The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 10, 1862, Image 2

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. ,• -‘
• TI
oyn FLAG I
Mum-.,. A lands-
The Union hffimlcz none wouhiserer;
Th 2: union of hearts—the union b lunldi—
, de‘me Flag of our Union forever!
fraerryssivao, PA :
MoximY’WiiOfiN {.\‘d,’ Lia 1:731- 10, 1x62.
The "Ito-party” Movement Unmeaked. '
, :Fl‘he Republican party; seeing that its!
pmbeione of “ nopnrtyisin" failed (o,in
ceive the people into ‘lupporting it: meni
and Measures. in apparently about to full:
beckon the old name.’ The Harrisburg!
Tth, the central organ of the Republi-l
on pet]. lately contained [enrol ,u-ticles l
on the policy and necesaity of preserving;
,Zthe Republican organization, and concludes;
meof itsnrticl‘cs of Saturday in the follow
“ing‘hmguage: l
“OUR MOTTO 1.04. an Umox AND
' FOREVER.” ’ _ _ 1
Whether the Telegraph means, when it
declares for the {3“an the Republican I
orgp'nizntion, ftone and inéeparnljc,” thut}
, it is opposed to the preservation of'thc'
i linion inseparable fmrn ‘Lne ltepubl' an
. pflrty. .we ue not assured, but (111-158011 to‘
be the meaning oi" the inntto whichl it
:idppts. Possibly, like other kindred 11-.
per-ii, it is for the Union Vwit-h slavery nbol- ‘
- fished, and ngninet the Union as constituted
by our Revolutionary father)“, Many aboli
tion‘hhoetrflm the country urn alarmed lost
lhe Uninn minill 'ir: “tutorial mit exi~ted
ln-l'ore the [ire-“utq-(sbulliun, nnd only want:
it preserved by a destruction .of the Consti-I
tu‘tion.‘ The Democracypn‘the other hand, i
contend for the supremacy of the Goristitu
tion. and are gallantly. battling: for the su- .
premncy of the lows, and the restoration of I
the Union, to the nvbhd‘pqsitipn it former-i
ly occupied, leaving the question of slavery ’
- wattle melt. , ' - '
Ann evints, the Telq;rv;ph has thrown er,
the "rm-pnrty” mask and is in favor of'
crinying the Republican flag into the'next l
clectidnp. _ It does not now see any dangerl
‘ to the Union in the exietence of parties,l
i and strongly nrgues in favor of the mninte. !
hence of the organization of the party to'l
[which it belonng Lent fall the Dtniocrats i
». were denounced as traitors for refusing to
'naerifiee their organization. Democratioi
cqndidntes and voterswere every where 119-!
notineed‘as seceSsion sympathisen’for re-l
fusing to abandon ‘their party and join the
‘ “no-party" or “ Union " party. When, I
however, our political opponents see thntl
~ their reheating is fruitless. that the honest ‘
voters cannot be led astray by their slat»:
deroue‘clmrges and their efforts to monopo'
lise oil the loyalty; and that defeat awaits
them this year; as it overtook them last"
year, they throw ifside all disguise end re~
.veul the Republican organization with tilef
Okbago Platform. The voters ofthe country i
‘may prepare to chooee between this corrupt
and Sectional organization and the old U
nion Democratic organization at the com
ing_eleetious. j‘he Democracy will carry
the old Democratic'flng by the side of-the
ensign of the Union, and their motto is
Let t evxssn‘e' be fairly made. Let the
nhmderous charges of disloyalty ngninst the
Democratic party cease, and let the people
choose between us. A fair election will
,vindicnte the Democratic party. {or the
SUPREMACY '01“ THE L.“.WS.~—l'ork‘
oam, ' '- . ‘ . .
lie-Icingeuemiywnceqedumeen.n,m l
m: knovn how to fight and to whip the ‘
enemy, andthat-in this mot important pnr- l
‘tieulnr he is an excellent commander. But
, he need expect no encomiums from that
due of patriots flint regard every man as ‘
dilloynl who stands by the Constitution and .
the Union, since hin’reoent proclamation to 1
thwfltern army. If he hid announced
that Tennessee had committed politicel'm-l
idle, and was no longer A State of this U
nion. he might hope for some fiwor ;
but having. called-upon the army to show.
by its note. that it came to restore, not'
‘ to violate the Consitution end the lqws_he
may expect to encounter the implacable
end vengeful hostiliity of‘the emancipation
£905!!! ' - .
The rule by/thich Gen. HALLECK proposed 1
to he guided in dealing with fugitive elavesl
was announced by him several months ago.
and it is the only proper tyre—namely. tol
have nothing thatevei- ,to do with themi
one way or the othei', neither to steal them I
‘i‘rom‘or return them to their masters. “It
does not §elong to [the military to decide
upon the rylatign of master and slave. Such
questions must be settled by the civil courts."
Gen. Halleck evidently does not intend that
mythilig mu befpermitted to diven'm.
army from the business before them, of
" meeting and defeating the rebel forces ar
rayed epinat the Government. '
—---—« «a... - __
’ “he Hurrisbnrg Patriot (2 Uiion. of
mutiny Int, says it. is impouible for tho
mm to adjourn am: from the 2m
bf In»; to the 61b of Jun. males; n huge
“noun-g bf business is left undone, Within
a wank {luggage numb'erof small private
bill. 43”} ucum'ulatefL some of which
blight t 3 be att‘gnded to. inasmuch as they
are qf imborhnce to thoep‘whn wish them
polled. There are 3190 a number of Vil'
and Malta and a. few thieving propogitiohs
hforo‘,tth€ House which sumo; be sum
mily disposed of until they are ventilated
h'l'he: LondPOJ Daily News views the
dime? at. Mill Springs as I genuine and im
mmmdflfinks that if the tFoops
‘ ‘ in it are 3 fair specimen of ch. U
ghhhy,» it has beeame under McCuL
J“ a» result. 0! rapid and decisive action
W‘ be doubted, - 1
“ma?” papers uy tint Slidall
by M. Thonmpl in n prints
may. hi- wmpfiomt diploma
mmghfllyignoied. “ ' ‘
g Banstoi Com ‘
is gentleman has pursued a con rvm
[land patriotia course in the U - itetl
1 hennte. to the dinnifest diap int
toi‘ the radical Republicans who 9 art
ii at he would prove asenile echo 0 fir.
or. When Mr. Comm was elec to
note he was unknov‘r’u to the plo
finnsyivnnitt. He had never fill nny
ion of public trust. but Ind seq ired
- reputation as a lawyer: in the W era
of the State. He was entirely wi hout
:-. political antecedents‘ from whi h an
iion could he formed of his pro" aisle
1 -. .ns ant-premtntive of Pennsyl i
he Senate of the Ignited States.
'blicnn majority in he Legislature
on trust, and his;eleclion was
to the facttlmt the choioe Ilay bet
and Mr. Wil'mot, whqfins deem
: for the sentiment of Bonnsyitan
ring the present se'ssiluh of E'Co
Coi'an has given‘amplis evidgnce
tertains no sort of sympathy wit
itionists. and thgt tie-isl o munof
‘ ridfirmncssot' character. ‘ As ame
I e Judiciaiy Committee} and of
tigltion‘of ail the race bearing
w e, he arrived: at the ohnclusion
vidence did no warrarit‘ the exp‘
sse D: Bright from thetsenate, ah
thunder from iinrrishurg could
-. him froth what he de‘eined the t
- his duty. “ I woul! mother he
éces by wild horses,‘ti".m iota 111
I“ Md?" tious conviction} of right],
e“'“}‘“°d replytu thei htteinpt h
I W biuvote should heggiven.
the 4th inst, Mr. Cohan mldr
nato against the'wnfimltion
peech is too long for pithlication i
ins, but the followingefitract wil
4 idea. of itsoharactor and spirit;
‘his hill proposesto ii orato- 3.111
wee-truly the most st:{pr*ndnn\ s
niversni emnnr‘ipntibn wor nttt‘
1e world. Initm-d. l tinihlc it I'irt
'1» te‘s the who!“ 4,IMtLHOQ. What
to viii-rt of this upon Lite war? 1
istronger, or shali we fight] that we l.
doubled the numhér at" those in i
at us? They noxir hayé no onus
‘ lion. Will not this biil furnlh
v Let the loyal men of; that 1: i|
now tht-mmnswor this iiumtion. 'n
~ their answer. isnhinit again th; t
‘ erative assembly in the» World eve :t
' tin judgment on fplt‘tnpendots:
‘Yes, as if to blind lisg'tili more th
as a proposition of still! Lirenter m g 1:
' and. if possible, of stil greater ifl
i : that is, to take these millions 1m
fer them to sometropioht clime, an‘
tect them there‘ with.“ ‘the r gl.
aranties of freemen. And this s a
‘ ded for in a single section Md 3 s m: t
nce of n’ixiélines. Trul 3,lwe must nu
ported ourselves from the practice (1
of fat-ts; and set down ingthe rom nt 0
. sot Eastern fiction. Dbithe advo at' s
is;measuro promse to‘cohfer 11110 I
out the goid-in‘uking touch of Hi as ?_
ling short of the ring and lamvai A -
a with their attenduntgehii, wuul iii -
he Euccess of such a scheme. mil 5: t
ievod that the Treasury the posh ‘2 5
magic power. And even under that
. sition. I think the owhers of t 105
am climgfi,‘ andthe Transport tiui
:nnies. oug .t to be consulted in re var
. legal tender cluuse. I: iii-esume it
ppqscd that this modern exodus wi l
)ported on the way by qu ils and a -
nd yet I Am free to say that it wi l r
a some such miraculonsioterpositi n I
Iwhich favored the Israéhtes in he
ey out of Egypt. PAIL, hir. is it mt
,e that this scheme should be so no -
',sentéd for Off consideration. and ur' -
- its final con ummation {with uki i
so that any one should oppoge it? .
rinly.due to ourselves, and due ' th
ry. that we should not mgke hast
:e. in such glgantic schemes" 'l‘ 19
gthere is a further co sidemtior i
-- inthis bill. and chairman g te
. at, which is that it is inidirect 6% i
he Constitution- of the nited S t
ing of us, if we pass it,t ,sbt aside ' n
l - that instrument in its post vdlu Jhl
undamental provisions those w to
nttee the life and prone ty of the it
did those which define the limits n
lsries of the several thhrtmeht o
bvernment. PM; this bill, and al
~lleft of the Constitution is not w -tl
, 'certainiy not worth this terrible ni
A'we‘nre now waging for it—for b it
- u . ,red that this war is waged so ‘ll
a preservation of the Constitution
. fire that some think thnttthe Co ti
, . is a'restraint upon the free actio o
- tfion in the fion‘duct otithisiwar, w cl
suppose con dbe carried ion ‘a a
- - ter without it. I have no hesitti on
, ihg that no greater mistaife has '
nude anywhere thnn~is made by s '
» ,‘f—l’atriot &' Union. _ “
ullr 1‘
to p
my -
‘ A Prodtlojzion of 1850- 3
the campaign 0f.’60, the Honil)
: rid} of New York, a gentleman of
tar. and for many years alprorhi
I fluentinl Whig politician in‘ mags
a letter to apujalic meeting,
iv o‘reuons why he could nqt or w
i fiport Mr. Lincoln for the fireside
that letter we make the folldwing
I find invifié‘ to it the'attenfrion of
. 3‘, ‘ - 3 L .‘i
In: me to support or munlenmrce
l 7 y flfig Republican organization, w.
-ason. lon not rEgm-d oth i-iseue
l. Ito be taken into the 3 outlet
'iparison to the one great iséfoe n‘o ~-
ae country. nhmolfl W-Imher me
u:- country. in 11.9 im’qm']! and lmztylju
. era of The Republic comfitwtd and av;
land ’lcquml/wd it to us, o.‘ wgflher we -
i the train that is to Malta-£2, iii broken
g; fragmentsrhy mining, with our_
gious hands. a deep tren’ch of din
granitic!) between the two gregt
.the country; North and Soun.‘ ‘—
lldo this—tustthis and 'nolhing ess‘
1; we shall insml in the common ov
at of the country Bparty of the :v . m,‘
‘phantby the support off/i2 North :1 me, .
_."be sustained in the Government by'
’orth alone, end for no other to on ‘
i act it is a party of, the North cg 'mzi
l _ theimpladable enemy of theSo th, ‘
lodged to make its enmity felt to he‘
:; c 0 its power in respect to an interest‘
‘ is her own exclusively, which ' lihkn
gh her existence, is secured to Earls-x 4
o‘control by the very conditfn on
‘ the Unionand the Constitutiod st nd
' ith which the North has 111 are
to interfere than it has wjth a f ilur
-st 'in Brazil or in the dbflfifiéilg of
I' In short, the great issue is whether
"all have ncouuu-y so grand, so impo
lit! the presence of the world. so emi~
Lyxp‘rosperous and happy. or only such
= to of a country. and these distract
l.rn by civil dissepsions, and red with
I pl blood, as may_remain to us after
u restenedtriumph of the cause of Auti
'ry. vindictive ‘and‘unsparing as it has
I. (itself to be through the success of
epublican party.” . _ y
L mpaign had scarcely been concluded
.he result generally known, hefore
r who Had voted for Mr. Lincoln béfian
lr that Mr. Bernard had‘prescntcd the
liesue in its true light; and uowyevéry
-. throughouo the North. sober-minded.
. ing. patriotic men of All putieg feel
last was than predicted ~lto be tbs, re
‘ the success of: sectional Presidentisl
9, ii upon the country.»- York
. ~p7—o‘w—t « *“~ ~' fi—s-——~—-
!!axoihlo Batons for Kunming the
Democzfntic‘ @rgsnigatiog, t/
, 'l‘heNcw llm‘ven (Cnfflgistcr, in sh in;
{he reasofis for refusing to aurremivr the
Democratic organizution in that State. thus
fforcibiy and truthfully delinentu the mis.
aim and the Quty of the Deniocratio party :~
' The minian of ‘the Democratic party is a
high and noble one. It is to see that the
Union is preserved, theConstitntinn is main
tm'nod inviblgteJhg In!" executed. uneGov
ernmem sustained. and prosperity restored
to the country. Out-of power, it is it: mis
sion to iliuatrnte the correctness of its prin
ciples by an obcdmnt acquiescence )0 the
form of government which it has instituted,
in if :it Wow fin pnmsion of the Govern
me’ntf. The vilnl principle of Demon)-
racy ; it. that the majority) must gov
erti: 'm the mine time, it is the mission
The !
artl'y I
= l
“’5 the Democratic party to “see that
' _g I th‘erer. are no deviations "from Mme char
umti tar which pqeocribés 061- Your M govam.
the l ment; lurid the right of all ciffzenh under it.
wig. f While‘we maintain onl-loyalty ateyery point,
‘ hey i 13$! island firm to our b ligatjom‘l, we must
fan 91'9"! 00" Binof‘l'itj' an mill: in popular
pm | govorbment. by hiking to that in infring
ihfltfw'i “'9 PMP‘uioed upo the common weal"
Pion‘ Stan .598 by the Cons: tution, :ihererore,
111 1111 i the DCmocm‘jc party, is impregnable;
not. and Muffin; other org nimtimuivmay do.
*rictEWe' 111-us: not be deceived or finished.—
min i Hawéver thick the d?rkhess,{_we must
“inulst‘qerifor thejolé-atar of the (institution,-
._ was} for lli‘pre is no uthet safct‘y. If mi 1039 that.
dioi‘ wax ate lioymlefsly bewildered. “like We
‘ l Oliriuzian Church—which has outlived alike
. persooutors and treachery, from tlée earnest
fni'th Pf its followers, the‘Democrfltic party,
~ Lll6 11 rt} of the C|;nstitultion, mug", gird up
it: Inits‘the firmer flai‘ thé very tllirentening
‘ofgitiexistonce. When this Goll'erpment
omt-rt‘os from its prownt llifllcul‘hliei. (Ith
Polly .must. its salvation will ha segn
W‘lrict agilic-n‘qce to the for aof the
val bond of brotherhood. I the Dem
ip party continues to stand SIIIM ba
h it‘must. if_it stands at. all-rm it will
‘thé credit of s‘avmig the (wintry from
:mituml rebellion. , . ' ‘1
i 559 d
I) out
i ,',lk 0
ml Ix
‘ event
thi‘q ul
fie’élriéag/p fiEt’bx-mj
.1»: ‘nnd mischiefous as the‘ Chicago
l’lzitf rmi (taken as a whole) unit be con
sider‘ , and has proved itself? ‘ be, still
there a one plank to which Demdcrats and
hone: men, all over the oountry’ are ever
resdylto subscribe. ,It is so applicable to
1 the developments that. have bin mag/e
Eunqerl Black Republican rule, tate ;md
1 Nnitional, that we présume the Hump/racy
mu not hesitatelto adopt it. Itisésrouows.
“lSiitth, That the peoplejustly‘ ew with
lnlzxinil the reckless extrnvngance %ich pcr
:vmljcs} everyldepnrtmont of~lxhejl Fem-ml
Gotfurhmr‘nt; that a return at mild mono
‘my‘ mini accountability is imii<l-¢iis:ible to
i"in-rcstitlic- systematic plunplur 01 film public
i'l'n-usury by (favored partisans; #hile the
Ei-eodntl startling (lovelopmentsrgt frauds
1 and'cdn-uptions at, the chom'. 1 otrQolis
"show that an entire "change of .kdministrn
iltionl‘is';iznpciutively demanded.” ‘
l ‘At- the time tiiis‘plmnk was fist ed, it was
!‘ generally looked on as a piece dim-y work,
i:withotiit substantinlity, 'nnd (leiigned for
v‘liolilicfiil effect. , I Now, however, aft-r ashort
'l'sms'oni'lg in the ntmosphere of [Hack Re
‘lpubliélan 'plundering and thicvii'ig. under
’ Camezion, Welles, and Frcnuut, and in the
State LAdniinistrqtit us of Pennsylvania,
New . 1 'ork, Illinois. and Wise-Cindi), its
‘,soundhess and anpli‘cahility, in la. Demo
l.cratic platform,‘will not be quéstioned by
lnnnyonest man. 1
I “Stait’tling delvelopmcnts of fitluds and
corruptions l” 'l‘hat is thélnngunlze. and it.
imosl admirably? fits the astounding facts
[brought to light by the Van lVylck Com
jmittee. No other words could So appro
‘ printely, describe the rnscnllyl dloings of'
1 Climerhn's pet. (t‘urn'mz'qM, \"ellles'lPet, Mar.
gan,‘ I‘lrcmont’s 13pet, Jl’ll'mtth. uSowurd's
apet, Wand, and scores of unprincixiled men
who hire been permitted to figbftlne Gov
éernme t 5 Treasury of millions: on: millions
‘of dollars, which the farmers,% mechanics;
land Isn't-payers will be celled on ttijmake up
i from their hard earnings.—J-firi¢lnian. '
‘ Mt“... _._ .--—3
I Know Nothingism to be Behind.
The Luzeme Union says it is pretty well un~
i (lerstood that angefl‘ort is on foot skeretly to
z revive the old Eno‘w Nothing’ organization,
l amended and altered;t theltimes.
‘ We deem it. proper to caution all Demo
, crats, lespcciully young men, against the
, machinations of these political milhionnries.
i The :Dt‘mooratic party is the only fiorgnnizu
-1 tion tlr‘ut caugrestore peace, tranqiiility and
Ibuppilrss to the country. "The fibolitionf
1 ists knl w that they cannot retain power in a
”fair, omen contest. Hence. they ére resort
ling to§ecret movements, Ind endeavoring
i to secui-e secret pledges to sustaih them
lDembdrats, remember that “etérnal ‘vigi
' lance is the price ofjiberty." Stand by that.
[old organization that has triumphintly sus
tainedlthe government in timessmst; and
t that will. [with the blessing 'of Go , remove
i the blilght tlift modern Republicxltnism has
l already spread over the lnnd.—.—Surf¢ury Dem
-1 ocrat. l l - I
I ffn
J a:
,Dcsignc 9/ (he Alficd‘ rowan on ‘J!(.I'IICO.
WAsnlLVc'rox, March 2.--It imid‘t‘o be
clearly‘ understood between the allied pow.
ers thntia monarchy in Mexico till result
from the invasion of that country} notwith
standing the assurances given to the United
States that they should not seek eny politi
cal objects there. It is believed they have
die posed of those assurances by ujying that
the monarchy will be established by the
free choice of the Mexican people, just us
the Empire was established in France by
the free choice of the French nation.
I wn
1 ac-
Lbnnenading any Rain-Ilix’petience shows
the; the discharge of heavy ar‘til-lery is us
ually followed by rain. The betfles of the
Frénch armies were succeeded; l‘u’ copiom
rains that renderßd smut 'streu’mp impassa
ble, and at ‘the mule of Solferino a storm
of such fierceneeramae that the conflict was
suspended. The same result Attended the
battles of our present wet. Afte- General
M’Clellan’e four aifl'emnt lieu-lee there were
heavy _rains on the following days respec,
tively, and Gemlßenuxegm-d, in his recent
report of Bull Run,~ says that. he I": preven
ted following up his victory by the heavy
rain; of the following days. At. Fort Don
clean the bombardment of Friday im follow
edby a. rain on Saturday. . -.
fi‘fln our opinion, Gen. Mcctelym' bu
exhibited as much bgavery in beer-mg calm
ly, silently. patiently, theVunjust sugars gnd
alumnie‘ of injudiaious and conceited ed
itors Ind members of Congress, a; Commo
dore Fooce did In “king Port Henry or
Gen. thntin storming Fort Milton.—'
M Jowuk ' . .
I'“?ng v W W i _
‘ .Conigriszrj'on‘l mo; ’ fl 7
gives $llll Siam-mg P“ «3d “" “9“ l ‘. 1 HIV—WI» r
the Home f lan ml itiofi-l C‘ “1.1““ \' (".38 from ‘ ‘ ‘
re. ~‘ o Repr “ “‘On)‘ ‘ ‘ ‘5“ '- the Pr { E
arrinzmn th Psenkativaq t 1 ' 'o' U, ""1" 7 ”6"”. M" le. dent. 1 n“
”he Laid“: ~ gdmri {a “um 1e a“, of Memz'vtemmed lo '8: n—Thp I', , . .5 LOO L' ' ‘ f ' .; . ,
,Senatb )an the alien, oV?lve x1330}! 'pic’llggia‘ Tigress tlle iuil‘cfllwt‘ '5 HEPART'JVE’N?” K"w “041‘
‘commit “y ‘ Damon. Th \ “magi "0” (1’ (he ‘ ' 135 E ..., ‘ ,T. :‘3 " M 4: ,7
ngnU (8813! “1:80“, lvgd ‘0 abPO; ‘a of Cjoirliaélvfi:-‘lremmgrnarr aw!" ”I rhfirhu SFAT ‘ AN‘AUAL My -
‘ or [M den; '1» the“) N p bodie- fih-mdufinn grndthemlém' Q, 5““‘" B“ n ‘mmhv ‘l‘“va Emma OF I. -
infeae‘fmives . .0": 11 £ll9 Henge 5°11.“ lom;_,i ‘ch aluubo silxyon? ham??? In mnk'm (“3"”8 mutual]; "' (Mm, ‘4l]qu COMP-“(Y THE 0
.me I'me 2:"! Mlution $.12» ‘hNBISéIImI n.» n, .muauy unm',“ ' “ pouiblf t(llMi""‘”‘iuution 1: how"; of LAWN “egg";l'Ehdtmnd
g n bmred _m“ as . in-‘ water; . e my- pd 7: ungon . laying V- was 9 Gen ab lines ,
the Bl . by Mf Cb: 'and an an] ‘mpt ‘ to '1”. n 1" Sta!" ‘ "'33 V 8 )en‘ ‘l] hi ‘ nice hm ' he'd o" M y "r 3 G“. CO .
‘ mmmm .‘N“ r ‘ . end. in A "Win“ ”bar “I “MK . om: tfmi: I’k‘uduoul ‘ , ueye.).n, 1&2. 9 omin] a . mpm
‘w report em of mm ‘ p ondmg for ‘bg to such Slam Ishmontor 'wlnch qr- be haw 3‘ cut ,th e mutter , -.R. R “muffin v
. _ 1 . ..~ {y ‘ eek , ‘ ru. th ‘A. Board mm" “mm
Icon .n hm up 0 lnmmee of Be {3! such 8““ . 'pecunmr ,‘lavew/Izi «tho the' iwhm‘on 1y: 0 Com ‘ New Ham. 1"?“ l,
i grmmn IpH mm I m] We M m Itsd' Xnnnny’ v-. u- pom- x cudccu . flu}. . my dent. \
Hears] 81 distri uh: State- hi the in lscretmn' ”wane“ mm Im me oglvnh 3 0f . . The/P -. .
'v .A.'‘ c {0 I mm vme‘ conven' ._ln(‘ In 1 “low nd, Bu 2 _ .01] ' - _ Dlmm ~ fwd”;
iresol i 052): W thd‘n x'xffl‘ylfi next ten .Wlnn. alP’foUCed by Salim: Pulfiir 1;”?! ‘imd on Friday 11:11:?" ”gumem :bey' "uh-3:12:18 Report: 1:5. a“ ft:
5“,”! mend“: eaméndmégfned on the .lufigzhigzopoiition m 1973? 0f S)':~)- 'gr She only Dcmfirheir report legrgul-i . D mum. it of/ 5 -
‘'-y.‘ ‘ . I. . - “t ‘ - m '
”If" 1 ope:- cout‘s: of; Pit. Cbmnind- I'h"W 9 d “111:" meet t£;“;;:;,’{"" Hm rm iil‘em‘lrrafi‘ (the 0‘“ 1' 6-0:] ”m commitll: ‘ The Fragment” con/l“. ' u ‘
Ew‘ffi, The afiport?‘ ‘he IyLexis!atxxl'rf‘tlsmtjz 3:3,”: $OB9 flggwathyéfli‘glof ('nn'. :idibsenm‘; : ox'e‘sidel azuaefifpubum‘nkygfbrg 0‘” comma “use" or the G
. reninture = nmenk' or , ‘ ~ 0 import‘ " lich' ,m end-11w mm me ‘ in am. y 0“”. n “ ‘-
! ,mdli Wit‘ '- 1N Furtpeopb. m . “(:9 “7/“ th “WNW, H, Present am.‘ 3' non. and flag): .1. T ‘F'Zhlthe' .., uny preu :
Lmout ofiflm?nder pf 11:21:31; 3 dis- ’32,; 3‘32“)! noltli’lilymbdeugnnahgm 5139:5130“, 103:3? {Eport' aalffd‘lmveim‘imgg ggmber or $2 “mun!" t.
yorréspect .enng cab puny a, that nsieepzop ' flirt co m?" the (m 5‘ ”MI; 09' "‘9‘ “n . m cm" an m ”me “mum gm? "3 Sin“ mm 1m .
‘ . 'A. » . - lan trod '-inoofl our] I n
”08”} to able 'ha * ll mmadem ”mum 918 cm. 77%,, ”BMW“ 0 ”I“ rap then-verd- I": raal publ. 'y y ‘ Good 2n / "5n "106 "t Inn 1
. h‘u 1 3 TQO L‘. Mm ‘(1 its . 9F¢deml . Imm M- We Id” In 'lcmay . vate d'm "mm A ”bum a
‘l3”. ii: a 5“" iIIPn‘ I egxslntu line-an ‘ when - (:bvern ~_- {nay 5: Lb ‘ regard to ‘ HID-1W M wow .1 “whafind ‘ n .
. "an . . b ”‘0” l ’uone/o may“, .. mont,‘ 7 MM.- Ib¢ ex *tem fro v Incrm- ”Wm! -
that gmg um ‘~ 1 bag. ~ ,e (-1 es . . the m, . m and mm ' N 1"“ pen” 2 " moo to m m I.
I . “(as to ma ~ Pponio ‘ mom... _- enmn. . temple 1015' "“10"! l ' ”0" Th“ 1' I Since h “3. V number
i 311”: find as 1:91;: 9‘ D 6422“); and { 'Zis (“:0 crud! i 0“ engewglpadaré (fia'g‘gfm 1:53:95“ ‘0 Bu’q ) : :portqj' "11:15:13?“gzccogeu’étwiffi?3$mememor") ’
e niture of“ “by 73 üblichn l_3 la dis-H210". . / cut will bef nWeh” e x-l JI mg his m ‘M he ['o‘ Ie w mm ”.600 cub. cop.
. d-1d . dope d Growl. p "In, 110 hk '.,l n . ' “1d !a” t “rammed A w fact
he 50” pm Mt r. x “mm a ‘ “flee .n emof sack len y.xr Bu be ' firm» 9 prod ; .or m. or
_of re‘ ‘ mI vould .3 Sm: region mm "owl-wish! “d” t sy"olu“0 u” or u "Ch 552
This . “Pew was ' Warrant .. 03 on}, f '“nd th mrt (Ith : efmm all V 0“." “I “N “wk. .mm M‘“3 pm '
”no r [paid hm I n ”19%! 9 such ~atn, t} . 58-h Th‘ . eximn - 900 nm '94 39mm 000‘ We nt year
con or. mam” W 81mm Ii .On for 1' Parts “up ,Ie hlnvp ‘8 decm' ~ Inthe lone" to Ount.7 re oomu .
grew—the : 'tbreo m 0 ' -—-; "V 1“: d W nch w | l “zen ‘'lh ea ion Ipr ' mun“- W G” al ' 5 tom mod ‘
‘ ‘1 3’ non . e have . Hay.— Vefi the: ‘ par!‘ ‘.‘ mm m 00‘“ were 00
slipposed th Humbertowh‘ch - "“19” of“! Son he"; 9. we no“? eh struggled} lem people} ° N man comm” t k "T: to J and d Vm“
‘l' u. 5 Ne 96 Rather ..e rem . .
363 0 e State w I It wusthe “ J“) de r. ”cunn- ‘ 0050:0150 .e ~ edy. By th ? '0 county w l. em. Pup theh "up the Mnu
.| no (list - Entlt}ed_ n, ){Vend 1““th of mph Pally 3f ._e Km, -.- “hofit n n “when, gut. 1“. CORE. u ‘
158 081 ’_ ncucon - : was x 2533 ?he robe - lhim“, llmexr . I ym Pram. ' mm” ed mm GM ”“35 to. ‘
I- l—‘exceedin‘ ‘ “squu‘ht- “I‘mancl'ui llxonnnd p9.slll>filant-‘ fims prob-b- I‘ 351 noflb ‘ 'HCQ‘ . Qua s’“ 'fluid In ‘ vlt 1m 18h
Bth re.“ [on r" ’8 ton oomph um ”mint. 14L h 1 Ited,n d 9 public *- d' .f‘hly 11l - "6 been " 300.
‘. __ ered iat- Ipo' .9911 the g [Olydehriv Inn of 900 mm: ydlebi V eplmm‘” ymaq‘md fumed to
.ic, »‘I by .51 "It Is no”! ‘ ‘utes ih. ._..\es mom 6 h t“ twe ‘ 'med “emf mm ”:peme'ha l. "nth" "
. 9 mt . mam - f’ 9 who] . rung ' ,Qof, .mBof t Velnc "t In
v”): fluid was" Ame fimtcslgfiil‘. 1:“0‘ erfnrmae flfl'au- fr m Pl".s Perpeufutied with the in)he camping, £9ll“;de M 3",
.). Tomi" nt 811 ’ f-rf‘hng .x Yommit?née d 0 0 H Emir; “mums"; [WM]? the nuggetsygmnutgbzgvsmm ‘
‘ l J "11-time” . ee,isa L: m ec'm' r’ Idp n lA 1p non. th.
‘ Epheduhgice of "10:0“ uful com nontof th‘elpany bePrztgonwl‘ thdninzk‘ntéal mere;
r uno pm, ~’ . flrY‘!on afirfigflommrmmw more”? t!” m
Reimbn-i 11h"! eitlmt c‘l‘):(3t'(:osslcom-um anneal
‘ y almost cur; I’Pmnin nearlp “mm“!
1 wtm‘li' Y 3)“, mm
31,918,; while, andthe ‘
Ilationjof but 101.4274
who raiib. Five‘dip‘tric
pnpuhgtion “1708.552
tricts a populafioh of
exceeding the latter
than sufficient populat
districlt, and mom 1!)
wins with .a single excel
county“ is divided into
nttuchgd to Bucksuc/Q‘n
in qu‘mxphm, a oth
the 1h! the
and’ . sin
lend)?!l Nor!
and ~a ‘l. York
other Ll5l 1d n
clnarnc} \isah:
mmc-nt.‘ ‘
.egislawre ban
district with
mak§ng Quint!
nfgcan remeJy t
finality of thin:
.‘e re-arrbngc'pne
trust chip t 1)? H
ill not‘permi .tl
tearing tn Jib
and in
an em
and we:
fixes in
withou ‘
work I
~vnfuu, ‘
W W“ ”5‘ +931 and ull {fiQJIKI—iIYfiJIiCh may in'illm'viirt. Kin-lg
{VIN/t 1f ’1 _ ‘ - m mny 339 m imlifipf‘mahle, or I/l)"0ll\'30ll~"‘
‘ 2 '«1 ' E '—‘ ‘‘' 1y In'musc great efficiency Unfilrflfi (-mhng
In the I} 8?. Again. 1‘ the stru vglo, must nnd will rouge. 'l'luli
, . . _. . A ..
M’ho 3m“ 1) l, - ‘ .1: . “pinpoint n now made I! (In/(MAYi-l'lmfly- ‘
d , l h be; ‘fp {siciiq'mure 3 Pu)?" [i hope 14 §my be esteemed d!) 01% new to ask
e are m t‘ :0 0.; a 10k [pan lig La aup-i: “«hethel.l‘ho pecuniary odnq’ihfintlion ten:
posed t be! Immune t danger of isplfinly‘l dt‘l'edl wimld no], be'of more v nu!) lo [the
dimlu ion, arid the‘ In: cap off recovlei‘y W 0 l Styies‘hdd private persons comm-lied, lhnn‘
Painfully small. A? u ber ‘5l Rejiubhéan “”0 ”‘6 gustitutions "ml I’?"l'°”".i."yi§' fl
ed'to l' -l d EL,“ f '5 On Ithe pr: nt Qipeet of ufluu‘ni Wpilo It INK
. ‘ ’3 mve issue "L '°r“| "“9 “VI“. J lzmo “12:31:13 adopticgn of tiieyrpnsml rmofi
hon to pssemlile in 51:11 isbufig on theT £134 Iminn 'w uld he me‘rely initiut ry. and non
inst. for the [illl'pos ‘of holdivig a cq‘mu ~. $\ ilhin itfelf' :x pruc-uml uieiisiir unis rvculu-q
tion over the .w'nstilL omm Lof the colmq‘mcdzi "1 “‘0 hope .tlmt 11 mag“. ’00"?
b]' It, 1 (1‘; 1, . _ .leml m Important[ll'tlcllcfliH-T il<.: In hill}
P“ 1"“ PM 45'! f‘“ J“ .c'n Img “P“"T'fs View utiiny meat rekpoxmbilixf m;m_v (iodi
for the‘dmth-stnokq’fi hilt‘nif. Th? cr uis'nnd toyui' country, 1 omfiestl my the up!
of the flisume afllicfing “Ii“ Once‘ vigor us tt-bfim‘ ' COHSNR 3““ t1“’1 ‘il'l‘: 1° the‘
party 1.;13 ndniohish "1 ho pél'itical‘élud 'rs' sub-IW}: ' " ‘ Fl, ‘1
i , i . [‘ _ i (braised) ~ Amumu Lixcum.
of the alnolutfnpcogeiy of 31“”?“113 so no - IL, __ ,_ .-‘.4 .
new tr txilcni: m oriilm‘ to pI-I’olong “Hie life I The Eaehny in Force at Winchester-..
°r ”{e tent“ 9"“;1‘“ “‘ ‘o'?“3s “’1 ‘13"! g a Therß ‘ltimora and Oliio Railroad Ful-w
npome. 1t hag fed? sci vor ciouslj utrnl ’ly hggectem' ‘ f
public lundorthiltithinl ‘ “Mlvfilel'lyli Crumfsrowx. Mnrchi Gthi;no‘nhbip in
gorgfi‘d. plethonc and in rt; n" 'd ”In _ FUP‘I- tvlligqnv} «fates that liiec-lfiwynré in full
waned m cpnsult upim 'ta ul happy gciinili- I force ut‘ Vinchester. apd have x-Qmplvtod
tion 56 m to be implfiess I wi. 11 lh'evl‘minful ,fmmifl“b.l‘} “”1" "0'3”" Fm" ‘,Mé‘ "mm"
='.iou ihht 111%! 'ill I) called 111-on 4 39d “I‘.“ 513‘” 11‘3"" ".mmflmg h 31:! butter
‘ . , . , mm. 30 lunuot specmd impor nee unins
a 1m! mprlemiiex mm “on oycrfis pmd yer enhw. : _‘
carcassi‘ violiyit stun ling all their I y The w rk oh the railroad prri
‘vitalm‘a thef‘pal i’ed oncern. [idly and “TY POim is “mn'fll
U f r t‘ is mgct' ‘ a If ' ‘ fi'nm Cu iberlumi to Il'qrror s
0 I? 11. l's ml “tumult” gm: eveg-y fiK‘ lhty is bump: {lflgirileil
to holdl
efl‘orts .
The .l
age is “ito p ,
more fierfecfiu
be best. éoursalto
and prévent‘ia d
r fawn? This 1'
that in :the flan
übliqan parti {lb
fragmen‘ks mil: 8
diyecti s, and hence‘ {h
tun! un ler>tanding"?nm t
We ight. improve Mi
tmstin the straightfi‘pr
Domoc tic pilly with
shift c reer of Lits em
gagged itself t 3 everyl‘re
dguott 1e Republican [in
(4‘) win public a‘ppro‘véi
nbvell , gfber the many“
at ‘wr4w—br xhis bur"
its purf
gm’d to
:11 cause
on mint
J'uoton: .Jllt this basin
and is uj’ofiut “playeq oi‘ut
1 i ‘* L ’ “P."
‘ Q‘The gnllant Shi 1d
ed at C‘fwro Gordlg, Ml 3
ngnin bbon received int
old flag, the Senate ‘ hgav
appoin‘yl‘nent as n :Bfl
Ext/laugh ‘ 1 x
1 The old hero’s confir
ogposcufl by the Abollti
o jecti n to hil‘n wis‘t
Brecki ridge Democrat
fereno to theft) that 11
his bod the scars whibh
count "spause; in )Iqu
tire liFihns been one of
to the 4 nionr—ihe simpl
xber of that
\rniphed B M
b Dix 9nd
sir estinmth
f usé‘fulnbss
the'natiofl s]
5 of parti‘zr
:vansville’J 422 says that du
ne“; of the tug on Saturday,
Irrander of or: Donelton, two
agimenas we 8 brought face to
the Federa , the other on the
In each of 11: se regiments were
.ies from enderson county,
. each of the lcompanies were two
brother‘s. The one in Captain Halloway’s
company—battling for the old “ Lime hon
ored banner”—was dangerously wounded,
while his rebel brother escaped unhurt and
yas taken prisoner. Old schoolmates in
these companies were forced to shed each
other’a blood by the iufiunous tumors of
this infamous rebellion. ‘
mn‘e of the most sensible proclama
tions win; issued by,Gem‘. Grunt when he
entered Pnduoah. The General then made
use of tho following language: f‘l have
not come to fight oFin'Eons,‘ but to resist
treason and overwhe m t. I am f 0! 3113-.
mining the Constitutionhmd the suprema
cy of the anu." ‘
Col. Canwron': Farm— 1
Gazette of last week says}
flu-m belonging to than:
eron was sold on Tuesd
$17,”, It contains nbo
firm adjoining below, cb ‘
um, um uh sold vary
distfict hula pu
-or 24,936 It s than
I! hmée an I grvgute
5 and five other diu
my 15*,481. $1- morp
on )6; form gnotlmr
n/unj' district. cun
xorH Montgomery
‘hreq‘g finflu’; qne purl
y and cemmh‘: ward:
:part‘: to Boil“. and
ountfngof Chester:
le 'togwmhip i 9 vio-t
timberland} county
Ipxd buuphin, and
perci'ptl‘ Qeldrmitiea
: lion timing Grilled aq
‘ I ‘
irmsnci ntion; bdt that [while tho olt’vr is,
.Pqunlly made 'to all. the mnro Nurshfrn
"shall; I) such initiation. ximko il’ certain tn
the mo Southern that. in no Went. “i l
Aha for or overjoin the latter in tlu-ir [ll-j}
l Inom'd nl'edoraoy. I sdy' ini’tlhtinn, h -
;(-auue, it ‘my judgment. ‘grndu'll inml nrlt.
rudden emancipation is better for nll. 11l
v'thc mcr financial or pecuniafi vh w. hny
‘nu-mhe of Congress,‘wnh the (Ith tuhlw
and Ira .ury rvpnrts before him. 61m rrutli—
‘ly see l" tllimself how very snnuthupunmn
expend' fillets of thiswm- would purvlmse. alt
fair vulupti'pn, till the slaves in any unwell
Sluts. 4" 3 J" 4 ‘ 4’
Sur-h P proposition on the lpmlt of thl:
genernl ldvernment sets; up n 1 gllsim of h
right, byijedel-alauthority. mi trrlerc with
slavery ilhin State limits, 1‘ wring, in; it
dons, th absolute control of_ o guhjm-t in
each can .to the Ftute and in} Oph- immq~
(liutely i tsrested. It is pronofitl pi n mutt
to’r of p rfeotly free choice with xl‘n m.- In
the mu uul Messaze, Ith Duavmlmr. l
thought. it, Cosny :——The Union inust bu pro..-
sorvcd‘ ml hence all imli~pen~ahle nimnf;
must be mplojled. 1 mid [his not luxflily;
but deli rately. \Var bnalK-«m mmle,’ maul
mmtinu to be an'indiapenmhlv meam 49;
this end . .A pmcti‘czfil reulcknowlo‘lgment
of the nietjonul authority Would render the
war. un'n.’ esxary. and it. would utjnncu- cenw;
It". hmfever, reniatunoe contin 05‘, the way
must also mntinue,‘nnd it in m ”:74:th to'
lnnwee all the incidents which I m! :Ifl‘l'lltl‘
t cmgvu‘oma‘: an ad- I
t cémmen‘uibg do"
er nlfiportiommt-nt. !
‘ical ilfiustice!
nvutunih. but
Fe rm
t. as
l t. of
_ ithe] districts, _
u'sedf Raopljesenmi '
is. oc¢asion Ito“ [Jaw-1‘!
-s thb apnrhiuahle '-
slutu*e.~lflllliul (r-i
. < ‘
1 '1
-e 1111.113 coyicert of‘
denlnnding it} re-‘;
ustxflln the Nxtion: 1.
visiqh of strength!
dica'ta an pppref
rnl‘ bkeakirig up ofl
re i'q gréat flangar‘
ray dfl‘in djtferenti
isjd‘nclure. ' '
a ocdasinn b‘y 0014131
ard jmlipy pr up“
he fiestleu make-4
'Les. smm thé idm"
uectiflg mind! No!
ny séme startling!
of tjheatficill con-J
puny. All large force is 'émpln 'ed on the
bridge aim iron trestle wnrlc m he Furry.
The work‘hhs been found in l tier cnudi
lion tha Was at first suppoeiedé ' film engi
neer. an my days is fixed .ns 0 gti‘nw by
which a rpugh -oomFectiqn \ Le made.
,All th Icommands ofth'iidi i i‘n'n are in
the best 'condition and unxi ‘s for an at.-
tnék by ‘e enemy. ‘E l ,
Bunke ‘Hill was occupier] y our l‘Ol‘f'Oh
yesterdaf us the extreme but" st,‘ on the
west. l ' * j r: '
A 800 .ing party 91' cav:lry éports that
Ashby’s ebel cavalry luat' igl attempted
to cut 'em off when run Berx-yvilln,
(about. tén miles east of Wine eaten) but.
were foil in the attempt.’ " " ‘
Four 1' giments of rebels. With’a 'l‘nur-gun
battera *ltemfited on thé 3d in‘pmnv. to
flunk ‘ l‘ G_eary n'ear Lovetlsvillt‘e, but were
driven oimithout a battle.’ ' ‘
Yemen” y seyenl desertdrs'wtrp brought
q , _ [it re bro _
into' towfii by the cavalry.’ ong them
was Lieutii Arthur Hnrkell, of tilt Filth Vir
ginia. voltgnteers. j ;.
ii i g i .
Provisi hal Government of” nnessee.
Win": 10):, March {tit—ll . Andrew
Johnson has formally been .nppoi edl *ry
Governor {of Tennessee, with iii he p ers,
duties “4 fqnctions pertaining} that office.
during the filensnre of the Preai‘ out, or until
theJegal irhpbitanta of tilltistllla thallnrgnn
in n civi government in atrordincc with the
conntitutihng‘of the United States ln‘brder to
the exercihe bf these duties it bee ies necessary
to first gife him a military pouiti n, and hence
the Presi nt nominated him as igadier Gen
eral. Th appointment the Senate to-day u
nnnlmonsy confirmed. ‘ a ‘
i . The pr ent government of Tennessee being
a usurpnthin, every proper encouragement will.
ithrough the military government, he 'giveu to
‘the loyal people to nssnineits gontrol. The
designation of Andrew Johnsonif r thiit posi
ition is cohsidered by everybody is eminently
iproper, bdth in view of his puoul hr fitness for
‘ the office find of his great popularity among all
loyll poodle, belidel those 0! his i'wn~Btnte,
LThe Governor, by the aceeptaince f the ullice,
inecesan'ril vacates his position a‘ Senator.—
IThe tannin which he was elected ill not ex
pire till rch next. ‘ .
‘ Representatives Maynard and ”'l'. Etheridge,
"now clerk of the House, are! milking grunge".
ments to return to Tennessee. -
e—‘w- ‘ ' fl
‘ Guam March 3.—Coluss has been
evacuated and burned by th‘ ebels. The
3gunboat Benton, with Genergfliullum and
Commodore Foote, went down t a river to
day on n rooonnoigsance. and found that the
rebels had fled from their stronghold. after
having removed their guns and laid the
.town in ashes. Everything hn‘d been des
troyed that could not be cqried away.
The rebels have also removed their guns
from the island below.
The rebels had retreated to Fort Rim
. ha? hndiitu run,
’f—Fulriql 19 Union.
; who was .\‘v‘oun‘d4
Chépulw‘pec, has
sex-“ice under the
hi nfirmed his
Edict-O Genéml.—_'
I atio}: was Httcrly
|nnists, whose only
In his had been a
It {made no dif
now bears‘ upon
he feceived in his
-. or. that hi: on
patriotic devotion
- fact of hi: having
- nch of our party
rcClellan, a'Butler,
a Stanton, is suf
to over-:qlnnce
.4 It in a urnin
‘. ould be disgraceg
i malignity at this
Mr. Slide” in Paul—A letter dated Paris,
Feb. 14, mys:
Mr. Slide“ is living in msgnifioenc apart
ments in the Champs Elyngea, No. 30. He
pays 1,800 francs a monthuand ”mules all
the importance ofaregula ‘ envoy {tom the
United States. He is not, however, made
a lion 0!. though it. is mid‘ his taste would
render such a lpoaition agreeable to him.—
He in doing :1 in his power to, encourage
Sonflzeménto at. up mi: quarters in
Pu during the m. ‘3 .
I he Sunbury (Pm)
what the mansion
‘-. Col. James Cam
u of lust. Week for
t. m acres. The
mining about 106
0". ' ‘ .
1' r
miun. (Mqro aquj
EQ‘The Democj'rnti,
‘hip are requesteq to
in Geltvs'lnurg'. on§Sal
t 2 o'clock, to ycttle
[ fi'l‘he Democ at;
r? reqnentetl to jig/1
i) Saturday uf‘te m
Flinn of 848 ml 5'3; 'cl
; 111 p mickey. m/ E
,‘ I‘IIAILRDA/fi 3hr
I§lmidvm in/tlm (list
mqmy met '1) the $0
Hum—ll9:s s. R. llh
lSupplement. recon
i‘lmufo mu nlnumtl
) Adduurned to mo+>
I ,jsunnm 13ml
I? bhn Buhylon,.ol ,
; e’uted'uttho dim)
.' silynlmut one {ll‘
§ 'ue'sthgwns'ntith
Li; xmrfilj‘licstiruke*
ififlwing loft home’
'ixmdfbeing convoy?
ib—dny. nimbjmv
Yul wmuuops mnm
. 4 .
Lindy, "m {ll2mm
_ lfanucuf (11mm.
g'; W'Tlm A “ I’m-1|
‘iheir loan; of '
ifvéuing, C3l. Ln!
helpuve hia‘regim
{noon as pogsihha,
ingly. on Friday,
Gaprds wok mei'
traim, exppcting .
the next Him-Hing.
by ‘thoir gentile'm:
(ifs made friends!
ivaviug. Many 1;
33cm] forum-d, wh||
Euiu‘nu: A _
I afihhlums can (.6
in the m'eliloruble: fit
Cor. JACOB G. Lu“;
was first to enter he 2
érly resided in Pater-I
gum. Bsxxan. Liputl
'wnsxm‘. formerlyi of
SCOTT. Ihrmorlynf£tlu
rated, and no doupt
nkqefi mp
:va, and
.) Hm (-nm-
wA along the rob
For! Du'nelson WalsL‘V_
1y offlhis place. iIIu
field, Tenn., n fmv be»
l:1~t‘ summvr vélunitoe-
When he yefidcgl Ler-
Republicau. [
fink detachme‘plo
pany of Cavalry afriv
Monday last with? .‘
were bummed sonhe U
Bath, a few days [Fro
3:53“ The‘ Ludiu' [Rel
thanks to Rev. J. Snisar
and to Mr. .\. K. .\h—Lms‘
butter, forthe Hospiral. ‘
@Gapt, llouNdn's
said tobgm Marlibsb
, Ho.t;lilab.r-Gov. bux
power vested in him 1
has dispatched ngt-mi
buildings for hosp ml:
lines of railroad, 8% th
nians nre‘wounde‘ on
will at once be 130 v
cared for. A lax-fl?
surgeons and’uurs . i
the State are holding
mess to come forvYa ‘
should demgnd it. i "‘
Chat of the Grkatr‘ilrh
amount. the mat. to”
the World’s‘ Fair 115 La
is contingent on the ' ipts of the exlg'ibi
tion. Her Majesty’s mmissioners hwe
the option of‘purchasi g the building at
Ind out or of merely aying forthe us of
it. For the rent qr tl e'building am of
51,000,000 is guarante- absolutely; il' Mn
receipts exceed $2,000 000 the concrncfpra
fire up be paid 3500 H more for rent, nd
they are bound, if ruuired to sell be
whole for afutthet w v of $650,000, t us‘
making its total cost 3,150,000. , ‘
—-—-‘ ' ~——- I ‘
No (batman—The New York Journal ‘
of Commerce of Mon cf evenin saysfz—
“We “We a notice of iscoverecfcounler- ‘
feit of the United States five dollar demand ‘
notes. M furnished by the police, but. a dili
gent. inquiry has faile'q in detecting Qny
sufi imitation, and we now believe that
the whole story is an invention or the-par
ties who promulgated it. Eitherthepotice
have been humbugged, or they are trying
to impose on others. Let the correction
go round. There in ndt,-nor has beenJll‘nd
is noL'likely to be, any counterfeit of, these
. fi‘A Mormon woupm thus writes #9l
female friend in New York State: " While :
{on of the North and South have gone!“
illing each other ofi‘, we ofSalt Ink? "'0
populating the eoumm with extraorduul'y
rapidity. One of gut elders recemlyxhlad.
no lees than nine children born to hun 4n
one week.” ,
'S‘Notlongsin - a -
b; an ggricultural :- is;
o irrigation, and the 4
take of the printer, I):
la “irritationfufarmefi
pho prize. §
/) .
of Clix/(horland fim’m
nice 1;: Wills" Hoivl.
xxx-My nfternoqn anxt,
a ownship tickioq
01' Franklin township
nLthc .. Rod "music,”
11 next, between #he
“I,“ to seitlea gm'm
l , 5
I‘lXG.—'-The Stack!
.\hlll’L’ li‘silrnaul ' ml
ion ilumddn Frilay
.mJ. in tlie Chair )in]
Lug” Syvrctpry. i‘he
passed by the T. is-
I mimmxsly ndoplo‘gfi—
Hahn on Mnmlny Imxt.
L—Un Friday" hm, fir.
o.“ coumy, M(l.,w rile
k Me of Mr. John I ud
rom Hanov’c-r, wl ose
‘ ne. was aitzlékeq/\_itgl
soon .altm‘ ux‘pit‘eti—
uppurum good ham!
Inn-k a efirphe ‘on gilt
-ntyd “of
‘ Ia“
‘ n wane of plin
is family nmlfri- :15.
Hilo wémeindeulh."
' ' ‘1
Rtjc‘eired from consumen
i ‘.‘ setting “of main-ls
‘ M'rvicc pipe. and mm)
en (‘ml on llumls, ulmuLiiuK
lay M 0‘1““,
to Bul-mueon :lulrch 4th, 1t
hmrdii" hav.a tn
5.4 mm. 0n "fut
received uh orrlv
n Perryville, Md
} 35. Lé:u'iultu balance in “W
| . ~
pd- | pull.) 0|
equipment. Accl
uc Halon, the Po
pan-lure, inltwo hénvy
udn theirdc-ét‘iqu ion
urmg their atuyf rO,
deportmgntpyx I’.
11. who regret. I eir
mt maneiutinns J'ui'q
vii] nm 50011 L'e‘iror
)‘ ' V.
{was wixll' 1-e;-re=m§ted
Mat Fort Donal n,
'~, who commmulul n
I’s division. and ho
.nomy's works, f m
burg, (Y. S“) Li mt.
lhumzmnnd ”a '11.?”
hi: pllpce, and 111 v“)
couny, also pnr '
Ilth mLch crcdi‘t“
I prisjoners t;
E. M‘hwur
, fo'rriier
remoy' t 6 Sp ug
-sug:}2l/snme me
adj gthgruhr-lzi ny.
be what; very ur on:
-J. M _ ~- 3
Capt. Harriet-'8 m 1
d in Emlgorctnw "F‘
‘("P."ll ‘ brisoners, ho
\ or I‘2. miles bay ml
e! Ass ocintin’n return
'for‘u. mm of pvudhcs,
for :Lcrock ufal’ple-
Samuel. - ’
I »_ i
Cavahjy Gym-pant is
in, by virtue of lthe
«y a 'joint resqut on.
; to pro'rm'e suifible
‘; nlong Um difl'eient
‘ tif npy Pennsyhvn-
Ethe'l’otom'ac‘, they
to ‘the State ’nd
umber’of‘volnn er
different section of
themselves in re i
‘at once if ‘ion
bilion Building.‘— he
E: of the huildm ,of
Indon mto 1- "ve
emium was ofl‘emd
y for the best mode
, Her word. ‘by mis
‘ving been changed
mouthi- wifo to pin
- .19 almost entire: proutm‘linn 6f busing,
during lhclpust your. it is bglmvml. has «1
terrml mum families‘ from hnving th
(lwellings‘fiueid for the we of Gus. It
haped that. with the i'revivnl of busin‘e
many will find lhemselvcs able to incur}.
expense, of its introduction; ‘ .
3. ElGVfinfill'll‘Pi. or $500; of stock .11
subsonbed for. yvt rein-Was: and tight! duh
or 5400 aims mt beejwhrrfmcribed fox-. 31.
which. is was believed could not I)? oolha
ed without grr-at dim ulty. have bomb
wrml intoafi per c m. stock loan.
vz-rtihle. a‘lter 3 main] notice by eithif
the pzlrtie‘et.illw cauh‘i t the, put vulub
the stock. or iMo ordi, \ry Muck. ll ‘tl
‘ option at the holder. 1 film whole Brno:
of stock. lhgrd’ove, yet rg-nmining for ‘3l
-in 1.0»9-si6‘n 9f- the company is 'ninek
shuroa 01'~5930. '
1 Out of the net, filming: oflh’r cognplxm
Ithtuhmu-tl have, on me In of.luly_lust ‘un
lit at Junumy vu‘vh. dlividvll 3 per c(-nlj.(
thu- cupilul amok 0" SIiJJHKI,‘ mnuuming
$01!”. (11' which. $Bll 50 have been }uill
hOhh-l's of stock. 1 ‘
* :1. The current-worn.L
' Iwmm'
Salary 9(Bupcriumudcu
(‘owl um! Lunu‘, *
Dividends, ’ ‘ _ e
Tux un Dividends, 3
Memory and Digging, {
Intuit-Bl ou lupixs purd. ‘
' “ A V unpnil
.\Xigcclluneous items.
Ininnniued, ; , l
‘3l news, mm.
x ‘ \
pintv'd [0 audit ll
Respect m 11.5
éThe committee nppo
Tr‘t-nsurér's nvcuum. rl5"
.1. fl. Dunn; To'gnmucr
Tn; hullmcc due at Illal su
“anouul recriwd 01' ug
”.1 “- ‘ from comhnclio;
“‘ “ rccrirul for sem‘i
(or loan,
‘Guc‘umpnny; n’u.
utllt-mrut, _ Slab :
njuuauuh rs, ".512;
p nrcounl. ~ T,.'»
ice yipc, kin, my
u u
r ‘
1! Hum,
By.p\id onl an
s‘" sulm‘iu:
“‘ Slut»- L.x,
‘3“ camera. km,
‘ ll“ dirjnlcnd,
V ‘ ‘iulcrcst, ‘
;“ LIX-or mad sundry
,“ munum From M.»
5“ ‘Jmlll, ’ « ]
T‘hprc wnll ‘lue u lulnnw'
:‘n’rL-r‘, whru- 5.171. fi"
Imus uuusump‘nuH—d
5 l‘.
The nhm-t- "nu-mart;
gurcr‘s bunks uud is cur
, r , ' x .\I. J
5 J. F.
, Jun;
1862'. March ‘. Stock 3.1
. ‘ , - u
St‘ock paid.
Du. unpaid
Do. uusuldg
’ 1 .q z ‘ f i 51'?qu i
The fd‘llow‘ving named stockholdcrsyér
elpcted (Sgfiicern for thégensujng year: I ‘
"Paesidd-nt—Prnf'. M. ‘Jawdlm. W ;
Directors—ll. I). \Yl‘tttlc-s, J. "Gillwrtl
F. Fuhlwsmck. J. B. Dunner, A. D. B. eh'
ler, D. Md; Imughy. E I . ; I
fifihéfidfifi amen“
«At an gnnunl election for ‘llfirectbr's -i
tliis road, held at Culvert Station. Baflll
znnre, on' the 27th ult., the following boar
of Directors mg; cllos’fn to Serve fox-"th
ensuing year; : l j _ l
Simon'flameron, E. C. Biddle, Willis l
Colder, A. E. ’Knpp, Alexander Small, Joh .
A. Wrigfih Peter Sanél'winwj Peter Maul
J. R. Elly, John D. Cameron, Joseplx 1
Polls, lienry Welsh. Frank ‘Newwme-l
and ’Fuirlmun Roger-Si! A} B. Warlord
-1211., wad reelected President. am} R.‘
Ilollins, my," Secretary. John s. Lei
Esq., Tre+snren hold! l‘lis position witlnou
an. annual election, John; N. Dumml
'qu.. is the_Genenl Subarinfiendent of, lhi|
Road, and George C, .Hathumy, an.,l th
Genenyl Freight Agent. The' indivillu'
capital stock—s36,B6s—wus fully réprel
lenteJattthe election. , _ ' ‘
The finnnces as laid before ' :
the stockholders ofthe roed, . ‘
by the Treasurer, tor 1801, e [-
show the total revepuoto be $1,417,977 I
Expenses ,681'832 ‘
Net revenue
fisazszzrgeorpmama A ;_
loss Show; thawsumpf 7 1&1? g
Mcadiuiderooudp , 18mm
Bel. of what hand or '6l 24.278 a
u 1u d: t J“): 347'”; ‘
Tom w. in the “aim, 3mm 5‘
Menu: Biddle, Wrigljat‘LWehh, Newooln
er, Bog-3rd sud Pot“, represent the Penn
“l'th imam“ in the corp?“-
tion. 7 ' 9 i , ..
g M 0 publio'spetken, deothofl. I
3 make I fxee aloof the vocal organ. ' A
Rev. E. H.‘ Chapin, D. D., New Yo;
“Brown’s Bronchial Tracks.” “1 .. ~
your: Lounges an exoolknfiflicb fu
purpoaes, Ind recommo thoir u.
Ipublic speakers.” . I
‘Clnhvillo. u tum
the presept In, cont-Mun ~ -- ‘
inhabitants.“ ‘ ' , i
nt isiw fouowi
L‘lll-jd. ¢ 5
, $330 bu 3
UN 17.; ‘
3m 50 i
‘ 20 40‘ 1:
an 15 L
. It; 3 ¥
, ‘ «:.:-f,“ E
18 _, ;
. $1122 (M
.r. 5!!- 00 ,
us, - 1:40 00
u.!tnf:°- t
1, oz; .4 i
r of Llu.: cow-
C 333
.1 W 1
I ”("0
f EO3
3 ' 63)
8113 ’
ps,‘ .‘w l'
k m-count, 9150‘
1‘ ‘ 5P 0:
lune by Tren
uuul pf Feb
[paid 0!
‘ l
' _‘sz'm 4‘
s copied from ' re ;
l't‘L, _ ' I
anus. ‘ 3
durum-Torn} (I In.
$1!.00k) I
SHOE!) (0
‘ 4o u}
, 5:0 0
136,144 8: