The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 17, 1862, Image 3
.‘Ji .-1....._.,...,~,_ \‘II [a Plume 8818. WI 511'... Mill 1‘ a concentrated 0' ' w" y. l‘.’ J'W‘fjay of ”"5” '7”! ”F" extnet ot Punt Sarsapnrilln. so ('mnbim-tl with "A” , :"g’clfl'"_";‘ YMMV“: "‘ q‘l“ "'"P‘M' “”1 other lub‘luncn ot siillgrentcr attentive pow- town‘ml " A“! ‘ ‘1 '~ “ 1”- rcildcnr‘c, tn Built-i: er uto Ifi‘érd an ofl‘ectlvonnttdutc tor dlseuc» \liddle'rf. 32m; :10”??? °“" “”9 youth 0' Sunpuilhtl: reputed to cure. Such n rentc- ht, .; ram,“ F 0 {l};qu “"591?“ PPM“). dy il rarely wanted by those who suffer iron: ‘0! th " f.” :\ LY "ARE”: 3 ‘ ”“"‘- ‘~' Shanon: complaints. and thnt one which will I] . 1°": \‘f' ”9‘ ””l‘ l" the time of rule.) "- uuouplilh their cure mtht prute ofitnmenu‘ ‘1'?" (f. "u"; (,“mf' 1 I’lfllllillloll‘\Vl2ofl ".“d lot-vice to this large chins of out afflicted {el- ..‘;TH'QG‘ ”"3 ‘ “Wilt“, Thu-”hing 3"";th low-citizens. llotv completely this t-omPonud and $0": J “we“, 1' l““Eh-‘ ”H'O‘Vt 139““? '3l] do it hats been pruvcn by experiment on of '"l¥:.-l“"fl I I‘lulLthb» («Ur-'1 limit, -‘sctts mny of the Worst mm to be found In the 10l- W 50mg ““‘l ('7"”'_".s°“’ ,°‘ ”"I"”..C’CJr" lowing complltnts ‘_ . ngun ..ndtlln. Blind brul‘les, Lollnnflf ”mow— ' ’Scroftdn and Scrnfuloui ('Omplnints, Erup-, mg lit“, “ MCLL‘HIWW lad 1 Hugh! “U“.MC ‘liou nnd l-Zruptiyo ‘lliunsee. Elven: l'implu, ”Pd.“ 1ngl"'1:”_“v sP'QMUf. Walter nttd an Blotting, Tumors. Halt Rlxrutn, .\‘énltl fiend. (fhflm'v 3. PIH‘ of But‘t (,‘hJurl, Tutu-3 Glam Syphilis Ind Nyphiltttc Atl‘cctiom,,\leruurinl (”fianc’ {Al’iusecd ‘ld‘uc' “"3“ an R'J‘c" Dinettes, Dropqy, Neurnlgi; or Tic Doloreux, lb" h T? “ MK?" "lum’df: lummcq 13’ the Debility, Dylpepsix nnd Indigestion, Erysipc- u! e ,nndmuny other "Nd” n 1“ metttloned. 1“. Ron orStLAnthanyls Fire, nnnl.lndeed the Wash to Commence ll 10.0cloclt, A. 31., whole clut- ofcomplaintn Mining from‘lmpurl- on ”M dny, when attfndttnce “'H be 55”“ 9""1 ty of the Blood. ‘ = . “"1" "Me known by ‘ g, ‘ Thin compound Will he found a grout prumo- ‘ F ~ l @RALL Bltltakl-Jt, tor ot henltil‘. when taken in the spring, to ox- 4_Cb“”j_}sf’:' 1” “ pol the {onl humor! whtrh fem-r in the hlootl 1 f . Pat)?- ' M at thet uuon ofthe rear. In the timelv ex- ' .10 8319' ,- pnllion of them man'v ranklihg disorder} an. 0” Thvmfl'ny. I 7» ‘Zflrh day of Jinn-h rial, the nipped in the bud, Slultitndu can. by the mid ,“hsflib”: iiatending I" relinquish the, of thin remidy, apare tlu-mselvea from the en- ; r‘lrnllngfh-Ninefi. :vrill sell at Public“ 5:12. ntr dinncepf foul eruption: nnd Ilit‘et‘olll Koren, ' l"! f-'nldt',uce, at (my, 511”, in .\ltmmpleusunt throughiwhich the n item will elYit‘L' to rid it- : ”’“M'HlltJdfl'mu county:'vllls‘_°ll‘3""i“r bersou lelf of corruptionafir not unified to du this “J I"”I’VIVEY' "7" ‘ it ' \through the nntur‘tg chnuncls of the body by llttlta'hs, Cult. COWS- "00%" (“"4“ 1 F0"?- 111 Alterativa me-llcmr. Clcuntetmtthe ritin- horse “Pf-'0“; “VON-”Md, With Sterne Bed, ted blood whenever you find m. impurities “‘mk'm'“) Huzgy and Harness, [tenphr and hunting through the skin in pimplesmruptinn‘,"lo"9‘“ m“"“l"l~ PMWL} I'M—Uzi” and llnr. _or urea; rlesnre it when ion find it is ob- "2“. ”91‘1"" 3‘30”" P100255} Corn‘iForks, ltmcted Ind elugyiuh 7.n the veinr; t-lenn-e it. ‘_‘ mnmnng 19"”. Single and )UUH’JIEITH‘Ci, whenever“ ir'toul,':tnd your feelings will tell :‘i’r‘tml'm‘v ”“0 6'5””: ”“1”" "5 C 0" you when. Even when noxlmrticuhr dimr- C"“'”~ “:13 0011‘! farming nrticles.‘ l’Alwn dot in ten. People enjoy Imm bunnand live Chm" 0““ 0‘ ”WWW. Kurbm (Intiboum. 10'8". for clumiug the blond. Keep the 'l4!th nmrt‘ls, and a Variety of other origins, blood hnlth incl ell in wrll ' but with the tqo‘numoruus ‘0 mention. it ’1 . , l I . _ pnbulnm of life disordered, the cult —he no , LH‘PMG t 0 comment-e at In o'clockfi‘jn. IL, llllinfl heulth. Sooner ,or “1% something '0“ {Nd ,day, "11¢“ “Kendal”! M” ‘ given nut. (a wrongmud the giant mac lnery oflife 1““! “m" "mu" “0"" b! ‘ 1" in dipordered or overturoWn. _ ‘ iN" ”n ”52- 3‘5 PETER 15?ka * 1 During lute yen: the üblic hare heenhis- . ‘ . ' ‘ ’ ”"fl 4"“ 11d by l-rge bottlea. pretending to wire a quart 5 Foreign Attachment. 1i 3 “Elmer of Sarupnrilln for one dollnr. Moét‘ , 1 , T, it I l I of then he" been fronds upon the sick. fur ‘Cn‘u ¥C\ Bltlloka,“ :‘LTPEIEI *i ' they not only tonttiu little. ifnnx, Snruupuril- ’ y"- :“FfJUlkf‘i 3! ill-.thlt ls .' i q ‘ Jefbut often no curative properties Whatever” I"",‘sE‘lm "t WW“ 110”“: I ”Wm-MW” llenee, wter Ind pniuful dluppointtnrnt hue = b"'"{“” ""d" ”NIP-"“3 “9 1“ T- I 63. follo‘nd the use or thett'nriotu t'xtrnctl 0!; “I‘d “"1,“ af‘lSßOlea,-F.All,\l§. Furhi nAt-‘ ‘fil'llptrlfll‘whk‘h flood the market, until‘thej .530”! 5‘ LU- . tach ent. ; lune itulf h Julfly deionised, and In: become ‘ ' . ‘s'. ~ ’ _ ‘ i I Iymtlymou with impotn'tinn and cheat. Still: ' ,C‘ “T H 0” “A?” J‘ i . .I we eltl th‘l- compound Surlnpurillu. and intend l Aunts F‘“_"T\'.ls~l-- 1 to lupply lueh n remedy u 3.11er reecue the ‘- 'lhe (tu'unz‘m'fe'thh 0" Pfiflflsfl llue frou‘th‘e land it! nbloqn‘v whivh rents tip-L "ml-I'lolhcfiheufl'ofsnidcouiity~ OI it.’ And we think we. in «v; ground tor hu- 1 greeting: _ ‘ . : liovt'ngit hu virtue: which Il’e irr'l-simhle by + ,' “5 (vvlnrjmnd you. that ypit at— th ordinary run at the dlansu it in mlcndrd - ‘ h ‘9 Lu-h L. \l . “omm“, 1““ 07‘3")“ to cure. * ~ ‘ ! Wumyy by all Mnd .aingula his fi‘l’remml by pr. 3. (r. AYE'R 3 on” lgood'a, chntt-«ls'tluuds null tenement.) mn€hone " “ “ ' “I- ml." ‘ 04: 0 00ira1 20iirioticress. LO}:H. M'us. l'l'rcl 25 0:114 nu llux.—‘ 11‘1““ or P 9539333” 5‘79"" the sum: lfll‘lr’ new 1:". anu 'o‘ SL7 . :m that. he hl.’ aml Appear before uur.( guilt of ”.3“ in VA. 0. human. ..‘4 “My,” :(‘nnnnon Pleas. to he holllon m tiettyiblfllu. in w .'""h'".- ‘ LYN). 10. 'O2. gm hudJur iald bounty, on the 2)“ dn‘y‘ol l-Hml ' ‘__ ‘ ..',l, f ‘ noxl. then- m :I"an ltnanr‘ly liroulli‘u, “filer L ‘ A .2 '. . .\f'l)l(‘lNl’..—T,hc’ 8., [hooks Md Demo xilnt‘stoc', p "I” “335.13 fllfitgllfrltlle:[ptrnlihlr to 'h’!‘ weather “9"? ”‘5‘"??? under [lu- flame, style MM “:10 not, In innrinblv (‘orrg‘clell wilhom [min or ' 0‘ brooks. PM'M‘ka & (70‘ 0f“ pm} "Ll“: 1}“ inconveniem‘e hv {he lumiof .‘iudmu‘n .\lnunmin ; ""d also ”1’“- ~“"' summuu all persons ”:1 ho“: ‘Horh, mm. Til-er“ are (he suit-u null unrest'hfld' "r poawssum the “Id “"0": n" ll)“: medicine lor all .lllCJlle‘ltnefi lmilclv‘nml to 13-- ‘ ”1" “M" ““‘l tunemenu. "' unv 9! my“ m '-‘ ~ mnlu bf I“ ugh, and more ufievinlli so in thin he .mwchcd, m. ”I'll mp” shall be ‘nnd 1‘ poi“ °"""°- ' ‘ “ 7 '333s433,,..‘.‘é‘h‘fn‘il‘mi‘wllli.‘iffixl'édd F 33." vigtdh:::lhl;;‘;!lll: e"£2;‘:ul::ll::o‘llg-‘yldué‘: 10d ugaurin (hi-m or him, um] ‘nbiilc the lulg the'm om-e' will nllovi‘ lifrwlf to be uirlmut nmm at thl- you“ Illusion, null have you tlu-n (hem. Thu- ronmre:nll Mmruuiuns. imnfy “Mum"? ‘s'” gnu. J“ "rnwjfh' “whitish.” the Monti um give no (he rhin nm 1..~..miu.1,.-’- {s‘3“}:- ' F““!'.“‘,,_"ld‘rf_f’ r?!” “I'7 clnr and hmkhl‘ul look no gll‘ifll) mhnirrd in "I. it‘ll-”butfi‘ Lu: 11;": “a?” if??? ‘ I buuliful and Incid'lhy [u umzm. .\l cumin “’6" '- l 1‘ I! W‘ ‘ ‘ ' [3' Ifil prriodl these l’ills nre an lmliu‘puuuable mm- 7 “1’ - - ““9"- ‘lhh union. l'rum mm ‘m (our should he tuLen' - . _" ‘. . j ' " llll'h Ally. unjl relig-f in (.Mninml. ‘ A lea (lti~t‘),! I”; “filmm- l‘bo “if: ring": 23:9 “3: orrulunully. will~ hPf’p‘lllc Pyrll'lll u- llt‘!illl1_\‘. linl'? (”‘an 1i ‘9'“: ‘ lAe‘!‘ “’.‘ e. .Al and the blond no page, [hut disuse: cnnnm‘ "1 Ill“ 13"":5‘”"|(‘ft_l)'f§;3'_u7t;q 4' mm the budy. ..luilr'un's \lnuumlu ”"rbdrin‘lmxjhi-nllxgluzLor p 81; filial“); uttfl' irevlolu by pll Madtfime “Culcl‘. [Jam 1 . llu, MW. 3 ACRES Ul" LAND‘ mare or l'l‘s- in i ’ ' "n" _ I Gellysburt.‘ j:uljuzning the Railroad uh‘ the L GREAT DISCUVE'WF'A'“PI‘J\M“"- “99' , nunh. lulu of b‘Jlluealm-k'n heirq on the inf-"4t. ' “gym-l - pfnclitionrrs and chrnnrnl nunlyn’u. “I”. A HALF LU'l‘v HF (ll 71731). «lu the 'hn'u demnnurnzed :lw KI‘PIL lznluc ()I‘Prfol. De nnnhai-le of ('hrunhersburg “T 9,.“ in ‘ 11".“ (irilh'a beautiful comluuzlliun,‘ “”9‘l " Mjfic' burg, adjoining lllls M" John Sleutz on {3l- End. TRIP OIL," for the rrliel and cure uf palm—i . SAMUEL WOLF. Sillrlfl‘. 3'“ “"5 l"=”l‘l2 “““N'l‘fi‘ M" "““l”"l"'-<"h“'LLL——Slrrrifl”s OlliL-c, Uctlvshurg. Feb. 17. 'l".‘ «it ‘ verilirt in a rnmnuer holh umuidtahnhlr ‘nnd; - V ' _"‘ _;_;_l§ . , uliifiu'lury. Mere than luu millim bottles: ‘ sécond Supply _ I basil-ecu mild in I \cryhphmi't liuic—a—gre-t‘ F Tl": ”5‘3““. —(‘H-‘(lll(‘l“ HiVDlll') 0 ion of (how who em: with” rm-mu- ' O . ‘' ‘ ' ‘" ’ I“: 5::‘121 uho lud trird it. I‘ll-Lil." n snlendi-l 7| 31.1““? rcHrmld gram Plpl:ld(1l)'llllui'[“‘l”31 W x . {,l I "kin: like it "MW" “rm“. “up nrml. The I-uhil L' \‘s‘ilul-1111-‘Q ‘xn I :‘v-l‘z': . Alt uh 1"» all] ueuuinv chrrr‘le (lil "u l'rgl. ln- (irngh'n, ‘.. ' ' ‘gV'o, ~ 51:011. :_rw y. “2].. .r,‘ which ll to hr lmd nl all the rrwpfc'lul'le llrug- §L_I:;‘F “4 'b‘ '2’ W‘rlbll't,‘ “SIHIPISW L ‘Etsl‘ gin. in" (In cities. annl It whnlmde and mm, [)illgi'itlé.‘Gu:-Jllc“”\l\':1ll‘nr::rnn“?:5:::l laid: at the proprietors’ prices ”(he néem here. bee 1M“ slouk MDrercoats. rnuging from! 3.87 to .dvenuumwl. I l ’ _. Slim): All-y. Dress Coats, Htlilnl". Pants, “"l’ ’ ‘ \lr-n'd and Boys' l‘nnmloona, \'e~L:,:' whirls“ humors nnrl .\Lonkey Jnrhits. ‘ Our clhlhifig is; all uf our mgntnmhe and warmnted we? m'udim Uur sloth of (lvcgvunts partiunln’rly is‘ amt—i .\Ve arc rem rivinz ()rerconh, 81:3,, dnilyjmm lhp‘: hands we hp: emplmed, so that uelljccp our Mockwellna’wned. The :ahnvegonds hqn- been purrlmsed oh the very best u-rm: for ,t'llsh. hml I will ire ilPld \‘nt 3 very reduced pricé' for the mme. h\e that call. ’ _ ..., ‘ lkc.;;F 156}. 1' ‘ 1 " Q'Sunmk' ”ulna-J’s Store is wrll war. (by nriailjun II this t'lmoL We doul-l win-liner; aven‘i‘u our hurgcsl chit-i. no flul-‘nglisphxy of Stayed rnn ha fauud, Thrir large mum is full “Stove! of Her; [mill-m: 81:90. N cry “I rioly .7 "allow Wyn, flint-Iron Warp, Tin \VJ", I’lnninhrd \Vzr‘e, Jppm; Wnrc—cmbrnc. lnz. indeedmvorythimrin the home furnishing line. duo, Sausage l‘utfi-rn. 5.01! at StutTers, lnml Presses, tn. kc. Wan-y un- pacpured to gulehlk-uk and rel iil. Tin Wave and She}!- lrul Warn- of lhrir‘uwn Illllu[lr-ll'Hll'E—kct‘llinz - nflcicn. lumber ol Mud: in supply any dp. m‘d. The?! aunrtmem ol Lumber i. run (urge: lluo Coal o'ft-mi'y Lin-1. . . . EHI’IMY \H'IXT ! CIE AGENTS WANTED !—-We will pay from $25 _ lo 575 per month. and n 1! Hyman. tn «Hive Agents, oi- gjre I commi-a'um. Particulars lent free. Addrou Plum 542 mm .\lu-nn‘g ('oluxvpll. JAMES, (mu-ml .\gl-ut. Milan, Inhio. - ' . [s9lm 2, hm; Jy‘ THE‘ MARKETS. GETTYSHL’ [it‘n—SArumLu‘ LAM- Flour Rye F10ur...... White Wham... [led Wheat...” (—‘orn ...... ...... . Ry................ nun ~;... ...... n Buckwheu..... ClovprSecd ... ‘l‘i-ouiy Seed HA: Seam... Hint: of I‘lfil .. ‘lnner ground, [10? mg form-mm, ‘ .....- 9 !!I=2l ME - BALTIMORE—Juan um“. i?!0ur....,.,,,.....,..............;...... 5 a: :65 75 Vibe-t :‘....,,.......,,.....,,,.... ....... l 20 to 1 m Rye ..,.... >.. ..,........,....,.‘..,......... 70 to 75 .C0rt...m..., ~....,,,.... ....,.. 55 lo 68 0a" ........,.......,.......,.,....,.,,,,... 37 to 42 vote”: 5e0d_.£..,‘,,,,...,....,........,.. 4 37» 4 62 Timothy 5ed,..,,,,......,;......... 2 00 “.2 25 flat Clitlo,'per 5un¢....,,...,,, , 6 00 w 9 50 W, p0rrhnnd......._;,.'.. ..,,,..,,,Q 4 56 n 5 00 Influx... ...19 on mu m ‘Wikker...‘,...._.......‘..............,... 25:. 26 Gino, Ponn'inn, per {0n........, 60 oo HLYOVEfiz-Tuauon bAB‘I'. Flour, from Insulin... .... mm. 5 25 .Do: (:0- u0rei......1............. i 75 Who» ...,..,,_.-.. I 15 to x ‘3O it]. ......n. ......... ......... ............. 65 C0n....................................... 43 Gunman...— ................. "......" Clout 5eed.....:.............. ...”... Timothy Seed-......................... “Mun..."............................. Election: ’ Efl‘ranßG GAS COMPANY—The u. G’ lull gating of the Stockholders of the o°“,ng 6“ Company, for the purpose ‘of elecfi.‘ I. Pntidut sud Si{ Managers of and Comp‘ny, 'to u": fol the ensuing year, will be halt! on Inlay, a: 34 dull 0! lurch mt. be tween the how of l and 4 o'clock, P. 31., of “it! any, I: leGontughy'l Hall. in the Borough of Gettysburg. M,- 349038. Pm’t. D. lcCoruwnt, W!- ,Peh. n, 106:. rd Notice; mum of the Military Board of the .. «my yin b. held on Saturday, (be 224 of mm, u. the E 331. Hotel, in the mm at Gettysburg, st 10 detect, 5. H.— Thn iu-bon armor an ~un to in paint» Biol!“ of _ A .- Mo! 0. H. BUEHLER, Prn’L W. 11*. Dunc“. Sec'y. ' Fob. n, 135:. td i f ‘UB undersigned ofl‘crs‘his servicen tn thel l ”puma as 3 SALE (mum, mid am a” lmeml 511,er 0f cncpuragement. HQ Hume had comidernhle experience in the bluifmss. and flu-gl- confident that :he will give “hire satis mntion.‘ Charges Iqudcrnlc. His reudentfc in iq ‘ 'recdom tuwuchip, 1] miles west binnwm'a um. I - REUBEN GOLDEN. Feh.3,»185. 4H ; 1 t 7 ~‘vl ‘ EURGi-I STHASBAI'GH'S ESTATE»— (J Lemar! of administration, withitlie \Viil aiiiiequ_luu the («rate of George Striisbiugh, lute of Franklin township, Adamsi cou‘nty, deceased, Inning been granted ‘to flit: unlit-i:- signed. residing in the same Lowfnship, be hereby given notice to all purions {indebted to said esui'e 11) make immediate payment, and those having clnimaagainst the airmail) present them properly authenticated for seulepwnt. ‘T JOSEPH F. WARNER, Administrator with the Will aflucxed. Jim. 1.0, 1862. 6!. ’ "' J; 5 12 to}. 6'2 3 so l 75 to! 275 l 1* ml 18 4! > 65 - 45 400 mm: 175:0-2 oo «. 1‘25 650 ‘ 100 450 , z .. _._ ,_ _:l._‘._‘,,_ .... ‘ Nance. ' g ‘Tnpnn n PLAXK’S ESTATE—Letters m. (I tnmt-ntnry on the estate of Gaul-fie Plank, late of Cumberland townshiphjhdams county, dct-eaaedt htlving been grant: to the under signed, residing in Freedom townshithe hotte by gives notice to all persons indebtét to mid estate to make immediate payment, and thohe having clairps ngininst‘ the sum: t'ol present them properly authenticated for settlement. \ ‘ JACQB Hum? 13;». a, Lgb. 3, 1862. 6C JOHN JOSES‘S ESTATE.—Lemrsiy of rule mini-{ration on the estate of John Jones; Jule 0f Limestowu, Germany township; Adamq county. dammed, having been granted to me‘ undersigned, ‘residing’ in, the sameMl-xflfihe hereby gives notice to nll‘peraons infle’bted to said unto to maka immediate paylheut, and those hn'ingcltims again" the ume to: present them properly authenticated {a sem'fmeut. GEORGE srousfmn, 4.1 m. Jan. 13, 1862. St - r 35 4 oo ,1 75 5° 25 Notlca. ‘ 1 BuiNCIS A. McDEBfiAQWW F te'ra ataamlmmtion on the 765 mm of rancil A. McDermnd, late ofSu-aban tdwuthip, 1 Adams (29., damned, having been gmuu‘d to um; hndersigued, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estnte to make immediate paymant’ and those havingclnims against the same to present them properly authenticated for lettlemuut. JOHN WEBTZ, Adm'r. l Jan. 27, 1862. 6!. Butter, Eggs, 1 HICKENS, Ind onur marketing, cpnstanL Cly:6 he find at H. G. CARR’S. I Aug. 28, 1861. 5 . Bell STREET, ABOVE THIRD, An-” ‘ - ~-“ PHILADELPHIA, PA. ’ ’UP'roN a; mammalian, Pnonmf'rou. mhis Hotel is centnl, convenient by Fuselage! Ctr: .to :11 puts of the city, and Idspcod in every particular to the comfort and went: of the business public. 5 - “Tem- SX.SO per'day. Svpt. 23,1801. 1; 3 , !MEM EMI Sale Cryigg. Notice} Notice. " The Union," ! EINE .l ' 39"* *‘**~ ' ‘ ‘"“""T”l“" * > ‘ J” _" ; “W"“rg” I _ ,J Valuable Personal Property , ‘ Public Sale. : Receipts and Expenditure: ”$31?" ff ‘ffb‘j‘r'i‘: {33.41% y-T PUBLIC S \H-L—Ou Tuudml. the hub 0"" N Samrday. (he 2'24 day of Februaq/ (weal, F ADAMS CUL'XTT FOR 18“. ‘5 P“! “I.” rlfi‘liuu - 1‘ Uurrh, lsm. the ~uhscnher,-l-Zxccutur of, O thv suhhrribcr "I“ 0021’ u l‘uhlxc‘SAle, O ('¢)ll|~ill)\il§' UyHCI, .\DAIA co..l'A. Road dam-gas and damage “on“ Humor; l’Lux amen-ed. \HH -x-ll at Public on the promises. his HOUSE AND LOT. at the‘ Agreeitbly In an Act of 1‘0““!me entitled ‘Red" at brul‘ 9‘ 5,110.. M H“, In“ n-udencfi at said decwlcnt, in south eml of Wilmington street, Getlyuhnrg, l" An Act to misc Cuum' Rates and Levin," l SSSIM! “to“. Sicr'm' for somuouilfz Cumberland U’luuihlp. .\dum. enunty‘ on the west aide. The House is a one end a halfnory requiring the Commiusioners of the renpectiveq ‘ jurors ’ ' Hmmnsburg ltmxl, 1; mile: from (inmshurg, : alone; there is also a Stable, well “Antler, counties to publish IStntemtn! 0' the mail!" ; J “ Pl'tlenlutf “mm“ in fun {or the fHllOWinu Personal pmpen), \‘iz: [chhicc fruit trees, Arc. Ind Expenditures ,xcnrly, We, the Cummiuiun-g .U :pouum cnék hridde FOl'll WURK HORSES. 12 )lech Fawn”! Aim, A LOT IIFGROUNDmn the eutlide of on of Taxes of mid county, "P 0" It follows, : Chrilttmnn & Zicnrler (Sulrul in “in nearly all ”Huh. 5 Shoals, Narrow—”rad Four-Imm Washington struct, within a aha". distance to wit: from the eighth day of January. 136': for l‘olmwago lrl'idit‘ , ’ horse “‘Jgun. Slirrow-trend Twmhorse Wagon. ' of the thaw: property. to the eighth dhy 01 Jnnuary. meg-50“! dirt! l‘John Emu". I.omm“ in “n {or Ens: lluggy unll Hnrnuis. Winnowmg Mill, Cutting W.“ the Lime lime Ind place,he will sell inclushe: l ’ Berlin brillke ‘ “0x l’luugh: and ”‘IFI'UWS. Douhlv and Single 1 Cow. 2 llogu. Hay and Cctnludder, with other WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. qu_, deem-ed. lute ‘ Keepifgg “auger-s, Swan u the Sute Shovel l’longln, L‘ullivatnn, Horse Gnrs, l urnclrs. :: I Treasurer. and the I)oulm|ssioner',in nccounk l LURE“: \n'lum. , Wheel-bum»; Grain and Ulmer Chitin-5,; WSale to commence at I’o'elock, P: .1.! with “M Couhty of Adana, u folksy”; :Exonehlions'to collector-1, Hc\'tlic<. Lug ('lmim, Butt Chains, (.‘ow Gluing, on and day, when attindancg will be given; { DR | (.‘oll‘eciori' f“, . _ SlrthllL‘lcl ;l)oublc and Sin le-Trees, Fonks, ‘ and terms made known 3’ r . . ' 3, l ; ' , <rum 1 Makes. 3:. amy by the to: and Corn and: . _ PHILIP chKSER. 1'0"“! m ““I”““sd'mmmv ~; gofimd'fg 3“?“ W“ , ””83, 3, - ‘ ' . l o : per account {Auditor-I, filed Ink . oco ec_o ‘. ‘ ; Uuqa by thq hmhei. .(11-aln m the groundr—t F9ll. 10, 186-. tl . 8 1861 -‘ 31640 86 Trensurer’ncommlasmn, 3 ‘ £B6 :0 ~‘flsb, Ho‘uflfllold and Kitchen‘ FurnithreJuch u ——‘ * ’l‘o 'Amouu’fnceifved from H. Butt, 0055 l Bung; m hands of Treunror, . 234 59 lulllea,(halrs.Bureau,Beddmg-ndßednenda, 1c 1 r C nnf Tl! tor 1860 05° 0° Conner Cupboard,flooking Stqve und Fixtures. 0° ' u f ’ 2‘...’ l ‘ Ted—plate move ‘au'l Pipe, Clbck, Iron'Kettle, Tuba, Barrdls, crockery-ware; Applahuttcr’, 3 1117+” of Beds, with a variety of other articles, tooluumerohs to mention. WSaloftu qommeuco at 10 o'clock. A. )1.. om lull d‘U'l when intend-nee will be given find tent}: .‘nndeflmown by ' b. 10 I '461. to Public Sale 'F \'.&L' O _()n 1 the, snbscri detlfusodth' resx lencevo towuship; . ‘ tj'EUurz. no“ law 11:: Pcrs y FLL'R II :1 n S llxuu, I mm: muses” PROPERTY, “duality, (h: 51h day of Marc/I nut, 'ur, Executor of Joann Bruin, ll sell at Public Sale, at the] te ‘r said dcredent, in Mountphnuwt dams mumy, 3 miles east nf 6;!- r the Bonaughmwn road, the fol ‘nnl I’rnpbrty, \‘izz' ? , AD 0? “mm; HORSES, Imm ; Mlle): (Tuws, 2 Heifers, heavy with .1 1&in! Narrow-Land Four-horse Wagpn Lime B d, Two-hofse Wagon, Sied, Slcxgb, n Dril‘lJ 'fihmmg Machine, Winuowing ('uuin Box, Plough: and ”arrows. Fhofel glu, if rn Forksfiflny Ladder:y Wheel nw, Du tblo and giggle-trees, Spreadeks, , Brass and Leg (Hating, ”Mums and COW Is, Murine Gears. ('Ol an and Bridle-n. “fa led‘lq Riding Bridle. Grain (‘rndlgm ing Sc time. Axes, .\lnlls'and chgba,‘ Ock. (“EO'vbux-s, Shovels. Forks. Rnkfs, gl-(‘ut S w, Bram! Axe, and a lobnf Coqp- Tooll} Also. Himechuld' and Kin-lira [Ch In Tables, (‘luhrschdangdl‘ ’eddjng. Siniollnnlfd, Kitchen Cup- iture, a. ‘d. and j bf‘nrnwcra. [(‘onkstnve, Pipe njfid Iplnte Stove and Pipe, Carpninq, .r Kl-Ltle, Until. Tubs and Burrils. 1! “man and Lard by the pound, lthe bush‘el. ‘wizh a variety of o‘ther {numerous to monlinn. A ‘y o commenpc M 10 o'clock. A. 3]., ljrht‘n atlenduncc WI“ be giwu 35nd ; no’wn bv ? fl 3 ! ~GHUHGE ”mum, Ez‘r. ‘B};2. > N - +*_— ‘1" ~ huh Dru [Mai m 0 i’nl an] g, Page! 'fm. Ten e ('upn. pounds ‘ ”bus b)‘ '10: [no , '.‘lN ‘ :‘a‘idkay i S m‘ dc I= Large Sale 1 . .uzu: I’lzn‘soxfo PRO‘PERTY. Monday and Tun/(11y. {he 10/}! and Mun-h marl, the sunbd-ribrr:; Admin [hznn‘ ”mun, dcqeasod, ‘will sell Mr». M. flxe lute robidpncc of said de nuinjoy tow'xiship, fmum: county. silei§ north bf Littlestowu. and 1 Jesse D. Newman’s. the fpllofilng ,"rs'onul Prnpc'rly. \ it: ‘ "fiD 0F WURK HORSES, 3 of them a. 1 heavy ivhh fopl; 2 (101 m. cm- L the othen l ymr old; 8 .\Hk-h EM Young Caltle,l Dnrhnmliull. Ms, 2 Brcdd Saws with l’igfi: 4 Ly broml-wlm‘cl Wagon. with bill, , n-r; nurroiw-whecl “'ag'mn. oljlo- —l)n (lav-V of 1 liurs of ’dbliv S. «an iu .\ ‘ “‘1 :59. ii ' cast 0, AMA-1P6": T}: ”E; 01 Mnrd‘ ri an Hi; R 111-113 1 (- Sh vp. Inc-H3 14 and 1‘ h: i If .1] ed ‘h' i E; ‘ I on“) .u, ' Sh" ' brm ru. bur: ‘ :Iml (‘ln-d “‘l‘“ l 4; 2 RH of Ilhy (I'irriages. Sleigh KM. Tripplc-ggnrod Thrjedling .\Lu— u)'s Re ”yer? and How ‘r, Rib '9 IL Patent Hny Raye. Hut-rate Cin- c Warn “pus, . ' 10‘ ”11:1 mling “1": EMI nrn Slum-n. Gmin Dnll. Fum’ily = I H.u'nc<=. Wiunowing .\[ilL ‘Vhp‘vl -n;zhs. Hurrn“ «. Cul‘imtors. Show] r ‘n Fork. 5 5:14 Horae‘Cc-uriJVagnn ‘ng Saddle and Bridle. Sid? Saddle. ri-xgt- an' mm P!- L'h~_f'n Idlv PM (.‘M‘ lnrl Pin 5.1 , :h Chains. Halter gmd (‘nw (‘hnim MEI G 1" in (‘rnd vs, S. films.“ 2 Jack Snows. Fork, Ra FRShD rls. and main; other farming nfiti c‘e. .Mflnlfl ('rmm-cut Saw. Grintistone“! 3 kl“ '5! of “fin, ‘(r‘nrMQLJ‘r TOOH, Crow-bl‘ri. V .1 twin, l’irLb, Hm mine: 47 .\chs of “1133]. km fly; in I)..- ground ; 4 sham-t of stock in ‘he ILit lc‘tnwwljlhuhjond. and 1 share in the ”flu n’v Brandi. All“). [lnuéchoid and Hitch-n Eu niture, [soon .1: Tables and (‘lmirsY BL =.‘ [in cu-vd» rnd Rania; Corner (‘uplm -d. (3:. prlirgg. inrMus. Butpk-casc, (‘vnnking 51 \‘P Md (“'l‘xmr s, Ten-plate Move and Pipe. W (M (,‘h at, [rm Kettle, M 931 Venn-ls, Tubs ml murals. 1.100 111:. of)l‘ork.nnd many 01 cr llm Lies Nminunmrmls In mrntion. “Sale: to c¢ululcntc at 10 d'cloc‘k, A. {2. Ar .nh dz‘h, when attendance will be gH‘en #ll terms éxhdcflmown By E ‘ I? ‘ HENRY L. .NEMLER, ! K ‘ . - JOSEPH H‘XK, ; A Rob 3. “Nl2. ts Adminiuramh. ‘ i‘J‘AfV4B KLHK, Auctioneer. E i ‘ The Second Sassi?n E F' the! (:ETTYSM'RG ENG! 15” A 'D CLASS“? SCHOOL, for .\lulfa and ‘1:- mn es, willicommenre an the ll'rmor MA n, 1R 2. and so7xtinue until ghe lst qf July we ks. Tdkusz—For English Branches S: Po Englifli and Classic 810. As only n lix ed' umber :mll be received, those who de L 5 find theircbildrvn should make early up calfou. For particulars ndrlreus ‘ l , _ Rem-WM. mum-:5, Eeb.3,1862. u: -.Jb-__...v. .7. v i _ ‘ “ Nance. ‘IIE suHscriher. lmvingv been nppnintediby L the Orphnu's l‘onn of Adams countyd In An ilor tnjmgr djstributidu ofgthe balance rmq’mining in [ll hands of DASIEt'LINARD.fX our mr oftlie last will‘nnd testament of I’m ER men. degcnsed, to and nmong the panic le ginlly cutitlpd lheretn,.hercby gives notice SIM he :will unqnd to the duties of his sppointm nt, at {the office of .\l. A: W. .\lnClenn, in Gell§+ burg, on lenday, the 24th day of February 'll.. whgeu and where all parsons interested are {re qu¢sled to gueml. MOSES McCLEAN', ; Fob. 3,1 952. M Audda; “+— Audltor’s Notice. i ' {HE undersigned, Auditor appointed byithe . Court hf Common Plans of Adams county, to ‘report aistribution of the mqpies arising fro n the sale, by the Sherifl', of the real estate “flu, V'Aficz. to and among“ the panieaile gal}; antitl'ed thereto, will meet all pctmnagin lair-tad. fdgihe purpose of his npnointmenli, at th :ofice of M. A: W. McCLux. in Gottysbfirz. on Monday,‘ he l‘ltlz day of Fabruar , 1862, If‘lO o'clock, A‘.‘ ~ WM. minute, ‘ .‘Jn. 27, 1862. St .41u1110i'.x i , i ' ‘ r»———- iv -4‘ 1 F A I R‘ F I E L D l l Still in the Union! ; INEHART 3r SULLIVAN beg leave to gall R the attention oftheir friends and the pub~ lie generally to the fact that they hfi'e jungc turned from the cities of Philadelphia and B..llimore, w‘mh a NEW AND $91,13me AS SORTMEDIT 0F GOODS, cheaper than ever betore offered in the county. [Having bought their goods for Cash, at plnie prijces, and at a time when the decline in many kinds of fibrin is unprecedented, they are eu ‘hhlcd to offer such BARGAINS as Wlll natanish tbé most ereduloua. If our friends will but cell and examine our stock, which in complete in ‘every deplrtment, we are sure we can offer such inducements as will amply repay them for their trouble. Every arLicle usually kept in It . Waumrrsmrniub’ennndfinhand W e are detrrmined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD lanywhere outside ofthe City, as our motto is “,Quick'Salas sun‘Smnll Profits." No trouble (6 show goods. * _ @We also take this occasion to return our thanks for the very generous patronage we have heretofor: remind, and indulge the hope that. by strict ntzention to business, and a high re gard for the interests of both our patrons and ourselves, to merit a continuance of their kind favors. ‘ RINEHABT & SULLIVAN, ‘ Corner Main and Mountain am, April 3, 1861. It‘sirfield, P. JOSEPH CARBAUGH‘S ESTATE—Letters 'ofedminisu'ation on the estate 0! Joseph Cubnugh, late of Franklin township, Adlms county, deemed. having been granted to the undersigned, residing near Fayeweville, Frank lin county,‘he hereby gives notice co all per lonu indebtgd to mid estate to make immediate ptyment, and those having cl-iuu against the same to present them properly authentieeted for aetfleghent. JOSEPH BOOZ, Adm'r. Dec. 30,1861. m . I Orphan’s Court Sale F REAL ESTATEJJ-Ifl pursuance; of an Order of the Orph‘m't Court of Adan)! .eounty. the lubacriber.‘Ailininistrntor of the astute of Panels A. McDana‘lui, deceased, will iofl'ir at Public Sale. on the premises, on Hou ; dag}, (In- 34 any of .llurell next. the Real Estnte of fluid decedent. to wit: A TRACT OF LAND. inmate in Strabnn township, Adams county, {bounded by the Cnrlisle‘ road and Clmmberi [burg road, and land of Sicbolas Shriver, and , containing 10 ACRES. more’qr less, improved lwilb a Two-snow Franny Rough }cnst Dwelling HOUSE, will: ".le 'l-uilding. Log Shop, Log Barn, 1 Corn Unb, uog Pen. Wodd HGuoe, 1a vuiety ofyonng Tree“ and is. Well of Water with pump ulfiit'enient La the‘bouae. \ i WThis'dei-imble prupeny ofi‘en many it:- ‘ducementu to purchuel‘s. It is situate on i mile from Lowcr'a Mill, 3 milesirom lluulc'ri ,town. and 2 miles from Bender‘s Church. . l WSale to commencq n! 10 o'clock, A. 3L, :on said day, when attendance will be given :nnd terms made known by: g ' Joux “{ERTZ. Adm'r. 1 By the Courtcdonx Emwm'z'f Clerk. l Feb. 10, 1862. Is . ' A .—_.._._.__~_——..—.—o—.—'-——-———-—. l ,Orphan’s CourtlSale ; i F REAL ESTATI-J.—-ln pursuance of 111 0 Order of the Urphun'a (‘qurt of Adnma mummy, the subscriber, v‘Adlniuiatratot of this leatnle of JACOB; Stanza, decanted, will oll'er at :l’ubliaSnle, on thé pn-misesfion Smut-lav. the 1 15”: of February, 186:. the Rail Euntc of mid 'decedent, being a TRACT OF LAND. situate in glinmiltonbun tawnship, .\dnms donuty, adjoin ‘ing lands ofWulliSun Sprenkle‘, Wm. Ferguson and Jacob Hnflgigll. containing ll Acres, more or less, ufcultim'ed lnnd, improved «with n One-story LOG HQU‘SE, I" Log Shop, with n Spring—of Witter 4:“ Fund some Fruit Trees. The primer !ty fronts on tin-Turnpike, lending from Emm’ita ~hut-g: to \Vuyneshoro', and nfl'urdi a chance .nfoliuin'mg a. comi‘ormhlc littlc home. i ”Sale to pammencr at 121 (felo'ck. XL, on {maid day,’\\'hen attandance mill be given and -- Jenni: made known by 3 JACOB PLANE, Ez‘r‘ Gen} sburg. P- . ~AV .. ,__,_. Notice. 5 . .Hu-zmzximx‘ Immune. um By the Court—l.lmm l-Ixcuonzyl C'J_¢rk. ‘ ; Jun. 27, wag._ ml 5 --7--- Greenmount ‘ ' TILL I.\' THE UNIUV-J—DRAW THIS WAY. ' ' -—The undersigned has the’pleannie nfnn-l uKJuncing to the public dhnt hé has purchased' 150 ston- of Mr. Alexander Hdrper, In. Green -Imuunt,on the ronél lending froln Gutfiburg to l-Immnslmrg, and will continug thebuslnéus on an 'euluged scale. He ‘wfll plbmys keep on vlmnd I. large stock 0(1)ng GOODS. Groceries, ('onfcctionmios. levcnsx\‘nre.? “Madam-ware. ,llardwnre. km, #l2. all of\\‘lllt‘ll fill his mhl M. 'prices 10 suit the L'uucs.‘ .\lamlilte-uulh. Oils. l’n'u‘tu, Drugs.) (.I.,ch be hid" cheap at tht (lrceumounl Slum. Friends qn'tmc A gull: I know that. my {goods add my [lricesxunoa fnsll to please. ‘ ; ‘ . l ' l ‘. | l w’rhe lm‘llt-rhizned nl<o;cnrriu ,on this (‘AIIRIAGI-Z-AVAKIM: busingsqnt the Mun” place, and 011" ch mm imlucclxlellu ‘Dxplerhl-xl son. He mll lwnrrlni his work; gpod. Whilclr his charges are nnmng the most moat-“301*; quxrinu dun? on slmylmotiqed, l‘ y 1 l ‘ Lfi-l'uunzrj produce lnkuu: m cxchnnge tcrv guoda. } A'illlAllAXl PLANE. ‘l‘ ‘5 Notlce.;‘ 1» i ‘ AVIXC Ninposod of’n'ly-inr‘i tn .\ir. “mm I I ham Hank. I hereby give notirp In all“ p?r~ol‘s Running lhemsbh‘cd indemcd ‘0 me; oilhor by Notd or 809%: Accn'unn, to make im—v Int-dine pdyvqcm, h I \Hs‘lntf) seLlle’ur my husinms with‘xmv. delay, [will be found at (Liei-xlxnount aim“ the It? 01-January null. A!) m-munu not !ficllll‘d helwecn ibis and‘ that than wzll belt“! in the handt of an officer for caulicntion. L J,‘ AL‘EX'. HARPER. Oct. 21, 186:). ' I j ‘ _ SLecond Am-lval [ . - mls FAlfiirl—Lzaw Slm'k- 14a» Ever,'—- '1 JACOB-Rik BRO? hnvm'usl r'rcived tl'mir scram} pnrclnae of Full “43.1 \\'i lei- Goods, which they fl'cr cheaper than Ker. having bought a! [he most fav‘ngmlé rage . ,They ask the public to all in and see‘vlheir large assort— mcu. cum-1n d that exéry nun- am he grati fled. The” (worms, (ussmmws,msr. l.\'(:S. Cnssiumh, "unis. ‘lJca‘nn, kc. cannot b: excelled for' Ulric-t 3: and MIL-{n the luwprices at which they a e olfcred lure trenlly astonishing. Goods made [[l M the shqnpsl notice‘ in all latest styles, : [ld atfu rt-nspunble hugs u cnn be expcutcd. Their establijhmenl is in Cham bersburg stréfl, I fun dnoh below Bliehler’s Drug Store. ' ' . [Oct 15, 1860. ' ~ ...—~—-—~ -fvw—r—fi. Vl— fi—vv . Miss .0. Sheadq’ omomq. AND hm SCH OL, opm B Monday.lSePlembclL 2d, 18.] - ’l'cnnH—Pc: session nfl five m 1111:, 575. Fnr .\lusic an Languages hum. “ For {txrtheripurticulurk anrvss} . ‘ C. L. SPEADS’V 'r Gettysburg, PM L _m A . other Victory! 0’ i AR‘iERS take notice that Jl. G. CARR Fina the a - ency forthe nie ofSCHRfNER'S IMPROVED ‘ANNING .\IILLS,e which have taken twenty- hrce Fir'ét Premium throughout the State of Ikhnsylvnuin, and the First Prem ium at the Suite Fairer Illinois. And lISQ the agency for thé sale ofA. I!.ZIEGLER'XS CAST IRON and ‘WRUUGHT SHEAR PLOUGHS, which have taken the First Premium at alithc Fairs.thut ever they were exhibited at, which is some 51x on eight in number. Farmers, th ‘Miila and Plough: are wax-rent ed to give sut s’m'ction. If they don't. you‘lre privileged to cturn them to the agent at Geb tysburg. : _ [oct.‘.’l, 1861. 8121* ‘ .lano Tumng. l ROF; BO ER, 01' Liulnstown, a Practicgl P Piano T ner, informs ibis friends Had the musical public in genenrl. that he give: his time, not. othtrwise occufiied, to Tuning and Repairing Pihnoshns modernte prices. 36 promises entire? satisfaction, orno pay. Orders received as this‘ofiice. ' [Sept. 16, 1861. OW‘V' 1} .1 such: €ol4,oouh, of? [J‘I Mamas, or £7o}: BEGNCHiAS alumni, which migh: be ”Rowe chedwd with a simple ram. “ edy. if W,w tn minutes seriously. Few an aware qf the importance qf stoppine “flan-.411 or 3115/11 gum in its first stage; that which in, the begizming watdd yield to amfldmnedy,§fno¢att¢ndcdto,soan made. 0w hmgs. ’ @raum’: glue/Lia! 3W were first introduced eleven yuan ago. It has been pad that they an flu but am'cu before an public faring/u. fluids, @fimchitia, at/una, flaunt/1., the Hacking €014,771. in flan» MW, and numemutufecticru 'qf the lu‘ant, gimlng‘ imrmdiau W Pub“; Speaker: and SWO”. will find than gym for clearing and W the voice. SoldbyalZQruggis-Mmde-Im in chdicbw, at 25 mt: par box. EA. 'D. Bum“, Agent, Gettylbur‘ Das.3o, 186}. Sn: ‘ Nance. ‘ E dealro I” pal-lona indebted w an to ‘5 call Ind nnh settlement. thill‘ undo I change in our manner of doing busineu. Oct. 28, 1861. PAHNESTOCK BRO‘S. YSON BROI'HERB are linking theit prem lum pirmrrs at prices to suit the imu. I I 1 f ‘ ca. . -.' n annual Mm on As numb Bypudilingnnddettliugpublicnccoup ' {42 00 J. (‘i Neelyfisqqm‘aditor appoinkd bf . ‘ the Court‘lo audit public mini”, 15 00 Printing, planks; a, K , E: 58 Ii Repairs u! pubiip buildings, , 850 J. B. Dnnucr, Est}.y error in onuundig '1 ing taxes, . ‘ Y . 50 00 Ah uement to qulcctou, 5 per cent? .23 33 Repnim M bridggs, { 16 00 Treaauror of Allyn Home, G 600 00 Rand damngyu. ; ‘ £O6 00 Trguurer’s Lomlpiasion. ’ j ms 26 Balance in hum)!' of Tron-mgr, 31§54 6?. JACOB TRdJXEL. Elq.. Tireuuror.'lnd the Commisui‘bner), in Accouq‘n. irith It? Coulity of Adamsfluf flows: 3 I ‘ T DR. 1‘ ‘ Outstanding: County Taxes and Quit i , " Ll'lenta in ‘ ndi of Collectors, ‘3 5184 :8 C any Ram andgll‘a'l'n 011er for ”6“ : ? B rough o! ‘ettb‘sbuyg, $1347 N ~ » " C mbeflndj‘ township; 1279 6| ' Gérmnny :“ . 992 SM ; , Oiford , i j“ 116'! 59 ‘,l , ‘ anfington i g" 1146 on, i- ‘ Latimnye ; i“ 895 39 i; l Himiliéubiq 4.. 1420 62 7.‘ u Libcnx _ ; 3“ 661 02'» ‘ unwinon V ‘ .u . 9.1; 4031!, ‘ MHmtlle'n -. M’ , 573 00 ,3 ; (Sq-man g” 3369 33 ‘ - Franklin g ‘ 1“ ‘ 1474 4( § (‘uhowugo 1 ‘,“ ‘ IQ” )3 ‘g Tykonc: ffl' ' . 7'14 40 .\lquutjoy :" 3 911 33 1‘ Mquntpkeumt 4" ' 1372 20 ‘.— . Reading ‘ if nan s 4 5 li_liwick I“ 400 I 3 I Fréedom 2' 1“ - y 434 30‘ H UL: on 1‘“ 1337 91 ‘ .811 Let V 31‘ :92: 443+ Be wick bOll,, 1;: 212 164 ‘ , w ‘ 3 —.———- 22 Lona from :Ink‘afnd sundry person, 115? Akfitement u SLAM- Quota lor 1861, "~ t Cafihfmms Inué'l,“'oll',«s ifl',jury f fees {0115161, | % V cm. from \‘m.,B. McCleflln, Eu}, jury fees fbr IBGI, - (fish fromlJJ‘ M. ’l'iventnrf,nfunded on conlrnpt 131' hauling done by , neighbo’rs‘M _onuwngobtidge,(l. W. Dnlrsb i Quh from lpanigc) Gellelmqn, “31]., 1-forluulbei * -‘ Cub Imm L for none, Cnsh 'erm S; Additional 1: 30 00" , r , {'6 “5 ~ncat mnxm. Rim. .27 ml " nimissjoncrs,rin='a'l‘uii)-Rv ..., iJ‘—"~- _"l o Adnm : r V ‘ l 353123 35 ‘f out mulling mum: tax A l .3115“, ”it Hind- ofl'ullnctolls. dillglCouthy.Tgx/aml’l¥lllißt'uts lCou‘ ,1 flx unused fl!“ , ‘ Ihcjn 11.15.:an of the ol omng' 11,1“ l Firm—£22m} ,thxitfir: 7. ‘ V 'l -4. ‘l.on alfroflbmxknngl «land .Ilrrroraie ..Bur‘uj' 7:72:35}, Rig—askjfiom I). new”... I. Hpi a. unmgm n,,; - . f lumber, 2 . .2 h Sqdlér. #rnne, ll ‘E6 “3 ' Cnahlfrom .1., .\l. Pittémnlzl ’1 WenvuJGettyshnrg. ’5 ' 1.6" "l i(all .‘contradz for Mull ; ' .2 3.03133 chu, (I : 6? 0:: EngifihhorsnlOppossu‘m cl]. -rG‘EC“I"- ’“F‘s's"“'3' l .f‘: 7t'l Hui. w. Dull's,) r c “ -‘ 9"” “‘"u- "“fif . duh rom u. Geiacltnnnh u Jacob ll". Pitlcnturf.l.‘yrone, v, .3" 3."! [MM ‘ ‘ , 1858‘ llenrflujfifle, Germany, :_ '3" T," ‘f‘ (4nd]! ram Wm. B. 3‘60 “ B. “UlStllhle. Franklin, ': :1 3:28 62‘ jur_ (”..’ , , ” “Nb.“ h'“""' “°""'P'°"’.’"»" 3‘“ 3° (Lab iron: Samuel “10:”... 1859. linunuclfieglrr.Heuylburz, ~l ,ill 18; . fag . , , .. IH ‘ '1 “ Quit Rents, 3. TI” 50: (l'uh horn (on! Ind fines, .2 Jame; Raigle LnLimure, 3 [2B 05!? Cnsh {rum Sum: Quma, "‘ l’lun'oas .\kursacn. .\luumplcnsfm, 95 93,. . » _‘- .\lelimm slif’er, Union, 8} 98 12.36:“. D. Anion} Gettysburg, . 51¢ II) U U 1 ‘,4 Quit Reins, I 178 50, “ John Q. [llmm Germany. l‘ . 707 531, H William B}.Ga.nln‘er, H'nntmgtoln, HO 1:}: “ 2.22.2129...” Hnmutonhnn, 3}: 9. ‘ .. William :Ycrdurr, Menu", 5' 435 ‘92. ” Geurge Lady’s} Franklin, l;_ £92 13 “ Samuel 0:1qu ’l'yronr. .. 2.26 04 ” Henry lle Iler..!lountplennnty MM 19. “' .Enmnllel Seidiclnf Reading, . ’ [3| 2? “ AaroulWile-rlj Butler, “ 190 14 ‘ .1861. John L. "Mun omm Getzvshfirg. 924 99‘ ‘~ James .\lcflihlluughpf Cumbcrhghd, 177 Gl ‘ “ Samuel Welkcrtfl Germany, 1% §94 17‘ “ Alcxius lli'l_bllls<)n,-[> Oxford. L. . 647 o+, " Hamilton Myers/f llunxing'orfl’ 386 03 “ Mic-ha lellrivcnf Lllimnre,‘ . 54 3| “ 1.". nudignrdner.llamillonb§n,lo77 'lB E. R. . . moor” Liberty, g 464 92 ‘- Jacob 'logkdllamilton, f 740 41.‘ “ Emn‘n ellironghd’ Mennllenfi ‘B6 ,0d “ Danielw‘afyhmnud Strnh \n, : H 36 2X “ Jnxep Halberld' Franklin, lg .586 3 : “ Josep quku,l- Canon-Lao, ‘r I 8? 1 “ bun-id llelznnnj Tyrone. , 19.1 0 “ Lunes‘ll. ‘rnlliniJ .\lountjoy, ' .00 2 “R. S. Unu‘fi \lountplmnm, ‘3 G 7 26 “ Gmrgé B:§ker.+ Reading, f . 4.6 H ' “ Josephlfirfimfi Berwick. ; 19 I? “ JmneilCqurumdt Freedom, 1 N 3.; “ Jeremiph §ellerud Union . .O 65 " Samuel! Blurring} Bull". r_ 92.’ «H. “ Josephl Kepucrfi B-rwick b 0 2‘ 1:34:69 ‘ 1' r. —, —' . 1 I'l 12g) is” - . il ‘ 3.40:»; [3 3 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ who-un- Q-rhosi- miarkedthuuihave ai I“ full. . . ~ , .\....1iM-nt “Mum“. .. ...... 5” mm: 2 2.... :paid in Put 2 ' .- ‘ putll‘nné ollmwidorcpor hhtwemetzdiclunm} ‘ ! CR. . I - - ‘ lunlefunhdjnstmccnrdi mlaw,lhc mwolmu BY '1"? run out As you. .I . 7\ ol che‘l‘reuurcrs and («am ”‘30....” «(.\md co.. Printinghlankay $9., !.18 3 8 1 comm‘l-ucinglm the E“, 5“,.“ Jam"... A. [2,, Shana". hills o‘Qouncfi’iu. i‘ :30 70‘ 1881 ',nd ending on the H”! day of J‘Ruflé‘. Clerk‘l pay,‘ 2 <- 1‘ .90 00' A 0:; 1802~buth davs‘msllutivd: that mud ac- Abmément #0 cpllectorl a”, p" ”é " 933 8‘ ‘ ‘anunu I: settled .26.. I déenlkered 4m rrcrml‘. F" Ind wild “A nculpl, ' i ‘ uBo' in settlement book, in ihe loinmlvuioners' olficc Genqrnljury and up stares pl]. % ”E“ 00 lof Adnms counh'. is Carr 2, fill-l um. “e and Assessors' P“.va . “‘3' ‘0 I a balance due Ih} want! If Adnmi "0'“ WM". Jnilor's fees fortkeepmg prisoners led I ' hriv‘nt Ziegler, decénned lute -TreAmrcr. 'ol turnkey, L ' ‘ fig 06.7 sixteen hundred and fifty-four dollars And six- WU‘d’ stone goal, hsulmg, tc., {0" 3 o! : cx-three cents. ($1,054 64, ~Anll that ws find public buildlws' '.' I ' 3‘ 'n bnlnuce due the cnnnl)‘. érom Jnc'oh Trnxel. Repairs at pubhc bufldxngs; 13, 93" Treasurer. of two hundred and thirty-four dol- Grnndjury and '“p sufu’ pty. 3 “#lan and fiflyonine cents. V 3234 {EM—also find Register, Pgolhpuotary “d Clerk of 196) 1 bnldnce in lunds of Tl’msurer nfllel'xe; of‘ Segaions' ee‘ 5 i V ‘t ‘ and meow-l rec Tux refunded tgsundry person, ,4 {£26} 58 ”'0 ‘hm‘und one “ode . Tll9 Outfit-i Appear In fltrflcpwrs Y'rdra. (3: 13.14. John ‘ 1855. 81mm 1856. Sun: lé u ‘ 1837. ch'ry otylP L. Court Cue-r]: phy, ‘Y‘ 131) 00 Uemfiuubes o! Goolqblu’ return“: 90 53 Counsel fees, I If 50 oo Treasurer of Al‘ms House, , '3 'll‘oo oo Pastflge and amniouery‘tor Com 3.- - aiouere' office, 33 30 Notes and interest paid Bulk and I Ig- "I dry persons. ‘ - ‘ :13484 32 Quit rent paid gluten Sunson, ‘ j 1 oo Wm. B. .\lcCle xnn, Eu}, Dhuict él- ‘ torncy'a fees“ : ‘ Dnniclueiselzus'n, Esq” Committin er'a pay. I g , Jamel H. Mmhqll, an.,Commluipn- er’s pay, ‘ Wm. B. Gardiner, Elq.,‘Commiuiim- 9".“ P 3” ‘i : Keeping priioners in E. penitentiar’,’ Samuel Wolf, She-riff, ‘conveying priq- oners to E. penitentiary, 'v Jnstices' fees (or iuquisitionl, V Justices‘ and Consublcl’ feel for cod- mining ”grants, 4 {9 ” Ruin-ond Company Ind Adults 83- ' press 6r freight, , ' ‘ ,15 73 Hardware for public buildi ,Bca,. M 79 Michael Rnpp, court. honu Exp“, : 35 00 Beddmg and clothing for prison, ' 23 38 Painting court house, not und fan”, 99 29 J. L. Schick, Eiq., for £l3, I! s. 778 109.: company, i 13 m .E. B. Buebler. Esq, none for jail, ; 3 00 'Chu. Will, Esq}, bonding jury, (lg’dny):u 00 I Docket. for Clerk oftho Courts, \ 20 00 John Trumbull mama; for court Home, 23 ‘BO .John Proms, in; mm for new ”will”, ‘4 00 ‘onb Buahcy, lettering Profs dockoh, 100 00 .A. W. Dorsey, “medic-l unenduco‘ on ‘ ! prilnnern, 10 so Pmlirf runoff-Imm" of voluntul’s. 300 00 A 2890 se I ‘. 00 - I q“ In; Qinburnmenn on rvfmm iTretuErel-‘n commiSpiqn o .‘ tunings, i 35 W sum; in hand: of TH: E 17 50' t e ,ounty.) ; } anigl: (icilelmnn. Est}, m. .\Ynfl. Sh'fl‘. ‘for fines. l‘ x Ilium sunlldry‘ ersons, 3 JACOB TRUXEL. l-icqu, (‘nminiuionerm in ac‘to ofA anuz' ‘ ‘ ; z} . DR. a To nmpun: of Relief 9m for 1861, 1 { \l 7 ‘ cm ! Onulagding‘ux for 188], Hxnnétxions to tollcctora ' Collec rs’ feel. ; Disburumenu on relief m" Trensuter’upommisnioq- 1 Bllnnco in bud: of Trgnsqi . I In «Minion, (but the I‘l pg-“ 99' the choiptt. tn "Al. I hihmd at the office] a.» rid ‘councy, in :3 co 1 u m; u from Ind compnr ' remaining in thy books in 1 hereun let our hundn' uu‘ laid o co, It Oeuyabmg. J-nun pone llmmmud; sixty-live. JAMES H , 1 WM. 13. ( '. ‘t‘ , EPHIMH 5} Commissioners ‘ Amen-Fl. AI. WALT“, ‘Clv ; Auditors' 0 1h! Honorable Lhi’ J 0 Common Plea vl‘ 2, he uudfrngucvlndl lovaeu mid ndjml the flu Tr'euu or and Cunmimim having? been l-wnrn fll‘ M 1 luw, dd regret-gnu: tullmq hlalrmont of sum Recount, or Jnnuury. lsnl. to [lm riJ lflfi'l—bnlh dny- mrlusivc \\ AYHRIGUT ZIl-IGLHH. Tr‘r-uurer. and (founj‘nh «wnh the County of Ada , - 11!: ‘.To am§unt in hund: ofj :ni Ni ii" “mm" of ‘.\w MB Jaiulgarfirr‘. HQ 1 . 2 40 (9 B‘l '.\lso I}, {\mmml remhfed _ Muu, Collector, . 1 40 00 ¥ 1 ' m. 1, By oafislnnding taxes (or \ R In T H Ii 1 ‘ ll ’ u u ‘ I ‘ a. 3. u A n l ‘ u h : u I u ‘ S ,u u 1 . u i g u I. l I‘ l g I] I‘ l ‘ “ his, ‘ l n ‘ u, l ‘u\ u: ~' I 3 “ {Flynn-“ions, \ " 1 ' u‘y .3 u . ‘ 1 ' m .. .. , . Diibnuomcnu on county 'l‘regmkrer‘s comminiqn, Bilpnce in hands ol'Tru *l‘ , R { RELIEF TA‘X. - V , l [)R.‘ E To ”tin-um. of relief Lu xiv-nod I+r‘uflfll, . [ 3 a ‘ ('3. ’ Byou sanding tax” fur ' onn rllioli lo (‘ullecuorl Feds 3 u :. Difibursemcuu on relic! n 1 Traashrer's chnnnisnidn,_ Ballu‘ce in hum]: of Thanl dollars and fifty-two cellii. ($1,123 5'2.) du¢ the count)" by Treasurer; and in outstanding taxes, eighteen thouund‘ eight. hundred nud thing-nine dollars and Whinyqevan coats, (318,839 37.)~ A‘WDS LKFEVER, ‘ ' H. pmmm‘. " PETER DICK, _ 5 . tell. a. 1352. 4: l , ‘ . 1 ' ‘ ‘ Cheap - YRnco A 1' a) ‘ 3 - ; . ovsncuus, - ’ ‘E‘ , amass cans; . 3 : ‘ DRESS curs, 2 I wsxxsss Cons, ‘ nusmsss (nuns. MONKEY JACKETS, 1105‘st ”burs, ~ , : smn'rs,‘ smn'rs.‘ - ' ‘ nuwans, x mengks, ‘ vest , . i vnsrs, ‘ ' -. 5 P 3313, '- 5 run. ' 2 , Lot! of then, I mu: chen er thsn the cbhpiu, 111 of our own make, tgbe bud A! the Clonflnl Emporium of 1:30. ARNOLD. an. s, 1352. s: , iis oo 202 50 202 50 202 50 34 80 31 a 42 7o E undersigned, having ange Amupt qmndmg on his 3001:! for a ennui-lemme lcngtl of lime, principrdly trade up of null uccounll. mkel this methbd‘of hotifying than ingiebled to him, that he heedrmonoy, ind if hi] friends will all Inn! rule their accounts, he wiil feel undgr nun; ofilifltiom to them. Sept. 23. 1661. ‘ J. L. SNIH'K. z s . run 00 00 ’ 1%.. ’ ; :wtru ‘ 513 3:. ~ 57 25, can nu , Something New! ‘ go: BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED up :0x rm; lesrzmznlux .\.\'D can}: 0"; Ul’ FRUIT ASK) ORNAMENTAL TREE . o°. COPIES MT bt'inz pnhll Jim]. whirl: contain mnnv mngmfim'nt lingmvings, uurh u 00 Tree: and vm-mw klnle or flu" Fruit-ind Fm" - ; 'l‘ri-cs, some of the fineq qmuimens that have 1 ever been put on pnpvr. The Fruit Trun at. Q so: with nhnndum burdpns of unit. similar)» l “ml which nature pri-srnu in prupor Henna. ' The Ire" are represented an b’H'lHfl their roou ‘l’unning.r through tln mil in n nnturul pmlllon. ‘ Ind the Engraviugs nf Treci are beautiful and lgrmd. It also contains a fine Engraving whigh frepresents the innumumhle thread-like m 0“ Lyra vigorous tree running thronghind orn tho mil. The Root Engraving rovers ten inrlieu‘in diameui- hn [NIH-r. und ulno {ormrn Magnificent engraving. which cannot. help Mfl prove gratifyiuno the eye: of all who m-y ho hnlth. Such an engraving hne new” bag; primed m: paper btfnro. The engraving 6! root: not only prnvn mfinirnhle tojhu light»! the rye. but in designed to prove of grout inn-L ponnnce to all who uh- nn intern! in the cul tivation of fruits and how to treu'ruit (rye. properly. - I ‘ A GOI’Y rontuiu Twantv-fivc diYTergnl Engrav inmi 01 Tn-M. Fruitfi, nun, company" 0! Bret-greens. Forest. .\pplml’urh, Dwnrfl’ymmid l’onr nud Cherry Tm ha The Fruit Eugrnvlngl commit. Rnepberrier. (Guuseberrier. lilaclbé— rim. Gui-unis. Crap”. Plumi. Apri mls. Penn. Pom-hen. Applrs. elr..nnd are all «aimed by band to rrpment the natural ("libjfld are ncromplnled lith firinled mntgr-r 0' grant impar um‘o. Ind forms a cum~ in use 33 hy 4!,- inrhea, on map Imp". will: nuulin hack and fun v.\rni~hrnl- _ ’ 82 3611 2700 H 9 79 ml 90 so; 09 353728 35 am Tréawrer. And «he ntjwith‘he County. asgessed $8096 13 : sma so 0%: 1861. 34 28 1 103:7: an, 4000 93 1 80 09 on 2:23 a: 58096 13 reuoiug Sun-men! Expenditures or. flu": Treasurer of rm and true copy. . with the foriginul this office. we have affixed the grid «)1 the eighth day of Tghl handy-mi mud MARSHALL; \mnxrm, ll» Y R R 3 f Adauks county epnt. 114:» M Ihr t‘nurl 'dnmu rnpnty: Ir Mnclml .\llt'itur! HI: .\l'muml.» ofllhr em M" NH Hmnty. ' rujcd again-ably In a: 1m in» d grnvm! l‘gnh the eifivhlh ch) JIM“ flay ul‘JMluar). ’li ‘ : . qui. draonsed. lau iuu'rn, iu éccfbunt I ll; , T d I msrd, un§2 filbl h $2640.83 | . ro Ilenrv |- 2 .YI OA : $lB9O sea \ -='.===== 1 hide", $1217 97 ‘di burse- » V ‘ l . ‘ is z»; urn. (Jun . \ 1 gas; on L afro lii; ‘ reamrgh .xmj“ ghe Haydn: £le Count; it rent_e - ‘ $l5K] 28 226210 95 733313417’711‘ nr nl, P 5712 40 q”; for - MEE i funded one by ,bridgo, 31 00 1:0 I‘lo . 400 tl, inry 40 no IE .63 3619 M £33728 .1!» ‘ ‘xzr; $8.58 - 6 33 .235 794 257 3w 689 73 ‘ ‘ 799 no 3024 93 ‘ Isalz 44 3: 20 129 44 no, 1 443,45 5;; 1 4 as 39, 2| 4.! 'o ‘ ‘ , 73 73 hm”, saw! 70 {B4l 70 235 59 jurer, $5372-14 35 $505369 13 ' | ‘ L $17.53. G." ' IN ‘29 M 3 1': Joan M -r 1 soon rdr, ‘ ' 142352 Auditors Notice. ‘ 4» a < I § AYCOPT. with itq mum-rum rngrm‘iulx’. I‘ill hesgmtiryinp to We me. nnd Inrml on I ’ ndmirahlr nrmtmmt tor the wall «if the parlor, and \\ ill richly .‘munifir any, 4 apnrtunentxith horticultural mutter ; ofhuchjmpnrum-enn'd fnnrr. Thu“: 3 - crlpit-a nro pulfliuhrll at :I \‘rrr ll(‘I\" 3 uni-nu- Twontynfiwdoll-irrlmroht-rn ' [mid to n su-icntifiu nrtm fur farmir‘ .' tltc plntca nf .{mglr engrmings M :: tro‘os. runtl, :-t--. But. in nrdu-r thu ’i ,: tnnny cnn ohtnin nun-11. rnplra It i, " trifling figmn. tlu- pn-r for _u (‘upy ‘ - “ill br- mmlr m hm: [hm titan-mim- V: inns rnn now qhtnin rnp'w.‘ far the 1 ’ mm thnt has been paid iur ailifile en. 5 . graviugwut‘ trees. etc. \ COPY l‘fllllnllli printml nmlicr of much in». 1: mrlnncc nwl grout value. It witlgtrll . ; lmw_ to'tymt all kinds (if Fruit Tron ‘ tr: rt-ndcr thém \rry \igorunn and [rm ; durtivv. «run in unfavorable unupm. i ll will 1.0“ how to prt-pnrc the roll 1 without inconN-nlrnre before-planting 7 1h:- troes in : to utrc-ngthen trout much i in visvor. and to prm'o the productivi -5 new nrnbundtmt t-rops‘ own launfn ' l ' vornhle reason»: or lncntinnn. with , proper and easy nflcr treatment. ‘ A QQPY' will tell how to propnrp and pmmili l_-. kinda of Fruit‘nm‘l Etergrnn Tml. \! no MI in prm'e nncéenfitl, with Inm l ly ever proving a failure in a lot. of : many tri-u whqn properly (mum! II 1 " direl-tod. ll “111 téll how‘\ to trtln f ‘ nnrl plant Dwarf Pear Trqel. H cm» i tains the moat itucr‘v-Rll'ul treatment -4 . for the culture of the Helm. 11. will 3, tell Law to irnin aytl cultivate the ' ; Gratin! m , , : .7. , VTI‘UT’Y {PHI it’ll’lmw tn'mllit;ute And tint : , Struberrivs. (‘nrrxmts. ltuypherrkl. _..‘.. .7 ulneklwrrivs;(:nmherfln-rfitc? A 309 m; wilHell how in treat. Pouch $19.. to r 'rrstore th-ir roots healthy f ll Ih. 'jfianurnm efforts of worm inuetn. It. will tell how to make use of in app"- rntion over the soil surrounding th‘l tree to protect the Fruit and other tender fnuu from tl-e~rtfecu of being «Vanni-hum" the hind. The nine npplimtio nil n-stnru l‘mclt Ines Imm Inkitl‘g the yellow“. The tripli catlnn. hn- thv bgnefirial the“ to prNt-nl the rum-go ofthe tree! hunky "and the tree \‘lflarnllflfin‘l prov” to thé prmluctii‘rnora of lu<vinns fruitn. The ppplicatmn In he nppliod it nut. oxpemire. All have sntficlel‘n ml- tvniill on than plsnuuiom A:COPY will (all lmw to Preserve I’kindl of ~ 9 Fruiu with lmle‘ Inna-nu . , It‘will ; lrll how to keep Apple: will: much 9 success. It Will wll how to In»! And , ' mnunue Pam to mature perfectly. lad ! to attain to :he highest flnvur. - A COPY presenu in numerous pictures .ll at ‘ ‘ I glmwc.,and formnuch an ornament = , {or the Wall as will be admired by l“ , lax-enema, druyn‘ from ngture'n pro ‘ ducts. ‘ :Thesc copnes nrt’puh‘lhhrd by ' ’ ‘ 11. l-‘. N.J’ETERS. ‘ Near Beddersvillc, Adm-nu (-0., PI. "Tfi'Thc Map is finished with Kalle” anl will be forwnrdc-d by Hum-u runny plan or dered, on receipt of necmuy amount. 0-. or more Agents will be appointed to unrau this county and uccivc‘aubscripxium, Ind 4e liyer the .\lnpa for $2 per copy. ‘ .«lnflurminl Agents Ire warned to car-nu every county in the l'niled Sum. andvlo de liver Map. to auhmrihers. An agency for thy “up will surely insure profitable employmeai ta such.” can exert u guml influence in making mlu readily. Lihoml iuducvmull no undo td agents. .\ sample copy mn be seen u lhip ofllce. ‘ [Feb.lo_, 1862. [\Hp‘fll, '62. l_\'] Something New. Vll"?unrlernigncdreepeemvl ‘ [v Enfnrmu the "“74”!!! n Gottyshllrgaud \‘iCinilrJhnt ~ , 7 he has opened It \V\'l‘(‘ll AS" JEWELRY STORE, in the room immediately in the m! bf “14. L. Schi- k'a .H‘m‘re. and fronting tlw Silimre. win-re he intend: keeping u neon mem nf “'ATVHHS JEWELRY. “NJ/HR Ild SHAH-2|: PLATED “AMA SI’EI'TACLKSW' .Clml‘KS. Ma, tr. ‘ ', \ Having been’ fonnl‘cletl with n lint-chum “Mid: and Jewelry Sun-e in Baltimore, fut neural year- paw. he i- prep-m! to inminh every nrlu-Ie in tho line. It the levee! oily prices, mid nli purchase-13 «m be gnu-mica u repfcnnugd. , ‘Frmn n lon'z‘cxporionre in “'ML-h-mpsirhig, Mpaéinny affine Walthcs. he iv prepared in do all kinds'of Watch-work prmnp'ly, in the but manner. nnd gn‘nrnmy the poi-(armnneo ofit. lie wil Heep ‘niwaw on ham! 3 Inge "um. men! of. I’Ei'TlCH‘ZS.nndfipeq—m Muir: GI hm; Ind Mum: much _ tiporicuc‘c in :ulnptin: them to the light,in prepared to {it n" u ho need «hem. HAIR JEWELRY made 10 order’nmhe“ style. and it great. variety of pm“ on hand. JEWELRY repiircnl in the nenlest mungr. \ JUHHPH BRYAN. Gettysburg, Due. 23, NH. tf Pure. Catawba 8; Isabella Wine. [‘l AVV'FAUTL'IH’ID RY HI'HKNULI‘RH, ‘ LI _WILS(JN, BHMWHSWLLE. Alums COuhiTY, PA.—-\Ve nn-hnppy m nnnonnc. to the citizen: of Adams county that we MN camm'enced the munufncmre of Pure “v in: from" the Gmpe,-—nnd "-5“ we are aow propeud to some extent, to supply the Nude—qunnlltiyl of it having already found its way Into the mullet. This Wine is pure and ima not»! the uncut. best Judges. Pvrsnns wishing I pure Artie-In, can now be supplied at home Without. the M of being imposed upun by inn impure Article. ' 1 ,fl‘For mle by A. I). “Lanna and E. ’7. Must", Gettysburg. And E. “112511213“ th burg. York Springs, Pa. Jan. 8, 1862. ~ Town Property T PRIVATE SALE—«The underl’gned on. 4 A, farm: Private Sal» the Frogs”; in whicfi ‘ q now reaidcs, mums in But iddle Inch, ' Gettysburz. mljoining S. R. Timon on (In ion and Mrs. McElroy on the east, mlh rm Aal'ley in the rem. THE HOUSE in am two.uory Frame, Wentherbmrded. with flak-building; n we“ or water, with 5 pump in ’ it. Amhe door; and a Yum-Ly or fruit. such u up!“ pours, peaches, apriuels, chem», Ind gnpu, all ‘he most, choice. I zwuaamu mjnns. 7% Non 12. 1880. u‘ ‘ Holiday Presents. JUST rocoirod from Phllndelphil a ‘3O" ‘ ’ unmen! of Photograph Album, [I fox Hominy presents, which n: on‘er n red-c ‘ prices. TYSON BROTHERS. a: %•...