The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 08, 1861, Image 2

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    atritl3l/1 ENGAGEICENT.,
(:q. Ppwné‘on'a Tallinn- in lit-I Field,
Tawny the omm» Form under (ion. Put
¢ 199 W“ c_rus~o.-Il.llu- [’umxum' I'm-r Ile Wil—
'/ ii‘nynqwt. .\Mlhl‘ mlvund‘ mum]. consist
: gofoue memdn rngimmthv Elm mnh
fennsylvnnin, l“~-rkin‘~ Dunc. y and .\fi-Mul
" m'bfirlugers, “gm-u m-arilm l‘ulhn‘u Wulvrk‘.
3 on 4uir woy w Marginsburg. they “eir met
by smqwn ton-c of four ligilurnh, under
command of Colon-:1 J.luk~ou. A tic-Ice
, but brivf' cngdgvmcnt E‘lhllm‘, which re
fisiflh’d in the who}; Imingdrx‘ven I‘mm (heir
. Tbrt-n'hf flu
n'rid’_cleveu m
IRE-«ire have 1
the lo» WM on
Ihfinili'lv know
. . been much 1"“:
‘ The [urmov‘x rnl
si'ml wounded
linvmg but u
nflable m follo‘
h 'm 531 d 0|
gn-alest Eboolm
I have hail, tn 1
Perkm's' mm
compen szl
Gen. Pat! . n
the fight.givin
in; his men.
flirting in mg
”think what we
‘W'B lune l¢d 1
meat of war. 1“
relish]? sauna»
_ it H< (Em-thy of
q," 77.14rn1uy.
Latest from}!
1 lhamx’rdjué;
son‘z. colunin.
tiny, him udhu
that tmvn ahd
by uur tramps.
the ’xulvzmm- In
‘ has lulu-n plm
' I‘mh-ra] trnnpi Were‘killt-d
nndud. what Ihmr mflnes
tomb linulu’ll- [0 learn. “'lmt
(1)0 ‘Lvlv'nf thr- rx-'><-lu_ie ”at
n. but I i:;.:umu) ml to han
li-rth-nn find on nur mlv. m
lorl lhut Wflynn luzult n’l Ileml
wn (lulu-u “If the firhl.‘
lumll larva, Path-rim mm
,' uCM-r. ‘ ' ‘s‘ , ' .
1' men hohavml with the
>4 and, bravely. but wnulcl
letiré, had it no! [wont/fur
Iy, which apt-“ml fin» and
.mn’s mon'm wilhdrnw.~
[mu seen in the thirkmb of
conunandsmngl, encourag
i ‘ht- rnlmrh are manger cou
rd go the dutnils‘, Vt we
‘ ave givcmnmx he rOl Pd on.
(”my fuké 1111 mm; 1‘1: m the
u M this rumor (:01an frqu
. we think wu ran Mutiny-«n
cl'etliLr—y/(umbcrsbu«3} 'l'éuug:
' u
I 1 .
1 n. Patterson's Commgnd.
I M 41.. July 31-an. Patter
im‘c [he violorv of {yo-«tor»
lmd 1o Mnrtimlmrg. Vaumul
gs via-guly 1 I: now mmqm‘d
’ A s)N'l‘iul%hi\>('ll£l"¥' IR)!”
lml'lN‘ that Im mugugnlnem
)‘Muv'g- )f-atnrdny. L.
3.4,... 4-. A“- k
' From tilt Run of Tum/Hy.
MINI If" l'o/«a ~l’rm‘huuyfinn 13f
Arvin! 13f (h: 1
‘Y JIM/hf” aunt/"Illa“ of My (213/
ulz'u‘ in [/u‘ Slfl't'ls— }.'I'I§LL‘III(‘ILI.
'9 pu-it it hm been efin-ctml
mnn compming 0h? l'umrd of
c m‘reatwl by the military,
nsizlemlnle vxvilr-mvnt was
'mtordny morning when it.
Gm. Run/u
+3O nuén I}!
'l-‘oflasmn da
tlm life go-ntlx‘
Police would, ‘
Ilm’ogrthcles's c 1
egeatéd early !
on Hm sll‘é‘et ngl “hurlm
W 334 INlllflUlle‘
m-Nivlvnt. and Win. 11,091!-
I. Ilinki :mtl .lnl‘m W. Im
eyn arrehhnl nml Hem. to Furl
mler bf (h-n. liankm ' It up
lhrmmimr rN‘oin, that an
' fi'nm lino Wur Dvpfll'UllPlll
“m‘w‘ml, 1'1“!"
die“, Charles
via. 19:11., [and
Mel-lung; hy
rem.jl'rum i
order was issu
. rvqiiiring Hm m-rmt oi Mmplml Kane and
2m Mmmnnmffimwnm. oxr-npt Hm m:\ynr.——-
Tlm otder I'ode :Li-uwl nl‘ )L'u‘yiliul Kane
was to be ilnut-Jiafiily mivcuted. while Mic"
commanding 'cm-ml Was permitted to ex—
c‘mina hil disc nation Mil: regard ('0 the time
for the arrest f Umhlln-r purliow.
- Suqujuont rch-m. \‘n-rc roooivml m nrrnst
the gentle-mo. ”03mpnsing the Mann} of PO
- and on S mlny nigliuho Mussiwinwcih;
sixth regime 1. Col. Jones, and the Penn—
ny‘lvanin first. Col. Mm'clwml, \VUwglotailed
for the work and nlmut three o’clbck the
first. named try-(wind tn the 11mm: (if Mr.
Howard. on ‘Mhmlrnl stroctfnmr lie-Judo.
and kaiil into cu‘wtmly. They m‘xt pro
ceeded m trim, house of Mr. Hulclwll. 0n
Calvert mm: . nmr Madium. mul mink him
in clmr (~.‘ ho rngimnni m' (N. Mm-oln‘pml
arrcstes Mi. ”inks, at his rmidonne, on
Inmburd stxreot, near Pvnn. and)“; Dark,
8‘ Mil residiencc. on‘ William fsfroet, ,noar
.Montgomery. They val-e all hike" to Fort.
'McHenry, where it is stated they were fum
ished with domforzablo aipnrlmonts. ‘ ‘
Early in file {bronmn Gen. Banks issued.
the. followihg proclamation. assigning his‘
{canons for; the arrest, cf the Board of. l’o-i
ice: ~g ' I
”10411.51" an or (my. nuns.
HLAmmnnjs DEP'T or AVv‘lruLls, ‘
‘ FrercHonry. July 1. x 1
rd pursuance of orders km)“ from the;
hmdqnu’rtors 6f the army aLWnshinglon.
for She ”preservation of the. [nihh'c peace in ‘
this depar‘mcntnl have arresgmhmtfl’onnw 3
(huh: in puflogy of tho l'hitedfilntos the,
later‘hxembersjgf the Board of Police——
Messrs Chm-1H flowmu, William Gnmholl. ,
Charles “ink and John W.. Davis. 'l‘lue:
incitbnts of the past week afforded flllijlls‘.:
lifiiz‘tinn for this order. The headquarters ,
_under the vhnrg» of (he hmrd. when ahun- ’
don-9d by this aim-em, rr-sumbled in somo‘
_rapechx a conceded arsenal. After public }
Tcoogiciou aud'rpruient against the ">llS-'
pensiou of weir uncliuns," lboycuntiuuod
”lei: wings daiifi. Upml a fngcnd and un
warrnguble cbnst’mction'of my 'l-oclnmu
-1301; of 1b: L’Mh nillmo. Hwy chfiH‘l‘J] that
flip policy law wafi <u~ponllelLinn<l the f»o-'
lice officers and mm put ofi' duty for the
present. intonding to have the city without '
my peace pmtmlian whatvver. -'l‘liey‘ n»;
fazed to rec-again: the oflicers or men neces- ‘
Wily aslectpd by {he Prov-Ni. Hardin} for
its pmmction, mnl holil nullivot in Umir nr-'
ders‘ how and lmrmsttov. the 011! pnliw film»,
a large body of armed men, for some pnr- ;
pose not known to the government, 11111 l ill
cohsintent with its perv-o or spcul‘ityi 'l‘pi
anticipate any inn-minus or orders on their l
part, 1 have {mused tcmlmrul-iiy u. purtiml of
the erCO um ei- my command within the ci-’
Iy. I disclaimzon the part of the govern
‘ynfint [represent a.“ denimhintomiun and
:purpose in intorfvré‘ in any manner \limtm’—"
9! with the culinary mu‘nioipnl alihirs of
tin.) city of Baltimore, “'llenovor a luyn]
‘pibim can be named who will execute‘itg
lice laws with imim-tinlity and iii "ma
{saith to the UniHK Statm..(he mi‘lfiafy
force will be yiflxdmwn fx’mn Hie central
parts of the piunivipnlity at once. No 301:
dier will be firmined in the city c‘xfl‘p‘t uu
I‘H‘ i'agn‘lation misihchury to the Marshal;
aid if wy SUE-dimmed \‘lUlflle-ujeJfluuk/fi‘
Pal Iggy, may s ml]lwlnnli~lwlumonliug (0
s2an ciyil km, 13/ the civil tribunzilfi .
. . Nnu'fl’. l’uvm,
. . Mnjor General Commanding.
. ,uxuyur‘_ocrn-A'rmx m- 1m: my.
Bofoce _the‘gmoplc were :Nir :1 Hugo body
of Motor”. in uding iuj'nmry and anilk-rv,’
were mama to the hnart nl‘ the my. and
fiwqwout, the day occuldml thy priugi'ml
Weds. 4 part of the Muksavhung u’rnl
lhfl, four piceoz. “11¢ ktulinm-d in .Monu
ment Square and [lnn luau “were cfimrmrvd
in film mutt inure audit: Uu- Imnq- ul‘ Hun.
Manly Johgwou. Guard: “11:: Quin ”mu: :2
gut, amen " g h'nm, i’uhnufire a.) Luginm
top urgot, HI it is said thn man were mp—
plled with lrt-eflay ~' rutu‘nw.
COL Lyle‘xTeL'imr-nt was, quartered at the
§th Hum-why, :1 won; gum-d frmn
' ”Quins posted at thr- lubmfljq- and cus-
W 993, ’ All the gum: lemhng m the
pos cewem Each guarded by wvoral mvn,‘
whilwme twenty-five or thirty [00}; up
.itioi‘n’ih' [hp rotunda. 3
‘ Exfchzmge plac‘e tho guard was much
it “t_ :~ than :uxywhmc aim. and two hrfl~s
yieees wag-p planted, ranging orb: amlfimt.
finicomfing all appmm‘h to the frunt door
pfflfiaustom-hmmx No porxnnx “mm [.m
migted an the s'ulmmlk on the (14y .\hvm-t
Side of‘the building, and the guard extend-
alibi“ Gay étreef to Pratt. mud up Pratt
pg'éet to Séuyh, requiring u. con<ulerubl<x
anytime: of rp‘en. Tho yard of tho pn=tof
fice. on Exchange. plaice, was need for the
. mg managements, and far the horses
of the officers. The artillery horses were
not loosed-41mm the carriages and cah‘mns
, Mn‘g'tke day'v A careful inquiry cnuld
mdigcoéét the objecx of (his movement. ,
‘, ‘lmfne‘fiatelg nl‘tei‘ the opening ol the of.
flee of Pll9 {2oll;de police llm building was
, “A _ possesciogl of by a mum of the new
;’ o’ev‘anfl Mr. “'m. McKowan, the clerk
to the co’mmissionvfi, WM put ufider arr‘est.
‘tgken before Col. Kenley, who or
‘ Yfifiifis release. All the books‘ and pn
of m ofliae are now inzthe hands of
mprdvéat‘marshsl. _"’ \J
1".” arrent ) cam-day morning of the Com-
; micsinnerx nf‘l’olitw i: annoum-mllhy (Inn
{II nuk‘ tn haw- taken plm-e in pm‘ tmncg ut'
ixutrxmtimw from th'llin ton, unit. we‘ Sixp
l""‘“ thnt‘ it "lust hum Ecen §gusd g on
sumo information nnt made pubfin. Xud
hum the intnnutinns which hnvc- “Int plan
in tlu- prochunutinm 0| (jun. Bnnlltii. m: ru
[N that comi- vngut- notidn prmmils‘with
the uuu-rnnwnt that u plot or device of
sumo wrt h» hem In l-rocoss 01"},develop
tm-nt in linllimorv. ill-'umistcnt {with the
luvnltv nl'vtlnj Stat» impliedéfl lmt: rl‘hthin
do the Uninn. This «91’! of thingfihmwvug
is im-rrdlltle to in. for Wu Woultl'bqlt‘i-rmkml
nlmmt life it‘elf on the fr-alty of [fihe mom
..mcrs of the Police Commissionwpq‘ to than"
'.t.l;ligution~: tn the citjzun< of Balfliniora ——
ixnr ‘mn we lwhove that they ha ‘P \mhm
*itlugr knowledge the filighcfit inliamtiuu of
“:1 tlmtgn tn domnut the citv to a luttitmlc
m sot‘homle latthe gelwnil got‘c ' mom,—
I’l'hl-v lmvn hulk-Med i 3 tlmlr “\h I‘ I'UUl‘iP
a t-hnriqtt-nt :mtl pur'ulinuur rum ,ll'r
'w-rum- alul wrll'tu'» nt IIH-rl'AlV, n I
lp'utml mhumi-trzttmn nl [IIBqIXIVSI
\w- whl ,tou-fiml tlnt. \Vho-Ihlver Ki 1
f7tll1)n“3h:lll In: hall 01' any ulmrgt i
tulg tho-lr ii’ltegrity :md lrrynlty, t. ‘y
ri-hcvml ol'~-I|ll Fjrpicmu nl' mm] t-i
n (Ir-fig" to inu-rt'mg in any th‘G‘lWl
tlclluli ol' the gm‘ornrm-nt of fill!
Stan-q. We cannot think gth in‘
this. bar-muse thr-y cuuhl huvc‘ nu :tl
betraying the trmt l-onfitlml ‘to tl k-h;
ritf, honor and official accoufitu itL
-, . ”fl“... .‘ .1 f
Seizure of the Steamer Sain’t: bolas.
Infnrmntion wastrecfived yeit' (1413' that.
tho utemnor St; Nicholm. whic (rpm lw-
Democratic Victory in
Tim ~pecinl elvcti’nn om
somnd ronglmdunal lll‘ll
ph'm, for n Int-nilwl‘ ol‘ Fungi-ts
the ”on. E. Jny Morris. é-oéu
choice rif Colonel Clurlcs .1: m.
amt, ovgr Charles t__|'.\'eill. ~Ru;
218 "Influx-11y. The l’ytnollt‘l L'm‘
The etcmion ot‘L‘ol. mun ... .1
till the fileat in C(mgrcss v: 'htu‘
Morris is peculiarly grutifiyiug.
it WM at) nrdinnrv [)urti'llnnitrin‘
mnuigln-t-atiou of tho oxu-iuiuli
resorts-(l to in order to ambit),-
t‘mst. t'inl. Biddle, than-1h gain
bust (with-nor- Of his titloliiy h}
{tiuhl‘nnll lwrjling 1m lit'c ii: at
‘cmuitryl “to: tlunoum‘ml . s‘ l
I ,
confidence by tho Republics":
came Ito Win? a Bt‘t'ckllngtlgfl
while‘ (ll'mrlos U'Niull. ‘\\"lo r
, home toL secure a. nmninqtifn t’
was a ni‘gm who could I» trghtm
war II Mrpubliczm. ’J‘hkk wn
nnuln lii) nnd in~i~tml “Inns by
‘of .\lr. “Neill, {mil nohly {how
(it the Second Dim-int “tutu
tlu-ir himgnncr. mul tlwih un
Inqmflhns upon the chufactcl
, soldier {mil citizen. % .
l Fornéy nttomptwl. a: n‘filal.
:fl‘lnnd‘ bf Ibuglns aiming! (_‘ol‘
rokilitlliiiz a. font] that entry mi
‘rml. wisthm _th have igunr 1 un
il‘nit tinlt trh-k hue lm-l' ls: «l:
ltriml ml thie (X‘mkiun on 0 tut
lwnx pruj‘tty gmmrally nn- r<toq
ltV'Xivlllwonltl .'Ls~i\t. For ‘1" t
Hort-ship while «'5l. While
unnl thin was: the soon-t ofgtho l“
of thc‘ IL’rm in holinll'ot' .\lr. o'l
| tlw Fllgiblf‘lull it sought to ‘tliroct;
' liidtllm -' : l
, ‘ t—"‘"'*-‘_- .-.-
i i ‘ sticklto our Oréng‘
i 3 ln thje llurzri>hurg I’uhlul (t‘ Ii
26th ult .. “‘0 found it «villi—lullicat
“Edtvrlrds,” cowl-tenth ' in '
1‘ . .
tr'rmi upon the hypocrlti -:il cm
l. ‘ . .
lit-pubhmn party In rat rn-nnx
Klinoaclllng election. , 'l'hugu‘ritr-r
‘ clo saysfi: i
‘ “l \vlouhl urge in tho rnnv
upon (the tnvnrlwl" of 11. - DUI
ty, as tyre tilnmlmtrxuvht 't'url
primary meeting m‘nl or n
(‘nlmty‘i nominations, to harm
izc mull| prepare for the. l' ll m 1
also that pin-pg nrrnn r-mm
nunlc Ito syt-uru -tlw vnt n: I)!
\"ullllllfi‘vl". \\ hu :m-u‘mu ‘h on
us 11ml ,1}: thr-y \'.'m'l‘ a'c-ri
l'l'Qiu‘C ivv district-3' l
i This is the tpmltion q
partHlJanMr nmm'mr!’
([ufrh‘! if]; ’lu’l‘yfih‘! Nut!
Ila to give “{ffi" oh! q‘
hollow liter-y of, he. ltepuhi
party Ilium tap olulitemtt
,lml-z- airy Rothocrat inki
[mlioy n'liiclrmmt m‘on
Dun ‘ ticorgimimtinni
» K,7 this su jectagain. thing“
Keeping the Rec _d.3 i i the. 1 .~mocmoy will hf;
Sam“l 0f tho Rnrpu‘hli'finp pa W 4 and lend- Count)! ti'mivc-ntion :, out;
ere ztfiirct to see tnuwun in com yrnimisv. and. l foughtt as ol‘ 101,1, “1""!
looking still nine-perxeo trmm alt-oil) thaw and with tlm full tlétern'
111-nincmts who apted with Sq'utltnrn n‘u-m- ‘ bit D ' 1‘
hem of the party previous to the tn-ln-l‘lion. none ; t emoerats '—§'
Nmyit'jit he(10ml«lot-trinethattlheponmt'mlx If 7 “k” {"f’i" W ‘4l“ i l
are'snfipicinus characters or tt‘nitmu (in thiul “6..ka long a“ tune l“ n “a,“lllf :l-"m‘
:wt-uuflt‘ih it nritér,lmllvgond::\,u tit [tr-pun}. “'lll b": a DLMUCRATIC party. and " lsath
('l‘ln§(?r lndthr- Home 01' Roplrsoéitutivw of of thuinne will he tlw tifiath of" ‘r.
’t :9 :nito Stated, on tto 12th a lunuarv In 0 k t ‘ I
. . » ~ . -- as more nor-d at t m Dom .1»:
4348 Mr. Abraham Linc ll! 5 xlka up 101— I” ‘ t ,
LN": ‘ , Qll l ‘ ' 'ty tooling than own—bot e, and this need i.»
“ Any pmpln, ‘mwwhprp, hbih‘g inr‘linml flit, sci that, all attempt , undet-iwlmhpro
and having the power, .hm’d thr right to text st‘tt-vor, to th-stmy it; tne'gintply ridicu
"““‘ “PA “l“‘k" Mt”"‘."""‘l”# .L'W'fll'lmh‘llt. lous. ll'nlike vthc Republicuni party as
and form a new one tlmt suit}: thy-In hettnr. ‘5 ‘ b. « -,l . '. I I ’
This it. amn‘t valuable. amo ta. (red right 5“ forth _3 ”replay, “’ g" I,“ 51”?" ‘ "54’ "‘"l
-———a right which, we hope :m liglir-vn, i; m znhrraq' ot the Democratic party to ”wen-r
libel-ate the world. _Nor is ‘lii‘sfright can this Unlivm.‘ Its miasionif to porpL-tuutp, this
fined to 93503 m which the'whplo pl‘nllle govertinlont of t'reo—inititutlonal mud- “ “3
ohm existing government may choom to - i v I . 1 l~ ,l: -l ~
OKCl'cirv it—ANY POR'l'lOth' s'uch Vinllle notgo iv: to ose slg 1} at: t I.IL mhtsion \r zen ’
that can, ”my revolutionize and innku their “5 50"?!“5 are “1031““ le“- “’B3 have, till ]
mint-0f so min-ll of the t_“"}“““’)" ns tlmy in~ littob’,§boon governed 1% nolnoqffl“c; rultm’
hubiit. More than a Wynn/y ntlzi‘n/Porfwlz 0t The history of the country is ,he historyl
snc I pmplo may revolutiomih putting fth D at t. l - t 'f.{' ' l
411 m: :1 minority]. intermingling with. ornmtr 0 cl emocr. w pnr i‘ fit It‘ “it! 3&1" “Si
about them. who Qppmo (1.?11- nicm-nmntm behalti A tew-‘mouthsf ago it. superso-i
furl: minority “'39 procholy thq ogre 01'th dad, and the ration in twing do' rly thught "
Font; at our mm rm‘ohltmn. “‘l5 a quah~ that ii “is best to let *0" (men I" alone.”
t 3 of revolution“ not. to go by n 11! lines, {ll‘o/(1 'l‘l held led b l" 2 , - i
lime. lnut to break up bolhrand make now ‘O, i on y .{mriunnmlastlxnmfi‘ only
0119*.” ‘ lot‘ Victory. yet ungratfitfnl and 4|S~£lftafl9du
tweo-n this‘ port and “'Mhlngiun, Hull apixwl
On Saturday by (‘onfodvl‘utl-fi. fl' I’iney
Point, ”tr-the mouth of tln- Putt) Pm V. .‘Hm‘
left. “this city on Frhlnv, and stop "-5 at the
mind landings. When til"? l't‘fN I Point
Lookout. where a number 0!" 194501ng|5
gut on board. Capt. llnllingq. In l“ “mm
mnml of the U. S. atonm frigate, ulljmrlmn
na. tuok I‘Ollllnillltl.flll'l wohluc .l-z the l“)-
tonrw tn t'nnn riw-r, whore' hpr l wjrwmwry‘
lzuuh-d. va‘rnl ladies ulm 2w» ' all board
\w-rn vary-ll l'fi'r by tho Virginlan l A large
nmnhor nl' pmwngors who left ii, city by
the stnmnor wprc hound furl" ginin. minl
moat of thnco whn gm, on Iran I at l‘o‘int
Lookout worn Yirfiinimw. mmit ng her nr
rivnl. ATM-r the paw-engom lull"? . lnmlmj
at “am river. one hundvml {To ‘ncssoe in
fantry and twmxty~five sailors “ire put on
lxmnl.‘nnnl thé hoatulmklcr c Jmmnd at"
('nptain llnllingq, sturtcxll fur 1e Ramm
hzmnm-k. She succeeded in :- nning the
blm-kmlr‘. and on 1101' my cnpqln-qgl three
l‘n-izg-s—nno sohnqéner latlhn iw
with oofl‘nn and our wnth con} ‘—
wwn tnwvd uprto Frmloribkd’mx
pol-(ml that nnn (Imus-an“ 'l‘onn
aw- =l=ltinnml at llh-mhsviljlo. ’l‘
01M hm run regularly qmlhezl‘l
wm up! pbrmifglml to sl‘np at
landing:é (In the Virginia‘s“???
umhng the host Imam runninii
.l of excellent speed.
moro, um
It is not ‘lc-qiml I»;
diapntoh 01' yele-rdny, that .1641
um “Tim-n a Jettm- 10 Hm I“)!
lprr‘mting the cmrtiuumwr- of p
the n-xistenoe _of flll‘]! 9 Innvr
firmml. Mr. Sqwm-trnwrfll'yul
offer of cmnpromise hm been in
den Davk \‘Pry fem-ntly Ilo‘cla
for In tho Mmiylnnd Cnmmif
would Iy-Vé‘r mike unoths-r 'O‘h
neg-)fiaiifinJmtlw UM m‘c;’u ‘
he “'0“ dqubtwl‘ “fixetlmr any}.
turn of nny kind has bvon org
(Ad by Mr. Tainroln from Mr. H
any rate. no tm-‘ma of oomlmzrr
Kiln-um] to By this'Administm‘l'
pml-mml- by Cowgrvsn'at Lhé c 0 1
Tho Exr-cnti\'(e:(j(y\'ol;|i'mmlt
war now with It“ the ability
p0»?~=, for they not under th
the New York war prefix. an
tin-y must f‘pack up their tr
ufi',” it' they don't take Rig-hi
the tenth of July. 'l'hcyhnvn
of getting Richmond by that ‘i
have of grabbing the mnon.
move in any dixéectiou withoi
pori|,-not from Fartross Monx'
their Alexandria: “not, and n
thn'Mnrylmul unit“ Pennsyh‘nn
tlmywill make demamh upon
mnnogt. men. Mi nt'm lll‘o~>in_
to show‘ttmt they intend t
strike We inu-nrtnnt bin“;
will avoid the netwuity of “ l
trunks,” at. loast‘until the to
*by ivhichtimn ”my may he 0
.pm-t,'n=‘ nii vaum'i‘nr nnnmcm
mam, their failure to obmiu 1
means. ‘ , , ’
_ [5OO Appendix In _(‘pngfmginnal qube,‘ thoug‘i she know notgwhy,’ sou -M 1641 in
3(.;ltlc(c?xm~rl.:}?-kt $234116. Page 2:4 . q a ‘ flm-e-hixnunnd gave 111 loud to fillers; shn‘
narh’ prll::l;~hp:2l'selgesgigl-I (3::t1-;:u¢t:aq£::§m“ saw h“- folly mu reinstating him h"
whr; knmu~ but ch.“ ho may hnkd llwm yet 1‘ “ command mtr'wfl hp «leluu‘u-d). glut-1y : s°}
“’0 am“ not aware [1,31 bu 1,3,, I'vcr given (no, Lflxis nation mull-r Democml‘lc lenders,‘
""4"?“ in“ m f‘m'l‘fln' Views. andwmrlxlnqt know. 'nnlhing but 1: ss and};realnoss,l
“‘"l'frui on him now if he did. ’l‘hvn. If ya; ”jaw dismtiufied ‘nd sollglit to nake'
anMMiv'm {0:40 be entree!“ lht‘)’ all huh! “ M I" .1 h- fh d ’h ' ‘
(a um dm'luine of smrwinn ! Wham-vol" good, tter; he o‘7o t . “YB 0““
may hum m. hum-var. tlnmr logic L 9 gum—>lloW "lath!“ succeed . 9nd 1 he? film"?1
mm..—\ [...t 1: ”arm bum-7%”. ; emr ig to return, it {vi}! oniy be, Whefl, 15km
Q 7”? :_,[:1’I;'I:;‘;:’li; ”m “I“ Re‘gi g Thaliés, she restores Bind follows Jher former:
mout Wisconsin Volunfi (I's, While enmmp- luaders.—&;nwget “floatat- ' I.
(341 :xtl[3gor~u~u;ll.wybl' hm] apt-pm- fi-omg ‘. V ”‘1 .'5 ._ : ' .
which wr- “k.“ “h" fivlimfilixg Dx'inwt from a‘ V sjhe Democrnllgi-S'mto Cmrmnhon 0f
(Lud'ol‘ Thmflu for fawn. rmzeivt-d: ’ lowa §s called :3 De’s . omen for the llnh of
“And pnrtifulnrb' to ptir fr‘il'ml fimhbrt' July, It will nqmi‘naae cwdidu‘tfl f¢r the:
0f the 1M1”. if}? ‘lvhow albffl;l;lf>tls?nfl.g“l}' qffice; of Govoynor', ilieutenapti (Bowel-nor
firm“ m" mn. ‘ "_3 ““9 “ u~ p) ”mug? " and Judge of the Supj-eme Court. ’
bra and man-rm], “ewe-mm oug‘ mm: gmm- ‘ _‘__ -- _fl _..-1» -_ ___ t
fugi‘ihnqkkgqnpor bommentwv on the re I For PWC'V'JFI‘Q P 059“ men 0g Aron, (‘th
m 1: ;‘ '_, "_ .
ers 541' Freely and fondly circulated every “€059“ 9: 13"?“ “:‘gl‘ hnn‘dnomg flI-"f-h “NI"
ntherwlny. in this' community. about Hm the wwmnelmlw fun} “CL! I‘he 00'"
.11.,” nfiiop lming mobbed by our so]diel‘s.- embny of raising may intended by a large
Clam}; rA/lu rl7 Npml. ‘ nu miner ol‘ peoljle of that seclion, [who ras-
i~-' ___ .‘ ‘.;l 5:1,,' :1.
WA man was mm (“'Ol- a short (ime 1:0th ’Mflfléy th‘ If, Monument, {m
since on the Winchester (Yah) Railroad, t ”CW" nt 16 toffzeg 'Hm pfuple fire-[HP
find out and cru~he<l intn up unnlistiugukh- paring to “55“” “"l‘ - o"‘Pl‘l‘m “'0" right
{lbiu'gnry ma»: find wt .1 watrii’ that he had of petition, of which it see-ms eflbrts are be.
in im packet, was not, in any way injured, in" made to deprive them. ‘ I
nor even stopped. , 5 ° . ,7.» _..--- —~..- 1
W , ——o - o..—._‘ _
Wk ia the practice in the British army “A" unsuccfsgaml “3°?“ “8’? made by
for ouch soldier to frimk his own letters, an EMG 0f REPum‘L‘“? rowdieatojbrmk “P“
by merely {lintting’on the corner «1' the let- peace meeting in the 6th Wflflly, Newark,
tor or envo ope, “mldier's letter.” This is o . . " . T . 1 [5
. .. n.lsondn) (awning, he mama‘s 1m
, 1 , i . v . . '
"A!“tbd'3:ll_t_h:f2£‘s_lj¥:’fff§ic“‘ J the \s-nrabof it, and _I large nui ' of reis-I
@Tlif‘. prekont'war inns cohtimied a lit- M 513 demure“ Ewcro- 0M3“?! '9 J"
tmvcr sixty dayii. ' Wiggu tint iwicffip. impetiuou. :, i
r' asum excee ingfi mfllions'is said - - 3‘o“ "“4". ‘i. .; I
to have been expended by the Executive.——; “'A" Appronhcb to the phi ""5 bush
Boslou Post. ; ‘ um: wanted at, this china. 1 ‘ I
, .__‘_‘_~«..
OW-rrupmu/nluinl' lIH‘ .
‘ W unn‘u'rox. '
film “‘9“?
The udinil
l‘hc :L'm
The (““0“ u..
Apil:;):e I’LL; 0! our L'niy
fnr lhn
5m ’nn
-1 And
u. I.qu \uut, smm! inn
, _ - _,_ 1
Muxrm’ .\fUHNthL, .ri'i
[lt the
' vnib-«J
0 than
rt , t in
I "‘9, one
[of whit-h
. . It iq m
woe firmns
be St. Nich
qtumac. but
filly Qf thp
\‘iw 1,: (mp
mm Ralli
‘ 'uu 15f Tut.“-
Irrl'l‘. {
o 27.
. ,in his
.1 , A
“son l‘uvw
(fxinlnnh 1k»
(pmn‘. PM
if not ‘02)";-
un-stlmt no
Lin. I’m-ii
-d. in His lot-
I . nun He
E rtnre for u.
‘."- I‘3 may
nor m- m or
li ‘iu- r|‘o(‘i\:"
his. But, at
insc’ will hp
minor will he
uiug ~ewinn.
vi]! )blO"? (he
\Hni'oh ”my
‘ ‘mnunm: m‘
umw that
. ks and UP
but! L‘i-tbr‘o
'l5:, mm-h hh-is
u ‘n, as they
‘Woy mum»:
'lt‘ imminvm
50?,"(1t {min
at pevon from 1
:L‘l'mr‘. ‘Bllt'
C‘on‘rms fni
-' .1 nuluro, as
II zropoéle tn
t "tlQLtho'y
10 1113,; their
quu' ewe-inn.
mblm!‘ to r - 1
pfinm-c- with
he. uccussury
tiny in the
l Plnlmle
to succeed
ltml ill-the
«11c. Demo
! blimn, by
‘m reumrka:
ff r ii r 1U
I . 't
i. Biddlq} m
l. by E. Joy
Int hymn»-
apllflulfl in
nag-y jnléuuq
‘iwh Ilii de
g thi- Very
inking : [hp
imam? [nix
pwmj‘thsy of
had”? by-
I Mmoqml ,
‘maitllml at
('nfi groan;
homily-‘0 In:
”to i§~uo
Hu- fricfndx
the ps-hplo
Unit-m, far
ofu loyad
‘ armyLHAe
‘ BL-ldié by
pro Denm
l fnréofitnn.
v. alltlem
“Mm; I;
0| tllht'llr‘
) rnhliu‘y his
nulll‘ no! ——
triuljic} 10:11
'ioll fink] nf
- i
ion t
'luml, hf ”IO
(inn .L ighml
duo! of the
to tho. up
of tlu- urti-
't nmfinér,
crativ; pur
‘lding “n-h'
kin-1 llwl’!‘
hlv misun
migl:,;’ nml
\‘ "my be
hn :Ilwont
led toxmo
thin (hair
mm m
wry o'fl'l'h-OIC
nld .“Inllt
inn. ' The
-~< ”at all
d not de-
' d sh
ppm-L, of :l
astray" the
all refer to
the b"
"any ‘
“'9 ~I
rk coulatyo
in Y 4
Id 1};
the La
ir yégular
kfiwju be
hl' chain};
ork (iii
{ Seizure of Pence PetitiQné. ‘, List of Cheers and Hen Comhriaing‘ the
1 Th“ 5"“ ""’k 0W H"? ‘3" S?"3"l">’*i 3 "Admin; Infantry."
pnhluhw the slafomr-nt 01 l. .\. (mum, , - *
Esq” nwnllJmmvn and mqumlda citizen, 3 a OFFICI-Zfi. ' ‘
,‘0 lllQlTOllltming (.'fl'ecl! :4 Mr. (ium-h: it np— Cafimin—llou‘ Edward McPherwn. I
1.9.314. nv vn curcu an": a. " lwuhon. to I.x. I. ‘ , t—-J. i" 1 Imm. ‘
Ithe Proficient of lhu United Sum", in fiv- ‘ a; g :9“ H 1 m 4 ~ quHe" 1 '7’
icon-dance wiih the suggestion lu’lllb lnuug-l :JJqunnnc "m“ ’ sm" t“ o
tuml Address. calling a Conwmiun of nlll EU "‘3' berguunl-—Wm. W.Sleutnr "a 1
‘ the Slutex'tocfli-ctfif pogsiblo. a segtlemont; rid Sergeunl—Juhn J. Done.» s:_ ‘
inf our Imiionul (lil’fitfultio‘ without! bloodE ‘3‘] Sgrgennémpék'l‘ u. flgury. ’
‘alc‘l " 0n me 2811) lhttnnl he wuf: “mind" ;4m 5," eunb—llenr ,N. ilinnigh. 'h, f
in tlm Ofill'c 0f Jnmc~ B. 'l‘uylar, 24:5 Pincf C 3 lJh )D S‘idl r , "
forum-t, “huh-died to ‘we hi-zpemiom. l’l‘wa v: ht V ”pm? _“ o n '‘' e: ‘
‘ rupim. which were hundml to Tuylnr. wvrel '3‘! L°rpom ”Phlfll’ ,L- “”3““
I trnm‘forrell by lmn to twodeteqtiueu, who ’ 3d Componldncqh Resser.‘
:mxre in‘waltmg in (be from oflitu Mr. 4m Corporal—Daniel D. Bailey
Union was then arrcst9d and taken (:0 .Sju-l 1. . . l ‘——- , h 5 -
' Q:\_rintoml&ut lfonnm'ly‘f offim. 3 9n hi~x':lr-l _ ' PRIVATES. ‘
ma! at tho 'officc tho‘ofhcer then In chargel l R He ‘ H . umberlmdtov'mship
’inunwlifioly bleed lhe dctectiyetif thvyl ' enmqr. 1153' ”. ; '
hm] 0M nu-d all die paperi. "l‘lw docnn 3- Eclrdflhad'dh [l.. "mflb‘flfl- ‘V "
'mu‘m \H-re minini-d. hut. Mr. (Minn wmz‘ 3. BiugumanJmi-id, airfield. ‘ 1 ~
Cl"|l‘lul|~l)‘ ponnlltcdtto dopart.. Counnf‘nL 4. Hing-unfli. 5311 i: H _ 5 4
(15 un"”“"":‘“.\§’-‘r n- o I ”C” no . 15. llmndoanalc )l..,Y.ark Springi. .
\unrn .1' I“: \'(' . ‘.i\ V.\‘. l . u '
l “'lnlv Iho chin-1r ‘(bf New York Ill‘t‘ nr- 6‘ firmndonnfbh‘n 0': ~ ,' ,f
I’o3le lbrpelllloning‘l'or constitiniupal nn-a~ 7- ("”051 (4 f"? 6;: “91‘““1‘? "Q“"Sll'i"
~ure~ :nnl rommlivslm secure ‘th‘e sN‘tlh—‘ 8. (!:u=ut,Snmuél J.‘,York SPHIIL'L 1
Inc-m of our Illlhclllficc. the ‘37le York) 9. Q‘aufixmqlpChtttß. 3') v” 1‘ l A
(jiffy';!|"':;l;:umnf9llowingw WW" “3 16. murmq‘, "my w., u ‘
'4£lOl\."| : ‘ '. ‘ " . : “*"p u
7% nip/r 43f unmwmzvo ('(m elm—The “- “mm?“ ‘9‘“ 7-: . A
folluwimz 'bmic-l mini»): i~' ri-(‘erzfi-u‘g wignn-g 12- CulberlslonJ'nhlcs J" Emm'Ul’Mvil’”
tnroe in many of the smallzlqisfm m Lho_ 18. Donnerdflenryflq \ “
““lfll‘lmfhl'l. Slim! Offlonnwtu‘ut : 1' , 1 14. Diriue; Berimrd, Fairfielil.
* . 'l'v'l/it mm s'lth sum.- mu Ilauv ox ._ . . i ~ “
. . ~ . i i ~ -1 ». DIXOh,S&HIIIeI, .
li'»,m:tc-!aluw m (ongren avsdlnb’l‘if : l‘he _ » W’ll' H ,
mulorxigned. a portibn otthe lpyzil people 1'“ Dixon, ' :lam.: ' . ' .
oftlu- L'nitcdh‘tutes,gumentingq‘lncommon 17. Dnrborgng, Isaac;l\.,'.“o“mlm' mwz'filulh
with many oihm‘s, he numerolwovili of 123. l-‘.mu;§,slliram‘.l.;Work Sprlngf. i
(-i\ ll \mr. rmlm‘tfnlly liblitirvn tlnntéymuwill .39 Gurnlne'r, Alums PL, 5 u E
Mk" ‘m-l' innnmllultl Inmwlll'f'lx‘ifOlLt—l‘m-en- ‘2‘). (libhqhfleqrge W" Emmitshurg, \hl
.hrcrvuun'nl 0' thut-Jnfinnfthb “M noun!” 2]. (1i mou..lufln,(:Eltvahn‘rg. ‘ ;
In our vmw, thr (w-hlmnml [nirlnlwmn of W I}. l‘ ‘C ‘ . 'F' irficld 4"
Slzn’n-I'Y—fh the widow :unl'patrimianyof‘ "' "“7 ”“3" “.:‘n‘r u ‘ ‘ E
_vé'nr honmwfllt- hdliciu'. may tlt-\'l"«-.‘; 23- Hurt, Barnett, (,cnyaburg. 1‘ l
,ln speaking of 111 - criznlfi“ “f ‘501"'~'|““ 3" ""H’l‘mil s'" 'II . .i:
I'i-litinne in Noh‘ .Yi’irk, fl“ Jinn-”fig (;,,,..~ 2.). flililhliralulinl-lp T.,\ nrlzx Sprung 7 -
mam: l"‘lll:lrk< :-—l\'o§cln‘ “”1 knfnv’hrhfithc 231.. Uulhugw‘rY I hilhp, East Berlin. 1“,
llnhlic nr the signm-‘ajnf tho lwtiifilll will r - '3“ ll"l'z“'°"h- ‘24?“- Gellyjhurg. ‘ 1 l
->o‘r I) ' I A
gun-d thi< mnt‘nr. JVP puhlhhéd .1 copv of _s. "“hm‘mb‘ ,'?sfl»'f'v_ . z
A' . . ‘ l . r. ‘t i A 2". Jacob: John HJK. -\ ork Springs. i .
tln- IN’CIHOH whon-n ihrs't WM profit! Nul fm' - ’, . , ’ ' 5 '
' r ‘l :m. Jul» \Villm’m T. “ , H
lSlgll.|llll‘1‘~.Ibr(‘fi‘rrlll};[>lllllll)‘Inlay? lu-fnro ‘H J. llll‘ David P}, u i: ‘
. V ~ ~ ii ' . ) . I ‘. ¢ ~ ~ I
9‘“ ”THIN" “_lll'lnnh; ""3 'N‘Mlml? uldtlnll 32. Jnnvq, lltl-nry'll , Louisville, Ky. l".
{signaling ”lonvlulé‘yll‘l of tho Em“?- .rnnnt . 33. IKL-iul‘. ”94,...“ “L, )Ivnnllen hm’uffhip.
lmhwr- (li‘t‘l‘il It ourl tlnh’ t 0 "Em”!lfu" tht‘ ,31. ;Kit7.lniller, umhze E.,,Gelt.‘vsbu‘rg.‘ ‘
onhro [in-prn‘fy 11-llllJ‘lQhlx ofnny 0 “mm to ~.l 1 'lnni‘n" Geom‘r Isncmlcr .
l . . " ’ 1“ n! 1 ' ’
tlnn ailih-ux: tho l‘rerulont : unq‘ll w hi-lmvv 36. mark“?! Jacob,il-‘uirfield
that thnnunnk of mar oilizi-iw rm“ that an ._I 1“ WM” John ‘, u
‘ . L , . , ‘ “v . ‘ ‘ . .
:Illn-Inpl Imelu to Prim-Imm Rh: m-lr-sufn 35,. .\h-Gmiiglv; “we; Gettyilmrg. I
lthy alxvn-lse of K 0 Infunfi‘fl ii pl‘llVllfigP, W'" :m. ‘uo'glry' William IL, York‘fiprlngq. i
lm~fon ((I‘-:l]l4lfl‘nll't'll‘il‘ palm-5 Sn 1I? «bx-w. m. 1.\l!"(“ ll', \Yoofiqr 3., “ L J:
nn-nt. thllwr or ghm; it dnm {InV ,LfMMUL' 4L ’MithL—MM‘M” (:ctglysluirg. ‘
cf-rhhilv min (In in: harm. anul it mi y in-uu-e 41‘. }.\l'uigqn-r, “'lll'll‘hl. YorliSl-ringf. ; ~
lhé ultonliun of Rh?“ lh-i- inlmit,‘ : “ll lvnvl‘ ILIRIu-‘fs, l‘hvid .\f,, Bust Byrlin. 1s ‘
a l ' , ‘ u
11in fuzn-Llrow himw“ tn the lpmy‘liun 4’.%.“}Cl":l.J.Jt‘fi-l‘l‘s‘oll’W“"hlfihllre’. 1.-
invnlvml in flu: 'ljn'qlurllinnloflln l:ly~~i*‘ ~15: gl‘onépl, Grins!» “"3 ('rntrv Mills. l
lrilily of roétnrinv: flti'uru («I flxc onunlrv. 4.3.ll‘finfllu .\ilttnl,‘,;"n."~‘l""l!' 5 ,ti
'l‘hh Ilium-ht ic lw‘l‘vlnnlng in: mvl‘npylhe’ I?.%l‘ilinjxignr,JohnT., l-lulmilslmry..\fd;
l-nl-li!‘ nth-Minn. Eunil will snm‘ lm flan mf- 4&llllu-N, William 7%.,(li‘llynliul'g. »,.
gin-4m: (upic- illynl'ylnml 1h:- .ll'llépll.‘ NO' 4"-}“"""""~ l"”“‘lll“ " ‘ _fl .
. . _ ‘ i . _ i. ..» i .
lnure mitnliln- time lonfild he l‘lmlfon that); “WWW—"7"“- /" Imam“? J"_ 1 h ‘ll
Hm I‘rmont for Wuwl‘a'm-z Um “‘nlvji‘li-t‘ mum "33“” “““TL Mil.“ :uql‘fl‘m' 5 mg. I}. '
I ' r v~ ‘ ' - l‘u '‘ ~ (7 .
‘lln‘ erllllun of tho Pl'anlrmf hml Ll»? ‘,""Jl'\|"‘"l" 11l Vbo‘fl "(1 n 2TH?" I
H‘ .. .4 173-; ~,:. -.“.. fir-.:. .
,puunhfiv, nml lln‘ luénhnn nhn-h 13’“: Mom " ';‘.l“ sd” NI L l H... l‘lcr‘chur' l
, _i. , . _ . . x . .
Hm nnwm'rnntnhlv,infr-rf‘m‘ml with ”Word: 3 ”'4',“ “'N .'””u't' “' l’ “l
l . . . ‘ i . l . 3'. ISlurlg .\n.lr9w .\.y Oxford mwmhl".
#le mrthml ul :‘gi‘fnhngflm ‘l’ltl‘Tl- ,\\o- _H.‘ .A” ' D u‘ \I Yrk g r‘u ‘ ;
’lunlit “hothor :inv q-mrlclm‘nl-lv nlpnlu-r‘ol' "1' .‘“-win. um ";‘ O‘K p ‘ g :
l. . _ i , -_ , . 37. Stunner. Jaruh, henW-‘ur‘é- "
incur-[.\- “all [N' rl‘vlfgil‘nnrll min “ Ilhlhumng «.7 'f'm'm-i‘ ”I”; y _' h i z
i.‘. ~ . ”v. 3 v’ “'
flu-iv nmnof, hut Vthfinkgt ‘ln'll'fig liki-lv Unit .394 \\'.-hcr.-Fr:lllk,l' ’ ‘F‘ b
1‘ m“ "WNW 1"3'9: ”whim”? l"f"'l tho "l 5 . ml”; \Yiumkv)‘.£‘rsl¥ J., “g l
.Al")_'""d“'§'."W“"lll'f 0m- “9‘“ '!=""‘ “’i' m; Wumlring. (mm H..Pnirfirld. .f 'a g
[ermsu tlmn~ c~un~h+nlimmh "lag-ll tlznnlq'r “.33.. \VnollS.,-\IPL LL (7:, Gettysbhrgi ,
Lthrnnlmn-il in!imhl:*tiun. ’i‘llf‘l‘" I“ lm Inn“: 0”,; \uuufr. .\‘muuul .\., ‘ “
Imwhm-t of nhsnlnfr: lyrnnm' \lhirhil‘hn in- ,;fj_ chl. \ynfigm‘.‘ . .‘
Jh‘rl'rl'" “31h 11"- fiul‘fl "f 1"‘lifll"'h ’le'lfll‘ gl'runnnersicl'halr‘. Kaila-rt, "Nightm
‘lv nh‘vn (luf light 1 wwu-n-ijwll in l” mink!l ‘ ' I'. H. 11. licnlmyll. ‘ “
so void of nfi'vmiri- hr {rm-win illilql Linguugé ' ‘
‘n: in tht- pn-Q-nl influu-p. ;' in f ‘ l
'[ rm“: 1 ‘r'm-u Tlll‘?illl~in u. tlukwf'rl'nuv. ,-
‘ i\~ ~lm\\ln'_" flu) liygll Nfimhlio ”l .Zév-lfln'
Um finnn‘lm's nf th‘ “(H'F‘lllfll'llht "[lmnflhl‘
. ." . ' ~
such-il.“ng nnw go nrlutmrlly \‘gwkml
(Imm. 'l‘lm \u-ry _lird :Irtii-‘lcl tun-mu Iliv
“ _ l
nnmhulmnnh‘ in“ U,“ ('unqmlimn inf the
jlfnilml Slab" is 51» filllmw: l l .
‘ “ Arthur. 1. ("'"l'lw‘h ““1" Ilnuknfnrv lhw ‘
‘* 9" nhri-lgin: tlnflfmmlnm of 9mm m
nl'fhe'pnus. qr Hm: lghgnf the poofilv m
lpvumaahlv giswnlulnp Inl'ln lii-llllu‘ll [helluv
:ormfinnt for :1 i':~ll‘--:t-> of grii-uumm’,’
§ lint eitiznm nf-Niliw Yuri: Mn nmt“ mmln
.t 4.." - ‘ l .
‘lO IN] :1 pnwr-r which. ll Halluly c-xqrcxM-«I.
lis highm‘ than the ('onxlltulln‘p. i 2
~ ~« , 4n» «a, g i
Origin of the Pen¢e Movein nt Rumors.
"l'ulinvp grind r'é'bnn (0 he 'i-vo‘ {hm Ihr‘
‘rr-pm-f, nlnging‘thzyl .lm‘mbim lhha III‘HI“
isnlnnilu-«l tm‘xns nf‘jlmnprmuiwl tnl‘rtkinlt-nt
_qucmx, oi-lginfil' ’ in tho ficl. whirl: is}
{You :ulflmnlir‘aft‘dé‘ihat Jud '9 Munf, of,
Maryland, for himarlf and e JRWJPILVH‘.i
applied 10 the s96:qu bf W‘pu’ B..wi days:
ago fnr‘nuthnrity tdlipass the {hum bf Géiv
c-rrhnonf. trotipe in Virginia. ‘0 Richmond.
funlhe purpose. ,as ”my nlh-gvil. of making ‘
‘nn :efl'urt (19 opm! demise-gond for peace,—
Thuy ausor‘fml that [Lhesuggestlion was their
nwh nxcllxfiivoly, MM that. liolothfir,lu~ti§~
were in any way obmmilted In it. Being
knmvn as strong .\‘q‘uthorn symlmtizms. yet
much mtocme-l "Simon of lmnm‘, thg s’lg
pt’stion \vne murtépusly rcceh'cdjy thaw:
to whom it was lsuhjmittml. ~ Still Ow SOCI'L“
tin-y refused to onm'x-tain imbeqwae it might
commit him to the anion-prise, and therefore
he refused to grqnt the gentleman the
passes they asked fpr. As we: hm‘iuformed.
the scheme is no§ yet.abau¢loned.——l‘l.£li
Inquirer. l“__ g ;
qurm in flu: ('vq’.~r!o‘n!”,~ll'l)u.°i§.—-fln noting
the fact that (‘olh‘étor' Mammy liml turned
a Democrat out of] the New Ynik 'antmn
Home, and appointvd a negrfi if} his place.
the Concord (N. II:)1’U/f;n! my: :9
" (,‘oflm-tnr fimd’fioh sot thd dampln, hm
fore he had bum in office n“mnnth. by
npwinfiug a negro (ex~keepar (if a lithium]
when) fits a .\lmaongnr. i'n plhm‘ of Mr.
Scan" a. faithful ““‘d imlnm‘iou‘i h-oo “Into
citizen. with a large family ofu'hih- chil
dren deeudem on hi< daily mlrningi for
support. 'l'lu qnlurml amminum is Mild to
hm 0 been a fiworiwoflnn-lingmim. Salarv
$4“ per month. 'l'hia heavy businms is
worthy of ‘ no party! "
mYA wry significant nrtig‘lo appear»: in '
thi- Puri< I'Mric, somimfiiviul, and {ppuhrl
li~xhud in thv Manila-Hr, the nflininl organ: of,
Lnuis'Nagnlenn. It is maneinhxl with the,
announoemont nfjtho pun-pom of France.
fully to rm-ngnizo‘tha iu-w Italflm Kinny,
dam, “ ax tho aolnjunlge of its cgmhwl. n: it.
is muster ofils Future and ilw llo<tilnie<." ‘
Franco, says the nflioln in questipn, wilet.
towards ihie. kinglnm “ as mm Al‘a‘v (he gum
Europnan Puwomwill nr-t in the .\moricm
qumtion, by recognizing the rum; republic i
of the Soulhem Shires, who" that republic '
shall haw comtituwll a government on a 1
basis which will.allow international mm
tions to be entertained with it of Advantagé
to general intorests."-—Bwtan Ifmt. I
”The Richmond correspondent of the
Charleston Uniting writing on thumb um,
says-1“ Such is the scarcity of surtheru hi
talisman that um. fifioonaml ohn'twenty
dollars up freely paid (or 5; flash Imam
paper," _ ‘ E a
’ < ‘ - ~4 «-»~- ——-' -- 1‘
:Ai‘chhishop fihghes on'civil War.
5 ,\ n‘UflJJuip Hugh»; who mmnwwk‘l ngqu~
li] «Ir :1 Uuiq‘n' ium-ch in vav' \'~l:k. 3m:
Lilli-lieu] Mu \‘ivmL ul‘c-ivil war in tlu- .\L-lmli
[ml Ru-mul. \VO 1113ka P-W «‘-.\'ll':l('t-:
+ .vUp-nn :Ll! the wars :1 wk" wzu- ix- Ilw mmt
«flwplpmlmr 'uml [_ho’most «lmtrurlixs- in il‘
(“Ih‘wpu-ul'l'). Math 14) the viclnr and mu
‘fini-iml. H< [nw;:r(-~i is murkml by ruin
and dr-u-lut'um. ‘lt given 11 10c we winwfiu
wu’rq p:l~.~‘i?fls 0f hmnfi munm’ : mph“-
fill“ I'm’ll:ll_!". ”laugh lmrfildp (1) gay- "pun.
llnmwh terrible to wimms. (‘ulll‘uvt ln‘ rum
pm-ml to the. 1“?!nt nviis whivh it infiicn
"pan «twiely. .H is not. in civil «(riff that
l‘lu- nnblvr nflrihuh-s of our mmm- m-o
Hm“ n -. Um miml nt‘mMl bocumvx lmulonml
am} rallmw :nni-l «mum of blood and demu—
uhin‘n. The transition l'rnm :\ yawn-urn! 1-.~
puMh‘ lo a ‘mililury (lospoliqn i 4 more
on~ilyvlliwhwl through :uch :1 m-uliunuhnn
pooplo generally mppme. M~mkiwl -:u~o
pn-lty much [he same in every ugwuf (hp
\wwhl. Material civdimtiun. it 1: mm. 'mny
ngolnp the mind and ~hurpnn Um intol
k’t't. In"! it. does not purify the :uyii‘aliofls
nnr nlovnln‘ (Ina mnml naturo of tho rm-o. “
l “’0 have hoard :t promsition mmln hv n
pmmim-nt speaker at the grout ih-nu‘m‘stm-~
tiim which was lately hrl-l at Union $l“:‘"“.
that \w- tru~t was either not \l‘l'l'lllrl\" vulvr
‘ tninml, or had its origin in tlw vxvih-iin-nt
of tho nmmont. It was nothing more or
lms than n remrmnendution ul {lltfflKlllt‘y
which England has purduotl towmh lrn-lmnl.
'l‘lm sprnker exptewml himu‘ll‘ in fz‘n‘or of
tukinu mmy the lantations from the Sun
thorn nwnors ans lwx‘tnwing thr-m as land
liountim upon the Northern snltliorc, 'l'hu
ilh-u, as we have intimated. ik nnt nn origi
nnl on». mi it was partially carried into ctlhct.
.nguiiuzt the people of lrchuuL and as a
means by which that I%ople were to be ut
terly I-xtc-rminatetl. urour part, no pro
{o.4, aga'nu't such a. whnlosale Hy-ttom ru‘ apoli
nt-ion—a system which is cflloulnlml tn
Nungo the county irremmliahly into u. war
that this generation may non-r see the 9nd
of, aml to meme feelings of hum-yd and
revenge that may live through eunpirirs.
'l‘lw prgpoaition to which we have retvrrod
is. ham-var, comparatively mild in it: olmr—
ncto‘r when compm-ed with the auggmtmn
that ha: been published in one or two of
nur New York daily papers. ll is nothing
more or less than A proposal to incite the
negroex to inmrrerhon, and by ~o doing.
to pri‘cipitutethe x‘Outhern portion nt‘ mu“
countrv into All (he hot-rum of u. svrvilu
war. 'l‘hi: would be to i~e~ennrt on our own
mil the timnlish brutalitiea romidotl in tho.
history at St. Domingo. It Would he to'
mine the savage negrocs nguimt our Inn»
thorn in rare nnd blood: it would b." [o‘
r‘ounto‘nzinco atrocities and harbaritivi at.
tlm night of. which our wholo country would
«and n walled: it would ho to ont‘nnfngo
tln- whole block papillation of thr South to.
rho infirm-z against the whitM. to nnmlpri
“'ann and childrfln. to mnuurre helph-ea
infi'mvv an!) age, and to give a licomc to
tlw exoesws and cruelties whh-h clmructcr-_
ize all negro insurrectiqns. "* * “
Halve we now sunk so low in the srnle of
hunmnity, havo we so far torgntton our Olr
ligatimw as Uhristian men, even before wn
haw rightly entered into the heat. of the,
wutl’irt. to calmly tolerate or sanntinn a
prnpmition 1L: tio-ndish and as inhuman M,
thzu nuninst which the elder Pitt raked his
VUICC ”.'V i i
fifn the mistake near Grant ißethoL
there were many badly wounded—but one 5
in particular, a soldier of the New York;
6911:, had to hwe his right arm amputated. !
He bore the operation with much forfitqde, I
and on seeing the arm about to be taken}
”say for burial, called the man back, and;
Wing the fingers shook hands with the
sun. saying—‘3 Good bye, old friend-40E1
cued me 9110» at a pinch, and I thought. :
to carry you tojhe gmetbut you mgoing‘
Before me. Good-bye.” 7 f
THE FOURTH-"The highly-{ml anni-
Vorsary of me Deckmfion ul‘ Auwrijnn In-
dependeléce. (Emitting 0“ Thm's‘luy W"
wad cel'ebmted in Pil'itml_ manner in this
place. and" “39" spices of the Gettyiburg
Maven. ‘ A ‘
At an mfly ho“ in the morning the bolls
of the Churches. ECOUI‘t-hmb'?» MM “'9"!
rung. and there' wk: an i'flcogssunt firing of .
muskeflv mm: ,an smaller arms. i
. At 7 o'clOCkv a . adfififl silk,co}npdny flag
was firesented to he 2509“” in the m‘"
mond—Rev. Prof. Mnhlvnhcrg milking the
anhhm . u and Rev. Mr. Sihgglwllt
mpdnding. The finggvas ‘purchnsmfl M-
our citizens by M
Annie Dunner a
Whom much pr:
Slpanglul Bahn'er ’ Wil‘fi rHug. um] hearty
oheers were giv n Mr the ladies, Prof.
Mnhlenbfl'gnml .111. Sfimwalt. ~ .
I; A pmigl w- when formal. Cu]. .I D.
Paxton 'chief.m. ‘hal‘ and Capt? R. ‘Mr
(‘m-dy aSs‘Lstant. ll‘MSllijfl. The ffiltyshurg
Zouz‘wemCupt. SHIPWPW. Adams Riflce. 0.:-pt. A
McConanghy, and the Qinllnge-fhumly.cape.‘
John .\[ch-enry. \ ere in the line, tho wlmle:
It“: umwnruncn mnl (~ijoil-. A = _ v”
‘t'um. 'l‘ln: l.ilemry'&)~!‘ LFSPAL an «IN-flan for ’Pmidonl and
gswhlso «Mn-arm], ilhihe-E Managers (if EVo-rfiireen lizmoh-ry. on “93,.
_ . ' 1 day m-vk, thelnllhwhigpemmswow clioxt-u'
I thrufmgh tho nfinpip‘nl } I‘ll‘vJlh-lgt-‘I).3{44:[;II:IIIL'::\':' l I ' .
‘ '- A ._ I .mm'v '-~\'.- .‘, Sc nnuv ma. .L. [)4 )-
Slzffizzf‘trmigl :5::l;:|fo ' mm M" 'l‘fi’l". ‘rv- I'.‘Kr:lulh, H. J. Smhllw
‘I k ’ 1 ’ " .D. .\lvkrvuty. R. Muturdy.
“x ml gmnh-nmn-whihm ‘ V -..‘ M .-" - __-V-_.V_..
lllH‘iCbnvvy:mn¢= 9r tnok E mar-AL 1m é-I’lsT-lion lml‘l' on Saturday
an "m" L'rmnuLu rm! in ‘ “""kl f“ M""”'¥"""."f'“|e (:cl’tyshurg 'W‘W‘V
wai‘enjnynlt muhnt 10 (""‘*l""“’- 3"" “"h’WEllgl'l'l'wnu \yvrurhd
was mmh- 1“. RNA; Mr. sunk—4AM» Swalfi‘uli. l’u. lhu-hll-r.,HL-n. W.
making a vary 5
ing gvneml’ admi
cicties of the Col
Amer, a mare!
Skye-lots. the prove.
Ivrl's-Spring. 'l‘)
numbers of Indi
nm‘ny mom had
it n—rm't. Arrfyq
”w omlinglahiul
o'vlovk, n pmy,
Knist‘r. UlO lli‘nlxtl'ztthTH “ll ln‘lfl‘i-I‘ulmwo' MVCIVII““«‘1-‘l-'“v“Wu-ll. Andrew rum-y.
roml ln' R. G. Ilar Pr. Fm ~ :In 1 31‘ ~; ‘ u , ‘ . . i , 7 ‘
(11-livofi-«lhv “W .1; I “Jun“; ‘»m.m‘m.i 3&6- “I'3;me .\. 3.0%.1e fluvlnxnmp val-
Al lo'clolzk the fun-t» ' «Imtslnwn tn «lixlmm- '10.," WI“? 1!: 5W...“ [all will" of ”3" 995'
l ‘ _ J "01 ”mm mmmrilw eight feet “Ell-done
'gnllo‘h up by 3(1‘.|('|'li(ll.flllll 1m vxm‘llunt {urlhc \‘-.lluy L, a * I»
mm it was. Abmq onlx’ hnmlrmlmul sixhn, I .4: :1 I. - . , -—~-r .
1“....m.q'.jinp.1. Ah fll‘.éilllivAltinsnl_\§zlq ”h." W'Mr. Ssuutli. ll:»»m;m«,uf Humillnn
1.3.1-13”, .\‘umufia‘l! l'l’mitling. 434‘ ”on. , lmvmhip. IWmln IN six: hemlsbl’ \vlufitt, m“.
S. 11. llll<~oll nylinl‘: \l‘f'|‘|‘lill')'. 'li‘lu- figlhm- “‘man‘g"""l"v"'“‘"l.“ 63- “H- “9. 7". 52 "ml
Eng rvgulnr mmts lverlm n-ml; l'- :75 L'rxunninr 3221:) all. 'l‘lm ln~a:l~4 ‘3!" “V
l. The l) wwe ‘YO'lvlvrztlv.—.Endnfinmljg} ow'ulinavly plump. and, We should-finite,
Hm hf"|l'l~ nl'nll |HnI Plnfll‘i ol'uulj n-rrumrv, "pf." "[1,...” 1,, bull." __,. ‘
muth‘ :mmml It‘ll‘ll'll ln- 'llflilunl' “,1”, ‘l‘“ '- ‘ , ‘ . V
light Ihy unborn IPIHROIH Iqiui.~i||~_f in 1)." 35:1- ‘JuprJ'; Kim. Hy... .\Hnrnuv ul Luv,
ll"‘|~*’i"|'~" "rfl‘fr'?"’l;“.l""l'llv:m 2:};r-lvnllnopul ' lain-[v M [lnk IHw-v. luv ln-«n :lj-lmimml [at
an: ln‘ \jlll'll,o m' m :umlm \‘ rmywl F- I ,‘ - '‘ I. -.. . . __»_ . '
:uul wkinnllo‘d h}. 3 mm.” ‘aml "”l'l‘xfl‘lflfi :lvu 2mm?! m Ih." :(h l.‘ ,rL l ..\. .\lmgt.
l’l" 1““«‘)Il'll‘h"l mW- Dr. H. Harman] ‘~ ‘ ul, ‘l url-lr vummzmnlmxl. llu luv 1mm)“
‘2. "I'lnl Munmry nl' \K':x~lniw!l‘nn.~ 11.51. llm our lawn {luv u l'mv days luhl. luul .tmmluu'
wummhrunwnl‘hinl“lfn wm " fin". in \nu'. gr'nntin-‘l at tho pmqni‘t lx fore him of (ll:-‘
““1 "3>-lm:“"':,:"'.d gm.“ '” llw '" “'1“ I” 1"“ funding hi< wu’nlry's llnu.——._\'mléml. .
('nllllll)llll‘l|. mspm- u~ mil. I‘r-nvwml " ' > ' ‘ . ‘
\izzor. fir-“vii! "NEW“:IW—W in 11-‘-1‘I"-A-H=x-' whim-or m lust noek'u Enigma—NA
nun uwl dt‘fi‘m‘o 0" l't\l«~til\uiuwll llln‘l‘lv ,- rg ‘ .‘ n _ “
. . l ‘ , , , purn . [illlm <
nmv mflm llm’ nl‘ (hurls-ulna” \ lifill. [Re-l - ' .-... V . . ' -
"l""""“'l l" ”‘1“ sfinu.’ t l " W'anm but a lthit-inn knmv'q how
3. The l'nion.—»’l‘h4~ m-rmln-zsiurolumu- ‘ - 3 .
. ’ u- . . muc-h a rd-lnnlnlvm-lvl-vmlwe ls llNllkjll ln‘ [lm
hf all nur l-lrsungfi. “Iv \‘rl_\' puHmllum ul , _ _ ' _
(mr prcfipd’rily .'uxvl levl}. ~mul ll“: Mryurily ln-nplu, l)" all wloli'i 04 131:, In all wnmmuu-l
uf l‘rw-dmn itcvlf. [hath tn lhl- tnmur .ilu-~ l-vu-rirwlu-n- lln-rr- :m- mulllfldm mitt
Whn \S'UH‘ 'f‘." “N Uni". FUN} I‘|ltllh~~‘ hfu'iil «nth-r {lii-‘1“ munpln'mh thul nuahiug huf :Iu
nu thr whhm- of en‘ncmuhunzll A-mvru-nn I -, , \
libm‘h’. Ithl3>llulv4lAu In} I). \Vl||.<.- HM I a I'm“ I ”1"“- ”"W‘vusgrmumnuynhlu-m
4. Tim l’rl‘mhh‘ul ~ Um'l'nitc; Sm m. >__ hn)'v~|x-ri| uuule mu! .ut hhruwl \vllh lhu
.vl‘ t ‘ - )
§ Aft-van] “'flh thuf mud-r to s|l<lnill tho (ugn- au~urum~flofhr-ing nfl'u-t-umlV l'ml llh-y mil
,‘smutum nun! nnfm-m- ‘thv law»: may hn put to :un-unlpliwh Uu- mn-N thm‘ prumiw hm
,down'n-belh‘m and rnuhmh- lhumniwlv, .. , l . I , - ' ~ -‘
{and wvwnr ufthe 91W x! "Imm hv ”WNW” LJUSL l up) “um nm 1,)“.- :mlrumc Hum.»
.-u,‘.. th-Mh Winn-ant "1' all h-adiug lrnhm-i. they rhmn. lu lhh 4:1“: 'nf VLho cuw, Ln;
1 [Rfflfdfl'h‘ll 1” by} If. EMMYm-uughv. Hu',‘ 'J. ‘1 Awr é"'n., nl' lu’nwll. have uuppliwl
I’ j‘; lI"‘“""_‘“!'*“F“"le fit'"f‘."' ‘ "I" L'l’f‘flf m with 1‘; mummuwl lixlmrt ufSH-snpurillu.
‘nnhlm'v vhwmuq'. Uur unfinn‘? :Ivl‘a-m‘eu “1;.1 h.. ‘ ‘ t I.u . 1 u d '. J
.hvrhg‘u‘nl’k, heir #nvihr. 'l'hp trl‘n-pnllfint, HI ‘ “ !" ”AI-0 n» - 9“, 0",: SIM” '
”1.. unflinching “WT- .”w {Ligand hm"... mum!“ llsvfwmlmr «ML-rem n from all-..r
'nf our Puuntr):hmm-‘gly h.» {my} 1...”): will kimh‘wl ,prr-pnrmvions in murkvt is that. it.
\lltfltlll'l‘. If?! frlimiflullvq:vmmuljoh un-I (mm - t]|(~'(h§~~tL<Psu.l'Ul‘whichit is NM'IIIIHIH‘H'I
‘--r.m.‘.-“u ’- ..‘. ‘ .
XIIIfl ‘ l Ih‘flmntllf-d ”.‘";‘lvl Hurfl'tl‘ll?ml.i|l'lli-h",. Ml. nhlln ”my 411131401. “u um :unll‘ml uf
‘in a palriutic ‘v‘tl‘h" “ml Li. A ‘3. J.. R. “Km |hi~ I'.\-'l hv morn- than one “four iulvlrligvm.
'nvr'u'n u ~hur| ~lu'.‘(~ll‘;l phhir'izm‘ in rhix Ila-ighimrhuwl and lune
6. TIM \rgm’ up“! E.\:.n'\'.—l hu- vnlnhhw‘ lle'lri'thrr yvillrum- nfnur [my «\lmrluuuu
mm}. mn- Luhnrlx '3'” ""“‘l""" “"‘f‘ 9“" 'nl'lilq li'l‘lllh—Ymmucc lhrnu-r, .WS/ml/r,
emu. May Un-v mngunnunh 'pmvw w Mu» , » , ' _
uurljll In] (ht-fir IN-vu lnn t 0 thvir whining 13:1”:- _‘_ ~ .1 -~«ptv : --——~'.
llmt .\muriv: ha? {‘l .l‘rnn', an :irmv mi .. . r ' .. -
“1.30“ H". “urhl "W'mhum lqllnL‘ ‘0'”; “.'\.ll“‘ e HB-aiwnn (a{' {PM I 1,73%“th
:lnr‘unh .=II'III,\‘, We himur it, “'0 wk on in mr-Ihvl-Jn—L ”a mmLmulmn .‘lllll n hn-mv m—
un (NM in it. (Mr nz‘n _\'. whnw «\ih Whitvu flnmh" (hr Inn-"ling “"‘l "Hr-"'2 all H'" “I"
{win-.\. inn] wlnph Ems; mm; I'm-.t-n our Mid». whivh :nnh-I 1... Mum 51”,". «sfl-n’ngha uni-ls,-
uuv' ‘wmlm- : ~ ...." -~ . , . r. ‘ '
”Wm“; 01.6“; énirtrkh‘wuln'lt 3:12:10 "13:: my] mflunnuuuun 0| the thruai. lunvgr', am!
has horn in mul YM-n‘juhrrml. I‘K‘l'slmlh‘n-tl ““1““ . , ‘
10 "V J. H. Rainmnqtplpn] g ,N’ Tho-n”: 11 file vu‘unhlrft-il nflhh 1'..11~
'. 7. .'l‘he,‘3ow-rn3r 5" !'vun=\'lvanin.—‘im‘. ’uum, “mm-flun- lu- Fllrl- :luli huv oth that.
mun. “fut- {ho ”man arch "my Him-x". pronu-le' h\‘ S. W. FuWLI‘. & l'1l,~ Human.
trvmhh- “hlh-anlmh‘l I'mh‘ lumn xix l\t-\’— 1 , ' . - - 7
“any.“ may ghgmfihivngflfl."Mm. "”i'” in? \)l|]('!l I,» Ih.- upm." qgnulum. ".1 1. Ln r 73
spirt‘ hnn. and chart“ mam“: him. {kw on the quid-h- wriq-ln'r. ~ -
Iblmndmltn h)- llnmoi’hm-r~_{ l ' ~ "‘ —-~ ~~—-- “I" 0‘ " fl '
Iw‘-v I' I '
3. lllfiVPNuhflvM‘Pm \ oluntnr-rfl mUm . W'l‘lwmlh'agn Jam-nu! nfllu‘ 2m. uh:
Aunt—Hm hrm’r- «1n: (.l'thn nlrl Knydmm moul'iuflik'fh’lt Hm ‘RM’. “... Rummy ‘1“.
“ha are_nnh¥y fighting fur Uioir munl-rv. ‘ _ 3 . , . l I, «I f»-
Inn; “'0 find ”w n :nwnh in: WM 3“ th(-_\' :‘ “nun“, Farmer” “NM”; "In": J“ H
over have lu‘on in ‘Lwam‘. IlllllnrJll'l‘. ij thr lush‘ twvh‘d- _vvarvltnomr ol 3!. Jinn“!
y}u.\Trn':lu‘ nml {l-nfl.x_‘lg~., [ln-\pnmh-d to by ("hurvh in (1.5953,). has I'm-pivot, :m mm‘nk
[6“1213-0'1'3113 i‘ I h ~ I f I.’m'nucmiltulhv“Mun->lls]:"Hiram" fi'lml'f‘h.
-- - !(‘n '.-- no onv F.1("fllfll'l ,_ . . . . . _. -
of lhow rightq “1:01‘9‘0 4|..urr-r tn lug—than 5"" I‘m-Horton, ‘ "l'fi’mfl'h Gm”.( hurvh m
lifv. Thr- o]le "m ”I. 5. in :mv m... win“ (“'9 mmt important nffiny Purl-4|, my the
(frnmnnt \vhh-h "L“ h impliviflv uhm'w‘l. I‘m-Hid “nut; ‘autl the prN‘nl ""‘"“P of
Lot u~ glwuyu In“ if: hjnh rth-onfl' in in ”n. [mu-.NPJHH‘ «mm his :mcnpmnm) "Tum
3mm“? Wt-Smflk’f t" by "I" 0‘ “"3 lipiqmyuuv ortfanfm-nin, been it“ Rwlorwv—l
urvury. sq.‘ if 5 ' ‘ - . - ._ .
111. Agricu turml‘ynhmynrco‘MJ"uslo4“,”. Huxl‘lhqlmp “mm. AMP urge-m I‘vflor to
flml the Fine [fl-inv—{Thb L'rmt .‘uulfllhslllll- “’3‘ lm‘kmn, '“‘L¥_s”‘g h“ ""“l’mnm “f the
tiul‘olomonts ofo’m- nutinnui grmmmu and mll. The ‘salary om-rotl: by tho yofll'y to
prmlmrlty. 'l‘ht} only 1401""? lIVI‘HMY ”'0 1),: (jlarkmn is $5,000 per annum '
peoploofthelhng'cmsn m romgnme, [“0" '1 ‘ 1 .- ,‘__ __
almmled mby Chm] E. lurmy.] ‘
l_l. 'l‘lu-I‘rosi—HQmV mlmn,mn-t-nimlr)"s
Inks-hing. Ilsumfoproc ~11 lirmn~vnixrmnxn~g
h-y's Imam. \V-nndérl'u‘l in achiever-lent,
\\‘j*‘£h(y in influq‘m-le. The fulwimlw and
duc-ctm' of public qpinion. may ItQ pom'l'
\fht'n the vxpnnmm‘ nf‘ truth. juslicl' and
liberty. over he cglc&q’=sl‘ul.' [ngpnnded w
s s
I i 1 1
by "5.1. Smhlm]
‘ 'l2. Our “‘mmtrv’~4 Flam—Gm] Moss it
lls Ilhe symbol of Amvricnn nationality. the
"mum of fret-man, 'l‘hé Ruprowmmtiv’e of
0“" flpflfnmfi—lnav ‘in “ stars and stripec!’
, 110'” fade and loy'al mm newr he wanted ,
f 0 preserve its imam-d rays from flu: 501- " --., -
i3l;::,g“tf’u‘d'lfinial"???'i" [Rcf'l’m’ “ll W'l‘he WxLlhington corrc‘swndergrof
I 11%. Wnlnal'L—'l;he" 132:“ of the Wor‘d.—l Greeley's' Tribunt says; J‘ ‘ cry. great a?”
God's noblest gm taman. Thp‘gflgmanof ”e be‘jng mule otficers, {in the mug)
‘ u” ourjM'~. Im}! tho ~ympnthonc friend in and very GREAT KNAIVES receiie com
:11! {jlu'hll'lstlZl'NsOE‘ lit-$1,931“); ongly excell- missions in ”3“,“ life.” _7 -
Tam {infillr'énlzqtflfké‘r‘fiufl‘n‘ 0:21.." “fogs:- ‘; Greeley not only publiuhes and and”!
aponded to by J, U. Neely, Esq.) Vigil, but, nllffling to Honey and other.”
The follnwing, in compliment of NioCap- [WWW 0' Lincoln; “Id”: , 3
min of ‘he hwy“, was handed in as a“, 3‘ Proved 'I‘RAI'I'ORS 'nrel‘efhn office -
volumeor toast: _ J: reprasenmtivesoflhiynned Male» abroad.”
(ants. _ - - . ~ 'm ".'”. "1 .
nemi...aJami'ii‘ltgmfzhfi(ll323l33433l33:l . WW ”W .‘““ 59’“ fl "“53 WWW
09m“. May he rmjnv' long life, great ha]; of prominent 9.3 mm”, Republicanx, Demo
-32:2: 3;“ p;o<pnrify. Lot mix: cane en- ' crats and otherfl, will soon be held‘m New ‘
1' tamer '- 'n .' ,v ,ru ' .'. ' - u
Mensa"! to him, (glitcgnglzfiéLnfllb Itta “:5 as t \ OHM: Tiflfi?w‘inftfgfimc “1". .
There would doubtlocs have been My; fiCol.‘ Williamson, of the Sickles Brig“!
nther voluntr-er coach, but as the: day was Me, has swam that the 7lele Ignit- not
far ‘pentlfiho party mljournmlfto wimea: ' and should not be circulated “mange“
the shooting fora beautiful silver medal by soldiers at Camp Scott.
the'Zouaves. Rufus Baile made the best! " “““ «--.,figf ’ ,
shot, and of course carried off the prize.——i fiSmce COL Hanly ha? ooflt'rongwf ‘
The military the“ (‘ngagml in drill, oecun things in Baltimore. "‘8 01“! lxlnnw 11‘9le
pying Probably an hour :when the proces- j {lOllO3lllOll are bemg 33““ BI’W‘EM?
Sigalwas m-formed, and returned to town. ; Suggestive! M- ~' ;
e milita dinla' was the Imam "" » ' ' ' . '
here for a Marzwhilge (End reflected credits-I fi-Thewoman of yPgrmnd havgfumqeo ‘
bl ° ..’ . n , ’ed to it“; mine volupteers 5400 (1311‘ 1
Yon n“ partxmpatmg. Hm Loaves . . * «“i '
spared no efi‘ort to make the afi‘nir a ntis- sb‘“‘“ 1600 "I" or draw?“ ‘7 W towgl? ‘
factory one, and “my succeeded in every “00— W 9.10}? i ”00 "9°“ "a” '
Particular. The public cmuotawud than fiW"WIWMWW 9999?.54; .‘ ' ‘
mo much praiso,‘ ‘ moo linen havelocks; 840 rum’m blunkeu. _‘
.mm'goy collectbd- Iraq:
'l‘. D. (.‘nnon. an‘t} “isms
1* Kate thmm-zkpgo
w. is due. Tlm “2s r
._', N ‘ 7 ‘_..-‘» ,_ 7»~»—. «. “_
! OUR sunnmm AT CAMP w..m\‘~l.:_
' ~11“: L'udius of tho Uninh flvliel‘ Awnin
tion, of‘hi-r plnco, sent an to Camp Wayne,
in the early part of hut wwk. a box 01' zir
. . ’
halos lor the um 01‘ the Volunleorv. Thry
wri-e received; and 11w following ‘notc of
gratitude, in answer, returned by‘ Cnpt.
Guy Wm“.
“WC/water, Jum- 2m, 1961.
MY Dun Maxub— . L ,
I am directed by the .“ Adam-l Infantrv "
in convoy to'the LulliM of lln- Union Flt-lief
Awwintinu, their sinom'o thank? for the
Han-locks mul Needlecauos, wine}; haw
been received; aim] in the PM?“ SO‘MW- for
the supply of ’l‘c'stunwms‘, which came to
hmnl In»! cycniug. ‘ ‘
We a“ apprecixwe the mofiw-s—whivh
ygomplcd Hm Llfllit'b to [his' labor nf low.
and have gmtefulty «rucnfived thvm eviden-
G': 0'? thr-1y kind and umughtflu comitlvru
(inn- I‘!er will Drnvl‘ wréiceublu. promo-
KtiVe of ‘comfurt.’ and l Impe obnndlalory;
Emmi whatever [rink nusnbe hefure ufi. ~
“With lngh rmpwt, wry lrulv your». .
. X _ ‘Enwuu )lul’qumyN.
MN. C. .\f. B. '~ . ; '
‘w‘flu .\Kmuhy morning lad. “to name
Lmlim' liviiuf A~~mciaflion sent. on b} .\d
ium" Kiln-#43, tn Camp “'ayiuo. mmtlwi‘
largo box. mutainihg a full equipment uf
hg-nutiful .Igékets for lhgwlinlc mmpimy QT
“‘Aa‘mnu Infantry." This {hows the throng
pattiatifln and onergoticzmlhln on)“: [whim
.of our Town and Unmty.—S« ulinci. «
“'No Party."
This (gammy) {reply uséd by‘ihaflrpnbli
mun, has quite a difl‘eront meaning from
Mm}, pwt_ pcnplc‘ attach m it. It. means
thaf/in ‘Dcchrznié (joumiei there shull ho
Ina-[umy niinutiom this full, has an Mait
nble d’ivisgxmf the Offices be made bemoan
~{he Democrat. and Republimnz, nut! in Bag
pnblicmymuut‘ies the usual «mm be pur
biled o!~ strict-party nominationi—Gruux-
Mir Dencorrul. ‘ ,