The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 20, 1862, Image 2

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In In)“ of kin—4m “‘01: of lm‘dv—
hc CNN} 0! Sm.“ non: Would never; _
“amnion o! hum-tho union of hand.-
‘,ldgfllt m of our Union forever! ' _
g”, pug”, 3mm up run-3mm
ny't’rtunvna. PA:
310 mm: nonxmo. JAN. 2?). ma:
hogging: at; tlie‘ Democratic State
' . ~Centnl Committee. ,' .
The. Donmcmtéc Sate Central Committee
get st Buchler’i Hotel. Harmburg. agreeuo
My no Q 35 9:11 of the Chairman. on Wed
mudny “Cannon, January 15. 1862, umbreo
"o’clock. when the follo'wéng gentlemen In?
"end to their names: 7‘ i
Stigma ‘D. Andnrlon. Willi”. D. Bonn,
I. 3. 11mm, J. W.Bmwn, J. Cu‘mmmgi.
H. L. Diem-aback? M, Donovan, Pigahp
PaushaflgA. I'll nd Glam, 1". M: Hutch
‘ anon. S. . Hyfie, J. Mama? Kreztrr. Imu
kwh, P. P; Mann-B. P. Mvers, Wm. H.
mar, Robert E. Moungh/un. Bcrn'srd Rhaly.
A. ‘L. Roumfort, Emu-y J. mele. Jimmy}:
X. Thon‘pscm. Nelson Weiss-r. Jam H.
Zeiglrr. Jacob Zeigler. Wuuu E. Wsun,
riflidént. ~ ’ _
"’O9 motion It In; : 4
flanked. Th‘tzbn not: Dunbar-nip Con
lomion b 0 hsld in the city of limriuhurz
on P‘n'dtfi the“): of July I.€Xt,,nl ten/o'4
clock A. .- . _ ,
The moetinfi ohm Committre mm a moat
harmonica: sin. A)! were basefiul 'nf the.
film". and confident in the belief that on
15p. mpz’dvTuesdny of October next the
Democracy aflhre old Eeynnn'oiwin achieve
gbrfillinnfnnd sweeping victox‘y. ‘ Davy af:
ter day 1);. Democratic sky bpcomel bright
my; ‘ " ' ‘ '
Simon Cameron Reaign‘éd
0n Mondaylant Lhé Hon. Simon Cnmoro‘g,
Secretary of War. rosigmd__hia position in
‘tho Cabin‘et. He has hem nppointsd Min-
Mor'h Bucks. from which ‘Cansius M. (flay
in About to retire. in order. n in aiid. to take
a oommmd iii“ (he Army. Mg. Cameron’s
yucca-cor is Edwin M. Stngton, an 9minont
lawyer frEgm Pennsylvania. and foi-morly n
oongpieuous momhér of the Ohio bar. Mr.
Stanton, it. ‘will be remombeng‘d, 'w‘as ap
pointed Attorney ‘General of 't'hé Uriiteg
Sula in Docembar, 1860, when‘ J udgo
Black wu tumfcrred to $59 'Bt'ue Depart!
mont. ‘ A . .
mm: mm he did. lmt aifiwmiwmmg to
stand» and, 5y lean. koqueiled nlgentloman
a: Burial-mtg to all, ll thelPahéo: rfc Unvm
‘ofiicehtlie D‘c-mocrrlfic auxin of tha_ State,
[and have the necnsslry "‘ cqrroctinn. " mnde
J~wharcupon “:9 oh r’v'od {he following in
lils ier-ue ofbeoomhel? QS'EX :; _
l I The :‘lflimbcrfram Adam: Ginny—Mr. Bul
-Ibny.~'§h‘o member frdm Adam. county. lmv
l in: liken 013:;an amtsg tlwlßepublicnns in,
{norm of tho lir-ts nf embers of tlzeJHon-sé
[of En reacntatises. ms wriitinn t lelt'er to n
E,.zenl.‘.ermn in this guy, in nhlcl‘a he washes
gilt exprmsly untlrrstpozl thrill. lib has h'oon a.
firm nn'l unwavprmg hammers: for‘ {aty
[fire yonrn‘ and meghs to c‘outinug so until
{he sw“; somn cauaqho chmlga la}; pqlilical
' principlru. He dildmo: acdcpt the sovcnllcd
l“Umnn " nmninntirfif n‘lz‘lx an agreement
or understanding than he lvould form an)?
cqmpromise or allilmce willi'tlie Rbpubli
cum. $l9 made nn'nledeei and omeg'ed no
linduremnnts to :lin Republicans other than
_. , , , that ha was an unconditional Union man.
“Tho s'l” “WWW?" 0533'“ ”“09“ and. in aomrdancmwith.hiaformm‘ profes
their llsu‘in u, ‘.‘ the aspecqof things” in 'sionn nnd presgnt figwlingaqho will get wlth
regal-410 the contested seal, in the Legislavi the Democratic mm 0" “‘9 HMS?- ‘
tqre from thil county. The] ar.e_ shaking i, _And yét. in the scé 0f jlll these profgk
1;} their .110“, fearing u‘,“ an Jacul wml‘fiions, upon the? ve fif-sg Ilest to‘w‘hlch he
Wyn hmily against their cvrwm, Busbey. {its brougln in th; ngsa'. {January 7th.)
if to deprive him of hi: ugh ' As A conse- Bugabey voted with lthcf Regublimu. and has
{fence they have ruorled to bugging—, Voted so ever ninng‘l [W ~ more can»
. 1“ Bylbey knows of sb‘butl thirty illegal summace douhlc—dénl‘"
Vote! for Myersl-rlhat Myors can't prove _ T—f‘w'
Inflhingl—tlmt i; is a “small business!" a Th 3 SM nlnm ("it flow”
40., he. _ concern In reznrdlco . 4'90». Lhe mves~
Oh you vary “ “m" ~ {or innance that tigation into Bushety's righil. to‘ 5 am; in the
I . V - r ,n 1 l f
gßepnblican Captain ofamilx‘hry cdmpnny, Lpbm‘atum' Well: they may, “all” thy
ahauld, by mtnggom (Arnaldo b": mm, 50 hBVe had no small [hand In onuumg LC. Let
lawn thevvote in‘h'n complnyu to cheat itabe .a lesson to {than}. {Herfaftetl when
n. county'out of in choice of 5’ Bépreaenta~ Captrgm Pl‘ezfi‘er. flung}: (3‘ two before m
five in lhe oodncils of the State. Very,°l°°“°“' mes theinepullllcan lad?“ hero
~ mun," to say that Mr. Myers can pron ghg ” gratifying ass'urance " Um? hit Wpany
nothing. when thg~ news, elicited under oath. Mum ”511””! 550;? 41 DMM‘ "0"» 1!" :l-h'm
before I Commissioner appointed by (h; “hm him *0 act'Jdifil‘rerltly—th‘at; Dung
oogn, lutwaek, fullfdustain and iuslify {rats have night to fbeluntottdred exer
him Ind his friendsfin mi. em," {O, m, lciao of We elecli‘velmmflaise in his Com
yiqdicaliqn of file. In} of the State and the l may as we“ as ans-where Isa—and. that so
purity 9f the ballot. lmx. And we suspect. almfi ufihey are déptivcd f " oqhal'yighk"
jhpl thé talk about “mm, illegal votes H {their {fiends at 11 ‘ms are at likely lo stand
for Mr. Myers will prove the " smallesg’flef’j trim-“ly‘by Witheniadnpti c aom’e nit-ans to
dl. It ll' significant, in .this‘ connection, ,IlmVe 1373““ d 0“ 3 I“ this way the 36-
figs? Buabey’s counsel aboulii fur! himself: publican leaders rlqay do a melting towards
fq achn‘ qf a witness so flan. Mr. Myem‘g ipneventing similar inwstilgations in the fu
lubpmn& might not réAch lain? ! “ Titreby } (Ute—As well u mejgit thereof. -
hangs I. tale 1", l
_ This mutter in now in Halo hands'of a.
poqmluae of the Home, to bk tdjusted “as
- tho-lag directs." There we' Are dispoeed
fqufio present. to leave it. and should not
My have midtwm‘d in oqnnection with
It, but for the low. man and dishonorable
{marks of We Star on the subject. .‘2‘
“ Loejtufice prenil though the h‘eavpns
fill." Tupnblic Indy; some 31:; judge of
’5? hot for themaelvoi. 5
——-—-—-- . - 0"
The mum of X 1; Camernnhsnd the up.
-poiptment '0! so tibia and chnsrn‘alive a.
'succenor M} Mr. Stanton, will impart lmpa
and courage ‘lo the country. 'W3jcmpt it
u eviden'oe that the Pre’sident'has liftefmin
-03;! hp! i 0 listen' to the mggéstions of the
‘ultra politicians who wo‘ulgl- destroy the
Govcrnment,and thp Constitution, b-"W‘er'
yertigg. the km from its lygitzmate o‘l-jl‘cts
into I reckless abolition c'rusade ; and also
is evidenée thy. an eri§of reform ip public
pxpendlturcs is about to comm' n_co. ‘
. "The Star snubbed nga'i’nl Simon
more}: has (by invftafidn or otherwise)
mimédjl'xévSecr-etarfihip of War, and the
fififiept has appointed in his place Hon.
«in It. Snatch, of “muffin-511m.3 affli
nu Danqcrht and a member of Buchqnan': Cab-
MI gt is cmel i}; “ old Abe ” thus to fly
ifi'flm (m of .such purgpazriou as the Star
mpnngéx?! ( Should n’t be ggtpp'xph‘ed if the
" editor ” gay? up in despair—gm? publish
ipgtpspex- Id; whitqpebpleoand \turned‘
#0 flu intophe “Samba Liberator," de~
. m 4 ”final! to the doctrine thut 3 11051-0
‘3‘“! nun a white m. w
fin: tho gm» Sgnm. an Tdeaday; Mn,
m. of Erie, (Radical Republican,) offer
" 93 ”winging-[for up emancipation 3nd
:ztyth'mg of dues. “ The world mom" .
71" My: Tang—ln the Hoysg at Him-i:~
bug. on .Thegdai. Mr. Hopkigs, of Wash
-'n‘hn. ofi‘or‘od the following rpsolpfion,
ytieh wu udopted 2 '
M Tim: the Commit!” on the Ju
dah?! be inscrncbed to bring in s bill To;
5 ‘th refit! of the act of lunession, entitled
'. 3: Au . Hor ghe congmgtation of wndago
.n'tiu.§' ' ’ ‘
‘j fl“ :1” 96533qu 0f the State are
gmigogs ix; gfidomiqg the action of Lh'e
' ‘goaopntio meéfljfin bf the Legislature, in
flu Mn of oficeu. Ibey‘Were right in
W} *0 Yard 19! gay ona "We Amp
fikx «3'! Lb. Je'gnkr 91d Bowman 5;.
We: uh ”wgw‘a’yl ‘ g¢mm .V. 15.1.: W an“.
r ,A_.__'_._,-
. ‘ AbolitiOp mm“. ‘/ , ‘g
ch'iou Phillips, in his xf'egent 411mm]
before the Fraternity 5t 'fremont Temple,’
Bummwd— 1 ‘ T ‘ i,
"The anti—slnverv pnfly'hsd hopod for
and p’mpmd d'wnwn‘hc‘uw in would'ledd to
tho dew-10Emnnt of mnnk'mé undfthoide
ration of t.o Muck man." i 1 3
And t\hen he exdl‘jjnzly “Mada-1" .[V
Tn six montha l’ expectnupandnnl The
game in :3). Ma L'ruon ult amdml. We‘haye
{:‘urchas notlnng Jun. dipgmme. ,"I'ho
. orth in bankrupt in cham'ter u in mom-y.
Before [he‘summor ends Keisha}! no 'tpo
confedemoies." f' ‘ } I
The “ editor ” of 11m Smitriufio laugh
-. ..m uur U'Xu'iu ~
‘dmm our (charm of Abbhtfipnisi'l ngainu
him, bgt Hé,e4hibiu to‘o muqlh " 1 ilo ”'not
to be guilt'y. Wan did ha fay lbefore lhé
wu- Lroke out? We quo I‘ (from Lil ed.-
torial colummhqot from by nd‘pcudlsfli:
ales. as b. gmernliy do» w W hp extract;
from the Compjle7)~—-thb folfl‘dwin‘g vc‘ry lig-.
nificxm'i parngnpbs: ,- ‘4| [: .
“ Mr; Gritmnden propodg‘a 1‘ eorie! o!
rosglutinm which we trun our saprmnh
mm in Gingren-m'll never dish! to."
" The «lac-{ion of Lincoln wag the triumph
9f 3 great, .rzmcmu; and ‘l,th principle
must not be abandoned. an! the Bapubli
can party sacrifice-d an the altar ofsunu."
“ Much as we. dqmnmo Ike the present.
difiicuhiu 5922164.] without n'rflsort to armn,
Wfl wauld not I'M it PURCHASED AT T?O
_By dim “ too you”: mHfloe f’iof com-u
Wu meant the "ruling pupiouf” of Abel;-
tionium—«the negro, ‘ ‘
But to ‘.‘ clinch the nail "an 140 the Stat-’1
negrOié’p}, we neegl' ‘taka but a «Menu
from'fise‘fitsc editorial (-quan of'tba: psi
pey bf June 7.’1861-- afirr the War was in
programs—u foih'wa: ‘ t 3 '1
- 1
“ What a binssiug to the war!!! ‘lO we)?“
in the: name yountlm lxlrorn'irm of Indy, the
Banana Serfs. AS!) AMERXCAN Kg
GROFS." f . _
This". dam 11%;)?!”in dcmtriuavof
Abohtinnism. but al‘o‘ fight. .0! " negro
equality," because m Lh'g quot'pfion American
nogroes are put on vn‘lovel yam: white men
of‘ltaly and Russia. J '
That will do for or; «1059.; \
‘ 19-3522 B'4sbe )1
lion‘s min.” and we _
is.” Previoua to the I
laud prnfnsainns of his!
. ¢
aac'gons of the cannula
sucécodnd in docbivi
cm“ into his support
hetried tn phyiho 5g 1
crafic mOnlbm-a of th -
thn’t somebody. in cl+.
of the ({ouia. “ wrot
”The Star of? Friday fay: tits: tho edi
tor ‘of this paper 1‘ win forpt-d tofu!) out the
stars and utripes by‘penohn “.h" waitad up
o’n him for that purfosei." The Star has
thrown out hinta of hiagahspo before, but
feeling certéin that. {hafcommpnity ku'ew
them to be nah-6e, w'e ~mlléovm’d them to pm
unnoticed. _Lea.t‘, hnwgve'r, the bold mer
tioh now made by Him; piper bHould b?
credited by persons ho Roped. we take
this occu'ion to pronpunile ii, squarely inf!
flatly. u (Machood—just 3 ch' 3 faXßehbod an
no other white man i the cd'mzpug‘aity
gould be guilty of but thin .. editdr " of’the‘
tar. ‘ 5 V 4 : ‘
' fi-Wasbington hnsi nuisch'ufi'Qnzxkexv,l
iii a. nest of ,rcd-hot A oliciqnisfigjust ‘
this place 1335"; They co at as nothing the ‘
gqod order of society. 0 :tbe Übibn itself,
if they can but gratify t. éir heai‘tléq yin;
dictiveness. First, they accuse Gen. S‘one‘
of giving information the reili'ell. then
Adjutant General Tho and His family
aré‘said to be guilty,fvhile othex‘a eVen
blame ngor General M'Gle‘flan‘himself
with being I tmitor to t§e FedarnJGovex-n
-mént; and Emily, they say that Mrs. Lin~
coin, who has brothers {ther‘relativpg
in the Souihern tun-my, lgiving the spy
for Jofl'. Davis and his vblutiogqy gov
ern'ment. Fort Warren: would be 1. yery
proper place for these AgaolitionA traitors, ‘
-——-———~—~o.oo —_—-.v-- ‘
Agatha: 9f the Throat.i—From the Rev. S.
,J. . Anderson, Put rof the Central
Church,~§t. Lnuis.-——“ l’; have been in the
habit ofusing " Brown's Bronchial Trbchns.”
or Lozenges. when colupelled to speak
though sutfering from cold. They nra‘very
beneficial in clearing 11:? throw. having no
injurious tendencies offany kind. 1‘ can
coqfidenlly recommend them it: ppblic
bpeaqua generally.” ‘ .
:‘I heartily umte in who above commeno
dation."—-an. M. Schuyler-339cm: othrist
Church, St. Louis. I ~ ;
fi-The Chicago Free 'Prm believes Gid
;dingu (Consul at. Monti-4:11,) hagdonb more
:Lo niake Canada secession in In; tymiah.
Ithies, than all the ”aged“ of the Confede
gftm: States. ‘ ;
l ‘ ‘ ‘: - .
The Int 0' he pint Bumlido expedi
tialmith the exception of tome vouch cu
Tyinguoru, left Annupolilfimdnpn Mon—
day tafternoon.
Account: from Eutegn Kentucky state
“I“ the Confederate force under Humpbry
Masha“ wu‘diabandcd on Hands: I week.
on‘tbe approach 6! the Fedora! troop- un.
dvr General Garfield.
Gen. Sigol him resigned hil position in
the Army; and we hum from a St. Loni!
pbper um this is to be followed by the re»
ignatiorllfof mher cfliéen nimoheé to him,
who think ha ha bun: unjusdy treated in
being mpiomdcd in {he oo'mmufd ofzhe
Army offing: - ‘ i‘ ¥~
The 1‘ «idem, it in reported, will do
cliuo Lokecieve Gen. Sigel’n‘ mignanon,
deeming him too iambic 8 addict to lose,
if it is possible tbi‘prenil upon him to re
main in he servioé. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
Gen. Grunt Indiuflihnn 1:“ “to on
the expedition Southward. _‘e ’ ndnnoe.
cohxmn under Mcaemmd. ismfip'rouching
Camp Bt-nuregnrd, which tho rebé‘ll must
fight or a... ‘ - 5“ <
A )1. O. dupflch acknowledges the sur
rendd‘ o! u Imn‘d force. of kebab it. Biloxi.l
The occupation of tho plsee by “5:. Federal
troop frongShip lslmd who lq'ognenluily
expected. | ‘3 x. '
WWO are utterly dinguxted :with the
eterad can: about. the disloyalty 9! Demo:
cr'uth. II it. not enough that. tlxhgpeopla of
tho State have thundernd tlwir c‘bndemnn
tio‘x’: of tlle slander it the ballot H9l? Not.
enough thut. tllo'u’é'inde upon tllqumnda of
brfve Democrats are in the fieldgof battle
for the defame of the Union? :In it. not
enough that. by our resolutions. find in our‘
papers, and by our déeda as woll’ns worth.
we utterly dircoumrmndo the; upceuion'
here'y, unduplmld the Administration in
all naceslm'y tumours for the alupport. or
the Governmsnt? What would tltese Phariv
nical Unionistslhav‘e fl ”What clothe hypo
critei mint? "Must “.9 abandon; our long
cheriblzed prinéiplu, revolutionlzé our ideas,
and place ourselves junequiroqblly upon ‘
their abolition platform. in order-1m be ufe‘
from: their venomouqnuacl'u? Let them!
nmlocrire themselvef The poplilar heart
responds to no such arbitrary démand. It.
tln-illé to the rrt‘uaic of the Vnipn. :but it. o'anv‘
not be morecl by the insane fitting: of I.
rrctiomfi pulls}. Tho late elelntion has:
taught ibis. Ihe pimple have Irinkon, and .
their r! r-lict 1i: ff’ngl. Lbolitlrinism. cor-4
ruptinnfi intolet‘mce, have been voted down: ‘
hencafoa'tb they should renr their accumed 4
hemla and continue their abomlmble work
at» their peril. Wm; can Icalpulntn the
Imam-re: of injury the nbolition pron has
done the Umbn clnso’einoo thi- ele‘ctfion?
It. luu tent tlrle monstrous falsehood fortlt‘
to the igéoplerlof tho rebellions South. ltlnt.‘
Pennsyyvnnia [has entloraed by ~| majority
of fortj tbuéand. their; unholy disunion
scheme, Is not tlxiaG" aid and comfort," to I
the Pnemy? What more erwoilélging xmrn‘
could they Have ?-—A North (liyirlod: the
work of prvserving the Union repudhtcd
by tho Keystone State} 2 ‘
We call upon the nppositlonflfiurnals to
counterart as far ns they can, the rnischivv
ous influence they have bun) sn maliciously
exerting. "flu: reogle demand of tlmm :1
retraction ‘gf their nlc slander-s. They
warn the partimm Who utter these bait and
danzo'rous charges. that for-bounce is not I
nlmys deemed a vitzul-r The Democracy
have - plodgod lh’émsnlvea to tho preset-vs;
flan of the Union. Théir influence must'
not be injured, nor their fork increased by
dismurogement at homp' thé moral mp
port Whil'h Northern fanatic-now afl'ordingl
the rebels of the South. Rofiéllion must.
be resisted to the bitter end. and if Aboli- ‘
iionism puts itsng in tho: way of tho earliest ;
con=ummuinn of this torriblo, yet n‘ecusn- ‘
:3: work. let Abblitionirm'almre Rebellion!
fate.—- Wayna‘Gl. Herald. . ~~ (
a “ thrown-cuff flue
iow see him "u he
inn: election, he Imade
gDemnbr-nmin certniti
. nndgno doubt; thus
‘ g nmflhex-s of Drmo<
’ A fey moxgtha [3th
o garfiae on ghe Demo
anis‘ly’ntqrfiy, “poems
«ifng the members
him pwn f’ (Rumb-
Abo‘in'on Preacher’s—ln Ipeahing of the \
runo- which have prnrluoed our pvt-semi
dxfiiculties, the Louisville Journal truthfully i
any: thit, “frpm the beginning. the able”
instrument. of peduétion has been tha sedi
tious md unconstitmional utterance: of un-'
principled Earthen) prenthrrs Incl edimrn,l
urging their congregations find their YM'.
ers‘ to .s crustde against. (ha :oqial ordar of I
the South. {These utteunceai have‘ hem:
eagnrly, aviae‘d and industnouyly used by,
this Southor sed'uoon w futon in tho‘
minds'of the who]? people the éanm'ca'on that '
this wax/la u ‘versa-I sandman! and‘purpqu."
~ 19-1125 flar- has {or year; began er}-
gnznd in thin “ crusade," and ii now; giving!
“ aid and corfort " to the teba’la by‘ trying;
to {and}: in hair minds the-belief that the!
Denmcx‘afic lnrty is " seceuion‘r”—that par-l
ty which, “L" In: October (fiction. demr'
onstnfled t n they are in Afmnjdxity of,
qhirty ‘l2) {city thousand in the great‘ old‘
State of‘Pen sylvaninf—thxtpni'ty which int
n‘owirgprpsented in ghaumy of the Union
by sud): mén u MchuN. Bantu, Burt-E
319311 suuys. and loom of when no less!
mentbfious, besides it; hundreds of them--
unit {in the rank and file. 'Buch jg puty‘
dihloyfillt Fauth ~ ‘
1 HOSPThe Star ‘uya that. tho House‘ at Hat.
‘ rinbmfg wu ‘orgmized on the “ union " but
I'm. ‘Yea—F “union” for thp tpoils, 9111 d
'notbihg el 9. ‘Busbey took the advice of
; the Aboi'rtwn clique who manage the ‘Star,
pad jqinetj the Reptfidican membérsjn ef
'fecniqé pr“ union ” fo‘r thgt very patriotic
l purpgse.‘ ‘ , ‘
. ——————-oo.oo—.—————-..
‘ Wm; Hopkim—Sothing that we could
’ uy‘ wbnld afld‘ to (he estimation in which
L fbis veteran Democtatjt‘hold by the De~
‘ moorphy of Pennsylvania. Pony—five good'
iami true Democratic'votu were given to
him for Speaker of the Havana-71nd 31-
‘though he yrfi's‘ defeated. we :would nth»
{he ‘in his pdoition today’th‘n that of his
lsuccessful opponent—rather Bufi'or dofett
Ewith the Democratic party, than triumph
with he enemas. ‘
@Rumora continue fife pfbthet changes
to be magi; the Cabinet. ‘nadian Ro
pgblicam seem to be utgqnded, while
Conservative men of .11 parties ire highly
gratifiqd. The Know Nothing Wida Awake:
of the Star 9.1-9 bully wounded.
@‘The United SpamSemte, o‘nWodnep
day, in Execxgfivo Ifuion. confirmed the
nomination of 1109. EdW. M. Stanton u
Secretary 6f Wax-”by a nun-1y unthimous
. ’The principal feature in the business
of the 1101130 «:3 the passage by the lugs
Mtge ¢f 133 to 4 of 1 joint, resolution from
the Committee of Way: und Menus tint. I
tax be impaled, which, thh :the_ tarifl' on
imports, will seéure an ann‘ual sum of not
less than $1§0,000,000.
Wu News,
Guilds. PORTER 7 ’
10th (WA 17‘ "‘~
mmcgd Re . RDS- "
0“ u u), we; h-‘Y_ 0.; Th. 'Pm, e—gfILROAD Ezvfluaq
or?“ “do: M°norw ~ hm ' Mm , Fm: 3 ‘~- .
, 1151‘ r. 00d. cam. ’01:! hold 0!” 3- .
T 5 Ilr -G: (n 3. me 0:1 BF '
° louunp‘k’wn 0' wmt o ”hawk" pl mu“! i of a“: 2; ‘P‘m’f- {LC 1;" ~-. 7
pm’pooe 01; i! V 0 an“? “I n Ih. ,5 , 4”“! ’ce' 01] Mn' “I. 8‘ 7. tiwuy‘m' 5““! he ’ m
mm. ' ‘udu. ” Won "1"” to, M‘ hmgem “day ‘- ‘°n no 'J‘hn Bomfium ~
”co \° Qu. 3?! 1"“ .lud a- ' Div ‘ m. ' 2“}: ”mm n”W ‘ " an.
3 am, rte” .ed 3 ppo . In! Ind m, e p,“ In. o, ,
,3“ "8b! "11l (0 t ’7l» Imin 11! 0" ‘-~' 3 . en» “‘0 ‘n ”w ”a,
1~ ”2 a: 'u~ he he 0 R 3w $1 B‘“quro ed“ 3." cc, ,
15,000 fe Bclnu' {possible dung," 30‘ ”on; SPO" of ‘1) - W 27“, 3to ‘be Ch . I Ifmom of th\Jck in “En, ”la lIPIny 811‘“
“dis. a. ct 3‘ s 9 “rui'h "'l. 1!)?“ th’ Ro'de Prflid I see," Mr fin tn the h“ is g law. “Urdiume DH! in“,
Fin" 3 an P'l‘ 1° 1 I read an ' or ”In E“ ’° ho “002 "“h
l d 3 h “mu. {1 . a fin th .. 1 [red ‘t H:
hiya-V!an B h‘m'hqn omnd: . d I'——'l led. “d, 0n mo: Pnst a 9pc“ Elwyn“ delayth.‘ 1“?“ IIV tha C i,
n,no , -:r n 3 '0 ya Dm‘- o , \e' o:3
...: ~. *» 333.3303
3 po'rk ”3".” . y "I°, 0 prod pre‘mb i. ‘ and , 'oglme't “I. B \‘nntn" °°|sde ‘ll,.
. com “for I“! “’,ltr 3nd u 10 ind' ' 1n {lt} . I‘o mo“ ondhn #95 In "1 lo "I
vlis 3 J In“, _ ‘bem Ilhi" of“ we] -““nimo s In”, . foreclfflt‘on, and “pie it. 11.1.3}, Fm ”LG
:3". “mend ; me. bet:'“““' thee 00k“ »u 1y ido anon. ”mu sure of mo d "Illinpmwcdr‘
1 WIN “but k L ' m. Mi.” {‘lwa P°n ze 5 4 pm. m i from th: m “lav -, Yon-em .110
m V ~ ' "In 3 . lam '“b r; Ra “a ‘. . 011 g“: amal- 3on ,v "Md 91.13
00b '3‘“ into n," “on? ”not ' [of “man Deep-it‘lespwn fwd 02013} M p‘r'mmb‘: f” “yum":- 813:1: "Ryan" ‘0...
. my.” f §cor 3 u yd; “Wm “.11: Rat °n the y .0 “ado mp’va “11l mi “mg“, "Knish fimunthwem
“f dimculwtho “3"“ mm ‘N to 5,1391 mfg,” “15m of 3‘ -p.3},‘y'7d myyle our; be‘:;,,#fyer {33" mama" Lite
”:3“ 3.3 mm» 33° 3.: {" Wm: ..3: 333330;“ Maw 3mm
.hd enough 1m "lap Hig he" hat, ‘hlfl‘dl‘idmtebof Aedlife hund Vi X‘sztanwgsevof" 03:20:}, “.51 0f wlé “mgde ::¥}Whio)£r.9
I-. ." t '7' am an .‘of m,‘ ,r 3n0,. _u ‘ ,3-
m'édJufam y“ ‘“ ‘hmfimeu Ith 98%! mn‘nc:; "' ‘nre ”um,“ “9d ‘ffmcf‘PO-i' tr'butiooyr dutnbffimmy brhenl 1:33;" ‘i'
Poem“o““or3ll'o3im-ox ' w!” new.wvi 60371:? d for ‘hfitgogdf 1m? it “'o'. ”my 23‘“ We??? 1'“ Ill?" Thi- pfirouxht 'i‘ °
~ I . ‘3‘ '- ' ' ‘ o ‘u'm. - o t
Wu 5" "a non b° Prise “Mb“ lh‘o‘e' ' ”V 96' "W. 13“,! ‘ = our thy d"??? h“form! I‘d-h"?!y thauio‘nfid "c 1303! 9f "c:
' “it? Co] {‘3' ~.“ ”damn." RegiJDjregmn upon «.1. ‘ ”mic“ ‘the é‘bthamonltmn b "me. "hm,
‘3 ew ': m} t- r 3. "' - o u'
h¢:°:’«!ntd up?“ ~ “'31:“; Yo“: cf? {3?‘32'34’13530353 O‘y‘ ‘éyfiaal‘fgg 253.;h5hrna3bfgga- 2Ll,;°ceaé‘i°;;t r? ‘3
. . .. Iv_- ‘ rf ‘ , use. 3 “s': tb_ It'd lair t“.
inkm The“ '9.“ v. 5 y “be ’ 'h‘n o ’mgo", e err d 3 oc. e‘fri ”‘9 ""I - e 03‘ 0‘" 0f d1“-
. t cuio 3‘3 . an“, Pm»! L. ' "no: fof‘th i ‘ ‘he L 411; “3“ t “’"On ”“30; "W 6
Mr . ”Willi” in dI. 3353““ Au», 1}” n the .R pyog cum or 0n - .If ‘of ‘h 3‘.
- G 1» 1o “a! In elf -“’"- ; mbly ' 3’95, “po 5'“!!! of lb ”‘s‘” U"m ' dill
Pl“! 2030‘ O 3._ 13-9 arm . c fchn Dd we 31l ulnd .rt’ .v {“0061 E mart" or: 0' PIN a
3s Co pm, 3 nob! °ntem had A ham, "Wm-"him" °urrh “9 Id” -g" P 3 “Mo“: 4:
n m 3. t an Plate ealrab- 1m .e the. Wide ' e3O 4h,
2.12%«33223‘ died Org-«b3: :3 c. ‘ 'l‘b maxi? .2333: 1:338:33 “1°“ ‘33s2?':°:§32s°.‘l33°r"§h2f3h3~bffiwa":
Y 3 .0n ~ond 5 fit. a-' ‘T m . -01 2e -, i 0:- oth .‘ 0n “‘o‘
Ev", morn ’"ndwhfl lly ’ 3 ”me ’ but =“m Perar ’Ol » Mm. ~ .“Yns alh‘ d: 1 ,6-
Greo "‘B. w' r y'fbu - “t. 01‘3"!“ purged ‘0 h 1 Our 1"“ 8 SIM “no“ of “”070 1,3 MI '9“
07m. “C? ”h M‘i “9‘lo 1' th “"9 3r M 1 ""°‘ 0 p°"e n I'] -‘hisl ”1e “mm. - °“Ero '- “
0 ma“, 13;” n Ved [ e 6:5,. he , 5““. I'. ‘szsl aw My Free 913 g,“ ~
dmhn “"d‘ u. ”“M ' ' h°n ' ‘om 1"" of": “red”, p“ In ”his. J'th a“lra: “tub - “‘45 nl"‘-"v an”
. It ‘ng‘h m‘ in .an, ,he tr Ana <dlm‘ .‘, M 6 road “”113“ ("fig “ [he ,
Acre" - m ”in: "0" "i 175. ”hird D “In“ “9 fri “01- ~ Luhlo "PM: and .V 33 “m. . “W
-:. . -W cm en mng H . PM}; m. f I ‘sth H] i-‘E
N‘ Y Mt, 0d “ndky b“3 09 the ‘We. ‘ f .n-Lg, 3kg 011 3 'Of‘b ‘On 0119 71d“ th .ondhdd. 1'1“” - eCo ‘3]
T-. “11w Imir '“Mr “‘1 e E“). b' " ucc “Rom :on “M “r- : ”Wo- “rai‘
1d mo “hd 19““ a. frag; U) 3. 1, ‘plan . ' omg ease; , m "t. T} t‘tu-n.“ "flan,A Ver 1 3!}
. _ A God? - fine - than Led firm“ :a. hnv' ‘6 a 86 u "Ege' °‘l
fdi urn his}! “"”6! 33¢ '°" 8‘ r: Prerm. of‘tl ' ' “PM ~' ' "'3 an "m“ht -p "° a “NHL“
. 39'9”. PPR" I {O pnfis‘. 1 H 0“ 3 ed “0 ‘)9 TO . mm]; lfnpk 3 my)“ .(291' Hock cel‘tn' 3.‘
‘o‘ ‘he “flex, “'o' II “1‘ child ‘"GM I ' R R ck_ Posed A “in 'in Be).,- "Du-e Isa ""34
, -. , . 4:1 , rm» . cc, ' um] 7 .ct t 3 my“ 4mg wnh ‘ Ucd (I‘l
PF“ ”"3“ 3nd. hl‘i “‘1 beo .mm ’“ty 3,11 W 3 th" cc he hyld Mann hB c 3
3'. . .‘esid been 3f‘ Illa . 3“°_to *'qfi ' ”I! ‘H‘u‘ ’miolof ‘ f‘fllnf P 295121- omg:
lumen; t he” he a “3083?; Mr J'm‘wi‘d . Whinvf’nve‘figat:°r° ~ pOi‘menfa-nd R; 522? manage?“ road Juah‘r‘refvrilm w
0 ”10‘1“: Er'ldlghe‘i' Ann‘iw‘; :lé preénzow “13‘°§noco:ted I comz ‘ 3:091:31“; '1‘11934‘538' w?“ enable 16;} 3;:
’- I is; e w ’nd‘e" “If Olden tame ‘in mm 10f “(if or,“ 5- I.x“, n. A {M'Ou'q 51m "mum ‘3.
L ‘4 ‘, - ‘5“. “"dbo ' Order . the ’7O "Wk ”my d-fl b 9 rcq "-5 of .i q
'3 h y “Pen” .‘Nom ”33°51“ v- ‘ .Ck‘i ”“- 130 “ ”mu-'o‘“? 6n“ “n: 0f;- "'
:"““W- or 3' n“ bm “ Imm» "4" 0f i {manm'mthm 3'“°mx-In""‘“-V~ 1f”
*3 mam“ «my mm» .33“ m to 1.333
\i a . N ":m .R‘ .v
f “Th; °lectj 3 I. of \vhxczhL'g‘Q nu”“1"“.Iu-HV‘X’HHIest? of {11.5038 ”1
"momn .0“ w'u'ul . ’ ‘ thug ‘o'; i‘muzmE thl Pk 10', n 5“ ”‘aec wimp
'Pffmdf mull; an 8 lag in: { Q ' hafiflf‘mg thunzr‘l‘vlnyumEel l‘u! 3-0“-
quna ‘"!"(‘\n f . O’With ‘ ¥mn 11' If t- he into i!“ “In .H‘o
_ gal (- P . Robe t}: "n: i “13 a his“ N)“ h
litmus ‘”I ‘ ‘ ' “Winn. '9 Pri‘jun "““mm of “m it
"- ."Inpa “r‘lV.l ‘ r'l‘h‘e ’3l“?an ”(911 b‘. ~mnt 15, ‘ 1
' 'nrdM Wm Y‘rvien“.""mhp 3““9-130-N‘“
PP . In “No. ‘ "Hv . an)
11" .to ‘”I ‘kl "On 0‘
.D- . rm.” 90m“ iompx‘. u,” 3
. ‘ Ila , m 01“ . urs‘ n;
- _ {that- H tlnb Prprfllsn i 4
. )F 1‘03”) an FYI-Pd 1
' mi “3
Although thnro nrq I number of sick iin ‘
tiff Hospital, lwc an Vtolafithlt none luff
dsx‘nzv-rnusfly so; Tl‘e‘éeneé‘al health of thé
Rggimnnz is good
On:“’ed‘nemhy ending. 33-01 hiyi'l Brhs’
Bmui. Porter Gina-dz. jaw-Ih. (own a 89;".-
nnde. And A d-fighlml on": it wag. . Wp
hope theywm gin- “.1 “whim-6am fn‘quent
13'; This mnmbnn all am in tin be brésfl}
qiém in thoir uvenl want-rails; the Prhfi
isém “A No. 11"1ud'rr.t.h oqun‘. oflwhom‘
«a havd nrely bind the pleimre of héarifig. ‘
‘ «Mp ,A\ w- 4 -- 2 .
AFATALdASD anaemia ,Accmm'r,
_}On Thursday wank, S(I:+'THOI'AS Huts.
of the vicinity offlhinpr‘né urg. WM return
irfig from that gplace'jlo 111 home on font,
on the railrmcj, \vhvn‘im n 1. a ‘rni'n o‘f hur
(fen. can: in 3" narrmjv cut.» find, 'to name
them tried m $9.11 {apt-how on the 31d» of
the rut—bin éanid n‘ot P rforlly m‘u‘cnd,
uirwu yucky. The euMeer‘nw hip).
hm (no his {o' check his ‘lN‘d. He ffoap
efd all thfcann however. h x the laEt'. which
y‘rn vim-r than my} Irmt. It. struvk hlwm.
and he fell under {he wh «la. and was Jui-
fed ins‘mmly. hxa bgl‘d bri
turfrox’fi 755 133,857 Lt wa
ful evom. HP was a 50n
1e3125. FAq . M New Oxf.
most Interesting; ybtu‘ag m
dxtm‘ Genuxul": Rayon. “3"»:
lowing accoumt between A
the State
ungxu um ‘:o 11:! "A 73.“ 1m taut-rt
Tax on ("orpnruhon Enoch} |_
From Gettysburg Rsilmnd EL
Gouysburg k l’mershurg TM]
Gclzjshurg \Yncr Company
l n
urge qqmntity of coal Drought bver “3’: ,he film may
road ml tlxere would havajhnen. llfill 1h - ' Bonrlhoidms- and I'm- Company is notl
brnn no uncortaintynn‘d clv‘vin getting t; om. mnm-rnnn llret‘tlit'“lé.c One n
The total earnings from ssxoii- t ‘ , ; 1W“? l" Teh‘r "- “M ““1093. m“
pd” “’FQ- 35.139 flO Oil'rrl. a dr‘t‘ldrd mod-s". l‘he L'l
Freight, f ‘ , [9.0.53 :80 land Valley lernadtt‘rclmpnny mIH ‘
Transportation ofStMeGoy, troops} lfifl 8d a lit" WWW] EDWIN-2:11! the CF9B!
"1‘ 1.7.8. I} -- ' ! .. preterm-l stock; to relieve the. Cu :
11 ' from in‘olvem-v. [l'll ' urmngc-xuv
rfi‘cx‘ted and \lw Cumpnel‘yliu hvvu p
ing ever sinre. and islnnw makin
’ div ilnnds 9n the < ommun stuck and .l
The prdlna’ry‘eepenrea 9f the yearly to a 511' plus lund. Au r-xz'un. l
yuruhounttoSßfi‘ll 78$! Exhii into the operations of that road ti ,
,the amount of orders in ’cd. am aimilar law, will Gull-fly any our tlmt l
Trouurot’a statement. mo’ {- most Just and vduitnblr arrangexnouti
imaued Itthe close of the ear are. interests and one xuvolvmg the 10;
yet. end It the beginningalfthe yo 4‘ pomp and sacrifice. ' ‘
‘uum‘her of outstanding tlrdt‘rs‘ i-"Pi‘u 51°! The present managers of the road '
1‘7"")!!! Y?" '3'". [mid [if ”‘9 'EIWMUIIK nureu’ that. thh vxgdrousrxertmn l
The cash received from; gents mbru AM fin“ a“ the next gwm'of mAnK/xgefl‘
the outnandmg bills at the and atl the' list gmmhisgs of ”{3de iii“). be “m “L
F"? "1d ‘1“? ‘ smell P“ OHIO“ L“ W t"- , sacrifice and the intern}. at all pnrtif]
“1" “P ”cw!“ 0‘ other» #9« ‘ - " ‘ muted, A few weeks will only be ne -
Dun": ““3 3°” '01?” C mmslrm' land ’wuh the p'lonpr exeruuns, moon“?
damaged, 09931013“! by ‘ con-timotirm o*. this prnpowrl project. All which is:
the reed, were pud, ”.d me loin: Which:full)“.sub|uittotl.. 31. McLL‘IIDY, 11
had been made in reuofl years More nasal ‘ ’
mtirfiud.‘ These elpeiml Md in equity ' d‘L t ..___.
right a. precedence over t 'e mortgage (132,! ‘
becau‘sethey were for I. very land nudl
material! which make t ~;e subjfict of thel
‘mortgnge. The result at? the pnyment‘of;
l these olaimq and the limiq‘d earnmgn of the
‘ road was the non-payment of the couprfina
‘or interest “Vibe Bondsim February afar!
Mngustlut. he Board'wishodjo confer
‘,witb‘ the Bondholdm qbeut the unpmd
I coupons, nndfin April last-jealled a meet \g
i of the-Bondholden for thit- purpoea of c n
’ aultation. tendevise dome "lab to rhliet‘e he
compuny’fromite mouninfiembufi‘aum . t.
There was ‘no attondnncé) and the Bond
ithen. upon consultation igvith soxhe of the
'Bondholders, devised mpg") for their r(- of,
l the msin features of Whl‘h areas follo 3:
To issue preferred stock {,O the number! of
l 4000 share: of $5O each. evacuating t05200.-‘
[OOO. which stock is to be; in receipt of: all
| the net earnings of the road up to a Certmnl
l per centege to be fixed npon by the Com!
| pa'nyfluefore the iqsuing e‘f thn stock. argd A
gnu-mtg to be given by the Company; liy n
Ireaolutiion and by stipulaglon .in the cemfi
eaten of this stock, thatj't shall hevejhe
{preference out of the eainings of the r ad,
4. up to A pertain per cent», This‘ prolonged
Swom'lm—ig-The oommittee who had in‘stock to bdgiven to Birmlholders in :ex
chm-8° tha loonte'tgd gheefion c 539 froth‘ chmge for their bondomdd the bonds ligted
Redford count} ”between Hon. John de and cancelled, and this, ghen all‘the bonds
‘ "H 1 d ted . '9re cancelled, to opener: ua. satisfaction
no ""1 69°; W. 3‘2"!“ er, "9°" ml of the mortgage. The 1.9 m uthorxzmgjhe
“V 0? OLMI. C 958”. “Id be With "'0"! in! Com my to mortgage lhu road L 0 be rup‘eul
on Thursday, um] took his mt. There m! ed wagonaverhthfioarmnfimen[lile ennszm
now 4" ‘ e , mat with t e ndbol re. " 188106 to
I sound Democrats mth House In need for no other ”we” “Imm re-
I! deem the bonds issued under the mortgage:
I The consent of the Stockholders and Bond
!holden to be obtained before the law takes
‘ effect. A Bill wu propo ted, the substance
I of which is given Above." and a committee
'lent to Harrisburg. neag the close ofthe
1m Session of the Legigture, to have a
’law passed. But the attci. non of the Legis
lature was so much occupied with matters,
:pertnining to the rebellion that the 113111
could not, be paused. Thia- spplicntionghu
‘heen renewed at the present Sceulon,lnd
‘ the BI” passed the Senate onlut Thursday,
' and is now before the House of Represents.
twee. where it doubtless! if not pmed 117
ready, will in ads, or tire without any ob
jection. A meeting of *6 Stockholders
will be It once convened ~ pon regular no
‘ tioo, end the law, lubmitted to thermu pro
‘vided for in the Act, for their wcefimnco
orrejection. If weopted‘by the Stoc hold—
ers, it will then be I mittqlr of arrangement
~ a ,
Tu on Reg] L [Pol-sou} Esta
Tnvem Linn-«Sn, V
Retain—il ‘“ 5 'j '
Enunz Houses; Rut“ wimp;
Tax on With, Ponds EL, 3.
n u A. J R;
‘u u u . z
chum-m: Inhqrimnc- Tu,
\“~ you" incuvn no»
Getty-hurg‘lldlropd Co. to
pcrmiop of troopn, ‘
Pension: ind Grunfliu, \
(.‘nmmon Smock. “ 1
Abutment ogwflnu Tl}, ‘
Vila-titan of Retl’fittita in
' .‘Coutr, ‘ L ‘
Amémnt of TI: on Wgtchei
Amumeutbfl‘u,‘ ‘\ ‘ I
Population, . :
Tumblcs, : *
fi‘rhe Laniaxlla'lua:
burg (Y. B..)wm hoid in.
im; on the. evening of th
the Academy, The pdb
whiny Irmy‘wagn
from Banku' diviudn. aér'
nesduy. gnd rammed
purchased at the ware—h -
Diehl, Brinkorhoflf & 00.?
fiflon. fgwnn Me?
us under obl gating! for I:
from the Patent office. , ;
”Jesus Damon, Esq” of the Home
at Harrisburg. has 0d;- thanks for Legisln—
tive favori. ~ ‘ . —‘ 1
16' Sheriff Won. on qututdar hut, 30161
the property of Henri Bltner, in Hummu
bug. to Jacob Bimnger, st 3825 ; and the
property of 11. R. gram}; Mendlen o‘owg
chip. ob 0604‘ w“. Wicker, “1,575.
”A “am young 'bhck Howfdundx
11nd Dog can be had by inquiring st the
Compiler oflida. : 1 ' ‘
#Oll the slavery question, it in well
known Mr Stanton’s views are firmly op~
pond to my of the scheme- of proclaiming
emancipation or arming the slaves.
The appointment in aid to be high], at,
ilfsctory to General McClellun.
Md Suit-On Monday 2m, suit was
brought in the Supreme Court, New York,
tgainlt the propriewn of tha Post by a Mr.
Smith, for $lOOO damages. The suit is based
on an agticle in the PM. chnrging Mr.
Smith with being a. Secessionilt. This
should serve us a cauti6n m'such abusive
sheets I: the and Star.
fiThe Boston Pod says that Gov. An
drew commences his mmsgeiike 3 white
pun, bug. turns black before he ends it.
A]k-- . x . ,
AnhtKrilP of Pa). oh'ws. “(he [find msoul .tlwxr :(pck
Dial. Wm. . I}. l» snug-fly lost: butle‘ the mml mmnu
W. Tnvlnr, 00$. , 11" c wpwnle vlmmn. tlu-rn 1: a pruspcfil.
.16 and Wm: A. l1;'«-Wullnttfrmg onl-,nrm: extylz-fznn i)
‘ I . I ro.ldun_dvru< vm-ycanawo 5113 mm.
E! z x ‘ (“11:001-an {nun-mws. and prIIVIJ-m-fl.
‘ ANNUAL R “CRT. ‘ llergad from llvadxpg to Lglmnbm I
,_ ; '“ - , \progrms o! mmtrrucunn M fins t-um.
Orncz or‘rnt Gmnnc Flynn? 03., am.“ ‘of (luv mud ,g tn farm a (liruct
' Gettysburg, ‘Q-l 13,- 1 “2' :. ifa om New York only 111 i somb-Iwrst‘c
Tle [‘oan of Dlroclm- . ln co Toma}?- I‘M‘Wm m com» wt Wlth lho Bnlhmor
will) cha rr‘quirament: nf' up Clml’lr, “‘l‘ tho Rnilroad l-vynncf llunrnck :':m
nut. m Ile fitochlxoldfirc 1h follnwmg shu’)»: merr'nntzlo nnvl mnmifuntlu'iug m'lme
m‘pm of tho afl'mrn of the ompnnyflnr 1 ‘0 .that great motrolmlk r«n- unw enlnit
wax-. 1361, accompanied (:thLiti of I’lye‘ tlns mu-rpnse and l‘urnmhmg the c,
Treasurer and xlwdxudxti Cnmmzlttmv. 5} m llu'xld 1h» run-J. TBny Hanna? 0
TR» mnnthli receipt: 0 the Gsmpnnvjlla fr \m tln‘ Flats- 0f Bhrylnwl such fnmr
«hmvn by oxll.bit m'zrke A {verv in 'o and I-rxvi'vgnk as thiq Company Wy
‘im'nnn u largo- " the Min-Ipm? in c 3:lan llwivmnly wmarly mll lu- to us
gmpondmg mnntlrm in p vinugxmrs, n _ mail from le'nrd hflflfis f:l:u‘l“ahd 0
Hr luler par! of April 8 tlm brwizmiy Kit uml'g-r 11m ichurn-r 0L Ih}; Comm
of Muv their! was namely ny l‘mfiprmq 11,. llvnom‘k. null lln'lt‘ to mnnect ml
311': rn Iho‘rnnd. .T'nfi trn ~s Whr’flim‘flihi Bdtxmnw and Ohio [Built-marl. as {lu
9“ hn .‘h" quthrxn CH .111 Raxigv‘rnv. [F- tyzlmrg liailrnn'l‘.'ulngy‘m:y has'tlwexq,
twebn (he K-lunclinn and thimmo‘ in. m ~ um] v-111 prwilcpe {o (5). ll: thin we:
Ift; «no? cf the dostrucli ol' thgl‘Brnl s v-tpck- would'lu-mmo; valunbln; and.
M» That maid Ly a lnwlt‘u obumt (lurr a “man lan var-y {avpmhlk proxy»
thm nmo} Ills-re was In: np‘im r. :1 dy. vmw. cl having Ihi~ rand mmlv nllmy‘
.n‘wr the lilo-.Hyyhurg R toad, w! t e ‘ fire for through bugle and (ru‘vvl. i
{rmrpnrtnlinn and trnol lid not \-nn 1" 1:. .\tnrkhnlciors {um Bundholdhrr blugvul
[Hy runnmg that. Our g the 251 m?!” ‘r operan- in rimpruwuedm-rgmgomem'
flair-e Wan g general proagr tion of mane <_ will own“ 1113' In nuyywnz mutually k
Sn luml-nj was transport over tlw ru . fit. ’l‘lw rm-rmmtnl {hp prownt lrn'
w-rv limle lime and but acnmvmr Fvn’ylfi mud will nnt lu‘ loss thin SSWOUO “11d
umall numb” of passeng ‘rs. ’l‘h‘ farmdu m-lliuiy-v mndit'mu of Lu-u'wss :er l'mcf
nl' our mum] wme lllosxjfl wjzh :1 mm 1. try, and xrlzrn- undo and awryllmx
dim‘L hurvpsl. and tho 1- Hum ,L nénrrl ll urn llwurzslung fluff “all be c. herb-mu
m‘t‘r llc‘ rhnd wanin «jxc of {an Myp rs vrmmul. Tl‘w FXIIPHMSQ n.r "pffiflin:
‘in (Le fallxmnmlu. \sutln end of \tm Uni m 1 rnml thh‘su'ict egonrmy can bu redu
rvturnln: lnlanNl with rolrnnnrllga 'l'“ ~ ‘53.”0‘7. so that ll.(-re.wnul<l lw 11 mm
lmakt‘... tlxe rpr‘mpts from froizhgsl‘wm-iv d - $12.00“. to dxvido ,unrmg the pl‘h-l
more urn! small. The .‘koxthnrnlCc-nt 1 Szwklmhlvrqusnmin-mum.amlwlmng
Railwuy Cnmpnuy has he 13 so ow-rs:o~k§l‘:nml travel iq' us pom as halxoqlxl be:
will: trmsportatinn {or (ll row-tummy. tllh Hm rr-u'uL} , tho amen-. 1 uf the-not. nu?
.it has been nagloctin/z at ‘r iuzdriatn, at; ”(nor and allow expcnz-s would be 1»)
"Mme-quélitly [bore hi! or. lméuL'r \ur tiumlaiy inflamed: .
'l of chal L r ‘qm Th w] ‘msnd far H 1» relief
Inn. Dwid WHIS. Ahr‘nh
Fur-(lurid! Dihh). Peter,
Jlivm-a. Wm. flitting“. 1‘
W. McCleilnn, H. J. St
I g nanly sophm—
imdN-d a madm
n-lmy of Wl3 1!.
«Hem the $6l!
aka up ghe‘fnb
and. Cuufny «an
6., 53* .32'
)sze C 9,, _‘ '45 20 .‘
‘39:; a:
133013 97
711 0)
, ‘ .126 43
hm. 30 on
.R‘ilry, m. as
my? 42 «5
. Mix tinz 26;! M
you; hp 00
" f 130 cc
‘ $3.12}? “a U. S. mail sexvice,
I , '
us! an:
To“) ekningl.
$ 112 , eo
4.0 on
2.5% 09
63“.) ’3l
sum??? 84
$6,188,128 00
ms 00
13,6u7 53
3 27,997
Mary of Patna
n’njverury meat.-
fllst of lupin
o no“ invlzejd to
I 3'. 4 mules «ch.
5 ad here on ng
-1 aded with bit}.
run: of Hoke; uni
puns. bu pipeed
j pwkngo cf Seed?!
U.S.Mpil l‘uaenz. l-‘refghl. Tot‘
Am.}(cc. Ammo ‘AmJu-c. frux'
. (
Jm...... 71 871 $36323 $379 66 513 4 on,
l-‘eb...... 71 8:; 118,9 87 111152 b so,
Much, 71 37 ' 366 512 -712 13 ,1 o 071
April... 71 87 [:39 79 657 85 1239 511
May..." 7187 372‘20 468 44 ‘ 2 611
June 71871 3715 55 604 137 1‘ ' 02;
July.... 71 87 470 :5 334 77 816. 897
Aug. 71 6’l“} 111111179 806 11‘ _l4 4 07:
Sept. 71 a 7; 55% ca 786 65' 1 be:
0131...... 71 871, 448 14 1339 38 1 9 as;
N0v..‘.... 71 871 379 35 «.113 0: 1%“ 261
Dec...... 71 871 sans 8b: 31 1 18 7c:
. __.____’ __ __‘___.' '
$862 .50 51.139 10 $171153 80 $1 5:
Tnu-por.Bt.Tl-. L6O 80 -‘ : 1
.. 1.5,; 3951951 I 1 s
.I___ . 1 '
11111111211 B. ‘
"nun“ 01' .AIOCNT or own; I, pp.
For car service, reptin of can, curry: i'
in; mail, call, gag, Ind other in- 1‘
cidenul expcmu, . f 017 26
Far Ind mu, ,‘ / ' m3B
For regain of road. ' , 233 73
For services of Director: for 1850‘, 1 250 50
For nil-fies. Ind angel 0! land m “
Toul Enrqiugs, $0935 86
1271—“ V
wire-hauls. . 470 21
On sccount. of working th'ewoad, A 444 89
Forlouu ofmoney. interest & discounuh 2
Ind bills of LiTBViOUI yea. 3240 $0
For arm: in overcharge of sgenll, &c, fill 55
.EXKIBW 0- V ‘
Outauqding bill: in hands ofngonfl, :
Owing by the Post-office deptrunent. i
Owing hy‘U. S. Governnmnv. In: truffl- i
[:ode of troops, sw. ,
'l‘. D. Canon. in “count. with “109‘“:
deoad Comp-nl.
. an
Io Cub (ton Ann“,
" Y. 0. legume”.
I. ‘ SNCk' \
u ‘ sudfier, ,
I ' I 1 - $1:
, . Cl,- ' . .5 f ,
By Orders, ," , 1* $l5,
_ Dilemma om! have“, ' "!
Trmnrer’l “qu, , ‘ ~ ;
V m-
5 Hm
ed 1n
us of
L x'r‘me
i umzs
'f the
‘ ’ilh
'l' It
7 MEN'-
VJ had
-u of
~ 3mm"-
der 5
or all
1. 63*
‘9] as:
in the
s. the
: pro:
It so's
All so.
5:; 40
-O 80
M 96
12 97
23 69
96 58
:85 96
.97 30
.; 65
;.0 21
‘,9 :8
fiduc- 'm 11ng of Trouunr,
We. a.- under-mod Autum- .mimd \‘u
tho Band of D:rwwu of the (12" th 3:114
road Camp-my to’ examine and unfit 111. u
'eounu of 1h- 43m: .nd Trenumdthfkfi“
puny, do report. that we hue din-harm n‘pl'
duly. “d prugnt u the result of our oil-hp
tum (he automat- “trained in Exhibit! A. '5.
C. und 0.. mad [but w- find 5" m Len-ill
030 mm THRUNI.
» 5113:qu 3mm}
Gettysburg. Jun. "AB, 1882.
dny hut. 715.9 following gentlemen 1:10
olémofdfficer- of the Unknown WW
Company for the present. year: ‘
Prudent. Almon Lawn. Esq. ' J
Mangers; Dr. E. F. Show. Unmet!“ .4
lifer, Enoch Lek-var. Levi Mnuéo. Wm}. '
Czouae, Frederick Hitting". Jimu‘ Coo-v
homo. [Damial Mun-kg. Roban flick)”,
Isaac Fxshcr. William ngo,Jphn Kill .'
W Oontmtu of the January numb".
i'ng No. l of Vol. ‘l. 0'! Chrk'l Belem. V ab
10%. pflbhshed by Daughuhy & “an d,
1308 Chestnut. streethl‘hilndelphin. 0 11-
50 cont: 3 yeah—eight o'npie- 2 dull-rl. '
“When ?" 1 War-PEPE by Alex. m. k.
" A‘eTalo of the‘Woods',” by Louilil'}. V.
my, «Wham; Ignpn‘ To feign?" by
'M. Enggr. ."Tho Unipn." Ix? nmmin;
patriotic School Dialogue. by W. K. 8» ~
(of Nova Scrum) " What 1 mean to be,
roviuhon for arvgral small bag, by”
Doolitt‘m, ‘filovf'it ‘ll.:ppomd." by
“Ni-“ 1 Tom-'1 Greeting." “
( r'to the Children.” "School Vilifi
nd .. What. i. Glorious." amoral-,3:
tor’s Stairway,” " The &_:hool is Dinning
Literary Nation‘s." 7' The Ruth C
“Gay and Ihppy.” " Dm’t ynu [mu
lAngols 3’! music. Sciatic!” £6... to. f
_ The prrumy nymber will cnnuin, "‘
ding doivn H 111," by Henry Wurd‘BFflc
3‘ How a l‘mnwr ’FPIN‘IAI‘I' in Kent ‘
whipped «.\VdrlCuL'T " A Tl‘mpeniw
ry," “ A’limleguo." by Rc-v. W. 34500 0",;
M. p. of Philadelphia. -- Rural Seen ink
:11»: Wild Woods at” we \\'«-ut.”_ and a win.-
K'nyimy of «Harm: gin»! tending manor le
n gum-co of excelivnl‘aclmn] nun-iv. ~F'rry
number am.“ he pwimod will: the In: nut.
mm. Nny huh? (imam form clu 4f
W 1”
3 In
ugh! hr more and so! the Schoul Visfitot“.
in rbanutii'ul nnigal. no form, ut half ”3“"
any I; cum: a year. SN?“ [or upccjm. In.
s m
The I
r di‘ ::
15 of
IL m
3 . I‘nn‘gmrxa. (Y, 8..) h. E
;, . 1:19.14.1802.,
:fll. T. Sums. F.§q.———lhqur 821' :- 0 Fri
. 3. vam'nglml. 1 bill 11w plenum-9'o im
al, pxrsi‘nz‘izt the opt-ding of Prof. %. B.
.uun"s Snigmp Claus ifi (hi: pine. And
“um an-Pdmgly gl‘nllfied‘ut tho hr ul
‘ mlanco. xmlwillx-Qunding tlu- inc'c-m "63
[he \‘tenplu-r nnd the vei-y unple nut
mdxt‘innud', m.» youth.
1111: old frwnqls'nnd pipila again gnili
‘ouml lnm. ”(ending “13 hand at fr
up and u Lanny wylcoma Wok in, “
irolv. flrlrl‘ a?) absfiiu‘e of ninfi nmm'h
I mu lurmhlymflwoswdfiulh 111:: In
my a“ a go‘mlumun and a ”when“?
zu. By 1..» mavlly 13f mamwr and u
ianly homing, he unconsciously? he
10% ndnnmhly, r'ucvekds ‘ix; ingrcfi
unnelt 1:119 mu fm‘mable nolicg of a
As a firm-)1” of mink ho haayfon {or him}
elf am anviblr n-pulnfinn; any!) [Aline
i in gvuvrnljy'con‘cedrdi that h'e 'm the-inc)“
borough tenclmr [but has ever been ill} lhu
.Oumy. I‘m" "Sou cheerfuny guy, (hr), in
league.” of lnngudge And farce, and! tip]-
)licit)’ 01 ill‘uatrntm‘m 1 have nvv‘or lulu hil
‘ual. The huml'r‘vds of‘scholurl thrthgh
(”lt 1110 (‘nuut‘ygvho lun’e L 00“ um] 1I“ hifi
instruction, are the hm: rvxdnucc -
fiuuhtic-Miun gun a 29.1 th of rnrul-mu
g ‘ Xblwifihn‘niulmg, 11m arcnmpliihedl
perular teacher. Prof. .1. W. ALEIAI
:lms a rchmvae :91 pretext. s-urblao
‘s the popularity of Prnf. u. in {his
zhm 11w p‘ros‘pocll we favornhlp fdr h
a veiy lxrgn Icllzlss u’ndcr his imtmclih
1 [would any tn.our fr'wnxlu living i
tenhurg and vicinity. thu nu'w is the
to hand in thoir names, a. the Pro; but
just. comma-wed his (warm u! imdru‘t‘lio‘a
in the rudiment: of nmlic. mul it in imbue;-
lme‘q rérc “Harm .lwébwe proficientin the
soiencp, ‘to rvmmcnve m. the véry found”
Lou. ‘ You”, Kr” ' M. C. Bi, 1).
J —">‘ ——-’-.—— V*'"‘ I
{ M}? Early in Apalnwer. Entry. thflhorm
.tamrr. )m: unwed u Madrid. A than
from the Spanish capital m‘y-y ":Mr, Runny.
:htrnnpe to say; dues nnl uppeiu" tnlhuo
‘romod the gurinsxly of (be Laballno , who
, masihly considvr their knnyvkdp of 0r...
flash nix-Hwy superior to (hat at :11 hon.
" Illnwrvvl‘, he did [serial-m hnforo 1m P-jnu .
) 1y Isabel]; and her royal consort, if "port.
snenk» tI-uEy, in white kid ghgvm and fickm '
cQat, and havmg successfially :culmed the 11‘
My lempernmrmu‘of two half wild AIM-16-
-aiar. mus. receivyd I donation of IL‘M,
’ which mun! lmva sent him on his «If with
a full pune and a liglm halt. Moro—
bvcr ’tis said he [in challengrd the flavor:
of the building topubdur. without I a lid
Fcf mntadot waaymx m- Toledo blndfi. m
Wildest bull they qun produce.” } . i
Shbuirum far Wag—A oorrnpofiam of
the St‘. Louis Republic-u says: 1
“ As coffee is MM «115ng “high brie».
"a; money is scarce, L with to m at s
pl: for-makxng ache-. 1) notice: Gar-om.
rye; fim. scald Hancoml. (if! in! third.
brown it,‘and themmix it. with cub—mini
éofl'oe to two-thud: no. and then It“ wfll‘
hue as good a cup of_ coffee at yo “it
drank." . ~ w} ‘
Anothér exchan'ge up flu! Iql tor of
a gouud of calico, mixed with two mm of
3' eat. makes a most palatable con}: “3".
The wheat thould ”be bailed-for "(on 5 mn
mou, and then pla‘ced in I. pun Ind I: 130‘
before bging pulverized mm thooo M
Appointmquby Gov. (.‘urtin.--Col.| A. J.
Russell. of Pittsburg, forngerly Soc at, of
State under 001. gbhmton, and u .31»
rebeflion Aid—deCamp to Gov. 0113:, ‘hu
.been sppoinuiédiuuhtrc'enerd pf thq
Sate vice E. H. 131 mm, ruignod. ;
F. P. szemu has been upwinlcdg Pun":
dent J udge of Allqhehy county. vhf-5“”
McClure, deceased. 1' .. u
-—-—*~———v¢ . H“ -
30-h; the United sum Serum - fur.
days ago, Mr. Wilion, of Mm" Webb“
petitions for the appointment of W
$0 the ofiioo of Lieutenant 6:3: I—fis
"plsco nude want by the "and“; q.
um gm: man, Gen. Scam, gm: )1. 51“..
litionism 1' ‘ i
fi’l‘ha Secretary of tho Twnipw
m to new tholduty on iron, apifig' tn
mented liquors, tobacco and echo: “km-ins.
'in order to secure a bait to Etc-uni... g 9.-
of $150,000,000. '
~—--v 4.- o.—-——-————-—— ‘ _
fi’l‘ho time of Congress is main); m -
pied with discussions nbout‘fiae mm" 1
2‘12 {’2 2
i or.
L «x
‘ qu‘
I his
1 ever