The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 01, 1861, Image 2

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The union of mus—.l!» uninn of land»—
lllFVhiug u" Stzllu nmu- \umM H-wr:
'Nn union 0! hearts—Um uniun m Hands—-
‘Aml‘uu- Hug oi mu- l'niun fun-var! _
uls'r'n'nm'au, lf‘l
non;- DAVID zIEdLER;4
,- ASSEH‘HLY, 1'
2 HENRY J. MYERS, Tyrdte‘
‘_(:u‘(',\'TY maximum; 1,
JACOB SHEADS, Gettysburg.
H (finlmssmxan,
JOHN ~DUT‘I'ERA, Gegmapy.
. ‘ DIRECTOR or inn“. mu. -—,
Capt. ANDREW L’I'E'TLEJ Mountp’t
(:gl'sz‘y {A sum):
. {JOHN 0019;}, Franklin. .
', (‘unuxnm ,
1);. A. B'. BILL, Huntingtn.
The annual Blur-rim) will m
’l‘lwbtlzly fir-xt. ‘llmum'mts. re ,‘
(lay, npnl bu prr-lmyml to 110 your
Manch- of grout imparmnm‘ l
cnl. nml the future yi’ill be dam
day! .'l‘bo‘ not; "ml fining».- ull'tl
minijlrulion will bucmlorhml'or ‘
'l'llro‘ [lug olftlm Aoogl'ald Union-‘
ncl‘aflc party wlll htflln'own tu‘
in glimnplx; or. will (foxLlihue h-
Ll -" If it trilllu, m-vtinlmlivun
find lanutiris- will triumpl
’ llflm (‘I'V of?“ no-parly,"‘m one]
fifth)! dovicvs hf thv em myfijng
: “I; aWhll»! this and other Him}
frfo mutinunlly prulml :m'vuud
publicun londm‘s, tlmyyrc'n! 1h
~ mm-e intomely find uncmnprnm
tip!“ than thoy have: oynr boon
’ Anil in {ll9 very fur}: ('gf thmo
protestations of ‘Uniou' and ‘no
‘ lmve offered mill ler now mow i
‘yolulpring nngl planing by a]
their powm- for thß elm-lion ofn
puiucd eytirejybf parliiuns of
"i‘he‘Démncm‘tic tivkot is anal
party might b 0 prom] of. 1,: i.- ‘
_ men. well known to you, mul 1
very favnmbly knfm'n. M‘vn l
qunflifled .for {he finnifinng for v
are ofi'ered. Mon of ability mu
r and «the foulmt, éuomy dare nut.
' Mon whmn livgw have been dev
‘ gogd qfilie cnnntryufnd for the
‘of the lnws—m’en‘. in‘ mese Jun
‘ tepcsts of the popple will be safe
‘ ———g— ——r-<oq'» .. > "m
WThe mlitor‘bf the’fl. nliyr
ol‘slmwing' fairness pecl'xlim: to
“:hilst he occasionally pro/'rw
Defiant: pf-i'somtl regard fm- gent]
the Democratic ticket, he spare
unity to give them a ." dig und
rib.” Aml the public urc’ lo Lu
\lnné in a “ nd-pnrly ” way, of c:
' He lgns .such a. higlrpressuye 1
Union as to prompt him to 0953'
Mvjms for his ~vote against 00
85m,000bi11,bhtlms not suflici 1
fuim‘ess tapu blish Mr. Myel‘s'n
so” doing. Is it “ no-pnrtyism"
the editor to such apouwe? St
Because if he héd that love 'ofj
a. ”no party {’l lfllLOught to )mv
give both sidezzfi'flio question.—
refwons as we}! as his vntc—
Vl'l'm'chudge. But this editqrnl
pux-posé might not be subsc-rvl
an act. of fairness, rmd theref:
ptiblish said Reasons: As thny
our last, we hope everybody “11 I
if for no father purpbse than to ‘.x
lbw and bypocritic‘al the pretenl
Sentinel fire. . ‘ a.
WThe S‘lar is wry mlicitm
to' {henrm vote.- TI/ie edifofi'is
the solQierE may no! how forgot
tional tézgc ings‘only a few mo}
w’eu as hiq' ridiculg of liemoamt ;
savers" and , “Unionishrigkerql
elated then he would not see I}
chased at too great a. sacrifice," 1
“can plu'tfnrm ;) and those --
stand up Fungi-'3; for “the prim]
elated it: the iCngo Platfor
“denou'nrc'ed and repudiated 3“!
and traitors." .The'aoldiem rep: ‘
declarations of the Star, and' I
pfmdent of its napowfmd 'i
‘ 39-“: A Unin‘n Democrat 7’
ffin’melf. He' also simms his
'Sc-Mincl. We will nm‘v bet n. [nu
that lie is udnepther than a.
fame}: of Deinu‘cx‘at‘u; npil 'no
holde under the Natinhnjl Ad;
'ln his last qfl‘ort tho clnvén fo 1
par‘ent than in: those which I
{the Alan. . I 'L ' , i
. Funny. is n’git, to seqn ch
'coofly put, lon Pomécmjic “ I
undertake to Lecture min. .1
«’tumblipg into the trap so't byl
a few Others. forithe _gratiflcn'
pnrty‘anll sélfjsh ends! Dem .1
g'reen enough to be hambugg.
hypocrite. a. » I
fill: them days of lr-gisi «ti
R is no_ligln. phise to say oh.
Ith baths: never been SISM?"
dishonesty. mask-i" .It MYE
tried and fofind an honest and}
luipician rests upon his Integl"
lcal enemigs have been able to In
meeting hisychamcxe; Ans a Imm
unmfive, Be manta ever} pl
m‘hia eonuhnents, 1p the Mic
trusted. If honesty, industry. i
1933"] In any recommendnti
Myqn win again tcceive the '1
the gown pt this couufy. I
. ’ '; ———-—-——-¢-e~'—-.
‘ arm Govémaox. of. low
‘1 yhéther he should draftn -
mi um .’“xo, we must}-
:riotihm of the béople." '
The Cburse of Henry J. Myé‘rs in the .\t thn (\'llll‘l¢\Et-thlll!r‘llpg‘\1flllll‘l'“’(‘ INTERESTING ¢OBRE ONDENCE' ' J ' 1‘ r”, ,1,,‘,1v","1'-,,r.
L'aét hegislature. 3.5 j ; fun: Hu- Mo M Tic-my J. Hum I'l-M'h-d '1 newsman ltvlytln'i-vvhi‘illl‘lvi'izin 'llie CbUNTY TREASURER ‘ 3
A“ an ntlt‘mm“ lv‘lnginnd? 0 l'lnj-(‘Hf‘ll in?llu:§s_l.¢fll.l(‘llai ivropi.ati«:ri—rli«lii may m, .‘ .. W- f A. ~ - '., «PM t , * “.._ .; ‘
”"5"" J‘ M‘g'“"r‘1i"l"5"‘ll" "lull pl‘llflll‘jll'l' hendd-fdtlmtfiw ”(Md l‘y m‘lH'm'm’r MW” :III‘LIII‘I-lillfllllt rtlli: linilflhl'l th 'ilgtllu'tzn Liikfifi: iniili'hiiilg-mtn tlliewlullnlo fight: 53:18
him in tlm tulip-Minn at thr palm" M‘WF mm" "l M" F‘ll‘l'T"l "if“‘l‘ “m “"‘l"""“"' Im.l~x;:.gpn¢ to homing any ullocting than i the panxde ol' Adam: onnft'lv liar. TIPMII‘TZ:
calmly on flt‘t‘nunLnf hix rum {mixing the ing togimmnm-ihn the rant. of inwsiil'hcmonnrd tickt-Hnthis 00h“. hfim-mm: ...“..lliunngmndJacob-q”..,[h li\-lid.
appropriation of :33I.l".““0 to ni'n'i tlll‘ilfltfllt‘.’ {Namath-3 10' an l‘fl'lt ivnt or'nnimtion ol' the Who r lulfnf iolitiv t . he" 'indu' th' ‘1 the “an.“ voters “44““;th ‘c'onisida fcir
6JO” thr‘nllm'kmi l’uilf‘u Nerfiuulllhéiqfin Slate. ‘; 1x , A ‘ K '‘l o! i I .FL 1 ',,' .e ,m '.hw ‘ ‘li. “r ; ‘
‘ , .. u _ , _ . If!“ by“; WWI“ _ [.y a mu.” win-u ignomont the rrlutne oluungdfithe” {we
tlms-litly-rn rt‘lwla who ht 0“" hue-t Thu Yfrqmthe ream] lflll‘bc figlficiont lbw :1 w ‘. m t . rolls, {Am and Ui if 'l- hilohdf hl 1 M
tility. a “H" .t.1[,.m,.,,t 0,1,1,“ painting. "'tol'thit yunwimll heyoml filt- possibility of I(‘ta’le‘k-fi'thA‘. l. a kl”: ‘ ._ ‘2; 3 .’I ‘tl , “it“ T“ " w > - _‘ HEMP“ '
em, undn-j- which thttt val/writ #l-wn. will drill"! llh" 'hm'm‘l‘lh "nd (.:Llnfit layalty “fl-,mianli-l. Al :1 «$lO I ll't‘lilt-«lljtihiydill it. : mlvitilBlf7" Sell-Illa: l (fillC
Sf-rve' to "’i‘l’d‘w the (‘ntiru i"J""ll"“ Pr 11‘“. lltLinyA'J. Ilyrw. it» \n-ll .ui th( <lmluel...‘.. lel.l".—;[. Igmhzr“lL“lisntrml‘.“l liIImI. F 3 ‘ . ’rren:u.; It. langoan-n: en; 'ytmlm:
lchnrge of (haloynliy, m,“ u~ud N”- ppllliul‘tl nn-H (I Lthat low awhtxl'inlltiitluly. Which im- ‘Am‘rtil'irv—omnm t."v:(:‘_|“l f In” :4 _‘II P. ‘3B- q (uni-“3? to? ”L ' \ 'l)‘)':;..ll- “mi; (1”
elli-ct, f. L ‘‘; lW‘ltkK' tlln him lzr-ii t‘hv rlinrnll‘tul Id a. faithful h'ltm tn .liid‘u- ”‘l’le zi‘kii‘ 11"“! itihe‘tl .30 «land liii‘iinmilt:utilon‘l‘lxlttrl ,Kf‘mmlm;
1'2"“)..l“ ”l“ 1“" “9‘4““ “Eu“; .‘ngilhltn 9 “Mimi-w] "WNW, tntno. I i . he would noznht tl i- LlOl’lllll ilmn‘ for Mill: 9):} :l' ' p ' 'i‘ -‘ In". ' m’i-r'l“"( n
. | . ’_ .. “... ,‘ y . . ‘ V . . .p 0 ienc}. as M- “rrt .\lmul the pompln
3 """ll _"“"Q“fy "f ‘Xtrom" l‘ ll'nl'lml l}? ! ‘ TEE OUS IZZLE l pn-ition on the ‘f 1' iinn ': ti Jmtpmnrl yet. would-not be willing: to allow fill; min» but}.
“lore clntnmnu? for an npprnprin inlilto 1» it i h”. I mt on”! Jail“ “in” in I'm Elll'l. ”0} q 'in the mmo t‘imp th ‘y ntldre lml _liua nthor‘ ”(8.! plicc thé benefihvhir'h ninfihl nucruo
the State "Wm a wu‘r “)‘lfilllIF; Wig-h) 'l’: HID-ant ”also! lil’ll'wn '1 we‘ lmw Wei? seen ""“f'mpn in ””3 - m:- “it‘ll-H “"31““ to from‘ holding "'9 “WHY"? "lbw-t more
nmdcrunl Ri‘il'llblipanq mu] I)“, ,lrjnl“ ‘ [54 {Villa “i' when in thli< pinto m Tlmrhlcn list.—: am who ntlil-h—u f: M which in: kllll‘w“ L." than oné “rm—am] (hiring: the (l-nhipn'lgin .
l"""d 0’“ mvusuré- f"""‘ “l’l'r‘di‘ mt“ tlff‘r‘ 151 mm,, Mummy“ haul been , r‘.,,]_."..i~u” m.” lliim. Thny Wore h hlingz- m f'a‘ pi-nnfliuo-to it mm found a. feriou~ Ql;~’tfl(‘l(‘:' l 1
it would he rnflnrtltul an nimnsnn 11. 1" “I’ll": the «nu Hf. invitinig ,lhl' pm ilo. E“irrespective Judge I’iuheli whicl [ht-y ki in “'nfllid not‘ “'hilst sonie'quietly nhjvntvdlitn {hip 1:-
s"‘°’"" an Maryland and [Mimi]? ”v 11nd bl nt‘hntx." tn mint-Elton.- on t at llm‘, I utl hear be [NPR W“! ”/‘Vl‘ “‘4’ ‘."I‘Wlll tor/,{lel-c,‘ oral-9° 0f party patronage” 'l’“ .Uppoéitinn
“'“HWM by di~n~tr~r ml!!!“ W .imt muht'anA. whiny.“ in!“ .\‘in. u. n. \i'nLll-L. .\l:lul=- Wm It was mad». i 7 ’ ' l ' {lenderq wérelfim'wx.‘ Th‘eir .mnl‘lnrinmi‘lm
fighmtnw; ht; pm» Dnngho"_ , and all .1, uuqmgm .u lnjnnliL-(rtoJuqlg fight», ‘9 pul-liah the ol' such conduct: on the part of tliglgemoc'h-I,
56%;hnvcn-L "he n-qu-d tn anti-or the ca ot'.ih(~ fur-n 1 pu- lettur nddrmsed to im, and is :rr-ply: 'l cy knew no lioundfl. ley were Vinita *‘ virW
lawn. {I9G l “WI 1”". Tho MW "rm gentcut': scum-d" ' ‘ . You. A g‘. 21, 1861. :tunudy indignantz’l that the mimic of
Fun-””1”: m liluv Uolltltlrtrlllnnfi t‘n’r hem. They “ii—s"?“ {2IL Fizuck.’ i.» 1 i l Adams should be 'a~<l<ml to pinch the i‘umls
' h . .‘7 z. . v ' ‘_» A‘3|'.ll': H t ‘. - ' a);
ri‘::‘l':j‘:;az;l;j:\ j!“ ’t‘liya ‘Ti‘ Mid d“ a?! ““3?ng "‘i 1: .\il :1 nit-clingy the Uni n (‘mnmitkle i:f “:0 catuntx untha hands or one: 1‘1"“ for}
t ‘. i l . . ~ .l. _ . t of lhq Bni'nngh of qu. llt‘ll on tho m’en- ..0""./“""' , .i ut - .
l‘"‘l‘t“’l‘“ll ”fliwlfi" ““M 3 r "lawn“ was ol' (in! nf‘tho 11111 l inst . the mid :i'r-iunud m-ie ‘, This “his in 1859. Now tlmir tu'no 1152‘
’Cutlitlldé‘,‘igmlzml' ' [:E‘EW'WI-Pl {‘l}? falftrng'ized to midi" << you in it‘lll‘tllfflf Hie o‘lmngetll flaéy think now—that liu‘llllnflnt‘v
.x l u: ‘ ‘ album (I! 110tkrlntlll_c.‘|ll .'mnmitteo,an int uim wwth‘fl ‘lll ' ' ' I ' , ‘ ‘ ‘
I\l\:iltl:irl (1):" mer (it'll ‘ u“. t'mt’ntry 43‘,“ :nultl unfit-pt thn)untl\inulinn |l‘1’("(4(‘;('l5‘li it ;k:::dpfl::n:l:2&:;thgl‘t‘iini: rllimghzhtt “1:”.
.11 ‘l: l‘lrut L“,—l>- '1; not JUlviuL' .1, it} 4.1111 “.flw? 0! IroTh-nt‘dud m"f ”'N'u“ . ‘ i.‘ l ' I' ' aI? i (in
re mutjmjn slnulc ‘ 0m bncitu’ rm”. ’(lllPl:llll);<tx~ltt;l, Slll'OLll I tPt-cnin y; [outlay-‘ll] artenlt Tea"? conducta‘o h;i\?‘km-er lmd
esnntntiv i ‘f' _ i 4 - n yrvu iv 10 am n .‘oun \ , nwm n , p (a mi -v_ ' ' '1:-
der to lure u-l‘ll‘l ”“1 ~91 -l d" "’n‘m“ 'whir-h lmis hem cnll «l to llll‘t: iii thin plaje Lén‘gpq‘ym o Pn, e t I") ' ”m 1 “
119 Illilllltut)’ (mu tnl‘ !:' lu t-uth. the ‘on 'l'tn-wluy _imxt. Your Irtl ‘xi :Infm‘r is, “a will‘
Hrvlprmrwl martin ‘ ! "Tam?” mwn‘ inc-.t I-cspcctlully i-eluestcd. ( 1' \‘l'ltl'H‘L'.) .:.. v. i
I ‘ H)"; gllzlll‘rfil u must Idi.~rour- t , ' ll , \ l_.\l3l‘.R. ‘‘n )0“:
Hui-I: main: in; am ill. lb: Eastman, huh-man. om man
.I' ”m hm”? MW il 'iiiliiriligi‘tq mm m‘ le icm‘m's f“
”‘3 ’zh‘l'uf": loam-rs ‘‘ ’ ‘ 'x‘ ‘ . 3;] ‘. “W
kc 4gniir~t nt’nll. ’ \mui. Magal), 18M, 'lhmnm
l l 5 ll NEIL "'5 Oi. ”ml l~:‘t innt. in-. ‘lmfiuhf‘
f'nr indo‘cfi.‘ -‘thc mi< the Unit I Cmmnittm- ‘ 1‘"? am
10-per :‘lliut'l ”'1‘!“ l-' 'ork, “'lilxll‘iér I would numl'mr ‘
:il’linram 3:23.121:ng :hc‘ume
[lk vrrunly. W]: 15:31
hut lt nt‘mt‘ . , . . . ..
“0110th '9 ’Mr. Sinai»: chunri are thcwflnnd- (lid:
5 ' . .am pawn did. He is almor Illl‘lll—‘PHlK' til \'
F‘rl'f‘chm‘fl onjnyt-d l‘hu emolumnnh ol' {illiry |——nni l?
l 1” ”ll—'rlh‘“ i: :i‘u hoq‘nst, mamas hix hilt-whit pali‘tic.
[llnlutlll-‘linllir mimnir‘z hll mluiit.- 110 li nhligi ;_-. n. {lab
,0 ~.,,,.iil_ nt‘iuhlmi-Innd allwr frimuM ‘1 ' . ‘
Ttiuu ulmut Dnmnol an (inn vote fm' hintimu
31"”5'.“:”"l' do so hm'pu‘a hp is'lit‘ fut: tlw
ll‘lii’lnll’l” { iusrnerl‘E—aml further, hm I!l\\'.v
H. [mm M- tmuml llamocmt: .
.fiuldw d.‘-.- ltnpnhliimns'mn vain for hi stivl
fit. tgf m 11. tho-y do sp Lemme 159 is tint uni}; fit I‘m
“Elli-“ 1“” 0' ()llll‘t", butt i‘f'nlso a. mmrwhn “fit I not i
' l.’?g:.itinn grum- hiin‘xclfhy turning his can; to :10 l
lel'nitt-(l “ma“: l‘ , ._‘ Q. '~ l
i In“ tlu‘sv * [.otlmn'hmhlc mon loo]: mrnl‘: .‘vul (h
“'“d ”mt mndidntas. and judge fiiirfil' ht-tw r
' {NJ-$112; them; and we are nnt‘nfraitl of lfl'l int"?
I‘ll! “ In'-no H .\ial‘l‘lll.
;. ‘ ._‘._.V»——ao-¢- " . ,
_nv. _I l l “ 2 "'“' "'” """vv’ri
i b'lllall.‘ ; ; ' COUNK‘Y COMMISSIONER. ‘
FNTER: i all". EDITH)! :—'l‘he nfllt-n nl' l".'uitil,y (‘n‘ml
‘~ ~ ‘ _{iniwimmr is‘ nf thi‘ first intl-nitzin oto ”“l
li'lfllim‘x' VtllXVlH—lvl‘l‘“. Mid it" i% lflll’l‘llll't‘ lélcllllllu‘nfi
is} “‘l'm‘liL H: upon ”mm It! all (inn-. 1 tn lnlik fob yliif’ihi‘wl
‘.. ‘l_"l““‘-l"“‘ flout in the onndidutrw. tfitlfwlfiJlmn‘ zinvl
['i'i‘m'l rirn. thing: q-lsn'. llmnw lmth :n-ntltl‘nlr‘n in tin
llllllll'l' El“ lll‘ltl lip? lltu’t nilit-e, (Mr. John lihéltt iln {iiii
”.\v‘lii» l'f" )ll;. I‘ll n‘uiiu Blycm‘l vor‘)’ “it'll—rial”. ”l Min)
‘1" ""3 T‘ 6““ a iloighhur tn hath. and 11mg: hml lbll‘l
; ;,v I’Z‘h'il‘t Inuisdm'linzs (with lmth- Funnllin‘ ltndwl
”,lnll‘l‘l’l“'l:4 ‘ '.~~‘k t-t‘lgo,'ril)t.utiml thmugh ninny up i-bl'l’llJll-llt‘
lgt‘, and (5. \'m‘nfll' 5" ol' intlgi’ngnl find it inv duty tn vlm‘ fus- {\lt'
l." mmnhh l“ “3‘3“.“ lmtt'm‘a. l'g' vntitilg thuswill hwt nlll)
"’filifi‘lhli‘ll‘k- Th“ st-rvh tho inlet-mt: h‘l‘ thumnufi'.‘ . ,
i“ ’3'“ "‘l‘," l’ “Ii"? him ‘Mtfl‘lluth‘i'n; throughfi-soml :ind'r‘mimini
[ '{"”""" 51"" ‘ ‘-'"”"- l" cal mnringnnannt. hih ll(ll]llll1"ll ruitaidiinhlr’a;
‘f WW")??? 'l‘.” hold 'prnpnt'ly, nnd thorcl‘uru l‘cvh lllrl\\('l;_'lll l'l
l "in .’“/M ';""".”."/- «taxation. lli: on‘n ‘inlorikto. :u‘ill [H'n‘nlph
r "‘”"“‘J‘{l"“' ‘15)“ ““11“ hiui to make the cnnnlyk m luv-y in l'\“l‘l"\'
111151“ .‘ "“l ilfl‘lé'“ 1"" muse 5,56 its filr "us it can; ‘llt- i~ hurt-Yul in
will "‘l‘l‘jl‘“: “W" “'0 making up hiw-miiul. nitd lli~jllll§flllvdtlrt l“
nmimmm‘xu ““1 tf‘l-‘i'smiml .'lnirl con-out; “'ht‘n dirt-{flint he i<
"Vi"? 3"“ )7" ‘ l'i'!5"”"- Tiyht‘ ho i~ iii-m antll _llocidt-tl. nnth‘it‘hflmd
£l33lva ' ‘ 'in; tho modmity ofih's Mitzi}: inlet-3 ‘l-lo 15,“
, l " ‘ plannihmmst ~liinn—s—iim'm- {‘nr making".
‘vt'v C. Am a ‘.liflllll we . ‘ . * ' . ' :
' . l l , I show of linmell.——nh\'nys _nttt-ndgnu tn 1m
"MN“ l ”ii-Ir film!“ W ' linkih N 4 and loltin" that w it‘h 4ln’4
'in-lull iimlit I'uibn. "“‘ ‘ .“. f-‘"'fl .' *1
, J 1_ Ll _ _not. cmn;m'n him Alana. .\~x ntn {Mlubfljwrt‘
m- ?romllmltf'lndlm ot‘ mun, h ‘ ha: few (flunk—null nullio druéq his‘
rennin Elm f". «.tfimnc‘gfl'ow“ “HE“OV‘R so well, \ui-vly he is thflvqrvl
rp"'l‘;"y;l"':‘:“ 'i’lk l; .mnn t‘o onfidé the l“t6l'\‘>ls of the eulu'uty
a xrl (113‘ 1437 ‘ll nmtw» _,‘_i.o.r } _ ‘ ' _
“I” ”m“ "l: "“fill' His nnpnnont. ‘Mr. Ephraim :‘leorm'k
_dal‘l mpmpln' nnttlgif'tf-d with that {intuit-<4 n‘f ptn‘rpme
3.0 m", «Alfie ! - H h” which the nlfiv’é rt‘qll‘lNN.‘ llui-ligirongtu n
e l’““Pld; '“ Ell“ :"‘"’K"l'oml!iési for personal t‘liqgluy—lgnd \lht‘n
wig"§~llivlcmuvrla tlm’tifl Ill] all is said,‘ 1h timgimmi, or
" inl ‘r *sevhrhl f voni- cunninw'r knew-m (nnp of
CTCDCO; ‘ ‘ . ' J 4 ' . '- . ‘ i 4. .-
~ x, _ ’ "wlmm as iliytt-ttlnit'ntnl in hinting [gun
." ”'C'Yl‘ilvlnl‘ “""l‘: ““1 plat-otl n inn the Union ticket)“ fixmf. he
1 or a ll "“31 “Gk?“ would (11 it out but nwinei-c nmn é‘ul’wiil , tn
0.1“ ml,“ Mia" llnht. he mnul led, with flutk-rynnd fnfl'or) tn
‘°'*='"""l"Fi-' lint! of wit their? purpgbes—veryfoftcn tofthc ll’ tri-
S are glue“ . mtg like} monk of “the interesh of the ml My. {'Be
I:3:‘t‘lefllifi’x?.il‘:l.’?n-ll~l(lcfi,{doi'nottllllnk ME. B. My in is'Fx
‘ - . (:1 “é "h‘nctlyiq' place on the ad-mllod Union ”
rly (‘m'jsplflmmf, “'O, liokek h: qnly a—few iimnths Ag)! 0 (It-chir
rnl nf tho .:tuto‘ts ”mind, “lot, the Cotton States gb—lre (innit
‘.m lfnjcmel'wuluw\mnblliom." To be sincerely fal- ‘thcil U
ion. txclf-t, “Em rfm- .'nion, is to be for the union «if all +0 Sutton.
ludge l 9" ti: tl'-“9',“ As I hn'i'e already statéd, _my Czlnlfl‘ tho
ltwepu the two is (Mr. Duttem. ilk-luv!
[what {believe to be the proper qual’i‘fimtwns
fora County Uommiauionér, antlzthnt elm
sideratiou influences me.
‘in thofle flutes. il’énnsylvnn'uil ~
fell x-eprox-ntntivm tn the “ Pf:
' tion ” then in M'S‘ifln M. m..-1m
I strong lumps E's-re r-nfm-minmi l
; hmltit-s would be quiJnctnAil
' without resort, to‘rhns. flophh
“GIN/)1" Copgrés {mm ‘thia‘ {\‘tqlxt
{against themqnnplinn-ofnlwax II
{and smut: othc-m \inilr-él I‘u
gnrge thufr pmhnls in “026404.
“he 6”: 9f thrunry last the
chlme bofuro. thuHmwe of'linhv‘
inuthnrizing Um (:inw-rnm- 30 {0
. I'reaichmbnf the Um‘u-U Slum; .
i ford“: of' this Cnnmlhmymdih fip
} the'intflgrity of _tlnis« Union, [Jr]:
{tenant-e of the (.'mhtitntion q'n
‘ Mr. Bu“, [qr Briamm of the lofu
1 licnn members of the House, $l.
, York
it in fulluw~:
‘Mr. linll. I rem-w the motiin
nite yimtpnnnn-nt : and'it is fit
should give my roman! for‘ilnil
it is with roan-t tluit l‘lmw oft
one word on thiw kuhjl-vt. “'o'
tivt'l hotly: hut our power-a nru lii
have the right to organize the;
have, the right to £0 to st cm-t'}
pruvigling nrms- fut- tlmm: we )1
under Cl‘l'illlll circumstances.
illitflwrvifim hut; that si-rvig-ri i
fmnl ‘tfie Cmnmnnwgulth again
\'.‘l\l4]i|;nl‘ (lnmns‘tit‘ indu‘rn‘otil
the limit “‘llifill the "nnrtituyi
{upon Ir, powers. llnt ff-m
anightEfiTm-end our nnthnritv;
qlit'w-tit-m, it ha: been thetpl
penple to inv h' w much {until
hm'mw ngvl‘vt'm; what purpnémi
Cnn<titnlinn wv have t-nntrn‘l at
(if the t‘nm'ndmwnlth in thie '1"
,un .t'm' n;- thoy have not ‘lu-nn n l
prnprisltbll. ' A pnrthm ol' l'lw‘
' nun: of this Cuminoilr'éalth hl '
'[lrnprintmL ‘ . _ ‘5 t l
3 Now thou" rptnli'ltinfis‘hmnpnal
give. in the fiNt immune. the
i l'_\' reénnrr-os ol' the tinnni‘nonwe'
' “vlvmiia to the Government 0
Statoc. lt i~,<-haulv and with I
‘ nncnn~titntinnwL Such action;
r in~ our )mwm‘: it: is lu-yuml ”“i
.nud woul? wrung-doors if wr ‘
(tur uniformed" ltlllll‘hl 'im-n w '
.tlicir cups with contempt at a ,‘
igumcd authority on out‘ part. ;
ix And nmr-h more to ‘thc stirs>
'tl-r thi< the resolution wac tlt‘Ol
' frit-mls of an appropriation to n i
-; were in a small minority uinti '
i! April, when the Governor Fl. ‘
l niosmge to the. lmzi~lntnrci [infill
Inpprpprintion of KWW‘IM to 1H
lot the “capital defects" in ojurii
itt‘lui This wag urgetl‘us'a “ pi’
’l' nienqu-e': without :illhgingfinyi
l prehenxinn that hostilities mgr
‘ or stating nny facta'thnt ’wouht'
1 cnnclmion. V i , t 1
1 (in the lfitli'of April in billj ‘
i House approliriutingStMONO, ih‘
i with ”1819001“nlt‘ntltliiull of tlhi
{The disbursemgnt of thi~x mm 1'
to a military commivion, 'witll .
'those safeguards “hich suhsmi A
have shoivn would have prevtzl t
trpuhlg. and annoyance conecrtn n‘
shabby‘uniférms and other nv'hufi ‘ 1
Rita inyeétigatién ofaspeciagcdn m
The Democratic niinority of' the It.
‘deavorod in vain to elicit theii t‘m
which induced the mnjm-ity to he
Opiniom since. the 6th._ of Feltr my
fngraft amendménts gpon t‘ Lil
would securéthe profit-r tipplfio‘] riuti
so \lnrgc' a'sunfiof‘ money. Mr; tam]
fared a. resoh‘xtion calling upon he'G
, nor to In)" before the House. an. infc
i tion in his possession relative {0 the n
: sity of réorganizing and hxcredsin tho 1
:tary forces of the State: but i e may]
iwoulil not listen to it( Uh‘iler these
5 -in ",2,“1i cumstan‘crqs _tlil: Democrats of: t ie Ilni.
fearful thiiti including Henry J. .\iyeri, ‘cnn 'y‘t-d it
‘ n his 5004- be their duty to Voso against tli bill—tl;
iths Ml“: asl since we know the difficulties and the frat;
as “Union—9 which arose from the inipet‘ieht charaéh
1: he (le-; of that act, the propriety of ti) ix conclut
will notZ he questioned by any fai nan
A few days after thopimiage f the Rail
in question occurred the attack pon‘ Fort
Sumpter. The, minority then is. w the ne‘-
cessity of defending the capitol ml ulnin.
mining the I’ni‘op by force of mm s, and test,
their votes'lnight be misrepreaep ml, placed 1 _
on the Journal their reasons for o posing the] 353:.
ill—digested £lllll loosely trained not of the 'i3bsenti
12th of Apni’. From these :re H ns, sig ed 1 Tuimdzi
by Henry}. 330113, we extn'wt he follow} ‘individt
ing mange: ~ ‘3 " i 3 :3
' “In nrclorthatwe might, vote‘u (ierstahd- i I‘ny “l
mglv on this bill. a propositimi' as ott'et-ed .ny insti
to the Home calling on the vet-nor: to _ f i; f
furnish this Home with any in ‘ mation int do 0 l
hl“ possession. ‘not incompmi tigwith thei single
general interest. which demanthfi the millet fl 0 ‘
sage of ’thls bill at. that time. i’L‘his wzua‘re- l ‘ i l
fused by the House: And we. w+ then-cliche i be‘rigl
compelled, by sstrict sense of ”fly mid the ‘ '
reasons herein before stated, mix tc against 1 ml)
the bill. g . 3‘! we". d
That the citiztens of um Statialwill new i mum
full to respondito such a I-ethiition, islnt- . ‘ ‘k ‘
tested by the eugemens with wliiph ltut' pint. _ "1’“ e
riotic sous rushed tlx the suppni-i of our tm- i “19‘! will
tional {l3%ju the Wigwam Mi. icu. 'l‘h.’t.(nsonndii
they will (0 so again. in obediéliice to a call u v
of the Chief Ekecutive‘hf th , inntinn. n’bi ‘W‘T
one will doubt : ‘ and in nllhis Qtnstitution- ’,.lmlge
at efforts to uphold the (tovetmqynt. to pro 1 Dn-inoc‘ii.‘
tect its pronmy, t 9 nmintuinfitt laws. “1““ i “09% l'l
guard the national ting from infill! and dis—‘ 41$? )
i hand}, he will receive the cortltztl‘,\eiitliusi- o'9? 9
‘ astic and determined support o’t’lthad‘mitted ‘ be :th
. . . "i \ ,
ipeople of this Commonwealthq»; t \ : [know th
t, Oaths thb oprril'the mugging re: in»! who u
[not], ofi'ered by Mr. Hall, receithi the vo" "1 be 59m1.
of every member of the Houslé including {riofiism
i Henry J. Myers; . - i ipa§§ by \
1 “Bun/ml. That. the faith, cr 'lit erudite} bulge to
sources of the State in both nnxu'fiind liloney, fnmbf‘
‘lrc hereby pledged to any 3mg nt and to " \
mfi extent which the Federal (giivet-nment ‘ fig: t
; ,demand, to subdue the rebellion; to id' t
7 ' > .\. W treason; to enforce title laws-J tol 43': 3‘o!
9W the lives, the liberties tutti the pigep- ' i
erty'ot' the people! and to majtttain invirt- In
late the Qonsmmton and the ficvereignty 1' “I!
of the nation.” ‘ .ll 1‘ J 0.1:”
5; ND! I
'opl:1(‘c on
u-mlwr the
lwhole Elufy.|
yr, the pies-I
led an that
[e Stat-0 A(l-,
wing Den»;
I the breeze.
ltrail in lhe‘
I Abolition
l'thil mo=tl
till the pm-
I lair schomt-q
Hwy the Re
‘A a wry time
v'~‘in_uly par:
n tlm yust.’
mrly,’ tlw’ '
‘udulh-ious— ,
"194'an m
iickot unm
hu strictest
which any
:ulc up of
"0 lmlie‘vc
hivh thev
(“~qu itfi
ted m the]
{uprnmac ‘
ds‘the ix J
1m: :uway
to have
much upnh
$0 omm}-
1' the fifth
grieve it rllll
eve of the
”may J.
‘. qutin’s
nt love of
sl9lole for
that spurs
Poly not.—
‘~ticc which
E . he would
1 [_r. Myors’s
m 1 1t 1m:
urn hi: pang/3
(l by suoh'
re fails iol
ppottrcd ‘m I;
read, them.|
hthy 1101- !
ons‘bf thg‘:
'n nion “pur
, the new»
110 did fiot
lples” enunJ
would» be
tdough- fan-ex
? mbm- those
ill act. inde-
Eoviée néw.
ls spreading
hi 2. in thg
i :1 of hpriloa
Ixferlmlg do
‘v rm office
' is’morczip
‘.ppeared in
lap like him
1,: very ” and
rty for not
; .imsfelf and
on ¢f their
crnts‘ are not
1d 5;" such a
i c cgnuption,
i, m: an art of
' has been
'in-o man.. No
'. His I'm“:-
kc no yhurge
nr as kart-pre
ge fie mode
. HF can be
capacity and
us, Henry J.
'dorsemeu 42f
retary Cm g
'y on the par
.4 {)‘C‘M‘k th
inrbrmlcmjuér of flu
ny. Tlu- "frmvd" (I)
y to ~ixlylx‘merflfird‘ ‘
Jet’ergl ofi the Mix-i
mu prr-sran—dthcrs,
a. [H j: hianxm-mhcrc
led us a “Jill/m Hotlin
.WCLr lmrdlf in size :
pg. It Ihur'f have hue
Limo s'l tmrlirip..ti
j, “-.n. ht-(‘nllil‘ Kiwi- I]
hml'd-lml Lave #:an
h dul murd lmrm Um
.\[uuLh‘y .4:qu “Amati“?
king.” 3 Hu‘bhey Inmlp'
um fligllunxfcd‘ "5.1%
.- .\ mw fl- hle rhoe M
'on-ul.’ THE humk-n
'g-QO. ‘ “ '.l
”in" to 3m}! ! griliun
re :1 fx-dipln- 5
nitvd; c“'(' ”1% t‘w
milifin: s)de p'm'J
n extent. in ”(.519 at
Le Hm right; " M 4“
I CH“ Flhdni _ . I‘D ‘
‘Ohlyéln rim; ”"3? 1h"
It fn:-.wign;jn.i lu~,;wn~;li
n. Sx‘ch; is [ln‘-.1;
inn ha} XH'CI‘ l'hm
1 2 that NM: 4' .
‘ von ii! that ‘ fm‘wd m
ium (fi- 191:“ ”up (In
ov‘wc»? shrill "Hill“ "ti
L ndti-r fink mmnllyi
IxtlanmfilN. u”; hm“
'txuqn'fg ugly 1‘ f 5;
lwnfi‘b‘np—i l
'llllllnlE’l‘ai’Om ' I 1
V 0 Lech WIN ’9 n
‘ l { .\ me Bl
what} 7W
hole n ili n—‘
the lgliijl-ll“
ut (HI ftibll‘,
11' not “pith-‘3
:lttf‘nlfitt 11.;
12.1 mm il]; ‘
v >lele I;L7'~"i
furmt‘r “my illusp n
nu: inzultin‘gz. not (ml)
home, hat, in"; larger
fighting-{M b‘ntlfus o
mowing! :1 Wore rxtenl
lng pnnd‘Lr-fm very “
| .
un- new finfifiml 6'
"Mr firct inn-mm to!
ir (nus. Tht-‘ir 5600
the pail-I oh Tuosnlu‘
lmrlirc nnlwenrqgn
sense of tlx‘o hnncst I
.“ Dumnm'nt b 0 dom-
‘onuso (1 03' one» lu-lnnfiml to
party. ’Lillow mr~n are mun
;rofimlrwfllvlmwfmit} ticket.
Nomi: Hr nny OHM-. 10 mm) It
i ht'EHk
firm a
,' my his _oer purh'.
topublimm nny «lay
‘e \\ ho will fur-”11ml
'r wm
wlnjn t
n‘nflluo. w x 4 ‘l‘ ~
lmulnl nnyglmmnm'nt vnlo I'm (Imm
05’ infirm”? thuPy u‘m'mi‘pt Im :1
mm and L’Lfima to he llwxgnm-mlic
lmfgnu mm! join “ill? (he'll-Tub
-lalmw 'vmnl dcvnfin U) tln'llfnilm 3
wr this. lihyncrm, mid M} “'nH‘ll
no tir‘kot Mitl: llmflmnw 0' viglu-r
ronqnuln} upon it? gnu: into the
xin any Qistrict. !
—,—— ~ - ‘01:» A «‘f -
{BE AT has Pong! ‘
fthé m‘mt limporlnnl (luliv:1 n Dom
: ium-firm i< bo'ng n: rly at tho pulls,
:njfinu llwi‘o until U 0 ballot lvox is
Miwlx cnn2 be dour )y pommml up.
Hm tiny {of alt-otl I. and the in
- :L' few—vows only‘fn every am]! in
fix-luv such \.‘lgilnn 0. will make 21
mull in (I‘l9g cou‘Wy. “'e ml; to our
file lnrotlnl’om look out fnl‘f fraud.-
toy. and, nttlm sum limp, “(A-that
mocmgic [ 010 is polled
_..." , -... - ~
hile tlm anris cnhsl
l. r'wmts— (15.1)“ “remain
I pnnit‘ion chmliclntvs
me Domniimh to w
«[llth gm
ml, uni}! Hm
in thofitnhc
‘the‘Jllin ‘pr
ma sprain]
paging; tl'u‘
mnvg sinmn’
lilitnx'yil WP“,
maulicxhary j
(‘Cidmi aid-l
i ‘immiimfi‘t’:
and to pink ,‘
fill Ilia
1“: ; 1
'. One I
:nc m on
111321 ron
w 18 0
‘ lrgbo n.l
Ural mu I
lgraind I“
" Demoor
11th v I
avcfx'y Il
’ing JD.“
‘thece 5
Will 1).
ea; am.
wily Gfl’i
l w:
m con
noomtq, tims mzlligl
thenwohfs‘fln be 0
.(hseoliers? “'9 im
I" .i '.
In Slur Lnnilormks (I
l rsmion—lt cz'mnot I
mns——“ nn‘w‘would i ‘
[mole t 6 tlno “Whole I
Ipouoouhle Isopnf-nl‘io I
”U” This fillil‘HnOl
iculom -nI~ it is In
or beenill‘WTnion-s I
“Union—#:w-r." W
'll States lo‘nving tlhe‘
~ “'6 hair ncvqr ‘
lon “ cpuN‘l be pillr
Cl‘ifiCO,” 85 the SHIN
lacml partl _nbovel c~
. “'e hh '0 never
Inoculmd traitors" I!)
ntry’s wogfnro rogi}
I rmt—butéthe Bme
. . |
i th 18 1t cvgnllenmed.
41u;* CO
(an? spc
to LllO :1
and $Oll
kins ri
have ne
wail a}
S‘hl'r )lfl
tll q 1'
gl-oht b
lvheiir; 0
(m 1 plan
owh mo
’We Impé 110 DJ
himselfffrdnr tn!
‘ r, under:L thel‘bel
1:11 vote fun): not
:0 succesq' of his =
ches ard record
jgood meta for tb
lote. Tlfpcrofore,‘
,0 be a; I‘th vote, ;
———- «slop ~——~
:xpocmts (if Adams.
nou‘nce ydu as "59}
Go to due polls'
hose de-fnhlors of 1
Jtriét'um. fiy giving
“nibbing. 3
___ _. y m..,
l eflar is unspuring
qisher; thry ’11.)!
tic candidates gene
ve that mph ’11): out
'II t of that groper wil
I the moasrel ticke }
: gondemfil coin rt:
'kptL—know' them, ‘-I
#nfiénpf ohpmcter, pi
md will .not let;
"it‘hou‘t ndminifiteri .
their ‘insglqnt and un
L~«— -.....» “
mm 0R SHINE, o'n Tuw' 3r? <ll Imusdaya d]:
Ato‘t’he E ection in ‘ ! ?‘_ P ’° 5‘10“”-
L“ _ __,L.,,__!_L_§_o early l‘l-Mmu-kied “In". there
we mmmfiac eoux‘x‘ties of Illinois imq «ingg’ H; mus
halffiafivoting-populationihpve ‘ in bi3.§te-because 4
:1? W. -‘“ :V v“ ‘1 iih f’ of‘people—an, we
I g—tp s‘ome we!
"clan-‘ll (PM “the
‘. uplguc meeting;
I 1100+" ‘ { Donr 9211
r!) “fare amnnr; .‘ I Mani
‘ihc (in?! 9]):‘01'11, "qt-lil‘x'lifl‘
inn ”(NIXFI. “(n-”f the I
: nnd file'domnn- I firfixit
Ifthe=pcorhoa of In" t] 9
“(hr- nr‘mucrntiv ilh ni‘N’
”men women- swprfct};
Wart of the nrmv 5"“ ‘2‘!"“1
. a .A m. \\ "11
11191 man. .0 .
. l of Dom
' on] notmc wn'JM litgm‘rd;
hohle grime” in- root,” Ir
‘ ‘ ’ lic pfefi
m- havel nuerh' "mmm"
)M l thé‘ I- l. tnnflnn
‘ ‘L p "I. c nation .-
:! rfl‘qrt“ to he ‘ “i‘hl‘m
,nem \yiil prlwe {‘.m a‘ I"
:rllf mislrkt‘n in §vov~s~inl
{lers o! 'Adums. “"d'V‘T‘
I 1 , ‘_ 4p. pltnhi
IL! “ ’ 'Hu-<+ .\‘t
‘d' t: . l' "1 ”mi!
0 1n nHz 111,. xh, “'1‘!“
In 01' “gm. M“- Smwc‘ 9
ltlie DUIIILIOfI‘flXiC ("I'Hl‘F‘!
71y; agnimt the (‘.m'q‘f’W
If '1 D:“Xllfi(‘l"lt ENE” 1‘)
‘_ ' M _ ‘ th- nl' in
o Is hg‘lpmg to failh, 0
“Va inv vote} ' '
. ‘ , ,
Hoonm‘j than (H
's‘pm'ly‘ fur the 1
. A PE
-, 'l‘le ,"
Hal"; .\ll
[Pm “v:
‘lo]th 11:! n 21 114-1“;
lili= IN6. \ml luv LN
liitiml {lh mkgfixr in
”a :I fill «lixiatf in; .
Autumn ', ('.inul 1
(Emma! Pushlr‘nt.
(“'er-1:: 10y. is: m'rtni
tlm‘ :HHH‘iiipll ofa m
”WWI" 4 T l‘vhllfl‘h’x
a .\‘(l/m'l/ 7' hr!) r/mvm:
all) M“? t‘nr tmmrn
lintxl Z.‘-[ .V. 1365}. an
He is n w ‘ il~kill£fi
fine [ln‘-01h tn Moot 11
[um j‘émgx. \vheréhy b
State ’l‘mubury Um
d 9” for his ton ycnrw.‘
ists :UEI‘I 11::xi- ,‘h'nvt‘J‘ '
are bosfoohmg; E Cm‘hl
te for henl.T—‘ Ito-Imm
mlmn¢lln<ult.“:‘.;~. DH
“130:1 W “m.. .xmmr:
SU“? {Hey will 1 “(mini ,3
l__ ‘ _‘_V I {EIIU/lIIIR )1
o mnkem< samfil‘dy. 11:“
larnve 1t frnm ' 11" ”halt 1
nnt‘bdn glorH would“)
i ivniégd jwm-m ‘ about in
«if thorfi‘orth‘ ’—“ u ,
l] 01‘ 11?? Shirt ‘ I - Then
lf'nunrflefl. “'O, 9 In . n ”ht” coufx
idol-3'——hut :11- qplvosn the olcctxol
lrwo‘inever‘mmlmf (1 of imlepoh
l’nihh ; {Li‘the ifal Im' ies. ' In thoj
‘ '1 “ox-k Meme ulblicau
declared that 3 x 1 l 1
h‘wed Entr too‘ n‘noplq If) support \yha
E as. ;We have:L (1011!..1'rTi011 “elf?“ -
untrv, j” “10‘ commtelncy partxcuk
t 25:33: €133,322:
40 -h 0 l t f . . .
$119: 522%; which lofipows the U;
“I durt 0““ dideltezf‘r President
” ‘. «' A ‘ tickl‘tjrir? York enum]
”___ , ' 1 Such 15 model-u Re}
Ihaocrm: 'willJ 1y scrlfdnizgd i—J’aln
‘, ' a 4‘ ‘¢__..,A_...
'e polyvlhs 0.“ l Id"! D émopmté
15.1 mm has mily {qbtaiu succ‘
. :“E°e;§“l4nd uhremitted
l]? :t'i ‘in. work, heartily, on
' 0 tie (fe'iminedg‘yg We h:
I want»: 0 a it woh d‘be a shm
“e if“? -—see{l_o it thatnc
”1d a“ WI 1 that tujxay crown u
,r__ i. {Let qq'r motto he \
ihe Slai- mnn; ' tOl‘y 2M . . W ,
eAsioniq‘u: and! i ? ‘—-“ “- -~ Mir“ . :
i . ’ 1; 89111.11. Fisher. 0 York, has axle of the
°,“ "’"9' ’"“ . akm at the “Ur; n" mééfingéhm on‘
our true and re ~1 ; i 1 , .
i Jule" "ticket ‘hul‘filayl'. ‘To show he holiquer of his
i ‘2 , iUnioxy Hrcnfssxions‘ siiigic‘iglcid nt will.
~,__, ' gsuffice‘. ; The York I’ as says}:l !
n its n'fluse of I “ When n. L. Fifih r 'wns mt'wns ing for
Ive”, and the qmda‘iatos. to put 'll m his :ic'ket, 6 met;
‘“ _ we known "cnll an, 0 this minty,
llly" “(e um 3nd sdlicited him to mve his nam put. on
”1590““ pom-w ds Se ntor. The gen lenmn dechn d,=and
i mute lo the stated that he had m y rulntiom i Mai)?-
3 “181001118 hand, and laying hi hand on his“ heart,
”3 thagvmojshia. {lint there was omethmg tilde that
I dT“ to wouldfloxjid him to non the ticket of a.
“if” a‘, Em-ty whoscdoctrines ecouidnoha‘pprove.
Inbny ““1 [’3' cmyf L. Fisher th said, ncvrr miju‘ your
uesdny , next. qwm'fik, let me 1m! 3] u an (In! tichd, ' c «’1
. a sove‘e m. 11‘};ch any/mac. I) re Mr. l‘Tiahc} den;
rincipltgddeum:ns Z I--, ' ‘ ' ' I
received 3'
‘in behalf 0
01'6“}!!! 0f
m nominati
udiciul DH
'nion ('nnve
for, I be: In:
‘l'ly decline
rrml uphn hi
n for [‘r
riot if h
Minn ‘nf ‘
\'o tm‘mn‘
Li; 110110
out of t]
40> and ‘
rmtic prim
\'o. through
4' the “1‘“le
Mant York,
lhjw-t to its
h-ply with
9:: man.
ho mvtji}
15' claim {6.3
{div ( ‘Qti
Ind {-01%
lion! lu-lm
1t gn’H-l hi
I‘ln 1m {1 [ln I
01‘ the Int-w
-.Eting any ll
Hm mum-m
-_' «nu-ml (in
rt llu‘ (fun '
3 vnu~idur 11‘
m v 1041.
'_\' I m 131.!
[or Edit".
‘ itnlinn
\wll ha:
"OM-H “I“'
0 (Hut-l
’1” i 1» 1 li\!
tion and I
' it. :Lgninxt
:111 , 1
.i 1.1,1.1 4
Your> m
, 'rlln‘u \L
of P
`~lihn (~~•n~
i&Llir:in va
uk no on
tLi li-ti t
out 011%
h wax-H
'.unnl Aliii
”Mm: :
elm-tion is'
no 1;) the: ('(i
.\x,3 1341., 1!]
in ('rml'nlnto.
irict. will nn
menornl of;
the receipt 0
1‘ r unnum. Tl
$5l, and yet In
thin] to n m
lily rvsign, t]
I but hownn'l
umv \\':l
übliefin sm when fair
ld" I'm n. :
of .Adgnis,'.,we can i ”M:
53 byihai‘d: lather} 3‘_ «... ;, ;
.xertidlng; :Go to! ' -‘ . . '[f‘mvnmuh eaten}:
ergetic‘nliyy deter-J . Mn. Eniron:—~ic.fihzr hi .lr hunting
we a ticket Which ' away’at Capt. .h'bimw lATTIJE,‘ tr ‘ De )0-
f L ' _ icratic candidate for Direi‘tor of: 19 ‘Poor,
le .orlzwe weatcn’ . dcéiaring that a sqn of his “ is in 3 he seces—
e6o . are gapared sion army," &0. Every ,man w , knows
IWitilitl‘iujtlphw—l Capt. Little knows him :10 ibu- E"sound ti
“Unipu and Vic‘. Union‘man 9“ ever breathoii. as: that 119‘
~' ‘ 1" would makp more sacrifices to fustain Hip“
I Union than anyone of the iiyl)ov€:es who
mil him. A son of‘ his hat! r ided’ in
Tennessee for a. nl.:fnber bl? years, , t wine'-
ther'he has adrenal» arms {borehhe (1005,
not know, nor do the scyibbiom for the
Shir. If he has. it is hot Lwith hm father"!
cbnsent}, bubwould be vbrj' much‘ i? his to
grat—ad in the case with Imany finrthem
parents rho have children in the South, a.
fair proportion of those parents Being the.
deepest—dyed Republicans. But 1 nm of
the opinion that the Slur is making all thih
fuss concerning Capt. hittiselto‘ wnrdsofi‘ air;
tention from the fact that John Eckénrode, .
the mongrel'candida, for Director, has
three grown sons, no one of “thpm has
volunteered or taken up the mmket in tbe(
.__ ( ”___ g - garniy of the Union! 1f Hokontode is such
th e Siur my»: 1415 m" iifiifig‘hienxmkflw 'duu t he §tari Lout. ‘
4.0 m ofgattlo4nimre2l __474_; ...”. V :7 _ ‘u‘ ‘
from this theiroditorl L W?l'§i°lmgds§t‘fhiwffi flagging.
‘ a. on.a ew avs e re a e 1‘ s
Fix:egi;:fitthgo;33qici¥e§k' to lay hefore Gen. Fremont the con-i
= i . dition of his arm and the strength of the
eve "39 '39 “ viewing enemy, had to wilt three .days inordprtm
ry far, fnfm it.l . iget an audience of his nmjor-generaixhip. ,
:9 U]
1m! the people», irreqlorz}ix~byfhnn
\ . L
Inuk, whenfiwy cnmo u; vn‘o. hm
(or‘five) in pmirplv Min lnpg fm‘
Io enjey (In Laugh? nf hufgfillijxg ‘tl‘ne
,uls (if the county, ' . 1 i ‘
I en,li.~l tllé.pnly rlniulUlr; U. '3.
1| as for yotcwu—numolg'. (gmt ho‘nml
l 'lmve had ‘t‘lle plmwur? nf'hand
ne pile offlle ponplu's mhnvy forum
[of yearri, “"51 would likc- m pm'm
éxten-le'l Bmm your: {inf-her; "Vi-I1
e be kind enough to gratify them?
L' not. ‘ I ,~_ . ‘ 1
A 3“. mm:
MIL. ElllT‘bnz-I+fi_\'n?l_\' in our finver
mvirfl is both a [lf ihign Mud a du’ty; (11
loyalty n‘t‘f'flm‘; Tm’t‘llifin 1‘: I'm-my; mpg
sinh an unpardnnu'rle mun-1: nml «wail
pcfilical parties cum: in mu?- helm-q
colixm'y."'l'lw (in «by: Imw- mime, f”;
of equality tad.- -Nio<ln 30f nmii‘m‘ m,
t'nmu‘ifiim‘hfi l \'r-r nf M 1 dami-lpmglg!’
land a?" data and in tho him-n“- s of M
mu! Fl\'¢‘<‘['~*‘i"\'<‘l‘ 1113‘ munlty. torn.‘c|i<trar
(n.l,:Lhelligoront. The hc-avqm mom 31mm»
the bonn‘fiCK-nt an 'lO of nigrlwinulx Gnd
{Apparently withd-nu‘n. jiul “is smm
:fi-npavd. if‘punish ng with n hr-n‘vy hnn
flm' rhildron of th .\mc-rieun annmin.
Hh.‘ my counli'y f iod sn'vu} thaw frum uu
rum.“ ‘ l ‘ '
L'Tu’aor the gum
orntié’ principles
(inq’ornmmit. we ll
Lli\'?(l§ll§li:}lfl\'9 an:
grep ;of. prMporiL
M 4 May we n.
ngmin‘ gnin th‘e nsci
tioqsp In'ngaq ‘co I
digmmme in n pl
nrn‘afdpit'ructix'o l:
pii‘éu If'lhe Dem“
(lufiel no \yrnng. n‘
{limb of principlns,‘
6y (0‘ rqnouncc thll
figlit‘ {l3o‘ the he:
6N; nll'f‘ lwrnng, am ‘
plO4. int. llmm no
n‘mtnsee 'thom, uh I
right} Uniunoftl
‘partyi‘ Auk? .The r'
nurédouutry. 11% u.
look In the citizen’
not: grumpjn mm
brillliqn thr-muons
m Tweet it. In.-
bov: inculh'wl. lPt I
BM in the mum
notfifis‘ult Dnmncr
hasb‘gon llntirill'llh
Staffs, tho maintm
quu-rt for. 15“" an
not J iimprullently
(mu; D -inném(‘y.
don'é-minifin; Dunl
Hm} {um nnt Willi"!
finn‘: of Democracy
oitiv’vhq wlm :u‘o :I~'.
MI I. 'iwm. The In!
enldgimxl I-v‘lhnsx‘ l
nxxtlilji‘ mlugirom 1
pnh-idfir' sanfinwu !
mm] :nuht he on I
i ~:\:: Hi
)“im: 'lle
"u b'ofin
Statm} m- .'l‘Jfligll‘t
but filtriotsml'l tr:
inflhg‘ mtwmml (‘l
- Hill runmin
mujxik Drumvrntic
:1 . gov, fitarry In‘
“ NIH-n cullingl
tn mm lumml fivl
filibg‘é, nllll mathe
tn llgiq‘ rmoue n? (In
ml, A A ‘11:! mujr war [l]
nl'ur;}m-n I‘\HTll\\ 1
in whirl. they'm-v
from the Inst sponge]
h fl‘hu-n an“ afltonmg
h «12 F: Hlm’n :m
I]: mufupi’rr’ nut of
nplnéllntit'm givsn
milfily ‘.' , DP]>£'lT\4‘l
to ill-Jim)“ glm or‘gfl
pmhrium Upon §t~ l
but?“ K‘ignnllv fail:
“high and my" it
[v pFMK-r': and Mr
ing‘l'lpnn llm lm'ul
nal nmtntnr:. 'l'ho‘
unremary 'lO ”W 1
. I .
r‘l'nnwnl. n: ova-r I
i» Hio‘pm-t nr patri
I'nj n. Patrimhm.
noww an-r, viz‘. in
. Mpl. Hm‘rnnz—ll .'
(‘nu ty ’i'rmm’rm'. l
Shltm'é mr-nluu will .
(a ”£0: pllfihn-I’N furl
than .4 “b is not!
fink l'p fimmr‘lnl
(“fiction of the ppl
silh-Hmnnek. In I
tlxo’l‘énulv will In
Slay} *Tronwry or I
nlenf'l prompt in In'
Thfiiflve. ho i5ll p
_lm'or mlmmod n
whit-2110 m-lkq a ll '
{Zuni y, "n miaht .
Qflfrrltpo. lvnt ho 'b‘ :'
\'(ltfr. you do n i
if nnfi bf rhex-ihzin
lmost, deserving mu 1
3 Rr-péflulicnn londv- .-. «looiayefthme to be
1: no ”my" Oimm, mt (by? at“ to ‘aot n
6 their profmdnrfi. ’ Only 93%: nlnyt n2O.
‘ Ik-inghlimn. with 1 rongg AM-litinn loan.
in'w.‘ mplnyed a poor mechmpic (6 do xi
job work fur him,‘but beford it was mm
inon Al he naked {he moohnniéwhal ticketi
:he V téd. The iatterr told ”him? that hé nl
waysfv'nled the Democratic: H‘Thon you
. 0:“!an ‘work for max" replied the would-be
1 hrisiqcn‘mt. and the pfinr man was turned off.
‘ Am] ‘y‘tjt this pros¥iher ‘: fpr opinion‘a
‘ sake? 'p‘retmuls to 1 a" nn p‘nrty ” man!
v “is ads speak loudc "Hum his'wonk.
‘l‘ ' , ’ ' A Ma'mxxc. {
1 L“ ”A __q‘J... ,- 4. ‘
; A New “Union" Tg’ast. ' .
‘ l ‘ ' . i [Commuuicnted. ‘
‘ “Lynditov 2—! am tbld ”mi éne of {he op-l
position cnndidnws-l—whq, by the wny,-is wry,
lungr'y ‘for emu—hum peramfinlntions after
votmatopped’nl I intern; and ix'vitpd ,ull pre
fio-nt :8 take a drink. ‘No respo’gsc. He then
flared tlmn individgm¥yz “Ir. IL—.._—’, won‘t
you talk;- n drink 7" "‘ o, l beliei'e not.” “Mr.
J._;, won’t you?” ‘ “Q'oJ “gunk you." “Mr.
i“39.1141: in.” When Am)”, Shaw Cum—We km," by our
9‘"! exdfiim‘iy “Why. York exchanges that u casepf accidental
ll‘igion men here ?" I: whim! occuri‘ed in ma: place on Monday.
mu 33 3 {flight lobe l2d "‘5" by “hwh >Sl‘zruml' Mums, a: col
ccslnrr to dl'nk wixh “0'?“ I’m?“ .‘”“ “‘o‘ and “WW”! lulled ‘
L ' ( E‘ ' ', wflhtgun u! the hands chamber colored ‘
-- -g- “l" £43!“ QHHI gum" 1181304131)“ 3112133.! 'l‘inle coroner’s
‘ . ', "r— ‘ T v 'ury ren ere ave: ic't, hat nrris came
. @912 Wistar} ‘B‘Elsam’of WV 11d Cherry {to his death by the-accidents] dm-har e of I
u truly. balsam.; It oontnixm the balsamic In. gun, carelessly handled in the hang. of.
principle of the Wil enema» balsamiq ;Myers.. Myers ‘wm arrested. but «elm? ,
properties of m- ,m of pine. as ingfedi- ‘;upon giving bail in the sum ot:$4,000, tb .pf' ‘
guts are a“ ham , Cougfig, fields, and £1998! and answer M, will”. i j; I: "1‘
- - ~ . ; -~——-~—-—«- ->~——- ‘-. ‘
f’°;;“f"m’°“’ chum)l under lug balsanncfi #The Count De Putin and a“ A j
m ence. s'De Chm-tors, sons of Louis Phillip“, u.- "
-———o“, won’t you ‘I" I
the cilididntc, in des'
my 6541, ate them an]
may tfiercfgre be yet. d.
a l'uipn mnn‘it is n I
candida” when he in I
‘fi'fimre's a vile «
sum, trherpéore be_ an
prepawed y S.W.
which? hm the: » ' w
on thé outside wgapp
; ._, 2‘17” (hr (‘tmqulrré
noe nnél ruin of Dom
1 flwiq‘ nppficntinn
n Nariqn. .\‘(Mo and i
inod an {unparalleled (I
my] lll‘rppihous in H
t hope; that'thoy ‘m'
Edam-31. I‘olifiml 11.
«pin principle nrr i
vggnmtint, when qu
"HQ—“”4““ gllgm n v- '
cmtic pnrljt-ns such h
I d infant-6M in its pl.‘
‘there «who no nm‘
party;l “.\‘(iyk to H
‘vmnfulL" If nnv pa
; Mlvnmk wrong: prin 1
L in thin nmm‘l'onéy' 11
‘ uph‘nld (howeiflmt'n
‘I Sum-s k: n «hmxdomlm
\rnrd, Mt mmh man u
nstitut‘iln'n is the atlas !
prnstjrfe it. The laul
tn rt‘slitfct thr‘m. IN
tlwnfii .\n M'mml r;
habnticfimul capitol, ,ll
fln‘g of bur muntry‘ I}
~s prvufljm it. .' - I
of right; mM‘jmih-n, ;
tx' who“? ljl'd-Ilnng war
vuliun l 6 Hm llnimluNH
hurt- of {hm-nuditl'flh’n
El hmmr ‘in tlnr-H:llg.fl
n your Lem‘n-ls to [mu
rilninum: _\'nur~l(‘lvci 1
”units lir.|i(ur,-, Immm
" to "Initln in a. I'uim‘tl-i:
:. an»! \‘Eiliiy with ”\'r
Inml n 4 yhu. H‘ pnlitir:
"nan-«l Hulglns i< nu
'whn mirttl him livin
‘lm luv on'dm‘wcl ll
i~; win-n fie <:zi«l..“ I'lx'm'
he sirlo! r-i‘ tlm‘l'nito
t. r'l'lwfl‘e can 1w non
”(0174." ng'n nr‘vor/l‘hqlc‘
itmw bi-i-nnw. _fmwintl
Fh-mncrnh. l'nlrintisl
lmlty. Sls'mmvnn y'o!
mmlwnio‘l-x fl tn NU
11. lamina/wife, child
_ hohin létlwm. to rm!
l’rWidt-lifl ”H! mm n/l'n'
muffin”, :inxl In; to Inru
\l'l‘r\l.(»qt of a strung!
Leggy-«If? uw-Zu'nke- ward
ut‘Sh-phin/n 4L Dnuglgl i
[ ta wlr [fin/1‘ Dumm‘rm'
' thnptV in m «kn pm
inn hnm‘nlfitod. nrimivm
{n hmnfwm‘ts in lhi
p \n it. nivi-Jm'mm vH'o
'/..']t|o')3lgfn] In lug-up I);
omlmr‘~ mu hmm mm]
L P 0011" :00 ”mt H)
n" nf [um-Iv nwl'fnr pa
uly it i~' fpgufilHy root-i
.'Hlm £lv|sifil\illfi.'.‘r‘riul
lh-Imx-Mfic pnrtv is
-f-=nri'nfirutx n? this go
\ra~' in Hilt- mwf. nml 1
vfifln tn up‘nuM it no ‘
mam-rm-y are the sum
mpflmblt"; ' ' ’ j
{hunch}? Dmlm‘fuT
A ‘l'nréllle Punt/:r'lv-r. I
won .\‘tmiuw is’ vim-t '1
Um mnn‘lly'u mu] Ihl
'0 6tl'ictly:nppml-rintn3
which thin lnw i'ntt-n‘t‘ll
.liwyi up with ammo. i
(‘l‘llfiflnflg rrrlm'rr'nq ”ll
“11qu mum-yr inin outi
M is ham“: Um credit 0
t sum-néilher at 511-
nywlu-rn WILD. UP .1
z~ hmhwu ématton.‘ i
M hayul-Wnr-kinr'; mu l
‘ nhv hnn’mt labor I._
'ing for himir-lfmul‘hi
. nvo tnrhr‘fi his coal {o]
'lmi’e that, i
‘ not of shin-lo jutting
Eating for “mt poor Lu
‘ Jacob Sllfflllfia j
I (.‘mv W um; i
I. ,«H _..
I For I)” ('ulnlfillr/
onnterfeit of this Bal- ‘1 k. » .
e and buy only that “ king of 53’3"“ have tendered squ :5.
, ‘ no thd )anonsl Govmmmtmihmhck v. 5:
Sa‘éfiitfififf‘iféfin accepted: my are to be via-M‘Wwfi 4
_ ; . . . Imm M- ~. ._ - .:.: :wyr':
. . g ‘ A -J: 91'
, ‘ ‘ ’ No.l "1" ('bnlpikr.
' Mn. Emmy—l am permitted bynfriend.
to make the following .xflflet from n Int.
[or which the récontly received from A Vol.
imteer'in mommy, new near Washington
e—lflid Wuiuntecr helllg from this county;—
[He-imys: 5 ‘
T“ ‘t We n" nndvninnd whyltho ’Union'
‘irkat was forms-«h mm! «diam, mmfliflm‘
iv. hind mate the wlmfl' Democratic tiékefit
from top to imtumfl. in. them cu" as W
Finnish nr Wlmt ”my pll‘uw. 'W'hy don't
my nt‘thk 'pnod Union men, “an they (mil
Fuémsvlvm, who ~m-e‘at home, and make
111311150th «1 puny in talking aliput'Demo
:rats and thrtumm~ tn «Min-0y Dimm'rutin
If-wslnawN. and pretend to inva'the yniqn
0 well. niul intti- {ruitnrfi so Imd, nntf‘fo In
nr‘ puwhmg tho mgr thrnugh~wlry 038"»
hrP‘ ahqullix-r their nmdwts. nncl 80 and
no ip 14’; tight liu‘ inlllim ol‘ th-vl'ninn which
“my prob-‘5 tn ium 30‘ wn-llf This in a
nation I would like to huvu nmwerod.
lulv they culumt (n- will not. nwm'nr itK Are
holy cnu‘urdw, nr «1:» they .\vunt lh-mmmts
o flop" thP‘ fighliug‘.’ Liwr two-third» of
u; Regiment an- Dentnuruts." ~ _
J Th'u’ ,is n Immn-thrmt. mu! hits meoyjr.
I'M-inter, Ecké-m't'nlc “I'd Dick. (cantiitlulos
on film self-«tyled “Union" ticket.) very
m‘d. They all lun'o grown-up mm. from
no 10 tln'ov'nach; and yet thorn is up! one
thmo 1‘0"! in thc‘nnny. "1 Mime oflioo
viii-mannuvh silicon: lnrvrs hf life Union,
‘hy; don't Hm)" =onxi their boy‘s out to fight;
ir it 1'" 'l‘ulking Won't suvu it—it irmuirea‘
:L'iiiillg. .5 . l 3
I um told that Bmhpy's inn want a Lin~u<
Hunt in him ‘nf the llunm'a- Cnmpiimos‘
'lli-n the- inn brukn out—‘hut ha didn’t
:u—hh father liuying that time mu nomi
tufrity in rnquire it. ‘ t 'i'lyit. cities not seem
Htwll like ['t'nion, notwithsihitiding‘his U
-1““ {Mk toga! rules. i rathnr think 56‘
\ nnhi pl‘vi'vl‘ lmlvlnq/ ‘L/11-t‘d “ lnr tllt' Ulhnu "
t Mm duiii:—iili_\'tliing vial}. .:lmi so Within/I'l
5‘ m 1 of tin» int-ii on tho, rrflil-d-H‘ooking‘
iii-Rot. All tlujv «lip is triad-funny uhd de-;
("flip hum-sh pimple. , 4 ‘
I You-r. \rhvn n-Itln-r/f thosfo candidates
wkx gnu-tn x'nlu the Inixmi ticket. for thc‘
thJQ-‘nf Um l,‘uinu.n.~k him why hii hnywlu‘
iut: ~4huuhlur tiu- uhhk’i-ttn ium: the'Uuiqn? ,
idliuht to he Tut home to (ht-'m rinw hy‘
or} Inn-1y
‘H ‘, ~i : l'ul‘ I)“ (IL-llyllhxi‘
‘ 'tlifu. Snlnr‘:-—'l“hoi “Slut-Plait?!" 'l 0‘
‘s‘fnfghily “Slulenitnr II!" Tim vuritnlfl‘q. i
“|‘S)n¢'«:t:mnr!! !" .'lihu “ \\'u‘mluriug ; Jew "\
of Pm “ Surf} \yhufi \'prmulnlions winner!» \
ingljlu- mwliug'lmhl at Edam-(mm. ‘nre‘m
\filil, trifling uni! lllh‘vtllwl. iw‘hl-y :‘im in— ‘ ,
(liken-wt an?! Alinvpulnhm. 111 evméy m-u-1 i
tc'n‘m iulidhu-Hy (rm-rah!»nfinmLh-mnmu-«l r "
“liq“. Hwy Izm- i 5 twining win; Muck
zIII3M lrmtimnm-in.~ult. . ‘ ‘ J K
fl'him. “ln'muL 'nn-l huthlr" pailliviuil.
nej'cr having: {Sun-riom-ml u‘ genvmns feel: ‘
id's} nr rmiruiurd an u-vil [nu-Winn, irli’hlly ‘
gin-n to Inialumni-whimium, snsyvntsinlhern
Mi ’s3.“ng nlikn uwnn “_nd 00nlo:mplihlm
_>’l‘ ‘L'n'um'y pn‘ir'i} :«I fhu‘lrml is wifh hini m— ' .
T4l, vmt: Flight? “iiihnut Hlllnuu h¢ is. ru
-31: rilhus uf trulh : wixhuul suflicic-uttango",
hj iii ing-m-rigihle z'yiilhu‘u' shdnlih‘. lu‘f‘un- ’
‘nirg lu1::l§nlul’(lll;‘llt*1!. Ami “anti"! lhu-(n
“‘meiul ri-qnisllus tn r4-~‘.hm-luhilit;\‘.” hn ‘
llélj‘i‘l hi~x ~onrrilum. npiflmtn‘nnil lnw-hrwl ‘ .
“H“! mm againgt oyvvihrniy. H' ash-d m ‘ ‘
'nsl‘iihil ili~jl‘\\nl“. [w.~h:hm-h~.~iy [wimp to 1‘
his iinpnuiwm-e mull,nimartllim-hs. ‘ , \ ‘
. “'J‘hk' visionary. rush and fast “Apmtirr‘ ‘
l'étyi-r" of thonlmunlht‘nth m-nhiryiindig-‘i W
1&1th (lonlguug‘m lhn individual Who" ;
(‘dihpmt’d Jain ‘lm-vting 1H kacesuinl ivh.~—— ‘ ;
“ihwun- his iluthm'ity‘.‘ Why thisi (es-(ah
hli- I’nlm-hnnfl? Nh'nll this «'nlunm} Milk ‘ ]
Yaw; lunrhln’tkmi'.’ Sol m; mnphi‘fim‘ii‘y ‘ i
duny it: :nnfwhullunuu hi< (fll‘nfiv “inqus- ‘ ;
\fil' In prmhlr-n uliv llu- n-nmlpur With‘h'qo ; I
iiiélir-mivi'wnfeloss6o” synipmhinu“ ilL’mw f :
_c‘l»ilwo~mlnl‘p4)"va D ‘llllK‘l'flir-z Domihfrntu 1 i
“"i" worn-unwillimi in 11-u'h‘l' “W".YI thr-iv,“ I
lpiv‘Jitiq-ul oxim-nvr, in onivr h‘n sntihl'ya I'cw i 3
'Cl'fll‘l'infl nflirv hluiioh. : - r i !
i “k lm-anlv hull-Inn! 'nul virnhhl! ns- i
'uuqh‘ upon Hr nvny. Mum and .\illdfi‘w ‘
Uhh- 714) liuhumled; The pl-opimrf';ltlnnm ';
ci'uijnly know (hm-o gum. ‘T'hx-y knmi thifm L,
(011 w lnyul and pnlriivliv, rim-iid‘ansl {lnnnr- Li
uhlo. This Rypphlil-nn nrncir kmmelmt ‘7;
m ium» light a littloof mu m thyit, will i 3
(in {immune to sm’niziht-n hi 4 wuningcmwu, , g
111:“1 tn rulhoré tn pinin simple lrulh.; 1m 1‘:
tiniithm- i 4 «‘nliuing.‘ win-n Hu- pmpflnvnl- at i
rm-ily amused Ly riilvav-l inmhu: iii“ to- “_i
Luke Hie-m vile onluuuiiulqrs. We have i i
‘ nnfimisgivmgs‘m m“w rum". ' i i ;
a q Yuan, x c.,_. «““lAso'rmzu Smurqun. 1‘ L
Y '1 . V“. a... - I t
1 Disgraéeful Misrepresentation}. . E
‘ Kym-mi licplghtimrt Imm" in this flute, 1
Ju'h‘ile putt-um}: n ()(‘t‘tl'tf that pmty «TIC-'s’, {
~ht ,zhl ha. lorgnttt‘n. zu‘ o der i
feel; Inimucmttc CAfid‘t‘ht‘P" tor the I gist!» i
tune by raking tin-fiery ol‘ "Bream 'ridge ‘L
l)i-t'miuni~ts.” “11.01% (3r Hm Ituvacnrtn l
burr haul the temerity to nnminate éamti.“ "
dutesnfi tln-it- mvn, they are :I'ccumtl 6T Itiso 4
lunflty to the tiochnuu-ut. Withitt Ute t ‘
State it is we“ uurTvrz-tuod that We is ‘
nuthing more than on (’lt'Cl/lunPé’l‘illgtrPdflQ; 1‘
.'hutjt may dz: mpaleuluhle nfindxirt‘ogntsido
ot'tho State. Any Hecausihuixt who twp mm '
tn rem! quch papersms'the l'hilndclplup i’rm g .
must be vastly cnmntrnged—pmvidmg he- 1‘
puts any tatth in the MR‘t‘I‘NOHS at'tlmtrhect I‘
,-tt,v learn that. the ltuumcrutic candidates L
thr the‘ Jn-glntuture are "Bmckinridga Dis-i
uniq’nistfi.” If tlm Demncrun uhnuldihupui ‘
yen ‘to Meet a majgrtty of members to tho, ,
Inugse of lteprmemam‘cs nu 'l'uusduy pext,‘
as itgin protmfilu they Will, these {nations ‘
nPWHlnpers must be plum-4! in the awkward ,
dilemma of admitting that tht-y' have Itin
’dcrotl; the'Demecmilc nominees, or by nd- ‘
hering to their ~mistrep)¢--ent.utinnza, edmit
the insulting fakehnmt that a majérity of ‘
the y‘nunnes of the Government. have con.
'twl'vrf the Legislature. It is‘thifl clam! of ‘
pal-t um agitators whn, in their anxiety to
defeat the Democratic cundidntm are over- ‘ ‘..
shooting the mark und‘fiiving aid nnd‘cum- ‘
Fort to the Southern States. "
The Democratic tandidzttezt for the Leg!»
lntum throughout the State are men of m
itnpenchnhle luynlty.‘ » The remolutiona n :
the, Demacranc County Convention! in '
breathe a spirit of lotty patriotism.—l’atriot
4“ Um'un. ;