The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 18, 1861, Image 3
- TEELQ‘Efi-E ammo m—Snu Flour Rye Pi0ur.‘......................... Whit. When........... Rel Wheu‘.........,............... Corn ....................... : .4...“ (mm... .......... Buukwbest m....................... ‘ (”ofirSnsd .. Timpmy 5eed...................... ”lax 5eed‘.......................4. later 9! PM]: (.................. .'an‘cr graund, pu- Mann": p j BALTIMORE—fun ‘10gr............:.....4................ Wh m..... ... ‘Jo .......... ................... ..... 0103" 5tee1............~.._... ........ Timothy 5e0d...,,.:............ ... ‘Bef Cutie, per,bund............. Ha I, per h1nd.......:‘.... ........ HI ..............................-.:...- WL shy . Ga no, Peruvinn, p 95- tori”... ¢ HANOVER—Timur); Fl-ur, from wagons...“ .... .... . In. {tom 5tare5................. "er Seed» ‘, nthy Heed Act-run..." Special Not ’s‘. Sunns & Bczuquls Sm I invisiljuw at this Lirpe. \VHI I in our Lrgmt ril‘u'fi. so fin ”'O3 run he found. Thnir -‘ uf Stuns of everylpstrern: l -v of Hollow Ware.’ Sheet-i e, i‘hmhhrd \Vnr'. Julmn \‘ indeed,e\‘_(-r_vlhlug m thr In) A. dose, Snusuge Cutters, 3.: ‘ .- Pres°tl, Mn, £6. 1')”; n ‘ i wholqsflc and remiL Tin \" “'urrc of thrir a“ n nmmxflu flick-n. numlu-‘r of binds to , d. 'Uu‘ir nn-anmvm of Lu 0; also Cu Il'offivyry kind. HE MIGHTY HEALEIL—L in its fquga‘ pro} upon _\uu. d ufdrnlh hurl- you h. .m u hhnhe MY the heliug of dcflzuir m-s . w liable to mum upuu the glut", Imrn' al' Um Sun “‘(L phi :‘Ra hof 31!. Y. 1- can: not win. MW} ifir form 11’ membrane. ‘l' f 0 Rain (of 11m diKenv hat-If. is nn~ \lllr‘ough Ihmhtfcu-nl vhun‘nol Ih stomach and flu- nm—l nrgu Mi I‘STAIN HEP.“ I’ILLS “:11 Win the Hand. s-urch um um] I 5;. emu hunt”: fmi~nn Hm u Th 3 ('i'ennle the hlnnll h"; :1 few PE! 1, and ufiseasc. in nny form. nnr‘ \unid‘l. Ax Mac Sun. uzfl ha _mi~ [My Ithc‘ try fier 5m 'us lint mun“: Hu- mhrumg4 . then gruuing SfrOllL'l'r.~(‘:l.< upon il—J‘l'l whom ’lis gm 11100 I. uni drscne. hke mar l; and “might”. Th-zre is n ml!) 11 [u .‘Juwlmu‘s ‘ \[ u-n'xiu by 311.1)6ulbrsin .\lx-di‘riue. z] EEWPLUY'M—INT! HISXTS WANTED l—Wo M” Tfivpc-r mbnth. and all «151015 um. or Kim A; volumi-eawn.i flee. Advln-u Em»: Sbw 1151'. R. JAMLS. (‘.-uvml"); 0. ~ c Lin”. ‘1 to A; :01 I'o uh MAnTil‘fE ‘n Tut-«lay rvenmg. .\‘ur. ‘.ZHI doncv (11- [la- lvrid'vk tiulhm. h. u’. “r. FEE“. N. W. ,IIU“ re 13.; A Of [HI-IVE” daughtrr 02' “r. Sam l‘etorsllurg. (Y. 5..) Hi. I . . f “e trnrlur (l‘pyuunquuupl igmtulnihinm {May they “VP In' I). nud Whlli‘ i}: 'tho enjdynwn‘ wintry Prom, mij' Ling" labor I \ less Midi—Mr}! lwncr put I or not kl'll llurx [ha-mu Mn) irh the)" Inn? wt sail “pm: _ 1 .hch u long vuy.ngc, bc‘uni'w ltlc winds, uml :Irrlw Suki; i x \'r. , I 1h . g 4 \\ul flu 'l‘ln)r,dny 13:1.11‘: I‘. Mint. "N L. TAUGHINBAIZHH. ”I" p. to Mrs. PATHJKINE A ‘almn township. _ 0H (hé evenings nf Who I'2lh ill ('lmn-h', by (In: Ru. U. S ILLIAM (31 MS to‘ Miss RGSI‘I ,\ plul‘c. ‘ hl'tiu' 12:11 ill<t..ut Ft. Josp ‘u ugh‘glun. Ly HI“ RU‘. I}. . ’TH \NIEI.M.‘.G.\ITWAN in M} 7 E \x " 1h ALE, hath of Adznuscuuuiy. )n (I): I'll!) ‘natu vi the .\rcm rsn’n-ag", hv Ibo Rev. J.K. ‘.HH I. FTA‘SIK'I'. rut “.’th‘UJ“ n L) HEB.“ (Hi: u‘ Tywmc Lumwm} In ill:’ th iixirn AI lhv \.K'H‘ In‘. Mr. ANDRE“; L. ’HH‘V. \‘n: to \fi=.~ \1.“!i\".\!;l1‘l~l Ki l w 3 mwuch-p ‘ ‘ in the 3k! let_,i._\' 11.0 Rev. 1' .’mmmm, n: 'unszu‘ m \H'.L'lu‘:'h o ‘ "orl‘ tum ‘\, , ()nt.’lm‘.‘"-"*..iyiiu v‘ w. . r. (WINNIE ' LXZHIJHIHH \i'u HHZAHET YUHl‘lalmlh Hmnilum tnwns‘l'p, Adams con ly'. ‘ m the' luth ins!" by {lu- snmc .\ll'. PETER mum Ms: mnzmm STA ’3, bank at umlmn to“ nqhip. Animus couug. . I )n I! eJZIh insL, by “w sumo, Ir. DAVID v [LIPS to Miss L‘A'l‘xlAlilSlg‘. K Nu, m Bust rlin. , “hi the 10th [nth by the Rev. ‘J. Sochler. i .10“)! SMITH“) \hs: ELHANO A C.ZUCK, H! of Littleitt'm'n ‘ r ‘ \n xhe 315: uln. in Carlislo. y the Rev. hasnn, .\lr. mvm J. ‘lmx‘:m.‘nol.Tz. of "in!!! county; to Him MULLIEJ..BH:\LE, est ,dnnglrter of: David J. I¥e~le,!ESq., of ‘.r): Sulplmr'Springs, .\d.uns co my. . «)1! Ihe 29”: “IL. by the Rev. ' Rzihy, Mr. M. PENTZ to Miss LAVINA KL U,— bugh of ark county. . ‘ ‘ A 131323135 1 At Hampton, on the 29th u'lt“ L ’ UNT, aged 8 'years 1111anth an {At HarrisburgmnThursday weé IR SSWAN, formerly ofthis 1.1- ; rs nnés months): )r'lh‘e 4.1 e inst, MARY ANN” .Dnvid Buyer, of Strabau (owns :1 9 months and 3 days. n the. 29th ML, in‘Adums count. SELLERS, aged flycars 20 m n s. I ' ~ ‘ Com micatod. I iqd—at the hon? of her s‘on-in laui', Dani?! 3G ran. ncnr l’etersburg, Mrs RAPHEL A ‘ NQLD, on the Slh inst., in the > 3th year of h-r nge’. The deceased was the \ dow hf Ur. Jhn Arnold, who was a skiliful 2 highly es _eemed physician. and tho'irgh it -s noi‘ neur f 3* years' since his death. he isye remember -2 ‘lyy many in this county, and s oken of in te_ map! high prztiie. His widow, 'hose death it as been our duty ta‘recorrl, liVe nearly nil ti . time of her 'vidoubood, whic: was about {0 ty yenrsmear [infripton andthii Lice. She w highly esteemed by 91! who .1 new her.— Il ring‘her hat illness, which was protracted tn .ngh many months, the exhibit -. the spirit of er Divine .\inster. Ail~hcr su rihgs were he n 6 with great patience and re gnntion.— N- er’oncewus she heani— to utte n word of co plaint, but would frequently .l fess bier gr made to_her daughter, )lrs. ( minor, for t Very kind And inmost Eonntnu attention 3v 'ch *she {mid her, and than she .. nuld add, u Lord rnlL certainly bless yoi; for your tro his s'n'd kindness.” Sh" was n’gmembcr at the Pregnymian’ Chum-Maud her lnfiaund spirit gate endeuce that she had new qnde a. new creature in Christ Jesus. As Wasiher life .0 was her death—peaceful. “Bless d are the de4d which" die in the Lord.” .' 1F . Rezersbnrg, Nov. 12, 1361. i 3 3 Pointer Dog Lei TRAYED away or 9101611.. BL K POLY” S? TER. DOG, win. a aunll‘whiiz stripe on :bq‘ bunt—about 2} yea." old. In very pom _.‘nlwers \o the nnme oi "John."§‘ A liberal "T“ will be pdd {or the return (if the D 63: or oi'inlormnion mu win loud to his recove q,:~ ~ GIL—SB. B. S nun. Qafidurg. Nov. 18, 1801. » -. - _--. ‘..- ——~—~———--—.~ . »~—. -. a- -- . A“ A 1 ..._.4... ._F. ...- h ---—‘7‘“..- ,-,_ .. .. . ..-.t-,,.. ;m3_ i YALL'AHLE l ' Manes? sale I A Frobh bupply. r, m..,- l Real and Personal Estate H'umnm myths nit—Them»- TAK}: um mum 'to infant the pnh‘ic 'r ‘ i - ‘ ~ ~ rrihcrs Alsl t'QF of PET“! Hunt“! Nut 1 it"? "“31"“ from "’9 9"! anhih ....s on to 5 .'I T ILB’LIL bALE.—~In pursuance of un- " > 1 K!" .- _ . “,an STUNC Ul" GOODS ‘ 3 .30 1A thuri'y Klt‘t'll by the last Wt“ and tcsta- “‘4 “I", '“ "“"f f‘" li‘” benefit °‘ "fd‘m's' Myth“ "i “ ' ,c0m ‘....1 lb fol 25 mantlol Cannes Stunocl, det‘vnsed will he of; will offer at Public Sale. on tho premues. on prlltng I” ofthe ne‘wost‘styles ot ....t 19 so I H fared ntlfuhlic Sale on the premiiia. rm Tm. .“ied'nudny, (In 4th of Ilrcnrlllfr. mutth‘c‘followv- , LAIfIES’ DRESS GOODS. ..., tn day, 11.. Huh day of December ml. the entire “It: deffrlbrd ““Ilhiwh “male m Myra”! smwns, , l) 60 Raul Elltte of said defeated, as follows . Trni-t. abouts milennd a hall from Fmrfield,l . CLUAKIS'fI Cal. TUS, .... 35' No. 1. THE IAKSION of said deceased, llflllllhn‘nlld'n town-hip, Admm! t-nunt'y, Pm: GM,“ ES, l . . I .- ,40. being . half lot, mum in South Bnltimore, ,TMLT 50- l- hm“ Rm" "PW "”"Pc- HOSIE 1, , ... 375t0 4 001311“, Gettyburg. Idjoinlng Hen- . nor linioltoxm hind, not surpased m the ronn- l B .\ETS, ‘ ...1 75 to 1001 ry Comfort uud lines Rowe, on, ty, ndjmnlng Lind: of James .\lur<bull.y“ m.‘ “ l RIBRONS, .. ,1. 00.vhich u. eu-cted' a-‘cfinfortahlé UulphThum'u A. Marshall and Tract ho. 3, ; HAND‘TS, g 50. Two-aturv BRICK DWELLING, nml containing 100 Abltbb, more or less. The 5. well an a tintl assortmtnt of Igo . .‘ - - ‘ - lmnrmemonta. are a Twmttory I‘3. l PERFUME“? AND IFAX’CY SOAPS, into which the On has barn introdutetl, w 11h ‘. . ~.- It. . . ~1 - -_‘ - ‘ 'it Well of Wine-r near the door Ci~tern .\.‘muke MUM" ”HUM.“ "m 1" 8pm”: in 7, 4 "1 “Ct everything that 1 usnnlly found in I. nu?» . 1 Box Wd H C l' ‘l, &r ' i the door, and one unsurpusued tn -. stock of Dr: and Fancy Goods. 562t0 5 75 .\."e'z “X I 0}“; 613535 . "”0 r f the cellar, arched, . Stone Bank ' .4 wit THE utzxrrumsw . I 332 to 1 7? ' th; :hnt‘c vohtnininz ll Attrl-s' lihori: 0:“ng l "M": “’s'“ “V 0 threshing ”00““ larfie new “7““ “5 completenttnclq' 0' FLUTHS’C"SSL ,‘° If m, whirh'm mm.“ mn'fig‘wg ,;,\R\."st'..g.,n Shed. two com cum, Hog-pen. and .\IERES, Goons :h'rrltnm Putt Burs’ 5" w- “' v‘th Tli Ml) Flour Shelli Stublin (j: “H: othert‘lutzbuildinps, and A good Orclmrd, of a WEAR. as erl InGLgVES. STOCKINGS, .33 ‘0 43 t ‘.‘l H "I; i if? Té‘vh ‘lnt rims 1: wk“; Vt" h rariutr of fruit. There are two first-rate Slea— HANDKERCHIEFS. “N 3 K 1 IRS,” SUSPEX' ‘s°‘o ‘ 75 FM' 0;; en, l“.- w- [97 xf o f". «lows 'in this tract and runhing watt: lon tho DERS &c. as was cverb ugh! to this market. 30°to 2 35,1ug10n strgetxllinkungaltrolnt; - U gag on uld Farm. ) _ , t Isadlea' ”Dress Trinimln sin greatvnriety. iooto ‘l M). Etefiozhi‘tnpu‘xhui:r:° m 0 or entire as may! TRACT No; 2, being excellent ’ f“)? Visiting Cnrds, Eurelo es, Note, Letter and) ‘6°'° 5 ‘O, \'o q A LOT o].; GROFVD It the corneri WOODLAND, adjoining lnnds 0n... Tag“, Cap Paper. l 00 tom 00‘ {A ,' ‘'. ‘ . '. l '. Marshall and mm“. mm Trnét {qu - Irish Linen. mouthed and, “mint lluslins, It to 23 n “ushington and Brecktundge streets, cou- 2 . ‘RE , , , 4’ Pill C. \l ll and ‘ tdefihoetin 00 00 ' mining ll Acres, more or less. ‘ 13: contummg 25 AL 5v moire 0" 0",, he ‘ an, n l J l SCfiiICK : No‘. 4. A TRACT crimp, ._nuatein Cum; “5;, "1.3, aimed «m. Timbeifitk | Oct. -8, 1861. l ... + . herlnnd towushi) nd'uiuin ’ laud’g»of llenrr 1 {AC ‘ I'o. 3 ml'oinin 3 properties or '4— _.-..w- 7" ‘ - “-.._, “.._“... l’a 37‘(‘ulp, Peter nnrit‘ilgpgrgcr,’isi- David Study',”ltisa M. Virglnl; Him, fihos. A. )hrslmll,‘ NEW GOOdS at ndtsville. . 5 75 John H-mck, and ”the“, cuntnining 'lB Al'l‘et. Wm. CulpJohn Waugh,;tnd uthers,cnntnining 11E undvrsigxwd hair just reltlrned‘ from 111 to! 30 more orlt-ss. Tlllerzlct u dividrd into tour ,200 .tL‘Rls‘b‘. more 0! less. he a}; lT'the cities with 3‘ ~ Olldld “Wk Of New - 02 lirl l-a and is the lit-rt qualityitt' gtuqite~ land. improycmeEflnreanewTwo-st ".7 ‘I . G'YOdS, “Nb “5 is "if”! I'nund i“ 9 country s'! und in a good stxtte of culttmtion. The-re is BRICK "U ”SE: ""11 basement, '- .‘“, Im- store, embracing PLOT”: . (Vtssth'l’tW 01551- 35 on the tract in fine spring of “Inter. and the fields new Fruma ~Bil”, Tenant-bout“, : , Lg , nets, \’estin'giz LADEH." ‘ll.Ks,,Cnhurt,", Al -400, so lUCJiL‘d its to ntfurd ,acccu tothc rlanterfrclm qnd_ thriving _vnnnz Orchard. Thy nrc PM" H, Dt‘lninfl. Del’fl'fl‘ , 15'3““. Ginxh'tms. l ’33 all nt‘tnem. 'l‘hibtrnict willbc offered inlets or spring: of excellent wnter nt the houtds, and -\|u~‘lln~', Flunneh; RP-Ul “mu ‘0 QI‘OTHIN‘", fi25 en'irc,:umny best suit purchnlers. . iiunnmg;the tit-Ids. } ’ ; IHATS. (TAPS, “00F“ -" ’1 SHOE?” "AR” V .\"n. fi.—’l‘he ur.di\.dt~d half of n,1.0T OF_ ,l, The Farm iswe'll tituhoredmddln got)" ordor 'WARI'I, anemwflrel GRlliilthßlES; Dlil'GS. Milli lL'Sll, trontlng on ert-cltinritlge ‘, - mid .cultiration. :‘ There is nlmitlnncs pt‘lime- ,Eflinb‘, OHS ;iu Shorllflucll 11 gtnerul "Wii‘h‘ “5 'slrt'c'..wl_iumiu;z nllicq on the out hula stone on it. ; ‘ i g , cannot. full to give gunend miisf‘u‘t-tion—nnd it .011 'Ol-. nurth. :In-l .\. W. l'lemnnng n theweit. . l Mochanicg’ Show. .\lills, St-h lot-houses, and Which they will scll lpr t‘lxsn. oral, sixty days nubt ,frhflhpr‘ wall: a one and a lmlfator TRASH] ”013,35 ‘ \"nriuus (‘hurchcs nrc convenienito tht-i-c prop- t 0 promm pawn-s.~ t‘nll in nnd Sqe for your- L a display of theretm erected. . litirtie', and that; Ire ditunr-d inl In intelligent . Bellei—no trouble to sliovl"CmNls- i , [.tr'gc mum is ~4 ALSO 1- _ _nlnd uzrccuhle ,nrighhorhood. l . Also, coustuntly unah‘rnf POSTS ’in-l RAILS, ,lau: Cl't‘ry va-.' Upon thou-um- day will helpfl'vredmt—tho lnte j‘l’x r=oni wishing‘to view the Tracts, will he! i l'lulNK'H‘i SPAN” Ll‘llt, ' ‘m Ware. Tin reddviw» of said dw-mtscvl, 9 remaining per- sltown the Entire by the Assign r, refitting on 1 l Krentltsvtfle. Ad“!!! ‘3O-, Pa' are—embrac- pmml property, cmlsis’ingzg't Tables, Minds, No. 1,1," thr Ass-gnu”,reddingxmur. '' » ' Oct. 28: 1361. 2m: 1 V ' se furnishing (111-tin. 4 Stoves and Pipe, €nrpeting,‘ Looking [WSMP to lcnlitnicnéc zit 12 ' 'clockl .\f., on 3 1!" smm”; (Hanna. 1 fight-Ray Clark l‘nd (TING, l .\luntrl said dry. when uttnndauce twilrhe given and .- prepared 10 lln., Shit-b urd, Maps, Sync-e, Desk anal Bunk tgrms made knipnu hy- ,‘ l” unrl She“; t'uib, I;|qu:ll]fl,_\vrlqtll)w Blinds, Sut'é. ('nppcr ; l JOHN *IPKLkY, vit'o—kovlririg Krttle, lrou do.: Kitchen Plu‘rniture; Soup 0!, i I g 5 “'3l. C 'Ll’. l pply nhy dc-i l‘St'l'a‘ \\‘lu-elharmw, Slant \’sswls. \l‘inuuning ‘ I‘Ntw. 11, 1861. ts ll ."3l{9flt'u. nlwr is Vol" {\lnl. Rmkes, Furl“, \Shmrls. taller” (‘im-E i * » ._ i .- - , ‘ :,- - gtthinu; ll.x_\’ nnxl Strafi'liy thp ton, lJrn-f'wlrlr-r,l l‘ THE L‘ADYIS 13“”ng- Cltiwr St‘fld' 10 Slmrrsoffitnck in the tiettH-i a ‘ t s ‘ not diwi‘sp'il””g GJS (11-WWW} ; n firshrnlc frcah Which. ‘ .Godey‘s‘lgdys‘ Bo9k m'l the mid-('..w, 1m urianLm-us: rash (mm x mils, FOR ”WT‘WH “GRLP SlFAhlfllTE— ‘limely 2rd";- w ith n variety rr-Il'inher [largoiinl ilropcftv 324‘ F 0" 32 "I." I," Sum-lard ~'="l”7""'“TP.'°‘ "ii Emln'kfl‘l Pffialc’to i-ommt‘nt'c’ut‘lu u't‘lock.'A. .\L‘l'i utmnccd by “i“. Press of the Iblmwi bmtos. "Valid“; Tl”? on shitLdny, when attendance will be given l . gHEn E S 1i ' 9 within the_ and um”'hl10“lllly . Lntly‘a Mag-izi ein the \vurldmul‘thcyll pest. t In" it} the MUSE}; .\lcCl.E.\N., Lia-" 10,, l The Literature: is ofthut kind [lint can ‘h’ read 1- t'nnw. thv‘ .\'n\'. m" 1861. ts 7’ ", , - ,ulund in the family circle: and ll 9 clergy 111 im tpnr‘c hluwl,‘ W 5“? and Sentinél c 0 ' . i l 1"""5" numherg nro stilm‘rih 'r for th‘ Book. ‘oflhc lugs, ‘ V ‘ ' _- .__r .l, {THE BEST LADY WRITER “'in {mt-rial 8 Jl. C(l‘li .S. Circular,—-Sp I Tax_ ..' rbntrihutc to it; pages, and we law: so ne that? .:.I. wingingi . z , , j,' . , “‘ritv fognn utlrtvr mu 'nzinc. udp‘nml thr“ , , .ll.\nn‘ls,nt "G. ‘ ”MM J‘ij'.ml’l' i Tll‘Fl'MC-‘HC is all hriginsl. .r‘. I; ~, i,.__ ’1” (lie Inmmmsmnnr; WWI. l surcr qr 4'l’lll’ll3 v 5 {wig (the tirice of the “00k «Mm utvlune' .... i ‘ ‘ 3‘." '5“ V \V gt‘oro: :lhut most l'it ia m wri ‘3“ ,I,___,,‘,,_u. (Vii? l l'.l-‘.\‘ll,\ t—lL'lS .on t‘ted hy the sixth not lie übminetl item in Jinn}? izs L'luri'HH l 7 ““‘“““ U’ "'0 -“‘ 0‘ 33" “45 ”*le ”WV lurn swim: maximums. 'W m d"! 45 ”(In Him “d.” ”Mike {“7 ‘epaynrt-nt ‘r a” rilml us in this, have ci-userl an his burning \lt'llll:CT:, (11-hrt-r: arid (‘ont I: t-hl t-xpt-ncrtlot' ”150 m: in “‘l5 Ilhpnrnnvnt,’givi .‘_;u(]‘, w“. the Extra suulon "fl the lélrlrislntnrc." (rtdr mfinyimure “l“ iufifiuely [Matti in: di-u. re- l""“l“‘hl'~'l "NV“ hm]: [“3“ 07') M follnl\'~: lltliim nrv plllfilisltprl in an: othrr' Imm .m‘rl- “1h”? H “"141." {l'r‘Wfi-tlll!’ be lvviol- n i:(ln.l:\"<* tnuEXSI-f mil licglrl’dtm— :W'f'l'd t“ "r Oi'P'llix‘lf Hr'l‘ on the d"”"": F.\.\'lllll.\'-l’ll..\Tl‘lS. coutniliin l[utt.".:l. lm . “'l‘“ h ’h "I h" !"l"i'1 “n" (‘i’nvfl‘i'l' ”" all nz-lievi t‘ul lpngth (‘ulnrcd Fas E " ‘pxopeitg now sulgct-t 'to Sltnt In“! in like rnnn- plate. tlilmr Mugahincq give _ L ’ [5?" nor as uthcrtnxos, and wmr: rslrull he airmail, ‘ ult‘end ofnny Fusiiiuns'in Enrol Pm; {mm ,5, .u) thr us may he Dt‘("ct4.<fll'_s'.. 0 the It.r_\'ment ul‘ “”dqnsh thr-only Work inflm m 4 0:. 103 an 1h;- mtel‘ffl upon uld2 luau. ‘(\'|_z: the Joan of th‘Me immegtgc phtcs, and their 4 } I’thiculurs thr-v0 nulliun: nf dullalrs :lurhurized by the act.” have excited the wonder of pub ,- Mi‘ MANN“ °' ”‘3‘ #lB6l. "n" l'PWt'rim" ‘0 ”'0 11““ public. The‘ publication of n. ; ‘.rl‘lll. mun, pun-s ol organizing. Mining. equipping. lr._tll§— ' 310.000 mote ”my, fnshiouqlln ”I”. 1! ,pU'lKlllf! and suppqrtilig‘the milttnry forces of ;tt'l‘ nhlhin'r hut our “.0 this St-le. nuw ur herewftcr ti) he ntlltul into tilt-filltiun twhl'lt-s us Q, give service, invnid ot‘the‘ govurriutrnt oflhis St~lte “wink"; min“)! afford it. \ 11. .... I . , “ |e ._c "“‘ “it :Tliece fahluqns mil: herrelw Itucrcflflu.“ and the surp us ark-rm; ”‘FW‘Em‘M he unttlp after [helm-(lnd 1 “5.74.11 {hall he set. wan, to l ‘ nrestvd. “_‘hlt'hq ‘hrtlimlucct herself to ridirnle. n , Wllll |t<‘:l<'cuulul:xtiuns, is I rehy plu-tlzod to- E {KP H- d“, tl-i'enl the hm": viti he :tpplu‘dJo the ‘cxtinguishmont of the prin- m: «trio of flu; pluttmiviiréu in nur shlt‘cre l ‘l’-'-1 ‘7' ”'f‘ }“““ “““ull'iu'l'tb 'mm “"3: i, I c I‘lgtldilslllcnl nr:igitxin;s. 1K and plans- ‘ a The ndlll tonal hail-”mill :1 .“thus. ."nl'mf'.l‘ ‘ :fllll'l’.’ “'00..” liNtiliAVlNGé.‘ . I l' " "(‘"l‘lrE‘d “’.l‘" " '.‘H’W‘MI l“ ' ““1,” ‘l“‘"'h’ gin» twice at: thrt'e timeshs mun Int tus pro- (‘.-Ii): .rppmprtxted t 9 the putpoag of_p.|_\'lnr.r—:"-n‘ gazine. are i’ften Inish'tkexl‘l'c o secure :xn wtlre-tutti-if-q..;t|ltl tmrntds' thui etttngnxhhment Mt so far superior to “15.9”". 3L ‘. . , ‘ \\hiult shall at th't- llrltll‘il’{l~of the hum (If illrfie nullmm ut . lhll’l‘ -\'l‘lH\'s.—Bt-wnre 0; {th‘c'nm Rhmém the bark in dullars “.‘fm‘r‘l ‘0 he. [“gl’ll'udv ““1 the lwlrltlmt thé Duh": Book in the q'ritzinzl pith xc strum qf. mane} applied {0 the {nulit‘lnv use: remlort d lidntiun nnvllth‘t: cheapest. ll'ytiultake GO4“ lay “101116;! met-swan b." ‘l‘“ 9‘3”“! t”i°"l“‘,“s "".l"‘m”° Ivolit want no other magazine. l. , i ' Y the hurlmr ngmuar the uuthurlty‘and laws of the governr: ' Evervthiutr that is net-lid m: ofnhmept'nl in 3 '. hlt‘nl ct‘the Unilt‘d Stalw. lt‘is‘ncn-smr)‘, in ‘ hthue gun he Mlmdlin tinder ! t 3 - _ ml,“ .\[r. (”"11 r that thv- nhjt‘t'ts of thin nut ‘mu' lwnttuin- l)“ \iVIVG LEFSIIVg ——No dthier J :Jllll.!.lu\\'fl- yd, that the lxnll'mlll tux hr in till the Nut-cues 0“.“ thcrh and We hiflzzé given 'enou‘ ' ZL'CK,‘of nt,let‘y, collec‘on, attic-«fuming, pufii‘hz xtnd Eevoi‘ul lnrw'o \'nliime=. i ‘ ‘ s‘ntiplitntion.“ ltept sqpnrnte land nl.}mrt fr im‘ 01‘]: RECEIPTS are finch “i, ‘the ordinary two l‘rnvl n halt" "till tzlx‘Timymt‘d‘ nuiyht-rt‘ claim Cooking in n'l .I.)' previous laws: In hll ’puyrpt‘nts Iliad}! into' (‘tiufet‘tionery—thc .\‘urserv—th the State Trtuwuiy. o‘tluutxinnt ol' Shite t‘txee, LaundrV—thl‘ Kitt‘hc'rL ne'cflp thumnunnt nmvlicnhle to the ball mill tux what int-t: uri- to h«- inund in the pug . 1'" SP" m”? 1” (””1” \“"‘l Vimiwi‘m-V ""‘n' ituuk We uriizinnlly started th ,t.nnt-ul: am; in .I’l r’tportg (lii-thrill“):l .\u‘lilm‘s and 6.“? pv'culiftr facilities for' ,nn lllt' fullJt‘tt offih‘tutc ‘tnr‘w, tlilis hulr‘ mill (.1); .yw'rl'cvt Thi»! {department 310,, ymu'sthe plutd ulhdt rn. clip-irate hind, :m'l lu'- [lrii‘c ol‘ ”,9 Rnbk. 1y dictinmiihtd trum .111 bthhr sauna-9 0! rev- L \I)ll-}S‘ “-ka Tug”; _l -- nrrruing tn thn Sl:lto..\\l‘llli 'will not, ' cn'm-yvriw: t'nlzfi‘lHHfiS-Jnd'dt‘sct’i lm‘wt \‘cr, cxllltli-tullerttnf remixngM‘pnyxug article that ail-.‘tdv wears. ’ loflu-nrs to n dillerent rut of ('t tmssx ms“ or' MODEL (lOTT'HiES —-\'o 0 other cumpr‘nmttiuufrolnthat \rhic ‘ the? wnuld “as this“ dcpflrlméllt. " ‘ ht- L‘liliilLl tn, were tut: half ntlll tn urwnmt 11l 'l‘Eß‘lS' (“3”.1‘1 -\l') lur in one aggrognte \tith tho other §tnte tii 0 ‘’," ‘ <3 ‘ 'l'- n jul' tun) and fl lt:tlt’mill§.‘t‘or'\tvliih- it i 344 3 sm- ‘ Q." new” oneztear“ " ‘7‘“ ti-nl taxx’ upproprtatmlgtnn partit‘uhr pit poet», “J" .T'ms cont}? outta“. " is in lulu: to tln- genyral head at: .\ftztc tit; on “RPM!” '37"! ll‘nelcopu-a Stile v‘ re ll Anti tier-zonal Home, am} is tn be -‘ l¢\'\ied gm top} ‘9 r 9 ”95°“ "5’ “‘3 llud Culltttcd'l’u [llt‘ 34m! "hum r." \ . "W" impregnate _\e ”1‘; i?“ if? "i . 1 V”). ”0‘ let'lfulllignursy , 4 Damn sending the (‘ tr». 5.9- [i l. . mus. a. coc:i_n.xx,.4 'lm (v'uu'rdl. "““P’ ‘° “ ‘ HENRY D. .\IUQRI‘Z, State Trausurer. ‘ _ -l'_ x n ‘ @The ahove C.rculnr having been re ueiv {-d tun lute to admit oflcarryiug itainutinction! llliO all at during the pteseut‘ycnr. the ‘ spt't‘lnl tax" oft-.ulf a null théreiu mentionpd-mll bl luiod on the prupertj tumble fur ;.\ltate pur pusea under the \uluntiou fur 1562. DANIEL 'GEISRLXAN"; , ‘ ' JAS. 11. MARSHALL, x ‘ ' \\'.\l. B. GARDBER‘. ' ‘ Commissiehers at; Adams county Attest—J. M. WALTER, Clerk. 32 i ' Nov. 18.101. ECM 43 , 0 M. ‘ ind.) 113.1130 the Rm. I‘. {its 1:) Miss I-l Shcl’}, all L: m the .\I. \l-uéuu, Mr. Vih'l‘, .111 of h‘e (lurch. SL-Jr'u. \h'P JI'LIASA svillc Luth. . .\lr. DAN xss.LYDl.\.\' “we, h\' the \‘. 0t ('na‘l \‘, of quk- . HvfiT‘J‘hW. :5 MANIA To Disabled Soldiers. qEAMEX AND MARINES. AND WIDOWS, k, 08 OTHER HEIRS OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED UR BEEN KILLED LY THE SER VICE—CHAS. G. Tucnu, Altorney‘for (‘Mim nutsLßounty Lam] and Pension jAgvm, “'ash inglon City. D, C.—-Pensions pref-uréd my $9l. dn-rs, Seumen andxurinen of the present war, who are disabled by reason of wq‘nuds ”can?! u; dismse contracted while in se‘r‘vicefind Pen sions, Bounty Money -and Attends of Pay ob tained for widows or other heirs‘ofvthose who have died or been kfiied whingin‘smice. IA ANN I! dun. . Mr. WAL cc, aged 38 "tighter of ip, aged 17 } MELVINA nth: and 5 BunntyLaud procured for sci-vices in any of the other wuia. was. 9. TUCKER,‘ . " n-Washingtgu, D. C. J. (‘. Nun, Agent, Gettylburg‘ 3on lg, 1861. ‘ ‘ N 17109. .\‘N.\ .\IcGIXLEYs ESTATE—Letters of A adminisznmbu Pu the estate. of Imm Mcuiulcy, lute of Geqtysburg, Adams county, deceapcilx having been granted townie mailer signed. residing iu‘ the same place, he hexeby gives notice its) all persops indebted m sai-l es‘tne to make; immediate puymcnt, and those having Claimsflfdilist the same to present them properly nuthen icnted‘for settlement. ' MOSES .\IcCLEAN, Adm'r. N0v.18,1861. 6: i _1- ___. ‘ __M Teacher Wanted. HE School Directbra of Simbsn mCx-nship T want a Male Teacher, to mko charge of I school in tint: wwnship- Apply ‘o‘lhe undef signcd. By order of the Board. 7 ‘ JOHN WERTZ, Sec‘y. Nor. 18, 1861. 3:. EAL'EKS in Fo'reign and Domestic Drv D. Goods, Fancy Articles, Queensware, Gro’. wringing”. W. Corner of Chambersburg and Wmhingston streets. We have jni'. received our Stock ofGoods, Buiied Lo the FALL AND \VI'XJPER SALES. to which wé invite the aneu tion of buyers of pretty, good and cheap Goods. For the Ladieq, we have 11 good assortment of DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, TRIKHINGS 3:. Out stock of Cloths, Cudmens, Cuainem, Jenni. $6,. for Ken and Boys, in Inge, god and cheap. ; “'00!“ on.l come ally and examine for .’“-elves. . L SCOTT ‘ 303. ‘ ,0“. “.1861. ’ 1 ' K A. Scott &: Son, mine that cm is in pfucel ume Mugazink‘. HXG WIT," lUTIIER MAG- Lady‘s BOA and Arthur's .th one you ‘for $3 50. »k‘nnd [far I": aznzive l 50'. Gode'é H per, and so be lent. o e ye r, on re 301v gt, bnnks .d not“ of all 1 ~ _ _ the postegci Address ‘ L. A 4 323 Chestnut 3L, Philah In’/.ll} 186L~ ; ‘ Restaurant For ! HE auhécriber intending to ‘ 3. business. offers the good wi of his Refluurintfln Chambenq sale. The Rbelnnnmha'aagondj and will be sold cheap for Chth cagon desired. 1 I GEO; F. Ed} flattysburk, Nov. “11.1861. _L l i ms. A. Chnimor [SEES m infurm the L: in: of Getty-- , burg and surrounding ctn‘lrfi, Hm: she has} received {mm the cutie: the as: fashion:- bleinyles or CLOAK, com tuna Esmmw: PATTERNS for Lndies' and Clli‘drcn‘i wenr. Residence on Baltimore slreet, next door to H. I]. Rowe tyßro.’s store, Uetljshm- . Pinking Intended to an. the lhbrtesrruqtice. Nov. 11, 1861. 3‘ p ' For Exclgang.‘ WILL mbunge TWO on runs}: FARMS I either in Missouri or lows, lbrlßoal Enulel in Adams counly. ‘4 .‘ l I, » 3"! will also ”change It Valuable MILL PROPERTY in Adams county, tdgother with 38 ACRES, for n FARM. GEO. ARNOLD. Nov. 11, 1661. lm ’ Dividend. But at Gnnsnrne, 1 Kovember 5, RB6l. } RE Bank of Gettysburg bu this day dc- T elm-edit. Dividend -of FOUR- PER GENE, on the Capital Stock, gayable on a: after Jan day, the 111/l nut. T} D. CARSON, Calder. Nov. 11, 13131. a: g Lost, N Sabbhfi: evening Lust, betweba the Prea -0 hymn-inn Church nnd our residence, in Ul-ambcrsburg SL, 3 LADY'S GOLD BREAST PIN. The finder will be'liberally rewarded by leaving it u the Store of Nov. 11,1861. A. SCOTT 8: SON. George Arnold S selling on" LAUIES’ DRESS GOODS It cost. (_lnu, if you Inn: bargains. 0m.4,1&61. 4: I [LLINEBS'Pnd other: yin final 3 good u; h! apt-talent of Ribbons, Mafia", Fennel, c ‘, in, at tho clamp “are a! , .. ' A. soon I ‘9O:. ---___._._, ~*'i"“ 7 ‘ Atteftmn! l Rflntfn‘s \\'A\' m r-smo A- R In AND nm‘s WAVES" to r» selves i4urimglintely an 2the nepdc'u'uu lyorsburg tam-ct, netqsburg. mrl “I mere nominal price. full quil‘or‘ms ul ceswry equipments for :1 winter m lmvc taken special care tolprovide hi for! of my men by \isiliug the «ill ing in amunumnflf large rumply of Overrml. of every dcm-rintiou, . Blar mom llresanAltsh ussimere lllisiu cs Centq, ' Tantalum: ill endless any quantity oi \\‘intg‘r \'osu, Uudcgsliirls. Drwn-rl. lloieery; low-s. Suupi'nrleks, allmi'nl Gum Ol'crslloes, null qulemcu‘l; . ‘ -.u.<o'— ; , . Trunks and (‘nrpot Sq‘cksifirfl-t’nteiClocks, 36 hour, eight-day unduflurm Clockp, Vinllns, Acr-ordeonfi. Pistols. Revqlvers, Knivgs,‘Pip(-s and exccilcn! snmkin‘g Tghm-co, Giguré, and 'Nolmm ifi endlv'ss Vallrielj'. .\‘ow il the time to buy cheap. (‘nll Imm; Having purchased my g‘buclflchcap for" WASH. 1 :Im preplred to sell them chc'qwr than ih¢_\ have {-Vcr been of. far-u} in tLuL flute buying: 1“. H. l’l,CKl.\'(‘-. Oct. 281 18%. i ' = ‘ (1 Would cm: i in the mnric Ined, Ind cun , n A Ixy. . ¢—All'efi'xrt~x to we no'w 'smnd ’ g. ash—q do. 'l' eng'mvmgs onrk. ”LE ,SH’EET 1861“? Lutesfi r ‘ from} {we to ,xions 0n oucli Inl‘y IW‘O. Fur .‘ or .\Emerica. gill] (Nut givefi ‘ re suéh lii-h) {LINN my! the se plu gs cm: as} of the old d 6 ful y larg9 tlfiem. (min (- H'Pt rmrc wencfitcd. f ‘ on. Drones ‘L‘jwenrer will would be (in.- drained ufier mne of our Eo- JUST 3}»; we were :‘dinz' a. (1..-spud: um y. F. opcuvd a ‘complcle “@oth (‘.H’S. ilrludmg thd 1M Bmu‘er, ‘ louch. (‘usflmer Buys' am Infilnli‘ inl‘hin : (Taps, whi h for nemtugvss i surp ms n nyt‘niug oflhk: hi place—MlN which win] h' Iv lnw px‘iqus for, CM]. SHOES, i 'vlu'linz: .1 fine Murorqo 3mm, thymus.“ GAITER. .\NI) SLIPH‘IR PAIR. .1" in want bf g lespcuful y invited toiuiv (‘ume o u! Come all! And giro me :I f- il-nfily . \Fnr allgondnvillhrbold Tn nquunu- the un‘ook Oct. 224; mu. - l [of whirl] we y as any other !r stce‘. They I {Another V' ARMHRS. tnke .mm P lms ("no nm-m-yfnnhe‘ Immun' 20 F.\.‘£Nl.\]€ ‘ taken tw "tr-three FiL‘tl P 1 the State of Penn:yl\4nin, ium an Hi State [Xxir 0? Il agency f the an]: ol'L\. B‘ IRON au‘p WKUL'UH F i whit-h huh.- mlu-n thr Firs Fairs that ere-r tin-y were‘ is same 5 x or (fight in uu‘ I'll-“mix. the MAHS and 1‘ ed to glv :‘ntiel'm-tian, ’l pri‘xilened to return them ‘ 1.3 sburg. ; [u ngnnine h to, fill ‘ (inn is e; Tq‘ upo s ‘omfi be found variety—— xilct-ofhc in all! sub \e Lady’s 3“ dupnrnnlm, akin it most MED l ‘ 1 New G: Amtsmrx [mm F fuILT i'nloru) tht‘ir fri that ”12)" have juat rct‘eiv aqme sum“): of I’ALUAN coniidink of i Lmliq-s' lpruu Gond'z.‘ Sh is dr' tion. ME= of every sga7ine Inc quies media. Flnunels, l6}: [.neyeu'. ’- r Copivs ‘d an ex ["h, $l4). IP.“ NJ the ‘n ”piss on se'ud- & Mm Quecasw k 3,, “'th b will bl' Hold M in}: cnnn cvl ourJermai, \\‘l or will in 60 duys' “me custmne i. - , ‘7I,?UHI early at: th- at, a; he cf trn‘c ‘ Blah] ape! FRONT I .._--. i ‘Hat ’BIUR . ' 'l‘ just rem . Boots, S h nu a, -. Bridle-b, ‘ he introdubed of the Lady’- I‘- , 800 I new Godns :1; BIG 80011.- I ived a fresh’ 5!: Inoos. Trunkas} (‘n lood supply Of S I‘oll-m, kc. ' Shoes ‘nnd Boats of? a“ by firsl-vjate wurkmed, In Home-made wprk limit}: I for cash.‘ ~ ‘ 9 on. 28. 186'1. I l ion yéur letter uanY, délpflh, P 4. ‘ New Goods (~45 mm mum-rah: ' P remrned from thb cl select stock of Dry dedsl write. Hardware, Bo cs, Trunks, 50.. ha. cheater i Ir‘ , ‘ oint nnnthvr inn fixture. urg greet, for .runafcullom, Engy appli- KEN ODE. He also has on lmndg l and SHISGLEB“ of exdell will di<pose of m the 'lo .och him I call. He {will May 13,1861. 3m ' Revdl '; NEW 10!. of REYO styles, embracing la‘ .‘AMSON'S, northweit'co ‘ Having purchased for has he is prep-trad to sell $5 1' not lower yet. Drop in n' yourselves. No Rouble t.‘ Ju:yl,lB6t. ‘; . . .l 186]. Fall Wary. IBBL . [SH McCIIEARY’ h I ing just tetnrncd RI from the Cilyfis nbw openiniun unusual- Iy large nssortmentof‘ uozfxms nd BONNET TRIMHINGS, of the lauestpqles. Also,!)ross Goods and Dress Trimujzings. Shawls, Hamill“ and Fancy hoods, of ever: descriptién, all of which havingheen purcha‘ ed for culi, will be sold at prions to suit the “33125. Uct.14,1861. 1m AYXNG returned from the war, (the flock B being somewhm neglected in consequence of Samson being sick) but as .\. BOLLINGER is at home again, a firsl‘rmte assortment of CLOTHING, ML, has been forw.uded.whieb Will be Said ‘as heretofure up the RIGHT PRICES. N. E. Cornerof the Diamond. Gettysburg, Aug. 19, 18$l. HEADS t BUEHLER ‘bava on tank! "70 S first-rate HAY and GRAIN RAKES, which Will be sold at low rates.l This is: fine 0]). pormuity («Farmers to secure a valuable labor and lime sm‘iug implement. Call and look at them. [May 27,1861. tf ‘ G. CARR sells Coal Oil Lumps cheaper . than any body else in the county.— 1. {oll(9th plies, tighlt opposite the Bank. ium. 91101003111333 for $1 p‘u doiu‘a, S a ‘2me . - ' ‘jews. 1861, kn pm: d‘é received .\IdLHH‘fiY hasjust. [me or 11sz axu L-st. Tull style Silk, ' mud “'qu Hats.— lud fimcql lhts‘nnd f finish and quplity d exvr offered imthis sold M ‘uilomslidu- Am. 3001‘s .\D S: onmcnls of Lnfiiés' I Jim-rs nnl] Slipfwrs. in 7:. 05sz fun :‘mds in my Hue! are me a. calf. é \ in”, I i J ' ,nt unhP:\l"{l.of'p ces, Ad tor crilis. E ctory! *I. ‘ tint H‘ G..C.+RR } :‘lent‘sc‘muxmrs lILLS. ’ \Hlich “an: emimn: throughphl _nud ‘xhe first Pfirm intfii Amdqnlso’thc | ZIEGLi-liI'b‘ijEST HEAR ELUI'QUS, Prcxnium a! ulfithe cxlnibiteq at, which Ihbf. 1 Iloughsnrg warrt‘gnt i they dou’t,»you are ’m the ngt‘iut at Get 1. 21, 18131. 6m* ads. 4 HRS w’ould reaper!- hds and the public, d a lnrgzemhl hund -1 WINTER GOODS, “:13, Cloths: Cassi hams, Mnxlins, ‘ n re, Glorencs, ‘ ' ’short profits. an llnmv'sclljor CASH. I l. to prgmpt-paying sign of the RED 0151.28.18“. tf ‘ Shoe. Ln‘jnm SIGN up he undersigned hn“v‘e ply of Hula, Cupq, “9! Rage, av. Also, ddlos and flatness, kinds made to order on short nofi‘ires— 'nnlmnd. l’rice‘lov i BEAN & CULP. ! Lambert nudtsville, h 'ust y with a large bud“ Groceries, (Incom-I Shoea, Hats. Cups | bun ever. . t of POSTS, RAILS lqunlity, which he as! living pmfils.-‘—- ‘ lwnyl try to plain vans, o! difl'ereut - latest, received M {.u or me Di-mond. . at. the best (Mes, -' was the lowan—if dexnmine then; for :- show gods. ' ' Call at San'mon’s. Hay Rake. _..... . .__.... H -.. r . _ ._ , i .‘ Something. New t l A Valuableirarm. i Valuable Real Estate ‘ nnlm ILLUSTRATED MAP fAT PRIVATE SALl‘lm—The suchribrr. Hh' AT PRIVATE SALE—Ya, 11 Gum. ON THE PRESERVATHH AVI) (IFIJ‘I’RE ecutnr of Josnrn ilr‘uutn, derrasnd. nf- Mt)U.\'T.-—-Thislwuutit‘nlnnd \'rry desira or rear AND onxaunxmn Till-ills. if?” ‘§ Pl“"“ef‘;}"\',§“'l°.lis“f‘?"'§‘"““‘“} "" :31“ my": swift ndimuixu: thr lhmmxh of .1 . . _ , (tender , \'ll:~ . x ,8: :t te in (mu 1: on.“ e tyw .ury. on the roml lcmlitrr to PM; ‘. f 00:11:; “gigsiiifeii‘t’bllfiihzer‘ti‘vmzlgd 533‘“: ant township, Adams County“? milM out or‘ nnw otTeretl at l'rimte Sula. & fl id, ' Tm. end \'lrions kind» at tine Fruititnd i’rtiit Gettysburg. near the road leading to Bnmugh— The Farm cont ring 124 ACRES. more or lnl, Trcer some (if the finest amcimens eh“ linre town. adjoining lnntli ni‘Jnhn Cress, Abrnlunn it) to I‘Jurrcs-ot “‘lnuh are in timber, Am] “mug "or tion put. 0“ paper. The Fruit Tree) are iloever,‘Jzn-n_h Lott; Peter ‘Troat’le, and others. 3!) acres of mcnnlotv bottom; there are two set with abundnnt burdens of trait similar to containing 1.3 Arron nnd_l4 I L‘l‘t hes; abnut young Apple nnd l'ench Orch If ls_on tneprem. that which nature presents in pro‘per “no" 40 Acres nro of Tnnhertund it good proportion laugtho l.|nil H the rctl'grutntc 1011. su-ut-ptihlo The tree are represented “1""ng (heir roots- of Meadow. The lnlcrjfl’m’t‘lt‘n'll :(tf'n high stuto nf cnluvntmn: lime nets well running through {The soil in “ “mm! position are ‘n p’l‘wn-atery RUI (.lllehT upon it and cnu. uli'vny: he hurl M the Rnilror-d land the Enzmvinrs of‘l‘recs tire benntit‘ul nn<l ‘ Sims.” wuh mil-fun“. K‘tchm‘ dew." wind] ‘3”: "gm‘fu l2} cunts p"rh""hd ‘ rund. [”150 comm“ n tine Engravinvwhich Vouble hog Barn, Mgon bhed and, ‘ > The lmllfffl'cmt‘lllfl are n. l‘wo-story life resents the innnmemhie thread-[tire mots ,( 0m Cm" ”"2 Stable, sml’ke'h"'”°l‘wo'fiiur-i‘ “ ontherhonrdei} .“01 SR’ \nth “ofpn vigorous the within" through 'lnd over Stone Spring Home. with nnmeri‘fiinngsprmg,‘ Cellar, linuk-hutldtng, Brute-ov. n, ithe soil. The Root Engravinzmoters ten "MS a" the fields wag-{red uith "‘ivflfmnng. “Hume-“OM“ ' “we ”u”? "urn, :inr-hes in diametorun paper, and also forms a. ‘ springs. A good 1km”? Orchard, mm peach, I With bins’ Cum t‘rih, QC.“ ”will" with all imngnificcnt engraving, which cannot help but ‘ pcnr. and other fully"? '3' . "Mess?“ Ont-buildings, tn complete order“: ,’ prove gm‘if‘ting to me even of all who mnv he- _ QT!“ property is 1+ a grand stntc ni'cultt- there is A pump at the (loornnrl .tttcrer-fitiling ‘ hold it. sdch 2m engrgving lms nan-r .heen ”Q'omfind “11”)“ s"l‘l' “1“" 0f [0 l‘flflir 16‘ npnug of water close luv. Willuhy'g Run l printed on WP" before. The engraving of may suit purchasers. rsous mshmgto new; bound: the w. (wt end orthe Farm. «This proper. lroota not onlv protes admirable to xiii) sight of tbeproprrty are ”“510." d to call on Pu" or' t" “i“ be “hm” by 3"- J°l‘“ "0"”"Fv “Vi“!- tthe eye but is “Sign“! to prove of in“: 1111- Josrplr llt‘llllt‘r,.r¢>.ldllng thereon. or_ on the, on the premium, or by the subscribe! in Get -1 . subscriber rewlmgm S mlmn townshi . tvshnr . ‘ lpnrtnnce to all who take an xntert-Rtlg the cub; ’ GEOI‘GE NEWER HP! - -\. “_ , v _ ‘tivntion of fruits Ind how to treat fiuit trees' 5? t. "3 1861 ‘ . ' r. ’mu ‘O." l ‘lo‘ 2.“ Cs\lflEßlfihD'lv‘.\lt.\l.——Thu_Fum - ~ ' - i—J’ " ' t ‘ .'“:saintsiutgassr “5*;m‘1'”:°":"-"' '.. ' - _ - ‘ ._ “‘""' "‘ ‘— ——”“ "“.“’“""”‘ ‘ - I ‘ ‘ en , nnr mi es l‘fllll H “°*’¥..°.:“;r£:::'i.i::.:‘Yasmin;i . One moi t° AD» . - mm»; of Evergreen. Forest, .\pplé,il‘each, l T’VIE auhseriberl have he pleasure nflnt'nrm- I less. Ahout 30 acrexiiiro In tnnl‘cr nntl 25 (0‘ Dwarvarnmid P'enr nudCherrv’l‘rees.‘ in: their friend;l nulll the pnb!ic generally] 30 ffl'cs "1 nit-mien. h” luml *5 "TS" of the ~ h, Thin-m“ Engraving {,mwi‘e'that they Im. rccened' it full sltpplyof l-‘nll {ed-guru! sell kind, do"? in'ozlea.euuly cur- Raspberries, (looseberries, {fint'khefi and \Vintnr Gouda \\‘llll'Jl they nre'cnabiod to i “f“ . daprorluccs. \\‘cll, 'f-“d ‘5 C-‘i' ”'lO g-t‘ _belllz ties, Currants. Grapes; Plum V Apri- 1 991] y; their uninl low n lcq .- Fillg‘lly mprovexlz All it tvnntu to nnl'ke It or c until. l‘ezuts, Pent-hes, Applesgitc...a‘nd i, . l" ORQ{A3} If . . ‘ Ynf the he turns in the neighborhood is a good “P I" tailored hv hhnd t 6 'l‘epresont Onrftock consids inpnrfllnt (‘lotl|9.(‘:ismrriere|, l smm“: an A ll‘llit‘ lune, “huh on“ nlwnu he the Mung” fruit, and”, accompanied . \'éstzngc, Suttinctts, Black mu! Fancy Sllks,;h::d ('lth $0M!) shun: or fit Limb-«town, m. with printed matter 0" We“: impar- and VLmlies' Dress (ioofls' uf-nernlly. Hronn i 1-} rc'nts p bushel. There is ny mug Apple inn”, and forms aroln’ in . He 3‘.’ It! i and “mite “"Sfina’v Tit‘klug" Ownhnrzs, inpd 10““ Orqluu-d and two sprmgn of nnter “finches, on map Mill"; Wm muslin Sheetinga, (hlenrhml mtg uni-leached.) Cottnn .5 “‘3‘“: ”"3 hmwmmvl fl Slrrum of Wiltnr trusses . . buck and face vnrnished. i: WW“ “3,01 Fl-tnneh. St pm": Yarn, ol‘ over‘iliu‘bPulhl‘lfdl)‘l‘y¢\rm near the hulldtnzq,— A COPYi‘with .its nnrherona en‘Rruillks. will ' dl"'Cl'iP'l‘l'h "“53 C“|’-‘»“0”‘5 ““(rSl'"“- 3‘” _.H'c mil-rotemonts ‘3 0““ “m! "‘ ' , be gratilving to the me. nmii‘ioxmn an . “",S.“"d .\lillinery 0’ “ll Limb. “Md-“Tm” 'LI-Mhmrrhfvm. llnu. - “khan-l" “dfiimbfeomamom ‘5, the “/3” omm ‘ (‘lotltium Hardware. (item riesiY Qnrenfiyare ‘- ‘f‘t'kfilm‘laeyfl'lflrge title ihirn, parlor, and will richh‘ hen 'tii'v anv nnll Drttge, Glns=, 011 out! l’ajnh. ol' nll lull-h: :“nh “Ml 9" bhelis, (9:1 (“by _. . apnrtmentvith hortichlllll‘l} "‘mm} Morocco and Lining Skinning: Slme'lhrnml, :Hng l‘en: unthnll new ary out-l.umhngs, ‘ ofnmch im’por ccnnd fnnm‘. These l Kristin; kc. We nl~n 51l the (‘Olvhrtlll‘tl .\ew :clxurt'h. mill nnd school-limbo nll i-luse by, in cnpies ,"e pumhed at “ vii" heavv ‘ Ancilor Belting (‘lntll~, turn \\‘l-: FLLLY vun- in ltf-nlthy lll'll-l plemnn‘t nmghhnrhoml and good expense. Twen“.:‘findolhrgk¥\ ebeeii i RAFT: Also,Shetter‘s n (‘qllltlleti Post Angers inn: lett'. Tlm progeny “'lll be shown by Mr. . paid to a scientific artist fi,r_¢'.,mm g l —-in i'nct we have ever) hing: usually krpt in l“ m. Reefntirer, li\ mz upon it, or by Mr. John the plates of pingle engrnfing‘s 0t cmmiry Stort‘f. and are rrpnred to snll them,lfl'llnt'knlljotmng. Tennis can“. t. - .trecw. mints, etc. But. in n' er tlmLWe think. a little 'lnwer than onr neighbor-.:.]; .\o.'3_: A \ ALl'AllliP JULL t) ERTY' , ' "mm. can 'ohtnin sueh ‘copfiea at “ North, South, East or \\ ~t. Frn‘ntlt grye us icuntauning 38 .lUZRI-ISnf hut-1.8 to with h i trifling “In". ,the priv‘e fori a copy ‘ R calf. and examine fur ‘ unruly-s, us we let' :nggin timber, sttunte nne-hnlt'ot n In :3. 'W. l ‘ mill M; mdde 5n low, that f," on WW" :it n l lirnrq pil'tl‘lL‘d to stow onr gnmli. “_e “fr mluttlestown, the terminus of leo l‘ ml. ium: Mn now obtain copie. for the i rt‘tnru our sin‘cerethnnk to .t gent-run! nuhhc 11:“; Inl'tr(i\t‘M("l]lS.tlre n Two-:19”, sum thnt 11‘“ been paid tor s gle‘ en- ' for the kindnesnthui fur nztlllfc‘flfll tuwn'ril In. .i'l'rurno MILL HULSE, \\tilh Silt‘tlt‘, .1 -'t granny; "f trees, etc. yw ' :nndfrvl confident thnt h. 5 strict nt‘tnn'l nto glhnrmg‘ all the tiereisnry Innchinory ff ” iii A COPY cnntaiius printed matter of I‘m-h im- ' bin-inns mn'l GOOD AV ) f‘lll’lAl‘ (.UOUB, to-‘iior Merchant work. A large Twu- " ", portztnce and great value. I wiil‘tell i went. n continuum-e nf'hlt..‘:‘"‘e' ‘ ‘ ‘ ”story [Kiri HOUSE “in, Basement, Stable, ' how to trout all kind; of Fail Treeul . D “\\Hi & .\llll-IL‘Db, ‘li‘hV This j! I Very denrnhle pronerty and “ill to render them very vigorondaml Pro-l FMFfiddi 0"“ 14' “""ll' "3'" . “if?lsl°9l'l3".“"‘°“”"'"‘l"'i"t2 termsil liltr. ’l‘lros. ductivc, exit-n in unfavorable e isons. —_:* ‘— ', ‘A" " “'—"'—_'_'——‘ f:‘.' 1‘- '”“g on tieprcmiaea. “'i I now it.— It will tell how to prcpar tthe soil| ' GI eenniount hblll‘l und serlt. GEO. ARNOLD. withoutiubanveniennc befur ‘rlmting'; ' Gettysburg. 091.14,1861. 3n! the trees in; to Iticngthcnl 5 much in \'iznr, nitd to prove the l"' uct‘ivb ‘ noss of Fbumlant crop“, evanfin unfat \\‘omhle! seasons qr locatin with ‘ {:roper ml eufiy after tréatm t. - A COPY will 12 how to prepare and thin! all t kindi 0 Fruit. and Evergre a Tmcq, ho ns to_prove aucaesit‘ul. \ri smutc ' li\evernmming a failure in lot of _ ma, v Nee! when properly tr ntcd It! dirpc ed. It will tell how to train ‘ nml p‘h t Dwnrl’ Pour Trees. 0 H con tains ill most sucesst‘nl tt'tlntnientr fur the cu ture of the Plain. ‘lt will It'll huw train and culti ate the > Grime. A COPY will tell how ' Strawberries, (‘t l ‘ Blackberries, Goo: n A COPY will tell how to trc. restore their roots he I . disastrous rfl'ccts of wo will tell how to make nut-vhf“ cation over the soil surro I 'treo to protect the Pearl: li\ tender fruits from the‘ell‘ccts’r} winter-lulled in the 'bnd. ic , npplicutl‘onnleo regtores l’e ‘hitn . from taking the yellows. ’l‘l “pin cation hats the beneficial wt; Lt , - .present the foliage ofthe tree hmlthy ' nml‘ the tree \‘ig§rou~. nnui; [m e; to . the pro'luctivoug‘s ut' luaviu , twin. :1. The application to lie npplr‘l Is nut colh ' i ‘expethiu‘ri All have fnilir nt uni-l 0r tt'rizls on tlteiripl-tntntiohs. | ‘ A COPY will tell how to Preserve all kinds of.‘ Fruit: with little or no ~ugnrg 'lt \\ill tell how to keen .\pplt-s‘n’iih much ‘ success! It will tell how to treat: und‘ manage I‘cnrs to mnture pcrfertly, and ' ~ to attain to the lnghmt lhn‘or. Ll. noplin uor' them ‘; in Chqm. cnive, at a‘ Ind lhe no muiun. I r the mm. L and lay- variety, hnd Shawls A COPY pguscnu it? numerouj pi‘ lung all at a glance, and firms such an «gunman! ‘ ; fur the wall as will be admit lby, all _ lufers of 21171, drawn from xixulr‘re's pro \ ' ducts. v ‘ v ‘ A COPY can npw be obtained fol-.SIJJO in Infancy or postage-stumps, past-paid ' in the fniy‘d SLucs. ; Thasbpopics are published by : f ‘ H. F. .\I. PETERS, Near Ben‘rluysville, Adams qo., Pn. WA sumple-‘o‘upy can be sut‘u‘uw 'lhis ofiirn—whcre subsqnplious are reueiv‘hd. . Nyr.ll,l¥6l. :1, -, ~~ —~- ~ ‘fi—fifi—T—w l . _ Nance. _ 3 ARIEL REILLY'S ESTATE—Lo tel-s ‘ez-' tnmculxlry on the canto of DJniSl Reilly, Into otfioqntlulensnllt lovnship, Adding coun -I~_Y.' deceased, baring hem mantel} ah the under-signal, rosiding in «he mm? lb“ nship, he hereby givw node: to all persons inflebted to said eelzuc to milk? immediate payaenl, 9"“! those [mung cluim‘s against the same fi present them properly nullwntivntod for soul 11ml." ‘ ' JOSEPH LILLY, Harmon Nov. 4, 1861. 6: ' ‘ ACOB lIOECUT’S ESTATER-Lottérenfng- J miniflrulio'n on fihe emu.- ot choli lloccht, Law of Lnlimnre fodnship, \rlnim raniy, deceased‘ having helm grained m Hm under signed, residing in llgemme to“ uship. t cy here by givé nu’ive to mil 'pcrsons mdnbu- to said estate to make immcqizue payment, and those imvinz‘l‘lmmsugnilst lbe_mme m preént them. propxrly authenticated tor unlrmentfi , SUSANNAII HOEU ‘ T. GEORGE RUBINE , ,E. Nov: 4, 1861. 6: . gun... ‘ N otxce. g ~ VALENTINE OYLER’S ESTATE.-Z~Lener'a ofudmiuislrntion‘on theestate ofV’llenLine Uyler, hue of Franklin towns-hip, Adam county. deceased. hnving been gamed to the undersigned, raiding in the same tqwnship, be litreby gives notice to all perso‘na indebted to mid estate to mnko immediate pnyrfitntmnd those having cluimnhgninn the same t prescut them properly authenticated for settluirent. JACOB K.~OYLER, Adm’r. om. 33, 1861. 6: _ Notice. 1 ORR ‘WEIKE'RT'S ESTATE—Lefitns tes (l mmentnry on the paint: of John Weikert, lute of Mo-lntplensanl‘ township, Adam;- (‘OJ deceased, having bé‘en granted to th. under— signed, residing in Gemnnycownahipée here by gives notice to all persons iudt-hte ‘to said ”tale ‘0 make immediate payment, until those having claimn’ ngninst th‘e mime loifipresent mom properly authenticated for senleézr‘nt. PETER WEIKFIRTi'L'z'r. 11!!! C. DUT‘I‘IB i, Agent, Mountplegimn: tp. 4m. 25, mu, 8: ,3 . ‘ ‘ Ladies, ?~ F you call u Fahnestocks! you um find tho I hnudsomesl DRESS 6001):! in town; De lninea, Cnshmeres, Figured Herinoel, Cpburgs, French Herinoap, all Wool, In low as can“ I yurd. Call noon. jFAH'XESTOCK BRO? R R 5. Out. 23, 1861. g"; 1, Nance. 3; , E desimgau persons indebted m as to ‘V cnll nnq make settlement, lmvin} made a clmnge in out! manner ofdoing businéu. 0:1.28, 1861.3 maxssmox she’s. A LARGE ngsonnent of Men‘- hub Wn ‘ ter-proof Boom, Calf Boots, hmvy Bro g-nns, Am, just. fecuived and for sale chtap. at 06V. 28. ‘ R. I“.- MCXLHENY'S. ‘ LADIES, It. H. G. Carr's is the plush» get Gloves and (hunting of all kins: very cheap. Call and enmine‘them. No onble tq chow goods. [34¢ 13. Ayer’s‘ cdmutm r 113; ' Twlwrnfi vx‘mx- S .i-Tlle'undL-raignml I‘ll nnunfiiug 3" the public 1’ ‘ lhe sgorc of .\lr. .\ltzxuml mm“ .0n the mud lfllllil§ i Pllnmgslnug, and will cn .nniefllurgcfl scnlo. Hc T ,hrmd g large clack of DR (‘in:févtjonmics. Qllt'k‘hs; ll ll’ll‘JJH", kc.&0.,n1101 ‘prinvs tn ~mil the rixuci. l‘.l'lnnl, Drugs. kt, mm . : Grcenmount Slut-e. Frin .:'kx_wn' {hell my 3001's and l . to plunge. :' H‘Thp urlrlvrzizn‘cd ‘PARBLUPE-MAKXXG l vultimte gird xrontlplnce‘ 21ml (am-I'ls I'.er in: mm“, {Ln 'berfics, 3 «or; EHO will warrant l “\berriee, ‘. llfis climgefi nrc :mmng t ’ X‘cm‘h recs, to'; RepuJing‘dune on shun \ltlzy olu the} Q‘lbumry pruddce in lctw. lzlgoody. A? tf vuppli-l : ‘ \n mg the! Noti \ l other; , AYING dispmednf A, ‘bejnz Ii: hum Plank,l lloro _xc K «mu 1 pbrsm-arknna in; lllemu ' ”“5 v‘ «Mac: by Note or Book . SK- 1 mediate pnyjnlml. us I l. husium: without Ililfl)’. N eiifiiount until lln‘ Iv! u mink not settled l; i .s)\'ill,bc left in the II 1 tion. J. c .321, 13:51. ‘ ands’ Sam VM” ~: NTM‘E I: L‘ SANT u Tlll-I 'l‘.\ PER LY VF. ‘ETABLE be than! at nll ".n-m‘; Tho firmc Of a‘ L 3' SA runfilmd to Ihr li' 'u‘af it illuow usml‘in nhmo wmm. The lullowin well known repréaeulul' to l’nus‘si.s: » , Notice. I nnxw 'rurs WAY; 115th? pleasure ofun'« tun! lu- has pu'rchnsed -r Harm-r. at Green- I§g from Gettysburg to timlcthehusim‘js on Twill nlwap ken-p on ’— GUUDS. Gnu-mics, sler. Woodrn-wnrb, “high \\ in he, «OH M, Im. Dyv-stufl'fi Oils, m bud clump M the ‘uli,;.ri\‘(‘ me a cull. .I my prices cxumol fail wlso rnrrics 0.11, the mine." {lt lhe afnmc numnenlé‘to punk“.- in work good, whilé 1e “I|;at modemtq.- mice. ‘ dam in ‘c‘xrhnngc for ”(A [IAM PLASK. ny store to Mr. Mirn 1y give native to‘ all Ives. indebted [o' mt (count, to Inflkb in),- -i<h r 0 settle up my 1 “ill be luund M (J../unwary 11:11. A“ ween this (and llml 1111‘ of flu offivcr fur ALEX. HARPER. I; up arllla,_ > ‘Tl)[‘(.-\'l'l\'.l-), PLEA .‘TE NHHHHEDQF ZXT‘ILU'Ti. an 1 may 'ilh pcxf‘oct smog-. RSAI’AIHLLA is not nur own country. but I envy part of the ‘s from Mr. Fny. {he a of our Govexjumeut '. ~ Lquszo‘ .\‘nmfi‘rnjg,} l} m. ', Pnumu L‘ M firs. A. B. k D. ..lnd ’Gentlcmoh:~ Huf‘fgg scan your Slrsnpxrillx med in this b‘ity ‘wilh ~grmt emu-t in n 51: ‘ere case of Sch-ium. I h \ru been ”fluem-ul'm urflér Ihree [lo7.qu bottles. whh h p‘e N: =cnd \\‘i ”be least passable delay. lam in :nircd on‘; b u feel in§(Jphilamhruphy. in begging you ' pub -1i: "Quiz un'lskud tcaiimrlny L 0 lhe' "uh: of a medicine which. “'ll!va Ins it is known, is not. known :IR it ought to be., I mm, gentle!" n, respectfully youra. km. 1 THEO. S. FAY. Fri-re S 1 00 par: hot'le.lnr 6 hn'th s foi’SS 00: Ask for SJh-ls' Sursnlmrlfla and 1 Ike no other. Wl’rnp‘rcdfiy A. I’. k I). SANDS. Drug gmi. 100 ‘Fuhuu’ FL. can! or W'lliam, .\'. Y. I. Fursznc hy .\. D. Bathing Gettysbilrgfia. Udg. 21,1661. It» Townsley THE nntkra‘igncll re: public th'u he "on: .\I.\K.L\'G AND REPAIIH Ahead. ' {peqtfully informs (h:- ”“155 the GA IRRIAGE .\'G businus in All its “fun guy 9110 p iu the nun! to give satisfac tr] prmlm‘e mken in ‘ rkct prices. ‘ A. .\I. TOWNSLEY. Gcit;sljui-g,'Juue 2‘, 861. different forms, the-Ipcr (manly. All work warr IN! hon 6-) vuemmers culmngc for wark at In. Eleq BANK 0‘ ‘10)). ' umrvsgijpu,‘ .» 0 tuber H 2, “36]. j OTICE is hereby gi ‘cn lo the Slm-khold ’ers uf th¢ Bank u' Gettysburg, that-m 1‘11"th for Thinpen Dlrcclors, to seri'e one yenrhwdl be lK'ld at ll'e Banking-house, 9n ”and”, (In 181/4 day of. plumber Jazz]. «' [B'3 general vuuctii ol‘ the Stockholden will nuke play: at the w. in time. > _‘ ‘ 00$. 21,1861. w -, } ~ , “___. ~_ _ _ ~ H _ -~——————---—.— ll Baady-madeL Clothing. . EORGE ARXOLD h a now got up his Fall and Winter Stock 1)! Heady-made Cleth irg, consisting 'ol' DRESS COATS,of every kind, OVERCUATS, in grmtivuiely,’ BUYS 1130., MONKEY JACKETS. P NTALUUNS, VESTS, Druwgra, Shirts, Crav ts. Gloves, Stq'cka, Hosiery, &c., Jim, with a man every srljclg in our lme of business, all l’ which will be gold chem, for cmh. The ClE‘Jthing Are mostly nf our 0W1) mumfucture. lilo 'us a £ll”.an if‘ we mil-nor. fit you in n rmcni made up; we 1 will dell you the .Good , take your menun,‘ and mnke you n tuit in I on order. . 3 Oct. ‘, 1861. , l , ‘ 'l l . Not: 9 f 0 RETAILERS, AN DISTILLERS.-—Tha r Reuileri ol' Goods, Wareand Merchan dise, M well as the Uiui lers, in Admiis coon- ‘—'“~"—-‘ ’..——-'—,: ty, who have no; ye! lifted their Licenses, arev Union Inn; , requested to do ‘so on“ or! beforé Monday of III: EORGE A. CORNELL, of the Union Inn, Number Court; without grail. The law bind: 'l Gon the Chnmbersburg 'l'irnpiko. nest LI. me to urge this nutter Upon‘delinqneuu, Ind . It‘op of the South Mountain, taken :hl: mulled it ‘u hoped that no furthér steps willho necu- ‘afinionhing his friends and we publlc It“ In mrytg induco them to comply: ‘ - in prepnred to necommndazemll who many pn ‘ J'ACUB TROXED. tronlze him, in flu but munnor, mud at mode:- . ICounty 'l‘reuuru'. am chum-n. 260 emu-t willbe wired to glvg oth 11, 1861. td l Iptisfiwlion. His mnle nnd bar will be founfl —-—t—"——"“ well provided, and his bedding unexcepcinnwlo. x Ml3B C. S9BM" I’lmrgo Imbllng lor horses. 210 only uh n BOLARDING AND mt: SGHOGL, opons 1 man. . [May 6, 1361. a... .ondn , September 2 , 18m. , ~ ‘-—~—--*——~r ~ , « «_.- ”‘1 Terms—Pit session ad 6n month», 875.- Removal- For male and Languagesl rum. ‘ A'l'Cll g CLOCK REPAIRING.—¥~LOms Fox-(further plniculun‘mldreu VV Zhll‘Mflll bu renmwd his Watch k é ‘ c. L”. snubs. ~ Glock’llnklng Establishment. to sum; 3.3. Alli—26, ”61. 6a 1 Goltbeurg, Pm; .limore ”reel. lwol door: 3031 e of Dunner k -—‘ --' "*fiw—‘r‘v'm ‘ “l i [on Stow, wnre' e will be 1m! to ro -71“".0-‘58Y fifly “I“ Picmlfil In “”“mlixczil‘ge a continuance of the palronfigo o! 0.5. “N'Cd- . 9 , . public. By close unenliou lo bunineu, (ood Tysonp' fifty cent plctureq. are tiger pgool'. work, ”d modemte mug“, be hope. he xiv. TN“? “‘3' "1“ P‘“""'§‘”° ”“3“." dun“ general nliafnetisu, fl! heretofore Tysont' fifty cent pictures; are nanny-passed. Gettysburg, April 3, “3“ Tysoni' fifty cent picturellan warranted. Tysonh’ fifty cent pictured are ppt up‘ln [u or null cm. .' [92s ‘ll, 1831 YSON .armms up upkipg their prem- T mu pica-um u pied to (nit who elm-o. THE BEST EVI’LOYMRKI FUR AGENTS [5 TI) SI’LL i H. H. LLOYD & CO.’S " Elegant New Maps “and Cfiarts i '~ Funjrnn'rnxns.. i ILEASE see New Prim? List Ind Circular <1) before engaging clsqwlwro. 3. i’ A specimen of either of the following will be hmilvd,post puid, for 25 cents. The whole 3 for $l. ‘ , —— K , 5 Out New Military Map , or mu \ x ,1. . 1 3013 ER AND SOUTHERN STMES, ~ i Rngmv d from‘the most reliable govfinnient §und mhe sources, in m-cornlmu-e with themost lracent infirmntimi, on a very large 16111;, in the hated. nnd . ‘ " \ {MQST CLEAR, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE, ( ' M well, as the ‘ V v! «a mum» ~ "w mu 3 ..AJAI’EST \m’ nxrgkm. 1 In its preps:nlion,o~pl~cinl attention 3": given ‘to the ponit'ppn of Troupe, Forti, Rnilmndd‘, “livers, Distances, Hurhurs, Sap ('unat. nfud I“ ITuwnst'ge nnd sum". either nlreddy impor {tanL‘or likely t'o lwvnmc so in 11-00 mm. ' Size 534 x 44 inches. Price .30 cents. V I -.._ ) ‘ g 3 THE EQUESTRIAV “ 1, . Military Pam-nit Gallery, ! . annulus iTIIIRTEEX OF OUR MUST NOTE“ HELD i GESERA§S US II()RSEB.\_\JK. s [ln two—groups, very lnrgekbesidcu the head! 'ionlx o! suvonl gnu-rs. - . [1 This Chart i-x'llfonmnu-e-l by all who ‘hnvo gésecn it. to gin» the bra; likenesses of mu load h , ,ung officers yet engruvnvly and to be Illegal!" Tithe man : . . 'V. BULD. SI‘UUTHD AV“ ATTRACTIVE jwork of the kind yet ihuell. Smpulnl Ina gspufcd. to make the coloring and finish usuenr- \ ‘ly‘ perfect. us passihlc. This ”ion-did new EChnrt i‘a new all I'flld'l]. Size 28 x 33. iPrch _3O! cents. —, . , | MILITARY. PORTRAITS, J ; Maps and Arms. ' é ‘ nns uosr :chnr won; u aunt. i The large. splendid ”('fldephce exhibit! I soldier in ouch pf the n‘niforma worn ln'our ariny, protectin‘ir the Sun and Stripes with .\lnskels and Billed Cannon. in the loregronnd, nre Zouavva :rsmpllnz on the Rebel Flag, and a .ia'enluent underneath, the fling heinz plainly shown. Under this. are can-act. imrtre'itl of Generals Scott, .\lvtfh-llnn, Mon. Butler. l-‘re-' nont, Banks, Sprayuc. l’renlisl illcnker,Wo:-l. ii o-u-mnz. ilnrmide. DH. SLle' ‘Schoweli, Jun, Commodore Stringlmm. Golgi. Cora-nruu inuil Imgher, :ingl wow-ml other]. A: the bpt« lion! - Ni-w Map, jult t-ngngi'rd, Hby '.‘3 .inqhei size, shaming theuwlmlc ol' Missouri, iKuntuck ', Tennessee, with [mm ol' Kansas. iArhniisus, Hhin, lnvlinnn. nud llliuuis. nccurJ :ing to tlir 319:! information. The [larder of Ethis (“hurt i (‘umposcii of )liliturly _Figurci, -ishoi~in,:‘tourl u'portrait:l fur the 3 URkEH,II£- -coi'dinz to U in -c'.q Trli‘lll‘s'. \ - if W111i: Clm can b» 111-(i with?!“ Military :3lnp of \'irgiufi. . ry'nn-l. ”min pilice at tho ‘Map cf linuuri, Kc tuc ._V, etc. Size 28 x 35. ll’ri‘cv: 30 cents. ‘ . e ' THE [(‘o PLETBA ' ' ' l, . Military Camp ‘ Chm-L . i This large and qrefully reMred work.‘l¢ Freud; with mm) rccént ml iii us, and not liconuiuam very distinct limp fh’irginin and [Maryland ”by 27 invhcs. A I all liap‘oi‘tbo lTli'ni‘ted Stntés, wilh secu-fiuu Ii , r 13/ «ion: :ians of the North Czrolin; Coxu an] llull L‘Run Billllc Field. with vexplnnatio I. Also, :disfinct Maps of the District" ol‘ lnmbiis, iMiasVissippl River, New (lrlcnul and inily; “Cairo Mid vicinity: Finn-mh )und vi Willy; LClmrleston nn-l vii-inity; \lobile and 'ici "3 .; ,;Galves~ton and vicinity; Pensacola Buy. rt il'iéki‘us, 9th., etc. , Size 28 x 38. Price 30 ct]. ‘ New Political Chart for tha Times: ‘ ‘ This Churt has 1.11-ch life-life engravings of Lincoln and all his CJbi'nct, and of General! Bum, Genonl uglier, Gen. Anderson,ColoMl- Ellsworth, Hewlypicte with Flags, Washing. ton, etc. Map; showing thq Free States, Bord" Bhu‘e Sums :un-I«Secedcd State: and Territoriel, in different colérs ; Suturing of Uflluen, Sukiy— Iticn of thé Election of 1860, (‘ensnl of 1880, gnd other things to [nuke the Chart nunctiro ind uselul. Size 23 x 38. Price 25 centl. Be careful lo addresa _ m H. LLOYD & (70., 25 Hovnrd Sun-ct, New Xprk Nov. 4,1361. , . HE Mtention oflhe Ladies in mpectmflf T invued ta I huge and, spluuh'd “lotto ;' meat of Ladies’ fin; ,Kid Boon, Lnfingjhbz Mrs. Gum,ovcuhocl, ken, jun received it _‘ 1.. Oct. 2k ‘ R. F. MdLHENY’I ‘ 5 FIEZEZZS