The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 26, 1861, Image 1

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    IX* Mvigiss.
The Cowl." is published army Monday
flaming, hy I‘lmslul J. Shunt. at)“ :5") per
annum if paid striglly'xs “nuke-lag} 0“
per manna if not paid in mfinuc
aubucriptinm diucnnliuul‘ll“ nuke
nption of the publislmv, mnilmll arr
are paid. ‘ _ .
Jou PEINTISU done with ueuln .
dispatch. .
Union in Knuth Rultimqre mm d
Oppo'tite Wumpln-H' 'l'imu'ng Hand-lib
3*"CUII‘ILKK l'gurnu Ur “cl-z" pn (h
‘ To Teachers 8: Dlrecto
- (HT nrc hL'fl'h)’ "unlit-II lhut I will 0'
Y {gunning Mud-4 fur the purpu‘sc
yumuin: [curlu-rx, an the days "It'll“(‘m
flrubnnakt llumurmM'n. MIL-237,10, x.
omm 11. .u Nu“ ()xLunL Aug. 24. I‘o,
lh-r‘nirk ”ur . m .\_ldmn<tn\\ n. An: in,
fi'cr“ ink (11., at l-Ildér's Sa~lau;pl:lmln~.a-, .\ug‘
p. m. _ .
llnmihon m. Hm 31min)“; 2H; 10,
Rewiring m.. ".t ”Alklvlun. Aug. 2'". 9,-..
"unplim‘ u! H.lil-IMQ,‘.SI|;!. _"I. 10, n. m.
)louulplmmmt. a) [gm-II Run Sl'hooi-
AIIK. 3f), 2), u. m. ‘ I
('nnownuo. M .\lrShl-rryqvwn. .\uq, 3|. 1'
.’lTuionhav. 5011”le Blthll-hOllie. Srlrt‘.‘
I. m. x . ’ .
Hrrmmpx nt [.iulwtn“ n. Smut. 4. W‘. 3.7}
‘uqunty y, at. 'l‘wn Tau-nu. SI-pl. 5, In."
Ftuuduh, nL Hugh/Is bchuol-‘muafl, 15'
w, n. m. A ‘
"umberluml.utShri\.lfxfamu-rnfiqn. 1,!
Libgu‘l , :Il Svhunl-‘lmud- No l. Set-l. lfl,
Humilltmhslu. :01 I‘..liyl§-111. s'va I] 9.11
FVIIHHUI- ul Hllllumu’if'fidmulajnousv, Sc
9.;A-lu. x x, 7
Butler. M Midnllolim n; Rx-pl. I'2. ‘D, 31.11:.
Monnllvu. n! lh‘mh-quHv, Sam. M. 9;“.
\llunlilmluu. :u l’vlus‘ljury. 5. pt. 17.4»
Lzltilunprcl‘nll “'oH'pr-l‘én h": haul-bout, -‘l
9.11.1". ' , ‘ ‘
Tyrbnc. nl. ”(gidh-Idmi‘g. Sn-pt. 1!). D. n. n
Mural r/mmclrr i~ llli-‘lir~l qullilitullinn
’l‘cuulu-r; mm. in [hi-i “luALit ulur, Ihuvisll
the ('4'rlili4‘4lv “ill llUl'ht: 'mm-al on ””1
abut-um- nl‘nlwn ulrjvvliim. I’n:ili,\v knm
'pfprflprit'lj uh nmlmt “I” his .:. py-éfoq
“I the ulm m v of ruli-‘fiu wry ovulcul-e 1
point, Hu- (‘crlnlirnlr-“SH LL: uilhlu-Idl
lihlplc- ulfurmuhm i; gum-urbd: and in v
anyrurlninml nlfliuqm-m'}, it uill ln- n-Yi»
tirrl)‘. lm nmllyr “hut Ihr ulln-r Ilunlifil a
hm prituh' v,\:uninntiuu~4 \nll ht' 1.1,
I during the .wriml dnohb‘l h) 'quluu‘nlil
_ilmliuhs. nml nt olht-r 11mm, primh- m
lwn “ill nnh Lulu! plzm- nt thu- \n‘in
I {IV-x uf lln- I'ru ~i3|rnl uu‘l: Hm r(-l.xry ‘
éhur‘fl ’lC\llllI;_' In vmp‘lu" [he (.I‘mhnlztl
, “In urpurtmul) fin; Ilu- In‘t-linluL-ra ol lln
' {o‘ be lurk-~61“. il‘ Huh lll'\ill' il. .
ffmuahvrs mun “l'l‘L‘ “fur I~\:unin:uiun
the l)ir.:vlur~ n!" lh hm u~l.1|» in \\ hit-h 111
iii c 1'” inch. .\u; It.“ lmr r'nilinjlm ul-
SJIIUUI 111 the Inn lfillip \\ In twin his or!
m liunmnq “.u th mu—t ~n|mul tn n rum
inlliun hrfinrv tin-'Dilm nu" In u hum npmi
i~ um "14,”. .\lthl ~uhl l’lll'l'llnl< -1. .l
I'irrrrurd, \\ ill' “Ila-w nu! lull In ln-‘p
«um-w fizumnwl‘imm n» [_.lmw- nulnuiul
; thnrmut «Inglnuf-n‘h to pnfiwnl :uul’ c
.to item nn-l [ha lunélu-nj ' l
‘ 4 : JNU t“. ELLIS, l'u
New (hfiml, Jul} '."_’,J.l|.|. hl; '_
Lancaster Book Bmdery‘r
Hznlum \\ lAN'I‘, - r; _ "
(j ‘ ,II nU A' :‘I: I.Y 11
A‘l' IH.A\I\ BLINK \I \\l F“ TlfIH-Jl.
flaw. uml “Indium/la]. [hm/":5), «.f imp
u ‘ ~ ‘
urlplmu mm utml 11l Ihr must «Imam:
npprm'ml st} 1p: ' ' '
. ‘ 'IH‘M'MWI'H. '
H. \V. WM“ u, Eu! . I-‘Trml-I ~ I! Ink of Lulu
. \\'. L. Noun-r [in] . [A m" I-h'r ('munh’ [in
fiulnnvl Sin-"~qu . €3l":th ”Auk.
Samuel Wagn- r. liq; . Yu‘k l:-l’l|\.
‘I-“Wfiii'uu “'mzm‘r, Hui . \ln:k ('n'luh ”7|!
T. D. I'Tlsllll.;l‘l‘sr.. Hanky 0| (.:I‘ll} ~||ux;'.
l'clrr \Lullm IL”. l’rqflh 0! [.:lm Slum m
tiunJ‘.lkl\\l|u-In.l§<q .Jh-ghlt-c “
“Eu. “"thmn “ht“, lit-«'nu‘llcr “ f‘-
{\pril 13. XML]. " ‘ I
x New Sprmg Goods}
7 {“KIN-‘i In: 'nu h unlvn m-u'lol ‘uf
P’f’VI‘IIH'UATS' 'x!‘ w n l-rwow‘,
~V - \UYE-ZIH‘HA'I‘S ”Salim-r
SI'HIVH “HESS ('0 H S, .
Inn-25s ('0 HT“.
‘ Emma l’.\‘\"l‘\LM)\'.\‘, .
' I'.\N'l' \l.H(l\.\‘ :lt Imlfiqnlni
~ * ' FI‘IHVH VII‘TF. fl» .'
' xtlc~"r.~‘. \ L‘S'TV u‘
rnthrghirh.“nun-r5 Slurki {gimSnul‘x 1:]
mm. \‘ljiu‘fll bfignmonlgAx-uunh-lun. l‘
rift-K. Nutlunsfir . km, .\c.. bring .mld‘
'chealu. (‘ull In and LmL ,uul .\uu :(.|u't'3
finymg. “' [31.9 ”:11
,The Great Discovery 1
0|“ 'I‘EIH AGE—lull nnm Ilul'y :nfll {l‘ll
‘ ; [Nu-Inpatian vn hi» n ur- «I, In ukin'i‘
7 “UADHR'S HELEN“ \’l H“ “In“ \1 \TH“
E Tl'flfi.‘ “:ll‘l} prmnim-ul I;lV/1“ll~ of lhii
\~ 0 v . ‘V ' v ' - 1
the mlJmulq-rf vuuum“. haw Imam-t 1
lt‘ \ll(«l'~.\ in Uhrmmlti.
Trent utility|i 'hm-n llillll‘l'll).llll|”v1|‘llIn.
‘npu‘ifir. illlrlllllht'fl llhlllc [nflnllm . Fri“
reign per mm». Fur gal» in {.II Jump-cm
slurbkv‘cpehx. "lg-n-pnrml mph 1:} llH._‘.\l_ll+
\y'hoiemh- um! um.“ ‘lm.._~_u..x’. new In
Adumcruiun}. I‘n . :lmfln-r-m l‘rvan l‘lwm
_Hils, Vurn‘hh. Hllirih. I'liutx. hwnm‘lL
the“ (MS. flux-mm un-l .'J‘im'turvsh M7l
Glass. l'vrl'uyu‘r}. l'nu-nl \lwlu-imu, .\x-.,
. w.\. I). Huvhltgr is the Agent in (h-
Imrg [or ‘- H. L. .\lil~lcr'§ (‘JohnlLf-l Illu-ul
Mixture." '. [{qu ‘i, lmu.‘
A Ready Market:
_r ’ misunm mum \vJ
}()()'.’(".()’() Ell—“'0 Tune lulu-v:
housc‘fifiay nu-up ed In‘_Klim-Tcllrrv Ilullfilgor
k (30,, with :3 d‘clumilnlhm Imin) Hu- higlw’at
lulu-Lev. prices furnll kimh'uf “ruin. _ You «'in
find In sumfliml \yilh I'LASTI-IR, lll‘v.\.\'() n!
anl kinds. GlUN'ElHl'l‘S.~\\'lml¢-<alc and Retail.
:EUMBEH, ('0 \L. and over} uthcrnrlirlt‘ ixFUMr
Wine of husim-u, 501;} :n ”In lowwt lur-ifule
nm for flash.“ (‘:Ill and cuminodulr stmfnnd
‘ prices bEforer finrrlmsing ~qlwmlu-ra.
_ A])dl;’1,186l. t?
d 1 ' <
, , , Townsley Ahead. ! ‘
“THE undersigned respecttullzv informs the
. / [lllhlic‘lllflll In» confirm" tlic‘(!_\l’.lll.-\(:l-}
‘ 11-AKING AND 111-ZI'AHUNU buflll'h‘i in an its
‘difl'erent, fprnts, cheaper thfu any shop in the
penalty. ‘All work wurratfléfl m give antisfu
flag: to customers. (Tmlntry‘xpmducc tukeu in
uchamge for work at. market. prim-r 4. ‘
. ‘ ‘ .\. 11. TUWNSLEY.
“ ‘ “Gyttyshurg, .Luue 24, 1561.; . ‘ '7
‘ ' . 5 ‘
>New Goods 8; Lumben‘ .
‘ ETER' IIOIHJTZ. at .\remltsvillc, h:ts.jil=t
P returned from the city with a large and
pclcct stack of Dry Goods, Groceriga, 'Guccus
worc, Hardware, Hunt-s, Show, Hats, Caps
Trunks, tel, km, cheaper than ever. ~ ‘
. He also has oil halal a. lot ofPUSTS, RAILS
and SHINGLES: of excellent qm'llit‘y, whirl; he
.: will dispose of at the lowest living p‘rolit‘sé—
hive him a tmli. Hé~will always ugw nle’nke
- ‘ lapig, 1861. 3m . L
7“ . - ' Notice. ' 4
‘ ~.\MUEL LOUDHN’S ESTATE—Letters £ch-
S. umnury an thfieuule bl Samuel Lnuifin.
late of ligation township, Adnme com y,
dam-led, ving he": ‘ggnuted‘ Ix) ‘the under
dgngdbmiuiing in the game townshipxhc hore~
lugging notice to all persons indebted to {aid
esufito ‘mkc immediate liaymcsnt, and woke
b‘ing claims ng‘uihst the s‘nme to present
we... properly authenticated for settlement. -
5x ' W. [1055 WHITE, Ez’r.’
1 \July 15,1861. 6: - ‘ .2, ‘
-. vGettysburg Rest .. ,v._ v.. -. , , _ ,
HEundergiguodvaing boughtontChanes, I'3“ 90:89“ or our Secrefil of \an
TB. Bung-min compme me GETTYB. {-18, My. and other MI!“ 0" Jew
n m RESTAURANT, ,n the old smut. “.1“:thle Led you to fuspect It _M (.301; 0»
Iwouuaghy-s Hall, in Carlislesqm, n‘here mn {flaunt- ion “38' {gm In 5
he wil! dlAwnys' be ready to serve; up, '1“ the sunms ~ DO. my dear (Alp mu, do n d
”an“-ofcustomers,DYSTERSJIHICKEX,BEEF you owo| to shave“ and ge erous foe.-
-TONGUE, TRIPB, ICE CREAM, sm, 'ith do nn-ev‘grlastitig favor td'mse. If wet
DO¥ESTEC° WINES, ALE, LAGEI’. and IrOP. ' not have his reinaina, mat-tithe spot wk
3‘ Vmfl’lm no effort to render unlisted: to; his body is buried ; and if yohr gallant
all who nny patronize him. He only 3 q a will send the likenetup by a flag of tr
. all. ' \‘ALEN’I'INE‘WER E. j I will deem it such . famrfls only‘a ‘b
‘ s“]! I: 1351- 3'“ 1 g wdgenerousenemycould bektow. Ho;
~ .\‘n
t llm
. and
it the
It e•Y-
, li. ni
43c -year;
.n. "I.
'y n
Y I ,3
H 4- hnlh M-L-n Innurm-«I HAS‘II
thr lnrznv, (
I\ml \\ c-pt Rs "funny “'9OP ”ll"!
\Vivh him-r. lull pruml Hun-~2-
~ 4
”w v-10-rnul Huwvh “hum- rul
T'n- fluwv—rE nl'l"mnl-. un- Judd]
.\ml lu‘ h‘s "mu-54 >inlv pilgrh
~ . Ir
.\lld “11("~I||‘.'.IIIH'P1N"ll“.llJl
”.Hl' Ilwl'l: lpwn lurmihul lo)",
ll). \
l. Is,
Huff" Q
‘—Prill«~ of hjz {-nnnfrv's hand «Tr'hh’ulr
lfiu fame lln-ir hop!" hie umyt [Mair ium
"I? live-J 1|! Innllwn “‘54) :t'ht- r signs 10 I
He died as: [nlhvrn _\\ irh their sons :6 di
iug Inl'
411 c
”on leo grid-“um rhcok lh lulu-:1 nl'b
\\ hi 1"! (Zulu “In-u N“ we lay ' s in the!
(,‘nulcl (‘\’l'l' knum on enrill‘n s ‘ffilfl!sh]o_
Tflvm'n'umr} (ofu' gulluut don! I likvighis'
Wuul’d ml] lhflu inlu ‘u‘il'lL': 111 l lli- t‘m
“'lm m tlu-ir frinu-IJIIc-lr hru her. (fr tl-l
Ilia Linn] warm hour! 141le gHIHP quiril
“all lung: li‘l‘dl,llu]ll‘ll,fllld fiwufed for him‘
His €lliwthvirlnurnifignun-\ir'. :Ind hiuu
'l'lu- unly xlnrligin. ul'llwir i‘\‘a'l|iflfl sky]
'Till even [he mm of lufllupimuh‘ wvnwd l
.\‘ml “'l‘.‘ Ina! juya “ l-n- cnrrnk‘a Lugtl will
And “he". the huruing hull: l] in IIiVIINI
Hc drum‘wd, like summer mm Tram ‘
lmugh‘ f
n lhiv
fill rI--
Pie, 0!
TI I'll-
u -rv-
I llm
. nml
’l'ht-re “n: pile ln-ur}. that knc
lJl‘~l‘——— V i
\y dr
:l'r .'l
II i .
It. “.15 n nu-lhvr's—nml is hrn
"4221?; L “(gar ‘— ~ . ,
{95 é; mlhu
Tammi ’" - r 3 ,3-
The Remaiés OUEOL QO.
w _ estmg Cor;e_spon
{“ 'l'lw follnwiflz ("\H‘é‘pnll'l
plat-o IM-[wnnn (h-n.s§.\[‘4'lu
nrmyY mu] Uolnnvl .\‘h‘wm'l,
o'rulp-‘nr‘nn', mi Hm filllgim‘t
‘tlu- rmnuirw nf't'lwluto47'ol.
N. Y. .\‘vvunty-y‘limh rA-gim:
L \mgwrm:
l and
(:FVJ n'mww‘k IF
. V , I.’,‘»_r/m/r ”tin/{putrth l/u‘
: All:\.l|lth‘i:l. .\ngu
‘u 'l‘u (‘uL :Jh-u‘grt.‘ mmn‘."
*l'inlJ (‘.n\;nl| \7 :4‘}}V\ Dunr S:
i Lit-IN. {Finn-:1 In Hu- ll‘llil‘
1 Yup-k \ml|mtvr-r~'.°\\ill [nun
.‘_«§’ illl \l-Inlm I tn mm b!
' Tan 13‘ mull lu'wu’un ll friend
‘Hw lunlflgHDf l’urll Run. ”a
h urn-'in- vii-at Ili~lro~s¢ uh
Muv l nut “1.1.0 an ynn :u:
jun ‘t'm‘ t w'mvum-nt in t
(~0-rmnmn'. «ml :1! mv the H
.u‘lm um will) hm whvn n
tnwnrvh fur “lf‘ mulv of???
m ugh-r? I mnko- tllu< 'l
--u'uq: your Limit. “angler M
In!" :1 tum-t ‘L'fina-ruwz [dru-
Ln’nul =ultlil‘l'h' Illd'lnfin'~‘. I;
,tn rounfin. nn' «Inm- ('uh'mfili,
I: <1” t'lfil‘l". ‘ l
,_ Juan IL .\IM‘I \\'.mlul,|-I‘ll
“ lu-zru m [m.. 511:
l i b -l [P \ lug]
l Fail-fin: l‘nurt 11-suw. .\
llour , I h-lh’u ‘ll- --Yuln' l'fll
\‘v-tvr-IM' \\"|\‘lllll\' rr-m-iyml
Il'llt'P. '.\~ Cw rlilrivvt In an
‘lf'l‘flilj—“d prnpvrlv tn hi’yhvr
h u! u: lilo! 'a'rqn-lv ln-C-n t
onummuiomimu whit-h h w
Em ‘l‘ll.~vl. I']. .luhmtun. ('nu
'urnn‘._fin’ m-luluumlgua I II
that. hut fulnLuuml m w-h-r:
)le .ouunn.uu}lin-_v tlm ‘li'nnl
furr‘l‘x‘. M which mv onmnmi
, cnllnrwumnt ivap: fullmfit 7
1 Military ”.\qu luml-Muhli mtl‘tlm
inf i-nmmnnicntinu lmtum-u‘ ImIII'Ji'I‘U
‘Whnum‘n-r the militnrvrnu huriti-N
: l'uitvrl Stntfk mnkofm-h n oquwt :i
‘l-ru!l-rt«=-l. mul inlth‘u mam or Cfilillr
[SV {military cudnm. it phnl be my
3) 'wilh promplly. As tht-re is ("Li‘stfllll
I mu lo of mmmnuivatinu. 11 no ot—lu-r .
IsisN-nth’ with thr dignity, tho posit on in
ivhich General .Inhuptnn .l) s lwcn lat-ml
lry tho (“pull-«lrwin» .\‘tulvs c, i he ngu ‘ll to,
- I “ill :l'ljl th It (ium ml clhmn-l , null
who thrno cit‘znns wnt Hy l m Séérnt n~_\' of
)Vur ol' thv I’ixitmmflutvs m u similzi ‘ mi<-
kin", have I‘m-u inlhguod I“) the sam pur-
Purt as :Il’un'x‘. I native mi whim“ the "5‘
Julgmol Fu-xt Virginia Can lry. 'l‘lu ‘-
nu—ant I have the honor to rm inland In
to the. many of tho C‘onl’vleuto. Stat
think you for the fluttering terms 0
animal, and nee-(I‘lmnlly glw‘uttvm
the univorfinl. appreciating of flu
\heargod sons ol' youi- nutiv Fluntl. of
‘ I have no «louht you are .'m Immoral-l
lAllmv um to'mld that ourl l’resi-ylm
given the official :hSllFanco. ignd- our 1:
'Goneral is to’o \wll' known lp the flu
tins of thpllnitml States for :hem ta’
that no ofl‘nrt tn lessen tlm lon-onl n
and to m‘nfine itltn the strictest civ
usage will be spin-ed. Mart. respeé
your obedient servant. . . '
- ' - J. ESE; Srawsn
Pol. Pint (‘nmlr‘y (.‘2 S. A.“ nmmam
'l‘n LII}. Mot‘unn. comu n‘gling' D
United States threes. »
‘ GENERAL u'crxx 'ro CAPT 1" mxzs
' Brigade [Emlyuartlrfnu'u .U_r.r.. I’a
. Auglwt‘ 3. 1861.
TOCnptaiu Jones, First.Virg uia. Cum]
.lle‘" Sir—{l am perhn ’ overste
military custom and usug it! thus
mummtiug with you. The; ly miss
which lam engaged is my nly npoln
Col. Cameron win a‘warm ' rsdhnl
of mine, and for the‘sake 0 his family
to leam‘the amt whifre his nes wen
I would do anything‘ in hon. r and fail
I do not wish you to oompi misc ya:
in theslighcm tlor ‘- ' d. ‘
\ 0H
3 lal
I 6!“
II 1..
0 i“
I {my
{T .30
a uni
r; the
ix ”slightest, ..sgrce' or
that a gallantlmldier wou‘ld:
duty to perform. I "do no}.E
that. your generous Colonels
, Mgmnt at, once. I siml.
'“gregt favor to mark ’ihe spa
man has fallep, thus b ennfi
family to [mower at. the en
‘ tuml strife, the asizeséfs fq
finthen. of 11 good and‘b‘m
JohnKon sass than-yer we
to mention whim tha you
of one of our officers. will-i ‘
mgr. J. .«mnm
on will: lulu-I‘ll or
1n- vrrfémzn x n
I have not 1
tli'eriu mm ;
or to reminin
11,5 r:
, The nhm'é
Jnhnutuu, of
“h" rclu‘rmu
MM‘nnm nm
(531 ch :
‘ . ('Al'jr. .‘
Tn 'G‘Hu'}:
”I". lfiumr l
lettnrfm rm
(Explain Join
to Fdffihx I"
S'l-WHI’L- ul
(3')]; n‘tvwnrt
110904 :fml
(hum-mum In
film: of his Ll
tho mum m
ffiywnnlud tn
Stru’ai't [-_nm
df‘r nny' vim-l
r t-lmrishm
:u': r hil h(-
n i 4 in [ln
tit‘nl um! _‘
u I'm-l lnn'l
hut-u ;
qurl) r~ g
{lnn-c he.
wt] ‘6 .\
. I
r- cry ;
v», I
' 1
ll" §
the Svm'otm-
‘. .9]?th gnu-111
”9'" says Hull 1w 1
Elle.“ I‘Plhniih‘ ol' ”1
' are hurin-(l n
cmin-s when
given up to h
the lumur nu
him, ,
v *1
“gum ! ”:(‘apo‘m F
' 4 Till-2
id him, ‘1‘"? Imm l
.m‘mlvnu-n o
‘ fraternity in
(WI, ("mnvrnn
' [in-Ht. fur hix
guA-nlll-nw'n 9f
fivlm‘utv lil|(--‘
l:Ilvlmn-d m lm
Mun-wed tn 1
N‘wl‘nl. “'it
has mulling
I. ‘ _
‘i‘li‘fl. The .Maryl
mfcd’: J, , ‘
v nnd lm‘
11 "(NY
”mm. hm
n. of tin]
'(lf thr- (‘
|INI llh‘ Tho SH" ;
' lcltll‘l‘~‘f‘llnl 1
ohm; " (T 3 manhunt ‘
i ’ tljwy (‘r-lll'lhi
, ’ 'I" l’ikhpsrh‘v r.. 11
m’p k-o WI'IHIIHHH
V ‘ ‘ Ir‘L’l‘llt- can
I - . . , "
‘f VIP-V Wfrl'FQ‘lll't' fol
"m..-m (If ”11'“! 'HTI' I 3
3 XI-Iv \"EU'. nmd, I)
.\fv w’mr,» 9mm"
'in-N“ (li‘l‘d :lIII‘ In (I
@111" t km‘p Hll'nl
mm]. “‘ol)qu In ”I
uh’.--- II ”II [ln-111. :I
.kiu'fl _II‘EPV :Hl' lll'
‘V a“ l'hl‘r'k‘: :lII'I K!
1 [11.1“ ML" in 1.0 III),
‘ fipm‘. th'” I' [II im
‘l mm. I? m. ‘IIHI liv
,1, he} Si 'N-(‘IU (I) (In
‘, :11“. f 4 11. Nrnxp:
' Yum. 'it i> ”full-Ihr.
”5“”. k ‘1"!I11H‘il'lni
‘1 m. H ~t l‘fllllh at
H Incinplinn p
310. l“ we L 21“!!! 10
' “flinwi, I’m].
-) I; Ilrx' :11-o fun
I. \N“. IN {gunman
u" "f. tI‘I Hm (l(‘>il'l‘
”._’ “1' ti 111~ 111-u, Hm
[Cupr H L-(‘h’il or lII}
l'«7l"',l’r "1'
' nu l-‘n'
.—'l'hr~ I
\‘nu thi<
li~z (N.
u!" mim-.
1..-l? :lil'
ll! lli‘ L
ix" ”1“")..1
mm’ mm
nun-I'm m
'4'” in ”I!
:1 with 3‘
ll héf‘ ll“
““31?! u
Il\'t [hf
yam" In
WA. flil
‘umlvr :r
I' fill \‘l’3lll'
HI nut-w
} lwnn h
‘ I no pm
F 1 to (luv
1“ loruto
1d is‘ part
nul 15 vm-nnu-nt
m ”r ppl‘sorigtt- In
r-rrwl llth-‘fl fill :my
“mu-e ;“ .\ [-zu‘t nt'
:.-r to Mil” ~n. haw
(h-nv- U‘Hhlnnn-St‘l.
gun“ m‘rm i» a pri\
“i; in‘unmlinloly
1 ““10 Navy m
mmlv I'9s““;l‘Mtulnp
nh._ Minn] (I-umnn
.13 lho J-I‘isnnorx‘. ‘Px
hull. i"&“"“-j‘ +l.O.
ishml fir~t Wont lint‘
“.1504 Llnnkrtgfipln
ishml “Mimi. :Inu
(\On-‘ 'nwy uh- allm
I ('[Nil'fl' fur lot
frinntls mm 40
nf‘ fuqil, hunk
[nix ‘ruc
chin“ iguh'
_thos WIS:
Inu< bus:
1‘]?! ll 0111‘
1:01:11 Junie;
W. In!
film’s a X
dust 'sigkht
{fur .ugh
Troupe nf yd!
onbnldmrl-r ‘
stress-es, slmp
[teptablp don“:
emphfymoint. ;
pornte 'Mep bi
starvation.‘ , 1
thirty wives.
élnildren livin
this stutemcn
ing upon Bri'
penalty of po
S'Whnt ‘
Rhode‘ Jalaml
scan-city of i :
schooner load
wounded and
win may _be .
' .ng
‘ u in
‘ laid
”Sylvest ]
oently‘borml 1
he 5%? hiuL
fough “the an
close yjnrd._ 1
1 L
.m'an hing
lot deed: this
w‘nnt any avor
Stewart) uld
y ask y the
‘ where a rave
le his here qu
l of this u na
duncl dev ted
man. apt.
kin’d en ugh
ml the y
he liken . on
Sfi'lvestfr lriui
broken; horns
nae-tam Dex
temlerufid the (;
Almofitm fl
«he wan zOldl
.gave 3&1 Lin :
one’ com! am y
are Defnocrat. ‘
Let. the lyi
chatter” about
ors. bodame a
‘sore fmiever i
trooh. who use I
out mprds of
mind.—+Gum !
In' “-
' fi'Thl-eo
boattslerfi: New
for 031' I . Th
‘ D _-.
nan-five or .
at o.3;;qu -
C. Fremont aI
X i
'wrstepped the duties of l
rldrcwinmyau. I haVe th i
'my dear +ir,‘ ynilru. trul.
'l.qu\‘ H. A‘ICCL‘
otter-Ewan conveyed by ('
tln- 'lfhirtyuseventh rogi
l the ‘lnlln‘wing lettér ml
- wit: it. l‘th‘c corréspon
mm (W Th nrfv. l’t‘rVV.‘
.'AVIIIqIL YA" Aug. 14.11
I 4104;11qu z—Lwar Hir—
ropnrt that I doliverm
lirml fin (‘npinin Jam-9 '
lgliv} H‘nldod mo and In
nrt‘h ‘ll~0,“’lll'r9 1 Raw (H
Um first‘Virginia cm' I
inlmhnml' me that Ethel
)n-r I:.“ng Imgnd on (1
Ily w r» in llll~jpossbfi~il
ioore hmv‘ in Richmbnd'
-zl-I Up ntmnno obtahw
Ivnufiml xou alone. as Cl
lll‘rl'l‘ that. 'lugwould m I
lll~tnllt'e~'. grander nnx‘fa
I of “‘in:- ot- nny otlmr'm
mam. (‘awluin Jonok fl
um m" rkvql the spot who'l
I 0 lam med Colonel (Eu v
ml wil rn‘lnain (iii the
tl|<-_\"\vill= he most “il
‘nfnnfily. ; All of which
at re ‘h'ctfully to n-port
Ing \V. Joins—m.
. 37th rog‘gnont, N. Y. 8.
mm n‘y .mk. mummy. 'y
‘ mt an; filthy-t is bbillg mm
'mnoctetl ‘wjth the .\f.‘
'irghtin to ohtnin the hm
‘ nt' tli'e Nag“; York 79th
“'illOW. For th‘id pnrp'm
t Alvr‘mndria wont to th
and mute tlmir refined 1
w- thv lmdy, :md returne«
u-lit-‘vé thitt tlmy will h
1 "this; ott‘drtt‘the gnverz t
‘ ‘(lo.—- H'ah/afiryrw b’lrlr.
—< - VLJ.‘ ~
d ficlitical .Prisone :
brt Lnrabwette.
, nnl'k.«l':xpr<-~'fi. refit-ring
ht: .\lt‘u'yhhm political p~
at Fort Lanny-tun in I\'
i we] dif hut-~11 tromm-nt
\ringrtntamt-nt, (It‘l‘h’m
ing 0 lit-ol' ni' that punt: '
uuulnh‘tt of Fort .Imfny- .t
u-w u h'gitijln‘lls,fit|.\'< n p )1
upriv: t‘mgw whit'h luri-w 5
(mu m. lmvt‘ tn nth}; it
rv mhtrué. (tun. SH)! ;..
mt ”41- [urixrmt-n kindly. t
\‘lh‘LV, \Vlmn tht _\' M I
- finl'ti tLr-‘l' lnn’m-y “up tn] c
It] :1 xjm' ~illt wm‘ gin-n fin i
miltml tt uw’ it‘ by givin.
t-t-it'yjng the [Hummi- toy] id.
“41‘. - ' 1 ‘
nr~ r 0 nJhnvchhn can't} mi
”in t :0 \ mé’nlmrtnn n‘t< «J
rytt'u; -r~' tm‘nl mlrliiu's :it Hm
Int-xi: r 0 denim]|t-:Lh~q
hut tl 0y would nnty’ht Iyé tq‘
“L in an excited Hung ”ich?
lath-r u'm'n so strong ngthu
' ttu- 1 gnvurnmmtt thu tlu _vy
\'u~hingthn. I.otfoy§u 0 {t-xl
L’Uill in and (annihg (“L-4
Mun to‘guitlt-thom in unlit}J
A the tui\\':|rd§l)gut' tho I .tfll‘l’J
I :th unntinns.. ’l}h§M--~ti-i(-J
Tluth n}: Inuk‘t be )l‘flitrzl‘ :u'h‘ti
itarytnuthm ih‘ ot‘tln- Ft th‘hui
uni c: ('ll [HM-ho mmt tuvin :L‘
hiltit'n: :it. .frum, twin;2 pith-f
u\\\.~‘| Ipm. I 3
he 1.: iwnmw “Ithqu
:1 run god 1"01' uxtm fnm
ozmt‘ h'm‘tm, llult‘the'arl
.lh“ n Inir hntwm‘n the 1‘
cnno mod. , Tho, pri‘
tun] 9y My supplied
s t'nr [ their lt‘h‘t‘l‘s. N 1
imtic 1; ix permitted vii
Opt 0 I an ("14"? t'rmn
WON furnish-11. when
the I. rt.’wit!r pillows. s]
m, k rim-s :Iml fm‘ks,
'lmil‘. :li’fl walnut tub
\‘ml :1] the writing f-nfwr
or-n’Hiting: alm boqu
1d [Wm nfiything in tén
or chgythizig. but no liqu
km of wine 0|
~11 i‘mm tlmm
mgl vegetable;
übouc. (Fin-1v
dress any rcspt
the misery
I! says that tl‘
by a'walk at,
, ,urds (If the ‘c
‘ng gii-k‘mje there tuba
ecu—Hin- brain]: not run
on. but slny‘friglucnml 4
nil-19, mnd list recently
tics. fivho no williout l
r fri mds‘ seek". on
'tweeJ wbei‘e the \stand
‘ l \
-_ i» , \
Y xng,’ _wjno a h
'3 smfl t 3 {give only
A il-‘l'el'ich traveler
.not. With the fdea‘of r.
ham,,but to show the<
'l'="!'L'L.L.. ~44.
! trump of a State
lis! As soon-as she hen
:in “’nsh‘ingmn, of E
of the article for the 'bl!
other soldiers there. I
i» lledwmemion.
l ‘ _—
| , ~
,Rmndull, of Doug]. :1
‘IV a viciou‘; bu”. waned
'Alf iii oqfldition, and '
'mal iwithja cart stake !
I xére rm but oire round]
lphm . The bull's legs
I isnb‘edmpdoneeye a!
v—do“ 7 ~'~—-——- ' I
mafia Hanna, tho
Dire ' ment eight comp
I figment—of soldie 1
Abolifiion Ashtuhula—w
In 5;!)00 majority—has 1
£B9 jvollmleera, 81 of w
y H {
E galqndemus tongue yv
ulaiq Democratg being .
’Llistgring. féslcring, -
thé‘mou'th of‘ the vile
‘ it. Let the mat and 1
‘th rtiesbewelqu ‘
i Jcfimmm ' y
l 7 , 0b... ——-- ‘ ‘
I the§new Government. I
hum? Ind., on the 3:1; '
:‘ y la; ‘ on boardaixteen 2|
[1 e 32 poundershbthoba
l -.n n medmespectively.
‘d Panfson Brbwhlow.
“-rnL'Ta'ls Imnfl .wn
URG,‘ PA4,
A Generifl Syst'em
Tho Shula Deparlnwut
following! native. midi-0s:
'm u mm 11' an
. out,
I ion.
I'ntil further notirb h 1
lowa] tn'gn nlnrmul from a
tad smm, uitlmut a 4qu
partlnvut on ountersign ‘
of Slated Xor willany pk;
land in [glut I'nitorl Stut'
port from n mini-53m- nr '\
ted Slfluim or, ifn fiat-rim
governing-m. manta-sign
tvr or cumuln _' I
"I‘his rf‘guhtinn. howov
(am-pt. in; regard In [rel ‘
uluruml uhtil u roamnab!
f-lulm-Il Ymfi't to become k
try from which they nigy ‘
. t- a . ...» 1
T‘s .\Wh'mml [lmam—Tl
(he Nniiimnl Winn}! [MW
1201! MSsnflbrmL nr') mm
Me, 95751 Illmy have lime-tn i
the prim of $5OO to nny
Conuninéo my‘E—‘
“ Wilhlonmpnmtivfly f.
“mun-5.30m! in [lrma to
to (In-Yr wrirr‘rs {is rhym
Iwrmnnl 3'9o]ng or film-y
; [inns mgerty were oxolmlot
sillomlinfi, 114 being pure
‘. lmmuw they were “Tim:
t‘lnn‘lJ‘l‘lll'A'Ur other [mop
(ml-min AWL-m- with :IH. the
. suffiéio-r‘wv of Whig]: was 1
fllllmilllnlt'nt nfmhis gain
I V ‘
F , - mow -
I firm/,1, :Fn/ 13'1”,“an ”1} :1
up of ('nniyrvu on the GUI
. the Smmfo retuwd lo and
I‘lesidom} Linculnjn his:
‘ ('nnMitutinn. 21‘qu proce
} u< mum”:
u - w
t r l'
\ t
1 "WT
‘ fim‘r
M') be
‘" Inn-‘-
$ ( \\‘\~m\‘«.l-n.\". Aug. fi.——_
Svnntr 'llli~’ fawn-mun. n]
' mulnxxi'nfinll the hots 0
Un- ]l(*'~l‘,ll_t “ur‘wus VL
elm-y. ‘, ,
l' mu
lu-r of flu! Ro}
in; In madame
IM nul fiMI t 0
'Mnr‘dpg (lu‘lu;
.\ mun
“'l‘l'O' “"IH
MIL llmy I
1‘- I'll} :N (-
til‘mfly rc-ig
1 In;
IM-moorat: nrc‘
nil b e
only. to ,
{(‘rliu'd to
.\‘unaturx I:
l£<ido lxufrl
n-lism. prim-hm"
,lin-I, fu‘r nn 3}!
lw Causlitutin’u
und ,pn lit
H-fc “\ill‘li
its rum-n
3 £935" TLG‘K «wotur'p’s Org:
yivm‘ lhg- MRHng'imzunL
levling miiturw: \ :
I'm: lam} (all u ‘7'l‘rlv‘lur \V‘
dunghl'nrnL mlkin.’ nlnlub
(n'm‘Mul-‘nuim our ort'urls,“
, 'l'l|i~' JEl‘t nitinlv nf lrvawi
nnLnuwn L) the lmu‘du. I
O.l~(* Hunt 11!“: mun, “1m “'3;
fnl'lying‘ld' Hm (Hal‘slitulifl
who lull-girth"! it “lithe " an
I:II|:I,'1J\}~:1* «Mm-med n to]
, 'l4-". [hit h lhiugprn‘m'v»
”ysmmlnlv ‘tanml dp lurfldly
étinn—nml gun-n {he mnjn‘
guvhu ("My-tin] n rninlutio'u (7
:nhjwc 61' hp war was to
.ilm‘muuy/ ol' {hay ("mgxslitutimll
Mn ”.01).” of the .\‘gcrotzn
I} Alter Hurt (It-fining what
for). tin-"M no. r-mim-ul :Iu
:gln imlinuh} its ngynlty i
Mom» | H
1 “Id
Sn fur hil ho pngvidnm t
litrm‘nrnt :fh' C(ngcl-xuml,‘
mum/fl. “(Hum ram/rurlmu to
ishllli'lll “Watch a Crime as
' 'l‘hvro w? hate the WI:
'll'l-zh‘on to dygihrm (n llu' ('n
evidmxce of; unli‘igtislxl to h
ing it. unydush-urlimz, that;
roiontnmnt; f thc‘l‘nomom
Hun MW 11 drinl 4:! Union.
i Hicvj
E. fizzy,
Imj. -4
i tille‘
‘ isml-I
Tllc Tma l'nirm 'l’urly. ‘
party has or ~r maiiltainedl
tion of boin' ”the sincere
ilinn. It I: never exprv‘
ing in fiwor of “ letting t i
It, passessa‘s Ethic 3:lan index
Uninn to-dd that. ii. ha‘i e
I; (Inesénot fiequirg it to_(;] 1
show- if’s'prii ciples or mak
for the Uuié .‘ ‘ E.‘ ‘l
l Jim:
I sgudf
Ii hq
’ n:
I w
- me,
I desa
E andt
7hr: Riv/III!
sziys that u -
« {llla—The "3
end of the ed!
an \ influenti
in which the!
n lettpr fro
.flf‘ y.
131' y
5' act»
I Grill“
: “quthr
cCleHnn on “
In his views
, responsible fl
nd ~we shall
Mr. Blaii' ‘
ment ocpl'lrtl
to see Gen. 3‘
gun to givevll
myself will
. be‘.
f :55“;
he replie'd,”
think‘ béstq
departed.” \
: .‘Grovy. Spea
eech ii: flew |
do our Huty
the Runway
;e Con§titutioJ
What. 'dt'
Qa‘alué :
said in his ‘
day—"lf w?!
that will_stre
be Hint of til
those States“
Boa-(on 13m. 1';
3 no.
I- 'ere
2 new
; ' M
”By law:
ed by a mo
co'unty, undi
those who in:
! can be‘reco
he county ..1
« ted thé riot.
,v put forth
on‘toihis air
port 6! MM
I -—~4-o—~.
13-“ is 'xi
pole-on': m‘ -»
cilimte the id
|- iéh
i e in
Pas”; chron
‘thext sacrifi .
@The NJ
vised rcmoJ‘
conga! a} Mo!
llcnn. Sue“ “
the excepti -
for an itn
stances are
.—Bosion Po
11 t.,
ingboh lett
11th been d
wimming '
RA W»: .
diern' bum r -
(01mm whih
a. drink in MirJ
Q _‘/¢AA
\fi/ £37“?
\ \ll,
- , _•_..„____
F,4\ Pii 'V
•tv A L."
wiLL rico
AY, AUG- 26,1861-
,4ou the
t Pass
Tho following nrticlg ix taken from thlr‘
~\\{zu_shingtnn (I‘n.)l fln’m‘icvr, n Domrwrnliln
I paper which suppoil'tgd Mr; hanging fnr th‘g
PEP-sidonry: ‘ H ‘ _ ‘ I
A frivml haan “:sth following vxtrncléb
from the spew-Ink MI; Sonata]- Pugh, at ‘ thi‘ .
and tho thne-ntedi haul-fins, in the I'. .‘I.
Smmttnnn tho 2110 f March lfl‘t. and rmlm-rt‘é‘
tlwir publication. lifl'e cl‘u-c-ffully county.
railing tho uttvntlon 'of ”men ‘whq n \I
jmxise Mr. J). m‘mfich for hi< patriotismdtf}
the opinions nfthni px'r‘at st§utvsmam wh it
ho was laboring: tr)i ltrt-wrve tin-4 I'ninn Ili
mct h} ponct-t'u'l nnl-murés, nnd‘whvn hr- (Iq
rhxrwl [hut “u":li'wm-x (li>\2ninn.” 'Ahhri'uglli
we nppmrdg In") firinn’w-Il or‘ntut‘im frr-nr
that whit-h wan witltin mums-as)» hut March? I
yet a. rofn-Jhingnf :tnoxnoi-y uvto what théfl
viroumktn‘m-e-t “Trip that l-llt'l‘t‘HHl‘t‘W] illl'j
tlmn:,mny do no hgnrm. 'Tht-n, by n‘litllffl
sacrifice pf partyisfl-i—ChiS-hgo ‘phxtfarlmisn? I
—on the part of ‘1'!“ rnprosvntntivoh, thqel‘
mnntry. now \\-rn(‘k‘ntl l-y civil war, "I'm-oh} :
in: nu sun-1y towfnid bnnkruptvy and g.‘
puhlie‘dubt of hnmkmls 9f mininm, might
hawoghodn made to 'blmxk in the sunliéhtmf
reacts. \inionknmll to lcnjny a jwmpvrityf ‘
without pamHo} in the lli~tor_v oftho \i-nrhl‘?
If rolitiml 4m Wife to- be ntnn'od' Fur, w? ‘
helix-v 0 that those “Clip turnml n dvnf car t I
the appeals} of thd Ivr‘norahlc (‘littondenTS
and invert-(I at the IM-ophvvios nf‘ thr‘ Igrvut ;
.slnthtmn of lllinnisjhb't March. wil! hmfif I
{i4 fearful q: robkoning hefnre llcm‘Qn‘. nst
thon- who 'rwickodjfi "Ii“"l .'i‘ parrlician i
hn‘tid again-It n ('onéti'tutifm liiufia s‘ucrpd by 5
thr nnmnnf \\'n>’hil|_::LtunL l i , ‘ I
In the mursq of dehntc on the Ed ol‘
[Mm-11‘ M 5, Pugh Mm: « , ‘ ' ‘.§
I “Tho (‘rittr-nrh-nz prnpneiiinnthnq hoe '
findnrmd ly the nhhnst uhnnimmh~ vnto «I?
I the I.r-;:i‘<.hnnro'of Kt-ntur'ky. It hndmm
emlnkml by. tho .Lt-ux'Jntnrn of thn- hnhh‘
UM (‘nbwiipmvmflth nt“\'irginih. It hn< lwmt
petitinnml fm- ‘hy :‘LLIHrQT numhor nt'L-h-oi
tormot‘.tlko‘lfnit‘ud {*fntm. than any 1» upnav
Sitinn filhtlu‘na «Vorthot'hrc- (‘lmurr-w. /] hm"
lit-{v in my'hmrt, “why, that it “011 than
ry an:nil-cru‘thmiln." majority of tho jM-oplq ‘4
01' my .\‘tatg : :I)’, in and of: mouth (Wt-r)“
nthu-r Stntu Tn tho Vitinn: Btgfigrr (hr Nym
tm': I‘m»: {/14‘ film? 131' glffimmippi‘ Iql'l Mu l"/urm-;v
’in. I lu'ur‘vl mu‘ ofllum. vim rmr mum/m“. ul‘
’mst, (n lu' I‘rrviv'rn! of flip .\mllltz'rn‘ (innit/.'”
rurg}. puym-r In «magi! f! Inn, in mandarin [/ull‘
ruin". iii/ml lu-nl'fm-Ih'im, mulal rn'n'rr I/n' "Me if.
MIMI In rr‘rd. . _lmn: Um nI/mr ."l't/L' qt‘l/Ir'y- {/mnmv
Lug Thou-torn, nt‘ :Jl _vnur' prnpoéfim‘ 01‘,
ll” your mnnndmrnta, km wing :|_< Idn.:imll
knowing: that the‘ hi<tm-inn \rill’ Writ"? it
than), ul 1121:; linu‘ In flm' IM- h‘rxt nr' Jammy", If
Pro-”uh!“ l'hlrf'nr'flm (Wrinl'lllil‘ll ft‘U/rufma {n ‘t/lI'JI
I:lunn_/,.-r. "VIN/41,1113]? $511.11 wary Nluh' m‘f/LL’ (.3
7mm [ml NM [/4 ”Ira/”Tr.” ,' II
5| Mr. P‘ngh Nah! tlhis in tho. Loafing OK,
‘Séwafil, nt' \\'u(lfl,_ol‘ Fmsmnlrfin, nf Trum-II
1+]:“IL of all the Rnllthlinan antm~l3mnh
I not tfilfiulonivd ththtruth nf his :wwifiimfld'
4?“: Dnuivlm ln-nr-I i‘:llltl(‘Ollft'~\,‘11j‘.l~ li’ruth;
"NW: ‘Yt' quotv l‘rl-m thn- lilo/tn "“1 DH nfi
Itln- di>cu~si«m, of .\IHWJI 2d. Mr. Dnlnnghul
imam . t i . ‘ 3?,
I :‘ 7711‘ Swab-tr In" .Im'rl. 17m! r'l' ”If (Willi-ml, n’l
[lmposition t‘ull/l/ [nut puxxfnlmurh/ l'flJ/H? Isruimu
‘ ./ "mu/1] /..n':' ..cmu/‘rl/i l’::‘:\;tr:I«-.t l'l'l'l‘ll" Nut/111.
‘ Huh/Ind. Alf/.1 111/.'l (u .11 I'luvm/J'. “'l‘lih- ”I“?
it'rittvmh-n pm] mitiou. “2w not in uN-nrtl-I
tam-(- (vith __my chunfhhml \‘imw. I nvnwul‘
‘ m\' ra-m'linuls tn (rm-hut it. in ordor tn sage A'
.‘the’l'munfiifwn pm Id unite npnn It. .\O,
' mun hm hi‘mrexl hutLh-r than ! lun'm to «_n-g‘
3K lul~<DlL I 4'1!" MILK-q” Ilu‘ Nl'mllur'x ”fir/I.lllll]
litiml. l/mf Nlx'nlru' 'lhléix‘ 111/[m If. u lu‘u‘nn (lu‘§
( ’nmmilha: I!!! 'l l'hfiml“ Imm ran/1, at all fining In‘
mmplrmuiwm l/u' (Vii/finial )u'u/mxitinn, I will}
I 1.2;1‘ t'tti'tlix3r, and my that Mr. T 001111). “‘3“?
-I u .-n. t 1
]_ 4
'in Imm
(his (lo
Infvml h)
t p "Ix-bi
' h'p l'ni
hfix own
h 1.1 inis-
I!“l"(lll \'
(l by the.
axon be a
‘ withm
nnsul of I
er. from
‘5l by su
16 tnkt‘
.2 mm
I"; have
r. is not
m comi
tinge sh
mwn in t
proceed. '
“M on
(but of
, chimn
I‘.“ The
‘9 comm
rositinn w
inecfupt 1
mi‘i. the
041 only
\imw of
> t‘Nm'P‘
:i:[l cm:-
min}. or
t .0 nu
! 90 in
rl' ed in
1' the
.\v nxoopt
- qfintoq
rd (*xprd
.0!" Hum;
fmm de
y (Ivvofil
eilhbr ta
0. or In
he ‘n-m‘on
l tlpnt
on of
f the
. .
Imut" we u'
rse the .l
Idings are:
‘ho John -|
'm. [Lu re
the Pros‘
n the
nt in
11-licn w
he m- s'\|
ntnrs 3
null)“. -
nu rp- ;
u 1 mu 3
”my ‘
1p rosiJlu
called I
:u-k Ru
In. but 1
and ‘o]
' am
!r dc—
nr. 9’
n - ”’l'
fine ‘
mn yn
in fin‘ »
i ill all
4 .‘-
yl cm-
~ 1 trea
‘ v 0 "'l6
‘for flu
it‘ in C
him Mr,
hat the
tli(. ..rn-
IN! [lll‘
y'a‘ qrgun
unwind l
~icec~ is
inn}: «5
w bléliev
ljlhtify t
rtt4 in-
0 Tu?-
a ‘c’vF'l‘hocodcrlumfimls fnrhY'feottle the
‘V|_"‘-“ti”-"v ué a Imin; ofi‘lnismrn. that the.
'mlopfiop of th'u ('riw-lidt-n (hmprnmL-x
{would have saved tlxs-‘lfnion xmd,ln~c§ervod
mtlwlpublic 1.01100. “'11:“. a. terrible mirluke
{wasits ryjeclim-I! T ’ W ’
4 It is
)Ie story
but an
'oF giv-
he 1)::le
nfny di
I ‘he he ‘
the prdll
riend of
sod itscl
I 0 Uninn
‘m- oxhil
q‘igo its ll
-. Fmowu ‘
.- ....
[lon Tr I
I“)! 13:}: fi
ll gpntlg‘l
, ollowin_
er)?I Blalirl
iahlrday :I
‘ (5911431
. 'the ca
b nduét
: ul. his I
I . ,
pai-ty Sale-uA Nae Fim'Bidding
'll posi
[thga IY
‘ qf‘ 1K“-
1 1m (he
' The Refmhlicnn [mrtyin ihi~x county. nnd'
in certain other doubtful countim, if: nfl'vrod 3
'for sale by its lonthrfmnd anew firrn‘. to he 1'
istylml the f‘ Union.”[is pruparing to bid for'?
the organization,.mul asp n}r of its ninm-E'
‘hcrs {mare dispme’d m ncquldit. the transfer. 3
‘5 We are cnrious to know how luxury of the ‘
gllepuhlicmi party are williniz (0 be sold out, l
:liké lhuman clmttlé‘z.f for tho benefit of their
Jeadffiw. and there few anxious Ilemocruls‘
who ‘n'ish (o_got the lofilces under the howl
firnx. Already we hear; of many Repuhli- I
cansv'who protest against the party halofland 3
Wilhnot support. any fusion tirket,‘ ribn'xi-i
hated at. the sacrifice: of the welliried them
hers of their own patty. "l‘hoy dielikq the]
idea 'ofbeing transferred by any set. of men '
to the enihrace of a new political firm, even.
if made up. of. and‘directe’] by, a .ixod
caucus of llonesdu'ld, aspirants for office:-;
In‘a‘short time all will be able to scé _who ‘
will not turn their'backa upon theip’ old J
vparty, and‘ join the nsew one. 1' ’' :' 1
? 110 | for, one thingis certain. iNhollnnn
ngerszaliose having control afathe party, do ‘
_glband n .the Republigan orgnnipntion. 'or in
other Words, “smash the mainline?" its
members are free to vote for vho'mjlhey
jyiewemntil they attach themselves to heme 1
party, and become houorably Bound 'to snpl
port.’ its candidates“ If their party wiles:
either a natural death, or by the hum; of f
its leaders, Ith members are not. to Lewis‘-
pore“ 0‘9»: 99°94... r-_,-_ m . k
WA Democratic haunting in North Yar
mouth, Maine, passed the following redoin
tion :
O to
“fr V. S.
ifprk Ins:
the last
land I'
that » u
i ur
. perty 1
ered fr
Ii recov
ha; Pri
ntry w
91' our
f "mm-« 1, That the Democrats of Yar
‘jmouthireoognize in the resin‘utions recently
nubmitied by Mr.~Gox. of Ohio. inCongrcss,
the has]! upo'n which niny boa adjusted all
difi'ewfim now existing betw‘cery the North
and South, and that we give our earnest
gupport and hearty’qoncurreuce to them.”
L , -—-~ \-‘ 1- }ww‘fl .1 ;
{ fiHon. Hmeliet V. "Johndon in on the
immp in (height, mtging gulscriptigng to
’1 11c Confederate 1.0:?11‘. ' , ' - 1
'J hg
e üb
e rule n
“a! sold,
”ya sew
wiped in
r.- tO p
What Douglas Said.
—‘ - » ao-w‘q‘w- "
Frmiv Mr "Wig/m ('o4qu Urnvhl.
-- I4'
.i 'x'wn 1)o-.L.suu'~' A-YEA}!
\, . ‘x . ' ‘Frnfiillm Rrpdymg (Inn-m.
The Democracyaor ew York and the
. j’ 1 War , ,
We commend {n the kufi‘nfivo comidora
firm of mir rmdnrs of llqmlitiml pm-liee
the 'follnp'ing nrtivlo fn'm llhb .\WLalvy Alla;
(HM .hym-flnc lr-ixding Lihuur‘xf-nltiv journal
OH New York. It Inmh-n :6, inn (‘uhn and
m‘mlmrnm munncr.‘the .x ‘n-ml phhw: of
thc'wnr quédh’xn, imil- Fifi“ mm views
mat and most pt icfimlnk‘ mode of
ho wnr'to'un 011;}. It npponussnp
omtiqn Jinan any tem’xs. dono‘rinccs thb
nttemptfltfio mnketthe “a nine pf sluvvg'y'
omnnoipn inn, as (“wally .n‘bvorsive of thu
('on-ztilnli‘Lrn—points out H t-anrigo'r nnd ni
mmt nthutetimprnrtifu‘élity of holding
the n-Lullfinus States“ in Sn fig-vtinn by mili
tary paw-loll: I‘lan finally :ul‘b‘ie‘os ”win-Moral
tion of fin! Vm'nh by 3}“! Exorcim offlthle
same spirit of foflmnr:m:'co.§cénvilintipn and
cninprmniro that inquimd @lr fathers when
it “_uef miHinnllyjnrrm-dr 'uroty tlmsp <ug—_
ge'stidns Ipc lzpth ration“ -and ‘lnltrintio:
and the an-c they nrb bins. (lprml, the many.
will n 1! rnifior‘ting mm on! tltmir force and]
pmpricty.‘ \Vq ln(-lit‘\'e“tll w‘t‘}fll{"i~l not, fiu‘
distant, w] 011 the Iman filhnkc'tlli‘. for)“
ground he '0 pvt-unntud, 'pnq Idmnnnd :v. cun
clnaim) M the évnr npnnijilfgt Lucb thins.-
'ln thi< I’m! 'if‘, no ctr]v_\"t tpinrticlcrn/ml give
itonr Infinity endorrwmo It: 1 . - ‘4‘
Ther mnfiv lmJ'uur liflimmkmmlos oft
treating the present \\ ntunclrnfi,which i
prulmMy finds more r: 124: fin'or‘in the ‘
minds of the‘ponple at hoi brew-mt time?—
I.(*f nwln'oll briefly upm tltnm'st-verally: .
I. qurr'llmu : Tho Ad ninistmtion, prosa
ed with the terrible rv pofisibjljty of pun-1,
as to the l
dumhig we]: :1. warm 1‘
tomptml to find relief” {'l'
weeding Stan‘s go—in :
Imps, to n truce, but fin:
“'lmtovor denials mnv L
fricmk of the President
.guuy be his own feclinv
this limo—it is «my to a
tit-s multiply..n.< the full
w‘ur reveal»: jlsvlf..the l
will be to incline him
horrors which clpstcr n
tho pnmwny of'sépnmtitl
Thfihis mode if rclio
Ropuhlicnn ].:,|l'h‘—thc.|
\‘m'y Imrtion.nml‘[‘na T
I‘m-:ulily msont. my]. im
this taupe, unlomz tigir l
“311' into an :llhOliIif) ('r
13ml. “'l‘ (mod hardly ‘
<0 nftpn ruitr-x-zltoxl-7-Ihu
ending (Lu unr, \m are (-
ed, in in” nf oulumilih‘
‘llPh fl 1‘95““ IDOCOHIL‘r :1 l
mam ~uhmil in it, in t?
able nfllit-tinn, but 'wc :u‘
ing it ti) the. extent, of
Government, and until i
mrr’u madness
‘l. I'Dmmn‘puliun: n on
tlwrc i~t :1 large chm: of
of tho war. “:lmso primi ,
1110' hope that it will :L~‘.~
of b, war of mnnm'il-ntiyr
lu-nnym a mum! l'l'llhflllc
quifl- nmmrvnt that thi.
witlwm :uu utter «list-03:11
lilgn". mini mmiticul sul-v'
«"ntx aninmuf' (hujm Imwnt
little with [lll- nll\'(I(':Ih"
:m- mm of-“mio idolg'Ll—u
‘ifi. in flmjr View. thn- nnlv
luli~l|t~nl :mvl M'orythhlg cl
firm] to HIM end. If tlw
11.7.4 miysif-n, Human» fa 1
nu n of thii (‘lflffi nrp mo
may he mum-any snplmsl
not morrly yum- 43100
and Hrmduyi. but a “Ht ‘
which .~\\'leo<l tho trinm l
iilp at the last 0100 mm. 1
lion lms L:llrm‘ld'y dis-“shei
we ,ol', this indical {vin'
giv'l-h way bcfm'e it in it:
mow-1110M. It will you!
omit! rhé difficulties? an:
wnr‘will ‘invnlve. will _lw
hoist, the bun‘net of net
and. it ii'quite within th 3
ily, may do it. We no“
such a limvomont—Mu'l
lkaOlHulhl su‘l‘n'nwinn 0‘
Twill buoplmflfij by DH}
\‘ative ('il’lzc-m t 5 the bi
hardly'fqfl to produce a h
at the Nhrtlx. l
3. Sulljh'r/ufimz: Them i
ind-(ting that thin ri-lwllirl
Ni, out nml who] State; l
ply tn their lnynlty to ill
the (kw‘nv‘titutinn, and \v
urge ngnimt the mntivesg
'vocnie‘tlm msccutinn
for. that anti). They are
limits of the Con stitutin
, holding the dignity and
Mary existence of the G
I far as they go. they aro'
wrll, and certainly have
i cn-opcratinn. and we bcli
) cruts aml Conservative me
in all Soborncss lantl' w.
1 man if they believe thi
lulonc will ever restore
hi-inglmck the citizens of
to ligfalty to the Feder
Can we conquer the Sou!
advantage of conducting
territory. is it reasonab
this can be done. evca by.
of yenrs’ duration? Ad
beat them in the field an
min}: and [ninth our Vic
every rebellioua State,
them tn loyalty! Will it
essary to garrison! the
hold it in subjection will
my and“: in: expense :1
as! In a word. wilt m ‘
the South restore the U
not—Democrats and co
i the North, so far as *0
think note—and this‘brin
‘ erution of_ wh‘n‘t. isnggeae
4. Restoration“: Bight I I
canmot be conquerul. '1"
on in battle at evei‘y pOI
which seem to be ended
out. at some new point n J
year. More defeat will I
loyalty and make them lni
willing members of the 1
may thus be smatherml,‘
burn in the bones of knee .
and dash out anew at eve !
Loyalty cannot be I'3er
people except by ccnmai
the Government. It [l6:
since‘ tlxe‘wlarld ponimen 1
way. ISO greaQ reyolutio ‘
glly crushed out. by the it
._‘—fi'm‘L-._u .»
if [lam-r. An nmnmly. n h’bpnl mnsll‘lm
utiv‘gl ul' maséaof camplnim. gnnerouk épn
ét‘sqihns, hale 0M triumphed were hal
and} buyqneé' {numb—triumphed, \oo, with
dubwcnkc‘ni’ng the Government. withbu
ifnv hi]: tllo rcp'fllfinfl of rebellion. blltiall
din wtreugth m(h vaornmi‘nt by bxl 1g
ipggvillingjeflfls‘ihd' strong arm: will
.mrphrt. ' f l
‘ gt tho liglutol‘ files-e princi )len. we th ll
lllmlUn'xon'js-te be N‘thl‘PJ by tlm ' u
slylrlt of forbmmmce. conciliation. and m
promise. which inspired oul- fgthers inl it:
qliginnl ' fohunthm. ‘nn'd that “A Yignr un
pmwufimtof Hmwhr should be nccmn] n
1 'hy the mm! liberal profl'urs of [mu '.'
I" We nre‘tnunlhfgly arkc-d, what .term' 0
'tln’m' )mmiso, “'o‘nnawor uu‘cl: us Holt, (. it
tt-mllon. (lilthrin. Jdlmsal). mul other hi (1
judi dv'mtod Union men in the “or; [-1
. mm“. nln'nll my me qcrefimry to build q » :
Union mrlymu!rvutore‘loynhynl(ln-80V l
' { W‘e lmlicve we have fairly l I'm-muted { lu
\‘zlr-“l‘i upnn_which llw Domncralsrnml '_ n‘
1 | ,
J n
! z'
s‘elv'xtivc m'on uf thi's Stntéflinteml to sl.}
-—tl use which havejuat been put fnrth‘;
the .\‘lute Cmumittce—Lhosc we unticif
(lu- Nnm Convention of thé'uh prnxi
willfnplvrm'o. and that. upon these viqw
muplfi with a stern condomnntion 61‘ r
.mn:uptinn 'nmj jobbory which_ Inwo t
{'gr «_lihurncml the prosecutiun of (his wxi
‘tlw‘lh‘mpcmlfi of the Nate, unnd‘mll \:
aynguuhize with them nncl‘mwlmun ;
i\Tb. rao.
imifvvility of tho uysont Adminidrut
,nro \\ illingtq appeal tu-tlm pmpleund a
du‘ir gym dict. _ 0n (ht-so . n-inciplm n
‘i‘Illl: film wdr be ended wil}: lmnor and
Union prcservcd. ‘
_ ; The Ncwr‘thk ”cm/(l nnys, Quarter Bi
her [‘l b". Bickley, ()f'ghe 'l'hird l'cnnsy
[Jain Rogimg‘nt,‘ CM. Sicklu. lum prmlucp‘
‘rpmrd shaking tin}! thvre is ' exten.
chewing being (lnne.hy sthe parties J
{my-nishfmlying tho trod‘ps with prtyizshg
1 IL: pay: each barrel of salt pnrk‘fulln sev'
i (“Mi "pounds nhért. that‘ tho beam ‘
ifpouhly, and Humprinm‘lmrk wiijmt at
Hirimo; but until. t 0 éntt‘fl‘lie compr!
: [nirui‘ur "lb-:s'pork. Quartermumlor Bu- 3
‘jshys ('npluin Hugh‘zith. loe gmmniw
llkq‘hrhnont, rohx~vd to sign nrequisit
Hm- ]n-ovisiom, dublm'ingfimt he had ’
Mime; that he stood upon the sidewnlk
f-tl-on miinufim afterwards} doifig nothi.
*3;in tlmn drove ofl‘iniu. carriage. The Ql!
lfif-rumstcf justly comphxins of this disoh
ting" act, of 'the Assist-mt (_‘ommiusury,
3 ’chuse me ‘Mh‘l‘ was nnly rmnircd to Rign‘
'pinm’o, whereas his refuqul ti? do'sodcpri ;
"111 whole regiment of provisions‘ for a wh
J 1 day; This is thofofliciul record. _L
3 l’urmn ' Bram-lav"; Pap" 716/ fihmxrrqsr.
’l'ho nmto'nwut. that the Knoxville (Ton
Whig. udited by e“rnu'zizon” Browplow, I
bé-vn,snppro'lwrl by the Confedératé nuth
libs, is contradicted. - In fact the “parse
Oil (In: 10!]: mutant, made the following I
tor'ml nnouncomen! 2' ~ ‘ ' ‘
Lis‘r is likely, to he
nnjt in letting the
~>qliting first, por
1v 3%;; sown-anon.
A idtvrposud 11y, thé
inflpwl, wliufi'vor
d}: ”Jib y‘oim at,
1‘ “mt, n~z diffivul
mygnitudmof this
In um-y nf cwnln‘
v‘lL in rumored nll nver this counly—
mn‘y jun” gone to other cougtics—thnl
have maul/e prvpurutiqtm to ninl A “11'
bml lmultlx, umlorlhcn lyiveol’lmrpbysic'
has gnnc'tb the Yellow fiprings, jn Bla
equmy." but Il’t‘ ah- nt‘liome with five an
children, tulcingcnreol‘tlncm. Andpt ho
ifi‘Knhxvilln, wy intoixd to stay, unless
are sent off («'1 prison by; the nullloritic. -
(he Soulhcln Conn-dummy! '
(Imm m from the
um] him through
A lii/ob Vin/curt" I.’rl)«l.‘al.—~'l‘he ‘: defilructi
0C twn ng-wrpnpcr nfiibca’in the .\‘nrih—q,
nl:('oncm-d, New Ilumpifhirn. nudilm 0H
tlw‘cuusc of noooninn. receivesjust condo
nntinn at tho lmnds ofthelnynl 1111035 in t!
portion. The Boston Daily‘wfidixcrtfsoy
ulludlhg tn ,(his sp‘ir'fl n!‘ turhu‘imn‘u, suyn.
“ The mikohivf llmt tin-s? mlvucNl-sn 89C
Sh?!) may have Imm nhln‘to 110 ch 1 MI 1
ffi’mrs to m invnmidvrnhle in NI pnriu
will: ting (Item-(Ht brought l'lpmi Ic\l:|fiii
algr:xu.~r~l>y suchnch 0" 'lcé
reber to.” *
E 4
m 1 .
1' a portion of the
‘xh‘emq Ann-Sia
‘ mi 352 school—win
vml. will (leggmul
vi.~h to cnnvor the
L mde' ohri b 9 ,gmtia
? yfi‘mlmt we have
(n this modo nf
‘niilmticnliy nppoe
m-E‘Jxe futuru.‘ If
sity, Hmputitufi
I} mhm: ufinvnHL'
i} fahm nf I'o.~i~t
ll . ‘ubiliti’ (If Hm
'l 101' I'L-r‘i 'luuco is
bar-TM Phil
nquipy thy-w 1
M‘uinstit-vt. 51'
by Ile “flaking!
go‘mfin-lnl-lc aw
nut rpmmiltcd
:uul'pux-s tlitiir t 1
g:.’zh’a;z nntol' U:
ping trn-m‘hec m
(11-d. Mtht 9ft
”111-r0 m-v human
thpm. Th 6. Co ...u'a are In.
know what todn With lhot'nptivok, who”)
10} wt flmm th \mrk making «hm-:4, 2%
win} thorn to Fort Slimler, or bend thq'i
hdwog—Jluslou Poul. 11
I Le ilo3fiod that
«Lug suplyo‘rtclx‘
If'u‘rest m it, isi
ntlxe chm-actor
, the slaves and
fix-Odom. It is
i ) nm‘vn occur
f 7 Hm Constitu
i J! of 0121' pro»
m ”(R mutter;
th‘ns lldun. tlu-y
,xtiun of slavery
)d to he m-‘pom.
houltl he snori
muralion. Thu
{:{lmr‘nrnns than
1‘ Tht‘y include
mam! [tom-hon
i‘LSlun-rv army
vuf Ip-l-ulvll'cun
“g: ,Atlxflh‘ui‘tru
fi-lglhe Ines:-
its puny and
to lixchmnml"
1:10 fuel it, and
Ms which this
-Iy_tmnplml m
it» of [Mbsibl‘i
sunny my ‘fiut,
iugurpmion of
i 0 (_fnmlitutinp
'tfls'nntl conscr
{£lll}; and can}
ml I
I 1" 'I
[63"Miss Domot-i'ut. refusnd to nmrry'
Albany on 'l'hurscluy Inst Mr. anxhlim'.
Mi» IH-gmwrut. it in spplum-d. Ham lulu}.
”dunno lu-irp-u (0 ml uunwnsr; ptfliti’dl
minim-1, while Mr. Republican in undm's’lu ;l
(mb‘t- latnlly bgmkrupt. and in great. danger
bffycrhlning as n Mgfilr. ‘ é
.. ._‘ -. » <~——J— I ‘
_ W'l‘lm Portland Argus says: ~ . f
' “-\\'o are lnformed glut. the editor of U {
Mlvorliwr. sin “n“ nench at. Mechanic Fug;
u ll‘V-w thlys him-e, Ji~tinctly took thegroma
that; this i 4 :1 war fur the Chicago plau'mg ‘
1111le that. rather than pjvd ilpn single I"]in
in ithut platform it wuqld be hotter that eve ,
3[min in New England shbuld be laid i '4
Nou'thcm gnu'e.”u. ‘ » _ ‘»
5‘ 4—.- : *1l““"“~'—'—' V" l
W The Bmgbr Daménu snys : ,/ ll
“A fur-nccnble sl-ttloment of nutl ex'sli 4
dilficullivs l‘.~ an mliom to the Black ll;- nl -
licnns, dsmiety is to the evil one! Nolhin
but blood will sati-‘l'y (he (kprm'cd «lensin- ( '
tln cnmhxctm-s‘ ol'l’thme sheet-x who lm‘y ’
dnhe all they could .jq bring civil war mi
ruiln upon our country.” , ‘ ill
; r-u—f—iolo—- —~——_— ill
- make an ammlng incident oqourr
at 'one ol' the ‘Wush'mgton ‘thmtres. n '
«evening-A‘since. A brignml WM trying 1 .
uhélu'ct A beautiful lwly‘. that’s the wny 11.
plagy went. undixhe struggling to free hp 4
selfiwllem a bui-ly wluntgcr in the pit. qqi‘}
ediout, “Sis why don't you call for the spa-i
gegpt bf the guard? He'll protect‘yon.“l.x§
‘phiuibilily in
houhl he cru~h~
ziht hack sim
, rm] hnvé mu!
ve nothing to
ithose. who ml
- War. solely
ngiwithin the
Ingaged in up
_er, indeed the
muent, and mi
'nc§'ing wisely and
ufmympnthy and
veg that of Demo
gen‘emlly. { But,
nn wé ask such
ht military force
tbg Union—ever
hdSeccded Slates
»- (lovarnmontL—
? ! “'ith the din.
thewar in tlu-ir
: to believe that
.a bloody struggle
uifi- that we can
I (liizpctse their ar
u rioixs légionfl (we;-
ilLthnt restore
not become noo-
. - - ~ «m>- »———--- .g,
- WA liquor seller Being recently befolfd
a. grand jury an a culminhssumed the uni“
tutle ohm mcuwer ofthe authorities; saying,
" It’s a pity I was diplurbml. _The peopl
mien; lwcoming‘so well tinined that théu
tndklliquoru from me which were tw‘o—flxin
wake}. If I had been let. alone I _thin «
.théy‘wouhl luwe drunk clear water befo .:
sixgmonlhs." K ‘ - i 3
33mm [glowing resoTixtion was rocc‘n
ly 'pdopml :by the lowa Democratic Sea ‘
Convention}:- ‘ ,‘ ‘
“, ”mired, Thht 'pux Un'ion was {on-mad}
peace, and can: never be perpetuatm‘l .
funk-e of arms, nndfihng a Ilopublismn go
enyuent‘ held ngelher by the sword :-
comoe a military espotism."
i _...»—~~-;....:——
hole Sn‘u!h§-:upd
fil‘l immomp ar
"My nu'nnus to
i e shbjnpntion of
ion]? .-Wq think
enativo men at
now their. views,
1 us to a consid
'{l’iopspf peefile
ley' mry be beat
nt. hm 'the “‘er 1
long will 'breuk
it‘vrouk or hex].
mt restore their
Mal citizens and
5 Killqgl by L:_qn!niug.—Lnst week, nétu- WE
chi-Islet Crawford county. Ohio, 5 f
~ named "nine and his wife were ski-13b!
gliglhnin vwhire out‘in a meadow mkm
hay, dmtboth instu‘ntly killed. ' I
5 .V. - .2; u‘» ~~~—--—-- _ h
Q‘Tllebemocruic Slhto‘Cnnn-‘nfion ’
x Vvi'mpnt,havwnomimued Pam! Dillinghm
{forflovvvnon Slejnlmu Thomas for Lieu {
} 6066311013, and annex ’l‘. Thurston “IE
iL'l‘rclnsurer. ‘ . , _.l
e: --*-—-~¢o9~-v-——¢- w:
Wheat; George B. Crittonden. of K 0 ‘
tucky. is in Richmond, and has tender}-
.hi aer'vicostathe Confederate Goter'umen f
—. n Im. ; ‘ 5
‘ . .‘—'——~—<-~—-m--.—- “- ,
‘ “A merchant of Hartford, Comm h' ‘
invfnted's machine ‘which wilhuake 100,
000 slat}! pencils pej- dny. 1 a
nionz, Rebellion
bug. its fires win
..ive genemtinm,
‘ 'in a rebeliious
n hn the part of
91' was researed.
-d?'in ,any other
7118‘ aver efl'ectil
an 1100qu milita-
Chafing by ,thé Contrpctors.
f.- .n dog-$5,000 to graduate mag-o 1
ego. ' ; \ - i