The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 06, 1862, Image 1

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    %MUM. NMk
• fltnont.n.vit k puldishod e ery Monday
morning, by HENRI , ' J. STATIIde. lASI l's4aer
annum if paid strictly tsf AD • t Ver.-,-,41 00
per annum if, riot paid in • trance. .No
Stibacription (liscontiintel, ur less at !the
option of the publisher, until 411 arrear4es
are paid.
. 1
ADVKItTISEMENITSinuertedat tlionsuai rates
JOB „,
1-11INTING [lima with r enthuse and
, • OFFlcnip Soiltli BaltilllOro street. (lire'Btly
tippo..ito 'Warn; dors' 'nil iiin* Eotillilislitrient
-..... , •i 7,),1111 , 11,Ek PRINTIA , ; ,I Ir MT. 'I on tile sign.
K.D27,3t;1.0`2:L11 . . PZ33.:
Wm. A. Dua.,•, .
TT° :.,; R y AT LAW.—OfTti- in the North
west corner of Centre Sutter • . Gettysburg,
--. L 04..; • o. tf
A.. J. Cove; -
A TTORNEY AT LAW. will p umptlY attend
IV to Collections and 01l othe business'ea
tru•ited, to hue. 011 ice betneen Fo:linestocks' ,
End Danner & Ziegler's Stores. It.. timore 4trt , et,
Gettysburg. l'a. [S pt. 5, 1859.
Edward B. B 12 4 3 r I or,
, A TTORNEY AT 1. t. W, wilh aithfully and
Li,.. liromptly attend to all busi ess entrusted ,
to him. - Ike speaks the Gerd langungle.— !
Office at the same ',Lie!. in Sot th Boltitnore '
atriket. near Forney's drug stor , and nearly
opposite Danner k. Ziegler's dto , e. ' ]
tlettyshnrg. March-20. I ~
D. liteConatug gy, i•
AsisTTORNKY AT LAW, (Ulliee tie door wesl4
of Itnehler's drug atfd boo storc.fliant- ,
uic atreet.) Arrtea
oir AND SuLleiTon: von 1
PATICIIITs AAD ric•imuss. d'lonot, , hand III.:ar- i
rants, Back"-pay suspended CI imp, :toil albs
. other claims against the (invert' neat it Wiiith- 1
legion. DX.; tlsO,Anieriranediti !l ain fin 2 :ini f il. ,
Land Warrants loented Jllll4llO, irlionitlit,iiiiil
highest prices given. Ateentste , gaged in .10- '
eating warrants in lowa,' Illin tis tool other
we..ternStAtes ,a2rApply to 1 int personally
orbv letter.
Giqtysburg, Nov. 21,'.13,
—_ .. . . ~
..• • J. C. No3ly,
TTORNEY AT LAW. will'at ems to co Ice
Iw' flubs and all other businc , intru.te 1 to
hei care with prompt ni si. lidi ein the .. E.
corner of thelli
..antotold i fortnerl • occupiet by
Win. 11. lilt•Clell in. i'.-q.l - -
tdettyaburg..liit•il I I, 1`4:.9. , i
_ ---1---:
Wm. B. M.Cle in, -
- A TTIiiINEY ,I . l' 1.,11Y.--titlieo in West ilid.
PI dlt• street, one dour wed of the new
Court - 110),5t.. I ,
' Gettysburg, Nur. 1.4; 1.4 - ,9.
• J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.
Ty 'AS Ris tillit'e Inc. -OW, . - 01 . — ,
L door wait of tic "--• v ,. 1117-i . --
lottheenn clittri•lt in i
n . , 1
Clatn , ierslitir t t strec•t, and oppitite ricriln.,. i.•
store. ,‘rhere tlfose•st i- hin t !: to I. i e "st i s tt,loial
o,i...ration peitorlited nre teepee[ rills in Ci t 41 to
grill. itY'VV•ILICNI•KS: • Dr, hurt r. !Icy. l'. I'.
Krantli, O. Id% fley.ll. 1.. li•tugh r, O. D., Itev.
Kra. M. Jscolist Prot. 11. L•. Stu. cr. .
(ett.% shurg, ..t 4rllll, '53. J
• • , . I
Adams Conn ~
M u tr c • A r i p' Fli t '" i t il t r . . " l, A ll l : l l .; :?1 11'." ' --
• •
• i' Peesich•nf- r George Swope. , ,
•• ra•s Presid , ni—S.. 11. / 1tn,, , e11.
~e•ertiary-1). A.llnelitee, ! -
nihisurer-1)..i r i,l 11 . 1'rnarv.
Exteuist•e l'.'lln,tiec-2- 1 1oncrt M Curdy, J mob
King, Andrew lleinizebnan. 1 .
,Wvlai,nr— , ir , ,ll.V. StVOlll., it: . .1111.4111 e .3 . 111.•
C• 11, Kill:, A. 1 1...'D.Zri:11 111, li. 1 Ptictiv: Thos
A. :brill ill, g. P‘iio,-,loek. Win B. 11.01 , lion
W mit Wii in I. 11. 1 2 .o.liell.wrgcr. Atoliel Fritt
J .4n' W•dror I. 11. .. Pi•Kll
l••Z. . lie] T 11" 'ight.
J 'din II triter. it. I:, M.•Ornary, S R. (Inc, l l. it
M "r. , Ary, Andrew l'ulli..), Jolii Picking, J. II
[tar:'.. rhil D.llrl,llrt• is 11110i1•1 in its opera
tinny f,o the t•nitittv of hil tins.' It 11s , been in
wozvesitful opciation for ins-e 1111 'IV F.,11 , ,
Mid itithot !wriod has plid ;II oast , . sail PX
reoseq•wilho.l gcaq 011....suie•iLhat ig alio I. , rtre
, surplus enn't4l' in the Treattit •. The 'dm
pqny• emolov. oo .1 2 milfs--- , ill !usine.i.l beillig -I
done hrtho Mtatt , ,ierc, who me t i h nallv elet.t
-(.4 by the Stncl,lioldvr , . am i . •r-1011 ..le , Jiti•nt
sin Insurance coo niinly to nn of the !1,0%
name.] klantl:erq for further int', !notion.
fs:irThe Eveentive Cimino:it • • te ,,, e at the
office of the Go,nporte on the I st Wed') .•stlay
i n eyerr month. at 2, P. M.
Sept. 27, 18:t8,
. -
-, - -
-- -:
MON° Yarl 11,:ra. lvai.:
ririik . inilleeriber Inicing retails d . his !lace of
I bilsincsk to E.tit York sire , t. a iliort dis
t-ince below St..l.thies . ('hurch. s ould antibunce
tt - the p•tblic ti•nt•lie is still pre., %red to ftirrush
sill kinds of stork in 1,14 line, uric. as 1 411iiti.,
'orients. Flealiitl/114 ~.k 1•...5.c.., of vlri varii , .xissf
style rind linit.h• stills mid will tut lt,to•X : to il
Vot kets, to suit pin clts-t•i.s• and a prices to snit
thetitnes. Picr•anisiLtiring itti , nag its hi. , line
will find its a decided acts Milli:L."1: i° examine his
knock and prices before pun It itit •• elsewhi-re.
. , 11 1 .1. U. MEALS. -
Gettpdstarg, March 21. la:is. I
'Cannon &Ad r's 1 •
xrEw mAasi,N. wg)i:Ks. et ncr of Illalti
ill more sn.l En4 . l3liddle sire '.i, directly op
posite; the ,new Court [louse,' llettysberg.—
Having reeently arrixrd front PI ladelphin, and
feeling ally competent to evect to
,11 work in .
‘the fipest style of-the art , we wt sli t
re.partful- '
1y invite the attetifion of the pul lie wishing to
procure anything ill ,f
to ~cor us - ith it
call and exatoine stiectmens of lir work We
ttre furnish MiISCM :STN. T MSS
ANt) 11E.X11NTONES, NI Altlll ~ MAN r if 1.7•; 5,
SLABS for Cabinct-m 'kers, and :nil (Ale work
appertaining to our husitiess,ot he loweti . t pot
siitle.prices. We do not he.sitot to .gita mace
that our workothall .be pin up its a manner sub
stantial and tasteful tonal to ,is best I to be
seen in the cities, where • ever iinprot eitent
which experience has suggeste is availed of, _ '
and especially do we rtarantee hat our Ceine
tery and Grave Yard work shall' e so ca , refully'
ast as nokto be ntfected by frost, on shaltmain
tainfor years that erectuess_o position given
at the completion of a job. and emeressery to
eontilnerl gracefulness and sym . etry. , !
Nov, 28 1859 tf
—2-- !_.. • _ AL.-- __________
, - Still at War. I
.../ —The undersigned recipe trolly informs
ins friends and the public the he continues
the C t oschinaking and Blacksni thing Lusiness
in every branch at his establish • • eat in Chum
,bersbarg„ street. He has on t.titd ark [trill
, manufacture to order all kinds . ' CA Rruito Ei3,
BUGGIES, SI4EIOIIB, Spring , agOuS, ree.,of
She best *Muriel. and tnade by siiperiorHcork
men. sllfrltersints:a and BL CESXITIONG of
all kinds-done at resat:Ma:dr .. tcs, prslimptly
and - to the satisfaction of rust , mere.
COOSTRY PRODUCY taken 1 egehatige - for
work at market prit•es. ' . .
Adr•Persoits desiring article or work in the,
Coactimaking or illacksmlthi : lint, stre re
apectfully invited to call on
Gettysburg, Jan. 44; '59.
'T' a .
'Removal f. 1
_. reatorred his Oyster esta blishment to the
.apleadirt new Saloon in Jacobs & Bro's, Pkilld• I
in& on .the'Nortit side of Chailibershurg street, I
where he will at all times be prepared tei serve I
sip the best of OYSTERS, in very style. By
keeping a good article, he exp cts to receive a I
Liberal share of public pair 'lnge. TURTLE
CREAM, BiloB, kc.,
in their easen. A nice
Riess-of ALE or LAGIdt can wars_ be had.—
come and try me, G. F. CIifE.III.ODE.
April 2, 1860. d
ISt PR? Mint awarded tol Tyson Brothers
. 1 . Is'y the Menallen A,grica I Cults' Society, Seiit.
186. e, an 4 by the Adams Go ty Agricultural
'Society, 'Sept., Mil, for best mbrotypos and
Photographs, over all others u exhibition.
- , -
- - - - - --- - e-- ' tiII:ALL PHOTOGRAPHS fr $1 per dozen,
DI sat Tysons'Sky-light . G4ll. ry.. ' i ,
, -,••• .1.„ 4
'''.,•;11. 01400/
.1 1 • 'ftfiir ii 4 , .
i ~„,„ ....„...--- ~...,.,,, 1
0 140 " /44,AL ,
••• a
, ..
• K.-___- . , p,
. •
..., ~.....
-, , r„- _ , ......., ,
)/ ,c. ./.____ - i l ,
Dr H. JlStrAmfir:
‘i‘ffith Year-
(11112“ ‘ afinfit.
‘ 0F ’
‘ Th: Omit; of The Compiler.
‘ -- ~ i JAS-ufi,»1862. i
eKn'D I‘.\T}MN3: ‘ l
“ I hung (gum: agnln togreet you,
~ A“ l Minn (lid before: ‘
Antl I'm wry glad to mpct you, 1
As 1 quiz: glnyn of your. ' i .
"TM: is the (13.6. of all the your. 3.
Tln- briglmwt null the bud; l
This in tho day t Junké I.looan ch’ecr,
Aml'join in 313111! “ill: zest. “
Let all (up once lny Ivy their r-nrefi,
~ Amljuilf in harmless mirth: f ,
Ammo tlme, mun of lmnry hairs}
Anal jnin ih'sports of earth. l
“'lmt worn llal»: lifo‘witlmut a (ln'y
“’lu-n Aliqzml i'rivnds can men-L; ‘
Who); fun-«I cnmffimion‘q far away ‘
(31m hold culmmunion sweet? ‘
Ah. IN the war-1:1 'go Mit will, I; ‘ 5‘
Let churliuh onvs prute on, i_‘ ‘ -
“ A hunrh‘ml ymu-h frnm now " ygvuth slfll
\ \‘Vlll have its wanted fun. i
M'hile musing all alone Ins-t niglfit’ ‘
My rhyming powers rallied;
50 [ml 11mm iment'to ,mile
A patron—yum]: ballad.
Give me. thou. kind friends. attmitinn.
, While I grind you out Homaghymesfl
Amt oxeum- mt- when I mention ‘
'l‘hnt thea- are “ pressing limpet.”
Wuulil'you 9am the C.irrir\r~ dfinsrience.
Would you ll't'f' lll< mind (if cairn, .
Juct lwstnu‘ at {our nlvuiulam'ce rt
As much iL~ you can spare. _ ‘
NOT 3 angle instance know you.
'l‘hmugh suu~l§nm ruin m‘lqmw,
Wlwn tug pain-r was 11': printed, at“ t ’
Url’thi- Cari-icr would n’t. gu. l ’ , ,A ‘
In return for hlousing‘ glt‘fllel“ ‘ i j ‘
'l'lilin umruilé over know, 1 A ‘
To "ml the grant Creator 5 ‘ ‘ l ‘
0m- lwartfeltt‘huukshure due. '' ‘
Just unit it mum’é that God has sent
I'llnn nur law! a cuNP:
But. thanks to Him. nurpunjshpmnt. ‘
l'u Ju~tlco might] be worse. ‘3 ,1 l
Avnrt. 0 (:ml. tho (lr'mdful storm} g l
'l‘lmt imiv li:in-_v<'o'(-r mn' Lnull ~ l
I's~h+-r~r- (.50 Month mu] lu-ing rqt’orm ‘ t
. 13y 'l‘hyminjostic hand. ; ‘
Grab your mm wn’were M proud ‘ i . ,
1h Eliiy earthly nation; ‘
l’ult‘llmv u'.~rslm‘dmwd by the cloud i
Ul‘ slavery :igitalid'n. 1 ’ T
“'lmn ll] llii \\‘l~dnm no“ <l'lw‘l‘fi‘t ‘-f ‘
'l‘u t'urmtht- qvm-tliv mitiil‘n. [ ._,-_. f, 1
llt' m‘rlerml thmu. in lloly “'i'lt, ,
To till :1 nervilq statiun. ‘ ' V l ‘
Axiiln from thia their history showa, 1 I
To us. mnelmivolv. , i
That. all in all. ”lg-ll‘wflf‘k nogroes , ‘
“'i-rc m v-vr counted [rimi i ‘
llut fonl- tlmro Me, Who. for thefsurke’ ,
HI: z-u!!in;.:_qlllt-n (I figure. ' 7 ,
Strain all their nm‘tm~ (Ili'lll nlm it) make
A, white mun 02' the nigger. j '- ‘
Knv they. “ the Constitution 9,
l~ a mvnnant with hell, ; ,
Anvl “'o'll maul u. \uli‘titutinn i _
Ere rebellion we can quell." ; ._
0. \‘o gnvl< and little fislle< ! l 3
Mil y-m r-w-r hour the like! j - .
'l‘hn' cr.\z\' uholitionbtx ‘3 “ ‘
Fur higher. wages strike. f
And just, here it suit< to tell youlflmt -
Such cruntures we have minim! '7
Rut tlu-f‘grmitnst mun” (3)0fall the pack
Is John T. Mcllhcuny. ‘ i l
And if you can in no wise guess 1, • ,
Why I psi that creature so, i
You need but read his mean Addren
For just one' year ago.
A western star in splendor rose,!,`
'Anti shed a lurid light ;
It promised lair when it arose,
To he the gent of night.
All mankind stoisi with eager gaze
To see this nets light swell : j .
But sucidebly .. it erased to blaze, t
ftud all fits sphindar fell. I
By a silly proclamation 1 •
lack Fremont's - V.10v, , fled, ;
And his nigger speculation
Was knocked into the hehd."
In the year that'S just departed,L
Our County hats been blest
With abundant crops and harvests,
And health the very best.
While in other States was raging .
A fierce and bloody strife,
Our good people!were entsagingi
In the peacefttl arts of life. ;
Of the town and of its doings '
• Since I last We " on the wing,' ,
Of our maidens and their wooingls „
It isTroper next to sing. ,
On acchunt of the great movement
Caused by this civil war, t
The spirit of improvement
Is vastly under par.
But still I am quite free to tr4y.i
That when the war is over, r, • '"
Our people will not long delayt
To build as fast as ever.
Although no prophet'sson am 1 . , t'
I'll bet a silver half
That ere-a score of years go by
We'll have a telegraph.
0 what a glorious time 'twill 4 !.
'When that day comes along!;
If I should live that day to semi
I'll note it in tily song.
Our streets at night are now sci light
That walking is a pleasure ;
None can deny, whits senses, right,
That gas-light is a treasure.
An army of our youths have gone
To battle for the nation ; .
And, when theif noble work is done,
We'll vote them an ovation.
And when they tread the battle-field,
Or scour the leafy heather,
They need warm clothes their fciVms to
From the inclement weather.
The Ladies they are busy now,
Soldiers' ills to lighten ;..
Many heads in thank will bow,
And many cheeks will brighten.
The girls!--God bless the sit* • I say--' ,
What a world we'd'hurs *4063
A DElbcnikinc'' ANO . OAPAIL — V dOlf - riOt Lo,
GE rx - V.SIBITIRG, e, 18=4
Their happy presence. blith • and gay ?
Nought but bachelors !—".. It, git out !"
Truth', noble champion, Era ry lifyete,
To whom all honor due,
By crafty tricks and pulling wires,
Was`nufairly beat by two.
But justice in his case will y t
Most surely bring to light
The real truth, and thenne' I get i •
The seat that's of righ . '
A mighty battle has bee fogy :ht,
A glorious vietorl , :wolk,
The mobocrat:a have cote t. naught 4
_ Their little race Is rutE • !'
The Keystone State is right gain
For Gild Democracy,
genreforth khow to m. k the lien
Who'd erns!' 0i.4 liberty.
Weicoine thrice to the New 'ork Te th,
'We give yi' gretqing war
And wish you best of health nd Are gth
In sunshine, min orstorn .
Tho. war is for the States ted,
From cast to we4tern way
Union as of yore ir?vited—
llonte tnr the &el° ahri br. e.
Up with nut lktts=hip !hi , ! hurra
For 'lit cottultry 411 lot's si 17..
".Ifappy and gay "—hurrah hurrah !
Loud the gleiious motto r ng:
"The union of lake.Htlie uni nof Inn Is—
The Union (4:hint's /toile sekt-r :
The h o u.t.—tho wii it of lamps—
lid the Fl 4 of hur Unio forever!"
I '
"lie tiad Shrum,"
, .
There livies in Verniont a g eat fello v, of
tiand erous muscle :mil endura tee, A long
ther itecopplisliments he p •ides hit vself
on Gill 4 able to carry mor: liquor hail
any man in the countlry. 'l't& is a con men.
weakness, !but this ijaarticul r intliv dual
has uncommon strength to su port -it.t Ile
way *in tow a few daYs ago, a d found thini-
self ait one f At; hotels in co pane IN 111 a
gay i i iatty o 'bucks, W I WI whor , he was pite
at 'lamp. vernum t, in the co irse of evei - mts, j
fas asked o take a think, an he ansviereo .
with,a Confident strength.: " shrink from
no responsibility," Ile was nvitedain,
for hisH wanify " was knovrt : and h ;an
ev4ry invitation in t ic same ,4 way,
talkiq lou.ler as lie tontinue•l. The fven
ing wore m , and afte the sev ral individual
capaeiti,:.; of the parity had cen trid al-
naest to ti eir - Lent With the ion-shri/ ker,
lie exPro- .d his intention of ' turniq in."
Ile we' pi' tty full asihe voile tilcstaii and
turned int ) his rootn. A git at rack wa's
heard fro 1 his 9 u:tit ers in a few mi m e :,
anti a sou d like a War-whoo , long rawn
out, - came o.the party below I !
• They iv re pleased with't e dem*meat ;
andd samaritans.. likesamaritans. di y went o the
room. Opel ed the•door, and a , . -ed Ver i ront,
in a symp thizing if hn would are a
drop of ;b4ily andlwater. t~ voice, tem i-
hle even in Prostration, camelfrom asting
place near the floor. and shaped itself in
tllese few cords :• q } l.fic—no' mare! By--
II C;—.l ' l , / . .loPihk." - i
Scene in 4 Stachtm.,—Enters a large Jtrong
man, witha cOw-aide in his hand.
" Is the editor in"" 1
"He is. 4
"You ?',
"Yes."' i i
"I havelcome to settle wit'. yOu." I ,
"Well, (editor draws a revolver ; ) go
ahead." l ' , • I -
"I havel taken your pate' now about a
year" !i : 1
"Well. (Cappiag•his pisttol.) i
"An article in your last r.
' in isSue_ (tite
cocks hj pistol) has cony' ced m sir,
thitt—you; T need— i 4 i
" I deny your Aglit to give it—i)e * catitious,
sir." i I,
"Give you-what?"
l' A thrashing." 1 i
"'Why, ;no, my char sir. I me to rtay in
advance ftir another year." 1
The editor wilted. 1
• larTaditus says : "In t e earl ages
man lived a life of. innocenc : awl siniplici
ty." Upon this a critic rem rks.: I
" Virheri was this period o innocenipe ?
The first wortuin went ast ,y. Th 4 very
first man that was horn in 1 .114 world killed
the feemicl. When did th.. time. cif sim
plicity , -c in?" ,
new tagged little uréhi came tpa lu
dy's ,doolf, asking; for old (:10:th She
brought. him a vesd snd I --~ 1* of tréwsers,
which'lho thought would b 7 A comfortable
it. Thefyoung mpo-graceltook t ‘ gar
‘ ants ‘nn‘d emmioq‘d each, area. wig: dio
oontente‘i look,. mid: “ 'lghere aib'l no
Into}: Ipqcket.” 1 1‘ f
1 WWW F.
. #1! Vermonter hu‘ inévemed fiméw
a'nd chedp phm Tot boarding: Ohe of his
bogrderi garnering the rest, and :1: n eat:
I hearty meal—the meameri‘led boi satin
fied from sympathy. . . ' g
Juvenilt Amity-M Aunty, I “in. gen
tleman in the hotel reading-W,- busy
with two'volumes y. once." g ' :J
" Why. Charley, ‘how mirth” 2" 3
3 “HO‘ had a volume of fickflfi one
lgnnd, gm] 3 volume of mo 6 a a'n’ out
of his mouth." w ‘ ':
S'Sam Slick uys hewo
Lyoke of Men My day, t F
pp I gum-rel betfveen tw
lbq-Juyp got their dander I
g m'Why did cunt ::
the enemy.” ”You no, I‘
beta-min»: nosefuid of com- I
loé it." - % |
“ 11mm [3 ‘lmnn Ann WILL nxvun.”
A Certain Bridge. •
I remember once when 1 was a young
man, living up in New Ilampskire, they
dedicated a bridge. and invited A young
iuwyer to deliver the oration. 'The lawyer
had never yet, after , a fortniglies practice,
had the ',honor of tieing' retained, and an
opportunity of establishing lls, reputation
was admirable. The day carne, the multi
tude, emit the oratqr. lTel hail Made' no
written lireparation,' that being, be had
been told, unlawyet•dike—a IlaWyer being
supposedi to he capattle Of speCking without
...note or rqUiee any number tri!f Ileum, on any
subject,, if, a style of thrijling eloqiience.—.
He stood ; lout upon the platform, and amid
the proftiund attentittt of Id 4 audience,
• 1 '
commeneed : !
"Fellotit-citizens—lOve and forty, years
ago, this •bridge, built by yitiur !enterprise,
w 11.4 part and parcel Of the heyiiing wilder.
nest? „ ; 1 , 1
!'! 1 '
Ile paused a moment , " \ el, fellow-citi
' tens, only five and !forty yeara 'ago, this
bridge, where we noir stand,!Wits 'part and
parcel of the howling wilderiicks." '
Again he paused.{ (Cries of llood: go
on ..") • ! I
`• I feel it hardly nise'eQsary triirepetit that 1 ,
tills bridge, fellow.cilthiens, ii - Mly five anclA
forty yens ago, was i tutrt and tistreel of the ;
howling in'ililerness : and I w!ilheonelude by
saying that I wi-'ht td . hid itlii4s part: it'd
parcel of it now."
.4..., , • I ' ,
, 1 1 1
• ,--
7'he Ilfili;.tter we/ Me , Girhr'i.2-1.1. ,
(nip' ter
once delitereil a stroing:sormon against [v is- •
iting on! b'unilay eNtening. !After , tea 'the
young clfirgyman Ar.itl , to a ft lend : , i
"Come.. let u. go to the ,tiglacyin'si find!
spend the evening Witli his'iltt4lAier.l 1 '
" liotyr cried hisifriend, WitiLmuch 'stir'.
prise, "isit pOssible! yrni ea 11 make st i a
proposal; to me. after the seinion 3,loddinve•(
just concluded?" I ! 1' ! ' ' '
. " , Psligiw," said he. '' , !l on* rustle those
remarks! n order dint 'wenglit have the
better chance wit tbegirls oueselltes."
' -- i -- - •••••i - , ' ' ;- ' 1
nurriOrn P ;4, ~etry.-11t , t:k 1100 upon the
broad blue sky,—it t wifikle • int l every star, , ,
—it mingles in the gietan's trge, and glitz '
terms in the 'dew droll) 'Oliat etc" the lily's,'
bell_ It glowi in the Orge tb4 eoliws of tite r
decline of, day. and'refits it act- blackened
crest of (lie raft,or:iritzsierin elptul. rt Is in
the mountain's liehflitiand it the cataract's
costs—ie the towerini,trink, tell in the tiny
flower. , Where We i.eeithe'lianii of God,
there betqaty finds her dive lng-place.
3 . (IXr friend 3 elinnia foneytops, is a
queer crttat tire. She fort, •,!fair and fat.—
Says shot never get merrie Illhever. Says
the men 'gtre ' lirtitei!.' 'Thecae} is, J entima,
like rompotLers of Iter - ailoriiitle sex, mark-
ed herself at too hilt figures lit her youth l
ful dept.! The congequence Wals. the goods
did'nt sell. Tliey'Ve since !.‘e,ukfl. Let
i the
fate of .lemima be a warnirig to all young
ladies. Don't be fiiolish,', , aidens, but; be. i
come sensible wives. 1!! :1
!owl, ' :—.--.,
11rmec awl Boteri—The Rev!. Jr. If—
was reputed for the stiavit ' of This !;inanners
and his especial politeness towhrdS the
sex. , Ifiindiug a diiiii of h ney,to a lady, at
a party in Ins house, he sit* 1, ii his wonted 1
manner,, "ido take a 'lit 10 tioneY, Mist
—, 'tin so sweet,so like yotirself." ,i i
" Abi .Mir. lifurtliii.," ban ling the butter.,
dish to, the' host, site excl inted, 't Do tak
a little :biutter, 'tis int like. otirself ,"'
.. 1
The War awl Conie.—"l ow • isyour busi- (
I i
ness milt'?" asked a gent. man of, a- " corn I
doctor "[who was eletractiig, a' trotiblesomell
bunion for hint "Poor, very poor ; the :
hardest time I've seen in :talany, a year,"
was the reply. •• W,hY, surely thavvar does!
not affect your bqiiness,' , .said the gentle-1
man. ` 4 " Yes, it does, r joined the Prim- i
thinner ; " people Wear theireld boots and 1
shoes now, and they don't get 'corns." . 1
ler When you doubt between:two words,
choose !the plainest, the 1 cimimonest, the
most idiematic. kscliew .iine Words 'as you I
would a rogue; love simple :ones' as you I
would native roses On your Cheek. Let us
use the plainest and sliortri*ords that will 1
grammatically and! gracefully express our 1
1 . ,
,r,„ I
Quick Tempered.-4A servant :girl, on leav
ing her place, wasasked by ' her, master as
to her . - , reason for I sting * : 1" !distress' is
All' qtfick-tempereit.. that I' cannot live,
with her." " leell,,' said . : the gentle.
man, "'yea know ii ) is ntillooner begun than
it's over." "Yes, Sir,,and no' soct er over
than begun again."
ggie A vendor of hoop skit recent
ly extlolling his wares, in presenett, of a cus
tomer's husband.! "No had is fluid be
without one of these akirts," said'tbe store
keeper. "Well, of course net," dryly nee
pondeid the hushtind who *as something
of a wag ; "she ahqulcl be within it." '
Ng i llere is an t old epigram in two litre
—or tether an epitaph,
* sharp enough to
wake up the vixen, if she was not very dead
"Here lies my wife Polly, a terrible shrew,
If f seid I was sorry, then I lie too!"
!lb try..—Wittiont plenty of eavikl4, we
need never expect . to, hare a Stable Govern
ment, I ~ . . 1
1111111,'Aclergyman consoling ayoungwidow
on the death of her husband, remarked that
she Could not find his equal. "I'll bet I
will !" remarked the sobbing fair one. ,
:. ------•—•••••-
air den. Tom ThUla has been deerstux,d
ing in Michigan, and killtd D!134 &nutter:a
bly heavier than himself. ,
i' whet-break
|u try tb make
I women when
in thoifico of
r,‘ I hie got I.
j: In"? In fol-
, .
. Hear Douglas. i
Mr. Douglas, in his great ape el be ore ,
the Legislature of Illinois, a few to be ore
his death, said: . • , I 1
" I will never acquiegeo in calif Tilea ate
upon theconstitutional rlVitsor i
' ;Situti its
of the South.
"If any attempt is made . to i 'at)e t cis
rights or incite iserVile in-urrecti im ng
. them. I would be the first to alto the
rescue." V
I lie declared, Mitring the Ere`in 4 , pf Op ..
gress last win ter, '-- and who will i 'calla/1 his
reliability ?—that the abolition' bin he;
Senate was just as intent as th S l ititli rn
secession leadeta upon- brcaki ' ial, he j
Union. The same cabal is in = lei*, ate l
now; and is banded together to - erltut; 'VI
terminal ioiroft.4 war that slyill , t 'test oy
slaVery."—Parri ,, kit. tli r m.
.. ,
; Mir The Democrats of the Foi i th 'en to-4
lint District of Pliilaileiiiiii4, ii.vetitilec ell
John (i. Brenner, }.q., of the 34 W rd, i
their Delegate to the net 1/6nr r4l fle S to ,
Convention, and unanimously 1 C's'l a set
of very strong resolutions of in. r tio in 1
favor of the Ilmi. Itienfiso
tsN '... Vizi' liT :
for Auditor Ch-tietal. It will be? el 11l et . /
ed 'that ..1 irri
lr. ght was our ea di to ; air
the; same olliee ha 1859, and al o gh he '
unthrtfinAte 'diviSions in our I) . tylat t tat
time inade Itopeleqs, his :re lit po au-,
larity with tlie,people of the Stat w, she vn
t i.
in c the handsome vote he recei ad w i ll eh
v i al e6nsidertility ahead of th f c es' or he
ticket. 'The Democracy of I'4, ylvii tie'
eau' have no stronger tir more'n - 11 ca di
d.tle for the nexteanva,a, than r. lll'rh_lit. '
--'- liecediog Go:etie n .
"....- _L....: - I
fifirThe admission that slavOi a reC •-I
sized as property 'by the Coustfut o nd
laws of the United States is an4l.ll-1,
meta of the whole Republican ;le y tit on !
this subject, and a recognition tl e ptlin-
eiple of the Dred Scott decisio '. • 'lie Ite- I
publicans denied; that elaves'w e ropty
because they wanted tainter, re nil et
them free, 'now , they ,claim ti 1 hey e
property fort lie accomplishinen f le sa rue '
object. ' e•
. -- • 1 -44 ..... - , ' 1
ge-The nograles are but five l' 'ens to;
the white,' twiit& -five million ' a a we in-;
,tit that the foriner shall not m opolize
, . ..
the a hate attention of the Nit on I.eri4-
llfitnre: If Congress would try in t, hard
to restore the. Ctlion as it doe virree Ole
I?c , 'gro, it N% mild undoubtedl? l acifomplisli
Ole task
i ' I
•-•11.1.• - --- --
' Aq .117•eut.-s'l he Lolll6Viiill 01,111 at C n-!
OOPS an ettilieb iippfid to th pairioli•M
ort he ffallitry ili the folloWi g ,i4jorils .4 !
',' Li t it not be siiid of uq, that at the vciry. I
in, ,iiii-iit When the glorious ski! ft ie Cilicui
t i
wu , right:rig tic self Amidst t‘ e illows l or
.iiiernal strife ant; setting her lifting prow
for the haven Of peace, we tam ty 160;cl-uteri
ly sufreredfanatieisin to seize ; telietii awl
pl bin ge her over the abyss of di - solpt 'inland
shatise. Let it never be sai that in the
erblis of our ectir#ry's cause w' shrinils (rota '
'our duty or tinioiciusly disowt dg s lest, ur i
enemies should daunt 4l ;'
daunt or apple ." )
flow Rat Ifoi ,oti.t,tWtel..— 'hen red] of
shot is fired, the 'ordnance u. .itieleva d
to. be , positiOn desired before tie gun is
spotted. The pewder in theig ',
is k pt ;
'from explosion 4 , -mecins of 111 4 0 lilingf—
Between the exi'llosive 'aulatta And the'
heated 'mass are; generally the layers of i
wails. That net to the bat k airy, the l i
4teconeil is wet and upon tho to ler a dry
piece rests. , The hall is di , a,cii ',g soon at
ter being placed in the canna
4 +-4.4...... • ;
Impolite Rebstr.:.-.The cover a wagon
wat pretty well' ritdled with bu e oles, and
we questioned t , e driver, a -natareil
bitteliman. and evidently a , to the
cause of them, and were suee eft in elicit-'
W ing the following reply : I.•‘. 141 you zee, ,
'de oder •ilay; when I drives a g, some of
de tame rebels, day keeps eh grog at me,
and wit; one bust, he nes
„ 1
my, ear. Su I mitb my head o ,file wagon
anl(I zays to (lea to stop 'dill I gip by. but;
Teti do rascals keeps firing do ore, and you I
zee de wagon if he had no JO4d very
I ., ; • „
much, Lien ub might 'eve it rwe some
more"' :
1 '
. ter 1 t is said they have &rifle cOnpany in
Vermont, wilose captain takes ' them out '
once a week for practice ; he, ws them up
in single file, rind sets a cide rrel to rol
ling down hill; the peen core ewes; shoot
ing from right te lett at the I,g hole as it j
comet up. After the sbootin i over, the I
Captain examined the barrel, 4 it: he finds j
a shot that did not enter th bubg hole, I /
theinember'whol missed is ex lied. None
'have been expelled for the I eight years.
A New Trick.--A new stile f rindling
has been discovered in New 'ADA: A well
dressed man calls upon undtitakers, who
have buried wealthy, individuils, pretends
to be the afflicted faMily's a tit, gets the
bill for coffin, burial, etc., pr tits it to the
lawyer *tulips the estate, fo go un'derta
ker's receipt' and decamps wit I
the money.
The net profits ,of A recent iinpoaition of i
this nature were 1.225. 1
Important Orion—Gowrnor Curtin. on
Monday week, iuued an orde‘ tojhe efi'ec‘
that “All regiments ‘or com nios .hvreoo
fore authorized to bé mined i the State 9!
fennaylvnnis. if not filled [- the 16th of
Jonulry, A. D. 1362, will be ' golidntod.”
The New Tani—Tho new ffi bill wont ‘
into efi'ect on the 25th, Ind pp‘liu to good:
inbond thqnmo‘ up to impo‘jmgions after
that due. ‘,The Qfifxmpooetfithe following
rite- of duty: Sugar 2} conga, main-u 6
anti-{ta 2G «by, eofl’eo 5 «gm.
The-Battle of Drainesville.
0 . A.; a 1 Report qf General
,31 - call.—We
have teceived Gen:MeCall's eflicial report
of the battle of Drain-sville, I lit the crowd
ed sthte of our columns to-day preveniii u ,
giving more than the followin extr cts
After.stating the of jectef the expedition
and the number pf troops engaged• in it,
1 general McCall says: . • ,
At half-past ten, a: m. on the`2ot ri S , I re
eeived a dispatch from Gen.Oril, written - on
the March, informing me that th.e guide
had tearned on the way that there was a
full hrigatle, but without artillery. at !fern
don's' Station, five hundred infantry and
cavalry at Hunter's Mill, and two hundred
infati ry between Drainesville and the 'ro
tor/la . I' mMediat'ely mounted my horse,
and, itli my staffliend an escort of eavalry,
mow I rapidly forivard to over take, if nos--
sibl ' Ord's Brigade. I stopped for a few
mot ids with Brig. Gen. Reynolds at Dilli.
cult, reek, and having direetiil him to b e (
in readineSs to moire forward rapidly in eas i . ,
lie should be, rttired to support I)rd, I. ,
rode km. . . . ,
WI on Wiiiiill'llhOUt tiro miles of Dra:nes-'
ville' heard the 111.4 gnii tired by the ene- I
my. It . was scan an•wered by Easton-'s `
tintl., which inn itried to me the faCt that
tire ilemy had art illeiy with them. 'A '
rapidi ride coon I , rnught rte to the field
ii or Ord wa, bi',.tli, engaged. I fottil 41
Fa , [l's Battery
,ind[ Ail:lced and in '
hill 1 ast Ilion the `eirctny's battery, about
fire nndrcd yards in Front on the Cent ; ,
ville owl. Itei e I:stopped to ob seive Il k ,
pi ini eo of our .Inutery, white olio of thy
stattlpde off to ascertain where tien.Dr4l .
Wtiile here, admiring the beautiful aceu- '
raey 'pf the. shot itnd shell throsin. by this'
battery upon the battery of the ,enerrny, a
force of infantry and cavalry matit their
appeirance from [cover
_on the enemy's'
right moving ii, a direction to. turn our
left.` Col. IleCalinmit, whose regiment Was ,
on the lett. wLis notified of this movement;
buts few shell from olir battery, Akilltully
Ithroint into their midst, eOcked their 4,1- ,
vans and drove them back ignoptinieusly
td firler. 1 , . k
. ...X t hearing anything Of Gcneral Ofd , I 1
set itimsearch of hint On 4iurright,where [
'brisll firing was at the t inje ' , cling on. If ore I
was (lie Ninth infantry. t '‘, - 1,,, Jackson, who
Biel gallantly mat the enlemy at close cuar
tors, and nobly sustained the credit of 'I is.
Staff ' By this time Capt. Shim t;, of iiv
Staff" reported that he had fiaiii.l Gen..t -4:I
bil lie centre iront. Proceeding to I
'for the itilies main part of the Sixth n
fant y, Petnicylvania li.[seri 0. engaged tin
der lal , k fire with tlit minor. lioviiig
111(4 i.ti. On I. we moved forward. tin . il,4le
riosi ion where the eneiny•s battery hie(
we idaeed Was rune gained. and h'ere xe
lad' •villetwo of' the tine iirtillery pract cc,
44 I ston'S Battery. The road wa , stren 'a
wi t men and, ta' e 1 eiii....0r0.,0114: of
the blown up, a flintier, a gun-earri. gel ,
Wit 'I, a quantity cf artillery ammiuniti. ti. 1
sm. 1 arms, and an itniner ! e quantity [of
Lett v clothing. blatikelS, ko.
'l' e battle wit , now nyer and thin victory
won/. -With my consent Chu]. tirel inailenn
advineo of abort hair a mile, but noth i ng
furler was to be done: a.the enemy, i n
full Hight. had pa,..4.11..piita oar riqw!i.i I
thin recalled (ltd, and prepared for t hi- Ire- ;
tur of titY, command. I. ordered the liar • .
us to be taken till' the enemy's . horses I
wit •hlay dead oM the road, and 'to be lilt
up n horses of my essort, and hi ought I
away the perfect , soli and the limber}
The report, lia.[ appended a li , t of the'
nal es of killed nor i oianded of the Federal
for( , s, annpunting n all' totseven kilted:lnd
six --pile a oinple 1. s veil 'Contetleiat
I.d: toners weir qii 4[n, Vile , . mimes, ..,
aretas follows:' 4' lorticial Ferris E. 1. - ing,l
Firit Kentneky Regiment: privates William
Ne "on ,and Patrick liitglie.. dm: private.
it 1
B. •diert Moss, Ira 4 *li4tiviey, Wm. Morrii; '
Intl , J. Williamson, Tenth .Alabama Iti - itil
H I •
isi.arn Contructor.;•-Tlie,Congres,siOna
In , stigating rominittee have reeentli ha ,
their attention called to the ease of a Penn
sy 1-ariiiin who c'ntracted to furnish th
tns-rotomue carps with firewood at $
cord. it it said It procures the whole Sup '
r i
ply? from trees al -eady felled by Govern
med, whieh he pi ys fifty cents a cord fo
curg. It is then transpot ted to the camp
by. overnment Wagons. The inventor b
thiis little plan pia , ' clears,..if our informal ,
tioh be correct, ;S'ss.o al yard.
t ' • i
'... 1 0. -, --
r t
eAano of Prisoners, —The Governrrien
h fairly commenced the exchange of poi
ontrs. 'Two hundred and twenty-four o
thte taken at Hatteras have been released
fr . Fort Warren nimi have embarked oil'
Is° rd a vessel for : Fortress Monroe. where
th y will Await en equal number of releass
edli Federal prisoners._ This news will r •
joieO[ all the friends of the Union prisoner
4 1.
in the hands of the rehels, end, at the gam
tile, greatly tend to alleviate[ the horrpri
of he prevent war. 1 -
" , '1
•• ••• ----- ^ '
b Col. Mulliggn, :h: hem of Loxixi‘ktoyt,
ha? not 3 var! “high‘ oginjon ‘of llbm
G Ids. He thfifiks th‘em‘.‘ like the WM
Arnk’es, “hv£m:6[¢ in Wind inviaiblc i
suit.” . ‘ g ‘, f
bTho Twnton Guada- luggenli. m‘
intention tgninut sleeping sentinelH i
th_ Govgrnment but none but wide mk
oré guard. ‘ 1‘ ' ‘ "
_ ————-—--«lnr
run. Douglas refund to allow ti
c “Mun 9f the deem-d Sinai?" h
‘ th, :5 dqmnded‘b’y 001. Reed,“ Non}:
Zgflinm Bh. alpinu :hahhcy belong :10
l .nqis. : , ..._ i
g ‘ W
A Kr. Ilenn ha canal-31¢. V :
5J5... ’ll. my. be bop?” Max:9l3:
mi to mike a. living (6! hlmulf (In! his 11,}-
uq chicken». ‘ , ‘1 ~‘-
El Smart, Rams—A doc-(or went to‘b'le'qfd
n I,undy, who languidiy exchimed. f‘Oh.
quctor, you're u yes! butcher I” To whid}
this doctor reioincd, “Oh. ”1,1511: used to
sticking calves." ‘ _ , i
”A young Indy shouldn't be unlupyiy
béclnse the ixn't quite u all n uh. would
hip to be. u i. u very my thingw If:
wheat" '. Jl,
bWorHubbud, captund sixty‘fl'
a i’ew day-19 inghnson obs. Kc.
- reiratrydyreigierr.
• ?lONS.
. Sanitar y
Tito Crorrraissien issue a cattWor
ntiihutions to aid in supporting the'eon
rebinds at Port Monroe. They particular
ydesire warm clothing. We most heartily
:edema the call, and recommend every one
send old clothing and comforts of all
inds to Mr. P. G. Shaw, 112 and 114 Broad
aybasement. Money-may be sent to him
t Rex S. 496 Vow York B. 0.
Btit where are the emancipationists l—
owl Is it that freedom brings pororty and
vant? This is the first tall made in the
tistory of the country. so far as We know,
o help the yoor blacks at the South. It
ems that these-people were well tea few
onths agd, and now we are asked to aid
II taking care of them. What is the met
er? Is liberty then necotsurily followed .
,y want, and starvation?
Amid they are notwithnut employing!“
‘cithe'p. They are .paid pretty fair Pages.
A:xuul have government. ratibns baddest Thu
g‘tfivonfing Post aays:- ‘ ‘j -
{i h Jpems thnt thorn are nnw in that gviuini
t]t\' u ' ut fiftPen humlrml M'u-huusifix hun-
Ildrrd f whom are “'oan and yhih‘trmt—
”The 0n and unnw of the women are emu
urfln)‘ at “mm-s cnffioiont tn nummrtfivthnmt
dwhfi m able to work. But many mom who
Lmork‘j have fami‘ioh t 9 rnrnyide fort: it—i-t
I{proluhh‘ that mnnv womou an" ch‘ihlr-‘xn
lurn t urn whnw hll<bllni‘ ‘nml f‘nthpr‘s worn
onrri Int? tnwnrkin thrrnlwlfortifi tinm:
,nml l'ith the nymrnnch of cold nflwr
lth‘rrelim sufl‘aring fat-lurk nf warm cl thing.-
j ('0 tributiom are Mkml to supp y the
‘hlofici ncioi. The Gm'm-nmont p vidos
Eirlothi f: for the men. hm nnnerfnr 1m wa- '
;Imbn nd ohildrPn : and it it flame w o m”.
Ifsnfl'or’a’ unlesa prqvisjon is made by riruto
{than k ‘ ‘
J 'l'hi’ ‘we pre'eume t 6 be juat so. Sj'omc 9/
Wu me): who work have familim to PIOLIVZ“ for.-‘
i'l‘horegis n great moral in that sontnn . In
Ipointfof fact, that sentence. invohfps the
Instmtcrimls' View of the (-umncibntinn
che . Those same mm hug] not fitmilim
Lo praivide for a year “29. fur Hwy wire 1;“
tnkonl‘cnro ‘of.’ and they and their I'. tinilien:
were égnit‘nr‘tublo. ‘wnrm. \mH fud and we]!
' - ) . f
lotlmll. t\nw' tlu-‘y nl‘t' free. and me pnnl I
\‘ztut-‘I and have ratinnc: And yet thgy are
I ufl'c-n u: from pm’cftjy. nml the Nortl man .A
)0 ch:_ itho tmll holp them. ,Lnl u do it.
NO.' 15_
I )y‘ewf 'y considt-rnfinn of humanity. They
thave Egg from) flmnmfhon ,nnr ”ought.
them! “'O5; intnvthe position of pn '. im
fprbvidb'nt, sick and wéuk lgbog‘crs fixdaily
Tlmy hnve‘suddnfib’ c‘oms 'Mn :3
coedit on of roc sty Which ,exists a I ever
the wnid, where the wages of tfie wo kmnn ....
re not enough to . pay for the slippo of his
' eantily," . If we had' four millions, ins ead of
fifteenl hundred to provide for, we , hould
not Bits old clothes enough for a to ith of it
, theni. 4 . ; in
Gentlemen of tl eancipa -ion so- *,
irthat the m , n you
wish to free "have families to provi. 0 for. * _
—tinelYork toeirnal of Commerce.
The rMancipation (\rv.—A Philivlelphitt
correspondent of r t 4 Tribune writes: l(1 , ..
" The public mind may he said to h niacin
up onl this .question-I:mancipation must
.come he Go”ernmebt is not strong et i ugh to
min the ainta Union ery ,land .ildee also. no or
the otter must go to the wall." 11 „
The Abolition idea, that this in
Gore ent
must overt hroWn teal
ly the reverse of the Secession id a, that
this vernni'nt mist, Is: ovorthr wit to
liphohl nd extend slavery - . I Both id as are
Yeas° . If-Fort Lai:Ye:to is the 'p Rea for ;
one, it ii equally so for the other.— rig 01)- '
tar ix Mo»tlis ago rho Iloptiblit n jou,- .'
nals astingly told us that the, hellion
would be put downhcfore the NO f three
month. , Now they, are not satisfi with •
the andity of the Government to'su tioit, ,
and plaintively ask that the negr May
be armed A-4 a mean: of assistaned. What
. eolith! •iive is to be placed 'iii a part which
charges its views so often and easel ?;--Erie I
...._.__ _______ —:.
i ..,,,,.
f „Altihlrd.-4 negro, L -.--..
I bolo ing to
iPanic T. Ifyde, Esq.: of-this city, ho - ran
: awaypid went to Brooklyn with t e Sixth
Beginlent New Voids Vplitntecrs, titritesl
Bone In few days .inae, begging pa don for
his fatllts and pi-vin., to lie rester :I to the ill
protection of his master. ' Ile rep • whited
his tr4atment as being very harsh and ; tar -
differ4nt from what he war /ail to e petite--
• . I
1- . ..4nnalic;lis 72,p,
i i I H-- - --.• ...Oil. •-•-• -
1.. Th rederal Tax in .;grows.—Th St. Lou-
is /Us ddiani urges the Misseuri Con ressmen
1 i to as Congress if; i'Oieve the Stu aof her i
I prol rtion of the fedetliti tax Levi foi i.lte
I pay ' ut of interest, which autoun a tOsr - Xr
• .+,,-
138()0,y00. It says that no po;:r hatever
can cblloct it until the State r soy :rs s?tneL
• what f its accustomed prosperity. 1
The Kentucky Legislatureodttieg ot
l i Fran fort, has passed a resolution thmn,ili
both ranches:. 1 blanking, the Pt erident for I
his odifleation of Gisneral Fremmtt's prate , '
lama ion and , Seeretail , Cameron 91 remit,
and questing him to dismiss Mr. Cameron
frontli id Cabinet.
• According -to the , :sladivill fiaaetto.l
' 28 feflend soldietis wlliHe Colpiseien as forbid
them to tight against thrSoutli, (ter read-I
. ing President Lincoln's message, have do.I
sorted to the lines of ilen. Zollico er.- II
• 1
XclSapppr Eater.-- , ••llefiret, my brethreh,_"l
exhoirted a chaplain, -that whosoever'fails II
this day' in battle, sups. to-nig h in Psirs-!1
dise. "Fhe fight began, the rank - WaixtracLll
the chaplain took to his heels, en a sol-II
dier -reproachfully reminded hi of Mhe!
pronlisecl sari cr, it aradise. "Prne, myl
son,l sail( the chaplain, '"' Vut, I never tail
Sup r," -
• affir"Put'arms in the bands or simv..^:
is the ery-of the Abolitionists. 'Don't rtto
ceivti any more fugitive slaves in the eautps,
for. "'hel l ad as Via," is the eland. oi.
Gen. Ilaleck, in Missouri. IT we see
the ;different* betweeat expo nee aix*
theoiy. ,
.4 F . 04, G o ._ Miss llarriet La e lasellist,
sent Ao Mr. Brnmidi, the artist wh is Amp:
eel With the, decoration of the, *pita, a
splendid present of sleeve-buthins and a
breatt pin with sixty diamonds fotming the
lette B. . _
PThe Norfolk hay Book makes the list
of the rebel loss in the battle at Drainaslolle
43 k4l o ed, 143 wounded and 44 rid:tains
tat • 1
ailrit is reported hit the frier of Cart
Schur:, Minister to Spain, that si intends '
to rittign and return home.. ( I: ;
. •
pfirCelonals Meagher and A , •tb hive
been nominated to the Senate as triglatee
ollierali. , .