“531: to commehce at 9 o‘clock, A. 1, on said any. q‘nd‘lo continue, from day 1:0 day, until all i sold. ‘Alirnd ure, and a credit of“ 9 months \ 13th secujrity, gin-u by p ; ’ 3JUU§ SL. JENKINS, Alwyn“. April 28‘; 1852. in; 3 \ Assignee’s Notice. 1 HF. ‘uhfletjsign‘édl having been “pointed .\ssighee,‘underin drag] of trust for the brncfitoi c qdilnrs,pf,\\'m 5.1“le: nqd WIFE. ofUXford Inh‘nshin, Adams county, nptice is hereby uiv'L-n to all fiction: know in: thqmselvcs indebted to said .\ssi‘gnoru to make immediate pnylnvngtn‘ the undicraiigued, residing in Mount plenaluté lp‘wniahip, aliud those having claims against the sapnc to ”resent them properly au thg'alicatrd Jot aeltlemcnt. a? ‘y‘JUILN' ‘L. JENKINS, Algiynu. .‘pril 'lB, 151:2. idt‘ .‘ 1 fl . Nengoods. 1 \ l EORGE ARNOLD ‘ G Has just: fiq‘eiqed from Philndélpbin a largo stark nf“ ‘ 1 1 , ‘ CI.‘!THS.iC3ASSIMERI-IS. Muck, plain in d bury; Silk Warp,‘ Frcnch v (‘lnthsf ‘fur Slfimunfr 3!’re~s Cams, (u lgeuutifu] airtiuleJTwct-di. luliv‘n Cimhs. Jeans, Drillings, Merino Cnssimien-s‘ WM 0! ('nrds, “alum-nuns undW'oslings. an wiry" lmndsnmr. In rim nbch sléck’ of Gaudsi {he‘c pr: many new and hem;- ryi‘fui Myles. ; , , Alva in large stovk nf PAKPETS. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS. lL‘nd“ Domestics. r . LUSO nxuge‘mcu‘ o: liEApY-MADE (7mm. IX“. ofour min mfiufir'ncturing. in yep! Varic ty._ul‘ win-mpfices janil cheap. L‘alln ‘ seeqs. Mr. W. T. Kingiis‘in gonnecliup (£th the e-tablishmenl an pup! to cut and ake up Clothing in zlxorv‘drdgr‘ Aprilflß,lBB2. gum . ‘- ~ ‘ Ready-made Clothin. ' “1 EURGH ARNOLD } , 6' HM now on‘hflnd nlllt-htholnrgrt Itock of Ready-imde Cldthing he has ever I: d, cou- Msting (If, 1 . l I ‘ (_‘OATR.zfil site". I ‘ ‘ g A ‘ P.\.\'T.\MloN§~l,4o., v i - \‘ESTS..«¥O..I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ DES HHS, ‘ ‘ i . mum‘s, , § . E‘HmAM'ERS. l- 1 ' " ‘ 1 1 GLOVES. ‘ ‘ 5 1 -uosmh¥, a”. Our Conn, Pnn'é‘ mid Vesta run from a needle to an unchor,jbothgns{lo sizc,privc aglti quality. If We cannor‘plenbeb’ou ir a garmctt ready made Mr. W. T. Kiqg; who is in to necliuu with the. eatubllshmcpt, will gt oucc thkéyyur {neusure nnd 41min, ybu a suit in slmq't notice. Give us 5; call; 3 l [April 28. 186?. Pm 4.1 n I New ‘Spfing Mflhne . 11862. ‘ Juss mccnmnv f 1362. I I AS=jflst lieturizgrl from the oily n d in now , opening; an quxisually large an beauti fu assortment of - BONNETS and ' ' ‘ ; BONNET TRIWHIiG‘S, , 9f the latest Myles. 1 Also, DRESS JMODS, and Dress Triinmingq‘, Shawls, Munullns, and Fancy Goods 'o-l entrf description, all iofwhiuh having begn puhlnpserl for cash, will lfe sold M. prices to suit the times. ' [G‘Miss M 4 is nbw,‘ prepared to bl‘nch Ind do up BONSETS in the bent manual, and at reasonnlrle pricea. : ' ' April“, 1862. km Notice. AMUEL momuws ESTATE. Lem" S of administration‘ on the estate 0 Samuel )lnckley, hue ~of Strabnu townihip Adams county, flecezls'ed, lining been gljanfi'd to the undersigned, residirfugfln the same th'pship, he her’eby gives notice? to an penous in ebted to said estate to make immediate pny ant, and those havwg ck’nimslaguiust the same to present {hem properly authbn‘ticated for settlement. , ‘ PETER MACKLEY, .‘Ad/p'r. April 28,1352. w, . Notice. AMUEL CASH AN‘S ‘ESTATEA—Leuers S‘ ofadminislmi n'on the estate 0] Samuel Gunman, late of Monntplcaaam township. Adams county, dec us‘ed, having been grunted to the undersignqd,‘ residing in {lnt same township. he hL-reb'y gives notice to all per sons indebted In said gstate to make immediate payment, and thosq‘ hpving claims against. the same to firesent (Jinn properly nuthénticuted for settlement. ' 3 ' JACOB MELHomV,;Aa.vr March pg, ”562. 261* : LY NETS—n superior uscrfmgnt—n ’ . ‘ PICKISGJS. - ._4___.‘_-_._._.‘_.,_*__ “mi“... RUNKS and Cupbt Suck: cheap it ' ' ‘ ; . PICKING'S. 'lnsfmfi Ei‘gpway, Thing-hour and ‘ AIM-q: Clocks,phenp at P 1 ‘KING'S. G d 'r ATS ch§a’p at ' ELLAS of ever variety u I i ”R! ‘ ’ PICKmG-s RUCERIES.—A fresh arrival of Grocories G at reduced prices—splendid SUGARS at 8, 9 t 10 cum par pound—best COFFEE at 22 can“, and o!.th firings in propqrtion. Call and leeundjudge for ypurself. April 21. FABNESTOGK BROS. . USLINS n low rate“ from 6 cenu up, ‘ cu: be lud It the cheap Ilorc of . FAHNESTOOK BROS. ERSONS in'want of: cheap and fashion- P nble HAT‘or 041’ can bucomnodnted byicaflixig at ’ ' R. F. HcILHENY’S. ; LL kinds of STRAW GOODS. embnclng A ”en's and' Boys’ HIM, Miuu' sad Chil ‘ arm’s lku, Shaker floods, ta, tn, 3: ' 1 | April 21.; - R. r. summers. % TE? into McILHENY’S and no tin-limous -38 quality of HATE Ind CAPS M h In ‘jult nceind. Cosu nothing to look. New Firm. ' I Gnmnms, mnvmoxs. runnsxok rscrmxs. NOTIONS, arr. ‘ 'l‘llr nnderalgned have gone Into partnership in tho Grocery and Pronuiun Luainen, It the old stand of W Gilll-Ipie, in York "rec-t, one door can of Will's Hotel. Gettysburg, when they will consunlly keep on land for le,m general Vlriexy of good: in then line, vs} : CUH-‘EI-IS, V ‘ SUGARS. ; “GLASSES. SYRUPS, ; TEAS, i _ ‘ N SALT, 8p EARS, 1 ‘, augments, , , iDES, ‘ _ i l F‘sflfior TOPS ' I l l A n , ' Ji. :’ news, a, i B ‘AiKDiFEEDI, nntilyl i ‘ ' ‘ l ram 5 ; l i ’ 0T10N5,.&¢.,&C.,&§:. They expec also to denl largely in GOAL on. ma COA OthiAMPS—promillngtgoold article of the omor‘lnfl A'fiue uuortmentxq! thelnttor. . a l ‘ i - l Having en ged the Store and Ware Roomi, they are {are} red to keep I large stock, all a! which will be ispould 6! 11. the love“ ntea‘. They ofi‘er sue bargaina‘ us hive never herewi fore been bed n th'm place. i Give us utrihl. lid effort spared to please] ' l fem A. uooum, l ‘ r QSEPH s. GILLESPIE. , ‘ April 28, 1i: ;l l ‘ 5 w. '1 ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘—7 i A F 0 1 ard movement. . : HE SIEUB GUIN‘G OK. i PICKING [N COMMAND. i . Having re OvedZthe theadqutrten of‘m‘y‘ Clothing Em orium from my: old stand in‘ Chambersbur atrte‘inbo Balhlmorvstreet, ll few doors no h of :Danner t Ziegler'sl I tnLE ‘pleuure in an ounq’ing do my friends and thb public genera Iy, thnt I am better prepared< than ever to I: commodnte them with every:— thing in my litre. My room ha: been painted and handsome y paneled; and the recent arrival ofn splendid atmrlmontnf . ’ SPRING ND SUMMER CLUTHLVG 1362 n: this Luis-reruns POI 186: makes lt amphuticnllly the Liliea‘p and Fash ionable l'lulhing S‘tore , 1_ of Gettysiiqrgl. . l in the Men's Donal-linen: will he found it most camplmc‘ assortment of ‘ i i FINE (‘LOTH cons. " l. e 1 BUSINESS COATS. ‘ 13 ~ 5 VHSTS ASH) P4\.\”l‘€, for l' l si’RlNl‘r AND SUMMER WEAR. Onr Baya’ ilepnrtment comprises every n; riety ofdylesj linyjs‘mh he trimmed outf‘rom head to foot wii'h cuits c‘pmplc-tn nnd‘t‘honp. ii FUIINiSIisiNG 01,0005,» finch as y x i lil r l ‘ I ‘ l S, i ‘ t ' NDKIiRCHII-ZFSH - ‘, I , XECKTIES, ‘ - ‘ :GLDVER,I ‘ _ j , i 1 HOSXERY, ecu th the g‘renteet chre and lald t prim’s. We deem it uninecesuung' xtru pewspnper flodrish. bein a énll will sutiqty nll that our what we recommend them tobe of gohd Mulerid, and (‘hßthr qhnlity‘uf} goodsj «An he bouglt ty. 'l‘l‘i'u‘mnrh i will any, th t e to flil‘W'hO mnv‘Tnmr me with e, entire: satisfaction. as tu quail- F. u. PlE‘thG._‘ FLOII With Any 1; COR FECTIU SHIRTS, com. ' ml JAM selected w ‘tbe lowest ens ‘ ‘to make any \ tronfidem that Road! are just I—wcll mnde. gum: the same rin Adam! com ‘lwiil gnarnm I {heir pan-(mm. it_\', fit and pri April at, 1:: =II ~~ ~1 ' ‘-’~ + >+—L-——- - IReli9f Tax; ' .\' accordance '11:“ the Audof the Cvuor+l I Asgemblyoa Pcnrisylvxlnimapprm ed Lhe ugh tin of May, 1861. {ln round to the nlicf of Volunteers and lhexr filmilivs, the County (Toni: missioners hu‘v» lcvfic-Ed 9‘. mx of! niill.wl|iclh the (‘ullecturs-for {hf brgseut _vcurnré requirqd to collect ’udp.l_vlho;s.|mt= owr to the (.‘ounl_y Treasurcr‘n six \\ ét‘ka Train the due of the'r Warrants. I’br gefinhxl“ inrormuuoh, secli‘lu 17 of said .\rdis .prvhded: “Section 1?. 'l‘lmft it‘sbgll bu Inwfihl far 1 0 pro!“ anthorfities pf any eouhty within th s (.‘nmmonwenluh to afaela and lévy A tax mr tile pnflneut of ‘shch nppropriatiom as may 1121 8 been, or mayilxerr‘nht-I be. made by such 31- thorities for (be rcfiel of \oluntcns, or the“ f'mnilit-e, nr‘bévlh, whlrh ‘voliun‘eers shall 'lmée been of ma} e rew‘ifnd into the service ot‘lhfia .\m: or me I nited!St:ues. in übe pl‘eScul ex igeucy of the rnun‘rlrgn. 11’rm'i‘aed, That Emil: assessment sh II nq't‘in hny one yam use?! use and one- mlfhfilills upon thedollnr of‘Ll‘c tu‘nblc prnpxrty of ‘nuqh (-ounjy. vaided. Til/stall Innnmlwrflpfinejnegmihfrd, nanom‘ji bun-owed by 'ommxiwioners nrlmuuicllml an. lhorities; are ueby mliglnted." ' .Mtest—'—J. M. April 28, 1 “HML - 4...“-.-w.‘ .nnqtfileempntr . OF PARSt x [3llo‘ .\‘imnv's B()0K. 1 I The subscrihfor is, about puhlxahing‘s nnrrntirc 01 t e perils, ndrentnres, nnd sullsir- ‘ ings of the R v. W.‘ q. Buothnw among To secessiqnists th'nl'flWSl‘f. Tliemsnuctriptiu nearly Mainly-ted, jind tvill he put to prc,’ forthwith. ~ he nmuésrilnce n‘ud typogrnpir i of the work 2 'ill he blithe first (Julius mnditwlill be fully up lm‘n‘diomely il ustrnted wi' h sketches of {t is scghep referredltq. and n fin+r engraved ate l pornsit of the author. I As to its c utents. ‘,we have 0 hesitation linl «tying that t e public will helLtnrtlv-d at this} nnrntive of! cts. M will lny [hare the per. e4}; cutions and e uelty iii-hick mnrhed the duel pd; ment of the sfccssidnleonspirndy in Tonnes; cf! the disaster and the ruin With which it 041 vutnted ctflimunit‘ieis once firosperous and' snndered fa ilies once happyé more than silk} it will expos the bad and reckless ambit‘adn,’ and th teleElsss bloodthirstipess, by whgfh , the ringslesdel of the conspirlCy were Eli u-’ lztted to‘theirl work oflcrime sngl trenison. l i Thenarrsti e lines of personal'experienc s. The author vouchesi fut: the hecumcy.“ ts statements. he 'pq'hlic may thefcfore ncc ,pt' it. as not. onl, s reliable but it Reculin: chnpkieri in the gener historylof the times; and we tel confident th no more si'gnificnnt, startling, or instructive niemoritll‘of the Rebellion. in it? minute persoinsl and social bearings, is nongl accessible. l ; i ‘ ‘ I .2 ' '_l _' The_puhlicl are well aware that Mr. :BrovAn- _ low is a boldlspenkihg mm. to this nsrntilre ’ of his snflerihgs, composed mnstly while canoi lined in the jiiil It iKnoxvilleflhe has Intranet!a his thought‘ in lshgunya lofl eitrnordinatry r force and feulessneis,‘ scathing his udretsgrles ‘ even while in their fioyrer, and hppenling to his countrymen even froszis cell with the urgen-. cy of a martyr. . . ‘ 1 i It will be nblishéd in one :vnlume, 12m0.,~ fully illnurtfed, of ihont 400 pages. at $1 25, l GEORGE m. CHILDS, Publisher. has and eaolCheuum an, Philni . H-Buuéowes i & thLsosl, Agents 'l’or l Adams coun y, Bendenville, Ansmsi county.“ ' April 18, 62. ,' _ . i Maine. Demorost’s mam LY MIRROR engrasmoxsl— Q Gun ' Ixno‘nxuuafi—The Summer number .will couxnixx' tour large and splendid Fuhion-platés, three full-sized Patterns. c612)- priaing the new French Wain, an elegant Sleeve. and a Misses Sack. togetlicr with near ly 100 Engrlrlngs of all the novelties for Sum mer Bonnetl, Clouks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses. etc., and valuable information to Mil liners, Dress Makers, Mother‘. uxd Ladies gen erully, presenting the largest. and heat Fashion Magnum in the World, published 473 Broad way, and sold everywhere at 25 Cit, or sent by mail post. free, on receipg oftha amount.— Yenrly $1 with the following valiuble premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entilled to the selection of 50 Cu. worth of plain putt-Ins, from ibe designs in the beaker txom the show room. or they may be ordered and sent by nul any time during the yearly paying the postage. RSplendid Induceml‘nts to CS“VGbSCfS.—- Summer Number will be ready on or About the la! of May. [April2B,lB62. PICKING'S HE “nation of the Ladies is respectfuuy invited to n l-r'ge and aplendxd “acumen: of adies’ fine Kid and Morocco BOOTS and SLIPPBRS—Luting Guitars, 30.. Inc, It, April 21. R. F. McILHENY’S. RIOURNDPHGOODSFéThe fiuexx gaun manta ournlng coda mm 0 end, LADIES, tall and leg tho cheap“: lot of can now be uen mud bought 1: loq‘fr price: (g BILKS on; 69"!“ n-Gellysbnrz. I'hxoh thu flu; ban "ng sold My; Call u _— are my open 3nd n-dy tar "In: ‘ 10:12.“ the“;- olthe Bed Frqnz. fl ‘ ‘ April 21. ‘ Vuaxasrocx's. ' Ipm :1. umsmcfisnos. iJ; !MEI miss H. MARSHALL, WW 3. GARDNER, 15min“): MYERS, . . L'ummiaeinmn ME= um: fiflMrW; , was; 'sfifiii'é—ééodé” 111 T AEENDTSVILLE- ' A The underlined have just "turned from we cities with n splqndid flock 0'! 311' Sprung Goods, Inch ‘33.! rarely found hag: country store. embracing ‘ i CLUTHS. : CASSIHERBS. ‘ CASSINETB, ‘ VE LADIER' SILKS, ' ‘ woucmst “Moms. » . Dumas. ‘ , 053 mm. w - PRINTS. J, ‘ \ ' (,lon ~ uvs nuomunn cm“: HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and Stan’s, ‘ g-lIARDWABE, 785 6300211133. ‘ ‘ ‘ DRUGS, in Ihort such I general nriety u to give general satisfaction—and. will sell {0: CASH. or u liity days buyers, CA“ in and see for your trouble to show Goods. _f Also, manually on hand PO‘ .. PLANK & S ‘ Arendun’fle, A April 21. 1852.‘ 2111 New Mercantile N ‘EIMITSBURG. 1‘ , NEW‘GOODS‘ v_, LOW fleas:— The new firm arsmm z SHORB r Ripecuun; inform- their friends Ind the publi ncrale, that they have just. returned fro . e qilies with n splendid assortment. of Gobd‘p" consist-V ing of Lndies‘ ' ‘l' numss GOOD‘ L such an Pring,;-De Bug”. Chum“, gnndiel, Robe. o! all kinds, Alptu Swiss {:tronet, Check und' Cnmbr Ribbons, and a good usaorlmeut (fiollnrs, Calicdea and Muslins, ul‘o) CLOTHS; ; ‘ ‘ CA‘SSIMERES. _ vnsu Junn.'&c., inhfor men's we‘r - Rum—MADE cun‘mx 3001‘s, 51191-23, V HATS As: all prion. A good stool; ‘of Cul HARDWARE. . V .1 QUEENSWARE, , 1 ' , DRL’GSund ‘ . MED? a 590 d stock of prime ‘ 'QIIuCPIRIES, kc" and _nll kinds qugoods, such as :1 found in n comltry store. lhving Cub, we pull fioga topoll m the pflnea. ()ur Enema is—“ Quick Smnll Profits}; ‘ ' ( BEE-Thesegbods are really we lmmtiful, and we wnnLin distinctly under”. d, “In! 'we will zell them Very (hemp for Cash, rto punc "lsll customer: at qix months. Pl: we call and examine befone p‘ur'clmsing also here. We would I'L‘Rpeétflull)‘ return our 111 ki‘ to our frio-nd- for le liberal patronage ex mil-ll [pus thus mr, and respectlully ask u _nfiuuauce tllereof. ' - ~ 531 ml summ. [_‘lunxxlilsburg.:‘lld., April 21, 1862‘ tly The Old and Reliailé. NEW smm: mmns.‘ g: ' L, SMALL interns a; gun; suns—— J. L.‘ SUHIC ’ would rospecvf‘ lly any to the cm Iydhurg and )i‘uinily, [but he in In at his Moran. leudul STOP? 0F SPRING CW The stock chains in nurlnf Staple DRY 613005, of ever; dc: SILKS, .l MUZ.\\lßl‘Q}Yl-‘., CHAILI: ES, ' , D ”LAKES. BQVHAZINES; ALPACCA LAW _l of u'l qnnlhibs and croicvfij atylv-u be sold at Pm ‘,E\‘ 'r Hun-‘\'.(‘HM , ..- l-‘I'RSISHISG «nuns oflnllkinds,in‘cluding Suk, men Hundkcrchiel‘s, (Hm cs. Stmkings, , .\lwo, 1! SPI! ndid nasal-Uncut. o Laces nud Edmnga; I'mhrullaq nnd My stock of “' H'l‘E‘ GOODS WW [I and l‘nmplotr, L1H!“ 'Lustgum'erfi mn_ plwnys gellingfgood guods at the l ble prices. ’ Gentlemen w'ijl find it to their 9- cull nml exiuniue my stuck of '_ CLO'I‘HS. , CASSHIERJFS and , YES of all qunhtin hm] choicest styles (April 21, 1862. ' J. L“ "’ 1862 Baigain;3! ~ l ’ ll . H . ATS. ems. BOOTS AND straws. I TRCSKS AND Tl{A\‘l-‘.l.LlN{)~‘f¥.\‘(‘-S ~' Hurlngjufit rec‘eivgrl a very, large su[;,-l_\'of’lhe ' nhm'e goods, we are prepnlrml m ix‘llgkem lower than over soldjn this place. My aloe" ik'most complete, embracing every slple o”};er and lluts made. . 1 ' . 'IIATSAND CAP; l capiisling n\l' ell the 'lu'teit styles film" Spring‘ and Submer. ‘ lfl "' . . Boots AND sxloa§,w ; lor Gentlemen} Ladies and L‘lfildren’. ‘ Citylmnde ' ‘nd Eastern work fro ’32!) cents" up. TRUNKng every description]: Hnd. , fi'Cnll anti examine glue hat-gain nt April 21, 1382. \ R. F. .\lcll." XY'S. ~..odv<<—--—_-_.L_ '.__- e“- A..\ .—_~—— Nahopal Hotel, i,. ,' g ' LITTLESTOWN, ‘ é lfifl ‘ Adam; Cofiqlg, I’a. ; e 1‘ ! HE Inbsrriher having‘\tnken be above T commodionn Hotel, is pr‘gmrer to receive and entertain the traveling pu ylir, Erma moat n-ppwvodlstylr. His charges will b modernte and his attention unrem‘itting to‘qlgwho may, fa‘mr him with their patronage. ‘ 0 His table wxll at all times be su‘g‘lied with? the delicacies bl’the lesson, nnd Qis\\blr be l furnished with the choicest liquors)? \\ I The styublinfi in extensive Ind Jr tl:o\butl character, and competent and attenfiira mast- ' lfll'l constnntlj in atleudunce. in \‘ April 21,‘62L’ u M. H.q OUS,E.\ w"'—_l"’__—_—.—‘ “fiLfi‘. Removal.--Tm Ware. HE undersigned has removed sl’l‘inningl establithment nearer the & found, in; lmmbt-rpburg street, udjninin Ly”. Bnehm ler’a Drug Store-43 V(ry cenfrnrlocgtion. He‘ continues to manufacture. nnd keepficomllnt-, l on hnnd ever-variet of ,1 ' ' y Ixx-w‘muziV y 37. 1 l , mssrn AND ‘; j I . J . 2 ‘ JAPAxED mama, 4 snd will tlllel‘ be rhdy to do RETAIBIXG. ROOFING-ad smc'rrxll l l also don: in the but manner. PridT‘L’modn no, Ind h'o ed‘ort spared to tendon Int-is (union. The pnblic'u continued alga is solicited. ‘ A. P. 8.1 HER. Gettysburg, April 1, 1362. b: .; Great Bargams g. y; ELLING OFF AT COST TO CLO! ‘ BUSI- S NESS.—T‘ue undersigned, having {litermin ed to close their business, will ofl‘er lim- entire stock of goods AT COST FOR CASIf. The show comprises every "viz-1y; of coach kept m a first-class country Store—{lonsisting in part of DRY Goons, QUELI'=\VARE,; BOOTS & SHOES, CCTLERY, HAEDWARE, all or which mil be sold at cost pneus. or less‘ ‘ for the cub. RISEHART A: SELEIVAN. LL colors of Zeph) rWorch-d nndShcanad ‘ A Wool can be had at SC‘HIUK’S. WW: would hcrc give notice to those in- W 7* debtcd mu, eixber by Note or Boofilacconnt. CAUCOES' " glam]. “2,926? n: 3831515? to call and settle the snmeucnrly u ‘flouiblo. 12* a" P" 7’” 1"“ 9 n a ' ‘ ' Fairfield, April 14,184-2. ‘B, A' S i _*, ,_ ‘ DRESS TRIMMINGS, in grant virvcx‘yi'ic !' Dr. A. Noel ‘ > _;_*__ _7; ___._., 3951““; i “VOCLD respectlully infurm qit public OTTO}! GLOVES, {onion and Boys. can ‘ . that. he ha- opened his oficn .in Bun- Cbe hgd cheap 3: SOHICK’S. nughmwn, \dnmscoumy, Mountplouinuown- ___._' 'shxp. when he will give prompt as d proper' ‘1 ‘ ’ ntention alumnus comprised 1;] his proios- (J lion. [April 15128}. 3: x ,3: 1' - N" ~-- «~-~ A-~ - .~ f- ~*-~ : ~ .w- “ww- ~—~--‘--+—-T-I>‘-rRJ-~-—*H ; New; Store! l . ! ,mmfl‘, mu. ‘ EW' GOODS AND GREAT BARGAINS! ’ (It 8!. , Jouph'; Acadia}; ‘L .—-Tbe undersigned wumd re-pectfully \lr‘HlEßl{\'.\:‘l’oW\' ADAMS L'U Pl! . Im’ounco tn the citizens of Genysbnrg And: I ’ "l t, ‘ ". ‘ ' . cu oundi-z country, Um: be has opened “‘YFHF.‘LADHPS 0" (JOWWAGO “n...” NIEEV STORE in Getty-burg. In the mom inn-1y; “ PA”! 3‘ 3" Jmoph 5 Audmh ”‘3'“ Ocq‘ufricd by J. C. Gulun I: Bro,, on the North ; rys'luwu', for thc bL-nefit of the 0:11wa IHML West corner 01' 1112 Diamond. where he Wlll}3""ih'm’“:m °°“'"""" on 10“,.” “¢ 1“ ker 5 lug: and well selected stock qr ' T 229; ‘l”???3:;“£9"‘3"6mg‘m‘aw D 1' Goons GROCERIES, QL'L‘HMSWARE,‘ '3" ‘ . "' ° “‘ " _‘Y ‘ “m 8% . t‘ABPETING,&C., :gxithttifizghorlhe Acudtmy. AI M of ‘erery d‘escription. among which. will be 4 .‘ , - - . r fou| d the latent slylel of Spring Goods. The i “‘5O" AhmgkgggilggégglCLm' A“? Lu ies pnniculnrly "e “queued. zq cull and) . , ' * v i ‘X in m. _., ' I p ‘ ‘ wxllbe ofl’eredfor Illa. 0n Tundlyl ‘ ’ \r EU egflmine my aloe ,as me sntis qv it u. ; uuer been surpassed in this place for benulyi . GRAND DINNER :3Alfihcillnfihfwfhmi";"lw'ifiliqu'é'r "m ‘” W” “" “‘""°r°°"'l':“"‘"‘ w " “Lu“"ne “' l d renntiosorn rec-on GENTLEMEN‘S WEAR um they cannot be nc- £337l:ng P 0" “3,, "cm, .3" Tues-Z! ‘ fgznmmodntcd with, at prices that willjaatoniah rSUI’PERS will be had}, and nu ‘ ‘ . l'will also keep on hand a large dppply of": ' OYSTER SUPPFR Y GROCEXHI‘IS, winch WI“ ho mold telly cheap. (on Vrldfly. On Saturday evening > My stock of QI'EENSWARE, km. will also be :! A CHARITY COXCERT i foungffigfi‘é‘fiv Q‘lmt’l; ““1 ehegp, whilst :lwill be given by nhle port'ormert. I my : _ . nfnnno csurpnuc .l If QRUUXD—TRH‘ TICKETS hblding [OOl {t 15?? ""12""? titre"): Er" “4‘?" Salon 'il‘ur (eight days, will he issued on‘the Northonj ~19!“ l! 0“ In “0. ”1g " [39° 38°" R” ‘(“entrnl, Hanm‘cf Gett'slmr and ”'4l?"tht “d“ i ‘l', chew—hm“ ““P‘ed ”’6 m°"°— 34llailronds-whlch, will gnmlegholder: to n {ml thIICK B“ng AND SAIALL P FITS." filmy tnthc Fair Room. Pulrngerl forth. hit”. ‘ (‘1 would respectfully when a sh: of the I will be; met at the H-quur DcpotJud convey-l pnulicynlmnnge, as _l boye by strict: tteullun' ed to .\lleon-yntown l're'e of chnrge. Horn", to ,usmeas, and b 1 ceahng WW“!!! xth Ill) (will be fed and nttentlte ortlcn provided {my _ ‘ t' 1. I cu'flomm’ 1° “we “fi‘fégfifl’ 3fo um. 3:35, “33$ “3.: ’er 7.3%?- if: £3151?" {ht . rll 14, 1862. ' x ’ g 3 Wl‘lw oluect oftbe Fair in utel 'Arhul-j . . 5 P 3 _ ‘ 1 -* "‘ - ‘—-——.—“—'*—“‘— 'llnblefinc. and no cfiurt will be spared to motel l New GOOdS. 1 . “it n linen-ea: worthy ofthut object. The Lndlcl‘, RING GOODS I—(‘HOICE GOODSI fironfidently hope that the public will extend to‘ I FAHNI-STOCK BR, THERSH" n gem-rung cucuurngumfnt. . huv[ just feceived and are now opeuin llllr2§p| )lcSherryatown, ”MC“ 31. “6-. a nnd choicé assortment of SPRING GU IDS :6 f" 7" " ' 3' '”’" ~i whi h they invite the nzlenlion of th 4pnl'l’lic.g Trees} Trgeg! Trees! . { Hut ng been purchnstzd Wllrh care at vduccd ‘llE nnderstgned anlé} Mtcntlon to their; pric s. we are prepared to give our c staplers q large and yell grow stack of g f bnr‘ sins. Ourotock has beunlurgélyl (reused 1,) nujn‘ AX!) ORN‘H‘ENTAL TREES, 1 by t to addition ofa cbnico variety of 11 c latc~l Vfihruhs‘ '&'c.. cmhmciug fl huge and conirlotol styl s of LADIES}; DRESS GyOUSJQ intorinllgflmnmpm or APPLES. YEARS, pEAanu'l for ' ENS‘ W)A . CARPETINIY. 111-‘s'». ‘LL'US, CHERRIES, APHIUUTS nml Mic-l WARE. MILLINERY GOODS. Mn 00 pri~iu:: .\ltmca, Standard mr um Or'cmrd, and i a complete assortment .of everythinglnsunllyr .\unrf‘ for the Garth-n. ENGLISH WALNUT“, v warned. Call earlyrund veg-N 'mrg ins fur t‘mxrsn c'nnsmv'rs, HAZLENI‘TS, teal voulrselvvm AHNE TOCK B ‘O5. ‘l usrmannms srmwnunums, cun- I Jipril 7,1861. pAN'l‘dnnd tlUbSl‘ZßEßßlES,ingremnrirty. l "“" $"’"‘*""‘;"““ ’_“ EILU‘FS of choicest kinds. AHPAR:\CI'S,' Highly Impm taut,- } “mum: .t-c.. .L-c. A 1504 fine .tock arm-ell! O PURCHASERS 0F DRY 300119,: «.rmpd, hnfihy :2\'Hll(‘:llElL\‘S, suitable 1021 The best place tot buy your my ‘aods is he (‘emMorv nm llnwn. 1 '3 ‘ “1.5001? & says, i , g .ll’rzcuymiqtlxlqriniifi or!" Itreet phnling‘, I l . . ‘ , ‘ ‘ _ m :1 getter. ..0 l ‘ 1‘ ‘ette thef‘laglf‘llntrl,(.hdmhtrsh‘ur ntrmt. Enumwu That's A“ Ftlnwmwo Rnlt‘lt. . ‘Onc Pure. l‘uu- Dcxlhng. und l‘ne “hing ' RUNPN‘ of chnlre vnriotios , CAMELIAS‘ . at (he LOWEST FREE. . l u-‘Dl;l\h(‘- H \\'T\‘ &c ’ " e have just returned from l'hlln clphialf 2) ‘trl-k Al‘lr :l’lllkl‘l’l’: thr'fl Inflaflne ] mu Bnlnuior‘nnd are now openinlz lurgof I 1”: 509;}. 'l'“ tc'lrirt-qt ’3l ‘t llh‘ytlm "i an ttrnclive nssortment nf 'm“p . ”'1 “ " ; ° ‘tn " H” t i lin ' il’l’lV (t (. O 01) S I flat-Pl ntulogllcu mulled tofu" nppllnntl. , ' ;»- . f.‘.‘ " ' . .1 ' AddressEDWAllDJ. EVANS. tea. I n htrh “p rnvxte themevmluhent i V (H t“Vrd l Y i I‘, l Laid us and Gentlemen-of luwn am“ M h “"18””, 3. ‘ufr H' or ’ L. l W? {WIN(1(Il'lltlrlll'lllilllle. but invite "to ‘ ' ' examine and judge for thmnqcln-s. We take this method of returning I or H'lle liberal patronage thus far at utjtmd would any it shun lie our to dc-n. or ['l merit a continuance of 14h: up I nttention to buniness.wnthl prmtse. hy selling lhe prettiest, best godsls fur the lent money. ggkns; SEMI PAIN TS : not fail lfich‘ they "é prompt vet—Jo " us Or a: 5'1““, ’,‘Muslinl. .ff Lndies' éices. IS 9 ,‘E ‘ 1?. ”EA iii-n, I; , . CERES; goriemily flight for -r§' lowest ales and April 1:, 18!)? New Goods I—Large S 7‘ Eucmxr TAILORING. ' ‘L t ‘ JACOBS & ha 49 _lllil I'l'N'iTPd from thv mziec. “i ul (Jud! for Gentleman‘s “cur, eui :mr elf of ' _ } L‘LUTIIS, ; : CASSIMERES, , M if Ct;- [ptoinhg Pu n‘_".' Mid riétiuu. . 'VEST hmn, Jeans, 31., with many" spring and snmmér wear. ~ hey are prepared 'lo‘ make up , shunt-st finticc, and in {he ve-ry 'l‘hé Fnshioun are wguiarly‘rec' hing made in ‘nuy 'llvsin-d Hui-o. s‘muke neht fits, whilst their at .e substantia}. _ V J almotrs. \ lirhwll] “' ITXONv, hey ask a cdmihunnce n? the N l age/rennlved by good work anti rgea to mrn it. . { (‘ouon IEOVS. l ‘ Restaurant. 11E C‘U.\.\[pERSBL’RG'STREET RANT. (ncccutly Eckanodc'x) ~ Building} Chambersbuyf: sn-et ducted hy the undersigned. UYSTERS are done up in «1] 53 FRIED CHICKEN. BEEF ’l . TRIPE. BUHJ‘ID EGG ‘. ui ‘ A NICE GLASS )l" 1 always be mm. Cu)! in. The . “In! ' gc-painted and fitted up in fint‘t) ' GEORGE} J‘ L‘L‘ euyzburg, April‘ 7l 1862. ' Haul: ~— lud full gly‘ upon w St possi ‘l ‘ 51,: vantage to I}}. S: 3?? I " _uiE 9n:- . 'New‘ Tailoring 1r , ' STABLISHMEST.--GECLF.I-Z(7 whom, , FASIIIIHABLE TAIH R, L . an: pt: this melbndm informing his lionldannd the public geneially, (hut. ln' lms‘ upéu't-Li :\ 'l‘ni uring csmblislunom'in lllLlLllll In: latrcct. Ge lysburguflatc l'ost (Affirm; mag m;- Di.» mo d, where he is prepared to do 1‘ l “ork in his line in the best manner. and Lq—glxe‘snns fnciion of cuétomers.‘ llv omplofl none bui firar clan: llflllal,fln(l receiving l I" ' .’ THE usmoxs mamrmrlxxx'x I . he ran yvnrmm fashionable fin an uglu and uub‘atnminl sewing. ‘Ho uh A shllm pl tlur public‘s putronnge,'promising to snare jun-M} fort m «lcseru‘it. His chm-gee: will nlwzps be ', found an moderate in the limo; wil :Ilfolw. ' é (liming n'ud linpniriug done at U a sliéntcntfl not ce. ~ [Gettysburg :\pri Elfidz. 1! n 5! On 5‘ Land ‘for Sale. 1 r Y Saturday, (In My: day of ”at am. w‘.“ to nfi‘ered In Public: Sale. on lh premises, 31 nCBES OF CIJfiBED L‘ $l3l sin Me in Cumberhnd township,Ad m! poun ty. ldj fining Inndl ofJuseph Wilde Frederick He and Mr. Herman, on the ro'xd 1v ding frum Ge _whurg to Weigle's Mill. Thel nd will be off d - , « 1 . l 15' LOTS TO SUIT PL'RCUA 5R5. ' F‘Snle to commence at 10 o'6! ck. A. 31., on aid flay, when attendance wil be given an toms made known by ‘ ‘ ISAAC PEOUT ~ JH'JOB .\HLLE f», ‘ \ JOHN ECKEXI 0173,; Directox‘s of the Poor otA am: go pri114,1362. t! _. , x Assignee’s Notlc _ ‘ E undersigned, having hgen . usigner,‘ undcra deed of m be fitbfiredpra, of Lcnwxo Essie: of 'nmberlan township, Adam c tip is' hereby 'ngen lo 38 person the ”JV“ indclmedlo laid Auignu im. ediate payment to the unden [id 5: in Getlytburg :nd those hm ax last the oameko present then pr thepcicated for "Moment. , ; \\ JACOB BE: 11er 14, 1862. cm IHOMAS T. GARDXEB'SV EST V TE.-—Let r tern of ndminiatraxibn on‘ lb; ende of hcmas T. Gardner. late of Luim or township, Addy: co.,dece3\sed., having been grdnwd to the undersigned. residing in Huniiugton "whine hereby gives notice to all pet-lons indebtedV to said exam to make immediate paymént, find those havingclaims Against the nmd to present them properly authenticated for sculcmrnl. W“ B. GARDNER, Adm'r. April 7. 1861. an ' L. 86310! in Jun revolt cheap Looking Glunu.‘ A. SCOTT cupburgl .\plil 7, 1962 ; Notice. .ARPETS, CARPETS.——A spiel I Carpeting—good and chewp—j In New Store of M. SPA G. CARR Ins just received ‘. mum-smut of Gent's 001.: e and examine them. w A .353 ' 62 VIM". EMI i :3! me any —— 'lO 9411 . l A 13151111th "I m tATES'I‘ Axn arm 'Ul’fr puma»; l pnmxm‘; mntcréymzs'rs._ml.xri' [Mournmuz _mrzxrs \ ANTED swim. wuum: TU SELL ms ' 'thnnks tied to nikn 1110‘. by sire to _ll must i lUnole Sam Prise Envelope, . i {Cont‘ix‘ninq 6 sheets Commércinl Non Pqpom‘ lgxio dc,=i|;ns 6 sheets Condenorciulkou Paper?“ manned culors.o do do ' do do 2 11‘ I 0 While Envv'lnpcs, I'nion imtllnl, ’ 3 3 os.' , ! 12 Buff 110 do do 1 ‘A‘ccummnduion T‘en Holder, , MI alo Steel Pen. 1 Ilontl‘l’encilJ Blotliu'l PM”; we con: Plated Btu. Premium in-' strucfieus for milking tho‘ lu-st‘ waur-proolli Glue kmmn. prl‘mium Snlvcr Wank, but wuht-r pmof-(‘hemiunl Emu“! Clnmpound. (A pum— lum {ms mvurdvd for the above p‘repuuiol) n threa different Smu- Fnlrl.) Tonther r“ .1 Beautiful Prize womb {tom Twenty-five 'CKI; lo’l'cn Dollars. I j unit stack bnting u ‘xqs, » I|te g’ouds rmcnts at tugs! mun vrd. .ind Tin-y B|- ]ing‘l‘is sure ALL FOR IWEXTY-PIYE 013378.. I The “ Vin 1e Sum Prize I-Inrelopp,"iq beyond gl“qucnlionnlwhundsoulcflj and most admin- My arranged affair of me kind yet qflorcd, "d “'l”erth where‘rer it is Introdnnd. Obj ’Sxmibncry in ofth choicesjtdescriptivnmhil our GJFTS in point offiylc nn‘d ext-allure a! qunlj'ly, nro‘ unmrpnnwd. ”Va actually givd Ile- purchnler n Dollar's wd‘rth for ..‘ L v W't-Ls'nzrm'xs icss'TSfi . , besidli-u prosonting him ““1 a UHOICEPRIZEJ‘ worth in many cases TEN 111551110 cont 9% the packsgn. \lfucnl-nnd Travaling‘Agentfl—j ~‘Llll‘jtfl‘ Fmvmle—aun rouli"v from $25 to $5O. per \yu-k by mlling the ” dick bj‘amjfriuflmi’ vuloptr,” ‘nlulu’ l'cdlnrst Shula”, Cnnvuur‘a Sl‘brnkul-pels u’nd other; will find“ A valuab auxilpry in increasing the? rccaiptu. Cited-vi in” giving full particulars jndled Inc. 1 } neg-"m 31 Pm: rum: ENyEww-zs Mu“ ea by mfiil, post-paid, on re’ceipl of 60 Cantu [' Address G. 31-10“.qu , i “ 130 x 889, P. 0., i’huumnphia, Pu.‘ 2 hsg3 pa: mpdimtp rink-“L'- in ‘he Ju t, s new EVE, in} 1 ”9,, u n has w-Hmd Qunrlt-rs. No. 50333. P“! It .\pril 7, 13.52. , b m Mllhnery, Straw; Goods, Bw. 1 ‘VE lune the pleusur‘g of informing yo ‘ 3 that we are now fi’repqhd w (”lanai nur (lld 3mm), No». 103, ups and 107 Noam SECUND H'l'.:_o|bnv(- Arch‘, PHILADELPHIAJ n “ell nelmmvd Stock of MILLINEKY 'AS I STIZA W (mum. in every variety, ul’the lung ’impurtatium, and of the newest and most {ADM innnlzle at) 105: ‘ : OER S’l‘l’. \W DEPARTMENT will comprl H‘ur‘v‘ vnrirty of llouueln, ”Mn and Trin‘mln L m befmmd‘m that!ill;,nl dhe men and mm npprqvod shapes lulfl atfiles. Soliciting an? gun-l} c.ull, l rcnmin : 3+ ‘ L ; Yours. Respectfully, 11. WARD.‘ j \[urchv24, 1962. h. [ _ ‘ l _._..__.’....: .. .a. .. .il. -_ -...--..- ..‘..1 Lost and Hound! :J 'r V HE “ gnarl) limes find plenty 01 money ”Wig tnund in ihe purclnfling of Goo-hwui SUHON'S, 4: Bi; greulyi reducedfipricclu—J Pumhmaers who wnnhl uke ndnuuge of {DH cliance of connnmyin urnring Buying, 0018 i A'l'llNCl-3,'A.\'l) SAVE MQNEYI Al thou-H {son has smut-u lmt ndvnncod, we gill ull flaw inf “'er (‘luxhiug we hufe on hand atgxic‘fl‘l filo satisfy the most rcunomipnl buyerl. In 'l' :0!" SPOT for times like these. Theteare'hy of Emoney ii thus made up,b_v buying to mum ichcay‘m. , Tuntysburg, Fub. 11, 1862. [ ' ,3 New luminary ; N IiITTI.EST()W‘S.-—\IISS “.\RY M. BELT-f I LER would respectfullyf infurrn the Ladini f Limestown and surrounding r‘ouulryhllul nbc confimiu the Millinerybusiness, It Franc-in: Elinr’g. Emmnsburg streetglLiulestovanélqui ,‘county, where (having just returned from‘ tho; my) she will kccp on haul, for ‘nle, M Hui hwqm prob”, BOSNHTS. Fancy Ribbonr.‘ il-‘lowerz, llmd—‘hoxuq, _Stmw, Leghorn, an}! [omn- Millinory Goods ofthe newest mi hen; lutyles.‘ Heady-trimmed Bonnets urn n AH} lumen to he bld~umougthem the new “3",.“ §Wlule Neapolitm, in greatlvnriety. - ‘ Blinnct-mnking and trimming “tended («I1 lwhh dispatch and cheaply. ’ Bonnets bleach“ Ind 66:16 up for 37} ceum. Latent («bio-{E received lor Spring and Summer Hannah. - 1 March 17, 1962, 4: ~ 1 appointed at for the nudWfl‘l, Minty, no- {- knowing ran to make l-ixned, re in)"; claim-1 I~perly nuo F'NEE. lAngnu HE undersigned, residing on the may}. T burg and ammo road. near Budd”. munch. ofl'crs at private ulo. In excellent GREY MARE, 8 years old, Inmily beau, sound and gentle, on ransonnblqvtcms. Alto. my FARM ii: for me. JACOB BLACK". ‘) .\Lmh 3!, l 62. 3t ’ Q‘suucogkgd‘chargo adv. . “Carte de Visite” A )HOTOGRAPHS Z—Wc bnvejusl lutroduufl asplendid rnsasirc column in our 0:11:11 pm! are now prepared to furnish the nev my“ “Cm: do Vinita".Photozrapbs—faur {a I. ‘aoxm. ”soy smrmins. : lan-9mm Skylight. Gallery, Getty-burg.) .T March m m 2. ‘ Jr HE President and hungm or :5. Task 5‘ mu} Gettysburg Tnmfiiko Road Can "hire dcctgred a— Dindend of Una Don-r ‘flhnre on the capitol “OCH, :0 be paid blur stockholdefl or legal representatives, on b :mnud. ‘ , GEO. SWOPE.‘ ‘ April H, 1863. Auutanl Trauma-er. ndid lot of mu. opened NGLER. 'Hsrfmmb mm», Spfing De'Lahnq’é?" just upenetx “L 7 AVEPQC-TT k 813) . ’lbgolsfiwr 5,901 ¢ yew: "d‘ ‘ ¢ \ '2 “W 1 a: "W 5.“; .n Hou.- 4e COTMAWM'AV chums: f -‘.Ar_ gagflyx, reg; 3:31? a lot of lie-yum» v. xlll, Notice. Dividend.