,v’ 0 s’; I ‘5 mama“. 35m»; FLAG; Gill 731'!“- mm». of whom—llw nninfi 0" {undo . . 11hr Union of bl. Hen numb would HUI er; ': flu: uujun u! hunk-JIM Hum!) 01' lundh— .\nd‘ the FLIg M um ('nirn fnrou‘rl a. J. flaunt) nun-nu AXD MWMHIm r j . cnrrryunrumrn a 5 [ -~—- - —.—.~—- x amxmvémomhxo. .\‘lil'T, 303 mm DEMQCBATIG 59qu wam, 1 I’RY'IFIDEXT JY'DCE, min. 1303;31- J. H 3333, York. '3 ‘ .\.QSO'CLH'H 71"!)045, " . Han. DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg x‘rvn 'rumn vO7» «LT . . yrpr: the Relwling (Ladle. itM'ill be seen that. the for m spnin’r Pditm :3iu721::;:;:‘\“;::7;3:m,‘ 0" 7}“? atttluu 91mm lqh‘the case in Berk!” I ll'ElC‘Wln-un “. oan ‘ , l ‘ ,' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ We are somewhat. nmusml at the rP- tion in Ym coun fgmflndmgflg'vmf I!;l‘lmafis?r the H ll” E marks let an intolligont Rolnxhlk‘nn. nlto fair and equnm t?) h 9’ 9’71“?“ "N; 20‘ 5:9 O'l‘hfim [11:3 ”:6 ‘ live-5 a: momight m- trfn milm from Bowling. i Lanr‘nctnr nmfn “‘“I ' mm" L '3." ' n "g r v ‘4 2 “’3 l . ‘3 who-n ii a maxim" in tho pfnm-Pdingw of but wé nré unafilet hvll paqupd m hml't' nn TpflslanJNphl' ‘ . . . . _ l ; . . _ 10” A D 185 ...d «l ... \i t‘ firth the m‘| F‘Jl Lmnn (.pnventmn. mill “ha [in -—--*—‘~ ,’ " ‘ a ~. “in lft'” “fin-t“ yfl” S‘gnttl-nd 11-tho-nmi-ting tm-lortlmimprowinul WTNVCTH Wefki (:r-ttogmorfu;fin’l n 0 ‘9 X Iu 1 I l“that it WM to ho what it pmjpm‘tt-rl. He‘ln um; pnpx'r. (‘Upit‘ 1“,}; {‘“L'” {:1 ,1 ti ‘..f L id '<:1i(l I” :tlk nhunt tho Domnct-nts having Paw.”- l’m’nufiii wt 1: (I‘o “ l' “'P“: ”r '1”) “.’i‘ }" .‘“ka‘ E: their 'nttc-r: 'ont nnd drv' het‘nrp hnnd. law dill nut cqnttlm, ‘o' "2' tl “£1711”?! ns‘ Talk!" ; I man onnrl out that a fnw men had r-verv- ‘. , i ‘ ‘- 1, 3(lmln3snfih t m:“ Witt. uHm {hf-hf"? thing hapml m suit ”10;, yum-rows. and \‘otlngtt’or cnunty;oflt| lip}? pmtuf ({th nr'i‘giiizr:f It" Enid: 1‘; “that.“ digmwimmfmmq mwjudfllflflpd nucflylcqarcaécd I‘lezr Hll i w n its Immgr ~ v' u': 4 v t', ‘. ~ N ~ ,>- . .r forth in thr‘ Act. nnfl l-x thprE‘fhl-o _(- ‘til plv :‘lrl‘lllt‘i‘nq Tifilllful‘ ‘3“:l‘ :"é‘tzkifglrzrpwki‘e: h.‘ ”H‘l' “01 ”“9?“ unknown tn the nwmlmn oft mSvnnrleytunll hrl’ort- t lm-r-m i ‘ y I10:9. :A’nd yrt rm: (‘0 Home of “"I""‘3l‘llfuttt'“s._ ll‘l’“ Umpf‘tuNr . c; ”.1. «..._ ”um-” ' lhits thcrunhlflthing “fl." expressly(ll-('lJn-s ”14“] ‘5 Llw “.‘lpm‘l‘ of; I” mm the: (‘oursa of the fishlr iws- WeN huvo nlvpr‘sed thi' inhl ::’:lslS:T3‘liz'i;‘;“i[2l:lsl3': :Pd‘lla’lfi“: ”K; 2?}? led to holim‘t- that tho nmv pnlltlf‘ulr tit-m Itmv t'nluhnud inn (1' tlutl in sun/t mnuur us mm In‘ 41 I‘m-I”, 1’34; wlvHJtlflut-n: °cijllrnly iuxmn ahuw 'nf thc~llomry ‘ ‘rrlmtomptihlc to excl» And l'axther. that “ thu tilitJ _v shallgi all; r‘t'utn‘c mlitltttosttg snout-lehhtltolrl'own. f11‘fltfl (2.5.93 and at all timou )e in fitl'ltv't ~lt!)(‘1!‘(ll- a} From. . wigs-Fisher-«lomuw le bottnn)» of; K in another column .'““m". to 1:33.10”? bl") lOZSP‘IL 345: Ll“; i tth'fl’t' et. our untlidntos m-e msnilwl with ytinfs ptlnclnn'ltion. in '‘“‘lli' . ‘ ‘ . . . . 21:31:32 ifvo'stlczd it: a Eliolltall (:nm'nmliégintl filly-ho d" the "mat foul—tulsohfmlh “he" the mam." *3. vote I .wflose I;]ynll)cru_. e to a,“ ihil.-P.',..1..Pfly would nly he {tawntetl Ly pol‘F—ticiuns en- a? they pltfie. Wl'ltll‘ of‘the Legislatt ~. and thul the llmt‘ rum: tit-nly 1 mrtloss :qul repkle=st " ‘ idwllmo" “‘9'“ ”mi king pmyer WM . lonfshriulld 'mnqul‘anul .'[hm- hm nut Imin, _ and thorn is not. "long?“ éh'rlition <0 "1“.” ””7 nrgn 49mm d-[Nm'f] m lb.“ Wei-l nnW, i thi: (lint-int. :\ mine devoted I'nion Denim-rats in 'hc' 3"“ ont andJn nll ‘,. gent-IM. :5 dent-Noll of ._ f» ‘ . tho‘l'nion, and hflwu the priviloze of actingupon ‘liollllPlti'bf-E¢IDAW Ia" Judge Fl-‘hfl- Tl” 37‘" man- ‘. . ‘ . ._ A . . I t . . still tltc3,:tre still Den M‘ppaylwhtchuof the- most Viqnl tmflonl nce _ agr‘t‘s ll ow thw—nndyct tn defeat: lnm they. f l il . to ”'0 citiznne ”f Pnnn“.]"l”'h=‘ l H ”mlwnuld PM” to the blnok‘bal lies and monu' I 5‘132‘3“ ‘dm'llafuzltl “I‘6 - ” , ' v ‘. ' ". A. r _ . 3 .ar PC I ml: gulflttlil-‘lovnlrfiilllllgfll: mtltl’n‘i‘gmg; est uhu. o. .\‘n with Judge .Zioglor, Henry - [Hm ti 'l‘ d u go" lE'T' . '~,- ..fi - 1 " ‘.. ’ 1 .‘c: : m Poi-'3 from known and ”up": I’l‘yl £0 a' J. RUIN». and ruff other mtm on tho. helm th Rupuhlh-nn military tlmputismStlkttxiti‘EclQHd ll hql jifl‘Dt‘mocmttc tu‘keg-t. ‘ ' 'll ll ”._ ‘.(‘ m . , S. .1” , ’enin ”Of the l‘ ll , ‘h 'l. _ l < 1 _ t-pu g Fuln~ l 9"”! a Htflnd’lllfl nt-m). mm. M L _4‘ ! l ut \ e c4mnut I ttvo tmtno in court-. 0 1‘ “Tu“ up ‘ (qu pri you“ 5‘7“")? ngilltfnllllfliltzb::l nlqzdlelll he finnctiunod by the people“ at tho [:ler L. "HAW‘HH fl -'s':. . - y . ‘ ' tl‘lo thllllxl‘fiyilnlauprmllu and romti milv‘tlltl «Nutty ‘t Eh” duly“; Th?" knpw .thn Domo- would i he -; Illinpunl manner. and tho represmttnti m”ft A? boo? crime n nnnumflann‘w them to be- among: dough-filers and tintim , _ "ple haw not lit-en p'mmittod to de iliv-uta nnr lwn citizn-mL—tn ‘gh‘n .\turling. ttrno null “and“ ” fn-sh in I“ l ”7 ‘ ' ' uon any measure to round the V L in‘ 1,311 1 én_mo,{ “-1 ‘n 1“» .tl eir cumtrv . ‘ .‘ L , . CAUTION! CAUTION! - 'O3:- military {vb-tom which his Atl 1‘0“; fl: tholi cnttntrv~ S‘tlit‘ Ltilul tllmy \l'lill not. w lhc “Km???“ mn" f'M the (lay of eleétflm approaches tiff-hone! mc o. 3I g t . _ ‘‘‘. . ‘ .l"““” ”W l' “m ’3"“‘ , ‘ . ‘ .l‘ .4 quf’nre (belimk‘rpignml om ld givlolthnir flux ‘0 rebuke ”‘0” imptulnnh “mg“ - Wm” H'“ "Fwwmm‘ the slanders‘ against the camhdatea‘mnmhn to my 'py,(p.ti nf Pnrgn ‘ifytlim nlllm-.sc£-klng (It-pining, til the Flu“ “WAN“... pumml h on the Democratic ticketl Will ‘in-it‘lloy nlu§t~know 111 k details—rim: is'lclv- ribl "-,. ‘ ' l ‘ ‘ , “t ir 001 Ht tl( mt rig t—an llP‘y'ial u crease in number and rCULICSStICBB. 11:): be ell‘lllmll allmn tn lilacs t tis irhlxclr Kmkt} \VQ desire to &autiou_ our friends in Lllltjt'ct fenth-ol‘v n'nd urti'osex edly till the ' ' - ~ ‘ 11ml: 0 3" “ll {NOH'H In] l‘Nll" COD] 1| .‘ n". the country against; the grossifalsew The “My ‘llllrlhctfi ”ml”: “'1”; “)9 Heads that are now hem: circulated . people dvmun'l tlmtalll 9T§«-mtlilnr -~=; ‘nm . . ‘ . V the‘ ~lluhh'c treasury smu b m li\iith "1 refqrence to some 0f fly} Dcmocya; lflrnufinn. and. ivln-n made, Sltftu-11l l 1 iL'llfll'li tic nommeca. The managers of the: del Wifh.prnpfi!" and access-21 - tint lFlil‘P‘“ “ -‘ m , , , . “'hilo the. porn imwystvmn nnrgn tqutmn filmm} ‘mo\ ement metlefaperatne, lis claw-1y \'Flll‘d frum thp pn lit: 0 ‘0; Mia. and thl'use every means ln'thctl'lmnnnor nt‘ (lis'pming of the north uttnm . - 'E n m inted in the ActAntht-es id, ii la it My 1’9““..‘0 defeat the Democratic U" vgguepznd hmlraflned. This ct. ill, 1 ct; nton ticket. mße on yourguard, make": the Gnynrnnr (if the C mmottm» lthr Democrats, and 'expose the Slander-1‘3"" (ll‘l!lll"§(‘.r-Of half a mtlh n {if ‘lpl zit-a“ , ’ , , , _ ‘ '. tfso mural! may be nem‘lpd. ah i (‘nn mp nn ers of younyhosen standgrd bearers : l provision‘ for a proper slime tartar“ y wt-rl “—“ ~ - —‘ ton-the part ot‘itho m-muntihg btfimw mt :th «Govérnmont in the allow": and: q'e tle: 'ment of the accounts. 'l'lna um nnprdprlaj ln§etl mav he ueen filaced‘bcfiufe the people of Adams coxinfy. Efifigry man .upon it iaftrne and lofiltn‘, he Union and the‘Con stituti‘on. ill 9 auitgidisteig gue'above thé breath ' BUSpiCiOn, andftlxe ms, oluiions adopted by? the Dembcmtio Cbnvegtionicommand thé approba tion 01 every, trfii fr‘iend of tlie Gov cmmcntf Let the Dcmovracx 4m "I‘m-Ash DOING: between this time and the day of election. and n brilli znit yietory will- crown their efforts at the polls! ‘ ‘ ‘ "WORK 915 mm" This direcfidn has'been given by the_.new,pol:ltical firm hem to_ their friends in‘th‘e country, “.\Vor‘k qfiigtly arid got out evei‘yvnte,“they say to‘ their‘fdllbwers. Démoemts, see th‘nt ALLYOUR friends aré out; n . Poll every vote I = ‘ mThe mop‘grol ticket, styled “Union,” isra. TRAP, just as Know Nothingism‘ was. Thgnew political firm' here are at work in pyecisely the Fun 19 gal -‘ W 3; . ”28. 3' th lt- cm at t o _ y E n the P3O V'er were lea , “115;" (pry effort #5132013. 0f - at .°.r‘ tflulgs ma they “mate a was em my Jet M 1 1‘ eD o 1‘; an 3' 1, lie . bef 2. cm DE ed' d “\'e “gaifisnca‘n "ore do? “toprat (\'Exvsfghe :Q-I‘Sfi'ioihofi “ame ‘ ma; w u "it! ?? into pilgm‘agssniwonqgn ”-212” T °*d ..° nerd .iué “ne‘EM‘oé ‘nIJEPr-n. n ‘ W 3 his - cam rll :th . tvf‘or PPSNIy “t 5. lle‘f‘lrex'sg Ml 5: tlsa e, u the. “thaw: gn’m Mm; \... 111 o a s m “d; ‘pe [At'pm‘g Gs.» tor 19‘“. ‘J'dl‘z’ "mid?" 0‘1: ex z=et 11 er 0p! v min. "xo‘r-no n. "‘ll twig-13.. (11* I’l2 for Plod < Oflic (3h q ‘a' I] eid' S‘Ptinfi‘oplm (.F-‘Fh.nlndd_lin;‘i*hl it ' “,' ‘th 883 C tt. mvl 'X‘e 10]1 {LI .‘rtyrove ”ed “a t{ ‘Thlnnmat‘ R soo £Ol.lO “Gk {ll“}th ”0113““?"mx'rmogtat’m {Kr _ - l‘ o . ~x‘ we< a 3%;; ”afe:§’°‘<»x“3ht 1’1; flew”inlr‘fiéxré:hcfi‘lzn :ign?l:n?£'.go‘ m | “‘ ' ‘ .—. " , '1 . i', ‘ tibmoc at thcoulgedeceiiukinlk Our! :‘yfitfi‘eoxgilt‘hgl; cu)" cobflfgofingépgi? C rat: is .‘fi Ved gp IhEEn-‘ 1151" ve . 0 ‘13?! 'l'flfu co ' l>h 0! ’ll] "1' k 9.1 L m Part ’8 ti tull ’l‘ all . _ls “.19.. ~11 '3l “110‘ Ci 0 Ce“ , glhos‘k 'c;, .‘t ;;“ fl Cx-efit’hs ich” :‘et— :1 to‘oters' t £lsl3oBsl:fifigi"‘liyl‘§_izmvg?fiuhllmm S". P]; at '- Yo. . u: 09 o’n it U,1.( r; 1 ~‘m 21%;? UM visage 1h: : snag ::.sn:;;n::.:»::;:m,;g a; ‘and “d ' 3a- 10n 91.11. "c -t“axoellfil“’lfb‘ltql“lx J‘lmtforh'l'n‘nr. lo 50 to 5b y ff he “S'fi . h 11: )“t pm lb] Int. ! no r‘ ya! Ul," and “‘5 a£3 - ’rbill el‘e'v‘atp’ a “In a“ 1G" ‘V‘tamii l'sk . ~I'CCO 0W edi- LWA 3V Ruhat- lnb‘erict "dwo’ i‘Tp‘q ill. hm l“ . [id ' -W~ an ..Ys_‘t( tntlln . *er “clue“! fm to ‘9‘.» V d ‘6' 0 ot‘ ‘1 ”n. 138”“kflt' u, the ' 1511- 1-. 9|" ted r“ I” 5118 Of'F‘H’, “Rs ‘l’ Pe‘ 'l‘ 1“g f De" 1:3 sso p Inn by Pawn: ‘ea want her we '2 09,0 he -‘-~-o 01" ople Pro "' t1"II-cg‘h ”‘6 q‘o of t]. ’ 'Voérnqi‘”; ,4, ‘l‘ff 0f “110- ...-:5 Wu Udfth‘o‘“ flslu9a¢o “no, 'l‘: - a“ l: we “93d Aufce p; Eilia‘run t”2Whit“!l""ifi-rér‘4wl‘ “353 theu‘Qcmt‘Fy bf‘gus cgsénte “as. slso3l???i’hfii‘wth'EE-‘go'ef‘ne; * 7 n - . “v- .- I , ‘..' 'o‘ undone M we. “at. dto We ;:eza‘;zm::mrqri nus: “'1 0f ilde—G‘We’é" x3lll 0n 2;? if?nflgenflfiula‘flfnififnr”3ediefx£§°u..‘m «7% {rt-es?“ the 25¢;le‘a“.m::.<}ot:::¢s.:«:::,,a 3m; ._- '_ ¢ '- . ‘9'“; It-‘ ; L‘G ocratiluon I ’lhg ("’3l Omfldgket’o: goggleqlzn thironri:ills‘lrei‘sztl‘tilwrl‘xn Arty}: th (3k ’ 0|; to‘ , flic 1] V. 11 he mm(’nuhl’n.°'3lfl-EUI a“); to} .5d Pf: 9‘ t 3 (LP a w1.1.t,.a1r . (’o' the he teal SC ‘by nd ll 9"“ tOf‘ .1] ”"d “(I ate find "95 tick oth th eke? “‘5 ofcl’lm. (h. {hetenu‘ di‘ guact o RUf— ‘tnt' 6; 01‘. . e 'l5 p; at, ‘ov ed m “nit?“sifllonhl t“ “u‘ m"!!! ,‘Un; °fth' 1‘1; "any; QuainéfM 'tCurti limit Pd Pgtich,‘ re” .5 8311—10 of 1e U be »f 1’ tn] "0.; heu 1" I"1 p 6 omé'lq the 411.1“ autpposea {fit 11‘ angrem‘ux-lflht mnflgwefilf)“ t! ‘wc‘fi- ‘Of‘: \‘rh;ni‘rro-;“the 50k! to a! 'l} ud}t:“rds);llfii;"ldienn o.nt "oi;‘htlx§\:n’t cg! gch ’.‘V . (St-” 1101813: Ifr enti‘vofimv 9n tsnuv:¢t:n ”lo {fofther z I“ Ti "6‘“! -m hd‘ üb‘c w “st-nth ”19 ”o 'Hmr‘n‘ up? i d'ln'Ed ‘8 C 0 jgbs * offl§ u :atio lsw '.‘Ve b pub [_lhd [hg‘ Sm” ldnt 1,; 13‘5“"?! 7. m 90,, ca! .115” “‘..; één- 11c .th‘e 'aprope Be 95) «ace “TE "41 "’4?" Ce- '“e I '9 n “It ‘ 11111 uni. I’3 d” Yaw 51$“! oßFflf;"’r > "._‘ c H°wmevufimfiots° Ofdvote 03“?“ ' ”7&4: sd,!”i 'w Emu,“ f "gen TIC ‘2' '. 31“? how‘s Elfin "' iii! my wgfiiilkt!‘érq‘ l‘ ‘ do‘ 9~ m . Jo.n g, 'bw. Bd, Pen t,t H ”ck _‘ *. £ll3. übt Hm.“ . Lay, mythlthth odd: Neil- ,___“ “ii 0'51”“) . ‘ a'timedgcei‘rtio~ ‘ I: ardflufit eH‘ efiafibam on“; Pings: big . e ’F’emv‘kl ium 1.8% {UN *aM, $159.“; yd” = ”0m; "‘ J ”fur“ 11’ 11a" bgcrm a?“ saga“ £lB6ode "Unix-t h mianhfiiii ”my ’ :be if; ‘Am‘fltge ndl etion 'n 1"“: Imm; 5,. .1 ‘ ‘utl 1; ,cm Lrls 1 f‘ '1 mg is.“ .-. J ‘lB. ’51,?“ 1 h m m 149 All pongp'bs‘i ‘.ofiipfiowf.”of “11: 091.01] yo Pen ed in?“ was 'ercuw“ :üblic‘ ("E-Ila B My“): "115 a!" t°"v"-_LPa "“5. u; {0 ”Sn. so {Mu “my "111 f‘n,b “y: w “Jr! 1138 5h of ._ be 1011 re ‘3 . pé‘n [y rs. le,- u t? 'he ‘ ball?‘ «‘B, _r_ d “I “n‘a‘ kt‘e' 'nn '42! H] t# W‘s“! db- A [Fox 9ln LI; (1 -"H “uh: kaJs-e. ‘ 8: oon In ‘9: “l “(I 15‘ 09 ‘l' ‘l 1U I’llbfig“ 111 hhe ‘l] e‘, ‘ °f. ‘in.”i’mli‘” ‘ f dis}. ‘7, °“a: ”My" .0” Wmfla’“ dd: 0:15 £1" °“m‘“‘l k "ble “sq; ' pun?! 195.1 “in. eight men'eep «04”..» “W ~3l} ,ud"_x.[)m rs, ; 1311’. In tol ”3.0 lgn‘ q “1" 3" (gin ”emberwd “:41!“ .thcee °hgm 2:601. be. " .M 3.. ‘ w t . J Mfiwggdym giggly“? 3;: '. " ' r-' l ‘ F"? ”t._;§y Paul" :‘he ‘t‘be, 13¢ b I? an: . $319” r, riot yde 9:1 YM“ r “’o’ M, igye Belly 1001. .T.] W egg sly cit; e, the)!“ was $l9, gen. 6 up; ._ v 10111» New”? " n ”‘1? ' ‘ l r 7v71'77 '7 7 "v “‘ "v’i’WW iv‘TT‘l-i HENRY J. “333, “Q. ‘Rofl {his whlim‘fE-m . thqfihtfxm. a 1 The Slur mmiugérv‘ 1..-goat lain mno’lmlnrk ruhlwxf. and the («mxnrvflél-IL-bvllinn. Ho attack ”as“ J, My M. 241., the Demo: -‘ . " ~' ’ Uratic «:unvlillntn, for (In; 'Aasmhhly. who so "In” llmnmtly nml faithful)" erl-gmutod'jhh '9!!! h e'mul‘xty in (lint body [lrving final-Lu mm m-x- 3'4 i He luv: boon n'monfl: 114x971» work- {hr ‘ W u‘l‘i :rwelection. but tln-y w Tau: ”ble “Wm?" i ‘ their «image up I," HHWI} [gin‘lsufllfll 1 2'33.“ Friday-nu ulgnht fialt‘hlfl’fi‘ n 2 thfléfllml “9‘ 'fvnultl not be tiuu- fur [hoifwfiur-w t 3: rm’é/ «mm ”1‘ ’.upnn tlmiLmvn hhnlltt previous 110 the N I""".“; :qunvl flfiisdn‘y n! U-‘h bér, i ' [‘flftil"; 5 And now what (lo M; Ymy ntbifn .1 “3w, find W3] I lfmt 1m vutw'l n§llnrtijmu {Airtin'q $309; in Pont‘ ’OOO hi". But. )uu'u (\fioy thoé fflil’lll‘s‘infi) pnlitiéd FpuMHI the Ransom: \ ‘liflld “in": who (1:51 (‘ll in A Heb}?! flog! Vlhe”hilQleiwevl’nltun tho .101ng and ”f: HIM off flu- ‘lro’JsoT {n'fxlxstffic‘f I}:an $51?" in’fflvh icoufie? No! Fur-TI ah not \ ould be lnq Pfll'ly ' - manly for the Star rfiafingcrs in be capabig‘ honmt 10f. - 'l‘lnoee Ransom spuuk for ’ hemp-elves}— Mindill in they al} Subjninmlf: '- i l :ifi at HI ’5 ~ 1,; , muff” ' i,f‘l‘p\j{.‘n-k,4 ior .51r~~n<. M'Tuzn, qr .wnux' mu. v'nn‘r- mmh’ ‘ a} i.ll,brP7}ll.p. urn r. RA! :4“, 41mm. "mm.“ ' (urn, Kuhn, nlrlx{: 'm‘ri; in!” ‘ ‘ ”lan , munbs, litumswn. mm. D svuTr.‘ u ' nnnxmmnhimxau. r " mmw IN ”"1 _ln. EL, ‘3' 7 In III: In L ‘ MHVPJ ()\' .Tl 15:41 Old as phlitica tion to sfodd [J rent am now] nl tremityl duty a 1 rig!" 1‘ Donmr‘ ‘Cling t? midnou , Amnylc NW" about" parliza ed mxl - of V it. mu‘n. ‘ chnckh :mtl~ rnl Yuu m: by :1 o]} party In ft-nsive ‘ (V have ‘ 'eV-g 2111.1 'Vly‘ . 0E mlme n “ stenli serve U Emir—ll3s"”? _ ‘ mun. H IRREMliltl ‘ 2‘ ngpofls t’ ‘‘ ”I 11w to Ah ' i / Wk“ V 0 ‘ nhtion‘ ‘ “3.4 m seek ' IMS unl '' ‘ hen 2:15:11 Study if lllt:r(1)n: "‘55” “Em-“hr‘lw / The arm 2:!” be at)"; ”2:3” . mm? 0‘ (lupoaili n “3 ”I“??? '{I‘WP “11 valknnf mnl _ .:g1 . . I . ' up. I; . 3' to the. We cnuntn- ,1 mm . ““flnndmh {1 51‘? res?" “g limit merml .1119},- ul.'3 ”" ““1”le , f-- lmll.~.and v - mam;s than-lama». _ ‘l‘éhnrylwtfi '9 the ,1: "1'“:on mo‘ ":~:n.ll‘m-t 'uwa mm A mfmndn. of the ['n- 0‘? far true, Pr "m “o%?klngl ickat. I“; 'flutor up ,1I11:1(Ic$.'rli<;lrn znght nf nr‘quirlnnmmf "m 7 evimnl'rmlm Earl lnees., ‘ Jon, the Demo. ‘ Catholic: clergy; they ham It 1;. nu: afl'fion ' lng‘nut of “1011:": ““lllnm-..“,W-~‘l‘ l‘l”l‘Hr‘hl live-hum"??? ‘' .. "'7”. ... l ~ l 10 “ ~ . man‘ a, r If!) at: that; :‘nflu. 9 m Offrfifig.‘ R. '. -_'h ‘lmiM- ,: m-‘EIW'M }‘ ‘1 Wide [‘3‘]: 1! ’flmmn not ~l_ ‘ ‘l‘... Itinnflttlel fil'nltLßusl) gagg‘ylf'd’ 'in pop]: miner—nliflg-nsgmfluw \\~.l},'T,§.m'm Wig- f; :12": rhig‘zzriu .'eßu . 0 full“; I. 11 no 1 .‘ 111-J: ‘ . 11+] ‘ ‘— “‘73! (5 V“ M“ Hr : "bl-k“ ‘ at the {0 'Pumm“ ’ AP ”‘0 B 170‘ m: mx: a , filer :. In have n[l to llllmn a fill (Im the .x l orator r . IN V.’ Tl , I‘d "lo ‘ ~90! . dnne \V' Pfi'k‘t ~ V 1 a". W . Tn Im. r, ,Onung uU' ~,5 to sifiea‘k pit" ' ‘E're ~ ._ "f" mm f-l Dxd o . Hle‘Awak- " “NRC M [Dr-N. mm Idle 1:;- fun)“ ‘llleetin':!?: [fleeting _‘J ”lgifltnrnot (We!) a I htflllanwnflu . will“; 3", oonzrirfilgletggz-Ing hen}; ‘J;:§"X(‘(€. Eé;1+;io'el::;fil in Pl - . ‘ l - - ~ ‘ I. ‘ ”a. ‘ Probati n 33:18: inept. with 1:Intlm suko on: inanlvtinjfj; “‘36 10¢ urn: mm” mlor to and "“PODSO 3 :mm Who‘ um'fiFlg‘nfi‘fymg 1 ‘ in Ifrihi'fi “m I" . when . : .‘lualifiml. - mam . ; wmad. ' . ”rd V ' “m“ a“ “W” EM”I “M hm}? ":8 mania”: alstmgmshed t' :lpa n{"the wnjv—th ‘ m'mnon: all (firmly' .‘ltw 0“ the avgning‘zm "“ I‘Villjn'q hp. 953i]: Paul”: Wmmnam in ,1 C _llqd to 1,0 pr' mon ”name since 18 e“ ofnnd‘ I; rd ‘O. *3 1 :ked "all fr (‘P H otnu (n ‘iq'lfllm- at uh. (I. _ - ‘n‘m (manta ,l ‘ 54 ,‘ u, 1 I? c ."‘ 110,: .“ "‘lttin 15"- ‘ ”in” - hEZUtfi mm up law}; in“ meeting 1:2?) gramme flakes; (filnpnoudcihz ware“ [it servmlntllzcln thf- oold_0l:;:ffj?0pllhlicnx:' 258:5 Holding 32:11:..- ~bv in: [0: ”‘0 50-0413??? in ”veg“ ,1 ‘Nflt’l‘fi‘;aof (‘hristia‘yfat—zzgf‘,’ ‘toim vex-hi: ’ll it our,' ”mm Tight. .Gontinfr’ihdgmont is ' 1F?! :1, ‘‘2 ’ 1 pAY-n I. ‘w i x . 's . ' p." j e‘ . .', , L pmstit indent: "‘nnager«,‘\\'hb 12°“ turkeg'fiivethg:‘l'°lhm!!! This 21:6 g-l-hd Khomif‘ho'hm-e b‘esln'hbblllldt‘d Dbflnztti mm,— S3;:%£WHWIT . If I elated 'in 1,0 llTniQn fa Mic bmcly Ara-t}, ~ln nnti ' , ‘Wh ~ lb)! fail td "WM. did' . "Mt in this I‘ 's‘ “ 1m“! 6 1d- tam-r” MI. ”n ”.9 PM" "0 —-—-——. tuoi ‘,- 1' Part. ~ 9y afraid fl Mini {E I'Jm . _ 39“ noth‘ - ,mmn nl. ; " eforc‘" .‘"°r ”mm“ ‘ death-bin r; \mflmti- y‘nnd ade- fimkou. ‘ Km,w -v . Gwsw‘n- ”lln'v In th . mg lanai-u mm. .‘vowiu ~ m 3 rcamr. In} em , ww-u be . \e gleam : 1 too muol $ Mt .‘ 2 ' mg; °.B moo” -Y: n , _ ‘"t “:1 _ «r. , [he “1 l Ewen ‘m, m | . 5' I:2th ceseek K an! In] ure sud] hn n A ?bu t 0 Dom Io+ ~< _.- _ ml. {L e-? S - ayél of . ' greatsmr ‘mt he Shot] Fur - {hm ennpar ocmcy,n #33“ co 1. -. _L l l : Republ'. eeyonn “.‘r‘“‘n “b” l H u n ._‘” “I ”€323fnfl‘ would 3%;:an sustmnwlng AStuf.l dated liulggl‘f tion “13:81qu $ 1.1"" thiq 11%;", chrocwnoe 311%!“ {“9 hon-1;] jhl'yyfi lELWWT In. “2&5“:le ‘l'ofl‘di'opl 7 gnome Nd. Cdmfort‘ufid in? them to {m‘ “.r‘-It," ”195 m delta 19‘0““, “1 M 93“! ‘filjflt‘fldel‘s" HOE movement'b‘.enofilllg itself iJl‘omlflihe (“bust b 9 vél anVinlJE‘to M in-‘ PC‘PT. MARTlxfiw’“ ummwn aha: ’ cm: in “(.11 :0 .udge F‘ T- at from {i ‘s c: tl. rthe ' anon not]. - l-H‘l‘ é“) Itnb‘ er :i 0., ' gvho ce '1 Cum 1; " . .a—sr, , "‘— .‘ _. , , an t . ' mum .-, , ml (‘Hur-l .:l organ in th Qingin n.: Ic Wlmks ag- . m wouldn‘t W . udder in “pn‘e‘l’m. . ‘ 3%”.anle l ‘*—«.:. mol'n ther‘ ' swung ti“ , “for min,” (Ne em 1. . ~Io spirit, f ofhix ,'ffl: uh , n°t+~oy M.J,M ~,4 nMflJQr y. mntmn: _a . A «r--. . . c, u , mfh ' 1 “an d, P muc 5y 0_ N “as tr 05“" u. h “T” b ‘ s up. ht .r V 10w uno party” ‘ ldrmkq can a for ' ‘e' at aonp ty mmt 5,. .kl‘orxh, u Ohlc l "9'— t - ‘en Id "It: (‘Ol VIA boon Lleut,‘ WWI: Bum clmn'rnorritqrm is so AIM-hirflmuglfiearzfindpi We m: 21;] Paid for; 0050:3153 ° “Sumo mfg/mm ,1"! 3Tall::(' ‘r albumen 1 inc Isn’m‘hing bumn have be?’ 7&3 banning“ caldfiil—l of! ‘v‘ [ onebrp. ‘ ‘ 'Rick 1' '.iBs: . _' l mrizod 'H . N “am .. V V I g "In‘“. .'‘lln I I we mu” ’ WHY,“ . 7 A“) “19S. ‘ nut-_.. oundgu 1') en . td. 0b (2‘ "1d dof' .A. If omm ‘ g Bast. Wll] M v and w f Ilot.‘ Ob“ fin ”Whom fl, “(njlnfhhmmu I, l 01¢ 1 “Italy ‘wlnlzon le ”- Ino- men «“muty. nor it 0t" ,M. >,5., , .l Jun. 1’ _ew; good ‘8 1‘"?!ch that' L norm. "WI” it .ws Lmon PI no 3""011, " *h. .a , t ere tlwir aim' x=° Pnrtv int‘S } 5 PPM i 3 Lsf‘l‘u: ._‘ do ,1 10! lb (2,»:an I “crvtco m 01306} an tl t 118‘ mm?- ~1 Isa“ u , tzr q,"__ rs ’’- ‘ -~'- : n‘n ~ ;w] d‘ g ‘ latribt'. “Ti .A 'l on. II“ L Jim“ .- F mm hi ‘ \ vrhaiiiie- 5, or Ropufillliimgg’? ’55»? as it ti'at the sacqfigfifigms,‘rémbmbejl'leffimremeh'csyfn“met mg mine 01:3 ‘ioldgganyfi' m pw¢£:j,nll::’°“gh its? hulkyfénam hm be"; pm 'L. n I ‘ ”Per (m . I‘.'l-‘ txe , ‘ sn'm. , - ”Land - P 3 of l .t' can. +.‘ c(wth‘| v / ham,- .. P‘l. ' “we.“ OEs {um OFFI Nm" t k “up alng‘u ,Ic ark f‘ ‘rothm a fish .1.1 l 1: y'nndln -~\to th . theup 5 er, and 6 ~ CE-b . . :10 eti l emoom ”5"“ th 0 « sandal ”g "0"“ t ' ”I. .B“ may,“ ‘6' 0111““? ‘W‘llth' mllkog n "that ' DRE Lis' '. ‘ 8 511 f 80:10 fl‘ 3 Jack“, M d)? n l olnJvm h t “Mn“ J'vF“l“ 59 ‘ Is ‘0 the”! .cokem‘tv , 5 Party» to- ,n, 1t “'BB th itlckot, i “1p“. 5' us, “Ifnib n- e m PrQln-iet "‘1 r. and hu‘ . l [NH -7 r”. 13“,“. '“t i: talk min > leket.‘ S“ . pom 2110‘6 . Q ewor}: o’f . -- and a n. 'l‘l ..H mud: “dimpei . or of bitt ‘ 10.6}(11- . ' 3‘3 mum)": $.-__ , VEs Win ’‘ V rely this “ H mug "1 th' : Selfish ,-,' I the “.0 1 “#0 18 at} -~ h“ i pnmed in P (‘7 RePub -: “Al\‘x|lr~, ONSMJI‘ . temlcau I wry 111 party». ‘lslo ' Polltl- lu ' are an “."thcno ’ ‘ MM I‘M/l ‘ 3m“ o.'hm C: I ,'. ~ grace f OL] dqt “m—th t ngmv Reimb ' Enod tim‘l “g" “Per ad zy or Lane ”‘in“ h I “mad 1’”, '1 how difii no path ' in, nr l a fn-e ‘‘ ea uPOn - a the c-ti - .' bean . . M‘Om’in n Hood -V mm MtM~l rt 1 erk—aa ”ll- Homc 9 _ « ('ult it - l 1“”- Blul' ."a _-1 It were u ‘ andpl expntmg af‘ pohtk‘lan"w| 8’ t ' ”"3 rm, II )0 chain“ I Mama ‘ “we“. . 9”” on called {mm 15 to koe n' a” shows , V-lew to th 'r 0t chdsen ‘ 'i‘ho uv . ‘Et nfi‘loe__‘u ,10 are an.‘ Cflnd' I lylsntll d 0f r .‘I '. ‘ré ; ls: Llo - Cthfin A. . , the t' :. Ple I‘B3}? b 011‘ me -~‘ Wlth _‘ . mon tn. ,my eh ‘atofm. p, .x_‘3 Re uh" q snmh Ur ' “L, “0130' 1 . “In. people“! filmefln“ P‘ m“, utth . Hts 0r _, l M}, moth—u A envy {n ton‘ D- .a, on: yd P h ,r. rt Bell- 211 n , 'yYo ex ‘ come“! ’at the w} ‘paztrlotls ,- ‘3’ 10mm: m nae ~.1' . Inn-mt i‘l - u zeol‘m’ IT ’ *——__ , , d 3. ““0 it : new“! bum“ {m" ‘flle ‘gai lole tb'u a- 'm , nto th . ”Pd fisheq n P-Imment esi ‘n 0 mm; ,9 ~ ALL GORN ... -——-A_ 1 , .g , a . y tO' tum“ n and 39,] n 1;, Was‘a‘sb ' ‘ 9 View“; ~. In | , 1 +9“ 1‘“le I "“ wt!” ' -CU d ’4" Ffl m . e eo ‘ 111“ um . be‘lonu . ”Him“ has bl“ ‘on u present. ”Shun I I 1"“. TA" H 1 .men wh Seen"; ‘ nsprma f. c the sfia‘l nli 0n re-n .1 ‘. I‘an Loh Cot ' 11: Carroll’- '0! WI _oco 1d lofliOesf mm ..99 Umon, . _ 1:. 'Khe can ~ . omm at“ b7’ 3"“ ' .nStnlk l “Tum J .them 9l] not oth ‘ 01' la tobe ' . “Chou I“: H "t; bumn fyM‘l“ ‘ 0. fl I 3ifwt3 . ’ sends m.. ‘ . emrlse Dt‘moc . .Pofcelltlblevr "m" bé'vin Th, 9““ .l 1 edge .he ears to , 'nchcsk," ‘ ‘ ' Ct' fall: d 2“ .. ' mou'ap; a' 2 11l we” ‘V‘jl‘ I' 3 will]; I. - B-Vith tw I/’ ! a“ “'hilst ’... ‘‘ g land you iiai‘naalmn. Look 11) 2:“ 71‘6“!“ Cflefi Mpfldfilg' E°+Mn'§ palm '3 { mi?” ‘C’nflie bounty b::v:?tz.se‘en a“? l l .'“4 u I . II ‘ - ‘ ' Pretend not £111: Opposition) leade SEW tfihe real ofizztri“: 1:116 gulxz‘etkitlc- :‘ifiuémt Jlldne thsénmlon can {thgnn TRM": ”fleeglrmwm “we: ‘l‘ El. ‘ . _ m: - .:n . ,rv . a.) m] elop .v I mgnxl ‘.P- . r.“ Lment tb . Slre polity rs, rst lon. Dl e Sfitlsfiod - J nommat l I went“ brings smm M. “mm! l 1 0y are ealexcit; ‘men'ted D . emacmc , Wxth : theUnj lon‘h wh'l fl .:Hict .us ‘ “talk 0f ‘ 5 man} ut ‘ the “V 011: '. e-, by ouglmv. y' “twine °“ mm“ I“ be ‘h. ‘.6 men .mmme - I. ’ l Jean 011th - to Bhr r“ wan 193 d vapprolmmu * (Un- the Y 0 k lam for t Ilnmltig ~ a“. Thu 15 . v “urmgla . x 811' s'd 5' 4up an a—‘Ot ‘b- CPS. be~ I‘o 0f Wi] " r and Ad he “"16 W ‘ Mull“) H dbou” u fut. moveme 1 (3. V 5 ‘ P“ he Add epclmd I: y Re“ 1“ mm d. . omm“ ‘ I” grow. hr 6 ‘ I!“ read atdl the‘ 'of the De l'BBs, nor, to‘ remin } I ‘e “as I” , wtflct. InvMr I m the” g u web, convinc Cna‘nd .‘ ‘ lrltleg woof“! wh lake ad. 1:5 quelmn '3B enouvh . I‘l . ”won saw par“. ed 50!} Wlll b‘ of the L- 0 are fizh . \nntnne . mum m. .n to strule ‘ film ol‘m or M -‘“—v a ‘ e Pow . :mon'} '..cm (1 r: Ina. . melen - ' ”leg“ _1 .[1 Sat“ , ’ oum' - l [33D "”——w- ‘ ' lCOuixrael }.IOW wofullyyzl bulldms Ii) Nib.“- ha “701 Rhodesmn ,Hlmes dul the Q 0; meMnring 14 mg) Pent "8 aB‘ ‘ioy mm; : ‘ under emocmts, Town; ‘ ”he graffiti“ his “.:erlfirehuve'lw‘lecfidmla‘d on 52nd his Lannuteqrm of the am itmigh-i. “nest 5'9: {06% 3 inches 131‘] Pi Conf: - l youl‘ 01d: 3 dummy]; ‘zan ob. ca 9to an; nml pm“. In a platf‘u_ '3, renunwfno , M. ‘ Imu “Ml ‘ .x - . Jecu. 4‘ u- own - V ltutcd “D“mon W ' ”mm“ t TEE BI.“ ‘ ‘ fling—«the F "and tnneh ’ VOlO9 [my board llfable pa ; Wn “ml ‘ulch wan ‘ P‘ T ADPAR‘" l l . 'r‘.' - I l - . ‘ [‘LF .th _ lag f., Onored , ,nou ,5 5n P 33. the U .‘“BCrlbed, uesdty In! -I“m ‘ ‘ l I e ConstitutiOnp the Lulon and: Haniaburg Sc ‘...lffl‘f‘fi huge-1T1!“ a. ko;:l§:rtl‘ludge. 1235;“? "human ’0“ {mm 0,“ v 5.55? on ”my. 3:3:in ’in I‘ ’— “WV - i ”Bani , pl. fl_ ", ' . y «mm 1 e Dath'nw urge, e I! am! Th 11- .. 2 Democrats, _..._._ ' ISM??? ‘O, stop all 3;??- Ctmin hm d .“h‘lst the {oo‘ 9‘l. Republican tl' = but, hm c “Ceding, We think II and” "l "I! 5 ; rTLIfl‘EI \. ) bewßl‘e 350 r en“ 131mmm ~9' collnt‘ Whmh refit d mke‘p, ’ 31'. The h Vm ”a be“ iH I . '1 TI ‘ _. l 0? COU\v I ueaptoc , Gian“, 1n ch. Y Shore bO.- 9on n esp". om "Wk ' {kn (J T5l l‘ , ' A. ._‘.hy. Sec aMon to tb;3tB}e,atld ‘ .‘3 men y'all ‘ e the inscript. 1e York fi mlly mlmirod lb °” exhibitim‘id‘ V ‘ ~ ‘ e.‘ an" . rem! Came ,t edict. onTVlll and. S mmyml’ ‘ 10'}, H mm» “WumieH ’.' "umber" h...“ H ._ l ; l'i flufi -. ”011151,” ‘ ued- ldtlte fo , Mrt, I, am th 1 “‘The on 'J‘bmunzm’m ” 6“ g . es. and ‘ ewd f I ’o‘ . r prwd , 813113 I her DIP-n I fawn. V . l the mt uly “16 five 7! em Judge ~ on The? ' mm" were M ‘i k _l._ 5 6 authon- I: ‘l r, x : on thug“ I'. m was ndecm 60 credit-1a P“? VJ I v. . ‘ :r-e ,l ; o,lng'lhehn ‘ “WNW u up” 4 , ', A, r,. , : rdtmm. P 1 gym“? V l i Wu ’ v i looted. “15013.11?! ‘6',” W. ~ “ 1 .7 Va - . * V K ~..,,I.‘ 50' i E l on}. Sewn} Comm L"WS I; - ‘. .3. «a: w : -" l ‘ Mi- my- I by” dan- Let a re ll nl officol n time . m 1 ‘ Imm hwl 15 now. it. R L Old-fin cx‘atich I \ mu hm} O I 99" Ille‘s'un min the mire againfl \Vhilst it is dgevoting all its energies to seduce Demands into the planspf the selfish trickatqré who control thqt paper. fit oamnot km‘p hi the back-grouhdsits thirst; to abuse them. 3 It has tried the §mne game before. and rqther bequfitted tlmn injdred the Dnmm-mtio party. The effect cannot be otherniw now, whm selfish motives are seen in! every line. Whilst it. pfutesMU nion,” it means qfi'M A i -7—<——-—~,v Amp—o—«a—r—u ‘ . @001" D. H». 81:91“,- whou ofice (the EWMFG‘M‘) “a memuxpobhd, hasten no ' . ‘fifmmmum bytheDmocn-{n “that ¥nntfinud wifl Patfiwnhpm'elécud, 4 v—~—~,vv—_——-\rv--——T———-:—-A-y=-u An: x - 'fi‘l‘;mVF:V~—'W‘ " . I ‘ t . .‘onsiltency,thofuutaJewel’filndeed. ‘ , rm Ibérl'vmqrilrr. *5 i r.» m; mi I A‘Bfi‘w :i‘ekfiemmc Pm; [110“. 'l‘lmmu E. {‘.‘uch‘ran. the ,“iNn Pur- What the Lawyers of York ”fink of the § My. Hum-n r—The Abolition party mu, ' Emm'nplfliniflflt' “.3, .. “Mm“. “Repmkmfmmafthtefor, Qualifications of the Homehoiu'E. .1“, mm gurmfujw,_\. ”m cm. pxlmd , much the unf order,‘w,l::i. .7 President Judge 01" thin Di~triCL i«;eaméfit-: Cochran for a Judge. 2 ‘ Ii?! thii mgfilry_lu h the ""igin of our 13):"!an ti fifr‘l'url‘l'g‘ofi‘r‘lrm tmlj‘mimths nf dd" W ly in favor ot'n unim: of all partit-u ién Drmo- There nre‘nbout thirty lawn? in York. firmmu “~6oth may 1,.. [3100,]. And Alm- SIOI ISltlmt th '{luml “re cmtic. York, Luna enrnéstlv apposed to They are 'nbout fqnal}, divided amnngst litinm': ,3” only We“, the (‘mvormnqnté‘m ‘8 “UK!” “-59.10"; {ON/w 5 any such amngext‘v-ut in Lawmaker; hi~~ "the Democratic ““‘l 1??“hm'“? I‘lef“‘-“ g“ imfinrtiqngdflm fm-ngth nf their 's‘)” vcr}'f\t't)*ll ‘E:N‘_;_‘;:I“l" —-- ~ “-0; ~ ”*1 " .onfn’ jgumnl in 1b coqnty’; oi“ rather the-A ism-known ""‘ml‘e.’ ‘Df‘flle‘tfiflnn‘! H liefthm the wt. war will land tntlne‘ 5'13”?" “'9 Aha... .} kw m‘fNQ PW!" ma :jd‘l"u"fl at“ which QT“ “ill a, he ‘ unipr :11in an ardent Rapulvjlj-pn,~u!3o v ”Gt-I‘- :'l{l)cl‘flfion of .fimfl'm4" bring ”'f'“ In'] )ltritt‘wn— uu: t Inn, u“ 1:1. “I'M: “who WW": iuflnygd by the 6mm“, tnk’m}: dm'h ed grbuml nun Mali; tystrurg Inst wgck ennmlyfll? pm‘fmmnul ' among: (416'!!be a"f thr‘ North, an 1 “it“, w non Int-Qtnt‘a 11!) (.rLl.lm.xln.- } ' d‘ "In“ ohm-111.1" {lvor tht~ Stile. 'UM Him": of tho hfiit‘r‘q}. 5””, P"“l"“ Ff York .b‘fllm'fs- nwmmml MNH “‘H‘m ' b.3591} ‘ thv lulmr from the handinf the pan Ming 1;“: t! ‘ :1: “ “."l ‘l‘“:‘3—l‘ “rm [pr-“0'0. :3" hnokc‘. playul-mxt in their own "m 1 'lAdnme will beinpt to ”Mk“ :1; [mm Mln tnlkm_g ut the proqmvts of electmg 15mm. who-«- wife “m! pl.‘l}lrk;“ are sl)an tn {“1 L: rung“ finiuz‘u :1 '3‘”! u- fur? .$ hm’r‘ knit." :urh'nnt‘ljln nf ”1913 i“ ' mph ,C'lnrinx incmidstenm‘. 'l'lu' HEm'R- Judge Fun" mud, ulam a RWMMI‘M," and (aim? “P‘m that “'1”. for mmmrt. 3mm 0 Im.“ tlB rm_ ((I lu . ”My” I {'th‘thvir knou‘lwlne nml vxpnricfico Mir" upmfi-M and il'niou'; rcm‘uls as fol- “]“'-".‘"' 1'3"“ boon. I‘m?" "0““! In my .‘I nun told. on nll'sidch. that. the Ram! Pd ’nflioe ‘l‘“ “I”. Mid-”N" '" (‘OU‘I‘IWMIOH (3f, ‘ ‘ ,‘ ’. z: '‘‘ ' :1 h ' ]'v )i " 1 life for “ Democrat, hm ml! "up f" 11111110 {'uion candidate fbr Aaocinto Judge, [r..'~h'§'})f:lwfit_ "1" {timid 1’; “'1“ 10_ijII 1‘1“. 92mm"!."Wmn'u‘"'1'.""""°’_‘tmn‘ "" _ 10"“ PW" t”‘su ’ 0°“ _ _ . } H. 113 : and. so will utmost ev’erv Int-miner fm': h Bonner. was. mine wars fig“; n"I M ' infl‘wnc“ m M.“ ""5“ m“ M" Rm“ s“""i"" : slhl.fl¢hlllOTYB9"“N”Y~l!3\"‘“°"€"d'? It .4.-mm; ”mtt'nb patrmunm of: Hm Rn. 6f IYk BM _ t Hr. . '.I F‘~l‘ ,"fn. . _ . _. .- f h . d" \.nw nno am It] é‘t th" Mt ‘ .‘hingtht‘,wftm§nthhdgnt\-lllmtnd-ijnblifiynns of Yng-k And Adam:lhqqinducetf “8- m- . - PM“? \r‘“? 3" “'-.{bolttmlnst—m'cugm"lt: “I m k W“: H:‘ .Il‘ v_ . u 00" l‘ m“ r" “I" 3'. fmnnmuérinu um," f}- umir mu: thflmhn din-m"! Mr!) 'in thifiv‘oamvrgt-t'my. former‘y of 30'": [mm- . "- {fit We PW @msnoflm‘d'lg Eh“ rgfiffllffi’g‘iljlffgl Oll‘ltfgl-f4fqlm’ ‘ l uH‘lun of the walla. Rut. Mm. ‘i nnt‘Ywnnflt. ‘Uhdflr mafia, um,» um! ) know mptbing but. thqtr ”mun-y ;, partner ohmwcoohna, Mr. baffling Mn:- z’amng ".‘” “(fl mung . ttm mm: 11 tm alas: ‘mun propuspu “ml (Ind (liapogmng- , nntl “ Union." they urv '(ltfluiling my! :" giigrixm‘l‘h lg‘ngt‘sflimfia‘g;;fl‘st” and BIL-13011113"). tho ollltnr M”m 6“" oftlmt "103‘ 41.3"S’P‘M‘YWWV- A V??? Tot- smm‘ “.:Bucky " tum hon" mffly nami ' » peapla intn their u-Uigh plum: 311:1)“. un'ne ‘52:: u mav‘lgnun-«l m. a ”"4; ‘1 0"" Repubhmn. I hm}: 1'9"?“ ‘30”! M“ .tspectable and ramble gentleman toltuim? txgtted and :s_r_m :3 [Eur way of bo‘mgymmtn' l 2 them into tho borlit-f tlmt pélréaliuu nu: circumstance t mt'pntrintiLm 'in Ynfk 1 Bunlmm ““d 3!“ . "-‘W ”“113 “Wm-V "f .111! leruml [hr-n Take PM of these. Andi-i It 11"” 1’00“ deemed "WP’j‘m’y “324411“{30 ytlmtth (tflheirua'nrts. 'l'h Adams‘icnnntygfiemyglp a diametrigdjy nmmxte (Judge Fisher mtfnn tlu- hm ‘xreo NI-r-ki. fion hpeocllli‘s m ‘Ju- _‘ Gl'lrl-hmtw. m ’..l- the ,I‘ml-‘flmm‘t 11. mm“ and very TMM‘H” “”‘l “'l'” neighboring 00‘1“?“ conduct sllan ymtnntwn m hm. flflfll M)“ 11ny read”?! “.lmfhu My} murnfil’hugr‘mqm‘d‘ Wu“ he METPI‘DIK‘HY’ ton, tltut in order to makn thix‘ 1.5,“-\'e knkwthxtf Than? ptéftfikiibnrtix'mmtirfgfn 0:: Luglemm: 'g‘2§,§s:‘oppositi°n-f’ Ido notion“: thfisontntwnts :flm‘ndgtwd tlmse we’l'uivimu lr9tinn«7-¢l-I._ “uni-m n pal'ty- “ “mm-gs, (hi-z (lit-(fin: s ,ke“ have “10.090!ch in placing: find ”101' orgmw m" “”9”." ”W'o‘f‘l to ”'5" of Mr. Latin)" and Hr. “ “Mace“; “To“ me windy {Pie puma-fame part}- of ”l“ "‘llth slnnuhl hm"? fnrxttz m-xt Svnntorn “D-mglzu .lrcs at the head of the " Uninn‘ " Q-rmagmfi " ’1 I'nio ““ka “'M'Q'“ "‘3"l"v“'t strong ,I‘PWU‘FB‘: "M 51”." {‘Offh‘l'flf‘" “'0 tlhnughgstv. But 1’! SCH“: that the brvnkgng hmnocrxtt, andflf by a 99",?!{1‘"U“.ltltwmt. : lvxtt and from tho Foflowiugt. {mg to Wm“ But mm 0 ”mo“: “31%; “:3.“ Ju‘l‘cml.“l“°“tm!‘- 1 7“"1‘ “”5“ “M. ”1‘“ éut aft :0 wan hnuihrmmht hug-k something «who an pray-rm Imm ns Innmlr! Ho’q ' V “ ' ”'o‘" mam-Iw, ”TAT "Y““f‘f In. "‘ 1”" 'hev V’llnlso vote for the Jud-1r " W ’hc 'l‘um. aw. nf 11.)! hrs rope al 1 A x A h ‘ .... I .r fro SW6 ‘~ r - . r 1 to say 1 1 y \\ hich Of. I tilt "'**-:““'”'"*“2.‘ * i iidelitv to party i« nJmiilical \'irt'm‘ ‘ ‘mgnwc nfl't-rvfl m ho hiih; and nflvncufies orico'rmin 145‘ win-k that “J I prinflilnle“, Whid‘ in thy”. N‘i’hvu‘ kmr w,” n ';[lrunlinm nur Gniornment. have far yonra mm" 'l'th/urwnn't e test. apcl proved themsol‘vea curws We tum.- (,m.r m d beneficial to our \\'lm{c;cmintry, nrii}: _i~ 2m u-fliv-vl‘l‘mla t now, in :nur L‘Olllltl'lv'} ~ljil'l’.o - publirun .\«hniuishn' be {mind} :my‘whow clue. to (In H il' (in- ansii- ‘3 L] (I\rhnlolluly‘tu§thoilcountry: an ' Think or n! Fur, 47:, under the gim'inui itamhr of Urnmllmh "\ 11“de in‘ry. l‘rlnncrawy in HR miim ;’— "WM!” “”“m'rm‘ 1" . ;.. but. She‘ hnulnne iii-r élmre pf F.‘ 1* ”WW“ “hdi‘wli‘ 1"“ '3' “Wk-M inhnr iltfldfvoloping Hid hiorios of lhc‘ entire finial! uflirjsm-kiug "Hue. . Ln! Hur‘reminVhor'ileafibnuuht.‘ WHAT inf.“ 37,],1‘. 1“le w; m‘d L'uxroh. Dviimoratm n ‘rN “‘0 is" [bx-mm'mliv. mid Noni .huzs .\‘tlu. i in: Penl‘ofmmii “Emil“? you. A nomimfién tnr'l'rvsig‘iiuult Jud-,vulin [gran i 4 sot tomkgh you. I?i.~n.ifoct« HIM I-"ulmn, )3 «mm! ,wd Sunni-11ml. - hm! watvrrlhmncruu have vhargn T'lu: hutcr‘.‘ much M'jh-uring nib J Republican lrmlbrs are quiet us “lnrfl‘ismwcxplnindd—mflm Tin ;ve among themolvos. when thr)‘ Mr. Neil]: uro' Ihoufi'! [n he mp h 'a horrid grin. ‘ Watch ihp spnro, ’imnes‘x {Republivnne at. that lliig‘rit‘ iy to " Ihnmcmg‘)’ and imifin."—— “Ihcpmprielp ol'givinginll the Lucy} is! {yknow theomnnvnktn Domomuq new upmorts ioililcid‘. i hnflt‘ of name; .[t is the Anu'rv'rrm f” i) lnngér~R¢pullchm but grown Mv, ~ l nnd thei Ifmlib": pIU'NiII this 0M lvnne' the way nf nib-Hedi. ‘ air w is " I'm'ov part-In’: ,in other words, A in Hue livery: bf hmven (union) to o (lovii’ (party) in'." O SEE TIMBER mm;- AMI-mil W ’prira. of LIL/rm." l‘umncmh'ui frivnd: nflhc Ifninmromomhrr hmt oxi-x-v;~ion. Tie} \'igihnf (Lox until the «lay Officer-inn, and pm :1 glorimu victnrgh The on I' m that I nn‘flc old i‘uu-‘O 3'o: Cl‘t‘fl)’ m‘ in i+ _ should "\'nu ~l.md MST}. ('p :u d: ‘ [1... —— - ’l‘hmniisi they wil , ...”;n. , nominn-‘ In the course of cnnvernatim ho mid, 1v ht‘ all, “ no one can allege an) thing niflimt Jntlgo ljllt‘iin in Fiiller'u honesty and inton-ity; lie is per ll? mk' l fectly illnpartiulin his (lecisiunmlh-v'vn ivhere ' a . his party is concerned, and l knjm' one raw lnwpt‘nfod of an election riot in which lltfi‘lfux‘ .sp firm Etrrishurg in :tnniling up for the right 1111‘! tlm-int-m- Sitintd'tlne bbrs pf hial own party were nun-h xliséhtis lhéluyrmy fled." , ' , ,lj .5 'ticlt- ilk-l lle- nl~o said. “ llvnr): L. fiixlwr’gnoa tht‘ mic. "nlmut tliejomrtrynmking flwcll‘lltu n’paimt thr- Jtidg: nngl the refit n_f tln-lll).-mutrntio ticket. an? clmi‘gilng tln-in witll being ‘(lisi lnynl ;' h‘tt tlmt'injin'oi our ticlint. lit-pinup 1 the pmpln become disgnwt :with his r - mnrké übont tum Judge whglfithoy know to be fulsc,’?. iThis imlnnm‘l «'3 gentlmnnn present tn Mk him, “ mm? are Judge _ ‘.lv‘izaliei"l~ Union sentimnnts ‘1" His u'mwvr m". be fonml _WM. J‘ JhdgexFishei‘ is a fitL‘rco .Ilniun uni-In. “he“ "he hm [incl hates the} word xecluxion. L heard him given. WWW mukc-lthree of ‘the most Iqult‘nl Union ‘liliézeflllill‘lzsl spm'ches 1' over liitonvcl to. and in privntn FMI’W" VIN)" conversation I have frequently s‘oon‘ him ‘ v M“, “my 59¢“ ‘3o} .nmvml almost'tci ten‘rfmvln-n .talking about. ' they are to: 1“. pug," the deplmqble sttnahup ot Qfl’k‘7l'm3l‘3" l oer-its. “"19." haw inut l’qumpsit may. be cgndtlulztillluls a brow-h: [0“. month ”_..”. this ofmnrloty t_o Foxnruitlto millty: this con-,- w t the ‘4 lluibn might“ be vormtinn : but M‘it wall'nlmnlg" hvlrl lw‘bm ‘ ,‘ mm} ‘ m.- ....liri- Mix-McClellnn’s llutol, I though: it hm}..- pln'l‘urtii,j :uul,tlmt th‘nsc tion that the toslimmu’ol‘ n l‘ltflmlwlimn liv zxs ” “llleéfuf‘ilr l in mum} in}: in Jiuflve Fishpr'x mrh tnl-'n ~lmn'vl he viplm nt‘fltt- l I-liiilililnni umde public. A Cruz“ mi ”ETTYSM’RIL 11l Ilw rhs'wljlv l'lal/hr)n"' l _. ’ ”*"“ -" I)"; 1‘ (v I lid and Erglnt’t‘rlinudl aa,’ '2 ‘ a ' ' " _c I'MP'U' .5 ..! Tll'lLl' tlthlnmtilms |* Numb/._'DQ yon “39"0'ltl'l'p'.ll""‘l' " _ l l . (firm—Running nt nll. _wt ml. lhnt H. l are. ”W" re. I”ml(t.——llinl you nuthin: hear? I . Ali pr'tlalll' Oman—3Vo, nuthinu. ' _ . utnnw‘ lu ‘ .' ——”umlc". .lr‘l [IL Nr'vnr 111. ulllt‘L' gl'nr; Tho glim‘t nl'a munlvrryl higher lltinile‘t l ‘emv—n‘mrdnred Ly tlmpnxmm ‘ur nt‘ hi< mn '.~ I t . ltlwrxnnd yet ~he emvlintliinzl’r‘ll-mnm-ntd. ;" 25mm: . «no ypu nothing in tln- nth-null: tn fin m :1 llqnillli- "l'niun party "in lhhiult'nunty: "Fit to lot . ' t @6OlO puliticians nnrl aspirin-z fit-[\leilivanh that 1114'! . étqal’olli' tlmntlvr tn tnt‘tlwix‘ mvnl‘n'vnt-l “.‘”“ lie- lm‘rifi'flm. Saw von'nnthin': in thn L'nihn l M” fulu. l‘nnvEntion ?- ‘N‘othln! in tho .mtontfitimfl : lim-mlity manifested tnmn-xh Dvnlm-mts in lll‘”.'l“"‘ M ,pln'r‘in{itheiuknponi 11w l'nlun tixPlu-t 2... 1th”: tficm ; Ului‘th-thynll tlio' ulgllltpluxlunflxml fit/tiff!!! gill? l“‘§"‘;-- ‘ nmmnrnnr‘m of tlmsle lh‘ll‘lt‘llflgl'lf 1’ “ N 9; £32231”, and _vr-t nll Kline “Tu. l wuvfil; my s'o": ‘uM‘t, l . Mark myn'nrll. 'l‘llnt ('nnvmi 54‘7).}lr!:“tl‘nll who“ Who in: tn-g'iy'o tho lullal-y tn pnlttgml nrgtnnizw ,'lmn“%’nn‘ tmu~ in tin: countyn‘ns llulf‘lllfl II_V (l «ign lln‘ Frank—u lllL' ‘pnlillcimn :n'ul In‘-mix nml \jw intt‘nglml ll‘ifllch—EMM (li\lirgnnize the Dl‘lll'lt‘l‘dll" gnu-Iy. ‘ Thu N‘lltm‘rhlih 'ozill canin lik’othzit nf't‘lnwnrrux‘t lvl'ur 'l‘rnv. (_h uwéswl‘ Ase'cretly luh‘utliilig vungvunvu §ltll thutruv -~t. WW" tiontnnfiorgunimlinntrnutciit-gtill'an'lmun mun lslo‘cJ try. oxteriorly mlnrnwl with tilt? lpprnpriate liabilmnents of pntrintimh. ln'l‘e nt' (tnnntry. Vnnul union of Stains. It artf‘ul‘ll- tli-sr-m‘rl0«l ‘ its ulterior, VIPWS. *Tifi with mt-ii will . ‘ lut'htt‘fll’ the livery of Umu‘ml; to smm the .35” gig" wil in." “'lmt thinly yrgu Hut-mnptetl tho p 1 J .ltb hlimn leaders to cluthe tln'msulws in 71%: _.thol (\ly cnihl ol'. out-,nitifnnlity. and ilhi< ii 'niprrw- th < ’O5 'ihnzni it} lwl‘npgtlm I will nil: : lbmo n. ‘ur—nn nltnr llt‘llt hm; ol‘ten as of ionr fall an 5,115" 'le the thumlcihf frum their VW.. r. ‘.. 9 ‘ tho ich-mica! pts 8 nn-fiart. }y. Now i! m ;- a pnrtv H 1. ‘ arfv fnnr'lixht - i undn-rwtnnd 1 ‘ o» - L ‘ , npo an unit-ll» frnm Hm I’ il'h it “'.ls flat: Me “mm-rs ii hrs—Put [he :1 Him! sndh \m my were homo Denim-rah}? p: yinig misgn‘n}. ‘ -mt:. land rty \\ (SIIM : the Slur ’ that; we rely snvh n i<“too ' ling than \ l g “If: A‘r“; nllowl’tfi'g’ v- H]- Vote ‘ he Slnr'a Immrt We tickets" ennneu 0 sn crs rolinisfi S cive no ‘ono. any who! fly ~ir umanin; I ~o ul humor . r n” 'lo”ij p lull} um] {2‘o a» - 1‘!“ I avgvr u dqm‘u ‘ niufi Honing”! Kmm \(fl lxix - w-nmo Him?!“ rub]? the? h: rr uud‘rtfld‘ l on, Q ill; “”1 ~ H n'lifi--hu“g[v vi un, In no‘k‘ “4‘ Hafiz“! l I“ 98.: With: IDE gum: m frame nly I'o ontly tlmt‘ gum. in m'munqnll finnlri’ l‘pnd tn thy:l 1} his‘ remark leul'n} , what he hi '"w'l g glnnkfi'l] throiwh \'nm- liw-r _w.‘ “- . non, whelht-r .\h' B'Mh-‘v hn'l n n. ml ted for \'un B: x‘fn. NW; l"'vt~‘~S..il . holilioq mntlirlmtn (or J’lgnsitlnnf. “7’“ ‘ on. Cnu nml G(*ll.{T.l\'ltlrC The Slnfi I'nt ventured a reqlfiJgoLmhly lmmusea‘ tmr- tlmt he (lid um :l‘hom is no room} I‘ . x mmtolwliove nnyfihs’hg rho, , A - i , _ l l 3 It is (hm annn tlrlf- tho homl nml fré thwprnminont pm ofhho unwallod ” Uni} 'Jg-kél. i.- Almlnim . l'.\ njnr‘ Int-it‘imlll tn‘ hold out to pa rihti'o and I'ninn-lml onfin them days! 91' trnuhln and trial; ass that only noq‘nll-tl x! tm-nty-h‘vo yej fliolulmldor thrmfn in _M "‘1;le ”Oran: amig'uting to tho {wile of all thinkingni ‘ "ER ‘ .._. _-.—.{l —-:~—.—._9} 1‘ F i ll 11. Far Iqu ('mnfnlrl 1 Mn. ST.\lll.E:—]| in“ in yunr hm: pi mt .lnel‘ll. Il‘nmu‘l-rw‘ns quit-fly t-lrcnln lie-“ Star & Bnnn+r.";:lml it»: "huhy," Stars and Sh‘ipm." 10:10:)? my ueigh ld me tho snmei' Tgll‘ hm gn-atly (Lei p‘hml m 0; became? .\h'yll. always pn-tem {‘o ha mph :1 qun‘ Donna-rut in me! 1 homuse I know by .‘“. so m'my nfllr‘cs fl film party. for \vhigh [thy ‘Stnr upnkt")! fignimt him all the ‘tinm. saving ho? mulling hut nn nfli‘e-lnmtnr. nml lm way 4 n :myth‘ng forml‘. 00*“ «me time :rylin: wkv its rvmh‘zrfi hn love that he “’0 Wu luau Know LNu hint" if thny wq; éiu- him a good nlflm 'l‘lmm things I} sl9")er from rmflin’t the Star, ' whhi shim-[hum soo’ thrflhxul 504111112“ng mu, khinl’lul'y by n mil-yni'y. in order to n! ‘l‘ly Imighlmrs lmnan mwi'utont it is H "ohr ln' your—talking tn-glhy in th‘c'l’n‘c: hut it mix] l--« th'fw I your rum. 'i ' ‘ln nrm nftln-m i'nln w. in 1537. the mt xvnt'tn tho trnnh‘o. n mpxinuv. w-w h} M! himMn lllllhi “l. all Iln- uffi'm‘c I llmnf‘r hull lav-h]. In. mp" that: ho nlrgi .3341 Int) m my, and lh t thi- penpla d»; ah: jazz-ind him nr 'numy Tfi‘llfllrl“ ll‘vro i~ the list. a g u.\'l’ur printed if "October. ‘lfiifi. ll) \y " The Van fiHliod-hnlclvr "' J" 2 ge- l lslii—Jnxllh'o of [hf l’ I ofunu-rnurl -i3".li——-lluhlmu sauna “11l 3117* .3. h t. s<‘33__ u u 7 u g‘qzizk ‘L‘ h L .' Ind Terminorl (‘l :5 und— l’mlhon‘hm E _ (invrnmr nnllll ‘} nfh-10-l hiznuw‘ tlmnnturybn v SID—Rr-I levied J: ~l :5 H—i—llohling mu « m— " -‘ ‘ 1 lhnnr-mrv. | s “Elk-Ming: h'ulh h tau-+- “ H ; lBls+Rooelrctcxi J. ‘ muulidrte for" ..‘pd ln \lr K :1 ”Writ-Holding mum 1,447 .‘-_ A» u 1545+ ‘ ‘nF mind—khnmnw it haw right, hnLllmn—‘pnor Mm! “.h‘r‘, thm-w'g his nlrm'u'kw‘l to n 'il‘n'Flo- .tho Huh"' )1 ' wen" ~.' 111' 2'» '11?” his“; 1. mm hem Mu-d thay'ur» nn-' ~vn'l chm." :1 m»: ... ‘tiharufinnfifn'!H-r-in‘nm nan ' .‘ _ ~j, n ,wm. v ‘ .{r :5 but vn'v finnrhxffir rrlx. {-mf IN ——‘nl=o (‘lvrk'of‘ rk bf anu‘lrr St M L by uppuinhnen. :ll eicrnnn—who I avumiuhu- fur ‘ y dr‘fe Hm] In’ \lagx 01' the Prime. ‘ NI. 1.. . : I:.anle Ponce .hunulnr}, but. do ' —nnd nt ,YhP I rPungrcsnbnlde I I . I dzr‘lfucc for .2 _\ rr his ‘ Met iinn to I 'onurt-sa Fume _ve: confined by dual ti nf tho Penn»- offlto and nul-c same r q‘mgrms, hut butt l'choe—u'lhn rupnlidyl gvkt. Inn unhucccust‘u 061 w. ‘ - . .. r “ 1V ‘ . .. ‘ \L' ['v‘Jr-n-‘v r- Hm. "I“ “lg'n h u ulx‘ynys 'imgm {I- in»{un " (rm-A mid-Jon nniis." ‘§\Ve 153*}: nur’w-lmw that 'it. wquhi he fm‘fing Mo, thnhhilyq ys-t, \m tub“ ‘him and his fr'iemls. um ii'lu- im‘t awfully lmuhl ln- nu'lfmtul-Il in 'h It fro-h.“ “’olth spuil nll hil rulvulutinm in rngarvl (m 3h." 'l‘rA-aulu-uu'slxjp.—:mrl Ill! ln- (lunlwl) Hum-Nit"! in mnpu-u-‘rin: (hr luhcr [n in!“ :u‘cL—hy' nmmhlll‘ gmn )urufit. errly In; wuuM hnve Inn-u AMI (”:11qu Hwy Jutjgtupuslu‘d mid". It i-4 n+l tnnishing that Roy-nhlumw shnuhl rclur 1.0: ”ml hire at n(‘mnm:liml2gt a”. a ‘ ‘ Jnrlpv Z‘v‘glqr plum-h {Early mnlisqlnrfly". am of he rflq nl)‘: INEW 1110 llmnluln I firmly for him In prmw’u me‘iut tn ui-t n‘ 7 lim'n'n Mini]. ”1! has ahnwn hilnxélf mum-« 1 .le :Ill'l mu ’.h)’.fl)|4l lhen-luw nI-ml nhl suit f'uillh'l'-23|lil‘- cahél‘x‘.‘ 'l'hr Mame mumot Lu) ' saul uf his Abnhtu-n, nypnfivnl -—-.lu-l elertL-d k 0 In ‘ '1 04‘ MR. Emhfin rv—l df‘f‘ inrthv .\‘rnlm'! :m M'- l‘ ‘ .‘tn-h: fi'mn ‘vaph 3. (Hit, in 'whir‘h h‘“. '2: ('hfms In l‘lllfVO hymn n luv-lung J’Nmnmm, bug in‘ far 2HO mug-«l tir‘kq-t, h-lmly «'nklvd - lTlx'xm." ‘.‘fr. “it! nm’ 'luv‘n L»: n Whnt "-‘ ‘hn ¢ l-L.m~ Infill Y knmvfluu Hw Rewflalit'nnw Lt”; ai'mut fut'm'rd gm ‘l'Hl‘l Llwfiérml n urrut dun! I at admin hil {king Im' Unmii]. (ml film! be t - ,‘hml gob yd‘ifl'orunt news on lhn flank)" lime I ‘qumtfinn. I klWlv.Jzkl-wk& Hut when llmi‘ ? by Dcmocmtir‘ (‘nunty t'ommithm wan'mne'd; ! lo umM. fire m‘ «h wevk‘ .141. and his‘name‘; r‘" Appear-yd in Hu- li~t, that py'opmim-nl. Dubs-f "‘ r' ’j cm!!! 61' Ul;d‘tfr\\lu~hlp said he should not be, \ ’ irm-ngnim-«l M‘d mumbqrnhcmruw ho had' 5 I gone mjc-r tn the oppmitim; lautfnll already: If]?- It is. [ln-reform PW" .\tnmgo that he éholxlrl l Ibe on the othvr side now, nor is it of much be‘ mnwnmencn 9H1)” =EI 'fiu-n A x .\ Il'sxn Sx-nr‘rnbu IM:= .“UI'VTI'LI-UAN’T It hm not l-Dvn nv-rr‘w 133 I-hr .Hu‘ (.'“-min,” Oxman Tw•e