The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 13, 1862, Image 4
......Hw- ~ - ---....-..-7 l ‘__ -- —-_u.'._—._ u - __.-———~ , , < . -_ ~--t- -7 7V, ‘ ‘ " «3.0;, , M , :z~« EVE: “ ‘ any: L'ulfl“l.l‘:“-:-Z‘%r “my”. "I . ".I.‘fi§" nu}. affirming-smut tmfi 2111331 5 ~ fiofl 133 E‘flfil . t Eme & Thom-y . . _ , ‘ many“; ELECTRIC Gilli—Thin ”out. STORB.—§hntthacribnutmhat‘éAspiendid x , ' O est'dhcm'tr) it nd‘r cruuttng a zrentun: IIwnIflflOfHARDWJREIGROCEWE-‘Z -———- > ‘ . w “ “‘""“' “ .ufiln all")!!! {|.. Medical qulu‘n of lurnpe “ “I.“ dd "mbu‘hcd “‘nd i“ ““1350“ , 821811.375 €3lB, Jud Hinton-try. It will cur. the (outwit-g “refl- X punubgsw Qltundry ~riu nf Flefl Pnctnx (not everything» ‘. ‘ Tip-1 have jun tcturncd from the Cilia with ”d :t'g: il‘nni Efinnm, issued out at the \\'.\RR.\NTED T 0 , ‘ i‘.r:“";uuu stock of Goodr—aonbiuing, in .. _ o mnmmt as of Adamo county,' , ‘- an A"a ‘ ne - P‘ - ° . ”magnum, Jn be expo-rd to l'ubhc 3:: Eilfiigndfirfniflflsf‘f’ ’ -- ; umwm MATERIALS, mt. H mm, . , , I'l, 3.1.3 Court “on“, in (‘,euytxmrg. 0,. Cure Camp ”I one'nixht; . A 180“", Hinges. Hulls, Lot-ks. til-u, utenew. M. II»; 181]: day ufJammrytpzl, “swat. Cu" Denim-u in two tofu" a" z ‘ { T 0915, including Edge Too}: 01 “try de b'ctock', y. )t:, the follmtiug ductibed . “Cure mm and gum. in ten ll‘illlelg 3wgvétgl,izlw-,Plx-Sneu,(‘hta:ls,oong§|.Bnm §flllfi \- z: _ ‘ _ . .n W “ds‘nd B lin in t , Ufllfl,‘ qulfll, :uuges‘, unmet! A TRACT or Ln», Iltunte pm; in Ty- ;cm sfafifrge div,“ “I” ' W’" °'" “amt _ - , ’ ”"99“” in Huntingmn, "14 95"“! in Me, t Pure infllmnmtion it: one dly; ” ' * BLACI',‘R'\"T”S 'i” find -‘“""'v "it": fat].- h'hlfipl. Adams county. adjoining Cure .\‘enrnlgin, ”o+, Tooth-the, 3m, jn‘Rupn.’ F 11”. Horse-thou. Hone-uh“ Nnila, 3nd: of Geérge Hum-m, Jacob lenmn. and ten minute‘: _ I; ' ‘ate. w:t!n.thcm. wry rheupu Pmnvwnulfinl93 Acremmore M lugnboltt Cure Henmnbag‘, Shaikh-L, Mamet-fin Mn' ‘ CU'H‘U ”NDIXW' s“le ” Cloth, O““VM', 20 A'crn ma Tintherrlund, will: 1 Acre of, an”; ; ‘ 31-1' [kw-“kt Ffinxefl. Comm;( “053. Oil-t-lnth, Neatlgw, m 0” 0' less—improtgd 'Cnre Dru-hes “'oumll, fetter, in one to than spr‘ng" Afl'" ”w" 59" ”NJ-”lbw B"‘"v I‘m: 5 on. Ind a half story Log 43”,: ' _ 1 iPO'll- Stufgq-tm, t‘fl'. E Dwellin‘HUEN-Z, with a ant-awry on". Eur'uche. Stifl'Xeck, Ag“. in one day: , SHOE. l-I.\DI!\.G‘S-—Tntnp|cn, Brush and lug shed rO6! Buck-lmildmg u‘_ (.‘urc Felons Broken Breant,Sa\lt Rheum in French Morochantngs. liingingn. chsJutsta. tachetf, double frame \t‘etltlu-rbourdcd Burn,’ mm!“ fix dm-g'; ’ ’’ ‘ ’ggav‘r":'v 9E1?" rim ‘ 899”“! fluortmeut 0’ with Wagon ShL-d and Corn Crib attached, J“ inst. Pal 't' II Icm.“ in one ‘0 oenm 'er’s on s. _ > fimoke House. Spring ”one, and all other ne- (‘ re Qllll J‘yg; pit: w 'P' y' A IMQAI’I-rknf‘lflxml'sh T 5" yuan; nut-building", orctmrd of clmirg-truit' ' _ ‘ 4;, ' n 1 we |' "“"l :3 m- 'nrms ~’l “can, gnod SPrin'g‘nfunturi up ll” the dam- ot’the 11ft ure 31:33:35; :60“, ‘ ”I‘M I’ n 5 l 'HUI‘SEREE'PERS will a] fi'eflinfl.‘ With Bermudian ‘L‘m-k mulling UH'U' > Cures Frosted Feet, Chillfltipu. Stilt Joints, "’"mfim Pam"? “'M F 0” ant tact. It is Sillmtrd n ihe mmltlmt runli Chrtmic Rheumnuumfiore Tl:ront.scnr- : ““3 35'1”” WM?“ “We in “0 1'" LOW” Wmivfiti 1“ til-"1 '0'“? SPM". lot Fever, and the )iiutc mndu to wulk. «Hemcks, “enters, Shovel )ie creville rand, 3 mil 5 north-HIM. from; hyat’ew bottles. ‘- ' “for” Enameled “"d ""“5 ‘l, derevilln " ' ’ ‘ “ ' ‘ ' ~ But-ken:(ihnms,‘('nrpt-ti' 'Beddereville. Seized and 111 lhc'properly of ernvl » - Awe 4 A 1.01 .0; enouxxé, s .oum', Franklin toviffip, 4 being tot N 0.12 o the to ,nn-t fronting on lit-"imami alleys on um suuth and e «in Ih:§onh,pn whiéh are n Two-ntorylhublelirirk HOUSE, Hume Shop. Frqa Log Smblu, with a well mat the door of 1.115de laid lot. I - L ‘ ' Alto, THREE HHS. In ‘lu'eet, 1n uld town of Mm In: No. 11 an the mull) mu jllld north, they bemf Sm nhuidltofin. Seize: and flu prfiwperty of Hmnr lhr ’ Ann . ,TIIE INTEREST 45’ A,‘ . situate in Tyrpuc lownshili dn the NM leading frmn , Tronju's Mill, nyfioining I 4”: Ifibuhnm Linnh, and 0! Acres‘; more or less, an \v create-Pa Two-41m; Lug] ,HUL'SE, with Bncmrm, 1 Me, well near the door dwélling; fruit. qum on s: 3 acres arc-in limhrz. " exucuxipu us the prom-ft ‘ ‘ ‘ FLUID fiherifi‘a quiz-o, Conydq ' fiTcuyc-r cI-nl. of ‘ upon all sales by tho She: Immediately after the pro‘) or ulmli failure to comply! u’ mjl be again put up lo) . Valuable Re 1' “mam; sum Mol].V"l‘.—’l‘his bgad 1e» swanky-float, adjoin ”shimmy, on the mad 1 nuviofl'L-rml :ll l’rivnle Sn ‘Tba Farm cgntains 124 10 to I? acres at u"l:ic1l Hr 30 new! ufmeudow ho Im’mg Applé and l'dch ‘ unflbe land is the rod gr 0‘! I. high‘smte of with n upon it and mm always 11’ depot,whiéh is in fight, a The implfvcments uic u'l‘ Weatherionrdou “210178 cellar, (Bnok-buiHiug. i p qukelhomc, u. large Uni with him, Cur” Crib, 8,: mugs“)- pm-buihlfum, there is n pump at the _do spring of Wang cloae bonn-lsthewes't ulufth ‘3‘ will be shown by Mr (H! thoApmniseahor by u tygbilex No. 2:' CUMBERLQN II PARK—This him i 4 also 5t lmhdsumo and \‘e _\' (‘1‘:lrllllc prupi-rty, litunte on the Inne} town - oxtd. fuur nulest'rom Gettysburg. to'ntninmg 138 ACRES. more or My. Ahout‘3u ncrei hr in timber Ind 25 to 30 news In meadow. ‘ Th I lgpd is also of. the red gravel mil kind, clcn ofsmhes, easily c’ul tivaudqurqdupc: well, an is capable «.f'heing Mghiy improved; All it nuts to make it one pf the has! fanfifiin than ighhqrhqqq ii a good {Miner and a little limo. high can nlwags be had oithei nt Getty sburglor nt Littlestown, at 12} cents per h‘ushcl. There is n y mag Apple pad Pench‘OrchM’d and two s wings of water no“ the house, And a strenm'o" watar crosses the south end ofthe Emu near the builgings.“ The imp-poti‘uments are it due and a IL,“ lmlfstory Stone House, Builds-oven, “#33 E g ‘ Smuke-huuse,nlnrgn [lunble Burn, '4“; “I; with Wagon Shads, Corn (I'rihfaf’ '-"' 7, Hog Pen, mind all nehe=sary out-buildings, church,.mill and nclmol-house all close by; in p healthy Mm plensxtigt neighborhood and good society. This property'vi'ill he shown by Mr. Wm. Kcefnn’t'k’r,’liring upon it, or by Mr. John lflnckndjoinlng. 'Term: encv. ‘Xo. 3: A VALUARLE .\uu. PROPERTY, tnntniniug 38 ACRES of [and,B to 10 ot‘whirh Irvin timber, situate one-half of a mile S..\\'. from Lilllest’own, the. ter: inns of the Railroad. Tl:- lhpsnvcmcms am Puma mm. llOLKj‘l-l, ‘ hula: all the 'neceasn ‘ for Merchant. worl'i. A} unrf LOG HOUSE wi kc. fl‘hls is aver, deiil“ .be mld on, accommoifiti Biddle, living on the-pre Ctll And see it. ’: TWo-gtory : with Sheds, 3-“ machinerZy a: 2" " l Inga Two- " J ‘ 5h B:Lsem'ent.Stsble," ble' property and willl vg terms. Mr. Thps.‘ .jses'rwifl show il‘g"; GBU‘. ARNOLIX; Gettysburg, Oct. 14, l --.’ John We 1 ASHIONABLE BAR , ner amt-p Diamon Llellsn's 11mph) Getty: can at :11 HEN; be fquud hulinoso in! hia‘ line. Hl aisunco and will ensn mm . calL . I ' 1131203. ' I'ER, .\‘onhuout cor , ‘(uut‘dtfir to Mc— aurg.‘ P 3,, where be ready to attend to all b has also erEellent As e satisfaction. Give E _ [l)cc. 3, go. ' F you can at Fnhmst' ' handsome“ DRESS i A nu; Unlhmeresfl-‘icu ! French herinots, all Wl' 1 ”rd. Call soon. ‘ ‘ I » ’ FAUNES ck:‘yon.~will find (he ‘OODS in town. 1):» I-d .\lerinoes, Coburgs, u‘ l', as 10}? M 75 cents out”; 1861-. For Ex WXLL'exchzmge TW( 1 nitha; in Missouri or n Adam! county. , Inge I. ulunhle HILL my, together with 38 GEO. AziNoLu. 39-1 will Also eich' PROPERTY in Adams co ACRES, for n. FARM. 1 say. n, 1861. lm ‘ ' . gay Rake. READS &, BUEIH.§[ have on hand two S firmmaHAY :11th MN RAKES, which gull be sold snow r‘utc . This is a. finé op ortunity forFlrmers to sé‘cuge a Tnhhhle lLbor Rad tin. “ring implement. Call find look at them. 3 » [May 27, 1861.7 tt‘ I YSONS‘ fifty cent pictures are iccurelv _ “'9‘. _ 3 .. ’l‘yaonl’rfifly can? pictnru are water pioof. ‘ Tponl' filly rent picmresl are entirely dumb! Tyidu’ fifty eon: picturefnru qulurpnsned. Tysoa!‘ in,“ cent. pi'czurem are warranted. Tymni‘ Shy tent picturei are pint up in In: aquatic-Mes. (Oct. 21, 1831. Butter. Eggs, NEWS. Ind o‘her Farketing. constant. (J ly‘bh ind s: ,H. G. CARES. ‘ Aux. 28, 1861. i MD'EBS ad other: will and 2; gnod u ‘ gunmen! of Ribbonls, Flown-,‘Plumes, u, t:.,‘ Q! the cheap€uqye of ’_ 'l‘. some? a sex. LAME nuortmentpf Men's heary'Wn- A ter-proot Boots, Gulf Boon, be“? 3m -9"“ 30., just. receivedkmd {gr sale cheap, at 0“,”; R. P. McILHENYTS YSQS BROTHERS have cqnspmuy on hand T ‘s‘ 1%” engortmenl :of plain gm: fine; yam, ‘ded fauna“ 3ng and platedatzckeu, bro-um, t:,., “fibula the; m n .‘ng pg maintinflxhvpflceh 1 - - ‘ ‘Y‘s‘gg “got-3m “V: mnkipg theif pron, T ium‘giclpru 4331.9!" ’9 I!!! ”Q 9 ”8"- This Oilf (De Grnth‘s) i: mild and pleasant. and inn grmt Family .\lediciue fig; children teething. kc. , . ‘ I ORIGINAL CENI‘INE ELECTRIC OIL." Yes! it. hnl cured more case: thlt w+e thouzht hopflelfl than any medicine exunt. ~ Ask those who have used lit, they will-t ll you that my Uil gave relief liter all remddl 5 had mind. When you Mk for Electric o‘l], 9 tum: you ask for Prof, De (irith's, u it in t c only legitimate Ell-atria on, preparedi (are none o'ther, as all other: are imiutionlJn‘n I will not bq responsiblefur guy, except myf mime he in wrliing upon the wrnpper 3nd mylnumo bluwnlu me‘glm. ' ‘ , ‘ - - READ TlllSl ' l l a Mr. l‘ivingltnn. of New York. Editor of the Monthly Law angnztne, wrote me that he was cured oflswollt-u uud stifl'nqck ,b) one appli cntion. The Oil “as rccommqmlcd by it lady in the Girurd‘llouso. 'V l -' 1 ‘ AND Tlllfi. A .\irs. (‘nnmam .(‘nuteg Street. nbove Ridge Road. rullt-d May 14th, and suiol IL)“, the Oil curevl ln-r of Neuralgin, Chili and Group. .\lolheu. supply gunfight-Q! 25 cents prf battle, nnd doubt no mo‘re. ‘ ‘ ‘ Mr. Campbell, 0! \lontxznmbry county, Pm, bzvuuhtn hottle A few day; ago, and smd he hml usml it in his tinnilyt'orswullcn glands and nut-mug: which genecnllr appear in person: after havingthe Starlet Fort-r. lie thinks it (“held ofnll other remedies—qua so it is. Pergolas urn dnily onlling'gt m)" office. 217 Sulftlt' Eiflhlh Htrcet. Philadelphia. nud telling me of its won’dertul curatit‘c glfccts. ’ ~ l’iicd 2'5 cents, 50 cenu, and $1 per hottlm Largo bottles the cheapest. This Vulusblt- Oil is sold by 'nll Druggiau nnil dcnlcrs if! the I‘uficd Sum-a. Use none othdr hut De Gmth’a. Sold by all Drnggists. Depot 2]“: S. Eighth 3L, Philadelphia. [l)ec.;lG, 1861. 3m Lukén in execimou 'R‘ PhTLRd. +— ‘ . ”Hate in .\lummns dams count-y, PAL. it n plot of mid ~town, i street, bounded by I, and by Im. No. 10 ‘ rrrclcd Iwrllinz ‘mc 3nd \! wuer \ing; fruil lrct-a on inting on ndtimorel .mpshm g, udj‘oiningl B an alley on the cast? 8,8 and 10,011 plot. lkqn iu unculiuu nu TRACT m" LAND, , .Adnn! county, P4l” ‘ chdlcriburg In 'leIC (ls Jchunlml “I'th cri, containing 10; m h are •<.c. • _ .7- \VLIliu: ug Sm ull Ihr Trin proper” cum] um] ukL-u 1:1 . - of Sun In. DELAI'w L 414 wwur,‘sm.y. 1 rg, Dec. 1401 '5l. I he humhnse muncy‘ ifi'mnsl ho_ pn_id.ovl-ry Marty is leurk Jown,‘ heuwilh the prupcb : unle‘ E -,—No- 1: GREEN-f . . Attentibnl l t 1 81"“‘53" Egg; 39;“; Rncnuns WASTE-3D !—5,b00 um: momrn 155‘ 'lO Fall-62h] ll) 3 has AND nova wnun to report ‘them e 5'5 0 I" l rm? immediately at the rennlezjous in Chamm ' . tors )urg street, Gettysburg,‘:ln receive. u: n. \_(‘J‘l.Esl.morenr les‘l, : ntpre nominal price, fall ,uvdfqrnmnml the no '" lmiier, and “I’m” ‘ cdlanry equipments for :rn'intér campaign. l 9"" ' " iorc "2° two , hmc when =peoinl care in prnl'iile for the mm panama. 0" me prgm~ : fort of my men by‘ visiting lli'p rigios nlnl lug P 3” hoihsuscepmne ing in gm nnnumlly large supply of l '0"; 1”"0 “”55 well Ururconls of evcrv d'e'nripliun, :3 ‘ had in. the llziilm 'd ‘ ‘ 31“.,“ 0L0“! I'lrelfs ("m-{3" . i , ”l ““1.” l’erhllShClu Cnssimc're Builncsl Cents, ‘ ‘_,°"‘“,’ri) l ‘ l'nninloun: ‘m en'dlcss‘rnriely, ‘ ‘ ‘c'_n“‘:‘nl any quantity of Winter \‘vfils; ‘ k [hr '- 1 Lndenhil-ta. [)r.n\_\'ers, llplsery, 1 - ‘ n‘ . x Glarcg, Suspenders, llufl‘nlb and i t”:“”‘" “'“h R” ‘ Gum Overs‘hocs,‘nnvl Gonlldmcu‘s Shun-15... in complete nrder;l .‘ .. AL'IO __ : f 15'1““! n’never-fniling 'Trunks and Cnrpct‘Sncks, first-rate Clocln, 30 b?" “ MOPY'S "H" hnnr. right-tiny and Alarm Clocks, V'inl‘u‘, "l'flm' “315437.01?"- Aceordcons, Pistols. Rsvoholi. Km‘rcs'.Pipo.u Jnl.n "QNH'L’; ll‘l'lL' and excellent smoking Tobacco, ('igurs. nnd “MUNICH”! UCI- > Soliuni iiL~ chiller“: variety; Non‘ is lhé time No buy cheapl. Call 560 m lfinving puruhnwd my good: chdap for (‘.-\.‘"ll, 1. am prL-phrcd to yell them chcgipef flmn they have evorhecn of fered in this place before. 1'“. B. l'lquSG. 0ct.23,18b1. . - 4. DUN ELLOWER would most rcspectfullv Q]- inform the public tlut. he has commcl‘iccd tlle’B.\SKE'l‘ MAKING bng‘inews, in- South lhltimme slicer, Gettyilmrg, two Ilunrs .\‘ort'l of “sinner kl Ziegler) Smrenwherc he has on hand a large assortment of Baskets—incliuling llaikets for Sloighfi; Wash. Bash-u. Market Baskets, kc" kO. He jnviten the calls of the pu‘dic and promise: to furulsh but the but of work. Prices moderate, t 9 suit the tlmes. Nor. ‘25, 1361'. 13!! CARPET WAIeOUSE.—.QLDEN & RlCK xrzn, 332 ArchStr‘ch, 2 doors below 9m. qmnh—sidc. l’hiltdelphia. We commence the I Fall tmdc willrone of the but assorted’itocks vat English and American Cnrpefings to be fou'nd in this city.purclmscd 1'91" cash at wry low Lites, and'iutcnd sunlugllicm lit extremely low prices; We hue all the new nylon, \‘elvet, _ Tapeslry, Brussels. TlireE-ply. lngrniri and \‘cnctinuim‘ith a splendid slack DfOll. ULOTHS, _ R|lg<: Mats, Drugget, kc. Mn: is ghc time lor Lriiirchnsori ‘to uhmln brimming in ‘llie Carpet r line, as we willy-.11“ u very small ndvunce and I guarantee all goods to he asllreprefienmdfliud ,«gire qutirc satisfaction to the‘ ‘Purclmscr, ’ I @Wel‘uy and sell cxcluyiniy for cash. Sam. 16. M6l. 3m ‘v ; A .\\lSO.\' is 1111 in New Yotjk. mnklng‘ pur s chants to cap full and increase-Hm stock a his Clotlnng and Variety Storé, on tbs Xomh’aut «owner bf the Dtamond. Gettysburg, where sales ire mule nt asponiflnlngly low prices. Bufing for cash, In gnu sell low for cub—lower llmn ever And nQ mistake. Call in M. the Stone, and Ann Boumum will wait on you with the grentcat of plbasxxre, showing you Clothing, Boots, Shoes, km, of every kind dnd price. EUR. 2, 1861. '6). 13m 1 ~ To Dlsabled Soldlers, . EARIEN -\XD MARINES. AXD'WIDO‘RS, S OR OTHER HEIRS 0P THOSE WHO HAVE DIED 0R BEEN KILLED I.\' TLIE SER X’lCE.———Cms. C. chnn, Attorney for Claim ants, Bounty Land and I’cnsiop Agent, Wash ington Cxty. D. C.-—Pensions procured to: $Ol - Scamcn and Haring of the present. war, who n‘rc dimmed by rénson of wounds received or disease contracted while in Servicemnd Pen sions, Bounty Mafia) and Arrears of Pay ob minegl for widows orlot‘ner heirs of those who OCK BROTHERS. h . nge. I 0R THREE FARMS lowa, for Real Estdte have died or been killed while in service. , - ‘ RECOMME)’DATION’S. hfloll‘lzlt: Land procnréig it: 35r¥ifélité£ny 0‘? We iurite intention to some of the recom- : t cat or wan- ‘ . fl ~ . % mend‘ntiom: .~ ” ‘ . ’Wnahinglon, D.‘ C.‘ ‘ [min [07.0. W.Thomrunn, nun» of R. Johu’l Prob-o i J. (when, Agrnt, Gettysburg. ’ an: Bumps: ugh-arch, York. Pg. _ l \‘or 18.1861. , .- Nelsre. Ausyn t \\ ohrlyz—The eugmvmm ‘ ...... .- —_.._.__..__..._-_.__‘...’ 10f the “Lord": Prayer" whiii‘i; :0!" offi'ergd - A. Sea“ & 8011;? r [for sale by lessra‘. Austin ery p 1 is‘ ' ‘ - ' Borough is "got hp”( with much [use and Dsgfoagé I‘:ch :Ttlflestaieggrgzainrz Pang, and “amt? tetgfifiefiuz"gxnfnb' i ._. . -. ‘_ ‘ icn en on—ay mg l ‘ e no-‘ ggfiii’xfit’; :;_e(;:;n.:‘9: i3:?g:ibr::§i::g - hie composition bei‘ori- the mind and memory is our Stoik orGoods. suited to the FALL ANDI “kc" "3 do It”? Th°."°”‘ seems to m°.°"l’| mxmn SALES, io “hich-we inri’l‘e me, atten- ’ ‘0 WW" :3 mgr-mm: m ogirrfo‘hlc ndm‘lrehdil Lion of huvers ofprctty, good and cheap Foodfi. ’ and l.": '3‘. ‘3; fifth: at“: "'31:". :- a. For the Lr‘ulies. we hnve a gnm‘lv nsmrtinont‘oi‘j are m. I“: u‘ b' 5' 2' n .5 8;”? . rt!“ .“ musss GOODS. SHAWLS, mmmxos, sac. i ““3 "if. ° "““““ 5 §3°fii£iu¢§o€ml Our stock of L'ioihs, Cassimeron, Cnssinens, :;:r:1;a 1&3. I‘. Milan. sw.- u u“ “ugh“ Jenna. ten for Men and. 110:5. is “rue. soodi ‘ Church, rm, 9.. ' mulch-41p, I ‘ . . N ‘ York, Pm. Feb. I'o. ”56]. S‘Como one, come 111, “'1 13mm"!!! for! Messrs. .\nsh‘n .! “'ehii)”.~-H:uing L-nd the. younelvgg. : A. SCOTT 4; SUN. . ‘pleusnre of inspecting Messrs. Ausiin & Wehr-i Oct. 14, mm. _ _ i I)": splendid engrsring of the Lorlc Prayer, I would cordially recommend it 1.0 the favorable ‘ alumina of their friends at. York and else; where. It is not only 3 beautiful ornament. for the dwelling of every Chridiinn family, hutnilo“ A useful and edifying acquisition {or Sundny schools and similar benevolent institutions. i , F. I‘. HAUEV. 1 fifidimrs or Pnhlishers‘of papers giving this advertisement 6 infiercions, will be mum” to an Engraving and Ticket, by forwnrtlingthe paper for that llmn to qua address. or by in—' setting it until the time nppolmecl for the died trihulion, with an Editorial norice once in 4 weeks, they wilLrereire the engraving framed with she sold gilt fmme‘ro witiu size and a. Ticket. AUSTIN & WEEKLY. York, June 24, 1861. z 1' SSA IchkVLEY'S HSTATE,—-Letters of“ A ulministmtion on the estate of Ann, cuinley, hue of Gettysburg, Adams cpnnty, decemed, having been granted to the under signed, residing’ in {he same place, he helehy given notice m I" peraonu indebted: to mid estate to man immediate payment, and ‘ tfipse hafiqg claims again“ the same to present them Proguyy authenticawd for “alum-m. l MOSES McGLEAN, Adm’r. mm: is, 1861. as :w i ‘ George Arnold ' s mum of LADms' mass 600318 a 1 cost. 0.3;. if you w“: bargain“. \ mp 4, 1561. 4; x “we CARDS, Knmnufipu, mu: V 9394 69p {mt.junmi\‘-¢»§OHISK'B. . ’2 g _ . _ ‘ w ‘ . ‘ I“ Basket Making. ___.§__3.____.;-._.__._... Argh Street ‘ The‘ Spot; Nage. ,urkcli: bun... , . .‘in; .\l~o. n [gt-110ml unortn Ruilul‘ IRUS, M'uil sizoq an} and Blister Swel,;which th I! the theupcat. GHOCERIES—n fun and rem-ml ns‘ortmenf. ant-h u ('rlhhed. l‘uln-r zed, Clarified, and Brown Sugars. New Orlem a, Went.l ,lndiea. and Sugnriohome )lolnnel a d 83! ‘ u, Como, Spit-on. Chocolutr, fine, cox rue. an aniry Suit, Linudfl, huh and Spe ‘ Oil, urpenline, I-‘i.h, ‘eu. ‘, o, ‘ , , A In,” ns=ortmept'of Lea and Z no. dryF and in oilitlso Pup-{proof l‘u‘nl‘s; in turn. almost every article in the Hard re, Convh Finding, Shae Winding, House-Kc ping. Flux-ksmith, aninlct-makers, fluimcrs, Ind Grotery‘ line— al] of [which tlu-yfure deter ninexi when“; law Mr and: ng‘uizy hpune our f the City. 1 ! .J( EL 3. nun-2n, ‘ i ; D. VID ZXEGLER. ‘ Goth-slung, Day. 24, 18 . H --' ..—1__.._..4 .____ ___ ‘ ; 'Seobnd A “is l-L-U.L.-§—l,urqrr T .L-t’ClmS '& EURO hm For-ond purchnst of Full ui-hirh‘ [lioy ofl'er rhmpcr bough‘t‘mt the mun (inur'li the mimic 1.: will in find ~ ‘ mcx t, :c..nnnnon [in IL Mar} fled. ‘Thc‘rr (1.01113. (' I\'(:SJ Gaussian-(a, Words. M excelled fur variaty, and ilh \V!|i(:hl they are q‘n'TL-rml age Gnods made “pin! the Rb luentisl) it“, un-lgm ‘,ns n-u be expected. Th‘pir’extubl bershurg sun-ma {cw dul Drug Store. ‘ Mlss p. S HARDING AND D.\ .llund If, September Terms—Per sossibn of For Music and-Languages ‘ For further pnrtiuglurs l‘ ~:\{ug. an. 1961.1 cm . ~ Only 0116 Do H warm 10}0001~:\'¢nxv PM "El: For: &A\l.E.- ‘ (hvaw ;\wn'-!—Jl'lw‘ idm-a Lord": Prayer hf an «up munlng n‘nd wringing it to prmlucc M anim- ‘a up. tnttr. wm conceign-d and ‘ m . the rclchrnh-q Bunk .\" York (‘ifgn It minr‘nonob “ .n-utcd worth of "‘ Our Fill in Fu‘ctrfgsiuh lh'e mhet; ‘ (WW; phrnw nfju'h'u'h ig! ‘ elegant-and hemfnl‘kn In“ of the piciuro 13- a sum-rll {)I‘R S. TU)", in”! Onch’ of [he cr§grnvfng arc ten 1 one oft 12 TEX cnuxx‘.x.] mun-influx! I‘m-kii‘e‘flthe m .. from the religious column il‘g of n septa-hm dbnm‘c been rcz‘nn'lncngl-dKJVy nomimtions. .\s up an moat uplon-lid CV(-r‘|llflai?«‘ nut} is destined to tnki‘ fl rims of (nemvinzifl Tbv -‘ by 23 i'nchc<. and i: imqn ! est engraving over ofl'ored] “'hothntlovnnrl—who a fine engraving—who th. impressirfins whirl) such to impart, n’oul-l filil to the price i« (Km? ONE chance of «coming ffnr th permanent home or‘nuoth As a work of ll 1. this \: vngraving is war lemc t for it. in \\-lll‘l read“; he I inspectihn‘ of it ;,hut the 5 make It Gift Dicfrihntion gngnuings, of \nlugblo p 1 House and Lot in Work 2 “wait-s. (Quinn &,i’nlm Ldlocknwny, 2 Building Lat: in Yprk 1,000 Valuable “onl“, 50 hbli. Flnnr, (knrrantml 1,000 Gold um ,u‘mms :l the Lox-«l's Prnycr’, l 500 Steel Plate Engraving! lagnifir‘ent Leoolun Glns mld and'Silror ‘,Wtfirheu, ll kind: of Jewelry. Florentine, Mohair, Half A Gitt worth from 50 cc. each engraving salt}, _ When the engravings are, all sold a mat-ting ofthe pun-lumen will he called st “'nlhlngmn Hall, York, Pm, when the Gift: nlmed nbore will be distributed In such manner II the pur chmers any determine. The purchasers ne lecting nicommittee of diiiuterestcd persons to mnke the awn-d; in such manner as they may designate. " The proprietors. from the furornlde manner in which this Gilt Enterprise' hasan received, and the' numberi of engravings already sold. hope to be ahlqy lov'have the mnount diapered ol‘hy the_lst of Oct. cunning, and when all are sold they \hll notify the purciusers, and have the.distribptipu of the Uifu proceedtd with. l ; This engraving has received the commenda tion of the Revercnfl Clergy, our 5"“ citizens, and indeed ofnll abuses, who cum: into it with spirit. AUSTIN A: WEURLY. ‘ J. M. Acsm.l Gnoml \Vnmzu G. CARR has just received 3 very the g. iuonment of 8.911 Canon lion;- g 41141019390 New» \ 21—1; him-Em“: “Ti" - ~- " 1 . Prof. L. M 11151": All! l.\‘\'lGUMTOR.—Jn EH‘ectire,Sufe‘ Ind Economical (‘nmpo-tnd. i‘ OR RESTUKING GRAY HAIR toils ori i-i llfll color without. dyeing, and pretenting 5112‘ "air from turning: gray. FOR PREVENTRG Ii.\LD.\'ESS. Ind ratingl .it, when there is the least particle of vitnlity ur 5 rerupqr’ntire energy remaining. . 1 FOR REMOVING SCUIIF AND DANDRL’FF. Ind‘nll cutnnrom affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE "AIR. implrting to it In unequalled gloss and brillinm-y, making it soft‘nnd silky in its texture and cu'usiug it to curl rendily. i The great relehritr nnd the inrromfik mnnd for this nncqnilled preparation. convince . the proprietor that one trinl ii only neveimry to sntisfy a diecl-rning public of its superior qualities over nu) other preparation at prewnt in nine; lt cleanses ‘thethend and srnlp frnm‘ , dandrnfl‘nnd other cutaneofis disenus. cuusel‘ the llllir to grow luxuriantly, and gins: it a rich, mitt. glossy and flexible hppenrnm’e, and lalao allure the hair is hastening nnd thinning, it wil‘ give strength nuil vigor to the roots. and :eftore the growth to those parts whit-h have hex-time h tld, causing it t 6 yield a frhh eovcri -g oflntir. ‘ ' i The e are hun‘drmls of ladies nnul gentlemen in .\‘c York nh‘o Inn 2 had their lmir restored ‘ ' by the‘use of this lnvigontong wht-n all otherl prepnrbtionllmd fallout. L. .\l,‘ has in his pha se=sin lt-ttera lnngmcrqfile‘t'pstifying tn the More Hurts, frrtm peruonn nf‘thc highest ro.’ ‘spectntility. lt' will effcetunlly-prevent the Elmir t‘r m turning grny until the latest period , of lift-:1 nnd in cases where the hair; lmé nlreuly changed its color, the uge of the: lnvigontor. will with certainty restore it mits original hue, lgiving lit a dnrk,‘ glossy appearance. A: a per fume fer the toilet and allhir Restorative it. is ' p‘urticxilnrlyrecommended, hn’lng an agreeable . frngnuice; and the greatltncilitlcs itnfl'nrds, in ‘ dressing the hair, whichi wheq' moist with the lnvigo ntor can he druseti in any requiredflfolm ‘so as t preserve its plan-la, who'ther plain gor m 3 curls hence Vthi- gm; qemnn-l for it h‘ the flndies s n atauflurd ttfilct nétivle whipthoue‘ ought Lto be without, n‘s. l cunricc places it Enithinrtho rnncli nfgztll. hiring: ‘ . i i.‘ i gm LY m'jxn'mvn 01-:sz 1 ‘ ' per L 0 tle. to ht h ’l tll, hill respettnhle {lrng‘y gists n (l perfunterri, 1: 3‘ F L. \1 LLER “-..uu call the attention or it“. irentl n lti (lnnril'inn to the n 4: nt' hh lm‘igor; film. i Pilt'l‘s wlierithevhildrm" lmir int line-k .m ht- \‘enl‘. 'l‘lie'n e bfit lays the found tiun 'l'ur :i :1 ml limiillut mir. ’M it lili‘n’imt-x an ill!- . p nilit‘E that mini have I. t unw'tmnut't'tt-ul nillryL 11! t- sun lp, §lu~ minnml‘jfl" “hick Is Ilt'l‘f‘Fitu‘)‘: t; H.“ rqr m twain. My"? (liiliivniid the titture‘ nppt-Jr nm'ml‘iln— llllil’.’ «11': ‘. -. i e (“\l‘fl‘lt)?‘ ——~\Ltiné grnbinr withnut th fac‘ atmilo 0F l4ll'l3‘MlLLEll:living: un ‘tlw nth-r “mp rzulm. IL. )IllJJtlt'sfltAllt txv mm HATU .N.;Y.. ltlunln in ”0'3“!“- ‘ “'1“. wall.- ”19..” s': Ni.“ BL, nml =ulil I)’ all the prix l ipxil \lt-h-h ntsnildl)‘ uggists tiltr ugh». ont th world. 1 l ‘ ;. l i ‘ ‘Lihe ultiiysvthflittvpnm‘hhk rflrytliequnptitim pkg" :ilsp (klflll'O‘lU prt-s‘gn tn the Amerivnn‘ pnl-lit‘ }‘ ‘thit‘ in! [MI-Imp HL].\‘HTA\l3‘.\jHHU§ LiQUI ”.\lll. DYI- fivhjuh‘nftvi‘r yt-nn of . ring. tiiic ox triiiacntihgl hnveihi-nught to pcrt’ef Jt dies “luck 01" iii \rn in‘uuttly nithm jm‘y ll tilt-illniqm Skin—ftmrnmhwt llul nrti: l 0 itthf Limli exhibitor” l’lllt‘l‘l 50 f‘h'. TS“ Dnjmt 56 lit-3 Sip-oer, New (in. '9, team. 1 . 1 g . I l 1 ”a.“ ,7}. $lOO6 ReWard! . Ll. 'lll‘l l".\llJ Fill} ANY “Elli Tu W “'lhl. l~2‘_\’l'l§h ('UI./11~ IV) NIL/I.ll,!lflllrauru MD | HIE >0“ nu lulinttrlaita or .\n H. vtlu- quiuln Illll‘jt‘ {if lilo-:L‘Lu'ht‘. 'l‘; iunx.tti~m. .\X'uml‘ a} lhiu in tl cl cmznu‘h. l’niutfifl (iuiic 'nr ('rmtp It‘d/Al m' Em. jlitll‘ni‘l." Fn ~h li'uh. lithium, Ilittrrhm i, Sim: Throat and Jr (‘mnpluintm “ ' ‘ ‘ MW" cut-ml in ten Iminutes. F: tint- minim-a -lloiulaiihc run-«l . I‘furni run-d n-nin {mnrting it . Xenrnlyizl pnin“! rurqd in ll”: 'ulii- (‘uer in‘ tin milint-s, S; in .'t -n minutes: sued thiuzit ro‘ )LS-a general as olm, em, ole. .0 find a large n:- <l. Britannia. Album Ten 5 uona, ('AD and Tang's, Sad 'cttles, l‘nnsfl‘ulu, . (‘IC . ("0. ent of Forged and kind', Cast, Shear, -y will sell as éh’enp L‘Nal; Warl- ”74;”! Ever!— ojust reueiwd their Ind “irin‘r Hands. lhun ei'cr. ‘mving h-'~..‘ 'l'hvy nsk 6 their “:er “knurl nu:- ._xm he gruf- F'SHYIIIflC-‘X \'EST. and. ML; cannot be -n tho lq'w priccq at really liswuizhing. ‘ nest thit-e, it; the nnnhla inn-s Hi can khmt-nl in in (‘ham r; buluw Euchlor's [oa. 13, 1860. I ~ , neads’ ‘ SUIIOOL, qpons ..l, 1861.: 1 [five months, 875. nrn. ddress ‘. L. SHEADR. ‘ ‘ Gctlyrburg, Pa.- Iffli Ix' Each ! I'L STEIN. PLATE iNHSm‘ fur. LURH‘S Anl'Anm‘: I‘nmmn‘n' inf rcpt-« Forming the Ming. “@lll AF (mm- H tin-h :g'mnnnnr :xfi In! of "Game-w nnrl nrricd mi: by 03“}. tc Engnfvor. OfXI'W with (thizin'h' 1w- Cl‘." mulzlhun lullmv .nrk of the p'myr‘r. xxgr:x\'9d"fin the mun r.’ .\‘cagthc bottom Ir hernlcd hmd uf ~lil‘g th‘efnmwr pnrt nzeh. curb hearing IJ\IE.\'TS. The on .. It U'qux glifiml pr.ti-c lil_v.:l= there i 5 nnthu er nhnut it. luring lx-rgyinon of all do !mon! it is one ofthe * ed in tl'gi: country, (- place of n poorer 'iznfiflhfi phle- is 20 timmhlj the chomp in this (-punlny. ltlm‘dafifilstnstud)‘ ‘1 \\"nuld rét'civc the work is cnlnnlntel secure a ropy whvn DOLLAR, “ith the x mm. in additinn, n I r valuable gin? [5.114) 1 \Fl\§ 1a 1111‘. ' 1 .u‘hr, L h l -l‘ (‘1 Fruflm Sprain 1|” ~lm E TM)! rum! i ' mimgh uunutr- nn-a. ‘ rolim’c‘ in ln'c , 1:)” U a s'lng : ED. Y 2.3 .Ide ‘ The: your r} DJ)! EVERY]! DTZI'IJ-QW Him in yr! Tuy 11!! VTILY ‘ir!!!~ ‘ s') ‘,Quls pl-r llnlllc. ' ‘ ; ‘ ‘ thinfi wéprrjvu un Ilmjwfml nn 1 I‘m 'Ol. q‘ml) bring on your mum. ‘ \ “:IL‘F-Il llisl'nlllit , i’n pie to him“. ill-d in every tuwn ; Iql‘u. x ll~wjguml r .\zcuta .\ll ‘m‘llors rind counndhica dull bl: .Id-_ch;sed l 9 i I l, ‘ » ;('. 9. (‘QLHHRT & (Tn-L. ‘ 1'23 South 41h itrdvt, l'lllldllt‘lpl‘il‘l. '{ mr .(‘T’fiSS Fun Usl\'lé \.Ul.l§l£ll'l".~l BALM ix ill.l-I.\D.—-For Tulufillnd ,u emph- in'. over ll e fnco 11ml cums all thy luuih'nllll-guufl premix 0 Lhé lmml up-ni'l‘ncfi‘u‘c:;«rqu-zu ! xtufi cured. in 'exlromc met-s \tcl. mnu'u “ill: llml, Balm. ml ‘,mwr tho ~tooth tilml pums.‘ for Heath Ill}. ‘yatllo the tcm'pMn “Jul apply [in the nose 2, nd tukc l'mm ten to lhi .ly dinps ill hum u sumh croimatcr. ‘mvem’uni-«M , ‘ ‘ . i For ruup it“! Sure Thruht, lnk'e frhm lton ml thirly 1‘01": inz\rnnl|_\', on 511;:qu or in e“ “tun" ell mu m \"fillll’kJullllQ the ”new ll’l'OU‘ amt bindux nfln’uncl. I’oi-Vllemlnvllc, Illieum‘ilism,” .\‘curnl rln, {mum A‘uk up 51:19 bathe fret-lg“ Willi Balm ili‘Gi and ; an i gcnpmllyllukc internally; For liprn‘fi mix onl: par! limb“ in (iilcnld and two oflwmér and flour, to pump“ platourmen the buéu will) the same. For (bulk, mks-i from: ten tolTurt‘y drops in Ill“; miter; bull: the; bowel; nudfnmuly wet “much. In the lllulrd the slieerose is for ( hildrem, mid the lflrgm‘ for adults; gvix‘r'r ncc‘urdilig to ilxge and l'il'uum‘. ‘ stances. ‘ _ i . ‘l ‘ . '} Uolhert‘séllzllm in Gilead‘is llnnfilwc. Col bert‘s Balm in Gilead gifcs‘sxuiisfncliun. I T'mec “he have usctl finial in Gilead. will not helwithmn it. ‘3‘ l I Ageins vdnnled. For fibrin: nddreés _ ‘ ~ : c. sidoni’umu 3; cm. ’37). 123 S. Foru'th‘Slu buildelphin, l'u. ,N. 8.. (li-darn sent by Elbl‘uiil to any part. of the l‘n‘itvd filntcs at the 'shorlost noticc. ' ‘ April 29,;1861. 6m j ; i i ; ,- I one “'9' [mu-Ii! tioxu s: lunblc ni-l l:c.u‘xtilul mu the Dollar askvd ‘knmflodgcd on an lbicnhcrs intend to o pnrrhacvnl of the ‘pcnts, as follow": orouf, , h r's-xnnkc,\vnrrapled.) orough, ‘suit Eigraving of ! Blrth offChnst, 1 es, lomhmclng Camem, i 3mm. hm. 31c. m: to 5300 cu with ‘ Change of Me. ETTYSBE’RG RAIIJIUAD.—-—()n and aftrr G Wedrfi-sdny, Maj 15, 186.1; {the Morning Train will leave Gettysburg (1:37.40 A. SL, with passengersl'for all‘the cannvcfious. Son]: and Sadth, on lthe NorthernK‘r-mml Railway, and return anutvl P. ..\I. ,Tho hf‘ternoon Trnin will lenvelGettysburg M 2.15. P. .\l.; but pnesengon by this Tfmn EcnégT nn (Archer tlmn Huncvér the same evyyin . Returning “ill reach Getlyjsbuv‘g About 5.1? P. \l.. with R 1155“): gen from IBanishing, Philadhlp'hin, to; 85' this arrangement pol-50$: For! the country, neg“- the line of the Railroad. _Ming business to transact in Gettymu‘rg, min take the noon Train up and hue nearly two lion" in Gem-s -burg, and {chum in' the Afternoon Tram. ‘ ' ‘R. mommy, president: Mny'27, 1860. " ‘ A. ‘ . Hanover Branch Rizilroad. UMRIER ARRANGEMENTS—PIunger S Trains ruin ns follows: > ' FIRST TRAIN leaves llqnorcr at 9, A. M., making direct connectinp M‘Junctionll‘quork. Untrishurg, Philadelphia, Mid the West.; SECOND TR} I.\' leaves anovcr M. 2, I'. M, with Passengers for Baltimore and intermediate (Inn's. ; p Through Tirkots m iseupgd to mummphia. Cgluqbitl, Harrisburg, York, WiHiammort. Rahmmre, and all pflnripnl way points cm the line uft'mNorlhc-rn Central lbnilwly. l). E. TRUNK, Ticket Agept. Juno-10,1861. . _ , IH] and \r:,ignnd,hcing the. autfitn 77nd porson T to make remand. into Evcr' Green Ceme tery, hope: thni such IS contomplntr the removal ofthe remains at deceased rgluthjcs or friends will avail themselves of this smuon of’tboyenr to have it done. Removals minds: with promptneu —zerms low, Ind no elforz spared to plane. Plal‘lili THUR)". March )2, '6O. Keepu of the Cemetery. , [3838' AND ("IHLDREV'R SHOES—A NI lnrgeassortmont othficg’and Children's bhuN, Blnék MM Colored. at April ’2'). ~R. F. MCILHENY’S. ' OMESTXCS, Tivkinm. Checks, Flannel; kn, cheap M. Fnb ucwgcks’. We inn-e also a . USLLV‘ bunded {nth ‘our own name, to which we invite especial Intention, as it excel! by‘fu, any eye; ofl‘ered in this market {or the price. “SH §H§, Beclnhed “T Brown Muslim, gPillow Cain qufin an Wide Sheeting, in? received 4!. ‘ SCEICK’S. nin'l'ms'. K ' f r ‘ .140; h we ‘mv-n (‘urml TEV unr- .\24 Removals. ‘ something NW! , g J lfjllflt) .\ "s . . l 3mm musnlmn MAP 3 Mountain neib Plll5. , 1 UN Tl”: PRESERVATION XXI) L‘l‘li‘l‘i'lll‘: "VP; gin-n pi-i-icrl llLt‘l’fib nl' 1.81.1100: I UP FRUIT AND UHNAHE‘I‘AL TREES. 7 _ cliiof ofn iril-e ul llw ntrniige Azlrr .\u- ONES are lu-in" pnbliahorl. which can! iin tiun, that once lilllt‘il \lujm-o. Yiiu will find I C “a“ mngiilflgent l‘lngrm‘inqs. “H h M full account oflilm lllldlnfl pfnyllrln'nlll'l’umph‘l 'l‘rcesjnd yarious kinds at film l'ruiinnil Fruit ht“. ““dr‘\l"';“.':‘_“;fi:° 1” 1““! Kr““"i “'o‘“ “ml Trees; 10ml? of the finest ilkCCl/ll‘lull‘fl ilmi have *‘lg'rf’fl’intimtnmd‘ ‘fiAuur‘wmrer 0!“ Juihnn's ; ever been PM on PM)". The ling". Itreea “e ill m’n Ilerb Pills " ‘hiu s -m. the~ ri‘aler' set with abundant burden! of Ifruit. Similar to 9“” (I w I,“ in inn" l' P‘l '. 8‘11“ “I“ 'hkh ““3“” presents m! 13m1," .seawn. §:‘;‘l?ewxrs' clounirv in :lilentjorlfl lelc refit. The "“5 are “Pl-hanging ham)“ [hen-1’9”“ ”if: I’ I‘ll. veil" amon' llie Indium ol' the RECkT‘ running ihrougli the sail in n gmiirul posnlmn. ”"13! nil o! Hegxieo and ii "I. thus Itbu't" mid_llie Engravings 9f Tre‘es n‘e bvauiilul und ho“: ll"! 5”” Huh P l.” ~ “I.” discovered : wand. ““50 c'oumimi n hue ngruviiig “ hid] Alien: ‘iiilercs-tiux “can": of 111 l adicnlures'; represenli the. innumerable read-like “MU ll f w‘ll find in our \luinnnclaiid ofu. fluoroufi irele ruur‘i‘jng ll (”12h and owr P:;;;hl::u ‘ ‘ V the soil. The Root .iigm\‘.ii ' con-Te ten , ' , . inchesin diameter on WP?!" {mil “w mm” “.5 it is an unblished‘fuct, that all dim magnificent engraving, \ihicli guano: help hm "l“ 110‘” I\l"['l1l’.lll 001“ _ "m" gnflryifg m m ml of n “hm“ "c' ‘ P The bluod is‘tlii: iire‘imia wlkin am for mid h. mm in: engraving ms u(‘\‘\‘l' “00" ’1 ~ , v. on T or s’:£‘é‘3§§2'§£fi.€2§2§2¥s2‘23::til'lliL’LL‘i roots "0‘ only prov.“ B'lme in lll¢ "3h! 9f Ever-v nerve feels the idiuon. and all We 3 the eye. but. is ifesigned to l." \'P align": "15- b In.” “+le 60"] ill Lin YTIIL‘ stomach portnncc to all who take nuin was! in ilmcul- 'h d‘, q J ~f ad l l I'] _ Theliu'r (- livution of fruits and liowlto ‘gmit fruit trees, ri’:e:§;:'n|a(iillicicri:; :l' b2]; The Wu roarl4 l l .3. ‘ .‘ . '- ‘ ._ skcyoPl'lgonlqins‘TwentyL-fifc Siflcicnbfingnw. l 32:03:: lwilltilidilxiiins342:“???in ings 0‘ Tjees. [guns tic" lowly-oa.? ' misnnou; muttonlieiicmn cough—mid fill I of Evergreenré qrcz ‘ l-llp 6. Thu 1' -s alight iiiipiirity ii! the foiiimiin-hcnd ofl Dwarf?“ I’an - PEN“ i-L’ m." ”-9" lilie Blood 1 A: ifyaii had thrown some (5' kc. Thelriii‘t 3m: “th Lumprhe Tor “sum”. in a pure ”mum lrom wa Ilaaplii'rrica, ('Wa‘cbe we," ”mam?" iiny rl\’lllel. in n few-minute‘s [Le “ ’ '- rm, " urranlil, (”PP ' [ lums, “p"- gain-so of the sin-am heroines distnrhe cots, Pears, [Pei-chin, mile-<l. em, unil , iscolored. A: quioklv does'ln'ipure blodi 4' "”1"“ “land. b.“ d In "p”??? n every part. and lurk in sting lit-hint: $11.: nun-ml fruit, qnil re lici-oniyanie he ”“3“ch become ohs‘truéied, nml unlcdi ‘ Tllll lyrintgd matter l groin llll'pOr-‘ bétruction “I removed the hull}: of life i ano,flnd3fomis acos‘ in *IM‘ 3: ljy in out I. l ~ ‘ “H’Chfl' 6-“ map [m grrml nmdml 'l‘lieae.pilla -noi. bnlyifpurify this blood} _bn§k and “be vurnis a' .- - Legenente all the secretion of the body ;i1 A COP}. will: its numernus ngriuiigs, Will i th r fiyre unrivalled‘nan l b' g!“""“‘ m ”‘e e 9’ “"d‘m'ms "" £11563: im’i‘is'x’iliui's msmsss. l gdniirable orimineutl ”he ‘mflowiiver (romplilm, Sick Headache. ted Wk)" In? Fl” fie ly 's6,")!er any ”li-Bilimu .\[edicinc tipels lrom ihelil ‘ ‘ - apartmeiit with lio -ultgrxil immer iidilcn seeds of ”hm”. and renders nll quqtlllmpohfl'nCEll dfnncfv. The” 'ulda uni! swtetions pufe and fluent, (lei topic: are whim-”"1 ' “ wry‘limiy bnul renum-iintinz ,llle vital (ii-guru. l - “‘Pe‘Iie'EWFMX'E" ‘.’l1"”h".‘“".“"l g Plenum! iiwiémi, il L-i in li*,.tliul we are! paid go “fluennfi; an“ For liirnim ‘0 place “‘lllllll vuiir rciu‘li. 1| iiimlii'ine “H the PIN” ‘Of smgl giignumga o ‘Mniiniain llorli l’lllfi," llim \iill‘luhs ilirl i, more; routs, “f: ' l.‘ 'm “IF-MT tlm l 0 ilie ufilictad parts, iliiiiugli the blond} mini)? cfl'n omm“ " l-h will“ at fluids ul ihi: lmdi,uinl muse the Milli-r“ 1 “mm“ figure. the lwe “3!. a (mu niiulileu‘mlli HIV-“u,“ nl'licaiitv'niiil licnll will be. made ~10 low that lilch-u in I r . _ . v_ ’.,, l, { ‘EOPB 'rnn new obsai eupii‘w fur [h VMIINMI I‘l/lvmr Illt' lll‘f' 'li’mmli/ ui (li-mug} {pr x 3 sum lliiit lwt-n l‘ 'id‘lfir siiiglu ciiglhl ’ "ll" fi'fil'H‘ml‘l ‘ ‘l'i'il'lg’mfiq l i _grxu’igi;zs' «fin-cum? 1 ‘ ' s‘! l:ovn-l lolli|ilinllls, mi in '.'“ _\ GUI“ l'onti‘uus printed um rif miii-li ["11 g. l'i'uullr‘. llllllfl‘hllun. portfinco and great \' lww in) trmtt nll kin . 91' Fruit 'l'rmu to render 1111'“! very ignrous nml rm. dm-tia 0, even in pnl‘ \‘urulvle «mam»: It will tell lm'w -'-to prepare the soil without incotrt‘cr‘lrn c lu-furopl natim the tm-eé in: to slim Vtt'mu t‘rve-x Illlll'll in vivnr, and to pro ltu p l «hivumi flg‘s of nlmnd.lnt crfipi. Help in unfit; v'urnhle sen-‘0": nr ltvutiuns. with prupgr xmd pnsy nftc t. ontuirnt. . ’ will tell how Lu pre "re-nu plnntnll kinds of Fruit. and , ‘vmgrtun. Tum-s, so ug to prme succctfifill. wi h scan-e- Lt ct’L-r prqting IL A ilurc in :1 lot of minty trees when p )pL‘rly treated us dll’L‘l’lt‘ll. It will_ tll [HA-v] to train nml piant Dwarf l'e Trees} It Cull , min; the mm! sur ~~<lhl trrntmr‘nw' fur Lllo culture of t l‘lum. I It “ill ‘ “-1! how ‘tu train in \ul‘i‘hllc the " (fir. pc. i ; . r A ('OPY ‘\'lll’,tt'll hnw tn (‘lll :‘to nnri trout _ b’itrmt‘hcrrici. (‘nrrz tl, FfixspflnrricF. lllnvkherrivs. (lown'crvM '4'. A COPY wilt toll lmm‘ 1.0 trrt l'z :Hl‘t t'rL-I-a. to ' radon: tluifr routq mlthy frinvn'tllo .di-nulrnulc (Allen: 10! vnr'm lllll~t‘l'l*. ll . 1 fi'ill tell llmlr tomnk. ls;- ‘t'lm ..ppll ‘ mttiou‘m'cr ,‘tlu‘ snll ingrnfil‘mling‘ the l trot- to protect the.- ml-h ul‘ml uglu‘x tender fruits fruni tl c-111-clsjuf Ming Wintér—lxlllctl in methyl. l'l‘ltt-‘mr nppiiglinn ulw 1'0). rt“ Pom-‘4 rod Ilium taking the, yqll up. The upph; cztliolh has the be!’ liviul‘ 'ellm-h Q 0 prom-Int the fulmgl- u IJIC tree» hmlth} gun] the tree \iuor .‘ . .upl prm‘c~ to the pruilngtivenufi _ lnw'm ’ truirs. Tln- xtppliéntlou to HII}Tll('1lF not 'ttxptm-iw, .\ll hh 7‘ «alficic'rnt um- U‘riuL nu their plillzlllflhsl, l ‘ will tnll‘hmt to l'r _‘L‘|‘\'(‘ :tll‘llinnla of ) 'Frnits u‘ith little or‘u su; Ir.‘[ l: “ill l “pqunugm : . den how in Mcv’ - )le ilh- run-"h E.\\'.Brown,£4l.,Furum-51!.tqkoannv‘uter. ’3'"“‘“- ll “‘l“ tel hon U treat “"‘l W. L. l'mper. EM... Lam-aster (family H‘illk , l?"‘J'“l-'F PM“ 1" ma “Tb PE Fuclly,aud ‘ Sulnnel Slwx-kLHMp,{l‘hlmnbin BMW. 4: ‘ town-n lathe Mg! "Martin-u 4. tsunamiwag-in, 3514., York Rank. *3 A COPY “"9“” “'5 'l'"an *T'lfl'm“ all "‘ lWillinm “Wigner, Eup. York County Bank. _ n glance. ind‘fn'rl-w M: an prunuu-nl 31‘. D. t'amm, Harp. “junk or (lemming. ‘ _. l'pr tllo lel as will u nduiir -d by All 2pm“ .\lartill. l-Z-q.,.l’rbth‘_\'nflmucnster col, Pa. _ luvurs ofurt,dmwn rum natt re'ks pm. mm, (3. llnfithoru, 549}, “0,5,!" I. E’ ... dm‘lt ' l ' »:1 » IIGL-o. \Vhitfion. Bap, [let-order “ 1 “ A C’U‘PY can now ‘be ohtni t-di fur“ 1.60 in I April 13-,‘15‘31- ' L Itmney ur_po=tn;zc- mups‘ 3 -, rV ' ' " ‘l‘ ' , These/cdplcb arc publi~llptl pm 5: ,‘Trees! Trees! Trees! ; ‘ : "- l‘" M l’l‘iT “3.. ‘ ’ lll‘Z undesdgnmlfim‘ite attention with ‘ Nm‘r Bt-Illlvnvillu‘, .\}\ln~‘ l'nQJ'tl- AT largo :lnd well grown stot'k bf l‘ The Mn» is now tim: c .' “ill: [I blich‘E , . T :L‘ZD (IRXAMEN'TAL TREE “glam"! be 50‘"th mu "“5 mt+'c. lint: Shrtlrll;l lkvm (-Inhnlcinlz u hr!“ and rorzlilc-te ““lH'L‘ “WWW“ I’3‘ ”PM "l"“-‘"' "m or. ln.enr«‘l.iona of .\l‘mJ-zs. FEARS. l’l2.\(‘i|lfis. dared, on receipt of nun-3m”; :umluntu .\ l’l l'\ls ('lll'illll'lES .\Plilt‘UTS, um] NEC smnple copy can be seen at his utlicf, \rhero TA‘RIVIIIS Stunrlartl h" the Uu‘hnrtu and Sllltu—[lleuHS ntre reconcd.‘ llmtrt'l'ur ll": (linden. ENGLISH \‘._\L_\IIIVTS, 3""“1 ”“1” 13' ' Slums” 4('Hi~2.iM'TS. IIAZLI-ZNl‘Ts,l kl" f" n.\srmznlut~,s. srn.\\vm-:mm:s. (tn - 7 RAXTS and lit‘USl‘lßElllHliS, m great Variety. “USMC“ GRAPES, bf clloitcst kinds, ASI‘ARAPI'S. “Willey nnrm‘nn, rum. -\l<n.n finmm-t oluqll 1'! """“-fimmw.i, lmshy HVI‘ZRGHEENS,suitabIe fqnhe GOODS, ,L'éuwlvry and L urn / 1 s j DECIDI'UI'S TREES, tor atrcet pint-hing, 'w and a general nssqrtment 'ol' _ , 1' lunsurzsn't. Tums um menmm Snurun. l noses, 9f rhhive‘ varietier, auxin”, i BEDDING PLATES. tr. ' I l Ourisuml't in remarknbly thrifty ant! fine, and iv. otter it It prices to wit the timemt - ‘ ”Catalogues mulled to nil applicant; Addrcu EDWARD J. IiIVAAS l C“?’ ‘ Central Nurseries, York, 4. a. Sept. 23,186]. 2m , . \ (‘OP\ lion. t in. bait .\LY i'grk, I IN): In’T‘S‘ Arm-‘ FL‘m. MONI- MIIH‘Y ,| I‘ht‘ l 7"" I“ u NM MOS mun ("\ ml m in \\T. \- .\ CU)“ J , SIM ~ ~ New Goo s. l;- AUXESTOCK errm: 5' wouldl F fully inform‘their film} and‘ (11. that they have just rereivea lxrrru :i' some stdck of FALL AND INTER consisting of , \ Lndies' Dress Goods, Shanx, (‘lntll ‘ (mores, l-‘lqmnels, Giugh "15,, .\lu<l legulso Queemwnre (lrbreriq 810., which will be gold at sl rt. prom! ing changed our terms, we n W'fle" N 4 or will giya 6‘o dlys' credit prom“ customers. : hay-0m early It. the MUD 1861. Latest Ne . 186]. US? uwe were going to res: we r‘eceived J a despatch that. R. l". M thENI bus jrt opened a complete nssortme (of "A S A. l)‘ CAPS, including the lntesl lull st 'le Silk,§ Benve‘r, Slouéh, Cassimere nd Wool HntsJ——l Buys‘ nnd ln'fnnls’ pla‘in nu fancy Hats wild, Caps, which for neatnes: pf ,‘ll’h nn‘l qulhy: surpass anything ofthc kludtvo ofi'crLd in this; place—all of which will he s d{t QOlshing: ly low prices for' cash. A 0‘ BOOTS AM)“ SHOES, including a fine ass ‘rmmm of Lndios’} Morocco Boon, Buskins.Ga erlx and Slippers. 3 GAMERS AND supwzns gr 2:: cans Pm} PAIR. All in mm: of goofijn my line are xospcctfully inviqu :0 xiv» 1%! call. 1 Come onel Come all l ‘ ‘ And‘givo me a friendly “1% ' . For I“ good: will be sold at unheard (if prices, 'l'd overcome the unlooked'ior crisis. (m. 28, 1861. i , . Hat. Boot. - Shoe. MORE NEW GOODS A , if”: SIGN OF; .... ..- .-- THE BIG 800 l“.—-Th ulfidcrsig‘ncd have n 9 'Li 116103. i just reocivod a fresh étlppi' dl Hats, Cups? 0. CAlR‘lii h“ Idd‘eld to his Grocer-5- and 300‘“ Shoes, Trunks, “mg 8835' "‘6' “50' H. Notion Storo, a department for thf: sale hare ‘ 3?“ supply lof a“ I“ j "d HMMSS'Q of Liquors, and liming hid in a large nml fine Bri‘dlcs, collars, kc. .‘ '3‘ ‘ lussortment. hc‘ invites the_attention of buvers bhoes Ind Boots of all kihds mu'le loorder‘s more“). It embrace?- BllAXDll-IS, WINES, "" fim‘m‘ "”‘men‘ ““1 " fihvrtnym-e-—' uixs,-wmsxms, he, of different kind: um Home-made work nlwnys .n" ”(1’ ‘Pfi'ffi‘h" prions, some among the bolt to be had in the for “s}" ("0 “\N kl LU‘P' J citic=. Aaliia motto ls, " quick Isles and hmnll flm ___L,___,.__ fiofita,” he wull lell thenp. very chap, for the New Goods & umber. '. dirk. .Tu bu confine“, it is only necessury to A . gne lumymu pulrnntge. ETER .BOBLITZ, tt Arealdtsnllp, has just Getlvsburg July 1 1861 returned from the clty‘fiwith n large and: __.. ' ’7.- _.’ r._'._._n_.__._.'___ :e not stock of Dry Goods, oueriea. Uuéeuu-, ‘ Ready-made Clothing. \ “"C» "smm“: “00'“ 5“ W.- ”a”: “W 5 w EHRHH ARNOLD has now got up hi» l'ull TruulH, &€~s 3‘9.‘ cheaper ”I: """E‘: a(J and Winter Star-k. of Ready-made Cloth- Hc also ha on hand a lot PQFTfifj‘n‘s ‘ irg, consisting ofDRESS COA’l’Smfererykind, llld SHINGLES, ofcxcollent nnlny,_w It‘ll be“: OVERCUATS, in great variety. BOX-3' ”0., will dispose of at the lows: llnng prelim.»q MONKEY JACKETS, PANTALUONH, VBSTS, Give him I call. Ho will al anys try to please ‘ Drawers, Shirts. Crnvntfi, Gloves, Sloclu, W‘M; Hosiery, kt. Arc” with almost every Itlrlib’fle :2 3‘ 3 our lint of busiurss. nil of which wil ._, no . RSVP-IVO, {. 'l5 clump. for cmh. The clothing are mostly of 3E“. lot of RP" (”A _~& 0‘ d? 2”,“ our own mnhufin‘mre. Give us a call. and If styles, embraring the J ‘9'" “3““ “'1 re rannot lit ion; in a garment mad: up. We (A. SORVS, northwest corner’oi‘ tlx: Dmnlond.l will sell mu {he “loads, ml“ your measure,‘ Having purchased for mgh‘ it the be“ ”a“? and make. van a mill in short order. he is prepnrcd to sell «slow #5 the lowest—if. uc: ‘ I's“ ~ : ‘ l not lower yer. Drop in and ejmmlne them for; ..-;L, ' _“m ‘ _ .A“ ”.7 7 1 yourselves. No trouble to slgow gods‘ ; a 08.11 at Samson’s. ‘ July §l_l‘§_§l_'-_____l_..__.__lé__ ‘ AWN” returned from the virar, (the ttock ‘ y. UESTION ASKED AXDI ANSWERED - H being somewhat neglected noonuqumn Q“’hy is it that H. G. CARR sells MOSH-tin" of Samson being_lick,) but u A. Bohnixctmnf 30 c cap for cash? Been-niche buys for 'cash 1‘! It borne again, a flrstt-raftemn-itgzi“tingirl:ioh and buys nothinl hut n gqqd rticle, and‘aells: CLUTHIM}, 30-, “M 59;“ out the ’morfr u 9 very short profit. Lmli ganl gunman“, will be laid “C heretofo‘r: Dhmo-d give Hm a ”11. Don't fO, I tin phbw—é PRICES. NJ}. “mg-«1’86: . . Bight oppositethe Bank, in 1 4:]; at, Dow; 25. 3 Gguyaburz, Anz~ 1 . - u h - s n ME h “H M ‘K (.‘ll‘F-t ”HEIN'JS, '. lnl‘lJmmclinm [vii-s, lh'typliuu :1111l l'pllnldtvrw‘l ('h‘niru‘. A 3 (forum-new; lnmtrd Wi-nkneifi, ‘isummit-ownsm‘i'itT'l‘Aunt-‘rnxt'rt" , i byfimtniu, ‘ Liwr (lumylnin 4. Arum! Chairs. Htlim- ('liniri, l—‘nrbcr ('hni i llllnrrlit‘t-.L, ' Lunness of Spit is, Crihs nml l‘r:ullt-~, llnt Burke, Jlfill l-‘uruitu i nl‘.l|~_\‘, i’lhw, ‘ _(:illt mm Walnut l’mn-Ic Lmiking Ginsu-1. Si :! Debilily, " - Stun. nnd GrflV‘él. l-hanrlln. l'ktrmiun 'l‘uhlt-s, (ll ou-rr h-ngth. i Fever ngtd'Azuo, ‘ Secondary Syn‘fln- I Persona lllrllllstld Io pun-haw hrcinvitpd “! l'chmle (lumlilflillt‘. (nms. l \ ('nll nnl gin: uut' stunt tut cxmuiunlion, wh , , (HUNT FEMALE MEDICINE! l ‘ ilo'r rnrit-ty mu] quulity of wurkumnshif) in v 1: pomnh-s who \‘nlue‘hmlth. nhhuld‘ uni-Ir he eqhnllcd by “m. estuhlixhlnv'ul in tho 1.0 m” .“illuiut thesi: l’ills. They purily‘tlte hfiuod, ' A. 3!”an {SUN :remore distinctions at‘ all kinds, clenns thei - Nos. 3;, mm 27 N._ (inf “’o'“ iskin nfull pimples nud‘ blutchos,nml Mint; the 9 Aug. r, mgr; ly ' Erich culur of‘hculth tulthe pale,che(~k. 1 I—‘ , ‘ _ , 7. :. ; VW'l‘he Plant: midi "(-Tlld at which 3lhesel -‘ Meraa'nt Tailoring :I’llls ure mmle. were dim-ort-reul m arm-r; wr- ‘ TFW (‘umis‘ ‘ (“.ole \'l \' ' . lprlising uuyfnmoug the 'rezmiunsu: tri‘lw u; L) 3‘3“ r:;mrm'qia—fi:”;”;|; ‘jl!‘:l\:itl:llnnlu A wriLr'rnL-s‘ in- \l ‘c. (lit tie . mum“: o =l. , . . , .. . . . . 1 ur .\gi-nt. and .\.!ulin rcml Wltl'i Alelighl. the :Lfifvfa‘flgfiuirff‘ :\h§l\ll‘.l{\l:..~l, ”W“ 1 Very imorcqin‘; net-punt it uunluiui of modem” Drillinl 1“'1:1L{:‘_‘:_'“:"K"1r film} i I." ‘u Great .\le-liyinef’ ottthe Aztecé. '. ; ‘I“ “hint.” 's‘] "I V.“J'T'EN-F‘Gm’F”. ' humming—T’l'he ‘~ \imn min llot'h l’illsl’ are VLF} fl _'_“ us. Jr???“ 0 'T' n" mt "p in ‘7‘ limnlttiliul \\‘rnp:p(-r. liml lmx“ r (tutu, \Uhtlre‘lnfu-111l tnput uplhe ll.) s mm n» * , 3:22.721: iiin‘sliil'fi: ‘1';;:n:’:;.":"":". i. . 1 .- a - _ ' - . . L! n . .»'\-. ‘ .\il genuine life the :llglllllurt' at l. L. I nmuunt “r work dining "”4 ”ML“ 50:15:”:an . “”9“ & (AL, uu “Rh. bnx'- l ‘ “‘hii‘li has giiou bulifll‘m lion. Milli nv 11l l,“ B. L. JUDSON & (30., ‘ incrcuw of (HIT-llllhllu‘lu. gurfl’ tu shuw m ~J SOME PllUl’lilETUß-‘iii - :t-litkl'ru'ly that wile-dgluug‘tih: in?“ nu‘llunt‘r '. . . . t _ . : . . 0 >0 surp‘usc . ur in" 0 gun I run 'i ‘ .\.‘O'FO lihlhflll)‘b'rllfihl',:\nlh hm K. ‘1» mirlmmml in (“Huh if" nvlv, Him u '7 3'99"" \mntml “mun—’N‘lru" "N”, ('nli “'uh no no duuht'wc (‘llll-Jl 'l - ‘3‘ 3133‘”. (Li (Hunt. .\iy-ut fur Getttshur 1 0‘“ 4 ll‘ll‘l 4 “‘L . l E Juiy29.1861. iyemr 4 W ' "“ ‘l3 I ’ 7 ' - . I N_ ‘ , l H Lancaster Book Bindery“ Fancy Furs ' F 390? Furs ~ - i‘l mum: \\'l.\'.\'l‘,§ ' . x TUB K-‘Kf’ 1(1 ‘ ' [IOOK [axial-.2]: ' l ‘.. é‘rl‘l‘ "I" A ‘ .\xn 521.. th :09»; nurncrrnnn. l ‘ “”" ‘ ' ""' .5 ; . ‘ unusual; mi. “‘““- 1"“, "f I Ix’lm'n‘auri Uriiqlmnhrl aniliny. of Her-{J ~i‘rhcllhl..) l 19m"! }rrilpliun. ox: (-l'llcld in‘the most. alihstulitlw 'lll':l'lfl|"""ll;;::":r " ‘appruwd styles. , u-nlt-r in all kind; .\.\(‘\' Fl'llS. lllljl‘iu lllgnbs' \ 'hilnlru "'5 Wear. liming mm‘ um mum-d and in I” I} quhil- lnrgr‘ i ll the union; st and ifunlititu of Furi. udnplml tn the mm i Full and Winter Homonn. I would realm-t 131 im ilc‘nn unminutinn oflm Mach llflddfl'i frhut those inlmullugmpurrl:u~v,lu lum nhle-d to ufl'or tlr-m wry dwiruhlc inulm'emr 4 lAll m) Fur; lune llk'f‘ll pun-Imam] for ('n nhil mnde_ hr expericn'eil‘und compel hiuul-I, nnll tlu- prrnent mom-wry truu‘ rdixiri' not-cps”)? that i should (lit-pone of ‘ :41». at (wry s-mtill :udrnpre on coat. ‘ ' - Him) ~ntidiori- tlmt it “ill he tn the intei 11" those Vl ho design. pun-hush g, to gin a chll. ‘ .v' -, ' IBéfifl'lemllet-t thy. mime, nnmhor nnd M'r'v thn Furrim, (Néw Fur u‘tmc.) Tlfil [\fl‘ll Philadelphia. ~ [Sept 16,1861. 5 I o , Howard Association, , llll..—\l)l-Il;l’lll,.\ -A, Benevolent lnflti P lion estnhliphcd h! =pei~inl lindowm for the Roliefoftlm Sh-lmtml Disgn-«cd, a‘i CA with Viruignt and Epidemic Di-culn, eipecinlly for the Cure ot‘Diseuseu of the So; Omani. ' ‘Ml‘lDll‘A l. ADVICE given gratis. by the A inn Surgwn. to all who apply by leHef, wit dgrdj-iptiau (if their condition, (toga, occn 'tinm mm:- uflll'o. Man and in case. of my; puié‘l‘ty, .\lcdirlnes furnished frre of'rlurgé. A J'ALILIIi/MI REPORTS on Spormntorrhd a "d otheF’Diu-iurn of the Sexual Urgmud o the NEW REMEDIES employed in the l) j nlnry, sent toAlhe afflicted lnmeuled It! ' Cass]- l‘l 2‘ II II gnof JI.28,18) V 8. ur' ‘ . "M'- |r CASH, lt-pnying he man 1. a k LOCK AND WATCH-.\lAKl-ikmn‘l rgmloved “ his =hop to South Baltimore street, 9 few é doors south of the Four! House. where he will ‘ nlhnyt be happy to Mtend lo the call! bf his customers. “8‘ is thankful for past inward, and hupci to rem-he thé continued custonfidf the n' public. [(iL-uysbnrg, April 8, 1861. Gettysburg Restafiranq HE undersigned. having bought on: (lhnrlés R. Bunhey, will coulinue the UETITYS BI‘RG RESTAURANT. M the ohl stand. ynder .\lcConaughy’s "all; In Cnrlisle “reel, whelje he wiH always be ready to "IV! up. It the cull's ofcustomeri,UYHTEßS. CH ICKEX, BEEF TONGUE, TIHI‘E. [(‘E CR3AV, he"; with DOMESTIC WINES, ALE, L; HER and WW. He will spare no efinn to render Mtiafncdon to I” who may patronize “1411. He only aka 3 call. VALEJTINE wnaxm. _ Julyl,lB¢l. 3m ; LiNueuza, Alexander Frazero =§SH€3W3W DI'IKINH the pflsl year we have lntroduc ‘ to the notice of an lanai profcui ofthis country the Pure Bryn-(wed L'Morida humming, nu : mmmn' run mum):~ FISH: and having meived from may snur both frbm physicians of tho highc’fl snug and from patienta, th‘e MOST FLATTERIN‘ {um TBSTIMUNI.\LS;()PITS mm. “wk 1 f \ uh. trexnnu-utpnhis painful uniqmtinm dt )eign I “Hey: we are induced at pment it to tho puhll “33¢“ a ram 111-lAIN Fun mmgm‘u‘g US! 1"...“ l which we hope will‘commend incl! to "10+ :21]: I wlio are suffering with thin nfllldlngogmplai :kfifznnd to the m'm‘icnl [:rxgctlilionar 1130 my f] ; we‘distmed t 9 ten the mom of Ith "lush! 7qu r renmly‘ ' ' ' | {ftp mem PROPYL.\.\ImE,in tho ror‘m nbo mu apnkén omea rmnntly been extenniyely a "3‘: ‘ pglrlmented with iifuie mgxxsrmuxm uc‘ . fly xvl’lfl'AL, and with “ARKED SI'CCESS (ll' 2‘“: lnprelr from the ’publishod account“ in I{ oonhnejdipnl journnln.) ‘ < ”It in carefullxputnp ready fa} halal digle use. with full directions; Ind cpl: In I! kind “em all the druggists “‘l5 cent! I b Anle, and at wholcgnle 1')! I _’ ‘i’ mmnocx t cvmx‘zrmw. ( ' IDrngziq€s nmflhnufnchiridd’hamist}. . :July l,»1861. ly ’ l’hilndelphll. ‘ A- Mathiot a: Son's l is I the tire ring able -- the 't‘llX ‘ nnd ‘r in (WA XI)FI'RNITI'REWAREIUNHISNV S 25p d 27; N. Guy Mrwt. Multimort‘. (n: Fayette .~ ~) amending: mun (Iny m Fredtri aL—thc largest c>'kiml inl l'lhnn. Ahmyu nu hand :1 large nunrlmonl "(‘H'SICHHLI) .\VI) UFFIVH FI'HNITI'HR. r 1 [mu-in}: Murmur“. lh-d Imdl'. \“ll‘hrllllldfl, Wat rum-s. .\lnth-nt‘“ of" Husk. Chum] null Ila Sp‘ring Bud‘s, Sofas, 'l‘clodo-Tou'n. .\rm Chr' -‘l' . 01,.“ ... .... ,hm llqvking ”mint, Hunger“, .\Txlrlflc Tables. 51 edvqlomsfireo of‘clmrgo. Tu our “me; am fdr posmgefivill be ut-u-pmbk. ,AMress, DR. J. SKILLIN "()UGHTON, ing fiat-germ, Howard Adsociatiofi, No. 18“ Sianh Straw” Philadelphia, Pa. By- arder the Directors. 4 _ l j EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pru‘ (6:0. Emucmw, Scc’y. r , bin. 7, 1961. ‘ 11 . f :: Chas. O.‘ Flelds, OOK-IHNDER, .l'npeu‘ Ruler and BI 1 Book Manufacturer. 3d nary, Sm Wilding. Utah-e Squimi, YORK," PA: RI vahty Office, and Counting House's furnh \an Blank Books,mud¢.of the bestlinen and on the most rensonnblfi‘tcnm. Bindr; Every ducriytion vexecuted with neltneu fiisgnlch. Orders by mail promptly mm: «3.: [Aug. 26. 1861.. 3m - , Ploufirocenas, 8:0. I HAVE constantly on hand, FLOUR, C and Bubkwhcnt )lEALfl, Hommnny, 3 Ref! . Dried fruit, and l’icfiell; SEGA GUEEEEBS, Tens, Syrups, N. 0. Molina, t crop; it 50 cents per gullnn, the very hell for lmking,) English (Ilneese,jnnd every 0?. mic]; umdly kept in- Flour nudfirpc Store. Give men call. WM. GILLES“ Gztljsburg Dec. 31 1860 9111* ~ 1 Union Inn. l EORGE A. couwmn. of me man In. on the ('hamhcrsburg Turnpike, nfsr . ‘ top of the South Hountnin, takes this me 051 iol'informing his friend: and the public thn he in prepared to accommodate nll' who may m- Itonize him.iu the best manner, and at mod r- . ale chums. Nam)“ wlll be spnml to gin Enlilfuflion. ‘Hia mule and bay will be {O3“ well providcdlnnd his bedliing uhcxccplionl In Large stabling for hor§e<. He only uks s.‘ uni. « [Slay a. mm. "TL . ' ‘ Removal. ! r.‘ ‘WATCH t unocx narmuxa quts ZEH‘LER has removal his \\ atch ‘ Flock Sinking Establishment to South BLl tlmoro street; two doors with“ ”11-111. Zieglet’l Store, where he will he glad-u ~.; cdlre a continuance of the pntroungopf “,3 public. By clone attention to basin"; MO work. my] moderate charggs, he hop“ go “in. general satistmurul nnlhuewiore.‘ ' , Gettysburg, April 8,'1861. ‘ ; j BE attention ofthe Lndiu is m;- I." T 'mvxced to n largo and Iplendi g; - men! of Lndids’ fine Km Boon, Ludh; ‘ ‘ “n, Cum Ovenhou, induct mind at ,~” ‘0“. 28. R. F. MC!LHENY'S‘§§ II II i 3 :a to at