The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 25, 1861, Image 3

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    i 4 1“ ‘3‘ a "a?
"m A 4
_ - _ «anus—_—
...... -. WWW
'\ ~£EHI (U 3 5‘ -‘”. ’ 'l‘ "7 " ' "“V‘ *"‘~~~ .... ...» ....V .. _..»w ww—‘Vfi'fi' ’"' '1? -' - —vr- ~ ,
~ 1 ,7 ».. I‘l .wr; “no , , " “-.._...“ ——-m«-_.“---m .. "
--- ».7 0-71.“ . : A, - 1 m 89.10.. ' VILUAnLa Assign eh. 11 __
' flair, .XSHU h fi1m...“ urn-. 3 «OP VALUAHLB REM. ESTATE...Th. ma! and P 1 : l . . 0 Jl.‘
Ru fink..lus_ 00 lei 25 fl) '“b'cm’f', .\dm‘tnluutor of “trauma. ‘TI. 1 , . emwl Em “OF VALL'ABLEREALES‘I'ATB,_I'M“S.
whit. a;..w»-~,uff”?"“ ,r, 3~50 0 ”In. {ll9lOll, derangedpin pursunnne of" A l ('BLK', bAl.h.—lu pursuance of nu- wribon, Alligleu of Fun. MUIIIM
Bod Wham}: . ......“ ~.1m......?..3t_ _. to 1 2;, flame» or sale by the 0,111,“, CW“ or m‘ 1 1,1131}! gin-‘n by the lat will 11nd mm. “311 “'1". In trunk for th- benefit of creditors,
Cm"MW-...:.---.................£....1 lo 1111 15 -‘ “mat-«um? on ytroccedinr! an 113113111111, 14'; f’nl'fi'fwx’nm'x.deco-zed. mum of- W'.” 0”" “WW“ Salmon the pruning, o-
R". .. - ......... . ..........1.... 5:) Wldo er ut l uhllc Sula. on the premium, on 47 t; u 1”: 3““: U“ the prvmxm-u. on 7110- Make” 1’" 4”. 0" ”camber. 18611thc follow
-03“. ..1 (w E r gearing, 11., 13111 or 1111 mm Im, 1111-12911 ,5" ’s’ W" “”5“. 0’ [hum/(er run, the cum: ”’3 “Embed RN Esau, mum iu'HCnroll'l
Bulwheh. ......"M. 35 “11-1’ "{ the luld decedent, 'lttnle in lleudinw ""31 haw.” 3““! d'WM‘wl. as fulluws: Tluct,"uhuut “ “me ”‘1 ’m” from Fi‘irfield
’1 Clowns d...m............«m.....r. - ‘0 :nwmhrp, Adams cough»! 3‘ mile: 11-1-51 L 3 b .:W. 1. “11. 31.85.3 th of ,3“; Ilt-renied, llnmlltunhuntuwnship, Adams Countr Pu . ’
fl1“ at .1... 175t0 4 oo lsmmon nu l 3 miles from New Oxford on 111 ”“3 a 1"“ ”It, ailuute 1n routh 111.1111“ TRACT .\‘u l. bolnuo Hufdc't pl'’f "
mom: Seed'l 7n : GeuJ In R J “ ”Mutt" b“J '' ‘ ' ‘ m‘ ' J . "o'o “pa
\“Flu Seed , ‘l| 0 ‘OO )9 mg atlroud. as follows: (‘ ~,_5 “Y.., udJummg lien. “or hmcsmne ium], nut surpaurdtu the (301111.
, 1?! f"?"“"‘1""""""_'"1" 1,0 no. 1‘: Tl"! “ANNUN TRACT fidjoinin rl7 .omfurt and Muses lime, oi. ,2), Adlomlug lauds Ql' Junta Marshall w
\ In! cl lutl ........................ I 5 land of Jhh I 1, p, “1”“ a” C" '1 d ’ (Y ‘ Im.
I] rA. 1, 4 01, 0 .nydum uud Tm“ .\n. 2' and T fen“ thfmmnda ulp, Tllomxli A. Sim-shall and Truct So. 3
W gmurmr pr-r nwm‘}? 100 Aoundt-d by (‘onuwngo crock, containing 99 .“0'5109' EMU} DWELLING, fwd couwuxugJUO Al;l{ES.niore or 1239. Th;
kAIJIMUIIE—FIum 1h". lln gel and 95 Perches. The improvements 111% :11? Which .1!” G” 1“” been introduced, wuh lfnltrvirvrment's are . Twat“,
“.‘r’-n0un...~‘......'..:-.L.-‘_‘~...-«q 5(Ihl 75 ll Wo-I'torx Biwk ”DESK 1:01; .r’fi- ll ell “(“52” near the door. Cistern,smuhe DTU‘NL "ULSE‘ “:‘m ‘ lpnng “1
{but .....................7...... ..."I- 120'3 l 70 “am, “$9" fished “'1 Sim“? *5 - (Que, “00111111011", com 0111,“, "ha dour, find on. unsurpassed in
J .:"mm"" mm"... .‘. """ ' g 6 m ‘3 Spring of Water mbtumzhxlkgii .‘ I" . IX ”’9 ”We, Gonllllulng 11‘;U§£;X); I; the far “I Burn wilvhfifme 1:; it?“ Bulk
0“ ., sn73Uh 1 ‘ .7 ‘ 1. Vi ...‘i .0“ Much u ' _ . e.. oreur lens, W 1 ‘ res mg ‘floors. llrge new
J ‘1 J.... 38 to 44 '“‘ r‘ “d D” harxety of l'w‘llrtt‘h. Pun ur “[I T I"; "fitted ‘l‘ lnrge FRAME BARN,' “E"D .hht‘d. two Eorn Crlhg, Happen, and
‘1 flan!" Seaman-..........mvmmm ‘s°to 4 62 the land Intabccu llmed. There is ngood PW- “in!” hrl-shlnz l‘luer,.bllcds,§mbllng, Unnn- othfar Out-buildings, nnd a good (Irchud_,°r .
‘ little?” S"‘L---.......,....... .... ZVO‘lo a 2:, P°{ulflfor\\lomtlnud. 1 vin 11" 0?; Pun,‘;c_ Th" 10‘ “I“?! bfltk tu Wash. ”he”: or {“1“- Thi'e Are IWO first-rntofiea
‘~ “to Littlc,pcr hind.........p,.. 500 to 7 no .‘w. I: A TRACT OF LAND, “(U-Dining :1: 0:1 I,lrsulj_liu\'luglllroutul'.’7ol”ecg on‘lmd dtJ“-S 1n thla tract, Ind running water on the
":30. per hund............ ......... 5‘ 00 to 5 69 Elfin-1 if thhn l.u_:~llcm and Jon I”! Spltnglcr’ 119311,”: “ti-ll lie sold inluts or 91mm u may ‘ Fn’izm. .
“g,“"m-"mmu-+~-.m..-.........1.1b 00 w” 00 7‘. u. [slml Lonouugo rut-k, remaining ‘0 3 P tillera.‘ V. . ‘ iW RACT ‘No. .2.. being excullont «w:
‘ 1.11.,r :1 ,0 I: l Atrcs an 2. l’crcheq. mm 11 mm”); of“, l.‘ 51111101 (1110130. :1 111. can". 0001.351), adjmning 1.1111. 0”". ”9%
(fluid. I’Qruvinn, P" t0n........l 50 901 wag” m, 111 s "not. A large onion of it ix‘ . .us ungtun and Brecklnridge .Ltreeti con. 1 H'Plhall, Ina others: and True: So.
P 1
ll h\'o\'l-J é.< , . ,mwfe‘l wit valuable Timber, [Dd there is at ”23”“ ll 4%”1 more orlcss. . 13. conuining 25 ACRES, mar. of
‘F . . [PTuuuumn “a" ' m""“""‘l'1<f portion in Men-low. '‘o‘ 4' A IRI\CT UFLAXD. lituntein Cum- ’ 1"”. 'flISOVCNJ Willi Ti: b
19“,, "a“. 7110 mm" ......u _l' ,5. ”_l.",‘om w' ‘. . _ bcrlund WW” mp ml'm . , TR , , _. _“ El.
Do. 1",“, “on _:. w.” _ 1 uung to new the menu!“ 1:111 ‘p,t 1 J nmg lung. Pf mm), . ADT .30: '3’ iflJnlnlng u" Propertiu 0!
“but 1.................. l b 1.. I 'be aliuwnthc 5.11 - b 1 the l'uunly, residing J I!" "I "lemma-er, Dr. Dan.) Study Miss N.‘ Vtrpnu Nvers Tho: AM r h
It” .....1 l)8to l {to 9:1 .\O. 1. 'llfu- pl;9pel’ly J‘ill be soldl entire or u m ”Well '3'" 9‘1”", Containing 18 Acres: “.'"; CMPNO“ Wluirh. hnd otlierhcnnta.‘ fll,,........L; - ‘62 In the trzwts‘des'tguuled, as w; best’suit pm" 31135: or “J: ' _‘, Th“ "‘o‘ 15 divided into {our 1::"0 ACRES. more or less. The , mm:
U 1“. 1.."... """"'"“'"""-mm"; ‘ 5; | Cllflfgl’l.' nd 11 “9d “4? the be” quality of ' unite land. 1 ‘mPN'Eanl-lsrea new TWO-nor,
('lonrbehtl “.1.....1. :5 ‘l dfiule a: ”1: 315 mm?” 'of cultivatio’. There is BRICK IEIOUSE,wI!h bastment, n
. ' .................... 4...... 400 on" .I_r_ n u llJl'mQOfwuler 1] h M" Ff me B '
Timothy Seed ‘ 1. l _ _, ,u t efieldl‘ a urn, 'lcnmL-house
. .4. 175 wrnmmudt, ‘0 “(lfi‘edfll' flfl'ord accent t d- " '
P1ut0r..........:........ .. :11 l J . u o 7“" from .M‘ . ”mm": 5'0““ O’Chfird~ h
_.. ""“'t"“§ G 251 P ‘ V entail rm. l'llhu. tratt mllbc 08' ad iirlou 01- Jimmy! b! excellent wnter at the hang: “I:
,fl- .1 1111111..” 1 \“o ’ssmT'l’ ch‘dsulhlfwhfl'ri l'“""iv8 Vller in the 13-111: ’ n
.« ,A ‘ ,—_-- le;lun in c 11.111 0 ‘ Tl. F J ~ ' -
__ n A“; :t~»-l- __‘1(;l{11l.\ll)1 l’r mm; on “”ckizlra'ég’eor OF {uld :untignutgnw-lEtgztcirfdbaniyngoofigrdor
han’s Court Sale -' reg-1. a )oth 1; Allie: on the cash and stone oniit‘ . ‘a un nu" D une
‘ ‘ . nnnhi 1111.15, \J_ 1 - J ‘ ‘.‘ , .
Pm'l‘lthili—The lubacrlber, Ad- with J. one ’n Shfiflfofi;n}}kh;ml?lhucug ivnilzielllh? .:hops, Milis‘ swam-haul.“ find
“or uh, “mm of '10“; “an thereon och ch! '4 hl’ ’ ‘ rc cs Irechurruiontuzthele r 0 -
111111111111“: 01‘ “uuwmv git-en him at 1' ‘l . ' lemu. and the] Arc tituatnd in an intellggest
““"‘ “Dun,“ Adams éottutv will ‘ Ulvon the 411‘ ‘l‘. {(150 “- 1 “1“ “Z"Pw'e' Mighbmhood. 2
‘IC Sal». on u“. premix" and“: 4 "smm ' 1" “film :13 utll he offeret ' l’ersouls trialling to viewl the 'l‘rnctu will b
of Ilmmbrr nm'. A lehiUT it): , r'Onal “fon'Ptfd’deg'Cdy the re: s'hms'n tlie 13111112 by the .\lsiznor, rouldililfl o:
ein mumore township. 'Adnurs CllfllFSF4§tli\'tysc::l:l;;|:‘f 8:. Tot! hog-orétue _Alsimwulrcsiding near. 1
-I ‘ , 1 1 1 r e . ‘ .‘ - «. J
nl"“.";rd’.utf‘t‘fnph Huhr, .Sfi'n‘fi (.lassESJ t)? H“). Ck)“; findPCa‘ Mid dufitfltgneongutgtc fit I). ohlochuflq on
3:“ ."a'" hrkle, ”Mum”! ' d," ' ”Mm“ d MN)“, Settee Del terms sllsqu knot: *l,“ lm” M” be ngen “d
.Flurr Illutl'trflllicit'll ' .~' ‘1 :{fl‘e' “whim“ Window min’dfi. l a v I
liaise uunl :1 $1171” "aim I “gilcl‘l'llfglbdsr’r; Rig-hen Furuiu
. . : r "1‘ 1 OW, . ; '
s£\\ellof\~t "give-5:: .\lill, Rukesn‘l‘urks ghntjlssfllfl
or n it 1 h- una‘l‘rclmnl. cuuuining-l VJllr- Chums: Hfly'llnll Sinlwhv the thn l
1.1 u n . ' ‘, ('l. r ' . ’
rank) among Tth is a final :nm; .11- luml‘jh 1:11 WW 0”"th 1..1 h" ‘U d.’ m Min“ of. MW“ i"
In ‘1 . I PI L lur a nice wtnfprmhlu 111— ”la (“It HI! 111 nm _ a hrsm- 1
r 6. t'xoriilipl 3;: :‘he homv, rrmu. wishing to \‘icw'n mll he FM“ 1‘” Ul'llulzt Lluzuit Post-“(Eh
. : ‘0" '“PCI‘U' by lhe fuluil‘ -- \\llh u tJnri t l‘‘ ’ A
hm turt - )3, Hauling , v\- 0 oth" personal 1r
u ... . ' g , 2113‘ Pink: t?) t-omulunup ut 10 3'2
1d "
1 ' gn'enau‘ m 9 'Huun |lv '
4.own 1.; , 1 . . illnsus 1i 1 :
“gs-91.11....” 11mm,“ mull,“ m." war-Ln‘h 1' ‘ 3%qu. u. GARDNER, Adm'r.‘ ‘ Nor is. 1946?. u . C(l.l.A—.‘l
tuiiltJuuMllmm“. , “.r‘ ul “‘1 H > le. nut om Elcnonz 11:1”th . 56'5th hind Sentlnz'l
gun in 1..., “”5"“ "Wm M} 5”“ 15’ ”l“ “I IJ - I 3lCi ; to”, .
toua"t:nn he‘Jouud. Than- 1' r . ‘ 1 1‘ ' ~——-. - » I'o at --S . '
1 ' - 1.: ruum tn , ‘ pecml J
{l.ll or 31",. 01'“.me ”new; a 5“. “My m_ ’ ‘ Grand Jury Repel-1:1 l . ‘ E ARRIBBI la 11cm,“
any ohllollow “lIH'E, Sheet-ir n Ware, Tiu l 0 Till-2i ‘lMlllAlllJ‘; Till-2 Jl'llflFlS‘OP To (ht Chmlrli iv I ‘ I’l 'l'
i nrf. dl luulshrd \\lnronupan W l’f—d‘lllllruc- 0F T)Hl'-~ {1 ’l ”T U‘l‘: Ql'AllTl-ZR Sl-i‘filllh's I? ” 2". an; femur
1:: ”11::d’e-mmm‘: m the {mile furnishing _W: .1115 111L3115-I‘hoonmdlnqucstor t ENTLEJFX ._tf'fi'z.
m 1 I..;J;.J:J::.J‘;‘:J“I:;‘J 1m ‘..l'pe3tli'ii3s" 31:1:lJJ‘alJ'JJJfiJJlJJJ' I ""l’ “w": ":37
'J' ,_ f." “I' re red to ‘ ‘. J' 1 “I! ,v m‘ve u.ll .1 . l - - ,enu
fell wltulgmle Aud retutl, Tin \s-¢pr?l‘§lleel- etl upon ll” bills mbmiued to them bl; :1; Mfinhfir: ‘t; ‘ Provnlelfor the pan. out nf the
'lrouv“ I|er of their 0"" “MIND" (fa—keeping ”Inn" ‘1“ "'3' ““1 9"595194 thou: t 6 the the EI'FI: se Lug.” ."d (on:"'g€n‘ INN” of
,’ "55m" 'luml‘" "‘ I‘m“ "' ‘tl‘tl'ly' any 116- ( our." ’. . ' l ‘ Pamphlet lu i 0:8 f" the Rim“ "'9'" ("‘4‘
hunt. Thur usuorttttcilt of 1.111111,“ 3‘ 1”“; .l‘ m grunt mg to stst; that the numb" 01‘ s 1. There ‘. Thl bl, Page 11.11,) It follows:
brie; alto Coal oltVPl‘)’ Unit. .1 ' '31": hfi'l“f-"”'l‘"““”° them wait not Inigo and hpecinl In!" Alt}: [fill-Fm“; to IPVICtL “1
. - ~-.-. ‘ ‘ nmtlxc‘ rt ,- " 1‘ .. 1 2-1! mil 0 .
’3s:]. .‘. ' E-Vl’l-UYMENT! [s7s ‘1 m-n- or.“ s;] ‘l’ls:3::.:e‘puons’nom'flr them {Whuh Lllfl-ll The levied 11nd Celll‘c tlis'gzflilh
.1 AELSTS _“ Ah'l‘l-‘VD T—lk'e wil p. - fi-m“ 5.15; The Jury ‘jnnot “.fmin. from ex rem 'gropcrty nowi‘subject tq State tax. i like min-l Nov/"x",
to 315 pt: ml'uxth, Sud all “111-115". 10 "ii” ‘ their dlbflppl’ Ilmtion of thc 'cttllducupuh‘(:B 1 "f“ other thus, gnd which Ihlll-rbe ‘l’Pll‘vd ’ . ~,._/r . _ 1...“.
Agual;i or 511-: u cnuiini.siun,l Jun-110,13}; Part of someJusttcc: ofthe Pure in t-nfertninc 31).?!- ” may‘he “C‘Z‘MHF. to the nrment ol‘ V
slut lee; Adtlru‘u‘ L 131; 3;wa MACRHI». mg criminal tum ol'-trivi“ "h‘ractlgr wan-l; 1L1; ““‘f’f‘F—l ulpbn and 10:11". (viz: Eh; lulu of
. U'b'i'hfl, 11. bull-. 3, (must-ll Akfient. lilnu, Ire brought rre before the Chart ta in dis- “#:1113211;de 9f dull)": Authorizel‘lby tho “I
90- [:3ch 2 131:1. 1, poncdof.thus‘orteninl;.osiugcouside,l‘,.bie u_ 1, ’0: ' ”7’2”“ ‘PPrUPri-zed a 111. W,
———-————-——-£q——-v .-. . _ . .-. wise uponth 'couugy. Theueexpcng'bn m; I,‘ pct? "rpm'nzrPmll'KJquiminz. "I“:
i 1 Mmmgz‘a. generally nndleuslly be nvmded, if lln‘gmrn‘ses l:hinllliiltit end sqppwtlug‘th. mihtsri, forest of
“'(Jln‘l'heflu Inst.. «t the‘ M. E. lfnrmmm.‘ by :dure whom artie} up;leur,llut~ing Md rinses. "Nicki ,uETip‘hvt 1:; hereufier to be all}?! “”0
“I I: l-ll torch-. 011, Mr. thiA B 1 'tlAl'Gu. uc‘ro rent uw y wuhout uktng nctihn upon or ofthe l‘nitp‘ Slalogo7¢snmetlt .0! 111;; State
- o nmmuubnu (URHPhlpJn'sfligs ELF/,5. , " ”‘oml'h‘l “1 “b 9" ”'9 ‘flK‘ll-ruw’il unlis- thercuf and 141 A‘ J .'“". to Enfofl” "‘9l-“!
‘ nan”. “1,5115“ or “mum lUlflthp. yllt‘llvlllll thr gml uftha cumniunnv wluuldhut filterewith 1t umdeum. ”penny/connected
’n‘tlln‘the 51h hurt by thed‘lrv. lr. M'ing‘, Dr“. ' “'3'.” lllcrEb§.Ll ' ; lfmm illilldbel ntd ”Id aux-Pl"? “filing the?“
.1 ..LL ”NR, b'l liltih’LL'll. or muplom to Jhe Inquest are visited the (‘ounty Prison. with its act-11* P'Pf‘rt. 1? he tux/e": d. which,
an" 13.5.”. 1,; “ALBERT, d“ n“ of John uml «re llappi to any 1h" 111': éou 'Nion in be ”What! {013:9 “mus. ll hy‘ebr plc-dgedlto
““1””. huh. ol‘ (.‘rl‘._lh_ l whirl: they Ml 1111 it‘ in regard tp cle nlineas Vclpal ”film IHM enmgmshlneut the prin.
'6n the :tu’t‘h 11ltfi,ut1he Ef-‘nxei filling-4111359" W 111; very~ liflfnctury..l_.wiug tlmt Sherifl 1 A The Ndi'fll‘llllglhontf by nid act,“ ,
lgnnuuvgr'. Lllllcsloul}. by Rev. . "mg”. J." Mmml “all ald fumily hare ured cve'rv emu-1 fj- act-[£llll '12:: .. .‘”-m}. m" thlh impmfd,
MALI)“ 's‘ L 341” ul‘ Dewitt, l.) amy (:ollritt' ‘tn M‘ture the. mute". Ind ull’being'of the “11‘. up 1 1 - aspQFlultax,v,‘uai“Pec fi
-111,, ‘“".‘“.”'-“°‘“whim-rm to n. 351151;" “"‘°”"““'¢ 1 dividuals confineh within i 1: theirlterp: ‘° “”1"”? 0‘ luring
L .41 uml.ll.ol'lJ...m_\lw,,, ltd. \ - .\"ftllf. Au Po 1.111 the security of pl’isonors ”111,0 firi 1’ ”:1” m" "MIN"!
0:: “"13”, ”’..!" M U“, 34111191 M," by “w :t (lthl'Hllfi hammer. thls Inquest: cnnuot dollars 111 ltill 0 three uillinutio.‘
I-Kutc. hirif‘AVLl-J. ll ."”‘}":‘3“" 11, “1 L'urrnll u]: cn’ndemn he -ir_ls.cture comlutioq: of the ‘ mouev R 1 e. hogotluu- ' and the
...“..qu IL, I‘, In; “‘1'!” (‘. lelllhu, at ('l' a mu! wall. n‘nnlmg somany fncilxlties tor uecrshnr- “mm" ”’9'! rendett’d
Adnupwounty.‘ . ~ ."h’ rm‘nchf l‘ “one“? and urqu therefore agli'mtt’l ll! toluniou‘rebellilm
On the 1:31. tuft" at Krchs’ l (:1, I,}. “N, 'Lm'ommou'd tlm 4h least tutul‘ 012:“- uuuld went of the U‘ 1t 1! - “1 [Mu-0r ":8 govefn
‘32“: ,l,” “ SI. (:4 Ullldill m l 3! ANN 11. Icsurvrwun-tl a Ito render them Sl‘rureingumsl Md,” ’1 they”; _bmten. .1" " “'?"¥>lr!l3in
p. ”31,117qu ori'nrroll mu" ,Md. tic ellurts ol‘ 1: “toners to ell‘ect theirhucnpé ed th H 11- h ‘11?" "ti—””s ‘“ "“X be lull“-
.U'f Ih. .11. lintwt-It. Ilully, ) Ila-r. W. fl‘llll “.'”“.Ld th ““ler urge upon the ium“; otyl v c “3‘. Illtax 110111 all thq proceaiu
"""E‘" 3" WW” sut’uszo. msusn “’."m’mwm-rs the Herr-5.11“ 111' lam-i 111; 111 m “1411’“ -” s‘.”°“v “"“nlmflx Ptriuz ma
N.Jll lglJu'NJ—hulbof this count). 2, 1 cell: “Cured n X‘Pcolnml-ndhd. I i—' 952 (infillsgn’t ‘keptdsc'pgnift‘e Ind: pan fr'om
11: e :21 1111.1, net-fur, 6F" 3 ‘ ' :uw. .\lulhTH'l-I I‘o ‘.' '. "° 1.11 “ “ mi“ ‘3‘ in! 0‘ d
NHlTlll-Jltul‘t'.urtllji mm”); 1' "1;, 31311ng William 3; (”can melh‘llutizsmnn' l/itrgepi‘er‘lous laws. In all pnrmonssimndg i3lO
H. t ISUUKS, uf Hulmitnh rgf “11% ‘ ‘ Jncoh How |',~i¢~—~””‘ Samuel Alwthe -'/ Int-1:1: . Trvasury, on account of Slut: taxes,
hlp‘llw him inu., by Farm: llu ins-In, Edi]. 1 SJmuol W mmtt 305“ Hider; UV gibe s gall Ippllcuble to the hslt mi ! tnxmést
Hr: 311311111 ”11.111211 to Mr 515.1535" J’WPhA-x "Wt. Juhnliecké/ ‘ ltioneh-Lmii-"hfim’ 1111.1 Wm" .11; ““3“
“15151111011: of “'mhingtun count Bid 1 l llenrv Bu er Gear *5 ‘ ‘ ’l‘ml 1 reports of County AudjW"
'«IJ J‘ >'l A :7. l John'Kin'L-u 11:13 ‘1 Imncglli film-l", ion the ”"1“: “SM“ ““931 It“! 1| ll mill tax
1" t ' .DIED' E \ l'hllip Bu?” 3n, Wm. I‘ll/fining 1m": b.“ Plfud under»: separate heal ,nud fhl
:0” '.lm "Eh ”nl.. S \\lL'El. I'2. sun of Mn; ' Edgar 11- J “kinfiy Geo; B. lle'li'tt ”iufllllgutghml from Ml‘othef sour 9' of r"—
3nlontlne track, a! llmmltunhn tuwuuhi Jcine ‘1). H “on, M, Hf Doll J I'. g, . 'auruulg-to ‘hth‘um Th” will 00'
bpd 26 3c", and 4 mum”: ““0 h duwl.‘,}’l ‘ lit-urge 51. 1e —D"ni ll 11 ‘ mueur, enmlgculleclulg,receirin or a. .
Nol‘llll 1 ,<. l n' "1' . ‘.., .’ - ’ ° '3“ - ‘Omt‘Er! '0 a diEerc-nt r -' ~p "I“
.. or the 15111 111.11“ng _l3 "a” ,1. Bot-.:.” 181.1 l . . ““3 0" Wm ismns mi
“"013“: “461“,“. .l'‘ l J _ :- ~~ * --; «~—————~J_.._ lgm”Fumpsmémo"“mum“Which her would
9“.“" H“! ”r Aug. “6'. in Ft ulslin tow-11-1- Notlce. 3 "j - Er: {ntltled to’ were "'c.h“l-L"‘i“ tux céounpd
l’hlp, uterus 1711.15 \'A 1111-2111.; a..g1.1..,1,f' m: umlersi «1 herebv give “011.61 1_ 1 'ol' m°" “3‘3"“? “"‘l‘ “'9 0")" State nu
_ if: and poruttm B“““¢)‘,,Agou ‘ “._‘" and , 111. huhlic- h“ fram'nud “t" this‘zhttl: “S33M :1 h'llffullls‘; for while iti. 1.. "up
nr'-.' 11 ' 1 they will‘ 11‘ 1 ' = -V - “9'99“” n”-lmrticul r
On “cdnesdnv murnin tl‘te ‘ot ' hnv rrsu rm: ‘ c __r put the i 3. m tone: upou n bulgugs to the general hard 0f 8 purP°§ol
. g. h inst. 1n . P nor pt sons who um he f d ' te tax on
U'ountplcn‘nnt towmhip, Mi“ 5 k“; HA‘R- [inning upon their Kind. {”3th out: (lu- real flnd-perflbfflll ”ham and i. 101 ‘ll levied
’J’LTLd‘Urhn-r of Abrulnltu—nu (‘ulhurin‘gi .'“““infi. firhilixt kc. , , pub,“ ml.“ “um“ 1n the “m mummy:
".’"? and 2.; ”A” 7 months an ”d"; 1’ BA. Shorh, John Fleuhmun . Tl Vet)» Respectfully You
~At l-lormlulo. Menullrsn townshl .‘un thé 6th ' Druid Brnl t Amor’ D 81mm; = "I%:in COCHRAN, Audllar
Harm rh, Fred.Tr-iuuncr ’ I. d‘ DI “UORE’ SM“ T"
.pooin Nothl.
—> 4-..“ . 1 ‘ L. . .
wmxxnss AND mznmm'._.m who . Or]
infinrirmn wrnknus Mn! dehilil’j. where (ht-re 0F "li-W.
il 1 want uf energy, should an pluca hurr rc- 1 mimnr
court-e anI'DSUNS MUL'N’I‘AINiHEHH PILLS. 41.9.15'd- ill‘
Thu; iumgcdiuuly plml} the New! and mil up- ".‘" the Urphl
on the mnimpriug 9! life. gn'ingilrcngth tm-l “’7" "I PM)!
“get to the magnum. Young px-l‘funs tun-ring 4W. ”I" 171/!
“no waumuhuod. uhh' u derangvmcnt of the LAN-IL li‘ll ‘
functinm: and to motbo-r- at ”it turn uf fife, "Q”"Uy MU"I
their Pill»; 's‘“ he Inrmtrfl'uruuluu_ in currvrting I"! Uulhnme
thztidl of We lhnl nmy hc on lluLlurn. Ynung uhuul 7 A"?-
nnd elderly men wfrerin ll «imiLr unnner at 3 In'" _Two
(he um: perimu, wheh llu‘re i I alum.” dnn- ”UV-3'”. “ryi
Ker. the! «houhl Ihorofurn unduly)! mun: of ""01 Thur ‘
xhi; lourifiing umdk-i'pe, whiah c surcs-h'mxin‘g the hmm. nn‘
hutch. ‘ V _l.} "U‘ cffiuit In‘
' Thin You House-huh! Medicine ' 7 Thin is n 15!ch
the but ing non-“aria 'uf firm! He homn‘. _ r"
known to lhe world lhu! it cur ‘ahoun {he
oil-er rnnediu carilnoi rrnrh; on it.
\\‘dl enabliulml nigh” the SI
“'urlul, Juclum's Inunlnin Hrrb
by I“ “I‘llfll'l‘in Mediriue. [5
. iormlnlo, . .xr.....‘.. _l .. ..._
1m! , SL'SASNA ANN, dunghter a Josinh and
am: Ann (iriut, aged 6 _renrs l mini“: and 28
dug n. ' ‘
.\‘ur Peter-411mg, York Springi, Ahlflmi eon-A
(y, on the ‘l2-] uli...l'HE_BH JANE, nughler of
Nuhnu nnd Edith Smith, in the {am year oi"
._ hcr age.‘ 1
in L'niqrco‘uMy, Ohio, on the I ll: of Yell.“
yuurg, In. MAIUAIBRINKEIUH ‘l’, wife of
Bar. ‘ Wm. lirinkerlmfl'. (formerly of Adama'
Rummy) Aged '5O your: it ummlu m‘ 1‘! days. ‘
I On chheadu! hut. (‘IIAHLES g. SLUNA
KER, Igcd Ibgul 25 “an.. l, - 3
' Comm nicMedn ‘
. Ot'lore throat, ontho 13th insL.,E?.l7..H§l-ZTH‘
SUSAN, dinghifl' of Gin-gory l'. , mud Jame'
Topper, |ged 7 year: and 4 anllllll
‘ Lizzie! thou Mt gone to Heaven,‘ ‘1
‘ Gem wherf‘ll lhelngels li\-g 1
Where Christ. the SOIL fur Mil as? glory, 1
Blessing: to hit children gives. ‘
_- [ugdi if! die, Mk 4 me to Henr‘eif', _ I
(The prayer thy tend" lips exg’rcnsgdg
\_ It to thee already grinned : i g . » ,
For Christ has “id thud. nigh; aye Heaseg.
"' fuel to [filmy-ho gave, to luveghee, -
_ Resigned to His more perfuc‘w, l— -
Knowing thin ’tlaJ God built; , .
W 0 uiu ouilvoice to pain lii ulll.
‘ V 'Cumm nicttpd.
0n the mornfii‘g‘ohhe lath inst.,jut 0 o'clock.
1.17.5 z sm. daughter of aregarfi P. x J. 5.
~‘l'oppcr, at Libe’rty luwnship. aged 1‘ yen-land
I months. This dear child was Veli sgusibly
: uof her tpprouhing end. Sn rul hours
T '3» ”2th chimed he; a: hi! '0 ’n lhe re
' 19"" er mower w «and by hula hey u
c‘.‘ It menu and hold her little [l‘ udl.
’ h (her! 1111 l dying now, i ‘
‘w ... yl bum o‘er "._‘; cusp; l ' I
l d drops are naudiug on my kuv, I
‘ < I won shall sleep thu 1199 f). ; ' j
_, dmu Math", hold my icy Knudsi -
. And small dose by my si‘de; E ‘ 1‘
I'm going ta that brighter land, g 1
And' God will be my guide. I ’ 1
on, than, deal-Rummdr] yourgxasrs, -j
‘ And let you . "Ilium; rise; ; 4'
The budyuu nourishei here a. #ell,
,WJI bloom‘iu Paradise. in. L. I.
« ' Column lulled.
'At "not", on Monday, the 11 . )lAIH’i
JANE sornmjmg, dnugmcr of Levi ad Juli. ‘
Scanner, Igcd “7”" 3 iuonlhssnd‘ 5 duym l
,50 \fiucx in: bud slit to “'“Ps I 3
$0 siusw be l‘orgiiw. E J
But closed her little eyes in sleep
‘TO Own they; in hcuycn. J 3
She In lovely, lhl wu‘nir. _l' 1
‘ And for I while mu given, ‘; I
An sun! came Ind claimed hi: q", 1
And bore hu- houe to heaven)» 1
HEREAS, my wife Suunui. shunt:
. b-nelf tro'm my bed and board Without
xuyjus: cmn, this in to warn u“ panel» from ,
harbormg or trusting hu- on my account. 1| I ' UESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED.—-
. , I will ply no debt; of her commuting after this 1 Why hinhnt H. 6. CA RR all: ROSIEBY
AmntIOIl! : I date. JACOB HL‘KES. ‘no cheap for cssht Because he buy-fro:- cash
“3 minus ”I” meet for bums-.‘”: , Unhtinxton tp., Nov. 25, 1361. a: ’ um: buys naming but - good "new, Ind um
”‘4“! "W "‘l’- I“i O'Qlock. i; ,-___.._______.______. -.._—.’gml A: n wry short pzofit. Ladiel uni gomlemen,
[BY 9"“! 0‘ ”1‘ Well“, 5 f ISITING CARDS. Envelopes, Note, Letterfgive him 5 cu”. ‘Dan". forget the place.—
KOV- 25, 61- A «NIL RUFF” 0. B. . V Ind Gap Papor,jusuoeeivod ut SUHIUK’S. 1 Right opposite the Bunk, la York It. [Now 25.
, Nov. )5, I
1n “th the . ”Sale
Pill: Mr sold on said Any.
av. 25. hn terms mad:
Ah-xquder sn'
Julnl Woll‘ord!
Jos. Kuhn,
hurl .\‘lusserg
[mid Link, ‘
David Kumt, 1‘
Ju. Duncrn, 1
John Palmer, 1
Jncob Sir-uh;
Lewis Will, 1
Mary A. lit-ml?
r ma undenig'
f hhip, Adum:
sun or per-mus h‘
lurbiug- fguit at
our fields «m {0
dinegardlng lhi.
cording to hm. l
Elia: Gardner,
Jéhn Bream. ‘
June Mom-k, .
Michael Detric
Samuel Diohl,l
A Nov. 25,1301.
‘Notioe. ‘1 '
OHS ncmig's ESTATE. «Letters of
Idminixtmti n in the cunts or John ‘
ickle, [up oflmlifmore town.hip,'Adnmd conn
ly, deemed, hn ing been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in Huntington township, he
hetéby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said «:3th to mdke immediate paymen‘t, and!
those hlviagclnhps against the same to present
them properly authenticated for amnement. ‘
"WM. B. GARDNER, Adm'r. !
Nor. 25, 1861.- St ?
5 [‘u re; Scrum).
. >, ! Cures Stubborn Ulcers.
SAXDS‘ smsrmmnu
‘C res Strnmous Complain“,
'Cures Merbu‘rixl Diseases.
, suns' smskmamm
. ‘ It Karel- Yam.
1" for Sands' Sufiunparilln and tuke no other.
WPx-cpuréd h‘ A. B. t D. SANDS. Drug
gnsts, 1041 Fulton 3",. car, ‘0! Wdfium, N. Y.
Forlalc by .\. D. Bananas, Gettysburg, Pa.
Nov. 25, “361. 1m
a , , - \
‘rw-Cvfr‘v “2“ WW" 3Wmér‘ri‘i; “W'hgwr- m
,0 commrnre at 12 o‘clock, .\l., on
en nm-nduncc will b 5 given and
nmnl by ‘
EVANI’EL xmnretr,.-um'r, ’
—Juns Etcnonz, Clerk.
4;]. .ts
" Alexander Young,
< . Egbert. lichen,
Daniel b‘hcely,
Fred. “lulu, ‘
)5 ml: Win,
Elias Sponwller,
Wm.'H‘. Lam,
gh, Samuel R. “om-In,
. U pzon Forrest;
l', - A I»
‘tp., Nov. 25.1861. 3:
Notlce. H 6
.ed, civizeM ol‘ Butleré towfi
‘ counly, Pm. forbid any per
min, fishing, taking pr dis
uny kind. or trdreling'urou
‘: ur' othm‘wise. Any ‘ "no:
I noti'ce will be $103!: 7th ac-
Elin Gnlbrait ,
Henry Gnlbmi h,
Smuelffl. Ha via, 0
, Dnniel Sin} 'lnlflgh’
* Willinm‘Gmse; -
i 31* 4
”The Ibovc Circular having bé
ed too late toudmit of carrying in iris
into effrctduring the prenntyenr, tl‘
x" of hnlf a mill therein mention);
Eric-ion [he prnpcny taxable {or .‘
onel'undor the mlnnlion for 1862.
‘1 WM. 8. GAMSER”
‘ 1 ‘ Commiuaienera of Adam!
mum—J. M. Warn, Clerk.
Nov. 18, 1861.
_.....R _- .
V Basket Makmg. ; 3
OHS’ RLLOWER would mpfit ro‘upectful’ly
inform the public that he bu commenced
t e BASKET MAKING business, in South
Baltimoxefireot, G‘ettylbnrg, two doors Earl?)
of Dunner & Ziegler: Stare, 'wllere he has an
hand A large assortment of Bailing—including
Baskets for Sleigh, Wash Buskeg, Market
Haskell, kc" to. Ho iririteu the calls of the
public nnd promises to furnish but thy bgu of
work. Prices moderate, to lull. the times.
Nov. 25, 1861. an . 1
To Disabled Soldmrs. ‘
VICE—Can. C. Tynan. Attorney {or ('lsim
41mg, Bounty Land and Pennion Agent, Wash
ington City, D. C.-—Pensions procured tor Sol
diers, Senmcn and Marines of the present wnr,
who Are disabled by reason of wounds received
or disease contracted while ln aervlce,nnd Pen~
slons. Bounty Money and Arrears of PB} oh
mined‘for widows or other heirs 0! than who
have died or been killed while in service.
Bounty Land procured for fluvial! in any of
the other warn. CHAS. C. Tt’CKER,
Wilmington, D. C.
J. C. Nun, Agent, Gettysbuxg.
Nov. 18, 1861
A Scott 8: Son,
EALERS in Foreign And Domestic Dry
Goods, Fancy Articles, Queenawue, Gro
cen’ea, in, N. W. Corner of Chumbenburg :nd
\Vnshingiton screen. We have just. received
our Stock of Goods, 5111th to the FALL AND
WINTER SALES, to which we invite xhc Mun
uon of buyers ofpreuy, good and cheap Goods.
For the Lsd2e=. We have a. good assortment of
Our ltock of Cloths, Casaimeres, Cauinetu,
Jeans, kc‘, for Men and 1103's,}: large, good
and cheap.
8.1201110 one, come all, and ulmine {Of
yoflelves, A. SCOTT t‘ SON.
oa. 14, 18617.
.M the Inte
uiuing per~
les, Stands,
ng, Looking
: e, 1 Manual
A mid Huck
nfc, Copper
re; Sum of
I Winuowing
he”. glow
I Jrn-foddm’,
lrhe Gem's—
[B:ll .\likh
[mm Rains,
) pcrty.
Na,. 11
i l
. ..i ”..-_...
l ‘v I
2 ] Nothcb. , i
win. menu's HST.{TE.~‘LeMen m-
D [ninj-uLu-y on thé Fulte or piniel Reilly”
law of Hpuhrpieasnnt_townxhip, Adams cow
ty, deceulseu, having Abefin grinned to (in
unJersignetl, residing in the lame tOWnliip,
he hereby: gives notice to I” IH'I’IODI indgbled to
8:1“ esmxje Po make immeiiiute Wynn-ht, Ind
Xhosa having clulml ngnfinn the mmgflo prelun
thou: propezfly ambemiéatdd for "filament.
‘ Josl-melLanvzmon
Nov. 4,391. m 1 . ,H -
‘ '* **l "1"“ b 4“; 7"“ “‘i’“
i ‘ Nomc?‘ '.-
At‘onubimnr's Es}ATE.--I.ettiruofad-
J ministration on the; (the ot Jucol'i "cum,
late a! h‘atimore logflvhip, Adan" c‘ounxy.
dccuudfihuingflyfi {Muted Lo Ihe under
eigued, raiding in t. u mu'msgowmhip‘l they hero
by give üb'ice m/IH pérs nl indebted'to nid
csutg to mxtke/hnmodnglu fuymem, sud than
[mung clxdimlfigaiusl the s [the to [mount {bun
proper!) d'u/thonticmcd fprielllrment.
,' sum.“ 11 llul-zcu'r,
/‘ unsound 30151.2 me ‘
Not/4,1561. at i }; Adm'n. '
~,,_/, . _ “._‘. .3. ._,‘,_ tT’MJ" “___.“
Notice. '
otk, A. LL,
11 be g'Lycu
fix. 7‘
30. 1861‘,
q/ 441.1“!"11
Vnmzxpm (mars lEST‘ATE.——Lenery
ohdmiuinruion on this-um ofj'ulemino
Uriel, 31“.,0! Prinz-kl?- [Ego-hump, Adam:
county, decuud. hum; ' n gnnted‘lo the
undersignqd,‘ ruidinl in L 0 III" :ovmhip.
be hereby given notice to 11 pursquu indebted
10 “id flute to make idrfldmto puyuentmnd
those havingrlnims uga'n'pl he sum to prel'ent
them prayer!) oulllenlicpteé :for refill-pout.
z4} JACOB- K; UYLEH, Adv-”r.
oa. 23,.1d‘m. m 3 E
1 .1 - _..--‘ _”'*_’
‘ j Notme‘; ‘ '
mm wntxnn‘r's 35“”,me m-
J Mmtnl‘nflv on the cm: at John ererl,
hue of lohdtpleunnt tbwuhip, Adlms co.,
IJI‘CtDSEd. Hfiing been in {ed ‘o‘ the under—
signed. raising in Uerm’m, tovnolfipflu hero
by given nqfice (0 all pvqso-a indebted to uld
csmte to nlakoimm¢dinlb ._vmem, and‘ (bone
Inviug clnihu Iguinut Fb umtgto pnunt
them propdrlnulhcnticfle for ultlemcht. ‘
j ‘ “man 'KlKL'K'lf,’Ez'r.
Jun- Cunrnn, Agfint Mountpluunt Ip.
. oa. 23. yaw. 8t , 1, 4
, v ‘ Ladnfesl
F you can at Puhuuttckl
I hnndmxheit DRESS (’o‘!
mines. Uusliruerel, Figured l
Freurh Herin'ou, 11l Woéol, J
nyurd. CdLloan. 1.
‘ 0C1.23,|8h1. : \
' Notlpe
WP. ‘deni‘re m 's3:“an ‘
c‘nll Ind nuke name
Lchango‘in nut manner Md
w. as, 1861. mus ‘
‘ cm at as"
‘ HAVING mu ad frqm‘
‘I being laments“! negle
? ol'dnmwn being lich) but.
is at home a :xin| a (Erh-
ICLIWHIN’G, it, h“ Men
will In Did u borm'flfor
PRICES. N. H. Corncrofl
Gettysburg, Aug. 19, 1:86!
I u I
riff Z 2
Restaurant r Bale.
‘ “lpecml
~d will ’l9
{late pur-
THE subscriber intending‘lo go into another
husines’u. offen the too will and fixturea
0 his Reshur‘iul, in Chum!) "burg "feet, for
bale. The Instant-until“) ood runot'cuuom,
and will be Hold cheap for chub. Early nppli
cation desired. GEO. PL ucxmnonz.
Guttylbnrg, Nov. 11, lIBIJ
Mrs. S. A. Ghriamer
131158 to inform the {Luna or Go‘nyu
burg 3nd lunoundin: country, that the
but recch'ed from the cilin he molt: fashiona
ble style! of CLOAK, COAT and SLEEVE
PATTERNS for Lndies’ and Children's wear.
Reaidanec an Blltimore lthet, next door In
H. H. Rowe t Bro“: More, u‘ettylbnrg.
Pinkinz attended to M the uhomu notice.
Nov.ll,lB§l. a: J '
WILL exchange TWO‘OR, mum: I‘ARIS'
either in Missouri or lamp, {or Real Hunt.
in Adnlns'connty. 1 ‘
W 1 will also nxchsngeEn ulnnbll HILL
PRUPERTYin Adam: canny. :ogetber with 38
ACRES, m a mm. i ("0. ARNOLD.
Kov. 11,1361. 1m ‘
Bu: ,0! Gun-nun, )
Novémfier 6, 2861. I
BE Bsnk of Gettysburg bu thin day 6..
T clued I Dividend of FOUR PER CENT.,
on the Capital Stock, payable on or filer Im
day. M: ”(A imf. T. D. CARSON, Cal/tic. ‘
Nov. 11, 1861. 3! . .
N Babbnth euning lust.t betwéca tho Pru
hytenpn Church sud our 'nuidence, in
(Slumbenburg IL, I [ANTS GOLD BREAST
ms. The finder will be nbmu, rewudod by
leaving it at. the Store of
Nov. 11,1861. A SCOTT I: SO.\'.
Pointer Dog Lost.
TRAYED any or Imlan. 1 BLACK POIN.
TER DOG, with: small whim strip. on
the breast—About. 2‘ year: old. Ind \'ory poor
_lnu'rcu m the name a! “John.“ A libnml
rewlrd will be paid for tho return of the Dog,
or for infoma‘ion that will land $0 his recove
ry. CHAS, R. BUBHEY. ,
Gettysburg, Nov. 18,1861-.
A administration on the mute at Ann:
lieG'mky, lute of Genynburg, Adm-u «any,
deceased, lining been grnmed w 01: under
ligned. residing in the lame plum, be
hereby gives notice to all parlour indahud.
to said emsw to nuke imme‘dlq'u purulent, And
than having china again! I!" um- In prong:
them properly authentlcued for ultloment.
X 0538 McCLEAx, Ain't.
N?! A“ 9
' nous MICKLEY,
‘wmwuu', ‘ -
BGL ti
‘ 'you tillfflnd tho
‘! [)5 in town. Do
erinou, Quburgn',
In luv u 75 canto
’' ‘ \
[indebud {o u to
I' out, htving undo,
in: tux-inc“.
ho 'lf, (tho stock:
| .
Ited ll) conlcqycuco
re snot-mum of
forwarded, vhich
u the men!
»,0 Diamond. 1‘
For Exchahge.
j,4 •-•••
Something New!
3W5 mum; AP
or rum-r AND onsuaxnn firms.
ONES In being publilhed, whicfi.conuiu
; runny magnificent Engmvingig lucli ru
’Treen and furious kind: of line Fruit End Fruit
Trees, come of the hunt specimens first hare
fever been put on paper. The Fruit Tree. are
‘iw. w‘uh nbundnul burdens of ”unwind" to
rthnt which nature prescnu in propek lEMIUYL
The mu are represented as burly thgir roots
running through the nail m n natural yoaition,
and the Engraving. ofTreel are beautiful and
grand. it also contain: a fine Engrnri \g which
reyresenu Hie innumerable (bread-like rr-atl
ofn vigorous iree running through mini-er
the nail. The Root Engrnnng col‘crs ten
inrhe: in dinmeter On paper, nnd nlmJurml a
magnificent engrm’lng. which cannot iclp but
prove gratifying to the eye: of 311 when»; be
hold it. Such an engraving liu uemr been
printed on paper before. The ”igniting of
root: not only prove: ndmirnble to tthmght of,
th! eye, but is deligned to prove of [flaunt im
portance to nll who take tn interest in‘tha cul
tintion of fruit: Ind how to treat frgit treel:
prbperly. , ~' , i
A COPY contain; Twenty-five differentflngrnr- ‘
ingn of Tree]. Fruits‘ uc.. composed A
of Evergreen. Forest, Apple. Patch, 5
DWarfl’ymmid Petr Ind UhcrryTrceuH
kc. The Fruit Engraving: cnmprxiei
Rupberries, Goouberries. Blackber
riu, (Yurnnu. Grapes. Pluml. Apri
‘ cots. Penn, l’eacbu. Apples, Otc..lnd I
am“ colured by hand to reprl‘lenntl
- thonnturnl fruit‘ rind are aciornpnnied I
with printed mutter or great impor-,
tnnce,nnd Terms neopy in amt 32 by l
4n inche', on map Paper, wuhmusliu
back uld face varnished. ’
ACOPY. with its numerous engravings, will
- ‘ [he gratifying to the e, e. and {arms In
Idlnirubl ornament tor the vngiléoflho
« parlor, All will richly beautify any
.\pnrtmcnt with horticultural matter
. dfmnch importance and fancy. Theta
“min [are published It 1. very heavy
expense. Tchty-five dQHtm hm bet-11
- paid»to n seieqtifir urtut for fbrmii‘ig
‘ thll gluten no! single engravings ot
y/ees. woul, etc. But. in unit; that
,«mlny. can bhtnin such cupiu It u
/ trifling. figure. the price fur é qopy
[I will ho nude 0 law, that 6!“;le per
-4 l cons can nowgohtnin copied 9r the
sum that has been paid lurmin le en
“ ‘ gating: of trees, etc. . Z
A CORY contain: printed matter of n: ah {mm
‘ l ‘ portnnee and {great value. it‘ ll tell
l how to treat oil kinds of Phil Treu
‘ I to render them Very rigorous 5, pro.
‘ ; [allflivq even in unfsvornble arson.
‘ It will tell how to prepare! ’e loil
l without inconvenient. befurepfimting
l the tract in ;to Itrengthen tread much
I in vianr, and to prove the prod" ct‘n‘o.
‘ men of übundnnt crops, enn‘lgnnfa.
tumble Icasous or location's”: with
proper And eny after trentmr'nl‘.
A COW will Ml how to prepn e and 'p‘Km an
“ kinds of Fruit and Esergreen§heeh
In I. to prove successful, wirh guru--
1y ever proving n fnilure in s 10! u!
‘mnny trees when properiy tret§ed n:
directeé. I: win mm but :ifimsin,
Ind plan: Dwarf Pear Trees. conJ.
min: the moat ’lucu-uful unfit-menu
for the vulture of the Plum. '3'. will
1 tell how. to train ind culxiv a the
Gripe. f
A COPY will tell how lo cuhirm In S trout
Slrnvberriel, Currants, Ruplgbrriu,
Bluckberriu‘ Gouubeniu, elcfi '
A COPY will le'll how to trenj. Peach ‘33:" to
. reltore their‘ ropu hen-lib! fr . tho:
dillllfofll «facet of warm inauga. I:
will tell how to make lfli‘uf nn ‘ ppli
'3 onion ordr the 101 l surrounding the
, Inc to proton tho Peach Indzother
' tender fruit-i frém the elect: (if! being
vintcnkilled la the bud. 'l'l‘agume
Ipplicuion nllo realm: Pumh‘lreu
from taking the fellows. Th! ppli
“lion bu lb. beneficial cflc u to
‘ preunt the full-g. oft!" tree: it lthy
And tbc lreo vigorou‘. and pro } lo
the proluclivenus of luacious ‘ in.
The application to be tpplied '2}, not
‘ “palm". All Inn-e rufficicngfifmn
“Hills on their phntnlionl. 1
A COPY till tell how to Preserve all k'l I'll of
Fruit: with lime or no lugll’. t will
tell how to keep‘ Apple: with uch
' menu. It will tgll how to troifsnd
nun-go Penn to mature perm-1.1),.“
to main to 2b. highest flu'or. 2;
A COPY present: it: n'uxnorous pirturelhl‘l II
n glance, and tonal u‘lch A 5 orfnfiment
for [ln wall :1 will in admind 5] All
luverl of-r¢,dnwn from uuurefihpro-
A duczl. . 3' i ‘
ACOPY cnu not ha obuined for Slglé m
money or poungeolumpn. Er ‘,
- I{'hue copm 3n pfiblished by , E;
11. P. u. PETERS
’ Near-Bondrnville, Adam c0.,-4’s. .
“'The an in not finished till: Rg-‘ilen,
Ind cnu-V. be (cut by mail any more;— But
will b. forvurded by exprcu to any pvt; or
dered. or. receipt of nlcunry~ “loud; A
nmplo copy can be «on M. thiu‘ ofice, { boro
luburiptionl If! Haired. . _
Nov. 11,1901. 1; "
1861. Latest News. 1 81.
1581' u we were going to pron we regaive‘l
l dalpflch that R. P. HeIIJiENY bnjjust
opened I complete nuortmeul of HATS AND
CAPS, including. the lute-u hill style Silk,
Bearer, Slmich, Cusimcn 9nd Wool Hun.—
Boys'a Ind Inf-nu’ plain Ind flncy Ha!) nnd
Ulpl, which for neatncu of fininh lndfqniniity
lurplll anything ofthe kind ever ofl‘cnd ft this
pluck-all or which will be sold a! ”winding
iv low prices for cnnh. Aim, BUUTScAND
SHOES, including A fine Incl-Imam of Lgdiu'
Morocco Boon. Buskinu,(lniten sud Slifiuu.
PAIR. All in wunt of good: in my lil‘l are
inpeccmlly invited to giro {no 1 CI“. 2“:
Come one! Come Ill} ‘ . 1;,
And give me - friendly cm, ,
For All goods will be sold at unheard ofpviul,
'Tq overcome the unloukcd tor crisil.§ _; ‘
oa. 28. 1861
Hat. Boot. Shoe.
LI THE BIG Hoot—Th. undersigned In"
jun received u [rub upply of Hnn, Cups,
300”, Shoes, Trunks, Cnrpet. Bag», Bc. M»,
lurch good lupply of Saddle: And lhsnul,
Bridlel. Conan. u. 2 .
Shoe: Ind Boon of‘ I‘ll kind: and. 16 order
by flux-nu workmen, Ind on Ihort Invite,—
Home-mud. work ulwtyl on hmd. I‘ritulow
for cash. QUBEAN 8 CUFF:
(m. 2:, 1m
New Goods a: Lumber. ,: ‘
31m 30mm, u Arenduvilh, ha‘j‘m
returned from the city with A lugs A d
I: on stock of Dry Goodl, Groceries, (Enough.
were, lludwnio, Boon, Shun; llnll,l C‘P‘
Trunks, #6., it, chenpcr than our. 2 _‘.
Bo 1110 hu on hand a lot of POSTS, RAJ
and SHINGLES, of excellent quality, which 0
will dilpon of It the lowest. hving profit-{q—
Give him t cnll. [h will alwaya u; to plhin
May 13,1861. 3m i
xzw m of nnvowans. of «Kim:
A nylon. umbracinx thy Inc», reach” a
'A 30573, nun-time“ garner of Ib. Din-Dad.
lining gut-bud be cub, u tho but tum,
he is proynrod to all u lava tho lowly-. 1!
not love: ya. Drop in «at canine thou: fat
_ynul’ldvcl. So would: to that gods. ‘
Ju:, 1. 1361. ,
New Goods.
F fully inform their friend: Ind flu public,
I :1 they but just rcceiveu 1 lug. Ind hand
lomo stock 0! FALL AND WINTER GOODS,
confining of
Lsdieo' Dreu Goo“, Shawn, Cloth|,.Cu.i.
menu, Hannah, Ginghuml, Indian,
in, Alto Queemwnn, Groceriel,
in, which will be sold M. Ihon profits. flan
iqg cb-nzui our terms, we now tell for CASH,
or will give 60 dnp’ cndil w prompt-p.ll];
cum-lon. '
..o-cm urly n u:- .m of an no
mum, o“”,qu n g
Teacher Wanted.
I School Director! of S‘ubw ”Inflfin
vnn u lilo Tau-her. to his. chgm 3! s
schoolil flu! towuuhip. Apply £933" and".
ligand. By order ofthc Baud. ,
JO!!! WEBTZ, Edy.
lav. ".1801. S ,
W‘Wf «z» 5259"} ”WWW
’ ms mow-a FRIEND.
; Godoy’l Lady’lßook
: 0R Hal—Tl": WORLD'S FAV'URITfi—m
! For 3'] Ymri Ila Slur-don! l:q:uim.—-—Pn)-
manned by the Pro-a of the l'niud Swot.
{ T n s n P. s 1
Lady's Hagazine in the world, and tho rhtnpcn.
The Literature is of that kind that. can he read
Ilond in the film“; circie, und the clergy in im
mense numbers are nulncrih ~n for (he Bunk.
contribute w in pnges,nnvi We have some Khuv.
wrm‘ for no other magazine.
{ THE ML’SIC is all angina], and Would cost
25 cent! (the price of tho Book) in the music
Horas; but most ofit is cbpyrigbnd, and can
‘not be obtained except in “Gudcy "
OCR STEEL ESGR.\\'I.\'GS.-—AH effort: to
rival u; in this ban conned, and we now stand
alone in this departmt-nl, giving, as I. do.
many more and Infinitely butter engravings
than are published In any olherwurk. ‘
FASHIIJN~PI.ATES cnlxlnlnlug from fun In
seven" full length Colored Fushium on one!)
plate, Other \lngazxnes give only two. Fur:
ohend ofany Fuhions in Europe or .\mericn.‘
Godty's is the only work in the world that given.
their: immense plates. and they no Mich u to
b": excited the wonder of publi.hrrs and the
public. The publicntinn at then plxues cosi‘
510.000 more zhnn fzuhion-plnles of :ho old}
style.'nnd noihlng but our wonderfully lnrge
circulation enables us to give them. Other:
magazine: cannot afford it. We never were
money when the public can be benefited. i }
These fashions nny be relied on. Dresses.
why he made after ihem, and the wearer will
no! uuhjcct herulf to ridicule. as would he the;
nut if she risitcflvlu large i-iliu Jrcsced aflorl
tlu uyle or the plat" given in name of our so.‘
called. Ellhion mnyn’m-s. ‘ ’
give twice or three firm-ins many M any 01hr?
mnguino, are one. mistaken for "ed. The!
are so for superior to any otherl. i l
IMITATIUNS.-—B¢wlre of them. Reme'm
ber flint the lmdyfl Book iII the origin-l pub~ ‘
licnilop and the i-henput. If you uh Emmy,l
you win! no other magazine. I
Everything that in useful or ornament} in e.
home fun he found in 06m. -
nngmsc 1..1-:ssox.—..\".. other magazine
gives lhem. nné we have g'ncn enough to ~ 1
uvernf {urge \'o'lumel
Ol'fl, RECEIPTS In nob M can 56 {-1 d;
nowhet‘e else. Cooking in n‘i it) Vnri 33+.
Cunfectionrry—um Nurlpry~thn Toilet—the;
laundry—the Kitchen. fiecdpu upon allguly
jecu do to be found in the pups oflhe Imdy'y
Book“ We originally started this dep‘ufifiomg
and hate peculinr (militia, for making it mostly!
pcrfcc‘g T‘hi! department alone is worth the;’
price the Back, , '
HAWKS WUIIK TABL‘E.—-Thia dt'pnrgmtnl
compriges engravings nudaducripuonl 0!"er
InitleJhnl n Indy warm,
MOIYHL COT'I‘.\GES.——No on“: mtg-tins
has this deputment. ’
One copy one your, $3; ‘Tro copiciono your,
$5. Three cnpie: one yeyi, $6. Four copiu
oneyen’r, 57. Fix; cupid fine you. and an ex
tm copy to tho person grinding the club, 510.
Eight. «mph! on. par, and an cnu copy to the
pernonélending [in club. :15. Eirun copies
on! yeah and an extra :cuprw thepenop send:
ing lheblnb, $2O. ‘1
And fihe only mutu'uu lhlt cm bointroduced
into thy Above club: in plan of {he India
Book iq Arthur's Home lamina;
SPECIAL uxxnpxsc WITH omm MAG,-
AZ!NBS.—Godoy'l Lam Book and Arthur'u
H me “again. both un‘e year for $3 50.—-
Ogdoy’l Lady's Buck {lnd Hnrper‘l lazuli"
bath one yenr for $4 50. Godey, Hurptr. Ind
Arthur will All that be loul. on. yur, on re
ceipt of $6 00. A “
Treuury No!" Ind note; of ‘ll'lqhent bunk.
“ken A! par. . ' ;
Be careful and ply tho port-go on your loan.
“are” 3.. A. cover.
E 323 Chestnut nl.,il’pilldelphis, PA.
Natl], 1861. .K 1- ‘
A Fresh Supply. . .
TAKE this mp‘hod Q infor- tho public
um I hue rectived (:tm tho cily of Phil»
dvlphin I FRESH STUU 0F: GOODS, com-*
prising I" of the new”! spin 0! »
euww. . x ‘ .
i _ sunsets, ‘ ‘
2 18183055,
4 , .. nunx'rs,
n '."lt‘ It flu u‘bunmut o!
in {mercury-thing (but in mull] found In I
Iwck awry .an Pucy Gnudu._
l tun a. complex: a stack 1“! (.‘LUTHS, CASS!-
WEAR, u nu u GLM’BH, smcxlms,
DERS, ['.. Mum cur hrdught to thin market.
Lud'xcg“ Um: Trimming. in gnnlxnriu’y.
\'iailiag Omit, anelnppll Note. Ltucr and
Cup Pnfler. 1 ‘
Iriuh Linen. Blurb“! and Brown Muslim.
Pillow Gave Muulin and Widc She-ting. ‘
00.91, 1861. ‘ ’J. L. SCIHCK.
9 5
New Good: at Arendtsvllle.
f m: finder-ugnod have ‘juu "turned [mm
I the this. with n lpleand flock of New
.mdn, me}: u in urn-[v found in a rnumry
noré, embracing CLUTHS. Calfi'neru. Coni
neu, Vellinn; [4012.9 SILKS, Coburgi, Al
pnecu, Delninvl. Debug", Prints, Hinghnmt,
Muilim, Flannoll; Radpmudo "LOTHISH,
HATS, CAPS, BOQTS lud snuzs; mun.
Puinu, 0m; in ihon Inch 1 gene"! u-i-xy u
cnnuot {til ‘0 gin genernl Mlinfutinn—lnd
which they will sell tor “ASH. or I! lixly du
'to prompt puns. (‘AH in nu! Ice {or your
ulru—wno lrouhlo m übow Gootll.
Also, unusually on 11 md POSTS un-l BULB
“ Arenduulle, Ad-ml co., PI.
Orl. 1&1861. 1m ~
‘ "e Attentxon! . - *
[ ECM‘TITS WASTE!) !~5,000 nu 30mm
1 1114 up to" turn» to" report them
lulvu immediately In the rendezvous in Cham
’bmburg “reel. Oeuysbnr'z. um! racei'e, u a
.30" nominll price‘ full uniform: and the ne
’eenlry equipments (or a winter clmpnign. I
‘ have ukeh special cure to provide for the cm.-
fort of my men by viuiting the cilia: Ind 11,.
)‘lg in snunuuunlly lnrze Inpply a!
1 Overcoat! of every delrripci'n,
Black Cloth Dru: Cum,
Gunimero Iluineu Conn,
Pnnmoou in ondlon urluy,
1 Lay quangizy 0! Winter Venn,
‘ Under-bins, anerl, lloisory,
I Gloru. Suspenders, Buflslo ind
Gum Ovonhou, and Gentlemcn'l Sharla.
Truokl and Cupet Sucks, first-rate Clocks, 30
hour, eight-duy and Alarm Clocku, Violins,
Accordeom. Pistols. Revolvers. Knives, Pipe!
end excellent omoking Toblcco. Cigars, :nd
Notions in endluu nriety. Now in the time
to buy chap. Ca“ noon. Hanng purchnud
my good! cheap {or CASH, 1 am prepare-r 149
all them Chenper than they hue ever been of
t.“ in thin plncc before, P. 3. PICKINU.
Oct. :8, 1861.
Another Victory!
RISES. nth notice 113 M B. G CARR
h» (he agencyfortlu and: of SCHRINER’S
“in twenty-three Fim Pmmum throughout
the Sun of Pennlyhanin, and :he Fiat Prem
ium at. me State Pnir orlllinmo. And 5130 the
agency for \he sale 01A. B. ZIEGLER'H PAST.
which haw ukeu :hu Pint Premium n: all the
[Min that ever they were exhibiud 11, which
in lome nx or eight in number.
Fume". the um: and Plough. no wunnt.
ed to give ntislaction. If they don’t, you In
priviloged co "turn them to tho tgent It Get
tylbutg. ~ [0c!.11, mu. Sufi
1881. fall Millinery. 1881.
133 IIcCKBARY huiug jlu "turned
M fro! «In City,“ not evening.» mum-1-
y Inga "unwell of~BONh “'8 nd BONNET
TRIXIISGS, of m mm mm. Am. Dnu
Good: nnd Dnu Tdnminggmuwll. Hamill-u
Ind Fury Goodl. of "a, Wiption, I“ o!
whiehjuvin‘ been purchuod; {or cub, will In
gold I. prick to unit ll:- Maui.
oa. 14, m). In:
.lALL PHOTOGRAPHS so: 81 par long,
S army-um “My.
(Mfiv'lfivh, h r mxhfififii~
vdgbla Real HE”.
T munw. SA];II‘.;~—N6. l: 0833!,
A IUUNT.—-—Thin befiutiful Ind "r, dam.
b r: Counlr)‘ lent, ndjnrinin: the Borough at
Gettysburg. on the romlrleading to l’uirfiuH.“
now offered :9: White 811-.
The Fun: comma m .\ or Im,
, M lo 12 acre! at which are in timber, Ind Hunt
{3O here: of meldow hottum; there are two
iyoung Apple nud l'euch Orchnrdl on the prom
liuea. the land in the red zrnuile wil. Inn-optim
‘ofn high nah of CUlll‘I‘lOfi; lime am well
upon it and mm nlwn}: he hm! nt the Railrotd
.duput‘ which ll in night, at I“ cent. porbullol.
h’l‘hr Improvements nrenTwoastory
:Wenlherhonnled HOUSE, with
celhr. Back-huilding, fluke-oven,
lSmoke-houle, n Luge Batik Burn,
with bins. CornlL‘rih, M 2, together with ell
: necessary outvbuildingl, in complete order;
I there is a pump at tho dunr and n never-{niliug
Ipriug of winter claie hr. Willoby’. Rn
- bounds the west end of the Farm. Thin proper-v
"" willhe uhmvn her. John Martin, living
on the premises, or by the aubacriher in Get
l ty-ihursr. ~
i No‘ 1:‘ CUMBERLAND FAR! —Thin Part:
- in him n handsome Ind rer} desirable property,
litu-te on the Tnueytown road. four nulu {ro
thtysburg, containing 138 ACRES, mute or
lees. About 30 (ere! are in limb" And 15 to
30 Icres in meadow. This land in uhm of tho
"ted gravel suil kind, clear ofltonu, easily cul
, tinted, pruduces well. And in (tumble u! bola:
‘highiy improved. All it mum to make it on r
of the hen farms in the neighborhood is n good
farmer and A little lime. which can eluyl he
had either M. Gemsbur; or at Little-town, It ,
l 2; cent: per bushel. There i: I ymng Apple
null Peach Orchard and two wiring.‘ of Inn
near the house, And a atrenm of water eroun
tlhe loath eml ut'the farm near the buildings,—
The improvements are I am Ind I ‘
Half-wry Stone House, Bake-oven,
amuke-houne, a large Double Barn,
A'ith Wagon Sheds, Corn Crib,
lilo: Pen, and all nercunrr out-bu hit-fl.
qhurch. mill and lchool-house all clone h]. in
i healthy And plmunt neighborhood and {and
nim-ioty. Tbll properly will he nhovrn by Mr.
Wm. Krehurer, living upon it, or by Ir. John
illnckmljoining. Term! any.
1 $0.15: A VALUABLR .\lllJ. Pltnl'flllTY,
ohmiuing as ACRES of land. a to to «ninth
lift-in timber, situate one-hulroi a mile S. W.
gum unknown. the termimu of the “film“.
‘ ht improvements are u Two-hwy -
Rum. mu. uucstc,‘ with Shedn.
[fining all the neceuury machinery 1.1.3.
for March-m. work. A huge Twa
ilnry we; HOUSE with nmmeun Suhle,
sit. \ Thin is I very dulrfible property and will
by: gold on necommodnti-Ig teruu Mr. Thou;
llitldle, living on the premium WlllzlhOl iL--
(lull and are it. GEO. ARNOLD.
lGthsburg, 00.151361. 3m
'A Valuable Farm.
, i 'l' PRIVATE SALEI—Tho .übicribu. 111--
!A ecutor_of Jollvu Hilbll, duuud, of?
{an an Prim“ Sate, Um Ken! sl“qu said sh
céued. til: ~ \ FARM. nituue f 1: lountplou
'nl‘fl thrnlhip. Adnms county, 3 miles us! at
thtysburg. near (he road luding‘io Ban-ugh
tq'n n. Adjoining lands of John Cren, Abnh-m“
r[fig-eny, chob Lon, I'ctcr Troule. and omen.
- containing 17.3 #cru and )1 Perth"; About
‘5 acres are of imber and a good proportion
lo Mendow. .The improvemrnta
I I; s Two-mar] ROUGH-CAST
' IPDUSE,‘ with "rt-nor] Kitchen,
‘ D'putle Log B'arn, anou Shed and
l Cbrn CribJlog Stu-ble, Smoke-hon“, two-story
1 Stomflpring “oan, with smverfniling wring,
39nd all the fieldl watnmd with lured-inn.
. Ilfiringl. AJnod Apple Urchard, with pouch,
' pfinr. and other fruit (reel.
f mam" prnptrly in in I good mm of cum.
‘ yq‘non, and will be laid rntir- or in puts. .._
Imm suit purchuen. Penmn whhing to 'in!
‘ the property we rqqnuted 10 all on Fun 0:
.Jdleph ‘flemhr. raiding thereon, or on the
tpgbsc‘ribcr; residing in smm. township. ,
l 1; uzouun musk, Rumor.
. ;13lpL 23.1861. <
‘ d.-.,_._.__~ .~.._--..___.-.--...._.-.._.———-
One Price to All.
HE Inbscrihers have llu pleuun otl-bru
, ing their frienda and the public generally
t 3: they hue received n full supply of fill
Add Winter 0006!, which they are enabled to
101 l At their usual low rates 4 “
0“” Itock eonsixll in part 0! Clothl,CAuilatrll.
\'eatinge. Hummus, Black And Punt, Sflh,
and Ladlel’ Dyna Cumin [entail]. Brak
nnd While lullinl. Ticking. aunbucp.
Sheellnp. gslcuhed and nnblenc‘hed,) Com
nqd Wool launch. Stocking \'nrn, of every
“crlplion. "All, Capt, Boot: and Shm. Balk
net; Ind Hillinery of nll kindl, Kandy-uld.
Clbthinc. Hardware. Groveriel, Qnm-n
i“ Drugs. Glue, 0‘») Mn) Pain", 0! I” kinda;
«Procco Ind Lining Skim. Pegs, Shoe Thrnd,
Brittle], he. We nlm eell the celebrated Kev
Anchornolting Clut‘hn, wmcn WI nun wu
'lfilf. -Allo,Shener's unequalled Poul Anger.
-—l» n (at: I'l.‘ lute everything ulunll; kept in
ch nlry Stores. and no prepnred to tell than,
1 think, I linle lower Hun our neighborl,
l' nh, South, Enlt or We“. Fricndl, gm ue
ble-all. end enmino for y'nurlelvu, u we no
ai I" times pleued lo show our goodl. We
"(turn our sincere (huh to I genome! public
(0'? the kindnou that far manifested tow-rd 111,
uld feel cnnfidrm that by l "rid “tendon lo
bribinen 9nd 6000 AND CHEAP GOODS, to
merit n continunnce oflhe umo.
Fljrfiold, OcL 14, IHGI. 3m
L; v—Thc undersigned has 1h: pie-nun oun
uduncing to the public [but he has purclined
the “Mo of Ir. Alexhndn Harper. It Gnu.
haunt, on the road léading from Geuylhur‘ lo
Emmiuburg, Ind nil] continue the buuinou 0|
an winged sale. lie will slw-ys keep on
hind n Inge flock of DRY (IOUDS,GrouriCI,
Canfectiounriu. Queenswnn, Woodman“,
Iqudwnu, tn, hum” ofwhich will be “M “
price] to wit the Limes. Mm. Dye-unfit. 0111,
Pnlnu‘ Drugs. in. can be had chug u the
Grtodmount Stnre. Frienda. give me A tall. I
know that my goodl and my prim tannin hi!
to plane.
firTho nnderuigned nfno union on tho
CARRIAGE-¥MHNG buu’neu u (be nu.
place, and ofl'en r-re inducement: to partin
urp. He 'in wnrrnn! his work good. will.
‘higchnrgea are Imong the more. moan“..—
Eepairlng done on yhort nnficp. '
“'Country prodwo taken it “chug. {a
AVINO dilpond or my no" to Ir. Abn
hlm Plank, I hereby gin notira to I"
peilonl knowing them-ch” indgbudto I.
cl‘her by Not. or Book Account, to huh in.
mediate psymenl, u 1 Irish to ultle up my‘
bulinou without dolly. Y will Do found a
Gruumonnt until tho 1:! of Jammy ml. All
Acconnu not unled heme": thin .Id “M
time will be left. in the hand: of In ofinr {of
collection. .1. ALEX. HARPEB.
oa. 21. 1881.
Ready-made Clothing.
EURGE ARNOLD hu now got u Mo l’lfl
nnd Winter Stock at Rndy-mnsq%h
irg. confining of DRESS COATS,oforcry I"
OVERCUATS, in are“ uriely, BOYS' 00.,
3405'sz JACKETs, ”mucosa, vms;
Dawn-I, Shim, Gun“. Guru. Stocks,
Hosiery. tel, manual: damn out, nude 1!
out Line of humus, all of which will ho all
cbOup, fbr mm. The clothing an manly of
our own manufacture. Owe u: s can, "I! I!
we rannot fix yOu 1n n gmncnt undo up, it
will sell you the Goods, at. your mom",
And make ynu a nuil in Ihort ordd.
Oct. 4, 1861.
Miss C. Sheads’
B Monday, September 2d, "6|. ' C
arms—Per union of fin month, ’15....
For Music and Lnngungel cnu. '
vl’ar urther purticulnn uddreu
C. b. SHIAM.
Aug. 26, 1361. ‘69 (Bony-burp, h...
”038' any can picturu a. mud:
T un‘ed. ’ ‘
Tysonu’ flay cent pictutu no vmr proof.
Tynona' fifty cent. pictuno no omin}, hub!
Ty-oun' fifty can: picturu In “mm-ad.
Tymn’fifty centpicturu In vaunted.
Tynon' any can: picture: no pun if in II!
or Inn“ cnu. ' (Oct. 2 ,‘ ' .- .
G. CARR «It. Col! Oil Lamp: chug.
. than nny body 0100 In the “w.
t big-t. nu pk“, fig“ anon“. the