. ;' 3:: ‘ i 54: . 3 :3 ‘._ ,- E‘ “n 0 El . "_. . i 1‘33“ ‘l‘ i .1 Ah?::.’ ‘ l $32.“;- A New mu IN ailleoog t miu,a sin, trumpet, come lkrmi'de'a offic of 3b; ticker ‘ mum B» .. shiém '6 have ,zvo Qtélmivom‘ ,nficd slores, ~ they had seen entrehchmeou. rkfigiu‘yng; Lug. .\ 3!! true patriot \‘ amid: in hhich‘ defl'ozed to ca‘ ‘ actuatiopuivc 1 Chum w.» this {a} énnfs‘ cidcut xith' hi .traet has five ‘si -‘ , Gen. McCI -‘ support} PM wiill “confonn “mange the m he would rpm: 1 bucaesm we be in- not y own praises, b sumn'xatinn‘bf n" partia! deco suit fin achieve « '- Tbia is: but “VCR will sop ENE Amongthc ‘ Gen. Blctl'lyliun‘ (fie lean’t x 0 wzwl fillet-y wm‘." ’ di‘rtuwfer u! 311' will prny‘ thn’l bnats have bl whatever Eh”: y. yict'nry has in 01 .1.-ry,‘n;fn ugnkll IrresfinMe. '1 improvements i imcmcted mt most of thefig: ' ’Dmficamin‘p _ gcr than that 1. er propottionf provided witfi - If field Imm}: pmvpd. kind. lW . 0'!" his fightin': , tun, for His ai‘ '* mall (ix-Sling“. 1 "rifled sung, {vb 713 spite Qfghcs hu'cbccu' 11MB mm, we art we . from them, in )lunarrfl' In'm'c! pst and mmtr not su J ’21“: ',Advan‘g‘g. ) 'J'his‘grunfe ’ *m‘ust gain‘llm gmiaer may 0:] lluyig many can years and a hu . nut the‘mngic ( add}? the dis ; more fatal. " - The Tr Ever since I Managua. (‘en ' ‘firgt namnd pl 2; -cmwds of strm ; journeyed (hit _pose of" gazing tiqnn. hauls; 1 ndmbcxlctei tr th’eaé fields, ,ried away wit} pugfroops inud yet rémuins‘ .- scnreq of ca‘nri sacks and oth menu. Now - 8 crouko’d 551” or corner by - n‘nd borne uwa though wufl‘n ken stock hfia nt‘mythng Fe ciwumstu'uces. trouble of en? carriagg sags“ “'nshringhin, f find ,thc'u' way cities. pilies of Manasms. l ‘ L he (In; ol the {vacuat‘ion of 1‘”? rhiillc nnd Bull’l'lun. ’thel “H. 511? 8* have been besmgod by ‘or Team“, gcmnnl .othirs who ltaveil ' or, no: alone fnr the pur-l i‘imme-‘liflt oi) these niembrablc l-,»cu-f l 3‘31“? fur _securinl& some of the fitnf; j] x'n‘iow that urerstrcwn over, lll‘t.\\'.‘vl.3. verything (:t' vhlne was citr- new-r t‘.-il,t l in twenty-four lmnrs.‘al‘ter' {Mir \ero l‘ tligé,’ a‘dmncc. But there. . PF‘T’L‘CQ'] attend in every directiun,? I~rvunh Lm‘ i g}: hows, lllVPT<thl£S. knnp-l _. Pr articles of suldiurfi‘ equip} A liberal nd than :1 'stru)‘ sunlilmrdyorl Agata? is Pikctl out of “some ' h‘q‘llej Q 0131“: diliucnt‘curinszty secker.‘ Mien“ U" ' mth as, much gas"; as \\"|\'. D. 5_ tslvioigltt in guild. A bro-' Drhqgséts. mulotfin brat gun-barrd. l ""—"“l “e that, under any ornlinmtyr “..‘ ”0d: .m‘mlll ndt be worth the] snn,;.,‘no o,‘ in‘g away. are stowcdnnder i 5, which ‘ d speedily cnnveyt-d intolcxm“ “’9 o'm which pl-ice they soon 2:31:33: , Into the Giflcrent horthamipucglwur; ' ' GTE " ll“ Fabulous pr 23 hnve been offered within} in whia‘c (- the past mck for trophies of the 'descrip.‘ Will! mm tion named. soldier who hai found a: “"2“: ”f l . ’ . . .\- lit» Drop pipe bowl, cur ed out at wood, at Bml Run.’ “11,-” l’lJ: Wamoflbwd tc ~dnllars lurit by a comrade. A 7*ch “3.1 ~>which ‘price, hdirever. be refused A pycserving hugebé'wig kn fe, hacked and rusted, ettfiily~ (“il‘lml'fi cohxmnnded 'ght r‘pllars; which “priceil w ":"ll'. . bonfire}, cuul not command the article inliflflfifi,‘ . . . ‘ ~ . . Mr question. Bl lea and lentaments, and; for ss_ m, ‘ .boohs of a ligl t' literary gqliaructcr, in n' Express ch dafiagcdmwd tion, must of thcin fuund 011?"; “01‘?" ll! ‘the battle-fielq'i. are bgirtercd away at four/5“ 5"“ fl _’ . ... _, . ‘ :fmmly will times theirm rmulcost. and the; purcha-WMWI oft 'sersoftlicm ‘ usidur that they are luckyimkéne c“ in séjtnin: th prizn'vvon at such?) cost. Tunhnppine l I’l {'s4: shoc.,t‘flu bullets.’crockgrry and 0’ “(“3 3 iron wnre Arie 'ust as eagerly soizetl' upmi,l°°";‘ll'3‘" and everythin to be found here, ho mat-u 512,3? 1 (er how main in the value may bc,.is daily} (.70.. Tribi , being, mnib away. In the meantime 3 name 3th :héreit no di inution bl travel in this dle-‘y be ' rectioh, and t c livery stable keepers and g?” ‘ hachlnen-are. aping a rich harvest. len‘k " ‘ "fiOM‘f‘b ' lcnn )lhnn: iting of letters 11} soldiers in : Publish: re Potomnc, now ad'rancgd in , 2:1“ 15:11 phibited by an order issued 5 ”EMF,“ tars. Huw long this rule il] {090; it. is impossible to “yr-l M 230: V vs friends in the‘ army who 7 ly. mm. d an will mulcrstiind2 the réa- l 33%;: \‘ertisin ' . WW lof mmp‘li ,Groceties, &c. ' {11? wk} tmlly on hand. FLOUR. Corn'gg‘? Ila' hm: EEALS. Hommony, Soupl in stllliur Fruyrt. alt-l Pickels; SBCI.'\RS'I_ThHV ”I: s, 'Sj‘rllpi, .\'. 0. llolusnet. (mw rather I,“ ts pfr gallon, the very best kind‘ wlm' “a; tubal) pliexjse, grid every othexs fix ' kept. in u P 1031: um! Urxcryi For :xdir deal call. WM. IIILLESPIE. Lin. 2: Dec. BL 1800 9111* l mThe > 1 thcym'y 'ot' ! 1 Virginin; 'u ‘ from Jibadqu yin htenibr Tha‘se who’ h ‘i Meg's-no let son. I 1, . ‘ £lO 1 mm; cdn and .Bnck 2mm. Dried l (SUFFEES, Tc "omit We 1 for baking.) ‘ article usu xll Swagfiin '4 Getty-burs; “'ll—’77" 4;; ~ Lathes, ‘ 3 Mm 559:; nan Fnhnesmcks’you w’ll find the ,Tto n a“... c wuss ways in tong. Deo' Im. hop M“ u.§hyntrca, [“lgm'L-d Meriuoes, Coburgs, ; of {He rer Fr.“ Hum z-s, nil Wool, as low IS 75 cents; ml} “.3; ~ ~qu con. . - ‘y’fi‘flfl . ,ywszsrocx BROTHERS. 2123,33} pct. 28' 18 I;____________ i 1 I “4'12“ Cam“): ' I; to by MW“ SortS. align of Gen McG'zelLan. ' ie gabbling c’anmrs nf his M q enotc, mm the blast—of II A sag? .up [rum Newborn. Gon.’ ml repprc increases the value! DXSE ach i at chberu‘in many te-, ' ' U . 1h - -' .IjAnd [he b" tn: e Importfxncc of the po mm: ‘ mndiz fipturcd puny-foul: guns, 1y beneficin) a d an immense amount of; . w] the Rebel-4 thoughc‘ccmv‘"fvis" \ ' . - 1 aabsorbtugu ed belnnd “nnpregnablo’fi . This is clusc' of generall 17‘ all ““30 n .; witl'ghdden vth’e harm of" 3°“; '9‘“; l to ycad tho' unrlicmzed‘ 51W,” debt, he declares: “i have (21- ctr-EWWW . . lC‘ Ylf ' iy out the very mmute w! 1,,“ heel)? . me by him (General‘MC-L ‘2 leaving Annapolis, 'a'ndfi ‘5 “quxc _ l .1 . ‘hnve been Mnguhrly fln-fl can b 9 prac Lanticipminns." This .ex-i M"?! Wt! ,plc air of an hongst declara- ' EHKKJ-xotj. ‘Klful' an übh‘gur' purpose. ' "fith‘ont hti' lun really needs no such 2:103?!“ 110 “5311;;th cuincldmce"; .CIE-Inllnc the fictional," if it do not lam-21m”? . ,‘ v . . ‘ 61 " lxce ’ of 11:5 cuoxlnes If ed: ;h,lcfi,r:hl ‘ , he could declare other EullJ‘lfl-A. ‘vf his own origixiution; but: Liogfi‘ed too modest. to sound his Fain!) Sum! it so mgr to reach the con-i g Pri.‘ is plans of: to care little full A lipcpal ‘; lo meats until the rent rc- Address l l P g : Buildiu . E SO“ “ISO ghmwe offthe 31'ch jruth, Avenue “u! bum upon the World. : ’ ‘s'; D\ . . . Drugms a. .-..- «.0»»-- -..—-——~ - I ‘ . ry and the War; : , D gun; six;n2:_z'qu.a§%rbinns a!“ T 0 ‘ 3 won-crnmg the war, nut! 7mg pmv that, it mm to be "an nr-g'cuwnmn 'hm um snMjußt after 13x03; Pm' Kim A 4122.: rem-MIR“ vnndl. 3 fr» 1‘ Th) Wu'i T’Lthl. The uuu- 1n L—nc I? at a ~. ‘, I' a.‘ .; K h“! ‘ACTKI. en pdluCJmlr V lemtmuulh “’l‘”an “.7 uuld .~le:un,nud U‘IHU.‘§I every, DR PW“ rm far aph‘mvc‘l by Auml- “Immhmm, I the final bayonet charge ‘Pl‘l’p‘l‘l‘u‘ is i 9 due in part to t})e;Fozlrll:strL i: canunn,‘ a'ml~ partly tn “he 3. ‘ Pri re 0! the cum-tr) in which, 'A libenl iting isdonv. , I Addregs cm of artillery is much" lar-J Buildm ‘d dOWn in hqokam the pran Sold ‘,nlso Gen. )161‘Inllan's army is. “j"‘i’fw'nfy an‘unusually lug}: number BEST-['l3: s uf’thu lmfl and midst im- _ » ‘7‘" ' th which the priucqn't part 3 . I \‘zH he 11-nm,:lml\n-ll June,- i‘llcry {sl39 is parfitulafly' Form C: '7» mm tinsfipabm‘m» c: _l. _ Jh- ' ‘ !4_ l’nhnk 9 Ti‘a“ rm “Zn-919V ‘ 1““ I: ‘V ." “I 11 18mm 'obngLl; s m the-Ir way; [my drum “raw”, (n prnhdzw or In mukc czm- .PJrl'n}; (‘1 lawurc; fur, we have tu‘H-n "ANN-55m; l h. \arun'h acunuyuoyr M». “M “m? ( many of thvm of be new; “bum.” u h . _ ‘ ‘. a term: .pu‘mrn 'lhr-y cznn- Mi. “-1 k L Tusscs m tune. to meet our. in 11.4. th I ' ‘ ' l I'icpflrr-‘l prepnndemnce of artillery .ijn'lh bim ’l.’y. The liichmmid ,J'lx-‘ . Price. 1 l‘mizo Amt-guns. and MFR} . A li‘);~r:x1 ln'ut all ukigrns between ten: Avi'ireuq ‘ «died. ”ht-11km; blit with-. Buildi. ‘t'afxillciv. numhg-rs will but ‘ S '1 {WO‘ dcr and make the panic A” "Tin.“ , may 1). ,1 1 fiWflEfigfi: ~ “ tt’ ”in" ' bqwmaflseting;constnn§r AB 1 d 4? f ‘3- 9- WHERE ', !11 l.‘ ‘ " ”$l5lO id Tal MEI B. {I‘L’HD .5 - W A S H, Full A I. , RE )lOUTHS, - ' , CANKEE 1:; “'3l U T : REM?!) i ' BBEA B a G GEES: ' ‘ RSIS‘G smm 310 mg, aw in use for (5113/ dis ‘muLh. his particuhr ‘ waving . u, TEETH, BLEEDI. 1 specific Im‘ cfthe m pardon . HTIFIC’ Miro-fin; ‘d runovm A SWEE ..ko ml: (1‘ wn um! untomoutb, all impunitiesfinsuuug ' BREATH it. No Young Lady or 15 «minted'wnk I ~ 7 BEAT“ cmcu wh BAD sppbinu and H a] physicin ught. this roinndy, for it ls_‘n 3 tuna and revpmmoud under who); name i; BREATfl thcnia no excuse {while A BAD for whic ‘ S Xol} 'l‘ II» WASH ' iwitb them a bud heat, ‘o9an often to the :12:- - m [ln-y come in contact, 'us of ghe [99”. To re g“: us regarding lhls', ‘ , ‘ B. lIL ‘ 1 a red. on} curry: ;0 annoy: ‘ with \le > conni-1 {from :1”: KD'S; MOUTH WASH M. B. H 4 of the x ou’ll’ is of great impor gl-peml h 41:“. which}: often in": ct unfrm 181111) seriously impair-l “.Luc of rope: gfzcnziuu‘ to th \r. B. mnn‘sV Moz‘rn “j- n 11);. Ihnfl'u Dental Ufiice, N '4'. , Brooklm E. D. ' _ 1;, 31-0 a per Bottle. -~ 'urbum rule lfl~dculerS. ‘3 - Prihcip omce, Tribune -9, No. ..prqce S!., N. Y.“ bthasui‘H. Muck a: Comm“! 1: .1./S L ‘uddingzun. 71!: Bmm! Luna-5, 2 ‘ Humbug, and I); m B. HUIUYS ' " OWDER; H the :1; WM. Io T-H . 1' mega ‘T "ma. INJL'RIOL' 1r CELHI'L‘tHL, ll‘lW‘ur-Allmlxezs that can if (-a-lh. \‘l‘hu:l.Y mausxcu— 1’ mxa m: 1239 mm: ’ 'TOGT” pmvmm Imminent Ih-mhm 11glhnlulUifice, Np. 77 n, E. D 3 > ' | wrrnu lilll'HH lnm n'l \ Injme l‘zc : mnvn TIIO"I' \tm B. ”T'RD': 159:! by all. t Dr. Hug Vt; Brnoklfi‘l e. 25 cg vscmmt m‘ nts per Box. ‘ , hie. to dealers.. home, Tribune‘ Spruce St, N. Y.. > M. )Hck k m. I'ifth ,'” 1-ngka 71F. [ho-ul- Ulo.hl\\.l_\':nhd by all Princiia -_ s, No. h}- (‘.\=;\ :‘fl:& I. I t 11. '2. n.nnnns i: DROPS; R. WM. ‘0 THAC. V re of ‘ T 307 erpnimi 1 n! H's. :1-‘l. TO ISM fHLfS.‘ 'nh‘d top” cases of chi:- '1 HAGUE. " ’ illumtclveg from that; \ u—ul'ng; ’, fl 1 53:31.33?“ .», ‘H n,‘ om’ grqu: suffering, ”by (W 46 J :' 11"“ 1” momma}: DROPS: irm“ with Tll u r‘h-v Renaud l [H ~.\' ( fidrcx : mlu (7f lIL'KD‘S .= D-‘nt‘nl cnmce,s'o. 7i t Dr. T7l f, Br.m:;l_ only 12 .ivcvgunt eats ‘per Bottlel with: lig'xh‘t'. 1. 03199. Trib‘une pony, Spruce St.,N.Y;. ‘ ‘1” 1!. MM": 2: PM” Flflh 352%}; ‘Enldmitnn, 71?. Broad- \‘U'r‘c ’ Srbud‘ufay, and by $ll I)?" - _ ‘ ‘ Bunk. . . \ Prmcxp gm No. ‘ b} ('u“ " : J 35: I. MUM, '..' i‘ruggigts B 4151! kn's im. “'3l, |RILGI 1 PLAETEBIS, \7' ‘mun. ‘ W ‘s‘ ‘hjf ~an -, ‘ :B :1} firm“ H. “' ““1" -_v tile‘r upwimtion. £69m N mm. Mk] 1"“ pNI-‘t‘l‘v‘mm U [I rvz‘ {lO mol. mud-Ice :l "“1”" li‘-'r-srritlm~=vzit=, “.01 ' ' in: \ln dish-$7.! to of NE : “mint-r- LOK‘.\L . 2y cufcrl like 11.6 - em (him 11 H'HD'SN II'I: \L. . L.\S"l-.I‘EQ 44mm. to nll who {<sl "’g 31“: SJ iTDr. If t. BrufiL d‘< Ddrrhlofficc, No. 71’ ‘ n, E. by. , f F 15 Cents (21611.; IW3] ; lc‘tu Ila-Alert. 1 I ‘cnn _‘, ml Ofl‘lce: Tri tie bud]; [ Spruce St.,N. . 'ai~t.l -c-|!, .\luck Iv C<\.,{ Fifih M-‘J y ‘ |(‘o'ldmg‘rtnm 713 lirozld- ' “ "‘7'” a. Brnallmmy, and inf 41111 ' L I {DH}. 2. men. 1y R‘s-’0 m: up . ~—-—-——- :u,ht‘l.\ l [C L' . , . 1:31”) Aged mFL 3 z onl-vs M fiend hfimhll for ql'tlefi;ou4‘- ', 1:. Hur‘d‘Fx Dental Meme- Ziegle compflii hm. .\"one are r'mfluhlc Emiée hu-iugi’n \ lastprguhioh we send in' doucémzed ”1 me i' hf Prk—e (ls coma) mgd chums: “-mmug'u vcommoflate persons In éd foam-rll tn :2] I giaLs and store-keepers , taken?“ uuursle.‘ ,e have put up packages: i pf in, seven incho: by 20mm! ‘An '_ 5' 1351, with bi»: conlnluing a; - ‘ - ._-+_- [oulh‘Wnam and Toothl ' ' cemov L 1 .0911}. bawder, the-Xena TE, S.-\LOOS.—GED. . I‘lf‘nExJlODEhfi! Fn‘fl'l” huh-.Trenme onl h I\‘]('mored h'u U_\':lk.'l‘ a {\blishm m to the ‘ “5v \‘thc lyost n:eans.of Rploddfid'new 53%un in JflL ha in qui‘n. Build ”“ grape? “CM-“Wm Uf‘ ing, mi the Sort aide 0! Cl umhorabq‘rg szrrct, " ofnseM' the‘enurecoit whcreihcm'ill n 9, Lll times he prop.‘red (c scrvé ‘ wmnrtnmr parenfsu-ith u'p theLbeSL of YSTERN‘. n every qtyle. By [sundry “m”: ““5“", keypin a good rlicle. he a acts tow-ewe a lknge 5": 0" 3‘l New?” libem share of public pahrunnge. ETURTIJ-l vi! 335 duzefted. Ai lbcl SUE? CIHUKI 3, BEEF! v}'().\(.ls?‘«)_ PIG'S ‘ t,nl~°h’w" ““3“ "1°” 0"; FEET TRU’I'I,BI)]LEUunIIFRIHD EGGS,IC-E { M“? “W" ‘0 WW ’ CREAM. Bums, an. in {hi-Iramsuu‘: A nice‘ vs at ome'txm“. A 1“",3‘9 glass of ALE or AbEl‘! cam nlwnys be hml.- ‘ Irthc “"1““? m“ b" (“3" , Come and try 111 . G. F. EGKENRUDE. l I. with <l“:th hem-fit. tori A?!“ 2 ISGU-x : . § ‘ w much pain. sud‘ering,s ‘._;.,__.’.‘_._._',_._...._§.._._._..L_.._.i ce, only fiscnnatr Princi 33, No by CH: (-1; J . x I Barnes, EMI y race-h ro Iro of ve cannot enrnkiu on recei; Rut m o the dro Ithcmg", >4 Phdsscd br lfirtments I“. llurd's ; . :1 hox of r. and n \ their Dis t!lmn,nnd eelh. wor 'un': mmi , ron, wixh Etc per pa by ex'pr Irges are 1 n on one, an packa wzmt‘nll, ‘ I. neizhbo eelimste 2 s and dis \d money wary fumi hell. in . .mcdics. 'm- Bmdin 'mldress pl Me with c I Mayor 0 dent of l .uklyn: to gurement, expense. 19:5} [\roul‘l,be saved to the ‘\ m-day had one of these ~elt, i 3 uponmlem pet; of dunes w“. 3.41 an .L:. ‘3, Xew York, :u‘ud writs: nu'y. That remitmnccs ivnfidence. W. B. 1!. & Co. Brooklyuv to G. W. Grit. e Farmers smg Citizen's! :e Editor oft e,Ameri-. Azouc; to Joy. Coe 6:00.,- 'ew Yerk; to P. 'l‘ Burn 3 a good thing when .he, alrgady ordged a second . mmrers‘ I 1. ’ Akenta, \ who him . who has NTED to introduce Din: ies into‘every (Jimmy.—l ml to make money quick: tillage uncles zlmn any ' 0y are new, usent,low_ F lending thouzands m mi benvfitofugvnts. Bpxes £1 a. dozen ofthe one dolv lapecified. with circulms :Lp: 0137.:1bau» lmlfprice, gto test his or b'cr skill {w of‘bgcominb an agent. 3 Ida]. WWe \vmdd , m (‘uxuminxoui to (haze rs: efficient s‘xlcsmeu. i c- to go imo the b'nsiness. "games we above. tNTS :.11 Rome men who ~ better wit .arkel. T d we are 3‘ Lem fu- Lh: 0001.31.11 gas übme 111., on I cue érsrm wishi: ‘ wuh the \' ' be sold ix mimics t} E e Ihqmsulfi w is the til ~55 :lan ref. I, 1862. |.. ovals. '- eing!he;nuflwfizedp¢raon ls into E\ or Grpen Ceme 's contqmglnle the removal «used mldzives nr fr‘cnds ‘ of this sqnson oftheycar to vals made witkprmnptnus ‘ emu-t spared to plea». ‘ PL U 11: THURX, r Keeper of the anetcry. , ’Re . ctsizaed. ake remov ~ that such“ mins of de memsdve ‘ lm. Rum l ow, and m: 2, 'GO RAPHSnge ”amalgam any redué 'nyu ' ‘11“ away. A T v. mom are; at. gi Skg-ligh Pure Catawba-a; Isabella Wine. Y \IANY'FACTU‘HED BY IH'IHCIHILDER .L' L \‘u’ILSUS, ; BESDERSVILLE.‘ AILUIS (ULN H. PAm—‘t'e 'm- h ”‘l'." to annOua‘ 9' to l 1“: 'cnlzem nf . dsma cuumy Hmt we have cammt-ucud the mbnuquun- or I‘vrc \Ymc from the Ur:\pL-,——.ml um we am: now prvand m somaexmu, w suppi}: the Irndt--—qlu-nlfli(suf itEmu:g:xlrc:lvl3h‘undeu\uy mm the market. This Wm:- is gum and bus stow] the test 0! the best Judges. I’Phonl Ilshin; a pure article. can now be supp“:d at bumm- \uLhouL the risk 02 vbding impa-e‘dfiupon by an impure arm Ic. emrnio. W 1 ul mlp by A. I): By: .11,er and En”. .\IHsItuL Ganyshnrgmnd E.‘ {lzrusuztt,i’excrs bury. York .\‘prm‘g-a, I'4. ‘ *‘ Jau. 6, 1.6: 3'o Disgbled Saldlers. ! REA‘XEX .\\‘D; .\HRIVEE. AND WIDOWS,‘ x mr— mm: ‘ mam r Tnos'r; wnu. HAVE DIED o.smm “Mk“ IV TJLS sun-.. \'lCE.—Cu.\u.1‘..fl‘ccnu. Attorney for (”Lima 2mm linunty Lnn‘fl and Pen' ion Agrrfi. “Wuh inglon C 13'. I). U.-—Poxls|mF wncurcd ror 501(1.2m. (1.2m. Smmm an? \larums‘f the preknt war, who lure disabied|hy rebqn f" wuunds recon ed ur dlucusr coutmflcd whileju u-rvigepnd Pan-3 simu. “011 an Mt)“; and . rrenni ofiPny oh minod for “idowa or olner wir-v of man who have died Or he!!! kilh-d wb lo in genfico. , Bounty Land prawn-d I'o .\L‘Hi-‘l‘i in any of the other warm! } CHAS C. TU‘KEIL _ 1 . : \\'..~ln:ngtoq, 1). C. J. C. .\‘u‘u’. Ahcnl, Gc'qaburg. ,1 - Nov. 13, mm; 5 f A. cott 8t" EALERS in Foreman i D Goodsyan y Atticlva. rorics‘ &c._,.\'. W. Cur-Irr of‘ \Vnsl'ing‘lon sue ezs. ,We oilr Einck‘ofGn d 9. suindl WINTER SALE.Q to “hiuh I Linn lof hu} er: of Iteny. gum For {he Lmllc=. we h we :1 [(4 DRESS 0001’s. FIIAWL.“ Our lstock of (‘ll 1113, Cassi Jc.\ns.7&u., fur . cu and B‘ an}. fihenp. ”(we on‘ yonrjsclvos. ~ 0uz.311,15-;1 i .. A (1 ( [2l‘ WA? j N 2:2. 832 .\.: Hum!“ MIC. I’lnh Full‘ Irmll‘ 111111 01 of 11th and fuvxnfl :u this rity. :,:|nd mend 2:33 W): luv: Bury. Bruss {Li'umvnh 35 a, H “a Dru; lszfv'rV‘ m u! I‘3l we will t unsu- ;«H g'. ‘exiuro satisf. 1'1“”; {ler Tami Vl'n , flu-:4 rHIT" Jinn} 1;" wt ‘ghc‘ 1 m Sc ! \ 8.! 0? h Nor: “Em: (‘Ja‘nl in atl an M . . 13.,.,+ ”duJ “. 1_ I!.S-i ‘1 hm FIE 7‘.“in “'mu [,r ‘lzl‘ ‘linrnr- ain't} “3‘“ y‘ . .l 'tqlsu' tit thcffxlt ‘l‘m ' “‘o'" ll :11 . I l‘ L?‘ ‘ 15-IV‘IX‘V2JI‘I'J "“an ,n ..': Wm ”M ow . i:.t\' til-Hi. “.’\'7_\"l~~.\';"'"§*" ”1”“ ~+~~~ {l‘ t..,xt.1r,.11. mum ‘\ Prpf. De: Grant’s , M [..‘ l‘v n».l4xtillvt-j ‘3':th nu. l.l."t‘Tl‘..jt". (uni—Tue mun-l uztkl‘nlrinu l ~lmtll .(‘tf u:t\ hem-r} i: nu’n cruntijau .1 grit-11.2w very tin-44;: for {no utivn m 3 V 3,: t'le .\ltd'n n 1 Fucullih m tliur :pr l 3 mlynvcvssnry l 0 ' nh~i -h s ch.\:‘tlry.7 It will‘turéltbe :‘uilv. -.-.i:.=; { Hm mar. clog.) ‘ ‘t . l , . l . , Mann INTI-‘D 'Ttly‘ ; -~+.~——-’——‘-~ I'(‘m-c l‘m rmanguci-u ofr day} ‘ ‘ 3131.! j ‘ lf‘uru (“tn xin tit'e‘xuliuutei; (A, ‘ ~ I. nfitho I‘ninn lnn.’l (‘Uto I'm 7) tn nut-‘uitzht: x. . j , ’l‘urhpilte. "pm-J1... . (‘mr- pm neg: in tm‘n‘tn't'vmndn r l .4qu; up:menu-.l;l‘"uu.-'|:urhvturlfl :Ildsin ten mgu'n :j til t‘n pulillc :lm h’cj‘t urbSptwliué \l’oumls as\d Bruificsfin tron one 4w all “11-x n..u- ph-l ' to H'ree'tlaxsc ~\ l. . lilt.erlt\:’»ll.ttnm,‘(~r-- Cur? inflnmm mun in one (lily ;$;: i .1111 lld Kp Ural to gtt'e . ('ulht' Nt‘ul‘ttljifl. (‘rnup,' Toogltstl'hlé‘ Burns, in ill? {xltnill he found, lfifilnlllllléii \ » .' I' luguilcuépfion: hle.,‘ Curv,llén§onhng--', Scrofuln, i 319 c091,} in ten 4;. (lo mil)" asks n‘ duff; ' Ill? ‘ ‘ [l‘rl'g f 5, ‘lx‘k‘il. But * :‘Curc’llrn‘sca,“'oundl, Tctter, $ll no to three A I ' 1 ‘ , ”h.‘g; , . i‘fllJ l ('urp‘rl-Tmm-hevflifl'Xvi-k, Azur‘jit one-1d -_v; EltAllllVQ—LOl‘lS‘ Cure Félons. Broken Breast, Sal Rh‘gnm. in plow-ll hi<‘ W: t-h' &; ' “1"" t" six ”"3"? ",.i \ 'cm ‘0 Sontli BJI- ’Curc Quinsy, :l’ulpimtion, Prentisy, ln‘ obg‘ to nmllt uf D'lnnnr k 3 '"" day}: 3. ‘_ “M 1111," gt .I [Q n: ‘ (lure Arltlrnlt. l’nley, Gent, Ergijpelns, in fin» e pntlounglle of the} to “‘1'”? ‘13.“? Lti V .Itn 1, my”. “00¢ Cures Frnitod Feet, Chilhlngnn; ‘Stifl' Joints, T“: he Rig“ to Ki‘k’ l" / Chronic Rheumatism; Se:rgThro.tt.Sc xr vtot'ol'c. \ 1‘ let Fever. and the lamevgmde to n nlk. 7' I ' h;- a few bottles. ‘ , . . , _ ”,... ‘-_._.__.~.____l This Oil (De Grnth‘s) is mild énnd pleasant. Valuable R 9 1 Estate ‘\ ‘ inttullis :1 {amt Family Kedici? for fihildten , ~ ‘ ~. ‘\ [commit r‘. . . * AT\l;llf[v'AT¥l'SALE :Nol 1: xGREFX-l ORIGINAL GENUHZE ELIE: rmc mu .l( -.\'l.—— “S heztn Ll” I'td wry (learn-\kfl yes] :it h., cured mu" “("5 tlmt “.0". Elm country smm: nllJllllllllll. tllo Bottouzh of mught hnpelcssthln my mndi‘qinp (~an 9(“Y‘Wr‘r’v 0" fl',°""‘“d"°,l‘d'"3 ‘0 I'D-"MM. '3! \l<k those who hive' used it, thov will tell Pm“ “ft“ 3‘ I “'3‘”? ‘s‘":- “ , ' ' 'ou\th.\t my on rare reliet nfujr nil remedies T“? f; H" “mm"? “4 PRES“?! M “will at fitiled. When you ask for 21mm on. in» lo to llncres 0t winch aregtnttmher, nndubout sure 3"“ ask for Profi Do that k. as it Is the do acre! of ment‘i'utr hottom; there are t,\\'o_:‘lunly lekmllé Electric Oil ‘pnnetl: 'tnke Q-nttng Apple {lnd l ouch Olch trot on me prem-Li pone otheers all others Maia ations, had I tsetholtlnd 's‘ho n-rlzrthte g‘l'l' s"‘u‘l‘tll’l9l “'lll not b: ré omible for any, xcept my it \me of‘n high st:.te of cultwnhdn; lune m-ts well he in uritian on the Wrappel'ind'my nnme upon It and can always bet/had at the R'lilrn Il- blowniu‘the 813 ~, g ; . ‘ depot, uluch is in sight. 111112} réntspegbnmg-l,‘ 1 _ R -\D THlSln Tlu-Implovemeuts nre'n’liwo—stury I Mr. Livingston, o \‘ew York, 3‘13“." .9}; the WelthH‘OM‘de‘.‘ H”Lbs. With ' ‘ l Monthly Law Magnztn ‘wrote fltdthnt hn'lwns C" llnr, Bank-hntldlngt.Bnnr-own. I l ('urud ofu swollen and s 'fl'aeclé by one :rpplil .émol‘e-house, “ “'8" Bunk‘ B'm’l ‘.. 1' anon. Thé Oil was reg: mended by I. lady with bins, Corn Crib, 6:0,. together with alliln the (lit-art! House. it necessur}: outobuildituj, fin complete o]lh‘r;“ , : ASD THIS. a 1 ; ‘ l ‘ - - ‘there is E": pump at the ournnd nnevur—fiilxu' ‘., llrs.;Cnnman Comes Streemnbove Rid Hgmveri Branch Ramoad‘ lspring bf \v:uter‘»clo~o lav. thlohy's llttglflondmntlml )lhyl4tlt, and SM Kunfibe (it; Whig“: AJRRAN()EMl‘lNTS.—l’usenger. boun~l9 the weatedd nfthcharm. This proper- ! cured her or Neuralgin. Chili “gimp. [» Twins {1 11 us fulluvllvs: - : ~ :ty‘will be shown by'Mr. John llortiug, living! Noun-13, supply yourselves! 5 \nga per Lell‘e “more at 0:30 Al 11., nm} ”2'30 P- )L. on the nremxses,lrhythf subscriber in Get- 3 bottle, and rl‘ouht no more. i ' ,‘\ home .luuctm at It: to . 1., hulk-10 P.M.‘l.\'§l)urg.‘ ‘ * I Mr. Campbell, of )luntgomeg’ counti’x Pa\., ’1!) 923') A. mltrnln umk SICODDCCIIOD at the, .\in. 2: CT‘IIBERLAND F.\R\l.—Thix Form I bought. a battle n few days mutt. and soili‘he JUN“! 00 f"? the Noflh_||}d bouth. 'l‘he'l223o ‘is also allmndmmé and tel} dt'sirnble property, l hucf aged it in his family funwollun glnnfls QK .trntu akes (-onheclton‘lon the South only. tsltuuo on the Tnm-ytown r-nd, four miles from : swelling: which generally appear in persons 'l‘htough'l‘ickhs are 15: ed to Philadelphia, (Gottyshnrg, coutnmtng 1:38 ACRES, more or v after having the rlet Fever; Elle think. it Colltghm, llnrll-jururg. \\'i!_mmsport‘ Retulmg, less. About. 30 «he; Area; in timber and 25 to I ahend of all oth‘efien—unéso it is. Bultt ore, Yor rWrightss‘zlle, and All WNW-:30 norm! in meadow. "This land is also of thci Persons are dm y culling: (why other, 217 pal w y points on the hue ot‘theh’ortheru Gen-I. red grnwel nil kind. alt-tu- nt‘stpneq, easily cul- 5 South Eighth Street. l’hilauelfihiamnd telling :rnl ll nilwny. ‘ . ltli—nted. produces well, and is capable u'f bein‘g ‘tne of its wondertul curatiyv esfects. . l 1?. E. TROHE, Ticket Agent. ;highly improved.» All it wants to make it mtg-. 1 Price 25 cents, 50 centfl. uni! $1 per bottle. Jnn‘. 20, 1862.1 _ l ‘ _i of the he" farms in the neighborhood is a. good . Large bottles the cheapest. 131 i; Valuable Oil "" ‘ ifnrmer {lnd 11 little lime, which can nlwngs be [ 1!! sold by an Drnggh‘ta um: colors in the . had either at (lettgsbur; or at. Littlettnnn, a‘ United Sums. Ure none othc but.l)e(ir.tth’s. l3} cents pvr bualtcl. There is a); lung Apple: Solrl by d! Drnggists. Depfit 2H 5. Eighth nml l’cnch Dtchurnl and two \prtuzs of water -st., Philadelphia. [Dem {l6. 1M“- 3111 near the house. nnd '\ sheath of Wllf‘l' trussesi I " ' * *— thefimltl) cntl oftbc {Arm [war the bulging—m—l Another VICtOIY! , , 7 lEEE MEI EU Chxnge of §Tlme. ; | HTTYSQURG RAILROAD—On Ind aft!!!" kndnondny, May 15, 1361, m’ Morning Tmiu Wm have Men‘wburg a! 7.40 A. .\l., nith ‘ pnssepger: fur All the honuecliuns. North and Sunni; on the Korxhern Central llallwly, nud. The impro\cmcnt9 are a due and a 3‘.“ returt‘l about 1i I’. .\I. Tm: afternoon 'l’rnin lmquorysmugllouzoflnllL-uvcn, 7f, ‘ Will lcai‘e’tjenysburg uti 2.15, P. 31.; but Smnkv-imn<e.n large DuIIMO Nu'rl', fig: pnaue'ngers 113 this Tram can gu no {.xrlherth-m‘ wah Wagon Show, 601:1: Cri§,fi‘“ L, Hunofi‘cr the aunt h'eninz. Rotuming Will Hag Pen, and all hwq~snry out-buildings, reat‘d (lemumlrgubmn 3 l; l’..\l..willz puiscn- chm 11, null and school-Muse all Film, by, in K"! 3l'rom Harrisburg. PhllW-iell’hi'h él-C- B)" u lit-.lllhy and [finnszlnt neigll'mrlmml And good th'm llrrmzcmtju pox-min {mm the country, wallow: Tin; property “'l” he shoun by Mr. 11““ Fl” 1“” 0“ the Railroad. ““1113 ““51““ Wm. Kocfun‘er, l‘ning “pull it, or by Mr. John m :rgnzlnnt in soll} slung, um take We uwn l Bilncknfljoinizig. Terms mm. Train up and have u"MI." two hours in GNU“? xO. ~,; Amm umr'mm, PROPERTY. burg; ““d "0““? in ”“3 ALnPLILOOu Train. 1: contuim’pg ".8 ACRES of lnnd 8 in lo ohxhiv h ' 11. XCCCRDY' PTVSNGDL :3” in anher. silunxc one-half of a mile 3'. W'. frum Lime-5:0» n, thr- termmus of the Railroad. gThe imprnnnnms are q TWO-Hwy :mee , .\IILL HOUSE, with Sheds, Ffi- i-- ~_________ . having all the nece‘ssmy machinery ”gH HS traction of theLndiQ is respectfull; for “gallant woqk. A ,Lxuc Two-‘ " ’ ’,T muted :0 a large and hilendid 3:501"- nory LOG HOUSE with quemem, Stable..mcnt of Lamdies‘ tins Kid 304?, Lasting Gai &c. This isamry dam-able property Ind will . lera. Gum Overshoea, km, jun received at. be sold an accommu4ating term: Hr. Thomi Oct. 28. ,B. FJEMCILHHNY’S. ' ldle.:livlng on}. {premisesnwill show it.-—{ ': '‘ , ;—_——_.——.—'T"—_~—-' twill“ 1‘ m». ‘1"39:,3235‘5222’33‘:f‘i‘1z‘i?‘313"f1:?3 Gummm‘g' “451" fig §m tend“, gllded frames; Held ans-plated lockela, breastpius, kg” #O., yrhich mgy no selling an astonishingly low prices. u ; ‘ Notzge. HE urdcrsimted. hgring Llama amount T ‘sLmdzng on Ins Bank: {at a considcruble length of nmeflpriucipnlly nude up of bmfl” necuums. mke' this method ofnuliiyiug won: imhhad [0111.13, tint. he need's‘ mono)" and if hxs Magda mill cull ud-shtle ftbfiyuccauntg, he w“; as) uudkr pgu'ly oblig‘itiins 10 were. ‘ gem. 23, 13.0?1—1 LL“ 1595"“:ij _ .., .r__ —, , _ _ mum? damytnsmss, a very anew: Ysoxmomans m makin theirprem. Erutle,uow‘ ‘0 be had at H. G. CAKES. ' T in: picture: at pried: to infigthn times. Son, ml Doméstic Dry. ‘anenswnre. Gro ih ultlfenlnflrg Jl’ld have juslgreceirod Ir the FAiJ. AND a mvilel‘le :utcn-V .md lecufir Caught} md tumufimeul "f 1 Tumunws. 520.1 lm-xcs, Cgssincus.‘ 3'l. is Luise, goud _ . and éxrglmine fol-l SL‘UTI‘ q 50x. 1 -‘ A. ‘ I‘et ; . I (I'LDEN it RIPK-I I- duors b lnw 91:1,; ’e comm are the‘ «z msnrv d :tockl‘ fawning: to be] or cash AGTFrFIOW; Im. cxrrlinvlvf-MI -\\' strut; Vel\ct.l n!\'. In}: in and‘ koftHL ELOTHS, u“ i« Hui Kim? for 1m in [bk ('nrpet I‘m!” "li\?mround, I: ngx'opgpN-rlmud 11. [mush-UT. 1 I sin-1y To? 63:11. I ch Strl 21:01:55. | . . I 1h .~ wet. I xelpLth. " 0 of'lhc b V mrricnn mmhasn-l s‘dlinlzlho ; nll 1.he.l 'la. Three- Ilendn} 5:0 but. Ac. . t . (:Un‘ llnrg. : Id. to 1.,‘ qtinu 10 11 -I <0“ 'EXLI " -l\u_\'-fl 7"! ‘. IS'H. 1110 Spo‘ I in .\'--w x p full an 1 1 and VJL‘?‘ Qflho Din. 1.1 M: M l .)r (huh, h r-vcr :m 1‘ 1d .\mu 1% ‘ rem-:41 bf I IS, Show, many 3; cm ihhdcmn kc ’s:(‘lmhim‘z was! vcrneg' 'lO ;5..1(-s are :3. I‘ming vuk. mulch: pnr~ inert-use {he snark 1y Stun”; on the I|uhd.Gu§l3<hML ~L=mu'sl'i -1} Inw ‘ m". ~01" law for nnmimlfit'. (.1111 i Mu‘vr l'ua lflp S 1 .rc. :1 I“ whh 31m +l.l'liug. Bu ”rm-13. ' Lu hast: i\ "II “in” I.l,,;:;yr.~,ts‘xx)\\'ixlz 5c of v prv kml [Dru 2 154.1. I ‘ v ~ ¢ luroad 0.! 11min ‘ ? 1 ‘ ‘ "‘0: Tr" ...«m “(PL Ix lv'uH‘lt |v; in ”A: Imam”. 1 I- ‘ ,Anot hmuxrz} ' Yfirk. but 1:\ G. (.‘.\l:l:f. [Tim (ill? |‘l a-tflg! 1: HM p rum :u'lw I‘m! xx cg'n 1r 9‘} :m 0:. h' Lind. m mml Hm... . k' I. M “1111.: ‘ .- . .I~h u or ': m 5 m: Mum 1,1201: 1' fine “Km r~. L!">l"\‘ ‘zinfu-z.‘ ‘» n: rO3l '. 35 14:! r r•t 11^Al ‘.’ llfpn’ll :‘ncur 'pf \‘uL hi» \ MW“ _ lemon. :1 “l :vi’ir'xgl hulu‘J EL - :11 !>. rm f'•n rt o rt mac-IHI ch 1': -i W ‘s’ 'n n (“In Mr C I ‘ v IN“ {MACE—— Iret. BIM a S‘. IMEI —; Vplmin." 'nvw “fill 3xlll c 9. _ cub. To hv‘cugnfium! 1 L5l .Bm-k g?“elflnlyuur[)ilx‘grnLt‘. I .\m xi! 5; UcuyaJy-r; J-x!y;1. 12‘: Banks, .L. L... ; _ H tnrnia'u‘d Uniflh ] wwwmt 1:0 13’ \, (‘Ay'twmg ers. i Imm; of” OHELH‘ (‘h ”.h Imimr" “‘1“ “(1" HL‘S< “FHA 10") nf lijjx- .‘LH‘J'I “«v'n'l".il\l iiimz‘llyimrnced . nl imorzninv: hi- vfri "M? 31 "" “flip—rm” lis pregnil ltnvnr\",}-xynrtlrp‘l\§ " ""T; "‘7." ,lrr‘; "z.- ‘3 im. in ”will! "4 Img ptony, 5 “me chligek. anfl'urt “1 I'l, North-line! (~or-.i~nl~tfm~zm\. 11:? trurile I‘n memgr t) .\'-1- [mil plO idnvlumrdhiflmr‘hli 51‘. $11..“ ban: Lil; {4.11:8 sr:.l;}ing‘l¢r dbrdE |\o:ln on ma.‘4 ‘ , :Lho t: ulent ails-i ''“- H “ ‘ ; ilxiiif: 1’“! 1). (five, > . ‘s?on - [Um ,IS‘O. , ‘VATN’! k c 1530 gun; '“ ”‘- .“ ' ‘—“‘ ; ZHTUCR Inn xrv'ni uSt N 01; 08! 16:an “akin". Ethanm. ' mrn‘ y givvn l'qwt t! nookg,‘ limorc strm-t,‘tz :Ingw nu: Sr Z zairnv.’ . have Ziczlmin Hun-«2M1: n- he oh.ludsot{:\.J¢Co an, Esq”; (one .\ cr-nlinm‘m‘ce 91"! he deslh of fir. Wig-Lung”: public. I)" cLuaL-IMLr-Imo ~.. IH tn bk“: [llia Irish resort. \\‘U!"\'. and mo hun- Alum; urolol'ure con giv n to all ({(HCl'llleiflilClihn.fl°|l(‘l ucccsfity frlomnglheir :w-‘ 001‘) ‘lburg.l\Pl"US,'lé; '1 xy, and 11 e_\ luvin neglcd-§ -' In: aJlukK, h :1 compak ed 11: m .l E- I Ch... K—UIVIIH nnk .‘ulnu' HILL-r ‘m 3d HO!) ' lIZK, I‘.\- Y qumu he hm! h: r, I‘npcr lilucun-cr. .\.qun'e. Y d C'muhu ,mnlm!‘ ‘ cam” Me oxvcmml p 2 f‘einre vol] '-~' 3: 'Lpak Buck the must "gacr‘. .tim In. m-ic by mml [Allz 1. w. T E HARD!) ‘innmnd. (h-nme (1 fuumi rt 9. Ut‘l‘: I. Cnaulu Joh UIOXARI r of a ne ’1 Hon-If) 111 timvwl s in hi~ Ii -- and wi all. KNEE: 5; 215 mm, .535 3; my 27, 1800‘, HE nnderfizmd teapotttully informi tho T rx’iznn u.’ ”1 uyflmr: ‘ nd the public g n. ernlly.thn: ht- hM upenml ‘3 new Tinuipg (" mblishnmxt. in ('hnnhrralm: firm-i. directly ommciu‘ (‘lxriu Chunh. liwwill mannfhcmre. and 'ncer raunnntly on hn ‘ d. every varivh‘ (-f TISJVUH'I. ansm) n '1 J.\P\.\'-WAhE, and “111 alga}: he rr-nJ '39 do RHP.URING. RUUFIXG nml SPOUT’I. G Mao dune in the 110:1 manner. ‘Pn’cm Inodjmtegnnd no omm spared to render run smisf. Minn: A; share of the public'a patronage is edli. itcd. ' A.P.B.\UGHER Get!ysburg,lnnel§,lBBp. Iy]. . Attention! 1 . h EPRL'XTS WANTED :+7,00b m.» anon!) R 1155 AND nm‘s-wnrgp w‘n-porlt timin sr-hos ilumr-Jinleh u! the r nzlez‘fi'mn‘ in ‘Clmm bl-rshurg street. Gcllydlur‘l', an! n-ceive, at a more nnmmal prim e. full nqilbrmsmnd the ne gessnry eqmpvm-n's TM a winter: yampnizni, I Imm: tnkon uperinl care to provide for the com f. ' [my men hv \inuingj the cities uud L1"- “9 an tin-mm”; lute guppiy M 0 Noah: nfevery deSI rip‘iun, ‘ Black Clolh Drcss (‘m s‘ ‘ , Cus:imore Hus'uw 5 Coin, . ‘- Plntalqops i endless raqiety, July qnflpfiiv of “firmer Vc'“ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 Undl'rahlfii. Dr uver ‘ ,Uluvv~, Shaponde } Gum Overs-hues. am! Ge .‘.-;Ax.so Trunks and Carpet Hakka. rut-linte Clobks, 3Q “our, eight-day and ALA “Clocks. Violins, Au'ordoane. l’istok. Rework 9:33,; Km‘wu, Pips-Q and Met-11ml amu‘king Tolhpco, Cigars, and .\‘érinna in Hull-£1 ‘vurietfi. \' 'w i! the time (01 huy vhcnp. (36}! man. Hazing puzclmsed m' Quads cheap {qr GAS! ,é n?" priemre-i to sail them chcnpcr film the ' l M" - avail-99.71 ni few! in this plnceibelore. T. If. PICK‘JXG. Dct.23,1861. j i g 1 ‘ ; Cheau .vranco‘A'rM a ~ oqmcm‘ ~ . ' DRESSQO ‘ DRESS col 3 Bl'SlM-Zp‘S c ' 1 BUSQREFS c L mm" ‘m an: i 310 mm .m } sum : ‘ ‘ » :SHIRT.‘ i “RA“VE "‘ ‘ ‘ :xmuw: ‘ ‘ ‘ ,vnsrs ‘V'ESTS . .- : ' nuns ‘ ‘ IPANTS Lou nf them, a» mus chmpett, ‘l7] ofuurmvn m Clmhinr; Empanhm (if in]. u, 1562. St ‘, ' Lancaster 1300? "Emma mam; ‘ : G 2 n, o 1 ' \3O um: l-odx 3L i \ 1 A‘ :’ I’lm'n wk! Ommficnml [:1 srriminn. o r-T-Ixtclfl'intllcl! :Ipprmed 3N3“ “ ‘ r . . ‘\ xgru‘nrw KW. Brhwn. E~q.. hung-r. W3l. PHI)?!“ Esqqlhlnv-nx Sll‘lmu-l g'llJL‘k, E 4“, (11.1,” 8 mmol “’figll"f,‘l:fil\t‘u3h' \\ iHiam \‘l‘.l;;n<-r, Eu]; Yu: T. D. f‘nrson. Eu“ max- I. Min-r .\hrrin. Esq. J’l‘wlfiy‘ 'th. (‘ ".m-t'mrr. 34“ . ln‘ (L's. \VML‘nn 7.51;. Na: Apr}. 15. MCI. ’ V ck nan , f 4 Azexnfiuder. VFWK ANH'W‘ THU-‘4 ~ ‘ ‘ [I 'm‘ii‘mp '0 .‘VRIMII H‘- NU' n- ‘ifi‘flgd sulm'» MIN“ "0'“: ! . [HI-”my ”I". “w. [kc hil HV‘L 5‘79“!" I“! {l I|‘l':'—\ “HWWH' ”MM! .qhz‘nm u ( \!.n. “M”? L} rl:\‘..\")\ Weir-v 7." HI-n‘mt , ||" ' ‘l‘ h ‘ )u).'.v:. ‘ ml 3”! “w“: ~ ‘ ”.,..“ [q " AM Fae Lq IM. j HI inf; nufl “3 “PM. fl ‘ fl. ".\‘§!E‘.l:zwl-l: 4 il. S-‘Liuu M 1.1% MT :cr-Y fjnw .\f' L \K; x J 1“ J ILA 9.1;! 1:11 =EI M ~ ....fing‘i. ~.",- ; “Hmb .d~112112‘*::‘ h 3; mum.“ .0 . lhunm. It rtnhrM-w; U " -~ J .. . n . ‘ -Ys-Ae the CIX‘. 3‘ UA.‘!\[ILSIL‘;I‘V. 1, , _ WEN“. ‘mzte unmnw (lab; 1,. LL, (7 ’l‘". A5}I“Ll‘1:!llii,"l Timing !- witnning : Hois ‘ry. : SH Builhlo‘nnzd i dejmp'n‘s Shyls ‘ . , El ms.- Tm! ,ws. uT‘k. a KETS, i KE’I‘S, 3, i 31.,1 rhm er 1113:! the kmt hn‘m Mthe GU . ARSOLD. Biiideri}. Ir "J: ! .\'vl)_ E 1.” \‘rr 4mm tn.’ ‘ .\‘j'4‘STflß. PA. nfiry‘ qt t-rL-ry do -1037. Jubgluutiul'mnl ‘J 1M; of Lani-3%!” :- (Xxuuty Bunk INl] lihnk. R my}. (LC‘IHHFX Bunk. (:rttxdmrg. I‘Lumuixcr co., Pa Ina-q " FEA [.\l‘Clinahns rmlhnrl‘h “I V." "1‘ limnfp L‘w‘N-v, n tow ,"-U‘.l‘_'§ ' 4| MN» he um 11w n 4 1; 1 north“ (‘n‘ia “I‘2, .1 m '1 !, v' .: lb); p‘wx [..‘-13h. ,n.l fin! Ty" i“-Hl:Urr‘bl‘xv‘NT ILv: 5V3 1" :fhg..|.;nll4;l7:q_ :1 ~, ‘L H ‘q': \ A "-‘J‘ 'h I LZCI‘Q‘. ‘~\ 'lO Ag? u, i ih , it -~-; ~ ~--—.x—-——~ ---——~:— '7"vé""' WM‘ Flrdwal‘e a; emcery ; Cannon & Adam’s qt‘on z—Thesubscriberssmtimw”maniai Vaw mutant! WORKS. rurnrr. or Balti- I Maui-mentor" \RDWARF,ktiIUt'ER'ESJ i ' max-emu] lansnhddh- <trt‘CL-.d‘rt‘“(l.'“ 0!" at their: old estuliliibed stand in Bultimcrt: PUSH? “15' "“w 0‘3"" “on“; .GCHQS‘JPTSW' strefl. ; inning recently nmvcd from t illitidi'tlrhul’muj They {Have just returned from the Cities with! feeling fuiiy COIYIPCN‘M ‘0 "1'” ML all uni-k in an inning-nae stock of Good:—-—consisliug, in 'r‘lht‘ finest 5‘3"“ ““3” mt. “" “MM “ ‘l'“ Wu}- part. of fly imite the Mmenn “f?!” I’UW'M I~lting to Ut'lLbiNG MATERIALS, «nth as Xnill. i WOW”? "“3“”.“3 “l “”1”” ‘f’ "““1' H“ “1”] :1 Srrnvmilimges. Boiu. Locks, Glass, etc" etc. ‘6B“ “ml “mum" ¥i‘?c‘"“'”°_”f “Hf mutt. We ‘TOCiifi. incinding Edge Tunis, b 1 u‘crv do- are prepared)" fnrflfih “”51 9”;er “NBS svrip'iofi, Saws, Pl mos. ChiselsJiouges, [gracesi ANII ”EA I’HTULLB. MARLLE, MANTLES, and Bid, Angers, Squares‘ Gum cs, Hummers,!sl..\i¥.<tur (‘nbmct—mnittrf null u” other wqu em, etc; A '{g ‘ appertaining to our busxnnszut tht‘ luqu ‘l9:- mmxsmms will find ginvns, Vim, siMc prim- “1' d 0 "0‘ he‘lti‘te to mmmnce R.\=p=. ribs, Horse-shoes, Horse-shoe Nam, that our “rink 5114 i! be {M} up in n mumwr sub. err. with them. very cheup._ . stuntmi and InsiL-iul equal Lu tire. shes! to he CUAQH FINDINGS. such ls 10th. Onnvnn,gsecn in the cities, where e‘t'ri'.l"|llruwxng-nt Damask? Fringes, Cotton, Miss. oii-cloth.§whidl experit‘nt‘evlms SUHL'C-‘vll‘l H m‘nilud pf, Springs, Axles. Saba, Spokes, cliocs, Bows, ' nud frilt‘tiflny ‘l‘) F 0 E :nmntre UM! our (Game. Poiu. slflrfiB.9'€ . etc. ' , . ' teryund Grave } an! “ark shyllim an Cllrcfuply SHOI FIXDINUS—Tampico, Brush and set as novto be ntfvcted Ivy "”5141“! jlmll main. Frvnch ¥iorol‘€o, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lads, min t'or‘yvnrs timt. "thinness of posxtion gigon Boot-trges. etc, with a gencul usonupcut at M the COIPIEUO“ 0f" 10"! ““d 5" "“153“;on Shncmnker'a ,To‘ ~13. ‘ t , continued gmrct‘uincgswd symmetry. 1 rc_\lsm~;r.u.\xnn’s TnanLa genjemi as- ‘ .\‘ov. 28. 1859- if ' . "rum-11;: nlao‘ Varnish, Knohsn‘etc.v rt‘c‘ ' *- norSmxmzpmzs mu also find a large n;- ioriuwn‘ ofKnivcs nwl Forks. Britannia, Album and SE! er Hated Table and Tax“ Spoons, (‘un- Illesti'bk}, Waitérs, Shovels nnjfl‘ongs, Sad irunu. Ehnmelvd and films; Kettl 5,, Pun». Tubs, Bucketsi Chums, Carpeting. etc- (to. ‘ Alm‘gn general nesurtment 5f Forget? and Halli-« 111505. ofull ‘iM'R und kings. Cut. Shear, an! BIL er 'Stcel, which they w: I sell as cheap my the I sE‘lfil'sl.’ (mm RIMES—n full and general assortment, sm-b us (‘r-Ished,‘ I‘ulrcrized.glarified. and limp u . ngurs, New Orleuns, W t‘ India. and Sugar-Infuse .\luhsses and Sirups. Com-c, Sguvcs. ['hocolnte, fine. cour'Be. x I! duiry Salt, ‘l.in.=e~cdl:_l"ish and Sperm Oil’ Tux-genuine. th eltt ‘ :1 ' A m”. itoriment of Lead rmdfllinc, dry MB in nit. “540 ("ire-prouf‘ Paints; in fact, almost awry ar icle 'l'" (ho llardwnrendmu-h Find’ing, {Shge fining, House-Keeping. Bluekinfiilh. (‘uhiuel mkern. Painters. nnd ( focrry Imo— uH of WI irh any an- determiued to sell nsJow "91- mil: - 3 any house on! of the ‘ity. , ' - ‘ JOEL B “.\NN'ER, a rump mum-:11. Gefivy. )urg. Dec. 24, 1860.. In; A Fresh Suppg. ~ [ ,t'xis mq‘hod to iimmn the pnhl‘c hm‘ :TPCCITFd from’Ulq'cin 0F Pinh , FREMLSIOCK OF éonl;s,cam. I] nt the newest tanks (1’! LA DIES. DRESS GWDS. . “1.8.. , ‘ 7' 9 moxxm; CLOTHS, If 1 , GLOVE“. ‘5 ' lIUSIERY. " unx FARR] BUNNE'K ‘\ . 9:, 711‘ .\II:E[ Sir i: ' RIB“ VS, ‘ btmeou 7111 and . I, :I l ABDMFS. Smwn Hm» nt‘ = n firie nuurvmant of Markm 91..) Phil.” ‘UMFjRY AND FAVCY SOAPS, plfin. Immm-r : In-yvhinzthnt is umnléy‘ found .in n \1,.pv1f.1.-Im.-r' of, , )rj' and Funcy Gnndi. I. i ‘ “min in all kn-I‘ or: run Gl‘x'rmszii‘: ‘ : “, FANCY rcn‘s‘. 'antflmc a I:l'm'k m (‘LQTIWK‘A'SQY—I [hufwc , Mug; 5 muons bT'ITAHLI-lIrF-IR “F H's" ,IJIIiI-In n" w. Mr. 2 'a W; 31381;!)‘753' STO(‘KI.\'GS. é-num rm“ mni ,ncunrs. . F.(".\' 1131, sI‘M‘I‘N. hulurvd rd in 9,; .. as Inn: ennrhrouzht o thix m gIkIAt. I» mx u-Iml I‘rgl‘ 3 “TN" Tnmmin'zfi i” "M "~="i"'."- '!m In: III! nuuxtmvm rf rll‘ the V‘IIIIIH‘ st'l Ganh, Envelopes, N {mLcltt-q and "I“; (‘uqlhioc m ""1113 mi mv-fi m the NM ‘ ,I 1 ,[-‘.ln ..nui Wmtw ‘Swwni. lww :H r‘ m:- w! mvvn Hushn’p 1.; invite I“) pummari .1; ohm" mud. and prii ver‘m", ‘ I}”,n‘.hn¢(.ingnl4ingln nu":‘~'l-v.':l~ {mm 1 4 ,l' SCHICK- .nlflwl 'n ”fin-r 1'” -‘ln very IgPan‘ l‘n‘f‘l'l‘Eu. I‘m"? .h‘ ‘3 E?“ 7"“ .\H Im’ VIII“ WIN 1“"“1' lan “_‘ “d lnr ' Second~Arrl l ‘ I and unfilc hv (‘xpzrie'm Ld alxdx‘cvmw‘l \U .-f.m‘7«r S'urk‘ than Eta-ri— Lnnds. .\xji l‘h‘ prusc‘ni luau. Mr», tlmxll 43:1; BE“. hast-jutrll-,c.\_cll'thelr ruin“! it Ilo‘crzslrv Ilmtll shl-I‘ld di‘puwm, :‘v‘rw- of Full and ‘\'iu'vr “out, gunds :11. urv-smgvfl udvmn-enn {‘l'r'H . ‘ v ruff-1- dunner le-ui‘ over. ‘xnliJrf iJ'QS'thlnl m-L HIM“ 14' to tilt 3"“ we lan' fn‘m'li I-Hrntd. 'l'. hvy ““1" «If f‘ugpc wLo dI’S gn purchatrir L. I" ‘1‘": “ L‘)l1‘“i\u.‘1!ll!f(‘b”1lf dug.- ils:Ul'-‘ 0:.1‘. ', . . ~ - ‘ I "I'm M t'n— .1 (-Vrry Instr} (Mn '8 :r li-f [S’F‘Rm “He" HlO ham», WIN “7 :‘m! <tn 'rl (“JNTIIS (Us3l‘g‘siiH-ISAVHST—'Ju‘zrn Far» Ira. [wa Fur HM?) 'l'lu‘ A'rh Jm-Im Fouls“ Jenna-Jun, ('an'mt Ie: l’nilmhlpuLL/v [SL‘pl 1:2. Jilglr. "In; 1.3.411“: and 'lll'cll tr it Im\' prl-'I-< m '4 , . ‘4 w.lry‘u¢?_'f~i .u'o‘ rvul‘g’t. 1“IHIIX.‘:.iII ;. , ‘ C 0371 t 0 the Fair! {L up .‘2 (hi; sl'm‘h :féuq'i v. in x'.» \‘p [nP‘s'rI—‘PIHH‘ITTUVL‘H VLF \SA "A. :uvl lm .us n-nmvmhgis mm :u «m A I‘. “was XI'IIIHZvIIEi—IHrw-Ifi M-sh ’l.- h'!lvir.v=l:\j'n‘.ishnm.y_l_ is In ( ham! ID HAM rum. “3H3“!ll.u.<tanil.l'-u-L' «J ‘sflfuu, u ILWSLJUT3 III?! lu' Hus? lor': ..~n,..r!...b1y hm". fwd (drum-d :ll ruins-HI )Irx: ',5 ‘ [(‘LQ‘ 15.455»). ITLE “PM“ yhgmlinrs 500 huh-Linn huh”). " ‘ “‘j‘ai. thenpprnvo'i ME. ~ \ , -‘ - '\'.' u._-sw.- the. in ‘t-X' ho?" " rmr F 2 In I} PO3! office, L T. I‘l. CUHI\ X DUNS. TAR I that. dllplxin plialng: . f a; we" PEI in tin-t «- stuck of Hume 4w ‘I '1"? IZS, '\\'F~"\ R. IHNIJK. {Hf RR. x 1‘ Indie: ‘I \'Hi'j| anp I'd} i lxish 1 .Pl‘lmv ' ‘33-'l2 nrn. 1710:19th nnd P'Mnslin um} Wile S I'M'L ' J. Mil ,7 ‘ms 3 ~ .. r: a. an] If ' ARVERS,‘ take native thug (I. G CARR ‘ h“ the agvncyfnrthe sale MSCH KIM-. 135 [\IPROVED FAXNIV'G MILLS, which have mkvn twenty-three Fir-'t Pramiu‘ms throughout the State of Pennsylvania. and the Fibtl’rc-m -xium upthe SEMI} Fair 0: Illino‘f. And nlm the llgL ncy for the sale ofA. 13.2! .GLER'S (.‘AST (IRON and “'R‘IUUHT DUE-4'3. PLUTXHIS, ’\vhxch havextnkcn thn First l’réfilimu at 311th ‘F.Lirs that ever (hr-y ware cxhilfiled at, Which is some in: or eight in numbel. : ' ,' Farmers. the Mills and Plough: are warrant ‘ ed to give satisfaction. If they don‘t, you arr ‘pr'n-ilegzed to return them to the agknt ut Get -313 sburg. [0012231, 1:361. 611:" frown Property . 3 T PRIVATE BALE—The undersi'gned '5l: A Jen at. [’rivme SHIP {hi Fr9l"‘7?}‘inwhiuh he now (asides. sinume in Ems: Middle ilrdel Gettysburg. “(Quitting S. H. Timon rm the “1,5" and '.\lrs. .\iui‘llxoy: on the Bushfilfh. an r M . uilrw in the rear”. T 111" “015‘“ I§‘|\fi:; 7 : - Somethmg nvolnorv l-‘rnmc, M enlherhonrdwl, \\ uh I “Finn'lersignod "”ch. [:acL—iblniding;ugu‘ell 0‘ W 11- “Vlmf‘ I-“mfliin; 1y informs (he residi it, a! the door; nnd fl "MW”: ‘l‘ “Hilly 71“!“ "8 ofGellysburgnud \ivihil},ti “ILP‘c'v polar: peéighffil’xgumfl alien-m», “3nd 7 a}; 3}; opened/h “'A'IT‘H rru ws,ul le m ', _ i I t .. in the room immodi 5I . . i umm‘nun mans! 3 Mr. J. L. scm. k's Store. Nov. 12, 1330;: 'f ..__ r , 'Squnrg, “hvro ho illil‘ndl ‘ _ _._7 _—. -~—*-'_,"""‘ .H" “- ’T‘TT“I, men! (If WATFUES,’JE\\'RI j Groqenps. NotionS, 8:8. i i j .\ILVEIL mm» wmq in}; ~nderaignnd has npcncd 3 Grocery and CLOCKS, kc . sw: -,. 1 Notion Slur¢. in Bnltimnn- slim-t. mm‘riy; Having been ionnomcd WINNIE Lhe Guxqu‘liuusm (it-(lysimrz. “hi-12' Watch and Jc-Welry Stun: thclpulzlic will (‘Ujllrmflu‘ firiti,>(}liiig dun" as. sum-mi years past, he is 1 the I heapcst. symAkzgfiyl-npg. niohisys, (inf. i every urt-rlé in the lino, fei‘s. T 9319, Rice, g‘luee!é_3spi&‘€hl‘ 01' All! I“}th primed, and all pnrchascu n .\l.mkerel. Choqolnlc, B'rooms nnd‘ Binshbc : ' r‘rproscntcd. K Frcslhßultcr andrEggs, ()rmlnll'C‘gll'L-‘i‘, Easvhcej , From a long “variance iL 0t “mfg", Scotch herring, (.‘mrdlt'aslSunlnv Silt; cspcyinliy offline Watches. lr‘ 'l‘uhnrco, Sop-ms, b'unfi'; leierngm“, ..H kmlh ‘ all Lindi 09 Watch-“ark pr m- I\ui.~. Urnnge“, Lemons. lhmuu. lkrfiui, uhnnncr, and punrnnty the [F l'rnchefs. Cdkes of llillerent kind“; Mme qn‘dl { He “ill keep ulmus on In Slo\ul’n|lsh;l’-llN,\‘ Good-4, .\lihlllisfijinglin 13, men} n!" SI’F("I‘ACI.ES.MMIF Cuuovlßut:. “Guiding. Hosiery. Hznmkcrv'l'izlré‘ ‘ Mr!" Ulnksl-s; in] having 1 Surgpenders.?ins, Net-film“ l‘iuth‘u‘ Pink, Byw— expnricnw in ndnplén‘g the} ions. with Notions of all kinds. .\‘Hlnxe nt Hie preparrvl mfit :13! My ni'cd; public‘s paironugg iSJPapPCIfIXU-V suhdilml.-r,3 l 1 Hy}: JEWELRY made ti y ,‘LYDIA U. l\o’hß:‘.(_‘h7T styin, and n grcnimtrieby o! No“ 11,, (18420.1 ‘f V i i } JEWELRY u-pniréd in tJh , Fancy Furs! Fancy FursH ¥_,G*U."sb'{mv “PC-33v “'o‘ Sept. 2, I ”HE U‘lm, :tjjvjlj” in’nrnis 51w 71 uvxl‘lir‘ lhm 1c (-onnnnr‘u‘w CA'IUHAA 1E MAKING AND R]!'All(l§s(€|u'u~im~~ in-aL ivllh vth' rhxl fawn. «- temper 111 m |lFV:—hl)]>i;l§!ll‘ c‘mynry. All “odk warrmn-f in the mug. th (iun m 511:“)!!!"1‘4’: I (li-untr} yr "m: lulLL'né in exchange 1131' “Lurk ullx}:‘lrl.l~t pun-S. 1r '1 . .A. .\l. unvxsxmi. Gettysburg, Jupe ’l4, 156]. , 3' \II v ( ‘ , “The Umon,” g ‘RCHSTrutfirr, Al:(»\'£Tl!l'Ln_ . a} ' 1X ! J'UILADHLHH.\.I“? . L'T’TON S. VEWL‘UMLL. l‘mu‘nxr‘rtn. ” z-fi‘Thi. "and! i: cemml. «o'uv‘nn‘ng; b 2 Plrr"fl'_f¢‘_l' "Ars'lm all pan: ‘o‘. me cvtys; M ufithed in (-vvrvl,pnru-~nl.u'm the roxufuh :fid wa-AN ofllm h Jim-is pubch. if} zfir‘Trrms $1.130 per day. ' V 3; So; t. 23, 1301.; Jy ' if \_ mm" PRUPVLAM 5 n“ V ‘ I ‘ummsw DT‘RIS‘G the put _\ :Ar v. 9 Inn—r. intro-111w 1’ to HA;~ DOUCC o! the mwhull pxufvsg-idn nf [LIB coulxtrgithe I'uxl "Cry/.rrahud (‘Mnnéiiq q] f‘romlammr, ns 3. nauz-zirm’ FOR n‘mslrsjtrx {'lB)}; and having recx-ivq'd from mmy mor‘sés, not'h from physiqialnis‘of hr- highest standing nnd from‘pa-lientg‘, :yhe‘v osr FLATTEREV‘G TammusuLsi or if REAL VALUE in :11: treatment of ilnishnin ‘lhxén’i obstinate éfis cnse, we are induézcd‘m pi’oxcfix\it 10 the ‘pupic in ‘3 form READY r 012) IMMEDIATE 115 m, which we hope will! command 318th to “£959 who are sqfl'ering with this ufliicling cnvmplniim, and lo the medical finctizioncr vr'ha “if“! twinned to'ficav. the; powers of this mug-1e rcx‘nedy. ‘ _ ‘ Euxm PRbPTLAMIXEJn the (arm abyvé spaken ‘of. has ré‘cenfly‘ bea-n utemirdy’fu perimenlcd w.ith if‘. the PENNSYLVANIA Hg?- RITAL, and‘ with; MARKED SUCCESS (88%“ upbeat from thei publisheq account: in uh: fnedil‘xfiournals.) ' >‘ V A .~ > 3-le careféHy put up ready for infin dink! 'uu.\v(itb ruin directiom; me} can hcéab mined from wt?“ druggius u H, centsjfier botue, Ind at $1953.12 of . ,f BUL. CK & CRESSSAW, ‘ Dragging mdlxnfactqdug'chemists, ‘ ' July), [B6l. fly "; Philadeiphig, 2 Notice. EORGE mums ESTATE-«Lenoratn murmur) qn the estate {George Punk, law of Cumberland mwushideams county, tic-waxed, having‘bncn granted to Hie under xigncd. remding’in Froqdom townshig; he here by gives MW e to a” persons. imlcpted to said vacate to make immedm'te payment, my (base hnvmg claims n‘gninst the some to pmsent them préperly ixutlmuucmed for sntlemeni. \ ~ JACOB PLANE, L'z’y. ‘ Feh.3;1862. cg ‘ UES’I’IOS ASKED AND ANSWERED... ‘ .Why numuLG. GARE sell: HMWI‘ so (bump for cash? Becai‘in‘ he buys for dish and buys nothing but .1 good article. and 5011.? all a very short profit. Lahck 811:! gentlemen, alive him I on”. Don’: forgec the pinch- Kigm opposite the Bank; in Youk st. (Soy. 25. .. _- ..---,_..-__., ,-- ..fifl “__ “.....- 151‘ PRE‘MIUMMWMded :0 Tyson Brothers ‘ by the Meunllon Agricultural Soaiely;Bgpt. ,1860, and by the Adams Coumy Agriculm‘ul'| chiety, Sept., 1861,!0: best ‘Ampxotypal M} Photographs, over all others on exhibition. Mir - F A l R F 1 ’ L 1') Still in the - Iniou‘t » INEIIA RT & SFLHVA ' 111-g have to qnn the mention ntheir litiend and the pm). lic gem-rally m the fut that} Hm; hnve junk n. turur-d F'om the Litit: of P'nlndt-Iphiu Ind Bnl'imm‘c, with a NEW AND SPLEXUID ’AS SURTMENT 0F (MODS, heaper than air before ofi'nrod in the county . Having bought their good? for (Mutual pipio‘ prit‘ n, and at n time th-ntie dot-linein many km s of fabrics is unprovr-«k-utml. they an: en nhlcd to offer such BARHAL S as Wt“ antdntlh Lhyvmout credulout. If übr friends will but call and examine our stack; which in c‘ompl‘ete in every department, .we an inrc we can ofl'e; ~‘uch ‘iudm'emeuts Is n m Imp}! repay then {or fibelrvtrullble. Exery arm-l usually kept in; first class country More wilt be found on hand. We are detinniued NUT Tk BE UNDERSOLD am where nun-me M the (23y, us our motto il “ Q'liCk Suk‘i and bmult Profile.” No” tranblo tat show goods. ! y , . :wWe ntso take this ocqnsion to return in! thunki tor the very generouspntx onngt‘ we In" heretofore leceivod, and in ulge the hope thl by strict attention to busii: -ss, and ; high ‘re gkrd for the interests (if bu our patronl .n‘nd ourselves, to merit a vouti unncu wflhelr kind favors. . JUNEHART & SI'LHVA‘N, ' Corner Main and Mountain “5.. j Ayril 8, 1361. Fuirfield, Pit. .1 U I) s o x' s f , Mountain Herleorm Team . muss, mums M") mourn ‘ é ' , , ":7:st a, / i ‘ Puxsoxur§ .\ll\'l:XL.\L.s ‘V§DXKC(;+ *~ . .voinhm, ler}: If. .m ‘3‘ 'v . ¢ l D» you who“ Ob-PFA'iug Ihr- um-vuy ncli ni inf ~wur ‘ niMren. «(imi‘lur 'lml it um; he.“ ore tlh-xn a men L'imliv that nmj‘ u Um"? In me lunsm out n-x I'm. :‘H: mum-{ul-nu liule all 1:- }43‘» anglumh H \\ omm, um! .n'u [..’J by at imcj L ilom'fld .56. ' - 1' I - . j , .HEADs 0F FAMILIES, « '‘-\ ' . ; ' pbrnm Int your children‘ agfl'er, Mum we Rreo . 9 mac fou 1n ‘ : . : ~.. f.l :JCDSHN'S WORK.“ TEA 1' M): L AfMFE no run-Hr cén: mu minutl N .11! w much hr-tlvr :amL :kér‘wnaMz it in; to “ Fug“! it A! \ 13H 1.: Ihu huhém' “. li'll~- :lflny‘ ‘3' .guln-n 1“ ‘HI 2 i- taken Hi In '1? (Jim. lw lizgcqnw .lIMHEF 69‘9“}, \xhflr} .u ing inlhi,\l( ulelnNhnd ~‘- L;- mung m UHI'NMIN]IELLBTK\ am”. ;‘I U L'hrh', non “I‘ll 'uH‘m-h sum- thc vlnhl n {prg 3 , ‘ mid (mliouh iiln"§*‘ .m-l '\‘uulz's 'H much «up. "pr. 7': hm all” r. .-I 1n;.,,..-r}n Ena‘mxng :1: nl} .u Hauu. 1“" Grin-v )il'lr dun. .awl p: u Influx s'n‘m In“ LIV. 1;; [This :m-vm mt. as L‘A-m‘umdx! punfi UV » S if 11;}:ILBQ A xl;;nuurs,r- Th“ .'2 MTA ranwlu-nr k 'HZ: ' PALOMEL 0:: 31-15121. u.. [r , ‘ [Jul 1 ' 1 ,; «.1 , In L'dflD ”En. _ ) [' mu. No morr fillhy‘X'wraufv'j- urll In. "'94.!" ‘ (hpir-(lvhouuve 'lm- [inn 7. )5. 'IM- mflv Iv int: ale i):'§v\(‘:|r'(- nf all fin!» . Yuyn'fugc: and W tux ‘ j Kain-1: ls .\‘hllt‘L‘R‘r'. . -’ : I - r ••• 1 P- 0 1 h ,ad. ‘lfsn t' ?= S‘m} le, Snfr. “13”"? lh-Vr‘dx‘rin . ‘T«.i~ “mm ’10.! w e sh“: “Mel in :71 M. H un} “'J} numng {5l- “gm! I! L\- rl], ~rn \h‘ in u -—'t: fg‘.‘ “("0” ll hf i‘ _\ m ¥ i“ LIN! 'n . m‘ .U -m’jn‘v = A9]; Iv‘l' 11:1").‘W‘: qrf Talc .-2l.nun+r," (11:11.1: Anon". .1.-:1 n In"! xm h-u'o‘ yum! it, p "d xliriyonrnmuhhors. um lu-y mm ulm. RIM” 9.’ .m hc'cvucuhh) m (3:: m mmmn‘ a FEVER "All‘ln—XS PLE.EA\'I To TAXI GET A FACK—itihl—J’ -ICE 25 cu‘rrk On=cm~r.~'—Alwlys fipd tu- Namennd S'bm, Inn of H 11. JI'IISON-‘k (1' L. «m! 01w Imm "3 ofJ'rtuca on each [I Ickagq of film _\\'onn Tn. ‘ , , , { _ _ ‘ ‘ ' B; L. JUDSON smog { SQLE PROFI‘IIZTOBSE, 50 LEL‘NAIID 511:2“, .\‘n' You. ,3 filmy-ova \Vnnl Tn‘us sold by on. 4:0“ in' {‘\("s' V:H“._2l:.Rn3lby ul Dlucuzuu. " 'll (LC-Am, Agcul‘fnr lslllyabu'g.‘ {«- July :2. HM. know 1 ‘ =‘ ‘ 'oWAr .1 slight “(floaty of? . .J‘ Jfaalamaa, or gin BRchH‘AL ,g/Uaat,‘ which migha bu . , > )fighfié checked Lilith}. simploflma v edy, if mgiected; qfim an mimics seriously. Fc‘w’ an awm' cf WW qf 1:101:pr a fiaugfi. or Jag/11,527.14! in itsfirstttagupthaz which. in. gha beginningumldyiald b‘ a magi/randy, if not handed to, Loan attach the z . _.- i‘ , ' gpm'ffirmm gm ’ were first intrjoduced eleven year: (ago. lthakbeenpravedthattheymwm qrticle bdrm as public forjiaugfig'i fields, Erma/1L1“, thma. {Satan/z, the Hacking Cough in flue 01427311131211, and nummus'afi'ectiau_,d the Infant, giving immediate "hf \muc Speaker: and men, [- wiufind them efeauazforaggw.m Waing the mica- ‘ ~ ‘ m all @ruggists MWLh .Mflémtswbq; é' RA. D. BL‘EHLEH,l‘ioln£,Gettylbulé. . Dec. 30, 1861. 6m ‘ " ; New Goods & Lumber. 3 v ETER BOBLJTZ, s‘. .\rr-ndlevxlle, hum rc-mrncd fro‘tu the city with a huge; mad sqlect stock of Dry'Gnods, Groceries, qucn‘l: were, Hardware, Boots, shoe~, ”Ms, Gap; Trunks, Am, kcqplmxpcr thnu Her. '4 He also has un bind a lot of POSTS, RAILS anéSIHNC-L‘ES, of cxceflept qunlity, Whig-i 1 11% m' Vflhpose of nt'tho 10th living pro 98. Girelh'm a call. He will always tryto' pie-u Maw 13. mm. 3m- . Revolvers. ~ NEW loz’or REVOLVERR, qt ‘dittgrrpfi styles, embracing the latest. rei'ei'iqtr‘f SMlsos‘s, norflii'e’qt corner or “ ‘OO Hafiug purchnsel for cash. M H he is prep fled to sell as low as \ not lower yet. Drop in vgnd exam yoursglvu. r6O troybh. to show July 1, 1861.- TYSUSS’ fifty“ cent pictures _ 1 sealed. ‘ . ‘ Tysong' fifty cent pictures are "’39’51’3‘3‘13 Tysuql' fin; rentpictures mg enufill%b""u T nom‘ fifty'cem pictures 3|te “7.19 n ( T§sour tiny cantpictpres fire‘kfi‘fifi?“ .H' ”5 Tysomy fifty cent. pictum. ywflw I: . :‘ or sunglasses. .- 515: ”fig!” « .941 ”1% (Effiiiifaoéfi 6" ’ celaior Sky-1i In at V; ; “ ignite the Bunk.‘ jg New. 11- a ‘ ts T W Wm" ‘ :1!“ AND' .13“ ELRY :m-iy in the run; 0! and figplzing “to «wing rm undu .RY. SILVER hind . SPECTACLH,‘ wilh I fii-al-cl'au ~in lihltimore,»for rcparo-d to Ouraknh It the lowan Hy 11 b(‘ gunrnntieg u m Wnlch-rwairihg, 1e is prepared Roi do 7 mpll}, iu the bell. [Frfi’rmunu‘e nfiq. 191 ml a [urge autum chc- ‘ lmuchm ‘m In the hi ht. in .; thun. {" :0 (mm- in the Heat ‘1 phtlrrun nu MM. 10 negltwtlnnnn I'. Eli?“ BELL. tf 011'}; H); I 3| 0 N ,‘ I’o t Ynl’R CIIILNTUI." u L‘ [#50513 w (J) RM 1‘ x .x { i KILLS Irrfi‘xmx ~ ! ' -..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers