The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 23, 1861, Image 1

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    , ~, = ‘ ,‘ , ,‘ " > b V : K
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~ ‘* ’ ' , . ~~~ .. - _ »-. , . ' 7 , a. : ‘-; -. V x_,».;._‘LQ...A.~"Lf-.L‘+.:;."lLazid‘ mfiflgii}: WW“ a; ~ ' in. M
5 :xgur, ~ "“g " ,7. "‘ '"" z: Q-‘ ' ' ‘ *z ‘ *‘“’-“* ~' “ - ‘ T'"”“’V 4 ~'~ '- -- ~~.—-;:»v'. “12'"? a: “ .-. a“; ~'» “fr—g , 77""
“ta‘W;_, Li I 13: ’ v.‘ ‘n ’¥{_ ’V‘"! nf; 1 l E - fl ’f ‘ ' ‘ ' ’JI "‘ ' E) 1 'A,‘ E . ‘
"11-‘- '. K ”J ‘ ’ " V y" ; ‘., ‘ ' _ ‘ » , ‘ " ; , 1 x
« ‘. - - z ~ ; ‘ ‘
. ’ ‘ x ’ ‘ ‘ . ‘
”W ~ 3 3 F ‘ W ‘ ' ' - » ‘3' $1
-3 r 1: .~ ‘ I Iz2' . J, fi ‘ 39$ 1. 5 i ,
._ ; . , 1 w - g; x 3 . s; .
I - fie. ,- . " ' q i}. 3‘ ' . ( h
! Q)». 4‘” 33" 11‘ ' I, J)”: . '..: ‘Fh H 12- ‘ “E ‘t; li\» ‘
: ~ & I: - '> ' ua . . - ' ‘
‘v {3% 3 *< thw 1.5.,” ‘
. \ , ‘ ' < -\ I u '1 V ' .. . 1 "I , _ .‘ . _ ,
‘ ~ " "’ ' .\./ ‘ , ,/ ‘ . ‘ ‘
4 . I - . ‘ ‘ { ; ‘ - ‘
V .'Rll‘QGoimn h paniqlu-«l ever Monday
ni’fi'n'lll; b) Ira-inv ." Brunt. at I 75 per
Annual i'f pg.“ strictly xx Anny ~x——s‘.’. 00
pa own: if not paid in mlnhwo. No
cuborflpfion diccuminued. unlefi I 4 tfie
Option of the publiihcr. until all aiming“
tn paid. _ ,
Anna-«nuninwrtednt Hummus! tutu.
Jon l'msrn’u done with "cum”. Ind
“uptick. ' ' . ,
Umcx in South I’mltimnro shoes). directly
Opposing \Vumplem‘ T'muing' Humbl'ushluent
—3"Co‘rn.n Pun-run Umcx" onfjhc '35“-
Adams County
b Incorporated \lnrrh‘lfl, 1551., ‘
Pflli‘Ml—-GQOP2° qupe. :
Vin I‘rnidrnl—H. IL. Russell. 1 ‘
Swru‘rv—D. A. Buohh-r. '
Hanan—David “Tn-wry. g
Katalin Con-fillumuuberl ud‘ur'yly, Juoh
King. Andrew Heinlzelumn. 3
”Mayan—6mm: h‘l’ope. I). A. Harmon}:-
loh King. A. Hoinuvlmnn. R. \l'Cuidy, Thai
1. Ilrlhlll. S. FAhnutm-k. Wm. B. ram-nun
‘-'.l. H. Wil‘xon. “. Eivhtlhorgrr. Ahmrl VJHH
m". Wultur-I, u. A. Pic-Hug. .\lnl‘r. Wright
1“"! Humor. 11. H. VI-(‘rurn S. R. {lulu-11. D
"Crosry, Andrew l'ollty, John Pic in], ”J. R
flush. ;
“‘71:?! (‘ompnnv 1! limited In I“ abom-
It,“ to tho county 00 Adum. it In" ‘99:an
cutout"! openfliun for marc- thn if: ”In,
“6 in the". pnriod hm paid m loud} and u"-
pnluan'tlwul any aummmt, luv‘mgn n a largo
carp-111 capital In the 'l'reMnrv. ‘th Cm
puly _unployl no Arum—«lL I'm-Mon lupin:
do" in tha Multgrn. whu are nnnnfilh elm!-
od bv the Slm‘kholdrn. An'v "Mind delirihg
9. human «an npply lo nm- of In- Show
(nu-pd "Inlzl‘fl (or further inl’nrmnl on.
Q'Tbo Executive Con-mill" 71- 's at the
din of tho l‘nmpnuv on lheJut \\‘pduudu;
l-Inrymonth. M 2. P. M ' ‘
50m. 23. 1858
‘‘‘ » ‘ é
“ The Un‘on.” ‘ ‘ . i
A - I’ll". \DELWH . ”A. ' I
CPTH)’ R, .\'H“'('U\H~ZIL ['unwm run, I,
“. “.Thh Unw‘lrl- rvn‘ml. romp irri! b 7
'l'uungvr ('an m 11l pm“ of the in. In']
.11:ou In nny particular In the co fort and :
I'll“ oflho hush":- p'IMFr. " - '
"firm. ’1‘“) “or My. ‘A ‘ (Therm: only the_ wand u
59191.13, um. I; 1 ! ""‘dv K »
_ .--_L. ~ . . . 1 --. ..rv-_..' , As he (rump- fro "In rol‘
[ A Readv Market. I 'An‘d thinks-f the ‘uva 111
"DO 000 515."??? ‘" “f {”71“ m “-‘ “" '”‘ “‘
. . 0‘ |'\\'P in I. ' ' '
in... In‘-h or-mp‘pd hv Klinrfojlh-r. :tnliing—r ‘nl:.—mu““ h?" “Mk—h"
& 1‘... with u’dvtarmhnlinn 1:: 1”? "If Mghen any" 3"“ c “it“ "um”
...-ht prlrru hr M 1 kind- of (man. 'Ynu will Al [u mutton: pnyr fur l
and u- mx-nli-d gun I'l.\.~§l‘l~:n. u awn at you)“: macrflhvufl
I" Hudl. ("NIIII‘ZIUHR \Vlmlr-nlr m l Ilelnil' '
LUMBER. "Ukl‘mmtl ffl‘f" allwrnrthln ih nnr The moan ll‘l'flll to shine j
ling nf imam-u. mlnl M the lowntnmuihltl mm,"
n 3" fart uh. La“ find Hmmn-nyr orknmt Thu! night. “but the [or
yru-‘u lpfuro pun-Hm"? rlwuhrn. I , .
\ ‘ pump. musxnuuurrkm. , “P"1 "P '° 1'" “Pb—fl
Avril 2L Issul. t.’ i , w“-
' The Great Discove
'3 Till-I :\'3_H.—lull.lmm-Hnrr and
n llllulmulnm r-n luhrnrnl hy uni
“ILLI'ZIK'N‘ (l+ll.|".lHi.\Tl-Zl) llllHl'HAT
TUM‘Z. Inn; prnminrul citizen: M“
“a. Idioiping co"nlifl.‘lln\o "HIM-q
gran Illiifiy. ‘hl nun-cc“ “I "Imam!
1:9". bl! hron hHhPrm nllpvlfin'le
pfinr'rfir. 'ln‘rroduwd tn the puhflr.
0030' you-him". Fur-1k llv nll drug
qurolnpvn. [fr-{urn} unlv by I}. L.
Wish-ml. yiiflrhil Drug-:ifif. Haul
54".; round}. “M. Anan hrpgn. i‘h
Nil-.‘Wunhh. ."piri'u. i'iinh. hyfi-slu
uu Oily. Hut-non um! Tim-NIH".
Chu Perfum-rv. I'm-n: Vodwinu.&l
, ”A. u. [mm-r it tho .\g‘eutinl
hr, lor .. u. L. Sliller'p'l'alr-hrnhd m,
Min-no." / ' [Jung :1. [3 i
a ‘ New N'mo'nl Lo'm
.8 Tumsmv .\‘uTHs. w, mar ‘
.ry u m. “mu of J \v vunxr. .\- (‘Ol
m. No. w. \'owlla I‘}. n] Hm», I'“an
PM” u Spawn-vina- tum the s‘" n
m Tron-wry. flu Static-rink" Honk
hurhg “thy" M ”In ratr nf-rv-n an
,louh- por «(a-('. pq rnnnm. will rvm.‘
umv «Mn, ‘.S'o. H 4 5‘ 'l‘llllili S'I'IH'II-
Torch" nun". l‘yum I A. \l. till g, l'. M.
loadnvd lill‘o I". )l.
T‘ In non-u will he! nf Iho dun-min
FIFTY PULL} '3“ «WE lll'Vithhn
.IJ an m :hutL "Ith n{.\llgu<l_ HEM.
_II (NH. in thr-m yes". or roux-«flit!
haul-I ynn' nix ywr ornLhul. n! ”I
ol‘ho hold". l-lu-h Treaum .\"nlp h.
OH cannon- I“ 'l‘hn‘. with}: can ht- vn
cullu‘hl in cu” a! flu \HM vn-n' Ilr
find It tho rate "font cent per mg nn
[v dnlhfl. .
' Paymen" of luluvr'mfil’nrp mm- lm‘
“AM or (‘hvrkt or Not“ ofnny 0f Ih
““0"“le fiuvlkn. l; _
rrm‘nn rr A tun-nu rm remit
fflbn'dnylhrough l‘m mail, or In- :1;
‘lbhngh Funk}. and "I. Tlffnlu‘rv Ngu- E
Innodiufilx d‘hvgru‘l. on “-.n! m as
«fiber up they mnv never-ll] direct. i
l_‘ut'loi nnitfinfi mm" Add the influ
l’th of»Al'ul'. flu date of tall thr 1
(I- dun)» “mm-ave gnu-hen l'hilnde
(in rm at on run on thy on much 1
. lln. Anply (a or n-lulreu . i
‘ “Y (‘UUKI-I. SnMI-riminn Ag
(‘nn anu‘l‘nnxl .\‘l‘o.. Bf
. So I” South ‘TTxir-I Strut. I 5
. n¢¢.l¢.|a~s|. ;
‘ ‘ Tnilormg. - ' j
(“19 KUM‘U‘ZNAVT fi~<pertflfllv
J bin friend! and UV public. HI: ;
tn-nrnced (he TAILOIHW; I'm-ines
"l%“. "not, Goth-burr, M the 0M 5 j
oiiingor, when he \mpel m receive J
.‘r‘" at encounsqment. He wnrnm
work to 6!. Ind the making tn he luh
1k in reguhrly in term»! of the. mel
fly“ in will be lble to please “I tune
him ruin“. ' - i
”hank Kummernnt nlm f-emm’e‘
spc" Ind Ruin. from Clothing. inf
(ime. Ind 1: moderate charges Sat]
‘lnrsutiod‘ A L‘ ‘
Townsley Ahead.
THE n-ulonigno'd respectfully infl
pnhlic mm In rontinnel the (‘.“
Aiflcren! In‘-nu, chuprr nun my flu
.rmmly. All workwnrranxed to giro
gin to rultonL-n. Country produce‘
auhngo for work :1 market prim.
A-. \l. TOWN;
'. June 24. IML
\ John W. Txpton, i
gen-sonar: BARBER. Mum“: cor-
F net of tho‘lfiamond, (nun duo? to Mr-
Cldla's flmel.) Getty-burg" Pm. fiber. be
In It an.” be fouug readv to “Lind m 3“
bathe» in his line. Be hu also excpllent u
liflhnfl ‘And will «mute satiufncti . Gin
ii. tall. (Dee. 1860.
Ray Rake.
mums a; lit-mum Im. on him] two
Syn—raft HAY Ind GRAIN RAKES. which
WI“ b 0 NM It by rum. this in .3 fine up ‘
pdflunity for Farm" to secure a vnlnn'blel-hor
..d dun urinz iwplamom. (ml! and lm‘k at.
a... [May 27, 1361. cf
VSON‘S‘ my cent pmum Anilecuraly
T gulcd. I
1.1““. sn, gent picture! In wator proof. ‘
Tyne-(In, cent piclunl are emirely dumb! ‘
Tyuu’ [fly “at FEW?" are unmrpused. ‘
Typou' (fl! cent picture: no warranted. .
'lylou' In; c'ent pictures are put up in l”
or mall cnu. [”fl- 1"; 13H.
{3OX BROTHERS have the agency for
0. 3‘3. These hiazmmcntn are unfnrpmssud
f 0? 50"le tad nuétuus 0| tone. Alspecjmen
mm uu And lasted by mung at finch GM
hry. Turk urea, opposju the Buni.Genys
-1:0,, Ps- fim. n.
Ayer's Cathartic ItWs.
1:: n. J. smuui
+mn Year. '
uAll quiet along the Pmog
"Except now ngd then I;
Shot :1 ble wulh on 1m be
By I rifle-nu in the thic
'Tie nothing—A priuuo or
Will not count in the u
.\‘o! In ofllrer lon-«only on »
flowing out, all alone,
All quit! along flu Pokmn
Whrrc the winners He pe
Their km: in the up of
0r xhe light of die w’nrfl
J. «Nmulong nigh, "the 3:.
Through tht forest have
While slurs up lbaH', w
' ‘ ”es,
Kn]- gnud for the uni;
' ‘ ' \Vc-rc plmged to _he our
' _ .‘ Thcn'drnwing Mn (Inn- ro
1'3"?“ 'lle dn-hep'nfl' mm Ihnl I
(X “XX: .\nd gather! hi: gnnflour
flu. and As if to krep down the In
to 'u . _
~ “ch- .Ho pnsnu \he fuunlLlH. the
57 any The fool-Np in lugging an
"'1 5" Y t mu 0 r a
Mum! o o . urd b gm: II: on;
ILLHR. I "'~'"~
"nu... , Tnlnrd Ibo lhnde of mu
ul'!"'\‘l. Ila-X! was it the night-wil
f' "o" I 'lmru?
\iudnw : . . , ‘.
n to. g \\ n.- lithe moonlight no In
Geuys- H Int-Red [We a rifle—“HAL
uni-{'3o . And the “Rum-minis (My?
. l ‘
- {.\.} lllli'l‘l aglnn; the I‘oumm
l‘ ‘\_ ; Nu Hfuml mu [lu- rush 01
E .T’, \\ hih- so" I: “I llu- due on 1
r drhv- I . _
. “am“ ~ —-.TI-Il‘ plrkcl 1 nlf din} in
tn the
am” a The Power .0!
and on , .
A good \\nmnn It) Jo
inn ur lmywl by a tvrnmmr'u, no
31-.“5- Erisitml and pruvokml :I fill
{:B3 ".111:an the I‘?“an of hot
.‘”“, «mm mmmnn mum: to hi
in") I ilin. ‘ Haring hear-l t
T 32: “Tan-Ir". he adi'in-d her t
“mum otly in Ih\- (jlnimne-y cum
. “ml". (HI. take Hu- (plus in her ‘
“hf"- orer gt luml 'wnrd (:3an fr!
"In in Pips. jga-mly Innp the to l
l'hila- In; 1| mm]. A day nr Q 1
' wnm+n came nguin toll-*r l'
‘- ,”"" :lncl laughing £lOO, to coi
“H. or , .
will he I'm-(lit Hm new nnhdnto
~h iuh- trmwlm had fished 11".:
‘ meufod her tifiulo. Sun}
I' frnm , , '
tin. ‘O‘Annfihfr volley. Snap;
duh - Snafi‘. “Why don't ynu‘
1! d 0! |tern «gaunt. ‘ more ‘m’rag
m'k-a : I shill die if _vnu (
alwa. she want, Hui-«l of
vof lilem-r. II is
fulfil}? it is pmfille
lidnl mntrovenit‘s
renemfly‘cud in via
.r‘. ‘
illd i fungi
,_,.__ 3 n alt-1
informs 1
he in“
in ('nr
d of J.
out. up
. Gin
. A {western cattle (in! r. who fireiy hind
‘ihé uriyiioge of sitting own wllinént with
‘1 in fly. and who had n' or beoli in smin~
‘isto a house in his life. It not iopg angelic~
; nigl ted and lost in his a hertiss the prai~
rim. and comm-Hui to k for lodging in
“my ‘mum he'could find. Happily for him.
lit mu the house of a man; s pnrson.
whb gave him a hearty Iconic. ind. what
‘wu cspociaiiy Igneable told him supp"
: would soon be roady. h. invrller‘s np~
{petite wns “venom. tn the mnmentrho
E was naked lo sit by, he mpiied. nnd with
oui waiting for I mud nviuition, ha. hid
hold of wind. 1121*“ mph.
"Stqp, stop!” uid thq good man of the
house: "we “a in the in Mint flying unmo
‘thing hen before we ea " 4,
. 'lzhil hing m vfmit ml; the Manning- was
ukuftho rkiugi unto: did not under
stand: but, with his Ch fill; he nub.
tel-ed; 1“" ’l, _ ‘
I "Go ahead'! nny whatgou likafyou can"
i turn my stomach now {"1
a short
[Oct. 4
mu me
u all it:
p in lhe
nken in
Au Englilk Subjld in [Fort me.-Tli¢*
Toronto Lender jublishafu a letter written!
by Mr. J. I. Shlfilfl', now{ I prisoner in Fort’
Warren. He styleshinfidf “s loyal sub'
ject of her Majesty." 58*! (but he in “my"
of no ofl‘pnce agnimt the United Slated?
govprnment. and wa‘nta}his frientlu to dew
mnud his release. - ‘ ‘
Cannon at (him—lt in Ttnted there are nl
ready' one band rod and {nny-four pieces of
cannon at Cairo, none :of which are less
than 32 poundors, Ami 'nver one hundred
tons of ammunition ham arrived.
WA (elegmm mfioupcea that Mr. Love
joy has reported to the Home a homestead
bill. If Mr. Lovejoywn Id confine himself
within his own homeste ‘ yhe Providence
calm t ry.
‘ .le“ ‘ 1"
(5112 @115;
c,” they fly,
trly pickrt
{to and rm,
"'0 now Illd Hun,
l. of tin-puma,
, of the pica; ‘
In dull: mule."
efully dreaming,
he dent nnlumu
fires, gli-umiug.
1k nigh: wind
‘lomy ii era-ping,
.h the“: glhnring
the lqlo untry'l
\ A
k to flag founl-in
low tnjl‘mlle-bcd,
- so dark and Rim,
u tender,
e childrofi asleep.
en dcf‘rnd her!
us! In ‘Mighlly as
en 'luw; murmured
vhly orky [fig 9!",
'p I! il‘hmlue,
hum! pine are. m.
«vary: '“
flu.- broad hum! 3'"
rest to irony. f“!
d gin-u runled the : ,
ndmmlj fix ailing?
.\ry. good-h} u I"
,5 and phuluui.
1' fun- uflhe dud,
, cums.
lenoe. a
: y mu tndlv an-
1 Hum who pftnn
Prvl. She at Imt
ruslm‘. who added
utlu-r gnod qual
o ntmy uf her
smut “FEW“- qlfi—
' \rlwn next via?-
mmls, and when
vm Int-r neighlmr'l
unwillnnfit ufll‘r
o nflertnrtk the
I der,“ ill: a M ight
' mumimte (layof
ur scolding. Her“
ind. as ugunl. com
.' I went llwtongs.
Annflnlr “ilk—.-
:penk ?" said. dw
-- . Ship 3 ‘- DJ:
nn't apmbi 2" and
let malady by the
| ol' “MK“ scolding
I beating the air.
'do not In‘! long.
cry for; the Eden:
A Strong 8
A @Emmmflg AAA EAWW J©URWAL ‘~
A Good Story
: Ralf-m 1 fight, and ninety yeuy ago! Mr. Chase, the Septmy of the 'l‘rexuury,
‘3:er lived tin ionnecticut vfley two far-g submitted hinnqnual-ppolt tnCmIgX'CS-‘H 0“
i n. onen Wcm mm mm: Hunt and Monday week. 'i‘iiwepurt in Very lengthy
3:11:31" (ilark. The foriiier in early lift"; and one of grt-ut llpurlunre, nil in it we
n n ninp of strong mll and somewhat; have the expense» of 3:0 gown) ment placed
hfl-‘W‘ and “010 M tcjmpei'. Sometimes lie \ bet'uro in and the all‘vitlons or the Secro
~lwl men seen beating ins oxen owr their! turf in to how the nun-y is to be fulfill ‘4O
lit-nih with the handle of his whip, in n way V meet. the ilidebtcuiubs. lie my: the ex
:3 oquo (in: figdof ‘11: Lyme", and; pcnsesjor the governpvnt. on the P 239“
lon expat u a mo. exc himself umy mud navy i'outim for the year 0 ing
:2;Isn);iu1: that {l;}lmdsii; ni-)stn;‘l-act‘inm J Jum- 30. 1961’. Will ll 3543.405743)‘ Th“
n in own. y‘ In y; un wrution amount he thinks lillbo rained.“ follow,
took place in the temper ol'gfumer Hunt... viz: ' , 1
He Marif‘miiflifaud forbeiring. at equal from Page?!» lllifiéy’l‘u $
.’“, wit I, m _ ‘. 1 41mm all-oat _v renii 19 .L in)
In tlw vein-90 of (few yen‘s the twn far-1 Lnansmntimrizod. ' 75,449.“?5
; mers wort cimn deflom of tjlio church and . Proceeds of tin-cc! “11 ‘ M
i tin-y hath mini-nod their proféssion. About Total. . ‘, $329.501994
‘ UlO time of tlwir election. ugi‘ievonu famine '- 'rhi‘ leai'm . deficit 8213,£NM.428. in be
_premilul iii “:9 valley. npil the fumers‘ provided hr. This :Ith he proposes to
generally «#0 enipiiiycd in lining up tlmir misc in three wan. Tb direct taxes of the
corn ["0 pun?! the mining seTson. 7’ A poor ' loyal Statute ftirniuh bl't-ntv millinnu; llu
man wing inJown. :Went tn‘Dcacun Hum ~' ' ~ We . , - ‘
nucl said: “‘I have chino to ‘v a bushel of turn on llq‘f'l'fh ’0 qmd Othe'l“‘""f"
corn "er i< the hon" Lilli: all i v twenty lml "Wl‘ moffiirhddl‘h“ ‘fl‘ :nlul.
- . : In .. 1 ‘ ‘ .. t . -
gather." ’i‘ :5 domain told iim in) could rum"! "I m” mm ‘ '3 “I? chm“:
t . rm- nlmsli l {tit-l ' l «nee in ptopoul tint thwommgtu a
"‘0 Ll . , l 0 . 0W 0 lmmn‘Y- lc ium- sl.‘m_mv,o(ni in fodfll paper currem‘y
mu coping I. cubic gum uauzilynanmy far to take the pint? of mnunt‘baiik not“.
mm! mm tiw nut M. an had *0 ”m“ In order to ruin rcvmué in. recdnnm-udl
hiB; mm ium‘fily. {Th-final! ur ml iii-l mil in the tuning ol' tulmcco. lnnk' notes. atrium-I.
vmn'. At lukt lm salt], “ D:- ,on. if you do lqgnci'fl' “in; and «liutllg’tl liqumt‘u and a
not et un- “it“ ”Io.mfn, lah lvtirse )‘9‘l. ' furthet iucmw of qutiqénsugari, mind
“4 urse me. ’ rophtid tho drum“. “how 003'“ . " .\1 i A ‘
'lnrev i so?” “- . ‘ ‘' ' . ' ' h 3 ‘
“me-1‘s“: u 804” #23:“? I ram-inf“; He thinks the war will» o|."qu by tlio
ml the I t. . “.thl ‘. 9P v "x: 'f“_'"_ middle uf next summit-midi! Itill he mskel
lib. B‘l ; 0:1 2." fire II lim'Puch thing 1“ Mtimalu for another _u-lr‘of “alga-flew
i .:,, .21.: i..w°.-'.'.r*:.'; w lemma a»
in" “a 1531] eI; ‘1‘”? It aim-on. If :unnunt nf tlia national ’lrlvt on tho ht of
, u we - , giro you a
ilvuaihel of coirn." i i
‘ _'_i‘iwy wont tojho wage. w
u want tin ill—e ol .flmily
l‘mn-rl-u 31:26. an rend. ‘
‘Alelli the? cornfi I 0 poop
n: Yut biasing: n‘ ‘nll Bo l
.1.... ”my _ i
The down'wu fairly cal
ug. ml I Will luii'u‘good
«- tank him to the‘worn hm
; .rnt a hualwl of mm énd help
{amt it on M: shcmlclp'r. and
'dc-pnrture, being Mmewhnt
Ilaiil with a (Winkle uf‘tlm ow
Lur. ufh‘r ,mu have ofirrihd (h
go in lk-‘ncnh Clark
I iti,rwt
fvw _w-nrl
hand in
Mum. amfio U. a. n
to the uninh, on thlej sole gt
muld nnt so!“un H'tlm m
daughter tq'anygenjlbman be
army, M! k-lhu ’t once
mmmiuiorf and “Triad flu
‘ineer u - ‘ “in"
“V . 1
Engineer "ton the Illinois Cinral Khilrmd
at n salary . [58.00011 year, A d “ero years
<ince be my marriéd to 313:3 Man-y. and
now. havi‘nF re~enmlrbd the nny, in Gene
ml Cmumn‘nding-inwmef. ?
f ne-A ‘Cmoe‘ic mum,
:of bur cxéhnngee, ii; Let diesire i 0 emu
’ I:ch Hu- get'wmsity ificiiy gn+ommentu and
inuwr eorpérntions. in contim‘iiué the wage
‘ of absent kiddie", list given noiico fluid if
“my of her boardcni will ”11+, {line will al
: 1011 their b‘pml to rm: right 0 , an ,flm timo.
‘ Cull) the Ifiirit of généroul ,3flotion \d the
:inimstl of, thecounu-y go a y further than
jurist _ia £1 _ -
Pygmy» 32m Qua—A 01¢ ("an manned.
,wmv. Geio. Gun-«xi, 'pmisen‘t of} Iberia
(College. Ohio. In. _bocn oonyictged of mint
!ing tU. B‘} Masha} in In Imam» in up
mm a fugikive sing, and “flanged 10 im
{primnmenjt for sii month and paymfint
,of 9 fine Land the golf! :3 prooecugjon.
ismounting to fifteen hundrqd dollar...
A—c—n—W _..“
I ”Chu-In Sumner. U. S: Sumner Mm
iMuuachusbtu, wn invited to deliver u:
: address before the‘ Soldien'} Rem-d] Society
’; of Hun-hill, Mun; I Ihort sime uii‘mo. and
l(fid lb. Anti he charged and "air!!! ‘25
{for Lil «mice: 1' [Any mnfi‘ in thin coun
~ try hll done I mother thing'lcomidering all
f the‘cimumntanceg‘m lute hilt-d to notice
. it.
1 fi'ln his hat mange 63'. Letchor say].
3 that Virginia lnu now in on field 70.000 ro
belu, and thut the Oxpeuditdrcl of the State
sinéo April last have beenf'nix millions of
dollin. He dbplores the defection of
“Fe-tom V'irg'm'm and the hniuppy condi
tion of Mnryhnd, but declares that there
‘ can be no compromise with the “Lincoln
‘ Gnvommem.” The war in to be Mr M) the
A New CoumdaZ—Tho bogus bill is out of
the dqminntion of $2. and purports tn he
thé isms of the firmen’ Bank of Schuyl
kill County. On the lower right corner is
A medxllion of Wuhingmn, and on the
right end a female figure in a landing po
litian. “ Let our merchants md citizen:
generally keep: look out for the new de
ception: it is reported to be well uncu
.4 Good Suggrm’on.~—“'e endorse the sug
gestion. of a. cMemponry tint ozch subscri
bu' to I good new-piper, :fter the {Amily
hue rend it, should put it up sad and it
with none cent stamp (a same friend in the
army. Nothing in more welcome to the
soldier than a home newserr which gives
all the load news, doughn, man-ring", «it.
fihncy rum most fuxioqnly when a
guilty comcienoe drives it. '
—-— ~v~ '«colb —~—-
”The venomof nautical: topple
ult'muteiy poisgns its own posses-or,
} Report 0! the Be
J uly. 11863, at nine [mm/"l willie/u Qf dollara.’
__..___., ...“ 'l‘, ,_
Northern 'Diuéoniam '
t-n the 3mm
Bible, [“le
He that with
‘shall guru
nun the head
11mm: nrv 1 great lump dilunlhnipn in
Ile “mun-m Harlow—mg fmr ‘hé're no a
grontor numlfivr {lnn um“ good pmpl‘u are
am to inn-glue. ’l‘hué mimics ol' (if! U
nion nr‘é mnlinu‘nlly prlt'ng nboutfi‘nlaw-ry
being the mum of tln wnr"——-“~llnvrry
nmst lu‘a‘lmli-lml below the war (Inn “up.”
etc. .\[vnn who hulk thimway hare no I‘.-
nzml fur the (‘unsi‘uufiom and :Il'l' as bad as
arm-«l mom-inning The (idrorngnenl has
‘no :mllmriry Io nlmlbh negro slavcyy in any
State. and were it to do wit wniyrld be.“
Act of usurpation. nlika dolllofic in charac
u-r null ru'll- u. in in rqmeqnprrcel. ft
wmdd dAd-M‘JLA—l'ub*"" ”‘" "7:” ”.'“”
Nut :1' Stu!» would I»- hound In' that instru
mvnnl, M-cnum ill torms of union Haul“ be
nbrognlml. The (‘umlilution H" l-jnlliug
upon all‘ in all its smm) 0} i: is‘gfllfimling
upnn rmur. To urge the abolitih'n‘ of sla
wry lay tlw g-wornmpnt. ‘tlwrol’fie, is to
urca- ulinmion, tunduwalo serenity). tn d¢.
mzuul a pormunr-nt "par-tion ol' {Ho Sm".
Men who urge this laicldal [uflicyluporl the
«:m-ermnont. or (la-fand‘it hctl'uruslu’n mph.
would be. mnrktjtl .'” (lixuniq‘n'maL—ni aid
ing and comforting {he relmllir-n-glm look
ing to involve the country in common an-l
an-hy (ind min. T hey are rem-«n! to every
priur'iple of comtitutinml, liberly. Had
_ l more not hers übnliliuuisls in the North.
an“ I“, one there would have been no ucesfijoniaty in
- - ‘ the Soulh. It is only the terror [oflnorth
ern nbolitioninm that-rushes the: rebellion
the mm column am it ium-Gumburly
Democrat . ‘ . a
'gh'f. "(‘o'me
8 ll]! Wutd."
"-.‘ manure-l
d‘flw mm to
T a wag” hi
'I ‘nyunoigh-
s en ' 1 n borne,
lim out of a
3' n-l'd'. ’.dxr.‘-—.\
an‘ofl'n-rfd his
h-n Marcy. a
{uglm-r nl'Cnl.
hr «1 .
in H
ml cl
I gnrfiv Olgprh‘d
louhd that he
’nrriago ofhis
Ilongimg In the
rNimwd his
pliu-e 91' Chit-f
Age: of tho'Btltél. ‘ x .
The following chronological tsfil‘o came!
an tn command Attention at 1M? rpoculilr
period: .
1597. \v'itginia. by tho; Englinblf A f
1613. New the Dutch. '
i 620. Nunebnpnl. by that Puri till.
1624. New Jemy.’ by thd Dutch.
1628. Delunm. by Swede: nnd‘Fim. A
1635; Maryland, by mm Cathdlico. ,
1636; Rhoda Island. by Boga: Wilfium.
“339. North Carolin. bythg‘ English.
1670‘. Sough Cuolilu, by m‘. En’gl'uh,
1682. Penmylnnis, by Wm. I’enh.
1732. Georgia. by Ogluthorpo. ‘
ADIITTID 1510 I'll! 35103.
1792. Vermont. 1818. Illinois.E
1792. Kentucky. ' 1819. Ah‘umis.
1796. Tonnenee. 132 m. “at:
1802. Ohio. 1332. u' ' vi.
1211. Louis'unn. 1336: _Ltic‘hi'gin.
1816. main... 1839. m..";
1810:» )(iuiuippi. 1845. Milk.
1845. Texan. 1346. [on
1848. Wiscomi‘n. 1350; Cflifom'n. ‘-
1858. Minnespta. 1858. Oregon. ‘
1861. Km...) \ I
11m (My do ig—A letter writer {ml
Washington. in alluding to die nfious
methods practiced for the purpose of deblm
ting the Fedenl treasury, says thnt the
beef cuntmturs are in the habit‘of feeding
their cattle. a few days before they no in-
Ipeeted. with as much lay as they can pou
oibly eat—they next furnish them with A:
much alt us they will eat. And then give
them I: much water at they can pouibly
drink. Cattle that treated will Henge
About two hundred pounds mote than their
legal weight.
Attention, Put ‘Vaa(ers.—Som9 Pout Mute»
are in the hnbit of returning newgpopcn to
the publishen, lining "refused” or "not
called for ” written on the margin, without
giving anything to indies“ from wint offi
flee the paper is returned. All web ofiioigl
are hereby informed‘thnt it is their dutv,
when 3 paper is not lifted, to inform the
publisher by letter, giving the reason, if
known to thc can".
“Thu. m I pattiot wife of u Mina
volunteer. who begged of he: hushsnd to
keep out of 5 habit!» amid. Probably
his more: not lnm‘ed.——Bam mm.
“TRUTH 15 war!
~ MONDAY, DEC. 23, 1861.
or the Treaml 'n
171.1 YINTA.
menu momma mm new:
A Quun’s .'{rsrngn- Snot rilh DaydtrLu 1b
10rd Lynn: to Ikmand the Rb
alvm'v‘on 9" (la: P 211111” 14/
(la Sodium Liwoyc. -
__ i
num- ov in nuns. "cnu. I
lhunx. Dole. 15,—Tho Europaitnvnd‘
here to-dny from Liverpool. on th'g 30th?
ML, and Quoanntown on the 2d inst. !
where‘she win detained until Monday, by
order of the British government. she has!
elm Qunn's messenger on board, with‘'
dilpctchco for Lord Lyom. , , I}
Lonnox, Doc. Inn—Tho Oboe-nerds!”
flat the government, will deman‘ from
Pmidenfi Lincoln and his cabinet. re-f
nmntidn'br tho per-om of the .329":
envoys to the British gnvnmment. -
\'eltenlay dtbmoon afur fivo do! «I: hor‘
Mnimty held 5 Privy Council it \findmri
Caflih‘. Thrue of her ‘ ”gaff: mifiqten. ,'
inrluding the First Dir] of Admiralty and ‘
s‘o +Mlri¢¢ of State Ind “'xr. hauled Tram ‘
London to Wifidxor by npaoigl "“3” be:
present. Prerinul to leaving tow‘ who:
threé ministers had attended I ‘binetf
cnunci‘l a Lord Paquerstbn': ofiicin‘g resi-'
deuce." ‘ ‘ ~ 1
The Obwrnr an a special menbll‘gol" of '
foreign affair: bu how-u ordered to y our
domnnrls to Lord Lynnl. And will It ml
by parks-t from Qiinmtown today ‘ Tho
public-will be ratified tn know thn . the-6’,
dnm‘xmdl are far at Ipoloxy. Ind t " inni-t‘
on a testitntion to the pmtootionjot‘ the:
Ilritinh fly; of thme who were viale ‘ly and ‘
illegally‘torn from tint. sari-ed uyhi . l
Tlmflluerver mlds; “There in n mmn '
why tin-y should nut, be rent-Ind o the Y
quarter-docket ; Britinh Admiral . New .
km, or Wa-hlnzwn lug". in the Jim of:
ten or tire!" men of infirm». pi: some. '
in the Pntomu: ivouid finder tho aster-l
in; (‘nh'inat At Wuhiagton u hol cu u‘;
the Train was Mon the gum and r hum Z
of tho- San .larinto. It in no fault. (mm
if it slmuld came even to thin” 1;
ulrrnngnnontu I'mi incrnling the :3ch in ‘
Canada Are not. yet. complete, but inga'vory
few hours everything will ho uttlafid. In
ilm manntimo n In” llllp. the Magnum. ;
has been taken up find in now beivi mulN}
“mt “mum" mum mm. clpiry‘mous-j
gland Enfiohl rifle; ammunition anti other
«ore. nt Wonlnzivh. it in Nut im’ lihlo
that this fennel will be escorted by no 0r ’
two «hips of Int. The: rifles III"! it pulled
{gr th» Canadian military. And atro g nit»:
fnrvonwuts ol' fiold artillery n’ill be. dépltchfl
Ml forthwith. ‘
Lard Lyonl' in-t‘motinnl. in \'vh oh the,
Cabinet an aid to be unanimous. re 91-;
plirjund determined. . gI, I
\ T 1!» Post an In Mknnwlodgmenlg of the
error and n" mrnmlei; of lhé priming:- will
be "_0:-ind with grout joy. but if dl‘ Fed»
ml government fails lo do‘m. no ,mm in
England will blind hiq’ eym‘to 11mg [tenu
tive thht l-luglnnd mug“ do be} duly: '
The Timon mntinnvls lo marl; lhht‘jt lug
been Mr. Sominl'c policy to force mfiiurrol
will) Englnnd. indullu for «mu-gage mili
tary prepamlionl in Qnmda. it ¢
Thu-e has been . ‘ruvrioiu dorlitu daily
taking plsce in'Cnnldiin local-Ellen, Foul»
in; lo )2 perm-M. a'
The Tirine‘ mdivcuhm thingfl mim
medialely follow the outbreak—lls'gmely :
the destruction of the Southern bl: lueluule;
the ample» blocksdo ol' the . rthorn
party-ml (ho i-ocognition of filth thgrn
Confedrfu‘y by France and Engln . '
The Pam-lo "gun [truly clea y Hut
FranceA will x-ida with England Ind ripening
lho Southern ‘Confederm-y. 3nd h: e u fle
cidod unitud‘e in the international Elation.
'y The Liverpool Poul. given A m I that
Napolqon bu Boon proposed as Li‘bitruor
of (by question between Enghnai‘md lhe
United Staten.
The Ar
"Pb; ‘merigam in Pub pu _. \pli
'mentuy visit to Gen. Scott-ng'baytqn
nctiag a chairmnn. ‘
. .... 9‘
ms: nus um nor may:
Arrival 'qf' (A: Sumner {Hz-hing!“ if Cape
Ron. 2. _
Staple-m. N. F.. Dec. 15.—-tha newabont
of tho unedited pm- bu arrived from
Cape Race with the advice: of. the Reamer
City 0! Washington. from Liverpool via
Quecmkown on the sth. intercepwd ofl' tbsc
point. . "
' Quecndnwn, December 5.-—-Thr chiteml-nt
in nfarenco to the Slide]! Ind linen nfi‘nir
continues unsbated.
The Parii Tpmpn reput- the Itatemont
that .\‘npdoon bu tendered MI lenim u
a mediator.
A loner from Gen. Scott in {nor bf mnin
mining friendly relation: between England
And America nttmu much attention.
The oxportstkm chum, nmmunition Ind
lead at. prohibitrd. f
Thu Paris Patric bu In editorial forn
slmdnwing the disposifion of France to rec
ogr'aiu the Southern Confedeney if Enghnd
nets the oxnmpio. -
The Daily News rejoice: that Congres
meet: before tho Englixh demands can g“
out to America. sud hopes that 6):? golden
opportunity will not be lost, , ;.
A large number of naval vess‘els‘bnn
been ordered to beresdy for imimediate
commit-tion. V g ‘
crimes: or tn nus—qua fir mt
Tbo London Tina up the dolpo-itiam
of the omen” of the In“ but been sub
mitted lo‘tho W do." C! an crown, uni
‘heir opinion ha been given Mum ‘po-
‘eeodings of tho American Mgaie no :01
justified by the law of untiom. It is. we
understand. the opinion of Nine jurists ihM
tho right of the Fc-doral government, acting
by its officers, was confined to the visiting
13nd the searching of the mail packet ; that
if any man or thinga, heliovod tobo contra
band of war, had been found on board of
her. the proper courae wan to (the her into
port and submit the quextion to the prize
(mm. which would hear ovidvnco and ar
gument on both sidci. and wmlld have dr
cided the case according to prooedant and
ahthoritim. The Times observe: that this
pmpaitiou mem- Io clear (hat it requires
only 00 be stated to obtain universal uncut.
The habinet meets on Friday. to considi-r
what _action slmll ho min-n on the opinion
of tho“ law otficon. We do not wish to ripen:-
late as to will! steps théy may connidgr ne
cessary. 1! Mason 3nd Slide“ were wrongly
taken, they must be restored with sufficient
apology. ' ’ _
Thé London Tim“ of the 30th ult. make.
the important nnnounoement that the cabi
net h“ pump to tho conclmion that the act
of the “pain of the Sun Jacinta in seizing
passenger: on 1 British mum] and' carrying
them terribly uuyia a clear violation of
the Km or muons, and one for which row
paratiun mutt. be at. once demanded. in
all prnblnbility the first stunner will carry
out instructions to Lord Lyon: to demand,
reparation for the ill-Idvisctf net'ouaizing
M3BOB and Slide" while pulley the British
Hug. . Should this just demand not be com
phed with. we cannot doubt tint Lorgi Ly
on. will, under, the imtructiom of bin gov
emmi-nt, withdraw with the British 10;»
tion kom Wmhington. ‘
We: hope; ny- the' P6Ol, um tho U, 8.
gover'mmnt will (it once diuvow thr-ct of
their uflivcr, Ind make every com‘wnution
in their power. Wild at are the word: written
And' spoken by Secretnry Sewn-d. and reck
leu u the America policy not unfit-quant
ly in. we. can hardly mimosa that tho north
ern Singe- Ire loriomly diopoued to mept I
In: dith I‘Zn‘lnnd. '
qu hay. in the Amnican voter: incin
ding the er'pnn oxpiditinn, and Ihipu al
reiwlyd'there, a force unounting to not far
short of one ihousnnd sung-which we could
lot-50L incxuse with the grate“ me and
npidity. ln one month we cnuld swoop all
flit 55a Jacinta {mm the at" ““5““ u"
Niwibern pork bturn m I direct and speedy
iuue Llie tide‘ of war now raging. Thin in lo
obvious thM. we find it chum-I impossible to
Hippos. that the Cabins! at Wuhington can
commit In act so madly suicidnl an to reject
our eunest uid positive demtndl.
The export»! nltpetrelnd warlike store:
was farmully forbiddA-n. It wu sated that
one sidp with A large cage of ultpotn for
Amcl'flm had been stopped, and flat the re
hmdigng of wuliké atom, shady shipped,
Ind Seen required. ‘
Th‘ haul volunteers were ,ofl'ering h)
mmg forwud to proclect tho honor 6f the
British Hag. ’
_ Til? London News my»: “Beneath bury
(him; there exist: an undercurfem of up
prohgmion Int thg Ameriah gonrnment
ml]? contemplate the dupente policy of
soc-kip; to futon nquunol on Gun Briuin,
in order to glin numdin‘ ground for than
dnnhgéts deuign of wbjugating hgnolf."
, This Inndou Timoi (city Articlu) uyu:
“ The univerul impnuion seems to be (but.
in the prnent unhappy position in tho
«yog bfg the world, the United Sum‘ gov
qrnmen‘t can “Sturdy oommmd themselve
ao u to "gums their com-o by th; fight
of law. "non or oourtny. md that although
this open- I wide field at danger. it Ihnuld
duo Ifimul-m sll otlur unions ‘0 cumin
the utmost forbearance."
H- The Keyport Argw. npenking of tha
Tlmgiklgiving Sermon: punched in Boston,
says; “ if thesevseflhom "Mobs regudod
a life voice of_ the Boston Pulpit. they set
tle the queuinn u to the object of the nu,
u the Pulpit undenmdl ill. They I“ unite
in firming tiny! it in to put. down the slave
power. They a." any so. in pixin anl'uh.
But the President, in the meantime, poi-silt;
in declaring that Inch in not his purpose.~
Now; Why don't ho just mnd these Ref.
gentlemen down (0 Fort. Wnrron._al he hu
other people who have borne {also witness
Against him? Ha might do so without eith
at making or breaking anybody. if tho Fort
didn't. gain more thin the Pulpit would
lo“ by-such an opention."
id s corn
Tia Prm‘dwt and (A: (him—Washington
lotion uy the prrssure upon the President.
tn drive him into revolutionary Ind radical
Abolitiouism. ha been great, very great,
but he luv: withstood it no hr, like a Prui
dent, and his (not, seem: to be dokn. I!
now thin policy become: the fixed policy,
and the South can read il, hear it, feel it,
Uniouixm will crop out more and more, in
Virginia. North Carolina, East Tennessee,
3nd New Orlannn. The cut throat policy
of th oAbolitionietsia eternal war; while mm
of [be Prmldcnb—“Thn L'nion must and
shall be preserved.”—-is the talisman of re
union ovnrywhero.
”The Illinois Ceqtral Railroad Comp
ny no playing 1 very largo gums u crib—
bsge. Along the line of thelr rand, twelve
mllol south of Chicago. they are building
eleven miles of corn cribi, the capacity of
which will be 3,000,000 bushels. They are
to receive corn in payment fior had: put
eluted of the Company. .
”A an in Bostonia- Hxhibifing : n'ew
invention by which he who has in l!-
mu ninth. .
- No. 13_
amihggw . {l’ .- o.
Huge-laces“ .636 mm. {m i let
ttm, ,Dec. lz—l’uuengern who have jut
nyrived here We destructive fin lat
night a Churlfston. The an commenced
kanleston [but night. Dec. 11,“ 9 o'clock.
in Rune]! k Gof- ush factory. It the fool
‘ al' final street. end communicnted 9n the
qppo-ite nick) of lluel to Cannon i Cafe
machine shop. Under the impala than
gins. that an! hem. with a small lup
ply of Mr, the eonflagrution assumed e
formidable character. neeriy equalling “no
bod extol-fie oonfl-gntion on the Am.
am mulinent. The theatre, “on“ much
fh-tory, opposite the express ofliec, the old
executive building and All the hone.- be~
tween that point end Queen um» are
burned. The whole of on; lid! of Broad
street is destroyed. from Colonel Gadsden}
residence to Munich street, and e collid
mble portion of the city. from “I"
to King utrcet, is destroyed. _ o
Aninng the prominent buildings hand
are the Institute and St. Andrew': "din.
Theatre. Catholic Cathedral and tMCireu
lur Church. At last accounts from Charlen
ton up to five o'clock this morning. Deb.
WU). the fire had created Broad Direct.“
wul swooping furiously on. The ain‘t-pi
lines to Charleston are down, comequently
we are not able to that. whether theft”
has cow-d or not. z ~
Bn‘xcunLu. bee. 12th. 5 P. 111-TM
fire 15 null raging. A thousand hon-elm
puma» are huddled in'tbs "no“. Thu
uxpreu train left Augusta this m
wiih provision: to. supply the mum c'lf‘finl
mfl'eren, and men to Mint in controlling
the fire. The tin mu Qll. *otkd cu in
% In extent, llm fire, I 0 fnru know. nn
bmcod I diatrivt of 9:» city on? <3qu I
mile long by one fourth wide.
‘ The city of Clmrlmlon bu ml’fcnd gmh
é:- dlngnten‘ by lire than gluon any nth-r
qity in tho United St-tel. In 17781.1“
i-ere lwéfhundred md flay-two bounce
iumed: in 1796 nearly 3 third of ‘ho chi
*M dutroyed, involving 1 lon MW
to the amount of $2,500,000. Agdn. in the
fire“ fire oi 1838, the lull in «'.th I 0
$5,000,000. ‘ _ -’
A Praiidiofl.—l'llo Mt. Vernon Baum:
day-z “ We predict flat in lo» than and
'enr from_ thin time thy Abolitiouiltn will“
L denouncingl‘mident Llnooln :- they
"clued John Tylar in 1341, when he "(and
I" carry out (hail-darling meuura. And
ye further predict that the Republican paw
(y will go to dew-action by tho weight of
la corrupthu, andtlmt’om pto-cut difloul
tiQl will be It length settled by the boyhoo-
Z'ncy-‘YI .
:' chi coanmoo or the payment 0!
Mural month- Ingeo to the voluntocu'of
Lehigh edunty. by tho Govotnnom. flu
County Comminionm In" canal-Gd Ito
Lamponrily lulpend the pgymontof the
weekly Illowuco to their funnies, on tho
ground am if the earnings of tho .01th
no [warmly nppmpmud then i no po
cuniu'y Isuiatmce uhusry from 01110:.
mayo“. '
”The New York Journal Q/ COMM'C‘
hair that “ New York city could und I po
titiou with the nuns: of 50,000 voter! ti
lefigllnd we think it cafe to uy with gixby
nvo luauflnd, Againrt the pet whom O!
the Abolitianilhl. We have “id at“ tho“
President might one dly find hi- firm.“
supporiers in tho Demacrata. V The (by
realm 10 Do at hand. Conservative Repub
licans Ind Deuiocntu must nlly to the rap
porj of the President, the (‘onllitution And
the Union. ‘
> .'Scngtor Wihon having 30: up I. bill
‘to sholinh the (affine of under in tho Italy.
gnome kw firm in Wuhingwn City ho
latched I nehemo to nuke money out of:
'tho mtlon by rising I largo fund to def.“
3th. bill. A circuit: soliciting money in
{been sent to etch mm. Will this b. per
knitted" ~ .
: m‘he Albsny Arum aayl Mr. Omfl'l
loner, which ‘tho Emnncipnionhtl w
claimed u favorable to their View, "is In
nrgument Iglifllt the emancipation policy,
.nud which declared th-t the uivocun of
'ennncipflinn no “boring, urefl’ecmdly
u the Socmionisu, for q... diuolution of
the Union." ‘
I ‘H‘Tho Wuhington correspondent of
the Philulelphia l'nquin-r My: it nppetn
to be wall sealed that Mr. Lincoln in Pml
dent. tnd this being now fully undontood}
there should be an occasion for W
difiicfiltia hammer like thou which bu.
jun oommvd. '
“A propOSitinn for enlistin‘ 200.003
.ddjuoml volgnzem will b. introduced H
Bony-as. audit is under-toad w mod thq
npproul of tha Secroury of War.
Ladiu Included—A few day: since. Bar.
in making I npuch at : flu flilifl‘ It Al
bnny. concluded his remarks by proposing
three cheer» for the young gentleman of
}szat Albany. through whom libel-lii: tho
firm had bun procured. As the cine"
were about to be given. thé rhaitman of Ib.
occasion amended the propoaitinn of XI.
83x9. '0 thnt the cheers cunt up for (h;
young lmlieu as we“ I.- the young ”Mb
311 ch East. Albany. When the yoicgof
the cheers became ail-mt, 83:0 .rou and
gave An axplsnuion snd u m :pohfiy for
omitting to speak of the young “din ll his
original prowition for cheen, thn I»
thought the young zrntlomen than a»
braccd the young ladies.
fl‘ Inthigonce oonoerning tho m”.-
l-und- IL Port Rays] in the old nary, “do“:
nothing,” “ rating." “sh-oping.” "nllin‘
mnqbem‘ chickens, [went pntatoel,” I‘Ax‘r—
Thlty won’t work for love or for many l-
The N. Y. Express think: when everything
Itesllblo in exhnusted, they will It"! from
m, at work just enough to kup bani .134
body together. upon rations we so“ “In‘ _
-~-- ”.--- - .-._,. ’. :
RThe railway cufilgu in Page. at.
now warmed very comfortably by mound
the ”haunted steam from the engine»: ,
A Largn Panama—One of tho largo'lffln
non ever made in min country. win out I
Algien’ foundry. a South Boston} on “a
xix-day nook. under the impatient-glib,-
bin Taylor, of the Unimd Shut 5”,. n:
weighed 30,000p0undl. ‘ '"‘
fl-Cnunlcrreit two dollar notes on the;
Allegheny Bmk of Pittsburg no in circuit;
tion m the interior of Penn-flunk. ‘;
”If time 53 money. some people but. I
good deal mm am; they know MAO?
with. . - r
mforkdtohudtb‘glfl. “-.'