IVllll 7 l.l,l4Cifw, the Clix-(mnéu i‘: publiilu‘d P‘very' Moadny mvlrllivig,sby Hrs“ J. Srmu, at $1 75 [WP ammm—fi'fpaid «'trictly _n' gnYANmt—fiil 0“ yer zmmun if not paid iii alumna. _Nu' summ-iption (iis'cnnliuued. unless: at Hu ‘option of the publidhcr, gutil all anmngw awn paid. I ' ' Anvrmnnxfix’rsinurtmlutthnumnlrate“. Jun menfio {lane with‘ postnwq and dhp'uvh. " , 1" =_ I)” m: in SdZuLh P. ultimnro Vstirotjdiroftly .omumtv \\':un'g.lur~t’ 'l‘hunng H<tnbliphrfiont —“onru.£n lbusnvu Urrlrz" on Hm fig". (my @113»: 7* IiAIT AND UAkPPV. I'm thexonel M’s g-Iy nnd happy, ' ' Wheresu‘e ! chant-(- to Be, And 1‘“ do w; but to phvnsoyon“ If you will but. lint to me. (lion's-So e! We wild world wagns it will, ‘ H be [my and happy will, Ga and happy, any am! hflbpy, [ll be gay and happy an“. ‘I onry with 1- Front or'weallhy, ~ {'merty [ eu; demise, ‘ ‘ Le! mr he 00 nlented, heullbfi, \ And the bon I'll dv-xu'ly prize. Clunrs-—-So cuhe wild “orlld wag, to. The'rich hnv enreiz we little now of, Au “ml. gl tters is naygol , Murit’s whiu' made n slmw nf, < , Ant] true orth is run-[y t 4 Id. ‘Efimuus—So M the wild world wag. tr. " lithe Pre-zirl nt would sit lu-lgrillc me, 0 ll'll sing my: song \t ilh ux‘unngh-e, Foul-I might laugh. and Lumen-1 den-1c! me, Still I'd g.yv mul lmppyl lbc.‘ ‘ ('nonps—Sn at. the wild \\ orlll wag, kc. I rare for all yet (‘an for no 61w, 1 Tlmyr tlmt lu wrll m-ml um; fvnr, A ‘ llikemmnli d and tho uurld'lo llWl‘" on, Wllnt else nakei {hi4 lll'v s“; tlc-lII‘ (‘lmuhs——b‘o rt the w ill! mull! “ 11g, kr. gfigimllungmw. DECLARATIQMbr "5629 - [33153 ’ , J‘,L'L\'44. 1‘776. , l 1» 4 . . _ “'hon. in ”5:3 com-«e oflmmnn c-vnntu, it lif‘t‘fllnluj nncmfmry for mm ponplv tn (lizwh’e the political hunk “hioll lune connected them with an‘ ”101';an to Muunv, mnnnfz the anPN affair! (yd-(h. (1.19 sr-pnrutv, and equal stnfion ,0 which the-leuw of nalurv 5" and of lgaturo' God entitla them. a th-m-nl rmiwct l’o thq ftpininnu of mankind limluirm' lithat Hwy shodhl; declare the causes which _ impel thohl hi the sr-pmutinn. ~ , \Ve bald thfm ‘rulhs‘io lmsalf-nvidont. that 111’! men grc cream] "l 5”! : that they nt‘efinflmved y their ('rmtmiwith Mrtnin milinnjihle rghtgl'f that unmti: thirst-flare life, liberty. n l thé Tun-mi: of happiness. That. 1:) son ' these righu, govommnnh iu'é imfitutm} amnng nwn, thriving their jmt powers f any the gonsontuol'jhe gm"- Prnml‘: that, nyhonekvor any form of gova'n mentiwrdme. destructive nfthmo omh, it i-t the might }f-,tha qweoph- to alter o}: to nimiixh it. nnl to institute a: now govern mnnt; laying ixsifnumlutinn on “ut‘h |lrinri~ vim. and agonizing itq linwcl‘i in mch fin-m. :n tort m shall SPMTI mmt likc-lv tn pfl'vct th’Pfi“ twaty and - h‘nmiinnw. l'rn dmngfidami. , 'ill dictate thiit. gnrflrmnnntf lnfig bita’lnlkh d, slmuhl “at he changed for light. Him in: iont. leaner»: ; mid. «wording hf. nll cxpori nce hath shégfn. that man kind nut/mar dignified to {-ufl'urhihiln evils are vufl‘ernlilmjthan tr) right, thomh-qu lay sin-dishing thpi forms- to which thu'iy ztro ac cmtnyne-L' B hwhmmtnngtmiu n‘f MWKM add us‘urriati w, purcuing invariahlv’the nme ohjflfrt, vim-rs nulodgn tn rmlum tht‘m umlPr a { lute ilotpntium. it ii their richtfit is‘ “air duty. to throw nfi‘ ‘llt‘h .; o vrnmont, id to prm-i-lc- now glru-ukfur their future E urijy. Such hm been the patient wife mg of file-semplnhim. nml rich ii now fl ilvas<ity ¥i hit-h Ranch-nine 0:0me alter their fqrnft-r syetoms of gov- amine-lit. TM history of Hm [II-went king oCGrmt 'flrfitfi‘is a history of rnpnatml in juries and usurpatinm, all having. in «Erect objrct,‘ the esL'lblishim-nt of 511: alwolute tyk'mny m'ér $999 States. "To provevthit. let facts be 811 itted to a camljd work]: "a has refu (1 his mmnt to law} the mmt wholesome §n§l nqu-sx'iry for fine public good. . i ' 1 He‘hu forbjdden his Gm‘ernnrc tn _paas law‘s ofjmqupkc and pressing iyumflanve; unlusiw smpcild‘rl in tlmirgnponitjion till his assent shouhlzige obtained ; and, wl’K-u m slxspfgded, hé gm Intel-I} neglected to al téfi’d to them. ' . x d to pay: othgu- Saws for the of large diclrictu nf paopia. ‘ pleynuld rolinquish the ' tation in the'leghlnmre: a £3lO them, and formidable Ha ha: refu. . ,accommodation nnléss those I ! right. of represel right. ‘ine‘stima to tyrants only. x togoumr legislétive bodies 1!; ‘nmmfonahle, and dis [pogtory of their public I- L pd‘rpo'se nf fatiguing them I 'ith h}; measures. ed npresentnflve houses ‘Epasihg. wig). nlalfly'firm us on the rights of the He 11;”, calla pt. planeslnns 3.11 m. from the d cords. fortlue so 110.10 compliluce .Hg has diasol (lepeatedly; for v uezs. his invas' people. To? a long time after such ‘ use omen-s to he elncted ; slativa powers, incapable I ave returned In Unspec iair exgrc§se; thorState re eantime, exposed in all 5 ions troy) yithout. and has ref - Idiémlutidm, to . ‘whe'reigy the le_ \\. ' of “nil-Elation, pic at late for H 1 mainingffin the lum danger of in' ‘ convulsions withi] _ . He has'; endeavgjd to prevent the popu lation of these has ; for that, purpose. obstructiag the 13w! for uatnmlimtiou of foreignets; refnuwg t 3." pass others to en conmge pheir miggztion hither. and raising the conditions of: new ipptopz';tiona of .119 ha: obstruct the adminiétmtion of justice. by requnE his “sent. to laws for osmbruhingjudipi y powers. ‘ . He his mule jlldges dependent on hisl wilt alone, for M tenure .of their offices. and the mount fund payment of _their sallries.l .3 . ‘ ‘ ‘ He ha? erectedamnititude ofnew officos, and sent hither firms of oflicnrs 8a harass our neophyugd gag their substance. I Be ha kept 3111413 us, in timed of pm! standing arming-without 'iHe consent of our ‘ legislatures. . ' 1 He has afi'antad to render the tummy independent of, mid superior to, She ,dvil power. .. ‘ . : Hahn‘s combined, with others, to subject nob I flurisdicfioni forgign to our éonstilu— tion. Ind mknéwlbdged by our laws; • , I B" H. J. STAIILE 485;). X’ear; givipqhh Mai-Int to their Inew of pretended logi-déuion : . 1 , .For quarterim; largo Lodies bl‘ armed trmps Hmong IN: . E ‘ _~‘. Fur protecting (ham. by izmocl: trial, from punishment, fnrzvm‘p' lnurda-mwhich they ~lmuld commit bug tflm inhabitants of their Staten ‘ ( ‘ I For culling of!" our trad; wiiln nil the world :' ‘ E f For impoeing {axes~ M 115‘ with cqw.-nt ’ Fur depriving ll‘. in l [mm-fits of trial l)y_jury§ l-‘nr tl‘fllflpfll'llng ug trim] for pfl‘U‘HdOll nfl'm For :iliulishing thell'rfi lan's in :\ neighlmrinz’fi lin:.g,tlmrwin an nrliitrarj ‘ enlarging its Manning-ital ntpnce an example an ‘intrinlucing the sum?! tlmwvcnlnnios: 4 t "l 9 i For taking away our I h 1101‘“. abolishing gour moat vnluublc Innis. n l::iloring.l'umlu l mentally. thp powers of o rrgnwrnuH-nhizr ' l-‘ui' su=lwndingour 9\ n l -gisluturus. and rim-luring themselves inn :led with #o.»er lto loui<l.nte for l.” in a}! :1 es whatsoever. i A I]? ha“ alfilicatml go '9 nnn-nt h‘prc. by ' slur-luring uq nut of his p 1» ‘éction, mill wag !ing mu- agnimtluc. z .3. l ‘ g "0 has plunder-«1011f . 3:. ravaged our _rnu-Js. hurnt. our townx‘hai Ll «imitm’lod the ,liw-u-ol'nur people. i ; ‘ l 5 Ha is. 111/lull)! ti‘méK; nsport'int: large armim of foreign merce’m 395 to coluplclo ; tln- wurk~« ot‘dvathdlmdhltm. and tyranny. Enlrra-ly li‘gun. with circ'mtetunpen ol‘ cruol ty and porfiily foircuhl l rallelml ‘in the mad, l-nrhumu: agos‘runn tally mnivurlhf the hem] pl 3 vivilivml h}? n: ‘ ‘ . He 'hu'q cunst'miuccl" l fvllowwiitizofiz, ' taken cnplivn on tho ll" firm; to lu-ar lat-luringainst their enhnlry to become the ‘ gmoclftinners at their girl -m s nml ln-i-11-N-n, (or to fall thqnw-lrrz hy h iulmnds.‘ ‘ , 1 lie Ir.“ excilml Illm wt 0 inturrm'tinns lamnuyut IN. and llfl‘l‘! 9 li‘. mrml l‘o bring on the inhabitants of uT l'rontiq-rsn thé ;mercilm§ liulizm :‘wan m, whme known rulv of warfare is an n nliixlinguihhml «10. -structinn of all :Igei. so A, and conditigns. l In cvéry stago of" tlul e Liquromium, we :hm‘n lll‘llllfllh'd for rvln is, in film “an l humble lei-Ins} mfr rope tel petitions Imm l lm~n answered nllly'lby r :Ith inj ry. A -' prim-o, whose Pltarzu‘ter s huff ma ll‘ml by mmry nut which m‘ay, detln<{ a lyrant.‘ is an» [it to he the ruler of hfr ' hoopla. i . ; Nor have we hm-n W114i”! in_ “He lion : to our British brethren. L liq haw “Parnell ‘ them. fron'n time to time; ottle‘mpta mudo Iby their logidature lto xi. ml an unwnr‘ 'ranl‘uhh-jurisdiction ove 111 k, ‘l’l’e hsiufrm lminnh-d‘thcm of the vi nnl~t§lwm of our y emigration and settlomc It I we} Wt} liuve ’npln-alml 10 their native‘ u~‘ ‘op‘nnll ma'gnzi lmimity. and wq huve‘coln III: (I them, by the“ ities of our mmmou hi lklllml. la‘ d‘ismowL (them lunrpnlimu, whic w )ullll inevitably iinterrupl our connexio I and correspon- Jlonoc. ‘They, too, have l n (leaf to that i mine of jmtice and ci’vns ngninily. We _ must. therefore. m-quiofife ' n the m- ts'ily‘ ”finch donouncvs our a nr tion. and mld ! thmn. a: we hold the reign ~mankiu%ao ‘ mim in war. in peace, frl ’ l. WO. thorol'ore. the—rep: ‘ n iUN’ITED H'I‘ATI‘E‘ 0F A 4 1 ERAL GONG RIBS.“ mm ‘ tho Supreme Judge of t l reptitudo of Mir intentiox l 21ml by the authority‘nft [these colonies, snh-mnl lclarrn. That. these Unitm ‘\ of right ngght to he, Hr. Alto fixnarnxnnw sums; that they an: H! 'oll'ed fq‘nm fill 111- leginnce tn the British r ”.'” and that all Ipolitical cennrxinn he! on t-lmminnll the [state of Great. Britain, is ntl ought “Kb“- totally dissolvedgmd'th c, .FREEMND ’INDEPENDENTIS'TL‘j Jammy lmw- full power to lqu war. ooncl ‘e, anemoutmct alliances, establish com or ‘jeJln to do all r nthér acts and things Hillel: I) ”PEN { DENT SUNS of r ghl do. A ‘5l. far i the support of flflml tihnL with a nu reliance on the pfiatectio Vol‘ Dunn PROVI m-zxca, we mutually pl , "alto each other, ‘ our liveS,our {minimal our sacred honor .10er H Nde‘K, I’m’l. A Fu’nd .fir Mt. Dory I*. anily.—The Chicago pa rs rpuhlish n {mltlmss to the people of £2 United S tesfhut more; par ticnlarly nf Illinois. set ng. forth the fact that Mr. Dong?” diet] xvfing no font of earth on which his fnmi‘fi ca‘h reside and call their own. ”is wid Has given t 9 the State thgthree acre lot as I‘Qsting piano for the remains of her hm-l d. The address invites vdluntary mntribgtiops to a fund to be administered by trustees: to provide a hpme for the widow and children of Mr. Douglas. 4: Decline in {he Rrucnues—The‘l‘ foreign impor tah'ons M New York coq‘tinhe to dwindle, and‘ the government reyenhxe from that source bu fallen 90 :1 var! trifling figura— Tho customs receipts a}. that Part, on Friday lust, and the aggregate for; the week did not, “is stated, exceed $lOO,OOO. ••=2E=l A Fowl}: 43" July 01%!»an Edward Eucrell. ~—Hon. Edward Everett, at the request. of n number of the citizens of New York, will deliver an ovation on the fourth of July unit, at me Academy of Music, in ll)“, city," The subject will be : “ The present Aspect; ‘of'tlm Nation.” An entrance fee will be charged for the benefit of the families of Abe volunteers. fifresidant Semi, of BrOWn Universilty, has two sons in tho new Shade Island Regi ment, who each hold the commission of second lieutenant. ' ‘ W A Sfdsonalrlc Hint—Don'tlunderluko throw cold water on yum- vnite‘s dm‘. g schemes, unless you want: do gotinto- 11 water. . l . Ammmmmm AW FAME] JCOURNAL, ‘ Baw’for Cabba. :E‘lward Car enter. a. con Hie Ponnsvlva'liin l-hrmrr (Iqu yqar tmlml th value of En! and with \‘uthmflnry tequila. ‘ out hi< cashing: , he‘wntnred‘ on ”if“? times week with J 1: ”ning about. 1 J grainq of fit! 'l‘ r" cabbage gmew Immxliful] u very finelyf while thmd F: It watpr givet the-m pmdl‘ 11%.4‘15. which “(are fit for :m [I :m boiling. Ruin water \ ; 3:4 'no time. an. in the sum ti?!) salt. mute He does I strong a solutipn ol' the no t 'anuhl lwnr without injury. l| fiq’d that in solu mt no slmn ‘ [1:161] is deride ly bonrficinl _ 1 ——-~ -<-.»« ‘ {gaming ()Ima for nut M wrilrr in ll "on mq-utmadenu Newllaven mlglingntables ni'ulnl? fin ofEt'renln.-:L< tthXflor i: 31:53 mm: and plpc d in the t‘ eiiuugh pct-um this: for c) (Mimi in two 0 lhren minu “nude by the w t‘vr In» innnd ah“ hix‘ theory ‘lhut them thin coming uf he glnhulp so‘glkmflvw it I‘m! a flight it"‘umLthe lumiq' Mum-. 4 at [wrimom came ‘2,in be nice Inglikur. ! , I artq of on y our I Furmy crux-q; of the | Kyflflll sea I to be 1.- nglish amid-1- )1: anti v i "o'o, m: OVel‘llHlf‘ 1 Tit.h.r it to r n t for l inalrun o‘lute' r} 'e imp il‘lursrs' Fn'l qnwirr lIHN‘II h‘nflns nl' tlu- d «nuns Whit'] holy-11: rivl anklc- uftlw Imp lx-Nzunl'ng on film dry [lla Mail‘fle. Ah. I rsons «com (hit wny’ “my Nl5. [heir h I'olle the llur~ was never tn e. and that; [nuihlo it! “("1” if ”my lm cowhide I awry time the) wontnut. 3 («1311.9 funk fur $10k! ground lhf‘ won-M ’mnli vallefiw. at my; .1 Lmflh‘ing hasgiven lo stmges or Humpk— Uln'ofitr: i . —‘—--—.g-—— «ow: , 12w 'l']: Tim": any Liyfllrnth. lyl [.:L'pnrs rt-u q’tly nsH-hml knml fiu-t th t. bum-h tr .str ”My liuhlnfugz. and tha hu .Wn'tn lmlin H. it mu qu Huh" tn Ink.- «lioltm- nndv thi'fifirvo. when» tht-y might My} sufmy. TI is is n' gl’v lhq’hlgh it might not lu- wgrl v u‘l‘tt that. lmil I In-lioM-d < might. in «mu-.‘u‘tunvm, I ’ wq n-m‘m. 'l'h u’ritl-rnt'lh oHEie 135-. rn-xixhjl "or thu .q»: in he drum tit-wk of (In I’éx‘nipvh-nniJ. \th-n the w‘ In Me n“ n mm . tli<tunm nfl with thi~z oxeé‘dinn.’ thnr hn'lhtat'pn t'm- t‘w warn of \V ‘cm‘l say “fifll [-n‘rl'm-t ‘ hdm si‘vn war ‘ ot'hem-h t hm 1:41“le Ingmhn élm'trio huh-with ’nm- “In hrimh l tin-+5) tor fire m H.—-l§w‘on ‘ v‘ —— " «00>» ” ~ A Fice Profit. ho Lam-2NO ‘l'.) ,n'ru nf a A gA-nth-m: n uhu wax” : shut-:1 f'm: Pl hulohihit M .‘y a (mutt-av r then- to l a;'~lt]t|:“l-dl the vuluuta if l-mwht in In! city at ni film's ' El'i‘ IE I do: ‘ ' an) ‘ tdl' I S. . -s nfiativofi ‘pH 1‘ flIUA. h} '6' EN: lgd, appéhling to. eWVorld (‘6: the , $O, in the mime, (- .061! people of ) mum and de (‘ kmieé are, and han; can rE3 I ulnklrml and fil‘éy to two hm in" it. all mgule (up into cart hing [pm “"59 (ulnar differ?!) ‘gvletho largest, “ ing for» fir the mun gels min: a smalle anlllso on down tilting small oulr'nnoe in the ngnzine is .3 lithmme. large lant ranged wilh n orl. of bull throw a light. i to (he ms: the powder is bei g mrried in. statipned with a' ckd. of w to unto it in megthihg s_ho the antenna. Tl“ uLmOst : preylbn t acciden tr» ‘ I I‘lF'ln the Mqiylnml House 1 on F'tiday week‘tlie resolutioui ’ Mr. mannismFSQ erset,tlvclnr w the ]general go'lel-nment um ‘ and hymnniml, rind «in fun: dink} nmgnition of the .\‘ou «racy, wore' adopied—ypzu 4] ‘; ”—q—Wfl ‘ 7/43: Army Cloaking Contradr——The‘grnnd jury at'Pittuburg‘ have preke‘ tml Messrs? Fruwnntbnl, of Hiltshur'g. anfi‘ Mr. Charles ’M. Neal. of Philadelphia, igent of Gov. .Curtin, for allegeg fraud in lh:e m‘my cloth ing, and Izhe Comtof Quarter" Ses<irms have dirmted the district attorneyfiln draw a bill of ,indictment against those gersnns. . 1 "‘.“s"‘."—‘7_ ‘ Arum Mcctrd.=—Wa see that the rot)”: Sun’mr‘ry and Erie Railroad: (kimpany is again “swamped," notwithstanding the lift out liberal Legislature gave lh¢m last winter. They‘ now proyose to lease t e concern to the Bennsylvmna Railroad nnpuny for a period of 999 years, we prc-su e for the pnr» posedi cresling a corporation Mrong enough to pontrol the politics of thig‘ State for all time cocom’e. Will the gentlemen who vo ted for the thievihg railromlsbilh last. win ter. tell us at about what tinle the State is to lye benefitted b}; their mug—Fm): Scu (inc . :S'cnsiblc.——The Hostestant Episcopal Con vention, at Burlington, N. J', refused. by 3’ vote (If 68 to 8, to trouble therluselves. in any way, with the “ 'Bme of the country.”— Cousidering themfelves n. stgcny Ecclesias tical body, they ‘ls:] not thin . it worthwhile to appoint a spams! commiflpe, npr to start a debits on the war. or the cfiuses of it, and so they *‘ shut down " on s [Woposition that was before them pith aome.such purpose in View, I } [Q‘The Riclmiond Whi mioflly for were!) at 130 l Moat Qf the con tbs had be | i ‘E‘I‘TYSBURG, 9A-, MGNDAY, JULY 1, 1861- 11:]. "l‘hcsu h-rm-hargvd m rang'nm from $3. :5 nel—cc-rminl n nice (I'. ugling ‘fn-ig ..t and com“) -»_o«ly share the profits wit I! ‘ . I ~>—~~;§-‘--‘—’ rfr Way a filler 'Jfllguziu I'] a ,llun a 3 run—"Um I rzulo. at 2111 mm). on Fri d her 'pmvddrl The Trav 1e Colorado ihm n. rod fla l: 40-day. imlimting lhatri {bowler on guard..- All fi ml. out in tlie ship’ at this lsanust hm? a cold dim< ‘ pa mfokml. vin for the ‘ fim Luau-raw.v is to cook ibefln-o llw nlaguzine is on Ie ('nluradn vilane alum igoumlaof flunk-r. Hit Hanks. an: ,Pach tank h “mu-n I: mam-v nxu wnu. ”Emu.” irejspéndent of (I gunk/(er. last It 9r. cabbages, | After planning ‘Hmm some; twu in” water con- Mt m the pint. ly, and headed : which had no cod loose open . o‘herpuq’muo a»; given at the : quantitioi m Inca know ho'w t. 'tllq cabbagns lnt is fully satis er thgn that he The Democratic Cnnvpntion of Balford county, assembled in? Bedfond on the 18th ult._selectnd the followingeicellrntticket: Associate Judge, Gen’. James Burns; 1517:» sin-er, A. J. Sahsom ; Commissioner. Philip Shoemaker: Pirectdr. I out; Worn: and Auditor, Daniel L. pcli nu h. The Con vention then ynnnimpusl mini-tail the fol lowing 's’oundl Democra. K; r' ‘ lutions: ‘ Whera‘u. 'l‘h'b Dembcra ii’ I'm-icy, foryenrs pastyin its Coliven tings, .' m 4 and National, and through its presws mid Hyjts represen tativos in Confirms, di-nirmgkd‘tha .policy of establishing, sectional: parties. holding that the slicer? of suhh Hid} would inevit tahly result i a. bloody . d dmrrible civil war; And-050+”. the p )phi'tic warnings upon this suquct uttered from time to ime; by the great. Hind mad men of the VUnion, are now ‘tfully Verified in the present defile. rubh- co’hditind of our lu-ldvm :mun try; Aml whereas. We‘nrt unwilliuginriw to renounce the opinionis heretofore entertained by .us an to the causes which qpcrutod to bring about the diflioulties in which‘ the nation is involved, or hi] stultil'y oitrskli‘es by endor sing thel politic ldoctrines and p 0 _icy whose triumph in tin: last‘Presith‘nli. election has so fonrl‘ully imperilletlth‘c rpetuity ofthc Union; ; ‘ ‘ 1 'l'lqul‘orr R - Irnl. That an the Democrnr tic party hassloood by the Uliiorr and the Cnnslitutirm. in p‘oace and in lvar, through good mul through evil report. :9. deem it a pleasant and fiatriotic duty to declare our unwavering dmiotion ;to that patrty, its prin ciples nnd usagps, ' t“ ' limo/mi. ’l‘h t while the'preeicnt’ civil war was none «tum-locking. mid whilst we depre cat» and (10-plate its existence, mnl earnest ly hope and p ay ting" the cnrly‘; rbstdratiou of :m honors-bl peace. as Democrats; who luwt- always be ll tru'e to thin Constitution, and whom fmtl y nndlh‘vntirm o the Union, are nttostg-d by h:- wholphistor ' ofonrlives. we feel it our' uty to sustain he Federal (tovernnn nt in‘ the exercise 0 , all itsition— stitntinnnl [mirirsfuits rtl‘nrtsitn nmintain its intvgrity and th contimlauco of our glorious linion er Making. repoflsn stale loctguresJ h 331 by ‘ sult‘toaqhnrt "find from 31h:- wun-lmt until uruinc. is to m. In n trial lhiq to he (mo. 1 nogs'upon‘the of bulk-r, imd L'italion ’hrnaks Dl]l‘(‘,.* ’l‘he‘ex— by apy butter Inislqrp—X‘no happengto “m are orcmioped k flbhrs of the. to (Mark. Mom mesulmt :t'he ‘ mm} for mnis ‘uuid be behe mnt-zm'o putjqn .'Mure dMi‘gh— -the‘ earth of the mine Hum! prnlécl. it frpm “LT. “a ! Inne- ofour dai lit to be a “19” ea wwo no 'm' !tlxis Tm". b 4"; lo common {or i thenfifimingeknf r-m n In I'- t mintqkmplgl l . - .» i‘ y of lI‘O’I‘PC #3- n horn iumX ll H] to fatal enn— <,nl one period 1‘ nf‘fuur yeiam “mid-“N ,ul’ l'vs' huhilnfiéfl]! l'nur illiloc, and “:N PIO ollim‘ -i-,-hm‘~n mull-s. ably .lhut‘ PVC '(‘PS ,l.|mt In“? fluid, and kw» In up;cordslof 111/dx‘v: ! Ream/rm}. TI! pnlrinls yve Ireli part and .‘llsllli ('ulh‘tilll liunznl \n- dwiro “ Roy-j tn undvrstund l he dragonm-d iI ism in any fnrn I 1?. «o’ewi'. 'l'lm :0f the United 1 union lu-lvwen ‘ nuly “HP of m prefix-om wwlifi will suppnrt it, :11]iL.~;|-u|ls, in our iulorprrlall \w-rlml l-niulv~_ ‘i dvvi<inn< 0" {Jul lml Stale“. lu-lit ul¢=t~in~iunc of III: chnuld lu- amp lil‘Y :Ilpinling my, [flaw/rm]. 'r'lii‘ on-I) {mm um] I' \vlwllu-r exvrn-i' lnrs «It the Noun - Modal? says: bout; to [9 a \f‘fl'linniul n. womb-v 3 hen IS Irsz. ‘ ,t my ham: or olln‘r'h'lalciut gln’ $3 50 1o" rntihn. after s~inp§f ”M i the’ contra‘c- I x x _ 1 B ,1. min-. 1 $O,, I K. Stern}:- ‘, hm n 'kfyr says: *3 E .w m: .ma‘st— he 3Q tnkipg on and lighh Itimé. and ill (en-{,Nolhifg ‘lfid‘ N. 'l‘ la minugh the nod. j Hm Nurth. mul nwnl of tho In“ fimrnl.-ngaimo. o country. 1 Ifnm’ml. Thn ‘ofintorfi-rence ry'in NIP sluw‘ Hinton: as pneuc ml by fan}!- Jios at thu‘ N-u-18-h and lhé do Irina (if-“e— -‘ mic-n as prniulllgatwlr by Izmupimtors .’ggainst the Unipnnl llm flout . as oqmllfy s‘uln'c-rxivo nflhi‘ ('huslitu ion the liberty VOI' the ponpln un'd (he ml} 0 (“0 “Mid“. I Rpm/ml. ’l'lmq' the Admin M Mibn ofAn 'drow U. Curtin lilopls‘wiflu ll‘ flirty disap prr-lmtion. and villus-chi“ in Is gammgnmont oftlmmilitaryn him “he '0: mdnwaglth. "It doscryps and fihnufi rece ve the unquali fied mndpmnutipn of¢vvry ntiiotic citizen. Rosa/ml, fl'hntl tlm wide ly immnpt apd fruuduh-nt di.~l.hrsemnfic wig mom: ax» propriations made by the lLe‘isluthre fér the support of glib militaryéof ibe Slate. as exhibited in Hp impnsi on of rotten, uniforms mu] infiufficiml mid nmvholpmme rat inns upon H d In ave‘snldiH-yj of our Cum monwc-ulh, shn ‘lirl he at. omw eqrrvcted and (base guilly i {the premiiiea aevrerely. re buked‘nud pm iidiéd; » ‘1 li‘mnh'rd, Tl: Hf any pm‘eon 'nominaied by this Conventitn, on by the Conferees ap pointed ,by it, sl oulnlmccc-"L a: nominal ion from any other} political way, his pliice 8M” he declared vacant on thy ticket,‘anil the Democratic Count; Committee nrg here by empowered t 6. fill the vacuwy. John S. Schollgofl‘erfd the following addi tional rcsolutioné - ‘ It flflv [lmus fladml in (‘th "In from (mp ‘ drml pounds idges. Each sized cam-“ul- W charge. As size: is uspd, ' t. ‘lSmu‘. the {hm} is mnq'd n is here at .l eye _whinh 'no.~ While amnn Lane; ter prepared;E 1d happen £2O re is used hp, Rmzmz, 'nmume Redford Gazrllc in an efficient and reliable (ix-gm ol’, the Demo. cratic Party andztlmt. we chem'nlly P900!!!- mend it to the patronage of the public. Maj. Patton moved to amend, by adding. “for its {0311955 and independent course.” The amondment having been accepted by Mr. Sahel]. the resolution: as amended, whs unanimously adopted. ‘ .‘ 0f the resolutions the Gaul/A says: '-ol' Delegatea. E suTwmiue-d'hy ng the new of bonslilutional :of an imme hern Confed- I, ways 4. “They embody the true dovtrine—the doctrine of the Conelitlitionalflninn men oflbo country—tho only true arid consistedt friends of the Union; We will stand by thrse Resolutimw, no muunr‘who leaves them: we will adhere to (he. sacral princi ple of Constitutional Lilw-rly which they enunciate, in spite of mclw. civil war, or the bloodiest of amt-chips. Upon that rock we plant. our banm-r, and there It éhsfil remain so long as we can Write :1 line, or'utter a syllable. Exlo I’crprlua .'” ‘ M the meeting to appoint delega'tes in Liberty township. that countydvhe annex ed resolutiom were unanimou sly adopted : Resolml, That the principles of the Dem ocracy, like the great. truths of the Bible, are not <nhjr-ct to change, but are immuta ble, and. therefore, we have continued con fidence in their efficiency as national conser vative facts. ’ Ramlch, That we continua oir lnve and support of the Union and Constitution, as h heretofore annoulm'd in the principles and ‘fnithfully carried out. in the practicsof the Party. I Rmolral. That we desire the requirement!» of the Constitution (.0 be carried out and j obeyed under all mntingencies, not. only by the peoplegenemlly, but by the Chief Mag . istmte in particular. , I Rasclwd. That we consider the proposi tion to abandon our organization In Demo crats, at. this time, as coming in had We I from a party and wer continuzilly turning ‘out of ofiice Dangers” who are honest & faithful. Ind elevating tn high positions {those who ate plnmdering our br+ve soldian, estimates the I i in Virginia n heard from. 3213 mm”) comm drab and m? to sup- It in all ita I‘gpncy, {FL I, distim' ly and (mum! :Abolitign- vi'llile as. Do pvn it in be our ' tho anrnm cm, in ovary um 'plblivnqnd' x» ml/ illu! w» will 110 to lhejupport . .-, H \ . ' we agar“ the ‘lznlwfm 'he 0 the wwrnl .\‘l: km to L 0M": n of ourkounh‘ Ins m.- lun‘lr: and: '(e lt-uel- and s I)“ of il~ {mu-uni 7- “'iH hei‘goffl‘ is‘nni'mnn Faun! vim}. ‘Hm' llu- jI l Innuwllq‘l lhv ('ln'ul :unl‘rollq llm!rinlinilrilizlv q m» «‘lo’nnunco inllvrnny lvl'rlv 11-“! Ly, Sm‘wbi 4h. or l‘mufiv :- Uuu \h‘ are fur " in MN pI-npm Til-MIDI}; in ull‘ { )nstituliou 13 [mud or {N am], the I‘ny in thu 'l_\';" thul'ih‘ lys' drum. in iril, and in g on L-nnlm hu-d fly the §of the Uni» jdncrom nml :m ernmvm [J by awry }. , , ‘mnb 13W in ' t wlullg-VF-r. fur conspira- Illuhiufits at “11501.5?!er -3 and hm ml I mm of the wr-h'mk npnn hr- doctrine ill: hln- instill) inn ofhlnvp- A {/Jlg/ < @ in arms serving their coumry, by {at con tractgl for clothing and provisions for the ar my. Rcmlvetl. Therefore. that wn tlbnire the preservation of’our Democratic principles and we hm'eby instruct our deicgulm to {aim in nomination nnne bubgnml men and )emochs, who are faithful and honorable and aupport the Union and Coniztilution. Ram/mi. That ntlncks upnn :citiu‘nn of ”AH Township. calling them Tories, Tmitm-H, Secessionisix we treat wifli silent contempt. considering the source frbld whenbe they conic. . » K _ » Féréllmz, Cumpilrr. ‘ To the ”WWW! of Adm County.‘ FELmV-DnMu‘rm—Throlxgh the kind} has?) of Mr. Stable, l hM'e New permitted herftofore m mldrosx vml, thfouyh the col umljas of his excellent papal, j‘The Coni pue‘r." :~T . ‘ ‘ I lake {liq liberty ofmlnlrnu'fng you again, befieving that the time of vacant-Mien for thelfall qnxilpisign hm grrifidu 'l‘he_con fusibn Milli.» public mind. in; cdnquuonce of the deplorable mndilioq at? our once unified alllfihnppy count‘ry. has sdmewhnt ('ole the alrdor whirln chamei-iml m in mdrlzpencefill and qujnt ti ,' ,5 We have no doubt bult that the 'Republig‘nn party are label-Eng umlei agwbight of dofinfiion in Jeqnonmg of the prey-ht timlbloé. which (liming wore n'or’ lqsflthiui the effect of T sectlhllal p'rincipbs. in [they hands of pl and inexperienced public.olfionrg.— #l‘sllqulll not be sowith tlle Democratic t . Thetse and calamities} should have :zpposité efl‘oc‘t ‘upon: uj .We should 1 them mi the remlt‘of angemus nrld tistitutiynal princilefifi-ndkm‘ainating ‘ the med doctrines of lbw-5 igpod old '. It. is but {the rpallutidli‘ of the body ofthe immortal Jofl'e'rsonmhoh ho rked that u so lung 0:1 uu’; pfinciplea or qcrac'y ari- in the qsromlé‘n‘t. ‘tho'mun "ill go upward and onward 10:5 untold‘ rations? No, Democraytl, no cause for mdonq. by! mm-h forvnlioumgemont. IS n 1' thei mshl But part the I EEE He is an inpxlingnislmble yimlity in tlle‘ grmi liemncrztcyfif we hulk? bu't one noble; efi'nr ~1 If it go tlmm‘in this clmnhzy under tho rte! of: military tlvvpnlisnll, it will break net ' fm‘tli again in tome pxlrt 'ofitheiworhl. That longlnnd brillimt careen of the Americhn i Ri'ltéltlifl under the 'rulmnf Item‘rnrx. has been closely watched b’v‘ the go'ppumed of all lihtions and lias‘etill a lmrert‘ui living influ“ nee.‘ ~ . » l ‘ V 11% Rnpuhlirane, aware, bl? ”lemming dost ction of theiir party, m’idljthd Njeétiop of their prinriylm' at the bqllot; be}; are nun} lingly. Umuglninot untrieerrodly', ex— ertinl: thcmsolw‘e in draw us intp a mom mout for their owlnuprutit. They intend to enanhre uS‘ into n kin-l of “ Union ” pnvty, :mll.io mitke the dividing litre. [Unionists and Diwnioniets. thi'gikingtherehy to draw public attention frfnn the odhtm which they {justly meritJJi-l rust ashare‘ of it up on tl me of us whormnyhavo cautiouenongh to miusietuuy convict-lion with theirmun‘l si‘ls. Fnr my part; I shall have nothing to do with them. ‘J‘hh'wm‘l secessidniets will not Apply/{o Democrats, and forLevitlenoe to stistain us. we need but refer to their on repeltltml declarations last. fall, tint. we were the ‘i' Union Savers." In the mug o( 1812'. and hm up with Mexico, both ior which we;b" tight to speedy and profitable issue. in 3p}; ofa host ofAbolition traitors, (’l‘om. Com :1 and others of the same trensgnablo sun) .) the fiery ordmls though which the Dem rncy passed, with a never cegsing fa natic mat its heels, has sufficiently demon. st. 31 our allegiance to the country.— llmctle it requiru no aflilintion with he“ publifmns now, henceforth _nnd forever, to raise ‘ 5 up to the standard of true loyalty. Let l: mini; nur‘ voim again for the Union, the Qantstitutbn, the enforcementlof the lavymmd the equality of the States. This ,has lieen our motto always—let it be the one flow. Dissolution has beep ancemp‘iish ed, ,nhii all the horrors of fratriéidal war nre’upon us. in ‘comwupnoe of infractions uponlthin moan, and the principles therein hndW._ -_" ‘ 3 t '«5 Are you williggto drop the name of De mocrecy, (whié . means good and whole we igflvem’men‘h) and as aux-h hes distin guisliiécl you at an organization unparalleled in the annals of any people! Are you pre» pared to unite with a party which once styled you “ Union Swen; ” and now -“ trai t‘ors arid s'ecemionists”? Are you ready to affiliate with n party onre Know Nothing,‘ then Republican. now self—Etyled “ Union "11 Are you ready toenter into t co-partnery éhip for thesyoils with a party of mad Abe; ‘lition‘ fanatics, whose weaned principles‘ have undermined the pillar: of the govern-1 ment and brought a reproach upon us as A nation 1 Gen yen have anything to do ‘ with a party that‘rc-jected an honorable compromise, which might have been efi'ect ed, thereby suing thousands of precious lives and millions of treasure? No, my fellow Democrats, whilst. we sus tain thé Government now as a manor of ul leginnce, let. us step forward will: (mi 01:] Bag, Democracy. Let us once more hoistit in the farm of the powers thin. 50, that the comparison may be made, and the difl'ezjence felt. Read the inscription thereupon in scribed—Peace. prosperity, power and re nown; and compare it. with theirs, upon which is iiiécribed, Civil War, bloodkhed, prostrntion, dissolution, bankruptcy and military despotism. A pure and unmlulbemted Democracy is what we want. No union with Republicgms under any circumstances. Their donth is near at lmnd; their doom is in the hands ohm awful tribunal, (be reflocting people of the country. Give us a. full ticket, com posed of good and true men, and we wil; do ourdfift W crushing the monster. ‘ x 1 Mann. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAB Who no the Union Breakers? A con-muondnnt inquires did MMHI. Davis and 'l‘oomh=. who m-re on the Com mittee of Think-en in tho Sn-nnte, say they would accept. Mr. (‘ritk‘mlen's compromise as a settletnonl? In reply “'o‘ would ruin him to the t‘hlhiwing extract from {1 spend: made by Seinatnr Dunglus in thq L'nih'd States Senate; on the 2d of 'M. ' '1; last, which spot-(ah WM dulyi publi-Ih in ”it" Uongrmsionalfllulun Mt‘. ”ought; aid: “1 can confirm :the Senator’s dkwlnm inn that Senator Davis, (if Mixfiiesippi, hints If, “'th on the iComini tea offl‘hirtdcn. w ready at all times t? (witnpromisl-au tlmCrtttnndt-n Eroposition. . lilwil‘l go furthérmndimy that Ir. Toomhle‘qM also." This t-imfliutic statement of: zuglm. who was mtlmlscr of the Committ 3 9f Thirteen, is valhuhln, and i 0 is Well that gain on record in lh official proceedings l' { ngresn. lt plump] ' refutes the rharges verywhove made/Dy the Re publican pr _ that those gt‘lltlt'll on had determined nthrcukiug up the ltnion at. all hazmdq, ;Ev[en up to almost th and of the last Cong es! they Wore willing and un xions fur acnhxgromi:e. It was th Repub lican party h ;‘h' would notqmnpromise. Proudly. 511%ringly, defiantly. iuime-nt ly. it. declare that the “ thtyu for coin urn mines had palmséd," that “ the people had :looidml in t'ih'ol' of the Chicago platfdrm‘. and there sh “be no gtaceditigfrotn it."— And when Mt. Douglus‘ naked the Republi can Seuammfi‘fil‘ the Chicago Plat than nine of mom impdrtdnco than the preservation of thifi Union!” he was nmwm-ml only; ,with silent, sneer-s; d:- with ilnpmlent abuse.“ finntor Uritténden pleaded with the mud nwn' with legs in his eyes ; but, he too, was called I. “ nibn-snver.” ninl wlwn he warned thetnythtst the‘~ Union would inwitn hly he destr wil unless they would accept. scum such [reposition in; his resolutions. he was answm ‘d that t'ln-y hntif‘iletormiued to have no In reg comrmmiuas?’ And nms' thesoimpluleitt. fanatics tell the [temple that, the South “ ‘tljiirod all cmnpromises from the first."—l3. Dory Book. _ mTlie lair. firntcnm in H a last speech made by Sum tot Dough»:L iu the Capitol of the Nation. i asl follow: 1 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “Peate is lid nnly policy that. can «end llle‘country. Lé-t~ [wavi- b0»“l‘o(‘lfllfl|l"d M the policy, anll yinu will find that a thrill of joy will ulllmllll‘l the Inn-urt nrievm-y pulrim in the lurid; 'outidvnce will he reatoted; lmsinesa will Etevived; juv will glutld-‘n ’emry heart; lifires will blow upon the hlll-tops and ‘ Ittlu; valleys. and tlm church bells will pl: .13 l the glad tidings in every. city, town an illlage m Agwricn. nml the applause ol'a rxttul'iil [wulnli- will greet. you overywhota. Prlochsim tho pdll(‘y_ ut'wxuj, and there wil he gloom nlhl sadness and dgspuir pictui ilgupun the face 111' cVory pa.- triot in the I: Hi: A war of kindred. mini: 13', and friend gllillmr again-M snn‘, mother lngninst «1:111ngth brother inguinal. brother, : ti: subjugute 6n¢lmlfof this country into obedience to mlotlier half; and if you do i‘ not. mean this [e]. this be adopted: and givé . the President In; opportunity. (limugtuhc ' Séorvtziry of “Eur. to speak the word E “PEACE." an thirty million' mile will bless. him with their prayep‘s, million“ him | with ‘thcir‘sholttg ofjoy." . ' , Neuhalily qf $4l-15!on be Reminded by Ur: Brllzgrranlx.—-l - invillo; June ‘29.. The pa pers this muni ‘ , Ituin lett‘m-s from Gov. Mngnfiin and ‘arfickm-r. atatinglhnt rm airee-ment h veen mxulu Between ‘Gr'n. Mdflvllun In the Kentucky authorities that the barn )l‘" of Kentucky'mll be re spcctm] by t e ‘fpdérat umhbrities, even thdugh it. shn M be oct'upia‘d by the Con dee-ntei "" Kentucky duct: "41‘ remove 00'": will interfere. Tc n "05:40? Vagrant lo :re~ 'of Kruludk’ until oc— ronps. i ‘ ' «on. - ———.L-—- them th The Gd spec! 1h cupied 3.—c‘A captain of, cine of he secomLL‘onnL-ctjout Aim the con Wm! by theisocmuinhmtq regimen: ‘y singular mmnner. A 1m aml rcqlhstml ;him to moon. tn her how-la, I 3 go alqne. He gulkgnrtly yesterd: lady; cal profidc she was tendered services. brine; “Jilin-k nothing: award of him‘. K . HME‘_,«” fl“ 7 ‘ , The Kentucky. EirdMn.-»§illuimgo. J 11116 22". —'l‘he ’l‘imes ”ya: that Mr. Buém-lt. the ye tension candidate in the‘first uongrmdioml disgtrict of Kentucky. is elecfinl by "pom 4 000 majority. The Union 'caudisdalm ’nre nil 'elected in “4‘B other nine districts by about 50,000 ijdrity'. , —-————». ~ ~ - «...—M Frrblg Inla llfimdly Trim/1".1‘h9 Bftlw' aflhir was mt aha only instance which hm occurred of this l'wloral troops firing into each other. Almlmndemd the Cluciu nafl Gazette writ/pa that "portions of the (We attacking oolumns at Phillippi acluully fired on each othél'. precisely as the federal troops at Bethel did. will the furl that they were over half a. mile apart mm all that pre— vented a terrible slaughter.” . ' The National [Jinn—The committee on the National Hymn announce that. the time for the recpption of manuscripts by them )1” expired, and that. no mom win be ad mitted to competition. The: nmnbcrntremly iii; their hands is over eleven hundred and my. r ‘ A Cir-pang, qf Sharpshm’tcrs.-A comqmy of sharpshooters is to Motgnuizod n 1 .'z-w York, to which no man will be admitted who cannot. whei) firing “at rest” at 200 yards, put into a target ten mnsecutive shots. the average dismuce from the centre of the target not. to exceed five inches. S‘Among the loudest mouthed mntnrs on the subject of Hermon. is the Boston Liberator, which hum. at in head “1958 words : “ The United States Constitution is a covenant with death, and an agreement with Hell 1" ' We presume that is not Reason i 9 Boston! 3A boozy fellow was observed one day, driving a porker, holding on to its tail. and when asked what hewns doing, replied that. he was studying gehog-raphy. fiMajor Winthrop’s funeral in New Hm von. Conn, on Friday week, was ”tended by a procession of over one thousand per -80115. mlt is believed in Washington that Beauregard can concentrate: sixty thousand troops at any given point wnhin a week. S‘lt is now said that no attempt will be made to take Norfolk, as no beyeficial ob jest. can be served by its possewon. an is statedlhat there are twenty-nine thousand applicant for the positions in the New York custom home. , 2 A highly respectable gentleman (ram Lu~ togne county. 3., Iho in the owporo! large. cool lands, has been hon endonvm'hg to ohtain ucontract to iurnish the Governhcnt with cool. He is n poruonul friend of 81-0» Cmnxox. and applied to that pentloman for information. He said that the army did 'not'use coal to any extent. but he would sine him a line to his friend Weller, Seen. turg‘qf the Navy. lie wont to Welleglaut .Wollm did not know anything about it.— Tho Navy, of course. consumed coal, but her did not buy it. He WM than referrml to_ another department, and after circumlocu. ting through the muses of red-tapeism fnr thrve or four duyq. he brought up in tho Em gineer's office, where thoy did [my cool, ‘lan where he found a very impertinent young man who could not tell thmdifl‘oroncezby tween Anthracite and Cunnel. _. He Wu! ahk ed what kind of can] the Navy requirml‘ when he numeral, “the Navy Department almyg buys coal which will generate stoum‘ !"' Byrthis time. the gentleman from Lularno discovered that there was o “ring” ifurmml through which his portly body cohld not puss without: subjecting it to u trying meat mg process. . ~ It is hinted here that Colonel Fol-nay. George M. Lnunmn. and some others. hum under their eslwcinl can! the lurplyiug of thel “Army” and Navy with con and such othtzr odd contracts as there is "mortoy in." I'TO. 42 The public indignation against the im- - mgnso frauds that have been porpetrMo-l upon the volunteers of Penmylvahiu. liy .. furnishing them with uniform» of the mtwt in'l'vrior quality, has become so lilfullg that all those who have had anything to do witlf l the bonkncts’for gupplyiug them. are?» vigor louslfv striving to clear their skirts oFthc ro— s‘lnii’Nbility. From this wry fm-t.‘ many [ rich l'ncts ore‘being brought to light, lit-n. ,M. Martin. of Philadelphia, through whom 7 3 tho kontmcta were nwle. has. no a mntt't-r ot‘r helf‘llcfrnce. made some rirh revelations.— ‘ Ile iieclaretl when brought to tusk by some ' oft! 6 oflicers-of Camp Scott. a few days i sinctn that he had only acted as the agent ol'tiiiv. Cumin; that the mutt-rial wall desig nululd by our dolectuble Cliiul".\lugis_trnlu. i ‘ and :‘that he (Martin.) makes not. one vent-5 ‘ ot'pigofitoutol‘ the transaction. 'l‘huae kinult 'hmntt-d indivuluuls in the «immunity. ‘ WllOilanß endeavored to apologize tor tho Statt: Administration and who hnv'e'usc-d ‘ their utmost exertions to convlum' the‘pew‘ 4 pin that if there outrages dill éx'wt, Goya-r nur ‘Curtin was innocent of tho swindle, will 'now have to combat some vci-‘t'vugly hrt.‘ ”Governor Curtin is not‘imp icon-{1 in tiles? gain-s, it. devolves upon him to Imm? it, Tl!" case for the Cumumnwa‘ilqn hm- hq'on clearly made out; it is now thr tho » dufendnnt to ro‘l'uto the clmrgog; broéght , against him. ’ ~ ’ A gontlenmn asked us the olhar dnyl ifl therq was not some plan by Mtg/tulle flow anon could he deport-d. ’l‘l vo 'ui' nono‘ 'otlwrl than by impomhmont hufm'fl thg Senate and unfortunately the Legislatflfm Jot-s lzot meet. unless at. the swam toll of» this tnnn' Curtin, until next January—:- 'l‘hord is ono thing, however. that. can ho donnz; Public sentiment ’will rectify the evil, if the public journals of tho State wan have the mnnlin’s-a, without dwin‘cition ol‘ ‘ pm-ty.’ to mmo out and denOUm‘r l . ‘We, thernloro call upon the gontlemr-n of the , ltopnaitory and ’l‘ransoript to he na‘ good as their pledgo. and lay Wide purl dis- r tiuvtiom. ‘Amlrew 0. Curtis} its mi he“?! than any other rascal who would chmttho L‘onmtonwenlth and the country in ltiuggo liko‘ qheae. even it“ be was unfortunately. elm-led Governor of Pennsylvania l-(v Mao llapuhlicfin party. _Let the gentlemmi upeukgout; public ‘sentimpnt (11-mnhtilaj it ;. awry jnther paper in the town hug dutm go. L‘humlt-rslmrg Tights. ‘ l 2 “ The ,(r'irl's 'Wc Lg]? .Belu‘ml Ua."~‘-I‘loé I Sane ol‘Wm-omin (zenlly passed 1; IMF, for ? 111/Q belliefll. of her who”. nllowinK such lof tlngm as were untried. jinn jimmy Itbm‘mty peg month, in mldillnn (0‘ their. , rpgnlar pay. This prmniuin on Bonn fdicks: glms not been without. its Mil-(4L4 {The lumpy of ymmgwives to be left fw‘l (has go‘gue up nmfizingly. The socon 4 regi lment. mow ul Camp Raunchy", Madison, or- ’ (dared {to leave on Sunday. has given l'bcrtlr employment” file marrying [ul]:ctiollxlfi¢§. 51x want home last week from usihgle com“. pany aim] employed their furlough in briQf‘ honeymoons. Of these, five wedded ”:th his “ A‘nne Laurie," but one lrl‘t the «map, aird without previous exprasu-d prolific-um lhuntecl himself up'a wife, and lo L heqio re» cewetlle monthly stipend. ‘ ‘ g : mw ~- ...» --—«- - - o How Io Male (”m-n. Emul— Almost law-y: one is ‘intermted now in knowing now u make horn bread mOSI palatuhle. slht‘é‘j much more of it will be mvtl inl‘lhj ntmi‘glllensd times. The following is will to be an excellent receipt: ' ‘ Smkl at night. half the gummy oft nienl you an; going to use, mix the other. with cold winter, ‘ nvihglt the consintcni'y all thick batter; “Mi little salt amine; it tn‘ rise ; itwill mud [in yeast. In the max-hing the cake” will be light and crisp, Skiml mingsfiwhero mut hw‘bel-u bilnd' .fi but for [tying "(em with. Fry slowly. J . —-—‘-—-«- «no. ~---—~ «y .“ . ‘flmqlaufar C'l‘ildrm.-g—-'l‘hpro is im bemu remmly for derangempnt ofAhe Lawns in children while teething than Mom-d tonin meq, [in] In them plunflf'ully;\,cara being taken {to keep the thild's “lawsuit” warm, Be careful to cover its heck Ind arms. 'egpncially of an evening; give, it cmghe'd ion to assuaga' thirst- if pqgsiblo, rather “nah gim- iv. Vat"; avni-I wordplu u} they qnleroduce (Her. The tomatom ought to ripe and frvsh. though than 3‘3):- otahlo Mammal} can: has been mod will: great success. ‘ -‘ ‘ ~ . A Railroad Wumt:.—\Vaggs “farm (61!» ,«h-ypt qr (me of 6m raiylrnndu the other non ing. and finding the best calf ful!,_said. i}: a loud Iona: , ' " Why, this car isn't gnindf’ r“ 0f courue these words cudmd/n general slumpmle, and Wang; took the brick unt.- The only» soon moved ofl‘. In the miclfl. of the indignation. the wag was qqestinmd. f‘ Yo? said this (‘lt wasn’t going?“ » “ We 1, it. wmn’t going then; but' ii in now.” > The “ «01.1 " laughed a mun—but Waxy came near getting a good thrashing; e’l’ha N. Y. 77mm the leadingjoumfl of tho Ropublicnn capitalists in the «many, is out and out, apposed to appointing any officer in the Army, who does not synaptic thise with the Administration on the aboli tion qumtion. It. demands the removal of Gen. Butler and ere long he may expect to be superseded. fiAn exchange says that after passing the $3,000,000 loan bill, it wua amended in various ways, placing the sum of $10,000:»: the diasposal of Gnv. Curtin. as a secret ser vice fund. What kind of fund is thisand for What am]? fi'Apprehensiom m 1: still felt that flab (‘onfederale fnrces m“ mule nu attackon Newport News. ‘ ’ ' 38'», great drouth is Imdfing3n.Wil{ consm, which threatenynutuiofly to injure the crops. _ wit you think you are ten tan. marry an extravagantxwomun. und you will find yourself shun enough. ' Q’Senalor Johnson. of Tannmsoe, Ins serenaded in Washington on Saturday night: @110:- face was so sunbumt the need only have buttered It to become: ”tout" n'Whyiaaloverlikesdngf W hobqwggndhom , a ._ "WW—m - Battle Modh "3&l!th finblfig. y «359’? From Mt Flu’la. IW, wam the Cost 00!:th The‘Gnilty Party. I=l 11 li Ell CM ME 1 .I_ “ / o , ». NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers