atritl3l/1 ENGAGEICENT., (:q. Ppwné‘on'a Tallinn- in lit-I Field, Tawny the omm» Form under (ion. Put ¢ 199 W“ c_rus~o.-Il.llu- [’umxum' I'm-r Ile Wil— '/ ii‘nynqwt. .\Mlhl‘ mlvund‘ mum]. consist : gofoue memdn rngimmthv Elm mnh fennsylvnnin, l“~-rkin‘~ Dunc. y and .\fi-Mul " m'bfirlugers, “gm-u m-arilm l‘ulhn‘u Wulvrk‘. 3 on 4uir woy w Marginsburg. they “eir met by smqwn ton-c of four ligilurnh, under command of Colon-:1 J.luk~ou. A tic-Ice , but brivf' cngdgvmcnt E‘lhllm‘, which re fisiflh’d in the who}; Imingdrx‘ven I‘mm (heir pavilion. . Tbrt-n'hf flu n'rid’_cleveu m IRE-«ire have 1 the lo» WM on Ihfinili'lv know . . been much 1"“: ‘ The [urmov‘x rnl si'ml wounded linvmg but u nflable m follo‘ h 'm 531 d 0| gn-alest Eboolm I have hail, tn 1 Perkm's' mm compen szl Gen. Pat! . n the fight.givin in; his men. flirting in mg ”think what we ‘W'B lune l¢d 1 meat of war. 1“ relish]? sauna» _ it H< (Em-thy of q," 77.14rn1uy. Latest from}! 1 lhamx’rdjué; son‘z. colunin. tiny, him udhu that tmvn ahd by uur tramps. the ’xulvzmm- In ‘ has lulu-n plm ' I‘mh-ra] trnnpi Were‘killt-d nndud. what Ihmr mflnes tomb linulu’ll- [0 learn. “'lmt (1)0 ‘Lvlv'nf thr- rx-'><-lu_ie ”at n. but I i:;.:umu) ml to han li-rth-nn find on nur mlv. m lorl lhut Wflynn luzult n’l Ileml wn (lulu-u “If the firhl.‘ lumll larva, Path-rim mm ,' uCM-r. ‘ ' ‘s‘ , ' . 1' men hohavml with the >4 and, bravely. but wnulcl letiré, had it no! [wont/fur Iy, which apt-“ml fin» and .mn’s mon'm wilhdrnw.~ [mu seen in the thirkmb of conunandsmngl, encourag i ‘ht- rnlmrh are manger cou rd go the dutnils‘, Vt we ‘ ave givcmnmx he rOl Pd on. (”my fuké 1111 mm; 1‘1: m the u M this rumor (:01an frqu . we think wu ran Mutiny-«n cl'etliLr—y/(umbcrsbu«3} 'l'éuug: ' u I 1 . 1 n. Patterson's Commgnd. I M 41.. July 31-an. Patter im‘c [he violorv of {yo-«tor» lmd 1o Mnrtimlmrg. Vaumul gs via-guly 1 I: now mmqm‘d ’ A s)N'l‘iul%hi\>('ll£l"¥' IR)!” lml'lN‘ that Im mugugnlnem )‘Muv'g- )f-atnrdny. L. 3.4,... 4-. A“- k ' From tilt Run of Tum/Hy. : IN BALTIMORE. ? ‘ MINI If" l'o/«a ~l’rm‘huuyfinn 13f APPAI " Arvin! 13f (h: 1 ‘Y JIM/hf” aunt/"Illa“ of My (213/ ulz'u‘ in [/u‘ Slfl't'ls— }.'I'I§LL‘III(‘ILI. '9 pu-it it hm been efin-ctml mnn compming 0h? l'umrd of c m‘reatwl by the military, nsizlemlnle vxvilr-mvnt was 'mtordny morning when it. Gm. Run/u +3O nuén I}! 'l-‘oflasmn da tlm life go-ntlx‘ Police would, ‘ Ilm’ogrthcles's c 1 egeatéd early ! on Hm sll‘é‘et ngl “hurlm W 334 INlllflUlle‘ m-Nivlvnt. and Win. 11,091!- I. Ilinki :mtl .lnl‘m W. Im eyn arrehhnl nml Hem. to Furl mler bf (h-n. liankm ' It up lhrmmimr rN‘oin, that an ' fi'nm lino Wur Dvpfll'UllPlll “m‘w‘ml, 1'1“!" die“, Charles via. 19:11., [and Mel-lung; hy rem.jl'rum i order was issu . rvqiiiring Hm m-rmt oi Mmplml Kane and 2m Mmmnnmffimwnm. oxr-npt Hm m:\ynr.——- Tlm otder I'ode :Li-uwl nl‘ )L'u‘yiliul Kane was to be ilnut-Jiafiily mivcuted. while Mic" commanding 'cm-ml Was permitted to ex— c‘mina hil disc nation Mil: regard ('0 the time for the arrest f Umhlln-r purliow. - Suqujuont rch-m. \‘n-rc roooivml m nrrnst the gentle-mo. ”03mpnsing the Mann} of PO - and on S mlny nigliuho Mussiwinwcih; sixth regime 1. Col. Jones, and the Penn— ny‘lvanin first. Col. Mm'clwml, \VUwglotailed for the work and nlmut three o’clbck the first. named try-(wind tn the 11mm: (if Mr. Howard. on ‘Mhmlrnl stroctfnmr lie-Judo. and kaiil into cu‘wtmly. They m‘xt pro ceeded m trim, house of Mr. Hulclwll. 0n Calvert mm: . nmr Madium. mul mink him in clmr (~.‘ ho rngimnni m' (N. Mm-oln‘pml arrcstes Mi. ”inks, at his rmidonne, on Inmburd stxreot, near Pvnn. and)“; Dark, 8‘ Mil residiencc. on‘ William fsfroet, ,noar .Montgomery. They val-e all hike" to Fort. 'McHenry, where it is stated they were fum ished with domforzablo aipnrlmonts. ‘ ‘ Early in file {bronmn Gen. Banks issued. the. followihg proclamation. assigning his‘ {canons for; the arrest, cf the Board of. l’o-i ice: ~g ' I ”10411.51" an or (my. nuns. HLAmmnnjs DEP'T or AVv‘lruLls, ‘ ‘ FrercHonry. July 1. x 1 rd pursuance of orders km)“ from the; hmdqnu’rtors 6f the army aLWnshinglon. for She ”preservation of the. [nihh'c peace in ‘ this depar‘mcntnl have arresgmhmtfl’onnw 3 (huh: in puflogy of tho l'hitedfilntos the, later‘hxembersjgf the Board of Police—— Messrs Chm-1H flowmu, William Gnmholl. , Charles “ink and John W.. Davis. 'l‘lue: incitbnts of the past week afforded flllijlls‘.: lifiiz‘tinn for this order. The headquarters , _under the vhnrg» of (he hmrd. when ahun- ’ don-9d by this aim-em, rr-sumbled in somo‘ _rapechx a conceded arsenal. After public } Tcoogiciou aud'rpruient against the ">llS-' pensiou of weir uncliuns," lboycuntiuuod ”lei: wings daiifi. Upml a fngcnd and un warrnguble cbnst’mction'of my 'l-oclnmu -1301; of 1b: L’Mh nillmo. Hwy chfiH‘l‘J] that flip policy law wafi hurg I’uhlul (t‘ Ii 26th ult .. “‘0 found it «villi—lullicat “Edtvrlrds,” cowl-tenth ' in ' 1‘ . . tr'rmi upon the hypocrlti -:il cm l. ‘ . . lit-pubhmn party In rat rn-nnx Klinoaclllng election. , 'l'hugu‘ritr-r ‘ clo saysfi: i ‘ “l \vlouhl urge in tho rnnv upon (the tnvnrlwl" of 11. - DUI ty, as tyre tilnmlmtrxuvht 't'url primary meeting m‘nl or n (‘nlmty‘i nominations, to harm izc mull| prepare for the. l' ll m 1 also that pin-pg nrrnn r-mm nunlc Ito syt-uru -tlw vnt n: I)! \"ullllllfi‘vl". \\ hu :m-u‘mu ‘h on us 11ml ,1}: thr-y \'.'m'l‘ a'c-ri l'l'Qiu‘C ivv district-3' l i This is the tpmltion q partHlJanMr nmm'mr!’ ([ufrh‘! if]; ’lu’l‘yfih‘! Nut! Ila to give “{ffi" oh! q‘ hollow liter-y of, he. ltepuhi party Ilium tap olulitemtt ,lml-z- airy Rothocrat inki [mlioy n'liiclrmmt m‘on Dun ‘ ticorgimimtinni » K,7 this su jectagain. thing“ Keeping the Rec _d.3 i i the. 1 .~mocmoy will hf; Sam“l 0f tho Rnrpu‘hli'finp pa W 4 and lend- Count)! ti'mivc-ntion :, out; ere ztfiirct to see tnuwun in com yrnimisv. and. l foughtt as ol‘ 101,1, “1""! looking still nine-perxeo trmm alt-oil) thaw and with tlm full tlétern' 111-nincmts who apted with Sq'utltnrn n‘u-m- ‘ bit D ' 1‘ hem of the party previous to the tn-ln-l‘lion. none ; t emoerats '—§' Nmyit'jit he(10ml«lot-trinethattlheponmt'mlx If 7 “k” {"f’i" W ‘4l“ i l are'snfipicinus characters or tt‘nitmu (in thiul “6..ka long a“ tune l“ n “a,“lllf :l-"m‘ :wt-uuflt‘ih it nritér,lmllvgond::\,u tit [tr-pun}. “'lll b": a DLMUCRATIC party. and " lsath ('l‘ln§(?r lndthr- Home 01' Roplrsoéitutivw of of thuinne will he tlw tifiath of" ‘r. ’t :9 :nito Stated, on tto 12th a lunuarv In 0 k t ‘ I . . » ~ . -- as more nor-d at t m Dom .1»: 4348 Mr. Abraham Linc ll! 5 xlka up 101— I” ‘ t , LN": ‘ , Qll l ‘ ' 'ty tooling than own—bot e, and this need i.» “ Any pmpln, ‘mwwhprp, hbih‘g inr‘linml flit, sci that, all attempt , undet-iwlmhpro and having the power, .hm’d thr right to text st‘tt-vor, to th-stmy it; tne'gintply ridicu "““‘ “PA “l“‘k" Mt”"‘."""‘l”# .L'W'fll'lmh‘llt. lous. ll'nlike vthc Republicuni party as and form a new one tlmt suit}: thy-In hettnr. ‘5 ‘ b. « -,l . '. I I ’ This it. amn‘t valuable. amo ta. (red right 5“ forth _3 ”replay, “’ g" I,“ 51”?" ‘ "54’ "‘"l -———a right which, we hope :m liglir-vn, i; m znhrraq' ot the Democratic party to ”wen-r libel-ate the world. _Nor is ‘lii‘sfright can this Unlivm.‘ Its miasionif to porpL-tuutp, this fined to 93503 m which the'whplo pl‘nllle govertinlont of t'reo—inititutlonal mud- “ “3 ohm existing government may choom to - i v I . 1 l~ ,l: -l ~ OKCl'cirv it—ANY POR'l'lOth' s'uch Vinllle notgo iv: to ose slg 1} at: t I.IL mhtsion \r zen ’ that can, ”my revolutionize and innku their “5 50"?!“5 are “1031““ le“- “’B3 have, till ] mint-0f so min-ll of the t_“"}“““’)" ns tlmy in~ littob’,§boon governed 1% nolnoqffl“c; rultm’ hubiit. More than a Wynn/y ntlzi‘n/Porfwlz 0t The history of the country is ,he historyl snc I pmplo may revolutiomih putting fth D at t. l - t 'f.{' ' l 411 m: :1 minority]. intermingling with. ornmtr 0 cl emocr. w pnr i‘ fit It‘ “it! 3&1" “Si about them. who Qppmo (1.?11- nicm-nmntm behalti A tew-‘mouthsf ago it. superso-i furl: minority “'39 procholy thq ogre 01'th dad, and the ration in twing do' rly thught " Font; at our mm rm‘ohltmn. “‘l5 a quah~ that ii “is best to let *0" (men I" alone.” t 3 of revolution“ not. to go by n 11! lines, {ll‘o/(1 'l‘l held led b l" 2 , - i lime. lnut to break up bolhrand make now ‘O, i on y .{mriunnmlastlxnmfi‘ only 0119*.” ‘ lot‘ Victory. yet ungratfitfnl and 4|S~£lftafl9du tweo-n this‘ port and “'Mhlngiun, Hull apixwl On Saturday by (‘onfodvl‘utl-fi. fl' I’iney Point, ”tr-the mouth of tln- Putt) Pm V. .‘Hm‘ left. “this city on Frhlnv, and stop "-5 at the mind landings. When til"? l't‘fN I Point Lookout. where a number 0!" 194501ng|5 gut on board. Capt. llnllingq. In l“ “mm mnml of the U. S. atonm frigate, ulljmrlmn na. tuok I‘Ollllnillltl.flll'l wohluc .l-z the l“)- tonrw tn t'nnn riw-r, whore' hpr l wjrwmwry‘ lzuuh-d. va‘rnl ladies ulm 2w» ' all board \w-rn vary-ll l'fi'r by tho Virginlan l A large nmnhor nl' pmwngors who left ii, city by the stnmnor wprc hound furl" ginin. minl moat of thnco whn gm, on Iran I at l‘o‘int Lookout worn Yirfiinimw. mmit ng her nr rivnl. ATM-r the paw-engom lull"? . lnmlmj at “am river. one hundvml {To ‘ncssoe in fantry and twmxty~five sailors “ire put on lxmnl.‘nnnl thé hoatulmklcr c Jmmnd at" ('nptain llnllingq, sturtcxll fur 1e Ramm hzmnm-k. She succeeded in :- nning the blm-kmlr‘. and on 1101' my cnpqln-qgl three l‘n-izg-s—nno sohnqéner latlhn iw with oofl‘nn and our wnth con} ‘— wwn tnwvd uprto Frmloribkd’mx pol-(ml that nnn (Imus-an“ 'l‘onn aw- =l=ltinnml at llh-mhsviljlo. ’l‘ 01M hm run regularly qmlhezl‘l wm up! pbrmifglml to sl‘np at landing:é (In the Virginia‘s“??? umhng the host Imam runninii .l of excellent speed. moro, um (Idjf It is not ‘lc-qiml I»; diapntoh 01' yele-rdny, that .1641 um “Tim-n a Jettm- 10 Hm I“)! lprr‘mting the cmrtiuumwr- of p the n-xistenoe _of flll‘]! 9 Innvr firmml. Mr. Sqwm-trnwrfll'yul offer of cmnpromise hm been in den Davk \‘Pry fem-ntly Ilo‘cla for In tho Mmiylnnd Cnmmif would Iy-Vé‘r mike unoths-r 'O‘h neg-)fiaiifinJmtlw UM m‘c;’u ‘ he “'0“ dqubtwl‘ “fixetlmr any}. turn of nny kind has bvon org (Ad by Mr. Tainroln from Mr. H any rate. no tm-‘ma of oomlmzrr Kiln-um] to By this'Administm‘l' pml-mml- by Cowgrvsn'at Lhé c 0 1 Tho Exr-cnti\'(e:(j(y\'ol;|i'mmlt war now with It“ the ability p0»?~=, for they not under th the New York war prefix. an tin-y must f‘pack up their tr ufi',” it' they don't take Rig-hi the tenth of July. 'l'hcyhnvn of getting Richmond by that ‘i have of grabbing the mnon. move in any dixéectiou withoi pori|,-not from Fartross Monx' their Alexandria: “not, and n thn'Mnrylmul unit“ Pennsyh‘nn tlmywill make demamh upon mnnogt. men. Mi nt'm lll‘o~>in_ to show‘ttmt they intend t strike We inu-nrtnnt bin“; will avoid the netwuity of “ l trunks,” at. loast‘until the to *by ivhichtimn ”my may he 0 .pm-t,'n=‘ nii vaum'i‘nr nnnmcm mam, their failure to obmiu 1 means. ‘ , , ’ _ [5OO Appendix In _(‘pngfmginnal qube,‘ thoug‘i she know notgwhy,’ sou -M 1641 in 3(.;ltlc(c?xm~rl.:}?-kt $234116. Page 2:4 . q a ‘ flm-e-hixnunnd gave 111 loud to fillers; shn‘ narh’ prll::l;~hp:2l'selgesgigl-I (3::t1-;:u¢t:aq£::§m“ saw h“- folly mu reinstating him h" whr; knmu~ but ch.“ ho may hnkd llwm yet 1‘ “ command mtr'wfl hp «leluu‘u-d). glut-1y : s°} “’0 am“ not aware [1,31 bu 1,3,, I'vcr given (no, Lflxis nation mull-r Democml‘lc lenders,‘ ""4"?“ in“ m f‘m'l‘fln' Views. andwmrlxlnqt know. 'nnlhing but 1: ss and};realnoss,l “‘"l'frui on him now if he did. ’l‘hvn. If ya; ”jaw dismtiufied ‘nd sollglit to nake' anMMiv'm {0:40 be entree!“ lht‘)’ all huh! “ M I" .1 h- fh d ’h ' ‘ (a um dm'luine of smrwinn ! Wham-vol" good, tter; he o‘7o t . “YB 0““ may hum m. hum-var. tlnmr logic L 9 gum—>lloW "lath!“ succeed . 9nd 1 he? film"?1 mm..—\ [...t 1: ”arm bum-7%”. ; emr ig to return, it {vi}! oniy be, Whefl, 15km Q 7”? :_,[:1’I;'I:;‘;:’li; ”m “I“ Re‘gi g Thaliés, she restores Bind follows Jher former: mout Wisconsin Volunfi (I's, While enmmp- luaders.—&;nwget “floatat- ' I. (341 :xtl[3gor~u~u;ll.wybl' hm] apt-pm- fi-omg ‘. V ”‘1 .'5 ._ : ' . which wr- “k.“ “h" fivlimfilixg Dx'inwt from a‘ V sjhe Democrnllgi-S'mto Cmrmnhon 0f (Lud'ol‘ Thmflu for fawn. rmzeivt-d: ’ lowa §s called :3 De’s . omen for the llnh of “And pnrtifulnrb' to ptir fr‘il'ml fimhbrt' July, It will nqmi‘naae cwdidu‘tfl f¢r the: 0f the 1M1”. if}? ‘lvhow albffl;l;lf>tls?nfl.g“l}' qffice; of Govoynor', ilieutenapti (Bowel-nor firm“ m" mn. ‘ "_3 ““9 “ u~ p) ”mug? " and Judge of the Supj-eme Court. ’ bra and man-rm], “ewe-mm oug‘ mm: gmm- ‘ _‘__ -- _fl _..-1» -_ ___ t fugi‘ihnqkkgqnpor bommentwv on the re I For PWC'V'JFI‘Q P 059“ men 0g Aron, (‘th m 1: ;‘ '_, "_ . ers 541' Freely and fondly circulated every “€059“ 9: 13"?“ “:‘gl‘ hnn‘dnomg flI-"f-h “NI" ntherwlny. in this' community. about Hm the wwmnelmlw fun} “CL! I‘he 00'" .11.,” nfiiop lming mobbed by our so]diel‘s.- embny of raising may intended by a large Clam}; rA/lu rl7 Npml. ‘ nu miner ol‘ peoljle of that seclion, [who ras- i~-' ___ .‘ ‘.;l 5:1,,' :1. WA man was mm (“'Ol- a short (ime 1:0th ’Mflfléy th‘ If, Monument, {m since on the Winchester (Yah) Railroad, t ”CW" nt 16 toffzeg 'Hm pfuple fire-[HP find out and cru~he’*i 3 "Admin; Infantry." pnhluhw the slafomr-nt 01 l. .\. (mum, , - * Esq” nwnllJmmvn and mqumlda citizen, 3 a OFFICI-Zfi. ' ‘ ,‘0 lllQlTOllltming (.'fl'ecl! :4 Mr. (ium-h: it np— Cafimin—llou‘ Edward McPherwn. I 1.9.314. nv vn curcu an": a. " lwuhon. to I.x. I. ‘ , t—-J. i" 1 Imm. ‘ Ithe Proficient of lhu United Sum", in fiv- ‘ a; g :9“ H 1 m 4 ~ quHe" 1 '7’ icon-dance wiih the suggestion lu’lllb lnuug-l :JJqunnnc "m“ ’ sm" t“ o tuml Address. calling a Conwmiun of nlll EU "‘3' berguunl-—Wm. W.Sleutnr "a 1 ‘ the Slutex'tocfli-ctfif pogsiblo. a segtlemont; rid Sergeunl—Juhn J. Done.» s:_ ‘ inf our Imiionul (lil’fitfultio‘ without! bloodE ‘3‘] Sgrgennémpék'l‘ u. flgury. ’ ‘alc‘l " 0n me 2811) lhttnnl he wuf: “mind" ;4m 5," eunb—llenr ,N. ilinnigh. 'h, f in tlm Ofill'c 0f Jnmc~ B. 'l‘uylar, 24:5 Pincf C 3 lJh )D S‘idl r , " forum-t, “huh-died to ‘we hi-zpemiom. l’l‘wa v: ht V ”pm? _“ o n '‘' e: ‘ ‘ rupim. which were hundml to Tuylnr. wvrel '3‘! L°rpom ”Phlfll’ ,L- “”3““ I trnm‘forrell by lmn to twodeteqtiueu, who ’ 3d Componldncqh Resser.‘ :mxre in‘waltmg in (be from oflitu Mr. 4m Corporal—Daniel D. Bailey Union was then arrcst9d and taken (:0 .Sju-l 1. . . l ‘——- , h 5 - ' Q:\_rintoml&ut lfonnm'ly‘f offim. 3 9n hi~x':lr-l _ ' PRIVATES. ‘ ma! at tho 'officc tho‘ofhcer then In chargel l R He ‘ H . umberlmdtov'mship ’inunwlifioly bleed lhe dctectiyetif thvyl ' enmqr. 1153' ”. ; ' hm] 0M nu-d all die paperi. "l‘lw docnn 3- Eclrdflhad'dh [l.. "mflb‘flfl- ‘V " 'mu‘m \H-re minini-d. hut. Mr. (Minn wmz‘ 3. BiugumanJmi-id, airfield. ‘ 1 ~ Cl"|l‘lul|~l)‘ ponnlltcdtto dopart.. Counnf‘nL 4. Hing-unfli. 5311 i: H _ 5 4 (15 un"”“"":‘“.\§’-‘r n- o I ”C” no . 15. llmndoanalc )l..,Y.ark Springi. . \unrn .1' I“: \'(' . ‘.i\ V.\‘. l . u ' l “'lnlv Iho chin-1r ‘(bf New York Ill‘t‘ nr- 6‘ firmndonnfbh‘n 0': ~ ,' ,f I’o3le lbrpelllloning‘l'or constitiniupal nn-a~ 7- ("”051 (4 f"? 6;: “91‘““1‘? "Q“"Sll'i" ~ure~ :nnl rommlivslm secure ‘th‘e sN‘tlh—‘ 8. (!:u=ut,Snmuél J.‘,York SPHIIL'L 1 Inc-m of our Illlhclllficc. the ‘37le York) 9. Q‘aufixmqlpChtttß. 3') v” 1‘ l A (jiffy';!|"':;l;:umnf9llowingw WW" “3 16. murmq‘, "my w., u ‘ '4£lOl\."| : ‘ '. ‘ " . : “*"p u 7% nip/r 43f unmwmzvo ('(m elm—The “- “mm?“ ‘9‘“ 7-: . A folluwimz 'bmic-l mini»): i~' ri-(‘erzfi-u‘g wignn-g 12- CulberlslonJ'nhlcs J" Emm'Ul’Mvil’” tnroe in many of the smallzlqisfm m Lho_ 18. Donnerdflenryflq \ “ ““lfll‘lmfhl'l. Slim! Offlonnwtu‘ut : 1' , 1 14. Diriue; Berimrd, Fairfielil. * . 'l'v'l/it mm s'lth sum.- mu Ilauv ox ._ . . i ~ “ . . ~ . i i ~ -1 ». DIXOh,S&HIIIeI, . li'»,m:tc-!aluw m (ongren avsdlnb’l‘if : l‘he _ » W’ll' H , mulorxigned. a portibn otthe lpyzil people 1'“ Dixon, ' :lam.: ' . ' . oftlu- L'nitcdh‘tutes,gumentingq‘lncommon 17. Dnrborgng, Isaac;l\.,'.“o“mlm' mwz'filulh with many oihm‘s, he numerolwovili of 123. l-‘.mu;§,slliram‘.l.;Work Sprlngf. i (-i\ ll \mr. rmlm‘tfnlly liblitirvn tlnntéymuwill .39 Gurnlne'r, Alums PL, 5 u E Mk" ‘m-l' innnmllultl Inmwlll'f'lx‘ifOlLt—l‘m-en- ‘2‘). (libhqhfleqrge W" Emmitshurg, \hl .hrcrvuun'nl 0' thut-Jnfinnfthb “M noun!” 2]. (1i mou..lufln,(:Eltvahn‘rg. ‘ ; In our vmw, thr (w-hlmnml [nirlnlwmn of W I}. l‘ ‘C ‘ . 'F' irficld 4" Slzn’n-I'Y—fh the widow :unl'patrimianyof‘ "' "“7 ”“3" “.:‘n‘r u ‘ ‘ E _vé'nr honmwfllt- hdliciu'. may tlt-\'l"«-.‘; 23- Hurt, Barnett, (,cnyaburg. 1‘ l ,ln speaking of 111 - criznlfi“ “f ‘501"'~'|““ 3" ""H’l‘mil s'" 'II . .i: I'i-litinne in Noh‘ .Yi’irk, fl“ Jinn-”fig (;,,,..~ 2.). flililhliralulinl-lp T.,\ nrlzx Sprung 7 - mam: l"‘lll:lrk< :-—l\'o§cln‘ “”1 knfnv’hrhfithc 231.. Uulhugw‘rY I hilhp, East Berlin. 1“, llnhlic nr the signm-‘ajnf tho lwtiifilll will r - '3“ ll"l'z“'°"h- ‘24?“- Gellyjhurg. ‘ 1 l ->o‘r I) ' I A gun-d thi< mnt‘nr. JVP puhlhhéd .1 copv of _s. "“hm‘mb‘ ,'?sfl»'f'v_ . z A' . . ‘ l . r. ‘t i A 2". Jacob: John HJK. -\ ork Springs. i . tln- IN’CIHOH whon-n ihrs't WM profit! Nul fm' - ’, . , ’ ' 5 ' ' r ‘l :m. Jul» \Villm’m T. “ , H lSlgll.|llll‘1‘~.Ibr(‘fi‘rrlll};[>lllllll)‘Inlay? lu-fnro ‘H J. llll‘ David P}, u i: ‘ . V ~ ~ ii ' . ) . I ‘. ¢ ~ ~ I 9‘“ ”THIN" “_lll'lnnh; ""3 'N‘Mlml? uldtlnll 32. Jnnvq, lltl-nry'll , Louisville, Ky. l". {signaling ”lonvlulé‘yll‘l of tho Em“?- .rnnnt . 33. IKL-iul‘. ”94,...“ “L, )Ivnnllen hm’uffhip. lmhwr- (li‘t‘l‘il It ourl tlnh’ t 0 "Em”!lfu" tht‘ ,31. ;Kit7.lniller, umhze E.,,Gelt.‘vsbu‘rg.‘ ‘ onhro [in-prn‘fy 11-llllJ‘lQhlx ofnny 0 “mm to ~.l 1 'lnni‘n" Geom‘r Isncmlcr . l . . " ’ 1“ n! 1 ' ’ tlnn ailih-ux: tho l‘rerulont : unq‘ll w hi-lmvv 36. mark“?! Jacob,il-‘uirfield that thnnunnk of mar oilizi-iw rm“ that an ._I 1“ WM” John ‘, u ‘ . L , . , ‘ “v . ‘ ‘ . . :Illn-Inpl Imelu to Prim-Imm Rh: m-lr-sufn 35,. .\h-Gmiiglv; “we; Gettyilmrg. I lthy alxvn-lse of K 0 Infunfi‘fl ii pl‘llVllfigP, W'" :m. ‘uo'glry' William IL, York‘fiprlngq. i lm~fon ((I‘-:l]l4lfl‘nll't'll‘il‘ palm-5 Sn 1I? «bx-w. m. 1.\l!"(“ ll', \Yoofiqr 3., “ L J: nn-nt. thllwr or ghm; it dnm {InV ,LfMMUL' 4L ’MithL—MM‘M” (:ctglysluirg. ‘ cf-rhhilv min (In in: harm. anul it mi y in-uu-e 41‘. }.\l'uigqn-r, “'lll'll‘hl. YorliSl-ringf. ; ~ lhé ultonliun of Rh?“ lh-i- inlmit,‘ : “ll lvnvl‘ ILIRIu-‘fs, l‘hvid .\f,, Bust Byrlin. 1s ‘ a l ' , ‘ u 11in fuzn-Llrow himw“ tn the lpmy‘liun 4’.%.“}Cl":l.J.Jt‘fi-l‘l‘s‘oll’W“"hlfihllre’. 1.- invnlvml in flu: 'ljn'qlurllinnloflln l:ly~~i*‘ ~15: gl‘onépl, Grins!» “"3 ('rntrv Mills. l lrilily of roétnrinv: flti'uru («I flxc onunlrv. 4.3.ll‘finfllu .\ilttnl,‘,;"n."~‘l""l!' 5 ,ti 'l‘hh Ilium-ht ic lw‘l‘vlnnlng in: mvl‘npylhe’ I?.%l‘ilinjxignr,JohnT., l-lulmilslmry..\fd; l-nl-li!‘ nth-Minn. Eunil will snm‘ lm flan mf- 4&llllu-N, William 7%.,(li‘llynliul'g. »,. gin-4m: (upic- illynl'ylnml 1h:- .ll'llépll.‘ NO' 4"-}“"""""~ l"”“‘lll“ " ‘ _fl . . . _ ‘ i . _ i. ..» i . lnure mitnliln- time lonfild he l‘lmlfon that); “WWW—"7"“- /" Imam“? J"_ 1 h ‘ll Hm I‘rmont for Wuwl‘a'm-z Um “‘nlvji‘li-t‘ mum "33“” “““TL Mil.“ :uql‘fl‘m' 5 mg. I}. ' I ' r v~ ‘ ' - l‘u '‘ ~ (7 . ‘lln‘ erllllun of tho Pl'anlrmf hml Ll»? ‘,""Jl'\|"‘"l" 11l Vbo‘fl "(1 n 2TH?" I H‘ .. .4 173-; ~,:. -.“.. fir-.:. . ,puunhfiv, nml lln‘ luénhnn nhn-h 13’“: Mom " ';‘.l“ sd” NI L l H... l‘lcr‘chur' l , _i. , . _ . . x . . Hm nnwm'rnntnhlv,infr-rf‘m‘ml with ”Word: 3 ”'4',“ “'N .'””u't' “' l’ “l l . . . ‘ i . l . 3'. ISlurlg .\n.lr9w .\.y Oxford mwmhl". #le mrthml ul :‘gi‘fnhngflm ‘l’ltl‘Tl- ,\\o- _H.‘ .A” ' D u‘ \I Yrk g r‘u ‘ ; ’lunlit “hothor :inv q-mrlclm‘nl-lv nlpnlu-r‘ol' "1' .‘“-win. um ";‘ O‘K p ‘ g : l. . _ i , -_ , . 37. Stunner. Jaruh, henW-‘ur‘é- " incur-[.\- “all [N' rl‘vlfgil‘nnrll min “ Ilhlhumng «.7 'f'm'm-i‘ ”I”; y _' h i z i.‘. ~ . ”v. 3 v’ “' flu-iv nmnof, hut Vthfinkgt ‘ln'll'fig liki-lv Unit .394 \\'.-hcr.-Fr:lllk,l' ’ ‘F‘ b 1‘ m“ "WNW 1"3'9: ”whim”? l"f"'l tho "l 5 . ml”; \Yiumkv)‘.£‘rsl¥ J., “g l .Al")_'""d“'§'."W“"lll'f 0m- “9‘“ '!=""‘ “’i' m; Wumlring. (mm H..Pnirfirld. .f 'a g [ermsu tlmn~ c~un~h+nlimmh "lag-ll tlznnlq'r “.33.. \VnollS.,-\IPL LL (7:, Gettysbhrgi , Lthrnnlmn-il in!imhl:*tiun. ’i‘llf‘l‘" I“ lm Inn“: 0”,; \uuufr. .\‘muuul .\., ‘ “ Imwhm-t of nhsnlnfr: lyrnnm' \lhirhil‘hn in- ,;fj_ chl. \ynfigm‘.‘ . .‘ Jh‘rl'rl'" “31h 11"- fiul‘fl "f 1"‘lifll"'h ’le'lfll‘ gl'runnnersicl'halr‘. Kaila-rt, "Nightm ‘lv nh‘vn (luf light 1 wwu-n-ijwll in l” mink!l ‘ ' I'. H. 11. licnlmyll. ‘ “ so void of nfi'vmiri- hr {rm-win illilql Linguugé ' ‘ ‘n: in tht- pn-Q-nl influu-p. ;' in f ‘ l '[ rm“: 1 ‘r'm-u Tlll‘?illl~in u. tlukwf'rl'nuv. ,- ‘ i\~ ~lm\\ln'_" flu) liygll Nfimhlio ”l .Zév-lfln' Um finnn‘lm's nf th‘ “(H'F‘lllfll'llht "[lmnflhl‘ . ." . ' ~ such-il.“ng nnw go nrlutmrlly \‘gwkml (Imm. 'l‘lm \u-ry _lird :Irtii-‘lcl tun-mu Iliv “ _ l nnmhulmnnh‘ in“ U,“ ('unqmlimn inf the jlfnilml Slab" is 51» filllmw: l l . ‘ “ Arthur. 1. ("'"l'lw‘h ““1" Ilnuknfnrv lhw ‘ ‘* 9" nhri-lgin: tlnflfmmlnm of 9mm m nl'fhe'pnus. qr Hm: lghgnf the poofilv m lpvumaahlv giswnlulnp Inl'ln lii-llllu‘ll [helluv :ormfinnt for :1 i':~ll‘--:t-> of grii-uumm’,’ § lint eitiznm nf-Niliw Yuri: Mn nmt“ mmln .t 4.." - ‘ l . ‘lO IN] :1 pnwr-r which. ll Halluly c-xqrcxM-«I. lis highm‘ than the ('onxlltulln‘p. i 2 ~ ~« , 4n» «a, g i Origin of the Pen¢e Movein nt Rumors. "l'ulinvp grind r'é'bnn (0 he 'i-vo‘ {hm Ihr‘ ‘rr-pm-f, nlnging‘thzyl .lm‘mbim lhha III‘HI“ isnlnnilu-«l tm‘xns nf‘jlmnprmuiwl tnl‘rtkinlt-nt _qucmx, oi-lginfil' ’ in tho ficl. whirl: is} {You :ulflmnlir‘aft‘dé‘ihat Jud '9 Munf, of, Maryland, for himarlf and e JRWJPILVH‘.i applied 10 the s96:qu bf W‘pu’ B..wi days: ago fnr‘nuthnrity tdlipass the {hum bf Géiv c-rrhnonf. trotipe in Virginia. ‘0 Richmond. funlhe purpose. ,as ”my nlh-gvil. of making ‘ ‘nn :efl'urt (19 opm! demise-gond for peace,— Thuy ausor‘fml that [Lhesuggestlion was their nwh nxcllxfiivoly, MM that. liolothfir,lu~ti§~ were in any way obmmilted In it. Being knmvn as strong .\‘q‘uthorn symlmtizms. yet much mtocme-l "Simon of lmnm‘, thg s’lg pt’stion \vne murtépusly rcceh'cdjy thaw: to whom it was lsuhjmittml. ~ Still Ow SOCI'L“ tin-y refused to onm'x-tain imbeqwae it might commit him to the anion-prise, and therefore he refused to grqnt the gentleman the passes they asked fpr. As we: hm‘iuformed. the scheme is no§ yet.abau¢loned.——l‘l.£li Inquirer. l“__ g ; CM R. NO ’—“—’”"‘“’“T““’f—‘T‘ qurm in flu: ('vq’.~r!o‘n!”,~ll'l)u.°i§.—-fln noting the fact that (‘olh‘étor' Mammy liml turned a Democrat out of] the New Ynik 'antmn Home, and appointvd a negrfi if} his place. the Concord (N. II:)1’U/f;n! my: :9 " (,‘oflm-tnr fimd’fioh sot thd dampln, hm fore he had bum in office n“mnnth. by npwinfiug a negro (ex~keepar (if a lithium] when) fits a .\lmaongnr. i'n plhm‘ of Mr. Scan" a. faithful ““‘d imlnm‘iou‘i h-oo “Into citizen. with a large family ofu'hih- chil dren deeudem on hi< daily mlrningi for support. 'l'lu qnlurml amminum is Mild to hm 0 been a fiworiwoflnn-lingmim. Salarv $4“ per month. 'l'hia heavy businms is worthy of ‘ no party! " mYA wry significant nrtig‘lo appear»: in ' thi- Puri< I'Mric, somimfiiviul, and {ppuhrl li~xhud in thv Manila-Hr, the nflininl organ: of, Lnuis'Nagnlenn. It is maneinhxl with the, announoemont nfjtho pun-pom of France. fully to rm-ngnizo‘tha iu-w Italflm Kinny, dam, “ ax tho aolnjunlge of its cgmhwl. n: it. is muster ofils Future and ilw llo-lm:“"':,:"'.d gm.“ '” llw '" “'1“ I” 1"“ funding hi< wu’nlry's llnu.——._\'mléml. . ('nllllll)llll‘l|. mspm- u~ mil. I‘r-nvwml " ' > ' ‘ . ‘ \izzor. fir-“vii! "NEW“:IW—W in 11-‘-1‘I"-A-H=x-' whim-or m lust noek'u Enigma—NA nun uwl dt‘fi‘m‘o 0" l't\l«~til\uiuwll llln‘l‘lv ,- rg ‘ .‘ n _ “ . . l ‘ , , , purn . [illlm < nmv mflm llm’ nl‘ (hurls-ulna” \ lifill. [Re-l - ' .-... V . . ' - "l""""“'l l" ”‘1“ sfinu.’ t l " W'anm but a lthit-inn knmv'q how 3. The l'nion.—»’l‘h4~ m-rmln-zsiurolumu- ‘ - 3 . . ’ u- . . muc-h a rd-lnnlnlvm-lvl-vmlwe ls llNllkjll ln‘ [lm hf all nur l-lrsungfi. “Iv \‘rl_\' puHmllum ul , _ _ ' _ (mr prcfipd’rily .'uxvl levl}. ~mul ll“: Mryurily ln-nplu, l)" all wloli'i 04 131:, In all wnmmuu-l uf l‘rw-dmn itcvlf. [hath tn lhl- tnmur .ilu-~ l-vu-rirwlu-n- lln-rr- :m- mulllfldm mitt I Whn \S'UH‘ 'f‘." “N Uni". FUN} I‘|ltllh~~‘ hfu'iil «nth-r {lii-‘1“ munpln'mh thul nuahiug huf :Iu nu thr whhm- of en‘ncmuhunzll A-mvru-nn I -, , \ libm‘h’. Ithl3>llulv4lAu In} I). \Vl||.<.- HM I a I'm“ I ”1"“- ”"W‘vusgrmumnuynhlu-m 4. Tim l’rl‘mhh‘ul ~ Um'l'nitc; Sm m. >__ hn)'v~|x-ri| uuule mu! .ut hhruwl \vllh lhu .vl‘ t ‘ - ) § Aft-van] “'flh thuf mud-r to s|llls]:"Hiram" fi'lml'f‘h. -- - !(‘n '.-- no onv F.1("fllfll'l ,_ . . . . . _. - of lhow rightq “1:01‘9‘0 4|..urr-r tn lug—than 5"" I‘m-Horton, ‘ "l'fi’mfl'h Gm”.( hurvh m lifv. Thr- o]le "m ”I. 5. in :mv m... win“ (“'9 mmt important nffiny Purl-4|, my the (frnmnnt \vhh-h "L“ h impliviflv uhm'w‘l. I‘m-Hid “nut; ‘autl the prN‘nl ""‘"“P of Lot u~ glwuyu In“ if: hjnh rth-onfl' in in ”n. [mu-.NPJHH‘ «mm his :mcnpmnm) "Tum 3mm“? Wt-Smflk’f t" by "I" 0‘ “"3 lipiqmyuuv ortfanfm-nin, been it“ Rwlorwv—l urvury. sq.‘ if 5 ' ‘ - . - ._ . 111. Agricu turml‘ynhmynrco‘MJ"uslo4“,”. Huxl‘lhqlmp “mm. AMP urge-m I‘vflor to flml the Fine [fl-inv—{Thb L'rmt .‘uulfllhslllll- “’3‘ lm‘kmn, '“‘L¥_s”‘g h“ ""“l’mnm “f the tiul‘olomonts ofo’m- nutinnui grmmmu and mll. The ‘salary om-rotl: by tho yofll'y to prmlmrlty. 'l‘ht} only 1401""? lIVI‘HMY ”'0 1),: (jlarkmn is $5,000 per annum ' peoploofthelhng'cmsn m romgnme, [“0" '1 ‘ 1 .- ,‘__ __ almmled mby Chm] E. lurmy.] ‘ l_l. 'l‘lu-I‘rosi—HQmV mlmn,mn-t-nimlr)"s Inks-hing. Ilsumfoproc ~11 lirmn~vnixrmnxn~g h-y's Imam. \V-nndérl'u‘l in achiever-lent, \\‘j*‘£h(y in influq‘m-le. The fulwimlw and duc-ctm' of public qpinion. may ItQ pom'l' \fht'n the vxpnnmm‘ nf‘ truth. juslicl' and liberty. over he cglc&q’=sl‘ul.' [ngpnnded w s s I i 1 1 by "5.1. Smhlm] ‘ 'l2. Our “‘mmtrv’~4 Flam—Gm] Moss it lls Ilhe symbol of Amvricnn nationality. the "mum of fret-man, 'l‘hé Ruprowmmtiv’e of 0“" flpflfnmfi—lnav ‘in “ stars and stripec!’ , 110'” fade and loy'al mm newr he wanted , f 0 preserve its imam-d rays from flu: 501- " --., - i3l;::,g“tf’u‘d'lfinial"???'i" [Rcf'l’m’ “ll W'l‘he WxLlhington corrc‘swndergrof I 11%. Wnlnal'L—'l;he" 132:“ of the Wor‘d.—l Greeley's' Tribunt says; J‘ ‘ cry. great a?” God's noblest gm taman. Thp‘gflgmanof ”e be‘jng mule otficers, {in the mug) ‘ u” ourjM'~. Im}! tho ~ympnthonc friend in and very GREAT KNAIVES receiie com :11! {jlu'hll'lstlZl'NsOE‘ lit-$1,931“); ongly excell- missions in ”3“,“ life.” _7 - Tam {infillr'énlzqtflfké‘r‘fiufl‘n‘ 0:21.." “fogs:- ‘; Greeley not only publiuhes and and”! aponded to by J, U. Neely, Esq.) Vigil, but, nllffling to Honey and other.” The follnwing, in compliment of NioCap- [WWW 0' Lincoln; “Id”: , 3 min of ‘he hwy“, was handed in as a“, 3‘ Proved 'I‘RAI'I'ORS 'nrel‘efhn office - volumeor toast: _ J: reprasenmtivesoflhiynned Male» abroad.” (ants. _ - - . ~ 'm ".'”. "1 . nemi...aJami'ii‘ltgmfzhfi(ll323l33433l33:l . WW ”W .‘““ 59’“ fl "“53 WWW 09m“. May he rmjnv' long life, great ha]; of prominent 9.3 mm”, Republicanx, Demo -32:2: 3;“ p;o