11 , ‘ ! . The comma published 01m _morn’mg. by Hutu J. Sula. It' tnnum i! paid Itrietly m Ann: "per uumm if not paid in d 1 althmipuon discontinued. unh Option of the publisher, until all are 'pnit]. " " AnumunxninwrudMara ‘-; ’3l Pmms’a dnne with new 2 'zvh. 3’: k}. E”; South B-ltimore “not, w? a: 1 mpleru’ Tinning Fatal /; i’m‘; Pun-71m: ()l‘l‘fl‘!" on tln 4. Om nut I’Afly WI'IA‘I' II A NIWII’AP firpans thin genflcngefphy, my boy, Tb “Inter the «mg of thc day, my boy, Whine"! it be, _ They hit on th: kéy, And pipe in full cone-n arty, my boy. Kev" from I“ countries and climel, my ldve’nisemenu, cannys, and rhymea, In Hindi up with all sum 0!“) lying "pom, , And published n regal" timei. my boy Articlol nblc sad the, my boy, _ Al lcut in the‘editom eyes. u), buy, . And logic to grand - ' ’ Thu! feu‘ understand » To whgt in the warm it npphe), my boy S!S‘iblifh nfigcflonl‘jcvlews, my boy, 1.1 m: scum to hmrhct and amuse, In And lengthf debut: Upon mnlterl ol’ Mute, For wile-headed folks to perv-e, my bo The funds I.- lh‘l-gr were and they are, Tue quibble! and quirkn of the butl my mind awry week ~ 'i" , A clever critique > On some rining theatrical gtar,;my boy The age- nf'anilerL‘i moons, my; boy, Tue ltmling'ul Bum”cbod_r'n “young, my ' Tnc sntczof the crops,’ The Myle'n! the laps, And the Igil of the puch hufl'rmns,my Lin ofull phy..ic:xl ilk. my ‘ll.}, V Banislnd ly somebody:- Qillu, m‘y buy, ‘1‘”! gun Mk lilh xmcprlale “by any one (lief. 01' what’s the diautdcr {IIM UHF, my I) Who has go‘t— mnr‘r'u-d‘ Lo uhoxn’. my ho Who uerv! cl‘. nfl'in thy bloom. my hi); Who lmn lxud birth On this lurrmV-smiued cnrth, And who luller’s fast lolug~tainlTflny b The price: nfmnle nnd grain, my boy, Directimu to dig And In 11min, m_\ buy, Hut 'Luould mke nu: too long, .’l'o‘tull fun in long’ A quarter ofull tglc‘y comm“. my boy. @jfgrfilmml A REAL EXPERIENCE. I u I.“in clin'xslim-v in alfririt-rnpping tux ning. and ill Hq-m‘mnurn] «1 arm ol' llml mum-o. l_r¢-tu~-- n-mlo-nm l-c-sL miglu-nlimxul sllo3} {-‘uny. (um ghost ulm‘y par (1 simpir.) v 7 7 I can «ltvpin theghmmivst haunts in the gltrimhét “haunted hmmr,“« .liw rl'iglm-st (war of a lmclurnul Vmi Nu- “flu-r Wurl-L ' Butf ultlmugh I scoff at whitt' LII-(«ling Hum. tl§lmr 1,17“le 01mm, (h spa-ion ol' xupomatxnrnl nocmrenn- in _I am, I cnu 'mu, mi uujmilliyx; and In». Lelia-NIL ~ ‘ 7’ “ The vin-mnshmmp— I an) abgut .m an- n! this naz‘urv, and twirl- MN m» inliuntmmd of mine, :i-t having (x-vurrwl m a. relation 0: hi» nwn, I girn the story as 1m gave iNn mo. ly. in (In: woul: as nearly na XWDSSEII.‘ principal acloi' in it. . Tn-o yuan: ago. toward the. ond , «Landfill seam, é‘enry of'the unis» a) He Hm! fur the last three monllu rm n‘xlvhgwly gning m: ground mo, 1 mph-d on seckigg a few ‘dn‘yfl r9131] wt in thp country. The no,“ evvnii me comfnrmbjy inuhalhul‘ifi a: pretty jhnuwm about, two miles (mm the cm gnu-n of I—-——. The H’llh-nluugn- in 4 had taken up my qfiurtegf‘bu-lnngn 01d nervnnt of my fallfor‘s, mnl hm hw-n n. ilu'orite resort of m'ne when n ’4'»: quiet and “‘05)! air. \ ‘ The evening of Ihé second dny h 1 M: ivnl mu upuumlly {lthéehnfl aultr tor the tin!» offinr. Wear-3' with th; and somewhat sathd with mg.- lwo‘lu ln-rience I hml enjoyed of aqujc-l :: life». I wont up go my bwlromy nbou ‘ [ram tc-n. “ith’lhé intemiivu'uf taking ‘ yum thp (mm: which’ wan grmvmg 0‘ in a good long night’s 51931:. V Fi however, the hon: an )I:sulwmb2¢o3 to closing my é-yen. 1 got up, put , dresking—gown, nnd'jhghfing a cig down ‘at, ‘he open Wingloni. and d guard out onCthe garden in from. 11f t “29. Before me several In‘-{flat m: stretched down to the river. which . ted us from ihe win“? In the dist: musiye amen 6f thqc‘athedml up fifbold and Wsht'_reli§£aguin}st the ‘ The whole landscape, indeix'l, mm in afloqd of light from the clear ~ moon. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ .L: A E was gradnhlly getting sléépy and“ nlng tifthinkiof turning in: whgi: I‘ a softy clear voice, prodeeiling up . from noon; can just beneath x'ny w laying: tn.» ', g . ~ . “George," George, be quick. - 'want'ed in‘the‘ lawn)? 'A I I immeéistely looked :‘(rom the w . and Although the moon still shohe bullitntly, somewhat to my surprise I srey no one. Thinking, however, « ‘1 some friend of my 13ndlord’l. w! ‘- in; him :9 come into the kiwi ‘ finest, I turned from the windo~ ‘ing into bed, in afaw minute! 'l' LP. , \ ,wmust have slept ghoul: three _ 41,5}; swoke wkh uqdden M uni with Skfiiveripgfl “ goose-ski}: " fooling-1%. 'ofjer to.“ Fancymg that this was caused y the morning _sir from the open wjp‘low, ,I was getting out of bed to close it. when 1:19.341 the same voice proceedingfrom. th . very window itself. ; ‘- “George, beqm'ck! Yonnre mkd in the town.” ‘ , g Thgse words produch an indescribable efl‘ect upon me. I trembled from he'pd to foot, and, with a. curious creeping abbfit the misof the hair, stood and ”waded. éllenr iu‘ homing more, I‘wslked to the wihdow, and looked out. A: before, nothing was to be seep. [stood in 0:9 shaded ‘cnb “in for some minutes, watching 3 the _.puker t 9 show himxelf. and then lw‘ghing y» my own nervousng. closed the andon and retymegi to bed. 1 The gray morning light was now spam}. ~,,.;';;__.:,+;‘,;.‘_¢;u~;,x- .. 4 "lii" . . ‘3".3 H., l 3 A l 1 3 . 33 _1 _-7 _ » V_,.1_._.....- pm.“ A ___ , 3- - »-»-~— .._; ~ 5‘7»- ~7-~~W ‘ _ ""W ‘ i ”ff” -. a ‘ j ‘ i - 1 . ‘ ’ . . s f: - ‘ w ‘ , ‘r ‘ H v ‘ L ' ' 5' “a. ‘ "3' " ~ ’3 ‘ ' 3 ‘ y y fp k i ' 1 I 5 ‘ 5“ ’ ‘ ‘iw ' Q'-3 3" : VLF-[‘3’ ; 3 1 ’s‘;- W ‘ ‘ ,g,' 1 t /,I / Inn ' No- u t '37! 5' , gs ' 3 ‘ 1‘" " , w; r 53"}; .7 »_ '- 4‘ ~' . ”4971.» I, ~3 ' “‘3,‘ 6.9? m ; , “.1 22:35 13 w< x-v as. Imm M, s~=~ )2 ” - “":- k 3 l\~_/*"i x‘{ij‘ look i iliis «mind in u few Earth; 01 over my uhouldrr, keeping mimuch pony; tion stated that, nlthoughl‘ie rilalo us one corner of the room. whe e no- 5 , . l ‘ body could got behind me. ai'l‘ho gr [33 in ‘ 3:3o?)Sijgcj~ls§nulfzgzgytzoég£g fmmt ol‘ my‘wimlmv wnsfhsu-hing wi h the ' deai'ors in his behalf tohrenking “TNT morning ‘l"“" on whichino fbo could clrcumritnntial evidence for the [i] : . prom inthout mm": n ‘.thl ”“961 , ' i ,I-ithnt most minute, and aeurtihilu norm 1 Sf‘fl'rt‘llt‘tl the whole yard»? thorn ghly, * Int-l but" "“19 At Brigg] butlthut' ii hnut’gml fiTf‘sign could] see of not poi-so haw. 5110“ “in“. thr‘prixmxor had 1m“: . i from .321" N there. i . , thinnisomc three or four hoilrmii .';'l.,°l“lrrnll‘l owr the event}: if two lght’ l thr h-ngthcnotl pox-ind which hm fun“, which, in spite of broad duylicht am can» since the murdfll', he had l'qlen no is n mun gf‘nso' reunitedinmsummgasnm Whalfir End tx‘itlrossOsivhti could sutiil'act which “"1““ natural ”‘l"th I “'unt‘ir-fi‘d 3”" ”‘6- punt-ed inn alibi, lint had tlicre ltuting nit-nhvws toward the riwr, h} o f( ‘ tpath 1'6???“ to I“! upon the“ wéxikno ‘nlnch lml to the fn-ry. A: Ildrew n nr lo ovidonco producvd hyithe i’m relnffi the‘ boatnmn's cottage how him startling Sentemie M death was ‘pnsted hygm at his door, looking up the path by : hicjr prisoneli ibho: was romohedifron lulv'y ‘, l 'W‘u: approaching. A! “"0" ‘i‘ h“ *a " me: ltiiudl)l illul Per‘Sintently dcchirin he_ tu'rmid and walked down to his boninbbncel , , k i . whore hcwnited my nrriml. ‘ i . l ”Pit lhe cnil'rt pziinfuliy “in” i h You are onrly on {not th 3 mo: mg"; the Nmi'ictimti that he “'6' Hum: f the ““111le ‘T'l 3‘,“ 1“"‘11' _L i’l I misignfite earheetness with fliic l hur- ..u'), 8.12 _‘wb‘fc‘v‘lifl ‘f' K a m’f‘i‘l‘ "“5 pleadedghia owl: cause. the fermion; ' ‘ grumbling ton‘e; “yes. it Is 6 rly; Mr gnd exprelui‘on that crowed his illwni l in?!) l hum been waiting here for ion thi two m..”. uilu-n, flinding his its-entioml 30ml. ‘ l“'””,°f nmro.” ‘ _ . '2 ' ilvnluelew,heeiclnimedmithaniml ‘l‘u' “\V ailing for me, my friend‘ how of” ‘ “Well, then. $103.0“, worst; But I g raw,L “ya, sinl have: for the norm 1 so' cent. li‘neverlsa'w the poor dirl il fnnlr- veryzknnxioua that you should}:ot be kept :' much ‘9” ml “I°er her "L—(‘ll mdmL waiting; they have been do n frm the whole 01‘)“ Milan: the unprofefisi which farm twic’o this blessed night. tnllin v mo~ of it go fciel that there was son to un‘ that you would.wunt to crow the'ierry! very , about the (311 st an d that circumstn long early this morning." L i deuce. howcnir stron-v. should I slung ‘ I answered the man not :1 Word, on goin‘ . 1 l . P" =f u ltin it to his boat, uickl ut across the permittod to our; nve‘rdicto g g I q .y p ‘ 4I am sure that the fervent, thong] Water. As I \ulkvd rapidlyhp toward the g i . , tnwul'l endeavored to yu-rsimdo' myself that ' ported afternoon made byl misfit "_I notnebmly mu‘ondonvorin‘g tolplny 1‘ 1 silly . 23:11; 5::: {Tilt-ungrlhislgnnszlilfm h ' mm mo. t hut, stb iin . t a.‘ ' i i ’, gnorexttliisoogh whichAl Im} to psi; 1342“,?! The painful scene that I had bust inincd upon proceeding no farther; IAS I; nasal-ed rotttrelyfgut-ghe 93°F“ ol‘-1:3: 1 turned to retmve my steps, nuddenlyi the! "1.3 out '0 my lan .an if“ 1. ’ ‘sume shivering sensation passed over ‘ e— -w‘}h my thoughts. fnliy occupied tvtth lean only‘describe it a.“ cold damp last Una" ‘f . . i i '0! air, meeting we in the face, and than! The mrnestprotesmtlons 0% the ”Pl-1 stealing round and behind me, envel ping '1‘“? mm ”P 8 in' my ean. ““1 1"“ me~in itsicy foldv. ‘ idhtorted Twinkle” and Mm l l distinctly heard the Words "G rge,i°V" hofore me.‘ ' . I‘. . George," uttered in my very ear. in ii Tm}! I passedfthe aflemoon writing unmet whui plaintive and entteating (lone. ’ several ‘busmoss 19“"‘5 Which 1“!“ l i I shuddnréd with a crown fear, and +11%" me-ont in in! "mi: "id ‘08" ‘in" mg hantily round hurried on 'towurd thox ner‘fetfredto njzy m. wearyJith‘ "a town. _ '*l l l eldep the previous; night. and with the A _few minutes’ Walking bronght mei‘mto , bit'ement of the only. . . the market-place. Itwuevidently matket- 1:!th boon my habit for "In"! year}: to day, for in rpité of the early honr ore ma 0 every night: short nctos‘ofthe events was already o conniderable bustle goinfon. i of ; the duly. nudithis evening. n‘usunl, I sat Shops were being opened, and the wintry , dorm toiwrite ‘my journal. j! had hardly people werelexpoeing their butter, po ‘ an; opened the book when, to myl horror. the Inc! eggs/fol? sale, and for about two figural deadly chill. that l had’experiéncod in ‘the 2! wandered hmqngst the busygnd mutant-i morning PM "QM Md "'O4 ly increuing‘crowd. listeningtoevery rap _I Flfifcqed @8314! for ”‘9 "F 209 Eh“ of conversation mm reached my ear, i‘nd‘ hitherto follownd. but lhll. tnnenn .v vainly endeavoring to connect them hith'lt'm" ‘ “‘“nd ”“141 hen but Q” ”km the strange summons that had romedi me my watch upon‘the table. and, I fear I from my bed, ood led me noltniirolgina id thel add, the befitting of my own coward hon toWn. . ~ \ - 3 f , I'got up" and walkedynbout, endeavo ‘ loould hear nothing that interested me :0 shake :3; my fears. hit: 901 d '. in my way, and feeling tired and half". .1:::; :1 0:191 no iinfion “111:3: I decided on hroakfntingnttbeghotal w ich ;m % moémg; Jim”, 10;! gin g to [overlooked the “ketflm'iwd then “'in the Want [1 n smite protoxt, 2'“ W“? s‘“ ‘° "‘° ””3“ in "’1“ °' cilecking 'myaeir. tamed w the able, 6 stat-lons voice. . . . . Tbilchezrfnl and noisy bustle of the mar. ifs-1:?! nmus down. op!!! opened ket hid int eod pnrtl'ydissi ted the morbid . ' turn which my fancies hadpataken. ' a!” fimgkzzfr $8:V:;f::: Aherlhadbreakfutedllitmyd hand °" ' . . . strolled into the bar, where I “madam” 813““. 1.: ‘PG N5O, ”Id In an Instant minutes with tholnndlord without elucidn- fo“(Wins circumstances flashed across tin on thing of greater moment than that. memory. . i . it in yhis' (the landlord’s) Opinion that ' 1113:} been in Bristol on thatvery things were bud—very ; that Squire Thom. the'dny on 'wah ““3 Ml}! murder bury was going to give a great boll an the 1”“ committedll . , . occasion of his daughter’s approaching umr- 9“ my In'y to 3 friend ' house. I tinge: and that Mr. Weston’s ox was cer- missed, M BHML 9° tmn IM ex tain to carry ofi‘ the prize at the next Agri— to catch i :"gfignwg goat-:32: 2202““? ral t' . spare. wan e ‘1 e , ~ cultLdeMSlnngood—moming, and turned ing the first hotel I come to, callodl for my new homéwud. 1 was checked on my some luncheon. The annoyance I fell. at W“! down the high strut by a considerable having ”“13 houn 1° "3 "N .833." th crowd, 3nd upon inquiring whot m m. by the noise a workman was making I re mltter. was informed ththo Anise: were placing a pone of glass in one of the c ee being held. And that an “interesting” mnr- room 'indm". .1 3PO“. to him 0““? (’." der one was going on. My curiouity wu twice. 1114. finding my wm°mtlsn°°f° ”0 M, I turned into the court-home, “a, nail, walked to the window, 1111?, ““211;th Jug 1- l. (*1 I (Lille: :filies d ‘1 l!"- l pou mue- - even Ham, '3 ex- untry hnlf- cm mo, ding, {nae 'n my r, nut Imnily 1e not. 'ldon's ! puri k e the i, and ky.— :abed =I 'mgm- ‘utly dow, 1322:1 l daw,‘ 5 most ‘muld .at it o wu 511 an ,~' Ind fut; =3 . J. STABLE. ‘ A Acmbm 1‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘moetilg an muaintnnce. who' ha ‘wnai to be nmnn in amino;- Hague!!! intd the court, aid 11‘ te‘d‘ an a sea. I . Tye prisonh M the bar, who ' ol' fofibing 041 d murdering u - ' girl, was a mtn of low, slight a! I a mane bru‘ 5| cast. of featur— -1 pncglinrly stpfiking by {heir a , r tor exprbngiol'pr ' I ‘ ~ As Ink um‘hll bright eyes wall {tively round the court they me for un instanft reamd ppon me’.‘ mvoluutnily‘fmm his gas, 381 ‘ tlmt of some lomluomql reptil my 93m: 8 ‘ ily. “bx-ted from ’end of the ill, {which had - concluded lb previous“ evenin_ deuce, as Hu‘pimod up by the 1 pr'incipally' ‘dircumsténtial, Lh r‘enHy orer‘whiclmingin ilsnnlu : of his coun 4's rmlll’y'r'xceflo. the jury uuljuimtingly‘ found 4 m" ‘ 1 3 :5)/light ch uni timm I could Eeling ried to hate” .. legit again I With ahead, 'igh ill I .de {- ‘m'W‘eu a ‘fenr go de~ ! reused power wnkp. elf ih = t first 50mp -.cnred whis agmn. some ‘vmuld ,‘ s the firm-:6; AND FAMHLV wwm -___ _.._i__ _ WWW—’i—‘W. iii _ . SBURG, PA.-, MONDAY, OCT. 28, 1.862%- 1 4 e l b =hllll4 tely E in- fortun 1| icy. w l ccomm ZIE ‘ try ith ll r‘ nifi- nr cnu ture. ‘ , rend \ gel’ :1 tiered~ mine, I sh ould; tad L ITIE r:Ez Psh ' l was II lint? uqd, Lud- F. In It, def im u he? in; nce. ‘ ‘ anyt :of l “gel“. 5 i his. 0:8, .1 her 118 of‘ EU LN.” ;Snmo nmttcr-of-fnct peep ”4' to divest ‘thefie circumsla " “f I me. mysterious ‘ nature, by. m: to a disordered ilnngillMiQ’i an, tons recognitién of‘n pri abg l' to die. ' ‘ PM ‘ Nothing «will e’vor efl'no l‘ I"; the conviction flmt Providl 1’64 chose to work out its ends 1 "cf 'und supérnnmml means. I ’ I Here ended his many. Inflf 9willmut mlditinn m- engbe "X told it 10 me. ~lc is secnn '1 'im' but hithorm I have never 911' meugh to ban a «tnry w-iu “10 natural in it that was tut ‘ i 9“ toLjecfinn. 1 nun! ! mull Lee du 11. Wil exp] ail e the p e his l- mean nos the ‘ but 01)] I 591! mqu ‘ from ‘d in 1 and “ eln ! nabl rily I 4 we '! cell the W 3 MME! Hm, bur no, upon the ‘ his i ’ SN] Int. 1 he | hnu em: I ‘he bad. [My ‘ fea rely 'on, 3 Xewwm (at good nmnéx {i tcnmo wellknown to all liisi and from his ‘uniform g j i won their resfient and;esto'-.j :rerve prevented all fnmili ‘ iyears he made daily mu 3 {iihrou’gli the cold rude_ bl early morning. and the piti storms, without n murmdr‘ ing brighthml cheerful. .1 Lof 1858 Newmm suddenl : much to the regret of his to: l especially to that. of his empl i. no intimation of his future c! ihe was gniqg, or what puts 1 bereaftex‘ to follow. ' = no. life, the part ‘- übb ‘ Ell '. my I- Bed | . 'onal I ‘ M . ,4 en be sup . af ! «I.x; twit nm. .- | nd l. in (of ,ex- fi‘A novel divbrce dilenl curred. in "York county, Mn . that: man pressed a pgtizlml from hiswife, before the Sup . obtained a decree on the term. Twe days after; hi; complained that. she had a suit, butane prevented: fro by the assurance given. her ‘ end his friergls; that the a»: called up Inf 1 the second v.l On this reprewn tstion,the - decree of divorce to be suitl tolls. In 'the meantime, h-‘l band had married afiother “ ,tben, in a pretty quandary will be puuled to gay whet- Inarriage, mule filer:- form lution of the first, is not ‘ withstanding the Court éaw decree of divorce on learning obtuihed by fund. , ' ng ow, To Our: Dyspepsil.—-Ti.ko A u white hickory hindle in it. the top of the handle, an the; mmphor, und seal it up. | I no the my no and cut cord wood at {in nqtil the heat of the hand}. mmphor. : S‘A woman in lowa is a viory poor'judge of character. She an pee ndthing but ex cellence where other: see not‘hing but 31ml lownw and rottennem. Ditto on the oth er side with a man in love—duly more so. quol teacher: sometimes receive very funny _excnsee for absence of children from recimnom. The following is about a: original as my we evgr saw : 1 “ Ceputhomdigintaters.” ; “13mm 15 man-tr .n'n WILL mmvuL." assistance of the waiter, forch 111031111111:h 10 diflmnlinue his work. 3 ' In an instant. I recalled the‘ features: of the workmen. It was the very mgnrl‘ ’nd seen in the felons’ drink ‘that ‘mohliin .- Therewu no doubt about it. That hit! us face, 33 it peered through the hmkexi pn e. Ind fixed mar indelibly: in my .geiufly, and now identified itacN. beyond lhé ‘si bility of doubt, with the' sinister-eon te mmce that had impzmeJ me 59 1:11;qu ly in the morning. f 1 I I hs'We little more to Mfr]. I immpdi te-‘ iy hurried back to the tenth and lei th e facts before the judge. 0:} commuriem ég' with the landlady of thehhotel 'aci rig 1. she mu übie to prove the payment 0 a small sum on that day to u it‘rqveling élnzi r. She came down to X——-—-—, hud‘froni Arno g a crdwd offelons unhositntingly piqked ub the convicted man mg thei person tb'wlu m she had pnid the money. E ‘ ' z The poor fellow being aldmngcr m ‘B tol, and having only [ulszd two 91: “:1 hours there, was utterly unable to r m:»' bar at what housa lwllmdl I’l‘en emtloyl I myself lmd forgotte'n thé fact of {By bl ing ever been in that lowni, 1 A ‘weekfllnler the man lus at litlgrlyl ' may efidml reel of “mirl . .l ‘r . I: ”onl-Hi: “:1 ‘1 and thl forl mcr conglcum The Mysterious The rulllnnuér “'in “ml for .1 now-zpaper‘mle in‘tll in vouched?” tin truthful' loam I‘xcayuno: Ahoutfilxe year .1956, n bl ligvpt, dollpnze. and [rather i‘ng lad,who gave llis nunme v: appl3¢alion and obminml emf Crescént ofiice. M a sub 11 2 He win then about fourte' very mmlest. and reserved. ‘ and faithful. and gradually - tmion of being the best car at tlmtjournal. 'Timc's dark, sullen shady years stole by, and Newscm] ten in the busy whirlponloq fairs. ‘Some dnys ago there' on the porch of} pretty co dressed lady of between nim ty summers whose well dew figure afld smiling face Imm ture of happiness. Seated not wam,butsomebodyejl was the identical lady heme! explained the (ma, but tom: the mysterious newsboy. For the benefit of our: median who never studied law or stuck type, wamsy :dd that the boy was “ kept at home diggiu’ Mtg-s.” i, ___- ‘ i w The Curative Effects of ane Sketch of 001. Jo: Dr. Herpin, of Menu, has pthis ed :1 agColiJ. “'.Gonry, whit very ink-rating account of the fu tive I‘c-de'ml troops in the effects of gram, in vnriouaadisorders él‘lhel Ferry. has figured 9:! body. They act, firstly. by. hit cing‘ nutio'nnl own”. ‘He ‘ largo Iqunntitivs of fluid} into t|i¢ 53 tom, and Regiment ol' Penn‘t; which, Inning through thoiiilnodfi 4-9: yby' in M ice, and mm notes perspiration and othpr‘excretiom; the fivml and 3?: rigid disciplim‘i ind injurious u'mteia‘h af'the body ; sefi‘ond-‘t ed hi mega. When hvi ly, as n vegotnlilé nulrhgencus‘ null respirm' war ih th'nt ropuhlic 1i tory substqng‘e, which lhejnice offlir- grape l Col'nnfl of‘RobL-rls’ rogiii contains; thirdly}; am ‘ a medici ' ‘ at the! ii“ ‘Pmnieefi‘, and M H same time soothing. L'qmtivel, “"23“” and‘j “PM? “1’1"“ 1‘“ held; defurative ; fougtldy by the nlkalii ‘ \’uich : regimen Lille {ms wmm diminish thc'yliuticity aflhe blood, v ions l ““hd‘ng ITI his "I?“ "i mineral elguwntn, 'such as sulplmfids’,‘ inr- ; rough “t ''3 41° 1391"" i ,idgs, phasphutm. k 0,,“ hit-h are up h' l mus J '0 th . “MK"? 0f 1"“ Cl} and valuable sllbsfilule for mnny.»Fii erell his “my? “D ”If“ 09f waters. ’ i i moteito qbc rnnl: of 9: Employed rationally and metliligidli lly, 530" ,’ (‘Jlf'fi'b' date. N” aided by mitnl'le diet and .rogihlrn lhei lio {pectvfid spec: ‘1 “ grape produces mast important. «him' sin I (lordo. A 9' ”’0 “a" 1 the FY!“ m, in fnvbrinfi 6rgnnic trxljhslhum- i 39?, F‘rnncilico, 0" Whirh ‘tions. in contributiing healthy my ritils to I pomtgd P‘Tt“m“.’t°’v ‘l [the yopair and rec instruction of thiem ious i 91.9”"? ”"3 fir“ mugnr 1; tissuesnnnd in de whining the r(- o" l of his oi co'ftlr two‘or’thio+ vitintt-d nwtlérs w iich have lu-conitl u. lugs , nggunzmtiuh “mew"?! nml 'mjuriom: to Hie system. Diréclpth ynj "u “"5 "Pm-“Md"; 1" skillful physiciunjhii antinhle ngt- (‘i be : \mden, “W :Bnchur‘mn "! made to pmdube the most varied i‘e an ”(lan'sumw M “WON“ the’cunfi‘it'utiofp. fit also po~esbés lh ad‘ ' c.ount3', Pm [if mm n ‘ , i rm fo thqgrenter pnrt vantage of bmhgjccoplublelto nl 1 \'fl'.‘ I. . . ' lid‘s.‘ The are lmom lust: fi-rim'th eto six ‘an IN ”Allllllih'flilot) prim? weeks: The X¥uuntit3fl of. grupost at may E tilclr%;."t§eil"c‘lo'ifl .1. "i be consumcdv‘ rim Imm one to fan poimih "if d" "1‘“ hook‘flml‘; inlay, commenping with small q ntitios,: lllfl'udvengnmm (”PM wh’iclL are gmdiialb' incronavd. 'i '9 :kins gimmn {mummy-d n" the b and sec-d 5 niuati'mit gnimmllowed. In the 1' war, 53nd .he left a. young aha-(‘nce ofgmpes. th most bem-tici l «trot-ts i togo ‘Kjl‘flfdomlm nndo may be olrtuin ,ll fl om dried mi~ins " i ““3? “Hi Old Mpflpm dedia'quxmtitylf water, stiilicient ’ tn hlattnmlnrd from nll ‘ A 1 ‘ md h hnsi now the lar‘ from y m nee in iii 9 y cxtrucirdifi ‘ give iiito Qll lishmo-nfl'ps ~ 0 lmuJ, Icnnfdss, been fogftnn‘ e nughl of sup r pen :0 I|ij 5:.“ o tl;e_thi’rs\l Ihéyufxqite. he'niken at tihw. 0|: [hay lay be stewed in mmm'cr as pru cs. - ‘ -‘“ “"' -._: . ‘r—nE . H 9 to Take Life._ I ; Take life lE3 at man. .'fgko it! tlnouglfihwn" _ns it is-an enunc‘é essonti l.nflh.r.! fhkci! jilrllL'l':l)lu‘ ponenJLv woré 910 ml 19 the task fflymin a men-‘s‘ part i'n-it—lns (hm); 10) ‘tuv’ 'du‘mld «4:7 ”1 H? I . v .eweboyfi.‘ cnpitnlifuh’ folloiving “511' ny this Nwa ‘ ngmn- leol”. 410 “'-. :"gl ' czirrfi' fr rwnrd pang {md‘ gmd 1w): n 019., 1d hblp an}: chem-‘3 sum‘rifig'. woul-y; it 'gnny Behom' bquerfl bromor.‘ The In is, life is undcrhluml \lny q {real mnjorily' f rim“- kind- Us no‘u‘ nmdoJmlf as m' gli 61‘ as should *0 the'fime, “'horé‘i: (h inunkilj womnngwhp nccamplhhmfine'lith bfn'hnt‘ might Le (h-né? Who ‘qnnnot lo 1 back upon opportunities lln§t,;plnns fru waged, mpirminns unfuifiliod. ”minghtu u-ghéd; and all. cnfrod by the ln'ck of: the n vagary and possible ofl'ul‘t. - .y ‘ ' 7‘3 ”we Imm; Letter hrwto take an 'mee the moéi oflif», it woulq be I'm" gn-u . -r {ium i ighlfytki in‘ luefibminmull - Newmxfi. um ploymmw n! t \wpnpcrjbagr‘ ~n yonfi'bf 11 Ht ever}; ron arm-d 11;? rt ‘ier in 1 ‘col ’r n carriier) l ‘1 fellmv @rfie I dcpqt‘tmc In), whilél his .jtis‘. NW’ and then xiqnmn Mamie niiqe froni the (.rowd, lubow earnestly, st 'a(li}|st. ly, confidently, nnil straightwny tic-ohms {famous for wiulnm, intellect, §kill,‘ grout- QAS of 201119 sort. The world wand rs, ml lires, itlnln'z'vs. and yet it nnly ill atrium; 'lmt each man may do it'lbe take-s o‘.d of ife with a )Illr]:0~§. ' If’h mnn says 19-min, r_nd foll'ows it up, {here is hothinfz in Ewan he may not. c-xlpecg‘to accomplish. ‘ _mre is no magic, no u‘iirjzc‘le. no' secret ta lgim who i 3 lii-aw in ‘hcfi‘rt affl- determinieqnl‘.l in épirit. ' " ~ - 5 5:1 3 4 -—-—o¢--~- -.A—_ ‘ HLoafex-‘s 80513331.} § lity. F 6; thr ds ol‘ hisj mu 1 lsts of ‘kfinte .. . W . 1 835 pelting m. ‘and evér 106 the major p. din-appeare‘ ows, and tiff) gets. Hega "99,115 (56 whe it he iurend 'w of depart} ! becamqlfog'go the World's x‘ “ I wish I! an-w where to get acentl I ho. Blast. if I don’t. (:0 t 9 Kamtschx‘ntku, to his go)“. Money’s scarcer than wit ; can”, live by either—at least Lc’an’t. Sold uiL’ 1m ,on shih, pawned my boots for threo‘kents, and wept homo M rjt-h as 3 lord.‘ E “Told my I:.an I had a mi ' drpd' thousand dollnn. and Wanted tidbits-506:1). in the house. insultec‘l ml: by saying lg“) attic was much tomaood for’ my. ‘ , ,1 ‘ “ I’m im injur£d ,individunl. Soéiily peneopteo me. I flon't do societyjazty harm all know-on :1 don‘t rob wid "5 homes. I dgn't ‘know widden. I‘don't but the bottle (9 my} neighbor’s lifixg I iin’t got 'nqnaighbolhl'; and the fact is I don’t. own_ any bottle; {Cguldn't fill '1 m, if I_did. i, 1 '4 ; ' . “ l’m ah innocentjmn. Nobody fi look me Tn, the face and fly I ever hurt ’ ~n'ob3dy}; and ye; I Haven‘t got 1 mb’” lay my head into. My old landlady r rue—why? I oouldg'tipgy, and I léi as seedfisen _! Page, a (wee! 5 , teen and twe .loped tau pd J ! affine“ a pil I ear he]: w« : i #59. for Néwioy I And} Ethin; tic; hfitory 4f I __,_‘_ 1‘ ma hasjust 1):: ‘3 e. It ippfia 1 for scpknti I we Coin-t, an I m 1 my“ of t wife up ,‘ defexychi to “I 3 presenting§ xy her hhsbah L would‘not' nk in thjaterm I, rtordeted {h .' en from m: : ever. use hnsi oman. Hex-sf The hwyen’ -r the 'lecoml; 3 judicm diuo-‘ ire. lags], not-I fit’to recall its ‘ hamha’dbeén Cause why? ain’t it Bauer to dwell on corner the house-topflmn will! aby ing wo‘n I. wide homo! ' ‘3 But lir'x't .t A house-tor ‘ got ’l'” '~ - rooms on" licieoand gtor ,‘ séssed croon had, ‘ corner “Tum“ be safe, wopld i 1: _ sidemblegiit. thrust out layiqfirml. and Haskell t “ I'm : :fp'ffle man.- rgfoywlwwe it mildly, '1 Mat was wanted l” ‘Thb Colonel, 1 mn' o my excessive nevo enc .‘ . .. , -. V rmmommmmmm g ‘gfl‘°fij§i‘¥:t?°§’;“ifi mg'gggagrgf “fly? moufih. Bearing, msdom ‘5 [£s “ gone to church, sir." When (hi 2 (blonel prmc'p‘,“ “Img; don " the boo-k any ’0 7:. with a displeased Ind magisturixl sir mid. .:th's. mqney’ to mndnm I. Am’t I “"1 “(l—n iL! I'wnnt “Him! 11 plo who don’t iiugazt'tafiegr- rs;‘]:;:::::‘:,;n: Ems gm to church !" The gamma" a little . . . - y u lunderstnuding ? Ain’t itxlesson to lmmp‘n‘i qu‘led' '21"?! Tflflmfnfhh-U ' gnatufl I’m ffld the world owes me n llv- f GM. .Siu'gcl (a C'mciunafir-M is I fact, says ling. When i- itsoins to pay. 1 wonddr?’ the Cincinnati Commercmlhat this distin il’m tired bf waiting.” ‘ A ' f‘guished in’flitsry man, shortly liter he came ‘ ‘"‘- ‘ ‘W' “"F‘ ‘ ’E‘to this country, worked at'n'niron foundry lin this city, where he wujpnid the remu ’:nerntive sum of $5 a week for his services. ‘The Mexican War. however. breaking on} ’wilhin n sponth after he odhlinml work at this founcgy, he enlisted and entered ll)“: canknign "-33 update soldier. Upon hii‘ return to this city, at the close of the war,‘ he renuined but a short time, being indul oed to go to St.‘ Louis, when he sob“ be came the captain or chief '0! the mock. tions of Freeman and Turners, new age, put bore n. hole iii . ole with gym I 1811 take the ’ cents word, a dissolves the é Vnr Noutz.—Tlxod’l'u Francis. Meaghgr Imm ofl‘éxed the Clerkahip of New York‘— h'orgh nihny thousgmdl a year. If he would have accepted, the nomination- would have been tendered by all panics. BM he do {{zlined. tbut be 111131". go untmmmelled to. ‘.be field of battle. But the gdlmt soldier has a future. When peace shall have been ’g-nih re—un'ned, Thoma Frmcis Meaghgr will be among those whom the people de iight to honor. ' . ’ ,; E ‘l, -bea'n;su*r may‘do I good b : ineng; Kym wheel—barrow man curiea naflkfm Im. ‘ ’F Y ~_ prov}; ‘l4thwa u; smm: e Lame ‘3‘ l m .l h In. ‘ holie‘; , in the United 31 are 9]» omfi+lly equipped Kfifiexil rum and “my, Geuryjs nfihll, {flowerfnljn ry has long mndohim military eonvicc,——.\'. I”. . ,' f ~ ~~~ «C.- a ' The Tone of; A.u dim writing: fro; on El; Pntémuc thup ul ‘ f, udtg by bulb“ juM as} , )txt'qdu gh‘yrm ’ of ich- ‘ 1 it_wa'l4 ‘ t 0 musicanuut‘a u, , "“j‘b'l uu‘: % ‘ _ g I; 1 a “thy good pink to ‘exoujise the mind. mt! the {-m-my’. pickets .rxmling uloce had: A munidu our dnn :41me tho dill‘eré t t ‘ es of the h Hm us thr-y skim Ihrou Vthé air. I caught th‘h pih-h or n large zed Millie yak-mu)". I V “us!“ swell from E flat-1,“) F. and ns‘it whim into the '{iistpn 9 mid iost its velmjilymiweded tn I), I) \'er pretty chunge. )ne of «the mmt startling s64de is that unoducetl by Ihr llotchkbs shell. ll cum :5 likk the shnok 01:fl"(il"ll(1l‘, had the bmi'o "t oldimhlinw feel _liko ducking wfirn Hwy hour it: It is no more (gnu-flaw? thn m u-mlwr mis'tiloe. hut th re hi ggrmnt dynl n more mum} to Wu‘rk u on birth (burg. 'l'hetiq-nu-mlom ‘onm is cp'uspd by 1' *" ~«l cdgr‘ nl' h-zul, :. IJr- ' umnm‘is cp'uspd by u rfigf which in k-fft'on the all» - positin uoflight, (he phi-1* jimcs seep, Ib’ you Hill], a gun, bf dug clinging of 11 The win seem: to gutlwr ulh and can-y itialong. M Had nlmnsphc-re \throngh Ipm‘t quentl. killéd by tho mwlf Then-I‘3 n luy’ which 1::qu to chngho' the earth. must! it mu. :1 Mrom'nt {ho a punndi‘m lh‘lt- ulnar!" inchl law. or! n mmliticulinn. hulls in flight}? [do not r; ing with n llgscllesinn of ti‘ buhlidied “fink. ' h ii (‘0! (i 133 phllosbahic (luv-(hm: _ _ f. ‘ -<¢.n. "Sin/q; ,g 0..} "Mg—Am «116 g :0 the .\jmv : York 'l‘ :bgnje, the Search y qf “in; o'n his! J lute vi- t to st. Louis, oralc ed Gen, Fromm". , todiscogninuéms upnecess: ryf'bi- til-M works ‘ around Hm city. uh! that \ hiqh 'lBng erect» 1 ing at fi'enfiou city; to quml “'4er on the baicks‘ he i huihlihg near his resi { deuce {qr his bodyguzu-ll 1' (Men hundnfl cavalry,3gnd¥order’ed him 0 ompluy all (hie ‘ mone‘y fzx‘th‘h lmuds of th dislihuingbfli cers to ‘l.” pg‘ymenv. of (ho urr‘out expenses ‘ of his “guy 3n M'ssouri, “Pd to let all his debtsi .‘" St. ‘vLouis, anw‘upting 'to $4,500,- 000, main ‘finmid unti} fihey can be pro ‘perly e unified. Digbmjiimg' olfiécrs are not to t st-r their dutien+ )0 inespnnuible ag'cnta; ml contracts are to be_ made by regular «flabursing olflwn‘f the army. . 9—4;." w'o— -~ ‘—‘ - A Page": ColourL—ln Vuphingtou. hat Sunday, I l.——-—, "martial-Era. for his pom. posity. 11de efl‘qrts 001001; f. iohn, rode up to the- ddor of a boardinglnl‘onse’uud‘knock- xbffbo mg- ed ‘impéntively. Nd ‘in-fling i’mmédimely nnmereq. he mmted the sjumnons‘furimm -Iy. A gébd-quurod gentldmann bccupying ME and Q‘leen a lad y full«._wbat do»: she {all against. Against her own will. ‘ - IMIE RS fl-Y EAR 44‘: ‘ TWO DOL rib_ 0. in w. egary.’ E commahdt-«J fine gm m-fir 3 Harper’s I min-Li" in worm mmumk‘jl me See ylvmfin '\ nl‘nutN-h 31 for grea} firmmm (0 which he .suhjvct § fihnt weint to tho ‘e Wm: Ifioutvnnnl ' ent of‘lf'vnmyiviw ‘xe mule fChopul .- mm'mxilil of his ndml. but: nomith i the terrific \nmtle igntc. jufl previous .ty of M vl§i(‘o. ‘T‘Or ..ssion he mm [my flow“. hi 1"; mmmis: lom‘m‘ $. 1847: Ilonlion plt (H-rro n 13m, 11.: Lived in I plm-e we mjn up. d was «RFI'WIXTGS If the oily. hoiding +torn.s laiqr lo the _mt-e commith-e.-—— \enmr hf Knpsns ium-.'vrnd after his ry, \\'c.~h_nr-rfluml I loading ugrirullu i f his life “ml-“lns "mt. rum orji'ng in flier for Hon-rum ‘ for I’rfiidvnt.» 2- ibxi could not ro | "king out nftlilis nml bc-mjuil‘ul wil‘u gun he 2\ réghm-n ( . followers flocked fmrls of [he Stine, est‘ rvgiknom, we to: Horvid‘f‘. They ~and 'amwd win: * buymwm. (,‘nl. nninnd hh bran-- Lm-u'nfim-m 'ifi Ilm ‘ Inodll. ‘ nllets. ; ‘ one of th'p ramps Ins tn the rm-ulinr fhrqlgh the =QM ;Qll edgy ’illl, -H. In fuvm‘nhle nmenn cnn {ome— il d|rccfly hvhnul‘ he air to lhc'burll. i: this an‘splu'rc 1 mirth cau'rim its ‘9. Mon are fre lfnfmunnmu slmt. y: lhq utmuspllurc hid; [Wessex upon urflu-e. ml" 'fifu-t-n 1: ([0035 11:6. samu ~rm'm to 'uuunhn nix-inlnn' M meet -0 nuhjt-ol in nnyr Emu!) :Iu infirm- '►here tamer Lift ;.Ex—Gnvemnr Wright. of Indiana. Into )finister to Pun-Lin, rocently made It ups-orb s'!"lndianapolis;+ in which he said z—‘ ' "'Thereu more danger this any from‘ a dlvided North than how Anything phe. A film, decide-d, united North. will with: the (life-tion! and 11m ngogedily. But g: mu! "0'! listen lo (hm tidal, mimublr Abolilinm'da 2f (Ila mm vim m «wrung I’m! the abjrd (gum win {.7 (a Mafia-c w‘il‘ {he iuafi‘un'nnn efrfir lefi. 7%.} a v'fia! (Iu aecwil’mim (pH/m bowl. [our Io “1&5 lure-dc it v‘m'lra (In: .80th just in phporlu'au mg": .u unwed." - gAml Gov. Wright might. truly have added, that we cnu never have a “united Norah" unlil Abolitinuiam in effectually “aruulml out." The Louisville (Ky.) Dolnm'mt.» n u ”gallant Union puma is right when‘ it 50st :i- - ( ._. . vWenmke no Etiology for Huh wiclud «Him in the South to destroy the Unwra mem. ‘Wc grunt flu- hecossiiy‘nrgpl-pronk in'g it ; but. Abolifiwliam. that bnsprmlurml il.‘ "um also be mfifirrssed. Awm'rwx- HM AND 'SEC‘ESSIONJSM mus'r 15k; n'ununux THE’ SAME GRAVE. Thq Mffiot who lormt hivcuuntry must éonsvnt m merificqthem both." i 18' Expcmive an the war is. Iliero is a gig-at elm] of um‘nr-y that i 1 mini-em by in , diyicluals wl'io are really nnxiom to aid tlu gmerpmt-nt in putting douu‘fi-lwllinn.~— Thin san ol' prddignlily mu gently but very i jufitly robukml recently, on the bccwzinn ol‘ . n‘ffing presenlntion at Camp Curmll. A ‘gahlh'mnn present ro'mfikc-(l that. instead Poflsimnding the mnnqy lor :1 (lug. iLM’dulcl I! huh- been im‘cuml to mac ndvunmge lmd «it lmpn mod in lurrhusing undorclothing. 1, snl‘ks, fin, Tor [._lm toldlqrfi. 'l'he colon i cart forty (hillurs, n‘nd \vetajpromvnlml to n [rupipnnyf Now. as it. in nguinst military rule (01111th n commny to ctii‘ry its own “if. nnnd but it regimental one being per '|xlim-c,l. i! is apparent that tho mun spout in a’wl'xlu is practioirl‘ly only A cnmpliun-mhry ,ch'ilitinii,ax'nuld have been uuu-h mur'olule fullly Applied in huiving n. blanket or aliirl: null a pal; ol' \mtm Wooh-‘n uorkny‘ for Huffy ‘ mlmlwn m" the cpmimfii (6 which the gift \irln'flihdu. 'l‘his,. howe'ver, i.- lmt, nno in mince 01mg: non ol' imfirovitlencn which ' thi- urgent need of every available dollar lhé'lhe Necessities (if the win- uhoulrl qun‘acl. I‘mpnmlxfln- [hm—The Government in "gill imiling pi‘opuwnls fnr’ furni-‘hj‘mg hugrfmi tho hoof. ‘ l’rnposuls‘will lwrowfied qupilthé 211 st of Uctobvr‘. The (hum-"mom {villi tnke from 4000 tolWOOheugl. The max impm Weight must not exceed ghi’rteen hu'yuired popmh, an“! the uninidmm nno “Nuisand. The mule \'nre lo be 11913 yen-d at ‘jlll’lnllml‘shuég, Harrisburg or York, _in Pennsylvania, The Government. reset-vac to itself the right to [my in ’l‘rmnury mm" m- txher funds it has I‘m: (ligburM-nmnt. and to cjccl’unylvidmn‘ férnny cnuw. Nohhl wil? be entertained nylons, the bidder Is prvywnl to Impoml. I I ' —»v——--«—-~-«du »» ~ - I (4’ W’l‘hc-ro is a party in Kunms mile-ll (“My hflWkl'l‘S," (jumpnswl of mm) with _prm pcys’ixies simiinx'lo lhogc- “hum-ere called ;“ukinucrs." in Male. Revolutionary war.— "I‘ii(::ir business in to steal, and in- matter: ’no({ on whom ”my commit their (It-preda tioés. whenever g flu‘oruibln opportunity cu" ('ur'p. Tin-y repres‘ont thelnwlves nlike m Unionists and Rebels,“ lfl‘iflg very pnmmic : fnrj wliiohcvcr side they iare in companny ‘ with. any 'fi‘iends and foes‘uufl'er alike from ,tluoir medium. l-gmbns me being mm to put; lhém down. i . ' . fi" IA luw sujb intvrofiting tn‘ Inn-Lands and dry goods dx-nlors, flan lethll but ‘ wwfik at Bufl'ulo. A gentleman who I'c-fugwd‘ Ito iyny,n Lillnf Sll2for rinh dram-u and fknigrkn'ncks fuxnishod his wife, wus sued.— ..Tlm‘ husband's deffc‘nbo was Hm: he nvvor :mxlfirc-d’ tho nrlicles, din-“hover received ~tl_nqn. arnd thgir purchase was extravagant ,fnr tn wp mm married to a man in his gir frnrfiahuytir. The jury cnnddt Ift-(j line de ;fvn¢e liqund one. and gave a verdict in : thefliusbfindt Dry goods dunk-b (must look I out} how Hwy oxcitofi-umlc Vdfiil). xuul as; poviufly how Umygivc yrcdsl lo guy up~ rpm“. ‘ . ‘ ‘ > = i All/large S'u/:-.—-,.\(iqqouri is one oftht; hr {gestiStnLéA in the Union, Its territory l‘t ‘cccds in extent the xii New England Staten jnmlétiw State at Délnwnrc combinml. It i» Mivitlnd into upwmdstol‘ouu hunch-ml mun ' ties} The State extend: about two lnnutrml 'uudéoighty-uve miln'fmm (3m in West, and (two {hundred a‘nd dighty milcs frbm north gm Nuiht . ‘ , \ f «m» 7--.. to.» —-. -..,_ “ [u anything the mattPr 3" ‘3)th is, air," wan thl-‘hnst's rohly. ' - " ane I givr-n an! ofl‘ence .’" ‘t‘ " You hnvo, nir." A 1 7 ' , " finally, lam ignomntofit.” V “,3 " sm‘h language won't suit horn, air." ‘ _ " My dear sir, what laflgllflgt- .’" “i “ You were talking»! soup." ” “We were.” ‘ “ . .- ' “ You mentioned cit—tail.” ‘ I \‘ 3. wt did.” , g ’ ‘ “That is it. that hit. sir. Thu sent the 'indiéa blushing out of the room : 'that high ly iripyoper larigupge whig‘h I never heard at Air} board before, and should not have ”pelleted it. frbm ypu." ‘ " Why, sir, I but" unlit-d i t its proper mum‘. You} asked a qu'estinn, and I neplied. ‘ I am, however, sorry that it has gin-In'ofl'vnon —bu‘3 I really do nO5 know how ldould mall hiwe uvoidfil it." 2' - 'V "Then. sir, I advise you. when 'you hue ocmion’any time to speaik of 11m: luaculilr' .oup’. do not. call it 0x tail." . “ No I” ‘ ‘ ‘ “ No, air 1” " fiat whafahnfl I ml! ii. I” “ Fly-dislmsei !" A Cure for Cold; and Couglm—Tlm fole ing Recipe nukes an excellent remedflhé mm, and Mary 'limilur im'ste and ...: penniuce to ”Aycr'sé‘ctehygdficherry Puc- ‘e totals". viz: Acetate of IWB, 4 gains; tincture ol‘-bloodroot.‘ 4d ' i wine «I up timogy, 4dnms; aymlwwim Cherry. 3 cum-h: "Mix and take n‘teuspoonfuljureo am 3 any, on ofmner, if nucesum‘y. f .'" a" Some smug-l. fellow gets of? um {Ol% ing;-“ Why. will the next year bl “3:0; same; as but? Because last yeu' fig migh teen hundipd dad'sixty; u-d‘ the 30*}. will be eighbon hundiédud filly-fin.” an“ him. ' ' ‘ - QThe Secretary of Wm- il becoming impatiqm with the (spewe- of hawk at music for the grimy. an it ‘nlrgady «mam ' lo a sum that will make this single i: ' uxpeuxligurefS-LOOOfiOU =5 0