The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 07, 1862, Image 4

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1111i00e'l•- -
w « .
Piring4 Mortar
.. - hum of [lb-Phi: to Trh-xuo.)
pg of a mortar i‘ tiledvcry pnefi'y‘
A bag of p'uw'dr‘r weighing from'
Giant; pnumh is dropped in!"
{“115 huge manner. 'l'hp dor
, flu: she'll in; the angle ii enl
‘. ion: curdia awn-bed m 112
ha gunner sic-{)1 out upon the'
- surf the balance of flu: crew
-ho.':-. The captain 37x0: the
‘iznnm-r gh‘cs his card .1 Sudden
shlike'a Lhwsnnd thunders Tul
ngne of dam}; lczvpg from {he
he inorlnr. and :1 cnlnn'm ofsmoke
w bemmful flmyspiralyfievelup
[ingsnf t-xquieite yawning—l
eg- thc shell :H it’lcayos the firm},
5 Ehrwgh the air, npparcndy In:
H. a ninrblc. The next you sec'
11‘, a. beautiful‘ cloud at: smnkc
sight caused by thee plmEun.‘
»n ofthcse mnnstm thindering
, air filled with sumke‘clouds.‘
. ts laéichinz out. destrgnfion nut] ‘
hitjden from sight in whirls of
w shcl‘lncn‘amiug“ through \he air
r earthiv sound,and the Blatant
. oncni',’ Acndmg‘thelr solid ihot;
bove‘nnd amund us. dyshmigiho‘
. ’glietvning columns and jets of.
Bu'lzavc the sublime poetry of?
If, battle at banks which are to
=11! the in” will in a” probabili
«rim:~~ dqoidod by reserves. [li-t
-cslusthcjlnszrm. and dtmantls
xzslnn. Reserved are fufmcd of.
:runpftmthv invinciblcg—u whp,
[rung paint u!"- tht- field in in dun?
rp like ujhunderbnh. avid. Mini
:11 nmmitinn. saw the day-'—
unrjl the mlr-tssity is urgent,‘
always tum the scale.
mm lbrnmd :imir n-tcnms. the
.tm tlnr'd lim. and An nrr'znu‘vvl‘
as to foal-ire tho first ":z-d sound tmn, the
ilmlnlf and HM 1'71.II"/.}Af-Q. mu} tn ru-trlM'a
"the fintung‘u rl' tht-lvmrlc‘xvhcu these iel'lj
[-nckupun their prntnclinn.
“Acting ns‘ resent-G. frnh tramp: nf Dru:-
A!x,‘a‘t Mnrrmgn; {XAI‘ULIZO‘L unwicely.
had prmvidcfd no resér\‘c.'} w‘t-n tho blmh- nil‘
=tor it had been oncn (-fl'ecmnliy luat. r4l2n
.crnl.” said NAPOLEnSz. “ tliu‘hantlnjs loan"
'f Mia but four o'clock." said Dmux. {"1
king out hisuwntc‘n; there}: Link: cnpugh
“to win another." | i
‘ The I’ruwi'mc at Wntorlno worn WEI.-
MNQTON's 1 ( film-32w and nvvrpum‘: ing‘ rc-'
Reryes. and thm- 'mirvd M the critical‘ um
mcnt. TM: hkhl Min General ix manifested
'by his ‘pnmh‘ to‘w- his :é‘sn'i'e: j-zlt at the
fight moment and fifth nfl'uct'n'e pLl‘v-or;
thn the dncmy :I'o cxhuuslmiwnd when
'his mm mm haw- «w‘pp-ndcd'afl' their on
igrgien, than iot hisufrjpuh. \‘lgOfmflflfiMvM,
oompnmd of tho firmnrnf' the army—rogu
lgu' reginmnte, We“ n‘TEcvr-ot, but-hing for rm
oppnrtuuit) f—r-mm- :E-‘m'n in n sump-vii Inn-fl.
with' “the Ugh: oiijtlv" m 1 toxi'fl'y cunn
(t’nzmcc. nw‘ offiuwltiou 2321'. Wtfihwv 1213'. :N
Ih?y.hckan§o. \ “ '
K The nnnirnin: arn :fintithcs‘cs. Wham)
tneTo‘j'lro'm-H‘ianhnl trqsrrws there cznuf
b 9 nq ruscrcf'hi H... .c z
The me
be deciuiv ,
tory tench
Img cofic}
the best
vyhcn the s
got; cmno -
m: down
Held bac
they alums
The .RQ
m'arii. in
‘; . The 5'72: ir: Tré’inia: ; ' ‘
‘ _Sfinsbnry‘, in the she, nndonh Valley. is.
about tq gain a hisloriml reputation. The l .7“
w‘arm than virinity is lpmgrvsx-ing vigmjtll .
Mal): Tlxeire‘uclx’ urofllmhmlly renaming" '
{up the smiley. and Hrlqnvorin': to retard:
@hc-fltlvnnrc of film Furlrnnl from“ :w "1:1"le
86‘ is prnoticflnliu Stirhlmrz i: about!
twenly‘ milca hcl‘vull Wifgcl2o4Brr,uml tlmrc: ‘ '
'1155 been alum-fl a. cmniminm fi-zht moi the,
'w'lmle xgummy]. 'l‘hr- T")l'li,.l2‘lve snfi‘nrctl \CO .
much m‘me'm chifi curios Mb-Irrlcu a’ml ckir-l ‘ J
- mishes than (41(- Gnvérm‘nent 'trnr-pflx‘avc.‘
anfl their lots of nrt‘illcq' an] small arms:
musejhc a serious luconvc'nicm‘e to them—l
Tbe m'zunfnfuom rceinnj which Ihey.nre \ (‘UI‘
fitempllng to (lcfi-ml ufi'd‘rdtt muny strongEl- A
positions, [it’ll it is mahfible that the (Infants.
which they liarq alrellrlv fillff‘re’d will have { -
figreatly (Tmnalizingtfiffobtupnn thhir mam! _,
,i‘hany'of w om lire unilngbtodly v'ery sic-H we l
nf thp struggle lfi whlalv filmv arr- engage-5.}
The Shem-ulna}: Valley ii olac nf‘ the finest. rw ‘
porcii‘ina of Virginia. 11ml l“ nccnyatiun by“ “‘m b'
‘nur trmm will urea‘ly teal to hasten thes (“ML
'01:“ of the insurrection. 1. ‘ ‘ 3:123},
i'livqr u
‘ lnllu
_. .—.k‘ --‘”? «on 4——-«——-
l - WursntonOcénpied.
0n? troop. marched owl from Why-rgntnn oven 0
Junctloq Sunday, fl'ld ténk'pnsées'slon of 13"” “1
\Vi’ri’entnn. They the! with rlo‘ rosismnon. 3; ml;
nudi were joyfully recéivcd by mahy of the Ig‘esc,
inlanhitnniu. . . ‘ . "m age
‘ [W-rrenlnn‘is_ the Mpltalvof Fanquicr MED-0.
con'nfy, \'ir,;inia.r.ngl is situated nne-hun- , ””‘”
drcd miles nnrth by wait lfrom Riclimnnd.‘
It is the terminua ofthe Warrcmon branch ~
of the Omngxe and Alétanrlrin Ilailpmd.— (:3 If:
Fond Mohntain and Bald Ridge slnpo wk uni
the plain near this town._-, Warrcnton is a ‘ hull"
baautiful town. and liev in ‘4' pirtureeqno and ' {TI 1
pmdmti’ve cdunsry, and formerly had an " bulk
Entire business. It is ten; milés from thaf ‘
W'arreo'on Junction: Aontnins a fin'e c‘nurt'f‘ . An
houdesrhrce' or four churhhos, two nadeo; . ‘ 1,,
wlies ans! mo newspaper chic-on. Its pnpna ' :3 r‘
l-xtion was about slinéen hupldrel at the hub ‘ *3!
break of the war] ‘ V 2 " v'hl _
~ ‘ ”'___... _ .4--- l-..“ g' ”in;
\. A .Gan. Smfi.‘ - I goods. (2
Hiring the battle at Fwy. {lope-lmn, G 9“, 1: mas o
,‘Smifh “-35 sn conepi‘n 21315:.) far-:0! (hr the ‘s‘ 11‘“
900.1:5t s‘mrpahooter‘ that?!» escxpe is 3‘-‘ :sg‘a:
Inuit; miraculous. He rolls up ‘and rlmm n 9", lh
'dnvlnp: the hßttost fire. apd never dodged n. B. Brno
hall, though his nfiicem cqustantly ducked fight: h"
their heads 'at every discharge of cannon ‘ m “"3""
At ona‘time aw he mmway‘ing hin sword. a Egggslso
‘en pound solid shut passed between his n. 3,, mad
arm and big head. Soon alter. anoth'ervwhns‘ be much
:passed clo§eeuough tonmiueap 01mm bsrnrc
\hend. and hemasmf‘terwird struck in the “men.“
'stomch‘ 13:; n spent. crape shot. He is an‘ mafia
old rezulii. officer. 60 years of-age’ and t and ”m.
mired himself a fine soldivrvin sharing'J. Fisher
th; hardships of the mch.’ 'The fight be.‘ at chy
. fore nht't’urrén‘det he slept: in a bth-at 139., 1553-
’; pith I log. with his feet town-do a‘umpvfireJ '
:08 the to” was so insensg {hat when the: B: Tm
‘bhnket caught fire from a spark, it burned . th'e ~fo'lo
. inzg his boats befor‘e he fell the heat. Of “unnum‘
3§g§fihq enjoys the unbounfied copfidence adjtfli‘g
*~ ”mi—H- ...”. ‘ iG-,-:.‘::.:.:
sfi‘h ”is stay-Al that a new projsétih. “$1.253",
~ ldapted:to the 11-inch Dghlgvon gum nf ' Aka, A
. ' fib'flbfi‘m, h‘m béon made at; tfio Cold unnh 33:1 ‘
‘ Sfifing Foundry, at West Point. ‘ One of; "“3! “'lO
, thkpwugt'gen through a solid pints! of: fiberi‘fl"
, , naught iron‘cizhtinchgslhick, placed It k 1
in angle ofiorty-five degrees. . i
'2 ——:~—«~««——— 7: m.
' ’H’A.‘Gunuun Mann, fnmeflyiM tei's .
ottfisfphce (mm 0! Hon. A. G. Minding: Murm‘MeC'
“-9!" , Milwaukie),in in comnnnd of- the "02“.", fi"
FM Regimen”: )‘flyland Candi-v. The :"Wgs'g,"
‘ x . - - . erc y gm.
~ ngment-{a at Baltxmore It prawn. . ~aia “Ne
w , ‘ ewe
g. women at am:- Comm-3' ”“3“???”
.‘éfiy‘i‘timifi! “Wm ‘ ‘ ,7 H I?cher
‘O ( 4
1 i
- 1 :
1 M 3 ' a 'l’: “ 2
:4...» g 1.4.} 9m
I Soniethmsr. New! -
0 TH") Y‘RH FHVVI'H‘V" \\U (‘L'LTY'KE‘
r FRI'IT A n unnummn mgr»; E
ONE.“ rm- }; 4n": publifllcd. \\ 52c]: contain,
nnm’ vn.l;:vv‘.("wl\l Eugrn'inzz, wfih MS.
1' 'fl‘s nnJ vniiu I ’niutl: 07th:! l‘rmlend Emu'
1‘ OM. mum of t n- fin“: wécimvm flux Me.
:4 cr'hnor‘. mt. 0 paper. Tthrnil I'qu arc‘
1 Th}: nhumln L hurdwq 0f fruit. fiimilnr (o‘s
2"H‘Whith mt: c pxt-nma i 1 pauper Quinn.
:- m-H urc re rowyml .u 111‘ 316,; limi‘r {anta
' nmnr: :hmnz’ [MB Mil in n nfl-xml pqgijdion‘,
n d Hue Buzrnvi '1: of‘Trt-tw‘ an- hmu'mzl and“
1 mad. ltnha 0 main: Imm- Enyravmgi‘hich‘
“when“ the ‘ unfimrzfifle mum-um- tunis
‘ 3' '\igoroml Ir 0 “mixing m'mngh an ’9‘”
'l‘ soil. The um: .Engmra'ng rmrri. [ml
1 bed in dinmc run lapdr. and uh ) |forms: .1
1 :mifirl'nt cnzr ting. Italic“ r-Jnrml Il‘vtpl hut
.J\'L‘ ‘s’ratifix Eng 0 thc 95‘" of n“ u s“)ka b"?
HH. S:xch_n cnprafing but He“:- been.
nlovf on [rum hefmoi‘ ‘ TEG mump‘lng (fl,
, L: not oniy pf nu. xulm‘iifiblc tn lhngng‘htmf,
: rye, but i: d €5,371"! in prth of KdERL im
run.» to n“ w m (“3‘o Ln i'u'xK-ro“ In ‘Ulflxl'llx- ‘
ntion of {nut and 110? to 'm-M £lqu Imm
' porlv. i , , ‘ i ',
'UI’Y (‘nnlain Tu‘ontf-gfiwziiffcrmHanu-ac.
ixyz: of ‘rel-s. Fruit}, (tun, rnmfintrd
' of Erm- rl-rnr, FdrmluAnplc,‘ [’mnh.
Imnrfl’ ramiul I‘m-$1 :ImH‘m-rq 17:06.
Ar. ’7l) Frui} Enzrnvlnp rmmhx' o;
Rnspbc ha. Cookéhcrriem Blackbnr-g
rim. ('u run", drh‘pca. Pru’mui. Ck‘pri
‘ cuts. Pu. <. T’ RCAl+‘. Apples. dicinnd
k are all inn-wt ‘s‘. hand‘to rr-pri'sonfi
“ (hemm Hrui Jnyl utc 1r nmpolnird
lith pri 'I-Il mnftf‘r of arm: impel“;
tuner. nil) flnmuucopy in £129 3:1 by
' 41: an‘go on mn‘mmmr, mxh mfiffin
- hu R an (arc 'rnrniebr‘d. . t ‘
mm: mm it ‘nlnni‘rdl s mm}, gti’rm
h’n grntzf Eng ln {JI r r 'in-l 'urm‘; nn‘
- mlm‘rrM ‘nrn' "FE"? for [er mull (351 W)
, pz'rtm- n ;I‘ \‘ill‘lx‘ithly “m":my‘nm‘
eunrurl" with Hnrfiruhum) mutfr
chmlLhi unfunny!“ m! (an: x . 7"! in ‘
rupéoi m- pu'blld-b n! :v tmv lufmy
Hum-(- \rnnry-fzr vlnhnxflmwlx-In
.: ,Iqu In :1 wignlifirt rvvJ‘l f‘w furniirz
Hm pL-té of sidfi‘o angulvin‘fi} M
17.4.2. rm <. Ms. film in orxL-r'fiilnl
~ :nmny cf" nl'lnlnLth mph-i uf >3
tr.” '1: fi lllro. X‘lf gm‘u-e far a CWI"
“in! m» r nit-'l‘," I m, t'ml'liHm-n "s+.
am“: can .nw ob qin pnpic: r‘nr Mic
, «um that m- hor. [mid {ol‘ Single» -
qm‘nnct f‘ tram. (Iw. 1 4‘ L
um' ronhiua )rEnu-gl yum; of mvfirh infi
pnn mm», ml‘gron \‘nlu . h vviil iall
how In Ir h! uli HAM; 01' Frui: Trikw
m x-z-wh r on York \‘igr-‘mm an.) [‘m-
Whlr‘tiw‘. 0 II! in_ “Ixfiu'm‘lhlb "- I'~(" '.
I: wle z I hnw 3m prl‘llJ‘o the I(ny
wimp“! m amend m o In L rch Mini:
my the," '1 wha-
RLK-n: f\ I) lvl ”if.“
m In nnlmz. Wm: ‘M
[qr lrcnlr‘lr m. h" “A“
ulcpwrr: and pmn‘fi‘n “‘ ”"
:E'Ht'vrgrmw Fig.s, 0' n I]
“Jazz‘ul. w‘lh {rum-gm “I,
“331111? in. :\ Mia “13%
ipff'ycflfi' trefitmlxixja ~ ‘ “N
inf] h 'W [n [53 r] ; ‘ "V'éf‘
‘o‘ Tr'oz. 1'! «'s‘. - ~'
Lwitsfnltrcnn-um‘u :
[3l "|'*"‘.' [Lid] i
my! ( LN!" 40:14:?"
ffi‘fit‘lfifé‘fiffii '
1 ,
-. 1». film Yl'i‘L‘ii
"X in MIR-r.
‘! “Mini-“h
1" Vn‘nhlf‘ “
1 km p-npx-rnn:
n": «111 tell a}
1‘ kiwl‘ of I"
E :0 rs tnq-r
3 13' nor I“
3 x-mnr 2r“:
mru'tml. '
mu] [.2 .m
:m u!
[.l MP
mm; a}
t wfil'l
1 \VJ'f i‘
Writ :"i
for H r 1 1'1:
-‘ ‘
h‘” 1’“?
j't ., %;11 t
“-:‘vl'Mn rm} ("‘9‘
WW". IL =_rl‘.)?l'":ls‘
H ("Hum (v'c. "f
‘rnm ljrmh ”fwd"
Humility” tram N)
W wnrmr’ncmlmitl
, ‘o’.“le nt'nn Supp]
‘9 cos” :wwnnding'the «fine.
My (HF PM“)! and «KW? 2.:inl'l
frnm pa? vfl‘ecls n! W I: '_ haw;
in 'thjezhnd. T‘ln srr 0. PM!
ha ”film-x; I'l-‘9‘:irl3= L!
"m vwklmvn 'ihlt np‘n‘wj -I
['H- 1~¢~I§~:"xil] (-"n-I'l:l.'.Lo r
vl’ntrc pi‘lhvs tr‘ cs hm‘l‘hy
\ i_n.l mirf Mll} firm "FL?!“
'x~nu~=[df I'hojdna frwj'af
:1)": to! he. nfmhc'i Is n‘m
Ml 11+V0 fumrifiub m‘pfl
|il pll :ngonu 1 '
' N- I’chkvfi-v 111 Hart»: ‘pf‘,
MW! of I'o ='l9nr. I! M‘Ul
kvcp “rpm: n *th ln“l“+h :
n .11.!“ 1 hr.“ tn ,tfv'l‘t MM?
= m win-m jvfirfcg’fiy‘kfid“
hp iiifiwcfi fit’n‘vr. H. ‘1
nIlJneA-hs {ln «'ler.: 1111} M
l turnufi'mh fin nrnuafiuia
\s “in: tip .u‘:n~.3rc.l hy 11H
dmu UM‘om Ih.“ tzrc'd ffl‘b—H
1: Wm to” h
“nun-r? 1!:
5. Cu.)
W In 9
.IHL xnr‘mfl
“'2l! roll hn
r-Hf-nn over
tree In pr
tmdor mm
0- ‘4
to m
tr, .1 , ;
cmiou ‘l‘nx
p?"‘\'n7 21H:
nud'flm 'l‘
{ho pm im-
. .
«arid: on t!
Y will [(11 lm
Fmih with
Aeil hnw m
mnnwgi‘ Pm
I'an “Main [0
Y [Brno-:14 il~
’fl ermcv. rn
f‘pr “Ichin
Invers of'n‘x-
fl" - ‘n‘u‘uwn‘ luv 1 uni-on? u 2‘l 'l ‘
Hire .\‘x-vlr u'rirv i‘Jmip. .'l‘l:u:ll..l lmpim
3’ ' ”A m‘nvé'e-t ‘ I ' .1 ,‘
(him Y'."‘fi“"f'll.\gf .; Sg‘w‘lfif'fih dllédu‘
..‘rw: :in'w, ll
(E‘nro {Kr-lbw. “'q‘nlvde. Tatar, 3L nn’m tl
i “HF: x.
Chrr‘ Tlv~n~lm. FilllTXlnl‘; f-nu‘l'm mm:
‘tlll‘c'Fl‘lli'm. llrr‘hl'lr-fi. “will“. S It R'hm
\l vhn-n 1.1-“ st “it“: 3 . E'-
qurc Qulmy. l".ljl[lit;z}"lcu isy,'in l
g 'l': 6113:: ll E 3 I ,
(TVI‘T Aalimn I"l‘i}‘ (hut. Frfiaiprlni‘
E ‘m “11"") i! in»; I l 1‘
€Llré='l"rhmwl Full. l lJil’blh'nn 91H? .1
1‘ lih'rmliv llléeum‘u" upbnrl‘: Thmgll
. \l'-l'l'm'tr. "1.! 111'; lec nude {W
"This: (lil (pr: lifxlth'r‘. 54:kale nw't plmannt. “"1”” {man} the Publish“! “j
'zhn‘. i: '1 lFran: lialuné :.l+lirin‘p fur ihizldl't‘ll' medir'wl imirlnal‘.) ‘ l - ‘
Ic‘mc,,-’:u~. .1* I ' . , '‘L .' - ‘
f n'.:ll‘.l.\.\L"x‘\‘lz .er‘rmr‘ (inn: ‘ £415?“ :qrianmny put up w
{‘lQ'F‘! 'Hi hu= 'rln‘wl: mo . r ~10: ”ml were dime "so. I‘vfihl: {all «lfinctiout, m
tmngln l'~nr-lr-§=ll)lln,.\n_\‘ nmllqiu" extnpl. : a? ,_ ,f , ;. - fl, -
J k lhlowu'ilq hin‘i-‘ry .1 i:.,mev “in MI I ft," "I'lfnr‘f‘drr‘gf".
rlnu ll: n‘m; llil pr‘l'e'irn’iiuf n‘fuir all rr'mrcl‘m "f ‘P‘ Na: ‘s‘ :v m e?" e o
“1"] {.\HH . Wfim :vnll us'y: for H'ocll‘iv- (MI, hr kl ') WL'LYIOCK & CHEN;
:Illvc you ck for glint: Do sralh'S. ns ilils :‘hc' Dr'llz':s4tltl:\nd.\fmufactirlag
hwy legi imw‘m . *rlfir‘ (lil'prrparul; 11kg, . ‘ Al .
n‘l‘mlr‘ n'h‘if. 11F all tailor: «L i‘rnllmir‘yitv‘rdnnd I julg 1" ”(in -1)... I
\ ill-no: h‘y: rpqpén‘si lair r-|n_r, Mam my‘mme . "
hie in “ rir‘mg npdn‘rthé :‘nrlmvernml nulianip' {ammo Km“
bllou‘n'm be 21.1“]. . . ‘ '‘l .. ‘l FSTAI-L‘IHHED BY A.‘J:DO\“
l ‘» mzlwrmsz , 1-- . J Tllhr‘llOß’l‘lLl/LTI}
:m. Lilinguén; qr x’m ank.‘Editbl‘ (M the 11"" J'Wrml nf Rural Art and
.‘lomhly [lnw ,Hngn‘mnv. wrote mu (hut. hie mu: PETER B: :HEAD & GEO. El ‘
rhrt‘d 0M “mm-n :lml‘still‘lanrk by GM llPllli-I EDITflRS no PROPHET
elation. Th‘ Oil «1: renmhml-nflcd by n‘ 141, . : NEW YORK. 7
in the‘Girard Hénm‘i ' ‘ - . . ; i, .\ .\lnnthlyjlagnzinb,devoted: he Orchard,
1, l ‘RFID‘TIITS. I l ‘ fLYine-ynrnl, (funk-n and Xurspry to culture
l.\lr<.Cfihmnn:lCollcm ‘St'rvet. nlmvn "Mk: nmlr-r Glnsr‘; Lnndscnpe.Gnn ‘,ing- Rurnl
R‘hmlmallvd \lru' Min; "9“ :uill‘ mm the oi] Architecture. and the improve nu! nnd em-
Hired hrrof .\‘eumlgin. Chi; rndéC‘rmjp, ‘ ' bullisluueniiof City, Subtltflm'find .Conmr,
Hindu-rd. supply“ yum-elves! 'l5 cents p." Mounts. ,; 11‘.
MM", and «Inllh' no murmnlm ' . ‘ . The pew Traits and Flowers“: and I” hu
lltr. CamphelL ol Mann: pry; cqnnm. P 3,. pron-moms in rural Art, will lfllibernllyil
’hhugh't n bottle a; féw duyi awe and sand hr.- luau-med. H ; " ll ' ‘ .
hm] ui‘ml it in In" milyl‘or wollhn gl-mth mid ‘ X TERMS. it” ‘1
w-elliugn ,whil-flrlpmllv huppenr in iwrnons Annunl smbsulption. Two Dfilnra. anr‘
nl‘pgr having the :lmflul Paler. “l' thinks lit PWit“. Six llallura.‘ ~Bonnd Voln e’s forms!)
nhendofull other rmncxlieq-l—unnll sn it is. C ‘ land {Wham subscription 1862,: 'n Dullm.
:Per'sons ma dnilylcwlllnr‘? n! my mlirr, 217 hpt‘cfmen numbers gratis. j . ,
Sbufh'VEighth SLreH.‘PbxlmlMph.h. and telling All." 0"? getting up n Club Dr". 'X M 31.30
mi: ofild wander-ml aux-mi" ell'ects. . graph. and syndm'g us 59 nnpu llly‘fm mlmm .-
Wm? 33 omm! 50115,“, ("Id 31 perhp‘fle, will receive“; Seventh uopy gr ’5, us mnnv
Luge lboules [fie vlumppsl. I Thi! vnluublv Oil 3'oer as the; keep the qumbuof [Seclnh gogd.
infanld by all Dljn‘ggisti ‘nd the. EDI IeWITH COLORED LAT‘ES. ,
United 5““9- ‘Usclnone ol‘tenbgt ““GW‘I‘W " Annu 1 subseripxion Filw 31am Fonr‘
ls"ld;b." A” Qruggiists. D WEZH '3‘ mimthoéiep. Fifteen Dollnn. ' Boundé' ' mos To?
EM, l’llloladElphla. l, [Defy lb, 1801. Em . ‘ 1860 I 1351,,11d subscrip‘d 62, Ten
1 5 77“ . 5 T -"' Dana-5.: Addrens— ' g}: l
; Another qutoryl , _ l ‘ . HEAD a woonh'mo; l
.\mmn'u. mke icoqice that H. G. omm 37 Parknowggew York. 5
, .. ~ ‘ Imm agmmyfl‘xmesneorsumuxlm=3 March\l7,lB62. . ,4
i < m 1: Nance! Mummy-En mxxlxn‘ mus“ which hm; —_,_....'___._.—~.—.—_;..__—.——— ‘
. TQTXCE is hefeby givgn that. the Books, 1 taken twenty-three F‘Lirthrcmiumß thrnnzhmiu Salhng OE at o‘} ist- 1‘
3111., of_ DANFYR k. Zingum, Jinn have 5119 State of Peunqlfnninunmlmerit-st I’rl-rn- up: undersigned, wishirlg tolclrm; up his
hem plqced 1n Llat-mnndq MA. .7. Corn, Esq.,’lum at the State Fungal Illmnfz. .nd nlsuthe . business, is telling 0“- hi? “fiolc stack——
for cullpcrion:—-tlle dead) of Mr. “Zn-bright ; fluency for the sale CIA. B. ZULGLEWS (LAST: consign“! of DRY Gongs, ("ngucgmgs'
Zivflerbompellfin: m to lake tins lasqleson. . max and “‘RuUuHT slim”- PLUI'GHS. ' HARDWARE QUEENSWARE. and mdeod
Noi’lée having heéetnfqre lmgu given? lg .11] ! “hlch have taken lhé Fifi! Prgmmm nt'nll fha! "flying ”uh”, found ill a. Conn-Sr: Slate—at.
concern dbf the ngcessur éficlosinglhnir In:- l-‘aurs film ever lhey‘wrrc cghlblled all, which l CO5l. , ,
counts githrmt flclny. and they hning neglcvt- is some 51:: or eight 'rn number. 1 ' _ Notice 'l‘
Cd toulljpud—to .thel a «me, has compelled us to . Farmers. the Mills and: Plough: are warm-nt- ' . ' 1E ,
l«Aka this coursq. 1' ‘cd to give 3 Irishman. If I”? don't. you 5." ALL pcrgmgs knongg thnmsé-gn mdobzml
.———~—_T..—H ‘ DANYER & 23501153, JRS. . {pri'vilczcd to return them to no agvnz a: GoL- ‘0 m" ”m“ by . 0‘; o’] ’6? ACMW'L; ’ J
6' l; 1 Aug. 5, 17461. sh ,tyqburg. ' [Oahu 1861. sm’ “fireqflemdwfi'” “m“ ‘1‘?) “.,d “lunar. Revolvers.
:. '' . _ 1 1 l l q ‘ } Mm- . l.- _ .--, -._ Ihclr meounta will be placed 111 tlx! hind. oily. NEW 10‘ of REVOLVERS ol difemt
.S ESTATE—Leta UESTION ASKED AS'D,‘A.\'SWE;RED.-—-3 Bahamian of the Ladies ls respectfully proper, oflic’er for collection. 9; f; ‘A' "’l3” efubmcing the lgm’t, received Qt.
«on on the .esmtg ofif QWflyisit eflutlll. G. CARR bells “USER?! ; in'yned to ', large and} [plendid Mgofi. March 3,- 1862. ABRAHAMELANK, 35*) SON’S, northwest corner of the Diamond.
Gettysburg, Adams“ 50 r can for cmh?! Became he buys‘tar oath m zof Lgdies’ fine .Kid Bo’pls, Lasting Gab» __._‘___'_y,___._.__-..__<_,____ ' Having purchuei fdr u . n the best mu,
been Igrinned to the and huys‘ nmhin‘g lmt n cm"! nrtiule.‘lnd sells lers. Gumershotsi Mujulil received u 4, rr“ 5055 593' “W" “cm“ “7" "WM-7 .he is prep'lred to sell as goes the lowest—if
the pun: plncs,‘hp; at u vergl shun urolit. Layne ‘ vml gentlemen. Oct. ‘23. R. l’. McILHENY'S. : "med' ‘ 'rnotlower‘vet. ‘Drop in km! examine them for
WHOM indebtellm, g'nc ‘ri n n mil. ' llfion”. “forgetv lbc pluma— ——~-—-————-—--fl-—~-—---~—--—7l~—— . T.‘“‘°“s' finite"? Pym“?! "9 "3'" Pm”?- ju Vbfirs'flve's. X 0 trouble to show gods. '
edifiw‘ PfiXm'm. flu} l Right opbositctlie Rankin Yurk st. [Ednzi ‘3 :’ ‘KYSDS BROTlmRShan-vtmstamlynn Imm] Tysons' fifty communes amenu lydur-b) ~5 ' Juli l 1801 . . s ' ‘..
tthesngnetoprupml -—~.+~—+—~~_-.A_+_.—_»—.-—-—~———-q——-——. a large nusorlment ofmlaln and {QRL‘J‘ITISODL‘ fifiycam p‘cturqa graph; ansed.. a“; .’ , ‘ -,\__.:_. -_ .- W.,,._;.-‘
led for settlement: ,1 TOU G. Men“- .Fnll stylel 'of‘ Earth tad rcasu, gilded lunar)?!” Md pluecl locket,“ Tysom' flftyc‘entpicmru aralw led. l, [1303 PHOTOGhAPnS for $l. mime Hi
bayou, Albi'r.’ 1" x Ca 5 20pel‘ofnt.10*0f.thllh8"flhfim bTébtufins,‘ (m, acl. ”hitll thy are mung ..."; Tya'onaj fifty cent 931:th uol Jun pp imm- - ’Lookicr Sky-light Gallery, IY‘ork mm,
‘.l . - L}; at ~. l l ; RF. McILHFXTY’S. l |stofii![hingl_rlogr “lefty l _ ,I,} :0.- nmll 9am. . {lmgfilvlpsL 'oppsiu :11. Bank; i ‘f ‘ 3
: - i. .L ‘ l . ' L _ .‘v , I . ‘ a ' I_- . l . Q -
ducts. ‘
‘e cpplcs are p
I|‘vhhndfily ’: H ‘:
u. n: M. rsrnm. i ;
r-i‘illc; Lh’nma an. PLEJ'
iphpdlui'ux 111.110“) th
i -9xpro§§ 30 any pht-e lag--
xcrcssan‘ umnum. Or'pp‘
F nmrinml‘ ta mr‘lrfifis
c sgxwr'J-ipxiqn‘, and‘diei
ler coby’. ; ,2
l LVN" Peh'
lThé Mun h
figrwnnlcd h
cr fret'eipt o
Aspen“ wil
Imiv nun! rmu
e HAM far .'
nqi'll \an
. ma “flu-med to ram-rug
niml ‘rngas.’ End To (ht-
PM. Vn aéem-y for me]
o profi‘mblo cmplnymc t
Hun] BQfiuem-nin nmki: .‘v'
I kyhfippmenp :lufi‘mflge I.
r). y (15‘!) h:- scon H.) Um :
.. . ; ' . 1
|,:. [{«or. 11, Mir] ; ‘
I ' 'H“'"- "T 9
i tta—qum'cnt. . 3.!
nxxey in Hm I
{who suhsvri
ll surely inst;
{as ‘cnn 95$er n‘
:umy. ,Lihr-r
I R.‘ A mmplr
tic! doing 1
'l23l‘orx. pa
:5 11min the
110' uf'BROUK
K x CD.
nmn. h“)? e
, l4'A.’L\”lu—,,{
~ 7w. Hum:
'3l; cm'sfl, s
The (X:-
_‘: mania to th
‘3 greeting:
Eh ’ Wax-om
.\J ' , ‘
mnnw-nhh of‘PPnnfl'if} .‘ Another ;R3 lroad 1 .
ahenn‘ofsmdconntyfi— _C IDEX'i'— he C‘urs ft the ‘trélrk nem
' ‘ i ‘ \gurk'. hr” 1! lsnfo.’ ' ’ ‘l
"‘"d XML th’“ 3““ 3“!“1 H. .\CAIM'S is the NLce! -T.mlios, ju‘t
- Hafi'man, 1?“ 0‘ I”? come ml' seé [hii'fino firll'l'hon MSc rfa find
all “Ad “"9"” I”? I'xrier ‘lmgvtnmshring FRirdfi'Hlow-z: Smok
md “WWW” m “mirdng; n duh] mm N'v-rythiqg: in flw Hnaiorv
Pvcr Fhe same mny ml" “'1". VI ry Pin-gig] 1161‘ Huh or‘cnvnntr‘v Jbrmll’lt‘tz.
fir Mfurfiqur Court Pf, Gl'mlvml’ngq w my you ulm. ”.6. mm:
ME“ if. Gettysburg], "f lmtjtfii rotimml run the pit) of PM]: lr-Iphia,
n ”Kt?!“ '19.? 0f {\Pr'gl -lrn.-inElhnn§M;n fin» £==nrl~znnn':hf \‘nolh-n
bhfiprflv 5““01‘51.“ ”12°" Shims. nd Drau'rvgz‘nko‘llw \nrv lnvcs 5:15-10 of
k f-‘hneusork. PM?” WunHt' ('(lfififi'W: infnct. en‘rythingflo make
"’ nume. ”XI“ "Pd ""1" l pcnpmfinmtn'mhit ‘in mid wendwr. ‘ ’
. Go..olsp’t‘?:ln “91"}: H. C. (“Alla lubc-jmt rc-ririvcd n'élerr fine
0" 9n peraousmyllose nunrh ant ‘nfi Lifi-wrs, which he is: filling
e smxl‘goods “d“ E'F‘Ererxfl-h :Ip {OHM h. 1 . 1 ‘
‘~ ‘l‘” “‘3l“ tbfim- "11L: fian' fnr:ed;tlx~ pitch—right oqusitq the
s‘shfllkm‘ "nd appear Bunk—.i York-Mum. ‘ : x
“t “‘B‘day and Mac“ Geih hurrJDen. 9,186“. ' ‘
:I'thtg‘xall be nhj'mthw " ' ' " ‘ -__.__..___4—'+———
~und gliidc the judg-E John; W‘ Tipton, ?
E;:,;§me“,‘{;,f°;;o;}:;z ‘\sfinnmfiud BARBER, North-eds: vor
‘l2“? of our saizi Co‘n'rq‘ _ ‘ ne‘ nf thg ”inmon'd, (next ’doorwo .\lc
dfljqflannnry, A;D_’jClell+n “PM!“ thtfihnrg, Paj, where he
u”. ’.\,XLBY. PN., , ‘mm M. luuws {n found tenth to attend to n"
*lexi, Dep. Pro. ‘ f businu= In hisilu‘}. Helms also excellent {u
siatancet and $3ll ensure satisfaction. Gn‘e
him a up]. . j ‘ [l)cc. 3, 11860.
tau-h C. A‘
county, 1-
. attela. lands
‘ posscsfiinn S '
u- be. and app
Pleas. to be
In“ bounty. 1
re to answer I
'5 and Derri
li'nocs undo;-
tbnyou sum
poluossmu I
s and unemou
ed, so that th
r' said Cour
ioned m ans,“
t [ht-'11: or bi
m Cour: ther
this writ. \
Ptewldfigt Ju
mtg, this 27
‘ J.
For R.‘
“'rH‘, ‘l‘hare attached
Real Emma 01 C. W.
herein, viz:
«of (he nhov
in; describe
xe defendant
at of I’vter 1}
\[‘.\'D. in Genysburg,
tler on the east. 1
UK), mm; ,or loss. in‘:
ma Railroad on Lake
’: heirs on the wr_§t.: '
0F (mono, M‘Mm.
m 1: strewn, in Gem-~37,“
hn Slcnu on the msl.‘
'EL WOLF, Slurgf. _
_ :uijoimng
0T Fllm (‘3?1’":
of Chambers
uing lola ofJ
’, SAN
Office. Get':
hung, Feb. 17,1511. [fit
:f’ adm'inisua
eUIMi, late .
I‘ used. hnvin
, residing 1‘
~ notibe ton»
to nuke im
cluim: ngtfi
Ly Emlxentic
WM. .
862. 6!
I .....- W ~‘ 3 f-"""‘~'"' f“: ‘? * .t . ~... .: a": n-"rr;xmriw.-~ , "rnr‘r‘trftfifi «v
141;». 232-1 a rkmt‘ truss m we, _ 5.1;. in t m” any. Mg» ,A , 3.,» ~... a . .
t , kWh 7’ ‘ u.< - -‘ ”1' "g b‘WOCe ' (- ‘ . Cannons: Adam’s :
v E ~11 .0 oA'r 5» QTOMfithi‘lmdbu-smimmw.4”Jr-aw *Ew MARBLE :mnxsg mm" or 2.31:;-
MERCUAIR. ‘ 3v aqommm orfiutpufiuuttungjuulucs. ‘ 1\ more and Hautmdallr {lnmmnquygnlh
. DRESS COATS. ‘ "3t lhvir 0M (HUll'nShfd sumd ‘in Baltimcrflpmitg the nmv (‘mm “on”. ”must-mg.—
T . DRESS "OAT". "PM“ I 3 . Hun in: rrv‘ently nrrircd from} Piviludvllth‘n.anlld
' ‘BL’S‘ISSS? HUTF.‘ ‘5 I‘th ’lfll’PJflifl mt'xrnm from Ilv- ”Mt-Q with fat-Hm: fm‘ly rnmmtvnt to o'v-tut’o all mm: in
. M‘Hfifis ('l' ”5.3 ~ vMI “mucus: story of COWL—tnusislflvg. m the tint-q .tyie nt‘then-n. WEwuuMru-‘ptmill'nl
’ hmm—ZY “CHEFS "IM. * 3 " , Iy inkne 2m- ..m-mion nf'thriithfit' “14mg :0
¥<JXKEY JACKEI'fi .1 BI'IMRXG ‘H \THIHALS: with d! Null! ”mn'urv .11.thqu 11l onrlmofito fu'nr u- “: hn.
i‘ . fiKIIHtTR, ] 1 :A Sup“, lflhm.zflqlt9. Lark‘s Chlamytm. err. mill and owmmc sprmmT-ns' [mu “-urk. ‘EWe
, SHIRTS. ' , H TUU‘LS. I‘nclndiilg Edge Tools 'ol evc'fy do- . are [pm-pun“! lo l'.lrm~h MU. ”.\H-IN'IIS. TOURS
E DRAWHRR ‘, : isicfiplifin.filhiplme‘l,flililfll.“(Vittgélglflrarri .\.“): HE\DY~TUXHS, MA ‘UIJ‘: “‘\NTLRS.
DRAWEIH. 4 H and Bits, Angrrp. squros, Igupgu, "dimmers; SLAP» tor Cabind-makersfiml an other ufnrk‘
"EMS, ‘ J h CUE- flp. ' ' ‘ . ' 1 nmu-itnimnz to our huflllt‘wlilnt the lowest nua
"s3:l". ' = ‘ BLJPKSHITHS 1 tilt fin»! ‘\m'ih. "'h-pa‘ “Ll“h’li“"' We do not heuknte to murmtto»
FANTS. , “MW. I'IIU. "(writ-alpha ”MW-"hoe XML. shut dnr “n'k aha}! tm put RE"! iua mfivnm'r ~31!»-
; l, INNER : . flr‘. with them. 'rt-r‘y rim-p. ‘ ' unntldl and tasteful t'qmll U.) the lw-l tui ho
1W: of ”firm. a L-Hl'v- rhngppr than the; "Hi?” I’lXDlNlL'i.‘~urh it<l(‘lnvh, Cunmz. ~rt'p in the chit-I, when fiery innprovcmt~nr
"hriflpnstml'x Munro“ mm 4;». to Ho ‘u Id at tlzci D'lm-uli. Frinpm. ' Canon. 31mm, tin-Moth.- Which cxprricnce ha: anzgcijted i: ..'l\':\”l‘tlit)'.
Ch thing Hm;t4ri‘un of 3' (Hit). ARNOLD. $ Springs. Ave“. ”0121, {Spokofl Feline-.., “u“g'rnnd CRIM‘CUIH'V do we tunmnfro that mu- ('0 w
-1 "1- %, 1:05;, r't I ' r I'Oh‘s- anfi. "if" Mt. ; - I ' * ' {onygml‘ Gnu-:- anq work 3: pll he <0 mm! Hy
- - ' -3 ~_ :j- ..r "m ‘ SHOE FlVDD(L~4+Tnmpiqn. Tlrt‘mh' and ..‘-“mnuw beufl'eclod hyfr thguNhnHm. in
. Lancaster 330 k Bmdery. { rrr-H'WINUTOI-tnlLininnit. Hintfiiwi. I'lll‘lyn43, ' min for yeah (hut yn-Mncstfim‘powtmn 115 m
* E43150}; MUST. ~ ‘ ‘ \ “In t-m 0“. ‘Mm‘ with a‘ genulmi ”autumn of at the mmplelion of u._yoh, n‘cé so "accent-jg to
. ‘4 l! 00K I} 7 _\- DL' I?! 3|;:,..»n&}.n—‘§ Tn: L. ‘ l '\canliulwd gmvciubncss Ind symmetry. t '
‘ t‘\Y;IXET~‘IA_‘KH!!'I~‘(TI‘WIS—n smm] 93- Santa, 1:459. u' r : '
=nrt7lu-m ' aha. \‘urnirl‘. Knuba. etc-u “W‘- 4 -~—-v—‘-,—~‘—————~'ii"—"”"~—*" '
HHI'fiEKEEI‘EBS Mil nLq ML m rum m-‘ . Town Pronerty , fi i
lqrtmom ofiCqup-x mud 'urkfififlritunnin. ‘\lhnma 11‘ PRIVATE SALE—TE" undersigned hr- '
um! Siqrer Pimqlfiahllu and Ten Sponm. (‘nn- A {pr-m Prirnte Snktheérnpt-ny in whit-b;
di‘mtirks, Waiters Shmok)nnd Tang-ta, Suds 1“. now résidon. situatein P. pt \lidnllr wtr"ot.,
irpnw. Rnaml-Imlinnd Err“: Kfltlvn. Fulfil. T 111», Gag-“burg, adjoining SJI. ‘l‘." non the'wg-u‘
liprkrttat‘hurntl (‘ntposinm etc . etc. I N ‘ . ",..1 Mret \Milroy on the milfiwuh an ‘
1-‘1575 n nrnerm ‘mn‘yrtmnm of “TM and “Ht-V ”in Mm rmr: Tin: Hurst-3 is «‘5 =
[when #mn‘ oral:sim-jnndkikan LSIIq-irv two—fifim‘rd‘mmc. \t’rntherbog’gduvmith
and Rl‘mt: r Stu-1, whirl} thPy‘wiU fiellhs cheap “Mkfimnlding: a well of wntfinhvith a[m I m
M ”‘4' ' hm!"“!‘-‘ 3' ' 1 1 , iv, MWe dour; and u \‘nrictyi‘ofl'ruit, 4|: W"
GRUEEHHCS-m fnll And zdnrrn‘l afihrtmont. “ppm, mars, pmches. upricjti, chart?"
I n ('rtfilu‘fl. 'l'nlvcnxr‘d. Clarified. anal gmimsgull‘l‘thc most clmi'cc. %1 ’ ,
gligowu ‘Fugvre; 30w [)qunzflvt-‘l Inll‘lt-z. and ‘ ‘ ZAUHABIRLUI ln‘
jfi'ugun—hulmu‘ Nahum: I and .‘f\'r\xps.l;’('ufl‘v(-. Sofi. 1:. 18010. M‘ ":5 fl ' ‘
‘Fpireflt‘hneohtie. humk‘unrnfi, unit-tin 3- Salt, 3 ' ‘ :~§-——-:-_‘Q~~—- A
:Eniial‘. rm. and spgo‘nn' pl 3; ’Tuzipcntinc, . 3 , K}rocerles,-Notl§ns, 8m
ll§|l"’.,§ " j 4 ‘x Y " “ ‘ s'r ‘ ;= . ‘l T t‘
1 A. IN? .\«ort‘mdngunf ILend him; Zlnr. flry and 111$;;:1::9;|I::;l‘1i;‘llmfgfixélitrxrf
in niLfnhn Fun-wmnl‘ Paintq'; lin tun lnl‘ninu "V'i"";‘ ~ thn (-‘mm‘ Hons“ ($3.? Jun-g. ,_
“[‘i‘q'iilt‘ ’h" H“”"“"“T‘?' 5 OM“ "V'M‘i'mv the pnlitjn‘ wiil vnnstnntlv Fina, Hing vh’t-upgue
ILin'liggn Mn’u=‘Jl--Kcr 'mq. Blm‘rkmfith. fl“. ‘.M‘fll.}.u_‘<[l(;,.\RS.Smurf, vlolfi-rsr-‘J‘ f
“1“*‘"'" """WNWflW‘ctsv4‘l4!“WWl; “‘"'-‘ n 9. 1:6.“ "Im. (fhvcfl‘ 'spi‘jo'afor n.” fixing»
Which (“P-'1'”? "mm?“ tn "1‘11"“ 1"w Mat-L615?“ t‘finv‘tho. Byroonfi Mind'~,-'.
“3 {my lllnuscmux nftlm‘ f'itr, s‘. :19 ~31 ‘lhz‘llvri'n‘ul Jim-"HGrml‘f (:"pr' ”“0”“
‘ 1 ””1"” 1?‘ Df't'fi‘lfifln. 10t (.‘ufl‘x‘lr. SWOH h lltrt‘ilfg. ('nrfilf‘i. Emmi. Sn!!! ,
' 3 j . ”MW!“ Zlfiul’fili. 'l‘nbm-cb. St-gure, l‘nufl“: A'tm ‘ékvrm‘m n 1! Itintlu
‘Lurg.D.o(‘.2‘. 1"?“ l“ ‘ 11 of .\‘uui. Urzu‘mm. Lonmns,§fiiisin~y Bm‘n'].
',~~~-¢—«~ “if“ "‘”’Tfi“'—“4 lirm kn‘k. t‘ Um; of dim-rent Mimic tho' MM
A FreSh MUJPI‘Y. j. ‘ .\“uu- WWW: l'nnrvGOod-z Mi‘idi‘anUmghnut.
'{FI Ufim the-”my! to inform .thé“anir 1." .n m [:.-1~. Wald-ling. “05%|? [finu‘rlkrrrlfit-fiu
‘l luffrnnfim-iH-vl frmn h‘m I'itv ‘Fil’hiM- Sl}~l'l‘nl!‘ ri. I’m» .\lee-s. I‘ this Ring In
‘A FRESH STUI‘R (I? G(l()1‘:1§"-coru~ mums,“ h'.\ptmu> oqu kind 3 A Efmr m‘t
'UI m‘tlio}vx.-\rl'bl">~tx'h-lof , t ‘ puhlsv'sTpdtnoxmg‘c is rcqmt t] “5‘ fl)!” ilf‘d _
1.4 m“ DM.“ (40003. I t ‘ : _. k ‘me 3 01mm 1m
MVLS .1 Y éq ‘v 5: . Xm‘. 1" 1N“).3 M," L 4.
cumw; CLOTH. : ‘ "Mr —"**"*“*“—~ ‘" '—
3 mdvnfi, ‘ " : 1 .j . Come to the a v
‘ -j Jnormmn- k. j} . \‘DIrn’n’TFURGHTTOV I
‘ l i poxwfs. ‘ i . , “A mrum Vl'li.\‘ElllE<.—l fir:
' é nmpzuvq. , 3 ... mingrn-m will f'ml mes-tatti
l f I ”I \SDKWS, , ‘ runmlkn'uly fino. mu! olfrrml "H ,e-v,
a“: '1 finwwrw‘ vnnnf‘nf‘ I t ‘ ' ’l‘lw *l'l Iv 'lumhcrt guru-tr Lie
.‘FY'WJIHY 54)} FA}: Y >Q\t‘* 3.1] [i.»:.l.;'ru\l-vl :ilrls. '“é '
-.w-r;tl:inq‘:h:t‘.i: ”in H} Etuknlll, injln \j “.,.i—flt-o the Muir {mu/15 pa
[lryfiml F-mruf PM]: ‘‘y t \ I’m? (Ifilca'. ‘ T. h. Eofi 3'
rnlthlu; (MYTLH‘EY: ; . am. 2. 18:71.. . Z
(«:laner :l “(it-f: u! ('IJVI‘HQ. 6‘ ‘\QQL , ,L__ ,1 .w -- .__l__.A _ W I
r:np§\“s:‘llll\l::.u [=le {1211319 4. j Townsley. A a ,
L '\thw‘ \l'.:“:;;!" fink]! ""l"_"_'l\[\42f‘. ramr‘. inuh‘hium-«l ‘h‘Kpcct‘ 1y itxflxttm 1!:
111 :{IFI}. H.“ y‘ 1 {N ‘ FEM \' j ‘n‘u dhcflml Izt- rnntxnno: vw' .\l.l{l.\(h
‘ “‘"F"! ’E‘ "‘ ““2 um. ".\I \Rixtagtfi'm) umuuuuw hail-(m. h. an 31‘}
,S‘ an F“'” 1'" ’o'.“ ififimmn,'w“r}:lp~"l'llrzl§lt}r lh m ; «y'almp in Hi
LP"? 31"“? Ll“ “F. and “funky. [NU], “an warranted tq :i\'t-,~:n|~lur'
‘ , A ‘. t ,' _ Inn turi‘htuyntre. I" untry pic-Moe Inluu I 1
4"] FWHV‘VI Vufhnfl ‘t'\l I:.mvm‘ lb unrk 3H qurlmx [’ it‘d“. ‘
'\H‘v "J’NW'M-1, ‘ ' - “I 'i .\. u. «J\3'.\'.<x.r;\'
' JJ.L. >(‘H Gntt3‘sllrt:.hmv 21“ 151;}. 5 1’
: " , - A - "-1 * '
“The‘ Tnic ’ ’
'} ,v
4w: coax .\MM Purl
, . 1. \Nt: L‘i
am am] (hmvmrnlgl I}.” kiwi: (i
nion. or #uh-d if: the mud! 4m
uu-d a’lgch.
‘Eul. rlurmrr- xhuk at
H-n . Lzuvmu-r l‘nnn
.. l'oxgwr.
'm‘l Slznc
mfl “infill
; 1:41.. Cuhmlhia 1".”
I! 1x .'Z:q.. York Hnnkfl
hr, Hill” ‘r'urk L‘n'lnt
{8344“ Hunk nl Hmr‘xmt
[7.qu I'm-Unfit “Hm.”
urn. Em . knight” [
113 m” Rounder I E
at. ~ ?
hum “1"“
1' .\ln ninu
('. ”a“ :1
ntil 15. l
C. (71
Aquors ”DJ
fitment h
‘lO. It a
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'tu. who u
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I" udder
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Ar. 12.41.. B
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J. (Tor
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1 1h: his
‘Q\ is sti
=P§ to: ‘L‘PI
l‘L (‘nqm‘r‘
snlns‘ tre“
lmyiF'g 1
owvr Hun
9 Star 1 an
“”1111 fig}:-
nrr‘ ‘u:
21. x of”,
r 3 Nbrthr'
j , where
No.l. April prim-3.1
'l‘. firm—l" cash—-
ForvignAi- ‘ in 4! fl
tachmenzlg .nn}nu
" 13"1 I'l
'5l:. m.
r’thln dn.
Jami“! .md
U' Hnnk
y 13st
hie: co., Pa
'. .\
flue quuorq.
PM hm mldjp .' th hif‘
Flare. .1 Joy-\rmufiu
rl hnvxpglgnl m n Lu
- iuxit‘g‘a H‘» «LI-"Him
mhrnci 3 SBR“ DI H
{11.3. kin, Inf-h”: rHfo
Ilium: Hm lyrrl l 0 lAN
Iv'N-lu-‘ia “ quirk mhfi
H! :L‘N l'htdp. \AT) fo
‘roukiw'c '. [lit i> uni):
hmh‘m no". I
rm‘rrv and
fur tho ult
yr and firm
1 m huvor:
k kin-!-- and
31.3.1 in m
‘f and mm“
,0 ep’lor the
£4 «:ri) to.
Jnh' 1.1:11
‘i‘ TAR
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hninn In‘n, .MDMJJ
e. mrlxrluu- ~igim'
}ui: mt-Hlml ' e
V“' 11ml he 6“
-‘0 Ml} p.l
; «‘mm‘m'. arm
um'ernng '1 In mpl“
xh ‘.l~uxn'.\in.Llk-~< I}
' friomh :wd Ihr 5m
m'vumm IMV ‘IIY }\ "
llhr 1.1-4 n.;.umu-r. :u I
.\n . rt'url “in “c 33-;
i» tnnh- and hr “221
_. Mr hut-1|". “1‘ m
I ‘ L ‘;[‘.L-_-. 'll-I‘4,
.‘l 111-uh?-
rman ghe‘
I'bt lunmi
”j' :hL‘ R
\l. 311 I
.vbrx & {@2lloch
(tum r," 111'}:in
, ldeqßS‘lLL‘fi
‘\Vu .H‘L- Mn)” 1:? mi“
.\Mnh v-‘q'urnvy H)
m m'xhw-z nh-m I’m
“my ‘5l pm" .7
“Hm“ HAIL‘
| .
”LINN: .\-
4 '.\h.\\iS
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V e 1)11e
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”1' In!
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Iv‘p‘. "CA—h
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gnl pm!" l_|
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In!” ifi
(I P;|_\' u‘r-
Kuhn uh.)
ix. \m'mf
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Sicott c" .SO‘ .
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u} .\ {ll-{u "3'2“."
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Hiwino ior
’E 4 .\.OX,
{gar 111 Bialyg
{conic n”. and
1: .\.H‘V‘U’X
pod ”hug-'l5 usiv { an}: that 1::-
(‘ll ohli'fl'd‘ In van ‘1 Mm! n7] uf
“bomb-her In blq ixnlehlml_lo
Ll 4". Prpuk \Ac' mint. hr «Mm»
II" m'vlfe immedml‘k‘ ‘uymvnt.
>Huh; l'umhwl LI!“ 1: :m- v‘us»
:U." 0! comm-Img} I many?! a.
; ‘):.\q:(:rs m mm.
igdufii ramp.“ ,yidelnr at lhe‘
.er oftln- [Humanity/1' on .\.‘
§ 1!. sti,£§vtr_\"‘nurg’. E ‘ F
' L 1:4 ‘,fiLfi
'he Spat! 'L i
{III in th \ ark. mnki‘ng g-v‘nu‘
lqp‘l’l'uu and incrrnst- 4hr q'm'k
riuud Nari -I}' Sum» an 5111!
rlof um. Uhnanu-HGV ‘ycbfxrp,
N hmdc :It nonishilgiy luv
#dr mm. 11? mm Ht‘l low l'nr.
IpleK‘or nnrnno miam 9. Call
md .\DHI I‘Cbl.l.l.\'tii7: 'ill W-utt
drl‘llt‘él of ‘ I‘ll-mum, bowing
qua, synagrkc” upr‘Fry Lunl
\ ‘ 'lch 2,16 M. ‘
UI-rv n
11!” 0f “
[Mr was]:
n• v,,,'1
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shuk m
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urn {:2
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“iii”: Cum-:fliuvql ']
(‘,m Pnflpr. ‘- u‘ 1
him Jinnq. 'Tziw-"hIJL
PHI m' (Fl-I‘o ,‘l'x4li_u .1.):
(M 23. mi“ 1 ,
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rr‘x'xw r\l;:..‘+/§rw
fl .1 «.{umuug 1:12p 0.
.~r um} "urn-M —» :m‘l La;
u“ “I": [idl‘ .Q'Pri ‘ ‘13:"
hwxgh: ‘4' I" §:HIL' {.\n'
l'inu ‘n.|'- Il' '- If? 'l'. “mm
warm (3..“ u E :l: :wn
‘2r-1. The. «gm-'l‘ 13. «1
1W: i‘ 1' . um- lu:"(:\ I
,N.H ; . 1 .
Lyn-11 'l' 7.1- \ duh-ii. .llul I 1
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um ”“71"43 :2!
.I:- {m 4" Vlw ;
35336114 1114!“ r--
M. {Twirl-9MI
=l'V‘Ql't. fl! (1?“ It!
<z‘3ro. 5 ‘
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‘CAIH-M. :rzrfirl
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‘Wfl' \fv ._\ ‘1» " aw.
‘ {‘l [‘s If ‘v‘
cu, firm-3 U up
$117145]; F l
V \‘pfw ‘\'fru‘ ‘
< ‘\u up P 311541 *2 4
IV;lll‘|l.)|n,nx|7_');‘Y: . \+
li|(‘\\“)|‘ W‘HT‘IJ-fit” IMF: ,
[up 9‘1?" S ‘\~"-{I~“!:| pp nlgimlfi‘;
i‘:.,._ ‘x';,-{‘v.,!‘.m.§> I:“.qu inm
‘ ‘ ’5 wt: ' ;
HM "«‘~[
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Hire “mi
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rm 9];
4" 04' [Fr/q?
'7' “‘.' PT 4"
5 fi-‘u‘brw PI’J‘..\I"\'E7IY'}RTID,
:3 , 1 - -i ”mung MHLM
VFW”): 3“ NWWI' $111"! 1, (”3:31 n::.
. ",0. ".n hu'H L ‘I-n'mL Ibl‘u'ln‘.‘ Y
P “ "IWL "ll“ hI‘IHI purl: o. tlw L"'\ In
‘ ..' ._ . Q . ‘
... .p. .u‘ mug. g- “"12"” m [by «mmun'nu‘
“.11 hp: 51v :lln <3 r'}~ :MM-I‘. J _'
‘ ”i‘vt ”y; ~‘M 4m? 3h}. .‘ ‘
.I) V%‘
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x gull“, Mm:
‘fiqu -' ‘ '\ ‘ 4‘33?)
s ..’. _\\w,3\m YES“? V:
2’33 \ ax
mam-n ~ -
'i‘' x . .
‘\Y'IHIO. lg 7: ~L‘n-.u “v in‘ ‘
3.2 w. .
M [..1- n .2 .u m :m- m. y.” Inna-SIM
. ‘ , ;
ol‘t‘ i: p' 5 My Lh‘: [’md f'rnx‘fi‘u'pgul I’".’.r‘.?- I,
P. W2l. 11‘ , m‘nrm‘ Fén 1:3!“
4.‘ . ‘
llr‘ll . :w‘ I: {vi :g H‘r‘xihul {Mimi
I-HIHTHIPH Inky-i iim'z 0! (gm Lit“ Mt <h‘mling
: ~.r,._
..L. .
h .- "
111-! H". “gin-r]
1 v“ lail“ n-évr‘i
l'r'll “WM“; '1"
'v-r .M r hv gu'
19" mic
\\ ILL" lH ‘-
‘uSr! ”IRES.
b. 1‘1:.5 “..‘ (m
ln-u H 0.1”.“ ‘l
- ,r: . H. «MD.-
‘.',":'.'~'T-’ 1'
“,"I M .‘r‘nL :L ’F
my; .1:
n-~,'Uix'.~ hp'qm
{:n "'\n
‘l '||.|'\,.'-
Alu‘ah bi.‘ ink
nr‘ “"1 us" I'm;
r _ .
fl"! L ‘1 > *
. I: ~. ‘
tram“; 3
v('v~ th‘h- ‘ _‘ul‘~«| -'§(-»;-
& “uh: 1m: "u
11 ,- ; *
m‘ fi-mn H‘ufihm. the; “Us"?
'r' rmm‘i us M" 11's It:
(by angnpfii of his pnilnl‘ul nn:
P.“ w: We“ll"}f‘lf':xl_\'lltz‘li«l‘l;l prnzgn:
m :1" run-n; mum 'Fun’ mu
' ..~ ‘2 . . ..‘ x ‘
much “1‘ gunpr wxh‘mnm'nexnl
lh'rce ' ' . . 1. .
. ulm rnk-emlbvnngwxhlhmamu‘
~ < m ‘_ u .
"3'.§_ :m-T m [llo‘nll'dli‘fl' pfacFmOnM‘
u. an ‘ ' ‘ ' »
" dxsnn'r‘fl‘ld ‘lesl the Towers of
I'M! to ~..“, a”.
M“; E!.lKl;a'l:j‘ffmff\)'f..\\flj\' 1
I} .* main-n fungi.” rc-ct‘nt'iy ihm-n'o
’IH’IN. ' H ‘ .
“VI”- _nr‘ril ll‘lh(‘lli‘?ith in thé I‘YIYN'SYI
mm.» PIT \h. main-uh M nun-:0 Sn:
‘ '_,El_.unru:g,nl ,
‘ Sflfi In the Union! ‘
[NI-211A!” 3 a‘.lllll‘l.‘V Mpg “MW '0 On"
I‘}, the gunman nfflleir hipmlq and the pub
m- genernlly to flu‘ flu)! ”N! Hwy hawjmr rum
tamed from flu- cil‘luu ur Phill'lfllnhin' find
litl'imnrt. “uh a NEW AND 51!,1P;NI,H)“‘S_
SUIITHHNT 0F (:mms. (s“,er ”m" m"
before rum-rot! in the (-nnnn , ,
Having hnughl sheir zuml-x for “"41. m Dania
priCL‘:, nud HUI limo win-1312.» .lm-v;!;,. in many
Mud: nffubriws in Murrow-drum], m”. "f “m
uhlrd tn’ofl‘cr sm-h BARGAINS a. “"11.a““llli.~ll
Ilv: nu-tr. unlulnus. If our lrivnvlg win]; but
u-nll nh-i examine mu‘ Mark. which iw camp)“;-
in I\H_\’ alrpartmgnt, \w nn- mn- m. 0,." “fl”;
Mwh indium-mama auxin-amp!“ “Wm," them for
”Mr 'ronhlv. KEPT.“ flr'itlt: IHIMH.“ k'TP' in I
fir"=:;‘x~lnss (-omitry "ore w?” 1m frmml ~.. lmml.
Wm" den-mined NOT W m; I'.\‘DFZRSUI,n
but) whats: mxlkido of thoW‘ih. nu our mm!” .5
H Quick Sale: find‘finmfi Profiu," _\'.. uunhle
to slh‘r goodh . '
55“") Mad an - this mmsiun to n ‘,"T‘ om
thanks for live Very gang-row [uglmnnue u (“THING
hark-Info” nuh‘ed. And indulué‘lho hdpe'llmz
by strict attention to hu’slnrug, Md 3 high. H._
‘gud fur the iMcreits of blink our patrvms’lnnd
must-hrs, to mt-rit n contmunnrc uf their kind
fnviwi. MSEHART & .\L'LUVAN'. ‘
‘ Cornchuitr nnd .\lonnhlin fit.
' April 9, 185%. . . Fail-firm; i'a.
"F. n "$65331:th reggcf‘tml- VA “4
LY Enfnnni Ihc’reBldomsm
offlunysbumlfid \icinitLlhnt 123
he hm: opened a WATL‘IH AND JEWELRY
STORE. in the room lmmedinn-lr in the reur of
.\lr. .I. L. Schjrk‘s Starr. ‘uu-l trunking the
Square‘ “More ho inh‘nds ’kwping nix-mm“-
I:l.u(‘Ks,&c., kc. ’ ‘ ‘ \
‘ “Ming ht-en ('nnnerft‘fl‘ with n [II-“.011”.
Wan-h and kinky Flo'rc ix} Dultimnrm rnr
ak-u-rnl yem-a Haul, he in prqwred ~10 furnich
('N't'ry urfir‘lt‘ in the fine, M‘ ”w huh-5| p“.
firit ea. nml nIl purl-limes \\ ill be guumnlicd H‘g
{rproFenu-d. 4 » '- i
From a long gxperieme in “‘flll‘her-pnirfingi
e‘-pm;in\ly offline 'th'hus. he i~ nropnrmi u; a”
all Linds'nf “'nt'vly-work pnfmptlgx. in lliq- I;ch
marlin-r. am] gurrnmy ihc pl-van‘mnm‘c link,
Lllt- will km-ymlwnyx on hand J. largo inim
niom ul' M‘E‘TL‘TJH'LI‘ISmmI Slum- ‘w
I:I('l{' (”né‘r‘s: nud huv'nlg muvhmi
ui’prriuuc? in {mlnpxlug 1):;le ln {he Kighl, is
ptnpured to fit all uho'nm-i flu-{IL , ;
H.\'R JEWELRY nunlt- Inuit-Mr 1.1 Hm ”(..‘
s‘lylv. and n urea”, vnriet} ()I"|I:Ill&'lll: mullniml.
JEWEHiY rt‘ivnirud in llm mum-q mnnzflsr.’
‘ ’ ‘JHSEHK “HAS. -
vGeHjslrtrg, Ilec. :3. Im. n 1., 1 ,
PLEAS‘ \x'
ms u'xiViri
xthr- grout;
[l4-I.] win
. rmhxm-h‘
Mountain Herb Pills
’37 21x4." int-Hem likongu: nL‘l‘t-nu-n‘. n
‘V rhit-Pof'uitr‘ilu- m the Ht-Hmt' szén h ,-
tiun. 111 M encr nub»! Muxioo. ‘hm‘u I” ‘tinu n
fun nvcfiunt. uf Min :Ind hir' DI'OI'PO‘EIF‘FHT Pmnj-h
-1115 "w! Alnnmny-i-40 hr Imd 33mm. frum 1h"
Apnmi fanu-sv‘f’ilk. l ‘ ‘ 3‘
'I IN- inwntur aim] nrmuf‘u‘vjnrr 0" - Jnfletmk
.\hmnmm Herv H’qu" hn: 'ftvm, lln' fay-Mm
lm‘r't or‘lxii MW in trnr' 'ILL‘I. lyhmrz #:4311041
nl'lll': orcv'y rallulr)‘ in the bul 1. H~ :spfim
m'ér :ch vmr< iv'lmnc the l'ld‘i \nV nf'vhr» an‘v:
~\lmmt:lii|=3m! of .\lmiru. am. it WI: llms (111;!
the ‘- \lonnn “my: Plus"? \vt-irr dis‘c-nwn-d.
A 14." gun-rpm'ug‘ m-cmnuw‘rf hi‘u ndH-Mun-u
.| . ,
than. ynu \ullr find In our Alm‘nnu; mm
I‘mu-hlt-t.‘ ‘ '
ll]! i‘ an es'z-filhhi-d 771 th
Min: 110.11 ‘
'ropl War;
: ' nll dim-mes
' nfi‘w‘fim “Hum? ‘; . ‘
Tho Hymn! L [l'6 N'e! find “h“ 591.“ 114;»?va
nr nnhv-u‘hhv rvaih r IP‘NlV‘l‘l\l'l!\\T;'|l n, ”1.1.,
nlu'l' thtérnJ-Im-(H‘n v wrv (Ir-:1 ‘ n‘f flu» humm—
H\ on urn-u; ‘MH Hm pnimn. ”u?“ n’] (13m; HMI
nu'mh: :11: "Mr :1 unplflin. 'le -‘umlvl| will
411)}-~li._rr:-1 Um 117m} perfL-é'LJV. ’Hu- Int-k manhu
tn}!-:~}'NP :t si-Eifl‘H-m'y "I lulu. TL“ ”in!” L"!
(hr h' 'l'l i 4 “on! r-lm'L :nn] in I‘ v .Irqul’uinn
E- F“! ‘ 10. The linua Low 1“" "I"—'é'}-d \fuzi: the
"himnuna runner}; hv-nm-h :1 (' nigh—um! "Hilmm
_:| flight hmvurnvfiut Hm fl)" xtJIII-ljt-xlxl [him
"no mum! .' 35 iil'yrm J: u] mm“ n innu- (gm-m.
fnlj Enflnnvr/ in xfimre wry-I.lmm wh‘u'hjrmo
n HM' rixulr‘t, in a flu: I’IHHJFF the: “Hum:
cum.“ of un- air-am h‘ct'mlflw 111§IIi1¢$PIlzllyrl
riiwni u'r-L .\c- linflvld'v ll‘~"~ in-Iq 11~ h mi?! M
in M "vpart.l7llllsl?qu «In: In Hint? ‘\|l_
NM, 1 as I- c: lm . v-N- n'natrw‘ re! and 9}- "fill-e
:‘ ='m- [lnn is ernon-d, lhc ”Hill/hf Me Faith"
dim om. ' ! r ‘
1 in?! ”Jaw-l
..(«v-Mik‘ Int nn‘.r pnrl'v 1‘ P Mu Hl} I-‘m
T“Co'\"F‘|N“\n Hid wrrpziuxu «If (In: hml :EIM‘SI
nn'. 1hr": up. IQIIEr".'I}7(-«! "7'5. ‘ l : »
crave rm; “11mm idfifil‘ififti, ;
I. vor -r'm~~§.l--1.-¢ snfimmm‘. In}. ~u-J‘ [flxfix
LAW—lmp“ \lmlii-ivn- “(IL-L m‘vm Ila-121' mum
' higflon =eu-d‘ (it“fdiccmc. :mv ruinluarq Edi 1‘11“
2 HuldL uml ~er~rmibus purn Jul ”Qt-IH. ( fibrin:
)mul n-‘lhwi'miwflNWvii-II 1:,3.‘ . ' ‘ i
t We :n-I huh-minitj: my: I'me‘ \yn urgfvl 3',
' tn N .m 'l‘yhiuJA'irJt-m‘h, n un-eu‘rinc Hwy-«i
‘ \funnhnn ilr'rFa‘il‘ill~V' [lnn “.11 M.“ flgg'tly
'0 rl-a "fish-10! mint—u lhrn-u rh thy b‘v 'xlgnvlnt
finial: u}: aiip-‘h nib, gun] 1' HM; Ihw' tut' 'rfir, In
hrqu-In with xhefl 11ml“): h an!» :moLl (":‘lhh‘.
.i./lu/au;4‘.c 111/l: In": L,“ liu/ I\‘_ um}, I“ . ark}; fpr
l', ..')u- filly” My '(‘n "pm 'rlt ,' 1
i I'hm-l ('muylnihu, ”WHEMJ'I-i. '" ’
’ Plum)“, ‘ lnl‘ifv-Yiun,
J Faith. ‘ ,hx‘im‘nu. - ‘
' Flu-=1 Dumauj Ynflnmm‘ti-vnl
[I ("H'H‘v'm-vl, 9 hm'Jrvl ‘YPNLt‘A
} DR! «3min. 1 Him-r ('mnplfin
A M‘rr'm‘ ' f ‘ Lhn'uov nf *lfil
! Drnntv. . é ,- ’,l'iku,
! D‘- hility.. . V w Sumo nnrl (Eric:
I va-r am! Maui, 'Fcrnfivlur’yr Syn
Q vaulr thnpln‘fita \ 3mm. ‘ ‘
s , CBS-HT rim; LE \XIIEXIfi'KXI". !t\
' Femddz Who ‘.‘ Ina hwllln hlmu'hi nvvu
~‘nfilhr‘mt vhf-<0 Viih. Thcr pnrisy [hmmi
fmnurc "I'NYHIPI-idhd 6f aniinlii. ‘rhum f 2?
flux) «full! 311'"qu and Irlutu-heefnnd bring:
ticll t‘ohrr‘or'hmluh m the [ulc rhvgux.
' pflwfflu- PM“ and “uh; nf '\‘vhirh t
ills are Inndc, “‘qu diwm‘urml Ind: Very §
‘ riaing \ruv nlnv'l‘hlg the Tkl'tu‘t‘finfi‘, .l 'lnnq
lJDl'iL'ilN‘Qi iu .\Xéxinu. Gm 13hr: annn§
éur .\gnnl, nn-iryolu will-run] with dvlighml
Kory intercsfing [hm-mint it aqutniua of;
- Groin \fcrlicimx”, loe .\xtms. .
! ()nFEnvE.—TI;6 \[nunmin um. mm" 1
In ’up in a Brzhiliful \\'rnppér. .Em'h- ‘
nntnins 40 |lilll.‘an|l Hamil 1:1:2?» rent“ 1
kn: .\H gouuincfizue the aigmtute of B;
‘L‘DS’ON & (1)., 0p,.-ac.h Im. ; ‘ i
‘ ‘ B. Ll JUDSON & CO"
» .\‘n. 60 Lmsum Stun, .\‘rv You .
ARM!“ mnfit-d Mxmys—Addroh as «hm-y
urn. 0. (Lupe. smm: for Gettysburg
‘C HAW) In
..xinmv db-
t) l—‘lk‘ plih‘fl‘
clf t.,
:: mmzph'rnl
ha f,
”a Valllnlrle
’nr‘fi «Love
um --h' M-
.\VH “LS.
PISS ('ll will
unt, in the
A t
\ J
‘ cmix'tzv !
Indelphia. ,
~ I
- 1
I f 3»;
‘ )
l g;
y ..
( V‘
for invr.-
4: 111 Le. ob.
5 cvntq per
'..\'G m’ 1846.
t“ I S T .
finial! Tan/e.
July ”I'3, 186!
§ WM .1 sun: cud, ML.
<§‘ .‘J‘ Jami-sultan, @333?an
BRONC’H'AL ,ghiaat, whidz'might ‘
2:9 “V 57 checked ufihasfinptqnd»
‘ 0b“ edy, if neglected, qfim :9;
{mimics seriously Few an awarq V
the irnportame qf storming «1 flats}; or
g’lightflald in itsfi’st “08"; M
19% in the beginning wouldzyicld 11¢
duck: tho'l - , ’
“ 23er gnu-lug
$4111., gran/Ma, git/Imm,
ungum, and numwufectimw df
the boat, giving immediate relif.
Public Speaker: and Since",
wfllfind Wefl'wtualfci-dmrmg“md
dung-thawing the wiee. .
‘Sold by 0% mm and @eakrs in
Wu, at 5’5 centa pa- baz. /
WA. D. BUEBLII, Agent, Gettysburg. '
99630,180 L 6m , fl
Something New.
DIL-SYH. 1:. uumys '
‘ CARR”!
NURSING sour, you”,
And the bed apt-cilia no‘w in we {of ‘nuv dii.
canted conduion uhhn month. In: putieulm -
ly henqficinlm venom wmrlng _ ‘
‘g'ompletoly deatroying uvorr {aim of!!!» mouth,
abnorbingnnd remoriyugnll ilnpflfiul‘irqnlflrhlg
e , A SWEET mm m: *
Ma" who make use 6HI. No Young Lady or
Young Gamlemrn grim is afflicted «m; I
I BA!) BIH'IATH ; .- .
:nhouhl delay nppljiug‘thyis remedy. r 0? 1‘ “I "
rurmm Hire, and i< approved and rocotyunfemlt
.o“ “I “Cry [lhydcinmnnder whom noun 1:
’hn: been Draught. - j y
.. .\ um J _
‘\‘u an ofl'L-nce for \\ hirh xhcruia no excuqe will“!
1] ~ rm. WM. p. Mum's MUUTR WASH
gun he prouured. ' . ‘
3 Alan) persons carryfivitll them a b'ndhrnth.
{grunt}; to the annoyanccnud‘uflen to the (Ii:-
Hunt at llmse with whom they come in uoulart,
Huthnut hvin: q~nnst-inn!\df‘_flw fad. Tn xe
qlieyc yourself frulfi all fun "fig-ding {hi-n,
USE nu. w». n. utmrs Mom" (man.
I Cleanliness of the mom}: in of prenuiln‘por
itnnce to the fieneral hullh. which is often M
fectcd, nm' not nnfi-eqqontly soriomlx impnir
led, thmhgh wi’ut of pmpcr Mun‘Jun'tuflnia
_ nubjort. .
[’l't‘puN-cl ;.t Dr. val‘s Ifenml Office, .\O. :7
:Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D.
>5, ‘ Price. 37 Cents per {BottleJ
1': .\ )ibcrnl disronm mmlc lo clenlt-rn. -‘
“j Addressl Prinéi'pal Ofil‘ce. Tribune
:5 ‘Buildiygs, No. 1 Spruce St, N; Y.
.é Sold nun hy (Inswell, “Mk 5: Col, Flhh
I-Lkrcnue um}; J.‘ & Ll‘oddingwn. 71:. mm“!—
‘M'uy: D; S. Barnes, 202.8ruudmu, nnq 1?; ml
tibruggidh.‘ .’_ ; I
{i m. war. n. ”run-IQ
v; This’l’onderquwtmzm flu- . ‘ g
11’ ' PRUI‘EIi'I‘HCN U!“ I'IHIU'IM L,'
:hnd In fr-At- Yrmp ll” .\t‘id“ nr .\lkuhen mu! can
in 111n,l«.I-IaLindILv the- 'I‘M;HI. a ‘
I I 1" .u'rma 'mznjn. nnmxv \uwllfiux —-
‘I'OLIHHU: \vn-nnx‘a' “Many“ Inr H mm.
3‘ Im. “‘\x'. B. uxisnv‘sfifowrn PUWHH‘.
i:- rl-u'mnlm-mh-«I In -x|lyi,'minvm “01.1qu
:: I'rolnrl'li ul Hr lHurlK M'uldl Hull! 0, _.\u‘ 7;
Fourth Short. “Punjab“. 12.1), x
I: 'Price. 25 Cent”; per Box. L
;_ A lihl‘ml lli~('l)!l))l mmh- tn nit-ulcrd, , ‘
:Addrmt‘. ‘Principat C‘fl’iec‘, Tribune
' Buildings, N0..1 Spruce St.,N. *Y.‘
; Sui-l nbn I») (Mont-ll; “ML .\ Fun; Inflh
:lAu-nnv Unto}: J. & l- l'mddinzlo'n. H" Kurd-f
vv'. : i). <. “.llllcr, 2U! Hum-huh. and I.) “if
*Vruizhi; ‘ ‘
_ fin. WM. Rum-mm !
‘l T’br the nut: ”l , 4:,
pr_ndl|«-95H‘\' rvxv>~v~| noun-c. . E
" h 14|v11tivulmlvguhuuulmnn can-a 0101M
gn-u ufllitmlly ivw‘mn‘nmwm. l
‘ "Jr! nts mm n- 10"» llu-msvlrou fi'mn’ mllmb
IH>2ruxing “Hul'iau-~~ mun-rd In - i
; ' ’ I.u.~.~;nrs!.l:mn.. ‘ .4, ,
.1114] Hut-Er (-hih‘rnn {mm grout mm-rinir. by
Rm-mnv n hull!" hf ‘ '1
It“! “‘2l, IL IH'IHYS Tllfl,Tlf\('UY‘. Unfil'h'
in ”I"thth ‘2 ‘ ‘
‘v I‘wlmn"! m ['l' ”Mr I} hvnlul (Min-o. Vi” 7?
Ffiurlh Sin-ct. lil'mo‘. h'u. H. I’. ~.' ‘
;, Price. only 13 Cents per Bettie”? ,
‘ § Hhr‘rnl (“~3ova mm]. In 4min”. . ‘ ‘
"LAd-‘lreas 'Py'inflipfl Office. Triflmc"
,i ‘ Build:ngs,£§€o. 1 Spruce 5t., $1.2;
.Snm 3mm hr (‘nPwulL um .x v.l. llsn'. ,L
Awnuo Hun-1: .L .c r mihu‘mm... m "emu,
muY: h. S. "Arn'ci. 20‘: Humming}, mul ”3‘ 1‘”
[l’l‘uggiulg _ I
" ‘ DR. Wu. n, mum‘s j
‘frnE‘Hfi-fnrr' M" .\‘X'fl'V-HJH‘. ‘ J
of Tut‘uhnvho um ‘m-ml hv rulr'. . \‘j
' ‘ Lm'M. \‘l-.l’{'\l.".'.\ ‘‘9
N h‘vmndinlrh rnr‘ml by V‘J-vr rugflimvinm
Thy-r Mt I-kv- a lllnl‘fl‘, mu! nrr 'lu-rl‘i
anlon in (”Hr mmrr-z 110 um mm:-
l-h'vtm'. an!“ Wt "a H'lfill“r‘l’ltl Hahn... :
Y‘HL‘WM. l“ “I’IHYFAH'H \U-l \ I'U‘xF'Z‘
n \‘lir Ilil M giw‘ ~ulL~Llrtinn hi all ulu
HT"!!- !V'h'm". ‘ '', ' :
U‘rmnrv-vl M We. ”MW;I Douml UI‘H‘P, \‘j
Fémrlh Strum, Ifm‘nkh It. PL l'.’ . , I
; Pricz. mil}: I‘s Cents emf}.
§.\ "Mn! 1L - ~u .: 1.... :.- l m. In:
Aflrirpsfi' Priwcipwl Ofifihc. “PW-“l
; BuiidingQ, No.l Spruce St.,N. ‘3
LL" .H ”.., “r «mmgL mum .\- r.
‘\lvmm" HM“): .l‘ k l {‘ththm. ',‘l' If:
u- \ : 11. fl. Bur IN, Entillrnml‘n v} mud n;
Dhaka. [nah 2. run. !
4. ' +-~—l‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
,; . , .\‘n'rwlt. a 1
‘“'u are 'l xih‘ l'rr-oh in : onlmu tn ~ole luj
mime gm" nr mnrr‘ nf Dr. Hufd'r “HUM “gun .
{in}. ‘glxirh wnn. “mm: 4'“. Your :m- 1n... ,n‘ l:-
aft-qr!» l'm Nourulzin l’lusuir. “hi: ll m u'u'lv:
3mg un‘clopc my ruvi-ip! at l’rir- .l‘; n uh: :u 4!
nnn clamp. But to nrrzqmnnmlvlo yu-Iz‘a. - In
:pllm‘m' w . "‘0 {no druggkta 4'llll («mo 2w 1m"
'nrp: lwhiml t’xy ago. \u- hmv ““1“" m 1 l ":1 -.
in." u lziu‘ omlm sod bgml-fl. wrv‘n hm hm lu' mm
I'9' «In. .Lamnurtmonrl‘LL-n;‘n l-uu wwtnNL-J x
“.3 I.4“ch n.— mmrs .\lpml‘; \\'..l.. .w 1.. m.
um: All” Dray-,2..n,lm)rl'onm Would“ m- m.—
tlio nlula l’lmm-r. find a uluulqlx- lmlr- ’l mm rnn
Tucih and their Dileurra. ltlm hm! mmmjnf
1‘46: prlwening Umm, mu] Nu- llt-typl-r mum-writ v-f
. ('llilxlrm'sll‘wth wnrllx of gran-2f 1110 (-ulvrl-juu':
up} td‘lm'ory ymm: mm! or L’m'lnner [lX‘lPlllr ‘p ill:
3‘. ‘_\ 03mg children. will: puudiy mlu-r )qu-lsflw\
“m xlqicl-M; pfli't‘ per p.l('l(flg‘l‘ Fl. or nix [fuckinufi
l 1”: my ‘53, sent by expreu RN" llirerrell. .\fi IhP//
3‘ ‘ il‘toprém charge: are not rh..!(~‘.n. if nnr. mml' ”1
~11 ‘lxgzen than on one. it is flu- olwnpor to hr-11-l
~31; 0!: 3 down packaiqo-s at one timr. A flame
Jamilywill want all; onl"; inrplnu Mn hull:-
paged ofm mums will: pnblir ln-nc‘fir‘t fur
lmlEone 'cgn tstimutmlmw much pain. aulTu-an.
Eunlmppiuewn nud llléfignrmnent; cxpvlur. 1104
mi mime and money would‘ be suvwl 1m [DIP
.‘cmlnlry il'every family 10-day hml onwuuv
lpnékngrn. “mph, in iuulf. i: it cmmulr ‘- rm 0‘
illemnl Humedies. Address “'l4. u._ me &
; t‘oL, Tribune Buildings, New Yurk, and WT!”
' mulls nud ad-irc‘sd plnin'y. Thu: (“manly-m
‘lrmy bcmndv With oonfidonre, WAS, 11. al‘n.
retgrto the Mayor of Brooklynfioy “261'“-
fith. Presidém of we Furriers? «ml (‘iufien'd
Bulk, Brooklyn; torthe Editor .of the Anieri
can. \lzmm'néturcrn' Gnome -. m Joy. (‘0: £l3»,
‘ Publishers' Agents, New York: to I'. Tafiur-
Lnnm. an.. who knows a good thing whem’lm
sees it. and 'who him already ordered a ircdcpd
rsupplv, ope. ' ‘ L
‘ 1990 AGENTS WANTED 'to introflncolpr.
llurd's Denull Rémedies into every County:—
Men‘ or women who want :0 make ‘money quick
ly, can do better with these ortlclel than any.
.Lhin; in market. They are new, infill}; If"
prici‘d, and we are “mulling moumnds m «d-
Vertlsinz them hr the b‘encfil of ngvnu. Bones
of samples coutainingm dozen of chasm dol
lar package's above specified, ir'uh Firmly:
will 'he sent, oi: tooefpl of 51‘, about hnlfpficf'v
to any person wishing to ‘5l hi? 01' 11‘" "U“
in s’nlling with the View of becomin. an 0391“-
' They“ can be sold 'in n day. ”fl“: W 013“
.mmer puy salaries limp Uominissions to than
2 who prove thcmsehzes el'flci‘cnt wleemeu. 9
l H‘Xow is the time to go halo the business.
‘For :tduressiund xeferencea ice above.
Jan. 27,1862." '
, 4‘..."-
4- a
, - u -.., , .
‘ - Removals. '
THEnnderstqned.heiug¢he nuthofizedpmon
to make reuinnls into Ever Green Ceme- (
,lery, hopes that such as contemplate the mp 0“)
och» remain. of decenfied relativrs or [l']de
,will Avail themselves of this gonna own )lan ,
have it done. Removals made with Wampum
—terms low, and no efl'orl spared m plum
, ¢ PETER mugs,
1 much 12, so. Keeper of the omm.
C ARGE P OTOGRAPHR made hem ‘lanl
L pictures at greatly reduced Wet, a die
‘hxcelsior Sky-light Gallery. __ '
F ST ,annmr fawmded go quon .Biozhm
K 1 bytho Menunen Agricunum! Spcis‘v, 3.”.
1860,31"! by the Adam Gaunt: undid
Society, Sept, 1861, My be :5 L. W'QW
WWW“!- “m “9&0"?! Mun: 1; »