The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 08, 1861, Image 4
gflvm‘immmfiz. ' "kmézfiigéfliig n ..ggsyard B. Enabler, I‘I'TURNRY . T LAW, will fuithfnil; and 1 promptly a: em‘ to n” hatincsfcntrusud 111. "I: ape h the Germ-n limping;— pf: n! the :n place, in ion“: ,flnm'more . 3, near ‘or cy's drug 31 re, "earl {'todlejbunner Ziegler} urogefiq‘} » ' , .(yey-a-bur, M 1337.“ _ 1 Lit- . " D. KcConaughy,} «flDRNEY Afr 'L.\ W, (office mud dnnrynl offlnehlu' drug and bank slhg’eJ‘hnm ‘ rohu'i Itreet.)§.\l‘rouszv nu SIHIILH‘UII ‘rou pgrnfl Ann P: “on. hounly laud “gr. unh2'39ck-oo)' 35399:;de! “Mimi. and an other claims ngni at the Govrrumem at Wash. ngmn.‘D.C.;al.-I Amqicnnt'luimsi England. and Wunuuln Med and wldmrt oughmmd iighul price: gi ‘n. Ann" engnfied .in In ’guing warrants a lawn. Illinoinjnnd 63hr; refit!!! 8,19)“, Jpply to him personally _pr hy leucr. ' Geuylbwrg,3o . . - Jo ATTOBYBY .\. I v ——olficr on B cite" Fuhieuock I: ‘ ‘Geuysburg, 04: ’ ' . >3. I'TORNEY A final sud n 1 9‘3 1;“ with [uni flora: of the his 'fi. 8. McClellan, " Quayshurg. Am! ....A-- r~ 2L,'54, x Herron, D G‘il'XSElJ." ltimnrt- street, u lhcr-x' Sture. ja, 1560. a . Needy:- LAW, Will “(an other busing: i pcneunflmfive i mnl‘ormerly 0‘ Hill. :1 11451359. 1! ‘l. McClella 3M “2-01 m: 1- |» duo: west. 0 _ Wm, ‘1 "03551'3-i . did street, 0 Our! ngse. ‘ ‘ Gctlyaburg. Nov . ‘ Wm. ‘ 'T'I'GRUBY 41‘ . we“ camera at. . L" 14, 1339 ; Duncan “UR—(Mice in ‘ Geld»: p'qua’c,‘ - [Gal] _3, _ - A. .. ”woaxEHT 1‘ m (lollrction g 1‘ ‘ J; 1,9 h-im. V ‘in? Dguncr & Zin-31} fiettypbprgfl’u. 5 $l. Cover, E'LAWrwle mum mad 9}! Qllmr "II li. 9‘ hcmu-u F fr'a Stores, Hull} 5 V [Sept-1 ha a“ , 'J. _Lawre: , \S his otfive c ‘ dqor afié‘al hf wt 19' ' Imer'nu clrurch Yin ’Z‘V' w ‘hlmberibfirg gtreet, and nppnaicd Pix-king's plan, when: those b'ialn'rng to lmn- [any Dental ppm-Minn permnnu'ld urercspuctfullj inviwdto 9-)}1. 'lfirmus‘czsr Urs. Hornet. 11w. (3. I’. ‘ rn'udl, ~ Rani“. L. ILuuzhn-r‘, I). p.,‘l:ev. rot. .\lfluhs, [‘l3er M. L. Szwver.) , Gettysburg, Ami?! n, ’53. i _ . , . Adafins County ‘ grand-'1 m; ,xsumxcn no A haq’m‘wn‘zodi Hun-ll 18, 1651 ~ , rmms. Hwopo. ‘lif liuiacH uchler. l'rquul-I—G ch}: {in 1’!‘I;”f’l’-7§I. n; entry—D. A. I IM’l‘rcury. ; -—_Rubcrt .\[cCu ' :élnmn. ‘ I " Swopc.‘ I). A. 8" Nu; m. 1;. .\l'l): ‘l6s‘inu‘k. \\'m.'L’.p .iclwlhcrgcr. U) y Picking, .\hcl ‘ \lcCrt-er. 5. I 9) Pulley, John H] flmurtr—o 1).: vi d ‘ Knowing Camry?“ gig-g, .‘ndrew Hei _ ‘ war; wu—fieurg 99b fig, .\. um A..K.'_ all, 3. [’th “'m. B. Wilson, \l'. {9'}? W'ull'orJ, I'L guhn Khmer-” 8.. U -‘l)l'Creury,y Andrew push. ’ ' ambit Comp: fioqs to the cuuin) glgcfifissful Operdli . 1 than. pcriu'd Peusethy’a yurplua cnpiml “1‘ any employs no ' £9 3 by Hi: Mann,“ 39113)] the Stockhu| n‘n Insurance cum 1‘ aimed Mummers m WThé Erecut _glicagqf Hie onfip #1) every: month, a; Sept. 21, 1355. ny li limited in of .\‘lamsh I! l -u for more [luu ms paid all 105. smamtul, hnving the Treasury. gents—all bus -ri,.wlmnre 2mm lers. Any per; pply to any of ‘ furtherinfonu' we Committee m my on the last l '1 B: M. ‘ [5 ‘ lat Work; AND .lILACK :gnval regpemfh : public that h: lm] Blocksmizhi I'm establishmel g has on ha .rullkhnda ofC S. Syring “‘ng nd made by an - Na and BLACK I: easonable rate I ion at custom:- ‘3‘ nkon ln 9‘ ; ces, ' - 'an ‘ ‘o-Acusuxix -—_Tl;p.undus 1 a friends um! "I “an Oonchmnkiug . £s!de branch 3!, ,gflbntg street. "Eidflsctuimo ovd . um ES, SLEIG 1561 b“: material. an. WES?“ gldkindg don‘t M. .g p saliifa (8.015321%! “309:1; Mark M. ium-kc! pg q‘l’crsous the Sole innking or? “usually iuuted wing articles nr ilgckfimithing 1i tn cnll 011 . OHS L. EIIOLTZ .Gettyshqrg. Ju . 24, '59. ~ Wit was, J ewelr: 1") an El._ ‘ 4Rlfif—7Wo “.10 A fully infnr our friends; pup pnhit‘ gencmlflv, that. we ‘have nq .snd on‘er Wuuus I-l: up “ETA“..q .Guh Pricey a h Kc and very rhoi Awal, Jun“. Y. Suvn no Pm bury vyfiety nfnd 513%. gm; qosnnip on of Diamond n ,othu’quclry m erd order, at. slu .\u ‘gnnds w rlsqwd to he as I ~ _ " .‘ I‘3.+Euggio hr ’iutentlon gi _ , (“Yatebvs 1,?- Jewelry, of ev ‘l} Jpn. " ‘; STAUFFER & H , A r No. 62’! “It: ct St., South Sid . Ws3hr. 11,1861" 3m _ ‘ Hardware & Grl ‘ ‘ TORE.—The‘puhsrriborsstiljl‘mv‘ ’Tghsoitme tam. unwxngxa it Maldnlcmblis ed sand 1 . Jtriceg.‘ ‘ § ' filtgy-have in? rptummi frqm th_ :n pmensq 5 ad: of {Mods-2c (part, of . N ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS, su‘c figure", fliugesi Balm. Locks, 6135 2.900145, he‘ll-“ Him Edgy T 901: wipfiga;saws; Plugesbphiseis, Go M3l“, Angel’s, Sqmres,—Guuge ' , an, etc.- “ BLAtiglsmTHs ~wm find A ‘gups, es, Horse-shoes, Homer .pu. with them, wry cheap. . COACH FINDINGS. such as C] ‘ i gromnsk,‘ hinges. Cotton, .\loss ‘_ pf g. Axles, Hobs, Spokes, Fe - u?o{:i‘Bhm{ts, em, etc. ‘ snot; FI¥DISGS —T:lmpic6, {nungfigmccm Mniugs. Bindings. 3300!". us, new with a. general .Bhoomker'c Tools. _ , 3 _ _ 1 CABINET-MAKER'S TOOLS—'gencnlvu “:ggmenc; also. Varnish, Knolm’Y a?” etc. ' HOUSEKEHPBRS will also find I bug». is: ‘ unwell: «Kim/es an-l Forks, BAH ‘nh', 31mm Silvgr Elsgeg Tatle 813 d Téa ‘ p gum-Can :fim \fnjtgns, Shqydé "and Ayn , Sud ;irqng, Epuyeled and Brats: Ketuag‘flffi, Tubl; flackéts, Chums, Carpeting. any, epc. Also, I general assortment of fi‘orged and\',pr all sizes agd Liqu.,CusL,Shcal-, ! ,u'a Bang; sun], which theywill seuu cheap} {9: {hagxlaupesL ¢ ‘ @CERIES—n full and ggnera‘ assurtment, i Inc to Crushed, Pn‘lverizc‘d. Clprified, 3nd. Bmwi Sugars, New Orleans, Wesq Indies, and ’ _Btgu-‘honse Molasses And: 55?“ Cofir,‘ Bpm". Chgcqiuye, fine, course, 4 dairy Ssh” Linseed, But: _nud ‘Sgegm 40il, Turpentilfil fish. «We. . j ~ A In!) ”sermon: of Lena and Zinc, drfr and f" giggly) Euro—pmnf Pguu , inflict. than": "angel; m the Hardware. anéh Pindinzd ‘'% Exguimg, Howe—Keeping. Blacksmith“ ,_ 7 “Wake", Punters. am; 5'90"! ii“— ,9“ of glue!) they aye dgtormmed y, ‘ sen 33‘ 10' fit" Wk ‘9 my My,» 93'. of 1119' C Ly. ‘ ' ' , man ‘3. ,mm, ‘ . , DAVID z EG’LER. 'Wbm,-npc.u. 1860. u 3 'mw MESS wwxes, at, a." ‘ ‘ Esq Lunor'e Adv’tss. i , A ' HOWE!" Street ‘ .\BPE? STORE '+A. G GRIFFITH it C SUN. No. 3! N HMvnrA Sn. 3. W. Can." or “award I lllriun Sinus, Baltimore fiNEW AND Cilia! 04R?” HOUSE. Do you want to buy I K'hcnp Carpet” , Thcn‘zo lo the prnrd St. Cups-1 Store. CARPETS. OIL CL TBS, MATTIXGS. 3.1.. kin—Wo: would'imi! attention Io our i‘x'cw stock 01‘ Came-tings. U 3 010!th Matting. RMI Culprls, Table On! uiulhn. ha. ha. an of whim we are deumiilwd to lell at the irery lowest gm}: prives. 1 ‘ E fi-Any wishing (i will find "rt m their an nod; before pnrrhn packed for country Ir rrhurze. A. (3 Ausm-G‘Gmrrnn. I No. 31' N. Howard 5!. & \lnriun Stream." , April 8, 1861. (SW 1861. ~ R? I'B. cu. m. Chg; xsw Y 0!“ frmn 25 cent lip: Oil Milli" and (. ecked K low rricel: ocun Mm" Alto, DRUG TTS. ; SINK RODS ut‘rcd- PETS of our u 11 mu 'l‘ A call solicit. e _ , :\a m. l 4 doors ms to! [I April 1, lsalfis‘ ml ‘ AT LAW. I.u'l‘y' oppo~ F—‘j * 1 _A. Mat ‘ “FA ANDFURNI' ‘ S 2:: amt 27 N. "u. Faye-me at.,) extend—in 9L—HIE‘ huge“ eatphl u l'ninn. .\lwnyi on‘ lur HOUSEHOLD .\NI! I braving l‘¢ds A rakes, Mnurensea of Spting Bcdu, Suit-n. T Rogking Chairs, Hung: l.*l~§.'}{oceplion nud‘ ' sumsncmms “#1 Want} Chairs. (many (.‘ril:§ and ('rudlo, [:1 (HI: und Walnut‘ Fm bomrdi, Extcnujon 'l‘ul Pemns dispbsud 4 null and give our stat for vnrigly and qualit equallc . by any eslub I A” ‘ Nos. 25é ‘ m collec ummcd to I the S. H. cupied by \‘oltMid the new the North m Lyshurg, 24517. If buy Mtend {juuas on— umstacks' I\ are street, “H 59. .Aug. 6 mo Lawrenc. \ OTXUN HOUSE. 1" A N (‘ Y , x 1103]} . . AX Willole‘snle an etuil. 4 I [ln]! El .u M i 133 151 anqux 1“: '7 flowers ‘prmnptl June 18,,1860. 1y L George \ ukam: and nail I CHINA. GE, : Na. 41 Nhnh llawurd'.l Inn and Fayette SK firoxnwmfi alwn)‘ prices. ~ 1 IPANY.- .J HIV, Jacob u-‘hlornlu rll). Thus pM‘ ClaUnu lie! F.od". T. “‘right ’liußclL‘l) .‘klug, I .' . g sun m 1:! 'INHHAR'P k SUIJL R the ’INL'I’I‘HOH of (1 lie gum-ally m the fa;- turned from the_ cilia Balumdrlu with 5 NH“ SHRTMEVTLDF (:00 before (Wen-1H" the on Having bought their priu ml. and Mn time wl kinda of fabrics i 2 uuynr nhlci] N 3 uITL-l' s eh BAT! thy lmwt cchiiious. cull and examine our st in Hui department, \\ sun-h in moments ns WI their tr “Mo. Every it first class culmtry‘atore We nre determined NO nhywherc outside of th “Quick Snicsynd Sun! to shnw goods. ‘ while hiso take (hi thanks for the very gait heretofim: recrivcd, an ' its apem as been in six fears, I !‘:. n lurge l'l‘lle Com 'ness being nl'ly elect— n desiring ‘ the above lion. J lftlmpiy amty [hen . for: Tlodnflhou'ili ‘rlirlv an ally kept ii a ‘1“ .\SHHGTUX ‘-‘ iwil) he mud omin mt. ‘[R snficrinr 9" any other 5 ' TOBEIXN‘ZRR Ll) “ lentrcinc “.lli’lent-Qs eCityt 5‘ our mull. is: “'ASHLVVI‘HV ‘\ , Profits} No to Me is un4ivnllc-l for body or I ' pmiutls will do as much morniio}! to rel Ir url .of lht‘l‘ Z‘int‘.v . mus patrnnagc L' we I \“4\s'{'s(}l‘l-\.‘. . «j indulgel the hope no Hus IT: eqml for durabdg j E ~ i‘by' “Sir! uttrnliun to 1225;“(38' 3nd 3 high “5' PPF‘PH lawt‘xltiallhsr l‘ _ . rd 0: the interests )0 Io r mrnns n a-- V-‘ - , ~ . Mifi‘lllßG ‘ Ezrgelws, to merit :1 continuum).- of; their tud T“ " ‘3'" ““1“.“ “713'- l.v .'nforws - fm’ora. ' RINEIIARE L' srr‘ mm. st: For sale by DA.“ 1 ‘,°"““P','“{ Corner Main nd Moltwlfl “IL. 9 “Sb" 2, Pa. ['l K‘msméss ‘April s, 1361. " ‘ Fairfinld, .. ! 7|- « ~ ~~—~—:~ “PU '\—-- A“ ,N. --- i~ J 33 1 ‘ ‘Prof L -‘ [lle De Grath’s Gr t Eldctrlc 1’ ‘ \m vamo'lu'rm . Lns he. 031:3 Tllfl MARVEL TQE‘lAGE—pjor the H and Economical (“13“ was, ..3,k_ WNW"; (“0‘ "e ".'"“g =1 ‘ 1 l _m t RESTORING (Ht. \ “1":le of Cures Rheumatism ofle In It day; ' V ‘ I'm" r ‘O, without dyeing‘ I promptly gnres heurnlijn.‘T?oth che. twp. minutes? . . "I“, rom‘tnrning “my. 4 nres Cramp ,n atom- ._fire minutes . . i, p“ l'llEVl-IS'LIXG B. L - Cures Burns.Wonnrls, n_uea.ofne to two ya; tin when there is (hf. Img p (‘ures “cadmium Meen mates: ? ref“ " nth-c envrm- rcmu n , (‘ures Eur-ache, Stifl‘ N ck. égllle. one nig‘ t; ‘ 11$ REMOVIM". SOC 1‘“ (fires PH“- Swelled GI nds. “h dnyéi; ! and ll cumnenus Miami 5 Cures ho‘ons.‘ Broken roasts} Silt Rh4llm,l Ftfil BEAUTIFYING l l ”'0 1° 5‘3 ‘9‘)"; 3 _ I l ‘1 o‘ a] unet milled rlossu Curt-s: Hemorrhage, .Sc l‘nln, Abscess, nix tic I{t glans,“ slilky iu xl-ts ”a?“ ”f“ GU“. = _ ‘ ‘ . : curl eadily. ,/ Curesvl'rostedll'eetnnd Chilhlnrznsmneto hm, Th great «‘elphrity n 1, . ‘13.“ i L !’ ‘ . ' mm: for this unequalled . Guns ““9“? I|qu fly"! one to; "'0 Eh?“ and the phoprietor that one t ‘n giLnervpus and s rnfuloits n‘fl'cctionp. Ito “mg. a discerning “‘3" ”"49”? in 9"“ t fm" dnyr; '1 ! qnnliries over any other e Cures nll_l’aln in the B as. Hr§ut.&c.,' two lin “a . It deans“ the m . ' d“)? ‘ ' l “' dnnd allow! other ruutnpt noi‘unx or: Iscmn um rtrl‘urnxls no} ”.3 air mgr-ow lnxuridn ~ ‘ . Al nndril. Vfi- . . rlchhloft,i glossy and flefih .Prot', Dc 6 th—Dea Sir :—-t.\lyl<3oii hail his .150 he", the hair-ls h, 5 font badly ml. Pad awol en from} sticking small it w 1 give strength “"1: into it. and .Wflta totally unable to wulkwifihout and «store the growth ,3 crutch, when, by 0 appllluntlon of trout have become. haild, caiuslf: Electrip Oil.- hen-ab i media 9]; earn-(11 and] cove‘ing ot‘hnir. able to walk “iithout h s crutc . I much he! Thiere are hundredn nf in: wns anv‘ed .frtj'm beiu lame hereby. i re- in N York who have b d commend yourlOil to n nfliothd. " ' .1‘ by y, a use of this Infigo?“ . . ' fliYonrs, lily, J J ; p . tion: had failed. I. _ ,1 J 0! .\‘AR,\OLD,“HII J- ‘ séss’ n lnttelis innumer l ' fiheumntism.§Nen}-ul Imandlnlt pains fed d‘bot- ‘fncts, from poi-so é ’~Monce.hy thig-m‘mto L l. . . spec bility. It will e c Tlfe (‘in-es mudelhy rof. De}Gl‘nth with hlfi ' hair rom’ turningr grt‘tyu it "ELECTRIC OHM nre lmost miraculoudq ““1 of life; and in cases wh‘er _ t l 0 wonderful nndfins ntnnentis; so utisfac- clmn' d in; color, the “'9 tory. and miti 5: human ill. run to nnll‘ _wmgfi, certainty restorzi upon pnhlic- fir? {on ies, nil those “Human-lug it n dnrk, glossy a} p 1 charge ofipubli‘ ,' ’gtil tions f r the sick and . fumeifor the mug; and air; Infl’erlng,’to lorflk well into my: well ”testy! partihnlnrlyrecommende _, ; meritq,‘the Ii ,ple efli yof thin “Eléctric {mgr-inure; and me great F. Oil." for th Cure of dirt uses on man and heart. ! dresqing the hair, which,;w GREAT EHSCOYERK E-«Amiple tests, jbo'th‘ Invi rutor can b 9 idri-ssctti by able nrfictit‘ionqi-sgvgggl‘ chemicnl Inalyslst ‘so agate preserrgits places, ' hove demonstrated thelgrnat value of Prof. De ‘cuflsphcncc thé-g a,” If: Gmth’s , bcnutiful combination, calledi DE ladicb'u a sandal-3 toil GRATH’S “ELECTRIC OlL',"i‘ur the relivfnnd‘ ought to be without. at: 1 cure of man and heuq But the. people them- within (hé reach “hm, bf wife: are rendéring thfir Verdict in a mnrmerl ONLY TWBNTY— 1 both unmistakable nd satisfitctory. More per Itonlr, to by hnd at 11 than fivehund‘md thptfaand bottles harem-en gistsmnd perfumers. sold in a \‘cry ‘shnrtt one—at great proportion L. MILLER wouldvcnll' h to those who heard other: rergommend it“ who‘rem.’ find Gnnrllians to tlic had tried it. 'Ehnt 1! 1| 8 3PI ,ndid diSCOVEPYr ntorJin‘cases where ther is everywhere acknowledged, nod nothing like to bq weak. The use 0“ 1 it was we: before program}. H'or good head of hair, a i The only tieflll‘ulfi f“ EIEWW 0” " ‘3 PTDf- purh¥¢cs that may have how De Grnth's. which‘ laito be had st all the. ro- - the ‘ up. the removal 0! ‘. sped-Mile Druggists in the Duke“ 5'49"}, mi Iboni for the health of the th at wholeule and :retnil. It the Propricmr’l ‘PPC wince ot‘its 1,31,. l prices, of the Agent. u Price 251 cents. 50 cents,’ C (71-105.?5'0“ gennin Ind $1 per bottle. :11? S. Bth ltreet, Pinko “mil. of) 1.01313 lelufih dolphin. Principal Doput. E ‘ ‘ wmrper; also, L. MILLH " May 27, 1861, 3n; , i RA’IR’R. N. Y.. blown in tlge ”W ”W losglé Depot, 56 De , S , ' Second Amval ‘Ahep'u-lncipnl Merchantsnn’é INS FALL.——li¢trger Slack than Eml— ont tha'world. ‘ J ‘ T JACOBS k Blip. havejnikt gcceitted thairl Lihenldia'counttopurrhns rsbytheqnnmity. second purchase Pf Fall and 'Wimer Goody: fl“! also desire to pmd‘entto the American which they ofl’cr.cfinper thrtn everghnving publl'c my .\‘nw Ann Ixrnqvn, lssnxunuvs bought a; the mos't'l‘avordble ‘ratd. They ask LlQle LIMP. DYE wlnicb;alter years of scien; ch; public to can in’nnd see their lnrgo usort- tific experimenting! have brought!» perfection. moot, convinced flint/Every taste can be granti- It dye; Black, or Brown in; ntly without in find. Their CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, VEST- jury to the Hair or‘ Skin-«firranted the beat INGS. Gassinets, Cords, Jeans, he, cannot be article oft'hv: kind in existencd. PRICE ONLY excelled for vsrirty, and thon'the low prices at 50 CENTS. Depot, 56 Day S‘chet, New York which they are ofi'ererl are really astonishing. ‘ Oat. 29, ‘B6O. 1y 1 : Goods made 1: at the shortest notice, in te~ ———‘--—1- —— .—.——.——.l_.___, hm” “flea, unpd a! up reasonable rates as cnn Pllolx)gl.aul)}‘vr be ex'pectedr Their establishment is in Chamn, N ALL ITS ammonia berthnrg streekn few doors below Buehler’s I has: Ityle known in {thi Drug Store. [pct- M. 1860. cnurzs GALLERY, 532 Er! ~_‘___..__.____.._§._.._,_____‘ Sixth, Ehihddphis; LN" ‘ e's at thé » jeduuadu) :- }vork in the m, are re- wonm 1 Id respect rj and the ‘I in Store I. the lowest cc stock 0! ran-WA“, Work and -rt'notice.—- epresenled. on to Re ry descrip— .RLEY, Philad'a m j c a spknd id mm 1:31:25, Baltimore Cities with mining, in as {him elm. _ctc. ‘f cvuiy ge egéa, Braces , Hammers, ‘ih, Vices, shoe Nails, th, Canvas, Oil-cloth, foes, Bows, Brn sh In (I Pegs, Lgxsts, sortinent ,ot ‘ Lstojzm's 4on v .pmu, E HARDBE'S VRIFLE nmth. to 12;, h . '. CARB’Sfbp‘pOlilé the B; k. I- n {rent v;- - CHIUK'fl. ' hny godds in our lii'ul untage to exnmivfl our ! ing elas'where. 1: Ma e and aldhrercd l'r e at ‘GILH-‘Fl'fl! & SOS. . Snmwmv l—‘nur I'm, , S. W. (hf. of Howfird .I 4 w ~ 1 A" 1 7- <. . i I : Ql, A 1861. Ims AS narrates, ‘K AI'UTI )XH.——(‘nr‘puti ‘lnths [ml 374 cc ".4 up; fling. all tritium, Lt [cry 1' ingi ufdifl‘ereqt wid ha. ['o3, Dm‘pß )lATS nd Iced mm RAG . R n whnle;nlv and "+1“. usnm \lcrumrnlu ; 'LoxingtonlStrept, ‘l ‘ ‘ I«mum 21L; Bullimorl‘. i ,i .... J-.; J . -..g‘. tot 85 Son’s it?“ URI-t WAR .ll()U\lS.){¢ street, Ha timore, (fit ' from Cu}! to Fredefli shmeudofltbe kind in! m! a Inf-ave ansnnmc'fli PICP‘. Ft'llNlTL’RE. m ends, Waxl ‘wtnmls, W4l lush, Culgun and H‘ hue-Tm”: Arm (‘1! i .re 4, .\lmrbl Tabla;- < "halite”: “hairs. [EI rr'm G r: F P Imm ‘ 'hui'rs,‘ Either. (3in it Kim-kin, HM! Furnill t-Luukirng ”assoc. 811 la}, of on- ‘ lcnglhlg un-lnu rc invite {in ex:un¥i-L‘Minh(wfii . of \vnrk‘x‘nn-lfipji‘l nishment Ii themouu; ..MA'I‘IHO _k $033,; iiand 27 X.:Gny stree' y . 1,._ .t ___+ ,D. ‘Dieltz’s I Gon 0 Si ; RY, Z‘IILI .wxas, , D TOYS, i i Wheap nqnny pluci‘ “note. 1 ‘ f 151', BALTIMORE. i ' “landed; to. i ~ '1 . Bokbe, ~ }j rin 1 {{ SS & QWEEXSWA . treat, hot een 1.9" «cu, HAKZHAJORE. is (in hnfla. at Far ' June IJ, 1860'. l lEL DI r: T .1 e Uni n! ‘ a . VAN be [unite -irfrmnd :mdthb p ' [lull tho_ hnrejust of PM! «h-lphin i .\XILS' LENDID \ S. rln’a or! than mlz'.‘ ’ nods tor . ‘nch-l ”Ni mythe d I‘HHE in m wellnwj. flit-y are“ MEN'S willastm nut frfinds will ‘k. I\\llil.lh is 0011']: e are sunk w_e can FtIR Tin‘nl‘ng! Tinting! . UH underuizncd rcfigm'tl‘nlly inf-mm {he ”(in-m of GrHy-‘hulfi nufi [ln- [public gen-E ernllynhu he he upl'nrd I new Tmmug an übluahmvnt. 1n Ciumbeisburg sued dlrcf'lly‘ opposite Christ (‘erch .141- Till mauuxhclurfi, and lace; constantly on Eund awry \‘nrlo-ty of TINJVAPJ'I. 91:1:52'50 anleAl’AN-WAHE, Bud will aln’ayu be rrndy [U 'do REPAIRING. noorm; ...-i svol'quxulmu dunein um lieu manner. Prices moder l‘b, Ind no cll‘urt' leaf“! to under full mligfact on. A share at we [mum's mroug: isiwli itcd. ‘ l 7 , A. l’. BADGES“. ~ Gettysbgrgfiunefl, wuo. 11 1861. Latest Ne! - ['3l: a; we wens gain In (T n :(IL'spfllL'il than R. I; Mn upcm-d u cumpicu: n’ssnr’lnm ('APS‘, including thy 141 nm Benvcr, Slanc'ii} l‘uu‘imi e l [LAT-4‘ fur Siting and um sq in. embrnl'ing Slmp'. .ug Moys' lnml iu‘lhutg',plnh! n Gaps, lwhilgb ”fur ncalugn a}. surpu S anything oflliv k ml pjnce nil oi which will 0 m IV In prices for mum A >SIIUI‘I, , including a tinnitus Murro 'ro Boots, Ruskin»: Ha (:‘AIT IRS AND SLH’PE ' PAIR 'All in want of '(m xen'pc fully invited in gi‘e‘ «one! (‘mm- «"2; give :11: 2| friendlymll -” 20008 will M: iulE ul rrrrome the WIN.“ cd 1 22, 1851. E ('0 .\h . FO. To All . Alexander!” ‘ L CK AND W‘ATCH L\ C 1'! shop to South H 11l dnofsl and; of lhe'Qunrt “I; ulwnyjl he happy In :ulcxld » cum; N's. llc'iu tlmnklul (« 1111;»ch to receive “ICJJU ti: pulgli :- ‘ [gin-Up ur “,1 ' 'l'!- s '3, ‘ John W. .\ "IUNAIHJ-I [BAR F er ofthe [lingmnt Glenn '3 “bu-1,) “$11353 can u all times he fauna lniwin 55 in his line. He “unlike and will unam lflm alt-nu. '0 ch 0‘ y. ' The Bodu H S wonderful. “nick T armcthlhg unduly n \s offeru to agent). \ghn m: Full p n‘tivulan J! l f/‘rrm‘ ‘ smw k Mung, 1 Jul+h 4, 1861;: 'l5 ' H nover Brant (H “FIR ARR \.\'(:!<Zl S Tttlin: run M follow. : HI 4 :1‘ "I‘KAIX lenvei vl mzlk'l u direcy'onnovtinnén burg, Philadelphidiu )Nl) TRKIIN lqm'ezl I .tsscngurs fur Baltirim Hn‘rri ‘ SE‘ will. 1‘ point. {ugh Til'klzffi are isbu bin, Hunishurg. Nu nre,' nml nll-yrinui :Il theNorllwrn Centr l I). E. TR .‘ [r 10,18411. . - T): ‘ (”nlm ‘ Rullin Ml $lOO,OOO G ‘K WHITE LEAD I3` B U Y 7' I! BU‘K L find: will cm‘er :Ls ~pounds of other ' ' M'CK L :13 done with pun‘ durnhie :n m ~ L'I'CK 1. "her and more hr“ [ known Whi ; » lil'l'k’ L ‘ rior to the Ifincq E I suftmk: and ‘ I!I'('K L 1m 'er “in! uiél 7 " -nv Is wl z- m [5 Sn} in: ‘ T Mr 4 for" .~. P 4 and a at Storevncopic Portraits, o_typoa, he” f 9: Claus, ,kc; ' [3ov WATC2-~7S,', I "3.1861. ' rns we rt‘ccived (MN-IVY husjuu; :0! [mm AVW “I” IN“? Silk.“ nd'Wooi jigs.— nér. uf héaulij‘ul urnnnd l’uunniu. . fancy Nuts and lfizfia‘h and ‘quufixy w-r offered in this Id up! mlomsbing .im, BUU'I‘S LLVD “aunt of Ladies" tar: and Slimnrs. T 75 CENTS PER u in my line nre e n cull. . . Ax Emmém+ xan: ‘ OBIGI-tfgb 111.33: 35,000 Ampere Wm “ 1 . ‘ A!) reruns deniaq‘ua of “If” n Agency in 111 i: 5 1 5 unheard of prices, ut t-riaxit. ‘ Shoulfl lead on the =NI 3.3 cent stamp to return of mail EU. has remnrod on: area}, u few 1:. “'hi'ne‘lle will I: the omm: ufhis Ir pnsv. {uw'psl und lurcl rufllbdll of the I" .\px‘il‘S, .1561. Contitining ton, j North-e 95: cor next door (0 Mn , I'£|., Where he 1y to attend to all .1140 excl-[hut n - nisf’nclion. Hive [l)ec. 3,}560. , I ur :ea ILL wirthmit fish toget '- I rru. _BI'. ‘ . just pnlsl’lled. is and nevi-r} hvtoru nu-Ll mérj‘whrru. Il‘ln‘hi ; ddeiordfllaine. Tu iljuure prn'mfil direct 11l omit-rs m ‘ Raflrqad. 'Tr’S.——-Pussangcr 1 "(river at 9, .\. .\L, In wtimr for York, the “'OHL hm‘vr :11 2;. P. .\L, - and intermediate April}, 1186» ’ {to Philuglcl Ihia, k, “’illingnsimrt, my puiufl on the .‘il\my..‘ f ' I, 111“”. .\‘gept. 4...!3 - ..; n.- In!“ nun-u Book 0; Kojv nmml ' . ‘ B a is; te I; INCTOV ZIXC‘ 12‘ S T.) I ‘l'l Murals»; at 120 He [.l’mL M : ‘ V 1" Lead is _iwxce u loads. ' . ‘ , lml'm'n‘, I In the Srlmnhfif the Soldier : .A ' 1 —in the mo." Siuiplc i t than Lani} either and. . ‘ L» ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ And 11‘] the inflgnnzgtlion DU‘PSS ing of" ( ‘ ‘ ‘ i konpsornom: ‘ Illusuyuedwithm‘ér Q" ' ; ‘ 100 ijnnum S ;owing the I‘iffvronl Pu‘ Fjeings find} Manna EH. White Leadfor Amy. - 9 ‘ )‘ A : v Hunk ténd. MI“. 2151?; ~ in tlie iwlbrld for brilliant} m. '/.l.\'(‘; oring prfufierty. 50 1:1ng :1~ Wfipuunds m. 7.1+; n wear quite as ‘ Paint. 5 r ).. .\lnnufdctn‘crs, a. I'muiiglmnu. u h zmn ‘ EH, Get !-. 10, xseq. 6m énd cnmph-tei'diret fidu. reiutiw {o , Liu.\ur.\'m .\x I; hmxc. ‘ 1 _Aunntzn .u'vuym 1: T 0 _smgr's srsmfl 0? mm. m. muck, ‘f And inLcoglkrmJti'un rilll'flle ' Afity In'nluiremém [Zr (lac l‘rafut Wfir. - ller’s 5 , I An Elfeét‘ive,Safe [.ound. ; l HAIR m itmorigi m] prevqnting the Thtnstrucfiunflgiven are> of [Jud zfl‘a'ostl impor ' use 10 the newyvolunleer, $1“! should be théroughly uudursfibml, beifigfindispensable to the! inatruclion of I conrpuhyi ' . Boq‘nd in one volume, 12mm: 62 pages. Péper Covert price 25 ”M‘s. Fkxilglia (110th:1 38 cents. \ , ~-_— ’ i mm: mm wfinx, V ' XESS, mnH curing r‘ticlg of Vitality or 'ng. ‘ } ~ .\xd DWDRI'FF, of‘th'c SJa’lp. I ILUR, ixhpurting ibrilliumyi making 12 and elufiug it to the incraflsing dug, pamtionl convince is only Ingcessary , lie of it's imperial" ‘ urdtion 3" present 1 d- and. 30th from i t 8 disease“, causes ‘ 13'? and give; it n}. u c nppcumhcé, and". ning and midnigh! 'iznr to the r 9615, tho~e pup ‘ which ‘ it to yiolé‘k {.'cah 1 its and Kindemenl their hairjmcsmrvd m" whru All other 11. ha} im’his pos testifying to the If the highest rd unlly pr'cnmt the the latest period‘ -0 Hair hnq already - .f the lnv'igurutor‘ - to its original hue, aranco. Asa per-f it Resmratire it is nving nu agreeablel tilities it ”forth: In, an moist‘with the! . any required {olm I 'hctbei plhin or mi at} for it by the: rticle which none‘ he: pripe plum itl 1&1}!er in tfit 'fiimim fingungr,‘ /’ A: the mine priae'y and‘fe ghe only 3’ j"Gcnna-u Book 0A American Mutant] Talia ! Published in the timid Stages. ; Agents mirage W+nwd i To engage in [the Sale of ,this‘ Work, in oreryi \ purgrowx and VhLLAqE. | a ’ln fihe Qoug .‘ ‘ ' 1‘ Price per Dnzen Cépieeruun. ..g,,,.,.,....52 nq “ Fifty {“ ’.:...;......‘..,,...,,.. l 00‘ ‘ “ Hundredr'. 1 ......m '0» . ‘ ‘ ' All orders accompanied wipx ehe‘Cash sylll be dispatched imiediutciy, 11in!" by post or, exprou. ‘ i ‘ l . [8‘11“ ordered Hy 'péat, Sdmpl gins! be up! closed to ply popuge. Ifléhy express; the. freight can be peidlon delivery; ' ? _~é_+‘-fi._l_‘.;__f l SONGS ”Rim VOLUNTEER. , CAMP-Ill?! con‘mutnon,‘| A swine (hiding! Cone on; _of unimy nn‘dPn’criotic Bony, ldnpted I mainly for the present Gnu-113m: One 701.1113!!!» With il-z luau-Lucas. Pipe; Cover, 5 cu.‘ Flexible 61m, 25 ca: 1‘ g ' L‘ CENTS rcspcctublo drug- SINGLE CO"IES or me Mon: BOOKS .MAI‘LEDIe-Hi or 90311“, to any Iddresa ii: the L" Staten, anon mail» hr the price, by I:ch a: dußD.Prinm-¢| and pu‘bxiphen, 6'07 micsou sn, puiupmmuu. To whom :1! Order: should bq'lddrused. May 20, mm. as ’ , ‘» attention of Pa luse of his Invigor- Iren’a hnirinclincn I ys the fohndntion "moves; any im ne connected with hick in ilcusnry il'd, Ind the future without {to {ac Howard Assoc tlon, ‘ Something New PHI-LABELPHH. —'A Beupfolm}! Inltitno, NGETTYSBUBG.—The undersignediul‘oma twn eltnhliihed by SPPW’I landowmcgy I the citizens bft'e‘own and countr,‘that he for tha Roliefol'tho Sick Ind'lfistraspml. u iéta ‘ In: dommeuced the BAKLVG businésa, on a ed with’ Virulent And Epidemic Discusw, nnd'lugesgcale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly especially for the Cuflot Diaeguca ofthe Sexual opponite Wage,” Hotel, whcre he will try ti) Orgwina. ‘ . . ‘ (ium-rte, “1d apes to receive, a liberal patron . Mia-DIG,“ ADVICE given tummy flux-\vl- "gt. ,HREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRAL‘KEILS, mg Spy-gem], mull-who npglf by letter, With a IJKE'quLS' km, 3c” baked every day, (sun. qcscnpuori of their common. (Isa. ocvulm- (mun-opted.) all oftho best quality, nn‘d sold 110“» INN" of “ny I¢.,)_lnd names “f “"“ue aftbq lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in 90""9. Medicines ("'9'“th ‘R" of Chm?“- inll itsg‘ lunnchesislugely carried on, and orders VALUABLE REVORTS 031 BWPmflWW‘m- to any amount, from this and adjoining copu and other Dismes of the Sexual qlgana. and ties. supplied st the shortest notice. Having (an the NEW REMEDIES lemplo‘yed m the Dic- emaqdalnrge and commodiousbnke-bouse and yummy, sent to the afilncted In “Med “"9? secured the best workman and the‘most up eurelopcaflru ofchnrge- Two °' three Stump» proved machinery, be it prepared to do n for pomp will be acceptable. ‘ he“! busincu- Address, Im. LSKILLIN lI()CGIITON,Acu ; ,_____V__ t ,m,___ . 7 ing Surgeon, Howard Association, 50. Zh'outh, 1‘ 25 18 . I“a 860. Ninth Street, Phihdclphin, R's. B): m of' _{ubfi— —~- {.3771 x ' ‘,“‘§§6E‘§ the Directors. 1 ,' ,G. 01% bu just received [from the» [BB3B' AND Cl!‘l;nnnx,B. ""j“ 4 EZRA D. BEAR‘PWELL.»PId!. .. H‘ city 0, P iltdalphi. uvery fine umn- ' lsmumrunom on King. momma l Glo. Functntn,h§¢c'y. , I math, {u?nd plain Gontlemdn'n Hack l on. Blook_und War“. At M [1.833733 “l 7. “351- U’, , ' 1 Jim, lath, hallilgohuputhuczor. ' April n. 3,. ,; 31-. G ‘ iug on. Che o'utcr HAIR INVIGU. IMS. } "d. sold by .11 h uggiau through- -xecuted In the m. “‘O. G. - Street, East 01 IZBJn Oil and mhrutma. Do eda'liqgs, Pins, s3.lm. :y "I’7- : HARD INKS 1 ]FADE EASY! can swim nu: mummy 1000 060 m.” Malta £l»an , ’ 1 ‘. , on! mam)! mm efinrrs or ; Quin 1 shut-fluted Wide. ‘x x , Eli A'E'w én'rsnpfizslz nu'pn ntlon‘ce, "Idol-hug y postngd, and receive by \l~ 3 ‘ REMIUM mr4n cel3- I ' OAL•Z" OCR I D.VF.IIE a CHA A RAR :0- MAKI , N E !or with .\R‘I‘ICUI I:EM ivit TO TE L L Nov and antis 130.131 Chen 'l‘ also; '43 Attention l 7 7 a . I 1 VPLUNTEER’S HI -cusunlm‘rcu; mum-rl 1 mm. 1;). w. c. - i g ‘ ,0! YIII § gunnfvu. Gr : ——-»—v-————;—L~~ *r This Book isgymcmly HPperd of. ' THE Groceries, Notions. a. l T“: undersigned has opened u Gracery and 'olion Stan, in Baltimore strccg m-‘nrly opponitc the (‘Durl Home. livitpburg‘ where the public will cousutull) find,~clling cheap 95' the cheapest, SUGA Ra“ Syrups, .\lulnnscs, Cof fees, Teu, Rice. Cheese, Spicrs’ld‘ all kinds, Inch-rel, L‘hocolme, Ilroouu mud Hrurhae’, Fresh BMW! and Eggi, Gmund L'ull‘ec, Hascnl c ofCofl'ee,cholch Herring, Candles. Soupa. Salt; Tobtcco, Segnrs, Snutf; Confections, all kinds of Nuts, Oranges; Lemons, Ruiains. ”rend, ' katré, Cake. uf dlfl‘erent kindn: Shoe and Swré-I‘ofi'sh; Fancy Goods, Mu~lins,Uiuglmms. Conan Bath, Wadding. Hosiery, Hundkerchiel’a. Suspenders. Pins. Needles, l‘lolhcs Pms, lint tuns, with Notions of all' kind“. A slum-e m‘lhe public"; lmlmnagc is respectfully ~ulicited. LYDIA C. NUILBEI,'K. Nov. 19, 1860. 44' - Norbeck 8: Martm‘ .\VEjnst rebeived from mecity tbglargest‘ flock of GROCERJES they hh‘ve ever {oflend to the‘public—Sugars, Syrups.‘ Cufl'oes, res-”mu, ECheese, Fish, Salt, Sp res, .tc., km, embmcingin varieties, a! all pruou, :1“: lowest. the markeflwill Alford. ‘ Also Brupms,‘ Brushes, and Katie ; Tar. Oils. Candles, ha, in ala'm-t, everything to be found in! A: first glu'siurocery Ind Vurietf Stbrea . ‘ ’ ‘Thr Flour and Feed business is cpnfinucd wfih n steady increase. The higfics; mnrkct prices paid and the tuna-Host profits ugéd. The public are invileq ‘lO give us a null ml 320' for Lhemsef‘ves. FNORBECK & MARTIN, Corner of Baltimore and High yum-ls M 53321, 1860. x l' Flour, groceries, 85¢. HAVE constantly on hand. FLOUR, (‘ornl am} 'Buckfvhent MEALS, Homnnjxiy, 50in runs, .Dried’b‘ruit, And Pjékels ; filfUAßh‘, CUFFEES, Tens, Syrupa, N; U. Mull-ulna, (new crop, at ‘5O cehts ppr gallon, Ithc very best. kind' flir- aki‘ng English .Chcesc, and C'N'V‘hcl Qrii It: usually‘ kgpt. in u Flo.”- :ul (iron-or)" Sm in ' a call. “K“. “ILIJESI’IE. I Gfity hut-313m1. 3| 1860 9111* :4 i arble Yard Removed. i 7 HP: übsctifier having remo\‘(‘d-lli~lplu'ce of r bu lacs: :9 Hast‘York street, utsinort diam tnnce I ow St; Jdmes’ Church. wuuld ynmum'el to lincfllhlic lbutlhe is still prey-fired up furnish all {Li :4 0t wfprlk in his line. sin-hi us .\lonu-l ‘mldnlaJflemlsmués, kc.,-&c., of ever} tll‘ie'." of bulk and finiari, iwith and wiihnntm M 93 and so: kels,.to suit purchasersmnd at priiub- to suit. the times. Pensions desiring {ID-)Jlllng in his line will find,“ a ll'fiidefi wdmnhme to okzunine his stock aqd‘pricdls liéforq purchasing cléewhvre. \ Which afford ME ARS . a ; , “'3l. B. {MEALS Go'ltylllmrg, ”uh-151:2], 1833. t , 73E A cgofy dealings, N Kw SA [ll‘ ‘ removed I splendi}! new ing. on the N 0.3- whH-g be “3“! up \hu host of? lam-ping :1 1:00 liherul shnre4 sm‘l'. , (mu: & FEET. TRIM-2" vim-m, MR”. 'glus nf .\IJ‘I -(.'o'me and tr)" - April 2, 18 fl ‘ ANS, I t. streqt. ' A‘DELPIILL i . 111-Innrlors ‘ to make unzbubwllm nf'tlu‘ reumlus will avail then have it done. _II-rms luu‘, er, Poldf,hedi IEI WALL: 05; fun run nun-h 1:, 'a' mL Shad, gh’en ‘rx‘m. i mutmrz'r' PJJflI/T' 1 t-kc inl-fitsui‘e tin-pr have rent SKY-nuan- (1.! ury fin life form- UARDS. (if York greet" h: guw their 0! .i i- 1 hp .buildi iximis inrvlhe' 0!,“ Aims, Ii t 4 n,ljiite Gil l‘xlwme has «fimlmfiuls h'l .\ l the Inn-let? to the \wurki pnscruwm er) . t=9 ! ’l‘lw lit-1 gnr'minm was n‘wfinlud thun‘bv the .\icuhll-zn .\gri ‘ulturul Fair for me [50.31. A eru— typosmml‘l‘lm ngmphs. - f ~ ‘ ‘ l’iMuEt-s 0?; II the various stylca,» (invindinz .Sturobfi‘m-pic,‘ mu'de ls beretofnnq pull ,wnrl: ,rxulnud in 1H "V's! mar‘hér and gunrgufliml lo I give entire swtf‘fgwtion. they hope their friends find the puhliy “‘iil! rememhenprbmi they wiflx l‘pldnrea Lukez, ‘that the flm-elsiut Sky-light {Gallery is he r-thgm, und‘llmt llifitllre? made: ,thore are nl . ya pqunl and often ‘sdpcrior to RD. those made ii lu‘rg’e cities. In no initum-b do .tlwy insi‘t n; In it gale when they fail {to please. The H Exceliut "1 is always free to‘ the public, and every on in cordially invited“ t'u [innit n visit. when t ey} will, have nn‘oppbrtnnity t? drc'de of the ' siness of the potmnugie fit! in ten-Jinn v repu tion which it enjoys. ‘ \ , ‘ indie: mil find ‘every‘convbnience for the Irrangém Itgof their toilet. ‘ ‘ .‘ rituc q. n x, ‘CHAS. It. “has, ‘ HOTOGRAPHERS. x gimme at l ' : Hatéd‘some Women. 7 0 THE L \DIES.—HU.\'T’S “Milo.“ 0F "ROSESJ" A rich and elegxut color for a... checks on ips. -n‘ WILL NOT WASH on ltl‘l! (11-'F, n du‘when once. applieM remains durable for . rs. The tint. is so rich and tin lural, that tholclnsest scrutiny fuils totdcu-cr'igg use: lion be;remored by lemon jnig and will not ifij lire. th¢ skin. This is anew pripnrntion, and h)! the ddlebrated Court Bemltie,u of Lon don and Paris}. Mailed free, in ,botues, with directions (o.lmm for $1 00. , . r nustr's “noun? TOILET Powmm- am parts a‘ dnzziihg whiteness to the complexion, nud is nnlikdl anything else used for‘thls pur-. lwge.‘ Mailed: free_ for fid‘Centl. ‘ 3,. HFNT’S “BRITISH ”Lawn-moves uni, freckles. sunburn Ind 11l eruptions ahhe akin. lniled free for 50 Cenls. HUNT’S “XMPBRIAL POMADB,“ for the hair, strengthen: and improves its growth, keepijt from falling off, and is warranted To uxx‘ 1:12am: cunt. Mnilcd‘frce for $1 00, HUNT'S “TEARL BEAUTIFIEB."' (or the teeth and guns, cleanses and whitens the teeth, harden: the‘gums, purifies the breath efl'ectnal -Iy, FRIBIRVIB nu runs up PIEV‘ENTB TOOTu-‘ tall. Mnilud free for Si 00. ‘ fl HUNT‘S “BRIDAL WHEAT“ PERFUME/H I double extract of orange blo~sorns and; co-' logne. ’Mn'rlcd free for $1 00. This exquisite perfhnle won first used by the Princess Royal' of England, on her marriage. Messrs. Hunt J; _ Co. pnsentdd the Prince-as with an clegnnt cape of Perfumery, (in which all of the above grticlen were included) in hgndmnmeic‘ut gins“> with gold stoppers, vnlucd at $l5OO, hirticulnrs ; ol'which sppaared in the public prints. ; All the obbvo articles sent Free, by express,- for $5 00: Cash! can either accOmpnny the order, or be paid to the olxpresa agent on de litery of gbodl. HUNT & 00., _ Perfume" to the Queen. Regent St, London, Ind 7? Sworn St., Philn-w deiphin, Pa; ‘ ‘ 9. ‘ For 3:11: ,h 'in" Drugg'uts and Perfume”. , "The {ride Supplied. [_Oct. 13, '6O: 1} ; Removal. ‘oj._m:u. 1». maximum has ‘hifLOysu-r 'ewlhljsluglu-m m the Mom) in Jm-nhs k Rru'<. Build tli side 0! Clmmhorsbui'g suret, f Ml times be [Art-[lured to serve Im'srms, in cruxyfl-flc. fly 3 (grade, he expects :0 pa win: a I f‘puhlic‘ pnlronugo. V;'l‘['l:'l‘l.l‘2 'l-liS. BEEF Tuxmwx, Wm: umLHb and FRIED Imus. {(‘E $lO.. In their-59mm?" .\ nice if LAGER can alwnysfiu find.— I- e. ,G. IF. Ecxugwuu. *temovals. :nod.hd ng the anthariykd ponnn mnmls into E\ ('l' Hrrun (‘vme- Slhrhils confemplntu Hub rcmm’nf nfi" deans!!! relative: nr frh-mis elves otthis so‘asun ofiimymr lo Rémoml: made “ ilh pr‘mnptnrss In] no effort spared to [Ht-use. } PETER THURS. 1.,; Keeper of the Cub-clef)". I ~ , I‘L‘vn Brothers, : Hés or he harry/“llmgSin: NEIL/.ls7l}:’(hzr'n‘wrmi. "L. _n nunouucimr m tlw'pnhlh that. "r‘ml lU thyirfisw A.\ ufix r‘uxswv mn'. located on Lhc‘ South side I ppositeihe Bunk. and one door I stand. '4 , g has been envied mi-Ir-r ”mit let-vision, flud uei-er p-ins or oén spurrd in MIMI-ring their m vomfilrmble and cu‘nwnicnt. ilupru{elm-1n.»~ lmvr 'l‘ wn‘ :uhlcd I dqmvrlmonl, so thuf {they nnw~ ‘uci‘JLy (or thepruduuti'pu uflirat VALENTINE SAUPEE Ayer’s Cathartie Pills. BE _vou niek,, feeble, and complaining?. Are you out of order, mu your system deranged,”l your funhugs uncumlbrm blu.’ Tnese symgloma An uflcn the prclndc loyscriou; illuesa. Some m of sink mass in crecpingupon _\o\ and should he warned U 'a finely use of the righ remedy. TakeAyl-r'sl’ull. and cleanse out. the dlsm dered humans—purify th blood, and leg’the fluidl move on uuobnrdctcd ; henhhngain. Thcya‘tinkt. lute the functions 10f 1h body into \fiigorouln‘gcm my, purify tlle' system fro-m the obstruction! which mukc discnsc. \ Cold scales :omewhrre in_the body, and ”fin-m.“ its natural function‘s. "Flu-4e, if not rclie'ved react. upon tnemaclqes am] the surrounding or: guns, producmg genqnll “Egravntinm sull‘criu‘g nnd dise'ue. W hllq In this "Ulldilit’Ull.-hppre£.g.’ ed by the Jcmngem nts. take Ave," Pills “'“d lee how directly uh I'm-tore the; natural non n of the lip-stem: And ‘izhjt. zhgbuoyanl feel‘i of hcnlzb agmn; at. is true and so “Nun: 1: 1 i“ “'5! "35‘2191 mi ommon complaint in u] a true In nanny of th 21-1.-“ an and “Emma; dwtemrers. The ‘5 me purgnl'we ell‘ectnequ‘], them. Caused hy‘s milnr absuruétions and ult :augementa or ”18 natural functimxa‘ of the body, they are mpj ly, Mud gua‘ny of them sup'e‘. 1 ly, cured by the son e Inc-pus. fiche “I.okm“ ‘ the vu-tues of tliesg illsnwiu [‘eghmt to “up”, ‘ than: when sulferln from 1.119 disorders u, .y ‘ cure. I j ‘ , F" Statements from . nding phfluicinna in soéne of the principal éi‘es, and from other whll known pubfic peraoi ‘ from - Pmnlli; 11-q Dr. Aycr: Your‘ that is grant. in me: my little daughte: 1 hands and tcet I}: ll yuan. Her nwurd afliiclefl with Molicli and in her hail“. I 1 she also tried yum-tr] her. mm of s: Lunh, nh.4,135§. ’iHs are ”)E purngqn bl ’ll icinv. 'filn'y lnué cu d. If “109 mm: sores ‘ pun 'l ('r lmd I run-d im‘ni-nblu ur [ms becnl lung grimoutly es and pilizples on her ukin tier our qhild was cur+d, 'ms, and they lune cudcd ‘ .\éa .\Xouuuwcn’ mm I’lnx'su": XS Ai' yrllnghl. lieu Urloanl. I Q I pl'ifm u of purgmfi 111*‘irl ( surlmss ‘nuy, cathartic View; mild, but yer-y coxmi'n'lfird‘y :linu ‘ on the hl|\i’t’l~‘.2\\hi.rh‘i, Lblc m 95 iii {l'lo duilij-Tz-I , , V ‘l‘ _ i t ‘K HEADACHE, FOUL h From Dr. E. W Your Pills are th pxcellent qmflilics pmseu. They um cfl'm‘hml ilj their ‘n qucs them invuln mam. of disease. HEADACHE, SI 031 M)”, ' A Ird Boyd, uflllmon Dent; lirn. .;\_\‘er; 1 cannot u‘nawm-‘vnu wli‘nt cumpluinti I have 4. red with i'uur‘l‘llls {II-{tu than to say all! Hun \_'c (‘w'r tr‘qu with n purga tivc medicine. I pju‘t' grout dependency “"1“" eflecuml mthutic‘ in 913' {‘infly ,(‘nufP-tt M'llh (“5021.58, and bcjiu- "g nu 11¢ mm. .\qu 1' Us amxrd us the best 'c have, [inf course value that! highly. ‘ lx Pi shurg. Pny,..\!:ly L IH’SSL _ Dr. {.‘P. Ayey— ir: l [nu boon-repented 1y cure.! of the No it hcndavl ' any hmly dun In". by 3 mm: or two of your l'illi. h 5061.: to Misc from a fun] tanmuh. w duh they etc-$45;- x’n owe. Yours w II great re pert; E». W. PIXEL“. , l‘l'k ot‘Sl :nuel (‘hirionl BILKH'S DISU'U) ' RSJIIYH.’ (‘tHiPL.\lN+>‘. , 'mm Dr. Theod- Nol only Me 3th ‘heir purpose as a. laeuefic'ml Jean u Indeed. They‘hu)’ eflcctunl for the, 01: my unc remedy! c juice tlmt we» have i.» wurtlw the cunfi the maple. ‘ -'. , BulL u!.\' I l'lllnauhu . nspesiem ton the Li - fu In} pmj ' Ivt'hilwu n nu-ullux - 1 length n . mm: of 1.1: MI ht‘ lnteriur, ‘y‘ Fvb. 1811;. i‘ i in my gradual ~ _ran {mule them, ‘9. 'in say, hey- nre me hx-st '. Their cglj’lulin: anion ‘ undslcxit ed. ('DHchm-uMy Ia rum-d) or «hmmguulcms -(-tl. [ haw! acld'nm fouug n ‘ mnent qf n. _(1, 7m 3‘ _umr l'll ‘ccrer u' Washingtoi Sir: I Imu- use and hospital pmdi a nnd (amino: hcsilu ‘ cash mic we cmplo on llu: liver is‘quic they are an admiral oflfluohgun. In ‘ cure uffiiliuusdiso um readily, yield to _innu- am it ‘ém how. 1" Itc‘ymlfl)"\'m{vl, .\Lm‘m RAM.- ,\l. 1)., lg n nfthe 5] nine Hunfitn ; (mm: \. quzl..\.\',\\'o_l:§& G. Orson, of Chicago. ' ml .1. longflrinl in my prLc m in warm as mu- uf the 'l‘ over (mind: The “New lin'gr 1.1.1}f0 them an emit-l -gin-n in MINI” dowi for I] dinning :l. Their Munr- H ' \vry amopmhle and can venient lor [lacunae fw'umeu ml children. ‘ ' ,Physici: DYS‘ENTEKY. l)[.\ _ from Dr. J.‘ \our‘l’llls luv.» - lice, and I hold ux.‘ hes! Nutrients I In: the efl'ect uuun the‘ lam Tenn-fly, \Hlm biliohufiysmtory n J co'atiug kavs Li'w : m'smtpsufi rn‘m from Raw. J.‘V. lli-un. I'm-tor of A Dr. Aycr: lhm uwd _u tmohlinury surges 'in» my 1: those 1 ani culled h \‘idil in d Into the ton-guns o Iligmlin blood; the} “'4l [hi \‘ury lnnl evpr knmvufmul l Tm mnfid them to my friends. YuuN. f \Vursmv‘.’\\'ynmiTg cu . N. Dear Sii-z I um‘ming ml in my practice, a ll' find til purgnlive to clung.- the ayst fuunmius of the blaod. _ a ‘ A 'Jous' G. .K CuxsTlPATm’x, ( nsx'wn. sln.\'.mncr.\r.\ Isn,(m| DRUI’SY. P \.R. LYSIH. F Pm DrJ. P. maul-n, Mu Too ~murh (.'Jllll 1L Lu- und' the cure ot‘costivecss. ; lf‘LJl tel-nip;- have foun them "i ’in me infipruclnlming‘il for nultitudes who suffer fr 111 h, uhlmu‘gh.budcno’ugh‘iiu or of others that fire wane. ‘ s to ori inalc in the liver. ‘ v. that u?gu.n’ apd cure the have; :heyahofimj‘ the bcnvfivnf the 1' that complaint, win 5 “semis the progen' I believe comm-no but your. Pills afl'c disease. ‘ ‘ i I'nuu Mn 2. Mun, I find 'one or lwu‘ taken at the pmpe lives oftbe naturnl‘ partinfly suppresss| cleanse the stoma: Phpicin ind him-m, mu large du'scs of 3mm Plll5, time. nraxxue‘llent prome- L seen-tion when “11tu or ,nnd also very efl’eclhul IQ and expel wormrx. ‘ They ya so much the b t ph} sic we have um I rq}‘ ‘ conlmend no other 0 mv pajjen‘tj. "mil tho Rev. Dr. lbw ,of tho Myth 11l EPlLC‘hnreh- i Puhlki.Huuse‘, .‘ \':nu|lnl|,‘Gn.,Jnn. 6: 56. l I Honored Sir: .shuuld be ungrateful for] tlie reliefyour skil has brudghl me if [did not. repon my cnse'to on. A cpkl ‘settled 1h 1113’1 limbs ,nnd brqugh on excruciating neuralgip ; ; pains, which tulle in chronic rlncumntisa—l Sdlwithsmndin I ad the heat of physicist“;H the finesse [reg w rse and Worse, until by th‘o‘ ;ndvice ofyour an: agent in Bnltimore. Dr. 1 { Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effect: ; {were Ilow, but sur llyperseveringin than» got them, Ilm um: ntirely well. 1‘ Sena-Le Climber, Eaton quuga. 1n... 5 Dec.’sfi. ‘ Dr. Ayer: I ha e been cutiroly cure-1;»; Iyonr Pills, of Rheu‘pmtic Gout—n.laninflll dim ‘ can that had Ifllictlcd me for years. , . , ' , Vixens-r Sunzu. ‘ ”lost of the ills in market contnin M"?- thry, which. sltho gh n \aluable remedx in {skilf'ul lmuds, is. nugeruus in a. public pill, from the dreadful nsequcnces that frame“- ly follow: in incanl ous use. These contain no ‘mercnry or mineral substance whngever, ‘ .Pmc, 25 cents ptr Box. or 5 Boxpslor 3!. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. “EB t 00., Lowell, llm. nay-Sold by A. D. Buehlér,Gellysbul’s; v, BObliLz, .\reudtsvi‘lle; Eamon & )thre-ry, Fairficld; I’.‘ A. Myers, New} Cheater; M. Sumter, New Oxford; E. Himahew, York Spring“ ““d‘ dealer! generally. ' ‘ ‘7 Sept. 3,1860. lyeow A .; _ LN” Change of Time. GETTYSBL’RG RAILROAD—On and um _ Wednesday, May' 15, 1861, the Morning Trum will IMH- Gottysburg at 7.40‘ A. M., with passenger; fox. all the connectmnl. North and SK"MI, on the Northern Cent-ml Railway. Ind “3W"! Ibout l P. 31. The Inernoon Tmiu will leave Gettysburg at 2.15. P. 3L; but I’flfiscngers hy this Tram can go no farther than "MOW! the sAmc evening. Returning will reach Hem-shun; about a 1:, P. 51.. with plum -8": from Harrisburg. Phihtdelphin, to. By mi! Arrangement persons from the country, ”a“ the hue of the leru’nd,’ having liming“ '-° transact in Gettyshnrg, cnn take the noon Train up and hue nt-nrly two hour! In Butt”. “"8. Ind retmn In the Afternoon T‘min. ' It. McCURDY, Presidtnt. Gin as a Remedial Agent. 7]] l ,V llb' IH‘ILIVXOL'S TONIC STIMULANT. M. _, pwinlly designed for the un- oi'the )Inlh cul l'rnnmnnnnd the I‘nnnly, hm‘ing Bupercmlv ml the ail-culled lfling." “.\romnlic,"“Cozdinl,” I“litiliCnléui," ~LSchnnpps," am, is low eu l dnrscd by all of (he prominent. physicians, - clmnisis and cunnuisncmi, M paucxshig all of ‘tl'mso mlriuuc medicinal qunliliea (:bnic’nnd Idlurctic) wh'urh belong to an OLD and PURE , Gin. ‘l‘u! up in qunn bottles and 501 d by all I Qruggms, grocc‘fs; enm- ,_., , _ 4 . _ _A. .\r. nmxnnn 1:00... I (Eambllghed 11l 1778.) “Solo [fl-optical”, " - -.\'o. l 9 "rand “rel-t, N. -Y'. I “For mic by fiucxi‘n. mnnmns & can I ', W. kH. SMITH, u'u‘d all of the [lmminent ’holesnlo [Huggins in l‘hilmlolphin. I ion. g 5, 1800, 1,; ’ '_ _,_ ~.1)~~ _ ‘i I-..“ I ; Gettysburg Foundry. ' r_ HE subsyriber, livn'ing' pnrrimu-il th I “ Foundry of Mes-rs. Zurlmng‘h, Slontt 110., I (formerly “'un-ena' Faun-“ 33) lms "Olnlllcllllld business, and is now prepared t}; nnor m um 12:19“: a larger assortment oi‘-.\larhinery than I [ins herctuloru been mill-rod. filth as THRESH 'I;\’G PlAlelin‘lS, Clnvcr linllola, Foddcrs ('ub I ters, Com Slicllcrs, nudliorgnn s lnge imprn‘vea "one Rain. .\lsu, STUl'Ebj. such, an Cook Stoves, three dill'en-lit kinda; find fivudifl'vn-nt Isizcs of Ton—plate Sung-. 1. l.ika\i.~'o‘.\lill and lSun-mill (listings, pnd ullkinda ul"l‘u:nim,r in I [lron or \Vund. A .x I I mIIKPAMHXCiof nllgkinris hn .\lncllinyry Ifund Unst'ulgs will be done to order on nhu‘xt 'noiivc: Puttt‘rusmndc to nnicr; l'iough Unst. lihgs ready mmle; I’LUVUHH, such in Boylnl, iMilnemw, PIOI‘IK'I', Woodcock; and nmnv . nln‘rs not mentioned here; uudKoigh! dim-nut. Linux of ”(UN FENHXU, for Culuekcrlcs, 10rd)” ur ands.. ' rug... “unhing .\hul:ino.<.:on§ or m hm owin 11:0. ’l‘hi: nmchiny “ox-M with u lour v lmml. unyhliltluhoymn numugc it. ! Cal! and c'x‘mniuc uur sunk ;~ nu'douhl hm. hm we can please. _l’c-rmuspuglfl. lo rm- it Auir mh’nntuge to “yugmrhim-rg of any Hnd 1 humr. where ii is munumctung. so :hu‘t lht'y .n \ cryeusfly got any purl rt‘plm'rtl or rvpuin-d. 1 t ‘2‘ '( DAVID STERNER. 1 Cotgxhfirg, Fch.l3, 13150. ‘ YE“. MARBLE “’UKKSI (‘ohwr ()thull‘l: . 1 murbalul Eats! Middlv fill‘él'llelN'l'”) up mile {ht-J‘uow ('uurt Hump. (.'cltylmrg _.., lm'ing roughlly Ixr‘r'nml rm)” I’llilndt-hnlliu,nnnl ~oling l'ulky ’rompvu-m In cu-mm- nl4 wurk in hbfim-st “er of Ilul :n't. \u- nuhfi‘vqwrll’ul‘l ' invin- \lu‘ u‘tfculinu affine filldideJninu tu rm'uro anything in nmlinu. m finur us win. a all uni] examine Kluwum-ns nf uur work. \\ u 71' prepurml In fulrni~h =\ll¥\'l'\lH.\'l'l\‘, Kt)“ US Nl)‘ HEADSTUNES, .\LHUILH MAN TLI‘IS,‘ SI..\BS fnr (‘nhim-t-nmkern, and (11l mln-r “mk 6]»[xl‘rwirnjllg m l)llr'lu§il|l'.¢fi.lllfll_elll\\l'~lpn~- siblc prim-s. . We d 0 no! hl‘pililld to gunrunh'c that our work .ImH bé put up in u nunmerfinh. Jinntifll and tasteful equal tn .th- but to In: $OOll in the Qilil'r, when: eyery ilnprm’elm-nt hic‘h GSIu-rimirc [ms quggr‘im-jl is mailed ofl Ind ogpupidlly do we g tgtrunh-o th 11 our (‘ouw irrynfinl (have Yunl \vnrk «jinn by m ran-fully set. us nui to ho “trucked, h) FrnhiJml fihnn ufitiu min for 3mm 11m: "ecu-{urn ul’lmahiun [in-n lt the rulilph-tiullbof‘n juh, nud’ <0 lu-rcguu'y m :antinqml grmw-fulness MN 53 mun-try. .' .\‘uv. 28,.1h511. ij . ' “York City. ' 'ruhly mlnptguitn lhull lind mm I I _ er very umrkrd Iticy prm‘rd “WW. complain“ (Hun ‘ "I rilllt'l‘l‘t‘l} rc ‘pnrgutwc whirl: k- prufcssiumnnd r(Gettysburg . . TEA)! Hut mm: mmm: mr wrsv .\xn mnfnmn s'rmzrz'rs. .\‘mn 'rm: ‘Ul'XDßY.—’l'he sulm 1 iht-rJuu iuu h ium! 11m {n Mill oer L'. \\'. nuvmu, in thi.a‘pl«w, us ha}! i! lhnrungl‘xly repaired. by“ planing in L We ncc'ruzuy nnu'him-rv iur grinding Linn tune. The 11:1]qu mm in upvrmiun um] I um (may lo snpph‘ Nny,dt-m.‘nd fur Ibis morn? ’crlilimr. (il:()lf.\'|) lIIMH-S'I‘UXI'Z is nuw ‘l-um-odud by thou- whn lmv’v “51911 if, h; In- 11 hunch llCHL'l'“F(‘l’[”i’/.9r“NIH Burn! Lime. 0} m duud any,nf~’lhe nther P't‘rlilizvrs :i-mellv x-p -Ilicnl—hxlnnf]. The ftylltn'wg; (‘L-rnfimtl- fit-n 1 h' Divan" nkn‘vxlvnéivc mung”, nud high!) H»- pectnhk; rilimn of Adanfitruimlp', “I” mural bc'truflH-f 111 i»: m-w-rtiun: I 2‘ . ”‘4 h -cn «lyingglhaflwuo. done on —m 4 for rho—=4“; "our 50"" and find it 1:» h m-r In‘lllucr flmn Llu» Burnt (fine. and" u: h [l.l- gh L-n ”HID-Tarn!!!) n the first up: \ {l‘7l"}le llmzum' .\‘umcmus ulhcl'fififivntf- u like clunmvter ouhl lw pmdun-rd‘. 1 Huh 1.4 .:uflix‘irnt" 3' migr‘lfisnm-rs .trn Mint-«114w whd In their brdrrs uml m ghe it a nihfl.‘ _ I mm, mm.- n \ JUN}: "nought. L .- u ‘. ‘ . . ~ _ . _ Towu Proberty I‘!!F:lH.Uuh nut Chur'ch, ”mim ur Pill} with \- unily and awning atrcssz. To regg unll puriiy “to: At remedy X lnin: lly ‘ recunnuénd f J.‘\‘. 115:4an T" ("1.24. '55, . r (in hartic Pills mu rn . emu-Hun m n d purify (Inc iAT PRIVATE .3'.\H:3.—'f‘hc limlursigm-d M fi‘rlut l'rimlt- Salt-flu: I'm-INN} in “in: h 10 now'rcmdes, situate in End .\liddlu slru l, flt‘tlyilmrg. uvijuiuiug S. h. Tiylnn un the nut. and Mrs. .\Il-Elrn}; mi the uni. uuhrnu AL-- ’ ”Hey" in “no rl-m‘. THE U‘Ul'Hfi’i‘ “my pvuistorv Frame. \\ cutlu-rlmur-lenl. wuh a Puck-building; n‘well ul' wattz‘r. \\ MI 11 yum}: In ;t. “It!" door; nud a variety of ('1 uil. nu’th ‘M npplcs. pears, pouches, “who”, _xherries, and gmpeimll the most clmicc, ‘ f ‘ ZACHAIHAVH MYERS. ’ Nov. 12. 1960. U" L . Kfmuux, 3!. D; | lass.’ srrrkns 'T,N!-11111.-u.ul.\, I I‘s. E'm'. Ira-l. Cuuuh. ‘ ’m 3uur l'llls for lthcrs'of our lin ;. clficicious as l .HE pnrtnehliilfilmrmot‘tzm existing hetl'e’on T the subwriher; under 11“" firm mum of [’JXNL‘I‘K‘k—ZILGIJR, it?” hank": been dip-nohed, gin-y hprL-hy give~ uoticc tn allrperpmm huh-hi. 9d to them. by Author: Book VAu-uuut, to call 15:}ng séltle Ihr samubcfme lhc firs: day of Sun. uury m-xl, n! whivhrfimc their nccounla will be placed in the hand: of an officer for rollection‘ ‘ ‘ HENRY B. DAME“, . , _ wnumm ZlguLEk. Km" 2, 1860 ‘ JOURNAL or counter; wax-2x”. . ‘ L THIRTY-Tull") YEAR. Who Publisherspf the wa Yon-Jon l'xu. or Coxnncu, at the aoiicimtion of nuns; Jrieudi of Wig paper. have rc\ ihcd the 1111.0! ? prices for their Weekly cditinu, and ”due“! who ram so as to meet the views of than aha gun! a yoéklsy paper for ‘ I ~ .: QNB‘DULLAR A YEAR. ‘ In mechanical execution it is mom) who”. With an inbie corps of Editors in the nverd tiepnrtmeuts, embracing commercéund fingers, foreign news, political economy; natioul' and fish“: politics; productive indtum‘y And in». pron-menu, city nfi'ninl, literature anal genml intelligence, and with intelligent comm”. x‘dénta in nil parts of our own Ind in mix}: I countries, the proprigtors chill: for it, ail Hut" fiermina to n journni of the very mun-k. ‘ To companies taking 20.¢opigl or upwardl.......o.\'E DOLLAR each, ,13 c0pie5........................rur5u mun; jl, ‘ 8 c0pie5......... .....a.~......1'3¥ , “ i 4 c0pie5......, 1‘ 3 c0pie5.:................ .....nvn r,“ : Under 3 c0piu................ no , u ‘ f The papers gill be nddraued to dim“ 9 persons at the «my»: 05in,“ Mtgt’d ‘ capt in the case of clubs of 13 or non com Which will be nailed to one lrldreu. nm- * mt lur each club man be made in one Inn in dance. ‘ ‘ 2 ~ Daily Journal of Gamma“ Q 00 Daily Junior Do. .. ono Two wpicn Junior.“ one nddreu,......».. 3 on ,_ HALLOCK, HALE t HALLOCK, . ' Editors and Premium ‘ . 91 Wall sired, Now York, April 22, 'Bl. h HE attention of the Indies in unpack", inq vite‘d to 5 large and béautfitul «Manama o! Ludiu' and Misses' yATS, FLATS [Rn SHAKER HOUDS, of latest spring styles, u, bracing Boulemrde and Vernon, which n q. offering it greatly reduced pmu. u . April 22. R: l". chLmY'S. ILLIXERS and other! will find O good“, M sou-men: of Ribbons, Flown" PM". m: .5, Mn, at. the cheap storey! 1 , - A. 80011 I 80!. ‘."z.sw*c;§mési;g;l..;,g an; 1.., Mm m. momma 5 went, Nb 3Q, um. ' ,_ ‘ 4: V Cannon 8.: Adair’s Pay Up'! The New York GEM