The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 13, 1862, Image 1
- , T‘noCon-mu is pumfihnd ovnry figulay lug-g. by [lnn J. 511 mm,)“ $1 In per lluum if paid strictly 1x AlD\’.\Nt'l-—s2 I]! per unnum if not paid in gaunt-o. ‘No libwripfion dbmntinhml. unless st the option of the publisher. until all arranges '1" WM 7 v. 5 Aorcnrtsnuthsfnnertmlutthemun! rates Jon Puxsuxu done with uoumu-u and dispatch. ' _ , , Umc: in Sum]: Bnhimnrc «root. directly Uppmile “'mnplern' Tinniulg Hatflbliniunent ~“COIHLBI’ Pllv'n \‘u Urru'x." o|}!lw Sign. K_ 1 , P 30292332 02m 4.151933; Wm) A. Du'ncan, 'r’man-IY Al‘ I. \W.—-( mice in the Nnith. A icst corner ul‘Ut-mre Sq‘tnré. Genydml‘g, t. A [lm :1. 1551:. +1! ‘ « A. J” Cover, x. ATTORN'EY AT [A W, WI“ prnmmlfultend - to (‘nllccfioni and all ullu-r hudiluué‘ on. trusted to him. (”five Irv-[Wren l-‘nhnnplmck-l' ‘III Dunnvr I: Ziegler} Slurfl. llultinum- <free:,' Gettysburg. I’m. a [St-pl. 5, H 133. ‘,r >- Edward B. quhler, 4 ‘ ' ' TTURNZY AT L.\W,‘ will fugilhfullfinnd A promptly Attend lo all linxiqruenlrd‘ued ‘9 him. "6 spanks the Gel-mini lunguige.- Oils. pt the same place, in 1.5011111 Baltimore Itnec, near Furney'n drug: store, sun} rich-l; op9mfle Dunner 4* Ziegler'g ”are. Gettysburg, Murcli 20. v . ' a: D. McConaughy, ‘ TTORS'EY AT LAW, (nflice one door Ire-11 1 of Buehh-r‘a drlm and bank Mun-fling crsbfi"g glued.) A‘rfnnsrzv Ablh Svucnuu‘ruu ‘PLTIN‘I’fi no} Pmnmxs. Bounty Lnnzd \'nr- I’llu, Mali-pay suspmulmi (lining, 31nd nl} other claims against the (:uvornm'v‘n MW ah '|lx'on. D. 0.; who .\nwric.m(‘ln'nus in Hu‘gh'ml. [nu-d Warrant: Ina-:ncd and dtnln!.rrl'l~uught, Ind highest prim-s gin-n. .\gv-nN'.-ng.|ged in“). Citing Wurums in hm... Illiuuis and 01119: wo-teQuSutL-s flkappl) to him pcraou 113- or by lrtlur. > i ' - Gettysburg, Noi’. 21, '53. l ’ ‘ ~ .‘__- A A V - -_ ." ‘ - J. C; Neely _ ; 'TT‘WRNEY .\l‘ MW, “in #ll‘sllm rum-o. A tion- .md :Lll uIHL-r hu~iu tfiuuum-J‘ln‘ 1i cure u'lgh prmuphu-u, ‘(ll‘j‘ A iufihe 3‘": H. Curmr of the Di‘nnund. Hmeerfl,‘ ou-upicdi by Wm. H. McClele. lan” 1‘ - «' GettysburghApril 11, 1535). f; ' ‘ ‘ Wm. B. Model 11, TTURVEY AT mun—um %- “rm-am A die “real, one dourv Wc‘ .0! the l ‘ohn llnjmo'. _' . . K ' Gettyfiburg. .Vuf. H. 1839. {- - . . 4 'J. Lawrence Hill; M. D. AS hifiolfire one 4 duor’wrst "Hike: Lutheran church hi Unthrrshurg :trretannd nppfnile Pirkhi More, when tlphc wi‘hipg m hru’t- ah} [)L-I Upeulipu pl'llUl'lllelll|rt'lfoilll:i_'l‘ru”y“Milt“ cu“. flwrnmms: Dr‘s. llurnk-r. RH. l‘. Krunth,’ n. 1), Rev, n. 1,: nmgiqw. n. 1)., 1: Fact \l. 'Jacobs. Prof. \l. L. Szuju-r. " i Gellyslmru, A 131“ 11, '3l:. i 1‘ ‘ Adams Cpuufy . 1“ L'Tmr.Hm:lxsunA-x'vqmuiuxy I Incorporglf-d “an I: 18, 1F“. ’ . : x, orru'nng. T l'rm‘dmt—Gcorg’e Swnpel i ' ‘ Fin l’nn’xlrnh—S. l;- RIDWHJ I ' x~.S;rrz(urg/—D. .\. Uiu-hlur. t ' Trra‘urrr—lhuil! .\l‘!‘r«urr. ‘ . Hum/ire ('ummiHé—llnln-rl .‘~k~(‘nrd_\‘» J-l Kilug. Andrew ”(-iIItH-lnmn. l ' JlJlmqrn-Tfinurgo Sn one, I). ‘. Runllh-r. oH: KiuJ. A, ”flint/.nlmjn. H. l’t'nrdv. 1‘ A.\l|rlh|H. S. Pl|llllf‘i{l;‘l’k, “‘n . IL'M‘ (‘h-I )V n. I} \Vilsl)“. \L Eic‘lnl‘bvrgt‘r A'lulit-l I"! John W-oIfiIrJ. 11. A. l’inking, $l.Ol I‘. \\"ri J‘lfiallorner. ll: G. \[rCrt-nrv. ‘l. R. [Enlist-Hf M Urq-A'ry, Andtcw I‘oHC-y,Jull-Picking. J Ilerdh. -. ( ' j ; ‘ firm; Cnmpnnv i: limitctl in it: 01991 “on! m the count) of .\-l.un's. 1h Illllfi lwcni inset-«( Ill ope-ram." fin- nmré 11h m ”(0"‘14 8:4 in that ppriod 1le! puixl allilnssvn mnl renfiei. mil/um] Hm] Ililf‘l'nl'll’. hrnlil|g 111:0 n In surplus P_xlpit.ll in the Trensuj-v. The f‘ - guru emplmri ‘nor .\r.'.(‘ms—:lH j'lm-finr‘u ltd done In the “alumni, who are hunn-dlr-clc’ Q-‘l hr the Stnrk'léldori. Auv yinl-rmn dmir In lnmrmvc cnn :lpph- In unit of flu: ah mum”! “:tnaqcfi for turthor inl'briuuliun. “EB-The Emuniva Comm"! 0 21"“ nt (“fire of tlw'Pn-npunx‘ on {he 1 {st Wedlies in Merv mnnthsnt 2, I‘. .\I. ‘1 - ‘ Sept. '27, 1353. j 1 a. I: g ‘ MarbleAYaz-d Rzmwai. i ‘HE snhwrihér‘ having rm]m\‘§vd his 311.10 of '1 lJljsinPaf to l':.l'~l York unit. 2; short (lii:- luuce {gelqm St. Jallllc>'(‘ln|rrh; \quhl :lunuugme t 4 the‘p'lhlic llml lu- i~= still pn-liszm-d [u l'ur'n, «h ll" kindfi 0t “'urk iu‘hi~ lino. ‘<m-h m- Mum ‘lmemfincndptmuw, Ad... Mu. “flue-2r} \nrittj nf rifle and finish, With nml \vitlmul hJéus'wnl £0! kcts, to suit pun-lumen.arm-.1! with to quit flue times. Persons" fivsiring unflhinu in I|i~ line 'l'ill find it a deride-1 :ulhmmgrjm M’mnilie Fhis ntoclfinud prices hcfurchnurvhmipf; «Lit-where. _ ‘,“'“4 11. .\H‘:.\L§. ‘ ' Geltpbnrg, March 2!. 1859, ! V ‘ ~ Cannon. 8: Adan-’8 ’ . DI EW MARBLE WORKS, earner of “alt?- more and East Middle streébuliroctly, p pnsite the new (‘o’urt lluuw.‘ ”audit";— H-lving recently nrriderum ,I'hilmlclphiu, 19.: d feeling fully competent trrtxm-uto-nll work, In tlge finest style of the an: we “(mm rmpoclfa - 1y ihviu flu attenlién of the public a s fungi prom/1r: Anything in onl-“nu. laffin‘or ns'witrl all and uumino spe‘mmcns M I?!” work. Ve gi'e prepared lofurnidl .\ll).\'l‘.\J-INTS. TO! AND HEADSTOXES: \nnnm: “ANTI. S, SLA'BS for Cnbimt-m‘kers.n|ld§:-Il other work nppérmining to ourbuaincss. ut the lowestpbf ‘ible prices. We du nut hcslulr): m gu.u‘uuiee Huh)“:- wnrk shall he Iqu up in: u manner nib. unntial and -tnsteful equal to We hc=t to Ehe seen in the cities, where ever" hu;ri-uvc-vnent which oxperienve has snag-«oi iq .uuilcol pt, and especinl‘y do WP g'znmnwc that our Ceme 'fie‘ry Ind. Grave and work >lmll‘bc so curefl lv get an néYto ‘be dffectel} hy fmskfiblit «hull will In}! for years Elgut- er‘e‘ctucu of'luuifion given' 5‘ Wricompletian afu jnh. and so newessnryi to gonunned gmc’efulhcssaud symtlctry. i _Nov._zs, 1559. .1! Q . , _ : .—‘——-'~~— - ~... ~»,——-7-—» 4.. Mill. at Work! » g \ - OAGHMAKLYG AND m..\‘cxsmmmc —The undersigned reipedtf‘ully infutms bu feignuls Ind thapgbiie th ho cominpea “10.0036hluflkil‘lg nnd Blacksmilhing Uusiuess In overy'brinc’n at his establish‘tmeut ix} Chxim bersburg street. He has on hand and will manulaahro to ordenn kinds of (‘,ARRIAGBS. BUGGIES, SLEU‘rHS, Spring Wagons, km; of the but, material, and made by Superior work -men. fi-Rnunsu; and BLszxn‘mn-m’ of all kinds done nrreasonablr panes, prométly' and {othe satisfaction at custQmors. ; , Conan-n Paonucx takgn id exchange'for work a market, prices. , i filfersous desiring “tides or work in the Coachmak‘ing or thhmithiug line, aregre ypeoflully inuted to call on ‘v , ’ i ‘ . Jon-N L. unmzwoum. Gottysburg. Jan. ‘2 3, ’39. ‘7 h i -.: 'ngxovah‘v - EW SALOON.‘}ms N mvedJfis Oyster esmiwlfishmgm to -the Iplenilid new Saloqn in Jacobs pt Brn‘s. Build ing, on the North side: at Chamhershurg strfim, *1..." he will at all timns be l}r9pnlr¢d to sqne up the beat of OYS'N‘IHS. in I‘} erv style. {By keeping a. good arm-19. he rxpcqts to receive}. liberal share of pubhc pmrumge. TURTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGI’E. mu's FEELTRIPE, BOXLED and FRI’ED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, km. in their a ason. A nice gllllnf ALE or LAGER can fllans he had.— ‘Uoms Md try me. G. F. E‘ ‘KESRODE. Ami! 2, 1860. . , ‘ s r P 8") awn awarded no you Brothers Ihr the Mantllea Agriculur Swingscpt. um, sad is; the AdMns dos-m [Ag-inaugural Sonic”, Sept, 18“. for be“ A hmgpu and newsman", over all others onl exhibitiou. Abws' DRESS mmum , injgrent V» L rmy; n ; scuxcx's. Bill Br H. J. STATILE 44th Year- @ll2 ~ @1152. Ajfmo in’lhe dark and silgm night; ‘ .\\'ith the heavy thought ufn Hmithedicur, Wlu'u evil deed! come bark to light, ‘ TAM gum! dccdn riie‘with a welcome cheer; Alone with the r 2 mares of the pun, "' . That come wilL the old )ear'a dying shine, There gluon“ one slurlow dark and "19.1, The nhndo'w of Wasn't] Tillie. ' _ The clmnrcs 'of happiness cast nwny, The opportunilivn never gought, } . The goou‘ resnlu-u [hut eyery (hly . 1 Hum died in the impotence uf thought; The slow xldmnccnml the backward step " In the Eugigwl pnlh we hmle'striwnta‘l'limb; How the} furmw lhe lnow nn’d pnle thrill}:l “ hon we talk with Wnsted Tune. i>. . “‘hm nre winnpw 1’ Mm: lmd we been ' Haul \er hou‘rdt-d lixm as the miscr's mold, ' Striving oucuwcd lu win, 1 Tllxrlmgh llwmrnnnu': llcnl'nud the \Hmcr‘s I to“; V I Shrinking Irugm nought that the world Gould‘do. Ifrurjng nought but the luul'h of crifilef 1‘ Lnbuning. ~‘!rllg;_’ling, .1“ 40.15“!" through, ~ And knowing nu Wash-d Tinn- ‘Z , l W ‘ Who ilmll rm-nll'thc vanished smm? _ _ ‘ -" ‘\\'lm ~h¥ull huh! hzu-k this u-hhing tide" ~ Thu! [yanks us rt-nmr~e,’and shume, panama, .\ud wnphm “my nll things honide‘! It _‘ “th \Tmn give us the svreugth, e‘en new, ' i To lmvr torrwl this hoiiduy rime, To ~h-Ikc nfl' this sloth from hum and brow, , IL And Imnlc “uh \Vuglizd Time? ~ - . ‘ . l IM- ' cw ‘ i :Tlio yvmw ihxll puss come not, again, . The thing: (hut digno lift- renew; ‘ ‘ But c'ou frum, the ru§t ufhis ulnkeriqglchnil f 4 .\ uuhirnhrurh i; plilumi'riu]: thi-ough: ‘ , Th.” to him who learns from t-rmrs 1.2+“, [l‘ F Antl- lnrns away with strength «Ilblimie, “'l_ Am! make-s em I: year mmlu the last, ‘ ”7: ’mu-re i~x no Wanted 'l'xmc ?- K 1 5w 9 $ FIE sumo LNIASTER. ‘s’? mad to'think iv. “ms so queer :7 ¥To How him in hh min. gr ly hair, i t: Sticking our quill: ht-himl his ohr, T , {2“ And rlruighl forgetting thca‘flre then-é} We naml [u think it was so Sénnge. ‘ ' That he should L\\'i~t. xur/L lmir Lo‘nnrls, Ami lh..t his \\ rinhlml phoek would Edmnge, 1h! uplnrlflw u lmdn‘ul girl‘s. I ‘ . I Our fnoliflu mirth doth-d nll rule, l ! .\~' ghfm (is, (‘.u~h nf‘enh. we sink, Thy mnrnin}; [hm he wore to‘svhool A ruse-bud in his Bflutlun-hole" And \ery sngely \re ngreed , 'That :Iljlh n dunu-Wu: nevcrlk'nmyn— -14/7], _' and tr_\ ing still tu' rL-ald - Lore-Verges yin: n tender tone! :’ .\'o ju_\ uns smile would en-r stir Hu- soher looks, we often mid, ,‘ If we were but n schoolmaster, «; ‘ And luld, witlml. his old, white hqnld. 0m- diuy w 611.} his knotty smfl‘ , 1 Nearly in‘two. and each nm! a]! ‘ Uf uI ulccluro‘Tlhnt we dhould laugh To we it hrpakund let him full. I'pun his old him: (Ix-5k we drew ‘ His picture—pitiful lo sqe, , \VrinHed mud hdlxl-hflffidfl, half true, And wrote heueufl: il+l\\'énl3'-ilnte I Net! day came eight o’dock and nine, Hm. In} came um; our pulses quick 2:591 (79.13:, We mid j: wuuld hc-fiue "IT the old sclluolnmster were sick.‘ Ahd stj‘ll flu- [mm-h trees bear tho scars 0t (vunuds’n'hkb \vo Ihnt.moruin£ umde,‘ Cutting thg-ir MINT) bark to slurs Whercun lo can It the games we lflayed. At lust as tired as we could he. " ' l‘pnn u clnylmnk,’:trxlngcl.\j still, We sat down in a row to see i ‘ Ills worn~out lmt com- up thehlll‘l ‘ ‘Twus lmngixig on a peg—a quill E Nolchod down, and sticklngin thd bum}, And leaned'againu his arm-chair still, ‘ His stuff “as waiting in. his Imam; Across hiu feel his thremlbnre cont, ‘ \\ 1H lying. stuffed with many a full x 0!” ~‘ copy-platea” and, Sad 40 notr, A‘dend mi: in the button-hole. ‘ llut he’no more might like his plugs Uur lessons and our lives to plan l Cold death hm] kissed the wrinkled face 0! (but most gnmle gentleman. ' , Ah me, what h‘tter tears Inna blind ‘ Uur yqung eyes lur our thong-hues; lin, Aa‘two nnd two, we w:ulk_ed‘bcllind ‘; ‘ Th}- lung black coflin he was in. F And all, sad women nowmnd men ' ,Wxth wrinkles und gmy hairs, can see 110 w he might wear a rupehud the‘n,’ ' And rend iuve-Vcraes tenderly. - ‘ @imllnuwnfi. A Bali-e Boy—on almcist. every va‘ssd ur ter the fight at Beaufort, “16 men wére cull— ed “ft, and pixblicly tlmnkejd by their I_-e -spective CaptpiM. 0n tlne-sllip_l3qinville. particular mgmticn was made nndlspeciql thanks total-fled, in presence ofthe ship’s company;— tb William Henry Steelé, a boy not fourteen years old, who conducted him self with disginguished bravery. He is a powder boy; and not only_never fli‘khed or dodged "a shbfi, but. when two men ”were kil led at his gunhe (lid hot turn pale 61‘ cause £9lm}! instant his duties, but handed the cartridge he had in his handy) the gunner, stepbed carefully over the bodxeg. Mud bar toned below for more ammunition; 'Young Steele 08111105 full to make such 3 sailor as his wuntry w'ill yet be proud of. Fanaticism gun Mad.——Mr.'Wnde, Senator from Chip, rééentiy progented 5 pefitiori in the U. S. Sens‘te he make " Fremonaniét tenant Gexhenl,” and thus place him over Mixjor Gangrnl McClellan. ‘ ; ' f-w-— : ...—“~— ‘ .f 3-K mnn‘ ndVertisgq for a. “competent person‘to Index-inks the sale of a néw med. icine,” and adas’nut- .. it win by Mia, ble to the undertaker}! .No doubt of it. mm ‘ Richmxond Examiner says the Southern people oan‘miu my article of Northern industry‘ Some witty vng coolly asks, Why don’t they misc the “winch. fi‘LMynheér, do‘ you know what l‘orwo call our boy Hans?” "I do not: my", “ ,Well, I will you yon; Der MW . H‘ouv bay Hun innit ish hilyvnime." WMTBD 'l‘lflli. I= | 71‘?“ ‘ wwwmfi‘kdguflfiwm "if A I A QB UR”‘H§ALD . GETTYSBURG, PA; MONDAY, JAN- 18,‘18i2- Omar Crone: the Ru 0n the ever mémnrqble my: my lv‘wmrhad resolved mmke (and in such a case the first stl ins-the power_of retrPating, final step whicfi placed him in the State.) it happened that ' tgrs were at some distance f 1 riter. Rubicon. whichfonned arm. ‘provinoq. wm. hi- that no new" of his motions (giro himself. on this inighl 0' p‘ntertainment’to his fiends, of which he slipped dway un wah a small retinne proceed I woqu to‘n point of nhe river dc~>igned to cross. : l ' The night was stoimy, am lence of idle winJ, thé Wrch- c ‘wore: 111 mm! out mtlm‘l the WI: :thuir mud, halving ptnlmMy tionally deviated from ‘he ms ’the éarly duwh‘ enubiclLthex: min-ii“ true course. The light 41nd uncertain m Cmuu‘ and Erode down izpon the buhka of . :10 cross, which willulhoir a Eh‘zmd‘. since than farther bun :lhe tmn-ilm’y athhe Republic i claimed any Roman- {Limbo} a - ,Xo mathe, firm‘est or unfit ohttise, 'muhi be’otfierwiae than detgply ngitakd :I!th [looking down upon (hi: little‘ hrqok — in itself. bu investedfiby Jlniv with it sanctity awful, 13nd so diré z; 'cnnsecratipn. The mlole con sent" future hism‘ry. MM the fate otevery [imam 'woz‘lld hecémrily be determihed by the irretriekva- Me act-of the merit half hour. L E If: these mumenishmul‘wit‘ this spoém ch- {lx-{me himflmfll hontém lnting lh'tue immnmumblo mnwgwncoe | sciox'zaly'ifor “the hut time that kou‘hl :Lllmv nim n wtr'cut L—impreir‘rd 1;le hy {he solom ity and dfep lranfiuility of Um cilfent dann‘. while ghe e‘i Minn of his night n'nmle tings preflis pnépd ’Cw-sar,we' may be sure, w s profuuhd 1y hgimu‘gl. The whole el‘cn outs of ‘ho: scene new; ulmost‘sci’entificnl y dispoagd ; the la'w ot'untugonismEhavingl x‘hnps neg/er been employed “girl: {so muc effect: the little quiet brookipre‘senting dircf—ct Elmi- thmi§ t 9 its grand political oh the innocent dawn: With its .‘ bled repose conlrafling poten pf any intellectual sensibility chaos of blOOLlSllédfi‘ darkn ; wliidh was to take ifs rise from ‘ly trifling nets of this one ‘ prep’arecl, we need riot muc w‘lm'L followed. Cities; was ye l the hither bank, when sudde not fur dislunt frbm Himself, : ‘wns ldesci-iod in a sittiiig postu ing in his hand what seemed phnhtom ‘was‘of unusual size, E Ety more than hmuun, Ho farms 1 could be traced in the early I is Isingularx howeverfig the a :hypothesié which 'would exp] ,Cn-‘(nr'n individual condition 1.! ‘sayv. it as we“ {Ls he’; both I (who were present probably. i ter of guide,) and senile of the ‘ tinned aft the passage ‘ef the ri Thesé men fachi‘edveven “1' music issued flom ,the miml some. bo_th of tlxef shepherds soldiers, whb werejbolder than winced tommda the figure. Among this party. it lmppcnetj that the were «(few Romnn tmmpewré. From onv of thega' the phantom, tisingag they ndv cod nearer, suddenly caught 3; trumpet, 8| d blowing A blast of ‘suPerhuman breath, ulungad into the‘ Rubiot‘m, wand (Ollie either batik—- 'nnd disappgmred in the dusky twilight. of the‘dawn. ‘ Upon wbibli Cwsul' exclaimed: “ It is finislialLthe die is unit—let us fol~ low whither the guiding pal-talus of: llesvén and theninlice of our enemy, dlike summon us to go l” 80 saying-glib cros‘ped the river with impétugfiityruud in a sullden rapture ‘ol‘ passiohnle nnc'l findicalil'e nmbilion, placed himself and his relinudnpon Julian soil; and, as if by inspiration from Heaven, in ‘Qne momgut, involved hi self and fol- low‘eré in gtrensqn, raised the : volt. put his foot upon the ne vin’cible rgpublic, which had thexkings'of the earth. and f 0 pin.z which fins to_ Ins; for a 1 half a thousand years. ,In this spectral Appearance w whether Caesar was its linux3l - remain unknownlor-ever. Szmpla HayfiptiomJ-A lad swsllowed t small lead bdueuatq‘ly. Hi friends were very much alarmed about it, nd his father, that no means might; be spa -- to save his darling boy's ‘life, 391+! post- sate to 1 sur gelou ofskill', directing hmmew. get ('0 tell him the cilfcumstnnéesyund Lug: his com ing without’delay. , j‘ The doom} m foam]. heard the dismal tale, fad \with as much unchncem as he would; manifest in 0. case of qommon head iche, ’yn-ote the following laconic note:- “‘Sil'r-Don‘t alarm yourself. If after twee weehai the bullet is not removed, give the boy 5 charge‘ of powder. Youn. &c_. ' P. S.-Dou‘t shoot the boy at anybody.” V This is much. akin to the laconic pracrip— tiou of the celebrated Dr. Abernathy: An Iriqhxpau called in great hum upon .tho Dr. stating that—" Be jubers, me boy Tim has swallowed a mouse I” “ The!) Mjabers, " said Abernathy, “ tell your boy Tign 3.0 swallowa cm.” =CM fiburing the last four years, about sev en hundred and fifty confihned drunkarda “it"; in a: gun Wishington Hague}, in Bas tou, has been "formed mill-med to re , spectifle pbsifions iii lociéty. ' . ' mmvmmmflw > firm Wm WW ,( I ‘5 a! _ g . . s’“ \ .ff', ‘ ' _ .J , ''V ,g 4 ~ F \ ' \‘/ ’ “TRUTH ls lIONTY AND mm. “Hun.” blood. flit, when Juli the firstskp. :tap, as ‘regurd- Vwaa tho the J arms against hhs The familiar legend of the Wandering Jew. so celebrated in poetry and mmmcc, originall‘y rap as follows : ‘ “ Cartfphi‘lua wu porter to Pon tim‘u Pilate; govemo of Jude... He saw the Jim-r Ox: nrnignelll in Ithe hall—clothbd w‘ith 'pur pl 9, crowned|‘ with (hops, mockqd. unfazed. spit Hg: 2:10 heard the pacific choosé a murd' in§profere§loe to the ’3lth : lie hesd quar -m the iiwe he bounduy unl nation, ight run “bo- heard c ' and one} he saw” . sorrowé,’l 4 -; z I- gave an n the midsl bsei-ved, dud I throu 51$ ihe; Int which‘he scorn, t fist, and ‘Go fast- And so by the vio of his egoort looked ulg liar-ti [out 4. first inten n road. urfml I! to rncp'iver ms still/grey his rotixpuc he famh‘i‘yor Ims in th‘bir ‘ luy within [mo judo fire :d a tmitor. am gmn “ MIL ‘ current. I - yeportcd to Knvé linen se§ll§i pugsong §in various hgea, >[lnd ifid} 9mm trifi. and was répresehked {l3ll‘ went mqur it. upbmrs that like vm'tcd Jew WAS asconsin his Joni: the, (105 money ,n' u m 4 1 an old t i ”No disc pi grim: of all th on the \d‘ m, on .tI COME. 0 low-d: E If I wilLth'at ho tarry tillfi] come, what is ‘l‘mt #O, thee ‘3’ In_ COIISC‘hI once of this exliimdfin, we aim “to“ L‘hatitl o ‘ my. ing winfi übrthnmbng tho lrrot'h en that (lisciplozkhould nut flim‘ but it k lrnngly wintmlillmt tilmt the exproxfion ilhurfmight bear a vgry Jiffy-rent,signification? N Kurd“); I%;er 62f; liebél .619th The Czfiiro éorrmlfindcnt of the St. Louis It'mub/zrfiuflnés been visiting the é-aunp at Columbrfis unflaler a flag of trucfi. Hp palates the following story told by the refine) Gen eral ('lqu tlmjn, of the mummy-in which .he escaped; capture at the battle 'of" lolmbnt, Mo: 1, ‘ “ , 1 Just ' the Oppodng armies . ere ap- imctér ; rind l. ure. untmu -Iy, to a, ring] will) a 15,111; - s, alihrcjny, lhe apparelgt mrning. ,So I woyden at lingering du hy at a point In) apparition ! e, and thd- nnge another, Gan. C’hebtlmril dia mqfiadron. of ‘cnvglry 'cor'pi'pg down at lhh posilion. Uncontvfn as to 'O9 i't. belonged, Mean); It: ied only . . . 3. ' _ larly, he g0d—9.411;: to wulgm u. fc‘w urds of #6lllin inquired: . ‘ ;:1 proachil‘l covered 1 34mm] 11 which fol by an a l -l ls cavalry; sir.” was their ‘ply: ' Illifiois caanw.< All A“; just mere ou ar‘e!" r ‘J‘ ‘ v ‘ “all; obeyed vim rebel b j or, and led y them, 3° suppohéld he wan the Tederil officers. thhl‘GenenlJ ly b k. ditec ly under thi- giml of ed mlreéim qt,which “1431 bythnt e "P’ but ivh , seeing hhh‘coming direction of he ca‘v‘ulri‘hlso‘sup at he was‘of them. ‘ So' e of our ‘rrefivmber‘ed‘il the height, nhd ..ith‘ the hem of itmth‘tq-if they} E 3: who he 's,‘it is very‘ robable wbuld Imjjbeen one {l'Fbel gen- 1 ithu‘ night/L: ,i a ‘ a»; -——w" —~——;~: ‘ 'l‘: (Trauma e Meir, E‘ - 1 The ‘ up. lemma Wendellll’hilipin: New l’Qrkiity, oompleto‘fdrré‘go of treason}{on Iflflh o! w “ch, if utthred by: Democrat, Would hive consigned: {the indi—7 vidual . find Lafiyo or -WR :en. At me clash 0% a trea’nom’ble p ‘b, where Philips avowed thdfi he, was fer 1‘ a Union now onl befcause he hoped the Ge fulitutrion would cherridd‘em d pei‘SOn i the hall called 0 t, f' Three chefsrs fog AhfLianln and the Co stitutiqn !” The resédnse was an insta {Shout ofT“]l+stle 11in) Pm!” and he wad ustled out; 1 ‘hi ‘ . 3 Gen. rex‘hont was present. and‘iawhenever; hisnnm wa+utteredbyt espeakekmdsgnng‘ applaud I WhileGP" )F’Ulelh'n’innme was passed 33‘. l. {reminds "one of t} {ébesfiiérre used to rant, ' hf Phyis to up phmd. ‘3 | ; ‘ “nun! “oh! 1 stand w The w! nnmole‘ one of I rode safa} another time ca J from (In! posed t 1 otficers ; agreed had kno that thel en'tl lee»l EMI BEI 'xncl of béau~ {a lineament awn. What cry. on any i in it out of i that others 6m] laborers the eba.rae- ..ntinels'sta- t a} strain of flute; And nfid Roman the rest; ad- ' ndnrd of re lk‘bf the in: 'humhled all nded an em inausamd and 'hat mn‘nner managed or its dupe , De Quincy. "my . “,.. .gf t 1) hurtling ex pow qf fraud—made by the an Wyck Commitfae,i some of the Republi :1 papers . 1 J console thepnolvu with the ref! tion that if co pay. has occufred und ‘l' zhj. 'nd minist tion, its own para-"491m” not hesitat do expose it. We 'don,t see how thin 11: ig‘tes the' enormity of he fungi: perpet ted by the chosen age ts of the Govern em. or rélievas it froré the just odium c?! thundering ghe public, money at a tima fwhgn above all‘othen in disburse ment. should have bad jealously sanded. A thief! mny own his nscality but neither return what he has stolin nor case to steal. Going to ~Hw€aburg.—Vnn Wyck'n com mittee will go to Harrisburg in a. few days, to o'erhaul the Government expenditures in ihat lochlity. If one half the reports of lhup dealing, in that Quarter, are true, the committee have an extensive field for ope ration. . Mlle Republicans in Congress voted down‘ or mfused’to accept the eCrittenden Comprgmise; the border-Sum Cégapromiso ; Mr. Douglss’ Compromise; Bigler’l propo sitiou to submit the crimnden Compromise to a. vote of the people, sud Adam’a Com promise. Let no man forget these facts! #lllO N6} York Mm 39y: the was is now 009 mm tholgeno'nl govqaismgexit over life million: of dollm poi- day. ‘ The Wandering Jew. wards offl‘flnte: “Takgl ‘ye him fy him.forl find :30 fault‘ it: himq” be soldier drug faith the Minn o!" and, in; bitter g'hatréd ujaid boluj‘ is Cartaphil‘yn strbck Injim hit!) his rid him go ”‘8 fuéster t 4) t‘ie cross: , Xmarine'; why Idorzt ”not {arr} 3‘ he legend itells jusjth‘e Suzanne und upo‘n‘; and‘ mid ‘lwindeed‘, but thou simlt tarry 1111-} comet‘. éw I’m-£35 [91:13 this: stbry. but it was before his my; The Wfipdcying (.‘hristiannfi very shlnrtl'y ter the of our Logd, and “mi tip spent ifé in mnkib: known (He truth 0f el and in sdistributing} whatever - pOssesßed lo the} poor. ; , g I legend probably 1 origmfuted from , dition of ”ye Church, [Jim]; one of pleé was cépncinlly «etia‘pan for Le on earth u‘n Lii the oonsiuhmntio'u fings. This, [tradition \vaul‘t founded puls of bur fiuvior addrerfiq‘d to P - I a. latter asking what ‘wdflld (be ‘J'ohn. thg’disciple “110111 .lesni cavalry is’ 11m 2" xa; aWsry~ r~~~Y~a A [an Guarding $3,000,0fl§) Worth 4 of Dumonds. ; x The most profound adamanwhgistlin the world is the Duke of answic ,‘ He has in his fiossession $3,000,000 we I! of dia munch? Ha ha; just published "catalogue of his diamondzl, and it} lhe nppe dix there is o nofico of the most oélebratul iamonda in 91.5 ’world. Thi- caialogqe on her: not less than26B quarto pages It ves with great detail, o 155". of his diam" a. It re lates horl this olive adorned n Tur himber. that a royaLdiodc-rn, another an imperial: colhir, a fourth g'Gmnd Electoral .hgz ;- this block dianiond was an idol'u‘eye, that bril liant rosy diamond was taken‘ from the Em? peror Haber. fly} Agra. (It wu'rghl-L B'l :camts, 1‘ and is worth MM’O) these wgre codt. buttons to' the Emperor I)_ this diamond ring with tlm Stun. arms and um ivypher M. 8.; be Mary Queen ofSrots; that pajr o‘ hung~ mice on' Marie Antoinette: y many . fi'ereht cry de- pienly of Dimnéndskorth $20,000 $45,000; two worth $60,000 each, ,mo and $BO,OOO, He is in trezit diamonds, one 9F which is worth and the other $6304“). ‘. The Duke of sBrunswick din-es (iii-leave Paris. at any riod ot‘ the.year; lu' dih nldhds keep hi~ chained thvre. ’ 'leau-lls lnot slefii from Lhome (sonié fol ypckofn « this liberty of llow one of the‘g eat fran ilcllises ér Pm‘isfil‘; siiigle‘night. ‘ilill' lie lives ,in a housii‘conxtruoted not“ {much for comfort in; stlcu‘rity. It is burgh:- iroof ; surrounded on lai‘m'y side by n hiighiwnll; [ the wall itself is eul-mountedlly a' it} irojlx I railing, defended by iunumera e ‘slmnp i spear headg, which are so mutrir d that if lany person touches one of the-m n hi¥nn ill [bells begin imtumly to ring an a my; this J iron railing cost: him “4.127. e keeps [his diamonds in nsnfe, lluiltlin at ck; wall; 5. his bell is placed against. it, that lrhrglnr ! may break into it without killing ht least: waking him, and that he may in .~a lum : self without leaving his bed. Two unfo is i linl-d with granite and wifil iro ; if it is '[ opened by violence .(li.~ch go of figcarms 5 which will inevitably kill the bum 21 takes * place and at the same time in chin imam in every room'in the house is sue r' ging.‘ He has but one window in his ed om: the sash is of the smutest iron. :1 d finnot i be ‘entered' unl‘lllss one be master f ille‘se l cret combination of the look. A (L of a. dozen sit-barieled revolvers, lo deg and i capped. lies upon a table within re h of hit; bed. Would you like to 1: his , ‘ . pln‘pe. ..v_,,-1.,-.._.- fir Dilln’t. Wm ‘to sma— on n I had. ,Jrnne Eliza—s) yory pretty and i tilligcnl; > young lady of eighteen summers seven tOEFl winters—fromthe wilds of P 323 counil tyfsteppcd into a Murket street ..(lnguerro j tyne 'gnllery a few days since, to tot a pho j‘ wgmph taken. She’was xiccouip nied by a a con- finale cousin who “kn‘owq the rn ten being “awfully poqed, t. optimum: tofok a look at her the {h 'the inA strhment, when I.lmm Eliza blush , parted her dreysmm to make it tquc the flqor all aro'und, and hurriedly beckon ',her es cort 19 appr’oaah‘. f 3 ‘f Don’t let that horrid lookin .‘n look gt .me through that thing; pl . inuke lum stop” , 7 ' ‘ ll Why' not ‘3’? whi-zpered he. ‘ ‘f I don’t, like; to tell you,” like unawaregl _ “0111, I must inflation knowi'ny " said he. ’fWéil.” answered the. "if I most tell you (lowering her Voice artful \ ),> it will twin me npsidq‘down." ' ' . Our city frigné. the cousin ' fled—lie woldn'c help inf—and ,wld her . -. though“ shrmust be mistaken. . / ' ‘~ -' oh‘no,"shg said; Mr. E——-—u: dn engi neer} and when he auiveyed t. ,: yailrond‘ but. summer, he stopped nt 113': 6 br ’3O long? and he told us that if you look 1 through}: one of‘tho'soglns‘ea the object,‘( -’ ag'a what 0' he said)iwas turned Aupside doiv 5 . I’lle is a" very Scientific man ;' and ough to: know, you know." , ' ' " ' 0m- fi'iend 35511er be: he won | not have her upset, if he could help it, a ttm Mr; Photograph, who .had been w ,h n 3 the my'atéfious conference withso e interest, thit the young lady thoughd be igm pro ceed to ‘ftuke her.”'without y ,iuygher preparation. arid she wad acoordi all! ‘took.’ The”joke looked out. somehow d Jane Eliza's lady friends quiz 13” one shout her fair of: “rover-e.” " , l h ' ~..-M” ”The language of the I Jourmwepubnm) 9n the id olitioniua am this ‘rebeuxon . dowu without. Eben-tang the a pointed and uumistakhble. H .“ A Mr.,Shergmm, of New Y- R, in credi ted by the teiegnph win: the -E ternnoo of hnguuge in tho ,R “publicnn can nesday night, which we have n . language to fiiningly condemn. 119 d: lax-ed thin the Governm‘eni mver could p t down this rebellion by the ‘Bullet, bull must em ploy slaves I) help im’ Mr. S. erman is 3 tool of portentious dimensioniéor sgtmicor. If we can’t carry on the war kithbut the help of alaveswe muzt be a lé‘etty set of cowards; but that is not. the @nt of it.— lf we are to ‘be beaten, 3. 33:. Sherman says, unless we employ slavesé will he or guy other an of his kidney please tell us how we are to at the slaves 9"! w_.,,§_...._._._§L.‘_ 191 th stated that. ordershdvejwen sent t 0 Missouri to pay every ofloegr g‘otuafly in service under Gen. Fremont. ‘ ' flfA man named Irwin, in loomkburz. recently Wind “9139 an mm dq. md was um to Jsil for “10 o 1100. é waist- Pedro, coat of lged ‘ to airings H has '530,1 NlO, )2 $70,- bl: two 232,000, ii; I ’ i,“ “shingly diannpolis of the Air I": be put Va. is very it, on Wed- wag—w. m‘WWWI A q.w*gmwmw vi , TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR ~ 7 #i¥ Aimuin: Gulculstion of Chsnoet. It is easy to show. reader. that five hun- I dred 'years ago, the chances were ten thous- 1 and one that you end I would never ex- 1 int. fwe look at the chmoesml exhibited in if}: two or‘three generations, we shall' be onished and horrified st seeing‘how nmttvly we have missedghsving no being. For i sflxnce my grandfather was a soldier in t ‘ Revolutionary Arniy'for six years; i and pestadly exposed t‘o deslhx '_On one lwngon, when his epmphn‘y was engaged j‘by 1) teens. he‘was an only survivorin two idifi'edent attacks. Now yfi‘ he had fallen in lllimy (if those attacks, he iwould not have Anna-tied, my father woulil not have been siborn' and consequently il' myself. would 4 illmve ml no being. Again. my 'fiiilnor paid l {{his a dresses to toenail? lady. and Inns-en; ’ lggnge in her. Just qure the time n'p :ipoin d famine marriage}misunderstond- I [ging fins'e [Janieen them—hill ties weio dis- Imushy. and 1N father mun-lei! another]! {woman}. the some woman who has since * l doneinle the honor or being my mot/hen? i fiNoinl‘ my father hull married the first}; i mentgoned lndfy. .1 rievnr lonhl have been ' “hummus her cliildreni coul i not have pmsi- ‘ i‘bly lfven my mother‘s c ildren, and my” iimothFr mighty: not. lmvo l ml any children } é‘at nl . You see; therefoi‘e, that a mere ',lover” .qunrrellmny chanée the whole linoi ‘of n‘flmily for :thousamh Hears. Infant .1 if Mia? Smith is sought in slari-isge by both I Jone ' and Jenkins. it is for )lissSmith to fdecidl (as shejcertoi‘nly lax he poms: of, ‘ doinv' “'ilgtllol‘ she vi'ill cliotinccstrcs's of” ‘ ten 530 mm Janet-. 3 or t 'n thousand Jen-5 kins-Til); on her choice (13130? th the veny { exist ice‘or nonlexistehcelof ‘ leso possible duscrgidams. The whole sulfiect'is so full orfiuynm thzit the only I 'ing we, cnnho, 1' after Eunice getting into xistenco, is to I ‘ about} with the Arabs: Cum il Allah.” Whnfl is to be, will be l' i ‘ - Tamale Spy on ‘ Th 4.) Wuhihgton Pfcorr New, gi'orl: I’Oil relates th denti} } A flout-man, clad in n a 1 tum ‘ withmheayy ova-c {l%de been noticed for ing but the city in ‘ra mum r. Allyt the :Ith senilwnrmnted in arrqst cordiixgly. ohe‘morning in] Pemjiylvania. tvenue, hé'fu don! Bug-rounded by a m was chrrfed oil? to prisbn. part was to comia. Tho in follo‘Ved resulted not. onl rof ccgtnin impbrtnnt pupe‘ fact filmt the~cuvalier wnsll long helnadlbeen at the Bible *0 guess. ‘ ‘ ———‘--—-' M» - A Eighty Keel 'Jro es being a grew. {ml famo s breedqr, the: pups x} Idem- nd among those MI preci ta their quulity; J‘ “man ‘ fnends and whener visit. im ilispnthusinsnl ft? to b 0 lof the breulofhis 1 is bi. friend} make 1:1anI one f the p‘nps‘tor him ‘ teri produced. ‘ One dayl ‘ in ngmodeut way. “Jonesj will that wonderful dog I “If fénr, perhaps." '3th {mm of the next litter yo ‘ 'on r friends?” “N 631 dead promises! thirty-11v pli Jones. reddening sli ‘. jng ith congiderabl'e veh‘ ‘_f_lnn.t:won’t promis‘e a fri. miglity mean man.” i , a», -o— -: Biler BIL—A poor )0 l 'dollr' r ¥ spelt hundreds pf Jul-45, f cermiri grog ger ‘ being due day faint nn‘d feeble, and out mf change. asked the! lnAdl'ord to trust himho a glass of liquor. ‘L No,” was die re plyig nc‘vef make u prnjx‘ticb oil'doing nuch thin ” The poor fellow tufned tot gen tie ‘an whojvns lifting ‘y. [hndjvhom he‘ hq known {in better dn s,‘ignying:“‘Sir, will on lend‘me asixpcn e 2‘! “Certainly," was the reply; The land orb with alticrity p , the decanter undulq‘sa before him. He took a‘ui-etly good 0131:, and Inning swa lowed it and rep] (I Rho glam with evi em satisfaction, bet Imjed to the man whq‘ had lent him the lijpefime, Mid uh}, “ mere, sir, in the lixp_ no. i owe you—l‘ {lnge it a point, degndeh up I m, nlwuys w y bonbwed moneygbefon I pa'y my groinbill.” ~ » . 4n Wfic’m 1 TM mm om. Mo milkd‘the‘followin‘ lifam—l gum m on Saléflbury, who I k] them ’1 heap-e he denied ~‘n;\ )u; of[ onego! his own parks. 1' ; - ; [gem—x give Milling toqurd Say ; which! legty I give him beanie I Imow he will} bes wilonthepoor. , .. a - .; Igem—To Tom May I sin in filming-z; I infiended him morn. bug whécver ha mu} hil“ History 0111:. Pulium'oln‘t,“ flunk- fin? Ibiflingytao much. 1 k j ‘ : Igem—l give LieutentinLGenei-nl Groin-g well on. word of mipo, bmhu' Eda-lo Ac: mar kept hit man. ' Rem-I give up the glfipgt. ==;l ‘ ‘3‘“. mm who likes Ito hm s womnn wa‘ld has just hired a nit-filler to phy him to shop. 7774_‘ ‘ ‘ fi'hko the world my, 1m be «tofu! lea? by ghe work! you madly hken. bWe any judge of II» am!!- char-cm by "what he long—uh“ gleam him. . 1 On but tho Dammit; : {PM Boston correspondent of the Spring-5 fidld (HA-I.) Republican-4 dyad-imth9iool Ellépublicm ”per—guys : < : 5" There it I labent feelingin the 901 m“, ‘ the Deinocmu are the onl one. who : the requisite ability and flack lacon }d_ of drain in stormy times. l‘bo mama ju and financial men dwnyl have [unid -I'n this leeling to ngreat extent.— ' e’ shunblini way in which the lOI‘ ban on managed y Republicans (and: to our In “situation." . f :l‘hnt lawn: fegling wu undo ninnifuut We recent ebctiou in this sun, and i- a... “hot! to grow atronger from thin tiinl on wzh-d. ,The Democmy oil: I). trusted. 'l‘ my have now:- yet failed the country in it? hour of peril, md‘they will nail (til “5 nbw.- ‘ l mum mm nn‘old Quaker v‘vho Indian ml fqnunuo reputation of non-reaistanpo. n w,“ said that my one could jootl§ him. hump on 13i- toea; or tweak hil noq'o with impunity ;.until on'e muké; day A wank!!- 39g fellow, being told {but yonder! wu 0 him: who; if he wu Imitton on one] chock Mould turn the other duo. thbught iq would Ma sport. to try him. Stepp'ng upfitp the “Indy? good mtured Friens, ho {ppm-d , has. The old mm looked at. him no:- r wfully for a moment, than dowa ,‘tumod hfin other cheek, Ind remixed mania huf- Ifi'k, Upon that heooolly pullqi‘ofi' If: pant. ‘,‘ have cleared the law." aid 1: “gm! [lugfi thee must take it." And he la‘ flu cowardly {alloy 0 tremondoua thm ling. m "fi—“W‘” ‘“ { j‘}T/;¢ Muskrat: Predict a Hifd- Win! firmum' "'iuomin my: Win @ll5 m ,win'm, for Joel good; theicelé m ctionoor, who hub been an over (lull k n tmricorios, the Pacific Stim : ndwicb Islands. and who 131-01":le cp. 10.. much übout the powlinritiea bf w 1 113 as any gentlenmh‘inlthe Wash] h s rupututioinzupon the prediction 1 a a to have.“ mild winter. with pre w mix from 158 South foi- tho n 4 v-nths. He buses his knowledge 1:] d ings of the m‘fiskmts. Denver: nnc u - inmls ufi- full. llea’AlHo my: that b 5n reducodiu. q conning by an ad ordinary slyaervaflon, that w}. vhf ndu prevail'whomflxe equinoctinl [1 9d, they will‘fire‘vnfl ‘througba w ntor. This fall it was oouthem; a‘ d‘lherefore ho is certain they Him 9 awning winds thoughouc the wit?! a. __.___ P...__._____ How Long Should (but 90 Dry .’-—ln mm question, a obrrqspbndenc of tl r ‘ Iner furnishes the following uensilf 5 Lion. After saying that ne’rrql‘ 112:1;qu to nlloom alike, hé‘ulda? j s‘l have {(3qu that éowa inclined fut could be milked up tq Wit” 4' eks of their calving. and have b 6 u dlcall‘ healthy and plump; and 60 6%!“ not. be fattened while milk' q] fired from four to si} weeks of re I ilk giving previous to calving. at t; a calf was small and not well form 1;! a following your: supply of Quill: l seized." - ' “‘ _ I arsdiact pondent. of",the ;f¢llowing inci- ”Tm-e 9 or four time: a. couple 1 befoie n. clergyman human-31 e bridegroom was drunk, and uh L! gentleme \refused to tie the kn eluLoocagsp he expressed bin at a respectable-looking girl_ ‘ rt of cavalry cos- ' a and ‘slouchell smile timo dash ;her a suspicious rifles felf. thym- ng him; nhd no -11 trotting down und himielf sud ?" of soldier‘S, and Bug the fun'nies!‘ veiajtigntion that in {the disco Very y‘s, l‘put also df'the 11’s i'oman. ' How ‘un‘ge it is impos- named to appear at. the: mt wit I 5 such auste. The poor ‘girl bro ‘ ms, hnd in“ she could notih‘elp it. by. pray 2’? “ Because, lir, he won} I ran he is 50‘ r.” 'l [S’Fun in thermal conurutivp 1‘- sociatj' and-ought tabs gber'ulf awful means. 17mph nerdr pkfl} Hhen they are many. :Luughter s P" to malice, n foe to mndjnl. on; w every virtue. I: promote: gooq éwfivens the heagt, Md brighten} léct, Let. us laugh’ihgn we can. - Man. I r (if dngq, and a Me in a very great I: know and ap ‘ hey hwl a great fiver} any of them 1r dlpg's 19.1515 him lbm‘x. I:!xéresult prpmiso to nave hen the next [it -131143. J., inquired, hdw many pups have?” '“Three 1 you’ kgow hgw )u have promised 1 “ You hnv‘e n.l - ." “Well.” re i hlily and speak- Igmfenoe, “a man lienfl a pup u n LL--- _ . _ Ifeh‘ow, ‘who had .I . --~—~~o~ V-—- —-' * x [G'Wo hold it to be the duff - :{lbemocrat to support his own c‘o’uflt i (395 d, substantinlfsppport given in‘ -| fieepl up the orgaqimtion of thy - ‘ i L“ proper brg'anizat'ion done bring: i jote‘ou mbmentous questions.— tUnéan. ‘. I i fiNever argue will) a lick m ‘ don’t know whethe; yad m yin doing» withzany one, under my! stances; but it iqpocitivdy e‘ruel t‘ with 3 mm: who 15‘ka Ind ilk _ ———-- «.0- ‘M . ”a The calm-ed poéplo m Ina! it'h) likely ”that in n few day» they plete a strong militu'y orpn'mlti . trad deut. ' The colored pedplo in Canada, you part, are fugitives from tho I}: o-seut thither by tbeYorthequ A is“; our the U. G. R. R. ' ‘ “Frauen/fen Betltr than 04r:."—‘- ficulty with yhich we are through ing out of the running’of the b .‘ th 5 rebél Com mission‘ers. is mugged! old proverb. fi'fme Baltic ofßuußun w'u . gluo $11620“: ofJuly, the battle of Ball? Jufon the 20th of October, and mi u u. o! ‘Drainsville on LbsßOth of Decca: ‘ . ' fiSinco the full bu \mericaniwd the numberot .. in‘rhmaexpma has mm away hundred down {0 sighty. 7 ' ”A wedding occurred at 1 ch (Boston, recently, a which the . -' «fraud in while. and thy two bad impacting! in rod md blue. MlL con- _————a--o- . , ‘ 3-111 Loam oénmy, 111., they - in; corn {or fuel at five cents a - tend of cod n twenty emu. ‘Tho fiichmond E’caminfr ad the battle a Déuiusrille wgs w m nblo din-tap. gfi'An old bachelor my: thn “lip-your the Mien jumpmt evety flamingo—hence the tqrzn. , b-Xtis «liar {or -un“ - :11. than torque offender to pm i ‘ fiflaw to ge‘ a lady to show Ira took Pmiu the foot of some one else: ‘ ' , WA‘promiSing young man may? by" well perhap-rc-o puying one much S6M ”it in to put a virtue nover to an to be this to the whenever we do fall. 38m“ halts. indulgfim :um- to. lot in greater. “ bull Mnl km vhn‘ flywfll” hunt, (at «hand», on NI. Keeping the Luv. PM u t; the (hash. ,et. m 1 519 mm: ' by “1 uhchief D On.- ; friend empor ‘o intol- 1' every : u "I I mind In". yho WM In; W. in our circum - do no iI I.“ oom ; .-]lon- ,for the I(a Sung: L. litioil- 11u .m -1‘ 'B'"- do by catchi- hm". -r shop" an ""0 -- n unuidl !EMI durbag offez at .—le to b. I’ hated 9 Wu- Id the known; Id ani stake- hat we I ailing » xt Ii); . n the other it. has ntifio stave: ‘ must 0 Ohio I. mg could h cow ‘ I thlt mg, 7.. t from amino and much PM - 3 but rever t. On rpriao M no‘ a man 6 Into “And t W burn- ' “idea" to br.