The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 02, 1861, Image 3
II «4.43.5: ' ‘ ‘ I “ > .:- .. .... , A z , 4-. , I ‘ _**:-.>-r;¢-w \ l , X ‘ ‘jfié’ ’6‘;va ‘mnnqy »} nu; _ ,orn an, nnr‘l‘nur $1,101.: hm~ rm _ " hfjia'their pésuesdon. w ; be #flw enmfih, “‘O3:, j _uxing fifth by»! ’it over, {but we! (ambled to'koep thn “ \volt‘frum p Don't‘forgct toput that :«mul'l tr you owe the primer-,1): your puck you come-to town. \thll BL- [ti-o ‘5 go Ifi‘one‘und all who know (hob; ‘m debu-d to an, and We have the as: those who have hied (lu‘ cxpenm n m.m never {Mk :0 lumpy in‘ In}; 1 Hm precise moment he puyn 02f hm i 1 has. to his printer. THE MARK‘ET ‘ GHTT\'Slil'lhjv—Sncmunr u N0un.....‘...A.....:;........'.............5 U - i: 2 H0w.... ~ W’hité xv1mfi........ ’.""""-""'---1 I 1ud_Whem......'.......:.J.............‘...1 1 Corn ........'.....4..,.:... . ........;..... 11y0............ ~¥.' {mu.................'.......‘..............,. Buckwheat ... ... (315“:qu d ”...: 3 '1 ’l‘hflomy Heed] 7 Flax heed. i’lnsvr' uf‘T‘uri-J -, ‘ " Luster {fun-m. ln-r 1:nq....~.1....... [ 1'.0rL.......... .......,.,,,' [mun “pm; \ Flour. ‘ 'Wlwnt 1:50.... kbéu.......... 0m..;........ Eloy/yr 5eed............. ’annpth! Set-d ~....... Beef (Timlg, per huud ling», per huud........ Hny..........‘.'......,‘..... “bushy G‘nuuo, l'cfuvian. per ton l‘_ ‘ HANO'VEIté-‘l‘uuuson Lust Elour, from wagons...“ .. ‘ Do. ‘trom stored" Wheat ................. 11H: .. ...... A-‘nrn.....¢.. ....,._. 1hu................ .I‘lwox Srml...” 'l‘imn'i'f‘iy~ Seed.“ ‘1'1nuur..‘..,.n.... s£34so3“?rial I'J’otho AYRR‘S (‘ATUAH’II PILLS ~Tlm 01(3‘I“Y}IistrV'.Rl;Xli .\i': in mu inn: Lu ’ t «tir mmust {a plum, 'u nnflmfl, ma: ‘vurgnt'xve wmrh i~ anmn tummy. lu bR-‘prunh mi «ht-w-x 11m: mew Pill: 91 (nus which ~lll~pw=ixux (‘Hon‘c Xlx“{ mcdn-inH. nmf,tlm_{ um Wm Il'lpl‘dUL‘l uzm‘n t|lg~rst(~oni of .1!) mm. ’| n-~v Ami plum \m h; ukr- hutx puwrrml 19 I} innir {Wm-Having mow-rues 4'inml w.- m-llritlm of the 1):).lv.:r-m:)\'(‘the-u'lslx p! it: womb". p-mt; 1h» thml. and c\ Mae. '{’Fhe_v.purge out thr foul l'uum hreealimni gnaw didj-unxcr, Mimulue \or disbrduncd'urzgur iultu their natum zmrl impart hculUn lung will: strvhgxh J “pole systcxy. ,\,'_ut only, do they L:- m cry-1149' complaints ufcwry body. I .tnrmidshle and dgugvmué dls sex I u imfllcd‘jlhe best nflxqmun skx‘. \\‘h produw po'vurl‘ul onzcfi, ”why are :1: [I nmefiu diminished times. tht- MAR-. 41 ’.. ‘yhyuic-tlmt an be emplo) Gd fur chi} Bl'ingfllgnr-CIHMIL they nu pluuzuu 1 ‘ "_nd being pun-1y vegetable, an: t‘rec I'n ‘ risk ofxlmrm. Cures 114,0 “seq maul shrpnss brine! (“one they not aunt-um: mm M hlu-h ULlltz-d position :uuldmr " 101 ml)“ thesugpicjunn! u'lulgu-h,‘ \l-_ ucnt ('lorvorymon Iw] nluyi ium h-n’c I" . 1h nnci t'u cenit‘yw xlw pnhln Hm nlmi o_ur, rcmcdh-s’. .\thle uthor: hnn- «In: .l-sunlm v: ol‘ their cum Influx) Ilml our! lxous‘rgnmlmn: iumicmch’ to mg re“). ‘umauw. swim-ring thqu-mun. , 'l'be‘ Agem hclow [many] is: plcmorl tn g “is _‘uu: .\meric Iu .\ln‘ulu an .‘ukumix r-‘CLIO'ILK fo; the use [uld cmmimlc‘s pnye‘a? OHM: ruilowing wmpln‘mlsg ' l'opti)fnou.iuiml:aCum;-lniuKlelu-u Dmm‘y, Hmrliux; u, Umduche‘ arising {uu'l stmuqch. h Iqsv-u. l}sdl;[(‘w‘fl)ll. Mar nu him: 0! the I! M £25 gud [slin :xrisin-l fro‘m‘ FlntuH-ncy, Ibq » 1,! Aplncnlc. ull l; which Icqu'nc gm ,wnunmu‘t Inc-l‘u-lue MIND, by rpgrily'mu the Mom: 9;}! M’m the system, cur; many s.,ln;:}.nnl3 vs! would lmtlbu sug'pu-wd tho) mum n'a. ; M Hexfnrii; Burlial H imlums, .‘(cumlfi xcrvous irritabilh). burnngrmvhh of 13 ngn! Kidneys: Cn‘ut, nap! mum- Liqdu plum!- uriaifig rug-. 1 a imv «lulu my“. I üb-twvtiuu p"il- fuuHiuns. [mu .1 5w gut. uff hj'qu; illn'iplf'll fi‘hh smm min-r 1111! t‘uoy m Jygminu pr A»: fur Apr; 1'..15. gm! take “mining, ;\n othu‘tlw} ('.ln gin-3m; compare; 9“ in it; inn I‘mit' \uluv- ul' vumth v “on or xfl‘ |\ \\‘zmt lhg- hud. Ind 111-:xc 1~ Mr 111L they ihmtid Inu- iL ‘ A ffifi’réqul by pr. I ('. .\YHI} 1.4 m ull. Mu“. P'illL‘L-I .'3 .(‘nru PL!!- Fm: I: «m Hm H. , ‘ Lag-Sum»; .\. I". .hnmmm. and gxeqwhcrc. = _ ‘ [ln-1:. Z.‘- , WEAKNESS .Lanm:m!.lTY._-.\ ‘— suflrrfrmu urakuoss and dvhxlik}. \\hv. is u. want “fem-re). dumb] .\I (Ilu't‘ h lrmxrnstoJl'lm‘fl) S “(’1 .\')'.\’l.\' ”HUB 'l'hev immrdinteii yum)" the blgo-i and on the m'niusprm: Q1‘Ilf'u.;:?\;x); urn-n;- ugor to the Lynn-m Young [muons iulI) aomanllonfl. dig!) a duzwuguuwnt ' fuuriiom: and m nl(l'!h('l‘< 33: the turn ”I“~P Pills “‘ll be "103' cnu auuufin ('Ol the tnlgnf “'0 that nny be qt. the turn. quyl‘d‘erly men 5119‘: in u blxufil‘ar mu 1".” same periudx, when ler’i: :Iwn. guflbcy should \lrvn-furc undclgo n v (his purifyxug modicum, which cuaurcs health. _ . Thiigreat llx;fi.~olnnld Medicinp rnnks the lending nunssnries' of lifé, as it known to tlie wmld Llnn' it cures cm Botherxn‘m‘odiu c.mfiut nnchz' Ibis .tu fie“ establishrd as that the Mm lig World. 'Jndson’s .\loumniu Huh. Pills . by all Dealers in Medicine, [.\"o\‘.~2 GREAT DISCOVERY '.—;\u|}ule to“ 9193' able prnvtiuouurs and chemical ‘ lune dcmonstmlcxl lbc great. wine of l - Grath's beautiful cumbinuionhcalled ‘; ; ’r!{_l(“0lL," fur the relicf’und cui'c of ~ Jfihu the [l9'oer UlgnlSch'ea .lre rqu‘c-ru ’ serdiv}. in a. umnucr both ll"m|.~hlkul Enlist “1.013;: )lure than 'tuo minlim have bcen sold in an very short Linn “Wponiod of muse who' hcald other: mch' it, who had nicd‘iL. _Th Ll. it's.:l s discovery is every when acknowlqd no'hing Like it gigs ever before prcgmrc ‘9:ny genuine Maurie nil is l'ruf. De ‘ 9 which is to be had and] the n-imcmbl givu in tin; cities, and M. whrulgsule an: H! 1.119 proprietor.’ {Ag-M o! the gym: 11c adverszicmenl. _‘ == - :5)-Sums & liunmm‘s Store is w‘ _u‘thy n \'il'rljust nuhis time., We doinbl. u! _‘C‘LCI in our lad-gut cities, so than dis ,‘fisfivea can be found. Thei: large 1' fulfil of Stoves oFevory pntmn}; also, 9:; 5,3,, Sty of Hollow Warp. Skeet-inn: “'3 F “we, Plluished Wax-q, Japan Ware—e :‘fi‘g, idhed, every‘hing in the hon" fur. fine. d'elo, Sausage Cgt!era,S.nung-e S _I3IM Prue", km, kc. They are prsp “yell whol‘uale and retail, Tin Ware «nd siron Wure loeit own rmumfucmn:~ - rzi‘a‘nflic‘nm number or huufils to supply . Slim]. Their assortment. of Lumber x‘ . hrge; als'o Coil oferery kind. s2s!] .‘ EangruEm-z» z a ' mans WANTED !—-Wc willmayfn to $75 per month, and :11 expena‘les, to Agents, or ifi'e a. cam:uission.l Pan nu} nae. address Eula: stxka M (.'oxuxx, R. JAMES, General Agen}, QICIO- [sch 2, 1861.. ' The - Spot! - mamas still in New York. mukin S chains to kug fqll and increase 111:] »0: big Clothing and Variety Store, a Korthcast comer of the Dmmond, Get! '1 awbere sales are nude at astonishing! prices. Bufing for cash, '11:: can sell 11 cash—7lmm:- than ever and no mistake. in :11. the Suit-9,1116 ‘Annt Bowman \vi 0‘; you, will: {he grutes! of plasma, sh 3'3” Clothing; $O9“, Shoes; tcffiof ever 1111.11“. [Dec. 2,1: ,1 1 , MEM lEEE TEEM F 1d 1 - .- 51 'my ‘,e r door‘.” DXSEA He that ' 1. when And [l] unneJ ( ‘ t 1mm)» 1" hem: ‘lve- m- ’uuc‘ of cmuplci at that nbuurbnl h: an. t)‘; . debted-_ ‘C‘ “1‘ ‘ \ uuug B h Ull 1 1 Lertmu ed by c o 5 2-5 h.» Im. 3 50 ‘ ”1 'l3 in unlu : ° 1 :3) Im. ‘7“ can be ‘ 3:. .“.IH_V 4U granny 0‘ CU Lil-l 8! 0f 0 I’. 0|) \fxthuat L 20' have yo 6 50/ [lii-I IH I‘OO ,’(‘-§e.m 4'75, 11mm to , futed, ~Flu'4n' by: .... L 4.1 thtu to 5 75 sunjopf $1 ‘3‘], £515 I) to ('5; ‘- I'm-pa: - I ‘ . w H inunh lo 4 a? i to 2 ‘.‘o ‘A libe lo 8 00 Add“! la 5:0 Ban] ms ”0' . ‘ ~. held a? to -1 ‘ CO 00 . \enue . uni» ; I). ' Uruggid .5.) 51.1 150' ENO 5 7!; lo 1 30 5" Thin l C.\::B:r_\‘ , ‘ . .4 9:.) "WM: fr ], ;: in the le in .) [Ti .\4" I'OLHHIH ’V 7 Im. wi ”Pm-P: 15;)Ciomn hum-:11". “Pm“! .. ‘ «thwt “VII-ALI w viz- A l-hml “""Wi' Addres- ”-.‘ ‘f: lo \4‘"‘ (q: ‘3‘ :1 Axeuur M will)“; " ‘l‘" : ;1 u':\— ‘1 {H.lgnah «Inch “ . fiansul - Anznnn, . T 10 ”I, for the r 0 1M: n "1‘” prmhu'cd J L1H“: ‘ ll is p.” e the", drcu at’dmt (' LUIH.’ d but. diatr-asin rem—w take: and- heir ‘ in uu)’, kk'eP\ ‘L‘.’ “ which‘ DR. &\ .\L ml by in the hou _Ltcr us Prepare" {Y cm‘l- Hum lb 511‘ l}; the‘lrE Price, “m M. . me'lin-t . A “hr“! Address‘ Build“ \| :S-IM- 41w (“nth-”hem“: Hm ilvlpf dl- w. 5 : I) 5.1, f NIL-1r [nyggzfii epau, 0! 'ms' mfism, ‘mm 11. .itl In -1 then-- NE For YLI} c mm” or‘Tuolhufh .'l‘hcy , L' ‘ .l‘min; inimmelial lil'!) u .'l'hx} ficL . surh hurmlu—s in m “m 1 bli~Lanndl Lin-f m:.w.\x.n.i Invcr tuilr‘h tlu-H' \ixiuc. ' L um . .:. ‘.‘l'rJ L v l’rcpmed infirm {ounh Fir! um an. t r_L-l- —, ‘ ti: Ihl-I 'm“. Address 1,, :lug! 'Builgi ' ('U., A \'L'lih"‘lLUl‘ I)n.\.—l w v: I), ,5- ’l)A:§;gzs:9. icdurs '- ‘.‘m ‘ 1 I 'll F. undol !. “"0 1 1:0 pull .thgrc lhcy \1“ po' "lfll [LE-4m], Arum O.E ‘ " ‘ push q upu l “l "I" hunting. L3ll ~" ““d «n. A? Nxo "'“W‘ {pmd m. 0., the .\hvunlf-r 0' 1.1”? ‘I John \\ uli {Fungu- Jns. Kuhn, )9uug . 1.~r.ul Mm ""r “‘ mum Lin 5 "“"1 11mm Kun u“? 0' Jns. Dunn Insuu‘g 'Juhli [‘nlm I ' Jacob 5”“ .n "0.1312 Lewis “'in 5:31;! ‘ Mary A. m -1‘ is In‘: “noun—l&2 u 11,4; x . _ re Fold 1m ' r ‘Hl‘irunder' ' “up, 3rd I , hath 30—h Qrpm‘sm nlysis. tnrhing‘ lxuil mf. [re ' our ficlfls on [ILEU- diarugnrding l min.& cording to lulu g '.heir Elms (lard 1e and John Bream bank's: Jase Home nigrcat Mmmcl Hut , etum- ’. SJmurl Die] plcndxd ‘ Ruv. ‘.‘s I‘B . - I 'd,;Aud “‘ “’- '. _Thc _ ‘nulx's, (‘HN FIC Drug- (I ndminis‘lr remil. FxckleJnteuf _e. rSee Iy, duct-used; . dcrsigned, rosi ° ; hereby gives u l .32: said‘esmte m I? 1 v 032 hm‘ingcl day mm properly. m 15 ‘ FY if": Nov. 25, 186 e Til:-i ishiug ’ 113 nm" ufl'crp,‘ iv hen-set! 5“,.“ anvjusv. cduse, ‘ heet- lgzl'bonng or eping I {fill pay 11 d: I3' de- dine. $ "’3’. . Huntington t. am m 525 E 'desire acti-ve ‘V call and Mars I. change in on cnu: Oct. 28, 1855!. Zihm, , , -~' ~ 1y , LADIES, at g: (Haves an “few. 70:“ am ‘ 1‘ show goods. 3 pnr- fiv, m stock .‘ YSON BRU‘ n the- I n larg: a: bum asses, gilded J; - low hgeqszpins. 2%., ‘w for asbanishingly 1 Cant-11" '— w‘Kit QIILLINERS wi scrunch! 'k,:§ , uebes, Jun, u 61. l 11m. WM. w,“ 0U T H .'“ m: REMEDY F . 12:31) BREATH. ; ‘ smut‘ orphan’é Céurt Side 1‘ nut, ESTATE —Tlle smbacéincr‘ ‘ L _ . d niiéfiftrumr 0111111 mute 61' Juan F 1231. «111.1» 11 puraunute 018 111. 't 1‘ ‘ }‘ MOUTHS. name 6&11311’5 Court of .\ldwtlx’: fufigtev: 1:31 . } o‘";ng 0r at 111 mm >ll . ‘ rll ' F 3” “LLEDWG U)”, I . ' 111112-01: ”fit of [ligatégrrfhzrtlfix{EAllElle‘E b }.\Ll’-S 'G ‘5O“ MOUTH, 1..-131). uittmtc 1n Laumorc 10111111111; Adams , (1.; 511011161: "0“} in nos ’o'. may a”; county, adjoining lun't a 0.1.1 acyb 13101” Sam " 1511111)” 01:11]: mqu: '- Itispirliculaf- nrl Dnlhnmer 11m! 110 ’fll'll $18k” Loutynirmrv . 0111110 pcroous my ring about TAércswn 1111113. areet‘r‘ulvd’ l a .\R’rtt‘tcmm: “11”} ..13 ngw Two—5111:; 1:1 LIGHCAD'T 741""! cly duh-axing art-1' mint oftheinouth, ”0 82' Ulr'v ”W5O 11111;: sm'“ «flag I (and rrmminzntfll udpttritleafltuuriul,’ 11.1 n: “WI-ea” nWellufWuter-at 1’20" A SWEET B 1 BATH ‘ I.lm hanginnd 1m Orchard. comaiuiug 11‘ 1111c -I'lo make use ofit. 11' No Young ley or‘ru1t1tteca. The 1.11111 ii “mud qunlitv. ~lltlculqu 11110 is ‘} 1111:1011 thh a ,- .'l‘llls 1.1 n. 11?): ch.lllu.-tnrra mac cdmt'grtable 11'1- _/ BAD 111111.“ Tll 1 :l}el}tlamc. Persons méhing nu 91:11" it. will be 0111:; nilplung thHE remedywlor it is*h 0‘0.“ n 1“ _p_ruyurtylby the 11‘9“” residing 'uru mulls-11151“) dantl redutnntcnti- “-IL -‘ 1 7 " H I I or)“ Phynuizuz uu} r whogé‘notice i 1 0 ‘sfihul to commczure "‘:ll°.6loCk‘l,' 31.. brought, }} :1 }, turn-111. gin ‘. when algcndunugwll be given and 1 1‘ " ‘ L‘ ‘ ’ ' ' - V ,A 15-31) 8111 TH 1‘ ‘ A?” 1111.111: “I%th 01111511: 1141.111 “3w .111-171111-11 111311} Is no egc’usc “thigh B) the (‘o rt—Jumhti‘uufi 1,1161% ’- 11.11. 1:. mums um 111511 1 , M 1225 12161- ' 111‘ 1 7 ‘ . 1 luuul'ed. . j: 1- 1' I‘l ‘ ‘ :5; ‘3 " pcrwns curry wit! them It“ breath)»; 1 o phat-1,3? com 3316 ‘ n the npuoyzmee .1 110 mm 15 £llO 111‘».- "V; LUABLE'I RFA‘I ‘i: L1‘11'1‘1" * 1:)(1311- 11-1111 111111111111» ! cbmeiucoutdqt, () subs nbe‘r :I\dluil)l‘slrjll.l’r.tll"¢of- “1:13;“:e uni: cousui—ou’i u the fact. Tu- r"-' aft) . ' " 1. I“ ‘n (I ”:6“ trmu 1111 luriregnrdiig’thiq, r 11 Jolt-1:11:13]: ”I.l;!“:‘trsifi-I‘Lhn‘flumcuflum 01: ._’ \'l'll. B. 11L'11D" 3101:“! 'W‘Asli- 1111111121 1101111”. on 1.1111212111111144“: ”1:13:10? 1"?" of the man! is of 39"“ lmpoi— will ofi‘r; 111 Public SLIe. on 11:: 'pretlniseq' g; the :1 ucrnl 11c.1111 which I]; one“ 1.413 I ”'f11116'1’1"l~ "16 NWI OlbDn‘unhue 1111'“ the iloB} nd not uufrcqqcm serioufl) iutpalr: BENZ" 1111*“ "id 11000115111 51‘3”“; R” ‘3' " 3'll “Jutot' proPc 111.1.an10“ to 111*! “."VML‘BP: Adm") ‘JO‘J'HV-y 3 11111115 “’9‘“ [3" id} 1 1} - r gnynpton 411111tutlu~‘rt‘0m1.\’n‘11"0xtbrd 01‘ the 1. \1 . ‘ll. 111111113 11111111: 1121311.. *s""’“‘3 ““5""“"11"""“° “1 ‘ ' 111111151». 111 ml 5 1 71111101311, NU. 17 3°? 12 19111-1 MANMOX I‘aAF‘T.ndjoiLing 11.....1,11..,u.1.11.~1. 11. 1 . 3““ :11 111111 11.111111 11111 111111 1111111111 ,31 cm. a. 1103,11 ~ 11:1;(1;1;1,1,;1..-;1.,1.33;;3-111113111111111111111111 "111 diwouitt mud: 1) 111.1411.- PL. 1 711 I'll J-stoi‘v Britk 1101's“; 111}Iggummf-Ilt# ""3 1s iPulleipal fflce. 'Pribuné 11‘1"!“ “Rwy 5111.111 1"“ $lll-an .-.-'~l.°‘l; 1. ‘ 11ng§,ho.1§p we sz. 1117.12 11.11“?“ T 111.” ‘5 1‘ "°""""‘*““1“ ‘33 'E” 11.0 113 Luau all. 116 k 5! £llO., “ARV-Imm: M M” “‘l ”11‘ home, "a?" '7 I .1 ’1; 1111-1. J_ ‘l‘ 1. (’OIIUItgIIIII. 15 Broad-',"" (}lrl-hn‘rl oft; variety ul'f'ruflt‘lrttru. F5ll 01' [Lune-n, 31'); Hr udunyfiuud Luv 311 tlznll'ltud 111 s beenfiméd. There 18 aguoulyru . } i ' purtwnufl}\'uo¢ll.mrl.l ‘ 1 ‘ _1 . m .1. . _‘X‘o 2-. A ’I'ILU'T 015 1.. N " r I}];ll's} . ' 1111115 or Jdlhn 1.:1y11,1n uud Jul-p '11:;‘11’1‘11w1‘37 17D EP ' } ’J‘irait N 4). 1 3m! 01111111111510 t-rcék. runtniiing’; . .(‘rm 1) 2‘ 'll 1 " ~" ‘ m" 11‘ij “L” 1;: 11:11:11 on 31115 [1:11‘11‘ WII”ITH":IZSZ‘IJLIIS'IFJI’TLHIfi 1.1" K ...‘- ”"11"“ h lAIL'VJhL. ::;4:-:tr1r\:}1::1 3411111111? fitluhvr; 1111511111€1cis a} } ‘}} , all 1 I ‘ | ‘ ’1 .\hflkthM can '(‘PP ... ,mfi‘fn- n .laad.ow. I }}. . 1}: 115011;? .111. gto 1121111116 prem sea ‘1 ' ‘1 \l' 1 L' .~ 1111111111111 511111- 111' the fént‘il 1 r~ll' ' L\ Mm ”nan—“— ..u x_l I.' fl1 ' -‘ y, L'l mg 11:1: 1.3111015“ r 111. 2‘11: 11§1czlgl1lx¥1mftt11 “ 111 ”from Eli-UV} or 111,.1’01W11E11 1‘ 11-10111. }} n ‘1 1:15 nnfibeat 51111111111- L-m. Uruutit: ‘ E 237-5111.)", ronmtr£t¢lv ‘lt 1"I61' i"< I ‘} ..1, _}_ ‘l‘ .1 .1 {l‘ . Lm}.3l.Lnn 111 *l‘ 1.1.... er Box‘L‘} I}.} 1 '} 1} E‘t.l§:l,"l=-r. .\‘Efimtgfluldml. 1* Hum-rd _ 1 1911‘5,? Elma—{om E‘JGHOLIL,I¢.L‘IX. E i _ . v ... 1 . ‘ ' co, 'lfi‘lbuno 1 11" J u*3 ‘1 —L—-5 cekSt.,}ll. Y.. [ _ f Basket *Makifig; E ‘ 1m" 1; 1:01. mm: r1:1.\:51:t.1.1111'11n *- 1‘ ‘* ”‘ I lgluu: 711.3} 111 mm— pI inform t'ré 111.11111-‘l‘lll‘3lluutgl;{iisglgfli‘ #111111), 111111 113:1.“ tho-ISAfiKI'Q'l‘ 314K131}; bust 1151‘. in Soluth 1} I 1111111111012 am-ot, (11-111sb11rg t 0 than \" ‘1 *' ' “1nf1)-11 *‘k 7 " ‘ ‘ ’0". I RD'S } . .l 7h . ”1:1 . 49519141111“, will“; he 11331011 730}? 1 1} “:1 1:11 Al:';l§fl§}~fjfhllk'l.t"'f H.151} tel—inr‘ludiug. [,l .’ . 14‘...‘ 1.15 llurl}h._elglh~l. Nash 1111: Hts. Market }, [l.l 11.11:, 1.1. . Ar. 1112111111115: 910.1111 of'thc ~ lrpuhiu 11nd {romisvs [ll‘ fut-nth: 119' 1:12 b 95101“ 11m '. Bricks modcr fle'! lt y’ - 7 '-\'M- 233,15“. .3}; 110 an:}t}ll9} 113115.} . i DR. \\'.‘v[.- I}. l,‘ . oT H P o ‘ MIL-"p I::(“S':_V‘ 1h (' \'. [TUHL'T . IU’HM’I'H-fiS-Ufi‘ ‘ ' f't'lrm a?) \('M? 0 ‘ ini'uc the 'I‘N'U [ms 'nrxs‘v; gnu: \\me-L'r wn‘uuva‘ 51.13 ”1'11“ S TU w-udml by 1““ x-Zum v] at In'. Hun! i.“ «at, “I‘o““.qu H.‘ 'rice. 25 Cénts ‘ lldht uuui mudx- l - Principe) O ngs, No.l Spr‘ ‘0 b_.' C‘s-lull, [my . J. .1 I‘. mm i 1 [JR-gnu). .'U‘.’ 13rd _Buua s‘)” .ll DH. “'3l:. B: 1‘ OPHACIIE 1 curt-UL , 1‘ u'mnnmui v, cvp bud mm + H 11l ”‘l3 suntan-11 .1 win: TUUX‘H. .I {syn reHcvu the! “amines: nunsul LUSS OF SI, é‘af'dxcu Imm 3| ulllc of I !'aunty ll [KID'S TOO an Dr. Ifurd’s I" enfirookhu. E. ' only 12 Cents? diarou- L maule’l. Plincipal 0m g 3, No. 1 Sp: by Uzuwcll. H '1 ' J. A: I. (,‘Utldi Luna-u, ‘.LU.’ Br I u. “1313. 1;. nl' RALG-m PL] n- of .\LEI'IHL prom-wed by mt LO(‘\L s+er 1}" Curt-d by tin-1' like :\ (Ix-um. ‘1 their nut. re; . o.l\(“no HUNG“?! Mmrsmanu' E give azuialmlj ‘1 Dr. Ihnd's I); t, BI‘uok!)n. H.’ 9, only 15 C hunuul In 1410: M] riucipal 0 9, No. 1 ser by Alan“ Anvifll 1, .Y‘ A I, Undd'i Arum: .'o: um“ A ’ Liv, F 1" A H) m i ti„' ,t at,a Nance:l {1 =iLvm-d lmwby, iv n tiq‘Jfln ('l5 In‘ that, ‘mm 2‘] I! ,l‘fgr this date!” ili‘ sly fut thzl .u‘. in taxi? upofi pt-rfmm who {3' he fotind ms: thru‘ lands, first the purppwyi I,“ 1:, I K ‘ Juhn Fll‘sllm‘l‘p, Amos D. Su Mo. Fred. Trimm‘ifi‘. ME! Alexander \'fl‘fng, _' Egbert Ecke :t, ‘ l'mucl Shae!” Frem Mum, | Wilt, ; Elms Sponsgllu, Wu". ”x Lou. E Samuel i Ilqtfuaan‘, Upllun F restl‘; Ihr; ~ Johh Socks. 'l, 1‘ mt Ip.. Nov. 253:1861. 3H} \ ’ -\ b unit, Noticm ~ ‘ igned, cirimhi of Butlplij :‘town— ma>coumy, Pm, forbid 3an per _ hunting. hahirg, “king of dis ‘ l any kmd, a grueling Acro<s 100: or otherwise. An} 8130.1 I u; uoliye’ mllfibc dealt w? h M:- i. Eh; I Guthrmi.“ ollcn'ry Galbrmtl. 5 wine] H. um i, I) I vial Slag-bang!“ Wxflliam Supt: Notme. t: LE‘S "ESTATE, —Lcts.¢ I of tion on the “estate 01 John utimore township, Adams oun- Ming been gimme? to t gun \ ing in antingtq‘n owns 1», he Iti‘ce to au‘pevsuns indeb gd to make inimediato‘paymcnt ‘and l i_DlS_ngfl.inst tHe spam to péflicnt . utheuucntcd for settlemvfit. ‘ WM. u. GARQFR, Adfr. I . 6t. - . | NonceH _I ‘-, my wife Svsx rom my bed and‘ this is towarn a] usling he: on my bu of her contra: ' 'Jc , I‘m-. 125, 18531 Nance.” | a}! pawn: i'pd make settlement manner ofdoiqg I “any I I. G. Carr's is N . Gauntlets of ‘ I. examine thy: ' HERS have qons ortmedt ‘of plB mes, gold and 6m, which May ‘l‘ prices. . and other: will F 1 .f Ribbons, fim he cheap store a ' A. 500' “mu-AH it ,s' ' 51‘? “LL 5 Inglis ' A S'H‘, F. i all mags of @llll - Egr - _. ; g ~ Disablrsd $OlBll rs, 5 my!» .\IAY‘HXES. Am \HDDWS. ['JHZR "ELK.“ HF THQOSH “EN” [O3, BHHX‘ KHJ‘EDV NgTIIICKSFIKo .(3. 'l‘L'in‘u. .\imr m" for Ulu‘m— Land and I’euk‘mxi Agent. Waflv l). ('.—l’H‘lsimn pr‘b 'urqd mf'nol n nnd \{n‘rin‘w ut‘ 11l [trosent \ :u‘. Mm]. by rc.‘~on‘nf w' nulls rm e 1 'r-d nlr:rl'[w!‘\\‘3lilviql kejfit‘amul {“n« k’ .\loncg mud Arm-51:. 91‘ [My JP,“ fdnws ur utncr hcixfi'nt‘ the \ljlm Luau kHL-‘d‘whule (ckLsenice. ‘ 1d pxucurqdfor scriv .413 in nny‘ of F 5. auxcxfitlrxun, l { > ._' Wz-shi _gtfou, I'. 0r ‘ ' ,xgeuf."¢etltgabu;r .j . (.1. , i . Scott, & Sq ,3 g [‘ it) Furcilzzil und?‘ umvstic @rj Fanvy Article-s, Quk' mware. Gio ‘ W. Curuc‘f of L'hulnuul'dnug mud smqets. ,Wc havie jun rcccifie-l Guam. sum: 1:. 4: FALL AM) MN. m \v‘ujqb we iix'x he the .I'l2§:x. s ofpretzyfigqndwufih] :lfmp (:nua~, ‘5. vu‘ have x} 111 ml“; smrtmvntinf IH,;:II.H\L~<,I'IN Immxto. ““(jlri'rhm thsimerw, Fa <ineliu. or Mu: 2mm 13v) sJiil irrgc, gOLod one, come _all, niitvfl examine Pr A. sub TU; sexy; ‘ s]. 4 . 7 g: . I . : -~- - ~~~ :~-~—e—; ds’ Sarsapqh‘ha. . i; ‘ Kym: mom»: i“ - a ‘ SARSAI’AEULL. 1 E I, ‘ i L A‘nte‘s srmfu'la.l l “IeSAPARIILLA I 1 a . ; : Chm-k Smhbdn? I'lverlfl 'l MHH‘ARHLLA : i 5 z i i (‘urei SaxumousK‘meluianfg 3 suns smsuunm ~ * 5 - , , run-{Hernm’al Dist-anti . L ARSAP§ARILLA , ‘4 i g, ‘ ' ; , 1: Wm m..: 1 5' Sahnpnfilln nndimké no uthér. {ed by A. 11.}: D. Sasha. Drug—v 10" Sr" ’comof Wimiam, x. Y. r A. D. Unnuésn, Gag-ghurgJH“. ‘ 1m " ‘ 4’ 5 t I To QEA‘vll-{X |.- U“ UT. 11 HT]; mun \'lL‘IZ -—Cn\ 'nnls‘ 15mm!) lnzmn (13va 1310 M. Benn“! \\ Nl. are dis: 'ur (LEI-"<0 c (nuns. lln‘unfi Luluad for; “it Inna dun: ul' ‘ linmrh‘lm‘ the uliwx um 'in-Hes {1:611} ' that RP, . ‘i ' cut sufl‘kflqg, by {.\CHE‘ mums 'nl OMI6, No. ’l7 per Bot’tle dc..lcl.~'.j' tics. Tribune ce St.,N. Y. ck_ 1; "LL. Fifth won, 71 : Bruud (hwy, u 9 In): all ‘ J ,f‘fNErL ~ ho‘\.lB,l»i MEE - STERfi, u * g )1‘ \LER A ‘Gumh‘. ‘l3, 7‘ I“ ‘ vanes. 81? .Ni 5 \‘l \‘ 2‘ W4<h€zxg7mm l'-;»1-1i(u\rizqn lour .Slnrk-oi' ' ' t ' WINTER SA} ml are lawflv ctly , ‘ . a W d '.=:;u:'..';"~:.;-: ntrc~u| ~. - ‘ . “ ’ . \ , g ‘ .mmss uuu .L-IA PLLABTERN '{zm clock 0 Inlu all “in: [ESL ,Jmnfl, ‘&c., 1 ‘ 'und (hwy. : téft‘ovue ‘yougdrh at. g (301;. 14, m . ~ J m 1 (311 ch No. 77 nta ea‘ 11. I‘dc LIL-x if; . Sana URIFIE. sunny LCO,‘ 'l}ribune ce Stun. Y. .\ffa UoL’FAit'xh "WlLJlS‘Brmxd \ Jail}. unlit iry .111 LP. ' ~nl ' 141$“. “E. {’.. SANDS' S 8 \SDS' :44“ 3 SANDS s Aid; for Sand? ‘Lxgi‘trepnrg guts. 100 Fllll ‘ E'nrlsale by 3:01.“. '25. 15‘ SSA “fl j¥ ndminifiJ .\lvki‘mlcy, luv. devalued, hag argued, rash beta»; gird. In mid estate those having g gut-m prupeflfi ' Nov.lB, 13¢ .‘ 9—-—._ - 1f ."._A.~,_.;.__.,T__7.L_.,__’_‘_ ~ Mrs, S. A. Uhmstner ‘! ”HES Lo" inform the Ladies df Heftyé. ‘burg 93nd surf-cruxyling cognlry, that she hnsceéeiwd From the cxlies the most fuahiaua~ ble stvles ofiCLUAK, COAT and SLEEVE pnmm‘s d 3: Lndies’ ynd Childrén's wear.” ‘ Residepce ofn “animal-q street, nbxt door £0 E, 11. KO 2 k’Brojs sloe; Genytbhrkz. ; Pinkin wL‘udell to at the Iho lést noticel s Nomll, 15:51. 3: i {= 5 “ For Exchang WILL exchange TWO on rub I either in flis~duri‘orilown, fog i'n Adahm county. ‘ fl ' ' REP! will also‘exchangc a v4} BRUPERTYin Adams co‘umynogr Amu23,.ro'm FARM. W «31:30. . ‘ Nos'. 11,1861. In: 7 j 4Dlvldend, l ‘ Bug: or Gnu-2y Novf‘embcr 5,, ! HE Bank of Gettysburg has a} T clured a. Diridch of FOUR 4 : on thCußitaJ Slack, pnfnble on 1" 11413],th nun-m” . T drums \ Nor. 'll, 1861‘: ~35! , . l _cA.._,_.._.—. _ v: ‘ " , ’l’aOSt, l N Sabbath‘grguiug;,»betw4g - Q by'tnrian .Church anthem- Le! C mnbenburgt m.., a LADY'S GO Il PIN.. The endin- winbeubemly e leaving it a: flip Store ,of‘ ‘ Nov. 11, 1861:. 15.. SCOTT EMI \ 'xm, nhgenls oard wnjhoiu pcrsonq from acconflt.' I ting nftelfifjis B FICKh . 1 3% ~7 ted to ‘ to havingnde busiuusn‘ “K snu'dr —+~~~—4- §" place ME: ll kind: t ry | No tron le | [Haj 131. Pomter Dog Losv' TBAYED njny or stolen. : BLA'I S THE DOG. with; small whi‘ the breast—ubq‘ut 2} years old. and Answers so tha mune ob "John." reward will be paid for the return 0‘ or for inter-mmion that will land to’ 1:; Iy. ‘ . ‘ CHASuk. B ' GettysburgJiovu 18, 1861. | Er? atly In .nd fa ‘ y (Med lock?” -r selliufl at l 1 , 1| ; Lamas, .- ‘ Fjou' cnll atlFlhnestocjkp’you In I finndsomeltpßESS GOODS in t hangs. Gnuhmafla, Figured. lerinoes, Frguph Merino“. 811 Woul, u law's a yum. Cap soon. ‘ ; » a . ‘ FAHXESTOCK BRO Oct. 28. 18131. 32135:}. E.‘ era, Plum) '4- . 1 ' T a: soy“! 1 } M W a: "MELMPEH ’ \ -forx'r Notice. :7 1 3 ‘ .mmvs Wignvra—J‘mm pr; ntfim on} he esmmé of mm“ of <‘¥oltys'iurgf.l4d:\vr§s Comfy; ' ng been granted (to tie, uudr -‘ in}: in the swift: brave, e uolica‘ to] gll pers‘ons‘ xhdehtfi 0 unke ixmpedialcjpaj'lnonl, and ‘ blaima agni‘m't the a me ‘to pruseixt '{autheutimtgl fur eulgmvnt. I 1 MUSE-ti oCL " Kidd/14%.: ‘l. 81 1‘ 1 ‘ “mum ’ "’ 1 shmethmg New! .1,, 5 _ , . . : Real and Parsonal Estate , BEAUTIFUL TLLUBIRATED EA ; ‘ 'r PI'BLM SALE—In pursuance clan-105' THE I‘knsam'u‘mx" AND gmmza A tiwri'y gin-n by: [he inn will and team-l 0F FRULT 4NI) URSA \IEV'L‘AL Rig.“ . hunt oflinomt Snamcx, dcu‘lscd, will M ”L! bPIES are being pumqtmi’ “mt chuthin ‘ fend At Pnhhc Sale oh the premiums, on I'uu- C mnnv ‘magngficcm fingrn‘fings‘X: . a.” I” ‘dmz. 1"" MM J 4." 0’ 179mb” nut, the “it“? Trees and \‘airio'm kinds othue Fruit auEFn‘uiL ““1 s“““4’r “id deQeased. ‘5 ““0““ 'Trccg, mm» of the finest Specimens sl!"th ‘ Nu. L TI”: M “squ ”r “M dwemcd, 0‘ er been put on paper. The Fl'llll h-‘f! i’re ‘being a hdl‘ lm. simnte in South Baltimum . g“ with nbunduut burden: of truit affording to strm-t, Gettysburg. ndj‘nmmg Hru~ ' rthAt «hid: mum: ”95an in W 0?“ WNW"- ’3" Cdmfurt ““1 51““ Rowe, 0" ,Thc trees ure I’E‘ll's‘zcllfl'J as hum; Hibir mints “hi“h are ‘3"“""" a ‘nfnfmuffle gunning through the sail iu‘n nutumltmsitiim. Twu-story HIHUK l “ELM-“L , 'nnd the Dmruin‘p pl‘Trees are huu‘tnul {ind ‘ inzn which the GM hula been inirmluced, \\ith‘ gmud. “‘1“, “mm“: fine Engrmmg wwch 'l‘ Well of ‘VAZPI' m-nr the dmr. Cialt‘rufimuh reprL-Geuls the Allhinuntrahle thread-like r uu { Hugse, Woud House, orn ('rih. &c.' on vigorous try-5 running thro‘ugh #1“! (Even ’ No. 2. A LOT OF .ROCND. iu the rent of the gun. r'fhe [hoot Engrni'ing voters Rul 'the nhovc. conuiningzlé AK'rl't- mono or h-‘S. mm in diJmmpr on pipvr, and show-n+l at on whith are are: till ‘lnrge FRANK BARN. "mg“,fiugm‘engrming. which cnnnot I «in “H i with Thruhing m°'°’~[|sh“"‘y Sluhling, Hrana- . puma gmlifnnx (6 the in (:3 ut‘all whu my he. Ties, Hog Pen, kc. Th I‘lut run; buck to Wlsl: ' hold 1., sic], .m engraving has uev'gr (won ‘iuigtonislrvet. having: fruzituflio fret ou 5.1 M ‘ printed on paper, hef-ur. The eugrdting‘ of ‘ strent, and wil! hr 501- in lot: or entire a.» may , roolg not onlr prorei n-Jmimhie to thmmgwh} of : but suit pun-ham”. , lthe 1., hnt i< tie-tinned to [irui'e ut‘ flea! gun i \'o. 3. A LUT 0F QRGCNb. a 4 the corner pnrtfincr to ali Milo hike an interest inflhe‘l-lu‘lg : of Washington and Brtckimhigc (Hula, cou- finuon of traits mill how to trust! fruit It? s twining I: Am“. mar-4hr 1": i \ prowriv. } , L ‘1 No. 4. .1 TR \C'l'Ui" L \s'“. Situaii‘in Quin-M COPY contains 'i'wentxufiw differs-xhl-Tng‘xiifi lmrlan’d- township, adjoining ‘hmdSl of ngr} E ' 4112‘ “f Thais. Tmits, etr., compo ud CHIP. Pew" Rflmmf’fl‘flfly “"- Dafid S'fi'dL‘" ‘ nf Ere-ravens. Forest. Anplc‘l’v'n-hj John Hunck, and mhcr‘ifi. canmininzLjß Acrea.’ _ ‘ Dwarmennid Peru-and Cherrj'l‘ro 3' more dr loss. Thi4 mint 1: divide: into fuur‘ kc K TbbiFrnit Engrnviugsxt Iniulim I fields and is the hm :fiuility of prfluitc' 111 ml, I ‘ ' Raspberries, Gouwbvrx‘leu, lilgchhfgr-J nnd in a toad Stntc- nfi cuhivntiun. There i:[ 1.1..“ (Hummus, Grapes. Plums; .\pfi. ou the mm it fine spring ofivuter. uni! the fielda y w“. I’éars, pcwhes“ Apples. 4}. ..nild so 1.1" as [U Afford ‘i'rt‘v tnth¢ mnqr from 2 ”e an ”any“ h)“ h ”“1 m “aim-s 0.! .HH ofthirm. This lrm-ijill hp offered in lot: or ' 4 the nzitumm‘rnih and Arc ”"0121”‘4‘5? fen'ireni‘i may best auitfpiluhusnrs. 1, " with prinicfl nutter of gn-atémiinf ‘ .\‘n. 5.—-The ,nndnidrl} half of I LOT OF ‘ mncpmnd for-.m' augm- in “243’ r GRUB-VD. "0'1”"! Ci" Bitminridge 4" i ' ’ 4'.- incheflon 'mnl) P “1391‘, mth‘wL’ vatreet. ddjhiuing “”h‘im‘ ” - 9'33'lM‘Fl if i ‘ hack m {we \nrnishwl. ‘5 north. and A. W. Fil'fllmih‘: Zn mating. . "m... ~ . h ‘ é, H. .5 n 1“ -. istor' quu‘n‘uovsd {so ‘- 4 ‘ I‘ [ll {m nfl'prbri M the lute but, {he rcnin'ining por fin; of Tahlfhfihuds, h. . (Humming. Lnnkiug n 19mm (‘.ne‘ 1 “:Ika ' m-o‘. D€~Kilpd 1: vok .' Blinds; s:\l'e.(“.ppc: +ll I'Lunitum f: S-‘zzpfiuf :1. ML“; \\.‘inqov‘ning lmVrh, Hi‘htrs. (‘nw 'p/lhlr (mi, I‘)m-Im!dm. kit-glut k in T.“ (firmw- ILfirfi-mti‘ {£3511 Mihh ; PIMH‘ (1' myuubfipils," “r'VUHH‘I plojmrty. L at 1061-! ck. A. 315. . mdnnw .witl Le? g 1» on I IV '1 11 ' \'Mct‘IJZAN, thrutor. i Nn\'.l§l,l96l. . :1 ; g 1: . , Lirp‘far and Sunli’nll copy. _y 1 ‘ : »~ ‘ 1' ‘ <~-1.~,-—« ¢rraml J-fiy Rupert; I . r w THE HUN F. 'rlm mn‘arfi m" i T 114; «'uL‘l :‘ QEJJ'JI‘HR ‘iv'iSilHh'S - urpuupxs rzm xn' :i—J‘hx-('vrnud‘lnqnozt «r Admm 4-Punly at the. “TRIM" Suesxons, 1961, f roelwcu'n'lly rel-”awn" Th)”, the} hiu‘e pun-t exl‘ u‘pon all hlls suhmitml to tho-m bythe: Disuicz Lkltorney a..d plesmued tlmh to thé Cuurt. I - 1 J I It is ghttflyln': 1mm?“ th It (he imlmher nfr hills brmight |.(-:'-)rn- xhpm w:5 not jtrgc, and I that with‘l one ”rm-n tX-M'pliU‘HS, uohe‘ol‘ them were ufyg serious uzltlu‘OL ‘ 5 l The Inr." cannot rv’min frrvm lereac’n‘s’ chir didapprnhninn n, ([l3l. “mining” nu the; par! of smug Jllilicn uf ho Venue in [chtchain-I It}; crimihnl c I‘ll-i of J !Fi\'i I} I“.nrujlsr,\rlnch ‘ are brought hen: lu-Im-c the ('nur‘t to he dix-é [mu-d hf. [hm 09"021 ifnyfuing‘ nuiidlvf‘albh- {-.‘-1 |)(‘:H(‘ upon thr mung-H Tin-a:- Mm‘psed nnghtl g.-:u-ml!_vlmxd {-.wil} I‘m 4wi4lr~h if ‘.tugihm‘ml hulvl'e “hum puni. c ampmn haunting! c:lses,7 \\r'rn ~cnn :uvnv {\illmn'.‘ LlLlug which upon‘ thr-1r vo’mhlmnfi. “12m: 3m \lagi~lv:lf{vl= emisw {fiell that tlhu 111.0 I of [1:0 «:omlmLuiiyhrouXd gm! 3&l?ermarch): .~ ‘ ’ f The quncx‘t hil‘i‘ viii” ' .aml Iln- 'hnppy In law ‘ “\hich they 13mm] it. in 5a ~ was very muslin-'0” 'fi‘lmu‘d \\ olfnnd famil) Ito uh ler [ll9 cmm'urt 3 unturlunnc in-luidu-ll‘ l \mlls. A 35 gourd}: [he-5 . of detprrinte Lhnr'm-lcxi Hut mmlqmu the: inwc‘ “"1.“ and Wall. mf-Irdiug lhv- csmpr‘. of prvmnol'ut n-munnenjl that M leust’ be 30 repairqd M I.) rr‘udli (Lv eflmls‘wt‘ prwmera ‘E‘ and would thew-“are ur (mmnisnonela‘ tlru-nw-e-L cu“: .wcuh-d m rm-nmmfl ' mm: :1} . “'z'li un \erle, Jacobi Bows-rs, , SJmuH \lewnuo, . Jossph .\.Smith, '. Henrfl Uoillcr. 5 John Klnvnnuud, ‘ Philip‘ Reamer. ‘5 Edgal“ L. Jenknnz, ’, Jesse ‘).\l. lluuon, ! lhmrgt- Shzgle, ; SUV. 2541861. with u one and n lmlf thereon crusted. Upon the Mme (13th rNidencc of said dorcnf mun! pfopcrtv. musiu‘; (‘hulr‘n 4 Stores Mr! F" (Ha-Hm.‘ Eighlulu} C.) dn...\'l.!rhonrd, \hpy. (‘a-e. lmreml.~x.\\'indm Kl-uln, Imn“do.; Klicl liyu, \K'hL‘elLunmL In Mr I, .Rfih“. Fnfld, . ('lmim: May 11nd 9mm (‘lm‘vf Sged: 10 Sharp" burg HA3 (‘nnu-uu)‘: n 1 Cnu', In: of Ungi. Lot-u; \\il'u a \'arimy of min-r I [(s‘th to m-muen on saxd‘du}.»hén m ' and terms with know ' .\mei 1 . u I -‘ Natl. .\COB AYO'ECHT'S ES! 9] mini=t .:tion nn zhi: qu, Lute of intimnrn mum! glccmscd. liming been gl signedwrsiflingimhesumé b} gn‘e nu'iu‘ (0 all per estu‘e to make immodint‘ having (I nwnuAgnink: thr properly udthcuticamd ml ' ‘ '1 BUS \\x ‘j - H ($03.1 i ' .\‘m. 4. mm. m ’ ,Not: 7 \LENA‘INE OYL!£R'_ ‘ ut adafiuimpziouon ‘ ()yler. [an or ankli.‘ conmy. drqcnud hm‘mg; Kundorxignmg, residing in! by hen-hr give! notice t" to aid csmte 10 make im ‘lbose havin}: claim: again them propefly antlxentic‘t Oct. 33, 1861. 6?. ._ 7‘.» ..._.__ ‘..—§—_..._..—~._.T‘.‘7— ' , Notide. ' ' i s ole WEIKRRT'S ES ,\TE.—sY.qtte {elm J tamenlm')‘ on the eat Le 01 Jubn’ W kart. late of Melinxnlepmnt to nship, ‘Adzlmn co., downed, hfiing br-en gtlglnted m the trader uigned, i-csijipg in Germ _v townlhip, bdlhcre by giVPS npiiqé to all prragns indebtéd tfi‘ laid astute to mlgk'o immediate payment, and hose h-Hing cluign§ against due smut) to pflcsem them pmpnfly authentioa ddfor netfleme 'l. ‘ ‘ } PETRAE WEIKHRT, ,Efr. June: 0. DunnnA,'Ageqt, lountplegsn‘rt tp. Oct. 2'B, lfibl. 6‘ l ‘V —.___._.._..___,.._'_.+__———i_;i___ :, = mm a. . ARIEL REILLY’S ES ATE—Mme ‘es mxpenthry on the es ‘ to of Daniel B xlly, lute ofloumpleusant tow-hump, Admins tux-- (y. deceased, Inning befn granted in; the undersigned; residing in ithe same my;- ,hip, be hereby gi'vu notice to an p'enons indngtiedlo uid estate to make immddiaw paymcpl,‘ and those baring chins again“ the name to pre‘scnz them properly authonticuwd {or sauleuiedt. , ; ~ ,JUSEPH;ULLY. Eng-user. ‘ ' .‘y'ovJ. 1381. on. ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ 1! FA 311$ eal Esmln 'mble MILL her with 33 inn-ow. p "man i 61. I " it do. do; ‘ ' CEXTg, sim- Mani. J Cesium . Call at Sadison’s. - the Pres idency. hi ‘ mm «“00de HAVlNG.nmrned frbnitho war, (nab mm being nnmewhu: nPg! mm in consdqhh‘nr-o or Samson Ming nag-but; an A. Bowman in a home again, a firstajmte assortment. or CLOTHING. tn, has been forwarded, which will b. sold as heretofore at the RIGHT PRICES. N'. 3. Corner of tin Diamond. ‘ Gemflurg, Aug. 19. 1861. ' l- .'K POl5. ‘ -—'.—*—‘L~—*————-—-——-~‘—~— I‘tripo om Restaurant Por Sale. "'l'! p 00!" HE subscriber intending to go into .nolher A luberul‘ business. ofi‘er: the good will and fixmres ‘ the Dog, or his Rostagunbin Cha bershurg street, for l: “6076- nle. Thg Restauranthaflgopd runofculwm, SHEY. v sud will be told cheap fqr cns‘b. Early spa)“- | lemon desired. 650. F. ECKENROD . ; Ggfitysburg, Nov. H 7 1881. 5 1’ FOUNG Men'a Fall styles of flats and 1 find "h°' 1 Caps :0 per ml. lower than usual prices "5'- D’n‘ n 1:. pr. nchlme's, IC‘gbm-glh} ..._—«Wm‘ 7; conu; LA 865 ansartmenl‘, ofl .\lcn’s heavy Wa | .g A tar-moot Boom, CA“ 80015, heavy Bum" ’ HEP-S guns. &c., just received and for sale cheap,‘at | . ,m. :3. n. r. szclLuExv's, V; ‘ ‘ I ‘ z i‘ Lé‘ 4541.54“ ”my: 142, £31.11; n: «3th ilta 4:Nt. I A COPY. \'vigh in inumeroua eygruingqfi“ ho gmtifyiiig m the o_n: and {mun 1‘ uflmiltnblenrrnamunt'tol‘ him will ul‘ parlor, .m‘ril win richly hhmulll'y u aphrtménffiwilh honiculturnl :‘nml ‘ nt'much impormnwandhim-y: } 'l'h . ‘ mpioa are. published M. :1 \Cl‘.\;: hm y\hfl]|,¢ 'l]\vr~m.\|.fi:'e riuiiru'-li£l§'L-br - ‘l pill] in) :1 svlrntifir artist for [i rmi - the .pl:m~~ 41f mingle engrm «nus ( been riiiiq~.rylx‘.l 15:11.1” (:1 {1 ‘in Ix.:n._. chu .i'mm :uLh mp: ! in . trifling _ihiguru. llw- piii r fury) Cu :3 1‘ ill Lu .‘n'avilc «x lnw. 1h ll fiW-"bn 1v r ‘ S”HK ( In‘ nuw ohuin rqpiwgfiiift e _A " Hun [hi‘nl'limn 'lwn‘n will fvr singlet,- « ' r! ‘ gruvmgg‘pf News, ML" ‘ A C(H’Y nrnnlAiiwprhztwl manor of mud: in v pnanL-e‘n‘md gram! miluy. ll NH 1 ll , 9 him In [HM nll klmh hf F 1 uit 'l'rt-a . , to rt nrlcrlitihcm \c'ry \-i_v,nrnu~ :Ile [r3- (lmti\‘e.,6m-n m "In'-.u'urxahle~ $9 \5 n =, ;‘ it will Mil how (0 pit'jrlm'lvst il wi'lhm‘i initunwnii-nre befxn‘e; mli ‘i’ the “I‘ls in :to Slrcngihl'n In' H! -.. h xin \lm’uri and 11) prove lhc prgiillu'fh . mm! of gbnuvhml Hopi, cv-rn ll‘l nnl'r , voruhle 'sG-xcu‘ni nr loculinul; w h proper'mi Kim"). Mic-r (rczummC. A COPY will h-ll hyvr to propan- and pl 'll} ll lt'invlr ol' Fl'xlit and ljvcrgn-en Ti‘p .. 1 F 0 us to pl‘bw “(Orbit-111. \ri'h emu-i" - . ly ovt-r gr‘rning‘ a fniluru‘invn lutihf ‘ many nee ‘khcn pronerlv UJMN‘“ a .‘dirm-N‘d,l l‘é “ill tell hQW J; ”fin and plum. l turf i’eml Trevx. 1'53: ch . ‘ nuns the tn ct- Rprcvssfill ire mm s . . for tho cm‘iu‘pr'e of the Plum. l: \i ll . u-ll huwioi tnuu uu-i cult: no {la ,' omm. 1?} 3 ' -A COPY WIH hlf ”'iv to cultivnio and 'in t ‘ Simwiurriw. ('urrunH. I‘m-phonic. ' Bhu-lx‘uurni- s‘, (x‘oawlmrlivi. e' . A COPY .wilLLelL [1 iv In lreic l’a‘nvh {rt-el. o , restori- ihllil' rams ligalthy f u!“ Hie dimmruuh ‘vfik‘i‘lg of norm "15ng L Will lei] iliqm to make .uw n! nn§iiivl - cation Mfg-n. film sml gmrnuunli'figrli o ‘ Irw- to “Mike: the Pearl) nnil’iuih r ,u‘nrler friliiiifrum the (‘irlf(‘l< (‘1 be} g winwr-killéd in {he burl. Thyi sun (A, :lllPliCJl‘luln‘flLD union-s Posy-3i. ”(+5 wl lh!‘ l'nnqt‘y' Pri~;on,i from talking the yo-lluus Tilti‘tinppll ha! thr- rrnhtfixinn in“ ' mlion_lms the lwnp'iuinl eili-vu n N-gnigl m vii fihlincfiml prwenltliefbliuze uflhe iroes hmlil y '.sx.mviu,c_r l’lJi‘fiill‘rlfl'] ‘ mud the If“ \‘ignmui. and proves' a lime usr'ulmcftyufinrlg , Ihe prd'iuciii'vfil-w of Marion; lrui{ '. ud 5141,11:an 0f iht-i . 'l'ht- applicfioli u: hé llpl‘ll6:<l ii I"! l mmfiueli infhiu in! “ w-xphn-i-{eJ All lime hullicifim ny i~ecuriigofi plikoncrs i V ‘n-ri il.~ rm lhl‘lr plintuiionfi. ~ . i . 1 ”Hi lifqukt' tnnnol A COPY mill lell hdw to l’rcserye all lfi '4le +1“ "uric C'HldxlE’Uil of the. ' ' Fruit: with little ornu sifgnr. if: “'1” somnnyfliwilhim turi A .h-ll how “1' keep Apples with muxh_ Laud 'upuld‘ the'reforeg more”. It Mall tell how to Ire Lnujd‘ , No of the lil'llH would mdmme PM” In muiur» perfectly, :m'd li-rth.(-nl,=v'_'uro.- against ‘ 3 =m numn mi‘gha higbod fl,u'pr.',' I ‘ ‘in etl'mi, 'liltirfdcfllit‘. A COPY Fl‘('~l‘llli it‘sinumeroua pirtureg‘nll :1! me upon the County f " ‘ a glance, will form: such in} ornament *sin n 1“ haying these‘ for the MI! in will- be admired in n ii ii-n‘nie—il. ‘s;i, ‘ l ‘ lm'cr: urnrudrawn tram mural; 1m;- iAN’l‘illH, Fbmmnn. i _ ducts. i k ‘ ' i lJumblllm‘c; {A CU'PY man now bé obtainerl‘for S .60 m | isammel Ammo, .I , ' money or Isttagc-uinuups. , ' 1 I [John Kilian” ' Thaw calm-s Me phiblinhcil hy ‘ : i i'John Brain-r, i ‘ 3‘l 11. F‘. )l. PETERS, ; (leurg’e r'pinngler, ,‘ - ‘ Near Bendxirsviile. Adams co,» I‘m. ; lunar-Rub” .‘ l WTM .\l:.p is new finished with quh-r . ‘ \Vni. Thpmiw, 1 Hull rem“: be sent”); mull nny m‘urE . lili 1 (in). B. ill'c’win, Iwill bu lonynrded hy sxprq.‘ in any pig?“ '0 .1 M E 'l‘lfll‘» i iderrd. or: recript of nm esiu‘v arnognifi i } Dnnic‘l l‘ym-h. 'gnmpla‘ cop}- can be then at this um- e; {the r J 9 i 1 ll Isulkcriplions are reui‘ived. ‘ i ‘ L 9 ~”--T-“~‘;f'“' ‘ ‘Nm'. 11. ISM. 1y i , " . . i i i “'“"“" —»—, ‘7- 7 ~.—‘—---~-';— "v ill‘ATlia-hetloi‘, 'om-i * New Goods. : l 433;“- or .lucdb‘lijpcehm AHN‘ER‘PUPK nimrmcns would rupéc . ~lnp. Alum}! goull2y,‘ F fully Inform their friends arid the pnlfilin , slth H! the Il’diler- , that’they hnn'cjuklirereiwx .'1 lxrur: and hail! ~ lie tnwnihithli'ogberc- ' sonm sme‘k of FALIL‘ AND WINTER G 001). ,' nuns mdéhlied ‘9 mid ' consisting of ‘ l . , k payment, hnxl,,thnscjl.l.lnes' Drcis G'qodi, Shawls. Clntlm. (hi - *SMul‘ to présem them mores. l-‘lann‘cis. Uiaplum}. Mmlina, , ; itceillnmcnf. ‘ i i ikt'wiflldo Queuinywnre. (ixnrcruew. 3 ‘L‘All HUECHT . ikc., WillL‘h will in: 33th m Qhurt prniiis. -ill':uL- B RDBLNH'P'IT ,1 E lug vimngexlfiur ielmg. WK: nmx' gull for (il‘fil 4 Hall ‘n. gor will give 60 .hyia'iicre-Jil Lo pron:pt-p.anfg ———~—~j———— 'mi-mmnrs. u ' . ‘ '' ‘ i ‘ ’. {63“l'lll early lérk the sign of the {Nib ‘RRUET. . rI Oct. 28. Mn. if] .__ —---~~——v—v+ —.--—‘-~vv--—-- -~~—-—L 1861. Latest News. 1861'. [7sl' an fro war}: ggin-z yo prus we rec'rivml J a despnch that nF. \ILIIJIENY hagjns‘l opened - complete;:qwrtwuixt‘of HATS AND CAPS, inqludzn‘g thQ lanes! fill sirlo' Silk, liearrr, Slouchn (‘nssiimere and “3011ququ Boys‘ and lnfams' Main‘and flmcy Ham nng. Cup. which for neatqcss of ‘hniih and qiinhw Chl‘lh‘ufianlyklllng oftlj-L- kind erg-r oil'vr din '.le place—all or whirl) will be sold at mulnahibg- Iv low price: forwakh. Also, 30033 AND SHOES, inrluding a line xsmrmleul o Ladle.” Morocco Boots, Bukinsl‘mimrs and ippzrs. ,GAITER." .\ND SUPPERSAI 75cm diPlil'L PAIR; All in want of goods in my 1 are respectfully invited 101 give‘ me a call. I." Come one! ('mmo ill! _ " And. give men frii-nrlly call, 0L ’ For all goodswill befiol/‘l at uuheurd piiictq, To overcome the uuluu'nz'ed for 1 oa. 28, 1861. y' l =EI S ESTATEPTEEeu'eILS Bennie oi nanp ' Jo“ uship, Idnfiu Then grau‘tedfio the fthc‘samg ‘lowxnsbip. . 3111101309; inerled « 0113.4: p.l3jmql'l},and it the same in Regent, (ed for sunlumc L 5. 011.219.; 'r.‘ ,TACOS IMI I- Hat. ORE NEW GOODS- AT THE SIGN 01" RI THE BIG HUGE—The undgrsigne‘d haw jun receiver! a fresh a‘xpply o! 1141:; Cups; 300:3, Shots, Trunks, Carpet Bugs, u. Also, hue a. gnofl lupply f Saddles and‘llarbess, 3mm, Collarl. n. é * . - ; Shopa and Boots ’01? all kinds ninde to order by first-fate workmen; and on short notch-c. 4— Homc-maie work alwayx on hand: Pflcfiloy for cash. . ‘ 'l‘ CQBEAN & CUE . Oct. :8, 1861. j " New Goods 8: Lumber; ETER BUBLITZ. at Arvndtsville, 5 jun P remrued from m; city with a hug Inq sulgct stock of Dry Gnarls, Groceries, 0 cent weft, Hummus, Boots, Shoes, Hats, “(bps Trunks, m, km, chéaper than even 1 He also bu on hand ‘a lot of POSTS, RIILS and SHINGLES, of excellent quality, whirl: he‘ will dispole 9! at Ihq Invest living prola— Givc him I calf. He‘will always try to plane Mtg-13,1861. 3m ‘H Revolvers. ‘ >NEW lot of REVOLVERS, of difi‘grcnt; A styles, embracing the latest, received 51‘ A. SON‘B, northwest carrier of the Dinmnnd. : Having purchase! for cash, at the best nles,‘ ho is prepared to sell as low as the {wrath—lf, not lower yet. Drop in and examine them for? yourselves. No trouble to show gods. , I JnEy 1, 1861. . . z * ' UESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED-ml Q Why is mm H. G. CARR sells 110$”:er so cfienp for cash? Because he buys (‘01; fish. End in]: nothing but I good article, an g‘dk! M’s very shun‘prufil. Ladies nn‘l gentlbfien. give hin'u A c 3“. Dun". forget the plantar! Right opposimthe Bank: in \'urk st. [Vanni II ME 3 A Fresh Supply. ‘ ‘l' KB this“: had to infant: dun pnMic 1 LI It I Inna: renun d {rnu‘thecuy u! l'loilzlo dllph a .1 l’n’féfl 9%U‘f'K 0F GUUDS, cum prisiL¥ in orthe nun-.t =l)i1~ 01 I L [DIES' DRESS GUUIgS. . , S 1 \\\'!.~‘. ‘ : «‘Lomm: PLUEHR,‘ - ‘ 3' warns, ' 3 UUSIERY. . - j BONNETS‘ ‘ ' z x Run: IVS, 2 g ‘ . lIASDK’FK as “21 M :1 GM nssprzmenl of .‘ I'ERFL'MERY AND FANCY SOAI’S, in‘fncli everything that is mquly (’oou in mi stock of Dry and Fnurv Gnud<. _~ f ‘ 1 1:01; T 111: 1:1;X'1‘1.1;.\11-:,\' ‘ . Iluu’v'ns complete :1 flock of ('LUTHF;CA 9:13 ' MICHHS. UUUUS SUITABLE FOR “ost WE.“ V :15 “911 n: GLOVES. SWAH‘KL‘LNv li.\.\'ll ’.ERf‘llHil‘a‘, XI'ICK‘TIES, SI'SI‘EN “HRS, &c., as‘ was ever brought to this nlurkcl._ [.3111 -=' Drum Trimmings in grunl \.mcty. ; Visiting Cam-ls, Euulupu, .\‘um, Letter and‘ Cup Pllpm'. ( lxiub Linen, Wen-lied nnd Brown .\iu’dins. l’ll_ll\l' {KIS9 Hush and “/1111: Shquilrx. 4 101-133. 13151, 1 J. 11. SL‘UICK. 3 New Goods at Arendtsville. ‘ TTHE undersugucd hxuc jus! rrlurueu frum' i ll chive with :1 tplen-ilul (luck of Mn" fGondHTqu-h up is‘rxrelv I'uund in n counlryf flare. {inbmcinz L‘LU'HH. “‘.sdmcrcq. (‘nséifi inch. V-dlinga: LADIES SILKS. (‘ubnrgsl M . [J.ICI'INZDPLIinPS, Dchaced, Prints. GiuL'll-Jmn,J Muslim", Hannah: [tendy‘mnde (‘LOTNI.\'(;,{ ”IFS..- (‘.\l’S, BOOTS Agni SllUEh; HARD-E 'wmzut Q'leonsuure, (mm-2mm; mums. , l’uinhsmli: in‘s'mrr sm-h a gent-ml \'miz-ty as; ‘canuoH'ml (o inn» gt'nch sntiafirrtinn—nud‘ u hlch hey will svll tor(‘ \SH, or ntsixtv (14's; 'lO pm 1])! plyol'u. '(‘nll in and sec for yuur laeluw uu uoublu I. ! Show Goods. : ‘L l Alw count-nny on h xml POSTS nan ULS. i 1 HANK A: sz'uuu‘zu. ‘ I " Arc-11411.5» lUD, Adums co., I’6. ( : OM.£S. 1861. 2:11 . - _ . 3 , ‘ 4 Attention! . g ; )écmtxrs w.\.\"l_‘ m: scam I ’1 [\‘u'\ A“) nova “mm, m rupgnrv them-i j sci-m- iuunullialéh .1! [he re'n lumu; 11l Chum,- ‘7 bvl’4bdl ' strc\-I.'ncu,\=!.urg. .Lnd ("Uri-"173.113 {‘4 mnu 1r umml prjw. full lIHHHI‘HJ“ ufid lhc‘ue- . 1“ .Leary.(‘quipmqms lur ;| \mur‘ir campaign I 1‘ 3. me hllvn SPCLZJI can- !“ lmundc‘mr “gt-gun», F {on of Ty mm: by \iqling LhL- uLnes «Hg-I.x;- 1‘; 'mg m u I unusually qu-e supplx qt JL/L ,{‘ (Ah-uuzillx' of mgr} dusvripfiun, ' " mm; L‘luzii'Dress ('mlc. ' S ‘(VCaui uére H.l=inc~s Vault, ' , Rum-{mun in quErss \'uricth,’ my qu'fiutil} of \\‘mn-r \'uats. ~ Lndfe-nhmc, mecru. Hui-NV. ; {IUUA‘K‘ finspt'miclé, RUIN.) and _{ Gum jbvcralme'a. an! (Pcnllcmmf; Shawls. : —— “.50 ~—‘ Trunks tum Carpet .\lcks, firs‘hntb Clock», 30 hour. 0 gin-day MM Mam) Chu-3m, Yinlms,‘ Arr-unhim'a I’i-‘luk. Rrvuhm‘s. Knn'os. flipcs :m I'eVLfiL-antlV sn’mkinzg ’l'omu m, fig-hf mul Xofiom 'ln on Ila-gs \'M‘mty. Now is the tiruo. to buy buzlp. (2:111 9001]., Huvm‘g puyclmwd my gun sx'nc-xp “fur C\.\'H. 1 Mn qnvlnrcxl Lu wrll the rhe-por than the) ham fivlerhcen gt) {cred in this plncc betorc. F. u. {’IL‘KINU. Ucz.‘ ,1861. . ‘ » ‘ I unlockponaiatsinpart ol Ploths,Caqs‘i§mnt, Vslinuufi'Hhuinelu, lime-lg an‘! Pant] Slllfl,’ d Lndu-s’ Dunn (loodq generally. Brown d '«White Muslim. Tic-kings, Ouahury, i emings‘ (bleached and unbleached,) Comm lad Wool l-‘l’npnelfi. Stocking Yarn. of every I'wrlpxion. Ho 5, Cup, llouts and 811003.304- zim and .\lilthm-y of all kinds; Really-mad _‘ nllllllq, llar ware, Grocerieu, Qucenswnrt m£tlyllrngs Glnu. (lil am] Paints. of all kinds; .\l mum and Liulnyz Hkinu. Pop, Shoe Thread, llfis’tlos, kt. We «he sc‘ll Ihr. relehralml Sew Aiwlmr linllin!,Clnth, mucu m: 7!:va wu n w. Alw,.‘llu~tm's unrqunllud PoalAugers ’f’llll flu‘l we have ewrylhing usually koptflil ciuntry Sloro!,'nnd are p‘repart-d m "H then, n think, a lime 'zpwfl‘ than our uoigllborl, .\prlh, South, Ea‘sl or Jl'eslHlFLirmln. gin ul ‘l‘ r .1”. and examine for ynurnlws, as we an at all times plr'uulul [u sITGw our goods. Wu n-lurn our Sim-ere thanki; (o A geilcrdnl public . ‘ -._. 3133- the kindnnn than fur manifutad toward u‘o, z-—-—»—’ ——-f———r:—— ’al‘ll {(CI confi In". that by a Ill‘ll‘l uurn'ion tn Fall Millinery.! 1861.]b1fruesund Guuu :51“ man poops, to ~ -' .\inl ‘l'“ ‘1 ”mm“! ,mt-r'fi a continuance 0,1 1.9 name. . glullcmll‘lxl:,li:\nul:v10lumillg lul-uulhlml-l ' l l“ . “13"“: 6" SHIE‘I'DS' a; lime-aunnmmh m llll‘éxlfi'l‘b‘yn-l BUXXETI ll mum, (M- H- mm. 3m 'l‘:’.l\l‘ll‘.\GS, of the latest il)ll‘<. ‘Alan. Dressl ' ‘Uumls libd Hues.- Tl'immiug', ‘huwls. Hamill»; and l-‘nn’i‘y U'OOlli. nf gmr) Lle=rrilvliun, all «I'l \\hirh lug-ingheon purrlmuvl lur um, \r'x‘J be. ‘ oldal 13 lung to suit thcttiuws. ' l l on. If, 136:. lm ‘ 11L 3 Another Victory 1‘ , } “HRS. lake notice that 1!. G. CAP-R. s'lhc ugmn‘x 10er mllutlr§ IHHVEK'S , 'lzb 1-‘.\_‘<;\'L\u mm»: Rim-h hmc‘l cmv-thm-e Hrhl I’n miumirlhrunulmul - nf l’umzyhmxi‘, mu! lhuWil’A [’n-m -! I'.- fi’alc I’girn! lihuafl. Run] 41w the K ll‘ ”11- 91h: ul' \. I}. ZIH‘ZLI'R’S VAST-I, 2 Id “'IMIZHHT SHEAR FPLUL‘GHS.‘ I \'u lnkun 1h» fir-L l'rvmium at. all we! \4 over {ln} \u re n-xhibiuu m‘ which, ‘lx arc-ium in uinnlwr. . ‘ ; rs. the Milk luv! l'lml'gh“ll'9 wlxrrnntm e saligi'uutiun I!" (My duin'L, you an“ :1 to return [ht-m to flu» nflmnt "t CH ; [4)“. 21, lulu. uufl ‘ . ' AR F h.L MIN!” tuLcn l\ the Sta 'iu‘m A! :1“?! l y In"! 2 “huh I: I‘MH (1| is mm" Farm «'1 txrgi p: i\ Hog \\aburg 8431. ~~ 1: ‘ ‘ THE L.\I)Y‘S FRIENIN odey’s Lady’s Book Oil ‘ NiI—TUE WURLTYS FAVI)RITR.—- II": Kari}?! Tm” (It! Slim/{mi .lflzr/vf-v‘nla—Prn. lnonnr‘cdi by the PM»: of tho- l‘nued States, . T‘xrnnnsrl Indy‘s‘liacsziuo‘lin Llu- \\-u‘H,:lH«lUlCl‘heinil. :‘u ht Lilrgnmrc i}: of 11m: Mm] lb.“ ¢an he r'em'l’ ‘ loud ii: [he {3th}, (\'rA 10. ml the (‘lergy in in!- umHP .u “mu-1. uru su'uf. 'l'» r~ full‘ lln‘ ifuuk. THEE I‘IST_ L‘ADY \\‘IHTIQRS’ in An'urx‘un unnifiua: In its warm. .m 1'“: had; wind: Um! \ritt‘ {‘o 1M o'xher nu- vino. h 1 THE “'5!" ii:l:”ul'l_lill.ll,3'lv] wan” rm! 3 mnh (the, ruin- of [he I‘. wk; in the n’nuic tnrvlz l u' mm! o't'it h ‘ mu riz‘ulni, mule-au .n‘. ho «Llalnod (3.“ up! iufi‘(indry.". urn STEI~2L EVERAV'INGS. «All emrrtuo in! us In 'hi.~ [fine rmwd. am] we mm smnd Ll-Jhi: ilh‘ IM4 ulrpurrnwut, :ning, n. ,{vc do. nmv 1 urc and infinitniy Latter max-Ming: h.\n :n‘i nnbliflm‘ in :In_\‘nt!l<r Wurk. 4 “RAW Y‘n' hl‘lfikS‘H - InH'HH-I .\‘HHEI‘ .\SIiU‘V'PLATHH‘ rmrmin‘uz from five-tn HPn h H IIL-nulh t‘ulor‘ci Fushi'ms on and: date. I Lhcr \lugutinc. izivr onlv two. fat hem] 0 any Faslniugls in Eumpé M" .\mclica. Z-nlr~_\‘~ ,‘ the only wurk in Ihr world lbnv. {gin-z In so. iuxmmm- plnuu. and thm nrr sugh as to :H'Ecxchod the wmrh-‘r uf pllhlishbl‘h mu! m» ”Mic. H'lm puhln'vlinn at Lirosv plan-s «out “.\.!Mdflmore Unlu hshiozi-plauh nl Hm uld '_\L‘, .Iml nmhin‘; l M. our uoudfirl‘ufl) Lube nrululOu cxmbl-‘S I” to give ll]c?1).' U'hc-r‘ “gum.“ vuvml afford n. We ugwr qurc no ivy when the puhiin' van hr'ht-n'h'é ‘.. Th as: thuhinnn m-.\ be unfit-d r: 1:. Dreflel I.} Le m min afur Ohidn. and ['l9 rain” will or sub} l hairselFm rlliic',lo.u would by gh. me if h visi'ed me turn 9:lsz Ark-ml any: 1c 51;”. M the plntn given in so'ncm' mi: ,9. Mai I] inn m Ig\l.incl. “YR 'UUD LMHKAVYSGH‘. of Mind) “9 w" ~/ ' 7 ~ ""1?’ *5 . in ”ft, or three flan-Lu "‘0'!“ l” “‘3' f’““ ”1:331:1le indrrd. it i\ to ll). Ilmt \r‘e an "Mn ; ngnzlfii :tro aft: :1, nnstdken fur awvl. “‘"l’fi to lace n‘ithiu'ynnr IFfll'h, h Ina-livine like thn e 3" Mr “91’9““ ‘0 uni-others. f”3 min Herb l‘ills," LII-ll will pull (lira-fly j I)!lT.l'l‘lUNS.—-—licwnrc 0f thrmf .ernemm tn m “mow, parts. ”,o"th ”I! blood and .h V ““94"": L “135 “Wk i’ .‘"” orwml Wb'Wui ’5 of the both. Ind mulm the «Mm-r t. I 11 “[5Oll bind Allah! he‘lpl‘nh' [I you take Gudtry,‘ bLi ble!) I'llll ”1911114! 0!. beauty ‘nd hOIICh. ulwnn no 0! er maguune. . . r ‘ r ‘ . I, ESw-rvlbing that l: uscfal or omnmeq‘ml in a l J" _M ' [Wharf 'i' n", 'Rmrdg myth/mum Lh u“! (3“ be found in ”ml”: - i ;I_ ‘l’u 111/familyLamplm/Ilv. l muxéxu magma—x” mm migraine , , {firtg‘co'm’kflmtfi 1 111mlflzlt'f'; ~_ \ {xi cs, thqm. dudl we hive girtq—"enml'h to' fill: writ I MEIR”)? ’, ~ - Fe ernll eH) “mes. - 1' r ‘ ''. - ~ 1 Il'll RECEIPTS; urg snnh us run he found? “33194.“"95’3: 11'4"".1‘1‘333' - .:; nd tare clan. Cooking m «'1 it. varwly—l bungled, “f“ ‘ ‘l’"!‘s'l . l, Wt . . , - ' lepepsm. Lu er (.omplnlnu. r (.unkecuouery-lha )urserg—ythe Tmlet~lhcl l h lm 0 ~ .. l'l r, jl.n‘\ludr_\'-'-the Kitchen. Recripts upon allsuh- D”r'2 " ‘39. ’3‘°'hp3" " 0, IVjec‘ts azejo be fauud ln tlm 13.11;!leth Lady's gm? 4 ' 53:1: 'tnd p ‘1: 1 .55 «Book. \ c originallv started this dopartmmt. _ . r' . Q. ' "a e v 'and hwel eoullar héimiu for mztklxw it niozt f ‘9' “d AZ“? ‘ "Md“, rsFWP' 2 2 . , ._ " F mule Complaints, toms. .perl‘ect. ‘ lus department xloue :- trunk that I ORE \'T F?“ XLF' 111-‘DICIVF , ' :P’if; 3;; ffidfik TAB! E Tm, d; nrtrnenti FAm-lles rut-ho "is; hellth,‘ahou‘l&lrerer b; . 0“ ‘ s‘: _ P . Writ at these Pilh. They purilr the blood COWPMG finer-um“ ““d“"”w"°“ enter]! my re ‘obslmctlons of all kinda. clean“ 11:; . . V Pnfighg‘gj‘3olfiigggtgo “h" mafinz' , akinjofnll‘pimplcs‘ud blotcltcr,and Print the 11 th' ldé ‘ l ‘ L. ' ' ‘ richicth oflu-alth lo the pale check: 1 as, 15 PM man , V \lf‘E fiThe Pla‘tnn and Ila-m or which thou\ I TERMS: GAS": [N “D A. ' Pill: are made, wereldiscomrezl in t \'cry sur- ' ‘ 0‘“ “Pl °“° younsJ- Two “Pgwnfi'vsfr’; (Main! '11,? among thi Totucnnn. n trlba of [ss‘ T'”",°"*‘L”.°"° ~.""' 56‘ _W‘: “’9'“; Abofigines in Hexico: Gtt the Almanac of 1°“ 5“"! 5" 1"" ”0"”: OF“ rear. m; h‘n‘el: . out Agrut. and you \rxll read wnh delight, the 1”" copy '2O the who“ sending t ' c u ’ 3 ' rery' ink-resting :Acmmlt 1: contain: of the ,Eight COW“ ONSMW “d a“ "I!“ copy .‘" ‘.l”; “ Grillt .\lrtlicine ” of the Aztecs. ;P°”°“ ’thmg the club. 5“" ”"2" ‘2an"! Gianna—Jr” “)lountulu Herb Pill!" nu pneyearfiind f‘" ”‘1" copy '0 thoperaon fwd“ hut ‘np ii: a Beautiful Wrapper. Earl: bog" mg til-11'9”: 390- . . - .Cfinu'lus 4a ,pi'us. and mum ‘xt 25 mm M ‘ And lhé‘anlg/ magazmothntnnbemtroduéed bong XII mun“; have the signature of 3. L. into the above clubs in pluo 0f 1119 L‘d-VIIIJUDSOV l (30 on each box. . Bank is Arthur‘s Name Magazine. ‘6 £1 ‘ ." . - SPEOIAL CLCBBING WITH OTHER MAG.: i B. L. JUDSON & 00.. . AZISES.-—Godo_v'l léadv': Book :nd ganzgr'sl } . 50m: iIItUPRIE'I‘ORS, A Home Magazine hot one ymr gr 5—3 { N 0.60 Luann Snzn wa Yul. ' deey’n L‘dy‘ut Book and ‘Harpfl'l n"!‘”""[ A V at: waxitud Ill;n{)'Sv-Allll)‘éss us than both one )ear tor $4 50. (Jude), Harper, and. #4l- G. OAM. Ann: [of Gpttysbnrg Arthur wxll all three ho sent one yur, on rev ;| July 29’. 1861. um“ ' . , ui 10136 00. ~ g. l _- ' ,_ MM 'lPreasux-y Notes and not“ of'nlljnivent‘bunks’ 51‘ PfiEmUmnwnrdod ‘9 Tymn Button taken at par. ’ ’ ” ‘ bfithl: Mennllcn Agricultural Societfisem. 4 Be carefillnnd pay, thr post-go on yourlttur. taco, null by the Adams (lonnty‘Agricultnrnl " ‘ Address L, A. 001“ in Scale 3', Sept, null. for heat Ambrotrpu and, L 383 (‘.hcamt IL. Philadelphia» Po. llPhowgmplu, uvor all omen on rxh‘mltinn. - l > . ‘ ‘ - l -- '’- °"L"fi§€l;__.'____._,__,. .-_ 'r . “*6” momanzn-us (orSl,ntthe Ex. , QHOTOG’I \PIIS for 81 per dozen, Lcp nor Sky-light Canary, York utrnt, =?n.'sky.lisht Gallery. ’ opposite the 841 th. Sim MALI. | at T 9. ‘-r"" 5 444 41 0N0#961.- : Valuable Rcal Estate v: T wanna :4le),er 1' mm. :A .\IUIINT.-—Tfii§ humafi'ulfibd r-n denim éhl-l!‘ cnuntry m'uL ndfninill': the Hnruugh of ‘(ictxuhuna (m We Hum {wading m Ftirfield, II '1 now offered at l’r'rrute Sack. ~. 1 The Fan ronhins I'l4 .\(‘llEH.more ot’lrfl, 110 to l’.’ acres of \\hich are in timber, and about 3:10 nvrca of meadow hollow; there "n we 3""):an Apple and Pent-h Orvlmrdi on me man. “504.1“! lixnd ii the red grnmle Ml”.Jl|-CEPI"J}O 10"” high {Luz of rulmmiuu; lmpmurls well SWO“ it uurl mu always br- Inn! at the Railroad ”drpm. wbEcb is in nigln,ml'.'}renlo prrhluhel. R'm- improvement: nrcaTwo-stury ‘ \'utherhonrdrd HOUSE, with i-Hlnr. Bm‘k-bqildillg, Bukf-uvru. Fpmke-hm‘mg, a [urge Hank Murat ’ _ pwrhim, Gmn (‘rih, &s:..:tugctlm willynll fn‘c‘uuur'v mgmm‘ldmgs. in‘ rnmpleu: order; “lore 14 n pump an lbs donruud u unvryfuiling fining of \rlecr close In: \\‘illuby'; Ilun boimds the was! end of the Fnrm. TM: proper? :3- will be alumni by .\lr. Julu Hoping, "'in; » n the prelauscs,?ur by the whim-(bur in Oct p-dmrz. ‘ ‘ L 7 i No. 2: (fI’WM-IRLAND FAR\I.—-—Thit Fun: A alas I lmndrumo Ind xcry «lusiruhln proprn'r' in“ ne on he Tuneytown mad. fnnr Imm frnn (h;fly:-hurg. containing Us ACRES, (not: or . Ins-1. About 30 m-rug any in limb" and 23 to $0 m-m in meadow". Thiv hmd i! ul~o of flvt ted gran-156i! kind. vlcnr ufstoncai (~ll.le cul: Linuexl, [Toducei \\L‘“. and is mpnl-lu of heilm igln._\' in prmud‘ .\II it wnnlx to make it on. khftlw“(l!lethiu‘lhuneiglllmrhoodil I 30ml j. rmcr und :1 link- Hmv,‘\vhlch can nlwnyl h, ndleither m. Gm; shun: or :9: Unknown. n .2} exam psr bushel, Therc‘is n. y Jung Appfi mfj’L-nch Orchard md um npringi of «nu-1‘ e.u' the house, and a stream of Imm- crouc aw gmnh vn'nl M'the fang] nenr the buildings.» In- ‘nnprm «menu me 4 one sud a nu Flor) Stone Houno,Bnke-oren. muke-houaem large Double Hutu, am ~anon She-Is, Corn Crib. ng Pen. and all nerennnry. out-ail-linp. bur. h. mill and whoul-hofise In close by. in ,ht'uhh'r and" plmuilll mighlmrhomi and 306‘ nietv This plum-Hy wiH‘he shunnhy “I. 'm. K. «hum. li\‘hlg nfinn it,“ or by ILJuhn [hck pdjuiniug. Tern” easr. . N 0.5: A \‘AH'AISLE .\HH. Human“, unLnininr: dd .H‘RESUF Inn] 8 In N ufwhidl I'L‘ in umber. mum: unwlmll ul 3 mile S. -\V. {UNI limb-stun n‘. Iln- terminus of II}: lluilloud. H)..- ' impnm 'mmgu‘ are :d 'l’hq‘udr} ‘mu‘u- MILL HUL'SI‘J. will; {slur-(in, 5“! him: all 3M, IIL'VLKMIP'V mm-him-r' . _ Lr .\luchnnllfiurlnr A lnuc 'l'u‘u’. 21.1.! nry LIN; HUL'SE mill Bxsumvm, Stab“, ‘ it Tim is a "my deximble pruiwnu gnJmill In .1014 um nt'mnnumduli'lz H‘rnxs. Mr. T 110; 3 l i-hllefiifiug‘qn {ln premium. “illnlmw n.7' ‘ L'lll'nnxl sceit. ”RU. AILNULD. , ‘ 13%ng abnrg. 0:1:14. 186). 3m ¢ , I One Price to All. . v mil-1 subscrihels lune lh! plcunnre ofinform— im: thmr friends and the pubiic gnarl": nt Ihéy Imvo rccviwd a full suppbydof Full ul \\‘jnnr (lnudi. nhich they are ambled I. #ll [lt their usual low rutcs FOR CASH.‘ Jrns n x ' s ’ Mountain Herb Pills. E gin: n p"rh:ct Ilkeueu n! Towm..l rhiet‘ ofai tribe nfflxc stunge Aztec Nn n; that onrg run-d Mexico, You'will lndln I (“-001an of him u nl] hi: nm'pleln (‘mrhmph -4 and Almanwi-L—tu he bud gratin, from the run for [huge Pills. -' 7 I ‘he inn-Mar and mnuuhi‘mrer of,“ Judlon‘i numin; Herb I’ills.",has nprnl. the greater rt of his life in ‘trnvelinz. having film-d rly every country in the world.‘ He ”went r six years among: the l-nlinnn on!” Rocky muim‘mn) of \h'x'luu. nnd it "II“ “III! ‘h'fl‘ “.\lnrN us lhn‘ln Plus " were {linemen-1!. Iver; min-ruin: mcount of MI, ndrcnmru TV" "on’ “'in find. in our .\lmnunc and ;mg|hlvt.' ‘ ‘. fov ‘ mi w H! :Af 6 ”I! Pm t‘is annostablished fart. thnt up dill-‘s‘". w from ‘ . - , IMPI'IKFI moon: _’ ‘ ht- hlnod is ‘the life! nnd when any foreign or unhealthy m Mex; go's mixed with‘h. fit in It - ~é distfihnwd to ,ewry organ of fiu- body.— leL 4vhervc foch'rthe pnh'un, and all the run! or :‘l’H l|ll|f‘lal\' c'muyizlin,E Th» ummnch will no «liked the fond porn" fly. Th»- li\fl' come! to crrmr a sufllrlency arhile. ~The actinn of th heat-H- we.xkencd.¢tud .16 the elrculnlion ii cyhle, 'l‘lu- lungs bucunm (lagged with 1.1:. pniconouw mnutr; hrncn, a caugh—a‘ml‘ull from n I; iizhlimpurity n! the fanniu—ln-nd‘of life—l the “Mod! As if yuu hm! thro-ru spmo earth, for! in‘staucr. in 5 {mn- spri‘ng, from Lwhich ran )1 hay rivvlrt, in a Try ininulcs Ihc whole cmjnw n! th- abrnn'n Immune- lii~mrrwd and (HI “lon-I]. .\s quiukly d“l‘a~ impure Mood fly in very part. nml IPH‘H {15.51in bl‘hind. All ah 'px-snguu hocum.‘ u!lell(‘lrd..\nd "MP“ the ohotanflinn h rcmou-il, Ilu- lamp of. life soon ditl but. ‘ ' fluke pill: nnt nnly'pnriry the Mona, but. rn'denhffllc an (hr. wan-ling} M" the WM}; thcy Ilrvi thrr-xfnrr, nnrivhllmLus‘n . i, CUM: mnwmwug l)l:\‘l‘..\!‘~"§§. .or Compl'nin'. Sick ‘fl‘udu’hl'. ‘l7:. This imßll/mu .\h-dia'im‘ rxpt-H from HM Mood lha yrn «Mule, of M 3! my, "'4"; rend"; n” the fix unJ w woman: pure wr' fl wut‘." during rasusnilutjag lhe rim] n‘rngnnz. , I? . .41: id‘ ”uf ,4 n