The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 09, 1861, Image 3

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    I t
“We all “nation to II
Valuable ml and personal 9
longing to the esmtu of Gm. 1
cered, by Hon. Max“ Man
ocutor. to take place in this
mnmmr. The opportunity to
desirable properties i.-(nol oft
Thursday ‘week, Mr. Fm -
(non of Mr. Buns 17.. Lin-u, --
a member of Ckpl. MAM-15's
Lumen-ville, was take-n undd
wa‘fi removal to tliu Unwind,
tgnvtjnn pitid him; buk he flied
eiening. His cal-[me wan bcnu
Monday, and interred- onl '{u (
Green Cemetery. with mili -
“ Adams Rifleu,” (Supt. M'Cux
the escort. His age Own 1? ye
tnd 25 riavs.
““Lieut'. Wummaros M
been cleczcd'l-‘int Lieut. of II:
ry Compiny, in the mum of L
defined; and Ann-2M Hr.
Limit. irr‘the romn of Lien
pgomoled, _,' 4 \ '
‘S‘QM Mtivo yhung frie ‘
Kxnx. has turned upin a pm
ble and honorablé poxiéion in :
line. We observe that among !
tint passed through Baltim‘orel
giving day. for thr: seat of war 1
Rngimnnt ol' N‘rw York Cumin
upward-t of 9m) men. all etulw
followp; récrulted in sevegal o ‘
fund chunties of Sew‘ T‘ork.
Mnjoi-Q k Grunts M «14ng -
:ro gratifiud to Eco hini in w
[msitimh—‘S’cnfiurl. ' -
8T1“! Ludir-s of Fairfioid l
«I! a Soldier‘s Rulief .\«oviuti
«uteri-d upnn‘the Work with g
The (Allowing are [the «um-m:
)‘rl'nigh-nt—Mrs. R. (‘. Swnpo
\'ix‘e Pu~~i~lum—.\(r<. Judgb
"frvasurnr—Mrs. I). SuHivnn.
Svcrq-lury—Hiss Maryann?
3ltulaxcers~Mr~n lmnc Rubi:
H. .\{cCrt-urv. MN. 11. ('. .\‘w
NllUiVnn. Miss Ju‘ue McGinley,
MrGinlay. I
Im. ‘lg/lipa 0&2»! may! I».
awn boxm «9i ”twin, and for“
‘0 “'uuhingtnn, -
t: , ’
Wheat. W. W. .\Vnilmnw
(’rec-kaR-mgnrn. hu'a been clog-tr:
that Cm) pa. Iv. to H“ the vnt‘mu-
IN the n-aiguntinn of (Hpmin J:
‘Hgsnv Lu”, J_r.. hm bg-nn
LL-ut. nn-l 1.2. R. TAWVIH' in Li
‘06?" Joyn“ lir’umpqu, ‘ Mn
tnnk‘lzip: rent. in (In' Hmml nf
Ih}. l‘nur qn .\[nnvlay lzut. ,Tll
cnmistu r-f: Bit-«rs. Izuu‘ l?»-
Mn.LLu and Junx‘ lit xnmmc, I
- Sound Dectnné.
.Tlm Nr-w‘ Yntk U'nr/rl. in file
on lhn‘fineb ing of (fungi-n». m
fuming rq‘urt flrnm [‘heh‘uru
.sl'l't‘mnrv in mnm-xiun with (
(50ml! n-x'n'n‘tliluroi. wimk ”pl
‘H ix imimrtnnf. an all nm-nm
.H . w
war ath nut ho lnug. Hm n]
'l‘ mnzv with which it Olnthf‘f t J
«nuhl 'dnllnnyl‘ mn' hfié'rtiui j
zn-mimp‘l up in 1!)» time of flu
111-min! o nl’finh. Uurprmitlen
tun-r 9 «loin: ennuuh tn cm-rnlvl t
:llIOV‘Jlfi of Hm cmnm‘v whg-n on
PNI'HIUIP wu~~ sow-ntv'millirm
rrurn~nt mnunt yztmul Imp. wi
'0"! ('unqilulinn. if thu prw- tn 1
hr in nxur)-r«~i«h-ntiul "nut-uh
N “W hundred‘millimns m‘ 1m
‘di(-m~. If the, war id «in in m 4
thn no“ ph-v‘tinn nvn-ngkm Hi,
Hlmrtim wilf'yut “Ix-who Hm
,iu nfghelast rnanm‘nrn thm \‘
hc‘rr‘uh-in a-fi'nrta, unamthn wnr'
Foul". and «in-Ht hofure our mt
‘HIW‘ lax-t ‘llt'ii'-1:|“I0.h‘lr Pi?” p
:nuhitzmh gunofimlu are minm-d
31in: n printn‘ "in :I grant 71ml
‘ mam ‘nm unnm- us imtrumvnh
Pnu’vl‘. ‘Fur (ho sumo rnnLnn t
jun-mm (a mu! (1m gar only. it
‘ that j! shnuhl ha mmilu'nmul in
HM that only :3 mmh'raw lilil'mu
hihneceum _v In {mm-MT» lhn jun)
ity nilor its close. Wu "Imm ‘
‘ [ol'l'nuuwh‘t rum-Imm- of t.ln- cu
hiding"; lunaihlv: nn-l Mir €800:
we}! will be in pmlu-nwn In I;
.gnwrn the rvunirml f-agntry '
s’nhluhlry cn—nfwrutiun 6f the cl
; Tin-so ~gr-p'e (‘finflhll‘anhlHK‘
‘ “ml-..eqwoially “‘nrthv. tho at: i
"gowmmxrnt and lefiountry. ;
. V .4. - . 1
f ‘1 Receiving His Pa
"Wu-n .jrf'm-rnsnew (M’s-rm
mi:a rosolutinns in the Unite-d.
L‘sf Winter. nndwbiéh 11ml Hwy
ed. wuuld have secured chntinpl
prosperity toflile t-nuntry. no I
th'olh with mnm‘ l)inernn~~ llmn
tho .\(mmcliuriiiit-i Almlitinn Her
ing but'xi'n‘r would satiefy him}:
inile.‘ no noticeniou.” wm-e (lie
speech. It appears by 11m milet
which-we take frnm'a th'uU
glint. the valiant Senator is m
his pay. Like all other S'enatoi
bers'ofECongrL-ss who ohftinntql
listen to peacd propmitic‘ms, he
3 princely fax-Puma at. him {x
people, ' “'1!“ care tliése lea
cans for the sufl'erings of the p
8.4 .they comprofit largely by M
to tin- qrticle we have been 51) nking of
“ A LARGE CONTRAH.;S€ 'ltqr “may
WILSOV. of Mfisauohuwma h w a contract.
for making one; million pain“ inrmy 5.11065,
TWcuty-five cents a pair, we told, my;
therßoston I}:me tlmaeyli are familiar
with. the mmlus operamlihf gl ng out, con
tmcls.'is in small sum (9 make n A pair that}
sells for $2.25. This lenyex th Senator the
mug little sum of two liundTed and fifty
thousand dgllnysj" ‘ . ‘ ,
‘1: is no part of the progl
Abo‘litioni‘nts to resto're‘the I
mom now; us they always have
the'ro" shall be no: union of th
alsveholders. They mesa to:
:1 by Federalputhority, whicl
«films! and subversive of t}
produce, separation. Theyhhfi
ppfnion of the‘Cousfitution’m
inv: formerly bad They stil
‘l‘!“qu wifli 1:81 and a ct
death." This ii! tflunfinrent
mud‘ohoefler of passing ev'e.‘
«Wk; b.Olll gun-(iv lines, the
Denim»: of Ohio have I maj'brity of nine
in tho House, and tile Re blicana mid
Americans eight in “19815113“? There ‘hnve
Mini“, Demoaatié gain throughout‘
“to North: 3 "
‘1‘)» Democrats have .
p! ‘ Nu Haven for Q ntmi‘h
113“!!wa ': .'
The fin“ regular m-dgu of Ithe Thirty
«ernnth Congress a? tht}; United Sula: com
menced at Wmhingtdfi City on. Monthly
hit. Quorumswero prmnt‘in both 110 mm.
Vice President Hamlin anal um Senate
to oanr at 12 o'clock; After‘ pnyer by
Rev. Drg Noble. the Imm! committees to
wait on éhe House Ind the Prdflent were
aplmdted. ‘ l i
Mr. Trumblm, (rq‘iiicnl Rfimblicam)
of I'Hinoiu. gave noticc’of his intention to
iutmducé a. bill for th coufiwflion bf the
property of rebels. am? giving fireedom to
per-mm in the slave S! ta. ,
”r. Wilkimon. of finniesotp‘r gave no
tice nfn manure to nlnlish the: iiislinction
between the 7011 mm and roéphr forces.
of the United States. M ,
- gale of the.
«ponies be
um'mx. dc-
m,.lhe Bx
bnmngh It»
”cure Inch
prt. , uted
Ifl‘ Luna.
this phi-e.)
omgany; at
I; in. He
ml ever} at
} - n Saturday
ht [mum on
i (lay 'mJ‘h't-r
' honon. me
| I}::uv,.b(-ing
[ru 4 m‘ontvhs
Tlm Senate was info
dnnt would tommuni
sage on,Tiiday
In the Home, one In
mk‘mbe‘n answered to .
by Rev. Mr. Stockton“
trcsn'gre appointed -
and the Prciidvnt.
.\lr. Maynard wax n
of the House from th
:11st has
ner‘s Caval-
1 .
11!. Ass.“-
Ténneqoe'. ‘
' Mr. Richardson, 91';
5011: ,two toprewnta
w‘ho doiirod to he .s
; - I
i, Cum." ‘
y responsi
1m milimry
comes an die Fucccsuo I
resigned. After fut-til
ware rcfei‘rnd lo the co
Mr. [[ickmnn. of l”
demialq or Mr. lam
’clniming}. sent in the-1E
commitu-e on election
31». Txnm. (Abel; .
Mussarhum-l't-A. qtfere
m ”1:: I'residnnt and
- h! military
o_n Thanks
wm tho 91h
rt. hy-althy
the agricul
(‘iue bf lhq
Kvu. “'9
mnurnble a
“the fight tn‘ emanci]
as slam": in any milit
of inwrrection again;
W 0 organ 31- l
- . and have
an energy.
Mn. 15mm moved t
tho talelfiflfixt lhq m:
—)‘OM 5"», May}; 70—. .
\'Kh-——Mrs~xs. MIL-n
Pennsylvania), Biddle,
Illnir (nr Virginia, liu‘
hrHLCth, L‘mntuy. ‘
[)qlanr‘), Dunlap. D 4111",
hut. “unison, Ho mu
Ill'nuip‘). ‘L:\\v,'f‘l.n‘zo-I\‘r
Phi-hum Vluylmrd. \lu‘
Mt. 'Xu‘rll. .\‘nrhm‘ 11.
Rice (an “.\stirh mung]
Bpc”, Shh-l. Smith. .
alcu-Ic (uf New Jurv-y)
hl'“. l'pmm VuH‘auvliflL
(uthiu) WuoulrulT. 1
.\‘A"i“.\l"§3r:“ ,Unlri.
l_\. Pmbhin. U4iir}'_(ul
hunt-r, Blmefi’, Brmh
\:mi.|). Jil :ke. llnflinln
eziLL L Coukling. R
[I HWSJNC‘IL B-lgurtm
M'ndun. E'huu'hut, Frzu
Gnu-113,. Hickman. Hm
Krlh. ‘Ldngiug. Lnou‘
“HALE”. Muffin (of .=
mum'l, Patina. l‘holpsi
I‘lmu-rov. l'urlL-r. I’utl .I
die, Rollins (u! .\'v\\' I
SMgwirk. fihxnh, ‘
>1” 1:. .\pnllildning‘.l\‘lc‘p!
hnrn. \'nm din-"burg, l
Lwo. \anl‘un (01 Maine
\t‘a-hhurnm “butler. ‘
\'l'lm rewlutiou ml
“m-k, I
rm. Mn. \‘
tpn. Mm, I)‘
mul 3113': E
; :5 culls-01ml
l rdml {llium
(if ”It" “(Wk
ele’L'tvd Ll
”-u'f. ‘ .
dirt-Morn Of
I’. 12111 n w
[TII J.“ on
inz nrtiolé
Lin: furth—
ury of flu
r \'zl-‘t Nu-
I'nHmr- : thA
Inumpe pat
H win “he #m-n Hm
With 511;? lh-Mm‘hfli‘;
publiqim, agulmt 1
sum, for in} mg tho
on thv :nlnln. Th};
din-min”. from )Vhig‘
' it ~hnultl'
I .
lit-XX ]ll‘l‘~h
n 1 vk-r-tiun-I
u- puflétu-Jl
nmmzll 2-:-
' tlw' unv
h ”I“ pr”:-
.1- 41-111.": an
om'hrd l'nul'
iunl Hmon—
L'n-u «flu-u
depart: A mhu-rv:
will Innut with thr a}
of lu~ constituents
A joint resolution
of (loll'L’TP‘N‘ to ("wind
Mwnr» Mason and S
A ri-mlufiun wax
ho public
ru-iulo. h
t‘ l-ut furth
IY u L'Olmufll
m-n mHivu
r~n‘,!i. uml
by if!" (hu
' and 9mm
f norm-mid
mt i‘ is inl
ix tlmh'able:
uvh :1 man'-
v fiu‘u- will
(lmt. as Culs. (Inn-cm-
take-n 1 primnerz on
n:;.~~‘np:}navr. :Ifn-r .su
bet-n éonfim’ by HI
the min.» at mnvicie
be requmtml (0 oh“
Mmmn tn the éame 'l
to Hm mum- t-routmva
”Id \Vuoxl slmll b 0 (1
have. med-nll prison 1
iv tranquil
u-rouw Ithe
r-rumo-nt nu
”4 in limit
\l' .llyilifi“ to
Inmuqh the
'ijmdtlma Srvvon offered ‘4'
tlult'll’w I'resiclvnt Iv rmluush?
free and to dipevt h Olll‘ (Emil
onrs in mmmandl ‘ order f
[law‘s who éhall '1 va‘tlmin‘
shall ‘uid in quelji this He
granting omnponsntiinn to a!“
who may 'suflain gn ' 10»- by t
resolution. Laid ovtér one we '
Mr. 3&1??er +fl‘n-red tl‘?!
which pmdgd: Th ‘1 the Sacre‘
b 5; roduettwl tq fum sh to this:
of all cnxngficfis ma e by thd
tor's dapartmont for sealing db
during the wink-mt gather-wit
of the commuters. Paw-d
Mm, Huh the cor
fair-l be requested 2
pediency ofcnnstrur
from \Vashington c‘
Harrisburg. Pa, to
A reiolutinn was
inquire into the d
mue‘ of Ball'sjmue
On i Tumdny.‘ but
grew box-tide the rnc
we. at this
r tion bf Hm
i, Ii“ conafim
alps Senate
)m‘n adopt—
‘l pears and
an opposed
atnr. Noth
!‘ {m aomprmv
i mil-d: of his
ino’d article, '
mm paper,
v receiving
1 and mem
yrrefuwd to
ia piling up
ven~e of fine
ing Rvpubli
[do so long
‘ war? But
the President's \I::
Mr. Mflsynard, of Te
credential; offlir.
from the Fourth D
Henry C. Burpect.
District oFKentuck
Rebels,w:aa summ ;
0n j'Wednesduy
C. Bnonkinridge, A“
50an time aincé,
Mr: Saulsbury chin-ad i rg'emlltion npg
pointing Edward Evl‘arett, ExSenstm" Pugh;
George Mquxllzu, If‘hiet' Jujstice Tansy;
md chin, a oomnisaion, to meet a similar
comm ion from the needed Bates and
arrange for n ceésnt nof ho'stilities. and A
restoration of the Union. It was received
with laughter and laid uide. A
Sumo: Wilson kAbolitién Republican)
introqliced s burr punish omcers and
primfies of the aim who shall return (by.
tiusn’ . ‘ L ’
male of the
!nion. They
{mung thnt
i-‘North with
[hellish 31qu
u in unconsti
ie Union. or
n 'no bonu
iw‘ than they
hold it to he
venant with
It"; the moat
' Mr; Sumner. (#BOlition Republican)
oomugenmdvseverey 0n G‘unoml Hall'eck’s
order nturiging fugitive negroes, and said
that he hoped _overy 31:19 so returmd
Would fine in judgnient, against him. bring.
ing on him I shame which up victory could
111‘. Wilson all ‘ attention to a list pf
1. . ,
coloredypenom confineém, pmpq, In
Washington, who yore cent ilhm 5!. ”1+
nu ailing Wind .Iwa 9f the
tied the city
' thisetfo:
1‘ l- .1 1
Meeting 0! congress
* the Tresi
{mud Mes-
'modr th
: 1; his .
'9I. Payer
I commit
{the Senate
ndfed a,
The us
wait o
is. member
(district of
said there
0") m
i‘es fi'
‘. Virginia
Dir. Blair
Bin-Halo, who
u thy-«cum l
)1 olectiofifl. ;
rd the 0:61:
$1 Carolina
4‘ JRefexircd‘tot
I , V > .
Huhlimfi.) of“
Ltion giving‘;
“1 command I
i} hons held 5!
ié in"): stu’ef‘i
.1 ; ml govoxgl- H
? ‘ H
01'" m
of Mr
.. prawn}
'. of New;
‘on R 0 I
a rpsbl
Ifiueru '
c all 1
ry dintrir
the nuti
la% the
jsolution on g
3 lilitlgrccd‘m:
w ‘ l
1 mu»; (of
‘- ‘.‘lissouri),‘
‘ wort, (Lump. 1
1 )2, l'qnvgnn' ‘
kizh‘. Hard. I
mi mu
Blair (-
11mm, U
nnling, (
Funke, 1
. \h‘nzie:
3|. Pen
tool“. («If
'Rellugg (0f
\lorris. No- ',
IJFlun, Pony, ‘~
.“' RuhTumu, '
"'ew York),
.Emin. Trim- K
'.‘K mold. Ash
fiend. Huh-r,
11. .\"M‘
.nl. BLLir'
, (‘l'Rrk.
:(‘ul‘ (“m
. I'lriwuw
of I‘enniyl
ulfa‘, l‘rerl
ling. [Lu-ii.
{'miuc, Fes-
.L 0.101
“T. Hut
is, ’me
line). U 1
1 «..r cm
u. “ringer,
ins!Y JuHrul,
3’. .“CKL‘ILII.~
'ill' (at Ver
prnia). Pike.
{nine}, Kill.
hm" "' S- H: ‘l'
Iellzn‘l)::‘r-lg'rfr~t: Strithlzllll: ! {ln-101‘ flu
rnq, Tnu'iaridze. '\'un- i says. b:- no
'm._\\',v.»'. 4. “gm, \\‘nl-lmtinn of ”1
;\\ ullul f V erxunnth.‘ ’
'ilsun .uWWun'esu-r. I “:14“ “20}
‘ > a re Irl‘H‘
Imstlzflznled for «'Jueéln mg m I
iorsdn Naked I
térvqtivc Re
??an ernllfli-
Ir rpnulutlion
lip the Fight
$lllB will glut
{5 nu his [dart
‘Qf fuupfifths
Mr. Mr
)N ( 'On
10 Almlit
‘I imhivvu
:L Mop
we trln
vv onufi
rub.“ io'n
J thylmhk‘qf
w afi'osfing ’
Innsé‘d, '1: :;
mnhnntu. ‘1
dd, “'leufr-rel
field of Mn.“
ltlmrjties in 3
:e Ptoqident
I and J. Mr‘
prison and '
Is. l‘r-rmrgm;
.e‘ v, Statesl
f 1 bmdé. ‘
113”, w:
I and “'3
1e lmttle}
robal?’ m
felons, l
r J. slid
umctvr 0
.t until d ‘
«fled its 5
rs tnkrn i
'_ relolutinn';
m dmlareh
als‘and offi- t
- dam to all:
nmsxera, nr‘.
ellion. nan‘
_vnl citizens
rtue of ‘thi-s‘;
k. . -
g following;
:tary of War
louse cofiiea
abled horses
I: the named
npi‘Nge‘o‘n military 313'
'iantiia into the ex~
ing an aiiv-line railroad
ty. \‘jn thyhhurg and
ow Yon-I*. \ aid over;
offered find asset! to
asthma .resgfilkpt the ‘
. i _\_ g ‘
ime mm done in (56‘;
ptian afgd wading 0'
saga; Ijn thé House;
nessee; haunted thg
Clemens; p; a member
yiétriet ofil‘that Sum.—
bl ember ficm the First
I . now acfbling with' the
fly expaliad. _ ,
e Sena“ oxpellarl J.
)ho resigfied‘his seat
- 7- , ‘ i 1
Fame, und Fouoduced tydl [or their re
lease. i 1 1 ‘_ ‘
i In thn llquso, Mr. Gdrley. (Ohin) gnu»
:üblice of hiifintantinn to ixilrodnce I bill to
i confiscm Ali property bqlonging tn perronl
in mbv‘lljon kgainnt the liuvernmem of the
i United Stank, iriéltiiiing persons recognized
in ulavea, who shall be ngnlde free men-40
.proride {or their employment during the
{present war, their subsequent apprentice
;ship to loyul‘nmqors, and final colonimtion.
3 Mr. Uptun (\'a.) introduced a bill for the
li'esgortition of Alnxandiigi county lo the
9Diuirict of Columbia. jßoferred to the
(Cominen of the Mimi-t an“ Columbia.
1 , 05 motion oer. Vallquighnm (bhiu).
resolution Vina adopted requestifig the
~ President to; minmuniclp‘w the “bu-e, if
‘not incompatible with the pubfic inieiats.
acclaim of my communicatu m #ddrelssed to
’tho Expouliy‘e by the goir mm¢n ta pf Eng
iland, Spain hmd France" n "E-"dim the
tanned intedvontion pro ‘ed y they: in
'the affairs (if Mexico, 5' any oeher in
[formatinn hé may have hf) mmuniéfle.
2 m. minim. (Ind.) i uwd niprenlm
ible rqiurrzftiing the smiling: nu confined in
fine, Crittenden rosoiutiofn adoptedfi at last
j‘aesiaipn, in lofi'ect that th- “75'; mm’ forced
upon'us hyithe disixniodi t's, npd that the
Lonly object hf carrying if m by thoil’nited
”s'th is [ti re-oslnhlish‘ bedihnceito the
“Alonrtitution and the Unio . TliesJohjs-cu
l. the war s 0'
sition; concl -.
ing these “i."i
; The prop
tion rc-uflir
h of Mr. HI:-
II; 71, nny: 65;
f Oh motio
1 Mr. Lovniuyflllq') nnd
pas.) severfilly introducd
Athg slavery question. 111%
iostponodu f
{him Mked 113‘
‘h leory ih ‘fi
{which was I
Kr. QM
bill to :bol'
‘ Mr. Ctyx (I!
Dhio) Minot?
_ «cnu
F and Ravi]
Ml stn-ngth (“I
fup as follow};
qrs. 20,334. T!
hv Pannsylvuln
0:100 three by
i—by Ni-W {Y
30100200 mgr
(mop; Lcnllr-d“ i
Joy of— the n f
Sift: recommffi
Luional foun
fuvy artillery,
c militia of‘i}
; TheJ fienréfl'
L" %W‘
. Tho RodeJ
men. muddf‘
637; rogulfl:
furnished 1}
report ‘at-Ig
{or thewle'
mmnhn‘ all’
'grpgme “of :4
:th« Px'vgf‘fl‘
513.512; 1
«non! of a
fan-lure OH];
:zafirm of H
firm lmeis
fiyc‘tirmnoufmf (‘.nn. So'pi
‘Ehigh trilnutf for hi: longq
(ion. .\lt'Cléllau. his‘sm‘fm
his who gp’o
‘g'imx: rm- .
{of Dulkwu
Punl' in mgr:
vnilidcrntinfi ; E
'e. Murylxmfl. I
rota-tion ofitlz
, .. vu.
n‘opnaéd 4“th
Lesmry for .\sz
«Lt- large Mcdfii
ivc, m cons'Lli
mtibn to him-
Loom») he #1::
m to ‘the Dis
gm)" whit-1130
I‘ of \'irgix‘fin
1 a. dievnwi n
1‘11““ lie-done
.hnso ‘iu r'pl)
ILL It is 31.0,
d the Seen. m
19 length. Hut
“9! Um uhuim t
9. war, can;be
1d pntrinti-fim ‘.
tives of thi‘ }
5f Unat‘pfl
to the Stat
eludvs Wit
tigp. what
}'r4 of
gnvprn "In“
imam—. 4 a-
to he mm,
doge of t
4i t lorn n
right tn w
The R 0
'cure tn Infill
fir]: they afre -
n of the criun
tort aflhe “
. \'efiv fullglm
F the Soutfimr
of the blnéka
rod, may: ‘l' i!
I he blockmie. l
[ml byxhq or
'makes spedial I
mm, mgd—i-egl
renewed d‘
, thor‘fijfiiin Ii
Charactefgw ‘:
'gninst moire"
tions alo.n
been énpt
to \'iolnte
b 4: pond»
viltoer S
has bot-n
by public
where 1:
mi“ 100 I
Ila commen‘
-' ‘in‘ the
dell, on in
run Qulfl.
('npt. “'i
son and S
er Trent.‘
The to
naval sen
557 guns.
a] numberlof
ice is «tater, t:
I The aggre‘gat
in the yeti-ice is ‘nnw 2m?
\He makes a nnmbér‘
for the nefit of the‘so'
his repug- by compliiu'e
lthe Navy for their *on
.tering fldLth and (19"
theirCnurtl-y. His :gst
~year is W,\62§,665.05.
i . 4W 4- ‘—-
{ an!in_ [whim-The 'tv.Louis mgrespon
(dent oft e Cinqinnalti Ill’uimiwl'fivel as fol
hmm ‘1 ‘1 A F :
|* Gen, H Hook in ‘mjhi new (gnawing, and
was a bout 1 [send to the present exppn
*{sm for h . lqunrtersfias comra'redgwith the‘
|r9n‘fl‘ fan head quarter um ei- Fr’emont.—
Tie 11001135 for (has. Igull‘eck and Cprtin.‘
'qu, termpster, adjntan ‘ gmpral,muter of
‘trnn orthtion, .commi sary.‘etc..'nre now
? Adjoin gienqh other; a a renqofs2.%o per
‘ annum. {The rent ppi undur Fremont. {mu
these savfiwxficos auto ted to $14,500 per!
annum. ‘ . i ~ ‘1
-‘--~ »~—r- 40. ~————————— ‘~ \
} Cllnr/rsfan; .fi’rmbfr 29m...rhe planters
Inn the seaboard re hourly applying torches
1m their ‘ootton ml rice. Sbmd of them
] )mve nufbnrizod th nu horities to destroy‘3
Tthair crops to pr jebt the wages of'
'tha-fnemy. Many .ofi‘the plantations on
lNorth Bdisto and them» Khbo: hood and else-
Iwhere on the coast ‘of Sbfih Carolina are
[lone sheet offlame and smo 19. ‘
} l A »~ ~«ooo ~— \ A
‘ (him, .Vov. Milk-Gen. Polk, yesterday
3 morning, received In dispatch from Gen.
ißmgg. at Pen~m~ola, muting that Fart, Pick
! ens had ceased firing, and the rank so far
had been eight confedemtes killed arid sev.
‘eml homes destroyed. .No breach \had
‘ been made. as reported, In the walls of ther
VD“; the Federal fleet. he said, had beefy
injured. ’Bmgg states that he expected a;
g renewal of the firing hourly. V ‘
fi~Grealt complaints are nude of the
Enfield riflesa‘mported from England. The
barrels are rrooked, the bayonet! bond, sud
the ramrodu are like rattan.
————————— ‘O.” ~—-——— “
t ‘6‘ The Northern Democratiq pres in
, unanimous in its condemnation mid execm-i
1, tion of Cameron’s neg’roinm. The Northern 3
l Damomwlv‘l have. in :41 (his eonmg, spurned
law be «If both extremai.—+Louim'lh
Demos-rah ’ ‘
TH Body UuarlLM'l‘he Alidc‘non body
glgaml. which I'll! ‘oxgnniud and drilled nl.
Ute Carliztle BJrers, left early on Mondsy
morning for Kentucky. wlxem they will
enter the service under Gen. Buel, the we
ceuor of Gen. Anderson. .
Funeral Mignahonr-Rev. lomtlun Os
wald rendered the resignation of his panto
ml duties at St. Paul's (Luthetn) church A}
York. PL. a. few days since. iThe congreé
gntion has nearly unanimou‘lj signed 3 call
invicing the Rev. Mr._Baum. Jute of Win
chester, \\., to became their paakor.
————-—‘ ~ w— ~ ,f. «
“’Hon. “'.JI. \Vehh, inupnding wen
gage in the pructii‘w ofluw in Philadelphia.
has dissolved his connection with this Yuri
(v‘urrfr, Mi. John B. Webb 14kt! his place
in the Gama firm—~which thorofore lii”
remains “ Sun-. 11 E Welsh." films: ‘0 a".
Ro/rcrssful llurgl’r‘Mr—A paity honsi-Itifig of
Dr. Alexander small and Messrs. Georgg
Karg and R. T. Miller, of Ym'k, recently'
went. 3nn 3 hunfimg excuhion among the
mountains nbove‘ Look llnvén. and sun
ceeded in “Hing 'evcn deer, two bears uld
a huge quantity 0? smaller guide.
“It was ropOHQd that noteml venels
have been insured- in London tbfun to New
Orleam and back; I ‘
‘ . —.———- —-J—<ow-—~ ~ ‘rv - .‘
9NO war new‘s of moment during the
week‘ ’ : \
l - MAhnlflfi.
On Lhexlhh ult., {by Rev. .\lr.. v‘finnea, Mr.
:meN Z. lIARTZEHL to \“i' ngzm \l. HA“.-
; ILTOS. be”: of Adfims cnumy. : . '
! 0n them! in':!., M the rv~idenc¢ ohhe hridtfn
,fnther. by Rev. J.}K. .\lillcr. .\lr.‘ ‘JAHES ’.
QORRJfi' Freedom‘ tuwushWo Luis: SAIlA‘h
Id («weft-to.
r ed vmh m! resolu
flxvgimts. :
lens, (Pn.,) it was
. l, v ’ HEIGES of Unahtowu‘ g . ' :
(I.Conw'n?,(knn-: 0n Th'anksghing day, in Wigneshpro'. ‘g
I’ro'Po3|H”“" 0" ' Kurtzfs lion-X. by RM. .\lr. Sup:- ..{Mn (‘.FAL .
consideration of ssm to um umcmmr 393'», pm. r
, V 1 Liberty township. AHMn: county"
L f . i ! nn the 2m ull,.ll)_v Ben L. .s Williumn. Mr,
'6 *0 Inmdu'w 5 030 m. “BRING mus.» s.~uz.ahc.sun:l‘s,
1° Dillricé of 001-: bull: bfAdnms coulily. . 4 _-
l 1 ()1! [he TM ulll’, 3h; Rev. H. . . Grim, (‘apL‘
’ f IW. W. WH‘HEHU“ ,of (‘umborlLu’nl mwnahip,
, > [0 Mi” MARY R» C (JUKS, ‘Ol. E?!Q“il3bnrg_ \
E 4"" ”r '“'°"""‘?_ .
s - lED. 13' , l
Onithe 29m uh"; in [.nnmore;townshipufir,
LEV: Ill)Fl-‘)!.\.\',~nged 3i ”3"." n monthl
and i 4 d‘lyl. . _. ~; 3 .
lul’fumhuland Itownship. oi: the 2d uh.“
LU'l‘ u-m mm” “mm; nah; or Henry'll.’;
and filmira F. Jauo‘lbs, aged 10 f{Hamill Ind 12
dqu , ‘ r‘ 1 ‘ .
0111" the mm. mm, jsuu'm. Siflrbsnr, m of
.\[ruFum-h l‘. tun-1‘ Sunk J. Ufaqducr, aged 4.
:yenr: '3 mmnbs am‘ 3 dnyi. i} , '
g on‘ me 3.1 hm" 111 mm" N'SNXNA. daugh
ter of Mr. [mm Huyrr. of 3'l";an whlship,
.ugcd 15 yeurs 3 Indlxlfis Mud ‘.‘7 V “Y -
; Pu he Sal ‘
,_ ~ .._.y-.. m, 23"]. 0f 05¢}me
, Exm-nlors of '
- M l'uhliv '
, w=ll "
'‘,* * l -.
4? apprts. 1‘ . u
my df Wat mnkest
'the‘ truly 2660.971
vnk n‘tcnii'fi. MOM
a nqmbet‘i of men 3
AYER'S CATIIARTh) ril.i.s.—l:i.e st-ie'urol
oi Chemistry. ind Medirine hm‘eléhren taxi-fl
'their utmost td‘produce lllU lie-rt. ngost iierfcct
purgutivo wbidh iil knew: to niiin. i‘-ll|l|ll.lntl'fl
ble p‘i‘oots are thovzn that these Pil lmvr vir
tue! which surprise in excellent: I c ordinary
medicines, find that they win unp Ct‘dt‘ntzdly
upon the esteem of till mor..' 'l‘l v are safe
not! plrasanti, to take. but power! to t-ure -
Their penetrating pqoperiirs otiuiul its the vital
uciiritie _of tilt! hotly. l’L'lnuYe the :tru-‘ti‘nns
of'tts magnump‘urify the Mood, tin expel ill;-
enle. They purge out the foul ‘t‘u iurs which
- . - tires-l and grow distemper. stimuli e hluguhh
Pu 11,0 saleh , -. tondiwrdered. orgnih into their out yul :ivtimi.
N Saturday, (ft. 'l3”- "f Dfiiml’” "’"l- Ihelium impart liedlthy tone with stt'epgtlt to the
0‘ “"‘h‘r’itlm‘dv EWW‘N‘S of W‘" Gown, lwliole "stem; Kat only do (’1: ‘ ru're t‘he
deer-Hf“. ““1 09"“ M ”HM“ 5?" h." ““mmi' l every-diy complaints of every ho¥a but also
ty given in the Ith “’in Mid tort-imrnt of mm liortnidnhlc tu'id dungrraus discos-..tlmf ll we
d(‘C(‘tl~‘('fl. on the ”outlets. thief‘flhwmz V“";b3ifllud the best ot‘bumau skill. While they
uahle lit-a 1 l'i'apertii'. Vii: ll . . lpruduce po‘veifful etTet-ti. they ar’r'at the «time
THAT DHSiRA‘BIJ“. HOME? near .LilllCl-lifime‘ in diminighpd dough [he :hfu‘t and has;
town. .\tlungs rounfiy, left h-l' salt! Kl't't'W-I‘t'dr- ‘ ptuaic that aim he employed for:"ll“'lrffl.—-
The: Trut-t lrunts [out on the‘it'l‘lirnpike. :ind ‘ Being ”gm-.cuatotl, they are pleiiil lit to take;
uuntiiin.‘ Ii .\rrcs, more Or less, illvltletl ipln 6 inndbelug pun“)- ”get-bib M, t'r from “m.
l.uts———l.iini--turit' l mil, ium high hittle of cul- i risk of bqrmll (‘uflQ-w 1””, been M): which
lumlimh The “‘1 "MM”‘m” ”l," 1,3” [surpass bt‘liel'm'ereltliey hut iltbsl. ittmtetl by
[it TWO-“IOU" l_lric HOV-”‘3. “‘.lll if? t ' , men of ilu‘h chiltt-d pol-ition nndt minim" as
”Whimfldmg. 3' #OOl lint-n. (‘ . rii L 43 ‘,; 7to tui'liid thcgusplcion oi intruih. .\luny emi
‘(‘rili, (‘tiiriagc llu an nnd (irn 11-h" :19 ‘nent clergim' n and phydcinnr ha 9 ltfnt their
rits, lint: Pen Mill ”on lluus . .\lllk llnust‘. ‘ names to (1r “[7 to thr public ”in liability of
l with a uoter-fuilii g well of the hurt “(tit-r. lour ‘clncdi" ,' 'whilg “up." imrj . ““1“...“
‘ [grit will ht- il§vlrd in part or loflf‘lllfl- '0 : .wturnnce of” heir runi’iciion’llint oi” l’ropuru
suit; pun-litmus. 1' not sol-l, it 'ill be Rented} tlous contrihtit‘e' immeniely'toxtlic;‘ diet 01 iny
-on fluid tiny. , lufiliutéd. gufi‘ ring Mluw-pml. ‘ ‘ -‘
l fi‘Snlo to co ‘ment-e tit lrtu'l lurk. P. ‘L. . The Agcntibelow mum-d is plt-ni‘ dto l_‘nrnialt
ion said-day. whim :iitciidunt-tjl will be givcii‘grntis our Abirrirnn Arman-to, e staining di-‘
Land terms made khan-n liv ', ‘l Hutton, {or in... u" ““1 “mm... ~ ol' me“:
i . ; LHYI ‘iULlll‘lX. 'ouren, of the‘f‘nlvlowitiz roniplxiintl _ .
i , i JAI‘UU Alli’llllt‘i‘. gcofiliVPnt‘hflJillinu'l(‘ompllinthfilcl‘lmflillm,i
I l Exn-iitors iot‘ \Yiu- GUN“, dt‘l'NM'd- i'Dpop-y, Heartburn; Headache tubing hum a
} Dec. 9, 1861. it , j futil s‘tomaih.'!|i'ziliielu. indigestion. Siorltiti in.
l - . ‘ action of Lo 1 “we 5 and Pain hissing there
! Anatber Ralhioa‘d i'from, Flntulency,l.uus ot Appetite-Juli Dist-i=o:
’ i ’ (‘(‘lltH.\'T!—-—ThO l'un ot‘l‘llthe'traok ““t‘ffwhich require an (rat-mint mt-tlili-‘inp. ,‘l'hcy
, ‘ York. but till mire! , ,l ‘ '' . Eolsu, by puiil‘ging the bloat; anvtistinuiluting
- l - (i. PARR'S fl! 11'“ l‘l-‘N‘l’i ir“,“‘“- lufl' thessystem, ritre many ('ompldi t. which it
00“" "n'l 5'35 hi“, liut‘ Wind”? "r $°“”" “"‘i Wplllt‘l not be 'tipposeti (lit-y doultl t-m-h. Slit-ll
l‘mlt-r filer-re». Siiriiig EMF”. ”“1““. 5‘0“" iii; Deafness. Piirtial Blindness. .\i insight iund
”2‘5 ““l- i" “”5 “Niall"fl I!“ ”1" “Min." Nt-ri'oiu irritability. horiitigrim-nt, tiltht- LlH'l'
wnfi'. “’l’! 1'11“}! “if WP" or “"i‘mh' prn‘dnre. iiiiid Kiilhe} I. “out, and other kglllnd ruuio
I Gentlemen. :l word to you anti. "4112\th _ pl‘im; ari~ing from ti low suit.- oi the bud} or
lirmjtlsl rt turned from the city of Philadelphia. . obstruffion at m (um-tion". . . . I
.hnvini: “Hill“ 3 .lillt‘ uunrtnilttnt ul"“’0"”*‘“i ‘lm not If? fill oiT bv unprinciplpd dealer-5‘
Shilrtinnil lirnifirfisgilu- thn wrv lam-xi Sult‘ortl with son": oth‘erpill'thtii' "Mk, rn e protit “n.
Woollen (‘nmt‘nrng in t‘it-t. mom-thing to nmltc : Ask fol-159,3}. Pills, an]; mtg. n‘uihiug Hm“,
lpcuple comfortablfe iii will "til“‘r- ‘ iNn ptlier they run give _\ou rumpa‘n-a wttlt‘thisl
l 11. ti. (‘.tl'ilt lips just ri‘t‘el it" l Y"! “M 'in its intrinsic salon or ourntive powers The
nasprtmcnt ot' Liipiurs, “liit‘ll, he 33. filling l‘aick want. the best aid there in it) them, and
wry cheap for cnll i. l . Lthey should hare/it, . .‘ . ‘
i ”ain‘t target this Nave-right “l‘lmiili‘ the, neg-henna h,» m. .l. (‘. .\3 ER & r‘o..‘
Bunk. in York strgct. i All Loin-11. Mus. Plum; 25 ('LSTjgfflfl “03. n-l
-l Gettysburg, had. 9,18'11- j ll‘ivn IL-xizs mi: St, I . '
" i , i -‘ l ‘ - ‘ - l fair-Sold by it. i), ilr:iii.ttii..iind‘ dealers
i t Circulal‘ta-SpeCiall TaX. lei’erywlirro. ' [Dei.i’.‘, '6]. 7m '
' , llanptisni'nti.ortqb‘er 30. lav. l - 1v .1“- .F' _““' 3 Ail ‘
Taillic (’ommlsxwitrri mid Tt'tfi‘aajrcr qI'A am: ' ,WE K 5155 3‘“ l)EBll.lTi '- 1 “’ho
§ ‘ 1 (nu/iii l l ‘ “infer! up: vy-aknmin mind divihlll‘iygwll;lle thori- .
. ' .. A: “-:l '. ‘. '., h tit} - no w n o energy,slnit tinn or inn! re-‘
GFirth:n\l:f\th:kt:oi'ri\li:i+,‘ 6,}.1861, its: {future oJI’iiSUX‘S M(Dl'.\'l‘.U.\'l Bull PILLS“
tied,“ An Act to Movidc t‘nr ill-l , ymgnt ut‘théj Th‘l‘ 1, '“f‘dmlfl-t purity ”'s‘ k.’lWl‘i ““‘f "l “l"
Moniht-ri. (llficrril hnd (‘ontinglt'ilt expenses of; o? "'9 “MPH"! of h!" ““‘ng “i""fin‘ “.'“!
. the Extra. "“60“; of u": Legidhitnrr." \""" ; rigor t the system“ \ oung 99”?“ t-ntrrinfl.
‘.l‘nmphlet Laws. IPM. In?" 71.7“ "mum,“ ginto F manhood. with a dt-ra" heat of the;
“There. in lteru‘lly dirtth to Ibo “vied. a , functio ii: l_n-l to ipmhrh It]: 1h titrp oflile,
lgpeeial tax of ope-hull" mill ion the dollar, ' there {lnstitute moat Emt'BCID‘IIH n carrot-ting.
,which shall be [piied amt, optional; on mdhotid ol'hfo that may'be out .e urn. louugl
prdpflrt!’ now "bl?“ to Stun If", i." ilk“ mom and e 1 rrly meg stiller in : sunila [laminar as.
t not tiii other taxesmn-i which whulk be ppplietl, i the n 5 Pen" “ when th'" ”-‘ “”5 am."
no for as may he nl.-cvnmry. to the gpuy‘iueut of g", “‘ prhohld Ji".“‘f"" "_"d‘d" l. ”u"? °f
‘the interest upnn’siiid loan," (tilt tli'eltmu at ‘l’" P“ "Y'ngmedm'nev “MEL,"I‘Wr“ lasting
1 tl-iier ntilliom of dollars authorixotl by. the net i""","- l _ ‘ ~ _ 3
‘of Eloy LS, 1546!, and appropriated, to the puroi Thu .'“ llousrhollhwltvpf fin-kphmong
ipoées ofwgnnizinmhmmin‘g. rqiiipping. "a“- _thu ‘lfll‘dlll‘ net-caption ol' life, hi it is Yell
‘ porting unit suppto’rtlug the military forces all knownlto "19 world 3““ 't “‘"g '.“h‘l‘if'm”
“fill HLito‘, now (if hercnfter it) he can“ into I other i‘pmctlit-s cnnuot rt-acli ;:1 ‘: ‘lavt is «A.
:unrloe. in aid at the government of this State 1 WE“ esublisl'ied' up! tlmtuha I;:‘4‘ lights the l
,p‘r of tho United States. and to enforce the lowa “ Péd- ““3",“ ' -‘°‘,”f“”“‘flei j;'""”f" '9‘“!
‘ thqrrot'. and‘alL-idhpldentn! etpt‘iisesfconnected lib}? all'lhalors '” ”rim":- ‘3"- -"- lm ‘
th rewith,) “an the surplus nriiing thorn . _ t ' .‘"” "-'" .' 3 ’
I'er shall be set hpeirt, to he ihrexted, which! l h “(EEEAT gD-Itft?£::;R: 321:?! 1‘1"“ lh‘ffrl
Iwitli its occtm‘iulatioos, is hereby pledged to [hyfif d ”guitrnteii lit “a“ "L " (”Frat-3’6)"
! “thr"??? ‘? ‘hci exitinpltlilh'minlfif u",Prhi' K(‘.ri-nth'sflt‘t‘nuutit'itl romhlgihtlonvndnfioril " 3i 'Et'lt.
“‘9‘ ° ‘ 3°“ f‘" "m.” 9"“ “Y“ ' [Title 011.," for this mncr'tm-i 'ct'x of ‘ oin —'
. The additiontil tholf-uiill tuzt,nlhus imposedL But the people themeelrés u” rhriierinjfg tltllr,
I n 5901”“ to Nlf napecial tn, "1“" Ipoclfl- 3 var lid in 11m ct both initial ultimo a d
(tally apprOprhi‘tayl to the purpose of paying;‘ .‘ .qn ~ ~ , n.’
the interest and towards the extinwvtishmentimmfumry' M 9” um" in") .ml 1“" bo‘uut
‘oftl .'. lf h l aloftlirt-e smm!“ { hnve hem sold in it very short “me--u great:
i '0 ”mm”. oic n I "-, ‘ " .proportion of those who heard hither: .recom-i
{dollars authorized to be nl‘gatl-ilt‘dy 3“" th’ dit"h h ‘l‘ ied " Thl" . n l d‘l
ite : ilied t the military itses rendered m.“ ’“. 0 a r ' ' 'l; ' s" M "
’in. yPI (i . . l.' .- . diu‘orery ll story where acktiti ledged, nod
,necesnry by the. existing feloniout rebellion iaothin like it mu n" before" I red The
iagaiurt the authority and luwsvof the govern- l l 3 also i" with- Oil is Pigiriie 3‘ m..
, meat of the liniterl Stltes. it is «county. in ”’1" :7: to behind “‘a" the “l; Ahab] 73m "
order that the rihjym of thin act on; heutaiii- 3"- °. lit W, and ‘n‘, Milt? '2 m; , 317‘
i d that‘lhehalftuilltu he in!!! the primes.“ tum“ m.. 0 l ,' " “i« re a."
' ' . . . . at the proprietor-' prices ofthe nlpnt here. bee
of levy, collection, aoc-ountinlt. paying no -ad‘,"mamem ’Pt l
i " upflcotion." kept separste and apart from i . ' .........._L; F‘ '
I:th if“?! twat-nth ‘ halt‘ ""n tax ‘mPQIEdI ”Finalist lll‘nnuu‘a Store'is well wort}
iby New“! him: in I“ P‘l'mrnu made into . tbynvisitjustiit this time. it. :ilhm. whether,
the State Treasury, on acrount of State taxes, 'gyen in our huge" fill”. .0 any; dilphiy of
tyamount applicable to the hall mill tumult 1 9.0": on he. fouhd. Their lifgo room ii.
’be specially set. forth, rind pnrtlcitlarly meu- ; fun of Stores at every patternp‘lgo, every n- ,
lttoned; and in all reports of County Auditors :rim- of Hallow m", Shawna, wue, Tin‘
fan the subject omete taxcs, this half will tax ; w.},_ Planisbcd in", up." it'¢,._,,,,bnc
mustbe plattd under a separate heed, end t'ul- ling, indeed,ererything in the home furnishing
1y tlistinguitihed from all» other sources of rev- :line. duo, Sausage Cutters, Sailing. Stufl‘urn.
euue nccruing to tho Suite. _Thts will not, I Lard Prev“, tn, kc. They artprepared ‘6‘ a : Lost ,
howmr. entitle collectinglflmvmz owning 1 Mill wholesale and retail, ‘l‘in in». and Shoetw l . _ ’ - ' ‘=
‘ otl‘icers to .. difl‘ercnt rate of commissions or ‘ iron Wane of their Own munufuchre~keepingr”o.\ Sabhoth evening lust. between the Fries.
other cnmpensatianl‘romthat "high ”I'.“ "00M laguflicien. number of hands to sfipplr on? de-’ lineman Church and. M" "'idnc'", “‘
be entitled to. were the half mill tax accounted l mam}, Their “mum,“ of Lam”; i. ."U Chamber-burg It, _a LAQY _rlfiuLD BRILLSI
for in one aggregate with the other State ta": ‘ “We i 31“, CO4l ofevgg-V kiwi. ’ Fla. The 50d" “'1“ be “bull“! rewardedihy
of two and a half mills : for while itis “ a spa} -‘L—~ «...Lw— » . lent-lug it at the Store of , g ' ’
cial tux" appropriated toupzrtignglnr purpose, I “Luau-rs W:sl]?t[ol'.\l‘l-;.NT 111 l 1% [s7sl. 4 hot. 11,1861. A SCOTT & 3051,
itxhulonza to the general hen o i‘tnta in: on i . . ‘ )l- 'e w pay out $25 ““ ‘ ‘ “ ‘, "‘f—"' , ‘
real and personal estate, rind l.- tn be “levied “to $75 per month, Ind all expenses. to active 3 SbT.&REJ:H;?LJI"?:dhfi 3&9 srotlter:
rind collected in the ram: manner." lAgeuts, or give a commission. Particular: 860’: iii -nthe Adi; {:OIII‘H Ac: Liza? l
. Very Respectfully Yuurl, .unt . free. Address Btu: Szwch, Macaw: So .I'.‘ n ‘ 3: 1861 rm; but \yh “so“ on
, 'rnos.ri. cocamxamw ammL loan", R. JAMES, General Agent, slum, phc‘fiffifi'gnn'u oth ro' "’ $631," 5""
\ HENRY D. 310%5t ”dawn. thio. [Sept 2. 18611; :~Cf“P 5' . «.-.. .9 17".?” u “1‘? .I
\ - ‘ , ~————-——~ - --—»———~——« l LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS rm- 31,.ttha ax.
fi-The above Circular hiivtng been recuir- The Spot! . celsior Sky-light (hilt-r}, York lkogt.
_ol wolate to admit of carrying lu instructions, AVSON is Sun in .‘iov York. mnklng pnr- Opposite the Bank.
""0 emtdumx "“3 PNSP'“ .'““: “1° “ Wed“ ‘ chases to keep full and increase tho stock WM?
“‘.. of hklf ‘ mtll therein mentioned will be i 0 his Clothing Ind Variety Sm". on the 1‘31". attention oftlie Ladies lsrupcuolly ini
levied on the propert taxable for State or. I w ' ~ ( , - “ted 10 ii largo mid beautiful iiuorttuont
, . I, P ~ nrthput corner ofthe Diamond, lettysburg, . . . . t . .
poses Itmlvr‘the Yllnntiou for 1862. Where “I” "a In“, a, “spamming” 10w tit Lolita and Mines “Ms, HATS A5l)
_ "\DANIEL GEISELMAK, \ little.) Buying {or cub he con sell to" for “HM-28 HOUDSml’lotqct spring styled. _em-
JAS. B. MARSHALL, 101011—21qu than "H. and no miltnke. Cull . homing Boulevarde and Veruoq, which we are.
ii “L 11- GARDXER‘ “in at the 850" Md Anni Betti-an will wait 3’15““ fl "'B’", ”due“ ”mm- “ '
. Con ' "onerwf New count}. \on you with th’. mum ol' pinuim mum . ‘P’l‘ 33' 7 ‘1- *3 “cu"m-‘W'S'
' , ‘ \ v t ——-—————---—-—————
W4l3i- wil-T“: U'“' . ”on Clothing, Beau, Shoal, b.. of every kins , p
1 [BOL 1!, llfilm‘ ~ , ‘ “‘53 nflce- - t 0... g] "u. .
E. is Muted in the
nthfi. 94.760 ‘
rk, 10,133 three
hcvjar. fl'he ag
to tfic vaipe by
mm“ trmibles, is
1* 059 o'tnblish
ry fl'u-J thl manu
n‘ml “the rbnrgani
«- col nh-j upon a
'l')’ fife”: to the
I an}! pay? him a
"ll faithfullaervice,
lunr in command,
karma, ‘ e 511:1:
he firoprifty and
Lu! lebo’mdnrivs
ml T‘Wrgiilia. To
,0 cniyital domplelo
l-omrnt, it} will, he
.\‘lmid, in Ironiide-
n of turriftOry she
mi hm: hm basis
white pdfinlution.
rH‘lommltmls the
riot of ('Mllmhial,
Ingrfi'sa rp’racpdvd
Tho roi'vort con
pf thio grjve ques—
ith the svm'e‘pro-
. 4,... "1...- \_
£llan nan IN: the
‘VicvnfiK “widow-est
_v dwé-lh uj mn it at
nys t!"- (lihmsition
of relLels. Aft” the
safety leftjo the
3f lifrtngrfiefi. Tim
oplqwill! unques
lave—hnld f-a ,m‘ery
ntithd Miler the
: entry; of re Navy
.. um. pf t m opera-
I must. “inco. tlm
! 9 15.1 “Toll have
lwm fr‘br nt‘ omptit'lg
I 110511 of fllfifi will
lrts gspi'ii'es. The
mntinn ob‘ the pri
etsio‘myhlmt sho
er warns lgsuppliod
I' any foreign DOM—I
f‘ welliklmwn. and
lonstrranr‘ a of oin
’l3 (We ition of
are 911 Mdjmrs. Ma-
L the Englijshjlelm-
' :v .
veseelja nn‘jzw in the
b» 264. crii-ryiag ‘2.-
number of seamen
I“; tpanl‘l‘lfim.
vice, and fucludul
t ting ihé‘ filcén of
1 age, wility, unfnl
ion to: (11‘ cause of
mate for jthe fiscal‘
; NOTICE—We want 5101103350: rnthnr.
our (much do, and our dcbtou I'”,ch all Our
{ready oath in their possession. ‘Wgould they
lbe‘ consxderate enough, if tlmyfiaro dnne
tuning in, to bind hover, that “it: may ‘lO
- enabled to keep the "‘ “olffmm tmr door.”
'Don’t forget to put that.sxnall srifle that.
you owe the printer. in your poéket when
you camp to mun. \Vo witl bezmost happy
to seobne and all who know themselves m
i demon! to ut. and f 6 have the a-émrzmce of
I thong : who hate tried the o¥perl§tnvnt that
a man never Icelx so happy m 1M 1110 as at.
the precise moment he pa) 3013' Int? indebted
: nous t? his printc-r. a r;
; THE mafia.
GETTYSBL'HG~—Snrun.\y “u.
Flour..fioo to 5 25
Rye F]uur.............,............"....... :3 3 .10
While Whe.xt..1........ 1; z: 1.. 1 2:.
Red Whem...............1§10w I 15
Cur1!.........1.....1......... . .............. h g s')
live... .' 1 co
Out-1‘.............}......................,.. K 3"-
8uckwheu1......‘,........................ i4O
‘CioverSoéd .+... .75 to 00
Timomy ice-LL. :31) m 2 00
m; Seed", 5," a 20
flaser of Pdn’é ... $- «6 50
Haste: groufiniz per 1)1g............. H I 00
. B.~\j:’l}!5lullB-.quu “Jr.
P10ur.........:‘.,.5.....,£................ "2 lg b T."
Whmn. ;3o :0! cs-
Ry 0.......,.. 3,. as m 7:
C0rn..........:...i............... ~...... E 56 :0 7o
Oatsa‘ 41w 4':
Clover 5eedi...i...................2.... 50 lo 4G2
Timolliy acn’ Ham 2 :5
Beet Cattle, per hnn‘d.........‘.g.. . $0? to 800
Hogs, per hund.......’...... ;W M I: 50
Mum‘5".............:..........\.....’.....l 00 Volt! 00
Whi5key........'....................}..... 20 (0' 31
Guano, Peruvian. per hymn...” ’ so 00
v —--‘w'—"’-~~- - > 4
' ‘ HANOWHRL—Tuwwn um. ‘
Flour, from mtgons..... ....... fl .5 25
Do. from 5tqre!...i................ '4 b7‘
When'. 1 18101 30
[he........'.........j........................ A (5"I
C0rn..............‘,.........¢... ......'... h ' s'!
0m E 3!.
C10ver.5eed....w............... ..."... ’l} ,A 00
Thumb} 5eed..L.......
Plngtor...:.. .....,‘.... ....
Bpebial Noti
: Orphan’s Court 3316' .3 _ . DR. WM. B. "1:le !
)F \'AI’.I'.\BLK mm. ESTATE—The .M O U T-H WAB E .
( subacriber, Administrator of ”E“ “th SURE REMEDY FOR A .
M Dunn. Numcu. dPCCIM‘d, in pugnunm-e M A In!) ”REATII,
.‘ decree o! anlu by [he Urplun'u Court at SURE .\IOFTUS.
..Ifi‘m: countv, on proceedinux in purtitiun, CASKER,
EWI'II offer at PuhliL Sale, on the premium on . DISEASED BLEEDING mms,‘ : I
5. "ducting, the [sill 0f Drew-"ti, 1561. the RM! suasmammr: “OFT",J
‘Eatlte of the said decedent, SIIuIII‘ in Reading .\ml the hen uperific néw in m. In? a)! all»,
Juduship, Adam.- county, 3 miles weal dl'cuedl‘ondiliou ohha month. 111 l pn‘iculnr.
.lllllplon and 3 miles {10:31 New Oxford 0.1 ‘11:! ;ly Innelicill In person: wuring ‘T, '
éUegtysburg Railrumdzus allowu' - .. J i ARTIFICIAL TEETIH, ~ I I
l )0. l : 'I‘IIE MANSION TRACT: ndjmnxng' completely 'lNlroylng or") tninl “New":
I'm" 0‘ JUhn LENOW ““d TN“ 50- 3': “"3 1' absorbingnnd removing allimpnfliie! intuit: V
‘imuudcd by (.'unuwugu arr-ck, containing 9}); A \‘WF‘ET BREATH . ' ‘
:At‘tea‘ and 95 Perches. The impruvcmenh nn'e ‘.‘ ' - ~ ‘
. . . to ad] who make use om. No \xounp lady or
n Tue-story Brnk IIOLbE. Log 5‘Y ‘ l 'h" fly.
antu, “.‘”“ Shed “Id Spring . oung haul unen non 3 MM mu: I .
,liullw. There‘is u ne‘er-failing BAD BREATH ‘. .‘
i Spring of Wan-r nl. the imam. nml "mum dd“! 'l’P'} mg “I” "PH"?! for i‘ 5' ‘l'
ian Ufi’hfll’d of: variety of {mix tree-n. I’nrl «41' ""“m cure. "4 i' upprovedn “WM'M‘
ltheJnnd has beenlimed. ’l'heru‘inngood prd— "1 by every I‘m-””3“ under w '0“ none: it
poflionol’ Woodland. _ . E,.'ll«o‘ ha" brought. ‘ I ' V I
‘ No. 2: A ’I‘RM‘T OF LAND. Idjoiuiu‘ ' (ll BAD BREATH .
qua. .{ John Lug”, and Joseph Spanning ,is In ofl'mco In [which therein urn-cum].
[“3“ No.) And Canon-ago creek, rontaining' “R. \\‘M.']"/_ lIURD'S lUL II WASH
‘ HILACfe! Ind 27 I'i‘rclms. The?! II running Clil‘l ho procured._ . ~
‘ «nor on this Irnrl. A {urge portion of i} in 1 Many perwnl carry with the I incline-(h,
c 039!“ WWI "I‘fo Tmb". “In! lhere u :gmnly lu the nnnovume and 0 an to the dis.
considernhle portion m Meadow. ,_ I gun. or lhoae with hum: u." ”we in Mm”
i ‘fi'l'enons wishing :0 View an pimnhe ~, withoul'hcinz 'conwious uf‘ thq‘ (nu. To re:
‘ :JlLbe 1.110;: the mun: hyfln: funny. “lidhif' llun- younolffmm nll tun Nflnfil‘lf (hilf
.‘-°- -' ”Rm?" '“" M“ “.'" r can “K. WM. 13. news .\ihrrn \usu.
Sistine“ designated, {3 "I": 1”" sun. PM? . ‘ guanine“ pf m 1: lmall")? “gill" lgrenloizupur;
', ._ .. amp to e genera lent .wgrl II o n ul-
Wan]: «0 c"""“'“" f“ I? “ "h“l‘: “" “I' fected. a'ml not unfrl-q-ieurlg- sofion-ly lmpnir.
haul a}. when nltcndnnee Will be gncn I|qu ml llnrmrh , l I , i; h
terinslln‘nde known by . . ! ‘auLjL-c; 1.. “an a prop” “lien. an lo! M
' EMANUEL xmim‘:l,.um'r.i . ... '1 . ‘5 . , ‘ . . .
By M Oomph", fiwuom'tmflk. , lat. DR. “ 3!. n. nums .u‘huu \usu.
'ov. :5. 1861. u . 1 Prepurml a! D:..llurd'i Dontnl Ulllr'e, .\o. 77
4?“--- #_-‘_ V_. ~__-_., #, ._,__. ._g four!!! SlNCLqunHyn, E. D. I ,
Orphan’s Court Sale 9L; . Price, 37 Cents perlßottlo. '
F REAL ESTATEc—Tho, FIIIJSI'I'IdPI'. .\(I- if. A libcrll disvuunt modem dpalm. I ‘
minislr lor of thu- 951 nm at Jan l-‘lépn. z,‘ - ‘
11' eased, In ISuriname ofnu'llmrily givqn llilu ;- Aggni-legfnglgnfigigagpgunggeéf Tgbg‘n.
by the Orphan'é Conn ol‘-Admins count), will: qld l 'bl (‘ ' all M " ' ..'
nflr at Public Sula, M the prdmivs. nn Tur'ofi A‘ O 'lllqo l~! 'l‘” ‘ ’ . "ll “.90“ huh
«Jay, M: l'llh 0,. Durmbrr anl, A TRACT (3F: wnue :19 ,J.& l; Il'OKllhn n, .1» Brand.
LAND. lilllMc in Innimure towmluip,. .\dxu A' If“): it“ ‘ Burn", ~°~ ”W“. n)“, and My till
(‘0 my, adjoining lands uf anj-h’Ho‘hr. Sunl-' .._rii‘f): 1': f_,_ _ I ,-____.._.‘.__. .._~. ,_
ut- Dallmnmr and Iluwanl Fighlu, callifiiljiligai -' DR. WM 3 “Ukll'b‘ . r
all m7Acres.onwhidrnrm-rm-lnl , , . ‘ ‘ I i " ‘
a linew Tim-nary 'RU'EUIH‘ASI‘ €355.11“ .: ITOO T H P 9WD En '
H USE. Dry ”0"" and mint” 1:3,- flg \ . Tlus Pmyder poflibilcifiile .
U 11. There is n We“ Ol'n'nlur n! ‘4‘"«3. : y(.'AJIIIUXIU “'ITFIUI‘ET T" i -I.\'JUR|UI'
th home. and 1111' Orchard. con‘taiuifin vnri - . I’RUPERTIES UP CIIfi‘VJAL, ' .
tv‘nf fruit. trees. The land i: glf gunmqunluj. find I free Iron: all Acids or A ulnedhnl m:
Tifiu‘ Ii 3 fine chance [or n nice (I-nmt‘srlahle it? '‘" I," IN" ”JP" I," THU“ ,5 F.
tla‘lmme. I‘rraam wiohing whim; it will Ich I" ‘0""5 ”"9 “"“W “9"”“3‘1
51'9“,“ thenpruperty by the finally, re~idiulg romun‘m Wirnour wsAnlsu T”: Hutu.
on. it. ' ' 1' I DR. WM. 8. fll'llD'S T 001!" POWDER
‘ 175
Wflnle'tn épmnvhvo 1n l'-I3’ri¢s-~k. 1" MI
oppaid dur. whtn aklcndnnrc will be given a 1
terms made known by . , ' ~ |
war." 11. GAIN‘)\'I-}Il. ,um‘r.
‘l3} the (‘nurl—Jolw Excuuuz,‘Clirk. _
‘uv. 25, mm. td ‘ ' a
1 . Basket Making.
ol|\' ELLUWER \\‘auld m'ntt 'rcspoctful
o inform the puhlic th it he {MM comm-«Ir
(h BASKET“ 1M MSG luuigmu. irr Sun
“.1 tnnule .lreer. (Zn-u) dung. hm dnurslfi'ur
ofanuncr‘J: Zil'gh‘r't Storm when» he 111144
INT}! :1 large n=‘6rlmcnlqh-"kets—i"slm“
R. {Rots for Slv-iglu. \VAsI "when. Mnrk
fl sko-gn, t 1" kn. He im‘ilrsflhé mlh of I.
pl Mh: and prumiu‘s m furui~h but the boil
'7‘ rk. Prim-u mode-raw, to suitthc film-s.
‘or. 23,1861‘ 31*
,To Disabled Soldiers.
qmum“ .xxu mmxxs. A\D wnmw
mm: man an m-n-zmxuuan xx THE 51-:
VICE—Cu”. (‘. TUCKER. .Ulnrnny for Mai
’slApounty Lana] 9m] l’uneflm .\rg-‘ul. “'.‘lv - " DR. “"11. H. H L'RDS TOOT L\Cl”§ DROP:
ton City. D.‘ (.:.—Pentium "procu‘rml tor S: - in 1]“- Image, ’
ri, Set-men and Marines nf’Hw present. w, r.‘ Prepnrgd an Dr. Hunl's D;- ul Oflice, Sb. 1'
o are dimhlrd by rmuuu nfh o'mdsrocm d Fourth Street, Brooklyn, 2. -
dilrnnfcoutrncledwhilo i'n'lerVicemnd PHI" Price only 12 Cent! ‘9‘. 30“]...- .
us. Honmr Money nml'An‘cnn nf Pay.o «i ' A “M“; disc t nude m de-h'l'l
nod for widuwn ur mum-r heirs ot‘lhése It 01 mm. ‘ '
\‘9 died or been Linn-d whilé in “Hire. Addresq Princxpai 0 ca. Tribune
minty Laud procured fur n'gnix-u in any {I Bulldng, NO. 1 Sprupo BL. N. Y. i
b other Inn. CHAS. fl TUCKER. ‘ Sold aha by Guwrll. M k t (30‘, Hm
' Wmhinutun, D. C.’ ’Arenue Hotel ;J.k I. (‘roddixyom 7M Broil!
[.l. (‘.-Nat” Agent, (11-Itysburg. ' I’i fivny: D. 5. 134 m», 202 Bro-{dumb nud by bl
,Nov. 15, 18's]. 1 , ’i : I’rugginu. ‘ I I
! A. Scott; a; Son, 7;
EALEHS in Foreign and ‘Domufic B y
Goods. l'nnry Articles. aneus‘Wni-q. (3 )-
_riP~. kr...\'. W. (‘urner of ('h.u”herdmrg a d
nnldng‘lnn struts. We have iua'l receh .d
r Stack office-11. smiled u; um um. mu
\mnm SAME. m which “if im'ilelhp «ml;
itn of buyer: of prr-ny. gnnd'and‘flwap Gumt‘
r thr [.:xdic-x. we h-nw‘ n ._ru'pd afiqurlmant
Ow Mark 01 Plums, ('ns‘iméris. -C:l<y~iunl
{lg-uni. kn, yl’or .\h-n and [4031; in Lurgr, gc
hull Cheap. ' ‘- ' '
:' Wt‘omo one, conu- nll,j and ”unim
._\' muh'u. A.‘ s(‘U’l‘l' ..k 50:;
_i(!u.14,1561. , A .
"x; Sands’ Sarsa‘parilla
'I'RH-‘IES Tm: 3mm);
. ' ; J (‘um Scrofuln;
,' ‘ (hires filubhorn l'lvem
S.\.\'DS' SAIH.\PARH.LA ~ ‘1
(‘uru Sirumnus (‘omplninll‘l
Fun-:1 \lch‘urnl Dilemma;
‘ ‘ ' rll \'h'cr FHHI‘
4:1: {nr Sunda' Farllpnrilla‘nnfl Inke‘vm all:
'IQ’Pn-pnrvd by A. ".:.! li. SANDS. Dr
1456.100 Fullnn $l., mmut Willinm. N. Y.
Foualr by .\. l). Bunk-an, Genyshurgl.
'Nos. 25.1861. 1m
”--._—.S.”; 4, ... - ' ’.
" Notice. ' ‘ 4! ‘
.. NNA \chl.\'LEY’S ESTATE.—-—lmtefinof
' ndminiuntinn on the astute n! \dnn
(J.. . ‘ , _
o h
ArGinley. In: of Gong-flm‘m. Adam“ can: (ya
d celled. havinrbern utilized 1Q um um r
inse-l. raiding in the; Mme plat-r. ho
‘ rehy gives native to A" person: indWJe-l
t “id watno mnka immediriu- payment, ,nd
t 959 having rlnim: agxninsmho samr mpro. In
t em properiy uuxhonlimlrd fur cqnlmnrnl.
" . MOSES “CULHAN. .ldm’
2Nnr.18,1861. 6t. ‘
. . ~__ _.- -_‘---__ _ .._.Em“ -_‘ _.l. .
, . Mrs. S. A. Chrzsmer ~;
TlSlli-ZS m infurthé [..ttiir: of Catlin.
i ‘ burg and surroumlihg'conntryJilathie
hint remind from the cities the moss. fashion
b’ie I!!!” of ('LOUL COAT ‘ and SLEEVE,
finrxxss for Lndin‘ ma Chimera,- “"1:
1 Residency on Bnltimore lire". nut door} to
H. N. Km" a: “mf- Itorr. Gun-burg. i
«‘ I’inking nuznded to It. the lbonvql "mix-p.
iNm‘Jl, 18M. 3! . I}
For Elgchangan .
“'[LL exchnngc TX '0 0R THREE FARLIS
either in Milsouri or laws. tor Run} Eupié
i Adlnfl county. 1 ‘3
I .i'l will nlamexchange nlrnl‘unble MILL
RUPERTYI'n Admin county. together wilfz’ 38
_Nur. 11,1361. in) i V
+——- —»——————— - »~——»—-—-~-—-<~—-—-——r--
1 Ladies. 4 .
I" you 9:11 It Fnhnutm-ks‘you w’ll find (he
bluduuneu DRESS 60005 in town. 51:-
Mlnés. Cuhmeru, Figural Merinnen, ('nhuijgl.
French Merinou, 911 Wool, In low M 75 emu
nyard. Can loan. > ¥
“mamas 3301:1393.
3 Oct. 23,1561. ‘ ‘ ¥
“ALE-IQOTMR 5133.337 per def.
It Tysqnl‘Sky-light G‘lleryz. k 1 I
is n-mmmendeul by n" Elllilll’ufi. Demills.
l’rc-p vie-r a: Dr. llnrd'a Dem. l mm. 50. 7'l
Fuurlh Strttfiirnokl‘yn, E. [2.]?
w 'c/
». Nice. 25,0ents pa Box. *‘
§ A lihcrnldiswum made to} glen. ,
- f Addresp . Principal wage, Tribune
, Buildmgs, No. l Sprung Bt., N. Y..
x. 1, sum ’nm by (amen, “we «Ton rim
4 Axtuur Mute! ;J. J: l. Conldiu InnV 7i; Mum!
-h why : l). SA Burn“, ZULHroa «3.314%, ml
'l‘ Drugalisls. ‘ . ‘
2, Im, WM. B. 11 mm ,
e“ For the cure of _ ’
Tprnducea by exposed ncnes. . ' '
; , n is panicuhrly udnpu-d to 11 cum ofchll
- :aremmimdwnh TOUTHAC m. V . ‘
I 4 Pan-nu cnu r..-line them: In: from th;
‘ ‘dislrcuiuz Wenrh caused y
f- ‘ ' [fligof‘ swap, ‘
.- u'm! their children from 3r .xt.ufl'er'iu". h,
7. khl‘pillg‘l bottle of ,
3, ‘ Im. WM. 1;. upnn's
! ,munuau m'As'rEßs,
11- For the cure of NEL’RAU‘IA
for Toothache pyoduced by coI da.
1 , ‘ LOCAL NINTH Lou 1: L,
{in immeflintcly'curod by thei npplicmion.
If- They net like A char-n, nd‘u‘re pertrcl‘.
.‘hurmlen in their nnuro; a nut producd
‘blincr, and lune no unpleas n! ruum. ';
‘1»: mt. B. nulursmzum GIA I'LASTER'
nn'cr {nil :11,ch sstiétncli 1. land} who 1.:
«heir vinyei.‘
_ rpepnrcd u Dr. Ihml’s DJntnl Oflive, ‘5O. H
“ Fouuh Stu-ct. Brooklyn. E. t). V
I Price, only 15 CI nu each. : \
5 .\ libcrnl dimoain mule In Jule". {
f Adar-es; Principal O’fhae, Tribun i
‘ Bundmgs, No. l Bprpca m.. N. Y. 1
1 Sold qlm h_v meell, ack & Co., rm‘
Avrnue Hotel; .1. k LL‘odd ngtou, 715 ”NM
’nfi) ; U. s. Unrues, ‘Ju: “Ida-lung, and In A;
Il’ruflziili; ‘ ' .[lilem 'l, Int-1,. _l)' J
f ‘ ~ Notwd.
l I ‘HE underiignéd‘hen‘byj
f I the publu that, from?
1 the} will pusiziu-ly put. an
lii" pcnon or. person: who
.pusing upon their Limb,
j hunting, fishing, Lie. . ’
. B. A. .‘Hmrb, John Fleshmnn
. lurid Heal, ' L Aim»? I). made,
' Alunnder bhqrb, F ed. Trimmer; '
'5 401 m Wall'urd, ' i ‘ A exnndor\ouug',
' .JM. Kuhn, E be!" taken,
A [mu-l film-er, . D nwl Sheeb,
j' David Link, F H]. "ium, _ \
:' “lVld Kunlz, I nc Will,
I J”. .I)Itlltm, ' k." iasfiponvllqr,
f Jahu Palmer, _ ni. 11. Lou. ‘
’ Jacob Slrnsbmgh, H mm)! 11. Hoff-In‘
: Lewi; Will, ‘ itptgu Forum, '1
Mary A. Hemlrr, i" 'J' lm 30cm,
! ".:.”; sherly. T
Mountplensnnt lp., New”, ”6|. 3! .
1...--.-.-._.,_ -—--—7—~c~v ~- 1
1 . Katie? - '
LY ‘HK undersigned, cuit n: of flunk-r tom
L 1 ‘sh' , Adunl county. "4., forbid any fun
Sun m- grtonl hunting, fishing. taking or Ifii
turban-11w“ u( may find or unn-linguro
‘ our fields on (out or othe wise, All; pets
| ditngarding this notice I! Ii hmdnll rill n
cording to hut. . i
, unlu- ”Irvin-r; I‘m Guimim,
John Brenna, - I :nry‘Gnlbraitb,
; Jone Houck. Fianna] 11. llnnil.
.\lirhul Durickh I .Iniel Sh) laugh,
- Samuel Itiehz. Willism Gone.
‘ .\or. 23-51861” 3y" ,
; NOthß. ' ‘ . 1
i ' OHS FICKLR'S ESTATE. —Ldter| ‘
Q] ndminiqlratim on the .nnls in Jog
flicgle, late 9! Lutimore tuvénship. Adams co:
: U. 'du-eued, having hem“ zrnnw! m flue u‘
deruignedfluiding in llunsingmn lowaship, 1
; hereby sites notice to all ‘pvnom indemrd
uid «hm to nuke immcdiue payment, 5'
. lholelnavingrlnims Against the Imm- m prl-ul
. them properly authenticated fur Irmcmvm.
- WM. 8. G.\RD!€KIL,‘JJ/s'r.|
I 3593525361. 6i .‘
; —’. Notice.
i WIIEREAS.Imy Wu: Sch-um, the l
{ ‘ hone)! from my bqul Ind board wnhu
{anyjust mun. thi: is 10 mm: 3H per-tom .'
. balm-mg or uniting hex-‘0: my m-ouum.§ng|
‘ I [in pd: no debts ol' hor eumrm-cin: Amer t I
data. ‘ JACOB FIL'KL'S.
i lluminglon '41.. NM. :3, use]. In I
j Notice. '
1 E desirevnll persons indabted to In x
I ‘V call and msk}: flolucmmz, h..~l.\'iu'-,;msl
! u change in our madner ordain: Milne“.
-' OcLLM, um. I’AIISEJFUUK mars.
ADIES. M H. 0. Carr“: in the plum to -
IJ (“mes and (huntleu u! I“ Rut-J: 1'
cheap. Callaud examine them. So tro
to mow guodl. “In I 3
5. “aux mm mmu hm cnustmflyou n...
1 a Large sandman! of plain and frm
cues, [SW4 (mums, gold uni plated Inn-. 4 I
brenstpinn. kc” .20., which may no “Hm“
umnushingl) hm prion. i
H‘UXRRS And others will a 9.“ guod,
P » sodium of whim-m, mm, ”0'
ucnea, ML. M the chub Home! «
. . A smm)
give noting ‘lo 0.!
and and thin dirt
Lu in tune upu
May he fuufid lm
for lb: purpo'c .