The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 17, 1862, Image 2

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    OUR rutc
filo npign of lakes—the union of lands—-
,The Cpiun of Slate: none would never;
The ynfion'of flirts—the union. bf hands—
Amj the Flag of our Union (ureter!
. ‘ “"‘l‘.-_" "‘"" ' “" ' "‘
Alm ,hibition of Republigsn “Jus
’- figo’qin “No-Party” Times!
LAW AM) iqmrvur x 0 ACCOUNT wm-zx
. 11m: BTAiND 13'ng WAY or nxrtn.
you lflzaasrs: *
At luc'flw c‘mtested seat of Mr“; V:
flinging: given 1% Bus". A few remarks
{villlnotbe on} of place here, especially
5 39: due Republiczin leaders as making such
a." hubob" ow-r Mr. Myus’ “folly " 3nd
“wickedn‘esz,” in heapfng this heavy ex-
Penna 0}: theemquty. 1 We intend to review
this case from its inception, in order that
the Democrats nhd the honest conservatives
of the co‘unty may see the thing in its true
light. . g _
We Melvillinkzxto admit.thnt there are
at every election time votes polled on bogh
aides, which, frdm the merest accident or
pegieét. fio not {‘tu come within‘the strict.
.quuirementa of the law. Mr. Myers. in
”(eating Mr. Busbey's sent, did not allege
_;ny Inch vows. : His obiect w» not to slip
in on any air: technical points. It was only
because open and palpable frauds lmd been
'mmm’itbd upon him and hi; rights, that,
he consented, in obedience 16 the wishes
pf his constituerits, to expose those frauds.
if it had not. been {qr the clear and eve;-
uhel‘ming proof that thumb and Intimida
tion wag-é used by'Gupt. T. S. Pfcifi’ey to in-‘
fluence icgal voters—and Elsa that. ha suf-J
:fered minofs illegally to vote, thié contebg
gawk) new: have been stn‘rLed by’ Mr. MY“.
pit fit his friends. The honest hard-work
ing D‘cmdcincfior Adams did mt think it
bro’pér that use entire. vote of tbé county'
Ihnplfl‘ée forcqnbly contmlled by (he blus
jeripg bullyism of 11 young upstart,scarce~
Iylfit to Team his mother, and who by one
of the freaks of fonune, for‘which no one
can lii-count, happened to be in q. po:ition
which gave him'an opportunity to'exert
his overbearing impartinence and rancaljty
(01mg benefit of Athe gun-called “ Union ”
WW - . _ " .
_This is why‘the friends of Mr. Myers, 3!-
u-i- it. was found that Mr. Busbey was
only elected by two Votes, including those
fraydulently voted in Capt. I’feifl‘er’s Com
pany} insisted} that. he should cantest Mr.
Buabey’p sent. This is Why his Petition to
,the‘ll’bnpe of Represen talives was so uumer:
, ously and respectably. signed. This is why
gall“ good ‘Dezpocrais, all over thé county,
)mjre hépn so anxious thutjustice 8i uld be
done “Mr. Myers. ‘Wflll. after this getition
wag pmted m the House a Committee
. wad selected—and; unfortunately for Myers.
.thnt committee, either through chum-n or ‘
fireflies and delicate fingering of the Clerk?
-.x_ye wop'; pretend to say which—stood!
eight yenubliaepe to one Democrét. Bus
beyfs ,oqnyneel’e mouthpiece says that thel
committee consisted of five Democrats to !
font- flepublicfins} This is wilfully false—l
Tlfe (my; pfihe matter is this: This Com— l
mince, mposml nf_ nine, had one regular ;
Delmocret, wen lstg‘yajght Igeppblicans andfli
one man Mm plailfisfio be; “Union Demo;i
full”, but we: shelled solely by Republicans, l
(in the Abolitlod lgdgnty pf Cl)sf§l‘,) and:
L 7 53 bps on everj hpceqion votedfiith the
unra‘ Republicanlpuly, ‘We Dufii‘ heard 3
this bane man, PJFmaiep Smiflifi, ‘ke full'
, Ripwlicqp'ground on an issue raised in the I
ll" nee; and pre informed that he looks to
the. next U. S. Seldatorslnjp—bf course from:
the hands of the: Republican party. This
is 1.59 man who ruled the Committee Which
p Busbey the amp-this i's the man who
find; filter Mr. Myers had gone to the
etpense am! trouble of bringing some half
doien of Capt. Pfeifl‘er’s men befo're the
Committeg, that the frauds committed by‘
Capt. Pfeifi‘er sh‘oqld not be exposed, be—i
«11:18.3. fox-sooth, diet-e was a. tcchnipgzl objep’
fish In; the first not of miqstice the
Co migteb did Mr. Myers. Mr. Myers,
in Ethe‘ellegalione in his Petition, set. out
{acts which, if eubmntinted by evidence in
the case, would give him a. clear majority
ever My. Beebey; of six votes. Thin he
pop-Mend sutficiept—indeed he had we
9pr of ell the legal gentlemen whom
be consulted, .8944 me then: high in au
,thority, thuifhe “mount the {not that
three illegei ,9; {mudulem Votes were cast.
fOfiMy, ma Beth we: his. became the Act
9! Mbly acquire- the Respondent to‘
confine Himself to line allegation: of Contes
tant. Pdizion and 14¢;er “my. 'Kming
thet thin was she Law, and believing that
[the Committee Wield mt 3mm: _the limits
of ‘the hat, Mr. “yen me; out cighfi-yotee.
'npdpmdevery one of them. With mi!
”99! he went before the Committee, end
flit-{Leah beefing part of it, decided that
Mr Kym had prom! luficienl to change (lie
mull “'4th Mb: Myer! to bi; #641 "film a
«m 'thd by ‘11". BMW: This be pro
ceededvm do immediagely, But lion 2
Not by i‘ebuuing‘flm fem; alleged by Mr.
jiyerq'but in placaruuing out. thirty-nine
‘ illeggl votes. Thole thirty-nine were com.
M 9! Pauper-int the AimslH‘ouee, whg
3991‘ may yotingi u the peepie know, eypr
sipep zgheéhgns House was built. and some
“of M {as}. your voted the Republican
'Lici'es. All"). of some of the oldest. and
.moet icipeqbpble citizens of the borough,
:uho they.:dlege§l had not paid tax, but
incur, one of whey; were proved to have
flw the fequirepgelhts 9f phe hut in that
w - n £llBO, 0f three or four men
1' they 9115;” yet; idiqis. but of which
,they dig! you ,hijipg before the Commit
mmyqnicle‘df evidence. Most of the
“ 3.9.! the .Ihirty-nine were mime up
muffled the Democmic ticks:
i 1? _ .Ghritzman’s company- You can
fiffi‘flgi‘lfliw' egg Palgiotisq; of hit.
WMW WM W (“£539 nut.“—
“yew” ,lolldhyhfhstbfi: Ugiqn mug;
brewed miné .re W 99 9M9~3~
that at the ume 1389' thé‘y us. 9: oh
:duw to deprive iba honed soldia‘r 'of the
; privil [e the law allow- him of vofiixig the
{Dem , Mic tickgt if be seen fit so to do.
It mu not set. out that. th-re was {mud
or thrhata used to influence voters in this
wmflny-u was the {not in Capt. Pfeif
fer' ,but simply become the lanai cohn
gel of r. Busboy thought. :here has I very,
yer-y full technical irregularity. oh ihivh
the o e-sided Committee #ould throw out
.their 0125.!
In In
the P:
over I
Kr; M
gay: 4
ihg th
u-"it was understood that Mr. Busbey
)t to be confined to the allegations in
wit/ton, but :wou'ld be s"li ',{o roam
l, 1 creation fin search. of illegtl votes,
:yers, through his cofinsal, ss‘ked per
.n to maul his Petitiéu, (whithi al-
I lowsbb.) in ‘o‘rder tint he ‘ ight be
! add morefvotes to h+£é£itigE assur-
I; Committee that he uh! pr ve that
« ~lliumber of persons ‘igothel bobugh of
I r {galonenvhohud v‘ (ed for Mr.Bus~
ind not paid a. Stateror County mx
E two year: ; pm! oo‘iu many other
Its—whilst s‘everal ,persons raiding
wmnty, had voted fqr Busbey, The
lines yefuscd to nllovq' him miamend,
morning wet-exited to showfll‘mt in
m we! in Philadelnhin partieg yrere
,-d to nthend—but .5” to no purpose.
lommittee were deterhtinod th'i'i‘ Mr.‘
should be confined to his Eight. FF“,
mt Mr. Busbey shoulid‘hue thq Mg.
' tude,ralber than he should beoix ted.
Tl'ge 0‘
Int! t i
I this course of erflom mitte
begun to be fearful that there‘
f fairness, and his only reliance,
at strength ofhis own and the
‘ Mr. Buabey’g case. “He felt tr
even or perhaps eight of ‘his
lenrly made out, and that Mr
{y no pnssibility. cfiuld be com
i ng made outmore min three 0!!
i int, and therefogc he felt sntisfie
luer what the brejurfices of the
i- were, they must find for hi:
on to this, he badfi‘emplnyed
l to place hi: case before the Co
9. Elem- nml proper light. 4
1M by all partieq;,thnt ”an
‘of the case would 11b had. uh
i as fixed—wpdn‘ lo! fiefore that
-1. a mnjority of the Commute
'd that ‘Mr. Busbey should retn
I Mr. P. Frazier Smith w’as too :
w a lawyer of Lambenton's abil
lefore the Committee whom 11 3‘.
a strong a cdae as Mr; Myer-s’: ’
I. Report‘mxs signed by eight Re übii—
the one Democrat refusing to sign Land
1 leavé to present a. rfiinority 1:6 ext.
ped to publish this Repért t day".
has not reached us. HE'heh indon
to hand we will‘ins‘et‘t both ifi ti:
olumn, and ask the cdndid judg ant
Ipdid people upon their res? ctiye
: fully assured that. that VGl'dlct‘ ml;
lfavor of me well-mnd+ out c ‘e of
J. Mums, whom :1 ”Wed R9321)“-
mmittae has hm! the flutlrdihuéd to
to Eli
, Th
C 3115
but it
of a .
be is}
can v
e tokeep in plum a new and h
i r evei
Jr». l—Si‘owzng‘ mm 15 walling (J
[sit the Umntyjrom the Expcrzslfi. l
‘_ Unhimcnc. March 5, 18
' Bvsnav. Esq—Dear Sir :v—Al
of theCommitteain our-case is
In? given to-dny—nmd before eith
‘ know what that new”. will I
v is opportunity of making 13hl
l" proposition x‘ I will pay the co
L my testimony in this case; pro
Ell‘pay the cost. of taking your’s.
l-lleve the county of the expen ‘
Hatter. You will be kind $10“-
I-en dxre'ct answer by bearer.
Yours, i'espectfllfiy.
‘ . 1.. J. Mn:
Na. 2—Shnwing Who 1': xOl- Willi}
' [ia'e 111: County from Ma Erpcaxe.!
HAL‘L o‘r Housé m Run:
‘ Murt‘k‘h 6, 1862.~
’ Sun—Your note 0 ghefithjfi
ived. I wiil reply to it. through
press of the Distriqt.‘ ‘
.t D .
is rec
Yours, kc.,
H. J. Mums.
Mr. Muns’ offer in his note tp Mr.
was made in sincerity—and Mr.
pannot shirk the issue b; g';e ting
cOOhaqghy, his counsel, to frnm and
$ 3 long gm! tedious letter, ‘lled‘
elegant nonsegse and somevbhnt‘
1y covered untruch, It is a wonder
L sbey was ridiculous enqugh 3,0 pup?-
‘ ybody whd knows‘him wopfldgsus
' im for writing this utic‘le, in which
re no grammatical oil-rm. {lf Whig
means énything, it ‘inenng “ ’9"
Myers’ offer. ' ; 3 ‘
yen in not home at t-his time we
tand. and therefore cannot “4‘13
‘cConaughy. fligweve‘r, we takel‘the
tibiyty of sayin'g that his off; to
is h utl . '
g‘ofl {fir mot ,e; geek—A t
Mr. 1.!
Mr. B
pose '
there ~'
Latte: l
to Mr,-
Mr. i
und :‘
Mr. ~ I
I l. Len L. Tun, ~‘edgfio: 9f the Cal
l! emocraz, at. Bloomsbzug, ”(1p em
‘ the present Legislatmre, pgid our
visiton Saturday woek,—aml,‘du lng
. honored the Compiler“ establish ’ent
all, ‘ Seve're indispesitjon preve ted
in wing him that attention “1 is};
r-rvea at the hand: of every D mo
l-ing hilmqelf a veteran in the saline,
ltru’e A: steel, never, turning with
-r left from the strict.j line of d+ty;
luuld he baublo to come sgainl we
, 2 will do so. when all mend: ahsll
"e. A 306 d Democratic E'ditor ' nd
5 Democntio Legislator, Col, {ate
= ‘ planed Among the State's moot
Icigigenel. Kay ye slmys have pleu
‘, ’ pwtjcglarly in timerof dishon'asty
I-pt'wlug, like the pregnt. :
,g be report .of the Van Wyck Com}
mil .- explains the sudden departure of
Tbmjlw Weed for Europe. last August.—
It was gepeply thought that thisgreat Ab~
glipiv - Mogul had received a commission
fmm; 9 President, as Minister Plenipoten
tiary t- a“ Eu‘rope, for the pgrposo of su
peringpding our nntiopul nfi‘nirs genenlly.
Bub- “ . Yan Wypk ebony: tym “feed. like
Came on, Morgan & (30.. had b 9!!!“ robbing
theGo ‘ emmentof thousands ofdollnns,‘ and
his dquep exit to Europe was to escape
answei-ing A few questions hefore the Van
Wyck Committee—Canton Democrat, ‘
__,-,__m___ - ‘ i
i hot: gqllnqt old Democrapin orfm.
the Bqlfqugamté, come- to us in mm c of
new V ‘ 'bpxqtiful type. Good i3l- you,
{ric Lnu. Glad to see your prosperi
ty «ope it. will ever; be continued you.
n. E. McPunsox has our flanks:
, 9HI” Faional Tu Bill. 3 1
9&3»: {gépnfiliém Pi.“ fmtntéd
in cough“;
‘ In theHonne, at Wuhingtonmn' Wednes—
‘dty inst, Mr. Ashley (Rep). of Ohio. from
the Committee on Territories, ”ported a
:bili providing temporaryfitovisionnl Gor
i emmen ta over the districu of the country
' infebeilion against me United States. The
(President iii Authorized to bite possession
'end institute such Governments with the
aid 9! the military and naval power ; (inv
ernors, ken, are 10 be appointed. and legis
lative assemblies and courts esmblilhed. to
continue till the people fdnn new State
Mr. Cravens (D.). ofllndianl. from the
lame commitfie, submittéd' : minority re
port, which takes the-gr and that the above
bin provide. that Conga-is: has power to ex
clude certain States from the Union. and
hold them in colonial dépqndenha and ms—
sulage till they are re—Jdmitked; in other
words, that the Union njtay. be dissolved by
not,ofCongi-eu——nn mq‘mffiion as absurd
md fatal n: that n Staté on: animal its al
logistics to the Union b’fiSth ewtion. The
Hill fuither in inipmctiéahl in'its details,
aim] inéendimffnnd equnhy‘ pulsive to the
pninéiples of} justice mid Humanity as to
the Constitixdion. ‘r A '
Mr. Hardil’ig ([1), of Kentucky, also Ruh
mitted ‘a mi 'ority View of‘tbe committee,
saying that l
believing tlml
spefiiily subd
Lt slaingle bl I
elexlcn Stntcsj
ofi Spcmion. I
tiori and diss
won with rel
henke. the m'
cat nd solem
)fr. I‘omlle
mum aimn
the Janmstitul ‘
As t‘am still
dash-action 0
on tllle (able, 1
yoné and my
érlxe 13in w
folldws: j ‘
BißQle, Qem.; j
| the
Inn! |
n his
ty {0 ;
le‘d ’
B v‘vn, L'., Va
Cgéy, Dem, Cl
Rem, Forming, ‘
U.“ "xiueudun.
Um: up, U., [ln
U.f}rnng¢r, ‘ 1‘
llréi in, Dem,
{og Hop, m
Lek ', [l, Lu
Kui ht, new,“
(If orris, D.“ ‘
Dein , Norton; ‘
Dcml, Phelps.
[lepx 512155., [-
Sh'elfnbnrgcr, ‘I
“..‘ Sll‘ntlon. 11:}
Ha, EL. .\ld., Tm
Dem}, Webster,
\Vhite, 1)., ”Id:
Bakcr, IL, Bu.
IL, Blair, It.“
Calmwmll, IL: ('humhcrlfin.
{(‘opkliug. Fred. ,\., R , ;(‘nqu
ANN", IL, Dur's, IL, Dudll. 11.
sadrwuvas, 11,, aont, n . mic-nae
1%., Hmuk, Hi ”"10, 1’... H Oper.
Ilutc iilli, IL, Julian, IL, @lch
“..‘; NHL, Laming, IL, Ljuumi
Il.:‘- x 1
“'1: §
ml’ln‘ermn,‘ 71.1 7, .\lucli
[urrilL Rl, .\lc.. .\lorri'
my‘, kaice, R.. Me.
F. 11., fig team, IL,
ten-as, ILL: Trowhnd
; , 1%., “3xll, 11.. Wall
rt, lesonhn.l Wind?
111 the Democrats, a
11 the Conservative
1 thisclearlyunoom
t ble, and thus defe
tall the Radical o‘
5 voted in the n
|‘l be prPserved. If
nu'utr-y fii-stmn the
Ir .\bolitionism ,firq .
I The Emancipan
Inlthe House, at WM}:
‘lnst. ng. IL Conkling, I
I following:
l Rehab-2d, _(f'd., That H
oughtt. to cg-opemte wit!
Lma‘ghdnpt a geuaml üboi
giving: to such State pe
uniqd iby such State in its:
{pensite for the inconv
| pri‘vafle. produced by sun;
I MEI. Wood. bf N. "..'0
1 Mn. Cognkling mnvadl
tto enhbfglhim lo ofi‘nr th
I Thhru es of ‘thp Home
(led by 3;. vote of yexm 80,
‘ Er. R 1 Cunkjing dem
qu Fm}? V
Mr’. Ichnrdson, of m
surbr‘ése at 6119‘ introduct
tion. mnd'pressinz the pr
'lt is ‘ subject entitled tot
ratio . It is ope of the
that ught to attract th
American Congest Ha
thercbnfidamhon until 15
| Mr‘. Bihgha ,of Ohio, 1
lei-ssmfy to but] immedi ‘
lsubject. x
‘ Mr; Wimi ,or {532,1
:of tin gentlem n in wh
mm ‘on of dye Units-d S l
‘pow'e - tonippra riate mo
ury ff buy n‘e roes in]?
freé? ‘1
Jso. 13r.94
Mr Binghn- said that
gem longng . l ‘
lg! Vorheesljof Ind.. as in favor of im
me i w action: If the Feople of~lndiann.
who he represented, :5"? wto be subject.
to ; itignnl taxation f‘r the purpose of
hu ' g slaves, it was timo they kqew it.
gr Wadiworth. of ~ “id while he
shop '1 vote for the pos‘ ponqment of the
que 1;. he would my ow. Ind once for
allnhut he was not ln-fqvor of the resolu
tion, ‘n’nd he awould not land his support to
any shch docttine for the tun-pose of abolish
in slavery in the State «Kentucky. ’
fi‘h question was discmed until the hour
of adfournment. l
On‘Tuesdny the bill amtln came up, Mr.
Richardson. of “1.. mover to postpone un
til Monday. Megatived‘by 3 vols of you
67, pgys 69. ‘ l '
Mr‘, Stevens demanded {the pkeyinus ques
tion-‘ ~, ‘ ‘ ‘
Mr‘. Grittanden. of Kentucky, said he
with ptllers from Kentucky desirad a post.-
ponement. until Monday. He deprecated
the manner in which the previous qupstion
was used. It. wasslnjurious to the true poli
cy oflrea discussion. He said it. Was unfav—
tunute that a question like this could not
be discugsed hy'gentlemen without. extreme
remarks. He had not been able to bring
himself to the belief that, this was n. measure
exactly' to suit, the tunes.
The voterwns then taken on several pro
posed amendments. and :11 were rejected. ‘
alter Much the original resolution was
adopted—yeas 88. nnys 31. 1
All Athe Democrats but. one or two voted
ugliust the bill. .
The Carlisla I’olunreer recommends the'
Adoption of the following resolution: , j
Ranked, aLw. That those who WM for
Arman meu for President, be requir.
ed mjfind the qgonpy tin; wgubo necessary
for‘ 1 purchase cube dues of the border
Slate ; use; 3h“ they be compellbd to 'on;
here is nbundlmt‘reason for
the armed rebellion will be
led and pub dawn. The bill,
w, strikos- it Hie existence of
it is inefl'éc an~ordimnce
u shakes go," the Commu.
ulves‘tlze G'ovnEnmwnt. It is
ith sound poll y flutterly at
iginn and hu‘ nnity ; 11ml,
writy outer :1 it most earn
protest ngaix st if.
on (Deminhof
bill ought. to
- the UnionA
[ urmltcrfltly 0‘
‘ either, I'lnove
nd on th+t mc
1, which w re 01
‘ tabled-Ate»
hi 6, said : Mr.
, entitled “A
nd to abolish
i ed States.”—
wqyoseq to the
= to lay‘ the bill
Ition I ask the
5, nnys JG—as
ma, Dom; Bum
Blair. Kept: .\l6]
Ey, Dem. Pm,
I, mm. It, Vn,l
VlDecnjl:€:-:lvfi:;: Prat}? mt's Gmmxljfl'ur
cm.. Crisfiem’} Grand. 1. 'l‘havthe
..‘ Divcn, Rep., ; mam ing the Armjnf
1. Dem, Fisher, ? forthlith to arm-mm!
Gdrley, “k‘p., 4 desti 19d 1h entomup
xrison, U., Kel- l (inciqdinu’ the reéexw
, Law, Dnm., itropp' 10 he left i“ th
11“": [)om-7 MC- ‘ “'ash'nutnnffin fohr n
Dem., “Enlie‘f, ' mniu d accordingfilo
11c, Dmn.,.\'oell,lfonp‘ s: z‘ . . ‘I,
r. Dsnh, Pezjryfl let ‘ fnrpt, to’rnnfifial
I"; film" Km,“ to Be cmmuarided bv -
In ‘bbeMeld. L 5, Hanoll. ’
'ificfle'fi ,"w 2.1 mm. to mini
's”? um- 'nm‘l If) he commumlud
”ltficlmc“ ‘3l, (E. V. Sunnmr". 9
fix“), b 951,. "I? 3“] ‘Y‘nrps. trfr'lnnfirt r)
PM; {.\dllff, R., 0 I? '(‘ummnm (K Fly
‘, ‘l2.;‘lhngham, P. H tummy". :
Bufltlmon' ""1 4thf.nrp=.lomn~f<tn
{fl lurk, n.’ l;0 Erfnmmamled lfy
ingé R. R 0 ~ A- PF"- '
’Edggrrtbnjigwf 2: Wait thewlivhi‘nns
, IL; Frmuchm, thé offic r: nhpvo gefaiuv
IL, Horton, IL, . nf Eng-p 3 hllfllf LP («huh
', m; Kullngg, ' part of then- n‘flu-c- ivy
, Hg. Luwjuy.l 3. The tonne-11M! m?
t... .\lutuahoud. inutnn‘will Lei pluoqtl H
Vt. l’i‘if‘. H" ' ndim‘ (‘wnnruLJumos W
P" W» Fulfil”. nlm 1m milimry Unit-r"
"$1“ ‘75:::‘") Cuhlnlhifl. 4 .F
v ‘“ “ ~“"‘ 4. ' L 131! Ulla nrdo‘ ha
3" W?“ W"“”}1 hpl‘t‘>i'lla;tnv.~a {find (Him
" “ “T""Yn 1" .tlm mmuu-xwmuom 01
1 Damn men. n-n-‘Jy din-omm! Eu hdgnn
Iblicima, voted lm‘ of thr- l’n‘uluuo;
4 - ‘ 5. ‘. 'Filth Arnw(‘or
unnl bill upon . ‘ . - ,
L l by M Jnr (xyhvrul .\.
fl}? Outfitarh formal S'rnm‘tnix- nun n
““10“ Re‘pub- ‘ late G new} [‘,undoxf‘s,
Thin voge Z !
Are forl
{(1 who
Brown‘e, 7w. RI
mucus, U.‘ COW
Dun” Cm end,
l'.. Dulan , RH:
)n,R;-p., nglisl
91)., ”rider, I].;
Jurding, IL, Ha;
, Klfilmgef, Rel
‘-ar, Helm, ELELn
:lllory, U.,!3luy,
"xon, Rep}. .\oh
>cm., l’en Ictoi
Rep” Cal. Put
iL-lmrdsonVl Deni
ep., Shirl ““1":
p.,’l‘humn. , Run
in._ Rl~p., Quilmq
U., WhecX r‘ 1M
.\vnkmre} L' .1
h, “01)., Alnuld,‘
tor, IL, ”vii-mun
21., Blake, R..
I ne S
‘d the
1e Unltqd Stubs
‘ any Stine which
shmfimtqf slavery,
unmg-y aid, to be
liecrption. to com
i' ion—yea, publiu or
, change of system.
[jectbd. , -
smpaudtha rule:
: resblution.
werq’ thén suspen
n-my‘i, 38h
ndédx the previous
, way: fitmvk with'
on (If this resolu
vioula question.—
1e grpvest conside
gmvpst questions
‘utgution of the
nov dtopmt‘pone
ondiy nexm
thought‘it wds no
te action on‘ this
desired to enhuire
plume of Lhd pon
iatns hp would find
toy oqt 07 #39 trelli
rder; to wt. them
nuesfion had been
ter ihto bonds in “the 1‘
of diallars uzsecdrily
keeping of aid alavesl
The same paper adds: ‘
Ifflhe above or som‘ thin;y similar (an be
adop'ted and incorporEltcd with the Pren
denk’s Flumython we re for ib—not other
wise; f the Republimns are so anxious
far the freedom of thelaluvés. let them show
their sincerity hy‘ npgmprinting their mm
mean.- for this object.; We protefi. llOWt'V
er. against the Govurrimem being involved
in any such buuiuess, and if the Republicans
(lane adopt bUCII a measure. null the border
slave States should acct-pt it. and nnolhrr
tnorinoui tux he lt‘Vlfid upon the [maple to
for [his gigantic slaw: purchase, a i‘ebei
{will ensue in the North juxt as certain
’ml the sun will set this evening. The
is will pny tnxemtn carry on the war,
hey cannot umliwxi] not pay for the
awe of negrom. who, al‘to-r their pur
, would be thrown upon the North to
Fr prisonannd alm‘p‘houses. We repeat,
e Republicans denim to bacomm pur-
I'rs of Haves, the‘ can do so, but the
[9 at large cunptft be-dragooned into
a. business. ’ i ‘ .
.l-dentjindoln !
‘r— portant; Wl
n‘e National! lptellil
rity" clued im‘ 5
by Presifleni Lin J
nunry. but just .!
n‘ ommand—lxia
:- 0 data.
_enc:er publisbex “Ly
l-rtadlt war orders. i;-
uln. IThe first, issued
I-adgtpubiic, is as fol-
g Tl
jin J‘
fl ‘ Ex 1:1 n: Mn‘snx.
Wulnington Ja nan" 27, 1362.
I cn't'a (x'méral Wu ord r NI». 1. ;
lewd. Thmithe a . qay nf~ February“
be the any for ne'qernl mp‘vomont
I; land aind final norcqs of the United
I» nguinsfl 3.116411: rgent forceg. That.
may , .
of ti
Stat ~
'; armyjmujd al l
; amny anhbfpo :
- army I:»f\\"mu=rl
- army near ,mi l
- army and mill
- nnnvnlforf‘ein
xdy for a mqvmnx'
t all other Ramps!
heir respecfimecu
. onlnrs‘for he t
mldilinnal ordnrg
It the Ilg-uds of D
I‘ ll tlu-irpubordin :‘
ief, with all} oth
ldinute‘s of lamb ‘
I My be new to t ‘
inhilities lor the l
.rder. l
Ehmrr‘vs i
n": “Ur Uri/gr .\
(Bi-n. yfl‘lc-llm
tho fie! rihthn 2
Itonmc. until (gnh .I
:d frmm the 90m
-y dopartmu-nts, |
Of the Dopurtnw
nvl'r'vlrt/Vr, Thin I
[under the rt-Spo
l-I. IMAM-k inn
! much‘ol' than.
west nfn nnrfih n i
rnwn thvpugh K
solitlntoy! andédo
‘uf the Mississippi
I ordr’rcyl, Mnjn
~ mmnn of shid
m 1 11/.m.§ Thumb
mem I! the PM
ment of the Miss
mam, g 0 b 0 nulk
I-nt. and Hm}. th—l
! Muior Genax‘ul ‘
inc receipt of“ his
I. Iy, report sgyer
Iretm-y qf WM. 3 I
quent rppordxfi wil
lh of them. i .l
_._,__._... . I
4 Fruit!
r Maj
I tnken‘
' the I’
‘ Onll
nnw .
with :
Its lies
he an
ment 5
have ~l
pnrlm -
dad I: 1
after ll
the $6!
and frl
and en.
.n Army‘olliT:
hgroe with the
[agone of tlie
n the propu‘ied
ion for the ap'poil
Tuhav the countrylcov
as the fungi covered E
object' nnl burden» T
enormtus and as the n
If the hole duty of co
tirely $ll. the slums, a.
be paid most ohmrffllly,
less Miler-one, en infame
and 'a horde of nup'opu
voide We hope this
fully nsidered when t
discu ion, and that: so
sed (a new u: from th
countdnnnces of a lawn
tax gflherers. ‘ Those
syste ’ for the purpose J
chinery, will hardly hes
ple who have to foot. t
(.lan will be heavy eno
as light as possible. an! 1
them beyond what the}
wands. will be very linb]
aignifléant and resolute}
91mm report of theiekuation of Win
chester by the Confedel'ntes, and its occu
pationlby the Federal troops, is- confirmed.
The Confederages conuiaenced leaving the
place into on Tuesday, 'their whole body
numbering over four t usand men, mov
ing in ghe direction of trasburg, where, it
is said,.they intend tom '6 a stand. Stras
burg ii in Shenandoahliouuq, eighteen
miles sonthwestof Wine ester, and contains
about eight hundred inlJahitants. If is the
western terminus of thelMunlm Gap mil
way. hover-31 tkirmisb occured between
scoutilJg parties 015 Fe la and the rear
guardsiof'tha Confede ‘ s, wilh’unimpor
swtre’rnlbt ‘
snys t
j m~af millinm
or we énre and sale-
! ..'”an
b ’ Sore]
'b A‘ ‘ f 1 of IX)
‘ yawn ‘ "833‘“ L
. ‘ 'e S
' 6011 :15 for “:I‘lBllll‘l
J ”(i-91”.,“ 5 sch“)e 'e-T
EELS-1:12:65:- Ebb :sagzsobobfnggm
£‘4°";x‘~¥oi°ue‘3.s.°°u {l:9 man-E
-“J'egflo‘afl'e: M 37%;; :32; £32: {Jew-v e,
‘b ‘_. n 1 , ‘h
1 epipad ero'itoc 15" 2‘9? 8 wlltln whd fl:momm :lin A “libel?
‘ ‘1 6:11:22? By, flag-id) lu‘pe 411110183. re°olv "19‘30001tn1gbll‘nl'flll‘tha.
I I‘3 j 1:32" ‘5: t- m; {3113: 1 ”for“: b“i “01"3" “I°C“ *lui‘ll'mfitiol"?
{tn-l1 ‘l‘“ m 53“ Pg'ermc h: I'Of’ofcl ‘lmbgin“‘,:'l ’n‘filmbf i' I“ vi
2°31; nee» n
‘13,“; gt," ”1 1. D: it d nag- J ‘cg’lgllqs' moles e t 1.1!,“ f -. “21,; 3.).9‘1217'1r'in;_20 Ci E
-ett h I a I rs v ~.. -. A
11‘] (11" -" o 9 cc I'lo ‘ u l ’10; co1“1'3-°a ‘e t'clW '1 ~nJ ’3ll'lo F T
J"N -“—'no {a} x t .b" "«“u’o eh o.o}. "are loo‘ts."s-- ~13 39’ -n F
tl ‘:£rfi:u’er:l£eiud‘rl HM?“ i rO3; of, *é‘wp" Ingldtls s‘) l 1"" 8". 31:4: 1, q lOIAH O
.x 0“" ' ' i ‘ ..t. : -
11'e 1:0 y absn, 35.31.1953: Jonecfix 16va 1 BEN!“ mime“) 301311, \vn'sb. 1 bu”. .. in“ bye; 1‘ F
.161101'9 r n:?-\ [5 1E “’ch 31 11 9111110] B____
1;.) ‘v ntlvllynean, t 1 "G’lhouV 311-‘3 1111““
1:11;? "as“ht-ec' 1&1“ s 11,. 1%. 'LB 101 nm. s yle_3l”‘ t 1 1‘: B
. Iniiti, ] fire I‘7“ negaJ ‘ézef. ayaud.A ‘1) 1. IS glide] (3d .1 rug: :‘ T! ‘ 3‘3l“]: 41131
! qEll%;;isfslnehithzg‘l‘n'S'filnlte' H (; Bo‘nul‘llmo'sT a(ch 0:“; 11,114e-na. I}; P 1" 4| 129““ I{'l‘ M
'ti‘Ti ‘ ms)“ don fiti 0111655 ~ IJ. 8 I re A g. S B;‘u’ 1] {dh'i‘ g"( 1 l’kho rO— CG
(cu: lbn “I t“COAcf trail 11‘
e 101; L 1 o.lowewtl- 01 w 'it‘vue] :TF '"k hedj 1: ho hurrah "inl’e the “1. ~ unrc,‘ ..’p U
I‘, c 1."W;1 ea in ('3a b 101 k“; 11 ll _ll .B'P slmzeou “f P 0 ,lab “1 n 11:1 bzrlééll|elml :e'zrlg"o'le 11 G L
“""flf‘ll’ “vecoorst 0 en” ‘11! 9- or Pporn cr‘ 1’ r mlu‘bf ml. 'em«al:,.‘.U-__ F LC
111.4% lI“ n‘ ryn“’s°" de'~“l"d"n‘ lrlckß ‘9 J ied en‘rVl's3" 19‘; fr n'l'z-‘Lm 3}"‘o' a 1 en T '3' 0
To]; Jl|""='<>‘lJh<>o‘o‘d ''o re “t in“ In ”egg'c'vflm o°ie 1» c 32‘ pt‘ ‘d‘n ‘l iv c 0139: rm ‘0‘»: 'm H
v: E’ ‘1; “uod am A “-914 rxlnl' “(1 11 e\l,|‘fn c. “I.IL ..1 e n ‘Ol. 1,. _ol’ 09n111 )1 “min ml. v. 41 111' .1 A ,
51.11L1ree 1- 'll CH vln‘ol I' . '6‘" v KV nl3} t‘x d 4a," "0 'mDe“c 1: 1.1 or £loll2]
"h 1° n": Ssevtondls 1°” E ’36; "Dbo 1111211“ (‘0 ' cult an {Broilbi'l I'9 \I‘S'T ‘ ; 11,1?” 42 “ohmwmeurs'fi‘. I}, “01'0”! ‘lq
‘hj u Jiloset emwn 1' 85‘ _II )5 0:1 I's..- .119 ‘IC 011 E v 6‘". 'll 11,11! fly ‘I 'ILL rattlr- I'lngi‘l(llnppd“'h[c,% ‘b in - .
"A I*l-“W‘loj “d 0 1 I'u ‘- ec‘l‘lrv Islln .V Pr'Vv (‘ e"1 1.: 9 fit 'l‘ ‘l’gl I'll ’ ‘9‘ll’t 01 3' ’I, e" 5
s 1: ‘ v~’_rl‘ .131, 111111 e _ o‘k. I‘l'3‘ {1: '11: (3'Boer" :‘tifltb 'Pio 11‘ n't 11.1" L 1" 1:: «n In 1’ tlcl’lh ‘ i
V'Ow‘lty o‘we“ T ulna“! T'l-rdl» - K'lt P ‘nl 'Pn‘d‘eßll'n'ht-h‘r"l‘v‘n‘a"u:“2"
~ 'l. 0 31130 .1 él‘ r 1 ,1. to eOeG 's y ge-p t. hr l 1 “1; 151 1, y‘ler "alle a Cr’p Jll 6"11’,‘ “1,
au.l“’\l“::‘°lftl a :I‘3 sngze y. M k) d" IkJl' Dunc; ‘V S's. h: ks¥”&;\g‘_lue“fribf‘fpz. “11- "19°91; (25 #1111341 5' I"
1.10%in '9 1’ g'l' "n”! "Bwi' BPI‘ ‘ll o'l ““3"" n‘n-pt'“t 'r3.""‘“‘"l |.. 0"21, tl,, 1"! ‘e’ck‘ni ’
IR'O es 8‘ 1191-10 '[ ”t. -‘V;‘u-X 1.1114181] .011“ 1.. r 1 I,
11% yL" a], a .11 1 i] nqq‘s :p ,- xlr Ar, Yes an I, 11‘neJa1 go $lll. '41:!111111' “ohTlodt y 01'srenmla
111090357"; gar) 31““) ”943%" she °b' 1c~ '“i' i”: 1"? fl'ntm’nr"l':S\'L'L’llltr‘e S‘|"‘i"h'”r °..1 1,. "i 351“: will"
1' tio 1““:36 F‘ I c 03 t"qte‘l‘ltanc‘e 61911, .. Dg 1' ga‘-\yrdv li‘l‘r g‘x‘.reeol'€‘3‘l‘§c;§|r"llflofilb no on fan, 1g ,V
“in“ v" *0 “If“v “"1 h “10' (1 '“- °r' m“ " n.’ 5 Wll- We“ ' £»gsa‘fe‘|:°r~ ~.m «gm:
In“. “(36411 r 8” ‘ -’s:i.\~ HWW‘9 by 9“» fr . 114%“! 'Gii‘fi- 19““ ["0 19°13“ 'rke c° In“: 3'
11.1011 t MA! A 0 -le ,1 1,1,1 y 0 I‘ 11 1.. ,0 t hio“ 11011 )1 1 ‘ll o c ell
I’] “Sins”! 1131,71; n K uv‘; “ ‘n":“lL'"LP'-nllf‘:’-m » : 01.n1'5'ww5'11'ge ?,]§k,fec:lh: 11““ [1:10:1111' “fun n 1:
_ x .7' ‘, .é -~ 4 ‘ b ." '-.I- . .
,1 °~
v 11y;unxo‘n|1 {3‘34“ 01191311111; gin t 1140 f“ byließ\t~{ 311 sevhvnr‘ 1:101“ 1,1121 lat y 51;. 'e “1139‘ JPVO t-hh ml
111 for rfi' t 1 .b6° 1h )9 \J- 1 “1. j.lnll 1“ (1 219 s: "R «I'll "v- 1? m 9k ‘k‘l'l‘x o“v ""x‘d“‘ll'e 6“u 11. 1913111711,
‘9' [1“ "ck “LP ’ ml“u“t ‘ ‘4] rev b“R '“t Third bk 1! red'p l‘ o ‘OO fl'l I‘l 1. ‘urc‘u'nhfz 3":
iridri'lgw‘ns'; 1:1,: N ~2‘J'3IJNI a; °- "s3ls?fifci‘b‘é'ks'm‘bgfiswr" M.-
’ ' 5 '1": ‘1 .. '~ ‘ 3m'." ' ‘ . ‘.ve“-' u ‘ Vv:
P. “1.1113 to3lx’f‘lr‘rollbl 7 1:" 11.8. “L: “‘9“ Inhlnqto {d totwrllie-pzlnle";lr ft,“n‘:“’lsate( ‘1“;0; (165'! I'i'. 1;! s9l] I‘;‘m“;'l'.n..Bi Ti right
‘<- I [l‘lo 1' r 0 (3 In‘wtvti 1d 'bl'a‘ “d i(W t r ‘l x!) h ‘re t:‘f'-l hr. “I‘lr-Nx'q "P“ 7‘v 0 HI 4'l? "lii”
l £ol9Bh‘). .okl.'a)»n. n c Is 9 y J 11." ml 1 [lt "v.l l 1 1311201019113
,11- eed‘v '1 l; 4'r I*l pub!» 'll a d d‘e rc01“. n. 1m n- rl‘ret ‘l," 0n- ‘x, .(1 11.1.11. bl.
r: 1"“ 9 i 1“ fi‘llici' J 1" 1 1e 1!. 'koll'.n'l 98 re "i 1 W revic I'] ’ (.nt {Li Hnl‘i" ”Janlyh-g §\tl"(. ’g ‘l I‘] .b‘lt‘v. 1° 3hr
t, ,‘ hgi‘xst‘tllle‘f Ital $Oll ‘lll 10:;an n) l’pfrflgimli‘x i 1 111:2 [‘ll, “Phe (111‘ 1, L "mfg? 1.110113 muléfnl‘ '00::‘15‘0 {glk‘llfrl
fill!!! 'leh “21):? 3'B? 214119," 1:11;: .poa’clfth'" 11°51? ‘h (,Il‘lxll'f‘tlll3' 1} "#11: 0‘; €lOl,lll, «33:12:111‘inq1gu3q 111:6?!“ we “31:5.
1111.1 lreel‘: .\E‘yinge‘? d 9 I’L‘t' . ' ‘ ‘e' tun ere-II e 11. ”i I 91;1.\} it" ~ll‘t9mhll ‘3 .\l‘q ”I, ”mm “by elneil‘l‘
x 1-1 D9l. n 0 11,0... 11 {9lll .I!,‘ o 11.1 ._ d m 015 11‘ 1.411%.» “11111.1 ".111“ 10.1”. n 191’ e' 19 1.
'“ ‘i “‘o' y"; "a “I 'l. I. 0 HI 3- I‘ (‘r ‘ofi e h"tl"'\. I: I" 71. ’ ‘ahiLq (11. (‘ 'll 11h. .1 I]: ‘l 111:;
Ic. n.f pueln n .03 lnr.z.h“, )“ .I‘l‘k‘79y 111‘
e'l ’rl 51%), ~ To f 1 ~ r; ”“30 'o’ a 1 11, w.l n, 'll . mm“ :11 o“n|:". 1.11.: 13‘? “$ll ‘l'lllhtl’d " 11l
r ""1-9'1'31 ‘7l-.3'0 3:" .59 “h‘fi'hht'hnnw f Ln" 6 ' r5O l‘ld 0r nn W: M's "91 "1. Fu‘ogfill‘aho’lggkh"w 1.5 m t “g
"b“ "‘ni l,°l‘lgixl"i§te“ “*3rfl‘oll":f={3§ c‘m‘a I'l-"01 nto 'rr’N‘l“ "~':"*a"’ 1'! ‘ [z’ol‘ "[,,,"‘l'° "t 1 "UV "3-11 9‘1“"- '
1“ ':?l,1_l,;"'r1"ll:",5? t?“ ‘il 1," 1':.J;_1::]:1l\1§ t:lxel{l;" gibsiogm . ":1 lie: 1“:jx"1(17"b are » ng‘Jloleli'tzél“'lel-fnéfiilan 1101-“111'11,” own
's‘: a ‘ J '4‘ ix 11'? ;; °‘~ 6r w baggie *owu; 1.: chat-Jim 13;; *£:"»-{ .3 *ez'weicze~
el 9 S 1,“ 1“} «1131.8 n 1 1“! 111.11.], r 1: “1111191311", l i 11- 11‘ ' ‘1 “1 1.9 :51(. 110 10:13 ”,1; 1.1.4111 11: 1101311111911 ,1 t' ‘15,},-
;C5 l“ 5' 01"!“ 9“ I‘l‘ 1'!" ""1111",. t] s ‘ 18r'n0V ‘I ‘9 I‘c h 215 "(- _ ”'1 011'“ "1“ IV “1 1’1: Hl-f‘r ‘1 ”r“ 51‘
"1.1% uh‘lie. 1 t- 1- 'e' 35' n,', '. I. in”! nlu" 4‘" ‘l‘) l-)' l1:"\.° em
1" ‘“ b‘ifa'klo' D-t'tlrfi: “NI-- :( \le‘)PX’|¢‘ .-
31.11,, 1.fl.115-_.b(“hl ”f 1 . bllo Linus”; I's“] 1h [1" 3, ‘9 L 3 )[kti A," e 111 {13:11:} 111-71,] you] 1111) ($l,lOl "1'?" by
a. 9(1".',11; {LP “a .1 115] ("I “i. ,ib n 1 uc‘olHl 1111101" a I]. ,of 9! 1 1,11,“ ,1 l1lt11'1111,151,)cvli'hnvys‘l1o1‘ln
1, ~. ~‘ugie mus. |1 r, 5,1 ’\,'\l.« v 111, ,1] 1:, h, r F J)‘ 0I: (.- bun-11.11841 91.91“ g 1;, Huh-11- ¢-,u 54.1)"
ii “1430‘ ”To -“‘ é'-’l\-"I-‘n“r~'l- 11,..- a e "s‘“: “11'? f "I; "1‘23 I‘- ‘~ “1" ‘- "n"! ‘H “I ft 71 "Ma-To"
eel '1 r‘ .I .1». all ~1‘ 11.11,. ( ] tlf 1111.151!
‘"i J? “Itll LA‘II" [‘3 4 \“J (N Ihl ' 61. ‘V 2‘ r I'l ""r ' ‘IV (111' )Inl t] I} 19 l. I‘l (7 131 g I[l‘-‘l.r€luln ‘.
.11|1 1. Jung st -. ,;1 1. l ..‘-1 1: ~1. ’2c 11,31 90 11, a); 'llll.\l 1 a \. I, 111 1: 1,1. 51 41-9111? 631 5{11.51"
"1 J-u' llp)!.\. 1.111»; till 1.. 11,1
'l. xi '110.t4)50 ,» ‘ "I’ll 1 'l; ‘I ,Fey 5. 94 ‘1 \"u \g 1 \‘L p 1"“ hp] f '11.(-L b- IHI r 99 1011 f \-.
' 01W“! 'l. is, 1 1:13.! “1951“; {“1130“,}: \p' ’ be 1,; "01(‘1- lij "11 “L “(I'l sos- . 3“1,1'. 3103311111“11’111'11-hl(1'*"1'a1lri., (’nll‘
“1325* 3.9:”!an ”NW-TX "it" (011215., 1' $.11" “W I bl 1“! 1‘ f‘(‘"4‘r“:J h- .II'J'": t 1 " “(’nfiy 1,1911 “'45: 111“} «10% ”Mr S!” ‘ [l. '
'o" lL‘ 19(11925‘ II" -" ‘ “"1 'x ‘9 "3 ‘3 I‘l' "n 3r “1"! M. '1 l '1" “P" s|: o‘.“ J ‘v-“q‘” "r 'll‘l 0‘
0 “- 1‘ ‘\~ (.111va ‘u WY“? EM: ‘1 ‘x. H“. b ”Ln "1 'n “f 1- 1h “1,“ 'u 11- Nu‘fin" “n“w‘w t “3-" an
‘L. ‘l', [l'sl"‘ric‘l‘lhvmlifhl‘l." v' .I‘J},l"-'ji wig-21" qu’fins.“ “1.31.21, 21:”,1?‘ £11.13]; 11133133 0h 'Jll’=.,:|.l"£J.V‘lcl':'v,"e'3J.‘;lxl; "r'
)r‘-\' v/l“"‘|.‘-_il .m. 3'; nl‘ ‘Lx‘v Vau‘; m 1“ I‘l‘ll 'll- r";il.
"1 "9'll (“3;9‘l‘sqlh‘f‘3‘M“Aßl’N. l .‘lll‘ I‘levall‘qn‘j'l .“|(.l!11!1lL‘1I-.iile‘.’ir' 3“. r:.;.lvuflinfl 3' 1.1”,“ ”InLlME.“'xl‘l‘fl'lb“
‘t'\ m'v o -11! r 'l‘“ ‘3' “1%" LL, - 1:” ‘f‘ Lin-lo 51...“. Itol r-‘l'l.
1 ‘X. “ In“, 1‘ h’l‘ I’lll- .\‘l‘, Ul. 11 I‘7 Pllll 'll 111 'l!’ am; 1111101 1H .\ ‘r.‘ln,\fl 1 11 111111.. ‘ll “bx-{1}”;
3‘0"?” "will“ ””1“ “I" "“1"!“k rh‘w‘e * - ’1 -‘: 2 .\“v 1 wut‘inb’ ‘x:°rb“"u.‘h“AW-.1 *m‘u'h, ["hfujw
". 'll Sx)"xc. 1) C '1?» L3ll zll. 31.111 (-1 9‘ fl ".1 l'l' tti 'I [wh- I‘f‘t n {‘_cl.‘<l€|..l-I,IV ,mo “le tn 11,11’01'1
"‘1 illl):\‘iq\\-Uflxul‘)qh ”Mn/122‘ ' 3'l“}: (."f “‘3 I.;‘(3ll‘p’:'ll‘l,l,.. I“; #11111“ W 1 ‘lll‘llllrifilll‘p‘lh -,1l"1.ln11fi,r'l
r 1 (3": colll‘fiorel Tf‘ “1 L," ‘11“). Mfifl't'l (1“1-b‘nn‘) "1 1' ”Hf“ “It e 15'1 I - |‘ll' l l-‘ZX'Y 1"! ‘ I‘ll rll "’1 '(4 “1“
01m “1 ‘V’l'alnxbr' "J. r ' " (h, ‘ ’31"? 911‘1-11 9—"! 11“! ‘\"si'n “.351": Uh "11111; “‘l\.“J."'y 1311111;
—..r ntIJT'C "#0)" “CW" ’riln‘l 3'” II ‘V 'l‘ [V'fi-‘w "1"13. "'0‘“! 111:). 1“? ‘i‘\"l.l‘tl“-:l°1. “'50'11; 1'1"! 9 MW
. h 'l9l v V 11239“; 3' rlt 1! ’9 "n.“ "(1 I t 9 'ln 11 Pill, "11 (-1P‘g."1..“l MGR, r. “1"1.“l.f-'11§I,M ”i.
"r is lyuh'lscn 5.1159111]! 0; . ’yl ‘ e 31%“ e lure 30:0: 1111“. “y Mt: ll»: 91.11 hrhnk ll'N'nhi‘fi'n 1011111,“.‘31Ihrig1h
;l ‘3‘] 9“! :01 )“1. : "1'.11)"1.L:nv lpu 'l, 'l3: 31111,.h (, 11] 3‘1)“ "1. “VI-Ix rush.“ ”11:511.! f,l"'|ll‘: S- - {11“ 11.11'1131'
J: ,11 0131111) ,0‘ - (.11 1 .r-Lc l. to In 7 u (1 b 1 1 \l’ {1 l 1) ‘1 . :11), . 1111.111131J1‘y 1' x 111111 ,1“ I
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I'l"kll>b*xi‘;‘e‘r.‘3~:'t‘:u:l‘e‘ hf :1. 11 is ‘f. 453.? Ibf ~ $331.13; ‘ " I::l:,gxef-rgafngru,“ .51:1-;...e-I:. (1.91.111 ~-
oe'nfs: a l.ilc“1 1 1511‘3 "31- (._l, "'l‘:l_l,u -_'- :‘3 ‘l2 11'11‘111:"15,‘ 'l‘_..lll‘-_‘.,>-
‘kpdwtlf “F‘n‘gt‘l‘~;'f£flb‘,‘xn"‘u‘l.B.. El,‘u:,}or Lj‘wg‘anr-I'HF:.l‘ I. 'l. 1;.{1031 - 1.): Hugh a";‘;,‘llf‘-.,l'xlt“ll, [1"(x-li‘:;l‘:fl+lu'-.
1:111:11“ 5;“ elke bvth‘i‘flué‘h" all pe 111;. I‘l 19 .1 'l‘ ehll)t'}lln'~9rlhl ‘3l {llll3l ,1 “:1" 1“ 'l. ; P’l-tIIIII“I.I.""')I.‘11'Irx “(“3th {.ll.
”1911““, s rilreice f 1 rah“- .g“, “IMF"; 'lll'l I'lr'hl'orlt “1"9 h.‘ (; 'hi ”' $l5ll ’ll"3‘]‘."nl~ ‘5 .‘3ll'llll 3113\- 1' " I,'lll‘l.'
1109,11)! etuccy' 16119109111 (‘ll n 11». 111.5011 “fa no 91.10111;n r 1: 01“!“ ‘13115‘11. enriw pql‘l’l,'lll,l"l'=n‘. “111 1;! 11.1113... "5' 1
Chin‘s?“ mt“ It‘siangtenge'g "(R'll'uun )‘ H‘é 11'“ SP thigq'gll 8- wed!!! :11 114-111; EH1"! ‘l‘ 29.“.1lt’i‘l411y‘1 "c x 11“: "If'llluh’ 'l’.
IPa enn" 11‘ (“I 11 Sr ' (,1. 1311,15 . [g (I we "wing 11 1‘ 'e 1.11.1031} 1)1 11. V 9:111:11811311 “4‘- Pt 1'1). kluil,’ 11.1121 1 .
“,I' t ‘ thbuo 10 Dlll WI e-lr ml: 'll ‘f. ‘1 ‘l'|_ Ill‘ '1 [l%. ).l1 l1'(1 lc)1.11|11\1:1‘
Sign ‘3 ed Jslrl‘ogo; I 0 V 11)“: 9'11131‘01l OR I'9l (] lte ll~n‘o‘e"e'l‘|lxrb[t 1,111p,.|h(:1 “J‘s :3” “7:” l l[fi‘l'lll PARIS-1v U 11:" ”11”,» fir‘l"
“vi: eiiecirfgrwzene:“his"'n‘b‘rifhe? :3' 3;“ ‘lbe:: brib‘wbtre‘re.‘ «LI-ee>;l.{‘;bbi:x.;~gegb‘g 1.21.7311;
.i e’der ed Gig ed 1!: ‘, “I" 101 i“ f 9 ' ‘ 971 011,01. i 1) [21:1, 1 1 1.1—)11 - 31;“ t' 1‘: ,"I‘ .‘!|‘<(;l‘ >l2” ‘):‘L.€\ 31:11] L"
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“’5" “3th ed’ 3’ "* "i 'n"‘ cT‘n IJIET a kin‘ion‘i “a" 1'“! "‘ 1"li- n. ‘t n‘ “H" «1‘9“."1 "1: ‘>w"‘l-.’=.3u}‘“-':".J":
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New) m? 1‘“ [)'“"I'*«“t"~ 'JJ JWen-4‘ 'm‘mt ‘1 h- "‘5“; W h 'y'n‘t‘ li:q"i..'n:.~b r-eiebm
1 n ,chlromollicr. qureu lo e 1 a nu t‘l_l]e|ell|«llh
be? “153313: ’°r: a; J?“ “32%:Pr'unn-z'“eE-"Jenbinu :9 ‘l9 3J,‘ bb “ui:'l“<‘~i::-i3~u"bin*‘
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i‘ubflb‘PE’foc 223 Fe: irizr'gv':§ysg-’ —:‘ oi} i 3"; nfi'r“«,“~a'~°'n£‘l':'wb «th ”VIMmILfi:II24:“i: «1*
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n‘3 F. 5“ AT tit r 0 3’ rnrli“ “I"; volely nI“ Bin z“? "I rt t” [l'o .011 Eu “0 “u I)! I’m.ll..“’t,"l.l‘ll.x‘vl“.l
,1" l'wchß S“? ‘n" v3l_ 1. 13 em" .11); 011%}, rt, 1. 1111;11'0111-11491111.‘
nd than: h. AT 10n11 o, \v I‘o 0 'un‘ed motalncf t‘e'x‘ t' ' 0 11‘5"“ '1 h “J ‘M' I,‘ ‘w 91' 1.1"» IL
oed h E Alyoubl 0}" D m “1"}, tleut I‘ a'.‘ .1 "1: 111300511 ' E'uln -\\’ th at he”! [lth 1‘ vl. :“ll'
Dl' ‘3 tee" 6 Ee! pg 10‘ ell‘lt t a '1 l 11' .71‘ I]. e e {(w‘] C t.,‘\ IH.
k V 3" wax!) 'l'relen h'e‘llnfill' “(‘4l re -,(1~(.,-.« \,-
e b‘l'ySOD‘\ote ecu" rrPX-o eiapclg 1911'”, Se 511,,1J11»,
°nms A’tdol°n‘ 17,. " A"s crank 'mi t-"il°x 'Bl "1"‘1- fiq‘r- gr *l] ".."nd I‘Jm’pr u‘, a’ti—'— ‘- 1"t-h‘.'u "1'
P F cr'sld he dosa molng‘ *0 M5&1: ‘5 ’v- deionl" 'p'é nc’ltt‘k "1 qrtpo‘h rnfl‘eq ,2" h ‘Jr' b- geong “Jul"! " “It“
I:blirid:‘s°fmga übc'er’e “1351 d 0 !_\v"l '1 11"]; fat 1619 1551:0311; 11. x u. [l“]. if; ; f@[“Jbs"r: may". n 0 De “3%",
that)” 7ho mlla 11ml; 1 901. on Y-: Owge 0011' Fe n r ‘ll 91V n 35 a ’nl‘gl.p‘l>l it“ 0 {01.11: t 8“ ‘ .
w°~Li H Annduld pn: 18h til? le '0 Fol}i son nit 1‘10" be {lurr'nih l“ . (‘Phl."l‘_ ' ' (3119 's‘ “.11 "1) I" '1 l he 115
i 1 pn bo f“, D tflui‘ ssn,,,l;.{h b 3,3313 1' 1:11 11,, inve 11w 1 0‘“ ,1, “.\.-1 'e .1," 0'"
11143090 11-6 «28 eem ear '4"le o, 1.1- spe’e‘m‘ ‘11.? 1) 1,111, "111.1 1. \.l 111111 '7l o'A
‘lpm‘t-01l ylmllcp-gnll ~g. ' .noar no. ‘lllcl'y,.-Ifc
t'ey °l9ela or 1103110: W 550 Polufi‘ty “I" 9n h3kln (1 (”.111 n‘l y N 01.91.? 1);“ "‘l-"l "‘1 gt 6'
3°ll ”6“ '‘V n d}, a 'rnc er nrl: se bl°en (iav in ‘e mt'i- ":1 p fn' "Ié rm; C m. 1:11 u. (11 Jes 011
ioe“ c’" fl'oth 3y p” is (Intey 390 w. Ned tnet ione ngbn" 05:. (1' “Hire“ " PPM] ¥;‘l|'nm fouon 0111111590 5' nj‘,
D 3 pCJ‘fic Ila/@5Oll “’6'655' “effhr ;I P 0 inl_owt golf-"t {l} I “CPI/I"so'q' :lmit\):'l))' “m 6“ » X 111!” 1" gfi’l‘u‘
an 6' Pitt 0 keckséc fie"o ' N °’f 9] r‘ th s" - "N" "i he wee“ ‘“ ‘n "a“ ('r ' come thrtf'o "a h
thd’mgé “6 he "J ho ea a'ag‘u'ev ‘wb”n°fe “f emhi 1 V’m‘mVic-“nf’ifrq “-1“: (1‘13“ when )1 "4 11‘!..'-I".r,
0é 0“ P 8 “WU stelit'éb éd 8i m ery' Tu rfusho “all ’l‘ (“u 111.1]. init £39016. (19:6 10‘? Ln)?!“ 1 rh‘vhhrr' >035 '9 li’fr In
1d 50 c+ ”1 ui°p :5“), hhdons‘ 0" :‘l h. 1”a ”H Ito '7 b 2P6 r “"0 “‘3 y 7.: b ' f"11k ”a" '9‘:"v1“t::“l'° [x'n ' 9”; fri‘ 1"“
:ti 11mm of 011 iein R 1.3 ‘1: op '9 “$3111“ I'l. 11“?“ yo #1 e5l (1‘; §*l.t'3' "(chlfiw'mnc , ”in
111-1 o A f 1 an 11 e v g sup“ 011059011008 d rhyv- n co 1. be ‘hr“n'ccio‘o"-"Je°;‘ 11,11,931 that“
era 9511? 0:9 cla he. d om oiCs'—mrpoogehlect‘° m" “w", “11. In nl‘llnd he ‘2O“ 11r.1 tim" 3-1111“ 1' nodl" b 01‘
W3#sm It -‘ thug!) 9 0 n. mum It 3r )._V‘l [)3 _H" I‘l l:8 n GIN 1‘: rcl'le‘ "t ~
C A 1 v 1 11b. Ikvos n 1 s .
0' i n not-Me” "t 1111.00: 31101- virem' “not. ‘3 e, '“l “(Isa ”N‘- 1"! ~“r 012M114 "’ “Mn ‘3 I" ‘lO g
troilinntfi offi'_£’v;t yur‘n ' er, nun“ l ghelch enne'l I'?an nts 9"; 11:1'1011.:d 5:: 11111:“ ffhlii‘?‘ 111151411" lr'P‘le; ,I‘n.’lr9<‘w"flid
16 ‘n. 91 D ”1.0 o 'al st-“] 1o 1" k-er tt.“ se ’ ‘é‘=.'\np'k- “"ln"n Son‘xbs‘H' “,. *N‘v'o
thp' NilemVeuru ‘t Lat aylnthhra nt'mthmes " - |x‘lfilnlooov ”1:111,
of tdore‘ - refloc dc to Pr n.l:'egso[)se be 9°“ :1 ll“f $4 shcb“: )Iwll9‘e l 11.,n11‘ 11 11, _l, r‘l
'toCoU'U k 00-, poknc‘wf’m"r eja—Wflm‘ :1 0: 'l°°n'x°~t 33°: whifad -‘"e inf»??? 17“!“3‘73' 0“ 3"?!“ 3"é‘3-‘3
awe»- Man, ”1:; m 2“
(in-'6 emf 688 be£t___ 09 :‘ha 111“] is n 1,351 in ath- 1 r. Sle- rig] “12:11:11 Al}: "d'ene 'i T] (-1;
3‘, Tiff, ma:shiol‘ol 6!! he 01- in, ["111 {lndy (1101,07. fool! 1991111131,; - Hailed‘lfé"".‘nrtg‘s"t“',3’.‘see'"i""-,"n(}’n‘
“sing“ rebeooo ebe 1'3“» up» Led
23” Hoaired qc°nlbeThivetlut mint-v rfnactlun tum" “'1‘": 721° I.23:l?"bosufevg‘hkzgighe‘;f‘nal‘ihn‘fle 32::
36236” :::“xlaictfi}:c 1} 1:0“! I'Bs;qu y 31:??31”fwbe y obliils' 'y - 53;: $153311; “11:11:: :ephfhngggin {girghfi
p’fojnnaidgy “it; $923} 1:911:31, Huge} all 3, firfndwn"; jegf :Ené 11:33.5 beggifixl‘figpqfir: :1 111119:
,: ag is“ trof a‘h iacu lbemr'ihle can I "b, ine ofmneqli: Ihr "sings“ 1.611: «1 ~51 °nmu:"l '.
0T oyesni bode‘agg 51,3581“ Nlm 13:0? 11891-6110 8 Ih‘. Te 1‘; phe 1, me Is [1:11.01?‘ "11‘111;
'litay unwod“: _ 9w“ m»cofe sum 'eeflPpe redmr"tb:°d Hl5 :1 .h ovr‘_
K: tr93aS u e a l
4be ob w hymen?» Immw 3% - a: :«u. warp.
LTh 3:90 W 0 ‘mnéh ‘1 -"y '18“ °u“ “n-i" 'i- " ,,. " dc?! “tl>n'os'og
w I 9" ea 1.11 :11 fete a 1n..1e ~“111
‘ ’euueel-J’oiabt-“nk ”we“; :2: ‘; nWFJ‘lgdn‘Er‘T’M? {IMO undue
71, "‘ tedutng ed" grefig-mfth“ °§viceef 549.1% 1:111]. ‘1 1:19:11; 3:23.13 t; 'h .1111:
. "F 3; ”fixes:- frihuiri°ugz C“v(:x°t;y;: ' l‘zéieded ° 3:?“ an: ab in‘gi'»‘:.riuf '1
iLlon ' J... nyhnore 51d dies I r:— 1'” 3- 01¢! 31 flourmebrgouteous.blghy norgn'?‘
"133»? be °° 3n? o’} 're 33,, ib, *. r 3233?» ‘3; kdis wr‘é‘“? 11°§°kzfi°r °u"
“5' :33“ ‘“ We ; ueb u “gab ms
1‘3"“ 3‘ ”913“ '8 en”ln 5 e 5 9° 6’50“ 'w rsofl'fv u glut: 11'
3| {0 ln‘, .3 Blppote wig}. l dso ‘OlO ‘V o o°o efluel m’lg In“
“NINE” flaum’em jn‘” xhi “vPonlefi"e°“n"n3°rf 'etxyb' be!“ ‘ d
90 bhcq ted \th 3:11 a “:5 again .bco g 0 d 8 “81,0; 111,01, d
’3' " I‘oo ”(It ”rn‘Vrgtcdqnowhl
“volllses of t 1115.10nunot 52191103. in 63.31,“! fltlng b;tlld :1. hichnp :
“cilia? 11:; 9' 51',“- ‘wab‘ngu: ’nisbedfrglg 01"0f1ifnfo'h a.
lls f“ ndH 8. 21101 k 1 pooh :Scex‘ }d in rd l
‘VO eon ..1 P H P 33 rlBl W- lxe‘lpint‘hg“ 6
Thu” Otis 1111.101: ants. 3.80 1,091.62] 511.11 g) I'9 I 110*!
nkk‘CO'ganie‘ nf 111‘”on :1: t 1 ”I; foerlég: '
3 1 [llB9’ 1) te illl‘an- téfureb‘e ’an lb t‘
'"Lh r.url‘.edhankclacc d-O .
‘ ' “5:"; ~‘ I r e n u 2 .
‘ th oréaut “1811evxt ‘1 0619 i 5 k “:11“ O o;-
o_e v Ehmo- Gr 911 fxeilphfo «“81. '
Snfnd nondml ‘9l d 1 .l.
rb- L: b 1 ey "d.
lzlecenuu “u;- in“
I°ll 1,121 L'e°us' “0"“ Sawfly 4
a 1;“? yrrn Se‘ Twat: 8:23;: ,
are cphd'rho “mess qn . e
normhhgxemfip 1 01:? b
w 0‘“1 am 803:0:-
ut, hi agg: n ‘OO ‘
ofm‘ in bet-5
the?“ 1
| GREAT nwocmmcmmcnox
chqaxuu, much a; lfi‘lr-OH Imm;
all rigs“. Sanger-ties 9194:?! pastel-«lav C;
F. Bfi ! (DemJ Supt-r 7160 fiby HG majori
h‘. find the entire Dcmocrai' ticket excvpt
Poonnmteru Glory eneug “ or one day.
I Kinggton elécts the Dnmqg-rmic ticket hv
. 903 musiority—a large increa over last year.
5 Waist-sing elects James PETuttle (Dom)
Super ,isor, by 184 mnjority‘. La»: fall Re
puhlxcgn by 185. , §
Famgpus elects a Repu'hflcnn Supervisor
byl3l {majority—t reduction 01‘56 on Lust
I'le A ~ l ‘
ut Fortress Monroe,
mné. ‘
Vlfginia. I
qrdsg'ille. Kentucky,
' utl "nirof
hp Gulfof Mexico,
nt of: tlmt dny.
botll land antl nnml,
mmiilmler‘. obey Pr
me. and be rexuly to
whof: duly giwn.
- pnvrltlents, and saplw
iany ml oftlw .\‘nvy,
Les. rlnd the livneral
"r wmmanders myl
(l Ilfival forces, will
'-,n‘ strict, and full ru
rnmrlg].t executiun of
[Bllllslle LINCOLN.
{Ou'l‘j ~
the r
lien l
\". “kmnvm-m', ] ‘
lurch 8. "‘62. )
Onrrlf‘r NO. ‘2. ‘
Mujqr General vani
ho {’btomac [u owed
mt pfirt (nfsaid army
11' ndlivp ogn-Ix-tinm
i Lu l CVl‘lu‘fiing {ln}:
} fol-t firminn~ almut
mv. )l‘ln‘, lOLl‘MHH
lfinmf‘il): of rank. n?
only) I
by n
by 1|
Ll3O. 3
01‘ H 1
rrou‘rr Ilivisiom. nntl
njoriGonuml J. .\lc
. - 1
of" “first.“ luvkinnu,
y Baiigmlier Ug-nér‘af
thrdo di\;i~hm<. mu!
irign‘lwr (Mm-ml S.
‘ I
ti: 'éndih‘finhfi, and
“3,1413“ (iufm-rul 1').
nm‘ ‘ nmmdynvli-vl Ly
(-d {{tho vn'mmand.7
may in u'n-l form n'
0011+. ' -
hb d gl'nnsn of Wm].-
(‘Jntmzuul of Brig-i H
“(15“h'l'lll. who ~lml| H
or 011 Ilgu luau-id oft 1“" 4
(11‘ rd ' l‘
! ‘hu r
the II
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.4th not In; delay tlw v
t nOl "pi-MUN» :Il- Lg-Yi
lertdlkm; by. the .-\l‘- ttm‘n
‘ g jut-i 1
c. tb'be mmmnmlml
P. itmkm ' W 1” he 2‘ '
hl'Oq-nm‘ul Shields} ; -\t
livifipn. ‘ . “1:11
”Hun Llfugbtx. Hickv
‘ : 'a l l
I'A'Mlov, {l:3o:ch
l. liqrch 11, 1362. l nmw'
;. :14 I ‘ .75 1).;
hivfinc pdrcnnllly
(‘ch bf gllefnrmy n
rwué ordcr‘bd, he i.
nnr'nél of the othe
he ietniuing com
tof tlm 15-301 mm.
110 N7O (lcpnrtmvnt
tivn ! cnmm'anlh n,
llfintor.‘ muetlmt
n‘dle I‘Grnev‘ul Buoll
thmh lino indefi
ox‘vflle. 'l‘cn nmsw.
ignn edvlho; Depart
‘nmlhhut. until nth
: Gcileml Hulk-ck
lemrhnem.’ ‘
comiuy “Vt-“st of [he
mac 'pmd east of {he
lssippi be a animal-3f
I: (he Mountain De
; sanfie be cpmman
rem nt. ‘
ers o? Departmr-nh,
orde‘r by them res-
Hy. and djrectly tn
fi‘tlxht pro‘hupt. mu
1 be pxpected ofhull
mu; m Llsr‘ou.
lustorl PM, when it
lost‘ obj‘ectionnl fea
‘ ewita‘x bill is the
merit of Collectors.
red With these men,
l. pt, ’ will be a most
I e‘ expense will be
éslity for igntion.
ileotfin was. left en
: ass] wments would
ltlle qlexaction seem
so expense saved,
t pr ‘ajfiice holders 9'
uhiqct will be ene
-16 bill comes undo:
.e we] will be devi
’: aisllfi of the ugly
. m 9! unnecessary
b‘b may desire this
nf aiding party r 95.-
l staihed by the peo—
-e bill. Uur obliga
lgh when rendered
rn effort m increase
public interest de
eJto meet arcbuke ‘
t: From MnfiA/lmny erw
T‘own Elections in I’ew York.
The Nmbhml Rebel Army Defend.