The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 23, 1861, Image 2

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rddi‘fi'LAAd z
(It. Idol: of lain—the union of umb—
- - The Union of Sudan name would sever;
the union 0! henru-athc union of hunk—-
' iid the Flux of our l’nion forever!
til. "all, IDITOI AYD nommm
. ‘_,_‘__, _-__ - v
Steam? Afiofzifiafimfifa, 19m
Gen. flcmelhn’a Threuened Benign:-
. - Nos- 5
‘ “eatery, originated by Thaddeus Stev
om, that Gen. McClellan had threatened to
migrt union the report df the Secretary of
Wm- nu modified. appezirs to be without.
Foundation. Mr. Stcvt-mfionly said that he?
Ind lmml the report dininctly assorted,
without vouching for its tf-uth, The Wuh-
In on .Moontmdictl “1' whole story, and
lii: it. “grew out ofthe that it. is well
how. He that Gen. (0101183. Ind, in
“ flurry other poem! oflioér now in!
Mid-9W on thiu line, tether regular ori
MW, in of opinion H t for (:oqu to.
J“ to mike the wnr on‘ for the abolition I
wfnkvery. rather than, "Enriginslly dnign-t
and. avatar tho rental-m ofilno Union‘
'Il mir‘ fathers made it, wi I be to innwetho'
evmtul moons of the belliou of gen“,
baits was."
' -_.r __, we.» 4—" -
, _Geuf Butte on. , ‘
- .Oenoral Putter-Inn bu mandou n Court
dil‘quirg. The neceuuri [apt-rs w’ewfnr-
M to the “minorities, Pn Suvemgmr lat.
but no, mponuo hm] ''» : received. I-Ré
candy the matter has lg -n been agitated
5}“:9 General, but, as are. wilhbut nny
drflm'to rennin. hiutnt I thntGen.Soott
wguld be affected by n
HUN] for tho purpmo- of
conduct of Gem-ml Putte'
in campaign, and a ‘s'sz
drnt chm» ofllu New Y
flik'u Human for noti
hqtiiry. The Mend: of l‘
“to othr lumd, allege tli _
I mun wuprufarred lx- ‘
White «may. and d «'
o'ud ropéfl of the campagfi
'ed. 3
fiThyé Washington (irrvspnndl’nt 3'
flue New onrk llerald‘na ‘ gtlmt El‘l‘mull_
Lincoln recently nude lip following de
ohntiong , i t
' " ‘fingleipniion Imuldlbe equivalent to
I John ~own mid. on a." 'gantic scale.—
{lur «him; in lurrounvlt-(fiiljith a sufficient
nummr i 1! dnnynrs air ’ ly. Almlilinn
toil” throw animal, umfiirbvocahlv. the
four State": of Mignuri. inaluck’y, Virginia.
ond M-rylnnd, whia it i 1004ng the my;
tion such ollnrt: to rognigd We lihve our
hand: full as it i-. and if were is to be any!
ruqh suicidal legidution, We might as well }
cut loose at once, nnd hoggn' taking up “09'
tflnin to prevent, our blée-ding to death}!
My infnrnmnt. has given me those words
(hm fall from the Preside Us lips. as near- I
I no he cvuld rr-mcmbcr jun. Ami think.
tiny areaexacdy what he ignid. He spoke
forcibiy and energetically ‘depn-cnling ns'l
worse than melons, from iillatevyr pointy afl
View it might‘be rogm'd l. the i'uhnticall
disturhnnro which the ul rus ol‘-Congress
are endeuvoring to create}: '
Tll6 remarks hen
dent are as “ trué a»
made them or not.
the serious considers
gerS,' who may be sa
Abolition current.
shout “hand: for
“ " h for Abomi'
gain Congrats
‘We no to b:
lions or more of dei
,nholh'nn. toour posterity
puma inevitable. Shall w
:th’e muse of it, too. so that
flike mutt-«t, while Nation
fimpairod by thqdebt we : ‘
IT. THIN". - .
§ We trust not—we ho >3
7-155" find! hue ended in t
tho-Union and {he riglxts‘
impairedflhat _the Aboliti ;
original caqu of éur Xati :
" new; be heard 6f again ex
“future generations. 3
‘4 ' _‘_.....__, w 4
‘;'_'a-G. C. Sum, an" Ed tor nmi Proprie‘
tin-own mumm. d». of pulmon'm-y
o’muumption. in that, pink, on the 11th
instant. in Hue 39th year bf his age. “'0
were youths together, and :Iluring the year:
'éf our .intimntétintercoursé, the writer had
‘frequo‘nt caution to admit?! his many high
souled attributes. “ His upright character,
MI finial locial qualities, bis capacioui and
active mind. his public spirit, and the silent
powerful influence of his uhobtrusive moral
oxoeflenoe. All characterizcgd him as one of
nature’s noblamen.” As a man. a citizen,
and} Christian, none sfiood higher. In
, in“ truth we may say of Rim,
3 “,ser knew him but to love him—-
' ~ Node named him but go [IF-list".
M friend of old! rest!
i ‘: ——--—"- «owe—_.—
“07. Curtin. in compliance with an
an “Assembly. has appointed Hon. D. M.
smm. of Montgomery, ‘th. McClellan,
Bay. of Franklin, nndfliames M. Street, of
Allegheny. a Board of Commisgioners to to
incite revenue laws of the State.
”It Adam Body Gl:4td.-—-.A Louisville
pupc. mounoing the min! there of th‘e
Madmen Body Gun'rd, days? -“ They are
fine finest. looking body of mén we have yet
sea. "They are the flower of young Penn
sylvania. being all «Rut five feet, ten inchefi
go lii “‘in hip ; strong and heariy;
W men ; one man {ram each county of
the State.” ‘
we Democrats of Detroit, Michigan.
I “meant eiectionmlected their candi-
Mo for Mayorfby abougm majority, and
mm of £l6 ten Dementia; nbminees for
“demon. The Republican? majority last
full in the eicy on Presidential electors was
p-Hon.Gmnus .\. Czuérom (Demo
enc) ”been electgd vaemor of Knmas.
X}. Crawford was formerly p clerk in the
”may Departmenta’l Wuhington. and
Igchmln Elector in: Pennsylvania in
l . :1 f
:flmw bung. n;- my
or Low-11. (:qu 31p. ~ v
‘1: 31m -
' ”Pen Inna -‘“”
We a "‘53" ts ' W
‘ re .'thm Bun —...‘
37110 nevi};- ‘ I’ol] Pint. -,3
T ”ger'bug “Hint Coollle "‘5 '4
i;;‘°ming' ”(:3)“ he is,“ of ”‘39, ””1011" l preys???"
ll;’;‘l’e "1 our :1 ni'fld “-10 "0 (nu, “Vt-,rlanh ' (),1 ”went LillOli m
i ‘ “‘ir onl”, 15!" "mu "8 hi ‘66 c n ’W
den - "‘nl' >9m' ‘n - X’ to '. 3e] ‘h n B 1
' t hlom . we u we 1:, an .
1*“! #53 "“433“ “"3”“ 415"”: um? x “355“ 13.2"32 fim 2 “‘ Ems, ° 3
' - cY. . ' "”99 m rot u, ,n 2 . nn'. ~. ‘.
11$“?! AbOI-wPlctl 1:11“ and c; The Pvt“! tar 110"“, bro Qua“); ;‘l"‘3oln iilolmry 0f:
if 'r W~i3§°“‘“° if?“ qum‘trvT""°fferél§"’?‘lonf"“"“ln?"“HnJ‘ "Um: 1,, the con "
leir 0* ' n It “I ‘in . x,O of - UUn ‘ y‘Jh- .Sn 51(-
‘,m Plum 'n d . “my “9 3mg 1' {l,O P I'hk‘l' “111 I0_;_ n “HP "No . . ~.
I “0.039 . TOl ”Va 1" “rem firegfi hilt Raid ""31"! 3 {"011 left 7&1“ ' 01h -‘“ _
'mnk- ”'Ofi'or- [this“ In] to mmin ,ght to 1!. hm]. enhb In‘ind" no: Ior {mm “‘50!“ Till“,' 3, ~- .
I‘M-em" “pawl”; mom] "lay M‘Om "q'mmg dfiro, a“may"?“mpl "="‘*‘y"l.£“'%nn '12’5‘91)“ ”Pit" [r‘wilk' "‘nu “Vs
i"'0y"““~ 01h 9" anah'mns 3"” "01m"? 1 Tlmflflmemfins 1‘3"”? «Hwy? any; '“verm‘m’w 33*“cpr.;f‘- 'mrfi'nrizsmufi‘rw
all n c ‘ "CO n -f“" D 411! “‘3' I» 'l:s'o’ °' ' In 01' 'Ol 'l9 "' .
'do ed”, HIM; . Pit." n" 8,1111” . 10"“ ‘ 1'! 1 0"! ‘331 Y- 50, V 15... ‘Or flll mm 900 ,4 ‘_
ie,.:mb«.3:.: , 'l. 43:3 1 1333:"; 3:333") amtgrmtl’moegry rm 3°°° :3: j ,
'u} ' t“. P ' 'em I“ (1 ”it h "MIN ‘ “”0 V e " a f “(If '“n ’r. v‘ om-“hi 0 I . ' “1a....
m "I: t- P 0 ce 9n .0n n,Un . est. 161 00 _lg mm ~ u. \r e'. " .'“
1 . ml!“ 11¢: I"Widelmment ’Q‘M‘lsuot 1” M] It- “”113;1 L""On;u,ce“ by 1: Eh‘wthnd-MQP" nm'q‘mon ”‘3B h'“'lnn»,‘l"“ndigl (“"hhlitfl'" "In?" :M - °
' ->,byme :1 mm Linco’ln We; iIPOrt “11.1“ a.“ :"T’lvun o}, who wpr‘ 3!,- ;“'¢'n..,;:'d' Y :lmjudid‘bo “3‘:th murmur“ :hl‘nlm "We,” 0 the Rot-i C: I" , J“ ;._
. ’ °3 ° .I-.o‘ ml , I -
“glut-fly to u] _ “111410 “(Innlobennver " hlmn- flle I) ’9 q‘lirv _ ‘llgllt “n 1 . this d‘.—.‘”“? fin!“ P4l ”waif’orpf,‘ nr” fn ‘ ;‘
‘Ah "0‘“? no ":H‘ in. 1s "t s‘l’pv OYneml’lmom .110"! “'ith Ten. v I'r . mtnn» Stntq fl ‘1 In” I {Ore .1? m 1 slid n Briliggt‘bf (3.1% nf'unh'nfin ,n a
‘l‘} Pass‘ ‘ll in an, hmyleeflgllplen {"1194} "la nerd“y ;'?rl ”u: 1' .11” l Keefer-rm] 1 m.truzlnr:l 1.1!: “141;; ,fr 1:1:un “:11!! ‘ “ng. fit“.;fi‘vxavv “Fli trill
“n it“ we”! St“! 1 8)’ ~ ”mu“ “'rig of. ‘9” 1' men cnll” ‘L'flxn‘t 1' “an" of “n ‘" m. -‘P all“. 10 ~nn ‘ 011‘ "I“ if} F 1 AIE? F Ag
H 0 “fin “bu 9: re. "Wat. ”On-q. hm". “9 P, .' Imm. “‘1 i Im.v _ ”to In. \\. amm- _ or” “on‘ ""511 nsnL ml" 0
'"d of? » ‘efl “3’o 5, na, e 3, 1(- ' “\'9‘ .nl] . ch“ 11k _m tn-1, . 1., U 1 ‘,l” , .
Shims]: he,“ 0:9 w“lll‘d:q‘h“"eéemung no“ of £ll4qu burhznrlpug' a“ [foam ”112 d Privqiegm" ingm‘mr: “T 5495 rl3;- ”3:3,!" Wit: “}flr.dr‘;:"'2sw,”“up¢ u :30:‘mh;ndhhs.“T1L>“‘K \\.]
I ' . )6 ' Uh: I‘o ‘ lflt’ 1i ,-‘‘B_ h ‘ . 1 a“ ' 0:5. 0‘ u fit-S n "1! I”) h" ’u “u” ""1” ~ ‘ |(' I; . . )‘V‘
"fun "not,“ "En-cs” .txon tr“, 3» t}, ‘Onn mm 3 ““5 oh,l a, In, 1:9I x h “M “k “f. "m 11.9, 0‘ "I“. “’U ‘
. ”m ant f hflt'c l"“nk ”t 1 , e ('o -ml 3- a . "0: 'd In] ”‘8 " 36!- mld‘ 11911,, -°""‘"r° ' me!» “n h- "’m; ““11 mg tn "' 0 -S or A *\D
43 In ”Ch 'OO on!” ‘, Tl(Re mm ‘l'th 1") n . Con . . IV] .1 5C7 », U 111! —e "Q 1' rum .1000 1, C" hded Ur s. 4 I'l] _
I Cenq. a: mm 111,0 -nT 119‘w [rub]. PM . mm” wm‘ , ~(‘:\( in C‘ntPo m (.0 - “my “11. ”m.." nlO m_e ”(In “o‘di them" q“, "I: flr
(e il)‘ ”m 9“ emf!) chin “850 ry of “" Icun' Y Woull‘pat'io 5 Int \ sohm" ”Ii n OH] "Map ‘ ”lo 1 "Wm '‘4 1h “mini u who! ens.- ”nrt "0m“- 0 V--
’- J“ '.an I I “’le "1" Ir: ““1! ‘ ‘v a. . ‘3' ‘ng_ - “ho , 101' .“H Inn}. 1*: .m . fn‘ M nl.]. “H , ’M' F
fink. n3l t: the in?" 1,5“ ”For. m’éevon porn“ld 1n 3" 3" X‘T‘W 2.29.5911 th :NM‘OI “:omw :21: ”‘13:; anvt ‘13:??? SJKfm'Jr’n{Minx}??? ‘33:,“ T :2? "1%,. The?“ 'h‘whis'ck "1:3 ‘Vil?;;';'ri'x 3n —-—-
; i ’’ ’ -ve rem! "Ch 'l‘‘' i , ' q 5 ”fr ‘nflf ”.'“4 ‘lO .>-‘c.U‘m" [9 Mb ‘m' ‘.
3 ml.” I lheP Oumw be 1m Pver’ {a‘hcnln . Lee . w “m , gen m 3 . eq b up” .1, at” 5.“ 1”, n; .m" a}; '0 _1 ft ‘1)
. - , MIA 2! .Ind- as “(I 7. fl- . £l3m 8»: 3‘ fr \.. y, nf ~nl 12 mm. fl,“ . Bmg .. “n end S, d." , Im,t 90.1“
“OH ‘togak reside (Tm-“t. “Hahn , “('in ~14“. PlO. Inna ‘irg 1p“ n. '71?! - ‘lck ' .1 "0h “.'""! pm,” I,“ ' a), w Wlll . I‘Yln. tefi‘ In]. ““81, . ".’“ 1.._ ,
WW nr mm m..? “3m 3:?“ ram. "ugnivrffigrhflifi the“ " °'—>-J‘q:°;v'n¢’ «3% 3*. 4-0" or 323%":3'30n5333‘43.3w" 311'.“ rm
‘nd In ‘nhl ."and u‘ol r"“m - " ‘ istl ‘m_ ’ ‘Me‘ “I" ' n ‘l' *‘n ""H‘ "“M' ‘ ”0: “m 1 ~”" 11 “mod ”NM" - “ ‘ (31 n V g‘ho - V
of ‘l' also v 8 “V" mm“ “d a me” ’‘f 1 ' "of I" ‘t or "9nd -r‘ r-Tm t“Ck. “Tee "n - ‘ ' 10‘] “l s. '0 l M e no "1‘ to ’- 1‘; haw ’lvc ..Ide_
mi' about. "5d Us “Nd ,S“ ' "‘. wn“ H "Mn ”‘l‘! "1 1e ' the In (”inn "vim 3- ‘Od .1 LN }- ‘Owin )hlio “‘3 of " 1,0 ‘on ~ "an" the p" ' Gnu, v"“»’|.p 'lme
.nnd _ co-con . two"; bubum . “'O4: Just pe ould le 0 - I'm“! othe ' Her h char new film“) Wan” 010 m“ ull tn‘ 4(- g “rim rs “up me Q. X” tn "'lO., mm” .omv,q (1‘ n 1 f‘vmn ,
0’ W Give 11: smm“) 1 d b3‘D""f Su hOM“! ""‘fv hm'e Ill’“On "'6 I"‘Pr‘rq- ° exp 139510. ”‘nn “‘ri. ' nnt 3 “01,0 «hp “mm" H: "3: co ”Pk him. "’"t 1,. "“090; "Mm "n- n Jhe
Sir pm r 9 er ‘ oanC Ch 39an ' ‘Or u) _ 116 1 Bulk” AN“ ‘ “on ”‘9qu H, 11 “'0 k”0 11 11h“. r. 1H “In' 1' 5' l . "t“in' Hm] “' 'l9 ] ”I“! (‘ yn')” "'Y'nn )9 re.
lflr] ‘o'). h “be” 1 the .mu See“ map" (‘qr 3nys 11]., . 0M”! of U I|.me enm neww mu"! anof 3 D“, , I'u' I'm,- “‘5 ‘ "hi” "rgpl Iv" “"T'el' .'""
thn ewolu» hPo "1d?” Brew ehfid 10'” “ion ' regrpt‘e ”Next “‘n- le U- ” «‘0 'Uth. .l‘fltf » It“.o “r n"Hlr”hu- 0f . 01 I'] ho W‘nr ‘ but 0 y ’l‘? .‘ 'l"'"k lab}! '0".
“m, noo‘l d 1 rmittod "Dd ‘mo bflp ' It, of” \mo ‘ Tum- .in . on] n he" ”11‘, “(h ”11-'ll] x]. 1 “be“ 'mlo I'llln‘ llnko‘ (h. in M ”It‘r' "in” ‘0" .. ‘o'!
Y “M °0 Sm nix, nth "p , 79-1! lee 1‘ 1, lon. . h", “n 19 P “Ink, ‘3. ’“111 m 0“ m 4 ..L "me v ‘..“ 3‘3 _ "-K ”0' "2th “I , "my a
”IQ of fif "6 I e "M "on 5“" ”act“ 01-0 . 0‘“ an 'l' :‘0 , mum "to .\w "(VIM 'fll ‘ ‘—'o\. WI)“ k. “-1"! n. lull ~\\" (‘ll 1 “mt . him 'in M l h
m ty th w" ”"W ' PM" ‘ “'0 "0’ "h ‘1"? ”3 t ““"'r' "“‘Ol ““0 1f”! I ‘O4 mac oon “in-y Wm "lnq- ‘m . Pam 'lB -.2 ~" of “it-1, Find. 9 n hoe 1’11””
Inn . (‘h “'1 o|.“ ‘wflrd! ‘ A“, I" m“ uld hfl Blh_l csea¥ , ran .'l5 fl fa)“ _, \ . h,“ Q ‘i‘flro , 11.: ”1‘! fr) ‘ , d In S] _. 1‘: “V. d [)‘u', 0f “In‘.” of I] ”my? ‘nhc .h . (1095 ‘hng
, fling?” I 0 )mv nd' R - . 9:911‘ 101.0. v 6 ,H {Poli ll: enr (1111”, 10” 1n . situ. ’in] ”I 1 (MP W. "t I “'e I .‘""ll om} raw?" ”I.“ loam“ M‘ hm .fl. [‘o‘ In n_ ‘ “lid err". N (w. I"). q
, 3 ~3- - 1 , -3 . -h' 9:1.“ My 11,. I“) _1,v13 1] fl: In. [MM (1; ”Ir" the nR. "[0" ‘ 1,.
are d' Ie 0°“ 8 b(lent'l' ‘qun L veggie “on“ rum cyof th Ire “po- -B“‘ h “”1“ t ””00 vat ”\'or. ‘01)”. hx‘m “n] ("1 . eke: , llno "air “rifle! 20w“, 01' n‘ (nun: ":1 fm “11pm mine *‘ th,‘
' 10m _“lng‘l ml'y in i he". Imm}; 1 WllO n this; "my“ ego“. ri'honb 3 also 0”m “a ."ilrs' 40‘ 'mld.“ bin s‘)’ morpmlv ‘f’np 1}“le " "”Hn 01' fl “hi"u -‘2 (‘n 911:“ 5m- w' In Cu i‘clnny‘owum‘
1' 1"?“ "”3”“ ‘to "“d 'On'fl't' ""m ‘ “We ' The ”file "Went °”W “X 3 M '3‘“ flm~rv"‘9 3’" n ”Muir Mun "ME 3’ rm "'“llior ”-5 . "“01, n" In 1 ““0“ {mm ""1110 “morn ’1 ope . »
nnt 9" nd to up“; Ih.l Isa, ”lin‘ . r. ”,0 Son Grunt- ' Tl,“ coerc- ‘, lists 11"., «1.0” mt .. ya, Ibo 1.1". Hm. r«. 1.) """110 "lln yl: mum cu,“ rage, ""110 mus
nus “dd ‘y n ‘ the bog“ ”lib" ‘ m‘" I z‘u . 3n: W "Ree ‘ gm). We ”to f "pm M”) -] '1 h nh‘t [0 “'B' 1‘1".” 4 (Ir' 't‘fivpl . “I],. MH n“ (In ‘ Ont “in ’W n 11:.
"no tem to!“ .m. I . 71V2~ g. B ll'l 0% [bl] . non h k 0 0n n _ .loot“ for‘ 0r ”)1 °- 0" 1‘ "‘6 0f “1"“. 011 fr) ("111' on)” m] I‘. “‘(l f‘ ' .4.“ .L .13 "“‘(‘(| [lf "k' hp.“ . In“ 0 lO‘IPH‘ n_
"“1 “pa" W“‘ .‘"” a (“n “m“ m”m ‘—' ‘l' 'or ”relor' r"? lewd"- “"“e “'nn R bin “hm. ‘ho ““u' ra. “w —"“~7w"l'm 3"“. 1. M 91305 “'Pml‘l 1"“:114] "mm “may““wd In,“
° .91“; b Ome. [301.3% “d I. ~ ounm.\ ”We" _ 99¢! ‘ ’ had an . Or‘nfl. conflid lmnry 3 fume yor - “I"!Vnn' roglfl. [NHL 1" 01" .., l", > "I“ _ A ”fit ”"1“ or (I '[y to .‘"" “N \.- .0. ( “Tm
_ u I . r 0,8 Yum.- ° ch lan ‘ bee In . om om. .! m, the 1...] 1;“ an ~ J 9“ . M.‘ f no '15:" "Wt ‘ I‘." hp ‘1” 30.‘ ’ ’
a "ll.”flor £lth "23"" 1% a 3""? 12'“ m‘mvmz than?“ "if; Irfinry-o?’ “563:1” “than? Mr '.rm" ‘v‘\'::[7;~l'f"map del‘mmmt 1’33"“ "fit any? I“dive?“ alum“ «$77322: If 3“" 335...“"51‘3”“h13fi?”"°"5~f-'S“ {"111}???
muré ,omv- At n n.PV , y -*‘ Off hm] St )v ‘I ' “4|th ‘1 t -nf R; is of “4;. “n .of 1 . ',X . | M -""mv ".9“ I].: . “thr “Owl. u.
h . ce. ,4 set Won] .'I v 9 \ and an, lEr.Me . 0m "y —y(o b rug. Y_K H r. 0.11 I 4 '"r‘l‘h I“! \ J‘Hw 1!! "'1 “h I. 'lnul .‘ II" )‘n
must ‘ "lo I v and him Il )'n pe 1" “In“ . In” “1' I‘m Penn “' 0Ho(I. -. «a h. g 4 “Jul: ”1 1 11¢“ “11] l "n‘ l 1 u 1.“ 1“."I , ”([1
I’p- n ('o' C‘m' Ito 'l. W 9 Hm“ IMy kw ‘)9 I m N neWnlello 1' ' “I '2l We "P n W WW] . ‘fo (Imon "”01 I “my ”N‘h )8 ‘fu
"Kuir Huh! i nepct l “IR one“ Hm “'9 pnfim ‘6‘,“ I "hie ' I “Fill .le‘ 1M nth f ‘Mup mOn' "1K 1. as fl] "“lxi ‘ 1]" "1111.1 N. - 1311-11 1 (‘n Pr“. 0
. . , , 5 Sec nur Mo (1 .14m , ”Hm v 10“ huh we a t]. 'M "n I‘. "‘w. r «1'
title .My 11 n .ma v. are "91‘1151- t exr V d‘o 11nd {-0 Eng!“ ‘ tale. I‘l arm on, 1"""und f K “pk pa” 4,-1.1 1.: cm, n . "0' , pro‘ u“ 01‘ “‘WI' “*‘ol "i‘d' 11.
. an, "nn ‘1 kilng n, "w 9h ”an”? ”la-“h “090:: I M “Wat °j“ ‘ll ~ . and“. -r_Di y Wl-am‘ (at-0M n,- !}-""ncky‘ 0n: “rum, 'l.) m lame be: .- Fu- “It. Wm- “HI-IV Yo ho .‘ me
.u- o - 1‘1“. ‘0 mn oy] "1,; Film . ‘1‘!) $B.- ,’3 Dix can“ , Goad... I linet mm“; '"nt ‘M‘ "M“ J "‘lnfl m. ”1‘ Info” _c x 1“... “With” «Iqu ."M «V! n
_ _ In'-mt. I'o n, 5t ",0 , ‘e‘p L'. 1,11 llan~ I'm, [nus .on (1 f.’ "00:11 ”'1 01“! 'No “War; 1““ M 94 Roch ' "“In-I ... 0n glO , ""0d 1 “vhf _ [on]. n‘ ,_
~-_ "muc‘ mm "Mb“ ""3 u " the >w ' H?! I Inq“. PPN“ wordlrl 00' ““3? “'YO 3LT “’Bl- , (‘u -"’ p ' Im] n""n Hn. "“lmr l‘nm ‘1'")1) "Knit "‘1“!
“d? It ' and we PR PM“ “a” "an 'men" Iry_ teqt ' ' M ebeu- rk. ""n. "“1 ~ ””0 ""‘m I-‘u . ""11 ”‘Ol x- “ H “lII' “0.1% ““01,“
(‘on “9 Ni “0.. fiuC‘. .u I'o th ,mO. do 09nd: "it, .1”: If, he] ”I“ 121"“ _ “’“d "'Ol «“00 3d n._ 17 . thin “n. he] _g. 40 91hr“ ”up ””1 .._- .
4 711-0“ .3' er w—lv “it vO. elr ' "t. ll Mli \\ou I'hioh the Wuld Mm} i _I.: b] Vqlnv a“. 121 m. .‘ ha 03.." . hm- ”wk-. 40 ' ””31“. .. 9")“0 MW] ""LJ “WM-g “301 i ‘
“Non .'« I.}. in '_— . ‘Io, and ‘PW d "‘col .3 m an uh. , no“ mm ”W . ho: nVal It “.q _ "(1 [Wk nln , a 1., l'-hr ,4 .n ° M "“k, , lam. not
"“ d“ 'c“ '' '° “'o' “‘l’ n 'Ol PM '9 'lp,, ' m - "“or -"t "-n- Ith “Is "‘ 1 “2.“ .m. M. - "em on “‘n dK”n 3. . 1... "In
The "tn 0h" Ste menu ‘IeA 'si an.) r,_‘ 9 were Nah In,l - on“ ‘hmk' nw«l fit heel" In.“ .]. ”Wk .12 pillow on 1 '"t'k 'qu. ““IM- ".1 ,1 1, m ,
R" ”'fi' 3 co: - 53- ‘ I‘nd . dm' - on” s‘ \- 'Pn had relgn ‘8 1|“ Jun. ”n “’if "Sfi fin, - q “rn "on 0.0,. mt, ... "n 0,“. "M ..g 1‘ . \\.‘l Hm. 1 .311:
'. ~, , . . t]? l I of! mm 011,}. n ; geq‘ em .’- tlle ban '1 “t 'lO '“s ”I“! (\lu'l "0“ “n 1 ll Fin}, P" . "Huh, ‘0 . an" _
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Our fi. t r(. ,‘l‘n a. v \\v." 3 ‘ 'o'~oc flllv 4 Do. By -‘ wk Open 1|" “UM lon- leml n" . ‘lul “g “(5 V I'3l -:\nt ML, 4H] IM‘ 310 k.“ ”‘5l .511 t. i no”, ,9 “'ll- n... , 'nq‘ ‘r "“1" 1‘
. ‘1“! "1:11" lead ”chin _‘. fiJflil ‘ \\[l' r'nflh mppth 8‘! of” B n h,"- lfit“ Mfln fro Inln" but” ~ls|lll ‘m. &c (“In ache 14.” ' a,“ .us of "for" i “l’t'l 'fUr - lwo “q o
nflico an.“ , (‘0; 41-011 111, 10f \\. ”05_ and y « he! ‘9. “Sine obe. r m 1|" ~. 11 In'-i! 1h u] In (1‘ «3., "ch In“ 11 mm] 1“"v ”‘Ol of” "10.11
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[10430 ”“3; u too?“ I‘6 ha“ "Vim, n Pod u 3 rested “y, 3f neq . ‘Celth Chi, - the“) . .onnlit - “”1 "":1q “11,2“: 1119‘] _la “,1 f'. “‘3O“ 1 the “' 01‘1““ ‘ 8"" "‘l'. ‘ ('ul'e "'“ke . "ckmv k“’h(. “lure of
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econfl “tom 1 r..}, 'nnq ‘eek om, >~t 1h“ v nu!» POll 1 "t mat w (10 ng“ l [.._ W_ 1 "‘O3 ‘3‘": am“ aln ‘llm “In" "In“. ”"Vnr. [fun ““1 “_ “""l’rl "rm. "Wm M!
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Posh. “Sm." I} be“ ndlm 5' Mt“! ’ I “(‘l‘ WM" CJI'DI “no“ 1 18be - “mm M ,Suitq‘ I" DI, "“1 K 0 ‘ 01 q “-" It, "rum “ml4ifllml. ”310 g. 3 Xe” ‘u "“h- 10m: t 11“, "thr" [Pi
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thin cd‘thL ' “6“ .. 3t] ‘ "(up 'IIM n, ' 51nd Ject ‘ “ ' "31° Wn ent pm“. . E “I‘er 1' tb _ “\'nr kn - ‘ ’o‘ "-_vl". “I". 'n‘wt’ ch" ... [m "1 (' IVI-r on." p“ I "'0 ] (Fir
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“n(1“.""w e"-=' -'l‘l :: 11y] emf, .1, 0r”l ; (mm. nuce ,0d t 1: 0“n as . the/M; “.an -‘”“‘th-"u-IFW- """ic‘ "'Nin ”‘r‘ ’c-o "“2 ' ""M. Mt" lHut“ ‘Vhi, Imn ""‘utn "1n... 931-.” “m.., in.
111 be Dune] le “0 ' ‘PIP t- 1. [1 11901 ohe .I .of of - onD_< ‘1 W _ ”‘Ol . {u "uh Ii Us "L'hf ' 95 '3O 2a” [10"; um. I fxtmfl INN-r.. n 'mnl fca .3 Ki _ ‘1“? _ "1“! “mm ”‘9 It? I
ngom You 1 _V. in ' pu'pl- 0? (l- ‘ljfi-r grob i A] . In‘/(tsp St $ll9 On Wm , W), on: n t}. va . "anlh \, ”Io n3O . ‘ylun‘ OV‘ . to” '. tr . (flaw ‘11,“ "tw- "Him; 3 uh,“ . _ ”an [nuwul’
, Pnt 31m 2 (h - mnq' g‘ lst' .‘ li\-'1 “1‘ tr! 10]!“ ‘33,; Nos “fig . n ‘01" II: no: le 0“ 0“.- :lnpt,' 0‘- _ ‘ I". n, 1 km. .‘“r t - fr" 4”.“ Q "‘o‘ in" il Ini) "ml-[1 In," otl H 1...
Post of!) T 194116 [9ll- 0 v Luv 1} ”1k” 3 ‘Rnn ‘1 011] - "n n- of 3- Hrodto .3 mm] . ‘. Bl M ms" .13.!" fln‘n f‘ .. mpdl ("I‘sl _V _l, 1f 1'“ ”I” " (‘. 11 9f. ("Ty (A! n. ”v“ ""f() wl‘
bone 'O6 for] Wu h e In“ ‘2, fil ‘.h 'ln a”, )mpa : 11; “d‘.“. on 1 “In ytlh .I y of” We q n“, __ o "rt: nah”. law “I,” .A"‘ La 105,. (I "In W' .‘Ol l' r wil I
Me U relief 9%,." he WI “1"" ”‘0“ 1”W r Mr" ”3 “t e 50v 3‘06“, fight! ' ' mQrfl I"'1 ’f “WHO ‘O5: "qhns Tnfn . ' “Mon ‘l3 fl. "rt-x 10 “1n... ‘ “'r‘vw-"f in ‘(-r . In" Him" “Mm,” ”PM
’"7 ‘Oln m9n ‘Ole m ' “11 t - Bun ."po‘t'l -m D glow 1 engr (‘rn‘ “riu‘ "“11 3.111: I 119 '_V (1...-1W0;- ‘lbch "nkln "h. min "In ‘ ~(‘n "“I ' If]. '.V "‘lnn- “hm . “In mn
loudle 93-0” [hr ‘t‘ I m“ 1 "s ck II 19m. “nge ~ h‘ a”. .mflt b .45“ ino lo 3ln ’9 'lan hired Inn". ‘Nln- g I -Inck. nnl 11 «1 u “Inn“ “’O.“ M l’l-m-l Icon "In In." M
the~ my: Baldy “he "- lave may } 01 0‘ “111,0 cnu—L 1m; to a yt" \“dtl. .Va]: M rnr. 95¢. to "t. yrol. “Ii" mg... o "m.. 11.1“”, an,” on .. 1”“, n-aw, {-0 H um, "qu
«Ira' . \\"n ur erg - ye}, ‘tl re f (‘. 19 'r In P . frat . lie . Bw, t. w . he", “Hui Mk s) on! - _ I". 11.4.“ .' um .lu m," "'ll III" uh.“ “"r
”In hn‘ {lon ”fth “ll lon ‘cm tru '1 41cm ' Wm- .‘szp “501] . 81cm \Rllck We, he “[l] - heq t 1", 1 mph “WM "'ll 131 V 32‘“ 11. “‘r 1.",1e uh" uh" .
Half 13 the 1‘ d; ' 91ml, .9y Cri “this I’M] ' Fun tap V 5(3 "Sea . Wlfl {lulpn \of n ’Ower H rom- the 20,,” "‘"n 81w9,23 1' "‘11"? ""19. 'dleir "ur 0m“ 1 ”let‘mr‘ nt ‘ kn". I
fiof Illn‘. “Fact? Hf t 1 1’- Shzr- Cl‘jv' ‘amth . ugh , 30“. Simon _rqu. Out tl‘ nnqu (hegflr U: of” led" - "“C‘m o- ‘ nun“ “an“. "“‘"1 0n... L,- -. d“ "if“. M" “.0“ ".
than Can 2-y . 11.0 , 103' g ‘llfor ,‘ncm 011:4 ' But v rm Irv rd 0 Imm Cam‘ 9m19 2. Int it “ry‘ “';-'nr 1,; Hn. I. .:.",I Is“ 3 «,1_ v, n “nun “The “loci
‘ gr“ (1150': I‘o x-‘gPO 'm“ K “1'“ ’g n W] ‘Vere- Goof d A'i ‘ PPM} “'9‘ 1"" W“? ”"1" [WM (in '2 b 0 '"ml '" In .'“-r. 3‘13““ “mi. (“#9l- *nm “11‘. -
to '1 ‘peedy n “50 “m“ rt}, 1 n’ h I“ H|‘ Tl pg‘cfl "' '“run- “clbi - “’i'e‘qt “Hitw M "'l‘Ti "r u "'"n‘ “0! w- 2 new tuc. 'hm "‘lm "‘no,‘ "'- ..., "'m ,- ‘0: r M]; 3‘l
Con" W‘ac { mdl‘ "5 int ’ '.V JuY’V nab? Int‘" 'le «3" 0d soztobe “’l9 "Offif .‘ "t th‘ kofMo ' [AH-9- 'l, CM. ‘0 Pro“ fr‘lml .:thifl '|" ~' ‘ ° Lia] '9“- "lift,“ -‘3 m an- 1'0"! 1‘ "m .I “in \' I
“Wait fit, an] ”19 . u“? Cnn' 0 "le' --0 f “v (‘n 1. | '.l! ”A flshin 00‘-re " “Kn ll "nlgte ¢\‘l‘i .m “'ll .1032”. (1" f 0 nah.“ 111""). ‘he {'o} l. “m “9' $O.ll N: ‘u‘ "Wu [NI un-k "Mud "ck-40 :o_4' .1
' ”no.“ ‘ "”9 )nloi‘e Spq , In”! mhi‘ Ml 9" ‘ IN!" ““11, If "ed‘b' grofis?’ “We *n" “'1 "flier-sld Ih “‘ll " In. L" 00» ‘nwi "1 go I.” ‘ luv ‘ 'un -Mm ”‘nn .“s tut)
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Def ’ Emir “m” M "sth “‘ry St ‘9 ' 01°F t° ‘1 ”n-"l “'0 ”‘0“ M- ‘1 ’eval 1" ‘t' 11‘ ”Ms "‘n ' '9'! n 'o' 1w he p- “am s"} #1 mad "Inro Hum. not] Mun!
Cat Of: Jinan. 3 fibut. 191 d “1 We" "1 " "“flr tyre!“ V 1&(;1_1 “um? "Oral eg-M‘ ; - ”1011.”, ‘thll “'9 _ IL," main“ 4! ml 3. 'rm-g,’ "lrfiul ‘ I'th ‘. ,u- v‘. 'in rm." Wk.“ M" ,LI
33 3 ~.r ‘ . . - 3 t 1 d ‘lO he 3] Ii of (‘ k‘ z "‘ll (I ‘‘"t , ‘. '3l- W 01‘ It, “1 “h "I"
Th; ~ “19A‘ , mniwi“ I ‘Pn H ‘Pt “11.1 av F'Yltl y'lnleQ .“d P "at ”1”)" em" 059100 c x 31' "00130 ""t k "’1”. 11. "an "‘OOP _MN ‘ “.‘"": , Of't". ""01 40M." J"“k In “Him ox" a
Week than" bolitio ' #3; ‘ 1.9.3]; In 05", le M 1 . “'6 r 9 * W 111,“ reside “head a l’li‘ "when! Kr”! "Vri'd >ol] in :10“, {l,llO 0: gom'oi! Iron. "“1111,” 311.0 \. "‘0". 905. _ ,m", ’4...qu ”"h'fl “.q “)r “$9,.
. “isth- -_ , " 100.] ,~ wag ~ 894 9 mam Ih. ht 01‘ ; at“ a [Who ‘“m 1 . ml.” rlt,__.l. 11.3“. 0“, I 1,, =1 _QP "'r"r._ “._‘ 3.1“.” . x JIM j .4. M‘ M“ ['ol. 0"“!
to N mnae I°n 19,” In 3 [other r” -,M, 55 be,‘ ‘m M the; ram ran“ a- I‘m-[HI- ”In: 1.... , 1nd“? .nm, on. ‘ 01+“ .\[h -[:-_J who, I ”no mum. -"'“"1-'i 1111,). ‘ to" A
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em" hr G", on, 1C“ “985‘ rho" WHIP ' Pl"! '8 N“ I 6“ (‘ll reg.) Stat ”'o‘: 5' t {ef‘Wt ‘l‘nlnll‘N‘bk "‘"llu “"V ‘LT‘ ”Wm. "'9 .\l’ ‘lwu ‘ "Gil! “Hui ‘ “'in ‘“*‘re "In-m, “I'm,
h Wm! to!“ "gm. '' 01 Wmfi’ kn" LVN. Mm] went “"8 I"’"r "an ' "is ("140' ll“n ‘he "P '“llu'l' $1 "'ler Mr: "VJ-.1. "‘ "‘l' ‘En "Wt-r ”119° (Ir-1.. m. ’-
Ongpr.”9\'omé mm “81: ‘IM .llor \llm] .- \‘ ‘l9s” of T "‘0" ‘9l] neg “doc “Rina t 1 Tn“. l”w ”"1"“ firm. m..” .MN.I. R 4 'n-ghl) ,$,. i “(I ‘ "Wlu Ir m “Hi: ”PM
my 90k Yes 9 . “1 - “-an ‘ nu- ' ‘h‘ _1 he .w“ .1f ‘ In“ nfi“ ‘ uh‘ .90 .. ,y . ‘ “‘l V I," "KM" ' A ‘l.” [Hr ‘_ I 1". u rv. "Hy "It". "‘0;
Imin mg the _ c 511 W: xfOr' 0h {-4 .qlnct fine 1' l‘n ”112.: -~ In 1 n “-1 “Id l 1", ncp t e “I In“! filer on”. “In“. ”m:- “‘"or I“, , 51:. No“ "'th 'l' Us m Ir, . 0b". "“119 u
n" 12m, 95-; 1 1555: In“ . T 01k, P Ulc]l ~ thi. iden 15'“. not 1, 1} “-9,. Pmo 3‘. “Nu" um, ‘. n”; Mg" "(LT . ‘ 'l‘ .lfi‘. nu." ‘ him” .151" 3, ,1’ up] ‘ "'ni _.“Mu r. h
the J San] ‘5 0f llfifiq .'“ b- l“m 11(- 1.( h .“I . A 01(1' twn Pre ”5 live 1‘ . 9 "0t _ n dug“. \ Ir, o‘. "“ku ' “‘l. 11 “"Ol ...] ll“ 0 ‘ ILI ‘ =.‘{.(.. . M," _H;[IFI ”0 ' ' "11 n) "Ir”- I
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(Iraq ‘7. q, at n nrmv ‘{m imp q , 9:! J-i]? was and} 3 “’Ol- 1:131 rte“! lccl "lbw. “no“ .. "lid "“m- t.h‘ nn “re “01‘ ”m.. ’n‘l' 3., C W“. "11;.v."'r..| "W:
. ._a 9V lod'f - " 'll] m 1:. L 3,,“ "d . W Derf f 0 ‘nu "1“ od, ‘nh't” "In" M] Knot! “'9 hr” 3 = (he \' 'nl'fh. ”“1"“ _ In." ‘ “Ii h", k I," nf
Shéf‘ “Dims. (‘ns I lynx" .'0 re} 1 Cap ho .. em (1 as . can "‘ng ~, '“e , n (00: - 11,0 ~!, n I I.“ “rfn' [mm In.” m 1,3" ‘5 1"“. I“w\. 1 "’17:: [1]."?! “~10! Id hr" ... (”m
m. 'B) um".- ,cfind ~0- 1' sCLI I’ll" ‘5 (‘0 113 1] (Pluto y n Cllnm' "111-h Ssum Pl’ne' ( ".'Jh‘: (‘k \ I‘ve. _hut “nt .. ! ‘.. 411‘," er . ‘.. I h nml‘n‘ Him] "Ile
0“” qn' 1" Me ‘ Joy‘md “1"" ’o" ””1111 Her ”‘1 gr‘od "V n= - ”0r " ”1M 9 d " frn ‘'o be ~'"8 r“M ”"It: "'0" . 'Cnp '—-\t . ole \ - "0..! ’\\.n- Imn-l mu, 'w..
. flndf K. II ~P°ocl3 on)? mgl \‘ ; "-0“ no“ ' But I“; .uumm. >3 mmp or“ “Dog; ; m3”,i . 0.3“” "o'. I lava I'Pv nO. Sec "NM. .._K “n K 11001., "H". "I! "p: “in“, ‘ my... nl.-r 1‘
01pm 01- 'rf “Heck l’s d ”‘in 101 M 1t: we “loge no“, . prov lon-r haw Infino c, Mr PM 3 “me n. -‘ Hm «l-“M 'l‘ I,.er nm__\ ".._,” ‘1 ,__ ".’““ 1- "In M”. u ”I,“ I“
On. m; l, find enou .4 'be find: ‘ 1 511 1311.; tlm “my 1' 19‘ =.for . fair “01 - IA”.- \ {o_ é "(‘un. nun rpm ._‘, Jr: 1..“! . n. to WI n or"). t“ h ":11,
"hp Sch? no to Go "Din “at. “Ppn 931 “u ~e- n, 85 83 “1,3. "Polid “mu" - '"le Jnv \ Ih. All .)L ‘ "l'c-r__ N‘ \\' _ P"! 1. a I 11-" '“tl]‘k ll . 10“!“ 1
1‘ t 1 me- of ,mrry “eral 3‘ g ‘Sfied scdnl 1 Ith} n11v“- ”I“ ~ law 3 be“. . "an “Wei et "3 rowsl L3O“ n”! F '4',"an M" BL], I-r Di. ,3. .‘“" m..,“ ".\..“ ”.1. 7M
We re“ Ie ‘1 11,0 noun Me ~l'o to When fit” by. ”te - on. 1‘“ I". . H e.- n“ d| , a “n 1 l'lm "eny "'nk . ~.__‘ w-Jnn '"i 'h . f‘lu-l .._“r ”"vr . but Mr”!
‘Joic m.- cr abor. hee ‘itMW my 'O3” Plea “"1; "t u, Im. . 3hr. Mr "mm, M . “'l4, "in 411-“ "N "1 n ""“‘ "1" ° "'r'”! " 'o' "'"' ‘ “"151 '
“no“ 11 em“ mp “‘0 ' m)?" we" ’B‘ Wo° 0110‘ M" 'ofnecfl x‘ e f"“ ""‘t' 0 “‘1- ' “h.- 9y "“1 “N. \h. \ ' Jfls '«M' I : "lieu, . "'uu Mn. ‘ \ 1‘:
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der ‘5 can ’(‘re . L}, s_ n no“. In” I) ‘ . I'mK 011 M 30m" "on, liy_ ‘...-. Jinn "oh I (‘o' h- \ ‘ 0. u ‘ “.'”! _ F,“ _I).. ”q ."“'n. ‘ ‘ 1 ”I," ”1:" Nl' h n - .
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mon ‘ Ppao] yCon . nd'“Co xon lon h not be P eto. . 11:1,“ 9m - lon XII.“ . 0(1),; "'4- I[e H '“v__. \Qes n rl, Wu. 3,, 31' n. M I‘- Mn.n ,3 01“.” “'d ll "h-l . . 1‘“ ”a“
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‘ Sch “Dd fi‘lf 1 ha] m .5, (Rm-tr “Don , , teat than ‘1: r. I, ‘Cmm “Owl "‘trn int fl 1 11"“. u",q “.r‘, '4O“ 7(‘ «my u, .\. V I 5“ K ”by.“ -‘l"l'n' ”(‘.” “I .‘“,” \.V “lug“ “bu” .
tho]; “In“ rm; bet on to N - ; bl; oth he; ml 1» 0.9 w 1mm"l .“I du‘V‘l In sum; _.1..,.m. tn,“ u,“ “l {3 'f‘n { “n 1 . “Oci. _ "£9 St 41351 "11-‘3l , He), Hrh“ 1,. “um I".
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Add glLvd ‘Ol 3 gr“ n 1 Ham mmf .z. , n‘—L grfir d H _pm om”, .3, Ch _aL l! . .3. t 1 h“ “’."(r .1] (1:3 , \. .lnn‘ ”I” n] _ w” l ”"I-r ’“m 4‘6“. ‘
n hfmt ’U~V 3:. ~1. {h n t [mh- (I’m 1r ._‘___ an: glflf n'o PM] Dasha 011,” . Wuhg ,T ":21 'le Ila "in, cv. . n,“ q “"1 ‘ ‘ l'“\" ‘o'“ 1:. FW'L} "I'lu . ""‘vl ole
the i “must. 9d, 5! - agitat 6 (lg? “‘9l“ 11-9, m' u‘!.__ m “81,”. 39“ lo E‘ :- 1! t 0 , - far 1’ 1:11 t" ' 1 'lO b_.' “(.an n. 1,: oft A" ’\.|n'[ M "(‘o‘ q . Hugh; ’"2 fl, ”'o' ‘ .._. "- ’.V ”‘0 "Hp F ““1 ."m
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will be Ne are “111 b ' “Uni IbeS to “ 'u‘“ "' "P "r W l‘nnt ‘ wmm 9' li' rem” ”“14 In'"? ”mt ' "no "l“n Dr N- "n.- “v 1: "E”N- 8 ."f H. 1 ""1": 0" tn .mp at.» v 1n... “m“. 1* "II! LV n
n as 0n 1 nm] rmq "lop ' U £l9 11 Wu] Ht :1 e|K 0 am _nw . w} "-nf l>a+ ,_o. In "u‘_ln M "'llk .m" 01” a" rs nm I, n” ..F ‘ u
gu‘l corn 'OW fl ‘3. Th. 1 1'65“) d 1.119 bot " he“ .‘ S.qc'°r Ne 3W“ ,‘nuf n 113" UV] (.0 "MI Pr "“‘t't, '6" u" (n.- >p'l_ no,“ , and I ”1'“ 10“,“ “L. _r u. f}! 31%;: “Int 's}, "1| 1| “Hit...” "‘5l- ._fi 1').
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- . lth g for “I'B to Sp O‘W‘n -l 1,“ } thp V 3:9 of 9. “at 3 nip.“ [33 of ‘3, “'l' l 5110 Into t] _i. "'rot‘ll ”la (1 r)"up ”TN \: ,fln ..1 ha ’mhkrlml" '“Hq ."_'-_ “H. F "WI", ""lu] 'l'lng ' I‘.
3A q- '—— . ° noth'l ' and 1t ed .r'6 n .n'] m c 111] a ‘ firth 3n a Mlle (I. )V' (In, I." {lO regi" .‘”" ‘3O "5. )[r “D—qy ”l (‘1 mllnllr .n "“0 \ 1 14“.“ &9 .XP" hf "3 7 I'M}. .‘4 ‘l'r C”, . rfik. - lg"I!” onlol. “t P 4
Said‘ :{lfln'fi'fg— -_ mg 9]. “my 7, Sam“ he". (‘0 9n a £4l in , "ml [n-.lmo “Film at! “,m voml (1111“,; “In'"llu' . “Mr" 'flsn‘)‘y bf Jn"n 1‘ "Prior“ . “at", .. _; ll“ I,“ M Ell"'.(}fflnlk on!” ““3 L" . “"llic who:
a, - (I! a... “"1“ goal? or) 'umr v left" F; the M (.0 111.1” ‘1“.1- up,” annu Inn . .‘Ph 0 '11:“. u (Jnllr ‘Wln‘ n 1‘: 0 fl ”3"“ mn h. 51 PM "llln "w” '
011, ‘padi "marl - g].- Imq 111-3 no 11 bu u ,Ve h“ limos n 111 d n m-on '"ln 1 “In” le‘ 0,- “111’ “hi“ v r)“ .:.!“ “Ty "10‘s“ v 0.” "I‘d! In.“ ._4 I. "fink ‘ 'ln iv}. ”“01" "iv.
he! any n; h‘ 'nf 15‘ :1" V‘ 30 H tbe‘m tth“ 1‘91? ho "“13“" foo“ 'nH’F mp “'1 ‘9 "(‘t 01.91 lo'fil‘ ””115 "’“fo no"! _" . '3‘". n. "‘34 "‘mnl] 'l' l' ""u ‘l’7- um- Hug , “‘anan ' ”In;
D(I --10 n “00' mid" » ’Ab . ’fi-t'H mu "llst' mes“ R“ Hm". Slut” Inn” , 91L lln tl up“l I'M->9 . 06‘ ~ =""l‘ll'1.z ._ Im‘ ‘l‘mo “’Mh m"n’|' "'.., r,“ “9 “le. W(‘ ‘C
Your‘ to 1 10p {fit of II- 1 0111' mm, 1 Med. "Img Imam n 1“! Inn“l .‘”“N1 ”‘l3“. If lo ‘0 (1,1 "10.1 i 1 .3 '..... of .. ‘2’ "r . 0k“; : w ‘o‘ k 0 .0,“ .
WI fi- T'nce Team 11 “Hm, * lo". 3n“ ‘ In— I"1"1‘th “'1 "he - 'l‘ ‘1 ‘Or I°rW '‘ ha .fllx ~flr £01! {1 My... 100' " p,.° Y‘ll’o‘ “‘. '14,; "r W , 11W, 11mm
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‘thm’e'r‘n "8 dn in PM . ‘lf I}] st, ”1 in mm Lre ”10' 1;. T' "t- “quer tl Hum. v 1.99“ v let it “mil the Pmv“ . " TllO , ulna“? (‘ “'1“, I “M“. v" "r ”‘9l“ ‘wnn‘ln’ ‘.x'“lll ‘hid ml.“ “upon '11“, ‘
"We "norm" “f s un'le‘r‘Ve 05° wl a kp“ "at U Free: ‘m‘fl “'5 OW3 Int nv ord (‘0 ‘0 this I"‘rish 'Otl' m‘mc‘ g'mn ‘"IV \ .3 ' "nugq- "MM! “'l'". 3 "“‘nh 1&5 w “'I :1 '9 (of Moi. 1"“ 2‘) " .
J o v" ‘ fish m M 'lO at." Pout i 10v " eqtl’ T" ~ H "H" ”hm ”‘Vel " ““0 '~ Kov " "‘ll . 'l’Ni ‘n‘fltl "‘ ‘[7.l! 51"»: . “ho ‘" hm (“n "1' ' "mn '0 I" ”In- ,'tv 111,—; ‘
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n..- .y “ You mi“. (ho ‘ h ' "oh"_ Inn“ 319: tnk beans ' : -mm m"? ' m“’e . It] I‘3l] ‘1 "mp 9-119 "‘0 "pfl‘cl. _ ’37 on. 4» r“‘l' "“Ll _t“n.4 11111.: *N- .'."r«. y'ul 1 “X 0! l‘lu-l, l-flu
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"Song .m‘ :Ich wk”, r 11:, m ...,n“ 3 ML; , “‘Sh ry “"15 e:J \ ond. ndi‘wnghe "nny in- .Shn on“ . "I'll (HI-.5 . 'DOn‘x “.4: m... ”mu". ""m I "Hui.”- '1 "Tum "M ' .I” ‘I la
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. 90“ My; d' mar, ¢d mm .ut . "It, .‘mpn um" I: nnto no.l. war «but Him » ervl the 0:11.. . 3 etc. , u..- ‘of . fl Put-k“ , “"lt - .\.I "“v ‘th
tk)" 0" bld rat 3 Puh “he hd tv of __O vre‘ rfr .‘- nf ‘ ‘ had urge St ' Oval my ml" hay ” 1 A 1 . ,k’ In", in.“ o‘l p.“ "I" ~ ”10'
I” ' uti‘ we“ ’ “SS: “ his 9 foli nth wast "hie “t (”min 0’“ 111' ‘L‘rvl mrk 1 “‘9“ 'ma 5"" (fl " n“. "I“ Ofi‘ ’l‘ww .1 11m; -I“"l - 3 "Sir”. ”"r.x "nm' or]
““1" .. Mr ’. w°“' eno“ T" ' 01“ °M“ ‘ hf“lr 0 1)e ‘h ”We! "' x ”We ‘ “"4 ed‘Wo ‘.but ~ “'not *4: "Y lik 1° w ’00:“. "’Ol,. “fine; (rm ’D..m "H... "2 he
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of Ofi‘ '“nd‘ ‘ mln .‘ .0 go can. W' 1,9,. . £4llB V can march. "'h“n u _onu the c. ”itml :91] fl ‘gov‘ ,“lmnd ~ “‘ry y In‘ t“l tr 0.1 ll"m. "i'tnn ""n- p“ ‘ “m, "my”. "5 u: ""‘
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_ , "lube Fore . mlhg f rn‘bol' , “Ex. (1 ‘ ' Phi“ 5 nnv ielecun In“ of! the: ”‘ntq Oralllh 11nd, inn" 110‘" =pf”A ‘ 1““? U ”‘O4 "uh” . ‘.. Mmfif tr; "1, tr: ”‘urpr' ”hosed
«“ 3.5“ lyme' 1 em,a of xttle 03' from! m. 9x" 0"" smut-" Finn“ h' Don "pn‘m ‘ 1‘"? w “’"e‘o "3 0f 1 ”(Re , e Fude '3 him "Wm. "Inn“: 1 m .nc-kn' } “u. l
A“- 'fl ‘mtebgm‘mfli “'6' 1' m" ’Wn’d ‘mW‘r Mir '0" "ndtr‘m‘d l"°°h"°~"“fi|"”°"0e the”. Ir-'r‘n- ‘Prf‘sm "“3 Tr, R"li}.ré"‘*,n ""uu "'lmn “Wl.
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..3 ~ . _.., 1 tho .no row. lon, 1..,- '1» .H, ”.4, 1 Vnr
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1 ”I 1 fro fer-t Wrn “mm 'ndgw not llldn 01]- to H"I . Inn“. 1w .. and 1 r 0?“ . ”)0 7I” ‘3 “no“ _ "NI , "‘3‘.
3.10 m. Gem of 93’ mm m H ore f “urn”, on, llawsny H at“ the J mm" ‘Pnlin pooh“ ; 311,“, ..." “-3 ,k‘k. -n.- .
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cou 91-k' 1, fly nu" gmgsio 'l7 h CWM Ins o‘,“ “.‘v- 19”)“ y_ I - 51. 1m” . “M, n ”In" Pol'tin : Eu] "MIN '. IN “Vol“ 7
let Film” (lo\::Ok ”168111-213, Mr “:11 c'qut‘u. I “flarecdcldsgfl mfi‘r‘e"“ns::”’Btnl 39mg! 33:3 “Tnxy {9113M 30:: ”akinczcfihfi‘lf’n; (X "yin?" ”1:111? ‘ [(‘hllin HER}:- U 991...
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«rnt- 19ers Dov nln go" 41 Pr' '0 p, . In“ 'Wh‘ “re“ yto ““Izi ““90 ,0 ("m .a In we" "a 3 ,
Led - 10 n 0n v‘ 15 16b 3, (‘." Inc (Won 1. B 1011 ”(’n Cm h" H‘ . Jro ”HI _ ”le _to . Vol
30- three e"Lu. 51“"0 “1"“ml -"" 1m ””9 of tsucl "Mr "“5‘ 'Cln.l "5 to "‘8 . T'ka- 3' “has "ms Imm . “'u. '3’
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Putd lon a Wig), :0 u, 0311,63 ““111; {yard . wore ”110' “‘ion 9n o'll "Mi - ‘ llctci the he (,er “cr‘v' I’my'
0w nd v teen , “Hl, Sul- ngm «of 1) com; ”~an Wu»: t «ve fl gymm '.( ‘w V] yw“ K ‘Dri. .“e F .
minio nthpd. _ 1151 r 9 mini cum-3 ”(‘ct f“ thp r 0 elm," ”\lpd Jule“ , base lo 00 ofemi 1/\ emyg I] I": l "fr: , IgSE-q "’l‘
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cow“ 5' he w “(I so mes fro 1” ' Llll fen, lonw _Md U Q 9 mpm sf‘ "m Ch h ":9, ,erom ,_ ‘-
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let: The {fir-n wigs? :lluss;:lt\her, 2:115:33" wagon ‘mtn‘m‘hio ’LbeliMOnanyllOusds M. “mpsh;tfigghprome hogan... Plai’:;"'"s 010,," ”'l‘”, 1
°r‘ " ah' '~' .510 ‘ ”hr' R“L ”>Ol meCI "3‘l; 1 1 J 0“, a} ' ‘“Dr ‘am .' -h-. Inr *ngin. rot
chum Why-h 3 A 1...“ ~___ “01; Ink f A 1:0 utm “Vein . px_ an n. » eme uqlc 3do [rat w"A _
ed 1} x 9" 5‘3- ' “'ro "0m ‘- "em ’3- Fllt ° ”1. - A (1' , :3 u; t; ,“113 x "8 “CL“ - -
33““? “new 2,1, 31133323333333:fwzggflym an: A'' 3% ::°°'nm.‘l3°or {33' to 3;" M???"
nd flun' ‘e to “lin . Neu- ‘, ein we ‘ 10L I} w , “'0 . "._‘ 1:] n 6n- W" .—. ._' ,1 c 1 "WW "1‘ Vela .
_ “'ll- C ”ht tl] - "15! > ‘Pre the 'lf "V 8 “be”; uldl bO.) ( L‘. ’nce; F‘V'li or June In; . onl" P 6 t}
Pn‘nhc 101) d the (‘1: v- 3ha 4‘. not be" fin-k . be, 8r (‘har‘ nof -°nsfl Ins“ "man 1 "'0 '9'. of H “Y..” le
1' - 0““ “ma . “3W5 \‘e‘. ould “1 "or J» h“ do Or 1 dose on - mlq uln- Ft « pull- U 9 ”moi In, ~
‘he \‘ plhunll red u help"! . ' “I“ In‘} ' not} 6 1115;.“ Per” Ch 8d I'l [’l3 b lav“ r' M I"far . 0| II I”. ates—{We do ’10,! l‘ 1 ‘xvsl'r, ‘t'Cxt' Dc.
V t‘A “ . I'B 1' 13f“ ‘ tion a‘rl‘ “In b ”We . . for ' en 0t be yto t hfkse no 111-” g nrys 08‘ 3] . übt . “I“, \esa, . [Mn .
Llli H 33.510! . “1)0 . 18 ad pm- ,}I~ v m In” 1 the Our an he Td 1) om , "(l .‘“.“ K»! "m "0L 1 9L and ”my 11-0"
0" ” ”3&5 f “1"" 'OO. 1°33 3 n _r, 000 -3‘ it “led Open ' Omcin IT] ”n: ”"90 “Lll c ‘mnfl rd‘ ic' h ' 11% t' Win p: Inn“
. ,orH 5, “eff Jtcs he“ ““14: W“ U the r Sm“ 1“"? Iol’] ‘ “fl'a‘ n ll) ‘o'nm Adeln' “ ere] the be ]- “Von“ "06:
A F —., ‘6 digs emu“ Of‘bowe mhuv- deiir Phewo» 9501‘”: H“. ell undmwel Ir, muwh ”“hm' 1.11 In". “H An”, ”mm” gp'nnd
gvm ”Iii"? [é »_—' ..- olufio ‘Ky an A 1"“ to sth lug fire N the “M "use" 01'11nr'30n BNRWYW In - h “are “ms 3. “(tori lfltion y “060 t 1 “bra/c] A
guns? of hu' ("shah “ n 0:111 ‘ S9n tel. fu head [)oth refer? arm‘i '1 up Pu ' that) I" .0 fl'urrr rehce ‘lc The Q . "3 «In to be ' Med '1". I “"l‘l «pa.
"" - A‘____ e "to >”h Lhe] to , “Ce .I“ the, lago 1 In“ _Sg)._ . hm] an . I", for "Or an") 1981, ,
0‘ may 18.95”.“ iln' Ave 1""(1' r 2 Dun?” pro “be,“ Mmh mth‘ ‘ than "“1111 'mh'u‘c ”Mt ' Wh‘ “00k m'm‘t' ‘ med F "'0 "511110 .‘”“. - '
hum°hum ’ dwen- ' One“- r-V we, Pe- rmmb hm ”note scorp .“d(1 ' 31%“ ___-1:1” SWI6) 1"" in .'b is 'o}! Pl-m '“ns - ' 5 mu“ ' 9"” 'l twelv '" R
‘: ' ' ' U ° so] "'1 e, B -’d 6" “5M '9 s 50' “W- e' [W'l “a 'n Were -‘ 61 In ‘44 .co 'J‘S 3 5 In, NH. Ombl'
b‘folmcom hen m” “ 11185 We} "“Dn *fh row- W.t. 1 ”mp ‘or .er "be £111.; “mu 1,, “St. 01 um. ILJ Hg! .10!" m, 3
N' ndfl H, 3 gm" fl ”m 0 91'. In ‘h was 9, V 0( “In-i Anglo ‘sm 'bi ill of 0... 11h F :1" a,- Of term . Week If P _ tl] .\. 1] OI”; ”3 )n 9d 3.“
Mb)" "u “we “it’° 6 ““0 1"”- eH "if? aw” C' Fem "b ~- all 9 ‘ho .“Urx- .7 , ‘nm- eniare vi~ tm rule “hhc Yum; . "is K .from. to .es
‘2 m“ ‘ex 9pm .n ' “(‘9 "use ‘rred—w tak ‘end y‘ln ‘ m"! "‘in: ”they ._‘” ”d a wind .s‘to Edit: 9x9 - "1m Inf! 3h' '14)". 50 Prim
mt ° “M'need-rtked hibit- v‘tvlyouk nlf‘ “e 25 en B on‘ Pred ”V We E" \ 510“: . J5O eh rs. A no“ Palm Put f 0 "('"t' hey-‘ll Coin 7"] .
_x‘wwb’ mm “ x 0", "l“ e‘ °' r' C“ “"1““ “s‘o '3" th an“! “"01: mom ‘ few“ {vie ‘ 'O4; "ml " a "an Hmm ".v vwc- 1' m '0! 0 Mn.
3 H: emho . ‘n' 2th 11] “Way 3110 1; 81(1. [.\R can “In (It ' «nd‘d ‘ofc “-15 ‘on 1‘“ ”Pro . , firs Wu “1111” pan, “'2‘. “out” "It
07:1 'l l 0 "‘ h d 6"” "“I "0" K “3" “n' “5’5 3" K "‘3' M"8 t "39 0 omm .h- , nu. Print eh] . «um 01' “of Hl9 .. 0n
"(‘7‘ bbery ,esto‘g I‘, To} a My Bone Inn 090;] )B‘iand ban" My: '. 955 Be flgo of onsc (1.. C 4y “f OLe “In HIV”). 4,1" ' age ‘ll ,“e I
fury of h' au’hqb Mt) MM” “’0“ ‘Bs'3 rre‘J‘ ' 4 15'9” 9" "mo! ”' '3 mom; 5“ ' 1100 0"“tv . ("hoe 0' t '.“Uniy SIM '- I‘h‘ '“hd “1 000° “
’'l u ’1 grnc 0““ 'e “11 “ck MY) "d ‘I ”We "be “’3 P' '3”: 0°“: mini 7 I', w--5n- n 1 .0 Jo‘ km {‘lth "miS “co _my
a” e“W "(1’ KW“ ‘l9" ‘ “an "“1 5' "'tl'il "“4 A 1’: ‘ Blr ' , ‘uch- P°rrm 'ly m .'" u. 'nlug “In; ‘01).) . “Sui :
‘mfl!’ ‘o' 1': 's'd' wk? and °“"c- ‘1 ’ePnr‘ ”m ‘89:: "‘mli “'3 Jln “In" ende “Id “rel,e Celia ‘el‘ebe “Sch —Ol
“Y. I" n - “3'l! 1) Te .‘sco , “Pu! thn '1 1) "1w ‘mnn, )Gs_ ehl- In, pro]z “nd 1 n g)”, 15‘ “.80
On motilggem‘mgn' one; tzfitga‘tgg £2; (13308118 "13' M a“. ”5:1?“ «EM-“n: eq 3),. “Wham-p Mr- .1011 _ * )Smken ”01-ATS? boomffrm',fl;3'§fflnigger”?
“3 Ir'H i i— I no. _I ' ‘ex VO N 'l‘. 1 CU' )( le - m
“x" ”WWW 1331‘“- 032.2333? 33-5-10, :33 “k“nde‘flmznms offing]? 3°ndavl33°n of G ° w 3" oreizg 1133539433 33.".
‘bill . _ '1- —n' 190'” “rt-l" )epre p 13.3 d, I ’untl 110-1; 5,51“) er, ton hp! ' a Afise le for" 9F“!
( “H l "‘1 °e -y on "139'. '“M o‘l “5 tor "011 x v "Pi 1y Orkm- .B’lte ,t 5 '"eok 051* b ’o‘ Jud "‘ _per.‘
"' ‘3?’?’s‘"3l’:.‘v£2£ umgfilmufif, "MIKE; “-35:11 ° Ho; ‘2 23501313 ""9 m. s“'°e«l ”'inv'Ww'Z—ligefifi‘? arm r 4” “Web.
- mp -m°. nrwanwfi 1w 'ew ’_ 1i“ “3! n; .“cl” R'W‘Sopf re' 3 5
I“ . 89 ‘le' _ 854-. “a“ ‘p] . (4h lure .1000 _ In)‘ Inch .
, l "bud”:e :fetl,odi;: GK, 1.; .L_ a “3 Weigh: c.2'l'4“berinnl"r"or°shefinmnfiraymhm, 4.
:°;fir‘;‘:ding wfburcf' are“, gif- § 3 fiey{;sb‘;¢:trye;f S’l’i'éi‘23"“3l°~“° b 311,;
. t‘ a' ‘ t-‘ n° Hie .0 1m .- In 11.;
"no on Smumxmtolgs “‘O9 Info ”10‘ Enty'sf;cury “Xv-Church 18" “11303:? be
“why 9" "mr ' and (1 000 i°c°nfeiimdir33lm five ‘55
Onih 8118 f 0 ‘Bl 0 the 9""ng were hand ~ ».
Ewe r{b - Fe] II bu Ted 4
Ek_ (:1 3’ .4.?f0 m rm, , “d:
_ ‘ N -~.,‘ the lnéemfi «1
Per ‘ '.»,"-§'er"|;;“___ rm. “dang-’0 .
"' ‘ m ___,_ ‘.l n"
" sin Int 9 1 3
“I wuky “ '
3 3:333-
land if they“: shoul
l it would be void:
”sun to elect med
would wipe the ll
; statute bobk. 'ltl
was done with thl
Y really doing moi
, than the Secmiq
,‘ would direct hill
lone Im'ejoy and 3
“aimed smuin Cc
lor Illrm hugdm
} outside of Cong“
l at Fort Lafayette
the country mo:
: cofii‘plislml h! M
‘ mm. These are
imirunwntnl In I
war. and now {b
their power to pr
horrors. Tlmy d
dip-s or ofi‘worn,
storm of leader:
home, set-k for:
than occupy lllPl
ing sclmmos tlm
fig“ strife mfire s
lllnocl-Lfih‘ty cnu
nn‘ond put I’oth
300“, 01' more 0"]
urt of Inquiry
nvesfigofing the
m in the ergin-
ngn mrrwpon
rk jmu’nnls gives
muting such an
n. Pultersnrf‘on
the Ih-mand for
fe Gem-ml Sch“
Inu- tluu nu nfii
fimust be obtain
-1 ',
.he Presi
mthor be
All them to
Mr mun
)y in the
Huey mean
eir fellow
and mil-
L'bf this
that. just now,
bequeath than: ‘
hey may have 'a
1 credit. nhnll he
-. creating’ft‘fiT
that when this
0 rend-“tion of
-f the _Stutes nn
isti vflmy'm-e the
a] trouhtes will
ept as a. warning
Eml'udge Juuun S. Prim"): has boon
appointed to the hmjomble and lucrative
position of Reporter of the Stiprome Court
of the United States, in place of Gen. Bun
jamin C. Howard, resigned.
E‘Hon. , In. K. M’Lnnuhnm. formiinly
of Chambersburg, died suddenly, nt bina—
‘hlence; in New York city, on Monday last,
mourned by a large nunlberxoffriends and
ne'Wm. H. Johnson. a private in the
Linooin Cavalry, wan shot on the 13th inst.
for the crime of descrtion, it: the prosenbe
of 7000 soldiers. This is the first execution
in the army of the Potdmnc.
38-1110 New Orleans Crescent stntcs
that three eminent divine: of the Metho
dist Church have been commissioned to
raise a mounted regiment of preachers for
the Confederate army.
@The Southern Congress hm pnsmd a.
bill admitting Kentucky into the Southern
Confederacy. Commissioners were appoin
ted at Russellville empowered to act, in be
hzflf of Krntucky. ,
‘Q-N all thi- Cahinet officers, the one
most compiouous in hostility to the eman—
cipation programme, is Secretary Smith.
@Mr. F92ter. the candidate for theUS.
Congress from North Carolina, ha: volunta
rily abandoned his claim. The whore pro
ccgding was. a notoriou: farce. -
WChristmzls—on Wednesday next.—
Ymmgstora, don'hforgct to hung up your
stockings fio—morrow evening. Bxgnten caxi ‘
hzwg up theirs'. too, if they wish. and than $
{aka them down the next. morning.
"fi‘ThQ dekhiu is said (.9 excellent in
{be northern pan of New England. .
ntPon'rANT non on. mum
' ‘aotm. ‘
I ~ A SHARP “counter.
Wmnsmm. l!-«-.,20.—-Thi< mornil
(‘1 n'vlm-k. it pnrliun (if Urn. Mo‘hll'n I
Finn prm-N-dml in ilu;din~-tufin'nf D”
«No on n furngin-J vkw-(litimfnml ah
the purpmw of nmkmg u w-x-ununimm 1- m
that lncadily. Drnilisvilln i“ übuut 'lui-l
may lu-twwn (hn. )IrL‘ull's homlquzirlg-n
Iml Leo-lawn. ,
i “n nrrivng in Jim! vicinity unr llénnpu
mwmmtnrod Hu- v-nomy. wlm lnul lnuHro-gi
,uwuts nl’ infantry—Knuth l'nrnliniuuq .\lu
luuuinns uml Ko-nmt-kium. u-nh’n. Mun-w
01' Fix rim»: of urtilh-Iy and n ragilm'm nt‘
cavalry, under cv'nmmnd of (Sn-n. Sumilrl.
' ’l'lm uniy "mm on our side pngngu-‘vl m
tin- ufliiir m-rclh-n. ”rd" Brigade, ”11- ll’ird
‘Riflm and Huflm' Buttery of four gnvu.
The enemy m-re {-nmplnta-ly muted :nul
flml procivlimn-Iy after a fight of nnllmur
m-«I a half, leaving two cuiwmw nnxl n (iuum
my ol' “mull 1'”le, Mnnkt-h. greatmmw.
etc. More Hum our "001 m would furry
L Altar the enemy hml rr-‘rnnlml. (ion, Mm
Cull non! lwn “film-rs m mum the win-h
killed and \vnunrlml. when it mm awe-timin
ml llmt tlwy luul left on the llclll 57 le'illwl
and ‘22 wnumlvd. Three of tlxe' luuvricliecl
fill "‘in! ramovorl, hulking" their ln‘g'fi'fl
killed and H! woumlml—n :olulol‘ 79 killed
and wuundul. and they no 'ldnuht (‘lll‘l‘lal
nll' mnnv. 'l'lwy uluo left on tlxefield llmny
lmrws vlixalrlell. - =
Our men aLm brought in some pn‘séncrl
bO-li'lhs the wuundml. }
Our low is, 3* ”var all ran b 0 ninerhinml at
11:37:91“. about. ten killed and filteen w'pun
(H. ' t
’l‘ine expmlilion rt-turnmi to their cfnmp
at Langloy'm at 9 o'clock to—night. I
3CO]. Davin had n hri‘k skirmiflh )viih
n rebel farce nmr Milford: in Missouri; hut
weok. whnu the Inner, finding themmlvw
mrmundnd. surromh-rml In tho numhéi' of
1.3 m. giving up Imm stand of arms; '63
wagons. 1000 harms, with baggage mum-n)»
plies. ()ur 1n... m» 2 mum and s woimd
ed. The rebel 1055 is not known. i
n I"
’ n»-
I nun
it ut
,tt ut
l lpf" .
I h-I't
1 no
' m”-
t! z-t
‘) H!-