!Pg 1 TERMS. O The Coll-Ls": is paw-ibed every Monday marn'n‘gbj Hung], Sr mu. at $1 75 pm nnnnm pixid smelly I! [LDVAxcz—S'l 00 per nnnulli if notupaid inmdvnncc. No cuhcriiniom’ discontizn}l7d: unlos- At the apt'mn of (h)? yublifiher, unt‘ilgfll arranges nru pnid. : J '_ 4 Anvnnséxnfli Inserted at the um»! mien. Jon Push”. dbno with _ncatnms and dispatch. 2 J Ob‘rmi in shut]: Baltimore Itr'Mt. dirnctly Oppmim \Yxénplvn' Tinning Fumblishment ”"00”de Pawns“ Urnlcz" on the sign. rauor. GOD’S ANVII'u Pain's Turn: God's hr' And all In ‘ :ncc heat within me quivers, Vath upoq therame doth blow, I soul in angu sh shivers, ’ ‘ . ble-s It the flgry glmr; ' Whilier, “ .\n Cod _l‘ill !" {lmm fire, how mu. And gre' And yet! And in lglfi fie tomes lid lays my heart, all healed, . ard anvil, minded so ‘ , I,n fair sliapfic to beat it , g'rent ’hnml‘ner, blow on May; hisper, " ._h Cod' will!” ‘ . heiu'iest filows, hold ‘slfllh . ly softened, heart and'bcptb it; I 3 fly off at ever]; Muir; ‘ o‘er and u'cr, and hem): it,< ‘ it cool ulnd make; il'grnw ; ' lxiipur “A: God vfill l’ ' .I mighty hand, lruld still. ‘, 9n the . (atoms: 0 With hi Aug let I Andl m. hi Ile takes I The spa. He turns it Andlcts And yet I And,‘§n hi ‘Vhy thou ~ Thfis‘on i I umrnlnr? for the sorrow ‘ .longcn-livecl would he ; l come, and-will, to—morrow, ; ld' has dguc his work in'meg inning, " A}: God will !" ‘ ng loxllxe endr bold shill. ‘ for my profit hurl-Ix 's glowing, fiery hrunll, llcx\\'icst_;lllows'nrcvsunEly by a muster lulnd; “ _ flying, “ .\5 (10d will 1" n 11m), und sufl'cr Mill. _ l ——-w/ul:u_: SHH‘III In up mu Whpn G Bo hwy. And, in'm ne kimilt Amfutin And all hi Inflicu-d Sn I Bjt)‘, I And Emu: n firtllnnrnng; AITHFUL SENTINEL. • THE The Pn- ch Army Iny omcnnxpod', only about 2:. (ln' 's max-ch l'rnm’erlin. The ~inn tim‘ls worcldouhled, and the mhst ntllt'k nr defi giVeu,g for thq Prussian and .\unriun lpiei we plenty land tiloublusnme‘. M midnight ierre Sanrnin émH/S'lfl‘lfln'll‘sl at one of‘the utpm-ts. Ila-“1:13 a >t(fl)t.lmlll, shréwil in 1. and a: good soldier. Tll9 (~01. one! of his rogimvnt Wm with the var‘ponnt on lllxl‘lgczl , having: requested to ln- called it midngl t, that. he might. {'i's'it me out— wk- : ‘ ~ ' I . "Pierrbfiil’ he said, nl‘tm‘lho men hall boon pasted, ‘i‘ybu must keep your (‘ch out-n.— Don't leQ Liven a. stray horse. gb gut or “my: ‘in withn'mhe pays. Do )‘9 1 umlm‘swfngl ?" “A.“ot'lwiun cploiml,,l‘>lmjl he prunljr." § “The {I g): are all fnrpmlzl ui.“ pui'xuod ille uflimhi"nml you rmanlnrluu careful. )nu‘t trill! mun nbr bl‘ule:.:" ‘ 1 “Novefifear.” wit; Piex-I'e‘s anL-m‘r, a: h} brought ,‘léis firelobk t 9 hisl shoulder? and {um-ed lnzlék a pace. I l ‘ 3 Aftnr t) 1 the guard mox'qd on‘tn tlmnoxt pod. and d'ioxrr's ' '3“! in {lt be hnd | The grow. _a long Tu, ll‘u-rrc Sunqoin 'rfngheft “Inge... 0. t was one 'of the mint inipurh .cump, or mil-M1 nroim-l it. and *n plat-H] {ln-n- MP flu}! rmwpn;— (l ovu-r \flnirh lné find go “all: wus H,‘ bounded at m k end by a huge at the otlu-r Ll6] tug nu‘ny film a in’which w sen ml-n- u'l'uil- rock, an narrow MO laws. but] this come 1w grnumljvm low and [faggyg so ‘thnt n n") I‘l could not paw it. Thl» :‘rock was to Hi \rvjwm-gl“ and ‘ Piérrc's *ulk IMF. to its'out r side. 7" The nigh! was quite dm j. hug-er mns-ws (Of—clouds? floating o'vcrlw: i, thutlingjg nut the gun-sf: and a sort of f 0 Ewogmmhto ho rising algfo from thfimmiihdfl‘he hind thinned hrough the cops ‘in Eh}- fin‘ilw, and [he iir wa: dump and rhi Whh a plow, Moldy trend, the m die gpabml hi< _muzntl."elver and. anon stnptu‘vn‘ gm lVi . g are as resolute, perhaps. but nowiuo nun s 4 », ‘ Plant: and thht it hoespncmlly nggosted toi -‘ Tl b,- 'ltl --fl, tl 9 [ii l h tnpn restored!" . all frienrin‘of peacetind constit. tinnnl liber-; 313:, fart: emf»: :i-glmciictciggrittenflu imbue prophmics' ty} irreslx-ctire of port“ to a rim upon a.‘ meii’a facmin 5“? “we“ « l is which have led. J9mjeh"t"d. WWW“. bu“ {0" tion “11'"! “,The [irrithiing of the. country is hnv n and éommercidl,’ p" um“). ." ‘ . l its efi'ecfl upon thi- Republican renders;- n im‘i’l'e,” mm "m ‘ editfter pie flange of the r.. nitrous! the , jun-ll it-shonldtwrthv poopl’g’elamor‘mg f: ”mph” and it isi _ lion-s ndJOu ned to lime-mt tl amii°f‘*f°~’.l’.‘;§' andl bfiadhjmluipz will?!“ slim - Jti the the R l clmirmap of tho masocmtigrl of Democratic w: Em“ on J‘3 l" ‘ " ".’““ ._“e l. “- ‘ nif t, e- editors of thd State some t' - d .6" th of mills, factoneq md’l‘Oundnes still. lrtgmocrutic party‘ 3 " ' "n urmo e temntlesn. ‘ . 4 “its own colors. { summon: ‘ “ Th 6 delay qf ithe war in Virginia. ' after tidy, and w'cpk after week. is dentl (, Northern funntidism, and. no "my ‘hope. to Southern altruism. War ho grow heavier. ‘Rlld‘ voluntaers nre‘ barkwnrd; 'j'l‘,h_e rarest trouble and con oompyihg nryl‘nnd. and of holding ginia at'ba .is being realized. "06" m grentor.to conql‘i‘pr and hold suhieot. e slave State. ~lf Dim-ain't; forces intho Congress evince no disposition to com mise, but. on the other hand, do their most to drive on this civil warnve mn'y Feet an upheriving of the masses in mules never yet {was seen.'*. I never trust it,- ee ‘nhead qt least 1119 attract i 0 make up .0 Delmmre many men lzvgr held in Tldély larger (here. isted by at. T.. on E: was both @1951 in the I believed M IEI li NE BOWL/AIS A—YE (icly. . j . eve the effect of ”15 41 oxnl' tlu- Will’ party. i d nlenL under the HM I 0 I nion‘, will be the-sul Sta gdvernmenta, and Eco snlielaled‘ goveynmcn re ~dcrél constitutinn. ‘ at we: ‘lepdlex- our 31%: nut rs Bayard and Saul! lnlv pntrioh‘c stand (lul -3 sc- ond amnion of the he‘Jmaixltt-mmcc of the 5 g 0 ionr pow distracted c anprstly request them tr. m nm to bring the civi‘ ngqoyer us like an iucul'n an I tlml. iflp theirjudgl ‘ plcsenls itself whortlhy mix ml. advocate the nb'ldt e linimd Stalks govern! “hencel of the Confed: aficu “Pd prqsp‘em y In: --——7——r¢ . o—«——— l “Let There, he Pence.” , l A grand Union! dom‘bmtrhtion of the I mocmcy of 01¢? Ngrthem Lazar-m. Pn.,t ylnce on ‘Saturda , Juno 15th. The p 1 loving men of 'Flee'tville and sun-(rum conntry, in «avoidance with 3 notice ‘ vionsly given. cohvyned at the above I: l fioned place 'fo‘rlthe purpéio o'f ’nisin‘ l hitkory pole, on which mic to be placed 1 notional colonellhe llag'to he‘ prewntecl Mae ladies—and 5b counsel togegher forl rescuing of the ntry iromdespotidml destruction. 1;? meeting wu cslledi ouler 3t [little as; two o'clock; P. 11 The polo—a. splarndegi hiékory. 1261eet in length—bod build to its top I beau (ul qtreamcr hearing The motto, “ l’m‘m‘m midi)» may." At'n‘gi en signal thefing w'i'p‘ run up. It. had on ei§mr side of ital/us gran ncl. work a brgaknlig tly oblong circle ofthifty four m, in the‘{ centre of which In: the American ugh, bearing in hia‘beok . dim ble scroll, np‘on which mu; inmibéd the mdto—" LET TiERE BE PEACE." The presentation Ipe‘. h wan node "by ACA. Chase, Esq; ‘ g _ A " This flag is firesented by (he Indies-to _lhe Democracy of Benton. M afmemarial, of their devotion to the cause of freedom, misting that you will ever keep it unsullied from the hands of tyrants-9th“ you will' nevbr, by any aggfwz're mall, raise the battle hlque to sever one from out the eirclet of its stars, cemented together by the blood; of our patriot fntheu: and if invaded by a forcignfaa, you will bear it tridmphantly to‘ n victorious peace. May it Ever' mwe over mm too free to be ruled by tymu, lpo bravo to yield to dapotax' , . 1 An spproprioto responio nu made by‘ Theron mm. 33%. in bohuronha Dembo, my of‘Bentont Speeches were also made by Hon. W‘illit‘mbiorfifield, of Hyde Fulfk, PME; B.x. Hill, ofProvhldnoa, and oflhn‘ The genuine spirit of untorrificd Democracy is fully Win Luzerne. , Democntio leggy; i_n Punt“ Oounfiy, Al 1 meetingof the Democrats ofimdo’fil in' Fayette confity. Illinois. thafollowifig resolutions were Adopted : . . ' Raolwd. By the Dammit. of burden tnwm-hip. that we love our coming; Sh“ we Are in favor of fiie Un'mn as Lt omm 0:: istcd‘E-tlini we are apposed to nhy gut of our Union waging war against tho name part; and are in favor of n peLwisful oomfim mine of our present difficultiem :~ . ' Rmolrad, Thatu lover: of our countrymo do not feel willing to {alga up um» And shed fraternal blood. unless on; councry is invaded. \ - " ' ‘ , ‘ mum; Thee we will ad and aids! the party nowjn 'powei to bring about ' upeedy‘ nqd pence‘nble‘ settlement of our Himculfiiefli . Raolml, The: while an Democrat: Ind patridts we believe it to be our duty to Imp port and mniutnin (he Governmentgn every emergency, yet we ‘wwt Republfcefis, so cal led, to distinctly understand that we will not. and cannot be drngoonml into the lap port of Aholitionism in any form. Resolved, That. We deeply mourn the loan ofSLephou A. Douglas, as the greatest M9ll. 3] lose our country could have In. the pmn‘ criais. 13.31. mcgmrow, Chm S. Mclizxsu, Secretary; ’ , v Q. fasc ted : = V 0!) 0 th in tion Eli )1100 0 II“ sub- 0n the sth of April, 1850, in the ,Sennto of fine Uniled Stafes. Ge’heml J ammfihiolds, tlienn Senator from Illinois, said :—-“ Than are only two _principles empldyod in the goierumcnt of the politicnlwo‘rld—farhmd mm mmiae.‘ Some natinns'nre gove‘rneul by half: principléa, others byforcc alone; but. this is the only government that has ulwiys been gbvemed by oomproi‘m'se sing» the fullndufiofl Of the Government, "and it'niu-tt. eqntinue to be so gifverngd so long :9 ll cgn'tinuca to ho a Regublic. Sir, when 94m:- promiw (mic, force begfna, ind Mien force Jus gins war begiia; and the Main"! jaw is me death [mu of Wmmww ‘ ‘ US > rim 8 of VP!" this I. on of u 1' 'ury 136111 3' 9908 WThe' present clout-ta of Lia éolitiml clyrgy will bring forth a large‘crpp offinfi: deluxe-flu]; that! Many persbns regud these Nialmuient clerical imimptingx Ito slaughter, devastation and havoc. h evihc ing 1:. like feeling Wigh ch). savage. in “mi! {var-110399. The enemies of religion. bring forth 0. ans Evidences of nvnge feeling; M proofs of their assergioh that Christiipni'tj is n humbug. its temples byt whited' [spa]; ~ res, mid its teachers mere hype-minds,— §en nomidernte men, tsy- d' ':= ' - ' .v-lournal 12/ Commerce > ~ ? of irib. ‘und 1 on- ent ‘tlm All japfight but Aboli!ioni.m.—’l‘he Presi |den¢ has been tendered regiments of- Eire.- mcnfsmrp Shooters, Hunters. John Smiths. Ro ' Im, indium, Negroeif, State prisdn Cym vjcniHn short everything and everyquy exm- ,t 9101.10 who made the war, mill now my ‘nmt about fight” We hive not bent-d of fine first regi‘ment, my, the first Company of Abolitioniszs‘. , ‘ ; ' ~ ; ad nth, Winged: (In! fodcm.—-If n Democrat‘px ‘presxes m opinion sguimt Mr. LingsquA's war policy; the Repdhlicam forthwifl: ido nounge him It “ truibr.”» The Raphblichm can, übune J udge 'ljnney, nyery'muoh w ~ and better man that, Line'oln is or -‘ E. a’nd it is all right. Praise Abufitiobm 4nd you are it pntridt; suppoj-t the Coukti altjxon in a consistent truthful way,’nnd your tire}; tr'nitor—so say these Republicmi ju’dgefl— Taxman we.) Union. (: \ « ' !MB i uuil lnn {-ml me, gh mle . > - «A.» —-»—-—~—-—- '\ Rig/Int.~—The Mead ville qublican I £11“ a person h: that coun'ty “has bfieq a rented and bound over in the sign of 3300} f!!- swer tha charge of riot, for an mpvfig to farce serum! persons to display thé nlon flag.” this: is 91m rightwny townie 411th“ impatient elm-of peoplp, who nrefeouta’nt 1y troubling themselves übmgt othcis’ pairi btism. In most cases, "mas vyl'wm they’r tempt to cast opnrébrium npon.'am f 4- bac ter UI-ionmen' than themselvefiwob'rh Ob am'cr. ‘ 1 , . Jon- Drmbflalic Start ('oan in (Mia—Tho Democratic Stat? Central Committee . 91' Ohio hos-agreefl upon'vf‘the 7th of Bengt-whit néxt u the period fol" the nontimon Mlt Demgcrhtic tirket in Ohio for Governor 36d “ othor‘Smte qfiicm, to bc 3|:me at the ensuing October election. " * ‘ '0" I (18 are I or Drop Lem-Klw—By s recent rr-kuia‘l‘ioq of the l’oalofiioe Department. which does nqt, seem id be generally known, nil drop (can: must he wwpuid, otherwikg they“ am 56nd to the dead letter office, as other unp’nid latr ters. - ' é .____., ' CMqfi-Jmfice Tang—The Lon Tela-' gnphspeaks' Maniac Tnney ud‘n nun tojlie mulgglfwfihh the club of mu;- trious Ameripam whb urn luthoritiel ohm; in’ourowu oougtsi" I ' , . RBI-into dihpatchos mdouncsfimo discovery orphemvy defalcntion in. the Nah York ,C'eptml railroad compqy. 89“ $llO suicide of the treasurer. . 4 ' ‘ Premium for Firm—‘Tlle gncu‘t‘ivo 9' committee of the Illinois Agfioulkwfl 80- 3 ciety Have issued a‘ circular “nouhcjngj their déwrminagion to add‘ 3 nu of‘pnm- f iums fot- fire arnn, innonnectiou with (geis- 1‘ regular list for the flit t 9 bg hold 110550.50 in September next; I _ ‘. he by ‘he hd Kifledfiy Lighthinp.——M_r. Wmc. ,nobm. son, one of the finest-enterprising and sub umntial farmers. of Malayalam edunty. Md.. was instantly killed by lightningflm Wednemlay weak whilst riding froin his field to his house. He leaves a vldow and numerous children. The horse [lg n lid ing was also install tly killed. ' 7, trickled to Death/ Bay‘s when they , Arrive at age; girls, the first time they ky‘ 2 their hand against meat pattern. ‘ yam bmding'hom keepe’r aim-um nm “gammy! like «yo mm for breakfast-menu. Wham»: i ‘ fihwfit preserved poéstéu ’ui npw prepured’in London. The article in 5062- ed in ash minutoim wd produul "9106 M dish,“ maihed potatoes. , fiGeorgo D. Prentioe'u mange“ no. in capfnin of l (hmfedente company Nada: Genenl Pillow. in» fleece airfieap sheared It To lOdo, “week, weighed 29“». . _; ‘New York mid Brook I weatho'rmmwredm2s £10131?!“ '-” . - Air Illinois. Wu it Prophetic? 11::=