The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 24, 1862, Image 3

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    About hur‘o'vlm-k nur rig?” ding turned the
enemy-kit, and (he mm. to“ halt int-z their
furtiicutiuuu, ind our flag nu planted upon
the position or‘gtlpied by their left wing—(of A
line :he slaughter‘lbcn ceased. .
Dunn's and Schwartz's bxlneriu were cap
!nrod during the actiun. but. the: Higlueoiuh
“finch, with duhhcd mush-N, recoverPd Dru
ser'l binary, while HIE Thing-um recanted
that of Clpl. Schwartz. .
The traders! Army in Possession'of
! Bowling Grvn. - .
Innsmu. Fob. 15f—To‘ Mnjor General
McClellan: Gen. _Mitcholl‘s divisim'). by a
‘orcgd march. ronchml the river It Bowling
...firoen 10—day, nndnm making abridge to
The enemy burnt ‘the bridge at 1 o’clock
in the morning. and ‘were evacuating the
place when he nrriva'dfl D. C. BUELL,
Bria. (49116 1 (‘ommnndingt
_» Loch-71112. Fob.lfi.P:§.—Gon.Mitchell's
troops have craved Bun-on river, and Me
now in po<sossion of Bowling Grc-nn.
Wnuxsatuv, Feb. lii—Gnu. Buoll ha:
{nr some dnyn pant l‘mnn onncantmtinrz'n
largt- Torre in tho Iwighhnrhmxl of Bowling
Green, with which dullhflvvi to mun-h di
rectly on Nashville after hui'ing reduced
11w lormcr pluce. it
Clarknvillo. Tenn" to which point Fim'cf
find an Saturduy night hut, with about 5.-
000 men. is thirty miles higher: up the
Cumberland than‘ Fart Donelson. It is
fortified. and the main body of the Bowling,
Green rebel forcl- got there baton: him. “3
wmkx are rr-mmled an bring fnr weaker
than those at Donnlson. It in hardly hm)»;-
bia that the rebels hnva 201”)" affi-rtive
mm HIE-rO. We tank homily-rm with 35:-
UK) men on him! andflix gunlmnts in H .
rivt‘r. Aiflmt 80.00” Union land tn I.
fix!) iron—clad gunlmab, 'mtmv othor ‘gun
limits not. m chul, anti four‘nr hix mortar
boats. will by this evening he cmwnntmtcd
before that place, if it. be not reduced to
The Reported Capture of Gain. Price and
Rmuu |. MO,. Fel'). l4.—;l¥rignr'inf flrlnpml
Price. son of Gem-ml Nerlimr Prion. (‘nlnnnl
Phillip. Mnjm (15m- ‘xmll L‘n ruin lfrmhy
worn ruptured hv “Him. Sim“. (If the
Eighth [rm‘u rogilun-nt. irhny )md unnm
fivo- lmndn-(l rN‘l'uih for n‘d Prim in charge,
but Um" hm] just urn-“ml Hm (Lag-‘0 rivnr,
and M (‘uptnin 8mm»: haul but 21. mm!) form:
he did rm! fallow Hmm. *
Srmsurn‘l p. 310.. ‘th. fil—h is‘ nr-L
.rrflmlylc that ,(l'.(- mmy ni‘ll who“ (it-n'nrul
"rice'v rem-Ming urmfi' wry Lu~ 'unu .hkuu
367‘.“ NH? Yank. Bautnn. Philmlulphin
Cincinnati. Ht. Innis, (‘hir-ugn. and many
‘3 “mar Mum-F, (lER-ws uf Hu- Iyriliiunt sic
(nry at Fort Donolm’ynww received with do
mnndrtgfinm nf, the liyeliort filll~fiufl§un4
Ԥ firing: (11f cannon. ringing of bath, flou
_ ”firm, ‘2O. .l '
la”?ru~hk-nt Ilincnhl. nn' “'whmtJM
iqUell mprm-lnnmti‘un'rt-l-nmnwnfiinz m” tlw
pnnpln «pf tho l'ngtudlfimim. that Hwy (12-
awmhln m their cu‘tnmurv ’vl:l1n-~ of mm-linu
Fiur puhlip mlvmmtim ‘pn Ilu~ f\'.'('-l|_t}‘-~w‘lfl)d
iluy nf Fu-ln-uury inqnnt. and rah-Mute; 11w
anniversary—n! [he birth ul’ llu- F:-lhul’ M‘
ll|~A‘('mmtr.\". i-v cunning to 1m rmd lu them
his immortal FurewclL Addru». .
u G..." .
” Im'om'rnirm-re " 9/ L'rlmrlinqm—Tlm Chiva-
gn .luunml Inul (Inn‘rol-nrln-r killv-I hutright
nn-«l nnntlu-r had his Inge: shut nfi‘nt Hit-”mp
' mg» of Fug-t. Mvnry. 1A third escaped un-
I J :irgue,l
fix? The Hun-islmrg‘ I’m'rlul d" I'm'nn HI"!
th‘ai Hun. Jnlm film-rum". who Wdi'jl m‘nm-
lion-pf ”om-ml }’utlvr~im~ MMEJ'HIKI/ appra
ullqr‘ulfl/«Lv nwv'r m. "1:. nnvl tlmt \vlmn on ::
Trt‘t'lil néczuion he nullnd' upmx the-AV” Hu
'mrhm-nlt, Ly n lesMhlhun (Lt' the fluinte. fur
dud currmpnmlmlre lygielaumaflcn..\‘mt‘t mu!
“m.- i’ntums‘on. fM tfia purpo-Ig of (limbs
iug flirts «)l‘ which lmhms fully munimnt.
‘flw Sogrolnry uf‘WVm-J M‘flhv‘tl tn mmpiy
wilh Hm rmlmgs‘t. on (110 ground Umf if, “an
incompntjbfc will! th L public hum-wt. By
““3. dcluy (hm. ‘Put‘Lm-snn's gno‘d , "lan
mml continue to «ml-r. It uin nu doubt
_/hc-I main-1y viu'licnh- aftvr thr- wur slum
lawyer-. 1 ‘ L“ «l. _ --. ‘
(MU/w .‘u Nam/I', finy tlm firllowinp ox;
tmrt from tho ,me-uwurth (Kzuhu-Jl'pn-
hervulh'o of .llm 'lmh ult., it will In- seen
, llmtut party of, Jufllkauhs in -tlmt Stale
lmv'e dgutrfiyed tlm llnuso undimhor pro
perty all-"ll: .\.(ll. Egi‘, formerly of Cuyrdll
cumty, Md; _ ’ ,
“'l'hedwollinglmu-tonflful. .\.G. l-Iynnnw
’tlntlor at the fort, lm‘h lHu-n plundered by
Juyhau‘km. L‘nl. Ego i~ g: I'ninn mun.
3mm: {filth luu novm horn qubstinnwl.——
‘1“; while was {nu-n!" flunfimaut in Knmn‘,
but the robber? lmvo nut rmlu-vlml it," an
Fridayjnst, (lucyybrorv his furniture. dc
ntmynl his lmintings, and left the 1:01:30 1;
raid." 1
Tvmml (flu—We I“er béen inforde by'
Mr. Brothermn, of “'uynmboru", )ntely' rc
lensed by the BebvlnL that n ydung tum: I
from this county.‘ beam-3m to 'oo]. Stan!» I
bnugh’s regiment offlhrp'e mmilha' men. 3
named McLaughlin, “Pd fill?) was afiufiposml .
toll-are deserted, or been kincd. in n prisun- .
or at Riohmoml.. He} was vapturod ut the
same time and plmflMr. Brrithcyton andi
ghe‘ other Franklin on nty men were taken. ;
lie states that he bar; an uncle residinga
somewhere. in this: chunky: he mny. per
haps, have oéher religions, and (hi: notice
is written for the puépnen 'of letting'thmn
know his,wlxeronbonL4.—"lmmbrrsburg Spirit. ‘
~... kr‘~«.»~ ...»;1.
fißoth Hnnse: of the .\‘mto Législature
'pdjnnrn'ed from Friday until today.
'On the lsmjfu‘st.‘ by the Rev. J.'K. Miller.
ntlhe residence of the hrideifi mffim. .\h.
GEORfii‘E M. I’. )[lNNlGli lo Mi 5 DILLIE
RICE. th of Benderwille.‘ _ > ‘
fi-The happy couple, in the midst of the
festivities of,l.llcijoyous (iconsion. didnol forget
the Prinier.. For the delicious mike incompa
hying the notice, we tender the thanks of the
‘estnblislfilent, with oi}!- best wishes for their
future happiness and ‘pms‘pcrity. May they
live long t 6 enjoy the serene blessings of the
mauimomal slaw. ‘ l '
0n the 11th ‘inst., an the Lutheran Pullin
nge‘ Afendtsville, hv the Rev. J. K. Miller“ Ir.
BETH DEARDORFF, bnth of Franklin twp;
On the 20th inst., by the Rev. I‘. B. Bucher,
yr. JOHN S. FORN'EY to Miss 'MfiRY FL,
dmghter of Dnvid Schriver, Esq, of Cumber
hnfi mwnship. -
’ 31011 the 28th ult.. by the Pun—.l33. H. Baffin-ins,"
SNYDER, bqlh of East. Berlin.
0n the 18th inst, by the nine, Ir. JOHN
ANQWW. (WEEK. of Ul3mherlzmd county, as
um üBGAuET LEVI»; uunoxzsrm, of
lilmpton,“d!",£ county.
0n the [uh ianby the Rev. H. Y. Hummel
hangh' utJaux a. “group to Mrs.,SARAH
A. AchALEB, both at Springfield. Climb. co.
At. this“: mm, by the NINE. MLREUBEN
LALLISOX, forn'eriy of York. to Xi“ MAK
GA ET 3, WOUDROW, of Springfieid, Cum
bvrgnnd co. [York and Cal-“file P‘N‘l‘S COP!-
flit the lat “SL, in Hampton. MARY DIX,
dmgbzer of John Lehman, of Franklin Grove,
111 mm, formefly of this county, aged about 27
19“..“ . - " ‘ I a
6n the 7:]; men, near Peterebqrg, GEORGE
EDGAR BRANDT, son of" Game and Mary
Ann Brandt, aged 1 yen and 10 days.
327351¢mr£~92 it ’3‘ Ll,: H’s.’
'r‘n 'LATEST WAR. was.
x‘ . ‘ \___ n
‘ ling ‘ :1 din 33031 ham Gone.
mmflfik. gamma, ilawn" h no’w Oc
rupiod by the FWnl woo)“ under ”mm-:11
Smith. Thu place was taken and a large
quunlin‘ of dtnrm captured. No further
pnrticufars have been receiwd.
fi‘A div-patch 11m from St. Louis «takes
that General Price, rl’llliUl'l‘ed by General
McCullm-h's command, made a stunt! at
Sugar Crook. Arknmm, on Wednesday. and
was defeated after u .hon vngagemeut, Ind
again find: Many prisonexs werel gnken.
@lllB Southern news rewivfled by the
steamer frnin Hid Point on Friday is impor
tant.- The papers have no gurtieuhus of
the full 01’ Fur! Dom-hon. but one of the
lending Richmond fournah; admits its 10.”
to h 0... bury disaster. . ,_ a:
w’l'here is no new: from the ABurnside
expe‘ditian or from Savannah. It is re-port»
ed that Béunswick, 63., had been déserted
by its inlmbian-i.
12,)”le Confederate Congrosi as‘sembied'
at Hichm nd on the 18th and ormiiized by
electing lion. R. M‘ 'l‘. Hunter. of Virgihin.
as Preside!” of the Senate temporarily, and
Hun. Thomas S. Bococh. also of _Yirginia.
Speaker at“ the Home of Represenmtireq.
[fiy‘An order mu intued by the War De
pnx-tmL-ut on Friday for the release 0f thou:
sm‘t‘ul)‘ of the State priwnen confined in
Fons Wan-9n and Lafayqtte. among them
a numlmr from Baltimore.
M‘Frnuds ulmn thencoiornment in Hm
article» of clmlxinfzund mjfimry babe-null
ping“. hnve been tli~cnn=mqu amminrging to
cum on. u‘lLLios or [mutuu !_ ’rhje pnrtiw
jmplicnh-d are from New YOrk and fenn
sylvuuin. 14d llw pulllw Aw: (Lu) qunzr ‘.
- w’l‘he order for (he iliumindlim’ of the
Public liuildinp on Saturday evvn‘ing. .wm
biyunwrnmmlod, on necuulstmf than dumb
of (“no Bresident's son. 1 I.:r—‘T‘
_.__-A.,_....., ,
\ I!r~ucl.itiv.-—me Mr. F. H’. (Fm-finer,
Principal uflhe flutgcrfs Female Imtitute,
X‘. Y.——“[ liuvc lu-on hfflictr‘d With Bron
chitib duripg the past wimcr, and {ouild no
relief untill fonmlyndr'l‘rmhes.” “ Brb‘wvi's
Bram-Mal Twain-s.” qr Cfilgb lénzengpu,
are for my: throughnutfihe Uxiitcfléfiz‘ltes.
U'Jul‘hq/(lm, Fab, ZU.—jThe Bra-id
Willnuu. zigml (on or eléwn 30mm,
«Awning, 0| pnuunmfiia,‘
~ The other child in‘rocovering. '
' Special Notice
Ayer’g 'Sarsaparflla i,~ n Colin-Mum}
uxlrm‘t nt Pam Sdrsnpnrillu. ~o ( omlyilmf \\ ilh
ulhl r su‘nhm'vs m .ltill gre.m-r.nt|u'r:|:xivu p 11“:
c-r m. (u allow! am urn’w-tivcmmdme mt’disc no.l
Sur~.ul-:lrilluis rI-puH-ll to cure. Sufi] 21 h-nw—
dy is inn-1y wuuh-d' by Lhuw who sum-fl hum
.\.‘naumua complain“, and Ilmt one whfci’l Will
nucumpliwh lln-ir cun- must prom m‘iujnwnu
penny tn lhia l'uge LL“: 0! mu :1 inc-r 1 fr]-
hm-‘Jili/cns. Huw nymph-1c!) lhiafigmpnund
will‘dn it has Lem prmq-n. by oxpc‘fiml-ILI on
man) uf (hi-nun! when [m be hung}!!! the 10%
Inning cnluplmm; : . ‘ . ‘1
.‘H minim nnd Scrnfuluus Complaints: {Erup
tinm uml 'Eruplivc “buses. Ulcerséj’imp‘lm,
”hubby's. (Tamara. Salt Rheum, Slum] 'ileud.
K} phi“: and a" phallic Afi'ectiuns: NHL-urn}
[lnt-Mfca, Drops". Neurulgi; or ’l‘nq‘epolureux.
Dubillty, Dyspupda and Indigrfitiunfi Erypipe-
Lu. lhm- u‘r .\‘t, .\nllmny's Fir». and indorgl the
Hindu rl.l=.u nfvumplmnhzuhing{him Impuri
l) of the BlumL; 2
Tlns‘ m-mponml “ill be inllnll u gm?" promo
-1 11'!‘ u! lit-nigh. when Like" ur the spii’ng. a,“ ox
.) [Hi Kin- fuul hunmqs finc‘h {II-tar iimhelhimul,
'nl 11ml. smut-sun 02 the )WB)‘ liic‘lfciuu-ly L-x
-[:l‘ixlph ni‘thrm umny mnklingdisdnicrd nri‘
“am-. 1 in :1“.- MM. .\lullim‘dt-s mini.) mum
of mi; iouu'zay. kpurc‘thcmzoives Minx the «n
-, durum».- of fun! rrnptiuns m d l)iCl?i?‘Ull~“‘.~nrl,-~,
. tbrzough which llu-‘<'\'.~vu~ul will strir ’ztu rill il
s‘n-h’ni' corruption”, li- not padsiedfllu dn [hid
through Hui mluml cfiixinugls ul 1114 lmfd’ 1.)
1m nlicrn'np medicine. Clpnuwmfl'thc:nun-‘-
uni i'iumi‘ “hm-nun )ou “Lit! its‘ impurities
hursxiug llgruuxh 1...“ skin in pimph-sf‘arupliuuh,
or sows: gl'll‘flnil‘ it. “lieu you {ind it» is ob
z-lrurlml u'inl xillgg‘lwil :n the point); ‘clenpat- it
vi In-m-n r it. i» iuui, .Ind ~\jum‘ feelings will tell
)ou wlwn. Even when no particular alimr
dl-r is feltgpcnpie onjuy hem-r hmllil. fl‘l‘id live
lung-r. {of dmmi‘ng the hlpud, Keep the
hiuu-i in-u th_\'. and nil ‘ip we‘ll; bu; wilthhu
pulm‘him ‘nf life dimrdend, were win 50 no
hating henlth. SOUDL‘P‘ or inter Fowl-thing
' man go wrung,nndtin-141m!mJL-b‘il’mqluflile
L{s dbL-rdprm! my m'brmrawu. 1 f
V linrinfz [nt‘c 3mm the plilfilic hnrolbeen mi:-
I‘h-d by I.:rge-buttle=, prawn ing to give u qunrt
of Fx'tmct ('1! Snrsnpnrxlln’fofyne du‘fllur.‘ .\lunl
uffllcrr lmvc been funds upon I'M sink, for
they not only can! lin link:l if any, Snrsflpnril
, h. but nttp‘n no curative properties; whal'nuwr.
Hem-v. hitter and painful disappointment le‘s'
followed the use of thewnriou:“uxlrnctsfi'ut
1 Sarmpnrma w. hich flood the murkei, until the
n.une il‘clf is jufily dwpiwd, .ind’lyh’h‘et-ome
pyunmmou‘: \vixh imposniou and uh‘ont,‘ l‘a‘xill
\\ v c 114? this cumpnuud Sursnpnnlln, nnd intend
to .mpply ‘suclf n fcnmly.‘ as shall ru~cuc the
name {rollnlw lona (if uhlmluy “lliitil ruin; up
uh it. Add ivu' think we hnu grofinii my be;
llm'fnglt h“ virluca which are irrflislxbh by
the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intended
to cure. ‘ ‘ ' 5 4 - '
‘ WPreparcl by Dr. J.‘ (L'AYHR & (30.,
ILowrll‘, Ila-u. Pluck 25 CENT: 11x". 130 x.—
Flu H nuts I-‘nn $4. ‘ ,
- ”Es-Sum. by .\. D. [ll72“an dealer-5‘
crerywheljia _, - (Feb. 10"02‘; 2m
w, -¢vo-- ‘-—. ‘
wujn know when your liv‘erin outfit onler, ur
‘ when you “I“ what is called bilioug. hymn; of
. the l‘ulluwihg symptoms: pain in (hie Rifle and
hnck. dizziness, dull hem ache, a Md lute m
the mouth-jn the morninJ. snllow-cqloml oom
[floxiom‘yclluwiah lint in the eycsyc‘petircness,
or diarrhea of slimy dark cplur, !0W spirit and
dismal turrbodings. It. is incknowfikdged by
all physicians and others who Enrol seen the"
m: a perfect cure for all bilxioas Aflec-'
St’plensnn'ly do they searih out. and
'uy lhe seeds of diseznse, thin. all prr
bullfi li\‘in in a cguntry where Fever‘ and Ague,
nud all ofixer bilious diseases are prevalent,
will find they should never be without thug.
From two {.O four Pill! each night on going lo
lwd, will “’1 a short Lime drive nwuy [he sickly
yellow 1303 ol liLlQus persons, and brlng to
firm- “hunks afimuliful glow of perfect health.
Judson“; Mountain: Herb Pills nrc slol-l by All
Butlers inillediciuc. « [Feb. 24. lm
GNTYSBURG—Srruamr L 457.
55 12 to 5 ca
.....;..... , 3 50
...........11‘.5 to l 25
‘,..........1.,15w 1 18
Rye F10ur1....
White Wheat
Red Wheat...
Com ...... .....
R 0.........‘....
Oita ........t....
,Buckwhea. ..
Cloverflwfil .................
Timothy 5eed..."........
Flnx Seed!
Plaser of Paris ...........
Haste! ground, per b‘ng
Flam-"“45.........,................... aim to 5 75
Wheat..................,.,............. 1:20:01 in
Rye....... .; .............,,,.,,.,........ . 770 to 15
Commune. u-nn-n-u-gvu- 0"...” $5B to 65
0M!.........“.mm........,............‘ ‘3l u) 40
Clover 5ead.................,mm”... 4337 m 4 62
Timothy 5eed.....:............. ...., is; an no 3 so
Beeanttle,per hand............, . 6 00 m 9 oo
Hog-3,1)" hund......z..... "...,.... 4 75 I} s 25
Hay.........,......«.......................19 00 m 2; can
“'Hiske‘y ...J..... ...,..{.....‘..-........
Guano, Peruvian, per t0n.........
———4—‘—~_‘ 3:
¥ ' HANOVER—Tnumnn uh. .‘ ' ‘
iFlour, from wagons"... ............ ‘5 .25
< Do. from) 5t0ne5.................... 1 575
Wheat ..................-................,1 15 u'l so
g”"""'"2'“"“""'“"""'“““‘;‘ ‘i ‘6h
, 0rn........ .. . ‘
~ 0at5.........'..._................. "..,....T.‘ f V ‘8
Clout SeedL..-.............'. 44.... E
, Tipothy Sewn—” Lyman...” ~ '
~Wmam ..u'. «Jamal .LW
’Pub‘ixc Sale!
\7 Tanning, M: 18!]! dug of Jim-o]. uni, M
O the Mullen-. 0 of 11X. Smith, in Mount
[ulcmnnt lowm‘xip, .\-l.mH county the {9llo'-
ing Personal l'rupgrty mu be offered at Public
~Sale, viz : ‘ V .
l Yearling Cult, 5 head of Hurnm! Cnnle.
Brandczrmd Wagon, One-horse Wagon, Grain
Drill, Plough, Hurruus, doru‘jForks, Sled,
Jack-screw, Wheel-burrow. Log ('lmms, Cow
Ufiain-s, flurse Gears, smm“, Bridles, Coi
lura. km, kc.
.\lao. Houivhnld und Kinhon Furnimre. such
as 'l‘uhles‘ (5h urs. ('upbunrds. Human, Piano—
Furlo Steve and Pipe, )[cu Yum, Suns-gt-
Putter, with nuny other Articles, too adieu:
to enumvrnle.
M‘E'Sasle to commcnr‘e a! 10 o'clnrk. A. M",
on ”id (113?, when ullcudnnue will] he gives}! and
terms nm 1: known by ,
Fahrunr‘y :4, 1862. ta
“-..- ‘l u . _ ._ _rh.___;n..,.
:Executor’s Sale. 3
0X Swaizdav, (A: 29/5 day q! Maul: "it, (he
anhs ‘riher, Exa-ulor ofAndrew Will, 5:,
det'msedflwilllflell at Public Sale,J in th“: lute
ruideuce‘ l Annie Wilt, deceased, M Flatbnlh.
Unilm township, .zldarm county,' following
Pemonul llropqny, via: i
5 trogugfrabm, Chairs. 3 Beds uld Bedding,
liuronus. Ten-plume more and Pipe, Cooking
move nnsifixtnres. Corner Cupboard. Kitchen
Cuplmucl,» Clgx-k. Carpeiing, Spinning Wheel
and "BCJ‘HI’OD Kettle, Pots. Pans. Meat Vu
sq-ls Tubs, Bartok, kc. ; Park and Lid by the
pound. A )lebuner hy the crock, Potluck: by
the buxhel lluy by thi- ton. mid many other ar-
LiclusJoo umérous to mention.
Jay-Sal Lo‘ continence all 1:! o’clock, 31.,
(m amid a y, when a!!!end.mue will be given
and um: uudy— Inform by ‘
.axmmw WILT, JIL, Emlyn.
xxx. Auctioneer. 1 i -
1863. “*1 A, - g 1‘
j Jacon K‘
t Feb. 241‘“
terhl‘ln‘heritance Tax.
IIEI’? by HR Pommiisionvrs 01' Ad
ouuty, in tomplium‘e with th Act
' Co
‘ V flln‘ I
’l'lle Areni I
nlug My
‘thm i 1 ‘
' Lulu
‘ sully}.
! t of Chm-{gs K. Martin. Register k
of Quid conimy, for the year Engin
. 1., #B4O. 91nd ending Den. I, 180;},
c foyowingl’nmounro! Unllntvml In
, Tn‘x, rn'qivefi [frdnn 2116 personal
mivfau of me following decodém‘s:
Lntz, ‘; x $l4; 50}
Men-4v, 1 -‘ 1. 70‘ 00
«My, . 1 1 ' 15100
",1; “1 ' 4 ~ 60'; CO
Juhln I ”my, , 1
smm: | |!zuwy" W "
Ju‘vm Mob. 1
h whéx i qunos, ‘
John flu’ni. 1
.\iugdi I can." .\[onforg
nt ’3 son
ied Ha.
“'h; ‘9 ajmnnntfi ‘ ‘l'
Reg x-lgec. 5 pl‘ c. for do]
_ BM n 0" dye (”(t‘lmlnon‘fi‘rajflr; 370131!
Thv- ullfifl-ofifio-r, ntylmimr-d h}- the-Cmir! to
nut“! nmlf’ mljilng lhq public—‘umovJS, ceglilics
llrltlhe nigove‘is earliest. ' ~ ‘ . ;
{J ‘JLC. SEELY, Auditor.
PM“. 2:};H'19412. {4t ‘; ’ ‘
‘ F '1‘)!
.0 ,m‘fi
[m If: M I
'.--lthl-m irill helm morting'df the‘ Feb.»lfl.-IF‘62. 15
rd of 1111: G‘unyabu'rg Railroad ,C‘mn-l 7—” ~‘-
‘ Room on tbv sucum} llimr elf thé : , ‘V PUbl
”PM in Getty-*‘WA'W' I"r’4"f/~ ”N’- \fi imam]. Ihr 2
’lvlrvl}. A.J:v.,181;2. at 1' o‘clock. l’. O filuacril-M, 'intel
into I-ozui‘dgmlinu thb'ncrep'umc? )fi‘i‘fi'fllf ‘hu9ine~s. “-i
a!" the Am 61‘ .\sfiem‘bly pusiid by bit: reiidcure, m. Giu‘
wéiun of tho ngiulmure. (- ith-d “““Jl‘h'llh Addma cum
[Hunt 11) Ihr Ac: lucurpnrntiuk the a) prop-ennwiz:
“Him" an'i’w‘l'W-Z Th? WM "'uunn‘rzs Gun. (‘0
i» to mmhlp l'm‘CumpAny In #rontc home “mug-u" Bram-l
' NOW “" “k 9 “WI NU“ 05H!" Jincknv‘mvp liufigv 1m
L. ”.\. Df‘b-P 011‘ «hr P“"”’fl~ ‘§_ : 316')"er ”(mm)- kpgn‘
- 3‘15“”? “',llaLt'» “9'9- jrmvs, Daub]? Show!
13",}: bl j I _ ‘ _ J" ‘ 7\\:|y.nmvin;_r Lilli-I. SM
‘ ' H ] Sprudrrs.’ JIEIRE- (H
jt'hnins. and other i
(‘l:3urs. (use! of Drum
Tum, Hint-Is, and u \l‘
I’.\ at”! 9}“?
TM tlugflqf“!
\l. tuinkg‘}
'nrjl ljcl'txilt
ll: l!!‘L"‘L'lI
‘~‘. Supp'l
U V tvshllr
ur hi~lnm§
xi HER-”‘1
Ho MHI (Eu
5 1 foal!,Coa1! Coal! , -
”HAIL“ k Ill'lmllafill nre‘now brépnfi‘d lo
:uppl'y‘H'UAL, nféuperiQr quuluy; i'luuu'
"lily”quirml. va'thnsh.‘ '.
‘nmt‘lt' 511 mm .\HE, , ' i .
{'l‘}. Lv 3‘“: request thaw hidohted to
m 1.» c4]! and pay? up. n: {41643 no fifiuvh
nil-u. warm“ bc'thi- fifaltfl dull? pap-o
’“. i'rumll? (0:7. 3 _ .‘ v .
'cb. 24, mm, ‘ ‘*' 3
1 F mers’ & Mechanics?
.\le ' mswn‘néx or ADAMS-L1H”):-
H‘Y. (2] 'N‘YSIH‘RG, P.\. . ;
Ve-allh runes by «wing. Dcpooiz ynur uxrw
pL: fund. in lhh 'lnzlituriuufi m the “‘l9 of
from mm In fin pcr cent. This IMLituliOn of.
an n mfe uuuvcni‘ent and prpfimljlo-de’pgsito-
HEN” «SW of poof-10. '. fl ‘
cbrun i 15;, HULK in:
h }
»—- —.— ---—->——7,-..‘——+;—<
umplke Election: _ .
Hkhnllh-rs in the York and Git-fly“
nrnpikv Cunqmny nrtf herebyhoti
n ICLec-tinn for Prenido‘ntw'Mmgfigt-rq
”or, m cpndut-t the nfl‘nirh 0f the
\\'ill Im_hvl'd u; “10' p hliqhmise of
x, in Abhbttsmwn. ct lh‘e‘ngfi «My
1!, between lhé hour} 05*“) A. .\I.,
, . , JOSEPH sm’srm, My.
.mzz. ld‘ ‘ - I.
3 Nance. - f ,
T hurl
50d Hm: .
mul Trump
F. J. Wu:
mull P. -\
._ Fob. 24‘
of ndminisjlrmimi on lhc‘estpnte of
LeUlnn. lam of Gctgy'eburg, Afiams
waged, having I‘Leen granted to the
:1, residing in the same plnég, he
- noticego all pennns indebted to
to nuke immediate payment. and
lg Maxim's nmlinst the same to pycscnt
zrl'v uuthéulimtcd for acttlemqnl.
_ WM“ A. DUNCAN, Mfr.
1 1862. o'tl '
atrona Coal Oil. ’
I. ugh
Marin Mal
cdunly, d--
mid amu
them pm!
Feb. 2I
a} to any KERUSENE. {
y nn explosive Oil, when n few'ccnts
.xllon will furnish you with a perfect
0 only by PA. SALT. MANUFAC
‘OMPANY; .\“o. 127 \VALV ‘Sunn,
PULL [mug IE2 ‘ly
more per
Uil? Ml
onifierll Saponifl er;
T Gl'eu
using SA!
BOX! :5
nmkiugn .
the l‘uu‘u!
Feb. 24
mtg 305? “swam Khohen
u can be np'nde into good SUAr, by
IA? is ns‘easily mde withil an
up of cofl'ee. Mnnufuctqred only by
', 3‘o. 127 WADIV'I'SL’, PHILAD'A.
”$2. xyj .
1 Fresh Stock.
GJCARR has‘just received from mans-
H. dqlpflia a. fresh neck of GROCHRHES,
to which he inntea the attention of the fiublic.
ltf émbrubes Coffees, , Sugars, Tens, Swaps,“
3! 183363 {lf ull‘kinds, including a. superior ar
ti In: for biking: Spices,&c. :
He hasfalsqlaid in a new supply of ROSIE.
Rx. for quies and Gentlemen. _ '
‘LLtquorsiofall kind: Always on hand.
' 'Februa. y 24, 1862. 1 =‘ >
4 16
4 00
I: ager 1n Delay.
HR den-signed requests us to my list he
Mme much obliged to each and'all of
those wh know thehfielves to be indebted to
him, eith :- by NoteLßook Account, orpther
wise, if t e: wilt m‘ake‘ immediate payment.
I‘o deb-y ping so, wm compei him to the dis
agreenb!e*‘necessity of collecting through I
proper oflcer. MARCUS SAMSON.
‘fi'Berous indebwd can call either at the
Store, N. 3. corner of the Diamond, or on A.
[Coven Esq., 8:11;. at, Gettysburg.
‘1175t02 00
i ,1“
; 6 50
z 100
: ‘4 no
Feb. 17, 1662
iLost and Found!
HE “ ‘goods times and plenty of money ” are
found in the purchasing of Goods It
SISQN‘IPS, at this greatly reduced price."
Purchasers who would take advantage of tßis
ohnncs 9f economy in securing Bugnins, CONE
son has somewhat advanced, we will sell whet
of Wintei Clothing we have on hand at prices
Iqsstisfy the most economical buyers. Tnu's
I'll See! for times like these. Thp emit] of
mbney is thus made up, by buying so much
chapel. [Gettysburg Feb. 17, 1862,;
23 to. 26
i: Qfiifi‘lfla‘ ”angle! of Hm ind
‘ C. 36 roe :. lower nun mu! min:
.1 fl " I, B. F. McILHENY’S.
I 5»
6 5
D. a. 3mm
| 11127
3» -, W“
i 65384
SE’ 1!
‘ ~ 11;:3
. . 44;,70
19!. 49
the Séockholders }
.-- _. .47- ”...,.,5‘ ....- ..-.. . -_ _ ... .-. . V;4r~ u .
i 4 i J- . . l
f Largeflaie i Wandnmmu"
1 ~05 Jlanday and running, rlu 10M and O Couahs'mnns' Union, Anlnpo..PA. ,
lllli dc," qNIm-ch nut. the suhsrriliers, Admin- Agrceubl’ to nu Act of Assembly, entitled !
inrutou ofllun' Ilnum. deceased. will 1611, H An Act m rniw l'mmly Rates Ind Lories,"
1 nl. Public Sula. u the hie residence of aid de-i requiring the Commiqsxoucrs of theitetpertire
indent. in Monnijoy lOWMIIHL Adnm county, ‘ counties to publish A Statement at [hie Recfllpu‘
,mbout 3} miles nurlh of thllénlown. sad i and Expenditureliturly,Wmlhr UO'lmilsion.
[mile east of Jean 1). chnnn'l. lhc following , en of 'l'uxes ol‘ uni-l county. report. up follnvu,
Vliunbir Personal Prnperl)‘. Til: : to '11: from the eighth duy ol'Jimugry. 1861,
t FIVE HEAD (lF' WORK Him-“ 189,3 of them' to the eighth day at Junuirf, 18624011: d-ys
Brood Mares, l heavy with foal; 2 Colts, one; ncluaivez’ ‘ i
‘3 pun and the other 1 year old, 8 )lilchi ~ . ~ 4
a or “M
-1 M fine Shouts. 2 Brood 5““ "m Fig" 4: with the (hunt! ofAdnuu as foliowlz ,
Shel-p. henvy broad-wheel Wagnn.“llh Lied“ ' g }
,hows and cover; narrow-wheel Wagon, one--1 , A 9R' :1.
‘,hnrie Wagon. 2 sols of ”in (inrriugc-. .\‘lmgh T° cub m hand: of “5d Truman; ;
mm Beilx. Sled. Tripplé-mured Tiireshing 5a.; Pengywunt of Amino", flied 1'! - u . ;
whine, Unsuy's Reaper Ind .\low 'r, liibb’s 'B' 18 '1! ~ - H B " '326‘0 8‘
.‘Uhopping Mill. Putcm Hay Rake, nru-mle (‘,m- ;T“ nmonntfccelrtd Iron: ‘ _“u’ fi’é a . i
jting Box, cm Sheik-r. Umin Drill. Family; MW: will") 7“ ‘o’ ”W: ,t -5° o°,
gUurrilg‘e and Harness, Wmnowing .\lill, Wheei—i ' . Jig-'ri
{barrowy Ploughs. ”Arron 3, Culumwre, Shovel i _ 3% 2:222‘
ilelghs. Corn Parks. 5 :91: Horse GmiJVngou ' i w CR. ; 3 .
iSmMie, Riding Saddle- Ind liridle.§idc Saddle. I" 0n... run our As you”? : (
'Log and Fifth ('hnius. Halter and Cow Chains, Bygndiling.l dunling public IcwffiJflfl no?!
‘Gmin Cradles, S( vthm. 2 Juck’b'crews, Fork, J. C.Neely.sq.. Auditor uppuinledvh, ' ‘i,
;Rnkes: Shun‘l‘, and many other farming nrli- the Court i“ nudit' public “film ' IS 00"
iclcs. Altai n Cross-cut. Saw. Grin-lslonc, 3 ‘Printmg, Lil-pkg, ta“ ii 58 lo!
, hives of Bees. (‘nrpenler Tmrii, ()rombars, Rem": m ”use windings, :' ‘i, I no}
influéfks, Pluk‘, Fish Seine: 4: A‘TEB ol'll'hent, J_ B‘ Danmfi Esq” gyro: in ontgt‘fllfi- ] {I
13nd Rye in the gruund : 4 uhues ul‘ stuck in the! lug tug-5,1 o _ ‘f 3, so ‘o'
,Lmleuowunnilmad, and l dbl-re in the Hun-' Ahntcmcm :9 Collraon, 5 'per «1:1,, 2313‘
over Brunch. Aldo, Huuwhehl and Kitchen ‘ Repair; alblydgat, . ' i : 1610‘
Furniture, sun-h an Tnbles and Chairs, Bids,‘,lr¢”ur.r of‘ law 3...”. . .5 ‘ m mi
ißedsteudn and Bedding, Corner Uupbmfld. ‘ Road dsmgiif. ' , ’ it? " 4064 K):
‘Cnrpeting, Bureaus, Book-yaw, COOKER Stove: Treuurer’a 4' mmiuion, ,3 18 262'
[and Fixturea, Tcu-phle Stove and Pipe. Wood , Balance in hfudn uf Trea'urer. ..‘ ~ 1654 83!!
,011051, iron, Home, Mull. 'Vedsels, Tubs and, ‘ fi______..-
jnnrrcls, 1,290 lbs. of l'orL, nud many olhtr; ,' ' l v i $92890 as?
lurticlei too numerous to mentmu. v
‘ waule to I‘uunuciue at ll: o'dock. A. M”!
of each (My, when Attendance: “ilfl be given“
and terms mule knmnn by" 1 '
1 ' JQSEHH “SK; !
Peh. 3. 1662. N ‘ Arlminjidmlurs. E
| W'JACOB KLrsK, ‘Liucl'ioneer. ’ ;
, _ 3‘ _ \ -,. _ _A ‘
‘ Valuable Personal Property 1
‘ 'l‘ PUBLIC SAUL—OI Tuesday, [ln- 181/: of
lA, .Vurc/r, 1945:, th Hulmrrilnor, errntur of
161:0me Puss, (Inceflwdfl will do“ at Puhiiw
Sdh', at the-Into rr~idqhqe of qgid dnccck-nt. iu
:Cumhcrlami urwushlm .\dths (-mun)‘, on lhcl
| Emmilsburg 110qu 1;. lungs from Gettysburg,
the followink Personal Property. Vin; .
FOLR WORK uuhsES‘r. I“: .\lr‘h-h Cows,
'nmrly all fnesh. 5 Shaina, Narrow-trend Penn.
' horse Wagon. Nnrmwfircnd Two-hone Wagon, v
‘Buggy and ‘Hnrness, Winnowing .\hll. (‘uning
Bax. l'loughs lln‘l llnrrnwd. Double and Single
Show] ~ l'lanjzhu. thimftors. llurse ”Burn,
Wheel-burrow, (lmui rural Clover Crtullu“
chtlu-s, Lug (filming! uIL (‘hailn<. I‘ow Chains.
impelcbers, Double “th Single-TITAN, Fork:,
vlmkea, div, UM" by he lion; and Corn andl
MUM. h_\' the, bushel. jurnin ilr tbc‘gruund.—:
3AM». Huuwhuld :md Mullen I-‘nrnilqrr‘Juuh us
I'l‘:lblc»,(‘hui;r~. Bun: nrr Budding :und ”C‘latCfld‘.
(‘orner {'uphonrd, (Making sm" 0 my: fixture-n!
‘ Ten-plum Now and "illO, L'lovk, [mu Kettle. I
|.Tuhs', B.u-rel,<, ('rgukiryuq‘un‘, Appluhulter, ll ‘
I hive’s of Bees, with a 'ariéty of other Nuclei.
tho numrruiu m nut-u inn.
‘ 35‘8““) I!" rpmmv «a M[Q o’clockA A. 3L,
,0" gllid any; when rut} duuuc will be given tad
Lu-rm: .nn'dcilmuwu h) ,
\cpn I'Lxxlx, 1;”
c Sale.
Ik day uf Mar/:71 nu]. the
«l'm‘g to relil’uluieh the
1 we’ll as Public Sale. at
Mill. in \lnuhtpleunnl
(y. the nollun in}: person-
V fi. Ynun‘.’ “little. Four-
I rviqd; ,u'uh Stone lied.
L ”-Irnunl. Mum; an?!
-an. ['lrmghs and “ur-
Phuuzhi. (‘nrn Forks.
glc‘ and Dodhlc-Trrm'
.lrs, Hnlwr 'luld (‘mv
truiinghgrticloa. .\lm,
[cu-s: Knlchou ('uphoard',
uripxy of olhflt‘r amides,
too nymoroué‘ go uu-n
‘ pgu’fS:nle,stu (-unmzc
an fluid thy, when .
gun-‘1 N-g'ms made kuuw
‘- Mb: 17, £502. :3
on; I
lce’nt 10 o'chjck. A. 31.,
ltréulnnce “in he giwn
1h: ‘ \‘
0 Sale.’ _
¢ Pub]
‘ll, I].! lII]
livr. inu'n
dams r'u
rill}; “1' .Warr]; tau-l. the
ring to quit farming.» ill
hi-t rCailil‘nlOL in Butler
int]. one milk south of
filth l'orannul. Properly,
LY‘ MARI-ZS, (' s. 11
t hit: the Hunt-TM 33%,)(3
31 Hlntnmlio'n Wag n and
jgcs, Threfltittg .\lxh-hiue
thumb, Hui-raw. Dnuhk
tllgh‘. (‘o'rn Ftfik. ‘1 soul
t 2 letti of Front Gears,
Brit le<. Collxtr‘sfifimmw
xv, foul Troukh, Doulflc
{innit-re, ’llullcr and Cow
:(‘lminfl Thu-cs, Grain
lld‘i‘.l“l)l'k§ and ant‘s,
_ttuck: I'umtoos‘by the
er :flrliclgi not mentioned.
'pceifit 10 Q‘s-lock. A. .\I.,
ttdgtttce n il} b? given and
0 shim-r
5:11 a! [Pub
Imvmhip. 4
1 LYN“ full“
; H) PAM
i be (YIN)!
ng (‘nlthn‘v‘
my (‘arriaj
mower. 1'"
"hon-I [’in
\‘il. :. 2 L-( 1
uf them \ri ‘
head of Y 0 ‘
.Lime 30¢]
unnl Horxd
and Single ‘
of gomL Hijml Gonrs‘
“’agml Smlme. )HimH
ing Mill.‘\\'l:del.bnrroi
mid Sinuhu ‘n-ovt. Sprg
(‘hainafi ‘.' p+ir nf Burl
(‘nullq (Hoyt-weed (
Mall and V'edges. Ms
bu-lbul : am} many olln
WSule to calm-HS
on will Ilny,’ when mt;
terms mndcgknpnn/hy
Feb. 17, IE“. (I 1
‘"' ’ .... , V ' 1*
xpuapu gmcnzré
4 - met
G mm] acting at.
Gettvslmrg (lad ('nmp
electlng a l’ widen! up
Cumpfuy. t 9 srrve fur.
held on‘flluuduy, [he I
7 o'cluckll F. .\I. of mi;
Hall, in the‘porough of
ztlon; 1 ‘ ‘
S FOMPAxt-«pThe an-
Ihg Stockholders of‘we
Luv. for the pufposu of
”I‘ng Managers of said
the rushing 31‘s“, “we
)1! ‘day 9/ March nu , at
id thy, M MoCunaugliy’s
{Glen} aburg. \
K M. JACOBS, _l’ru‘.t.
D. McCoxArnnY. Sep'y.‘ ‘ _ . ‘
m). 11:11sz td j: ‘ ;‘. i
_ .- “ ~- ~...; _.‘_ #__...__..~_
* [a Second Session .
cuss“) scuOoL. for .\lulpl‘and Fe
males. willlcommencd eh the£ 111'»: or .\lAncu.
1863,3[14 énlntinuc/ufinii thallsl of July—l 6
weeks. Trjnugz—Fun English Branches 57»
Fur Englid‘ an‘d Clan ic $lO. ,Ln only a li'mit
ed number ‘will be riceiw-d, thaw who desiye
to send their children jshmllri make exuly appli
cation. Fok‘ particulugrs hd‘lresa r ‘ ,
. } 1w: WM. mamas,
Feb. 3, Ich2. to 1 Gettysburg, Pa.
‘ Name." (, ,
LCMI‘I‘I of adminiatmtion, with the Will
annexed, at] the (mate qt George Stnuhaugh,
lute of Franklin township. Ad‘ams county,
deceased, having been granted tp the under
signed, residing in the same township, he
beret); giv‘es uotic‘e to .11 person): indebted
to said estate to main} immediate putyment, and
those iim‘iu'g claims against the sanie to presgut
them propelrly authenticated for settlement.
Ada inistmtor with the Wiuiannexed.
Jan. 20,1862. ‘6;
- ' Notice.
G tnmentary on the estate of Gatorg'e Plank,
lute of Cumberland township, Adams county,
dec'ensed, having been grinned to the under
signed, residing 11: Freedom townAllip, be here—
by gives notice to all per-ions infikbted toh said
estate to make immediate payment, and thine
having claims Against .lhe same to present
them properly authenticued for settlement.
imam: PLANE, Ex'r.
Feb. 3, 1862. a:
F tern of administration on the mm: of
nncia A. NcDemuL hoe offiinban township.
Adams co.,decesscd, having been granted to the
undowigned, residing in the me township, be
hereby gives notice lb A“ person: indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claim! again“ the “me to present
them properly authenticated for acme-mam.
Jan. 27, 1862. cc
_ Butter, Eggs,
HICKENS. and other marketing, constant.-
Clym be had at H. G. UARB’S.
Aug. 26,- um.
YSON “OTHERS Ire mlking their prem
ium pitta!“ It pricel to In" tin 2'13”. .
-+—-—-————-——-+‘ -_ “VII
MOO 3 'rmn'l-zL, Esq, manure; and «w
Commiuiduen, inLucconm with“ a County‘,
ofAdnms,hslollbWs: Q: % a
. > 1 DR. ~ xi .
Outstanding rounéy Tue! andQ 8
Rent!l in lmnlL‘ th‘ollecton, . 15134 L3B,
County Rum ignu! Lén'n (rm-uni for ilBl : 1 4 g
Boroughrot (huydmrg'; SIS” 4 ‘ I L, L ‘
Gumbenland ‘ituwnsbip, 12:9 1; A. L L I.‘ L
“nanny ' ": 992 9 E ‘A L
Oxford L ‘f 1167 ‘u , ‘
Huntington ‘ “L 1148 0 g L ’
lmtimore E “‘ M 97 3r ‘1 L
Humjlloubnu “1‘ b. 1420 6LL ' ; ‘
Liberty 3 N. 3*. , 661 o L .' L . ,
Hamilton ' , “1 ° 9341 , L ‘
.\logullcn L ‘ 873‘ ..11 I
Slrahnn L “ ’ lflfiq H L L
Franklin - “'. ‘ 1'47: ~1 : ‘ ‘
Conqwugo “ I'll 1. ‘L’ L
Tyroncr . - “ ' 724: l A: , g
.\lnunljny 3 w 971 ' ‘l'? ' L
.\lnuhlplensm t' "' 3372 2‘ 4? . L‘
Reading L “ 1160 6i I : _
Hermivk u 4an 1 I: ‘ . ‘1
Fttcdmu L “‘ - 43‘ I: 4 ' i L
l'hinn ‘ “ 1137‘ 9., L .
134 nm . . " 922-4 L ‘‘4
Béru-i'fk'borl' -2W 1 a v
' ‘ --—.i 2020 95
' “1 ' [I sundry permakzfim 4|)
:Quuu tor 186 p, .: 6.19:5?
'ultLth-riflfl‘urf‘ I L
i , Ra «o‘oo
McClellan, Esq-LIL -
lenturf, refunrk‘ (E L
mulling done h - "
:w‘ngo bridged : , L
L 35 00
:eiulmnnL 15an ,5‘ ‘
‘ I" . .17 250
Loan from Bu
Ahmc'nem 0:
Cash 1' am 5n
{fceé for INS!
Cush mm \H
jury foo: (151‘
(Jun); I‘nym J
I. B.
I. I’}
‘ an'i-qulnwi for "
neighbnn ui Uuu'l
“I.4mm”; |
Cash thou” [Mule]
tor lumbew
Club lrom'hngnicl '
foretono. 1
(Jul: ”@811” W
AAdditiunulln in: l
viselman, Ewq.,
. Soio‘o
LSh'fl'anfinth : mug!)
suudrypersan,‘ .27 '1")
‘} :"33723 35
. I>. , ~==
[mm’ty Tu and 33m: Rents
Ith hands of a?!“ following
The Outstdnfiiuq (
tnppeu‘rz to l c- in
‘(Julleflnrn if: M
1:41". ('Ol Inn
HRH. Julm “j Hcih
1655. SHchhSmlh
1856. Samuelr: Wen
It A. 1 L
Bohtfgrlr : ‘. "
M, Ilnntingcbn , $3 58
-r\ Tyrune, ‘ , 16‘ 83
'er, Gem-shy g x 160314
' Quit Rein IL 68 1“
‘rr, Ga-ttyslrurg,§ .‘ 57 I?!)
' - Qui'l Rugs, [1” NH I‘}?
lrnlurt'. Tyrune,’ '2 2 13 5’2
2, Germany, T 1 ‘ 6:; T 4
m‘nmuin, ' i ' 328 cu
:u|_n, Mountplca *t, 304 .13
cider. liollpshur ,5‘ 411 :18
-‘ Quu. liegufi Al7B 50-
“ J‘nmos .Re‘ngzlb. Lnlimorc, - - 36 (I 5
“ Huim-ail .\hnulcu. \louutplefisant, 9:3 98
H “Huang. sum. Union, 7 [L 51 as
man. R. I). fitmenfflnuyuburgfli ’ 529 no
~N “ y “ x Quit. Items, u 178 50
" Jsn Glllycrsfiucrumny, > ‘ .707 53
‘“x \\ Haul: [Slim-1n", Huntin'wut HO 16
” Rblwn )Vmsunqumiltonb u, 11'.’ 97
u » “Imm; merge", )lennllEn, .455 92
“ Guorgefl.nd_v',l~Frunkjiu, 10'! 13
1857. "any (L (M
“‘ Jacob d. Pit
lthllHu'y Imm.
u n. w. Bmm
1‘ Jam]. (,‘zuhn
1359. 1511):."qu 210
‘4 i
I “ S‘umuclK halal), Tyrone. . 326 (H
l “ lfunry lilmulq‘r, Nountplensafll, 4 ‘6l l 9
;1 u 1111111n11¢lNeinlEcl1.f Reading} 1‘ 131722
1 “ Aaron “1:11ch Butler, . g 190 17-
. 1861.162111 L.E|lulu.uurtll.f Gettyév‘iirgmu 5):!
1 g “, J.‘llncsxl_l-I;uxiuugl..f Cumbeclznd, 777 on
“ §lllllucl|iWcikerLf Hermann" - 594 17
“ .\ficxiu)s;l{ulailllou,f ()(fond, a 647 64
” qunihdn “1113.1 “111111qu ‘ . 986 03
, “ Michael} Schfivcrsf Linimordll 454 31
“ J. 11. liiumgurduer,Hnmihun‘ n,1077 ‘7l!
‘ “ E. [L .\i 11mins} .Liberty, 1 . 464,'02
“ Jncob film-lid Umnilmu, " 5‘ ~ 740 «ll
” l-Jilllluudlßro‘llgh.f .\leunlled,~‘_ 486 00
u Ihluiel“nahm:ln.l' Strann, ; 1,1136 21
i-‘ Jo'wphgltebertj Franklin, ,' 886 38
I ” Joseph finhrkeefi Conoungo, ‘1 783 13
. “ David Hernmud' Tyrone, - 49; 00
, H Jameiilliullinsfi Mounzjofi‘ . so 25
E “ 11. S. L‘ 11.1 Mountplmunta ' 667 20
“ dsorgeilsakejnf Reading, ,:~ . 466 14
i “ Jo'cphfjximf Berwick, ‘H9 I‘3.
“ Jmnc: lirrrnc" Freedom, 1 1H 35
' u Jeremiq'lLSc-Hermf Union, 3 4 820 or»
“" Samuel! 11:1”qu Buller, ‘; ‘ 912 54
11 Joseph 11(11):;ch Bern'ick Mm, 5‘ 13+ 90
: ' ‘ *‘q—‘P
‘ - H E; "ms :17
1 . ' g:- _-=an
WILD”; marked Ihnl 4' bu“ In. a In‘full
since settleru?nl.“Thnse marked? h If hue
‘ paid in pan: 1, ‘ . ~.5 -
' 3 \ " CR' l ’l’. 1
f‘ 151‘ onpnnn r‘un out n “11'3":
‘ Printihg. blanks, kc., “ $283 87
j Sbcnm's hiflé of (.‘qut costs, 1' 1,." 620 70
‘,Ck‘l‘k's PM. 3 .‘, 20° 00
Khan-uncut 13 collectors of sp“ «$l., 953 84
'1'): and W“ 0111. sunlps, ‘f: 44 80
General juryinnd 1E1! luves’ply, 9 _' £244 00
lAssessoLs‘ pay. ‘ Mg 673 40
Juilot's fees {or keeping prisoner-{and
F turnkey, ' Z ‘ ._' .
EWuod, Monq coal. hnnling, “LL!"
4 public buildflngs. 1'; 334 01
Repairs 11: piulic buildings, A“! 15? 33
I Graudjury Mild tip staves’ pay. I 3' 55
g‘Regietcr, PFblhonolury Ind Clog of ‘
Sessiuua' (keg, 1 ,» as 51
Tax refunded to sundry person, 1‘ " 196 88
Court (Dryer-"p pt 1; 100 00
Certificate: of-Co blel' retain 3; 9o 63
Counsel fees } ~ 50 00
Treasure; oflAlms Home, ' . .1100 00
Postage and, statiunery 101- Compl
sioners’ otficii. f
Notes and intereifi paid Bank Ind'nua
dry persoufa, .1 13484' 82
Quiz rent paid March: Suntan. * ' .l 00
Wm. B. Mcmqnu, Esq., Dimicq} m. ‘
torpey‘s fees. 1-
DunielGeiselgman, Esqq Commisjionp
er’s pm), 3‘ ‘ A
{names H. liq-shun, Esq., Oonmbfipu
er’apay, I " 3 I 202 50
Wm. B. Gnqdner, Elq., Comuiléipn
er’a pay, 5 '-‘
Keeping pria nerl in E. penitenti y,
Samuel Wolf: Sharia, conveying til
: open to E, penitentiary, , 5
Junticea’ feel for inqnhmonl, ;
J nutlcu' Ind Conunblu‘ fool for tall)-
mining "gran",
Railroad Company And Admin, ix
preu for freight, , _ 15 73’
Bnyawnre for public building), New 64 79
Mich“. Rupp, court house hey“, . l 25 00
Beddmg snd‘clotlriug for prison, ' ; 23 28
Painting court home. roof and fence, 99 29
J. L. Schick, Esq.,for flag, ' A r 776
Gal compnny, _ 13 40
E. B. Buchler. Ecq., stone for jail; E 3 00
Ch“. Will, $551., bonding jury, (1 dsy) 14 00
Docket for Clerk of the Courts, . 20 00
John Trumbull, matting for courthouu, 23 80
John Pfeuui in mm {or nut twp. line, 44 00
Jacob Bunny, men-In. Pam duh-4, me no
A. w. I»qu man: laud-an oi ,E
prisoner-H ~a ’. W 10 50
801!!! com. qf {shim- of voluntfiu,§ 300 00
Dimton of the Pump 3’. . do
Ofliavrs' pay In, spring leviion. , 3xo
“ ‘- ml chemo. ' 54:4
Rood dat- on And dunno view, 67
Repair! al‘midrles, 1 , , £B3
bunuel WOll, Sham“. fér lammoning
, jurors. ‘ E
J. M. Pittenmrf. cantu‘c! in [all for
Opposaum cnek‘ brii 'e, f
Chriumnn & Zioglar, (tinge! in full
tor (‘onowngo bridgq ‘
John Findley, comma
Berlin bridge,
Keeping Wain-r S. Sw-
Lnnalic hymn.
Exotic-ration: to collect:
Colltctors’ fees,
Outflanding lax lid
hands at collectors.
Treasurer‘s commiuion
Bulnco in hands of 1'
JAqon 'rrmxm.,.~ Esql
Chmmiuaioueri. in m.-
of‘Adnmi: l
To ‘Amo‘nm of Rflie!
Outqtgnding tax for In
fixagentionn Io coflem
Collecton' teem,
Duran-roman" on relic
Tre,snn:r‘s commiskion
Bulfince in hands of TH:
Id (alimony (has! 1!
r—‘— of the Rprdpt!
Hug } hibited m the n ‘
v’ uhid cqnnty,‘i3 n
u “km: from and com
remlihing in the boloka
herr'unln sci. odr hand
snid office, at Getty-h:
Jnnanry, one lho-Isun
why-mo. « “an“.
E WM. «
, g ; (‘nmmiusion I
Angst—J. )1. “11.1qu
_‘ K Andxtqrs"
D the Hunnrahtp th
CI"; of Common PM.”
i" the umlorwggwd.
to sbule um] adjust the
Tr(-.l|-un-rl|ud (‘ mnuix 5
Having been smn-n' ur
Luv, do Irepurt llm mlll
sum-mum of mid newt-mu
OfJnnusry. Imm." Hm
1.54.: —hmh days inllusi
\V. 'IHHUEIT leifil.“
T vasuror, am! (Tmm'
u! th‘thc County 0'! A}
.4 L DI
To dummy” in- imndnéof 1
M “pH ncmunt of 2
‘Jinuu‘y H. lIL-l, ’
2H: m nlnunnl 1'00;ng
Hint, Culleglor, .
By dithnruments mfi rm
Treauun-r'l cmumispionl
lnl'llll. :
\Buhnce! in hand: uf 'l‘
‘ the count-h). l
noon TROXEL. [-::-q!
t‘ummissioucrs, in no
of .Mlams : 1 ‘
Ouumndiug county 11x11
in hnnrls of (.‘nliecfur I
lehly Mix fissubiesifor
Ad 'liannl tux from nu
Lo: 5 from'buuk mu] nu
CI ‘ from D. Ueiiel 4
1 inhcr, E ‘
Cm! from J. M. Tip-n
0 contract for ‘hml
u ighlmrflutnppniaux
(m Juw. bum); l
CM; from n. Griscl ~
“one, ' I
Cash from Wm. 13.; Me
jxlry (res, ~ } !
Culh from Samuel “'Ol ‘
“:05. 1 I
(‘nsh {rum (‘nui nndjfiur
Cnnh from State Quum,]
f 3 1 ‘ WI?
By ulstnnding tutu ('0
u‘M ' H
2u y‘ u I, u j
Vln E H x u "
‘ux u n
. U
U ‘L.
u‘ u I
“ flout-ration, 1
H II ’
u . ‘u . 4“
Dislpnru+menls on cbnn
Tr nugr'l commi‘pim
flu ncefin hand: ul'Tr
To nmcunt of relief
mum, r
By butuanding tnxh fi
Exonerslions m t‘ollec
‘ Fora “ " i
A Di<bursrment= on relir
TnoMurur'l ommuiuflm
Bulgncoiu had: of, Tr]
I J, «
| s -
; 5’ . ' E' , ma
' ‘Ee. Ihr nhdorflgned .\uilimrx of the cuuuly
! of‘ 'dnmn, l‘enx’myl‘mn' . elm-Jed and sum“: in
I purlu-mce o!hg\',do "! rit’mt m: ndeM audit
l and: and ndjnnl. actor ingpo law, the accounts
. pl IJIe Trauma? and C mmissiourrx child «1..
i commencing on mes: day of January. A. 1).,
“6|, and cndihg on t o 8“: day ,of Jlnuury,
‘ A. 0., 18052—th dnp’nu-Ifinve: :hu hid ac—
counts as rattled nbor nm‘i entered on Kym-9rd
in séttlegneut hook, in it U mmiuioherl'flflicc
nof .\dums connly. is c run, And that we firm
E I bflnm-e duo the rumiy at} Adams {rpm Way
brig‘nt Ziegler, decen l d. Pm Trauma-or, of
Islxuen hundred and fifiy-l‘uur dallnn up!) 35::
- ty-Ihreo cents, (Suds-ii £53,3— that we find
a balance due thl' county rom Juuob Truxel.
' Treasurer. oftwo hundred {lnd thirty-four dul
[ In" and fifty-nine écnfi, ($334 hip—alga find
3: b-bnce in hand“ of} Trmuuror of Relief 0‘
onithounad one hundred mld'tu‘enLV-leee
dour,” ind fifty-two geuu. ($2,123 52,) due
jibe county by Treasurer, and m autumn-ling
(.lnxeu, elghteen thouqnd eight hundred and
,thxrt; -nine dollar! and thirty-seven can“,
{518,839 37.) f MOS LHFEVER,
I : . . DYSERT. ,
i , 'ETEB 131 m. .- ‘
' Fqb. 3, 1863. 4% I Auditory.
489 06
63 70
busjust returned from Philadelphia With
3 lug: supply of Enzlinli Ind French CLUTHS,
and CASSIMERES. in" great variety. from 75
cent: lo $3.30 per yin-g. Caszincu, Volxcu,
Jeans, to, am. “ill: 3 general nssnrtment of
Domestic Goods. We have now on hand a‘
lug‘v stock-of Uvercoau. runglng from 53,87 to
$l5lOO. Also. Ores: Coats, Bunincs: Commi
MOT and Boys' Pnntaloons, Yew, Shins“
Dm era and Monkey Jackets. Our clothing il'
all of our own make and warrnntvd well madr. r
Ourlnock ol' Overcoat; particularly i 1 lurge,—_—!
We are receiving ()vercon ts, Am, daily from the]
hands we have employed, no that we keep our
stockwell assorted. The nbovegooda hnva been‘
purchased on the very best terms fur cub, .nd!
will be sold at a my reduced price fur 'th
some. Girl» in a call. l
185 00
202, 50
202 50
34 80
61 45
’ 42 7d
Dr-c. 30, 156!
i Plano Tuning.
ROF. BOWBR, of “alumni, I ‘Pruccical
P Piano Tuner, informu‘im friend! and'the
musk-l publié in sandal ‘lhl he give: his
thn not otherwh ("Sm Io Tuningnnd
Ranking "Pi-nil“ R . nu“ ”path. H 5
prom-cl entire nthfu iphror no pay. Order.
receiud M thin 08cm “{Scpz. N, 1861.
the State
nm in
, Img
1 ad
r . 23-8
1 853 m 35
{lulu}, And the
h wit 14 11. County
| 1 .
lunged '
: H 096 l 3
‘ {51553 69'
,- 1351, u 34 281‘
' 103 72
rn, , “100 92‘
- ‘ 50 004
r ’ 2:23 a:
5t1096 13
eqofina‘ Stan-mom
Expenditures ex
; the Trenmrer of
y d andhruv cfipy.
‘ with Lll2 orighhl
" ii: uflide. we haw
.ufliXenlvwe son! of
he eighth day of
-hz h-fiidnd and
3 mwmx.
E J.‘
« r.
hm ‘
? A
- ort. :
£110.: ‘l‘ the. (‘nurti
:Il‘tfi cmluh‘: f
‘ulvclqd .\lh'hon
‘ : Ace-nuns of the
amt “El vulm‘h'.
Inn-II flknl'l'lllll‘i ml
' m” hi. (1 glut-rub
:m tlu-teiuhth dnLi
H» An; bl’Jnuu.-ry.
‘lp. duct-mm]. lnlu
mph, iin account
tlccmufd. . ’
|de, film! . ‘,-
1 f $2610 ea
41* Hairy
‘ 250 no
‘ ‘ Sumo 8!;
‘l‘ J. c...
«Hm-n. .51 '11: 97
y .
x ‘
l: ‘1
1:, 3.122“ W
, Tienlkuror, and the
mug! with the Gummy
R. ‘ . ‘
'"IYLWV' rent'
»: 1 strum; ‘lB
I‘MI, 22020 95
1r)“ pcnoun, 27 70
ndny‘l:epnnrna, [5712 ‘0
n, £41., [or
urf,l rofuurh'd’
ingi done by
cm-k bridge,
i i '
n, iEt‘qq for
M‘nn, quw "l
i L 4 00.
smm, jury ~ 1;.
; 1 40 or;
, i ‘ 19 on,
g . '- ‘619 57;
”2311:“ I
a 4,, ‘
s 5,
33 as.
u a: ‘
235 ”I
2.5 mm
as» 73~
m 9-9,!
13511 44 ‘
31 2m
129 M‘
.443 45:
_ 4 '53.]
21 49!!
0' A
7. , /
334 ax :o
496 zo
23!: 59
$53 TO ti.:,
same 13
$1753 69
, an 244
.r 1:161,
l I“?! T?
writers, 4900 TIZ
" *
Second: 9&3th
:wkivfiawamwxm 4.’ an” away;
g“) 5 Imm ammag »
:25 1 l: 'miuuKa‘ s humurx . ‘ '
191‘ FANSESTOCK. mum! domg VO.l. April
,1 bmincas and" the- nomv', Mylv'} T: ”(515. -
‘ and lille nf BROOKS, PAHNE- . an-ignAL.
' _s‘ruuK &m. ' uclnnrlt.
r. w. nul‘rms’. }
Anus curfvrv. 5:. ~
, ’l‘hc' L‘mmmmn-mlm of Prnmyl
vanh to Lbcb‘herifl' of mid county
grueling: .
We command you, ‘lml ynn M
: s finch (L W. Hnfl’mnn, late of your»
‘- county“ by all and lingular his
ljgoodn, dumb, lands and [em-menu: in whose
3’ Wands unpos'scsniml som‘vr the sum Mn! he,
Todllu that. he be and n‘ppem“ bn-fure mu ()oan of
s[warmlmon Plus. to be hol-lcn In Gettysburg. in
"land for mid counly. mulu- 2h! Mi of April
:jnvxt, than try answer Ulmunry llron 1, \i‘ul'c-r
Hil. lmmka and Den-fie): Fuhucnook, panic:
l‘dulng businou under ‘hc- mum. cl‘He um! till;
,;ol' Drunks, deneutock ll: 00.. 0! I plea in dual.
fiand also llm you iumlnun all pcnmns in who”
,llmnds or POxSI‘SSIIDD the said good; mud-clut
‘su-la. lands and lvnemeuta, or any of them. nuy
’gbe lunclu-11, so “at Ulry slmll ha and appear
"nu-fore our .nid Court In llm day and plan,
'fal'orcuu-utiom-d Io mun"; \nlml shall he object
‘ ed uguindl. them or 'lu’m, um] abide the judg
llnwnt of the {‘uurt thereon, Ignd have you then
.lnml 'th rt.- "lid \vril. Witness the Hun. 'Rnlu-rl
QJ. l-‘ishpr, l’rcsideul Judge of mu: suid (‘uurl,.
45M Gaulpburg, lhls 27th duy ufJnnnury, .\. 11,
,IISGZ. 4 J._ F. IMIIJ'IY Pro.,
'1 . Pcr RIW. Bunny lk-p. Pro.
I 3 < ‘—
1:; fly virhlé ofllu- :I:an Writ. lhm‘n ntmclncd
Eglhe'lollmving (10-tcrilmd Rf-nl Hum: 91! (7. WM
illullnmu. im- dofcnulnm then-i I. vu: '
H =.‘ HALF LHT ()P‘Glull W, in Hamburg,
{{ndjhlning lO] «1' l‘Mvr Mcillqrr rm Hu- omit.
fr; Alan. 3 .\c‘rms (w LAND. mmc or Im. in
‘chuysburg. ntljéining the RJilrmHl on the
:north. lots of Fu‘luw-um-k"‘huir-A on ”10. me
;; Alm, A HALF I.OT HF Gmwm, on «he
Hnunh si'lq ut' Chamberdmrg «win-1,1}: ”my...
illnur-g, xxdjuininglotfi nf 1.05 m Slant! nu llu-mul.
[; ~ snwm. mum-z Mmfla
1‘; \ Shtrill": Ufl'lce, Gt-nyxlmm. lél bl 17, 'li'.'. 6:
rpm-..“ 4. ---... l“-..-_u_... .-
g 3 % fl
2 1‘ 4?"! J
8 SO
320 ‘
2G4 00
:700 00
149 195;"
10190? a;
cum ,
Somethmz New!
3”) Till". PliliHlCß\’.\'l‘“l;\' .\Nll ('l'lfl'l'lln
‘3 (W l-‘Rl'l'l‘ .\\'l) URN \llllYl‘Al. TRHCS.
l tllPlliS me ltg'llix publiihtnl. “hi- it manlnln
lf} umnr luthqtlmut lléizrnt‘mgn will an
'fl‘in-w uni Vm'tvurl himh 0t tint l‘ruil null FrnfliL
E'rv-c-x. mum of tin. line-t ~|H chm-us that hni‘u
-\cr bot-n' put on y-Ipcl'. The Fruit Truth! un
iLl-t \tith nhumllm't linrdvm of fruit. iimilzlr tn
.’ hut \vhixh mnfrr luv-«um; in’ pmpqr «alum.
i hu‘trn't‘i‘ nre“rl,~pm~mtod Mhm ing tlu-ir rlml‘l
y mining thrnngh the mil m n tmturnl pnsilion.-
\ud the Engraving: n‘.‘ Trgqs um hmutitul and
E'r md. It JISO euumim :\ film- Hniruviug whirl!
‘ cpr'r-‘l'ntn' the inutum'v‘uhlt- tlum-l-likt‘ ruuts
' Ifu Vigoruu< tr :- running through nnJ uu-r
he mull. 'l‘ht- Elliot, Engraving. emu-rs ton
Inrhtw in diumctr-rgm pupnr. untl :ilm forms (I
..Lnuguifit-rnt. cngrming, uhirh t'tlllltbt lu-Ip hut.
klrurc gratify”: to lhi» I"‘o2‘ nt'nll \rho’m} ha
i will it. Such an «running |qu ue ur hccn
u-intt-«l nn wpvr IM'ftlll‘. l'i‘lu- vngrminz’ o 1"
lrunh nut mr’l_\~ pl’tH‘l'“ ll(lllill"ilhl('10 llu- light Ur
ht- n5O. hltt.i< 111-figural tn 1 move 91‘ great. im
lpurgmncu to null who my! mi intt‘rt-atiti {ht-rul
ltitjatinn‘ut‘ lrumt uud him to treat fruit tree:
"lprupvrly. ' ‘
:_.\ L‘UX’Y counting Twontv—fitvc Jill'nrnntlinyrnr
‘ inui n! Trims. l’rllitfi. I‘ll‘h comply-M‘-
Il , nl‘ Evergrvcn-t. l-‘rirt‘ht, Ap‘plo. Peach,
:4 . llmtrt'Pyr-nnitl Pe‘irumlt'he‘rry Trm‘g,
f; kc. Th» Fruit F.pzrnvln;fl comprllr
{l Rupherricst. Gomvlu-rrin; Illackhcr
l rim, ('urrauls, Grapes. l‘lnmu, April
21 . rots. Pears.’l’ Mink-Lelenaml.
3 ‘ nrr uli coined by h-md tu repfi'uny
ll . 'thu natural fruit, and m nrcnmpmivd
li. _ “Ith prinu-ti hum-rut pent impml
1:» tuner, and forms ucnpy in site 3': 11.3
' ' 4'! inchosgm nmp‘pnper, ulth umslk
; hnrkmnd I'M-1v vnrt‘tiahed. ' ‘
fl COPY. with iti numt-rdgu vngm\‘i-ugt,‘wlll'
! ‘ “he :ratityiuig to the 030. uniform an
I ' nfimim‘bk mananvtm the «nick»;
'l‘ ; parlor, nnfl \nll l'iL-hly froautify any‘;
i Apnrtmcnl‘with hurticnituml nm’ltl-r"
l 1 - ofmuchimpnrtnnronnd timer. Then;
1} copies are published at n \‘ncy hem}?
t ripenhe. Twenty-fivudnllnrahatchet-m
‘ pmd tn :1 suit-utilit- :Irtist fur forming;
‘ the plates of sin‘ple cpgruvings ol‘
‘ trees, roots, t'lt‘. ‘.B|:t.'in unit-r thin
‘ - many can olitnin sm-h t‘npll'! at. n
» trifling figure. the privc for I. (-01ny
u ill be made 10 law, tlmt. filtggn par-j
‘1 {minimum now obtain copica forJhe;
sum llllll.llll‘ been paid for single en;
1 gratings of trofu, olt'. ‘ - ' ‘
A COPY contains printed matter of mm'h lm-
I plirtum-r and grnni \‘nluo. _ll will tell
3 ~’ how to trout all kinds of Fruit Tron}
i to render them \‘cry vigorqun and rm:—
‘ durtive, oven in unfsromhle s’cuuonn.‘
i It will tell ’how to prepue the mil“
1 3, withoutiucnnvmix-m-c befnrc planting
Y I the tron in: to strengthen tron much!
in \‘lvor.'nnd tmprm'o the prudnctire-l
mm: 01' nhuudmt crow. own in unfit-E
Vum'e Lmsnna or hmnimu, with
prune: and tag) nfter trentuwnt.
'A COPY will tell how to pmpnre and innntnll
- . kind: of Fruit and 'Evergrean Tren,
no as to praw mm-euful. will: scarce-r
ly ever proving a failure, ii I! lot. 0‘
many truca “hen properly tranlcd M
din‘l'lt'd. It will tell how m train
and plant. [N’Jrlj Pcuh'l‘ru (-4., ll con
min: the mat-'1 ulwn-nsful trt-mmmlq'
fur the rn'lture of the Plum. it will
16:)4, G 3
35 Oto
30 00
lit-H hut totzrnixp nud cuhivnu the;
Gmpo. 1 : -
A COPY will u-H how to ‘tqhivnh and "an
_ 8') m)
2123 s‘!
Slmwlwrrhu: (Ipfirunlu. qupbcrripl"
Blnrkluoxrie‘u: lhumrhcrrios.clc. . i
A COPY will tell him to mun. l’ciwh lreu. to
name their molu healthy Imm lhd
r ‘ dianmrond rift-cu of warm inwcu. M
will lell how to make ink; ohm ”Hulk:
cation oh-r tlw mil surrounding ilifi
3f .' tree to prgh‘cl tlin Pym-ll «nil ullw
tenderifrulu {rum thv (-il‘euls of Mind
wintry-killed iv the hull. The mm
npplicfninn nlu) raglan-s Paid: “We:
' from taking the yullmw. The applk
caliuu ha: the lflnt‘flt‘i'lll efl'ocls Iq‘
present the folmyro ufthe lrees hMltllx
, _llld life Irl-e Vim-mm. 9nd more! t 4
the pro-lucllvcneu of lu-xcjoui from.
‘Tho application In l-c- "pi-lied in 31-1
upemirh All have sufficient rllll
$9l-13th their iifinlnllnnl. “ - ‘
AfUPY will ll how to New": nll kind: of
Fruits with {iltle or nu sugnr. It will
\ » tell how to 'kcep Apples will: mun-l:
success. it will tell how :9 lien; and
mnnaée‘i’oara to malnrcflperfcrllf. and
-‘ to attain to the highest niur. '
A COPY preteuu its numemus pic‘urel a]! IQ
> a ghoul-L Ind forms ilfl'h an; autumn“
for tho wall as will he-ndlnjrod by .n
)m‘ers ofurt, dram h from natur‘o'u pin-l
ducts: } , ‘
The“ l'oplel are publidu-d by ‘
~ H. P. \l. PETERS.
No.ll- Ilonderwille, Miami 00.. PA. .=
‘ 3.11:0 “up is finished with [Qtrllgcrl,nvnd
will ha forwarded by Emu“; to any plan-pr
dorcd, on rereipt o! neueuary amount. UM'
u‘r Imm Agenlq will be nppoinled to taunt-v:
tbil county and rem-nu subs‘riyliugu, And d -
Xiver the Maps tor $2 per mm .
Influential .\genu :lro m-nxed to any"!
nve'ry coumy in‘thc United Stan-I: Ind lo de
liver “an Lo subwribcn. An agency (or the,
MI“) will surely inxure profinblc employment
to such a: can exm .good iulluour'e In nigh“;
sales readily. Lihoml inducvmenu no and.
to agents. .\ mmpln cow; can be Mel Cl lhh
ofioe: fFeb. 1051862. (Nov. 11. '62. 1g; ‘
Sale Crying.
HE umlvnigned um" his serving 3. It.
‘ public -M n SALE CR'I'RR, mm uh .
lih'eral shire of encourngemons. A He bu "
mnlfdemhl! experience in the batman!
feel! confident thm he will give ominnflhfl
mctlnn.‘ "harm-n nmdonue. Hil rénirlonub
in Freedom township I; m!!- was! “BM
Mi". RE‘JM'JN lEUEDKN.’ . r
Feb. s, 18H. m
‘ Notice; ’ ,
‘3 ,duilo Id) sent 59 pm! [0 ‘.
‘ ‘V 'mr aixd mflumfimmw
, I change hmnruwuor‘nmorng Imm.
‘ cams, fiat. HAHNESI‘UCK lawn. w“