lar trOWSQ mmw BATTLE AT pmswnq _ mum. _ GENERAL GRAXT'S OH‘K‘ML REPORT, HkLLEOK 1N COMMAND. Lll Flag 0] Tiurtfrom [haw/gun]. wage; 9n the Mobile and Ohio nairotd ‘ weatro'yed. Cmcmsrn‘ ‘Aprj! 13,—1‘he Commercial hu informatixm from a relinble man who lift the battle ground” on Thursday even in He ”(imam our Inn in killed at "150% 1,500} wounded 3,500 $04,000. and dining 2.500 ¥ The rebels ost mnreilkihnd than “an did. ilmt no; to y vmumlod. About‘; 1,000 mwnded "Hie! primlhen were mkoh. and about 1.200 u‘pumlmu 1 Up to the iimo he left. 2.200 "£14315 had you huried .Our {room Epitaph. 3;" Mum-1:01. n“ the 57ng hast hon Sammy. and captured "who pieces Ifrom t a (-nt‘my. ‘ So confident. Were the rebel! in their shil ity to h'dld oui campe. which they {ook on Sunday, that, {with a single execution, they .did not. Manny thbm. , JOn Tina-day, Bonurnpnrll sent 11 fldg of trace, requesting pelmidiion to vbuty’hia dknd, and saying. “owing to the heavy re i (eminent: ou rocaiffed on Sunday night ‘0 dqudny, and th 9 enigma of my men, I di med it pm en! to rptire and not renéiv 38 battle.” The permissinn was not grant ,i A. u the 119 ml had already been hu‘riml.‘ [The pcamr if th? flag of truce idmitml flint Eemrrogn id receivg’d a flight wound in the lan arm. 3 3 . - i 'A: II‘t‘OIETLVT 'rxrtm-rms'.’ ‘ ,; ,-?lmncno L‘u‘msa, April 14,—A farm of ‘4,“000 troops, ht five trumpet-tn, left the , guiding. on Saturday ‘night. accompnuM by thigunbox‘ts 7:1,!” and erz'nglon,» and Wed up the Tonnmace river to a rplnfiwnr Easlhyort, 'Miwisslip i, where thny \ nmled. and . proceeded inflmd ‘to Bear: ‘ Creek Bridgml ‘ ‘ 1 . Here they d¢ntrnyed ythc two bridges on the Mobile andl Ohio Railroad. one meawur ‘, ififi one _h‘un‘dréd and twvnty—ono; and the‘. ol er t’wo hum‘lrod andl Len {net in length. AA rebel mivn ‘ry form nf'mm hundrqd and fifty men was found ”l(‘rl‘,WhO. after having {qur “3:1“ skcdnddlqd in the must, :p -proved thnfin style. The oxpmlitinn re ' turnedpn Sunday night, without having , lost'nman. ‘ t ' xThin-mu dncfiol‘ the most successful of its Bland durgng the wnr; completely cutting ofl‘ zfllgwmmunicafion ofthb main rebel army.“ ijidth; with Alnbama‘nnd the rust of the Wedencyhe'xcept Néw Orleans. 4 «A IQ oftruce arrived at the outposts yes ' may. with title son of‘ Governor J uhnson, six-ch l“ '1 workin‘ ‘,ia the i purtieu same! i' the qu ,oi‘thgw i the reg . of the which . pics of mm int [ unnllie'x' ! party. I now. it ~ éronte a i mention l-ticket. lint mini 1 pom th ', fell into I organiz I lost thqi l by men: ”public,“ ‘; \ying. 1n } ally-in :9 . i-adical ; alliance " avoid tli ‘ men of b I on the h ‘ ding mo any pari_ ; tioniats I forbid an ' vntive R‘ i Union 'pn I n workm tendorgen {quirv in .f Dnliimro : y'l‘ho pr ipruvly mn I start. Ti ,ai-iicels‘at five have 1 condition 1 that um . old mnnhi 1 'lf the p i servativ‘c I ' servmive 1 abolition hereafter \- a demand tionints to in the reti new party, L Democrats ithat two i Rl'lbubficul 1 that. Repn come Eidic leave it an ' Mennwh' served its ‘ the past ye. c-vcrywher were hefor jecis of nat' principles, tion and th noLknow w “ to the new f the present 3 course the stand for (h .und will 'pr ~ _ . lnsthegrm mmflqsn mtncrmu. imagine u, Folnus Mosmt. Afiril Lip-Al flag of the summe in)“; went up to ‘Cmney Island this after- } abolitionis noon. and broughtl back two Norfolk (lpecial war paperg. They were taken t 6 hendqlurtex‘a. ; two other and though containing the important infor-: tive Repuin mation of the unconditional mrrender ofl and if th‘cre .I-‘ort Pdlguti. an effort was made, in scoot-a ngainut the ~dlne'e with the policy tlmtprevails here. to: abolition it keep even good news from the represents-i to conserva fixes of the press. I am, however. enabled field before to give you {he subztance of the glorinmLYork. aijd new: as published in the Savannah Rtpubli-, whiehmte V can. 7 A i A , _Ai to bemd 40!: Kentucky, a‘ékhzg for his falhcn In}: firnmrnp nan-ma. _ Sr. Loris. April ls.—§evoml gnntlomon. connected witlutlwprm}; m I’itMmi-g. arriv ed Here yesterdiuy. ‘ Aniongthomi-t Captain Lam. of’Gendral Gr'nnt'rnafi'. who iaélie bearer ofGenmf-‘rll Grant's official ropm of the b“;t"°.“t Pi tsburg. ’ They left the army on Fr day niglit. ' 'Geneml Hulk-ck arrived at Pi‘t“)llrgl‘on Friday, and assumed cogmnnd ofthe army. Gen. Grant. in M 1 n cinl report, vestim atetonrlon at ”500 killéd and 3.500 wound 'd. The kin qfthe enemy in killed and left on _the fieldl is greater than ours. An Mfimule of their wounded cannot. be made, a! many must, have been Sent to Corinth and other plum. , ' The loan of lmlillery was mosh—many pieces being disabled hy‘ the enemy’s shot, lome liming nll“ their hnrsos and mnnyol' theif men. NM .less than two hundred hone‘QWere killed. 5 The rebel army has 1 its hondqnarten nt' the foot of Pen. Ridge. Extending two fniles from Corinth. We mum-e or the United ' ,Stnfes hoops isjeight miles from Pittsburg, “leaving only a‘npawe of two miles between e opposm ar 19:. ; - \‘AbA batileqngay IE; firnught on any moment. ’We have the at on‘aeat ‘gussumnce that our lifmy is ready [cf-r the pncuunmr. ‘ S‘The Riolnnnnn', Dispatch cnnmfncd -: to) smm from Beahrt-gwd: de‘d' M Cori'nczfi on the 9th instant, Mating mat-1w ‘wu afrangly cutrenehed and prepared to defy the Fedenals in whatever numbers 'they may attackihim. He claims theV bat ' 119 M Pittsburg landing as an impel-dub rebel victory, cnpfiuring .six thousand pris oners ,nnd thisty~six cannon. He n‘lm .ape‘ks highly of thebravury evinced by his troops. and Lthnt tlj'ey are anxious to again meet the foe. I , . ANQIHER UCTORY. ron‘r PULASKI TAKEN. ENCONQITIOXAL SURRENDER ,OF THE ', .' ' , J GARRISQ). 3 , TERIe‘IC BOMBARDJEEXT." Bunion, April lip—The Savannah Rb' pvblioan, of the 12th instant, receii'cd norm, announces the unconditional burrgnder of" Fort Pulaski‘on the prmjx'otis day. 9 Seyen lax-39 broachon mere made in (he; walls by mil- funnies of Parrot guns nt King’s Landin’g. and all§tho lmrlmtte gunk on up: side,‘and three offflxecasemute gum, were dismounted. I 1‘ Three bplls entered the magazine of the 9A. . ‘ g ‘ Colonel Olmstend, the rebel commnrider. . higndled the day previous to the sur‘rendgr, I that. our fife was so terrible that, no human ' being could stand upon the parapet for even A moment It. Lay's subsequently that it learns with fine}; regret. that” after a gallant defence . against gum mostly superier. Fort Pulaski ‘ i - 5i liamlgéréd uninntllitrmlly “Zo'clock P. , r‘ oh: fine unon (hm) Democraii. ..y ant c, t imt.’ ' ~ 5 Corporal Law. of the I‘nlmxkiGum-ds, who Dem” my in he Asqendenay. ‘1 did not leave Thunderbolt until nftm- the “"1 “m" s9‘ {h Township E‘ectionstin fiagwalhnuleddown, bringstheintelligcncel the (1,59,. 0 091 m! es of the State silbw ofthe event. ' Purge Dam ntlc insuo large as notlto Thmn-endcr wbsnnoonditionn): 3“,", [gleave I! don {thap t 9 people of Pennsylva hrge lunches were made in we’gouth w,” gum. 8:18 hear xly tire of the rule of the Re» I; the Federal battery of eight Pan-0t guns‘l’qmlw“ 1‘“ l)" ‘ 0195318 ”fig may ‘39- u King’a Landing. All the ban-bane umft‘que the p opie'o . but is single. yang on tlm also til-06! I'ule eff frau , corru tion. and unbiuehing} {of the amaze gum. 1"""iflg b "'0” gungimcahtyau h M the mm enough to sebthe“ mg“ that point. Three hills. entered! masses to t inking, nndficting. The may the Linguine. and .0193, breach was madei se* of thy A merican eople mo honest -, and Suit. The hula used were conical, (1 party (_lnilclnnotl‘o cathem toact contrary ..,.“ propelled with we}, force that fly 3to ”‘f’u' conLictinh- pf right. They may be «nuclear through the wan, a! nearly ehryfdgcoived. u_d led 0 do wrong, but they $O6. L Pull turn, With hes ty curses. upon those Coiflmsteud, who was in 'commnd, tai-a who have misled ch m, so soon as they are .5599 thE previous evening a,“ no hu~ * mnvmcedof their-q rain. The greatchange mbeing could stand upon the rumpll‘tSf lhat_has ncgurrod. 1h Hill State. since the for even “ single 'mnment, and mm. Gym-nnromdenhai»Piccunfi. u not due 10 any elec «ethoumdlnrge shells lmd explodudwilfih O upneonngefl'orts. Ilia theiegihmme result a" {m L ; in: thfe solmr; 5090 an thought of the people.: _ 13h. W 550," 91151151198 the 33;? as a? The:rrmistibielogmofm'enlsis fa»! demon. WWW! to“ part ofit: cdilinn, and makes ‘ stunting. that Hl3 )iiv'mg of power to the no mailman! nor gives any particulars as to New”! rulqrs w” ‘he 3’93"“ find most a“ number of men and oflicors "1114315 1;,“ (limti‘ufl‘ qrror committed by any people. “* ofitfi sfirrenden I“ "ifimw- The n2:l<o “in In his 0 .n conceit”{-‘-i financinl'nnrl businehs inherent; of t: poplin-n lm‘mng I! Fl" ‘lOLyou stood. i J, try being gremlycripplod By our resent; 1 WOUhU-nve Ito Obll‘ctloniiifi lenre it '0 unhappy trduhlm, ahd fewer labqro 5 being" “"3: ””"c IM." Judi!" m "’9 33‘8"”? i" ”‘9 reqtiired on thhtnmiount, we rlesirei to call . H‘l‘W‘d Spurs. If 1 “ling“! 3T3 T'W’P‘“ 0” - ‘ ,' ‘ ' ( am“ calm _v were no com 'en .mimveg the attention pf 9th reuqem to .the fact, “th mid decide it for. tlg’mselven. huti that Fomey And‘hlsihepubllcnn “Wild” 1"” ‘lflVlllg implicit mnfidemie'im‘ their wisdom favorable‘to fi’linji, (lie ramnn‘mocemilnnqd {l}, nn¢llinlegrity. I'lonve id wi'fih them. and 21.. arm" qf avi‘ arr/dirk mu Saul/1m uh thvrlfi’y my 1:51: fusing: when hrs 1?" . . ; meant no rou urge i an 9mm ea or iron! He 53,“ 510 :flrplnm terms. Dbes he I helping M svleofthejud . Hoping this forget arr does b/P'Wfll ullylml-e the fight from explanation my“), sntief ‘4”an “1), men, that, thity’xrxckfiad rehelhrm against the . Respectful y. ya; ‘ ' national uut/l‘qrity heing crushed and the t ‘ ; In; ,1; Mm“. l'nion rest red, a wry lnrge proportion of New Chester, lApril 14, 1862. ‘ our gallnzzarmy will again return t? theiri , ‘—' , . l .‘ ‘ .\Ol .nm: E tom—A large portion Orfllfl'g peaceful omes. Wh‘lfh “19y fibandoxécd forreditimitor this migrning we: printtd o‘n Smur- L-seuon for the elfnre of the equntry. duy.‘(nalaaurcu.~tom oulhe Saturd‘ya previolllj end that resting {Him the toils of whr and. ‘0 CW" wacky) 1'3““? whiczlv‘refllu; 19.31;“: ‘ . - ' 'ofa ninth in r. c onaug 3": m 1 3'. a if” “fife 0’ baitfle, they “I“ EXPO“ mmfi'l‘we known this at the 11139 ofgoi to prom, I, hnue toearn 1!? I:43th ”'9" daily bread route of delimcy would have. s greater! the. and rear in ‘virtßOnnd intellig‘enge theiritwilhholding‘onhisnecessaryreply thir..\lyen;‘, families around t‘h'em un‘d enioy ”,6 glori-i glthuughxvritten lest Monday» ulgul our next . . ‘. Lb Issue. W: would be among thekhut. as llr.‘ (“‘5 fruits or the" flew” 0“ ‘9 a field of Myers would be, to do anything which roul‘ll battle? Are they ‘to find tho {“0695 they;lle_t:ou«truo:d into an intru’iop {pan the prLi left filled with Southern nogrooshand their ““93!in 0" In! 030- i i ‘ familiesidepriv‘ed oflthe means ofsupport?) "f"”““"‘"’.‘ l Such wciuhl he the lifl'ect of the worse then I . ‘_ 00.30“”. l . . short sighted policjiof Forney and’hil Ref The m-Jonty for Buck: ghoul. Republi publican friends ‘3 . idn. in Connecticut, is Skimmer Looming; ' 1 Democrat Last year Buckinghnm's major ‘ ity mm 2,086. This appears, at first glance.‘ like a large Republican gain, but compnr-i ing the total vote at the late election with i that dt’lmt year. we find that in 1801 Bun-lb: inghain had 43,012, and that now he has: 39.218. 8 loss 0f3,794 votes. 1111861 Loomis' hsd 40,926 votes, and now he has but. 30,- 669 votes—a loss of 10,257. I The increased majority for Buckingham, the‘ret'ore, was not occasioned by my acces— sion to the positive strength of the Repub— lican party, but from the absence bf so large I preportion of Democratic wloters, who are 5 in all probability in the army fighting the} battles of the country.--Palriotand Uuion. 5 ass LMonroe, - turqmac rec a“ :day on jth lie:- com- L‘mc telegram nmléntof flue sto(1 for re- EN Coat of Genera(:.‘-‘-Mr. Grimes at: ed in the Senate on Friday week. that thé prel cnt nunt‘bcrfof Brigidier Gepérals in the army of the United States was one hundred and eighty, and twenty quo’r Genenly, and thug the pty of the Brigadierx has a trifle Ihort of $4.000 per year, with an avehgo of $OO for commutationpf quar ters, &c., $9O for fuel, and something fur ther for lights, stationery. or tbout $1,000,- 000 per nunum. as the total. expense {or Generals, and that there were Generals enough for an army of 730.000 men. He matted that the Federal umy wage the largest. best clothed, and best fed in the world. , ' Good.-—The New York Mac has been excluded from the camps in Virginia, by or der of the officers of the army. The paper is so full or rank tremor: that the command in; odours will not tolente its circulntioxi nmong the soldiers, The friends of the mum win he gladfto lmr or thié newbie movb.—- rotuntccr. ‘ ' i Apportionnant Bill. nu sun-in": n'ml Prat-1 eluding: «Isa the heavy w 'nttondnncq of Wilma»:-I Cnmr-nny against Pfeifl'e to SHIT dm‘i enfnn cents 19stilnnn‘y 1‘11:? Commin $95, makin'g an aggrgga I: «5292. ' ' 1 Your, \K‘itnws fem a] .1 nml some Renal. For .] teatimnn‘y {he Commie f 1 SlM—whit: Ml 6 being: i tllalncllnltgfld me. The cost}: will thus be sewn t‘ ‘ If the xzagmnmm all { Cummitt'm- nun¢lnbrTc~e “ the Cnpitpl, M they sa the omnnmnoqmo-nt of bornum ho, hnhnuq to inith, Hm} i‘p no fault Oh ' A large pnrtirm of I! ‘ by you Nut'on point: . character. ’ You cjmr oratié property holders - having {mi-.1 u State 0' in two yvnlll". ‘IF I 'h. make .wr'l: iwnM. I knn gonrm of Rq-pubfit‘ani Tony] in MN ma.» fix 1h ty—n‘mi‘nnl all nfwlmm Qi - .' ‘1 ‘ Pfitnnnu‘t to $1 ( ktrtg 332‘ paken . o , charged yd} b ‘He lower “137 a agate of yo 1 a, @321. “l: w (the; Clerk craft nr ungmgnron v firmer to do lh secaion..'mp; them-min politic. ‘ i 110.“ ‘ V ' téstimnnytnk th' xmm'c t-riHi l tel-tam Dem Kl voters with n 'c‘punty t’nx witl I when proper t tlmt'smrés upo might have hm‘ mlltthout tho mm t ‘llfl‘lt Imvo‘lx-o mg jhut 1119 f ha] 6011p] 1861 prev 1 cl Ynn Mn :m'nro. inn. that my «"3th Wm cnn‘xhlpmhly inqrmuml 1y :5 chi-thin with»;l having Lm-n l‘riuhtpnm fr/érfi" hi! lmtnn t the nmnntninahml‘ thn by more nc'cirlon the Shorifi‘ww able tn gét him at all. “'hol sir. nlmnlll [mythic extra oxpgnse‘?< Ymi hall hotter lnnl; 'bc-fnrv 'yqu leap! 'l‘hv‘ hx'mtwt tax payers will lexl tyne on? to un‘ avr‘m’mt l'm-‘thix and they I: ow whnl _ Ynu' ktmw. sir, that. _ly bnut. our-hull of mv eximu‘u'n mt; inou rod rtprovingtlml Mr. lluslwy had roveivetla n tfiber ofillegnl votes that ihould have bee fejected; and that a number were rr-jpct 1 that; nlmulgl lmw beonicoqnted for mé, thfieby’entitling me to tlud‘smt. ~. , -. - ‘ All theirest of the oxp'pn- {Wasiricurred m _vnu at"? Ammo. and a}: t , honed tax payers of #le mlmty are hwngfl by Mrfllus t _ fl" - prawn. m (l mu Main"; x/mtfimitl such taxes in 1* 'nm to voting. h- on- ' agglvea l‘ nagmca } ‘ . t nwmg : hey k Cir. svtt’ing out_. ,(M g snid_ in m‘y! for-mar lo‘rl'tnr.)n large number Pm! you had“ no idea of proving. or if ypu had you ham! not as mnf‘h nhrewfinmy is ‘1“! willing w "\u r ai‘way. ‘ . a and mes Am“ u .A'].‘ ture 'of. must-d 'y, Hm givp you ‘ omm. fér. liwt‘rfld not have written: lhi‘. ofily to obey [he mtipturfili Mr. Webda to John Taybrwu“ Washington. March 17, 1852. ' " You have no more right to say tint skvery ought not to exist in Virginia, thun a Virginian has {.O say that skVery ought to exist ii: New Hamp shire. Thin is I- question leftioo every State. to decide for itself. sad if we; mean to keep the Staten togother, we must! leave toeve'ry State thimpower of deciding or Ralf.” (Communicate Al-olitinniul. in (hum-Ms and nut nf it; Inlk very flipplnflv ul‘ onwnnipnjing all the slo“th IlflvmfindhfiyinfltllP‘lnw-lloldersl for them. Let us lmk at the {ignrm of‘ nunh a proposition“ -Tlmro nrr- four million‘ of «lawn. Tim M“ "0" i“ "Myra-I‘. which‘ prfilm In abnlinh slave-w in the Dim-int orCnlumhim. fixes the imce m M paid lw the Gemnl'Onvel-nment m. iliroe hglndn-il «lollm per band. At that m}:- tlm émnuvi. palion of all the Routlwrn "l m.- wmild my: Imlw him/ml million dollars. itliofitginclull to 1 int: llw can of carrying 0}“ w pint}. or of ch ' (imming of thp’free mgr?» after emunr-i. . ,pntion. This «um, noonrtlm MfllPi'nn-oti.‘ yt ' ' lo be a l'o i b’ ‘ lutmn. would haw" FPO l net u_mnng 3 tho: Slat”. According to tlm populri;mn.— "'1 Ac 1)". whim populmion f the A Inupd .g fiSmtos, army-cling to tlfev'ccns s of “460', Win _ ln'nnut (wrmy-seven millions. and tlib pnpufl ' l Minn 'of 3130th Clings-fan h: «H a‘mil-‘ 'h ‘ lion, the slums for (he mtm‘l of Michigan ' -I to pay on thin apeculntion w uld b 6 about, _v.'m.333.m._.w Free Pr 3. 2 'o‘} Pmmyly’mia'n proporgion f th'ui “ nig ou _ gnr trade.” would be nehr “£2053 tinios the ed ; sun; to be. pm by Michigan. or «war: ‘ fi-‘xlxrr-nro unmoxa of flollnrsjwhibh would exceed 'for’y dblla" “4)! even); 'mnn.‘ woman nnfl child in thistétn! 11:, when [hm purchased. theslnvés aré' in bed-110m:- pd, or sent. to some dint-mt anntr‘, thoy would have to bi: maintain d,l'n jun}. at, lead. by uu; and. this won «1 im Ive an enormous annual expen‘é. ~ at if thny are nut to he coloniil-d. they njmn. mi dim-i -huted over the Korma") Stfi’f‘gs. “Finn-fir ”ye pmpha of thou Stings Wm paimifl It in well known thug they would nnflhe Lol- Hamlin the Wesmmi m'mt 4r them? would a Ithorofme bejthruwn upon thk Middje and }}lnstmn Siates. ButmuypoLt-ing they are distributed over the Norfibjnypropollion to populafion, Penneylvania‘s ‘share 13)!‘ fife 71 four‘ million neurons, \vouldiebe ovijr time c" lumdrrrl ’(houmud! I , 7{l l ' ‘Do the pe'nplc of this ‘Stntf, wnnbgto‘pny “ .\‘ix'z'rr-Twn 10”.“on of dnllnlrrx to fits the ' slaves of the South,dhd _then “puke/like him 1— l ' h dud tlmummi of them homo lnihe ”twinned ' 'mnihly as pnfiiper‘fl If so, lotithem s lpport '0: Rupuhlicnniem and they will; prob“ )ly be ‘ gratified in this.— Inrqhmlr lelt'iyznégr. * >A _~ . «..‘.- 1 : ‘- i If' . Frum the Clintmi Uo‘nmfnu. ‘0 ‘ The Philadelphia. Press+Judge Douglas; is The Philadelphia Prrn, While proi’egned -6 ' ly nummrting Judge “maid” for tlwilémh deucy in 1360, every body knmw, wnfi rotti 'f ly doing nijo'b‘ forghqpnhlicnm, to-aid p then) in elmtihg Li’ ' .‘ .\7._o:virnr)r)'tfond (lii: Lei/tr ”can Judge Dough" himself. find 1’ had ha‘ livedi-ouhl'havo bublicly regnmd , [the trénchery. The mli'gor of Hm ”as is f; (0-day in the enjnyment of the ran-uni paid I ' him for this faithlpsq condimt'bfithe lqopub .lic:ins~——rc-m-ivvd at. the hand? ’of Ihrtlglm', "; word anemicé—and _\'et.claimi to upefkfor wthe "ibnuglas men!" ’H’he editor rjf the i > Erin Ulmn'rr. one. of th’enhlest '\vritnn !n the { State and nlwnyn a trun frliond n? Digglmi, l‘ thus trfilhi’ulb’unn‘d pnlfiibly exlmsah‘the ii hypocrisy nt‘lhe PrrM: l , I ~"' ‘ 1f thPrP ii nnynnpjnurmil in tho mhntry ‘ which iu dning mnre to "diulionon‘Duiwlml' than tho Prue. wo are unable to "will its mime. It’hnr- 'lmgtlfial t‘h furhuwfiwifh ‘ thmu‘ of his him-rut fbos‘lhrmlgh lifd rmd '11:;in mlml-ntos principli-s‘ whiqh he i npld ‘ have (it“[d‘fl'd m- mntwally :N In; doa Mud / trc-nsrm itwlf: 'l‘hr-rr- iu hrlrdlv n mgtary ; ltmw-ltit'rimid of Mind) Hula-4 in Poingl . v'nnia wlmm the I’rru luv“ 11ch nhuvd. ,‘hilt‘ ‘ it has lauded ~m’h nwn n— annornnpiti-lrm. ' Il‘urtin and .‘lnf'luro. who ‘i‘invc-r lrl‘t 1;, ML -. pnrtnnity [lute h} tn maligii his ,oiiflfiW'iPP. , , We holiv-rv that if the ‘L'lllll'llfl‘d llliirhidnn . were nlire tn-duv. ht- would he (Inl‘nnllrtfi‘ll 1 h_r the I’m" with just as Much ardor as it ~ nfmt shnwsin praiimg him. ‘ g . , ' Ilia I'rrsk'x attempt. tn mw‘knmpitnl out of its prz-tc'ndr-d :ifl‘ovtinn for Diwali" i" well nigh “ pin) ed out.” 1‘ ‘lt lm-A dun ’iu } nrigimil wnrk. rrt‘vivcd its retrial, n dis ' now fully undvr