The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 16, 1861, Image 3
fimgfm‘eé‘g‘auf" minnow—or rnlhor ' "MARRIED. “‘s‘!” " ("110. {u f] um» My," [l'm-e (11/! our hon tilde 12th 1!”:qu lillt‘ l_{ctz l). Eberly. It ‘ ' -it- “9.9“,“ “'o‘". HWY 1 ere: euro 0 tie Tl! cl .ither. near (in-en "figog’afiflégxtlktenmgh, if tlwy am done Mount, .\lr. Il‘.\l'll),l-"l€'l"l-Zl_t WHIKI-IHT to Miss z%iit. toluunl never. gum I)qu hf fixifoiiniious" \\l.\ I‘LllUlll-..both of .1d “ 00f. ' Donfivgciegx th‘x", tunll xiii; that 0“fl" 23‘? ‘3‘?" hr" ‘l‘" ““3 E“,R“:-:.‘ 5“ ‘3" you come to tom). \\ 1- Will he most happy \li'l‘TlFil \lll‘ LF‘I; "’ _ p ' to see one and all who knny thum‘elvm Ill: ‘ ‘0" th; $0.”: lllt: |lw the R". W. K. Zieber, “\‘Wd ‘0 “‘- ““‘l we "““”1""“““"“"‘"°°' “‘ Mr. Dunn. t'xo'tzn' “rum county to Miss “““O ")1" I‘m" ”Rd ‘1“. expt‘l‘llllt‘llt tllnt .\lAllY FRY ofla'mcn;trr couutv. I " "1"” WW” {"9“ ‘” hnl’ml i” “.‘”."fe an M 011 the Td’inst, by thr Rev. i. F.oller. Mr. the l”\‘Ci!t‘tilontt’llt Ixcvulwtl “"mdeb‘m' ism: u. on. or um county, to .\liu BAR -I‘9‘s to hi" l”'”“""‘ i l “ARA MESH. ol' RrJnltl'm county. 7 A ‘_——'—= l 0n the 2d iuet.,—'hy the Rev. S. Park, PETER ! l‘lYS'l'l‘JK, Huh of this county, to Mrs. MAI-NA ' :ASS CLARK of York county. GETTYSBURG"S‘wI‘"","‘"' , .1 0n the {th’ ium, at the L'. D.,l'nrqonnge, "“"""'""l"""" 00 to j’ 3' llcnvlanwille, by the Re“. [Mile (1. Weidler. J , 1‘ ‘9 .JUHS wuxsnn autumn J. TAWZEE,Imth ..... "...-.:.. ......l .5 It) I 3.: of Adams Cm"!!!- .......n....ui. '.Aloll to to 1 l 5: 011 ”I! in!“ ind», I! ll)! "mid"... of the """' ' """fi‘m" i. 5? bride'u t'nflier, (Plenum. Ridge lining) by tht "”""""'""‘l‘""' ' ‘i 6'.’ nmo, “‘IIJJAX Hill“) to .\Blfill'l LUBYEII, "‘..-u-uuuuuéu... l 3.! both Ur Adflh" county. ""“”""' "'3 ‘ ‘5: ' 0n the l2th inst" Ly the llev. Jltob Ziegler, ---- 3 75"“? °°'nr..\nn.\n.\.\t Di mum-.o:Tyronetownship,l -- --«‘ 75“" °°l to um MARY ‘. xx BRUIIGH, _ornemueu. ‘ l :31 towneh‘ig.‘ 1 hhnJ b 7 ' l M_.____ V _ "m ~ l Out «2 lolth’fil., t e ev. Ico .ieg er, ‘ ...... '°° Mr. nusnv .\.‘MHAES, or Huntingwu‘ town—l , Pratt De Gr: ""--- r‘s 0° nhip, to Miss SESANXAH 11. l‘llb'ahili, of Ty; RIGINAL E ECTRIC 01 r Lur. ;‘ j lrom: township. ' l “l (lioCtH’l‘f’ is now ere-t ... 5 st) '.o'l R 1 Un,the ton. inst..nt the Lutheran Paraonnze. , anti-n among the Medical Fun ... t 30 :a If s‘. in l'rtersburgrby the Rev. I'. Ruby, Ir. AX-‘ud thi; country. It will cu 1.... ~ 70 to ‘1 l 7 hill-1W THOMSON llOWl‘Zto um LXDIA EL- (not eve'rythingfl .- co to 1 7':,'l.E.\' llAllllAN, both autism- taunty; . . “'Antuxrsn . 4° ‘° 4. “3; “ .’” ’ ”*W (‘lre Foyer and Agnein one dl 4$ to 4'; 57. ‘13:“. . Cure Ch’ills in live minuted: ‘--- l 7.5 ‘0 3i "01 On Saturday Eching “Peek, unera protracted V (Jun, film? in my, night: . . 6 (‘0 to 7i 50 illness, llev. l).\ V”) El'b'r'l‘h'll, of thin horomzh. ~ Cure Debtnen in tie to (our d ‘ 7.5 M 5:15 l'rlncipfll of the Feumle Shimmy, in the 39th . (“ire Buirns and Scan-la in ten I {ml-7 00 10”! 9" yenr afihi: age. ‘ \ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ECurc Spruim, Wohudn and Bru‘ =1 to. ;‘-’2 ;-0" the same evening. .\lri. ANNA MAMA. , .ul three dnyi; 1 . cf"°°'s|.\ilTl.\‘.. virtual Mr. John Martin. at this b - ‘ f‘nre in Immutinn §n one any} 1 , rough. ngwl 57 your: am! [0 mou‘tht'. ’ . l (turd Ne imlgin. Group, Tootli 5300 Un the 28th ult., .Mr. JACOIJISIIH lull, of t minotcip l . 5: 7,, llumtltunlmn township; aged 80‘3”: and 3. Cure Ile orihagel chrofult, I 'l 15101 30, “10“”‘5‘ \' 3' l . d _u: ‘3‘ , 1 (53: On the,2lth of . ovember..nt the_ house of the ’ Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tent-m 5.: lk-v. \\'. Spear. at Lake ('ity, Minnesota, the; d. - 35 llov. W. l)..l'.\T'l‘l'llLsQ.\'. formerly Pastor of (‘." RM 4 00 [ML-burg and York Spitfiugs Congregational. e 1 Cure F_el l 75. On the 4th inat., .\llll. IL\li(l.\ lLE'l' SOPHIA. 1h 6 15 will- of \lr. John ”rut-r 1 of Franklin township, 1 Core Q"; _ aged 33 years 2' month: until 29 tiny-o. l g...» ... ‘ 1 Near l‘uuneusburg. Franklin county, of'Dip- Cure .\qihnu', l’qfw‘. Gout, E 1 Ltlierin. 'on the 25th ot October, JOHN HUkh‘l-thfi to “"an 'l‘i"? -~ ._brhe unit-nevi ngetl d _u-nrs and 4 months; and on the ill ol’, Cures p onqd're‘gu Uhilblnil , _ b t ed Non, THOMAS Wildtihu aged 'l. years—only m ronic llheumntiamfio 2“" an :fx 1 children ol'l‘homu und Slurgnrt-t M'Allefl. .2 le Peter, and the hunt “‘ “’9‘". pt H Un the Nth of Oct” in l-‘nnnettahurg. [l'rnnk- 1,: :\ f", 1 outlet. “1'12" ;‘“‘f“‘”‘“' liu’ .~ouut_r, mm; [.‘nAs’KLIS, ton Mum and; This 01 m. Gruh'syi: mu. in! I“; ’4.“ Elli-“"51" WAN”: "KM 3 .YNTS- ‘- nnd is a great Family Medic" “e ”3"} ’"gfi’, 0n the 24.1. of hay. SARAH-3., wife mum.” 1... ;1 ' "a?” e ‘.nt“. 3, .\lexundir l)ewnlt,ugud 3531.”: 7, montlmlndz ORIG SAL GENUINE ELF {li-'1 art-.ute ti uln_\ smudoulbe 261 i: of DecembetJMYlN-Allfl Yes! i h’u rated more 9‘ '”I :1 ol" “'7 wife fol” Adam llenry, aged 29 yum 5 months I thought llnpelcsg tlmh ..." med 2"“ file“ “In“ and 1: ‘l xyu—dnuglncrs '0! John nod l-Zliz‘uhethl Ask 11 one who 5“; u'y-d i ‘ e 3" militia.“ Kcnm l, of Adams county. [you um; my tlil El"; "“91 “f i Tl “Pt ll: ‘ _ Communicnted. ihnd futile . ‘ Wlientyou ink for ‘ 3:10,?“ :i‘l-l .\t Comp Pier-pong Virginin, ("g Wednel- sure yo“ Ask for 130;. De Gut u t" ed. "if?" i I dny, the 4th ill:l., “HUBER W. .\lh‘EllS. son of: only logiltimflge Electric Oil ngngrtxh 12-3.: lieu. Myers. neonthis plzrlcrmged übout2o}cnrsf‘i none nthfr. as all other: are i fthev‘ cu" the lliu dioeue ‘wu pneumonia. His retinitis will not hp retponsibl'g. for nnr, bd. bt. I: \n-re brought: through 1111 l nluce l‘pst evening. he in wrilting upoq the wrnppe l. o I' u ‘ 'o lon the way to his distrcusrd pun-tits. lie was it blown in hu- (.‘”-j l:‘°:‘",l:i'l"‘h;" ,young umu who stood well imthis conmmnily. l l I'll-1.“) 'rmsy ‘ 'l' e [.'” J’llc entered llie service in ('npt. Boilq'a com-l Mr. Li ‘inggcon. bf New Tor If: I: ! "Jig": . puny. about three month? since, and in: than § nunthly liraw Mugdzme, wrote F“) '.l'l : ‘lm-tr early out olf in the flower of his days:— ‘cured of swollen Ind gtifl‘aec or c "t‘ rut-T Slurh credit in due to the compntly of Capt. élition, _he Oil niacirecumme “EM"; otn " lllzuln'y hr sending on the remain: of theiriin the Gir rd ”oust. ‘ "gaining; .‘t'umputlion 11. tin-it own exptnse.~ ‘ . Afr) TlllS. :atuntxnted hr: l'eterthurgrlicc.7. _ ' . “lrl. Cnnman. Comes Strvct b. dvlnncter a}! ' . ' Pomnmuirnlvd. |l’m-I.6mm“ ll “it'll-Ith, and mi h 1""! Hui-3 (in the 16th ofhovember. at the l‘e‘ldent‘e of (‘un‘d her of Neurulgizl.‘(lhili uni h‘flé hut. their-I her son-in lnvy,l “out SchrOuks, in ll:nni‘;tnu-' .\lutho‘L, ‘ILDPU‘ ‘yqurgelvcs! w n-linhilitv of‘ bun to. Mrs. S \llxlrlA Sl-lAKRUUES. consort bottle, an I tlmxht up more. ’ he sent "11" th lof l'llenh Sekl)looks.dv(‘€tl!\'t_l. in the 88th year-,9 Mr. (‘l‘ plan", of‘ \l‘outgomcr t“ our l'repnra- aof bar nge. The _uet-cnsed WAG :1 membrr ol'the ' bought it Jultle .1 row (1 iys ‘n: 1" l't‘llcf 0' mr l’nitetl l'reghytermn Church. Shoi was rcgu- jhm uacd tin his fmnil'rfurswol ‘ ‘ lnr in her attendance nsJong isofher henhhyswellings which zencrally app I 3 non d permitlnlthough for mnny lmn‘ thro’ ’ nl'tt-r hurling the Svnrlt‘t l-‘ever. . iulirnntles. her but has been ”glint in .thc ' slit-wil of “PI other remudies—nn .t‘iiur. h. Ytt this did not muse her to be un-l Personc ‘nre daily c‘nlling at. . tuithrtrll.‘ .‘iho WM “roughened by ihepreciouu,’ South‘ l‘lig Ith Street. l‘hilndelph prumue,th uit shall be wx-ll with the righteom.l me of it: onulertul t'urntiv: elf llt‘l‘ lose van-d nttntJnuent to the‘ Church { - Price 2'. come. 5n cents, and i.trt-ugthenml her in her delclining yenri. in , large bottles the rhenpest. Th lmr Lut uud rsnerent illuofls Fhe rctzum-d all: luld by all Druggisu and 1 “rung hope that the might guin a. home noti l'uitcrl States.» ,l'ae nun: 0”! th umdt- with hands. ctornal in the henvena. ' Sal-l by lull ll‘ruggiiu. ill-pnt Uunre‘al umtlit-r. than has left ll“, SL, l'hilndelphm, ‘ [Dec 16 Who mil .«ll my troubles shun: ? { >3 ‘ .\‘une Iluz (hut. tlmt hath berct‘tua, ofice. . ~ He will lend u “(toning ear. ‘ v.‘ ‘ARY .\VV 3.. NEWS EST w‘ntar um! bt‘flilnt'l pleAie copy. {l‘l ”a” maul ry n the eatntt ‘i—gg Snyder ‘ to a; S nhnn ton-1 . I ,;, - ’iéx} fizfifim 73‘: Flour‘ Rn: Hour WhichVhL-wt 11rd \Vhent.....‘ Corn ............'.‘ Rye............... nm ...... ..."... Ilnckwhem..... mo" r'fiehl ..... Timomy. dud......... Flux 5eg«1..............‘ Planet of Paris .Huur ground, pyr bug.... 2 “York. I BAI.T!MUIU‘I—FuIu Flo-r........... ...................... Wheat ......................;..... .. ‘10rn1.......4’. OI" .......7.:..........'........m.... (7lover Set-«l Timothy 5ecd...............m. . In! Cutie; yrr 1xumL.......... 111-u, per :hund..i.......... “dyddn M'hilk’ey ...v... 4 .. (Emma, Perurinn‘ per |nn...l: _ “.\NOVEIL-ATIIL‘MD Flour, from wugo:n..... .....‘ Do. tram 11un5.............. Wheat,........ C0rn................................. ()uu............................. .... (‘luvor 5req1.............:...... .. Timothy 5ud......... ...-......" 1'111h'f........ . Special Nof AYER'S PATHARTIH MM). 9! Chemistry Ind Eli-divine I»; choir uimos! tn pmduce Ilu‘ h " 'purgatin which is kuo‘ nlO n‘ ‘blo proof-I are lhowu Ilmt thn men which lurp-u: in (‘X(Qii'l‘ medicines. and that ch" wm upoh the esteem of lii men: and pleural to take. but pm Their penetrating properties Ii activities oflhe body. rrmove or-iu orgnha, purify the blood‘ ‘ on". They purge out thw- {uni "brud 111 l grow dilluupor, still ,or dimrdnqd organs ium the-i ‘ ‘nu'l impart heuthy ton. with whole Iynem. Not out; do: "fly-My complninta or every farmidnhlc [3d dang-rout Ilia bufllrd lhq but ofhumnl ck p’roduce pn'verful “Tutti, they lint. in dininilhod «lulu, the May-i: than c'nn be employed Bring lugu-ronledwthei uc p and being purely vcgtuble. nr rink ofJuru. Cure; hue he Inrpuu belief werc they not I 1 um: nf ugh exalted‘p‘ouilion I to lorhid t!" tuulpirion ot unlru urn! cloygnnen nnJuphyvicmnl ankle: to certify to the public 1 our rrmcdiu. wh‘nlc olhrrs h auur‘m‘c of their cnmjrliom linnu rnntnbmc immrniclv m uglictvd. suffering “How-men. 1 ‘ The Agent hnlow' mum-d in pl gmlix our American Almml'c. recliou fur the use lud reni turn. of the ("flowing 4 umplni (‘oxtirrnrssJfiliuu-n(‘nmplr‘m Drop-13. Heartburn, Hendnchc ram “munch. Smut-a. lmhg’es‘i! any)“ of “.5 Mun-h und Pai 1 Iron), Fln!ulenc_\'.l.ou of Axipet, which require an autumn! :i the. by purifying (In blood “I (h. tau-m, cure man)“ romp wonM not be supposed they to I .u ‘l’eufnew. Pnrrin] Blinduew. Nrrvoun Irrilnbilitg. Uemngnue and Kitlnt‘fi. Goul,and 01hr:- phint. nriuiné from §\ low unit-l cbdrurtion of HQ fun «ions. 1 . Do not he gut nfi‘by nnpri with sump otherpill they Innka‘ ‘AAL' for Aynr‘s l‘illl, nud lake 1 No other lhry can give in)“ com in itaiulrinxir vulur or cumlh ‘nick I'lul I‘ll: be". lu'd lhfre is ‘ flat-y lhould have it. 1‘ ‘ WPzepnred by *Dr. J. (‘. ‘ Lmnll. Mu... Plug: 25 (‘55 Fun Bonn rdu $l. , i gar-Sold by A. [L “nun:- cvcrywheru. ‘ [De WEAKNESS AW DEBT“ sum-r from wenkuus and dehilit' vi: a gm: of pygmy. t-bonld zll courretqu’lHHN‘s VIUI'NTAI. The): immrdiutvly p'uriiy the Mo on the m-imprinz ofJit‘r._givin ! rigor to flu :yntem. Noun: pa 'inl‘o wonmnhnnd, \\ith a darn: functions; and ‘lo moxhrn at l ‘ flap-'0 Pills w‘ll he mm! effivnciou Iho tide M We Hint nny-Jae on lb and thinly men suffer in n timi the "me pcriodn. when [ht-re i ‘grr; they would ‘l’tex-ei‘ore'undc~ ihin purifying medicine, ivhiv‘h t ht-Ilih. ' . This gm: Household .\tedi‘cin the hurling Mcnsnrlu of lifeln it h “ft-ll known to the world that it rudrs‘complaihts other remenliu cannot reneh: hilt hu-l "15’“ well cunhlinbul u that .111: S ‘n‘liglm Jhr World. Judsou‘s Mountain llerh l'lllq are sbld by all Dealers in .\leilicim. [. ot. '25: lnl ' * .0 O b - I GREAT nISCUVERY3—AmpIé In", both 'l.‘_y‘,‘hle partitions" ind clan-mind nnaltfik have demonstrated lhl’ grtM ml 9 of I‘m!" he «nor. beautiful comhinntiun. Linea u ELEC TRIC OIL," nn- thmrelief and on e of [kilns- _But the people thorny-Ira are p‘ verdict in a. mmner both unm utilfumry. Mord thin two In hWV'fh’Q: sold in I very short I propel-ti n of those who heard mend ie, kh’oyhudlried 1:. mm dilcol’ery il "pry Ihéro ntkuo nothing like it Valuer before p ‘ only genuiho Electric DH is I'm 'hiéh in to be Ind Il‘tll IL. reap 'gizli in It. cilici. and M. which 3nd re'tafi. gm“ ptoprietou’ price: ufthc tg at hgre. Sn ndvuqlicment. ’ I —-v ~4..-» fifl‘nnnl & Bcsnn‘tl’a Store is welllwéré thy utilit‘jug axrthis time. We dobet wheterr, "on in our largest cities, In fin: h d‘nplny‘ of Stove: can be found. Their 1.11.3: mom in full of Stores afoul-y pattern; nlsb. crery I'2. titty of Hollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Wire, thishtd Ware‘ Japan \Vaxgc—emhrn'c ing, indged, everything in the house furnishing line. dye, Sausage Cutters. Sausage Stuflers, Llrd Prensa, it, kc. They nrelprepared‘to It“ wholesale Ind retail. Tin Ware and Sheet iron Warn of their own manufactutc—kccpin‘ 8 luficicn. number of hsndp to supply any der mud: Their umrment of Lumher II verv‘ large; the Coal oferery kind. : ' 1 sls!] EMPLOYMENT! , [3731 AGENTS WANTED l—We will pay from $l5 to ’75 per month, sud .11 expenses. to nun-e Age-u, or give a. commission. l’ulicuhu um free. Addreu Em: Slwh’fl Mum“ Conn", R. JAXES, Gwen! Aggm, Milan, Ohio. , [Sept. 2, 1351.7 Iy}; Boliday Goods 3 EWHO GALNE, Mannfaclnxer of Fan- R cv SOT; AND PERP'L'MERYAWImIfuIe nu uéun. 310.320 Vinc m.. Philidelphmpf KOO” llwsy. on hand a. large stock of ‘ White and lowed Cum: Soup, , Bnber'l Soap, ; Olive Soup. 5 Windsor Soup. ' r, : Honey San,'ect., Ind 3 En unortment. or PERFQMEEI. Dec. 18,1861. 4!. _ , was: unassxnmuxas, :- 'gmc w ricty, u: , BCAKCK'St S. ”M " 1' t 14; ’9 ’ f3}- "2 . a a». “a. . “kw 4'. ‘3 I'33”}? 11130:12 lacks. and to furniuh conlniumg dl - of their ht: ‘ ‘ ,Rheumnlinn, ri‘si'ng {mm a n. Marbid In nriaing lherv-' (Ve‘ull Din-uses ' 'd‘icinez 'l'hoy' M stimulating ;. in“! which ill! Id renrh. nun-If" .\eurnlgin until u nflhc Lher "kindred .inn . cum ‘uflhe bud; or Jury Lxstp-Jauuary Term. ‘ mum .u‘m'. {mum—Jame} .\'. l’ifiugturf, (Forum-Am) .\lnr liu Ruflcnnprruor. Gummy—Wm. Flu-ml). ‘- Luliumro'—D:\\"id P. Lox-ow. WmJ’. Bonner. ”Hahn—Samuel ”Judfslfl". Hun-Muir! )Vert‘ Hamilton—Grunge Slydrlj, A “2 Storm‘ Item-30k lp.— Int-0b Klunlr. lleru'ick bun—Edward \\ enc Siran—‘JJuhn F. Fehy. Xsfi Gouynlnurg~Zznclmriah .\lyer Huntington—James Da'vis. E : .\lmxmjny—JaL-uh Let‘erer. Lihrr'y—thid Marlin. ('npongu—Al’thmyy N'mshfl‘: “(tumult-nun nt—Jusnph ‘F'pnu ankhn—Jnm‘cs Hunt-11, Ge ['uiun—John Di'chl‘. . ' RENZRAL Jvn minding-l_\!iclmol MyergJulu; \lillt-r. ‘ .\lpumplmmnt—Gcorge W. I! ~- (‘. Smilh. ’ ‘ "amnion—Jacob Bukor.- ‘ Lutimore—Jucob lYa-cht.’ l Strnhan—e‘l‘htodord Tuughin! Bonner. ‘ )lonnllvn—AmodSchlosser,Fr ham Hufl‘m In. _ ‘ Ilunlingtnn—Jncoh llnrtmnn.‘ (:cviyaburg—George Little. ‘ Union—John Spungler, Jana? G. Haueh‘oar. LL. H.lnnilionbm—f’eter Sttqcr, Daniel Snyder. Eranklin-éDuniel Kuhn. ‘ .\lountjoyTlonnfimn Gilbert,. Con-wago—Edwnrd Single. 5 ('umberlnnd—Henry Myers, J hn I" Current Germ wy—Georg’cb‘tonesifer, ugus‘usvrousel LiberLy—lleury U. lieiman. ; ‘ ‘ Tyrone—Emm-leH‘isdel. . ' Oxford—Aloysiui MurshullJ: ob Hire Frerdom—Juhn Baker, Jesie :Topper. Berwick hon—George Strubi get. Berwick tp.—Sulomou Bechtoifi _ ‘ Dec. 16,1861. 5 ciplvd dealer. non profit. .015. ulhing due.— 1 um with thiy 'powérl‘. Tlu' liar them, nnd \'HR 1 C 9. 4 my 1505. And dealer: 2, '6l. 21:) 'Y.—‘An who . where there on'-£- bzu'e gre ~nmus PILLS. [d nnd an. up . uh‘rnglh .pll 'mm entering email of the e turn of Hire. in correcting . turn. Yofing :Ir‘nnnnerL It always d'hn o n course of lures Hud‘ng rinks amting derin-g '.lxbir muse To ' “.I .lim vhutt‘ inn—a. gréfi hers' rerom '.‘l a Ipleudjd fledged, 3rd rpm-ed. ha. De GnltH'u, 'mble [lrllk' Divorce NO ice. By'lhe'Court—Joux Kicnonrz, Clerk. Ix TllE comer or cost. 0): {2.358 on, 39435;?” "_ _w- _fi , AB \MB COR, .\‘o. 7. .\‘ovi TERI , 1861.-L - , Wherenn. Lvnu A-sw hows, 11 her lextfriend . ‘ Public Sale. , , J. M‘. Wurln, diJ file her Pe'xion for Divorce; ()N S“"""{’“.WMI E’SUI' of Defender out, the a m..-. 4, nl¢'nmoni,ag.iinqt “in Bnowx, npnni underetgned, inventors of it x. Gown-t. which 3 Snphttna'wnq nwardc 1 tested on the decensed: will offer Itl'i‘ufiblic Sale, by author:- 19th day or April, A. 1).. 1851. And whereas! ‘3' 3”” ”‘ m 1“" W“! “‘1 “mm“? “m 4 an an“ Uuphmnn, issued in "M cue, returnl- deceased, on the premises, the follownng "I ble the Ith dnv of Now. A. D., 1861. Nowluh" ““1 ””6"" "l‘ . * you the mid Junie: Brown, are notified to be} “.‘AT DESIRMH‘E HOME, “‘l' “mu" Ind lppenrin your proper perpon in mid c 0.,", tOWn. Adnms county, left by said decencd... on 'he 20th dnyol'Jnnnnry next, to answer the‘ Th; Tract [rants "M on the Tut-" Wk.“ ”ad Petition of your Wife. the said erin Ann contmnet} Acres, moreorlesn. dmded into 6 Brown, by her next friend, J. M. Walter. and to '. [3°t‘Tl’meuom.’ “n" m ‘ h'gh 5““ °f “.‘" shew cause. iflny you have, Whv she should, Nation. The improvements ere not be divorced from the hon-I’s 6r mntrimonv. “ T",°'".°rl' ""c" HOUSE‘ v‘mh ‘ ‘ . vSAML'EL “-0”: Sharp]. * 1 Bai‘k-biiiltimg. a good Born, (on: i ~. V , And now, yet-e 2", 1861, on motion, in open , ( rib, Carriage Home and Lynne. . ‘ Court, His" A. i‘xcxn‘o. Esq, in Ippoinuq- ties, Hog Pen _nnd lien Rouse, Hill: House, Commissioner to take "scam“, on the put I with n never-failing well of the best weter. ‘ of petitioner, filmen any. name of an“. and? Wit will be ofl'eied In part: or together, to place to be given by publication in one news- Suit purchue’a. If not acid, it will be Rented paper published in the borough ol'Gettvshnrg.‘ on “id d5!- . Br 1.," Cour. g Q‘Ssle to commence et 1 o'clock, P. 342,1 1:0 Jung Bnowv: You are herehv notified on riid day, when nttendenco will be givenl tint the depositions of witneuea will'be taken, ““1 “”1" “Md. “'o'“ by under the shove Rule, at the house of J. L.‘ LEVI GOLDEV‘ (inns, in Hunterstown, Stratum township,‘ ' {AOOB ALTHOFF, Adams county. on Friday, the 10th of Jumury ! Executor- oan. Golden, deeened. next. between the. hours of 10 o'clock, A. M.,i Dec. 9, "6L “ and 6 l‘. .\l.. of said day. '-~ '---' -'-- ~ ~" ..-.,_'___.___.___. HENRY A. PlUKlNG,C‘oman{omr. & , ' The 3POt- ‘ Dec. 16, 1861. 4t QAMSON in still in New York, making pm; _‘ '_—'— _T’E—‘E I chose! to heep fall and increele the etoe 9813171011.. '4‘)? his Clothing and \'ericty Store, on the WHEREAS ray “ Ife, Harriet, bl! desert'd Northeast corner of the Diamond. Gettysburg, me—h-viuglelt my ‘3“ “Id board on where sales Ire nude It utouisbingly low the 91h dey of I‘°"mb" lest—l hereby c‘l- pricel. Buying for cash, he can sell low for “on In person. 'l‘“ ‘° "s‘“ b" on “1! “CNN“. (huh—lower then ever 'end no mistake. Cell u i will not be responublc for eny debt the in in the Store. and ADA! Bonuxun will wait ”“1?“1'0‘3L PHILIP THUMAS- Son you with the greatest of plusnter showing 0‘ o'4: DEC: 15.4361. 3“ lyon Clothing, .Boou, Shoes, lc., mil-very kind "‘* ‘ "fiww ' laud price. i ", I EPGéI z, 1861. L Ans: Puomokipiiii {w :1,» tin n.- eehior Shrug“ ’G-Ilery, York amt, , ISITXXG CARDS, Envelopn. opposiu the Bulk; ‘ . l and (‘lp 2190?, jmtrenived n p 11; .‘“: ' {:1 "2' W 352: X put-mantel of I. writ of Vendillonl fix pumu,‘ lssned out ol‘ the Court of (‘ommnn lens of Adams want}, am! to me directed, hill be exposed to l’ubhc Sale. on the premises, on u’edwday. the It! dur/ u/Januun/ nut. (1861.3 M 1 o'clock. I’. 11, the following describe Real fistula. viz: TWO LUTS OF GROFND. mm: in Pctm~ burg. (Y. 8..) Adam: wunty. Pm. fmmlng as the Cnrliale and llnnnver Turnpike. und bound ed by ulleys on the .\‘orlh. South and West, on which nm ended a Two-Mary Frame \\'catlxcrbbnrdml lhelliag HOUSE,” one-sum! dud attir Ila-3k Building nttxvzbed. wltll cellar un- _ der (in luck building large lloughcul Cur pentrr Shay. {Lune weather-boarded Stable, well (if water near the dour or the dwelling,- ulso choive Fruit-trees on said Lut. and ull other necessary Uul-huxldinga. Seized and taken in cxccutidn a: the property of WILLIAM \'n-cI. ' Sheriff's offiro,l Getusburmbcc. 26, ”6!. ”T 0" per cent. of the purchase money upon “1193105 by the 311613th be mid over imncdi 1d)? the? the property in struck dgu n. or upomfnilunwlenmpiy therewith the pr'gipu ‘2, will he “fin I“ up [or salt. 5 leu'xnly. der-caseli. hlu'ing been mndeniguerl, residing: in the am ihc inn-h}- gives stile. u: all per 1 m .‘Jid est tc _to m e i'mmcdiutj btlmac hm‘i :clniqugliml the s ‘ x then: yrop rl_\' :nth ‘ tinned for a} ] Flu-21 mum: 5m l Nov. 15,4381. .é" , Oliphan’ ‘ l-‘ \IAIJ'ABH: O subsc ibr-r, M of omm. nnlcu. a decrees o s.\le 1:; Adams minty. on l will olfrr A Public Wednurfdy. ha 181/: o .Efinte ufl c said do ltuwnship, ilnn'n c lHampzon 2 l 3 mile l Gettysburg. Rnilrnnd 'No. I: ill-1 .\IA. 'lanrl of Jo n Layrlo Ibo‘pmlenl b Ponnw. 'Acrps mid 5 Perch: n wa-Itur Brick ,Barn. Wag. 1: Shut iflonne. Tl'ere is a. 'Rpring of ‘l'nler a! u ‘ nh Orrhnrdlof: varil the land ha been lim Vporlinn of \ioodland. ‘Xo. 2: TRACT OF TAXI), Adjoining llnmlq of Jolm Laydn nnd Joseph Spanglcr, “Tract .\‘o. Hand (‘01: wngo croelo~ mntniniug 374 Acres arid 27 Per hen. There is running ' watvr on ili'is (not. A large portion of h. in l covered Wlli'l nluahl% Timber, and there is I considerablé porsion .n )lnadow. l; WPersan wishi gtn {inv the premiscs ‘prill be than the sung: by t e fumily, residing ‘on No. l. The propemmwfll be sold entire or i in. the tract; designalfil, 5: ms: best suit pur ‘ rhgsen. , 1 ”Sale in commehce at ll‘o‘qlock. 31., on bllbl day. when Mkndgnce will be given and ‘ terms madoknown by ; . ‘ EMANL‘EL SEIDICZI, Adm’r; mfl’. St. I.’ 1". Brinkorimfl‘. .Alch'Jinugher. l 1 chhenenr. 'xgh. ' rler. urge Dnywnlt s Dicksfiolomon ‘lagnnifmn, David nugh", Moles C inncis pole, Abn- 1!. fielty, Jacob ‘Jprexfiialh Stem, Durbontw .k-.~;~ Sheriff's sale. sun'm. ~WOLF, Shrnf. 1171 L !—Thi~l grim ting a great sen ulties of Europe re the fellowing 10 E I; syn ; ‘: inncong: lines, in b?“ one ache, Bug-nu, in tAbseess In ten in one t 4; three Ya: . ache, fiziflXet-k, Azu ms. Broken Brena, : ac to six (fan: _ nnv, Palpimtiun, P!- I dnvu: “ in one day alt thqm, in liriey, in one to 'vsipelu; in 5 re s. Sfifl‘ Joints e Thrall): Scar mud. thwalk, a mu] plbnlnnt. lue for children 'cnm: on. us that were cinr- Night. {thev will tell er all rdplodiei “enric- on, be I‘s. as it in the repnredyf take :4 izntiohs', hnd I xcept my‘n-me and my name , Editor 6f the 12 mm h§ was by onanppli ded by Hind; thou Ridge mm this on (‘ronp.~ i cero.l per coun'ty" Pu... . and snixlhv cu glanfln 111.1 m- in péfisons He thinks it ’ so it iw'. my omcg- 217 a, and 91:15:11; - 'ts. ' I l pu- fidltle. Hz \'nlunbl; Uil :ienlerd in the In. DthMh's. |2n x'gigmh ; Isak. 311 m ' TR—hc‘ken ! of Mn] LAnn lahip. Adams ‘ med to the townghip. :ous indebted payment,_nud me la pteunl ‘eultmutL' DER, l:'z”r. ‘ Court Sale 1 ‘ . 'REAL ESTA'l‘EH—hhe ministmtor Eof the ntntc ; ocean-l, in lpursuaum of ’ the Hrphab’s Court of Humming“. in partition, ‘oLle, on thef premium, on I Harman} ux, :hejueul chent, sima oin Reading unty, 3 m In west: of : from New “Hard on the ‘ nu f-rllmvs :I . 'SXON TRA T, adjoining i ‘and Trnc No. 2. Ind lgo creek, ntuining 9.9 i. The imp vpmentsmro lOUSE. Lo? ‘ and Spring nerer-fiiling xe house, um; it; of fruit trN-I. Pu: of I d. Then: in ngood pro- ate. Leim .CHIGK‘S. W 1“ trier H". ram Vat-AWL i u H V‘ it Vdngtion utilise-amen: for 1862. ‘3 - 5 i N pununeg- of "'1 Ac! 6! Aucmbly pound the 17m day of Juiy. 1842, Hu- fo‘fl‘uhg imm- I lien: Is bitchy published by the Commissioners of Adams con-'3', which uln‘ucs the ‘ Anonll duvflpfibfl and \‘llur ol' the Real and Present] Prop-fly, Tru-le~, Uccipndou and Pnofaiiong'usdeumble by Ike "Vera! Acu ofAlsemny of mi. Commonweahh: I: a" 1 3 ~ '5 -c '3: '5l :1 .g, 3 as? F! 3 29.1 51-: 2:1 -. 9;“ '9"! g: 3"11’5‘2'3351 2-‘1 «3‘l =l2 87.1 5“ 2.: ~=:.~:~ '-.;n pm. A. ~. 5 i nag-lawcfl "CM_E‘-—p’ ‘ 5" 52° 3’ a: ‘n;=‘ac :wv,::=_.a‘ 1 BolnL'GII-AW ’:=;‘=s§HE§£ .=Pa‘i*-.i:§‘§g";‘-l ' Towaamra. [ii-IF. ‘ 1 z‘fit 2.»: 11:311-113..-.‘T1'r _I ~10 I‘4‘ul‘l 4-1-4 =ILU= .5. ’T‘JE‘FB'] ' 'géilf'E'u-"E~“§.B sfia's-ez' 3..1 a: -' ‘ = I E“ =0132'332a! :51 ...). 1 511 3‘l, -§. ‘8 '-'2';.9.| :3! Ig, 3' 1 u ! I Q 1 o ; r‘ 1:, ~- 1 ‘——-—-—————o——-———-—~l———--—- ——-.————— n———- _IW‘ I—-—1 Ccuvsburg ............' zzssuz’ 4550 17529 53155] 53:10, 21100 .....1 1118:; Cum'hcrmé .....1 2576503 16081} was: 5005 .....f 1552 Germany,....’.::.:......1 1693733 10437‘ 416117 10114 .....e .1.... £75:- 0xf0rd.....1.......-...“ 174207; 8109 85476 993 .....1 122 . Huntington, 21699;; 12604 25:50 11820 “mu 7...... ...... a“: 1 Luim0re,............‘... 1293111 9030 - 43431 4595 ......; ...... 3 9-3. 1 ”mum-wan _......1 «2312131 13134 18605 13550 ......, a. Libenv‘......j....:........l 14239 8488 3520 4845 ......1 214 Hami|iu,.,.,.. 11151711! 10089 27021 9345 ...”, m I Mennfle1"...............£ 1743413: 17118 199741 974 ..1.......l {“3l . 5tratum,.......~........ 26:14:11} 25429 411443 , 10215 .. "1...... ""1 59.1.1 Frank1in....,.,,,,.r......1 232901 .19730 412011 14193 .....I ...... 1 :01;I C0n0mg0,.........1....1 202114 f 893: 2933. ,as “""I ...... ...... 1. 161-15 Twang! nus-. 31 106831 19602 «an ...... 1131' .\l'onmjllv. ..............' 2010625. 145531 1119211 1 1.110 ‘..,” ...,,.1 31.3; Moumpfeasnm. ......‘ 2609471 woul 254151 . 1200 ...... ..."! 094; E Rmding’ 2082119 13276 49146; new ...,1‘ 91111.; > Berriekt... 80942 , 42911! 1271:, 3130 “1...! ...... 11191; flcrwicklllol-1:;:........‘ 4122:. _ ~ 2042‘ 11552 423» ...... 111221 Freed0m,..............'.. ‘ 164611}, 101531 1953. 1.190 ......1 ......g 318...}! Dnlnn,.' 2121311 9122, 514132 3665 ...._..1 .....1 ......‘ 1181111 111111". .. 15924-7 13421;! 2524:; 625:6 .:..I.| ......1....... $3.11.. .. ' I__ _2;~*l__ ._.«.._1_.,.1_1- T01d),;,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,.; 40915988: 2111393 691739 213541 5351;] 28001 zoo,- 51 A ‘ ’1 ‘ 115111115 11. 1111119111111 ' Ahab—ll 3!. Warm, Clnk. | December 16. [B6]. 4t M ‘ THE mars mmxb. * Godgy’a Lady’s Book 03 1851—11”: “'URLD’S FAV‘URU'E‘ For 32 fair: (In Sid-dun! ”aquatic—Pro nounced by the lireis of [llo‘ United States THE BEST Lndy's Magazine in the world, nml the vhenpest. Tho [.ilermnre is ofthat kind that can be reid ilond'ln the flm'fly circle: npd the clgrgy in im mense numbers are snbwrih -rs for tha Book. THE 111-251‘ LADY ~WRITERS in Americ contribute to itn pagel,nud walla-Ive somathnt write forfno other ulnrgezine. v THE MUSIC in nll original, ind would cost 25 cent: (the price of the Book} in the music stores; but most of it is‘ copyrighted. and can not be qbtnined except in “Guilt-y.” i Ul'K ETEEL EXGRAVINGSe-wtlll emu-ts to rival unfit: this have cert-ed. and we now ltand alone in this depattrnentugiviug, n we do, many more and infinitely better engraving: than are published in any other} work." GODHY'S IMMI-INSE uutiuw SHEET FASHION-PLATES, conminin from five to seven full length u‘olorcd Fashion: an etch plate. Uther Mugnzines give only two. Fur nhcad ofén)‘ Fashions in Europe or Americe. Godey‘a in the only workin the world that gives these imtr‘leuse pines. and ther are each II to hnve excited the frond" of publishers end the public. The publiutiou ot thewrplntep cost $lO,OOO more than fashion-pints: 9f tlte old 'style. and nothing but our wonderfullyglnrze eireuluiou enables In to give them. 50th” magazines cannot‘n- on! it. i We ne'eriepure money when the pub ic dsn be benefited. These fuhiop: m-y hp relied on. Dru“; may be made after (I (ml and the wearer will no! subjcét herself lo‘ridlc'xlo. IS would be the case if Shtfi'ihllel the large fillies dream] In” the style of the plates given in sod“ of on? lo cullegl fashion mugxuines: OUR WOOD l-ZNGIIAVIXQS. 0 which we give twice or Hug-a limesus'fnnn‘r‘ a any num magnzinfifirr oftrn miltulu-u for cl. They. an: so far lupcrior to nny others. i IMIT.&TI().\'S.—-Bewu‘e of thch, Remem ber llul Hue lady’s Book is the uriglml pub: licng’mn and lhc cheap"). Hyunluio (lode)-1 yau want no other maggzina. 1. , Everything that is useful or ornament-l in I house can he found iq (indey. , > 1).: \\leu Lassen,» sm: mmiuc gives them. and we 11M: given enough to ill several large rolnmea. ‘ ‘ Ul'l'. RECEIPTS are snrh as clan lle'rpn'nd nowhere nl.". Cooking in all its variety— \'onlerfinucry—lhe Nursery—«ma ’l‘uilfl‘T-the Laundry—the Kitchen. ‘Rccripxs upon nimb iecu :re tq be found- in the pig” “the Lady': lluok. We originally slam-d this department. and have prculinr fwililies for mucking it most perfect. This depilrlmenl. nlon‘o is worth the price of the Honk. . ~ , LAllll-ZS‘ WORK TABLE—Jljhizélep-nmem comprisec-engrnving! nnddrscripuém ofevery article um; I ladereaH. 1, ‘ MODEL COTTAGES—No othpr magazine has this dephrlmont. 3 TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One cofiy‘one year, s‘. Two cup'ws one yen, $5. Tlmrebcnpies one year. 56. glfour topics on year. 57. Five copiorone rear. am! an ex tn copy to the person sending the clllb, $lO. Eight copies on. year. and gun extra 'copy to the person sending the club. 515. ,l-Sllrygn copicb our yearl and an extra. boy): to the person lend ing Ilk- club, $2O. = _ ‘ And the only nmguiur that can be introduced into the nbm‘c cluhs in place uf‘lhe Lady“: Book it Arthur‘s llol‘ne Maguine. SPEI'IAI: CLUIIBING WITH OTHER MAG .\7.I.‘IES.-—Godey‘s Lady": Book an‘d Arthur's Home Mngn‘ziuo both one y‘énr for $3 50. Gndeygs Lady's Book and Harper'é ’Mngnzino both mic your for $4 50. Goydcy. limpet, Ind Arthur will all thru to lent one year; on re ceipt 61 $6 00. j ' Treasury Nptes and note: of ill lolyent banks take-ti at par. ' Be careful and pay lh': postage on your letter. Addreu L. A. GONE I', 323 Chestnut IL, Philtdelghh, 1". 507.11, 1861. Orp‘han’s Court Sale r REAL Emma—Tine subscriber, Ad -0 ministmmr of the estate of Jon! FICKLL deceased. in pursunnce of nulhérity given him by the ()rpiiun's Court of Adams county, will offer at Public Sale, on the prcmises. on Tun dml. (he 17th of Dccnnbcr mu. A TBAFT 0F LAVP, simnlc in Latimore townahip. Adam! county, adjoining land: of Joseph Flohr, Sam uel Dalhnmer Ind Haward Fickic. containing about 7 Acres, on which are erected A new qu—story ROFGUCAST HOUSE, Dry‘ Hon" Ind .1 Small Barn. There in a Well ofWaLer :t the house, Ind :12 Orchurd, containing: une ly of fruit (rhea. The land is ofguod qu.-lity. This is a fine chance tor a nice couihrlabie lit tle home. l'crnns wishing to View it will be ahon the property by th: family, residing on in ”Sale to commence It to'clock. P. gt, on laid day, when Inendnnce will be given and terms mud: known by . - WM. B. GARDNER, Adm'r. By the Com Hoax Ricnonn, Clerk. Nov. 25, 13031. td , ' Another Railroad ccmmri—The Cars on the um nm A York, but 11l safe! H. G. CARR’S is the plnre! Ladies. just come and use his fine selection of Scnrfl and Under Sleeves, Spring Skiru, Glows, Stock ings Ind, in fact, everything in the Hosiery run very cheap {or en): or country produce. Gentlemen. a word to you also. “.6. CARR bu jun returned from the city of Philadelphin, having bought 5 fine’ assortment of Woollen Shirts Ind [)mwers,sllo the very latest style or Woollen Comforts; in fact. everything to nuke people comfortable in Cold weather. H. G. CARR bu just received a' very fine assortment of Liquors, which he is selling very Che-p for cub. Don‘t forgot the plus—right opposite the Bank, in York street. Gettysburg, Dec. 9,1861. ‘ Basket Making. OHN ELLOWER would moat mpectfuny g! inform the public that he bu commenced t. e BASKET MAKING busineu, in South Bnlnmora urea. Gettyslmrg, two doors Non: ‘of Dtnncr & Ziegler’u Score, when he bu on hand A large lasorkment of Buskfls—including Bums for Sleigh, Wuh Basket]. Man-kc: Bukeu, 4m, ta. lie invim the (mm of '.he public sud promise. to (numb bu “up.“ of work. Prices modtnle, to suit the tin“. Nov. 25, 1861. w r„ # r' . B. GARDNER, aux KH‘ZBS, , 1 Com C 321 * Valuable Real Estate & ‘ 1' manna FALI-L—So. l: artists. A MOUNT.—-Tllia heziuti'ul and réry desira hle country sent, :uljdiniiiz the Baruugh of Gettysburg. on the r 033 lending in lgtiriiclq, is how offered at Private Sale. ’ ‘ ' The firm eonninu l24,.—it‘RES.nlgr"e orl u, 10 to l'.’ mere: oi which are in timber nd Mimi 30 acres of mendow bottom; thud nro wo young Apple and Penyl} Orchvirdl omuie prfim itesnhe lnnd is the re_d grunilc wil. tgweplihle ;ol'e high state ol' culii’mliont‘lime nuts \Eell upon it and ('MI hlwnyu be had at chi Rnilr ml ale-pot, which isin sight; in 12.) cents rhushel. heimpmvementl Aren'l'w'o-unry L ’entherbonrded ”HUSH, With ellu, Beck-building, Belle-oven, Smoke-house, I lurgehnuk Burn, withhine, Cori (‘r-ib, m.. togciheg‘ um. pll neceesery out-buildings. in complete onl"; there is a pump M the door Ind Alain-failing spring of water close by. “'i‘ioéhy‘: 'ltu'n bounds the west end ofthe Fnrm. We proper. ty‘will be shown by \lr. JnLu Honing, living on the premises, or by the subscribe:- in u“- lyulinrz. ' I“ . No. ‘1: CCHBERLAND P.\R\T.~'%his Farm in also I handqome and rery desirablq‘properfly, limnle on the Taueytown maul, four Iliad" from Gettynhurg. cuutuiuiug 1 £8 ACRES; morle or lens. About 301 cm! are iu timber ‘lud 25 to .10 acres in mlemlow; This lend is aka of the red gravel soil kind, clenr ni‘stones, 9::in cul tivated. prmluee‘ well. and is capable of being highly improved. All it wunu to mike it one of ihe heel. firm: in {he neighborhoodi; a good farmer and a ligtle lime, which can hiways be had either at Gi-ttyslmr: or all. littleftoun. in 1,2} cents per bushel. There it e_v n’xyng Apple and l’em-h Urchnrul and two nprinzshzf water near the house, and a (drum of mm crave: the south eml ofihe {nrm nut-the building.— The improvements are a one end I ".... ;' lmlhtory Sumo Noun, {Jake-m en, , ’ Smalre-hmueJlarge Boubie Bern. Liwfi with Wagon She'll“ (30m Crib. ,-'- 9 ~n- AL llo: Fed, and all “crawl-y out-lfiiildingi, Churvh. mill and uhooi-lmuse all-iltgsu by, in a healthy end Moeuut neighborhood 53nd g'nqd debt. This property will he show”: If Mr. 3m. Kl~efinurehliiiugnpoukerb-r John B m‘k adjoinilifi. Terms cilsy. ' X 6. 3: A‘ \'ALL'ABLE' BULL PHUI’HIETY. (outlining 39, ACRES of land. 8 lo 10 ofn‘hivll nrc in timber. situate one-halfol .1 mile S. \L from'LittlL-slonn,thc terminus of thé llailron . The imprm‘rmrnu are n Two—'tnry Fume MILL IIUUSI-Z. wivli Slut-laL ~ .. . having all the necessary mmhim-ry .55"? for‘Mcrchant work. A large Tug}; "' ‘ ntory LOG HOI‘SB with lhwmrn’l, Ftahlq. kc. Thin i 321 very dciimhlc pruplcrlr'und will lie mid on m-connnodzglipg terms 1“}. Tlmg nixldlc, living on tho premium-e. will slum ill-T Call and seeit. GEN. AIINUIJ). l Geuyihurg, Oct. 14,1361. 3m l - ' TOlDisabled Sonnets, ‘ '. EASIEN AND MARINES. AND “100 W; S OR OTHER HEIRS OF TENN 2 WM HAVE-DEB UR "El-1K KILLED {S 1‘"?! SEE: VICE —CIAS. (‘. TvclmJAnurney for (‘llim ants, Bounty Land and l‘emion AgcnlLWash ington City, D. (‘.—Pension: procured Mr 80!- diers. Seamen nnd Marines of tho present war. who Me disnbled by relsoq of wounds reccivofl ur disenu contracted while in aervicoJixd ‘l’en «ionl. Bounty Money and Arrann of Pay oh} mined for widown or omér hcirllof those uh . hue died or been kined while in unit-c. ‘Bnnnty Land procured [or serving M In; the other I'm. . CHAS. C. TUCKER, , , " Waubingtonflb. C J. (‘. .\‘nLY. Agent, quxysburg. Nov. 13,1861. ‘ .r . v A. Scott & Son, E EALERS in Foreign. and Dom'o’syc Dr ‘ . (ifwulg2 lining-y Articles. Queens!“ e, Gm? .- _ .. ‘n .. . , . 4... , Lune l.lrul‘~ ...“. caries, kc.,N. W. Corner nft‘hnmbenhurg am, F his lhfigencvm‘rlhc p.nem‘s()nl:l.\'l-:R’.\' \\'Mhinz~ton “mu. We hm: in“ "new I IMPROVED FAN-SING mus. which hm our Stock ofGoodsJuitcd 1.. the FALL AN}? taken menuflmrpe pm! Premium! thruuglmm \\ INTERSALES, to which ue inviteme “new the Suite “frmmflmnim and the yapwrrm. tion of‘bnyers ofpreuy, good and cheap Goods; ium "(the s‘ch Pfair or {lllmm, .\nd 31,011,.- For the Laniiea. we ban a good anortment of “enrvfror n“. ma ”r \, u,znu;l,l~:|:'x (- \s'r. DRESS 000031 SHMW-“- TRU‘MNGS- “é. Him" and wmmnn'lsmm: norms, Our stock of Cloths, Clsumercfl. Cnssineu’a‘ which fume lecn Llu- Firit Premium :1! «Hillt- Jenni, Jun, for Men and 30."! i‘ 1M3”? 30°. ; Fairs that ever they were exhihilqd .n, whirl] and cheap. ! 2 . ’is mum aux or eight in nmnhc-r. ‘ lg‘i'omo one, come All, and on inc for, Farmers. the .\filhzmd‘ Plough! arr warran? .VOIRICIVOS- A- SCOTT 3%05- f 5.1] m gin lullsf‘tcunn. If Ulry (lOIH. you a e 0" 14,1561: T i I privileged to return [ht-m to the ngmt nt (iu —*—‘ ‘ “ “'“’ ___: ”M‘H‘W‘ . . ) .2 . 156 . ‘ Sands’ Sampanlla g ‘-‘_”‘l”_E'_______ [9 "' ‘ ' °"‘ URIFIES THE BLOOD. (l P SANDS SARSAPARILLA - Cures Scrqfula. - SANDS: SARSAPARILLA 3 Cure: Stubborn Wicca, ‘ SAYDS' SARSAPARILLA 5 (‘mes Slrhmnul Comphanu. - SANDS' SARSAPAMLLA = i Cures Mercunnl Dingle]. I SANDS' SABSRARJLLA . a ‘ I: Never fixih. Auk for Sands‘ Snrnpanlla and hike nogother. ”PM-gutted by A. B. t D. SANDS.j3jDrng guns, XOO ulmu SL, cor. of William, S: Y. For ulc by A, D. chun, Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 25,1861. 1m ; o } Notlce. g ‘ NNA urmxm-zws Baum—Ledger: or A administmtion on the game 0! 3mm McGinley, late of Gettysburg. Adlml county. deceasedJnving been granted to the wader :igned. residing in the sums pita, he bushy give: notice to sll personl ildehtcd to uld estate to nuke immediue phylum. and thou Inn-ma chins 134 mm. the “nu to present them properly uthvuticued for setmmem. MOSES McCLf-lAN, Alim'r. No!.18,186l. 6L Mrs. S. A. Chrismer “ 7 XSHES to inform the Ladies of Getty!- / burg Ind lurrounding country/.111“ she has receivud from the min; the most {uhiona ble “flu of CLOAK. COAT :nd SLEEVE PATTERNS for WICI' and Children's wear. Residence on Baltimore “mt, next door to EN. Rowe a Bro}; more, Gettysburg. Piuking umndod to n tho chum". notice. - N0v.11,1861. 3t . For Exchange. WILL oxcbange TWO 0R (BREE FARMS ekher in Milsouri _0: lowa, for Ru! Saute in Adnms county. ”I will also exchtnge n ulnnblo HILL PROPERTY in Adams county, together with 38 ACRES, for s PARK GEO. ARNOLD. N». n. 1361. In ‘ vsox no mans m mm; mm’prm. T in: pic-tutu 1: prices to suit the tin". 1‘ it is:t~amm‘«<am:aiéx Mm“-=s’l:M,Wmtr:mc§mi”7mmm Cannon & AWE * f ‘~ ’ DR: W 312 fi. _"URMI an mam; Worms. (‘urner or mm» It 0U T H WAB E . [h more-ml mflidd’fi stunndirecfly 01*, 811 m: REMEDY Fun A petite the new Conn “nun. UetlyibflK-—, A BAD BREATH. lining menu; arrived from l’hilndeiykim my] ‘ $01!}: MOUTHS‘. feeling Emily competent u execute an nur’k m' ‘ (:ANKER, “the finest I&er of the Lrt. We \\nuld respectful-j DISEASED .BLEEDISG (mus. ’ iy invite the attention of the public wishing ‘Lo‘ NURSING SORR VOI’TI. procure enything in our line, to finur u with A And the hon apecific now in nu: lar any .li 3‘ cnll-l Ind enmine spccxmcm 01‘ our Work. We muted condition Mum mouth. hi! puticulur} are prepared to furnish MUN LWHINTS. “NBS 1y beneficial to prnon: wurinq ASK) HEADHTONES. MARBLE MAN'I‘LHS. i ARTIFICIA L ”331‘", I SLABS fur Cabinet-makers, and all other “0“ completely dcclruying evm taint tho I'mmlhg appertaining to our bum:c~.=._nl the lowealrlvw- übaorbingnnd removing n]! impuritiél, inuniulz bible prixea. We dnnot immune to guarantee A .\‘WHFT BRP‘U‘H hat our work shall be put up in n manner lub-. . ' . “ " . hi all “ho mnke use of 11.. No ficung Lady e; ”um,“ “d “3‘3““! mu"! to the be“ m be. Young Gnutlemcn who is afllidedJith 1 ‘ seen in rho cmcs, v. hero cverv improvement , . . ‘ which experience has suggested u availed of] ‘ HAP “ii-“UH . _ and especially do we gunmntcc that our Cc'nc- ""‘dfl “0‘“! “PPU’mK ”l" remwdy, ’0? “ ." ' Lery ud Grave Yard Work \lmu be so carefully cermm cure, and is approved and reqounrlemi uetu-nouo bentfecml hyfrmt but shall main- ‘ ed bi emf Physician: under Whm uohco . min for year. um. crccmcs» nt‘ position ghun ; IN“ "1“ 5'0“!!!”- an the cnmplefion of a Job. and so INN esury to' A BAD “HEATH cnufinued gracefuineas and uymmelr)’. ‘ is an offence for which there is nu exruu whil _figjfij‘_»j§s€‘_9 ( _‘____7 »_' DR. W3l. n. uuuo's xmrru WASH 1': ‘2 ‘.a ‘n :I' go 11‘ 536 )2 =l, 7 9 '1 13 Town Property , A T PRIVATE SALR—The undersigned ol fcrsat Private Snir the l’romrty‘iu wh‘ngh he ‘.“W resides. aiumte in Emt \liddle street, Gelysburg. adjoining S. R. 'l‘ipton an die “03! _nndiurs. .\icElroy on the east. 'Klil a. m, ufle)‘ in we ran. THE “HUSH ism tvautory Fume. \Veflherhunnled‘ with Buck-building; n u e“ 419' \\Mer. With 4 pump m it. at m; door; and n Yuk-1y of fruit, run-k ms Applet, pen", pushes, apricots, ChUl‘f’lQe, and grapes, all the most chnive. " , , _ ZACHARLHI MYERS? .\‘pr. 12, 1360. u‘ . i ._ H __ 7-2—-.. - - “.--_“; aims; g 4 Chegary Institute, ,9.)- AND 1529 Sl‘RL'Gl-I s‘i‘.,“.riitt..\L 3,, I DELl’lll.\.—Thin minim, ronL ducted for two years past. l'll this city. hi 2 .\luuui: (‘umaiu' and her niece Blauaulp D'llfiiviux. upon the same principle! as tlie’ cumin New York, Elmllhs‘hafll there it: the yul'l laH, will rc-npen on Manda)" Hrpr. mu. with ‘ its usual ample and t «miilrtc prmiiiiun tor “l_ei V _ * education of Young Ladies. under tlimlirertinn“ "—w’fl- "_H —"Y-_‘TT~ ”M." of .\lndtuut' ll‘llervilly. (‘iri~u_lnr~, and all rc'p: I‘R' ‘VM‘ 1" “L “”5 quisi c information. can be obtaiiucil on nppliz.l TOO TH POWD 3 3 - catfim to the l’rincipul. _ t . ‘Tllll' Powder poueuu this 3 Aug. 12, 1881. :lm f CARBON”! Wl‘l‘HUU’l‘ THE INJL’flIOCS # 'in “HA; F‘;B h Sufi-ply - “74 ~I 1 PROPERTIES OF CllAßi‘OAli. 1 . 8 . l and ‘a free from all .\cirls or Alknlira that can a TAKE this melhoil tn inform the [midi in the lenstiujutu the Tenth. - film’l l haw [oft-hell from the riiv nrl'hilnl: ‘ 173 .\crios inn-n zvriarw walnut—- dclpiia 1| FRESH STUCK til-‘ (mops, comr rouiaulm wmiour vrniuxa uni mum” . prising I" ofthe newt ml" 0' ll DR. Wit. n.‘ mum's morn POWDER " ” LADIES DRESS 00003. . iin rri'ommt-ndrtl by all Eminent lieutliis. Ell \\l’lfi. ' ' _ ‘ ’ . l'rriurL-Il ut Dr. lliirrl'l Dental (Office, .\'o. 77 _ Cl.o\l\'l.\'il ('LOTHS, - , l; Fourth Sim}. "runklyn, up. ' L"“'l‘!'L*T;:f'_.m, : ‘ lj , ' Price. 25 Cents per Box. 1 _ , ' Bl‘lV‘J'l-‘TQ . i 1 A liberal discount 'll‘lndt‘ tn Healer-. 1 ‘ . ' u mg r r ,l Address Princi a) cam. Trl Img 1 m ‘ ‘ “ Buildings No R Spruce at I! " THXDK'BS ' I" , - ~ . .. as “.11, M a fin, “1“..q“ .( ’ ii Sullil also by {'iuaell, Mack k Cm. Tin)! ERI-‘I‘IERY’ .\VD l’.\\'i"i’ 90AY‘S. I l, AWuuo Hotel; 1. k l'. leilinglon. 715~Bionil in f. teveryth‘mg thin in «sunny found: in all W 8) : l? *3 UMHN, 202 Broadway, irud by all lioclt 0r*!:l;_;“ll'lrd"l;)ll:(:_;éill'l1llglfir<' : ll Urugulrti. 3‘ ... _ _* ”.'- lh'in‘e anrmniplrto a hock of f‘l.(lTllfl,Chl‘Fi-€_; 1 DR' ‘VU. 1‘" "URD'S . Mimics, mums stimuli: _ rim nuts-3| TOOTHACHE DROPS, . WEAR. «a well as ”LlNES.,NTlli'lefifi',li For the cute ol' ‘ llAYlDKHm‘lill'll-‘S. '.\ Hi'K TIES. SI'S‘l'HX-i; TUOTHAL'UI‘? DHRS. kit. as war ever limit-flit to this mun-lint};l prnduced by upmed nerves. Ltdies' Dru! Trirhmiiig; 'in gun! wur‘n-tg. ll it is imriiculnr‘l)‘ adapted to all caul of chil- Vititing (.’AI'dS, Hui-clam». Votv, Letter hll'li; dri-n nflliqted with TUOTIIACHE. ' Cal‘ae.‘ ‘ '; Preii vii-ll th I tr t lgifilipl.'inen. Bleiwluul aiul Brown “lanaidi.t:‘t-s;iii.g:‘eatiiie:::nii|:=“l:vvu out till Piiin’w (use \lusliu and “'ith Sheeting. l , L 035 or swag.” . 0"«38- 135‘“ ‘ J. L. SCHWK- inqal thoir‘cliihlrea from grut "faring, by :m*““"“" “"’ ‘ " " ‘ ‘ " ‘ , meiug a bottle of ‘ New G°°d37Bt Axendtsville. lint. war. ii. uvno's TOOTHACHE [mops llHjundc/rfii—zhfd have just rflurl’ltll ,frnml in thi- home. a . the cities with a splrgdhl stud; of Sufi Fri-pared at Dr. fliird'u Dent-l Ofllca, So. 'l7 Goods, such I! is rarely found in a cnunlry Fourth Stu-flvflvooklvn, E. I). More embracing CLOTIN. j‘auj'iicrci, Cuaii- ‘ ' - ' .- , . awakening; LADIES Sl’liKS,{'nburga, .\l- ‘ glee; :nly 12 Cents par Batu” lmcr‘n‘s, Dulainvr. Debug“. l'r'iuts, (linglmm‘f ‘ ' I 1"“ ”count mule to deale‘rl. \lu'litin. Flannala; Ileiidy-mgule i‘LOTIflS”, Addl‘m Principal 05100. Tribune ii \TS, CAPS, Doors and snares: "Aim. Buildings, No. {gpruco m..:N. Y. WARE, Queensware. GRlll'l-Illllih‘: DRI'GS, Said also bv Cntwcll, Huck t Co.. Pix”! IPaints. Oils: in short Flldiflhizf'm'l'fl "I” id! I! iAunuo‘llotc! ;'J.\k l. Coddington. 715 Broad ’l‘uil‘lldl (a‘il tn give grnt: l_ “ninth-tionfnnd i way; 0. 3. Barnes, 292 Broadway, and by I“ n‘liivli they Will sell ior( .Khll, oriit sixti dag: F[li-11;,v{.;ists. - ', .(u prpinpt pagers. Call in 11111 l sec for your- l" < -9"-~~‘. - ‘ .-_ ..-_ -7“.-- _~. ‘.-- iselieC—«no trouble to show Gouda. E , DR. ‘\VM.,B. "URD'S j “up:consmnu’l'lmcl'E‘lUl2?‘T\S\3Pl‘F§:\”‘s'E NEURALGIA PLAQT‘BS. 7. 3' l ‘ "' ‘ ‘ ’'-’ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ For the cure of NEERALGIA I o_§ ,3 ISGI Arsudt’uiltL‘dMl” co., h' gar Toothache produced by col-iii. ‘ . __‘VLJ___‘.. 2'“ ~ 2 ;,. . . ill LOCAL NEURALGM l 5 Attention' _ fiil immediately cured hy their applivallon. ' i . . . . . ' - -' 3 ll? Thrv art likl a charm. and are perk-(fly ‘ I__ i .. .~ . ~ . :R'TM [l:5 “n":“fflfm itono :ui.:'n3ntrn llmrmlb! in their natiro: do not. produce ii :selves iflm‘eiii’nt:l:ut‘ilic rchchiqu‘ii-il‘hlxig: ébllstrr, and leave no iinpltnsnnt resulu. ‘ ‘ hex-shiny: turret, Gettysburg. and recihe. at a hillil.\\'ll.;ll. lll'lill'S NrflRhLGIA PLASTERS lmerr limninal price: full uniforms Mid the 1119- l""_" (.‘"! ‘0 give satufuction to “u "h" “5" 't-usziry eqitipiiienta for I winter campaign. l4”"”' Virtue: . _ J lhuve Lain-n sperial (‘IN' to provide for tliernm- -!‘J’rrpltrdlt Dr. llunl l E’infilomc'i 59- 71, ,fort (it my men by xiiitink the cities and ll_\- diuurth Elrvet. Uruukb'u, 1'" D- ‘ :ing injnn unusually largt: xiii-ply ol' i him only 15 Cent: ouch. ' | CHIEF“; l)! ":3 deat-‘ript'ion. l A liberal discount mails to dealer-r. “‘ "9'? "“2 ““ " r ‘ ‘ l Address Principal Ofiice Tribune l V imagine” llnxintul ( anti. . l i ‘ Buildings, NO. 1 Spruce 'sth. Y. . nntalnon; in endless rnrietr, r , . 1M" qtun‘ntitv of Winter \’r-rte. ' l? Saiilialim by (unveil, limit it Cm, Fifth l - “Muslin", Drawers. lluipery,’ | Avenue Hotel; J. kl. tuddington, Il.'i ”rand. i Clown. Supt-mien. lltill'nlo Ind l 334 i 11. 3- Hamel, 202 Broadwny, “"d h! l" i Guni Overshocs. an-l Gentlemrn‘l shawl-a. l "'“K'r'r‘j‘fl 7 [Dec. :7 1861' 1" stingy/zen. ._ “go ._ 3‘ ‘ ' """" ”""""' ‘" W "“',”' ' Trunki and (‘nrprl Huvk'. tint-rate Clnrkg. 30 3“} ' NOtICB. ' . hour, ’ umulny Hull .\lnrxp Clarita, \'inlim,‘ ‘lll’! undervgned hereby lel‘ notice to thc .\ccorfeonl, Pistols. Karol-Ten. Kmvu, Pip" ‘ l thy public that. from and after lbis‘ tgxup, and eictllent smoking 1‘0!»ch Olga", and I, 0‘ “'1“ lflflm‘fl.Y P“ the 1"” 5" "’VCE'NPW Notimfi in ell-ll”: ,ruricl”. .\Kow it ihe firm 9"! PN-Wl 0" Wu?" who may “3 fmmd “'o‘ to hug cheap. (‘lll noon. Having purchased , WHUIS “If"! ”‘9‘" lundl, for ”‘9 purpose 0‘ my goédn cheap for CASH. I mu prepared In lumtmguluhlnx. a"- sell lhdm chapel than they. luve ew-rheen of— 15- 3 NW“). 10"“ “"hmuy (end in this place: before. F. I}. PIL‘KISU. V 3 hand 3“" Ame: D- filublc, 0“; 28, mol. . ' l Alexander Shorb, Fred. Trimmer. * * " W 7, *i“ ‘ John Wolfurd, Alexnndcr Yong, Jm. Kuhn. . \ Ezbm Benn,“ , lirurl .\.‘luuer, Dulirl Shed}, ~ , David Link," J‘red. Blnm, Dwid Kunlz, ham: Will. ; ‘ J-u. button, “in Spawn-ll", John Palmer, Wm. N. 1.01:. ' J.u-9h Strnnblugh, Samuel R. Holman, Lewis Will, Upton Porn", \lur)‘ A; Hemllr, John soch, ‘ Henry shed}. Muuumlcaunt tp., Nov. 25, ISGI. 3t '“ Another Victory! xsmms, Lake pom-e that. n. G CARR Hi“. nndcraiqned,havlng n large amount T landing on his Books for :3 cnngidumhle length of time, principally m-ule' up nl‘ Immll accounts, mkel this method of uolilying those indebted to him, Elm he need: muney, and it” his friends will run and r-tlle their accuunfl. be will feel under many übligatians to them. Sept ‘23. 1361. J. L. SL'lm‘K. ANIEL REII.L\"S ESTATE—«Lawn tes- D tagnenury on the estate of Daniel Reilly. luo of )loumplenunt township, .\dnms coun ty. devoured, having been granted to the undersigned. residing in the name townlliip, he hcrchy gives notic: to xll pruun! indebted to said estate to make immedinte payment, nml thou luring claims Igsinn the same to prrngn: them properly nullicmlcnled for ultlemepz. JOSEPH LILLY, la'nrufor. Kg. 4, 1561. at. Call at Samson’s. AVING returned from the waryuhe stock I I being nomevhntueglected incunsequenco of :hunlhn being'lickJ but u .\. BULMNGEIL is n Home ngnin, n first-rate nuorlment of CLOTHING, kc, has been forwurdcd,uhich will be sold 15- heremfura u the RIGHT PRICES. N. E. Qorner o! the Dinmond. Gettysburg, Aug. 19, 1861. Restaurant For Sale. HE lublcribcrinundinglo go into another‘ T business. ofl'ers the good will Ind fixtures] at his Mum-mm: Chambenbnr‘ “red, for ale. The Reluunnthu I 'good run ofcustom.‘ lad will be laid chenp for cash. 21ny Ippli-‘ anion duired. GEO. F. ECKENRODH. Gettysburg, Nov. 11, 1861;. . HE attention of the Ladies is especially in- T wind to a large and béantiful assortment of Lniicl' and Min!!! HATS, FLATS AND SHAKER HOODS,oflntr-~rspring "flea, em bracing Boulevnde Ind Vernon, which we are clot-in? u grew] reduced men, at Apt-i 22. x. . xcxwmr’a um. PHOTOGRAPHS“ M. Tfiona‘Sky-kight Gd EMI Notice. Notice. . “'SOS BROTHERS have constantly on find 1 A large assortment of plliu and {my cases, gilded framel, gold and plated lockeyf,s bz-ve:utpins,,&c,y ML, which may nu mung it“; neténishingl) low—prim. ‘ ILLNEBS And other: will find a zoo; mgr-i NI gunmen! of Ribbons, Flow-en, Nun}, ‘ for $1 P“ “I”: , finches; It, II nu chap store a! "cry. I 1 A. SCOTT k 302'. ”'1 cnn-lw procured. ‘ Lhmy venom marry with lhem I bu) Month, greatly to the Annoyance Ind oflen to um 11h gmt of [hose with whom they como la couture, without being contriaul of [he fut. To rav have yourself from all fours regarding till, ' USE DR. \\‘M. B. HURD'S Ntlle" WAS”. ('leanlinesz of the mouth is 1' great impor- Llnre to the general health. which in ol‘u-n ll!- chted} and not unl‘requently urionnly’ iripn‘lr ed. through want of proper Inenzion lo Uri: subject. 'r ‘ ,L'SE DR. \\’\l. 11. IIL'RD'S "OFT" WASH. ,ljrrpnrovl nl Dr. llunl's Dent-l (mice, No. 77‘ Fourth Slreel, lfrooklyn, H. D. 1 ‘ ‘ Price. 87 Cents per Bottle. ‘ 1 -.A liberal dist-ount made In dulcrs. - ‘ Address Principal Ofllce. Tribune ‘ ‘3 Buildings, NB. 1 Spruce 8%., N. Y. Fold nlurhy Cancel], M H'k k C0..31~'i111l .-\"\enue llolel: J. k l, (‘oddingtom lib Bro-d'- way; D. 8. Bn’ruu, 202 Brotsdwny, and 93‘ all Druggiuts. » ‘ - Notice. I} ‘1"! undersigned, chin-m of Butler town ‘ ship, Autumn county, PAL, forbid any for. run or petsonl hunting, fishing, taking Mien}- t'urbinx fruit at nny kind. or Hauling um I ujur fields on to“ or otherwise. Any perm I dirtegurdlng thin mica will be dull «it; us c‘ording lo huh. ' ‘ Efm Gardner, John Bream, ‘flu-uc llouck, 4 Mich-cl Detrick, { s“".qu mew, ‘ Nov, 25, 1801. 3:“ Elin Gulhruith, ’ Henry Galbraith. Sunucl fl. Harm Daniel Slaybfllzh, 1 Wilflnm dune. Notice. OHN i-‘ICKLFI’S ESTATE—Letter: of a] avlminiurntinn on the um. 0! John Fivklo, IM2 orlmlimore township. rAdam! coul ty, devoured, having been gmnlaLm an un drruigned. residing In Huntington towmhip.hg,_ bushy give: notice 1.9 All persons indcbied mid estate to make fmnuodiue payment, 13‘ those havingclnims Against the same to pray!“ :llcm properly nuthemicnied for nnhmrnt. ‘ WM. 1:. GARDNER, Jilln'r. ‘ .\‘ov. 25, 186) Notice. WHEREAS, my wife Bv’usnn, shun“ hmelf from my bed and bourd Without Inyjult cause, this is to wun I" pfl'lofl! {roll harboring or muting her on my account. II I, I will pay no debts of hercnntm. ting after um: date. JACOB P'IL'KES Huntington tp., Nov. 3‘. IRON. 3L Notlce. , R duire a)! pcrsogs iuéebud to u m «Inna make settlement. hnving It“ a chmnxe in our manner ofdoinz buiueu. . Out. 28, 1561. FAHNBSTUCK BRU'al. . _ANBS, at H. G. Carr‘s is the plum to,” Gloves amt (hamlet; of .n kmdu my; cheap. Call Ind examine them. No trabh‘ to show goods. [\hy )3, ,i-, I II II - -r--nr