The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 27, 1862, Image 3
' V 1 ‘ “1 3" U 4'" F - prim}?! thmk'nrfhlh. Enid nMy axfl‘linml nudm'. 055 mm! 'lhf‘ mast thmimlic nu. lily/fly Impormul'}flmu Europa—B; tho ‘W In! . Yum]: \Vimrnde, “'Pfl’. Mubreury. phmsn 2 .3150 the "‘Stnr Spanglfil “Muller," -as enmm cf"), 9f 39" York, we learn that gfhmnll. MA?- “013“!” “'l‘: ”gm“ ' “a “Mr“. mwsung "it“ fin? efl'cct by “H pm.- t e {mam of the s ‘rrénder of Maori and “V nmnmmvu“. find Ar. . a -\\"nu‘ sen . ‘ ' _ ’54 5:1 . ' mfé‘xgnasmmm.“ with a maxi-o’omm. Audnnw, .\lr. Editor. I pfosdfign you «in ser had rough L 'hnglngd. and_ mum} g’mr)”.,“,1,“.1.§h (he methud of tom-hing agree with ma, chm m; [|an ,n hm: mu-ivnl the gluten“ Huhafnguon. Consuls untried:- it. at rhoir next morning Svhinn. Tho l’rcsi- "twat ; nml ir mnhpctipn mth this; I mink! o, Ely udvmmed may Ito l; per cents; 3nd dent nlaunnmmnccd mu I’mf. ”in.“ wui’fld state that Prof. Alexander don not come nun also luguiyaitjvnnced ' , deliver an mldrom‘x hufrrn the .\mci Itiun at in our midst an a “runner, a”? "incofffli‘ 1 ‘ , . f‘” >__‘__/ , ,4”, m.“ mung,“ “winm on mutiun gdt fnkcly :lr‘cuscd Him; in lfiofig himmo am ‘ Appoémtmm 9f 41 Judge nf (MS-(prrme {3.ller mm, musk. , ‘ if” gm! :,I:lr\2if;llidl‘l, “m I??? fidffith‘SW-E qwflrdf-Hon. Noah ifA. Swain, of Ohio. has ' :‘H.\ .\(i “suns. we no meg m xmeo 5p )Icu lon. - . - . _ ‘ Aaeori Mimi; u :mIL-J nun-Jot by the Presi- LIP- Ali‘mmllm‘ iHhVO.”.k'DOWn ‘0 (Le Citizen" : ‘39" {laminate'd b 3! :18 Prams!“ u .Amo dont. Mr. McSherrv deiir'u-d Um the Ano- 0f Peterpburg nhrl vxcmny: mun)" of whom .1 chm . 024!ch 91 thé ‘vupreme Court, to fill z-hfinn have mum H’rheul manic; whvfienmn ham kno“:n,lum\ from youth up—and 31-} e \vncgncy cameo! by the death of Judge the chnir run: the n “3:“! I'l3ch "School though he .wsus absent for many; year's. he,“ (Jean. . z 1 . h opt-n. Mk. “m, pyam._»_vuy much to retu!-n_3whm nagfive [-lacen wmphsheyl; v - ____ “5.7- f ‘ ‘ the ulelhht “(me turn audience, The dig- \musgcmn, both m vocal an lmfiflmeng§§g N ¥dfimmlh¢fir mansion-'0! Schnol Discipline. wu'thm re .mus‘c~“.smd°“t,fmm ”1 be!" ”us’cf‘l' lme‘time put there-has been a. “hitch” Burned hy Menu-rt. )lc(.;renry.lli.)'ttl;z. Stun-y, Affldemyv n; {l‘fienzfindi‘vzi‘flldgéeazfindf id'operntioné at Washing'wn, all owihg to ‘n 2 . Wintrm a. mu ).(11ronistvr. 1‘ "C 0 '2’ 3) I! ‘ ‘ —r, . ' '. , _ 51:13:11; fierr. Ellis. it was determinied likEWli-‘SW. Mr. A xnmger has nb need 'of ”1° "m: “M"- quonfidenqe bet-teen Eben ”1h“ the Secretary shank! fufninh A aynopsiu [My mu": c:9‘s""‘=’- ""1' 5109“ he rgquu-e 1m! ‘ 9'l3] Me Jenna Mid-M“- Cameron. { ’ -..r v. 7 ‘ " - ’Oulm' .cmy hun‘ w lenéune bun success.! 1 A, ___-~—fi——-;<gogvA——-—_—:—- ‘_ of the prucdv-lihzs of the Asscclnlimi, tolthe lent Cnunty p worn for puhlicption. ' Adjourqed ' In meet at 9 o'clock tu-morrow morning 5 forum DAY .\lunslm sznnlbx. , THE Antici-ritinn mPt, when 3“. Ellis. ofl'are/l-i' the fullmrinz rewirinn. which was ydmpted : ' Itunlwl. Thu. rlmuld the Executive Com- E 10“?! " hiittl‘e fliil to nuhlidh. iri th'u Cuunty p Ipcru, “fl“.i with at}; Rrumfitime, a call {orrthe next meut'mg “('l‘ \theiid of fines Agugcintinn, the President [llfu‘flul be (lUm ‘ ‘5": find he is hereh'; hutlmri/Jul and rr-rluirell to . “H.“ ‘ publish unit] can, at h-nat (lute we“ lnfure n;,;”"""""" the time hf Mid next mneling. Mr. Ellis [;u,_k;;,'fi;;£".'m tlljun l'llfl holilre the Asnoziutiun a specimen Clb‘verflctdthiit cnpv 0f Linpencnn’u Primary (imgraphy, on "l‘imotny Seal... thnhnniauftheuhiuct method of lustructiuns, ‘ “M Seed 'which. heltlmught, wuuld rewJutinnize o'ur‘ mug;- of mm .. ' preqentmothnd nl tvam‘hing Prinyury (lmrra- ‘lfl'Hler-flrounli, pk ‘ phy. and mlvisnd the ’l‘e'u-lwrs to “Ermine“ it vagina...“ thoroughly; ,Mr. Real: thg'n "lii-(ed the fnl-E . t ~ lowing rewlutions, which were image-J unwi~ j mouuly: ‘ . - 1F10ur...‘.. ' Reached, That we have full f‘mrfirlenco in i ll “H“ our worthy Cnuuty Supei'intnndont. JnO.;C. , If” ' ' l-Illiu, Esq.. aml murdinllv 'cxteml to hinl‘a§(”r'rn""""‘ hnlpmg hand in the discharge of his arduqns in?“ ITS-ml mm ‘ -\ . . ‘ lr-“ii .gilé‘i Remind, That the thanks: of this Améimfl “$1336; )‘vggu 'fi’m, lm’xmfl Lhny nrn hex-ch tnndore lto the l "0,,q l," lilmd ‘ Cit'z.qnfl.,.r an Qvfurd ant-Evviuinity. fur their ’ “Ac-.1.].u“m..:"::; kindflmhpitulity. :uyl lur the dcnp intv‘rest l W1irekev.....,... ’tlu-y I‘l.'§' ni.-nil‘e~‘to-l in mm princecxlingiu— iTiu4uo,-l'erlx\‘inu, 1. "At the Inwmw Var \lr. )RCfmry, Mr. May I , V ymmnted to All'ln‘h‘fi the Asuncidtilm. atj ll.\.\‘L)\'EP nnmc length, on ”w mil-j act or Gi‘lvgr.|plvy~—- Flour, from wagons his rchrlvu were wrll limul _.m.l fit-szlglc 1 Do. from stores. and warp \wll rem-iv'ml hy the audience. The i W1neut'........, "-4- Prcnidmt .Inuoum‘u-xl tlmt liraf..llxmm4 would yllée n6w'i‘.dtlreun_the Au-o‘fizujun. This Wu; :1 I (“Wk-mm- "mm \‘vorv lJéxullllllllf‘il‘l'lll;*llt, nn‘ll furvil'lt} address, !(:‘l5-'---;--"'--;-~ V rnplete with nun-h v nluiiilhi inl‘unu nti n. and i ( lm" hat-4.... ”Hind pr.rcticnl.jl.srrlminn. Al the blow ul :q;"”°‘l'l"“”d’ Mr. ‘llimns" remarlu. .\lr. Wintrude ulfu‘PG-l ‘, ”“4“." (tin fullowing. which paved un mixnnueiy: ‘l r ' ”unlrwl. 'l‘la it thn tllznflm of [hi-t Awncia i (it-n be and {hwy nrv- htflrnehy unulxu'e-l to Alum. llimau an] .\, fivr lh-‘ir rcry valu-‘ able :uldresees, and their ItsfilitHnL‘c in c: ‘ platining :uul illuitmllng mnny IIiIINH'LIHI ; a iul‘il'ctuvllm:lx«m‘lllfi'v"tlnr- Afiumiqtimn erq Ellit viii rerl the following: 3 J i ‘ ’A'exalnal. Tim! the l’rmitlnnt ‘of this .\nso-i K vi “ion apnuintz‘r cmmuin-cv ul thrm‘, tn mili-i \ cit cupim- ol' the ud‘lrysm-s 0! Nexus. Hit-i“. ‘ "in-led, :Innl \I Iy, for publivatinn. ch'M ‘ umfithnc nil-ultra" ‘lnpnluh‘ll are Ellis,“ :ylru? .nvrll Winn la“ A Illfll‘uf-llm here sprung Ilpi ' wilt rc-gml tn th~l cmnni‘cnu-mnbnt ufun I'll-v tu'zlillrrll Unlzxmn. in Lhr‘ cnuntv ‘l“)ch and' av." finally Ill‘p .wl _ol' hi tun-Ping m Linn ewll mini; mum." 'ufi'hrml' by Mr. McCrcaryz: Thrit n cunl‘lntlu" lm :tjxpuiuhul.'uf wlnsh thé ! Sup’ux‘int-‘n {mt 1:" ch mm m. t‘) mular w'uh_ih l‘m Elihu-x hf [im'cuuurv- plp in, .‘th nlm' \\ i‘h tlm rvn‘hru ul th; (1 lunt)’. l'vr the, pup-«s‘: ul' (-.mmnvr'H-iz‘: :xn l'hlnv': itihnal (31¢ i 1 Mn”) in 4- ml: ul-nl pug-H. :1 hi I! «xv-)rlmill. l ..,. . . . , t-I :Immlut mu (-ulhu' n 1 um cnlenuxh, andl xii "It. ."‘ n-[mrt u! the. [lift meeting uf the AH-l *‘Ho izviun. l'un mmu ixtea uru Kiln, Mc ' ('r‘o-ur‘v. Wurt. Ynun; uml (inn. .\lr l‘llliu exrrw'rrul himwlfllighlv gum ii ll wnh tlw ~ nm-mlmu-n nl‘ ILn 'l‘vavlwru Ill‘”, :14 tllqirg '/ t‘nunl) buplxinlvn‘iL-LI wily» {mull nl thr'l Ptf-rrts ti: innnuvv'th-xnw \"N. I-f~rlm phwvuux ’ nl'lll~- l‘n-‘ti‘utz‘. 21ml l‘lt w Err-mt“ iIJ.L(-lilfi'\ in: 'llaf. IIW n‘ .\t :n ‘I Kin" ni ll." A “'nCl 'filnw _\\'« Hbe ,"\('t gr:‘:trr .\TIHM‘N 'l'hv} 'l‘reai ‘ d 1“! In “10 9 um- : “pr piziil't- \l~ hl' 4'5”.“ H‘llHL “‘lI-En the ”Him :uI-ln n 1‘ two and Stu-1g £3l: , following: . ‘ ’ \ (mh'lui-m m'n svlz'mmm‘. n; ' Ow] New nIIT mhnnmn 3' J: gob“. ’ ' Thmr pupik. Imolmra. hlc~v4z~— " He‘lhis nur pruyvla— ' f " \\ mrv 0 rr (lnunflvuul the land, z ~ Fu-m lulu-:1 In n‘u-un ~t.r:m-L ‘ '~ 5 _Unr grn“ lug r m} ~x expand. ’; (1i ‘plmu Ufa-m Him-g. ‘ i‘The (‘ulwvntiun thnn :Minnrnfid tim- ding ,‘ ’ ll .\.: LYTTLFi, 151‘s". 7.1 a»; S. Gt‘fl', . Srr'y '- l_ . I For UM ('ru'lpr'lrf. .l The Mésical En‘ucrtainment at Paters , burg. Y.’ S.‘ ‘ ‘rlm mu~iml c-n‘tm'm numnt given at 'Po ~lm=~hnrun Fill the lznh mm. lmth in tlze all g-rnmm "ml-night. lu'l’n; own .\:.r.\'\\‘m:n (upll gypnl'tinfi all-(ho ll]1‘lllll1“‘~tll-‘l]l\' ("ging (‘le-«0: fromlix ‘lztlvxem £0“le .mll \‘illago‘; WM trulv ll imam-I mum“. In the (‘Jl‘ly - purl. uflfim 1113’; [lu- \‘llltkix' of l’utpr‘Hm-z wm'enliwnwl M’ the [miwnno ni' «rank-1w mul pitxzmh, :mximu to >0» and ln'ur who thvr “:m)" [maul (him: could mnw oulwol' Namroth.”“ 'l'lxu num’Jvr of voonlietejnrjev sop: has one huhtlred and sixtquigllt,: all of whom lmvjo lmnn unllor the rllinit-Ixtflim strucfinn 0f Prnf'. Alexumlnr fan- the Just threw muntlh'h Thai]; oxooution of" dltfiéqlt yin-vet, mnn~illdrilfl¢ tllo<lmn linm tlieylt3l3'6 I'm-n under the l'm:n.~~m"~z lllall’llcllflll. nl - flag-ted grolt make on bath (mu-her and ,pupil; ’l‘lmir Myle of vxcmniun was not of I'th a character M i< generally heard In ‘ cmmt-ry-fnwm. (flying to the “mechanical. skill" which tlm'si'ugt‘rs have aoquired.un d9: their n'ow teachm‘. each one mm enabled ‘ \to sing in pultlir without reanling to flu: rmlp prachce‘of s‘wim‘fig (homrm—beaides it was‘ not nec'eusary r the meesmr to spank‘out, ‘in an nudlhle vuléefwlownflett, right, up." &c., which 1% always excsetling- . Iv annoying. They luyl ar-quired the abili} ' ty :0 measure (pups, in the sclmull robin;l previeuuxo ihmr singingjn public. Theg “entertainment was a’ mlmcal one, in the< .Itrictest sense of the term.‘ The articulal-1 t‘ion'vms distinct, the macs-werqpure and mendinfrom “forte” down-to “pi'unissimn.” . ’Tia true, they shrig with “moclinnical‘ex prgssiou," but they did not by auy‘mgaus . negieth/o sing with “emotianzil explos ~ sion." withmgt which all singing seemi life “““ less-:‘dullnnd insipid. The programme ure i. Dental va pieasing variety of “sparkiing . gems." The quartotts were grand and ex cepdingly well executed. The anthems ‘ ,werepumernug and exquisitely fine, chiefly selected fromc’he “Keystone Collectjom or, uChurch Music," and‘swere listened to find, deeply a. preciated F 1 large and intel li-f gent’uucrience. "In facaathe whole’ enter-J taihment, from first“ I t, wu'a complete ‘ success, and has seam-ed for Piofessor AL! eunder s host, of friends, and‘has placed I him in the highest fank as a teacher of ‘mu- I ' ‘ Icnnnot well forbeargiving the names ’ pf few of the fingers, who evinced marked I , ,Ablity, and Vera liqtened to'with much p 1 ' um and fitenfinn. +mnng the sopm- ’ no lagers, I mention Miss Kmte Wensbofl‘. ‘ Miss Emma W 030“ M 5358 \Wnebrenner, km; Alice Myers, Armouy Johns. Miss ‘lam Myers, Min Sadleg‘, Mi‘ss Hildebrand, l , mu; “many others, who po3§essed fine 50-; “pl'jilO voices. Contl'alto. smgers. I .wlll l menfidn Miss B; Koser, Mlss Molly M en, ‘. M' Ilofheins, Muller J. Flickinger, Km»; Kr. Getz, Miss Wiuebren’ger, Miss Neely md Master ‘llimes. 'l‘ex'abrs, -Mr. Kinne~ man’, Mr. Hat” heins', Mr. John 0. Gardner, Mi. P. Hurst, Mr. E. Myer's, and Messrs.- ng, Trone-and Yont. Basses, Mr. John ‘ Q. Gardner, Mr. B. W. Ziegler, and Messrs. ‘ Wolf, Kinneman, Helge], Shriver, Myers, WOHOI'd, Shireman. firough, Lamont, Yes- KYy 33“! New, all possessing voices of s: SUPP—HOT quality - Tnere were many othersf‘ whom names are not mentioned, who pas—’l ~ sensed undquted musical ualities. The: .“Unnn War Song,” as sung‘gy Prof. Alexi 31'" ‘ nay—mum ark..- «L =az cm GETTYSBC B A L'l‘ l M gspepiap Notices. i . -_ m-» a . I Wigwam n‘ mum-1 MEDICINE—Thy ‘ {um norm!‘irn-gulnrltiw pcvuliurto l'ihe weakera ; eox. :Irv‘ing'xfiinbly 'L'urrct'tL-Ii “illum‘pniMnE‘ , im unn-niv'ficn- by lhq use nt'Jlldmn' I.\luunt.ain‘ Hhrh Pulls. They 're tllu sun-~11. 'ml surmd “ fixcdir‘me'lor nll thédiwnaes im‘idthl [o‘ 10-. 1 "Mlll‘i of all 2135, and morepapetiulbi so in mi; lvlixnutm; . H a l 1 ' J Ladies who WM] 0 enjoy heuhh lshould ’al !wn_\\ huh} Ihn-w Pix 5. No one who“ her uwlzj 1 [ln-1n nrk'b “ill “11w hvrscif m 4»; wilhnnn :{hmm :53}ch remm .3“ ohqrncfihjlys, purifj I the l:loo§1'mul give‘ Q ‘lhc skin qu lu‘mml'nl,‘ v clear and kxeflthful 001; go gremly’ uhmircd in ,n beau-:41?! gun] he: hhy wouuu. Lux—certnin" hmnmla F‘y‘ese P|lls .- re an indiqmm‘; hle curknl‘ 511 mm“. E'frmn (:ler to fuur should he “ken. Lom‘h (hi. flu!” M ii- 'l5 0M ini‘d. .\Hjmv dun-V 'mu ”dummy; le kéop l’hc ryslcm :M‘lunllhg; 2H1“! tiny Lluud an "me, that (hacufls (‘uuuw‘ iénlu-r lh‘a bud): Jllddull'a .\lounhmfl mb 1')“; [are “III: hi»- :nil Heuliduo Dmitri. [Jfln ‘lO. In; x H: I‘;' ~ I LIL?” ‘ 7 , u! «"3:x~ufi~}u‘ and “minim; haw hI-IK-u (mad I)" ll' nt'mfisl to [H‘UJII-‘L‘ II”. but. nu ~{t pm fut pm ,1 '| no u‘m In !'~'4\n(m’n [v man. 1: mum mo; “:'e I rndh :xrc eimnu 11m: I’lv—c 1’1”, l‘nu \‘irT lu.-~ u hi. 'u ~urua~< iff‘x‘th-nrv 111 )wd‘nn my nh-dicinkw. :luvl lhnl wry wm Ilnprcuidunkxdlg ‘ ulmu the (-::m m of M] Inn-|.. Tin; “re and Mini! pl, ‘:|~.‘m:‘ to lake. lml p‘uxultui l: tl]H:.»—'s - Thi-L- Mui‘mlinu prnporlih rQ‘qulslL-hhc \‘u L] Lxhunuus {ln}: hudy, runuu- luc obi nu ni‘ws Wm. its ”wins. purify the Muml, rum (11 inf] dii lonic. Tuf} purgu outht' mul him? s whit-h [bu-w! and, gmw dl~L¢-m[n‘l‘, stimuhui :luggi-h or awn-Hard organs intu fileir n.lbnf.lmzmu., lz‘ux-l impart helllth‘v tone will: alrrngl I m thy wlmlc syahem. Nut only rlq the} Mun-c thc' (v\'e-ry-.1.-ytompluiuts oft-V913: bullyf'bul also Mrmirluhlt‘; xmxl «Luxgv-mua lllSl'JLflfll till“ [1 nc hulllrd llle‘ hc‘t ufhuy'mn skill. “Wile they mluyd pyvm‘ful' (wt-l, lllr‘y are nitlhu 4mm lt'mu, lu dmxiuxslvfiows, llounLcsH u-ud bcsL: ”hug" tlmj. 'mn b émplw) L’d‘fur L'l|ll«lrcu.— ‘ “(‘L'IK spggrwunled‘ they are pleasantlto rake; laud hoi‘ [purely regemble, are free frlom uny [risk ofihjxm. (‘urus have been mall}- "which mlrluas belief “ore Hwy not s'uhqunglnlbxl by linen of: nnch 0: Mod position nud - Inn-tumor :m j\u Iner the flrplxtluuol “up-nth. Mun; emi {DOM clergyman and physhinns have 1""! their Infim‘: m u-rtity lo the public the rally. :ilil}. m lour rclm-dle=.—\vhile olhrrs lmvc >01: mo lhv usumncc of their runviutiou llmlxmrj rumm— Linus cquihw‘e immemely 30 the. 11-lin ol my [afl'lictvlL flzfiering Yellow-men. ‘ I ‘ l The Aer-m inflow unmediiplensedd furnish ‘gmyi: pur .\mcrimn Alulumc. convlt'ning din r'L-qliun; lur, the use and ucrlificulL-s' pf their ,cul‘es. ol' the fullmvihé-uumpldinu: ‘? ’ ,(fostiw-riusilfiliaueComplaints,lillellmntlsln, ,l‘mpry, llearihnm,Allendnche nrisilig' t'xom a 1 fuu] stomach, Nausea, ln'digestion, .\lb hid ln-‘: imt‘mn of the Buivels and Pain arising tlmrc-l ‘Lhmn,J‘lutulpncy,Loss oi Appetite. ull Uiscasesl :w‘xjt-fi ireqmirc Ran evacunn? medicil’lk They! :nlgib,§by plirifyingl the blood and btil’nulmiug .thc Sistem, curef'mnny complaints which it] lwolllél noLbe supposi-d they could rem-h, such HLS ‘D'enfucss; Partial lllliuduess. .\‘euruqilgiu :lnd‘l . Nervous Irrimbility,Derangéments ofithe Liver' land Kidneys, Gupt,;nnd other 'kimlgrkd com:i é pldinta arising from a low" state ot'thp‘ bodyor‘ obstruction of itsfunctiomr «ll _ l l Do not bé rut olf by unprincipl , dealers With some atllerpill they make more girofit on. I ; Ask for Ayér's Pills, and mks: nothing else.—; 3XO other thqy mugive yqu compares; with this in its} intrinsic value or cumtive pom: s. - The; with-ant the best did therg is for LII-em, and: glue; should have it. ' l; , i I Wl’reparel by Dr. J. c. any; a: cap . Lowali Mass. P 310: 25 Cuts "it Bun—. 4 {my B‘lxss run 31. ' ‘ ~1l . ; W801i; "by A. D. Bunnn, anhl; dealers ; even where.: . [Dec. 2,251. 2m .....W»- A , v fi‘ngums & BcnnLnn’s‘Store is wire“ wor thy avisitjust av. this lime. - We doubtmhether, yveu imout largest citi‘es, 30 fine a hisplny of Stoves can "be found. .Théir large imam is tull of Slows nfevcry pattern; alsodevery Vai riety of Hollow Ware, Sheet—iron Ware, Tin \Vnre, Planiahed Ware, Japan Ware—rembmc illB. indeed, everything in the house finishing line. dfim, Sausage Gutters, SnugngeiStufl‘ers, Lap-d Presses, Arch, &c. . They are pfqpared to set! \vholesnle nnd retail, Th; Ware and Sheet irdn Wan-e of their own manufacturef-keeying. a‘ éuflicien, number of hands to supply any de mand. Their assortment of anber, is very large; 9130 Goal of everx kind. ‘ i ‘. —— r<v.-»———— 1 faith DISOOVERY!—AmpIc “i“, both .l,_ Able practitioners and chemical :annlysi-s, have de‘monslrsned the great value at Prof. De. girntb‘s beautiful combination, cnlledl“ ELEC— TRIC- UlL‘" for the relief and cure of pain;— BM the people ghemselvea ere rendering their vhrdict' in 5. manner both unmixtakhble end shtisfwtory. More than two milling bottles have been sold in a very short tiufei—n great proportion of those who heard otherb recom~ mend it, who had tried “- Thntit's a.lplendid discovery is every where' acknowledged,‘and nothing like it was ever before prepamq, The only genuine Elecmic Oil is Prof. Do“, Grmp’s, which is to be had a: all the respectable mug, gist! in the cities, and at. wholenle ahd retail, at: the proprietors’ prices ofthe agent here. See _dvérsliement. A : $25 1] EMPLOYMENT l [s7sl AGENTS WANTED !——We will pnyfrom $26 '0 $75 'per month, 'snd all expenses, {to active Agents, or give a commission. Ptniculnrs sent. free. Adams Enu Sumo Rheum: Conan, R. JAXES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. 4 a; ‘ [81:92. 2,-1861. 1y TSON BRO FHERS Are making their prem ium pictures at, prices to suit the times. ‘fimm‘Lmaxd w: ..i ALJEI.XEMITJB. G—Snwnnn qur’. ....................0100 to 5 50 I 3 no ..,......._..,’.......1_,’32 10 l 23 I‘ll l 0 1g; . L weatherJheir 'progreu is. rather How. I (J); { A few dnys of goo‘ld xveuilier would bé of as ‘ 1 12:” service '0 thqfli 5 dwmu... l 45‘; " —‘-“, -Ow-T— a; 75 to 4 oo; fiaThe .L‘ontrac} for furnishing theZßeef 177402 00 tb‘the Porter Gugrds has been améded ::::::::::::::::::.‘i 3E3 t° i-“m- Gm &pm :k hug............. ! l 015' i' 'F‘ “o' - i 3 475 I‘ 11393.1:01‘135tw0 foqt-mule teams rom - Beinka’ column were loaded with oats ere ilk-Funny LET. 4 'l‘ F.- l ‘ . " . ~ . . c . 5!” to ‘ 81,0 I ”(tfy lust tobedehvered at Hun 9 k ‘ ‘ 1m" :0 1 60 ’.Agi;nms 15 none of your“ buckwheat c§znn~ ‘ ,' Kim m 78 ' flies!" . 3 . ‘15710 70}' , —-~-—-3-o~—¢ ——- ‘ 4 . ' 4:: io 44 ' mer. Jno. F. Eischer,onork, diioat \ . :13; :2; :3 .sPégag-liéi’ireslpbm, ou lugsday week, agpd . ut‘| ‘ l i ‘ 6| 9 Lalo-OQ} ._:,_1..~., 4_ _ ‘~ 4 4’50 :4 4‘3!” ‘ "Ex-President Jdim Tyler died at 16{o;):020 33) filljrigwud on Friday week, after :- Lriet‘; u . ' : . —.» . 3 ~ g , {I Go NH 1 ‘ ”‘T“"""—' ‘“ ' ‘l6“ (‘onmms i! considering the Frnpfliety ofladdmg‘lubaicco 19 the [rations o our}vol- } ulna-13., , l I El= iiim Tuuusuu “s+? 5 25. V a 7:. Hlslo] no ‘i 6'. g '4O” f; 17:. 2 62% (‘ix'rmnfru' Pl Lust—TY =I =l3 EIMI ELTha patriotic ladies of Hanoverghave 10 thanks of tha Porter Guards flora k'ct‘éf delicaciq‘u for 1119 pick :01 iers‘ I the Hospital in this place; : IWThe Porter [mar-(13 are at work on air Barracks. but; in consequence of the ‘1 MARRIED. i (In the 23d inw, by the Rev. Jncob Zie ler, 3mm“ “LE“ WULI-‘ORD to lliis JULIA' fiNN l-‘HESER, ut Frederick county, Md.. 3‘; (m the 3m m, by the Rev. 14.1“. “'jllihms; .\MJJUSEI’HUS MILLS to Min SARA J. YU‘VLK, both of Moumjoy ~towznship: ‘l‘ ‘Un the 1411‘ ham-by the same, MLSAMTEL Ag‘u‘ruc w .\liss SARAH LIAN, bulb ad the sfiuie township. ‘ ‘ ‘ j 1 Din the; 211th inlt., by the Rev. J. Bc'snn .\k'ww. .\lr. \\ ILLIAM THOMAS to Mini MEN:- GARET o. VANUKSDAL, both at Slrzllmn tu\»"halnp, Adams coungy. I g _ .4 .._,_..--.___l ; ~ On the filth inst, ‘ HL'tH‘IfI‘ILDHRDICE, x and} I fly». ‘ lhcénsed hle rinzm, “as extend miswcd in the (-oinnlywj g (m megmh 41131., ‘ I‘II'JLILHH F. IHEHL, Iflpcll 27‘ years 11 mum] On the :L’d insL, in . ‘s.\\u'm. I'. max, ng Il dnys—-«hseusc lyphu Al. \‘n cutmilhlex, Mdl cmsumptiuu Hr. “'SL u! llllc "Jamaican Sen I nmmlh mm ‘l'] days. *' I Uh thqfipxh insl., J thlui And .‘xnnu .\l. ‘ tufl.allip,'.\gvd lrvcxu‘ 1 0n Ihr lath 1,151., j mm ELLEN, :dnught 4 Wm“ And 7 months. ‘ (NA the 24th in~t., . Upjlx-n. ul. [influ' lawn maimha mun din. { l : l elwivm-d t(>llthel;l‘lxinst.,oft ”EXIH', ducal r-O"l ot'l’i smith, or Sluuutplcux county. ‘lgcvl 18 _\'c.u‘s ‘41:“: u .u all .n Wip llq‘ir cyca; :uul'flmrc _ ucikhcr su‘rrow, nor cry be .my mom.- Imin: for pun-d awn.) ."—!Re\'. .\ ' Biotin-r, thqu art ‘ “‘envill uh: wee ‘l‘or lfmu ml. nuxy ~ Thy >puitluugc 1W1!) til", thou an . ‘ Thihe is An can But Jesus summon. Thy Savior cullc Henry, thou an. go , Thy toll! and ca ~ And wrr'uw, Imin, .- 51m,“ ne'er 'lislrd Arythbr. thou mt I no to rest, ‘ ' Thy sins are allgfirgiven; -‘ Alml mints in light have welcomed flu j’fu share the yoyi of heaven. I. J. ‘ Communicated On Tqbuiny last, AGN‘ES JHSEPHI daughter :‘lfJohn und 5 Mb Holfmun, of: Ll] 13' hmnsh 11, aged 4}: rs 1 month nud 4 d: " This little bud, E 0 f iron earth, Nuw regsts beyond txxe skies, A—nd crovéned szvilh 12 Huty fauxmore brigfit, She bloom's in P 3; disc.” 7 1 On W 127: i{.sz., MrsL ELIZA Axx JOSH-:3, (cqlolledJ of Casbtown,'aged 24 )eurv 9 months gm.a.l2 days. - i , 1 : : Orphan’s \ H“ mm. ESTATEL Ibrder of the 0:1) coyn‘p‘, the subscribe , esmtfi- of JACOB 510 nm {Publif Sale, on the pr : 15M f February, 1862, deq‘edem, being a TBA ‘ Harnijltonbnn townshipn. in lands of William 81*] an Jacob Ilufleigh, (:0 'l ‘or 1:55, of culjimted 1n wi 11 a ()ne~story L Lo Shop, wjph u Spr' an some Fruit Trees. I by runts on theTurnpik bug; to Waynesboro’,‘ ,of buiningacomforta : Sale to commenq 311' day, when attendm £prth made known by i ‘ ‘ ‘ FREDERIC] ‘ Byithe Court—Joan En .m. 27, 1862. 15* Small Farm for Sale. HE subscriber offers at Private Sale,.: on ,rensonnbln terms,pa IRAQT OF LAND, confining about“) Adel, him-lo on the Car -115 a Road, about 1} miles from Gettysburg.— Thlero‘ ure 3 acre: in Timber. The improve rnqnls' are I new two-story HOUSE, and new Bah-n; a first-rate wen pf water nt the door; an a. new Orchard. Any person 'wisbing to vi w the premises will We thorn the ulna by C lbs \‘eam, living npar, who will also ke kn wu the terms. 1' TIMOTHY 11M? ' m‘uary' 27, mm. at ‘ Auditor’s Notice. , HE undersigned, Auditor appointed byhhe com of Common Pleas of Adams county, togrepon distribution ‘of the monies Arming firm; the sale, by the Sherifl‘, qfathe renl ankle of, x. Vncl, to and mongst tho parties, le ggfly—cmicled thuem, will we“ nll paragns in teresgd. for the purpose of his appéintment, at. the o cc of M. k W. McGuu, in Gettysburg, on Monday, the 17:11 dayo/ February, 1862. 1.! 10 o’Qlock, A. .\I. 3 WM. XcCLEAN, . 1311.37, 1862. 39. ‘ Audilor. A; « —‘ . v—___—__._,_——.—'-—_ New Partnership. HE undersigned lining received the con !“ mm for furnishing the men to the Porter “mi, hue this day eftered into a co-part er ship’g and will continual he Butcheringflusifiofis undmr the Blme‘of Puma, Conou & 03. ul -01 customers will be supplied u usual./ 1 d} , JAMES PIERCE, , , ‘l. N. CODORI, f. . G. A. CUDURI. i January 20,1882. 5! h 1 =II ’ D. § 1 ‘ll Franklin tommhip. #ed YG‘yL-nrs '.' morgue was I highly reaper! '- 11} known, and («“sch v. ' Tinflwinl ffl'wl E“); 0! .\lun‘flj’JV‘l‘JfinsFll, 1.5111“) 2 qays. l .Slrabun township, l‘lr +l.! 293ca7r51 mwxlfimd d fen-r 1 ‘ ' ' < +8“ the lllh invgl a!“ I . UR.\\L\H‘3l:, Hdgxur 151 ml,” aged 17".) yew? 5 EH ' UN REI'BES, lo:l wen. of Halllnltm U mnnths null 25 d 11 Franklin an~ 1' uf’Lm‘i Tnfiur, .‘ YDIIPIV\', son of J hip, non-d I.’ _\t.l J (‘nmmuuiyhh 'phoid Fever. \\'l LL: etrl' and RCIJC‘I'I‘J : mt lo“ min)», .\-i ‘J'nhmlh: .Ide .‘l’ d‘ v aw.” nil tc um I Imll be no ma‘rc dc ng. neither slull u the jurumr “Mug: '1 : 4. .unc to rest, 3 Mr than: 'l. On cmh to be. one to rest; lytomb: .d thee mmy; thee hnmc. q to rest, *3 are uwr; m 1 sufi‘erlug, now :I ”YUP more; ;ourt Sale l -—ln pursuance of] an un's Court of Adhms f: Administrator efillle deceased, will am»: at. mises, on Saturday; (In e Rgal Estate 01‘ gal? 91‘ 0F LAN D, skunk in :Adama county, adjoin: irenkle, Wm. l-jergigsou mining ll_ Aure‘a, "late (1, improve-iv G HOUSE, ""‘- ~ ‘g of Water mg 3 ' I’l‘he proyer- -; , lesding from nummizs nnd afl'ords u. ‘clmuqe le little home. ,- -estl2 o’clock, .\L, o“ nce will be given and : McINTIRE, Ada-"r noun, Clerk. a - 1 ~ ~ Muramasburg . UTCAL HRH IeTBOTI(D¥ SOC-1173'. BI ——.\'mlclncut of was” or the Suciety [mm the HI): ufJuuunry, 18m, to film lluhof J'uuuu), lax-"J. ' i Amuunc of properly insured by i; the Society, 1 $. Amount 03 Premium Alum, ' Number of Policies, , upon or uncut": «mun-t Genrge 'lhrour. Treudurer. § Dr. Touchin baud“! lac Iduledtcut. 5 Recupls lot the )enr, . a l \ Or. by update: for the 170", Bnlnnl‘o in Tgeusnry, , ‘ f :Exgfined and Ipprovrli by = _ 1 \HLLXA S; HAM LTQX‘ , ‘ mun; mam-21L, ‘ ’ ‘ JUUN THRQNE, ; j Jun. 27, 1862. v ' Ez‘eculmc #131“. 1 _._....—.———.L__._ - o..—,—T. V __._.. f thy'ce; a I RANCIS AJICDHIHQA D’s HST TE.-——Lct 'll: ton ofi untminiamiiunl‘ou 1b estate 0! lrnucisA.McDarmndJnkoffit in mwnship, ~Adnms‘co“ deceased, thiWlg hiergmlefi lo the 1 undersigned}: residing win-tine.§n‘ e uihip, he‘ iherehy gives nmice td all pet-urns ihdebted to; _uid esmlq [in make imlipediqud paging“, .nual; Ithose haviégcluilus ngninsl tl‘mjiun to ‘H‘CSCI‘ :them prom y authenticzhed [0: am elm-m. ' ' [ {Oil}; FEET Afln’r. in ;_ JMLZ" 136,1 _ m g i ‘ 7 i __i.__ I & Co}. with a dulérminntifin h. “ Notice H 1 T ' ‘mnrkel prices forull kqus of (L ~ ‘. . '1 1* ", , [find us supplied mth ’lAS'l'l VOTICE ‘l9 hereby Wet-$0 8" Pémnl In- ‘ .11 kinds, (mncrnmzsjlwmmm Ii terestcd. lhul have disposed’sof my in- ”NEE“, COALand ererv olhd Mgresl in the Store in York sprbet, 4 nyshnrg, “Helm- businéss‘ so” u Rhe‘ 1 an.,‘in WW4" dug“: g-EC‘Fath" ”Slain; rates for Club. Calluml examin as . gent—3n u we; ran rru- m ' - (‘ ' ‘ wu'h books. i ’HENRY JEFFEksos RINSE. ipnm he‘r‘fregi’réulfisii'fl§lgm jggwy 25.}562- ?t A _. - '| April 22, 1861. If . ‘ Notioew " “5‘ ""“ - lOSEPH JARHAUGJUS ESTAT —T.eH fl' F fleAgrelaEl DlBO ‘Q :f udhm‘rl islrutyofn bra-ltheicgttulfi 30! image h 0 Rhéurln-uiqniTn: ‘::_"::':::: i‘yur aug. teo_‘rap inmwns i‘. I t '_. n" ' .~ 0 mum. dm my hmihfi bemgmnilca [o‘ e SIIII.33;LEI.EBR._\ILI)gig”. undersign'ed residing lie“ :- Fwy‘enuvilfle, Frank-‘ th “3.“. 2'"; womfpwtfi‘lvze lin county, e hcyehy gives ‘pgtice‘ all per- c‘ Iqu if: {“1 {Enll‘i‘ieb'h '3 It] sons indebted ld’rsnia quite t‘ make mmediMe Sign hf: g'm 133%: :1“ )ur pnjmcnl, nnfl [Host hnvipg' claims a lun‘sv. the‘ 3 civii' 4’. 'n": _ :1 "11. Lille“! "1' same ID prqseut them [irupe lynut euticnted‘v J? ' c' 'l‘ r" me}. 0 l>h ,P. II for nattlcmm t. JUSEHI‘ BUOZJ Adm'r. {‘3‘ "‘5 1”" mule; ”r M. ‘ ‘l'Al'l Dec. 30, 1%“. s‘; 1‘ 1 r 1 lgt'orekeepers. Iropnq-Jnuh i?“ _,_ .A_,___4___, ”M“. j . _ p 5 hélcsnle tug! Relml Hrngzzhl 2 ~ .; g Notlfe. , ’ swimsmjmns. ES mr udminislrntion, wit thc estate of (home S ’ klin townqhip. j‘Adam l‘ing been granted to t in; in 'tbel same ‘tow: ] notice to lull persons: to make imlnedift‘te pnyi Icluimsugsinst th‘jame‘l 1 authenticated {'ol> sen“ _ JUSHP‘H Fw‘WARg istrnmr with the ITS” nip 3:.- 6c ; ‘ ‘IT c ~ ‘i: I The Union-A ~ mama: G Lcuem annexed, on! lute of Fr“ ducamed. lml bin'lle‘d, resid; helehy gives] to sail! catat those having *1 prpperll . Admj I Jun. 10, _lB Mai um, Anhw: 1‘ " I’HELAD . .\‘chm Ell, ‘luucl i 4 qeqlml, ‘rs to all parts ( UPT(IN fif'l‘ilis P.|~~| ngrr C uduplml in .0 wants of the cry partiruli‘r to i ”nines: pumic. 3!.50 pt‘r(d.‘y. . l. l ' ‘ l 0 ' 37,-} ‘¥“-'fi-"7' w own Property. w TE 5.x 1.3.41'1.» hn‘dorc; ”rim“.- Sulr Illn- I’rbpt-rty c. iizuzno in :Hnfib Mid" twining h“. IL Timon onJ lru_\' an the fu~l.\\'il!l rum". THE “(H.158 is} hm, WontlwrlnmnlrrL‘wi N: u “ cl! of wlalc-rflw‘nh. 1% and .l \H’Lriifty 0|! fr‘qltl ; qu‘JUht‘. Lumxcutqr the; ¥ must chn‘h'o,‘ A} . J k , z.wu.uumri.u .10- ‘LJ” y“ u :1 gvg‘“'l‘crms} Sept. 33,1, ‘ ‘ T P-RIV. I‘. 1.1:” “(Al lu- haw rmiii UL-LI) shuns, -. uml MN. Mot :Illny in.- the two-\mrv I’m. B'lrk-lvullvlin it. :u H: - l ”f ' I‘ | L I ”(I m "“I“st “can. 5. grapes, ull {luv =ER s ” L ' ' “' ‘ N once. ' six-Ird,]:(\‘gng~ n‘ large [an hm ihlukffuri 11 con‘ p, pximipJHy; muzh: upL m um lug-hum urumliul m, mm In.- uL-mh, mono llnulmni~~oy.'.|e;thvirl dcr xu.u|_\' uljlhgalfuxh It? ul. ‘ & 4.14.3; ‘HH ux-dol 1 mungngl L .Iglil of mu uu'uu IL3, Ll; Imlenlvd In 11 hm I'ru'uv'la -V [w \ntl I'm-P 111' Sept“ 1.3.1. r Branch Rail} .\l:lg.\.\ ( : rm liNTh‘.—'l Hanov ‘r xx rm: ’ Tlmn ‘ - ‘ I run 43 Iquia: [ lu-r n! Ll uninml 1 ‘230 P. )1. ion .\L H. m i x L mrlrl‘rz-N v. 31. :1. min nmkHa ununeciii u :\,v. the Inc .\urlh and‘fioullh. fine 12430 I __ . l 1 - ..l .1 lu‘nnulluu toruhetbouL’buoul). "ckcts are i-sllEQ‘ll m [’h lhtlclphib‘ IrrL-hurgfl \\'ish.lln§porl \llfifldlng, rk, \Vnslumflh-Jnnd {all prim i on the 'lim- 0‘! tlnéSuEWuru (Jun -1 r - “‘* ‘ D. E. Trams, Tickei agent. LeAve ihn\chluC The £12.20 A.| Jumcliun I'm Lulu makes & t T‘luuugh TI ‘,(fulu‘mhiu, H «Hxluuluro. Y Lpnl way poin:l ! 2rd Kullua)’. p Jan. 24, . .' }..‘-_..;‘ -‘ » Tr _ or Exchangg. «' ‘g; ' lmnge mm uu ml'n'qr-I: Mans Sis-nun or lava, ior lqenl lfslntc uh. ‘ : ‘ , ul'so exuhfmge n' valua‘fle MILL I‘.\d I'm: cuuuu. tpgctllc‘: with 38 mun. jaw. Anniuw. I. In: ‘ 2? WILL ex either HI 1n Adams c 0 W 1 mll PROPERTY I ACRES, lor; .\‘ov. 11, us 01168.9 ‘ ‘E‘l . OA’I‘S.~:; s - uvrzuumé‘s, 1 .~ Drums ”Mfrs“ ‘ ; - DRESS COATS; , ' lUSINESS COATS, I . :usxsrzss Nun’s, 1 l . mxm’ J-AGKmFS, l’ ‘ mien Jaqxsrs, .‘A . sumrs; _‘ ._ ‘ snmrs ' j, ‘ , mmwmls, ; ' ‘,. . nnmvms, g ;' mars; . ; I \ ESTS‘ l - ;. ‘ “ms; , gl ' PANTS. ‘1 t‘ ' m. a lmlo {Elieqper 143:”: the (our ownlmul c. In be had at the‘ orium of \ GEO.“ A_R.‘{ULD. f' ..‘ _; ..'”..LM JGreenmounYt D TILL IN 'l‘le UNIOX—IIflIAW Tlllk WAY- S -—The unhcrsigned had the plenul‘e ofln nuuucing to lhe public‘lbqt he’hus pill-chased the store of r. Alcxmlder‘r Hamper, a! Green— mount, on th road lcading‘i from Gettj‘gbnrg to l-Immllsburg, ad will cbntlnue lhe bualnus our In enluged cale. He‘ will ulwaysfikecp on hand A large took of DRYJGOU‘DS, Groceries, Confectionnri s. Queenpw‘ire, lWopden-warc. Hardware, in ,kc.,ull dfw‘ihich‘will be aold'm. pn‘ces toanit hetimes. ‘ A no, Dye-,Mgfl's’. Oils, Phillis, Dru , lc.,cnn be had chenip :4. lbs Greenmoum‘ lore. Friendsmire mehcnll. I know thn In good: and my price: cfimot full to please. ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ u 36"”? dcrsigned also anriesl on the ARRIAG - AKING {businesl It the l me place, and ofl‘ rs rare hiducezne'nts m‘purfhn. It". Be wil- vurnut ibis was]: good, “tile his chug“ 0 among ‘,lh‘e moat mod“; ‘.— Repuiring do eon shot-l notice. ' 1“ [Q'Cmmt produee‘taken in exchange for goodl. I I Autumn nus. o-rGft Lots of lb cheapestmll‘ Clothing Em; Jam. 6, 156' _ Notice. . ‘ HAVING uilposed of my store to Mr. Abn hnm P) n_k,l hereby give notica to lull person: ha in themselves indebtgd to ‘me either by No or Bank Account, to n‘nke‘igu medixyte pay eat, u I wish to null ur my busium wi you dehy. ‘1 will be found at Gnenmount qnlll the m «#lolme aim. All nccounla not. lettled betweenxthh find that. time will be lift. in‘thc hands of an omcer (or collection. J. ALEX. HABPBB.‘ on 21, 19 x. . a LADIES, all [1.6. elm i. the pup. to get Gloves 4nd Gmntleu of all kind: very cheap. Call nd onmlne them. Nd}, trouble to chow good . ‘ [May 13. .' ‘YSON BR THERS‘huuconguntlyonhnd l I Inge: 'onmwt bf plain aid fury cues,gilded ram“. gold and pifited‘lockels, breujpina. & ~ tc.,' whicfl they are selling it nsmllhingl‘y owprlces. _ ‘ ERNIE SS TRIMM‘XXGSI in gram-g- L mg, n ‘ ‘ squxcs's. . ' ‘ J . ‘ mz. WM. 9. llUlllYS , wu mmmsmhw" ' MOUTH WASH ' ‘| . .~n iscnhvr WI" olT:-r allPuEm .\nlo. nu V 9 _ "'c l'rlrmlau. Hut 12M I,] R’ny-lféiul‘li' on th ' ~ SURF. mi“! EIIY F 0“ A L lmln oi Willing: l'ulp, om- milnj {min Lurlu-ld. A BAD BREATH. ' . illzqniltnnh m (an udup, the follyuuihg 11130311}. 1 SURE MOUTHS, _ Properly, viz’: " “3 _ l , ’ CAREER, 3 FRESH HILCH ('(IWS l Bioogzrlowflmrn; ”LiHJSEn BLEEDING “HIS. ‘ Out: and Potatoes. by lhe husk-l. H. 500 pound: NCBNNG SURE HQUTH, .nflCIII,-lU') pounds of 1. mt: :ujivli all} dvr Ana the bvst specific no“! m um lur on dis- Vlm‘gur') a large quantity ul" [flu-butter, l emé inundation oftha munch. his p'utlcul‘nr lint-rate Cook Sluu- and Pipe, ‘jmily new, 13' llumficxgnlw person wearing 4 Parlor Stchm-w, Curm‘r~Cl‘llibué‘é‘xl, Kilvht'll I “inncumflg'fu. ‘ t'upbon‘d, “life“, 2- “7K“ DH'V'K T"""',‘v Cow’plaely«lent-mince”buliuouflhémth, Kitchrn T.ilile;Sink, Chain. lleflufidiicddmgu übwbinuhudxcquingidgillpnriucsxhniurjflg 3 Chesti, 2 new Clocks, 'lVuslg-wmnl, ‘Vuck- l A SWFET HRHATH 2Lo kinu Glns<es 50 Kill: he Cuwl . ‘ - - "““d‘, 0 «a , ’ 3 . M W l .to ‘1 who make use uflt.‘ Nokunng Lid; or Inn heulb, Copper Mule; If ls, Tails. .\lcat Youn , Gamma" who isl’ufliicted with a » Vt-ssrla, Tubs. Churn, Burch. 13m- ‘2l:, Dishes, . 3 . ' ' , . Knifes'nnd Forks, Cracks, P'U‘lX’ "m fired. by! , ‘ ,‘ “A? 8‘4“?“ ' . . the bushel, Suldl'c and Bridle. l ‘ ud Bridle, should dclny applyng “I" remedy, for u u I "alters. Cow l'hnini. Forks, Hates'éWDuJ Saw, wuuu sure, and }|_“PP"3l"d and "comm“?- Axo, Mall and Wedges, Gri 'dsfin‘é, Grnin “d l.” “"7 phyuclu “111 d“ W 110“ 00“" 1‘ ,Cmdle. Mowing SC) the. and many other nrti- ‘ hu‘beel brgught. L- >7 'cles, too numerous to mention.' A¥au, :1 wt of . A 3‘50 BREATH . Blacksmith's Tools. IL ‘ ‘is an ofieace for which tlmro uno excuse I’lule l @Sale to bommenre nt lo |°"§'“°“v .\.‘llmf DR. WM. B. HURD'Sg‘MOUTu WASH on and day, when attendincemflfl he given can bu yrocured. \g , _ 1 Ind germs made knew: by r§*_ ‘ [ Mpny persons carry yrfih them a bad hmflh Jun. 13, 1562. .u ‘ GEOFGR. ’tATE. , grrqtly to the fluorine-Emmi“ to the dil ._T_ __-. _ , AV- ~ r ——- guat qf thou with whom I; come in coilncl, lA. Ready Mar 8 ' ’Withuut bell: con-nous of the hut. .To re ' , lll‘SllELb‘t R ‘l}; WANT-H lievg youraelf from all led} regarding thls, i' 10().()00 };D.—\VA‘ h "$5 Liked, the" UB3 DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH \VASH. Imus? lately occupied by Klinefiiltzfil’ollinger; (‘i‘anlinosa of the mnudh is ofiggzgat impor ‘ ""‘" ' "ult'rn‘inu‘!’ 4.... e highest t.‘ to the gown! health, whigh is ohm If- 8&057 on 23,355 m; ‘ 332 00 570 05 ‘ 45 u: $24 38 ind ’lhronic Emir: u. L. [tn 0 mx -5 3 { this, and (mHfii‘o to its amt)?“ c ufl‘vc llalydfihy any Ii 1 .rico 5!: ld§ufi|~ls am! 1. ..31{II.I.HI:. _ , , gnqiilicrliil, .\dnhw comfi', Pm, dealer‘lml 's '(‘Mmicjflsp Uilni Varnish, Sw‘rili, J’Jinh. lgefitufi’s. hot tled 0:11. l-Isant-s and Tim-u r , “indom- Glzln:_ Perfumery, Patent Medicillq'g km, &c.' W'Aul). Buahler ifl'lil‘o Ag n ‘in Golly!- burg for -‘ H. L. Mil‘lor's Urlebm e Rheumatic Mixture." [Junel3, MI. 11' .V ~..w L ‘ . . . u used 'tho h, 109.1 k ('u., s lmnoncod to Mr to the chincry thm a"T”RI-ISH- F 31ers Cut a ‘improved’ ;“;i,,c'(‘;fi‘e;:“;, ' ’ Im. WM. 1;. lIURD‘S if m” m," 'TOO'I‘HACHE DROPS, uming in . For I.lm cure of ,' . ' I ‘ E TUOTHACHE . Mfléhiner ‘ produced by expu‘ed nerves. - . 4 p: on 31.03, .h. in pzlrliéularly adapted to all cues of chil {ugh Pun. ' dren Afflicted with TUUTI‘L’UTHE. m 50”},1“ Pun-nu can relievu themselves from Rut i .1. "Lu“- : diilressing wenrineu uuwd‘by - It difl'ervn“ d 1!: 11117:“ 1f“: SLEEP. ‘I l b r u.- .u: an 4 eir c i rcn rom grent 111 er n‘, y ”U’Q‘fifipnfirflmnr . ~‘ 'n‘n; ernrnmws TOOWACHE‘DRUPS in 111$ housc.’ ’ ' l’mpnn-vl all Dr. Hurd'n Drum] Oifipo, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn. 14. 1?. ' .Price, o§ly 1212 mm per Bottle. .\' lilu-mL div 'ouut nmde‘to: dealers. ‘ * .ddreés Principal Ofljce, Tribune: Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Bt..N. Y. ‘Sold al~o by Cnawell. .\lack & 00., Fifth A‘wnue Howl ; J. k l. Coddington, 7415 Broad way: I). S. Bum-s, 20?. Brogdwny, and by 11l I Wit-‘— the Wlll. asUllugh,’ COWS tY, u- unolur nslnip. he 3§ indebted them, and 50 present (mom. win, : Gettysburg Fou .! THE subscriber, hating p. ' Foundry ol’ Mcssrsn Zurlmug I (formerly Wzlrrensk,’ Foundry.) h. |hunihess, and is now prepared ‘ {public fillurger msnrtmem of .\l- neied has heretofore hécn ‘ofl'ered. such 1150‘ molnxrzs, C10\"(-r Hullars,‘ I ters,.(‘nrn Shellm‘s7 nnurMor-cnn's ! Horse RAKe. Also, .\"I‘UHCS. in iStrn‘os. tlu've difl'ercnt kinds: nnd aims of. leu-plnle Stoves. Likcb ,Suw-mill Can-lilig'gs, and unkind: 6 ‘ iron mr Wood.“ 4 WRHPAIRIXG nfnll kind! ‘ land Casting“ will he dung") or moth-p. ‘l’Qn‘erns m Nu to order: iirvzs/rofidy'nmde ; ‘l'lAH’t‘diS. m i Withcrow, Plum-her. Wm): ('ol‘k‘ wthers nag xnentiinml lu-n-zgsnd Si kinds of IRON FHSCINUL fu Porches btj'éLQL; Al4O, .\lurtising Machines, one ,no“ in Me. ,This machine work. by him"; :my litflchuyodu man"; ‘ Call an! examine our flock; x \\ lmb we can ,ph-us'v. l'nrwnm 01’ tlnfir‘adynntngo m hyy hull-{liner}. M home, where it iq manufacturcfltj c‘ n \‘crjeasflygeEalQV part 'rcplnm-di l, 5' 1‘ DAVID‘SI fi‘etq s’nufivrfih. 13, #96074 i 7; ”‘n! :. .LPHI'I nut-m! OM |xiem 1.; Icity. and {on and I Come: f 4hr: ! a cd find on liu which e s‘tru-t', the wed. "fi‘ :1 F" , m. ymnp Yn l uuyh ai‘ ' 10.1, mt! lEEE . , Gettysburg . QTEA“ H‘JH MILL. CORNER L ASH. n.\n.lm.\‘n STREETS. A l-‘(llf'fil'k Y.——’H:¢ su‘lm rilH-r. Inn in Sannuflml oflly. l'_ W. llurrqui ‘ |lrl~ ha f it. thnniughly rrpnirl-d, by it thy Acre“ Iry: fllfl1“!illPT_\"l()‘r gfin 51pm. \Thc mill iw‘hmv inropt raujo rmulv tn supplv unj‘ dentin-l Mr 1 Ft'rliliz't'r. HIZUK'XD anm‘ux’ COVK'tflll'll h_\' Ulhnf whn hme lnéed- IhurN bqltm Forllliu-r than-BuruLL dot-Ilnnfinfthuntllc"Forlilizo-rs'fif pliclhtu land. The fallow-n: (‘cfli .\lr. ”mun, uh oxiexxa‘re farmer, :‘L’lud sigct'lalthrilizwu ofAdttms county, ‘ the truth of this nsqertion: . ; amount iriulnhlu“ a!" nun“ 11191= and if cwuhls, , [ht-m. “WK. . ad. ’ astcngvr WWI haw-Imm lrying‘ the Gr. stone on my Lmd {or the Illil {our find it to be a holler I'c-lil'zer tlym male. and Emu-cu. It. has gin-n . ih the first rrép. . PETER Numcmu} (Sthancerfificntes (LINK could he produced, hut this i: sulfit WFHTHICTS an requxfted to s« atdvri and to give it u (rml. . Slur. 4,‘lBu’l. 'H JOHNv [1 ; ’“' ‘ ‘ '1 1’“ ' Somethmg New. H'Enndcrtignl‘d rcspertfui— . TJ)’ informs Rh.» rcsidenh‘fl officllyshnrgand iicinierhat he hm annedr'la WA'H’H AND STURH, in the room immediately ix Mr. J. |.. Sicliick's Stare, and i Squaqmwiwre he intends lumping; unenfof \YA'l‘i'HliS, Jth-lIJH'. Si] SILVER, I‘hATEI):.W.-\llfl, SI” .-LU(.‘K.~X.¢I~., kc. " llxtx‘ing'lween mn'nerted with Witch Ind Jewelry" Store .in [Salt séveml years‘ put, he is prepared every artmle in the line, at the l prices, and all purchases win bog?“ reprmentod. 3 | From A long expelienc'e in,WVMA‘ repairing, ~e9pocinllyofflno Winn-hes, he'is pre red all kinds of Watch-Work promptlyY n file best manner. and guaranty the perturm” cc of”. He withccp “lungs on haml gla ge riurt mont of SBEUTACHCS, and Spun ,q tuclo Glasses}; and hnvflng {gluch- . experience in adapting them [0 l 0 fight, is prepared to fit all who need them. r' “MR JEWELRY made to order n the best style, nnd a great variety of patter ‘01: hand“ JEWELRY repaired in the nente manner. ‘ - , . JOSEPH EVAN. ‘ Gettylb'xrg, 09¢. 23, 1861. If '. - . ‘ Tailormg. 4 r 0013 Kttmmxuxa; ream-cm 15 iluforml his friends and the oublic, t at he has commenced the TAIbURING busin ‘s,’ in York street, opposite the Bunk, Getty: urg, ohere he hopes to receive a. libergl sh re’ 01 en courageu'aent. He warrant: all h Limit to fit, and tho‘ making, to he! substatntlhl. He. is regularly in Tea-ipt f the r. xhiou‘ so that he will be able to plane all tes. Give" hlm I tritl. , _ “ W011i: Kummernnt allo rem ea Grenso‘ Spotsttnd Stains from Clothing-2‘31 'a short tlme,'nnd at moderate chuges. tisfnrtionl gunmntied. [ er”: 0 1881. . Second Sup Iy, , OI" THP. SEASOX.—(}EO G ‘ ARNOLD] hn just roturm-d from“: In lpllin withfi a large supply of Englishnnd Frvn Cl.()'l‘lls,‘l BEAVER DO., OVEHCOATINGS, STINUSI‘ and G‘ASSIMERRS, in great mrlcty, from 15‘ cent! to $350 per yard, Ondam , Velvetsfl Jeans, hm, kc, with a garner-l q nrtmént ol‘l Domestic Goods. We have now on hund I‘l large stock ovaercoats, mnging {rhm 33,87 to" 315,00. Alia, Dress $O3“, Busilles’ Coat»,l Ken's sud Boys’ Pan 16011:, \,’e ts," Shirts, Druweu and Monkey Ju' keu. Ou chilling ll all ofouf own make an; wafinnte well made. Our stock of Overcoat: pwrticulnrl is large.——‘ We are receiving Overcoats, km, d ly from the hand: we hove employed, so that 9 keep nur uock welloasortedr Thdabove goo , have been purghucd on the very best terms fir cub, and will be sold at a very reduced 'ce for tho wing. Give u! u call. ‘l, Duo. 30, 1861. " __ . a-“ ___,_si_._._, ' Call at gamson’ . , . AVING returned from the wn‘ (the flock being somewhn: negleckd in nuseqncncd at Samson ,being sick) but no A. Lamar: is It home lgtin, I. first-yuan. ortment o! CLOTHING, at... hss been forw ed. which will be laid n heretofore“ n! ‘ne RIGHT PRICES. N. E.‘Corner of the Di ond.~ . «Gettysburg, Aug. 19, 18‘”. i ME =I .0 In. ugh}? highem '| , i’nu will hip: .UASO of film a? Rctuil. rn ic e in our w st. Pms‘sihle '0 rs‘uck and -r .1 F'ik 00.. =i MEM ‘ (n 0' 1;!“ \ oi nub! hu‘ -, m sei- in ‘uniy kiud' : min llmy‘ r rcpuirrd.‘ ‘ “SISK. '0 I {a -€“'!‘>‘T KAI“ THE ; I! .bwlihL: ‘thi? plum-7 pl.L"cing in ing Liluv * and I am xi! useful :12 in now ”t" 10 tn.- 3 HP. or in cm'ly np (.lt'p from liglrlly re ‘lll ntlest ndl Limcu yonrq and the Unriut uislntlmn IEHL." ch'lruclcr nd ‘ t., in their “WEI! m 41:53 . Ewnmn' ‘ he Tmr of gating the : :tn unwort .vl YE]; nnd ‘ IXULBS, firsticlnss l more, for In furnish first .ciq | mn‘tied u ICI » | I 1 tam-:1. to the gown! health, "In?" . fecwl, and not unfrequenily uor’muly impair ed, through wantof prophr Auenzion to this subject; E l ’ USE DB. WM. B. nvnms MOUTH WAS". Pruparedfinl llr. llurd's Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth Slreg‘t, Brooklyn, 3. D. mu, s 7 cent-ape: Bottle. l, A liberal digconm mndu‘ to dealers. . Addr‘eosc Principal bmce. Tribune f Buildings, No. l Spruce Bh, N. Y. ' sum nlsn by Can-en», mm: a: 00., rim. .\vénuc Hotel {.l. k l. (Zodéington. 'llb Brond-. gay; D, S, Barnes, 202 Béoudway, and by I“ ruggiqls. _ ‘ - -_. __ ,__-v-_l-- --. _ ‘._.- f. , DR. WM. B. ti URD'S ' l TOOTH POWDER. ‘ This Powder pnxs'cases 1, la ‘ CARBON“) \VITIIUUT 1TH?! INJURIUUS ‘ PRUPER'I‘IES 0F (lllAlil‘OAL, and 25 fuel: lrom all .\cnds or .\lkallga man can in We lens! 'lnjule the Teeth. " 1 ' l'r‘n Amos BMW .l-zsrmpnl lstnuxcu roLH‘um; wn~nocr wmmsa Tm; Hutu. DR. WM. H. HL'IHYS TUQTH‘ POWDER is rr-emnmemlcvl by all Eminent. Dentists. ‘ Prepnrcd at Dr: llunl's Donlnl Oflice, No. 77 Fourth" strcet, llruuklyn, H. l). * , Price. 95 Cents per Box: ’ A liqul discount made to dealers. Address Principal 0113.06, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Bt.,N. Y.- Suld slso by Caswoll, Mack at L‘o., Fifth Avenue Hotel ; J. J: I. Uoddiugmn, 715 ”rand \vzly ; DIS. Barnes, 202 Brpudwny, and by .1“ Urugglsils. ' I. Druggists \DR. “'M. B, HUIUYS - NEURALGIA PLASTERS, For the Cure of NHURALGKA or Toollmche produced by col-ix. . LOCAL xrzumm‘lu ‘ in in'xmedintcly Curedvby their application. ’ ' Thry art lxkc n. charm, and are perfrcfly, hunulcis in‘ their mm rc; do not produce a Minor. and have no unpleasant. results. - - URJYMXB‘, “UNIXS NHUKALGIA PLASTERS never {nil to givejatistuction to all who let! tlu-ir vixluc. . . l'rqmred at Dr. flurd's Dental Oflice, Nb. 7? Fourth Elrnct, Brooklyn, E. I). _ Price, only 15 Cents eéclil A lf’lwml dim-aunt made to deulen. Ad‘dress Principal OEce, Tribune, 'Euildings; No. 1 Spruce Bt.,N. Y. Sou also 1.3- Cnswnll, Muck 3.00., Firm .\v'euiuc Hotel; J. ,S'. I. ('oddiugtfiu‘,’ 715 Broad \\ 1y ; I). S. Uurues‘, 202 Btundwy. and by, I'll Draggigls. ['Dec. 2, 1361. f I] ‘ NUTICE‘ we are daily receiving orders to send by mail somewnc or more of Dr. Hurll's Dcutnl‘lleme-u nu}, which we cannot fill. None are umilnhlc except the Neuralgiu Plaster. pvhich we éend Ln an cutelupe on receipt-of Price (15 cents) 3nd one suinip. Butto accommodate persona 'in places where the druggists and store-keeper; are behind the age, we have put up pnekuges in white elnhmwd boxes, eércn incheu'hy tour, with compartments-ouch box coutuining a bottle of ~Do. llurd's Mouth Wash, a'nnd Tooth Ache Drops, 4 box of Tooth ?owdcr, the Neu rnlgin Plaster,.nnd It valuable little Treatise on 'Tcet end their Diseases, the best mean! of pros ring theln,und the proper treatment of Chil en's Teeth. worth ofitulf the entirecosl to evtry young man or trauma, or parents with youn children, with sundry other net-easnry nrricl in; price. per package sl, or mix put-Rage l’ur'S , Rent by cxprens a! directed. As the Express chug“ are not on oh, if any, more on n don-n than on one, it is fun- rhenpor to orde. six min dozen package! at one tim‘n,‘ A lnrge lnmilj will want all, or the surplna'cnn be dis-- pose otltn neighbors *ith public hem-lit, for no out on estimate how much pain; tufl‘rring. unhappiness and disfigurement, expense, lust of film: and money would be lived to the country ifcrlrry family to-dny had‘fille of those pncktgee, which, in iuelf, i: 5 complete net of Dem ll Remedies. Address Wu. B. llrw ~32 ‘Co.. ofirihune Buildings; Newaork, and Wfllt' Imm “and address plainly. That remittances may e made with con’fidenée, \\'. 11.11. 5: Co. refer the Mayor of Brooklyn,to G. \V. Gril tith, resident of the Furmers , and Gltiun'r‘ Bank, Brooklyn; to the Editor of the Amt-ri can Minnfecturors' Geutte; to Joy, Cue £OO., Publi héfl’ Agents, New York; to P. T. Bar num. lsq., who knows a good thing.when he se'el and who has already ordered 1 second ‘ auppl ,etc. i " « , 100 AGENTS WANTED to Introduce Dr. Hurd Dental Remedies into every County.— Men 0} women who went to nuke money quick ly, cull do better with thou uncles than In)"~ tuinglln market. They are new, useful, low pncedl, end we are unending thousnnue'ip ugl vertlfinz them far the benefit ofngrnu. .80ch of“ ,Iplee containing 1 dozen ol'the one dul lnr pdvlmgeg uhove specified, with circular" will big sent, on rectipt of 57,-nbou. hulfpricr. to on}, person withing to mt his or her skill in Belling With the,\'icw ot bewmin,3 an agent. They him be sold in a day. WW9 w-rnld rather, pity nluriu than Commisnom to thou who {iron themselves efficient lulesaueu. ”Now is the time to go into the hulian For adore" Ind relerencu lee shove. Jan. 27, 1863. , Notice. ETEB WEIKERT’S (PAIXTER) ESTATE.’ P 4am” testamentary on the cunt: of Peter Weikert, hm! ochuysbnrg,Adams coun ty, dkenscd, having been granted ,to the under'gigned, residing in [in same place, lhe hcrcb gives notice to all persons indebted to mid eitnte to make immediate payment, um! lbone fining cluimn against the lame to prelent them [broperiy nutheucicnted for settlement. ‘ , NANCY WBIKERT, Iz'untn‘z. Jln. 6, 1862. 6!. ‘ —~ ~§———v -; ' -———~—————7——.— ; Hohday Presents. UPJ received from Philadelphi- I «m n- J tarmac“ a! Photogmrh Alb-ml, niuhle for H idly pruenu, whim In at!" It rained prion; ‘ TYSON BROTHERS. , , w ~' ~ 1., ENIE ‘3‘» s“?! 'L i tz AMPOIL HE Connuia‘iuncrl of A (him.- munu fierehy T [in “min- thM me)- hum fiu-d Mum “no folk-Mn; lime: and places in: the bomlnw a! Appufli fur the m-nral Buruuglu MlQ'Tovrn ships‘ 91' Adams manly. Mum and III?" they will Mtrnd to qur Appeal: Lelwm-n thud-r. u! 'Jo'clmk, A Mind J duet-MP. 3"de du} , lu- I'ome : For Mpuuljuy townshipmn Hominy. Ike 27th of Junumy, m the house 0”. D. ngig in Muumju) hm nsjnp. 2 , ..‘,” ‘ i For tho: mumhipu of Germnny “(WW iTuesdJy. the 23.01 of January, M. tho-W ct Juwph Burktr, m Innlutown. - < i For. the townships of .011“:ka “d floudmugomn \Vedneadny, the 2m olelnnry, mu. the house of J. E. Swim, in )luuutpluult hon-nubile. ! For lhc township and borough 01 Wei, ”’0- Thursflny, the 30th of Jannuqml the house, h-‘mgu'n Wilson, in Abbulmown. ~ h For tho unmahm uf Hamilton, on Frldnyflie 31315! of January. at. the house ufD-nie) Becker, in But Berlin. ' [lf Fog NIB tuwnship of Slraban, omfitll'dl’, “the In of‘Ft-bmnry. at the house on. L. Gull, Mn lhmlerflowl. _. - a 3‘ for the towndnin of Oxford, on Noldayflho. .‘ 3d 111’ February, “uh: house at Georg. Sigh», fin Oxford. ~ . |' For the Townlhip ‘or Handing, 01:er”, 11H": «uh of Eehruurx, u: the home of Rob!" 3. wicks}. in Hampton. ' Po; the township: 0! Huntington All Lla glmore, on Wednead Iy. the sth of l-‘ebfulry, “A Ihr hbuse of Gear-go Hildebrnnd, In l’elenbll'l.“ { For the township of Tyrone, on Thur-l , the 6th of Folkunry, u! the homo ofJohl lit?- nrode, in Heidlerahur . ‘ , ' For the lownnhip of‘flenallen. on Frldlv, flu th of February, at the bane a! Chain gnu, - u Renting-fine; , "x; f I-‘ui- tlu- Lowmhip of Butler. on‘Snlr Q 0 ft]: of Februnry, at the house of 000;”? : . 1 n Middletown. ‘. "" -'«’ t For the Lun’llrllip u! anklinhon Infamy, ‘ he 10!}: of February, «I the house of R. J43;- “tors, _in L‘nsbtown.‘ ‘ ’ ‘ 3'? Foi- the lownsllipsof Humiltonbu ml label'- I ‘3', on Tuesday, th llth of February, n {ln 1(1qu ol'l'ucr Schiu-ly in .\iillorxtown.' ‘ I 5 For the townships of bnnlherlnnd and I'm “dam: on Wuluesdny, the 13th of_ February, It ”Ihr house gl' Fruncis- Bream, In Qumbellqnd (1 uwnéship. . l ‘Jj‘or Un-hnrough of (lqllgwburgmn Tfiurldn}, ”he Lulu»! I’vlvrnary, m the k‘qfiwiujoneh’ fifth-o, in Gen) shurg. ‘ +3 , - \ JAMES H. “Amman. , ‘i _ - W“. R. GARDNEB,', - ‘_ ‘3' ‘ - murmur Mme, ‘ . t' ; Canninfima. ”Weak-J. .\l. WALtmi,‘C‘lerlr. / ‘ f Jun. [3. 181326 ‘ ‘ .\. ‘F-r~~v < v—v-‘-—-»——3- . e Catawba 8: Isabella Wine. I {.\NI'FAFTURED‘ BY BURKHOLDER ‘ , I \VILsuN, IH-2.\hI£RSVILI.E. Aunts HMJXTYJ ILL—We nn happy to announce go I no pitizéns of Adams county tlmt we haul z; Immenccd the munulactun-of Pun- Wine from (3:9. Unpc,——nnd um: we are now prepared to me‘ulcnt, [‘o supply the [ride—quulliticl of i hrlfing nlrmld; 'lvuud its wnyinm the mlrkll. in Wine is pure um! bus stood the “it!” best. Jndgm. p‘rrtons wishing Ipnn‘aflfi‘c, 11 now be pumnlied at. home wishout , ’l‘“ f bpinfim’ppse-l upon by In impugn Huck, wr‘or qule by A. I). Bummrnnd l. H. . lxxdun. Gettysburgund E. lhrnuwfl’nun {33llls; Yufik Springs, _l’u. ‘ 11m. 9', 1562. One Price ‘to All. UH mhscriheu hue tho plea-urn oflnforl x ing their friends and Ih. public gen-rag thut they hm’e received 1 full lupply of Y np’d Winter Goods, which they no «:an lo srll In. their usual low rutes ’ ’ _.. FURCASII. ~ Qur attack remains in [MRI of Clothl,(‘1ulmorol, tinting», Snttinctts, 15!an and Pang] Silh, id :Lndten‘ Dress Good; generully. Blow -3m White Muslim, Tickings, Dunk-r”, . hoelit‘gn, (bleached and unbluchod,) Gottoi id Weill l-‘lnnnels, Stocking Yarn. of every '9'et‘iption. llnu, Cups, Boots and Sheet. Bon deu nnd )lillinery 01 all kinds, Rudy-lag" dlothiuz Hardware, Groceries, Queentwln ' ‘nl Drugs, Gian, (lilinud Pfiintuhof ill kinda; ginmrw 21ml Lining Skins, egs, Shoe Threld, llt‘istlcsfkc, “in nine sell the celebrated New {at-liar Bolling Cloths, wuicu w: IL'LLI wu- A 37; Al~o,b'hettcr’s unefqunlled Pout Angel; *in fnct we have everything usually kept in untry Stores, and are prepared t 6 lell than, ‘ thinkpa little lower than our noighbofl. l prtll, Snutli,~ilust or West. Friends, [in In uléall. mid qu'uuue iot- your-elven, n In no I all times pl Aged tp show r goods. W. r ‘turn our “11(ng thunk: tn aft-norm" public f ‘r the kindueJ thus fur lunniteuted outward 111, id feel confident that by n rtrict uttenlion to “sinus and (600!) AND CHEAP GOODS, l 0 but a cqutiuuauce oflhe same. - ; - i' DAXNER & SIIIELDS. z‘l’uirfield, Oct. 14, 1561. am ‘ - 7|— . PAI-l'tl’lELD : i - kg; I Still in the Union! .r \ INEIIAItT {SULLIVAN beg lure to ll ‘ f‘the utteution ol‘ their lrlpudlnndtlu [1:1- 1"? gicnornlly to the fact that the: havojnlt "- t ‘rn‘ed from the cities of I‘hilndelphl. Ipd .iltimnre. with I. NEW AND SELKNDID A’- t ()It’I‘MHNT ()l“ GOODS. Che-per tlun gin et'urc offered in the cnuuty. ; , i “lining bought their good. for Cull, tip. It. wit-u, "pd ht n time \rbvn the decline in Int-y intls of fahrics’m unprecedented. thly‘lre en )lcd w ufl‘er such BARGAINS M will "onl-II t a moat ‘ere lulaus. If our {fiends ill but ll‘and examine our Moth. which‘lrc lupin.” “I every department, “a are mre In: In of" Mtcli indtt’rrmcuts us will amply no»; then to: t ’ei'r trouble; (Every urtivlo usually kept ll 0 rsticlnn country store will he found on hull. We Ari: determined NOT TO BE CNDERIOLD n+iyttl'cré outri'de or the f‘ity._u our motto I. “linat-k Snloa and Small Profits." 50 "0|”. ‘ uhnw goods. Thrive nlw uke thll occasion to return." t an!“ for the wry generoul pntionugo In in. hkretot‘ore ‘receiwd, nnd indung the hop. thlt b strict nttcution to busiuus. Ind I high "- }; r-l'l'nr the interests of both our pltronl O“ u Int-Ital, to‘ merit in continuum" of their had rots. IthEIIART Jr .‘L'LLIVAN, ‘ ,i ‘l‘orner “min and Mountain It!"~ lAprii a, mu. l-‘nirlield. m. i, OW4]. .1 B'lth Coldrcbulg 1 a?” J ',Jtaatunzu, cr ”an BH_INHmAL lgh’aatl whidt ”‘W b Q/F’kéj checked witha “mph-1*!“ 1 UL‘ d 3: if WWI W ”’l‘- mm eaiausly. Few an er ,tha impa-temot Qf stopping a fig r £ll4l:ng in its fim stagnant W in. the beginning umld yield {a 1: mad remedy, if not admdod in, new W W lungs. :~ Elam/l." grant/Lia! Hindu. {are first inb'bduced ileum. w. a“ Ithpsbempmd afiatthcyaumb" 'aru'cle before the public for nag/u, fluids, ‘Qranclu‘iia, jinx/um, ”emu/1, the BMW}; in gm. fiyfim, and hum-afmiau f ‘V. hicat,gllringimm¢dxht¢rdif. Mu Speaker: and 50.3 mm" WM them efi'cctual for W Md Wmhgning the Louisa. ’ j 313.314 byall®ruggw¢l magma: a. Wat at 25 cent: pcr baz.‘ § (WA. 1), Bvluul, Agent, Gouyl‘mt‘. 1‘1)“. 30. 18M. 8m ‘ z ‘ Notice. ‘ ' OHS lONBS'H ESTATB.—Leum 1! .5 Q miniun‘tion on tha estate of Job) I.“ We of Lillian-Mn, Germany towns“ , eoufly, dean-od. having bun with? v’ undersigned, residing in tho "it " h‘o hen-by given notice to all palm ind. to said estate to yank. immodinee poymntin] those having claims against the oamo'to M them properly “mu-tinted for "uh-nut." * GEORGE: STOSNSIFIR, AM. Jan. 13, 1362. a: - ‘ Restaurant For Sale. ‘Hfipubsorlborlntending m gojnto no“ llmi'lno‘l. offal-a tho good will and Int-m '0 his Be-xtnumnt, m Ohambenburg u _ uh. Th! Restnumuflmln good "11! oft ' nild will he sold chenp fur eusb. lii-If anion delired. GEO. E. 50“,! n ‘Oeltylléurg, Nov. 11, 186]. , lw'lleMb EMI