The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 24, 1862, Image 1
1114300191“: in published every Monday running. by Hutu J. Summat 81 75 par Innum itpaid strictly xx mnxrz4j2—oo per ‘nnum if not paid in advance. No mbscriptinn discontinued. unless ll: tho opli‘on of the publisher. until all arrange! no psid. , A, . Anvnruluxuinsorted at the mush-m Jon Pxn'rmo done with names: sud diapalch. . ‘ . . Ornc: in South‘ Baltimore street. directly. upwite anplers’ Tin ning Establishment! -—“Coxrn.u Pun-Ho Orrin" onthe lign; Orphan's Court. Sale P REAL ESTATE—lmpnmmnce of an 0 Order of_thc Orphnn'u Conn of Adnml county. the luharriher. Administrator of if»! "we of Fsucm A. Mental“), decenaerl. will nffer at Public Sale. on the premises. on Mon day. I!» 34! day of March nut, tho Renl Emu» of aid decedent, to wilt A TRACT OF LAND. litme In Slrnlmn lnwnahip. 'Anlnm: county. \llounded by lhe Cnrlisl» rnml nnd Chambers bnrg road. and land of Nivholnn Slum-r. nnrl fontnlnlng 10 ACRES, more or less, improved with I Two-alnrv >mel» Rough cnl Dwelling "NYSE. with Bank. building; Lag Shop. La: Hnrn, Porn Crib. Hog Pun, Wood House, a variety ofyonng Trees, and a Well of \Vuur will: Dump convenient to the house. ~ mlns’ delimhle propony om-ra many ln durer‘nenuJo purchnuerl. It is xiluale one mllefrom Lower's Mill, 2 miles from Hunters . “um. and 2 miles {ram Bender's Church. "Sale to commence u 10 o’rlnrk, A, I" n on aid dogwhen amend-mu will be given qnd tenn- nude known hy - . JOHN_WERTZ, Adu'r. By!!!“ Chart—Jon: Elcuouz. Clerk, ’ eb. 19 186:. u « ' ' r~+h~ , - «..-—h...— - ~ ‘ Public Sale: 1“ VALVABIJ: PERSONAL PROPERTY. —On Wain-day, lb s!]: fl'ay of Mirth nan, _ the nub-critter, Exerulnr of Jonyzru Hunk, donned, will tell at Pnhlic Sale. at the late midom-v of uld tint-«lent, in Mountplmmnl tow-ship, Adams county. 3 [Mine-14a! of (let. tithing. near ghee Bunnughtown mad, the ful— ( lowing Per-anal Properly. viz: " ‘ rornnnw or wuux nunsns, I maul , nfmllinn. 5 Milt-h (mu, Zilmfrrm'honvv with ' Gulf. 1 Bull, Snrrow-ln-nd qu-‘hmu- Wagon L ”d Lime Bod. Two-humu- anan, Sled. Ell-ugh. l Grain Drill. Thu-infirm llawhiuo. “‘jnnmrimzy mllJ‘uuing Box. -leigh‘= nml'llurraws. Shovel : “ouch, {‘mn -l-‘nrks, Hay lmlden, Whiel-l Mm. Double and Single-(rem, Spromlrra, 1' flu“. Brent and Log ('hnilu. “MN-n and ('nw ~ f‘lgnm. Horse nos". (mum pull mum. w... ! {mi Slddlt'.‘ Hiding llritllo. ”rain f'rudlel," ”owing ,Scnlu-s. .\xrs. Mulls nnll Wodgva, l Nilwk._ ("m-vlmru. Shown, Forks. R Ila-i, [ Frau-mu Saw. Broad Au. and A lot oft‘oop. ‘ or'l Tooli. Alan. Hannah-I'd nml Kin-hen ‘ Furniture, Fllch n: Tummy Plum-4. Rolls. Bell» ‘ mim- “mummy”, Hirle-lninrd. Kitchen cup hnnrd, Cape of “mu-«n. (-‘nnkxtm'e..l'ipo and Drum, Ten-plate Sim-e ‘nnd l'lp-; Pal-noting, i lnrm Tupi?! .Ket'le. l‘uhl. Tubs and lhrrels. i mm pounds I)" Bnrnn nml Lard b‘l‘ Hu- mmnnl, ’ Pnumi hr the'hnslu-l. .witln 1! Variety of other H IfliclH. (on numerous to mentlun. x fi-Rule In commence at 10 o'vlnrk. .\. .\l.. l on mid dny. when attendance u ill LP give-n and 1‘ terms limde known hy V _i - . 020 nm: "when, 1.27. 1 Feb. 10, 1862. I; ’. ‘7 , Notice. ~ . i THE c’uhscrilwy. having hem nppninhd hy ‘ the ()rphnn‘< (‘nnrt of .\Aluma mmuty. nn ' .\n-limr to mnkr. ali-trihutiuu nr clu- hnlnm-e : ' remaining in thl‘ hand: nrrlln‘xm. Ln‘mn. Rh 1 Erin"? nflhe hut will and tx-Jmnont of PETER » LN um. drown-d. to and mnmm flu- partica Inn". ”all; ruling-'1 tin-row». hnrvhy gin“ novin- that )1! will nnehd m the limit-a n! hisnppninmmuc, : at the (mine of .\L k W. .\lle-In. in “I'Hyh f huré. on .Vuruluv. flu 23/]: Ila}; 9f Fermn/ - mah, wish"! and i-hen-‘nll pwrmu- hilt-nun"! :m- N'- I unled mnfléndfi ' MOSES MMILH \V. ' 1' Feb. :x. mm. :4 ' ' Jamar. ! Somethinz’New; ‘ ? fli-lumleriigtmi realm-trul lx inl'nrnu tln- ‘rtwitlvmc t- (lenyshnrgmul \‘it-iuitrJhat ‘ I)!" ha. opt-no. 1! n \\' \T('ll r\,\'ll JEWELRY STUI'KE. in [in- room immt-rliatt-ly in ll‘H' rmgr bfi Hr. J. L. firhirh’r 'S'nre. anal framing lho_ Sqant‘..whrre ho into-nil“ lim‘pln! :ll‘l nunrl- I ment of \\'.\Tl‘lll-is, JEWELRY SILVER and v ~— —, SILVER, > l'L \'|'Hll WARE. ‘I‘iI'TACIJ‘IS, ~ - 35":1—3‘: "—1 --—- ”3"“.“2’13- kc: d . ; rt I l The Bnby's Dunn; - A m’mg "n t-nnnt-ctt- W" I trs -t- an 1 . ‘ A _ . Wan-h Ind Jt-wrlryjfi'mre in Baltimore. fur POP, bu)" baby! Howsweet llqlmhsm tun-oral your: gnu. he irprcpnrrd to lllrnilll his little sntin~lined coflin! H w glad the. ; 3""! "“0“ in ”I“ ”fir-f" ""‘_l0“'"-‘[ oily mother's heart, as she thinks d (ltd little 33:55:}:th ”rm?“ mil 1'"§"l‘“‘"“"'3 “3 desolate cradle, and the dnrksitmo grave i From a lun; ”peril-nee in “Erich-«pairing. ‘lmyontl, to which her ““9 playful. l’mghln'p't :tflporinll; nfline \Vnttihci. he i-r ’ll'fpdl‘r'l (0‘ do allult‘ My must soon beennSigneil. anti-soon it“ “9"" 0‘ WNW-“'0'“ l‘rW‘Nh't in ""3 but rest on thé earth's cold bosom hint-cad hf itt émum-r. nnd gunning" the performance ol'it. vl . ll , Z 1 ‘l' l 1 ll l He will lump Mann-"I on build a large nusurt- I .N‘ (no! f“ s "m 5 6" ho" eve“ 9° ‘ meat of spm‘T-u‘LHSJudspmw -of in! brtght eyM, every dll’fipla,‘ every 'mne t l|“l"—.‘"l“*f'9? “ml l!‘j~"""|! ""1”" of his voice, hnw long remembered. hilt-r , experience In mlnplllnz thrut In the :Iglll, is I” f l _ h' (l ,ll . 19"!"er mfit n“ H“; neml ”mm 1 la arm ate nnrs Ippo hm: mqu ( mold m \ HAIR JEWELRY Illntle tu order in the-heat Ito dim! Perltttpa years have passed alway. *‘ll‘n and A great ‘vnriqu nr patterns on hand. ”“3? still his image in: indelibly titam‘pe'd on. JEWhIJIY "F“"fd 'l‘ I"}:2\!l:;‘,'|;llul;,‘£‘n\“ér' irth‘e mother‘s heart—never to be efl'aiced: (“tylmrg’ is“. tr ’‘ ' glN‘l' int-art ‘treazures up every look‘hf‘lter » v; v7‘ j , ; 7 xlmy: her hands every lo’y his little hands PureVCatamlrhng Isahella (inln'f- iin fllflyflll glee have Prer touched. Yea.‘ _ 31“"? x: lliilln'ljlzs'lllilill-l‘“ "aft“: 5 the little (11-m, van to the little worn out l liN‘l‘Y. l‘.\::Wc a}? happy to nnno‘unr‘e. to i shoe—have 9"“ “ Charm? Since he" (l‘r‘i“B.s: the citizen: of .\dim ll_\' that we hut-e £13,119. It spouts in though the sunghine .r ymmt‘ncctl the manuht‘hu‘r of Pure Wine from I lmd fulfil m", from that h‘ome‘ form".— the “"P't"’""" ‘h"',““" mm" pr°P".".“l m Yes. s‘trmr white flowers. emblem. of his somerxtent, to nil-pl} the trutle—quuttttrs nf _ , ‘ - _ _ it luring nlrrmly lound its my into the market. Innocent llf‘h over the wine "a?“ blah! ? This Wine is pure and hm- ntnod the test orthe 'titt all llll‘ can do now to array him for the but. Jndgex. l-‘rraons wiwhing a pure article. grave—[ho hut time she can dréu him is m" can now l“ supplied at l'lumr withlynt (hr risk ' . . . .... . ‘ of Being impoud’ upon l-y n‘n impure‘ nrticle. Ilreu mm for h“ long, long. mid.” 5 sleep. .‘fl‘or axle hy‘AvA. l). “rt-mutt and E. H. The fine «ya have closed : the. little iever lwsmn, Gettyghnrg, and E. lltusulw, Pelers- lnoving immh and feet‘nl‘o stifled forever, burg, York Springs, l‘u. « - l ‘ . th - .{h l 4“.“ 1862' . 1 - - i ant (to votco— esweetatmwc u ever " ‘-—~- “—7 -, . - - —-- » .-——————~ laddened mother’s heart—is even now gin". wn . 099 m ing glad mugsof joy around thagtent white T PBIVATE SALLw—Thr Infill-ligand Mr l| ' _in Do u ' N ed {Grill Private Sale tht- Property-in which ‘ mne 1'! ye. nt. "Fep' m' mo 9110' mid", situate in‘ l-‘mt Middle stint. (her. The pure Iplnt u but {gather m~ tht’shmll' Eiduining :Kfiptoti gn'tlm west tlncoment to quit this moral sphere for ‘tn . rs. . c my on \e entwit ma“ . __ ' . nllry in thine-r. Till-1 llOl'SB-is a. “99"“ "329”" “me“ ’l‘:- ha’d N’ P“ ,‘ymean! \yamemmme." with —to see the only lamb of the flock taken : : flack-building? nwellot’wnler. withnpumnin but has not. Christ said : ”‘Sufler little it. ‘1?“ 600?} In“; “lief! °‘ “2“- ?“le as children to come unto me.and fpr’oicl them ’ 3:902:33; :I'ofi figgrcm" c "rm" “d ‘notg‘for of such is the kingdom ofi hetwenj _ " ‘ ZACHARIAH MYERS; ‘#‘ ”“"“’“"‘~ _ ”grin, 1860. tf * . HowlogoloMap.—Nodoubtth7eremmany ‘. .“ Holiday. VMnts. of our readem who understamtthisflelighhl 81- “MT!“ (rum Philadelphia I fill! n._ fill art to perfection ; but there are certain l unmet“. or Photograph Albuma, tumble conditions of mfimal economy. even in ii ’o'" "013‘“! prettenta. “hl‘h '79 0“" “ reduced state of health when “tired unture's sweet . * ’_ .t » - t ' ‘ Pi“: ..._.. a ' 1" DUN 3ROTUERS‘ ' ratcrer‘" rcl'umto close ourlids, and seems ‘ .1 ”I” (3.“! mt! pertinaciounly to fly from us, though waoed l Ingram, or .30}: ever so warmly. The most natural and fa- ‘ alum-It.- WM_ ""37“ 1" cile mgthod in to place the head in a com- Wm a mplsmn- fortnble position, and then, taking in run ‘ _edy, Helm mw' inspirttion, breathe as much :1 possible ”“9“ mull" F‘l" an wan 9f through the‘ nostrils. The attention innit ”Wimmeaflws’l" beli d‘ i ‘ n ’g l l in. ité _l? I DOW ‘‘9 upon the fact of breathing. m the . _ fi’“ ““9"” to The patnenhmust imagine that he sees the "it,“ mild handy. if not attended to, soon breath Ming (rot?) 11". “95m1? and like \ . I the l . very moment he hrlnghut mind to conceive . gnaw. émm Ham/u: ““Fv “PM fmm a" other ideas. conscioub !’ , i! Mil "a h m ness 33d memory depart, and—he sleeps. "I. J" 11. l t}: at t} 'l' m the i The method is strange. but simple, And the m w the public for ’ experiment will prove itatruth. ~ M, With, 7 ". -."fifl till . in If“: WWotds are mce thmgfi, but they strike M and" E: 8 fi . qf hard. We wield them I 0 easily thntwe are um m immediate W apt to forget their hidden power. Fig], 3» mW .‘ mm, ken, they fall like the sunshine. the dew, -“fl WWW W and and the summer min—but when unfitly, .II E I fit ‘ like the frosfi'the lull, lad the desolating (“fluttbyanaQ-dmh “in?“ ' t :m u 25 out: 3‘" ba . #1» D. Bantu, Agent, Gettysbbrg. 4“,. Eml' 65’ l mam mass mum. in m“ 7" r 1915, at fic'flcrs' .r B! H. J. STAHLE. 44t11 Year. ' For (In Coilpilcr .ALL' "OUK. 'l‘lll 'L‘G- RY A NEXHII OF TIE POI'I‘IB lUAIDE Come, fully 'round «gr ‘cnnntry'stbsnner; .Flng‘of tuexbrave And free; Defend her glorious siripel Ind sun, 8) mboln of liberty. G 3). wu'o it. t 9 the Sontherh hm”, ’Nidfl rebehhot Ind Elle”; ‘ ~' Ne'e'r furl it for the traitor (be, .2 ‘. N 6: Re} you? n-Ifnquefl. . I ‘ Go. plant it in Virginin’i soil. ‘ ‘ 7 Where Wnduiugton was laid; , . Take It to the rebels' lines, ' if - ~ In bnue lion-e nrr-yed. > . Gmhol-lly for“: to meet the foe; ‘ _ . With wcuponu glen-mks; bright Go. ’midsl the cannon's deafeningfrou, Bra vely defend the right. , z ‘ Come prom'puy for'h,xohey the call, A ~ Rgtlly mm a: mrvr; ‘ ‘ Stand finnly by the stripes and filth, Our Union's flng‘rouzvul ‘ , - UNDER 'I‘IIR HOLLYA’IOIIJGII. Ye who my: Horned each oxh'cr. Or ipjutetfl ‘friend or brother, p ‘ IM’ me pnn faded yenr. .. 1. walm, by word undevd, ; g "are mademiind he-n‘bleed, ; " , ('omc glflher here. , :l Ln, tinnedingninst. and sinninfi, Fargo! tln ir Ftl'lfc'fl hrginning; And join in friendshlp‘now; Ik- linka no longer Broken.' 3 Bo sweet féprglvoness EPOkl‘P, j . Under the bully bongh. ‘ Ycowlno haw loved each our”: Sincl- nnd‘Trien‘J- and brqthgem In the gum faded yaur, ~ I ; Mother and sire Ind child, , . H ‘Yuung mill and maiden Infill, :‘ Come gitluerhere; ‘ 3 Aug] 19! ytfur hear” grow fondgr, .1 As memory almll pogdct . I l-ZM-h past unbréken sow, .' j, Old luy‘ei am] ynunger wooing ~ ‘ Are sweet in the renewing l’ndtr the hqlly bough. " Yr who lmro nourished Fudnefl, Eurnugcil frqm hopeund glmhjcu, In (his past faded .\eur; «L; . Ye will: den-burdened mind‘ ' Man-h: aliens [mm yuur kind, Come gnlher here. I Lu not use usFlm Sandw v, “ hmme yqn nigln and Morrow; I If P‘ernvou hoped. hope nuw+—- g Take heart; unclund your fncu’- ‘ And join in our embraces \‘ndvr the holly bongh. ' , flimdlxx’urfinfi. ~ filafiuloktmnonnhfion is u new word just introduced in Boston. The joke bf it is that, no body knows what it means, an the pawn who coined it, and ho is afraid he will fond: it. —‘—‘—- W. ' , ‘ .' J “I‘M“, H “ “',- . ~ ~-t-~-:,,.v M ‘7 we: aum “11., 23?;- .° E w ' . ‘I {a ' i ~ li. ”7”.“ l r in Mr? "*2; '7’7 H , <' .. ..‘ ,‘ ‘ (f gag. ~ «\~/ 3.4.3:. mi “39.! % 3A3 w “ E . j‘ ;\ ‘l. / Q j/_ r. I’ \b ' ¥K\ f“ < - V W i K ‘ l/ , / / _/ ~\ ‘ \ 4 \/ ‘ l j , / / ) Jl]// /; z/ I, / /’/ E Olt 011,5 t. fi @Emmm‘m AND FAMULV wwmwn ‘ i g y . h i 1 | ’ I GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, FEB. 24:, 1862:}. , The’g Affection of Hair flushes. irrofemior A iz is writing 3 series of ag-Liclea or thfilfinfic Monthly, which sre My '3?th the gufncription price of the :p blicatiynt"fi6;rh' the article of the Feb - wry 1:. "her *6 take the following ex - m—th Ithird division of the oninahhing- F upichlnted-«ve hove Agnin three raring-imam and insects.— tof these three elm. the worms, he typicsl structure of that bianqh t uniform insnner, with little in tion of poi-ts. ? includes Inimols of unions de complicntion of structure. from highly ddireloped organiutionu west. ‘worml‘s that float lilj: long the water ‘anderdly see :to be Yetfevon these creatures, so low le of] life, are not. devoid of home however dim. of feeling sad Ifl‘eo member n use in point that ex wn 'n'onden at. the time. one! my ninteiresting to my readers. \A ‘ from Detroit had the kindness 9 one of those long thread-like dim!) found often in brooks and rse-lmirs by. 3 the common people. {at received it it was coiled up in l'at the bottom of the bottle, fill _ sh when. ithat contained iii, and , re like nilittle tangle of black ‘1: than anything else. Within}; «1' it. that. I might. examine its ngth. I placed it. in a [large n tilled with-water. and proceed : tly to disentangle it. ooiiq, when r d the animal had twisted itself bundle of its eggs, holding them lose embrace. In the process of g'. the egg! (Implied away and a little dhtnnee. ving'finnlly it out to ink full ifihapethnpl dT-I sat watching to see if this ing. tlmtlooked liken long black ' the whiten: would give any iligns lnmst immediately it moved to ‘ undle of eggs. nnd, having 29cm win to new itself th'rough and he'litlle white muss. p'min‘g one . body through it,and then retqm ke nnotlieg stitch. as it were. till eve at. hutjcnmpletely enmpgled inn intricateinet work of coils. It in me almoe‘t imposisible that this : m: claw watt them Hanan fl'he cl es of fipse wi ‘ the} fad: i E‘nu‘tla. “the v Munch, n. 1‘ .eldjny l t} be 1 - tlem- Int-Nd 1 19m: .1 10d Inf llan I 2; =l2 (flunk d : kod ring s iinwi tire 1 ihn’ ha I \Y'Cry I. Ipercelv' _ and Il E- OM ESE I!- n- : gulnr ‘rvad i I we. v rd the - 3 if. rough (1 of it g to 2E2 am m emed spring could be the rgsult qf any 1' affection in n creature of i 0 103 v ization. an? I 312 an sepamged it egg. {and minced them at a 3.3m!- re of Ainct orgn nm (b ""“' - mo, whon the same notion fins re- On trying the experiment 11 third ‘bumllv of eggs bud become l'posen- din: ntod. r 9 t 5 , {lndia {ow of them dropped of? tubing] to theanter. The efforts which Hie ani nl finelj mfldq (0‘ rehov‘er :be miwing oneé. - inrlingfiteelr 'rnund and round them. but filing t6l bring them into the fold with the st, lwoqmte they were too small. (mil eva ed all efl‘orts to secure tlgem. wheq' oncg wrted from the first little oompacti‘mus. ~ -nvincdd nie that there was a. definige put» . - in its attempti: and that even is being .. Inwuin the scale of animal exiitetice hm , me dim consciousness of tux-elation to its . spring. I nfler‘rard unwound also the Ins: of Leggy which, when coiled up as I ‘I 9. saw: it, made a roll of‘ white nuh'stnnce H uut file size of mbéfl'ee bennmnd éfound I: lat it cpnsisled‘of a string of egg” mom ~ring m:ore than mblre fedt in length, the I-P-gs being held together by some gelatinous l butanoe that cake-med them mil pre outed them from falling agart. Cutting ‘ ii; string names, and placing ssmgll sec ion under the microscope, [counfed on e:\aurflnce' of such a cut some seventy-fire ggs rugd estimating the entire number of gin xocpnl‘ling to the number contained on surfacle. I found that there veg-é niot let: an eight m‘miong of egg. in the: whole tring. iThq fertility of these lawm- filinnls . truly? umuing, a’nd ii nb dbub¢ A? provi~ ion of, imure against the many chnhooa of -utmclz’ion » t 3 which these germs, ab deli ‘te Iné often microscopically small. must - expOfed: The highemve rise in the mi -191 kingdom, the more limited do we find be nu~ her of progeny. md thee‘ye be bowodlgpon them by fine paints irin pro o-rtionlco thirdiminution. ' £sz Lac—Au editor. {mile smud ng serllice in sweatern chm-ch, was greatly truck fill: the vocal efforts of the leading inger, .Eand with great diflculty he suc eeded fin phon‘ogaphing one of the imam, as follows: ‘ “ Waw-kaw, swnw, daw' aw wnw, Thaw saw, thaw law aw waw, ‘ Wakan, tow. thaw wan vsw-vunbnw, ; Aw fihnw, raw-inw-saw aw." ~ He subsequently lam-nod, to hll‘intenle Pastonlshmeqt, that. the verse sung mu the following: ‘ . : “ Welcome sweet day of rent. 1‘ That saw the Lord arise. W'elcome to fill: reviving breast, i ‘And these rejoicing eyes." Sl-albfical.—Upon the indulgence of this now flnhionnble pastime, cho Journal g‘ Health is especially particular. “If the thermometer in below thirty,” it says, “ and the wind is blowing, no Indy or child should be skating.” We are not. soclear about this. If the lady is “ below thitty.” and of graceful figure, let. her skate. no nutter bowithe mercury descends. If she inthe reverse—ht her slide! “ an: exchange u,s—-—“‘Truth’ is crowded out this issue." This, the Spring field Republican thinks, is almost ahm as the upcountry editor, who uid—“ For the 15in em of intoxicating dfinfl‘soe our inside.” El “HUN! 1: man" um mu. PnulL." Relics of the Inuklin Expedition. The Smithsonian Imtitution has iu-it re~ ocived a uluable addition to iu collection of rare curiosities and relies; being the identicd gun and word of the Mac Banan ted anklin. of the unfortunate Amie Exploring Expedition; x i The gunyis an old fashioned flint lo‘ck i shot gun. nhd wu Ppresented to Sir John 1 Fnuklin, by Lord‘Meiville, snd used hy anklin in bi: expedition of 182022. The sword is of the old potter-n of the British Royal Navy, and Im- the Lion creel, with the naval emblem on: the guard, and the _British coat of "ms onj the bkde. Both 9f these relic- {have the appearance of having been tarnished bylrust. nnd afterward burn ished ; which latter prdoess has not erased ‘ the traces of i 319 and oxmu‘m. They have been deposited in thgnpe case with the ‘ drug worn 'by Dr."l§an§. in the Arctic regions: another ohjeqt of int‘emt fumilis'r to All viui’tms to the Imisefim of the Institu- ‘ tion. , ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ These interesting rolici Ewen obtained from the E‘quimjfiuxl So! this Arctic coast, east of Muhenzie’p river, pnd were sent to this Inutitu'tion by Mr. B. R. Rom. chief factor of the‘fludson‘g Boy Cdmpsuy. at Fort Simpnm. The Instfitution his been under great obiigationh to this gentleman for the gendrmity he has manifested. not only in, this one. hut i'or former donations to the museum ofthis Institution. A {urge ‘umount of nmtoriai 11h: nlrmdy boon re ceived from him and his éouljutors. in the way of meteorology and natural history,- Among thd more imbortuntgnimnls, are dkins of thußocky Mbunmin gout. Arctic reindeer. Birren Gmullidhear. Hare-,lndian (log, kO,: skEblemmof goats. reindeer. woke iy'ene. skins 6t vnriou'll fishefi. «50., Esquimnux nn’rl Indian curiosities, with many other objects of equal intfrest. Strangers and others viniting this city, nhould not fail to include this inn-renting Institution among ithle objeots of interest which they shall visit in this city—National Republican‘ j ‘ l l Proclamutiona to: Negroes. To proclaim freedom“ to‘Negroea, in orgler to detach them from her-Vac, is an old de vice. but wan never a tumoul‘ul «me. The Royal" G'nzrflr. dated vai ank. December 19, 1770. “ published ‘hy James Rivington. Printer tn Ilia Mmt‘ Excellent Majesty,” 'containcd the following: ‘ i ~ ms rxrnn‘lwrr SIR HENRY PLLVTON. K. B Gum-ml and Commndor—in-(‘hief of His Mdjedy's Fore". within the (‘olonim ly ing on the Atlantic Ocean. from Nova , Rankin to We“ Floridh, inclusive, kc“ to” 1m TROCL AM ATION ‘1 WHERE“ the Enemy have adopted a practice ofonrolling ‘ ‘ ‘ % Nmnom amnnz fluoir Troops : I dogive Notice. That all smuou 1:;an ‘in‘ Arml. or upon any militm‘wduty. shall be tiurchuod for ”ac public nm‘cy at a stated Price, the Money to be paid tn the Capiorgt. ‘ But I tln‘mmt ntridflv forhhl nnv pemn to sell or claim Right may my Refine the pmfwrtv ofany wael‘ wlm may take Refuge with nuy’art of this Army; and I do prom ise to every ‘ who shrill domrt theißehel Standard, full Securiiy to follow within these lines sny Occupatio which hejshnll think proper. Given “*(lel‘ my Hand at Head lerten, PHILLIPSBFIG, the 30th day of June. 1779. 1 11. CLIN’TON. By his Excellency-w Command. : . .Jnnx Sum. Secrethry. What mu: the effect of this pmolnmfation? Nothing! The negroes never heard of it. or if they didl paid no heed to it. li. irri tated the . rebel masters and embittered them to rosirtnncé. but did not bring one recruit to the Britishhflag. And so of all our priopooed proclamations of freedom to the filuq. They will not reach him, but m m’uugr will be Around to new resistance to phem :innd a the peril ofservile insurrectioig niches loyal arid dis loyd Alike, it will coinbine them :11 in one «use. —‘ ' We can see hang, an may of occupation William .the slave“ eiemenl: into g source of weakness m the enemy, but, to uni] our selves of this we m'njnt have m .dvancing my. and not idlé proclamations. We must have deedsmofi worth—AM Aw. A Good Packet—The Washington eotfres.l pondentof the Bridgeport Standard writes : Our hotel! ue fill. An nflicer on asking for his bill a few days ago fnuml that a quart of wine was charged, whbn he had bnt n pint. He took exception to theitem. Land. lord Wu incorrigible—mid there never was any mistake about the wine bills. Oficer paid it, went to his room M'pnck hislcorpet bag. Having made purchues,‘his bag was too fun to get in an extra. pair of boom—:- Landlord sent for-Amma. Says the oflicer. "I can't get lhmbootn,sir, into this blamed bog.” ‘ Imntllord—L“lfyou can’tl'm sure I can’t." Officer—“Ya you canon-for a man who can put a quart of wine into a pint bottle, can put thaw boots intnthat bryg." Landiord cancelled the whoieb'm Ind ro turned the mount." Tzlfnr TaL—Hereis astory told by the Providence Punk—“A clergymmfiom Iwwn near Providence, and one ofhis elderly po rishioners, were walking home one icy day lut winter. when the old gemtleman slip ped and fell an on his back. The minis ter. looking at him a moment and being as— sured he was not much hurt, said to him: ~‘Frhnd. sinners stand on Illppery plwu.’ The old rational: looked in if to nature himself of the bet, and aid. '1 see they do, but I can't! " NEO ROE Incidents b! fighting of {touch . : laluxd. '1 Wuuxarps. Feb. 15.—Tho Sn: of thin evening lenms from a gentleman who came direct from Roanoke Island, thatfiColonol Rage“, of flip Tegth Connecticut rsgimen t. fell dead from his bone at the hegd of his regiment, while ranching spinstgyhe enn my. Strange u it any Ippell‘i hot .1 scratch Ins fpun‘d upon his body on ex uninod'. 9nd his-death must ha ', come from thé winti ofucannon ball,,or m lax-1j ’ citement. ' t i ‘ i ‘ Lieutenant Colonel DeMonteil, gvlio vul | untéered in the assault upon the ribel bab tery. received his ‘death wound wl ‘ie lead ing the. hdianoo, and while ifni tfim of Ihouting “Come on boys ; wo'llih_ them how to film" ' 3 l ‘ ‘ In the Imm of the notion n ghfil hunt on the United Rites gunboat He 1, and 1 net _ her madnzine 'on fire. Lie tenmt 1 Franklin. n" exeeutive otfioerforzflald the men to'the magazine toextinguiahr he tire. but seeing that they hesitated, he trick the hose infiii-‘mvn hands. and sprain; down and extinguished the flames befc: re they roughed; the powder. 7 ' , A similar queurrence took;plua§on the Care:- fiomvtihe hunting offing!“ when Aqtl‘ng Master DeArmid Inning o the magazine find extinguished ' the '_i'o.‘ A shell entered‘vthe con] bunkq of In ther of our steame'rx setting them on ti . ’l‘h’e flomeé view subdued after munch culti, within/1t little damage to the veal ‘ 5 ..v «f ~-—d-4>—~‘——_—————-~T ’7‘ :‘l‘he (Wu Expenditurea§~ '_ ; The firofliggev and eorruptitin which have attended the disbursement of the ormoul sum: thus for expended in prosecg ing the war; is almoét inemlihle. Wh ve'r ex amination limnde. it would seem though a throng of cormmants had seizetl‘ 'he pub lic tremure, nnd'while ostemibl lerving their cquntry with zeal. made stil greater exertions to qteal u much ls mettle. In thin way. milliann of dollarslrem in tribe, a'ccounted for—and whether unrl Federal : or State nukpicefl. the handling of resume ‘ nppenrs to have been attended ith the same uhnmet’ul remit. In Illinois, :9 shown by the proceedings of the Cnittfltutional Convention now in settihn. the Qubnlities ineui'red fol-war put-poem. in very' em- five millionn..greatly exeeedina the 91%nmt re- 5‘ quired for legitimate objecta. lt shown. : in fact. that {titer} was no‘legol (‘ itlmrity ‘ forpxpenrlin'p more than 81.500 f%. ’l‘hinl recklew woute of honey ifi nmnnc emu-titl I'Entures of the timer. and operéges .1: an, eti'getual cheek to “ patriotielon ’ j." 1 Thu: says: on eitnhnnse ; and ”lii remarks manly M well to otliei Stnteg in ti? Illinois. 3 Wherever the. Blot-” Rambling“ have ; been in power. ebrmption and wofiimflity‘ have gone hnnd in hand,and thei gill? up: pear to hiwei treatedjhe war. not}; oc- ‘ mion culling for honest patriotigfn. but u a means; fox} filling the pocket: :igt‘ thieves l and sconmlrel-z at the expenpe of the tax-' payen. In ll'imnainit was even .119 than in Illinois or any other States-J ernniqu. 1 RHnweflvor 1114- 'RPpub‘ic-an(~may en deavor tn dehnd themwlves from‘flhe flig ma thnl had been cut upon thigh by ghe recent expoq‘uros' of enormous fr. id: upon the Governfmsnt. hiltary mist *VPP hold that partyfiarmnntablo for (him. This whnie poweg of tho nation has Kin their hhndn, anti jmt a single Dem -, hat-Been xhnwn to him had a share in. ‘y of the 08mm“ I’ny which the army 3 ‘l nation have been so infamous” defrmd . Hall of the acfofi. in these wicked at Its upon the Treasuvf hovs been promi t mem— bers of that? organization. 3nd i one cub. its candidanar the lenient poaiHon in the country. £o!in five years ago. {She plan “mt thaienfim pm-tv shonld~ i hohehl .muntaméror the miq‘hief Mir" or m memhotliwfll avail nothing. Aggirvcedent on such ‘mhjocb- his been set by the Re publimnn‘tiuemselves, in denouigcing the whole Demfocratic party for (L! sileged misconduct: of some at Mr. fichanm's oflicisls, and no protest. would “‘tolentad by them to‘the contrary. Sincfiihey weie l 0 eager sad peysistent in «dimming a. prjnriple by which. mats" ofl‘thst hart should be decided in mud to dawn, .they surely out“ not to éqmp‘ningwhen the rule mum-y have created hidppliod to themnelvesé—Efir Ohm", , ‘ fi-The flew York Tribune “from: the opinion that within the last ten mmhhs the D"- nlon hns beén robbed of: hundregimilllom of dollars by d’ornption in tho'pubiig'z service.— Thil in more thin the Governm’ it‘los: by fnld sud 'peculuion under Demin‘tic n]. from the thrbeginning of tho Goveq‘ajment down to the pcfioi ‘hen it passed into gather buds. A Jol'lulmlger—A judge in Wishonsinmhn had tried Inuit forrecovery ofa liquor bill. the defense to which was that the liquor: sold were of n veryinferior qualify. charged the jury in the following lsngunin: “Gentlemen of thejmfy: Euro unadulter nted liquor is a wholesome and plenwant beverage, and. as {ares the experience of the court extendn. conducee mfilenlth and longevity; but u had article of liquor, or, whnt i! «one, a drugged article. gentleman, cannot betolented: and if deglérs from be» low will send up into this country. so blew sed with the smiles of: benignant Creator. such a. miserable quality of liguor as the proof shows this to be, in thio’ioourt, gen tleman of the jury. they cannot recover.— Tbevegdictwaa, of course. for th‘ defendant. 11=3=1=ii a-They dr‘esa cool out wag A young lady being Asked if she would my tint loon net to chm-pk, replied Ibo wrongs; 7w wk. ing the. ' E 4 TWO DOLL'ARS A-YEAR LIMIM ]QOM CAMP. CA" Cums. Hurfisbun. Feb. 13. ’62 Mar :1 (la Miler :.—Since my last", flute bu not been anything of general in-‘ taint occurring in Camp; but u I feel' inf tho; “writing nioodjfl ‘will endeavor. to} glvd you I “bird’sl 'eyk vlew" of matters ond? things as thoylexi t. "'ln my last. I re. fund to' the mutt) his soldiers in this Comp—tho ”engi- on g of sit-knell: is oboht‘twa per cent. 1' a had it won, und thete is‘noonsidenble frili g ofi‘ln the num berjof deaths. The “19%" for "1““ limo hulbieenguite 001;! old immoble. and theiold Keystone Béfime‘ht, the 101st. has heel; ‘wen and morgu‘p lyjlrillod, -- in spite of iind and wenfluo .';’ .y our able and efficient Colonel, (Coll. Whom.) find when We have a chance“! hf] «I ll assured, “ the boy who fear: no nois'efi' will render a good n‘ccount of themselvesl‘ ’lllhi-x Regimen‘t'ia: the one in which (he [hardy Inns Eof “oth Adams." are plum"! who igood service for? > their country, and I {cam assure you thoi [ citisens of that no e,‘ old‘Tounty will hove; ‘ came to be proud ”heir,“ {rm will offer-V ing ” to ‘the godl of ‘wn '. The " finger Guilds” are as {jolook ngnet ofmldl'ers as Camp Cortin film. T, and each and evéry one in prepn ' nr ‘ "Shula off the dew. to a m ‘ ”rim-nu, . : Andfm Imbaltle uni: flea and in the parformimcl} of (Wei; arduous or dnbgol'om will never flinch. 'lmj on Moody field" me; 511 word as fail,” for]? in Gm and theii watchwiml i. “II n The Union! the néionr in wQ'Eou} BEER}. Ewan tha 3 foes.— ;’ , , The God of our hmflfii—nh dill mat He he 'Phe‘ltrength of the (Info .lh hope of the int". I cannot but rnvffl. Mt] pride and Pleflr‘ limb to the mannér in #hich the lovekv? daughter: of your {have fad munty, pro-j} hernia] for their nah-lo kn] and bemuymnvnil 'rt-«mnded m gheir uritry‘s call. God? bless them. and may |thell “ loved ones infi gha army.” live to rotfllrn rm] make thrmi; happy, ‘ ’Twaa womnn“! wl‘en (he-Imin ofg" 31am wni fint ‘sonndéd ip our Weak undid dmost unknown Minnie-why“. not-vol" the? wilfing hear-tn and ntr n 2 firms of our noble]; sires. :vho "loved fy‘ivlnlt: and dared he? free," md gave u- n un .y to love, (and; *‘ flag to protect. and | ' ~ 1 E‘Thoro Immttws noisn nn EVEN-down soil, i 4' But prays for l-‘rredo ‘- Wm : {' fl‘lnqre heats no heart b_ blond And toil - 1 : “Mu-med. that they 0: rl » 1 Mar. when the gnup a {yr n! power 1 ! 0m- conntry'n life-pa n c echo-I. ~ i When Hehvon'n deep II pr «en-ed to lower ’ j '0“ Fret-don“: hnrk— kl“ wrerkt-d. Th 6! "we! "its ch: redychem on- ~ane gage! lpirits \ Therm-worn bmvp—m Goa hlou their (laugh! PM? painted mothors‘. ho ThQ light oflmpo. go} ‘ lof‘d'land." i Lwonfimn's mild; and; M: erve the strong ' Mt; doing battle for} cimntry's mum. i (ports as 10 £an ,Thft perilled AH for‘ofu‘ And even nnw' *tis ~entéoumging wnrcls (I nth: of those wlrd no‘ their muntryjnd undil- There I» numernhs ti o‘we will leave t transom"! are the m tioh. From what [0 ohtitled to credit, w~ in 2he.couno of ten ‘ E l tio'p will he Kentlyck Yesterday bur R; «mm of Harri-hm !- me paraded mg; ian made a fine api oi pleumliy, fluid“: “le of all convert: ‘. mfiddy—the mull b 3 ,p.”’aud {he cautinu I wr In théumnd mgq', . pléaning to magm- I on? to the trquhle (if Ind) “ putting on their {on the street pal-MIG. daft kiéknd up ” ih dating the time Ihja 4 iffi cleanitigmp emf! lntiiinahleu. ~but. in h c mi rights. Ipd chiuq.‘ ife In enmfiiinow' up I thel “jingling of mag?- pejinmee. All .‘ ~ the complete mtisfn The uproot: were very Eng “shoe-mouth d' - trsmn, tramp. of n made it Inything bu tidious holdiers who Hacking their shoes. ‘ be“. bib snd flicker" The" Ins’J‘qnlte 3 Camp" this morning. ooldien were éngs" brushing their any short time All nu - go on SI TIFUId, and smooth an huppy ‘ tinge bent: , The on! n and ‘ sip continually dz themselves in the u fe'g-ent mmauvyes n - ‘ ‘ f * mi of our Regime!“ ling Ind perfecting . of'arms and the dif- L- . .-_ry (a make a good Add eflicient soldierflmd from Ll"! mating! in which that omen” 10f ohr Company “ put ,us through," the “ U‘nger Guard/a” will he second to none in p‘pint of excellence and efiiciency. , All the members ‘0! our Company from your county are enjéying good health, arid are in the best of spiriu; :11 being deter mined to defend our glorion’; "nun Mid stripes.” until the name of Secession «in be among the things that were. .5 “ Then‘huzzn rumba Union forever: Letour flag préudly flog: oler the had; Not 3 star blotted nun—oh no. lever! But destined brewer to hand." i, “'hen we mbve tram ham, 1 will ke'ep you and your readers posted in a“ mat“!!! of interest. For the present. Good-hie. Your's‘ truly. . 1.. B.‘ “A dam-ins master was taken up in New York lately,!for robbing i follow boarder. He said h‘p oommemod by nine»- in; | printer. and} dust .that, everything madly came my gobim. * fi'Thrmv s pieo'p of mast smm; bah, and a. purse of goldfnmong men. and which will behave the {1:30:32 outrageomly—the mm or the bears! 5' ' fi’A young lad studying Fi-ench, Ind findihg MT“! " mant “fine,” mid nmebody in I that new 0.3!?“ 3a! 0! bell. wcuhér lately. ' if“. d m ‘ W Whmitha placed WC“! ; cont-on (for: our midst a: cum |‘hmhu‘, Jena 0. Hanna, jut ut the 1 time when ho wu ready to enter upon the ‘ lotin work ofthe miniztry. jut when he ‘ wu girdinfi him-elf to go forth Ind pru ‘ chin) to in dying {snowmen the glad ‘ hows ofthe Gupel: \(t’uolved, Thu: we ”canine in this d5O - which has brought sadness w our hguut, the hand of I kind Father who doéth :11 things well. We feel that for him tndio was gain. ‘ Resolved, That nlthough God“: Mug. with u: Mom mysterious, in thun calling away enr brother from the very threshold of the ministry, we have the nsfnnnu, that what we khow not now we shall‘know hereafter. . . , -Raolved, That our Semimry ht.- loét. u member who mu exemplary in his qhnr comer, diligent in his studiesgud one who no beloved by us a". No_ 22_ Resolved, That we should seek to firofit from this diupenntion of Providence, find to recognize the great, Tucher calling to BE for grater In] in prosecuting our studies 3 Int, above all, to strive utter increasing ho liness, higher atminmedts in the di‘vino lift}. and yenr'ning for the sqh‘uliun ofnouh. w kem/ven', That in our brotlmr's‘deukh tlla lChurch has sustained (hn lwsa of’n. dcvot¢d« '90:), and one who gave fair promise tr:‘be~,~ comea vigilant wintclzmn'n upon the walls l of Zion. and a faithful laborer in the Jim». , yud of Chl'lal. ‘-“ .- ' ‘ Realm, That we under «a thel bereav ed friends, our warmest nympuhy.‘point theui to the othkions of the Gospel, and express our firm expectation. that all Mr. Scumvm’s pious friends will Mic. with him, ihappy reunion beyond the grave“ Resolved, That I copy of these resdlu. lufions he sent to the family of the Joana»- ad; and that they‘ be publishedl in “The Presbyterian,f' the “Banner,” and the (m. . t’ylbgrg papers. ‘ E ‘ ' A Dimming dawning—on .Saturdny evo ning week. as a young mun nhmed Redn buugh. and a’ young Indy residing in the vicinity. yore passing through the deep out near Rnrlabaugh'a‘slntinn. on the Pvnnsyl vnnia Central. they hard the express train West approaching. and climbed up the em- r, hankmenl to let the train pm. The young hidy' had scarcely renvlned the top Minn she lost her footing‘and fell back (man the crux. The train cdmn npjustat the mo ment,}nd although it was shoppad immedi- Help ll the cam pruned aver her and the was literally cut, to hie-cm. The accident In! surely a mod dlstrmningdne. parting lnrly to the young gentleman who meom: panied her M'ld witnemed her death, it be -ing impossible to do aviyfhing so save her. firlt would be en interesting inflamm (ion chum the facts be uc-emined. tea-Inquire inhh the connection’of the loud and why “11» hints" who, last. sulhmer, went «haul. tha' large cities denbnnclng all. who‘difl’ered from: the Administration as vrnimrs, hith the plum der~schrpnes no fearlessly Jpoled by Mr. Dunn lnfim Home of Roprnenmtiru: ‘VI-nrly our! onkwho bu distingnlnhed himwlf particular. ly, by profession: of pntrlotiam end denuncln lions‘ofother man u trsllq‘n. would be found uplo the elboyrl in the puhlic trenluryl '"V ‘ : inner on their ZS I heir duty. boy'- it‘mnyfie. théy jthe‘ “dark and ("know no such in their trust,” '"‘ “ox." ‘ ‘ etod we red flee t nnquiihed ourql ; mu Hm um" min-...}...The soldier! in mine mortinns at' our m-my diapiny the highest power-a of stratogy in their ”hymen for smuggling liquor" and other mnttnlmnd nrticlea into camp. O‘nnltlny not long ninoo, a party stay-ml out with :tlu-ircofi‘e-e pots to get a—supply of milk. bnt the officer of that dny,’ thinking that he smelt whisky, or dered every man to give him n sample of their milk, which they (titl. by pouring out a lot of the lartenl fluid. and were allode‘d to pan. Tlu‘it night whiskey was found to §e abundant in camp. and then it was din eovered that the: sohliarfl‘ Mad sealed up the ends of the'spoktu of thnir gofl'ee pots with broad, fill/vi the malt with niilk and the p9O g. whisky, and so pmsgd the impaction of ‘ office}: ' _' ‘7 I . . hn_pe v.l" gone—l and and flit, r then tern hand ' am. 59d equalli fu‘to our dirstino} Mm frnm nources I leave thii; Camfi . find our dte'rnoi» 3 The Operation: qfllu Qmimrmamn of (In Army 0? (Iv Pnlomar.--W‘A.<msmov. Feb. I}. —-Tho opnition-of the Quartermaster-'0: De,- purtment us tn forage May be judm‘d from the! fart that Capt. Hank nksfsmnc quarte‘r mix-9M. hm in «mmoynfipnt on this aid? of 11:0 ntnmnc 1.314 mm“. mu! i'NuM dnilv two nndrod tnnz of hub and 6.000 lmshlilu of rzr in, supnlying. in ma (lietrmqtinn. the dirk on! of Gent-min Hmilh an}! 3901-", on the math side of the rivnr. Pong thou-«ml employees aré engngpd in this w (k. u the mnnthlv avaregnw igmlurie- of n!‘ m. $B5.- 4 000. On the south side of the}? omm, under Quartnrmriswr Ingnns. (Hire a 1.. med daily "mums dfhnv mm! 6.800 bu 6k ‘1 of grain, employingfibflmen. , , ‘1 ‘ ~*--~—A ”9” -—‘~~—— I 271021qu it mu m Live—“ Why dqn't ya ‘ go into bminesu?" said u prosperous ther chmt m an old mhmlrnnte. who mu dmn‘ in the world and couldn't get I situation I even as a bank-keeper. ' «i '- “Haven'; got fine fipfml," sm- die dolo ful leply. , .. ‘ “I suppose you know what! commenced on.” resumed the merchfmtmith nomethlx’ig of sternum in 11in tone and I’Jr. ’ . “Yea—next (6 nothing}? , ’ ”Well. why un't you do momma?” “I don’t know why—but I can‘t.” “Did you ever try.f’ ‘_ ~ “No—l ,thoughut mu no nit?!" ‘ That'a .it! Jun one half of‘the unfam mmeople in this world think “it is lOhm use” to try. ~ The whole of one? man cram-s in ibo m of trying to named.— “Nagcr give up I.ll} ship." 1 fiTho following notico from a mung man was lately uldressed to «Judge of. Problte: i ‘ , - "Sn: HanHu-r departed m. lite: not long hence,.léaving a wife and five scorpi ons. ' He died delulgd, and his up» i likely'w préve 'inuolnnt. Im M! bud - tioner, an‘d being told that you we‘reJu go of Roprpbueo, apply to you for lot. of condemnation.” , a QWTIIM woman hm Men mi Mann} Me ulnnmgo to me." aid Quilp. a nth“) of his wife. “I oncb had some polifical, upirlu'oul; but she manafied to keep Chem; down. till I got wise enough «0' {Meet my; own honor. Yes, Sir; if it h“ not boon: for that woman (mnfinund Qxiflp solemnly); I might are this have lifted ,up in] Gyfl—j ‘in Gmgreu !”—-ann Hm. I § ; .7 - —a.» ...—...- . , Elba Sold:_-Thnt rich 01d IDs—Eden, the one whohu numberless, palm minutes} ‘md diamondi'. And wlw ones 'md {hub band of we Prince‘- ‘Mathilflo. offing; has just mid Elba to bout my.“ for“; ‘,500300 francs. ;/ , ‘ ‘§ § 5 .. W. R. Scans-r. 9 J. H. Doxumsnx, i: B. H. Wlmsnow,- f