V -2‘ H ' 1 P'm' file Cam'rillrr. Mn. Entran:—\\'intox~ nnd appmaching holidays induce tlmughls ofurmt an'fl sull, fi‘ringr-‘but in rnntrnli to" times I ‘ cheerin‘g remenibrmcgs pf plea-43:16 Slang; ings with tlmse wnv lbvi». and plentfiu‘ly: spread boards at Clurhtmns-tlde. "J‘iiétrm‘ : that national ditl‘xcultim Prod“ 20 1316,1111 l dimes“, and money wcmsgo flm)‘ Pin_u ) smaller rtreum now, than in llJ\" shat (are ; pmt, But wtill. mam-y 11', nml will lms ont, ”11$,“ gratification nl'nmfetite will l) in- ; Prod“? times of wan as in times ol‘p are. ‘ 14“";‘ng the c 356, we. :m'ze thé oppo uni- : ty '.\_ Atroducg- through you? colu‘m “410‘ the particular notice of _vniu' rglorslthg‘ elegantly iirrnngo'd and ntlnfirahg ’cun luct- ' ed smm of STEI‘HEV l“. Wigrnuml‘llu lur kvt qtrcct. I’llila‘lvlplila;whom “WP y of confection}; 9f every ltinfll we thinkiin qnhl 1 to any other-entaililfibment in Mr don Itry. A loyal citizen of=i loyil Statcfiblging and prompt. in his builnvsstolatidn.’ Mr. Whitman desénieu' an oxtmuivy Imin ago. Candiei of evary dewription’. copier?“ Jr all kinds, roll-Mil“ of the “amt (9%an du scrilntion. nd x|ll_ t'n‘ noveltic: of Mil Lio '])nrtxnent of trmleuvun nlwny~ lu-fluuiurml )Kflouallm or by m-tlar, uml at r ~01 nlvlo rut . One Inga“ tiy for youtw: Vii-f the tniflfuluers of till-sv'remnrlu, 5111!“? are low rédl‘ynu will not lm dim ppomt d. \ lhilmlelphia, .\'ov., 1861. nl-wr . _ q———* i migragéagafix'fisq i GET'EYSBUILG-—Snvnmv Lin. 1 “my: Op 10; 1ire:F1uur............................V7 ' ' Whit}; \\‘hont..’...: Red'Wtht [l6+ "‘....." Ry. .....-.'.;. (ml- Buckwheat! ..L..........3...‘ (“o‘erfleul ................. Tim my 5eed............‘. Flu Sued. I'l4 ('l’ of I‘m-ii “:1 = or gl‘Qun !. p'r Mg l J HAUNMURE—FdIuuf mu. 5 03 h l ‘.’.’l 14 F‘lo 'r............... .‘Whinl .............‘ .liyo ...... .: ....... ‘ ‘.‘or .......... L‘lo‘qer Sue-1......m ijrlhr Set-(1...... - hun' Cpttle. per hund........-. llogk, per hu|1d.§.......... ..u ”n"................................ \Vb1pkex.........-.............,... Uu‘nho, l'eruvinn, per 10n......... ‘ ! jiAXOVElt—Qwusgn u‘sr Floér, from wago‘ns...“ .:. Db. from stow. Wink: ......... Ryef‘............. (‘ur ........ .... H.4t1............ Cloqor Seed" Tum (hyb'ned‘ rlu .'"-..." Special Notiges ‘_ WSNEAHI k ”Emma's Sluro‘ in we] IM4 fiaitjust In this time} \"c doubt “'1: mm: in our rug“: (MA-i. to fine u disp Modes can be found. Imm lu'ge n.‘ {will 'bf Smn'u of u My pntn-m; Mpg, n+l win; of Hollow Wme, Shhbfirun Wm “'an, Plnui-kl-d Ware, anuu \\ '.lm-veu inn. imlecd, Murylhin: in ‘hu huuac furu' line. duo. Snumge Cutters. 3' nudge S! Lard l’rbnnei. KL. it. They nn- prepn‘ leLwho‘enlle Ind warn], 'l'iu \V’nro snd iron HEM-re of their on n mnnufirtunu—kl r wfir’nn. number 0! bands ‘lO supply :1. gnunfL Timr nsauruncm of Lumbar i largo; tho “0“] Murray kill [a ‘ GREAT ("SHIV ERYl—Amph‘ {9-1.5 hyibh: pru‘clitinnun and ch-mvm-l m have armnnalmtcd Ihr gnu! mine of l’ Urqth'i beautiful roubinnfiuu. t-MIeJ “ 'J'RIC OIL." for the relief nuH mm of But the peopln xhwnm-in-u are n-udnia night-J in} manner hath unmi-lukub s.lligfricloiy. More than um uni-Ih," lmgibeeu mm in u very uhurl‘mnu— propmx'wn of tho-o ulm henwl ””st mcnd it, who had tried it. “I“ 6"." vi 5; din-ovary iLevgs-y where nckuuwlmlm 'no'hinp; like it run ever hrlurc pri-p «ru-1 unly {engine 51mm Oil is l'ruf. D 4: ‘ which i3lO be had atnll LLI9 rvipx-rlahl . gull: u; «hr allies, and M. nb'nleuulc {mm nuke yirop'ricmn' price! Unh- Agent in- l ndwrfiiemem. ‘ » 1 THE mchY IIEA.I.ER.-—Lcl not -‘ I‘it‘l; it! fnllgu pre} upnu you. until t 1 hind of death hurh yuu m an uulimelj' ankr off (ht; (rt-Img ul‘ dc-pair’nn'l hu hunt, m liahie to rum? upon Ihr imuXEd vlnnl harm of the Sill“ we plrul‘ “it!” wash 01' ML W: Cari: nal .uhnl. ”my I syn-rifle form 0' the disvast. The run] ‘opumin of‘lhc diumswileL is Human ‘nuul thiongh Ihedifi’rrhm (lmnluls ut Lh the Momnrh and tho \'llnl 'mgnnn, Jll “OFXTAKS mum KILLS “all puss. m with the-blood. search out .md grup .11 find, «[1 hunfuf poison that were is ‘fhus rleanfie the blood hy a I‘m" doses . Tilli, and disease, in nny lurm.uill d‘ {lnd Ynm'xh. As Ih. Sun, WI“) ils_ I bums first Emma the morning dew to um“, then firewing Ixrongen, casts hi» I my»: u“pon it"—un-! lu-hohl 'cié gone—so I—he Mo‘éd. Mn! discuo. Ilka Innrniug (1‘ (ram and Tnninhos. There is no Moo. flit-r equal to Judum‘s leunmiu Herb 'b‘old by all Dealerq in )lvdmiue. [HI-LI MARI-11 ED. ‘ 0n flu; 51h, inst., by ,t'ne Rev. J‘ K. )H AMOS FISHER to Mfipu SARAH .\. both of Franklin township, lh'u county 0n the 27th uh... in ffippaclnoe count at the residence of lflqbridu‘slather, Mr. A. MICKLEY, formerly uf this cuuutyfl REUECCA museum. 1 m On Hominy hut, Mrs. ELIZABETH 00 K. widow of George Shrypck, othis b‘ aged 65 yum. ‘ On the 24!!) Mt. JAMES ALFRED“ John nnd Kuhn k. [lzmlrick~', of l-Jz township, 1g“ 5 years 5 months and 1 On Monday lust, SL'SAN 8., only dllij Ephr EILH. iunigh of this pine, ugq 15 mgmhs. r“ , 1n Cauuwngo tp.. Adams count}, on 31-h, r. JACOB BASIS], aged QM 3 woutbs'uud 4 dayi. ’ ’ in COUQWIgo tp., Adams co., on the Era“. LOUISA STERNER: aged 27 year: and 29 d-ya. . ‘_l_n Eentrcri le, Cumberland county, film-i: and Tyijwid Raver, on Fri-Lzy )o\'. I“, 186‘, ADELAIDE LIZZIE aide; duughteq 40! Raw. L. and ’ Guss, formerlytf this place, aged _4 uamhsnnd 12 dgym 011 1.1319”; offlctoher, in Gumbel-lam Luwn r v MAS w. SANDERS aged 15 ’B4” 0' 1 ‘unfg’nd 1 any. ‘ ’ ~ Jug-320311] us you sent it. ‘ . ‘ ’L'fiough’ overgrown wuh he uh, ‘ I , And Nuke-And forgmuu I a Dear Weumie 5109 p! hem-uh. ‘ z I \ Oh‘life inbu: n dew (imp, ! Abuhble or I; Must. K And morale "abut. shndowx E ;,- Th“ vanish are my mm. . " Lost, ‘ l X Sabbath evening last, lbelwoea the Pros bgtvrian Ch’nrch unll‘kmr n‘idencc, in (.‘lmmbenhnrg-st., a LADYB GULDILBREAST; PIN. The finder will be liberally rewarded by 1 Wing it u thu sum: of ’ ~,,___ ‘..--." , «gaggle—d afixuy'. 11,13“. ~ A'SCOTT a: sex: I , NOCIQQ. .1 l l Revolv; lfl's ale_ ‘L l .‘““ 3’ " ""“"""’ .‘ " ""'=—“-;**"‘ ; ‘VE desire all pel‘sous‘iud ‘hlcd to us to v: SEXY lot. of REVU+ r llP'lsle 313?:de in Filmer.- & é‘rousp‘g: John W. Tipton, , 3 call and nuke semcmeu: haying made‘ A style-g, embracing [ll,l fits" in Litllestown will be‘ resulued UN ‘ASIHOKABLF‘ BARREL Northeast. c‘or- “ change In mu- muhnor ol'doulglfluunessh 1.5 UISLIN‘D', nurle-ut co . Isi’VEßfDiY‘ NETT thxe 13th inst. n: 9 ner UK the Ummoud, (nun door to Meg UGL2B, 1861. FAHNESTJCQ BRO 5. (lhnng purcuuscijur Dbl} o‘cloék ‘A‘MLto‘be'continucd from 2143' to Clellana llotel,) Gettysburfi; Pm, Where he '— ' .- .-7 ‘~ A__ W“V»,‘" ’ lw is prepmcd to sullgu‘i d“, Inn,“ .1! i - ld f an “.3 all mum be found re yto attend to “uh; A ILARGE assortment of Men's heavy “th‘ nut lower yet. Drop 1114.11 . as so SUIUEL WOLF 3‘!sz 'lbusillcss in bxs line. lie unslalso excellent “3.. tar-pram Boots, Calf Boots, hgnvi Bun; yuuraelvei‘. Na trouble t". ‘ ‘ 7’ ; ' I‘siagalncc and will ensure shtisfucupn. Gne‘KMIS, ‘36-. j-ial receu‘ed And fut-sale chm“, at _ July 1, 18'“. r ~_#____l,___- ‘him a cnll. , [Dec 3, 1660. l ON. 23. ' R. F. )quLliENA"b\ l - ' Geor§é_lrh3ld . Restaurant For 3315(- t wsux BROTHERS bauéonlmtlyonlmnd LA DIES, n: H. a. Carr's is via place to gain; 3 gem“, off LmlES'} DRESS 620035 .4 HEMheriberinund'ulg to go inqo Emma” _l a. lax-gs assortment of! plain and film-y Gloves and Gauntlets of ll kinds Very 1 00:1 6““ if ’2‘”le WHEN”! busineu, ofi'enlhegood will mg 'xtuX’H‘cnsca, gilded frames, gold md’ plated lnt-kels, cheap: Call and examine’theml No typ’uble‘. ”GLI 11-s‘l.’ 4‘ l l' 01 his Restaurant, in waanburg fleet, 101’ r brewqfinn, kc" km, which may are selling 1;: to show goods. ‘ l [.\lny )3. l a' ’ - Hal: yfiflfilhflrfiutbangood run flcuatmln, . astuuiahin‘gl) low pnces. I I ‘~~——-- --~‘~----———~————- _.- *7» --~ 1 L l NERS and other an wi ‘loI: en for cash. Er‘ app 1' " "‘ ‘_ ""’~'”~'-A~’ 7.7" "l - ’ '‘ ' 3‘l'3 uncut of ib‘hon cationlcalnd. , (fan. 9.1055. rams; SSH-{lb PHQTOGRM’HB m» 31 Per downf :Ayer’s *Cathart PlllB, ,nucp‘c's, -., u thenchedp Gettysburg, Nov. 11, lam. '. g M Isms Sky-light Gn-ll'm ‘ . l 3 ‘ , \ ‘ l - l Nov. 11,1351, Assienees' ‘ I‘ V KLL'AHIJ‘I HEAT. E 1 0 :rx:h.-r:, \ti'gn‘ IN 41 i‘ and \‘KHH in trvm' lnrt e h “‘.Il mm M I‘lflfisv‘ \‘nln. “'l‘ H'nlucu’mh 1M 0 h Minna", ‘ ingdemriN-d Rim} Rama. 5% Tva.".ann' I "1124' vnvi a. h lhrmltonh m hmmhip. Ad. 1 TRM'T \'n. 1. loéiugfl grfl'l riur lumeetunn land, um um (y. Hd_lnHEng Loud}: of Juml i'uip, '1 hmnn. A. 515“ th ! and ('nnmining 100 AFN-.5.. inunrmu-vuentn are n Twol S'IUVH HDT'HE, WM}! 21- s}er the dam", and one unmrprm the bellur, arched. n Stunfl Burn, will: hm thre~hingll “'.lgun Shed, two Born, ('ll other ()ul-h'xiidingu, um! 11 .- vsriuzy uf fruit. There are ( dows in this tract, sud rum" I‘nrm. ‘ | 1 TRACT NO. 2, blz'lllg» : ‘ WUQDLANU, Adjoining: 1m: .\!.Lru!mll,'nud other». mud ’l‘ x 3, cunnining 2.5 AHLHs. 1 101%, wrll covered with Tnnb proimrlv ‘ A C‘Ji’Y contain.» Twl-nty-firailil . lnlzs of Trees, Fruits, I of Evergrcrna. Horn-t. Dn art I’} ramid l’mr nni (Lu. ‘ The J‘rui‘! Eng” '3 llninherries, UnuscherJ rics, (furrums, Gralics,l cats, l'ewra, Pun-hrs, .\I an: all culured hy h In the nntuinl Fruit. undnr “illl printed lllillll‘t‘ ul Lillcl',dud [urine .1 cup} . I 4i: imhcs, on mnp Imln INN" 0“ It. ’ . 3 Inch ninLi'u Ii \'nt'niihv‘ . W‘th‘l‘" :‘l‘OP‘. “‘“fl f‘l")!":'i:;’";°5';“‘d, ,\ (‘t'tPY. wish it: iiuiiiurmi-i L‘li _' vnnm . my: leg are runvo mu 0 ie cli oli-: . . I ' ' ~ . . 5 Ebzmtiésxml they urn: input:- In an intelligent] I 2;,fi';:l3:‘§:n;?"9;3:gr 3 .10 nud agreeable neighborhood ‘ I ‘ I’m'h" run? will ‘likiii ‘25 l’chons Vi ish’ing in v.I-w lie‘Trncls, will he "mange!” with horlit‘l I H shown '.hc' same by thr Au gnut, ruzidiiig nni >“ut’lniu I, importance gndn “,3 No. i, or the Mfligueefi. resi ing near. I I 601“” me published at if . 1917-Snle‘ to COIIUEHICI at; l 2 o’clockl )1., on i “win” I'lunu--fi\°d(‘l s'” shit! dny.‘ when at! nduncei will be gigeu am! :' “ I [mitfl to- a seienlitir. "11' I 4 33 I 10m" “”51” k'W‘Vn b." JO \' VH‘KI i’Y ', 1 the ‘hlutcs of .ingle I? 00' . ~ ‘3 I)? I 4 y‘ I ‘troos. rumi, rtc_. lint, I , “M UU- ‘ I -~‘ many can olltnln Sliri I‘ 0" \'or. 11 last. t 9 .' rluiyneu. , - - _ ' 6 ..‘OI . f Y / »_. ___~-® i ___ ”c I trifling- itg‘l‘l'e. the: [m i 1 °_° '- .. Tin: LIIM'SJ' :inx'ii,‘ : I ";‘;,‘,’,:’;§,,’“§2§”fi,}fif§g‘. i- i' Gpdey’s Ladyi S, BOOK i' l mu}. thnt has liken pni ii :3 10R -ir.6l.——'l‘llE\\'(ll‘.li >3 r.\\‘olti‘mJ -. f ..“.'““”'.|~"' “’ .‘"“! “i' , For 32 )‘mm I].: Slum/ii (l .llngu:i'nf._lrl.o‘ I _! Li}! 3 4 untuuia printed mutt I i .1." uounLcd by the l'ruzs of the United; Sum-s," ! ' portnm-e "“4 “"33""“1” 4 i}! ‘ x! I how lo tfl-at ll” killti< i 42 ‘T H .1; BE‘ ‘ T » l i‘ to N'fldtl'lhl‘nl‘K‘PfV vi I 4 by Lndi‘s .\ingnzmein the war] .nnd the chenpust. i I ductii .- era“ in uhl‘nxc I 2 2:, The Lin-lining: i? of that kit Ii that m'n‘ be tutti ‘ 3 11 “111 [III how u, JP I 3 flu ulund in» the fntmlfiWnrlc, “3111.1“? clerpb' iii'ini- I- I \Vuholu “.00“th nu.- 5 50 men-m numbers are fluincrl Hrs 'for the Book.) ~ the ”Main . to'alrcngi wm, I‘ii'a iiizn‘i‘ LADY wuu tans in Anmru‘al I_ in \'l!’or.‘flll'd mph,” I 33 glirl-ly‘l'lfnllle 15) It‘s pages, and -c lnuu some thntl ‘ne‘s, hfnbniidqut "ol‘ ‘ 60 00 I C |' [HI U .ilfi lllvtglllllhl. I l I THE .\iL'sn; I. all original. and-mink! witv :fiji:l°,:§“;;lisaflri .’”.“ :ILllEltth’tflli’el‘Ericr 9f the Biuh) in the [hiialL A Cpl’i' \fiii.lell how m Prl‘l'“ I _ . st 01’ it ni col \1 htcd, Ind Lnii- I kinds of Fruil‘ _‘ud Hi‘ 515 not ha- ohtniiird except in “ 3359'.” - ' I I “a m; m Iro‘ (- 5:10“: .f I» 130 um STEEL E\GR.\\'l_\' ‘a‘.—-.tll mum uil : a 11. We, lii-aim , a min 6‘) rim) nil in this hnvu ceased, and we iiiiw stand ’. ‘ than} ”I," whim firth !‘ 5'5 niuiic in this trrplll‘lll'll‘lll. dying, its we du,i' ' ‘dirvi'tl-dt ”It will tell] I 39 many lIIUI‘L‘ and infinitely cltcr engravings 'r, 'I ’L‘imd? inrit Dwarf Pear 14, Ob tlinn an- liuhliAhl-ui in any 0 her work; . J I t .18?” I. 't ‘ ~;,s ‘1 75‘ (mirHY's I\|\ll-2.\‘sE mum: SHEET”: {‘“tl '° 11‘ ”in ’li‘th‘? I 33" FASHION-PLATES, cunt-lining fruni five tul 27“” I“) cu Inn, 0 ~... . . I . . ‘4 . . I I 0” hnw 30 '.min in ll nit-(n “(I)”! leni‘tn Llilorc‘i.l““”]°n"t on ei‘nnl _ (inqm. , II |Kl‘. tier icg.l7.lt|(‘s~gl ‘e on ' ‘\\'o. ill" I I , . 5 . , - . . i’nhemi ul'xiny Fashionx i_u i‘ urQlie {irflhnericm “A (103‘ i 31‘“? grit? éllrcrh‘ll hvor- (iIiIiI-y's in the only “‘ulh int. Io world thnt gives 3‘ Awalk“; i. ‘ G :lan: ‘ ~lhvr, thew ilullltllsl‘ plates. and I I(‘_\' are with n: to‘ ‘ COPY win I I m“ f n. c” . . . . . . . all how to trcnt iiy (it iltl‘!‘ excncd the wuflul‘f of übiiShQijSuuuj tne . rhloru their roots bw in ii public. The pnhhcntion 011 these IIIJIOS custl' _ I (”1%.”- "s oiled-i at w -3" \'A-_ $lO,OOO more thnn fishiun lihtes «if the nldi.‘ i “il‘l‘i "ill ‘ k . Tin ‘Mglc, and nothing but our quIIII-il'ullv inigeii i ..‘ H 9.“, to my e‘u ihrnru '(‘iirtilntion ("Inhies us to in‘ lhom.‘ Uthvrijl‘ I .cimim moi the s|)” ”I 1 ..~ _I _ . . . I I llt'ei to prulrcl the i’ I wing |lliJ;{‘.l/lnus mnnut :li’lurli ll \\ eH" H ‘lt-l'e .I l tenclcr’ f. "i“ I}, ”H ll 0 ‘ Ili'el-a, ‘mnncy when thelpuiulic $1u[l)0 benefited. , .II I‘ winter-l 1“ :d 21] |b hi to Time il‘ilillils‘i in I}. lie r-lir-d o_n.” ”react-q” I n 1... ; L‘ [‘4 .'_e ‘lucll mIV in made :li‘lr‘l‘ tlwm. ti 1 the \vé-irflr will 'i ‘p‘hn Jim} '| ,1" if ‘tnr . . . . I turn Kant"! tnc \I-llmv- I-Inn: ,um “Hutu! horsuil‘ tn ruin-u (‘. :Is wmiild he the l‘ I t'mhn I. l; “u 'h". 05 ”iv de- Imus: if ~|lo tisi'L-J tZle' LlrL'c' itie> drcw‘l-d n'lur i {n‘l‘ ht the Rim“? ‘U‘ th W'V-iinf:o3"}:lei..lii':niii?i:§.li‘:‘en m 104““ 9“" WI . 1 mumm- Ir.» \iiirumns. I ut‘it n‘mm ii\l.liA\'isCS. of which no' ‘lhiLiff‘f‘x‘ffif if.) hath ' gin» twir'l' or l'irl-u times In. “any n~,liil)‘ ot‘il-i'l l oinJnii’Cl-LA 1)" lithe" Imin. lln grazine, :th" nl‘tln Ylilsldk n for nfqt-l. Tin-3'3 I tA-rixls with?" mm“! nl. 00' are «n Tar itipt‘rior to Itiifut i‘r‘". " . ‘l. (£in “ iii iv]! huw ugh-v.Ol ILHC- ll!f’l'i'l‘ll)\'.3‘.—l=owaiu I t'. ili -n. Humour-1' ‘ I Fruit' “ith I'm. “3 nin.— her th"! the Lady's 1309‘: i. "Hm-“$51?“ ii I'lllJ-i' i ' (vii {lifw to “rt," ‘l’? their iICJIIHII lIIIIF thi- Ihcnpr-t. ill'_\uu trike G‘Oduf,i ‘ I sum} is” It \;ili{lhilxlil l‘ null you “amt no athl-r Ixizigsiiiii. I L . munilq: “Mr“ I” "mu”. allies 'l‘lrwptliing that is nsrt’nl hr ornainrntnl in it i Im a thin la the high“ great honu‘ (wit {it- found in (iu‘uit‘li'. 'Y ‘ . ”A COPY. 1"“: em; it: numerous mum- ‘ iii:\\\ 13!} l,lf>tz-:t)Ns,—?i’n other mngnnno I .n :1 “cc imd “In“! 5m Sundial gifl-i, them. niid 9% have gil‘cu 'i-nongh tn .fili ii I fl: he “is“ as w.“ I”: .unl .. lemrn‘l Luge '.‘u!u.xic<. I A = .r , I ~’ - " 'll‘uc I (It'll ltlilJEli’Th‘ are NIPEI in? mi: be found" , 11:): §9‘ An’dmfitu "0 mt I's, ~no‘.\’.i'r(‘ 0 so. (‘uukin is I'l its antiwar—i . I . ' . ‘ - lirngrl ('nnt‘octio‘r’irry——lhe hie-r. —the Tuiiflra‘tho A LOI 3 1:311:93 ”$13,221; rcLulHi Laundry—the Kitchvn. Rel-inn "mm nil gull-I _in mi; l'nitifi‘i) \"ixtes :3. See jmli nre tn be found in the aims oftlie Lady‘s ' wH _ _ .' .K-‘.. ' ‘ Iliunk. We originully ntztftegi this departincnt, Tlih‘wLoml‘s ~“H'ijllbl'l‘sd:3 , loam) inu- V‘l‘lliidl‘ facilities 1' iii Iking it must i K. '., ‘ _. ‘. ‘‘ ' menu“ g I ' . i - I ’ I I I ‘ "3"l39“d"3i'll“xA‘ «2 cold {:lii‘fi' ”I‘lill;n?;.[l.tflm(‘lll lion: is warm .twF _§ss?AlF‘¥"‘P|9 L'OP‘ZH-‘m bi. two-a .iixmua‘ \VHHK TABLES ’Thia litipartinonti ”fifffi‘fi‘lw’f'““9“” “’9 "45:3; comprise; engrivinzs nnddr criptmus ut'cvury} V' i '_ .’ .‘f _.- y :,, , _,_ I‘ nrt‘n-le that n i.lli\ wx-nrs. L’ i " ”"5 Mfllll‘il. COTTAGES-N a'therimngazinei i .-,.‘ ‘ Nptiqg.’ ' ' “- tIIe . has this department. : , I‘Dthfauh‘nfiflfllb Entit“Ti.B-Ee€tieifiui‘is o. tc' . . , . . . ,’ . :luwn urv u wesu e u aun- .eI r,‘ liloOli.i . TLRM‘S (“339‘ 13' 1'“ -\\_Ch* I i'lnw lot‘ Moiinliiluamnt lbwnship ~Atiaius mun; invigi. ~>oll€lopyunc :i'enr7bu. I'o lolllanneyear, Iy, \dvce‘isuui; linviiig Lt‘cii g .tnled to the SOS S b). _ Thioam-pio: one team Sb. hunr copirs > umh4r~igiimi,_residing In the sunei to“ uship; ngling, 0'” 3‘7“" 3" “”5 WW” om: Y 0“: ““1 an e" ihe htruhy gum-z nhtice tti all pcr‘ nskmlebtml l 0 '1 m..“ ‘.r.‘ "“PF t“ the i’cr’o" sending the “1“,“ 310' Bait} eamtc (i) mike iuimeJinte payment,- and. n it.—- l‘fl'u'i'i'wi’mflon' 3‘9”» “m 1 “Ll ““1“ “ol’." "1 9‘o. thoku having il.limli n‘r‘ninst tiic (me! in Inresrnti {the-e IP"“°“ W‘Ed'l‘il ”W Chm SI“- H‘Te“ ""P'” I thenl I-rupci'l‘y iluliiCli-‘bil'fltk‘ll foibidfietillciubnt. ‘ gipnte iiiilrfihfcihliil gnocxp-A copy 0 the pagan Semi-1 JUSi'il’li L1L!I-Y,ih‘ucuzor. I :01; '. {Mal thegnly nLlquim-thil can lifeiiiiii-(liiujé’dj‘ iii): fig; M:_;_.___i _l.____._ _. «iIIo Icul-wcnisin custom 5t 0 * trig Bunk i: Arthur’s Home Mu}; zinp. .) I C #:0131206‘ . I '- ”CI SPECIAL ClJ'liBIXCr “.1 .‘i OTHER .\IAG- IA 20.3 HQECHI‘ b IubTA'II‘E. -Lettvraof “_d'i ' ' f.\Zle‘lS.——Gurlrv‘s Lndt's 1 00k nud Arthur‘s l i”“§”"".““.“ "'1 ”‘° ““3” 0’ ““0" ”WWW Hume .\illgéM‘iilc'iHitb one mm: for $3 50.—‘ “if: at Launiare townahip, mm county; Liodo)'~i Lilli)"; Book and Inrpcr‘s hingnziae‘ «(maed’ .lmf‘mi; beg-u 2“”le ”In” under-I bum "net-“M rm $4 60. Giod‘ev, linrpcrlnml silgnL:‘,re3ldinginthesumc town hip,lhoyherl:-I , I. . I .A "410;": ‘J'L‘ul', on ”_I b} gne‘ noon-e to all Imrsonsi debted to sde I I estate to nuke unincdmte pnymicnt, and those: if ull solvent. bunks hnl’llig chums ngauist the snrue t present them‘ I, . JvithPvrl)’ uutbciitiibiiltyed‘iiir‘Et-tt‘tliiiiiintin‘ 1 ' ’ . ' i 1 Us. "A I) )0 , i“? °33sl§sf‘i°i' i I . GEORGE noi iXJSTTE,‘ Inndeipinnmi.‘ A I 0:. .1’ 1861. 6!. I xii/m n. 2 fitIM-Mfl, , Notice. . I . . .’Mrs. S. A. Chrismer ’ r ALENTINE DYLER‘S i:Si".l'iln._i.enersi ‘ViS'HI-ZS Io inform the iLndiesur Gettys- ' , “Nimifiimiitidn on the cflttitelanaleminei burg and surroundin country“, that she 3' ”I 1“": ‘°f ank'i“ township: Adams? has rem-ital from the Cities file moat fimhiogu- 0‘“ "'3"; den-nah], having been granted ‘9 ”‘3' ble stings of CLOAK. COAT ’nud ‘SLEEVE nndnrmgued. residing in the" Ii mt township, PATTEHNS'for Ladies’ and “liil~ircn"s wmr. ‘be hereby 2"“ notice I“ 9” Mimi“ indebtedi - Residence on iinltimone 8 reel, uext duur to t“ “id “.‘“” ‘0 make im'Wdi-‘w anymen‘tfiind? H. ”jam", & Broflsisturc, t enygbuirg' i those hnvmg claims ngiinst the shine to present' l’iukiug attended i 0 at th? ahortcst. notice. ‘ ' them iimperli’ authenticated trirlsettleinent'. 50v, 11, {3% 3, I II I n I _> .- _, JACOB K. UYiLEIt, Adm'r TB‘ACT XO. 3, adjoining Mia» M. Virginia .\lyerl, 1' Wm. ('nlp-..fiurbn Waugh, and ‘24)!) Affilzlfkfi. more or lc-ss. imprm much“ Ire a new Two-3 BRICK HOUSE, mm bnsm‘ new Frame Burn, Tenant and thriving ynung Urcl‘) bprlnga nf (aw-011v”! ruler xmmiuq )Vnh’r in the fi-«Ms. The Farm is well limht-v‘ed I «A nmlcultinuiuu. Therein WI '.s‘ ..............l 101‘ 375! 173: (11l 38: 4,26» 1751 5001 ‘ 5 DUI 1300!. EMT lmrl- : lls.—— ‘ 1. 1m ceip! u! 56 (H). : 'l‘rmcury .\‘utes‘nnd notes d lam-u at pm? ’5 ‘ .. er. .\lr. ‘mrz, . Iml., ‘IUAU )4; Miss H RY rough, OEM EMI V.) duyxl 10f .\lr. übbfit For Exchahge. :3 1 Notice ‘ WILL excl; m TWO o‘. HIRE . FARWS‘ , ' , ‘ ' ‘ _ , ~ I either in .\“SNgJZri or lpx a, for Rial Estate lOH’N WEIKERT S ESTATE—4‘9""? ‘9" in Adnml‘countv. “ a , Q unnonmry on the esmle ol_ Hahn Wexknt,‘ Wl (will niso exvlinng valuable MILL late of Mountplensnnt townslnp, Adams («0 ,‘ I’RUI’ERTYin Adams count ‘ togethe‘; with 3:1 d’l“e“'°“- {'ll_\'ing been granted: to _rhe under: ACRES. for a FAR“ ’EU. ARNOLD. . signgd. resxd_mg in Germ‘zmy toyfimhlp he Irene— Km". 1). 186! I‘m. A‘ {by nges noun: to all pereons Infdehted to sun] ‘ ’ ' ' estate to 1":le immedin payment, and those having claims against the sm‘pe to present them prdpcrly authenticated lonsetflemunt. ' PETER. WEIKERT,.Ez’r. Jun 6.011111“, Agent, .\lflntpleasnnt tp. 0c:.28,18ol. 6t ‘ w he 3X5: curs ll inst", .muulh of‘Dip \emng, 615.3, . M. R. ears 5 Dlvldend. , ‘ ngx orldzrnsnm,l - Novemhr 5, 1861. 1 THE Bunk of Getty-burg“ has this day dc chu'ed I Divldnnd of HBUR PERCENT” on the (lupin! Stock, pagabl‘ one: after Mun (gay, mam}: mt. T. D. UfiRSUS, Cabin. gxov. «H, 1861. 3! g; ~ EMI COMUkUIIi ur \ril EEO Be careml and pay the pod Address - LL 323 Chestnut. m.., P' Nov. H, 1561. M BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED MAP UV T‘Ha‘. PRESIZRVA'I‘IHN .\XIJ CL LTL’ILE UP HINT AIM: URN \.‘\lE‘\'l“.\l. THERE. V ll'lfih’ are Irv-m: gm li\‘mvk w‘m I 1 mnniu C‘ me\' mncw'mm Hugnndge sthh us 'i w“ . :14 MM 1:4 Rd 1}; | I’mu Y‘r‘m and Frml Tru =. mm” r F t‘. :- u'H-It a mi: M a [My ‘um’e me: her-n w! -m pnpcn T'm l‘rlm T-m‘n xre fink wm- uhumhmt burden: '0 mm, mm: If m that \rhirh nw‘aro prawn“: In [:r‘ulu-r swunn The {you :11“) r"zvrcu'm ‘ mr. Ardunnistrulor u" the him» of .10"! \hxn: (1011-wui. VEH “n r u! l’nhl‘u- Pam. an t‘--- whin'humflhe {Mowing Hm! Estate In' an: -]I voideJ 1. \i7. ' A TRACT (J? LAME. Mubmg‘mhin. All gm: 0' of Wlflinxn 11. Lott, “U 33. .\‘ase, and tuber-4, pomgfin‘ ur 11-u, \‘mprm t-I! \x-‘t‘x .\‘on 11- [f-story Lug chnmg M Smhlc. :mxt by JIM nmi mec Mmp anti Slnuk"; H “V“ of Water, an Urmf‘ n] xfi‘fiule lo «'ommvncrn‘ su-I day, when unendnixcq' terms made known In' 1 [ ‘ JJSEI’H 132?, By the Four: _.Jomt Erma! Oct. 28. Mb! . ‘ . Shenfl" 15' pursuance Of 5111er Eqmn \q and Lomrif the Court of Cnnimou PI and tn me rim-01ml, wil! Sale. at the (‘nan'Jmui Saturday. [ln 13']! 11m; A o‘clock, P. 31., the full llimtc. viz : 1 f.“ 1' 1" 0.1 i h A TRACT 0? LAND” {on “ship, .\dumi mum: .\vrm, man or 19“.":ij _(‘oduri, George “'94ka and t lkCll in <-~ou J In' C. :{uxs'n‘n-r, Sr; [ MI Shorifi's offivc. Gm}- WTun pr-r cent. 0 upon nll Salas by the S! immediatdy nl’ter Hu- 1. or upon {:sllnr» in voinpl [y will he again putup ; A Fresh; TAKE this method; I Hm! I Livn Ixcueiv‘vd‘ drlphin n 'VIiRSH STH prising all ofthe no“ 05' LADIES 1113. SHAWLH. _ uLumm: 0 Jim >\"E.~‘,.! uusnl $35 well an A fine 3550 M!!!» I I‘HKFIWIHRY ANI [ll 7in film ever; thin: that ~‘ ‘ slotk of Dry and Fmr‘y h .4 FOR THE (Hf 'T Hhme ns rumplutu .1 $9Ol I»; q MERE“, "(JUDS S"! '4\ nwmn. we “all as u m vIIAVIJKERCUH‘IFS. .Vl‘IF “HHS. .\‘m. “9 “as ewr Hang ' luulva' “run Trimming} i l'isilix'g Units, Enrol“. Can [‘.qu-r. } 1 j I Irish Linen. mom-boll } ’ Plll -\\’ Caac Muslin und‘Wj I .OUJJHJSW. !- 1 New Goods 3. ‘Hl‘: undL+'slgm-d I'm?- 71 the 'ci'irT With a J Goods, suvh :u is hum-5 store, muhru ing (JLOTLI nets, Vestingi; L’AIHE. lumen. Denim-s. Doha Muilins. Flamcl‘; Rm: HATS. (r w '. morn" WARE, Que‘usnnrv. (4 P.liuLs, Uils; in 5110“ an ("mum h” {in gin) gel “llu‘h HAL-y \ “'1 null fur to prumzu liners. CA SCHQn—EIO tr, uMc t ) sh] ME .11.0, ,ul.l l‘ly.\\' Arm “a (m. ~19, w‘ Co! le 7 ‘HU‘I NH 1 mr Hm) I-nl tnwthhi; npU‘l-ni that (Ter Duplu‘ .\ermM‘r nu era “ill mv‘ct‘ sax'r ewnern 1‘ 'ld prm‘in' sr .\•l.i~ et' viii 'e r': In' 11: m. 0.: up In' un whit“ BEM .114, sic on U! the pr over to [ll¢ ( 43‘ he cont: DAN {I ’l‘heUnllrrl Quin-d to [my monies that Court. J.\.\'.! I! w u. in. yummission re quer, 31: 61.. m -1 .\m-u—J. )1. Oct. 2“, 18 ‘ LAttenfii Er‘nrrr “unmet! R u! is}; can “1."!- sclvcs inungdfiau-ly at tlm r bL-rwbnrg strict, ,(‘vt-ttysh mere nuumm pruze full u 1 r 9355“) equitymonu fur‘m ‘ IMF: tnlix'u fluvial nuc- Eu ‘ fort vhny In An Ly ‘ifiiwll‘ inf; in an unsznally large ‘ (hen-mun oftrar) desci'ip L'Lu-k (‘lLllg “reef: (I‘o ‘ ‘L‘aesfivnore Bndi‘ne ; il'Jnt‘lnonf i any q'nnfi-Mifidl of Wink-r?“ l'unlm‘ah'rw, Urme‘ri. ,‘Glnios. .\‘uspeqde Gum fiver hora, an! Hg V “ ——— “$0 : Trunks a‘nd nrpet Sacks, hour, oight- ay and A‘IIII Accordedns, intolg. Reva nnq exvehlcn umoking‘T:l Noliuns 1h e dloss mriet to buy tlhen . GM" 001 an my gnodi chénp'fur (‘53!- !L‘ll tbrmic‘ldnpér than Xh I few.) in Uhir [p‘luce before. Ucf. ‘3B" Isbl. I New Go .mxétmimm BROTI F In'“) in‘orm Qhoir fri (mt {lieflxuve .llhl rel-eh some 310$: 62' FALL AIS consisting ofi- ‘ Ladies” reef Goods; S]: nquz, Llnnnels, Gin .Su“, 3‘lo QlleenlM' &c., which v—‘Jll be 801113“ ing changed bur tcnm, ‘w or, will give BU days' cte ‘ cuutumerfi. 1 ‘ ‘ WO4l parly m. H: IFRONT. 1 '1 n ' A Ham 1 Boot ’ ORE NEW GOODS I THE EKG BOUT.—.—'l jual regen‘m a fresh "1 Boots, Shoes. ’l‘ruuks, (far 11 ne :1 golod supply oflb“ ' [in “as, calla”, ac. I ‘ Shoes mull Boots of all] by first-rate 'workmcn. unl ' Home—main work ulvuys I ;.fur cash. ? C J (m. 29,‘xau. I I New Goods . .'~ Lumber. é ETER, BOULITZ, at rendtmille, hnsjust x} P returned from the c 1, mm .1 hrg": and Eelefl. stock of Dry Goods Groceries,, Uncens wcre, Hatdsmre, ‘ Boots, ‘hocs, Mafia, Cam 9 Trunks, A! 2, $6., chmmr han even ' He aLw has on hand ahL of POSTS, RAILS nnd SHINQLES, ofucell tunJity, which he ,; will dhposa of m. the Lu est living pream— ,Gu'e hxm t and}. He will- lwuys try w phase .1 May n, 1661. am ‘ P “ . ‘ f . l v ‘ ‘ - ' I xlBBl-. Latest News. 71861. Waluabla Relal Estate ‘ ['s‘l‘ Mwe \v-rp gal-v: M prru we ”vexed T ']’-I[\' \TR S_\l.R.—-,\.., X- (IREEY HI 3 ‘li-ipatch lhgl R l’. .\l: ILIIEXY hu- jdll IX \lUl'X'l‘ «Thiw hutulifui 'm‘l rI-ry .lxuim. ‘mwnpd n ('omyllne n-sornn' n" of “AIS \\'l) m..- uonnu'y ~.(- 11, mljumiu; thr- l’nmuzh ul z‘CMN. iwlmlin': Hm Mm Ml sub- NEH,» curmt‘um on the ma hurling m Emu-1.1. Homer. film“ h, I‘nnnmre Md Wool HAN —'— nrn'.‘(;ltL‘rC.‘l :u. [Himn- .‘“lln. _ ll’mya‘ nnrl Infimh‘ pl un nml fancv "us with 'T'H‘, farm cum in; l‘JlHV‘lll‘Klxmrn‘or lr‘u.» j (315 w. whn-h for mama-r 6 of fim~h and qn'tlm' m In 12 :u-fosn! “l M] '.r' ‘m timber, :iml .\lmul a-npm mghiug oFtlthimll'VW ufl'n'redmlhis 30 .u‘rc: of mdwlow Mlzmn; rem-u :90 fun lphu-c —:lll of which “all be mlll :n niloulshing- _youug Applc and Pom-h On'n ml~ an 1h» prv-m -ll; lnm' prices fm' null. Al4O. 130013 551“ ixcmhc land is the red gr‘unitv mikhmuupt‘h'v ,FHUES. inrlu'lln: ‘\ .‘znr nunchm oftndics' Ma high state nf culthn‘tlmu limp ‘u :4 mil ' ‘lnrn (‘0 3‘11):le B ARM-2!} lllh‘l'i rm-l Sll)‘l"‘r"- . I'won it and «'un z-lwaw N“ ha] nf. rlu- lhilrn nl' 'CAI’TERS AND SUPPER.“ AT 75 CENTS I'lllt Ill‘pl)l"‘lllt.alllilll9i;hl.l\q11:1Ckllzhlll‘fllnhlll'l.l l‘Alll All in “.m} of mel‘ 111 my lino 11H”Theimtuwvumc'll: uronT \a-sml‘j ; xmpcvtfnllv inriflor} In L'iu- me 11 NH. , :“'othrhunr‘iml llUl'S‘li, \\ nth '- lmme one! {.orm- nl‘l! vl"(ll:1r,:llnck lunl-111-g. [hike-m: IL ! ' And [ziw mv u lri'rn‘lly "all. ISmolu-ahu,ll~(-, n l rgt- {hark lhmu I Fnrallgood‘wiillw ‘4'“ “"I""‘"_P'}‘.lfPriP°‘-' \\ 1m mils, Curu rm», Mn. ingcuur‘un‘h .111 ‘ Tmovcrcmm- vhc Ilulnulu-d lur cnsn.‘ “firmin- p.u_1,..3151;.._.\1j.. “Unplug onl: r:‘ ”5‘ 2971“”: l ' l l (hora is‘ :1 pump :\‘. llli' dupinmul .s m-wr-I‘uilmg: ‘ ~~—~~«—---—-v—-;———-.= Spring [of Wuh-r claw v. \l‘lllulq‘d ltnu buuuxlptho west end oflho l" mu. Tim 1:: m-Pr (y will lw ‘slmu'n by \lr.:Julhl Honing, lning‘ on the premium, or hy 1h? su'm‘nbvr in UH- ‘ l 3 ‘lmrg. l , No. 2‘ L‘ITNlBERl..\.\‘Il) F \l‘:\l.——Thi.~ FAN“; 4: .\Lu 9;, lld‘llHthmc uud ”L; \h ~imj>lr prawn} ,1 ailmlle’nn the T‘lm‘yluwu uml four nnles fmul‘ UM!) slang, rnnlzuumg 1 ! .\-(‘l{l')‘3. mnrl- nr less. _ hoht 30 ncrgs ar in timber nnd 25 to; Jflnu‘urilLnn-mluw. 'l'll's land IS ulm of the rod L'Hffit‘l Rnil kind, rlcn of sum». 9:141 r l ul— ti\'nted‘pmd'u-es'wcll. :m i 1 muublc ut‘ being { highly hnprovml. .\H il 'unh m mnkv it (ml-1‘ uf the lérstlf'arms in [he m lphhur‘mml i: .I unnd’: furmvr hnllln lilllv llme, \ hich can .11“ bus I‘e Ind ejthrrjn! (11-tqzlnurq‘nr :n Liuh-slnun. n 1; 12.1.00 an lu-r hushol. ~ 'l‘! -u- l\ u y mnz .\pplnl :uul zl’cutllvflrrh'ml mnl “u tyring’q of u ”.'r‘ nun- (hp Myst-fund a .m-o m of, w.m-r (‘TIWSI'SI the mull! tn.) ol'thc l'nrm 0 H the l)uilvl|n:-_L~I The imprnh-nwnn are u I m- mm! 11 lmlfstmy Mum- llnuw. l'm c-m on, Snmkc-lmnse.“ lwrzr- lkmhlv Ihr" with \Vaguu She hi. (19m Frill.» ..._.53‘ Ilgng Pen. and all m-hwmry out-Elihhn: rlvuu'vz'h mill "ml .\(‘lmulE-lmnw Eall rluw h}, iul u hm]! _\‘ and plvnt‘ml l trlzllhorlmul 11111 l gm‘rl: ancivty‘; TIH-z pmpcrl} will hu‘slumn Ly “E": \\'m. Kllofluvorfliving lllmu it, ur |;_v \h. Johu' Bhu'k ngjnlhiug. Tyvms . No: 33‘; A V’ALlLUlLl’.‘ vanuinlng 38 APIIES of am in limb". allmne om hum Li flvsru’n'n. the u-ru Thq iqfiprou-ml-nh nro : l‘nlmo‘ .\lll.l. lllll'Sl‘l. huvim: jull the ‘ncgqssun lur .\ln-{r'lmnt work. A story lAN; HORSE “if Lc. l'l'hi: isn veg llcu the cjty‘ n! Fhih 0F (MODS, mm [as of : unops. ‘ 'g 'IITH. ‘ ‘ . unnuxs; -r umpmws, 9f ' ; ; ixcv sow. . finally found} in 1 Ida, ' I Imm 3 , H'LHTHSflASSI "A? 11" HR EQYS’ Ts. ,STw'Kh'm, TIES, SUSPEN ,Iu‘nt to [His mmket. . if: mmn‘Lu-irty. ls, Nut», new; and r O RETAILERS AND IIISTILLERSIIew F Retailers of Uuoda. Wares and “ox-Plum (like, us well as the Distillers, in Atlanismuun (y, who have not lwt, llfunl their Llccllfl‘n, are [film-«ted to do so ‘o‘" or hufule Humid; (If Mr .\Unmlun Court, without fnil, The Inn! binds me to urge lIIi-a mute!- upon delinquents. u'nd it is lunlw'l that no lurther ktcps will bunk-es slsry to Induce them to comply.‘ . ._ , ' JAt'uH 'I‘RUXHL. '5 Uuuuty :l'reunrqr. Oct. 21, 1861. 2d 1d ilrnwn .‘lxinlins, u Slmuiug. " J} L. stump]; rendtsvflie. Townsley Ahe‘md. '1‘)”: undrrsizm-d rcsqwi-tfuly infurhmlho V public that he cmmmw the ("AMUAHE WMAKING .\.\'D HEPAHHVG hu-linew "full its ad'fu‘lvll! forum. ('hmlpcr lh m an; uhuwin llu cnuvlly. .\-H “01!. \\ Irrl'ncd tn :ch Husfnc lipn tuc}htufll:r§. Countr) produrc lulu-n In ‘cxvh-mgb for \un-L at nmrh‘t prion-x. , ‘ ‘ . _- i A. .\l. 'l'Uthbjfhl-ZY. Gulfpb'xrg. June 21; lxul. 1‘ ' ju-It l‘t'Llleanrum ‘ ndl'd Hook 0': New uuml in n ('Junlry’ ‘ (‘.ifvsi'm-rus. husi-ai ”JCS, cohurga. Al- ‘ Prints. Gingha‘ms, ‘ nut}..- ((‘LUTHI‘HL‘ 1 55103:}; HM“): CRIMES; DRUGS, j .1 gqmmll \mirly us ‘ ‘1 a+llahluli()l‘-—:llhl ‘ 5L1.‘..x- m ‘in!» dns 1 ‘.lnd flu: fun your- ‘ ~ Electxon. , « BANK Ml" GE'I'T‘I'SJH'RGfl thnher 15, 1551.1 ,' NOTIFY: ix'hcn-h} given 10 the t; gu‘rkhol‘l i ers of the 3;»ka ul (Sumsburu, Hm! an. Ei'wlifinlur 'l'hixtw-n lhrvclurs,‘ lu M~§Wmno _\.-ar,\nH bu held at [he Banking-haunts, a» Jim/“lay. (In‘ 15.}: day, at :.\"or~‘n'irr Ilt‘Zl. n3~.\ gcnor‘ul Hum-Img o! the Slurkhhldcra uill Lth pin e at ‘l‘: 3.4 th time. ‘ (Li. 21, 1361.1 le; ‘ w; _.,: “._ 1 ~- 1!'-- THE BT‘JH‘ li\li‘lun'Ml-ITJ‘I‘ 1H“; 1 Unml-i. ‘ I’US i‘S 21th} NAILS SZ’ANJiLI-ZH, -, .\duuisfco.'! Pal. MEE i‘ulh-chrg M‘s Tufon cum. in’thddim-r -m’mh’. A'n- hm‘u‘hv “(gum-d m séulc'up are [he is"; day (If :_ Lln- (‘on‘anfixsmu i‘ to have Mm neccs-l ‘ H. H- LILOYD & conga-i 1 Elegant Newg Maps and (Earns _ruvu mm “was. ~ )IJHSE m New Price Lm and Cixculér I ‘JV‘fU.Nt 9!! _mffinfg (‘lsvu‘heron . 7 ‘ .y ‘ 9 out ymr Ink-HF he 2-9- mm} 'l‘rqhn’rcr all (I In (ht-tinyvlnber (:I-:x flow "Q'l'in )HHI‘I. “mm; Th'c running i: WP”, ”on ‘f re‘prcacnmu 'i‘ to l : aill . ‘ Let; xno USITEU Sun-55,1 ' ' Hymn, Plus-n. . Meara. .\. B. k f). . unls——Gcmlz-{xwu :- H.Lviu§ set-n yuur Susqurilln Mull 'in [his (_‘ily \yilh gran rill-ct in A {were (nne- of Scrofifin. I hug hrou re now-«1m nnlcr Mum.-E «hit-n )mttlcz. whk IL p’o- .4: Mn] “ fill the hen“! [no—sink lit-LI): lam in [wired only by u fcel-‘ ing ofphihmhrophy. in )uging yuu m pup “ah this uuwkcd teslixm 11):, la the RILIL' ol'n‘ mediqno which. with-1y?“ h is klugwu. i- um. knuwx‘. as it ought to 1.0;. I mu. gI-ntlcmcu, ruspcc fully yours. own i Till-2L). 3‘. FA Y.’ Prue}.- 51 on per himhapr G buttlcs'forss 00. Ask fir Smuh' Sdrauplriuflfllfll wk: no other. lagl’ropawd by AL h; A; I). SANDS. Drug», $55,101) Fulton SL, cor‘ of Willhm, N. Y. Fog‘flzfle by .\. D. Huuqnu, Gcztyaburg, Pa. UL";'.”,H“”. hu 4 y. _.. . - A- Fall M 111!" NHTH'E la ”('7ole given la an In" lu-irl .HM logul rnprcy-ntnlhcs «,I' .l «(u G.” 0- un. .‘r.. Lure of Hmmnglrm lu\\'n"ll|l. .\viwv-w vhunly. dwm-‘n-11, \i/: “H \\l'lu‘\. .’“-elm “”141ch and linml (lc'l'f‘lldlllll‘ .‘Jhw‘ '. I :u ll”: iszm- cl lllillN'rJ-‘l'll sun “'ll n liarllm r, \ni/l Jm'ol) .\.H-H‘dnvr. Julm \l'. (hr " vr’ J.)- *t'll‘l. intonhurlwl “'l'll Jacob maxim/uh.“ ’9. Whitman and Hall"! (inrdm-r, (li\—v in mm- M In; Juhn U miner, .lacul: Gardner, linen. E. (lurdm-r‘ the ium-urn. clerormul Hull lh-njmn‘u 1‘ Gardner. threw in ,numm-r. In “it : .\liu- Jlm-lrl Hurdwrr, him": Emu» Gnrlm-r, :md lllupvnv t'. (inrnlxwr. nll m'mnxq, who leI: for Muir Uqulliami Jnlm (lunlnrr 'md Hurt-m I": liMdm-r, .\.nuld Hnrtlncr. Hnrl Franklin film-r!- hl-r—tlml nu Jt‘lgluwl will lm lnclll ml tlu- I'M filH‘Enzprnpl-rtv. In wit: NO. l.‘ .\ Trucl or lllcml‘ ~ilu.nlc in l’utcnlmry, in will luu‘mlnl'u at Huntington. Imnmlul b; Ihr ll..nnwr .nn] “llrlHu- ’l‘urnpiko road. nlqfluy‘a [III’IIUV rmtl him-n Kald Inrnpikc tn the Slate ruutl. Lamb nf .\lnmhl linnlner. Julm Gardner nudy Hmncl gillrdm-r, runhunmg 14 .\crgs, murr or Inn, nu “glib ll :ut v’rwglml n lurge llua-dnry brigfi din-Hm: lumen. l\\’o-4tor_v hrlrk lurk-1m l|llll','. with u unv-flnry kitrlu-n, l'runn- [mu-e lumw. frjhmqlmrn. carriage lmuer, corn crib? grain hjméo. “ilh :I‘uoll a! watch, AMEN". '.‘. .\. Tiau‘t'hf anl. in llw imm- Mayo. lu‘mwh v] by Mud: nfllnn. Ihminl ShrflV-r..lulm Hmlh-rdnlm‘ Simullunn: ‘llonry .l. .‘l\l-l"~‘. Lullnrnn l’.:r.-un:- "1"" .luh‘lx (‘.:lelmu‘, “llfllllllfl anlnm'x lla-ni-, J'éiz-h; l’utfl-r’ my] Mn. .\lmnylor. runLuini'ug _ a: "\ 'HN. mare or lck 1,—0.1 Turin/mt. I/‘r IQ‘IA' «I’ll; ql‘.\§.i-rtul;rr, him. at l" O'Clnti. .\. .\l.. 0" llll'prcmiAcs. in mnko[mrmmn'tiH-wm k) and “along“ Ihe llL‘il“ um! legal rupru>flMxHh rs «Vl ‘s3le 'l?\'(‘.l~|‘l_l. if xhe mine “ill admit of p:ufi-' l 19‘“. \\ illumt‘prL-yulivn to nrspml’rng Ihe u Imlu flllt’n-ul': thL :l Ilu- amm- “ill nulmlmil ul' :uch - » phylum! .tn inqum- lmw 1.: my n 1 mu! hl-ira IL w“ 9*. . t ‘llu: lvl «'1 'l\ 1' n ILIK' :an‘. m 1! :ml 5"“ B 3 _ pup n H l _ m nnnu l, 1 l ‘1 (3‘, gig I ‘ (li\ hlt‘ llu' azlllll‘ tu zu-Il among us In my u! Ihém ‘35.; : ‘ 35)? mi Ih.- sluuv \\ 11l urcmumofiuw: lmt lyllpl-xnfne ' .: “‘i iv: will nul .nlmu d diUuun nl :zll‘ “H mm prr. "juidi‘ -: In or A Rotting the “lmlv {ln rugf, xlu-u 'Ju . mlm- and u; .nuisg Llw‘gnnw, “huh: um’l nurh-j \€ll("l—\\'ll(‘l'(‘ol'llllxju‘l'inu!‘ into-ITEM” un- hero ll’ 1561qu in llllentl.‘ 1‘ (- NY 2“ ‘ SAMUEL ,AVULE, Shyrill‘. .‘ .\an, rimx'llßTY.‘ le;rifl','s,nfif°‘lSf‘lz'ywum'l- 'i 2- ‘ and Rlnhlnhrhi-hl g I‘m.” ’ 1‘ " , _ ‘ m‘lf M h mill-’5. W. [I Gl'eenlnoun't . I'TV - ’ ‘ - 4 { "111K137::‘Iflflh'mw‘d’l qrm. D: THE cym—mmw Tum “'..n'. 'l':h .\‘lmll. m.- i l —-’l'lxc llxnlL-rsiklr-vllms llu- pchullc nl nu ‘ “.'“.himq). fi:- 3‘: ! nlvnwiug In Hm pinhlil- (hm he hm: purcluscd ”m. 'l-w,_ 2: I! [ ”Manure of Mr. .\lomndcr Mann-Ir. at firm-n -“ helm-m. .\‘t '.Mr. ‘ ‘lmruu'l. (m the unul le'ulmg'fi'mn (not!) :burfijd‘ 1c 11' “.1” lu;r.ll\\ill.Elnumzh‘m'z'"ml \vlll qutlluur llll'l’U‘allll'nhulkl ) l .u, "H ‘ 'l'l In}: hullrgml Emlp. ”9 WIN :Ilwxus keep nu [Tallinn] it.“ .'"” Mimi a lurgu «cu-kin! DRY ”MODS,(lrm-micl. I:(;‘[.'~“,H ”1:3! “—.' (Imflhlxuumiqs. Qul-vnsxwrv, \l'umllu-mln. 31 1:”; ‘ “ ' ' lfinnlmuc, kn, knupl'l ul'uhirll \lxill ln: .ml-lnt ' ‘ ' _ - .pr'vca to quit the times. Ab”. “yr-Imm“. 01:3, 1 l'lllll-, Drugs. (co., mm M: lmd cln-np :u (m Fam’. ' . , ll‘n-cumountl Smn- i-‘liunls,gi\'c|ué .'I call. -1 T 1 “'5 W2C: ”'flr‘ I“: linvatlmL my gumls and my [MM 3 Puuuot fnil' £31115”, d ~w.usc:=l. .yl- (0 “MN; . g ‘1‘”x““l“"'-"r“““l ‘1"? 53-47" “I: umlo-raipu-Il :alm ('.«rrivn nu ”11' "m" '" ’7‘”“"i“~" “'. (.‘.xl:l:x.\«:[c.,\x \Km; whim-«L .u llu— sumo lll'l\’..J'l_nnlm:, N,“ ul pl luv. and OWNS rnre lmllu-mnf-HH t.) |Dll|‘(“h|‘~ ”mm": 1" I‘m-mu'll'" 511:. He “ill \rarmul his \mrk L’uunl. while ”h" ("0“ Almx'mm lulu rlmrgrer ure mfinn: tlu- mud lumlvnlvwn Tr‘"”“‘ “I 'vn'hmx' licpfirmq llnnr nll ihmjl nnllcun H Ptllllt‘x: ulujul‘ 3" 5._.‘-~H;uuln prddm-n- mlwn in cwlmngc for "fl “ 'r’°"" l”“’l"”“”*' -l)(Jll:. ' AImAHA“ rum. \'vmv-ntc _' _-_ :"é ‘ __ ’ 11-(‘.‘S'l‘ .'I , H ; . Kllvlun. 'g ',: E gm" l ' . . - NOLICB. A , 'ln-dnnd _V, .'t‘ " _ _ \‘. lMi nlhluhod D! m) «true to .\lr. Um!- 3‘4‘3‘5» ' ‘ hum l’lank, [ lh-n-ln ’gin: nnllt‘l‘ tu'ulL H”"‘.“"’"‘fl'.m”All”? )d-rwlw kmming UH‘IVIM‘I'VDi ivl-11-lnlrd tn“ mu " "Bl”f'lllllg‘l‘ll'lg" viv‘uor by Nolc'or Bouté Alt-mum, m mnliu im-. {‘l tum, "li‘l'l'Hl'HK njmligic. payJu‘ut, u: I “151”" “(Illum- In)" WWW" \mh WM!" lslilsiucw without delay} I '\\'ill.‘li_u Inuml nt‘ ‘ 1 . ifllrm-muuunt u-nlil llIL‘ lal‘nf-lunmqu/ nut. All ““r.”(’l‘tlt‘:“r(un‘_ nl-ruunu um. 'ficulvd In'-Noun this uud Hun. "mm. ("1‘ '.‘l WI!" M Ilme m” be [all in Lln- lmuxl‘ ulnm nllirvr-fl'ur '1‘”'">‘“"“""'1;3 “°“‘ zix'lc‘clion. . J. 51.19;. ”.\u‘vuu. \ n | lx on I’.” ol' ‘ ‘ [ln-mun. ur_o:x [he i 011. 21’ lfiGl. ‘ ' - nlnu lt:\\|):l|lf1. ; 3 Ready-made Clothlng. ‘ xmmzu, Emu/w. .1 v . . V .V ‘EU‘RUI‘; .\IKAULI) has 'now got up lli-' Full ‘] mill Winn-r .\‘vak of Rvml-y—lumlc F191!»- i :. rnn~i}.\H‘..\ m u-lm-u nu .mm: 111-3 utter.— . “my. ' . '.Hnu of fin} H's ul'preny. guu'lxm l - h-' :p Conch. Mg); x SUHIML‘I. ‘1 H-tnr‘thn‘v {.1420}. wr MN :| gum! 'Jsmlhm-m nt’ 13m ‘ , [H'Uu‘h (EUUUS, .SHAWL-‘L THUIUINGS. tr. u _ a _; Q‘ur stock or ('lutlu. ('.luinn~rv+.. ('Nx‘muuv. I.3;plarinl, . ,- i..IM. 6:33, for Mun und “0)", 1.1. huge, gulf»! 'iwmnn’u Imm- "v“d ‘ """P- ‘ l ‘ ‘..L; t‘llfli'dhfiihfll’ ! 333(3)an ow. rqluemll. mul‘mzunhm 'nr IXI'HM'TS. nml ”Hr qmlrs'oh'vsf A ‘."X. >(‘.)'|"l' .\ 50). vuh p‘rf‘v-M «UL-132;: ..UH" H‘ ”.'" , , ' T I’l ' - "i“‘¢"‘l"L-}_" I'M f’ The Wonl:m’s Fujpnd. ‘l“:th :3. (HR? (IT: [{um‘cwlg's (‘(l\[l'ul_’.\'lH‘liElllA'Al.,'§Ul -1 Mm' M}. Fm m 1.1-;1‘ .\M) }v.\su’l\-;l.~:n.\r. c , ‘0 ol'um‘Gnrrunwuw § , » , I‘ I? J, II ‘ > , ' 1 The uml ~r-I'g’ I' d h;u my: purvhzwml the fight {in mumfarm mg the :Lhou- .\‘nnp figr‘ the j'oumy of Adump, I’LL. lu‘yrlu‘ infurm me cilig ; m that llry vl;’nnw wiqmr‘cd to all both' «anup and Fn'mfly Riglnli, uml wi‘l furnish ‘I -~ hn wish to engage in llnc'lnn