The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 13, 1862, Image 3

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    4 ' 'v' 'f" ' x m Amman!“ or mmc W” m. HARRISBURG.
. A omm [l’ , ‘ \ omens . ~ ——
« _ 0 . . _ : vomunnlov «1 ml: mmLunx—qar. rnm
‘ hl‘ “"‘l"“~‘"°““bl." 1h“ “My 0! 91"” mum'un :IL‘ or? m nu: nan’nmcns—
mod citizen to sustain the (3M \t "'
gr“ 7 me Government
this trying emergency. but the idea vaan~
Iced in some quarter: that loyalty demands
[the meat implicit confidence zin ill the offi—
lceu of the Guvernment, 3nd precludes obj
:jwtion to' any of their praceedings, is so at»
f surd that even thooe who pretend to uphold.
. the doctrine violate it pongtnntly in prun
ties. The Government belong to tho peo
‘ ple, and not the people to the Government.
lPuhlic officers are our geri'anb—not our
lmzutern. It is our right and our dutyx to
watch and to criticiae their conduct. and
the moment we cmgle to do this, either"
through fear of the consequences or from I‘
spirit of submininn to authority, ‘wo cease'
to be freemon, and become the aulzjects or
nn unlimited demotism. The doctjne that
loyuity to the Government preclu es criti:
cinm 6r expozfure of thé mnlfenmncei of tinyl
in” Legislstnre. ; 4. of‘iu ofiiceraor tge‘nts,‘would. it'c‘grried in?
Both “on“, of me “at“ ”‘,Mdu" ‘m.’ ‘ to practice, ntlord amnVcnh-nt mFer forthe
“ .t .. in ~ .1- . tr
'imnized on ’l‘uegtduy hut. Tho Sennte‘olttct—l mmt ”mmfd‘"¥"_’“d" . Had Congress “a”,
ell Louis \V. llnll. of ltluir, Simuker: (ii-*O. B‘] upon ""5 principled thedtsoovory would
W. llummoruly. of ”ma” Clerk .' ”pm?“ newcr'have been made that. Mr. Alex. Cum?
Yerkes, of Philm, Svrgeant-ntr-Am“ : Geo. mmgs drew_three hundred thousand dollnrtt
G. .antin, of Lancaster. Dmrkeeper—with 0f ““9 PUI’JHC "WWW: 3 portion of'which he“
mmeffit’teen or twenty otlternflio‘ern. #4 enliunJmltnlstnuv lmu,wmnter panta'loonsfil
Republicans, notwithstanding tlte“lK)-pa.r-:l'6J9ol€d curbing, London POI'WF- 500““
tv" times. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ znle and red herrinr, and never 0000!"!qu
The House elected Johnflgwo. of Frank- for‘ the balance. .\‘uit’her would it havcj'
lin. Speaker: E. If. much was m~elebt9d been known that George D- Morgan. bfi
Clerk—with a score of other officers. Noar- New York. made over ninety thou'fmtd dol-f'
ly 111-“Repullhicflnfi——n-fed m-mllod u Ulfion him, in the purchase of vessels for‘the Gov-l“
Demoamta.’_" The} regular lk-titt)cruts;pro-. timmt‘m. Willi”? the 5110” ‘lmbf illl’et‘ll
Cert-ed defeat rather than secure the offices m°””’""" sunrnmrly “W“! ‘0 “l" ‘3“!"3’4
of the Hana hy dishonorable bargaining. 0f ‘3‘“ Pmmlmt Of thegljmted States for}
~ 4.- >~ ‘ ‘ the term of tour yr-nrc. A generous confim
t ”The ('“E'Pr'mri‘g‘ “‘4‘?“ "9““ out dénee pn the put of Congress wohld ,huve‘
fmuf‘l‘” "WWW "’4 “3* “l“ d"“““‘,°f" vow-rod these trnnunctionn with overlmtihgj
-u-umly of S'tlilldint'Sß Clutl’.|clcl‘,»alul It'll“ oblivion. my] Men-rm Cummings and Mbr-‘
L!” "“1 "l'J‘ ink-roar.” , ‘ _ 1 i gun pruhuhly.rotainvd tothc glay'of thrir
”The ‘etlitor Eof‘ the S,” would 1mg“: ' death the character of zettlouu patriots who
1*“ maid helieye a.“ tit» “pl-“Mm“ “i 9 gay.) their Ilisinu‘rested visit-ea Lathe 66v:
"5995.966“ in and traitors." .Sn ungrjy eminent utntinte of so , trial, out of the:
blinded is llt‘ lty lmlitival nntli'cu. that, [wrest love and lmnevolcnce. These fuel;
rather than my what i-t tine r-t'tho lit-nio— are “”01." “'fl‘cwm to “H“fy the, perqlale‘
(-nitig: PM”. he “,me 0;", tlm ”nah .. 33,] that it is never wise or jutt to trutt puhlic
and comfnrt n by “onl-t1“; “,..", that, the sprvants t’othr-fiandthat ttnhnundpd confi-,
lteépfe of l‘t-nnwll/aniu. Irv 'thirtv tlimhuuul ”NW" mxlyettcouragus "WC-"1”):- The Will“
in:tint'ity. are thi-ir friend; in thiiqtrhhellirin by whimm""""~""‘“'." i” lfl‘pt within bounds .
-—nfnl.~<-homl whiéh Would be iniuriouuto ““‘l ~‘ul2jt'ctexl to proper .Mcoumab‘mx'
tlu- came of t'no‘ country if the murée train ““1!“ "We’d-0 be Will-““1- 1 Pug?“ SW“
Kvi hich it manntoq lnul um; slundiit: Wll3t~ pnhlm "““Hlko 1h" prmettt.\vllen 99"""0"?
Mcr. W.- ttgnin direct public-zittk-nt'mnrn sums of money are‘. plm‘mi lit the disposal of
thin: suspicious courw of thn Start—a oggur-e “mm!“ "f “1“ Government ‘l’ I'o expended
'Wltitjll even the Itvpuhlican (Emu-mar of ’1‘)" ”t" 119“"!!! gu'd- ln‘irfid‘Of ”QM-”’s'“
this State ,reimknu, (in his .\[hw-tgti. puhliult~ relaxation of "'6 ordinary mu” 0f npcountnm
0.1 today.) l-eca'nsu 1,",1e on," “f ”m hility, should on‘ the cuntrafi induce rn-t
bier-inn! of l‘rhvidr-nro'whiult \t‘o ihvntld 'lw (kWh-led V‘g‘l‘mce 0“. the PM" 0' these “i"
gratehth for he cited that of "unanimity pointed to gunrdthe tntt-rmtsof the people. ,
“mun! our peoplci” .. ' ;-—l,'on;.'reas \vatl right in. appointing ln'
‘ ~— ~... » ~ iconnnittce to examine n‘nd exp‘ow the g
- 19"! ““3!” 1'13“" ”’"fv'hl‘f" D- B"""”~ fibus-es practiced hy agontai‘ who ,vvere‘
“‘l7-'5-S""=‘"“‘ fr”?! 1mm?“- "l' “h“ ""“‘ bound by every principle of honor nnd m‘o
lugue of “film-MHHHR- and .trsttnrs.f’-- nlity to M‘ “m, fidelity—and in‘gmd bf-
And .‘"‘t_“‘l‘“"l h“"'~f,l'el“‘l"¢‘l "- 3““ cmn~ chilling popular enthu'linstp. the' effect of
mitten "f. ”‘9 S‘m‘m“ hf”, deem?“ :Mlh ' this t-xpmunxwill be to stop the operation:, ‘
Bright "“5 ‘4‘“! “FM“? committee “‘“if‘ to n certain extent, bf tli~honcst agents.,hy'
"l' rnmnly 0P llrpubhuuu. if“)! h " dis-ominntinu nwholesntue fear of tiltimuw‘
lumiright chi-outcry thus to "give the lie" detection—Patriot d. Union. , - i
to our neighbor. _ j . i ' .... -7... .....______.l . '
‘ And there's “oltl Ain‘t—.l” [“1149 be: F ' From (he Lam‘imer Into/lijrncevi. i
.t-nuhhmj.l the As‘hlT, tin. llt h and that he; .' Simon—A Middle-Mun: l
hint promoted (Jul. fawn. Pursuant to II: - . . c
B.d' r ,’ H . l. F kP- It ,it anpearfl from the following rewlnttom, '
. ”Li: ier (venern F Zip-41?: Iran}; "- l suhtnittod to the "units OlvßullrON‘l‘lllulthPfi
9'l" ”1': "8:0" 01 ”i" {H.I 't-‘l lilo“; rhv .\lr. VAN \chx, (X, Y..) Chairman of
wmm re - or t (‘llnlll|(‘(“ m x:- xv « t’p . ~. . . f . .
“mm M Yul-t- to tho hu: of hid mqutv tho lnvmttgntm, CommttteeJhnttlie pure.
, _ ._ 'A ._o “ . ~- .' .-...‘
notwitltstniuliuge lilt' disliltgui-hcd comL "lindcul'lk .tnflfllntrtottc' B.lmm hut-'25:.
’nnuul lie-llultlill tllli'>.-r\‘:(‘E . htlmu Of “M'L‘t‘v' has had a hand 1'" I”
Th!“ h." um- ”flu-”m hhs Mk. {it “In-h. least. one at innit???- htgimutracts. The I
ingtoit have tiricr Hat-ml the Star in the (.mtiluttom are “l, O 0““ l. l
. - ~ - ' , - - [lr-ulrr'i That the‘Secrctary of tho Trms-‘
nrung in the cnurae of a il'W liars. l‘hh is ‘ » . n. ‘
. . . ’ . . ttry he requested to decline making: any
rru<htng~enottgh tn (IN-"ht. “u" netghhur furtlterpnymcntsttn pnrties intere>ted inthe
" With all the world and the |~u<t of man- fitnntnluvfli Citalivio. 1‘ -
kmd ”—ochplft'Khé nigggrs. .. , - firm/red. That the Secretary of tlie Tren<- K
, —‘. '_, I nry he l't‘vlut‘49d to adjust the claim againfit‘
‘thc (lm‘ernment for thn 5,000 Hall narhines.
:puréhniwlthrmtleSituon Steretw, E<q.. bv
.Gen. John C. Fremont. on the tith day of?
Auntst. 13m. and alterWarvls delivered itt‘
the United StatesilArwnul at the‘City offit.
Louiw, on the ‘lmqis of a sale of the ~mid
sum to the Snrommvnt for $12.50 enéh,
rejecting all other dotnnntls agnin=t the’
Government on account of, the purchase of
mid arm‘. ' I . ;
Ifaa’ml. 'lflmt the practice of employing
{rt-repaint“! partin. having no éfitial mung-lion
, will: (ha-Cnrrntmrnt in [ln [te'ijrbrnwnre Ql'publlr ,
:lun'rs, which may be properly performed by.
the regular officers of the Govqrnment, and ,
of pnrctuwing‘hv nrit’ute contract. supplies
For the dim-rent departments. where open
nml‘ fuir competition might properly hc'i'n- n
{ filed by a. TPiL~ftflall<le advertisement for
1 pramiaalr, is injuriom to the public service. .
land meets the unqualified disapproval of.
i this House. . . - 1
; That our readers“ may understand this!
lneat little business transaction, is:, is well,
i Enough to state that thc‘guuti originally he?
i longed to the Government, and were sold its
’neurly' worthlea: at an average of: $3.50 a
'piece to a Yankee named Baatnmn, who;
. had them W 34 a an Henge bxpease
pf ghoul: $1 each. 'By a collusion with ,'
Stevens the latter made a sham gurchme
of them atsl2 50 and then sold them to it
Fremont. for 5:22 a piece. By the transac-‘
tion the Governmentrwould have to pay"
some $911,000 more than 'the gnhs were?
really worth, and this large sum would new:
nutter of course. be equally divided be}!
pun FLAG 1
no Im-im,
rue L'éion u! Stuns nouu wuulvl sever;
The union ut burn—the union ufh.lndn
'And the Flu; ul our Union former! “
K. 1. “Hill/LI, wnol 4an I'llol'lllfl‘l'ol
guitars-mm. rm I
MOXDAY Momma, JAN. 13.4%?
ha'ln the Hduw. at Thyfishurg, on
Thursday, the petition o! Cilih'llifot Album
’ «‘ugmly. pmyin‘g‘nn inventi‘iutmn‘ inmflm
- [right 02' luhn Bfiébcy ton} mi in “mt bmly,
.j .mu Mall. The nompmleef-wm Linen utle'ct
on”! to try the case} as follows: Julin A.
flapper. of\V:L~hing_tn|l : Wm. Ilutfilnnan.
of Allfighvny: H. V. ”all. n! Luu‘rne; I).
M. Seinrock, of Fomcrwt : \‘Vm. WimUo, nf
_ Haggai; c. 3. Early. of Elk : )an “Henry,
of Beiwor ;B. F. Suki“), ofl‘)w<ter. ,
' - Uni Monday Ins}, tllqj‘mixit ummiutpd‘J.
C.‘ Nun, l‘lsq" Cnmmiwionc-r m take-tum
T many here, :4 ppfitionqd for by the Trim-h
o'f Mr. six-m. 'He win; ,1: m 1,2: mm W
.d-ny for that purpose. 9 _ ,
_ A «... . 7 —— 1
”(The Slur finding that there is an ear
nmt. hostility to Abolitionigm iamnng the
Pom-r Guards, has “hauled in it: horns”
cnnsideplbiy in regard to (hml’jedq'r‘ the (can;
ibut‘nfior they go away We nuppow it. will He
'0: open :5 eve? in trying to make ii a mi!
(for the; negro, regardless of-‘the Union slid
the Constitution. ' The editor ngins {0 find
thit “ people who live in glass Houses must.
pot throw stones." Doesn't he} '1 -
#—-~~~~nw ~ 7~~' '
”Khan a prdufb‘l-y not 5.131).” psper
fin Hm pouptxy mean enough tau-y to insu‘lt
lit-President BUCHANAN in the panics-gm,
played‘ by the Slur of Friqlay. We mm,
pvery decen man in the .coxuxub'uity Wm
1‘ puke I ‘ ‘ .of’,’ or reculifxct it, ;
JS‘COlueryMive men everywhere ire
homing to tha c'onclus‘lon that in the _Dem~
‘pcmt‘nc party alone can sa'Yuty be foixml for
flip ntry an i- {he consiitution~a con~
clusiifr which t e next election will indeli
bly than“). . “ ‘ '
éOn Thilr‘gdny eveuiuzg. Prof—3ll‘s"
opened ISingin‘gSchool at the Pines Church,
neu- ‘New Chester, and onTriday even\‘mg
u. Peta-sham, with mostflatteringprgpeé‘fik
The next School he’will open win be if:
Gettysburg—g-when he will have Schools in
l-‘airfield: Bendersville, Bender's Church.
Pine: Church, Petersburg end Gettysburg.
The Professor's success as 1 teacher of v6-_
ed music is umqrpaued. * . ‘
#13116 Adams County Teacher’u Associ~
ltiod will meoi‘iu New Oxford on the 14th
inst“ and continue its unions three dlyl.
)[fi Blim'", the State Superintendent of
Common Sohooh, is expected to bépfesent.
3-01) Thursday morning H. B. Dmxn,
Euqq entered upon his duties in County
fian's Bronchid T‘roche‘n no among
the Niknowledgod institution: of the 11nd.
What would our mininen. our lecturers,
our luvym, do without those invaluable
“Trochu I" To what an amount. of “them”
ad cough: md throat clearings would we
a. m unwound. w¢re it not for m'ose s]!-
povnrgul and mmigg lozenges! We have
u-iod than: 1113 they did us goat—N. K
tween the two worthies,“ unless Fremont?
himself got a share of the spoils. . 5
Nowonder t‘lmtielich disinlcrwcd patriots"
as fgteveps have been bellowing so lucfilly
for the war, and denoun‘cing over-body 53‘
traitors nml secessionists who dared! to My ;
nught against the peonleloSl-rand dishonest,
aooundrels who are robbing the Govern-1
ment and the poor soldiers. Theme of'
this fellow Stevens‘is but one ‘ofn thbusend, ‘
and some are of finally greater magnitude...
Unless the President (who we believe is adi
honest man himself) taken a bold and don:
aided stand n 01:00, and drive: all than
plundelers from the high and low place-1 of
the Government and the army, the country
{rill bebhukrupt in In: than a twelve-month
from (hit time. We‘ believe thst both the
Wu end Nai'y Departments are converted
into {oaks-in; pools of corruption, and rho
sooner a» thorough and ndical reform is in.
troduoed by Mr. Lincoln into these branche
qf the Government the better for the man.
try. Let him clean out the Augean 3051,13
u once, And the cause of the Union will be
triumphantly sustained by the hone“ and
incorruptible masses of all parties.
-—-——-—-o - O-——-~——v—
eEvery vote cast by John Busbey, in
the Legislature, luoweek, was with (Ire Re
yvuiazns. This prova 371mb we pmdictod
of him last full. His “Democratic P’ and
“ .\‘o—pany " pretensions were all clam—re—
sorted to for no other purpose than to de
ceive Democrat: into his support. He will
hardly catch any of then; in the segue tap
in. DISURACEFI'L rwn‘utnm». , v wmmt Hpea. ..xuly o.
‘ Ilumsutnn, .lanMßth. 1862. :ment. 0"fi ll—men and officers.
ED. Colrun :—~.lnhn Rnwe. ,of Franklin 9 It was mentioned in our lnst that wooden
(YUM-V. electedfl}l;llil|{iofll’ttmficrfl- wuzlmrmcks would soon be orerted, in the
c lawn 5' enker n he once of e rewn— . ,
',tuiros. fatal-tiny. in purumnbe ()an oon- l neighborhood-probably no“ lush cm“!
: tract. by which the Rnpuhhmns bound ‘an MP- 500?“ land. PFOPOSA'D to furnish
J (hemu’lvm to support Rowe. upon condi- ‘ the Lumbar, Nail‘, «tr-,.. for the purpose will
“0“; th ‘Rnwo and lltia Trilenr'i’nlwnuld fhelp be received by Quartermaster Fm“, May.
the .- vu Ilinnnvx to c act [to a Imm 0 the ‘ . . ' .
otfirerixof the House. It mu nlrrgnlnr hut-J n u said that a Pnymuter mll won be
gain and lan. m slmmeloa, wicked and along-and be "u dOUb‘lW be "’3’ We"
unprinciph-d as anything that has over oc- come. -
chn'rml in the hi~xtory of base political trans- [l The following, among other Orders, were
Mtions; and line been con~ulmiflutod by the I read to the Regiment hut Week:
,hivh mntmctin mrties to tto tter. ' . > .
S'ou are awargeltlmt these Uliion Demo; Headquumrlgth R‘f' X: Y'sv‘ilégw-v}
crab; professed. whOEdt-nndithit sbefom the General Orfferv‘fl'oug‘i‘ unmry ‘ '
" o )lc. V 1 ,9 actuat by the tputriotic . . ‘ ' ' ‘
i! Kd‘nnwlhlm motivei; yet no sooner lmd‘ Assthe 3;: healfighot' t,“ fifgimen: 16‘
they nrrivr-d in llatrishiurg the they show-1m" "'1" i “upon ac e hiemel” o'. 'le
7d that their Unionism eonsis .in a. do- . m?’ “2.1 9.' mgraupqn l c "'3me
trnninutionw form a uuiun wit l that party I ‘l‘: "at": 7 ion 0 t. of (119:4:er '5 a
which would vield‘ihem the: Pet rv‘turn; men .e‘; ““0““ ° 9": “3"" “PP“?HP
for their vole-i. In other w ’l. . they were gromng 1n; ‘ greatfiegree '0“ of I"! ect
in {or ‘n bargain. They deem that. John and hi?" 9 went”? 3“" flooding the
“Rowe should be Spéakor—and 0 vote with offlie 52:} ml ”510:: 3:“? [33:11:];22ea2?
'iii:lm'i‘ix-Jvtilffthogghiislothimn'étfi i without de y. nttendllo the ‘cleanlinesa' of
:‘cratd. nocoinpnnied by a pled v that if the ‘ “tail: {nen {id purlfimtm ”if! ventilation
‘Deniorrats would wlo'dhim as heir Candi-‘0 9" qua}: ”1301;: C rlfli‘f‘li‘)‘;
.dnto. llt‘ would miiagute the ommitteesl l ‘ ' 1341(60'
ion a Democratip l’lthl‘i rind act throughout ' _ m.
, the Seauion with the lhim'ocrati party :and
the sdtfiviomil pledg‘r that t] principal
officers, t' 1M Home 'should filled with
,‘DmnOciiats. l{his proposition as submit,-
Lted to the Denim-ratio caucus n Monday
owning. and thEr some discuss on, repudi
' sled rith‘tho‘contempt it, mui ed. [t was
7 the good fortune of yougcqrrefi )onden‘. to
{be present at this onu‘nunPnndx never felt
' more proud of the Democracy t' Pennnyl-
A vanin than when how its chm n rvprescng
‘ (nth-m rqurt a promisgition that would‘have 3
; ivon them the organization an 1 othcers ofl
lflle;II0ll‘é. hither that" submi to the die-i
:tntinn of u cotinrie of til-hy and u principled l
:politioimw. 'l‘nmlmrut-v sncprT and office
\WN‘ regarded as nothing—4l‘ ‘prlncililcs
',nnri nrgunimtion lo'e party as verythmg. i
:I‘rmeiit kllt‘l'ths Wm: not purcl sad at tliel
quire which the Demnrmticpm- v could not.
aflhrd tn Duvj—g—com-vsiinn to Tr itnrya. 4
:t‘ Those Union Demoomts to m] the lie-I.
lmblimm windy, and anxious to close a bar- l
pail! upon ally L'vruu—Tund cons (luvutly nn ‘
‘nlliunce ofi'cil 'vc {Hill clql‘eneive vu~ porl‘r‘ct-l
ed hotwtmn ltllmn. whet-elm Mr. R We ho- ;
vm‘nm Spook”. Ranch. of Carly n—the old;
{Hark—mu reveievted, nnd lipron. oil
f‘hefitvrv onnntv. .\Lsiitantr (7"- rk. ' Both)
.“w‘fil‘finr'n uru ifd'linrqht' Blnrk llvpublionn
'nc-wqmpers. and Ratunlh “‘l‘ an ram-d [Ma-E
'uninnLt hel‘or'eAhn attack on t 'vrt Sumter.
The nnnvw. of thwe Union lwmaf-rnts‘
who betrayed ltheir pu'rty 'nre w rth)’ o1PM".
narration. Thny arm: I“. M. («'l'fl'leq Ofl
fianue; Wm‘, S. qu’, nt' Luzo ne; James;
Chuthnm. of l‘liutmll Nathan Work-y, of'
Lnnmster: S9M Bull-54y. of At mnx‘: .lnhn‘ anltlin ; John Scott, if lluntingd
, ton; Peter C.,.\‘lmnnou and A. 11. (,
jAllcgheny. Xot one ofthow non but IrO‘?
”loved to he Dq-mnurutrl when ca :lidutoj lie-l
Torn the people. and tliu< wour d mfliciont '
; Domrwrzitic vole< tn elect them It is little ‘
i to 553' that hail their. true into tio‘n been l
knthl~llflll the people been aware that;
tlmv ware Rrpuhlimn~ in (H. guise, good '
and true Democrats would hnv been electn
ed in their (doom. 1 L
‘ A very chit‘ing some ncrul'
now’hiné‘of the NP<Sinll of the ii
iii 1y; 1% (‘li-rk as imell th
placing: r minim of harm. ll
full. two lii-31 who hold cortifi
’ nuharitu at" the Board bf Return
l Lint-mo vmmty. upon tlm‘ rnll
clusion of M 955!“ Walkh and T
‘lwld rc-turm .‘signml hr the maj
Y Board—and he YOl-lltea to enter
lurinn nrlcnmvlml-zinglthn prima
of the majority tut-n t ' their am
far a..- to declare thutrhe. the Cl
ngnnt. pnflt‘sfod the power. to
. the linnlifir‘mihn of luiemhcre.
even n-fueeil tin mill thie yam um
prmwndini’ tnftha election ol'm . 1‘
til he win frightnniul into it. ‘
itqru‘linmllattitudo ot‘itlm Dun)
‘ézhowed him that tlu-viwnulul m l
such an outrage. ‘Mrt llnpkin
ingtmx county. the Democratic
Sine-lkt‘l. gave the Clerk to und
‘ there was?! limit, to the forbonrn
‘lwrs, and that he.would not b
‘to pluv tho llirthtnr. ill? tinnll
‘ yon~fund nay-r, includilnz the n.
L minnrity mmnhbrs front Liliern
I , While this outrage “it’s lJt-‘lllfl
Republicnm and Union 1’0"
eluding Jolt]; Busbcy—a-ri-maiuct
ilK‘l'ill‘tnl'“. willing to [irnfit by tl
vunpl‘jllt‘lllled nflicer, hut, walnut
a v'rord in his defence. I must]
.fllEllllOll,‘llfl|\'9\'t’l‘. that, Abrahn
' Lincastor, alone much; the U
crnts, acted like a man throng
inth the Democratic {mucus
:hgainst any alliance with outsi
tions. I 7. ‘
' , The member from Adama, Jti
,khmrt-tl the chararter gof‘lti: De
.jniniug the unholy alliance
annwmtit‘ ll’H'U’v and votin
, Ranch, (Abolition-Republican,
.Clprk. nnul alto for tlle other '
lot‘lice'rs. Not’lnng since Mr. B
11l lctterfba g 'ntlcman ofthin pl
'ln; him to 33m at the ant
,hfiice and shite thalEhe was
ranked mmon’g the Rapuhlim
fins 43 Demodrat and ncthing
bout-5e [ii-015s ' iim.anylhing else
.ocmta ‘The ‘ mien of citizen
1 Monty contesting his election
ed‘mlthe fioufie byiMn. Rhodes.
i land, gud to-nmrrtlw appointed
in: thé Committee. An etfort
; have the matter posfponed to
'which failed by one vote; Mr. B
for pmtponement.~ ~Mr- Myer
contest his séat,‘ and iijustice i
Bushey will be permitted to re
bosom of his I't‘onstituehts.
' CAPT. PAIGVE'S aux—r order to
lirfierve good order gm] discip ine among
,‘sol‘ ism, ‘more depemis upon t 9 Captain:
at? Coinpnnia than .tho Celene of Regi
{ne-nts.‘ Capt. PM“, of Compn y F, has a
dopted a. plan which neoounts r the good
belmtor of‘ hit men, both whi at on duty
Quid 11'. Although th‘y at final: re the ti
fla oi the “bird” cnmlipny of t Ragiment,
they are now, by theirlgood bah vior. enm
ing the title of the “hint.” Ev ry Sunday
Capt. I’uol calls his ‘t‘pet lun " ”mind
him and talks to thefn' like; 3 “ftther”——ro’
minds them that it is the Sahbathhnnd
what their dnfiu are in regud to ”—ode
sea them to 30520 Church—to forget their
little “fitmily quarrels," and to life together
like brothers. The consequence is, this
good advivce'i: remembered by his men,
not only on'the Sabbath. but during the
week. and entries with. it an influence that
is felt throughout the Company. and which
commands the respect of the men. Capt.
P. thinks it better to rule by love than with
a. rod of iron—Star.
fi'A Court Martin! was had in the Porter
Guards last week. A lit-hate, found guilty
of drunkenness and insubordination. was
sentenced to fourieen days solitary confine
ment, on bread and water. \Ve are told,
however, that the sentence has been com
muted on acoounf. of gleaming circum
stances. , .
1 mm. “ ‘ . r
} THE PORTER GUARDS are still quay
: (cured in our midst,nnd (be good orderhero—
(More so fiverably memioned is pref-crud.
We mnnot speak too him/My of the deport-
. . >
. W. Cll‘o‘llru. Reg. Adj
Ileadqnn ‘ era 10th Reg. KY. Vél. Cat. l
Géttyxburg. January 11, 1862. [
Genvnl Onlier No. 35. ' ‘ ‘
All the Llétiers QTSOldien to be mailed,
will herefiu‘f'r be left with thg Chnplnin. at
the Franklin 'llouse. Each Ordvrlyx Ser~
geant will take charge of the ‘Cnmpa‘ny
Letters ands; deliver them to jlhe ‘Clmplnin
before 6 o‘clock. R M., calch day. giving
him a Sutle-f's tickel for 3 cents. or more if
the letter: riequire it. By order of
i JOHN C. meox. ‘
i i E j Con. Com.
W. C. Porn. ng. Adj. ‘ ‘ / .
Monday night, lui, llrmln‘} BllJXliliY, a
private in {Company G, Cnpjt. Cigar-urn.
Porter Guagds, diedjn the Hidspitul hello, of
diaemo of the luugfi. .lle 'l5 ‘uildellcale
health for spme timg, and Jue explmul‘le (9
which his ;pmition. 119005.551? in shquch-d
him it i 1 thought llnsteuedl his ends: lle
voluntficred in Syracuse. ‘V. 17., a. few
months :‘lgo. was abtiut 18 ytsm‘o‘f age-mud
an orphan. 3 He wuimuch l‘éfipu'cted by his
comrmlei in nnm. )llia rm'lmins~ were in
tvrred in Elm Green Cemetery on} \Vpdnes
day. with the honors of wint—lsevefml of \he
Companies :turning out, on this «gnslog.
APPOI .\‘TMEX'l‘S.—(Thogl)srecfidr<‘df the
Poor. on mpnauy Im. unweighe {cumin};
excellent appoinlmimlsj‘ fofl thd. prfscnt
year: ' J ' I h :'
Steward. Juroh Cliff). ‘‘l ‘ ‘
l’hy-Ilvinnl. Dr. A. V. Dorahy. l:
l'l‘i-easurer. .lncnh Shexuls. ‘ ‘ ' 3 l .
Counsel. Wm. .\{ka-nn, lid], 1‘ ' g
‘ Clerk, Zzu‘fln‘nriah Myers, lirq. ‘ '‘ '
IQ‘l’u'xtvé hm ficw.Go<l)les, \éllicli gre
going ofl'low and fast. l l q ‘ .g'
red at the;
me yew-h;
pmwn of!
II and Ru»;
ted from a'
Judge: 01"
to the 0:0;
rim of ‘the ‘
:lin :\ Rtsml
71m"! right‘
1, going so
On nu- 7m mm. a: meusmpmme Luth.
l‘urmn ~ge. llj' Rev. J. K. Milli“ . \lr‘, AARUN
of Franklin mwuship. £1 E ,
0n the 91h inst, at the Hidden"? of the bride’s
father. by file same. )lr. ISAAC‘W. THUSTLB.
:r 15mm mwmhip. m .\qu {c.a'rlumxn
STH'ZIZL. of Huntington 'ownjrbip. ‘
0n the 171;: u11.,:u (he Hr. [night-ran Parson
age.!l¢'~l«m'u. hy llev.‘ S. Ilehry. Lilr. (YUR
KISSTLEH. ulh of Adam: couétr. ‘ ‘ _
(\u Hu- '.'{ h “1'... m. the sum. place, [if the
S‘nlg. “er TH" L.\,\\'Rl‘2.\‘l.‘s,} uf 94‘de $O.,
$0 \hss \lflflfi' F!‘.\'S,_of Calrrollmuuxrly. .\Xd.
|rk, a more
dotoi‘mine {
This Ciprk ‘
nuvs’ upon
{x-ukJi‘, un
)y [ll ‘ do
cm“. who
[wubfnit It“
, of \Vauhl 1
omineé for .
rmmd that
ce of, mmn- ‘
called me
meg of we“
0n the '.'~l iu<l.. allure “tut pL-éb, by the
sump. .\lr. Autumn q‘KHS. uflnulestuwu, lo
Mus (‘A'l'lL-UHNI': C. R.\ “SAT; cf H‘lnuyer.
At the home of her Sun-uh, «'ll Hit“ Isl iml.,
hv llm’. \\'m..'.\lrElwe¢-‘ .\lr. Til-OMAN FHRGUv-
SON. nfliulnmnre. .\Mn fonm-rly o! Frajukfin
County. to .\IHS “AGGIE. eldcil nlfiugh‘ier of
Mr .\ndrew Recd,of Freedom {an nship, Adams
county. ‘
u“ Ihe 5m l'natz. by‘flw Rev. E. u. thinning,
”r. ('U.\ RLES FLEMING to .\IiFI EYE (7-. Mg:-
.\I‘ASTER, both of the vicinity (if New Qxfl'ord.
g 0n ihv Tlh in=L, by thu- snmé, Mr; HARRY
ho:k of the vicinity of But Bean. i . ‘
0n the 24th u‘t., by. Rm‘. \V'f‘K. Zieber, Mr.
JOSEPH .\‘H‘L'TS, M‘ ank qo‘unly', to 31:5.
CHARLOTTE lIH'IUL, of Ade county.
0n the same day. luy llw. "J. Sechlr-r, Mr.
AMOS (:mm m was MARY BASHQRE, both
of Adams county. ‘ . I ’
nncted, the
«- acts «sfo
ed to um-r
not omit to
1 Potors, of
ion Demo
out, going
ml ‘voting
: organza-
On (he same du‘, by Rev, J. Allgmnn, Mr.
DASH-IL s. Munrsm lo Miu'MA'mDA \V.
HERMANJnnh ofAdaml county. 4 ',
On the 7!?! inst.,?, i'u THarri'burg, M “orrfu‘
Ilpnl. by Lhch-v. S} W. Seihegt, .\lr. SAMUEL
C. BRU\V.\?,POT Hmhpton, to ‘Miu LEAH B.
MEALS, of Ifiluvme, bpth of .\‘éxmn county.
hn Busbey,
I ocravy by
ainsl the
‘ for E. H.
for ‘Chief
' puiliban
sbey wrote
0n the GUI inu.. Mr. JACOB NECK, of Mount
joy lownlll‘il‘, aged 61 ynn 6111 mm!” and 3
days. He wu an esteemed itizo'n‘ of lhn
township. raiding on f‘Wolffiill.” Renee to
hignshcs! ‘ J
On the 20th nIL. in .{dnms cl+lnty,SA.\wEL;
son of Q“. Pius Eager, aged 7,”:an 1 ’monthl
and? dn} 3. ‘ \ ‘
On an on. 'm” WKLLKAM sfnunn, m or
.\‘lr. Rabat {M9, of this ph'ce‘ tgcd 1' yes:- 9
nought: dud Lday. ,
In .\(cnallep township, on thé' 19th ML. It.
JOHN ADAIfiS, aged 77 years 3 months 3nd [5
duvs. ; 3 ‘
e wanes!-
r & UNxos
:- mneoudy
i—tlmt ho
eke. His
but a Dem
‘of Admis
as present
of Cepha
for select»
I as made to
ll ilater‘ day,
I ~bey votmg
is here to
' done. Mr.
I urn to the
bu Tuesda morning inst, niche Holpitd pf
the Bugimeni of congestion ofi illle lungs, Nr.
PH'BJER BLA,’LEY, of Conway 0., Gzpt. Car
penter, of Syincuw, N. Y., agedaibout 185...".
On the 3m“: uhu within ‘twnlhour‘s of ”("1
other, of dipthcrin. SIFSAN EMMA, Aged 4
your! Smontbs and 1 day; and SAR§H MAR.
(iAiiET, aged 6 years 3 monthsiaud 251111;:
daughters 01'5“. Dnniel Longeuechr, of 'l') mm
to“ u‘nhip‘
1 ; Célllmunicnted.
0n the mmm.‘ 3mm M 3, alugmu of
Jacob A. and Matilda C. Welko‘rt. and find.
daughter of Jphn Slydeg, of Cumberland |wp.,
nged 4 yen: 1 month and 21 (1“!!- ' I: is well
wm. meg, child. ,1 ‘ ‘
Then bent her “my A t ‘
Where (by: spring flowers wire;
Close, clqse by her cousin,
Be our d¢u Anna’s gnu. ‘,
Though (in: hurls brnk sunning, 7
We will not rebel ; ‘
It in well whh the child, .3 ,
I! it well, it in roll. ‘ '
HE subscriber will ofl'er 1! Public 8110, on
T ll'ednuday, (Inc 121/; of February next, on the
farm at William Culp, one mile from Flirfield,
llnmiltonbantowmhip, the following Personal
Property, Vll:
3 FRESH II’ILOH COWSJ Brood Saw, Corn,
Oats Ind Potatoes, by the bushel, 1200 pound:
of Bacon,4oo pounds of Ludfl burrell ofCider
Vinegar, n large quantity of Apple~bulter, l
first-rate Cook Steve and Pipe, nearly new,
l’arlor Store. new. Corner Cupboard, Kitchen
Cupboard, Bureau. 2 large Dining Tables,
Kitchen Tnble, Sink, Chairs. Beds and Bedding,
3Chests, 2 new Clocks, Wash-stand, Work
stand, 2 Looking Glasses, 50 yards new Carpet,
lron Kettle, Copper Kettle, Potl,‘ Pans, Meet
Vessels, Tuba, Churn, Berreln, Buckets. Dis-hen,
Knives Ind Forks. Creel", Pumpkin Seed, by
the MINI, Suddla end Bridle, Blind Bridle,
Halters. Cow Chains, Forks, Rakes, Wood Sew,
Axe, Mall and Wedges, Grindstone, Grain
Cradle, Mowing Scythe, end many other nrti
clue, too numeronl to mention. Aim, 3wt of
Blacksmith'u Tools.
@851: to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31.,
on ..ud day, when ntendmoe will he ginn
sad tom: and: known by ,
Jun. 13, 1853. u GEORGE TATE. .
_,_ .V <_ .-. 1...—..-
Public Sale.
GITTYSHUIwk-Snuwn Lg”.
F10ur....................:...........,...'..5 Q.” to i I'.
Rye Fi0nr................................. a; 3 50
White Wheat.............................‘ 35 to 1 15
Red “but“! 111 (o I 15
C0rn....................... . ' s’)
Rye.......................................... , 65
“Ms ..............'.......................... i, ’5
nuckwhm............................... p! .45
CloverSoed .... 3 55' to 3 75
Timowy 5eed...”.....................l m to 2 00
Flax 5eed................................ ‘ ' l 25‘
ler‘lf PM“ ....a................... ‘8 60
”Inter grand, per btg‘ 1 00
P0rk...............................,.-...,., ’5 575
BAL'rmom—‘Funu um}
Fr0ur.~........-..“..m...“.....a. 5 m; m 5 75
“he“ l 321"»! 57
R," .m... .. ..........u................. mto 78
C0rn...,..'.... ...._............. ......L. “1 m 65
0.1" L 1.........».............
Clover Seed
Timothy 5eed................... ..... l 11%“ :00
Beef Cnttle,per hupd............. . 6.00 yo 9 so
Hop, per innd-.......-. .......... l will: 5 ’25
‘fln;......».............................-.16 06 £O2O 90
Whi5key....m....,..................... ‘cmo 22
Guano, Peruvian, par t0u‘.......:. fj- 60 00
~ naxovanuu'unou um}; ; A
Flour,‘from muons”... ............ 1?. E b 00
Do. from M0re...‘......;.......,... > ;' ‘5 75
Wheat'.‘................................... 1 mpl 30
Rye“ g Aas
C0rn.............'.......................... % 52
0nt5............................. "......” (a, 35
Glover 5eed..........,......... ......" $1 4 00
Tim0thy5eed.........’......;,.......... :3 175
Pint?!“......u.......-...............” 5‘ 8 )5
: Special Noticed.
EVER—Who run be beautiful with “ah-Hy
pale complexion. Keep the pores of c ski-n
(rec, and the Mood pure, nnd your ch, 3 win
vie with (he roveand lily. The skin ingfnrmod
witlmltusnndl orporu in even inch ofiinrfime
whose Rice it h to cury ofl' the impu "NM 0!
the blood—1h! neknnwledged cause of 11 dis
enuei 'of mankind—when the skin in 'ry rind
pnrc ed—qrht'n ft is covered with erup ions
whe it is duh! and dummy—when lhvrfi in in
war few-r or ‘ipflnmmntion—it is im rsuilfile
for the skin under Wesl- cirvumnunce‘ a per
fermiiln proper fungtione, and to curry 0" the
‘impdrilie: from the bodypg dciigned'gby our
(Sn-Mar. (i ,
.IL'I’DQOX‘S MOUNTAIN (1R), 1.",5 re
movd was: obstrhclions. and producq fit-e and
healthy blood, remorr [he eruptions flum the
skiniund came it to brighten with the If!!! 0!
youth and beauty. Beauty :0 much mired
and loved. -Benmy wilhnut minis n 1 cog.
metics—hut beauty prmlucrd by llchh and
happineln. Jmlzon's Mount-liu‘flcrh 1:31! Are
sold but“ Medicme Dealers. [Den 2‘? Im
A 401- O > > |
AYI-IR'S CATIIARTII) I'lLl.S.——Th'i: afiienceg
oi Chemistry and Medicine have been} tun-d!
their‘litmoaLto pi'odul'e this bestrmont flier-feet?
pnrgntive which is known to man. Innfiimrm- ‘
bl; proofp :U’l' shown thnt thete Pills b": e‘ vir-l
me! which surpass in excellence the 05 inflryl
medicines. and that they wm unpreced' nt.dly,'
upon the esteem’ ol‘nll Int-n. - They e safe;l
nnd plots-at to take.- but powerful to ore—of
fl‘heir, penetrating properties slimul-lte t 40 nt di
Activities of the hotly. rvr'nove the ohstn‘ctions'
'dfits‘ omnns,purit‘y the blood, and ex 1 dit-l
ease? They purge on! the_ foul l‘utnur whigh'i
breed And, grow distemper. stimulate nuggi-‘h,
or disordered organs into thrir nut-3m] ’ ution,
end itupnrthculthr touir with strengthrto the‘
whole system. Not only do they- c e the ,
awry-day izomplainu of every body, t “"“i
formidnhle and dangerous dim-uses tha have,
mun-[u the'hg-‘t ofhunxun skill. Whiii: they‘,
produce powerful emu-ts, they are at tli‘ same] diminiahed djmfes, the safest n it best!
pitvaic that can be employed for qhil rt-n.—'
Being sugar-coated. tilt-y are pit-Man! t take ; '
nndbring purely vegetable, are free of” nny'l
risk hf harm. (‘ures have been mud which.
lnrpu! belief ‘were they not luhstunti ed hy‘
men of t:uch enlh-d position and char. tee as‘
to inrhi the Ellipiciofl ot nntruth. .\lu emi.‘
nent blergymcn mnl phydcians have [u “Wirl
homes tO‘ct-r'tify to the public the relini lity on i
our rant-din. white othexs have scllt'int- theJf
assurance of their com icliou that our Pix-Imm ‘
tions contribute inunemely to the Icliciiul my
nfilict‘e‘d. suffering lcllow-incn.
The Agent heluvc lltlmetli" pleased to. mnish
gratis ,our Americ m Alrnnn w. cout-li'f’ng all- ,
rections for tho we and rn-rtifiv-itcs % their}
curt-n, of the follon'iug complaints: 19$
Dropuy, Heartburn, llondnche nriningv .om e!
fuul‘qumnvh. XAubeu,lndigt-fitionqllun id in
nLl-OD’Of the l‘iow‘mi! anti Y‘uin arisinlg‘there-i
from.>Flotnlcncy,l;oss oi Appetite. nll L?s°““°3.
which require an et‘flcuant"!ne~licine.‘ The) .
also; by purifying the blood and Silquiilling;
the system. cure funny complfnints w‘ iich it!
would not he suppowd they I‘mild mu- , such:
an l)ent‘nr<<. Pnrtini Blindiiess.;.\’eurnl :54 and“
Nert'ons lrriuibility, Derangemtints uftlfi: Lirer,‘
and Kidneys. Gunt. and other! ltiiiilrt-fi corn?
pinilth ari§ing from nlow state orthe (Jody or:
obxtruction of its functions. , g 3'
Do not be put off by unprincipled . caler. .
with some other pill they make more pitifit on. '
Ask for .\j-er's Pill-3 mud take nothing lithe.—
No other they can give you compares wi‘ith this
'nits intrinsie ulnie or curative purerb The
lick Inuit the best_:u‘d there is for 4119311, nnd
they lilolid have it. . '
‘ fi-Preparellhy Dr. J. 0. AYE“
Lowell. Mam? Pine: 251;:er n
Fire Box“ ion Si
fi-n’old by A. D. Baum“, snd deMeu '
anywhere. 109:. 2, 'u 3““ '
-@Sunu§s & Dunn‘s Sm" is w§ll 'war I
thymsnjmmghiatime. quoublfilne!hor,§
eren in'bur large-l. emu. no fine a diimfiy of,
Stores can be found. Their large firm is!
full or Slaves of any pattern; sin. c lu
riely 6f H‘ollar Wan, SWO- ’l - Tin!
Wain, Finnish-l Van. I.lan Wan—a mhrnc-i,
jug, inde¢4,necythjnz in the house‘fnanishing‘.
fine. deso, Swsnge Gutters, SAIHN‘! “luff-2m”
Lard” Presses, in, age. They are prey‘nrcd to‘
all n‘holeule, :n‘d retufl. Tin Ware nnh Sheet
_iro| Wum of their own mannfncturt—fiecying
I nnflicien. number of hand; to supply. ny de
mand. Their uqnnmem of Lumbqr 3‘ very
lugs; Plso Coal ofn'u'y kind. I .
I w; 110.r~‘*‘* } it:
,; onnx'rptscovmvz—Ampre "Rig hath.
Hy nhlc' pl‘hctitinnen ind .chemicsl alylh‘
have demonstrated the great "duo of Prof. Do
szh'a beautiful combinaion, called“ ELI- -
11110011.," {or the relief-ad cm of‘inin .
But the people menu-Ire: are renderifig a
verdict in I manner both unminnknfile
nusfactory. More (bun um millichijgbott es
have been sold in I very shun tinge—(p gr at
proportion of those who heard others greco «
mend it, who had tried it. Tbnzit‘a n {plan-id
discoury is ever; when ngknowledg‘pd, and
uo'hing like it was tver hetore prepared. he
only genuine Electric 011 i: Pruf‘ De gmufa,
whith is to be had ndl um resp‘ecubl‘ DH 3.
giru in the cities. and I: wholosnlo In; retail,
I! the proprietors’ price: oftho ngunt htja. ee
dverstiement. =3
:25 1] EMPLOYMENT! 1157; 1
AGENTS WANTED l—We will pnyf $35
to $76 _per month, and I” expenus, active
Agnu, or give I commiuinn. Psr cullrl
unt free. Address Em Slvno Vac-Ix:
f‘ourur, B. JAIES, Genet-l Agengiiuilu,
Ohio. [Sep(. 1, [B6l’ I!
Railroad Election. i»
V 32 Annual Elrctlon {or I Prcsidgm and
1‘ Twelve Managua ofthe Gettysbmg Rail
road. will be held u the ()ffice of the C npany,
in the second story of the Pllunger Doiyot, in
the Borough of Gettysburg, on the 2d gonddy
of January next, (Jan. 13. 1862), u. one. ’clock
in the afternoon, WM the lame film: and
place there will he held the rtgular punual
meeting of the Stockholders. 1
Dcc.30,1861. td , z;
An Election x ‘
R on: President. Ind I'd" Direclon, to
mnnage the “kin of an #Bo99an
Railroad Company for flu uni-g you, will
be held in complinu with Law. any» 2d
Xondey ofJamrv, )862, between flu h’utl of
1 and 4 o’clock. P. 3]., in the room of thé Com
pany, hunched to the Fteighc Home. 4‘“ per.
ml inure-Mm invited tonne-d: Y‘
B: otduonhe Bond, ;‘ 3
» E. F. SHORE, y,
Oct. 30,1861. 1d \ '
l Mining mu ntewl’ may be lookifd for in
{a 6* dql. The great Cairo expedition has:
fight-rad southward. Tho Bm'mida expedi
‘ lion}: also on flu? rfxovq. A battle .4 Jium- DISEASE!) BLEEI’IIX’G CHIS,
n 35 {a shot“! mnmpnted. z: ‘ mnmxc sum: norm,
‘ —~ - "M 93” HAM the host tpecific now in use Inf any air-
Tho Pennsylvuma Sen-It. 93”“! ‘ gued condihun ofthc mount. lcupanicuhr
bill, I: the 91h inst... panicking the dlteo’ y benufiuill to person: wmr'mg
comb! the Gettvsburg Railroad, with the 3. pi .1 ’ARTH‘ICIAL m m.f h ,h .
‘ ‘ ‘ . com ct: y‘ mtroying ever, mint? 1 “you
09.1“?“ 9f the smekholdor: and ,bom‘lhol ‘ibsqrbin'gnnri rmbfing an impnmiuflnlu: lug,
dewl puma prorated stock to. hqmdatefl , A SWEET BREATH .‘
a floating debt. . ‘ ' 1h all thp nuke use of M. Na Young hut,- or
‘ “‘“ g“ ’Yonng unutlcmen who in “menu truth I
; ‘ um "MATH .. ,
should dilly npplying this remedy, for h x! I
ccrmlu cine, sud Is npprmud and I-eunumenllg~
ed by m-a‘ly ph slain under whou noun it
has been bruugil.
is an ofl‘ure’ for which there {I no ext-use while
can be procured. . ,
‘ ‘ Mnny pprlons carry with them I udbrnth,
greatly z the annoyance nd oflan to the din \
gal“ an Me with whomumy come in conuu,
without firing conscious of the fact. To ro
lgeve you Hself from All tum reg-wing thin,
QSE DR] “'3l. I}. HI'RD‘S 1017‘“! WASH.
; Clhul‘iuen 9! ‘he moulh il nfgrcu impor
uuce in :39 gu-uqul hexdlh, which in often If
fcclcd, u nqt unfrequeafly ”fiend! impur
«:l. than '1: want of proper tunic: mthil s
subject. i ‘ V K
gPrepued at Dr. Hurd'c Qantnl Ofice. So. 7'! ‘
Foam/h Stunt. Brooklyn, E. l). ‘ _
. - Plies. 3'! Cent: per Battle.
in Hberql discount rude to dealers.
‘Pddr Principal 01300. 'h-ibxmo
Baggage, No. 1 Spruce 82., N. Y.
‘8“ Mia by Cum-elf, Muck & Cm. Fifth
Aft-flue mm; J. t l. L'uddington. 715 Braid-
Irny; I). S. Barnes, 2202 Brondway, and by 11l
”tagging. 2 .
H , v ~
Hon. A. K. MCCLra: In: our thanks
for gmlntive favors. ‘ ‘ "
Q‘Rniimnd Election today
4 ‘lo 415
" Tax Appeals. -
‘I ‘ Commiuionrr‘s of Adnm< county hereby
' 'we notice that HIP) *n’e fixed upon the
fol oxyxng limes‘nnd plnveq for the holding at
Appehls for th'e several Boroughs aml Town-
Ihipal of Adams county: when Ind where they
will elm-ad to hear Appeal: between the hours
of 9 o'clock, A. IL, and 3 o'clock, P. 31., offich
day, 1- follows:
For Mountjoy township, n londay. the 27th
of In nary,“ the house a”. D. Newman, in
Inn 'oy township. ‘
Po the townships of Gen-Ivy MEI-ion, on
Tues y, the 28th of Jana-try, II the house of
Josep- Barker, in Littlutown.
Fo the township: of Mulltplelunt and
Calm ago,“ Wednesday, the rm: ofngnry.
1t the home of J. E. Smlth, ln Mountpleunnt
town: ip. . ,
Fa the township and horough a! Be'rrick,
on flint-May, the 301.!) ofJauuurny‘rbe homo
Frunc s Wilson, indhbotnmwn.
For the téwushlp of Hmuilwn, on Frid‘ynglpe
ale: 0 January, at the housevof Dnnid Becker,
in East Berlin. .
Fur’lhe townsh‘p of S'tnbnn, on Saturduy,
the 13‘ oH-‘ebruury, It lhr house 9”. L, Gran,
in Huhleruown. ' §
' Forlthe tuwnshin of Oxford, on Mnndny, the
3d of February, at the house of George Shane,
in (More. ,
For the lownship of Reading. on Tuesday,
the 44: of Fchruary, a: the housc‘of Robert M.
Dick“ in Hanipton. 1 ‘
Fthe townships of Huntington and Lad
mormoh‘Wednuday. I‘M: sth of February} at.
the h use of George Hildebrand. in l‘crorshurg.
For the township of Tyrone. nn Thur-d ry,
{he at of Frbrunry, n! the house of John Eel.
Inrod n in Heidlemburg.
Fol-(tho lownlhip of Mennllcn, on Friday,t'.lr
7th of Febru'nry, u the house of l‘lun'rleLMyera.
in He drrsvillq. ~ 4 ‘
For thl- township of Bntk'r. on Fnhlr‘lfny, Hue
Bth ogFebrnnry, at thc‘houac of Uco._ wake}:
in Mt lletown.‘ '
Forkhc tmvrisbil'n o! Frvmklin. nn Slnnduy,
the 2 th of Fulfil-nary, an. the house of IL. J. l'e
ten, i Cashtown.
For Ih.‘uwnshipsofHumiltnnbnnnnd Liber
'y, on‘Tm-xdny. 1119 11th of Fcb‘unry, M the
housefol'l’cler Schin fly. in Minerhowu.
For'the tuwnshipsuthmbex-lund and Free.
dom, n chueyduy. the 12th uf l-‘rhnmry. at
the h use of‘l’rmxil Bremu,jn Cuuxlgerlnhd
towns nip. F ‘
F,“ ‘e bormmh of Ge")"‘gufi:.nn Thnndnv'.
the F! of February, at (be L‘ofixlyissioueri’
ofljcv,‘i Gen} sburz. ' ‘ ' « 7
‘_ J \MHS H. M‘U‘SH \LL,
W». B. GARDNER,’ ' ;
g, . m’mum SIN-Elia",
, ’ . ‘Uvmnmim'umn.
Altos ‘
a to
‘N‘ JONES‘S EST.\TE.——Lencrs of mi
v Inistmlion an, the estate of Juhh June-s,
lune otlflulcswwn, Germs") lownslup: Admrh
coum I . deceased, hm‘iug burn gmntul m the
uudgriigucd, residing in the 51m: plaug.
he; hu‘vby gives notice to 1m pcraans iadcbtzd
loinigl estate to nmLe immcnlute p 213 ":91"de
those nv'mg claim; again! “I: “me lo [urea-uh
them ropcrl) autllenticuulror settlement. ,
Jun.; 13, 1862. a: ' ‘ ’
1 Houses for Rent. , 4
“ IHm‘K‘ mvmuxn HOUSES. -
T Uhmuhenburg prrvewa-J NHL 3“
, ‘ .\l. mcuuLmnunzu. 31’
ms 23, mm. 3: V ,
_- hu are indebted lu him that. In- intends
Cluiin up his businws in thelbornugh 6f Heb
lypby g, in whivh ”£qu G’. Cum 1;.” he'll
auxin .l! his .\geut. He therefore request”
them 0 CA“ and smile tin-ir m cnuuts immedi
DIR-’2l:, 1561. 3: -_ .
Purb Catawba & Isabella Wine.
.(NL'F.-\("fl.'!Xl-2D HY HI'RKHéI‘LIH-IR k
CuL‘N Y, PA._Wc are luppg to announce to
the.c‘ izens of Adams county that we have
main} need the manuhcmrv of Pun Wine‘fmm
the G aha—And‘lhnt \n are now prawn-l to
rome ”em, [0 supp!)r the trade—qun-nlili'vs of
it hm“ ng already Inund its way Into the nurkel.
Thin Vine it pure und h.l<' sluod the leg! of {ln
bcstJ dyes. Prr~nus wizhing n purr article,
mu 1: w be supplied at ’home without the risk
of i g impose-l upun by :m impure article.
For sad. by .\1 D. delluu and E. H.
Miss; a. Getty-.\burgmnd h“. musing Pam-z.
burg, 'ork Springs, l'a. ’
Jun} 6, 1562
" VI
r, (30., ‘
' - Notice.
‘ E‘k‘Eß WEIKBKT'S {f \fiitfin) 2??le
{ elleztors mammary cu 15¢ mate of
ct'cr 'cjmlmofGrtlydimgAannis vaun
ity. H refined, h‘ufivug bun grnntc-l Id .‘Unc
um malignednresiding in the amt] plat-e, she
her by Rives notihe to all much»; indebted to
‘i‘m" “e «3 milk: immediate. pnyuxgnt, and,
mg claims against the time to pun-n:
’pcrl'f nuthentimted for “filament...
.\'.\.\'C\' “'HKKEIIT, Etmun‘x.
1861. 6!.
prleu- _
i ' Proclamation. ‘
HEREAS the Hon. Mun J. FIQIII,
W Pre§idept gt thc_lcvcral Co_uru 9! Lion);
mon Pleat in the Counties composing the 49th
Districtf Ind Justice of the Courts of Out and
Termirler.and GeneralJuilDelit‘ery,for the mall "l;3gAl n p l n L n
of all capital and other ofl'L-nderq in the aid 1 . . -
diwtrictjnd Dun) 7.13 m.“ wad luAc E. Wm“! . Still in the Union!
tux, 35113.. Judges of the Courts of Common; lh'llltAßT ItSUhIJVAN beg know cull
Pleal, land Justices of the Courts of U_ver and 1 Hip attentiuu ut'tbgir frientti undtho pub-
Tcrminer. and General Juil Delivery, for the ,1 c generally to the {.th that they hnrojnu roe
trial of all cupiul. and other ofi'ender‘: in ma turned from the cities of Phfladelphi: Ind
Count] of Adams—have issued their precept, ' Baltimore, with a NEW AND HPLHNDID A 3.
benrin date the let dny of November, in the ’SORTMEST 0F GOODS. Chap" Hill) We:
year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred before 017"“ in we COHDU-I
sixty-clue. and to me directed, fur holding a Court! Having bought their sand» for Cub, at panic
ofCurmnon Plenaaud General Qu.lrter Sessions print, and at: ting w «n the decline in may
of the; Peace, and Generni Jail Delivery and kinds of fabrics ll Jinprt-cr-deuted. they no on
(‘ourt 9f (lyer Ind Termiuer. at Gettysburg. on “Had to offer such UARUAHS u willutmlah
Maud: , (It: wt clay of January next-”NOTICE jthe mmn‘ yrgJuloufl. it our ffil‘fltll will. but
IS 351 th GIVEN to an the Jut-tices of the cs“ ma cumin! our um k, which a. complete
Peace. the Coroner .nd Conltabled within the f in "Hy ldetmnmrnt, we are rare we on olive
said County of Adnms, that they be then end 5 inch inducements M will nuply rec-y the. {or
there in their proper persons, with their Hons, . tltrir trouble. Every unit-Iv tun-Lily kept in 2,
Records. lnquisltlons, iixuniintmnt. and utllt‘r fitsl I‘lns‘l tlnlntry “on: will be found or: band.
Remembrances, to do thmc Llliugfi \\ ‘niuh to their ‘ We are determined MIT TO BE L'NDI-ZRSOLD
office: and in that behalf nppl‘rtflln to he done, lanywliére outside of the Vita. 111 mir motto in
tand nlso. they who will prosecute against the l ”Quirk Suits: and Suxnll l'ruiits." No trash“
prisoner; Lhatare ur then Ilmll be in the Jsil at t to show goods.
the said: County of Adams, or. to be then Ind ' fiWe also take tllll oration to return."
there totproaoente lgnlnst them It: shall injust, l thank: forth: very generous patmnngc In".
‘ SAMUEL WOLF, Slut-if. [heretofore received, and indulge the hop. m
smur- Ofiice. Gettysburg. 1 5 by strict Attention to bniitlEll, Ind e high n~
Dec. 30, 1861. tc " .’ {gnrd for the interest: of both our patrol“ and
-' ‘ ‘" ““ .“ “’7" ] ourselves, to morit a continuance 0! their huh
Nance. Imm. * msmmr a SULLIVAN,
102:! lfl‘CK‘llE S ES‘EATE.:Lctt’er= 1;!!! , Corner Main nnd Mountain um,
o e muraion on euteo on ’ ~_ '
Fichleflate ofLltitnore townshxp, Adm" coun- I Apr—L slls—£————~—-—-l EILfiEEJ h
ty, deemed, hlfing been mind to m an
aenigndd, raiding in Huntington township, h.
henhy‘fiives noticc to all penonl indebted to‘
laid “tale «2 mnko immediate payment, and l
‘hose inning ch im! npiust the lung to parent
them propul’j Authenticated for letdoqnm. f
WM. 8. GARDNER, 449%. I
HE. undersigned, having a lug: "no.”
T unudmg on hi! Books for_ a cuntidrhhl , ‘
“301“) of Hmofifluclpany made ,up of It)?!
“Wu”, Oahu this method at mfliffing a.” -
inGOM'd w Mm, ant he needs money, Alf If ‘
b" “cud. y“! un und mule their mag 1"
... ho rm feel under many obli'gufion to twink '"5
a. one «u. Oml on Lump- omim ’ WW;' ‘
,anmy my the i- n:- comm—v ALL-vnm'wauns rum '1 '
& forgot nu 9h“. right oppquu Nu ugh. u Ty-ons'sky—llght Hull").
my. 25,186]. m
'J. .\l. Warn, Clerk.
3, 1362.
subscriber tcspecrfully inform: [ll—n“:
Holiday Presents.
ecglred {rum l'llil-ldolpbizl n (in: u
ent of Phnlo'lmph Alfiulus’, suitable
)- presents, whirhwe offer a! reduced
i’ . mz. WK. a. mum
, HO U 'l' H WAB H ,
3! sum: “mam mu A
“A BAD man". -
sum: nomnq.
:This ['o3ch yosfiepun the
; mml‘xn'fnzs 0F CHA‘RI‘UAL, . a
ward nifr-m‘ from all .\dids nr Alkali” tin! can
i] the lewd! inflate the "Perth.
:17: ACThOI asuo :snunv unusual.—
ryhlsumu ‘wrrnou‘r wnmu‘m .Tul: hula!"
5 me. WM. B. man‘s mom rowan"
i 2? recommended hf a” Eminent Dania-s.
; Prop-red M Dr. Hurjd's Dental UMcg‘No. 77
Hour"; Street, Brooklyn, E. D. "
g' ' Erica. 25 Cents per Box.
5A libera’l discount made to_denldra.
fddresa Principal Oflce, Tribune
Buildinzfl. FO. 1 Spruce Bt.,N. Y..
180” Mm" by Gun-OH, Mack & (o.,"th
avenue ”me ; J. t l. Coddiugtoa, 71.5 Brfldx
‘ny ; J). :1. Burn", 20% Broadway, nnd’by I“
llqruggisu.‘ ‘ ’ 1 ‘
i » ‘ :DR. WM. 8. UURD'S
gFor themure of - . » ‘ ,
! roommazy- K -
phdnced by exposed nerves. ,
HI. in particularly adapted to all can: of chi}. "
d‘ an lflliclcd “ ith~TUUTHACHL
{hm-Ms; can n-I'u-ve themselves from thll '
flattening \reurine‘s cuufied by ' /
3 ~ [.055 or sum-w,
a-d their} children from [red lufl'erlng, by
keeping nthqnh- of ' \ ‘1 .
fin. WI. B. mum's ‘TOOTKACEE DROPS.
i§ lhe pol“. ' ,
EPrvput-eii‘u Dr. Hurd'a Dcnttl Oflce,’.\‘o. 7'l
fiourth ‘s'lhet; Brooklyn. E. D. ‘
; Pricd, 01111 124 mm pox- Botfle. .
5A Libeflu discount mule Lu dealerl. ‘ ‘
gAddx-eap Principal omen. Tribune ,
3 Buildings, No.l Spruce Bt.,N.Y. ’
I§Sqlvj nlio by Cnufllfi, Mack & C 9. Flflh'
Axmuc "bag-1; .l k LCovlllinuwn, 71': {irond- '
whiz-v". Si Barnes, 20:: Brendan}, and by all
Lgruggisls? ‘ ' '
3 " mm. mt. B. lIURD'S
For the Vcnrc of .\‘VI'IURALGIA‘ ‘>.
(if 'l’uolhnehL-‘pro‘luced by \ all '. ‘
g ' 1 Low. .\xnmuuu
i 3 immedinfituly rurenl by clot-‘1 nppllcnllud.‘
{Thu-.\- n¢t like 9 churm‘ mm! are prrkd'!
h‘nrxulus in their nnurekdu not pmduco I
mister. an}! lent: no unpluunm results.
”RAY“. I, H l'liD'S SHUKA [AHA I'l. \STHRS
ver fiu'lHo give uulig‘tnutiul. lo uh who In!
lu-ir virulc. » '
1 l’rcptre‘fl at Dr. Hurd's Denial 011 M, X 6. .‘7
hour“: Stgcct, Brnohlyn: E. h. - l
I ‘ . ice, only 15 Cent! ouch. ,
;' ’A fiber Idi-count mmle la dculers. 4 '
,Addrega Principal omze. Tribun. . ’
i ‘Bm‘l ‘inga, No. 1 Spruce 8t.,1¢. Y. ‘
1 E Sold al'ro‘ hy t'auwv-ll,‘.\ 8. CAL, Firth ‘
Unqu- l owl; J. 3 l Coddingtonl '11.? ”rud-
H 535; o'3. Buru‘cs, 202 Brown”, and h, I“ ~,
lUruggiutFi - . [UL-c. 2', L 561. 1y
.g... _. .3 ~. _......V_._ . i-‘_.,. ““"L""'
n 3 “One Prme to AM. - ,
' ‘ ’ll-: Hi scribera have flu plcisnre ofinfonfl- '
l i in: l elr friends and {he puh|ic gene'mlly .
XI. 1! {lncyj;h';\c rel-cued n full lupply of’l’dl '
mfnd Wimojr ’Goods, which they nre ([llch u
‘an at, thqirfusuul low was
'_ I; l-‘UR'CASI... '
“sur stockigouni‘la in put lClahyCufinxru.
Hutiuqsfljfluttinonu, lunch and Fucy Silky
Ind hail“? mu: 6de “nanny. Bro-t
hm Whi§¢ Mun“, Tickings, (itching,
Is‘hrfiilga‘ (Rescind all 'l'llMCth,’ Coltofi
'md Wool FLmnfls. Stacking Yum. uf every
‘ description, “nu, Cups, noon Mid 8110". Ben
'lo,: and lMillinery at I" kind‘. Rudy-mule
‘Llhthingtljardwnre, Gram-rim, Quecnawnn
'a‘n-J Drug, Glam, Oil and Pain”, of n“ kindl;
"macro and Lining Skim. l’egg Shoc Thrml.
ltriztly, ic.‘ We nl-o sell the- crlehrnlnd Sew
' .I‘lg'hul' Bbltinx Cloths, mucu wn‘nhu vul
him, Also, Shelger'a unrqunllcd Pu-t Ann-n!
l-f—in fat-1k": have evrrythmx nlunlly kept in
:donntry g ores, and are prepared 161/, 101 l them,
We {liinkfialiule ionr "III! our ueighbou.
g North, 50pm, But or West. l-irivndl, [in '1! \
n‘ all. and examine for yourulvu, u w: no
9': all tilde]: pinned to show our guadv'. “'-
;r'e¢um qur sincoro thunk! ya a gmleroul public
:for the hi‘pdneu that fn nunlinlrd toward us.
{and feeifdonfiilent that by u atrirt attention to,-
bminmj gm: 00.00 AM) cum? GOODS, a
”mm 1. bomiuuahco oflhe lame.
\ - mafia, Oct. 14,1361; 3m