The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 29, 1861, Image 3
Vocal # , PERSONAL—We need mu 1“ win he L very my“ rain-(Lu 1 And patrons “in 'Ufliir‘kn. 1‘ of me “ nmnll'nl " ritlmue dc} am my all, 'O4 th'cul ul Imin!“ “ml to which we’nn: jmlly' 2 1n rchn‘c us from our emlm think we hue- tgnm \ely ‘Screl'oru [nape m inrcL with nw‘vhu we cahceinz m be a "'i Persunl gal a distunrr 12-min our risk. ’Comnfl-irnd‘s, gin: lunger delay. W 1: must hm [haiku-ls of the old t‘omm. ”A Marya»). 11-gnw Gel u Link-slow; ma Saturday M. rompnu‘us Were present—L .ém‘u-dgs, Unpt. MtShen‘} ', Be“ Capt. Sfy‘nfinll; Mountjuy H ('ullius; and Manon-r Hora Adams. 'l‘hedrilling of tilt Vfidmired, particularly mm of ‘ the companies presented n r nnce. Tlmfe WM 11 large or the town, whirh wore thrm @ny quite a holiday nmwnm ‘ J-qmpanics' Ire indebted to Ilunlg_Gunrdl Im- their‘nmn) {he crvcdjt- of getting up the is mug-{:3 due to Mr. J. l’riu flute], “Emile house was an with fl-ugfi and “agree-«H m": in Hui pluck. , 1' ‘ fianring a Inch-y thm inning, the large Brit-k l hmrsom J; l’udm'r, on the 1 . Nice, WM strurl‘t h.) ‘lnghlmn 4 “A“ very muvh sham-rm]. 1' filled with gruin‘uml hay, t! ‘ Mule, (“ll lml mu filt'. 1 Thu Mal/10.- in UN.- reg; Ofelia 'Xit'hului, Wynn-r (“£5 “les" uidomhl‘gfdnnmgvzrc-ulxrul. .‘ The Firnl" Ih-gilpum k 'iéfh u h‘n'h llw “.\dums ihfimtr hf! ‘Baltimnre uu Snlunlay, jirxlioncdtnt the AllllnpUlia-J 'H‘ltfi‘ulis city. W Thq ‘Jllulu-po-luk'nt B Haribfiurg. "wailing thr Hindu-d more ymln-fylny ew- _ railrou'l, film-ugh “.lrpf‘T‘s I “ muro.‘ XVII} the th-luy in [m -, tlmy'ln undurgm mar;- had 1' ’ hands nflho :mlhnritio‘n 31 Wfl‘lm Ropdrt of .hmv (3 pvriulunvlcnl ut'Umm Imm 8"!“ l)‘, is giwu uu nur hr-J page. "mum-H: iutfu‘flmg rmi-h‘n ,nlv! labor i“ gg‘tflhr‘r up Eh (II- I" nuw published n 1 l-lu‘ rm Um}: V'l'lmunu v”. “mums. Flute Hrudil. .‘_‘ ' )1 ~ 'I WU!“ :E: .\h'}'|n:mo\ I” "_ “'"|*K|“isi"lxul deuuml-nl. 3 I 13" A Cunlx‘mm'ivqmm cm Nun‘s ‘Nn. meu :—~[u‘tlu-.~u m m ,in I‘H‘T} |h|nfl3lium>nn Inn rmzinn il ‘lw ulnv: not «In “tho'luiuorh’ ”NH. lyt-"n \\ lmn un- hrlmug uul ”w “uuluur (in llu- lupin-l 9f [li-u mun nr Im [ltrilun Turin mnlvm‘wxu! I ~Mlu-n mqn' nu- HlNNlAlrniv pl}~ ‘lu-muw‘llw} rn-fusn u. 1': ship at the Huimf “hf 7.11100 1' Co.. il irllll.‘ unlurnil I‘u‘l-l {la-3r pnllinliqn ‘m Hulenu Ilrri’r “\omingqmmnl.Alp-"1:1 Xllld Imlin' ‘llm :u-linin m u Warns of HE: “ob-wil“ of “ S Hprunp‘hp. l'lm‘nlx—hko. fru‘l lli'fulfllyl‘”slnlhn I} the me mhyrr‘xlmrs in n puitxmr u ":I,le pl-qco, is I‘l'l‘nlt'tl u :1 im-nrceraln: n mun ixi jail, SM a Star! ‘fdill?cll_.§‘vr.rL:/, ‘1 hi Pablo curtuim' of night we ‘svlmnld aw?!» lln- Lurpiciun : ninu-luving, mun u . 1 ‘. SIM-h a Smut-l) h mm be] mpelmrg. and. Mr. _l'xlilor, . dnnhlfi' {-xrilrd “hrfi “I! GHQ plmrg fins snppuzoil m ,munllys 91:». Enid q-nurirn‘ \\ Hum-ft the ni-l.o|’ llu- sixrn houdhx iu this self-«mm 13. more was lyu! our colimn ma had Hm spirit .m sllnuhlflr mart-1b Io Hlfif'PFl‘llt‘. and In hqhzhfheurd it mus all}: hm. lfnrnry gig/11in J’rm'idvd H “le" ln-iixg rumnvml from Um Huu‘m, Imvam» rrm‘“ m s‘mil thronfenml tn hm.- M ‘tliing‘s. .'l'he Rt-puhlicuuxz ‘ciudod that he must ln- f 1]"; puma»: nanking-n l' \Socmtnry of. ,t-hc Unite-l S] rouinved‘; anil'on Saturday planted t 9 that. pmitinn friend in’again in}. fat oflix again ifi’ ‘9 EOO4l humor. Mr. #uchanan’s admihktr habit. of denmrnoingnfficc cenufies and elaver, but. it "(objections to holding a 'A-v—lCurlt'al: I'obmttrr. . ‘WTh‘e N. 'Y. 'Tfipu Washington. Ids “oin'n complnifis flint He " can't. ‘ Presidt‘nt or “any mher .n net: Hie stateg (by. they see a messe'nger until he pad: of visiting cards in t! Pope is mor'e ‘aocessible‘ Prefeident! 11113 that he “ terviéw [with “Louis Na . wifih‘ the’Premier.”"‘Alas , 4,——-——-——<o.o -..: ‘ The True Beard” for D‘ gestima.—lt is acknrrwledg that; the _Oxygenated ~Bitt ' -fimfiior thnese complain .. They mfyee 1&4 a hol, and oontnin;udicious!y cqm ; bin with hygenic subsm 3; oxygen, (be; chief vital element. A 9 ‘‘ I i -——T~— m-——-§——.——- - a-A spegnal dispatch from‘ Richmond ' ‘ says slut meialprominentf prisoners of war ‘ ' hitherto onpm-ole, have bieen confined be, cause of the actfim of the Federal authori-' ties relativ'e toSpqthel-n pgivafeers. , .-- v—o—’-<QIO> ~~7»——‘~ Q‘The Tennessee Le slature have re fus‘tzd to take any action lion Lbe memori al from East Tennese, skin; a. separation from (heirest of the State. 5 _. A Primat—Amom ones in Beverly, Va, Lin-Atkinson. mean lege, Prim William min in a pompany in fiKiFnydb w—o—ris w: V ' .w iv" {lt ‘< T .H", V 7 .;-‘ Letter from Gen. Pattamou'. ' Bpficiqi,l}7ot}go~. 3 ' tram MAfiKms. . ‘ ‘ t A V W ~" "" ‘ ~- _, n > . —--J~ ~V._, ' Pxxt‘t.tuzwntt, .tuty2l.—~,\p ivutei. tcttorl Hunks My?) SKIN DISEASES neithe (EET’l'YBlSUliti—Sn‘mmu' tun. frum GOD. PMIPI‘VHI. but)" "HOP. JQIHHOH ‘m‘utt of meture bluml. The hlnod become: Superfine Ftuur..........................~t 7:1 to 5 rmn-atcd to Winchester, whqrc hu hnd ltltLh .md (Hugged: The skin {is not. «le to the Hon. thrown up {ssh-unite t-ntrem'ttmcnfs and , mt-t art the ixhpnrittes so impomnt to hr lth. “shite Wheat..... hat] a Xargc‘numbcr of lwzu'y gu m. I cuutd \ Huw nmuy yutung lnvn .md '“umetrwe see y‘ittl [tut \Vheat..... hnt't- turned his poutinn and at 'imd him . tlwn tltci cuter-d vuth ptmptca and blotthf, t‘nrn .............. on the war, but. tri- halt recuivu turg‘arcin- , Mhn m-n ctllt+\olittg to H'lnuh' ttwm by, the t:_ye.....,........... fni-(‘emvnlx {rum Miatssippi, wlmntn ahdtufie or mam Pm] wdallL: ut \lttqua Limb.- ttau.............:... (tum-gig, a mull Unnl'ed- } This Is very tinngeruna‘ uud should never tun Buckuh‘rat ... .... chute tron 5‘3““! SM“, Virtini malt“. ’pmcnwut by pn-rwnrlth-slrom .nt good hchlth. (Emerita-1.."... ......1...;.... 4MI to. My {0,62, if; has m", m'mul,_x,,‘,mppn - .\tmht r» wtm haw chlhh'cn atthcted mth 10"" 'l‘unmu) Sen-dun". ........,.....‘..1 'lB, to regiments wtheterm‘M‘ “twirl wm‘mp. «‘n nml L-Iutlltllllxl: .tmut't Imus-r dry them “It hy an becd............. .........fl.:..... N > .Wnutd be Withih I ka. “Ll-1‘43"“! L, ~tny . ant-rm! smittgmmns. thr m thm Imy they mtt I'luit‘r of t'una ..;........‘....+....... t {me hour over their dfii’nmtm't tht' t'ouh Xnlli- 3‘1“” m u'" l'.§”""” “"1 “"3““? l“ he'mh "t" ““5"" ground. 1'” hag...‘..}....... , l ‘ ' ‘ ‘ v."- - i '11:»: club! Aflmhg us whole tlh: tune. The eIS A » » 7-s—7l ——- ‘ ”13 Tetfllnmll‘v—l‘mflk is. Jan”: ‘, ”to “th I thcr‘tt at. hlu-s td su- her children 31;“ t l ' “B.\t.Tt\lUßl‘.——l‘ mpn “"- ' ’ .nnd 24‘h- Fiv" "’Eiman‘fm 3”! dh’fi‘dy ”2:2l,{thihHm‘ , ~ t L .3H0ur.............................”1..... 5 251 tntfl F‘me hom‘r, and two mm? :0 Etmdtty ““d.l“.ttuno.\'u “0' sI-t-ux'ttun Pun "9 PM am] Wheat............................ +3... 961103 three to-nmrrpw. ’l‘n nvmd behng cut .nfl ' ”New” rm. tle writ of cruptiotux of me kin, taunt”, .. ..I :3 to mththc rumindor, tfutltut-kn doctulucdi'm hm, ”my“, [Hun-ms, 5“ e 3, hm. hey tut-HT ..-,to. Ith” plat-e; or J. rlcnnac [he btn'ud Mn“ impart '“fy prod dug (hm '"T 4 fg‘tto 4 bum”; 'o3<h;d( ."ARPRR sF:knr,dey --;.—-Go Pa em: .= “mun-“1’ “1L“ Md ht-ulthy km, F 0 “ch o_ow; bred?“ ;. o”, L ‘ - and ntntrleftheroutso'chwk. m ch: n nutmiwd h) nthpwplc of mu: I d "mm cut. 'l'xmulh'} 5ued........,......1..."1..... 2‘ «0,19 ‘. Fu‘ur mititary- hadron tn the Rang-m, who gav hit I nine' July 33' [ML 1." Beat Czttttkgper hund..........t.. . 7 tN-‘ttn ’9 itttt‘stown Home hmrtyt-hm-rs. (tun. l’nutksnrrh h rt-Imtl » f_r...*~ liturgy" tnmd_............1.... 51“” W ; , y ‘2O m.“ “WM. and m.. “Hum“; com d 1 um' .1.” IWSPE' mm" th Mr. Un:,t 00 tut» " ""3 ‘E ‘ " ' ‘0 I . ‘ , ‘ twmk ' 17 Ito L“. G rds’,cflw’ . nnny of tho bhcnumhmh. x I tan-s “hut-h th m one in mor , bunnofi’trnvn-nperm“,‘ .- 62 ”‘de (“Phi F ‘iuv «r—z—H. ’1: {another gt 11.1 whoenn cut-l Vat: u ..- _ ~- 1‘ -7.” 7" an, 1 ' hmucl r romtu“ a: lurk mrv. [Ethan]. 1y auds'pefdlt' .I' u . HAN‘JVHR—Tuuus LY “"_.x I ' "Fwy" ~ It; The Press and the GOV“ ‘ GIL t “H." 0 INS. “7100?, ftom “agony”... ......a‘ h" 7‘““’"C" Mlt The Times. on Month}, in comm with I've. The H.“ .00“! tram blorl'Suu-u-"m-t" ml’lthMl: nppmr- ryother (‘ity journal; failed tn puhli h tto ram D!‘-‘I"’1"‘-'“ ‘5 ‘1 dof visitors in‘ that the lvnion troops ‘tmd‘hm-n tit-fin -d in the . 9”" ‘ :‘u'f‘er' t ‘th c-nt'rc lmltte In adum-e of )lnnnsaus Jnltr ion The ' ““d l'“ “ ".'"“. gm" e_. _l . whnLe community “as thn» nth-led ure rt! tn ‘m‘h‘lfJ‘m .hl’“ ce. 'The “5“”‘3- one of the most iniportzlnl. int-utenis m rerent {Hut ”3 AIM" ” the Little~ton n ‘ hutury. We‘dt'sir'e iv tn h}: diptlhc ty findor- ‘ ”I" ”kW-“‘9l 9‘ thind “non-Jon,h ‘ rt-mtl that we nr'c not. in the Bligh ft egroe' d‘wt’flcnl" ”IR 111' f‘“3 'r renpundlhlc t‘nr what.“ ttunude’hbem 21y by lln, l LC" 1", us, “ ‘ . nun: u aat “(mid be tumult-d nan wanton Ith rekktcus ““"Im'l‘. new" yof the Ruilruml trtthnx with the fuelingur'umpu tic. t ant-J 0,. ndidly lll‘CUlflltd " Aihnlt-lust thrce q'elmh the li ‘tuti in tht; "l:l.lh':_m”Iill‘“\:"'l 7.. 3‘" _ Timee sent trout the tia-ld~oftmltt ‘n Ii tan h - ‘ {3. f “e” munymth [attaching the inrugrvss ot'thc ncttnl up it: that (J hula'lm'cv “" L n _ 1 time. nn-t «aiding what “:13 pt-tt'cc y ttu ,thltt ‘ “fl": “H'lhme” ‘ er gum,“ er, rinstl the Luinn tutu-s were mun.- than tuint tilting 1 he! “'im ”:5 ( . f 3124 an |their ground. Half an hunr later It wn. per-1‘“",U:‘,‘l”"“ “” "m n _ "h'flccth nmmlunt that thr: title hm} urne , and! a ‘ “‘7'“! U lmlroud, "1 ""3 ‘ our. columns were ween tn bcin tull etrm . Mn. chttunu‘n, , and the north Raymond ”It'll L2ll. the hvtd and ode Twin),{frigid-($21211 . -‘ . Hit nntcs to “Hahn-gun for them: vs; lII' 1030‘ ' ‘" " _ 1‘: S u. hutldmg “4” of infiltrating the render: otJheTuh s or]! tel 21- ' S!’“""?”” at t" [’ “UNIT“. to mt tm-tyuttllecnsc._ ttcarriu-dat nidni 411, "gt”. Annut f; ' {uphpnrml n, Lriut‘ltirlnttl-h, took it 0 lh~ ulv- fl’” '1?!“ HM- hu rt-si-tcm‘e othtr. graph nthtzu, “hid: mm opt-n, and ‘aud it u. ' “Md ““1102“, ' t ._ . - .e operator. It t\\'6r' o it: - (tut--1 stnnu. 1, ,nrm d'hm "n “'o' , Erhmt-nttjensur, who, without at w dat cxpla- hr,“ 1"“Kfilm .7 > inntiuu, or (non indicating his 1; pus , Mlp- “W "““m‘ 9“ I'll. 111-St-n‘t-s‘ pray"!tlenttrtl_l/,—hnd nllou edlhuttlnc ‘ npt-‘t-s- 4 “ml the “1”“! _, ‘ : him), thnt “c hmt whit-Yul 1) \wt r_\-,t 'gu‘tu Em“ h “‘1“. ‘ I nror-nnm-rtud,; thr, grcnt body oL-thc .\mt-nmn pt-otlv. It gnu“? t’l'.‘ ill" a rim-w thine “AL-'1 Itnugt-ntnt’ tht‘goxcutnwnt. ._lmt mt ttw “‘1; "”10"” r hclidn and An- t-nnutnctnrs Qf tht-l'l'lnuu-I.—\\ ho 5U pres ed: the‘ \n-ttcr'cnre “_" I _ ; facts 01 this nlo~t impurtunt‘cnxta. Nn'r t-nh he withuht rm "'3 _-. _ , Ihe nlluvlvytl tn [III-.111 Ignornncc; {n “1* Kappa} "X runntnnteml "on" nrofléut to know that at. lnt‘o‘clm'h—qn hour and n . ‘f‘W'l-f-lk'ut! it I "I . hutt’ below—tho guwrnmvnt hn rec vcd n ‘ “mud-”h“ the ': WW" I “‘3 Int-num- trum Lit-hum] Mulmut-tl, t v “‘ll rrhph, ' "'3' F.‘“‘"“- . I ' gngu “Wk. ")3 ‘ tron: ht'irfnx Cuurt llou»e,,anuouu 4th lofttct -' ""1““ ""m m“ [o“.y und 'num’f 0, his rctrout. : w > , ‘ . #ilhtfl (bl'l‘thludx ingtht-m‘.‘ Ate: We neknunlodgo tlu- perfect p prit- vof n > “:0 [s3l “T"h gm'r-rnmt'nt Sltflju'nslull ot tutcgrupl u: dh lull‘h- :OH‘ " "" :lttm-nt '1" ”“3, cs cum't-rning “WU mun-nmnts. In the p Irpuse ‘ '3 'U'r‘” l"'""‘l ‘ :li‘rightp'g? tut" pruruling thr ttizwlosnrl- of intunmttnlt “““Thnpfl‘flh' .‘ . 3 ~ . ‘ tlmt might. be useful tullw oncl’ny. L‘nd rtznr- ' ‘3." to nlt “1"“ ‘ I‘t'ILIF-‘l'vh‘l-u N", lain cin'lnnstunrqx It limy ht- rtuht t'ur lh - truvv, 3'5”!" l"“‘- 1 15 {ol‘ tlli*('llll|l- crmm-nt ulsu tn prv-‘u-nt the tlitt'n ion 1) tntsc r “”11""! 1 “MW-1 It unit I.:- tint“) Stun ments tolli't‘l‘tllltg pnhlw :ttftlt s. l tat-yo: . Butt-r 7: “1‘” r - Lannm tun. mtv at nm .-t.-tu at t ist “Tl-tint“ \Qttrs. “M." mg: mnt-h t-uqt-I ‘ . _ 1 , r a l‘ = , _ , .(nn Janl“) thl- um: rnn n! In drhl) ‘mtei sup-g ‘ “l M (”‘3‘ I“ 11rt-~~ttl;4 “hut it hum” to In: true, n d “1‘ 5 lulu-l fij‘Prt’pnrv ”I‘!“th 0' l""1-§ntnlwtting “hut it. hnuus tu h: tZtlit \\ c B"“"‘“'f'”d.t” Supt-11:.tcndrht.‘think thu pntalin, and the lungs :s it-I‘larnt. [film-”Ll"- ”m“ 1 1 ' Mints thv right“ dcnmnd llmt thg rmnruncnt hm“ l'F‘l”? ’ ' ; A: ‘ shut] ( wrt'isc this (lvlin-ntc t'uut tn. x at" l -nm‘r- ‘ 'L“','“1’1"”“'~'""‘ .nur “In!!!“ (“’7‘ Ship \\ ith n ctliu t t'l‘ptlltl [u jlhtix l: m] th- pulp"-Ull“‘l|1~f‘_”““§ ‘ r ,t Hu gum}. \3‘:- are hitting: to m Lkv mgr} “WWI-2“ll'l"”[finit'qrV ‘ t .tul t-pr-luhlurn 0t t‘i’mr :tntl nmnv tn 1: ntnrv. 3“”) 'i'bp. 1"“ “le'ld‘” bywzu' *u-linhh ixrt'mnmtum for our haul r~ :~tl|nl itt ‘ ‘ J ’stl-tni to n: tlttfdlr .uui unjust thu . 7 i [all ”1151' rlhntx tht- gmtnm-u-nt .h lll‘l us, against nut \\ltl.lJut \tlttnt rl'>t\t.lll(‘t: or It'lH‘l‘~!, tu I-tllllligll h island of tutti 123 M; ('3: badly, undf‘ 3 If our inaud ivith a little“ H'they cun- ve us a part of? mlcd, in order , :I-umenu.‘ \VI- t mdulgcut, and ready redpousc t unable "quest. ! It By mail, at H it Im wixhout money ED keep I= Ilm (Van/HIM. 7 . . . l mu: lnm-h. “In-I1 ‘ . \s hiHu-ighhor's EA curtain ('ltm‘s of pal-ONI i) dmng mnrum rvlurddlnrhzu'i ”-01.10. and in _l-ring J“>h‘:ll‘til 'luynl ('mumunilil-s, than all u! [bin (‘lylnpuu-(I ul' Illnfi- (“tn-u RLpuMit-un juurnulx. that m-vvl Ih-mm-rul cm (1.1 “MI at sum-r. :1 a «mutant n-ilomtiun hf nhqml rw (I'm rnul‘:e «if i~ refusal nr milk nnhi-Ehh- figu‘; \“tt. in'ln'lnl l» lmk rt lmull . x s and rt-lu'ls‘ Knur 1‘0“” HHdvflLOT- r'3fl'nm’l churgv‘ :Igumsf our '1 WE“ tlwig‘n of len papal-s uHI nonu- nny-h {u .\ol‘ rchvklinn m “In Union [um-served, as tr: kayo I'uH umlm‘ Hui Lem:- nf infamy. : gulnm-alion' >Wt'l’l out nf oxipll wurd, Lhoy vm‘c moi-Q {or ”w I lJvmm-rm-y. Hum of treason. Alt make particular cl‘ainu to link: tr_inlism,,we think it. may m-ll I} Egl. “’hfillwr thnflo who comm. htlwm nl"\l'rrmg motivén. ma. mun-(hing hanging heavy upon lm~nm~=. which they sock to I clmrging the same on better '1 lhcmxoh 05.4.1331? (11/SI'ITL'I‘. Sr“ .nnl, '(‘gmst‘ osv \\ In) (‘llb'll iue Is. imlvnd m on mk :uruuud thr-1n l :«>li-l¢«n to flu- Iqu,‘ win) lune the n,lieti of th, attempt to gig iii Cuutn•"G to F iricnl uchug‘: to I-ly the lormjng ()7 3 l met-Is after the r.n\'n nrnnml neg' , uu-r'v‘ 10):}1, I-rl ‘ _.., ~r A» «I» —— . WA Iliqmtr‘h fmm .\Vaslzin New York/Irma! mimrts HmHi‘ Inn u-ln-gz'nyhod for in~lrm~tign“ (iuvornnu-nt (‘vnmn'ning Hm 1“} a lurgu- nufixl-cr of priSom-rs inl and that In: mm (lirr-ch‘d In n-hl vntm‘ and finn-mmnnissinnud 0 thoiy talking and Allmwibing nu‘ lbgizmvv. and :\ plmlgu not, 17p (41‘ agnimt the Government. ufldor‘ (lcath. As to the commkrsicn (in-n» MN‘lollnn ‘was directed to 1 nwn disci-otion. but under rm air! to rrleih‘e any who wpro form J l'nih-d sum-s army. 1. I - ———~ ‘ —-- _ «0‘ I Landau/w «I'me-l ”UL—Kev lime arrival in tlm any from who give sumo amnding incu kkirmishms.7 in that vici‘nily. Svl‘gd‘nnt my: Hunt frm‘uontly uni] Rollo! piokcts and soolth ‘ within speaking (“finance of n and indulge in pvmmml’opilh! ”’l‘mitor. ” “ Almlitinnim, " “ furn'wd in Mum-i I r tunluitinns :u-e flux-I, that “hon we in dangl-‘r in few, -rr‘ {liq n'lu-lu-d lug:V lufling m-ighhorfi lu .\lulmuzpl-urgi ‘ :0 lII' {mind “’1'“:- hi¢ nllwkm :‘m‘ id I")! slurt until. .Inrr,. ~ .—-(‘nl. FORVEYJ: inc ('lvrkship or .| nlv‘ll'uhl‘fnuq‘!‘ 3101 s and hr'ouk‘ {hurt-(hulk cun- ‘ with-d, mu]. for“ nee for lgim, ”15‘ alps Sumac was t w r I' [at Fnrney was" Yankee." No. In u-vorul instm ,0 cm; quon'dmnti kots. aft“- nbusiéxg mule zannlhmé . genera crmwn , vro an mm P and, (41‘ MIT?" half-way, for the Int-19:0. of tak‘ :FUI'HPY. during , After drinking they would rm lion, was in th up their guns and fire at me} 14101.1(,” aw mera flc-olfwn mm} s!:anng the he xippem-x‘ ho him I gettmgthehrfl. shot.—:— When/mg figoflice himself} I’Rol qus‘rnnss Sin-zen, Muryli'flh 18150. i 1 “Again, sif, the violence of the ] ass is Ihomi luluin'eq 04f. Thc press viulpnt! Why, Si , the pro-s is \iolenz e\"ér_\where. Thiere are[dut_ rngcous reproaches; in the Nor again: the Sunth,and inlhe Snuthagainstth North! The extremists in both parfi of the ca ntryrn‘ viu lent. They think t'mt he who fiaiks‘ lot-dc“ reuso'ns best. And this we mnstlexpect when the press is free as Riches-9,11“! true” ways hill be: for with all its licentiou 1855 add all 1t: evil, the entire and auolue f vedom lf-lhe press is essent Bl to the pnservatil n of go'reui ment on the'b sis of a {fee Constitution)? is tabooed at correspondent " 3 et'in” to see the‘ : ” in the Cubh ‘ ill not let him has zéxhaused a. ‘ - effort, that the-I hit'n than the uld have an in- 1 eon'énsier than‘ poor Tribunc! I W . L Q'The {ederal loss at Bull’s {Ruq has , ngt-yet been made public, if known. The Hailed ar‘e variously eqflmnledlfmm s+) to i 0,000. ’1 he official tepbrt may decide. ‘ 5 33,631. McClellan reach: Wa-zhithon 'on Friday. ‘ ‘ l J x 'l' .-—~.-.~——s~v» ‘ I Q-" Overgrown milimry efiablishrdehts f under any form of gavel-"mend, are mappi ' pious to liberty, and are to ba‘ regarded as ‘barticulsrly lumile to republiban libehy." -—-Geo. Washiny‘on, Jan. bl, 1796.. 1 . I paid and Ind;- on all bandg rs are theitrué wPermns are still being put undenmil flary arrest at Wuhington, who are said to have expressed‘ se'cession sennments. Hor ace Greely js still at large, however. 1 ‘ fi-AtGalesbur-g, Illinois, wnient. is sailing at 40 cents, and corn at 9 Genus; *’ fl-N’ew wh'eat has been onyx-ml in in pehn'esy, Ind., for 45 and 50 cents per bush. 6191 mm no sales have yet been }made. Lin: 130111 Times ! } i wfieehan thinks of flghfihg lfimJ‘the cpnqulAl-or of Hurst. in the Eh‘ghsh pyize ring. COl np—l B'L‘he Picayune safi the' urth of‘ ’y was celebrated in New 01'] In with I «can? never witnessed berm-i. _ H 0.-.,___ 19 “f ‘ "I‘ll“; .(IRI-IA l‘ ENGLISH R mm: .hurq‘rlAnua‘ CELEBRATE" Fm ... M. l'rhmrml ‘htum l "re-=1 ripfinn nt~ 15 :1" Huh. l'lnpu-mlExlr.lurdumrytu , fil'l-‘h lll\.“'lun|lll medicine i\' m! 1 ‘Cuh-uhllfllluw pninml and dull]; 'Ol-“. 10 faint II “u 11- mle «alplimliun ”11,0 Jnfltlvlfih‘ all]: 'l'('>\ und I‘(:I1I0\ c: ) nur ' ligms, :n_n| J. >pc wly rure ‘in-my In: mos. .\lnn‘n-vl‘ l.:ul‘u-~ In :> [.:f-l-ulxurly s: 60'“! in ‘a :‘IJIHII mm‘ hrmg on them .7. nl‘ 11‘; “way; illulhl‘m‘y! "1' up Lyn“... I. “SUV-l I , Ilnl HI 4 . hung ”N" w-uuulvsl'ml: ‘ I he ‘ I ”Ifl umy OM Il'f 0' My \ Fllt'il H) k. and : m-ly. .\(lex.\.l—l l lr-mulcs d.u .lI'S lulu-u IM-l ‘ Ild O “(‘é. ' NH, . .. " '1“ l l in; v ‘ ‘ P'l’ k'ltuls ‘1‘”? 'uuum .\‘, us jrmgr. but nt 1 . ~ . . u nll may 01 u in tlu- liuc Imin“, Pull-i I“ llifc<, tln r or-- p “I 3 PJ; H 01‘ “w; they ’ :uul ! PH-‘ngl‘ ‘ulor- ‘pun ('II~(' an”: have. ling own] )1 L by ‘ pm; tlmni E Um. ‘ 3‘ vhf]. I to ”m" cm. m of urge, . pri -1R0“ of n]- mans ty; 6f cérs, 4: his nbns‘ » the uwfl 1 1 long! fy {ml 0 oonl fly‘ 1 ‘ not. 1 ; thoil‘ (am-g): “,ka 'uflwr Imam terl'ul n-Im-d mun) , or uvl 'ull Ilirm-tion [Rug-ac, “MA-h ull‘ .\gvnl ll: 1 .101; .\lO5l-1 f. TL—SI on {my :lulllguril. {mining .'m l" Illlc 11,312. r // MIRA/'l' DISH u'Mfl [mu-til! Le \h'muu’strg II (h s.|u-.lutii' U Oll.,">-fur « the pgufde SWIM sl‘avtury. M c bevn sold [WM'HHI‘ of x) u_ it, who lu 'u\Ll‘_\' is (w ME lime. I llll». ' lhb urly 19ml mm ”101', ISE Fun): fiku it . genuine In 1h g: It) h(‘ l .-. in the cm ihk- pruprietu franc-111L311. :Illl‘l‘ en” [An (I Im~F 'nuld e- agn 1 -rs. su LT Twenty-1 L‘rs per mdn‘ MENIIIiIIC Um IMu: Elie Sc him, an? a mid mm d: Ir lru ‘liun. It Li H: in use, H! y and ()I 1‘ p iceis but L 1 (‘ml 105' o StmLs. 1 "(sh MACH! n 2, Milan, (. ":31!le chnum’s Store _-. visiljualn this time. We do mm Ein our lar est cities, so fine dis}; 'O5 can be found. Their la a n of Stoves 04 every pattern; :1131 ' of Hollow Wm, Sheet-iron , Plunishe Ware, Japan Wm iindeed,eve ything in the lloua dcso, Sn Sage Outta-8,811“! F 1 Presses, c., to. They are ,whnlesale nd rem“, Tin Wan » Wm-re of ti eir own munufactu 'flicien, Imm or of hands to an] (1. Their sun-mom. of Lum {lnc—E: oes t pm iug‘ i ‘ x??? a 1' CM fl) nan ( bfltEk,‘ other, l chm: Tide/[i4 ‘ lqfi - ; also Coal ofevery kind. . ‘ ‘ .-. ...L. - Tl) consvmfvr-mrs —'l‘he Advlrtlse ing been rcstouflto health in a fewxwee Very-simple renmdy, nflcr lmving :ufilercd yemlsh‘ilh severls lung affecting]. nutl thig dnaeane, Consumption—ls nmioub to kno‘ nto his fellow-sufferers the menus Tygfll who‘de‘sirc it, he will send}; the trescn’ption‘uséd (free of clmrgg) w dire tionslfor piepnring and using the which they will find a sure Cure for Can tiou‘l Asthma, szouchitis, kc. Thepnly of Illelanlve'rriserl-in eendirig the lurch-rip lb bcllkml the'allflcled, anti spread i‘nfor whhlh he cqnccives to be invaluable,‘: hopd; every sufllwer \gill try his refiledy will host them nblhing, and mayprbve singl 5 g V . Mme: wishir‘g the prescription t 3!" addfiess, VBE '. EDWARD A.WI 0 9 Williamsburg, Kingfi cou ‘ 04:. 22, 860. l, Newgvor It is thd gufiLfiee, tlm‘ and it must. be .- w_ho 8 will go by A line of 'ecting Pen Eigi THTS.—AII who i disease inflicts “my phases, can . a rural by "Hing I I YGEXATED B] I b: Smeluxte ” of S'- ue of thr prevailil 111133 is qwing bn‘ uniu-rml habit l ly tnfidmf! of pr 1 lhc~c mhorgc .' on when it hns be 1U) by the us:- of -h ban: bcc‘u full 1 v. ' 1 YGENATED 81 1 r 1: Inter is from . hm! Mllfcredvexc ' who hm] tried in 1 Ids of run- \vilhu‘ xygcuzltcd Hitter pi. 18, g disen. h to (‘i If (‘fllifl erdigc rcums‘ ? orfie ch I [110: 0x; ‘ |d to pro 1 ERS. Tiwl'll k Imuting I knu“ n tfindin were u widn 1‘11..N. Y., Ll I liming usod INN"! d nygcunted B’ -, Dyapepsin, I gi - salutur) clfeclsl mr yours sinccl f: thmmhuhly qul-l ‘a Mugs. upon 1h ‘ "ling me by day - 1 preliullstJ Iw| h - llj‘l'it‘fl whic-l llh of the I-ll)'sil.i Irk as ever. A I ‘ll Ignd mental suil‘ [mum-a, putting ‘ I Uncut, lInII \‘icil‘ lug any hem-ht, l Itiun of Dr. C. 'Bli e nygenatcd Bi summer was be‘m mm fut! .like u. . Irudence, X sufl'et Laue which préye ohm-I] Inc M eigh uweigh ouc hun ,qud cull mysel «mommeml a "in Ire Mmcted win pt. 10, 1:} ml butlh tvrs fur :eJ nu a of the u and that I hold of (units 0 ml by n S unuwn xitflictud us 122': m of mod“ rivn g, a nd msrlf u lg the Sn ‘culllulcl •rOW n. of eys, mu], -, d iwn e“'}'illlll. ml, “[llO r so lung _v-liw [no l‘ed and pretty . oth‘u r : vany lor bran, in u nygu my clvrical Ln ‘3' recomn end I umly oinll reme “um um .\"l'u.\', (he Gus] mm; x - ill-r, (it 2%; Wm.‘ r, “n “ .¢:.11..n.l )xiurnl; I Miuiiflter o i by SETH .\V. F .:Aletby A. D. Bl luw, \ork Sprin‘ lulumun Chronis ,Mummashurg, ’ l. bumtcr, Ken“ “'11; und'hy dealt ! 4w :- mmn', LI-f ltr llr J. (‘ ‘lhe Qu. .iilmg 1 mm nli~ $ MIMU 21‘1” uh Chm] uu ih‘ll.’ 1 AIM) I 'ricc One Dnllnr,l of Great. Brim EMI in PSI! lfllls should ing the hm HI luv) :u‘v sung ln , nu} other tnm- II Servo“: ands“: null Lilulus, Fat" .uiml‘ol' tlw Ne: w ljills will eti'cf lmw failed; :u: '. do um. mum-in ‘ thing lmrll'u} Lu not he 1!; mull ml: 0 ‘3 Mr [lll .\fll n. H) “gun I with: on. c. Ill: cu in Allm pamphlet should be‘ careful [he Unilml Slur 5, (Late 1. 0. Im. EMEM )‘ prl'u ludH‘z Uni Ll ~~lit'l', X “I I: l'lll ~ Roch ‘ [and G pastime/h -‘ ul Agni/11w“! in $ll5 {rt-tum mu I )vow . II n: it :o'wzm'l—Ampxe tum-ls and chrmi ml Hu- grcut huh I ¢umbinutiun, cu Tm; n-liufnud mi: IUII“IIHQ'K\'QS urt- rm Inner both unmi: fore than two mi s': n_\ury short . 1 ot’vles grrnt fun). EuAlid 7 um! ‘Thc lIHI :, I )rug- use {\‘llo-hearq u‘ x ltrjed it. Thatil ' ry “he'rc m'knn purl-d D;- U 1:“ch ‘ ‘qul ufi‘hu gas e\ er hciure pr lgclric Oil h Prof 'gl at all the r‘rspg a; nud Ly. Wlllflcmlll 15;": pxicvs ul the ug ' t < -.- .... . fno to sixty doll] ill will be paid by I mpamy u) lheir‘Ag Hug Machine. T‘ :implein ix: was Ito operate it by ‘ is anal tfl‘nmy Fa nd they take they c Hundred dollar Fifteen Dollars. Agents in emu-y c. Address, for path ‘1: Co. B. J‘AM. ilio. {Marx} ' 'in]!- In new yn \hnt lwur‘s ewilng: . puny n the : Ban; a nun! Ere eve W 3 ‘ ! fur i ge S knew i Ind 5 l'e—k 19‘! i er x h“ . the lmmlu ot‘Jum J. Wum, Assignee of Bax. I! itsumvn HELLER-NH] ers, to' and among file I min; parties entitled thereto, will sit for that ‘purn .r the page, :n his offing, it Gettysburg, on Newly], ' Post, , the am (1”,, an~ 1.1, 186', when and when: nll I ‘ fllllui‘s ilileresteug are requested to be’preél’nt. ‘ med, 3 kV_ J. c. NEELY, Aamr. Iry‘ '| July 151 1861. 73$ .‘ ‘ , 1; 1 Constitution, - we are fighting . sustained as a win ‘ the bani—Prov W— . telegraph hné I: néoln wim Mont ‘ “0‘ When. Rye Uorn._.. ‘Uatdu. Clove; 'l‘imnth‘ I’lnslfr s of mm: taint.“ h' Soc-4L. MU fig I A 3‘ .Miannxnn. " no 215151181. by tho lgev. H. H. Hoff r. “ILLIAM UYLER 1..) Hrs .\IARY |HTI§I££ u! HsznplunflAdums (uhlnly. 1159 0n 1i twins, \ CHIN). I. u- MI: I'}! Juntjfl.) the In \. .\lrJ ”Jury, {US “JDIETNI‘K. bf .\lnl-lli]”l'.l.\.ull p. m .Vhss m’nu A. Iruimlts't,-ur tuuusléip. . :V J ' ”I; 1... Mr. .\3 m“ nL-m btmbau i u!‘ (half? “rim-IN ML: thiJ,‘ lumfl’ I 11131; I Q t t ' 13113:?“ ‘r ‘ dulnnsnl [y last. in Emknitsburg. ‘nflpr a we, .\I .losm'u Rnuwmwm, in lymr ofl llii "go. ; . ' i H '.".:d flush, in (.'nslltown, "AVID AB- Hunt :01; of Utul'ge Utgrk, nged neck: .I\ 5. § ‘: 0.11 \ >h-nl'l i 1 [ht 72‘11 |‘(}n ll 51M.” my] 5 - q ~ ""l.l""‘ ‘ E Sfilendldl‘hrm. ,_ l [ “TURF REAL ES’I:{\TE}.AT llI'l:l,l(‘_ l\[.|'2.— u puruulm-e l'xmtlmritlv gin-n Mt will uu-l IL-rmamhrnfl‘ul,‘l£}"n.l'm:lr 1, dun-Axed, “ill .be pin-ml {tlll'uhlir l Thur-n I'llY I/u' ._'/ll 1,111/qu .fi'lllh'm Irr-m‘zl.‘ lo prvlnlioi, all the Rl5ll Esmtelof mid . , .. I . ' AK A A 'Hl'l c H >*\I!PRI, A film, ml uplift I! dew-awl .\ (I.'l' I‘l, mmifihsg uf L l '. .\ l’l.}\ST.\'l'll)X nr'Trnct‘oszmnl, mush-[‘in T.H'lmc tmnuhip‘ Adamé L'mmly, mljuinixlhr lands ”1 Samuel Illeguduxlf. Vi‘ll‘mdl SpunFMr, Ffmiuv] (Filli'l.uul,§.tn'd ml”: <, can‘- ...“! LI mngizzm .\rrot (:t‘p‘nnnt d'lnnd, f 4" Inmro m los~. 1“"- impro c-mcnts fig": My :1 hrgu neM'l‘wmstnr ' lhiuk .J'M _ 'I luvvllingllUUSflJnrgulhn k Burn” \\ illl Sly-IL (‘ulru-t-rih and “'4an 31ml, Sprillgg‘ hugujv 1\ in. nu. \\ L-n. ufuulfi-r ncur‘tlu lmnso. .\lmnl ‘HU mgnw arc in ofirolh-nt iml‘n-r llwl‘t' hi». Ln‘u-‘qmmtity of final .\lL‘fld m. (mliani. 111 - Palm is 131 a high .ultimx‘mgl, ln‘nnghom I‘l”an m'cr. In,- ~ulllitfllill' qr iu l\\u_ pang! as may 3+ _dtl‘l’n 1 ' l .\W'». ’2l THE £HVSIUN I’R'DI'EIITY nf said [ln (UHF: gm lh‘x- _\nrth:\u~.~l 40mm 01' f w pub: m -qllz1h:l‘ in l11‘ill]"l'~llllrfl,01l uhivhu u-revh w ‘01; n Inl'gv 'l'un-zlnl)‘ ‘ *llnu‘hlu gt 1 15' wk [Mu-Him: lqn-I- “ill hum-- ff»: :. 7.- 4m: Lug mug. WM! ntrwumz. _‘Lf-"gf' “{th uthor “my nunyhti.‘ .\n .:, .\ 'rnfiv'r «w nut , in lh-idh-L-Ihurg, (un' Imin; .\lm ll 3 M res. ml!“ set in timer, “illl “mm Frvnnl‘ 4 "round IL}; A i X IS ; The nhm‘o plain-Hy ‘irill hi: flu \lr. H. J}: I J], ic-idlug on IM- {u‘l-m. m} SIN-u rill-w, ivy-Ming i;_l (11-Hyihurg flu “PAH- in lIIIHIH’HH.‘ .«l 4| o'l luck at wulixlu‘} u! lw \lantiun'nyll3o“er 'u, (_H “u",' mu: :gl-I. uh‘n m.»— ll‘k“. IL— ‘ Ihr hwy ME .ll I I .7 ‘ Inrdmll}. “"‘:1;“'"'""h'““’ \i‘ll be gfi him." Hid?“ khruu h} .1 ’'l 1 “ mum. ‘l‘ Sx‘vm-j § .\nhnhii tram-r \vi:h 2h \\ ill :7an Qlll4 L’H,’:'nl. H‘ 1 { l f Y ‘ ' ' ' ' " J u‘ryv Liste-Aug 7«st Ter ’ ‘ ;_ , , Linn“: Jl an . .o.’ : i‘nlmlnl-l" nub-.T.“ uh lmll‘. JU‘IJI‘UII H “101 ‘iIIHC” “.'rlmt. ‘3 ‘ ‘ i , ’ ‘ lIJII.‘ l :l‘u HQ—Jdmpin Imhlh lIMNK‘U" ('hlhliJu ltrfts‘. [.nqluL‘ ' I “ ‘ ‘ ulu‘guxl‘ .\lzruhflpll:l:ilutA:>—Sx|llllll‘l (Erin-hm", 1" mild” $1M”). ( ! J ‘ ‘ Lump, 3 ”\jmuF-l'vfivr Diq-hl. ” high} llqui?unduly—«punirl .\‘nydur‘ fimrgv 'l‘ \\ ill, '1 [ml :nk \‘vht‘ nktn‘ [H nj ‘ ‘ \M‘-‘ , . Mh— Y 5 i Inuiinkonmihuch .\ly'rs. Mum—m. h mu". . i 'l‘_\‘}qu—-—J‘nhn‘ Slurklvy. ' Hlmrtngtun—nlo-t-l-h 'l'rimmm can“: ‘rwd. Hillhl' ‘I.. l «1 'lnawl all”, l'u‘ln“ .:gu——~S:mnn-I .\‘chwml Franklin—\‘lgni(lever. ‘ ll Airlihun—l‘unirl Hlm-hnn.‘ .\lnlln‘ju) —-.\'iln{- \L Humor. “vruirk huh—AIMHFW Hukrr‘ Homvhk t||.—-S4I|IHIOI ”run 11.] I'niuu—leicL\Vt-hh-r. ’ .\‘qui‘nnk—Jc-u-o Shrifi-r.‘ 1 lh-a‘idi‘lg—illiglnéfl Alwine. 1y ‘ (hzxknu. Jrnl hath [\aii» n. H‘- LEU— lil|.T \lmr > uu‘d Ihll‘ltiugtnn—‘JVlll. Suxpnrs, 1: Wolf. (';|lj~«l|_fi".' \lnore. lllmlrrh—Mfirxm Thomas, Jess», “min-Igor. ' UL llnlniAl‘hmh:ul-—-C|lristi:u| Fr) .Sumucl ‘\j.l.lln (1". )lnssvlmem; ’ .\[m‘nnt'vlmsuul—Pclcr Slu‘Js 1111,8111)": ' lu-rHJr. ’ - . I (‘umlu‘uhull—John Wei-39., ' .I Lzlt‘immc—(iun'gc Fit-Mu. of‘ 0:01.11. I HL-[llplmrg—“m. J lellin, Vm. Chrifi: “.4110: .\hu:\}|;. II ’ ' , Squ‘dum—(icu. 11. .\fuufnrt, ngter T. ”J (Ixfl-rnl~Jumph.l. Swim. .'Il 1' Hamilmn—t—John Aberf, 031.}?! uh. I FlanHiu—Juhu Dining”, Sal! uel "art. I Tfl‘luilu—Ll‘H llafl‘cnspcrgl-r. I I .\lcx):~ll(sn—’l'lnnl:’ns [Rachel-,1 vnry B. “'I-igle. (:mfiunixy—szob Schultrtz, ._' mun “Limp. . l-‘rel-duhl—Jumps Highnm, Sn llll'] S. .\h~l\':xir. l’ninn—Midmcl anmxllcr, )léses Schwufrlz, ()mwwagu—Tlmnm: Adams. 1 “ I Mull||fj(;)—l’et(-r Urllllurfl‘. I ‘x, _ Kunming—Jacob Wolf, Ml. 3 . Bt-rn ick bur.-—Guurge Dmis.) ‘ JIII)‘ 22,1801. ' mail, . See I=ll over rem ‘ School Tax-Abitement- - N hbntcment of Fm: Pi: (3351., (Jun the A School and Building“ In; HE‘SI‘IS fur UH; Jiomugh of Gettysburg. fpr the yenrfipm mmciué June 1, 1861, will I): “HOWHI. {to all persons 1m) ing the same on at before the; lul'af Syll'rml/a' nezf, either to the Collector, Blunt “Imam, or the Treasum,‘ Dr. E. G. F‘Aun smcx. .\‘o nbgwuwni «will be ullowodéat’wr 1.11.“: date. By order of‘the Buarcl, ’ f“ ‘ " D. A. RUfiHLER, Sgt-'y. my 22,1861. ' -‘_ i ' . 3 1 Tavern Incense. , ‘HE following Application to knep a #uhlio ' hogse of‘enlerluinment, lulu been fi Ed in my Unite, win! the reQliisile number m signers,“ nndmill he presented I“. the (smm; 0! ch'rler Sessinus, on Monday, Menu/n clay quugm! mu : . ‘ A 3103 PETERS‘ Latimoro township. , ,'-‘ ‘* JOHN swuomz, Clerk. ‘9'“? July 21, 1861. ; " ‘ ‘ 111 =A they, av 01' un 13 y m , Tin brac suing tfer‘a, ed to .heel: ' ring y do very hav by a; dread mu ke Notice. I [IE moon: of MICHAEL Bvcnn, Gummy- I‘ lee of SARAH Drum, (E mum) 011mm ed by Hunt Baum and L‘izl Brenna Ad milliatraxmrs of mama. Bucusn, deceased, [ms been filed in the Court of Common Ph-ns of Adam” county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the ISM day of Auyuluulmpless cause be shown to the contrary. ‘ . J. F. BAILEY, Prolify. Ju1y22,1861. td* _ ‘ _ Auditor’s Notice. HE llndelsigued, Afiditor, appoint“ by the Court. M'Uummon Pleas ol'Adams county, to make His‘ribution ofihe asaela remaining in I~ o‘] to l :91 U) ... .’”“... “.4..." .... +.... .. lEEE ........4.-.... I 00 I.v I I ....‘u... 4 25 ‘2 'OO CI '2‘) ....~... W. and mo of 1! “ml it biJ- lmn hp" [b3 thr‘ I A. .\l. I 111-id -n ‘und NEE ME BEE ME = 1- l- : EU Dull, Jam EMI MS '= .’ x v lllflll 1=1:1 111 g ' Agricultural Fair. ’- HE FIRST .\NXI'AL IiXXUBX'I‘IOX 4 m 1m: DAMS EIJL'X'I‘Y AGRICULTURAL ? ‘ _ SUL‘IHI‘Y ' il be held at BENDEILSYILLEE Pm, ox . TU‘SDAY. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and Flt] DA Y, ghafAth. 25th, 261]: and 27m days of September; 1861. ~ ‘ - All Articles for Exhibition should Le' eutéred .on Monday. luevious—oerlaiuly 11013 lagor'tlmn ’l‘m-sday. by 4 o'clock. 'lglm‘Bnm-‘d of Mumgoru respectfully mks nil Ulrike that have Arti-‘lew lot Hxhilfntinn‘, in tis‘or mljnining vnumim, to bring them i" curly ‘l'» Imviblv. 3 ‘ 3 f .u an: mmxmumzu, Inc-n. 1‘ ($209 \Vumx', ‘Erc'y. ' ' ~‘J’uly2‘J. mm. c: ,S . _ . . , I J L' I) S U .\' ' S Z .Mountam Herb Plll3. E give a -perle 'likcucu uf Tl'l‘l‘h'u. fl. , 'chicf Mn uihe nflhe’slmnge Aug" Nu tin ‘,'thmmu'e ruled-“ Him. You-m“ {find a |ull;nu-nuuz ug‘him :uu‘ljhis lu-oMeinuur ljmplfl lotséund .\lmunum—l _~he had gratis, h u the Ag‘nt: flrrthese 13mg. . ‘ ‘ j . ‘ 'lghe inrrnmrnud mnnnfartxmr of ‘- Ju x-Ull'lf Mu nlujn 'Hrrfi) Pills." hm spent. the gamut-r pm of his lile iufllnueliug, lufiimz'\ :lled Iw. rlyeu-Iy (oumry in the world. Ur {sth nu‘r .ja _vmrs nqmug the ‘lnuhnns of the Rocky \luyuhlim unduf Mefiru. and It “nu: “ma \lhal' In “Mot xfulx “Bun l‘ll.qs." \H-rcfflih‘mn art-d. \ hry‘mwrvstiug tut-mumhf his mlxenturca mire, "nu .\lill“ find in out; Ahuanmj and | Iphlct. ', '1 , ‘ l ia‘nn eSlnblLdled’fuct, that'ull qijfascs 'L‘ lruu} _ ' -' ‘1 " ’ ;‘» IMMTRE 81.0 mm z - 'th‘hlood in tlu- lih: ! and “hen any thyvign unhealtn) mam-r gun: mind with 3!. II I.‘ :n‘ ‘j .- , _ j . .4 : I" 7-'. z ' ~~ t m Wm :;:::.“:3.;...33:33:“ “catarsxtfithat: mtg-1,: ,t' ry t'n'ru- lecls the pn‘iaun. and all lln- \‘ttul cwhun'n- l‘urhihii‘ nt i. “Kill win-4 or run quicklywm‘pluin: The -tutnach “illf ' "' " ”In ‘ “3‘. 'L . . nu dim-st UlO‘i-ltpti Incrlct tly. The lirl'zrrunscsit Gettvshnrw‘ Juno ”4 I‘B‘dli "T ) -‘ b L" th€ecrvte n snilirienv'i ul‘lnle. Tilti'ttt‘llull at} -t 6’ " ' i: 1- M W tlt ‘ heart i: \uutkcued, nnd su the virqdntim: i“ , - ‘ L - ‘ hint-1:113. f’l‘hd lung‘s 1 I‘“"‘."§‘ 0.19;;ng “iih thcél NOW ‘lB the Ell-me! ( ‘ {misnnuln matter; ill'll .:t ctmgh—nnd all frmn r I”? ‘ln‘k‘r‘lfl'le‘l' ha"!"‘¥ 11“"‘0‘1. ”W pi”- .:i liglititnpurltyat th l'uuntouu-hcnd Ul'fiich-Z . {txtflb-tllttkmfl ”Stultll-‘hfllm‘t "f 4‘“'”‘"“’ l'h - Hlnud l .\.5 il’yQlt h.|d thruWlrsunn' earth. I‘ dons, 0“ "'0 L'U'I'IWF 0f Baltttpnt‘c (”Ni W!“ k -Ito in.~t.unp, in a pure spring, fium' \vhitll runtJ'”"IFC'FVW‘M ‘f"[l3£,l"lr“- "We”. ""95"” the n- ”M- ri\‘nlct, in 3 l‘cw luindtvs “A: \\l|ulu~"l"'l'i!c tl‘utt ht \rillynt‘up ll nrxlt‘llnll'hmis'nf tcnur‘e ‘of um strain“ hem-mes disturbed and “'f’rkf’(j'-‘\.RRL\ “ii-‘3 Bl.‘i(3lI:-S. s”th ' diLculort-d. A}. quiekl; duh impni’thuud tly h“ lit-053,. kc. He “'1“ ’tttb 21."? Cflflmtl" Lintm cry [‘L find icnn'fdl: sting behind. .\ll :1!“ .\llllM. £10515 “'W'm" *‘dmnfl- 1‘“ work ltl ‘l):ts‘ulgcs bécome blntruttt-d, and "ulna“: the 11'? ”m ”'2" o‘l “mun” and 1‘ "_“NIeTMe ”will _ulfitt'nctlun in removed, tin: lump at life won ‘1("“!‘ or """ "r." l‘Wd'Wf tn. 0h '" imyuwn't. 56. ch out; 1.. 1 in, 1.3-1 61. 3“. h (ilAhLAull‘Eß. t i p'l'hese pills not. bnly purify the Hood, hut’l- ,« ’" _ 'M’ ’. ‘ , . r generate all the secretions u: the bud) like) 4 Ne GOOdS 8; , ‘um‘ber- :_ In unthcret'ore, unrivalled as a. ' ‘PHTHR I OBLITZ, nt .\rtfnlltuilio, has just I ‘ GI'RE EUR filthll'S DISEASE-KY 1 return 1 from the city‘i‘vith nlntgefmd il \‘t‘r Cumplnint, Sick ”I‘lldflt'ill‘, kc. This Vs'flc‘lt “Mk "f llry "“o'l3-'(f"f“'"i9sy (“Nth”- .~, "(ii/Mun” .\llldit'ivne L'chia't Iran) the Math Lite I“,"U’ ”4!“ “u“! ”Omit Milk“: ”Ht-‘l, (api, l I h ddl'n .m-da 03 ilismw; and render: ull the vih'mk“! M" fig“! 'i""‘l"‘r ”‘fi'li "“1" , i lids nml scrretmny pun-_und fluent, Llcnring " ““3”": [”s‘ "" hmnl " '1" M lII’FTS’ RAILS, . u I“ rc:~UnCilttl-lh:! the vim} “ft-{“nfi- I , :rnnd alllxulrlfis, ul' oxveltentufinnltty, whwhthe: I l’lmsnnt indeed, it id to us, that wv nre uhle- “,3“ 'l'fl’me of. “I the l,"“"'\i‘,f'"~”‘¥ profitm—i t ulna- “ilititl )ulll‘ rt‘nvh, El medicine like the). “ml.” I'm," n “fl" ”n” m” “It“?! "‘3' to please.” " M;"”!‘““* “(Th Pills." that will pay dirvctly‘ll ‘\ "3' l"! [s9l' "‘i‘ , ‘l» t 110 :lfliif‘H-d‘ nuts. lhrnnrvh the bluud and}! T i A ‘_..,-_..,_v V lid: of the lmily. nnd cringe the ~lnlh7rgr toi! ‘ ‘ 119103151?“ ' _ t Ilmtyhtt-n with mumnmrtmmnyl.lm health. ”GEUH-E 'A. L‘Ult“ “(I&3ng mon‘lnn. tit/sun's I'llll‘lrri’ [ln II"! [hum/II in Mir/rub for 1"” , "Pali‘:‘ll":in‘x;er“)tllrg' n-“E-llni‘lv'y “viii-1m: : L l‘l/H‘ fill/Hum!) (‘IIIII/IMIIIIN.‘ . i Ii "1' fl- .‘ "I. 1f...) "I all!” "' ”.F m" 10 I g “m“! Complain” ‘ honulnrhw“ ‘ iii, lin ormlm: his rn-nds. unditho public that lm| ‘ . (‘mi -ha .. t I'm u-«tiiu’t ‘ it i prelgurgd t 9 nummmndntd {ill u in: mayfln-i L 1 (_ 1% t l i» J Itiomze lnm, m the best. nmnnnr, mud at mmlt-r -'l." ' "*3 . ~ . "n““m'i‘x , ‘ intc charges. N 0 ufl‘urt will he slulrrdtu givei l I‘M?“ "WWW: *“IH-‘th-H'"“““- xls-ummat... itismuio «with; will he may \ :(‘uutirotn-és, luwud Wmltniws, it . -ti ‘ t ‘l‘: «11-"'h-‘ll' h? ‘ t' ‘H i ‘ l'.“-‘l"'l"":‘x Liui' ('ulnl-l liulfi, "}H ,l'ru.‘ “1:; ”1,“, I|:th fin» ‘9“?qu “"1 ’e' V I ltiurrhuul, ‘ ‘lluunt-ss ut spilits, ilIMfLe atn ml” or om»: int un'y a: i n ._ » __ . - .nul. ' . [Mug 0, Inn]. .5111 ii )rnlh}, luvs, .. ‘. t H ”.:-.H, ;__. ‘: ~ ___ ,_ l’h-lnlily, ,_. w Sn-n'c and “raw”, ' 3 New Store at many ! Fmrr and .\gm’, Sucuinlztrg‘ Symp- i ‘ . ' .. . v l» ' Frm‘tlr “n“ l- . 1 V "E Sll'bSt‘l‘lilt‘l‘S hun- upv dd nnentm-NE“ -. ‘ " “”' 5‘ "’""" . ' i s‘rm'K up mmus xiiLMInHI-‘t 1) :. mmn‘ -1-'i:.\|.na=.'\ninn‘txnt ~ «. -- . ‘ -‘'. ‘ ‘A‘ fit" . ‘ v ‘ qnlnrh thry mute tln- :Ittcn ton of tho pnhln‘. i l’t-tnwlos \thu \alul' lupith, chnuld nvwrlmlf“ c an? prrpnrvd h,‘ 59“ .{fmfirphwly LOW. v, ightgut tht-k‘l- Pint ’l‘lmy purity thl- Mood. ill \TES for null. All “0 n.\ 'il n 4m", :lnd we: l tin-me ulwtrnt-tium ul' ull kind“, i'h-amt- t'l't‘ Hull luni‘e the lrnlih of the ulbmp "am-”inn. {_km 071:“ piuu-IM :iml l.lni«~lu~.=,aml luring lhv'l: ,‘ DARNER k SHIELDS. I Twit u-lnr (It ill/Ail“ in life puln- «him it; I . l Apr“ 15, lfltll. .'an ‘i : . t ‘ Lfiw’lhu I’Lmlc :n-d' III: [in M {\llllllqfltf‘u3‘ - ,_‘.~__ ~._A ~—-._,"-_‘.-~‘ ‘7‘," . "...i : :1“; :lr(~ nude. “an. ul:.;.lu\'- rx d m :1 \(.r:; ruru Fine Liq org. {1 l rI-lixg: “.Iy mun»: tltc 'lr-rm In“. it tnhr "f“. t‘ in \l’l’ l ll- 1-‘‘ __ , I . . . .1 . , t V: -. l. .. mHLHt-l nln~ (.rmnn and lmltl lEHS til .\lr\lt_u. tut! tlu- \lnnnlw MII ‘0“ n “H“: u ‘h. ll‘ Ill“ tl '_ -l ‘xur .\Ln'm. .unl rm: \ull tr. ml “‘llil Ilu-ligIII thy.” '‘. U ‘ t’ ."T vlm' ‘L" “H" l l , .- . .._ -. ‘ _ _ l , A” th‘ll-hli, and Inulnzl'ud ninlnrgcnuul hngr ' tr} Intuutlng .nmm I. it hmlmna pt the 1 ~~'<)l'lnwnt lu- in\itt~~ th Ml" t‘ ‘ l a‘ » Gm: noun-sm- 2'- 0: tin tun-. 5. a 9 11‘ ‘ = r * ‘5 t “ '~".". ° .’“39'. = I 0"” .; ~ _ h t,. . H .. mural... n (lnhrut'cs HIUHDHm, \\ ”Jab.’ , Minn—ll" .\lmttt.nn lh-rh Pill»: nu (ll\'\‘ \\'lll\"l\'ll’q k" ‘(h 1‘ run. ”I l=' l“ 1 Mt up in u"lh-nnt‘il'ulJWmlllu-r. linvh‘ lynx ‘iu‘ii'tt: =o):an .1 dii-‘r‘thgl‘vi‘tu id 1 il' J'IFCI Hontnins 40 pillcfinnd ivtuil “I .'L'» vunt' ponillme," \el 5:" ”T ._‘ “'th howl «swim If" ’lnx. —.\ll gt-nninn lupu- ilto signaturc ol'il. LI " f', "'1 ”3"" 'I‘I, I ”Hi." \l" “H 'gnm ! L'DDUN k ('O. on mn-ldhux. l . i flirt: 11:,” n- “11l >1: tilt'.l!-,"t"r3 t H-np. lur the: ~ - . t ‘ Hamil. in he («mum-(- t, It 1L uni) inhuman) to B. L. JUDSON 85 00., ‘ gm: hint_\unr pufmlmgo. '3 : ' bum: t'lmi'lm-z'rcms, {t “Waiting; My 1, W5l- t 1 l. [i' No. 50‘!”wa Spinner, Mar \‘oim. i— ‘ 7‘, ' “‘fioficé’j- 7 ' 7"" .\gonts \mnlm ulwuys _ .\ddrpu as alam'o. !‘ ~ , ‘ __V‘‘ ”7 ‘ ‘ r’ . ' M‘"ll.'(§. (mum-Age: t for (lit-u} shurg. {HEN‘E lll'..\ll_.iul.b l‘hr.\TE.-_‘l"'3“‘r3 0“ \ {Juli 24,, him. ”to“. l i nflnnnutrntmn' o_n- tin; «shite. at Henry 1 .‘ _ __lf _ i“ ‘rr—i‘“ W“..,_‘_ E!.|lt‘lnlcg,dlzttc nt'l .:lpnntjhf:town_~hlp,‘l\d:mm ‘ . ' ' ‘ ' ;putxtil3‘,. eccu‘se- , nuing nen grant“ to the ~_ ‘TO Treat-311013.? DireCtors' '.,tnnlcr~ignL-d, ‘thc tirsLumned' residing in the ‘ U" are h““"‘." 111.1111nt that l. “'1“ "'3‘" tin» sulne' township and the last natnt-d iit' (lt-rmnny . . f 0”"“ “‘s' WM“ rt" ”1‘”:l"”lf"-“° "f V" . to‘rmliipdlmj hereby give nhticn to'ull [rt-riot]; J numnu ten-1:05.», nu flit-[digs ,nentmm-d: I indebted H, mm ”tuft! to Indkd ""dein W)" ‘ “mid ”‘4 :n NH" “3‘9““: MILL 21.40, 3- ’"-“*‘nl--nt,mnl thuschnrimzvlninis against the same '* ”“1“" Ham, "1 -\"'_’o“‘»‘“lW".iilig- '35. LP; 1“. iu pl'bsvnt‘thcm properly authentic-"ted tor‘s‘ct. lt-ngfltck tp., ll! Elder s’bcltuol-houau, .\ng.2l, l, fill-Intuit. ‘ 11. [.‘l- “mum, -l‘- “‘4 t ‘ I ' 0 E’[ ‘l.\'l\' ’ .l’ganiilton’lp" Exiht'norlhi‘, Mtg. ‘2B. 1.0, a. m. g Jline 24, mm. 6;» JS I {_l' Adui'ra. firming "L, :It lluinptun‘, Aug. '29. it, n. m. ~ ;..~——‘—-—~ ' ' ‘ ] .'unptun. nt lining-1011. .\;l:_'. ."J. 11,31. m'. . I lunntplmsnnL u: «Blush liun SCIIOUI-ilflufl', Aug. 30; 9.". 111. . , V' . unnwagu. at \l-Sllnrry<tl;\vn,_.;\llc :tl. Tina In K trill-mi, nt Huntvrduhvn“ Srpt '_'. mu”. m. init)», at Stlnldt‘g Stiltitilihonsn, 5015!. :3, it), ‘ n. m. .- Iqrmuply, nt Littlostnwni St‘pt, 4, 10, n. m. aluuntjoy, at Tn 0 TM orps'», Sr“. 5. Win. m. readout, ttt .\luritz's St hool~hon.~l-, RPM. 6, 10. n. m. ' nmlwrlnnd, nt Slfriret‘s tuvt-rh, Srpl. 7,9, a. m. ibt-rty, at'St-huanHun .\'o. I‘, 81111.“), D, n‘ nu. :tmilmnhan. :Il 'FnicfiL-ld. Solut.‘ 11, 9. a. m. runklin, at llilltot‘tn Sclxool-‘ho'use;Sept. 12, 9, n. m. . 1 , ‘ ‘ u:lei'. ul Middleton-n, Sept. 13, 9, a. m. ‘ enzlllen, [lt Hmd’orsvillo, Sopl._ H. 9, a; m‘. ‘ unxifigtgn, at l’etershurg, 5513?. 17, 9, u.‘ in. , Mimorc, at Wolfqrd’s School-house, 8e39,. 18, 9, a. m. . ‘ y_ one, at Heldler-‘J‘mrg. Sept. 1!), 9.1 L m.‘ ; j Jloml (lmrucln' is the first. qualification ol'tho cachet ; anil,'in this particular. the issuing of t a Certificate Mill not he luv-ed ‘on the more x sence ot'open ohjt-ction. Fugitive knowledge "s propriety of ('ondlxbt will be a pro-requisite: 11 the absence of sntisfitctory ericl nee on this ‘ I‘int, the" Cerdficate will he \rithfwi‘d till re-X able information is- procured: and in cafae of; ' ~crtaim-d delinquency‘,‘ it will he rct’usctt on th'cly, no matter what the other 'qnalifimtlonn. ' E No private examinations will he gmnted‘ during the period devoted to the public exitin i tionsz‘nnd‘ at other times; private examina tons “‘1“ only take place at. the written re will of the President and Secretary of the nard desiring to'emplny the' candidate“ am] in. opportunity for themcmberS‘of the Board t be present, if they desire it. - Teachers must apply for examination before t 9 Directors of ”ye township in which they-de -24 re to teach. .tlzy teacher failing to obtain a . liunl in the township wherein his other ex n inatlon was had, must submit tun re-exami; tion before the Directora. to whom apnlivgtiun i§ new. made”l should said Direelnrs <0 (lfiflirn. _f Directors will please not fail to be present at these Qxamiuations, as I have numerous and i?lll‘lrtflllh doll|lmenhl to present and explain tT them and the teachers. . 180. C. ELLIS, Co. Supt. 3N2" Oxford, July 22. 1861. td Removal. .\TCH 8: CLOCK REP.HR!.\'G.—LOV!H * ZE.I'N.ERI|2|S remox'bd his Wa‘lrh k ock Making Establishment to Snush Bnl ti nore street, two doors north of Dunner & 7. egler'a 'Storé, where In: will be glad to re céive a continuance of the patronage of Im ptflic. By close attention to busjncss, gpod w rk, and moderate charges, he hopes to give grincral satisfactinn, u heretofore. 'lumgyeburg, April 8,:1801. ISITING CARDS, Envelopes. Note, Letter and Cup Paper, just ruei} ed at SCH ICK‘S. , 7 Pubiic fibdfcé. THU: thit llH'lth‘ lu infurm 4hr public ‘ HEREAS the "(nu “mul't' J‘. Fulfil". , I thMJ l'hnvo f‘l‘ctit't’d [rt-mt thck‘it) otl'hilnp ‘ V l’rwidvnt ut‘ the wwml (‘nmrtd of Cum ldclpmt‘n “mall hTtK.‘ 0F (EUODB, oomu mun ['lcus in the Cmutict composing the 19th Hiri‘iug till 0! the newer-t ’tps of . tDi-llrirl, am! JIHHOB of the-(‘onrt‘n of "yer I“ ‘ L ”my: wag; £60608. iTt'rvl-ixmr,nmt Gmwmngil IMIiVL-ryjfiyrtht-trinl . SHAWLS, j . ’0! “”Fiflmtll NIL] min-r ofl‘cntlt-t’s in tho emit! cum KING PLWIIS, f 'dislrirt,ztnd DA\A ‘Ztt.t:nxu mad “"4" E. “le9- .‘ GLOVES, 1 j J ' lAN, E 1412" Judgl-a «If the ('uug'ta of (.'munmi. L= ‘ HUSH-IRE} _ P’Cllfl.':|hd Justin-s of the Courts on)“, ,m'd * Bu. N TS.- ~ ‘ ‘Tt'l'mi'm-r. and Ul'ncrnl Jun tummy. fui' tho . ‘ flu WIVS' . flu-mi at‘ all mtpitnl :tmf other om'mic” in the . ‘ . , ‘ HANDK‘FS; t“ofll|l_¥ of .\d'xgmv—hnm tsslu'd their pvt-rcpt, us If!" M mfimi "lurid" CM ! . honriuk dut( the 20th it“) 01‘ April, in the [IHIFFL’MHKY AND F \§CY[S,UM’S, .:.-wt of mu- hurt} one‘thon'wmd Kixht hundred in fur? crythiugthut ;‘ 5 ”H” Iquutl in n “Front-Jun! {Olnl‘(lift‘c‘l‘d.filthohnllgltClint" 5 stock ofrltryfnud Pam-y Go é. ' . ut (‘onnnon ”mg and (:knemlhunrtrr Rt-nsiuun for. “Ni .(iIiNT . NE? of the Peace, and (intend Jriil fill-fiver)- and [have as Culnph-ly um“ k ‘w HS, (Img- l'curt “my" nmlr Tg-rminur, nt lit-tryshnrg. on .\ll-ZRRS,‘ (mops srn‘,‘ np; m: “,qu tflolttlamllm nul- dm] of Aug”! mun—ICU'IH H WEAR, as 9” us' GLU\ lit“, . Tuckmus, m 111-thl-ZIIY (”YEN wall tthntstiw-s of the HANDKERt‘YIIEI-‘S, M-lt‘ 311-3, gl'spnx_‘l‘eznu-, tluvt‘nrmu-r nntl (‘tmllu'l‘ffl within the DERS. tux, m: was evt-r hm Kg”. 14 (hifi-shurg. 'said "mlnfij‘ of .\llnmsxthnt tht‘yihe tlwn and ‘ APT“ 2:, 131”. , } _L- SC‘JHCK Mtg-rein thm‘r proper pvrsnm. With their Hulls, ' ———-;———-—-w —-~—~—» 1-4 1 ’ » -. "htt'ul‘d‘. lltqtu'sitiuns. llxumiuntions,null mlur ‘ ‘ Sea, Bath'ng jliemt‘nkrhmn‘g-rc. to nlntlmse thing“ Whit'h to “wit TEA“ PHILADELPHL ”FF“ Stun Bath- {OWN-aunt! in that hrhnlf uppurtn'm Nh» thaw, h but. Atlantic ('il\', 3. .j (“In nnxl'n Imll' lllt‘li “.’"“ [l‘m-y “h" \ull pram-run: “g“i"’{l 'thc 1‘0"”. [me from Philndc-l 1118.) fig more -fre- " prpnuh-rsthat brr nr t‘ht‘n shnll be m the Jail‘ uf quenln-U :1)”th nny ullu-r l' .140 in lhn .l'llill'd “W sun! swim-V "f .\chunsl, an: to I" u""’,"“§l Sullcs. Ills l-Itlnlnl, ”mm ud-flshing fill‘ili- - lhhe tlu pro‘al-entt- {tguuu‘t [ht-m tushull he 13‘“- tivst sm- finsu'tpmnda Itsh ct lsnnd hhnrding- :‘ .~. T, ' . ‘fiA “l b" “ 0L1" s""‘l' lltnlSt-s,,vt'ltlrh nill account: Am: about. 7,000 VShvnfl‘ s,(‘!fi""~_('"My’hurh'y} . Push-numbing ‘ns “:11! lu-pt u how'nf Sarntogn l I L J'fly “’1 ”.'". 1C ' or Xc‘wpnrt. .lta heat-h in n nth mill ‘1 in Jgngth, m A "W _ "N‘HT "Hy—“ Mm-” 1-nl|'urd'uu:lltnttguiticentdri\ ,thilethe mm s- 'r ‘— Grain ! Gram! I: 'pht-n: M‘thc I’ll}? i: ".'"“, xhtt- for “3 (1%.” [VII]: snbxvrlht-r still contimtci pllrt‘haiing‘ m-ss. The mail! nrr t-nn-in this? daily to und‘ ‘ , nll hm“ “PRODUCE, “'- MH "N stand 0'! ' ‘t’ruln l'hihulrlphht ; and n (tilt-graph Intends |( l?‘{nl‘f'r°"‘frl§ 411;“, "it z-J’LDUR. “HE-‘l‘: “he Mm”. “up”, “run '10:“ g : 11:) h, (mu. HATS, SEEDS, Ml, tor whit-tram I, 'l'rnina‘, on Camden nnnt Ltklahtiy Rnilrnnd I “31""! ““frlw' ["h'") “i” 11“ gin-n. i leave Vinit- strut-l. \tlmrf, l'hi’u elphin,’ mu 3, V. ‘93“? “"1”, 51“” f’”“li“',"" "'3' (HHH'ERY “I!" In. :tnd {1.51. 1..-m- Athtulic mt; 15 .a.‘.ll...‘4'*”"'l_‘, 2‘1””; Judy“! RN“? mnwml)’ ‘nhtl‘ 4 4.: I“. .\l. Dummy ho mills. Furr ‘ {l‘m “d“‘H‘mWr'c‘v s"ls7“il,‘l‘li"*,"VAN-“in“, “$1 #O. J ‘ i‘ " El?!) “01H“,[('ullh’l'linllr,_l‘ill‘u‘l',Gllitljtl,&(g._. 1 lll‘Kihhin’s‘ [l'nited B“an Hinton) the Surf" ’lhanHfih'ttw imitcul IQ mm, us [um «11 tm‘tnitn. Imm] :0”.“ houses now-open.l .1 , :t-d‘tu 3.011 hst‘clnup us 1115" L‘ht‘nluwt, ‘ i 1 July-LPWI- tm : l _ ‘ ‘ 3 JOHN SCOTT ._-.*-.,.- .» » 1|»; _~ ‘. F - ‘Townsley A'liead. IE Itndersiguml rt-spet-itrplly infuytn: tho Tpnhtic that he cdntinuf-slthu U.\llltl.\(H-J MAKING .\.NI) “EPA”HSi‘Jiusinws in all its “dim-rent forms. tzhoitpu-r th‘qnjfan)‘ sb): in the " ' ”...“..x' ’ Notice. _ OSYCPH HEWLER'S EST Q laulL-Imxry inn the c‘ :thx Lvr, I.up‘uf .‘lF‘u‘lflph'n M m: upumy, (la-cmmnl, Inning llqmj g mngli‘biguod, re—ix‘ling in Xth‘un to _ lu‘rehy gin-4 notice to all par-Imm ind: suit! white [6, ma ' . imm'mliufie paymcl purse ll mm; Hain dgnilxstflhd rum:- to Jr» them prupcrly :{ul mutirTufi-m! fbr settlelnl'nt. ‘EURG E! Mil-Ifill.l-le,'la'z‘r. June 24, 18:31. . 6t Notiee. , omz‘ mars ESTATE.+I.em-rs 193 - ! mcnm'ry' bu‘ the estate :0! John "an, late of l‘yiun township, '.sd?ms county, du .n-a=ed, having been grunpd to the nndrr .s'fincd, .I'esidipg in glu- sunf iowhship,’ he :5? «by gives noliqe ti: :1 1p rsong Indebted ‘l to said estntvto muke imm idle payment, and ”hose having claims against ""18!!!an topreseuc “Iqu prupurlv mnlwnlicnted‘ffl sclllemvnt. WILLIAM STEJL‘ER, Executor.‘ July 15,}Sbl. ea ‘1 E . ,__.,_,_,_ -M—__..__+_.__.__._ _ N otloea‘ 5‘ § , .\.‘IUEI. LOIIDON’S ESTjkflE.—Lenera tes: tamentnry on the candy: pl Samuel London; lute of Freedom township} dams 'county, docmaed,‘ hmfing.heen grume to the under signed. rqsiding in the same hojvmhip, he here by gives hum-Q to a“ person; maemm m min! estate to make immu‘lmte payment, and {lime h‘m’ing shims ngninnt the‘ mime ‘0 present then; prqpcrly authentimtedlfoi seltlemvnt. 5~ ‘. ‘W. R 055 ‘VHITB, I'Jz’r. =1u1y15,1861. GI ‘ ¢ a. Gettysburg Restiurant. . “1E underslgnod, having bou‘ght out Clmrl’os r 1 11. lfiuslley, will conliupelllw llliT’l‘YS ..lhllw RESTAURANT, at the, nth! Aloud, under .\lcConnnghy’a llnll, in Cnrlial‘e street, where he will always be ready to ulna up, 111 llm gcullsofruslomers, UYS'I'HIKS, CHICKEN, U‘l‘il‘lll‘ TONGUE, 'rnu'E, ICI-i Clll)All,.hc., \v'ull 'DOMESTIC WINES, ALE, LAGER ‘und [‘Ul’.. He will spare no elfortto render smisl'uction 10,} all who may pan-unite h‘itp. llr nnly mka a; . 4 New Goodsfg ‘ cu".- . ‘A‘LEM‘MM‘ERHH- ' ANSESTOCK mumms have Im}.- Jill)’ I, 1861. ,3mAH. ‘4 , IF gei\(d “a nre no“ opening: ushe-p tad. "” ‘ ’ ' f, “_'_‘ defiant; gas-torture»! 0! Spring Good: 'lO “'3. filiggffp?‘ vO3: . J liwhich [hovnuebliukof buyers ii respectéufly 11. ~es p 0 la .11). mm 'uvne . .’l‘lleir nae cowlris l - ~ ‘ Sean's, inlflmmhcrsburg dram, Getlyi- :md 113 m; wpmvcdvslylei 31ml .fitarlngfigfi: burg: Fine thrifly letxufl Urnmnuntul Trees Goody, tagelhor will: their usual asserting” a! nhdl‘lams,cnr(~fully tmnsplwtrd I‘ln'ru lhrsule. Staple Domoanc Goods, such as «mum. fail ‘to W 011” and sec thcnu—fsnnlrtuCtilxn wur- ,plense nll_who may favor them wllb'flu-ir 5;". fig‘j}_i_~_~ _‘__ _ - DW- §2L}i:°-_U itromge. d(‘ull early and gcluclfromlhcifllrgo j Hay Rake. >~imnd sane uswrlnlen't.“ ' _ _ 7 < ‘ mews Li mzrznmu have on h'nna mo! *mu WIFMM‘DTOC" “MIME-"é S finl-ruu HAY nnd GRAIN HAKFS, whiph , .-. I 3 ’ - ' L—v»« - .—~ _—. VA. 9 wull be In“ at low nus. This is a. fine MAJDIWSBS' ‘ASD CHILDREN'S, SliUflfi—A pgrtnnily ljor Flrmen to 3mm alvnluuhle labor ’ Wgeunorgmenl ofMlng-a' find Children}. aid time suing implant-m. CA" and look at 5315'”. Niki-Mid ColorPd- M ‘- ‘ ‘ mm. A ‘ . [my 27, mm. u ‘ Alumna R. F. ncxyaaws‘ (httgflmriq, Aug. 6, 1860 Mdrclfimt Tailoring! ‘ EURUH ARNOLD-has j’ust returned-frail G the rily u ill: )1 large slch oliUluthgCuy. Nun-res, k‘iuuhlueruu, Linus—db Etc, Cnfhmuro, Holly. uml \lntinga'nf {xll =l)!ch nud, :wcuu d.lh(- which Hf ‘ ’ ‘W.’l‘.[\'lXG?§~ us I’urcumn‘, we are [lirlmrfllj to put up the M 1016: goods in null-. 1 equal to the best city munufm'turing ceunhljaldmcnls. "bring turned (1M hundfmh uf jn‘h‘ \\ i’hiu Hw‘hs; six manna, uhiLh huw’ull pruned qzlligl'urtorg} um] :} \‘q-ry ('uwidn-mhlc im'rl-u'lc it! our trmlc-lgo lu'shuw, (‘Ulll'llhi‘vcbfl that “'0'?!" husx‘miu in NO. 1 nn‘fiuu-r. Uur stuck I) gnuds (‘lll mt hb sur anwd i'n [lax-‘1'") mu! 523 Ic.l (jiw! us n cnll.~— W 9 sue cwnifidguv. \\'(~.c.m plgnsgpuhl. _ 3 . 3 , Wows L~\RNOLD. ‘Ap'rilm,’l3sl. tf ‘ i Prlvate Sale 4 ' F A FARM.—.—-Tlu- mhurihrr Assignns of O JAcuu, liermmr my] “"1 le, ofl'vrs u: Priulo Rule, THE FAIL“ of mif Assignnrfi sitimu- pquly-ln quldip mu] par"): m Gum buylnnd ,luwnhllip‘,‘ Adams roumghunlhe roud lengding, from (:01!)§LIUIK ta Mfi mnmsburg, about one mile» Imm the laltcr‘ph‘ro. Thu l-‘yhn L'lnnmins Hi!~ .‘Glllifixmd 4 X'EIN‘IIHS, mqt ,lut‘dStuv. imprm‘l-d will: a Tuo-Stury In.;.mlL-:l.uu nonmallmg linrn,‘ _ g,“- - with Slmls'mtnvlml, Horse tank}? V 3_ lTl¢§e,.lf(-\\" Spring lluusf, no“ of 341'“, If“ “after ut the duct, um! u 'Ynung “:3 Q}: Urtlml'l‘._. Thcl‘lJnd ia’uf‘guod quality, being llné yolloufisnud. m . ‘ Pcrmus wiahing to flow the property are re qu‘paled lo (hilr uu. Int-9b lickcm'u‘fle, residing, tlnjircun, or on the Aqigm-c, I'Hichng "m Get !) Jung. “ Z.\¢U.Ull.ul .\n'mm‘, inn-ii s, 1861. xr , i mug-me. i 1_ ‘ ~_. _',, _‘_.‘...A..V-‘ ,___. 1 Lancaster fipok Bmdery.. EURUE \H.\.‘i’l‘,l ‘ , ‘ ‘ " 12p 01!: 12mm ER, ~ A 5!) gum: übof uurncauwu, ! ‘ 1‘ , LANURSfl'JR, PA. ' Plain and (Inmménlly limdiny, 61' every deg sorjptn‘ou, exocutcd in file must. bubqtuntinl and appruwd rules. _ ‘ a if ‘ ~ ‘ ‘nui‘lzuxqzs. , e f ’ E. W. Hrown, E~q.,~}“nquers hunk of Lam-aster. W 1; [5. l’t-umr, Esq . Lnfzvnsllvr C(IIIH‘) Bunk , Sn nnvl Mum-1;, 1251]., Hul‘nllubin Hank." 3:l}nm-l “manner, 5:11., Yurll Hunk“; ’ \\ Illizllu Wuuurr. Eula Yolk (14;)Illlyl3uuk. T “L (‘.'lr~nll, I‘Zfl'lq'Huuk'lll'lh‘lflhhllrg.‘ x l’t-}t-r “.IHm lan, ,l':our},ol‘lmxmin-g cm, Pn‘. NV». 0‘ l!;lulhnrn, Ecq'. Mom lt-r ‘“ “5‘ (NFL \\ hilmn Eu; , limunlulx l‘i “ {\‘u'd 1.7. It“. ‘ , . . - ,1 . ... _ l, .-...Lg. | Néw Sprmg Goods} , I?U'K'IV:IP {vw on‘ Iniml n nvr. IQ! af'Spriug , UVI‘JWIUA'I Slut \\':ll"llll‘i(‘(‘i.,' k ~r I : ~ UVhKIXLVI'S M 1 war-lithe}, SI’ERIXG DRESS (‘erTS’ . , | IH,:lcsn’ mmTS, 3 ' _ ‘ ! smm: v.3};‘num3'sx, ‘ ‘ i, JUST“ ”USS M. panic Wife's, , ‘ ‘ I Sl’fl{.\'fi_ VES'I‘S, ‘ ' ’ES’l‘p', \' 531‘s, \‘ HSTS, l'nlflor‘Shirm.Dmm'i‘rsgsmcking<,s6vks,fllrwm. (”$O, .\[uucal lnuruménh. Amwr'décml, Fluvial, I-‘if‘lvs, Nomms, tri, 50.; Ma, 'lfl'il'j! .mlda‘ory rheup. Cull iu'nnd look nud‘ym ctjn'! lu-Ip bubmg. [lint-y 6; HM]. 1 the Great‘ Dlscovery . f F Tim'mHip—lnflammatory and i'hronjc" , [ilycynthsm t-nu he 1 lured by using ILL. MII;LHR'S‘CHLBUIX.\TEI) HIIEUSIA'HC .\lfx- . TURF}. Many prominent citizens of. (his, and tin! ndjniuing ('ollnlk‘il, Imw ,teslificd to its~ ‘grtém utility. l‘ts succvds‘iu lilge‘umnfic nil‘oc tiullsfims bet-n hitlwrm ‘unpnrafleled by any spdcific, i'nmnlnco-l tn thapnhlie. Price 50. rcdts [nor Imulc. {-‘urmlc by ullulruggislsnpd “”h-"k‘ opcrs, Prqmrrd’tmly by HHL. MILLER,“ “'lrllkhfinle um] Rub-i 1 Dfixggisti Ellszjicrliu', .\dmms manly, I’m:~ denier iu‘ Urugs‘, Chumicnlg, I’ll}, Vn’rniwh, 31-I‘rit‘l, \l‘u‘mb, Dyfl-stuffil, hol tlcd Ulla, Hut-M0; nun] .’l‘im'lurea, Windqy' GMacfl'ért'uulrl'y, I’ut'vulvlledil inlfifl, km, it. $O3”- lv. ”Ill‘llll'l‘ is um Agrnt in Gettys- ' Mm; {ol‘ “ H. h. .\liller’s Celebrated Rlu-muutie Slinlx‘re.” ‘_ [June 3,-1801. M' TE—LOUQH tes in' Jukrph “(rm (whip, .\dinn: gill-d to thr‘ {ifhilnl he {@d In ‘ find (rut g A Ready Market. .4 k’ HUSHELS CHAIN WANT; ] ‘ )0.()0() ELL—“'O luwo when the hulzasc lxm-l)’ oocup'L-d by Klinckltmj, Rolling” Julia, with n determination; tn pay the higlmd, mnHu-t pricva’figr all kimls’of Grain. Yuu will fins! us supphcd will), I'L:\Sl'ER,Gl':\.\'U 0'! u“ akindLe, unucmuns, \Vholg‘zule. and Retail. Ll'i‘llililfi. HLU, and every gtlournrtiele In 0511" liiné of huainen. sold at. the-lowert‘v possible mtiys for Cnsh.’ ('zbll 24nd examine ogr ituqk and prim; beforp purclmfiug elstulwre. ‘ , ' ' ' DIEHL, BIKIXKEBJIUFF & CO» , April 22, 1851. tf ,‘ ' J I=ll é smv lot. or nEyuLflzns. of «Elm-m A styles, embljncing the- hymn, rvcfitfli at SAMSUN'S liertllm-s: corner al' (In Diamond: Having purihnsel for cash, at the heaLralkes, ht- is-prepxred to u” as lfw’nx. the lowest—4! noglmnjr yet. Drop in and exfin‘me‘mem f 9: yonreflvus. “No trouble to show gods. July, 1, 2851, a _ - .7 SCOTT & SUN, opposite .Engle Hotel“ A. Gettfiburg, wiil open this any. a chap and desirnN- Mock nf scusamhlcjmods fur L..dics and Jeullemrn, \\ it!) u full Monument. uflluuwslicx,‘&o.. kc. We would "spooning: unlrn—tfrriuou to pur stock! which will Inc will. at the lowest poisihla rams. A W 63” soon nna _emmino fur mullet-hes.— No “tilde to show goods, , A. SCOTT k SON: . April 8, 1861, ‘ ‘ . maxamhuom Bevel’verm-g New Spring Gobds !