The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 08, 1861, Image 3
LATEST! Congress---President’s Message Bnth Houses of (Kmart-=ll nuemhled in a special nossfng’gt Wunmnylnn on ’l‘lwrlduy-r Th 9 Scnme WM cnllwl lu urdurju 1201;131‘)‘ by:lhe View l’rNidu-nt. Crwl'enn'nh of new members were presented and notices ufsevtral billa given. ‘ o - AU. A». Grow, of" Pane. wn= lhn=enlSleer of the House on the first ballot. Emu-non Etheridge, 9f Tvuh . “"H Menu-d Clerk. dnfent iug the renugufilv Vurnr'y. Erhcridgu- 92, Furney 41,1)ielrick '_'L '- . The Pthqidem': Menace mu son! in ‘ on Fri dJy. mulhnnr bring rem]. 50.000 copies were (Ink-I'M lo 1:: printed. The fulluwin; abstract ofth- “usage is {gum 2m exchang'v: ‘ The! :1 m 1 tor touched upon i 9 the com-3r of lh%’ernn;}nt with wizard to Furl Sumtgr, "Innd whl h m :2 film: lml lnunrh gum-ml mig con-tn 'finn nhdmi‘srcprcionlmhm. The Pres ‘icicnlslates [hit informntinn wa m tin-'l] {rbm 51.1]st Ander n tn flu.- ‘purpnrtthat he' had provisions uni; sufficient lii lii-:1 until u uivon‘ ~ time. "Hi It it mwas the opinion of (it-31.511)“ that it would "quire a fun 9 M 20.000 mu: m huh] tho furt a II (hint it muhl nnt he g..rri=nn t-d 11l liigu to n two the nccupnnh‘ .\‘evrrlhc -101310 surrond-r it “as (law-nun] impnlivicms thr ill-l might ' ’miunnleramml both at hmm nnlhlhroud. and it wus finally 111-terminod unl_\' m irrtfv'ision Su ner AM rcinfurcc l’ickens. m that the evnclm 'un of Sumtrr in (he end, an 11‘ military nu-i-as' y. sh'onM In; hzgluncwl M‘ the n-infqruing of I cken‘z, m n‘n ni‘inh-nro of the pulil-v ofthc gov -rnlnvnt. Thi“ pnlil-y mm in. wrrumt-d h; Hm mu-rk "ml Tcduc tiun of Sum ter. and mum“: r tnthe mmniue. wm-Ihua in uugnr‘m-d by th» Suuthern ('nnlederm‘y. Th" mv’ctnge j of the pmgteu u Scl‘clfiflfl Sum-u, )mrlirular Stun-u: lhnl more {lre m' In thehr'rd'n, an of the gr;\"gfrnmc «evaded tertitury vrmnyut. Fnr lh (‘nuérru fi) plm: mm for fire: \rx Squu,uu¢t,tf(fi). T brief. .rnm-ml‘ In :L gem-ml review =(l'(‘~:.ll)ll. flu- :n'liun at [ln , ml the public sonvimout nt' vt'l'lu- opiuiun ix cult-I! linv-I n} in lilo-(- Sunni um Itnnl Inlinm'c<_{hc <t‘llll‘l] «11-Han :1. In “'3!an the \Hm‘c uf llw It!) is nllrfiinurr- In the gm '. pl‘u'lmw [he l’rudxll-n! ad‘s m rheunutrnl nt‘thL-gus'crn; g'k m [WI-r -~zm‘».mm mrulnntl. r is H iu‘hlt the nlt’:§.lgl’ iu_ nnwn: riot-hull. Sar‘zennl-nb Aim] lfi-Cunmvumfnrmifl .‘”-Arum «if Hm Hume. Ru min-ml u: ("Impllu'n uri‘llgu nut] Pom-ll who in ulw Sl'llfflhf Pu'lk, nl' Mix ;' Hull [hr 43, mu] .mmr- "mm 'or »l mu SHIN timtnn- ~12” Georgia! 'l'. Rm 'Arrm Ofthé Henri ~ of “Mo, Sargon" Mlnh'mcklon i“ ( 3 ‘d'nnmrs Hréc their seals, u~ \m. umri. Thro rumu Svnatnrs: Inqm hm in Um ruin/LT, won then-Vunfuuu Tenn laugh“; )1 l] mu h'nku Lin-Zr hen}, :ue: SHWDEKN ml. Sumtdr .lnllnsofixrt ul ibq d? not hfllm‘fi t 1)“ . .. \ ' , ‘ er of tlmrze that, “(mm ”5"“! ”' "11*“1' (I April. would be glad u ”f KY" _"Wk M“ "”1 1"! fi ‘ nuuld [w glad to we ~01 my.“ h H prulmbh- Ilmt _fie; l'ninn. The I-nxw'm'vat I'm} "”4 .ulln-r “’W'"“‘”"“‘ , dawn on the .\bnlitioui \ ,wll_Y lonug furnuyl 'mnw kign‘nf ”IL I have ,iu‘ xon, an the canrd: «.1! [he ‘ Rr-lulhlinul. lhat “WIN V m we \(th: chum-c nf V mow bogiu' (u talk of t: fi'r/ :1 in that. w‘hy, the) of (.'Ommurci'. , .\lr. “rmevlden member of llm H Mud Governor M'i liwa from Kcnlu. prujcut of pmn'ifiv susuuu. of Gen Pattérson—Thé ’m Pursuit ofithe Seces- ‘Another Succes Federal Trdop . aionists. \V \SQUVIITOV. J ‘ 191' on hns' m-hir .» iml rmnt Nib-">6 ; Vet yHm aflmi Mu. ’lkbul‘g (ha , roughllhat pln ‘ mil-H?" of 19m 3n The urmv, oni . I welc‘mnml with o the population. ‘\' pruhwtiun prmm gcfi'el'llnlé-llt. ’l‘l gt‘irirylhly {-olqul': ,fi The wmwinn‘f ‘m‘nttnrml on tho ‘ .I’ntmnnv. Irwlr <ix ' mnrv wnumlc-d. Isa-mall n fmnt yv ml :1 ITi-xtnnvn of c tlu-meve been I'- Ilv .1 Jfginrllouc-ral I‘M-I Xpu- Yurl- I’nlmnm: m I «I pnmha-r hrllhnnt' and I dxu‘Jndgc menrd. m'th I lnfitrmution \\':L'< l'v<'oi7l(‘-um. imucd nn ’unlcr i~trnlinn \‘eutvhlrn' from Kennedy. sulwnnlemlcnl he mum-ml nn-l ‘in-«ml his lnenuul the instance I uin the mu [wing in hot ‘ Union. The Ihpre-xs 8:133: i \ "w_' ‘ ' I Mr. (.‘niou Inn hi~ dmmgrsxm twenty lhml- InéringMn'tindmrg. “rm I sand tlulhl‘" tor ffllrl‘ in priquncnl grnwing tllll~ia~in "V HI" m...“ of «ml nfhh rccvn! :‘lrljl-x'l hi nht'pn'lng signuumm I Hi WJI‘I‘ urn-tifin‘d by ”H. In the Illuch'lalhcll of"! ~z'lcc I’uln_ip|l.” 'l‘ln'a' I [l and How given hv Um “I.‘l“)."l‘:.:llfl‘;{d.:)uflLl>l|"f-n} {till I'll?"“1”"“123' 1‘ ~llw 4th of Julv wn< 1" ‘.“ ‘' " ” "II II “ I'f‘ D.“ Im] at .\hu'tinihur". ' - A Luna} 1n dgfcml tln-nHI-lufi haiéyurl. “1- are Irm‘wm‘.“ Hun 1’::ll9r<0n Inn“ m u f.ur way of leafinng rwh‘rtlM-f “LII-1H"? I." Wlwn lm (:1-u~<4-Ll jho- ‘ lfnng under the mndu ulna": or the_ (nun-d _V killed "I“! lnul mans; . bun-x, or under the [Hit 0! ,Julln A. helm-11y Haring: rallir-«l nwl pro- I crclny. thr) "gain n-trPnt- I "Damon-lg!“ milo‘, “hm'. .infurcnd ear Harpeyr’s'Ferry ‘ ‘ A Skirmish I Ek'pn-mnm-r IS ~ Imm INK)» I'mlm J 'nnmuih- frum‘li: “win? 'l'“ ket-A of ( ‘3 ~Skil‘nli‘h‘ulllnhil tho cars L'Ll m‘vuin" rm ‘ ll tram/N at \‘zmulv llq’hk. I pork FI'I‘I‘\'.'IVII 'l‘hnrwl n’. \ p vnmvndiug turn-N lam'l fl. qu'lmrk' l"_4‘|'l’\' nu Thurs ‘li nwnfltml infnnnil'wlmnl 'nrk Ninth lh-uiluonl hav nml two wollntfml. 'l‘u'n r 32 Fnrrv. and ham l'n'mn ,mrtml‘ to lmv:x br-Pu ‘zllut ; federal pickefi. Ihv "voiding. wh svvlllioiufthe .\‘eu inq'iwr-n killwl. citizn-m of ll'arpl mm. urn 511 m re “and kilh‘d hv H», tthiasv Point. ‘ rmn'llml Washington ”In! hm o muumml hrvwg—wmka “ill! a battery of two riflt‘f ll|-|n)rtml"\\'itl| :l fur-'0 of 1.- zuznlrzv. ile filenmor |'hi!:|- u Inn nnfl-Iri-hy fur thx- pur m .~.1,mf rbcnnnni‘lc-ring “he tn 'du‘nU-s nt .\lmlhius l’uint. Informntion ha Um l‘uhfplomtw M \lnuhiac l'nint fun! “hich un omu infimm and I ’delphin’lu-ll “Eltlll pose. u “:1: mp "pmiliun uhfie (It? Bostonn-Iminense Be-I on of PrOperty. , .‘" Great Fire at' , strut: .\lr ilnnu-nu; cnnflucrntinn Rnsmn m—duy. . Nirkcr‘uu‘: wurelmuseu of the Sufl‘ulk ‘n lnnmlery, Inm-hine ~hnp<’ nrinp rnilwnvs limo lucntml, [undro'l dwelling“. a: WP" :w um. of 'lnmlwr, (imlu-r "ml lorns nfnl! doinfinlium. ‘in ‘4 fur lhemmr guphnnts cou- ‘ 1| Curtis. worr- burnt. - ‘to oslimntc the loss at pre ‘-(--%uyry llfi'l'uiflfi‘ on ”nd- - ream! proper. were burnt. , fins-row. July 4. tum-lbw! in East. \whanm, the 5:1! Salt Mills, the ir soclionnl dqck n and nearly one I an imsnenao am marine stores. pa eluding file mnu} ‘ (meted for by Pm Iv. is imposeihlc pout. JTwelve tl‘ nu 'nnd Aibany ‘ tp-day. ‘ ' ~f'rm‘u l'lr'rcrnrilumli Inquirpr. The Grim: of Wm {mi/mtgbl 41f Ri‘pub/imn ‘Jmu-ualx on .lfr.iCritlnylrna—JWe stated the other day that t K‘l'P are persons—and they are pretty nume Ins—who support the war and the Govern entfiolely because they believe, if the War coutinuea, slavvry will he aholished. ltxt for thatdiope and belief they would opp 29 both tllo war and the Government. The vapor; that mpresent, stilese peréom ate in great trepidation at present. for fear {an adjustment of our na‘; ti-mal ditficultiek may be made. and that, Peaée may be installed where ‘Wm- now sits with bloody um] frowning brow. How rejoiced should jive be if assured that they haOe good cause Ifor their alarlnzl They re gard Mr. Critten'den as the‘ wily Greek who is,to be the bearer of the fatal gifts that will overthrow the Ropubliran Troy; and in ‘éonsequence of {Mich belief. they are pitch ing into that gentleman right vigorously, in order to destroy his influence with Con gress and the country. Before his election some‘ol' them went so far a: to hope that he would be defeated by his Secesqmn op ponent“ Though a Union manwwho has donemore than any other dozen mon tokcep Kentucky in the Union, yet these papers are sorry he‘ was not defeated, so apprehen sive are they be may do something that may bring the war min.- cloie and restore the ancient relationq of kindness and social and businex: intercourse between the sec tions. They,thei;efi)re. undertake to warn the 'country and Congress against him.— They do not want pram), for that would I crush their hop<§ of the universal enmnci- ‘ patiqn‘of the hlaclfi. They prefer that the ‘ war should continue—that heavy burthem should be heaped upon the cQuntry to sus tain it—that trade, commercn and business should remain stagnant and prostrate—4a-l that than the presefilt chance of liberating I four millions of slaxes should be lost. It is i well enounh thit the country should un-l dmtlnd {he se‘cret of these attempts to break down Mr. Crittenden before he goes to Washington. ' HM gives u‘ his Brigado.—NoW York. 1 J assist—The Wgrld says Mr; Sickles has re !inqoished the 3mm of foruiing a brigad_e. xn consequence of the difficulties thrown m ‘ his W,_and hm? rqsumed the Colonelcy of ‘ the reggae-nit. he originally orggnixedr— 1 There we probably enough troops ahflalnp ; Scott to form mo' 01- threejregimentg. ' ‘ L ‘l:‘’l‘a r A “ . ~- my»: Compiler. [v LETTERS F3Oll CAKP.‘ i Laying of a Cormmstone. (IUERY.—-—l~4n't it strange that. Dr. i wéAfiARThHBCRQ VA 0 iTlli‘.‘ Corner-37:5)“ girth; law Ger. Rat. ihurlusr President of 1’ nun. COllO o. 1 -' " 3 (."“'”l' f" M.“ ‘ on, ‘ -‘"“ "min" § ‘ , t. ' g | 3 Ju‘.‘ 3, ”bl- , Pu“ m" be iuld an Oil/Ilfddjlu I/w I.omm hm ('hnnrm'm of ”IT: Rummy, “pd Reporter 0f ' ‘lllr.\[)eslunu: -+‘We are u! presentzm-nmp- cml clergymvn {rum :1 «luluuu- ‘in. m “up It»! In the conduct of Htudnnts. has not brought 19 ed n thin five nulca 9'! Mdrliuslmtg. lhme but be presept. The immi“ js'f'mmni ‘r' ESPN“ HIP "OHM 0f the. Faculty the miimnllnct n e’w moment: In :initc. as we are nbnut~ to , {:“ifi:;sfé°{Saffm 13:: mzzrtni'fi'fllri' ofu _butch of his pupihn’whn‘, in violatinn 'of take} up our line ufgmnrch to the übov‘e pine, “El There m“ MW 1..: 4mm tunic.- “ 9 both the lmv< of the I‘wtilution‘ and u‘ore' wh there is a lnr'c body of sc-rcssian trun‘pq made“, A. BL, affine Annmday. ' ‘ , I _of the State, in‘such calm: made :nd pro-'vhseinhled. intenghé, as we are infatumed, ‘0 IJ I I B." "M“ 3‘3“ CMSMWX‘ yum]. M the 50‘0")“. silent huin' nf mid- Inmkie a stand "pings: In. I will_nol now: u- £1185" __ v f . > .‘ . h-mpt n descriptionfiof our much from Camp night, (June 29,) dhtllqud the woutcd ‘ w . . . [wage and quiet of the towfi. alarmed the [ Spei‘lman, 1"" may hereafter. ‘fi' : citizens. and. mndu- the night hideou“. "3' ' 0i” ”my eurou efcul and put to Ight q":- conduct Shamefui iu the 9‘6”qu fl". gm) 3:] Ya. magi enti on our man-h to this ' Does the Dr intewt to 'a‘i‘ipruve nf‘such 1“”? y""”"“-‘" k" “V m"! “’“nding "HEW": *1 .. ~ 'tlu-i . lev awn-r uled on' in wagow 09 fits! («no/nu prncoerhnfls by hIS'qllHnPB. and in) ' s , , i , g t d n l "1“ t tutbr or i“ 10y \m-re shot déwn. The fight cohtmued {st-ruin from (”gum puma 'lmhn for {eiomhmilem thEough fields, tenrihk do“ n |pupil-l? . ' ' i 1 "ft-mtg, and laying 2 nsle ncrea upun hkrus pf. Whither are we tendmgf O tmupora . . gruih and mm 11“ { i .- V.‘ ' ‘ - I -. ,1 ‘ . .‘““m‘L-H U ko'e‘ :I}_ 7L; (:iflin“ I “file are the l-«ntrfi of all the ramps, being dc; hy 2| force of twenty \'e are now expecting 9n Ar (jumrl.——-Fnr several nixihts pn<t first. flaw mnmt has made it~ any-unmet.- i_n the .\fnrthm‘u heavens, which hgt—x created; con sidcmble excitement mul firms set lull tho .'utronnmvr“ in thn l‘nlthl‘ ngOg—antt be— ."va thorn: is unp' probability; that (he: Ire-l 9» tinl' visitor is likely to (lcgtmg thing imam than shine rw’et‘v night fnjr n few “leeks. and then tlurt otl‘ into thr régions of space, hut _lx-mu‘zr- in qgj'ming mu; lqlnhm'nldoil and unowpm'twl. “L 3 m’l‘it pn {l‘upvlny night. and although \wfilmvelsem'l l§r~wrul of :thpso xtnngnw in our flay, tllia (tats much‘ thie lun ‘C’rwt of any of them. I i '1 J ‘- , ——~ - «co-\L—Jy—i— ...? " [hi-The [)ktrihut'imfinf Ll’romium‘t will mko plum: ’nt St. .lohqgih'f Il|‘\r‘.'ulvrnyl, Mn- Shn-rrmeVFu, July llth. :3“ 2} h'ulouk, l’. M. . ,'. .... i About S 4 mun/.0! .—“"e l m‘ n ‘pccl- for 4.049 R. mntinuully th-nnum-inin ,riunhh and hmnyiw 10‘ hN-zmu‘ Hwy Ali!“ Dorm cut-o tmu'ho-s u~ that th 'of the Swill, M a party Finllrigtic as in riv.ll.—~ publioun pupor.) I | I&2f'YL-r“ “juut n: 10 ‘ it: rival.'.’ u‘ml, wc,th'm ‘ ' Inn. “’0 hnnor Um Sn, taxingtlwn]mvo.ur-ntim ly and hulll'jK~—ll‘llit§ w Re-publicmf paprrm—l‘ i . ——v- 7 o. ‘ Sanding Par/y I‘Yl’lul‘ ' “1‘ If [by 'l’urly nun/k 2 part. Juno 28.——.\ wt: 1‘ I in! of forty lecml‘ tr Ethic marking figrtlm ‘ llu- owning four of H nut, thirty-six in n f pl’i~l)||(‘r~ by Hm L'lmfv ‘ I The Mum: uplmm‘si in “m Huhimmu- Err/«u M' u lellvr flow a. [div "In this place. ~ . . ”.-.... "2M- 1 i WTlnm qu York J nrnal nt'Ggmmnrcn I tako'< a brief. Imm and Olllfll‘t'htfihiVP‘VlTEW 'ot‘thr- national HHS. ilt stun. “the North E hm hmm deceived and EnidvEt into thii war 1| by the Ndrtherh lie-pubimmfprcsls.”—-|l’mc£ t 4/: m'r Juurmth ‘ s E t I E ’We helicv‘n that the 'nuth was ‘firH. de ‘cnivml vintn a roludlinn ay the lh-pulrlimn pred. I though the twli -fth:t.t their righti would not be sm-m-ml 1 tall Union ;E;md ‘ that the North his huh lICCEiVC‘d intn this war by thp salhie ugon .y.—-EJoumul 1f (hm : zmrcr. ‘ ‘ i E [ekfl‘lxr- Norriwtown :1 rabid Rnpllllllt'ull juu muuil y ought ,not to q! of ln-aop—lwtitjunsl .'l‘ fromlnm willun vonge journals would put 114 South. they Would est! the Nurlh. Lot the-1:05 plv—louk tn tlwir right? wrimm MA Gl-IT'I'YSIH'HH— Supprfinp 1“10ufg........... Rp- F1nur........‘............ White Whent............... Red \V1mut................... 1‘nru’....................... . . RH‘.. (Dah.f Eurkw1n_eat................... (WoverSet d ..............‘.... ’l‘imomy Seedwm... Flax 5eed.........‘.......... l’lasér of Paris ........... l luster ground, per bag MAI/rumm— F1Qur...................§....... Wheat ; .ye...,... .. ................. C0rn.......... .............‘.... Oats ............................ Clover 5eed.................. Timuthy 5eed............... Beef Cattle, per hnud.....1 ”3&3, per hund.....‘....... 1 Whiskey 1 Gunno, Peruvian, pet to z: HANOVER-TH Flour, from wagons"... . Do. from 5t0re5......t.. Wheat ........................ Rye'........L.................. C0rn.......................... 0ut5........................... Clover 5eed................. Timothy 5eed..‘...'....,..... Pinata-...........1.-.....‘... By the Revr‘B. A. SI; NOEL to Miss AMBIJfl .\lountplonsunt township. ‘B}: the same. .\lr. JACOB NOEL to Mrs. E KUIIN, both of .\[ountplqnswm township. • mi7gro. On Tuesdav Last 3h. S'\\iL‘pr I . Fred I,' .’ r~ ...,‘4QIDOX of '7 (1381."5z o“ nahlPv aged 85 years 1 months I’md ohue 7m of June, was EMRLmE POT TORF, of Sunbun towns‘ifip, aged 17 yegrg 2 months and 23 days. , , In Hilltown, on the 301:1 ‘UIL, HIR'AM WES LEY, son of Mrs. Delillh‘ Bittinger, agéd 3 years 4 months and l3'szs - the 20th ult., Mr. JAMES .\I‘CLEARY, of Freedom townhhip, in 111%: Slit year of his age, On the 3mm ult., of" scarlet. fever, MAR— GARET, daughter of Dr. Samuel Uronue, of Sig-“ban wwnwip, aged 9 years: 10 montbsund 17 days. r 3 In Hampton, on the )flp’ult“ LOUISA JANE, daughter of Wm. C. And Sydney Cu Beck, aged 5 years and'agmonthb. sn‘rr mnded on all [honi‘spmi troops. ‘ It‘ddirifinnl force. . T‘u- whole cpunl IMPY tenements uro' your: dwerlim-gm lyiné plnrk nd 1)" strety‘lwd forth to I'2: “1y- urc 111! an wel dcr flu‘c ( ircum-tunc eddieing own fan-e: Sunday night} and I um'itilualc ‘4' “arm ' I $195!? kite. Sh l‘v ~{inn mfnlfitlnlm \\ hiugly hm’o nu rq‘ , , 3 “up I‘Bpocl‘ W‘fijxuz's BALS ‘——lv‘dl'r"~|hc- vurv m U Adhhln. lnfluuun,‘ “rilllF'lili‘, PIWJIJH km in. ' ‘ , ‘. Thlh gym! rvmwl} i‘: too well known and Ea pt‘rl‘uirmlng hm quyl gum] to make it. lIH‘TNMAFD’ to ad] lull: nu Manor. n: diaruyiou of il‘v‘merils. .\‘uflitg It in my [ln it tllll linliuune its sn pruniu y in 1 ”ring 5 luau"; 0| the Imw’ ul).~tl nnu- 'Cllill‘fllwr, und that all “lm HURT-r frolip the {how mmplain ,nt'tcr Inning u-x nilllns remu lly, \cldmn In t m C‘l-‘Lull m n-Aurl lb (Mu-4| :nppliuucw to" pure :1 pert‘L-(‘l résr‘uruliop ll)lll11l:llll.‘ * I E 1~ l‘RU‘l TI\V D SLIFFIR ESQ. ‘ 3L -, I LEWI'UIHG, l',\ , May 7,1800. i SufiHW. 37mm: k (‘ ' ‘ . (Ir‘tillmnl-n' Iha slam ?1' WIN l‘hvrryJ «'Hh-u‘t ne-I+n-«ly for (1‘ nmliJm n! flue lnngfi} ('hu-lifullyfo ,hm‘N no sympathy .übl‘mm \vhn are ‘ ’lérfipt-rati :1: Stan-s- Hm rpulltrjiguilnph' ants} Uur exporb ‘ Don‘mciutit‘ party in 'in“. as loyal and mud/4 :51 11(21): 1, (Rd- M :lan wh-iotio m 3 '. n @lol] 'llngltl filore ml. hémerrr. {Jr nt nt=. 3'Ylwynm?unnl 31km“: nfmu‘hu‘d inl [Wide EI’OIUILICLT- . I} N. {YH June L? «y that. u lurgu nun“; igrr-e Mm- tho war in I' I‘m’" it now. ‘nnll l “ Naming the l\ . Roipubliozun are :, w licln is the best tpm- :1 pr‘nminent I“; ho; would be‘glml * h'lll‘i'l‘llfl‘ 'J'hxf‘ Tap X‘A-i, :tud \\'ln-I\"tlw\' few/(Id ita—‘wlo‘ld'llul’ E ' Hm“ J. ‘ _-' 'lm'm Meta sffi‘oth W, Fm (h'hiyrlnl'lll X h Inn-{i ‘in». Dr. Wiixl fur L jéglns. rnlnls. a plain Lulu] hm’cl'm. in m vuuu case. [ fnluil uith the Imm I’lmu‘Jl-IS ‘ Prosibcnc of III!“ \lur l~ 'rH known :I_ud on New Jersey: rp'ulalrf.~fUu Wcénes .\cm: Yul-k Supreme 'ur Hi.- arrest oi Mr. M" lm'n'u. gun] ng of m’ .\l“. Fredeywk .\. .\lvu D 0: hf w h“ V“ fumil llé‘ll‘ . 111 (‘:I u rm rent. mt uh-hculr in Yoilp‘. \l-ry‘req-t-X mf'vmfimf'lo I'u "ax/file Hula—mg ha: l 81 Hi)" uiul lh’n- priu] on Hie OlllL‘l’ “““l'l’ nurtl 11-41. ' ‘ ‘ l’n‘pan’ul hv 80510 I. run! for ml:- hur: “ H. Hilblww, Hull fill-din: Solon: Jam! Fulwmlcr, Mm .\hhu‘lhxuwu; \l. S! Minn-4r Lxltlv‘iunu’; : Ju-igu urn-o|. . 4x lEZ f‘f‘ ‘i" ‘ 1 'nm A mlm‘ '7l— 'l'lu'rly ’li.x-ou%rv.—\\'Minim- ‘lillg' sarty. (unmist mps. “’01.! (Ink place Virgiillia «lmrc: In s-mrt'turneul. The ‘ _ ulwfi. wvre taken , xmm! form-xx f a. _s \P‘viul Jimgm-h (in. Lt is confilfuml iv a uwe, L-ngived i 4—“ o- Tu}: GREAT 1-2 am” Junta (‘LAnn‘s ('M. IHIA‘I’HI) I“ Prcpg‘pcd l'nun a I‘R‘Vl’illtlnll o .\L. D]; J’l|}‘<i('i:lll EV! lul‘diunryl i'l'lils inmlunhle me u-me i 1 n icul't' ltfall lhnsc [nun ll nn-l (lam) (I) which the female I on<iilulinl modifinte-I all‘emwn ml rvmuvl Liana ium] ‘n speedy ( "'9 may he ”1:”er Lil-lies it ii eculinrly l ‘in ndHlH‘l time, brin on the u williim-gnlnriti . ‘ Nari: In.tlle,prire ne Dollar, Lenmfinl Slump of Franz Brit cnnnH-rfeiti. _ : ; (I ‘u'num—Tbne ills slmul hy Feinnlfi during n: first I l’regriFni-y, as they 9 sure ti (nirringe, hutnt any ther time. ‘ 111 [will rim-'2 of Nor ms and S] Patinllu lhe llm‘k nudi‘lfimhszy F: Mention. Pulpitiitiun‘ of the I and “mm, these Pi s will «I all oll'ter nu-n‘m hnv failed; puwoivri‘ul remedy, do at cnnm antimony, or any thil g hurtful ‘4ion.l 5 ._ FILM directiona in t e pamph pqekh P, Whirirslmn l be «are ”in? .\geutl'orlhe 'nith Si Jpn .\msns, (i. te LC. is ‘ ‘ < R 0 1 .\'.§i}.a—S_l on and poctnge ‘Lu “'9, authorized A rut, will wont? ning 50 l’illd, l ' return i ‘Juilie 11, '6O. lyeo x , . a-» \ Tl] FOXSI'MP'I‘IV S—The ,ing Helen r‘eflured tol’ ulth in 3 ver‘vfimple remedy, a or havln ‘ yin-”s3 'ith severe Inn nfl'ectio: diH-dSPi' (‘nnsmnptiu —is an klimfl to his fellow-s Kerri-st 'l‘oj llwhh dezire ,he wil .tho lir :cription used free of c dirt-cit nns for preparing and i whichlthey will find 54‘ sure Um tinn,s.i:.thma. Bronchitis, kc. 0f theia-lvertiser in wording th tl) bdmlit the mum: and sp WMCE he conceives? be in\ hope ?c\‘ery sufferer \ ill try i will list them nothiné, and ; sing I ) Pa lies wishing tin; preSc-ri V nddrfis REV. EDEWARD _ 1 I \Villinhnsbnrg,t l o - 0c1.!2.,860. I’.“ E . GMAT mscow—zm‘r—Aniv by nhl'ns practitioners =and ch\ have demonstrated migrant '. Gmth‘s beautiful com iuntionl TRIG Dlll,”‘for (he rgief and i‘ But the [maple {hem lves arq vex-dim in a mhnneriboth urh sntisfhctnry. .\lore tl‘mn mu} have'heun “old in a t-ry slmf propontion of those w 0 heart} mend it, who had tried it. Thh disL-onerv is every wliere sit-R nothing like it wan ever before only genuine Electric Ellis l’i which is to be had‘ at all the re‘; gists 'in the cities, and?“ wholi at the prcrprlclora’ prices ofthel navel-adamant. .'rn/J‘ mu] Fr” frame, I mll. mywtlmt um- I Him the circulzl‘ninn ‘ mt's‘ ill-ondiml‘mml 9 nf‘o.‘ Whilst Fllk‘h {wn hlzwery at the :flnlhh tlvs‘lmtism at .1; mic—4 be white ‘ poo in SLATS. FRIDAY LA‘T. .........4 7:3 to 5, m) ...L.. ‘ L 3 00 ........1 05‘th m .......1 00 to 1 15 ”...... ‘ , 4B ...»... 1 60 ....,... ' i 26 ""r" . 41 45 ...L... 4 no 20‘4'23 ........1 175102 00 ~..‘,.. ' u 15 ....l ‘ . ‘5O {he Hula"? man; “81-. F ”.:...L 5 25 M 5 so .. 5:... . z 30 an.“ 60 "......t so to} 65 ...L....L. 47 low 62 ...J.. 28 m 33 ...E..." 4 50 um 75 ".:.-.4. a 50 $072 75 ...J..‘, 7 so mono 25 ....é...i. 5 25 30's 'l5 " 00 £Ol5l, 00 "muf- 16 £O4 17 ' 42 00 Jr— ‘ BSDAY LAST. j ...... '. :5 00 ....."T. 15 50 ~....z.. 1 1510‘! 25 «unit. 'A 60 .4...fu,‘ ‘ 45 ‘ ‘ ‘ 27 4 oo 2 on s 25 ..L...L.. "Lu—s INII3. orb. .\(r. BERNARD T‘KMMONS, bath of . ”Twenty-five totsixlay J peuses per month will be paid iug .\[ukhino Company to their ing the Eric Sewing Mjnchine. Muclfixie, and so simplain its (4 a chiid can lcu N: to ope‘mte it? iuskfiqfiou. 11. is equail to an) Machine in use, and 1h?! Luke t th'e “fly and One Hun red dnl Tfi‘e p 08 is but r‘ifteen‘glkgflam wish” employ Agentséi (Wei United‘Smtes. Addregjfor n Su‘wmg MACHINE Co.‘ R. J‘ Ageqc,,l:ilan,omu. A {My li sl erata x in lying waste a“ dow acnm, only ot'cannoiitull)'§ a mu) ho fuuud ; guiih tit-lit: sted'in xhe sun, idd lip: p net-"gamer. . as rouhl be expoélcd un =, but coulshic-rnhlfit'wonlii mun-h since 1‘: u'rlorln on ramily providmnél We lb ofJ'uly. , “ HM H'nil m “ rile regula‘r e it In uiur‘w‘mitmmfi “+l - ‘ K ‘ l Baquv. I MEI {1 Notices. 1 :m upfwlnn ”mum: mghj, Colds, Hum. Pun-Ml, ll’muih “lumping (‘ough, r sxtj‘bn to ('uu u‘mption, ‘I- need [lx-‘1 jlll hclwrn ' (In, (‘nl um] I mum : D.\ VI SCOTT. E. Junta. 15L, ‘0 & I'm. \e uqu y .~ Bulsmnot «l throat u nl' it uh exp lzuenku n first rwulu. H SHIT". i: ('uunlv [5 much «alt-m WAY. .L, J: & ('o..- V used Ur. \\'i nhmgl fiflcr lwnefit'ial r mud. pleas. sin: M :1 ml] ' \lumm'r R. Seth W. Fun r‘Sir z—lln‘im Id I‘harry for In n-ulinm! in: I‘. it :an-ynls m ilm it h: thr pull '94 of “en. In! . ml} whirll l rn [and "1:1wa ta a 1 s, (‘oth ca ‘l' ~i<lur to 1.0 i ll WIN; "er n-altlul ‘lullv, JE. r/mxt I".*T 0 MW”: 11 ml man u! t. r; all all: mm W. F! _\‘ A. D. HI urk Sprin I] "hi-Imin! MEM :nh-r, .\cu, u] by dealt ct Ireliid each I. 4 nlly prowrvrd‘ to.“ muu‘vnnadn, ‘ldwinlb‘o..) I dverliserfimv- I fewmeeks by a. 1 suffered sewml . and that dread i- ions to make .9 means ofcure. \ send 5 copy of mrge,) with the using the same, ire for Consump- Thé dnly object. ' prescription is end information ullmble, and he is remedy, as it. \y prove a blea- Mon will please . WILSON, Kings county, New York. ple tests, bath Lmical annlysis. 'nlue of Prof. De I called “ ELI-2C. icure of Imin. 1 rendering their imistuknbh‘ and {million bottles Pp time—:l great fl others recom- M it's A Splendid (nowlvdged, und 3 prepared. The ’rut'uDe (irnth's, “fpocluble Drug fsule and mm, gagqnt hepc. See dollnrs find ‘93:- y the Erie Sew gen‘ts, for sell- This is A new Instructiontlmt y hnifun hour‘s Family Sewing eprcmium over nr machines.— fy county in the warliculnrs, Eu”: AMI-)8. General ITEM 0 PWs. HF. nndcr‘iyntd, .\uJudr, unpainted h); the T (Yourtof Cnmmon I’lmfi‘of Mum «roul ty, tfmke distribution alum-g Hu- Pro-dilur: m‘ the fund in the hands 3" Jinx-t Dun, A:- lignce of anuflnmmum and .\l un: his wife. hereby give; nolire 10 all per-nus Inter— and, that In: will sit lo «lmflmrvq the dutiv: of hiamppuitAman M hic lvfi‘yt'b itGflilg \lulrg. nu Wrdmnlau, Ilw (124/,1 dual q/‘Julu man, M lo o'clock, A. .\l., Why-u and whwre n“ [nulim in intern! urgrequwtml lo pit-sun; lhclrurvimnh’ or cfiims‘, properlr p'rown. ‘ ; . I f . E. u. UCI‘HIIJIRHAMJMM. 12 July 3,1301. 15c - , ' Nance. ' 7 HR public— turf hereby c tinned against ‘ I‘ rum-hing n Nute. Sigurd a; D. Krmlhhnrl jund uudorwd by I). A. Unchlér, (laud Jul) 1!, ”Nil, M 90 duj‘s‘, MrSL‘m. ' TH.- puyflwnl ofthe above ha‘a heeu‘stoppml, as lhp mum !nu liven has! or "mind. I). K INDLEJIAKT. ‘ I Gettysburg, .luly 8, 18!“. 'I ‘- y ’ Gettysburg Restinurant. HE undersigned. having! hnhyzhl unl (‘hnrlri T R. ”minty. will conliuud lhr (gh'r'n's: Bum RHST.\|'IL.\NT, .u ”no Lu :l:uu],undvr 1 MrPonnuglu‘s “all, in Carlii‘le =m-M, “I“ n hi: “'1” ilhhl)" Int! rvnnh l 0 su-nv hip. H! [Um icnlh orruumnm,Wyn-ms, cuu‘m;.\,m-:w l'mxcn‘n. TRIM-2 I(‘E whim. “am, mu. !m».\lr::s"nc wm—fs, ALE, x..wl~:1: sum I’Ul’. "Ht: “'1” «purv- nu rh'urt lu mud-gr *XLli‘Krlu'liull In In” w muy [landmine h'nip. {He muliv ll~ki u call. ; VALENTINE wn-szm. i, Jul ”act, 3m ‘ 1 ‘ _. 4 _...._‘._ _.V. | anb Liquorf. ;‘ 1 (:1 (‘.\RR him added to his Grocery and VI . Nulum Stoke, :1 depurli am [hi- lhu -u|‘v i“ qumms, und lupin: laid inh lhl'gqnml fun : nsmrluwul. he invites the uni: tiph QTJJEI 9H thereto. ll emhrhws: BRA. 111-IS. \\ 111-IS puns, \nnsxuzsj mu, “mu; mu kinds and rpriu-i, some numn‘ the MM II) he hpd ilrlhv Iciliu. A: his mot‘fu it.“ quirk alumina sum]! Hiwfils.” he Will my . ll'lf-‘IIL “'5. ”main W" ”X“ I'm-h 1‘" he wm‘ Me I, ll I; U‘l I] “Lars3flr’ lu gne him your lmlrhn'agc. : V . (Augsburg, July; 1, lain. L! ‘ 2 —'T ' otice. 3i mm "mu. mas E'S'mt II udmmiilmlh u of: the ‘1 Hcmlvr, lule of {lnuutjdy tug count}, Ilt'l'tzl=l:d. uniug L'lccll 1 unulvnigm-fl (hear-ct named. :1 snme luwuship uud lin- lu.s,t num IWi§mgfa Ilul‘; In w Mann “I‘- . unnl‘inflnmL nmndHt "111:4! b SLI'FHKU Q' ' 3 uy ntseo. ‘1 Lin vrluulolb Wild l‘ht-rry, ul In cum- Ilent L-medy I‘d it in my mwmlnip they hwrdbv givfi noli'r indebted to snid c~tillv to nuke“ I numb' and thaw muting cluignnl ‘ to present them pn‘porly authd‘n tleumnt. ‘ 11. M E June 24, 1361, éw‘ ' Nance. 1 I 03mm [mum's Haw-AW (I lamenlnry on “It: min!» {‘l lur. [Me (If .\l-uintirlvnwnnl m . cuunlv. dmL-usc-d. “giving Leem ' umh-Niuned, nuiililhg in Slrhbp‘ hereby giwa nuliual (u l“ periéu sail] «slate In In Ikkl' iljunédi UK“ than: hm lug." rluimsingadinfl the“ i them properly aulhhniuut‘ml 11w drzumjx u}; June 24, won. 6:: .l ‘ 5 .\‘Q.,. nk, 52nd who ml tl‘grough- J . n. 3,386» mr’s “Bulanm 1 yr; r“. and ==l 1 n- ilfin-vom {lul-lc rvmcll)’ Igh's, kc) and windy mum .~cl >.i£'ut3 by ' Notlco ‘ . ()TRESPASS‘ERS —-Yhe und T h} “.Irhi all perm-ins nOl eulu-r in tj~hing_r‘ur hunliqp. (1‘1“1 in lhmillmn Luu'm'hip. .\dums 1 suns diuregnnlmg ll|n~ uuliré ml “cording to law. 10.31“; A June I‘4, IHGI. 7L : I 1 <9 mum n- uhlg ”rum"! rmnulg- oI “ l. w ‘l'l’alprimor‘l r is file and : Chutxon. i I Y wife. RwurL Tou gust). “I rmideun‘, nun refining“ [I mnnml rvlniium. Ii hurl-li} gi 1! “ill 1m Jungl'r he Afl'nllnmble} . :lxc um): umke, or anunn‘ :luy Fl} \ in .\M‘mm Lutimnrc [0“ i 141“), June 8.1;] ‘ ~15- A.—.. ~._.- J,____-.- IWLE .I.> g‘n _ ulllpfir,i (Sn-lips» m wt}. wow or. whiny-lung i HJ ml neg-r; lelan Julm ‘5 ch'l?) where. lE\lElh’.—§m mu: 3'51.” —-7 Sir J.,’C|.arhe‘, the Queen—L Tuning“ ill ”1‘ eruumdisrnse in sulu‘ecl. I: n all Mustruci relied on. fl‘d uitml." [I wijl‘, onthl'y period ' J Nance. ‘ y .. n. f‘II.\RI.ES BLISII'L” FHJ'rz-wn —J.otlnrq oi :ulmiliintmitiun nh llw 'l‘Sl'Mt“ of Ur. ('lmrh‘l ““4thth Handing to thi] Adam‘s ruunty. dt'i't'llsl‘d. "Ivillgiln‘fll I’flllll'3 In [he undersignvd, residing iu'the Mlllt‘ luwnzhip, he hereby givoa’no‘icr to :41“ penguin iIIIIMIIPd to suit! estate to innkc ‘immmliJm puylm-nt, and Iltose having nfilnima p’gninzjy H,» s m in prcsut (hum propérly mnlu-ntu-utul'fi: 5L4- tlmnmll. ED. .\l. U. WHITE, .lllm’r. JuMlo,lB6|. qt ‘ 1 z ‘ *m - . , _ . . ,___._+._;.___ lheurs the 69v; tin, mam-vent A otiqe. i mm mm.“ '5 HSTATIfiLM-n’er: 205- f taxqc-nnlury on I ecstale nt Juhn prlrluan, Me of .\h-uuHrn‘ lnfinship Adult ummty, dr cmsed, lmvlng. hem grumed . Elm Illldi'fl .~igued, rvsidiug i? the lame ituWnship, he hereby gives notice to all gal-Ion! indebted to mid mun: mlqmye imun-ulmtq‘ payment, and Hum: hm ing «himmyminé! the sbmgm preach: them properly umhinficulyd lur fiétflvmeut. \ HENRY El'l‘Ll-NAgN, Riven/Ur. May 13,1861.‘ 0"; ;> ' ‘ t not lie taken rec .nmnths of ‘ brigg'on Mis- In-y ak- safe. inul .\p‘prtiunn, tigue on Flight run. Hysteric: «1 a "fire Whl' ml although '1 n immjcalumel, o the constitu- - Notlce. g :mUI-IL BE.\R‘s HmutTm—mnm tbs lnmcntnrv an the ustnlc oannmél Bent, Ltte of Franklin o\\'u.~lllp, Atlams county, dmmlied. having b}cu granted tn thi- under— signed. rm‘i-lin};r in he 5.1 m» towbqhip. he bvnu b 3 gives notice to all persons indeblul In said estate to nmLe lmmpdmm payment, «ml thaw having ,t'lillllls ngnlnxt the sum» to prrsvnt them properly mnhéntimml for settlement. ~ ' FIIHDEIHCK l.)ll‘llll.p Ex‘r. May 13, 1861. u; ‘ heiter; N. Y. mmpe enclosed insure in bottle, EPER RICE‘S J ESTATE—Lenora Jesu- P menmry on the estuleuf Petunllice, late of .\fcuullvn to“ nalni'p, Adams county, deceased, havingibet-n grantefl In tho umln-rdrgnml, the first named n-sidingfiu Greene townshipJ-‘rnnk lin county, and the fast mum-d in mid‘Melmm-n township, they hereby give notice to hll [wr sons indebted t 4» quid astute to m‘qke immu dim [myluenhund thus: haying clniumngn‘msl the same to [ln-rent them properly muhcmimu-d for Beflhmeht. \VILIJA “ 11. kn”), - CUIQJELIL'S mot-z, June 11', 1861. 6t* , L'z’rg T. E. Cook 8: Son's. AVE established a Depot at Maj.» Jon: Scott's, im‘hmnbersburg street, (:euys urg. Fine thrifty Fruitnnd Urumumml Tr’res and Plum, cnrel'ully transplanted there for sale. 38‘0“! and see llmu—saxirfiwzion w". ranted. ' [Nova I‘l, 1860. tf , HEADS a: m EULER hm on hahd m; first-ml: HAY and GRAIN RA'KES,’ which ml! be sold at low imws. ‘ This is n fins op portunity {u}; querF to secure}; vdlqnble Labor I-nd mm: waving unpleumnl. Unll And look at them. [May 21‘, 186]. pf APIES, at H. G. Carr'sjc the place to get Gloves and Gauntlets of all kinds very cheap. Call Ind examine them. Nu trouble to Show guods. [Way )3. ADIEB and Gemlemen, at. H. G‘ Chris is we place lo‘ g": 11 kinds of l’nrfinuery, very chap. . [Map 13. \ OMESTICS, Titkings, Chm-ks, 1'13")"le D &L' . cheap It Fahnr‘tm-RC. “'0 have ulso ,a .\IITSLIN handed wnh our own mimr, to which “2 Invite esm‘cinl nneutinn, :{s in excels by far, any e‘l‘l‘ ofl‘ercd in this market for the price. - ’ _ G. CARR [ma jus‘ received a very fine . u<<onment of Gent‘s Cotton Hole.— Uume .uul exmuiue them. . The Company G. CARR sells Conl Oil Lumps‘cheaper . . than any I')me else in "ye routnty.—A Don 1. than]: the piano, rig“ oppqsile lhé Bank. 11, '6l. On *{fiimsn mm? (713 Ens; ,\i u. tu-le, now to be had at IL'B. CATQR‘S. Au'ditafls Mice 1P ~Lptu~ry on “me hf HL-nrv' fishing .\dum" taxan'lcd to lhel egitlinfi 1.“ lluc I'd in Gil-Finn") ' 10 h“ per on: ufivdintv'pny ‘msl llu- same J'utml lur s‘ol - ‘H FIVK. . ‘.l‘(llfllll'l’.‘ Josm I . -—-Leuers tas .|(rL:-p§i Hem :ldnp,‘ .\dnnH rum} .1 In um. I tuwnfihip, lie I s inihfbh-d' to [1:13 Egg. nnd :ume Mp um 'scllji-fiII'III. ‘ ILI‘IR, [.'r'r. I T#—— ‘ _ 1 ('Nignndhvre- In 'lrlelHSk‘ his "Hui-I‘4: "1': [fix lim l‘ho ch" with ll ,1“ El! ' r». A ‘ mvizijr lefl my. ) ntnfime lll'lg him my (Pm! I . “"l‘ comm“ In of lwr'n |\\’,\'.‘4H.\l). "6|. 3! Notice. Hay Rake. . ‘ :soa Bathing 1 71am rmmnnm-nu-rnr Sen' nam— 1N iurz. Atlantic (my, N. J.. (IWU’HIId a half hours‘ ride frum l’lfilndelplna.) i= more I‘m-- ‘quenl'd than any other plme m (ha. l'mted [smut Its lunhmy, sailing mu! fi<hing fm-xh lit-s arr urmmlmquul. TI: huh! and boarding houses, which will :H‘t'ulnvllndflh' about 7.000 ppramw, am he «'9l! kgpt as Hume m Surntogl Eur Newport.t "fl hem-h ii nine miles in length, ‘nflordim: n mnguifirmu drive. while them-am. ‘ [gm of the p’lzlt‘e i;.r<-ananNn 12* its dry- ' {4 was. The m. ils :uro- cnniut'twice dpilv to and I :rmm Philmlvlflnib; “In-l u telegraph extends' Ithe whole lrpgfllflufvflu' road. I Trains on; andvn :um .\ll unlic Railroad lmvc Vim- slrecl wlmrf, ['hilidvlphia, a: T! A. .\l and 4 l'. M. 1.e.1.\‘1-,A\Ll:mliv at Ii ‘l.) A, M. and 415 l', 'M. Uphlm‘e I?!) milks. Fare SI 90. 1 ' ‘ .\chihbin's [l'nhed Slums Hole!) the surf and um" houses now upenfi‘ i ‘ Julyl,huu. 1m , . ; ‘ fiubué'koticé. . TAKE thii' mmhml tu infunu the pdblic I 'unu. l kw ‘ r 0 «in-d from the oil: of Phila delphia a “325$ STUCK 0F (HDOO3I, emu l-rising all offluearwml St} {N m" g ' LA lI’HS’LDRBSS GOODS. . SHAWLS; . <- M ‘ .GLFHKINL‘. CLo'rns, . .g .umvns; , ‘ ' 3L lII'SIERY, ' 1 udxxms. ; . s mama's, , . «‘ ' munm's, as wa-H M n fink Alseurlmrnl of ! ' l'l‘lliFl'Mßlfl’. .\'.\ll F.\.\'l'\' SWAPS, in furl n-wrj'thingtlmt i»: umulh found in n alul'k of Dry :In‘d an‘v' Rumba 1 } I-‘uu Inn-2 urzanmnv ,1; [haw as rump n-te‘a stuck at L‘IMTIISJC'YSSI “Hid-ZS, GUUJOS“ .\lfl'l'AHLH ‘FUR KUYS' WEAR, m: udll gm ULUVI‘IS. S'l‘lfl‘rKlNGS, llAhllKl-Illt'llllfl‘fi. NI-ZI'K - TIES. SUSPEN DEBS, kl‘..\fl§ vyjus Her brought In ”qttyslmrg. .\pril‘l‘l, mu. ' J. L. S(‘MICK. h“.__+_._.__.-_-_w- 7 7 ._4...._. ~ Old Muskets & Rifle‘s'. ALI; [in-Noun: throughout Adams; county having in their lmqwfiion l'niljell Sum nrlm, t-itlu-r .\lculJ-N or ltnflnz, are llérchy m ung-v.l) In return “will Mum-dint: l) thgthr un (lvNiguv-L a} lh-lly~l.n1r;3. ”a sin] urlufi atro- nil-t ntunn-«l in it l'l'dNllLlhlt' ti-uu. ~urhhih-xisures us the military lnw~ of ||u~ (‘mnmnnwg'tlltzh pro vide’ will he lukou tn gI-l th'vui in. (M (nurse Ihi: duos nut apply 19 ‘Jl'lflfi in the pdtwnion ut‘ organiml muipgulivs. , , firiflfl'thecam‘qnimmg nf those igho have arms to n-tum, the) will In." rmt‘irL-d at the l'ulloning plump: , i ‘ . (.‘nshluwu—4\lr.‘ I’m-ton; .\rt-mltjfillv—C. Han:-c . “inhlle‘luwu—l'.unp‘- r'torc; Belt-lots nllc—(‘.".\l_\-er,‘. I’elershurgudlg Ruqkllr and Mr. Hildubmmi: Hampton—\lr. Dmlés l, Ens: lln'rlm—szivl )Llunigh; .\lflmttsltm --\l,r, “ohler m 11 Fund‘s \Vilsun; Xv“ “ultra—Ja cub .\lnrtin, ‘lrh‘hcu’p mm u—Jnhn . Bllsluy; I.llll(‘<lll“n «er cph Nuke! : \lUlllllel_V-$-“Ll)~ bur \ Marv; ”(rim-1‘: Mill :. Ifn-mlulluaVilfihnlav “um; ; F.|il‘fil~ld«TMr. Shin-l); _.m. fliul-k—J. H. Smilll.‘ 3 . l, 3:3”! ditn'e pnfltivv “ruler: tu MHol-t‘ tho arm“. Thaw chm; mm! w ill plt'nal'jd‘tf tom-e, uml art um ural'mglg . $30“): St‘ll'l“ June aphrqi. ‘1 ‘. l:,-.,,..'.Irl.‘.w , A New fSto’re at Fairflelw. ”-Isulm-riin-I'Rlun l: olu-uml an i-u’t rt; NEW Tsnurx u‘r mums .\l‘ laxnumzlm. xu “hid: lhry Emma lllv allculu-u nflhc Huhlic. \\e are repay-rim sell u! c\lrelllk-})' [MW RATES “Yr wait. .\ll We ask i-z n «all. find we', “I“ pruvé Un- irulh of Hm ni‘mvv :nmniun. f L ' - .1 _ nAxNEI: .t SHIELDS. '; April 13,1861. Gm 'V ' é Tawnslcy Ahead. ‘ler undoréigliml roulu-c-tfu|l'\' infirm! "IF ’1 puhlir ”le ht-wnntium-x‘ the UNRHIAGH .\I \K|.\(l'. .\NI ‘ RHI’AIIHNU hll‘ifll‘“\‘ iu‘n” “-1 difl‘vlcnl l'nruu‘, vhmper ”I In any \lmpvin tlw 'cnuhly. All \énrklmlrrunlml lo gin" M'fiifilc tion mcnuumf-ra ("ummv prmhlce lulu-u in «Mlmngc l'or “wk :Il lumkrl prim-c. ‘ . I , ‘ J ,\. >\IA TQWXSLEY‘. Conyhburglflunr 'l3, I‘ll”. ‘ 4 ! .pr is the Tune!‘ 7" ‘HE nudrHilmM, haying [child the Gur 'l riagu-mnkimfi Mtal-linhum-m nf}\mlr’«w “Nun‘s. nu the ioriwr of Bnhinmrc MM Btcrk inri-hfv P‘fifl'h, Udtysfinrg, 111-I’v‘l.) int'nrlncfihu publiv llm‘l heiwill pm up tu nmlrr all Rim! Inf wnrk—t“MLll£L\has, mamas. mm m ‘.\\(:lJ.\'.\'. 83:. "1- null :11,” give [‘nr‘r'flge IN‘II'AHUVH (fluct- wicnlmn—dning {lll “Turk in Hue \‘l-ryfhet't “minnow and at mudrrug‘nc rhtes. ('.|~||-ar>t>illnt_\' prndum- levu in [lnylm-ut um; 12, ml, \\. K. “Amhunmt. : 1‘71,-q',_ _‘fi‘ New Goods 8: Lumber. \ R'I‘HR HOBLITZ. M .\rvndluillonhm {‘nat P reth-d {from [M oin “ith a firgv ml; sch-v! Hlnrk 01'. Day (kinds, “rum-rim, liuc- [li-l were, Hardware, “no“, Shut-vl, ”mtg, (‘ p 3, Trunks. kc, Mn, (’in-"per lhxgn on-r. .1 3 _ "(I also lmfi 3m Inlnd a lot of l’t)s'FS;R.\l[-S,_ and SIHNGLE§L utrwellmnt qllllnl}. Whirl: he M il] glispuw 0|: M the lbwns! “Hug aroma.— (iire‘ lgim n mg}. He will alwnys try 19 please. May 1:9,1m‘3|, gar ' A T ‘ ‘ ‘ ".- A - “._‘—T...- Jlmon InnL i 'GEORGE A. C!)ll\\'ELL. of the "than _lnn, ‘0" the (‘hamhvrshurg Tmnpikvflnvm the top of the Smith .V'lhdnluin, takri th nu-thnd ufinforming his Mum“ .md the pulrlfi‘ that he is prt‘parl‘d to 'zu-rummnd'ne ull ulmgnay pn tronizc him, in, “1::th manner. and at moder nu: ('hurgczi. 71m qll'mt “ill be spurq‘l In gm: sntinfactiun. ilk mule uud bar Will he f-mud well pmViqln (1,191“! 1.14 lu-uldm-{MM u a-pfi..n.nhln:. Laugc ambliug to: hours, ”a uni,“ nka a Lrinl. A ’[Mny G, 13151;. Jan New Spring Goods 1 A SCUTT' 5: SUN, nppntile Hugh "08d, . (h-lu‘dylrg. will open thh damn dump and drsimbh-fnm-k nl’ sommmhlc gonad; ill)" Lmliew nnul (hunk-(non; “ilh n 1"“ ussurnnqul of Dumdsu'l‘s, ‘32. kc. \VI- would “Sm-"fully v.l" mmniun I}: out sturk, wlnch will be sold_ at. th» lowvsl Ima=iblr run-s. . ”2'17““ smm and examine. for ynuzsoive'sf-r No trouble tuy’show goods. ; 1 ‘v 'A. SCOTT E‘SON. ‘ April R, 1‘86! ‘ " Notide. : 0H?!i MARCII'S ESTATE—Twitors teat:- J mentnrj an. the estate (.1 Johnx Much, late of Mhnnlldcasnm-mwwhip, Mums mum l_v,'dc-¢ea«ed. im'vin): he'eu granted to the under signed, residing in the snnre township. be here by gives novice 10 .nll pc-rsnm indebted to said «since to make. immediate pziyl'noufv and those having claims zigmins‘t theume lu present them properly uulheuliumml inr sank-mean. A ‘ , I ‘ DANIED MARCH, Ez'r. .\iny.27; 1361}; m ‘ - _____,._.-. ,fi_.~-____,~_.._ —— Bime! Lime ! A [fls'nbflcriber hnq leased one of the LIME T KILNS of All-.'Sumuel Sneeringer. InCono wage township; aug! wil! hereafter carry on Enid business at said Kfln, inviting a portion of the patronage ofth? public. “is prices are: 9 cents per bushel cash, and 9} centsoncredit. Finn mu Lime Smut and first mu- Lime. _ was ,3“!wa Apr" 2:, mm. o: New Goods! .\nxnsmcx BROTHERS hzive just-re- F (win-«t and are now opening a cheap and desirable assortment of Spring Goods, to i’hich the attention of buyers is respectfully in‘iteil. Their =tock comprius all the latest and mm! approved Myles and patterns of Dress Goods, umcther‘ with their u~unl :x‘smrtmeut of Staple Umnostic Goods, such as runnot fail to please all who may favor tln-Iu with their pu lrunagm Cull early and selecttrom theirlarge and lvuried uswrtment. 1 FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. April 1, 1861. , Removal. .\TCH & CLOCK REP.\IRT.\'G.-—LOIIIS ZEITLER has removed his. Watch & Clock .\lnking Establislnnunt. to South‘ Bal timore street, two doors north of anncr A: Ziegler-'5 Note, where he” will be glad to re— ceive a continuance cg the patronage'of the public. By close nttrnriun lo busineaargond work, and modemw charges, he hope: :9 give gencr‘pl satisfaction, as Leretofure. Gettysburg, April 8, 1861., . OUNG Mm's Spring styles of Hall and Y Gain 20 ptr an". lowa yum mud! wins I; ‘ ‘ n. F. McILHBfiY‘S’. nun mow/um" ‘ ”3‘3? “sin . - {'s 3,3" '-.l'-‘I - é-ELx " 3 «3:3 I ¢ ,6).‘ KN ’Hi ——-Wr Lune laXvn‘l‘he k...“ figfifim W 5 xfiV "' f, ‘ hulhv Lag-l) m t-up ml 1;) KlmufitJJl-r.v Haulage? ; , 0 .t ('0 “if“ uvl‘lungumlmntu[ my“: H . - A MlL”!“[pl’!((‘!llvl‘.|”kind; 01 “min. \{u Mi" \ _ ‘hml u « supphml ulrh I‘LANI'hR. G": \H fl ‘ nil» } NHL" HMIMHIRH‘IS, Whnlciuh‘ and “an“. DVRISG Ile- p.l=t .\enr we thaw intrmlm'ml Ll'.\l I 112“, ("HAL mu] Her} ulhcramrh- Input _ _ .. . lun- ul"hukiuu-<<, mld n! the {mu-wt 1051‘“! m th- notice of the mullml prolvsswu run-Kfurfimsll. (”all uu-lumnim-our Milt‘klllf uf ”:15 country the Pure (‘rysmhzad ('lnlnmlr Igf prirt': before pur‘rhasinu OMI Inc-re. ' I’mpylambn, “s 8/ REMEDY FUR lUH‘II'M.\-' A . q [D'H'JHIy BRISRHUIUFI’ 100.. ‘ pnl .1” 1391. M T 1831; mind having received frmn‘ mun) smurf-a! - both from physipinqs of the highvs‘ 818 W and from patients, ([he MUST FLATTRRHH TESTIMUNIALS OF ITS REAL VALUE, in ..,,.. . . ~ . ‘ , the treatment of [61% plinful and o‘u<lilll|tE Ali:- “ER. we we indwdlm prey-MlO. m-lhe [lnbliv in a‘ form mum '1 FOR Mummy”: rsa. which we hope iwi" cmnmtndf'ilself to {huge who are sum-ring wiflll this ulflicfingsumpluini, and lo‘ the medial] p‘raclitiofiog who may fem-l dispobed to test ‘ihei pom-rs of this \‘xxln‘uhle remedy. » { . syxm-mavvnfimn,in'nu- furm :‘nfim‘o spoken of. has recently been gmensiwtymx porimwtml with ip (1+ I'EXNSYT.)’.\ .V'M HI )3- I’ITAL, And with: NJRKBD SU‘A‘CESS (as \s ill nppcar from: [hm-lilih‘ifihcd accounts in the nun-Jivnljuuryunlszxt) E -‘ ‘ . g g 36"” is‘raréfi‘llly‘put up ready fog immv dim» use, v 13“? fuhl .dkfm-lium, and mm hr- 0!:- tnined from fill lb‘gc aruggiau in 75 rents pn bottle, and at “him-rifle of r . BL’LI ed: a; rnnksnlur, . Druggislw andhmiufutunihfi Glmmidi, July |, 1861. ly } , I'hiluglelphia. Sands? firsapalfilla. - Y HE ERICA-T LUIIERH [ PURIFYIN‘U TIN-1B This is llw Or" Jilml mnlgenuninenrlirltmticb by its mmdvrlu! Autos has secured lln: lirst‘lnpd foro'mo-n; plant in pdhiiv cfilimulionzil hm now be- vome indispcugumq; in fumilics thr the hxostidel icale , felmfle. mid 1 Nu. younges‘ child many puke il. at all time: with [por fect safvly. It Mn July cures Scrufilln dud a”! did-nae: “thing; fro al viualud and inflamed 'on-, dniou oftho blunt), hut-if| limvlyyxspd will curvy MT! in u 'perli-ctly‘ hnwrnl mnnm‘r‘nll unhenllh’f‘se cretimn and prmjunt Hu brnztkiugnul of thoxé Im— sighlly hlui-chus, ion-v lunl pimples. m whirh! L \ Y {I fur. \ { ! z ’v r‘ perm“: nl‘sr rnfulnm 1..-‘1) ‘ «10-nay an: ull luon-urlt-E { Suhjcvt. - ' J Price $1 [IL‘I‘ hrguln. 1.: Ask for Sundb' Fursupuril ‘ @l’n-pnn-d by A. H guru, hm Fuhun‘SL, mr‘ For sale hy .\. [l. BL!” Jlgly \l, 1861. 1111} fl. Only One ; Dollar Each ! ( .BEAIITIFI'I. STEEL PLATE J 0.() )() HSGILH‘INHSM? rm:l.UliD':§_ ’NAYHR FUR s.\l.H.—\',\l.r\m§r: I'm-mun (ilvax’ .\w.\\'!—-I'be inlL-n uf rrpn-mmiug tho Lunl'i l‘rmur b} an cngruing. um] ul' unlu nwuling and “Hanging: il in ~uvln u munnrr us to prnduge u! once 1.1 nuulvt uf m-u_\nc- :unl tualc. \nu runin‘ngzlnd curriml out by flux,” 11", the rel: l>mlu_d.l!ank Nulc llugmu-r. ut'.\'é\\ \‘urk Hit}. It eon'pvnw-s hill: vwnizinh q otntL-d mum}! of “ Uur Fulhg-r,” mnlthvn lplmw hr sm~res,~iun (th other p.ul- ..l‘ the puny-r. every phrnoe m \t‘lrh h isernunurul In [ln mm! vh-ganl lunl Lh‘tcl'g‘d unulm-r. .\'->:tr the hullmu of the picluré ii 8 Suhmhly nun-ium! luad ui “I'll; SAYIUR. and 0m irrhng Hm umn'r purl oi like cngmfi‘ng'un-Wn flngblf, We}. lumriug one of the TEX t t))lll:\\‘UMl-LN'I'S.‘ The on gruinghns rem-iridlhr mm! nmpulil'uut pmim from “w religimhlgmnpluniLy. .w lhgrc i: "nth ingof a. secmuinujrhnmch-rrnhmnut. Jun in;r been; rcrnulmend-hl}by Flwrggnluu of u” du nominatinm. A 6”: urmmuul it is mu-ul‘lln umstyspbudid cvq: uhlnnlml in 1|”? wunlu}. and is dystluod tot |ko lhu 'plqg'z- ulflu pmncu' class of engruéiugsq The am: LI [he Mule 3,. '1“ by 2.“ inrlnk. uud is lunqm-Ltinuubl} Ile cheap e9l. engulfing “cf ( Wen-:1 in this younuy. “'1“ um [um art A fim} onurau hugs—in ilnproaafiuu: which tn impm‘l,_wuuhl {Ln Ihe price i 4 UNLTI chance of scg'm ing‘ permanent home or Aa a work of art tl vngnfving is ‘wurih I A V \\ ill ri-znlilj Efm‘ itins “mum-lion of it ; hm anku a Gift “hull; ongmmvings, ol' minim I House and Luv. in} 2 lkgiggics,(|luillu & l lukkuwuy, t 2 Building huh iumurk Borough} ‘ , 1.0 m) Vaillmlilc llul: *, ' . 50 hltls. l’lour. (u+ .ultcilJ _ x mm Guid’flilt Fga u. s to suit fiuguvi'fi; {if i the Lord‘s l'rux n} i ‘ , SOUStcel Pluto twirlnfingé [Sixth a! Chrutr ‘ {.\lugnifivcnt Loukihv Ginsu-n, ‘ .Uuld and S‘ilvt‘f “lilighe-l, 4 ‘ .\ll kinds 3f Jeh‘ lry, emhrnr‘inr: l‘xuncuq‘_ Flutentiné, Mofiiu‘. Uuld Slum, $l2, .h.. A Gilt. worth frilnl ‘4O cents to $lOO OI), “ill: urh P’ngrzningsvoly . ' ' 7 ‘ . When the engrarihi's an- all mill .1. nn-o‘tinu' . of the purcha ,rrSV't 11l lm mlln-l at \\ ashiugtuu luau, ank, m, Mjh'en tlu- nms "unwind“ {fill be dlrll’lbulfll ll! sm'lt manner M the I‘m" rhniera may dctenh‘m-n The puicltuscn H - lcrting a cuunuittéel of dislnll-N‘ilml pu-‘mm to mnke the awurflsl in surh muuncr‘a; they may designate. ' The proprietarfi." from the fuvomlnln nmnni-r in which this Gill. Ento-rpriw has been receivml. [and the number «if engravings ulrnudy WM" hop! to be able ly‘hnw the nulount diepum-al 'ol‘hy the hi. of Oct.. twining. and When all ‘ ILI'E .«nld they will lnnllfy the purelmsen, and 'hm‘e the distribution of the Gift; pruceédxd with. ' , , ‘ > ' This cngrjlving l‘l‘ns remitted the nnmmendn- I tion. of the Rent-ehd Clergy. our fir<t citizen”, I and indeed ofull classes, who miter into it with spirit. AUSTIN & “’EHRLW J. M. Anus. , 6:05:01: Wunun. RECOSQIEXDATIONS. We invite uttengiun to some of the rat-om mendntiona : ‘ non key. 1;. gym-Imminuwflr 13¢. _John'l rm... tan: lyineo'pdlihurch, ran; in. ‘ . Messrs. Austin & \\'chrly:-—'l'he engraving of the “Lord's I’rdycr” which is now otl‘cred for sale by Mess". Auctin & Wi-brly of this Borough is “got up” with much taste and beauty, and ought tq recommennf [MI-If tn pub lic intention—anything thin WI” Roby that nn< ble composition bi-luru the mind and memory in likely to do Eymd. The work Seems to nit-only to requirr umnimsliun In order tu be admired, and I can but hupe that the gentlemen “ho have in hand its diflribution at at) mom-rule u. rule, will be abundantly FIILI't‘~:fIIl in “Mir undertaking. C. W. TIHHH‘SUN. 7ND th- Bev. P. P Hugon. Plant of u» Manna: Ciufln, York“, PL“ _ A , __ u Messrs. Austin k‘Welirl) :—lhv'mg had th pleasure of inspecting .\lvssrs. Austin 1: \\, ohr. ly's splendid epgratmg o! the Lord's l’rug/rr, l wuuldflordi Hy ”commend it to the fan arable altenlinn o’their hit-ml» nt York und clem whom. It is not only I beautiful nnmumu I'm the dwelling of eu-ry Uhrislian lhmibmut-also a useful and edifying ucquiiillun for Sundu) schools and similur beuemleut institutioni. F. F. MAUI-IN. @Editora‘ or Publialm‘fi of papers ghing this udwrtlsemenl 6 insertions, will be entitled to Q 1) Engraving and 'i'ickelthy forwardinglhe paper for that time to our address, or by in. serting it. until the time appointed fur the dis; tribnlion, with An Editorial untim- (nu-1- in 4 _weeks, they will'reveive the engraving framed with a fine gold gilt: flame to «nililfi size and} Ticket. \I .f‘ ' AUSTIN 8 \VEIIRLY.‘ York, ue 24,,146i. ~ in (.'.\.\' REMEDY Fm! LOUD. ‘ o . (‘L‘RES - Scrofula, Favor Sort-q, ISJIt R‘heg‘m: I’niilq and l‘iluplts, wabnrfi Ulcers, Cufnng-qufi Erupliu'u, |l’uinlurs' ('ulilc, I :11 euwati :In, Hryxipt-lny, “GI-Putin! Diwn'es, :opcrnl Dt-biliry ‘ix hntllM for S'v.—‘- Hut and mlw my min-r. k H. SANDS. Ding nf \\'||li:uuY X. Y. um, Gettyburg, Pu. “hollm‘drlighln‘hugunlx m that “wild rem-ho the Iwh a dork is cult-HIM“! I U} Fm'ulc a mpkuhxxn USE DOLLAR. \nlh lh'e | r ‘. . , ul Hn- mm. m :ul-lllmn. u mnlhl‘r lelhllnl' gill " ris \.:lu.«l.h':'nnd lununi'ful mn- lh.m [Hr llnllar s:]. n 1 . Lu mkmmlu-lgwl un .m thr billhl‘l‘flacl‘s mum] to Minn m pujvlmsc-rfi (I! I»: .h- llrl“‘l"ll[.. its Mink»: 'urJ» “mungh, f 'Jlmcx': "LURE,“ .:rmutv-LU YorkJ’au Feb. 20. 1861 Gram! Grain! < . F 111-C .:üb-u-rilwr null mmiunog purrhnli’r‘ng r all kinds of‘l‘mmliflfi. My his old mind In], cumin-”lnna xm-m, \ il. :-—-FI.UITH, “mm, RYE, ('URN, HATS, SHHIIS..§c-.,10r wlih-h tbq hiylws! nmrlu-I prim-s “ill be given, ‘ - WI will aim continue my GRUCERY and 'V;\ RIETY STORE, and will keep rouslnrilly fun hand Groverioa, Salt, Oil, Fish. ('rdm‘m‘m‘e, Dry Um«lv:1'lllll¥rlhlllfl, Planer. Guano, ken—f. Thr pnlulir are invited m tall. :Is-l mu dgpumtm ' ed m “-11 as clump as the cheapo“. / ‘~* .' ( - JUHN SPURT. . ’ (‘u-lfiyslmrg. Aug. 6, 1860. 4 New Sprung Goods! ... )If‘KISG Inn: on lu-mI a new lot of Spring 1 (H E/Izt‘UATS at war [ugh-us. . ' "' UVEW'UATS at war pricey SPRING DRESS (WATS, f _ ‘r , Mil-IRS I‘o \TS, - ‘ smm; PANTALGONS. . .. ' 'I'fiYI‘ALUUNS gll‘pnniv priln, . _ SPHINH VES’I‘S. ‘ ‘ ' .V'ES'I‘S, VES’I‘H, \‘KSTS, l'nulm Shirk. "mayors,SlnrkhlgtF.Sm-L~'.Cln\'m'. .\lm. \hwiml “Autumn”, Accord-«nu, Hun-I, Firm. .\nlmns, Mu, Atria-. 4, luring WM u-ry. Plump. (":AH m and lo and you Mu't help hunug,‘ {Mn} #7, HM. . The Great Discovery P THE ;\(‘-’R.——-lnflnmmamz_v IndY‘hronic. O lllhwunntism mm he curt-d lw Mining ":11" .\IHJJ'IW." ('ELEIUL\TEI) HHH‘IT'MATIU )"Xu Tl'lil'l. \l:gn§' prumim-m citizens of this. and 1h» udiqining mumiea, huve tut/med to in grml luilily. Its SHCN'SS in IHn-mngniv alfre linrlli.ll:H lwu hilhorlu) uupnmllelwl by any qua-Ihr, iulrmllfil-d to flu: public. l'ril'e no wnH pvrlullllt'. Fur «uh-In nll t‘lrugui-lulmi slurflu-qmrs. l‘n‘purn-d nuly by IL L. .\IILLH‘IL, Wyn-hunk und lh-luil .ruggisl. Ens! lh-rliu, .\«hms ruullly.'l‘u.. l‘l'fllt‘l‘ in Drugi. l‘lu-micnlu, ”(In Valmirh. Spiril‘x, Puiph'. “fie-"lllfllfi. lml llwl' lhh; Eihl‘lll‘t" and Tiuclurt-d, \\ iluluw (Hun, I't-rl'unwr). Pnh-ut Medicines. km, 30. llzfi'fl. 11. liuvhh-r i; the Agent in (Punjab b m: for “ 11. L. Miller‘s (‘vlu-brnled lilwniup-(ig “mun-fl! [June 3,15 m: 11‘ Privétb Sale Of? .\ FA RM.——The’yuburrihvr. .\‘stign‘es h ' alluum Eerunm: und ‘VIFHY.O”'I‘T'H M Private Sulo, "I‘lH‘l FARM u! Enid Avignon,- =im:llo‘|n:lrilyin I’lunklinnml pnnly m "Din lwrluinl In“ whipg, .\(lxuns county, on 1h; ruml lumding {mm (h-tudwrg In Mulmumhurg, ulmut m'u- [Hill' I'ruln’ lhg- lath-r p'l'u'c. The Farm runl ins H 2 .U'HES {gull-4 I'Eflflfl'm) nut llu‘ilrl‘lx ilnprorml' will) u TwnLStory‘ Quuhlc LUG HOUSE, Log Burn. , ' 3' “ilh‘h‘lmls ulluéhud, Huh‘c Stu- ffi'fifir. MN. MW S‘pri'ng House, M-Hfl of L 1’ ' mun-r at tho duw. and H Young ‘ A - 'Un lum'. 'l‘lu- iuud is of good qunlil), bung 6hr )l-Huw aunt]. _ ' J'vn’mh whining (In finw “Improperly nn- re. quested [n cull on LIX-uh Hckunrmlv, residing lhumuu. ur on the .\«imu-o, rcaiolmg in (it-[- ”limit. ‘ _ . Z.\(.‘ll.\RlAH swims, ‘ {\lvrilfl, 18:11. 1f , Anigncr. ». .- 1' inncaster Book Bindery. ’ H HUIKUE \\'L\.\'r. ‘ ‘ (I 1:001: BINDER, 5 [Put mm“ lUUK MANI'FAI‘JLMRN! E LANCASTER, PA _ I'luin mu] nllhlllll'ultll‘ljl'lltll-Il”, of "‘,“".‘ di’u. roripliun. vw-Hm-d iu llw must substantial and npprmml .l'\lrs. A mern’herH H. W.- [lbuu-n, F. I]., Purim-n Bunk oH,:mmfllcrs \\ 14. I’mprr‘. Huh Lunraurr l‘muny Hunk >~umlrl .\‘huvk, Huh (‘ulumhin Bunk. Funnm‘] \§ :Igm'l', Eur, Yurk Hunk. \Vglluun Wuynér, Hal” ank l‘unnlyrnnnk.‘ ' T. l’H'nrum. Esq” Hunk m licltyflmi‘gf ’ ~ l't-h-r \l unin‘ H q ‘ l’mll} 3 OHMm'ufler “1., l'nl. Hm “ ”.mlhnrmlisq” lie-yiqu “ ‘ “ Hm \\ hitwu. Huh Recorder ‘ “ - “ .\.,m 1;, 15m. A ' ‘ ' Merchant Tailoririg! (‘1 lful{Hl-Z NRNULD‘I‘M just ulufiml {lan I “wt Ely wilh u lama film'k ul ('lulhr, PM: 'rinu rm, (‘.l~'lllll'rl'|l~ limp duJ'llv, (KM-nuarc. Il,‘lu|h...nul Ye King: a? all sun's; .ud taming; i’au-urgnl “IL :qn'u 0.: of ' . - ‘ \\'.,T.Kl.\'G, Y fizu' l‘urvmzm, m,- nm plupurcd w p l up;flw iulmwumn]; in 9|)!” «quad-til lh Nanci? ;mmmfunmingwduhlidunmgis. lluv Hg lurmgd sum lmmlu-«L uf juhx within (helm! aéx mpnlhp, ;\\ Im II Jun: u” plum-:1-;uli~lxu7mry. xndn rm‘)‘ '(unr‘i-luhhw ll!!'l(‘:hL‘ in our lmdc, 1 to "huw, gram mfi'n-b .‘llml uc dn hugilu-k .'m Sp. 1‘ ‘ ni.-unrr.\ (_lur \ln- k (If gnu-b ”mum he Mir—- [uh-«£1 w Illmlil.‘ Jun] ~13“. (”\‘o }X‘ {I (48“: \Vc .'l'h- (at-Kan M \u: 1'..1| ph‘va-Ml.’ ' ‘ ‘z ‘ _ . (IHHB'UH ARXQLY). ‘ ' nJ-nn, Nu. tf $1990 Reward! TILL N 7 PAID FUR 7\‘\Y “PUNCH?” ‘ Hm. WILL erm. Nmfimfls lI'HI. ll" /.\’ I‘ll/#1 fill—Hunt" Aw: Num ::!;<.~‘l‘urm: Sum-a .\ m~_l]lu 1.“ r 1 v. 4 hr “,5“ . ’llv~ E 11-rlln‘4 11:.“ k «:ur’: “’o' 11. ndfldiw .Trinffi: xu-In-JI lih.-nl’m'ni.~lll, Nmu'ulgziu‘ {ninja the REC, luck 0: 3191“.“ I}, Vanda s. I :‘ln 'ur thump} l’ruxu-d Fm; or Bug’s. Hun-IH. -Frl:sh “fun," fiwaiyn. Hmia-g:d)iaw‘hum, Syn-c gin-mu, 'infl. “It cumin «umpir'wffi. ' k _‘ ‘l‘m-zhg 'hr-rnrm’i 111 u'n minutes. : Hardclm' NIH-Ii m Eu- usinuu-z. "mum-In: unn-‘Lin ten minim: ;. [hum mum! Imm mulling up lu‘o‘ .nhuufi. ‘ "Nulrdhdn pain“ l‘llll'll iu. five mid» nits-ex ('utic run-d in (an ‘minuh-y. Sp “u h-li-Jl'd in ‘10" minute“. Son- lhroul "lull in lh'L-minuios. w . ‘ 1m) “lump luu‘ htmn (Yum-J V-v om: .\grflgiu a Hungle Dny! Hvrzuv mrrtum WA qufigt. I'll). "PM 17!, Th rrl! Tn 11-11! £5l” 2.”) :md 50 cents per Home. r Tlmm-‘lhinw ue prove an Ihe spul and before ydur eyes. vul)’ hnmr on your Hues. - -n3".\ liberal diwnunz made In Agguh' one wank-d in every tuwn; 111:0. a in‘ good mun-ling: .\geuu. All nglera and community fiuua shoull be udaheswd to , . ; . 4'. S. FOLDERT t (30.. . X 23 South 4th street. l'hfllndclphia. DIIIEPTIUXS FUR. UfiISU L'OLBERT'S HAL.“ IX GH.I‘)AD.—-For 'l'nollmche apply it, nver the I'm-e gud gums of the Moth ufl'efged. proving thy hxuid upon tug Ewe; repeal if not 'cqntd. hLexlremc macs {vet cotton ‘in, the “$9l!, and'cnvet the tooth and «mm. For Hmdnche, lmthe the temples and apply to‘ {be nose; and take from ten t 9 Lhirly,d_rops in hnl'! n. #umhlcrot wnlur, sweetened. —' lFar Group and Sore Throat, take Frog‘ten to thirty drop» internally, on‘supnr or in lwéetena ed warm wnxqr: buhe the throat freely 9nd I hind on u. flannel. For “mum-be, Rhcumalisyr, fScunrx-lgixl, Ldinc Dzwk Qt Snlc [lathe freely will: EBJlm in (lllcmlz and genera”) fake internally. ‘ For Burns mix (me part. Hahn in Gilud and two of wan-r and flour, to make.“ paste, cohwx'; the burn with thr mule. Fur Uuhc, lake Iraq [an to l'brly drops in Incl/«water; bglhe m 9 4mm ls uml apply wm fldnnrls. ln the abqre' 1m: snm‘ller duse is {(ercu, and the large; for fldulla; uuy according to age and circum— >L'lll('f:F. < Colbert's [him in Gilead is lmrmlnxa. Col lmrl’s Bulm in Gill-ad give; Satisfimllun. V: Those win) huve uséd Balmiu Gilead I'M not he \nlhout it. ‘ ~ : Agcpts wanted. Fm- lonns nddre‘ts , ' C. s. CULBHRT 5: {H}. " , ~ So. 123 S. Ponrth St. Philadelpbhlé‘, s‘. N. B. Orders emu 11y Express to any-3350‘ Hie Uniluljtmvsut tho: shunt-e! notice. , ' ~ April 29,1361. em 3 . Revolvers. NE‘Y lot of REVOLVERS, 01 d 3” A stylea, embrm‘ing the Intest.regeivod,: SSUISON'S, northwest corner of the fiam' Having pmchasel for cnih, :91. the Mam he is prepared to sell as low M‘Hhe low 7 not lower yet. E‘rop in and uniting ‘ yourselns. No trouble to show'good: Jniy I, 1861. IIAUKHRS.—-S¢swurt's PhilkMr—Z C fer Cradasau ail-tick tau-£3l i 4' market. fol-‘33}! at fl. 0. .CJ'