IZ9 SI '3'»; wanna. The Comm.“ is published every Maud-y gin-hing. by Hun J. Sums, at $1 75 per mmum if paid quietly in ADVANCE-42 00 per annum if not {mid in advance. No liflucripfinn divmntinued, ' unless It the? éjition of the publisher, until all arranges} Ire paid. - ' .\uvm‘ruxxnflimerted st theusunl mien . Jun menxu done with neumcss’ and diipatch. _ ()rncl in Snuiii Bahimrm- aired: dimctly bppn-iitc \Vumplcn' Tin Hing Emrbliuhment ,-“ Conny“ PRLVI'IM; Orr“ r." m'rthe sign. Adams County I’TX'AL FIBE INSFRANCF} C()IIPANT.—. DI Incorpoiaud .\lnrch 18, 1351: ‘ - ‘ grrxcznl. ~ Pruidml—Gcorge Swo'pe. 1"“ PruidnH—S. R. Russell. ‘ S’crtrary—D. A. Bur Mer. ' l \ Tremurer—David .\E‘Urenry. ‘ Hamlin Commute—Robert McCurdy, Jacqh King, Andrew Hointzdmnn. ' ~ ‘,' Marmara—George Sway-e, [L .\. Bm-hernn cob King, A. HP'mtzolmnn. R.’ \l‘('ur:|v. Tth A. .\hrahul). H. F‘nlmutm‘k. Wm. B. \h‘Cl'Hnn W'n. ILWilmn, .\l. Eirhplherger. Abdie! MGM John Woh‘ord, H. A. Picking, Ahel'l‘. Wright John Hornor. B. G. \lrUrenrv.S. [l. Russell. D M‘Crezu'y, Andrew Pulley, Jib" Picking, J. B HE‘nh. “ - ' ’nfi‘l‘hiq Compnm- in limited in it! hp"!!- “and In,lhe connlv m Adams. It has been in Inn-realm] opvr-uion for morn than xixfircnrs.‘ Ind in that period lag paid all 1055 M nude}- penzen, mzlmut am, minimum. having also Mnrge surplus capiml in flit» Trwunry. ’Th‘e‘Cnm« puny ample): no Anonu~ull businnes being done by me )Innngerl,'who are annually «len .ng hy the Stéck‘nuidcn. Any pgraan dotiring an inmmncé’cun npp‘)‘ to nnv of me above named \innn‘rzvn (or [grthor infnrmMinn. WThe Executive jif‘nmgm‘tve rari-ME at the ofire .of the (‘ompnn‘d on the last Wednesday in cver‘y] month. am, y; .\L \ SoptLZ'l, 1858‘ ‘1: ‘i, A. Math Jot 8: Son’s " Q 0“ Am Fl'RXlTL‘HEwummmnsfim. [J 25 and 27 NJGnly strum, Buhimurc. (m-nr Fnyenc FL.) extending irnm‘Guy t 6 Frulcrirk lit—the [l"th(-xjnhlishmvm of the kind in lhe I'M-on. Alum-. 1 nu lmnal A large msnrtmrnt’oi li()l'S[3‘|ll)LD .\NI) UFFIHI-Z Fl'RNlTl'lll-I. eul hrm-ing Burenuq, lieddmuh, \\'uqhst:uul.~'. “Burd rubea, Manna-~34 of ”nah. (V‘nltan and IMH- Hpring Both, Sum. To'u-—e-'l‘etl-.i. .\lm thirv, Rocking Chnirs, Elam-res; .\lnth Tables Sc!- ‘u-s, licvcptiqn nnd ['plmlsLt-r‘ed ('huirs. :‘(S mmm» mumsoFmTTAur:+‘rlm'rl'lm, \Vood Clmira. (Wit-(- (hair-3 Harm-f ('huisrs, wCribs und .(Trudh-h, Hut Rnrks. ”n“ Furnitunfi} (hll‘nnu \Yxrlnut Frmm Lbnking “linen. Sidn— bonnis. thensinlh'fznhlos,‘nf every [onglhf Y [‘maons :lifimu I! m put-chum .zll'P ingu-dan gun uni gho our elm‘k un unm'rnnlinm \zhiyh for \‘qru'lv Mid 1,37“1e of Wnrkmmuhip i 5 rm! equalled h) ullyt-sQI-iidlmcnt in the :uuutfiy. . ‘ .\1 \IATHIUT’ & 1503', ' ',_7_ ‘ Nos. '.'.'- nnd ‘27 N.'(jny mom..- ‘ Aug. 0 IRQ‘J‘ 1y '; > ‘- .. Still a; Work! - DACHWSKLVG AND ’BLACK“!HTHL\'G“ C ~—~'l‘he nude-reigned rcspeclfuny inmrmq hi‘ {'rirmh nml‘hn public [hm he m-nntinun-s the Cmuhmnkinu and Blackfinfilhing lrniineas in “very hunch :11 Mi Ntublishmcnt in (‘hum 'lquhurj: strut-r. 1+:- hus bu lxun-l run! will mmufu'mrotn nrl‘m‘nllkiu-h nl,(‘,.\Rlll.\(il~lS "('(‘IUHIS. SLEH‘rH". Sufi": “'uunn‘ £v., at the has! xnmtr‘riul. and nmdo hv niuporif-r wn‘rk- Illl'n. WRm-muvi and “L\(‘K‘MITIH\'G of All kin-I‘3 dunt- at roxunnn‘uh rmri. promplly un-l [n the ,Inkisfn‘cliun of rnsmmors. Unrxnnh I’umu‘v‘n taken in exchnngevfor Work at mn‘rkel nr'n-ex. ‘ ' BQ-j'ort‘ous deliring nrgirlr.‘ or work in the Conrhnmking ur l{l.\(~kwlnithing line, are rm lp ‘qully imned '9 ya] on '4 -, 2“ mnx‘h. Humzwoum. Go'nv-hurg. 111:1.‘24. ’59. ' ' Something New 5' CETTYSM'RQ—The undrrfigumlfinfmm! th‘o ritim-na‘ nfjlu‘ lmvn and rnunly. that hg‘ I‘M cunnnrnm-d tlu- BAKING lfiwim'c-u nn :1 largo 9min, in Turk “rt-yr, (Ix-Ithhlir'f. nonrly opposin- Wunlo'u's Hntvl.’\vhcre hr \iill try to finderw‘. and llt);n“~ ‘fi‘l‘tl'h'o, 1| “ht-ml pntrnn “sso.. "READ. ROLLS. .('.\Kli§“, ('H \(‘KEHSY I’IH‘ITZELS. &r.. km. mGml every day. (Sun flayi uyrptrd.) :xH-nLHn- Int-<1 quql'ny. {lnd mld Mlhclu\\'c.~tli\ingprnfi,ls. (‘rn-kvr-haking in~ all It's hrunrbm Flume-iv (-:rrrird un. and Ol‘lll'l‘i 10 any mnnunl, {rum this and adjnihing rmln -1395. sllppl'n-d m lht'fhurtt‘st nnl'u‘c. Having ororu‘d n large and mn'nmJiuu: lunLu-houu“ and M‘l'rrrd the N 0.4. wurkufim 33"“ [he lno>L~z\p prnvml nx.|t‘li|\cl"\'.‘ he ‘is pmpurud, to gm n ln-zn‘y hutine‘w. y - I" l‘ VALEN’I‘XNE sum”; “Marble Yari Removed. ~ ”E suharriiu‘r having n-nmvwi lli< [iin‘re 0f TJMISinc“: to fill! Yinrk wtrom. n ~hnrf (l'<- tiuu'e lu-lmv St. meuu' (‘inm-h. “HUM Jnnnunrt~ ’tralhp puhiiv that lu- is Mill prc‘mn-sl m furuifli all Jiimls m “nrk ip hi: Jllw. «“111 as \lunu nun-fits. U9:ul~tunr.~. (“24512. M mar) \JTiF'V of Sufi-I‘. and fluid). with and \xivlmul Inn-s mill haficts' ml~uit pui-chncorx.:nrhut pl‘u‘v~ ['l \u‘it tin- timci. I’t-rwlu lir-iring .Ithng in hi; line will find it :\ doculml,nduuunm‘ to cwmim- his stock‘n'nd prices before purvhminv: oiwwlme." ‘ ‘ i, ' \\'.\i. B. MEALS. ‘ Gettysburg, Mun-[(2l, 18554, ‘, < ”EHS6”? ? h ‘1" ‘l‘" Q :‘ PEDRPyfixNDLEAL \ufigiu 9: Edward B. Bushler, , _ 'l‘TOl'lN’l-IY AT LAW. will {.\Ethl‘ully and , A promptly Mieml to Ml husinossenlrusted , to him. He speaks 'the Gormun langungm—q . Ofico ag the mine plncer Sout‘l Baltimore; gtnél. nenr Forncy’s drug stni‘o, mud nearly (\opposlce Dunner a Ziouler's store. . ' ‘ Gettysbu‘rg, Murchfio. ' ' - D. McConaughy, , TTORNEY AT LA W, (office one door weal A. of Buehler‘s drug and bank store.Chnm euhurz street.) A'rmnxnv up Soufn'on non PA‘I'IXTS no PENEIOXS. Bounty Land “'Ol-- hung, Bzxck-pny suspendetl“ Claims, xmd all otheT'clnims against (he Government nfi Wmh “womb. 0.; alsoAmgricnnClnims in England. Laud ranufi; loaded and soidmr houghtmnd highest pHces given. Ailemfil engaged in lo awning wan-nuts in (ownxlfiiuoia um! can": western Sm'tes WAPPU ‘0 him personally or hy letter. ‘ , , ' ' thtylburg, Hon-21!)“. a ‘ - J. C. Neely, *‘ ‘ ‘ "ORNEY AT LAW, will attend to taller- A lions and 31} other hnsiuesa intrustcd to. s care w'm: prompmess. (mice in the S. [-1. v. acorn" of the Diamond, {formerly ‘ 'ied by Wm. B. McClellmn-Esm) > GettysburgLApJ-j‘l. 11, 18:39.- _v.f ‘ Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEY AT.‘LA'W.——Oflice in West lid: dis street, on door won a! themew can nge. * L Gettysb'nrg. Hov. 14, 1859. ' ‘ \ Wm. LfiDunean, ' . wrongs? .n' LAVA—OS6O in the Nam:- - ‘wutcorner of Centre Squtre, Gettysblyrg, a. ‘ - [oa. 3,1859. 1! A. J. Cover, HORNEY AT LAW, mll promptly ahead A“ ”Collection and all other business on d to him. . Office between Fahnestocks' a: Mime: & Ziegler's Stores, Baltimore mm, 05%“, P 3. . [Sept 5, 1359. J. -. Lawrence 3111, m. D. ,5 AS hin'office one u , :» H «or west of “IN 14“."!!! .thmh iii _ Oggmberabnrg “gut, and Opposite Picking’s skin, when the” wishing to have any Dental Opention informed Ire respocunfly invited to on“. Runner ' Du. Homer, Rev. C. P. Kenn: D.D., Reyfl. L. Bnugher, D. D., Rev. Brd. “..‘Jacobs, ProEM‘. L. Smérer. . . Gettysburg; April 11, ’53. LLINBBS and other: will find a good a!- Qoflpont of 'Rihhqng, Floym, Plume}, no es, BL, at tbu chap min of 3; A. soon rm. BY 11. J. 5' 44th e There is a Tingcd bri' Pure as 'il 01' chhit-es ‘ The alrem The shade ' \ And to Hm l Pure-am th Sun. as th In gcpufix I-‘nrgcl'mc Where thy \Yrt (Ten 3' And this n! Forget me But dcép’i ls seen m .\m] “In“! ‘ It" dl onpi) Tfu- dog-WM \Vhich sml Repeating Fnrgd 1n 4 Cl . THE M Irocmt summer roiidonfw in the - village of .\lnnclxeater.Vni-mont, Icquninted with the ifollowx‘ng Lory—l' will not call it; n' sthry, rd of it is strii-tly true” My in- I an elderly lurly. who} “'lan a an. was present at the} trial. and 'mully all the p‘nrlies ciqlxiberned. It: ninmhs since publiq {inch-Hum l :easure recalled to find-strange; "1e recent apprehension Qf oneof I mix in (helulleg‘gd murdjar, on 5. coining smnewbore Gui-" West; ‘ tllor chnferéion, wlliclx‘ié‘wns nl“ md lllmle, adding a still ‘dc-epor . that already cannectcfl with the Danng prettyzlitt I Immune Igulm- I a: Wei-y w formant, w young “'0 [know Ire-{s [Ahmfl Uu‘ \V.’l§ “I XI!- MEM the prin : chm-go o and hy nn logod ho my~tory IMES/ flirty years figo, there rpsid‘ed in ‘ 3 numell vilhg! twoj ~brothers, ' ‘urnn. suns, (hm-Idler, Was a hard nnruie man. not, greatly likr-tl by V bark, and 'l‘hémds resided with" {ma mom. Silas hn‘d if; :his '1 .mlf’witted fellow, named “'illinm § m was chiefly:f engagt‘d ii) flout ' wife was 11330 occasionally cm: the fin-m llOlisP, but li‘jedxwith‘; ml :uvuy froxgjt. ) . 1 ly. and withnfi‘t any rayon what-I g maipnml, “'illium Calvin wusl No one kumv whither‘br why he 4 reed from Mnnrhesto‘r. All higl I my “‘3“: find! he hwl loft hm} in ! [ing for hie work, myl ‘eince than»: evn-i' sot eyes .uponjhim: dent} or, ‘le' Bournw nxs‘ei‘ted that bn flirt]: hr» had Inhaled nsrusunl in t BL; ‘that. they left him there whenh I home m dinner ; lie..Colvinz us‘i vifig hik dinm-l hieuglx; to himxbyl: rL \Ohlthoir retiu'n he was gone. i hnfl, on‘more ihan‘one occaéion, ‘ k bout the almv nnmvd B ftmtured, his noifili hi in.as a omploy n (,‘oh-in. w ‘,"Mk: hi. ploy-(l’m her huab Smidet ever Lei l]lis>ii)g. luv] (1“! wife cou the nmr ~dne had fl]!\’(‘. 'l‘ mqrmng field, 151111 they Wen uully Lav‘ 0 “RE I: An (.‘olvi flighly moods. gone. oil" for a sea-l son, it w .a ichl adminis tration of the Gove'rnmont. l'l‘here are two extremes qonstantly' to hel avoided in a I Republican; form of go‘vnrnrnent like ours. Intense parity feeling. dial a dtoicull indiffer ence in resin-d to pal‘tyi Tile one awakens jealousy and bitterness of {e ‘ling, which‘of ' ten endanger the heiiublicjl The other at“- } fords nn dasy oppo'r‘tunityl for ambitious l nien to ushrp the rights ofl the people.— lll’hese sre the rocks upon which the ancient ; republics shut. The gmndeht efforts of De ; mosthenes fwere exerted to shouse his coun ; trymen t'rrini the letharg§ t‘liey hhd fallen 'into in regard to the interésts and safety iot‘ the State. Parties exercise a beneficial , influence in various ways. l'l‘hoy serve to } elevate goqd and able men to office. They ? curb ektntvagnnco and corruption. 'The ( eagerness With which one pdrty exposes the l‘corruptioj and short oomirigs of the other ] induces em to be honest and prudent.—+- I Obliterate {parties and, you 'cannot expect , econoniy or prudence in thd administration ’of the goviernm’ent. Men hm so prone to corrliption that honesty is rather the ex ception Him: the rule. Tile temptations i with whicli men are surrou ‘ ded nre‘almost irresiStihlel, and if i it were $t for the dread of exposut-e and disgrace tut gorernim‘ent‘ would be Fworse than n. monarchy. Now, that the gjovernm'ont is exliosed‘to greater l dangers, find in view of the enormous cor rnptions list have been perpetrated upon the government. we clnimltbnt these times especially_ Lrequire thd orgsinization of the Democrati‘ party.‘ There was slaw at Ath ens which subjected-ever Icitizen to gun ishment who did not takeyhitles in the "bar ties whichl divided the Rep blic. This law was“ founded in the deepestlwisdbfn. Dem ocrsts, ntls time when un‘prinniplcd men are purloining from the government mil. lions of dollars, it becomes our bounden duty'to 'lly to the standard oflthe Demo~ critic hotly. Therefore. wt: implore you to cling to t a time honored bntyt and ‘piove to the wild that " Demo racy ss, like’the rock of t 4 than which itis —oternal." ——York Prim. _ . , i . fl'Onh of the srgnmen constantly din~ next into ur esrs why thiti we: should he directed inst slavery is!this : that slave ry is the use of,the‘wsr, find if we permit it. to terntinste without this“! and forever endiottirig the «use. the lueholders will embrace‘lthe first opporiunity to create another or. This is sup eme nonsense.—- When thte struggle in which the Nation is now snagged terminates iii the restoration of the ‘nion two great truths will_ have been estphlishedvl-‘irst, that no State has I right to' secede from the gUnion. Second; thtt if sn'y State is so foolhardy is to make the sttenrpt, it will inevitably,“ brought back by force. The success of the Govern ment will be a verdict in favor of National unity thst must stand for a century. After; the mstnblislnnent of the Union the Na tional life will be in .‘no danger from a repe tition ot’ the experiment of secession. Its failure will prove s warning to the latest generations. ' ' ~ The wu is practically npinst the right ‘of leoeuion, whatever the motive of s'eoeuion may hnve been. Demonlmte that secession is an impossibility, u the ”establishment of the Union musk and men will not imag ine or leek for causes to j‘untify them in the hepeleas nttemption befin-e tinge 5 ‘ z prepgred, andlou lwhich album: of rave been beatoivcdl ' ‘- J 1‘ Senator Walde, }or onib. : ‘ Veilearn from a )u'rngrh hin the Cincin- ‘ r I . _P ‘ nu anyircr that Jon‘s W‘}. Foxsm’hnsqu int rfrring. in Ohio pfomip. by writing lec.‘ {e advising the menlhborll of the Olnib Leg‘ "isl lure to vote‘for Hzxuugx F. Wm: for ;;U held Slates'Son‘ntyo‘r. Jl‘here is evidently 1 {gr tigpprehensiou a ionfithe radicals Miami ‘ M ‘Wnde will be (1 Tea ed. and the ”most! I su egihuman efl'orts‘ re firing made to 30-; lcu efliisre-electlon.’ l‘hc lfiladelbhialb'euj :h‘ fiublishcd sevemi urglenmppeals to the} 3 Oh _ Elivgialature in b'Hmlf of Wade, who is} ‘ noz't‘fl‘oubl. a good friend of J. W. F., and? claiiflllquemly scum] :llfirl eliable. ’ i j Tll6 Union Democrats} in Ohio. howeverJ whb‘lémld the balancéoffiowerin the Lexis-l lhit r¢,~are not satkfi' with Wade’s “tare-1' %49 la", lle has bee cdnshicuous ‘ofA late; { YETlasadispnlon abolitibnitl. “ In I: spreeohi Iwhpli he made at. forllandh Maine, 1855} ’W. 6 said: , ' ‘ 1 I - ‘ There mu reallygno Unionibetwebn the ? No tli and the Snugi, and he, belieied n 6 tw nations Ppon th earth entrrlninod feels ‘. in 131‘ mar-15 bitterr noor toward ench‘other. th'l {these gwo a n 5 of the' Rogublic.-e Th bulyaalvntion tbs Union, I erefore‘ w lube found jli diyeating it. entirely frogllnll ,laint of sllwecy. There was no [ln of) in the Sou'th.[ La us liavc'a Union, or‘ my weep away Md mfmant ulu'c/l «meal! 1’» .” i .‘i . oh the man who: 'wm ting-ants as these; isl “J in brinciple u there it Smith. and (he Uniofnfl {cry proper rapugnfin I author by re—electi '5 l' Sales SOMtOr-PWJM ’ cable; in Kdnldl.-:’M' eßepublimn Franck. upecinl commitgeo 9f the Kansas Legis 1M r 9 has just prancing: Charles Robinson, 60 emor, John WJRO inson, Secretuy of St‘ 9, and Geqrge wily”, Additor, u gu‘ ty of conspiring 'I at the State in the ul‘ of Sun bo'nds totlie nmqunb of .3189,- 00d. Some 10 per cent]. bonds, it appears, hide been sold as low K‘s forty cents on the dog The reportcloses with the follow in : - ‘ 5 \ _ lwd, That Charlels Robinson, amp John W. Robinson‘, Secretary of State. George S. Hillyer, Auditor of the State Innm, be and they are hereby impeach ’f high misdemeanors in oflice. ‘ not, . bolilion Convention.--The Ponhnd Argus n l the Abolition «invention which Insem bdd gt Albany lust wgpk rezolved nut “the firkmitution is, tinge the W», even more 0) r povemnt with death thm before, and nogthe work of the abolitionists, immd of being completed! in becoming more in:- gg.‘ taut.” ‘ ' ~ "' “I: it very link] here 2" ukod :lon lofil the Emgnld isle thinker day of. broth en’ Irish-I'm. “You." [ln the reply. “I 5‘33 my hue died )thu year who diver dgodbebn.’ .. 1 . "f ‘"”‘*‘~..‘.‘“"‘—*:-“~' “‘ I" - ham or on. law mu:- §On We 2% (“thin the 38th POI-fl -unin Regiment moped thé Potomie, Ind tonk possession of Harper’a Ferry. 0!: fine same day, the 1s: Michignn Cutlry, 05!. Broadband, 1300 strong, numbed Iron _ F rick to the same destination. The] ‘ vre followed taro-I the Poiofnno, n: difl'er- " e tpqinu, by three Regiment.- of General . milzon, the 34 Wisconsin Regiment, G ’n. Aberoombtie’n Brigade, the hi Begi mnt oftthotmn-c Home Brig-do. Col. ‘ . anlsby, sad the Zonlves d'Afiiqup. 1A1! ‘ c eqmovemenu oppear m indicate all! n we may look for some stirring new. shortly. 1 Thanks 3 flying rumor um Gen. Bnnh’ ' division ms bully out up ‘lt Wincheltnri; ' bit rbere was no foundation for the rumor. " The day has gong by for rebel menu. } r7'O_ 24_ ,qu'xth received the order, he turned to MI +len and said: ,- ‘ ppe’r [author 1 r manufactures railroad passen -l; cominutugion nut. travel 1 mill oats and horse ués receipts from ‘ 5 per centfibn ‘ for use of, car ‘ 10 according to" ‘lver \vgucllés 50 -. :4 $100; auction ) 356; retail de‘nl-' enlers in goods. ifierfi $100; brew-z a, graduated ac :to; $5O; eating Ekem sigma" H; circuses.sso; lulley; “410ngng I $5lO s".o;vcoal, I. mes, ’3zper cen Ll: ; income derived' l are taxed sepa- I d diéidend. of ions 3 pencentq ll‘ ofliceré in the Hrvice of the U. and members of cxes and distribu )Prty of deeegsed i "Soldiers, we are ordered to take them!" work-i by isnult. Are qyod ‘reedy Y" ,i .“Aye, ”a, air, randy . Hurrah l" ' i And]: about came from that phalanx of Fave men tech as comes mil} from patriote‘ poo great oecaaiona. ‘ 1 | “Ready 1 Clone renkell Charge beyo-‘ (Jets! Forward! Double quickl’Mereh l" I And march they did, in gcloue nrder'htllo idvuucing brigade looking ‘more like; blue ‘ imrcupine, with its quill-ftnrnod-fbrwerd, 1 than might else I can compare it to, right. hp to the rebel works. Tliough the enemy ! kept‘up an iscmant fire ‘from hovitur, l field piecenn musket, of ihellr, solid shot i ‘hud lead, still that brigade marched on, i bathing daunted,to the eueluy'lcerthworh, ,‘ which reached, over it went. right into the { 'midst of the butternut-colored devils who l had so sewagely welcomed-them inside the j entrenchments. When the blue mu '9‘! peered inside the breutworke. the Olivet- i ernn.‘ Cherlee F. Smith, et their head, bnn- f dishing his sword, end looking for all the“; world like a dozen regiments of regulars“ boiled down and quinteuenced into one 'mnn. the rebels took to their heels and lefl; ‘fur the next line of eutrehchmcnte In tho’? the devil or some other juetice of the peace lwds liter them .with a warrant for treason. . ; Our boys fired one voll'ey alter them It "they retreated then planted the Stun and {Strigce upon ibe walls, gave three time: nt.,‘nccording to and wimp (futies "commercial pa . es, telegraphic ' expresses. (united and five ofapy' kind ever ftliieé che-ers when it. swellhd lb the breeze. iand aqttled down for further orders. Thilu Lwas the Jun-ping poiutvof the fight. ‘Whon_' fit was dgscovercd that the national ensign' ‘hadhcep planted within hhe enemy'l In: irengh‘mcuuflaptnins Hill‘yerand Railings rod’e along the life" 1113!, wuing th‘elr‘ swords, announce it: to“ the .despoudcnt troops‘of McClernnmi'q Ihd Will-ce’l di visions, who gained new wow-age and nl - to the assault \ipon the right. ’ Then 3 charge wu made In" along ‘he enémy'n hunt. He was forced back to his earth-g harks, leaving the open field to out troops. andfaccuring to us nn easy yictury on the mom'o’w. ‘ < > u i A Tnninmna Scan 2,—kcorrespo'ndent inf the Inquirer, writing: froni on bond the :1 Carondulatkundu date of F ebrutiry ‘l7“, ._ ii gives ;the following incident, showingfihq :fiErceness ofrtho recent gun-best en’s-gs :ianent mt Fart Doneison :7- ' ' “t ’ “While I was clearinnl some lists out of who-way of the gun whichl wsu helping to 1333"“ s hall came through the side, knock ing two companions snd hiysell'down upon me ,deek, which no covered with Hood lend brsin. The ball was spent. so that it did not seriously injure}: wi- Quiekly rs. i gsining my feet I rsn to the magazine, filig ‘ ping in gore gnd bmin‘st every step, for L Tube", and returned to my gun, determined ‘ to repay the enemy for this doubtful nom liuient. While It the gun a young Insn, i {ldgir by name, cim‘e over to our gun to ‘ render assistance. He asked whether the ! esnnon ball injured me, and while I lII‘ describing the passage of the hall and look- 1 ‘ing him directly in the (see, 3 ball fromj Ithe enemy’s csnnon completely knocked i ; his heed of, scattering his brsini in every I direction. Turning from the shocking r sight I fought .lith meek-r determination, to syenge, if ,possible, the death of my bme companion? j 411 d utter such-sen. flea: r disuniohisQ in the' North b; frly in Ohio show a 1 wendoning their iin fill the United 3 Union. ‘ Ifi-The brad ind pakiotio Gen. .1.“!- Din, who distinguished himelf dad-that moqths‘ go in Weltem Virginig, died infl. .donly on Sunday lat, It PIW~PI', negl- Boxfiuey, flow the woundl received at W] wards' Ferry, in his. gulhnt charge. 111 was an energefio soldier, ind was 'O7-, uhifiped by the nbldien ‘ qndot h‘im. Bio‘ widow raids: in Washington, .nd bu 1N oeiwd the sympathies olJSecreury Sun-bu, Chase, Ind other distinguished Mend-l. -——-———— «oo- ~-———— , Gun- Fwon Argo Lens or Tam Hanna ,Lwn—o’l'lgo Corn-Pondin‘g Secretary of 11m Amurioln 303151 of (bl!- miuionm bu reeeived the halluwing‘il'r-IJf tolligence : Bsmur, January 15.—’l‘here bu boom a flood of rair at? Meta; three hundred} lives were Inst :nd one-third oftho city do m-oyed. The great «cred nKFqlu Hun th Sherif was flooded, the Holy Bhek Stone submerged, Ind the library I ' denroyed. 1 fi'The Savuunuh Republican of "n. . new! last says that ghe Fedenl um, ha by the emcfioiof three batteries, cu'm . ly nevered the conngction begveen'Sinn: , Ind For; Pulaski. A qumnder' crib!“ tificnian, und tho of the city-M b. ‘ havinbid rem“. ‘ “. 44:21“ . ‘ 7 1 ‘_ I» hiuauixin z*rlh."^ .4rr EMl===l =I II